#bruce is a good dad here
magnoliasandarson · 4 months
My readers on AO3 when I update and only half of the chapter is horribly depressing
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go read Red Icarian on AO3, it's my baby. My sad, angsty, hopeful, baby.
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt in Memes 6
Let's make it some in-world memes this time :)
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Comic book writers who still make Bruce hit his kids even after years of mass criticism from fans who TELL you it's a bad creative choice that pushes them away from the fan base and comics in general,,, you did this for what?
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ghost-bxrd · 7 months
Jason never made his debut as a Crime Lord and instead only comes back to Gotham when Damian insists on training with the Batman, insistent on guarding him from the shadows.
Bruce’s headache reaches epic proportions when neither Talia nor Damian elaborate on the man’s presence other than that he’s “Damian’s older brother”.
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brucewaynehater101 · 13 days
The number of times I've seen people argue that Bruce is a decent father and that he is not abusive absolutely blows my absolute mind.
Yes, you can hc whatever version of Bruce you want. You can even blame it all on bad writers or reject canon. You can claim comic!Bruce isn't your Bruce and main a different version of him. Those are all valid.
However, you can NOT say that he has ever been justified for hitting his kids. There is no excuse for him willingly laying his hands on his kids. It doesn't matter if the person is drunk, drowning in grief, lost in emotions, whatever. Hitting kids is not okay.
Continually, the physical abuse is a very obvious sign of Bruce being a shit dad in the comics. On top of that, there is so much emotional abuse and manipulation as well. He's shitty as fuck to his kids and there's no reason this is okay. He may love those kids, but that doesn't excuse his behaviors.
Anyways, reject canon Bruce all you want. There's certain aspects of other characters I reject, and DC stands for Disregard Canon. Feel free to have whatever version of Bruce you desire.
What is NOT okay is excusing or accepting canon Bruce's actions/behaviors as acceptable.
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littlefankingdom · 1 month
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~ Batman: Detective Comics (2016)
I'm living for how Bruce is written in DC 2016. He is a caring father, he has flaws but everyone does, that's normal, and he tries. He listens to others, or at least hears what they are saying. Here, he listens to Tim's plan for Gotham, and he agrees with him (proud dad mode a lot with Tim). He decides to follow Tim's vision, and even after Tim is gone, he wants to continue to realize Tim's vision. When Steph gets mad at him, he doesn't try to fight her, he wants to listen to her and explain himself. He tell people he is worried about them and cares for them, even if they don't believe him. (steph) He wants his people to take care of themselves, and if that means they don't put on the capes for a while, then so be it.
And this scene is so good. It's the passage from a generation to another, the transformation of the Batman's legacy. The mission takes another form. It's Bruce admitting that it's time for his way to die, it has served its time and his purpose. Tim is seeing further away than Bruce because Bruce was blinded by his grief, and his son is showing him the sight over the fog.
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mikakuna · 4 months
this panel induces a rage i didn't even know was in me
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How Two-Face wins Jason Todd over as his new dad
Batman: Ready to head out. And remember, team. No killing. Harvey Dent: Red Hood can murder just a little. As a treat. Batman: Harvey, NO! Two-Face: Harvey yes! Red Hood: Thanks, crime dad! :D Two-Face: You're welcome, kiddo! :)
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koraesrambles · 3 months
More Winchester vs Batfam thoughts
Dick and Dean bonding over being inhumanly beautiful people who were sexualized from an early age and using their sexual nature as a shield.
Sam and Jason bonding over feeling like they'll never be as good as their big brothers.
Sam and Jason bonding over love of literature.
Dean and Jason being total nerds about guns and Jason feeling so vindicated about his gun stance.
Dick talking to Sam about how everyone deserves a chance to reform and that resonating with Sam in a way that frightens him.
The four of them bonding over a super overprotective parent that also was cool with them being child soldiers.
All four of them bonding over living nomadically (or homelessly) in their younger years, and rheir various experiences with poverty (Sam and Dean totally make fun of the other two for becoming rich boys.)
