#until it is 90% outlined!!
on-leatheredwings · 6 months
writing sassy damian rocks!!!!!
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thefaeriefeatherdark · 9 months
I do think the wildest part of the Skyrocket/Connie concept is that Visaggio seemed to legitimately believe that Kon-El is like... a D-List superhero. Which is just like, a wild thing to believe considering the Comic Kon won in a fan poll hadn't even finished coming out at the time she pitched her idea.
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I was a fool. An absolute bafoon. Deadpool and Wolverine 2: the musical starts with a montage of their daily life to the soundtrack of Accidentally in Love (from shrek) to WADE falling in love with Logan, not the other way around, because honestly who better than Deadpool? He can girlishly kick his feet and smile sweetly to the camera and (badly) play it off when Logan is actually looking at him. And it’s just them being domestic. Logan cooking, Wade sneaking glances throughout the day, can even have them fighting something together. And of course it ends with them platonically sharing a bed and you can see Wade wanting to reach out to Logan but he doesn’t, just goes to sleep instead.
And one way or another they’re fighting some big bad magical being, and honestly Marvel it doesn’t really matter who you pick. All they need is to be able to use magic and get pissed that 1-Wade can’t die and 2- he never shuts the HELL up. And bam, instant curse. The entire world is a musical and Deadpool has to suffer the consequences (being annoyed by the constant noise of everyone singing)
Except he LOVES it. He walks down the street and hears someone singing about cheating on their spouse, someone singing about how they miss their dog at home, and someone getting increasingly angry about traffic through the open window of their car. And the icing on the cake is that his roommate, THE Hugh Jackman is cursed too. Since y’all wanna make him be the Wolverine until he’s 90 you can at least throw him a bone and let him sing again, it’s what he was made to do. And since Ryan can’t/wont/doesn’t like to sing it gives him the opportunity not to, plus it has comedic effect if he’s bland and boring, making comments through everyone’s songs. Social commentary on people’s rhymes/pitch/beats. The potential is limitless. They should also have multiple people who are just genuinely bad singers, because that’s just how the real world works.
And by the third act Wade has had enough of the singing. “Can everyone shut the fuck up for five minutes PLEASE. Not you, Logan, you have the voice of an angel, please keep going.”
And since Disney owns them now they can have a scene of Logan singing ‘i won’t say I’m in Love’ from Hercules with Ellie, Yukio, and Blind Al as the muses because surprise surprise the main story is Wade trying to undo this Musical curse but the subplot is Wade and Logan both being in love with each other but both being too emotionally constipated and unaware to make a move on each other. And you know what, if the power of hand holding and gay love could save the day last time, maybe it can do it again this time. I’m thinking something cheesy like an off key duet between Wade and Logan that ends in a kiss, but I’ve never been great at endings so I’ll leave it up to Ryan.
And bam @vancityreynolds I’ve got the outline of your new movie right here. I’ll accept payment in the form of one meet and greet with you and Hugh where I can take a picture of you guys holding my Toddler so I can frame it, hang it on the wall, and ask her for the rest of her life how she could possibly not remember something that happened when she was under 2 years old.
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IDK how many people are running the account, but if you or a member of the team running the account has ADHD, do you have any tips for ADHD writers, particularly when trying to get WIPs done? Outlines don't work for me like 99% of the time ;_;
Tips for Writing with ADHD
Here's what works for me, but your mileage may vary...
1 - Know What Outline Works for You - You say outlines don't work for you 90% of the time, but what type of outline are you using? Many people hear the word "outline" and imagine an academic outline with roman numerals and bullet points, but that's not what most fiction writers mean when they talk about using an outline. For fiction writers, outlines can be anything from a beginning to end written summary, to a scene list, to a detailed timeline. My post How to Outline a Plot has some different things you can try. Ultimately, there's no right or wrong way to outline your story. Anything that works as a "road map" to guide you through your story can help.
2 - Pants When You've Got to Pants - Some writers are "pantsers" or in other words, they prefer not to go off an outline. Some don't even plan in advance. They "write by the seat of their pants" and let the story take them where it may. For some writers, it depends on the specific story they're working on. Some stories might require planning, others might work better if you pants them. What works for me is understanding my needs (what type of story I'll usually need to plan/outline ahead of time, and what type of story I can pants) and then planning/pantsing accordingly. If I spent time outlining a story that I could easily pants, it would definitely take the wind out of my writing sails.
3 - Schedule Your Writing Time... Sort Of... - For me, I can't just rely on myself to write when the mood strikes me. If I did that, I'd never get any writing done. So for me, it's important to have a dedicated writing time each day. That doesn't even have to mean my butt's in the chair writing from this time to this time, it just means I'll do my best to write during whatever span of time. So, let's say this week you're home every day from 2pm until 6pm and some of that time is free time. That's going to be a good time to write, so you could say you're going to sit down every day at 3pm to write. Or, you could do 10-minute writing springs every hour, or every other hour. Or you could say you'll write when the mood strikes you, but definitely from 5:30 to 6 if you didn't get it done earlier.
4 - Try Random Writing Sprints - Writing sprints in general can be a good way for people with ADHD to write. You can schedule them or you could do them when the mood strikes. Get a timer and set it to whatever works for you... 5-minutes, 10-minutes, 30-minutes, whatever. Then just set it and go when you have time. Even if you don't feel like writing, getting into that habit will make it easier to write as soon as the timer comes out.
5 - Don't Give Yourself a Hard Time - One of the most profound things I ever heard about writing resistance is that it's often the product of writing feeling stressful. In other words, the idea of writing causes you stress, so your brain says, "Avoid! Avoid!" and you sit down to write and nothing happens. One of the ways we make writing stressful for ourselves is by giving ourselves a hard time when we don't write or don't write as much as we wanted. So, just do the best you can and congratulate yourself on small victories. Find ways to make writing fun and relaxing rather than stressful and like a chore.
Bonus - Sometimes the problem isn't ADHD but something else. My post 5 Reasons You Lost Interest in Your WIP, Plus Fixes! has some other things to consider.
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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valerieisunavailable · 3 months
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Simon x Inexperienced!Reader
cw: age difference, age play, overstim, mentions of oral s*x and v*ginal s*x, v*brator, older rough dom simon w/ inexperienced reader.
🔞 MDNI 🔞
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Yes, Simon was a little bit older than you, around 20 years older than you. He was pessimistic, gloomy, sarcastic, made dark jokes, and overall just a bit of an asshole at first glance. The average person wouldn't ever think of him. Especially not wanting to get involved with his military life.
But, you had to admit, that he was better than your so called peers, who were immature and only ever thought of sex as the only benefit of a woman. Not to mention how inexperienced they were at... Well, everything.
But since Simon was older, he had more experience and generally more respect towards women. He says that he hasn't really ever dated much, which you believe. I mean, the average person probably wouldn't touch him with a six foot pole. But that still didn't explain how he was so good at eating you out. Maybe his tactical experience? Simon was very technical and literal with his tactics. Whatever it was, it always felt incredible. Being with him was the first time yet not the last that you've been overstimulated.
"That's right, push my face deeper into this wet cunt. Show me how good it feels." He would muffle in between mouthfuls. The way he would skillfully hit all the right places with his tongue, sucking and licking continuously, with kisses to your clit and down your nether lips. All the while curling his fingers inside of you, gradually entering a second and sometimes a third finger that would perfectly hit that spongy cervix of yours. The way he would groan as he heard you coming undone before him, with you screaming his name. But he wouldn't stop there. He doesn't stop until you're a whimpering and mewling mess for him. Not until you're able to feel this for days to come.
When he would fuck you with his absolutely thick and large cock of his, he'd always have your legs at a 90 degree angle. "Better be ready for me, love." He would say, before rolling his hips and absolutely pounding so pleasurably deep into you. You could always see the outline of his cock through your stomach. Simon would then push down on that imprint on your stomach, somehow managing to fuck you even deeper. When you came undone before him, he would only roll his hips and pump into you even faster. It was as if it was a competition for him. Even when he would feel his own climax hitting him, he wouldn't stop. He had the endurance to go for five rounds before breaking a sweat. But he still wouldn't stop. Not until you could feel this for days to come. He knows this will make up for when he's on deployments, only for him to fuck You again when he returns.
Simon's a bit of an old fashioned person, so he doesn't want you using any toys. "This dick is the only thing you'll ever need." He would growl. The first time he found one of your vibrators, he put it on your clit while he fucked you. Sometimes he'll do it for fun because he knows that it makes you absolutely squeal and writhe with pleasure. He might be a bit stern, but at least he isn't like your peers. And oh does he know a way to a woman's pussy.
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stop-talking · 6 months
No thoughts, only Derek Danforth sending you nudes while you're at work...
(Thanks, Holden. 🙄) @freak-accident419
Tags: 18+ g!n reader, mentions of drugs, no real smut, just dirty talk and nudes
Your phone buzzes in your pocket for the twentieth time in the past five minutes, and you have a sinking suspicion you know who it is.
Who it always is.
With a sigh, you try and discreetly look at your phone underneath your desk. Opening messages from Derek while you're at work is always a gamble, considering he spends 90% of his time high, horny, or a mix of both.
As soon as you tap the notification, your screen is overtaken by cock. The tip red and glistening with need, his hand wrapped around the shaft, mid-pump...
You quickly turn your phone off, shoving it between your thighs and sitting up straighter. That bastard. He knows you're at work.
Of course, now he also knows you've opened his messages. Your phone vibrates angrily between your thighs, and you start to wonder if putting it there was a smart move.
Fucking Danforth. You try to physically shake the image of his throbbing cock out of your mind, literally shaking your head as you stare at the computer screen in front of you.
That is, until your co-worker in the cubicle across from yours shoots you a glance and asks if you're alright.
"Yeah, just, uh... Tired. Trying to stay awake."
You stand up straight, causing your still-buzzing phone to fall to the floor.
"I'm gonna go make a coffee," you announce.
In your scramble to pick up your phone, you knock your chair over and onto the floor. Damnit, stop making such a scene.
You scurry away, trying desperately to silence your phone. Unfortunately, the last thing you had pulled up was... well, cock.
