#No one told Danny about dangerous strangers
Say no to this, Bruce.
A few days ago Bruce had a fight with his sons, now he doesn't even remember why, it was probably something stupid that escalated and he didn't know how to stop it, it was probably his fault.
He was alone at the mansion, Damian was at Dick's house, Jason was ignoring him more than usual and Tim was on a case where he didn't want help, not from him at least, even Duke was away, it wasn't a good week for Bruce.
He grabbed a phone he had hidden and only took out before going to sleep alone in his room, hesitated for a few seconds and sent a message to the only number added.
His "thing" with the boy, Danny Fenton, had started four years ago, the boy was lost and Bruce found him when he coincidentally went for a walk as a civilian.
Danny was so charmed by Bruce (for some reason) that he gave him his hotel room number to keep talking about the universe, and later his home number.
Danny was a good, funny and witty kid, a very smart too, with parents who didn't deserve him because they didn't notice their son's brilliance.
Danny was a good boy with a not-so-good life, a strong, independent boy who wasn't always positive but didn't always let himself fall apart.
That's why when Danny answered his message with a call with him crying and asking for help, he could only go to his rescue without looking back, barely remembering to tell Alfred of his departure.
When he arrived he found only tragedy.
His family and friends had died, an explosion at an unfortunate time, Danny had no one in the world besides his godfather and Bruce, and he didn't want to fall into Vlad's clutches, so he was desperate.
He also told him about Phantom, and Bruce could only hug him and promise him that no one was going to find him.
The first thing that came to his mind was to take him to his mansion, Danny was like his son, it was the most logical action... except that Danny still looked up to him and trusted him a lot, and wasn't that a scary thought?
Bringing Danny to the mansion would involve many things, Danny would meet his children, which might make Danny see him differently, goodbye to his admiration and affection, goodbye to spending time "together" watching bad movies to criticize them, goodbye to quiet conversations and asking for advice, goodbye to trust.
Bringing Danny to the mansion would mean having him physically close but keeping him away in every other possible way.
"Danny doesn't want anyone else to know about Phantom." Bruce repeated to himself as he took Danny to a small, hidden apartment in Gotham, a cozy little place where Vlad wouldn't find Danny (and neither would Bruce's family).
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sistertotheknowitall · 7 months
“But to the BatFam? That is just Some Guy. A random dude - if you will.”
“Don’t worry about it, I’m missing my spleen.”
“Oh cool, yeah, missing organs suck. I’m missing a kidney and part of my liver. Oh! And my gallbladder but that was more of a necessary evil, it was like, poisoning me or something.” Danny was so focused on applying pressure to his wound (and maybe being a bit too light headed) that he didn’t notice how silent his friend had gotten. Like-wise the comms had gone equally quiet as Gotham’s vigilante family realized that they knew very little about this kid.
It was concerning how quickly they all started to see him as a friend considering it was them as vigilantes he interacted with the most. Tim was the only one who saw him frequently when out of the suit because he was a regular at Danny’s day job. (He worked as a barista in the coffee shop Tim favored.) The others saw him occasionally but more often than not it was just in passing. Steph, Duke, and Dick had to stop themselves from approaching him on the street.
It was odd, one day he had just moved to Gotham, seeming to appear out of nowhere, and then the next he was a constant presence in their lives. Usually armed and ready with a concerning or odd quip, it had started with him being another victim of the city’s petty criminals and had snowballed from there.
Now it wasn’t like the bats saw Danny everyday, but it was expected that he would cross paths with at least three of them before the end of the week. They ran into him more often than any other Gothamite, including the criminals and rouges they fought.
At first the constant meetings by “coincidence” was suspicious. If he wasn’t the one being saved from a mugging, kidnapping, or city wide villain assault, then he was near by and trying to help.
(“Trying to help” usually meant drawing attention to himself so the original victim could escape. Once it had meant Danny armed with a baseball bat against four grown men. Bruce and Dick have tried to talk to him about putting himself in harms way but the kid is surprisingly elusive when he wants to be. Yet, even when avoiding Batman and his eldest, Danny could be found on the patrol route of another family member.)
But honestly? The guy seemed just as exhausted as they were of seeing each other. By the twelfth time in a month, Danny had accused them of stalking him.
The background check Bruce and Tim had run came back clean and he never seemed to be involved in the various criminal activities. He was just there, a weirdly unlucky bystander. So as far as Dick and the others could see, Danny was a completely normal dude. He just said strange things and wasn’t intimidated by them, he actually made it a point to be unhelpful sometimes. When trying to learn his name he gave them the run around for two months. (“I know about stranger danger. I don’t care how often you say you’re the ‘good guys.’ I’m not falling for it.”)
On one memorable occasion Danny had disappeared for a week and a half. When they started to assume the worse, he popped back up behind the counter at work. Tim had relaxed significantly when he entered the shop to Danny organizing pastries in the display case. Once he’d placed his order, the young CEO asked Danny if he’d been on vacation. To which Danny had just sighed and told Tim “I wish, but no I was called to court to handle some affairs I couldn’t get out of.” (After a check to see if Danny had gotten charged with something and coming back empty, Tim had concluded that it was an odd way to say he had had jury duty.)
Thinking about it now, outside a stray comment or two, Danny didn’t talk about himself or his life. They knew he didn’t have a good relationship with his parents, “they were much more goal oriented than that joke of a kidnapper, but I think drugs do that to a person.” (It was still unclear if he meant his parents were kidnappers themselves or on drugs.) They knew he had an older sister who would “kill me again if she finds out I was in another bank robbery.” They also knew he was, possibly, depressed after last week’s comment of “is it considered murder if you’re already dead but, like, still alive?” (Damian had saved him from a drug ring but after another “baby ninja” comment the young Robin had threatened to give Danny back to his would-be murderers.)
Dick knew Danny was a weird guy who never wanted to elaborate on the things he said. (Jason was still confused on what he meant by “rotted milk soul.”) That didn’t mean the comments themselves didn’t say a lot about him. And tonight’s comment, accompanied by the prominent and jagged autopsy scars, said more than Danny was probably willing to share.
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bet-on-me-13 · 10 months
Ellie isn't allowed to travel alone Anymore
So! Ellie was raised in a Lab by a Genuine Bonefied Supervillain. She was raised to be a Villain as well, so her Moral Conpass is a little skewed.
Sure she *mostly* knows what is right and wrong from Danny's quick lesson before her Adventure around the Country, but she still has trouble separating what is moral and what is not from time to time.
So it's really no surprise that the moment she left Amity Park she somehow ended up being branded a Villain.
Look, it's not her fault she didn't know not to attack the flying guy in Blue Spandex when he approached her! One of Danny's biggest warnings shen she left had been Stranger Danger! She did what any 12 year old girl would have done when approached by a strange Older Man!
Its also not her fault that her powers (being Magic based), managed to affect him! She didn't even use her full power! (She maybe should have kicked him in a different place tho...she hopes he wasn't planning on having kids...)
So she did what her instincts told her to do. She took any money he had on him and ran the hell away!
It wasn't until she was 2 cities over when she saw a newspaper titled, "Little Villain Girl Mugs Superman in Broad Daylight!", that she realized she may have screwed up...
After that, she really had no excuse.
She knew that she probably shouldn't have kept Mugging the Heroes who approached her, but she wasn't a Fenton for nothing! Her Family Motto had always been "Commit to the Bit", and she was gonna stick to it!
So when the Fast Red Guy tried to tie her up, she phased off all his clothes and took off with his money (not the mask, she knew enough not to take that off)
And when the Grumpy Bat Guy tried to corner her with some weird papers he pulled out of his Belt, she just distracted him while her clone picked his pockets and made off with the wheels of his Car. That one made her a pretty penny!
The flying Green Guy was fun, his attacks were just throwing Ghost Candy (pure willpower) at her. He did stop doing do after she nicked his fancy talking Ring however, but it was fun while it lasted
Then she came across a Orange Fish Guy, and he actually seemed nice enough. But she was committing to the Bit, so she took the fancy Trident he had and sold it at a nearby Pawn Shop for some extra cash. He would probably be able to find it, that's why she chose a nearby location.
All in All, her Adventure had been really fun! So she decided to visit Amity Park again to tell Danny all about it!
Aquaman walked into the meeting room of the Watchtower, a very frustrated look in his eye.
Barry spoke up first, "Oh! I know that look in your eye! She got to you too didn't she!"
Arthur just glared at Barry for a second before walking over to his Chair, sitting down with a thump. "She is certainly a tricky child."
"What did she take this time?" Clark asked.
"..mttrident..." Arthur grumbled out quickly.
"What was that?" Asked Barry with a twinkle in his eye. He heard it, but he wanted everybody else to know.
"She took my trident, Okay!" Arthur shouted out.
"I feel ya man." Responded Hal, "At least with me she threw it back at me when she realized it wasn't making 'candy' anymore. What did she do with yours?"
"She sold it at a Pawn Shop!" Arthus yelled in frustration, "She managed to steal one of the most Powerful Magical Weapons in the world, the Symbol of the entire Atalantean Royal Bloodline, and she sold it and a Pawn Shop!"
"...how much did she get for it?" Asked Hal.
At this, Aquaman just collapsed to the table and groaned.
Alternatively she could have just kept all those things, and gradually built up a collection of all the JLA's most treasured possessions.
She has Supermans Wallet, not very important to him but it was her first mugging
She has Batmans Utility Belt (trackers removed) along with his Tires
She took Flashes Costume Ring (his civilian clothes still stuck inside)
She took Green Lanterns ring as well, but unfortunately it managed to escape after a few days. It was feisty.
And her crowning Jewel is the Trident she took from Aquaman.
(She avoided WW, cause she likes her too much to steal anything from her)
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too-much-tma-stuff · 1 year
Hail Black Sheep
“Mind if I bum a cigarette?” A voice asked behind Hood, startling him so bad he nearly fell off the edge of the roof where he was sitting, taking a little break from patrol. He had made sure there was no one up here and no way to get up here before taking off his helmet, and yet when he turned around there was another man on the roof. Dark hair and sunken blue eyes that reflected an odd unnatural green when the light hit them wrong.
Jason’s breath caught in his throat as he recognized the stranger. He had appeared in Gotham months ago and had immediately pinged the bat’s radar as a potential threat. There was something very wrong with the young man and none of them could figure out what it was, any attempts to find out more had gone nowhere because attempts to follow him never worked! More then that it seemed like any mention of him had been erased from the record, they knew he went by Danny and that was all. And here he was standing on an inaccessible roof right in front of Jason.
