#he’s like a little brother to me. an occasionally feral one that bites
mosttsundereofplants · 8 months
I’m so glad a lot of the cutscenes trigger from interactions instead of proximity now because it gives me such great opportunities for selfies
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if he’s gonna hate me later anyways then it’s okay that i spent 10 minutes taking pictures.
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this is the one that would play in a dramatic movie flashback to the good ol’ days
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this looks like the picture one of us would have on a dresser to reminisce about when we were friends
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dream flashback sequence like when one of us is unconscious or dying
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realizing that i am not above consequences :(
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i’m not gonna leave him alone until we’re besties again and that is a threat
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xxnomadsxx · 8 months
Nomads AU! Branch’s second in command..look I haven’t finished a drawing for them yet ….BUT it’s coming
Originally I wasn’t gonna have them in the story. They were just used to be a reason for why Branch was in the feral troll village, but then I got the idea for a brother rivalry between them and Brozone and I was like “OH! I have to do that!!!!!” (I am so sorry I really wanted to make an Oc please don’t unfollow 😭)
Branch’s Second in command is basically a replacement brother? (no one sure what gender they are? So Branch just calls him his brother?with a question mark) Honestly, the relationship is like SUPER toxic, like I’m talking about his second command has accidentally tried to eat him on a couple of occasions and has gotten him hurt multiple times on accident. (They’re also a huge reason on why is kind of more paranoid and aggressive troll that he is today) also they occasionally just bite Branch, maybe on the arm, leg, or just nibbling on his hair (I promise they won’t eat Branch they just like biting stuff) the biting freaks Branch out a lot (poor guys trauma won’t ever leave 😔)
What they look like is basically a description I gave of the feral (trolls?) a while back claws, tail, sharp teeth, messy looking, slitted eyes, and pointy ears the second in command/brother? wears half a cloak that only really covers one of their sides while also having the most stitched together outfit known to anyone in the village, arms and legs basically covered in bandages and scars surprisingly their face is scar free, their hair is similar to Bruce’s with how it cascades down his back, The only difference is it’s way messier and pitch black sometimes say to Branch how it makes them look more like family (which is cute in my opinion) They have shark teeth and sort of just has this look on there face of “I will bite you if you get close to me and if you’re not close to me, I will still bite you.” Their hair has some branches and leaves in it, but still pretty clean. Sometimes they lay on the ground and just pretend to be a carpet (I mean with how much hair they have it just completely covers their body) people have walked over them on accident before.
The second in command/brother? Doesn’t really have a name. Everyone just calls them Thing and that just became its name. Thing is maybe just really bad for Branch’s mental state, but they genuinely do really care for him. I mean the whole reason Branch is here is because Thing got one look at them and said “new little brother” and sorta just kinda adopted him.
Thing is is like the most insane feral (troll ?)(whenever they do something their motives behind it is either baby brother or feed there is an in between ground of just both) Thing is the head of the militia, and surprisingly is the most trusted with the village, due to their survival instinct/ tactics, and overall mindset of protection they’re kind of dumb though (so branch doesn’t really leave him in charge a lot for long periods of time but still trusts them over anyone else)
Random facts Thing owns a mug that says best big brother? on it, and it is like his most prize possession(and only possession) They once tried to eat a troll egg. Their excuse was omelette.(the egg was fine don’t worry) they are basically the most feral feral troll, (which is honestly really hard to do so claps for him I guess) He has tried to eat Creek on multiple occasions, the only reason he stopped is because they now have some weird deal going on (Creek just feed him bits of his hair.) They constantly run on all fours like a gremlin usually having their claws out just to climb trees and over buildings around the village. The trolls and feral(trolls?) just sort of got used to them and they’re weird freaky antics (they’re surprisingly really well respected and a lot of people quite like them… they just get super scared of them) As a kid they basically saw Branch as a pet until after like a week they were like “OK this is my baby brother now.” Similar to how trolls put their babies in their hair they sometimes just put Branch in their hair (Which Branch has gotten used to he just doesn’t mind it as much anymore but still hates it.) Nonetheless, no one is quite sure how old they are or where they came from in the village they just sort of been running around for years and then one day just showed up with a troll.
Thing can speak! Most of the time they prefer to just make weird animal noises or hiss and growl. They really only speak to Branch and anyone who has a genuine concern or anything (I mean he still has to be a good second in command) and even when they do speak it’s always in this raspy sounds like it hasn’t been used in like weeks voice. Has the most broken English ever they also speak in 3rd person quite a bit. (They can’t read and just ask a bajillion questions to anyone about anything or just run their own “tests” on stuff to see how it works)
I’m going to give it to you straight, the only reason Thing exists is so I can have a brother rivalry between them and Brozone I mean Branch’s biological brothers who he loved very much as a kid vs the creature who cared and raised him for 20 years after they left (The scenarios would be amazing!!! 🤩)
Branch and Thing have a very good relationship, Branch really loves them since Thing hasn’t abandoned him like everyone else and raised him with love (never mind how toxic of a home it was and still is)
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7ban-sama · 1 year
ryokan au do you think hanako takes bites of tsu occasionally or does he actually resist otouto ....
i think about this au so much aidairo really catered to me specificallt with it. absolutely rotting my brain, if only there were any pornfics out there OTL
This AU feels like it was made to torment me personally yeah. So you have my sympathy. Idk why AidaIro gave me a place to think about, scent marking, pee, cat mating behaviors, feral anatomy, interspecies sex... Vore. etc. But they did. *furrows brow*... RIP about fic though, I myself can't really find much palatable fic, so whenever I want 'content' for something like a recent AU, I just have to write it myself / RP with my wife lol. JP fandom at least makes nice comics and art pieces to gaze upon... Ryokan has been prosperous in this way.
As for the status of the twins at the Ryokan: I think Amane indulges in consumption of Tsukasa, yes. Though with perhaps... more moderation(?) than the first incident(s), which is what I would believe lead to their mutual undead & sealed circumstance... status as, spooky orb havers. Or perhaps you could think of it as, Amane n ow has more elegance, thoughtfulness, in how he goes about eating... Artful indulgence, instead of succumbing to instinct miserably.
I do think the first time it happened, was not so easy for Amane. I feel like his journey always has to start out fraught, in some manner... Because the desire to consume (harm, destroy) Tsukasa will always be clashing against the feelings of preciousness. Amane often sees himself as Tsukasa's caretaker, protector — it's his 'role', as the older brother. He often puts himself in these sort of positions, in control and taking charge, as you can see with his dynamic with Nene as well. Though they are not biologically related, this world feels no different, what with Amane leading Tsukasa away from the circus tent fire...
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This drawing is so sweet... Amane seems so genuinely concerned. Scruffed up and dirty, trying to get them out... (Of course, we don't get to see Tsukasa's expression... 💔 It's like how we can't see him on Tanabata either... prolly spoilery territory, and necessary to preserve mystique... It'd be too much to see Tsukasa's dazzled expression *sigh* ) Anyways... I get the impression from this picture, that Amane was very ardently trying to save Tsukasa in this moment.
And one has to wonder, how many years had Tsukasa been living in this circus? Isn't it odd for a kid this young to be an animal handler-? Whatever era they are from, it's likely more 'old world', considering the newspaper clipping was from 50 years ago — and the Minamoto Detective Agency itself isn't very modern feeling. (Our first image representing the event features a rotary phone, and I'd say the general fashion trends do not feel modern.) Soo... There's basically no way this set-up of a young boy animal handler was ethical. Tsukasa was likely an abandoned child, unloved, with only his pet black cat as company. I think Amane observed the poor treatment Tsukasa faced and it culminated in him rescuing him from the fire. Acting as his savior.
The story is so tantalizing to envision, from that jumping off point... Where do they run off to? Amane has magical capabilities as a nekomata, but I wonder how young he was, how much he still had to learn... Is he capable of sustaining them both? Were they functionally homeless for a while, meandering about? Finding some abandoned shed to hole up in? So much must have happened, between then and the current events of canon...
No matter what, I feel like being alone with Tsukasa starts to chip away at Amane's instincts. The AU proposes that humans are sooo irresistibly tasty... I think the sense of, love and desire to protect Tsukasa buys Amane some time, letting him funnel into the task of providing for his "little brother"... And ah, as I mentioned before, I like the HC that Amane only just got his human form and mirrored it after Tsukasa, so I think there's euphoria to be felt over finally being able to interact with Tsukasa with hands, a voice, etc.. They can talk! They can share so much! That's exciting... Ah, but it's like, amidst the haze of these emotions, there's this encroaching rumble... I think it's a natural pipeline for Amane to go from feeling like a caretaker, to gaining some. Divine sense of entitlement. You owe your life to me... with my actions, you are MINE... I own you. This snowballs with the biological urges to consume... the temptation...
I like to think there was a small incident, something fluid in the middle of affection... Getting his chin scritched, something like that — and mindlessly, Amane snaps, cleaves through a couple fingers. Mabye down half the knuckle of Tsukasa's thumb. And he swallows without thinking, also. But the sound of Tsukasa's shock and pain causes him to recoil, and it's like he's woken up to the reality of what he did — misery, horror, sadness... Helpless feeling about it. I think about him sobbing while licking Tsukasa's injured hand... ;; Not liking how it feels, that there's still a desire for more. Scared of self, frazzled fur, ears pinned... A somber period follows, where Amane bandages Tsukasa up and also endeavors to learn healing magicks... Not strong enough to magically recreate the missing body parts, but I think he could eventually close up the wounds. Sad kitty... Of course, Tsukasa is ever-reassuring, saying it's all fine! Daijoubu! Smiley smiley. Petting with his other hand. Hard to believe Tsukasa is so... forgiving... he doesn't even flinch when touched. They still sleep intertwined...
Inevitably, between Amane's own desire and Tsukasa's unconditional love, it all has to culminate in a big explosive event. The twins... you can see how, across all worlds, they have to conclude in something as extreme as consuming the other! I think AUs where their very species dictates this further conveys how much it cannot be helped. How can Amane resist Tsukasa forever-??? He cannot. Since nekomata are also known to have a capacity in necromancy, I believe that's how Tsukasa can return, and that's what leads to their present-day selves. Also, since Amane is a decidedly powerful mystery, I think of him as distinctly capable for a nekomata. Over those 50 years, he honed his powers, and it leads to his casual demeanor now. He doesn't feel threatened or, as if anything can meaningfully compete.
Honestly I think the whole... keeping Tsukasa a secret, having him dressed up as a kitty and locked in a closet, is all, fetishistic. Ohhh my dear sweet "brother", stay safe okayyy, mm yes pretend to be a kitty and run about... i will protect you... even though you're a delectable little human... mwah. The choice to give Tsukasa a kinked tail and matching collar is wholly eccentric. All these details feel... playful? Indulgent? Compared to their past as a dirty circus orphan and his scraggly black kitty cat... For them to be trouncing about this secluded mountain inn, feels luxurious. They feel very comfortable, to me...
So I like to think that this isn't an Amane that is forbidding himself from interfacing with Tsukasa, and indulges at times in his urges. The difference is having more of a handle on himself, so it's less of a chaotic impulse? If impulsive, than the indulgent kind, succumbing to wanting to nip and bite and draw blood... I really ah, think about him raking claws across Tsukasa and lapping at the wounds. Things like this. Ohh, just a taste... I don't want to tear him apart juuust yet, must control... It should be special, when we go that far ❤... You could imagine him snapping off a finger or two though, ugh, and then Tsukasa's perpetual mitten status just passes it off... He's commonly seen as clumsy, so it wouldn't be suspicious if he was especially poor at handling things. Fumbling more....
UGh it all makes me sick though because-!! I have to imagine they are affectionate, playing with each other, napping together, etc... I can perfectly see a doting Amane cleaning up Tsukasa after he's done with him, grooming him affectionately, and then relaxing in the hotsprings together... Such visions I am accosted with. I cannot see anything else
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dammitolly · 3 years
Loki Imagine: "Starting Now"
tw: rather large age gap, swearing, major angst
fluff, angst
Loki x Stark!Reader
You were seventeen when you met Loki Laufeyson. And you must admit... you had a bit of a crush on him. He was being kept prisoner by S.H.E.I.L.D, his power too great and his blood lust overpowering. You found him... interesting.
It only took a couple of tries before Nick Fury found out you were spying on Loki. You would study his mannerisms. For a god, he was quite... human. But, that was before there was a code put on the door, one that was made to keep you away from him.
It had never been explained to you in detail exactly what Loki had done, and you were too busy doing other 17-year-old things to turn on the news. So, Banner kept you as distracted from the trickster god as possible, showing you anything and everything he could in the lab. But, you would occasionally see Loki being escorted to and from his cell, peering into the lab... grinning at you. You couldn't help it, you wondered what he was like... you'd also wondered what those beautiful black locks felt like through your fingers. But those thoughts were just fantasies... ones that would never come true.
You had never been close to anyone capable of that before, capable of killing. Let alone someone who had wanted to do it. But you were a fool... a child. You didn't understand Loki, you didn't understand what he'd done. Not that anyone had bothered to clue you in.
After things got out of control, Tony, your father sent you back to New York where you would stay with Pepper and train for the next three years. Where you would learn how to help your father. Learn how to be an Avenger.
You were nineteen when you saw him again. His hair had gotten longer and his face had aged, but the biggest change was that he was no longer considered an enemy of the Avengers. Now, he was simply accompanying his brother to the compound.
It was almost noon when you first woke up and began making breakfast. It was your day off and you were going to do your favorite activity: sleep.
"My, my" a velvet voice said from behind you, "look who grew up."
You didn't need to turn around to know who was speaking. You grinned and continued to smear butter on your toast. "For the God of Mischief, you really aren't very good at sneaking up on people."
You turned and threw the butter knife, it pierced the wall right above his head. He stood with his eyes wide, his shock was unjustified. For one, if you had wanted to hit him you would; two, he had to have known what you had been doing all these years, what your father required of you.
You took him in as he sauntered through the kitchen, leaning against the bar. He was in desperate need of a haircut, the black locks fell to his shoulders. He wore his traditional solid black suit, not a hint of color. Not even his signature forest green.
He looked tired... as if it had been not two years but twenty. Age had gone well with him though. He looked mature, as though the youthful pranks had stopped a long time ago, like the power-hunger had disappeared.
You smirked, "You've gotten old."
"Two years isn't that long, Y/n." He reached over his head and yanked the knife out of the wall, leaving a small hole. Pepper would kill you for that later. Worth it.
You took the knife from his hand. "It is when you're getting old and fat," you retorted.
Loki chuckled, "You are your father's daughter."
You rolled your eyes, "Did you need something? Or do you enjoy seeing the mental agony you inflict upon me?"
"Actually, I was looking for your father."
You pointed your knife towards the elevator at the other end of the room, "Lab. Lower level. You should be familiar with that wing." The wing he had been kept prisoner in. The wing you had strolled down almost every day when you were seventeen just to catch a glimpse of the handsome prisoner.
"Thank you, darling," he replied as he strolled over to the elevator. He smiled and gave you a wink before the doors slid shut. You rolled your eyes.
Darling? Absolutely not.
Dinner was the most awkward thing that you've ever been forced to sit through. The fear of Loki and his manipulation loomed over the table like fog. Steve was watching him like a feral animal that would attack at any second. As if he were a venomous snake ready to strike at any given moment.
"So," Thor cleared his throat awkwardly, "Y/n, your father tells me you've been training in New York. How's that going?"
"It's a lot of work but it's a nice way to spend time," you said through a bite of mashed potatoes. "Right now I'm focusing more on science so I can help Bruce and dad. But Natasha is really wanting to do more combat training with me."
"Y/n fights now?" Loki asked, grinning at you.
You shrugged, "Not much, but I could definitely kick your ass."
"Could you now? I suppose we'll have to put that to the test, won't we Miss Stark?" Loki said with a wink.
Natasha laughed, "Y/n is a bit too soft right now. Once she gets over her fear of actually hurting someone I think she'll be an excellent fighter."
"The knife she threw at me this morning must have been an expression of that fear."
"Y/n Stark!" Pepper said from the other end of the table, "You did not put that hole in my wall."
"He was annoying me!" You said defensively.
"He annoys everyone, you don't see Tony throwing silverware at his head."
"No he just blasts him to hell with his suits," you deadpanned.
Pepper looked at Tony. "You see where she gets it? I told you seventeen was too young for training. I told you that the violence would rub off on-"
"Can we not argue at the table, please?" You said, looking back and forth between your father and Pepper.
She rolled her eyes, "Fine. But you're going to fix that wall young lady."
"Fine," you sighed with a roll of your eyes. You caught Loki grinning at you from across the table and went back to picking at your food.
"Here I was thinking we were going to have a civilized dinner," Loki chuckled.
Cap scoffed, "Civilized?"
"Cap," your father said with a warning tone.
"What?" Steve said defensively, "I'm just wondering where a murderer gets off saying anything about being civilized."
"That's rich coming from you," Loki retorted. "Do I need to remind you of all the innocents you killed in Sokovia? So many lives sacrificed in the name of doing the right thing."
"Brother!" Thor snapped.
"I'm just trying to level the playing field," Loki grinned. "If I'm going to be put on trial, perhaps everyone else should get off their high horse as well?"
"We have never been on the same level, Loki." Steve snapped, "You tried to conquer this planet. You lied, manipulated, stole, killed innocent humans. All because you wanted a power trip. That wasn't Sokovia, we thought we were doing the right thing, all you wanted to do was the wrong thing. All you wanted to do was kill."
"You speak as though I don't have the ability to change," Loki leaned his elbows on the table. "Isn't that what being on this planet is all about? Second chances?"
"Not for murderers," Steve spat.
You didn't know Loki well... but to the extent that you did know him, you knew that when he was embarrassed he also got angry and violent. But not this time. Loki was the picture of serenity and calm as he stood from his spot at the table. "I see how it is," he muttered, "I suppose I should have just stayed... gone."
With that... he left.
It was 3 AM by the time you left your room again. For no other reason than to break into Thor's cookie stash. He was convinced it was your father that had been stealing from him... wrong Stark.
You prayed that nobody would find you digging in the pantry for two reasons. One: Thor would kill you for stealing his snacks; two, you were in your underwear and a tank top. Anyone other than Pepper seeing you in this state would be humiliating.
But, of course, you can never get what you want. Behind you, you heard soft footsteps padding their way into the kitchen.
"I didn't realize you'd be awake," the masculine voice said from behind you. You turned and saw Loki, shirtless in low-hanging black sweatpants. You did your best to force your eyes away from the dark trail of hair below his belly button and into his pants.