Endless hours of morality debates that absolutely end up with someone with a broken nose.
Giving each other lock picking tips
Dick and Sam bonding over being The Smart Kids that then get shown up by a computer super genius (Tim and Charlie)
Winchesters making fun of the bat boys for being citykids, batboys mocking the Winchesters for being small town hicks.
All of them bonding over their love of cool cars (Sam acts like he doesn't care, but 100% has Opinions.)
Sam and Jason bonding over college dreams
Sam and Dick bond over being mathletes (nerds!)
Dick and Dean bond over thinking school overall was a waste of time.
Dick and Dean bond over having to take care of their dads when they were young.
Dick and Sam bonding over their desperate desire to be good but also harboring a lot of deep anger.
Jason and Dean not used to having to compete for being the funniest person in the room.
Jason and Dean bonding over their desire to protect young kids.
Dick and Dean commiserate in being the older, but shorter, brothers.
The four of them trying to compete in a trivia game. It does not go well. No one has a good time.
Dean: wait, so you two aren't real brothers?
Jason: I will shoot you in the face.
Dean: that's not what I meant!
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Part 14- taking these wounds to their grave
"I'm battered and broken, my spirit's been stolen, but I'm taking these wounds to their grave. Surrounded by allies with fire in their eyes, for the past I don't need to deny." -Relentless by The Nearly Deads
Masterlist Part 13
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In all honesty, learning his girlfriend was a Queen Regent for a different realm wasn’t the weirdest thing to happen to him. Sure, being told that ‘hey, by the way, we forced this substance that tastes like pop-rocks and sprite down your throat to save you from dying again’ was on that list too, but Jason had fucking died. His death was brutal, no doubt, but the weirdest part was the fact that he had been a Revenant the moment he awoke in his coffin. 
A vengeful spirit unable to move on. 
Forced to wander the earth until their reason for clinging to the mortal realm is satisfied. 
It hurt his heart in a phantom reminder of what he had suffered the same day Joker had been brutally murdered, the pain off what had been his second death due to his ‘reason’ being satisfied. 
(It hurt more to realize that he had never needed Bruce to kill Joker.)
(It had all been for nothing.) 
Jazz was quiet where she was tucked up against him in the large medical bed the Yeti had treated him in, not yet asleep by her breathing but calmly existing with him in this space. 
It was everything he needed. 
Jazz was truly the other half of his soul, the one he was meant to find. 
(She avenged him.) 
(She saved him.) 
He would marry Jasmine Nightingale aka the Regent of the Realms aka Lady of the Acropolis, he would be her staunchest supporter as the world keeps turning around them. What else is he meant to do in the face of her overwhelming love for him? 
(She avenged him.) 
(She saved him.) 
They still had more to discuss and Jason would continue to swallow down the question that began with ‘Will you’ and ended with ‘Marry me’ amidst the others he needed answers for. They’d only been dating a month, so it would be a while before Jason was comfortable even allowing thoughts of matrimony to blossom from seed to full bloom. 
(He wanted everything with her.) 
(His Lady.) 
(The Lady to his Knight.) 
(Jason Nightingale had a nice ring to it.)
Jason kissed the top of Jazz’s head and pulled her further onto his chest before he fell back asleep, content with having his lady in his arms again. 
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Bruce wanted to laugh and cry in equal measure as he studied the pictures of his wayward son with his girlfriend, laughing, smiling, in love. Oh, Bruce could tell how smitten Jason was by how he looked so fondly at Jasmine Nightingale, the civilian his son had chosen to build a relationship with. On paper, they shared a common love of reading (Jason was classical literature, Jasmine was psychological thrillers), and an excellence at school (Jasmine had a 4.0 gpa), but there was little else to draw them together. 
Yet, despite this, the two were happy together. They were in love. His son was in love. 
And he was missing. 
(Bruce swallowed down the grief at Jason being dead…again.)
(He’d been missing before, he’ll turn up.)
