#and that fic on ao3 where Bruce gets time with baby Tim
ciel-em · 5 months
Where's the fic series that centers on Bruce going back in time for a bit at different times and getting a moment with each of his children as little babies so I can read it while listening to You'll Be In My Heart by Phil Collins
Haven't actually read a fic series about this just begging on my knees for it to be real lol
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salparadiselost · 8 months
🍂🍁🎃 Autumn-Themed Batfam Fic Reccs 🎃🍁🍂
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The season is getting a little colder and the season is turning towards winter. The nights longer and the need for hot drinks stronger. This is my favourite time of year and one that just invites curling up with some reading material. In celebration of my favourite season, I thought I'd recc my favourite autumn vibes Batfam fics.
These fics are all completed and available for free on AO3. They all lean horror (Halloween is fastly approaching! 🦇), with some of them being darker than others. I love horror so that's where I tend to stray. Hope you enjoy! Welcome to Beggars' Bones - Bridgesburn - Length: 143k - Genre: Thriller, "True" Crime, Kidnapping in a Creepy Small Town
"Welcome to Beggars' Bones" is the epitome of what I think of when I think of a perfect story for a bitter autumn night. It reads like an expertly crafted thriller and perfect for those who love a realistic horror story. The basic premise is that Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian are on a road trip when Dick's car breaks down. He sends Tim and Damian to go get help and it goes absolutely horribly from there.
Mind the tags because the story hits on real themes and is intense. It draws to mind movies like "Silence of the Lambs" and "Misery" and makes you think twice about stopping in a small town.
Vrykolakas - @chemical-processes - Length: 34k - Genre: Horror, Monsters, Having Your Son for Dinner
My first recc was horror based in reality and this recc is horror based in all the things that go bump in the night. Timothy Drake is not okay. Timothy Drake is not safe. Timothy Drake doesn't have anyone to tell this to, especially not his parents. Read this one if you love a story about a terrifying monster and are not afraid of some gore. It's a bloody good time.
To Hear, To See, To Smile - @jube514 & @salparadiselost - Length: 8.6k - Genre: Light Horror, Monster Kids, Bruce's Horrifically Fierce Adoption Instinct
Is it too pretentious to recommend my own fic? Perhaps, but I'm not known for my humility. I wrote this fic with Jube and it's perfect for the Halloween season. The loose premise is that Bruce has acquired children in the form of eldritch horrors and he is well on his way of getting one more. Although his children are all monsters, it's on the lighter side.
when doves cry - @silk-scarlet-ribbons - Length: 13k - Genre: Grief, Death, When a Memory is as Fresh and Festering as a Wound
This is one of the ones that's making it in through autumn vibes. It's about grief and ghosts that form immediately after death. It's very psychological and a deep scrape into Tim's grieving head before he even realises he's grieving. The horror in this is slow and it sets in like the decay of a human body. It's so deliciously creeping and will have you shivering even if there's no ghosts except for the one's in Tim's mind. The Little Neighbor - @oberonbronze - Length: 27k - Genre: Horror, Vampires, a Little Grave in the Dark and Mysterious Woods
This one is the newest on this list because, well, it posted as I was making this list and I stopped to swallow it all in one go. This one features one Dick trying to bond with his new little brother, Jason, by exploring the woods behind Wayne Manor. Nothing could possibly go wrong! I would encourage you to read without getting too deep in the tags, because it sets you up for maximum twists. It's a true horror feature that reminds me of Hereditary and Rosemary's Baby, so if you like something along those lines just go in blind! it's life after death (roll the credits) & when the bodies hit the floor - nashequilibrium - Length: 6k & 7k - Genre: Supernatural Horror, Siblinghood, Spooky Stories Told Around a Campfire Two for the price of one! I recommend both of these stories for those who love lighter horror more in the vein of Scooby Doo. Both of these fics feature sibling pairs - Dick & Jason in one and Steph & Damian in the other - investigating some mysterious happenings. These are both fun little romps and the dialogue is excellent.
Not quite a recc, but I know a lot of people like to know what I've been up to, me and @spookyprime have been working on a Batman fancomic together and we are about ready to start posting it. It's a medical mystery and a horror story set in 1910s Europe. We will be posting it here: @vivisection-of-a-surgeon-comic . I've written out a more in-depth synopsis in that blog and you can give it a follow if you're curious.
So happy reading and happy halloween! I hope your nights are bitter and spooky.
~ Kay
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brucewaynehater101 · 17 days
Inspired by "Jason adopts Tim" fics on AO3, prompts by puppetmaster13u & others on here and that one AO3 fic where because Bruce told Jason pre-death he can take whatever is his and Robin is his it's fair game to nab Tim and the AO3 News Article fic where Red Hood decides the best revenge is tricking the world into thinking he's the Third Robin's dad, some of your posts—
—and my love for inhuman folks
Jason resurrects and he isn't human anymore. Dealer's pick on what he is precisely but he has become much more wary of just how fragile the lives of humans are
How fragile his own life may still be
+ he's got trauma piled on top of his fresh instincts and confusion on what happened after his death
Thus when carving his place as Red Hood, he is more vigilant in making Crime Alley a place where people don't just survive, but live and maybe even thrive.
Putting down threats like predators for good in death. But doing so too much will get Batman breathing down his neck
So he takes some inspiration from Batman after his death and before Tim to inflict some fates worse than death, and rubs it in the Bat's face whenever they face of against each other. "It's not killing B"
He tries—and due to trauma—fails to bring himself to kill Joker. Which crushes him with every crime the Joker (that he in a fucked up sense allowed) commits onwards
Onto the next best thing, acquiring wealth and asking for public donations all over Gotham to build up a sufficient bounty on Joker's head to draw in the most competent killers of them all
Whoever can kill and bring the Joker's remains as evidence gets the money, and the bounty price builds up over time
He'll even add more to the bounty time to time
Jason overworks himself on his Crime Alley to the point his own men compare him to a more benevolent Batman, one who doesn't need an emotional support child
"Could you elaborate on that? I had to spend time out of Gotham for a time and don't know what happened during that span of time"
Batman gave Robin to another
But he didn't revoke Jason's ownership, did he?
Humans are oh so fragile
He knows from experience
In classic not-human logic, that makes the new Baby Bird his now, no? Especially with Batman so incompetent as to depend on him
Titans Tower is not found with Tim bloody and broken
Titans Tower is found without Timothy Drake, and countless leads implicating several yet all seemingly frame job dead-ends
Penguins and Red Hood and Luthor. Joker and Two-Face and beyond
Red Hood is found in a meeting room by his men with a Third Robin—the Robin the city owes guilt and more to—in the Crimelords arms
"B always said that I could take what's mine whenever I want, and he never said it never extended to his . . . My kid. He's mine now . . . "
Words spreads in Gotham City. It spreads indeed
It's fitting, it's fitting. Inheritor of another's name, this Robin, this Red Hood is
Joker Junior and every other tragedy only solidifies Jason's resolve to keep and care for the kid
It's funny. Jason has barely felt human since he woke up from death, since he started overworking himself for his people
Now, with a baby brother in his life? With somebody to care for under his roof? Those domestic times he swore were killed alongside the Second Robin?
This is bliss
Jason feels a weight off his chest when his Merry Men sends a message that the Joker is dead, and the bounty has been sent to the killer
When Jason discovers the Fourth Robin, too dead and revived? when he finds her alive at all? Girl is getting snatched and doted on, especially if he finds her after she's had her baby
And I wouldn't be surprised if he tracked down her kid so she could have raise her baby herself and provided all the resources and support nessecery for it
[Daughter and grandchild acquired!]
When Damian comes and the Robin mantle is passed down onto him— yoinked by Jason again!
Damian is fuming because he wasn't told that this was part of being Robin!
"If you're right that Batman is trapped in the timestream, that everyone is wrong about him being dead, before presenting this to the Justice League I think this should be a family discussion.
"Because I know otherwise I'd do everything in my power to let him die for real. Ensure nobody is the wiser that Bat could've been saved.
"And at least one of the Bats will disagree with me. And this is a scenario where everybody needs to have their input accounted for."
Oooh! All of this is fantastic, but I especially love the end.
The end combines a healthier approach to the BruceQuest with a trope I love: leaving Bruce in the timestream because fuck that guy. Regardless of what they decide, I'm glad Jason at least indicated it was an option.
I wonder where Dick and Cass are in all of this. I'm also curious about how Jason would react to the We Are Robins movement. Does he adopt every Robin or just those acknowledged by Batman?
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Tumblr Fic List Part 1
Hi everyone! With AO3 currently down, I thought I'd remind you all that almost all of my fics are also available to read right here on Tumblr! For years I've had the habit of cross posting just about everything so if you're looking for a particular fic, you should be able to find it on good old Tumblr.
I tag all my fics with: Precious Posts so you can also use that to find anything newer I haven't added here yet.
This is all my older fics, from my Masterlist. When I get a little more time I'll do a part 2 with my newer stuff.
To Teach a Robin to Cook: Jason teaches Damian how to cook
Baby Bat Vs the Evil Librarian : Steph and Damian take a trip to the library
Grayson’s Guide to Robin Boys Movie Night (IMG): The list of rules Dick wrote for movie night
Guide to Robin Boys Movie Night (FIC): Dick decides to write some rules for movie night, the other Robins have opinions
Movie Night: The Mummy: Jason does not like bugs
Movie Night: Cheeto Bomb: Dick thinks Jason planted a Cheeto bomb in the DVD player. Jason insists otherwise.