As your eyes met his, you could see the light blush on his cheeks. Fuck, he'd caught you staring. He cleared his throat, "I just thought I'd make some tea. For some reason, I don't sleep well in Midgard."
"Perhaps it's all the memories," You muttered as he stood next to you at the counter.
"For christ's sake, Y/n," he slammed his mug down onto the counter, "I am not that person anymore, you know that."
"Do I?" You turned to face him, "You killed innocent people, Loki. You killed children-"
"I know what I did," he sighed, putting his head in his hands, "I'm trying to fix it. I want to be better than I was."
"Loki we can't just trust you," the tea was long forgotten at this point, the water had probably gone cold, "not after what you did."
Loki huffed and yanked the butcher knife out of the block, placing it in your hand. He wrapped his hand around yours and put the knife to his chest, only a little pressure would need to be applied in order for it to tear his skin.
"Loki, what are you-"
He shushed you, "I am literally putting my life in your hands. I want you to see that I am done hurting people, and if you killing me is how to prove it, then so be it."
You tried to pull away but he pulled you back in with enough force to make your knees buckle. You weren't looking at the knife against his pale, muscular chest. But his blue eyes that were begging you to acknowledge his sincerity.
Your grip on the kitchen knife loosened. It clattered to the floor as you wrapped your arms around him, pressing your face into his warm chest. "I don't want to hurt you," you whispered.
You felt him sigh in relief, "I don't want to hurt anyone either. If anyone here is willing to trust me, I want it to be you."
"Why me?"
He pulled away and cupped your face in his hands, "Because you are the first truly good person I've met on this planet. You give me hope, Y/n." He pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"You don't have to be that person ever again, Loki," you kissed his Adam's apple gently, "I promise I will help you through this."
You felt him lean down slightly, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you up to meet him. You immediately felt your breath hasten. You had been fantasizing about this moment since you were in high school... and now it was about to happen. Loki, God of Mischief, was about to kiss you at 3 AM in the kitchen of the Avengers compound.
Before you could take another breath, his lips were against yours. His lips were soft like you'd always imagined they'd be, and his mouth was hot like the rest of him. He groaned into the kiss when your tongue brushed against his. You raked your fingers through his hair.
He parted his lips from yours in order to lift you onto the counter, standing in between your legs, his hands trailing up your sides.
"Wait, wait," you gasped as you pulled your lips from his, "How do I know you're not about to use me?"
Loki smiled and tucked some stray hair behind your ear, "I'll never lie to you, my darling. I'll be good for you... starting now."
You pressed your forehead against his and kissed the tip of his nose, "Starting now."
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 22}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Occasional surprise chapters could be posted at miscellaneous times. Chapters will be posted on both my and Shelby’s blogs! >> @snelbz​​
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
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Cassian was happier than he ever thought he’d be.
Over the past few weeks, he, Nesta, and Nyx had really become their own little family. It seemed that after all the heartache, after all the awkwardness, everything was falling into place. 
Since that night they had slept together, again, Cassian had spent every night with Nesta in her bed, and awoken to her face every morning. 
Cassian had been training his replacement at the bar, and the opening of his bar in Nesta’s restaurant was quickly approaching. 
Everything was going perfectly. 
It was a Saturday and both he and Nesta had off, which meant they got the rarity of spending the entire day together, just the three of them. 
And it was Halloween.
There was a little Halloween carnival going on downtown, just outside of the Rainbow along the Sidra. 
And although Cassian was happier than he ever thought he’d be, he did feel completely and utterly ridiculous as he looked in the mirror and saw his reflection, dressed in the Halloween costume that Nesta had bought for him. 
It could have been worse, he decided, donning the floppy hat it had come with. He didn’t have paint all over his face and he wasn’t dressed as a dog, like Rhys had been the year prior. Just a smidge of eyeliner Nesta had coerced him into letting her put on him. And he may only have one hand, thanks to the “hook” he had to wear, but at least he had a bad ass looking sword.
Even if it was plastic.
Nesta appeared in the doorway, wearing a green dress and matching slippers, complete with white balls of fluff adorning the toes. “You about ready to go, Captain Hook?”
He slowly turned to look at her. “Is it the hair? Hmm? Are you one of those girls where long hair automatically means pirate?”
Nesta raised a brow as she crossed her arms. “Are you complaining?”
Cassian blinked. “These leather pants are so tight that I don’t think my balls are going to survive the day.” 
Nesta’s grin was feral. “I promise to make it up to the boys once we’re back home.”
Cassian’s eyes narrowed. “Tease.” 
“Not a tease,” she crooned. “A promise.”
She gave him a wink before leaving the room and walking down the hall. After a curse about how turned on he now was, Cassian followed. 
At the bottom of the stairs in the living room, Nyx was standing up in his little Peter Pan costume. Cassian laughed, quietly. “You put the poor kid in tights.” 
“He looks adorable!” Nesta hollered, from where she had disappeared in the kitchen. 
Nyx looked at Cassian for a moment, slightly confused, but then recognition lit his eyes and he giggled, reaching up for his uncle. The second Cassian picked him up, Nyx was playing with his floppy hat. 
“Pretty damn cute, alright,” Cassian said, chuckling. “Ready, Nes? Bands start playing soon. A couple of local bands I know will be playing, I think you’ll like them.”
Nesta swept out of the kitchen with a tiny cooler bag full of water, juice, and snacks. “Then let’s get going.” 
After a short ride and a short walk, they entered the carnival and spotted Elain, Azriel, and Seph sitting in the grass, listening to the music. Azriel was dressed as Tigger, Elain was Pooh, and Seph was the cutest Piglet they had ever seen.
Cassian plopped down by Azriel and chuckled. “And I thought my costume was bad.”
Azriel looked over at him. “Shut up, Captain Jack.”
Cassian gasped indignantly. “I’m Captain Hook, you heathen.” He held up his left hand and shook the cheap, plastic hook in his face. “Get your pirates straight.”
The cousins were instantly squealing at each other, Seph having recently started crawling and Nesta couldn’t help but smile down at them as she sat next to Cassian. He slung an arm around her and pulled her into him, kissing the top of her head.
Nesta looked at Elain and caught her small smile, even though she tried to turn away before her older sister caught her. “What?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
Elain shook her head, but that smile was still on her face. “Nothing.”
“Tell me,” Nesta said, leaning forward to see her around Cassian and Azriel.
“It’s just…” Elain blinked and Nesta could’ve sworn she saw tears shimmering in her sister’s eyes. “It’s just nice to see you happy.”
Nesta stilled for a moment. Was she happy? She supposed she was. It had all happened so quickly that Nesta hadn’t hardly realized.
She was happy. 
Judging from his laughter with Azriel, and the way his fingers brushed along her skin, Nesta assumed that Cassian was happy, too.
“It’s a good thing, you know,” Elain whispered, when Nesta said nothing. “A very good thing.”
Nesta remained quiet, but she leaned into Cassian’s side with a little smile of her own.
The music began to play, and Nyx was having the time of his little life. He stood and danced, having no idea what was going on, but loving every second of it.
There were small tents set up around the carnival, passing out candy and other little toys and treats for the kids. Helion was there, at a tent sponsored by Nesta’s restaurant, handing out cookies and brownies she’d spent the past few days baking. Nesta had always loved Halloween, and having Nyx to enjoy it with made her love it all the more. They walked around while the bands continued to play, Nyx’s little bucket filling up with more candy and treats than the little boy could ever eat. Cassian ensured Nesta that it would not go to waste, but she just rolled her eyes.
“You know, I’ve always been a fan of Tinker Bell,” Cassian said, while they were eating candy apples.
Nesta looked at him, brow raised. “Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for Hook.”
Cassian chuckled, looking at Nyx while he nibbled on some goldfish that Nesta had packed in the cooler bag. “And what about Cassian?” Cassian asked. “Are you a fan of him?”
Nesta laughed, softly. “Are you asking me if I like you, Nazari?”
Cassian’s eyes lit with amusement. “I care about you, Nesta. That’s what I’m saying.”
The words she longed to say got stuck in her throat. The truth she’d wanted to tell him since his birthday over a month ago, when they’d finally succumbed to their desire for each other. But she wouldn’t. She couldn’t, not here, not right now, with strangers around them. Elain and Azriel weren’t far, but…
Something about those words. She wanted it just to be the two of them.
So Nesta chose to smirk instead, reaching over and rubbing caramel off his cheek. “You aren’t half bad, I guess.”
He sighed, dramatically, looking up into the sky. “I knew it, you’re only in it for the sex.”
“Cassian!” She blushed furiously, hoping no one had overheard him.
Grinning, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. Nyx threw a goldfish at them, hitting Cassian in the side of the face.
Nesta couldn’t stop her laughter as she pulled back.
Even after a month, Nyx didn’t like Cassian kissing her. The fit he threw the first time he’d seen them kiss on the couch while he was playing with his toys on the floor and they watched a movie would go down in history as the worst meltdown the two of them had seen.
Nesta thought his continued, but lessening, tantrums were hilarious. Cassian could only roll his eyes.
“Was that necessary?” Cassian asked.
“Da,” Nyx said, popping a goldfish into his mouth. It was the closest thing he’d come to yes thus far.
“He used to like me, you know,” Cassian said, looking at Nesta, “before the two of us were together.”
Nesta shrugged. “He’s protective, what can I say?”
“You can say, to him, that you like it when I kiss you,” Cassian replied.
Nesta laughed as Nyx threw another goldfish at Cassian. “He’s smart, Cass. He may be a baby, but he knows you’re talking smack over here.”
“I would never talk smack about a baby,” Cassian said, taking a bite of his caramel apple. “Even if it’s true.”
It wasn’t too much later that Nyx was falling asleep, his little, green cap long forgotten and tucked into the pocket of Cassian’s obnoxious coat. He gently rubbed Nyx’s back as he slept on the blanket they’d laid out on the lush grass. Footsteps and a groan alerted him to Azriel’s presence as he sat down next to Cassian. Seph, in a carrier strapped to his chest, had been asleep for nearly an hour already. Cassian couldn’t help but smile at his brother and niece.
“So you two are actually making this work, huh,” Azriel said, smiling down at Nyx.
Cassian’s laughter sounded as if even he had a hard time believing it. “I guess so. It’s just…so easy with her.”
“I get it. I completely get it,” Azriel said, looking at something over Cassian’s shoulder, and from the way his eyes softened, he knew his brother’s gaze had found Elain.
“I think she feels the same way,” Cassian said. “She’s hard to read, though. Easier than she used to be - thank the Mother - but sometimes… I just want to grab her by the shoulders and ask her what the hell is on her mind.” 
Azriel snorted. “Nesta is…”
When he didn’t complete his sentence, Cassian raised an amused brow.
“An interesting woman,” Azriel finished, at last.
Cassian laughed, quietly. “Yeah, she is. But, that’s what I like about her. She’s not a surface-level person, you know? She’s like an onion.”
Azriel blinked. “An onion?”
Cassian nodded. “A lot of layers.” 
Azriel laughed, quietly. “I would keep that one to yourself. Not sure how Nesta would feel about being called a vegetable that makes you cry.” 
Cassian chuckled, and shrugged. “I think it sounds nice.”
Azriel grinned and looked down at Seph. “Do you see it working out long term, then?”
“You make it sound like a legal document,” Cassian replied, snorting.
Azriel shook his head. “Fine. I’ll ask it simpler, then. Do you love her?”
He hesitated. “It’s only been a month.”
“And?” Azriel asked. “You’ve lived together for half a year. You've known her for over five years.”
Cassian was quiet. He contemplated Azriel’s question, watching the gentle rise and fall of Nyx’s breathing. “I don’t know.”
“You still think Rhys and Feyre didn’t know what they were doing when they set you up all those years ago?”
Looking up at Azriel, Cassian wasn’t expecting to find him smiling softly. “I still think they were bat shit insane,” he chuckled. “But… No. I get it now. They… They just wanted to give us the chance to be as happy as they were.”
“And are you?” Azriel asked, curiosity on his face.
Cassian looked around, finding Nesta laughing with Elain and Mor and Emerie and Gwyn. The smile as he watched her wasn’t faked. “Yeah. I am.”
Azriel’s smile was as genuine as his own. “Then I think you know.”
It had been a good day, and an even better night. 
Nyx fell asleep in his carseat on the way home, and Nesta had gotten him out of his costume and into a fresh diaper and pajamas without him hardly stirring. After that, when Nesta meandered into her bedroom, she found a half-dressed pirate with a mischievous glint in his eye. He had made a show of taking Nesta’s costume off with his hook, which had her unable to stop the wide smile, the giggling, that escaped her control. 
It was all sweet, adorable play until his lips found her skin, and then Nesta’s giddiness faded away as complete euphoria took control of her body. 
They laid together as Halloween faded away and November 1st approached. Nesta’s fingers danced over his bare chest. 
“Today was a fun day,” she said, quietly, as she watched her fingers move along his tattoos. 
“It was,” he murmured, already half asleep, his arm wrapped around her, tucking her into his side. He had spent most of his day chasing down Nyx, while Nesta had watched, a smile on her face, as Elain took picture after picture. She’d promised to email the best ones to Nesta as soon as she’d edited them.
She could tell Cassian was exhausted as she looked up into his handsome face, the eyeliner still smudged under his eyes. Sensing her gaze on him, he cracked an eye open and looked at her. “What?”
She shook her head, laying it back down on his chest. “You still have make-up on,” she chuckled.
“What?” He asked. “You don’t think I look pretty?”
Snorting, she nestled into his warm body, settling as his calloused fingers scraped over bare waist. She felt his lips press against the top of her head and in that moment, she realized that this was how it was supposed to be. Nothing had ever felt as…right as this did. As being with him did.
He grunted in answer, and Nesta realized he was just about asleep.
She decided not to reveal the bit of truth she’d been about to, not when he very well might not remember it the next day.
Instead, she settled her head back on his chest, and said, “I had fun today.”
He mumbled something that sounded like me too, but within seconds, his breath had evened out, and he was asleep.
She wouldn’t reveal that bit of herself, not tonight. But tomorrow…
Tomorrow, she would tell him.
And she prayed he felt the same way.
It was hardly after eight when Nesta woke up and found Cassian beside her, in bed, with a sleeping Nyx on his chest. He was scrolling through his phone, his back propped up against the headboard, his sweatpants nearly blending into the navy blue comforter. 
Nesta blinked a few times before she yawned and said, “Good morning.”
Cassian’s eyes darted away from his phone, to her. He smiled. “Good morning. Little man woke up about an hour ago. Fell asleep again five minutes ago or so. Apparently he got worn out yesterday.”
Nesta chuckled. “I’d say so.”
“I was going to put him in his crib but he seems comfortable,” Cassian said. “I can, though, if you want me to make breakfast.”
Nesta shook her head as she propped herself up on her elbows. “That’s okay. I can make breakfast. I was in a french toast type of mood.” 
“Sounds good,” Cassian crooned, and Nesta reached up to kiss him, softly, before dragging herself out of bed. After slipping on some cozy shorts and one of Cassian’s oversized t-shirts, she was headed downstairs. 
Sunday mornings were her favorite, nowhere for either of them to be. Just time together and time with Nyx. She was humming quietly to herself after she’d made a pot of coffee, pulling what she needed to make French toast and bacon out of the fridge when there was a sudden knock on the front door.
Nesta froze, listening to ensure she had in fact heard—
Another knock, just as insistent as the first.
“Was that the door?” Cassian was carrying Nyx downstairs, the baby’s pacifier barely staying in his mouth as he sleepily leaned his head on his uncle’s bare shoulder.
“Yeah,” she replied, eyebrows furrowing as she reached the door and opened it.
Nesta froze as she found Alis Birch on the other side.
“Ms. Archeron, good morning,” she said, eyeing her choice of attire.
“Ms. Birch, good morning. What a surprise,” she said, trying not to panic.
“I hope it’s a good time,” she said, looking past Nesta to see what chaos she could find. “This is the last of my surprise visits.”
“I see,” Nesta said, then cleared her throat as she stepped aside. “Come in, please.”
Alis did not need to be told twice. She swept past Nesta and into the foyer, where Cassian caught sight of her. He stopped as their eyes met, and he hesitated.
“Ms. Birch,” he said, as if it were a pleasant surprise. “Nice to see you again.”
“You too,” she said, looking at Nyx. “Big Halloween, was it?”
“Fun Halloween,” Cassian corrected. “We were at the carnival downtown for most of the day. He had a blast.”
Alis nodded, but said no more.
“Have a seat,” Nesta said, gesturing to the living room furniture. “Please.”
Alis sat in a chair while Cassian carefully and slowly sat back on the couch, Nesta sitting beside him.
Before anyone could say anything else, Alis said, “The two of you have become intimate.” 
Nesta swallowed roughly while Cassian could only blink. After a moment, she collected herself. “I—We…”
“It’s fairly recent,” Cassian admitted, taking over when it was clear Nesta was floundering.
She wanted to demand how she could tell, but she was very clearly wearing his shirt while he wore nothing at all, aside from his sweats. They were cooking breakfast while the baby dozed. It was all so…domestic.
Alis would have been blind not to notice it.
She hummed once before opening her notebook and scribbling a few notes down. “The two of you have come a long way in a few months then, since you were barely even friends the last time I was here.” She threw Nesta’s own half-drunk words into their faces.
“Things have changed,” she breathed, yearning to reach over and take Cassian’s hand, but not wanting to look weak in front of the woman.
The woman who controlled whether or not they’d be keeping Nyx.
“So, this is not a fling, then?” Alis asked.
Cassian opened his mouth, but it was Nesta who politely said, “I’m sorry, but I’m not sure how our romantic life is an appropriate topic-.”
“Oh, it is most appropriate,” Alis assured them both. “If this is nothing but a fling, it could create a lot of drama in the home, which could in turn affect Nyx’s well being. However, if this is love, something that will become steadier day by day, then I could not be more overjoyed.”
You don’t sound overjoyed, Nesta wanted to say, but didn’t. 
“We are aware that everything we do affects Nyx,” Cassian said, not unkindly. “We thought it through before we decided to get together.”
Nesta almost wanted to laugh. Thought it through? They hooked up twice, and the second time it stuck. She wasn’t sure that was exactly thinking it through. In fact, there hadn’t been much thinking at all.
It just kind of...happened. 
Nyx had indeed lost his pacifier at some point and patted Cassian on the cheek.
“Babababa,” he chanted, which the two of them had learned meant he wanted his bottle and Cassian stood.
“Excuse me, I’ll be back,” he said, carrying Nyx into the kitchen.
