#Harvey Dent fic
mxtantrights · 9 months
famous dc! au (bruce's version)
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PART ONE - untitled_script.docx / raw_sketch.jpeg
When you felt the warm sun on your eyes you didn't quite know where you were yet. Last night was intense and for almost all of it you were sober. At beginning of the party you weren't.
Last night was more of a launch for you. Your name had been whispered in these circles for months now. A couple of articles written up about you and your art. It was time to fully immerse yourself into this world.
Of course you showed up as an emerging artist with no art. What's an artist's struggle without art? Exactly. If you came with someone to hang on one of the walls you think you would have fainted from all the attention. Being there and people knowing your name was enough to tilt your world.
That's how you ended up spilling some of your drink on an unsuspecting victim. You sobered yourself up after that. Trying to get through your nerves with liquid courage wasn't going to help. You had to find other tactics.
As the night went on though you kind of forgot about your nerves. With the help of one person in particular. Now that you think about it you can't believe you're about to say his name in connection with yours. But it's the truth.
Bruce Wayne helped you last night.
And then a couple of hours after that. And a little more into the wee hours of the morning. But it was more than that-something is missing. You reach over to the other side of the bed and find it empty.
You open your eyes and the sun fully blinds you. So you turn around in bed. You're naked. That seems about right. Your eyes take focus on the other figure in bed with you. He's got his back turned to you, so all you can see are the scratches that go from his shoulders to his lower back.
A bit startled you sit up on your forearm.
The movement must be felt because all at once he's turning around and your brain doesn't have to work overtime to recognize Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne in bed with you. Bruce Wayne with nail marks down his back.
You sit there for a while. Just watching him. Your chest heaving up and down. You try to steady your breathing but you can't quite seem to catch it in the first place.
"It's impolite to stare." he says.
Your eyes widen, "You're awake?"
He opens his eyes. Bright blue staring right back at you. A shadow of a smile lines his lips. It was a stupid question but he doesn't make you feel as such for asking.
"Good morning." he says.
You pull the covers over your chest a bit more.
"Good morning." you say and clear your throat.
"Had a nice night?" he asks.
You can't help to laugh a bit, "I don't know. Jury's still out."
Bruce hummed, then he wrapped his arms around your middle, bringing you closer to his body. You instinctually wrapped your legs around his.
"Law really isn't my strong suit." he says.
"It's more of mine." a voice by the door says.
You and Bruce both look over quickly. That's right. Harvey! Now that you think about it Harvey was the one that walked you into this room last night. Somewhere after Bruce was telling joked and before the tenth person came up to introduce themselves to you, Harvey made an appearance.
With all the slyness of a fox he whisked you away from the donors eager to commission something from you. He took you far away from the crowd for about an hour. Then Bruce had joined the two of you.
You're looking at him and he's smiling right at you too. He has a tray of food in his hands. A glorious spread of breakfast foods.
"I thought you'd be off, chasing a script somewhere." Bruce says.
There's an edge to his voice now. One that wasn't there a few moments ago. You start to think it's like jealousy or something. Was Bruce jealous of Harvey?
Then your mind rattles with the fact of last night. Harvey may have dragged you off someplace, but at no point did either one of you invite Bruce. He knew just where to be and when too.
You look at Bruce and then back at Harvey. You do this a few times until the words seem to fall off your lips.
"You were looking for a third?" you ask.
Harvey lets out a guffaw from by the door. Bruce's arms which are still around you seem to go slack a bit. You don't know how that makes you fell at this very moment.
"Not in the sense that you're thinking." Harvey answers.
He walks over and sets the tray down. The orange juice and the waters shake as they settle on the side table. Harvey then climbs over you and Bruce both. His arms caging you in, but you didn't feel cage. You felt probably the most free you've felt in a while.
"we've been talking a while now about how we're missing something-someone." Bruce says.
You can feel his hand come up to brush against your cheek. You may look fine on the outside but on the inside you aren't sure any of this is real. Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent are in bed with you. Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent don't want this to be a one time thing with you.
"and you think that's me?" you whisper
"Bruce knew the moment he laid eyes on you." Harvey explained.
You don't miss how vague that is. He could have laid eyes on you at the party. Or at some earlier time, where you weren't noticing. And you don't miss how he only answered for Bruce.
You look Harvey in the eye now, "and you?"
"I knew before him." he offers.
Vague. Vague. Vague. The logical part of you is begging for more answers and more words. But the other side, the side that spent hours tangled between the sheets and these men is telling you that you don't need anything else at this moment.
You smile at him, then at Bruce. Harvey leans down and places a peck on your nose. Bruce's arms tighten around you once more.
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pricetagofficial · 1 month
Dead Man's Hand -H.D.
Warnings: Language, violence, mentions of murder, smoking,
Paring: Harvey Dent x Reader
Part Three
Word Count: 3.8K
A/N: HERE IT IS! THE FOURTH PART OF MY HARVEY SERIES. I know you guys have been waiting literal years for this, and I am here finally delivering. Big shout out to my bestie @offendedfishnoises because without them this would not be here in front of you. I hope you all enjoy it! Also I think this is the most amount of times I have written the word Fuck in a fic.
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You stared at your reflection in the mirror, adjusting the last touches to your hair and makeup. You were due to meet Harvey for dinner tonight, it being one of the few nights he was truly free from his job. 
The final touch was the diamond necklace Harvey had gifted you the week before. With that and your heels, you were ready. As you were grabbing your purse, there was a knock at your door. 
That must be the driver wondering where you were, Harvey Dent was a very devoted man. Not only did he shower you with gifts, but he ensured you were always safe. Especially after that one threat to your life a few months ago, and then the situation that happened on your birthday. 
But Harvey more than made up for that with a special night with him, and two friends you’d be more than happy to repeat the occasion with. 
Another rapt knock pulled you from your thoughts, as you grabbed your stuff and opened the door. “I get it, I’m running a little late. But you can’t rush perfection.” 
Looking at the man in front of you, your brows furrowed together. He wasn’t familiar at all, and he was holding a box with a black bow on the top; the sight of a black bow tugging at the back of your mind. 
“I have a present for Miss Y/N,” 
Even his voice sounded odd. Looking him over, you narrowed your eyes. “You can leave it by the door, I’m afraid I’m waiting for my boyfriend.” 
“You and I both know he is across town waiting for you,” 
Immediately red flags waved around as you tried to slam the door shut only for it to be stopped by his foot. Not wanting to waste a moment, you ran trying to fish your phone out of your purse to call Harvey. 
A hand grabbed you by the hair, tugging you back as your phone flew out of your hands. “Sorry Miss, but you’re coming with me. Boss’s orders.” 
Before you could object, a cloth covered your face cutting off your airflow as you slowly watched everything around you fade to black.
Harvey paced back and forth, something was wrong. You were never late, and when you were you always called to tell him where you were. Yet here he was, pacing outside the restaurant, with no word from you on your whereabouts. 
The two of you agreed to meet for dinner at eight, so you could enjoy the evening hours in each other’s company like he promised you weeks ago when he made the reservation. Now here he was, minutes from losing it and you were nowhere to be seen.
Looking up and down the bustling street, he didn’t see you nor the car he sent to get you. 
He was minutes from leaving to look for you himself when a text appeared on his phone from an unknown number. It was then Harvey knew something was seriously wrong. Opening the message, Harvey’s heart dropped to his stomach. 
There you were, unconscious on the grimy floor of who knows where. Your beautiful skin was marked with bruises and fingerprints, probably from your kidnapping. Below, he read the caption attached to the image. 
Unknown: Thanks for the present; she will be thoroughly appreciated. 
Harvey let out an inhuman growl, clenching his fist so tight the phone shattered in his hand. He was right, someone kidnapped you on the way to dinner and he was none the wiser. When he got his hands on the fucker that did this, they would only wish they were dead. 
There are so many worse things he could do to someone that didn’t involve killing them. 
Fishing into his coat pocket, Harvey pulled out his second burner phone used for business. A man of his profession always kept spares on hand. Dialing the first number, Harvey all but yelled at the man who answered it. 
“Hey boss, what’s up? I thought you were out with the missus–” 
“Grab your men, and case the city. She’s missing, some deranged fucker thought he’d be funny and grab her. I don’t care if you have to go door to door, alley to alley, block by block; hell if they call the cops have them file a fuckin’ missing person’s report. Find her, or don’t bother coming back.” 
Cobb nodded quickly, “Understood boss, I’ll get the boys out and lookin’ immediately.” 
“Report back to me the second you hear anything.” 
“Yes sir.” 
With that, he hung up and let out a frustrated sigh. Harvey had any number of enemies, and any one of them was willing to take the chance to hurt the most important thing in the world to him. His issue was narrowing down who hated him the most, and who’d be stupid enough to do this. 
Harvey tried his best to keep his worries to a minimum, but after several hours without an update from any of his men, it got harder and harder. Without an ounce of sleep, Harvey and his men searched all through the night and the following day, with the occasional texts and images of you with proof of life, taunting him with the fact you were at the whims of whoever your kidnapper was.
It wasn’t until midnight the following night, did Harvey finally reach his last straw. 
There was a notification with another image from the same unknown number. 
Clenching his jaw, he opened it and saw an image of you. The finger-shaped bruises were more prominent while more decorated other parts of your face and upper body. You were tied to a chair with a blindfold over your eyes, and was that–
Why the fuck was there a ball gag shoved in your mouth?
Harvey felt red-hot anger surge through him as he read the text below. 
Unknown: I think it’s time I finally house-broke this bitch. Have any tips?
Immediately rage overtook him as Harvey threw his phone across his office, shattering it against the concrete wall. 
“Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuckin’ fuck!” 
Throwing everything off his desk, Harvey opened the top and pulled out his gun before placing it in the holster on his shoulder. Grabbing his suit jacket, he threw it over his shoulder before storming across the room, and throwing the door open the wood almost splitting from the force. 
Any of his thugs still left in the building immediately made themselves scarce, not wanting to be caught in Two-Face’s rage. 
“Somebody tell me that one of ya dumb fucks have found a lead,” he demanded. 
Nobody dared move, knowing very well they were in the midst of a cold-blooded predator. One small move would make you an instant target, and they all valued their life and jobs. 
“Nobody gonna answer me? Fine.” Harvey pulled the gun and cocked it before aiming it around. “Then you’re all goin’ home in body bags.” 
“Wait, boss! What if we tracked the number from the messages?” 
Harvey turned to look at the one who spoke. “You think I haven’ thought of that yet? Fuckin’ phone is impossible to trace.” 
“We’ll find her boss, we have men out now tearing the city apart as we speak.” 
“Then why the hell are you dumb fucks still here?” Harvey snarled. 
There was a still silence before another thug spoke up. “We’re under order from the missus, in the event of her absence, to not leave you alone.” 
Hearing his confession simmered his rage, even when you were missing and in inevitable danger, you were still taking care of him. Running a hand over his face, Harvey took a deep breath. He couldn’t lose his cool, that would only make him lose control, and get him into trouble with–
Stopping on that thought, he realized there was only one person he could count on to find you. 
Letting out a sigh, Harvey knew what he had to do. You weren’t going to like it one bit, but it was his only option to find you before something horrible happened. 