Lost Boy: Tim’s mad at Damian (again) and takes a walk to cool off
Fireworks: The Batboys attend a fireworks show for the 4th of July and Jason has flashbacks. Angsty
Baby Teeth: Bruce notices that Damian has lost a tooth, and decides to play Tooth Fairy. Fluff pure and simple.
Talk Yourself Out of This One: Dick get’s kidnapped and is forced to wait for help to arrive.
Kidnapped With You: It’s all Jason’s fault. Or is it Damian’s? Either way both managed to get kidnapped and now have to get along until Batman arrives
Misplaced Mail: Tim decides to go to college and doesn’t tell the other Robin boys.
De-Aged Tim: Timmy gets shrunk down to a six year old and Damian has to help him get back to normal.
Magical Mix Up: Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian all get body swapped. Will they fight or get along long enough to fix things?
Lights Out: Jason finds himself in a situation when Tim passes out on him while his chest taser is still on
The Hunt: Bruce and Damian go on the search for a missing remote
Prank War: It’s Batboys vs Batgirls
Something in the Tea: Damian drinks hallucinogenic tea and can’t escape the visions of what he wishes his family would be like.
Party Chaos: Duke just wants to survive this party, unfortunately for him the rest of the Batboys are at the party and intent on causing trouble.
Trust: DickBat era fic where Damian gets into some trouble after a fight with Dick.
Karma: Damian’s got the hiccups so Dick tries to help him out on patrol.
Comfort Sweater: Damian get’s caught stealing one of Dick’s sweaters.
Play Lessons: Mindless Fluff as Dick and Dami play Cheese Viking together
Burdens: Written for Dynamic Duo Week 2016 day 6: Leave Me Alone
Discovery: Dick and Damian do a science experiment with Geodes
It’s Called a Hug: DickBat era. Damian doesn’t understand that hugs aren’t just a reward for good work.
Like Any Other Kid: Damian can’t stop having nightmares, finally he decides to go to his father for comfort.
Nightmares and Dreams: Bruce has a nightmare that Damian’s still dead and decides to check up on his son.
Cuffed: Dick and Tim end up handcuffed together and have to rescue Jason
Chosen: Based on a HC where Damian has trouble believing Bruce really wants him.
Album: Tim’s looking through one of his old photo album’s when Dick and JAson find him.
Father Time: Tired from the night before Bruce decides to stay in bed all day. His children decide he needs company.
Favorite Colors: While Dick and Damian are shopping for a new hoodie for Tim Damian makes an interesting purchase.
Lost Not Gone: My version of Damian’s reaction to Tim’s ‘death’
Super Sleepover: Jon sleeps over at the manor
Father Daughter Dance: Bruce and Cass go to the Ballet
Learning to Ride: Bruce teaches Jason how to ride a bike
Adoption: Alfred pushes Bruce to adopt Tim
If I Live to See the Dawn: Jason’s hurt and Damian’s got to get him home
Learning to Ask: Dick takes care of an injured Bruce
Heartbeats: Takes place between Batman Rebirth issues 16-17 and follows Bruce taking care of his kids
Target Practice: Damian and Steph play laser tag
Anxious Heart: Damian deals with some latent fear toxin, Bruce helps him out
Art Show: Tim runs into Damian while going to see one of his photos on display
Family Attire: Dick and Damian go clothes shopping. DickBats era
Unintended Consequences: In trying to hide his own illness Damian ends up getting Tim sick
Always Interesting: Cass buys a waxing kit and all the boys want to try it
Not a Burden: Tim gets hurt on patrol and doesn’t want to bother the family
With Love and Patience: Dick muses over taking care of Damian, there may also be suspenders involved. DickBats era.
Long Overdue: Jason offers to take Damian on patrol with him
Some Kind of Normal: Sometimes Bruce forgets just how young Damian is
Trapeze Training: Dick takes Damian out on the trapeze
Sick Day: Bruce is sick and Damian wants to make sure his father gets proper rest
Haunted Manor: Damian and Jon explore a haunting in the manor
Checking In: The batboys start to worry when Bruce is out of town and hasn’t contacted anyone in a while
Preserved Heartache: Damian sees a video of his own death
Hugs and Cookies: Dick brings a ‘get-along’ rug for the holidays
Like Old Times: Bruce and Dick on a stakeout
Safety Net: Snapshots of Damian learning to trust Dick
Irritating: Damian picks on Dick
This Stupid Family: First person pov. Jason’s little brother’s realize he too is a little brother and act accordingly.
Then and Now: Bruce dealing with Jason’s death juxtaposed with the family now
In Charge: Jason and Bruce make lunch while Alfred is out. Robin!Jason
A Little Craft Project: Damian asks Babs for help cheering Dick up
A Bad Night and Good Tea: Bruce can’t sleep, thankfully Alfred’s there to help
To Pass Through this Night: Dick died during Forever Evil. His brother’s find out and help him deal with it.
Faking It: Damian fakes being sick, Dick reacts to it. DickBats Era
Dreams of Wires: Damian’s feelings on the chip his mother put in his spine
Don’t Get Sentimental: Tiger takes care of Dick
Robin in the Batcave with the Rope: Damian get’s kidnapped by the Riddler and Scarecrow and forced to play clue
Breathe In Breathe Out: Damian gets buried, Dick worries Part 1 2 3
This Weight Off Of Your Shoulders: Damian gets sick, Alfred takes care of him
After Everything We’ve Seen: Dick finds Damian curled in the corner of the couch
Bone Tired: Dick is tired, Bruce is there to help him out
Just to See You: Temporary blind Damian, Big brother Dick
You Won’t Wake Up Alone: Dick knows he’s about to die, he just doesn’t want to do it in front of his little brothers Part 1 Part 2
First Breath After A Coma: Dick ruminates on his death, Damian’s, and all the terrible things that have been happening lately. Angst, no fluff
Your Job or Mine: Bruce gets hurt, Dick takes care of him
New to This: Dick’s getting used to his new busy life, and learning to take time for Damian
Accustomed to Standing Alone: The first time Damian’s kidnapped as a civilian
Bleeding Heart: Damian finds a dying doe and sits with her, Dick helps take care of the rest
Sun Spot: A lazy day with Dick and Damian
Of Baskets and Braids: Dick can’t sleep so he goes to find Bruce, and they get lost watching Youtube videos
As the Years Go By: Dick is growing up, and Bruce isn’t really sure how to deal with it.
A Bird in the Hand: Damian gets turned into a robin…for real. Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Those Days We Miss: After Damian picks a fight with Dick, he ends up kidnapped and pretty sure no one is going to come for him.
Stay Here, With Me: Damian gets soaked on patrol, and as a result he ends up sick. Rest and medicine should help, but Damian finds himself getting worse and worse. Thankfully he’s got Bruce (and later Dick) to help sort things out.
You Always Bring Me Home: When Batman is caught by an explosion he calls the person who can always find him, Alfred.
The Care and Yeeting of Robins: Bruce comes home to find Jason in his bed. Jason refuses to move, so Bruce does what he has to in order to stand his ground and decides sleeping on the floor is the only option.
Flash/Prompt Fics:
Damian and Tim: That’s Not a Dog
Dick, Damian, and Cass: No, no, it’s okay, I’ll be your bridge. You can walk all over me
Damian and Dick: I stabbed my last twelve brothers. Why should you be different?
Jason and Steph: Not only am I a late bloomer, I’m late for everything
Young Dick: Not only am I a late bloomer, I’m late for everything
Steph and Damian: I stabbed my last twelve brothers; why should you be any different?
Tim and Damian: Would you mind not setting my stuff on fire every time you get angry
Older!Damian: I find this to be highly illogical, incredibly ridiculous, and absolutely irresistible. Let’s play
Damian and Alfred the Cat
Tim and Damian: Damian attempts to irritate Tim
Tim and Jason: Tim’s tired and saying weird things
Batman Voice: Damian’s got a ‘Batman voice’ and it comes out at the best of times
Shrunken Sweater: Bruce’s sweater has shrunk to the perfect size
Being Sick is Stupid: Robin Dick and Bruce fluff and minor sick fic
Damian gets tricked into sleeping
Dick and Damian angst-fluff
Long Fics:
Super City: Damian and Jon on an adventure in Metropolis
Losing You: Dick loses his memories of Damian and the two try to deal with it while going after the villain responsible (plus Tim and Jason get to help)
Finding Us: The sequel to Losing You. Explores Jason and Tim’s relationship to the Batfam
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havendance · 9 months
Batman for Dummies
Chapter 3: Starring NIGHTWING as the Cavalry
AO3: Chapter 3 | Read from the beginning
Fandom: Batman
Featured Characters/Relationships: Helena Bertinelli & Tim Drake, but look basically everyone shows up this chapter including, but not limited to: Dick, Barbara, Jean-Paul Valley, and Bruce too I guess.
Wordcount: 9100
Fic Summary:
In the aftermath of the quake that shook Gotham, Helena Bertinelli takes on the mantle of the Bat. (It isn’t like Batman’s using it.) If she’d known the cowl came with a certain moralizing little bird following her around — well, she probably still would’ve done it, but it would’ve been nice to know in advance. (Or: Tim and Helena team up 2: electric boogaloo. Now with more bats!)
We are back, baby! I got so much procrastination on my school projects done while editing this.
After two chapters of drama, it's time for something more chill and fun before we hit the endgame :)
“Knock knock.”
Helena groaned and blinked. Someone was shining a flashlight in her face. At her side, Robby made some equally unhappy noises as he tried to pull the blanket over his head. It took Helena a second to wake up, but then it happened all at once. Someone else was there.
She kicked out, but her legs were still tangled in the blankets and the intruder easily dodged back.
Robby finally noticed something was wrong and sat up. “’Lena, what?” he said with a yawn. Then, more alert: “Nightwing?”
