#i can sort of feel it happen but also not really. and now i’m upset because howww many times has this happened
navybrat817 · 14 hours
Hold You Tight: Part 9
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Pairing: Club Owner!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Fic Summary: The owner of The 107th wants you to be his girl whether you like it or not.
Part 8 | Series Masterlist | Part 10
Chapter Summary: Bucky takes you home, but will he keep his hands to himself?
Chapter Word Count: Over 3.7k
Chapter Warnings: DARK AU, tension, dirty talk, unease, possessiveness, inner turmoil, slight feels, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?), more warnings to come.
A/N: More Hold You Tight and thank you for your patience! Hope you lovelies continue to enjoy. Bucky edit by the beautiful @nixakimbo . ❤️ Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby , but any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics . Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You thought you heard the men wish you well once more when Bucky led you out of the office. You weren’t completely sure since you tried to block everything out, but attempting to disassociate wouldn’t exactly do you any good. The night wasn’t over yet and you had to stay sharp. You didn’t know what Bucky had planned for when he got you home. Were you prepared at all?
Not in the least.
You half expected to walk back through the front of the club to leave, but Ray directed you to a door near the back once he gave Bucky a nod. The car was waiting in the alley and you took a moment to glance up at the sky. You could only make out one star and you wished in that moment you could grow wings and fly away. But when did wishing upon a star do you any good?
“Let’s get you back to your place,” Bucky said, helping you into the car.
You had to give him credit for trying to keep up his end of the bargain by getting you home on time. Your body refused to relax though once he sat beside you and took your hand. Was he trying to get you accustomed to his touch? Make you crave him? It bothered you that in spite of your determination he drew you in to a certain degree. But you wouldn’t let him take you to bed tonight. You weren’t ready to cross that inevitable line.
Maybe, just maybe, if your performance in bed disappointed him, he’d get bored and walk away. The thought almost made you laugh. That wasn’t happening. If anything, he’d probably love teaching you how to be his perfect lover.
“I think tonight went well,” Bucky smiled.
“Which part exactly?” You mumbled, pulling your hand away. The part where he forced you to go, how his men all but admitted they knew Bucky stalked you, or how they beat the hell out of a man?
“Just the night in general. I knew everyone would love you, but I really think Thor wants to be your big brother now,” Bucky replied. You wanted it so badly to be endearing, but Thor was dangerous. He mentioned a father-in-law. How exactly did he find his wife? And bringing up the flower donations to the hospital. Bucky seemed upset. Why? “Which he’ll have to fight Steve for.”
“Fighting. You guys seem to excel in that arena,” you said, remembering how they all took turns beating up John. “But I guess Steve does have a bit of that ‘big brother’ vibe, helping you take total control of my life and whatnot.”
“Not total control. I’m still letting you work, but maybe I can buy the shop.” He chuckled at your thunderous expression. The light threat had you seeing red. “I probably shouldn't joke about that, should I?”
“Letting me work? Like it’s your decision? And don’t you dare buy the shop.” You pushed at him to keep from slapping him when he chuckled again. Not with enough force to get him far away from you, but you needed some sort of space in the vehicle. He also needed a good hit over the head. “You’re a bully, do you know that? So are your friends.”
His laughter died off quickly when he reached out and gently took your hand again, prying your fingers away from your palm. You didn’t notice it stung from your nails until he brought your hand to his mouth and kissed it. “You think we’re bullies?” He asked against your skin.
“Yes. Besides nearly beating that jerk to death, you do realize that you use force and threats to dominate and intimidate. That’s a form of bullying, Bucky,” you said. Was he deliberately being obtuse or was he lost in his delusion that this was all normal?
“I wouldn’t say we’re bullies. I call it protecting and keeping what’s mine,” he said. There was no shame on his end.
“Right. Because I’m a possession and not a person,” you said, your face scrunching up as you tried not to cry. You needed rest. If part of Bucky’s plan was to wear you down by overwhelming you, mission accomplished. “I’m so tired. I just want to go to bed.”
“You’re a person, not a possession, Kotyonok. And not just a person, a good person who gives so much of herself to others. And probably one of the only people who rightfully calls me out on my shit.” His response drew you up short. “Outside of my friends, no one else does that.”
“Maybe because they’re afraid of you and what you can do,” you said after a moment. Fear could make anyone say what they thought people wanted to hear. “Either that or they want your approval,” you added, which you could also understand to a point. People wanted a sense of belonging, especially with those who had influence and power.
“Maybe they are afraid,” he agreed, brushing his lips against your palm again with a sigh. “What is it about me that scares you most?”
“I’m not really sure exactly,” you admitted. There was so much about the situation that terrified you. What he was capable of. How he inserted himself into various aspects of your life and so quickly. How far he was willing to go to keep you. “But I think it’s your conviction. That you’re so sure that I’m your other half and no one can convince you otherwise, not even me.”
You could scream until your lungs gave out that you didn’t belong with him and you knew in your heart he’d argue until his last breath that you did. He was steadfast in that belief that you were soulmates. That conviction was so strong that what you really feared was that he would somehow convince you that he was right: that you belonged together.
Those steel blue eyes of his met yours and mesmerized you for a heartbeat before you looked away. “Love is scary. It’s natural to be afraid of it.” His lips brushed your ear, making you shiver. “But giving someone the most fragile parts of yourself is one of the bravest things a person can do.”
There was truth in his words, but it felt like he moved another chess piece into place. He was trying to disarm you and you couldn’t let him. “Who painted that black dahlia in your office?” You asked suddenly, feeling him move back enough that you could turn your head toward him. “And why display that flower?” You didn’t believe for a second that he chose it for aesthetic purposes.
“Beautiful, isn't it? Steve painted it,” he replied with an odd mixture of affection and bitterness. “It’s for my parents.”
“Steve is a gifted artist.” You hoped your voice stayed even enough that Bucky wouldn’t get jealous of you complimenting another man’s talent. “I don't know if the symbolism of flowers mean anything to you, but the black dahlia-”
“Betrayal. Sadness. Darkness,” he ticked off, his voice cold enough that another shiver moved through your body. “It was the last flower my dad ever got my mom and it serves as a reminder.”
You swallowed as warning bells sounded in your mind to tread carefully. “And what's that?”
He moved close, your eyes shutting as his hand wrapped around the nape of your neck. “That I'll never do to you what he did to her.”
There was suppressed rage within him. Sorrow. It rolled off him in waves strong enough that they could drown you. He said earlier that his dad got what he deserved. What had he done to his mom?
“You’re in pain,” you whispered. He was hurting and you logically shouldn’t care. So why did you want to know the cause of that hurt? “You have to tell me why.”
It wasn’t for you to use to your advantage. You weren’t sure if you could manipulate someone else. If you knew what happened though, it would at least give you more answers to who Bucky was and why he was the way he was. It could help you gain some sort of understanding.