With a yelp, you turn and duck into the nearest bathroom, praying no one saw your screen.
Once you finally have some level of privacy, standing in a cramped bathroom stall, you start to look over your 50+ notifications from Derek.
He's been sending you messages all afternoon, mostly nonsense texts, with nudes interspersed between them.
Babe? Baaaaabe. Babe I miss you Come home When is work over
Are you ignoring me? Babe I got a new robe Do you wanna see Baby
[A short video of Derek in his robe]
He starts the video making a concerned face at the camera, muttering to himself. Once he realizes it's recording, he sets it down on the bathroom counter and takes a few steps back, showing off his robe.
It's green silk with gold trim, and a gold tie around the waist. He takes a hit of his vape and does a quick 360, twirling for the camera.
"You like it?" He asks, beaming and carding a hand through his blonde curls.
He stares at the camera for a minute, seemingly waiting for a response, before snapping out of it and reaching to turn it off.
"Sorry. Just smoked a few." he mumbles, and the video ends.
Babeeeee I need youuu Come home already Come sit on my lap
[A picture of Derek's lap]
He's still wearing the robe, and his hand is wrapped around his hard cock through the thin silk fabric. No skin is showing, but you can clearly see the familiar outline of his dick.
Fuck If you don't come home soon I'm dying asjkdakdjha skdjhfskjdh aksjdkadjs Baby Can I send you Pics Baby asdasjdghask It misses you
[A shakily-recorded video of Derek from the waist down.]
He tugs at the golden strip of silk tied around his waist, slowly unravelling the loose knot.
Eventually it completely falls away, and his rope opens, exposing himself completely for the camera. His dick is standing at attention, twitching and leaking pre-cum down his shaft.
The video pans to his face again, and he absentmindedly gnaws at the end of his vape. Sweat drips down his forehead and he mumbles out a plea you're unable to hear with your volume off. The video ends.
Baby Oh my God I can't wait Come home Looking at your old pics again Miss you so muchh Fuck work I need you
[A short close-up video of Derek's cock]
He's in bed, his animal-print bedsheets peeking through his legs as he lies back and strokes his cock. Slowly, he bucks his hips up into his hand, clearly trying not to finish just yet. You recognize this as the video from earlier, the one you opened at your desk.
YOU OPENED IT BABE ARE YOU IGNORING ME BABY I'm so hard right now Please Fuck Fuck Fuck I need you to sit on me Please asajshdas hdsjdhfahd asdasjdk sljkdfls Answer Please Babyyyy
You blink at your screen, finally reaching the bottom of Derek's endless sea of messages. Fuck. You really should be angry with him, but he's so goddamn hot when he's needy.
Not that he needs to know that.
Is this what you do all day while I'm at work? Get high and play dress-up?
FUCK Babe Don't go or I'll die Please
I still have two hours of work left, Derek.
You wouldn't need to work if you'd just move in with me already <3
Your house scares me. No one should be exposed to that much animal print.
I'll buy us a new one. Just come home, pleaseee?
This bastard. He isn't going to give up, is he? You glance at the time, and bite your lip. Maybe you could make up the two hours later? Work overtime this weekend?
I'm here. Brat.
Are you on your way over?
Yeah. I'll be home in ten.
Suddenly you feel very, very sick. Too sick to work. You explain this to your boss, who shoos you off and tells you to go home.
One thought plays over and over in your mind as you pack your things and scurry to the car...
Derek better still be wearing that slutty little robe when you see him.
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2soulscollide · 1 year
tips to level up your writing skills
1. read, read, read
okay, I know, everyone keeps saying it... but it's true, and I truly believe the more you read, the better you write, because you come across different writing styles, different voices, new characters, and worlds. This applies to every writer, from amateur to professional.
2. practice makes perfect
another cliché, right.
but hear me out: I feel so much more confident about my writing skills when I write daily, rather than when I write a bit occasionally. you get lots of work done, see your book coming to life, and get better at it.
3. create an outline before you start writing
guysss, I know many people like to go with the flow, but I would recommend planning your novel before writing it, especially if it is one of your first projects.
when I started, I refused to plot my novel because I thought it was a waste of time, and I couldn't plan it all ahead. turns out that I could never finish my novels, because I started to get lost in the plot. as most of you may know, I LOVEEE to plot now!
4. use active voice instead of passive voice
passive voice is alright sometimes. I like to use it, too. but to create an immersive experience for the reader, you should go for the active voice since it creates more impact.
see something like this:
"the letter was written by Marcus who had tears in his eyes." VS "Marcus wrote the letter with tears in his eyes."
such a basic example (don't judge me!!)... but can you notice the difference? it seems so much more expressive.
5. avoid using overly complex language
repeat it after me: short. sentences. are. valid.
don't overcomplicate it! I know it's tempting to write huge sentences sometimes and make your book seem more complex and professional, but sometimes it just doesn't come out as expected, and we end up exhausting our readers.
6. don't just for yourself
this can be a polemic topic. it's quite common to see people saying you should write for yourself, but let's be honest here: if you're trying to get your book published, you should have your target public in mind while developing your book. knowing your audience to know what works and what doesn't work is extremely important. but hey, you must also enjoy what you're writing!
7. use dialogue!!!
I find dialogue so important, and I love it so much! ensure you develop a distinctive voice for your characters to make them seem real to the reader. also, if possible, read the dialogue out loud and imagine if it would work out in real life.
8. don't be afraid to use metaphors
metaphors will turn a "basic" work into something more sophisticated when applied in the right places. you might want to avoid overusing it because it can ruin the experience, but it's something up to you, and what feels better to you.
9. research your topic before writing
okay, this is pretty self-explanatory. if you're writing about a topic or a location you don't know much about, avoid making assumptions or clichés. instead, do some research, take notes, or even ask chatgpt questions to help you.
10. don't be afraid to experiment and try new things
I was a fanfiction writer for a long time and was so scared to try original fiction because it seemed so much different from what I was accustomed to doing. however, once I decided to try something new, I discovered I liked to do it more than fanfiction. you'll never know until you try it!
11. never give up on your writing, keep practicing and learning to improve your skills
it takes time to acquire new skills, so if you're new to writing, please don't give up! It's fun and a long path, and I promise you'll love it, even more, the more you write!
I hope this was helpful! <3 have a nice day
also, i just released a new freebie!!! it's a free workbook for writers with over 90 pages to guide you through the process of plotting a novel. you might be interested in checking it out!! :D click here
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dozenssporks · 1 year
if Vash worked in an office he's be so very against hustle culture, always shooing people away from their desks to get lunch, going up against management about ridiculous overtime demands, making sure scheduled vacation days are not cancelled last minute by the boss, weekends are sacred, and deadlines aren't impossible . . .
. . . before turning right around and working ten days on and doing overnights to meet deadlines so the rest of his team can go home and sleep and live their lives. Some days he's running on red bull but no one notices because he's always Like That
his coworkers catch on tho and deploy countermeasures. By that I mean they have a list of phone numbers to call based on urgency.
#1 is most useful when vash is planning to stay late or overnight. It summons a priest, of all things, who grabs vash by the collar while saying something along the lines of, 'c'mon spiky we're grabbing a beer'.
#2 Is for when vash has been working ten or more consecutive days without a break. It brings forth a tiny woman towering with righteous anger who lectures vash until he slithers out of his chair and follows her obediently to the exit whilst she outlines plans for a light walk to improve blood circulation and afterward drinking the sleepy-time tea milly sent with her
#3 is for only the most urgent situations when vash has worked so many overnights that his blood is 90% energy drinks, the tiny woman is out of town, and there are an uncountable number of empty doughnut boxes around his desk. This number summons vash's 'evil twin brother' who marches in, hits the power button on vash's computer, smacks him across the back of the head, forcibly picks him up and slings him over his shoulders in a fireman's carry, giving the entire office the evil eye as he leaves. 'if they happens again,' he warns, 'I'm burning this whole place to the ground'.
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lemoncrushh · 3 months
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Summary: Some post-workout sex
Warnings: Smut obviously. 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 1020
A/N: This was a little blurb written in 2017 inspired by some white leggings Harry had been seen wearing. Really it was just an excuse to write some smut. Written in first person, but no name given.
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Harry had gone for a run. I wasn't much of a runner myself, so on days that he decided to do that, I opted for a walk on the treadmill that we kept in our sunroom. I was content with the sounds 80s and 90s heavy metal pumping through the bluetooth speakers and my water bottle in its holder as I looked out into our backyard.
Halfway through an Iron Maiden song, I thought I heard the sound of the front door slamming shut and the beep of the alarm, followed by footsteps into the kitchen as Harry's trainers squeaked across the tile.
"Is that you, baby?" I called out, mostly as acknowledgement since I knew the answer.
"Yeah!" he replied, his voice exhausted from exertion.
"I'll be done in a few," I said as I began to slow my pace.
I continued to walk through one more song before coming to a stop and stepping off the treadmill. My heart rate was still up, my face and chest glistening with sweat as I reached for my water and drank the rest in one large gulp. Then reaching for my towel, I turned off the music and headed toward the doorway that led to the den. I stopped in my tracks when I saw him.
He was sat on the large leather sofa, his head back, his arms and legs open in a spread eagle. He had stripped himself of his clothing - hoodie, t-shirt, shorts, shoes and socks, even his beanie - all except a pair of tight white leggings that he'd worn underneath his shorts. His naked yet wet chest rose and fell with each heavy breath that puffed out between his lips, and his eyes were closed.
"Holy shit," I muttered, now weak in the knees, and not from my workout.
Suddenly his eyelids fluttered open, and he saw me gawking at him.
"Hi." I wasn't sure exactly how, but he managed to make one tiny word sound so sexy, and so smug at the same time.
"That must've been some run," I remarked, my heartbeat racing again.
I stepped closer to him, patting my chest with my towel.
"Do you wanna shower first, or..." I started to ask, my speech faltering when I finally got a good look at what was before me.