Holsting his pistol, Harvey stretched his neck before lighting a cigarette. Taking a drag, Harv blew the smoke out and chuckled. Whoever took you, was going to be in for a rude awakening. 
Within 20 minutes, Harv and a crew of his men rolled up to a local bank well-supplied with guns and explosives. 
Harv didn’t miss the looks his men gave him when he just strolled in the front doors and began to shoot it up. Several guards rushed up to stop him, only to be shot down by his rifle. Lowering his gun, Harv puffed out another cloud of smoke. 
“One of ya tell me where I can find the goddamned Batman, and you get to live another night,” he called, watching the citizens and smart cops drop to the floor. 
No one responded. 
“No?” he laughed, turning to look at his crew with an unsettling look in his eye. “Get a load of this boys, these dumb fucks don’t want the Batman to come?” 
The crew around him laughed, as they began ransacking the vaults and registers. 
“H-How do you know he isn’t already on his way?” 
Harv turned to see a bank teller cowering behind a pillar from his cold gaze. Walking over, Harv gripped his hair and pulled his head back to look up at him. “Well, he better get here pretty fuckin’ fast before I start popping some fuckin’ heads!” he growled. 
“And you just became my first volunteer!” 
Dragging the teller by the hair, Harv pulled him out from behind the pillar, into the open floor. “You’ve got exactly two minutes to be here Batman, or I’m gonna start redecorating the inside of his head!” 
A few citizens around him wailed in protest, not wanting to witness a murder but Harv couldn’t care less. All he could think of was that you were in trouble, and needed someone to help you. And that’s what he was doing getting help. 
“Thirty seconds left Batman! I suggest you get down here right fuckin’ now!” 
“Behind you Harvey.” 
Harv turned on his heel to see the caped crusader, eyes narrowed on the man with a rifle in one hand and the teller in the other. 
“Ah look who finally decided to show up boys!” Tossing the teller to the side, Harv took another drag and pulled his cigarette out. “The big bad Batman,” 
“I heard you were looking for me,” 
“Oh well, I’d fuckin’ hope so or I just help up this bank for no reason other than some shits and giggles.” he grinned. “I need a favor,” 
“Why would I help you?” 
Harv opened his arms and gestured around. “Well, step into my office and we can negotiate somethin’.” 
Batman stayed silent, eyes narrowed at his antics. 
Rolling his eyes, Harv dropped his arms before pulling a picture from his wallet. “That’s my girl and some sick fuck thought they’d be funny and kidnap her.” 
Batman held the picture in his hand. It was a picture of you, albeit a risque picture, but nothing Bruce Wayne hadn’t seen before. If he was right, this was taken the night he and Selina spent in a penthouse suite with you and Harvey.
“Why do you need me?” 
“I don’t know where the fuck she is, or who the fuck has her. I was sent a picture of her tied up and I have a feeling I know who did it.” 
Handing the picture back to him, Batman thought through his options. You needed help, that was for sure, and he’d be more than glad to rescue you, but he couldn’t let Harvey just get away with holding up a bank and murdering people, just to get his attention. 
On a bad day, Two-Face was almost worse than the Joker with his temperament and he was lucky he managed to arrive before more people died. 
“I can’t just let you go, Harvey,” 
Harv pointed at the crew around him. “I’ll let you arrest my boys, and I won’t bail them out for two weeks.” 
At that, the men stopped and stared in shock and awe. Did their boss just offer them up as bait to save his girlfriend?
Batman remained silent. 
“Three weeks,” 
Silence still. 
Dragging a hand down his face, Harv groaned. “Fine, you can arrest me and maybe I’ll go quietly.” 
Harv grinned and turned to his men behind him. “Good news boys! You’re done for the night! The Bat and I will finish up here!” 
“You got it, boss!” With that, all the thugs scrambled out of the bank with what they had and didn’t look back. 
Batman let out a disgruntled sigh. “Alright, let’s find her.” 
“How could such a beautiful thing belong to such an ugly fucker?” he hummed, tracing a finger down your cheek before removing the gag from your mouth. Rearing your head back, you snapped your teeth at his finger, digging into the flesh. 
Roman let out a cry, pulling his fingers from your mouth and backhanding you. 
“Keep it up, and you won’t be very pretty for much longer.” he hissed. “It’d be a shame to mess up such a pretty face.” 
“I’d rather be ugly than belong to a dick like you.” 
You knew he was glaring at you, the white cloth over your eyes prevented you from seeing anything, let alone your kidnapper but you knew. Roman Sionins was a man who always took what he wanted. 
It seemed he took your last encounter to heart and had deranged himself into thinking you belonged to him now, not Harvey. 
You felt his hand grab your face, puffing your cheeks out. “You listen here, you little bitch. You belong to me, you’ll see it here eventually. I always get what I want, and no schizophrenic, dissociative fucker is gonna stop me.” 
Shifting your foot to the left, you lifted your heel and brought your stiletto down hard onto his foot. Roman let out a howl of pain, as you took your chance and bit the inside of his hand once more. 
Stepping back from you, Roman growled holding his now bleeding hand. “How could a dumb broad like you cause me so many issues?” Walking towards you again, he grabbed the bottom of your dress and ripped it using the shred to wrap his hand. 
You heard sounds around you, before feeling a hand wrap around your throat. “If you’re going to sit here and bite like a bitch in heat, then I am going to breed you like one.” 
Roman’s hands were on you, pulling at your dress as you fought to kick your legs while you worked to get your hands free from the rope. There was a crash behind you and Roman stilled before you felt him be removed from you. 
Before you could ask questions, the blindfold was removed and you were met with the handsome face of your lover. 
“Hey doll, sorry it took so long to find you.” His hand removed the ties, before pulling his jacket off and wrapping it around your shoulders. “Had to get some help,”
“Help? What do you mean–” 
“It’s the Bat! How the fuck did he find us!” 
“I don’t know you moron, but kill him!” 
Gunshots rang around the room as Harvey carefully escorted you out. Holding you close, Harvey inspected you for any major injuries. After missing for twenty-four hours, he had to make sure you were okay. 
“Y/N, did he hurt you?” Harvey’s hands were gentle as he checked you, tilting your head side to side before brushing his thumb over your collar. 
“I’m alright Harvey, I did more damage to him than he did to me.” 
Harvey chuckled, cupping your face gently. “I bet you did, doll.” 
Pulling you close, you let yourself melt into his warm embrace baking in the smell of him that you missed so much. 
Peaking over his shoulder, you saw a dark shadowy figure there waiting. Tapping his shoulder gently, Harvey looked to see where you were pointing before he let out a sigh. 
“Thanks, Bats,”
Batman nodded slightly. “It’s your turn to hold up your end of the deal, Harvey.” 
Immediately, you looked up at him with confusion. “Baby, what’s he talking about?” 
Harvey sighed, dropping his shoulders. “I’m just going away for a little bit, doll, That’s all,” 
“I’m not stupid, Harvey. What is he talking about?” 
There was a drawn-out silence before Batman spoke. “Harvey made a deal, I help him find you and he lets me arrest him.” 
“What? He didn’t do anything wrong?” 
That’s when Harvey rubbed the back of his neck, turning to look in the other direction. “That’s not entirely true doll,” 
Giving him a look of confusion, Harvey knew he had to explain. “I may or may not have held up a bank to get his attention,” 
“Harvard Dent! What the hell is wrong with you!?” Harvey winced as you hit his bicep and the usage of his fake full name. “Holding up a bank? Seriously?” 
“What? Desperate times call for desperate measures,” 
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you let out a sigh. You had no choice, Harvey did in fact commit a crime and make a deal to find you. He had to follow up on his end, or he’d get a goodnight kiss from Batman’s fist. 
Taking your hands, Harvey gently placed a kiss to each one. “I’ll be back before you know it, okay doll?” 
Nodding slowly, you leaned up as he pressed one last kiss to your lips. “I love you,” 
“I love you too, Harvey.” 
With that, you watched as Batman escorted him to the waiting police cars. Hearing footsteps behind you, you turned to see Harvey’s top lieutenant, Cobbs. “Nice to see you again, ma’am.” 
“Nice to be seen, Cobbs.” 
Placing a hand on your shoulder, the two of you watched as the police car drove away and Batman disappeared into the night. 
“We did as you asked, and made sure Boss didn’t get into too much trouble.” 
“Then why is he in the back of a cop car?” 
Cobbs flinched at the tone in your voice, the threat clear as day. “There is only so much we can do when he is in a mood, Boss went off on his own before we knew what we were involved in.” 
Pursing your lips, Cobbs’ story made sense. You better than anyone knew how dramatic Harvey could be, especially when you were involved. Plus, they couldn’t exactly do their job if Harvey shot them all in a hate-fueled rage. 
Narrowing your eyes, it seemed there was only one thing left to do.
Harvey sat in his cell at Arkham, staring at the picture of you he was allowed to keep. An odd courtesy of Batman. With as many times he’d been there, Arkham Asylum might as well be his second home. Second only to his apartment, he had downtown with you. 
It had been several weeks since his arrest, one since he saw you last. The orange jumpsuit did nothing for his complexion, but you said it was hot so he didn’t complain. 
Laying back on his bed, Harvey put the picture in his pocket before he stared at the ceiling. He had several months left of his sentence, and he planned on waiting it out until he could see you again. 
Suddenly there was a loud crash, strong enough to shake the building. Looking around, Harvey saw rubble and dust fall around him. Gunshots followed before they were suddenly silenced. Rising to his feet, Harvey poked his head out of his cell hearing loud shouts coming closer and closer to the door at the end of the hall. 
For a moment, all was silent before an explosion blew the door off sending it across the hall. Ducking back, Harvey heard the voices loud and clear. 
“The missus said to find him, the records say he’s in this ward.” 
“Well keep looking, I think I’m almost more scared of her than the boss right now.” 
“Especially where the boss is concerned,”
As the dust settled, Harvey grinned seeing a set of familiar faces. Upon seeing their boss, Cobbs and his men grinned. 
“Long time no see, boss.” 
Harvey chuckled, watching as they saw the door off. “Nice to see ya boys,” 
As they sawed off the door, Harvey heard a soft clicking echoing down the hallway as it slowly got closer. No sooner did the door to his cell door fall to the ground, did you come into view with his pistol in hand wearing a black and white pinstripe suit similar to that of his own. 
“Hey baby,” you grinned, holding the gun over your shoulder. “Miss me?” 
Harvey stepped out of his cell, pulling you close to greet you with a passionate kiss. His arms wrapped around your waist, keeping you flush against himself as he enjoyed the feeling of your body. 
Your hands moved to his hair, keeping his lips on yours as his hands slowly wandered lower. 
“Fuck, I missed you so much doll.” 
“How about we go home, and you show me how much you missed me?” 
Harvey grinned, as the thugs made sure your escape route was secured. “With you dressed like that, how could I do anything else?” 
Letting out a laugh, you and Harvey made your way out of Arkham Asylum to a getaway car waiting for you. Cobbs opened the backseat door for you before he got in the passenger seat, shooting down any guards who tried to follow. 
Leaning back in the seat, Harvey let out a sigh and closed his eyes holding you against him tightly. “Fuck I missed you, baby, I knew you’d come get me one of these days.” 
