#and yes they have siblings named after their grandfathers
ak319 · 2 days
Weird Yan Cousin x reader (Platonic)
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//Warnings: Mentions of prostitution, human trafficking, kidnapping, weird behaviour but not incest, gore)
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Your life had taken such a twisted turn for the worse this year, leaving you wondering if you were cursed. First, your parents died tragically in a fire that destroyed their home. Then, you found out your partner had been unfaithful. Since you shared an apartment, you had to move out, but they stayed, and the two of you were still arguing about selling it to split the money.
As if that wasn’t enough, you lost your job just three days after the breakup--allegedly for poor performance, which was completely untrue. None of this was your fault, yet everything seemed to be spiralling out of control. You were teetering on the edge when you received a strange phone call.
It was from someone claiming to be a distant cousin, Nova Salem. The name struck a chord--she was from your father’s side, the daughter of your uncle Ralph. But you had never met her or any of that side of the family. Your father had severed ties with them long ago. Ralph was only his half-brother, born from your second grandfather, Edmund Salem, whom you’d also never met.
Her sudden call made you feel uneasy, but you were desperate for help, and she offered it without hesitation. Pushing aside all the questions swirling in your mind--about your family dynamics, her abrupt contact, and the series of unfortunate events that felt like a row of dominoes crashing--you packed your bag. The next day, Nova's chauffeuse, Robyn, picked you up from your friend's place.
Robyn was an odd one, giving you mostly one-word, cryptic answers to anything you asked. What really threw you, though, was the route she took. You’d assumed Nova lived somewhere in the city, but Robyn just kept driving... and driving.
Now, here you were, standing in front of a massive estate in the middle of nowhere. You nearly jumped out of your skin when Robyn suddenly spoke from behind you.
"Let's get you inside, ma'am." Robyn's voice cut through the eerie silence as you gripped the strap of your bag, letting out a nervous chuckle. "Um, are you sure this is--"
"Yes, it's the Salem estate."
You glanced around, trying to keep your nerves in check. It could easily pass as a horror movie set, noting the distant tree line, the stormy skies, and the endless dirt road behind. Was this even the right choice? Panic started to creep in. What if she's not my cousin and just stalked my family tree to lure me here?! I am so stupid!
"Welcome, cousin."
Your eyes snapped forward to see a tall figure standing in the entrance, finally registering. Nova, no doubt. She stood taller than you, with short, thick black hair neatly styled, wearing a black turtleneck beneath a long cloak-like robe, paired with black pants...and bare feet?
Before you could even react, she closed the distance and pulled you into a tight hug, muffling your greeting and leaving you a bit breathless from the unexpected embrace.
"I can't believe you're finally here! You see this, Robyn?!" Nova exclaimed, her large hand gripping your head and shaking it playfully. "My little sister is here at last!"
Robyn merely nodded and silently took your other suitcase inside, leaving just the two of you.
"S-sister?" you stammered, taken aback. Her eyes gleamed even brighter, if that was possible, the intensity in her gaze at odds with her composed appearance.
"Indeed, my soror," she affirmed, her hands now firmly grasping your shoulders. "I never got the chance to feel the love of siblings, and with all the family drama and stuff, I was always left out. I never had the chance to have any real connection with family. You’re the only cousin I have."
Her words tugged at your heart, though you couldn’t shake the underlying suspicion.
"No other cousins at all?" you asked, cautiously.
"Nope. My mother was an only child. Anyway, let's get you inside." Nova kept her hold on you, gently steering you toward the entrance. Just before stepping in, she paused, making sure you took off your shoes in the porch. "Enter humbly," she said with a strange conviction. "We are born of the earth, and to the earth, we will return. It’s only right that we honour our origin, for soil should never fear soil."
What? The statement left you puzzled, but you decided to go along with it, stepping inside the dimly lit hallway.
Candles? Really?
"Um, why are the lights off?" you asked, your voice slightly shaky.
"Electricity? Oh, I forgot--you’re a city girl," Nova replied, her tone almost teasing. "I'll ask Robyn to have the switch on for your room--the fan, the lights---but the rest of the house operates without it."
"Why, though? In this day and age? Like, nothing at all?"
Instead of answering, she simply let out a low, eerie chuckle, leaving your nervous laugh hanging awkwardly in the heavy air.
"Let me show you your room." Nova's voice echoed down the dimly lit corridor, where candle flames flickered against the walls, casting long, dancing shadows. The mansion’s interior had an unmistakably gothic feel, with dark wood panelling, high arched ceilings and classic, aged furnishings. The air was thick with an old-world charm as if you had stepped into a place frozen in time. The paintings on the walls, though faded with age, exuded an eerie beauty, depicting somber figures mostly of a woman--always the same portrait of her--and forgotten landscapes
You stepped inside the room, expecting more of the same gloomy charm, only to freeze in disbelief.
What the hell is going on?
"Why is it… all… pink?" you asked, blinking at the sight before you. The walls were plastered with Barbie stickers that looked as vintage as the rest of the house. The bed was oversized and covered in frilly pink bedding, surrounded by plush toys that had seen better days.
"Isn't this what girls love?" Nova said with a wide, innocent smile. "Like little sisters?"
You spun around, trying to process everything. "Hold up. I just met you for the first time ever, so can you please stop calling me your little sister? We're cousins and barely even know each other." Your voice rose as you gestured at the pink explosion around you. "Also, do you think I’m 12?!" The moment the words left your mouth, you felt a pang of regret. Nova’s smile faded, and she looked taken aback. Guilt set in as you realized how harshly you had reacted. She had offered you a place to stay during a rough time. Maybe you could have been more understanding and patient, especially considering she provided you with a bed and a roof over your head.
"Oh my God..." For Nova, that was the most adorable thing she had ever witnessed.
"Um... I--"
"ROBYN! ROBYN!" Nova’s voice cut through the air, making you back away nervously. Her gaze remained fixed on you as she continued to shout.
"Yes, ma'am? How may I assist you?"
"(Y/n)..." Nova grabbed Robyn by the collar, shaking her with surprising force. "My sister--sorry, soon-to-be sister--just had her first tantrum! All thanks to you, Robyn, you absolute genius!"
What in the world--is she being excited or just passive-aggressive? You couldn’t tell.
"It’s okay! I mean, I like it... It’s good."
"You do? You don’t want another room?"
"Um, if... it’s available th--"
"No, it isn’t."
"...this is it then... I guess."
"Robyn, get the food ready. My cousin needs her evening nourishment."
They left you standing in the room, utterly dumbfounded. Everything about this day--and about her--was making you feel dizzy. The way she carries herself, the way she speaks--it’s all becoming a blur. Something in your heart warns that this is going to be a nightmare.
But at least you’re not in some serial killer’s clutches, as you feared before entering. Being an only child and living in such a large mansion might have messed with her mental health, but you hoped it hadn’t gotten worse than this.
The sudden flicker of the lights jolted you from your thoughts, making your soul feel like it had left your body. The room’s colour was now painfully vivid, almost too much to bear. Honestly, the dim glow of the candles was easier on the eyes.
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You soon found yourself dining with Nova in the grand dining hall, the two of you beginning to learn about each other. Mostly, you listened to her recounting her adventures. It was impressive how many languages she knew and the places she had visited, though she seemed completely oblivious to modern slang and anything related to media, which you found a bit amusing.
"Anthropologist, huh? Isn't it boring?"
"Boring?" She cackled, her laughter echoing through the vast room. "Absolutely not! I get to travel, explore, and find fascinating things." Judging by the eclectic items scattered around the room, she was certainly telling the truth.
"You seem to have a fondness for skulls."
"Oh! Haha! Aren't they so symbolic in their own way? They are empty, yet their hollow eyes seem to gaze into the essence of mortality itself. Each one holds the silent echoes of a life once lived, a reminder of our own fleeting existence and the stories that we leave behind."
"Are they real?"
"I leave that to the admirer to decide. What do you think?"
"Fake or maybe both, judging by how much you’ve explored."
"You think I’d bring skulls from my adventures?"
Her laugh interrupted you again. "You’re so naive, (Y/N)."
Just as I suspected.
"Anyway, what about your love life?"
"I don't feel attracted to the idea of being subjected to bodily fluids, particularly in moments of passion. " You felt your appetite slip away.
That’s a rather...unique way to say you’re asexual and single...?
"Cool. But doesn’t it get lonely here?"
"Loneliness isn’t something I mind. Besides, I’m not alone--I have Robyn and now you. A little-"
"Indeed, a little cousin." You picked up your phone and then realized something. "Oh, I need the Wi-Fi password."
"Sorry, but that might not be possible."
"What?! Don’t tell me you don’t use Wi-Fi! That’s atrocious."
"You see, this technology that the youth have become so attached to has many malevolent effects. I cannot let you be subjected to that."
"What do you mean?! I need to find a job! And how do you do your own work?" Her calm demeanour remained unshaken as Robyn appeared behind you, slamming a newspaper down in front of you. The suddenness startled you. What is it with these people and their jump scares?
"This is today’s paper and your source for finding work."
"Are you kidding me? I need Wi-Fi for my job. I do half of my work online!"
"I’ll need to observe the signs this week. If they are favorable, you might get access. Farewell, cousin. Have a good sleep. Robyn, please escort her to her chambers." You clenched your jaw as she walked away. "WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?! WHAT SIGNS?! SO YOU DO HAVE WI-FI?!"
God, what is going on? Is this a fever dream?
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You were absolutely enraged in the following days. Apparently, the signs were negative, which meant you were stuck with no FUCKING Wi-Fi!
"Maybe the signs will be positive next month."
Whatever that means. In the meantime, you faced a series of bizarre occurrences that only deepened the unsettling feeling about your stay here and made you question reality. Despite her insistence on not using electricity, the candles lit themselves as if by some hidden mechanism. You were certain she used Wi-Fi--how else would she manage her research and extensive travels?
Her behavior was equally bewildering. She walked barefoot, even in the muddy grass outside during the rain, and would spend hours out there.
Some events left you sleepless for nights.
You once saw her talking to a pillar in the lawn from your bedroom window at night. At first, you thought she might be on a call, but no. She was facing the pillar the entire time. And then there was the incident where she literally smelled your... period.
"Eat this," she said, offering you a bowl of literal pickles. You swatted it away.
"What the fuck, dude?!"
"It’s to relieve menstrual pains. Although not scientifically proven, it is a good remedy."
"Just a matter of having good senses."
In the evenings, she always visited you for tea, bringing her two black hounds along. Despite your protests, she continued to bring them inside. You hated how they always seemed to sniff under the bed, her dark, void-like eyes trained on them as if she wanted them to find something.
Wouldn't want her cousin hiding something, would she? Perhaps thinking she could slip away, unnoticed, back to her old life?
Due to the lack of Wi-Fi, you spent most of your time reading books and exploring the mansion, trying out the strange array of activities Nova had set up for you. She instructed Robyn to teach you various skills like shooting, wrestling, and knife throwing....? You enjoyed it though but yes, you were shocked to discover that Robyn wasn’t just a driver, chef, or butler but seemed to be some sort of retired hitwoman. She never confirmed nor spoke about herself, adding to the mystery.
Despite the chaos and strangeness, you found yourself adapting to this bizarre new routine, almost treating it like a vacation and unexpectedly lifting you out of your depression.
You tried finding jobs but with no success. Every time you found a promising ad, something mysteriously went wrong with the car. It always seemed to break down, as if on cue. The phone in the estate barely worked, with your friend's voice garbled into unintelligible fragments or the call cutting off entirely before you could get a full sentence in. It was as if the house itself refused to let any connection to the outside world slip through.
One day, you had had enough of watching Nova work on her COMPUTER in her study while you languished in boredom.
"Look, I appreciate your hospitality, but it seems I’ve actually found a job, and it's time for me to-"
"You haven’t," Nova said, her voice smooth but chilling as she stepped closer, her face half-hidden in the shadows. "Don’t lie. I despise liars."
"Nova, I’ve had enough of this. I’m sorry, but living here is overwhelming with all the bizarre restrictions, the eerie silence, and the lack of contact with anyone! I can’t stay here. I need to go out and find a job! I didn’t come here to live permanently."
"And you think you have a say in that, cousin?"
"Wha-" Before you could finish, a cloth soaked in a strong, suffocating chemical was pressed against your face. The world around you blurred and faded as you struggled to breathe, slipping into unconsciousness.
"You are not going anywhere, Duif." (dove, in Dutch)
You woke up to the unsettling sound of floorboards creaking and the ominous clinking of metal against metal. Your body felt unnervingly cold, and you soon realized you were bound to a chair with ropes.
"Awake, (Y/N)?" Nova's voice, as smooth and chilling as velvet, made your blood run cold. You shivered uncontrollably as you saw her standing a few feet away. Robyn was in another corner, methodically sharpening a row of gleaming knives.
God, no. This can't be happening...
"Please... Nova, what is happening?! THIS ISN'T FUNNY! Please!" You didn’t care that you were pleading and sobbing in front of this lunatic. Fear clutched at your heart, twisting it painfully. You regretted everything that had led you to this point. You’d already lost your parents, your partner, your job--was your life now slipping through your fingers as well?
"Shush. Don't be scared. I just want you to listen to me. And carefully." Nova said as she grabbed a stool and sat in front of you. Where are we even? Is this some hidden room? Your eyes darted around frantically, taking in the grim surroundings, chains hanging from the bloody walls, a nailed coffin standing ominously in the corner, a table cluttered with various torture tools that Robyn stood beside, and, bizarrely, a fucking jacuzzi in the corner.
"Listen, it's time I tell you the things you need to know. About me, this family and even yours. You see (Y/N), my father, Ralph Salem, he wasn't a good man. He was involved in all types of bad things. Especially regarding...women. I was a teen when I found out he was involved in trafficking girls, the reason he fucked around with lots of women and... young girls, simultaneously abusing my mother mentally and physically. When he caught her leaving with me, he killed her... in front of me. Imagine that, I couldn't do anything." She paused with a dry scoff, "You have seen that pillar right? The devil buried her under it. I couldn't stand it. I wanted to die but he kept me alive because I was his heir, with his fucking disgusting blood inside of me. So I waited, I became the perfect heir for him only so that I could kill him in the most brutal way...which I did," You whimpered at her dark chuckle as she wiped your tears.
"Do you know where you come in?" Nova's voice was icy as she continued. "I began researching you the moment I discovered your existence. I wanted some form of familial love, even after I convinced myself I didn’t need anyone." Abruptly, she rose and moved to Robyn, taking a freshly sharpened knife from her hands.
"Guess what I found? Your parents were my father's business partners at one point. You see these skeletons here?" She gestured to the grim collection. "These are the people I hunt, (Y/N)--the ones my father worked with, those entangled in this... industry. And I continue hunting them. So I did to your parents what I did to all of them. Robyn, show her."
The butler pulled a lever, causing a hidden closet to open. Inside, the bodies of your parents were revealed--half burned, half slashed, with their limbs gone, only torsos-making you scream in horror.
"The bodies at the crime scene weren’t theirs. I used my connections to save them for you--along with another surprise," Nova said, her voice dripping with cold satisfaction as she slid the door open further. There, your partner’s corpse was revealed, grotesquely nailed to the wall like a butterfly, their chest open and hollow, blood eagle...which Nova once told you about. Without warning, you threw up to the side, your legs trembling uncontrollably. You could barely breathe, each gulp of air shallow and shaky, and you felt the world closing in. Please just let this be a nightmare. Wake up (Y/n), wake up!
"Did I mention that I eliminate bad partners too? How could I let them live after what they did to my dear...cousin?" She stepped closer, the knife gleaming in her hand. You shook your head desperately, unable to form coherent words. With a swift motion, she cut the ropes binding you, forcing you to stand. Her gaze was fierce, unyielding.
"You, however , were innocent, unaware of your parent's past. So from now on, you are a Salem. You will live here, as you are meant to." Her gaze darkened. "This is your place, your family. And I won’t have you trying to run away."
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You slammed the trunk door shut and turned to Nova, who was meticulously removing her gloves.
"He was quite the noisy one," she remarked with a nod. "Indeed, sestra. Though you did a commendable job tracking him, little nerd. Now, let’s head back. My favourite part awaits in the mansion."
Ah, yes, it was Wednesday--skinning day.
From a software engineer to an assistant to a serial killer cousin with an intriguing butler, you found yourself strangely enthralled by this new life.
‘I want this world to be rid of those like my father, who mirror him in even the slightest way, together with you, my dear cousin.’
(AN: I realised that Nova might have put her own childhood plushies in the reader's room, which tugs my heart😭my baby)
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hotchs-second-wife · 8 months
I'm writing a upstead son x stellaride daughter fanfic for fun.
Kinda like how upstead met but instead stellaride's daughter is ordering upstead's son around because she's a fire captain and he's a detective, until they recognise each other from when they were little.
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litchifaerie · 3 months
hii! i hope you’re doing well!!
can i get a jace fic where she’s his younger sister and she’s just really dependent on him, and like follows his around and tried to stay w him while he’s really protective of her especially from the greens
pairings: protective!jace x valeryon(strong)!reader
warnings: not quite angst unless the last line. but the tension is there, fluff i suppose, romantic tension, canon typical incest. if anything else let me know, MAJOR SPOILER FOR FIRE & BLOOD/FUTURE HOTD
word count: 1.8k <3
a/n: I am sorry i have been tardy with my promise but here is your much awaited request!!
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You liked it here. Laying in bed, reading a book of poems while your mother combed through your hair. Rhaenyra always had a soft spot for her only daughter, caving in and allowing every reasonable whim you had. “Mother” you speak slowly, putting the book down and holding it close to your chest. Rhaenyra stops her gentle movement, looking down at you with fondness, “yes my child”?
“Can we stay here in king’s landing for longer?” you ask, “I do not wish to leave grandsire’s side yet. The maesters do not bring news of improvement any longer and I fear….” You trail off not wanting to word it out loud. Rhaenyra knew of the gravity of her father’s health but she feared the wedge between her children and her half siblings will only give rise to new fights and arguments every day.
“You know we can’t my dove”, she pets your head affectionately, “who will look after Dragonstone with us gone?”
“Please”, you request sitting up and turning your back to face her, “I do not want to risk not being here when he passes away and miss my chance at a last good bye.” Even Rhaenyra couldn’t argue with your words. Your request comes from a place of adoration for your grandfather, he was quite fond of his elder granddaughter, but Rhaenyra also contemplated what can go wrong if she isn’t here for her father’s death. No matter the legitimacy of her being named heir to the throne, she is well aware of the whispers at court, the scheming of the hand and the queen. Aegon Targaryen cannot be king if she is here to take control of the situation.
“It’s settled then” Rhaenyra agrees after a beat of silence. “We shall stay here for as long as you desire.” A smile of gratitude makes its way on your face at your mother’s words and you are quick to embrace her “Thank you mother”. Rhaenyra chuckles, rubbing soothing circles on your back “Now rest my dove, it has been a hectic day.” She leans in to kiss your forehead “sweet dreams”.
You make your way beneath the sheets, head resting comfortably on the pillow “Farewell mother”. With one last look at you Rhaenyra steps out of the room. The door closes softly behind her, letting the dim glow from the candles lull you into sleep.
Morning arrives gently, with sunshine streaming through the windows casting a soft glow in your room. The ladies assigned for your care had let themselves in, rousing you from your sleep and ushering you to the bath to get ready for the day.
The baths at King’s Landing were more majestic than back home. You take your time soaking in the warm water with jasmine oil and rose petals, sighing in pleasure. It didn’t take long for you to get dressed with the help of the ladies and having your breakfast alone, opting for some calm in the morning knowing your brothers and uncles will inevitably destroy any sense of peace in the coming hours.
“I’d like to take a stroll through the keep, alone. Much has changed since I’ve been away.” The guard assigned for your duty only nods at your command as you make your way out of the room. The seven-pointed star glares at your face at every turn you make, a stark contrast to the regal décor the keep had in your childhood.
“Sister! Wait!” comes a voice from your right. You stop turning around only to be faced with a panting Jacaerys. “Brother” you greet with a slight smile “You are up early today” you tease. “I was looking for you” says Jacaerys, ignoring your teasing. “I was wondering if you were alright after last night’s events”.
You slightly wince at the memory of Jace throwing a punch at Aemond and Aegon and Luce starting a brawl of their own. Your cousin Baela even tried jumping only for you to grab her by the waist as you yelled for them to stop.
“I’m alright” you dismiss his worries. “It was just a graze”. Aemond’s elbow had hit you in the cheek causing you to yelp in pain. Aemond’s actions did stop midway not expecting you to be so near and get hurt but it only spurred Jace even more as he landed even stronger punches than before at his uncle’s jaw.
Jace gently reaches a hand up to caress your face. “Its good it didn’t bruise” he thumbs at your cheek, “I’d not let it go if that brute ruined your pretty face”. And there it was again. Jace always had a penchant for using certain choice of words which reddened your face.
“Jace” you warn, “Do not fall prey to our uncle’s provoking. You know both of them only say words to rile us up.” Jace let’s go off your face sighing “I can’t help it if they accuse us of…” Accuse us of what? The Truth?
The somber tone in his voice lets you know of his mood dropping. It was only the start of the day and you will be damned if you let your older brother sulk so early. “I’d like to accompany you to your training if that’s alright with you?” Nothing makes him happier than being able to show off his skills to his younger sister and you are well aware of that. Jace is quick to look at you with shining eyes and agrees to your request.
You follow after him as he excitedly tells you of a new method he learnt from Daemon, smiling at his words and nodding when you think its appropriate to let him know you are attentive. Jace liked having your sole attention on him. It was just you and him in the beginning. His mother told him that the first time he saw you when he was a boy of two, you had looked at him as if he hung the moon and the stars in the night sky. Your crying would only stop if your older brother was there to shush you with his toys. You were the happiest baby when in his presence, trailing behind him like a little duckling, a trait which you still carry. Nothing soothes your nerves like being near Jace.
You watch as Jace spars with a squire. A sheen of sweat on his forehead making him look godly in the late morning sun. “I do not think its fit for a lady to be here niece” comes a chilling voice from right behind you, closer than you’d like that voice to be. “Uncle” you greet, your eyes not wavering from Jace at all, “I think I can go wherever I’d like. The Red Keep is my home as well after all.” Aemond smirks at your reply. Out of all the strong bastards you were his favourite to toy with. The boys were quick to throw punches but the ability to sometimes make you unable to come with a witty response brought him immense satisfaction.
“Hmm” he hums, coming to stand by your side, a little too close for comfort, “I hope my elbow didn’t cause you any harm princess. It would be unfortunate to see your brown eyes blacken from my unintentional hit.” Brown eyes. He emphasized it. He is trying to make you take the bait again. And his backhanded words of comfort and presence did unnerve you more than you’d like to admit.
“If you wish to see how real men train perhaps you should watch me instead of your no good of a brother. He moves like a boy who was gifted a sword a day ago” Aemond whispers in your ear. His breath hitting your skin makes your skin crawl and you shiver in disgust, moving back and putting a distance between yourself. “No thank you” you decline politely. “I prefer my brother over all”. Aemond only gives a sly grin at that, “Even in your bed?” he mocks.
