#we have RAVEN my friend RAVEN she's cool
krytus · 1 year
you: okay so whats the story about
me: okay so theres this fantasy world right. with magic and shit. but dont worry because the magic is NOT an element in this it is there but to the side. we don't have to worry about her. and in this magic fantasy land theres this guy (or girl. #feminism) called the sentinel. and their job is to fight evil magic aptly and subtly named corruption. but don't worry about EITHER of those details. fuck that guy. that guy comes later. right NOW this story is about. well its about an evil king. its about a boy who gets stolen from said evil king and given small dreams. a nobody the born king you know the trope. you know the trope. its nothing new. king arthur. you know. you know. and um. his gay little journey. coming of age medieval fantasy. story. you know how dragonheart has that little. blurb. the knight slays the dragon and saves the kingdom. and youre like. oh well fuck you when you Know. iykyk. well. if i were to summarize kings blood so succinctly and frugally. a lost prince arrives to reclaim his birthright. yeah. okay. yeah thats fair. and. yeah. um. dont worry about the chapter titles its all good. its all good.
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allovesthings · 4 months
In my opinion, the butt jokes are incredibly incredibly tired.
So here are several fun facts about Dick that you can use for comedic effects/running jokes instead:
His hatred of Capes. Listen we are talking about Dick wore a yellow cape for 9 to 10 years in universe Grayson. The moment he changed his costume, he straight refused to ever wear a cape again, the only time he had to wear one, it was as Batman and it was very very frustrating for him.
You know that when he watched the Incredibles with Lian and Roy or Damian and Edna Mode came on screen with her hatred of capes, this was his reaction:
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Someone else finally understand him. She instantly became his favorite character.
His tendency to put unknown substances/evidence in his mouth and being able to identify it by taste and his knowledge of what Heroin taste like (yep still not over it).
It's both impressive (the fact that he can actually identify something by taste alone is impressive) and gross and even his closest friends don't understand why he is the way that he is, Do we think it's the Bat training or do we think it's just Dick (tm)... I feel like it has to be just Dick, right ? considering everything in Gotham is a toxin of some kind ? How many heart attack do we think he gave both Bruce and the Titans with that ?
Dick Grayson namer of superhero things: Listen, I just learned that Dick named the Arrowcave and now I just kinda love the idea of a running joke that every time a classic superhero in contact with Robin has a goofy name for something superhero related, it probably comes from the 9 year old superhero who thought it sounded cool.
The Titans are never letting that go and Dick doesn't want to talk about it (but he secretly still really like the names, they were cool when he was 9 and pretty practical when you think about it, thank you very much).
Everyone has a crush on him (tm): Honestly it is pretty funny that everyone and theirs entire family have a crush on Nightwing (and also pretty consistent canon since Raven in ntt). The reaction of the batfam is annoyed because that's gross, it's Dick, theirs brother/son, and the Titans are amused (Donna, Vic, Garth and maybe Wally) or maybe sorta part of the people who have had a crush on him (Kory obviously , Roy, Raven).
You do need to be careful with that, but I think if you do the opposite of what DC is usually doing, you'll be fine.
Also you can also includes the disastrous first date with supergirl in that. She also had a crush on him and they date was so horrible that he considered changing superhero identity because it was so embarrassing (truly one of the greatest plot-point on Superman/batman world finest honestly and this series is genuinely my favorite modern/current series)..
His petty side when he doesn't like someone: Listen, Dick has a petty side, ask Helena circa Outsiders (2003), Talia (always), Jason circa the late 2000s (Morrison era) and Azrael (also always). When he doesn't like people but has to work with them, he is going to be a little shit because they have to know he doesn't like them. it's important. and the comedic potential of Nightwing, one of the most competent, known and admired hero of the community being so petty is excellent. 10 out of 10, I need him to work with someone he hates again just for the fun of it.
The last one is just an headcanon and do not have basis in canon as far as I know:
Sometimes, as an adult, Nightwing says Holy shit in front of a classic superhero and that superhero does a double take because they are so used to him saying Holy goly batman (and that include Batman).
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arc-misadventures · 28 days
The Lady’s Next Door
The 'Milf next door' when she says she just going to say 'hi' to that cute blond boy your daughters friends with.
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Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: Why do you want to do that, Mom?
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: Why are you dressed like that?
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: Why do you want to talk to, Jaune?
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: Is it because he's a human?
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: He’s just my friend, Mom, he is not another, Adam waiting to happen.
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Jaune: Hi, Blake. Oh, hi Ms. Belladonna!
Kali: I just want to fuck him.
Jaune: Beg pardon?
Blake: What?!
Yang: Hey, Mom, I’m sorry, but can you do me a favour?
Raven: I don’t wanna.
Yang: Mom! Come on! I just need you to watch over my friend till I get back.
Raven: Back, back from where?
Yang: Blake got…?!
Raven: No! Say no more, since it involves your ‘girlfriend’ I can assume it’s something illegal.
Yang: She’s not my girlfriend!
Raven: But, was it illegal?
Yang: …
Yang: Well…
Raven: Ha! Love the bad girls don’t you? Fine, I’ll watch over your friend. Who is it you want me to babysit; It better not be the, Schnee girl! I swear I’ll shoot her one of these days if she…?
Yang: No, it’s not, Weiss. It’s, Jaune. Jaune’s coming over.
Raven: J-Jaune…?
Yang: Yeah, we’ve got a school project we’re working on together, and Jaune wanted to get ahead of the game. So he asked if he could come over here so we could work on it. Is that okay?
Raven: Jaune coming over here…? T-That’s fine! I’m totally fine with that tasty snack…?! I mean! That fine young man coming over here. W-When is coming over…?
Yang: In… half an hour-ish?
Raven: Half an hour? That gives me plenty of time… Time for a shower, and time to put on something spicy~!
Yang: What was that?
Raven: Nothing! Go, and save your girlfriend!
Yang: She’s not my girlfriend, Mom!
Raven: And, I’m not about to get laid, now get going!
Yang: Alright! Alright! I’m going.
Yang: …
Yang: Wait, ‘Get laid?’
Ruby: Mom?
Summer: Yes, sweaty~?
Ruby: What are you wearing?
Summer: A bikini.
Ruby: Why?
Summer: Well, your friend, Jaune is coming over to help clean the pool, so I thought I’d give him a show~!
Ruby: A what?
Summer: I thought I’d get a suntan.
Ruby: Oh… Then why are you taking the sunscreen?
Summer: So I don’t get sunburned silly.
Ruby: Okay, do you want me to…?!
Summer: No! No, noo, no. I’ll ask, Jaune to put it on~! That way I get those big muscular hands all over me, feeling me up~! Oh gods~!
Ruby: What was that mom?
Summer: Nothing~!
(Ding dong~!)
Summer: Oh? That must be my boy toy~! Coming!
Ruby: Boy what…?
Jacques: Willow! Where are you! Blasted, where is that drunkard!
Willow: …
Jaune: …
Willow: Well, that was close…
Jaune: Yeah… too close.
Willow: Jacques would have thrown an absolute fit if he caught one of, Weiss’s friends snooping about the mansion.
Jaune: I wasn’t snooping, I was lost.
Willow: In a supply closet?
Jaune: I thought it was, Weiss’s room.
Willow: Not even close dear.
Jaune: Okay… but can you open the door, you shoved us in here to get away from, Jacques, and this broom closet is rather cramped.
Willow: No can do… my hands are stuck here… Feeling your broad chest~! Y-You’ll have to open the door yourself.
Jaune: Okay fine… where is the door knob…? Eh? What is this, a pillo…?!
Willow: Ohh~!
Jaune: Ahh?! S-S-S-Sorry! I didn’t mean to…?!
Willow: Jaune?
Jaune: Y-Y-Yeah…?!
Willow: Harder~!
Athena: So tell me, why are you in such a panic to clean up, our already clean house?
Pyrrha: Ooooh… My teammates are coming over, so I wanted to spruce the place up for their visit.
Athena: Your teammates…? Does that mean… Jaune is coming too…?
Pyrrha: Yeah, he’s coming too.
Athena: I see… Well, then I hope he’ll enjoy visiting us in our humble abode~!
Pyrrha: Uhh… Mom? Your top has come undone.
Athena: It’s a little hot here, I just want to cool off.
Pyrrha: It’s not hot in here at all?
Athena: Oh~? What makes you think that?
Pyrrha: Mom, your top has come undone again.
Athena: So it has.
Pyrrha: Mom, I can see you bra.
Athena: And?
Pyrrha: Mom, do up your blouse, unless you want my friends to stare at your breasts.
Athena: So long as it’s him, I don’t mind if he stares, or even copes a feel. I’ll be very happy by the end of it all~!
Pyrrha: C-Cope a feel? Who are you talking about?
Carla: So that’s the, ‘loser twerp’ you’ve been bullying?
Cardin: Yeah, his name is, Jaune Arc, complete loser.
Carla: Jaune Arc…? Jaune ArrrrrrrrrC~! Hmm… Rolls off the tongue.
Cardin: Pff! That’s part of the idiot’s stupid catch phrase.
Carla: What catch phrase?
Cardin: “The nAme’S JaUNe ArC; roLLLs of tHE tonGUE! LaDIEs Love it” Pff! How stupid can you be?
Carla: ‘Love’s it?’ So, he is the boy you are being forced to apologize to?
Cardin: Yeah, the teacher says they’ll end my two month long detention early if I apologize to him… I have no intention of apologizing to that loser.
Carla: I see… You know what, Cardin. How about I apologize on your behalf?
Cardin: You’ll do that?
Carla: Of course! He may not accept it, but he’ll at least get that apology he is owed.
Cardin: You’ll do that? Thanks, Mom. I probably would have decked him in the face if I went over there to apologize to the loser.
Carla: Then I best go over there. Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll make sure he accepts your apology. After all, what better apology can a boy get than fucking his bully’s own mother~?
Cardin: W-What was that…?
Ruby: Amethyst, honey? Why are you dressed so… slutty?
Amethyst: Oh… uhh… Parent teacher conference is tonight…
Ruby: I’m aware…
Amethyst: Yeah… so… Professor Arc is coming over to…?!
Ruby: Jaune?! J-Jaune’s coming over here?
Amethyst: Yeah, he told me so himself.
Ruby: So, you’re dressing like a slut to seduce him?
Amethyst: Yeah… That is the plan…
Ruby: Nonono! That won’t work at all honey! He won’t give you so much as a fleeting glance if you dress up like some common harlot!
Amethyst: He won’t?
Ruby: No! You need to dress in something more conservative, something that shows nothing, but something that emphasizes everything~!
Amethyst: Like what?
Ruby: I’ll show you after I’ve seduce him~!
Amethyst: What?! But, I want to sleep with him first!
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faeryarchives · 8 months
loved by the moon (riddle, leona, and azul x f!reader)
requested by @lydiacallas: Can i ask for a Moon Goddess like!Fem!Reader? Like they have magic linked to the moon, they have like- this ethereal, pure and calm vibe of the moon itself and their voice is calm too. Maybe their hair is a bit glow in the dark? With Malleus, Azul, Lilia, Riddle and Leona, please and thank you very much! 🥺✨ warning: minor spoilers to book 6 + somewhat long imagine note: reader uses she / they pronouns + is in the same grade as the boys !! this is very overdue im sorry 😣 and i based some characteristic and abilities to moonlight cookie and princess luna guilty as charged 😔 + malleus and lilia part will be in another post! recent fics: happy birthday (malleus x reader) & when your hopeless streamer gets a girlfriend (ace x reader) & its you, it always had been you
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·˚ ༘ riddle rosehearts (2nd year ramshackle dorm leader)
"the decision of all professors and staffs of night raven college falls in favor for miss (name) (last name) to enroll here - exempting them from the all-boys rule. she will be in charge of the ramshackle dorm during her stay here."
riddle does not understand how on earth were you able to stay in the school and always hold yourself with such grace, he couldn't explain why your presence seems to be similar to vil like you were oozing of calm vibes
you were the total opposites - he is more accustomed to fire while you specialize in water magic*. he lose his rationality quickly while he had never see you even falter during the time you two were classmates + he always abides by the rules while you do what ever you want 
"you are not allowed to sleep in class!" "it's not sleeping, i am just resting my eyes..." "you must not pick flowers from the garden on wednesdays." "riddle, i am not under the queen of hearts rules."
and riddle actually holds a one sided grudge against you for that + makes it his mission always to remind you of the rules, going on about mini rants to which you nodded to while reading your books
typically, riddle would've mention something about the rule of the queen of hearts but he was strangely quiet. you see him looking down at his notebook, lost in his world. and that surprised you because never you would've thought you would know this side of him. "no rule trivia for today?" "...huh?" "there is something on your mind, no? why don't we talk about that instead our usual trivias."
as time passed by, you and riddle gradually close friends to the point that heartslabyul treats you like their saving grace whenever riddle goes on a rampage, even more when you became second years
when the first overblot happened, it was the first time he saw your face, usually so calm, crumbled like dust when the blot manifested into a large phantom
"hahaha! the law in this world is me! not even you, (name), can stop me!" "i'm not letting you go so easily, riddle. rules are meant to protect your people, but you don't realize you are using them to suffocate them. you even hurt my dorm mates, enough of this!"
riddle was sure you wouldn't speak to him again because you weren't there the moment he woke up. he tried asking trey and cater if you were avoiding him, but they could not answer him. the next few days, he didn't even get to talk to you.
then he found himself admiring nrc at night time, breaking his own rules, maybe it's okay to let is slide for now. as he needs some time to think
absentmindedly wandering around the school grounds, letting the cool breeze feel his skin, riddle had his hand brushing through the thick bushes until they got pricked by a stray thorn "ah-" he hissed, holding up his pricked finger. it was just a tiny injury that's nothing to worry about. the injury was nothing compared to what he saw next "riddle? what are you doing this here at this hour?"
riddle spotted you sitting under the tree where silver usually takes his naps, surrounded by bunnies as they piled around your lap.
after days of not seeing each other, riddle thought he was going crazy because the last time he saw you, he knew pretty sure that your eyes and hair do not have that silver glow - it was like you were the moon itself
"is it my fault that your eyes and hair changed?" "oh, this is awkward... " you look at the bunnies trying to hide behind you, being scared of riddle's sudden appearance, contemplating about something before sighing in defeat. "i think i owe you an explanation. but first, can you keep a secret?" this confused riddle very much. what do you mean explanation? did something happen while he was out? before he could even think of it, you were already in front of him - your point and middle finger placed on his forehead. 'the moon has come out to play, now bid your worries away.' a comfortable feeling of cold wrapped around riddle's body, feeling the fatigue from his overblotting disappear, the weight on his shoulder being gone and his pricked finger healed. while riddle stared at you in shock, you finally reveal your true appearance and float around him like a curious child. "would you believe me if i told you i am the descendant of the moon goddess?"
... oh. OH !!
prepare for him because this little goldfish right here is most likely a fan of reading books about your kind + cue the sparkling eyes
and oh my god are those butterflies he can feel in his stomach? or maybe he is just hungry but he only feel that way around you though. oh well !!
** okay so i think reader will be compatible with water magic because the moon has this gravitaional pull right which cause the high tides and low tides... and riddle is fire!
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·˚ ༘ leona kingscholar (3rd year transfer student)
"kingscholar, think of this as your punishment for the spelldrive incident. i would gladly take miss (name) for a tour but alas, there are countless of papers that needs my attention."
leona knew that there is something like a cloak of mysteriousness around you the moment you appeared in the college mid-year as a transfer student from rsa
just you don't interfere with his plans and he will also stay out of yours but it turns out he was assigned by the crow to take you around
"... wow, do i look like a punishment worthy chore?" you sigh, shaking your head in disappointment before turning to leona and he could swear he could see your eyes glowing for a moment when you stare at him. "i take it that the dorm leader of savannaclaw will be my tour guide?" "just don't lag behind." giving you a shrug before he started walking ahead of you. despite his short descriptions and tour around the school, leona is thankful that you didn't seem to be a nosy type of person, just a little on the calm and reserve type than most people he knew.
doesn't understand how people seems to look starstruck whenever you walk by them i mean you are attractive yes but not being able to move? that's different
it also turns out you share most of your classes! maybe crowley was really punishing him for the incident as he was stuck with you, being your babysitter.
but you almost look like his babysitter + quickly became one of the most tolerable people in the school and he doesn't mind having you around
"leona? let me bother you for a moment, can you help me with this problem?" "oh that?" the lion lifted his head and stared at the paper you were holding before waving his hand in dismissal. "remember the activity we did as partners? that's the one." "..." you squinted your eyes and leona could see them literally glow in purple light causing him to blink several times if he was seeing it right but it disappeared quickly. "oh i get it now, thanks." "do your eyes really glow like that?" "huh? i don't know what you are talking about."
you were not the nagging type - letting him hide and snooze off behind you during class and surprisingly, you were fun to spar with during practical exams + too smart for your own good
he had never seen any kind of fighting similar to yours like your fighting style is only yours to begin with - not only you excel in defending, you never seem to get tired despite being a speedy defender.
you and the savanaclaw dorm leader spent the whole afternoon sparring with each other and by the time you notice it, the sun was already setting. "aren't you tired yet, leona?" "you better tell me how you manage to keep up with me all this time." you did say to keep up with you the first time we met." you twirl your spear around you before stabbing it on the ground, leaning on it and grinned at leona. "i'm just keeping my promise."
now leona was pretty sure you are not a normal transfer student + especially after fighting with you in the island of woe and it was pretty interesting how you unexpectedly exposed yourself in front him and jamil.
the moment you, who was assigned to be in the front of the group due to you having the most capable defensive powers, entered the room on the current sector, leona and jamil look at your back in surprise. "(name)-senpai?" "what's up, jamil?" "... is that a normal thing for you?" the room was oozing with the presence of phantoms everywhere and there was no source of light - aside from your hair locks that are now shining like a billowing night sky of twinkling stardust, borne in a void of black and fading in an indigo moonset "oh that's normal, we can just use it as source of light. save your magic for now." "no wonder your magic feels different from everyone else - you are a moon goddess, right?"
leona is not blind, he just need a solid evidence to confirm his gut feeling. unique magic spells + signature spear + glowing eyes and your hair locks literally looking like that?
while fighting along side each other, leona could literally leave his back open because heknew and trust that you always have his back and vice versa
"leona-senpai, watch out-" before jamil could jump in between the incoming attack and leona, you pulled the second year by his hood deflected the attack with your spear so effortlessly. "it's fine, moon fairy here got our backs." you hear leona said proudly before landing a critical hit on the phantom. "aren't you glad you're stuck with us?"