“Sure,” Jason said as casually as he could manage, shoulders tense and ready to fight if he needed to. He didn’t know why Danny had sought him out but this was the best chance to learn… well, anything about him that they’d had. He held his smoke between his lips as he shook another out of the pack and held it out to Danny.
The other man smiled, revealing canines that were a little to long and pointed to seem entirely human, not long enough to be vampiric though. He came over and sat down on the edge of the roof as well, out of arms reach but close enough he could reach out and take the smoke, Jason was glad he wasn’t any closer. Danny seemed to be making an effort not to seem threatening as he let Jason hand him a lighter as well, lighting up before passing it back.
“Thanks,” Danny said before taking a drag and exhaling slowly. “I hope you don’t mind I messed with your coms, they’ll work again just fine once I leave but I just wanted to talk in private.”
“What do you want?” Jason asked, tense beyond belief, his hand twitching towards his gun, Danny didn’t seem worried which made him all the more nervous.
“Just to talk. I know you and the Bats have been following me.” Danny said with a casual shrug, leaning back dangerously over the ledge.
“And yet we never manage to actually track you,” Jason said a little accusingly.
“No one sees me if I don’t want to be seen,” Danny told him flashing a cheeky grin. “I don’t exist~”
“Yet here you are,” Jason argued and Danny shrugged again.
“Here I am,” He agreed taking another drag, slow and deep, exhaling just the same to create a break in the conversation before he glanced over at Jason. “That looks like a nasty story,” He commented, touching his own cheek where Jason knew the scar of a J still sat on his own. He snarled wordlessly and Danny held up his hands in a pacifying gesture. “I won’t ask, I have some nasty stories too,” He murmured rolling up his sleeve to show Jason Lichtenberg scarring shooting up along his arm.
“That’s why I wanted to talk to you, I guess. You and I have a lot in common really, and you don’t follow the laws when you don’t agree with them, that too,” He chuckled.
“You know that’s why we’ve been following you right? You’re suspicious as fuck,” Jason said accusingly.
“I know,” Danny said with a little sigh. “Have you found anything at all?” Jason scowled and looked down, not wanting to admit that they really hadn’t. Danny just nodded. “You could look up the GIW to find out, not about me, but about what happened to me. Who declared me dead and erased me from the world so they could smuggle me away into a lab and figure out how to use me. I won’t let any of the bats follow me because if you know where I am then others might be able to find out. And I can’t promise they won’t add me to the wanted database again and they’d take that at face value.
“Interdimensional terrorist sounds pretty damn bad huh? Nevermind that I was fucking born in this world and it was scientists they hired that made me this way.” Danny grumbled, looking up at the smog covered sky.
“What way?” Jason asked, because everything Danny had just said was concerning as fuck but that was what he wanted to follow up on.
“Don’t worry about it,” Danny chuckled. “I’m not going to cause any trouble. I was a hero for a couple years as a teenager, before it got so dangerous with people hunting me, and now I’m retired as fuck, the only person I can afford to protect anymore is myself. But I want you to know that too, I’ll defend myself if I have to. If any of you or the GIW come for me again I’m not going to go quietly and I can do a lot of damage when I have to.”
“You know making threats does not help me believe that you aren’t going to cause trouble,” Jason said bitterly and Danny at least had the decency to look sheepish.
“I know, I’m sorry. I genuinely don’t want to cause any trouble for you, us black-sheep should stick together right? I’ve noticed that about you, all the folks the other bats and birds tend to overlook, you look out for them. The whores and the addicts and the street-rats. I like that, I was hoping you might look out for me too, I’ve been mostly haunting your area recently anyway. I could look out for you too? No one sees me if I don’t want to be seen and I can get into anywhere. I’ll keep an eye on things, if I find anything that you should know I’ll come tell you.”
“You’re offering to spy on me as a bonus?” Jason asked incredulously and Danny winced.
“Not on you, for you,” He promised quickly. “I’ll stay out of your business and I really won’t be any trouble! I’ll just keep an ear out and tell you if I hear anything in the way of plotting or people breaking your rules. Like I said, I like how you run things here, I’d like to help.”
Jason was quiet as he thought about that, Danny shifting nervously on the wall next to him as Jason finished his smoke and put out the butt. “Alright, you can stay in my territory, the bats don’t come here often. But I want some sort of accountability from you, at least regular check ins, once a week here and a way to contact you.”
Danny hesitated, biting his lip for a moment before he nodded. “Alright, Saturday night at midnight? I won’t come if I see anyone else around. I don’t have a phone or anything.”
“I’ll get you a burner next Saturday but this is basically a trial period. I know that the crap cops and the other bats say about ‘if you have nothing to hide’ is bullshit, you’re allowed to want privacy especially if you’ve been targeted. But you’re still suspicious as fuck and you’d better be telling the truth about not making trouble on my turf.” Jason said pointing an accusing finger at Danny before putting his helmet back on.
Danny nodded eagerly, looking relieved, tired, and a bit sickly. It wasn’t hard to believe the guy had had a hard life, if that hadn’t made him violent he was a better man then Jason. “You got it! No problems here, cross my heart!” Danny assured, actually making the motion which made Jason chuckle a little.
“Alright, see you Saturday,” He said before pushing off the edge of the roof, using his grappling gun to swing to the next building. When he turned around to look back at the building he’d just left Danny was already gone.
“O are you there?” He asked, tapping at his com to see if it was working again.
“Ya I am, what happened there?” She asked through the voice modulator. “Did you turn off you coms?”
“No, you’re not going to believe this,” Jason chuckled, but he wasn’t going to tell Oracle everything Danny had shared, wanting to meet Danny halfway with trust. Just enough to get her looking into the GIW, maybe if they could get whatever that was off Danny’s back he’d be willing to come out of the shadows and stop acting so fucking shady!
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nelkcats · 1 year
Blurred Future
When the GIW became too much (too much for Danny, the ghosts and his family), everyone made the decision to close the portal. Danny wanted to stay, he wanted to experience all that was left of his life, but his family wouldn't let him. Jazz was terrified that the GIW would find out that there was still a ghost on earth, that they would hurt him, so at the last moment she pushed him out and yelled that they would let him come back when it was safe.
Years passed, years where the ghosts watched as the cheerful halfa faded, as he missed his family every day. As he aged and stopped aging (Clockwork explained it had to do with his feelings, Danny felt nothing); the halfa kept waiting, but nothing happened.
Then, a portal opened. Danny got excited, thinking Jazz would be on the other side but the world was not the same. He scanned the abandoned lab and found Vlad's face, he looked like an old man. Danny frowned and asked about his family, but Vlad denied sadly, then he explained that he had lived a long time (much longer than he should have) but he was starting to die.
Vlad also explained that Amity didn't exist anymore, that Sam, Tucker and Jazz had spent their lives disbanding the GIW, making the world a better place for him. But none of them stuck around to see the outcome; there were always rogue agents of the organization, always a danger to Danny that none of them wanted to take.
They made Vlad promise them that he would eliminate every piece of the old government agency (and he did, there wasn't even paper evidence left) and bring Danny back.
Years passed since then, and although Vlad doubted he had long to live, he kept his promise. Danny didn't take it very well, but he let Vlad speak, Vlad even took him to his family's graves. And above all, Vlad let him make a choice: He could keep the portal open, live in both worlds, or he could close it, stay on one side or the other.
Danny decided to stay, he did not close the portal but decided to live the human life that had been taken from him. He asked Vlad what he could do, and the former halfa shrugged his shoulders, he indicated that he had left him his fortune, so he could do what he wanted. He also warned him that "heroes" were beginning to be born into the world.
Not quite understanding the warning, Danny did what his clone had done in the past: travel. It felt strangely liberating to explore everywhere, to see how the world had changed. On one of his travels he stumbled upon a place: Gotham.
His obsession stirred as he saw all the crime in the city and he wandered into "Park Row" with a frown on his face. There he found a little boy, he looked like he was about to cry but was desperately looking for something. Danny decided to help him.
The boy saw him with distrust and asked him who he was, clearly he was not used to receive help; Danny noticed his blue eyes, his black hair and his fierce look. Then he looked at himself, he looked to be in his 20's, but they had similar features. An idea came to his mind.
So, thinking he couldn't lose anything, Danny said the stupidest thing he could think of at the moment.
"I'm you, from the future."
Jason was a little boy living a hard life, but the stars, the dreams and the desire to fly hadn't left his heart. When a stranger who looked like him told him he was his "future self" he believed him.
This, of course, changed many things.
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disillusioneddanny · 1 year
Spread the Love Fic Recs <3
There's been a bunch of negativity lately and I think that means we as a fandom need to spread some love around. If you get tagged please add some fics that you think deserve more love, only request is that they aren't insanely popular fics (think like fics with less than 50k hits) this way we can get some other fics out there for others to read and enjoy!!
1.) Premeditation by Chromatographic (Lia)
The problem is that so few people are even able to see what the problem really is. The problem is that things that manage to find the balance on the knife’s edge of life are so, so hard to kill. The problem, Jasmine Fenton realizes, two weeks after she moves into Gotham, is one that almost no one, in any dimension or realm, is able to solve. The problem is simply put, though, even if it’s almost impossible. The problem is this: The Joker is a Halfa.
this fic has the hardcover ship (Jazz/Jason) and everlasting trio (danny/sam/tucker) it's beautifully written and keeps you on the edge of your seat as you watch the story progress. Absolutely amazing. The writing is just amazing, Chroma sucks you in with beautiful storyline that just blows my mind. And the ending is just absolutely perfect!
2.) Halves by TourettesDog
Jason wasn't sure why Dick thought it was a good idea to drag him along with Tim to Amity Park. His brother seemed to think the strange case would offer a decent opportunity to bond-- without Gotham (and Bruce) close at hand, perhaps it wasn't the worst idea he'd ever had. Unfortunately, Amity Park is far stranger than Dick anticipated, and Jason hasn't quite been himself since they arrived. Going to FentonWorks for answers was their first big mistake.
honestly one of my favorite fics atm, I just love Gothamites going to Amity Park, i'm just such a sucker for the idea and we just don't see it enough so this fic is just my dream come true!
3.) Pitch-Dark Shades by SummersSixEcho
Danny Fenton is trying to build a new life in Gotham after closing up the connections to the Ghost Zone. Not that all connections are entirely broken, still being able to perceive shades and give them strength when he connects to one of their prized objects. Tim Drake is trying to find his own place in the world, focusing on becoming a better detective by solving cold cases in his spare time. When Tim and Danny meet, a new (begrudging) partnership starts to bloom to solve even the hardest of cases. Or it would if only they told each other the truth.