With the flashlight no longer shining in her eyes, Helena could see the black and blue costume she’d originally missed. She flicked on the LED lamp near the bed, and there he was, looking in far better shape than anyone inside the city had been in months. “What are you doing here?” she demanded.
“When did you get here?” asked Robby.
“To answer your questions: last night and I was sent to fetch you. B called a meeting,” Nightwing said.
Robby crossed his arms. “B knows what I think. You can tell him that sending you isn’t going to change that. No offense,” he tacked on apologetically.
Nightwing nodded. “So you’re both out then?
Helena exchanged a look with Robby. “Both?” she asked.
Nightwing shrugged. “He told me to get both of you.”
“Really?” she asked. “Because he was pretty clear on what he thought of me the last time we met.”
“Hey, I just got here.” Nightwing held up his hands. “I’m just telling you what he told me.”
Robby was looking to her. “Do you think he means it?”
Helena shrugged. “You know him better than I do, kid.”
“Well…” she could see the wheels in his head turning, “maybe. He did kind of try to apologize last time.” To Robin, not to the Bat. “I won’t go if you don’t,” he decided.
Helena turned back to Nightwing. “Who else is going to be at this meeting?”
“Me, Oracle, Azrael I think. It’s an all hands sort of thing.
So either she was actually included in that, or else he just wanted to chew her out in front of a larger audience. Helena knew she really shouldn’t get her hopes up; she’d been burned enough times before, but if he really was serious this time… Well, She never had completely managed to rid herself of the part of her that wanted for Batman to see her, to respect her. Though, admittedly, with the events of the past months, that part had gotten pretty small.
What were the options here? If they went and it turned out he was still an asshole, it’d be annoying, but she could just leave. A waste of morning at worst. But if they didn’t go and it turned out he was serious… Helena was honestly a little surprised that Robin had stuck with her this long. He'd been the only thing keeping her from spilling blood all over his precious bat symbol and he’d still chewed out Batman for her in the end. If Batman was serious, she owed it to the kid to at least give it a try. She knew he didn’t like being at odds with Batman, for all he was willing to be.
“We’ll come,” she said.
“Where are we going?” Robby asked.
“Clocktower,” Nightwing said. “I figured I’d come along with you once you got suited up.”
“How long until we need to be there?” Helena asked.
He shrugged. “Sooner’s better. It starts whenever everyone shows up.
She probably wouldn’t have been able to get back to sleep anyway. Helena stood up and stretched. “Well then, let a woman have her privacy?”
Robby dragged Nightwing out the door.
She could hear them talking in the other room as she stripped off her sleepwear and pulled on the Batsuit.
“You had me worried, you know,” Nightwing said.
“Really?” Robby asked.
“Yeah, I had to hear from O that you were hanging out in No Man’s Land.”
“Oh.” A pause. “I didn’t think you’d notice.”
“Really? You come by every other week to bother me. Of course I’m going to notice when you stop. Then you stop answering your phone and of course I’m worried.”
“Um, I’m sorry?”
A snort, probably from Nightwing. Helena could empathize. “Punk. So, you and Huntress?”
“She’s the Bat,” Robby said automatically. Then, more suspicious: “And what do you mean?”
“I’m just saying, after all that shit you gave me for letting her see my face, where do I find you?”
“It’s not— I’m not— It’s practical!” Robby sputtered. “I’ve known her for longer! And there’s only one bed!”
“Sure, kid.”
“You agreed we weren’t going to bring that up!”
“I’m just saying…”
The conversation devolved into scuffling. Helena pulled on her mask and went around to the doorway. Robin was only half-way suited up and Nightwing had him in a headlock.
She coughed. “So, are we going?”
Nightwing let Robin go and he hurried to finish putting on his tunic. “I’m ready,” he said and headed to the exit.
Nightwing turned to her. “Ladies first,” he said.
She rolled her eyes, but headed for the door.
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jpeg-dot-jpeg · 7 months
hiiiiii jpeg! im here with ask game questions 🥰
3, 17, 18, 23, 25 please! any or all, your choice 💕💕💕
bean darling!!! excuse the late response, my brain likes to treat the passage of time like chewing gum <3
17) if you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?
just have fun!! don't let fanfic stress you out! it is meant to cause joy!! also, making an effort to communicate with others members of the community makes all the difference and I wish I'd done it sooner <3
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
okay i've been reading stuff by @jilliancares for years, ever since I was a little bitty fandom baby and that had definitely had some effect on my psyche. early inspirations when i started getting into DC include everything by rotasha, @ididloveyou, thebodydies, and so so many others. pretty much everything on my ao3 bookmarks has influenced me and there's just too many individual fics to count!
23) any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
well i am pursuing Actual advanced education in the realm of storytelling rn lol
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
this is a little DamiTim piece i'm cooking up for @bi-bats <];)
He couldn’t help it. Damian was just so arguable. And he was so…intense. He’d lean in and look at Tim like he could pry through the recesses of his brain through eye contact alone. Age had darkened the muddy hazel of his irises to something so close to black that Tim couldn’t tell where the iris ended and the pupil began. Time had been exceedingly good to Damian Wayne. He was the kind of pretty that made him understand how Bruce had gotten so tangled up with Talia, despite the red flags.
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I come as bidden to ask for angsty fic recs! :D (Especially if they end good though, I just watched a TV show from which I am a little physically ill of Bad Things Left Hanging) 💛
ohoho yes good you've come to the right place!!! angst with a happy ending is one of my favorite tropes ever tbh, especially including lots of hurt/comfort!!! without further ado~
protective dad Bruce
family-wide angst with a side of character study
Jason and Bruce have very different ideas of remembrance
very angsty Cass fic for the Cass mutual ft. hope and healing
Damian and Jason have met before
the passing down of warmth from fathers to sons not quite their own
pretty heavy Babs character study (this author is REALLY GOOD)
getting shot is a great way to end a family feud (and Tim is a little bit feral for a hot second)
baby Dickie and a field trip gone bad
Damian thinks he's going to die (he's wrong) and Tim won't let that happen
Tim and Bruce and healing
Steph and Bruce get yoinked back in time and they are not having fun
Bruce just needs to see his kid alive
Steph telling Bruce "I think I'm bad" will stick with me forever
a little bit vague and a lot bit sad but everything is okay at the end, for the whole family
Dick and Jason being brothers
this one made me ache a little bit and then healed the bruises (B and the kids and the finite nature of human life)
I feel like this has probably been recced to you already but OUGGHHHH the family feels from Dami's POV... it's so good
this one is actually pretty soft and has a really cool concept (and ten bucks says you can probably guess why the title caught my eye) with Tim and Bruce
Dick is hallucinating his kid and it just might break him
SAD SAD SAD ANGSTY HOWEVER read the endnotes bc everything's gonna be okay
I KNOW this one's already been recced to you but honestly it fundamentally changed something in me. in the back of my mind I'm always on some level thinking about it. I cannot adequately explain just how much this fic wrecked me and how important it is to me. I'm just gonna say again what I told @called-kept after she first sent it to me: for middle children in the Wayne clan, sometimes dying (and coming back) is what it takes to realize how loved they are. (Kept actually pitched this to me with, essentially, "hey you like fics where the others are comforted in near-death experiences by the fact that Jason's already been through it, right?" though not in those exact words. and if i let myself I'm going to write a hecking epistle to you about this so I'm just gonna uh... stop talking now)
so ya know how I'm really emotional about Dick being a parent to Damian?
Jason is having panic attacks
Jim Gordon is SUCH a good dude.
Jason stress cooks/bakes
growing up is hard when you're a bird-themed vigilante
I don't usually go for soulmate AUs but this is a REALLY GOOD platonic soulmate AU (it made me cry)
ANOTHER fic that's made me cry and also the one that made me realize how deeply bittersweet I feel about Dick Grayson
Timberly dealing with being immunocompromised (a word which my phone apparently does not like smh)
brothers grieving together — sad but has a happy ending!!!!!
INCREDIBLY long oneshot (with a sequel that I also greatly recommend!!) with a lot of angst but!!! it does not stay there!!! as is a theme in this list there's also healing!!!! (Tim needs help to feel again. that's ok bc he has brothers.)
dare I say it THE Batfam angst (presumably with a happy ending) fic? I'm slowly making my way through it and AAAAGHJHHH it's SO GOOD the characterizations and relationships and struggles and fears and never giving up... so so good
basically anything by @envysparkler but I have like 90% of her fics bookmarked and this list is already super long so I'm just going to gesture wildly and excitedly toward Envy's AO3 and leave it at that
and last but not least one of the first Batfam fics I read and really really loved. a bird gets a bird of his own and Damian gets a new understanding and deeper relationship with his next-oldest brother
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timkonshipper · 1 year
fic rec's????????
Hi, im not sure what type of fics u were asking for so im just gonna rec some timkon & batfam. Also tysm for asking! ♡
The Mystery of the Superboy shirts by Aviatricks [ao3]
The thing is, Tim is a detective, first and foremost.And like most detectives, sometimes he just can’t let things go.(Or, how Tim acquires several hundred Superboy t-shirts)
Life happens by Cdelphiki[ao3]
While walking home from an event at Wayne Enterprises, Tim and Damian are kidnapped and sent to an alternate dimension. In a world where superheroes are merely comic book characters and the idea of the multiverse is only a theory found within the pages of science fiction, how are Tim and Damian going to return home? How long will they be stranded on this strange Earth? And will the boys murder each other before they figure it out?
Comments: This is one of the best fics I have read and it sets up a beautiful relationship between Tim and Damian.
From baby to babe by miss-choco-chips [tumblr]
Bruce despairs in the knowledge of his sons growing up hot.