“How could I leave you to rot in that hellhole, when I missed you so?” 
Opening the secret compartment, Harvey pulled out a cigarette before lighting it. Taking a slow drag, he didn’t miss the way you eyed him as he blew the smoke. With a grin, Harvey took another drag before pulling you into a kiss, blowing the smoke into your mouth. 
Shivers went up your spine feeling his tongue brush yours as he shared the god-awful taste of nicotine with you. But when it was Harvey, no matter how much you hated it, it was sexy when it came to him. 
Tilting your chin up to look at him, Harvey knew then and there that he chose the right woman to spend the rest of his life with and he had the ring at home to prove it with. After he spent the entire evening, and then some worshiping your body like you so deserved of course.
@littleredwing89 @batarella @candid-confetti (Girl I know you've been waiting), @restwellsoon
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ziracona · 2 years
[ Been very interested by Harvey Dent recently, so I wanted to write some scenes that may turn into a full story that’s essentially an exploration of him and his relationships to Big Bad Harv/Two-Face, and to Judge, and himself, but is also a kind of typical action adventure. Anyway I have an outline building itself in my head but here’s a few scenes I wrote somewhere in the middle if you want to read some character exploration for them and a fight and some angst fluff hurt-comfort because that’s like half of what I write/enjoy writing let’s be real. Basic story/scenario setup is a new villain is attacking Gotham, has expansive mental superpowers. A number of people team up to fight back since it’s a universal threat to them. During a fight, big bad transports Batman, Catwoman, and Two-Face to a mind plane to have a home-turf advantage. But up there, Harvey is everyone in there in their own body, so he ends up with an unexpected numbers advantage that keeps him alive during the initial attack. Batman, Catwoman, and the Harvey group get separated from each other after the initial fight, and are trying to find the big bad and deal with it, get out, and stay alive (and probably finding each other again would be advantageous). So yeah, this is a little bit after the first fight and getting wildly lost in the mind plane.]
This place was a little plateau, some trees and grass, a kind of mental jungle almost, minus the expected mugginess, with a chasm and some rushing water far, far below not far ahead of them now. Harvey could see more traversable flat land past the precipice ahead, if there was anywhere to cross.
He wasn’t sure where they were going, and he was sure Harv didn’t either, or Judge, but onward was…better than anything else.
I don’t see a way forward from here, though, he thought, glancing to the left and right as he followed Two-Face quickly toward the edge of the plateau. It wasn’t a wide chasm, at least. They might be able to knock down a tree and cross. Or something. I guess we could also circle back.
Harvey stopped and turned, and a few paces ahead and much more irritated, so did Two-Face.
“This is a rare opportunity,” came the voice always so confusingly clear for the vocal chords he had in reality. Even here, where it made sense to hear, and he looked like his old self and had been given his own old vocal chords back again, he couldn’t even really get used to the sound of hearing himself out loud.
Clearly very exasperated by this detour, Two-Face turned around completely. “For what? If you hadn’t noticed, we’re not exactly walking around without a time limit.”
“For separation,” said Judge collectedly, drawing his sword so calmly, and leveling the massive thing at them.
No. Not at me, realized Harvey on a stunted delay. He was just standing between them. At Harv—a-at. …Two-Face.
Dazed almost, still somehow not quite getting what should have surely been obvious, he looked behind him at Two-Face, then back at Judge.
Two-Face took a step back. “Are you kidding me?” he asked with anger and disbelief, “We don’t event know what would happen! If one of the others dies here, they’re dead out there too! For all we know, any ONE of us three bites it, and we all drop dead!”
“A calculated risk I am willing to take,” replied Judge, unmoved.
“Yeah, big surprise, coming from you,” shot back Two-Face, clenching his fists, “Killing all three of us has never been a problem for you!”
“We appear here as unique individuals,” commented Judge, “I do not feel pain when you are injured. You did not become injured when Harvey was cut. To the best conclusion of reasonable logic, we are each only a representation of and container for ourself. Therefore, it stands to reason that if we are each a segment of Harvey Dent’s mind, separated completely for the first time, a segment being lost would reflect, in reality, only a loss of that segment, forever. Not a death of the whole.”
Livid, Two-Face extended his arms and started making sweeping gestures as he spoke. “And you have no idea what a huge fucking chunk of brain death might MEAN for the whole!”
“No,” agreed Judge, sword still leveled, “But it is a risk I am willing to take.”
“So, what, you’re going to kill me?” snapped Two-Face in disbelief, “We’re stuck in here fighting for our life already, and you’d risk all three of us to get rid of me permanently? What gives you the right-!”
Judge turned his attention to Harvey. “-With two of us, it would be quite efficient and easy a task.”
Two-Face stopped.
“This will likely be an opportunity you are never given again,” continued Judge calmly to Harvey.
“You can’t be serious,” said Two-Face, but his voice was different this time.
Harvey wasn’t looking at him. He was still staring at Judge.
Opportunity? It echoed in his head. He had wanted this for so, so long. All he had wanted for years was to be free of Harv again, forever. To be himself. Again. Free. To try. To…
He turned to look at Two-Face, time feeling stilted around him.
“No,” said Two-Face like he couldn’t process it either, taking another step back, “It could kill you.”
“We are fighting either way,” said Judge calmly, sword still perfectly leveled, as if the insanely oversized thing weighed nothing to him, “We are not both walking away from this space. If he is doomed to a risk either way, there are no questions left to be asked.”
“Hell there aren’t!” shouted Two-Face, something in him snapping, “I’m a much bigger part of him than you are, and I always have been!”
Judge was silent. Immovable. So massive. Why was he so big? Here, he and Big Bad Harv were identical except his lack of the acid scars. Judge was two or three times the size of either one of them, floating there in robes like a concept, not a person. Maybe that’s what he’s meant to be, thought Harvey with a sickened feeling in his stomach. Had he always been so big? Had they always been so much smaller?
I think I’m afraid of you, thought Harvey. A stupid thing to think. He was. He always had been. Why…was it crippling him now?
Maybe, for a moment back there when they’d all three been fighting side-by-side, it was because he’d felt…powerful, and safe. Untouchable, between the two of them. Strange. That wasn’t a way he could remember ever having felt at all with them before. Of course it wouldn’t last more than a second. Of course it…couldn’t…
Getting no response from Judge, Two-Face turned to Harvey. “You know this is insane. We’re not even out of here yet! Who can you count on?”
“You know what must be done. You have always known,” said Judge coolly, continuing to ignore Two-Face, “I exist because of your hatred of him.”
“You exist because of his hatred of US!” snapped Two-Face. Turning away from Judge, he took a few steps towards Harvey, trying to appeal. “Fighting each other here at all-”
“—This is simple.”
Judge moved with the words. Harvey hadn’t been looking at him, and by the time he was, the figure was so much closer, like it had apparated. How fast could he move? God, he was so big.
Two-Face hesitated and looked at Harvey again, then uneasily took a step back. Agitated, his hand went for the gun slung over his shoulder and rested there.
“You wanted a life without him,” said Judge, looming over them for all the world like a god of this little cosmos, “Desperately, more than anything. You wanted to be like me, and failed. You let him ruin you. He took your life and plunged it into crime and sin and evil so deeply you have been lost out there forever. For all your feeble struggling, you have let this thing BECOME you. It snuffed you out when you were weak, and has walked too long in your shoes, destroying every part of who you used to be. You have fought for years to take your life back from this monster. Aid in killing him now, and take it.”
“I’m not a monster; I do what has to be done!” shouted Two-Face, snatching his gun and gesturing wildly, fingers so tight around the grip even through the scar tissue Harvey could see them turning white, “For justice, for chance, for fucking making it from one breath to the next! I’m the one willing to do what you two can’t, so you don’t have to! I’m the ONLY one in here who has EVER looked out for another part of us! I protect him! You never have! Even when we were kids! You blamed us! I protected us! I took it, I fought back, I was everything wrong about us we were blamed for, so he didn’t have to be!” He whirled on Harvey. “You think you’ll be safe with him? He’ll kill you too! He’s been ready to cut you down for the crime of existing since you were six years old!”
No, thought Harvey, I’ve been failing my whole life, but I could be better. I could be free of you.
He turned towards Two-Face and took a step back, hand slowly going to rest against the little letter opener blade in his pocket.
Two-Face’s expression fell.
It surprised Harvey that it would be…unexpected.
Two-Face looked from Harvey, to Judge, and the momentary hurt burst into anger.
“You’re both idiots! You want to try?! Fine!”
The Tommygun flashed, and Harvey dove to the left before realizing the shot had been aimed very wide of him, at Judge. On his right, the massive black-clad, faceless figure swiped its sword up and the bullets clattered aside, off the blade in a flash. It was impossible. But everything here was.
And then Harv—Two-Face—was dashing at him, and he had to snap into the moment, ducking under a swing at his head with the body of the gun, and trying to go for a knife swipe of his own to Harv’s side.
Harv kicked him away, knocking him far enough back that the swipe only ate air, and almost took Judge’s sword between his shoulder blades, barely sensing it at the last moment, and throwing himself prone and rolling.
Harvey was back up first, about five feet from H—Two-Face, whose back was to him. He was scrambling back from Judge on his elbows, one hand digging into his jacket and producing a grenade.
It went flying at Judge before Harvey could reach him to try to stop it, and he slammed into a surprised Two-Face and they rolled, grappling on the grass at the edge of the area, as they heard the explosion from the bomb behind them. Worried, Harvey looked to see if Judge was still up, and saw him standing, unmoved, only the sword singed with soot, in a cloud of smoke. The imposing figure turned its head toward them.
A fist rammed into the side of his face, and Harvey went back down, struggling for a hold on Two-Face’s hand to keep the gun back as they landed side-by-side in the grass now, and the almost twin figure opposite him tried to rip the knife out of his own. He took a knee to the gut, hard, and answered with an elbow to the side of Two-Face’s head, and they struggled and slipped and rolled again, a mad tangle of knees and arms and cheap shots; a forehead slammed against his nose; his fist ripped at acid bleached white hair, and suddenly they were slipping for real—fast—too fast, too far.
In their struggle, they’d been getting dangerously close to the chasm and the tiny river far below, and the last grapple had landed them a little too dangerously close this time. They’d hit the edge of the slope to the fall.
They went from sliding to falling in an instant, and Harvey shot a hand out for the roots of a tree as he skidded past, and and it ripped free in his hand and came with him. Harv got a foot wedged between a slightly bigger tree trunk, and an arm around another almost as fast, a half second before Harvey’s momentum slammed him into Harv, stopping them both, breathing hard, about three feet from the edge.
Fight forgotten to the near death experience, they looked as one at the monumental fall. Even here, with the way injuries and healing seemed a concept instead of a medical reality, it would have to be a grim and certain death hitting ground below. Even the water must be like concrete.
“Aaahg!” The shout from Two-Face startled him, and he looked just in time to be grabbed by the collar and flung bodily back onto the plateau.
The impact knocked the breath out of him, and he had barely had time to understand where he was before Harv had scrambled up and thrown himself back on top of him, raising the gun butt to bring down on his head, and Harvey barely got his hands up in time to try to keep it back.
There was a sudden sound like wind whipping around a building, and Two-Face’s face paled and he hurled himself bodily backwards, narrowly avoiding Judge’s massive sword.