I truly just love Danny and Tim together in literally any kind of capacity. They just cause so much chaos together and it's amazing. This fic is just absolutely lovely and the prose is amazing. Summers fics are truly enrapturing and just pull you in so easily.
4.) Beneath A Different Light by AKelaNakamura, SummersSixEcho, TourettesDog
When a convergent event hits unexpectedly, Damian and Danny find themselves in the last place they’d expected: In the body of the twin they’d thought long dead. With the after effects still coursing through them and danger lurking in both cities, the brothers must figure out who they can trust—all while slowly learning about the life their twin has led without them. Or, none of these bastards can catch a break.
Demon twins. Just--just Demon Twins my beloved. This fic is two chapters in and i'm just so utterly in love with it. Summers, Akela, and Dog are just a match made in heaven when it comes to cowriting a fic. The fic just yanks you in so easily and you find yourself thinking about it even after reading the fic. Just a wonderful fic!
5.) Come Little Children by Die_Erlkonigin6083
American Chestnuts were once one of the most important trees along the East Coast. The blight destroyed most of them, but not all of them. There was one chestnut tree, one that entranced a child, and then, what it wrought, enchanted an entire city or two
YALL when i tell you that the storytelling in this is absolutely breathtaking I'm serious. This fic has brought a tear to my eye because of just how beautifully it's written. It's got cool fantasy aspects to it, it's based off of an old fairy tale, it's just so amazing and it's one of my favorite fics to reread if i'm having a bad day. Just truly a lovely fic.
Now, I would like to see @halfagone @spite-sapphic-starlight @noir-renard and @midnightenigma recommend some of their favorite fics if they're willing <3333 let's spread some more love in this fandom!
also even if you aren't tagged--please feel free to recommend any fics you enjoy!!
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bigfemboyenergy · 6 months
self indulging in the sonic x dp x dc thing
tails and/or knuckles could make an appearance. also i have no idea who or what to put for like. the dc part? im not super into dc except for batjokes lore (in technicality) and fics
Danny finds himself in a strange place. He has a lot of questions. After all, it was only a second ago that he was with his family. Where am I? he thinks to himself. What happened? Sadly, he doesn’t have time to dwell on these thoughts, because he sees something awfully “funny” and even potentially dangerous only a few feet away..
Sonic opens his eyes, and blinks several times in shock. He was with Amy, Knuckles, and Tails, but now he’s..wherever this is? He’s gone through some bullshit today, enough from Egghead, and he’s completely over it. Silently, he shrugs as he thinks, well shit, stuff always wants to keep happening.
With a sigh, Sonic uses this moment of what seems to be calm to look around. He blinks repeatedly, shocked. What he sees does not cease to surprise him. Growing up and living in open, bright greenery did not get him ready for the gloomy, dreary city he’s appeared in. He murmurs, vaguely, “what the absolute fuck.” It’s only then that he notices the guy next to him.
Both him and the stranger flinch, as if only just noticing each other. This person..is a human, certainly. Or, well, he looks like one. He looks terribly shocked to be seeing an..oversized blue hedgehog cryptid? Or a 3’ furry? His face shows that he has no idea what he’s seeing.
Danny narrows his eyes, observing the thing, concern and fear melting away. After all, he’s seen worse; who hasn’t, with internet access? He speaks, questioningly, “So, what are you, and have you also been mysteriously brought here without notice?” The creature says, coolly, “Isn’t it more polite to ask for a name first? But I digress; first of all, hedgehog, and secondly, yep.” Danny nods, interested by the way this creature knows English and is oddly human, for something that is, well- a hedgehog, they said? With a small chuckle, Danny speaks once more; “Well then, what’s your name?” The hedgehog grins and proclaims, “Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog.” It is only then that Danny realizes this bad boy is, well..recognizable? He isn’t quite sure why he’s heard of him or where. He awaits his realization with much impatience. It feels awful to be only halfway to a conclusion.
Sonic looks up at the human, no recognition in his eyes. He doesn’t know him, it seems. With a playful shrug, he begins, “I’ve told you my name, so tell me yours,” he edges closer. “Come on, don’t be shy.” He almost sees the gears turn in the human’s head, before they say, “It’s Danny.”
Sonic looks Danny up and down, taking him in. He seems like an average guy, Sonic thinks. Nothing too unusual about him, probably. “I have a quick question, Dan- can I call you that?- is it..weird for hedgehogs to be walking around this place?” Danny shrugs in response. “I mean, before being brought here, I would’ve thought so, yeah? Pretty odd, if you know what I mean,” he states. “And sure, ‘Dan’ is fine.”
Carefully, Sonic drinks in the new information. He’ll have to consider the fact that bad crap will probably go down around him. He ain’t no normal guy, not in this place, it seems. Might even have to go into hiding, he thinks. That’d suck balls. He sighs to himself, wondering how he’ll even get home.
Danny notices Sonic’s dilemma, but can’t do anything about it. After all, he’s just a halfa, what can he do? He doesn’t have illusion-related powers; at least, he’s not aware of having any, that is. But since he himself has a very good reason to be sympathetic..he makes an offer. “We both got sent here randomly, right? So, why not find a place to crash together? Not sure you could even get a job here, so you’ll definitely need someone’s help.” Sonic snickers softly and holds out his hand for Danny to shake. “That sounds good to me, if you don’t mind,” he says, a bit calmer now. Danny doesn’t hesitate to shake Sonic’s hand as he says, “Hello, new partner in crime.”
Upon noticing that two people supposedly teleported here for no reason..the batfamily was in a state of worry. Now that they have tried to research these people, get a little info on them- they, uh..are quite shocked to learn that nobody fits their descriptions and/or the names they go by. Well, except for something they aren’t sure whether to deem it a coincidence or a completely mind-boggling disaster. More on that later.
Now that Danny and Sonic have gotten fairly acquainted, all that’s left is for them to find a place to spend their time, and hopefully some work.
WELL THATS IT FOR THIS TEST THING TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT 💀 and yes i am calling it “The Worst Crossover To Ever Cross Over” it’s a good pun imo ok
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suppose-i-was-worm · 1 year
Iceberg Siren pt 7
**here we go! Final chapter! I hope y'all enjoy!**
Jason stumbled, trying his hardest to get to the middle of the fight. The newest Teen Titans member, Phantom, was gallantly holding a glowing green shield to cover Batman while Darkseid attacked them all, and he desperately needed to get to Bruce and pull him away.
When he got home to Danny, he would ask the man to marry him immediately. They had only been dating a year, but Jason was sure of his feelings for the other man.
If he was being honest, he didn’t expect to get home, not if he truly wanted a home to return to.
Robin ran forwards, wielding his katana, and both Jason and Phantom watched in terror as he was swatted away by the ruler of Apokolips like a gnat.
Phantom’s shield dropped and she dove to catch Robin, cushioning his fall. Robin had told him about her- how she latched on to the entire team with both hands, protected them with everything she had. It was sweet to see it, even with the heartbreaking reality that her efforts might be in vain this last time.
With dawning horror, Jason noted that his little brother was struggling to breathe after the hit.
And then Phantom screamed.
Her scream created a shockwave, and Jason threw up his arm to shield his face from the force of it, his helmet long destroyed in the fight. A bright flash of light appeared above Phantom, and suddenly there was a tall man in black with floating white hair hovering above her.
The man looked around, taking in the situation, and then lit up green when his eyes landed on Darkseid.
The wannabe god was staring at the man, in shock or rage Jason couldn’t tell.
“Prince Uxas of Apokolips.”
The strange man’s whisper carried across the battlefield, and it sent shivers down Jason’s spine. The voice was altogether familiar and unfamiliar at the same time, and he hated it.
The man floated down to stand in front of Phantom and Robin, coincidentally in front of Batman as well. Jason couldn’t see his face anymore.
“Do you know what you’ve done?”
Darkseid slammed the end of his weapon into the ground, obviously intent on fighting the newcomer.
“I’m here as is my right, interloper! What horrors have I not committed in the search for Anti-life? What authority have you to stop me?”
“You. Made. My. Daughter. Cry.”
The ice and danger in the man’s voice made Jason cast a prayer to a god he didn’t believe in that he would at least die quickly. Darkseid was powerful, but the newcomer clearly wasn’t afraid. Something told Jason that this man could end everyone on the battlefield with a flick of his finger and not worry about any life except Phantom’s.
Without warning, the man in black grew, humanoid form warping and shifting until he had too many limbs and too many eyes, an avenging angel of biblical proportion in the midst of the ruins of Metropolis. A crown of green flames appeared on the creature’s head, casting dancing shadows that reached out and snatched the invading force one by one, dragging them into the darkness.
“My authority is that of the King of the Infinite Realms, and I am Justice. You have been deemed unworthy based on your actions in this world and those beyond. I sentence you, Uxas of Apokolips, self-styled as Darkseid, to eternal suffering in the stockades of the dead.”
A great flaming sword appeared and the creature wielded it, swinging down on Darkseid. As soon as it connected with the alien, he and all of his remaining army vanished into nothingness.
The creature turned, folding in on itself as it made it’s way to Phantom. Jason forced his legs to move, to get to the three heroes closest to the stranger. They were down, he had to protect them, he had to-
“He’ll be alright, Phantom.”
“But- he- he got hit and he can’t breathe and-”
The being placed a gentle hand on Phantom’s dark hair, kneeling down to her level.
“It isn’t his time, Phantom. You’re holding him too tight. Let yourself rest, and everyone will recover.”
“I- I couldn’t stop him.”
Shaking it’s head, the being cupped her cheek.
“No one expected you to.”
As Jason got closer, the strange tingle of familiarity sparked more and more. The being’s unruly hair, calm voice, and constellations of freckles were achingly familiar.
Then they looked up at him as he stumbled over a rock, and he fell to his knees at the eyes that met his.
Danny Nightingale smiled sheepishly at him, all teeth and inverted colors.
“Hey, Red. I’ll explain- later. We’ve got cleanup to do.”
Once the cleanup was done- all the heroes in cots in the Watchtower medbay, Danny left the room to detransform, leaving Dani and Jason to watch over their injured teammates. Once he was human again, he noticed his hands were shaking.
What would Jason do now? Now that he knew Danny was more powerful than he’d let on? Would he end their relationship? Would he be mad at Danny for lying?
He hadn’t intended on ever letting his boyfriend know- he’d hidden his extended powers fairly well, but when he heard Dani scream for him he had to go to her, consequences be damned. She was his daughter, the only person he really had left from home.
