#but i guess i'm still frustrated gosh
violenteconomics · 1 month
as a prank, ace and epel start referring to their upperclassmen as members of their family rather than by name — when they're not actually talking to their upperclassmen, of course — just to see how long it will take them to notice. and after a while, the other freshmen start doing it, too.
ace is the first one to come up with this idea. he think it's a harmless little thing, a prank that'll cause plenty of mayhem but won't get him in any serious trouble. so he starts referring to cater and trey as his dad and mom respectively, and riddle as his uptight, no-nonsense older brother.
("one time i saw my brother try to put one of mom's tart into like a ziplock bag to save it for later, and when he took it out like two days afterwards, it fell apart immediately and he started bawling, ha ha! my dad got the whole thing on camera and shared it with me — i can show you if you want.")
he ropes epel in on the plan. epel is a little more hesitant, but seeing this as a way to get back at vil, even in a small way, he agrees to it. vil is now "ma" and rook is now "pa". people do start to wonder why he still uses he/him pronouns to refer to his supposed mother, but they decide not to question it too much.
("a few months ago, my pa told me a story about how one time my ma was trying to comb his hair, only for his comb to get stuck. so he got another comb to get the first one out, and that ended up getting stuck, too. five combs later, and peepaw had to rush him to the barber for an emergency haircut. it was pretty funny, but now i'm left wondering how pa even knew that story... hold on, i need to check my bathroom mirror for cameras, excuse me.")
surprisingly, deuce catches on pretty quickly, and he starts thinking maybe it's a new dorm policy. he doesn't know why, or why nobody else seems to be doing it, but ace seems pretty sure of himself, so he starts doing it, too, if a bit awkwardly.
("my brother always gets on my case for my bad grades. it's a little frustrating, but he only does it because he cares. my dad tutors me whenever he can, but he's not very good at studying, either. but whenever i do get good grades on my report card, my mom makes me egg tarts!")
yuu starts after they ask ace about it, and thinking it's a good prank, they decide to join in on a little mischief. so they start referring to all the teachers as their "dad". it makes people really confused, because they assume they only have one dad, two at most, but "dad" seems to change personalities every single time they talk about him.
("i was helping my dad do paperwork the other day, except we didn't get anything done and spent the entire evening playing solitaire and making dog puns."
"i was filling my dad's basketballs for him for his next game, whilst simultaneously helping him rework his pick-up lines that he's going to use on rsa's 'hot librarian' — his words, not mine. it was... a weird experience."
"i was feeding my dad's cat a couple of days ago, but i guess i fed him too much, because he's just a ball with limbs now. it's fine, though — it's not like my dad actually goes anywhere. too old for that, y'know?")
ortho is up next. idia's already ortho's brother, so he can't really do anything with that, but he really wants in on the average teenage experience of pranking your peers. so he starts referring to literally every upperclassmen he knows as his "brother". this is when everyone starts to realize that something's wrong, because some of things ortho says can not apply to idia in any reality.
("my brother is so talented! he's so good at talking to people, and making them sign contracts with him, and convincing them to invest in his restaurant... gosh, i wish i could be as good at communicating as him!")
jack is, unsurprisingly, very unamused when he figures out what the others are doing, but he doesn't try to stop them. but after a few weeks of exposure, and jack starts unconsciously doing it, too, which the others don't point out to him because they think it's absolutely hilarious.
("my brother didn't show up to morning practice, again, so my other brother and i went lookin' for him, and we ended up findin' him in a tree. obviously, my brother and i can't climb as well as my eldest bro can, so my brother just... threw a spelldrive disk at him. to get him out of the tree. and then we had to rush him to the infirmary because now he had a concussion. i don't... i don't know why he thought that would work.")
sebek is the last hold-over. not only is he unamused by this prank — and frankly very aghast when he realizes that jack has also been infected by it — but he's also really repressed and will do literally whatever it takes to not sully his image in the eyes of diasomnia. of course, with enough wear and tear, this doesn't last very long.
("ugh. my brother fell asleep on the road AGAIN! i swear, so many people have tripped over him, i'll be surprised if he hasn't broken any ribs yet.")
ace and epel think all of this is extremely funny, so they all keep trucking along with it with nobody noticing for a couple of weeks. it's all fine and dandy until the first-years are out on the town during the weekend, and deuce gets involved in a really bad carriage crash.
at the hospital, deuce starts deliriously asking for his older brother to take him home. but when the receptionist checks his familial records, they're really confused because deuce never even had a brother.
unfortunately, ace knows exactly who deuce is talking about, and awkwardly spends the next 30 minutes trying to get a hold of riddle over the phone.
the awkwardness doesn't end as riddle actually gets to the hospital, and the doctor smiles and says, "you must be mr spade's big brother."
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absolutebl · 3 days
This Week in BL - So Many GREAT Kisses!
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
(Please notice I am now using 6 dots in all ellipses because according to Taiwanese BL that's how we queers roll. Who am I to argue?)
Sept 2024 Week 3
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Jack & Joker (Thai Mon IQIYI) ep 2 of 12 - A most excellent glow up. And it’s still a great show. And I cannot wait to see the many different faces of War. Bring on the Leverage of One action-packed mess. I'm waiting.  
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Monster Next Door (Thai Thurs Gaga ) ep 9 of 12 - I’m gonna say this because it drives me crazy. Why are boys in BL, when out and about the countryside, always dressed inappropriately for Thailand? If it’s hot, takeoff your damn jacket. I don’t mean to be crass or crazy or whatever. But don’t wear a jacket when it’s 90° with 90% humidity. In Thailand, jackets are for malls. Meanwhile, I’m an extrovert and that still seemed like an exhausting trip. Although, I suppose they didn’t show all the drive time in the van, when everyone is asleep.
Meanwhile, why are the sides so frustrating in this show? Authentic friends-to-lovers is always a slog. Finally a kiss! And a decent one.
New character? Aw! Hi Yu!!!! Gosh Putter is so cute.
Where were we? Oh yes, Beer is now heartbroken. Always the great fear in F2L that the friendship will be destroyed as a result. And it’s a decent fear. 
On a completely different note, I cannot help but wonder when somebody’s chue len is Beer, if that is because beer was involved in their conception. Like, it’s the name you give your "oops baby" from that drunken night at the club. Don’t mind me. I’m just over here in the corner being crass.
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Battle of the Writers (Sun YT) ep 8 of 12 - That was one of the cutest wake up sequences ever depicted. Utterly adorable. And now he’s blind again? Oh my God this is such a soap opera, I can’t even. Meanwhile, wicked ice prince finally made his move. Gah! Why aren’t we getting more of this couple? I always love the sides best with this production house.
I Saw You in My Dream (Weds Gaga) ep 10 of 12 - I love a hard fraught game of badminton. Even though we actually didn’t see play. YoIng claiming was so cute!!! And their shower kiss was v hot. Yay little show! Also cute use of the punishment trope!
Kidnap (Fri YT) ep 3 of 12 - The weight upon the shoulders of our idiot good guy kidnapper continues to pile up. So does the affection. The dude playing Q has sanpaku eyes. Cool. He’s not a particularly good actor though. Rough because everyone around him is giving their very best.
The problem is. I'm noticing. I shouldn't be noticing all the talent trying so hard. That usually means there is something wrong with the story, or there was something wrong on the set.
I don't know what to say at this juncture except I have the sinking suspicion this might not actually be a good show. (Covers head and cowers. Don't hate me.) I'd loved to be proved wrong, but my faith is GMMTV is only about 50% these days. And it probably should be lower.
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Addicted Heroin (Thai Tues WeTV) ep 6 of 10 - I was so confused by how we suddenly got on a trip together, that I went back and re-watched the previous installment. And it still isn’t explained. So I have no idea why our leads are on a trip but apparently that’s the next trope to hit. I also have no idea how they're suddenly boyfriends. I’m just generally confused by this episode. It’s like an alt reality. We skipped over all of the stuff where they actually got into a relationship. In general I wasn’t wild about this episode.
The Trainee (Sun YT) ep 12fin - The most realistic thing about this show is that everybody is everybody else’s ex on any given set. I feel that in my bones. Or do I mean boner?
Frankly, both actors look better after a glow up and I guess pretending to be more their actual ages suits them? Considering what was actually done to invoke youth (a lot of the shine and gloss) aging them was an anti-glow up. A great mattification? Well...... this was a somewhat lackluster finale. (Thank you, thank you, the pun was unplanned. It's a gift.)
I don’t know. I guess I wanted to see Jane suffer? Work HARD to get the kid he abandoned back? I would’ve liked to have seen Ryan a little bit more competent and capable and his job. Maybe dating someone else. But I also do not want any more episodes. This was more than enough. So instead no separation, just boyfriends and a montage of their lives together, getting new and better jobs, moving in together, being supportive and sweet, etc... LOOK: It’s never a good sign when I immediately want to rewrite the show that I just saw.
In conclusion:
A story about a group of interns at a commercial video production company. While I genuinely love OffGun, I’m not convinced this was a good vehicle for them. Is it terrible for me to say, I miss their PickRome days? I don’t think they’ve ever had rolls that suited them better. Still, theirs was the best storyline in this ensemble piece masquerading as a BL, although they still fumbled the ending. Thus, I enjoyed about a 1/3 of it as much as possible, and 2/3 of it less than conceivable. 7/10 and I seriously considered dropping it to a 6/10 so don't push me.
Love Sick 2024 (Thai Sun iQIYI) ep 1 of 15 - Not gonna lie I was very skeptical. But I like it fine. Better than I expected because it’s been changed just enough. But it does need to stay changed. I don’t know what I’m trying to articulate here but…... I guess we’ll see.
Live in Love (Sun Gaga) ep 3 of 5 - It’s cute in a weird disjointed way. I’m enjoying it enough, I guess. I do like how forthright and direct Kla is. 
Bad Guy My Boss (Thai Sun Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - Ah. Bully romance. My old frenemy. Of course making this office based means +10 for workplace harassment. Well well well. This will be red flag party town I see. How VERY old school yaoi. It’s all very Cdrama CEO = dudes in suits walking on parquet (minus all the gay sex of course.) The jumping around between times and unfinished scenes is very strange. Is this Starhunter chaos only applied to a timeline?
Imma say this so they hear it at the back. YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THE HAIR. If you do time jumps: change. the. hair. It's the easiest and best clue if you aren't going to apply a filter or other cinematography tricks. JUST CHANGE THE DAMN HAIR STYLE.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
The On1y One (Taiwan Thurs Gaga) eps 9-10 of 12 - And now we all start using six dots in our……? A new coded way to indicate that one is into BL? I did think we were in a slight mire with ep 9, too much teacher filler. Not enough time spent with our boys. Meanwhile, sports day. Pouty Baby utilizing the power of Ge, in front of all of the classmates who do not realize how hard he is flirting and activating babygirl = one of the greatest things ever to happen on my screen. Essentially this was a version of the claiming trope, only nobody knew it but the two of them. Fucking genius. Yes, I watched it multiple times. Then babygirl is injured, the carrying and the flirting!!!! Gah!
I don’t mean to trivialize the show, but this is me and I can trivialize everything even something as brilliant as this. But that conversation about history at the beginning of ep 10...... Was that about topping and bottoming? Because it sure seemed that way.
And then...... Possibly the best only one bed trope twist ever?
This show is so fucking amazing.
And I am so worried about the end.
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Sugar Dog Life (Japan Sun grey) ep 7 of 10 - I love the kinkyness of our baby boy’s fantasy. Where he is the gift and his boyfriend is in uniform. Very nice. Thank you Japan. Never one to let kinky dogs lie. Also, the premise continues: one half thinks that they are already boyfriends and acts like it, and the other half is still trying to become a boyfriend. It’s absurd in that way that only Japanese miscommunication extraordinaire can be absurd. Also could Kyosuke be any more under his boy’s thumb? 
Love is Like a Poison AKA Doku Koi: Doku mo Sugireba Koi to Naru (Japan Tues Netflix?) 1-2 of 10 eps - Shiba is a top lawyer, angular aggressive bespectacled workaholic cat-type (Kitten? Babygirl? Tsundere? Some unholy combination of all 3?) I am reminded I should be more considerate of my potted plants. OMG the teasing and the little tongue sticking out. Haruto is such a flirt. I love this dynamic. What fun! Manic pixie dream boy but MAKE HIM EVIL! Or very high? Or a grifter? I have absolutely no idea what’s going on. But I’m enjoying it. It’s very...... very
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First Note Of Love (Taiwan Mon Gaga) ep 7 of 12 - Oh! Good kiss. Smart to have the younger character initiate. I also like that he put a stop to it and then went and had a long conversation with a friend about it. Cautious boy. Also shows how in control of the situation Sea is becoming. It works for this BL since he has the stronger personality. I don't care what the characters say, this is about Sea becoming a rock for Neil.
But the secondary couple is actually winning this show. I want so much more of them. 
Seoul Blues (Korea Fri? YouTube) ep 8fin - I’m not sure that blackmailing and entrapment, especially of your ex, necessarily justifies cheating. Plus I never like it when it’s gays against gays. But what did I expect from this show? This whole series was basically Korea’s version of messy gay. If you liked Only Friends you’ll probably enjoy this bullshit. And they were quite pretty. I, however, am monumentally displeased. 4/10 FATALLY FLAWED but still, basically, BL, however…... do we want to support this kind of behavior?
It's like now they discovered boys can kiss they can't be happy.
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It's airing but...
The Hidden Moon (Sat WeTV) ep 1 of 10 - This is a supernatural romance (my ghost boyfriend trope) by Violet Rain (I Feel You Linger). A man is hired to write an article about an old mansion in Chiang Mai being converted into a café. He sees the ghosts of people who died at the mansion, falls in love with one of them. Was substantially recast. I loved IFYLITA except the ending so I think I'll let this one run it's course you can tell me if it's work tracking down... if they managed to land it. I have my doubts.