“I’m not in pain when I’m with you,” he whispered, bringing your hand on his chest. Was he relying on you to chase away whatever haunted him? “Later. I’ve overwhelmed you enough for one evening.”
You let out a breath. You swore he was doing this on purpose, giving you just enough information that you’d wait around until he gave you more. “I can’t argue with you there,” you said, his heart racing under your touch. “Just answer one thing for me, please.”
“What’s that?”
“Marc from the bookstore,” you began, the man’s kind face shimmering in your mind. “Did anything happen to him?”
“I’d question another man being on your mind, but I know you’re just concerned about his well-being.” An easy smile crossed Bucky’s face as you bit your tongue. You could think about anyone you wanted to. “I can’t speak for him right this second, but he was perfectly fine when you and I left. He was just having a chat with one of my associates.”
You exhaled, thankful Marc wasn't hurt. “What kind of chat?” You asked. He was a nice guy, though he did seem to know a bit about Bucky. What exactly was he involved in?
“He just got a warning to be careful about what he does or doesn’t say to his customers.” You tensed before he kissed your forehead. Did he know about the conversation you two had? “And I don’t think the two of you should be alone with each other in the bookstore going forward.”
Just when Bucky had you feeling some sort of sympathy for him moments ago he shocked you right out of it. “Another decision that isn’t yours to make,” you stated, the car coming to a stop. “And you really don’t have to walk me up. I think we’ve had enough of each other’s company tonight.”
“I said I’m tucking you into bed and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.” The smile he gave you was nothing short of cocky when he added, “And you owe me a photo. I’m going to get it.”
He was a dog with a bone. He wouldn’t let that go. “Why don’t you just take a photo of me giving you the finger?” You suggested as he helped you out of the car.
“Only if you do it with a smile. I’ll even set it as the background on my phone,” he winked. Your reluctance and defiance of him didn’t phase him in the slightest. “And if you give me the finger, I’ll take it as an invitation that you want to fuck me.”
“Let’s go, please.”
You said nothing else as you went into the building, your anxiety mounting by the second. The slow rise of the elevator didn’t help, Bucky’s hip pressed against yours like he couldn’t stand to have space between you. You figure he’d shove you against the wall and claim your mouth, but he didn’t make a move. It impressed you that he behaved until you got to your floor. It didn’t stop your hand from shaking when you got your keys out.
“Still don’t want to say good night now?”
“I don’t want to say good night at all,” he answered, following you into the apartment and turning on the light. The welcoming feeling you expected when you got home wasn't there. There was a chill in the usual warmth.
“Well, you’ll have to sooner or later,” you said, swallowing when you faced Bucky. He shut the door and watched intently as you set your keys and bag down. You were quiet as you stared back, tension thick as you tried to predict what he was going to do. Once again, he managed to hold all the power in your home.
“Have I told you how beautiful you are?” He asked, heat and hunger in his stare as he slowly advanced.
Your throat went dry as you stepped back. “You have.”
“So beautiful and so good.” You made another move to retreat when he stepped forward, his manner confident and compelling as he reached out and prevented you from moving back further. “It’s driving me crazy not having you yet.”
“Please, you don’t…” you trailed off when he sank to his knees, unexpected heat flowing from your core. He guided one of your hands to his shoulder to brace yourself, his eyes soft as he helped remove one of your shoes. You found it difficult to breathe as he removed the other, his hand brushing your ankle with infinite tenderness. Like it was an honor to touch and be on his knees for you.
“I know the first time I taste you I’ll never want to stop. I’ll have to wake up every day between your thighs. Fall asleep that way, too.” His hand slid up your calf and his eyes darkened when your other hand found its way to his thick locks. Wetness gathered between your legs when his touch moved to your thigh. “Your pussy is hungry for me, isn’t it? My fingers, my tongue, my cock. I’ll feed her well.”
His voice was like velvet. Seductive. Aching. “Bucky…” Your breath rushed out swiftly when he kissed your mound through your clothes, tormenting you with arousal you didn’t ask for. It frightened you.
“I can smell you,” he murmured, nosing along where his lips had been before he sat back. “Smell so fucking good.”
Moving your shoes out of the way, he rose to his full height again as you willed your legs not to shake. You weren’t used to anyone looking at you, let alone speak to you, the way he did. Stark desire. Possessiveness. His form of love. Your heart pounded and you refused to answer him or glance down. If you looked at the front of his pants…
He took your hand and pulled you in the direction of the bedroom. Your heart pounded with mounting speed, your heels digging into the floor. “You still haven't kissed me,” you blurted out, hoping it would prevent him from taking you to bed. Or would he take that as an invitation to kiss your lips?
“No, I haven't.” You tried to keep some distance between you as he went to your bed, his hand moving along the blanket. You couldn't breathe. “It scares you how much your body wants mine, doesn’t it?”
“Is that what you think?” You asked, forcing air back into your lungs. It did scare you. It also scared you that you didn’t push him away or scream when he dropped to his knees to remove your shoes. Where was your fighting instinct?
“It is what I think.” The ease in which he moved away from the bed to your dresser to find your pajamas frightened you, too. Like he belonged in your room. You thought back to the night he broke in and left your gift on your bed. How much time did he take to look around? “Like love, giving your body to someone can be scary. You have to trust that you won't get hurt when you’re physically vulnerable.”
“You swore you wouldn't hurt me,” you reminded him.
“And I won't. But you know what else I think?” His magnetic gaze stayed on you as he brought a nightgown over. “That no guy has ever really taken care of you and you’re apprehensive to let me try.”
If you were apprehensive, it was because he was a walking red flag. “What makes you…” Your words stopped when he grasped the bottom of your shirt and pulled it up. Your arms instinctively went up before you realized what you were doing. Removing your shirt, you didn’t get a chance to cover your breasts before he slipped the nightgown on you.
“Your past boyfriends never did anything for you. Emotionally, physically,” he stated, sliding his hands under the nightgown to your hips. Grasping the hem of your pants, he pushed them down as far as he could. “I’ll bet they didn’t even buy you flowers and used the excuse that they didn’t because you’re a florist.”
The words were tiny cuts on old wounds, but you wouldn't give him the satisfaction. “And you will?”
“I will. I’ll give you the life and love you deserve, making you forget any other man out there existed before me.” His eyes raked over you as you stepped out of your pants, your panties still soaked. “But I’m not gonna fuck you.”
Exhaling slowly, relief flooded you. Though you couldn’t help but wonder why he wasn’t trying to take what he wanted. “You won’t?”
“Not tonight.” He shook his head even as his fingers moved along your waist. “Like I said, I’ve overwhelmed you enough. Sleeping with you might really put you over the edge.”
“Thanks.” He desired you, but continued to hold it at bay for your sake. How long would that last? “I appreciate that.”
“And we both know the moment I take you to bed, you’ll be begging for more.” His voice dropped as he toyed with the soft fabric. “And as much as I want to stay in bed with you all night and morning and give us what we both crave, I still need to get things in place at the penthouse and you need rest. You understand.”