When he returned to the medbay, he made a beeline to Dani, sitting slumped over by Robin’s bedside. She had pulled all of the Teen Titans’ beds close, and was keeping an eye on all of them. Jason was there too, sitting beside Batman, but Danny had to check his clone over first.
“Phantom. Injuries?”
“Negative, Phantom. Just tired.”
He ran a hand through her hair, let down from its usual ponytail.
“You’ve done well today- get some rest, okay?”
She mumbled her assent and then crawled into the cot next to Robin. Cute.
Danny turned to Jason next, who was watching Batman’s chest rise and fall.
“I’m sorry.”
Jason’s head shot up.
“For what? You saved all our asses out there, Cricket.”
The pet name soothed some of Danny’s worries.
“Lying? I mean…” he gestured down at himself and Dani. “This whole thing is a pretty big lie of omission.”
His boyfriend chuckled wryly, holding out a hand. Danny took it without thinking.
“You- I have to ask about the daughter thing later, but- you know I understand keeping secrets, right? I’m a not-dead vigilante.”
Breathing out a sigh of relief, Danny took the chair Dani had vacated, scooting it close enough to Jason to rest his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder, fingers intertwining.
“How did you know? To come help, that is.”
Danny frowned a little, glad Jason couldn’t see his face.
“Phantom. She- she called for me. I didn’t even know she was here, but I heard her. I would have ripped a hole in the fabric of reality to save her.”
Jason shifted a little under him.
“She’s that important to you?”
“Phantom is the last person I have left from home.”
Danny let the silence wash over him and tried to keep his nerves under wraps.
Dani could be the breaking point between him and Jason, and he didn’t know if he could handle that.
“Hey Danny?”
“I thought about this during the battle, but that doesn’t mean I don’t mean it sincerely and truly. I thought if I made it out alive, I’d ask you- will you marry me?”
Danny sat up again, eyes wide as he took in Jason’s face. It was his sincere face, the one he only made when he meant something sappy.
“There’s a ring in a secret compartment at my apartment- I don’t exactly carry it with me to high-stakes missions, but- I want this.”
Feeling tears well up in his eyes, Danny brought the hand that wasn’t holding Jason’s up to wipe a bit of soot off his fiance’s face.
“Me too. I want it too.”
They shared a chaste kiss, surrounded by the unconscious forms of the Justice League, as Dani’s snoring filled the medbay.
“Oh crap.”
Jason looked up from the report he was writing for an unamused Bruce to where his fiance was doing the same.
“Something wrong?”
Danny looked up at him with wide eyes.
“I forgot to feed Yinsen’s cat before I left!”
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Scott Free was supposed to be having just a normal day with his wife, a nice calm picnic in an isolated area so they wouldn't be bothered. They were supposed to eat together and relax and not worry about a damn thing! But that plan vanished as a stranger appeared and said, "Scott Free. I have a deal for you. How would you like to never have to worry about anything to do with Darkside ever again?"
That is how the conversation started and I ended with Scott and his wife thinking about about dangerous bargin the stranger had offered. Darkside would die, permanently. Done by the hands of someone who owed the stranger a favor. The man gave no details on the other person or how they could possibly do it, but in exchange for this he needed a debt. His exact words were, "I shall call upon you for a favor at a later time. Your task will be clear when the time and place is correct." And he refused to give any more details and told them they had 24 hours to decide.
They both agreed it was incredibly Sketchy at best. But... if this person truly knew a way to kill Darkside forever? Could they throw away that chance? This is a once in a life time opportunity but... what of the favor the stranger requested?
After exactly 24 hours the one eyed man came back and asked them their decision. Scott gave a nod and simply said, "yes. Kill Darkside and I will be in your debt." The Stanger grinned and held out his hand for a shake to make it official. Scott yelped and pulled his hand back when something pricked his palm and the stranger shows a single drop of blood on their palm as they say, "a pact sealed in blood. I will be back for you soon."
A week later Danny beats Darkside in single combat, forced to kill the Dark God in order to survive. From his perch, Clockwork gets ready to swoop in, knowing that what awaits Danny on the other side of the portal home is a large number of GIW agents and his parents. Normally it wouldn't be to big of a problem but he did just finish a fist fight with Darkside.
Time freezes as the injured Boy King is forced to retreat into his core due to his massive number of injuries. Gently plucking the core from the air, Clockwork puts on his human disguise and goes to cash in a debt he created with an escape artist one week prior.
After all, Danny needs someone to protect his core until he can reform and after that he will need new parents who can help him understand his new task of ruling both the ghost zone and a hell planet.
Danny getting crazy literal God parents. I love this sm
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I won't elaborate on my fancast for Leo it explains itself -Danny Words: 2,152 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'Polaroid' -by Imagine Dragons
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VII. Save Money on Valentine's Day, Become Unlovable
"What Luke told you back on the Princess Andromeda, about starting the world from scratch... that really got to you, huh?"
Annabeth makes a face. "My fatal flaw. That's what the Sirens showed me. My fatal flaw is hubris."
"That brown stuff they spread on veggie sandwiches?"
She sighs. "No, Seaweed Brain. That's hummus. Hubris is worse."
"What could be worse than hummus?"
"Hubris means deadly pride, Percy. Thinking you can do things better than anyone else... even the gods."
"You feel that way?"
Annabeth takes a moment before replying. "Don't you ever feel like, what if the world really is messed up? What if we could do it all over again from scratch? No more war. Nobody homeless. No more summer reading homework."
"I'm listening."
"I mean, the West represents a lot of the best things mankind ever did—that's why the fire is still burning. That's why Olympus is still around. But sometimes you just see the bad stuff, you know? And you start thinking the way Luke does: 'If I could tear this all down, I would do it better.' Don't you ever feel that way? Like you could do a better job if you ran the world?"
Percy and I look at each other. "Um... no," he admits. "Me running the world would kind of be a nightmare."
"I agree," Percy gives me a playful glare, but I add: "No, I mean, I don't have what it takes. Leaders have stone-cold hearts."
"Hubris isn't your fatal flaw, then."
"What is?" Percy asks with curiosity.
"I don't know, Percy, but every hero has one. If you don't find it and learn to control it... well, they don't call it 'fatal' for nothing."
I shiver at the thought of having a weak spot that could kill me, but what can be dangerous for a girl like me? As long as I stay out of everyone's way, my flaw has no reason to put me in danger.
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When Leo says he wants to look for Festus, Ara decides to join him. It's obvious he doesn't want company, but she won't let him go alone, not when something's after them.
She's half expecting the walk to be awkward. However, Leo's asking so many questions now that it's just the two of them again that she gets comfortable rather quickly. It doesn't feel like she's talking with a stranger, which is weird, not even Percy felt this way so soon into knowing him.
"So, what's your deal, exactly?" He fidgets with a couple of screws. "What does it mean, being the daughter of Olympus?"
"That I protect Olympus."
Leo gives her a sideways glance. "Your job isn't to fight monsters and do quests, then? Is it something more important?"
"You got it backward," she sighs. "That's exactly my job. The gods hand me tasks directly, or used to before they shut down Olympus... I go on quests and lead their armies."
Ara almost sounds bored when she talks about it, but she's only trying to hide how anxious it makes her, to have all that control over her loved ones. She didn't want to boss around her friends, she wanted to be their dependable hero.
"What happens if you fail?" He asks, the screws in his hand are ignored for a moment.
"If I'm breathing and can move, I gotta keep going."
"But my question is what happens when you can't continue a quest?"
Ara stares at him blankly. "If I fail, it means I died, there is no other option. I may be called the daughter of Olympus but the gods are not my caretakers. It hasn't happened though, lucky me."
Leo's amusement quickly vanishes. "Man, so you could die if we fail this quest?"
"Yeah. But I agreed to this."
He hesitates. "You might be a little too insane for my liking, and that's saying a lot..."
"Maybe I am," she heaves a sigh. "But I did it so they would stop using my friends..."
"How old are you?" Leo frowns.
"Fourteen... and a half," she adds as an afterthought.
"What!" He raises his voice. "And you're a General? I don't even have a driver's license!"
"And that's such an impediment now that you're flying a dragon," she replies sarcastically. "Don't be dumb."
"If that's an order, General, I'll have to transgress it," he taunts her. It's crazy how quickly Leo can switch from being upset to acting all funny. "That's the one thing I do perfectly, don't take my dumbness away." 
Ara sighs again, not sharing Leo's easy-going attitude. He tries again, he doesn't know why, but he likes listening to Ara's voice. It soothes him and makes his mind go slower. "So... why did the gods say yes? Why not choose someone older?"
Ara's brows knit together, she's heard this question many times before and knows that it makes sense, but it still annoys her. "I was the only one asking for it. Percy made his wish, and I still had mine, so I used it for this. The children of Olympus had been er... discontinued. I brought them back."
Leo tries to ask the following question without sounding rude, it's not coming easy. "So were you... powerful enough? Is that why they said yes?"
"I was good enough, yeah. It's a slow process, years and years of training. I convinced them 'cause I had a special set of skills."
Leo's hands are back to fidgeting. "What skills?"
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Percy hides our ship behind a large rock wall, so in order to get to the top, we have to climb.
"Okay. Who first?"
They glance at me, of course they'd want me to go first, keeping an eye on the weakest link is the wise thing to do, but I'm not looking at them, I'm examining the wall.
"There's a path," I inform my friends.
"You're hallucinating, Birdy..."
"No. Follow me."
Usually, when I insist there's something I can do, they let me try. I hold onto the nearest edge, and after that, I just keep going up. I stop only when I hear someone calling my name many feet below me. I look down to discover I don't have vertigo. 
"Why aren't you coming up?" I frown. "It's safe!"
"You're moving too fast, we can't see where you're stepping!" Annabeth pants.
"I'm fast?" I look at my hands. "Cool!"
"You don't use the lava wall back in camp, do you?" Percy raises his voice so I can hear him.
"Silena doesn't let me, she thinks I'll get hurt!"
"Well, I think she has to reconsider!" He grunts.
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Festus landed on a pile of portable toilets, and both teens stare at the mess in disgust.
"Talking 'bout good fortune, huh?"
"If we had one of those cranes here it'd be easier..." Leo looks around with a scowl.
"I can climb his back," Ara steps forward, then stops. "Maybe throw snow on it before we..."
"What?" Leo puts his hand on the dragon's surface, then he jumps back. "Oh, right—ouch," he says in a not-so-convincing tone. When he notices the way she's looking at him, he tries to make up an excuse. "I'm very sleep-deprived."
"Stop that."
"Stop what?"
"Lying," she steps closer to him.