Comments: This one is kinda a crack fic but who cares
The bat's nest by helenabertinellis [ao3]
The Justice League knew that Batman didn't trust anyone; they also knew that they were probably the closest he got. Aside from them, Batman worked alone.At least... they thought they knew that. Then they met his kids.
5 times the Justice League catch Bruce acting domestically by TimesBeingWhatTheyAre [ao3]
...and the one time he lets them see it
aka 5 times the kids torment Bruce, and the time that he actually arranges a meet-up and minds are blown
Comments: This is similar to the previous fic, but I couldnt help but link it
Someone to remember by NightOwl1600 [ao3]
“On a patrol gone wrong, Damian finds himself stuck with a de-aged Tim Drake to take back to the cave and wait for the others to catch the perpetrators. However, babysitting is not as easy as it seems. Its Gotham after all, and Gotham means stupid generic bad guys who kidnap de-aged vigilantes. Now, the Batfam (Bat-team? Batkids? whatever you want to call them), must rescue Tim before they lose him forever.In addition, Damian final gets to feel what its like to be the older sibling.”
Comments: This was a quick read with some adorable damian and tiny tim bonding.
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quotidian-oblivion · 9 months
Which of your Fics
Aaaaaaand another tag game which I found while binging through the writer tag game tag!
Which fic did you think would get a bigger reaction/audience than it got?
The most recent one - Greet Me With Open Arms cuz it was a requests fic where I asked people to give me dialogue prompts to use in a single fic. But then again, I posted it just yesterday. I'm just really excited about it and wanna know what people (especially those who put their dialogue prompts requests) think of it.
Which fic got a better reaction than you expected?
The Boy In The Cell, quite honestly. Cuz I thought people would ignore it due to how self-indulgent it was, but so many liked it! Thanks, you guys ^^
Which fic is your funniest?
Based on the comments, Phone Alarms. Quite proud of that one ^.^
Is your darkest/angstiest?
Ahh. Either The Boy In The Cell or There’s So Much Hurt (you can already tell by the title XD) These two cuz they cover darker topics like abuse and stuff. But if you count all the fics including the wips, then definitely this one wip i'm working on which is... pretty b a d. I mean, not the plot, the plot and characters and stuff is awesome! But in terms of rating the angst, its like- up there.
Is your absolute favourite?
Ahh. It depends on my mood, really. Sometimes I say My School’s Local Mafia Boss, sometimes Sometimes You Have To Find Your Own Genes, sometimes a couple of my wips (cuz fbhic i love the plots i've created for them like- bhfvifubhu). But right now? I'm saying I Feel More Than A Simple "Miss You" just cuz I put so much care into it, more than any other oneshot I've ever written.
Is your least favourite?
A Day In The Life Of Tim Drake. No hesitation. It's my first fic. Ok- sometimes, i am proud of it. But most times, nah. Cuz I wrote this on a whim bc i didnt like the thought of having an empty ao3 account and i did not think i would be actually writing fanfiction regularly. But here i am!
Which was the easiest to write?
I... don't know? I wouldn't be writing fanfic, or writing at all period. So I'm gonna say all of them.
The hardest?
As i said, I wouldn't be writing at all if it was hard so i'm gonna say non- NO. WAIT. THERE IS TWO.
Murder On The Stalker’s Turf and I Can See You. Cuz these were casefics and i was writing these while trying to get back into the flow of writing after a particularly hard and taxing writer's block.
Which fic has your favourite line/paragraph?
There’s So Much Hurt (both of them)
“You’re my son, Jason,” Bruce carried on. “Do you think that when you brought Tim over and started calling him your little brother, I wouldn’t start mentioning him as my son too?”
Alfred tightened the bandages that had loosened and continued wrapping. At some point, Tim whimpered loudly in pain and squeezed Dick's hand so hard that both their knuckles went white. Jason swept a strand sticking into his baby brother's eye. "I know. I know it hurts, Timbit. I'm sorry." "Jason," the little bird said weakly. "Ouch." Jason smiled smally. "Yeah, bud. Major ouch."
Let Them Be Siblings
Steph blinked twice again. Then she rubbed her eyes tiredly and muttered, "Lord, please bless me some fucks to deal with this bullshit."
which fic have you re-read the most?
My School’s Local Mafia Boss No hesitation. One, to refer back to it while writing the series. Two, cuz I write fics for me first and foremost and so i very much love this fic and reread it quite a lot. Three, i cant believe how much attention its getting! why- ohh that's why, yep. And four, I'm feeling nostalgic and I want to visit the place where I made most of my current friends.
Which one would i recommend to someone reading your work for the first time?
Phone Alarms ig? Cuz it's really chill and cracky and I'm really proud of it. But if we're including wips, then I would rec the Bruce Wayne Writes Fanfic AU first XD
the one you’re most proud of?
Isn't this sort of similar to the favorite one? At least it is to me. Still keeping this question if other people wanna do this question.
No pressure tags: @uncertainwallflower @sardonic-sprite @tristicorde @wakkoroni @blightwritesfic @pevensiechase @ah0yh0y @foursixtwonineoh-pieces-of-lego + anyone else who wants to join
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Hey I’d love to commission you for a 6$ (5$ + 1$ for mental health cleaning bonus option) fic. DC universe, Tim and Jason (no slash, platonic) focus where they’re sitting on a rooftop joking around until Tim makes a flippant joke about his life Jason almost killing him at titans tower and Jason taking a breath and telling Tim that he’s important and he’s glad he’s alive.
Also posted here, on ao3, under the title "Optimally Sentimental"! This was such a delight to work on, thank you for commissioning me and for being flexible!
It’s been months since Tim flinched around him.
Jason hasn’t been consciously keeping track, because literally counting physical ticks and bits of Robinly body language is a fast track to Bruce levels of paranoid insanity, but-- yeah. It’s been a good few months since Tim flinched around him, or tensed up when he entered a room, or subconsciously moved to place his back to a wall when Jason walked into a conversation.
It’s also been a few weeks since Jason stopped going out of his way to walk louder, announce his presence by shouting at one brother or another, or otherwise be as obvious as he could. He doesn’t want Tim to be scared around him, yeah, but while Tim was, he was going to be as least of a dick about it as possible.
But it’s been a while, and Jason is proud to report they’ve both let their guard down. This past little bit has been the best it ever has been between them.
They’re even taking missions together. Of their own free will, not because Bruce told them to. And enjoying it.
Tim’s got that faint little flush to his cheeks that he gets when he’s been smiling too much, and he’s squinting his eyes the way he does when he laughs for real (and not the fake little Timothy Jackson heir laugh he perfected at so many galas), and he’s been snipping and sniping prissy little one shots Jason’s way without apologizing.
Peak Tim, in his natural element; a baby bird unafraid of getting shot down.
So when he does tense up, midway between a snark off on which soda brand is better-- “Zesti is the premier shit drink of choice, Jason, even Dick agrees,” which, whatever, if you’re basing an argument over Dick’s questionable tastes, you’ve already lost, and Soder Cola is the most American drink ever made, even Jason can admit that and he’s technically a terrorist-- Jason feels his entire chest go cold.
He thought they were past this.
“I can go.” He says, through suddenly numb lips. It’s cold but not that could, a cool sixty which is practically paradise for Gotham this time of year. It’s not even pissing down rain, though the sky is a gray brick of overcast.
The words float out between them, catching on the mist. The rooftop is damp from an earlier shower.
Tim’s not even looking at him. He’s fiddling around with his scope, hissing under his breath. Jason tries to figure out what he did-- a sweeping arm movement, a too sharp movement? He really hasn’t been watching himself around Tim like he should have been.
You don’t just forget that kind of trauma. God knows Jason hadn’t, when someone had beat the shit out of him in the dark, and he hadn’t even been shot or, fuck, had his throat slit by someone who was supposed to be a friend.
Jason starts to stand.
“What?” Tim looks up, a picture of confusion. “No, what are you being stupid about? The screw fell out of my new lens.” He curses under his breath, glove groping around the rubble of the rooftop. “I cannot believe I didn’t put it back together tightly enough last night.”
Jason’s mouth moves on instinct, the Robinly urge to rib his brother carrying through even when his thoughts are so tangled and confused.
“Did you rebuild that thing again?” He asks. “Damn, give it a few days to see how it functions, would you?”
“If I notice a problem, I’m not going to just wait and fill out a changelog of bugs, Jay.” Tim says absently, waving a hand without looking. His entire back is to Jason now. Jason, slowly and by degrees, relaxes. “Besides, it was an easy enough adjustment.”
Jay, not Jason. Rare enough that one of his brothers indulges in his preferred nickname. Jason himself hardly ever points out that he prefers it, so it’s not like he can blame them.
(Also in fairness, he’d once shot Bruce in the kneecap for pulling out ‘Jaylad’ in the middle of his Pit-induced madness.)
Jason gradually lowers himself back into his sitting position against the roof’s lip. They’re as comfortable as they can be on this kind of stakeout, the orange haze of poisoned daylight on the horizon indistinguishable from sunset. Soon, the ‘working day’ will be through, and they’ll be able to see what the Sionis family is actually doing. They’re supposed to be quiet and cowed with Black Mask back in Arkham, but you wouldn’t know it from the shipping activity on their side of the docks.
“Yeah, I can tell.” Jason scoffs. “You have a back-up kit?”
They all tended to carry replacement parts for their more fiddly gear. Tim, being the most Oracleish of their cohort-- and also the most tech-savvy-- had an entire soldering kit on him or Jason would eat his boot.
“Yes, of course.” Tim says, waspish. “But I don’t need it. I can find this screw.”
“This specific tiny screw.” Jason parrots, amused.