You tried not to smile and failed. He acted as if he was doing you a favor. Cocky bastard. “I guess we’ll just have to suffer until then.” Sarcasm continued to be a good way to deflect.
He exhaled at your light teasing, his body still a bit tense. Being close to you and not having you was probably driving him mad. “Maybe we'll have to have another private call and finish what we started. Give us both some relief.” He turned you toward the door and gave you a light swat on your ass. “Go wash your face and brush your teeth before I change my mind.”
You made it to the bathroom in record time, not having to be told twice. You didn’t want to risk staying there in case he lost his resolve. Looking in the mirror as you went through the rest of your nighttime routine, you expected to look more exhausted from the whirlwind of the day. You somehow looked wide awake. Was the experience giving you thicker skin? Or did his desire for you somehow give you a bit of a twisted spark? You’d still be billing him for your future therapy bills either way.
A couple of deep breaths and you made your way back to your bedroom. You paused when you saw Bucky holding a framed photo of you and your friends, longing in his eyes when he lifted his gaze. “You look so happy,” he murmured, carefully setting the frame down on the nightstand before he pulled the blankets back for you. “Can you do me one favor and I’ll go?”
“I was happy. It was a fun day.” You slipped into bed when he gave you space to do so, but his body was still close to yours. Firm. Hard. He really could pin you down and do what he wanted if he wished. “What’s the favor?”
He tucked the blanket around you, his hair falling into his face. You almost reached up to brush it back, but refrained. Who knew what your touch would do? “Look at me like you love me. Please.”
You stiffened as you stared up at his face, your heart simultaneously racing and breaking for him. Love was something that provided a sense of connection, fulfillment. It was a way to show you that you weren’t alone in the world. You wanted to believe you were worthy of love, that you could build a life with someone. Bucky believed he was that someone.
You weren’t sure if it was his yearning gaze or if you were ready for the night to end, but your expression softened as you imagined meeting him in another life. Going on fun dates, talking about books, making each other laugh as you cooked together, snuggling under a blanket as you talked about your future. You found yourself smiling at the images that went through your mind. What could’ve been. What could be if he lessened his hold a bit on you.
He audibly exhaled when he snapped a photo on his phone, making you blink. “Thank you. Now I can look at this whenever I’m not near you and need to feel your love.”
Words escaped you, the invisible collar around your throat getting tighter. You could only nod and wonder how you kept throwing fuel on the fire of his want for you. Which one of you would burn first?
“Get some sleep. Dream sweet dreams.” You felt featherlight kisses on each eyelid when you shut them. “You know, I’ll sleep a lot easier once you’re in my bed.”
“If you get me into your bed,” you mumbled, refusing to look at him.
“Stubborn kitten.” He chuckled and gave each eyelid one more kiss. Why were his lips so soft? “Maybe I’ll stop by the shop tomorrow so I can take you to lunch. You can tell Addison all about it.”
“Maybe.” You yawned and snuggled more into your pillows. “Good night, Bucky.”
A finger moved along your cheek before it stopped abruptly. “Good night, Kotyonok.”
Bucky still hadn't kissed your mouth.
You didn’t open your eyes as he left, but you didn’t fall asleep right away either. Your body was too wound up. Too many questions went through your mind. Like what happened with his parents and how exactly he’d move you out of your place.
The man was a step ahead in everything. You’d be in his penthouse before the month was over. He’d get his way, but maybe it didn't have to be his way completely. He could give you an area in the place for you and you alone. It wouldn’t hurt to ask. After all, he did say he’d make it up to you by dragging you out tonight.
And if he cared the way he said he did, he could give you that one small thing.
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Is our poor Kotyonok starting to accept the inevitable? Will Bucky stop by the shop? And how much longer until he really takes you to bed?Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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I think there’s a mentality in the Stranger Things fandom, or certainly outside of Byler spaces, that Byler is just another m/m ship.
What do I mean by “just another” m/m ship?
We all know there’s a long history of shipping male characters together when the show they were in clearly had no intentional romantic subplot.
M/m shipping has existed since the days of Star Trek - and it’s existed for many different reasons. But over time, it’s developed a bad reputation because fans of those ships were reading into things way too much and had so much hope that something might happen to those characters, only for them to end up incredibly upset and frustrated by the end.
There has also been a lot of accusations of fetishisation.
Some of this is also because especially in the early 2000s/ 2010s, these shows used to play on those hopes and have a lot of fun exploring “bromances”, where the writing would be intentionally stirring the pot, but not crossing the line enough for there to be any real plan to take things further.
What’s really important here is that Byler are NOT that kind of ship.
There would never be this much animosity if Will was Mike’s female best friend from childhood.
Yes, there would be a Byler vs. Milkvan war. That would never change - but the excuses as to why Byler have no possible chance of being together would be entirely different. Because yes, their arguments can currently include that Mike’s in a long term relationship, or that the 1980s environment would make it difficult for them to be together, but that’s about as realistic as the arguments have been.
Compare the circumstances to other canonical unrequited love stories
Take away all of the analysis about why Mike might be gay or Bi or even interested in Will in the first place, and just look at the plot in its bare bones state.
Will is canonically in love with Will, and Mike is canonically unaware of this and in a relationship with El.
There are SO MANY examples of this sort of love triangle in fiction, and most importantly there are more scenarios than there aren’t of this love becoming requited. It’s so normal for an audience to see a scenario like this and wonder if this is going to be one of those stories.
What’s happening instead is a lot of heteronormativity.
And that’s either down to the environment that Stranger Things fans find themselves in (people still live very unexposed lives) or they are just generally ignorant about anything that isn’t really in their face or what they want to see.
So there’s a heck of a lot of fans who didn’t even recognise that Will is gay, or just disregarded their assumptions and played up the “slow to grow up” narrative because they were more comfortable with that kind of story, or could relate to it more.
And so from their point of view, because they didn’t see anything, it couldn’t possibly exist. Bylers were seeing things and making them up. Now, after the Duffers and Noah confirmed things, they’re finding a lot of comfort in instead taking some of this fandoms bigger reaches (don’t mean to offend here, sorry) and using them as ammunition instead, e.g. Finn glancing at Noah’s lips for a millisecond during a take.
But the main point I’m getting at is that people who are dismissing Byler are not recognising that this is a traditional love triangle premise.
Now compare the canonical story to previous m/m ships
So because there are some similar activities happening in this fandom to what has been seen in those previous famous m/m ship fandoms, many Stranger Things fans are dismissing Byler as an imagined ship.
But how many of those old ships were able to boast about actual confirmed feelings, albeit one sided, with time left to explore things further?
There is absolutely no reason why the Byler ship resembles any of those “bromances” or queer baiting storylines in previous franchises and fiction.