Happy of the End (Japan Tues Gaga) - A boy is disowned for being gay, dumped by his boyfriend, and ends up in a dysfunctional co-dependant relationship with his would-be kidnapper. We were due for another messy JBL and it's exactly as expected. I do not like it at all. And ya know what? There is plenty airing. DNF 
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In case you missed it
I FINISHED Meet You at the Blossom (China). I ate crow, binged the fucker, and live blogged the experience. I enjoyed it a lot and got quite witty (I think) there are also puns (warning). But if you don't wanna slog though it, here are my final thoughts:
This was undeniably a wuxia and most definitely a BL. Evil stunning princely Cheekbones meets and falls in love with the bisexual disaster Dimples of his dreams. There’s a lot of floaty fighting, tangled plot, and overworked emotions. From start to finish it is exactly as it claims to be, including more than the expected amount of sexual claiming (dubious conscent to the point of rape). I’m not wild about the wuxia genre, but I will tell you what I do like: Very pretty men in flowing robes + eye makeup + hair ribbons wafting about stabbing and kissing each other plus ridiculous soap opera machinations. I also like cheekbones and dimples. AND I love a stupid gay sleeve, okay? There was also truly epic levels of stink-eye, and that too is to be lauded. This show left me grinning like crazy. Was it great? Not really, but it was a great experience and I enjoyed it immensely. 8/10
4 Minutes (Gaga) Ended - Spies reported in to say the ending was not-exactly-unhappy and mostly lackluster. I'm torn over whether to watch. My natural disinclination to binge, meets my dissatisfaction with wishy-washy, is going up against my love of high heat and pretty men. Oh the age old struggle between art and lust.
Mitsuya-sensei no keimakutekina ezuke finished and it’s reported to be solid. Age gap treated with respect. I'm curious, so I'll check it out if I can get hold of non-G-drive subs.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
Still Coming Sept 2024:
9/28 Teenager Judge (Vietnam Sat YouTube) ?? eps - oh I don't know just Ba Vinh doing his thing with pretty boys again.
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I love love love this execution of the punishment trope. What's Ai going to do to you, Yu? Ride you to death?
I Saw You in My Dream indeed.
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Sigh. This show. (Addicted Heroin)
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All praise one of BL's best-in-show glow-ups. Nicely done, Jack.
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James, on the other hand. Never needs a glow-up. Still the prettiest. Has been since Oxygen. (Battle of the Writers)
He's playing the role of Saint in this show, thank you very much. Speaking of which, wouldn’t that be just the most gorgeous pairing in the entire universe? Saint and James? I’ll be in my bunk. 
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Taiwan giving us a boop! Reminds me of Be Loved In House I Do, right up there with TharnType as chronic boopers.
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Why is he SO GOOD in this show?
All Frist Note.
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in its infinite wisdom doesn't like too many at-ings.
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mattslolita · 8 months
bitch from da souf - c. sturniolo
black!fem reader x chris, backshots, oral ( fem receving )
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do not interact if you're a minor!
"i throw that ass back to see if he gon catch it."
"hello everyone, today we're filming-"
"it's the deaf, mute, and blind baking challenge, period!" y/n grins at the camera, causing nick to glare at her playfully and slap her arm, "nick, what the fuck?"
"that was supposed to be my line," nick said, a fake annoyed tone, causing y/n to roll her eyes playfully.
"anyway!" matt begins, already sensing an oncoming play fight between the two best friends, "we need to decide who's what."
"i call deaf!" y/n grinned, holding her hand up as she looked at the three triplets, "i have the best music taste, let's not even lie."
"facts," nick agrees, pointing at y/n, "let's be mute together."
"you both just want an excuse to listen to music and not do shit," matt muses as he crosses his arms, causing y/n to nudge him playfully.
"you just mad cause you not gon be my deaf twin," y/n shrugs comically, causing matt and chris to roll their eyes.
"i guess i'll be mute then," chris says, and y/n snorts, causing him to glare at her, "what was that about?"
y/n just shrugged, a small smirk on her lips as she helped set up the ingredients. "it's just about time yo ass is finally gon be shut up."
matt's eyes go wide and nick holds back a laugh, whilst chris pokes his tongue inside his cheek and shakes his head at y/n, going to stand next to her as he bends down in her ear. "i can think of a million ways to shut you up, ma."
y/n cheeks heat up, giving chris's shoulder a smack as she gestures to the camera that was currently recording them — he just smirks and goes to get a blindfold while nick hands y/n a set of headphones.
y/n and nick grin at each other as the both of them have their headphones on, chris giving them a look as he's helping tie the blindfold around matt's eyes.
"OKAY, LET'S START!" y/n shouts, clapping her hands together, as she moves to lean on the counter next to chris, "yo matt, open this shit up!"
"oh my gosh, it's our song!" nick says to y/n excitedly, causing the girl's eyes to widen as she grins widely.
"oh bitch, period!" y/n says, beginning to dance as in the party by flo milli is playing in her ears, "yeah bitch i got yo man, since you bad hoe, come catch him if you can!"
matt taps on y/n shoulders as the girl begins dancing. "Y/N, HELP ME WITH THIS!"
y/n turns to matt with a grin, still dancing as she's trying to read his lips. "NO MATT, WE NOT COOKING FISH!"
chris shakes his head as he watches the girl, ultimately deciding to go and help matt once he sees matt throw his hands up in frustration.
"i do what i want, don't report to nobody!" y/n sings, dancing next to chris, shooting the boy a grin as he's trying to help matt with the batter.
"nick, preheat the fucking oven!" matt yells at the oldest triplet, causing him to look at y/n in confusion as he's still singing.
y/n goes and playfully pushes chris to side, beginning to help matt with the batter. "MATT, I'M GONNA HELP YOU WITH THIS BATTER!"
"i've been telling you to do that for five fucking minutes!" matt yells back to her, and oblivious to his obvious annoyed tone, y/n just smiles at him and gives him a thumbs up.
y/n's eyes go wide as she points at nick again, a big grin taking over her face. "THIS IS MY SHIT, STOP PLAYING!"
"PERIOD!" nick yells, pointing back at y/n, as she starts dancing rather provacatively.
"i throw dat ass back to see if he gon catch it, ain't athletic but it's tennis for the necklace," y/n raps, swaying her hips back and forth.
chris suddenly stops what he's doing as he watches y/n glide her hips back and forth in the open space near the oven and sink, nick hyping her up as she does so — he's also ignored matt's pleas to help as all he can focus on is the way her ass moves up and down as she's dancing.
"ay where that cash at, i stack it like tetris!" she continues rapping, now seemingly in her own world as she continues dancing, "real gutter bitch, real plugs and connections."
chris still had his eyes on her, watching the way nick and her giggled as she continued dancing — she accidentally bumped into matt, causing the boy to groan and shake his head.
"SORRY, MATT!" y/n giggles, hugging the middle triplet then ruffling his hair, and he pushes her off of him causing her to roll her eyes.
"FIRST I MAKE HIM EAT IT TILL HE LOCK JAW," y/n continues rapping, throwing her hands up as she round the kitchen counter, "GIVE IT TO HIM GOOD, KNOCK A NIGGA SOCKS OFF!"
"i run it up, they busy runnin they mouth!" nick raps with y/n, hyping her up, as she goes back to where is, beginning to throw it back again.
"I'M A REAL ASS, RICH ASS, BITCH FROM THA SOUTH!" y/n raps, as she swaying whilst chris was next to her, the boy having had his breath caught in his throat.
chris was well aware that y/n and him were only best friends, but it was hard to look at her like that when since they had first met he'd get so sexually frustrated around her. of course, chris never knew that y/n had always found him attractive too, and would have to refrain from being around him sometimes due to this fact.
like right now, chris had the strong urge to just bend y/n over the kitchen table and fuck her from behind, making her scream his name — he shook his head to try and rid himself of these thoughts, going back to focusing trying to clean up the mess they made.
chris watched as y/n was still bopping her head to the song as she grabbed the tray away from matt, walking over to the oven — he watched the brownskin girl as she set the tray atop, then she bent over to open the oven.
he didn't even realize what he was doing until he reached y/n, gently taking her hips and pulling her ass to him in the hit it from behind motion.
"what the fuck- CHRIS!" y/n says, her eyes wide as she turns to look at him, shock evident on her face.
"couldn't help myself ma, with that ass shaking so pretty in front of me," chris whispers in her ear, pulling his bandana down slightly so she could hear him.
he gives her a wink and slips it back on, nick having watched the two with raised eyebrows. "great, now i have to edit that cause the fans will go crazy."
y/n felt her cheeks get hot at the action chris did, and the fact that he just walked away from her like he didn't just do that — the worst part was that she liked it, she wished he would've done more than that.
"FUCK!" nick yells, causing matt to throw his hands up in irritation, "WE FORGOT TO BUY FUCKING OVEN MITTS!"
"are you kidding me?" matt says angrily, taking his blindfold from off his eyes, looking at his brothers and best friend in shock, "who was in charge of that?"
the three brothers all turned towards y/n, who had finally looked up from where she had put the batch in, giving them confused expressions. "WHAT?"
"you forgot the buy the oven mitts!" matt says, throwing his hands up at her.
"shit, you said what, matt?" y/n asks with a sweet smile, taking the headphones off.
"you- just nevermind," matt sighs, running his hand along his face, motioning to nick, "nick, let's go and buy it real quick."
"fine, whatever," nick says with an eyeroll, taking the headphones off and pausing the music, "please don't do anything stupid while we're gone!"
"the fuck would we do?" y/n asks with a confused expression, and matt shoots her a look of amusement.
soon matt and nick are headed out the door, and y/n lets out a sigh — when she turns around, chris is standing right behind her, his usual smirk on his face as he looks down at the girl with hungry eyes. y/n's breath hitches in her throat at the way he's looking at her, causing her to back into the kitchen table.
"i was serious about what i said earlier, you know," chris says in a low rasp, putting both hands on the counter behind y/n, trapping her in between, "about knowing ways to shut you up."
"then why you ain't did it yet?" y/n challenges, feeling the pool already forming in between legs, as she almost lost balance.
"as much as i want to ma, i wanna have a taste of you instead," chris growls, his large hands going to grab the shorter girl and hoisting her onto the counter.
she immediately pulls him in by the neck and attaches her lips to his hungrily, both of them battling for dominance — chris pulls away slightly, his lips already red and swollen as he eyes the girl greedily, then he reattaches his lips to her neck, leaving sloppy kisses all over it.
he reaches down towards the waistband of her shorts, tugging at it as it snapped, causing a low gasp to escape her lips as she squeezes her brown thighs together. "fuck, i need you so bad."
"lean back mama, i'm gonna make you feel so good," chris whispers in her ear, pressing her stomach back.
y/n leans back and scoots back on the counter, giving him enough access to practically rip her shorts down from under her — he was immediately met with y/n's already glistening pussy, causing his cock to stiffen at the sight.
"look at you, not wearing any fuckin panties," he chuckles lowly, spreading her legs apart whilst keeping eye contact with her, "such a pretty pussy, ma."
"p-please, chris," y/n whimpers, "i need-"
without warning, chris dives in between y/n's legs, not wasting time in licking a stripe up her sensitive bundle of nerves, emitting a moan from the girl. he greedily latches his hands onto het thighs, pulling her closer to him as if she'll somehow slip from his grasp.
"fuck chris, that feels so good," y/n moans out, throwing her head back as her hands find themselves tangled into his brown locks.
he continues pleasuring her with his tongue, burying his face deep inside her pussy as he flicks his tongue on it every which way — y/n lets out moans, filling up the empty space of the kitchen.
"oh fuck, you taste so good," chris says breathlessly, pulling away, his face glistening in her juices.
he dives back in, reveling in the sweet taste of her, knowing that nobody could ever make her feel as good as he is in this moment.
"chris, i-i'm close," y/n moans out, her head still thrown back.
this causes him to finally take his face out of her pussy, a smirk on his face as he does so, which causes her to look at him in confusion. "w-why would you stop?"
"cause you're gonna cum on this cock, ma," chris said, "now bend that ass over."
y/n obliges, getting up from the counter and going to turn around — chris quickly pulls his pants down, his cock springing free and slapping against his stomach as it leaks with pre-cum.
he lines himself up with y/n, using her juices as lube as he strokes it once, causing a groan to escape his lips and a moan to slip out her mouth.
"just put in already!" y/n begs.
chris grins as he slowly pushes inside of her, a moan falling from both of their lips. "fuck, you're so tight."
chris begins to move in and out of her at a slow pace at first, the soft slapping of skin can be heard — y/n moans at the feeling of her best friend going in and out of her, having been waiting for this moment for forever.
chris quickly picks up his pace, now slamming into her from behind — y/n grips the kitchen counter in front of her, her breasts bouncing as he fucks into her.
"oh my gosh, fuck chris!" y/n whines out, as he goes to attach his lips to her neck, one of his hands going to cup her breast as the other stays on her waist.
"fuck ma, you feel so fucking good around my cock like this," chris pants out, squeezing her nipple in between his index and thumb fingers.
"i-i'm so close, baby," y/n moans out, throwing her head back, "i'm gonna cum..."
"cum on my cock ma, give it to me," chris rasps, still pounding into her from behind.
y/n releases her juices onto chris's cock, moaning his name as she does so — that's enough for chris too, as he shoots his loud out inside of her, moaning her name as he does.
he helps the both of them ride out their highs, then chris pulls out of y/n, both catching their breaths as the reality of what happened sets in.
"fuck, i've wanted to do that for so long," chris breathes out, helping y/n put her shorts back on.
"you ain't know how long i wanted you to," y/n giggles, looking up at chris, "is this gonna change shit between us?"
"nah," chris says, smiling down at the girl, pulling his pants up, "but let's just keep this between us, alright?"
"you right, matt gon throw a hissy fit if he ever found out," y/n laughed, grabbing some paper towels to clean up the space they occupied.
chris sent a smack to y/n's ass, causing her to gasp and turn to him with a playful glare. "didn't you touch my ass enough?"
"who says i ever got enough of it?" chris grins at her, licking his lips as he walks over to her and squeezes her ass.
"yeah, you definitely an ass dude."
@luverboychris , @mrssturnioloo , @mattsturniolosleftnut 💕 gfs ily
omgggg look who finally wrote some more smut !!😩😩😩 i got hella requests too, so im excited for y'all to read that too ! im so sorry not uploading any, i've lost a little motivation for it, but im tryna bounce back.💌
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Headcanon tiiiiime! In the comics it's confirmed he knows. In my Batfamily fanfic Bernard knows that Tim is Red Robin. Tim is happy to not keep this secret, but this is what would happen if one of his brothers discovered this. God I hope batman Wayne family adventures keeps them together. 💜
Nightwing (Dick Grayson) and Red Robin (Tim Drake) are stranded on the side of a deserted road, bruised and without their bikes.
Nightwing (frustrated): I can't believe they took our bikes! Damn it! The museum is 15 miles away and it's freezing cold!