He smiles like he finds the conversation absurd. "Doll, I really got no—"
"You may think I'm an air-headed Barbie, but I can tell you're full of shit," Ara seizes his wrist. "I'm tired of you and Piper hiding things from me. Tell me what's your deal, or I'll lock you up in one of the squeezed-out toilets."
Leo complains loudly as Ara squeezes his wrist. "Okay, okay! Dang, you're stronger than you look!" He scoffs. "You have to promise not to freak out, alright?"
"You better be honest," she lets go of him. "Don't worry about me, I've seen a lot of weird stuff."
"Okay..." he rubs his wrist. "I... I make fire," Leo scowls at her. "Now's when you point fingers and call me bad names."
Ara stares at him, her gaze is calculating. "Nyssa told you their superstition, didn't she?"
"No, I just guessed I'm an omen of tragedy and bad fortune!" He replies sarcastically.
"So rough life for you too, huh?" She tilts her head, ignoring his defensive tone. 
Leo nods once, still scowling. "Good ol' demigod life."
"Well, it's not the end of the world, and I would know that. I witnessed like, three of those," she tells him. "Can you make fire out of nothing?"
"Yes," he opens one palm and small orange flames envelop it. "But I don't do this trick at parties, y'know? For obvious reasons."
"Yeah, because you don't get invited," Ara reaches out. It is real fire. "It's okay. Chiron will know how to help you."
"You think he'll want to? Because I'll be honest here, I need the training."
"I'll do it if he doesn't. You won't get better if you don't practice, and I owe it to you," Ara stretches out her palm. "Deal?"
The fire dies on Leo's hand. He stares at her unblinkingly. "You sure? I can be really hard to handle."
"I'll manage," she decides to tease him into shaking her hand. "What, afraid of getting cooties?"
Leo smiles. "Afraid of passing them, actually, but if you insist..." 
He reaches for her hand and shakes it. 
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Tyson invites me to help him build Percy and Annabeth's chariot and I'm happy to assist him. We work side by side, and Percy and Annabeth win the race.
"We couldn't have won this race or got the Fleece or saved Grover or anything! We owe our lives to our friends, to..." Annabeth pauses and looks at the Cyclops.
Percy catches my eye and his smile widens. "My baby brother and sister! Tyson and Ara!"
Before I know it, I'm being lifted on someone's shoulders and Tyson's holding my hand. When we reach the winner's platform and I'm placed between Percy and Tyson, I feel accepted unconditionally.
Percy reaches for my hand and squeezes, I make a promise that I'll treat him as my brother forever. "We should talk later," he says under his breath.
He has a strange glint of determination in his eyes. You know when someone says "later" but they mean "never"? Well, Percy isn't that type of person. Later meant fifteen minutes forward.
Chiron and him are waiting for me in the Big House, and Percy's holding a phone. "You have a call, Birdy."
"Did I do something?" I look at Chiron without understanding.
He points at the cell phone. "Don't keep them waiting."
"Hello?" I speak in a little frightened voice. 
"Hi, Ara," my heart does a somersault, it's Sally Jackson.
"Hi!" I reply, too excited to even question why my friend's mom wants to talk to me. "Did Percy tell you about the rock wall? I'm the fastest climber!"
"I heard you helped Tyson build a chariot, too."
"I helped Percy sail a pirate ship too! And I used my Charmspeak with Polyphemus before he could rip off—" My friend shakes his head frantically, so I change the subject. "Why are you calling me?"
Sally takes a moment. 
"Well... Percy and I talked..."
I glance at Percy. "Yeah? About what?"
"You liked staying with us during Christmas, didn't you?"
"Yeah! Can I go this year too?"
"How about staying the whole year?"
I'm sure I misheard that. "Sorry?"
"I've talked to Chiron, and he can help us with the paperwork to make it happen. Percy and I agree, having you around felt right."
"Wait, make what happen?" My heart's crawling up my throat.
"We want to adopt you, Ara."
"I-I'm not an orphan," My face is getting redder.
"We know."
"I told those things to Percy 'cause he asked, I wasn't trying to—I didn't use charmspeak!"
I'm embarrassed. I mean, when your friend hears your sob story and suddenly he's like "Suprise! I'm giving you this thing you told me you wished more than anything!" It kinda feels like he's just shutting you up. I didn't want it if it was out of pity.
"Ara," Percy intercedes. "We have more than enough to welcome a second regular-size kid into our home. Having Tyson around made us realize that."
"But I can't protect you like Tyson," I insist.
"We don't want that," Sally says. "Having you is enough."
They're asking me not only to stick around but also to use their name. Be part of their family forever. 
I look at Chiron with hopeful eyes. 
"Can I?"
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Their bodies light up in a golden hue as soon as Leo holds her hand. Ara snatches her palm away in panic, looking at the boy as if he's got two heads.
"What?" Leo stares at her anxiously. "Did I burn you?"
"I'm fine!" She replies high-pitched. "Good talk! Let's—let's fix Festus now!" Ara turns to face the dragon so Leo can't see her blush. 
Gods, if her friends could see her now... No. This is not happening. That was not golden.
"Dammit!" She kicks the snow. 
Leo's climbing the dragon but he stops halfway. "What?"
"I'm having a moment, stay out of it!" She snaps.
The boy stares at her, half-amused and half-worried. "Why are the prettiest girls always so crazy..."
"Shut up!" Ara blushes even more.
She's dreamed about this moment for quite some time, but Leo's timing is downright inconvenient at this point, so denial it is. Ara isn't gonna make things easier. It will be the slowest slow-burn the Fates have ever had the misfortune to witness.
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Next Chapter ->
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q-gorgeous · 1 year
Think Before You Act
word count: 1047
To get revenge on Vlad Masters, Valerie tells someone (be the Fentons, Danny, Tucker, the A- listers, or the GIW) what she discovered at the end of D-Stabilized. @warvikwrites After being revealed and arrested by the Guys in White, they surprisingly didn’t torture or experiment on him. Instead, they completely removed his ghost half, “cured” him of being a halfa, and that, somehow, was a hundred times worse. @ecto-american
phic phight is great
Valerie hadn’t thought this through. She didn’t ever think anything through.
She hadn’t thought it through when Phantom and his ghost dog had ruined her life. She didn’t even stop to think if he’d been telling the truth or not.
She also didn’t think it through when Vlad Masters wanted her to hunt down that girl ghost. When she found her, she looked as human as could be. She was just a little girl. A little girl that revealed her secret to protect some stranger she had barely even met. One that was hunting her down! She hadn’t stopped to consider that maybe Vlad was wrong.
And Vlad was a whole other thing. When she found out who Vlad really was, that Plasmius and Masters were one in the same, she didn’t stop to think there either. All she knew was that she wanted revenge on him. He used her to do his dirty work. He was going to kill an innocent little girl. He almost did. He needed to be stopped. 
She didn’t have the means to capture him and keep him contained somewhere for long. She also didn’t think she’d have the guts to kill him, especially if he was like Danielle. Phantom’s voice rang in her ear. Asking her if she’d be able to take part in destroying a human. She may not be destroying him, but she had thought of the next best thing.
She told the GIW about Vlad. How she thought he must be ecto-contaminated. Or overshadowed. The mayor was in danger, they needed to help him. He was a ghost. She said whatever she could think of. Honestly, she thought she could’ve said anything and the GIW would’ve gone to take him anyways. 
They captured him. They deployed a raid on his house in the middle of the night. They took him, but not without taking every ounce of research on ghosts he had from his lab. That was how they found out about Danielle. And how they found out about Danny. 
Valerie really didn’t think things through. If she had, she would’ve thought harder about what it meant if Danielle was part human. She would’ve thought about what that meant for Phantom. Maybe she would’ve noticed how Danielle had the same sky blue eyes as Danny Fenton. 
But now it was too late. Both Danielle and Danny had gone missing not that long after Vlad Masters. It was all anyone was talking about lately. 
I heard that Vlad Masters was being overshadowed by some ghost.
No, I heard that he was a ghost this whole time. He’s been dead for the past twenty years. 
Why did they take Danny Fenton? He’s missing too.
Haven’t you noticed that Phantom disappeared? Wes was right this whole time. 
Oh my god. He was Phantom? 
Every time she passed Danny’s friends in the hallway it was like they knew. Somehow they knew it was her fault that Danny was missing. But it made sense. If Phantom knew who she was, it wouldn’t be that much of a stretch to figure he’d tell his two closest friends who clearly already knew his secret. 
She had to do something. She needed to free them from the GIW. 
But she didn’t think things through. 
When she told them about Vlad, they had happily accepted the information. She had information they wanted. 
When she busted into their compound to break Danny and Danielle out though, they were no longer on the same team as her. 
She flew through hallways upon hallways, looking for Danny and Danielle. She didn’t find them before the GIW found her. 
They said they were to detain her. Something about her being a level five ecto-entity. She was contaminated. They had to cure her. 
Maybe if she had thought about what her suit had been doing to her she would’ve gone in with more of a plan. She never stopped to consider what a suit given to her by a ghost, created from ectoplasm, would do to her body. She never thought that the GIW would ever be a danger to her. She was human. 
But was she? They didn’t seem to think so. 
They captured and detained her. Tossed her into a cell like they must’ve done to the other three. There was something in the room that prevented her from calling for her suit. Something that blocked ghost powers. Is that what her suit was? Some kind of ghost power? 
She waited there for days. They gave her no information, no updates, no plans for what they were going to do with her. Not until they suddenly showed up one day with a stretcher they put her on to take her to a different room.
The way they had separated her from her suit was so painful. She didn’t even know how they did it. It wasn’t like it was always there. She had to will it to appear. How did they get it off? Where did it go? 
Is that what it felt like for Danny when they removed his core? It must’ve felt so much worse. It had to. Danielle had destabilized when they tried removing hers. It was probably the worst thing imaginable if it caused her to destabilize. 
Then the GIW drove them home. They were bragging about how they cured Danny of his ectoplasmic contamination to his parents at the stoop at their door. How they saved their son. But Valerie could tell that wasn’t true.
Danny wasn’t the same anymore. He looked a hundred times worse than Valerie had ever seen him. He looked like a shell of his former self, like something was missing. But Valerie knew half of him was indeed missing. Half of him was gone. 
He didn’t talk to her anymore when they both went back to school. She understood why. Her reckless actions got his core taken away. It killed Danielle. 
It was why she stood in front of Technus as he reigned terror over Amity Park’s electronics store. 
Maybe this was another reckless decision she didn’t think through. Maybe this was going to go just as badly as her last plan did. But she was going to get another suit. And she was going to destroy the GIW compound.