everyone in school knows how two of you would make an unbeatable duo when it comes to strategies and games
and not going to lie, leona thinks so too! you are strong, smart and everything above + treats you life his closest friend and respects you a lot but you do things sometimes that are not really necessary
"are you done yet?" he couldn't help but ask, his tail thumping on the floor with annoyance while you tried braiding some parts of his hair.
you peek over his should and smiled, trying to show him the small braid that you did on the side. "yeah, it's fun braiding your hair!" after your identity being revealed, you let yourself relax more around him - when you express happiness, your hair starts glowing as it did before and small crescent like moon thingy start appearing around you
... leona find that cute + now he understand why people become starstruck when it comes to you
**you know how moonlight cookie's hair color looks like? yeah that's the one!
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·˚ ༘ azul ashengrotto (2nd year ramshackle vice dorm leader)
"did you hear about the rumors? recently, students are saying that when you go to the botanical garden at night and stand under the moonlight - all your questions will be answered!"
the fact that rumors like that exists made azul irritated because it means he got competition. and having competition in the thing he do best is not fun.
so he and the twins went to investigate - how and where the rumors first started and who are most likely to be involved in the case
surprisingly enough, it all leads to a certain ramshackle vice dorm leader aka you + azul already knew you due to being the same year and his 'rival'
he considers you as his rival because you two always seem to fight for the top 2 and 3 spot every exam but for you... i think he would be hurt if you say that you like to aim for the top spot because it's fun 🤩
it was during lunch time and you were planning to eat with yuu, grim and the others when all of a sudden, someone blocked your way out by leaning on the door. "(last name) can i ask a bit of your time? i would like to ask you regarding an important matter." the ever so charismatic azul asked, his usual charming smile on as if he wants to do business with you. "oh, hi azul. what is it about?" "how delightful! do you happen to know the rumor about your unanswered questions will be answered as you stand under the moonlight?" "there is a rumor like that? under the moonlight? why the specifics?" one thing that azul observed about you is that your emotion reflects on your eyes. call it his gut feel but just one look and he already knew you were telling the truth "a pity... it seems like i am back to square one." "... maybe i can go help you out? i am not that busy these upcoming days."
and so azul's little group grew in numbers consisting of him, you, yuu, grim and the twins. oddly enough, it was actually fun to hang out with you
azul never got to interact with you that much before and only knew information about your through papers and from what he heard from people but being with you right now exceeds his expectations
"if headmaster crowley is similar to crow... do you think he likes to hoard shiny things?" you suddenly whispered it to azul one day in class, your mind clearly wandering and not paying attention to what professor trein is writing on the board. "what is with the random thought?" what is we leave a trail of shiny things and create a trap, that would be really funny."
you were an oddball. sometimes you will joke around with him and trying to make him laugh during class. there are also times where he couldn't explain the calming feeling he had whenever you are around + he could never even feel any other intentions from your actions as if you genuinely want to become his friend
it took him a while to notice how you always seem to stand out and become the embodiment of grace and elegance - a confident yet modest person who knows what you want
you always help him out in solving the rumor mystery but there is something that made you look suspicious → you always go back to your dorm before sunset
it's not that he wants to take up all your time but the way you stand firm of not being able to join them during night time and saying how dangerous it is made him suspect you of something
so he went alone wearing his ceremonial robes (the twins are taking over his duties for a while i know very unbelievable but imagine) to investigate the botanical garden and there he saw you run inside - a trail of silver light following you behind
and when azul went inside to stand in the spot, trying to think of what to wish until he hears a familiar voice ringing in the building
"say your wish out loud and the moon will light its way to you." "well, now this is marvelous. can i see one guiding my wish for me?" azul looked up, trying to call out for you, even looking around to see signs of you. there was a moment of silence before he heard you sigh and in an instance, you appeared before him, avoiding his look. "i thought i told you to let it go?"
after finding out you were his competitor - he didn't really feel annoyed at all! rather he was intrigued on how you were able to do it ...? you help the students find the answers on their own in their dreams?!
seeing your hair glow in silver light in the dark reminds him of himself as some octopus also glow in the dark just like him!
"azul, do you know that i really admire you?" "me? what is there to admire about me? i do nknow i have a remarkable potential but compared to y-" "no, seriously. you don't need to compare yourself to me. having to do all these business related work AND studying at the same time? you should appreciate yourself more."
... do you want to make him cry on the spot? hearing such words makes him happy but hearing it from you aka one of the people he really admire and yes he admits he admire you as a rival - his emotions are going haywire.
even if he is smart, it will take time for azul to realize that his admiration is just growing stronger and stronger each day and bloom into something else
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linkman447 · 3 months
My gods you planed this!!!
Many years ago In the arc residents
Juniper: ok ladies are we in agreement!
Summer: oh most definitely my little ruby and your boy just precious
Raven: my daughter with an Arc they child will be strong ow
Summer: ray what did we talk about!
Raven: strength isn’t everything
Summer: exactly.
Athena: well my Pyrrha has been so lonely since she started training so I think this we’ll be great
Kali: blond grand kitties!!!!!!!!!!
Willow: if the cat is done
Kali: never
Willow: if this will help my daughter get away from her father that I’d gladly let winter marry your boy
Juniper: winter? Why not weiss?
Willow:… I think she likes girls
Juniper: oh that fine dear I have daughters. 2 only a year and a half older then my little knight
Willow: that’s… thoughtful.
Juniper: well if it’s settled then lets get operation legacy started
Many years later
Jaune: yes my first day a beacon.
Yang: hey there stud you wanna send time yanging with me
Jaune: snicker 🤭
Yang: 😍
Jaune: hello
Ruby: 😍
Pyrrha: oh jaune!!!
Jaune: who are you?
Pyrrha: I’m Pyrrha my mom and yours are friends
(She know everything)
Jaune: aw cool. Wait did my mom try to set us up
Pyrrha: n-no
Jaune: ok
Blake: our babies will be adorable
Jaune: … moving on then
Winter: Mr. Arc (he’s cute)
Jaune: hello ma’am
Winter: I’m Ms. Schnee your tactics teacher (and your future bride)
Jaune: oh nice to meet you. Well anyway I need to get to orientation
Winter: he’s mine
Yang: as If
Blake: yeah he’s going to give me kittens
Ruby: filth, besides mom said he’s mine
Pyrrha: ladies
Winter: you wouldn’t know what to do with him
Yang: oh really
She hefts her large bust
Blake: boobs are nice but boys like him love a phat ass
Pyrrha: girls
Ruby: I want blonde dork
Yang: Ruby your too young and besides “us blondes need to stick together”
The arguments continue
The all focus on her
Pyrrha: now listen carefully
She reveals operation legacy
Pyrrha: now do you understand
Yang: so our moms made it so we’d like him to
Pyrrha: not really they just helped us realize what a good man is and how to recognize it
Winter: and I believe juniper arc made her son a good man
Pyrrha m: oh jaune was always a kind boy
Ruby: how do you know that
Pyrrha: oh I was his pen pall for years
Blake: I’m In
Yang: me too
Winter: I must agree with our terms
Ruby: yeah one big happy family
Pyrrha: well we are young sexy huntresses. Let’s go hunt our pray
They run off
Hours later
Jaune covered in sweat and kisses marks lying in bed surrounded by his new girlfriends
Jaune: how did this happen I’ve never been this lucky
Pyrrha: oh you can thank our moms
Jaune shot up: I bloody knew it
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kitten4sannie · 1 year
𝐵𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐿𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝒩𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇
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pairing: husband! san x fem! reader
genre: smut, fluff
summary: when san is forced to work overtime on your birthday, he wants to make up for it.
w.c: 4k
warnings: switch! san, pussydrunk san, switch! reader, praise, pet names, dirty talk, brief spit kink, begging, teasing, strength kink, oral (f receiving), squirting, unprotected sex, crying, creampie, breeding kink, brief cockwarming
a/n: this is a birthday present for my lovely best friend nora @cheollipop ilysmmm <3
song recs: get you by daniel caesar, yeah i said it by rihanna, aphrodite by rini
When San’s boss set a fresh stack of files on the desk inside his already cramped cubicle, San found himself opening his mouth to protest, “Sir, it’s already half past 8…Do you think I could possibly work on this tomorrow? It’s my wife’s birthday today, and I wanted to–” 
“San, San, San,” his boss interrupted with an air of arrogance, setting his hands down on the salaryman’s tense shoulders. “We all have to make sacrifices in this company, you know? You’re not the only one. I’m sure your wife will understand when she sees the extra dollar signs in your paycheck at the end of the week.”
San sat still in his swivel chair, not letting the rage seep past his eyes, envisioning all the ways he could retaliate against the older man standing above him. His hand nudged his stapler. He glanced at his favorite coffee-stained mug that you gave him; it had various adorable cats painted on the porcelain. It’d probably feel immensely satisfying to smash it into the man’s head, but he would never give it up in such a way. Violence was never the answer, of course. Though he was extremely tempted to just rip his computer away from its cords and toss it at the man, he wouldn’t. He needed this job, and he needed to get this sudden influx of work done so that he could get home to you.  
Eventually, San blinked up at the man, replying like a robot that had just been rebooted, “On it, boss.” 
“That’s lovely to hear. That’s why you’re my favorite employee, Sannie boy,” the man chimed, smacking San’s shoulder in an overly aggressive manner. 
Once San gave his boss a tight-lipped smile and a double thumbs up that turned into middle fingers as soon as the man turned his back, he pulled his phone out to dial your number. “Baby?” he mumbled out in an extremely soft voice as soon as you picked up. 
“Hey, hun,” you replied excitedly, sliding your phone into the space between your shoulder and your neck so that you could put your cake into the fridge, sticking a candle into it. “Are you on your way home? I picked up a red velvet cake for us to share. It’s got this really fancy buttercream and these little gold flakes sprinkled all over it. I asked the guy and it’s real 24k gold! Isn’t that cool?” Noticing the overwhelming silence in the receiver, you closed the fridge and pressed your back to it. “San, are you okay?”
Opening one of the files and staring down at the endless strings of text informing him of sales percentages and various investments from clientele, San sighed, “I have to work overtime, baby. That old bastard isn’t letting me leave until I get all this shit done. I’m…” Frustrated at his lack of control over the situation, he raked his fingers through his gelled-up hair, not even caring that some of the raven strands began to stick out. “I’m so sorry, baby. I’m really, really sorry…” 
“San, it’s okay. It’s okay, love,” you said with a warmth that would hopefully give him some reassurance, hearing him let out a small sigh into your ear. “It’ll still be my birthday when you get back, okay? So just take a deep breath, get the work done, and come home to me.”
San opened a new document up on his computer to get started, slowly drawing air into his lungs and letting it out, smoothing his hair out a bit. He smooshed his cheek against his phone, allowing you to tell he was pouting when he answered as gently as possible, “I love you so much, baby. I promise I’ll be home as soon as I can to tell you in person.”
Feeling a smile tug at your lips, you idly rolled your wedding ring around on your finger, grateful to have such a sweet angel of a man as your life partner. “I love you too, darling. I’ll see you soon.” Pushing your lips together, you lowered your phone to your mouth to add, “Mwah.”
“Mwah,” San returned instantaneously, a similar smile forming on his face, much more relaxed than he was a few minutes ago. Once you exchanged goodbyes, he gave his knuckles a good crack and admired his silver wedding band for a few seconds before getting to work.
It was a little past 11 when San finally pushed past the front door and slid out of his work shoes, meeting your gaze from across your shared apartment, seeing you sitting at the kitchen table by yourself with the cake positioned in front of you and a small lighter laying on the table. “Baby,” he let out in a sigh of relief, dropping his suitcase onto the floor and walking in your direction to pull you up from the seat into one of his famous tight bearhugs, enveloping you in his warm, inviting scent. “Happy birthday. I love you.” 
“Mm, thank you, love. I love you too.” Just as you were about to ask him about work, he clutched the back of your head and pressed his lips against yours to give you a kiss, one that was gentle at first, but grew more firm in the next passing seconds. Despite missing the taste of his lips when he pulled away, you caressed his cheeks, rubbing your thumbs over his sharp jaw, feeling the scruffiness of the facial hair that was growing in. “How was work? Shitty?”
“Shitty,” he echoed, just as he pressed his mouth to your own jaw, leaving kisses along it, as well as your cheeks, your nose, your neck, and basically anywhere he could feel your warm skin against him. “But I’m home now, so I couldn’t be happier.” San brought his mouth to your forehead to give it a long kiss, running his fingers through your hair. “Do you want to light the candle or should I, baby?” 
“You do it for me,” you said, squeezing his shoulders a bit, before sitting back down in the chair, watching as San sat in the one adjacent to you. 
When you handed him the lighter, San brought it to the candle sitting inside the personal sized cake and lit the wick, admiring the way the flame illuminated your pretty face. “You’re so beautiful…” he sighed out, leaning his head against the palm of his hand, continuing to admire you, feeling as though he might begin to melt like the candle below. “My beautiful baby.” 
“Stoppp,” you whined softly, heat rising to your cheeks, still barely able to handle the way San looked at you after all these years — with such intensity visible inside his brown eyes that you wholeheartedly believed him when he said that he wanted to give you the entire world. You were his muse, after all. His angel from above. His everything.
“Never.” San gave you a gentle smile as he took your hand in his and brought it to his lips to kiss the top of your hand, singing a soft rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ in his silky smooth voice, bringing a shy smile to your own face. Once he was done, he pressed more kisses into your skin, running his thumb over your knuckles as you gazed back at him. “Make a wish, love.”
“Why make a wish when I have everything I want now?” you asked, watching as he played with the wedding ring on your finger, the candle below beginning to melt into the frosting. 
San let out a sigh, pressing his warm cheek to your open palm, looking at you like he did years ago when you had first met, unbearably love-struck, lips parted and twinkling eyes full of devotion for his beloved. “Oh, my sweet girl,” he purred, guiding your hand downwards to press a kiss onto the pad of your thumb and following your intense gaze to his mouth. “But, right now, in this moment, isn’t there something you desire?” 
A familiar feeling of warmth flooded your core, thoughts of San taking care of you in ways only he was capable of suddenly urged you to blow the candle out. You knew what you needed. Of course, San was a devoted husband in every sense of the word, but in the bedroom, he brought that to a staggering degree, always willing to please you in every way he could, loving when you used him for your own pleasure, just as much as he loved giving it to you without any restraints. 
“What did you wish for, love?” San inquired, sticking one finger into the cake to scoop up some frosting and holding it up to your mouth, a playful smile tugging at his lips. 
You accepted his finger inside and sucked the sweet cream off of it, emitting a small ‘mmm.’ “I want you on your knees, Sannie. I want you to please me.” 
“Anything for you, my love.” San lowered himself onto the ground before you and began to loosen his tie until he could take it off, feeling a pleasurable heaviness envelop his body now that he was on his knees for his one and only. There was no place he’d rather be. After taking in a deep breath to steady his heartbeat, San began to slide his hands up one of your legs, lifting it up to leave a trail of kisses up to your thigh, stopping now and then to admire your soft skin and the intense gaze you were giving him. “I promise I’ll make you feel so good, my love. I’ll give you everything I have…” he murmured in between kisses, slowly reaching up underneath your dress to hook his fingers into your panties. 
“You promise?” you teased in a soft voice, lowering your other foot down to press into his crotch, the pad of it rubbing along his work pants, feeling the solid outline of his cock pressing against it. 
“I promise, baby,” he replied, his lips forming his signature pout, unconsciously spreading his knees apart, about to pull your panties from your hips when you pushed your foot down a bit harder, earning a small gasp from him, his fingers resting against your waist instead of continuing his quest to strip you. 
Biting into your lower lip, you relieved the pressure you had on him, slowly standing up out of the chair and just barely lifting up the front of your dress to give him an upskirt view. “Use your teeth.” 
“Yes, angel. Whatever you want, I can do…” San swallowed down some of the saliva that persistently tried to overflow and drip down his chin, gingerly kneading his hands into your soft thighs, pressing his cheek to it, looking up at your clothed pussy, his cock already throbbing away inside his pants. He moved his head up underneath your dress and got the lip of your panties in between his teeth and slowly pulled it downwards, audibly groaning as he witnessed a string of arousal drip from your heat and down your inner thigh.
Watching him with bated breath, you resisted the urge to grab the back of his head and fuck his face, desperately wanting to hear him whine and beg for you to come inside his mouth. “You can lick it up, Sannie. Go ahead…”
Your husband’s eyes practically twinkled with gratitude, choosing to pull your panties down the rest of the way and off of you, releasing them from his teeth and holding them against his crotch, rubbing them against his cock as he dragged his tongue up your inner thigh, catching your arousal on his tongue. “Fuck, baby, you taste so good. Let me eat your pretty little pussy, angel. Please, I need it.” 
“I think you can handle waiting a little longer, don’t you think, Sannie?” you mused teasingly, reaching down to press your pointer finger up into his chin, chuckling at the soft gasp that escaped his glistening lips. He was always like putty in your hands. Always ready to worship at your feet if you simply said the words. While that left you breathless, what you really relished was when you pushed him so far that he simply couldn’t hold himself back anymore and gave you his all, even if that meant passing out from pure exhaustion afterwards. 
“Yes, my love, I can wait. I can wait for you.” Your husband rested his hands down on his upper thighs, his teeth instantly digging into his lip as you took a step closer, your dripping pussy directly in front of his face. 
Holding your dress up with one hand, you used the other to spread your pussy apart, your slick dripping down your inner thighs, making sure to push your fingers together and rub them in an up and down motion, making small wet sounds with your movements. “You want your wife’s pretty pussy in your mouth, don’t you, Sannie? You want to taste me on your tongue? Lap my cum up until you’re drowning in it? Is that what you want?”
San felt like he was going to lose his mind, gripping his work pants so tightly, he feared he might tear into them, unless his cock burst out of them first from how painfully hard he was. “Please, baby. I need you so fucking bad,” he choked out, tears stinging the corners of his coffee-colored eyes, resisting the urge to smash his face in between your legs when you grabbed him by the hair and angled his head back, whimpering softly at the grip you had on him. He wanted to be good for you. He had to be good, but he needed you on his tongue like he needed oxygen. 
Once San uttered one last desperate ‘please’ in such a soft, tiny voice, you finally gave in, holding your dress up slightly with both hands and spreading your legs a bit more for him, feeling your core tighten and pulse at the sight of your husband’s teary eyes. If you were an angel, then he was heaven itself, and he probably saw you the exact same way. “You’ve been a good boy, Sannie, so come and get it.” 
Like a puppy hearing the dinner bell, San was on you, pushing his head up underneath your dress, his mouth connected to your cunt, tongue lapping at your wet folds like it was his one and only mission, hands kneading into your thighs out of habit. “Thank you, my angel. Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he moaned against your heat, slurping your arousal into his mouth and swallowing it down like you were an oasis and he was a weary traveler in search of a drink. He licked, and licked, and licked, not even thinking, before he reached behind you with his outstretched arms to pull the chair closer, guiding your hips downwards forcefully enough so that you had to sit down on the cushion below. 
