#Oracle Homework Help
stacy-fakename · 8 months
I’m sorry, but my type-a ass cannot be against the Rat Grinders. They’re essentially the kids that couldn’t get the special treatment from teachers and get by on stumbling through tests and happening to get an A without studying. The Rat Grinders feel less like people who cheated the system, and more like the kids who aren’t naturally gifted or lucky, and have to spends hours on end studying, doing extra homework and extra credit, losing their social lives and free time to catch up with the kids who can just breeze through it. Fig never went to a single class or did any homework but gets away with it because the coach, lunch lad, and vice principal are her dads, Kristin and Riz did literally the worst thing their respective class can do, Gorgug actively works to avoid using the main feature of his class whenever possible, Adaine became the Oracle through seemingly happenstance, and Fabian’s rich family bought his way into the extra curricular he’s now the captain of, and all of them skipped half of freshman year! Obviously we, the audience, know that they worked their asses off to get through school each year and to get where the are today. We know they earned every little good thing they have! Fig has worked so hard to become the rockstar she is! Kristin literally brought back a god! Riz in a supergenius detective! Gorgug is an incredible barbarian and artificer! Adaine works so hard to help all of her friends survive a toxic system! Fabian slaved away to earn his achievements himself instead of letting his father’s legacy be his identity! But think of it from an outside perspective, without all the knowledge that only the audience has! These random kids stumbled into three adventures that let them skip grinding for XP, got to miss half a year with no consequence, get special privileges and quests because they are related to or friends with the faculty, never do their assignments or go to class, became popular because of their privileges, and now randomly start spouting micro aggressions towards halflings? If I was one of the Rat Grinders, I’d be pissed off too! I’ve been both the gifted kid, seemingly effortlessly breezing through classes and befriending the entire faculty while secretly going through terrible struggle and stress, and the kid desperately trying to game my way through a system built to harm me while being furious at those who seem to thrive in it, and I can’t help but feel empathy for both. I don’t think the Rat Grinders are evil, cheating monsters who plan to destroy the Bad Kids out of spite. I think they’re just kids in a harmful toxic school system that have a lot of righteous anger at their lot in life, that has sadly been misdirected. Idk if this ramble made sense, sorry for the wall of text!
Edit:Introducing Ivy Embra, the first Rat Grinder to actually be antagonistic to anyone in any way! Also introducing Oisin Hakivar, a super nice guy who’s willing to take advantage of his generational wealth in order to help a fellow student! So the first Rat Grinder to actively be nice to someone too! He likely did something with the ice mephits, but he still seemed genuinely sympathetic and helpful to Adaine!
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cloakedsparrow · 4 months
Bat Family AU wherein only Barbara and Tim know Huntress' true identity. So when Tim needs a fake relative after Jack's murder, instead of hiring a complete stranger to pose as his uncle, he hires Helena to be his fake aunt.
As a teacher, she is against him dropping out of school but she knows him and listens to him, so she realizes how hard the last few years have been on him, especially with how often he had to change schools. They compromise, with her signing him up in a homeschooling academy. He does a lot better and even starts taking AP classes in several subjects since his training has caused him to advance in them. Not having to get up early for school or hide so much from his teachers/classmates/parental figures(s) also takes a lot of pressure off of him.
Helena gains access to the Robin's Nest Tim builds in or near their building. She also upgrades her suit and staff using some of the materials and specs from his suit and gear. They both are very good at recognizing when the other is getting close to someone who isn't good for them, or pushing themselves too hard, and they intervene.
When Barbara eventually learns that Helena is posing as Tim's aunt (probably because Helena told her) she's like "Okay, I expect this kind of thing from Tim, but why would you agree to this?!"
Helena points out that she needed to find a way to supplement her teacher's salary if she was going into keep up the vigilante gig anyway; Robin's new computer set up rivals Oracle's; and this way she can make sure the bambino does his homework and gets enough sleep.
Barbara realizes that both Robin and Huntress have been on top of their game lately.
Once she calms down from realizing that Tim just needed a decent parental figure all this time, she and Helena start trading notes and working together to keep Tim and Cassandra from turning out like Bruce, Dick, or Jason.
Whenever they learn about this, Bruce and Dick will be insulted. Jason and Alfred will add their own notes to help.
When Tim's report card comes back with straight A's and Cass has learned to read all the street signs, Helena and Barbara take them out for pizza and gelato to celebrate.
Occasionally, Tim reminds Helena that she's just supposed to pretend to be his aunt. She ignores this and reminds him to do his schoolwork and eat something before patroling.
It works.
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hypewinter · 4 months
Since it's canon that he can jump into technology ala SSSS/Gridman, Danny takes advantage of that ability to do his homework at superspeed. And destroy viruses as part of a money making scheme
Please forgive me as I steer this towards a more selfish Danny but imagine if after a while Danny starts making viruses himself in order to destroy them. Given his secret leg up, he far outpaced his competitors in terms of speed, efficiency, and most importantly, price. The problem was Danny was a little too good at this side job of his. Not only did he get rid of viruses but he also fortified the systems he was hired to fix, creating a bunch of systems now immune to any malware on the block..... And subsequently putting Danny out of a job. So being the dumb teen that he is he comes up with a plan.
Danny partners up with a semi reformed Technus to create mutated malware that would only be able to be defeated by physically fighting them within the program (ie something only Danny was capable of). But in typical Saturday cartoon hijinks, these new viruses and the like mutate out of control and start doing a lot of actual damage. Considering there's just one Danny and a lot of malware running rampant, he has no choice but to get help.
Coincidentally, Oracle had been tracking this weird surge in new mutant malware for a while now. She was working on figuring out their source when a digital teen shows up on her computer screen asking for help. One explanation later and Oracle is PISSED to say the least but she agrees to help. She also calls up some other tech savvy heroes to come help too. All of which Danny pulls into the system via their screen.
A tongue lashing the likes of which would even put Jazz to shame awaits Danny when all of this is over but for now, he gets to fight within a virtual landscape alongside some of his idols. Which is a definite win in his book.