His leggings were drenched, nearly transparent. The muscles in his thighs fought for release from the confines of the stretchy fabric. But it was what was in between that had my mouth watering. I could see everything. The outline of his erection was obvious, and it threatened to pop out of the waistband that sat low on his hips. The line of hair beneath his belly button was wet with sweat as it trailed seductively down to meet his thick thatch, also moist with perspiration that dampened the crotch of his leggings.
Catching me staring at him, Harry held out his hand to me.
"C'mere, love," he breathed, his voice still broken and raspy.
I lifted my eyes to his, an easy smirk rising from the corner of his mouth. I accepted his hand, taking two steps closer so that I was standing between his legs. Harry sat up, releasing my hand to graze his up the back of my thigh, his other hand mimicking the first until both crept up my jogging shorts and slid back down.
"I like these," he murmured as he repeated the action with both hands.
I blinked slowly, a hard breath releasing from my lungs. I watched his face for a moment more until returning my gaze to his leggings. I didn't reckon Harry would wear pants underneath something so confining, but Jesus Christ, did they have to be white?
"You want it?" Harry suddenly asked.
My eyes wide, I stared at him incredulously. "Sorry?"
Taking my hand once more, he guided it to his crotch.
"This," he said. "You want it?"
A sound rose from my throat then, and I'm not sure if it was a moan or a protest or sound of confusion. But luckily Harry copied it, grabbing me by the waist. He pulled my shorts down so quickly I didn't have time to think. Stepping out of them, I watched as he dipped his hands in his leggings and released himself. This time I knew I moaned, as I straddled him, my knees hitting the cool leather of the couch.
Our tongues met with a vengeance, the hunger overtaking any need to fully de-clothe ourselves.
"'m so fucking hard, baby," he groaned against my mouth.
I merely nodded as I sat up, allowing him to aim his cock at my entrance. I needed no extra lubrication. I usually worked up a good one of my own when I exercised, but regardless, I was so turned on by his insatiable desire.
I rode him slowly at first, but only for a bit. He wasn't having it.
"Fuck me," he demanded, grasping at my waist like his life depended on it, his brows furrowed in deep concentration.
I nodded, biting my lip as I rode him faster. His eyelids got heavy as his mouth twitched. Finally, he threw his head back, moaning my name as I felt him hit me deeper. My own breaths quickened, my hands gripping the back of the sofa. Harry's hips lifted up to meet mine as we both cried out.
I tried to catch my breath as I rested my head on his shoulder, taking in his scent. I felt him rake his fingers up my back, and back down again, soothing me in his gentle way.
"I love you," I whispered, words we'd exchanged many times already, but for some reason I wasn't sure if it was too sweet, too real to follow such an animalistic situation.
"I love you, too," he echoed before kissing me in the soft spot below my ear.
I sat up, studying his face. He raised a brow.
"You're incredibly sexy," he declared. "And amazing."
I smiled at him, my hands grazing his chest, my fingers tracing his tattoos.
"Now, about that shower..." he smirked.
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sophieinwonderland · 3 months
A Roadmap and Why Anti-Endos Are Getting Left Behind
A recent post of mine was controversial and has been making waves. That post was the short un-nuanced version of a pro-endo future that's coming. It was phrased to sound threatening and inflammatory because it feels like that's all anti-endos will listen to anymore. But now that I've successfully gotten your attention, let's talk seriously about what's been set into motion, why it's bad for anti-endos, and why there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.
Positions on endogenic plurality in psychiatry
The nature of DID has been the subject of much debate within the psychiatric community for a long time. Most experts have agreed that the cause of DID is virtually always trauma. (Although many doctors are hesitant to assert this cause 100% of the time because edge cases can exist with anything.) But there's a smaller group that views it as sociogenic or iatrogenic, being caused by suggestion or doctors themselves.
I tend to agree with the majority.
But that majority group that believes DID itself is caused by trauma has also consistently acknowledged that there are, or at least could be, other forms of plurality beyond DID. This includes Dr. Colin Ross, who in the 90s speculated that there could be a non-pathological endogenous form of multiplicity. This was also echoed by Kluft, another DID expert who holds the traumagenic view of DID.
In the early 2010s, the creators of the theory of structural dissociation mentioned in a paper that mediumship and hypnosis may involve self-conscious dissociative parts of the personality.
By 2019, the World Health Organization's ICD-11's DID entry stated that you can experience multiple distinct personality states without a disorder.
Every source you can find about endogenic and non-disordered plurality either affirms it as a real thing or is at least neutral on it.
There is no hard anti-endo papers in psychiatry or psychology.
You can look through peer reviewed sources if you want for a single one that supports the idea that all plurality is traumagenic, and I promise that you won't find one.
A growing trend in research.
Like I said, in the 90s, there were a couple doctors talking about non-pathological multiplicity as something that may or may not exist. But this was largely un-studied. Later, this phenomenon got more attention, but there were no studies into non-pathological multiplicity, outside of spiritual possession, until 2016 with Varieties of Tulpa Experiences.
That was only 8 years ago.
The year after, in 2017, came a small interview study into online multiples that concluded this:
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2018 saw the publication of Transgender Mental Health by The American Psychiatric Association, which asserted plurality could be non-traumagenic.
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And again, 2019 saw the ICD-11 worded to say that one could experience the presence of multiple distinct personality states without a disorder.
There have been so many studies conducted in the intervening years that this post would go on forever were I to list them all.
If you want to see more, you can look at Guardians Systems' doc. Progress is happening at a rapid pace with new studies published every year.
This leads us to the next big milestone... actual fMRI research and brain scans. Because THAT'S HAPPENING.
Stanford University conducted a massive $50k study (not including the payment to researchers themselves) into tulpa systems, and the people running those studies recently did an AMA about it on Reddit.
The results are promising, showing neurological changes during possession. (Possession is a tulpamancy term for a headmate taking control over a single part of the body without fronting.)
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Once this is published, it's only going to further pique interest in tulpamancy and endogenic plurality in psychology.
Are you scared yet? Because Rod Dreher is...
Rod Dreher is a transphobic conservative pundit and reactionary. I'll preface this by saying it's unclear how much of his fear is legitimate and how much is playing to a transphobic base as a way of saying "look what these liberals are doing now." Personally, I think it's probably a bit of both.
I'll be linking the archived version to avoid giving him clicks.
What conservative pundit Rod Dreher believes is that tulpamancy and plurality are going to be the next frontier of identity politics, as he makes the case for here.
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He's of course NOT in support of this, but he's afraid of it.
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And he's not wrong either.
In another quote from the AMA, Dr. Lifshitz mentions how much interest he gets from colleagues when he discusses tulpamancy.
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The awareness of plurality and interest in it in medical spaces is rapidly spreading, and current studies do show tulpamancy improves mental health.
While it would be easy to dismiss Dreher's predictions as typical conservative fearmongering, the current trends clearly support what he's predicting.
He may be on the wrong side of the debate, but he can see the same signs and trends I do.
Plural Acceptance In Therapy
As said above, studies have shown thus far that tulpamancy is healthy, as are other forms of plurality. Plural awareness and interest is spreading quickly through academic circles.
And in one interview, Lifshitz mentions that they're interested in using research into tulpamancy to develop better DID treatment.
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This will take a while to apply, and I don't know when they'll start using knowledge from tulpamancy in clinical settings, but there's a good chance that within the next decade, this research into tulpamancy may start to influence the treatment of DID systems.
How this will manifest is still unclear. Perhaps it won't go further than the advanced inner world exercises tulpamancers use to immerse themselves in inner worlds to communicate with tulpas.
But... a number of DID systems with tulpas have reported positive benefits from creating tulpas to help their systems. So maybe we'll see studies into using tulpamancy to intentionally make alters for DID systems and see how that benefits their mental health. If results are positive, this could be used in treatment.
Speaking of which, we're probably also going to see studies into having singlets create tulpas intentionally.
They're already having children make imagined companions, and have recorded these imagined companions are able to act seemingly autonomously, possessing their own thoughts and feelings.
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This research cited research into tulpamancy, and suggested future studies should be carried out on adults to see if there are benefits.
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I can already see the path from having adult singlets make tulpas to test for benefits of plurality, and then to testing on DID systems to see if this could be used to help strengthen communication in those systems.
And if these studies are done and the methods are proven effective and put into practice, anti-endos won't even know that the methods that are being used to treat them were derived from tulpamancy studies.
But as more anti-endos are being treated by therapists who are working to get them into healthier mindsets, it's likely you'll see a trickle down from the opinions of therapists to their patients, helping dismantle their bigotry towards endogenic systems and internalized pluralphobia.
If you're anti-endo and have seen other anti-endos complaining that their therapists seem pro-endo, know that it only gets worse from here.
Plural Acceptance and Gender
Plurality is also likely to become an increasingly big thing in topics around gender.
Just last year in 2023, we saw a study into the intersection of living as plural and transgender.
This study also marked a major milestone for plurals, being the first time ever that a system name (The Redwoods) was used as an author on an academic paper. Authors in this study worked across multiple universities, a hospital, and a gender wellness center.
This will almost definitely not be the last.
Additionally, we've lately been seeing live gender conferences with plural speakers speaking about plurality and this intersection. No longer is this community based entirely online.
Plural acceptance is going to quickly spread within the LGBT community. And anti-endos will be tolerated in those spaces less and less.
A Stranglehold on Resources
Another reason anti-endos are going to lose is because most resources are already pro-endo. Simply Plural and Pluralkit both support endogenic systems, with Simply Plural having links discussing endogenic plurality, linking young systems to the information.
There have been anti-endo attempts at breaking this stranglehold, but it always comes down to copying a more popular pro-endo thing and making it more hateful and exclusive, and it never gets close to enough traction.
Anti-endos contribute nothing to the community and are reliant on pro-endo resources, and every person they suggest Simply Plural to brings them closer to those pro-endo articles from The Plural Association.
Confidence in Being Out as Plural Means Plural Role Models
I don't know who these role models will be. Aimkid came out as a DID system and is pro-endo. Unfortunately, anti-endos have had success in bullying Aimkid off of social media.
But some studies have shown about 3% of the population is plural, only about half of which have DID, and I believe the real numbers are actually much higher.
As plural acceptance increases, it's only a matter of time before you start seeing some of your favorite celebrities come out as plural.