“S-Sannie,” you gasped, surprised by his sudden display of strength, your brain going a bit fuzzy as he shoved your thighs apart, then held them up and out of his way so that he could bury his face deeper in between them. “You want it bad, don’t you?” 
San took a second to give you a dimpled smile, nuzzling your slippery inner thigh with his cheek, pressing a small, lingering kiss to your warm skin. “So bad, baby. You drive me fucking crazy.” His tongue was hot and wet against your cunt, practically melting against your folds, taking long, deliberate swipes up to your clit, before zoning in on it and sucking on it with a fervor that sent waves of pleasure through your lower half.
Unable to hold your voice back, you began emitting breathy, stunted moans, involuntarily bucking up into his mouth the more he licked and sucked at your clit, feeling your cheeks burn more and more the longer he gazed into your eyes. Though you swore you were used to the intense eye contact that San preferred to have with you, he still always managed to make you feel shy. 
San took another quick breather to comment breathlessly, “You’re so beautiful, sweetheart. So sweet for me. So perfect.” Taking in your pretty flushed face and glazed-over eyes, he squeezed your thighs in between his thick fingers. “Come here, baby.” He pushed your thighs farther apart and leaned upwards, taking your chin in his grasp and pulling you into a much-needed kiss. Once you let him into your mouth to explore it with his arousal-coated tongue, San lowered his hand from your chin the eagerly rub your pulsing clit around in quick, deliberate circles with his thumb, automatically bringing two digits from his other hand to your cunt, your greedy hole sucking them up to his knuckles, not hesitating to piston them in and out of you. Your muffled moans and whines were like an angelic hymn that made him want to build you a shrine and worship you day and night on his aching knees like he was doing now. Once your legs hooked around his small waist, he quickened the pace of his digits, your wetness now so palpable it was beginning to spill out of you and down his veiny forearm, emitting a knowing ‘mm-hmm’, breaking the kiss as soon as you began to tighten up around him. “Angel’s gonna come for Sannie, huh?”
“Uh-huh, gonna come, Sannie,” you breathed out, licking at your lips and tasting the remnants of yourself on your tongue, swearing you were about to come instantly at the visual of your husband quickly lowering himself back down to your cunt to slurp at it, licking near the outline of his thrusting fingers and back up to your puffy clit, eyeing it longingly, before pursing his lips and spitting your arousal back onto it, only to attach back on it like a magnet. 
As soon as he curled his fingers up and rubbed at your g-spot, hitting it in a way that had you fighting the urge to let your eyes roll all the way back into your skull, San spoke up, “That’s it right there, huh, baby? Right there?” As soon as you cried out for him, your throat hurting from how dry it was, San finger-fucked you into a state of pure ecstasy, not stopping until your arousal began to spray out of you and into his open mouth, coating his tongue. “Oh my god, look at you, baby. You’re squirting for me. You’re such a good girl.” He lowered his mouth onto your twitching cunt, not able to prevent a bit of drool from dripping past his swollen lips, lapping up the rest of your squirt with a few slow, lingering licks.
Once you had enough time to gather your bearings and catch your breath, San sat up and leaned in close to you, asking huskily, “Is there anything else my princess desires?”
“Your cock, Sannie. Give me your cock,” you answered instantly, not even caring about how desperate you sounded. You were desperate, and you knew San was too, given that he hadn’t touched himself a single time. 
Just as quickly as you had answered him, San was already lifting you up into his arms and laying you down onto the kitchen table, spreading your legs apart and fumbling with his leather belt to take it off. Once it hit the floor with a thud, San pulled his aching cock out and slapped it down onto your pussy, watching some slick leak out. "Are you ready? Is my princess going to take all of my cock in this pretty little pussy?"
You nodded as quickly as you could, ready to drool over the thought of finally being filled by him, knowing you’d probably come as soon as he did. 
San slowly moved his hips forward and back, sliding his thick length across your needy cunt, the slick sounds of your arousal making him groan. "Let me hear you say it, pretty girl. Tell Sannie how bad you want it." 
"I need it so bad, so, so bad.” Just as San’s cockhead began to stretch out your hole, your plush walls clenching around him, he pulled out, leaving you empty and ready to beg on your knees just like he had done earlier. “I need your cock, Sannie, please. I want to be full just for you. Please, please, let me have it. I’ll be such a good girl for you, I promise!”
"God, you’re so cute when you’re begging for me, princess," San sighed longingly, caressing and rubbing your thighs with his thumbs, burning the image of your teary-eyed gaze into his memory. “But, don’t worry, I’m here. I’m going to fill you up, okay?” Smiling at the sight of your furious nods, he pushed back inside of you, inch by inch, making you let out a long, almost relieved moan, not stopping until your lower halves were pressed together. 
Now that he was being squeezed by your tightness, San felt something switch on inside his brain, no longer concerned with teasing you, but instead overwhelmed by the desperate need to fuck you until you were a crying, cum-filled mess for him, and him alone. 
Loud, wet slapping sounds began to echo throughout the kitchen, along with the thud, thud, thud of the kitchen table being rocked back and forth into the tile flooring below. “You’re so good for me, baby, so good,” San praised into your ear, his warm body flush against yours, slamming his hips into yours, appreciating the way you had your legs hooked around his small waist, locking him in place. 
“Sannie,” you cried out, unable to stop pulsing around your husband’s thick length, feeling like you would go crazy from the way it was pounding into you. You reached your hands out, smiling when he immediately laced his fingers with yours, holding your hands down against the cool surface of the table. “I’m gonna come. It’s spilling out.” 
“I’m going to come too, my love. Let’s come together,” he encouraged, squeezing your fingers against his own, slowing his pace down and fucking you in a more deliberate way, his thrusts slow and deep, hitting your sweet spot every time. Just as you began to mewl and babble from the overwhelming pleasure, San pressed his lips onto yours, swallowing your moans just as you swallowed his choked ones. It felt so good, he didn’t even realize when he started to cry, his hot tears dripping down his cheeks and landing onto your heated face. “I’m going to fill you up and make you a mommy, sweetheart. Make you so full of my love. So, so full for me.” 
“Yes, please, Sannie, fill me up.” Just as your body shook and trembled, your cum pouring out of you and coating your joined flesh, San’s hot load came pouring into you, filling you up to the brim like always. 
“Here it comes, angel. Just for you. I love you so much,” he choked out, his voice raw and throaty from how hard he was cumming, blinking a few more tears away to focus on your pretty face, slowly going soft, but staying inside you, keeping you full of his warmth and love. 
“I love you too, Sannie. So much,” you replied wholeheartedly, wiping one of his tears away as you brought him into another kiss, this one as gentle and sweet as the love he always gave you. 
Slowly breaking the kiss, he pressed one onto your forehead, bringing you into a long hug, not planning on letting you go. “Happy Birthday, baby.”
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© kitten4sannie, 2023.
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glitchtricks94 · 2 years
TWST Guys Bringing You Home!: Heartslabyul Edition
Welcome to part one, I'm planning on writing all the dorms + Idia. Ortho will just be included with him, personally, since Ortho is too adorable to ever defile in any manner outside of being a cute little brother. Headcannons, headcannons, headcannons! Let's start this off with some cottoncandy fluff, shall we? Not gonna lie, I felt like a mom gushing about all her chaos children over tea writing this. I hope you enjoy these headcannons, and let me know your thoughts. I love interaction and would love to hold a conversation with you guys. Anyways, sit back, relax and have fun. -Glitchtricks Word count: 4k
Ace Trappola
Oh, this is such a delight to see. Little Ace is in love! Ace is super awkward and very defensive, and yet somehow little ol' you broke down all those walls of arrogance and faux confidence, such a special darling you are. So, how would he be if he decided to bring you home to meet his family?
Two words: Nervous. Wreck. Ace is a disaster before bringing you home to meet his brother and father; he's sweating, internally screaming, his anxiety is spiked, and you have to handle everything with your usual grace. Ace has some bad anxiety, which he confided that he coped with it by being all snarky with everyone, i.e. being a dick way too often. You didn't mind though, but you did gently encourage him to come to you if he felt too overwhelmed by everything, just in case he needed to vent. How sweet! There was a lot of texting back and forth, nights cuddling on your near dinosaur era furnishings of Ramshackle, and plenty of kisses on his temples, Ace had calmed down enough to not feel like an anchor was being dropped on his chest at the thought of bringing you home. He was ready to announce you as his to his family!
Oh dear, sweet Seven, he couldn't have predicted any of what happened... First, his brother decided to do the worst thing ever and brought up Ace's old view on dating and how his first girlfriend got ghosted. Ace wanted to die then and there, even being collared by Riddle was more tolerable than this hell... "Hey, (Y/N), you know my baby bro here had a gal before you, right?" "Oh? He did?" You said, your pretty eyes widening. "He's never mentioned her before..." "Dude, please, don't...!" Ace quietly pleaded, humiliation seeping in like a cold rain. "Yeah, he went out a few times with this one girl in middle school. She'd always go to amusement parks with him and stuff, topping it off with a Ferris wheel, but he ghosted her." Ace's brother continued, sipping on his tea. "And why's that?" You prodded, sipping your own tea as you shot a small glare at your boyfriend. You shared stories of your exes, but why didn't he? Did he not trust you? You didn't know whether you should feel hurt, or pissed. You chose to feel pissed. "Got bored, 'cording to him, she was just bland beyond her coffee tastes and liked a lot of stuff that just didn't click with him. She was pretty, but had as much depth as a piece of paper." The elder Trappola explained. "Her friends called him out for his shit, and he swore off dating, too much of a hassle in his opinion, so I'm surprised he decided to go out with you, much less bring you home." "I see." You hummed. Ace knew he was in the dog house and was now preparing to ask Sam if he sold flowers and romance stuff to try and make it up to you when you both got back to Night Raven.
Well, at least pop likes you! Can't wait to have you as an in-law! During dinner, Ace's dad smiled and chatted all about his boys, saying how proud he was of Ace for bringing home such a sweetheart like you! You ended up forgetting the upsetting conversation from earlier given how jovial Mr. Trappola was, he was like that one cool uncle that was trusted with looking after the baby, or that one cool barbeque dad your friends might have. Card tricks were shared, food was eaten and conversation was exchanged, if at a little of your boyfriend's expense. Funny stories were shared, like that one time he accidentally hit his brother in the groin with a bat as a kid when he came home for the holidays, or that time Ace got pranked by his dad with a classic; pouring soap on his head while he was rinsing out his own lather. "My hair was never as silky as it was after that." Ace laughed, starting to loosen up as he threw his arm around your shoulder. You leaned over and pecked his cheek, making both your faces bloom red as you both grinned happily. Overall, you're basically already known as the best in-law ever even before Ace put a ring on it. He's already planning how to ask a few years down the line, though~!
Deuce Spade
Another cute boy, who's mildly awkward when in love. Oh, how sweet! He took a lot of time learning how to properly approach you. didn't he? Deuce is beaming with pride having you on his arm, smiling that cute little boy smile he shows off when he's excited. He loves holding your hand in his as you stroll about the rose gardens of Heartslabyul. You knew he was close to his mom, having ditched his old delinquent days after hearing her crying on the phone to his grandmother, and he often talked about you to her, sometimes while you were sitting right there! Oh, how your cheeks reddened hearing him spout compliments about you to his mother. Both you and Deuce were arranging to meet his mom and grandma, in fact Deuce wanted to introduce you as soon as possible! You're one of the most important people in his life, so he wanted to share you with his familial circle asap. So, how does this all go?
Oh, honey, grandma practically fell in love with you on first sight. You met Deuce's grandma and mom at the same time, the two sitting at the dining room table in Ms. Spade's home, sipping away on their tea. It was a little awkward with Ms. Spade, but granny practically pounced on you when Deuce said you were his significant other. She was just smiling up at you, going on about how much of a cutie you were the whole while. It was quite nice, talking over tea, Deuce smiling happily as he had an arm respectfully wrapped around your waist. Needless to say, mom relaxed a bit seeing how her mother was reacting alongside her baby boy.
Deuce didn't know why he didn't expect the baby pictures to be brought out... Baby books, baby books and more baby books. You were surprised by the sheer amount that Deuce's mother loved to do scrapbooking, it was like there was a mountain of baby books from when your sweet card soldier was growing up! There had to be about six books sitting on the coffee table. Everyone had gathered into the living room after tea, Ms. Spade excitedly flitting about the place like a child on sugar, gathering all these books to stack, Deuce slowly turning red seeing his old baby books being yanked out again. You sat next to Deuce, holding his hand with your fingers interlaced. "Here's when Deuce was two, he always played with his food, he was such a messy baby!" Ms. Spade gushed, showing off a picture of baby Deuce smiling up at the camera; baby food was smeared all over his smiling face, his hands caked in the stuff and the bowl on his little head, his pretty jade colored orbs shimmering with joy. "His little smile is infectious!" You chirped, smiling warmly at the picture of your darling boyfriend. Deuce buried his head in your hair, hiding from his embarrassment.
Deuce felt like melting into your embrace at this point. You made his night. After a fun dinner filled with embarrassing stories from when Deuce was young, warm hearty laughter and sweet gazes exchanged with your boyfriend, the two of you settled into bed, you sneaking out of the guest room grandma insisted you stay in to steal some kisses and snuggles. You settled into Deuce's arms as he kissed your rosy cheeks, tangling your legs with his under the covers. Looking into his eyes, you've never seen him look so happy since he got an 86 on his history exam. "I love you so much, baby." Deuce whispered sweetly, your heart fluttering in your chest. "I love you too, honey." You replied, your own voice laced with the sugar of your love for the jade eyed boy. "I wanna say thanks for coming with me to meet my mom and grandmother, it meant a lot to me." "Deucey, it's no trouble!" You chirped softly, smiling up at your lover. "I'm just happy they like me." "They love you, you fit perfectly into the family!" Deuce laughed, his shoulders shaking. "It's honestly a relief that you get along, I was scared things would go wrong. But, I guess I panicked for nothing." The navy haired first year continued, turning to gaze at you with so, so much love. "You're perfect after all." Deuce was gonna be the death of you, he was always so sweet. You could mark this day as a sweet, sweet success: Your boyfriend was happy, grandma loves you, mom thinks you're perfect for her son, and everything felt like utter bliss. So, without saying another word, you sealed your night with Deuce with a kiss...~
Cater Diamond
Cater being in love honestly isn't surprising; being in love is such brand booster! Cute Magicam couples? Yes please! Being real though, Cater's honestly a major handful for you, because under that cheery "Caycay is gonna slayslay" vibe that the 3rd year carries, he's honestly a complete wreck and is terrified that you'll get tired of his anticks. Shocking how he and Azul aren't besties in that regard. However, he had no need to fear! The marvelous S/O was here to save the day: Cuddles, kisses, spicy ramen and at home spa treatments were being rapid fired from your heart to claim Cater's love and destroy his anxiety! So, with the day saved, you and your lovely boyfriend could be free to talk about a tough topic; when are you gonna meet his family? Cater ended up laughing at your question and told you to start packing your bag, he's going to talk Crowley into letting you have a weekend getaway! Even if he disliked his sisters!
Already he was regretting life... Cater's sisters immediately burst out to greet their baby brother after his mom called, and the first thing they do? Tell you that your shirt is super not cute and Cater should go buy you another one. "It's what a good boyfriend would do!" The eldest sister said, folding her arms over her chest. "Yeah! It's what our boyfriends did!" His other sister chimed in. Cater was here less than five seconds and already he felt like blowing a gasket... "But this is my favorite shirt. That I bought myself." You said, crossing your arms over your chest. "You don't get to tell me what to wear, so shush." "Way to stand up for yourself, honey bunny~!" Cater chirped, smiling at you as he led you inside with an arm around your waist. The ginger boy swore he fell even harder than when he first started dating you in that moment.
Cater was internally screaming at how his sisters acted and just wanted to go home. Oh, and mom didn't really like you, so there's that. The room was a bit tense as you sat and shared tea and some lightly burned pastries made by Cater's sisters. Cater himself was suffering the overly sweet baked goods and planned to just spend the after noon there. "So, how did you and my son meet?" Mrs. Diamond asked, eying you with a sharpened gaze. "Oh, I met him at Night Raven. My friend had gotten into a predicament and I ran into him while he was painting his dorm's roses!" You explained, a warm smile coming to your face as your boyfriend started to blush softly. "He was so cute and charming, still is, honestly." "Awww, babes, stop!" Cater giggled, nuzzling your cheek against his, making you laugh in turn. "I see." His mother huffed. The rest of the time was awkward to say the least.
You could tell your boyfriend could finally breathe after you left the house. Dad wasn't around that day, bit too busy with his banking job, so you didn't get to meet him; not that you really cared, Cater's sisters ruined a good chunk of the afternoon and made your poor honey work himself to the bone! Cater dropped the cheap, fake smile on his face when you both made it out of the house, his anger flaring up as he started muttering various rants under his breath. "Caycay, do you wanna get some lunch? There's a nice ramen place we could go to." You gently suggested, wanting to make your sweetheart feel better and ease his stresses. "It's that reaaally nice one you saw on Magicam the other day. The one that Vil praised" "That...That sounds wonderful honey bunny." Cater sighed, looking at you with a tired grin. Without much thought, you pressed a kiss to his cheek, making his heart flutter. So over lunch, you both came to terms that the fam might not dig on you, but that didn't matter to you or Cater. You had each other, and that's what mattered most to you two lovebirds.
Trey Clover
You have such a good man on your hands, even if he's a touch shy with his affections. When you first broached the topic of meeting his family, Trey was taken aback. He adored you to no end, and he could see a future with you, even if it'd be long distance for a few years, why hadn't he thought of showing you off to his family? "Of course I'll introduce you, darling." He said with a warm smile, leaning down to press a peck on your cheek, "How about we visit this upcoming weekend? I'm sure Riddle can hold it together long enough."
It was a really sweet reception when you showed up. Trey's parents were told about you ahead of time by their eldest, given how he's the responsible boy he is, so you were greeted by a small banner and a custom cupcake in your favorite flavors. The banner that was hung read "welcome home!" in bold, glittering rainbow letters; it tickled you pink! You felt at home already when Trey walked you up to the bakery, and the feeling intensified when his little siblings ran over, cheering over their big brother being home and asking if you were the person mom and dad talked about on the phone with Trey. Already you loved Trey's family, they were adorable in your eyes! "I hope you're ready for the insanity that's my family." Trey playfully remarked, pulling laughter from everyone around him. You hugged your boyfriend with a smile on your face. "I look forward to every minute we stay here."
