#death and martha
skulls-soul · 2 days
The creator flickerspark on tiktok has this series called death and martha
Ok so the last episodes they switched jobs
Martha is doing pickups well death is trying to figure out how their desk work.
So imagine with me Martha goes back to do more pickups and after the 17th time someone commented on their appearance they've had enough
If they wanted someone In a cloak who is dark and broody and mysterious then by all means if her wearing a cloak means she no longer has to deal with horny people then it's fine
Because there's only so many people that you can threaten until your battery is low and she's only halfway through the pickups. The last thing she wants is to shut down
So imagine with me Martha storms into the office aggressively looking for said article of clothing And death ever the confused immortal asked them "What on blazing Earth are you doing?"
" looking for a cloak"
"oh? And what's with the need of the sudden fashion change? I mean it is your body And you can dress it however you like it's just a fancy cloak doesn't really seem to be your style"
" well it will need to be if I want all the comments to stop"
" comments?"
"yea? You know the stuff that you usually deal with except it's I thought death would be hotter instead of who knew death could be so sexy"
" ... I'm sorry, what now?!"
"aha! Found it!"
Well, Martha fiddles with the overly complicated clasp death is trying to contain themselves and their anger.
Just when they managed to finally get their breathing under control. Martha surprisingly is the one who lets out a frustrated ugh
" You all right, need me to mame anyone for you?"
"what? No it's just this stupid cloak won't un clasp!"
"yea it was made so that way no one can just rip it of or anything of the sorts, do you need any help?"
Martha sights in defeat before handing the cursed thing over
"honestly I don't fault you for having such difficulty with it after all it was made for a one time joke of sorts"
Martha simply just hummed and acknowledgment as death wrapped the cloak around them redoing the puzzle like clasp to be closed
It wasn't until death looked up again when they realized just how close they were. Think the cosmos that Martha wasn't looking at her because she felt as though she was blushing like a mad man
"welp there we go now Not a single soul shall complain speaking of here!"
"is this?"
"your next pick up? Yes yes it is"
"pfft ok see you later"
Martha says as she puts on the Hood of the cloak giving death a fond grin that leaves them rubbing their temples at the desk as they contemplate how such simple things can have them so giddy
(Am I going to bother to spell check any of this? No it is almost 5:00 in the morning I'm going to sleep)
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not-another-robin · 1 year
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I think Bruce was a chip off the ol block
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hoom · 7 months
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Martha’s eyes prickled with tears, but she forced them away, taking charge. "OK then," she said, "I’ll make some sparks for you!" On a wild impulse, Martha pulled the Doctor towards her – and she kissed him.
And suddenly there was a light in the darkness of his mind, a blazing bolt of honey-gold colour. Strong and powerful, glittering like a tiny sun. He felt a shudder of fear ripple through the Clade web, and the Doctor grinned.
"You know who that is?" he demanded, new strength returning to his thoughts. "That’s Martha Jones. You tried to destroy her and you failed. You tried to use her against me and you failed."
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hellspawnmotel · 8 months
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remember when I did this?
well I did more
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mxfloof · 6 months
Tim: Do you think B would let me have our great grandmother's wedding ring? Dick: ... Dick: Didn't she kill her husband? Tim: That's why I want it.
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incorrectbatfam · 6 months
Batman French Revolution AU where his parents were guillotined behind an opera house
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The Coats and Shoes that Alfred Sees
The coats and shoes that Alfred sees. He puts away, counts and organises.
A man's dress shoes and a woman's heels. A new addition of toddler-sized dress shoes. A tailored coat, a fur shawl, a toddler's blazer.
The coats and shoes that Alfred sees. Their number suddenly decreased.
One pair of child-sized dress shoes. One child-sized coat. Small shoes and small coats, tucked in a large coatroom.
One pair of a man's dress shoes. One tailored overcoat.
Sometimes there's a pair of red stilettoes, sometimes there's not.
The coats and shoes that Alfred sees. Their number suddenly increased. Small sneakers and a small jacket, tucked beside a man's dress shoes and coat. The closet is not so large, on second thought.
A child's neon-yellow, red, and green slippers, sandals, and sneakers. A man's black dress shoes.
A teen's neon-yellow, blue, and pink slippers, boots, and sneakers. A man's grey dress shoes.
A man's neon-blue, black, and yellow slippers, boots, and dress shoes. A man's brown dress shoes.
The coats and shoes that Alfred sees. They belong to men all grown. He dusts and polishes, counts and organises. And one day, he sees it.
A child's beat-up sneakers and well-loved red jacket. A man's grey dress shoes.
Alfred buys new child-sized shoes. A heavy winter jacket to warm the child's bones. Red in colour and bright. Next to a man's black winter coat.
The coats and shoes that Alfred sees. Their number suddenly decreased.
A man's black dress shoes.
Sometimes there's a pair of a man's blue sneakers. Sometimes there's not. The coat closet is the coldest part of the house.