What was stopping you from slapping this bastard from even suggesting such nonsense. You grit your teeth in frustration, almost hitting him yourself when a protective arm wraps around your waist bringing you back into a sturdy chest. “Who my sister brings into her bed is none of your concern dearest uncle” Jace says cooly. “And I suggest you refrain from using certain phrases that will bring the honor of my sister into question” he raises his brows at Aemond challenging him. “I’d hate to dislocate your jaw over some misunderstanding, we are family after all.”
One thing Aemond had learned from the beginning was Jace will never lose a chance to be your protective guard dog. He could hit two birds with one stone by simply choosing to pick on you instead. Why rile up one Strong bastard when you can rile up two? “I’d like to see you try” Aemond grins leaning in to challenge your brother.
“Jace” you whisper, “Don’t.” Aemond chuckles at your warning. “Aww will poor Prince Jace listen to his sister like an obedient mutt?” Jace clenches his jaw at his statement. “He isn’t worth it Jace” you interlock your fingers with Jacaerys’s trying to tug him away. Once you are able to move him from his spot, you lead Jace away and turn to Aemond to give him a disgusting sneer “You’re pathetic.”
Aemond's grin widens, his eye gleaming with amusement as he watches you walk away, Jace's hand still in yours. "Run along, little dove," he calls out mockingly, but you don't look back.
As you and Jace walk through the courtyard, the tension slowly eases from his shoulders. "You shouldn't let him get to you," you whisper, glancing up at him with a reassuring smile. "He only seeks to provoke."
Jace nods, but his grip on your waist tightens protectively. "I won't let him hurt you," he promises, his voice low and determined. "Not ever." You squeeze his hand, drawing strength from his presence. "I know, Jace. I know." You kiss his cheek gently hoping to calm him “No one can hurt me with you breathing down my neck” you giggle trying to lighten the mood.
He rests his chin on top of your head. “I won’t let any harm come to you ever. No one can hurt you.” His arms squeeze around your waist.
You always felt restless without Jace, and nothing brought you more comfort than being in his arms. You never have to worry about being safe with your brother around.
But years later when you crumble at the sight of the body of Jacaerys Velaryon with an arrow through his neck, no one is prepared for the wail of anguish that leaves your throat at not having your Jacaerys beside you anymore.
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mynameisjag · 1 month
Clearing out the WIP folders, have this one that didn't go anywhere.
It wasn’t the first time too curious of outsiders had found them, will not be the last either, which is why there were policies in place for such situations.
At least the…visitors…cause that’s what they were for now, here to see then leaving very soon even if it wasn’t the same way they arrived…at least they were entertaining.
Talia just smiled at the other woman across from her as they enjoyed a morning cup of tea, the red head continuing on and on with her theories and “scientific" findings.
Most were so very wrong but a few conversations in had already proved that their guest were set in their beliefs despite evidence proving otherwise.
The mountain of the man had trapped some of the more unfortunate servants in his own rant, the poor things…
She missed her son, she missed being a mother…
The duo of siblings were at least more wary of their surroundings…
Danny and Jazz didn’t trust the hospitality, wary and ever watching everyone and everything.
They had potential…
Danny was staring at her, eyes hard, “Where is my mom?”
“Hmm, dear, there is some tea and fruit waiting for you-"
“Stop ignoring me, where is my mom?”
Ra’s did a lazy hand wave to show off the room, Jazz didn’t seem impressed.
“Our library is filled with knowledge from around the world, constantly updating, after all, knowledge is power.”
“Is the whereabouts of our parents in there or is that something you already have on hand?”
The vase of roses like blooms were placed in front of Danny, Talia slightly and amusingly smiling at his paling face.
“The flowers are beautiful aren’t they, a rare and exotic breed, once believed to be extinct.”
“Blood blossoms but…how?”
“Just a little research, they look lovely don’t they, especially when places around windows and doorways, we have a few hidden away in certain rooms to keep there pleasant aroma floating around.”
“What…what rooms?”
“Hmm, mostly the ones near the perimeter, we haven’t moved into the inner sanctuary yet, don’t want anyone from within to get sick do we?”
“…no…no we don’t…”
Ra’s took a sip off his tea, casually watching Jazz silently shake with rage.
“You are very perceptive, now we will begin lessons in utilizing that.”
“I just want to be a psychologist, I want to help people…not this…”
“To help them, you must first break them down.”
“Danyal, your grandfather is expecting us soon, your sister will be joining as well, it has been too long since we have enjoyed a family meal together-"
“Stop it! My name is Danny, Danny Fenton, my mom is Maddie Fenton and my dad is Jack Fenton, you are not my mother, that man isn’t my grandfather!”
“…it seems that we need to increase your training, perhaps helping with the gardening will quell your temper.”
“…I…my apologies Mother…”
“Hmm. I expect you'll be on your best behavior then, Danyal.”
“Yes, Mother.”
“You did well in this lesson, Jasmine.”
“You poisoned the tea and had me guess which one was the safe one…”
“And you recognized the smell and avoided it.”
“There are two others dead…”
“They should have noticed this was a lesson, assassination could come at any time from anyone, by tea or…by a slow drawn out poisoning by one's home environment…”
“My parents weren’t poisoning us!”
“Now we both know that isn’t true, your Mother just had you and brother start your resistance training.”
“That's not-"
“You can continue on and risk punishment or take your earned reward and enjoy the rest of your afternoon.”
“This is Danyal. Forge him, bring him to his full potential.”
“By your order, I shall make him into a weapon worthy of your legacy.”
“I expect that and more.”
Talia couldn’t help but hum happily to herself, perhaps there was something to her beloved’s habit of taking in strays.
There wasn’t the consequences of ones own blood being of failure and any misgivings could be deducted towards past raising.
Really, those Fenton's were clearly unaware of the potential they had on their hands, it was fate that brought them here.
“Danyal, Jasmine, my dears, I believe you both have earned rewards for your recent accomplishments, a believe a trip to see your brother is in order.”
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pompyoly · 3 months
David Shaw Headcannons
David’s canonically bi/ pansexual and had a crush on Asher when he was younger
Darlin and David had a sibling bond and would spend together by themselves at pack meetings or the solstices
David has selective people that he lets touch him in a friendly way
David has pulled Darlin out of fights and always lectured them afterward
David has cologne that smells like the forest, anything that smells like rainwater, trees, or the forest he has a cologne of it
David had an unassigned assigned table at his school for the main 4 pack no matter what grade Darlin was in he’d always make sure that they sat with him if they were alone
David favors Angel's smile over everything he loves everything about them, but their smile is his favorite
David visits Gabe’s grave and talks about Angel often and informs him on things going on in his life(Gabe was the first person he told about his thoughts on marrying angel)
David can’t sleep without Angel next to him, and yes, he will be able to sense when they’re getting out of bed or moving
David got into a few fights growing up whenever someone was bullying Milo for his height
When David was younger, he didn’t talk. Whenever somebody needed comfort he’d be more of a listener
David is the type to hold people tightly to ground them if they are ever having a panic attack
David never cries, and it’s a rare sight when he does
David can’t function without Asher and it’s mutual between them they most definitely sat near each other in school, ate lunch together, and were each other's best men at their weddings
David shifts whenever he cuddles with angel just so that they can pet his fur(his favorite spot is on the side of his face on either side)
David’s rich, but he’s also humble, sure he’ll spend money on whatever Angel wants and not bat an eye, but nobody knows just how rich he is until he buys something expensive
David and the rest of the main 4 would sleep on the couch whenever they had sleepovers because Asher would try to cuddle with him, Milo would follow Asher, and Darlin would just wanna be included
David was anxious when he asked Angel to marry him because he thought they’d reject him
David couldn’t yell at Angel. Even if he tried he’d feel bad the second he raised his voice at them
David has once threatened to kick someone out of the pack that talked shit about angel
Bonus-David wears his dad's old watch. Whether it’s broken or not broken, he doesn’t care and still wears it
David comforts Angel whenever they get jealous of Sweetheart or Tank bc they’re unempowered
David still has nightmares of the inversion and still thinks about how he could’ve lost Asher
Bonus- David is named after his grandfather(don’t ask me how I know I just do)
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arc-misadventures · 7 months
What are those
Winter " weiss mom wants me to marry jaune
All the girls who do want to marry him hug winter " welcome sister
Weiss 😱
The Dragons Dowery
Weiss: Ughhh… Gods that was a nightmare…
Yang: Yeah, that was… That was a mess…
Ruby: Going to have some words with, Blake. She… she…
Yang: Has no chill?
Ruby: Yeah, that… How did this all happen? I was too busy trying not to get attacked by crazed faunas that I forgot.
Weiss: Jaune said he eats dust, I wanted to test that out, and then he started belching up fire. Apparently, the quality of, Dust made by the, Schnee Dust Company is considered… cheap to his literal taste.
Yang: Cheap? What do you mean by cheap?
Weiss: I… I don’t know. When he started hacking, and belching out fire, and when he had a chance to speak all he said was that my father was a, ‘cheap bastard.’
Ruby: So, he thinks the dust is of poor quality? What does that mean?
: Mr. Arc considers the, Dust made by the, SDC to be of poor quality. As is it unrefined in his opinion. Therefore it… tastes rancid…
Ruby: Huw? Who are you?
Weiss: Winter; You’re here?!
Winter: Hello, Weiss it’s nice to see you again.
Yang: Is this your aunt, Weiss?
Weiss: Aunt? No this is my older sister, Winter Schnee. Why did you think she was my aunt?
Yang: She’s taller, older, has breasts…
Weiss: Hey!
Yang: She’s the complete opposite to you, so I thought you were family, just not siblings.
Winter: That is a fair assessment.
Weiss: Winter?!
Ruby: Hello! I’m Ruby, Ruby Rose leader of, Team RWBY!
Winter: Ruby of, Team RWBY?
Ruby: Yeah… even I get confused at times too…
Yang: Well, I’m Yang Xiao Long! This little gremlins cool hot older sister, nice to meet you!
Winter: Pleasure. There should be four members, where is the fourth member of your team?
Weiss: Our fourth member is, Blake Belladonna, and she is… somewhere…? I don’t know where she is, last time I saw her she was trying to linch me because she thought I tried to kill, Jaune.
Winter: And… why did she try to do that?
Weiss: Blake is a faunas, and she’s part of the more… fanatic devotees towards my friend, Jaune Arc.
Winter: I suppose it has to deal with him being this supposed, ‘Dragon King?’
Weiss: That’s more, or less it.
Ruby: So, what brings you here, Winter?
Winter: Mother, and I came at the request of your summons.
Yang: Summons?
Ruby: Are you talking about the time, Weiss yelled at your dad to get her diamonds checked?
Winter: Yes, Weiss wanted, Mr. Arc to authenticate the authenticity of our family’s family jewels.
Yang: Was that a correct sentence?
Ruby: The auto correct says so.
Weiss: And, how did the grading go?
Winter: Well… two thirds of them are fake…
Weiss: Eh…?
Winter: A fact that, Mr. Arc proved by eating the fakes…
Ruby: He ate them?
Winter: Even mother’s engagement ring was a fake, to which he proved by eating it.
Yang: Ouch.
Winter: But, based upon what, Mr. Arc said, the person father bought these diamonds from was an infamous swindler specializing in fake diamonds.
Weiss: Oh… Well, I guess that’s okay…
Winter: And, Mom offered the, Schnee Diamond as a dowery for, Jaune.
Weiss: Eh…?
Ruby: The what?
Yang: The Schnee Diamond? The hell is that?
Weiss: It’s our family’s heirloom; My grandfather, Nicolas Schnee found it decades ago during a mining expedition when he was founding the SDC. He named it after our family to be a moniker of our family’s legacy. Ha… you know it’s actually funny…
Ruby: What’s funny?
Weiss: All the diamonds my father acquired were fakes, and yet our grandfather’s diamond has more valuable than anything father could ever hope to acquire.
Winter: Fufufu~! That is quite funny.
Weiss: But, wait… Mom offered it as a dowery… F-For whose hand…?
Winter: …
Winter: M-My hand…
Weiss: W-W-What?!
Yang: Seriously?
Ruby: Congratulations!
Weiss: Ruby?!
Ruby: What?
Weiss: No, I… Okay, no… W-What did you say about all of this? No! What did, Jaune say about all of this, because based upon what he said, I will kill him!
Winter: Well… he was inspecting the, Schnee Diamond when, Mother made this offer. And, well… he seemed highly conflicted.
Yang: Was it because of, Jaune’s obsession of precious stones?
Winter: I would believe so. He seemed genuinely interested in accepting mother’s offer, but he eventually put the diamond back into its case, and shook his head. Jaune then told my mother that while he was genuinely tempted to accept her offer, it would remain my decision to accept this marriage proposal. And, that he wouldn’t accept anything until he learned more about me. Considering at most he knew about was that I was, Weiss’s older sister, and that I was more… full bodied than her. Whatever that meant.
Yang: I think he was talking about how, Weiss is flat, and you have booba.
Weiss: I am not flat!
Winter: Oh… that makes sense…
Ruby: So… you want to marry, Jaune?
Winter: …
Winter: Because of my position in the, Atlas Military I never thought about marriage. But, now that it has been presented before me as it has… Well… I am uncertain of how to react to all of this.
Yang: Probably should get to know, Jaune before you think of marriage then.
Winter: That would be an appropriate option to take. Should I ask him on an outing to get to know him then?
Yang: A date?
Winter: Yes, a date. Do you think he’d prefer dining at the, Chatou Chriteline?
Ruby: They serve food there right?
Winter: It’s a restaurant, the most famous high class one in all of, Vale. Have you not heard of it?
Yang: Lady, do we look like high class, hoty toty kind of gals?
Winter: Well…?!
Weiss: Don’t answer that.
Winter: Very well then…
Ruby: You could ask, Jaune’s girlfriends for help.
Winter: G-Girlfriends…? He already has a girlfriend?
Weiss: He has two actually…
Yang: And, if I play my cards right he’ll have three~!
Winter: You want to become a part of his… His…!!
Yang: Harem? Hell yeah I do~!
Winter: But, why?
Yang: I’m in love with the blond goofball. What more needs to be said?
Winter: You’re in love with him…?
Yang: Yeah. I can give you a list of reasons why, but all that matters really is that I love him.
Winter: Is that really all that matters…?
Yang: …
Yang: What are you asking?
Winter: I’m asking if you love him.
Yang: No, you’re not asking me that.
Ruby: What is she asking you, Yang?
: You should ask, ‘Have you ever been in love before?’
: She’s an, Atlasian. I doubt they understand the concept of love.
Winter: What? Who are you?
: Hello~! I’m Pyrrha Nikos, and I am, Jaune’s, First Chosen.
: Hi there pretty lady~! My name is, Coco Adel, his, Second Chosen.
Weiss: What are you two doing here?
Pyrrha: Yang texted me about the dowry. And, we decided to see who actually managed to get, Jaune’s attention.
Coco: And, I must say, Jaune has impeccable taste~!
Winter: Actually my mother put me up for this whole arranged marriage by offering him a dowery he couldn’t deny, well, barely could deny. This whole thing wasn’t my idea.
Pyrrha: Yeah, he’s been dealing with that a lot lately.
Winter: I’m willing to believe that. But, I must ask, what did the two of you mean by, ‘Chosen?’
Pyrrha: Oh it’s just a name we were given by the faunas because we were the… the… the first that…
Coco: The first girls that, Jaune fucked~!
Pyrrha: Yeah, that…
Winter: Y-You’ve slept with him?
Pyrrha: Yes we have.
Coco: Several times.
Pyrrha: We’ve slept with each other actually.
Coco: The future threesome we will have will be legendary~!
Pyrrha: Hopefully we won’t be walking out with a limp next time.
Coco: You kidding? The limp is the best part!
Yang: How good of a limp is it?
Coco: Why spoil the surprise~?
Weiss: Stop it. I don’t want to hear this. You can have your perverted sex lives all you want. I just don’t want to hear you explain it to me. Also, you broke, Ruby.
Yang: What?
Ruby: Bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaa…
Yang: RUBY?!
Pyrrha: Oops…
Coco: Ha! Blushing virgin.
Pyrrha: So… are you interested in dating, Jaune, Winter?
Winter: Well… to be honest, as you guessed I never dated before… or, be interested in anyone romantically. So, I don’t know…
Pyrrha: That’s fair, I’ve never been in love until I met, Jaune. And, after we first met I fell head over heels for him on the spot.
Winter: You’ve never been in love until after you met him?
Pyrrha: Nope. I’ve had plenty of famous people, and the like come on to me, but they never sparked anything in me. They were all just trying to use me to their advantage in one form, or the other. But, then I met someone who knew nothing about me, relied on me for who I am, and not who appeared to be. I’m more happy now than I have ever been since I met him, and becoming his girlfriend has made me more happy than I could ever imagine.
Winter: But, are you okay with… sharing him?
Pyrrha: I was hesitant at first, but the benefits of being part of a harem are quite… enticing~!
Winter: They are?
Coco: Ignore her, unless you want to hear something juicy~?
Winter: I would rather not.
Weiss: Me as well.
Yang: Well I would!
Coco: Later, hot stuff. So, tell me; are you interested in dating, Jaune, or would you prefer to brush this all aside, and forget this all happened?
Winter: …
Winter: I am willing to… investigate the possibility of a relationship if that is possible…
Weiss: You can’t be serious, Winter?
Winter: Have… have you ever seen a person, and thought, ‘what if?’
Weiss: I have…
Winter: Did you ever try to find out what, ‘what if’ could become?
Weiss: I have, and honestly I regretted trying to.
Winter: Then would you have regretted trying to, or never trying, Weiss?
Weiss: …
Weiss: Haa… I would have regretted never trying… Go… Go, and see if things could work between you two.
Winter: Thank you, Weiss.
Coco: Then come with us beautiful, and let us tell you all about our little dragon~!
Pyrrha: Little? Coco, honey, what part about, Jaune is little?
Coco: Good point.
Winter: I would prefer to learn more about his personality, habits, interests, and the like, before… before learning about those things.
Coco: Probably for the best if we do so.
Pyrrha: We wouldn’t want to scare her away now doubt we?
Coco: You coming along, Yang? Certainly you’ll want to hear this~!
Yang: Hell yeah I do!
Winter: I’ll see you later, Weiss. Shall we have dinner together later?
Weiss: I would love to, Winter. Have fun you… (Pa-Ping~!) Oh, Jaune just sent me a text.
Weiss: …
Weiss: W-What the hell…?
Pyrrha: What’s wrong, Weiss?
Weiss: ‘Weiss! Save me! Your mom is trying to seduce me, and it’s working! Save me before I do something I will (Slightly?) regret! Help!’
Coco: W-What…?
Pyrrha: Your mother is trying to seduce, Jaune… Why?
Yang: And, it’s working…?
Winter: How would I know?
Ruby: …
Ruby: Uhh… aren’t you going to go save, Jaune?
Weiss: Huw?
Winter: Beg pardon?
Ruby: Jaune just called for your help, are you two going to go save him, or are you going to let your mother sleep with your friend, and your, potential, husband?
Weiss: …
Winter: …
Weiss: Well… It’s, Jaune.
Winter: He seems like a pretty nice guy.
Weiss: And, the message he sent shows he doesn’t want to do it.
Winter: But, Mother is trying to seduce him, and succeeding… somehow.
Weiss: Mom sleeping with my friend just sounds wrong.
Winter: Not as bad as the thought of Mother sleeping with Father…
Weiss: I feel like throwing up just thinking about it…
Winter: Is that why she trying to seduce him, to have… to have a good time?
Weiss: Possibly, Pyrrha, and Coco gloat constantly on how good he is in bed. Maybe, Mom wanted to see that for herself.
Ruby: Uhh… Are you two trying to justify, Jaune sleeping with your mother?
Weiss: Uhh…
Yang: Sounds like you’re gonna let him bang your mom.
Winter: Well…
Ruby: Do you want, Jaune to sleep with your mom…?
Weiss: …
Winter: …
WW: Well…
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Brother's best friend
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Summary: You go to spend the summer at your grandparents, along with your family and the Wayne's. Will something rise between you and Damian?
Warnings: Reader is half kryptonian, meaning they can hear heartbeats.
Gender Neutral
Series Masterlist
It was quiet. There was no sound of cars in a busy street, voices of pedestrians that became too much as they all overlapped, no musty smell of used up air. It was quiet, only the sound of the TV, animals outside, and the heartbeats of your loved ones could he heard.
Your grandparent's farm was your escape. It was where you could go when you wanted to get away from the city that you and your family lived in. Apparently, everyone agreed, because now you're spending the summer on the farm, along with your mother, father, and brothers.
Your mother was helping your grandmother clean up after breakfast. Your father was helping your grandfather with the animals, you and Jon were watching a cartoon, and Kon was still sleeping.
Despite your grandparents being two lonely farmers, more people were still going to be joining you. Everyone had decided that it would be nice to invite Bruce Wayne and his children to join in on your short vacation. You had barely gotten Jon to sleep the night he found out that they said yes, he was far too excited about what was to come. Eventually, your mother had to come in and scold him for still being up.
If you listened close enough, you could hear their plane, and if you listened even closer, you could hear their hearts and words. Which Jon had been doing the entire time he had been awake, anxiously waiting for his best friend and his family to arrive, your father and Kon doing the same. Was it a little weird that Clark, Kon, and Jon were all best friends with members of the Wayne family? Yeah, a little bit. But did you care? No.
Jon had been going on for years now about his best friend, Damian Wayne. Apparently, the two of them met due to being Robin and Superboy. Jon had told you about the many adventures the two of them had, the times they would hang out at Wayne Manor, and how much he adored Damian. You've heard similar stories about Bruce, and Tim aswell, your father and Kon sharing the same excitement as Jon over their best-friends.
Almost all of the Wayne family has heard about you, too, but not as much as Damian has. Jon is always talking about his older sibling, born just two years before himself, and a year after Damian. Jon is always talking about the things the two of you have done, what you like, any new changes you've made to your appearance. To some extent, Damian feels as if he already knows you. You also feel the same.
"I can't wait for you to meet him." Jon excitedly tells you, taking his eyes away from the small TV and looking at you. You turn to meet his gaze and offer a small smile, hoping it will get him to stop gushing about this family you've never met. Maybe you're excited about meeting a certain older brother, one that your family said came back from the dead. It's not that you don't want to meet them, it's just that you don't want to spend your summer with some strangers.
It was about lunchtime when you could hear the plane getting closer to the farm, your family raced outside to greet their friends.
A grown man was the first to jump out of the plane, his hair wavy and black, eyes blue and skin tan. He had one of those Hollywood smiles that instantly got you plastered on a magazine. He ran up to your father and welcomed him into an embrace. He was far too young to be Bruce Wayne, but also too old to be Damian.
Another boy hopped out and jogged over to Kon. Obviously, that's Tim. His pale skin and shaggy black hair gave it away.
Who you assume was Bruce emerged next, the wrinkle between his eyebrows and his strong physique being a sign. You could hear your father whisper his name as he went up to hug the man.