It's only a matter of time before plurals have their equivalent of "The Puppy Episode" where Ellen came out as lesbian on television.
I can't predict when this will happen. Things like that tend to come out of the blue. But I do believe it will happen and when it does, plurality will suddenly be pushed to the mainstream conversation.
This is Going to Quickly Become a Left-Right Issue
When plurality hits the mainstream, conservatives will fiercely oppose it. Because of the way reactions tend to work, that means liberals are going to fiercely defend it. Each side feeds into the other and results in more support in liberal spaces and more opposition in conservatives ones.
I'm not going to sugarcoat this. If you stand by bigotry in these liberal spaces, especially queer spaces, you're going to find your social circle shrinking unless you keep that bigotry to yourself. When this is part of the national conversation, you will find yourself cutoff by people you care about and spaces you previously would be accepted.
Intolerance to plural systems of any kind will no longer be tolerated. There will be no safe space for hate in those communities.
And with the overwhelming science and doctors supporting the existence of non-disordered and endogenic systems, with the support of the psych community, anti-endos will soon find themselves regarded the same way we regard anti-vaxxers and flat-Earthers in liberal spaces.
A Choice to Make
You're not doomed. This isn't hopeless. You can make a change.
System medicalism is The Titanic but you have life rafts you can hop on before it goes down.
Plenty of anti-endos have changed their ways. But if you stay on your current course, this is where it ends. You either maintain your bigotry, as you're cast out of queer communities, watching endogenic plurality infiltrate your favorite media, and with therapists who are pro-endo, all while your own hate and isolation destroy you...
Or you can choose to be better before it's too late. Because the longer you maintain your hate, the more people you hurt along the way, the more guilt you'll carry with you after you break away.
Or... I guess there's a secret third thing. A worse choice. You could join with the Rod Drehers of the world, because the Alt-Right will probably accept you gladly if you're willing to toe the party line, and turn against both fellow systems and the queer community.
I'm sure they would love systems with internalized pluralphobia who speak out against a plural future that they can hold up as examples, the same way they love homophobic gay people like Milo Yiannopoulos.
If that's what you want to be, I suppose that's an option too. 🤷‍♀️
If you do make right choice...
You can find acceptance. Your past mistakes won't be held against you.
Admitting that you're wrong and choosing to be better can be scary. But that's no excuse to continue down a path of hate.
If you do choose to make a change, we can build a plural future together. One where we won't have to hide or fear discrimination for being plural.
One where future plural children won't have to grow up feeling crazy and hating themselves and their headmates for being different, and they'll have real people to look up to who have been where they are.
My Part...
For myself, I'm going to do everything I can to push this future forward, to help bring it about. This future is an inevitability. But the more of us that spread awareness of the science and what's happening, the sooner it gets here.
But with or without my involvement... anti-endos... you're losing. Bit by bit, every single day, and you don't even realize it because you're surrounded by an echo chamber that refuses to see the reality of what's happening.
But We see it. Dr. Lifshitz sees it. Even conservative Rod Dreher sees it.
And you are so far behind in this battle that there's no way you can possibly prevent what is coming. Maybe you could have stopped it had you started paying attention half a decade ago. But you've walled yourselves off from anything that contradicted your worldview and that willful ignorance has left you playing catch-up.
Your echo chamber will tell you that you're safe to keep being who you are, to keep spreading hate and hurting innocent people because of what we are. That the future I promise won't happen. They'll tell you to ignore all the signs.
But the reality is that the world is changing and the future is plural, and you are going to have to make a choice.
I sincerely hope you will choose the right thing. But for those who don't...
Well, like I said, it's up to you. I can't stop you from choosing hate. I'm not going to try to make you into a better person either. That's up to you.
But I think you at least deserve to know what's happening and how it will end up affecting you if you don't make a change.
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Mr. Walz
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Featuring Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz
Back in the late ‘90s, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, and now Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate, was a high school teacher and football coach in rural Minnesota. I attended Mankato West from 2000-2004, having Walz for 11th grade history. Being gay at the time, I initially expected to hate Walz, because he was a football coach and a hunter. But he was accepting and really friendly with me; with everyone really. He’s genuinely the goofy teacher that was in the hallway greeting every kid every morning, giving high fives and fist bumps. He and his wife, also a teacher at the school, provided vital support during my formative years. And to be honest, I thought he was cute.
He was in his late 30s and about 21 years my senior at that time, about my height, which is just shy of five foot-nine. He was chiselled like most middle-aged men with a gut. He dressed conservatively, usually a short sleeve solid colored shirt with a tee shirt under it and trousers which seemed to be a few sizes too small. I couldn’t help but find myself staring at his tightly held manhood, which showed a clear outline of his thick cock. That bulge had me daydreaming during our meets and school outings. I would jerk-off with this image in my mind every night.
After graduation, I didn’t see my ex-teacher again until I attended a campaign dinner in Falcon Heights, Minnesota. He instantly recognized me, smiling broadly and gave me a big hug. We’re talking 20-something years ago, and to have your 10th-grade geography teacher remember you after all of that time, it means something. I couldn’t call him Gov. Walz, because he will forever be Mr. Walz.
We talked a bit then, and a couple times throughout the evening. He asked me about what I was up to, if I was dating, the usual chit chat. I was so giddy to see Mr. Walz that I confessed that I had a crush on him in high school. I told him I thought about him every night when I jack off. How I use a big carrot up my ass, and pretend it was his dick. And I told him I knew he would never like me, that way, but I had to tell him.
Surprisingly, he suggested I should come over to his hotel, later, placing his hotel room card on the edge of the sink right next to me.
"Wait here, I'll have an agent escort you to my room in an hour." He said before leaving. I looked around to see if anyone had noticed, but no one had, so I quickly grabbed the key.
Sure enough, an hour later, a secret service agent escorted me to his hotel. The journey upstairs was unbearable. Reporters to dodge, people for the agent to nod away. By the time I got to Mr. Walz’s room, I was afraid he’d think I wasn’t’ interested, but when I entered the room, he was ready and waiting. The lights were dim, Mr. Walz was in a hotel bathrobe, and he’d ordered porn on the television.
"Is this what you really want?" I asked.
"More then anything." He replied.
I made the first move, leaning in to kiss him and as soon as our lips met, his arms went around me. Quickly, he started unbuttoning my shirt, unzipping my pants, and basically tearing my clothes off as he moved his tongue around inside my mouth. His hand was on my hard dick, feeling and testing the size.
"Oh, yeah." He moaned, as he ran his hand down my tender, sensitive cock before squatting.
With his mouth at my crotch, he ran his tongue up all seven inches, before gently pushing me towards the bed. On the bed, our bodies melded into one. His hard dick was teasing mine, as once again, our tongues found the other's mouth. Hands everywhere, as we hugged and rocked each other. Kissing my way down his chest, I left a trail of saliva all the way to his cock. Taking him in my mouth, I began to suck while I swirled my tongue around his boner before he started thrusting into my throat, making me gag. I guess he got pretty turned on by what I was doing to him as he turned me around and put us into 69 position.
As Mr. Walz took my dick in his mouth, I took his dick in mine. I worked on it with such skill that he began moaning deep inside his throat as he sucked my dick. And he could really suck; he knew how to please a man. I began to feel him starting to breathe rapidly and shake. I knew he was going to explode soon. I was getting close as well.
Wanting Mr. Walz to fuck me, I quickly seperated, and rolled off the bed leaving him laying there completely naked with a huge hard-on. Hurrying to my pants, I pulled a tube of lubrication out of his pocket before I bounded back to the bed. After telling him I wanted him to fuck me, I tensely watched as Mr. Walz applied the lubricate to his cock, knowing the pain I was about to feel. I couldn’t help but thinking back to my high school years when I first saw him. I had always wanted Mr. Walz to fuck me since then. Now was the time.
“You got a nice tight asshole.” Mr. Walz told me as he rubbed some of the KY onto my asshole.
He lifted my legs and stared me straight in the eyes as he guided the head of his cock to my ass. As soon as his dick made contact, he immediately thrust all 8 inches into me. I gasped loudly, so loudly in fact that I’m sure the people in the next room heard.
“I’m going to really open up your asshole.” Mr. Walz called out with a wicked smile on his face as he slowly started fucking me.
Noticing each time the fat head of his cock passed my hard prostate, pre-cum would squirt from the tip of my dick. He reached down and scooped it up with his finger, brought it to his mouth and licked it clean.
"Oh, man, that's good." He said, as he scooped up more, but I pulled his finger to his mouth, and sucked it in.
We smiled at each other before he leaned forward and kissed me deep, our tongues caressed each other, sharing my pre-cum. Then as we kissed he sent his cock plunging deeper into me. I arched my back as I was forced to take more cock deeper into my ass than ever before.
“Yes, fuck me, Mr. Walz.” I found myself saying when he broke our embrace, “Give it to me, Mr. Walz. Make me yours!”
And he did just that. Mr. Walz started fucking me hard and fast. I took each of the strokes of his his old manhood willingly. I wanted to give him total pleasure and I could tell from the far away look in his eye that the old man was as lost in me as I was in him. I knew he was getting close, and I didn’t want to stop him, so I didn’t say a word about pulling out. Having only had sex with his wife for all those years, he didn’t think of it either. Soon he was filling my ass with ropes of cum, and I felt it filling me up.
After we got off and caught our breath, he looked at me and we both started laughing and telling each other how glad we were that we'd just met up today.
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secondbeatsongs · 2 months
how to make neon signs in inkscape!
I lost my mind and spent a large amount of hours yesterday perfecting my methods and figuring out how to do this, so if you're interested in making something like this:
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here's how to do that!
step 1: cover your workspace in a dark grey rectangle, and lock that layer down.
I've been using 80% or 90% grey - you want this so you can see your neon effect, but you don't want it entirely black at this stage, or you won't be able to see your shadow layer.
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step 2: create some text!
pro tip: rounder sans-serif fonts look the best for this, because think about what a neon sign is made of - it's tubes, bent into shapes! so if your font or design looks too sharp and pointy, it'll feel unrealistic when you make it neon.