He rolled back and up to a knee, gun out, and fired. Bullets sprayed into the grass and up along Judge, somehow cutting through fabric and air along the edge of his form, like there was no one inside, and the sword swept upwards, deflecting bullets from Judge’s head and chest.
Snatching the opportunity, Harvey drew his own pistol on Two-Face. It should have been an easy shot; he was distracted by Judge, almost unmoving, close. But Harvey missed completely just the same, and the man whipped around furiously and returned fire.
Adrenaline pumping at jet fuel levels, Harvey dove to the side of the tommygun’s spray of bullets and made it to a knee in time to see Two-Face back up on his feet, ignoring him again in favor of running at Judge—ducking under a swipe from the massive sword, and getting two shots in past it at Judge’s torso, that connected this time. The sword came back fast, with an angry sound from Judge, and Two-Face leapt over it, falling back a step unsteadily as the sword came again, too fast, slicing him across the chest as he tried to move too late, and back at him again with a massive two hands swipe from above, and it was all he could do to get the tommygun up and between them to catch the sword and hold it back as he struggled against Judge’s strength.
Somehow, he wasn’t scared. Harvey could see it on his face. It was crazy, but he wasn’t afraid of Judge at all. He was angry. It seemed impossible to him, but he supposed for Big Bad Harv, it must not be.
Remembering to move then, Harvey made it up too, not much worse for the wear, and haltingly took another shot at Two-Face, grazing him in the arm this time as he saw the shot coming and tried to break the grapple and jerk out of the way, making it just an instant too slow. Judge immediately made another pass with the sword, trying to catch him off balance, and Two-Face ducked narrowly under it, returning fire as he did with his gun. Judge fell back to parry shots what looked like effortlessly, and Harvey made a mad dash for Two-Face while his focus was off him again, knife in his right hand, gun in his left, making a swipe for Two-Face as he got in close.
Two-Face saw him coming and stepped back out of the way of the swipe, and then another, trying to keep most of his attention on Judge. He dodged a third swipe from the letter opener, and got the tommygun leveled at the towering figure of Judge, but Harvey shot the barrel, knocking the aim off and sending a spray of bullets into the trees.
Furious, Two-Face swung the gun over and took a shot at him finally, and Harvey swung left just in time, feeling bullets pass by in the air.
Out of his peripheral, he saw Judge close in again with the sword, and Two-Face jumped back to avoid a swipe and twisted past another, returning fire, and Harvey dashed to the side, trying to get behind him.
Two-Face saw the move, and turned his head to look for just a second, and caught the sword in his arm for it, cursing and turning his back on Harvey to chuck a grenade at Judge, face lit with anger and disbelief as the huge figure knocked the grenade aside effortlessly, and it exploded off behind him, out of range. He opened fire with the tommygun again, trying to get back a little room, and Harvey made a mad dash for him from behind.
Two-Face saw it coming, and caught him in the chest with the butt of the gun, ducking under a swipe from Harvey’s knife, and to the side of a second swipe, then leaping off to the left to avoid one from Judge, firing back as he did, and Harvey caught an opening just as he pulled the trigger and slammed into him at the waist, sending them both down hard, Harvey on top, and he slammed the barrel of his pistol down against Two-Face’s forehead as they hit the ground.
The impact hurt. He saw Two-Face’s hands freeze halfway through a fumbling attempt to turn the tommygun on him, and his eyes met Harvey’s, wide with fear like a hunted animal, and with anger, and hurt, and Harvey knew he was supposed to pull the trigger, but he didn’t.
He felt sick and wrong suddenly.
None of this was supposed to—he—
Judge’s sword came carving through his back, and through him, down into Harv, and he heard Harv scream.
“No!” Faint, in a voice that wasn’t his.
He was just looking. Down, limply, at the massive thing through his body.
He went up then, lifted, Harv pinned on the tip of the sword above him, gripping the blade with both hands to try to keep from sliding deeper into it. Harv was looking at him. The way someone looked at an oncoming car hitting someone else.
Shouted…something. As Judge raised them both heavenward. And then there was an awful force applied, and they were flung off the blade, to the chasm.
He knew he was skidding, falling, but he couldn’t move, or think, or feel. React.
Everything was cold, and far away.
He vaguely registered Two-Face hitting the slope ahead of him, slamming against a tree just before the edge, dazed for a second on impact. Harvey’s limp body wasn’t so lucky. It hit the ground past him and rolled down the slope towards the drop.
Seeing him go, Two-Face let out a shout and scrambled after him, fingers catching a sleeve just as Harvey hit the edge and went over. Harv threw himself after, dragging the limp form to him in midair and wrapping himself around it as they took the free fall towards the water below.
Pain. Aching, seeping, deep. It coursed along him in sheets. He was…c-cold too. Wet. Confused. What-?
Struggling, Harvey opened his eyes, blinking weakly in a failed attempt to focus. Everything was blurred and unsteady.
Th-there. Movement. Up…above him. S-something…
Trees. Rock. He could hear…rushing water. On his back?…s-somewhere…it all—
Trying to move sent ripples of pain along his gut, and he remembered the sword.
He couldn’t…see. Anything but blurry red, looking down at his chest. He couldn’t. Couldn’t move.
I-I’m dying…?
Moving. Something was…
There. Above h-him, on the left. Something was stand—Harv. H-He was. Was standing just a few feet to the side, with his back to Harvey, looking for something.
Hand trembling, Harvey dug in with all his might and tried to raise it towards him. Tried to say his name.
He didn’t think any sound had come out, but Big Bad Harv turned, eyebrow raised, and glanced down at him.
“H-Help,” he managed, voice a cracked whisper.
“Oh?” asked Big Bad Harv, rasping voice steeped in superiority and anger, “You think I’m going to help you? After you wanted to kill me?”
His strength gave out, and Harvey couldn’t keep the hand up anymore. He let it fall against his chest and slide back limply to the ground, body shuddering under the stress of trying, and enduring this much damage and pain. He couldn’t…keep his. e-eyes open… it was..
“All right, all right. Jesus. Just try not to die so fast,” said Big Bad Harv in the voice of someone who had been planning to kick someone around more, wildly diverting plans in the face of a sudden crisis. He moved quickly beside him and knelt down, and Harvey couldn’t get his eyes open anymore at all.
He heard movement, felt hands, heard fabric rip, and muttering words he couldn’t make out, maybe…maybe his name a few times? And then he was gone again.
When he came to again, Harvey had forgotten where he was. Where he had been. It all came back slow, as his blurry eyes made out the same forms of trees and rock above him, felt the cold of wet clothes, and registered the sound of moving water. It, and the twenty-four hours before it.
It was hard to think. He felt feverish, and half awake, even as he remembered. It was so cold, and he felt sick, but too weak to vomit. I wonder if I’m still dying…
It seemed likely.
He struggled to blink and focus more. Find some change in the light to guess at how much time had passed at least, but he was too weak, and it was too much to do.
“Finally,” came a rasping voice he knew.
It took him a second to find Big Bad Harv, because he was kneeling almost behind him. “Almost thought you weren’t going to wake up this time.”
Weakly, body shuddering from the cold and the effort, Harvey turned his head, trying to get a look at him.
“Am I dying?” managed Harvey.
Big Bad Harv shrugged. “The bleeding stopped, but he got you pretty good. Which I told you he’d do.”
Harvey tried to look down at his torso. Flat on his back, that wasn’t easy, but he could faintly see stained cloth wrapped around what had been a massive smear of red last time his eyes were open. Recognizing the jacket, he turned his head back towards Big Bad Harv and registered his jacket was gone.
“…You saved me?” he asked weakly.
Harv rolled his eyes and looked off to the side.
“Why didn’t you kill me?” asked Harvey.
“Why didn’t you?” snapped Harv, glancing back.
He swallowed, and it hurt. It hurt to breathe, and he coughed weakly on impulse, and the feeling it shot along his torso was agonizing.
“Easy,” reprimanded Harv, putting a hand on his shoulder to try and stop the involuntary spasms the cough had set off, “You’ll die and leave me with Judge.”
It took a second for the convulsions to settle down, and it had zapped so much energy from Harvey by the time they had, it was all he could do to turn his head again and look up. “I’m sorry,” he managed, almost pleadingly. His voice was the ghost of a voice.
“Good. You should be,” snapped Harv, “Can’t believe you’d rather be stuck with that thing, than me.”
Harvey coughed again, a bad, wet sound deep in his lungs, so deep it sent shudders along his limbs, and he could feel the pain in his ribs from it. He couldn’t stop coughing for several seconds, and when it finally ended, he tried to gasp out a breath, and it was hard. He kept fighting to fill his lungs, and failing, like a fish on a bank. They felt like they weighed too much to move. It started to panic him, and he gasped faster, coughing again, then he felt hands on his shoulders, and Harv carefully dragged him up a little so his torso was propped against his lap.
“…You okay?” asked Harv after a second of looking down at him and listening to the gasps and coughing ease.
“…Thank you,” said Harvey.
Harv made an assent flavored grunt.
“For saving me,” he managed, throat feeling raw now and terrible, but determined nevertheless. Harv started to answer, but Harvey noticed too late and kept going, still struggling weakly to breathe evenly again. “I’m sorry. I. never. never said that…” He swallowed, closed his eyes against the pain in his gut that was overwhelming him. Opened them again, shaky, and looked out at the blurry outline of the river they must have fallen into nearby.
Harv said nothing.
“…You know you…you ruined my life,” continued Harvey quietly after a few seconds, “My…”
He wanted to cry, for so many reasons, but it felt like there was no point to any of them at all left.
“…I lost so much. To you. I… … …But. You saved my life, too. You did. P-Protect…me. You’re right. And I never—never thanked you for that. Any of it. I…” It hurt too much to keep going, and he shuddered and sucked in a breath, eyes squeezed shut, trying to deal with the pain of existing in the moment he was in.
“…It’s what I do. I told you,” said Harv after a moment, no easily discernible emotion tied to his voice, “Ever since we were kids.”
Wearily, Harvey turned his head to look up at him the little he could. “Really?” he asked weakly, “I don’t…remember…much.”
“Yeah, I kind of think that was the idea,” replied Harv with the hint of a grin.
“You must despise me,” said Harvey quietly, looking away at nothing.
Harv was quiet a second. “…That’s a strong word, ‘despise.’ You’ve always been annoying, and weak, and kind of fucking exhausting, but…no. I’ve never ‘despised’ you.”
Harvey made himself look back up. Harv was looking down, meeting his gaze, face hard to read.
“If you’ve been…” He tried to swallow. “Taking my beatings for me, since we were a child, I don’t see how that could be possible.”
It was why he’d never wanted to think of it this way. Never let himself try. Making someone else to suffer in your place? Was so unforgivable. If he was really even worse than Harv, what could that possibly make him? It was beyond him. It had always been too much to bear trying to consider.
“Why do you think I decided to exist and take them?” asked Harv, in a tone Harvey could not remember hearing from him before. Almost an attempt, from something that was never meant to be, at ‘soft’.
Harv glanced away then, at the steadily darkening jungle around them. “Get off your high horse, Harvey. You didn’t make me. We made me. I made me. You haven’t been able to force me to come out and do anything a day in your life. I’m not a part of you you control. Thought you at least grasped that much.”
