be aware of what you consume:
the energy of others: surround yourself with positive people and avoid those who drain you.
the videos you watch: select content that inspires, educates or entertains you in a healthy way.
what you read: look for reliable sources and material that enriches you intellectually.
who you follow: follow people who inspire and challenge you to grow.
what you scroll through on social media: avoid negative content and look for something that motivates you or makes you feel good.
the news: look for objective sources of information and avoid information overload.
highlights of others: compare less and celebrate more the achievements of others.
the advice you listen to: evaluate advice according to your criteria and needs.
source: @zamirasaba
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elonomhblog · 24 hours
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in order to become who you want to be,
you must sacrifice who you are
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Why you should let people misunderstand you
• Not everyone will understand you because they have different upbringing and life experiences.
• Not everyone is willing to understand you because they only want to hear from their own perspective.
• They don't need to know why you do the things you want to do because only you know what's best for you.
• Why do you feel the need to explain things to other people? Has it to do something with your upbringing? Do inner work.
• Not caring about what people think gives you more freedom.
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The Lockett is my fav necklace ever ❤️🌟
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corazon-sanador · 15 hours
To heal, you must first decide which path to take: destruction or repair
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sugarsprinklesoul · 2 months
Abilities that will forever benefit you
The ability to walk away
The ability to manage your time
The ability to remain consistent
The ability to self analyze
The ability to learn how to learn
The ability to understand others
The ability to listen
The ability to express your thoughts and feelings
The ability to break down tasks
The ability to adapt
The ability to control your mind
The ability to ask for help
The ability to act upon facts not feelings
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succulentsiren · 11 days
Things women should never feel ashamed of:
• Orgasms
• Receiving money
• Receiving compliments
• Pretty privilege
• Being smart
• Dressing up
• Menstrual cycles
• Emotions and being sensitive
• Expressing our sexuality
• Resting and relaxation
• Asserting our sexual needs
• Maintaining our standards
• Saying No
• Wanting or having children
• Choosing to be childfree
• Our body count
• Our nude body
• Wearing makeup or not wearing makeup
• Having boundaries and protecting ourselves
• Our spiritual practices
• Using witchcraft
• Being ambitious
• Going to college
• Being a housewife or stay at home mom
• Loving who and what we love
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mauvefiles · 11 months
When a woman is consistently spoken to softly & treated gently, she becomes a new woman. You're helping her heal her nervous system, you're helping her heal generational trauma, you're allowing her feminine energy to flourish, you're helping her to remember who she is.
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theambitiouswoman · 6 months
Don't tell people your boundaries. Show them.
If you tell someone they can't talk to you a certain way or do certain things, those are not boundaries. Boundaries are things we show. If you tell someone "if you do that again I am not going to speak to you" and you stay and continue to speak to them, that's not a boundary. Just words. Words that they now know means absolutely nothing and they can take advantage of.
You show people how to treat you.
You reinforce your boundaries with your actions. Unless you show someone with your actions that what they are doing is not okay, and you do not continue to allow it, they will keep doing it.
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prettieinpink · 6 months
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First things first, if you validate your existence on externalities, you will never truly be happy. While it’s important to have values and to act on them, it shouldn’t be your main source of happiness. 
E.g. parent validation, academic validation, and male validation. So, here are some tips to validate yourself. 
VALUE YOUR OPINION. You should have the ability to make decisions and identify yourself solely on your opinion. Trust, giving people that ability to shape your decisions and curate your identity, allows them to dictate your worth. 
SELF LOVE OVER OTHERS. Ensure you are doing everything in your power to treat yourself lovingly. Even if it means sacrificing a few things in life. E.g. going to sleep early instead of cramming for a test. 
BE RESILIENT. When I say that, I don’t mean ‘don't let anything affect you’ but rather, build yourself up to the point that when someone/something knocks you down, you can bounce back easily. 
BECOME SELF AWARE. Know your strengths, and weaknesses, and be mindful of the truth. Be genuine when it comes to this because self-awareness helps us with becoming more in touch with our inner selves.
AVOID NEGATIVE SELF TALK. This can cause us to rely on others to hear good things about ourselves. Instead, say affirmations in the mirror.
STOP PEOPLE PLEASING. There’s a difference between genuinely being nice, and being a doormat. You shouldn’t have to bend over backwards for others, and they give absolutely nothing back. Invest that time and effort into yourself.
SOMEONE’S GAIN IS NOT YOUR LOSS. This is a mindset shift that will change the game. You have to stop seeing successful, wealthy, pretty or intelligent people as threatening your skills or talents. There is enough success for everyone.
DETACH FROM OTHERS. Friends, family, males, etc. Stop letting how other people treat you, dictate your mood for the rest of the day. The only factor your mood should depend on is you. What you do, say, and act is the only factor. 
KNOCK OTHERS FROM YOUR PEDESTAL. The only person that should be on top of your pedestal, is you. By doing this, you create an inferiority complex for someone else and give them superiority. 
OTHER’S OPINIONS ARE MOMENTARY. They will always move on with their day and see what needs to be done. They do not care about you as much as you think. So, do not even try to give them the time of day. 
BUILD BOUNDARIES. With others and yourself. Both are equally important because you value yourself enough not to do something you’ll regret. 
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ur-daily-inspiration · 6 months
when Franz Kafka said “what if i slept a little more and forgot about all this nonsense” i felt that to my core
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elonomhblog · 1 day
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make yourself proud. fuck everyone else.
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oceane4loveu · 29 days
stop being second choice
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Start with your relationship with yourself. If you see yourself as second choice, others will see it too. Learn to love yourself and put yourself first in your own priorities.
Learn to love yourself. You can't expect another to fulfill all your affection needs if you're not already enough for yourself. Take time every day to pamper yourself and do the things that bring you happiness.
Dare to take your place and say no when someone asks you something you don't want or can't do. Your time and energy are valuable, don't waste them on others.
Believe in your own worth. Don't let anyone make you doubt your worth. Or you give the impression that you are not “good enough”. You deserve a relationship where you are respected and appreciated for who you are.
༝༚༝༚ océane
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There are no outfits of today but here’s yesterdays 🩵
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aphrxditing · 10 months
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sugarsprinklesoul · 2 months
Small ways to activate your "happiness" chemicals
DOPAMINE: the reward chemical
• Complete a task
• Doing self care activites
• Eating some food
• Celebrating your little wins.
OXYTOCIN: the love hormones
• Playing with a dog
• Playing with a baby
• Holding hands
• Hugging someone
• Giving someone else a compliment
SEROTONIN: the mood stabiliser
• Meditating
• Running
• Be in the sun
• Walk in nature
• Swimming
ENDORPHIN: the pain relief
• Laughing exercises
• Essential oils
• Eating dark chocolate
• Running
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