(this is, of course, a perfectionism thing on my end, so feel free to ignore any and all rules in order to make the thing that you want to make. as with all art, you can do whatever you want forever!)
bonus pro tip: if you, like me, have over 1400 fonts installed and programs tend to lag when you browse through all of them, nexusfont is a great free software that lets you sort your fonts into categories, search them, and preview what any text looks like in different fonts! I love it. it is my best friend
now I'm going to do this with a few different fonts, so that you can see how it works with them. so today, I'm picking Futura Round, Harlow Solid Italic, and then to challenge myself, Beauty School Dropout and Block
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make the text white, and also select the text and go to Paths -> Object to Path, because some things don't work right if they're not paths.
let's start off easy with Futura Round!
Step 3: duplicate your text layer
now bear with me here. but you need to take the text you're working with, and either right-click duplicate or copy/paste the layer until you have seven total copies of the text you're working with.
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arrange them like this, making sure the top one is the first layer on the list (and so on), and then in the layers tab, label them like so:
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pro tip: if you don't have the layers tab open, go to Objects -> Objects and Layers, and that'll pop it right up
Step 4: blur time!
switch to the Fill and Stroke tab, and make these changes to the paths:
glow small: 15% blur, 100% opacity
glow medium: 20% blur, 90% opacity
glow large: 50% blur, 70% opacity
glow xlarge: 70% blur, 70% opacity
your workspace should now look like this:
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this is good!
pro tip: these numbers are just loose guidelines! at the end, mess around with everything to make sure that the glow looks right to you! nothing is an exact science
Step 5: shadow and outline
for the shadow layer, make it solid black, and then change the opacity to 50%
for the outline layer, we're doing something fun and weird. so right now it's a fill object, but we want it to be an outline instead! so let's hit the X in the lower left to make it empty, and then shift-click on...for the sake of this, let's say blue. to make our nice blue outline.
now's the weird part
now. use the align tool (Objects -> Align and Distribute), select the outline layer and the main layer, and align them so the outline text is exactly centered on the main one.
then go to Paths -> Path Effects, and when the tab opens, select just the outline layer, then click the drop-down arrow in the Path Effects tab and select Offset
here's our goal right now:
we want to offset the outline until it fits inside the text underneath it, and also mess with the stroke layer settings until you have a nice thick outline that doesn't overlap itself.
mess around with the plus and minus buttons. there are no exact numbers here; you just have to know when it looks good! but for me, the settings were a -0.34mm offset, with a stroke width of 0.700mm
this is roughly what you want it to look like:
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now, with the outline layer still selected, blur it out just a bit until it looks fuzzy, and like the white center is a highlight rather than a separate layer. for me, the right number was about 8.3% of blur, to get a result like this:
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Step 6: layering and changing colors
okay! at this point your work should look something like this:
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you now want to select every layer except the shadow layer, and use Align to center them all on top of each other.
pro tip: make sure to untoggle "move/align selection as a group", otherwise this will not work.
you should now have something that looks like this, with the shadow layer sitting all by itself somewhere off to the side
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now's the fun part: colors!
since we've decided that this neon light is going to be blue, it's time to change the glow to reflect that!
here's what it looks like when you change all of the glow layers to be that same, #0000FF blue as the outline layer
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and here's what it looks like when you take the glow small layer and make it just a bit lighter (#4343FF) using the stroke and fill tab
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in general, mess around with the layer colors until you like how they look! I find that it generally looks better if the glow small layer is a bit lighter, and the glow medium layer is as dark as the original color. everything else is fair game.
also the main layer can stay white (if you want it to seem very bright), or you can make it a very very light blue if you want it to be a bit more subdued.
Step 7: final steps
take your sad, neglected shadow layer, and move it slightly up and to the right of your main layer, so that it works...well, basically like a drop shadow.
then take your original rectangle, and switch it to 100% black.
now. gaze upon your masterpiece
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that's a good neon sign if I've ever seen one.
but now. now's when we lose our minds
Steps 8-??: perfectionism and nonsense
so let's move the Futura one aside (and hide it! inkscape lags if there are too many blurry layers visible at once, so hide anything you're not using!), set the rectangle back to grey, and move on to Harlow Solid Italic.
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I've sped through a few of the steps here (out of order) so you can see what I'm doing. I've added outlines to the large glow and xlarge glow, and bumped them up a bit so they'll have a larger glow area in general
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this time I've made the large glow a little bit lighter than the xlarge glow and medium glow, and made the main layer a very pale pink instead of just white. I also blurred the outline layer just a bit more, because this font needed a bit more fuzz to make it look good.
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hell yeah. this rocks.
now, one detail for perfectionism: in neon signs IRL, if you look closely, there are wires attaching them in the back, often connecting each letter to the next. so...let's do that!
get your pen tool, set it to spiro path, and then make little droopy lines connecting each letter.
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make these thin, 100% opacity, and a very light (almost white) grey color. then group all of them together, and move this group under the small glow layer
pro tip: some of the cords might go mostly through the shadow layer. if this is the case, just put the cord group one layer above the shadow layer instead, and then it'll be fine. but you might make the cord color a pale-greyish pink to make it look like there's glow hitting it.
ultra advanced technique: duplicate the cord group, make it black and 50% opacity, position it slightly up and to the right of the original, and then move it one layer below it. you've got cord shadows babey!
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lookit that. stare at that beautiful perfection. I love it. this brings me joy.
and now: the one that will be the most work
let's gooo Beauty School Dropout!
this one I'm using as an example for what to do with a font that's a bit too pointy to look realistic
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this font is really fun and bendy, but the ends of the letters are flat instead of rounded, and the corners are a bit too sharp. so...let's fix that!
now, there are several ways we can do this (after doing Object to Path ofc).
one way is to edit the path yourself, going slowly, and making sure everything is perfect, editing the nodes individually.
or, you could select the text layer using the node tool, then click the button in the top bar labeled Add Corners LPE, and then drag the little circles and triangles around to smooth out the corners
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I've decided to do the LPE method, but the problem here is that if you apply the LPE effect before making sure all of the corners look good nodes-wise, it's hell to try and fix it. so before LPE-ing, look at all the spots that you're going to apply the effect, and make sure each has one point at each sharp corner, with no weird overlapping bits. okay? okay.
also for the line beneath the text, it looks like it's made up of a bunch of different segments
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and since I want to keep this line because I think it looks cool, we're going to have to deal with that, and make sure that it's all one solid piece, otherwise the outlining won't work. so I've gotta delete all the extra segments, and then move the points on just one of those segments until it's the full original line width, before rounding those corners as well.
basically I've got my work cut out for me here, this will all take a bit.
...aaand an episode and a half of Supernatural later, here's this!
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look at how nice and round that is! perfect for the rest of the neon process
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and with cords, shadows, layering, etc
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hell yeah.
more things: it's block font time
let's make an outline-style neon sign!
my seven layers:
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for all but the last two, I've not used the fill option with them at all - I have simply used the stroke outline.
now don't be worried! the stroke-to-path still works just the same way even using an outline to begin with! so it's easy to get an outline of an outline, and do the offset thing just like you did before
however, because this font is more complex-looking, there will probably be some errors when you offset it
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for example, it didn't fully outline the second half of the Os, so I just copied the left halves, mirrored them, and replaced the right half with the complete left half
pro tip: keep in mind that you have to re-apply the offset to any bits that you add to the outline layer!
doing the same steps as last time, editing the glow blurs as I see fit, once again we end up with beauty and perfection.
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another thing you can do: turn off the lights!
I'm going to use Beauty School Dropout and Harlow for this, but after making your beautiful neon signs, here's how to make it look like a turned-off sign, for if you want to make...idk, a gif of a light turning on and off, or a burned-out sign, or something like that.
so start with (ideally, duplicated copies of) your neon signs:
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and then simply delete every glow layer, change the outline layer to 90% grey and your main layer to 70% grey, change the cords' color to a darker shade of grey than whatever it already is, and lower the opacity of the shadows by about 10-15%.
doing that, you end up with this
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bam! lights turned off!
last thing: logos and other stuff
you can make neon signs with images as well as with text! the steps are essentially the same, though you may have to do more editing to make it look good, and use simplify on the path if it's too detailed.
and if you're using anything besides an .svg, you first go to Paths -> Trace Bitmap to turn your image into a vector! but unfortunately I've already used 29 images in this post, so here, just look at this Keith Haring thing I made as an example:
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is it messier than the text? yeah for sure. does it have some pointy bits I could smooth out more? definitely. but, I've watched three episodes of Supernatural today, and that is more than enough time spent on this. so this is what you get.
but yeah, that's how I make neon signs in inkscape! I used to do it in GIMP, but this works much better, and looks so nice and clean! <3
(man, graphic design really is my passion)
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southerngothicchic · 9 months
Christmas '90
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(This was partially inspired by a jewelry commercial from 1989)
"Ready to leave now, gorgeous?" Steve asks, against your ear, as he slips his arm around your waist.
"What has you so eager to get home?" You counter, turning to look at him, as if you didn't already know the answer.
"Well, it's Christmas eve, and I really want to give you the first of your many presents," he explains, pulling you closer to him.
"In that case, let's go," you smile, making him smile in return.
He then quickly ushers you out of the corporate Christmas party he begrudgingly had to attend.
During the ride back to your house, his hand is glued to your thigh. His fingertips glide along your sheer tights as you pull more of your slinky black dress up your legs, giving him easier access. He bites his lip as you move his hand higher. He can feel the outline of your equally sheer panties, which only makes him harder, as he's painfully straining in his dress pants.
Thankfully, he turns into the gated community that you reside in, then pulls into the driveway. He doesn't even bother parking in the garage, as he can't stand not having his hands on you for another second. As soon as he shuts off the car, he's all over you. His lips pressing to yours desperately, while he slips his hands under your coat, pressing his palms against your bare back. Your hands cradle his face, as you both temporarily lose yourself in one another.
The chill from the night air soon filters into the car, causing you to shiver.
"Let's get you warmed up, Mrs. Harrington," Steve softly says, with the tip of his nose nuzzling yours.