Alis held Nesta’s stare, eventually asking, “Does Nyx have a support system, outside of the home?”
She blinked. “I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
Alis set down her pen and looked at Nesta as if she were the child in this situation. “Let’s say things don’t last. Let’s say whatever is between you and Mr. Nazari isn’t a love match and it falls apart. Aside from the two of you, does Nyx have other people who could step in to take care of him?”
“I don’t see why he would need it,” she replied, her voice cold. “Even if things don’t work out, Cassian and I will still take care of him. Nyx is our responsibility now. We love him.”
“And will you do that from one home?”
“We… I…” Nesta shook her head. “Ma’am, with all due respect, we haven’t even had time to figure out what exactly this is between us.”
Alis scooped up her bag and tucked her notebook against her chest as she stood. “That’s exactly what I’m afraid of. And I’d like the two of you to have that figured out before my next visit. I’ll reach out a few days before, so you can expect me. But I’d like this…” She gestured around her, “situation to be more straightforward before I return.”
She turned and headed for the door.
When Cassian came back, Alis was gone. He blinked, Nyx now awake, downing his milk. “Where’d she go?”
“She left,” Nesta said, quietly. “She’ll let us know when she’s coming next time.”
Cassian’s brows furrowed as he sat next to Nesta on the couch. “What’s wrong?”
Nesta hesitated, then said, “I think she thinks that us getting together is a mistake.”
Cassian looked at Nesta for a moment, then snorted. “She also thought that us living together, unromantically, and raising Nyx was a mistake.” 
Nesta said nothing as she watched her hands, quietly.
Cassian’s smile faded away. “What? You don’t think us getting together is a mistake, right?”
“No, of course not,” Nesta said, but it lacked passion.
Cassian watched her. “Nesta.”
“She brings up some good points, Cass,” Nesta breathed.
Cassian’s jaw ticked. “What does that mean?”
Nesta closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Well, what if we don’t work out? What will happen? We should at least have a plan.”
“You don’t think we’re going to work out?” Cassian asked. 
“I don’t even know what we are, Cassian,” she breathed, opening her eyes, but continued staring at her hands. “Am I your girlfriend? Are we exclusive? Is this just what’s convenient for us both?”
Cassian was staring at her, unable to think of anything to say, barely able to understand what had happened in the past thirty minutes since he’d gotten out of bed. “This sure as hell isn’t just about convenience, not for me. But if it is for you, I guess I’d like to know now.”
She still didn’t look at him. “I don’t know, Cass.”
He had no idea what to say, no idea what to do. He shook his head. “I’m going to take Nyx on my jog with me. When we get back, you let me know if this is still convenient for you.”
His voice was colder than she’d heard it in months, barely recognized it as he silently made his way up the stairs. She didn’t move, could hardly think as she heard him get changed and then dress Nyx as well. 
Her face fell into her hands.
This isn’t how she wanted the morning to go.
As she laid in bed with him the night before, listening to the steady beating of his heart after he fell asleep, she had a long list of things she wanted to say to him today, had a long list of emotions she wanted him to feel.
Pissed wasn’t one of them.
Unsure wasn’t one of them.
Nothing was going as planned.
It wasn’t until Cassian was carrying a babbling Nyx back down the stairs that Nesta looked up. Cassian wouldn’t meet her eyes.
“Cass-,” she began, but he strode through the living room and out the door, the door closing just a little too hard behind him.
No, this wasn’t how she wanted the day to go.
She didn’t get to tell Nyx goodbye.
She didn’t get to tell Cassian goodbye, or any of the other things she had planned.
But maybe it was for the best. Maybe things would continue to fall into place, just not the place that she had planned.
Nesta sat back on the couch, her face falling back into her hands.
As the first tear fell, she wondered if this was a part of Feyre’s plan. 
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ur-typical-nerd · 2 years
Cuphead OC: Sadie the Imp
Alright, so here’s a new Cuphead OC I’ve thought up! She’s inspired by some imp OCs I’ve seen around the internet, and I really hope you love her as much as I do!
Sadie is a small, fluffy imp with dark red fur (she claims it’s the blood of her enemies, but it’s really the manifestation of all the wrath in her tiny little body), matching bat wings, grey horns, unusually sharp claws and fangs, a pointed tail, and yellow eyes.
-Sadie’s name is short for Sadist, because all of the imps’ names seem to reflect either their job (Henchman) or a personality trait (Stickler), and I thought Sadie being short for something as dark as “sadist” would be hilarious. Kinda like that post about “Liz” being short for “Lizard”
-Feral lil’ bean with a short temper who enjoys talking about torture methods and generally messed-up things that can happen on the surface
-Call her short/cute and she will bite your shins
-Buzzes her wings like a hummingbird when she flies
-Inkwell Hell’s best torture technician. She takes pride in her job of torturing evil souls for their sins and can actually get quite creative with it.
-Friends with Henchman. He’s one of the few imps who isn’t put off/intimidated by her intensity and occasional creepiness and can actually get her to calm down a little
-Hates Stickler with a burning passion and has repeatedly tried to stab him in the head/trick him into being tortured. Henchman usually stops her
-Has a butcher knife she calls Emily. She sleeps with it under her pillow for good luck
-Blushes when praised
-Claims her favorite food is flesh, but she has a major soft spot for junk food
-Her impulse control is non-existent
-Occasionally gets into street fights in order to blow off steam
-Would happily kill Dice if he ever broke the Devil’s heart. However, she does approve of their relationship.
-A little too enthusiastic about killing/attacking people for her boss
-Bit of a pyromaniac
-Can sleep pretty much anywhere
-I actually have a plot idea for her if she were to ever appear in the Cuphead Show!
Basically, the Devil is either sick/still recovering from the sweater (depends on when this episode occurs) and sends Sadie to get Cuphead’s soul. Sadie decides that the best way to do this is to murder this child. And hey, why not murder his brother while she’s at it! Can’t leave any witnesses behind! The police take this about as well as you’d expect…
SADIE: (Calling Henchman) Hey Henchie, can ya pick me up from the mortal world?
HENCHMAN: Sure, where are you?
SADIE: Jail.
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Demon Shit [Part 4]
~4000 words
| NSFW warnings: threesome, overstimulation, dabi being a bit of a dick, tomura being creepy and also a bit of a dick, really intense smut
Tomura lead you forward, chuckling when you stumbled in the dark. He pushed you out into the alley as soon as the door was open, making you trip and fall onto your hands and knees with a yelp.
The door slammed and Tomura crouched behind you, pulling up your dress and leaning in to plant a few kitten licks to your still-wet slit. You squeaked, lurching forward before his hands gripped your hips harshly, pulling you back against his face. He groaned, lapping at you and kissing your twitching cunt for a little longer before leaning back, spreading you carefully with his clawed fingers and taking in the sight. You whimpered, and he gave a final light kiss to your clit before putting your dress back down and helping you up.
“Don’t cry,” he huffed, wiping your slick off his face and pressing his lips to your cheek. Keeping in mind what Dabi had said about affection, he wrapped his arms around you, letting you lean into him.
“I’m not,” you whined into his chest, snuggling close with a little shiver as the breeze picked up. He shrugged out of his coat and affixed it around your shoulders, snatching up your hand and dragging you along like an annoyed older brother.
“Food, yeah?” He peered down at you over his shoulder. You nodded, gripping his hand as you struggled to keep up with him. Was it a demon thing or did yours just walk fast?
“Can you slow down a little?” you stumbled, gripping his sleeve with the hand he didn’t have in a death grip, “And what are we eating?” His pace slowed and he gave your hand an apologetic squeeze.
“Uh,” he scratched at his neck, occasionally creating a wound that sealed up as fast as it opened, “What do you want, er, little sacrifice?” Your face warmed a bit at Dabi’s nickname coming from him. You hummed in thought as he guided you out into the main street, significantly less crowded as the sun set.
He got you what you asked for from a food stall and you sat together on a bench nearby, Tomura intently watching you eat. 
“Wanna taste?” You offered, holding your food out to him. He took a little bite and grimaced, spitting it onto the pavement as several people sneered at him as they walked by. You giggled, leaning against him as you munched.
“Some human food tastes okay but the stuff with salt is disgusting,” he watched you take another bite.
“Is that a demon thing?” You asked. He nodded, swiping his finger across your lips where some of it had smeared and pressing in, depositing it into your mouth as you obediently suckled on his finger. He licked your spit off the digit and slung his arm over your shoulders.
“I like you,” he murmured, softly kissing the top of your head. You snuggled into him, letting him take the empty food container and throw it into a nearby trashcan.
“I like you too. And Dabi,” your face heated up as you admitted it aloud. He grinned down at you, pinching your cheek,
“Keigo is gonna love you. Might be a little rough, though, cause he’s still mad at Dabs. It’ll still be fun, though.” You perked up, leaning to look at Tomura more directly,
“What did he do?” You asked, scooting a little closer. He squished your cheeks absentmindedly as he spoke,
“They got into an argument over a contract they both wanted and Dabi let him have it instead of warning him when he found out it was a shit deal. He ended up having to hang out in the same place and couldn’t leave for several centuries,” his hands started wandering, toying with the clasp of his coat draped over yours.
“That doesn’t sound that bad,” you said softly, shifting to sit in his lap. He scoffed,
“It doesn’t until you realize he couldn’t go into his pocket dimension and visit his sacrifice in all that time. He didn’t get to tell anyone it was there either so it died. He’s probably still pretty pissed off,” he nuzzled into your hair, sniffing briefly before pushing you off, gently this time so you didn’t fall.
Noticing your slightly upset expression, he quickly added, “You’re gonna have three of us, though. You’ll be fine,” you shuffled a little closer to him.
He stood, taking out his phone and messing around on it for a moment. He took your hand after, pulling you down the darkened, nearly deserted streets.
“Are we going back to Dabi?” You asked, squeezing his hand. He nodded with a quiet grunt, tugging you along for several blocks until you stopped outside ...a lingerie store?
“Why is he here?” Your face crinkled in confusion as the demon dragged you inside, ignoring the greeting from the worker and heading for the back of the store. Dabi was there, comparing a couple of bustiers. You felt your face heat up as he immediately slipped Tomura’s and then your coats off your shoulders, holding the lacy white material up to your chest.
“Which of these do you think will make Kei hate me less?” He muttered to Tomura, shoving the coats in his hands.
“I think you’re going to have to worry about me hating you if you don’t let me shove my cock inside your sacrifice in the next hour,” He growled, jabbing at Dabi’s side with one of his claws. He side-eyed you with his wide grin as your breath hitched, shyly looking away.
“Pocket dimension is open in the back of the store, it’s the permanent one so you can leave your stuff wherever. Doll, did those panties fit okay?” he said in a monotonous string, still holding up various lacy numbers to your chest. You were starting to think he had an obsession with putting you in white.
“U-uh they fit fine,” you said with a slight grimace, shuffling your feet awkwardly as Tomura dug through his pocket.
“Get more like this,” he said, holding them up. You felt a massive rush of blood to your face, desperately grabbing for them and frantically whispering his name. Dabi snatched them up, glanced at the size, and shoved them back in Tomura’s pocket,
“Don’t do that out here, dumbass,” Dabi chided him, shuffling through another rack of clothes with an exasperated sigh, “I’m only gonna be another minute just get out of here,” he sighed, tilting your chin up for a brief kiss and nudging you back to Tomura.
“Whatever, humans are so prudish,” he snorted, pulling you toward the back exit of the store. He stuck your coat around your shoulders and guided you through the door, cold hitting you immediately as you stepped into the pocket dimension.
Snow crunched under your feet as you entered, wind and snow chilling you to the bone instantly and causing you to immediately attach yourself to Tomura. He wrapped his coat around you tightly and scooped you up, trudging through the snow towards a huge house.
“I hate the ones with outside space, why can’t it just open directly inside,” He grumbled, stroking your arm fervently as you shuddered against him, “and why the fuck do they make ones with blizzards like this?”  He got up to the door and kicked it open, carrying you in and setting you down as he closed it and shook snow off himself. The warm air was nice, but you were soaked down to your skin quickly as the snow melted, leaving you dripping cold water onto the wooden floors. The house was big, lavishly decorated, and seemed to have lots of rooms and even more up the large staircase. You caught your demon companion shaking himself off like a dog out of the corner of your eye. “He must like you a lot, this dimension looks expensive,” Tomura pulled off both your wet coats, sliding his inhumanly long tongue across his rough lips as he took in the sight of your wet dress clinging to your skin, “Remind me to thank Staples for these,” he slid a finger under one of your stockings and let it snap back against your skin. You shuddered, the wet fabric clinging to your skin and making you increasingly uncomfortable. “Oh yeah, he treats you like a dolly,” he scoffed, leaning down and taking your boots off for you, “sweet and dumb, right? He got so damn lucky,” he came back up and planted a soft kiss to your lips, brushing against them as he spoke, “Or should it be ‘we’ got lucky?” You brought your arms to your chest nervously.
His teeth latched onto the neckline of your dress, shredding it off you in one motion and letting it drop to the floor. Red eyes scanned over your body, now only covered by a bralette, stockings, and your own hands clasped over your pussy. You sniffled, shivering and shuffling a little closer, “Can we get warm?” You asked, giving him what was certainly a pathetic expression. You probably looked like a wet little rat, shaking and giving him doe eyes as he ran his hands up and down your sides. “I’ll warm you up,” he grinned widely, pulling your bralette over your head and discarding it on the floor. You winced slightly, pulling him close for warmth and being slightly disappointed he wasn’t as warm as Dabi. The lack of staples scratching against your skin was admittedly nice, though.
He ducked down, sweeping up your legs and carrying you as he tried several doors before finding a bedroom he carried you into. You were deposited on the bed and watched as he peeled his wet clothes off, immediately pushing you further onto the bed and crawling over you until he hovered above your trembling form.
“I’m going to devour you,” he rasped, tongue trailing along your lips before slipping inside and thrusting down your throat. You gagged, struggling to keep your mouth open for him as he fucked your mouth with the wet appendage. He moaned, closing the gap between your lips and pulling his tongue back to kiss you as normally as a half-feral demon could.
He broke off, giving your tongue another flick with his before withdrawing and dragging it along your skin. Rough lips latched onto your neck, suckling over the massive bite wound Dabi had given you. Your head fell back and you gasped as he licked along your breasts, swirling his tongue around your nipples until they pebbled and he popped one into his mouth. Sharp teeth grazed the sensitive skin, making you arch your back.
He licked and bit roughly along your chest, sharp teeth trailing lower until he placed light kisses directly to your cunt. You whined as he forced your legs apart, drinking in the sight of you clenching around nothing with slick coating your thighs. “Fuck,” he breathed, enclosing your entire pussy in his mouth with and winding his tongue inside without hesitation. Your hips bucked involuntarily as you cried out, gripping his hair. His tongue was so long it was coiled deep inside you, lapping directly at your cervix and writhing against several sweet spots. Rough lips stimulated your still-sore clit too harshly, making you tremble and groan as the painful pleasure rocked through you. “I,” you gasped, barely able to speak as you squirmed, held in place by strong arms and nails digging into your hips to pin them, “’M’gonna c-” you moaned loudly, head pressed back hard and eyes rolled up. You gasped for breath, twitching as he continued through your orgasm, making you squeal and tug his hair.
“No more,” you cried, trying to crawl away. His grip was like iron, and you couldn’t do anything to escape his torturous ministrations. Turning your head, tears spilled from your eyes and you saw Dabi in the doorway, watching his friend torture you with a faint smirk on his face. Being watched had you flushed and cumming again on Tomura’s tongue, sobbing as he kept going despite your pleas.
“Dabi,” you cried, reaching for him, hoping he’d tell Tomura to calm down, but all he did was saunter forward and hold your hand, pressing his lips softly to your knuckles as his friend coaxed another painful orgasm out of you. Your other hand tangled in Tomura’s hair, pulling hard and eliciting a deep groan from him. He mercifully parted from your slit, crawling back up and giving you a deep kiss, letting his drool and your slick transfer into your mouth.
“That’s nice; choke me too,” the pale-haired demon ordered, pulling your hand out of Dabi’s and placing both around his neck. You tried to squeeze but your limbs felt like jelly. He gave you an annoyed tut, flipping to make you straddle him. “Do it right or I’ll choke you instead,” he gripped your wrists and you pressed harder, earning a soft moan from him. His hips bucked up, lifting you and making his fat, engorged cock tap against your back, smearing some of his pre on your skin.
You felt the bed dip and turned to see Dabi situating himself behind you, lying with his face between Tomura’s legs. He took his cock in his hand, pumping it and licking at his balls, earning another involuntary buck of Tomura’s hips. You watched him drag his forked tongue up the back of his cock, swirling the wet muscle around the head and even briefly dip into his slit a little.
He took the head into his mouth and teased him for another moment before unhinging his jaw slightly and taking the whole thing down his throat. Tomura groaned loudly, gripping your thighs and digging his claws in until you bled, whimpering and slumping forward to rest your chest on his. His hands wandered frantically, squeezing various places on your soft form as he tried to ground himself, lifting you as he bucked up into Dabi’s mouth.
You crawled up slightly, wanting to swallow the sounds he was making and sealing your lips over his to do so. He moaned into your mouth, red eyes rolling back in his head when you licked up the drool spilling down his jaw. He clawed at your back, thighs, and arms, dug his claws into your ass and pulled your hips against him, forcing you to essentially ride his stomach. The friction to your clit had you squirming against him as your orgasm built back up.
Dabi released him with a wet pop, reaching up to spin you around and pull you to his face by your throat. He kissed you, sharing the taste of Tomura’s precum before guiding you to his saliva-coated cock. Tomura’s hands smoothed over your ass, spreading your cheeks and giving him a perfect view of your twitchy, drooly little cunt. He teased your clit with his tongue, flicking it around all over and smearing your juices from there up to your puckered back entrance, making you yelp. If he hadn’t had you locked in place you’d have tried to squirm forward, away from his intrusive tongue as he let you feel just how far it could reach.
“Doll, focus. Use your mouth,” Dabi recaptured your attention, kissing you wetly from the other side of Tomura’s cock, flicking his tongue against your lips as you both lapped at him. You groaned as he thrusted his tongue deep into your ass, fingers carefully pinching at your clit using his knuckles so he wouldn’t scratch you there.