An even younger boy walked out, instantly earning a yell from Jon. He looked almost identical to Bruce. Only his skin was tan, and his nose was stronger. His eyes were green, a strong contrast from the three blue-eyed men that he had traveled with. His hair was black and clean cut, styled upwards. He was gorgeous. His description could only mean that he was the one and only Damian.
Another man walked into the light. He was tall and muscular. His wavy hair was black with a stripe of white and out of his face. He was wearing sunglasses, blocking his eyes from your view. Even from the distance, you could see the scars that adorned the side of his face. Jason Todd.
You watched as your family exchanged their hellos, obviously excited about the entire situation. Just as you were about to turn and go back inside, you heard your father introducing your grandparents. That could only mean that you were next.
His arms gestured around your family before finally landing on you, "And that's, Y/N." He spoke.
The first man(whom you overheard the name of) started walking towards you, his flashy smile on display.
"Hi, I'm Dick!" He introduced himself, offering you a handshake. After you reciprocated the gesture, he put his arm over your shoulders, holding you to his side. His hand rose up to point at the other people he arrived with. "That's Bruce," he stated, pointing at the man next to your father. "That's Jason," His finger was now pointed at the man with the white streak in his hair, "Tim" was all he said as he gestured to the boy conversing with Kon. "And that's Damian." He said, pointing at the boy that was being bombarded with questions by Jon. To your surprise, he was staring right at you. His gaze was sharp and felt like he was seeing right through you.
Your eye contact was interrupted as your grandmother came rushing past you with a pitcher of tea and some cups.
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New series alert!!!
Update's will be slow.
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evilminji · 7 months
We all know how Vlad likes to make clones of Danny and then get rid of them when they don't work out I'm just imagining a entire crack filled idea Ra is one of those clones I just got accidentally into a dimension.
Ra got thrown all the way back in time in a different dimension and is incredibly pissed at Vlad for creating him and worried about Danny if Vlad making more clones like Ra
Out of spite not only does Ra come immortal and try to do glad when it comes to doing shady things to make Danny proud aka the best mother of all times he's also trying to make the world a better place he got the weird balance of Danny along with Vlad obsessions. 100 years into making the colt and being alive Danny finds out about Ross existence as the ghost King and decides you know what I support all my children as a mother even when they are starting coats or planning world domination, and destruction. In the straight up tells Ra don't kill too many people you make mom's job harder and anytime you need something call me I'm proud of you for at least waiting to make the world a better place. Like on the scale of good and bad Danny placed him right in the middle Ellie wants to be a hero and a traveler so if she's in the top when it comes to the good skeleton in the middle scale is Ra cuz does he own a cult yes but he also wants to make a world a better place, and Dan is at dead last for just wanting destruction sometimes but he's working on it he does clay art now.
Ra also inherited Danny's ability to make things chaotic without even trying. I just see Rose dropping to Talia and Damien sometimes while your great/grandmother was country but other than I don't think we have any more races mixed with us.
Or he just drops I'm not laying tally I have the sleeping normally my mother was 14 when he had my siblings in me and mother described it as going to do with excruciating hell.
Talia has been tired argument with Ra after he accidentally just straight up says well great grandfather was grandmother's uncle he did go to school with mother's parents and was best friends with mother's father.
Tim is so confused and all he wants his answers in the background .
I can just see Ra comparing Damien's fearless his old mother's fear illness he will mention of nowhere mother fist fought father when they first met or mother can break a wall with a single hit of their head.
Talia is going to be so confused when they find out that only is mother a crazy batshit person he's also the ghost King.
Talia staring at Grandma who is the ghost King: father did you not think this was important to tell me sooner.
Ra: I have mentioned this before in one of my conversations about mother you just weren't listening Talia.
Danny in the background frelingover his kid and his grandchildren along with great grandchild.
Ra full name is Ra Al Ghul 'Dirgham' Fenton Master
Danny says they had to keep with the cycle of the names no matter where they are in the name.
(This is also my secret chance to finally Vlad Masters as Arabic you can pray that out of my cold dead hands Danny American-born Chinese who who has a very strong country accident because of his father)
Any who don't have to write this I just hope you had a good laugh form my stupid writing I really do love your work hope you have a fun time reading this ╰⁠(⁠*⁠´⁠︶⁠`⁠*⁠)⁠╯\⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/
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Not stupid! I got my first Ficlette! :D this is amazing and thank you! I did enjoy it!
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lilyslark · 4 months
so cosette is a pretty kickass character given the time period that she was written in, but her character has so much untapped potential. hugo unintentionally wrote such a tragic character. just imagine cosette with a slightly different mindset towards her “happy ending”:
- the constant feeling of repression, whether as a slave to the thénardiers, a schoolgirl at the convent, a lonely teen on rue plumet, or a wife in the gillenormand household
- pushing down her “bad feelings” because that was never something she and valjean learned how to talk about
- being unable to shake her passive nature that stem from an abusive childhood
- “sweet fifteen” for fuck’s sake, cosette is a child and marius is a grown man (yes I know it was a different time, but I still want her to run as fast as she can)
- being weirded out by marius following her home…like to the point that she and valjean are literally forced to move
- her outrage over marius blaming her for the wind lifting her skirt for half a second (which is canon anyway)
- escaping the isolation of rue plumet, only to wonder if being immediately married off at 17 was really the better option
- the religious guilt over not feeling like the pure and untouchable angel that everybody seems to think she is (like seriously hugo, we do not need paragraphs on how modest teenage cosette is even while getting dressed in the morning)
- never knowing about tholomyès’s abandonment and the likely half-siblings she has out there ??
- the rage towards marius and valjean for keeping her own past from her
- like this is HER father and HER husband. they should be consulting with HER, not teaming up to decide what’s “best” for her
- the betrayal of not even knowing fantine’s name until valjean’s very last moments (after she had spent years begging him for the tiniest scrap of information)
- the unbearable guilt about all of these feelings after her father’s death
- not being able to forgive marius for taking it upon himself to remove her father from her life (the same thing that his grandfather did to him ??)
- hating herself for letting him (the brick has a short chapter on cosette sensing marius’s “will” and not resisting)
- again. probably the result of her passive nature from a childhood of abuse and repression.
- little fragments of her childhood slowly coming back to her (more than just the vague images and nightmares that she has in canon)
- never knowing that she came face-to-face with her former abusers ?? and that they almost killed her father ?? and that they have close ties with her husband ?? and that they have been in their home ?? where she is supposed to feel safe ?? and nobody told her ??
- not knowing how to deal with any of this because nobody tells her anything
- never quite understanding who she is or what she’s suffered
in conclusion, cosette has a lot of healing to do.
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equallyshaw · 8 months
to regain what once was | oc hughes sister x hughes brothers.
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background: Abigail 'Abby' Marie Hughes - now known best by her stage name: Gail Marie is a 21-year-old professional theater actress, having been performing professionally since she was 7 years old in Toronto, Ca. After Jack and Luke followed Quinn to Michigan she ventured off to NYC to live with her grandparents, which was supposed to only be a temporary summer stay, for an intensive she'd book a year prior. After that, she booked a chorus role in Annie the Musical, then booked youngest Fiona in Shrek! the musical in the NYC run before landing the pristine role of 'Matilda' in Matilda the Musical. Therefore, her grandparents took the initiative of becoming her legal guardians in order to keep her in NYC and her pursuit of claiming Broadway by storm. All the while, her brothers never dared step out of their hockey gear and come support her, as she had back in TO as much as she could in between her hectic schedule, student by day; and professional by night. So when the drafts came and went, as well as debuts came and went, she stayed in New York not daring to celebrate them when they hadn't been there for her. What hurts the most is that she yearns for the way they speak about each other in the media as well as how her parents spoke about them, because that's all she wanted more than anything in life.
Yes, I know the queen ellen and jimmy would never allow this but this is obvious fiction.
italics are flashbacks. Non italics takes place after the passing of their grandfather, unless otherwise marked. little brother is translated to, ach sheli.
warnings: swearing, family member passing.
word count: 7.8k.. longer than i anticipated lol
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It was not always like this, Gail thought as she swirled around her pre-show honey lemon tea. Peonie flowers stood tall on her dressing room counter, freshly delivered before the show by her now-late grandfather. She winced biting back tears as she thought about the past week and all that it had entailed; fights, tears, slammed doors, breakdowns, and broken hearts. Five individuals had come back into her life right as it was truly becoming special, though warranted; she absolutely hated having them in her home. Her home which had been for some time now, was with her grandparents. It was never with the home she was born into, never with those siblings and doting parents who spoke highly and sweetly about one another in the media. It was never with those who had never reached out to her on her own milestones and wins, never those who came to see her wished her happy birthdays or cheered her on when she learned how to skate, or the ones that let her score on them over and over again before she realized she hated the sport and everything that came with it. She hated the sport of hockey for taking away her brothers, and her supposed best friends, hated that it took away her parents, and hated that it had stolen everything she had known. She lost her childhood to the sport and her family.
The Hughes family sat around, listening to the will being spoken out loud. It was a bright and sunny, cool 75-degree day in New York City. Gail stared at the brown wooden desk in front of her, her leg shaking up and down like a manic. Her mind raced with thoughts, raced with notes from the night before, and raced with the last few fleeting moments she had had with her Pa. She hadn't heard her Ma call out for her, "Gail!" Her grandmother said from across the table. She swallowed, looking around at who was supposedly her family, and then she looked towards the lawyer. "You are left with 45% of..." She tuned him out and waved her hand not caring to listen. The meeting came and went, Gail the first one out of the room. She pushed the door open to the law office and took in the fresh air of Greenwich New York. She sighed, running her hands through her dirty blonde almost brunette hair. The past month had been hell. She'd lost her out on a leading role that she had worked her ass off in auditions and callbacks, one that would have surely set her up for a Tony nomination, she had lost out on a role in an upcoming musical movie and this. This. She'd lost her best friend and Pa, her most trusted and adored father figure. "Sweetie." She heard Ellen walk out of the law office reaching for her daughter, but she quickly moved out of reach. Ellen had been having a hard time coming to terms with how distant she was being towards her and the rest of the family. It was hard for the family to come to terms, and accept that Abigail was no longer Abigail, and she was no longer a pushover. "Its fine Ellen." Jimmy said walking out, and the two of them plus the brothers watched Gail begin to walk down the street.
_ Ellen, Jimmy, and the brothers had just arrived at The Hughes estate in The Hamptons. Gail was nowhere to be found, as she had been in the middle of a matinee when she got the call that her Pa was growing fainter. "Do I fly? Do I drive?!" She said as she whipped off her wig, wincing at the glue tearing off. "You can drive." Her Ma answered, and Gail quickly went to call her longtime boyfriend, Nick. She made it three hours later, her leg fidgeting up and down like a manic. "He's gonna be there." He reassured her over the course of the ride, but she had a hard time believing it. By the time she had made it to the estate, she didn't bother to look in the direction of the three boys who were out on the lawn chatting. She jogged inside the house, whipping open the door and trying to see if she heard any voices. "Ma?" She called out, walking into the kitchen. Luckily that's where her grandmother was, along with Jimmy and Ellen. "Ma." It felt like the world fell off her shoulders, seeing her grandmother. It felt like Ellen had been hit by a freight train. "Gail." Her grandmother said wrapping her arms around her granddaughter, "Pa is upstairs." And now it was Jimmy's turn to feel like he had been hit by a freight train.
Gail hummed, warming up her voice, going through her pre-show rituals. She hadn't been this nervous for a show in years, but there were a few people here tonight that hadn't been since, it's honestly too sad to think about how long it's been. She heard a knock on her door, "You good G?" She heard her co star, Casey question as he leaned against the doorframe. Gail nodded, saluting him with a smile and the mug of her lemon honey tea. "Break a leg." He called out before he ran off for places. She set down her mug, looking at herself in the mirror and did a once over, before deeming that she looked good.
She made her way out of her dressing room, and walked down the hall, the wooden floorboards creaking beneath her. She continued her pre-show hum and made her way to her place for the top of the show. She looked up at the ceiling, saying a little prayer towards her Pa, and then closed her eyes. The music began, and the crowd immediately relaxed and clapped along to the beat.
"Gail?" Ellen asked for confirmation and the girl nodded. "How long?" She questioned, and Gail genuinely had to think about it. Ellen could tell it had been for some time, "About 8 years." Gail responded, and Ellen sniffled. "So much has changed." She hummed, and Gail snickered. "You could say that Ellen." She snapped, and Ellen quickly looked towards her. "Why are you calling me that?" She questioned and Gail rolled her eyes. "You think that after you dumped me at Ma and Pa's house 10 years ago that I'd still call you that? You think I'd call you 'mom' when you sure as hell haven't been one for over 10 years?!" She questioned, "You dropped me off and never looked back. Too worried about their precious careers?! What about me? What about my career Ellen, huh? What about me, what happened to me!" She said raising her voice, both of them shocked at the words that were coming out.
Ellen stood up as the peanut gallery listened intently from beside them, "You forgot about me, your daughter, incase you forgot!" Gail said through strained tears. Ellen felt her own tears begin to form but was subdued due to anger.
"You think I don't regret it? Do you think I don't regret not being more involved? Y-" Gail cut her off, "You signed the papers! You're the one who signed your rights away!" She said fully screaming now. "You think I don't know? You think I don't know what you guys did?" She said furiously in a strained voice. "You think I wouldn't hate the very people who brought me into this world, only to get rid of me when I didn't follow in your footsteps? You think I would have sat idly by?"
Gail and Casey walked toward one another before turning towards the audience, as they performed their second-to-last duet - crazy rolling. The two ended on a high note, holding one another in their arms, and were met with enormous cheers and claps. They had no time to spare and were quickly off the stage. Quickly changing for the finale, the two took a brief moment with one another before getting to their spots. "oh my god Gail!!!!" Casey said bringing her in for a hug, realizing just how emotional she was. She was on the verge of tears before their final duet, which would result in her character's death. It would also be her final performance on this stage with this incredible cast and crew before she headed off to a faraway place and one that held such promise for her and her career. "You're gonna absolutely kill it Gail, I promise." Casey encouraged as he pulled away to embrace a tiny bit. She nodded, not looking at him directly. "No need to cry now." he teased and she giggled, knowing she was about to sob on stage. She nodded, looking up at Casey and giving him a smile. "Thanks for being the best partner this run." she beamed and he smiled widely, pulling her in for one last run. "Now move so I can fix my makeup." she joked, pushing him away. He playfully saluted her before running off to the other side of the stage, for his final position. Casey walked on first, as Gail followed suit into their positions. The opening music for the reprise of your song, began.
"Look at me Satine..why else live for love?" Casey spoke, as Gail began to sing. She turned a bit, looking back at Casey and felt the tears beginning to fall. Casey gave her a look of encouragement and gloom while staying in character.
Gail turned towards Ellen and everybody else who stood there stunned by what she had to say, "The minute you walked into my house, the very home that I have grown up in the past 10 years, yo-you act like nothing has changed. You act as if I am still the 10-year-old little naive Abby! Im not and haven't been since you put me on that train and never looked back." Gail said through stubborn tears, feeling her heartbeat thud in her temple. Ellen went to say something, but Gail held her hand up. "You act like this prodigal mother and parent in the media and in life, but you- you and him are so far from it." She finished, walking out of the living room away from everybody.
She jogged onto the stage, hugging Casey tightly at the top of the stage, before taking their bows. Casey stepped in front of her, bowing and earning a chorus of applause. He turned back towards her, holding out his hand and she smiled widely taking it. He took a step behind her, letting her have this moment. This will never get old, she thought. She bowed, giving a kiss to the crowd before bowing once more. Gail stepped back, connecting her hands with Casey and another actor, and they all did a bow together. Casey and David who plays the Duke in the show, pushed her in front of them once more for her to have a moment with the crowd. A Producer on the show walked out from left stage with a bouquet of roses and Gail quickly brought her hands up to her mouth in shock. She clasped her eyes shut, feeling tears rush out. "Thankyou!" She sobbed, pulling the producer in for a hug. Turning back to the crowd now, Gail placed a hand on her chest saying the words 'thankyou' to the crowd over and over again, and then towards the cast. She shook her head when the director came on stage with a microphone and desperately tried to flee toward the rest of the cast who only shook their heads.
"We have been incredibly lucky to have Miss Gail Hughes grace our stage for the past year, putting everything that she had into every performance. We couldn't be more thrilled and excited, to see what she has been tirelessly working on and prepping for. It'll be a joy to watch her from this side of the pond, gaining the hearts of each person to see her do what she does best. Gail, good luck on your next journey and break a leg!" the director said and she smiled widely, pulling him in for a hug. She waved a bit more to the crowd, and then the curtain came down.
"You knew Q?" Jack questioned after Ellen and Jimmy explained everything. Once Gail had left the house with Nick, the two were swarmed with questions from Jack and Luke. Quinn shrugged, and their parents turned towards him. "You knew?" Ellen asked and Quinn nodded timidly. "Wh-when?" Ellen asked, and Quinn smiled. "When she was nominated for her role in Matilda at the Tonys. She was 13 at the time, but she knew who her parents really were. Grandpa and Grandma." He responded, and Jack began to pace. "And then, she said in an interview with Andy Cohen that they were her parents, not you guys. She said that she had been living with them for years at that point, that was I wanna say in 2020 before Covid. But she said that she hadn't seen you guys in years. Then everything clicked." Quinn expanded and Luke's mouth was agape. "You didn't want to say anything?" He asked stunned. "You guys don't know the full thing." Jimmy said, and Jack was furious.
"What the fuck?" Jack said walking into the connected living room, hands dragging through his semi long locks. "In order to benefit her career and her future, she came to live with grandma and grandpa. It was meant to be temporary as we got you boys settled in, and then things just worked out the way that it was and, then she got Matilda and we couldn't take her away. She needed to stay." Jack cut her off, "You shipped her off in order for you guys to focus on us? What kind of fucked up shit is that?" He asked, angry.
Jimmy held his hand up, "We did it to benefit all of us. And grandma and grandpa welcomed the idea and believed in it enough to do it." Jimmy explained, and their grandmother shook her head. "Don't Jim." She began, and all the boys whipped their head towards her. "You did what you believed to be best for her, but you really didn't know. You didn't know that she needed her parents. But why wouldn't we say yes? What would happen to the life she had just begun to build herself? What would happen? We couldn't let her passion, talent and love of theater go down the drain to watch pucks after school." She paused beginning to walk out of the kitchen, "If you think we welcomed it Jim, you are mistaken." She finished before disappearing upstairs to check on her husband.
As soon as Gail exited the stage, she turned towards a few of the ensemble cast members who had become close friends the past year and pulled them in for a huge hug. "I can't believe it's over." Gail sobbed as the other girls wiped their tears. The girls and Gail, slowly made their way over towards her dressing room. "One last post show picture!" Martha one of the dancers gushed, and Gail giggled softly. She sat down in her chair as a hair and makeup artist, came behind her and gave Gail a small frown. "Don't you start crying Matilda!" She scolded causing the room to laugh. Matilda slowly began to take off her wig while Gail took off her jewelry. "Oh can you grab my phone, Marie?" She questioned and as soon as Gail turned on her phone, she was flooded with messages. Her brothers and her now had a group chat, and they texted her during the intermission and now after the show finished. "Im gonna kill them!" She growled, and then showed the girl's the pictures they had taken throughout the second act. "I even told them, they couldn't do that!" she mumbled, texting them back. She then texted Nick, that in 30 minutes that he could bring her brothers and parent's back stage. In the meantime, she'd be doing her rounds of goodbyes.
Around 45 minutes later, Gail walked back to her dressing room and heard the familiar laughter of her brother, Jack. She walked through the doorframe, and everybody's heads turned towards her. She saw flowers in her dad's arms as well as Quinn's. "Oh my goodness, you didn't have too!" She said bringing her hands to her chin in surprise. "Ofcourse we had too!" Quinn grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, to which she turned into a full hug. "You absolutely killed it dog." Jack smiled widely, pulling her in for a huge hug. "Thankyou." She smiled, and then turned towards Luke still surprised by how much taller he was. "Amazing, amazing job." He smiled pulling her in for a bear hug. "Thankyou." She beamed. Her parents brought her in for hugs and then found her spot next to Nick's, as it was second nature. "You make your rounds?" he questioned looking down at her, and she nodded feeling tears prick her eyes once more. He noticed and placed a soft kiss to her temple, and he could feel her relax a bit. "Are these from grandpa?" Luke asked softly, and she nodded. "He would send them every week when he came for the Sunday Matinee, and he made-made sure to do one for my final performance." She said through tears, looking at the grand bouquet of peonies. "They're gorgeous." Ellen smiled, "He gave me my love of peonies at a young age, and he's never let me down all these years." She hummed thinking back to all the times he had waited for her in the lobby after every show he had come to. His matinee show was a tradition he started dating back in 2012 with Annie. "He started to bring them with Annie, every week when he'd come for a matinee, even through Covid he came." She said smiling softly and looking at the flowers. The Hughes family all looked at one another, and again realizing just how much they'd missed out on her life and blossoming career.
Gail sat outside on the private beach, that lined her grandparent's backyard. Her knees were pulled into her chest, as she looked out over the Atlantic Ocean. She hadn't been up here since she took a week off back in March for a small vacation. It had been four months since then, and it seemed like a lifetime ago. Between auditions, workshops, and every show she did during the week it seemed like a blur. She didn't hear footsteps behind her, but she felt the sand that lightly brushed her as somebody came up behind her and sat down next to her. She looked over, not believing her eyes. Her eyebrows creased, "Quinn?" she questioned softly, and hearing her say his name for the first time in years made Quinn's eyes swell with tears. "Hey lovie." he whispered, and pulled her in once he saw tears swell in her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her, as he pulled her into his chest. He silently cursed and berated himself, as he thought about how much of a coward her was for not reaching out to her. She had Instagram, he knew where she lived most of the time and could always contact their grandparents. "Im sorry." He said as his voice cracked, and she sobbed even harder. "Im sorry I never said anything, im sorry I never reached out. Im sorry I let you down when you didn't deserve to be. You didn't deserve any of this, and I hate myself for allowing all of this to happen." he said through tears. Gail cried harder, into his chest as she heard the words she had begged the universe since she arrived at her Grandparent's house. "Quinn." she said softly, she pulled a bit back to look at him. She placed a hand on his cheek, trying to get him to look at her. "I don't think I can ever forgive myself, Gail." He sobbed, clasping his eyes shut. Hearing those words, broke her heart.
"Quinn." she said softly again, and he reopened his eyes. She swallowed, "I have hated you and the three of you since you didn't come to my first opening night. I have wished you three nothing but pain and loss because that was how I took it as a child. A fucking child, who all she wanted in the whole world was her brothers again. Yet, she never got them. She got brick walls, unanswered birthday messages, no invites to the lake house, and congratulations on my own milestones as a child." She paused ripping her hand away from his cheek, and Quinn swallowed tensly. "I have waited for those words since I was 12 years old...but now? I deserve a whole hell of a lot better, than that. Than this. You expect me to forgive so easily, after being ghosted all these years? My life and childhood have never been mine and now that im an adult? That's mine, all mine. My peace and healing do not deserve to be rocked because somebody wants to be a big brother now." She paused once more standing up. "I expected way more from my best friend growing up, but I've learned to live with disappointment because I was given disappointment from a young age." Gail finished before beginning her descent down the shoreline. Quinn watched through bouts of sobs, that ripped through his whole being.