Trey loved baking alongside you, but you and his family? Talk about heaven! Trey had to help out in the family business still, given his parents ran a bakery that had opened for lunch, so alongside the sweet smells of cake, the occasional smell of crisping pepperonis and melting cheese filled your senses. You found it odd at first, but your boyfriend's father swiftly explained that a demand for some more dinner and lunch friendly goods should be offered and they complied, if only a touch. You were surprised by how willing Trey's parents were when offering your help to ease the rush, helping your darling make and top some sugar cookies with oversized chocolate chips. You ended up swiping kisses from your boyfriend while his mom worked the front of house and his dad prepared the pizzas to be sent out. It seemed the more homely setting brought out the more affectionate side of your lover; small coos of adoration left his lips, tiny kisses peppered your cheeks, and skin to skin contact was through the roof as he guided you by taking your hands into his. It was all so romantic and sweet.
It had to be a bittersweet departure after your little weekend of fun was over, but everyone loved you. You had your bags packed back up with Trey, the luggage sitting in the foyer as you ate a delightful breakfast, feeling right at home as you sat next to your beloved. Trey was holding your hand under the table as you two dug into the fluffy blueberry pancakes his mom and dad had made for everyone, one of his little brothers quickly getting your attention. "(Y/N)?" The little boy called out quietly. "Yes, little one?" You asked, your voice a soft coo. The 3rd year glanced over at you as you interacted with his baby brother, watching carefully. "Will you come back with our big brother again soon?" "Well, that depends on both me and your big brother, dear. I'd love to, though!" You replied, flashing a smile to the little guy, who hugged you. "I'm gonna miss you..." He whined. "Me two!" Trey's sister piped up. "Me thwee!" The youngest chimed in, Trey and his parents chuckling at your interactions. "You have quite the partner here, Trey." His father spoke, looking at his son in pride. "You really do, sweetie, you better try and hold onto them!" Trey's mother spoke, smiling warmly. "They're a keeper!" "I know." Trey replied, looking at you now hugging his younger siblings, warmth bubbling in his chest. "I plan to treat them right." Overall, you had a new home in the Clover family, and your boyfriend's thinking of ways to properly propose to you after the trip. Never hurts to plan it out!
Riddle Rosehearts
Oh god, oh no, this one hurts. This will never ever end well if he picks the S/O... You knew Riddle had some problems he was trying to work through, you understood, truly! And Riddle was eternally grateful for your presence and influence in his life, you had to be the best thing to ever happen to him! You were his angel sent from the stars. Which is why he dreaded introducing you to his mother. He knew his father would've been okay, and he honestly has zero issues showing you off to him! If he was actually at home that is...He was currently abroad when Riddle accidentally let it slip that he was dating. So, in came the demands to meet you to make sure you were good enough for her baby, and the news that you two were going to his house for dinner.
You both had pits in your stomachs when you showed up to the Rosehearts household... You were greeted by the intimidating visage of Riddle's mother, who was standing in the yard with her arms folded tightly over her chest, her eyes boring into you. "Hello, mother." Riddled greeted, closing himself off to your presence and tensing up, his shoulders stiff; a telltale sign that he was stressed. You had to bite back the urge to coo and coddle him like you normally did when he was upset. "Riddle." His mother hummed looking at you with disdain. "Why is your...companion here dressed like that?" She asked sharply, making you feel embarrassed. You had asked Rook of all people to style you, but it appears it's simply not up to par with the impossible standard's Mrs. Rosehearts held. "We had asked one of our fellow classmates to dress them in the finest clothes they had available." Riddle spoke. Riddle's mother tsked. "I thought that I raised you better than this, they look terribly tacky, and I thought you would've had better tastes. Come. Dinner is waiting now." Riddle clenched his fists, feeling sorrow well up in his chest as he looked at you apologetically. You rushed forward, hugging Riddle from behind and kissing his cheek to reassure him. It was still quite the sting hearing his mother act so harsh, though.
Dinner wasn't much better either... You made sure to study proper etiquette with Riddle before you came here, but none of that seemed to matter as you choked down the bland food. Seriously, who doesn't bother to season meet and just serve nothing but tomatoes, onions and iceberg lettuce for a salad...? You tried your best, but Mrs. Rosehearts just eyed you in disgust, biting her tongue but looking at Riddle with a disappointed gaze. Riddle himself couldn't tell if sorrow or anger was bubbling up in his chest. You explained you were from another world when she asked where you were from and she looked at you like you just spat on her when you told her you were magicless; despite her already knowing that. She made Riddle tell her about you after making him nearly break down in tears over the phone last night. "Pathetic! I raised my son better than this, and yet you're barely passing, have no magic, and carry no knowledge of anything worthwhile! You're nothing but a waste of his time and my own!" The harpy of a woman shrieked. Oh, that was it, he picked his side of the fence...
Riddle felt a cord finally snap as all of his years of strict, lonely suffering drove him forward. "Why can't you just be happy that I finally found someone, mother?" Riddle hissed, catching the attention of his present parent. "Because, your selection was terrible! I could pick you a much better partner." Mrs. Rosehearts said, you feeling like you could start crying. "No! I-I don't want anyone else, much less an arrangement where I'll feel nothing for the other party!" Riddle barked angrily, slamming his fist on the table as he stood up. "I want who I fell in love with! I want my rose! I want to stay with (Y/N)!" "When will you see that you're worth more than them?!" "They've been nothing short of an angel to me, fixing the damage you caused!" Riddle yelled, his face bright red from anger. "They're worth far more than me from where I stand!" "Then you can just take that garbage and get them out of this house, you and I will start studying to find you a suitable-" "If they leave, I'm leaving with them, in fact, that's a wonderful idea!" Riddle bellowed, you looking up at him and rising from your seat. Rushing to his side, you tugged him out of the house as Riddle's mother screamed at you two from the kitchen and out the door, Riddle yelling that she won't take you away; he's had so much stripped from him, he refuses to lose you. This entire situation was a disaster, but you knew your precious prince loved you so dearly. Once you two made it back to his dorm, Riddle looked exhausted. You asked him what you could do to ease his struggles after he changed into his pajamas. "My rose, tonight, I just want to forget everything, rules and all..." Riddle whined, looking at you with tired slate grey orbs. "I just want to hold you in my arms and wake up to your face..." "Of course, my love." You cooed softly, kissing his cheeks as you both crawled under the covers of his bed, Riddle curling into your form instantly. Under the warmth of the duvet, everything felt right; you were his and he was yours, and no tyrant was ever going to rip you apart. Riddle had proven his iron clad love belonged to you and you alone.
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joedirtymadre · 6 months
LAW X READER! LIGHT ANGST! (Pls send more requests! Pleaseeee)
You stared blankly at the raven haired captain. “W-What did you say?” You asked, in disbelief. “I won’t repeat myself a third time. (Y/N)-ya… join my crew, stay with me forever,” he said. “Join your crew? But that would mean I-“
“Yes. You’d have to leave the Straw Hats,” he interrupted you. “B-But Law…” you hesitated. What should you do? Yes, you and Law have built a beautiful relationship… but it never crossed your mind that you would have to decide between him or your friends. “I love you (Y/N), so please… at least consider it,” he said softly. “I-I… Ok, I will,” you stuttered. “Good, I hope to have your answer by tomorrow morning,” he said before walking off. As soon as he was out of view, you felt your legs give out. “W-What am I going to do?” You asked nervously. Everyone just finished fighting, and now instead of celebrating with everyone. You were now thrown this curveball. “What’s wrong (Y/N)!?” You heard Nami call out as she ran to your side.
“N-Nami…” you started before feeling the tears slip out from your eyes. “(Y/N)?! What happened? What did Law say? I saw him call you out here,” she said worriedly as she rubbed my back. “He… he asked me to join the Heart Pirates,” you choked out. “What?” She gasped. “He said he loves me, and he wants me to join him. I-I don’t know what to do Nami!” You cried out as you held onto her. “Oh (Y/N), I’m sorry but I can’t help you decide…” she said as she hugged me tighter. “But for right now, let’s get you cleaned up. Your face is all covered in snot,” she said, hoping it would lighten the mood. You nodded and followed her back to the ship.
You told the rest of the crew what Law told me and their reactions were what you would expect. “He’s trying to steal one of my friends?!” Luffy said angrily. “When I get my hands on that guy! There’s no way I’ll let him take my (Y/N)-chwan!” Sanji shouted, as his legs were on fire. “No (Y/N)! Please don’t go, I’ll miss you too much!” Chopper cried as he jumped on my lap and hugged me. “This is super not cool,” Franky added. “Maybe that guy just wants to pick a fight before we head out,” Zoro said. “We just got out of one, why would he try to get in another one so soon?” Usopp asked. “I’d hate to see (Y/N),” Brooke said. “I don’t care if he’s your boyfriend or what! The next time I see him I’m gonna kick his ass,” Luffy frowned. “Well hold on everyone… You haven’t asked (Y/N) what she wants,” Robin said, making everyone go silent.
“Of course she wants to stay with us! We’re her friends!” Luffy yelled. “Do you want to leave (Y/N)?” Chopped cried and hugged me tighter. “It’s not that she wants to leave… but maybe she wants to stay with the person she loves,” Nami pointed out and tried to force a smile. You were speechless, you didn’t even know what you wanted. Of course you wanna be with your friends, but… you fell in love with Law. “Well? (Y/N), do you want to go with Traffy?” Luffy asked, seriously. “I-I don’t know… I love you guys, but I love him too. Why is he making me choose?” You asked while wiping away your tears.
“I didn’t think this through, I didn’t think about what would happen after the battle was over,” you cried and hugged Chopper tightly. Robin placed her hand on your shoulder, “(Y/N) no matter what you decide, you know we’ll always be friends,” she said. “Sh-She’s right! Even if we’re on different ships, we’ll never fight you,” Chopper pouted. “That’s right! So, no matter what you decide, just know that we’ll always be by your side!” Nami smiled and ran over to hug you. “Really?” You choked out. “Well duh, we’ve known you for too long to see you as an enemy,” Usopp said. “Yes, even if you’re on an enemy ship. I would still ask if I could see your pant-“ Brooke was cut off from receiving a kick from Nami. You laughed, and it helped lift the tension that was in the air.
“They’re right, I could never hate you (Y/N)-chwaan~ But I could never forgive that stupid captain!” Sanji frowned. “I might not hold back if we’re ever enemies, but that’s because I respect you as a fighter,” Zoro smirked. “We’ll always be suuper friends (Y/N)!” Franky cheered. You looked up to Luffy who was still frowning. “Well… I’m not happy about losing one of my friends, but if you plan to leave I’ll never forget about our time together,” Luffy softened up. You felt the tears flow out even harder, and everyone came around to hug and cheer you up. “Thanks everyone, I think I know what I want,” you smiled.
The Next Day
You walked towards the area where you and Law met yesterday. You felt confident, but still unsure whether your decision was the right one or not. Once arriving you noticed Law was already there. “I’m sorry for keeping you waiting,” you apologized. “It’s fine, did you come to a decision?” He asked. “I did… but can I ask you something?” You asked. “Yes?” He replied. “If I chose to stay with the Straw Hats, what would happen to us?” You asked. “Well… we can no longer be together. We’d be enemies again, and I won’t hold back on you if we cross paths in the future…” he said slowly. “I see,” you said softly, as your eyes fell to the ground. “Then I’ve come to my decision…” you said as you lifted your head and stared deeply into his eyes.
“I recently realized something, Law,” you started. “I learned that no matter where or who I become, my friends will always love and support me. However, you won’t…” you said as your vision began to blur from the tears. “(Y-Y/N)?” Law questioned as he reached out for you. “But if you’re prepared to throw our whole relationship away, throw me away then… maybe we weren’t meant to be,” you cried as you stepped back. “But (Y/N)-“ you interrupted him. “I’m staying with the Straw Hats, and don’t worry the next time we meet… we’ll be nothing more than enemies,” you said with a tremble in your voice. You quickly turned around and began heading back. Until you were suddenly wrapped in a hug, “Wait!” Law said as he tightened his hug. “Please… just wait,” he said. “W-What do you want? I already g-gave you your answer,” you hiccupped.
“I’m sorry, please… don’t go. I do want to be with you, I’m sorry I said that,” he said softly. You pulled his arms off of you, “I’m sorry Law, but how can I be with someone that was prepared to end the relationship so quickly? I can’t, I just don’t trust you anymore…” you said slowly and continued your way back to the ship. Leaving Law behind.
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mbslost · 7 months
Another yapping session with MB yipeee!
nah in all seriousness i would like to talk about some things, now that my temper is gone.
we still remember the post on twt made by @/renhanasgf about Gato not being more inclusive, oorrrr that her poc character are ignored. (i wont talk about the real stuff from discord in this post since proofs are still gathered.)
well here i am! (sadly)
1.How many poc characters?
7 well known (or maybe more). who are those? well we'll start with Raven(tinr) or known as Selin as well, Chet Ichpujani(tinr/tpof), Strade(btd/tpof), Thomas(tpof), Jaqueline(tpof), Machete(tpof) and fucking Derek(tpof)
some of them dont have a full name (besides an alias) either because story wise it didnt mattered or because of their lore (Strade and Machete are criminals, doubt they would want a victim that escaped to expose their identity, no?) Also another detail, even some white characters do not have a last name,such as Sid(tinr), Dragon/Jace(tpof), Komodo/Mike(tpof), Chamomile(tpof), Richard(tpof) and probably some from 'Facility'.
their ethnicities are indeed unknown, either because it wouldnt really affect their story or it was avoided in case it could cause a conflict. dunno. about this i cant really talk a lot since her blogs are gone, thus i cannot dig into this matter anymore. although i believe having a hc on them is fine. ''- It is 100% okay to have ANY headcanons about my character!''-her website)
Raven was one of the well know character from Gato that is poc. her nationality is unknown due to the story (which i would recommend you to read tinr, pretty cool tbh). since her story goes deeper i would suggest you to also read her wiki (fanmade). sadly lots of stuff are now gone about her. still a lover character.
Strade. Strade is Strade. (kind of forgot what she said in the answer about his name but the wiki says ''Strade is not his actual birth name. It's similar to a placeholder name like John Doe. His birth name is unknown." still you can check out more here)
Chet Ichpujani is another character involved in tinr, a manager (i believe) at a semi-restaurant thing? in the end he offers to help Farz with his problem. pretty cool guy since he and Anthony Shore re-appeared in tpof. (picture below)
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Machete, ''Machete is the newest member of the desert group. He had to prove himself worthy by performing various criminal tasks to be allowed in. Despite his recent acceptance, the rest of the group remain wary of him. His quiet demeanor and decisive actions tend to unsettle the other members. He regrets everything he's done to be admitted into the group, but he chose to stop at nothing to get revenge for his sister. He feels as though he's completely lost his identity and humanity to his "purpose"." -wiki (also a small detail, he did everything to revenge his sister)
Tom/Thomas, ''Tom is a college student, taking a media development course centered around sound design. He took a few years off high school, kind of meandering through life without an aim for a while. However, he eventually found a passion for making music. Despite tons of research and hard work, he was never really able to get his brand off the ground, so he decided to head to college to get some formal education on the subject. Late one night, as he was about to head home, he was abducted by Komodo and Dragon.'' -wiki
Jaqueline, "Jaqueline is a young trades worker learning to paint houses. She takes pride in her work and also frequently goes to the gym. Her mother pesters her to get a higher education, but she loves her current career path. Due to the friction with her family over her job, she tends to choose to spend time with friends instead. She was violently abducted by Jack in broad daylight, unlucky to have no witnesses." -wiki
therefore, there's plenty of information, plus that lost from her blogs.
2.Model minority
must agree, her work from 2016 looked alike yet, in the last years she actually showed more bodies (like types)
here are some examples:
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also Strade's new model as well:
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quite diverse, is it not? i am aware i didnt show others as well but if you wish to (and i actually encourage to) you can view the rest here! Lawrence, Ren, Celia (or on pinterest!)
3. Conclusion
i still believe everyone can create whatever they wish, whatever character. the details are on their part. now i could understand Gato for being upset when someone doesnt draw their character as they are (such as changing the body type, skin colour, etc) but also cant blame those who feel like being ignored (trust me, had to survive the genshin fandom).
so the characters exist, thus i dont see the problem of not being inclusive (also, as she often said, you can hc her characters, thus i believe their ethnicities are free to chose for yourself)
that's it. as for the real deal (the discord stuff) i believe it's the best more proofs come. rn i dont see her as a racist artist, but that comment in spanish does sound in fact xenophobic... well, until more context is posted, we'll see
stay safe!
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lollipopliccer · 9 months
𝔄 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔣𝔢𝔩𝔱 𝔰𝔪𝔦𝔩𝔢 ❦
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❦ warning lollipop chaos ahead! proceed with caution… ❦ light angst , happy ending , ex getō suguru , tattoo artist suguru , set in a tattoo parlour , soft dom geto , praise , cunnilingus , masochism , light sadism & impact play , ig semi public and i guessss office sex
the descriptions of this tattoo experience is not accurate, i dunno shit abt tattoos (even tho i rlly wanna get one). so don't bite my fucking dick off with the technicalities! lets just b happy that i acc posted this hehehe
word count ; 5k ish
black fem reader (still all can read)
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lollipopliccer’s love letter ❦ … hiiiii lollipops 🪷 i just wanted to say thank u sm for the love on my debut fic i rlly appreciated it. i’m rlly excited for y’all to read this new one EEEEE. this one was also long as helllll (¬_¬), shit has just been ridiculous in my life rn so sorry abt the delay, i don’t even know y it took me this long just to write 5k ugh anywayyy. i’m excited, cus i always eat up geto tattoo artist head-cannons, mmmm they’re just so mm mm mm tasty. anyway this is my first time writing some angst, i usually stay clear away from any typa angst, i’ve already got enough of that in my life plss haahaa, i don’t even know what possessed me to dip my toe in it, but don’t worry it’s very light. okayy enough of the babble, pls enjoy my fic, and i’d appreciate all ur interaction, reposts, comments, feedback blah blah… mwah mwah mwah ( ੭ ˘ ³˘)੭‎°。⋆♡‧₊˚
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'i'm so excitteedddd' you squeal, as your best friend nobara parks her car, beside the tattoo parlor. you both had been planning your tattoos together for a few weeks now settling on the most beautiful matching heart design on both your bikini lines, whilst individually having unique patterns going through the (tatted) hearts.
"you better not fucking scream when you're actually under the gun" nobara chastises laughing.