Dabi left you to tend to his cock, lifting Tomura’s legs and spreading them, kissing and suckling at his balls for a moment before diving lower, giving him the same treatment he was giving you. You took initiative, cupping and massaging his balls with one hand and using the other to guide the head of his cock to your mouth to lap at his slit, alternating between licking up the copious amounts of pre he was leaking and kissing his shaft all over. Your other hand stroked over his thigh, threading your fingers through Dabi’s and squeezing as Tomura’s rough treatment of your clit had you cumming, mindlessly humping against his chest as he watched you clench around nothing, withdrawing his tongue from inside you. He gave your ass a smack, squeezing harshly as he bucked his hips.
“Fuck,” he groaned, one hand gripping your hair and pushing you onto his cock, “I know you can’t fit it in your mouth just take the tip, ah,” he moaned, “swallow it,” he grunted when you obeyed. You took his tip into your mouth, stretching your jaw wide to accommodate him and suckling. Dabi’s hand flashed in your peripheral as he slapped his balls, Tomura immediately shrieking and releasing into your mouth. You tried to swallow it all, gulping down the thick, foul-tasting liquid as it flooded your mouth, spilling out the sides and dribbling down his cock where Dabi licked it up.
You kept sucking even after he’d stopped spurting the white fluid down your throat, making him grip your hair and pull you off to keep you from overstimulating him. He brought your back to his chest, having you lie on top of him as his cock deflated slightly between your legs briefly before perking up again. He sighed deeply, pressing a kiss to your temple and wrapping his arms around you, kneading at your breasts.
“We’re cool now,” he muttered, perking up and making you sit up with him, shifting you to sit in his lap, “Can I use her ass?” he asked Dabi, gripping your hips and dragging your cunt along his length to lubricate it, the friction making you gasp. Dabi rolled his eyes, “You know she can’t,” he ruffled your hair, pressing several soft kisses to your cheek and jaw, “I’ll have to stretch it out first.” You gawked at him with wide eyes as he reached down, swiping his thumb over the spit coated hole. Tomura continued making you hump his cock, watching how sweetly you gazed at his friend despite how scared your expression was. A cruel smirk stretched across his face, catching Dabi’s attention and making him quirk a brow at him.
“Why don’t you start now? Ream her little ass while I take her pussy?” His hips rolled up for emphasis, making you moan as you came, releasing your hips and watching you hump him on your own as you rode out your orgasm, too blissed out to protest his proposal, not that anyone would listen to you anyway. You slumped back against him, resting your head on his shoulder as you panted, coming down from yet another high. He trailed a finger down your cheek, kissing you softly and positioning you to face him on your knees, straddling him and hovering just above his twitching length.
Dabi positioned himself behind you, gathering your slick on his tip and gently pulling you back, impaling you on himself. You moaned, dropping your head to rest on Tomura’s shoulder and nibbling at his rough skin a little. He stroked your hair as the other demon gave you a few shallow thrusts before leaving you empty and lining up at your smaller hole.
“Ever had your ass fucked, little sacrifice?” You panted, knowing you wouldn’t be able to stop him and opting to relax and take it. Maybe if you were good he’d go a little easy on you. You peered at him over your shoulder, lip trembling as you shook your head no. He smirked, slapping your ass lightly and rubbing it, pulling your cheeks apart as he started to press in.
Tomura gripped your face, forcing you to look him in the eye so he could watch your expression as Dabi took your ass for the first time. His mouth opened when yours did, tongue flicking into your mouth and along your face as your eyes rolled back into your head. It was so deep, too big, too hot, too much and your breath caught in your throat, practically choking on the feeling of him so far into your guts. You surprised both of them when you pushed back, eagerly accepting him as your neglected cunt twitched and drooled, slick dripping down Tomura’s cock underneath you.
Dabi grunted, “Good fucking girl.” His hips stilled, watching you pant and get used to the stretch. He pulled out about halfway, then buried himself to the hilt again, gripping your thighs and picking you up so you were leaned back against his chest with him holding your legs up nice and wide. Tomura licked his lips, leaning forward with no hesitation and kissing at your cunt, tongue slipping along your folds and down to where Dabi was pressed tightly inside.
They both stood, allowing Tomura easier access to line himself up, kissing along your chest as it heaved with panicked little breaths. He nudged himself in gently at first, slipping along your walls and fitting several inches inside. Your back arched, babbling pleas and a string of unintelligible gibberish. Dabi made sure he was ready and let you fall forward, gravity forcing you to take both of them entirely. A scream ripped from your throat, arms limply trying to clutch Tomura’s shoulders as they started moving without mercy, quickly settling into a rhythm that made you lose consciousness for a few seconds, stars dancing across your vision as white hot pleasure coursed through your veins.
You choked and sobbed, both holes spasming as pain and pleasure became indistinguishable and you could swear you felt little cracks forming in your psyche. Your whole body both felt numb and pulsed with too much stimulation as you were filled over and over, both of them cumming several times inside you without stopping their assault. Eventually you were reduced to groaning, exhausted to the point of being unable to move as they pawed at you, occasionally grunting praises that seemed to float by you. You weren’t sure how many times you came, abused little clit smacked and pinched over and over again until it hurt to cum.
You’re not sure when they moved or how long you’d been there, but you found yourself flopped back in bed as they both filled you for the last time, locking lips over your spent body. A whimper breezed past your lips as they slipped you under the blankets, kissing various parts along your skin.
“I think we might have overwhelmed her,” Dabi frowned, running his fingers down your cheek. Tomura shrugged, claiming his preferred side of the bed and snuggling in close to you,
“She’s fine she came like a million times,” he affectionately nuzzled his cheek against the top of your head, slinging an arm across your unconscious form and motioning for Dabi to join. He settled in on the other side of you, kissing the back of your head and allowing himself to actually sleep for once. It was a special occasion, after all.
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gnocchighoul · 4 years
the undateables get turned into cats
(a continuation of this post!)
Man… if you thought Beel was a big cat… 
Diavolo is a big cat.
Literally. Like, you’re pretty sure he’s a lion or something. He’s fucking HUGE. 
His paws are the size of your head, and when he flops down on you it literally knocks the breath out of your lungs. He probably broke one of your ribs, but you’re only 80% sure. 
If you’re walking side by side and he leans into you, there’s like a 70% chance that you’re gonna get knocked on your ass. For your sake, I hope you have decent balance.
He definitely only lets you, Lucifer, and Barbatos around him while he’s stuck in this form. 
He also really is not aware of his own strength in this form. 
Everyone realized that when you and Lucifer showed up to the palace and Dia went to love-tackle Lucifer, expecting the demon to catch him like he normally does, but instead ended up tackling his ass to the floor.
Diavolo was way too excited about it.
Lucifer was miffed.
(You got it all on video.)
Without his goofy smile or laugh, Dia’s eyes are like. Really fucking intense.
Lowkey… he’s a little bit terrifying.
But.... he’s also baby. 
Give him snuggles. Smush his face. Kiss his big dumb nose. Squish his big toe beans. Literally just throw yourself on top of him and snuggle him like a body pillow.
Lucifer is horrified. Probably considers ending your life right then and there.
Barb thinks it’s fucking hilarious.
(It’s not that Dia necessarily Enjoys the experience of being turned into a cat -- he’s just Very sure that Lucifer is going to literally devote his life to fixing this, so he figures he might as well try to have a good time while it lasts.)
...He’s very chill but is also experiencing the BIGGEST existential crisis because he doesn’t fucking have hands to do anything. 
Listen, he’s not opposed to taking breaks. He enjoys relaxing too. But there’s so much shit that needs to be done and he can’t do any of it and it’s driving him up the wall.
Not that you would ever know, though. He’s very calm, even if he’s screeching on the inside.
So it’s basically canon that Barbatos helps Diavolo manage his time and keeps him from slacking off on his princely duties he’s literally a babysitter 
But like.
Come on. 
Diavolo is not gonna listen to a cat.
Diavolo gets up to so much mischief during the time that Barb is a cat, and since the prince is so busy being The Worst™, cat-Barb ends up spending most of his time with you.
Lowkey it’s weird as shit having a cat supervise you.
He’s sitting deathly still on the counter, spine ramrod straight, tail wrapped around his legs, eyes wide and all-seeing -- just Staring at you while you cook. 
You’re pretty sure he’s judging you. 
He’s actually reliving the trauma of Asmo finding him in all of his feline-glory and abducting him to play dress up.
(Cat-Barb is the least likely to bite or hiss at anyone, and he probably won’t throw a tantrum over being turned into a cat. Definitely wouldn’t mind sitting in your lap for some snuggles.)
(Is Very relieved when he’s finally turned back into a demon, though. Never wants to experience that again and is Not opposed to punishing whoever cursed him.)
(With Diavolo’s permission.)
Don’t tell Asmo, because he’ll probably cry kick your ass, but Simeon is the prettiest as a cat. 
He doesn’t Totally mind being turned into one, either. If anything, this will make for interesting writing-experience. 
He’s way too nice as a cat. You don’t see his claws at all, ever. If he gets stuck in an unfavorable situation (cough cough, Satan trying to mother him) he’s more likely to run off than he is to put up a fight
He’s very graceful and quiet. 
Purrs when you pick him up, because he once heard that cat purrs are healing to humans. He doesn’t know if that’s actually true or not, but he does it anyways. 
He feels the safest with you, and definitely doesn’t mind when you scratch him behind the ears or hug him like a stuffed animal.
He won't just flop into your lap like some of the others -- most likely he’ll just kinda like. Weirdly lean against you. It’s cute though!
Honestly he’s gonna be content to just sit with you while you do your own thing. Maybe watch a movie or listen to some music with him, and he’ll be a-okay with it.
If you give him catnip. 
he will literally just lay on his back on his floor for HOURS and knock the fuck out.
(Why do you even have catnip? I dunno, you tell me)
You assume that he’s dreaming about the celestial realm. Or TSL. or like. The secrets of the universe.
You can literally move his body however you want -- stretch his leggies, open his mouth, flip him over, pick him up --literally Anything-- and he just Will Not wake up.
Lowkey you think you might have killed him
When he Does finally return to the land of the living, he’s just gonna wanna snuggle u. 
But also turn him back into an angel Now, this has been a (mostly) relaxing experience but he’s ready to go back to normal now, thank u sdfghj
(Well at least he’s a cat and not a dog)
He is,,, the littlest baby kitten ever. Save him, dear god, before any of the brothers find him
Seriously, he’s so small
You can hold him in just one hand :(( he’s just a little boy :((
Don’t put him in your pockets or anything tho, he’ll be Very upset if you do. He just wants to sit on your shoulder and scream at the world with unbridled fury.
He’s a bumper car kitten. His lil tail sticks straight up and he has a lil round tumby :((
You know how all kittens are basically born feral?
Apparently, ferality also applies to those who are turned into kittens.
Basically, he still has the attitude of a chihuahua. 
Hissing, spitting, swatting--his instincts to just smack the shit out of everything and anything are Always operating at 100%. he’s a little firecracker. 
Does that thing where cats will hold something and kick the shit out of it with their back paws.
He’s very feisty. 
It isn’t a big deal, at least until Mammon makes fun of him and kitten-Luke LAUNCHES off your shoulder at him, like a little furball-missile of claws and teeth.
(Mammon just kinda catches him by the scruff and hands him back to you--but he does leave him alone after that lol)
His ears are basically always flat on his head, because he’s constantly Very upset with this whole situation and doesn’t want ANYBODY coming near him that isn’t you, Simeon, or maybe Solomon. He prefers you and Simeon, though.
He Might let Beel near him. Maybe. 
(If he promises not to eat him.)
kitten-Luke is the most likely to knead blankets and pillows (and also probably your leg). He has no fucking clue why he’s doing it, but he can’t stop.
I hope you’re prepared for joint parental custody with Simeon, because that’s what’s going to happen sdfghjklkg
He’s very calm. It’s kind of unsettling. 
Will just sit on tables, watching everyone and everything in the room while his fluffy tail occasionally flicks around.
You can practically see the gears churning away in his mind while he observes. 
Will occasionally lift a single paw in the air, like he’s going to move or wants to say something, but then he will just sloooowly lower it again. Then just keeps staring.
He is the most likely to just wander off on his own. He just randomly vanishes, which is a Wee bit worrying, cause, y’know. He’s still shady.
You really don’t see much of him during his time as a cat. You have no idea where he’s going or what he’s up to, but he does occasionally bring you presents from his travels.
Even as a cat, he has the good sense to not bring you dead things. But you are a little concerned when he brings you a spell jar with glowing blue liquid in it. 
Like, what the fuck? Did he make it himself with his little cat paws?
Even after turning back into a human, he refuses to tell you how he got it. 
You keep it anyways.
Probably figures out how to talk with his normal voice, and scares the absolute shit out of you the first time he says something.
After he’s had his fun, he figures out himself how to turn back into a human and has you assist him with the process.
(Partially because he wants to study you, partially just because he likes you.)
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codenamed-queenie · 4 years
I am going insane. So I poured my restlessness into one long and very detailed post and got super into it. Please enjoy this hot mess.
The Justice League, being the well-meaning virus-proof Super Friends that they are, took one good look at the news, one good look at their non-powered friends Ollie, Bruce, and their families, and collectively decided that these normal humans must be Protected At All Costs.
Now, keep in mind, Bruce is never one to roll over when it comes to being benched. 
However, he understands the importance of social distancing. He knows he needs to set a good example for his kids, and keep up appearances as Gotham’s Most Responsible Multi-Billionaire. 
So. Quarantine it is. 
But how are his kids handling it?
Dick - 
100% on board in the beginning. Gotta do the Responsible Thing. Gotta set a Good Example. Besides, guys, this is gonna be Fun. Quality Family Time is always a Must.
He lasted 2 days. 
Then he started to get twitchy. 
And as everyone knows? A Trapped Dick Grayson is a Feral Dick Grayson.
He bounces off the walls.
“I have to climb.” 
“Dick, no.”  
“I have to climb everything.”
Has scaled the manor 16 times already. Has climbed the chandelier. The banister. Bruce. The roof. The Cave. Anything in the house that’s been bolted down and especially anything that hasn’t. 
Duke found him clinging to the wall 10 ft off the ground like Spiderman and screamed so loud it shattered glass. 
Desperate for news of the outside. 
He thrives off of it like a starving man. 
Was the one to suggest he and Barbara take a break to Social Distance from each other (”Sorry, babe, kissing spreads germs”) and experienced Instant Regret(TM) approximately 5 minutes after. 
The Family has labelled him a Flight Risk Level 1 (Most likely to say f**k it and make a break for the outside world)
Jason - 
Accidentally got trapped inside the manor with the others when Bruce called Shutdown. If he had his way, he’d be chilling in his favorite safe-house right now, binging The Witcher with Roy and Artemis, and not worrying about finding a stray brother in his sock drawer.
But he’s nothing if not an opportunist. 
The way he sees it, Jason has 3 options:
Self Improvement
Self Isolation (See Duke, Cass, and Damian)
Descension Into Madness (See Dick and Steph)
And, well, he always wanted to try a few things. Now he’s got the free time to do it.
So he settles on baking. 
Alfred’s got enough food and raw ingredients stored up to feed an army. (Not because he’s a Panic-Buying-Hoarder in times like these. But because he’s a Panic-Buying-Hoarder all the time. Just try feeding 11+ teenagers sometime.)
Uses recipes he finds off Google.
His first few attempts are, in a word, ‘tragic’.
Alfred slips him a few of his recipe cards, and Jason suddenly starts seeing Results. 
Turns out he’s pretty good at this baking thing once he gets the hang of it. 
Hope everyone’s okay eating nothing but pie, macaroons, biscuits, and whatever else Jason whips up. 
Cause that’s gonna be the only food left by the time he’s done. 
Barbara - 
Self-quarantined with her dad. 
They’ve been binge-watching classic black and white movies together.
It’s a fun time, but she’s started to get a little antsy. Loving her dad and wanting to be around him 24/7 are, understandably, mutually exclusive. 
Calls the manor to video-chat every day.
For her sanity just as much as theirs. 
Gives everyone little challenges to film on their phones and send in. She makes compilations of everyone’s submissions so they can all watch and laugh together. 
Bonus points for Creativity
One comp shows the family trying to drop Mentos into coke bottles. 
Dick did a handstand, and dropped his Mento from the second story balcony. 
Tim did it wearing the Batman cowl. The soda exploded into his face, and the rest of the video is just Bruce’s Shrieking.
Stephanie tried it, but the bottle tipped. Everyone on camera screamed as the bottle rocketed through the front window. 
She spends most of her calls having one-on-one convos with Dick.
They’ve come up with little code phrases so they can be Cheesy even with family members lurking in the background. 
She thinks the way he clings to the monitor is cute. 
Almost like he’s giving her a hug through the screen. 
(It’s easier than letting herself worry about his mental state, at least)
Tim -
Oh this boy.
Freaked out for the first five minutes before he decided ‘hey wait, Bruce is letting me stay in my pajamas all day? Noice.’ 
Now he’s just vibing.
The rest of his family is Low-Key shielding him.
He Has No Spleen, you see.
Steph: “Someone could cough on him and he could die!”
He just goes about his day, playing Animal Crossing like there’s no tomorrow, tinkering on projects, taking naps, etc. Living his best life.
Meanwhile there’s always someone lurking behind him, keeping watch, keeping him safe. 
Dick sneezed within 5 feet of Tim once (the fact that he was on top of the dusty bookshelf Tim was perusing is irrelevant)
Jason still full-body tackled him the second Tim’s back was turned. 
No one with any symptoms--
Like, any symptoms. They don’t even have to be Corona-related.
--is allowed within 10 feet of Tim. 
Tim has been wandering the manor for weeks, now, without seeing another human being. 
(He sees Dick on the ceiling sometimes, but that doesn’t really count)
He’s been trying increasingly drastic pranks and shenanigans to draw someone, anyone, out. 
But it doesn’t matter how many times he steals Damian’s sword, or sets fire to Jason’s brownie bites.
Nobody wants to risk it. 
Cass - 
No one has seen her since quarantine started.
Everyone is approximately 87% sure she’s somewhere in the manor though
Because she does eat the meals Alfred leaves out for her.
Or at least someone does, at any rate. 
(Jason and Santa top the running suspects list)
Santa was Steph’s suggestion. For some reason it snowballed. 
It’s assumed that Cass misunderstood the meaning of ‘social distancing’ and took it too far. 
But no one knows for sure. 
She is Tim’s Guardian Angel. 
People who so much as clear their throats a little too loudly anywhere near him suddenly wake up on a different floor of the house four hours later. 
Duke came closest to spotting her while he was up in the attic. 
Either that, or there’s another Creepy Sister everyone forgot to tell him about living up there.
She is silent, and watchful, sticking to the shadows, but she does leave the occasional note out to brighten her siblings’ day. 