This isn’t me saying that Byler will 100% become a couple
What I’m saying is that if nothing happens between them in season 5, that doesn’t undo the fact that Byler are a legitimate ship. It doesn’t undo the fact that Will’s feelings for Mike are canonical and that their storyline follows the premise of a traditional love triangle story.
There are people out there who are already trying to make Bylers feel stupid or ashamed for even exploring the potential of the ship, and all they’re doing is showing us how incredibly ignorant they are.
But that’s not to say that lessons can’t be learned from those previous m/m ship disasters
The one thing you should take from them is that people did get really attached, and so being let down by the show really hurt. It’s fine to speculate about Byler, but please don’t set your heart on them and let it break.
If we start to get legit info or confirmation that the ship won’t be requited, please don’t let yourself fall down the rabbit hole of conspiracy and set yourself up for disappointment.
But we have no legitimate reason to rule out Byler right now
The set up is there, the filming looks positive and the Duffers haven’t said anything to dispute the ship’s potential. Speculation is more than allowed - it’s normal and an inevitable result of season 4. So let’s have as much fun as we can and know that we’re doing nothing “deluded” or wrong.
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fingertipsmp3 · 11 months
So was anyone going to tell me I have a lazy eye or was I supposed to find that out by zoning out on facetime myself
#so i don’t think it’s like. egregiously bad. not as far as i know anyway#but my right eye essentially fucks off any time i’m tired; zone out; or if i intentionally unfocus my eyes#i can sort of feel it happen but also not really. and now i’m upset because howww many times has this happened#and no one ever SAID anything??? is this why people think i’m strange and offputting. is this why i get tons of interviews#but basically never get offered the job. are people unnerved by it? do they think i do it on purpose??#i mean i Can do it on purpose but generally i’m not#like idc what people think of it really but i would have preferred to know that this was a thing my body is doing#how many zoom/teams/google/facetime meetings have i been in and zoned out while someone explained something to me#and no one ever SAID anything. i mean i’ve also never said to somebody ‘hey you have a lazy eye’ so it makes sense i gues#but???????#ugh i need to get an eye test don’t i. i hope i don’t need glasses full time. i hate wearing glasses#i’m not convinced that we as a society have done all we can to 1) manufacture glasses that FUCKING STAY CLEAN AND DON’T MIST UP#and 2) don’t make me look stupid as fuck#i have a face that just. doesn’t suit glasses. any glasses. i can’t explain it#if i’m getting them i want a pair that do the anime thing where they turn blinding white when you push them up your nose#if i don’t look like a kyoya ohtori variant by the end of this i don’t want it#personal
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darnell-la · 4 days
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pairing: old man!logan howlett x young female!reader
warnings: staring, rude people in public, Logan with no emotion, begging, oral (male receiving), riding, doggy, neck kisses, slightly forced cream pie, multiple orgasm, moans from both sides, very rough sex, angry animalistic Logan, etc.
request: Hi! I love your work, Could I request Oldman!Logan x young fem!reader (22 years) that has a baby fever and really wants to have Logan's baby (also to shut the mouths of those who make fun of her dating an older man), she decides to prepare a surprise for him so that he can get her pregnant soon. Reader is needy and Logan is rude.
note: Logan as always is mean and an over-thinker, but he can’t seem to not give what his perfect girl wants. A breeding session.
teaser - Logan gets kinda subby in here. can’t stop cumming…
How do you guys feel about an X-Men story with the reader? Logan is rude Logan at first, then slowly shows small affection towards the reader. Jealousy and things of that sort. They soon hit it off, and after Logan starts acting rude again because he’s scared of the love he grew for her. It’ll be a long story, but something to read at night. ALL ON WATTPAD! Comment below, please!
“Stop gettin’ in your feelings, Bub. They ain’t gon stop,” Logan said, talking about the people looking their way in the expensive restaurant Logan decided to take y/n out at.
“But, isn’t it rude? Why do they care so much about who I’m with? Or who you’re with!?” Y/n tried whispering and keeping her facial expressions normal. She didn’t want them to know she was bothered, but it wasn’t hard to see.
“Just relax, Bub — Ain’t nun gon happen with a few eyes lookin’ attcha,” Logan had picked up the menu to continue searching through what he wanted to order for himself and his girl.
“Are you two ready, or shall you get more time?” The man asked in an accent that made Logan roll his eyes. “Just appetizers for now. Gonna get the cheese bites with a side of marinara sauce, and two Caesar salads,”
“And drinks?” The waiter asked as he looked at y/n, wanting to hear the young lady talk as he was done listening to the older grumpy man.
“I’ll have a whiskey, no ice, and she’ll have water for now,” Logan ordered for her, eyes still on the menu as y/n faked a bright smile on her face so at least one of them looked like they wanted to be here.
“Are you sure that’s all you want? We have a lot of cocktails. Even mocktails if you’re not feeling alcohol going lady,” Logan laughed at the small sign the water gave. They always go.
“She’s fine, trust me,” Logan said, leaning his girl from head to toe. He knew her like a book. He knew her life at the back of his hands. He loved showing it too.
“I’m fine, thank you,” y/n smiled at the man as he looked at Logan. He wanted to speak, say something, but he couldn’t. Logan wasn’t actually doing anything to make the man complain.
“Get a load of that guy,” y/n rolled her eyes as he walked off. “Yep,” Logan said, not really caring. “Why are you always so calm? He was disrespecting us. Disrespecting you,” y/n said, confused about why the man never cared.
“I’m still alive, aren’t I? You’re making it seem like that fetus of a man shot at me,” y/n rolled her eyes and sat back as she crossed her arms, upset at the lack of care Logan had. She felt like she was the only one who cared about things.
Throughout the night, Logan made small talk with y/n to ease her mood. She tried to stay upset at the man, but the hand grabs, foot nudges, and complements made her melt
“Said you had a surprise for me, Bub?” Logan asked as the two made it into the hotel that Logan bought for the night. The top floor had a good view, a view he knew y/n would love.
“Yeah, but I thought we were going back to the house,” y/n pouted, a bit tipsy as Logan carried her through the door. “I know, and I apologize, princess. If you left it at the house, you can give it to me tomorrow. Or I can go get it now?” Logan suggested.
“No, no, you don’t have to do all that. I-I got it. I got it,” Y/n said as she kicked her heels off and walked towards the bed with Logan.
He had a few drinks, but that never affected him. She prayed it would tonight so she wouldn’t have to work hard, but she’ll deal with it.
Y/n knows Logan’s a hard one to crack, but the man loved her. He’s so anything for her, so a long session of begging or anything of that sort, would make him crack. Only for her.
“Get comfortable — I’ll be back,” Y/n said as she stumbled to the bathroom. Logan chuckled as he got undressed, already knowing y/n wanted to have sex. She always does, and he never says no.
Y/n didn’t take long to get stripped and walk out of the bathroom slowly. The lights were dim, and Logan sat up against the headboard of the bed, legs spread and waiting for his perfect girl.