Nightwing shivers, visibly aggravated. Red Robin looks around, appearing to wait for something.
Red Robin (calmly): Let's not panic. We just have to wait for a car to come.
Nightwing (skeptical): Be for real, it's midnight. No one sane is driving through here at this time of night.
Nightwing winces, readjusting his popped shoulder.
Nightwing: If we run—
Red Robin: Oh, he's here!
Nightwing: Who?
They spot headlights in the distance. Red Robin holds up his phone with the backlight on to signal the driver.
Nightwing: What are you doing?
Red Robin: Flagging him down so he can stop.
Nightwing pulls Red Robin’s arm down.
Nightwing: The guy could be a serial killer or something! We can walk.
Red Robin (confident): I think this guy is safe.
He holds his phone, waving it in the car's direction.
Nightwing: How do you know they’re a guy?
Red Robin shifts his eyes nervously.
Red Robin (faltering): Lucky guess.
A red lexus pulls up and stops beside them.
Nightwing (squints): Isn't this Bernard’s car?
Red Robin (lying): Oh my God, is it? I couldn't tell!
The front passenger window rolls down. Bernard Dowd, Tim's boyfriend, leans forward to see them.
Bernard: You need a ride?
Red Robin (enthusiastically): Yes! We do! Oh my gosh, what a coincidence! Can you drive us to the Gotham Museum, please?
Bernard: Uh, sure. I was headed in that direction anyway.
Red Robin: Wow! Nightwing, can you believe this?
Nightwing gives Red Robin a suspicious look.
Nightwing: I cannot. I'm doubtful you just happened to be driving around town at night, but that’s great. Thanks, stranger.
Nightwing gets into the backseat as Red Robin sits in the front with Bernard. Bernard turns on the heat and drives toward the Gotham Museum.
Red Robin nervously stares out the front window, while Nightwing watches his brother, having figured out what his brother was nervous about.
Nightwing (smirking): Thanks, stranger, for picking us up, but you sure are trusting to let two people you’ve never met into your car.
Red Robin: Actually, Bear and I have met before. A couple of times, actually.
Bernard's eyes shift to him, worried.
Bernard: Yup, that’s how he learned my name is Bernard and that I go by Bear.
Red Robin (frazzled): Yes! That’s why I said his name! I remembered his face, so he’s trustworthy.
Bernard (leaning to RR side): Yeah, and I can tell this is the real Robin. He still looks good in his suit. Been working out?
Red Robin (flustered): Well—I—you—thanks… stranger!
Nightwing (unamused): Mm-hm. Sure.
Nightwing leans back in his seat.
Nightwing: Well, thanks for conveniently being out at night and taking us to the museum.
Bernard, tense, nods.
Bernard: No problem.
Twenty-one minutes later, the red Lexus arrives at the Gotham Museum, where the Riddler plans to strike next.
Bernard: Well, this is your spot. Glad I could help you two heroes out.
Red Robin: We’re thankful too, especially that you were awake and out for a nightly drive.
Bernard (yawning): What can I say? I'm big on nighttime driving.
Nightwing (impatient): Yup, yup, yup. Get out of the car, Robin.
Nightwing steps out and closes the door. Red Robin hesitates.
Red Robin to Bernard: I just need a moment with him.
Nightwing opens the front door and yanks Red Robin out of the car.
Nightwing: Thanks, Bernard! Bye!
Bernard: Bye!
Bernard drives off, leaving Nightwing and Red Robin alone. Robin fidgets with his hands, while Nightwing taps his foot, arms crossed.
Nightwing: How long has he known?
Red Robin (relenting): He figured it out himself! Give me a break!
Nightwing shakes his head, rolling his eyes upset.
Nightwing: I'll keep this secret, but we are talking about this later.
Nightwing slaps Robin on the back of his head then walks toward the museum steps as Red Robin sighs.
Red Robin: Was it that obvious?
Nightwing: Yes! Mr. “I-can-tell-you're-Nightwing-because-of-your-eye-mask!”
Red Robin(frustrated): Oh man… let’s just get into the freaking museum already!
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drpeppertummy · 4 months
[banging a bunch of vcrs together] werewoof tummy story who wants werewoof tummy story
[hunger, stuffing, context/setup involves medical stuff but nothing graphic]
Teddy's belly rumbled loudly, and he dropped his head back against the pillow with a groan. He'd eaten an enormous breakfast not that long ago and a snack after that, but it didn't matter; his stomach was starving yet again. Hugo had warned him that hunger was a common side effect, but he had no idea it would be this bad.
Teddy had finally had the opportunity to get top surgery, but there had been one obstacle--he couldn't exactly care for his incisions if he was transforming into a giant wolf every month. This issue had kept him from pursuing the procedure at all for years; he'd just sort of accepted that it would never work. Until, that is, Stelian--Luna's vampire friend--introduced him to a friend of a friend. Hugo, a sweet old wizard who ran a magic shop selling everything from card tricks to interdimensional elements, was able to set Teddy up with a few doses of werewolf transformation blockers. Not enough to be dangerous--it wasn't safe to take them for more than a few months, he'd told him--but just enough to get him through the healing process safely.
Of course, the blockers weren't without side effects. Hugo had run him through everything: He'd likely feel uncomfortable and restless for about a week after the full moon, as he typically would the week before, the next transformation after he stopped taking them could be unusually aggressive, nothing that couldn't be guessed. And, of course, a markedly increased appetite. Teddy's appetite was always stronger during the week approaching the full moon, but now, on the blockers, it was twice as strong the week after as well. He was astonished at how hungry he'd been for the past couple weeks. He was a small man, and his stomach seemed to want more food than he could possibly fit into himself.
He hugged his belly, feeling frustrated and hoping to muffle the growls. He knew his housemates understood; they'd figured out the werewolf business long before he ever told them about it, and they knew all about the transformation blockers and their side effects. He felt lucky to have such caring friends looking after him. Still, he couldn't help feeling self conscious about his endlessly hungry belly. He wasn't typically shy about his appetite, but this was a different ballgame. He felt self conscious about how noisy it was, and how much of their food he was putting away, and the fact that his friends had to help him get said food, and the fact that he was almost certainly going to put on a good heap of weight since there was no transformation to burn off everything he was eating. He felt like a burden and a pig, and, of course, he felt agonizingly hungry on top of it.
His stomach yowled sharply, then let out a long, low whine. He couldn't fathom how it was still hungry; he still felt a little bloated from the big breakfast Bruce had made him. Bruce was an absolute saint. He loved cooking and he was great at it, and he was more than happy to make Teddy the biggest portions he could put together. Ordinarily, his tall stacks of waffles would leave the little werewolf feeling absolutely stuffed silly for the rest of the day. Today, they didn't hold him over for two hours.
"You're hungry." Stelian's quiet voice nearly startled Teddy right out of his seat.
"Oh, gosh, I didn't even know you were here," he exclaimed, holding his chest. The vampire was hard to read, but Teddy thought he could detect the tiniest hint of amusement on his lean face. Silently, he passed him a bowl of pot roast.
"Aw, I'm alright, Stelian, really," he said, feeling guilty. "I just ate a little while ago, I can wait a little longer--"
"You're healing. Your body is asking for food. You need it," Stelian said matter-of-factly. Teddy's stomach growled eagerly in agreement.
"I guess so," he sighed, accepting the meat. He looked up at him, smiling meekly. "Thanks, Stelian." Stelian retreated to his hiding space without a word. He was far from the sweet, warm, caring type that Bruce was, or the silly, playful, friendly type like Luna, but Teddy liked him regardless. He was caring in his own way, quietly protective and viciously loyal, and Teddy admired and appreciated him.
Alone again--or, at least, pretty sure he was--Teddy dug into the pot roast. It was a big serving, and the tender, flavorful meat satisfied his carnivorous cravings in a way that waffles couldn't. He tried to eat slowly and enjoy it, but he couldn't help wolfing it down, at least at first. He was absolutely ravenous. Gradually, though, his stomach settled as it filled up, and he was able to slow his pace, taking the time to savor his food.
It wasn't until he was mostly through the bowl that Teddy really began to feel full. He slowly went from satisfied to full to comfortably stuffed, and then he began to push it, his belly growing tight around the big meal as he went at the last few bites. The heavy meat and bulky vegetables pushed out against the walls of his stomach, and he found himself struggling to finish. In fact, he nearly gave up, but, wanting to hold off his insatiable hunger for as long as possible, he forced down the last little bit, his belly aching as it strained to make space. He swallowed it down with a heavy sigh and let his head fall back against the pillow, resting a hand on his full tummy. It let out a soft little gurgle of contentment, appeased for now.
Teddy tried to set the bowl down on the coffee table, but it was just a hair farther than he could comfortably reach. He was just about to get up when a slender hand swooped in and took it.
"Oh, gosh, Stelian!" Teddy looked up to see the vampire looming quietly behind him. He set the bowl down and disappeared, and a sleek black cat hopped silently up onto Teddy's lap. He gave him an unreadable look in the eye, then curled up against his round belly. Teddy reached out, hesitated for a moment, then cautiously stroked his back. Stelian remained in place, and, feeling more at ease, Teddy went on petting him.
Teddy and Stelian were both fast asleep when Bruce and Luna came home with plenty of takeout to go around, and they took about a hundred pictures of the two of them all snuggled up together. Judging by the size of Teddy's round little belly, they determined that he'd already eaten, and they stuck some food in the fridge for later before sitting down with their own. It wouldn't be long before they'd be getting it back out, though--they were amused to hear that, even in his sleep, his tummy was already rumbling again.
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bakkusimpp · 6 months
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So,I was studying and randomly found a video on yt.it was like a study with bakugou thingy and I studied my ass off of it. So it inspired me to write this little wholesome moment of bakugou and reader,where reader is stressed out about their exam and bakugou helps them relax:)
I was searching through my study material , it was finals week and I was nervous as heck. It didn't matter to me, how much I've studies throughout the year, my stupid mind goes back to thoughts like 'you'll fail' or 'What the fuck am I doing with my life?' I sighed, closing my eyes momentarily. My eyelids were heavy, I haven't slept in 18 hours and have just studied so much. How can I be so under confident about it?
I was pulled out of my thoughts by a hand massaging mu shoulders, I suddenly relaxed and with closed eyes smiled. "You know," he whispered in my ear. My boyfriend, bakugou katsuki.
"You've studied enough, you'll do great, but what I want you to do now is relax," Wow, he's being so gentle.
I guess he noticed just how stressed and frustrated I was during the hours I'd spent studying. If not gentle, he would he screaming about how sleep is important and how I should stop being a loser and sleep.
I opened my eyes, looking up at him through my lashes. His features were gentle. I...don't really like that. I pouted looking at him.
"What?" He asked, as I stood up, wrapping my arms around him and resting my head on his shoulder.
"I miss my angry baby," surprisingly he chuckled at my comment.
"What did you do to him!?" He just smirked down at me, pulling me closer by my waist.
"Brat, im being gentle because I'm very worried,it's not an act," he said pecking me on my lips.
My eyes fell on the ground.
"I just, don't know what's happening. I'm studying day in and day out, but I'm still nervous," I said , his hand caressing my back. Gosh I could melt in his touch. I guess I was melting.
"Being nervous is not a bad thing, it's human nature to be nervous. I know you are scared but you are prepared, and that's all that matters, right now, you have to calm your mind and not keep filling it with unimportant knowledge, so relax with me," his hand moving up and down my back.
He dragged me towards my bed, both of us laying down, I relaxed so much in his arms, his leg around my waist and hand around my shoulders. I sighed in relief. What would I do without him?
He got out of bed suddenly, moving towards the dressing table and grabbing his mobile from the table. He then walked over the light switch turning it off and coming back.
Scooping me in his arms , he turned his phone on and open spotify. Playing 'Ballad of a Badman' placing it on the side table and tapping his fingers on the beat. He kissed my neck.
I turned around and snuggled in his chest, his hand stroking my hair. The music was relaxing and katsuki stroking my hair like that made my eyes close and drift off to sleep,
With a smile on my face and his face on my mind.
I hope it (in anyway) helped you relax your mind and calm you down. The yt video I was talking about, I'll link it down and you can RELAX AND STUDY:)
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aihoshiino · 7 months
chapter 142 thoughts!
HEADS UP: In this review I discuss fictional depictions of sibling incest as well as a brief reference to both fictional and a real life suicide. As usual, feel free to skip if you're not in the right zone and I'll see you next time.
thank you for the kind words from everyone when i was still in the Slime Era of feeling sick lol. i'm like 80% back to full power now!
I'm gonna be totally up front and say I really think this is one of the worst chapters we've gotten in a while but here's the twist: it's not for the reasons you probably think!
We're following up basically right off the back of last chapter and immediately I am kind of mad at how shitty the series is continuing to do Miyako with regards to the movie arc. She was a total non-factor in the RBKN conflict and now that Aqua and Ruby are being pressured into doing something they have both verbalized that they don't want to do she's just like well gosh i feel complicated but what can i do :(. Having the setup almost 20 full chapters ago of Miyako expressing that she wants to step up and do more for Aqua and Ruby as their mother and then having her completely failing to intervene on their behalf here is just wild.
In general, the way everything is being set up to force this kiss feels so… well, forced. Even if Kaburagi (as the story says) insisted there be a kiss scene, there are a million ways to fake a kiss that doesn't involve actors actually kissing. Body doubles! Camera angles! Putting your thumbs in the way! Unless Kaburagi said "I want 20 full seconds of Kamiki sticking his tongue down Ai's throat center frame", there is absolutely no reason "a kiss scene" needs to mean "these two blood related twin sibling actors actually kiss". The whole thing is just so incredibly contrived.
And honestly? The fact that both Ruby and Aqua have expressed a 'no' and are being forced to do this anyway is the part of this chapter making me the most actively insane. It is absolutely mind boggling to have spent half of last chapter on a Miyako monologue about how immoral and unethical it is when people's ability to give informed and sincere consent is compromised by the entertainment industry and to then follow it with a whole chapter of basically every character we're supposed to like flaunting a total lack of respect for Aqua's comfort and consent in this regard, up to and including the completely insane scene of two adult women lecturing Aqua about how he isn't allowed to have boundaries. What the fuck is going on here!!!
This is especially frustrating because I actually really like a lot of things about the scene with Yoriko and Abiko… even if there's some stuff that really kind of broke me lol. Like uh, wasn't it a really huge plot point in Tokyo Blade that a mangaka couldn't be expected to turn out an entertaining theater script because those are two entirely different kinds of storytelling…??? But whatever.