Before Final performance. (August, 2023. One month after passing.)
"So..this is you really leaving?" Jack questioned softly, as he and his two brothers walked into the NYC apartment that she had shared with Nick the past year. Gail nodded, as she finished taping a box shut. The brothers couldn't believe that she was finishing her run in New York, and then heading out to West End to begin production in Hadestown. She would be originating the role of Eurydice in the first run in London, from February 2024 through August 2024 with the possibility of an add-on of dates. "Yeah, it's been a long time coming actually. We've been itching to get out of here for a while, and then London opened up and we couldn't jump at the opportunity quicker." She smiled as Nick smiled from across the room. "Oh wow." Luke said. Jack and Luke had been hoping that they could have built a relationship with her while they were in Jersey. "Yeah." Gail said awkwardly, "Congratulations though. You're gonna do amazing." Quinn encouraged and Gail gave him a small smile. "Well uh, did you guys get the tickets I sent over?" She questioned, picking up her glass of ice water. The brothers nodded, "Good good. They were hard to get so im glad you guys can come." She said with a grateful smile. "Anybody wanna get some pizza? Could use a break." Nick interrupted and Gail gave him a thankful look, and the brothers nodded. "Good, know a spot just down the street." Nick beamed, grabbing ahold of Gail's and then they were out.
It was only a few days later when their grandfather passed. Gail had been asleep on the all-year-round porch couch, with Nick. Ellen came down frantically, and Gail knew as soon as she was shaken awake, that she knew the reason why. She quickly cried out, as Nick sat up and pulled her into his chest. Ellen found Jim in the kitchen, as they listened to their daughter - who really wasn't their daughter in a way - cry out bone-shattering cries. The three brothers all made their way downstairs at the sound of her cries and then found their parents in the kitchen consoling each other. Gail stood up pushing herself from Nick and wrapped her arms around her self. Trying to give a slick of comfort to herself. Nick placed a soft hand on her arm, but she pushed him away. "NO!" She screamed, anger flaring from her. Nick took a step back, not appreciating the look of hatred in her eyes. But he knew it wasn't personal. Gail flung open the door that led to the kitchen and living room and hurried past her siblings and the parents she no longer considered hers. "Ma!" She called out, jogging up the stairs, and looked for her Ma. "Gail dear!" She heard from Ma and Pa's room. "Don't go in the extra room please, don't go in there." her Ma whispered, as she pulled the dirty blonde to her chest, who at this point she considered a daughter. Gail sobbed into her Ma's arms, as her Ma continued to whisper those few words. She didn't need the young girl to see her father figure being transported away from the place that they had called home for over ten years now, and one that she considered her childhood home.
Gail had been outside on the swing for hours that her Pa had put up as soon as she came to stay with them, all those years ago. She swayed slowly as the wind came off the ocean, with much curiosity and bitterness. Her brothers and parents had watched from the living room with her Ma and Nick, for hours now. Waiting for her to come in and say something, or grab something to eat. But she sat there, much to their dismay. "Im going out there." Jack announced as he stood up, annoyed at the fact that nobody had attempted to get her inside, besides Nick who failed miserably. She wouldn't let him five steps past the door. Jack opened up the door and shut it as softly as he could. Gail turned her head to her side but did not look back to see who was there. Wary footsteps came toward the girl, and Gail looked up as Jack came up next to her. "Hey, Gail." He said softly, and she sighed turning to look back at the pool, garden, and the ocean just past their white gate. "Can I sit here?" He questioned, to the spot next to her on the ground. She didn't give him a response, which he took as a win.
"Do you wanna know when the first time we noticed you weren't there?" He questioned, looking at the girl. She did not respond, and to be frank she could give two shits. "Well, I was 15 and Lukey was 12. You would have been 14, and finishing your run with Matilda. Lukey fractured or broke his finger, I can't quite recall and I remember watching him go down from the bench, it was a little scrimmage we were doing with some of the neighborhood kids and the first thing that Lukey said to Ellen was, "Where's Abby?" and he kept repeating that, even as we brought him home. All he wanted was his sister, and to be honest- so did I. I wanted you to be there because I wanted somebody to give me a hug and remind me that Lukey was going to be ok. I had to settle for Q who just so happened to be visiting from Vancouver. But all Lukey wanted was to hear your voice, and to reassure him that he was going to be ok. He never said it nor any of us did, but you were all our favorite sibling. You were our sister, whom we wanted to protect. We still do, but he wanted his favorite protector and the one person who knew exactly what to say. And when Ellen went to call Grandma, she was already calling Ellen. You had cracked your head open, after falling on some ice in Manhattan." And now all Gail could do was flash back to that moment, when it had happened. She didn't remember the ambulance ride but she remembers waking up in the children's hospital with her Pa, who was holding her hand, and her Ma was outside calling Ellen. She remembers crying out for Ellen, all she wanted was her mom in that moment. All she wanted was her mom, dad and her brothers telling her that she was going to be ok. That her 9 stitches on her temple, were gnarly and that they had had many over the year with out her. She remembers vividly crying into her Pa's arms that night, wishing that she was with them. But she knew deep down, that she was with her grandparents for a reason. Her parents no longer wanted her, she thought for the first time that night. For the first time in a year and a half, she felt abandoned by her parents and her brothers. She no longer felt welcomed or loved by the ones who gave her her name, and existence in this world.
"That night I wept. I wailed and I sobbed and I screamed to the universe, in that exact living room." She began turning towards Jack, who now had looked at her. "For the first time that night, it had sunk in that my own parents and brothers had abandoned me. They had cast me aside because I didn't skate or play hockey. For the first time, I felt as if I had no family of my own. It was the first time that Ma and Pa had become terrified, and believed that I was never going to calm down. Which believe me, in that moment of realization I believed I would never stop crying, or screaming. But do you know the first things you said?" She paused, waiting for a response. He shook his head and she made a tsk noise. "You said and I quote, "Do you wanna know when the first time we noticed you weren't there". The first time are the two key words Jack. It took you over a year to realize that I was gone, missing.!" She screamed at the now frightened boy. She stood up, "For over a fucking year, I waited for two birthday wishes, I waited for a phone call or a response to the messages I sent through grandma and grandpa!" She screamed again, and Jack felt tears sting his eyes. "And YOU! YOU don't get to cry!" She screamed, lowering her face towards his, as he wiped away his tears. "From what I recall, YOU were the selfish one! You were the selfish one who made us move!" She screamed at him, and the peanut gallery inside were frozen in their spots listening to her. Jack continued to look at Gail, with his features full of guilt. "I hate you Jack, I hate you! I hate you for making them give me up! I hate you for asking to go to Michigan! I hate you I hate you I hate you!" She screamed as her chest rose up and down, quickly. Rather too quickly for Jack's liking. "You did this Jack, all of it." She finished, before making her way toward the gate door and she was off to the beach.
Gail stood at Laguardia Airpot with Nick, and the two were saying goodbye to her family and a few of their friends. Jack was the first one to pull her in for a hug, whispering a few words of encouragement. Luke was next doing the same and lastly, it was Quinn. Quinn pulled her in tightly and whispered, "You're going to do amazing Lovie, we can't wait to hear all about it." and then the two pulled away. Next was Ma, and Gail had been dreading this moment, "I love you so much Ma." She whispered through tears and her Ma sniffled. "I know sweetie, Ill be over as soon as I can." Her ma whispered back. She pulled away a few inches, and her Ma pinched her cheek just a bit and then kissed her forehead. Next was Jim, who pulled her in for a bear hug. And for the first time since she was a child, it felt warm and inviting. "Break a leg, Gail." he hummed causing her to smile softly. "Thankyou, dad." She responded before pulling back and then shifting towards Ellen. Jim wiped away a few tears, as Ellen pulled Gail in for a hug. "Im gonna miss you so much sweetie, I'm always here if you need anything." Ellen spoke softly and Gail nodded, "Thankyou, Mom." she whispered back and Ellen's heart broke at the word. Ellen sniffled, pulling back to look at Gail. She placed a soft hand on her daughter's face, and Gail nodded through tears. To which Ellen broke down, she pulled her back in tightly, and now both females were crying. Jim looked towards his boys who also had tears in their eyes, as they watched Gail and their mom hug. "I'd like for you and dad to visit as soon as you can, I'd love to show you London. It's quite the city and - and I'd love it if you two could come for my opening night." Gail said softly and Ellen nodded profusely, she'd be doing everything in her power to be there and would make sure her sons would be there as well. To hell with the season, Ellen would argue. "We'll be there, I promise." Ellen said as they pulled away, and Gail nodded. Before Gail could step away, Ellen wiped her daughter's tears and Gail sniffled. "Well, uh we should be going." Gail said looking back at Nick and he nodded, "Have a safe flight!" sounded around them as the two waved one last time. Nick took ahold of Gail's hand as he rolled their carry on suitcase and her carry one bag into the airport.
Last but not least, it was Luke's turn to attempt a breakthrough for Gail. Nick was currently loading up their car, getting ready to go back to New York. She was currently standing at the edge of the backyard, looking out at the waves coming in. She did not know when she'd be back, and was savoring each and every moment she got with the ocean. Luke stepped up next to her, and Gail looked up at the tall giant. She caught his eye and she quickly looked away, swallowing hard. They stood there in silence, and for some odd reason, she felt as if she had to be the one to say something first. She looked up at the curly-haired boy and hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Ach sheli." she began with an old Hebrew nickname she used to say as a child. He looked down at her, and she saw the instant tears in his eyes. "Lovie?" He questioned softly, and she couldn't take it anymore. She pulled him in for a hug, and he stood there stunned for a brief few seconds before wrapping his arms around her. The two of them sobbed with one another, holding onto each other for dear life. Jack was not wrong about Luke having once felt that way about Gail, and how she was everything and more he looked up to and looked to for everything he did in life. "I know I should have said something, all of us should have. I know they'll never be an excuse for what we did, ever. Truth be told, you should never forgive us because of what we did. We turned our backs on you when we should have fought them to bring you home. Even if you would have been home 2 weeks out of the year, we should have screamed and jumped and thrown every tantrum under the sun to bring you home. We should have brought you home, and we didn't. We passed up every opportunity to do so and ignored you for years because we were cowards and naively thought you were better off without us. Nobody to bring you down or take time and attention off of you." he paused sniffling, as she sobbed into his chest. "You deserved so much more, and im sorry none of us ever said a thing. We knew it to not okay, but it was our fault for not saying anything. You don't know the number of times we begged mom and dad to bring you home. And them never listening, and us not understanding why, so we fought even more." she pulled back, "Wait what?" She questioned softly and his eyebrows crinkled, "What?" He questioned back. "You-you guys fought? But why didn't you call me back? Why didn't -" Luke cut her off by pulling her into his chest again, "Because we were stupid, we were young and so immature, that we didn't think twice about calling back. Like I said, Jack and I specifically were idiots. We should have said something, we should have. And im sorry we did not." He said wiping his tears away, and she pulled back looking at the grass beneath them. She pulled back completely, her arms coming to her chest. She looked up at Luke once more to find him staring down at her, "I - I have to go Luke." She said stepping back and then began her way towards the car where Nick was waiting. Luke watched her go, feeling his chest ache as she walked out of not only his but the rest of the family's life once more.
It was a week later, when she heard a knock at her and Nick's Condo door. She stood up from the couch, and made her way over and without looking through the peephole she swung her door open. She did not expect to see Ellen and Jim at her door, let alone a week later. She swallowed harshly, and felt tears begin to sting her eyes. "Hi Gail...can we talk for a bit?" Ellen asked hopeful, and Gail breathed in heavily before opening up the door further. The two walked in, inspecting the industrial-looking two-bed room and two-bath condo in lower Manhattan. "We uh, we thought we'd come by before the reading of the will tomorrow." Ellen announced and Gail shrugged, heading over towards the kitchen to make another coffee. "What's with all the boxes?" Jim asked looking around the living room. "Oh. Im uh, Nick and I are leaving for London in about a week. My final performance is two days before that." She said and the two of them were confused. "Ive taken a lead originating role in London, rehearsals start in a month and then premiere in the new year." she explained with a slight shrug. Ellen and Jim looked at one another, "Would you like any water, tea or coffee?" Gail offered and the two shook their heads. Gail nodded, adding some creamer in her cup and headed towards the small den, off from the kitchen and living room. "SO, what can I do for you guys? she questioned, sitting on the plush chair that stood next to the window. "We uh wanted to come by and talk, we never really got a chance while up state so we wanted to check in with you." Jim said and Gail nodded. "I uh I am not sure where to start but we want to apologize to you. We know there will never be enough words or the right words to truly say how much guilt and regret we feel. We knew how much the boys missed you as kids, and for awhile there we thought it would get easier not having you there with us. We truly believed that at the time it was the right call, I know your Ma would agree. The original time period we sent you was what you needed to grow your craft, but you should have come straight home after that. Or one of us should have come to stay with you for your runs. To see you this weekend, so broken and so angry and full of hatred broke my heart. And as a mother, you never want to see your child feel that and especially not have it be directed at them. Im so sorry sweetie." She said beginning to cry, and Jim quickly put a hand on her back to comfort her. Gail felt herself begin to feel bad and did not like the fact that she was crying in front of her.
"If we could go back and change things we would, we would do it in a heartbeat." Jim said and Gail nodded. "Yet it doesn't change the fact that you weren't there and you didn't know how much I needed you. I needed you and you weren't there. And I wish you could go back and change what you did, you betrayed me and gave me up when you didn't have to!" She said growing irritated, "You didn't have to sign guardian rights to them!" She added setting down her coffee on the table before her. Shaking her head, she stood up and stood in front of the window. She heard Ellen sob quietly as guilt, and despair coursed through the older woman. "My childhood as never mine. It was taken away early on and now, this is my time. I have healed from many things but I still have so much to sort through still, and heal from it." She paused turning around and facing them. "And as much as I hate myself for saying this, but I think I need you guys to heal that part of me. Heal my childhood wounds that haven't been fixed because I needed you guys with me to do it. Even if it's from half way across the globe." She finished and Ellen quickly stood up to hug her daughter. Gail was stunned for a brief few seconds before returning the hug. A few seconds later, Jim stood up and Gail quickly opened up her arm for him to join. Pa would be incredibly happy, Gail thought.
The next few months were hard work, but in the end they would prove to be worth it. Her brothers and her had a heart to heart before she left for London. They added her to the brothers only groupchat and the family one, and had plans to come out to London before the show ended next August.
February 10th, 2024 could not have come quick enough Gail thought. Now here she was backstage getting ready for opening night, in her dressing room. She could not wait for the audience to see the show, it was truly one of the most magical casts she had been a part of in her career thus far. She knew for certain that Nick, Ma and her parents were there, and she was incredibly happy that they were there, to begin with. They had kept their promises to come.
The lights went out and Gail felt like she could finally breathe, as she leaned into her costar and love interest in the show. The two of them hugged one another as the curtain closed, and she felt bittersweet tears fall. "You okay?" He questioned as he heard her sniffled and she nodded. "Yes and no, but it's the first show that my Pa hasn't been at and it has really sunk in now." She said through a small chuckle. Her costar pulled her in for another hug for some extra comfort, before the two of them were heading off stage to get their hair and makeup off. As soon as she entered the dressing room, she saw a grand bouquet of peonies sitting in front of her mirror. She let out a small sob, as her hair and makeup artist came to help her take her wig off. "You okay Gail?" She questioned pulling the girl in for a hug, somebody had gotten her peonies and she wasn't sure who.
She breathed a sigh of relief when she stepped into the lobby and was met with many cheers by some family and friends of the cast, and the cast members themselves. Her understudy came up and hugged her tightly. She was grateful to have this particular actress understudying her because she knew the show was in great hands. "Oh my god, thankyou!" She said taking the bouquet of roses into her hands and hooked them into the crook of her elbow with the other bouquet. "Thankyou for a fantastic first show, it was such an honor to do it alongside you guys." She beamed looking around at the cast. After a few minutes, all of them began to disband and make their way either out of the theater or towards, their loved ones.
Gail looked around for her family and was shocked to see big foot with curls standing there. her eyebrows creased when she recognized the two others who were standing with her parents and Ma. Luke noticed her first, his face lightening up which caused everybody else to turn towards her. She brought a hand to her mouth to cover her shock. "Oh my god, hi!" she said as she was pulled into a hug by Jack. Nick took her flowers from her, and Luke pulled her in for a hug. Next was her dad, mom, Ma, and finally it was Quinn. "Oh my goodness, not more flowers!" She said taking them from her Ma. "We had too! We couldn't come empty-handed." her mom mused. "Im still trying to figure out who might have sent these, there was no note." she said referencing the peonies. "It was us." Jack spoke up and her eyebrows furrowed, "Wait! But don't you guys have games...." She trailed off remembering. "That's why I saw posts saying you guys were going to be absent for a week.. I should have known!" She said realizing that they had taken time off to see her show and spend a few days with her before flying back out. "Ofcourse we had to see you perform Gail, we've missed out on way too many openings and closings, so we had to be here, and with Nick's help, we were able to get tickets." Luke said and she turned towards Nick who only shrugged. She turned back toward her family, something she thought she would never call them again.
She never thought she'd be standing in the same vicinity of them again. Yet, here she was and she was truly grateful. She couldn't believe that they had gotten this far together, and only wished her Pa was there to witness it all in person.
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@gailmarie: to the one that helped make all my dreams come true, to the one that came to my matinee each week and to the one that made me a Hughes- Thankyou for everything my Teo.
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oh my god.....if you've read this till the end I love you 🫶🏻 pls like and reblog if you enjoyed, it would mean the world !!
also this has been sitting in my drafts for a month now, and thought it would never see the light of day lol
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damn-stark · 1 year
Chapter 8 Chateau
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Chapter 8 of Moonlight
A/N- You and young Rhaenyra would’ve been the bestest of friends.
Warning- Swearing, angst, NFSW, quickie before mc leaves, FLUFF, talks of blood, death, miscarriage, pregnancy, LONG CHAPTER.
Pairing- Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!fem-reader, Cregan Stark x Velaryon!fem-reader
Episode- 1x08-1x10
(If you want to be tagged let me know)
“…and he said to me, well you’re sort of beautiful. So I look at him confused.” You tell Rhaena and Baela about a memory from your years in Winterfell. “I'm like, I'm either one or the other, tell me if I should be offended or touched.”
Rhaena giggles and leans in closer to you. “What did he say?”
You grab onto the edge of the dinner table and lean in between the both of them to whisper. “He went on to throw up on himself,” you grumble and Baela and Rhaena groan in disgust.
“But! The next day he said the same thing to another girl, so,” you snicker, “my friends and I grabbed him after he blacked out and laid him in front of Astraea. When he woke up he shit his pants in front of all the ladies he had been hitting on.”
The three of you burst out laughing at your story, causing Jacaerys to shove himself between Baela and you. “What’s so funny?” He probes.
You part your lips to answer, but Baela cuts him off. “Lady business.”
You peer over at him and snicker.
“Well,” he counters nonchalantly and smirks. “I suppose I won’t share what I just told Lucerys.”
Your curiosity piques and without an ounce of hesitation, you look back at him, noticing him looking all smug.
However, before he can even try and share his part, the hall doors open and guards carrying your grandfather in a chair walk in, silencing the chatter that fills the room, and making everyone, including you, stand from their seats in respect of the King's arrival.
“Tell us later,” you whisper to your brother.
He leans over and counters. “As long as you tell me what you shared.”
You meet his gaze from the corner of your eyes and nod in agreement. You then return your focus to the King getting carried to his spot in the middle of the table, and only return to your spot beside Aemond once the King is put down.
“How good it is,” your grandfather interjects in his raspy voice. “To see you all tonight…together.” He finishes strong and takes a moment to examine everyone gathered around the table.
“Prayer before we begin?” Alicent cuts in.
Your grandfather turns his head to look at his wife and nods. “Yes,” he whispers.
You sigh and clasp your hands together over the table, but you don’t close your eyes like Alicent and her family do.
Even if you do follow the Old Gods, you don’t much pray to them over dinner, nor do you make it your entire personality like Alicent with her New Gods, but out of respect you do stay quiet and listen to her.
“May the Mother smile down on the gathering with love. May the Smith mend the bonds that have been broken for too long.”
You slowly drop your head and roll your eyes at her comment because after all, who’s fault is this strain exactly? Your mother was nothing but patient during the years she lived here with you and your siblings; the boys only messed around with one another because they were just children messing around. The only reason you don’t like Aegon is because he’s a creep with the ladies, and you, but the hostility? The name calling? That was all Alicent.
So can she please stop acting?!
“…And to Vaemond Velaryon, May the gods give him rest.”
Okay, now that time has passed you have to admit even if you don’t want to…what Daemon did to him was…well deserved. You won't praise the man to his face, but it was impressive. After the disgust and horror passed of course.
“This is an occasion for celebration, it seems,” your grandfather interjects once the prayer is done, pulling your gaze back over the table—“My grandsons, Jace and Luke will marry their cousins, Baela and Rhaena.”
You smile at the newly betrothed and reach over for your goblet.
“Further strengthening the bond between our houses. A toast to the young Princes…and their betrothed.”
A grin spreads on your lips and you don’t fret to raise your cup to all of them.
“Hear, hear!” Daemon exclaims.
As you take a sip from your wine you reach over and interlace your fingers with Aemond’s as you remember your own wedding. He proceeds to immediately glance over at you, finding you a hundred times more interesting than the people he’s forced to break bread with and puts his goblet down to lean over and press a kiss on the side of your head, making you smile and tighten your hold around his.
“Let us toast as well to Prince Lucerys,” the King adds. “The future Lord of the Tides.”
You raise your cup again and this time you exclaim. “Hear, hear!”
Lucerys gaze finds you and a thankful smile shows on his lips before he drifts his gaze to Rhaena.
“You’ll be great,” you hear her compliment him, making you smile softly with joy because you're happy she's showing him a gentle kindness. He deserves someone kind like her.
“It both gladdens my heart,” your grandfather keeps speaking, but this time he stands on his feet so everyone can look at him. “And fills me with sorrow to see these faces around the table. The faces most dear to me in all the world…yet grown so distant from each other…in the years past.”
You swallow thickly and begin to caress the back of Aemond’s hand with your thumb.
At the feeling of the soft pad of your thumb caressing his skin, his eyes fall on you and linger while you watch your grandfather with hesitation as he begins to take his mask off.
You have seen him without it on a few times, but seeing the muscles of his cheek stick out still brings you goosebumps—Not his eye socket though, Aemond and him share that similarity, and you’ve helped Aemond clean his fleshy eye socket before, but the flesh on your grandfather's cheek is not the same.
“My old face…is no longer a handsome one…if it indeed ever was. But tonight,” he mutters. “I wish you to see me…as I am. Not just a King…but your father. Your brother. Your husband…and your grandsire. Who may not, it seems…walk for much longer among you.”
You let out a deep breath and avert your gaze to avoid having them cloud with tears. Aemond notices and pulls your hand to his lap so he can hold it with both of his hands.