Things like ‘helo i love u’ and ‘hop u ar ok’  mostly. 
She is bound and determined to protect her family from this invisible threat, no matter the cost. 
Steph - 
Like Dick, she was Super Pumped at first. 
(Just kind of showed up at Wayne Manor before quarantine was enacted. The original purpose of her visit is unclear, but regardless, she’s Trapped.)
Also Like Dick, her descent into madness was swift.
She is impossible to pin down. 
Not like Cass or Damian, who’ve stayed off the grid, and are therefore Untraceable. 
No. She’s impossible to pin down, because she never stops moving. 
Switches seamlessly between Zumba on top of the Giant Dinosaur in the Batcave, and furiously knitting Alfred (the Cat) a sweater with a pair of Tim’s used chopsticks. 
Braided everyone’s hair while they were asleep.
Even Bruce’s. 
She tried to do Tim’s, but somehow blacked out and regained consciousness in the attic. 
When she woke up with a scream and a furiously twitching eye, she startled Duke out of his Makeshift Fort he built out of old cardboard boxes and antique furniture. He’s had to resort to finding a new hiding place. 
Sometimes, on the rare occasions she does sit still, staring off into the distance, she’ll suddenly start laughing hysterically. This may last between thirty seconds and thirty minutes, depending entirely on how long it’s been since she’s knitted a cat sweater or done cartwheels through every room in the house.
Blew up the greenhouse out back, somehow.
Everyone has agreed not to talk about it.
Some people were built to handle prolonged time inside their homes.
Stephanie Brown is not that way.
Damian - 
Damian Wayne Cannot Be Contained.
At least not inside the house. 
He took off thirty-six hours into quarantine. 
Thanks to the security equipment around the borders of the Wayne Estate, he can’t escape the grounds. 
(He’s tried and failed multiple times. Jason and Bruce have a running bet on how many times the perimeter alarms will go off per day.)
(Jason is winning.)
He wanders the grounds with Titus as his only companion. 
The two of them run laps, practice drills, and find ways to occupy their time. 
No one’s entirely sure what those ways are. 
In fact, nobody knows exactly where Damian is at any given time. 
Only that he is Out There. 
And he’s the best security system Wayne Manor’s ever had. 
So far, he’s stopped five groups of civilians scaling the perimeter walls before the lasers and electric nets even have a chance to deploy.
They were trying to break in and steal supplies. 
(Even ones they already had in surplus. Like Toilet Paper.)
He’s also stopped Dick from escaping twelve (12) times.
Drags him back by his shirt collar and deposits him on the welcome mat. 
Usually with a note for Alfred/Jason, requesting more fruit tarts. 
Duke - 
Did not leave the attic for two weeks. 
Then Steph discovered his hiding spot (read: was dumped there by Cassandra) which forced him to relocate to the basement. 
Yes, it turns out Wayne Manor does have a basement. 
This was a surprise to Duke, who always thought that the Batcave was Bruce Wayne’s basement. 
Alfred keeps him supplied with all the necessities:
i.e. food, magazines, assorted pastries from Jason’s latest batch, usually straight out of the oven.
Duke also snagged the Manor’s Alexa. 
She has become a sort of ‘Wilson’ to Duke’s ‘Chuck Noland’.
She is his only comfort. His only ally. 
He’s determined to wait out this quarantine, doing his best to avoid the others. 
Duke has seen these people under pressure. 
He knows exactly what he’s dealing with. 
Duke: “Alexa is the only motherf****r in this madhouse I ever respected.”
*offended butler noises from the other room*
Duke: “And also Alfred.”
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jay-and-dean · 4 years
Sweat and Dirt and Cum
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Demon Dean x Reader
Summary : Calling Demon Dean because you miss Dean... Bad bad idea.
Warnings : SMUT (yeah you read the title), like kinda dark (it’s Deanmon !), hair pulling, Dom!Deanmon, total marking kink, mh... blood ? A hint of dirty talk and anal play ? I think that’s it. Swearing of f*cking course.
Note :  This is my part of @holylulusworld​‘s 11k Celebration. I know it’s a big drabble... I promised you a round 3 Lulu... I wasn’t kidding. Congratulation again.
Also this is my first Demon Dean fic.
Wordcount : 1.2k
Tugging at the too short dress of your angel costume, you shiver. The night is cold and, out here on that parking lot, you can barely hear the loud music playing inside of the bar so no one would hear you call.
“That was a bad idea” you mutter to yourself, licking the liquor on your lips and looking in the dark surrounding you in a mix of fear and excitement. “Bad… bad idea.”
It was the worst idea indeed.
You Miss Dean painfully, yes… But he is not himself anymore, he is not your boyfriend. He is the monster he always fought now. And he proved it when he abandoned you, like Sammy, with that stupid note : “Let me go.”
“An angel, Y/n… Really ?” a voice makes you jump and your phone falls on the floor in a cracking sound that makes you hiss.
Then your eyes eagerly search the shadows behind the reach of the pallid street light above your head. Your body is shaking and a cold drop of sweat is running down your spine.
Dean is dangerous, a trained killer with torture skills. You never really thought of it when he was human, because he was a good man, but now, he’s a knight of Hell. And you texted him your location…
“Where are you ?” you ask shakily, not knowing in which direction to talk.
A shadow moves, black on black, and his silhouette tears itself away from the dark, entering the street light.
Your body shivers, your stomach is hurting with terror, but every cell of your body is screaming for him. Your love, your obsession, everything you have been missing for the pass months.
“You didn’t invite me to your little Halloween party… Angel” he smirks with an expression on his perfect face that you never knew before.
“Why would I ?” you say, trying to swallow the tears in your trembling voice. “You left.”
“So why did you call ?” his eyes turn black.
That’s when you notice the blood on his sleeves, the blood on his shoes, fresh… Everywhere.
“Oh God…” you let out a terrified sob. “What were you doing…”
“Angel, why did you call ?” he insists, taking a few steps closer that look totally threatening.
“I don’t know” you cry, honest. “I was at that party and drank a little and…”
Now standing in front of you, he lets his hands gently go up your naked arms, and touch, with the tip of his bloody fingers, the feathers of the white wings you’re carrying in your back. You sigh at his touch, tears still rolling down your face.
You missed him so much, and you need him like crazy, so you lean on his caress, ignoring the pitch black monstrosity in his eyes.
But all of sudden, his hand fists your hair brutally, making your head go back in a pained gasp.
“Why. Did. You. Call” he groans, closer to your ear.
“I…” you sob with no more tears, but his strong arm tugs even harder at your hair, so much that it hurts your neck. “I MISS YOU !” you finally let out in a desperate scream.
“Oh I miss you too Angel” he chuckles darkly, his tongue darting out to lick at your neck. “Put your little hand on my cock and feel how much” you don’t really move. “Hand on my cock, now.”
Not able to look down because of how hard he’s holding your hair, you let your hesitant hand grab his crotch, and feel liquid fill your panties.
“On my cock, Angel, not on my jeans” he groans, biting your pulse point hard with his perfect sharp teeth.
You cry out, tugging at your own hair to get free of his cruel grip, but he won’t let go.
“Dean…” you whimper, torn, scared and needy. “Stop those games, take me please… I miss us…”
A dreadful laugh comes out of his chest.
“How fucking desperate” he mocks you, his other hand playfully spreading blood on your cleavage.
You open his belt with trembling hands, push the zipper down and slip inside of his pants, finding no underwear, only his hard cock pushing at the rough fabric of his jeans.
“Dean…” you moan, your walls clenching around nothing, again and again, begging for him.
“Make me want it, Angel” he smirks, forcing your mouth open with his bloody hand to lick inside it.
You start pumping his length, moaning at the feeling of his veins and silky skin, going down to his balls occasionally. He groans in your neck sucking a hickey somewhere it can’t be hidden.
“More” he orders as he crushes you against the cold and soot darken wall behind you.
Your neck still slightly angled back, you close your eyes, trying to ignore the blood on him and the pain in your scalp, to focus on the smell of Dean, his skin, and everything you ever loved. Your other hand joins the one working to focus on the head of his twitching cock.
“Fuck yes” he moans. “You want me that bad, you’re pathetic.”
When he lets go of your hair, you gasp in relief, the burning feeling wetting your eyes.
He turns you, crushing your face on the tiles, and once again your inner walls throb in anticipation. His hand roughly cups your sex.
“I feel you fucking clench through your panties !” his bloody fingers start rubbing from your entrance to your clit harshly, sending your craving body close to the edge already. You can feel his nails scratch the wet fabric against your swollen clit and you know you’re soaking his hand.
“Please…” you whine, panting with your face against the dirty wall.
A cold feeling on your butt makes you look back and you jump in sudden fear. The First Blade.
“Sh… I won’t kill you, Angel” he lets out with a vicious chuckle. “I want you alive…” the blade cuts your panties easily, and they fall at your ankles. “I want you to walk back in that Halloween shit” his fingers come back to your folds, spreading your wetness from your aching clit to your asshole. “And I want you to walk funny when you look for my brother” his fingers tease your entrance and you try not to think of who’s blood it is on it. “Your pretty wings and dress all bloody, skin bruised and covered in hickeys” he moves to tease your other hole, making it pulsate under his expert fingers. “All filthy with sweat and dirt and cum.”
With that, and without any other warning, he bends you more and pushes his so desired cock inside of you in a sharp and brutal thrust that makes you cry out loudly.
“W-wait…” you gasp, needing a second to adjust. “D-dean.”
His face comes closer to yours, eyes flashing black again. Your thighs shake hard as you try to delay the orgasm already threatening to crush you.
“There is no waiting” he thrusts again so hard your body bangs on the dusty wall, a feral growl makes his chest vibrate on your back. “You take me, Angel. You take me everywhere and in every ways, then you can sit in my car, dripping on the seats while Sammy drives you home.”
(send an ask if you want to be tagged)
Tags : @parinarain​ @mogaruke​ @masterof-agony​ @rainflowermoon @tftumblin​ @deans-baby-momma​ @roonyxx​ @thefaithfulwriter​ @vicariouslythruspn​ @emeow1496​ @daryldixonandfrogs​ @holylulusworld​  @cocklesbelli​ @sandlee44​ @screenchingartisancashbailiff @donnaintx​ @stormchasingchick32​ @akshi8278​ @magssteenkamp​ @sister-winchesters99​ @neii3n​  @lyss-dw79​ @im-a-shrub @sadwaywardkid​@hopelesslydevotedtoyou1912 @slyqueenj​ @i-love-superhero​ @waywardsisterandpie @sunsetsandbooks​​ @fangirlxwritesx67​ @mrspeacem1nusone​​ @stylesismyhubs​​ @deanwanddamons​​ @jawritter​​ @peridottea91​​ @chelsea072498 @chocolateheart​​ @vicmc624​​ @teresa-67​​ @jessie-michael​​ @doctor-hp-mcu​​ @hawkerz12​​ @mariaenchanted​
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local-ground-apple · 4 years
Hi! May I request headcanons for Ace, Leona, Floyd, Riddle, and Kalim being jealous when they see their female crush being close with someone else? Thank you!!
I hope you will enjoy it, apple🍎
On y va~~
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🦁 is his herbivore close with others? Honestly, he doesn’t mind it. If you expected him to growl, then you were wrong,
🦁 or maybe you didn’t?
🦁 you’re being besties with Ruggie? Cool. Hanging out with Jack? That’s great. Practicing in a band with Cater? You’re doing great, sweetie. Whispering something while leaning close to Epel? Leona – unfazed
🦁 well, everything changed when during one of band’s practices you met Malleus (through Lilia) and somehow you two grew rather close very fast,
🦁 for Leona it seemed as if he had woken up from one his naps and puff, suddenly you and his archnemesis were best friends. However, he knows that it doesn’t mean you hate to detest Malleus too, 
🦁 you hadn’t noticed how his tail twitched in annoyance or when his ears flicked back as he glared at you and Malleus, 
🦁  well, at first,
“Malmal, I have an invitation for you~~”
🦁 when his sensitive ears heard that cutesy nickname you had for Malleus, Leona lost it, 
🦁 he would come to you two, scaring you when you felt his arm tightly wrap around your waist. You could feel his hot breath on your neck, as his sharp teeth slightly grazed your skin
“Malmal? That’s something new. Why don’t you come up with a nickname for me too, hmm, herbivore?” 
“Are you perhaps jealous or....?” 
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🐚 may the person with whom you are close starts praying to whatever god they believe in, cause when that eel is jealous, he goes feral,
🐚 absolutely feral,
🐚 nothing can stop him, not even the fact that you two aren’t dating. Yet is a crucial word here,
🐚 Floyd doesn’t take nicely the fact that someone is being touchy-feely with his precious shrimpy (even if you aren’t together). He’s possessive, aggressive and volatile, 
🐚 Floyd will start with gentle persuasion from his part. His subtle threats, razor sharp teeth nibbling on your neck and a good old lil’ squeeze will surely make that person leave you alone, bah, they wouldn’t even dare to approach you within the distance of 5km,
🐚 let’s just say, that next day your neck would be dotted with rosy and violet marks of his sharp teeth. Oh and now you are certainly taken,
🐚  no one dares to get closer to you anymore now that everyone knows that Floyd has taken a keen interest in you,
🐚  Floyd usually tolerates you being friends with his brother. Usually. If you pay too much attention to Jade, expect him to pout and wrap his arms tightly around you in almost suffocating grip,
🐚  oh and even more marking. Floyd loves leaving not only his scent on you, but he adores leaving bites and bloody kisses on your neck. So everyone could see that you’re his, 
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🥀 surprisingly it’s not “off with your head” for your close companion,
🥀 at least for now. It’s rather inevitable because suddenly Riddle is looking for any, tiniest mistake from your friend. So it’s only a matter of time, before a collar will adorn his neck,
🥀 Riddle does rather poor job with hiding his jealousy – you can see his flushed face which gets redder with every passing second and hear his puffs of annoyance and glares, 
🥀 oh those constant piercing glares which would scare practically everyone (maybe not Diasomnia),
🥀 if it’s someone from Heartslabyul, Riddle will be even stricter with that boy who dared to get close to you. Dorm leader imposes even more inexplicable rules on your friend, pinpoints every, tiniest mistake and assigns even more choreos to do than usual,
🥀 Riddle does his best to keep your poor friend busy who suddenly wouldn’t have much time to meet with you, 
🥀 but don’t worry, Riddle is here to invite you to his tea party and sooner or later you can expect a proper confession from him, 
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🃏 Ace is pretty reasonable. He knows very well that you can have friends and hang out with them. Besides, you’re two aren’t even together, so he shouldn’t feel jealous, right?
🃏 No. No, he’s not jealous. Okay, so...yes. He was practically oozing with jealousy,
🃏 but why it’s Deuce of all people? Deuce? Your taste surely isn’t the greatest, is it? You certainly could do better than him, 
🃏 he definitely feels neglected and jealous, since you’re spending a lot of time with Deuce working on a project you two were assigned to do, 
🃏 Ace starts teasing and pulling pranks on Deuce even more often than usual. Behold the great mastermind Ace Trappola, 
🃏 tags along with you two all the time, literally all the time. Even if you’re working on a project, there’s a high chance Ace will be there sipping on his ice americano and glaring at Deuce, 
🃏 bluntly asks confused Deuce whether he has feelings for you. When he gets negative answer 
🃏 Ace gets tad bolder with you. His arm hangs around your shoulders a bit more often than usual, he’s starting to get flirtier with you and gosh, his constant compliments and cocky remarks are never failing to make you blush, 
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🦂 Kalim is too oblivious for his own good,
🦂 so it took him a while to figure out that strange feeling and annoyance he felt when particuliar person was way too close to you, to his liking,
🦂  it was Jamil who straight up asked him whether he was jealous. That’s when Kalim realised that yes indeed, he was a bit jealous,
🦂 or more than a little bit,
🦂 at first Kalim ignores that nasty feeling and buries it deep down inside his heart. Yet he can’t stand the sight of you with someone else laughing together or giving each other occasional hug. However, he’s not exactly that good in acting as Vil and you’re not exactly dense, so you soon notice that something is wrong,
🦂  usually cheerful and merry Kalim begins to get pouty and a little clingy. He does everything to get your attention finally focused on him, 
🦂 obviously you focus on him, not really getting his behavior. You had your suspicions and when Jamil confirmed that you were right, oh boy,
🦂 you began teasing Kalim until he finally confessed to you.
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angrylizardjacket · 3 years
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it's in the blood // this is tradition
Summary: Children inherit all sorts of traits from their parents. Not all these traits are good.
"My reputation preceded me before I was born."
[ charlotte & lola au ]
A/N: 2292 words. Halsey's new album killed me on the spot. i talk a lot about the next gen being mirrors of their parents, but i'd like to go into detail about that not necessarily being a positive. @misscharlottelee this made me feel things. i love these kids.
Warnings: overdose mention, addiction discussion, mentions of drug abuse.
Penelope Dingley-Lee
Tommy can count the amount of times he'd seen Razzle truly angry on one hand, and here and now he can see it again, written all over his neice's face. He'd thought she would look like Charlie when she's angry, and occasionally she does, the way her lip curls derisively, dismissively, that's very reminiscent of his cousin, but here and now, her blue eyes are hazy, cloudy, and her lips twist with an irate arrogance that is worryingly familiar.
Angry and high and wearing clothes that don't quite match, in this moment she's exactly her father's daughter.
She's been in the papers again. Her tits have been in magazines again. Tommy bites down on his instinctual desire to repremand her; she'd call him a hypocrite, call him an old man, tell him to keep his opinions to himself while she could still buy his sex tape out of a shady car boot down the street.
Charlie was like that too, on occasion, wit too quick for him to keep up with. When she got into a mood like this, Tommy didn't have to worry so much; usually Razzle would egg her on, but knew when to pull her back.
"It's my god given, motherfucking right to go feral -" he'd heard Charlie back in the eighties holler at three in the morning, high on amphetamines and waving a gossip rag above her head. Razzle would be on the sofa, equally fucked up, but gazing at her like she hung the stars in the sky.
"Lola gets photographed at least once a month stark naked along the strip like it's a sport, why is my Playboy shoot a national crisis?! My tits are fantastic!"
"They are, my love," Razzle nods seriously, and Tommy pulls his pillow from beneath his head, trying to either block out their voices through the thin walls, or maybe smother himself. The girl beside him, the groupie whose name he doesn't know, asks blearily why there's so much yelling. Tommy doesn't answer.
A week later, Tommy is the one to bail out Charlie and Razzle for public indecency, and they're both beaming from ear to ear.