“Shut the fuck up.”
Yeah, okay.
Jason feels the tension fall completely out of his shoulders. Babyest bird is not feeling unsafe, right now; Tim doesn’t get this bitchy around people unless he trusts them.
Random civilians and corporate fuckwits, they get soft-spoken, laughing Timothy Drake. Anyone Tim’s not quite comfortable with-- people he has to impress, like the Justice League-- get the world’s most perfect and efficient Robin. Seriously, it’s terrifying. He wears his competency like a sword and doesn’t bother with a shield.
So, a snarky Tim-- a Tim who lashes out, without regard for if he’ll be hit back-- is a trusting Tim. A comfortable Tim.
“I’m just sayin.” Jason lets a grin surface on his face, in his voice. He wiggles his fingers. Then, actually being helpful: “Hey, maybe try a light?”
“Ugh. Good idea.” Tim flicks on a pen light with careless efficiency, apparently from part of his glove. What the hell.
The light catches on the moist pebbles and occasional shallow puddle, but it does its job; the glint from the tiny screw is enough to find it, and Tim swoops it up with a triumphant sound.
“Ridiculous.” Jason snorts.
Tim pulls a face.
“I don’t want to hear it from you, Mr. My Peripheral Vision Doesn’t Matter as Much As My Aesthetics. At least I can see.”
“The hood had an HUD!” Jason protests, knee-jerk. “I don’t even wear it that much anymore.”
He gestures to his own domino, as bright a red as the bat on his chest.
“Mm, yeah, you definitely didn’t keep wearing it to be petty for, oh, six months.” A snarky little grin, edging into smirk territory.
Jason looks forward to a year from now, where he can not only move openly around Tim, but also smack him playfully. They aren’t there yet-- not like how he can slug Dick in the shoulder as hard as he wants-- but Jason can see it on the horizon.
Instead, he snorts.
“Oh, I know you’re not calling me petty.” He points out, amused.
Tim’s face stops briefly on suspicion before going directly to offended.
“I’m not petty!” He denies. “I’ve never done anything petty in my entire life, ever.”
“That’s a lie,” Jason laughs. “I saw you put decaf coffee into Dick’s stash.”
“That’s for his health.” Tim claims, boldly. “I’m doing him a favor.”
“Yeah, and the fact that you ferried the actual caffeinated coffee you stole into your stash has nothing to do with it.”
“I’m not going to waste it, Jason!” Tim puts a hand to his chest in mock-offense. “If I replace it wholescale, he’d notice, so I switch out a cup at a time.”
“Right.” Jason grins. “And the little fucker who’s stolen all the “R” shaped keys off every keyboard I’ve bought for my safehouses?”
Tim flushed bright red.
“You can’t prove that was me.” He says, immediately, which in their line of work is basically a confession. Also; he knows better than to challenge another detective like that!
Jason starts counting on his fingers.
“Well, it wasn’t me. That’s one Robin out.” And he ignores the pang that claiming that name will always bring him.
“Damian could have done it. He’s a bitch like that.”
Jason tips his head back and laughed.
“You’re more of a bitch. You’ve made bitchiness into an art form.” And he threw Damian under the bus without hesitation, goddamn.
“Dick was a Robin. Just saying.” Tim points out. Yeah, like saying water is fucking wet. Dick wasn’t a Robin, he was the Robin. He was Robin, full stop.
Jason just stares.
“Dick is the only one of us who never stole Robin.” He points out. “And in fact stealing the suit seems to be a right of passage, at this point.”
It doesn’t occur to him that he’s wandering into the biggest trigger between them-- what had been Jason’s biggest trigger, as the furious Red Hood-- until he’s already said it. Fortunately, Tim goes in another direction-- passing the buck down the line, as it were.
“Damian didn’t steal shit.” He huffs, still sour. “Dick gave him that suit right from under me. At least I had to break in and take it.”
He looks up then, apparently sensing the same thing Jason had.
“Oh, uh. I’d say sorry about that, by the way, but you... weren’t using it at the time.” Tim’s face twisted. “Oh, god. No, not that. I’m going to stick with the actual answer that Bruce was going off the fucking deep end at the time and Dick wouldn’t do it.”
Jason just stares.
Tim groans and covers his face with his hands. Jason starts laughing.
“Shut up.” Tim says, but it sounds more like a complaint. Jason laughs harder.
“I can’t hear you, I’m putting the screw back in.” Tim very loudly-- with exaggerating arm gestures-- begins fixing his scope, pointed out the warehouse across from them.
“That doesn’t occupy your ears, Baby Bird.”
“I can’t hear you!” Tim repeats, louder. “I can’t multitask, everyone knows that. Hang on, I’m almost done.”
By the time he sits back, triumphant with his success now that Jason is no longer laughing at his expense, the foot traffic has mostly died down. He points the newly-repaired lens to the beginning of the street.
“I think we’ve got enough for facial recognition.” Tim murmurs, mind back on the business, watching their marks walk up the long, long road in front of the warehouse.
Smile, assholes, you’re on camera.
“Never a good thing when they have this many new contacts.” Jason agrees, eyes tracking the unfamiliar faces who have no business in this part of town.
He brings his own piece up-- yes, designed after the Hood’s perfectly respectable HUD, alright-- to track even more information. Vitals, infrared, even what kind of heat they’re packing.
“Here, look at this.” He offers the binoculars to Tim, who reaches out automatically. Just before they settle in his palm, Jason thinks better of it. He dangles them a foot above Tim’s reach-- not hard, since Tim is almost all the way on the ground looking through his scope, and pretty short anyway.
“Jason.” He complains, not looking away from his lens.
“Since, you know, I’m not using them.”
Tim blanches. Then flushes, hard. He brings a gauntlet up to cover his face again. Low, muffled, his voice sounds out:
“I’m never going to live this down. You should have killed me at Titan Tower.”
It’s like cold water over Jason’s entire body. The arm holding the binoculars falls limp at his side.
“Fuck that.” Jason snarls, and he shouldn’t-- he can’t-- be this angry around Tim, but the smaller Robin doesn’t flinch or even rear back. He just blinks in surprise. Fuck.
“Jason.” Tim says, humor falling all the way away, but Jason-- can’t. He takes a deep breath and turns away.
“Don’t say that kind of shit.” He finally manages, wrestling with the full body horror and memory of Tim’s bones breaking, the glee he felt. Sick, vicious glee.
“Jason. I know that.” Stilted, but not afraid. This, too, is an honest Tim-- the Tim that doesn’t have the right words to say, but doesn’t pause to find perfect ones, afraid of messing up. A trusting Tim.
Jason takes another deep breath and lets him finish.
“I know you weren’t in your right mind. I don’t... hold it against you. Anymore.” Tim manages. And, fuck, is babyest bird seriously trying to fucking apologize? To Jason?
“Are you really trying to apologize for me almost beating you to death?” He asks, flatly. “Just checking. Because that’s insane, Tim.”
Tim bites his lip. Ah, not good. Almost a flinch, but a social one.
“I’m apologizing for bringing it up.” His hands absently hits record on the scope, giving more attention to Jason. “I know you’re... Damn, Jay, I know it fucks with you, alright? Having to remember it.”
“You have to remember it!” Jason says, throwing up both hands-- which, fuck. But Tim doesn’t react, doesn’t so much as lean away from the wild limbs.
“I’ve had worse.” Tim points out, almost-- fuck, distracted, almost as an aside, as a faint beep comes from the scope and he looks down at it. “Honestly...it was a long time ago, Jay. We’re good.”
“We’re good.” Jason repeats in disbelief, remembering the sharp crack of bone. His voice is hoarse.
The worst part is, he wants it to be true. He wants them to be good, wants that easy camaraderie years into the future. Wants to have so many good times between them that they can barely remember the bad.
Then he twinges onto the other half of that sentiment, and wants to shake Tim.
“Wait, you’ve had worse? From me?”
He knew that to be true, of course. Even in the depths of his rage, finding out the little Robin whose throat he casually slit hadn’t been wearing a gorget--because he was allergic to the material and Bruce hadn’t yet synthesized a replacement-- had almost made him physically ill. He’d still been deluding himself, at the time, that he was perfectly in control. That he had chosen every act of violence, that he was being purposeful.
That fuck-up had been one of his first wake up calls that he really, really wasn’t. Even if it was a ‘reasonable’ assumption, he still should have fucking checked. Detectives do their homework, and so what if Dick had worn a gorget, for most of his time out, and so had Jason.
He knew the Robin suit was deceptively well-armored; it only looked like you were defenseless. Shit, even the bare legs were a taunt and a trap; Bruce damn well taught them to defend hits there, and any that got through were still safer than cuts or shots to the torso or head.
So he’d nearly killed Tim with what should have been, if not a love tap, then a mere threat to Bruce and not a serious attempt on Tim’s life. He’d excused the purposeful attempts, of course. At the time, it was only the accidents that bothered Jason-- the perceived lack of control.
He’d shot Tim. He’d snuck into a place where he was supposed to be safe, his home away from home-- and yes, Jason had been bitter at the time that Bruce never allowed him a team, fearful it would turn his second Robin’s head as it did the first’s-- and beat the shit out of him.
And yet something about the way Tim said that he’d had worse...
“From me, right? The other times?” Jason demands. “What do you mean, you’ve had worse?”
Tim makes a caught little sound in his throat, visibly unhappy. His eyes cut to the side.
“Do we have to do this?” He asks plaintively. “It’s not important.”
Not important.
For the first time since conquering the Pit madness, Jason’s vision hazes over a different color. Fear grips him by the throat, almost choking out the anger, but only for a second, because it’s not green that takes him.