“Let us no longer hold ill feelings in our hearts,” he goes on and slams his cane against the floor. “The crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided. But set aside your grievances, if not for the sake of the crown…then for the sake of this old man, who loves you all so dearly.” He lets out a heavy breath and sits back down, letting your mother abruptly stand up with her goblet in the air.
“I wish to raise my cup to Her Grace, the Queen,” your mother interjects, catching you off guard. “I love my father, but I must admit that no one has stood…more loyally by his side than his good wife. She has tended to him with…unfailing devotion, love, and honor. And for that, she has my gratitude…and my apology.”
You grab your goblet again and take a small drink.
“I also would like to add,” your mother says a bit softer this time, and with a smile, she directs at you. “How thankful I am to my daughter and Prince Aemond, you have made me a grandmother…”
You smile brightly and share your glee with Aemond.
“…I am thankful for that every day. To Aerion, may he continue to grow and be happy.”
“Hear, hear,” Alicent says quietly, whilst Aemond, you, and everyone around the table take a drink.
“I will also like to add,” Alicent continues to say. “That your graciousness moves me deeply, Princess. We are both mothers…and we love our children. We have more in common than we sometimes allow.” She goes to pause so she can stand up and raise her goblet. “I raise my cup to you…and to your house. You will make a fine Queen.”
You bring your cup to your lips and take the last sip of wine before you stand up as well, causing one of your hands to slip off Aemond’s. “I would like to toast to my mother and family. Six years was far too long and I'm glad to see you all again, I missed you all—And to my brothers.” You smile, whilst a servant refills your goblet. “And Rhaena and Baela, may you share a loving and fruitful marriage.” You sit back down and take a drink at the same time your family does too.
Silence falls after that, letting you reach over to grab some fruit from the trays. When you sit back down and plop a grape in your mouth, suddenly Jacaerys slams his hands on the table and gets up, pulling the attention of everyone to him, and bringing a deafening silence to the table.
You raise your eyebrow and squint your gaze in confusion, but Jacaerys just clears his throat and only provides you with more confusion. However, that confusion quickly washes away as Aemond stands up and stares your brother down.
“Aemond,” you whisper and take his hand.
Said man keeps his glare on Jacaerys, adding tension to the table. You follow his line of gaze and watch your brother playfully hit Aegon's arm before raising his cup and meeting your husband's gaze.
“To Prince Aegon and Prince Aemond…”
You swallow thickly and look up at Aemond again to plead. “<Aemond, my love, please.>”
Aemond blinks and meets your gaze briefly. You think he'll overreact, so you prepare yourself to try and calm him down, but he seems to find a solution to his conflict in your pleading gaze and sighs before he slowly sits back down to just listen.
“We have not seen each other in years, but I have fond memories of our shared youth. And as men, I hope we may yet be friends and allies. To you and your family's good health, dear uncles.” Jacaerys makes a friendly toast and raises his cup, followed by Baela.
The awkward tension doesn't leave but you slowly drink to your brother's words while you wrap your hand around Aemond’s arm.
“To you as well,” Aegon adds awkwardly.
Now you want this to come to an end before things turn bad. Aemond is already more upset than he initially was. And you can’t just see it in his stiff body, and pursed lips, but he gives his emotions away by pulling his arm from your grasp, letting you know he’s upset that you were trying to stop him from overreacting.
You howbeit don’t take offense to his petty act, you find it funny and immediately put your hand over his again. Aemond slowly drags his eye to the side in annoyance, and you slowly do the same but shoot him a playful smirk when you meet his gaze.
Aemond sighs and looks away as he takes his hand away again, but you pull his hand down and rub his hand against your thigh before you lean close to his ear to whisper cockily. “You can be upset all you want, it makes for a more entertaining night.”
The corner of Aemond’s lips twitch to a smile, but he doesn’t let it show in front of the others.
“Just a little longer, okay?” You assure him and then press a kiss on his cheek before you look to your other side as Helaena gets up too.
“I would like to toast to Baela and Rhaena,” Helaena says. “They’ll be married soon. It isn’t so bad. Mostly he just ignores you…”
Aemond grips onto your thigh before you both share awkward glances due to his sister's speech.
“…except sometimes when he’s drunk.”
Scattered laughs spread around the table, but you just blink and glare over at Aegon.
“Let us have some music,” your grandfather brings an end to the toast, letting you turn to face Aemond.
“So I thought,” you tell him, gaining his full attention. “If my family doesn’t end up staying long, after Aerion and I come back from Dragonstone, we go to the vacation house. We can present Aerion to the countryside, just be alone and have calm nights, hm?” You share your idea.
Nevertheless, Aemond’s attention drifts behind you rather quickly, you follow his line of gaze and notice Jacaerys and Helaena starting to dance.
“Aw.” You grin. “How adorable.”
Aemond hums dryly, letting you know he didn't like it one bit, so you block his line of gaze and distract him. “So what do you say? After I come back, do you want to take a nice trip?”
Aemond sighs. “All right,” he agrees as he holds your gaze.
You beam at him and steal a kiss from his lips before you face the table again. Yet just before you can grab any food, a shadow gets cast over you, and Aemond’s grip on your thigh tightens.
“Sister,” you recognize Lucerys say, making you look over at him standing beside your chair with his hand out. “Would you like to dance?” He asks and slides his gaze to Aemond at your other side to shoot him a small smirk. “If that’s okay of course.”
Even though he is playing some stupid game to annoy Aemond, you gladly take your brother's hand and don’t even ask Aemond for permission because Lucerys is your little brother. You don’t need permission to dance with him. However, as you do follow Lucerys out to the floor you do feel Aemond’s gaze on you. When you come to a brief stop and grab your brother's hands, you look back and see exactly that, Aemond watching Lucerys and you carefully, as if your brother was going to suddenly just steal you or something.
Thus just to reassure Aemond of his ridiculous concern you offer him a soft smile before you begin to follow Lucerys’s lead.
“You’ve come a long way from dancing on my feet,” you tell Lucerys as you pull apart and continue to dance. “I’m impressed.”
“There’s not much to do at Dragonstone,” he comments whilst you both hook your arms around each other to spin slowly to the beat. “Besides, mother made us take lessons.”
You giggle. “Well, you’ll make your future wife very happy. It’s always impressive when a man is a willing dance partner.”
“Is it?” Lucerys asks curiously and steals a glance at Rhaena.
You nod. “It is. It’s a way to a woman’s heart. For some anyway.”
He laughs and meets your gaze with a serious look in his eyes. “What’s the other?”
You grin in awe and respond honestly. “Attention, so don't make her feel alone. Listening. Affection and humor.”
Lucerys hums softly before you link arms again and begin spinning slowly once more.
“Dragonstone wasn’t the same without you,” he says again. “We missed you.”
You hold his gaze and offer him a sweeter smile. “I missed you. I’m happy you haven’t changed, don’t let anyone change you.”
You proceed to grab each other's hands and dance around Helaena and Jacaerys before you turn back to back, lift your arms as if forming wings, and then pull away to turn to face each other again.
Before you can finish your dance though, you both come to a slow stop as you notice your grandfather getting carried. When he's being taken away, all you hear him do is groan in pain and you can't help but feel pity that he can’t be the man he once was.
At least he got to witness a part of this family dinner. As tense as it has been, it must've been nice after only seeing the same four walls, and laying in bed all day.
Nevertheless, after he is taken out of the room, a higher tension fills the room at the same time a roasted pig is brought in. Thus you don’t continue to dance in a tense-filled room, instead, you point to the table.
“Let’s go eat some dinner, hm?” You suggest.
Lucerys nods before laughing as he walks you to your chair. “You sound like mother.”
You flash him a simple happy smile before you take your seat beside Aemond and watch your brother return to his seat across the table. And now that you are seated, Aemond fixes his chair to the way it was before.
“I’m still here,” you tease him and take his hand once again. “But if you were so worried you should’ve danced with me.”
Aemond hums, making you snicker before you change the subject. “I have something I want to give you later. It…took me a long while to perfect, but I think you’ll like it.”
Aemond blinks in surprise before he turns his head to face you with confusion and curiosity. “What is it?” He asks.
You shrug softly and bat your lashes. “You just have to wait and see. Or I’ll tell you now if you dance with me?” You tease him with a smirk. “Hm?”
Aemond looks at the dance floor that Jacaerys and Helaena still occupy before meeting your gaze and letting out a deep sigh. “Fine.”
You blink in surprise and pull back. “Really?” You ask him now. “You’ll dance with me?”
Aemond nods. “I will.”
You beam at him with awe and excitement, but…just as you stand up, and before you can pull him up, his gaze drifts away for a second, only a few moments, but it’s long enough for him to catch something that pisses him off so much that he rips his arm from your grasp and slams his hand on the table, cutting off all noise that traveled within.
“Final tribute,” he interjects. “To the health of my nephews.”
Your smile fades completely and instead, you begin to nervously bite the inside of your cheek.
“Jace,” Aemond names. “Luke, and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise…” he trails off and takes a long pause while he stares Lucerys down again.
“Aemond,” you warn him without an ounce of softness in your tone this time.
But of course, he ignores you. “Hm,” he hums. “Strong.”
You clench your jaw and fill with anger; not because he dared to say that to them, there’s no need fueling those comments. You're mad because he ruined this supper. Couldn’t he just hold it in and silently just glare and hate? That’s what you’re doing with Daemon.
“Aemond,” his mother attempts to stop him too.
“Come,” Aemond continues and ignores Alicent as well. “Let us drain our cups to these three…strong boys.”
“I dare you to say that again,” Jacaerys snaps at him angrily.
“Why?” Aemond counters and faces him with his cup raised. “‘Twas only a compliment.”
He breaks away from his spot and passes you to stride to Jacaerys. “Do you not think yourself strong?”
You know Jacaerys has a short temper, you know Aemond doesn’t hold back, so you slowly follow after him and try to plead again. “Aemond, please stop.”
Yet now rather than ending up being hit after trying to stop a fight, Jacaerys swings his fist across Aemond’s face.
Your eyes widen in shock, and you reach your hands out to help your husband, but nevertheless, the punch doesn’t seem to affect Aemond, he doesn’t even drop his wine or sway. So you have to admit that it's impressive, it really impresses you, but now isn't the time, besides as Jacaerys and Aemond confront each other, from the corner of your eye you catch Aegon slamming Lucerys face into the table.
Now rather than staying put and trying to plead, as if triggered by your brother's pain and the anger Aemond made you feel, you charge at Aegon without hesitation and quickly slam your hand on the back of his head and clutch a chunk of hair. You then grab his shoulder and yank him back harshly. When Aegon finds his footing he looks at you bewildered, but that expression is quickly wiped away as you proceed to swing your right fist across his face harshly, causing him to stumble back.
“Try that again,” you snap at Aegon.
Guards head over to you to try and stop you, but before they can try and touch you, a threatening “don’t,” is snapped at them.
You quickly dart your gaze to the side and see Daemon stop by you, challenging the guards with his glare alone.
Of course, the guards don’t dare and move toward you now, nor do they hold Aegon back—Not like he made any attempt to hit you back, he just holds his cheek in complete surprise. When he catches your gaze he pulls his hand away and you notice a small bleeding cut under his eye that you had made.
You should feel bad, but you don’t, you actually feel proud that you managed to hurt him. Besides Aegon doesn’t seem at all affected, he notices the blood and begins to chuckle before he walks away.
You scoff and roll your eyes, catching the guards failing to hold Jacaerys back now.
“…Though it seems my nephews aren’t so proud of there’s!” You hear Aemond exclaim, and when you look over you see him stride to Jacaerys, so you quickly turn around to face the scene, but before you can even think of getting in between them, your mother's hand falls on your wrist, stopping you.
“Wait! Wait!” Daemon interjects and nonchalantly strides in between both young men, making the both of them stop in their attempts to continue fighting. He then proceeds to face Jacaerys and walks him back without the need to say anything.
“Go to your quarters,” your mother orders your brothers and cousins behind you. “All of you. Now.”
You glance over your shoulder and watch them all leave. When they’re gone you focus back on Aemond and see him challenge Daemon’s glare in silence.
You tighten your hold around your mother's and watch them both carefully in anticipation, readying yourself in case either of them snap.
However, Aemond then hums and walks away, bringing the entire supper to a dramatic end.
“If you still wish to accompany us to Dragonstone, my Sweet,” your mother interjects. “Pack what you need, we’re leaving tonight.”
You watch Aemond leave out the hall before you look at your mother and nod in comprehension. “I will. I’ll see you in a bit.”
She nods in comprehension and lets you let her go so you can leave the hall after Aemond. Yet when you see him walking toward your chambers you make no attempt to pick up your pace to catch up to him, you keep your own pace behind him, and try to calm yourself down before walking into your shared quarters.
Nevertheless, you ultimately fail when you are in the privacy of your chambers. You don’t speak to another right away. You let a tension fill the room since Vanessa walks in only a few minutes later.
“Pack for two week's worth,” you let her know as you walk to your closet. “We won’t stay long. After that please put Wolf in his crate, we'll take him too, and then take Aerion, we’ll ride with my mother and dare I say it…my stepfather.” You sigh deeply.
“Right away, Princess,” Vanessa says and walks up behind you to take the gowns you were picking out from your hands. “Should I pack riding outfits?”
“Hm.” You think for a second and briefly glance at her. “Yes, just two.”
Vanessa nods, but she then stops what she’s doing and meets your gaze. “I can do it. I know you well, I won’t be long.”
You share a soft and relieved smile before you let her do her job. Yet now you return to the tension, but! Of course, Aemond doesn't look bothered by any of it!
You can be upset at one another and he always looks nonchalant, and it irks you! You want him to be mad at you, you want him to react, not just sit there and brood in front of the fire.
“Whatever it is you want to say,” Aemond suddenly makes you jump. “Say it. You’ll bleed if you bite your tongue any harder.”
You clasp your hands together and slowly begin to fiddle with your hands as you begin pacing with your mouth shut. Vanessa is still here and you don’t want to have an audience.
“Unless you want to leave upset,” he adds and keeps looking at the fire.
When you don’t respond, he presses as he finally peers back at you. “Hm?”
You stop pacing behind him and let out a frustrated breath, but don’t start just yet, you wait. It's not until Vanessa is out and no longer in the hall that you start and give him what he wants. “Why did you do it?” You mutter out in frustration.
Aemond remains as he is and gives you what you want. “I didn’t do anything, I gave a toast, your brother—”
“No,” you cut him off and storm around him to stand in front of him so he can see your anger. “No, don't bullshit me, Aemond. Seven hells, you antagonized them.”
Aemond finally meets your gaze, and you deepen your scowl.
“He hit me first,” he spats but in a very collected manner. “Or are you choosing not to see that?”
You shake your head. “I’m not siding with either of you. It was stupid that he hit you, and it was stupid of you to provoke him.”
Aemond blinks in surprise and finally chooses to slowly stand to his given his height as if trying to intimidate you, but you aren’t at all affected.
“I try to be understanding, I always have,” you continue to argue and step back as he steps forward. “I never try to take sides or try to tell you how to feel, but when you provoke them I can’t help but get mad at you. I told you to wait it out, just for dinner, but…” you trail off and shake your head. “You can’t even do that.”
“He hit me first, what did you want me to do?” He argues and takes a step towards you again, this time you stay put, this time you’re the nonchalant one, making him finally give you a reaction that you want because your calm demeanor pisses him off; you can tell by the way he clenches his jaw, flares his nose, and curls his thin lips.
“You hit Aegon, do you hear me remarking on that?” He spats.
You scoff. “I don’t give a shit about Aegon. Your brother is a bad man, he deserved it.”
“Did I?” He cuts in bluntly.
“No,” you quickly assure him. “No. But I wanted you to just listen. To me. I told you to sit through it. I didn’t say get over it, but you started it,” you stop again to catch your breath before you turn away to avoid shedding angry tears. “If you have so much hatred for my brothers then,” you pause and huff, shoving away all your anger with that huff of air and leaving yourself vulnerable. “…how can you honestly love me?”
Aemond hears the quiver in your voice and sighs, losing all his will to argue with anger, and growing weak and gentle at the mere shift in your emotions.
“You aren’t the same as them,” he says softly and grabs your shoulders.
You want to say what he’s thinking; a bastard, but you can’t, so you bite your tongue and watch the flames as if you’ll find your solace amongst them.
“You never have been,” Aemond continues. “You’ve never been cruel to me, not when we were kids. You never laughed at me because of what I lacked. Even when I lost my eye and people looked at me with disgust, you never scrunched your nose. When we got older and I was distant you still picked me.”
“That’s why I love you,” he says and turns you around to lift your head with his knuckle so you can meet his gaze and show you that he's being honest and vulnerable with you. “Forgive me for upsetting you. I won’t apologize for what I did, I would be lying if I did.”
You scoff and roll your eyes.
“But,” he adds and cups your face to keep you looking at him. “I am sorry for upsetting you.”
You hold his gaze and then can’t help but glance at his lips after those words leave his mouth, feeling a spark of desire coil inside you.
“Say you forgive me,” he whispers. “I don't want to leave things like this.”
You draw in a deep breath and touch his chest. “Just,” you breathe out. “Please stop provoking them. Stop with the snide comments. It’s okay to still be upset, I could never understand what you feel, and I could never ask you to forgive him, but please for me, for Aerion, just leave them alone,” you plead and press your other hand against his jaw. “You are better than that, Aemond. I know it. You have a good heart, you always have.”
Aemond’s gaze softens and he immediately presses his forehead against yours, letting you then slide your hands to the back of his head.
“I’m sorry too,” you add. “I shouldn't have gotten so angry at you.”
Aemond shakes his head and assures you softly. “There’s no need for apologies, not from you.”
You flash him a grin and then gently press your lips against his.
He actually doesn’t kiss you back right away, he savors the taste of your kiss since you’ll be leaving him for two weeks. It’s only when you’re about to pull back that he pulls you back in, leading you into a slow and gentle kiss that neither of you try to rush and instead let fuel your burning desires. You let your affection and need for each other control you. All you know is that you were going to be late meeting your mother and the rest of your family.
“I,” you say between the slow kisses. “I’m not bleeding. It was a false alarm. We can do this. I want you, so I can remember how you felt when I’m alone.”
Aemond chuckles softly and meets your gaze with a smirk. “I wouldn't have cared if you were.”
You mirror his gesture and before long those slow and sweet kisses turn rougher and sloppier, lighting your body on fire with desire, and putting his member at attention for you to drool over.
When he notices your hungry gaze he grabs the back of your hand and presses your palm over his clothed member. You smirk and turn your wrist to grab a hold of his aching cock, but leave him craving your touch, and instead, you strip down to nothing, making him walk back to sit on the couch and watch how the firelight captures your body so perfectly for only him to see.
When you’re left with nothing on but the jewelry you wear, you walk to him and simply unbuckle his pants and pull them down and let his cock spring out and fill your mind with so many dirty thoughts.
Unfortunately, most can’t come to flourish today though, you have to satisfy yourself with one thing so you’re not left in shambles without him in Dragonstone. Thus you saddle his hips and press a kiss on the corner of his lips.
Aemond groans in complaint as he wants more, and wants nothing more but to make each other one, but you must want to keep people waiting because you begin to leave a trail of kisses down to his neck, making a chill travel down his spine, and a wicked smirk to play on his lips.
“Fuck me,” you demand him. “So I can go to sleep tonight thinking about how good you make me feel when you’re inside me,” you whisper so seductively that his breath hitches and his hands fall on your hips to push you down to his aching member because he can’t go on not feeling you gummy walls.
He wanted you since the moment you placed his hand on your thigh, but he kept his patience, and now that you’re in the privacy of your room and he’s no longer bothered by the mere sight of the visitors around the table, all he wants is you; your lips, your breasts, and your aching cunt that weeps for him, that squeezes him so tight he groans in your mouth.
You’ve felt him many times before, but still, each time his cock goes in it’s like the first time; he’s so long.
“Wait, wait,” you pant and take his hand that he keeps on your hip, and bring it up to his face. When he figures out what you want, he grabs his eyepatch and pulls it off his head. Once the firelight gleams against his sapphire you smile sweetly and give him a taste of what he wants by rolling your hips, making him push himself deeper inside you as his breathing falters and his hand slides back to grab a handful of your ass.
“Aemond,” you can’t help but moan.
He bites his lip and once he has his composure he captures your lips and rolls his tongue inside before he starts thrusting his length inside you, making you stop your attempts to suck on his tongue and instead claw his shoulders.
Now that pleasure that coils feels like wildfire. You’re overwhelmed with pleasure in the best way possible, not being able to think about anything but the way his cock keeps rubbing against your walls as he moves in and out of you even if you’re the one on top
You don’t even want to lose touch with his wet lips because it adds to the sensation and the pleasuring fire, but you can’t hold it in, and he’s not moving his lips anymore because he’s so lost in his pleasure; you pull back, but stay connected by a string of saliva for a moment as you catch your breath before you throw your head back and start to moan his name like prayer as his cock keeps penetrating you roughly.
“So perfect. So perfectly made for…me,” he babbles on with a half-lidded eye. “Fuck,” he hisses and grips your ass, leaving marks that you can’t feel because of how lost you are in the sensation of his cock bullying inside you.
You don’t bother to do any work until he fits himself all the way inside and hits that heavenly g-spot.
“Aemond, please,” you beg before you lean back and grab his thighs to start bouncing for him, leaving you in a perfect angle for him to watch how your tits bounce with your delicious movements.
He could keep watching you all day, but you have him too fired up, his insides are turning and threatening to snap, and two weeks without your touch is hell, so he cups your breasts and begins messaging them as he thrusts up to meet your hips, creating obscene sounds of skin slapping that echo around the room.
“Aemond,” you whine, making him moan to the ceiling and move faster.
You keep whining his name as the tip of his cock keeps hitting that perfect spot that is about to tip everything over and bring an end to this quick goodbye sex. And hearing him heave and moan your name isn’t helping, you begin to squeeze tighter, driving him further to the edge, and only fueling his roughness.
You want to prolong this moment, keep feeling him inside your guts, but the time is ticking and they will leave you behind, so you lean in and continue to kiss him, finding his weakness by pushing your tongue in his open-mouthed kiss.
Aemond lets out a throaty groan and starts rolling your hips for you, bringing you to a stop as you can’t hold it back anymore, a blinding pleasure slams in you, and all you see are stars as you drown his cock with your warm cum. He doesn’t last longer either, he grows sloppier, and his breathing grows ragged until he snaps and moans inside your mouth as he spills his hot seed inside you.
After a few sloppy thrusts, he falls back on the couch and you fall on his chest and hang your hands around his neck.
“I will never get tired of this,” you murmur as you caress the back of his neck and lose your gaze on the fire in the distance that makes you both gleam because of the sweat that sticks to your skin. “This is better than flying.”
Aemond chuckles. “I have to admit it is,” he says in that low voice that works to lure you and tempts you to go for a second round. But you hold back for the sake of your waiting family and instead smile and press a kiss on his shoulder before you pull back to face him.
“Once we move to Dragonstone, you will get tired of me.”
Aemond scoffs. “I never could. Never.”
