#Advice & Support
khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
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these are very wise (and very real) words. believe me.
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Are you easy to please or just accustomed to being neglected?
k.b. // by dr. thema bryant-davis
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hellyeahscarleteen · 1 month
We could use your help!
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If you support the groundbreaking, inclusive, affirming, feminist, comprehensive, young-people-centered, queer sex ed for all we've provided for 25+ years to over 90 million people, please help us raise the $15K we need to pay our bills in 2024, or become one of 250 new donors we need for 2025! You can do that at Scarleteen.com/contribute or by heading to our site and clicking ‘Pitch-In ’. 🎉 If you’re already donating (thank you!) please consider increasing your monthly amount, if you can, even a little bit. We’ll count any increases we get towards our two goals! You can do that by clicking 'Manage Your Donation' in your latest donation receipt. If you can’t donate yourself, can you tell your friends, family and followers who we are, why you value our work and ask them if they’d be willing to donate? You can share this post and the link above, but using your own words is the most effective! Despite leading the way in SRE online from the 1990s on, and always making sure young people have access to good information even when it is suppressed elsewhere in their lives, we remain underfunded, including funding to pay our staff a fair, living wage. We need to meet this $15K goal to fund our most basic needs and our tightest budget. If you can help us do that, we can focus on providing awesome SRE, growing, improving and kicking-ass, and finding more funding for 2025. Thank you! ❤️
- The Scarleteam
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blue-eyed-author · 10 months
Writing rule:
Every character who speaks gets their own paragraph. If two characters are talking, each time they switch you must create a new paragraph.
Do not add more than one characters’s dialogue into a single paragraph or it will be too confusing for the reader.
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forestpixies · 6 months
no actually you’re either gentle parenting your child or you’re being emotionally and/or physically abusive to them, whether or not you’re aware of that.
because the term gentle parenting already includes discipline and teaching your kid right from wrong. gentle parenting doesn’t mean you can’t tell your kid no. it means you can tell them no when they do something they shouldn’t, but instead of punishing or yelling at them, you’re explaining and giving them reasons why they can’t do that, you are helping them learn and encouraging them to be better. gentle parenting means you’re using reasons built on mutual respect instead of anger. because yes, no matter how young your child is, they deserve respect too.
I’m sorry but most of the times when someone says they’re a strict parent, what it means is that they give their child childhood trauma that’ll last a lifetime, whether or not they’re aware of it. especially parents who brag to other people about how strict they are and how they punished their children.
and I’m sorry but saying you have a short temper is never an excuse to be emotionally and/or physically abusive towards your kid either.
“I yelled at you because I have a short temper” then why am I the one suffering? if you can’t control your anger, then get help. work on it. do better. be better.
also… your child standing up for themself against you, when you’re being abusive to them, isn’t them being disrespectful towards you. it means they are defending themself because you wouldn’t do that for them and so they had to step in and be their own protector.
if you’re a parent and can defend and stand up for yourself when you feel like you need to, but at the same time punish your kid when they stand up for themself against you, then you are the problem.
I was that child and I’m gonna make it as simple as I can for any parent out there — because no kid deserves to go through what I went through — imagine yourself owning a dog. really. you can either
a.) beat that dog whenever they do something wrong and simply take your anger out on them until they’re fully submissive and are terrified of you
b.) train them with love and gentleness and earn their love and loyalty in return
now imagine both A and B dogs on leashes and imagine them no longer being on leashes one day. which dog do you think will run away as far as they can and never look back, and which one do you think will stay because they love and want to be with their owner?
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jgmartin · 8 months
writing tip #3255: the fewer the fucks given, the better the writing. get out of your head and onto the page.
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honeytonedhottie · 4 months
hyper femininity⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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im super excited to write this post because my relationship with my femininity has been something that i remember rly well and im super grateful for. i feel like embracing my hyper femininity has made me grow and glow so i wanna share ways that i embraces and strengthened my femininity 🎀
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we have gut feelings for a REASON. most of the times when we have gut feelings about someone or a situation we are nine times out of ten RIGHT. something that i've learned to do is listen to my body and my gut intuition more.
and to add onto this, TRUST UR OWN JUDGEMENT. a lot of the time we are used to being preached to about how we should feel and respond to certain things, and something important to always prioritize is discernment.
but please trust ur gut and trust ur own principles and judgement because no one knows u better then you. at the end of the day u know whats best for u and u are responsible for doing whats best for u so dont put that responsibility/power in the hands of others.
having women that u look up to is so so good for u because it gives u a role model. some women that are my role models include ; kimora lee simmons, jang wonyoung, bella hadid, megan thee stallion, jia song, alexa demie, paris hilton, and SO much more.
also having lots of female friends, watching female influencers etc i think all contribute to my girlyness. my absolute favorite female influencer is manifestelle because shes so smart and wise and AMAZING to listen to.
know ur worth and own it. as a woman, make sure that u keep company that uplifts you and keeps ur confidence high because in this world everyone is so obsessed with "humbling" women.