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breadandblankets · 5 months
You know all those fics that have Tim/Dick/Jason go back in time, kill the Joker, stop all the tragic events, blah blah blah? Make it Cass and Duke.
See, neither of them were there for the pivotal events OR the fallout, so whenever they try to fix stuff they are going off of secondhand stories and vaguely mapped events:
"Ok . So we stopped Jason from dying, now we just have to-Goddammit, WHY IS THE JOKER AN AMBASSADOR TO IRAN, B NEVER MENTIONED THIS."
After bailing out Young Justice "TIM YOU ARE A HORRIBLE BANDAID BABY."
I don't read a lot of those fics but my beloved does so I'm going to write this off second hand knowledge lmao XD
Cass would 1000000% not let them kill anyone, but I think Duke could make a convincing enough argument to Superman to put him in the phantom zone lego batman style lmao
gd Cass and Duke saving baby Jason from the joker and he's just like in the hospital like thanks guys can you bring me my homework I'm behind 🥺🥺 and Duke has to be like I'm surprised but not Surprised Surprised you know?
Babs will still be Batgirl at this point and they def have to fix that, not by breaking her legs or anything but I think either 1) they convince her that she does way more good in the world as Oracle or 2) some convoluted universe reason she becomes disabled anyway
not to mention I think Cass would just put like baby Tim down for a nap once they get to anything dangerous a la Steph, cause no way does he know what he's doing lmao
and Speaking of Steph, they don't want to stop her from being Spoiler ya know, being Spoiler was and is sooooo important to Steph, but it got her hurt so bad, so instead of directly intervening like a sane person, Cass and Duke just shadow Steph for months trying to keep her safe in the meantime, or!!! even better, they enlist the help of baby Cass (who they found on the street and introduced to Babs early) to keep Steph safe
(and please imagine the Talking To Bruce gets from Duke and Cass once they get closer to the whole Steph As Robin plan)
I think Cass and Duke would assume that Dick and Tim would be mostly fine cause like they're mostly fine when they know them so the big cosmic to-do list gets kinda pushed around for (what to them is) bigger ticket items
Dick's chronic not talking about it disease comes to bite him in the ass 😔😔😔😔
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
What is the gameplay like on Gotham Knights? I have poor coordination so I have trouble with anything more complex than LOZ: Ocarina of Time. Like, on a scale of Pokémon->Dragon Age->LOZ->Dark Souls?
It's a bit clunky like Dragon Age 2, tbh. Except it doesn't have the excuse of coming out in 2011. The mechanics and camera controls are one of the things that let it down a lot, IMO.
I’m constantly getting stuck on walls and the edge of ledges because the controls feel laggy and the game’s not consistent about which surfaces you can climb and which ones you need to grapple. It's fine if you’re fighting in more open spaces but it turns the timed events into an exercise in frustration. Not to mention the number of times it feels like I’ve taken damage through an obstacle from enemy ranged attacks when my own ranged attacks bounce off invisible walls if I’m not standing in the exact spot the game needs me to be in. This results in me just key smashing melee a lot until every around me stops twitching.
I’m still enjoying it, but it is v. glitchy and I understand why people are leaving angry reviews. Especially if they are deeply committed to the immersive elements and were expecting the same level of polish from the Arkham games, which this studio also made.
I’m just casual enough a gamer that I’m enjoying muttering “parkour” to myself as I accidentally fall off buildings and plumet to my death because my graple hook glitched out and went the exact opposite way I’d been aiming.
I’m really just playing it for the characters. It feels like playing a a game written by people who understand the appeal of found family that went hard on the campier elements of the franchise while still maintaining a decent level of aching sadness for the tragedy they’ve endured.
You can feel the group fracturing under the weight of Bruce’s death with Dick doing everything he can to fill the void and stay positive and “normal” for the sake of everyone around him, including Alfred who is devastated but also trying to keep it together. Barbara, mourning an extra loss, is trying so hard to stay level headed and useful for Dick. Being both Oracle and Batgirl while also acting like a fun big sister to Tim who stands out as really young in this iteration.
Sure he’s a kid genius, but he’s also only 16 with a monumental caffeine addiction (you can’t tell me all the energy drinks on the shopping list pinned to the fridge aren’t for him) and mourning the loss of Bruce while also just wanting to do normal teenage shit, like asking the group for help with his art homework and being annoyed that his role as Robin is keeping him from spending time with his online boyfriend.
Jay is very raw and angry and obviously processing his own trauma on top of everything that just happened but even he steps up, trying to be there for Tim, teaming up with Babs to gently pick on Dick when he’s being particularly Boy Wonder-ish. Seeing him stress cook is also a nice added touch as are the photos of him and Bruce working on stuff. Bonding.
Which is another thing I Love. From what we see of him, Bruce is in his absolute DILF element in flashbacks and in recordings. All sad smiles and a gentle, head-shaking tolerance for the absolute ribbing the kids put him through for being too serious and neglecting himself. Not to mention all the pictures of him with Dick and Tim and Jason. And so many of him and Alfred and Ace. (The one on the fridge of him and Alfred showing them adopting Dick at the courthouse almost killed me. They all looked so young and happy.)
I’m getting serious “Bruce is a good dad with a warped sense of humor who hugs his kids and spends quality time with them, actually, and you’re wrong if you write him otherwise” fanon vibes, and that's honestly my favorite Bruce.
It’s basically appealing to everything I love about the franchise while scratching an itch in my brain the way crackfic taken seriously does.
And that’s enough to make me forgive the bad controls and glitches. But I could see it not being enough for some people, especially if you’ve already got poor hand eye coordination. Which I do. But again, I don’t really care about being good at games. I’m just dicking around and having fun wringing dopamine out of the narrative.