"fuck you bitch, you already know i'm bad like that, not even gonna flinch" you taunt, as you both get out of her car.
you decided on wearing a fitted, short black dress, that accentuated your curves and hips but would also be easily manoeuvrable for your tattoo placement. shoko Ieiri your tattoo artist made sure you were comfortable with your design and placement.
underneath your dress, you wore bikini bottoms with side ties, for the same reasons as the dress - paired with some white trainers with pink embellishments. you complete your outfit with jewellery. including your pandora bracelet with silver and pink charms, a necklace, and stud earrings.
you both walk into the parlour, it's decorated all over its dark blue walls with a myriad of paintings, sketches, and different artworks. nobara leads you to the front desk as she had booked the appointment. you're greeted by a raven-haired girl with a short pixie cut.
"hey, are you guys here for your appointment?" she asks, as you notice her name tag- 'maki', and her tattoos and scars peeking through her top.
"yeah, um we had an appointment for 6:30 pm" nobara states, you can see her start to blush at maki.
"cool, yeah i'll check that out for you, umm..." maki responds
nobara so obviously interested in maki, decides to flirt, while you absent-mindedly look at the artwork placed across the shop. it's truly captivating, the deep dark hues and colours, so beautifully drawn, depicting what you could only describe as demons. they were more abstract than the stereotypical depiction, but these works somehow gave more meaning and conveyed more torment.
"so how long have you been working here, maki right?" nobara asks
"yeah, i started some months ago."
"that's cool, i love your tats”
“thank you, i um did some of em myself, nobara right?” maki responds getting nobara’s name from the booked appointment slot
“yeah…” nobara smiles shyly
“…are those your sketches up there? nobara asks, pointing to one of the sketches you've been staring at, there's a familiarity to the work displayed. but you can't put your finger on it.
"no um that's actually from another tattoo artist's, geto." maki answers.
you almost freeze, just from the mention of his name "who?!"
"uhh geto suguru, he owns the place, his artwork is all over these walls" maki responds to you.
a shiver runs up your spine "oh..."
"on that note, i'm sorry for the inconvenience girls, but shoko, your tattooist she had to take our other colleague gojo to the hospital- broke his arm doing some dumb shit. so she won't be able to actually give you your tattoo’s today, however we're able to swap her in for geto suguru, he just got back into town and is just as talented"
"shit" nobara turns to you, already knowing the issue from just his name alone, "yn i had no idea omg, i should've checked better, we can leave"
"nah there'll be no need for that, right yn?" you hear his voice. his silky deep voice, it always had that raspy quality that made your knees go weak. another shiver runs down your spine. you whip around.
"why tf are you here?" you sneer.
"uhh i work here…" he answers deadpan.
you turn back around, after giving him a lethal sneer, "hey um maki is there any other artist today?"
"no, i'm sorry, everyone else is booked." she apologises
"and anyway, it'll be a hassle for you guys if you were to reschedule," geto states
you simply stare at nobara refusing to even glance at him.
"come on yn" geto insists gently, leaning closer to you. your back to him. your name on his lips has you reeling, how softly he calls to you, like no other.
nobara waits for what you want to do, and if you're comfortable being tattooed by your ex in such an intimate area?
"let's get this done", you tell nobara, you turn around to face geto who has that enticing smirk.
as you follow him to his workspace, nobara hangs back reassured that you're comfortable being with your ex. you get the chance to truly take him in since last you saw him. his tattoo’s have grown, as he's painted a whole-sleeved dragon across his left arm, slithering out of his tight-fitted black t. your eyes roam all over his body, soaking in his confident stride, his height, taller than you remember. the way he ties part of his black, luscious hair in the bun is similar but different from the way you remember, leaving the rest of his hair to hang past his shoulders. but his right-hand tattoo is as you remember. a rose’s stem covered in thorns, wrapped around his hand, you can't help but still have your heart swell from that.
as he opens the door for you, you strut past him in silence, he of course responds with an eye roll to your petulance. his workspace is decorated with more of his works, some unfinished, yet so mesmerising you can't look away from them, they seem to depict a greater depth, too intimate for the outer world. the deep hues of dark royal blues, blacks, and green meld together, casting an otherworldly aura. the demons here have this eerie elegance, their features subtly tormenting, evoking such sorrows.
"if you're not comfortable with me tattooing you, we don't have to, i will let you reschedule free of charge-" "i know." you state, without hesitation. and with that, the silence returns as geto smiles slightly, he then grabs his equipment, lining them up, his needle gun, ink, etc.
"why did you insist on me not rescheduling then?" you taunt
"i wouldn't say i instisted" geto defends.
"mmm really? cus i'd even say you implored" you smirk. seeing you smile… he wonders how he could’ve forgotten how magnetic it is.
"i just wanted to see you…”
a pause.
"you broke up with me." you interrupt coldly, both of you are reminded of your separation...
… you begged him to stay. the pain you felt completely consumed you, leaving you empty…
geto holds your gaze. your eyes filled with anger, but also longing. you try to conceal your feelings by turning around.
"yn..." he calls out to you, but you ignore him, seemingly too entranced by a random splotch on the wall, while trying to hold it all in "...yn look at me", geto approached.
you turned around slowly. almost stubbornly, you made sure to look him in his eyes, those deep dark orbs that never failed to suck you into a world of intensity and sensitivity. you both hold each other's gaze, so much said between each other, longing, and regret.
"i am sorry yn, i-" in his attempt to express his apology, you immediately stride past to sit on the tattoo bed, too overwhelmed.
"-right so like from a scale of 1-10, 10 being i'm gonna need to b fucking sedated, how painful is this tat going to be" you ramble, trying to divert the conversation.
you ignore his sigh, as he walks to his chair. he then chooses to focus on preparing his equipment, sterilising them, all that shit. "the tattoo shouldn't be that painful, especially as you requested numbing cream."
"cool" you respond curtly, you follow his actions on focusing on the task at hand, and lift up the side of your dress, to expose the side you were getting tatted on.
when geto looks back he sees your pink bikini bottoms with string ties, he looks away trying to keep his composure "just want you to give me an idea where you want your heart and thorns”.
you clear your throat a little, to try and calm your nerves, “um just around here, i trust your um artistic inclinations. have some freedom with it, i know its kinda simple but i um- the thorns i want them to wrap around, please.”
“of course, yn”
geto trying his best to make this experience as comfortable as possible begins applying the numbing cream. he looks you in your eyes, to see if there were any remaining apprehensions, finding none, the gun comes to life.
“you tell me how you’re feeling throughout this process, if anything feels off with what i am doing, you tell me, do you understand?” geto instructs, his firmness, and apprehension to cause you any unnecessary harm stirs things in you. things you’ve tried repressing, tried to move on from, evidently unsuccessfully.
you nod in response adding a “yes”. and so begins the process, as geto brings needle to skin, his art begins to mark you. the initial twitch of pain you feel is subdued by the numbing cream generously applied. although you can’t help the slight yelp that falls from your lips, which geto catches onto and immediately soothes “shhh it’s okay, the cream will kick in soon won’t feel a thing hun”. his words soothe you, as they always used to, leading you to simply whimper in slight pain. you can’t help but look at him, at how he’s completely focused on your brown skin, that he marks by his hands.
as the hours go on, you slowly see geto’s work, his art come together, the red hues of the heart mixing together with slight pinks but also contrasted shades of black, to provide it with such depth, teasing the later depictions of darkness the thorns will add. you are in complete awe of this man, of his work, as you watch him work completely zoned in, despite any dull pain mumbling under the numbing cream.
as your focus lays on him- memories, old feelings of pain, sadness, and confusion begin to bubble again, and you blurt…
“why did you leave?”
a pause…
followed by silence… your demand for answers hanging over you both, while he still remains focused on your tattoo, you remain waiting. you know he heard you.
“i found myself in darkness again, yn, but that time it was even more challenging.. my hallucinations, my night terrors all came back, i was in it deep…” he pauses trying to find his words, and you give him that space “… i knew you were there for me, holding me when i woke up screaming. you stood by me…” he paused
“…however i couldn’t let you do that, i couldn’t bring you there with me. not when i couldn’t wear a heartfelt smile in this world. i needed to find myself again, my purpose. and i know the way i left you, was cold, and confusing, and i am truly sorry, but i had to do it for myself.” as you listen attentively, watching him intently, he slowly gazes at you, pausing his work. your eyes meet with such intensity, such ache, and you start welling up, finally understanding everything, no longer being left with nothing but a cold departure.
“i’m sorry- m’so- ‘m so so sorry geto” tears cascade down your face, geto is quick to wipe them away, softly holding your precious face.
“sshh, ssh baby, don’t be silly mmm, you did nothing wrong, and i’ve been doing better. so much better. finding new channels to express how i feel, what i see.” referring to the intricate art that decorated his walls.
you sniffle, you feel so guilty and ashamed, for the resentment you harboured against him when he was out there trying to fight his way out of such a dark mental space. “they’re beautiful.” you sniffle
“not a day goes by that i don’t think about you, that i don’t regret the way i left. i would’ve come back but i thought you would move on...”
“i didn’t.” you respond
“neither did i.”
with your admissions to one another, a comforting silence fell, filling the room with sweet serenity, and you both found yourselves tethered together once again, holding each other’s gaze, filled with yearning.
you were the first to break, averting your gaze, feeling like it was the first time meeting, how your butterflies bloomed and fluttered, riddled with carnal hunger for him. the paradox of your feelings for him always consumed you, almost driving you mad, only geto could set you so ablaze.
the needle resumed its course, mechanically piercing your skin. both your attentions returned to their original positions.
the only difference being the shift in the atmosphere, the reignition of your feelings for one another, but this time at a tenfold from the time spent apart, wanting no other.
“ahh it’s getting a little sore geto” you whine in slight pain
“sorry yn, we’re moving onto the thorns now, we’ll soon be done, why don’t you take a look at it for me, tell if you don’t like anything?”
as he wipes over the completed heart, filled with colours and dimensions, so deep and beautiful, truly depicting more than you could imagine, it’s medium-sized maintaining a slight cuteness to the art, but still depicts chaos within, which geto clearly understood about you, and so was best to depict it.
“i love it.” you squeal, looking into his eyes, as he looks for reassurance from you. his vibrant smile brightens his face, you hadn’t seen it in so long, and it warmed you.
“good, we’re going to move to the thorns, wrapped down your thigh, why don’t you tell me about your choice of thrones?” geto asked so he could understand your thought process behind the tattoo.
you were apprehensive to reveal your thorns, largely from a place of embarrassment. you didn’t want to show how much he had affected you, and still did, but you did not want to lie to him especially after, he revealed himself so intimately to you.
the thorns, um, i got them from you…” geto halts at this, looking at you in slight confusion “they stemmed from me just wanting to have a piece of you still with me, something that i remembered, that reminded me of you… the thorns, the ones you have on your rose.” in explaining, you feel bold enough to touch the inked rose on his right hand, grazing your fingers over the thorns
suguru can hardly conceal his feelings. “i missed you.” geto states. his dark, sleek eyes told you how he burned for you.
“i missed you too suguru.” you whisper. your feelings flood your body, making you tingly- his intensity holds you in place. you’re both focussed on one another, suguru begins to smile feeling the warmth of your fingers touching him so delicately.
"lets continue your tattoo, i don't wanna fuck it up" suguru states, slowly bringing his hand away from your touch, even though he wanted nothing more than to let you touch him all over. to feel how those pretty acrylics, decorated in bows and charms along his skin, but he didn't want to mess this up, he wanted to tattoo you perfectly.
"okay" you respond, almost dissapointedly. wanting to feel him under your fingertips. you'd settle for now to feel his hands on your thighs, holding them to get his angles right, you were beginning to realise that you wanted more than just to stroke his hand. you want him to mark you all over, with more than just his needle gun.
"you've gotta try and stay still for me yn, i know it hurts, but it'll be over soon" suguru soothed, as his eyes narrowed around the curves of your thighs, the way they flexed and trembled slightly as you whimpered due to the numbed pain.
"okay... can i hold onto you?" you ask. he responds with a nod. you grip his arm, wanting to feel tethered- you don't remember him being so well-built, his biceps feel thick and powerful, almost hard to the touch as he flexes per his movements.
you're now a few hours into the tattoo, suguru’s taking his time, to add such beautiful details. the tension between the two of you is palpable, but the air is no longer filled with animosity, but rather intimacy. knowing you though, and how impatient you are suguru already sees it coming when you-
"sug i'm fucking borreeddd" the numbing cream obviously doing its job to reduce the pain to something dismissible, suguru chuckles finding your impatience so familial and adorable.
"it's barely been two hours" suguru forever sassy, remarks, rolling his eyes at ur moodiness. "now stay still, you're messin up my work." suguru states, you huff and bite your tongue, as you don’t want to fuck up his flow, you already know he works best when he’s zoned-in on a task.
you decide to catch up with him, your curiosity building, you've both missed so much from each other's lives. "i like your parlour. i would've bet money you'd turn your art into tattoos, you were too talented to let your art hide in your sketches"
suguru smiles again, "yeah? it was either this or burning down the town", he jokes and makes you both laugh, due to the absurdity. however, you both knew, there was some truth to it, which honestly added to your laughs
"right, of course committing arson, and potential mass murder is an obvious alternative." you sarcastically quip
"what you don't agree, i know you're not much better at keeping your chaos in check," he teases, his eyes locking onto yours.
you feel yourself flush, feeling seen- so you try staying on track to your original plan to catch up with him, "when did you open this place?"
"well actually gojo was the one who invested in my passion"
"that's so sweet"
"yeah, he's a fucking asshole, always all up in my business," he remarks, with a small smile, feigning annoyance. you can feel the fondness behind his words.
you notice how suguru smiles, how he teases, just like he used to, & still has that assertive and confident allure to him, that natural dominance and assuredness in himself, that he almost lost. your conversation with one another continued, bantering off one another. you make each other laugh and snicker and your heart can’t help but swell.
your feelings for him set aflame once again. this time with a ferocity you could barely contain. only heightened by the dull pain that he controlled with his needle, marking you so prettily. the assured control suguru had over your body was so seductive, it made places other than your tatted thigh, start to ache, start to ache so badly.
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finally, geto lays the finishing touches on your tattoo, clearing up the intricate lines, adding shadings and highlights, and then wiping over the tattoo.
"okay, it's done. you can go check it in the mirror, let me know if you hate it." geto keeping his gaze low somewhat anxious to see your reaction.
as you approach the full-body mirror attached to the opposite wall, you couldn't possibly understand his apprehension because when you lay eyes on your tattoo, you are completely awestruck. you fall completely in love with his markings, the way the thorns pierce through the heart and sliver down your left hip, and thigh, wrapping them gorgeously.
you are lost for words, your lips part with a gasp, and when you bring your eyes up onto suguru through the mirror, you see how he watches you. following from your thighs decorated in his work, marking your body so seductively. then he focuses on how your dress is bunched up on those hips, those hips he’s held, and soothed over for hours today, but his mind wanders... reminiscing about all those times he used to handle and caress all over your plump thighs. how he would mould your body any way he pleased.
he watched as you held the undone ties of your pretty bikini bottoms, it made him salivate. his eyes cast over your dress- the way it hugged your body so exquisitely, propping up your boobs so prettily. the way your butt peaks out of the bunched-up dress, and how your breathing picked up, flustered from his heated gaze.
"i love it sug." you whisper softly.
"yeah?" he smirks. growing bolder, he walks up to you, and you don’t dare avert your eyes from his, through the mirror. you love the way his top hugs his thick muscular shoulders. his broad upper back being so beautifully emphasised, and how his sculpted chest has his nipple piercings teasing through his top. you salivate at his slim waist. ugh he's such a slut. you love the way his body is perfectly decorated in his art, marking his skin; and adorning his arms, and his neck, which is wrapped with a chain, you remember gifting him.
when he reaches you, he has to crouch down, flexing his strong thighs and calves hidden under his baggy bottoms, but you still have to look up at him to maintain eye contact, which he demands with his own. suguru holds the bottom of your thigh just under where the tattoo ends.
"how does it feel?" he whispers into your ear, his sharp gaze still honed on you
you whimper faintly because of the dull sting and ache from the tat
"a little sore sug, but it feels good, i really like it." you say softly while you lean into him, wanting to be wrapped in his body, his warmth.
he smiles at your admission "that's good yn, i'm going to wrap it up now, don't want it getting infected." you love the way he says your name, the way he purrs, your name rolls off his tongue so tenderly.
as he wraps the tattoo you wince, he immediately soothes you, "i've got you baby, it's okay." your body relaxes in response. your eyes never leave each other. as the tension shifts you feel enthralled, wanting him to touch you all over.
"yn, do you want me to play with you?" suguru asks, having that condescending tone that never failed to make you falter. you almost shy away, but he holds your face, bringing his hand up under your chin, his fingers grip your cheeks slightly, making you look directly at him “i want to play with you, i want to help you forgive me baby...” he whispers into your ear. your breath becoming more uneven and flustered from his proximity, that you can practically taste his aroma, how he mixes his scents of minty, smoky notes and cinnamon, woody undertones - it intoxicates you.
“…do you want me to?”
geto waits for your response, not daring to touch you the way he wants, without knowing you’re aching for it. and you want nothing more than that, for him to take care of you how he once did, oh how you wanted to see if he still remembered how to make you cum so blissfully. you nod giving out a soft “please”.
suguru kisses the side of your head, sprinkling kisses down your face making you giggle and fawn, till he reaches your neck and you lose your breath. geto finds the sensitive parts on your neck, making you feel so tingly, it's almost ticklish. you almost forgot how much you loved when suguru kissed and licked across your neck, how he would bite and suckle, leaving you all marked up just how he liked. god he’d go fucking crazy for it too. to hear you whine and pant below him as he licked and sucked. it sent tingles all over your body, straight to your clit. you shuddered under him, leaning onto him- to give him better access to mark you. slowly he grips your hips grinding his bulge into you, he even bends you forward a little so that you can feel him, how hard he is for you- humping into you over your clothed body.
geto held you at an angle arched while both of you stood in front of the mirror so that he could have you grind right back onto his dick that was growing so achingly hard for you. the way he moved your bodies together was so disgustingly sensual, you had to look away moaning as you felt his clothed dick thrust into you, giving you that sensation you so craved. you were whining, you felt so depraved like you hadn’t been touched like this in so long- you just wanted him to rip you the fuck open.
“mmm nah baby look at yourself in the mirror…” he demanded, to which you stubbornly ignored, forcing suguru to grab your face so that you could look at how pathetically you had come undone for him, just from his dry humping. “… i said fucking look at yourself, mmm? you lost your manners baby?” he teases knowing exactly how to fix your attitude. he ends his command by giving your thigh (without the tattoo) a firm slap, making you cry out, you quickly try stifling it, remembering you’re still in his fucking workspace.