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do lots of confidence and self concept work to the point where absolutely NOTHING can phase u because ur so secure within urself and ur femininity. confidence is important for everything but especially important for women.
being super in tune with and aware of my emotions has helped my femininity bcuz i used to have a bad habit of repression because i thought that being sensitive was something that i had to be ashamed of. but i learned that its NOT true and i learned to embrace it through doing lots of journalling and shadow work.
i found that my femininity was strengthened when i allowed myself to express and be creative. doing things like dancing, song writing, journalling, keeping a blog etc has just been so good for my girlyness as a whole.
being able to express urself in how u speak and advocate for urself is also immensely important because no one is gonna speak FOR you so u need to speak for you and express urself clearly. you can do so by starting to practice saying no and saying when u like something and when u dont like something.
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uncanny-tranny · 5 months
Something that made hygiene-related things easier to do was to say "fuck it" to the concept of doing the thing at the Right time. My teeth do not understand that it is currently 02:00 or 15:00 and they're getting brushed. The skin on my face doesn't hold up a timepiece and say, "why haven't you washed me, twelve hours have elapsed and you haven't bothered to wash me!".
As someone who has had very intense experiences with my ability to do things at the Right time, throwing out those rules has been a game-changer. I used to shame myself because I didn't do something at the Right Time, so I just didn't do it, which would make me feel even worse. That's not a healthy way to go about anything. Accommodate for yourself. Throw out those rules.
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selfcarereminder · 3 months
hey if ur reading this and ur in a bad spot mentally or anything i hope u feel better soon and have a good day
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bluebxlle-writer · 1 month
Writing Villain Organizations
masterlist. main navigation.
bluebxlle_writer on instagram
1. Goal & motivation
To pose a threat to your main characters, your villains need a clear goal — preferably one that directly negates your MC’s goal. But that’s not enough — they also need a clear motivation to justify their goal.
Now, which one should you flesh out first? Goal or motivation?
The answer is : it’s up to you. You can start by giving your villain organization a clear goal before brainstorming possible motivations that would support this goal; or you can come up with a backstory which narrates their motivation then set up a goal that aligns with said motivation.
2. Influence
To be memorable, your villain organization must have some sort of influence on your main characters and the general public.
An underground criminal organization that brings annoyance to your main characters because they wreak havoc everywhere they go and are impossible to catch as they have their ways to evade law.
A supernatural cult that brings fear to the public because they have the most powerful people on their side who won’t hesitate to kill anyone who stands in their way.
A cryptic society that brings a sense of uneasiness to the MCs because they’re unpredictable and have actions that don’t seem to make sense, yet always results in casualties.
3. Leader
Behind every villain organization is a leader who can control all the worst and most evil people in your story. This should be something frightening, so make sure to clearly establish how they obtained their power as a leader.
Expertise — they have expertise on a certain skill that’s deemed important, such as mastery of a deadly spell.
Charm — they can sway and manipulate people as they please.
Cruelty— they’re evil and ruthless, striking fear within the group and coaxing everyone to listen to them.
Ambitions — they have a strong goal and plan, convincing the entire organization that he’s the best man to achieve that goal.
Savior — they “saved” several villains from a gruesome end and played the role of “savior”, earning gratitude and awe.
4. Disputes
Selfish and goal-driven villains are bound to trigger disputes within the organization. Here are a few conflicts that could trigger disputes :
Factions — the organization is split into two factions ; one that supports the current leader, and one that support someone who promises to bring a “real” change if he were to become leader.
Betrayal — when one villain betrays the organization and the leader finds out, this may trigger an all-out dispute ; some members defending the betrayer and the rest wanting to kill them.
Absense of a leader — When the leader dies or is incapable of issuing orders, members of the villain organization may fight for the leader’s seat as they want to use the position to reach their personal goals.
5. Parallel
If your main characters are also part of an organization, a villain group can serve as a parallel to your MC’s organization.
While the villains operate under personal goals and are only bounded by fear to their leader, your MCs have a common goal and are willing to work together to reach it.