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were-wolverine · 6 months
selina adopts dick au - details
- bruce and selina are dating when she adopts dick, and continue to date on and off. they get married after bruce adopts jason but still live separately because selina values her independence
- dick and jason (and later tim) have sleepovers all the time when they’re younger
- each of the boys has their own specific cat at Selina’s that they got to name. dick has a calico named Penny, jason has a tabby named Ernest and tim has a tuxedo named Mittens
- babs dick jason and tim went to Gotham Academy together (in this au it’s a K-12)
- babs & dick are best friends that flirt as vigilantes cuz they think it’s funny. they were friends as civilians first before revealing their identities which just made them even closer
- since selina is good friends with Harley & Ivy, and dick doesn’t work with Batman, they are basically dick’s aunties. him and harley do gymnastics together and she teaches him self-defense, ivy helps him with his chemistry homework and they often garden together
(he makes them promise not to hurt Batboy because that’s his little brother!! and so they usually just tie him up and put him in the corner while they deal with Batman lol)
- dick as Stray will often lead Batboy on chases to distract him when Batman fights some of his more ruthless rogues, because he’d rather have jason chase him and some priceless museum artifact than get hurt by a villain. he always lets jason catch him and return the artifacts in the end bc jason doesn’t call the cops on him lol
note: babs becomes Batgirl at 14 about a year after dick becomes Stray. jason (13) becomes Batboy when dick is 16 and babs is 17
- so: babs (17) is Batgirl, dick (16) is Stray and jason (13) is Batboy. tim (10) is not a vigilante but basically lives with dick and selina atp. they all know each other’s identities and go to school together
- babs (18) is shot by the joker about a year into jason (14) being Batboy. she becomes Oracle after teaching herself how to hack
- after graduating she moves to boston and goes to harvard law, but still helps Batman as Oracle
- dick (17) is a senior, jason (14) is a freshman, and tim (11) is in like 6th grade. dick continues to be Stray and jason continues to be Batboy until they graduate
- jason is 15 when he decides not to look for his birth mom (Sheila Haywood) and spends a few months living with selina before returning to the manor (mostly for alfred)
- when babs returns from boston after two years (she graduates early bc she’s a genius like that) she becomes a more permanent presence as Oracle and this is when tim asks to be her apprentice
- dick (19) went to college for a year before dropping out and enrolling in a paramedics program, which he is about halfway through (they take two years in NJ)
- around this time is when dick gives Stray to tim and instead becomes Nightwing (he read about the Kryptonian legend in an interview with Superman by Lois Lane), a vigilante that mainly does detective work and helps injured people instead of fighting criminals
- jason (16) is a junior and plans to leave Batboy behind when he goes to college
- luckily, this is when steph (14) as Spoiler shows up and basically forces Batman to train her. jason thinks she is hilarious and they become good friends. tim (13) is Stray atp and they end up having (another) Batman/Catwoman dynamic as Stray and Spoiler
- tim and steph do date briefly but decide they are better off as friends. the Cats are way less uptight about their identities so steph knows Stray & Nightwing are tim & dick
- dick still lives in Selina’s apartment with her and tim. he briefly dorms at Gotham University for the year he’s there but ultimately moves back (he misses his mom and his little brother and the cats)
- Spoiler helps out Batman when he needs an extra hand but prefers to patrol with Nightwing and be his crime-fighting partner while he helps the victims. they work really well together
- Stray and Spoiler honestly don’t cross paths very often unless they are purposefully hanging out together or both following Nightwing around
- jason helps train steph before he goes off to college and when he does, babs give steph the Batgirl mantle. she works more with Batman after jason leaves but still patrols with NW when she can
- jason goes abroad for college and later talia invites him to the League to be trained and tutored (talia and bruce are exes but ended on good terms. talia and selina are good friends and gossip about bruce). she also appoints him as her son’s bodyguard (she doesn’t mention that Damian is bruce’s… not yet at least)
- jason is also still sent to the All Caste cuz i think he deserves magic swords. in nanda parbat he is trained in martial arts and gets tutors for anything he wants to learn. talia basically adopts him as her own (selina is 100% aware of this and is happy for them, she and jason were never as close as her and dick or tim)
note: i changed this from jason’s original ending bc i wanted to include talia and damian
- tim is sent to boarding school by his dad and for a few months steph steps in as Stray. selina is eventually able to get custody of tim and bring him back to gotham, and he gets Stray back as steph chooses to become Spoiler again
- during the time tim is at boarding school, bruce finds and adopts cass. steph gives her Batgirl so she can sub in as Stray. cass happily takes on the role and loves working alongside bruce
(random side note: selina and talia have def hooked up before and talia calls both selina and bruce ‘beloved’)
babs (20) is Oracle, dick (19) is Nightwing, jason (16) is Batboy, tim (13) is Stray, and steph (14) is Spoiler
after that we skip a year or two. babs (22) is still Oracle, dick (21) is still Nightwing, jason (18) is off in college, tim (15) is still Stray and steph (16) is Batgirl
the next year jason (19) is with the League, tim (16) is at boarding school, steph (17) is temporarily Stray and cass (18) is Batgirl
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ckret2 · 9 months
In chapter 23 Ford says that Bill is "vain and arrogant", and thinks about how the triangle got rid of him after he completed the portal.
Now, Bill did a lot of things after Ford finished building the portal, but GETTING RID OF Ford is literally the least of them. He hunted him for thirty years across the multiverse with a warrant for his arrest, once he arrived on Earth he transformed him into his favorite golden toy and proposed to him several times to become one of his Henchmaniacs, not to mention that once he came back to life the first thing he did was try to kill Ford with a souvenir from the Mystery Shack.
So, Stanford, can you explain to me what made you think that Bill doesn't care about you?!
PS: I'm in love with your writing
Ford's basing his assessment on the immediate feeling of rejection he got from the betrayal. Ford confronts Bill for lying; and Bill doesn't try to hide it, doesn't try to talk Ford into joining, doesn't even try to cover it with another lie like "no actually I'm totally just gonna visit earth to do good deeds." He admits he used Ford, mocks him for not figuring it out sooner, tells him that he's gonna invite over a bunch of monsters to party, and brushes off Ford's threat to stop him.
Feels a lot like having a cool kid suck up to him in 9th grade to get him to do their homework, only to then laugh in his face and say they only wanted his help so they'd be free to go to a birthday party. "So you lied when you said we're friends?" "Wowww, you JUST figured it out?"
