#bruce wayne family
reebmiester · 8 months
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Complete based on this
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redsray · 4 months
i love the idea of the batfam wearing each other's merch cause like. i know they'd be petty about it. usually they'd wear their siblings merch in (kinda) equal rotations, but they'd change it up depending on sibling squabbles or sibling favours. Tim, walking into the kitchen in a Red Hood shirt: Dick: TIM!? Tim: what Dick: it's Tuesday. you always wear Nightwing merch on Tuesdays. Tim: oh. Tim: you stole my last granola bar, last week. Steph, looking for something in Jason's room: JASON WHY DO YOU HAVE EVERYONE'S MERCH BUT MINE?! Jason, peeking into the room: i have your merch. in the trash. Steph: WHY Jason: you hit me with a blue shell in mario kart last game night. i'm never forgiving you. Damian, sporting a full-on Red Robin hoodie: Tim: woah. what brought this on? you usually only exclusively wear Batman or Nightwing merch Damian: you helped me take that splinter out of Alfred's paw yesterday. Richard on the other hand has recently messed up my painting palette. Dick, from the other room: IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! Damian: he'll get over it. Cass, wearing Nightwing merch for the 5th day in a row: Jason: goddamn. what did Dickie do to get in your good graces like this? Cass, smiling: he made me a flower crown Jason: ... that's it? Cass: it was a very nice flower crown. Dick, buying seven Signal shirts: One for everyone. Duke, behind him: Dick, you really don't-- Dick: shhhh, sunshine. everyone will love your new merch. (they all wore exclusively Signal merch for a week straight) Bruce isn't allowed to change up his rotation or not wear someone's merch because he immediately gets accused of playing favourites. He'd rather keep some of his sanity, thank you.
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amorkuku · 4 months
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mikeluciraphgabe · 2 months
Part 17 masterpost
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Justice League identity reveal where they don’t know who Batman is and one day a bunch of them walk in on him just casually eating yogurt in the cafeteria with his cowl off. A bunch of them recognize him, a couple don’t, and they’re all shocked.
Turns out Batman didn’t realize none of them knew who he was, since it had taken him all of ten minutes and three google searches to put everyone’s secret identities together and he just assumed they had all figured it out by this point. Or maybe he had meant to tell them and then just forgotten. Either way, he regularly interacts with half of them outside of hero stuff and hasn’t bothered with the whole separate persona thing with them in years. Shouldn’t they really have figured this out by now? So what if he forgot? This is clearly on them.
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heyyallitssatan · 29 days
I like to think that Batman’s suit is really heavy
Like, the thing obviously Kevlar weave, with lots of armour reinforced bits, not to mention all of the gear and gadgets and tools he has on his person, I mean, anything he’s ever thought he may need, anything he’s been mid fight thinking that a particular tool would be useful, he has it somewhere, probably a few of them
And all the kids too, they’re equally equipped even if they don’t necessarily look it
So I like to imagine that some of the heroes decided they should do a costume switch for fun
The bats agreed, and the best part wasn’t them being weirded out like they thought they’d be, unmasked and all that, no, they couldn’t care less, instead everyone else is freaking out about how heavy the bats costumes are
How the hell do they do impossible feats of acrobatics wearing shit like this
Even the supers think it’s excessive, and they have super strength
The bats all take the opportunity to try some of their moves without the weight, given that they work out wearing even more weight
Turns out they can flip and jump and move in even more insane ways than anyone thought possible and everyone is more terrified than they were a few minutes ago
Everyone decides the bats are better with their gadgets
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months
Bruce is constantly asking the kids what they like to eat so he can freeze dry their favorites into oblivion as apocalypse rations
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24hrsoda · 3 months
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he’s probably trying to get them all to come snuggle…he doesn’t care if he can’t fit them all under his wings
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
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So… about that audio…
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roppiepop · 5 months
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Who’s coming to the cookout?
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pinkiemachine · 2 months
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Everyone say: FAMILY VACATION!!!
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so i have this brucie wayne hc that all of gotham upper society and the press thinks he did the rich guy thing and adopted all his bastards. like, that's a lot of dark haired orphans you got there, brucie. they look a lot like you, brucie.
and from the public perspective this totally makes sense. the man is known as kind of a slut. he would totally have bastard children. the drakes are also high society and right next door. that's some random street kid from crime alley? hell no, brucie's one night stand tracked him down. he's adopted a 17 year old girl from out of nowhere? obviously some ex has caught up with him. the press and public just can't understand why someone with his wealth would just adopt random kids for no other reason.
then damian turns up.
and brucie fully admits this one is biologically his.
and all of gotham is forced to go 'huh'.
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There’s an alternate universe where Jason Todd got killed via tumblr poll where only like 20 people actually voted on whether or not to kill him and the other 20,000 voted the vanilla extract option
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dieubius · 10 months
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uhhh. bruce wayne modelling gig. have a good day 🥰
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marmaladeclown · 5 months
jason being cast as tiny tim bc he was the smallest 15 yr old in his theatre class (based on that hc that he was small af before he died, & when he came back to life he shot up like a tree)
based on this post i saw on tt:
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batkiddos · 26 days
BRUCE, TEXTING: Answer your phone.
DUKE, TEXTING BACK: Wait a minute, I can’t find my phone.
BRUCE: Understood.
BRUCE, 5 MINUTES LATER: You’re a terrible person. You know you’re killing me. You’re killing me!
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