It was worrying that the sub-dermal tracker stopped working while Jason was at Jasmine’s apartment, but there had been no immediate sign that they’d been caught in the explosion or remained trapped in the debris. 
Phantom had vanished almost as soon as he entered, no doubt on the trail of what had disturbed the spirit’s haunt so violently. It was concerning how competent the child ghost was at fighting, how angry Phantom became when there was a threat he had to face. Insult, demean, threaten him and the boy laughed it off with a casual grace that spoke of experience, but turn that attention to the people he claimed as his? No chance in the infinite realms that he wouldn’t find you. Constantine had been adamant to leave the spirit alone, to let him exist in his way, but the Magician often went out of his way to let others deal with his messes, so Bruce often took his advice with far more than a grain of salt. 
\B, Phantom’s back. He says Hood is fine./
Relief coursed through the big bat, untightening the knot in his chest. Jason was fine. He is fine. 
His eyes drifted back to the pictures splashed across the bat computer, the adoration in Jason’s gaze as he focused on his girlfriend was the common theme between all the candid shots Barbara had shared. Jasmine always leaned into his frame or held his hand, just sharing his space, body language comfortable and open. 
(He could have a daughter-in-law very soon.)
(Maybe even a grandchild.)
Bruce let a smile slowly stretch across his face at the idea of being a grandfather, of finally retiring from the cowl and WE to be doting on a granddaughter or grandson, spending time with his family while he was still able to in this life.
(A part of him squealed and clapped at the very thought of more family gracing these once-empty halls.)
But first, he had to talk to his son and meet his future daughter-in-law.
Bruce was about to activate his comms, to have Tim get more information about Jason, but an urgent message from Diana, demanding he’s needed in the Watch Tower. 
Constantine was summoning the Ghost King. 
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Phantom had in fact left the apartment building. 
Jazz’s familiar teal-tinted portal opened for him to step through while he investigated and he didn’t waste any time crossing over to the Realms to where Jazz awaited him. 
And there she was, arms outstretched and awaiting him to embrace her. 
“Thank the Ancients!” Phantom exclaimed, diving into her waiting arms to wrap around his big sister, their different temperatures ignored in favor of communicating his relief with chirps and trills. 
Worry. Safe. Concern. RELIEF. Protect? 
Jazz clutched him tighter to her, nuzzling his soft white hair as she chirped back. 
Safe. Relief. Guilty. LOVE. 
At least Jazz would never fail to communicate her love for him, even while trying to reassure him she was okay. 
Phantom’s core purred and Jazz’s Proto-core echoed it, albeit weaker in frequency. They stayed like that, hugging each other right outside the tribe’s boundary for a while before Jazz spoke. 
“Little brother, we have to talk.” 
Those words beginning a conversation often led to him being angry or upset, but Jazz hadn’t needed him to be so serious for quite a while.  
She shifted her weight a bit, readjusting her grip around Phantom’s form.
“It’s about Jason…I told him about me.” 
“As in,” Phantom began, pulling back from the hug, “you told him about Amity and…me?” 
Jazz puffed out a sigh, a wisp of breath in a mockery of his ghost sense hanging in the air between them. 
“I told him about us being ecto-contaminated, me being the most liminal being and all, but I told him I wouldn’t share your secrets.”
Phantom grinned, “Good because it’s about time I gave him a shovel talk.” 
“No, little brother.” Jazz got a pained look on her face for a moment as the frosty air grew tense. A summoning and a painful one at that. “Phantom-” 
“Go, I’ll talk to your boyfriend.” 
“Be nice, not bitchy nice.” 
“I’m always nice!”  
He only received a scoff before Jazz was dragged along by the summoning, a brief flash of her armor appearing signaling it was a serious situation. Phantom did not envy the idiot who tried to summon the Ghost King only to get the Regent instead. 
Speaking of idiots, Phantom had a Liminal to lecture and threaten. 
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“Hurt her and I’ll shove you into a thermos, mix you into a smoothie, and drink you for breakfast.”
With that out of the way, Phantom floated over to Jason’s side and poked his stomach. 