While the villains don’t care about public safety and only ensure the smooth operation of their missions, your MCs always put civilians first.
While the villain strictly prohibit emotional relationships; let alone romantic relationships, your MCs are free to be with whoever they want.
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mewsmagic · 3 months
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Here's a lil comic strip about how you can protect your art before sharing it to the public!!!
Against AI and against art theft too!
Click on 'read more' to see the extra tip I mentioned at the end!
Geez been working on this since the Meta AI things blew up but I only finished just now!!
Here's the extra tip I mentioned at the end:
you can use http://haveibeentrained.com to search for your images and find out if your work has been used for AI.
In there, you can choose to opt out, but AI companies are not obligated to respect it so it isn't too much of a protection unfortunately 😭
Also be aware that they are associated with AI and they did try to badmouth glaze so artists wouldn't protect themselves; which's very bad for a company that allegedly are on the side of the artists.
Also!!! There's a new type of AI that I was just made aware of last week, Copainter.
It completes unfinished work, which can be used for 'stealing and claiming it theirs', so put a cat picture in the next wips you post as well!
Funny protective measure I know LOLLLL but here's the tests for yall cynical people:
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Perhaps I'll complete this comic with this info one day, but just these 10 slides took a looot of work so probably not happening anytime soon 😭
Thank you for reading everything though, I really appreciate it and hope this will help 🫶 be careful out there, privacy issues have been crazy recently!!!
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hellyeahscarleteen · 21 days
Funding update: We're still short
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Co-director Jacob here, with an update on our current fundraising efforts. We sure appreciate your understanding this interruption to the award-winning sex and relationships education programming we’d much rather be spending our time providing for you! Just over 200 wonderful folks have made a donation or become a recurring donor since we started, but we are still short of our goal! We’re still 171 new recurring donors and 5K short of 15K we need to pay our most basic bills through the end of 2024 to help us avoid cuts to our staffing and services in 2025. We'll need just around as many people as have already pitched in to close the economic gaps we're up against, and help from people who value what we do to close them. You know the drill! If you can pitch in financially, and especially as a recurring donor, we’d love and appreciate your help at any level. If you can’t, or you already have and want to help some more, making your own posts about us, why you value us, and directing your circles to our work and where to donate to support it can go such a long way. Thank you for keeping us trucking, especially to those of you who have donated now or in the past, and those of you loudly banging this drum for us out here! Here's the link to donate for yourself or to direct others to:
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ineffable-romantics · 1 month
I have admired the work of the amazing @anotherwellkeptsecret for YEARS, following her originally from the height of my Sherlock obsession all the way until now where she has (to my delight!) crossed over into Good Omens as well.
She also just had a baby!!!! So partly as a congratulations, partly as a thank you for being such an artistic inspiration, and partly so I could practice my own digital art techniques and play with Procreate for the first time, I asked if she would allow me the privilege of coloring some of her favorite pages from her comics while she's on maternity leave. And she said yes!
But she asked me to pick my favorites instead. So I took her at her word and chose one favorite page from each of the ten comics I have saved and loved over the years.
Exactly two weeks later (and in no particular order) here is the final result!! I am so grateful to Kelley for letting me do this, and I have discovered so much about my own style and what I like (excessive lights, apparently lol). I hope you guys like them as much as I do, and please please please go support Kelley's tumblr and Patreon, she absolutely deserves the world. 💕
One Night in Bangor (And The World's Your Oyster)
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(more art below cut)
Oh What A Night
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The Losing Side
(Sequel to Oh What A Night)
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Points Of Interest
(Sequel to Oh What A Night and The Losing Side)
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Who Wants To Live Forever
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That Certain Night
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A Romantic Affair
(Sequel to That Certain Night)
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As Long As We Both Shall Live
(Sequel to That Certain Night and A Romantic Affair)
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Change Of Pace
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Temptation Accomplished
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hey chat so...
is it possible for an alter that like, for a long time you thought was gone for good and forever, can just like...sorta come back??? if someone could reblog this with an answer id appreciate it
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binxelf · 2 years
things you can do despite your sense of guilt
- go for a walk even if you think you don’t deserve it
- have a snack even if you think you don’t deserve it
- take a break from studying even if you think you don’t deserve it
- reach out to someone even if you think you don’t deserve it
- demand, have needs and wants even if you think you don’t deserve it
- make it through the day even if you think you don’t deserve it
- feel mentally exhausted albeit seeming physically fine
- feel the sense of abandonment despite the company of those around you
- go to bed early despite not having done much according to your mental routine
- let out a deep breath even if you think you weren’t holding one back
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