Off the bat, I have really mixed-leaning-negative feelings about the reveal that the KamiAi romance scenes we'd gotten were entirely fictional. On the one hand, I actually feel pretty validated - I had guessed that the full-immersion-flashback presentation was a hint that we were being presented with a falsehood and it implicitly confirms something I've been saying from the start that 15 Year Lie's version of events has to be taken with a grain of salt, both because it contradicts known events and facts and because so many other people have interfered with it. Having that made textual and being able to confidently say it helps a lot in discussing what this means for the story.
But like… that means we wasted a whole bunch of time on shit that was made up and didn't matter! Like, thematically speaking, I think this is potentially interesting but I just keep getting stuck on the fact that we were given a super interesting scene finally fleshing out and giving us info about both a character and a relationship we've been absolutely starved for details about, only for the story to turn around not two chapters later and go "and my source? i made it the fuck up". It just totally dashes all the enthusiasm I was feeling and it also makes it way less rewarding to try and dig into what 15YL is doing when at any time, all of this potentially interesting character work could be revealed to be total piss in the wind.
Stepping back from that… in total isolation from everything else, I do think this talk with Abiko and Yoriko about what it means to write stories is interesting from a lot of angles. While I don't think these two are the 1-to-1 author avatars for Aka and Mengo fandom treats them as, they nevertheless clearly serve as reflections of the two's experiences and viewpoints about the manga industry and specific and the art of storytelling in general, allowing the story to play around in the quasi-metafictional space it does sometimes, where it uses in-universe fiction as a method of commenting on itself.
In that sense, I think Yoriko can be understood as speaking for Akasaka here and discussing some of his feelings as a storyteller of Oshi no Ko specifically. OnK has never made a secret of the fact that it's drawing on Akasaka's real experiences in the entertainment industry but perhaps less obvious to overseas fans is the inspiration it takes from real life issues in contemporary Japanese pop culture, too. Infamously, Akane's arc very transparent drew inspiration - if it wasn't reconstructed entirely - from the suicide of Hana Kimura, not even six full months after Kimura's death. When the anime aired, Kimura's surviving mother (imo, rightfully and deservedly) lambasted the series for using her daughter's death as the fodder for entertainment without consulting her surviving family. It wasn't even that she disagreed with what the series was saying - she just wanted someone to have some consideration.
This is what Yoriko means when she talks about the responsibility a writer has to their stories. When you write a piece of fiction as highly visible as Oshi no Ko currently is, it is your responsibility to consider the impact your words will have on the world. No, fiction does not directly impact the real world in a physical, tangible way but if we are careless with our stories, we can regurgitate and perpetuate dominant cultural narratives that very much do cause real, tangible harm to marginalized people. Hikaru Kamiki isn't a real person, but there are undoubtedly people in OnK's readerbase who see their experiences mirrored in him. Airi Himekawa isn't real, but people like her exist. Akane Kurokawa isn't real but Hana Kimura was.
This discussion also serves as an interesting warning to Aqua himself, though maybe not quite in the sense Yoriko intended. Aqua's revenge has always been something treated, in-universe, as a sort of fiction in of itself; Aqua calls it his 'revenge play' and his primary method of pursuing it is to become an actor. It's a retribution narrative about real people and Aqua is its author. But as Yoriko reminds him… stories can kill. Especially ones featuring real people. Aqua has been telling himself a comfortable lie for years that only he will be hurt by his own inevitable self destruction but Yoriko reminds him that he isn't the only person involved here and that he is inevitably going to cause great pain to the people he loves if her continues down this path.
That's why this chapter is so frustrating. This is all good, meaty character work with some great thematic overtones… and it's all in service of contriving this scenario where Aqua has no choice but to tongue his sister on camera and for some reason, nobody is pointing out the million and one alternatives to this deranged scenario.
But anyway. Enough beating around the bush: let's talk about That Scene. And despite what everything I've said this post might lead you to believe… I actually really like it.
I don't know exactly what activated to make her go sicko mode but Mengo has been really on fucking fire with her art on the series lately. It really jumped out to me in 137 but she's honestly been cooking since the very start of the movie arc. It stands out especially strongly in Aqua and Ruby's talk on the balcony in ways I really vibed with. The whole scene feels like Ruby's shoujo brainrot and the cold reality of what she's tiptoeing around suggesting to Aqua are battling out for dominance over the framing. Ruby's stubbornness is such a force to be reckoned with that it almost wins entirely but there are moments where the lens cracks and we see things as they are. Aqua's discomfort practically radiates off the page this entire conversation.
Not only that but… jesus christ, Ruby. Just look at how she's framed when she first enters the scene.
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That oppressive silhouette, her shaded eyes and that sinister smile… I probably don't need to tell you that's NOT how you typically frame a romantic heroine. She honestly almost looks more like a villain.
But Ruby quickly reasserts control over the framing. Or rather, what she's suggesting is such a sugary shoujo fantasy, the framing has no other option but to comply. At last, Ruby steps out of the shallow channel of plausible deniability and puts into concrete words what she has been thinking and longing for these last twenty chapters: for her to retake her role as Sarina Tendoji and for Aqua, in turn, to play Gorou for her once again. More than that - she pushes him for a concrete response to her love at last, not as Ruby but as Sarina; not only does the paneling repeatedly cover the eye with her star but in the final panel where she unambiguously propositions Aqua, the star is completely gone. This is what Ruby is offering: to completely sever her connection to Ai and the new life she has built on that foundation and to return to being Sarina, if that is what the doctor she loves wants.
This is SUCH an incredibly effective scene. It's excellently done and the art is fantastic. It finally draws out and makes explicit the underlying disconcerting subtext that has been swimming under the twins' relationship since 123. It works fantastically well… in isolation. But when taken into the context of the rest of the story it just feels so… unearned.
For the last 20 chapters, we have had absolutely no serious insight into Ruby's feelings re: the reveal of Gorou's new identity as Aqua. We didn't see her grapple with it or have to adjust to it at all. It was like a switch flipped in her brain and she was suddenly a 2010s fanservice imouto splooging about her oniichan. Her interiority in this regard is completely absent. Whenever the subject is addressed at all, it is made into a joke with Ruby as the punchline. There has been no serious build up to this moment or any meaningful time spent on Ruby's feelings about Aqua and as such, being asked to take it seriously now feels so incredibly jarring.
I've said this over and over in other places but I'll make this clear here: the handling of Ruby's feelings is not bad because Incest Is Morally Bad or whatever. At the end of the day, OnK is fiction and fiction is a space that allows us to explore ideas and scenarios that would be unpleasant, dangerous or even downright immoral to try and interrogate in real life with real people. Not only that, but AQRB's situation is so far removed from anything any real person could experience there's very little risk of it acting as a harmful reflection of a real person's life. But because OnK had the space to do just about anything with this idea, I'm so incredibly baffled that it chose to do all of nothing. This is a plot point that has been cooking since the literal first chapter of the entire series and now, just under four years and over 140 chapters past our starting point… and this is the best Akasaka can do? Dated brocon humor that reduces Ruby to a shallow gag character, denying her the opportunity to have deeper, more complex and ugly feelings and denying her the respect of examining those feelings with honesty?
It sucks. This whole thing really sucks. As someone who loves Ruby so, so much… this really just feels like an insulting way to have handled what should have been one of the most interesting and engaging parts of her series long arc.
I do think this chapter is the beginning of the end of AquRuby's time in the endgame couple race, if it was ever seriously in the running to begin with. Ruby embracing Aqua with a proposition in those final two panels echoes Akane doing the same in chapter 72 and the fact that this cliffhanger ends on the proposition and not a kiss implies to me, structurally speaking, that we are heading for a rejection. On top of that, we're pretty far away from the manga's ending still and Kana's romantic resolution with Aqua hasn't gotten its time to shine. All those factors together makes me feel pretty certain that this is the final nail in the coffin and we're just waiting to see how Aka sticks the landing.
After all - Ruby is asking for his response as Sarina. And if this is Sarina asking for his love one last time… we already know how Gorou's going to respond.
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egophiliac · 1 year
Um…hello! Your art is like a HUGE inspiration to me how you draw everyone is so unique, I love it! So I just wanted to ask what inspired you and your art to what it is today?
(hopefully I explained that correctly ;w;)
oh my gosh, thank you! :D :D :D I've been feeling pretty down about my art lately, so this was a super nice message to wake up to! one of the easiest traps to fall into is forgetting that other people are seeing your art without all the baggage and hangups that your brain has given it, and sometimes...they might actually like it? hmm. 🤔 (seriously though, that really is incredible to hear, thank you! 💕)
inspiration is really really hard to put into words. so I apologize if none of this makes sense! :') a lot of it comes from looking at things I like, trying to break down what it is that I like about them, and smooshing all those pieces together into some kind of amalgamated homunculus. I'll see something that uses a lot of straights vs curves, go "ooh", and then just start throwing those in there until it is fully absorbed into the gelatinous mess that is Developing An Artstyle. or I'll see some pretty soft-style shading, go "ooh", and then decide I'm not meshing with it and try something else. just, like, being open and trying different things and seeing what sticks, I guess!
overall, I would say I was mostly shaped by the Western media landscape of the early 2000s, when anime was becoming more mainstream and starting to show influence on Western cartoons; I think particular works that influenced me were Sailor Moon, Utena, the works of Takahashi Rumiko, Samurai Jack, Batman Beyond, and Bone. (there's also the French movie Princes et Princesses -- which is itself a homage to The Adventures of Prince Achmed -- which...yeah, you can basically take one look at it and see the effect it had on me.) and there are probably a lot of other things that I didn't consciously realize!
on a more philosophical level, one of my teachers once said to me that "the art that you like to look at isn't necessarily the art that you should be doing". which is something I try to hold onto! I had been trying really hard at the time to be, like, a more realistic traditional-style painter, and was getting really frustrated because that kind of art isn't fun for me to do. it wasn't until I gave myself permission to actually try out different things and not lock myself into what I thought was the kind of art I should be doing, that I realized I actually just like drawing little dudes making weird faces at each other! (I definitely still have some hangups about this, but I am getting better at it! ...I hope!)
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moonbyulsstuff · 2 months
Can I request a questism fic?
Top dogs of each high school(seok jinhea(idk how to spell he's name it's to hard for my goldfish brain) seonhyun(same with this guy) and lastly yu(the top dog of north gangbuk high school) thank you it can be female or gn
A Kiss.
GN Reader.
Request Rules.
If you request two genders, more specifically in a way like "female or male reader" or "male/female reader or gn reader" or "male reader or female reader". Or requesting two more genders that had o. It will be automatic GN reader.
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Suhyeon Kim:
"Suhyeon..?" He looked at his partner who was looking at him with worry eyes, he snapped out of his trance state. "Is something wrong?" They asked as Suhyeon chuckled nervously and shaking his head.
"N-No... nothing is wrong... just.. you know... umm..." Suhyeon eyes glanced briefly at [Name] lips, he gulped. They looked so plump... and he just wanted to kiss them so much.
Gosh, their lips look so desirable right now...
"Suhyeon..? You're spacing out once more.." They said as Suhyeon chuckled nervously and looked away, feeling his face flushed up. Gosh, he just wanted to kiss them so much right now. Feeling their lips intertwine, Suhyeon shook his head at those thoughts.
He shouldn't be thinking about it, they had only begun dating for a few weeks and he didn't wanna rush it and make [Name] feel uncomfortable.
They tilted their head seeing Suhyeon avoid their gaze and refusing to look a them, [Name] huffed and held his chin and forcing him to look at them. "What has gotten into you Suhyeon?! You're avoiding looking at me..." [Name] said with a pout, which made Suhyeon gulped seeing [Name] pouty lips. "Suhye- Mhmm!" [Name] was cut off when Suhyeon pulled them for a kiss, their eyes widened as their lips intertwined with each other. They were surprised first but slowly gave in to the kiss.
They eventually pull away from the kiss, they stared at each other's eyes before Suhyeon break into a flustered state as he realized on what he just did. He looked away and covered his mouth, he can't believe he just did that.
Suhyeon was beating himself up for it, he can't believe he just kissed [Name] all of a sudden. Suhyeon must be sure that [Name] feels uncomfortable after what he did.
But then he heard them chuckle, he slowly looked at them and saw them smiling down at him. "I guess... that's why you keep zoning out huh..." Suhyeon blushed at their words as he nodded making [Name] chuckle. "Would you like one more?" "YES!"
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Jaeha Han:
A kiss.
That's what Jaeha desperately wants right now, a kiss from their partner. He's been itching to feel their lips on his own, it's been a long day of planning, fighting.
And now, all he wants to do is to lounge around in his partner's arm and kiss them to the point they need air. He groaned as he keeps ringing the doorbell of the apartment of [Name].
He knew damn sure he was annoying the neighbors but he didn't care, he desperately needs to see and kiss [Name].
Jaeha continued to keep ringing the door bell, he was getting frustrated that [Name] was taking very long to answer the door.
"Jaeha?" He looked and saw [Name] standing by the hall, and they were still wearing their school uniform and their bag on their back. Oh... right... they had school too.
"You know I'm not home 'till 5 PM..." They said as they sighed and went to the apartment door and unlocked it, Jaeha scoffed and nodded but looked at them with a smirk. "I know I know... but I just wanted to see you so badly today.." He said as [Name] opened the room and they went inside, Jaeha closed the door and immediately pinned [Name] against the wall, their widened eyes looking at him in shock. "Jaeha..?" Jaeha leaned down to their face. "Can..." He whispered as he looked at them with soft and desperate look. "Can I kiss you..?" Jaeha asked leaning close as their lips were barely an inch from each other.
[Name] sighed but nodded with a smile as Jaeha immediately kissed them, their arms wrapped around Jaeha as their lips moved against each other.
They can tell Jaeha desperately wanted this and they let him, knowing the day he has.
Jaeha pulled away and rest his head against their chest, they chuckled and played with his blonde hair. "I needed that all day..." He said as [Name] chuckled and kissed his forehead.
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Seok Kang:
"I want to kiss you."
[Name] eyes blinked profusely after hearing Seok words, they stared at their boyfriend who looked serious.
"Eh...?" "Did I stutter? I want to kiss you." [Name] face became red at Seok question, they fiddled with their hair as Seok continued to stare at them. Waiting for their answer, but he quite enjoyed the flustered look [Name] has after hearing his request.
"Yo-You really want to kiss me..?"