“you’re so mean” you whine and pout up at him, which makes him chuckle at you, his smirk unfurling so lewdly.
“i’m going to make it up to you mmm? you’ll let me make you feel good baby? gotta apologise for making my baby upset.” the way he talks to you feigning that concern, his fucking tone, makes you feel weak, and pliant for him. as you move your legs a little wider, and let go of your tied bikini bottoms so they hang down barely concealing a thing. geto watches how strings of your arousal are built up, clinging onto your pretty bottoms. showing him just how wet you are for him and you push your butt into him even more, nodding your head in invitation for him to remedy all the mess he’s made.
as suguru brings his rose-covered hand down to your aching pussy ready to soothe it. once he touches her, feeling your glistening folds, he hisses as his eyes glaze over, and lower so seductively. you see the way his hand flexes and his veins protrude. his long, adept fingers dip further, caressing and rubbing against your hard little clit. he can feel it pulse for him, making you whine as suguru increases the pressure of his fingers on your clit. circling around your throbbing bundle of nerves. his fingers collect the slick past your lips, down to your spasming, weeping hole, and brings them back to your needy nub.
his tight circles, pet your pretty clit so well, turning you into a mewling mess, you can’t help but move against and around his fingers, acting so bratty- but suguru couldn't give a shit, he'll mould you right where he needs you again holding you by your neck and continuing his strokes on that clit regardless of how you whine.
"sug- aaa-" such a petulant whine leaves your supple lips, begging for him to go further into your leaking hole, you needed him to be inside you, having your pussy drool on his pretty, tatted fingers.
"i know baby, you need it don't you? you need me to fuck you open mmm?" suguru whispers in your ear, kissing the outside of your earlobe so delicately, while saying such filthy things. you look at him through the mirror nodding your head so pathetically, and why would he deny you, his baby? nah never...
suguru brings his finger back down to your desperate hole. he eases around your pussy going around the edges of her, only dipping the tip of his finger. you can't take his teasing-
"sugu! stop teasin-" suguru immediately interrupts, plunging his fingers into you, making you gasp. he slipped into your soppy pussy giving off that mind-numbing squelching sound, having your pussy suck his fingers in so snuggly, has you moaning wantonly. the way suguru’s digits fill you, he’s able to add a finger, scissoring two fingers into your weeping cunt, the way he pushes in and curls his fingers to rub against your plush walls it has you mewling. as you feel him find and rub against that spot, that perfect spongey spot so easily, your eyes roll back. suguru was losing his mind, he rasped a soft moan right into your ear, he loved watching you buck on his fingers, the way you moaned and struggled to take him, it made him itch and drool to have you.
his fingers in your pussy stroking and pumping into your soft, wet pussy. his hand around your neck holding your face up to keep your eyes on everything he was doing. his deep, velvety voice right by your ear, whispering, and moaning sweet nothings. you were losing your fucking mind, you almost couldn't handle it.
"aaa- nngg, sug- sug!," you moaned shamelessly "f-ohfuck i can't-"
"sshh baby, tf you think you're doing mmm, whining like that in my office?" suguru whispers chastising you. your eyes look up at him, and the way you looked so doe-eyed, so pathetic- barely able to hold in your moans, gripped him.
"you struggling to take it for me baby, want me stop?" geto taunts, but you instantly shake your head needing him all over you.
“no please don’t stop sug”
"you can take what i give you princess?"
"i need you uhahh" you wanted him to have you however he pleased.
the way he moves has you humping and panting, you wine on him trying to get some friction against your slutty little cunt.
your moans grow louder and the pitch of your whines grow higher- you suck on your pretty fingers to try and get yourself quiet, your eyes glazing over as you watch suguru fuck you so good with his fingers and his hard bulge pushing up into you. the way he licks and bites all over your neck leaving a trail of his marks. suguru still never averts his dark eyes from yours. the purple glints in his eyes kind of sparkle in your head. all of it is bringing you right to the edge. your eyes roll back, your thighs shake, your knees buckle from the pleasure. so pliant and easy for him to manoeuvre you so he can hold you up and fuck you in just the right angles he needs, that he demands.
“fuckfuckfuc- aahh ohhhh sugie. daddy oh mmynghh” you whine and cry, your head lolling onto his shoulder.
right on the precipice of your orgasm, suguru watches how you get so close to cumming, he’s fucking salivating seeing how you become so undone, how you’ve gone fucking dumb on just his fingers, he can’t help but moan and groan right with you.
“mmm mmfuck, mine. mine.” he purrs, licking all up on you
but all too soon, it comes to a halt, and your orgasm gets snatched away from you. suguru wickedly decides to take his fingers out of you. you almost cry
“wha- no suguru fuck no don’t stop, mmmmnoo” you whine so pathetically gripping his arm, it’s fucking laughable trying to keep his fingers right where you needed them, gripping his sculpted arms so hard. your hands… the size difference makes him smile. no not smile, he’s fucking smirking. that little shit.
“fuck you, SUG HMPH!” you practically stomp your feet, pushing him away as you’re about to walk away, but of course suguru grips you against him, pulling you back so close, you are still as stubborn as ever refusing to look at him, while you’re face to face, which makes him snicker. he isn’t having any of that bullshit tho, he grabs your chin and cheeks squeezing as a warning. he pulls your face up to him again and kisses you on your forehead, the side of your head, and your cheek, and then he ghosts his plump, nude lips over your lips.
“if i decide you don’t get to cum on my fingers, you won’t. i don’t fucking care how close you are.” suguru states, locking his eyes with yours so intensely, while his lips and breath feel so close to your own, you almost feel faint. you want nothing more than for him to just kiss you, you want to feel his lips again, oh how you miss how soft they were, how you loved the taste of his mouth, the taste of the mint with his own unique feel.
suguru’s eyes flutter down to look at your lips so lushly plump and glossed he can’t help but lick his lips. he wants nothing more than to mess up your brown and pink lip combo. to bite, suck and lick all over you.
“tell me you understand.”
“i understand daddy, m’sorry i threw a tantrum, i just wanted to cum on your fingers so bad-”
suguru smiles feeling fucking delighted from your admission
“-can you please kiss me, i promise i’ll behave sugie” you whisper almost whining at the end, you rub your thighs together feeling how you made such a mess for him, as your slick trickles down your thighs.
suguru feeling so pleased with you, groans into your mouth, once your lips touch. he almost forgot how much he missed this. how much he missed you, your lips, those soft lips that melted against his. he loved the way you gasped and whined from your slow kiss, so sensual and intimate. but he knew you were such an impatient brat, his impatient princess.
demanding more, you lace your hands into his hair. you adored his long, luscious hair so much, (that you remember countless times joking about shaving it off at night and turning it into a wig. those playful moments would always have you both bickering and laughing together. it makes your heart swell remembering this).
you begged for more by stroking and tugging at the nape of his hair, making his body tingle, as suguru moaned into your kiss. he licked on your lips to get you to open up for him. he loves the way you whine and moan from frustration and neediness while running your fingers through his hair, it made him lose his fucking mind, so, of course, he had to express that by nipping at your bottom lip. his bite made you whimper and grind up against him but it wasn’t enough. you needed more. you wanted more. but suguru leads the kiss to hold that slow, deep and sensual pace, having your tongues dance together, lick against each other unhurried. which was mind-blowing but also so frustrating you wanted to just devour him, you couldn't get enough.
you moaned into his mouth as suguru sucked on your bottom lip, and then went back to your tongue, licking against each other. he spat in your mouth briefly separating your mouths from one another, and immediately resuming the kiss. at this, you snapped. whining wantonly, you gripped onto him and stubbornly clambered onto him so your legs wrapped around his waist. suguru was easily able to carry you. you were determined to make him fuck you.
“daddy” you whisper, opening your eyes to pout up at him.
“yes baby?” suguru answers, giving little kisses along your chin down to your neck. sucking onto your sensitive neck areas, he knew just the right spots to make you lose your fucking mind.
“i want you to fuck me…” you say grinding down onto the bulge you could feel through his sweats. you were sure you could feel a wet spot on them, but you weren’t quite sure of the culprit, as your wet pussy dragged and humped on his dick print leaking with pre-cum. you could feel his throbbing dick just aching to be inside you, pumping you full of his cum. suguru hissed from the feeling of your mess teasing his aching cock.
“… please baby, please fuck me again, i said i’d be good” you whined, moving closer to his ears so only he could hear how desperate you were for him. suguru moans, his voice breaks and rasps a little from you grinding on him and circling over his dick.
suguru fucking snaps, he closes his eyes while his mouth slightly hangs open, just taking in how your hips wined on him while he carried you.
he then cupped your face to him, “you’re such a fucking brat.” he moans, holding your face and caressing your throat, he watches how your breathing picks up, as you get so flustered. he brings you close, kissing you on your forearm, bringing his hand around your neck. then he carries you to his tattoo bed.
“i am not going to fuck you yn-.”
“-but su!” you begin to whine interrupting him
“be quiet.” suguru reprimands, gripping your neck just a little tighter after placing you to sit on the edge of the seat “i’m not gonna fuck you on my dick. when i have you like that, it’s gonna be on my bed, where i can have you screaming on it without any fucking interruptions. do whatever the fuck i wanna do without you getting all shy on me tryna muffle those pretty moans from me mmm, you understand baby?”
“yeah daddy” you answer feeling so giddy and light with him
“there’s my princess,” he smirks, “you’re really that fucking needy, want my dick here, right where my colleagues are downstairs mmm?” he says before kissing you again. “good girl” he praises while lifting off your dress and quickly bringing his lips back onto yours. slowly he brings you to lay back. he gets in between your thighs lifting one up over his shoulder while letting your tatted thigh rest over the edge of the bed. from this angle he could see your pretty glistening pussy, clenching around nothing.
“lay back baby.” he instructs, he sees how you wait in anticipation for him laying back on the bed.
he crouches down, kneeling in front of your exposed pussy, your slick brown lips he’s completely hypnotised by, they glisten from your wetness. you grow a little shy, you weren’t prepared to be eaten out today (૮꒰⸝⸝> <⸝⸝꒱ა). you bring down your hands to try and cover her up, feeling a little embarrassed.
suguru immediately dismissing your nonsense, and swats your hand away bringing them to instead hold your plush thighs “don’t piss me off today yn, it’s fucking mine.” you almost squeal in response to suguru, he gets so intense sometimes.
suguru is completely enchanted by your scent, the way your hole quivers and weeps for him he has to have a taste. keeping his eyes on you suguru takes the time to separate your folds with his fingers, he licks your swollen nub revelling in the way you gasp and twitch from the sensation, you feel so sensitive from the way his fingers had you shacking.
he then delves in, lapping and sucking on your bud making you writhe and moan from pleasure. the movement of his tongue has such an effect on your pussy, it's marvelling. he takes his time, really getting you sensitive, flattening his tongue on your clit and then straightening it to add pressure, circling perfectly around your bundle of nerves, it makes you gasp and arch your back so prettily
“fuck! sug-daddy aaaahhh” you release a raspy cry, gripping his hair and pulling him into you to, so you can grind on his face, which makes him moan into you, muffling a-
“fuck baby” into your wet pussy, he has to hold your hips down as you begin moving around too much for him to control, so he holds your thigh and places his other arm on your hip, pushing you down, so you stay fucking still for him to play with you properly. suguru brings his tongue down to your leaking hole, thrusting his pointed tongue into your pussy making you mewl and cover your mouth to stop yourself from squealing.
the way you’re panting and moaning, suguru can tell you're going dumb for him, aching to cum all over him. he takes his mouth off of you as your moans get higher. you whine from the absence of his tongue on your needy pussy but he makes up for it by spitting on her, letting his spit slide onto your sensitive cunt. the way his spit glistens and slides down your pussy, he pushes it back into your hole, thrusting his fingers and spit back into you. you react by clutching your thighs together from the sensitivity which makes suguru look at you sharply.
you whine, separating your thighs, so he can dip his head back down onto your clit which makes you shudder, bucking your hips into his face. he continues thrusting his fingers into you while his tongue plays and toys with your sore little clit. you can feel everything, it's all so much, your eyes roll back as your mouth hangs open letting out a broken moan while you tug at suguru’s hair.
the way his fingers scissor your folds open, cunt drooling and sucking him in greedily, while he laps and lightly nips on your clit letting his spit drool on you, just for him to suck on your juices. he eats so sloppily it has your eyes watering.
“s’good sug—so fuckin’ good,” hips grinding into the movement of his lengthy fingers, chasing that ecstasy knotting in the pits of your stomach, you’re so close you start seeing white, suguru knows you’re about to cum from the way your fingers tangle and tug at his hair, struggling to either push him closer or away from you. his dark piercing gaze never leaves your face.
“daddy m’gonna cum! shit hah aa sug please lemme cum oh please” you sob, which makes suguru groan into your pussy. feeling the way your hole clenches around his fingers, leaking out so much wetness. the way your hard clit throbs for him, your juices covering, adorning his beautiful face, he looks so pussy drunk. the only thing on his mind is making you cum all over him.
“mmm baby, you gonna cum for me.. that’s my good fucking girl” he says pumping his fingers into you while moving his other hand to circle your clit in tight circles, so he can talk you through your orgasm.
“oh fuck daddy! oh my godnngh” your hands immediately grip suguru’s hands as you squeal and moan wantonly. your body arches and bucks as you dig your nails into him leaving little crescents on his skin. your vision dots, as your body tenses, lips parting into a silent scream as your release flies through you, wetting the tattoo bed. suguru watches your cream flow beneath you, all over his mouth. he pushes your juices back into your leaking hole, drooling at the way your hole squelches.
“there’s my good girl, oh you did so good baby mmmm” he praises lapping at your excess juices spilling down, you’re so fucking sensitive it hurts
“sug-ahh it hurts, fuckk” you whine, purring up at him as you watch suguru’s desire envelop you, you can tell he’s not done with you, but you doubt you could even take anymore.
suguru slithers up to you, kissing and licking up your boobs, making you squirm. when he reaches you he holds your face so gently, mere inches away from you.
“you forgive me baby?” suguru whispers gently stroking his nose against yours, almost purring against you like a cat “mmmm?” he purrs stroking the side of your face and caressing your limp exhausted body. you feel so warm against him, so lewd and yet so protected.
“i forgive you, you’re such an asshole” you giggle feeling a little shy again, only suguru was able to make you shy, and flush so easily. suguru whispers back a thank you and captures your lips into a searing kiss, melting you both together so passionately. you clutch onto the nape of his neck and run your fingers through his hair, earning you a moan, as suguru’s tongue dances with yours sensually. he grips your hips, pulling you against him. you can feel his bulge pulsing for you-
“suguru, aye we’re back! and u’ve got another appointment waiting!” you both hear from downstairs at the reception, shoko calling out to suguru followed by gojo following suit making a ruckus, throwing a tantrum about his arm
“dudeee, where tf r u? i coulda died!” gojo shouts out. you can hear him coming up the stairs to suguru’s office
“mmm fuck suguru, they’re coming up” you gasp up to suguru who still refuses to take notice of them. he smirks, choosing to still feel all up on you
“mmmm don’t care c’mere” suguru states, you roll your eyes
“suguruuu c’mon” you smirk, pushing against him
“ugghh for fucksake” suguru huffs moving off of you, taking your hand and pulling you up to him making you yelp with excitement. you both come to your senses though when you hear gojo’s footsteps up the stairs getting close, both of you scrambling to put your dress back on and get you both presentable.
suguru then holds your chin, so you both look at each other
“what?” you nervously laugh at his intense look
“let me take you out yn? i’ve missed you so much baby” suguru pleads while stroking the side of your cheek with his thumb
“mmmm i dunno sug, dependdss on where you’re gonna take me” you smirk up at him
“let me worry about that baby, i wanna treat you, try and make it up to you” suguru implores and then kisses your forehead just as gojo barges in-
♡ ༺。° .ᘛ𓆩♡𓆪ᘚ. ° 。༻
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itsangelicasworld · 2 months
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*・῾ ⁺ Welcome to My Teen Titans DR 🧨 .*
In 2003 Jump City, a team of six teenagers called the "Teen Titans" fight against supervillains threatening their beloved metropolis. Along the way, they must face issues even worse than superpowered antagonists who want them captured; emotions, romance, and navigating the bumpy road of impending adulthood. My DR follows the plot of the show except with my own headcanons, scenarios, etc.
Like the show, there are no secret identities; so our superhero personas are quite literally just us. WHICH MEANS WE'RE TREATED LIKE CELEBRITIES!! People ask for photos/autographs, we have merch, and there's even an entire Teen Titans fandom with forums and fanarts and theories!! Not super relevant to this reality's lore, but thought it'd be cool to mention🤭.
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🔆 ˗ˏˋ ABOUT ME .ᐟ
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NAME : Angelica Sterling
NICKNAMES : Quin, Angel
AGE : 16-years-old
PRONOUNS : She/her/hers
ETHNICITY : Black and Mexican
PERSONALITY : Optimistic, courageous, charismatic, empathetic, humorous, witty, mature, impatient, cautious, idealistic
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POWER : Quantum Manipulation (basically the ability to manipulate the very foundation of the universe/matter because I'm the main character actually🤭)
SUB-POWERS : Healing, telekinesis, quantum empowerment, shapeshifting
DRAWBACKS : Using too much of my power at one time can lead to fatigue; symptoms range from mild (grogginess, irritability) to severe (headaches, unconsciousness). Additionally, under incredibly high-stress situations or potent emotions, my powers may become unstable or erratic
COMBAT SKILLS : Hand-to-hand, mixed martial arts, kickboxing, and of course using my powers, which include shooting projectiles and making defense constructs
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I made moodboards + added some quotes for all of them here, so check that out if you wanna see their aesthetics🤭
ROBIN : My s/o!! I could write 100 paragraphs about this man but I'll list our tropes instead💪
Tortured hero (on his side, he gets it from Batman ftgyhuhgtfg)
Friends to lovers
Slooowwww burn
Mutual pining
Healing together
STARFIRE : Me and her are SUUCHH girly-girls. Having sleepovers, going to the mall, exploring the city, etc. is literally all we do and I love it. She also really likes ranting about Tamaran to me. Hearing her childhood stories is so sweet🛐
RAVEN : Initially, Raven needed time to warm up to me, but now we have a really close bond. UGGHH I can't wait to meditate with this girl and talk about spirituality. AND I SCRIPTED I'M THE ONLY ONE SHE ALLOWS IN HER ROOM, SO IT'S LIKE HAVING VIP TICKETS FFGHFFG BEAST BOY : This dude is such a jokester but he's so insecure I just NEED TO HUG HIM😭😭. He's like the little brother I never had; super annoying but I couldn't imagine my life without him
CYBORG : Although I'm not as close to Cy as some of the other members, he really means a lot to me!! He's kind of like my big brother. He really likes to teach me about mechanics and I know he's always got my back, and I have his. Even though we can squabble over his attitude sometimes💀
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🦇 ˗ˏˋ OUTRO .ᐟ
Feel free to send in asks about this DR (and really any of them if your curious), they'd be greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading THIS far <333
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗹 𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 *+:。.。 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ. . . . . ╰──╮
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Aesthetics inspired by @/shiftingwithjaidyn's fame DR intro | Dividers by @/strangergraphics-archive
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my3rzs · 2 years
can i pls request something abt xavier and op who can see people's auras?? like shes new to nevermore and sees everyone's auras changing according to their humor but she just?? cant see xavier's and that bothers her, so she tries to get emotions from him, anger, happiness yk, then idk maybe they go to the raven together and at the end of the night when they finally kiss she can see a bright pink aura around him :]] or whatever way you feel like writing it (you can write reader as GN if you want as well!)
i don’t get it?
pairings: xavier thorpe x reader
summary: you saw everyone’s auras except xavier’s, who knew a kiss could change it
warnings: reader is an asshole, swearing, idk i think thats it
a/n: im sorry this was really shitty, i am more focused on school mostly rn, and this is NOT PROOFREAD, REBLOGS HELP A LOT!