Harvey didn’t know what to say to that.
He thought, instead, aching and cold and wounded, running things through one by one, with the little energy he had to do it.
“I’m sorry, Harv,” he offered finally, overwhelmed with sadness suddenly, only when he had already said it.
“I told you-” started Harv.
“—that I never valued it,” said Harvey. He shut his eyes.
Above him, Harv was quiet. He heard him shift a little, and for a long few seconds, nothing.
“You did once,” said Harv quietly, almost to himself, “it was just a long time ago.”
Harvey tried to remember, and wished he hadn’t.
“Don’t worry,” said Harv carelessly above him, “You’ll be fine. We’ll get moving in a little and find somewhere safer to hole up for a few hours, before your ‘better’ half catches up with us.”
“I don’t think I can walk,” said Harvey automatically, looking blearily up.
“Really? I hadn’t guessed,” replied Harv, voice absolutely dripping with sarcasm, “Do I look like I can’t lift you?”
Harvey smiled a little, and let himself shut his eyes again and try to pass out. It had been more than two decades since he remembered it feeling safe in the way he did in this moment, to let himself do that.
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supermarvelgirl15 · 2 months
Send me a number and I'll reply with a paragraph that corresponds with it from the fic I'm writing 🫶🏼 (it's a Harvey Dent × f!Wayne!OC)
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we-ezer · 3 months
Harvey is Danny’s biological father.
He gave him up at birth because he was afraid of what his ‘other side’ might do to the baby. Plus growing up with your dad in prison half the time wouldn’t be good for the kid, so he made sure to give him up in a town far away from Gotham’s violence: Amity Park.
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yandere-writer-momo · 1 month
Yandere Batman Stories:
Seed of Doubt
Yandere Two Face/ Harvey Dent x Fem Singer Reader
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Sweaty palms grasped the cold metal of the microphone. (Your name) swore she could feel her heart slam its fists into her ribcage in an attempt to flee from its prison. There was not a doubt in her mind that she was filled to the brim with anxiety. It’s not often a singer of her stature is to perform in front of so many criminals.
(Your name) thanked the stars that the bright lights blinded her so she wouldn’t have to see the lecherous gazes they sent her way. She felt like a lamb to the slaughter. A helpless creature that now lay in the maws of a starving pack of wolves, ready to be torn apart at any moment…
And although she wished for nothing more than to melt in a puddle right there and then, she must perform… because he was watching.
Deep breath in… and exhale. She could do this… she had to.
(Your name) gave a flirtatious smile to the crowd before she began to sing. Her voice was hauntingly sweet like the lure of a siren. The melody easily enraptured the crooks who all sat on the edges of their seats to listen to her.
And from the balcony above, a certain mafia boss smiled. He was so happy his songbird had begun to sing once more. It’s been so many years since he had heard that bewitching voice… but now he had the power to protect her.
Two Face had the resources to keep her by his side for all of eternity now. And he hoped she would love her gilded cage. It’s where a pretty bird like her belonged anyways.
He ran the pad of his thumb over the scratched up side of his signature coin. He was so happy fate had easily agreed to allow his beloved to return to his side once more…
(Your name)’s hands gripped the edge of her vanity to the point her knuckles turned white.She swore she felt her heart beat in her ears from the adrenaline that coursed through her. The cheers and whistles made her even more eager to flee and she was thankful another performer quickly ushered her away.
(Your name) glanced at her direction, her wild eyes studied the disheveled young woman before her. (Your name)’s face was still flushed a shade of cherry red and her hair was in disarray. She was the definition of a hot mess and it didn’t help that she knew her old beau had been the one to book her at this sordid venue. Her beloved Harvey Dent… no. He went by Two Face now. Her gentle lover was no more… and it would be best for her to accept that.
(Your name) traced her fingers over her lips in thought. How many years had it been since she’s last seen him? Three? Maybe even four? She couldn’t remember since the days have all melted together from how busy she’s been ever since her career had taken off…
“You still look as beautiful as the day I last saw you, my sonnet.” (Your name) jumped at the raspy voice that echoed in her dressing room. Her eyes filled with fear as she turned to see the very man that haunted her nightmares.
“H-Harvey-“ (your name) gasped when the man pinned her against the dresser. She quickly tried to turn away from him, but he wasn’t having any of it.
(Your name) felt fear consume her when he grabbed her chin and tilted her head up to look at him. Those grotesque scars now in close view as the singular, bloodshot eye scanned her face.
“Ah, it seems this appearance of mine frightens even you, my dear.” He clicked his tongue before he pressed his nose against hers. Their breaths mingled while his eyes became half lidded. “Of course you can’t love a freak like me-“
Harvey was shocked when (your name) closed the distance between their lips with a gentle kiss. She… she wasn’t afraid? Could it be that she still loved him?
(Your name) rested her forehead on his right shoulder to try to hide how terrified she was. She was hopeful that he wouldn’t harm her… that she could reason with him to just pay her her dues-
(Your name) gasped when she was suddenly pulled into a tight hug that could rival the coils of an anaconda.
“I knew you still loved me… that you love us.” (Your name) felt her blood run cold at the sudden voice change. Us? Had Harvey actually gone insane like the papers had stated? “Now you can stay with us, just like you promised all those years ago.”
“Harvey? Please let me g-“ (your name) was suddenly jerked to now be in front of him once more. His face now twisted in a scowl.
“Harvey? I’m not Harvey, dollface. And like hell I’ll let you leave again. Tell you what, how about we flip a coin for it?” Harvey reached into his breast pocket and held up a coin. “Heads, I’ll pay you and let you carry on with your idyllic life. But if it’s tails, you become my fiancée once more and marry me.”
(Your name) bit her lip. It’s not like she had much of a choice…
“Okay.” (Your name) gulped at the wicked gleam in his eyes. Her fate had been sealed the moment that coin flipped in the air… how was she to know that the scratched side had been on a spree today? That her chances of escape had been slim to none? A hopeful fool she was…
(Your name) felt her heart drop when Harvey showed her the scratched up side of the coin. His eyes lit up in delight as his lips peppered her face with featherlight kisses.
“Ah… there wasn’t a seed of doubt that fate would have us reunite. I’m sure you’ll love your new home, it’s taken me years to build the perfect gilded cage for you, my songbird.”
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garpen · 26 days
My friend told me he read my fic today reminding me that it exists. So now, not that anybody asked for this, here are some of my fav moments in it:
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If ya haven't read it 👀 You should uh totally give it a shot 👀 you know, if ya want 👀 if ya like whatcha see 👀 no pressure 👀
In The Waiting Room by Garfunkle53
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secretidentie · 4 months
My Superbat prompts
I've been reading superbat since forever and I finally got a tumblr account so I thought I could ask some writers to use these.
Clark kent is at the manor to interview Bruce Wayne when Dr Freeze attacks and they're basically snowed in. Bruce trying to hide secrets and Clark getting the chance to write the story of the year in the form of an I depth exposé from inside the home of billionaire blah, blah, blah... Chaos and fluff.
Bruce is in a love triangle with superman and Clark Kent. Clark assumes Bruce knows he's one person. Bruce decides to solve this by brooding and going on a series of dates with them both until he decides who's his perfect match. (you decide if Clark knows Bruce is batman but think both versions are hilarious)
Bruce Wayne has to go undercover as a carnival worker in a small town on batman business. After the Daily Planet is bought out by corrupt government officials, Clark quits and goes back home to Smallville. He feels like he's changed and isn't as fulfilled by the simple life, not to mention how much harder it is to keep being superman. He doesn't even feel useful on the farm and can't find a job he enjoys to make some money of his own and leave the house. He starts visiting the fair to take his mind of things and meeting this handsome carnival worker who he definitely would have recognized in a small town like this.
LexCorp frames Wayne enterprises for some shady dealings putting the company under investigation which might even lead to it filing for bankruptcy. While Fox and others fix this, Bruce, as the face of the company, is advised to lay low and leave Gotham for a bit. He decides to get an apartment in the cheap side of Metropolis, since all his assets are frozen and he only has one working bank account. On top of that he has to deal with his hot new roommate (or neighbor depending on how you write it) who keeps leaving and coming back at the weirdest hours while also trying to keep tabs on Gotham and maybe getting himself a job in the mean time. (to be clear Clark is the roommate)
During an argument batman says he could easily do superman's job and superman says the same. So they swap cities for two weeks. First to call for backup looses. (feel free to add romance if you want but it's not compulsory)
Clark final gathers the courage to ask out batman but right before he does, green lantern starts flirting with batman too. Harvey dent is recently released from arkham and claims to be reformed and wanting to rekindle his well known public relationship with his collage sweetheart Bruce Wayne. This causes Oliver queen to also try to win his childhood best friend's heart. It's a very long week for Bruce. (all povs if possible. Also Bruce knows everyone's identities but no one knows his. This also doesn't have to end up superbat, choose your favorite ship. Make this love-pentagon as messy as you can)
These are just a few of my personal favorites. I have a lot more. Let me know if you want me to post them. If fics with these premise already exist let me know coz I would love to read them. You can make it as explicit as you want or make it for general audiences but for my sake please add fluff. If you use these prompts also make sure to tag me here or on AO3.
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tarrensbookmarks · 6 months
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➼ Alfred Pennyworth ‣I'll Be Seeing You by eupheme Invisible Man!Alfred x F!Reader ‣Slip Into Your Skin by stargirlfics Alfred Pennyworth x Black F!Reader ‣The Gentleman by stargirlfics Alfred Pennyworth x F!Black Dancer!Reader ‣Penny For Your Thoughts by eupheme Alfred Pennyworth x F!Reader ‣In Bloom by eupheme Alfred Pennyworth x F!Reader and sex pollen ‣Of Beachgrass and Seafoam by viceofdionysus Alfred Pennyworth x F!Reader
➼ Bruce Wayne/Batman ‣Iron by stargirlfics Battinson x F!Reader
➼ Jason Todd/Red Hood/Arkham Knight ‣Dark!AK!Jason Todd x F!Reader by nocturne-pisces
➼ Harvey Dent/Two-Face ‣Yandere!Two-Face x GN!Reader by recreationalfanfics
➼ Roman Sionis/Black Mask ‣Morning After by gilverrwrites Roman Sionis x Reader
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dividers by saradika-graphics
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frownyalfred · 1 year
One thing I have yet to find in a fic (but will not give up looking, lest I face the possibility of having to be the one to write it) is Harvey Dent discovering Batman's identity, and rather than going through his typical feelings of hurt and betrayal, goes, "Oh damn. Of course my traumatized bestie would also have DID. No wonder we got along so well and felt so comfortable around each other. And here I was thinking Bruce just made it out of childhood alright somehow. I'm such a jerk. Of course he's been struggling alone all along. I wonder if he even knows he's Batman. I bet he doesn't. No, he can't possibly. I bet Alfred's been hiding it from him while enabling Batman. This explains so much actually."
Awh, I hope you find something like this! It totally makes sense that that's where Harvey's mind would go. I think he's in the unique position to pity Bruce and Batman, having known both iterations of the man. Bruce is the same way, and it makes things so much more different for them than other people.