Seok nodded as he held [Name] hands, his thumb brushing against their knuckles.
"Very much so."
Their face was red as they thought about it before they nervously nodded, Seok smiled as he grabbed the back of their head and pulled them in for a kiss.
He closed his eyes as [Name] was frozen at first but slowly melted at the kiss and kissed Seok back, as they held Seok face.
Their lips intertwined with each other, Seok hand that was gripping [Name] hair before he pinned them down on the couch.
[Name] let out a yelp as he looked at Seok who was panting heavily from the kiss, they chuckled before Seok leaned down and kissed them once again.
After a minute or so, they pulled away from the kiss and smiled at Seok. "I guess you have been holding that urge, huh.." They said as Seok chuckled and pulled his hair back staring at [Name].
"You have no idea..."
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Yun Jo:
"Yun~" The long black haired man looked at his partner who was laid across his lap, they were pouted their lips and pointed their lips as they looked at Yun Jo.
"What?" [Name] furrowed their eyebrows as they sat up, they looked at him and went near to his face. "What do you mean "what"?! Isn't it obvious your partner wants a kiss?" They said as they pointed at their lips.
Yun Jo sighed as he put his hand on their hair. "You already got a kiss earlier." He said as [Name] rolled their eyes. "So? I want a kiss from my precious boyfriend once again!" [Name] said with a whine.
He sighed as he cupped [Name] face and pulled them down for a kiss, [Name] squealed happily into the kiss and kissed him back.
Yun Jo eventually pulled away from the kiss as [Name] smiled at him. "Yay!" They said as they hugged him and snuggled their face against his neck, he sighed and wrapped his arms around their body. "Happy now?"
He asked as [Name] nodded their head with a huge smile across their face. "Very much!"
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the-words-we-sung · 4 months
Thoughts and pictures - S3E3
The great rewatch of season 3 continues! And we're halfway through with episode 3. As usual, it's probably gonna get a bit long so proceed with caution 😁
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And we're starting off with some big big pressure on Wilhelm, for a change... "I don't know if I can handle it" => ma'am, you're the queen, you're an adult, you're his mother. Get a fucking grip!!
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How can she put so much pressure on her son's shoulders? I understand that she's unwell, she hasn't grieved Erik's death properly in season 2 so this break down was bound to happen I guess, but how can she (and Ludwig) just abandon Wilhelm like that? And not so long after his speech (and the "trial" with August). Did either of them talk to him about it? About this huge coming out he just did? About how brave he was? One day I'll write a post just about Wilhelm and his parents because I have A LOT of feelings.
And I don't know a lot about how a monarchy works but would Wilhelm really have to step up and replace his mother if she was suddenly unfit to lead, despite being 16? That doesn't make a lot of sense, does it? Especially in this case when Wilhelm has been Crown Prince for very little time (and even needs a special Crown Prince school during summer to learn his duties).
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"You wouldn't have been able to handle it. That I can fuck up too" => oh Simon, my sweet sweet boy... I have to say that I really like his scenes with his mother this season, I really needed to see Linda actually act like a mom, and Simon to become more "real" with her. So I love their scenes and dynamic this season!
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Is Wilhelm still seeing Boris? Or is he really all alone in dealing with his mother's health and everything else? My boy needs help...
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I'm sorry but Simon with helmet hair is just the cutest thing!
But gosh their communication is just so awful this season... On one hand Simon frustrates me a tiny bit because I didn't think he would be so "naive". I mean, of course it must feel truly awful to receive to many hate comments, but he's a teenager who knows how to use social media so I would have expected him to know that these people are trolls and responding to them would lead nowhere? The people writing these are not interested in knowing him or the truth or anything, just in being nasty because it's easy to do so anonymously. But also I guess he's 16. He's super young, I'm probably expecting too much maturity here and not being super fair ><
And on the other hand, Wilhelm also frustrates me because he barely stops to listen and to actually see what Simon is going through. And yeah, he's got the crazy pressure from his family and his mother being unwell but still, he's being very selfish. And he has always had a tendency to be, but it's 10x worst this season ><
(Also why did he not say anything to these mean girls mocking Simon's song when they entered the music room together??)
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I'm realizing now that truly, these Boris sessions with Wilhelm and August are really fucked up: the sessions with Boris helped Wilhelm so much last season, he felt safe enough to talk there, to be honest, and he was able to work through the hard stuff in his life. And now they put August there? The person who made him feel unsafe, who recorded him and leaked the video online. They put that person here in his safe place with him? Which might explain why there's no more therapy sessions for Wilhelm this season (outside of the ones with August). It's so fucked up...
Wilhelm is feeling so cornered...
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And Simon is breaking my heart... Omar is such a good actor, he portrays sadness way too well, I wanted to cry almost every time I saw Simon in this episode. He's so depressed, thinking everyone hates him, it's hard to watch... Why did season 3 have to be so cruel to him?
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It's hard to enjoy the sweet moments between them (this scene for example, which I forgot was gonna happen there :p) when we just had a sad Simon, bad communication between them, Wilhelm being mean to him... It makes it hard (for me) to enjoy the cute scenes because it just feels like a small band-aid put on a gaping wound ><
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I really liked that we got to see Felice's dad again, and this scene is so important! I love Felice's decision to go without her dad and to be honest in the end. I still think she should have had a stronger storyline throughout the whole show. She's a great character and she deserved more!!
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Sara and Micke singing in the car: 💛 "I'd rather have a papa with bad spells than no papa at all" => I don't know August... I guess it's the eternal dilemma..
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Just because he looks so incredibly beautiful here 💜
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This Sara and Micke conversation was so important and needed! I really liked that we finally got a bit more information about Micke and what happened to their family.
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And another scene that I forgot was happening in this episode ^^' I got too used to seeing the cute (and hot) scenes from this season with gifs here that I know them without the context around :p
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Why is it that every time something good happens to Simon this season, it backfires immediately and Wilhem makes him sad about it? 😩
3 more episodes to go, wish me luck >< This season is even more depressing than I remembered ^^'
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cheerfullycatholic · 3 months
There is so much value in knowing how to mend clothes and making them last longer, but oh my gosh it's so exhausting
I just spent TWO HOURS fixing an inner thigh hole on my jeans and I stabbed almost every finger and it was so frustrating. I'm sure the fact that I only kind of knew what the heck I was doing and was just going off of a single picture didn't help but still! And I still need to do the other leg 😩 but the one I just finished seems sturdy and I really like these jeans so if it makes them last longer I guess it's worth it 🤷
No I'm not using thimbles I hate those they're so chunky and clunky I cannot make myself I shall not I will not I would rather get stabbed
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zoeykallus · 5 months
How do you feel abt the finale? Will you be writing again?🤍
I will be writing again, in fact I'm working on it right now. I still have a lot of catching up to do in the request section, as well as continuing my fics. How do I feel about the TBB finale...? Oh gosh... Well, I can tell you, as much as I love them, as much as I would have loved to see more seasons, the ending of season three was such a disappointment to me. There was so much wasted/unused potential that it downright hurt/frustrated me. Some things felt more like fillers than plot relevant. And as much as I loved to see certain things going on, some just simply angered me.
The following is just my perception, my opinion. It's totally fine if anyone, reading this, thinks and feels different about it. To each their own... I'm usually not that critical about TBB, never have been. But this was the ending, the goodbye, the part where everything comes to a close.
There was such a build up and hints for Tech to be CX 2, partly. Maybe a lot of it was wishful thinking by the viewer, but still. They could have made them reveal, after he was killed, that it was Tech, for example, or reveal it first and still make them fight, leaving them no choice but to kill. There was so much missed potential right there, for real emotion and Drama, that wasn't used. But that's just one thing. Well, yeah the Zillo Beast was kinda cool I guess... But why was it there in the first place? What for, what use did it have? We don't get any kind of info about that... it's just there, for Omega to use it and wreak havoc. *shrugs* wasn't really impressed or happy with that part to be honest. As cool as the destruction was, it was just that, nothing more. It felt like a filler, just put there for Omega to use, without any further explanation before or after. Rampart suddenly wanting to steal the Data instead of getting out of there right away and saving his ass?! Did he really think he could blackmail his way back into the empire? Plain stupid, sorry. Even if the empire did agree, as soon as they had their hands on the data, Rampart would be executed or thrown back in his cell. At least that's what I would do as the empire. He worked for those people long enough to know that. That was just a facepalm Moment for me. Honestly, as much as I despised that guy, I'd rather would have seen a redemption arch about him than Nala Se sacrificing herself to destroy the data and kill Rampart in the process, in a forced scene to make her look badass and make us feel something. ....Oh my god we lost her, but she went out like a badass... gosh I couldn't care less, she died because Rampart is suddenly a total dimwit, if this scene made me feel anything, well, it's anger. He was a Vice Admiral before, can any airhead become that high ranking now? Anyway...
The way Hemlock died was, well, interesting. I did like the little call back with Crosshair steadying his Shot on Hunter's shoulder, like he used to do with Tech, but the rest of it felt... rushed. The intensity buildup was pretty good in parts, but the things mentioned above, ruined it for me. I did love to see all the other clones to get freed though, I was moved to hear/see them ready for one more fight, not leaving TBB on their own. One more time, fighting with and for their brothers, for their freedom and most of all, fighting for something they chose, not for something anyone else ordered them to fight and die for. That part I smiled at with a little tear in my eye.
And the very last scene, with Omega and Hunter. I loved to see them this way, him grown old, her grown up. But I felt miffed about Crosshair and Wrecker not being there. Would Omega really just sneak away and leave them? Maybe she didn't really want to say goodbye or arguing with them about leaving, but on the other hand, I feel like they owed it to each other to say goodbye, to wish Omega luck and have a more emotional moment. Besides, I might be just miffed about the fact that we didn't see old Wrecker and old Crosshair as well.
I guess, after all, it's a Disney show.
All in all, I'm not entirely happy with how things ended. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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slveepyscwrs · 2 months
You want ACTUALLY obscure ship dynamics inspired by small fandoms WITH prompts for each of them to help you write? I got you bestie:
I get the frustration. You want to explore a new ship dynamic to practice your romance writing skills, but you can't find anything aside from the same old.
If that sounds like something you struggle with, here are some ship dynamics that are criminally underused because I've either seen it in a fandom that's teeny-tiny, or I thought of them myself and I haven't been able to see it anywhere.
(Disclaimer: Some of these MIGHT be slightly popular already, so don't go saying "erm actually I've already seen this trope used a bunch of times." I'm not saying that these ideas haven't been used at all, I'm just saying that their popularity is very less compared to some other tropes. I'm also not trying to judge anyone who likes popular tropes.)
Be sure to tag me if you use any of the prompts included here!
Teacher x Teacher. Blame Mr. Ajayi x Mr. Farouk from Heartstopper for my obsession with this. I know, Heartstopper itself isn't a small fandom, but this shipping trope is. Student x Student has already been done a gazillion times. Student x Teacher... uh... not everyone's cup of tea. Teacher x Teacher has a lot of opportunities for fluff and angst, and is also good practice for writing older characters.
(+ Bonus Points if the students notice and try to get them together and/or just sit there confused because how the hell did we get here?)
Prompt Ideas:
"It's 10:00 P.M., and you're still grading tests? Nope, I'll handle them, and you need to go home and rest."
"This is the third time this week that you've been crying in the teacher's lounge. That's it, tell me the names of the kids that I need to give a piece of my mind and extra homework to."
2. Childhood Enemies to Lovers. Before you say, "Wouldn't that just count as enemies to lovers?," the vast majority of enemies to lovers that I've seen involve A and B meeting when they're already teens/young adults.
We love childhood friends to lovers. We love enemies to lovers. Why not have both?
The media that I got this trope from is a BL drama called "We Best Love." If I gushed about how much I love this series and how it lives rent-free in my head, this post would last forever.
(+ Bonus Points If they realise that they never really actually hated each other, it was just a silent lie they were telling each other throughout their childhood.)
Prompt Ideas:
"You couldn't even let me have the slide for five seconds when we were kids. Why are you doing all this for me only now?"
"Wait, don't tell me you're still holding grudges from when we were literally in diapers?"
3. Okay guys today we've gathered to come up with a plan to get these two gosh darn idiots together. I don't really know how to describe it other than that. I also don't recall seeing it any of my fandoms, mostly from my OC stories.
However, I don't know if it's just me, but I LOVE seeing the ship's friends getting involved in having the ship sail successfully. We Stan supportive friends, and the comedy that comes with such situations is a surefire way to keep readers hooked.
(+Bonus Points if two of the friends slowly realise their feelings for each other WHILE doing their shenanigans to try and get the main ship together. Extra Chaos.)
Prompt Ideas:
"What are you suddenly doing here?" "[Friend] sent me." "That's weird, [Friend] sent me too." "Wait..."
"You're telling me that they still didn't realise they have feelings for each other? Ugh, fine, I guess it's time for Plan B..."
I have a lot more of these, but this post is getting too long. If you want to hear more about lesser known tropes, please show some love to this post!
Your Gay Writing Bestie
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smolwritingchick · 7 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 90- Idol Parents?
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Chapter Summary: BTS anticipates the release of WINGS. Jennie and Jungkook are assigned to take care of a robot baby for a parenting class at school.
Words: 6,000+
Author's Note: Anotha one! Enjoy! Big Jungkook fluff!
Once September 25th hit, Hobi's Boy Meets Evil concept video was released and the members praised him for his outstanding performance. Jennie filmed the group watching the video with Hobi as they were hyped and excited about how good it looked. That grin on Hobi's face as he gushed over how much praise he got from the group made Jennie's heart feel full.
"Oh my gosh~!" Jimin exclaimed, loving the video as the other members whooped and hollered.
"Yasssss, Hobi!" Jen yelled.
After they watched the video, Jennie went to give him a big hug and multiple kisses on the cheek. "I'm SO proud of you! I remember you sending me all those progress videos of practicing the dance and you nailed it! You're exceptional, Hobi!,"
"Munchkin...thank you," he pulled her in for another hug.
"You're going to blow everyone away when you perform this live, I hope you know that," she continued to cheer.
The next evening, Jennie couldn't sleep as she found herself anticipating the comeback that was just a couple of days away. As their comeback got closer and closer, more information and photos of their comeback were released as fans continued to freak out about her hair and how good the group looked. It excited her to see how passionate fans and locals were about their comeback. She had a strong feeling this was going to be the start of something huge.
Looking at the time, it was past 1am and she decided that eating a snack would suffice.