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msfbgraves · 11 months
But the only times he's intentionally rough with him is to keep him out of imminent danger. *** You like, can’t write this and leave us hanging 👀 jk, but it definitely got my attention. Could we get a scene where Daniel is oblivious to the danger and Terry nearly loses it or something? Because losing Daniel is a fate worse than death…
“What's going on?”
His Danny's earnest little frown. He doesn't often ask him that, little as he wants to know about business. The fact that's actually a boon most of the time has eluded Terry till now.
“Amanda called,” he says, looking about the terrace they're sitting on. “She said there may be rivals coming in.”
He takes it lightly. “Michael would know that,” he says. “If there were anything to warn me about, he would have told me.”
That sweet innocence. “Darlin'. How likely do you think it is, for your brother to come to my aid?”
Danny blinks. “Don't you know that's an insult or do you simply like doing it?”
He smiles. “Danny. Of course you love them, but that doesn't change the facts.”
His mate pouts. “And whose fault is that? It's not like they're not trying.”
Terry sits up. “Trying what?”
“They come round, don't they? Louie, Michael and Nessa? And my Ma? You only ever visit us when you can't not, and then you hardly talk.”
He shakes his head. “I don't speak Calabrian, or Sicilian or whatever it is you talk -”
“Terry, per Dio, neither do I! They'd speak English if you'd try it sometime!”
He smiles. “I think the Don would rather cuddle a viper.”
“Because you act as if he owes you something.”
He looks at him intently, but doesn't speak.
“You wanted money, you accepted marriage.”
“And what comes with it, Danny, love.”
“A whole lot of obligations, none of which you even try to honor.” He shakes his head. “Forget it.”
“No, no!” He reaches over the table for Danny's hands, and his mate lets him after a slight startle. “Why don't you talk to me like this anymore, mo cuishle?”
He looks away. “The food'll be here soon.”
He tries to make his voice as soft as possible. “Tell me?”
Suddenly his mate's eyes dart away, to a man walking very forcefully through the crowd, dressed as any other villager- Terry may have even seen this one around, smoking and drinking with his friends. Terry always gets the measure of other Alphas, force of habit – especially the women here are always armed, whether with a hunting rifle or one of those quick daggers. The men too are much opener about it than in NYC may be considered proper. Still, they play legions of games, Sicilians, but rarely about this. That's why none of them as ever approached him or Danny other than in a friendly spirit. This is not a friendly spirit.
He scans the terrain. Feck it, Danny wanted 'a good view', they're as far out as possible on here; in fact, few of the neighboring tables are even occupied.
He tightens his grip, pulls his mate up. “Inside, now,” he whispers, shielding him from view as much as he's able. That should clue at least some of the Alphas around in, but nobody moves. So much for that famed LaRusso protection!
“You're hurting-"
“Behind me!”
Why is nobody doing anything? He can see one or two younger women itching, but they're held back, even Danny is fighting, he will throw him over his shoulder, what the –
“LaRusso?” the stranger barks.
And then Danny does the stupidest thing he could ever do, and answers: “Certo, perché –?”
Strange thing is, the Alpha man seems to hesitate, which is the first logical thing about any of this so far. But then he tries to dart around Terry, straight for Daniel, and Jaysis, Mary and Joseph, Terry has been itching for a fight. Begging for one. And the man's a right eejit about it, but Daniel doesn't do anything Terry's taught him, why is he not hiding, where is his pistol, never mind, Terry slams the Italian right down. It's a fucking release is what it is, he could snap him like those grissini he's never seen the point of, but Danny's still here, someone could take him in the mêlee, “Back, get back!” he shouts, and Danny's terrified, he can smell it, and even that other Alpha reeks of desperation, as well he should, what is this, who does he work for, he puts a foot on the man's neck, reaches for his gun –
“Stop!” Daniel calls. “Terry!”
And he darts around for an instant, how could he not, and Daniel runs forward, so he has to kick him back, God forgive him, but why is he being so stupid...?
“Wait!” his mate calls again, as he clambers up (praise God someone caught him) and then: “Vitelli?”
And the other Alpha is making what little sound he can, and the crowd is smiling, what are they smiling about, and Daniel shouts that it's OK, and how could this ever be OK, and now the villagers are coming for him, and –
Daniel's hugging him from behind. “Sh, Terry,” he whispers. “Sh.”
And then his legs simply give out.
He still bodily cradles his mate away, but everyone is cheering, what are they cheering about, but his Danny, oh, his sweetheart, he's never letting go, and Daniel cuddles in, and he can feel his sweet boy's breath on his face for the first time in weeks and he thinks he's crying again. “Terry, you've done well, it's over, help me up, please?” And others are cheering that Alpha, and now helping them both and that man, Vitelli, is massaging his neck and looking at him as if to say: “Really?” but doesn't. And Daniel sticks out his hand and no way that is going to happen but he hears “it's good, he's with us” and no he's not. Luckily the man knows what's good for him because he doesn't move in, so Daniel bows and gives his name as “Daniele LaRusso,” which it feckin isn't but this seems to be the day Terry's having. “Il mio marito, Terry Silver,” and of course that man knows who he is because everyone here knows who he is and Terry really needs a drink right now. The cafe owner is clapping him and he accepts whatever drink is put in his hand. Daniel is grinning from ear to ear and rubbing his back and saying “He's quick, Michael,” and if that lowlife has anything to do with this...?
“My brother wants to court a local girl,” Daniel says. “And he's beta, so it's a bit more complicated, they need a sense of the family Alphas, but now, with you here, I think that's OK.”
“Huh?” It's not his most dignified reply, but Daniel is not making any sense.
“The Vitellis want to show that they're willing to defend their omegas, Terry, and they need to see what happens if someone threatens a LaRusso one. Specifically, what our Alphas would do. And there's many ways to test this, but this is the old fashioned way.”
He coughs. “I would have killed him!”
“I didn't think he'd move in tonight,” Daniel says. “I merely wanted to signal that we're available, so to speak, but it can happen at any time.”
“Doesn't negate my killing him!”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” Daniel says. “Needed to distract you a bit. But don't worry, Vincenzo here will be the talk of the town, it takes a lot to take someone like you on.”
He touches his face. “I hurt you...”
A spasm goes through him. “Not tonight.” They're bringing more drinks, but Daniel shakes his head. “I think we'd better go inside,” he says.
And now Terry does sling him over his shoulder, to much cheering, and he carries him like that all the way to their front door. “Serves you right,” is the only reply he makes to Daniel's ever more frenzied protestations.
Inside, Daniel starts dragging out suitcases.
“Stop that,” Terry says. “You're hurt.”
Daniel shrugs. “Forget about it.”
“That's not an answer.”
He stands still, shrugs again. “You went kind of hard on that Vitelli,” he says. “Maybe that he's wanting retribution, and if that happens, we'd better not be here. So, Ireland?”
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sailor-toni · 1 year
Introducing The Amazing Half-Ghost Drag Queen: Cosmonaut Bethany!
You can also read this on A03, FF.NET, and Wattpad
After his identity is revealed in Phantom Planet, Danny wishes to go back to living a double life. While at college he finds it ion an unexpected way. Through the wonders of Drag shows.
Written for @ectoblastfromthepast for Phicc Phight
Original Prompt: Everyone knows Danny is Phantom. But they don't know about his *other* double life
In the mirror he practiced his routine with his lips, watching as the layers of make up easily moved on his face. If he showed up with cracking makeup the ladies would drag him for miles. Ivana would be the one at the helm, with her tacky ass platform shoes slamming him against the pavement. Danny placed the long flashy lashes on his lash line, fighting the urge to blink. 
For years Danny lived a double life, by day he was a normal C average student, and by night he fought ghosts and monsters that traveled into their world. It was a thrilling life full of dangers and violence, and great friends. Although he was paying for it now. The first time he slipped a pale blue strapless gown on, he shuddered at the sight of his muscles poking out of it. He was a cross dressing man who looked like a crossdressing man. And with how he had to fold his dick and with how much that dress cost. He did not want to look like a crossdressing man. He could’ve asked Jazz for help… but she put so little makeup on, Danny didn’t think she knew how to help him. Sam was a second option but he didn’t want to look goth, or emo. Tucker only knew how to make fursuits, and Valerie hated his guts. A lot of people hated his guts when everything was revealed. 
Danny Fenton is Danny Phantom! Who could have known! The town shouted. I knew! Wes shouted, and the town continued to cry, who could’ve known! They looked sooooooooo different! Hate and fame were given to him at a half-life as former friendly classmates turned on him. 
“Did you not trust me?” They asked. “Why did you never tell me?” 
“You know, I always knew you were more than meets the eye,” Dash was the first of the bullies to kiss his ass. The rest soon follow with their own bland lies and brown noses. 
Danny begged God for things to change at college. And the monkey paw curled his finger as well; he may not have had history with these people. Everyone wanted to be BFFs with the Ghost Hero who saved the planet from a ghost rock. 
Why couldn’t things go back? Danny thought. Back to when he was a nobody could change face and live a completely different life. Then he saw it. Tucker’s Mom had gotten his mom addicted to watching Rupaul's Drag Race. The makeup and hair hid their faces better than his powers could do and they looked like they were having fun. 
“Hold still while I get this,” Paulina said, bending her body over his to apply the 35 fake stick-on diamonds to his face.
Yeah, Danny only knew of one person who was an expert at makeup and dresses. Paulina acted like a child at the candy store when Danny sunk into her dorm room with a duffle bag of supplies. She had a sketchbook of looks, ideas, and makeup looks she printed off the internet. Sometimes Danny felt like her personal full size barbie doll. One time she made him a candy land inspired look, complete with a six-foot-tall lollipop wand for him to pole dance around. That was not to say he didn’t have a say in what he could wear. For Paulina’s 21st birthday, he, or should he say, Bethany showed up in full Paulina Sanchez drag. Complete with oversize balloons stuffed into his chest. 
No one knew who Bethany actually was. They assumed she was a college friend of Paulia’s. Someone who was a stranger to her old highschool friends. Dash never realized that it was actually Danny under the wig and makeup, not even when he drunkenly began fondling the balloon breasts. 
Danny never told his friends or family about the drag either. His parents and friends would accept him of course. But it wouldn’t be a true double life if everyone knew. Just like his performance the double life, the secrets, the moments where if they had come in at the wrong moment. He would have been caught. The thrill of it all gave him a burst of joy. A reminder of what life used to be. 
Paulina pushed herself off him and grabbed the mirror. “How do you look?” she asked. 