Here in the present, Penny is draped out on the sofa, laughing low and pleased as she watches TV.
"TMZ blurred out my tits," she snorts, "cowards."
"Penny..." he can't help the faintly disappointed notes in his voice when he says her name.
"Thomas, I've read The Dirt," Penny fires back venemously. Hypocrite he hears in her tone, you have no power over me.
There's something hollow in her eyes in the photos he sees of her in the papers. She wears her father's inflluence and her heart on her crushed velvet sleeve, on the arm of a shallow, pretty, band boy who plays badly and loudly. But she laughs louder, though tthe sound is low and unconvincing if anyone bothered to listen hard enough, and Tommy wonders if he has enough dark hair dye left for when that boy breaks her heart.
Jupiter Lee
Tommy is proud to watch Jupiter on stage, but he is afraid.
Their anger is something he remembers from Lola, the way they cling to the past with vitriol echoes their mother, but on stage, they drink up the attention, get high off the love the audience gives, and he sees himself in those moments.
A child of addicts, Jupiter had drawn lines in the sand for themselves that they refused to cross; no alcohol, no drugs, and they'd stayed loyal to that. But highs come in all forms; they simply picked a different kind of poison without realising.
On stage, halfway between the gutter and a god complex, Tommy knows the smile they wear all too well.
Rebellion from Jupiter didn't shock the world like it did when it was Penny's name in the papers. Jupiter's trajectory was spot on in the eyes of the public, but rebellion wouldn't be the thing that broke them.
Once, so long ago that it's a miracle the memory survived, Tommy remembers asking Lola what she would be doing if she wasn't with the band. Lola gave him an easy, bleary smile, laughing sweetly when she told him that one way or another, she'd be here. In the moment it overwhelms him with love. In hindsight it breaks his heart.
"Come on, I think this is inevitable," Jupiter smiles on television as an interviewer asks them the same question; if they weren't making music what they'd be doing, "as if I'd do anything other than this."
'Don't you know where I come from?' is left unspoken, but Tommy still hears it.
He tries to picture himself in a life without the world at his feet the way he has now. No image comes to mind. Nothing else makes sense. Even if he wanted to do something else, wanted to grow up to be something else, he couldn't even begin to picture it for himself, tragedy and all.
They play their parts. They let history repeat itself. Jupiter makes mistakes Tommy and Lola had already learned from. Penny plays Jupiter's conciousness until the role grates on her nerves, diving head first into chaos, taking Jupiter with her with little convincing.
Tommy remembers this too.
When the world looks at Penny and Jupiter, they like to remember how Lola was seen as a bad influence on Charlotte, but forget that Tommy would have followed Charlotte in to Hell without hesitation.
Leo "Seo" Sixx
Lola has google alerts set up for her son, Seo, because he disappears for months without warning. Tommy asks how he is, and Lola looks to her phone with a tight smile, telling him that he's competeing in a skateboarding competition in Prague. She learned that from Twitter.
Seo comes and goes without warning, and talks to his siblings more than his parents. He loves them, but he hasn't allowed himself to stop for years. He doesn't know how. Then again, neither did Lola or Nikki.
"Jupiter thinks a lot about legacy, don't they?" He's in Tommy's kitchen, eating a poptart, when Tommy returns home one friday evening. He's waiting for Penny and Jupiter to finish getting ready, the three of them going out.
"Do your parents know you're in town?" Tommy asks with faint amusement, though there's a twinge of guilt in his gut when Leo considers that he should probably let them know. Says he forgot. Tommy's not sure if he believes him; like his parents before him, he tends to leave a lot unsaid. It's part of his charm, the world seems to think, but Tommy knows all to well how deliberate of an act it can be.
"Jup's got all this stuff in their head about legacy and who they should be," he continues his earlier thought, "which I guess makes sense, they tie a lot of themselves up in their identity," he shrugs, then, "I don't know Leo."
Tommy's not sure if he's talking about the grandfather he's named after, or himself.
"You've given this a lot of thought," Tommy says quietly, humouring him.
"I think a lot," Seo responds, "I've been thinking about going back on my meds, its weird being off of them." Of course this concerns Tommy, who knows objectively that Seo isn't his kid, but he's close enough that Tommy feels like he's allowed to be concerned. "I'm worried a doctor's note isn't going to be enough to let me compete at the Olympics on speed," falls too casually from Seo's lips, alarming Tommy in an instant. Though it must clearly show on his face, as Seo breaks out into an apologetic grin, "dextroamphetamine, for my ADHD. I've been trying to wean off it for the Olympics, it's been hard -" but his next words, said so blithe, so casual, have Tommy's heart stopping in his chest as he's thrown back thirty years, "I've been on them since I was like eleven years old; it was great, I could think, like the right amount, but now I... I think everything. I feel everything. Its a lot." He shrugs, like he didn't just become an echo of his father.
Seo's parents both died twice from overdoses, and now their son feels like he can't function without amphetamines.
Objectively Tommy knows that they work for Seo, that he's not abusing them he simply uses them to help him function, but the irony is not lost on him. It's a lot to unpack. He doesn't think to ask about the Olympics; it slips his mind until he sees Seo and a silver medal on his Twitter feed.
Lola calls Tommy in tears. She's proud, but she wishes she'd known, wishes she'd been able to watch it live, or go over and support him in person.
No-one in Seo's life seems to fully know or understand his intentions or actions, no-one can predict his next move. He puts up a bright facade, but like his parents before him, he does not trust the world to know him.
They don't know where he goes in the few months after the Olympics, all they know is that he doesn't come home.
Cerie "CerieThree" Sixx
Since she'd turned sixteen, Tommy has never seen Cerie Sixx without a smile. That is a very deliberate choice that she's made.
She's made a choice to rise above the percieved grime of her origins. She's halfway across the country, smiling for a camera she can control, editing her image before she lets it out into the world. Cerie Three - even the name the world knows reflects this; she's picked apart the context she was born into, disecting it, deciding which was useful to show the world, disposing of the rest.
She speaks warmly to her family, from what Tommy can gather, but the people on the peripheries of their life seem more like associates in the coldest sense of the world. Her smile doesn't reach her eyes half the time when she sees Tommy, and she shakes his hand when her brothers will hug him. The internet is closer to her than he is.
Cerie looks the most like her mother of all her siblings; she's 21, the exact same age Lola was when she met Tommy, but half the time he can barely see the resemblence. Lola had let the world see a villain at that age; Cerie had learned from that, had rejected that, rejected the cold, hard humanity of her mother's fronting. Cerie wanted to be perfect. Cerie had to be perfect, hyper aware of her own image, like her siblings seem to be, but the way she'd so effectively shaped her public identity was kind of terrifying.
Perhaps this was what it was like for people who didn't know Lola, only allowed to know the image she put out into the world, or people who only knew Nikki for his stage presence.
But the more Tommy thinks about it, the more he remembers just how effectively Lola had wrapped the band around her little finger when she set her mind to it, how she talked her way around exectives despite being dressed like she'd woken up in the gutter and fucked up on any number of drugs. Lola understood people, and it seemed Cerie did too.
Cerie Sixx, twenty one, doesn't stop creating content, doesn't stop studying, and doesn't stop smiling. Two of those three things are inhereted traits, inhereted determination, and the third is a choice.
Cyrus Sixx
Though Cyrus had inhereted much of his parent's musical talent, the same way Jupiter had, Cyrus had also inhereted a love of the high life. Even so, he's so full of love, kissing his mother on both cheeks before he goes out to get shitfaced in the bars she was decades before he was even born.
He works hard, at his job, on his music, but his partying matches it just as well. He knows exactly how far he has to fall before he meets the depths his parents' had sunk to, and though he doesn't voice this, his arrogance comes across in his actions.
There'd always be someone to pull him away from swan diving to rock bottom. He takes that for granted, and keeps getting closer and closer.
The only one of Nikki and Lola's children who still lives at home, he's the only one like them in the way they'd feared.
"He's going to have more success than he will ever be able to comprehend," Nikki had told Tommy, the day after Cyrus had been admitted to hospital after staying up for four days while high and obsessing over a song he had been working on. Nikki had found him having a fit after having fallen from his desk chair. Now, sitting on Tommy's patio in the sunset, he looks tired, he looks afraid, "if he doesn't end up killing himself first."
A month ago, the fire department and the police had to pull him, kicking and screaming and bareass naked from a tree in the middle of town. His parents had bailed him out, had felt a familiar sting of guilt as they find themselves reminded of their own youthful exploits. They repremand him, of course, but they both know the only reason they stopped climbing trees was because there had been no-one to pick them up after.
Nikki sees himself in his sons mistakes, but he'd had to learn concequences the hard way.
Tommy loves his family and all it's strange branches, as well as their raucous youth, but his closest friends were some of the most volatile people he'd known, and somehow he'd forgotten that as time as taken people and memories from him.
But these children were made in their image.
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realcube · 4 years
Haikyuu girls // The Strap - NSFW headcanons
pairings: kiyoko x reader, yachi x reader, saeko x reader
summary: you and your s/o decide to add a bit of spice to your sex so y’all use a strap - the following headcanons are how I think they’ll use it/react..
tw// aged-up au!, (she/her) reader, vagina-having reader, sexual intercourse, strap-ons, WLW sex, fingering, oral (receiving and giving), swearing, exhibition 
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Kiyoko Shimizu
honestly, you’re both very diplomatic when it comes to deciding who gives and who receives
whenever y’all do it, the mood kinda just decides for itself
however, since both y’all were just blankly staring at the bright pink object that sat in the middle of the bed, Kiyoko figured that she’d take one for the team
also, since it was her who suggested and bought the item, she thought it would only be fair if she gave it try first
so, she guided you through the steps of putting it on while strapping it onto herself
then, once she was done, she bent you over and got to it 
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
Your eyes rolled back into your head from the unholy mix of ecstasy and pain Kiyoko made you feel. Never before have you felt so full. The way she mastered the smooth plastic toy so it occasionally brushed against your g-spot left you salivating and begging for more - just how she intended. “Kiyoko~” You whined, pushing your face out of the blankets so she could hear your desperate pleas, “M- Muh, More! Please..” 
A light pant left Kiyoko’s lip as she retracted one of her hand from your waist to reach down at trace sloppy circles around her clit, but she was a lot more sensitive than she thought she would be so after that small bit of stimulation, she involuntarily tossed her head back and let out a low moan.
That was part of the reason she wanted to refrain from touching herself while pounding into you but the sight of your dripping pussy being stretched out by her strap along with the high-pitch mewls you let out was more than enough to leave her with a throbbing cunt and weak knees. 
Without a word, she altered her movements so that she was now thrusting into you at a rapid pace, every movement of her hip directed at the spot you pleaded to be stimulated and upon your request, Kiyoko delivered. However, not without a cost. At this point, your g-spot was getting used and abused so quickly, your body was barely able to keep up.
Lewd wails escaped your throat, your mind clouded with pleasure and euphoria yet you were still conscious enough to notice that the slight vibrating of your thighs could only mean one thing. 
Despite the fact you were struggling to breath through all the erotic sensations throughout your body, let alone think - as soon as you felt your orgasm arise, the natural instinct to ask for permission managed to muster up enough energy to allow you to croak out, “May I?”
Kiyoko couldn’t help but giggle, gently caressing you waist with one hand and abandoning her needy clit to attend to your puckered hole. “You’ve been a good girl.” She mused, a low groan falling from her lips as he speed decreased slightly just to tease you. “Go on.”
Her deacceleration barely effected you as by the time those words had reached your ears, you were already halfway through your climax. Bliss shot through your body, sending shivers down your arched spine and to your legs, which was promptly followed by a pornographic moan. “Sh..Shimzu!~”
Upon hearing you finish, Kiyoko slowly pulled out the strap to provide you with some relief before taking it off, throwing it aside and attacking her pussy with her fingers - clearly, she had been left unsatisfied after being aroused by your messy, horny state. 
You looked over at her and were simply unable to stifle a giggle. However, you weren’t the one laughing when you tried to stand up to walk over there and help her but then you realised you couldn’t feel your legs. “C’mere.” You commanded, seeming slightly less dominant since you were still panting from when she was railing you just a few seconds ago, “I’ll finish you off.”
Hitoka Yachi 
she rarely ever gives and this was no exception
(well, by that I mean she is a bottom but when it comes to giving gifts and stuff she is extra af but that is a whole other headcanon)
in fact, she was actually the one who bought the strap 
however, it was now you who inserting it into her 
but you both like it that way!
bc she usually hates being on top since she’s always scared that she’ll hurt you or leave you unsatisfied 
anyway, you both mutually agreed that you were the top - despite the fact that y’all only do it once every millennium-
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
You finished deciphering the instruction and managed to put the god-forsaken thing on - and the fact that you had little to no hand-to-eye coordination probably didn’t help. ( Throwback to that one time you momentarily pulled out and then when you tried to plug your fingers back in, you accidentally ended up aggressively poking Yachi’s labia.)
“Okay,” You looked up, biting your lip upon seeing Yachi in nothing but lingerie with the dim candle’s lit in the background, making her look heavenly. The character develop - you sighed, recalling the first time y’all had intercourse and she insisted the lights had to be complete off and her oversized shirt and thigh-high socks stayed on. Not that you had a problem with that - in fact, you found it quite charming - but it was just amazing to see how much more confidence she’s gained.
You shook your head in attempt to shake away all the off-topic thoughts, “Are you sure you want me to do this?” You inquired, eyes soft and exchanging a loving gaze with her. “I don’t want you to feel pressured into doing this.” Although, it was Yachi’s idea to invest in a strap-on but you’d rather be safe than sorry as she might’ve changed her mind since then. 
Yachi nodded, her signature sweet yet awkward smile gracing her lip while she fidgeted with the lace on the edges of the red panties she wore. “Oh, yes. I’m sure! I-I’ll be sure to tell you if it’s too much though.” She stuttered, losing her train of thought at the sight of you wearing the article. A deep blush rushed to her cheeks and she tried to stifle a snicker, “Safe-word: ‘waffles’, right?”
Waffles; a parallel to the name of your dog - Pancakes - which Yachi thought was so cute and fun but you - for obvious reasons - felt uncomfortable with her, in any case, screaming your dogs name in bed. So, you changed the word to Waffles. 
You hummed in agreement, sending her one last kind smile before a mischievous grin made it’s way onto your face. “Bend over.” You demanded, glancing down to look at the massive piece of shmeat erect on your vagina; you’d by lying if you said it didn’t make you at least the slightest bit uneasy - but you had to push through, for Yachi! 
Saeko Tanaka
at this point, you were used to Saeko whipping out the weirdest shit and using it during intercourse
if anything, a strap-on was pretty vanilla and conventional compared to the other things Saeko has used with you
which include (but not limited to): a wooden spoon, a candle, a TV remote, an Xbox controller, a whisk, ice-cubes in the shape of people, a needle,  lego brick(s), a sandal, a guitar, a broom, a lava-lamp, a ketchup bottle, a hairbrush, a straightener, multiple bottles of shampoo (since she only uses the tiny bottles that she steals from hotels), her gear stick, a D20 and a pack of instant noodles. 
so obviously you were pleasantly surprised when Saeko actually went out and bought a real sex toy instead of just using one of her make-shift ones. 
“Only the best for you, princess!” 
oh, and this goes without saying, she’s a top
it’s not that you’re a bottom though because you are from it as you’ve attempted to top her on multiple occasions 
but it just never goes your way so no matter how dominant and/or persistent you are, you always end up receiving 
not that you have a problem with it but- when I say she goes hard, she goes hard
literally she’ll stop whatever she is going if you seem even remotely horny and as soon as you give her consent to go further, it’s game over for you, honey
also, she is very much an exhibitionist so she really doesn’t care if she’s being to loud while her brother/his friends are over
in short, when you saw that bright pink toy lying on her bed sheet especially for you - it didn’t take long for you to realise that you should probably pre-book a few days off from work because you won’t be able to walk for the next week- 
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
“Shut up, babe.” Saeko hissed at you, a evil smirk tugging at the corner of her lips, “They’re studying downstairs.”- not that she cared, she just enjoyed seeing you frustrated. So she couldn’t help but laugh at how much of  a mess you were, sweat matting your hair to your forehead, your ass cheeks red from Saeko’s unmerciful palm, your leg twitching as you approached your orgasm and your mouth full of lewd moans being forced shut as Saeko insisted that you quiet down.
Saeko leaned in to whisper suggestive threats into your ear, “If I hear another sound leave that pretty little mouth of your’s, you’ll be punished later.” The tingle of her hot breath against your skin and the implications of what she said just aroused you even more, forcing you to repress your whines..for now.
Honestly, you seriously didn’t know if you could do it as surely, Saeko wasn’t aware of how differently it hit when she used a proper toy - or perhaps she just felt that cruel today. The optimum amount of pleasure you thought she was capable of bringing you was somehow doubled due to the mix of factors: her using a real toy designed to endue pleasure, the impressive balance of attention between your clit and ass, her erotic threats and the fact she was seriously going feral back there.
You were already close but her harsh groping of your ass, licking her fingers to provide the slightest bit of lubricant before sticking 3 digits straight into your strained, dripping cunt while her other hand tightened it’s grip on the back of your neck - all that was enough to tip you over the edge.
You thought you’d be able to ask for permission or at least give a warning before you came but your throbbing clit along with Saeko’s tip violently slamming against your g-spot left you unable to do so, while you attempt sounded a bit like, “I’m gonna- I-” followed by an involuntary, loud moan.
“Don’t you dare-” Saeko snapped teasingly, but obviously unprepared for how loud your moan would actually be - so rather than covering your mouth with her hand, for her own entertainment she slammed into your g-spot once more, this time with more force - leading to you choking on your own noise.
Saeko was used to leaving you out of breath and tired, so while your lay there with your ass up, trying to catch your breath; she took this opportunity to take off the strap (but left it dangling out your pussy since she wasn’t sure if you wanted her to take it out or not) and went to get some aloe-vera for your bright red ass and dark purple bruises on your neck.
“Geez, your pretty lil’ pussy could barely handle that. Maybe we should stick to the ketchup bottles.” She joked, squirting the aloe-vera onto her hands and gently gliding her hands across your lower back.
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the-slasher-files · 4 years
Clearly I cannot get this man out of my head.. like ever! Honestly I’ve been in a big big writing lull lately and I only want to write for Andrei, so I happy to share these hcs with you!.. hope you enjoy 🔪💕
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Andrei’s code names in the army were ‘The Wolf’ or 'North’
He has O negative blood type, meaning he is a universal donor. Andrei always (when he is wearing his vest) has IV tubing and needles, just in case.