“I-I know you’re against it, and I know you always shut me down, but tonight is special. I-I really, really want you tonight,” Y/n said, slowly crawling on the bed as Logan’s chest rose.
“You always get me, Bub, so what’s there to beg about?” Logan said as he rubbed his thighs. “I want you to cum in me,” y/n looked at him with those eyes he could barely say no to.
“Y/n, don’t start tonight. Ian tryna ruin the night,” Logan has rolled his eyes with a sigh. “Baby, please,” y/n begged, trailing her hands up his legs until they were mid-thigh.
“Keep beggin’ for that shit, and ima turn around and go to sleep,” Logan warned the girl, but she ignored him and put his cock in her hand. “C’mon, daddy, please,” y/n said, bringing out the word she used in once in a blue moon.
“Nah uh, get off, y/n. I told you what was gonna happen-“ Before he could finish, y/n wrapped her wet mouth around his tip, sucking down hard as her tongue moved up and down his slit.
“F-Fuck,” Logan’s legs shook as he gripped the sheets. “Y/n, remove your fucking mouth,” Logan demanded, but she ignored him, looking into his angry dark eyes as she slipped down onto his cock, taking all the inches in that she could.
“Y-Y/n!” The man groaned loudly, hips bucking as his hand went to her hair, pulling her up to get her off, but not strong enough. He was physically stronger than her, so she knew if he wanted her off, he’d get her off.
“Fuckin- Fuck, you’re so fuckin’ bad,” Logan said as his other hand cupped her cheek. “But you take my cock so well,” Logan admitted with a chuckle as he slowly began moving her head at a pace he wanted her to suck in.
“Always so fuckin’ needy — Needy little slut can’t just enjoy my cock. Always needs my cum to satisfy her,” Logan said, now moving his hips, allowing his cock to thrust up into her throat.
“That’s it, kid — Fuckin’ suck me up since you want it so bad. You ain’t gettin’ it in that cunt. You ain’t earn it yet,” Logan said, watching spit spill from her mouth.
Y/n did her best to look up and into his eyes. Her was glossy, streaming tears as he grew dark. He couldn’t hold back his deep groan at the sight of her taking his cock like this.
“Don’t fuckin’ look at me like that,” Logan said, getting angry at her. He hated how bad she was, but loved that she’d do anything to get what she wanted from him.
“Fuckin’ brat,” Logan growled, snapping his hips faster to make her gag and cough on his cock. Maybe if she was too busy trying to focus on taking him, she’d stop silently begging for him to breed her.
It’s not like the man didn’t want to. He was just insecure. Yeah, he and y/n had been dating for a while, but the people roaming about are right. At least that’s what he thought at the time.
What if he is too old for her? He’d basically be baby-trapping her if he gave her what she wanted. He swore she’d regret it.
He forced himself to think that way, but every time y/n took his cock, rather that was with her mouth, cunt, ass, or anything, she’s beg him to breed her. Something in him knew she wanted it, but the other part held him back.
“Fuck, y/n, stop it! Stop fucking looking at me like that!” Logan shouted at the girl, an animalistic tone slipping out as he fucked her throat.
Y/n didn’t stop. She continued, whether her eyes could barely stay on him or not, she kept looking up at him, begging him to breed her.
“Y/n, I can’t — I fucking can’t,” the man had thrown his head back, whining as he felt himself near. He’s me we did that before, but him trying to yell her no but also seeing her beg, was too much for him. He was overstimulated by his thoughts.
Y/n slapped Logan’s hands off of him and quickly crawled onto him. She grabbed his cock and aligned herself with him before sitting down.
The moan that escaped her mouth made his eyes widen. “F-Fuck, kid, stop it!” Logan said, but his hands came to her waist and kept her in place. She tried to bounce, but he didn’t even allow her to do that.
Logan’s feel curled as his fingernails dug into her sides, causing her to feel in pain, but also pleasure. “Do it, daddy, please,” was all had to say on his cock before he jumped over the edge.
Logan’s mouth parted as his whole body stuttered. No noises came from his mouth for a second as y/n felt his warm seed coat her walls.
“Yes! Yes, daddy, yes!” Y/n cried out with happiness before she buried her face into the crook of his neck, sucking into his skin hard. That pulled all of his groans and moans out.
Logan’s hands wrapped around the girl's back and waist, pulling her into his body as she grinned against his pelvis, letting her swollen bud feel all the affection it needed.
“Please, more, Logan. Please. Please,” y/n continued rubbing against him as her whole body felt numb. She was going to cum, and Logan knew it. Damn her.
“Fuck, kid — F-Fuck,” Logan’s legs kicked as he tried keeping himself in, but he couldn’t. She squeezed him so hard for him not to do what she’d been begging for, for the longest.
“Y/n,” Logan’s voice cracked as his nails broke the skin on the young girl's back and waist. “Yes, yes!” Y/n almost cried as her body kicked up and she came, sucking the man too hard. To damn hard.
Logan’s mouth parted once again as his eyes crossed, feeling too much pleasure as he spilled into y/n for the second time and took the love bites y/n gave him on his neck.
Logan was pissed. He was so damn pissed at y/n for not listening to him. He wanted to punish her, but how? How could he after he bred her? He wouldn’t be able to pull out. And fuck a condom. He was fucked. He broke the promise he kept to himself. He really fucking loves her to let her do this to him.
“You’re so fuckin’ bad, y/n,” Logan breathed out into y/n’s ear, alarming her. He wasn’t relaxed. He was angry. “You like gettin’ what you want?” The man asked as he slowly lifted y/n off of him. She was being held in the air.
“Then ima give you what you fucking want,” before y/n knew what he meant, the man flipped the two, allowing him to hover over her.
“S-Sorry, I just- I really needed you. I-I love you so much, and I-I — I want you to give me a baby. I-If you don’t want it, I-I’ll just take the plan b tomorrow. I promise,” y/n couldn’t stop stuttering.
She felt a slight fear. She knew how Logan got, and now that he’d already come in her, he’d be worse.
“Fuck that plan b. You wanna baby? Then deal with the fucking consequences,” Logan turned y/n around and forced her onto her hands and knees. Before she could process anything, he plunged into her.
“Fuuck!” Y/n screamed at the new angle and the hard thrust. “Shut the fuck up, and take it,” the man groaned as a hand came down on her ass. “Take my fuckin’ kid, since you wasn’t em so damn bad,” he added.
Y/n cried into the sheets, thinking he couldn’t fuck her hard until his claws came out. He’d never done this before, but she knew what he was up to.
The man’s claws punched into the wall right in front of the two. He gripped tightly, making sure he wasn’t going anywhere before he pounded her into the mattress.
The young girl's neck and back belt pain. He was breaking her and didn’t care. She wanted this.
“Lot,” y/n whined, not being able to say what she had to say. She was beyond fucked. “Don’t worry, Bub — You’re gonna make a damn good mom,” Logan said, making sure she knew he was up for this.