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mxtantrights · 3 months
famous dc! au (bruce's version)
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PART TWO - first_draft.docx / sketch_one.jpg
"You up for a drive?"
You almost drop the keys to your studio on the ground at the sound of another voice. You jump and turn around. But when you see who it is, you calm down. It's just him.
Bruce Wayne leaning against his black corvette in a brown leather jacket and black aviators. That Bruce Wayne.
You look at him for a second, then another. You can't quite believe it yet. Sure the night you spent with him and Harvey was something out of a romance novel. But this was diferent.
You smile to yourself and turn back around. Then you lock the door to your studio.
"And if I were busy?" you ask.
"I would tell you that you need a break from being such an amazing artist." he answers.
You turn around back towards him. You hug your bag closer to you.
"You're just trying to butter me up." you joke.
Bruce cracks a smile and peels himself off his car. He walks over to you ever so slowly. You take him in as he does. He meets you where you are and holds out his hand. You pass him your bag.
"Butter you up? No. Appreciate you? Yes." he answers.
"Okay where are we going?" you ask.
He slings the bag over his shoulder and holds out his free hand for you. You take it without hearing his answer first. You let him walk you to the passenger door. He opens it for you and you climb in.
"I wanna show you something special." is all he answers with.
He gets in on the driver's side and puts your bag in the backseat. You don't realize how transfixed you are on him until he has to lean over and plug in your seatbelt.
The drive isn't short. Bruce somehow knows all the roads to take with little to not traffic. You can't help to think he either paid everyone in the city to stay at home, or some higher being just loves him so much that they answer to every one of his whims.
Either way when you finally do get to the destination you can't wait to get out of the car and stretch your legs. You go to open the door but all of a sudden it locks. You turn to ask Bruce what he's doing but he's already out of the car, the door closing shut before you can open your mouth. You follow him as he walks around the front of the car and to your door.
The doors click unlock and Bruce pulls open your door. You can't help the snicker you let out at his sassy chivalry.
"Are you serious?" you ask with a laugh.
"Very." he says.
Then he's cocking his head and holding his hand out for you to take. You don't really need a hand out of his car. But you like the feeling of your hand in his so you take it.
"Thank you for humoring me." he says.
You laugh, "I could get used to this."
You roll over in bed and try to wipe the sleep from your eyes. It's a hard chore but you do it anyways. You have to get on with your day. You needed to finish a painting today to send to a gallery halfway across the country.
You peel yourself out of bed and get into the bathroom. Shower, brush your teeth, wash your face. You keep it simple because if you don't it gets hard to do the routine when you're actually busy.
Once you're done, you walk to the kitchen. You stop when you hear a knock on the front door. You weren't expecting anyone to come over. Especially not Bruce or Harvey. It's not like you told them you had a deadline, so it wouldn't be either of their faults if they come over to hang out with you.
You rush over to the door, ready to placate one or both of the men when you realize that it's neither of them at the door. Instead it's a young boy, with ginger hair and freckles.
"Hello, I'm here to drop off a delivery." he says.
He says your name and you confirm it's for you. Then he's handing you a box and wishing you a good day with the brightest smile in the world. You take the box inside and close the door.
Harvey's name is on the box. You put it down on the kitchen counter and tear into it. You can't help the stupid smile that lands on your face as your eyes rake over the contents of the box.
A new bundle of premier painting brushes, a new smock and a $200 gift card to the pricy art store that you never dared to go to. You pull out the smock first and unfold it.
It's your favorite color, navy blue, and it has your name on it. No better time than now to use it.
You put it on and tie the back. Then you go for your phone. You have to thank Harvey for the attention to detail. You had told him once that when you were younger you wished you had the expensive brushes and a smock with your name stitched on it.
You knew he was listening but you didn't think he would entertain that fantasy.
You dial Harvey's number. Knowing him he's in the middle of a very important meeting and will probably not ans-
"Hi sweet thing," he says.
Your eyes go wide. You really weren't expecting him to answer the call.
"Hi Harv, I thought you'd be in a meeting?" you ask.
"I cleared all of them today just to hear your voice." he explains.
You choke on the air in your lungs. And then you try to laugh it off.
"Okay Romeo, I did wanna thank you for the gift. It's amazing." you say.
"It's not too much right?" he asks.
You shake your head, "No it's really really nice. I mean I don't wanna think about how much you spent at this place-"
"So don't. You deserve it." he cuts you off.
"I'm probably gonna be busy finishing this piece all day." you alert him.
"As long as I got to hear your voice once today, I'll survive." he answers.
The two of you talk for another thirty minutes. Time flies by when you talk to Harvey, you find. He flirts and you laugh it off all the while he knows exactly how flustered you get. And he talks about his day and his work. You talk about yours.
And suddenly he's rushing you off the phone. With the excuse that if he keeps you, you'll push your work off and he won't see you later which would break his his heart terribly.
"The draft is done, the team has to look over it for any major edits. But other than that I think we're gonna get started in a couple of months." Harvey says.
You smile and lean your head against his arm, which is wrapped around your shoulders. The two of you lay together in a makeshift floor pit in his house.
He's the only person you know that has a floor put straight out of the seventies. Well maybe, Bruce might have one too.
He pecks the side of you face.
"What's going on in the head of yours?" he asks.
You lean more into him, he huddles close to you at that. You can feel the warmth coming from him. Maybe it's the drinks you two had, or just Harvey.
"You're gonna make a movie with your best friend. I mean isn't that cool?" you ask him.
He smiles, "It's the best. I mean me and Wayne were in five movies together as actors but this is so much more than that. I mean we get to actually craft it."
"I heard my name?"
You both turn around and find Bruce walking towards you. In his hands is no doubt the food for tonight. Bruce held enough sway to order take out from high end places that don't normally do take out.
Bruce has a key to Harvey's place. Harvey had a key to his place. And you were debating on giving them both keys to your place. It's not like you didn't have it made and in your bag. You just wanted to be sure.
"Yeah, lovely here was talking about how cool it is we're gonna work together." Harvey says.
Bruce joins the both of you in the pit. He takes out the food from the bag. You grab one container. You didn't order pesto pasta, you hadn't it over to Harvey. Bruce hands you another container. You didn't get the shrimp scampi. You hold out the container for Bruce as he holds out the last one for you.
Chicken parm.
You thank him and take the container out of his hands. He grabs the plastic utensils. You grab a fork and knife for Harvey. Then you grab one for yourself.
With no time to waste you rip open the container and start eating. You don't miss the laughing that comes from both of them.
"You know you never really explained to me how you knew me." you speak with the food in your mouth.
"I didn't get a word of that." Harvey says, clearly lying.
You bite the bits of food as quickly as you can and then swallow.
"You heard me," you look at him then, "how'd you know I was the someone you two were missing?"
Harvey clears his throat. Then he looks at Bruce. Which makes you look at Bruce. But of course, he's playing it sly and eating without a care in the world. Until he can't help the snicker that comes out of his mouth.
"Cabaret no.9" Bruce says.
Your eyebrows scrunch in the middle. They meet with a pinch. You don't quite understand what type of answer that is. Until you think about it some more.
Cabaret no.9 was one of your paintings. A piece you sold to a high donor. It wasn't Harvey, but you did meet the guy. Said he would be leaving it as a gift to his replacement because he was retiring.
You look over at Harvey.
"You have my painting in your office?" you ask him.
Harvey nods, "It's what I mean when I said I knew you before."
You sit there for a second. A full second. You count it in your head, and so does Bruce and Harvey. And then you put your food to the side.
Quickly you get up from your seat in the pit and run out of it. You can hear the both of them calling your name. But you don't answer. You run over to the front door and where your bag is hanging.
You reach deep inside of it to find the plastic bag you've been carrying for a week now. You feel it between your fingertips and pull it out. Two keys.
You run back to the pit. There you find that Bruce and Harvey have settled themselves to the edge, where you practically jumped out of. You get down on your knees and hold the bag in front of them.
"This is for you." you say with a small smile.
Harvey looks at Bruce. Bruce looks at Harvey. And you look at the both of them. That similar heat you felt coming back to you all at once now.
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wakeywakeyjakey · 2 months
I LOVE BruHarvey/TwoBats but I struggle to get into reading it because it feels like 90% of the fanfiction for this ship is Bruce trying to reform him, “fix” him, cure him, etc. It’s Bruce being like “it’s okay, even though half of you is an evil monster I still love the other half!” It’s definitely because I have DID myself but like—where’s the TwoBats where Bruce actually loves and accepts Harv? Is committed to ALL parts of him, not just the part he deems good? I’d much rather read about Bruce’s journey to understand and love him on a deeper level (+ that journey with mental health/DID awareness) than read about him trying to get rid of Harv once and for all.
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ziracona · 2 years
[[ Follow up to this which is read first if you want it to make sense. But yeah I am fascinated by and love Harvey Dent and I wanted to write exploration stuff between the personalities. But in classic comic-book style I’ll give a recap in case you don’t: Harvey, Batman, and Catwoman are fighting a villain with mental powers who poses a dire threat to all of them, and were transported to/trapped on a mind plane, where they are trying to beat the big bad and get out. Once in a thought area, every Harvey alter got their own body, so he is split into three adult men (Harvey, Two-Fave/Harv, and Judge) and a child. After being separated from Batman and Catwoman, Judge realized this was a great chance to get rid of the ‘bad’ parts of Harvey, and tried to kill Big Bad Harv/Two-Face, resulting in a three way fight Harvey got injured pretty badly in. Now, he and Two-Face have split off and are attempting to evade Judge. [[Segment here begins with a childhood flashback]]
“Come on, stop crying! Let’s see how bad it is.”
His eyes were shut tight, but Harvey made himself slowly open them and look blearily at the arm in the dim attic, the only light seeping in past the cracks in the little trapdoor at the far end of the attic from the room below.
“Is it broken?” he asked Harv in a whisper.
“I don’t know. Move it,” growled the voice in his head, intent. He did so, slowly, wincing. All he could make out were the bruises and the swelling, the way it was the wrong shape. It hurt so much, all up and down the forearm. He couldn’t take the feeling anymore and went back to cradling it against his chest.
“I’ll kill him!” shouted Harv.
“No, don’t,” pleaded Harvey, starting to cry again, “you’ll make him mad.”
“He can’t be mad if he’s dead!” snapped Harv, pacing inside him like a caged lion at a zoo, itching to get out.
There was a deafening pounding against the trapdoor then, shaking the box Harvey had dragged on top to try and barricade it shut.
Harvey flinched and held his breath, trying not to be heard, and curled in on himself, shaking.
“He found us; he found us!”
He heard his father shout. The door jerked open for a second, and he could see the top half of his father’s face through the crack between the floor and the door, his furious eyes glowing, backlit in the dark.
Their eyes met.
He saw me!
Harvey cried out and crawled backwards until he hit the wall, consumed by the pounding against the door and his father’s shouts.
He’s going to kill me!
“Go! Get out of here!” shouted Harv at him, “Now!”
“No, Harv-” he choked out, shaking. All he could feel was fear. Dread. Terror. The trapdoor slammed open and the box went flying. His father was coming up.
“Go NOW!”