You offer him a soft smile before you grab his shoulders as you remember something. “That’s right! My present!” You giggle and then slip off, making you both groan and leaving you both feeling empty.
Even so, you take no time to think about the chill or the good way you ache, you excitedly run to the chest in your room.
Aemond watches your naked body with a smirk and a craving for more.
“Since we did get married so suddenly I couldn’t have this made before, but…” you trail off and pull out a long-sheathed weapon. “…I do have it now. That’s what counts.”
You turn around and show off the sheathed sword. “This is for you, my love.”
You rush back to him, but he meets you halfway after pulling his pants on so you won't have to carry it all the way to him.
“I do hope you like it,” your voice grows quieter with worry and insecurity. “And any adjustments you may need let the smith know.”
Aemond takes the sheathed weapon from you with hesitance as if he doesn’t believe you’re being honest.
“Come on,” you encourage him. “Open it.”
Aemond takes a moment and looks at you first with awe before he unwraps the pommel first, showing off a dragon's head that is shaped like Vhagar.
You can’t contain your excitement even if you don’t know if he’ll like it, and point at the gems where the eyes are meant to be. “Tiny green emeralds for the eyes because your dragon is green,” you grin and shake his arm. “Go on, reveal the blade!”
Aemond drops his gaze and can’t hide his grin as he unsheathes the long blade that glimmers brightly against the fire's light.
“Now,” you add as you wrap your arms around his neck to admire the silver metal mixes with the dark metal that is Valyrian steel. “I know it isn't fully Valyrian Steel, but…I used my chain necklace to mix some in. Now you’ll always carry a bit of me with you, even when we’re apart.”
You look at him and admire him using his finger to trace the dark metal elegantly swirled in the blade.
“Do you like it?” You whisper and watch for any slight twitch on his face that could give away that he doesn’t.
However, Aemond doesn't let you read the side of his face too long at all because he lifts his gaze as he puts the sword down and turns around to face you with a soft awestruck smile that he only lets you see.
He's usually so stiff and nonchalant because there’s almost always people around, but when it’s just Aerion, and you, he lets go, he laughs with such deep and genuine amusement and lets his blue eye glimmer adoration that makes it hard not to fall in love with him.
“I love it,” he says before he kisses you. Yet it doesn’t last long because he pulls back and whispers against your lips. “I love you.”
You smile with awe and don’t hesitate to repeat those words that once tasted bitter when you spoke them to him. “I love you too. Now and forever.” You mean your words of affection. Truly.
“Now and forever,” he repeats.
With one more kiss from his lips, you then quickly dress yourself and fix what was messed up. Before leaving to meet with your mother though, you prolong the moment longer by bringing in Aerion.
“Now my sweet boy,” you tell him. “Say goodbye to your father.”
Aerion eyes fill with tears and his pout trembles as your words make sense in his mind.
“You’ll sleep again soon enough,” Aemond assures the cranky baby. “I’ll see you in two week's time.” He presses a kiss on Aerion’s head of curls and caresses his cheek one more time before he gives you attention. “Send a Raven if anything happens. I’ll write to you later.”
You nod and steal one more kiss, but linger in each other's taste before you pull away and force yourself to leave before you change your mind and stay with Aemond.
Once you finally meet up with your family to leave, Jacaerys groans. “What took you so long?” He complains.
You shoot him a glare and shake your head. “Don’t worry about it,” you brush him off.
Since your mother is already waiting in the carriage you quickly climb in with Aerion and apologize to her only once you’re sat down. You completely ignore Daemon.
“Sorry,” you breathe out. “We can leave now.”
The carriage door closes behind Lucerys and both of your brothers squeeze in with you even if there’s more space in this moving carriage beside your mother, or quite literally on the same bench.
“Come on little prince,” Jacaerys says and reaches over to take Aerion from you.
Aerion frowns at him albeit and looks away.
“Oh, I see,” Jacaerys murmurs and hits his hands on his thighs. “He takes after his father then.”
You scoff and shake your head. “No,” you counter quickly and smile at your baby boy. “He just got woken up from his slumber. He’s just cranky, aren’t you? But after he gets his sleep then he’ll let you carry him.”
You lift Aerion to get him comfortable, but before you can cradle him in your arms, your mother interjects. “Give him here, I can put him to sleep.”
“Okay,” you whisper happily and hand her your baby.
You expect him to cry or try to reach out for you, but his eyes just water for a moment before he exhales deeply and gets comfortable in your mother's arms.
“He just didn’t like you,” Lucerys teases Jacaerys. “It’s a you thing.”
You snicker and both Lucerys and you nudge him.
“Sure,” Jacaerys grumbles and rolls his eyes. “Anyway!” He speaks louder and hits his thighs again. “Let’s change the subject to what I heard happen tonight.”
They heard Aemond and you making love?
Couldn’t be, they're not on the same floor—seven hells. Your balcony door was open though…
“I heard you punched Aegon.”
Oh, oh! Good. That was scary for a moment.
“Yes, she did,” Lucerys cuts in with excitement. “That ring of hers cut him.”
You begin to smirk. “He deserved it,” you say smugly. “But I can’t brag…he’s a weak fighter. You can even take him,” you playfully jab at Jacaerys.
Your brother shoots you a pointed look, and Lucerys snickers.
“How did you learn to hit like that?” Daemon interrupts, causing your amusement to flicker with annoyance and distaste—“the swing seemed practiced.”
“From lurking in the shadows like a creep,” Jacaerys blurts to try and get back at you.
You roll your eyes and push him away. You don’t want to answer, but your mother is here and she’s also waiting for your answer with Aerion falling asleep in her arms, so as to not upset her, you spare one glance at Daemon and respond.
“I learned when I was young…since I’m a Princess I wasn’t allowed to train like the boys, so,” you sigh and smirk at him. “I watched everything they did and taught myself to do it better.”
A proud smile tugs on your mother's lips, and even if you don’t want to notice, a smirk flashes on Daemon’s lips.
“Besides,” you add and grin brightly. “Ser Harwin always said that nothing is more powerful than a strong right hook. He taught me how to throw a punch.”
“We’ll see how good you are with a sword,” Jacaerys taunts you, pulling your attention to him.
“Yeah,” you give in to his offer smugly. “We’ll see.”
Every day at King’s Landing can never measure up to moments like these with your family. You’ve missed it, all of the chaos and the comfortable atmosphere. Even if you have your differences with Daemon, his presence doesn’t bother you as much—you don’t let it bother you as much anyway.
At King’s Landing with Aemond’s family, it’s always so awkward, they’re never together as one. They spend breakfasts apart, dinners are hardly eaten together and there’s always some kind of uncomfortable tension. It’s why you just spend time alone with Aemond and Aerion, being with the Queen, her father, and the other kids is awkward. Besides, no one at King’s Landing besides Vanessa knows how to style your hair.
“Higher. Raise your blade higher!” Jacaerys scolds Lucerys.
“Mother,” you break your silence and look away from your brothers sparring to mindlessly watch the sand.
She hums in response, letting you continue.
“In our family history,” you pause and blink to glance over at Rhaena playing with Aerion. “Has there ever been Targaryen’s who may be…immune to fire?”
There has to be an answer for the impossible things you’ve noticed. A small mention in your history books.
“Hm, not that I can recall,” she responds and reaches down to pick up a golden cuff from your palm to put it on your hair. “We are known to tolerate heat more than an average person can, but no, there haven’t been any fire-immune Targaryen’s recorded. If there had been we would have known, right?”
Nothing but more questions.
“That’s right,” you agree softly and return your gaze to your brothers.
“Why?” She asks and leans closer to you. “Any particular reason?”
You debate telling her what you have been discovering about yourself lately, but you can’t tell her what you aren’t sure of yet, you'll sound mad without hard proof. What if you just have a higher tolerance than others who have come before you? You need to learn more before you can tell her or anyone else.
“Just curious,” you simply avoid the truth.
“Well you can always try the library,” she offers some aid as she reaches down to grab the last golden cuff from your palm before parting her lips again. “You can also ask Daemon those questions. He knows a lot more than I do. He spends a lot of time reading about our history.”
She’s attempting to have her husband and you bond again. She started this ridiculous mission when you climbed on the ship to come here.
And as thoughtful as her attempts are, she can wipe your father's blood off Daemon's hands, her attempts are futile, but you don’t want to discourage her yet so you just hum to keep her assured.
“Princess,” a different voice suddenly interjects, pulling the attention of all four of you seated on the sand—“A raven came to you from King’s Landing.”
The maester approaches your family and much to your surprise he comes to a stop beside you with the small scroll in his hands.
You immediately smile since you know exactly who it’s from, and quickly push yourself to your feet to gently take the scroll from his hand. “Thank you, Maester.” You tell him sweetly before sitting back down to read what Aemond wrote.
“My love, I write to you urgently to command you to return home at once.
“Oh,” Baela says teasingly. “A raven from your beloved. What does he say? He beckons you home already?”
You blink repeatedly in confusion, finding his urgency concerning. Yet you don’t feel rushed to return home to him; you just arrived at Dragonstone and you told him two weeks. Besides, what if he’s just being difficult because of his indifferences with your family?
Tsk. He can wait.
“He just misses me,” you retort with a smile and roll the scroll back to tuck it in the bracelet cuff around your bicep. “He can stay missing me for the next two weeks.”
Baela snickers.
“I'm glad you can bring out something good from him,” your mother interjects. “Gods know how much Alicent poisons them.”
You mindlessly begin to fiddle with your ring around your finger and query. “You really think so?”
“Yes, I saw it, the way he looks at you. The eyes never lie.”
The corner of your lips tug to a soft flattered smile and your heart skips a beat.
“You!” You hear Jacaerys exclaim, and when you lift your gaze you see that he’s pointing at you.
“Come spar against me,” he taunts you and lowers his arm. “You keep saying you’re good, but I have yet to see it. Your words mean nothing unless you show us.”
You share an amused look with Baela before you shrug nonchalantly. “I’m not so sure now. I wouldn’t want to hurt your ego in front of your betrothed. Just…believe me and leave it at that, dear brother.” You tease him lightheartedly as you cross your legs over the other and lean back on your hands.
“Then you’re not good,” he counters smugly, knowing how to lure you in. “Accept my challenge and show me you are this great swordsman and I will shut up about it. Or don’t and I will annoy you forever and you reign you a liar.”
You roll your head back to pretend that his plan didn’t work the way he wanted it to, and quip, “you already do annoy me. But,” you sigh and sit up. “Fine, only so you’ll shut up about it.”
You walk to your brother nonchalantly as if you're not excited to show your skill, or happy that he wasn't a stickler for stupid sexist rules. When you pass by Lucerys you motion him to give you his sparring sword.
“Be careful,” your little brother says over his shoulder.
“You won’t change?” Jacaerys points to your gown.
You shake your head. “Don’t need to. I can beat you with it on.”
You shoot him a smirk and choose to stand across from him on the sand. “I won’t go easy just so you know,” you let him know. “I will play by your training rules though just so you won’t get hurt.”
“As if,” he grumbles while he fixes his grip around his blade.
You roll your shoulders back and shift your feet in the way Aemond stands. You then narrow your gaze on your brother and wait for his first move.
Thankfully, he grows impatient right away so he comes charging at you right away. When he gets close he swings at your neck, but you duck and then spin around him quickly.
Jacaerys watches you get away and quickly tries to meet your next move before you can give it away, but you surprise him by clawing one hand on his shoulder and using your other hand to grip his arm to shove him down.
Right away rather than staying down and giving you a path to a quick feat, Jacaerys rapidly pushes himself up and thrusts his sword at your side, but you manage to block him and then use your leg to kick him back.
Jacaerys glances down at his throbbing chest and quickly finds you again to flash a bothered frown that he's holding back from showing his impressed smile. You on the other hand shoot him a smug grin to work him up.
And just like you thought, he can't stand your cocky smile, it offends him too much so he comes at you again, and swings down this time, but you avert his blade by turning to the side.
That swift move infuriates him more so he uses his anger to keep swinging, but you just keep swerving his swings.
“Fight back,” he growls.
You click your tongue and roll out, “fight better.”
This time, however, you actually do as he says and charge at him before swinging up. Jacaerys brings his sword over to block you, but at the last second, you trick him and end up spinning around him, managing to hit his arm harshly with your blade before you face his back.
Your brother hisses and grabs his arm, but doesn't stop from trying to attack. You don’t let him move though, instead, you kick him down to the sand and proceed to stride over to him to flip him around and point your sword at his throat.
“What do I win?” You ask proudly.
Jacaerys huffs out in annoyance and throws his sword aside, letting you do the same to offer him your hand.
“Come on, get up,” you offer without that teasing air in your voice.
Your brother sighs deeply in defeat and seems to hesitate, but he ends up taking your hand to let you help him back to his feet.
“You did good,” you compliment him seriously. “A lot better than six years ago that’s for sure.”
Jacaerys snatches his hand away from yours and glances behind you, you follow his line of gaze and catch Daemon is now watching, but you ignore him and focus on your mother's smile instead while she holds Aerion now.
“You…did good too,” Jacaerys redirects quietly as he scratches the back of his head.
You giggle and shove past him to pick up the sword from the ground.
“You did good, Princess,” Daemon interjects, interrupting the pleasurable moment you had been sharing with your family. “But you can do better.”
His footsteps hit the sandy surface and approach you. When he stops near you his shadow casts over you, and your anger breaks out of that little box you wanted to contain it in for the purpose of this trip to go well.
“I don’t need your help,” you snap at him and don’t fret to meet his gaze with a burning glare.
You would have snapped at him and called him a murderer, but you don’t have evidence and you still don’t want to ruin this trip, so you just clench your jaw and stab the sword in the sand before you shove past him and stomp over to your son.
Your mother calls out to you and tries to talk to you, but you just gently take Aerion from her since your anger is not directed at her.
“Come on baby, let’s get you inside,” you whisper to your baby boy and then storm away.
Your mother calls out to you desperately, but you ignore her, and instead of going inside as you said, you take a detour to the hill by the castle when you catch Astraea resting.
“<Hello, girl,>” you greet the dragon as you press your forehead against her jaw.
Astraea growls softly and leans against you, making you smile softly and that frustration melt away.
“Do you want to feel her?” You ask Aerion and then grab his little hand to press it against Astrea’s hard purple scales.
Aerion grins brightly and kicks his feet, he tries to laugh, but he can’t do so just yet so he just gapes like a fish.
“<Goodgirl.>” You praise your dragon in High Valyrian before approaching footsteps interrupt your peace and work to deteriorate all the joy had felt.
Albeit when you check who’s approaching you’re relieved to see it’s just your brothers, and ashamed to say you got worked up without looking at who it was.
“I won’t apologize,” you mutter, knowing that your mother probably sent them to address your previous dramatic scene. “I just need time.” You say and turn to drag yourself down to the ground beside your dragon's head.
“We aren’t here you tell you to apologize,” Jacaerys rebuttals as both he and Lucerys slow down to a stop before you and Aerion. “Nor do I think Daemon cares if you do.”
You turn Aerion around so he can face you, and begin making faces at him so he can smile.
“We've come to tell you that we understand,” Lucerys shares, making you blink repeatedly. “We understand your anger and distance.”
You keep a lighthearted expression for Aerion’s sake, but your voice tells your anger and sadness. “How can you do it? Look at him in the eye every day after what he did?” You can’t help but ask without even a little explanation, you were angry, but they’re also old now, they grasp things better, they understand a lot more than before, and they must suspect what you do.
“What did he do?” Lucerys asks innocently, but you don’t hold back for his sake.
“He killed father to marry mother.”
“Your father,” Jacaerys deadpans. “Laenor was only your father.”
You snap your head to the side and look at him with a pointed glare. “Does that matter? He still raised you, he was still there and Daemon took him away. So how can you do it? Because I can’t…look him in the eye without thinking of father, without wanting to kill him.”
Jacaerys and Lucerys share a brief look before they sit with you. They remain silent for a while, most likely trying to find what to say to try and ease the pain you express to them for the first time.
“I can’t say I haven’t thought about that,” Jacaerys admits softly. “I don’t trust Daemon, but there’s nothing we can do about theories. We have no evidence, and he…makes mother happy.”
You sigh deeply and look down at Aerion watching you. “I know,” you whisper and look up at the sky to avoid crying. “I just have to suck it up. But…you don’t think I’m mad for holding that against him right?” You can't help but ask and look at both of your brothers and wait.
Lucerys meets your gaze and a variety of emotions run behind his eyes before he slowly shakes his head. “No, we—I understand why you’re angry, and it’s okay. You can be mad at him all you want.”
You hold his gaze before you share a soft admiring grin. “You've really grown up, huh?”
Lucerys scoffs softly. “It’s been six years,” he says timidly nonetheless.
You nod slowly in comprehension and glance down at Aerion with a soft smile before you glance at your brothers. “Thank you for coming up to talk to me, and trying to understand.”
Lucerys offers you a soft smile, and Jacaerys averts his gaze to interject. “We stand with you, sister. We need you to know that.” He goes quiet and slowly lowers his gaze to lock his eyes on you and finish. “On this matter, and all the others you may face.”
Lucerys nods in agreement, making your eyes fill with happy tears. “Thank you,” you mewl.
“Don’t cry,” Jacaerys mumbles uncomfortably.
You laugh and shake your head. “I won’t.”
You wipe away a stray tear and hide your face by looking down at Aerion putting a strand of your hair in his mouth. “Just let me enjoy this moment.”
At least now you know you don’t stand alone in the anger against Daemon.
The difference between Jacaerys and Lucery's fighting style is that Lucerys is a bit too gentle and too slow, and Jacaerys is too angry and doesn’t try to be tactical. Jacaerys puts up a fight unlike Lucerys, who leaves himself too open. It’s why you find a way to shove his dominant hand before you raise your leg and kick him back on the sand.
“Lucerys,” you breathe out slowly.
Said boy groans and manages to hastily push himself up. “I know,” he grumbles in disappointment.
You walk over to him and grab his arm to help him to his feet. “You left yourself too open,” you point out the mistakes you caught. “Don’t think too much about it either, or else your enemy will get you a lot faster.”
Lucerys nods in comprehension and you can't stay too stoic, you offer him a small smile and pat his shoulder. “You did better this time though.” You assure him before you walk past him.
“You are speaking to him too gently,” Jacaerys scolds you as he takes your spot across Lucerys. “He won’t get any better that way.”
You spin around as you walk past him and shrug. “He won’t learn anything if you’re mean either,” you counter and plop yourself on the sand to watch Jacaerys spar against Lucerys now.
Once again Jacaerys is too aggressive, and Lucerys is too slow to catch up to his brother. It’s almost too hard to watch, you hate seeing Lucerys get hurt, but you watch for his sake so you can teach him his mistakes in ways Jacaerys is too impatient to do.
“What. Was. That?” Jacaerys spats as he shoves Lucerys to the ground.
“I'm sorry,” Lucerys grunts.
“You might go easier on him, my Prince,” an older Kingsguard knight interjects as he walks to your brothers. “So he can learn what you’re trying to teach.”
You hum in agreement.
“Your lady mother needs to see you!” The sound of your grandmother's voice carries out through the wind, stealing everyone’s attention and catching all of you by surprise. “The three of you!”
You had seen Meleys arrive not so long ago, but her armor wasn’t something you expected her to be wearing. Nor did you expect her to come see you all so soon. Should it be concerning?
“Is everything all right?” You ask your grandmother once you reach her under the cave.
Your grandmother Rhaenys lets out a deep sigh and points to where the castle is. “Go on, she needs you.”
That didn’t help anything whatsoever.
“Have you received any news from your husband?” She cuts you off.
You blink in confusion and answer quietly. “No. Just a raven to demand me back home…why?”
She simply holds your gaze and answers nonchalantly. “I’m sure your mother will explain. Now go, all three of you.”
You share a concerned look with your brothers before you hurry into the castle and do as she says. Once inside you look out for anything suspicious, but Dragonstone is quiet as usual, there’s nothing out of the ordinary.
That is true until you begin to approach your mother's chambers because as soon as you get close you hear grunts and cries of pain echoing out. When you make it inside her quarters you instantly freeze as you notice she’s in a birthing gown, bathed in sweat, and grabbing onto her waist to ease whatever pain she can.
“Mother?” Jacaerys calls out because you can’t muster even a breath.
“Fuck,” your mother groans.
The babe isn’t meant to come out yet.
“Princess,” Maester Gerardys calls out to your mother distracted by her pain.
When she slowly turns to face you and your brothers, you let out a shaky breath and climb down the stone stairs to fall by Jacaerys side and be under your mother's gaze as well.
“Your grandsire, King Viserys, has passed,” she announces with strain, making you gasp.
“V-Viserys?” Lucerys repeats in disbelief, whilst you try to progress the tragic news in silence.
Is that why—Aemond knew, didn't he? That’s why he wanted you home only a day after you left. He knew and he didn’t say a thing.
“The Greens have repudiated the succession,” your mother adds what was beginning to come across your mind. “And claimed the Iron Throne.”
The maester leaves hastily, and more grief piles on you, making it hard to breathe properly.
“Aegon has been crowned King.”
That drunk, rapist with no sense of any kind of responsibility?
“What is to be done about it?” Jacaerys asks what ran through your mind.
“Nothing yet,” your mother says.
“Where is Daemon?”
“I don’t know,” your mother's voice quivers. “Gone to madness.” She shakes her head. “Gone to plot his war.”
“Leave daemon with me,” Jacaerys cuts in and turns on his heels to storm off, taking Lucerys with him, while you stay there frozen to your spot, trying to wrap your mind around your grandfather's death and Aemond’s betrayal.
“Jace,” your mother calls out, but he doesn’t stop—“Jacaerys!”
You blink and slowly look at the entrance and watch him stop and turn to face your mother.
“Whatever claim remains to me,” she says through her pain. “You are now its heir. Naught is to be done but by my command.”
Jacaerys nods stiffly and lingers there for a few more seconds before he walks away to do as he had thrown out moments ago, and you…you look back at your mother and feel your heart sink. Whatever grief and anger you feel over the news, you shove that aside for now and rush to her side.
“I’m here,” you assure her as she begins grunting and crouching down. “I’m here.”
You grab her arm and hook it around your neck. “We should try sitting down, or lying,” you suggest.
Your mother shakes her head and clutches onto your shoulder as another wave of pain hits her.
What could you do to ease her pain? What can you do to make her feel more comfortable at this very moment? She cries and groans, she paces mindlessly trying to relieve herself of the pain, but the babe refuses to come out.
You’ve been through the pain of birth now, you know how much it hurts to have someone come out of your own body. You’ve also witnessed it after Lady Arra suffered through it for hours, but at this very moment, as your mother suffers through early labor, labor is still something you can’t comprehend, something you can’t find words for.
No matter how much you plead to let her ladies-in-waiting help her, she refuses. She refuses water and doesn't let you lay her down. All you can do is walk with her, hold her as she pushes, and hear her as the pain seems to become worse. She even calls out for Daemon, probably so he can comfort her, or so she can give him orders, but he never comes.