On that topic, Andrei is very knowledgeable with medical information, he has saved many of his brothers in the army from death. He can save you, but the issue is if he cares to.
Yes he is a very hot bloodied man, but under pressure he is calm and cool, especially with his s/o. Feral rage can turn instantly off if he sees someone he loves really hurt, calmly giving orders and helping you.
Andrei never went to school after his mother died, at age 12. He may not be super educated in math or sciences but this man is smart. Never underestimate him. He can fix a truck, be your handy man around the house, and has amazing people skills.
He is a history buff.. Yup, you heard me. Andrei loves history, specifically war history. After his uncle died he was free to explore more education and he found a deep love in history, learning it all himself through reading, documentaries and listening to people around him. (Me and @horrorslashergirl have a weird AU where he is in college and works in a museum, in a suit with glasses 👀)
Andrei is trained in many things but one I don’t talk about often is bombs and specifically land mines. This guy loves to blow stuff up for fun and has a few land mines in specific places on his land, and abandoned town.
His favorite drinks are a deep earl grey (a Russian blend of course) and Vodka on the rocks.
He loves bath time.. yup a hot bath, even with bubbles he doesn’t care, he loves it.
One of my favorite things about Andrei is when he needs to think or stop his active mind, he goes into his field (usually shirtless) and just stands out there, closes his eyes, enjoying the peace and quiet.
Andrei HATES condescending and controlling people, it brings him back to when he was a kid or in the army. Now that may seem hypocritical but honestly it is not. Degradation is for sexy time and teasing only, and Andrei is only controlling with his playthings but even then he lets them decide and have a good amount of freedom.
Man is a furnace and doesn't feel cold what so ever
He loves action movies, even though he will comment on how unrealistic they are. Also he loves documentaries.
Andrei listens to all kind of music. Mainly rock or metal but he loves Russian new wave and some rap. He also had a HUGE punk phase so that occasionally comes on.
He will do any dare or bet, not even kidding. His army buddies stopped daring him to do stuff because he would just do it. Andrei is a big thrill seeker and will do so much stupid stuff.
He used to have a wolfdog, a brother to Amaria’s wolfdog Dyn. Unfortunately it had too high of a concentration of wolf in it and he had to let it go, but he does still see him every once and a while. He even named him Alexei, meaning “great defender” in Russian. Andrei always leaves one of the outbuildings open for him just incase the weather gets too cold or dangerous. Also he may or may not use him to get rid of bodies, if he sees him wandering around.
Andrei drives a 1995 Range Rover all black with giant snow tires, or his black old Russian truck.
He can ice skate and used to play hockey with his buddies
He is secretly loaded. Yes he has money in his walls and all over the town. Andrei knows what he is worth and his rates aren’t cheap, plus it’s all in cash so there is no paper trail. He is never one to flaunt his wealth, you probably won’t even know until you see him coming home from a mission with a duffle bag of cash, throwing it in under the floor boards.
Andrei had a secret male s/o in the army, it was his first male relationship but they had to hide it from everyone. In a dangerous feral state the wolf had killed him, that was his last undercover mission.
This guy can read people like no tomorrow, every tiny subtle thing you do he notices. Could be the way you bite your cheek if you’re nervous or the way you rub your hands together when excited. He knows.
Also Andrei is very good at manipulation but doesn’t use it often.
He is a terrible sleeper. Andrei wakes at every noise in the house and only gets about 5 hours a night but only 1 hour is actually deep sleep. Sometimes he gets so exhausted that his body gives out and he will sleep for 12 hours fully clothed, in his cargo pants, vest and jacket. However he is much better with an s/o to sleep with, it’s still bad though.
I say this a lot but Andrei has an incredibly active mind, and it’s hard for him to relax or ease up. He uses drinking and smoking as a way to calm down, also just walking into the field for peace.
His favorite food is a nice hardy warm stew with rabbit meat.
Andrei adores just holding his s/o in his arms as on the couch or in bed.
He is honestly kind of paranoid, not so much by himself but if he has a s/o. You can come with him to the nearest town, but never ever draw attention to yourself or him, for your safety. He has people after him.
The wolfs signature is ripping off someone’s jaw or ripping out their spine by gutting them and reaching in.
If you mess with him but he dubs you as not a worthy hunt or not a good kill, you might see a bear trap in your home the next morning.
His tattoo on his left palm 'NO GODS’ is something he got to remind himself that he has control of his life and take his fate into his own hands, not his paranoid controlling uncle. It also holds him accountable for his actions, there are no gods to blame, he did it. The tattoo connects to Amaria as well. She is a lil crazy and does kills for 'the gods’, but Andrei sees that as foolish, he does his kills for himself, nothing else.
The 'grateful for the hunt’ thing I often write in Andrei’s stories is what his uncle would always say to him, with people or animals. It’s burned into his brain and it will never leave him. The words remind him to breathe and take in every deadly detail, that Andrei loves so so much.
Alright time to get.. a little odd lol… me and some friends have an interesting thing going where Andrei has a 'wolf pack’.. Dallas (@slashersins oc) is his husband, not legally, but Dallas wears a wolf ring for him. Xaviera (@horrorslashergirl oc) is Andrei’s soul mate and girlfriend. Xaviera’s cousin Akshay is Andrei’s best friend, they fight constantly but have so so much fun.. plus they fuck when they’re drunk lol. I am Akshay’s 'snow queen’ aka girlfriend. Andrei also has 2 'playthings’ Bianca (@horrorslashergirl) and Sights (@thesightstoshowyou)… the house is too full and Andrei may or may not regret having all these people lol.
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solastia · 4 years
The Dragon’s Lair | 6
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- Riddle Me This -
Pairing: Dragon Hybrid Namjoon x Reader
Word Count: 5,094
Notes: It feels like so much has happened and this has been going on for so long, right? But this is actually the very beginning of my long and complicated outline lmao. Anyway, it’s time to meet our Sphinx! I wonder who this could be *insert lenny face here*  And if you’re wondering if there will ever be an end to me adding other kpop fandoms: no, no there will not be. We’re catchin em all. 
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The winter storms were slowly giving into the spring rains. Of course, this made everything horribly humid and muddy, but at least you weren’t snowed in for days on end anymore. 
As soon as you were able, you scheduled contractors that specialized in hybrid-friendly rooms to help get one prepared, as you fully planned on starting the adoption process for Mark when it was done. You had to make sure it had its own heating and cooling system separate from the rest of the house, insulation for winter, and UV lighting, among other things. Needless to say, it was not going to be a quick process, but Mark was safe at the shelter with Heechul’s near-constant vigilance. 
You’d also begun to clear out the barn that you’ve only been using for storage since your grandparents had adopted out all of their animals. You weren’t quite sure how serious you were yet about getting some animals in there again, but for now, it gave you something to do while construction was going on inside your home. 
You spent a lot of time throwing out or giving away anything unusable, sweeping out stalls, and scrubbing everything down until it shone like it hadn’t in years. Thankfully you still kept in touch with a lot of the people that had worked with your family over the years and it was easy to have fresh supplies brought in, half of which you weren’t even sure you’d ever use, but everyone was happy to hear that the farm was going back to work in a sense. 
Despite all these other changes, your relationship with Namjoon was settled into a comfortable path. Not to say that things were unexciting - the man never failed to find some new way to make your heart flutter - but it felt secure and steady now. Like the two of you being a forever thing was assured. It continually surprised you when you remembered that you actually hadn’t been together for very long. He felt like he’d always been there. 
Most days were simply routine. You’d both wake up at the same time and shower - together more often than not -, have breakfast and then he’d head to the shelter while you’d work in your office. At least three times a week you’d meet up to have lunch together, thankful that both of you had lenient bosses that wouldn’t freak out when an hour-long lunch turned into two or three. Once he was home for the day, the two of you usually just spent your time together. You’d watch a movie or read while you cuddled on the couch, oftentimes ignoring the screen to simply listen to him talk. The way he viewed the world was beautiful and you never grew tired of listening. 
Namjoon had put his foot down and declared date night mandatory. So every single Saturday without fail he’d drag you into town for some event or into the mountains for a hike, always doing his best to create the most romantic day possible. You’d tried to convince him that he didn’t need to do all this, that simply walking with him in the forest near your home was romantic as long as he was there, but he claimed he was still “courting” you so it wasn’t something he could just stop. You assumed that meant it was something to do with his Dragon side and let him do as he pleased. 
Once a week you’d usually tag along and go to the shelter, spending most of your time in the playrooms. According to one of the volunteers, Heechul’s shelter held an average of one hundred and fifty hybrids at any given time, which seemed an astronomical amount if one didn’t know about the secret wings and the fact that you were pretty sure he’d borrowed the whole ‘bigger on the inside’ concept. 
You tried to spend as much time as you could with all the hybrids, but as you were only one person there was only so much you could do. Still, you did have your - as Heechul called them - “cub club.” There have been many arguments in the little group about the name - starting with you wondering why they needed a name at all - since they were composed of all different species, but they gave in after Heechul’s continuous use of it and the fact that it apparently was cute, according to Namjoon. 
Basically, it was a group of hybrids that seemed to have singled you out as a clear favorite and would follow you around the moment you stepped into the building. The unspoken leader of the group was your little Mark, who was always waiting by the front door of the building when you would come in. Usually right next to him was Felix, who seemed to split his time between your cubs and Namjoon’s fan club fairly equally. Some newer friends of yours were a teen tiger hybrid named Seonghwa, and wolf pup siblings Changkyun and Jooheon. There were a few others that came and went, but these were your regular crew. 
Today was one of your shelter days, and you were once again surrounded in the playrooms. Mark was sitting next to you with his raccoon hybrid friend Donghyuck, who was an honorary member of Star’s Cubs at this point with how often he was attached to Mark. They were both coloring a picture of their dream bedroom - a sneaky idea you’d gotten so that you could have Mark’s room ready and decorated when the adoption finalized. 
Felix was having a Namjoon day, so after he’d run up to hug you when you’d first arrived, he’d gone right back to the class that Namjoon was currently teaching. You’d probably see him again at lunch, and then he’d talk a mile a minute about everything Namjoon was teaching him and demand cuddles. 
Changkyun and Jooheon were currently wrestling around on the floor near your feet. They were a complicated pair. They had both been found in the wild several months ago, seemingly without any sort of parents or guardians whatsoever. The boys themselves weren’t sure, but you judged them to be around nine or ten. They were smart kids but had obviously been living on their own for quite some time. They mentioned a “her” a few times, speaking of someone from their memories that would make certain foods or clean them, but they couldn’t remember who she was. Their mother, you assumed. 
Needless to say, they were perhaps not the most well-mannered children, but they were sweet and eager to please. To you, at least. The other volunteers usually tried to interact with them as little as possible after a few too many bites and temper tantrums, often referring to them as feral monsters. You had, of course,  taken that up with Heechul, but the damage had already been done and they were labeled as such by everyone. From the day Jooheon had met you, however, he’d decided you “smelled nice” and would bring you scraps from their dinners (that they apparently hoarded - bad habits left from living in the wild). It had taken Changkyun a little longer to warm up to you, but one day he’d just walked up and pushed Felix out of your lap and took his place. You’d scolded him and made him apologize, but you’d let him stay, deciding it had probably been a very long time since he’d been hugged by anyone besides his brother. They’d gotten better about waiting their turn and learning to ask first, but you still went out of your way to cuddle them as much as they’d let you. 
Seonghwa sat nearby doing his homework. He was...interesting. It was the nicest thing you could think of to say about that whole situation. The thing was, he was a nice kid. Almost seventeen, had been here for a few years. Definitely beautiful, no denying that. You didn’t know too much about his past yet, as you hadn’t wanted to pry and he didn’t volunteer much information. He helped you with the younger kids a lot though, asked you about your work, was genuinely sweet, and fun to talk to when he was just chill. The issue was...you were apparently his “first love.” 
He wasn’t creepy about it or anything. He really was super sweet. He would bring you flowers and treats, help you carry anything heavy, and was just really attentive. Unfortunately, then he’d start walking around you in circles, staring intently with his tail flicking around in the air as he sang to you. He had a sweet voice, but they were of course all highly inappropriate love songs to be singing to an older woman. And according to Namjoon, the circling and singing thing was a tiger courting ritual, so you took great care not to acknowledge it. You’d tried letting him down as gently as possible, but somehow he seemed to just consider it more of a challenge, and you really didn’t want to be mean and be his first heartbreak as well. Namjoon surprisingly - or not since he could be a brat himself - thought it was hilarious. He’d often ask how your tiger cub was doing, laughing when you’d swat him. Of course, he was still a territorial dragon, so he would occasionally go out of his way to kiss you with a bit too much tongue or pinch your butt where everyone could see to get the message of your status across. 
Things at the shelter have been fairly quiet and routine, as far as such a big place could be. That’s why you were awfully surprised when Heechul storms into the playroom looking distraught and frazzled. He brightens slightly when he spots you, rushing over and placing his hands on his hips. 
“You’d be perfect, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that earlier!” 
You frown, thoroughly confused. “Thanks, I think. For what?” 
He clucks and shakes his head. 
“We have an exotic on his way here. He was one of mine that I raised until he was ten, and then he was adopted by this lovely couple. Unfortunately, they were a bit too old even then, but they adored Seokjin so I let him go.” He sighs wearily and flops into a nearby recliner. “They passed away last year and left him everything. He’d been living on his own just fine until someone tried to rob the place and he ended up hurt. Then the police of course had to see his medical records and - surprise! - a hybrid had been running around owning a house and living free for an entire year and they don’t like that. They were going to send him to a state-run hybrid institution, which essentially means death if you’re not a baby or usable on the black market. So, he called me in a panic and I have it all settled with the police that he’s officially one of ours and they don’t have to worry about him anymore. But he’s too used to independence to stuff him back into regular hybrid life, so I was thinking maybe you could foster him? Just like, let him hang out at your place until we figure out some way he can go back to living how he likes?” 
“I mean, I have to check in with Namjoon, but I don’t see why not. What kind of hybrid is he?” 
“Sphinx,” Heechul answered, his deadpan voice at odds with his amused eyes. 
“A what now?” 
“Sphinx. You know, part bird, lion and man. Likes riddles. Has big statues.” 
“Sure, why not,” you sigh. This place really made your brain hurt. 
Heechul chuckled and reached out to pat your shoulder. 
“Thanks. I know it’s a lot to deal with right now, with your new romance and getting ready for Mark, but Seokjin deserves a chance. I think you’ll like him.” 
“You know, it’s really creepy when you do that. At least let me tell you with words what I’m planning about Mark.” 
“I didn’t even need to use magic to see that’s where it was headed. He’s basically already yours,” he scoffs, standing up with a light groan. 
“When is this Seokjin going to be here?” 
“He’s on his way to the shelter now. I figured he could just come here first, meet you and have dinner with everyone, then head home with you guys after. If that’s okay.” 
“Again, just have to check with Joon, but it should be fine. Sphinx and dragons aren’t like, mortal enemies or anything, are they?” 
Heechul grins, “Hardly. In fact, I remember they were actually pretty good friends when they were little. Jin was older and would tolerate Joonie like a big brother. Not sure how well Namjoon remembers him, though.” 
“Alright, I guess. Joon’s class is over in a few minutes. I’ll go talk to him now.” 
“Thanks, Star!” 
You shake your head as he flounces away, wondering when he’d started using that name too. At this point, that was basically your official name. 
“Does that mean you’re going to have to stay home all the time? To take care of a new hybrid?” 
A little sniffle came from your right as you registered the fact that your cubs had just been quietly listening to your conversation with Heechul. Mark’s eyes were beginning to glisten with unshed tears and you quickly snatched the boy up and cuddled him close. 
“Of course not, sweetheart. By the sounds of it, he’s older than both me and Joon, so he’s not going to need much looking after. He basically just needs a place to crash until he figures out what to do.” 
“Oh,” he sniffles again, and you try not to laugh about the fact that it’s not helping, as his nose is starting to water too. “So you’ll still come to see me?” 
“Of course! And as soon as the farm is cleaned up you can come to visit me too. How does that sound?” 
“Really? And Felix? And Hyuckie? And...and…”
“Yes,” you interrupt, knowing the boy will try to name literally everyone he’s ever talked to. “Anyone that wants to visit will be able to. I just wanted to make sure it’s safe first, so no one gets sick.” 
“Okay!” Mark squeezes you clumsily but is quickly back to being a ray of sunshine and crawling off of you to go back to his picture. 
“Seonghwa,” you call, snorting inwardly as the tiger practically jumps to attention, “Watch the kids for a bit, okay? I’m going to see Namjoon.” 
He nods quietly and sets his books down, smiling softly as he watches you leave the room. 
As you’d expected, Namjoon was more than agreeable to the idea of helping his childhood friend but was understandably concerned over how his dragon instincts would react to another creature in his new den with his new...well, mate. (Although he insists that you aren’t official mates yet. And he blushes and refuses to answer whenever you ask what makes you official).
“It’s just, like, I don’t want to stress him out even more, you know? If he’s already going through all this, then I don’t want to be growling and snapping at him,” Namjoon sighed as he stood with you in the lobby, grasping your hand tightly as you both waited for Seokjin to show up. 
“I know, but Heechul told me that Seokjin is the only one of his kind as well so if anyone were to understand that this is a learning situation and not blame you for it, it would be someone like him, right?” 
Namjoon shrugs, “I guess. From what I remember, Jin hyung was really outspoken too, so I think he’d be sure to let me know if I do something to offend him.” 
“And if all else fails, you can just take him behind the house and piss on him,” you try to hide your grin as you tease him. 
He growls playfully, leaning down to tug your hair. “Watch it. I’ll mark you next.” 
“I thought you already did,” you quirk an eyebrow as you refer to certain activities that had taken place before he’d let you leave your bed that morning. 
“Hey, let's keep the rating down in my presence, please,” Heechul sighs wearily from the other side of you. 
The two of you fight valiantly to keep your giggles under control, only able to stop fully once a taxi pulls up in front of the building and nerves once again take over. 
The man that steps out takes even your breath away - quite a feat considering how whipped you were for your own boyfriend. He’s tall, nearly as tall as Namjoon, and has a regal bearing. He has a face that many would pay millions for, with full lips and wide expressive eyes. His hair and lion ears were the same mahogany brown shade, as was the fluffy tip of his long tail. It seemed he had no trouble showing off his lion side. You weren’t sure if that’s all there was to his transformation though, considering he was a Sphinx, not just a lion. 