Nothing after that matters to Ford—as far as he's concerned, Bill already showed him what he really thinks. If Bill puts a bounty on his head, it's just to stop him from ruining Bill's plans. If Bill asks him over and over to join the Henchmaniacs, it's either because Bill finds him useful again, or because the cool kids want to drag around a nerdy loser they can bully. Bill says "you'd fit in with my freaks" and all Ford hears is Bill calling him a freak.
What Ford remembers is how quickly Bill changed when the portal was finished, how dismissive he became. He's never updated his assessment. If Bill's paying attention to him now, it's only as a threat to eliminate.
(Also, I don't headcanon that Bill hunted Ford across the multiverse. The only moments we have evidence that Bill paid attention to him at all is when Ford first arrived in the Nightmare Realm and when he returned to try to kill Bill. If Bill had spent all those years trying to go after Ford, then why didn't he just keep to possessing Ford whenever he slept? Ford would've died of sleep deprivation or Bill would have walked him back into the Nightmare Realm years before he met the Oracle and got the metal plate. I think Bill impulsively put a bounty on Ford when he showed up, and then when Ford fled, Bill shrugged and went "he'll come back eventually, probably," and mostly ignored Ford for the next three decades.)
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missjamiekaye · 6 months
I'm sooo hung up on Boostle baby Rip Hunter.
Booster loves his kid, but he feels this deep, overwhelming sorrow when he is struck by how much Rip reminds him of Ted. Booster has such a deep feeling of love for his son - starting from the first time he gets to hold him. Yet, he can't get over how similar Rip is to Ted. Their smile, their eyes, their mannerisms - it gets overwhelming at times. Booster feels a deep sense of grief when he is reminds that Rip is just as much of a part of Ted as Rip is a part of him.
When Rip starts kindergarten, be learns how to read and write earlier than most, and Booster is so proud - until he thinks about how smart Ted was, and how proud Ted would be of his son. That night, Booster ends up bawling his eyes out when he imagines how Ted would be as a parent. Would his friend love Rip just as much as Booster does? Would Ted stay - settle down, and turn a new leaf with him - if he knew? Another more self-loathing part of Booster asks himself if Ted would really stay to take care of a child he didn't plan for, or want.
Also. Skeets. He lets Booster know what and what not to get for Rip in terms of toys, food, and furniture. Skeets makes Booster research about product recalls and infant safety, and it gives Booster the biggest migraine ever.
Also like. Other characters and people. Would any of the JLI visit or check up on Booster and Rip? Would Booster tell them that Rip was Ted's kid? I can only imagine the drama.
J'onn drops by during Booster's pregnancy to see him, reads Booster's mind unintentionally, and finds out about the situation. He ends up consoling a very emotional and conflicted Booster about the whole thing.
Guy Gardner helps Rip with math homework because he used to be a teacher, but he gets angry at the worksheet Rip was given because he struggles with the new way of doing long division.
Oracle finds out about Booster's time travel stunt when one of Booster's friends asks her what forced into him into such a sudden retirement and disappearence, and she begins keeping tabs on them as one of Ted's friends.
Bruce's daughter Cass is looking for a summer job, and ends up becoming Rip's babysitter - doing things like playing Wall-e with Rip and Skeets, and letting him win playing kickball with him.
(I guess warning for suicidal ideation?)
Gosh yeah a lot of it hurts. For THE MOST part to me, finding out he's going to have a kid is like a point where Booster finally feels like he doesn't want to die anymore. The thought of having his kid makes him finally be okay with existing in a world without Ted. Just thinking about that makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry.
Skeets is absolutely like an overbearing midwife lol. Telling him far too much information than he wants or needs to know.
Pftthathw you got me thinking about Booster having a bad spell and Batman really not knowing what to do and just calls J'onn up. Emergency J'onn visit.
Tumblr media
(pfthathaha thank you Moose for helping with his mental mess)
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roxannarambles · 1 year
Hey! I just want to make it VERY clear that I don’t expect much from this and I completely respect if you just simply don’t want to talk about this anymore and want to be done with the fandom/show (and you delete/ignore this ask as a result):
But, is there any chance you would be willing to tell us about the plans you had for your Lunter fanfic, Second Chances? No pressure at all, I just wanted to express how much I admired your writing and characterization, and I really loved that fanfic and I guess I’m just curious about how you were planning to end it!
Again, if you prefer to not answer this, I completely understand, seriously. 💕
Hiya! Oh, gosh, yeah, I had a lot of plans for that story. If I had continued with it, it probably would have ended up as long as Ships That Pass in the Night. My ideas tend to get kinda . . . long. 😩 Longer then I have the time for, sometimes. Alas.
I have indeed moved on from the fandom-- canon was just making me feel so frustrated-- but I don't mind sharing my Outline for the rest of Second Chances. Fair warning, though, it's long! I don't have the word 'rambles' in my username for no reason, haha. (And thanks so much for your kind words, by the way.)
-Oracle Homework. Hunter helps Luz with her Oracle homework. Talking to her is so much better then texting. Luz has glyphs that lets her activate the magic orb when she touches it. But while she has the magic she still needs the technique, to see the future. Hunter never has done Oracle magic of course. But he was taught the principles even thought he could not use it himself. He guides Luz through the process. Tells her to close her eyes and listen to his voice. With his coaching she can open her eyes and see the fragment of her future in the orb. She is thrilled. He's honestly surprised it worked. He asks what she sees. Luz says, "I see . . . us!" Hunter is floored by this statement. His heart flip-flops. "What?" She goes into more detail. She sees them camping together. Like they talked about before. Roasting marshmallows, eating s'mores. Hunter sort of squeaks, 'Really?' (The spell was meant to show your heart's desire, for the future, the trajectory of your current path) Hunter can't get this out of his head the next day. He tries desperately to forget about it.
-Glyph Magic. He's falling for her so hard. He grows slowly more rebellious. He continues to watch her glyph videos and eventually tries making glyphs for himself, and decides to show Luz, he is so excited. He does it late at night and Luz is so excited for him. They flirt.