“You doing ok?” He questioned, concern for his fellow vigilante bleeding through. Sure, he cared about Jason the human, but Red Hood was infinitely cooler. 
“Yeah, kid. I’m doing good.” Jason shuffled a bit more towards the center of the large cot, “You’re Danny Nightingale.” It was definitely not meant to be an accusation, Phantom was sure, but it sure felt like one. 
The ghost kid nodded, “I’m a Halfa, half-ghost and half-human. When in ghost form, I prefer Phantom.” 
Phantom shrugged, “Close enough.” 
Jason snorted, “How’re you doing kid?” 
“I’m currently talking to my sister’s boyfriend about to give him a crash course on the spooky and ooky.” The halfa grinned, “I couldn’t be better.” 
“Was that a reference?” 
“Was what a reference?”
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To say Jason was horrified was a gross understatement. 
He was so far past horrified he was well into confused panic at the sheer audacity of what he was currently hearing... 
“You’re the rightful Ghost King, but you’re too young in human and ghost cultures to rule in your name so your older sister is acting as your Regent. Do I have that right?” 
“Pretty much, yeah.” 
(Wow, Jazz was a badass.)
“Wait, but she goes by Regent as a vigilante?” 
“It was easier than calling her anything else, a lot of the ghosts refer to Jazz as either Regent, Your Majesty, or My Lady so she’s grown used to responding to them.” 
“Hold up- Lady?” 
Another hum, “Jazz is the Lady of the Acropolis, a former student of Pandora, the Guardian of Hope and Ancient of Peace.” 
“Wow, my girlfriend is awesome.” 
Phantom chuckled, a soft pat on Jason’s shoulder, “And don’t you forget it.” 
Whatever face Jason made as he realized he was courting a Lady, an actual Lady with a title and everything, was hilarious enough to make Phantom burst out laughing. 
Whatever, Jason could take the mockery from Phantom as long as his family never found out about him dating a Lady. His brothers would never let him live it down, that he was living out his Regency fantasies. 
(Fuckers, they’re just jealous he got a badass with a sword.) 
“Where is Jazz?” 
Phantom cringed, “She, uh, had to deal with something?” It was phrased as a question. 
“Something we should be worried about?” 
“For Jazz?” There was a hint of hero worship in his tone as the Ghost spoke of his sister, “We should be worried for the poor idiot that summoned her.” 
(Hold up.) 
“Summoned, keep up.” 
Put a pin in that for later. “Why would anyone want to summon Jazz?” 
“Oh, I don’t know. It’s not like she’s Regent of the Realms Infinite.” Ok, yeah, Jason deserved that sass. He was still wrapping his head around the fact that Jazz, his lovely spitfire of a soulmate girlfriend had Regency over a dimension of ghosts because Holy Shit. 
(He was totally simping over her, he’s man enough to admit it.)
Somehow that seemed more of a staggering revelation than being told he had been a Revenant with corrupted Ectoplasm that had technically died for a second time when he had those severe chest pains, only to be revived by Jazz pouring pure ecto down his throat. 
(The same Ecto she needs to keep herself healthy.)
(He wondered if Jazz had felt the connection between them even then.)
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An unexpected summoning was a shard of ice in her spine, twisting like a knife of betrayal in the nerves, utter agony. Jazz had little warning, little time to brace herself before she was hooked behind her navel and yanked.
Thank the Ancients she wasn’t in the shower, because whoever dared to summon the Ghost King was not going to receive an eyeful for their trouble. 
Jazz allowed her armor to materialize, a slick sensation of water down her back soothed the lingering pain of the brutal summons, but her back plate soon settled firmly in place and irritated the nerves more so. 
Just as her helmet locked into place, sealing her fully into her armor, green smoke announced her arrival with a dramatic flair she couldn’t find humor in. 
Rested on one knee, head bowed, the Regent was quite an intimidating sight for the uninitiated. 