Getting out of bed, she stretched. Walking out of the room, she regarded the smell of pizza rolls and the sound of a microwave running. Looks like someone else was awake too. As she inched closer to the kitchen she was met by Jungkook's bare back to her, playing a game on his phone while waiting for his pizza rolls to finish cooking.
'That back...' she thought as she found herself staring.
He remained unaware of her presence, focused on his game as he let out some curses and a frustrated low growl when he was losing. For a while, she felt ready for that next step. Maybe this was a good time to tell him that she was ready. Or maybe she should wait until they were all alone and not with the rest of the members in the dorm, sleeping.
Decisions, decisions.
With her emotions taking over her and thinking about how good he looked, her mind went to a more suggestive place, as she thought about where in the kitchen and living room he'd pin her against. Her heart raced and her body felt flushed at the fantasy. Shaking her head, she pushed the passionate thoughts aside.
'Calm yourself, sis,' she thought.
After pulling herself together, she made her presence known as she greeted him and went to the freezer to grab some ice cream and a spoon.
"Can't sleep either, honey?" his cheerful voice filled her ears. 
It seemed like his mood brightened when she walked in, making him forget that he was losing his game.
Oh gosh...she wanted him so bad, right now.
"Looks that way," she answered sweetly. "It's one of them nights. I guess you could say I'm excited about the comeback and can't wait for it to release,"
Placing the ice cream on the counter, she took the top off and leaned up against it with her elbows. Jungkook leaned his back against the counter as he stood next to her and watched her with a smile. Her silk scarf that was protecting her hair was still intact along with her Captain American pajama shorts and shirt. She looked cute. He paused his game and placed his phone on the counter.
"Yeaaaaah, it is," he stretched as she tried to ignore the way his muscles flexed.
Why did he have to look this good when they weren't even officially alone?
Scooping up a big chunk of chocolate ice cream, she ate it eagerly, welcoming the cold treat with delight.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
"Ah, finally they're done," he promptly removed the pizza rolls from the microwave and placed them on the counter next to her.
"Don't you want to wait until they cool down?" she exclaimed as she watched him pop one in his mouth with ease, ignoring the heat.
"I'll live," he giggled and ate a few more.
"Wow, you must love pain," she sarcastically said after eating a few more spoonfuls of ice cream while he giggled again at her response. "Just be careful with your tongue, please,"
"A kiss would cool it down since you're eating that ice cream," he suggested playfully after swallowing his food.
"You like to find clever ways to kiss me, huh?"
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"From the way you were looking at me, it looked like you want to kiss me more than I want to kiss you," he raised an eyebrow and stepped in close to her, standing in front of her. 
His movement made her drop the spoon in the tub of ice cream and place her back against the counter. He then laid his hands on each side of her on the counter, getting closer to her face.
"Am I right?" he teased.
"I wasn't staring..."
"You make it pretty obvious, Jennie," he acknowledged as her face began to heat up.
She needed to work on being more subtle.
"Okay. I admit it. You're right. But you're not getting a kiss that easily,"
"Why not?" he tried to go for a smooch but she playfully evaded it and placed her cold lips on his cheek instead. "Lips, not cheek,"
"Hmm. I'll think about it,"
He tilted his head to the side a little, deciding to take up the challenge. As he went for another kiss, he met her cheek instead. Going for it again, she turned her head the other way and felt him kiss her other cheek. The way he kept trying to kiss her started to make her giggle which turned into soft laughter as her hands were placed on his chest, light-heartedly attempting to push him away. Anticipating that he was going to kiss her left cheek again, she moved her head but he was too quick and managed to press his lips against hers this time. His kiss deepened instantly and she sighed into the kiss, enjoying how his kisses made her happy.
He pulled away too soon but only to softly say with a grin, "Got you," and leaned back in to kiss her.
As her cold tongue met his hot tongue from the pizza rolls, Jungkook set his hands under her thighs to lift and place her on top of the kitchen counter.
Pulling away for air, she rested her arms around his neck.
"Pepperoni Totino's pizza rolls?" she guessed from the taste.
That caused Jungkook to laugh lightly and nod. "Correct,"
"Elite," she laughed with him and ran her fingers through his hair. 
His hair was now light brown for the comeback. The Stylists knew how to make her man look irresistible. Wanting more kisses, she pulled him back in for a needy smooch. But then he reluctantly pulled away.
"Jennie, I'll get carried away if we continue like this. I know you want to wait,"
"It's okay. It's okay, really," she removed her arms from him.
"I know but still. I don't want to pressure you," he took a step back as she stepped down from the counter.
"Kookie?" she grabbed one of his hands and looked up at him.
"There's something I've been wanting to tell you,"
"What do you want to tell me?"
"I'm actually-"
"Is that pizza rolls I smell!? Can I have some?" Hobi's cheerful voice filled the kitchen, making the couple slowly break away from each other.
'Of course, I get interrupted when I'm about to tell him I'm ready.' Jen thought with a sigh.
"Sure hyung!" Jungkook was feeling kind enough to share since he made the whole bag.
"Midnight snack, huh? One of them nights?"
Jen chuckled lightly. "Yeah, one of them nights,"
"Oh Jagi, what did you want to tell me?" Jungkook smiled as he ate another pizza roll.
She shook her head. "Lost my train of thought,"
"Ah, I hate when that happens. Let me know when you remember, all right?"
"Yeah," she murmured and ate another spoonful of ice cream.
After the trio ate, she spoke up to tell Jungkook that she remembered what she wanted to tell him.
"Oh great. What was it?" he asked.
Dismissing the idea to tell him she was ready, instead, she thought of something else. "Since we're awake, do you want to do a live stream for a little bit on Twitch?"
His eyes lit up. "Yeah! Let's do it! Hyung, you want to join?"
"Sure!" Hobi agreed.
"Great! Meet us in my room when you're ready!" Jen told him and went to her room to set up the stream. 
Jungkook put on a shirt and met up with her after. In Jennie's room, Hobi sat in the middle of them, happily anticipating the show.
'We can't sleep so Golden Duo is back at it again in a few minutes! Check us out on Twitch~! #Jen' she tweeted with the link.
Once they were ready to go, Jungkook waved to the camera and began to speak as a large audience popped on the stream. "Hi ARMY! Jungkook here!"
"And what up? I'm Jennie!"
"And we are The Golden Duo! We have a special guest with us today. Hyung?"
"Hi! I'm your Hope! J-Hope~!" Hobi waved. "I love you, ARMY!"
"J-Hope is here with us~! Yay!" Jen cheered.
"Today we are here to play another game," Jungkook announced.
"A game I'm kind of dreading because I have no idea how to play," she cringed.
Jungkook giggled evilly. "We are playing overwatch today,"
"Yay..." she said unenthusiastically, making him laugh loudly with Hobi. "Jungkook insisted I play this for some crazy reason,"
Her boyfriend smiled slyly. He wanted to watch her struggle tonight since she was still not quite familiar with the game controls.
"Jungkook is so evil for this. Good luck, Munchkin," Hobi said.
"Yeah, I'll need it," she chuckled and turned back to the camera, "We're going to mix it up today. Jungkook and I agreed on having a punishment for this stream. If I can get ten kills within a set of three games, he has to drink of mixture of condiments mixed with water. If I am unable to get ten kills, I have to drink a glass of eggs. Raw eggs."
"You're going to drink the eggs," Jungkook guaranteed.
She scoffed. "The fact that you have no confidence in me for this game, is astonishing,"
"Because you suck at the game. So, I automatically win. You might as well drink the eggs now,"
She narrowed her eyes at him while he smiled sweetly. Hobi continued to giggle in the background and commented on how funny they were bickering.
In response, Jungkook was about to say "I love you, honey," but refrained as he realized this was live.
"Let's get started before I end up smacking you," she replied.
It didn't take too long to find an online match and she chose to use Tracer. Once she began to play, she was immediately shot down.
"That should be a record. The game just started!" Hobi exclaimed while Jennie stared at the screen in disbelief.
"Okay, that was a trial run," she said and went back to run around the map.
"Do you know what you're doing?" Jungkook asked with amusement.
"No. I don't but I'm a quick learner," she answered confidently but she kept missing shots. "This is bullshit. Bullshit..." 
"Munchkin, language," Hobi lightly warned. "Wow, she's really getting angry, huh?"
"Because she knows she sucks," Jungkook laughed with him.
"Jungkook shut up," she rolled her eyes and continued to play.
"You are doing an amazing job. Wow," her boyfriend said sarcastically, being a smart ass.
"Shut up!" she whined.
Fans began to comment with laughing emojis:
'LMAOOOOO she is going to kill him after the stream'
'He is so wrong for this haha'
'Poor Ennie! This is hilarious'
"ARE YOU FU-UGH!" Jen screamed, stomping her foot down aggressively. 
Her face twisted up in frustration after getting killed again. Meanwhile, Jungkook was having the time of his life watching her stress out while Hobi occasionally shrieked at her anger. Her character got hit and suddenly Sleep is written on the screen.
"Oh my God! I'm asleep!? No!" she yelled and watched as she fell in the water and died.
'lmfaooooo Jennie is about to tap out. She mad as hell right now'
'I think she's about to rage quit'
"This is some bullshit. I'm done for today. I don't want to play no more," she decided to rage quit.
"Wow, already?" Hobi asked.
"Told you, hyung. All right, Ms. Walker, let me show you how it's done," Jungkook took the controller from her hands and started a new game. As she watched him play, she claimed he was cheating. "And how am I cheating Ms. Walker? Elaborate," 
"You picked an easy stage," she claimed.
"No, I didn't."
"Nah, this is flat out cheating!"
"How so?"
"You know you are! This is not cool how you are easily killing everybody like this,"
"I am better than you at this game,"
She rolled her eyes. "Corny,"
"I want to play after you, Jungkook. Let me try it out," J-Hope spoke up after watching for a while.
"Sure, hyung. You'll probably do better than Ms. Jennifer Rage Quitter," Jungkook continued to roast her.
"A-are you serious!?" her face began to heat up and she retaliated by kicking Jungkook in the leg.
After he won his game, he gave the controller to Hobi and watched him play. Hobi seemed to have gotten the hang of things while occasionally shrieking when he saw players shooting at him.
"Oh, make sure you do this, to help your team," Jungkook pointed out.
She stared in disbelief that Jungkook started helping him. "Uh uh! You didn't give me advice when I was playing! And you're giving him advice?!"
Hobi and Jungkook burst out in laughter from her freakout. Their laughter was enough to get Tony to join the party and jump on Jennie's lap to try to get her to calm down.
"Hi, Tony. Tony is the only person that never lets me down. Y'all on the other hand. Disrespectful,"
Tony barked happily and she rewarded him by rubbing him and giving him kisses.
"Say hi to ARMY, Tony! It's been a while!" she beamed and made Tony wave his paw to the camera.
'He's getting so big!'
'Awwww JenKook's son!'
After J-Hope managed to win his game thanks to Jungkook giving him pointers, Jungkook turned to his girlfriend.
"And like I predicted, you lose, Jennie. Let me go get the eggs," he announced happily and left the room.
She groaned and covered her face in her hands while Tony jumped on Hobi's lap to play with him.
"Why~!?" she whined. Uncovering her face, she went to see the comments. "I tried my best, guys. Overwatch is just not my thing. I'll just have to keep practicing,"
'It's okayyyy'
'Lolll enjoy the eggs'
'Hahaha it's nice to see I'm not the only one who sucks at Overwatch'
'Practice makes perfect'
'Wow u really have to drink eggs?? RIP'
Jungkook walked back into the room and sat back down to place a glass of three raw eggs for her to drink.
"Here you are. Enjoy. And drink every single one. Not just one egg or a sip. All of it," he demanded.
"Whoa. He said it with such authority," Hobi looked surprised.
"For real like do y'all hear him?" she exclaimed as she looked at the camera, taken aback by his statement but secretly liking it. "You so demanding, like damn. Okay, Mister Jeon," she said sarcastically, making him laugh.
Taking a deep breath, she grabbed the glass and examined it. 
'Gosh, why couldn't it just be one egg?' she complained in her head.
Going for it, she gulped all of it and slammed the cup down. It tasted bland but it was tolerable to handle as a punishment.
"That was...interesting. Tasted super weird but I did it," she sighed out of relief and went to down a bottle of apple juice to get rid of the aftertaste.
"Yay~!" Hobi cheered.
"Wow, your reaction was not what I was expecting. I wanted you to suffer," Jungkook said with disappointment.
"Wow! I get no love, I swear. Anyway, thank you, Army for tuning in! Until next time! Hopefully, when we play Overwatch again, I'll be a little better," Jen promised.
"That's a lie. I guarantee she won't," he snorted.
"You know what!?" she reached for a nearby pillow and began to attack him with it. "I am so tired of your shit tonight, you smartass!" she exclaimed over her boyfriend's laughter while Hobi tried to break it up.
Once October 9th hit, BTS hosted the WINGS preview show on the V-Live app. As the first stream appeared, Armies broke the app with over 60 million hearts and 1 million views before the show started. 
When the group found out, everyone was shooked and Jen laughed out loud and grabbed her phone to tweet, 'LMFAOOOOOO, Y'all really crashed the app. #Jen'
Once they got the technical difficulties out of the way, they went on with the broadcast as Jin was the host. Jennie sat in between J-Hope and Rapmon for the show.
'BTS News'
"Hello, V viewers. This is Jin, anchor for Oct. 9 countdown BTS News," he announced. "It's been delayed because of an unexpectedly high level of interest. Let me start again. Here's the news for today. BTS is going to release their second official album. Let me talk with Suga, who is on-site,"
The group laughed as they watched the banter.
"Hello, this is Suga on site!" Suga acted out as a dramatic news broadcaster. "The second official album of BTS is said to be released right now!"
"Have you heard of the songs?"
"Yes, I've just heard them!"
"What do you think of the songs?"
Suga placed his fingers on his ear like he was trying to listen in on an earpiece. He then began to make sound effects to portray that the signal was bad. "It's getting a fervent response! I think the album will be a big hit!"
After the group laughed and clapped, Jin continued, "It seems that the album is awesome. Here's the news that just came in. It's an amazing one. Let me give you 8 exclusive news on BTS members. Suga dyes his hair black in three years since the debut song. No More Dream Black sugar is back!"
"How handsome," V noted.
"Rap Monster destroyed the floor while dancing with the group. What is the truth behind his destructive power?"