Danny wore an orange 50’s inspired space dress that jumped straight out of an old movie. His star studded wig was contained in a plastic helmet, with a hole cut out for his orange and navy makeup. Finally he stood on high go-go platform boots. 
“I like it,” Danny said, giving it a twirl. 
“Perfect! Now remember, if you win the prize, I want to try on the crown!” Paulina said. 
“Of course. But no instagram pics with it.” 
“I got it! Now do your ghost thing and let me know what happens.” 
“I will, thank you by the way.” 
“Don’t mention it.” 
Danny phased out of her room, his go-go boots slid on the air, invisible to the city under him. Nerves inginiting in his stomach, threatening to burst till he was on the stage of the night club, dancing to girls just wanna have fun. The crowd cheered at his flips, kicks, and his ‘magic’ tricks. The cards hidden within the fabric of his dress phased through the fabric and into his hands. His muscles allowed him to handstand on stage and twerk in the air. His final act of a triple flip ending in a split sent the crowd into a firestorm. The dollar bills rained down on him. 
This morning he was Danny Fenton the hero of the world, but right now he was Cosmonaut Bethany, participating before a crowd. Bethany didn’t win the crown for the next upcoming Miss Amity Park, but Danny had a great time with the other queens afterwards. 
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kettlefire · 2 years
SuperPhantom Au
Don't get into cars with strangers.
It's the number one rule every kid is taught by their parents. Stranger Danger and all that jazz. Drilled into people since they started school.
Except, Danny never had that talk.
Sure he knows it, mostly from Jazz mentioning it, or when Tucker and Sam complained about their parents.
But no one ever explicitly told Danny not to get into cars with strangers.
So when he's walking along the side of the road, and a pair of men pull up in a ridiculously sweet car, like who the hell drives a classic like that these days? And in that condition? and offer him a ride, who's Danny to say no?
Problem was, he probably should have.
Not probably, he really should have.
Because not even ten minutes into the ride, Danny finds a gun. A gun that reeked of blood, sulfur, and iron.
Then he's basically held hostage while these two men try to explain to him that they aren't serial killers, and it's just apart of their job.
Their job that they refuse to really answer and speak so vaguely about that Danny really wished they would just say they were serial killers.
At that point, Danny would have an idea about what they were planning to do to him.
If it wasn't for his worry that he found the next Bonnie and Clyde, he might have found it hilarious how Sam seemed genuinely worried while Dean was partly ready to just drop Danny on the side of the road and pretend none of this happened. Which the teen would have been fine with.
It wasn't until Sam suddenly looked constipated, having a silent conversation with his brother, that it all just pieced together.
Danny might not be completely stupid, but he could be extremely slow on a good day. It was not a good day. They looked about him like he was crazy when he busted out laughing, trying to control himself from how ridiculous the situation was.
Just his luck. He runs from one group, straight into the arms of another. Difference was, these people literally had no clue who he was.
"You're hunter, oh my god, you're just hunters. For a second there, I thought I was in actual danger."
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Part 2 of The Gotham Puddle Boy: Danny Fenton
Danny wasn't too concerned about getting in a car with a stranger in what may well be the crime capital of the world. 
If he got weirdo - or Dash-like - vibes he could just slip out of sight and vanish into the wind. Being half ghost made a lot of human dangers less so.
Plus, perks of being a Fenton: riding in the car with a stranger wouldn't make him nervous about their driving. No one in the world was worse at it than his dad.
So a few minutes of trading jokes and a promise of video games was all it really took to get Danny to say "sure" to going back to Tim's house. 
The car was nice, at least, and they bantered over music even as they left city limits, which Danny chose to ignore for the time being.
Around 10 minutes later they turned to approach the gates of a veritable mansion that unfortunately brought forth the memory of his first time approaching Vlad's house. 
He was silent as Tim buzzed them in, and as they crawled slowly up the driveway he took the opportunity to ask.
"You live here?”
“Yep! Bruce Wayne is my adoptive father. Welcome to Wayne Manor!"
Not long after the building’s front door was opening before they could touch the handle, with an older man in a suit greeting them. "Master Tim, welcome home. I see you've brought a guest."
A hand clapped down on his shoulder as he was introduced, "Danny this is Alfred, Alfred this is Danny. We'll be in my room playing Damned."
"It is a pleasure to meet a friend of Tim, Mister Danny."
"Ah, you too. And just Danny is fine, Mister Alfred."
Alfred smiled and secured a promise that they'd be down to at least stretch their legs and eat something after an hour had passed before Tim was ushering them through the building to his room.
Sam was a good person, but also openly hated rich people despite technically being one. Her parents, however, were a nightmare hidden behind a thin facade of civility when in public. Vlad was also a nightmare. Axion labs had been run by some tycoon and they killed their innocent dogs. Lex Luthor openly hated Superman - which would be totally understandable if it were because he never so much as glanced at Amity Park’s issues instead of because of his incredibly Xenophobic stance on any and all non-humans. All told, Danny didn’t have a good track record with -illionaires - not the adults, at least.
'...Okay, maybe I should just avoid Bruce,' he thought, settling on the floor at the foot of the bed in the enormous room they'd entered to face the gloriously massive TV while Tim booted it up.
An hour later, Alfred was knocking on the door to herd them to the dining room where he'd prepared "refreshments." It was nice to enjoy homemade food that didn't fight back for once - he hadn't eaten at Sam or Tucker's house in a while and takeout wasn't quite the same. Even if they were unfortunately healthy snacks - the strange slices he'd learned were apricot were surprisingly good.
Alfred had them stretch their legs again two hours later - this time snackless - and Tim decided to give him a tour. The house was immaculate and the kitchen would have made the Lunch Lady greener than normal with envy.
It was also empty.
"Don't you have a bunch of siblings?" he asked on the way back to the room.
"Yeah, but they're all out doing their own things until lunch." He stopped just after closing the door behind him to grin at him. "Speaking of which. Can you stay for lunch?"
Danny blinked at the sudden manic energy starkly contrasting with the incredibly normal question. 
"Uh, I don't have to be back at the hotel until like 5, so, sure?"
"How do you feel about playing a little prank?"
Danny grinned, "What did you have in mind?"
POV Jason
Jason’s patience was running incredibly thin. He had been looking at tubes of water for hours while Bruce kept asking variations of the same question. His only consolation was that Duke took up half of the attention or he might have punched him by now.
The only reason he even showed up was that he’d been told there was potential Lazarus water in Gotham - or something similar. But after hours upon hours of tests by the computer and him and Duke staring at it he was certain; that was water. Bruce had lost it.
Just as he braced himself to try and knock some sense into Bruce, Alfred came to fetch them to lunch. 
‘Finally,’ he thought, power-walking to the exit.
“I’ll be up in a minute, I want to set up one more scan to run while we’re eating,” Bruce threw after them.
“It had better only be a minute.” He paused to glower ominously over his shoulder, simmering with rage at all of the wasted time - and using that to smother the concern trying to bubble up.
“Finally,” Duke said once they were out of the batcave. “I thought we were going to be in there forever!”
Jason ignored him as he fished out his phone.
“Oh hey, group text from Tim; he has a guest that fits the family theme so he’s going to try and prank Bruce to see if he’s actually ‘lost the plot.’”
Jason grimaced, “Great, so instead of a productive lunch we’ll be playing house plus ‘guest that definitely isn’t the former Jason Todd, just a very similarly looking friend of the family’ for an hour.” He ran a hand down his face, sighing in frustration. “Count me ou-”
He froze in place, every muscle flinching to a stop. 
“Uh, Jason?”
“Quiet.” He hissed, eyes darting to the stairs as voices began to drift their way. 
Every hair stood on end as he stood there, something in his blood echoing dissonant signals of danger-run-hide-flee-don’t move-stay still-stop-stop-stop even as his conscious mind demanded he confront the problem head-on. But he couldn’t move - frozen as surely as if he’d been hit by one of Freeze’s ice rays.
As the stranger came into view his mind gave up on the danger signals, finally settling on don’t move don’t move don’t move even as near-unbearable levels of anxiety bubbled up in his gut. He barely registered Tim standing next to the guy as his head turned to stare him down, Jason’s eyes widening and shoulders hunching now that this… person’s full attention was on him.
The person hesitated a moment at the top of the stairs before smiling.
“Hi! I’m Danny, you must be Tim’s brothers?” he chirped, voice friendly enough that the anxiety uncurled just a bit. Just enough for Jason to register Tim staring at him oddly and Duke looking between the two of them.
Tim descended the stairs, done waiting for “Danny” to take the initiative, perhaps, while Duke took his silence as a cue to give the guy his cover story.
“Just me, actually,” he said. “The name’s Duke. J here is a friend of the family.” 
“Oh, uh, nice to meet you both anyway. Sorry for crashing you guys’ lunch,” he rubbed a hand over the back of his neck sheepishly before following Tim down to their level, still smiling calmly. “My parents are in town for some engineering convention and Tim kind of rescued me from dying of boredom.”
Abruptly, Jason found himself completely calm - relaxed, even. Suspiciously so; all of the rage and frustration he’d felt ever since emerging from the Lazarus Pit was suddenly swapped out for a level of relaxation he could nearly call “Zen.” 
He would nearly suspect a meta had broken Bruce’s rules, but he was the only one to react. Tim and Duke were clearly unaffected and the guy was either one hell of an actor or had genuinely only noticed him when he saw him. 
Meaning this was potentially Lazarus related - and even that thought could not cut through the sheer tranquility he was feeling to cause panic. His thoughts, at least, were unaffected.
Also, he kind of just wanted to enjoy not being angry for the first time in ages. Sue him.
So he plastered on a Wayne-family PR smile and ended the second awkward silence of the day. 
“Don’t worry about it; any friend of Tim’s is a friend of ours, at any rate. We have maybe two more minutes before Alfred actually manages to wrangle Bruce out of his study, why don’t you fill me in on this prank.”