You feel yourself blushing whenever he refers to you like that. Though, you've been married for almost a year, it still gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling all over again.
You smile and nod before you each exit the car. He then escorts you to the front door and you give him a sweet kiss before walking inside.
Standing in the foyer, you slip off your heels, before Steve helps you take off your coat. He hangs it on the nearby coat rack, then quickly sheds his coat. You're then in another embrace, as he holds you close, pressing your chest to his. He gazes at you adoringly, while you do the same, just marveling at how this obscenely handsome man was your husband.
"You looked so beautiful tonight," he breathes, "this dress is literal perfection."
"Well, my husband picked it out, so he has good taste," you smile, as he leans in close.
"That he does, he's a lucky man," he also smiles before your lips meet.
His kiss is slow, sensual. You melt into his arms, as soft sighs leave your lips.
"You're still shivering, honey," he softly says, pulling away slightly.
"That's just the effect you have on me," you smile, as you comb your fingers through his hair.
Even in the low light, you can tell he's blushing. He could still be so cute sometimes it made you want to scream then smother him with kisses.
"I still think I'm gonna get a nice fire going," he begins, leading you towards the living room, "and then I'm going to give you your present."
"How can I argue with that?" You ask as he sits you on the couch.
He winks at you before turning his attention to the fireplace.
Instant warmth emanates from the flames as it transforms the room with its cozy intimacy.
"I'll be right back, angel," Steve says, as he leans down to give you a quick kiss.
"Hurry back, handsome," you breathe, against his lips, feeling him smile.
He then disappears upstairs while the sight of how your wedding rings look in the firelight transfixes you. The shiny gold bands seem to glow when the light hits them. You smile at how the diamonds in your engagement ring shimmer and your mind flashes back to the night he proposed.
He was so nervous, though you didn't know why, as you knew he was everything you'd ever wanted. The look on his face when you accepted was the happiest you had ever seen him, until your wedding day.
God, he looked so handsome in his tux, you couldn't wait to tear his shirt open and rake your nails down his gloriously hairy chest. You practically dragged him out of the reception because you couldn't wait any longer. Your overwhelming desire for him made him want you even more, too, as he almost ripped your dress while trying to take it off.
You then dissolved into fits of laughter, feeling more love for each other in that moment, than you thought was possible.
As time went on, Steve proved to be the perfect husband, which you knew he would be. You also tried your best to be the perfect wife, and you evidently succeeded, as he would repeatedly moan into your ear just how perfect you were for him, when he was buried deep inside you.
You were essentially living a dream, as you had managed to find your soulmate.
You lean your head back with a wistful look in your eyes, as you wonder if it's always going to be this idyllic.
Soft footsteps then interrupt your thoughts as you turn to see your husband dressed in a Santa costume, just without the beard.
"Oh my God..." you laugh, as he kneels on the floor infront of you.
"So, you like it?" He asks, with his gorgeous smile.
You nod, as he gently takes your hands in his.
"I wanted to do something special for our first Christmas as a married couple, so I thought why not dress up as the big guy himself," he explains, gazing lovingly into your eyes.
"You're such a dork, and I love you," you reply, as he brings your hands up to his lips.
"I love you, too," he says with a laugh, before kissing your knuckles.
You sigh as you feel his plush lips on your skin as he continues kissing your fingers, with his focus turning to your ring finger.
He glances up at you and you feel a familiar heat rising to your cheeks. He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, jewelry box.
He leans up and presents it to you.
"Merry Christmas, honey," he says, as he releases your hands so you can take the box.
You smile at him, before slowly opening it to reveal a diamond heart shaped pendant, on a dainty gold chain.
"Oh, Steve..." you gasp, as you look from your gift to his adorable face.
" I had it custom made, as I didn't like any of the other pieces I saw," he informs, his eyes glowing with adoration.
"Its perfect, I love it," you smile, as you set the box on your lap so you could take off the thick, gold necklace you were already wearing.
"Here, let me help," he offers, taking your present out of the box and placing it around your neck.
You hold your hair to the side so he can fasten its tiny clasp. He pulls away to see how it looks and smiles.
"Oh honey..." he sighs, his eyes fixed on how the pendant rests against your skin.
Your fingertips lightly touch the diamond heart, before you cradle his face.
"Thank you," you breathe, leaning in to kiss him.
"You're welcome, and you're never to take it off, ok?" He also breathes, into the kiss.
"I won't."
He then moves to sit next to you, wrapping his arms around you and pressing his lips to your neck. You sigh his name with almost every kiss. He kisses his way to your bare shoulder, proud of himself for picking out a strapless dress. You whimper as he lightly sinks his teeth into your skin.
"You looked so fucking sexy tonight..." he breathily begins, nuzzling his nose against your collarbone. "I saw the looks you were getting from like every guy there, it made me want to drag you into the bathroom and fuck your brains out."
"I wish you would've," you sultrily reply, pulling his hair slightly.
"Yeah, but that's part of why I wanted to get you home, so I could fuck you in front of the fireplace," he breathes, raising his head, so he can kiss you again.
"So romantic..." you murmur, into his mouth.
Your hands leave his hair to pull at the furry collar of his outfit. You quickly unbutton it and feel his chest hair under your fingertips. You press your palms against his chest, before gently scratching down it.
He groans into the kiss, his eyes already rolling back at your touch.
You then push the red coat from his shoulders and he quickly slips his arms out of its sleeves. It falls around his waist while his hand finds the zipper, on the back of your dress, and slowly pulls it down. You pull away from him and stand up, so you can slide the dress down your legs.
Steve stares, with his mouth slightly agape, at how your bare chest looks in the firelight.
"You're so beautiful, angel," he breathes, pulling you back to him.
He presses his lips to your stomach, and nuzzles his nose against you, in between kisses. You giggle and he glances up at you, with a smirk.
"Are you ticklish? I can't remember..."
You give him a look, before whining his name as he keeps kissing along your skin.
"Sorry, angel, I just couldn't help myself," he then aplogizes, looking up at you with those irresistible amber eyes. "Take these off and I'll make it up to you."
He glides his hands over your tights before you lean down to give him a kiss. You take his bottom lip between your teeth while he softly moans.
You then pull away from him again to take off your tights. He palms himself through his pants as he watches you shimmy out of your soaked, sheer panties.
"Lay on the rug, gorgeous," he then instructs.
You smile as you do as he wants. Your back meets the plush, white fur of the rug, as you rest your arms above your head. You look over to your husband to see him springing from the couch and pushing his red, felt pants down his legs.
He's soon kneeling between your legs, with a hungry glint in his eyes as he takes in the sight below him.
"Fuck..." he sighs, "you look even better like this..."
He lays on his stomach, with his hands gripping your thighs, pulling you closer to his waiting mouth.
"How'd I get so lucky?" He continues, as he presses wet kisses to your thighs.
" Don't tease..." you whine, your hands grasping at his hair.
"I'm not teasin', honey, I'm just lovin' on you," he defends. "Just appreciating my beautiful wife..."
His voice trails off as he finally presses his tongue against you. Your back instantly arches at how he laps at you. He collects your arousal on his tongue and moans at your taste. He can't get enough of it, wanting to stay buried between your legs for hours. He then tentatively dips his tongue inside you, making you shudder. He then fucks you with his tongue, wanting to see you unravel just from his mouth, as his hands stay on your thighs.
You're moaning his name, pulling his hair and trying to close your legs around his head. His tight grip prevents you from doing so, as he keeps you spread open for him.
He's cursing and groaning into you, while his nose moves up, ever so slightly, making you whimper.
"You're so fucking sweet, just gushing for me," he pants, glancing up at you.
An obscene moan leaves your lips as his praises send you over the edge. He licks up every drop of your release, moaning loudly as he does so.
You curl your fingers in his hair before pushing him away when it gets to be too much.
You're struggling to catch your breath, as he gazes at you affectionately. He crawls up your body and nuzzles his nose against yours, before pressing his wet lips to yours. He deepens the kiss, letting you taste yourself, and it has you both moaning.
"I love you so much, angel," he breathes, into a kiss.
"I love you, too," you reply, dreamily.
He caresses your cheek, before rolling onto his back next to you. He pulls you with him, as you're now laying at his side.
"Straddle me, angel," he softly says, as the words are barely out of his mouth before you're on top of him.
He grins at how eager and obedient you are.
"Show me how much you love me, honey," he adds, bringing his hands to your hips.
You smile, as you raise yourself up to slowly sink down on him. Now its his turn to whimper and moan for you, as you take every inch of him.
You then teasingly move your hips and watch his face as his lips part in a silent scream and his nails dig into your hips.
"Feel good, Stevie?" You ask, leaning forward to press your palms to his now sweaty chest.
He nods. "Always feels so good, angel."
You start to move a little faster, moaning at how he can't help thrusting up, into you.
"Mmm, please...fuck me, honey..." he whines, trying to guide your movements.
You love when he gets whiny like this. You then lean up and fully bounce on him.
Steve's now a complete whimpering mess, swearing and moaning your name. He's never looked more beautiful, especially with how his handsome features look in the flickering, orange light.
His hand leaves your hip and reaches up to cup your breast. He watches how your necklace glistens, as the firelight hits it from different angles. His heart swells with love as he rolls you onto your back.
You gasp his name as he keeps thrusting into you. He presses his lips to yours, desperately. You wrap your legs around his waist, wanting him even deeper. He moans into the kiss, as his thrusts become rougher.
"You're so good to me, honey," he grunts, "so fucking good..."
"S-Steve..." you whimper, your mind empty except for him.
"This has already been the best Christmas, you've already given me so much," he breathlessly begins, "but you know what would make it even better? If we made a little, Christmas baby..."
You whine his name, as he keeps fucking you, relentlessly.
"Would you be ok with that? Starting our little family so soon?" He asks, with his lips against your cheek.
"Yes, yes, anything for you," you agree, while clawing at his back.
He smiles, before kissing you deeply.
You each then succumb to each other, with a series of moans and curses. Steve kisses you sloppily as you comb your fingers through his messy hair. He breathes more 'I love you's' against your lips, as he presses more of his body to yours. This closeness is what you know he craves, he loves almost smothering you under him. You also love being covered in his sweat and feeling the delicious scratch of his chest hair against you.