-Ruler's Reach. He knows what he's doing is risky. But he doesn't care. Talking to her is giddy and intoxicating. They talk about Luz's writing for Ruler's Reach. It's casual and comfortable, so easy to talk to her now. They tease each other in an affectionate way.
-Staff Practice. She calls him during the day for help with staff tricks. Hunter is so damn in love he'd drop anything for her now. So he skips out on his duties to help her. He can't do much over scrolls though. He wants to go in person, but he isn't quite bold enough to do it. He helps as best he can, feels deeply frustrated, Luz almost gets hurt but saves herself with glyphs/only gets a little scratched. She thanks him for the help but he feels bad he didn't just go in person to help her. (He's terrified, go and meet the enemy? What if someone saw him?) Oh my god, he wanted to see her so badly. Luz: 'No I get it, I do! Don't worry.'
(but he WANTS to be able to be there. he WANTS to see her in person. and he's starting to RESENT the coven. he's so jealous of her being at hexside and doing all these fun things, he wants to share that with her, oh god, but he can't. he can't.)
-Luz Fills In. And then he learns the flyer derby team is down a player (Willow texts and asks if he can come, he says he can't and feels bad), and Luz ends up doing it, and Hunter is like but u need more training!! and she's like it's ok willow is gon help me and Hunter is so jealous and it hurts
He later sees they win!!! He is so proud. But wishes he could be there. It makes his throat tight, it burns. He does not sleep well at all and has a crap day next day, at the end of the day he is just an absolute mess and decides to brew a sleep potion. But he screws it up a little and gets kinda loopy and drunk. He texts Luz.
-Drunk Texts. He texts about his crap day and how much he wanted to talk to her. how he wanted to play the flyer derby game with her. he shit-talks the coven a little. luz is giggly at it, because he normally isn't one to talk such smack. it devolves into him rambling about how she makes him feel, how much he admires her, luz is really flustered and starts to wonder what's going on, he asks if he can call her because he wants to hear her adorable laugh, she calls and asks if he's okay, he is SO adorably excited to see her, she's like "are you okay man" and he's like, "damn girl I am now that you're here," Luz is like 'asdfrfhhgkk!!'
'so just like, curious, do you have any like, boyfriend or girlfriend'
'Oh my god Hunter seriously, are you okay'
'you're avoiding the Q :('
'um, no,'
"oh, cool! I mean. uh. it. would be cool. for. anybody whod want to. be that."
eventually Luz works out he's had a sleep potion but he thinks he kinda messed the recipe up a tad. luz gets worried and questions him further about it, but he explains it prob wont hurt him and will wear off probably around [insert time] (he knows potions pretty well) and luz realizes it's prob okay. she probably doesnt have to go over there.
hunter: 'you want to come here??'
she's like ah ha ha ummm that might not be a good idea, just promise me you'll drink some water and go to bed, okay? hunter is pretty suggestible in this state so she convinces him easily.
-The Morning After, he has a bad headache and is mortified at what he did last night, and is so scared he's wrecked his friendship with Luz. He cannot risk that, he values her way too much. Luz texts and checks in on him, and he is like........what do I say.
'luz I am so sorry'
(he does NOT remember all the stuff he even said, which is normal when you are drugged and sleepy, tbh, I don't recall all the stuff I think and say either when I've had my sleep meds. but he does recall being flirty and excessively honest and a few things he said, like how adorable her laugh is)
Luz assures him it's totally fine. And it was honestly freaking adorable. He's still embarassed, but she promises it's fine he just needs to be more careful with his potions.
Hunter tries to busy himself with work and forget about Luz. Yes, she is so tempting, she is so wonderful, but he had to be realistic. He could never be with her even if she DID want to be with him.
-Tibbles' Shop. And yet when he's out on patrol, busting Tibbles' shop of human trash, he can't help but think of her. And how much she misses home. He awkwardly asks Tibbles what a human would like. Eventually he gets a broken ukelele. He knows he can't bring it to her, but maybe he can play it for her? She could hear a human instrument. Maybe she'd like that. And m-maybe it would make up for the fact he couldn't be there for the team in person.
-Music Practice. He practices when he thinks nobody will hear, but Raine does. He is embarassed and tries to act dumb, but Raine is like cmon man what do you take me for. Sighing, Hunter shows them the instrument and explains it's human in origin and he was trying to figure out how to play it. Raine tells him it is out of tune (whatever it is) and they take it and tune it up. It's similar to a number of Demon Realm instruments, close enough for Raine to figure it out. The music it produces is lovely. Hunter wishes he could sound like that. Raine is happy to teach him, Hunter is hesitant about asking others for favors. Raine says it's fine, and also wonders why Hunter's sudden interest in music.
He finds a way to surf the human internet. He finds a song online to practice. He's never going to show it to her. Never. But he enjoys practicing it. Just as he enjoys practicing for Flyer Derby. His glyphs.
(haven't sketched out the scene where he actually plays for her, but he does at some point)
-Darius narrowly saves Hunter's hide. At some point, Kikimora finds a post on social media that shows Hunter with the rest of the Emerald Entrails (Willow had posted it), sporting a cardinal palisman, to boot. Kikimora brings this up to Darius, gleeful at the notion of busting Hunter. Darius has to think of a lie quickly on the spot to protect him. He mocks Kikimora for thinking that student was the actual Golden Guard. Obviously it was just some highschool student using a glamorstone to imitate him. Didn't she know it was popular among kids to use glamorstones to imitate celebrities? Very cringey, these kids, but yeah. AS IF the Golden Guard would waste his time playing sports games at Hexside?! Kikimora, you're ridiculous. Meanwhile, Hunter overhears this whole conversation, grateful for the save.
-And then, The Emerald Entrails lose another team member. Skara leaves the team to play Grudgby. They're in trouble. Without a full team, the EE will be disqualified for continuing to play matches. They need a new member. Hunter learns of this and wants to help but is incredibly torn about things. How can he possibly help? Eventually, he thinks back to Darius' lie to Kikimora and it gives him an idea. He goes to Darius to beg for help on his cover story. His cover story: he is a Hexside student named Caleb who does most his work as distance learning and he uses a glamorstone to look like the Golden Guard because he admires him. Except this isn't just a cover story. With Darius' help, acting as his legal guardian (forged paperwork), Hunter literally, legally gets accepted by the school this way-- so that he can join the game and play.