Jennie snickered at the memory. "He was like BAM!"
"It's not true," Rapmon tried to defend himself and covered his face.
"The lovely Jennie FINALLY dyes her hair for a BTS comeback! And what color to make a bold statement than red! Jennie had red hair!" Jin announced.
The sound of the members whooping and hollering at her new hair color made her grin and she posed cutely for the camera.
"J-Hope exposes his body in a trailer. Was it intentional?"
"Exposure~!" J-Hope shimmied his shoulders.
"Wouldn't it be intentional?" Suga asked.
"Jimin's cheeks have hollowed out. Would we ever see them again?" Jin asked as Jimin made his cheeks look big. "V. V's eyebrows are back. Everyone in the world is amazed," 
"The whole world is shouting for joy!" Suga added over the cheers for V.
"Jungkook almost split his legs while doing wire action. It's not certain whether he has recovered or not," Jin declared while Jungkook looked down at his legs in surprise.
"What's next?" Rapmon asked.
"Jin is getting handsomer day by day. When will he stop getting handsome?" he gave the viewers a flying kiss.
After the group did their greeting, the broadcast discussed the second album before it was released. A whole preview show for WINGS. Jin brought up the group to give explanations about their news and told Jungkook to start first.
"It wasn't my legs. My back hurt," he explained.
"V next,"
"I did it because fans loved it!"
"My cheeks will come back if you want,"
"It wasn't intentional. It's part of the dance," J-Hope explained.
"It's over five seconds," Suga pointed out
"Jennie!" Jin called her out.
"Because every single comeback I've been asked when am I dyeing my hair and this was the perfect comeback to do it for," she explained.
"My shoes were expensive!" Rapmon explained.
"Do I have to explain why I dyed my hair black?" Suga wondered. "It's fun,"
"I'm handsome because of Army's love," Jin explained and sent another flying kiss.
As the broadcast went on, the group went to give some background information on WINGS. Jennie listened most of the time, occasionally laughing with the group.
"How was it working on this album while you were away from us, Jennie?" Jin asked.
"It was interesting and a bit weird since I'm always used to being at Big Hit to work on new music. For this comeback, I chose to not be that involved in singing in songs but instead, you will see me in the album credits for a lot of background work. I played the guitar for a handful of songs and did a bunch of background vocals. It was a fun experience and I am grateful that I was able to help with the album while I was back home," she beamed.
"She stayed up late nights. Keep in mind we are in different time zones. She worked very hard and sacrificed a lot for this album. Please listen out for her vocals and her guitar sound. She did a wonderful job," Rapmon praised.
"Awww, my heart. Thank you," she gave him a side hug, making him smile.
The group introduced the tracklist and how it included a solo song from each member. Something that fans are anticipating the most. They went down the line to explain the tracklist.
"Our solo song starts from the third track. The third track, Begin. Whose song is it?" Suga asked.
"It's my solo," Jungkook raised his hand. "Begin is about how I came to Seoul and met the BTS members. It's about emotions that I felt in the process. It sounds very dreamy. It might be difficult to grasp when you hear it, but I've worked hard on it and recorded it,"
"What's the lyrics like?" he was asked.
"It's embarrassing to explain," he grinned. "I've changed thanks to all of you,"
After his answer, V shoved him, making everyone laugh. The members went on to talk about how much the song meant to them and that it made them cry.
"My first solo song. It's about lying," Jimin went over Lie. "It's about the conflict due to lies and temptation. It was difficult because the song is in a very high pitch. Just don't expect me to sing it live,"
"Why? You're good!" J-Hope exclaimed.
"He says this now, but he will sing well," Rapmon added.
"This is a lie," V pushed him, making Jimin laugh.
"See? You're good at lying. Professional liar," J-Hope pointed out.
"Stigma is mine. It's a song of neo-soul genre. I personally think that it's the most sophisticated song in this album," V said confidently, surprising the boys with his statement.
"Are you confident?" Jungkook asked him.
"I am!" he answered with a grin. "Usually we recorded altogether. It was my first time recording alone, and it was bitter because I was recording alone. The staff helped me out but..."
"Do you mean that you were lonely? Not bitter?" Suga asked.
"Lonely," Taehyung nodded.
"Let's move onto the sixth track. First Love. It's my solo song," Suga revealed. "Since the title is called First Love, many people thought that it's about first love,"
"Can you figure it out if you listen to it?" Jimin asked.
"Yes, it's in the first bar. I cried while recording," Suga admitted. "I cried a bit. Next song. Reflection,"
"It's my song," Rapmon proclaimed. "I go to Ttukseom Island when I have a lot in mind or when I have a hard time. I wrote this song sitting down in Ttukseom. You can hear the sound of the surroundings that I've recorded in Ttukseom at the time. And I can dare promise you that it's the best song to hear outside in this weather. I've produced it myself,"
"Really? You've produced it yourself?" J-Hope asked as the group was amazed.
"The best song to listen to in October, Reflection will be out at midnight. Please listen to it," Suga said. "Next, the eighth track. Mama,"
"It's my song," Hobi spoke up. "Can't you guess what it's about right from the title? That's right. It's about my mom. It's about emotions that I felt about Mom since childhood. I think this will be an unforgettable song in my life as a singer. Please look forward to Mama,"
"A lot of people are waiting for Mama. They are looking forward to it a lot," Jimin praised.
"Please look forward to it. It's good,"
"The most anticipated song in October, Mama, will be out at midnight," Suga replied. "Our next solo song, Awake,"
"We don't need a word to describe this," Jimin pointed out.
"Awake is my solo song," Jin said. "I've composed for the first time. It's much more difficult to write a song than I thought. I'm happy that a decent song is out. Not only writing but also singing was difficult because many parts were in high pitch. It was higher than I thought. I will work hard. Please listen to it,"
"It's the first time that Jin participated in composition. Please look forward to awake," Rapmon said.
"Last but not least is Jennie's solo song! Evermore. Jennie, explain your solo song," Suga pointed out.
"Ah...okay. This song is kind of sad and filled with a lot of doubt. It goes back to how I felt anxiously when I got mobbed at my sister's play. And I felt like I wanted to just stop performing. Feeling the fear of getting more famous. But as you listen to the lyrics, you'll see more of a positive shift that I can do this and I will overcome this. This song is very experimental and showcases my DJ skills. I want to show more of a versatile version of myself so you'll get a taste with this. I hope you like it. I was very nervous about it. The song is very blunt and straightforward. I am very nervous about performing this song live, one day. But we'll see how things go, yeah? If we can do more solos, I'll try to make a more upbeat song. So, I apologize in advance if you feel the waterworks when you listen. Trust me, I am ok. I hope to perform the song in a more positive light and have fun with it,"
"Did you cry when recording?"
"Yes. It took me days to properly try to sing it after I got my emotions in check. I feel much better now. Please look forward to it," she smiled nervously as she tried to keep her hands from getting shaky.
"Ennie, you'll perform it well. I have no doubt," Jimin reassured.
"Yes, indeed. Let us move on. The next song is Lost," Rapmon revealed. "Us rappers did the Cypher all the time. But this time it's the song of vocalists. I've written the lyrics. Please look forward to the unit song of vocalists,"
"Just an FYI I'm not in the song but I provided instrumentals!" Jennie waved.
"Yes, Jennie's guitar compliments the song nicely. She did an excellent job," Jin recognized.
Jennie grinned. "Thank you~!"
"The next one is BTS Cypher 4. I'm sure that a lot of you waited for this." Rapmon said.
"I'm sure that Taehyung and the fans waited for this," Hobi laughed as Taehyung started bouncing around.
The rapline had to calm him down before he started to reveal any lyrics of the song.
"It's a Cypher made by a very famous American producer. Next, Am I wrong? It's a song that you will love," Rapmon went on. "It's a song similar to Crow Tit or Dope. Next, 21st Century Girl is like what we did in the beginning. It'd be nice if you remember our old albums. The next track is Two! Three! And there's a sub-title, Hope there are better days. I think you can guess from the title. It's our first official fan song!"
The group whooped and applauded.
"Army fans will cry," Hobi whined.
"It'd be amazing if we could sing it with all our fans at the concert. Please look forward to it. Two! Three! is super nice. Last song. Interlude: Wings. It's like the title of our album. It's a genre called hip house, which we've never tried before. It's a very new song. I'm sure that it will captivate many fans as well. That concludes the track list of our second official album, Wings,"
As the broadcast went on, the group took a nap while they showed the jacket shooting of WINGS. A highlight that got fans laughing was Jennie falling down the steps.
She took photos lying down on a pair of red steps.
"Never did I think I would be taking photos on steps. This is a first. I like it," she said as she gave the photographer her undivided attention.
Once she got the OK that she was done with photos, she cheered and excitedly got up.
"Yay! Thank you!" she took a step down but then lost her footing and fell hard on her butt, all the way down to the end of the steps. 
The staff was startled but relaxed when they heard her laugh.
Rubbing her butt, she groaned. "My ass...I'm okay!"
After the showing was over, the camera showed the members sleeping and Taehyung sneezing loudly which made Jimin giggle and Jen wake up immediately.
"Good Grief, Tae." she chuckled as her heart rate calmed down after being startled by him.
Standing in front of the camera, Rapmon talked about waking up the group and starting the next part of the show.
"Everyone, get up! Stop sleeping!" he called out. 
Beyonce's Crazy in Love came on and so did the lights to get everyone moving.
"What is this?" Hobi got up and walked up to him.
"Show yourselves," he exclaimed.
Hobi started dancing around and Suga joined in.
"What in the world...?" Jennie got up and watched the boys dance around.
Once the song changed, Jin and Jimin danced in front of the camera, showing off their sexy side.
"It's really dirty," Hobi laughed while Jin blew a kiss to the viewers.
"V, Jungkook, are you ready?" Rapmon asked when the song changed to C & C music factory's Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody dance now).
The two stood there as the song played but suddenly made funny faces and danced, making everyone crack up.
"Jennie, you and I together!" Rapmon called her out as 'Never Gonna Give You Up' by Rick Astley came on.
"This song," she laughed as she watched Rapmon dance around her. She joined in, dancing like Rick in the music video.
After the rest of the broadcast and the clock turned 12am, the album and music video dropped.
Jennie couldn't sleep as she wondered what the public would think of BTS' new work. Being nervous about the reactions, she chose to avoid social media, not quite ready for the feedback. With the curiosity getting the better of her, Jennie went on Twitter to see that everybody was in a frenzy, praising Bangtan for the bops and visuals of the comeback. Thanks to the undeniable chemistry of Taehyung and Jen, #Taennie trended worldwide as everyone talked about their scenes together and came up with theories. Jennie was proud that her acting lessons and taking her sister's advice were paying off and she had a blast filming with her best friend.
'WHAT THE HELL is going on between V and Jennie!?'
'That didn't look like acting, wtf is happeninggg!?'
'Taennie shippers we WON! This music video is about them!'
'HOW can she be so calm when he's doing all THAT to her!? I'D MELT!'
'They should've kissed'
'Evermore made me cry. Omg I felt that. The chorus is a MOOD!'
'Okay, puberty hit Jennie like a truck. She looks so mature for this comeback. Like she's about to be 19 and looking this fine af?!'
As she read more tweets, she noticed that quite a few fans were bummed that she was not in Lost and chose to tweet about it even though she explained she wasn't involved vocally during the live.
'Please don't be upset about Lost. I did more things behind the scenes this time. Just trust me and enjoy the new music. Everything is A-OK :) #Jen'
That seemed to ease their frustrations. But then she saw that others were questioning Jungkook's Begin because he only mentioned brothers and not sister.
'I'm bummed Jennie isn't mentioned in Begin. Jungkook said brothers. You have a sister too, y'know!'
'Why did you forget about Jennie, Jungkook?'
'I hope they don't hate each other'
'It's official, he hates her. That's why he didn't write about her'
She laughed at the ridiculous accusations.
Jeesh, people like to panic about the little things. It was clear that things were taken out of context and some bad seeds in the fandom were thinking negatively about him not adding her to the song. They were making it bigger than what it was.
On Instagram, she went to her comments after posting a celebration photo of the release of WINGS and typed:
'Lol, why does everyone think I'm upset that Jungkook didn't sing about me in Begin? It's okay! Relax, please. We are working on a song together. We'll release it soon! Please, do not be angry at Jungkook. Give him love and enjoy his solo song. He worked very hard, '
And again, she managed to ease everyone's frustrations as they quickly moved on to more positive things about the comeback. 
Blood, Sweat & Tears had become extremely successful. It started to break YouTube records for a K-Pop group and it became the most liked video on the V-app. They even got an ALL KILL on the music charts. Bangtan was beyond grateful for their achievements so far and was excited about performing at music shows.
Later on the day, BTS was getting ready to be filmed for a Bangtan bomb as they were going to watch the release of Blood, Sweat & Tears.
"I have no idea how I look in the music video but we're going to find out today," Jennie said.
"I still think it should've been me instead of Taehyung," Jungkook complained playfully after mentioning that he saw how much of a hot topic Taennie was for the music video. "Everyone was talking about it,"
Taehyung giggled. "I'm sorry, Jungkook."
"Jungkook, you know that wouldn't have worked. It's about storytelling," Suga pointed out.
Jennie didn't know how much of her scenes with Taehyung were put in the music video but it was clear to be enough for the music video's rating to be at 15 instead of 12. Sitting in between Jin and Suga, she watched as Jimin pressed play and turned up the volume.
After the beginning, it showed Jennie running down the hallway as the boys pointed out how beautiful she looked with her hair flowing. And when she opened the door, it revealed the boys on the couch. As they watched, the group praised Jin for his facial expressions. And once the song started, everyone raved about how good Jimin looked.
"Ooo, okay Jimin!" Jennie cheered as she watched him start the song.
"Whoa, Jimin Hyung is sexy," Jungkook added.
When it showed Suga seated on the chair, rapping and then walking around, Jennie said, "Look at Suga, looking cool,"
"He does, doesn't he? Woah and look at Rap Monster," Jin pointed.
"Rapmon has changed quite a bit this time, hasn't he?" Hobi mentioned. "His gestures and facial expressions,"
"V! That's a bit sexy, aye?" Rapmon asked when the music video showed V's solo scenes.
After the chorus, Jennie was shown with V and she covered her mouth.
"AHHHHHH!" the boys yell, shooked at what they did on camera.
"Jennifer Walker!?" Rapmon shouted.
"Jennie and V! What is happening here? What is this?" Hobi exclaimed.