Y/n slightly smiled as her cunt quivered, finally letting out another orgasm as her eyes closed. “S-So good,” she said as she slipped away. “I know, baby — I know,” the man growled.
Logan never stopped his thrust, making sure she’d feel the soreness when she woke up. And the loads he was going to leave in her.
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artinvain · 5 months
abby is terrible and toxic and really good at gaslighting apologising and so sexy and oops - dacryphilia
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• ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆• ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆• ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ Abby had called you sixteen times. you huff as your phone rings, make that seventeen. your scalding shower cleared your mind for it’s duration but as soon as you stepped out you were bombarded with thoughts about abby.
was she okay? why should it matter to you, because she does stupid things when she’s upset. you chastise yourself for even defending her — you were the one that caught her sharing air with ellie. with her fucking hands on ellie’s hips, your best friend, the thought made you sick.
abby: please talk to me
you ignore the message, pulling clothes on while it continues to buzz incessantly. abby: I’m so sorry you saw that, I can explain
abby: I won’t stop I need you to talk to me
you sighed exasperated as you sat on your couch and started to type, redacting words and switching things around until your eyes hurt and you can’t see from the tears. you wanted to reply to abby, you wanted to give her a piece of your mind but why should you? she’d done this before, she promised —
you promised abby, you promised it wouldn’t happen again.
you bit your fist while waiting for her reply. more tears as you thought about your first reconciliation, when she’d finally earned your trust. and now you couldn’t even trust your best friend. abby stops typing and your heart drops, until she’s banging on your door and calling your name.
“baby, please, please open up for me,” she whimpers, “just wanna talk,” you hate yourself for it but open the door and abby sighs relived. you glare at her as she steps closer, “honey you know this happened last time too,” abby sighs stepping closer when you cross you arms and look away, “that was different-“ but abby shushes you and tips your chin up with her finger tip, looking down on you with big watery eyes.
“no it wasn’t -“ she whispered “you were wasted you thought you saw me kissing someone but I wasn’t,” she said softly, following your eyes, “but you and ellie -“ you sighed.
“we didn’t kiss, she wanted me to,” she hummed, “I would never, she was all over me,” a hand coming to sit gingerly on your hip. “I promise you baby, I’m all yours,” you lean slowly into her touch and -
god yes — she knows she’s getting you and almost feels bad, she didn’t like doing this but she couldn’t lose you, she would go on a killing rampage. she needed you. but abby also couldn’t seem to stop herself from making mistakes again and again.
“you didn’t kiss her?” you ask, you sort of felt bad for doubting her, abby took care of you, she protected you. you knew she had bad dealings but she kept it all away from you. “no love I didn’t,” she hums her hand cupping your cheek as your eyes start to leak.
“I’m sorry,” abby says, looking into your eyes and kissing your forehead, “I love you okay, and I wouldn’t - I can’t lose you,” she whines as your arms engulf her and she pulls you close her warm arms caging you. “I’m so sorry,” she whispers, kissing your temple, your cheek again and again until you’re desperately clawing at her vest, rugged her impossibly closer and tasting her lips, your mouth on hers -tongue licking into her mouth for a taste. her tongue lapped over yours, her arms pulling you in tight, her whole body apologising.
“let’s-“ you say inbetween kisses, “bedroom,” you stumble back through the hallway into your bedroom, as she removes your top and you run your hands over her sensitive tits until you fall into your bed. “m’gonna prove it,” abby says with ragged breath. “prove you’re mine, that I��m just for you,” she leans over you sucking your bottom lip and kissing you pressing her mouth to yours I need you is what she’s saying.
you grip her head as abby kisses down your chest, taking your bra off and gently squeezing your tits and then “fuck,” you moan as you tangle your hand in her hair as abby sucks on your nipples, lightly grazing them with her teeth, groaning as she mouths at and kisses all over your chest leaving marks glittering your torso. abby licked her lips as she lay between your legs, “i’m yours baby, jus for you,”
she slurs as she sniffs you mouthing your pussy through your panties, tasting your wetness and sucking on your clit, “ungh-abby,” you gasp, bucking your hips as she tears the fabric down your legs. she’s fucking drooling at the sight of you, humping the bed huffing like she was in heat. there was no one like you. she marvelled for a second how you pulsed as she gently touches your folds and spread you wide, her breath making you jump. “please! fuck abby please,” you didn’t realise you were crying but abby could hear it in your voice and she clenched her jaw, trying to stop herself from cumming, but when she tasted you she groaned loudly, her hips jerking as she explodes, she can feel her clit rubbing on her strap. gripping your thighs tight and laying your legs over her shoulders abby licks her thick tongue through you and suckles at your clit all the while, the tip of her tongue breaching your hole.
“jesus! fuck, abby!” you near yell as she devours you, her head shaking from side to side, her tongue constantly softly sucking and then her finger is curling gently into you, pressing in and out, “mhyour cunt is so fucking good baby,” abby words slur as she goes back to kissing and licking you. you moan loudly your thighs going to tighten around her head and she lets you muffle her ears, pulling you close and exploring your body with her free hand.
when she looks up at you, you’re glorious, skin dewey as you writhe and your nipples so tight, god she wants to suck on them again. and your face is beautifully contorted, your mouth open in a constant series of grunts and moans and callings of her name and god. “abby, shit, i’m - fucking ahh—“ you yelp as Abby stretches you, her fingers fitting you to the hilt and curling. your back arches and your brain melts as you shake, “fuck!” abby hears you, sees the tears on your pretty face and goes cross eyed. “abs- baby, abby! god that’s so good,” you grunt out your body still jerking and grinding up against her as she works albeit gently on you.
abby slowly releases you, her chin and cheeks covered in your sweet stickiness, she licks handfuls as she comes to kiss you, removing her pants and you don’t even question why she’s wearing a strap but you know it’s your favourite and you were too stuck dumb by pleasure to care.
“I’m yours, you hear me?” she moans as she slicks herself up with your cum and her spit, she eases you in, watches your face as you close your eyes up tight. “say I’m yours,” she tells you, gripping your cheeks and kissing your pouting mouth. “you’re mine, you’re fucking mine,” you scratch your nails down her back as she eases in to the hilt.
“mine abby, you’re mine,” and there are those pretty fucking tears again, “so pretty fuck,” she moans holding you tight and snapping her hips into you. “abby—“ you gasp “I can’t hold - I’m gonna cum,”
“cum f’me baby,” abby whispers, “it’s okay, please baby you can cum, please for me,”
You can barely breathe with the way your body constricts and then releases as she moan scratching Abby’s back and arm as she fucks you through your orgasm, until you’re yelling from oversensitivity, “okay baby, okay,” she cooes removing herself and kicking her strap off, pulling you in close and gathering a blanket to cover you. abby kisses your forehead and you lay on her chest. and you wonder if this cycle will ever end.
• ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ jesus please don’t be like this in real life. this is deranged behaviour please please it’s just fantasy to test waters and get my emotional experiences out safely thanks bye 😘
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actiniumwrites · 7 months
kiss me (not)
synopsis: how they’d react when you dodge/ wipe off their kisses for a day as a prank
characters: gaming, kujou sara, heizou, tighnari, cyno, kaveh, and lyney x gn!reader
warnings: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, some humor, established relationships, etc
notes: i love this prompt so much omg. i’ve read a lot of fics other people have written for different fandoms and i’m actually shocked i haven’t written it before considering i eat it up every time (especially when there’s some angst 🫠)
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the first time he sees you wipe off his kiss, something in him dies a little, especially when you don’t say anything after he asks if you’re okay
so he starts doubting himself and compensating for where he may went wrong
maybe he had bad breath? or you weren’t having a good day today?
he hates that he doesn’t know what he did wrong, and even worse, why you keep doing it throughout the day
you only stop when you see the way he genuinely starts beating himself up over it, deciding it wasn’t funny anymore and honestly never was
“it was a prank,” you nudge him softly, regret overflowing from your voice, “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. i shouldn’t have kept it going for so long.”
a relieved breathe and a small smile from him follow right after. you can tell he’s still a bit stuck on the whole thing, but deep down, he’s just grateful he didn’t screw up somewhere because there’s no way in hell gaming would ever let himself lose you
“it’s okay,” he breathes out, clutching your hand a little tighter than usual, “just please, don’t do it again, okay?”
kujou sara:
to say she’s confused is an understatement
she’ll immediately backtrack to make sure she actually just saw that correctly. did you really just wipe off her kiss?
so she goes in for another one, and sure enough, you dodge her this time and send her a quick goodbye before slipping out of the house and running off to work
it legitimately ruins her whole day. she can’t even function at work because it’s all she can think about
and by the time she’s home at night, she’s already tired and just wants you but she’s also too afraid that maybe she did something to upset you
fortunately for her, you spare her of the prank knowing your girlfriend well enough to know that the second she walks through the door she had a shitty day
so you apologize and tell her it was just a prank and you didn’t mean any harm
and she wants to be so mad at you for it, but literally can’t no matter how hard she tries so instead she just gives in and gets the kiss she’s been thinking about all day
he realizes right away what you’re doing and finds it rather amusing
so he’ll play along too, not trying to kiss you at all and even going a step further and not showing you any sort of physical attention
try to hold his hand? not happening. hugging him? not a chance
and it ends up becoming a competition, because what can you say? you’re both competitive people
goes on until the end of the day and only ends when you’re both too tired to keep it up
“you’re no fun, you know?” you poke his chest as you tiredly lean against him
he smiles down at you, “how so? i let you play your little pranks, didn’t i? i even played along.”
you just scoff and scoot away, tucking yourself into the warm blankets and ignoring his teasing
but then he’ll grab you and pull you into his chest, giving into you, “fine. next time i’ll give you the reaction you want. happy now?”
the opposite of heizou: he’s very unamused, and is very aware of what’s going on.
as soon as you back away from him after he tries to kiss you, his face falls into a deadpan and he crosses his arms menacingly
“i’ll have you know i don’t find pranks like these very funny,” he’ll immediately tell you off, not wanting to act so childishly when it comes to affection
tighnari cares a lot about people, whether he shows it or not, so to have you pretend to dodge it upsets him — even if it is meant to be a mere lighthearted prank
so you apologize instantly, feeling a little bad over the whole ordeal, “it’s just a prank, you know? i thought it would be funny to see how you’d react.”
definitely the kind of person to feel a little bashful and guilty for overreacting over something so silly, but also doesn’t want to admit it
so he’ll just silently kiss you and act like nothing happened, secretly hoping you’ll never try to pull something like that again
at first, he thinks it’s kinda funny since he always plays jokes. however, i think he’s similar to tighnari in the sense that he also takes a little offense to it
like, he knows it’s a joke, but he just can’t help feeling a little hurt over it
“is something the matter?” he’ll ask while you’re both on the way to meet with friends. you shake your head no, fighting a smile
defeatedly, he leaves it at that, knowing you won’t budge. he’ll feel miserable the entire time and won’t stop thinking about how you won’t give the prank up, even in front of your friends
and when you both leave for the night, he crosses his arms and confronts you as you both walk home, “it isn’t funny.”
“what isn’t funny?”
“your prank. it isn’t funny. i don’t like the way you’re avoiding kissing me,” he says bluntly. it makes your heart sink into your stomach a bit, admittedly starting to feel a bit bad
so you apologize and work everything out, telling him you got the idea from alhaitham who was curious to see how he’d react in a situation like that — that, and he felt like pissing cyno off for a day, but you didn’t need to know that part
he’ll get frustrated, but is glad it’s all settled. he’ll also be extra affectionate throughout the next week, feeling as if he somehow lost time with you
gets so offended omg he will literally hate you
the first time you do it, his jaw drops to the floor and he calls you out on it immediately
“what was that?” he points an accusatory finger at you
you bite back a smile and feign innocence, “huh? what are you talking about?”
will not let you leave for the day until you drop the act and properly return his kiss
when you continue to go on with the prank, however, he’ll start to get all pouty and just ask you to kiss him
and he just looks so cute that you cup his face and give him a big fat kiss and walk out the door immediately after without a word and a big smile on your face, satisfied with his reaction
he gets so dramatic about it it’s not even funny
will literally clutch his chest and fall to the ground in public so that you stop him
when you don’t and you let him face public humiliation (because you find it funny too), he stops himself and gets back up
follows you around like a lost puppy all day and will constantly try to sneak in a kiss while you’re caught of guard, but you never fall for it and he gets so much more frustrated each and every time
then he begs lynette and freminet to help him, except they think it’s funny too seeing how whipped he is for you
and he knows it’s a prank too, but the fact that you won’t break makes him so lovingly annoyed with you
you don’t stop until lynette genuinely intervenes, complaining about how annoying lyney had gotten throughout the day, “please end his suffering already. you know my brother is an idiot who doesn’t shut up and i’ve had enough of him today.”
you laugh it off, but ultimately agree
so you go and find him, which wasn’t that hard, and tap him on the shoulder before planting a gentle kiss to his lips, “sorry for pranking you. it was just too funny of an opportunity to pass up.”
“you’re so mean to me,” he’ll complain, but will then continue to kiss you so often that you’re now the annoyed one instead
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
I’m obsessed with my princess. I’ll take a late night snack if you have one 🥹👉🏻👈🏻
Since I've been yelled at to make more brat tamer kook content: Here you go, some sweet tension!
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Jungkook has come to learn that you know very well how to get under his skin by now.
And you also, not just on occasion, make it a fun game for yourself to see how much you can annoy him before he snaps. Maybe because he's been pretty lenient with you compared to how he would normally like to go at it. He can't really do much about it either- his wolfblood constantly telling him to put you back into your proper place in the pack.