He irons and folds, counts and organises. All men's coats and shoes. He doesn't believe it when he sees it:
A child's little sneakers.
It's a pair Alfred hasn't seen before. He dusts and polishes, counts and organises. And the little sneakers come and go. A cherished guest's shoes.
The coats and shoes that Alfred sees. Their number steadily increased.
Multiple pairs of sneakers, some bigger than the others and multicoloured. Green, black, white, purple, yellow. A man's brown dress shoes.
A child's blazer with dog treats in its pockets, dwarfed by a man's winter coat. A teen's parka jacket with a zipper that Alfred fixes. A man's neon-blue puffer vest.
Sometimes there's a brown leather jacket that smells of cigarette smoke. Sometimes there's not. It turns the whole coatroom's smell into a smoker's lounge. Alfred cherishes it nonetheless.
The coats and shoes that Alfred sees. They fill out the closet's space. He counts and organises, runs out of hangers, and smiles.
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arrowheadedbitch · 4 months
Remember that scene in Harley Quinn where she's in Bruce's mind and the only thing in there is his parents' death over and over again? I think it'd be sweet if she walks into that alley way for the gazillionth time, expecting to watch Bruce's parents die again but instead she finds Jason stealing his tire 🥺
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idyllcy · 3 months
oops... i got married || TO SOME STRANGER!??!?!?
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word count: 1.4k || Fic 5 of oops... i got married
summary: I'm gonna be fr with you. Your new malewife is a little sus
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You get married as a joke.
Yes, there are limits to how much you can drink. Yes, there are limits to how insane you can get while drunk— but apparently getting married is not within that limit. You get married to some random guy— SERIOUSLY. SOME RANDOM DUDE. You wake up to a legally signed marriage document and them in your kitchen, and you blink at the confirmation email on your phone and then at your new lover at the door.
"You're going to be late for class."
"What the fuck?!" 
You pause at the sight of your new husband, some random man, white hair and red eyes, and you pause. Did you get transmigrated? Are you in an isekai fic? Is this your main character moment? Seriously, how the hell did you manage to bag some random ass man!???!!? WHAT. WHY IS HE HOT.
"Wait." You pause. "How do you know I have class?"
"The backpack." He points. "Now, hurry on up now."
That does NOT explain how the hell you met your husband. Yet, you don't have time, grabbing breakfast from his hand as he waves goodbye to you at the door. Great day to pay expensive ass rent but live right next to campus. You wonder if your husband lives someone. You feel kind of bad that he had to take you home after you got plastered yesterday. But. That does not excuse the fact that he looked suspicious as fuck while staring at you sleep. Also, how the hell did he agree to marrying you? WHY.
You huff as you walk back to class, pausing and blinking when a piece of the ceiling breaks off and slams into where you were sitting, somehow missing all of your belongings by a hair. You blink, stupefied, grabbing your stuff from under the ceiling as you evacuate the lecture with the rest of the students. Someone hates you... or something. You don't know. You're surprised you didn't just die while drunk. Sometimes pianos fall out of the air and try to bomb you. Also, you have a husband to go home to now! He'd be sad if you suddenly died... right?
Wait. What even is his name?
"Casper." Your husband rolls his eyes as you pout. "You forgot your own husband's name?"
"Uh huh." You blink. "Are you just going to be my househusband now?"
"I don't see why not. Anything interesting happen today?"
"Oh!" You grin. "A piece of the ceiling slammed into my seat, but luckily for me I was in the bathroom. My stomach problems saved me for once."
Your husband gives you a smile half between concern and amusement. (he would have to try harder next time— what. that was not him. who said that.) 
"I'm glad you're safe."
"Mhm." He pauses. "Do you get acid reflux in the morning?"
"If I eat and sleep immediately after." You mumble. "Why?"
"Hotpot." He hums. "Spicy hotpot. Eat up."
Your eyes light up, brightening as he hands you a bowl of rice, watching as you dig in, humming happily as you watch him put his own bowl down.
"Is it good?"
"Mhm!" You beam. "Where'd you learn to cook?"
"I live alone." He hums. "Someone has to do the housework around my place."
"How about currently?"
"I live a little... far away." He pauses. "It would be hard for me to see you every day if I don't live at your place. Besides, my job is in the area."
"Will you move here? Or..."
"No. My management provides housing for free." He smiles. "Oh, the food's going to get cold."
You pause. "Can I apply?"
"No. We don't take applications."
"WHAT." You groan. "Ugh. I knew it was too good to be true. You probably sold your soul for it or something."
Casper doesn't speak up, placing a slice of lotus root in your bowl. "Eat up."
You raise a brow but don't pry further. It's not your problem if your husband sold his soul. At least he's hot.