-Flyer Derby Game. We swap to Luz POV. We are not aware yet of all the stuff Hunter did with Darius to pull this off. We just see Hunter dramatically show up right in the brink of time to join the game and thus save the team. They play together, Luz & Hunter have incredible teamwork, pull off some really snazzy moves, flirt during the breaks, during the game too, are huge dorks, they win it for the team, it's a close race, they're victorious and so elated at the end, Luz kisses his cheek as the drink is dumped on them. The moment Luz looks away, Hunter bails, though; on the pretense he has to get back to the Coven before anyone notices, but the truth is he bails because he's overwhelmed and so tempted to pull Luz into his arms and never let her go.
-Aftermath. The social media reaction about that game is strong. Everyone adores the new student Caleb and how he and Luz won the game. There also are a lot of comments on how they looked together aaaaaand some implications are made about the nature of their relationship. (Luz tries to hide these comments from Hunter.) There are also some comments saying mean stuff because that's the nature of the internet, but in general it's a big hit.
However, Hunter is in crisis. He's certain he must not see Luz again in person, no matter how much he yearns, now matter how sweet it tastes to just be a Hexside student with no worries, how tempting it is to help her with Glyph videos, no matter how many comments on Penstagram are asking about them, etc . . .
-Climax of story. This is the moment Hunter faces a choice. I have multiple possible directions for the completion of the story. I usually leave multiple possible threads open for a story and don't decide on them until I have reached that point in the story. So this part isn't sketched out. But it's either Hunter chooses to stop interacting with Luz and remains loyal to Belos, or Luz manages to somehow convince him to rebel.
I do admit my favorite idea was that one night, Luz appears at his window, and the air in his lungs tastes like ice water; her eyes glow like the moon, and his skin prickles with gooseflesh from head to toe; the curtains flutter in the breeze, and in that moment, Hunter's resolve to stay away from her snaps like dry kindling.
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gabbysirislog · 7 months
athena kids & apollo kids make the perfect pair
change my mind you CAN'T it's so perfect!!!
-study dates!!!!
-they're both gorgeous in different ways; a power couple without athena kid realizing it
-loving when each other goes on rants about whatever they're passionate about
-arguing over trivial things, and bystanders think they hate each other but it's really just old married couple bickering
-are so dramatic all the time together
-apollo kid is so mentally healing for the athena kid; helps with quieting their mind
-solving things together from their combined knowledge, and much to athena's dismay, the oracle-ness of the apollo kid
athena kid: how did you know that and I didn't?
apollo kid: idk just had a feeling.
athena kid: what are you psychic? that's impossible you couldn't have known that I spent twenty minutes trying to figure that out!!!
apollo kid: you do know my dad literally is the god of oracles, right? so yeah I am a little psychic.
athena kid: *dies in not knowing something*
-cuddling and watching music documentaries together
-athena kid helping apollo kid understand the stem concepts they hate
-discussing art together
-athena kid: hey have you seen my-
apollo kid: yeah it's right there
-athena kid starting out hating the musicals apollo always talks about, but ends up knowing all the words and hating the fact that they love it now
-deep conversations at any time or place
-athena kid is obsessed with apollo's poetry and begs them to write more all the time
athena: i don't care if you have homework i want to analyze more of your work GAH
-apollo kid always looks put together, and athena kid always looks like they did an all nighter, but apollo thinks they're beautiful all the same
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cactusspatz · 2 years
November recs
Between Thanksgiving and Yuletide canon review, I didn't do a ton of fic reading in November, so I've got a nice short batch of five superhero fics: mostly DCU, one BNHA.
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Frame the halves (and call it a whole) by tucuxi (gen)
Jason gets it, gets the space between them, the way Red Robin keeps his distance. Of all the ways Jason fucked up when he first got back to Gotham, Pit-mad, green-tinted, and chock-full of Talia’s half-truths, breaking into the Tower and nearly killing a kid is the one he regrets the most. Dick or B probably would say something pointed about regretting committing multiple homicides and putting heads in duffel bags, but Jason doesn’t regret any of those deaths one bit. Maybe he’d choose a different duffel bag, but that’s about it.
OR: The one where Oracle calls Red Hood and Red Robin in to deal with a Crane-shaped incident at the docks, a brand new strain of fear toxin is released, and Jason is horrified to discover that he’s NOT Tim’s worst fear.
Tim and his abandonment issues, oh my heart. Also really nice work getting Tim and Jason over the hump into a better relationship without them really talking about things, which is hard to do well but the author nailed it.
To Eat Well by SilverSkiesAtMidnight (gen)
“Here,” Jason says, passing the tray over to Damian. “Go bring Dick this.”
Damian redirects his scowl, but the furrow in his brow looks more curious than angry now. “What is it?”
“Papanasi,” he answers. “It’s, uh. It’s something his family used to make.”
Damian accepts the tray, holding it as carefully as he would delicate electronics. “And this will…make him happy?”
He doesn’t laugh at him. “Nah, kid,” he says wearily. “He’s not going to be happy until he knows his family is safe. But it’ll help."
The ransom call comes the following morning.
In which Tim is kidnapped and Jason stress bakes because he was present but too injured during the kidnapping to go out looking. Lovely character work.
buy back the secrets by sundiscus (Tim/Kon)
He takes a long, slow breath. Ignores the glares from the other students. “Superboy,” he murmurs. “It’s me. If you’re listening, I could use some help.”
Or: 5 times Superboy saves Tim Drake, and one time Tim Drake saves Superboy.
I hardly ever rec WIPs, but this one is SO GREAT and the two chapters so far are standalone so it's easy to hop in. Definitely a loose relationship with canon/timelines, but creative and smart and feelsy, good with the classic problem of h/c vs Tim’s independent streak, with generally amazing voices for Tim and Kon.