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at first you thought you were gonna be an ‘outcast’ at an outcast school, but you made a couple friends, enid, her aura was a bright yellow, probably because she’s always smiling and full of joy, and wednesday who had black, ‘cause she was so mysterious, and had strength. you could see all of your friend’s auras except for xavier, the guy you like, of course it has to be the guy you like.
you were at the quad with ajax, so you told him about it for some help, maybe he knows what to do.
“i just can’t see his aura! and, of course i have to have a crush on him, for god’s sake!” you whined
“maybe, try getting some emotions out, make him happy, sad, whatever” the gorgon said
“thats a great idea, ajax! i owe you for this one!” you say
“y/n- please, don’t go too far on him- hes kinda a sensitive kind of guy, okay?” he says worried
“i’ll try, i’ll make sure hes okay” you gave him a smile as you left the quad
“goodluck!” he screamed
you decided to make xavier happy, the easiest one first so you couldn’t cause any harm, so you decided to do one of his favorite things he does with you, the carnival. good thing it was a friday, so no school tomorrow which is perfect.
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classes were finally over, so you could finally try to find xavier.
you ran to him when you saw him in one of the hallways, “xavier! hi! do you maybe wanna do something tonight?” you say
“sure! what do you think we should do?” he looked down at you
“wanna go to the carnival, maybe?” you smiled
“okay then, it’s settled! be there at 6:30 sharp, y/n” he gave you a big smile and patted your head
“see you there, xav!” you walked away and blushed because he patted your head, you kinda felt bad you were kinda forcing him to show emotions.
you were scrolling through social media while in bed, seeing your friend’s posts and enid’s new gossip about the school, until you checked the time, it was 5:24PM, so you decided to get ready for your plans with xavier.
you decided to wear pants with a chase atlantic shirt, and you brought a jacket just in case.
“oh my god! y/n, do u have a date?!” enid, your roommate squealed out of excitement
“it’s not a date, idiot, im just hanging out with xavier at a carnival” you say
“just admit it, it is kinda a date, y/n” she smiled
“well i guess- but it’s like a friends kind of date?” you say
“whatever you say, y/n” the werewolf gave you a wink
you rolled your eyes and looked at the time, 5:59PM and decided to text xavier
y/n: hey, is it ok if i come right now? im a bit too early
xavier: uh yeah sure, meet me by the ferris wheel
at the carnival
you walked up to xavier, “hi! what do you wanna do first?” you gave him a smile
“photobooth?” he questioned
you two walked in the photobooth, getting ready for the camera, you both did some funny poses and one where he was looking at you but you were too busy posing to even notice he was looking at you
you guys walked out and grabbed your photos, and saw that he was looking at you in one of the photos, you smiled.
“we look so cool!” you say
“wanna do balloon darts?” he asked
“okay!” you gave him a slight smile
you kept missing every dart and it was getting kind of annoying.
“idiot, let me help you” the blonde boy said and grabbed darts
he popped almost every one of the balloons and won a stuffed bear for you.
“thank you” you say.
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it was the next day after u hung out with xavier, and you still didn’t see his aura that time. you sighed and saw ajax come up to you.
“anything yet?” he asked
“no, i tried making him happy by hanging out with him” you whined as you covered your face with your hands
“maybe you just need to kiss him” ajax teased
“shut up!” you whispered as you hit him lightly on the hand
“speak of the devil” he gave you a mischievous smirk and walked away when he saw xavier walking your way
“what-“ you got cut off by a tall boy behind you
“y/n! last night was fun, do you maybe wanna go to the weathervane today? we could study there, or i could go on my own?” he gave you a light smile
you wanted to say yes so bad, but you decided to make him jealous today, or mad.
“uh, sorry, no. i have a date with tyler today, maybe tomorrow?” you say nervously
his smile faded when he heard you say the last part, he didn’t really have a good relationship with tyler.
“right, have fun, y/n.” he says and walked away from you
did you go too far? you sighed.
but he mentioned about going to the cafe on his own, and tyler was there. so you decided to go there aswell to meet up with tyler.
at the weathervane
you saw xavier sitting in one of the booths and walked past him as you felt his eyes on you.
you rang the bell and waved to tyler and hugged him.
“hi tyler!” you say energetically
“hi, y/nn!” he says
you could see xavier fuming at your peripheral vision, perfect. but you still couldn’t feel his aura. you looked over to xavier’s booth and saw that he was gone. i guess it really affected him.
2 weeks later
it was 2 weeks after the whole weathervane thing, you didn’t really talk to xavier much because of his jealousy and if you were being honest, you kinda regretted getting xavier’s emotions out of him just so that you can see his aura.
tomorrow was the rave’n, so you and your friends went shopping for your outfits.
you already got yours, but you were missing one thing, a date. you wished xavier was your date right now. but it was not possible. so you just decided to go solo.
it was the next day and it was 7:30PM, the rave’n starts at 8 o’clock so you decided to dress up in your outfit already. you met up with your friends downstairs.
“lets go!” enid squealed
you all walked down the stairs and you could feel everyone staring at you, including xavier.
your friends decided to get drinks and dance. while you just sat there all alone. a slow, romantic song started playing. and everyone and their s/o started to slow dance. you sighed but felt a light tap on your shoulder.
“hey, wanna dance?” xavier gave you a smile and held his hand out.
you grabbed his hand and went to a corner, you placed your hands around his neck as he put his around your waist and you two swayed your hips to the music.
“i’m sorry, i only did the whole tyler shit so i could see your aura ‘cause i couldn’t see it, and also because i liked you.” you say
“you’re an idiot, you know that?” he says chuckling
“your idiot, of course” you smile
he cups your face and leans in to kiss you desperately and you kissed him back. you felt a bright pink aura from him, you smiled against the kiss.
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four-leafed-queer-gal · 3 months
𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧Hi there! You can call me Clover!𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧
𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧toki! mi kala Kowe, anu soweli Kowe, anu waso Kowe!𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧
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‧₊˚🌿✩ ₊˚🪵⊹♡‧₊˚🌿✩ ₊˚🪵⊹♡
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I hate to do this, because there are some genuine and important donation pages and the like out there, but a few bad apples mess it up for everyone I suppose.
More below the cut :3
♡ 17 years old, & a Saggitarius! Turning 18 in approx. 2 months!
♡ ✨Taken✨ by the amazing @theacemagpie, the Black Bat to my Spoiler 8/7/2024 (Or 7/8/2024, if you use DD/MM/YYYY)
♡ my pronouns are she/they! 🏳️‍⚧️
♡ I have ASD, BPD, and ADHD ☘️
♡ I love languages! I can only speak English fluently, but I'm learning Old Norse, Old English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, toki pona, Russian, and Albanian! I also speak a little bit of French, thanks to school & friends! 🗣️
♡ I like Marvel, PJO, Avatar (Both blue people and not blue people), Batman, Hunger Games, Suits (The show), Skyrim, Ben 10 (Not the reboot), and more! ✨
♡ Therian! Theriotypes: Spotted Hyena, Sea Wolf, Viperfish, Vampire Bat, Arctic Fox, Eleonora's Falcon, Moth, Barracuda, Thresher Shark, Raven, & Cheetah (Plus others I haven't figured out yet)
♡ my favourite animals are dinosaurs 🦖
♡ I love to read 📚
♡ I enjoy writing! ✏️
♡ Pagan! I worship the Norse, Egyptian, Celtic, Roman, Greek, pretty much everybody! I'm very eclectic. My patron is Loki, They're mín Móðir. The others I work with the most are The Morrígan, The Twin Archers (Apollo & Artemis), and Thoth!
"People are going to talk shit about you no matter what. May as well give them an interesting topic!" - Mín Móðir
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Please DNI if: you’re queerphobic, anti-self dx, someone who supports beastiality, zoophilia, pedophilia, rape, etc, or if you’re racist, ableist, sexist, or fascist. Be nice! I won't hesitate to block assholes, or bigots ✨☘️
"Be humble, be kind, but don't be afraid to drag the fucker who crosses the line" - Me
✩°𓏲⋆🌿. ⋆⸜ 🍵✮˚
Side blogs! Pls interact with them?
- @cass-daughter-o-ari RP blog for my PJO OC, Cass Clemens!
- @the-axolotl-queen Blog for the Axolotl Kingdom! I'm the Queen, obvs-
- @montoya-son-o-nemesis RP blog for my PJO OC, Jason Montoya!
- @lucas-bane-son-of-punishment RP blog for my PJO OC, Lucas Bane!
- @lughs-lightheaded-son RP blog for my Celtic PJO OC, Aidan O'Neil!
- @daughter-of-the-cailleach RP blog for my Celtic PJO OC, Taran Keir!
- @ronan-child-of-ogham RP blog for my Celtic PJO OC, Ronan Callahan!
- @behold-a-man-everyday Behold! A man! Everyday!
- @diogenes-totally-real Diogenes the Cynic gimmick blog!
- @aeolus-the4winds RP blog for Aeolus, Notos, Zephyros, Boreas, Euros, Aeolus, Auster, Favonius, Aquilon, and Vulturnus!
- @the-fmby-north-carolina-totally Gimmick blog, a Femboy North Carolina!
- @antiquitian-empire-real Gimmick blog, Antiquitian Empire! A micronation!
- @literally-the-first-state Gimmick blog, Delaware! The first state in the United States!
- @four-leafed-queer-writing Writing blog! I'll reblog writing tips, and sometimes post original stories of mine!
- @four-leafed-pagan-gal Pagan blog! Reblogs for things relating to the Old Gods and other pagany and/or witchy things!
✩°𓏲⋆🌿. ⋆⸜ 🍵✮˚
Here are some of my cool humans (moots)! 💚
♡ @theacemagpie My amazing girlfriend! A fellow fan of numerous fandoms, and a speaker of multiple languages! <3
♡ @star-dust-shark Mack! He's a super cool dude, and who made most of this intro post! Go check out his blog!
♡ @lucas-iamgod Lucas! He's also a really cool guy, you should check out his blog!
♡ @hugs4neth-official Neth + others! They're all really cool, and in my experience are nice.
♡ @green-thighs-save-lives I honestly don't know much about him, but he's a nice, chill guy from our interactions.
♡ @violet-hady Hady! Great person, good friend, though always tells me to be healthy and stuff-
♡ @ankoku-teion Irish, fellow trans something??? She's currently debating between three names, I'll update with whatever she chooses when results are released :]
♡ @poemsofanentomologist An anentomologist! They're really cool, they write poetry and have inspired me once or twice to write some of my own!
♡ @gaygoose09 Fellow therian and fellow hyena, very awesome! Check out their blog!
♡ @i-am-thoroughly-confused A fellow therian & fellow bat! They are a good being :3
♡ @poppitron360 A fellow PJO enjoyer! They've got great takes on Riordanverse stuff, y'all should check out their blog!
♡ @justagremlinoncaffeine Gremlin! Cool person, really nice, I've enjoyed every interaction I have with them.
♡ @unstableunicornsofasgard Forrest! Also a great person, ¡y el habla español!
♡ @theacemagpie Magpie! An amazing person! Honestly can't believe it took me this long to add her to my pinned, lol-
♡ @peace-love-and-french-toast Amazing human! I sometimes do PJO rps with them, and with a bunch of others! They run @cabinseventheaterchick, and do a darn good job!
♡ @lizzzzzzzzzzzzzz---lol We haven't interacted much, but Liz is a great person, and what little interaction we have had has been good!
♡ + All my other moots! I have a lot, so I can't list all of y'all, but you're all amazing!
₊˚ʚ 🌱 ₊˚✧゚.
"Either walk like you're the Queen, or like you don't care who the Queen is." - Lady Artemis
Have a nice time! <3
(Note: Intro post was made by @star-dust-shark!! If you want one like it, go check out Mack's blog!!)
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beaniebabyidiot · 7 days
Here is part 5 of me watching all the x-men movies in order with commentary from when I was texting my friend about it
fifth: dark phoenix
(ps i was told not to watch it but i made a commitment, I WILL watch all the x-men movies)
charles her parents just DIED and ur promoting ur school? i mean i know u want to help but give the girl time to process man
oh nvm i guess he's blue again
mystique looks so much worse her wig and her makeup do not match what she looked like previously
why did kurt need a helmet and jean didn't? she is literally in the vacuum of space she should be dead rn
bro charles and raven are sooo out of character based on the previous movies, why did they just switch motivations and personalities???
oh hey dazzler!
i truly do belive that charles is trying to help jean and the other students, he just goes about it horribly
one thing i do like abt this movie is charles characterization, he comes off as really wanting to help and being a genuinely good person, he just can't admit his faults and SERIOUSLY messes up a lot
bro i know all of these actors can be good why are they acting so poorly?????
did the director just choose their worst takes??? like what??
so Jean is a God now?
girl i don't think they are afraid of u be ur so cool and powerful but because you killed a woman
bro who are these side villains?? і gotta admit the guy with the dreads he can move is pretty cool but who is the girl lookin like negasonic teenage warhead???
the effects of jean making him walk were so gross i literally had to fast forward a bit they look so bad and uncanny
i know that's kinda the point but i cantttttt
jean i wouldn't trust weird alien lady if i were u
yoo charles admits he's wrong for once in his life!! let's go!!!
i do love all the beast content in this movie
i know he seems all innocent but in these movies he was in the fighting rings
he has DEFINITELY killed someone before
i love him so much
overall this movie is bad but this fight scene is SICK
"i had a change of heart" erik we all know you are just down bad for charles and you will do anything if he asks u really sincerely
you can't fool me
charles and jean are so father daughter core
i mean he's not a great dad but they sure have the dynamic
bro do u know what the name of that cafe is
the french says "vieux copains"
well that movie was... bad
there were some good parts
but overall it was not good
it wasn't even funny bad like origins wolverine
this movie was NOT funny and if i'm being honest i only watched it for that scene at the end cuz i saw gifs of it on here
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pursuitseternal · 6 months
“Beginning Anew:” graveyard intimacy in “Our Blood is Thicker”
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(Ascended) Astarion x Cordehlia (Tav) | E | 3.3K
🎨 By official illustrator @marimosalad
Summary: After the fall of the Netherbrain, the Vampire Ascendant and the Bone Picker have worked to help rebuild in the aftermath. But now, in the night, they seek a moment for them, burying their pasts and embracing their future, side by side until the world falls down.
CW: Graveyard sex, semi-public sex, Cocky AA gloating he teeeechnically killed her, Cordehlia having none of that, sub/dom switching, hope for the future side by side.
Previous ch | ao3 link | Masterlist
Chapter 21:
Beginning Anew
Fires still burned, the filth of battle not unfamiliar to Cordehlia as she walked the Lower City after dark. But what was unfamiliar this time, was the warm hand laced in hers, the gentle sway of his body so close beside her. She sighed, loving the way they brushed every other step over the cobblestones.
It was done, over. Enemies defeated and villains put to the blade.
Some of her friends were lost to other places, other realms and destinies already determined to be their ends. Her heart ached for the fallen, for faces that she could easily see again and others… not quite so easily. But that was battle, loss and heartache lacing the sweetness of victory. Only this time, she wasn’t alone in her triumph.
She had him.
They had barely slept the last two days, rebuilding and guiding the citizens of the City, not to mention escaping every prying eye that wished to see the Vampire Ascendant and the Bone Picker, the stuff of legends, the pair of them. But for now, they walked in the quiet silence of night through mostly empty streets. Heading back to the Elfsong, thankful it was still standing.
From the corner of her eye, she saw his lip twist in that rakish smirk for the briefest of seconds.
“Come, my love,” he pulled her into the adjacent alley, deeper into the shadow, black so dark, she could see that faintly lingering glow in his eyes. That tingle of his new magic tickled over her skin, leaping from his touch to dance up the back of her hand.
“Now where, Ancunín?” Cordehlia hissed, teasing but gleeful as she hurried in his wake. Pulled by him, hand in hand. A gesture they had shared along elven paths and shady glades, only this time it was down rubble-filled streets. But she was just content to be following him at all. To follow him, her heart in his chest, for eternity.
He gave that teasing giggle low in his chest. “That should be Lord Ancunín, my sweet, but I’ll let it slide for you…”
Her hand, like lightning now that she mastered her new vampiric strength, flew for the curve of his ass, giving it a punishing squeeze through his suede and leather trousers. “Behave,” she smirked up at him as he gave her a mocking scowl, “my Lord.”
“Yes, dear,” he shook his head, a sultry, sinister smile that showed all his teeth caught in the dim light as he led them to make one final turn. He took note of the way her cool hand clutched harder in his as they entered under the gate of the cemetery.
She knew right where he was headed, begrudgingly, she looked into his softly smirking face as they stood at the foot of his headstone. “Why?” was all she could say.
His palm caressed her cheek, that warm touch grounding her even as her undead heart began to pound hard, if slowly, in her chest. “Now that our enemies have fallen, it’s time to start anew, don’t you think? The Ascendant and his Raven?”
“You mean the Bone Picker and her devoted husband, don’t you?” she snickered, a bit irked and yet…. Something about being his made her stomach flutter and coil with that constant need for satisfaction.
“What about, Lord and Lady Ancunín, hmm?” he pulled her flush against his body, that damned beaded jacket again, now his new favorite, scratching through the silk of her new chemise. “What we were always wanting to be… destined to be, don’t you think?”
Hand braced in the center of his chest, her every new sense could hear his heart thumping, feel the blood rush in his veins again, smell it beginning to race and pool in certain parts of his anatomy.