Her helmet, full coverage with a crown of green shards embedded into its pulsing ebony metal, only allowed the green tint of her eyes to shine through. Once her head lifted, the several shivers her gaze got proved how effective it was at unnerving others. 
With a breath, the Regent stood. 
And so we continue….
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If you're confused by the ending it picks up from Part 12, my special Jason Todd/Red aesthetic entry for the series. Part 12 to 13 takes place right beforehand, so we'll be entering into the endgame of the Anti-Ecto Acts being repealed soon.
Kudos and thanks to my beta reader @meditating-cat. Apparently I over use commas, who knew?
They had one thing to say about Jason in this part: SIMPPPP
I agree, I'm a totally dork for Simp!Jason and Loving!Jazz.
As for other news, I've been making a bunch of boards for The Regent (and my Revenant!Jazz prompt) while I've been sick, so there's that. I don't like many of them anyways.
A surprise poll will be included in an upcoming part, maybe not the next one, but it will come so keep an eye out for it because the answer will be included in the series.
Happy Holidays and best wishes from me to you!
-Love, the one strong with the sarcasm
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tofuingho · 1 year
I have ANGST! Part 5
Here is   1  2   3    4    6     7
The GIW had been ramping up their attacks for weeks and things were getting bad with a capital B A D.
At first, things had seemed normal.
Then Danny noticed that he hadn’t seen Boxy in a while.
Then he realized he hadn’t seen Cujo or Skulker in a few weeks.
And then Dani stopped coming home.
And then his parents disappeared.
He thought that maybe it was the Fruitloop’s doing. Maybe Vlad had captured Dani and his parents as part of some new plot. But, they weren’t in Vlad’s lab. 
He’d even confronted Vlad face-to-face, but Vlad didn’t even know that Jack, Maddie, and Dani were missing.
And then the GIW showed up with new weapons. Danny may not be a straight A student anymore, but even he can put together 2 and 2 and get 4.
Danny knew he couldn’t break them out on his own, so he gathered as many people as he could. It was Jazz who had the idea to ask some of his less alive friends to help. Many of them said no, because they didn’t have a stake in the fight, but a few said yes.
Overall, the plan was simple.
Tucker  was able to hack into the city’s planning office and found the plans for the building. As it turns out, there is an emergency power shut off outside of the building. Luckily, most of the building’s defenses specifically targeted ghosts, so Sam and Jazz would sneak up the building, cut open the power box, and flip the disconnect switch.
From there Danny, Red Huntress, and the other ghosts would make entry, grab whoever they could, and get out.
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hood-ex · 8 months
I have seen you talking about Dick & Dami's relationship and Dick & Tim as well,but what are your takes on Dick and Jason actually?
Like how you wish their relationship should be portrayed today and where are them missing when it comes to making those two acting like siblings?
Do you think in the past their dynamic was better?
How Dick views Jason and how Jason views Dick?
This is difficult to answer because there are like 8 different stages to Dick and Jason's relationship with various dynamics. They also view each other a bit differently depending on which stage we're talking about.
The way I would like their relationship to be portrayed today isn’t necessarily possible thanks to Jason’s integration into the family and acceptance of the no killing moral code. For me, their ideal dynamic is portrayed in Outsiders #44-46. And I know people are gonna find that regressive as hell but, tbh, that dynamic is far more interesting than the kinda awkward thing they have going on now.
Although, I don't mind that they acknowledge their brotherhood in a serious manner now. Like before they'd kinda be like, "Eh... I mean... we were adopted from the same guy but... brothers? Eh..." And now they're more firmly in the, "We're brothers," camp. So that development is interesting.
Character progression wise, it wouldn't feel right for for them to be super close in the way that, say, Dick and Tim are (unless we saw a lot of trust and relationship building between them), but at the same time, there is part of me that kind of wants them to have that older sibling bond (except Jason is closer in age to Tim than he is to Dick sooo actually let's just leave older sibling things to Dick and Cass... not that Cass is much older than Jason though so LOL this is why Dick has to lone the oldest sibling thing by himself... which is funny because Dick is technically no longer the oldest sibling, he's a baby brother now... except Dick and Melinda's relationship really hasn't progressed much sooo you could say they share blood but don't consider each other family yet, in which case, Dick is still the oldest... I mean, regardless, Dick is the oldest sibling of the Waynes... god why did they have to make all of this so difficult 😫).