Freefall by sage (Tim/Kon)
Kon is asleep, all of his homework finished for once and the farm quiet and peaceful around him, when Tim screams.
In which Kon catches Tim. Harrowing, and then sweet.
One Percent by redrobin1989 (BNHA, gen)
Midoriya Izuku is a boy who stands on the crossroads of many potential realities. In one percent of all realities, he meets All Might and accepts an impossible offer. In others, very different fates await him. A man with the ability to see those alternate lives catches a glimpse of Deku and sees what could have been.
A sharp collection of what-ifs from an outsider POV.
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amparol12 · 9 months
Database Success Awaits! Get 30% Off Your First Order - New Year, New Learning Journey! 🚀
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endreal · 1 year
O great oracle, I don't fully understand what we're supposed to ask you, so what should I ask?
Oh, I see! Well since I'm still completing my practicum you can ask me any question befitting a fully-licensed oracle, unless it'd be better suited for an advice columnist, field expert, teacher, lover, doctor, life coach, financial analyst, person in your class who's cool with letting you copy off their homework, counselor/therapist, legal advisor or attorney, boss, or fish. Hope this helps!
~Send me anons and asks for TMI Tuesday fun and prophet!~
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explode-this · 9 months
Let’s try something: no more ghosting in 2024!
First, let me clarify that I’m not talking about anything where discussion/argument/confrontation would put you in physical danger. Gauge your literal in-the-moment safety as much as you have to and be careful; sometimes you do have to pull up stakes and leave in the middle of the night to prevent further abuse. That’s not what I’m talking about.
I’m talking about when it’s hard, or awkward, or you feel like hiding away. Yes, anxiety can be a physical experience (boy howdy), but you can work on it. It will respond to practice. With time and determination, you can actively communicate your needs and wants, tell your friends that you feel sad/anxious/not in a great place to communicate but aren’t running away forever, or politely inform a new dating interest that you don’t think it’ll work out but you wish them well—or someone you’ve been seeing for a while, if it’s not working out. (I understand this can be compounded by a partner’s own issues and perhaps tragic events, but it’s not fair to either of you to stay in a relationship just because you don’t want to add to their woes.)
Think about what scares you and why. Interrogate it. If you’re not much of a diarist, start. Writing with pen or pencil or typing things down will give you a physical way to think through your problems—“thinking by hand.” Then you also have something to look back on (to see how you’ve grown/changed/found other ways to deal with stuff), or alternately, something to destroy (like burning an unsent letter if you’ve gotten out a bunch of things you never want anyone else to read). It doesn’t have to be pages upon pages, or formal, or neat and tidy. Maybe it’s just a few sentences or you make a collage or pull some tarot cards or something. Whatever works to keep a record of yourself.
If therapy helps you, great, but sometimes you get a therapist you don’t vibe with/can’t afford to see regularly, or they don’t set any kind of “homework” to help you apply the talk-therapy to the outside world, or you sort of outgrow the need to have someone talk you through your stuff on a regular basis but haven’t been left with any tools for working on your own. I am only one person and I’m only sharing my own experience, so do what you know works for you, but for me: keeping a daily journal (google docs and/or paper), shuffling tarot/oracle cards and seeing what pops out, setting small manageable goals in my hobbies/interests and human connections (some examples: read 10 pages of any book; make a new art thing; text a friend), and keeping a daily to-do notebook really help. I even put the names of the people I want to stay in contact with regularly on my list so I don’t forget they’re there—I may not remember to text them that day, but it keeps them in the front of my mind. This is probably an ADHD helper for me, so if that’s not your problem, don’t worry about it! These are suggestions, but ultimately, it’s about you and finding what helps you stay in touch with yourself and others so you are less likely to quietly scamper away from connection and leave people wondering if it was something they said.
Treat people how you’d like to be treated. Be kind and considerate. This isn’t always easy! Like I said up there, it takes practice. Your mind and spirit require just as much work as physical muscles do. It might feel awkward to talk to people, but find what works for you. Maybe it’s sending some memes or a song or a video. Maybe you’ve been out of contact with friends for a while and feel like it would be weird to come back. That particular muscle ache will go away, you just have to get going. Now, the brutal part of this is that you might risk rejection or a harsh response. But getting through something like that can increase your capacity to face down interpersonal conflict.
This is not an edict. It’s not a total solution or a scientifically proven answer. It’s just some ideas and I’m just one person on the internet. You don’t have to listen to me. If this isn’t for you, you’ll know it. But if even one suggestion helps you connect to yourself and others, awesome! Make it your own. The power is inside of you; you just have to find it.
As far as we know, we get one life. Don’t be a ghost here on earth. You’re worth more than that ♥️
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marztheincredible · 2 years
Out of curiosity, do you have any headcanons on Abomination magic? Especially in how they're created?
As I matter of fact I do!
The way Abomination Magic has been stifled and tightly wound and shackled by Potion Magic is…interesting.
The first we see anything about abominations and their use is within the Teenage Abomination episode in ToH. It’s seems before learning how to summon a horrifying goo monster, you must learn how to make it within a cauldron. Using ingredients, cooking and stirring to the right amount and letting it simmer…wait you sure this isn’t Potions?
Looking deeper into some of Dana’s art, particularly the countdown before season 2A we see this in one of Amity’s text book.
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“Abomination Skeleton Base”
This tidbit of text from Amity’s homework let’s us know that a Witch specializing in Abom magic has to know a bit about anatomy as well. You have to control and create a scarcely shaped humanoid being, know it’s kinetics, which part of the abomination’s skeleton needs to be reinforced for different tasks. Perhaps a Healing Coven Witch would be better at such things…
Okay great! New piece of info about Abom magic. This adds some more interesting theories. By this point when this drawing was released we know that Abominations can be summoned AND can grow bigger if a Witch has a case of goo on them. Rather limiting don’t you think? Unless you’re a certain coven head that’s master their use and implementation of Abom goo to their own body (on purpose? Or was it the consequence of too much Abomination magic?)