He turned to pay the driver, who was actually smiling and laughing like the two of them were old friends. Seokjin reached out and shook the man’s hand heartily and shoved what was apparently too much money towards him if the way the man tried to argue about it was any indication. You supposed this meant Seokjin was the friendly sort, which boded well. 
You were a little confused by the fact that the hybrid was only carrying a single suitcase. Perhaps he had left the rest behind to be picked up later? From what Heechul had told you, the hybrid had grown up in a fairly wealthy household, spoiled and doted on. You would think he would be walking in here with twenty name brand suitcases, and yet here he was with only a small rolling suitcase meant for a child with Mario on it. Something about that felt wrong. 
The hybrid seemed fine, however, breezing through the front door with a wide smile like all was right in the world. He stopped right in front of Heechul and stared at him a moment, cocking his head. 
“You haven’t changed a bit, hyung. You don’t have a single new wrinkle. Are you trying to compete with me?” 
Heechul huffs and reaches out to hug the man. Seokjin laughs quietly, pulling Heechul into a bear hug so fierce Heechul squeaks a little. He releases him and pats him on the shoulder before he turns to Namjoon. 
“Don’t tell me you’re little Joon bug? You can’t be anyone else, with those dimples. I used to swear I could use them as cereal bowls if we ever ran out.” 
Namjoon shyly looks down and kicks his foot, but he’s smiling. “Hi, Seokjin-ssi. It’s nice to see you again.” 
The hybrid waves his hand carelessly, “Just call me hyung, Namjoon. Or even just Jin.  We don’t need honorifics with our kind.” 
Namjoon nods and pulls you closer, drawing the Sphinx’s attention. His thick brow raises your way as his smile quirks mischievously. 
“And this must be Miss Star, the one I’ve been hearing so much about,” he raises up his hand like he’s going to shake yours, but the moment you grasp it he holds on tightly. His face suddenly settles into serious lines as he looks down into your eyes. 
“Answer me this. As small as your thumb, I am light in the air. You may hear me before you see me, but trust that I’m here.” 
You hadn’t been prepared for this, for some reason. Duh, Sphinx’s whole thing was about riddles. 
You bite your lip and give it some thought for a moment. “A hummingbird?” 
His smile brightens back up and he releases your hand before he slaps Namjoon’s back. 
“Hey, she’s smart. You got a good one” 
“Yeah…” Namjoon answers dreamily, staring down at you with a dopey grin. You blush and grab his hand. 
Jin’s arm was back to flailing around again, and you were wondering if he was in control of his limbs or if it was the other way around. 
“Hey, listen, want to hear a joke about construction?” he asks. You’re not sure if he really expects an answer, but you squeak out a somewhat genuine sounding “Sure,” anyway. 
“I'm still working on it,” he answers, before cackling loudly, his laughter practically shaking the glass windows as he slaps his leg in amusement. 
You decide, if nothing else, he seems easy to keep entertained. 
You politely laugh and wait for him to finish before taking the chance to steer the conversation in another direction. 
“Are you hungry? We thought we’d stay and have dinner here before we went home. Only if you’re comfortable with that, though.” 
“I’m famished,” Jin answered, slapping his flat and obviously in-shape stomach like it was the opposite. “I wouldn’t mind sticking around. Kyungsoo still the cook here?” 
“Yup. And Wendy is making dessert,” Heechul tells him as he grabs the little suitcase. 
“Sounds great.” 
It hadn’t escaped your notice that no one brought up his past owners or any difficult subjects. You sigh quietly as you walk behind everyone as they went to the dining room, knowing that it was probably going to be all up to you. 
Dinner had gone as it usually did, with only the occasional fights to break up between over-enthusiastic kids. You used the time to observe Seokjin, trying to see what you could pick up about him in a group setting like this. He was polite and charming, yes, but very quick to steer the conversation away from himself. You supposed he wasn’t ready to talk about his problems, which was fine. You had time. 
He was also an enthusiastic eater and at one point seemed to have an almost mini-competition going on with the elephant hybrid over who could eat the most. You’d decided to break it up before anyone found out since the elephant was only seven and didn’t need to compete with a grown man. 
Seokjin and Namjoon seemed to get on perfectly well, thank goodness. Jin treated him like a little brother - making sure his bowl was full, teasing him every time he stared at you, telling him at least five jokes about giants. 
The man didn’t seem to have a shred of animosity in him at all, which would normally be a good thing. If one didn’t take into account what had happened to him. He should be upset and crying, or at least mad. Irritated. But he seemed more like he was just visiting some dear old friends, with nothing to fret about. That worried you more than anything because the poor man was probably just really good at covering it up then, and you hoped you’d be able to help him. Or that he’d even let you. 
These thoughts plagued you the whole way home, as you occasionally peeked into the rear view mirror to see Jin sitting quietly with his tiny suitcase that you still hadn’t been able to bring yourself to ask about. 
At least he was here with the two of you, somewhere he could be safe and have people looking out for him. That was the best you could do for now. 
After you show him to a spare bedroom, he thanks you quietly, smiling with his lips but not his eyes. The door closes and you sigh, retreating to your own room to wrap yourself in Namjoon’s arms. It haunts you that something like this could happen to him if anything were to happen to you. That he would get sent back to the shelter with nothing, despite the fact that you wanted to give him the entire world. You’ll have to ask Heechul what you can do to make sure he’s safe. 
When you wake up the next morning, it’s to the smell of meat cooking. Normally, this would be a dream come true. Unfortunately, you’ve been living with Namjoon for far too long and your mind now associated unsupervised cooking with near-death experiences, so instead your first reaction is terror. 
You jump out of bed, unmindful of your state of near-undress, and run to the kitchen. Your ears are hyper tuned to every sound, waiting for bellows of pain, but so far you simply hear the slap of your bare feet against wood and sizzling from a pan. 
You round the corner and grab the wall, catching your breath as you stare into the kitchen. Namjoon is sitting at the bar eating a heaping plateful of scrambled eggs and cheese, giggling as Seokjin preforms some a dirty gesture involving sausages and eggs. The Sphinx is standing over the stove with your bright pink apron, confidently cooking away, and both men are fine. You breathe a sigh of relief, slumping slightly as the tension leaves your body. Both men turn at the sound, smiling in greeting. 
“Morning, baby. Jin’s making breakfast. He’s a good cook!” 
“I see that. Morning, everyone,” you reply, walking in and trying not to let on how nervous you’d been. You peck Namjoon’s cheek and peek over the bar at the stove. 
Jin meets your eye and smiles mischievously like he knows what you were concerned about. 
“And here is one for you, madame,” he says with a flourish, setting a plate in front of you piled high with food and even garnished with a couple of tiny flowers from the garden. 
“Wow,” you blurt, honestly astounded by his skill. Everything looked perfect and you couldn’t wait to dig in. 
“What’s with that look?” He says loudly, quirking an eyebrow at you. “You just fell for me, didn’t you? Ah, I’m too charming.” 
You laugh and take a bite, nervously peeking at Namjoon to see if he’d taken the joke too seriously. Seokjin must have magic in his food because you doubted the dragon had even heard since he was too busy shoveling food in his mouth like you’d been starving him for months. 
“Slow down,” you cluck and tap his shoulder. He turns and grins at you with a disgustingly full mouth.
“Isth good,” he mumbles, and you laugh despite your disgust. 
“I can see that.” 
You swirl your fork around as you watch Jin settle in with his own plate, letting him get a few bites in before you strike. 
“So, Joonie and I both took the day off to help you get settled in. We figured you might need to do some shopping or something. I know the bedroom is pretty bare since we were focusing on another room right now.” 
Jin glances up and for a moment his gaze is troubling. You’d seen the brief flash of melancholy before he’d covered it up with a charming smile. 
“I could use a few things to tide me over until I’m out of your hair, I suppose. I do have my own money, but most places around here won’t let you shop without a license.” 
“That was nice of them to leave you money, They must have been good owners.” 
His eyes cloud over and he glances away from you, staring at one of the windows. 
“They were amazing parents. But the money that they left for me got taken away. I believe everything went to my Mom’s cousin - someone she didn’t even really know.”
“I thought you said you had money?” 
“I...uhh...had some stashed away. My dad never liked banks - didn’t trust them. He always had a rule that whenever you used your card, you should take out some cash and squirrel it away just in case. So we’d always take a little out and stash it in this fake book. From the outside it looks like Crime And Punishment, and who reads that willingly?” he snorts, peeking over at Namjoon. “Besides this kid, obviously.” 
Namjoon just shrugs, unbothered with the truth. 
“But...Jin hyung, you mean they kept everything?” 
The Sphinx sighs wearily and drops his fork, reaching up to rub his forehead. 
“Everything. The cousin’s lawyer grabbed my old suitcase from storage and told me I could keep anything I could fit in there as long as he approved of it. I got some clothes, my mom’s recipe book, my dad’s favorite fishing lures, and the stash of cash because he thought it was just another book,” Jin shrugs like he’s just telling a story, never mind that the sound of your heart breaking was probably audible at this point. 
“I’m so sorry that happened to you,” you murmur, struggling to stay calm for his sake. 
He shrugs. “No big. I’m a hybrid. Should have expected it.” 
“No, you should not have. People treat actual animals better than they do hybrids and it’s disgusting. I’m so very sorry. I know nothing I say can erase what’s been done to you. Just know that you are safe here and welcome in my home for as long as you like.” 
Jin opens his mouth to say something but snaps it shut again like he can’t figure out what to say. Namjoon grins proudly at you and slaps Jin’s shoulder. 
“Told you, hyung. She’s the best. And she’s right. You are welcome here and I can assure you that I feel no urge to fry you to a crisp.” 
“I...was not aware that was a potential issue. Thanks for not ruining my beautiful face, I guess,” Seokjin says, obviously done with the serious talk and choosing to fall back into humor. 
“And with that settled, I should probably go put on some pants. Thanks for the breakfast! We’ll meet up and go shopping in an hour, yeah?” 
You grin at them both and leave the room, the smile dropping the moment you were sure they couldn’t see. 
Poor Seokjin. 
He had grown up loved and cared for by those people, and just because he was a hybrid he’d lost everything. The fact that this could easily be Namjoon’s story if you were to kick it tomorrow didn’t sit well with you, either. You needed to figure something out that could stop this from happening. Or at least figure out somewhere hybrids could go besides back into shelters. It seems like an impossible task, but one that needs doing, obviously. 
As laughter filters towards you from the kitchen, you smile. One thing is for sure, your first task is going to be convincing Seokjin that he’s already home. 
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hq-lovin · 4 years
road trip shenanigans
ft. a shit ton of ppl bc Y/n has a lot of friends such as
Hajime Iwaizumi as The Mom Friend
Tooru Oikawa as That Bitch✨
Takahiro Hanamaki as Idiot #1
Issei Mattsukawa as Idiot #2
supporting characters : Tetsuro Kuroo, Kotarou Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi, Kei Tsukishima, Shoyo Hinata
hello 😺 this is a toss up between crack and fluff, I write this bc the seijoh boys were growing on me but in between I went through a Kuroo phase so he’s here too, btw this is all platonic, I hope you enjoy 😀✨
➣ pairing : platonic! seijoh boys x short, fem!reader (I’m sorry for all you tall girls out there 😭)
➣ scenario [1437]
➣ warning : none, seijoh boys making fun of you, other ppl making fun of you (as a joke), short reader, i’m talking s h o r t,
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platonic seijoh (and others) x fem, short, reader
The sun shone brightly in the sky that were filled with large fluffy clouds. You breathed in the fresh air as you walked out of the store carrying a grocery bag that were filled with food and drinks. Squinting slightly, you spot Hajime stretching his legs as Tooru chatted his ear off. Near them, was Takahiro struggling to climb into Issei’s back, who looked very uninterested at the moment.
“I told you already, you’re too short to climb on my back,” Matsukawa rolls his eyes playfully, staying still as a rock.
“Shut up, at least I’m not as short Iwa-chan over there,” hearing Hanamaki’s statement, Iwaizumi stops his stretches.
“What was that?” He barks raising a brow at the two idiots. Takahiro scrambles to climb faster as a provoked Hajime approaches him. Deciding to save Takahiro, you sped up your pace.
“I’m back, I have snacks with me,” you smile handing them to Iwaizumi. In the corner of your eye, you spot Hanamaki breath out a breath of relief.
“You’re a life saver Y/n,” He whispers and you throw him a wink.
“What’d you get?”
“Oh, just the usual you know—“
“Did you get..”
“Yes I got your milk bread,” you say with a roll of your eyes, fishing out the milk bread you toss it over to Oikawa who gasps and stars to unpack the delicious food. You swore you saw shimmers in his eyes.
“Who’s driving next?” Mattsukawa asks, Hanamaki still on his back. Iwaizumi sighs and stretches his arms before answering.
“I’ll drive, Y/n’s next,” upon hearing this you stop in your tracks, eyebrows ruffling in confusion, along with the dreadful feeling stewing up in your stomach.
“What? Why?” You pout as Oikawa hands you a piece of his precious milk bread. Shoving the food in your mouth, you tilt your head.
“You’re the only one who hasn’t driven yet,” Issei shrugs, Takahiro jumping in surprise at the sudden movement.
“Watch it,” he grumbles, Matsukawa only smiles in response.
“I get the food though,” you try and reason but Hajime is quick to shut you down with his stern mom voice. Your shoulder slump, but your moodiness doesn’t last for a long time when Oikawa decides to blast music.
After a while of screaming your lungs out, spilling snacks, and wondering how Iwaizumi got his hair that spiky, your time to drive had finally arrived.
“There’s no getting out of this,” Hajime crosses his arms like a strict dad and you bite your lip from smiling to wide, it would ruin your chances of convincing him.
“But what if—”
“Okay but like if I—”
“Hajime! Just please—”
“No. End of discussion.”
Stunned at his choice of words, you drag yourself to the front seat. Hanamaki calls dibs on the front seat, promising to play all your favourite songs to keep your sanity in check.
Grabbing onto the wheel, you realize something. Your feet rest right below the pedals, and you find yourself having to sit up straighter just to get a view of the road. Biting your lip, you sigh and move to adjust your seat
“What’re you doing?” a voice calls out from behind your seat, shifting around you see a confused look planted Matsukawa’s face. Your mind quickly thinks of an excuse, too embarrassed to tell him truth about your problem. But alas, before you could spit out a word or even a sound out of your gaping mouth, Hanamaki had beaten you to the punch.
“She’s adjusting her seat, she can’t reach the steering wheel,” gasping, you let out a whine and slap him lightly on the shoulder as he continues to cackle at your flustered state.
“Hiro! You can’t just blurt that out!” You pout and slump onto your seat.
“Awh, is wittle Y/n angry because she can’t see above the dashboard?” Issei’s coos mockingly, making your glare at him through the rear view mirror.
“Is this why you didn’t wanna drive so bad? Because you’re so small?” Hajime sticks out his bottom lip and ruffles your hair, much like an older brother teasing their younger sibling, excepts it’s a grown man making fun of their short friend. You grumble underneath your breath as a chorus of laughs were aimed towards you.
“It’s okay Y/n-chan!” a peppy Oikawa smiles, “Iwa-chan over here isn’t too tall himself!” he chuckles before earning himself a punch in the shoulder from “Iwa-chan.”
“Yeah, yeah, just drive Y/n,” Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and you continue to adjust your seat.
“Damn, you really can’t reach the far?”
“Listen—” and before you knew it, they were back to teasing and poking at your patience.
“Ahh! Oikawa-san!” a cheery voice calls out, and you turn to your side to see a bubbly boy with orange hair running rapidly towards the car. For a moment you think to start the engine and speed out of there, but you spot other familiar faces.
“Oi Oi, what do we have here?” Your eyes meet catlike ones and sigh before lifting a hand to say hello to Kuroo. You smile at Bokuto, Akaashi, and Tsukishima that were trailing behind him.
“Is little Chibi-chan driving now?” He smiles and pats your head and for the third time that evening, one of the four boys behind you quickly yells an answer before you could even open your mouth.
“She’s too short to drive! Look at how much she had to adjust her seat!” Mattsukawa yells and stretches his legs in front to show how much space he had, and indeed there was a lot.
“Y/n! You haven’t grown since highschool!” a certain grey haired owl gasps dramatically, slapping his hands onto his cheeks for effect. Akaashi places a warning hand on Bokuto and Tsukishima hides a smirk.
“You’re shorter than me!” Hinata yells for the entire world to here, copying Bokuto’s actions with wide eyes. At this point you’re tired and the only thing you manage to do was roll your eyes once more.
“Aww, that’s okay shrimp!” Kuroo giggles (yes he giggles, you can fight me on that) and leans down taking your cheek in his thumb and index finger, pinching it slightly.
“Kuroo! You’re supposed to be the one defending me!” You pout swatting his hand away.
“Since when,” he cocks a brow, grinning.
“Since...since that one time in the training camp you said I wasn’t that short!” Pointing a finger at him.
“That was because you were standing next to Yachi,” he snorts.
“And even Yachi grew a little,” Tsukishima smirks, joining in on the fun. You slump back onto your seat and lean on the palm of your hand, dejected.
“If it helps Y/n-san! I’m not that tall either!” Hinata jumps up and down whilst waving a hand in order to get your attention.
“Yeah! And Iwa-chan isn’t either! See? You’re not alone in this Y/n!” Hanamaki places a “comforting” hand on your shoulder as Hajime raises a brow.
For the rest of the day, you hung out with the boys, endured through their teasing comments about your height. It wasn’t so bad, especially when you had Hajime and Shoyo as your personal bodyguards, although they made the occasional short jokes as well, they were pretty decent.
But alas, the day had come to an end. You all decided to book the same hotel together because nothing could possibly go wrong, nope, not one thing.
“Tsukishima give me back my phone!” You reach up as far as you could on our top toes, not wanting to jump since that would cause a disturbance to the people below you.
“Don’t worry Y/n! I’ll get it for you!” Hinata says and starts running towards Kei who was dangling your phone right above your hands.
Just before Hinata could jump, Bokuto tackles him onto the bed, then proceeds to play wrestle with him.
“My hero,” you sigh and look back at Tsukishima who had a shit eating grin plastered on his face.
“It’s right here, just come get it,” He smiles. You sigh and memories from this morning went through your head. Although these boys could be a pain in the ass, tease you relentlessly about your short stature, take your belongings and proceed to dangle them above you, you loved all of them and absolutely nothing could change that.
“Help! Iwa-chan’s chasing me!” A distressed Oikawa enters into the hotel room along with a feral Hajime closing in on him. Hanamaki record the whole thing as Mattsukawa is howling in laughter. Yes, nothing could change your love for these boys.
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