He felt anger and hate and a fierce determination that weren’t his, and Harv pushed past him, pulling him down and away. He felt Harv. Felt a vicious protectiveness and loyalty, with so much fury seeping into all the other feelings, and tied together with an unimaginable pride, glaring up at the towering silhouette of his father.
And then he was gone. Forcibly.
Harvey didn’t remember anything. He had been repressed, deep inside somewhere, and Harv hadn’t let him come back out at all until later, no matter what he wanted. Harvey never had known how much later. He often hadn’t.
But they had been alone again when he finally did, under their bed, not in the attic anymore, curled up against the wall. It was hard to see out of one of their eyes, the left one, and the arm was worse. There was blood on his clothing, and his stomach felt like he had thrown up, and it ached and ached, but he couldn’t remember getting any of it. Remember anything at all after the silhouette of his father at the top rung to the attic.
Harv had been there, up still, but quiet. Weak, and tired now.
Harvey remembered being let back up, sliding into the front with him, and how it had been so quiet. No voices outside, no television. Just silence.
“Are you okay?” he had asked him quietly. He knew he wasn’t, but he didn’t know what else to say.
“I got him,” Harv had replied, voice quieter than usual, but angry and growling and proud, and he had smiled a bloody smile. Harvey had felt a tooth missing in the smile, and a searing pain in their jaw. “I bit him so hard he had to wrap it. Blood everywhere. He had to stop for a minute to quit bleeding.”
“You bit him?” Harvey had asked in disbelief, but he had felt how proud Harv was, and picturing it, he had liked it too. He knew it was bad, and wrong, but it did make him glad, and Harv must have been able to tell, because he’d smiled.
“Knew you’d come around,” he’d said, sounding equal parts exhausted and proud of himself.
“You’ll just make him madder,” Harvey had pleaded.
Very satisfied and not buying that at all, Harv had growled, “Not if I get his neck next time,” with a proud little touch of venom, and given the front back to him, slipping in deeper to rest.
That had worried Harvey, but he had known it wouldn’t really happen. He kind of wished it would, though, and that worried him too. So he thought about the pain instead. The way he could feel the skin around his eyeball puffy and tender, the blood he was still swallowing from where he’d lost the tooth.
It hurt, but curled up in the corner was comforting. He found a toy dog that had fallen under the bed weeks ago, and held it, and shut his eyes and imagined there were really two of them together to hold on to down there, and it wasn’t so alone then. He thought Harv had liked that too. And he was glad that he had him. He knew Harv liked that. At least they weren’t by themselves.
They had been six years old, that night.
It took weeks for their left eye to heal back to normal vision.
Harvey had forgotten that night until now. He had forgotten a lot of nights.
Harv had not forgotten it. He thought about the past more than Harvey did. Or, about that part of it.
This whole mind plane thing was almost not so bad, in his opinion. The near death sucked, but what else was new for him? At least the healing was faster. And it had been a long time since Harvey had been this friendly towards him.
Not that that really mattered, but. It was familiar, in a way he liked.
He had been carrying Harvey’s unconscious body around for about twenty minutes now, making his way as steadily as he could through this stupid fucking fake jungle. It was almost fun, despite the frustration. This used to be a kind of thing he did a lot. Not uh, this kind of literally, he supposed, but dragging around Harvey’s fucked up unconscious body because he couldn’t, and someone had to get it done, was almost second nature. Maybe more than ‘almost.’ And for the first time in a long time, it would be without Harvey flipping out about whatever Harv had been doing once he woke back up.
Harv glanced down at Harvey, trying to gauge if he was getting better, or worse. Or nothing.
He did not look great, which tracked, but at least he wasn’t as white as a sheet as he’d been a few hours ago.
Yeah. You’ll be fine.
Head hanging limp against Harv’s chest, breathing weakly, he looked so tired. Harvey always looked tired to him. He probably always was.
Still can’t BELIEVE you’d pick Judge of all people over me.
There was a pretty strong flash of anger with the thought, but it was hard to be very mad at Harvey for long while he looked like a stiff breeze would put him six feet under.
You’re lucky you’re half dead, and that I care about that, Harv thought to himself, ducking under a branch and eyeing a slightly more open space up ahead. Well. He had apologized, and he’d seemed to actually mean it. That was…something.
God, the hell was he even looking for out here? Before, it had been either the others, a way back to Gotham, or that Tachyon fucker. Now, it seemed like the biggest thing would just be to stay away from Judge for a while.
Not like he was exactly the world’s biggest threat, and fifty-fifty odds his unbelievable sense of superiority meant he’d just assume they were both dead already, but unfortunately the other 50% odds were he’d be coming for them right now with the singularity of a Terminator. Harv could take him, sure, but he wasn’t thrilled about the idea of trying to fight him while hauling Harvey’s body around. Not…great odds.
So, hole up, like he’d said. Wait a little while for Harvey to get better, and they’d take him together.
He wouldn’t turn on me again. After being run through by that guy.
Harv eyed the unconscious body in his arms with suspicion, but Harvey looked so pathetic soaked in blood and shivering that it was difficult to remain very paranoid at him.
Yeah. No way.
He’d said he was wrong. Harvey could be an idiot, but he wasn’t so truly stupid as to side with Judge again in the same 24 hours when he’d tried to kill him, and Harv had jumped off a cliff and saved his life.
Feeling more secure about things, Harv kicked a scrappy tree down out of the way, and stepped into the more open patch of jungle he’d seen coming. He glanced down at Harvey again. Skin a little less ashy. Breathing didn’t sound so heavy anymore either. Good. Maybe he’d wake up soon.
It had been a long time since he’d gotten to do this version of his job. He rather liked it.
Okay. Where now.
It’d be great if there were buildings, like where they’d first landed, but this stupid place was nothing but plants and rocks.
Let’s think. Bats went west, Cats went east, we stayed right at the start. Then north. Then that shit happened, and it got hard to tell. Still. If Judge wasn’t hunting them, what would he do?
….Go for Bats, probably. To get the kid. Oof, that could be bad. But if Bats was there, Judge would have a pretty hard time killing him.
We’ll probably have to go too, then. If Judge didn’t show up here first. So fucking annoying. But it had to be done.
It was dark now, and colder. For all this place looked like a jungle, it sure didn’t have the climate for it. Two-Face took a glance around himself. They could stay here. Not much cover, but at least open space meant they’d see Judge coming well in advance. Or, press on and try to find somewhere the river was shallow enough to cross carrying Harvey, get their backs to the rock wall, and set up with a little more cover.
Fishing the coin out of his pocket with extreme difficulty with his hands full, Harv finally managed, awkwardly positioned it on a thumb and index finger while keeping his arm around Harvey’s back, and flipped. Heads, stay, tails, press on.
Pocketing the coin, Harv turned a bit west, and continued his march.
A little ways back into the jungle, Harvey shifted in his arms and groaned. Harv glanced down and watched him blearily open his eyes.
“…Harv?” he asked, sounding confused.
“Yeah,” he replied.
“…where are…?” asked Harvey, turning his head weakly and trying to look around.
“Almost there,” said Harv as though he had any kind of solid plan.
“Oh,” said Harvey. He blinked a few times, and looked unfocusedly back up at him as Harv continued to walk through the dense plant life. “…Are you okay?”
“Huh?” said Harv, completely taken by surprise.
“Your arm and…you got cut up too,” managed Harvey, “I forgot, but.”
“Oh. That,” said Harv, “Yeah I’m fine. I got stabbed. You got run through. Pretty big difference. And, not to be a dick, but I’m tankier than you.” It was true.
“Oh,” said Harvey. He thought for a second. “Are you sure? I think I shot you-”
“-Oh, you did!” cut in Harv with indignation, “Grazed anyway. But like I said, I’m fine.”
“You said that,” said Harv, somehow both gratified and annoyed at the same time that Harvey kept apologizing to him, “And if you’d ever acted like you were actually trying to kill me, I’d be more sore about it, but, it’s fine.”
Harvey looked a little surprised, and glanced off at nothing, thinking.
“…You less dead?” asked Harv after a second, genuinely curious.
“Oh, uhm,” said Harvey, zoning back in. He glanced at himself. “I…yeah. I think so…”
“You’ve lived this long, you’ll make it,” Harv observed, “Injuries seem to work almost like a game here. You survive taking the initial damage, and it’ll slowly just fix itself as time passes.”
Harvey looked like he was thinking about saying something to that, but didn’t.
Up ahead, he finally saw what he had been hoping for—a place where the river narrowed and looked like it would only go about to his knees. Perfect. Speeding up a little, Harv pressed on and stepped into the water, testing the current, and then crossing easily. The giant cliff face was still close, maybe four yards off, and it looked like a decent place to wait. There was a section with an outcropping of rock up top, and almost a hollow of about five feet at the base. That’d keep falling debris and being seen easily from above from being a concern. Perfect.
Once he’d made it to the wall, Harv set Harvey down, propped up against the stone cliff face, then stretched, glancing back the way he’d come just in case. But no, no sign of Judge. Good.
“Are you sure?” asked Harvey.
Harv glanced down at him, a little taken aback.
“Your back looks pretty fucked up.”
Oh. Well, Harv couldn’t exactly see his own back, and Judge had got a solid hit in there, but it didn’t feel so bad, so he just shrugged. “It’s fine.”
“What about your hands?”
Harv glanced down at them. Oh, right. Yeah, he’d sliced them pretty good trying not to get impaled.
“Healing,” he waved the concern away.
“How do you do that…?” asked Harvey as Harv walked back over and sat down a foot or so on his left.
Harv gave him a blank look.
“You’ve always been able to just…shrug it off. Getting hurt,” continued Harvey, “long as I can remember. When…this happened,” he made a circular gesture around the left side of his face, which here was just his old healthy human skin, not an acid scar, but Harv knew what he meant. “You just…got up, fought some people, fell off a fucking dam, and kept going. Don’t you ever get tired?”
Harv considered that.
Do I?
“…Yeah, sure,” he decided, thinking it through. Weird. Harvey had never asked him something like this before, so he’d never really thought about it. “But not like you do.”
Harvey watched him for a few long seconds, brows knit. “…You’re just…stronger?”
Your words, thought Harv a little smugly. He made a shrugging gesture with an arm, absently taking out the coin and tossing and catching it. A favorite idle habit.
“…How?” asked Harvey.
Harv tried to think that over as he tossed the coin. “I’m…supposed to be,” he offered after a second, catching the coin, then turning it over in his hand and studying it instead of throwing it again. He glanced at Harvey. “I don’t think we feel things the same way. You’re supposed to be something else.”
It didn’t seem like a bad answer to him. Weird though, to be asked this after all this time. Even Strange hadn’t. Nobody in Arkham. It was always about the coin, or who was talking, or their childhood. Not the how. Or the what. Not this kind of thing. He found it vaguely interesting himself.
Harvey seemed to be thinking it over with interest too, and after a few long seconds he nodded slowly and looked back at Harv. “Well, you should still wrap your hands at least. I don’t know if things can get infected, and worse in here, but I don’t think that’s really how we want to find out. Plus, you’re going to need them if Judge finds us.
Harv glanced at his hands and sighed. It seemed pointless, but whatever. Pocketing the coin and ripping off his tie, he was nearly through wrapping his left hand with it when he heard a, “Here,” from Harvey, and looked up to see him shakily holding out his tie too. “For your other hand.”