#jason's like blerghhh dad always loved you best. but also hey we should work together bc you're a killer like me#and then jason's also like hey dick you were the most amazing thing i've ever seen and idk you're cool but i won't say that to you#and then he's also like hey dick i've got girl advice for you and i also need your opinion on my hair. oh now bane is trying to kill us#and then he's also like oh you got amnesia? i don't give a fuck about you and maybe i'll kill you#and he's also like oh you trust me? okay well... we're brothers and i'm gonna save you#and then dick's like oh hey kid call me if you need me. oh you died? i am literally devastated i'm so sorry#and he's also like wow you're very good at what you do but i don't trust you... okay but i trust the intel you're giving me sooo....#and then he's like why the fuck are you dressing like me and killing people?? quit doing stupid shit!!#and then he's like jason what the fuck are you doing--let me help you!!#and then he's like kinda indifferent to jason but jason is still Ugh this family is stupid why am i here#and then dick's like ofc i'm gonna come help you if you need me but also this is awkward af and things are weird between us so bye#except not bye because i'm staying here to help you and your team#and then dick's like i'm being controlled by joker so i'm gonna kill yoooou#and then he's like eh i trust you and i'm gonna help you bc we're brothers but you literally wrecked bruce's car you numbskull#and then he's like you're doing dumb shit and i have to take you down but oh thanks for not letting the train kill me#and then they're both like meh we're doing shit w the batfam even though neither of us should be here rn#and yeah that's how it goes. that's. literally it. writers cannot keep their relationship consistent in the long term#Dick Grayson#Jason Todd#relationship analysis#anon
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escapismisaddicting · 8 months
“How long has it been?” Jason asked.
2 days. It had been two days since Bruce had been staring at the Batcomputer. And sometimes- he wouldn’t even be doing work. He would be doing just that… staring.
Dick smirked. Looking at Jason with a mischievous glint in his eye.
“Hey, Jay. Wanna learn how to fly?”
“What in the world!?” Bruce had yelled out.
When Alfred had asked him to ‘come quickly’ because ‘the children were in danger’. He had expected a break-in or one of them snuck out or maybe tripped or something- not this!
“Heyyy Bruce!!” Dick’s upside-down smile beamed at him, the same childlike glee present on his face from when he was a child. And Bruce has to (reluctantly) punch down the part of his brain going ‘Awww!’ at the way Dick and Jay’s smiles seemed to mirror each other. Because he had to remind himself- child not supposed to go on chandelier.
“Now do you understand my haste, Master Bruce? They simply must get down from there.” Alfred smiled.
“They clash horribly with the decor.”
Bruce heaved an exasperated sigh. Massaging the bridge of his nose.
“Get down. Now.” He orders.
Dick unhooked himself and landed on his feet with practiced grace, before looking at Jay expectantly. And his smile drops as he looks slightly unsure. A shiver ran through Dick as he could practically feel Bruce glare daggers into his head.
“I-uh don’t know how to get down.”
Both of them had gotten a stern lecture from Bruce after that. Yet they both had a satisfactory grin on his face. Mission accomplished.
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perlukafarinn · 3 months
knee-deep in batman content atm (aka fanfiction where bruce is a good father, mostly a death in the family fix-its)
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brucie-wayne-official · 7 months
Since Timothy has finally come out as Robin, then does that mean the rest of us can come out?
Oh! Tim didnt tell me! Or- Robin didn't tell me? What pronouns would you like to use @totallytimtastic ? It's very sweet to name yourzelf after a gotham hero :-)
And the rest of you can come out of the closet wheneverr youre ready. I know Dick is queer already but it applies to him too if hes found a new label he finds more comfortable <3
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to-the-stars8 · 10 months
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