After lazily making out for a while, he pulls out and lays next to you. You then curl into his side while he drapes his arm around you.
"So, this is why you insisted on getting this rug, isn't it?" You ask, with a smile.
"Maybe," he grins, as you lean closer to his face.
"I knew it," you breathe, before kissing him.
"So, are you really ok with trying to have a baby?" He softly asks, as his hand cradles your face.
You nod. "I am."
He smiles before pulling you into an excited kiss.
"This really is the best Christmas I've ever had," he breathes, as you smile against his lips.
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ghost-bxrd · 9 months
ok you said go wild and i will fully embrace that. i wanted to brainstorm about this idea I had and had also posted but like in a sentence, when it’s more of an outline. it’s of a robin!tim that can sense dead people so when the red hood makes his debut he’s naturally curious and tim follows him around and jason obviously realizes, holds up a knife to his throat and startles when tim asks “how are you here” with just no regards for his own safety and genuine curiosity?? literally not knowing he’s jason but jason stops and goes “you know who I am?” and tim whispers “I know you died” and jason coils back because that is as much confirmation as he needs cue panic because the kid knows surely then the bat knows too and that just won’t do, so in his panic he ends up kidnapping the kid and taking him to his safehouse where he keeps pacing because jason needs answers and he refuses to get them torturing the kid (because fucking kid had gone out looking for him despite knowing the red hood had it out of his head, did this kid even have any self preservation skills? he didn’t even seemed fazed jason’s back??which wow, hurt not gonna lie) then when tim wakes up because jason knocked him unconscious the reveal happens and Tim is so shocked that Jason is shocked because bitch I thought you knew!!! what how the fuck would I know!! chaos ensues but then jason abruptly realizes this is great! his plans did not derail *looks at timbo munching his food and watching indiana jones* his plan with the bat he means
Jason, sitting in a room with all his plans on fire: This is fine :’D
No but seriously, I LOVE a Tim with the self preservation instinct of a wet paper towel. He’s a competent teen vigilante, but where it concerns the Bats (and especially his hero, Jason) he’s an absolute human disaster.
Ok but first of all we need to talk a bit more thoroughly about “sensing the dead” thing. Dead as in ghosts? Or dead as in— murder victims and such. Either would apply to Jason if we go with a “Death clings to people who’ve seen beyond the veil” scenario, but Tim’s thoughts would differ vastly upon first meeting the Red Hood.
And Jason, poor Jason, the Pit Madness didn’t stand a chance faced with what is essentially a toddler looking at him with wide and curious eyes, so damn trusting despite that knife to his throat, and he’s just losing his mind because he could have slit Tim’s throat and nobody would have found out until it was too late. What if Jason had been literally anybody else? The kid would have died.
Obviously this Robin can’t be trusted to keep himself safe/alive, that means Jason has to do it for him. Easy. He can do this. It’s cool. Jason is freaking the fuck out.
Tim, upon realizing that the Red Hood is Jason, promptly goes from mildly alarmed over his kidnapping to ✨starstruck✨ and steadfastly refuses to leave Jason’s safehouse unless Jason agrees to come back to the manor. No, he doesn’t care about the multitude of death threats (he totally calls the bluff from the get go).
Jason promptly decides to make the best out of a shitty situation and pretends to be an evil kidnapper and just— keeps dangling the baby bird over Bruce and Dick’s head, slipping them concerning photos (Tim wasn’t exactly happy about the “hostage photo shooting session” but he agreed after Jason promised to make him his special coffee flavored cake) and telling them he’s torturing their Robin with a crowbar (because Jason is a drama queen).
And you know what else would be funny? If, after a few days, Tim slips out to go on patrol with Jason. He completely ignores Bruce and/or Dick when the call out to him and actively helps Hood with his crime stuff (while also sneakily forcing Hood to cut down on the killing by about— 80-90%).
Bruce and Dick are fairly convinced they’re looking at a brainwashing situation.
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torotauri · 2 years
Gym Buddies (18+) | Kang Hyewon
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Waring Sexual Content (18+) Read At Your Own Risk
2668 words
Gym day, you hate gym day. But it was something you had to do nevertheless. You need to do it to keep yourself in shape for football and despite how much you hated the gym, you had to go and do it regardless. The only thing that takes your mind out of the thought of suffering whilst doing your gym routine was the amount of girls in sports bra and tights in there. It was a good sight nevertheless. 
Like every other student in the university, you went to the university gym which you usually go with your friends. However, exam season meant that today you had to go alone. Your usual gym buddies had bailed on you and you had to go alone. Nevertheless, this was for your own good.
Because of exam season, there were visibly less students in the gym as well, there were a lot of unused equipment. Of course, having less people in the gym it means less girls are in the gym. There were still some, but none of them caught your eye.
Without the female distracting you, you managed to get through most of your routine smoothly. Until you were on the treadmill. You set your usual timer 90 minutes as you get on, put your earbuds on and started running. You were concentrated, focused until someone walked into the gym. 
Kang Hyewon.
It was her, your crush, the girl that makes your heart flutters every time you see her. You knew she would come to the gym, it was one of the reason that you started coming to the gym regularly. She was perfect, came in with a black hoodie and a gym bag. You couldn’t help but stare at her as she walked past.
Hyewon is a regular at the gym, she doesn’t stay for long, usually she comes in and does around 30 minutes on the treadmill and leaves. What is more unusual was that she always come to the gym alone, no buddies, just herself.
Somehow, despite all the available treadmills, Hyewon decided to use the one right next to you which was distracting.
Hyewon took off her hoodie to show what she was wearing underneath. A white sports bra and black tight leggings that outlined her perfect curves. The sports bra clearly showed her above average sized tits with her perfect midriff in full view for everyone to see. As Hyewon steps onto the treadmill, she started the timer and began running.
You tried your best to not look over to the sight next to you. Hyewon running whilst her tits jiggling in motion. You were sweating heavily, thankfully your previous work outs have covered up the fact that you were sweating from looking at Hyewon. However, one thing you can’t cover up was the bulge that was starting to form in your pants.
With Hyewon running next to you and her boobs jiggling, you were getting so hard down there. It has gone to the point where it was starting to get uncomfortable for you to continue running. You have decided that enough is enough, you need to do something about this.
You pressed the stop button on the treadmill and decided to call it a day for you in the gym. As you got off the treadmill and Hyewon managed to catch you.
“Oh you’re going now? There’s still 20 minutes on the clock” Hyewon asked as she saw you leaving.
“Yeah, not up to it today. My gym buddies aren’t here today” you replied.
“I know exam season made this gym quite empty” Hyewon replied as she down her machine so she could have a bit of a chat.
“How about you, you don’t have a gym buddy do you? I always see you coming alone” you asked Hyewon.
“Nah, I don’t” Hyewon responded “but you could be my gym buddy” Hyewon asked which caught you off guard.
“Say what now?” you wasn’t sure what Hyewon just said.
“I’m saying do you want to be my gym buddy” Hyewon repeated herself.
You tried to play it cool, but the girl that you like have just asked you to be her gym buddy. With that, you walked back onto the treadmill and prepared to continue your workout.
“Sure, why not. In that case I better continue my cardio” you reached out for the start button on the machine.
“Actually, I have a better idea to train cardio. Something that we both can do together as gym buddies” Hyewon said with a cheeky smirk.
She stopped her machine, got off the treadmill and told you to follow her. You didn’t know what she was up to but you just followed her nevertheless. After all, you don’t often get a chance to do stuff together with Hyewon.
Hyewon guided you into the changing room, specifically the female changing room. You didn’t want to go in there but Hyewon dragged you into it and you have no choice.
“What sort of cardio are we going to do here in the FEMALE changing room” you asked, stressing out the word female.
Hyewon giggled a little bit before coming closer to you and placed a finger on your lips.
“Shhhhhhh, trust me it will be good” Hyewon said as she placed a finger on your lips to shush you “I’ve seen you peeking on me when I was running next to you” Hyewon added.
You gulped, it was embarrassing as you face turned red. You were caught red handed by Kang Hyewon. To be fair it was very distracting having her running next to you.
“In my defence......” you tried to explain but Hyewon shut you up by kissing you on the lips.
“Shhhh it’s ok, you’ve got what I want and I’ve got what you want” Hyewon shushed you as she leaned in to make out with you.
Hyewon’s lips were soft as they crashed onto yours. The make out session seemed to calmed you down a little bit, not thinking about the fact that you were in the female changing room. You wrapped your arms around Hyewon’s waist as you continued to make out with the girl you have been crushing on for a while. This moment was like a dream come true.
Whilst your thoughts about where you were at have been calmed down, your cock was certainly not calm what so ever. You have gotten so hard whilst making out with Hyewon that it started poking her a little bit. Hyewon pulled out the kiss as she felt something poking her downstairs.
“Sorry, I can’t control it” you said embarrassingly.
“It’s ok, I know how to deal with it” Hyewon reassured you.
After that Hyewon instantly dropped onto her knees and pulled your shorts down together with your underwear as your cock sprung free finally after being trapped in your running shorts. Hyewon gave your already hardened cock a few jerks which caused you to leak some pre cum.
Gathering the pre cum, Hyewon licked the tip of your cock to taste the pre cum before taking your whole cock into her mouth. 
You moaned out immediately as Hyewon started her blowjob. You didn’t expect that coming to the gym alone would end up in the bathroom with your crush Kang Hyewon whilst she gave you the best blowjob you have ever received. You were feeling too much pleasure to care that you are now inside the female changing room with no pants on.
As Hyewon continued to suck your cock, you were feeling pleasure that you have never felt before. True to her words, she definitely knew how to deal with your boner. She didn’t miss a spot, she used her tongue and her sucking skills to the maximum. It was just too good, much better than any blowjobs you have received from previous girlfriends. 
After a while, confident that your cock was lubricated with enough of Hyewon’s saliva, Hyewon slowed down her sucking and eventually released your cock with a popping noise. 
“I know you wanted to see these” Hyewon said as she rolled her sports bra up and exposed her perfect pair of tits.