"I told them that I felt like I was interrupting something when we filmed at the table. They have good chemistry," Jin mentioned with a laugh.
"Very good chemistry," Suga nodded.
The boys started screaming when they saw they were about to kiss and then the scene transitioned to one of her solo shots in the garden.
"This is what happened when we left early that day!?" Rapmon looked on in disbelief.
"I didn't think a lot of that would be in the music video," she grinned sheepishly.
"It was really easy to film with Ennie," V mentioned and glanced her way as they smiled at one another.
As they watched J-Hope in the video, Rapmon enthused about how much energy he had.
"Jennie has definitely changed a lot for this comeback. The new hair color, and everything. She is doing so well!" Suga shouted proudly and shook her, making her laugh.
"Whew! That gaze she did," Hobi was impressed.
"That's one of my favorite parts! How smooth you were with it," Jennie told Suga once the part of him pretending to lift a drink was on the screen.
"One shot!" Jungkook shouted while the rest talked about how cool he looked.
When it showed Jimin exposing his shoulder, everyone yelled and hyped him up. Jimin tried to explain that it was an accident but it just seemed a little too convenient for Bangtan to believe. As they got to the part with V covering Jin's eyes, they brought up how it was supposed to be Suga doing that.
"It could've been a disaster if I did it!" Suga exclaimed.
"I'm still mad they made the good guy lose," Jennie shook her head. "I could have saved Jin. I could have saved him. But noooo they had him fall into temptation,"
"You fell into temptation too," V brought up.
"No, I didn't!"
"With me, you did,"
With the boys laughing at their banter, Jennie stared at him in disbelief.
"Wow~! I resisted. You saw that I ran away and resisted. I tried my best to save Jin,"
"You tried your best, Jennie," Jin grinned.
As it showed V with his broken wings, Rapmon pointed out that he was not the Taehyung he used to be, which made the whole group laugh out loud. After the video finished, the group cheered and talked about how great it looked.
While juggling the comeback, JenKook still had to go to school and had been dealing with a parenting class they had been assigned to. The teacher gave the class a project which consisted of taking care of a robot baby. When the teacher paired them up and gave them a male Korean baby, the Golden Duo thought it was a joke that they had to be idol parents for a grade while doing promotions.
As long as the baby's needs were rated 80 and above, they would pass the project. If not, they would get a low grade. The robot baby looked real and moved and sounded like a real baby. Its reactions were natural, it laughed, it cried, it did its business and even burped. The teacher seemed pretty serious about the concept of parenting and was strict about making sure each group took great care of their assigned baby.
"Wait wait wait, are you serious? Your teacher gave you a baby to take care of? During promotions?" Jimin laughed as they watched the young couple bring the baby home in a small baby seat. "This is too cute,"
"JenKook. Idol parents. This is going to be good," Hobi grinned.
"Yeah. That's a big responsibility. I hope you pass the project," Rapmon said.
"I can't wait to see how you two handle the baby when we go to music shows," Suga added.
"Got a name for him?" Jin asked as the members gushed over how cute the baby looked.
"Not yet. We're still deciding," Jen said and started to hear the baby cry.
"Hyung, what did you do?" Jungkook exclaimed.
"I-I didn't do anything!" Jin backed away, startled by the loud baby cries.
Taking the baby out of the seat, Jennie walked into her room to try to settle him down.
"Gosh, I dunno how my mom did this three times," she murmured and gently laid the baby on her bed to check what he needed. "Ah, so you're hungry,"
Jungkook came into the room with a large bag of baby supplies provided by the teacher and the baby seat. "He's hungry?"
"Yep, the thing is showing that he's hungry. Whip up a bottle, please?"
He nodded and went through the bag. "Could I feed him?" he asked.
"Yeah, go ahead," she gently gave the baby to him after he sat on the bed next to her. 
She watched as the baby's hunger went up as he fed him.
"This is weird," she chuckled. "But he's so adorable,"
"He is. This is going to be an interesting project. What should we name him?" he asked her as he held the small baby in his arms. The sound of it happily making baby sounds, content with being held made him smile. "Don't say Steve Rogers,"
"Gosh darn it," she playfully acted upset.
"You seriously want to name him that?"
"Haha, no silly,"
He let out a breath of relief. "Good,"
"Wow. Our dog's name is Tony and I didn't complain,"
"Because Tony is better,"
"Jungkook. Don't start this again. Your points suck," she bickered with him. "Another J name to match with us. Jordan? Or were you thinking of a Korean name?"
"We can stick with Jordan," he nodded.
"So Jordan Jeon Walker. Something simple. One day we'll have plenty of time to think of names in the future," she blurted out as she rambled.
He instantly looked up and started to smile at the thought. "What did you say?"
"N-nothing. I was just rambling," she felt her face flush.
He chuckled softly. "I'm going to take a shower. You all right with him?"
"Jordan and I will be just fine. It looks like he's going to be sleeping soon so try not to make too much noise. Who knows how sensitive this baby will be to noise,"
After Jungkook showered, he took over to watch the baby while Jennie showered and got ready to go to bed. Walking out of the bathroom, she smiled at the adorable sight of him sleeping with the baby on his chest. She couldn't help but take a few photos to show him later.
Once October 13th arrived, which was also Jimin's birthday, Bangtan got ready to go to Mnet Countdown for their comeback stage of Blood, Sweat & Tears.
Before departing, JenKook had to bring the baby along to continue their assignment. Jennie made sure Jordan was well fed as she gathered her things and Jungkook thought it was a good idea to change Jordan's shoes.
"There we go. He looks great!" the Golden Maknae grinned, showing off the baby.
"Are you kidding? Timbs?" she stared at him, unimpressed.
"Yeah! The coolest baby at SOPA!"
"No? He's wearing Timbs!"
"He should be wearing Nike! I put Nikes on him for a reason. Why did you change his shoes?"
"That's so basic. He'll stand out more wearing the Timbs,"
"Did you just call my favorite brand basic?"
"Truth hurts, honey," he shrugged, being a smartass once again while V and Jimin watched in the background, laughing.
Jennie let out an unamused laugh and nodded. "Jungkook, no baked goods for a month," she grabbed her bag and walked past him.
Her statement caused him to become Jungshooked as he held the baby and walked after her.
"Shit, wait, I'm sorry!"
22 notes · View notes
heinzpilsner · 8 months
(Writing this instead of watching a new trailer for the live action, because my timing is perfect as ever!)
...Anyway, here's a proper "smart and serious"™ remake of my "mixed signals zutara Southern Raiders" post (because my own poor choice of terminology I'm talking about you Sexual Frustration didn't sit quite well with me). Also, I realized some new things. And I'm a perfectionist of sorts! So, yep.
Let's analyze Zuko's and Katara's heated confrontation in the first half properly.
What Zuko actually said:
"Everyone else seems to trust me now! What is it with you? ... What can I do to make it up to you?"
What Katara heard:
- Zuko doesn't differenciate Katara from all the other group members -> he doesn't think much about their intimate connection in Ba Sing Se;
- He doesn't realise the implications of what his betrayal meant in the context of the said connection (i.e., he's either a callous liar who never really cared about her grief or a volatile person who can change his mind way too easily and hence can't be trusted);
- After hearing her out, he offered to make up for his betrayal, but did not apologize for his insensitivity. He still don't get it, the idiot!
(Was he hesitant to approach this topic directly with Katara being so furious, or genuinely just didn't get it? I wonder. He sounds like a person unaffected by the catacombs, but clearly doesn't act like one. Almost as if he was affected, but never realized the extent by which Katara was affected as well).
What Katara actually said to Zuko:
"Everyone trusts you? I was the first person to trust you! Back in Ba Sing Se. You betrayed me and all of us! ... You could reconquer Ba Sing Se, or you could bring my mother back!"
What she was implying:
- She was personally hurt by his betrayal ("Everyone else"?! She was (is) not just "everyone else" for him!);
- Either she's using the "bringing back the dead mother" idea only as another metaphor of impossibility of their reconciliation, or, as Zuko suspected, this also implies that her anger at him is somehow connected to the topic.
There are two possible readings of Katara's slip of the tongue though:
1) Zuko's dense hypothesis: Katara simply projects on him her hatred for the Fire Nation and Yon Rha specifically;
2) Romantic hypothesis (which recontextualizes the whole dialogue in retrospect): Zuko's and Katara's connection in Ba Sing Se was based on the shared trauma of their lost mothers. So, this (in the light of the future events) is just another hint that Katara is hurt by Zuko's insensitivity. It signals she still have feelings for him, which in some measure fuels Katara's fury. This interpretation is supported by heavy romantic framing of the scene (Katara's physical agression adds a hint of sexuality to the mix as well, implying a suppressed desire to touch. It's no more than my speculation though, but usually, when I see a "shoulder check" trop in media, it occurs between two guys in the middle of some school, not between an angry girl and a sad boy under the full moon, you know).
Now, the funny thing. Previously, the second half of the episode didn't make much sense to me after the first one, because I saw those two hypotheses as incompatible within the same narrative logic. But just now, I found a different in-universe logical explanation for such a conclusion.
You see, Zuko's dense reading implies what from the start he saw the whole "facing Yon Rha" business as an attempt to redirect Katara's hate/anger from him onto it's "right" sourse. "Better him than me" logic, I guess. (Gosh, Zuko, not so selfless!)
They go with the plan based on the Zuko's interpretation, and Katara forgives him as a result, which means his reading of the situation was the only correct one, right? Wrong!
Because for once, Zuko was lucky. He didn't really voice his reasons out loud to Katara, and she decided that his primary motivation was lying elsewhere.
Namely, that he finally understood the imortance of their connection in Ba Sing Se and wanted to show her he did sincerely care about her grief (He was also lucky it kinda was the truth. Just... not the whole truth, you know).
(Btw, acknowledging Katara's hurt feelings is the only thing that could turn Zuko's "I waited out here all night" stunt from creepy and inappropriate into more or less okay in her eyes in retrospect, so... Yep. Another evidence for this hypothesis.)
So, while Zuko saw this trip as an attempt to manage Katara's hatred (and what an awful idea it was, but that's not the point now), Katara herself saw it as a test for Zuko's sincerity (which he passed).
And, I guess, as a happy result of this little miscommunication (and despite the crying unhealthiness of the whole "facing Yon Rha" idea), Katara was finally able to forgive him, yay!
(Do not try this at home though, boys and girls. I'm serious, those kids need their therapy.)
... The only problem though is what this miscommunication wasn't exactly addressed openly in the show itself. It's kinda just here, in the middle of the whole "to kill or not to kill" mess, and I had to strain my brain really hard to come to this conclusion (but I'm not really a smart person, after all). Still, this is the only reading of events what turns the episode's narrative into something that feels logical and consistent to me, you know.
But... After such a heavy romantic framing in the beginning (I mean, "What's with her? What's with him?" questions alone are basically screaming "those two have something between them we all can't explain by most obvious reasons"), you'd expect something more substantial would happen between the characters in the end. ... I'm just saying. I know it could't happen.
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deltastra · 1 month
My Thoughts on Tower of God Season 2 Episode 5
Time for a new arc! And this episode we get to meet "the other team"!
Rating: 8/10
Summary: Tower of God is certainly at its best when they focus on the characters. The tone was well done and I loved how they adapted that ending speech by Khun. Music went hard as well!
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Hm. I think this is anime original? I like how they showed it from Khun's POV while also typign up the loose ends over Bam and Endorsi's relationship in the anime. Season 1 skipped a lot of scenes where it insinuated that she was developing feelings for him. This scene feels a bit shoehorned in but I understand why they did it. They plan on following the webtoon properly this time so they need to show that she had crush on him.
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His running looks a little goofy ngl. Music slayed tho
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Okay, compared to the other first person POVs we have gotten, this one actually looks like he's going fast.
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Oooo they drew this beautifully!
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I still love how quickly Edin Dan accepted that this is his life now. He didn't throw a fit over being outsmarted, just frustrated that he fell for it. I always liked the guy even if he didn't get too much screentime.
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Holy shit Rachel looks really good in this artstyle. I'm glad they kept the snake-like eyes on her!! And her VA kills it as always
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Love the knife behind her symbolism. But I also love how Khun's face can clearly be seen as "Do you seriously think I'm falling for this?" if you already know the outcome!
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HES HEREEEEEE. Come back to the webtoon, child!!!!
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HOLY SHIT HER VA MAN. THAT TONE SWITCH WAS PERFECT. We're in for a treat when we get more scenes with her being manipulative because damn!
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I love how he says it in a noble way but his eyes show he is doing this for revenge. Bam may be named after the night, but he was his light.
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I get that this wasn't an important fight so they didn't go all out with the animation and kept things simple. So I won't complain. I do like the lighting though!
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HELP I STILL LOVE HOW HE BOUGHT THE NUMBER 1 T-SHIRT FOR HIMSELF AND NUMBER 2 FOR RAN. Little details like this really help in understanding the characters more. Norvick is so silly!
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Okay, so when I first read the webtoon, I genuinely thought that the light was the Sun. But then I thought it was Rachel's lighthouse. But now I have no idea. I guess SIU just wanted there to be some cool imagery to snap Khun's amusement to his more sinister side.
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And the way they narrow the screen?! Very good in setting up tension.
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I love everything about this. Portraying Khun's inner monologue this way with his voice sounding a bit distorted along with shaky text is so good!!! Khun isn't just some sneaky guy, he is sinister when he wants to be and this is a perfect way of showing it in the anime!
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Gosh, and the way the screen glitches out and his voice gets even MORE distorted is just amazing. A good way of showing that although he his explaining his plan to his team in a calm and rational manner, inside, he is SEETHING over explaining to his team why he hates Rachel.
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The way Khun's eyes glow in the dark paired with Rachel's laugh thinking she won?? LIKE DAMN GO OFF. I LOVE THIS.
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Hehe Team Sweet & Sour domestic life I love this. Feels awkward to have this right after such a serious scene but I guess they wanted it to end with Viole and FUG instead since the ED song showcases scenes with Viole or Wangnan for every episode
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Okay this was a really good episode, they absolutely nailed the Khun and Rachel scenes and the style they chose to go with for Khun's speech was such a good decision. It's clear that the studio definitely does best when the scenes involve talking because they show the tension really well. Kevin Penkin went off in this episode too I love it!
I do hope the animation improves more before THAT episode and that now they won't be skipping important plot points. Hopefully the characters will look less stiff too!
Can't wait for next episode!
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