As if she didn’t always know the instant he grew hard for her.
“Are you seriously thinking about…” she arched her eyes wryly at him, words failing her as she chose to just grab for his erection instead. He just grinded that thickening length through his leathers into her palm. A laugh in her ear as she felt his warm breath inhaling her scent. “You know we are in a graveyard?” she taunted.
“Yes,” he chuckled louder.
“And that we are standing at your gravesite, as much of a lie as it is…”
His tongue trapped the soft bottom of her ear to suck it gently into his mouth. “Yes,” he rasped, a bit rougher in his throat.
“And you do know this is a place where I now have not one, but two horrible memories of laying near unconscious, my head near your own… headstone, right?” She shuddered under his warm lips, pulling him tighter into her hand on his cock by the small of his back.
“Yes,” he replied, “and don’t you think we grieve those poor memories to make a new one here… together?” His words were honey-sweet, balm on her wounds. His nose nuzzled against her neck, breathing in her scent, she knew.
“I’ve been… yours… for a tenday, and you’re already an absolute freak, wanting to fuck on your grave…”
“You love me, though,” he smirked, shaking his head. “It’s not like you wouldn’t do the same, little love.”
“Not my grave, not my name in stone,” she shoved him by his cock, making him grunt so sweetly as he withdrew just a breath.
“It can be arranged you know,” he forced his voice steady, trying so hard to keep that silken seduction in his tone. “After all, I did kill you.”
“Please,” she huffed, rolling her now crimson eyes as she stilled her hand and eased it off his erection. “In a fair fight, I would still kick your arse, Astarion… good thing you Ascended, just to even the odds.” Cordehlia grinned, lips twisting to one side as she let her touch fall. His eyes widened in hurt, or panic, or desperation as he caught her wrist to replace it there between his legs immediately.
“My love, I am the Vampire Ascendant now,” he purred into her face, “every fight is fair… for me.”
Cordehlia let out a very loud, nasally, and ugly noise, cracking into that smile that warmed his heart and showed all her teeth, fangs included now. “Great,” she rolled her eyes, a show of petulance, “As if you need the entitlement or fodder for your arrogance, my love.”
“Just what I’m due,” he brushed his lips against hers, her own so eager for another taste. Her breath forced its way into his mouth, her teeth nipping gently one his lips, longing for a taste, he knew. “Hungry?” he rasped into her kiss, and she was only able to nod and bite just a bit harder with her blunted teeth.
“Famished,” she whispered, licking her tongue over the roof of his mouth.
“Then kneel, my darling…”
She flashed him a look of narrowed eyes and twisted mouth, irritated but intrigued. Suspicious but aroused. Her fingers slid with tantalizing lightness down the sinews of his thighs, her knees bending as he smirked with tickled delight. The sight of his love, playful minx she was, looking for any chance she could to bend his rules. That glint in her eye, ancient and youthful, said as much.
She loved this. But she wouldn’t let him know that entirely. Not yet. For now, she was happy to taunt and gaze at his forever-ethereal beauty. The moon lit the night air behind him, those silver curls fairly glowing, kissed by the stars, just as they alway had each evening they would find one another. Perhaps he gazed with slightly more hunger down at her now, perhaps he craved having his way more than before… but not so much as he had once, the spoiled son of a noble family, destined for greatness.
And greatness finally found him, she could see he thought as much. He sighed contentedly, eagerly, his fingers tracing the line of her jaw to gasp so carefully under her chin.
To tilt her mouth just right for his kiss.
Ravenous, she arched upwards for his lips, working her mouth with all heat and fangs and mouth-watering desire. Until something warm dripped from their lips, the coppery tang of his own blood coating his tongue before he even felt the ice-cold prick of her own fang at the corner of his mouth. “Tch, naughty,” he hissed as she sucked the blood that seeped more with every lick.
Cordehlia only laughed from her throat in reply, hand gripping mercilessly at the outline of his cock, making him swallow another grunt. Laughing and sucking, she freed those small brass buttons down the supple leather of his breeches.
A sigh of pure and heated contentment in his throat, he stood to watch. Those crimson eyes gleamed at him, bright with her own lust, sparkling with mischief. Her lips twitched, waiting to catch his cock the second it sprung free.
Her fingers, warmed from even the littlest drops of his blood in her belly now, she rubbed his length. All silken skin and risen veins, she stroked him in one hand and palmed the smooth, tight skin of his balls in her other. A gentle thrust of his hips, he could feel her breath as she inhaled his musk and salt from the v of his waist. But those lips didn’t aim for his pulsing, seeping head.
Oh no, his bride wrapped her warming lips fully around one of his balls. The groan he made echoed off the walls behind her, he needed to lean one hand on his own headstone just to steady his legs. She licked, first one then the other, tongue swirling over him as he could feel them tighten, as his cock twitched against her ear, resisting her gently hold around it.
“Gently,” he hissed, the cold drag of her fangs threatening the soft velvet skin in her mouth. And she just laughed.
“Afraid?” she murmured rubbing her nose into that hard plane of his hips.
“Mmm, I will only ever admit that to you, my treasure…” he braced himself for more. For another scrape of her teeth over his most sensitive of parts. The rush of fear and lust, of pleasure and pain sent arousal like molten heat right to his core.
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes,’” she purred, aiming those fangs for the side of his thigh buried inside the gap in his trousers. A small snarl reached her ears from above, muscles under her mouth bunched as she lapped the blood that flowed.
His hand moved into her fiery hair, guiding her blushing face back before him, but instead of shoving his cock between her plump lips, he sank to his knees too, her lips too tantalizing not to consume for his own. Her body too precious to keep at his feet for a moment longer.
Those strong hands, all too familiar with blade and bow, gripped into the collar of his jacket, twisting him and pulling him to crush her into the earth, their heads almost knocking against that aged stone. He growled, his thumb prying open her jaw to dive his tongue in deeper. “Cordehlia,” his voice dripping like honey and brushing like silk, “I love the taste of you… after you’ve tasted me.”
Her smile answered as it pressed into his mouth. Cordehlia only wanted more, wanted to glut on his love for her, to feed until she was drunk on his lust and his cock and his desire. She bucked and wriggled and slid her own sensible trousers free. One of his free hands worked them off as well, until she could kick them to the side, her supple boots joining them. Satisfied at last, she slunk a hand to touch her own slickness. But Astarion only growled, a push of his mind against her own, desirous and disapproving. Instead he chuckled into their working mouths. He grinded heavily into her hips, hooking his knee into her own.
Spreading her.
Straining her apart until he could glide his length through that pool between her thighs. Her craving was palpable, her hunger filled his own stomach. One warm palm at the back of her head, and he placed her panting mouth on his own throbbing neck.
Fangs sank into his skin, his cock thrusting deep into her dripping folds. Swallow by swallow as she drank from him, she grew warm, igniting little by little from within, around him, under him. Just a bit more, he split her by her thigh. Making her gasp with a mouthful of his blood. Making her arch just right to take him in so deep, that throbbing head of his cock pressed against the end of her channel.
For laying on a patch of land to hold the dead, he had never felt so alive. Not with his pulse raging through his veins, from the tips of his ears to the twitch of his cock buried deep inside her.
Always eager, ravenous for more, demanding and needy… it didn’t matter if it was their first time
By that ancient stream or the current time, here and now by his headstone, she wouldn’t have him any other way.
Buried to his balls, eyes fixed into hers, one heart and one breath between them. Lovers then and now and for eternity. “Until the world falls down…” he had said before. And that glimmer in his moonstruck, crimson eyes now as he fucked into her repeated it over and over again.
Nails dug into the small span of his back, wherever she could reach his flesh. Her touch gripped hard beneath the band of his trousers to pull him in. As if he needed the enticement. The way their foreheads pressed tightly, their mouths slack and eyes locked… Cordehlia groaned, her own strength clutched hard around him, legs around his waist, fingers dug deep enough for blood as she bucked in bliss. He grit his teeth, savoring the way she pulsed around him, trying to to be undone at the same moment. Biting his tongue, closing his eyes, he forced himself to last through it, even as her ecstacy swept him away. The weight of her hand at his nape pulled his mouth to her tongue. Instantly she lapped at the blood that dripped from where he nipped himself.
Of course she would sense it, hunger for it. He just laughed as he stilled inside her at that moment. Letting her feast on him. “Enough?” he purred, a little unbidden roll of his hips through her extra-slick folds now.
“Never,” her grip already pulled at his collar, mouth pressed sharply into hers. He hissed, the pressure of her tight walls, the rock of her hips to take him deeper… the taste of his blood on their tongues. It was everything he ever wanted.
Well… maybe… one more thing…
Cradling her head in his palm, he sank his fang into her working lower lip, that floral taste that was so truly hers alone filled his mouth. One swallow of her essence, and he burst. Pulse after pulse, he erupted and shook as he came. His breath stifled by her mouth, it was all he could do to close his eyes to the moonlight in the graveyard and let his body ride hard and fast.
Until the only sound in that vacant yard was their rapid breathing, the slick of their sexes, and the racing of his one Ascendant heart.
He kept his voice soft, fingers stroking over that arch of her cheek, those crimson eyes fluttering and filling with tears unshed to catch the starlight. Almost like the silver they once were. “Do you remember what I promised you that last night before I… left you?”
Cordehlia gave a wet laugh, just the one. “Do you remember, Ancunín?” she teased through the surge of tenderness that warmed her inside and out.
He quirked his brows, mock offense darkening his sharp features even as he smiled. “How dare you…” he taunted back, pinching her earlobe as if she were a naughty little elfling. Which she always would be to him, deep down. “I recall promising you wardrobes of silken dresses, notoriety as the beautiful bride of a powerful man… that the City would kneel at your feet, my darling…”
Now she sniffed back her tears as they flowed for real, turning her head to hide them from him. “That was so long ago, Astarion…. I, I don’t even know if I am the same. I don’t know if I belong in a world of luxury and finery and butter-soft dresses…”
His fingers just kept stroking her face. Waiting.
She sighed. “I think she died when she thought you dead, when she saw you all those years ago in the tavern…”
He silenced her with a kiss, tender and tasting and soft as he could. His thumb wiped off a single cool tear as it trekked down her face.
“We are both dead and remade you know,” he whispered as he looked down at her again. “I’d like to still give you whatever you desire. Your delight is mine. Your sorrow, mine.”
Her eyes struggled to meet his gaze, but once they did, she grinned gently. “And yours mine,” she swallowed through her crying.
Astarion swept his hand to her hair now, soft and fiery. Just like her. “I would like nothing better than to spoil you for eternity, to rebuild this city or travel or battle or return to our home country to remember or seclude ourselves in a palace… as long as we do it together.”
“I’d like that,” she smiled wider, her own hand cupping his fiercely grinning face. “As long as we do it together.”
Lips brushed, sweet and chaste, a kiss of promise and hope and future—a caress of one breath, one blood, one heart. As they broke apart, she shoved him in the chest, trying to sit up.
A smirk on his lips, he let her, busying himself with arranging his clothes back properly as he stood. Lost in the moonlight, gazing into the sky, he only turned once he heard the scratch of a dagger into stone.
She was a sight, burnished hair spilling over her shoulders, barely clothed again, and that shining dagger in her hand. With every scratch, she carved into the headstone beneath his name.
With her own.
Cordehlia Aquilae, followed by her own years of life, far exceeding his inscribed above.
He just watched until she was done, standing to return her weapon home, dusting off her hands as she turned. “Don’t let it get to your head you killed me, Astarion,” she teased and drew closer. “You really don’t need to inflate your pride any more.”
He answered with that same wicked look, all smirking lips and devouring eyes. “Our little secret then,” he purred, pulling her close once she was within reach. “My eternal lover, beyond the reach of time… Cordehlia Aquilae…”
She shook her head, raising on her toes to kiss him again. “No, she’s dead.” The words rang with a hint of sadness. But then he looked into her eyes. Bright with the stars, her cheeks flushed with his blood in her veins. “Cordehlia Ancunín, that is if you’ll have me…”
“Forever,” he interrupted before she could say anything else disparaging, “in every position, in any place… Never again from my side.”
“Promise?” she rasped, a grind of her hips against his that ignited his body again. So soon
“I promise you Cordehlia, my bride, my love…” he pulled her close, close enough to feel her body still warm from their first coupling. The first of many tonight, he smirked so assuredly. “We have a beautiful if probably bloody future ahead of us, my love.” His finger brought her rosy lips, her glinting fanged-smile against his own. “I can hardly wait.”
Thus ends the Pale Elf Quest AU for these romantic heroes. Thank you for enduring the angst to get to the happy ending.
But….. it’s not really an ending. There will be more for Corstarion 💞🗡️. I mean, now they’re both powerful, happy, menaces of a vampiric nature. I will add on epilogue chapters, but for now this chapter does mark the “end” of the Quest in canon.
Watch this page for their Ascendant and Raven adventures however. And yes, they will be even hornier and bloodthirsty now.
♥️ Pursuits
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Dude, Disney Movies Can't be Avoided!
Batfamily/Teen Titans Fanfic
Words: About 1000
Warnings: Eh, just me writing kissing, but no farther than that.
Summary: Dick Grayson and Koriand'r reconnect after she's been traveling for three months, Beast Boy is shocked Dick hasn't even seen a Disney movie, Raven doesn't want to be involved but she goes along anyway and Cyborg... Is along for the ride.
Dick Grayson's apartment - Afternoon
Kori: I missed you.
Kori kisses Dick passionately.
Dick, catching his breath: I missed you too. I swear when you're close to being back with me I... Can't focus.
Kori’s eyes glimmer with warmth.
Kori: Even when everything felt chaotic, thoughts of you kept me going and thinking about doing this.
She softly pressed her lips against his lips and pulled away, leaning in closer, their foreheads touching, breath mingling in the space between them.
Kori: We can do whatever you want, but for tonight-
Dick: We're on the same page.
Kori's smile softens, and she pulls him into another kiss, deeper this time, as if she could bridge the gap of their time apart. When they finally break apart, she grips his shirt.
Kori: We won't be... Interrupted? I have a lot of energy to work off.
Dick: I told them we'd be spending the day together. Every minute, every hour.
Kori: Exactly.
Kori takes off Dick's shirt and he rips off her dress without a second thought.
Kori: God I love you.
Dick: I love you too.
He carries Kori to his room, shutting the door behind him.
Raven, Beast Boy and Cyborg stand in front of Grayson's front door to his apartment.
Dick Grayson's apartment - 10 pm
Raven: You sure he wants to be bothered with us?
Beast Boy: Doesn't matter, he is watching Disney movies with us. He will not be deprived of Frozen!
Cyborg: Imma keep arguing Tangled is better.
Beast Boy: Shut it.
Raven rolls her eyes.
Raven: I have an inkling we should not be here. Kori said she'd be back soon and the first person she sees is always him.
Cyborg: I heard she'd be back tomorrow. I think we're fine.
Raven (crossing her arms): I have a bad feeling about this.
Beast Boy (interrupting his girlfriend): The man told me he's never watched Disney movies, we got a free night and we brought snacks.
Cyborg: He's got a point, especially about the snacks.
Raven: Hm, all right. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Raven pulls out the spare key Dick let her hold on to, not BB or Cyborg especially after they snuck in and stole one of his suits.
The unlocked and the trio saw most of the place was dark minus his room.
Multi-colored lights peeked through the closed bedroom door. They headed to the door, but once Raven heard music playing, specific music, she turned on her heels.
Raven: Nuh-uh. Nope. No. Nada.
She made her way to her friends living room couch, waiting for the inevitable show her friends would witness.
Beast Boy and Cyborg shrug and open the unfortunately unlocked door.
Cyborg, Dick and Kori: AAAAAAH!
Beast Boy: Kori you're back early.
Kori: I said today was when I returned!
Beast Boy (unaware of the awkward walk in): My brain switched the date. Hey Dick-
Dick: GET OUT!
Dick tosses pillows at the two. Cyborg and Beast Boy run off. Cyborg covers his eyes in horror.
Cyborg: Damn, you'd think I'd be used to seeing that. Why were they oiled up?
Raven, turning on the television: Probably was that and sweat.
Dick: Rachel!
Raven (Rachel): I'm not wrong.
Cyborg: Oh Lord, the mental image is stuck in my head! Get out! Get out!
Cyborg knocks his fist against his forehead disgusted.
Dick (in his room with Kori): Why are you idiots here?!
Raven, over her shoulder: They wanted you to watch Disney movies because you've never watched them.
Kori (shocked): Not even Beauty and the Beast?
Dick: I had a stressful childhood! Fine we can watch the stupid movies!
Beast Boy: Cool man, can y'all get dressed?
Dick groans and slams his bedroom door shut.
Raven raising her voice: You should get a lock for that door.
Dick: And pay a fee to my landlord, no! Maybe fucking knock!
Raven ponders this for a second and then shrugs with a nod.
Cyborg: I- I- Need some air.
Beast Boy: Dude it's natural, odd to see but we all do it.
Cyborg: Man I'm not a voyeur. I don't want to see it. You nasty.
Cyborg steps outside.
Beast Boy: I'm not that either, there's just no shame in-
Raven: Garfield?
Beast Boy: Yeah?
Raven: Shut up.
Garfield nods, pretending to zip his mouth.
Raven: Well, we're here. I'll get the popcorn made.
A few minutes later the group sat in Grayson's living room watching Frozen first. The room was filled with awkward tension that could be cut with a knife.
Kori wipes her finger across her boyfriend's neck.
Kori: You got a little oil on your neck still.
Beast Boy chuckles while munching on popcorn.
Dick, sighs: I texted all of you that we'd be busy today.
Cyborg, averting eye contact with the couple: Could you not say the word busy?
Dick: My point is, why didn't you wait?
Beast Boy, eating popcorn: Dude, Disney!
Dick: Dude, wait a day!
Kori: Maybe two days.
Raven, sitting criss cross on the floor, grabs the remote and paused the movie.
Raven: You guys were having sex, they walked in, I'm not being horrified by that again, it's over with. Your love for each other is intense but healthy. Can we watch the rest of the movie without talking about the fact Richie doesn't put a lock on his bedroom door?
Dick glares at Raven: My house, my rules! I don't want a lock!
Kori (comfortingly): Relax. Rachel is right, it happened and has happened a couple times. It's not like they saw anything.
Dick: You guys didn't, did you?
Beast Boy: The covers were on your member so no.
Cyborg: That is true.
Dick pinches the bridge of his nose.
Dick: Just unpause the movie.
Raven: Thank you.
Raven presses play. Kori rests her head on her partner's shoulder making him smile. The rest of the movie was enjoyable as well. Although Grayson kept the door to his room closed while they watched more Disney movies.
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