Maybe he's secretly trying to eat your soul... demons... that checks out honestly. You did have a bad stroke of luck when it came to unfortunate situations, and you had an even more comedic one when it came to avoiding them. Always nearby, never you. You wonder if that would curse your husband. Though, from the looks of it, your husband would probably steal someone's soul before that curse could even lay a hand on him.
"What are you looking at?"
"You're very hot." You grin.
You laugh when you notice your husband turn red.
The vast majority of your days pass relatively calmly, and you grow into a comfortable pattern with your husband... that is until your husband shows up with a black card and tells you that he can cover rent for the rest of your life— that raises some questions. What does your husband even do for work? What is he doing with his life? How the hell does he have a better credit score than you? Where is his money even coming from?!
You force him into the corner of your house one afternoon with a broom in hand.
"Sunshine, I really think—"
"Spit it out." You stare him down. "What do you do for work. I refuse to believe I'm in a kdrama, so spit out something you can back up."
Casper presses his back against the wall, eyes darting to the wall as you shake the broom at him, and he grimaces.
"I'll get fired if I tell you—"
"I'm a grim reaper."
You pause, blinking at your husband, words processing in your brain.
"I'm a grim—"
"They hire people for that?!" You blurt, pausing. "Wait. No. You're spouting nonsense at me."
"I am not."
"You are."
"Am not."
"Not!" Casper turns around to face you, shaking as your grip tightens around the broom. "Please... go through my closet?"
"So your job is literally... murder?" You pause. "My stay at home househusband is secretly some insane man who goes around killing people?!"
"It's not—"
"Then what is it?!" You raise a brow at him, unconvinced.
"We get a list." He sighs. "And we get everyone's name."
"Wait." You pause. "Why the hell did you agree to marry me then!?"
"That's not—"
You shake the broom at him.
"You were supposed to die years ago but kept avoiding death so I've just decided to marry you to see WHY you're not DYING." Casper braces himself for the broom's impact, but you're too stupefied to give him a proper answer.
"I'm supposed to be dead?"
"Well..." He grimaces. "You can't really... die." 
"I'm immortal?"
"Your... soul." He pauses, turning his head to the side. "Your soul is endless, and you constantly give life to those around you... including me."
You pause. "So you married me because I'm a natural healer? Wait. No. You married me to kill me?! This isn't some josei manga, you know?!"
"Yes, but." Casper sighs, shoulders relaxing as you drop the broom. "You are so lovely."
"You're just saying that."
"I am not." He mumbles. "I would have just taken your soul if you were not."
"Oh, so this is pretty privilege?"
"It's not—"
"Wow, Caspie. I thought you actually loved me." You pretend to sigh. 
"I do—"
"You didn't kill me because you think I'm lovely? If that doesn't—"
Casper grabs your wrists, holding them in place as he blinks at you, grumbling. "Would you shut up and listen to me for just a second? Goodness, sunshine, I love you. I'd go mad if I did not have you as my beloved."
You tilt your head at him, and he sighs.
"I love you. I'm not going to try killing you anymore."
You sigh, shaking your wrists loose as you press your lips to his, humming. Casper doesn't argue with it, humming as his lips slot against yours, hands moving down to your waist. 
"So we aren't getting a divorce?" You mumble.
"No." He grumbles. "What do you want for dinner?"
A smirk spreads on your face as he sighs.
Still. He loves you.
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thecampfirescene · 6 months
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therealjoelando: "Tacoma Washington 1989. Martha Plimpton, River Phoenix on guitar and Keanu Reeves always throwing rocks at me for some reason."
"In 1989 I had the opportunity of a lifetime to work on the movie I love you to death. Hired as a consultant, a pizza consultant... I also gave suggestions on the look of the pizzeria, and how the actors would operate in the kitchen together. I spent six weeks in Tacoma, working with some of the most talented people in the entertainment industry. What an honor it was to be there, I knew this was a special moment in my life and I captured as many images as I could with my old Nikon camera. Thank you to our Director Lawrence Kasdan for hiring me and to the cast and crew for so many great memories."
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comic-art-showcase · 2 years
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Bruce by Chris Samnee
Batober prompt: Absence
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violent138 · 21 days
Just spitballing here, but Stephanie Brown and her origin story become so much more interesting to compare to Bruce if the Thomas and Martha criminal background headcanons/canon analyses going round here are used as a foundation. Bruce might've turned out a lot like Stephanie, and it creates an interesting linkage, because I don't think any of the other Batkids aside from Cass (perhaps Damian on occasion, or Jason perhaps) has any direct link to their superheroing and foiling the deeds of their parents.
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jackmooneyappreciator · 3 months
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olsenism · 1 year
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“martha marcy may marlene” (2011) and “love and death” (2023)
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hollow-keys · 3 months
If Three met Ten he would take one look at this weasel looking suit and converse wearing mf disrespecting Martha and pathetically crying over the Master and have him dead in a ditch by the end of the day.
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the master is fucking around and the doctor is finding out (or rather, their companions are getting fucked around and finding out)
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