Then there’s a little bit of willpower inserted into this type of magic as well. Let’s look at the Blight Household. Filled with Abominations acting as butlers and guards, most of them made by Alador. Perhaps there’s a reason he’s so spaced out all time. Witches give commands to heir summons to carry out their will. No doubt a piece of their magic is interwoven within each Abomination to give it life.
So let’s recap, Abomination magic seems to be a mix of Potions and Healing. Using and needing reagents to create a base goo to form an abomination. You need to know intricate details of anatomy and kinetics to not make a helpless blob. And of course willpower and magic itself to give it life and “somewhat” free will. Rather ironic for a Empire that preaches “No mixing Magic”.
Now what if we didn’t need goo but just a skeleton? What if there was a missing component of another type of magic that used to be connected with Summoners and Conjurers alike that help them commune with a skeletal structure that’s not made, but beneath the dirt of the very ground they walk on?
Oracles seem to be pretty close with communing with dead spirits, those crystal balls are sure handy, but what about the bodies those spirits left behind?
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CHAPTER 1 meet Harry O'shaughnessy
Harry O'shaughnessy was exhausted, he woke up on the couch of his family's apartment in a bit of a daze. The previous night was exhausting and he is a little out of sorts upon waking up. He smells good and sighs upon seeing his pajamas were destroyed in the night. Once he changes into a pair of jeans, a black metal band tee shirt and a leather jacket with a pan pride pin on the lapel, Harry is a skinny kid, not unhealthy so but still, he has a pair of round glasses on his face in front of his emerald green eyes and a lightning bolt scar on his head, his unruly mess of black hair is styled into a side shave with the tips dyed a golden yellow he heads over to the kitchen and sees his dad, Jawbone O'shaughnessy a werewolf in his hybrid form with lightish brown fur, wearing khakis and a metal tee, making oatmeal, his cousin Tracker, a lightish brown skinned girl with deep brown hair in an undercut, wearing a sleeveless wolf themed top and jean shorts sitting and giving him a smirk as she says
"Happy birthday little man!"
And giving him a hug, harry fakes embarrassment as he says
"Tracker, don't get hair on my jacket!"
All while Jawbone chuckles, handing out bowls.
"Now you don't get to complain about that Harry, you shed more than her" he says before saying "And for the birthday boy I've got this" and pulls a cake out of the fridge with the text TO THE COOLEST ROGUE THERE'LL EVER BE "You won't believe how far up the chain I had to suck off to get that done"
the two teens blush with embarrassment as harry says "Can we please not have the stories this early in the morning?" As he clutches his head from the monthly migraine and Jawbone says "No problem kid, figured I should tell ya, you got into Augefort, that's part'a why I splurged on the cake" as he wipes a tear from his eye while Tracker smiles and says "That's right, my cousin is gonna be an adventurer!" While shaking Harry with a lot of enthusiasm and cheer, a feeling Harry can't help but share as he breaks out into a huge grin, eager to tell his friends as he quickly runs to his room to grab his crystal and text his friends, coming back and saying "Ragh is on his way over right now to celebrate!" While shaking with excitement and accidentally setting himself up for Tracker to say "You sound REALLY happy about that?" Causing Harry to blush and say "S-Shut up, at least I don't tie myself to a wall every month!" As a knock is heard at the door, Harry rushes over to answer and it's a huge half orc wearing a black shirt and jeans, carrying a present with him saying "Happy Birthday bro!" Harry smiles and says "RAGH!" and wraps him in a hug saying "When school starts, you and I are joining the blood rush team." And Ragh instantly nods saying "Hell yeah dude, I already ordered the jackets! Go Owlbears!" And he and Harry both in perfect sync shout "HOOT GROWL!". As the friends celebrate and party the hours away with the O'shaughnessy family, a brief moment of time passes that would make all the difference, a letter sent, a choice made. Who could have predicted this, if not for an Oracle not yet discovered.
In the minutes after the party harry is walking down the hall to talk to a Ms Sklonda Gukgak, when he arrives at the apartment the door is opened by a goblin woman who says "Harry, I'm sorry we couldn't make it by, Riz got himself hurt when spying on the neighbors and I had to get him to the hospital" Harry smiles and says "It's not a problem MS Gukgak, actually I was wanting to tell you something really quick, see I got into Augefort, so I'm probably gonna be breaking a lotta laws as part of class projects and homework" to which Sklonda gives an exasperated sigh before saying "At least it's school related, thanks for the heads up kid." Harry quickly calls to Riz through the apartment saying "Hey man, heard you got into some trouble without me?" And starts trading pointed but lighthearted barbs to keep up with his friend. Afterwards he puts on his headphones listens to the song "broken things" on his crystal while he walks down to the convenience store to pick up some milk that isn't expired, pickpocketing a guy's coin purse to get the gold to pay for it with barely a faint feeling from the person he just stole from.
At the convenience store he uses mage hand to successfully grab the milk from the back of the fridge without issues as he checks the time to see when his support group meets. After paying for the milk with his stolen gold he returns home, puts it up and listens to rock music at the bus stop to try and ignore the anxiousness building inside him, he meets with this group every week, he knows how things go and he understands why he needs it. He messes around with the bracelet his cousin had gotten him for his birthday the year she had found her faith with Galiciaea, the moon goddess, it was a deep blue braided material clasped with a silver crescent moon, Harry understands the sentiment but he can't truly appreciate it, not really.
Once the bus arrives Harry steps on and texts Tracker and his dad [Off to my support group, should be home by 6:00] to which he gets the expect response of [Good luck] from his dad and a smile emoji from Tracker, he absent mindedly watches the buildings pass by as he arrives at the future sight of his education, the Augefort adventuring academy. He steps through the familiar halls and enters the gym to find a group of people all together, he sits down and the organizer of the group, a kindly but haggard looking man in equally haggard looking clothes with claw marks on his face says "Alright, I'm sure there's some stories to tell about how we've been doing so we'll start with the sharing, Harry would you like to go first?" To which Harry sighs and says sadly"My name is Harry O'shaughnessy, and I have Lycanthropy "
Chapter 2 link
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