He sees red.
Teeth grit, fists clenched so hard he fears he’ll drawl blood, Jason has to fucking count to calm himself down enough to speak. He will not shout at Tim. He will not swing at Tim.
He wants to throttle him, though. Urrgh.
“Jason?” Tim asks, quietly. Concerned. Not afraid. Not scared. Not timid. Leaning towards him, even. As though convinced he’s in no danger at all.
For the first time, Jason wonders if all their so-called progress is just Tim’s distinct lack of self preservation.
Maybe his little brother is too stupid to be afraid.
No, that’s not fair. Tim’s a genius.
He’s just also an idiot.
Jason, in a fit of masochism, had read the kid’s medical file. He’d needed to know every bit of damage he’d done that he could never undo. Since then, he’s familiarized the files of all birds and bird-related bats. Having a working knowledge of what everyone’s got going on-- like, say, allergies to gorget material or their blood types-- is mission goddamn essential in Gotham.
He’s never seen anything about the kid being hurt worse. Which means, of course, not only did the kid not think it was worth mentioning, he went out of his way to hide it. Jason thinks of Tim’s clipped little reports, the bare bones essentials accounting of his own fights with Ra’s Al Ghul, and comes to a conclusion he doesn’t think he likes.
“You--” Jason clears his throat, modulates his tone. He wants to grab Tim by the shoulders, but he can’t. He won’t. Instead he looks across the rooftop and to hell with whatever mission they’ve got going on.
“You listen to me, because I’m only going to say this once.” He manages to keep the growl out, but his voice is deep. Serious. It’s also a boldfaced goddamn lie; he’ll say this as many times as he needs to.
Tim leans in, eyes shocked wide and young beneath his domino. But not scared; still not scared. Good. Jason exhales slowly, maintains that eye contact.
“It was so, so fucked up-- all the things I did to you. I regret them. I’m sorry. But not because I was out of control, and mad with rage. That’s not the part that bothers me.”
Well, not the majority of it.
“Then... what?” Tim’s voice was small. Quiet. But curious and unafraid.
“You, Baby Bird. I could have killed you. I did, in fact, hurt you. That’s the horrible part. You could have died.”
“But, I’m just...” Tim snaps his mouth shut tightly, looking away. He looks haunted, like he’d said exactly what he didn’t mean to. And yep, that’s it for Jason, because fuck all of this.
He’s up and moving before he can even think not to walk like the juggernaut he is, but maybe it is soon enough, close enough to that future, because Tim just watches him with big blinking eyes, waiting to see what he’ll do.
He trusts Jason not to hurt him.
Fuck, but that’s good, so Jason doesn’t hesitate as he yanks his brother into a fierce hug. Better than wringing his scrawny neck, anyway, though it’s not off the table.
Jason wants to shake him.
“You’re not ‘just’ anything. You’re...” Fuck, fuck, fuck. Jason forces his voice out around a tight throat. “You’re my brother and I love you. Shit. Your life matters. You matter. I’m so fucking glad you’re alive.”
Tim starts shaking in his arms, but Jason just holds him tighter. It occurs to him that perhaps, somehow, with the shitty way he’s grown up-- shittier, in its own way, than Jason’s own miserable adolescence-- that maybe nobody’s told him this before.
That some of this cavalier disregard for his own importance in their lives-- right from the beginning, when he, an untrained little kid, put on the suit and risked his life because Bruce needed him-- came from having never been told.
Well, Jason would tell him. Jason would tell him a thousand fucking times, if he had to.
He’d show him, too.
It was lucky they were recording the stakeout, because Jason couldn’t be fucked to care about anything for the rest of the night. Oh, they stayed up on that rooftop-- they didn’t leave until dawn, in fact-- but they talked about things more important than the mobsters at the docks.
And two months later, when Jason Todd had been publicly, ‘miraculously returned from his own staged death that was actually a kidnapping’, when he found a copy of his death certificate marked RESCINDED, left out on the kitchen table,Jason knew exactly who to blame for what he saw.
He threw his head back and laughed.
JASON PETE TODD was spelled loudly and in bold on the documents, but it wasn’t a typo. Oh, no.
Tim had stolen the R from his middle name.
This fic has been converted for free using AOYeet!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/OUeFASs
by Token_Girl_22
Leaving Amity had taken its toll on the Crown Prince. He’d wandered the realms for- ancients, who knows how long, before he finally wandered into the clocktower. Clockwork, naturally, knew he was coming, and had spent the time beforehand looking through the time stream for somewhere where Danny ended up fine. He may have been the most powerful ghost, but he was also just a baby.
Gotham, Gotham was where he succeeded. or Danny gets adopted by Selina Kyle. First fic ever, so I'm a little nervous Tags will update with story. (and as i figure them out)
Words: 658, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Danny Phantom, DCU
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Danny Fenton, Selina Kyle, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley
Relationships: Danny Fenton/Jason Todd, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: is it major character death if they're already dead, Not Phantom Planet Compliant (Danny Phantom), Tags Are Hard, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/OUeFASs
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ameba-from-space · 2 years
Hey, I’ve been reading through your Batfam fic recs and I love them. Is there any chance you could do one focused on Tim?
OKAY I'M BACK BABY LETS DO THIS, Tim tam, timmy, timothio, timbo, tim tim my baby boy has arrived
four brothers, one crush, and absolutely zero brain cells to be found - bro being bros and brothers being assholes
Cingulomania (Sometimes, Dad Needs a Hug) - READ CINGULOMANIA YOU FOOLS
And the Scene Slips Away (To the Evenness I Fake) - Trauma: the fanfiction aka how I found out dick grayson has been canonicaly raped (wtf dc)
Take Care of Business - A classic
Older Siblings: A Plague on Our Society - Hello officer yes I have been mugged by a person who I definitely do not know
Eucatastrophe - Forgiveness is a two way street, you must also forgive yourself
Home - Who the fuck is tim?
Emergency Contact - Baby tim is baby
What's in a Name? - Tim you bitch mario kart playing ass
His Baby - I'm not crying just from remembering this fic I swear
am i the only one pretending (i did it to myself) - Trauma 2: Electric Boogalo
Trending - He a sleppy ho
what a privilege to love you (to teach you all that i know) - CRY BITCH
Hissing Fauna - If you like DC and Marvel this is for you
Billionaire Down - Uncle oliver is cute
Proof - Brothers find each other before they ever find dad
Hi Bi, I'm Dad - Coming out is scary
Bat Out Of Hell - These bitches weird, good for them
middle school is why we can't have nice things - Tim has a serious case of baby face
miss me?- Jason the hallucination
through different colored glasses - Big brothers? More like Big bothers
Panic Room - Tim and Jason are locked together in a panic room and absolutely nothing goes wrong trust me
An Unorthodox Adoption - Tim drakes forces people into being his brother
Road Rage Robin - Ah yes the true angry robin
scapegoat - The tim who cried Jason
Billions of Beautiful Hearts - Bruce gets his kids WAYYYY earlier
Dangerous and Noble Things - Ra al ghul is nasty and should find better things to do
Bleed the Poison Out (What’s Left Behind?) - REGRET
wrong number - Tim hits his head and calls alfred
16 november 1581 - We all hate Jack drake in this house
Where Babies Come From - Dick grayson: serial baby kidnapper
concealer - TRAUMA YET AGAIN
Little Birds’ Wings - Batman said bye bitch
Beware of Science, Turkeys, Guns, Chandeliers, and Other Sources of Chaos - Little shits (affectionate)
Well this is pretty much it, If you want to find more tim content I recomend filtering ao3 by date and bookmark, I have been trying this system of going by 6 months of fanfics at a time, and recently there is SO MUCH tim content, like so fucking much, my guess is that since he came out people have been flocking to the tim fandom
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Do you have any fic recs where Jason and Damien met in the League of Assassins? Thank you
Okay, so here are a few, though they vary greatly in how much of a focus Jason and Damian knowing each other already there is, as well as how long they knew each other. Point being these all have at least something related to Jason and Damian both being in the league and meeting there. Somehow haha. There is also an ao3 tag for this if you want to browse. Okay here we go
Like Going Through Hell on a Sunday by probablyanxious
Fantastic. Love it. There’s more after it as well. They meet as they’re leaving the league (because Talia shoves them out the door like the good mom she is), and also there Billy Batson, my baby.
Stay With Me by geek_on_a_leash
It’s a wip, currently with three chapters up. I’ve really liked it so far though. This is a pre- whole family together thing. And Joker dies. Always a plus. Not a good Talia fic though, so be warned.
Unfinished Business and Long Lost Partners by Bumble_Rex
This one is leading up to the reveal that Jason’s alive for the rest of the family.
people die (love does not) by JHSC
Oh, my babies. And everyone ends up happy.
Liminal Space by Calamityjim
Not at all a focus in this fic, but they’re both in the league and then they’re brought home and everyone gets the hugs they need.
Blood in the Water by MichaBerry
Again, not really the focus of this fic. It’s Tim-centric, but Jason, Tim, and Damian all get to know each other as they’re trekking across the world away from people that want to kill them or otherwise. Good times. Definitely not good Talia in this one, and Ra’s is a total pedophile, just so you’re aware.
It wasn’t me by Jaylad
Jason stealing Damian from the league, going home… all good things.
the boy he was before by impravidus
De-aged Damian. Oh look, things we didn’t know about Damian and Jason, would you look at that. Tagged fluff most appropriately.
Jason and the Three Terrors by @cdelphiki
Jason and Damian leaving the league together not enough? Here, have some more babies. Featuring both Athanasia and Mara, so bonus points for this one. WIP.