Not like that surprises you, not because of how you think he might be, but because he is a man. Men aren’t usually a part of the labor process, Cregan wasn’t there for Arra, and Aemond only came to you after you asked for him; you were so afraid you were going to die and Alicent refused to let your mother go to you, so all you wanted then was Aemond.
You can’t lie and say Cregan didn’t come to mind, he always had a way to comfort you with so much ease. He didn’t struggle like Aemond did, but you never let his name slip when you were on your birthing bed. And when Aemond was there you were grateful that he was and that he found it in himself to try as best as he could. So maybe that’s all you can do now too, try your best for your mother.
You rub her back and move her hair behind her shoulders so it isn’t bothering her. You let her squeeze your hand as hard as she wants and never let her go. There comes a point through her painful pushing that she finally lets you drag her down to the ground, but you can hear her cries are full of much more heightened pain, and the blood that stained the bottom half of her body becomes much more.
“Princess let us help you,” her handmaiden, Elinda pleads, but your mother doesn’t pay them any attention.
“Get out!” She bellows as she lifts her gown. “Get out!”
“Princess please.”
You slide your mother's arm off your body and crawl forward to help her, but she pushes away from you.
“Mother,” you beg between tears you try your hardest to fight away.
“Let us help you,” Elinda continues to press.
Your mother reaches out for your hand, and you quickly return to her side and let her clutch onto you as she screams sharply while she pushes out harder.
Now, however, with this push, blood pours out from her, surrounding your feet and staining the sheer white gown you put over your black training outfit. You want to help her pull the babe out, but she refuses your help and pulls out the baby herself with a long and painful cry.
The moment the baby girl comes out, that pain that riddled her body seems to ease, but the grief that hits her upon seeing the babe is probably worse than her pain.
The babe is so small, her bones are clearly prominent against her skin. There’s bumps you can’t identify poking out of her head, and her skin is…scaly, unlike anything you’ve seen on a human child; It looks like a dragon's skin. Yet throughout all that observation, you still search for a sign of life, you wait to see your baby sister's chest move…but her eyes never open, and a cry never fills the room.
It’s so deafeningly quiet now, your mother doesn’t cry anymore and the handmaidens don’t plead to help. And the baby, little Visenya is so still, so incredibly still. There’s nothing you can do now but be there and cradle your mother as she cradles Visenya’s body.
You don’t say anything, quiet tears stream out of your eyes—tears brought by your own grandfather's death, by the betrayal jabbing your heart, and by your sister's death before she could even take her own breath.
Even so, as paralyzed as you are, you find the strength to press a gentle kiss on the side of your mother's head and let her rest her head against yours as she sits there.
Who knows how much time passed before you moved, but even then your mind is moving too fast to grasp anything at all. It feels like you’re outside of your body just watching it move throughout the castle halls. And funny enough, the only person you want to comfort you is Aemond; the man who helped his brother usurp your mother's throne. You want him with you, hugging you and telling you that it will all be fine, you want him with you.
Flying home even crosses your mind, you want to run into his arms and let him hold you, you want to breathe in his charming scent, and tell him that you’re not really mad at him for what Aegon did, you know the influence his mother holds, and that poisoned him at a young age. You don’t blame him for Aegon’s coronation, you’re just upset that he didn’t say anything.
You still wouldn't side with the Greens though, not only because Aegon makes a terrible ruler, but because your mother is the true heir, your grandfather deemed it that way and never declared otherwise, his word is law and they broke it.
So much for following the rules.
Alas, Aemond can’t be here, and you can’t leave. Your mother needs you, and…if it’s a war that will break out then you want to fight for the right side.
So after a short bath and a change of clothes, you and your three brothers walk out and join your mother and Daemon for the funeral on a stony hill. Other people stand behind your mother and Daemon too; the other residents who live here, a couple of workers, your cousins of course, and your grandmother stands behind the crowd watching the pyre burn in silence
The moment is quiet, deafening so. You can even hear the flames from where you stand, the gentle breaths of your brothers near you, the waves lapping in the distance. After a while though, the sound of swords unsheathing breaks through the grieving silence. You break away from your stupor and see a knight of the Kingsguard who's not a part of the three that were already here walk up the hill.
“I mean no harm, brothers,” the man announces before he takes his helmet off.
Since you stand to the side it’s hard to identify who he is, so before your curiosity can kill you, you step forward and that’s when you see that it’s one of the twins; Ser Eryyk. He kneels before your mother and takes out…your grandfather's golden crown from his satchel.
“I swore to ward the Queen,” he doesn’t wait to proclaim loudly and with confidence. “With all my strength, and give my blood for hers….”
You gasp softly in disbelief, but you can’t help a proud smile from forming on your face.
It’s good that someone isn't afraid to break away from the man who calls himself King, that someone is loyal to your mother; the true Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
“I shall take no wife,” Ser Eryyk continues to preach his oath. “Hold no lands…father no children. I shall guard her secrets…obey her commands, ride at her side, and defend her name and honor.”
You look at your mother and watch Daemon approach her with the crown. For once you watch him with pride and glee as he sits the golden crown over your mother's head before he kneels before her.
Your mother does seem a bit shocked that she’s getting crowned, but when it seems to pass you catch her eyes lift to the crowd as they start to kneel before her and declare their loyalty. Her eyes then find you and your brothers, and they proceed to bend the knee too. When her eyes then lock with yours, you shoot her a small proud smile before you lift your skirt and bend the knee before your Queen, making your choice between both sides clear to her and everyone else. She is your Queen from now and until the end.
There are words in high Valyrian that are often used in Velaryon funerals, “From the Sea we came, to Sea we shall return.”
You never really found deeper meaning behind those words, not even when your aunt Laena died. They were beautiful, and a part of your beliefs as a Velaryon, but they were words until your father was the one who returned to the Sea.
Now all you do is desperately look for him. He wasn’t put to rest in Dragonstone, he was put to rest in the sea around Driftmark, next to his sister, but he became one with the sea after death, he is everywhere the water touches, from here, to the coldest waters far North, beyond the tall wall.
Yet no matter how long you stand in the dark waters, all you feel is cold water hitting your legs and weighing your gown, you just feel the cold wet sand between your toes, and a sharp, unfriendly breeze sway you back. There’s no sign of your father's presence to comfort you when you need him the most.
Can't he see that you still love Aemond even if he betray your mother and in turn you? Doesn’t he know you lost a sister, and your mother got her throne usurped? Doesn’t he know you need him now?
Why can’t he be here to embrace you? Why can’t you feel his presence in this vast Sea? You ask yourself in your mind as if a response is given to your inner thoughts, your name is called out and travels over the sound of crashing waves.
You peer back and see your grandmother watching you with a hint of pity and also a bit of disbelief as she recalls his son within you.
“It’s cold, come out,” she urges and only takes a step forward so she won’t get wet.
You look back at the endless Sea, letting the breeze blow through your hair and over your face; drying the tears that roll down your cheeks. You hope to feel a sliver of your father's presence but…you’re left feeling empty, so you trudge out of the water and get met with hands on your shoulders.
“I miss him now more than ever,” you tell your grandmother with a quivering voice.
Your grandmother lets out a deep breath and nods gently as she moves her hands up to cup your cheeks and wipe away your tears.
“Me too,” she makes you feel less alone in your longing. “I’ll say that I see him in you all the time. And in your son. He’s still with us.”
You slowly meet her gaze and offer her a faint smile. Can you say you feel completely and totally comforted? No, nothing can ever heal the wound your father's loss left, but her words do bring you peace.
“Can I ask how you’re feeling? You must be torn,” your grandmother asks out of concern.
You sigh and shrug. “I know my side,” you confess that confidently, but you avert your gaze when it comes to bringing up Aemond. “But when I think about Aemond, my heart still races, and I'm still riddled with my love for him, but…I know where his loyalties lie and that he’ll never change and that confuses me because I want to be with him, but also support my mother…I don’t know what to do.”
Your grandmother caresses your cheeks and then slides her hands to cradle your shoulders and keep you facing her. “I could tell you to run back to his arms, I know love. I know you want to be a family for your son.” She nods softly but narrows his gaze to show determination. “But this strain right now will turn into war. You must think if you want to be locked inside a cage of their making, or be free here.”
You don’t want to be locked away, and you know…you can be certain that returning to Kings Landing will guarantee you a seat in a golden cage where Helaena sits because you can’t see Aegons council trusting you. Aemond would trust you after you took a moment to talk, and whisper sweet nothings in his ear, but he’s still no king. And you can’t see yourself soaring free unless he somehow takes control, or has a hand in controlling Aegon, otherwise they would most likely lock you away, and you can’t accept it. You won’t.
But Aemond…you want to see Aemond again…
“I see,” is all you can find yourself to tell your grandmother, and she doesn’t seem convinced but it can’t be easy coming to terms with your choice when there’s someone on the other side pulling you back.
“Let’s head inside the meeting should be starting soon, that’s why I came to fetch you,” she changes the subject so you wouldn’t be thinking about the subject a moment longer.
But you still have a lingering worry about Aemond so before you can walk inside the meeting room you share it with someone you know you can trust. “What if they demand Aerion’s return? Or worse they come and take him? He is Aemond’s son after all.”
She faces you with a smirk on her lips and she grabs your hands to reassure your concern. “They can try. They won’t reach my great-grandson, or you.”
You offer her an appreciative smile and walk inside reassured. You know she hasn’t faced war before, but she’s still fierce and a dragon rider you’d trust with your life.
“Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen,” Daemon announces while your mother enters the hall with four guards stiffly around her. “First of Her Name. Queen of the Andals, and the Rhoynar and the First Men. Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.”
You bow your head after he finishes, like everyone else in the room.
“Your Grace.” Daemon addresses her.
You lift your head and watch her approach the table shaped like the Westeros map, but then see her come to a stop as Rhaena approaches her with a goblet. “Wine, my Queen.”
You see your mother hesitate before she takes the goblet from Rhaena. “Thank you, Rhaena. Come,” she points to the table.
When she passes by Baela, she motions her over as well, letting her fall right by your side while you stand by your mother when she reaches the table.
However, when your mother does reach the table she stands in silence, you look over at her out of curiosity, thinking that maybe she’s taking in the markers on the map, but her gaze is taking in everyone around the table first before she finally breaks the silence.
“What is our standing?” She asks.
“We have a hundred crossbowmen, and 300 men-at-arms,” Daemon shares confidently. “Dragonstone is relatively easy to defend, but as an instrument of conquest. Our army leaves a lot to be desired. I sent word to my loyal men in the City Watch. I’ll have some support there, but I cannot speak for numbers.”
He speaks with so much ease, it honestly makes you feel some sort of confidence even if your numbers aren’t impressive.
He’d never hear that from you though. Tsk.
“We already have declarations from Celtigar and Staunton,” the Maester cuts in. “Massey, Darklyn, Bar Emmon.”
Not much.
“My lady mother was an Arryn,” your mother interjects as you watch Jacaerys place markers on your curtain allies. “The Vale will not turn cloak against their own kin.”
“Riverrun was always a close friend to your fathers, Your Grace,” the Maester points out. “With Prince Daemon’s acquiescence, I already sent ravens to Lord Grover.”
Oh by Daemon’s acquiescence? Who gave him permission to do such matters? Your mother when she was in labor?
“Lord Grover is fickle and easily swayed,” your mother argues. “He’ll need to be convinced of the strength of our position, and that we will support him should it come to war.”
You lift your gaze off the table and drag your eyes to Daemon, knowing her comment was directed at him.
“I’m going to treat with him myself,” Daemon volunteers himself and keeps his gaze on your mother. When you glance back at her she holds his gaze as if challenging him and arguing over what he did while she was abed.
“What of Storm’s End and Winterfell?” Lord Darklyn asks, making you snap your attention to him at the mere reminder of Cregan.
Now Cregan is someone who would never betray his oath, he’s a Stark, and he’s simply Cregan; he’s loyal and you can swear by that.
And well he would also never go against you regardless of how things are between him and you currently.
“There has never lived a Stark who forgot an oath,” Lord Bartimos defends Lord Stark. “And with House Stark, the North follows.”
You smirk faintly at the table and mindlessly watch the part of the map where Winterfell is marked.
“Lord Borros Baratheon will need to be reminded of his father's promises,” your mother inputs, causing a knight to put a marker over Winterfell, while Jacaerys puts one down too.
“What news from Driftmark?” Your mother asks your grandmother, turning everyone’s attention to her.
“Lord Corlys sails for Dragonstone,” your grandmother simply says.
“To declare for his Queen,” Daemon assumes, boldly at that.
“The Velaryon fleet is my husband's yoke,” your grandmother counters. “He decides where they sail.”
You scoff smugly and pass a glare to Daemon before looking back at the table.
“We shall pray for both you and your husband's support,” your mother says. “Just as we prayed nightly for the Sea Snake’s return to good health. There is no port on the Narrow Sea that would dare to make an enemy of the Velaryon fleet.”
She then turns and drifts the subject away to a different point. “And our enemies?”
“We have no friends among the Lannisters,” Daemon says. “Tyland has served the Hand too long to turn against him. And Otto Hightower needs the Lannister fleet.”
“Without the Lannisters, we are not like to find any allies west of the Golden Tooth.”
“No,” Daemon quickly agrees before ducking his head and continuing. “The Riverlands are essential, Your Grace.”
“Pray forgive my bluntness, Your Grace,” a Lord cuts in, “but talk of men is moot. Your cause owns a power that has not been seen in this world since the days of Old Valyria. Dragons.”
You pick up your gaze and remind the lord of your similarities with the Greens. “The Greens have dragons as well. Older dragons.”
“They have three adults,” Daemon keeps cutting in. “By my count. We have Syrax, Caraxes, and Meleys. Your daughter has Astraea, and your sons have Vermax, Arrax, and Tyraxes.”
Tyraxes? He’s a baby and too small, as well as Joffrey. He can’t possibly want little Joffrey fighting against three old and experienced dragons.
“Baela has Moondancer.”
“Daemon,” your mother argues. “None of our dragons have been to war.”
Without addressing that comment Daemon keeps going about more dragons. “There are also unclaimed dragons. Seasmoke still resides on Driftmark. Vermithor and Silverwing dwell on the Dragonmount, still riderless. Then there are the three wild dragons, all of whom nest here.”
“And who is to ride them?” Your mother asks what you’re thinking.
“Dragonstone has 14 to their 4. I also have a score of eggs incubating in the Dragonmount.”
And what good will that do? Does he want his toddler sons and your infant son to control hatchlings? Tsk, please.
“Now,” Daemon continues as he grabs a marker. “We need a place to gather. A toehold large enough to house a sizable host.”
He places the marker down and without as much as counseling the Queen he shares his plan. “Here, at Harrenhal. We cut off the west, surround King’s Landing with the dragons and we can have every Green head mounted on spikes before the fucking moon turns.”
You swallow thickly and even if it’s absurd you still worry about Aemond.
“Your Grace,” Ser Eryyk interjects as he strides over. “A ship has been sighted offshore, a lone galleon, flying a banner of a three-headed green dragon.”
The Greens.
“Alert the watchtowers,” once again Daemon gives commands as if he’s King or hand of the Queen. He’s nothing but the simple Prince Consort—“sight the skies.” He takes his sword and storms out, leaving your mother behind.
“Mother,” you say and turn to face her.
“I’ll have Aerion brought in,” she tells you right away while she turns to face you. “I doubt there will be any sort of force, but we need to be assured and I will feel safe if you and Aerion stayed with Jacaerys and the guards.”
You sigh deeply and don’t feel unease until she leaves. Of course, only minutes later Vanessa is brought in with Aerion, but you only grow more worried. You do feel safe with Jacaerys, and you can protect yourself too…unless it’s against Aemond, but it’s doubtful he’ll make an appearance today.
You wait and watch the skies for Vhagar, from a nearby balcony, but as expected he doesn’t show. Your mother eventually returns and brings with her a list of commands given by Lord Otto, and amongst those demands is the immediate release of Aerion and you, as if you were captive here with your mother.
Ultimately though it is up to you, your mother gives you the choice to return to King’s Landing. But being loud and intrusive as he is, Daemon refuses to give you a choice, he finds no need for you to make a choice, or a “stupid choice.”. You’re needed here, he says.
But maybe he just wants to use you because he knows how important Aerion is to Aemond.
Your mother sees right through her husband but says nothing in that regard, at least not in public.
You could run away, you don’t want to be used by Daemon, and he wouldn’t be able to stop you. You can’t imagine it’s that hard to sneak out of Dragonstone. It’s true you don’t know the layout of this castle-like you know the Red Keep, but it can’t be hard.
But you don’t run away even if you’re tempted to go to Aemond. Not to join his side, but to talk to him about all this madness, to well…ease some sense into him.
But you don’t go. Eventually, morning rolls around and you sneak off for a short flight, but you still don’t leave, even if the sky is open and Astraea will do as you please.
“Again!” Jacaerys’ annoying and scolding hits your ears. “This is the third time Mother has sent me to come fetch you.”
You roll your eyes and spin on your heels to skip over and hook your arm around his to lead him to the castle. “Relax, brother, I was just walking and catching some air.”
“In the skies,” he spats. “You were flying on Astraea all morning. Mother told you to keep out of the skies. Have you even gone to see Lord Corlys? He’s here you know.”
You nod. “I know, but he was asleep. I was waiting until he woke up to visit him.”
“Well,” Jacaerys scoffs. “Now you have to wait until after the meeting. Mother is expecting you.”
You sigh. “I know, I know, I’m sorry.”
“You said you wanted to be a part of this,” Jacaerys continues to use that stern voice on you. “Well be a part of it.”
When you enter that hall though you’re consumed by the chaos you just wanted a small escape from. Everyone is talking over one another, pacing around the table, and shouting ideas. It doesn’t come to a stop until Ser Erryk cuts them all off with a booming announcement. “The Lord of the Tides, Lord Corlys Velaryon…”
You lift your gaze and see your grandfather on top of the stairs with a cane and a bandage around his neck. It’s an odd sight seeing such a great man wounded, but it’s the reality of war. He’s lucky he even lived.
“…and his wife, the Princess Rhaenys Targaryen.”
You clasp your hands in front of you and begin to fiddle with the ring around your finger as you watch her, your grandfather, and your cousins trailing behind them, walk down the stairs so formally.
“My lords,” your grandfather greets the men around the table once he’s down the stairs.
“Lord Corlys,” your mother greets the Lord. “It brings much relief to see you hale and healthy again.”
“I’m very sorry about your father, Princess,” he says, “he was a good man.” He then turns and faces the painted table to look around at all the faces gathered. “Where is Daemon?” He asks.
“There were other concerns which demanded the Prince’s attention,” your mother responds.
Your grandfather simply hums and passes your mother without as much as bowing, or addressing her as her proper title; Queen. He just walks past her as if she’s another one of the men.
“Your declared allies?” He points out to the few golden markers.
Your mother nods and approaches the table once more. “Yes.”
“Too few to win a war for the throne.”
Your mother spares him a quick glance before countering. “Well, we would also hope to have the support of houses Arryn, Baratheon, and Stark.”
“Hope…” your grandfather cuts in. “Is the fool's ally.”
You stop fiddling with the ring and lock eyes with your mother before she returns her gaze to Lord Corlys and hardens it. “Both Arryn and Baratheon share blood with my house. But all of them swore oaths to me.”
“As did House Hightower,” your grandfather points out. “If I remember.”
“As did you, Lord Corlys,” your mother redirects with some spite that makes you proud.
Said man stays quiet for a moment, he looks back at you, your brothers standing by you, and your cousins standing by their betrothed for a brief second before focusing back on your mother.
“Your father's realm…” your grandfather interjects loudly. “Was one of justice and honor. Our houses are bound by common blood and common cause. This Hightower treason cannot stand,” he makes clear as he proceeds to fix his stance. “You have the full support of our fleet and house. Your Grace.”
You can’t help but share a small, faint smile at the sound of his words. Knowing the man he is, and how it’s rumored his son died, you didn’t think he’d bend the knee to your mother, but he did. Thank the gods.
“You honor me Lord Corlys,” your mother thanks him with a much softer look. “Princess Rhaenys,” she says behind her. “But,” she once again addresses the crowd. “As I said to my bannermen. I made a promise to my father to hold the realm strong and united. If war is first, stroke is to fall, it will not be by my hand.”
“You do not mean to act?” Your grandfather questions.
“Taking caution,” your mother clarifies. “Does not mean standing fast. I wish to know who my allies are before I send them to war.”
Your proud smile for your mother widens at the sound of her determination.
“The consequence of my…near demise in the Stepstones…is that we now control them,” your grandfather announces. “I took care to fully garrison the territory this time. A total blockade of the shipping lanes will be in place in days, if not already. The tiarchy has been routed. The Narrow Sea is ours. If we…further seal the Gullet.” Your grandfather points to the areas on the map. “We can cut off all seaborne travel and trade to King’s Landing.”
“I shall take Meleys and patrol the Gullet myself.” Your grandmother volunteers herself, seeming to surprise your mother that she did not need to command her, that it was out of her free will.
“When we drain the Narrow Sea,” Lord Bartimos interjects. “We can surround King’s Landing. Lay siege to the Red Keep and force the Greens surrender.”
It’s easier said than done, isn’t it? Aemond has the biggest dragon who has seen and been a part of war. Aegon, you must admit, has a good bond with Sunfyre, and Daeron…well you don’t know him well, but his dragon can be as impressive. You’ll have to deal with them first.
“If we are to have enough swords to surround King’s Landing,” your mother inputs. “We must secure the support of Winterfell, the Eyrie, and Storm’s End.”
“I’ll prepare the ravens, Your Grace,” the maester assures her, albeit you aren’t convinced by that or sitting at home, and you know your brothers feel the same.
“No,” you break your silence, “we should bare those messages. In my five years at Winterfell, I grew to befriend Lord Stark, and become familiar with Winterfell, I’m sure I can speak to him and gain his support.”
“Besides,” Jacaerys stands tall and finishes your sentence. “Dragons can fly faster than ravens and they’re more convincing. Send us.”
Sure you said that you needed to leave Cregan alone, but this is war and he is a loyal man so if it’s sides he needs to choose, he might sway easier to yours if you speak to him.
“The Princess and the Prince are right,” your grandfather supports your suggestion, surprisingly enough. “Your Grace.”
Your mother holds your gaze and her eyes soften. She lingers in silence as she watches you and your brothers before she gives her answer. “Very well. Prince Jacaerys and the Princess will fly North...”
You and your brother share a brief proud look before focusing back.
You meant to go to Cregan by yourself, but Jacaerys might help calm your temptations.
“First to the Eyrie to see my mother's cousin, the Lady Jeyne Arryn,” your mother adds. “And then to Winterfell to treat Lord Cregan Stark for the support of the North. Prince Lucerys will fly south to Storm’s End and treat Lord Borros Baratheon. We must remind these Lords of the oaths they swore. And,” your mother exhales. “The cost of breaking them.”
You smirk proudly and nod in agreement.
“We’ll just go on a small trip,” you tell baby Aerion. “Your uncle Jacaerys, you, and me.”
Aerion breathes out loudly and his blue eyes seem to search the room with a sad frown. He’s been…upset it seems today, he’s been crying more than usual, and squirming around in your arms. It frightened you at first but it then hit you, he misses Aemond. This is the longest he’s gone without being with him, and Aerion loves his father. He must be so confused as to why he hasn’t seen him, felt his warmth, or smelled his scent.