Harv took it, looking at it a second, then back at Harvey, and went back to wrapping his hands. Like a boxer, he thought, eyeing the fabric above his knuckles.
“You look like a boxer that way,” said Harvey.
It made him immensely irritated for just an instant, and then Harv wanted to laugh.
I guess we are.
“I’ve been thinking,” said Harv, glancing over as he wrapped his right hand, “and if Judge doesn’t show up, I think he’ll go after Bats.”
Harvey’s expression changed completely, and all the color drained out of it. “You…don’t think he’d try to kill the kid.”
“Yeah, I do,” said Harv with deep hostility, “I think he’d kill any of us. He’s tried before. Even ready to kill himself, if that’s what it takes.”
“Shit,” whispered Harvey worriedly, eyes darting as he tried to work though the problem himself.
“Bats won’t make it easy though,” continued Harv, “So there’s that at least.”
Harvey glanced up, and looked a little better. “Right. Of course…”
“Still think once we can both move, we should head that way though. Just in case,” said Harv.
Harvey nodded.
Been a while since they were on the same page, but it used to happen a lot, a long time ago. It felt…familiar, and old, in a good way. He was pleased.
“Why the hell did he do that?” asked Harvey after a second.
“Huh?” said Harv.
“Batman. Why did he run off with the kid?” said Harvey.
“I have no fucking idea,” replied Harv with great agitation. Really threw a wrench in things. Unbelievable.
“I…guess he thought it would be safer,” said Harvey slowly, answering his own question, “since we were fighting a swarm. But, shit.”
Harv nodded.
“Not great for us.” Harvey let out a sigh.
“Well, at least he wasn’t there for Judge going full executioner on us,” suggested Harv.
Harvey leaned his head back against the wall and turned it towards Harv, smiling tiredly. “Yeah. Don’t think he’d have liked that.”
“No,” agreed Harv, grinning back for a second, “Not much.”
They were quiet then. It was nice. It had been quite a while since he’d been able to get Harvey to come around on something like this. Finally. Maybe they could keep it up for a while too. At least until they were out.
“…Can I ask you something?” said Harvey after a bit.
His expression had gotten serious again, and Harv felt wary of that, but he shrugged.
“I know…we’ve argued it all to death,” said Harvey slowly, glancing at him, and then out at the shallow river ahead of them, and deepening shadows among the trees, “I know you think you’re doing what you should, but I also know you don’t know what you should do. The coin’s supposed to make that clear.”
Disliking the way this was going, Harv glanced down at the coin in his palm.
“Or. Clearer. Doable,” added Harvey haltingly, and he finally looked back at Harv again, “But I don’t get why. You have to know some of the things you do are too extreme. Some of them, at least. But you never stop. You don’t listen to me. You don’t even always listen to yourself. Why?”
Harv didn’t like that question. “You should be careful what you ask me while you can’t fight back,” replied Harv, hackles raised.
To his great surprise, for once this had the opposite effect on Harvey of what he’d expected, and the guy smiled at him weakly. “Yeah, well, if you wanted me to believe you might kill me, you shouldn’t have jumped off a cliff to save me right after I shot you.”
Harv grimaced at him.
“Look, I’m not trying to start a fight this time,” offered Harvey more seriously after a few seconds, “I genuinely want to know.”
He wasn’t sure he believed that, but Harv considered. There wasn’t much to do but talk right now, and maybe if he answered, they would change topics.
“It’s different, from when we were kids,” added Harvey quietly, “It’s more. Why?”
Harv picked up the coin and let it run back and forth along his knuckles.
He looked at Harvey. He wasn’t being aggressive. Or judgmental, like usual. Not even emotional. He did look like he just wanted to know.
Harv considered.
“Everything broke for you,” he said finally, stopping the coin and letting it slide between fingers back into his palm. He closed his fist. “Everything. I’m fixing it.”
Harvey held his gaze in silence for a long time.
“Everything?” asked Harvey finally, voice almost sounding shaky for some reason to Harv.
“How all of it works,” said Harv, opening his fist and glancing down at the coin.
I’m making it fair.
That was right. It had never been fair, and it had only gotten overwhelmingly worse. But he could change that. He was. Whether Harvey wanted it or not. Like always.
“…I’m sorry.”
Harv glanced up. Again, with the apologizing. Not normal behavior for Harvey to him. And god, he did look sorry. Why this time?
“I left you to do that alone.”
“You didn’t,” said Harv, confused.
“I did when I came back,” said Harvey, “I fight you, and I fight you, and I hate you, and I tell you you’re wrong, but I never tried to help you figure out what we could be doing to fix it.”
It was dark enough that it was a little hard to see his face clearly now, but Harv thought…
“…You’ve always hated all my ideas,” said Harv like an answer.
“Not all of them,” said Harvey quietly, looking at the ground, “and maybe if I’d tried, we could have found a third way.”
This was very strange behavior from him. Harv thought about it.
“I know you hate all of my ideas,” continued Harvey in the same low voice, “but maybe if we both survive this, we could try to talk again.”
Try to talk?
“I know you think you’re supposed to fix things,” said Harvey quietly, looking over and holding his gaze, “and protect us. And I know, that day in court, something broke in me. I know then and ever since, I feel like the whole world is broken and wrong and nothing is safe and right anymore. Nothing can be counted on, nothing is ever good and right. Especially not to me. Us. And maybe it’s true. Maybe it always was. But that’s not your fault. And it’s too much for anyone to try to fix alone. Even you.”
There was a sudden overwhelming…something. A…like a sadness, if sadness could be…exhaustion. He had never felt it before. And Harv said nothing.
“I know you’re supposed to protect me,” said Harvey, voice wrong, and looking away again, “and it can’t help that no matter what you do, I have just hated you and wanted you gone. I must make it never enough. I feel like the whole world is against me, but you can’t change the way the whole world works to fix it. It’s impossible, Harv. No one can. Me either…”
He had tried. Harv could remember how proud and determined and sure they’d been, once. How it had seemed like the world could change. And he remembered how Harvey had failed. But he was stronger than Harvey. He was focused, and he knew how to take pain and suffering and make something of it.
“You don’t have to,” said Harvey, making himself look back up, brown eyes bright in the darkness, “The world has always been against us, remember? When we were a kid? Our whole world was wrong then too. And you still protected me. But you didn’t change the world. I forgot for a long time, but I remember now. I remember having nothing but fear, and then waking up when it was already over, curled up in a corner under our bed, because I had you. I wasn’t angry it had happened, I wasn’t thinking about wishing you could have done more, I wasn’t scared he’d come back. I was thinking I was glad, and I was safe, in that little corner of the world, because I had you. That’s all I ever needed you to be. I’m so sorry I forgot.”
Harv did not know what to say to him.
It seemed there were many things he could and should say, but even in the darkness, he could see Harvey was crying, and that suddenly made it difficult to him to say any of them at all. He did not know what to do with him like this.
‘All’? he thought instead, running Harvey’s words through his head. Trying to figure out if any of it was right. Confused, and something else.
He wasn’t sure.
There was suddenly a lot he wasn’t quite sure of. No matter how much he thought. He didn’t want to think either, and he did, at the same time. It was too confusing.
After a minute, instead of committing to any of the things he was thinking of, he just slid closer against the wall until he was beside Harvey, and glanced at him, then out at the jungle, and finally offered, “So did I.”
Because he wasn’t sure of any of the rest of Harvey’s words, but he thought he had forgotten some things too. Ones he had needed not to.
Harvey had smiled at him and leaned against his side, and they sat together a long while like that in silence, and it had reminded them both of a feeling from a long, long time ago.
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mikakuna · 7 months
moreee bats (+ various others) as text memes !!
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prev: one | two | three
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bruciemilf · 2 years
Sal Maroni: breaths
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yandere-writer-momo · 23 days
I wanted to make Harvey/ Two Face incredibly selfish. Hope everyone enjoys 💕
Yandere Batman Shorts:
Together Once More
Yandere Harvey Dent x Female Reader
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There was no doubt that Harvey was forever a changed man. Gone was half of his righteous side and replaced with the wicked scarred half that only sought out chaos and crime.
Yet he still dreamed of the life he had given up… of the love he so foolishly let slip between his fingers. He missed his precious childhood friend… his (your name).
It’s been almost five years since he last saw her… before he married his treacherous ex wife, Gilda. Before he began to pose as the holiday killer. Before he found out she had been involved with one of the men he killed and was going to have a child. Before his descent into madness as everyone around him failed him.
Harvey knew (your name) would have never abandoned him nor left him to drown alone… she would have held his cheeks and reassured him. She would have followed him… but Harvey was the one who was blind. The one who abandoned her when she voice concern on Gilda’s intentions with him.
(Your name) was right about everyone in his life. She always had a knack for that, to know one’s own demons inside without ever truly digging into their past. And yet he chose to remain stubborn in his blind loyalty to a woman he barely knew compared to her… but he would make it up to her. (Your name) would forgive him, she always did.
So here he was outside a studio apartment with a bouquet in his hand. It took him and Two Face a while to find her exact location but she was here.
Harvey adjusted his split suit, the sweat began to pool down his neck and into his dress shirt from the nerves. His scarred hand’s grip on the bouquet tightened. Would she be happy to see him?
He knocked on the door twice and (your name) opened the door almost immediately. Her delicate stature tilted her head in curiosity.
“Hello- Harvey?” (Your name) furrowed her brow.
“It’s been so long…” She looked beautiful. Not that she wasn’t before, but now he was able to truly see her… and she was breathtaking. How could he have overlooked her for all these years?
“It has been.” (Your name) sighed. “But there is no doubt in my mind that you want something from me. So let’s save the small talk, what do you want?”
Harvey froze as realization washed over him. He never did come to her for anything other than his own selfish reasons, did he? He always did take advantage of her abnegation when it came to him…
“You were right…” Harvey muttered under his breath. “You’re always right when it comes to these sorts of things, and I… I’m sorry.”
“Ah… so you’re here for an apology?”
(Your name) glanced him up and down, “I don’t forgive you.”
Harvey felt his heart stop in his chest. What did she mean? She always forgave him…
“It’s been half a decade since we last have seen each other.” (Your name) told him. “People change. I have changed… I am uninterested in being involved with you.”
“Doll, I’m sorry-“ But (your name) held her hand up to stop him from speaking further.
“You burned the bridge and it cannot be rebuilt.” (Your name) told him. “You ignored all forms of contact I attempted to make, and now you must lie in the bed you made.”
(Your name) tried to shut the door, but Two Face decided he wasn’t going to have it. He shoved his foot in the door.
“Now you may not want to forgive him, but it may be wise not to lump me with him.” (Your name) just glanced at him. “I’m not as nice and I’m certainly not taking no for an answer.”
(Your name) was shocked when he forced the door open, the villain now in her quaint home. A smirk on his lips when he spotted a single photo of the two of them together still on the wall.
“Changed? It seems you’re still fond of me.” (Your name) gasped when he grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her to him. His hands now holding her waist. “I’m here to give you what you want, darling. All of me… I won’t leave you ever again.”
Two Face pressed a kiss to her cheek which made her shiver in disgust at how the sensation felt like two different men were kissing her.
“We will never be separated again. Not by others and not even by death.”
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