Home Run by @iselsis who is one of my favorite writers to read for seeing my babies all actually get the hugs they need
I love the Protective Jason Todd tag, as I have mentioned previously.
Dark Angels and Demon Brats by RandomReader13
Another WIP, just updated yesterday. Much more of a focus on them in the league, though they don’t stay there. Also it’s tagged good mom Talia and good dad Bruce which is always my favorite combination.
Anyone else who has more feel free to add
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charleswaterloo · 3 years
Thank you so much for asking!! Okay, here we go!
DC fics that I got a few paragraphs into and already KNEW were going to be AMAZING:
1. The Jason Project by loosingletters
Warnings: Major Character Death
Jason had just wanted to see his autopsy report, he had only wanted to know what information Bruce had about his death. And when Bruce hadn't given it to him, he had stolen it. He hadn’t meant to stumble upon the bucket list of a dead child and the footage of a grieving father crossing one item after another off the list.
My thoughts: I don't often cry (which isn't healthy lmao) but this fic made me cry (happy tears!). It is absolutely wonderful and while angsty it has such a beautiful ending. I can't recommend it enough!
2. Little bird by Ididloveyou_once
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Tim knew he was fucked if only for the way that his brain was chanting Jason, like a litany. So he definitely didn’t need to hear the cold, mechanical chuckle or the chillingly delighted 'lucky me' to know that this was not good.
He took a second to look down at his coffee mournfully.
Then, he threw it at Hood’s helmet and bolted down the Tower corridor.
Or: Tim is supposed to be at Gotham Academy for a parent-teacher conference. Hood has other plans (Titans Tower AU).
My thoughts: One of the best Titans Tower AU fics I have ever had the pleasure of reading. The ending is to die for and so fluffy - it never fails to warm my heart <3
3. Straight to Voicemail by cabbagetop
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
“Red Hood. I need you to incapacitate Timothy Drake-Wayne.” “Aw, man,” Jason sighs, shouldering through the old wooden doors and out into the street with his books under his arm. “You and half the northern hemisphere. What’d he do this time?”
Jason's phone is blowing up about one Timothy Drake-Wayne (who is Jason's responsibility since when, exactly?). Jason comfort-eats. Jason suffers long. Jason reluctantly tries to keep this Raphus cucullatus of a human being alive, and maybe finds himself sidling back into the family while he's at it.
My thoughts: I was crying with laughter by the third sentence. If you want free serotonin, you will find it here folks, I guarantee it. Brilliantly written and hilarious and such a fantastic interpretation of Jason's character. Please read this lmao <3
4. miss me? by envysparkler
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Jason’s plan to observe his family’s reactions to his resurrection…does not go as intended.
My thoughts: I think I've recommended this one at least once before, but I will do so again because it is one of the best stories I have ever had the honour of reading on AO3. It has a happy ending, but was another fic which actually made me tear up. It is just beautiful and I'm sure some of you have read it before. Read it again even if you have - it's that good.
5. No Pain, All Gain by @sohotthateveryonedied
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Bruce checks Tim’s IV. “Are you in any pain? Do you need more morphine?”
Tim’s pupils are so wide that only the faintest ring of blue can be seen. He watches Bruce the way a five-year-old watches cartoons. “I’m all good, B-dog. All Gucci, like we cool teens say." His words are slurred almost beyond recognition, but Tim doesn’t seem to notice or care. "I could fight Superman right now.”
My thoughts: I know of only about 3 or 4 fics featuring Tim absolutely high out of his mind on some drug or another and this has got to be one of the absolute best of them. Whenever I feel the Depression(TM) crawling in and I need to laugh INSTANTLY I read this. It has not failed me yet. I can't recommend it enough it's so funny and a great read <3 The line below from the fic makes me scream laugh EVERY TIME:
“He’s not in his right mind.” “So? Neither are you half the time but you’re still in charge of everything.”
6. The Ouija Boy by SunnyBlue
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Timothy Drake was a stillborn baby. He was born dead, stayed that way for a solid five minutes, and was then resuscitated in the delivery room. He was a child who grew up alone, but for his imaginary friends. He had so many imaginary friends, in fact, that his parents sent him to get evaluated several times over the course of his childhood, which was spent with Tim as the only heartbeat in that house.
But that didn’t mean he was alone.
Tim sees dead people. When a Batboys murder investigation is going nowhere, he realizes his only chance at solving the case is to speak to the ghost of one of the victims. He has to reveal his secret to his brothers -- or risk the killer getting away.
My thoughts: STAND BACK FOR POSSIBLY ONE OF MY TOP TEN FAVOURITE FICS OF ALL TIME. I'm pretty sure I've recommended this one before but I will do so again. The story is impeccable, the mystery is ELITE and everything about it is literally perfect. I re-read this at least once a month so I can bask in its greatness and become a better person for having read it.
7. there but for the grace of god by TheResurrectionist
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
From a tumblr prompt.
AKA, "A Justice League fic where everyone argues about who's the most beautiful and intimidating sexy from the Big Three and everyone has valid points."
My thoughts: I'm going to let the note I added to the bookmark I made of this fic speak for itself. Here's what I wrote: "This was so funny - shoutout Jason for undeniable lad vibes plus the fact he felt he needed to neatly organise and write down the big three's sexiest traits."
8. American Ninja Worrier by DangerBeckett
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
It's just like Tim to give a poor college student a start in the business world. Kid's a bleeding heart, and usually, that's the sort of thing Jason avoids at all costs. He prefers his bleeding hearts on the literal side, and despite Bruce's best efforts, he's never had a head for business.
Unfortunately, though, this time the business is ninjas, and that's the sort of thing that makes Jason take notice. Because Bruce is useless, and someone's gotta make sure Tim's new internship program doesn't take down all of Gotham.
That's Jason's job, after all.
My thoughts: Please GOD just read the first few paragraphs. You'll know exactly what I mean when I say that this fic is it. Hilarious, badass and adorable. I mean, see the title of this fic rec. I just knew this fic was going to be amazing from the first line.
I have many, many more of course, but I'll leave this here for now as it's getting to be a pretty long post. Anyway, these are all fics - short and long! - that I knew were going to be absolutely perfect within the first few moments of reading. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!
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me1ancho1y-b1iss · 3 years
Her Robin and His Little Ladybug Ch. 2
 Ao3                  Chapter 1          Chapter 2 
As soon as Marinette spoke it set off absolute chaos, everyone started talking at once, asking questions and demanding answers from the small girl. Eventually Bruce, now as Batman, spoke up. 
“ENOUGH.”  Bruce demanded of everyone in the room. 
Silence was all that remained where if a pin was dropped it could be heard. Both parties, Marinette and the bats stared at each other, until Bruce finally spoke again. 
“Who are you?” he asked Marinette. 
“I believe I asked a question first” Marinette smarted back. Jason snorted as Damian glared at her. 
“Answer our questions harlot.” Damian spoke as he glared at her. “Who are you and what are you doing here?” 
Dick or rather Nightwing now, spoke next. “Come on baby bird, be nice, we don't know her and she doesn’t look like she knows us.” 
“That’s exactly the point Grayson! We don’t know her, or how she appeared in the cave!” Damian grimaced as he glanced back at Dick. 
“Codenames, baby bird.” Dick muttered 
Hi! I’m Nightwing! OMG, you're so cute and tiny! You're in the batcave, this is Robin, that's Red Hood, over there is Red Robin, standing there with the death glare is Batman, and finally sitting at the batcomputer in the wheelchair is Oracle!”  
“Uhh… Hi.” Marinette waved. Dick visibly cooed at her while the rest of the bats just stood there. 
“I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I’m from Paris, France.” She said as if that would answer all their  questions. 
Realization spread on Bruce's face as he realized what happened. He realized that this must be the work of the Akumas the league was investigating. 
“You said you’re from Paris, correct? Batman asked Marinette. At her nod he continued. “So this must be the work of an Akuma” 
Marinette nodded. “The last thing I heard before I was transported here was a loud voice yelling, that people should treasure their relationships and that people should be able to have soulmates… or something like that, I don't really know, I wasn’t really paying attention as I was suddenly transported here with no warning.” she muttered the last part under breath but the bats still heard her. 
After around five seconds of total silence, Jason started cackling loudly. “You, tiny little pixie is apparently Demon Spawn’s soulmate. Yeah, I doubt that…” Jason spoke, and started laughing again. 
After Jason said that, all of the rest of the bats realized what she said and started snickering, except for Bruce and Damian, who just stood in front of Marinette with his mouth wide open gaping at her. 
Dick asked a question next. “Wait, what’s an Akuma, and if it's powerful enough to actually locate someone’s soulmate and send them here, Why doesn’t the league know about this? Dick asked, looking back at Bruce. 
“The league is aware of the situation. It’s on a need to know basis, and only certain members are aware. Wonder Women, Superman, Aqua Man and myself are the ones aware as the situation is extremely delicate and dangerous. 
Paris has their own heros, that have been handling the situation extremely well and there has been no need to interfere. Wonder Woman has gone out and has spoken to the heroes. They are aware that if they need any help that can contact the justice league and we will send out a member to help aid them.” 
When Bruce was done speaking, the rest of the bats were sort of shocked they weren’t aware of anything happening Paris this year or any year at all. 
Barbara immediately put it into the Batcomputer and pulled up one of Marinette’s old fights. As Marinette watched the fight with the rest of the bat’s, she cringed. She remembered the fight, perhaps she remembered it too well. It was her third battle with Evillustrator. Nathaniel managed to remember that he could draw whatever he wanted. 
He turned all of Paris into a war zone. He managed to draw himself an all powerful army with a stock supply of weapons. The battle lasted almost a full day and was one of the most lethal with over 1 million dead. The second deadliest behind Syren. 