#I guess there will be a part 3 too#Not me rapidly spiraling out of control#and writing way more than intended#oop#Also not me just stealing various headcannons I've seen other people post for the crossover for myself#Danny's one braincell is dedicated to suspecting rich people of doing something fishy#The Justice League doesn't know about Amity bc the first message got dismissed as a prank#And the GIW suppressed info after that#up until Amity tech upgraded in a weird & self-isolating manner bc of changes made to avoid being hacked by Technus#They don’t assume he’s a meta bc Batman tracks all the registered metas#or something#he has a system#and he has a no metas in Gotham rule and fought Superman once so people tend to respect that#Also they’re all incredibly sleep deprived at this point so#Jason is liminal not a halfa#but like if he were a halfa he’d only be strong enough to turn into a blob ghost#Yes I gave Jason blob ghost instincts#very small therefore very angry at everything ever#(I know the feeling)#also very scared of stronger ghosts (read: all of them)#until proven friendly#because then hey free friend/safety#ghosts eat other ghosts but only when hostilely territorial/power hunger not bc they actually need to eat au#but blob ghosts don't have lairs so they tend to wander/be more at risk until a ghost with a layer adopts them#at which point they're kind of like guard blobs#intruder alert system blob ghosts#anyway#dp x dc crossover#danny phantom au#dp x dc crossovers are my only source of knowledge on dcu characters outside of like
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goodfish-bowl · 3 years
A Machete and a Silver Chain
Danny Phantom and Gravity Falls Crossover
Summary: Dipper knows something is off with that new guy working the night shift at the only gas station in Gravity Falls, Danny.
AO3 Link
Words: 1927
Notes: Was supposed to be for Crossover Danuary Week 2022, but meh, better (super) late than never.
Dipper wanted proof. He craved it. He wanted to show Mabel that the cute guy she’d been doting on for the past few days was a threat. Dipper had the insatiable need to prove that Danny, the night shift employee at the only gas station in Gravity Falls, wasn’t human.
This Danny guy had started working there some time a few weeks after the twins had arrived in Gravity Falls. Candy and Grenda had quickly told Mabel about the development, including all the rumors. Danny was from out of town, looked to be in his teens, but when asked, said he was 18. No one knew him, he was a complete stranger. He never gave a last name, only to call him Danny. No one even had an idea where he lived, but the only time he was ever seen was late at night, working his shift at the gas station desk.
Now, when Dipper had first met the guy, he’d seemed nice (Wendy seemed to like him an uncomfortable amount, which only upset himself further, not that he would admit it,) but he sent chills down Dipper’s spine when those striking blue eyes stared at him a second too long. Mabel immediately fell in love (despite the fact that the guy was clearly not interested and at least a couple years older than her), but that wasn’t really surprising. The trio of girls giggled and gossiped about him, making up all sorts of stories about who he was and where he came from. Dipper was forced to listen to as many different iterations of cheesy romance tropes as he could remember. Runaway prince, undercover agent, runaway undercover agent, runaway undercover agent that was actually a prince…
“Maybe he’s a vampire or something?” Dipper threw out there.
Mable gasped, “I wonder if he sparkles in the sunlight?!”
“No!” Dipper exclaimed, “Vampire’s are dangerous, Mabel, and they definitely don’t sparkle.” Dipper quickly brought out his journal, quickly flipping to the page on vampires and shoved it in his twin's face. “See?! Dangerous! Vampires only look attractive so he can lure you away and eat you!”
“But the danger, Bro Bro, it makes the romance so much sweeter… a forbidden romance…” Mabel swooned, and the other two girls joined in.
Dipper groaned in agony, “Fine! Get yourself eaten. I’m going to actually do something about this!” He declared, jumping from his position on the bed and stumbling out of the room.
Dipper rushed through the Mystery Shack, nearly falling down the stairs, nearly tripping Grunkle Stan, punched in the code to the vending machine, and rushed into the hidden spaces below.
“Grunkle Ford!” Dipper called once the elevator reached the second floor.
“Ah, Dipper,” Grunkle Ford greeted, “Just in time! I could really use your help cleaning-”
Dipper cut off Grunkle Ford before he could get much farther, flipping to the page he had just shown to Mabel, and showing Grunkle Ford in turn.
“I think the new guy at the gas station is a vampire,” Dipper stated.
“Oh?” Grunkle Ford hummed, hand on his chin. “It’s been a while since I’ve heard of a vampire in Gravity Falls. They typically prefer more populated areas, but I suppose an isolated town in the middle of the woods has its own benefits,” Ford mused. “Can you describe him?”
Dipped nodded, “Yeah, um…” Dipper thought back on his meeting with Danny, “He’s really pale, he most likely says he’s older than he is. No one ever sees him during the day, only during his shift at the gas station. No one knows where he lives…” Dipper tried to think of something else, when another memory resurfaced, “His hands are super cold! Like holding onto something frozen. He didn’t show his teeth when he smiled. Oh, oh, oh! And his eyes! They’re really blue, but they do that thing, like a cat! Where they glow!” Dipper had almost fainted when the lights flickered and he saw bright green eyes in the dark, not that he was going to tell Grunkle Ford that.
Grunkle Ford seemed to think about it for a moment, “Yep, that sounds like a vampire, alright. Dipper, do you remember how to get rid of a vampire?” Ford asked.
Dipper pondered for a moment before answering, trying not to look at the book for the answer. ”Wooden stake or silver?” He guessed.
Ford grinned, “Those will hurt the vamp, but not kill it. To kill a vampire you need to behead it.”
Dipper paled, “Behead?!”
Ford sighed, tired but sympathetic. “Vampires are dangerous, Dipper,” Ford explained, “If we don’t get rid of him, he could hurt a lot of people, that’s not even counting the people he might have already killed.”
Dipper gulped, not liking the idea, but agreeing that it sounds reasonable, “Alright, I guess. But we have to make sure first. Do you have anything for that?”
Ford hummed in thought, snapping when he obviously had an idea, and began rummaging through some drawers in the lab. Dipper watched anxiously. He really hoped Ford wouldn’t just outright kill Danny. Sure, Danny could be a dangerous vampire, but he could also just be a weirdly creepy guy. Dipper didn’t like the idea of hurting someone who didn’t deserve it. (Dipper didn’t want to think about how Ford probably wouldn't have checked to make sure Danny is a vampire first if he hadn’t mentioned it.)
Ford pulled out a thick silver chain with a cross dangling from it with a triumphant shout. “Silver! It won’t kill him, but it will certainly do the trick of proof. The cross is iron too. Won’t hurt a vamp, but it works on a lot of other things,” Ford explained, and Dipper mentally jotted down notes. (He would physically jot them down later.)
Ford checked the clock, “Six o-clock, sun sets in a couple of minutes,” Ford turned to him, “Are you ready?”
Dipper nodded, swallowing his doubt and the dreadful feeling in his stomach that something bad was going to happen.
Dipper carefully watched Danny through the window to the gas station. Neither Dipper nor Ford could find out how Danny had arrived, he had just walked out of the back like he had been there the entire time. (They’d been staked out here for about an hour and a half, watching people come and go, Danny had only been on shift for about a third of it.) Ford was waiting until the lull in late night activity, so that there were very little chance of them being interrupted should something go south. Mabel was most definitely asleep by now, but Dipper was helping people, so he’d stay awake for as long as it took.
Ford gave Dipper a light shove somewhere around 1:30 am, jolting the boy away from his half-doze. Dipper gave a small, started yelp at the sudden contact, only to be shoved quickly down by Ford. Danny was looking over in their direction, eyes narrowed. Dipper stiffened, there was no way a normal person would have heard that. Ford and Dipper stayed frozen for what could have easily been twenty minutes, before Danny went back to paying attention to whatever he was doing on the laptop set up in front of him.
Ford handed Dipper a machete when it was time, one that was sharp and light enough for him to use. He still held it unsteadily.
“Hide it under your jacket. I’ll be the one to check, you’re my back up,” Ford ordered, and Dipper nodded, slipping the machete into the back of his jacket.
They emerged from their hiding spot and casually walked into the gas station, a small bell announcing their arrival. Danny looked up for a split second, blue eyes piecing them, before he returned to his work. Dipper still felt like he was being carefully watched, the uncomfortable chill of the machete against his shirt feeling like it was burning him. Ford beckoned him to a place between the shelves and away from the cameras, a blind spot, then began gesturing with his hands in some sort of code.
Ford agreed that there was something up with Danny. Dipper was supposed to stay crouched down until Ford signaled him. Ford was going to approach Danny now.
“Young man, could you take a look at something for me real quick?” Ford asked, pretending to be the old man he really was.
“Huh?” Danny asked, looking up somewhat surprised, “Sure, I guess?”
“I have this old chain, and the clasp is broken, but my eyes aren’t what they used to be. Do you think you could latch it for me?”
Danny shrugged, “Sure thing.”
Ford pressed the silver chain into Danny’s hand. No reaction. Danny looked at the chain.
“Huh, this is quite the piece,” Danny hummed. Then he went to grab the cross to get a better look at the cross.
Danny let out a startled gasp when he made contact with it, yanking back his hand in shock. The cross had burned him, not the chain. Ford lunged all the same, easily clearing the counter, and making a grab to pin Danny on the ground. Danny shouted and grunted, trying to get Ford off of him and Dipper rushed out of his position and gave the machete to Ford across the counter. He couldn’t see the fight on the ground behind the counter, but from the sound of it, Ford was barely able to keep Danny down.
In that second when he handed off the machete, Dipper got a glimpse of the situation. Ford had his arm pinned against Danny’s throat, who was snarling back, sharpened canines snapping and scratching at Ford trying to escape, eyes blown wide in panic and doused in a toxic green Dipper had never seen before. Ford snatched the machete and held it to Danny’s neck, the point drawing a thin line of blood. Danny froze, muscles still drawn taunt, and Ford rasped on top of him, holding Danny in place.
“I don’t know what you are,” Ford growled, “but the only beings I know that are burned by pure iron are much more dangerous than vampires.”
Danny didn’t say anything, probably due to the machete at his neck, and Ford’s attention seemed to be drawn to something Dipper couldn’t see.
“I wasn’t hurting anyone,” Dipper heard Danny whisper, sad and solemn, but it was nearly drowned out by Ford’s startled shout,
Ford shot to his feet and snapped his head around, looking for something. Ford easily cleared the counter, and Dipper glanced over it. Danny was gone… but he had been there just a second ago. He had heard the creepy teen speak. But no one was there now. Ford rushed through the gas station for a minute or two, looking for someone that wasn’t there, before slumping in on himself with a tired sigh.
“Grunkle Ford,” Dipper asked hesitantly, “What happened?”
“He got away,” Ford admitted, exhausted,“He slipped right through the floor once he was able to gain his bearings. I don’t think he’ll be coming back here anytime soon either.” Ford glanced at the machete and approached Dipper. “But this wasn’t a wasted trip, look.”
Dipper glanced at the blood on the tip of the machete. It was red and green, a neon toxic green to be exact, but neither was able to fully mix with each other, creating a marbled effect.
“Do you know what Danny is?” Dipper asked, almost fearing the answer.
Ford looked down, shoulders tense and jaw clenched.
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