They were so perfect and so soft, makes you want to play with it so bad. However, before you had a chance to do so, Hyewon laid down on one of the benches pulled her leggings off and showed you her pink panties with a wet stain on them telling you that she’s ready.
“Come on, let’s get some cardio done” Hyewon said as you approached her and ripped her pink panties apart, tearing them off in the process.
You didn’t need a second invitation to fuck Hyewon’s pussy, with you lining up your cock on her pussy entrance, you thrusted into Hyewon for the first time. Almost immediately, the blowjob from earlier was no longer the best thing ever happened to you. 
You both moaned at the pleasure you were receiving.
Hyewon’s pussy wasn’t what you call tight, but it was nevertheless perfect. It fits your cock perfectly, there was enough space for you to thrust in and out of freely whilst also giving your cock enough pleasure and giving yourself enough stimulation. The warm and wetness of it was giving you extra sensation as you pound Hyewon in missionary position.
“Fuck Hyewon, your pussy is perfect” you moaned out
It wasn’t the most comfortable shag you have had you had to admit. On a hard bench in the changing room of a gym. However, the pleasure that your cock was receiving from fucking Hyewon’s pussy was overriding the uncomfortable bench that you were fucking Hyewon on. 
“Shut ahh up a-a-an-and get o-ooh-o-on with your workout” Hyewon blurted out in between moans.
The scene was so hot. The sweat that you both had from previous workout, you still having your t shirt on, Hyewon’s perfect body underneath you whilst you slip inside her wet pussy and the moans that filled the room. It would be impossible for anyone in the changing room to not hear you two fucking with the echoing moans that Hyewon was making.
Her moans only grew louder and louder, as Hyewon was breathing heavier and heavier. struggling to keep her moans in sync. Her pussy was also getting wetter and tighter.
“Fff-fuc-fuck I’mmm c-cl-c-c-closee-ee” Hyewon moaned out, telling you that she was close to her orgasm.
You could feel it in her, she was only seconds away from orgasming, it felt like your mission to get her to cum as you only responded by thrusting faster and harder as your hands roamed towards her exposed tits to play with it. Kneading it like it was a dough and flicking her nipples occasionally to try and push her off the edge. Her tits were soft like you imagined, as you continued to play with them whilst thrusting in and out of her pussy.
The extra sensation seemed to have pushed Hyewon into her orgasm as she moaned and screamed whilst her pussy clamps around your cock and coats your cock with her juices. It was hot, Hyewon’s orgasm was hot, but it was also loud. So loud that you stopped your thrustin, leant down and made out with her so she could be quieter.
“Mmmm mmmm mmm” Hyewon moans were muffled as she cums hard, shakes violently whilst making out with you, moaning into your mouth.
As Hyewon came down from her high, you pulled out of her pussy completely and help her stand up. Her legs were weak at first but with a little bit of help she managed to stand on her own. You meanwhile sat down on the bench with your cock still hard and proud waiting to enter Hyewon’s pussy again.
“I’ve done my bit of cardio, now your turn” you instructed Hyewon.
“My pleasure” Hyewon smirked.
She turned around, her perfect round butt facing you as she squatted a little bit before slowly backing herself onto you. Carefully and slowly guide herself onto your cock. Once she felt that the tip was poking at her entrance, Hyewon slammed herself hard onto your cock, her butt and your crotch made a slapping sound as they connected before she started to dictate the pace with how fast she should ride you.
You didn’t know how, but after the orgasm it felt like Hyewon’s pussy felt even better. Maybe it was the fact that this time Hyewon was the one doing all the work and she knows what she needs to do, or maybe it was the fact that her orgasm made her pussy wetter which meant it gave you smoother thrusts but it was so good that you could feel yourself building towards your own orgasm.
Moaning noises and skin slapping noises filled the room as Hyewon continued to ride you whilst you were sat down and she was squatting and riding your cock like an absolute professional. You snaked your hands back onto her perfect soft tits and played around with them.
However, as Hyewon continued to ride you in that position, you felt yourself nearing the end. It was something that you never wanted to end, but unfortunately it has to. You could feel that tingling sensation in your crotch area, you were close to your own orgasm.
“Oh fuck get off me Hyewon” were the words you never wanted to say but you had to “I’m going to cum”
“Paint me” Hyewon moaned out as she dismounted herself from your cock.
You stood up as Hyewon got back onto her knees, you were jerking off your cock furiously. It doesn’t feel as good as fucking Hyewon’s pussy but it was better than not being able to finish at all. Hyewon tilted her head upwards, took her sports bra off and pushed her tits up with her arms anticipating for the grand finale.
It didn’t take long, only took about a dozen of strokes until you reach your peak. Thick white semen shot out the tip of your cock and landed all over Hyewon’s body. The first few shots were strong and they landed on Hyewon’s face, painting her perfect features white before the rest shot out of your cock and landed on Hyewon’s soft boobs. 
Once your orgasm died down, Hyewon took your cock back into her mouth, gave it a quick clean and sucked all the last drops of cum that didn’t shot out of your cock which caused you to spasm a little bit as you were still sensitive after your orgasm.
“F-ff-fuck I’m still sensitive” you moaned out.
“Can’t waste any of that delicious protein” Hyewon tasted your cum and licked her lips.
Still breathing heavily, you went and grabbed Hyewon a towel to wipe off the cum on her body and face before you both put your clothes back on. For you it was easy, but for Hyewon it was a bit more difficult as her panties were literally torn. However, she managed to get dressed and disposed her panties before putting back on her black hoodie to cover any stains of cum on her body that she might have missed whilst cleaning herself.
As you were prepared to leave Hyewon suddenly spoke up.
“Pick me up outside the faculty of arts building at 7 tonight” Hyewon said.
“For what and why at 7” you questioned.
“A date, do you not want to go on a date with me after we fucked?” Hyewon followed up with a question.
“Yes, but can’t we go now? It’s not like there’s anything fancy on campus” you explained.
“At least let me go back take a shower and put some new panties on first, I smell like sweat and your cum” Hyewon said.
“Fine, see you at 7 then” you gave her a kiss on the lips before walking out the door, making sure nobody saw you coming out of the female changing room.
If you think I should write a part 2 about what happened after their first date please put it in the comments below
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sleepingdeath-light · 4 months
lucifer morningstar + being edged hcs ; 18+
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requested by ; shadowsalone / pj simp anon (20/02/24)
fandom(s) ; hazbin hotel
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; lucifer morningstar
outline ; “Haven't been able to get this off of my mind... HCs for edging Lucifer (Hazbin) ? I'm so crazy for him and I'm dragging everyone down with me....”
warning(s) ; sexually explicit content, submissive!lucifer morningstar, dominant!reader insert, edging as a type of punishment
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
first and foremost, no matter how much he may beg and plead and sob for you to give him release, he absolutely loves being edged and is probably going to be the one to propose introducing the act into your sex life unless you somehow manage to beat him to it by mentioning your love of it offhandedly in conversation with him
this is the best way to punish him after he’s been acting like a brat or otherwise making a point of trying to tease you throughout the day — of course 90% of the time he’s on his best behaviour and only wants to be your good boy and to be praised, but he’s still the prince of pride and sometimes he just really needs to be put in his place and reminded of who of the two of you is really in charge
this works best if you combine it with bondage — the restrains are easy enough for him to break, but he’ll play along and allow you to tenderly and firmly tie his wrists together and attach the rest of the rope to the bed frame, forcing his hands to remain up and away from his body, thus stopping him from ending his punishment early
there are many ways to edge him if you’re both creative enough (he is a shapeshifter, after all): you can ride his cock and get off as much as you want but stop before he reaches his own peak, you can jerk him off at a pace that enough to have his toes curling but not quite what he needs to find release, you can finger whatever holes he has and be sure to keep him just on the precise of orgasm until his face is wet with tears, you can fuck him (with your cock or, in lieu of that, a strap on) and stop just before he topples over the edge of climax, you can ride his face and use a toy to stimulate him at the same time, only allowing him to finish once you’ve had enough of your own pleasure, or you can combine any number of these methods — no matter what it’s going to get your message across as clear as day to your dashing king, and it will end with him tearfully begging you for mercy
you can be nice about it if you really want: tenderly brushing his hair out of his face, lovingly wiping away his sweat and tears, massaging his thighs and stomach and sides in soothing patterns, peppering kisses along any bit of pale skin you can reach, keeping your touch light and gentle and your pace steady and intentional (enough to feel good but not enough to send him over the edge), telling him how ‘pretty’ he looks like this, asking him if he’s learned his lesson, and praising him for lasting as long as he did once you finally give in and let him cum — stuff that allows you to get your intended message across with both sternness and affection which will make his head spin
or you can be mean and really lean into the punishment side of things: slap him around, pull on his hair, dig your nails in and scratch at his stomach and thighs, bite hard enough to draw blood, fuck him like the attention whore he is and scold him for acting out of line, degrade him for being so desperate, humiliate him for being a brat, tell him exactly what he did to deserve this and make sure he understands every word, and then when you’re sure he’s had enough let him cum and overstimulate him until he’s too far gone to even think — drill that message into his head and don’t leave any room for argument (can’t talk back with a mouthful of cock/strap/cunt, or when your throat is too hoarse to even say your own name, after all)
either way he’s going to be holding on for dear life and trying his best to be good for you and not cum without your express permission — sometimes he succeeds, barely hanging on by a thread by the time you utter the words he’s been wanting to hear all evening, and sometimes he doesn’t and the poor thing gets so ashamed of himself that he’s weeping through his apologies, begging for your forgiveness, and promising to never do it again (it’s sweet and does occasionally get him out of the agreed upon punishments for such an offence, but only occasionally)
he’s so so very loud when he’s being edged, going from coherent sentences to begging you to let him cum to absolute jibberish interspersed with cusses in various languages, cries of your name, and all sorts of wonderfully pathetic sounds (moans, groans, grunts, whimpers, etc.) — and if you go on for long enough you may get to see his fully demonic form make an appearance as he struggles to remain in control through his overwhelming desperation for release and his want to play by your rules in order to earn the reward waiting for him at the end of all of this
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