As the video ended all the people in the room turned to marinette with a shocked look on their faces. 
Dick was the first to speak. “You deal with this all the time?” he whispered in a scared tone 
“Usually they’re not that bad. That was the second deadliest attack Paris ever had, the first being Syren. All of the effects of the damage is reversed by the ‘miraculous ladybug,’ Ladybug, the main hero announces that after she broke the object where the akuma was hidden. As soon as she throws up her ‘lucky charm’ and says that phrase all damage from the attack gets reversed.” 
“What a Lucky charm? You said it helps clear all the damage, so what does it do?” Tim spoke next. 
Marinette nodded as she said, “ The Lucky Charm is something that Ladybug calls on during the battle. It’s usually just a seemingly random object, but as soon as she calls on it the battle usually doesn’t last any longer than three minutes.” 
“What are the other heroes' powers?” Tim asked again. 
“Chat Noir has the power of destruction, just as ladybug has the power of creation. All Chat Noir has to do is simply say ‘cataclysm’ and he's able to destroy anything he touches.” 
Again all the bats, except for Batman himself, started at Marinette, with wide eyes. 
“How old are the heroes’ because to me they don’t look to be any older than the demon spawn’s age. Also how long has this been going on? Jason asked of Marinette, in a demanding tone. 
“All anyone can do is speculate the ages, due to the magic, but many say they have to be around 18 - 20 years old.” Marinette said in a rather confident voice
“And how long has this been happening?” Jason asked again in a tone that made Marinette take an unconscious step back. 
“A-about four years.” Marinette said, with her voice trembling a little bit. 
“So the heroes would have been about 13- 15 give or take when they first started given the assumptions are correct…?” 
At her nod, Jason started pacing back and forth yelling, “FUCKING HELL, what the fuck they’re kids, they were babies when they started and they have to deal with the saving the fucking world every fucking week. I admit I was young too when I started, but it was my own choice and I got FUCKING killed for it!” 
‘That’s why he has such a tainted soul, it absolutely reeks of destruction and creation magic, I’ll have to talk to Tikki later to see if we can get rid of it’ Marinette thought wisely. 
“B, why in the everloving hell did you let fucking kids fight in a goddamn war alone?!” Jason yelled at Bruce while still pacing the floor of the batcave. 
“Hood, they are only one able to fight in these battle, no matter what we do, we would not be able to fight, the best we do is investigate the villain. 
Hawkmoth, the super terrorist, is the one creating the akamus. We find him, we stop the akumas.”
“You mean we just sit here while these kids are out fighting and there’s absolutely nothing we can do?” Tim spoke up, finally finding the courage to speak. 
Batman simply shook his head.
A/N: ok, so like I have five chapters of this posted on ao3 if you want to read it there, (im taking a minute to post it on tumblr bc im lazy. ok) Also I swear I’m working on chapter 6, i'm just stuck on a particular scene and its taking a minute to figure out how I want to transition. on a side note this fic is honestly just something that my brain decided it would be a good idea to write at 2am so like don't expect too much.  (sorry for the rant)
Taglist: (people asked in the last chapter to add them, so if you want to be added just ask. I probably wont respond, maybe, but I will definitely add you) 
@alyssadeliv @yannowhatigiveup @sekhmet5
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illumiru · 3 years
hi cami!! based on literally everything because you have good taste I was wondering if u had any fic recs?? I am in like a good fic desert and if u have any good reads would love to read them! thank u!!
Thanks!! I have to be honest that I don't read a lot of dc fics lately bc a lot of what's posted on AO3 doesn't appeal to me tbh. But I do have some favorites that live rent-free in my head. I hope you enjoy!
baby, it's a sign of the times by danishsweethearts
Dick Grayson has a pretty bad day, but hey, he's coping.
let your love grow tall by danishsweethearts
In a move endearingly predictable and highly amusing, Dick Grayson buys a bunch of plants and proceeds to pack bond with all of them.
cold was the night and hard was the ground by danishsweethearts
Laundromats are save points.
i've been longing for silence by danishsweethearts
The Titans are Dick's family. Damian is also Dick's family. Cue the collision.
un haeng il chi by danishsweethearts
un haeng il chi (언행일치) | yán xíng yī zhì (言行一致) idiom 1. word and actions coincide; to live up to one's word 2. to match words with deeds 3. practice what you preach
The Cassandra Wayne guide to truth-telling, manifestation and prosperity.
big d stands for big (demon)or by danishsweethearts
The one where Titans Tower is haunted, and Dick Grayson, Boy Wonder, original Robin, one and only Nightwing, esteemed leader, part-time exorcist, un-haunts it.
young volcanoes by dottie_wan_kenobi
You should join the Justice League, Dick says when he’s ten years old and hopeful. No, Bruce says. You should join the Justice League, Dick says when he’s fourteen and realistic. No, Bruce says. I’m going to join the Justice League, Dick says when he’s seventeen and furious. No, Bruce says. No, you are not.
Dick is nineteen now. And he’s not joining the Justice League—he’s joining the Titans.
the last of the real ones by dottie_wan_kenobi
Gar is like a blessing. He doesn’t seem to notice the shiny parts of Vic, not until it really counts—when there’s wires sticking out, something shoved through Vic like it was nothing, when he’s in danger. And even then, he treats them like any other part of the body, like a wound is a wound and it doesn’t matter that it’s not flesh, but technology.
When he asks, Gar tells him about Cliff Steele, and shrugs like it’s nothing. “I’m just used to robot guys, I guess,” he says, flippant like he’s not the first person Vic has met who didn’t recoil at the sight of him.
Vic manages a laugh, his eye—his real eye, his human eye—stinging.
if you just call me by BeatriceEagle
“Dick.” She squeezed his shoulder. “Dick, look at me.”
Slowly, as if he were pushing against a terrible force, he lifted his head.
“I have known you since I was thirteen years old, and I have known you in a dozen other lifetimes, so I need you to believe me when I say that there is nothing you could do that would make me stop loving you.”
Dick held her gaze. He looked like he was searching for something in her eyes, so Donna held still and hoped he found it.
“Did you really know me in other lives?” he asked.
Dick and Donna, after the action, through the years.
once upon a time... by Mayarene Rose (DickRoy)
The announcement is the talk of the kingdom. Men on horses, coming from the capital itself, shout it to every corner of the land to make sure everyone hears.
There will be a three-day festival held in honor of the crown prince’s name day!
So of course, no one can shut up about it and everyone’s making plans to make their way to the capital, one way or another.
Gotham, after all, isn’t known for its decadence. Celebrations from the capital are few and far in between. But, it’s also well known that the king absolutely dotes on his children. The has the makings of being the biggest feast anyone has seen in their lifetime.
“Huh,” Roy says. He’s in a farming village when he hears, about five days ride from the capital if he had a horse, which he does not.
Or the one where Roy is a knight errant, Dick is the crown prince, and there is a three-day celebration.
Dr. Wilson, Will I Ever Play the Violin Again? by HoodEx (DickJoey)
1 Missed Call 1:12 PM TUES 9 MAY Frank Hardy
A fond smile spreads over his face. He remembers Dick writing that as his own contact name in Joey's communicator the first time he and Joey exchanged numbers. Joey knows it's an action influenced by paranoia rather than something meant as an inside joke between friends, but he likes to think of it as a mixture of both.
"Who are you mooning over?"
Lissa crosses her arms over her chest and cuts across the room to get closer to him. Joey tries not to instinctually jerk his communicator closer to his chest as she peers down at it with a curious glint in her eye.
"Frank Hardy," Joey spells out with his fingers. "He's a friend of mine."
Her brow furrows. "Frank? Have I met him?"
Joey shakes his head.
"What do you think he was calling for?"
Hopefully not to tell me that the world is on its way to ending, Joey thinks, worrying at his lip.
"Not sure," Joey signs. His thumb hovers over the call-back button. "I guess I'm about to find out."
Red Letter Day by silverwhittlingknife
Dick Grayson, stressed pseudo-parent to a preteen assassin, tries to solve the case of Damian’s Mysterious Wednesday.
He never expected it to help him fix his relationship with Tim, too.
(... Though only after everything fell apart first.)
Eventual fix-it for Dick & Tim’s Red Robin fight, but other rocky relationships - Dick & Jason, Tim & Damian, Damian & Bruce, Dick & Bruce - wow, this family is dysfunctional - might improve too. Eventually. They just have to, y’know, work through All of Their Issues first. XD
Two of Six by silverwhittlingknife
There’s nothing special about this kid, no reason to remember him. But Dick remembers. Because of the photo.
Dick and Tim’s pre-nu52 relationship, from the beginning all the way to the end.
or: how Dick acquired a stalker, attempted to make him go away, and failed so badly that he acquired a brother instead.
(So far: missing scenes from childhood, Lonely Place of Dying, Knightfall, and Knightsend. Current arc: Prodigal.)
In the Palm of Your Hand by lapsedpacifist
Dick was forced into becoming a host for an entity of unknown strength, unknown motive, and unknown reach. The only thing he did know? It needed him alive.
Neurodegenerative series by lapsedpacifist
The general premise: Bruce has completely forgotten about Dick, and Dick only. Now tension is high between them and the rest of the family as they attempt to resolve the memory problem -- while drawing battlelines and realising that Dick had always been much more than a brother to them all.
the primacy of personal conscience by birdsofthesoul
"WHAT MAKES IAGO EVIL? some people ask. I never ask."
— Joan Didion, Play It as It Lays
Or: Dick, his family, and the moral morass of a wishing well.
This is all I could think of at the moment! I'll add more once I read the ones I encountered while I made this list. Enjoy!!
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