But as much as you want to cure your son's longing, he needs to wait a bit longer.
“We’ll see your father soon,” you assure Aerion. “I swear. After we return from Winterfell.”
Aerion simply blinks, making you smile at him. A silence once again fills the chambers, but it then is broken by the sound of your name coming from your mother at the entrance.
You turn around and face her with a smile. “Mother,” you greet. “I’m sorry I just came to pick up Aerion.”
Your mother blinks in confusion. “Pick up? Why ever so?”
You swallow thickly and sigh. “If the Greens find out I left him here all alone, I’m sure someone will come and take him. I can’t risk that.”
Your mother nods and then breaks away from the entrance to reach you and grab your hand. “My sweet, leave Aerion here, we will protect him. You won’t take long but with the way things are it’s too dangerous for him to accompany you.” She presses her reassurance as she cups your cheek and caresses it gently. “We swear it.”
You let out a deep breath and nod slowly before you look down at Aerion with sadness. “I’ll return to you, my boy. Soon, I promise.” You lean down and press a gentle kiss on his forehead.
Aerion reaches out to grab your face, so you let him touch your cheeks.
You giggle and then can’t help but snuggle him against you. “Oh, I love you. I’ll see you soon.”
Before you decide not to leave or sob you place him back in his cradle and walk out with a heavy heart.
For however long you’ll be gone is the longest you’ll be without Aerion since he was born. When he was first born even being apart from him for just a couple of minutes pained you, and now? You’ll be gone for days, you’ll probably die.
Yet the promise of seeing Cregan does excite you even if it shouldn’t. Even after the promise you made yourself.
How will he react when he sees you, you wonder? It hasn’t been long since you stopped writing to him, he probably hasn’t grown concerned as to why he hasn’t gotten a response from you, but will he know of your attempts?
You did write back with short sentences last time with attempts to stop yourself from talking to him, so will he know? Will he be upset?
Hopefully not.
Alas, before you could attempt leaving Dragonstone to be one mile closer to Cregan, your mother asks to speak to you and your brothers first before your departure.
“It’s been said that as Targaryens, we are closer to gods than to men,” your mother says. “The Iron Throne puts us a touch closer, perhaps. But, if we are to serve the Seven Kingdoms…we must answer to their gods. If you take this errand, you go as messengers…not as warriors.” She shakes her head. “You must take no part in any fighting. Swear it to me now, under the eyes of the Seven.”
Ser Eryyk brings forth the holy book of the Seven, and Lucerys has no hesitation to respect your mother's wishes. “I swear it,” he assures her.
Jacaerys and you hesitate, however. Only you don’t hesitate because of any objections to her demands, it’s just why those gods?
You don’t have faith in the New Gods, but if it’s what she wants. “I swear,” you assure your mother after Lucerys, leaving only Jacaerys left. He hesitates for a moment longer, but he then leans in and presses his hand on the book.
“I swear it.”
The book is then pulled away, letting your mother continue with the matter at hand. “Cregan Stark is,” she says, making your breath falter. “Closer to your age than to mine. I would hope that as men you can find some common interests. And well, as friends,” she shifts her attention to you. “You’d find no trouble.” She finishes and hands Jacaerys the messages.
“Yes, your Grace,” you assure her confidently.
Her attention then slowly drifts to Lucerys and her gaze softens at the obviously worried look on your little brother's face.
“Storm’s End is a short flight from here,” she assures him softly. “You have Baratheon blood from your grandmother Rhaenys. And…Lord Borros is an eternally proud man. He’ll be honored to host a Prince of the Realm and his dragon.” She hands Lucerys the scroll and holds onto his hand a bit longer. “I expect you will receive a very warm welcome.”
Lucerys nods. “Yes, mother—y-your Grace.”
You share a teasing smile with Jacaerys at the sound of your brother's stammer. When he does return to your side though you caress his shoulder and assure his concerns.
“Go to it then,” your mother orders softly.
You offer her one last smile before you head to where your dragons await for all of you. However, before you can climb on Astraea’s back, you also assure Lucerys.
“Be careful, okay? We’ll see you after we return, hm?”
Lucerys glances at Jacaerys and then at you and nods softly.
You shoot him a grin and pat his shoulder.
“You be careful too,” he redirects.
You scoff softly and walk back to Astraea. “Always, baby brother,” you counter sweetly with one last glance at him.
Now when you turn to face your dragon you can’t help but fill with excitement to see Cregan again. You shouldn’t, but you can’t help it.
Tagged- @namelesslosers @stargaryenx @chainsawsangel @lauftivy @winxschester @cloudroomblog @llarue @padsdarlg @sofietargaryen @gracielikegrapes @dreaming-of-the-reality @itzelpeyton @patdsinner33 @mrsdominickstark @elaena-aerrin @todoroki-slut @snh96 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @nifujiswhore @sweethoneyblossom1 @kaetastic @lightdragonrayne @squidscottjeans
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meowmeowriley · 6 months
Well. I am now going crazy over Soap showing the team a picture of him holding a brace of fat, fluffy rabbits on his family's farm. The cuts are so clean there's hardly any blood staining their fur, and he's holding them so proudly, big wide smile on his face. And Ghost has some Feeeeeeeeelings about it does he want to hide from that sharp grin? does he want to be one of those rabbits, limp in Johnny's hand? would Johnny enjoy him as much as them?)
excuse me while i scream
😑 I hate you. I hate you, because I love this. (I don't actually hate you, anon, I could never ❤) I hadn't planned on going anywhere with this buuuuutttt.....
The subject of family came up, as it often does, but being on base and between missions, the men of the 141 could share photos.
Price showed the team pictures of himself as a boy, fishing with his dad. Some of him as an adult, more fishing. They'd all dismissed the boonie hat as being part of his wardrobe simply because he'd been issued it, but he hadn't. His grandfather had been issued the hat, and he'd worn it. And Price's father had worn it. And now him. The Price name had a legacy, stored in that hat.
Gaz shared photos of himself as a teen, his sisters, himself with his girlfriend. She was a shifter, though he didn't specify her species at first. She had gorgeous silky black hair, beautiful bronze skin. He said they'd met in Brazil, where she was from, and he was crazy about her. As he flipped through his camera roll on his phone, selfie after selfie of the two, each was more adorable than the last. She clung to Gaz, hung off him in nearly every picture. In some, her eyes were more black, than others. Sometimes she had black claws instead of fingernails.
"Why won't ye tell us, Gaz?"
"I don't want to have to hate you, mate."
"Tell us, and I'll tell you what I am." Ghost piped up from behind everyone.
Price's eyes went wide. He had no clue, though the other two thought he did. It had been erased from his file before they'd ever met, and he'd been denied any time he'd asked. Soap had nearly begged him, on multiple occasions. Gaz took the bait. "She's a spider shifter."
"What the fuuuuck?" Soap whispered. It earned him a smack from Gaz.
"Fuck off, Soap. Go on then, Ghost."
He smiled beneath his mask. "Well I never said when I'd tell you." He was smug, sue him. It earned him a laugh from Price, a groan from his sergeants. Soap took his turn next.
He had a photo album. Clearly well loved. Spoke of his family fondly. "Ah'm one of six, so there's plenty of picture." He was proud of his large family. Showed off pictures of tired yet happy parents, fields and a little farm house. Picture of his siblings. And then he saw it. A picture of a young man, unmistakably Johnny, even though his eyes were too narrow to see the brilliant blue, his enormous toothy smile gave him away. the young teen held a brace of rabbits, both tied by their rear legs together. Bloody noses the only real sign of their demise, other than the fact that they were held upside down by a kid.
It wasn't really a surprise, Soap had been vocal since the task force had been formed about his love for rabbits, that he'd grown up with meat rabbits, that he loved the taste. His mother had even sent him a care package on multiple occasions with rabbit stew, which he immediately tore into. He'd offer to share with the rest of the team. Nobody noticed that all but Ghost accepted.
Soap's voice was muffled. Ghost barely made out something about it being his first time, and he was proud. One of the rabbits had a light grey pelt. Light grey interspersed with white and black, similar to that of some wild rabbits. It could easily be a smaller version of himself. It could be him. The feeling churning within himself, he couldn't place. He wanted to thump, to warn the others, there's danger here... But... That could be him. And would it really be so bad? If it were Johnny to string him up as such?
The page turned.
Ghost started.
He hadn't realized the others were still talking. He couldn't hear them. How long had it been? It was then he realized he'd gone tharn. Instinct had taken over, and like many of his kin he'd frozen in the face of danger. That had never happened to him before. But then again, the danger had never been so tempting.
As the second youngest of twelve, Simon had known from a young age he was different than his siblings. He was off. He had a screw loose. It was always blamed on his father, he and Tommy having a different one to the rest. But Tommy turned out okay. Simon joined the army. In the army his twisted nature suited their needs just fine.
Soap finished up.
All turned to Ghost.
His hands clenched around the book he had stored in the long pocket of his jumper. It was special. A copy of Watership Down, his favorite book as a child and the thing his mother blamed for his desire to serve, but this one was different. When he'd signed up, his eldest sister had gone to the bookshop and bought this one, then had it rebound with photo slots at the end of it. His favorite story, and his favorite people. It contained photos of his family. His mother, eleven siblings, and numerous niblings. Himself. With so many, it was nearly impossible to take a photo where no one was shifted. And it was actually impossible to get one without at least partial shifts.
He swallowed down the instinct to run, and removed his hands from his pocket.
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stewyhosseini-bf · 1 year
Hi I am deeply intrigued by your Kendall and Caroline posts and wanted to add a quick thought. My dad is the younger of two boys with an asshole, controlling father but managed to almost completely avoid the poison dripping through (he’s a wonderful father and has lots of healthy interpersonal relationships), while his brother ended up an absolute mess. When I was growing up my grandmother used to VERY CAUSALLY (and in front of my uncle and random strangers) say that once she had my uncle my grandfather got what he wanted, so my uncle was his and my dad could be hers. Honestly Caroline’s interactions with Kendall have always made me think of this. I think she sees him purely as Logan’s, while the other two are also her children (despite not being great at the whole parenting thing with them either). Anyway, sorry for the long as and excessive asides.
OK YES. you and I are shaking hands because I was literally going to make a third addition to that post (but was having trouble wording it so put it in drafts for later) about how I think their relationship is very much marked by the fact that he was always the mini-Logan (the heir, with Logan as his middle-name who Logan got his claws into when he was literally just a little boy) and that's why she 'gave up' on him and struggles to have a relationship with him. I feel like this also makes sense with the fact that one of the warmest moments Kendall gets from her in the show is after the bear hug, when she comes up to him and tells him she doesn't think any worse of him for it and almost seems reassuring.
but yeah truly cannot stop thinking about their relationship i keep rotating them in my mind. its so tragic in a way. the fact that logan groomed him for CEO was the reason she stopped trying with him which only made him cling to that one piece of validation/affection from Logan even more because it's all he had.
also have to say that I don't think it's that she doesn't have any affection for him at all. even in the scene in Return it's clear she loves him but i think she can't love this version of him. like she can love the baby version of him that lives in her head, that still belonged to her (too). but as soon as he was Logan's Heir it was over. there is just such a like. barrier between them. i mean it's apparent even just in the way the scene is set-up in comparison to the dinner scene earlier with roman and shiv. with that they're sitting at the same table sharing food. daylight coming in through the window. while in the scene with kendall it's just the two of them (as it was for a while before the siblings were there.) with him sitting at the table like a kid, half in the dark, while she's standing as far away as physically possible, eating at the counter. and the first thing she assumes when he says he wants to talk is that he wants to accuse her of being a bad mother lol.
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marvelita85 · 3 months
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Vermithor was flying all around the red keep all morning it seems as he felt Visenya's pain even if it was a good one many would say she in that state wanted to rip the maesters head off
- Im in labor imbecile im brining a child to this damn world... you wont tell me how to behave for your conviniance.....- another contraction and she double in pain grabing one of her bed post, another comment from Orklide and she was fed up - thats it get him out of here.... i dont... want any male around me until this child screams out of me..... OUT!!! - Queen Rhaenyra was informed of her daughter's labors and she left her hand to handle the rest of her day Lord Corlys accepted and took Lucerys with him to start learning about how to rule as he would be Drifmark heir
- my sister... is she going to be alright grandfather?
- Visenya is as strong as your mother and the queen brought 4 children into this world, she will be just fine
Rhaenyra arrived to Visenya's chambers, saw Aemond standing looking very nervous but trying not to show it, she smile touching her brother's shoulder and he looked at her....Rhaenyra only smile dissapearing inside the room
- how could you do this 4 times....- Visenya said looking at her mother....
- princess you have to breath....- Visenya tried to followed their commands and she grab her mothers hands - now push - Visenya was kniling and grabbing both of Rhaenyra's hands, the queen maids help brining the baby out and as the first cries fill the room
- its a boy princess
- healthy? - the queen asked...
- very much your grace - Visenya had her boy in her arms and all the pain dissapeared.... the looks were much like Visenya and Aemond, holding Targaryen trades silvery hair and the blues eyes when he opened his eyes
- hello you... Im your mom - after the afterbirth came out Visenya was cleaned and Aemond could entered his rooms to finally meet his child
- how are they...
- mother and child are very healthy brother...
- thank you... your grace - it wasnt easy for Aemond to aknowledge Rhaenyra as the queen but after Aegon succesfully fleed to Dragonstone and bend the knee to her there wasnt much to do about the legitimisation of the true air... after that Rhaenyra assended the throne, forgave her siblings and as time proceded Aemond and Visenya got married as it was Viserys wish to unified the family and now they were wecoming their child, the future heir to the throne....
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- hello.... you are going to meet your father....
- are you alright?
- yes... it was painfull but is all forgoten having him here....
- you have the heir in your hands Visenya....
- you help in the making Aemond... you will have a very hard job now.... teaching him how to be king - Visenya always tried to resured Aemond even when he didnt have a dragonand now they were an unity and have a son she kept inspiring him to be better she even talked to Rhaenyra for Aemond to be included in the small council, as Rhaenyra didnt have any use for blavkfire it was given to Aemond as dark Sister was Daemon's
- he needs a name...
- what do you think about Baelor.... it was your and my fathers father.... deem apropiate for the future king...- Aemond kiss her temple carresing Baelor's head
- is perfect.... - Visenya close her eyes exausted and Aemond grab the baby in his arms letting her rest...
- my prince...the queen mother wished for the baby to be brought to her...Aemond realised it wasnt the first time his mother has done that
- if my mother wants to see my son she can come here... she is no queen anymore.... she will make herself remind of that before she dares to make my wife exaused for her sake
- she did that to my mother you know.... i was the only one that was spare because of my looks all my brothers had to be brough to her
- she cant do that anymore.... your mother forgave her and she still thinks entirled to order us...
- she did it for you and your siblings, if it depended of me she would have the same end your grandfather Lord Strong and the traitors of the small council
- and I thanked you didnt insist on it... but she needs to learn her place
Alicent didnt like it one bit but she was alone all her children were away from her and now Aemond was a father and his son would be the heir of the throne Rhaenyra's reing was asured that afther another queen there would be a king and the Lord of Westeros were alright with it
Baelor recived a dragon egg from his uncles Jace and Luke and many other gifts from Visenya's other siblins, Aegon II joked about taking him to know the brothels around kingslanding and won Aemond's look it was enough to bring fear
Helaena lived in another reality but her words for Baelor were of prospery and loved her wish was Jahaera would be married to him and Visenya was not oposed to that idea but as Baela and Jace were to have a baby probably the queen would want her to be queen along with her son
Aemond went to fly with Vaghar to reasured Vermithor hia rider was alright and resting,Vermithor seem to understand and flu with Vaghar for a time before he dissapeared into the horizon of dragonatone... he didnt like the pit to stay and nor him or Visenya could blame him for that
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 months
I recently had a dream that wouldn't leave me alone so I feel the need to share it with someone else.
I can't remember the name of the fic that had been rereading at the moment but it's a crossover DC/DP/MLB. In the fic Danny, Damien and Marinette are called the three headed beast. At the time I was also reading a fic with Captain Marvel and I got it stuck in my head that what if Danny, Marinette and Billy were the three headed beast and Damien was their baby sibling.
Like hear me out they were made by Ra's without even Talia knowing. He wanted to raise his potential heir without even his daughter interfering. When the three are about 7 some magic bs with a Lazarus portal happened resulting in them living in a separate dimension for decades away from Ra's before being de-aged and sent bad under their grandfather's thumb (honestly I don't really remember what happened, my dream confused me). Once back they quickly jump ship and fake their deaths making sure nobody's are left to try and revive.
Roughly 2-3 years later Talia had Damien. I don't remember why but he knew about the triplets and had been on multiple family bonding trips with them without Ra's or Talia knowing so when Tim said Bruce was alive he just said ok, called his older siblings sounding sad and said find him. And then I woke up (and thought about it a lot).
Sorry for the rant this idea just wouldn't leave me alone.
I can just imagine Phantom and Marvel being entirely different people. Like Captain Marvel doesn't happen until after leaving the league neither does the portal incident so both Phantom and Marvel are completely different heros. The three went their separate ways once out of the league, yes they love each other (and the baby sibling they occasionally pop in on and kidnap for a few weeks to month to for adventures in dimensions that have different time flows) but they are grown adults they have their own lives they want to lead and they definitely haven't needed a parent in decades.
Anyways I'll stop now I just need to share this.
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That's honestly such a cool dream. I don't read a lot of Miraculous Ladybug crossovers with DC but I do know the show.
It's interesting how all of them would be extremely powerful for their respective hero personas, but no one would link them as the Three Head Beast.
Also since Danny and Billy would be different heroes, I like to think that maybe Danny would have become more like a meta-human instead of a halfa. Maybe it was due to all his dimension-hopping as I can see him being the triplet that would enjoy exploring the Infinite Realms.
Danny has wanders lust- he hates lingering in one place too long so he is always on the move, always wanting to see new worlds and new timelines.
Maybe he would become Clockwork's human lesion as he can't be King. He happily goes to the living realms of the timelines Clockwork needs him to observe for the stars.
Danny believes the stars are a reminder of his freedom because it's one of the first things he saw the day they faked their deaths. He loves seeing new constellations and can't wait to jump lines again to discover new ones.
Billy meanwhile would fall into Magic again but this time it would be his own magic. He has the highest potential in magic to make him a candidate for the Wizard, but his past of being in Ra's thumb mucked up his purity soul bit.
Still, he finds out that "You're a Wizard, Billy" while traveling dimensions and unlike Danny chooses to stay in a lot of them for long periods just learning all he can of magic.
Marinette, unlike her brothers, is much more willing to stay in one place. Yes, she'll sometimes join them on trips or go looking for an adventure but she wanted to build a home. Danny and Billy see it as a cage, far too used to Ra's locking them up to not get itchy to move about, but she saw it as having control.
She picks her house. She picks the dimensions. Marinette is the one that decides when and where she wants to go. Nothing is bigger "I made it out. I survived you" then staying in their native dimension with Ra's on the other side of the world. If he finds her and tries to bring her back, welp she escaped before she can do it again.
But she didn't want big adventures or conflicts with Ra's, she was comforted. So Marinette opens a bakery in France, living as mundanely as possible but with years of deadly training under her skin and a strong link to Spirits.
Marinette didn't get her Kawami when the Guardian needed to pass them on, because she wasn't there, but years of Lazarus Water, Ectoplasim of the Infinite Realms, and just her aura she can see them.
Alongside thousands and thousands of Spirits that are everywhere. Some get attacked by her and her little bakery. Marinette allows them to live with her and respects them and their domain, so it's not really a surprise when they start bestowing small Blessings on her. She may not possess a miraculous that powers her up but she has a bag of tricks that are close and her own training that practically makes her a miraculous holder anyway.
And that's them the three heads of the Ra's Three-Headed Beasts- monsters, killers, weapons from birth- who lived on as what they wanted.
An explorer with a love of stars.
A mage with a love of study.
A Baker with a love of everyday life.
One day, when a little ninja wanders into Marinette's bakery on a break from his first real mission, the three gain a new love for their little brother.
Damian may not understand his older siblings desire to not be a cape but he respects them all the same. He still trains every day in the hopes of one day besting them but not to prove his worth.
Only to make Danny, Marinette, and Billy proud.
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pejite · 12 days
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As they had planned, Wilhelmina and Edwin set out for a leisurely walk, leaving Robert and Winifred in the capable hands of their two older siblings. This rare opportunity allowed them to take a break from their daily routine and enjoy a moment of tranquillity beyond the confines of their small farm.
They wandered into the village, their steps crunching on the snow-covered cobblestones. The streets, lined with quaint stone cottages, were bathed in the soft light of the winter sun. They passed by the church where they had exchanged their vows—just as their parents and grandparents had before them. It was a place steeped in family history, and one day, their own children might walk these same paths, perhaps even bringing their own children to be wed in this cherished spot.
"I see you've been mending some of your dresses" Edwin remarked, breaking the comfortable silence. The sound of their footsteps echoed softly as they walked hand in hand, enjoying the crisp, fresh air. Wilhelmina nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Yes, I’ve been taking the puffed sleeves off some of them and bought a few discounted fabrics to make new dresses. The children are growing so quickly, and our old clothes from when we were young are becoming rather worn."
Edwin’s face lit up with a fond smile as he gently squeezed Wilhelmina’s hand. "I remember when your mother made those beautiful dresses for Thomas before he was born. You’re still using them, aren’t you?" Wilhelmina chuckled, her eyes twinkling with warmth. "Yes, and I plan to use them for our new baby too…"
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Their eyes met, and they spoke in unison, "What shall we name the baby?" Their anticipation was palpable, they had grown accustomed to the idea of not having more children after the twins, and Wilhelmina’s previous pregnancies had led them to believe their family was complete. The prospect of a new addition brought a fresh wave of excitement. "You think it’s a boy, so…" Edwin murmured thoughtfully.
"Edwin?" Wilhelmina proposed tentatively.
"What’s that?" Edwin asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.
Wilhelmina laughed softly. "No, I was wondering if you’d be alright with naming him Edwin, after you."
Edwin looked at her in surprise, shaking his head gently. "I was already named after my father. I’m not particularly fond of that tradition. I think it might be nice to choose a different name for our son" he said, as they carefully descended the stone steps near the church.
Wilhelmina wrapped her arm around his, contemplating the suggestion. After a moment of thoughtful silence, she seemed to have an idea. "How about George? I believe your grandfather was named George" she suggested. Edwin’s face brightened at the thought, and he looked at her with affection. "That’s a lovely idea. George it is. And if it turns out to be a girl? What about Frances?" he added, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.
"Frances is a beautiful name" Wilhelmina agreed. "It has a lovely ring to it and feels quite fitting."
Edwin leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, the warmth of the gesture making her smile. They continued their walk, enjoying the serenity of the village streets and each other's company. It was the first time in many months that they had had such a peaceful outing, just the two of them, without the bustling presence of their children. They relished every moment of their intimate stroll, appreciating the calm and the closeness they shared.
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