A pack he doesn't have, but that doesn't mean his instincts know that too.
Jungkook doesn't have many canine hybrids as friends, except maybe Yoongi. But since he's bonded to his own partner, Jungkook doesn't really feel any sort of need to care for him like he does with you- though he's not too sure why he's starting to get so attached to you either.
You're just friends- and even that would technically be a stretch to say. He doesn't know you, and you don't know him either.
But he can't deny the fact that he really.. enjoys this game of push and pull you two constantly seem to engage in, every bark sent into your direction only momentarily causing you to follow his word. Maybe you're instinctively able to really figure out if he's being genuinely angry or upset at you, or if he leaves room for you to try and test him on his threats, because otherwise, he'd not be too sure as to why you're just so good at walking that line with him.
And sometimes he has to admit, his fingers are itching.
Just like today, where you're just constantly annoying him by either repeating his words for no reason, or by making his job absolutely impossible. Though, taking care of you at your apartment and making sure you're getting the hang of normal everyday life-tasks wasn't really in his job description, to be fair. He's not even getting paid extra for this.
Why is he doing this again?
He's not sure, but he also can't really think about it for much longer, because right now, you've overstepped the line. There's no way you don't know what you're doing, and no one can blame him for physically acting on this, because how dare you.
You just bit him.
And he's reacting accordingly, at least if someone was to ask his instincts in that moment, a hand on the back of your neck pressing you down into your couch, while you growl to yourself. And the second he realizes what he's doing, he wants to apologize-
when he notices your tail wagging. Even this right now, is still a fucking game to you.
"Don't tell me you're pissed just cause I nipped your arm there." You laugh, probably sensing that he's not serious yet. "Boo-hoo. Now lemme go, I wanna watch TV-" You start to struggle, successfully slipping out of his grip- but he's not done yet.
He can't let this stand.
So just as you're ready to slip off the couch, he grabs you by your waist, just to pull you back, his body entirely covering yours, keeping you in place while he bites your neck.
Scruffs you, like the spoiled, unmannered pup you are.
And the reaction is almost instantaneous- compared to how on other occasions you've simply accepted and reluctantly agreed to his scolding, right now, you're fully submitting, tail between your legs underneath him, a soft whine coming from you. And it's now that he realizes, he's never had the upper hand over you, never had you under control at all.
You've always simply let him win.
Once he lets go of you, ready to apologize for acting so harshly, you instead crawl onto his lap, clinging to him, quietly. Visibly in need for his comfort again, desperate to get back on his good side.
Oddly how he remembers himself acting when he was younger, and scolded by his own parents.
Suddenly, you're not all that bold anymore, not even apologizing, simply leaning into him, rubbing your cheek against his clothes whenever he stops holding you. It all happened so quickly that he doesn't even process it that much right now, but all he knows is that whatever happened definitely got the message across for you.
"I'll never bite again.." You mumble into his shoulder, hiding away from him, and he laughs, running a hand up and down your back.
"No, it's fine. It just caught me off guard." He explains himself. "I'm a wolfdog mix, so I apologize I reacted like that. I couldn't really help it." He offers you, and you nod.
"No, I was being mean." You defend him. "Can I continue cuddling you? Or do you want to leave?" You ask, giving him the genuine option to go- and he knows, he probably should.
But instead, he shakes his head, and sits a bit more comfortably.
Holding you until you fall asleep, while he watches some random TV channel in your apartment.
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shanastoryteller · 9 months
Happy Holidays! ❄️❄️ more from What They Expect please! I love that AU!
continuation of 1 2 3
It’s been well over a year since she’s seen Mustang. Al’s all aflutter about it, and how puberty has her looking like something other than a twelve year old boy, but she’s really not worried. Mustang is so involved with his own shit that he doesn’t have the time to care about hers. It would be a damning quality if it wasn’t exactly what she needed from him.
She is, sort of, a little bit worried about Riza. Not worried as in she actually thinks something is going to happen, but just that if anyone out of Mustang’s little idiot brigade would figure her out, it would be her.
Maes is a distinct possibility, but also not really. The thing that saves her, always, is that no one’s really looking. She’s loud and flashy and angry and no one thinks she’s too short to be a guy because of how sensitive she is about it and no one notices she’s pretty because they’re too busy dealing with her being mad and scowling and, with these guys, she’s got an extra ace up her sleeve.
They think they already know all her secrets.
They know about human transmutation and binding her brother’s soul to a suit of armor and every questionable and terrible thing she’s done since in her pursuit to fix it.
Why the hell would she be lying about her gender? It’s not even a thought in their heads, and if it ever becomes one, they’ll dismiss it before he even has a chance to.
Eden binds her chest tight extra tight, so her chest is nearly flat, and puts on her baggy tank top and giant red coat that hides the way her hips curve and the giant stompy boots that she really does love, sets her face in a familiar scowl, and goes off to war.
If war was child’s play, that is.
“Where have you been?” Mustang demands, towering over her and nostrils flaring.
Well. Sort of towering over her. She must have had a growth spurt, because he’s really only got a couple inches on her, which is sort of hilarious. She hadn’t noticed that he was short before. “Uh, lots of places. Haven’t you been reading my reports?”
She does not laugh in his face at the way his eyebrow ticks. She spends so much time meticulously writing everything down in dedicated code in her travelogues, she really doesn’t have the energy to spare when she gets to her reports for Mustang. Besides, he doesn’t really care what she’s doing, only that it’s big and flashy enough to distract from whatever he’s doing.
Is she supposed to know that? She can’t remember. But it’s so obvious that it doesn’t feel like something that can be a secret.
Then again, the rest of the brass haven’t caught on, so.
“What were you thinking in Liore?” he snaps.
Eden blinks. “Liore? That was forever ago. Did something happen? Rose didn’t mention anything in her last letter.”
“Yes, Edward, it was forever ago, but since you declined to answer my summons to come here and explain yourself, we’re discussing it now,” he says.
God, she’d forgotten how bitchy he gets. “Okay, well that priest guy was pretty strange-“
“I don’t care about the priest!”
She stares. She had to kill the guy twice and he doesn’t care? Honestly, she thinks it’s sort of memorable.
“What were you thinking messing with that river?”
Ed tilts her head to the side. “You’re upset about the river?”
He glares. “Of course I’m upset about the river!”
She bites the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. Al’s really worried over nothing.
Mustang is never paying attention to the right things.
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flippinpancakes64 · 1 month
Can I request the cullens x reader whose love language is like playfully bullying, like insults and bickering but like in a joking way they don't actually mean to be rude but they cullens don't know that so they just think reader suddenly doesn't like them anymore.
Thanks for your time❤️
The Cullens with a reader who playfully bullies them
I’ve sort of got this issue where my normal speaking cadence is sarcastic and people don’t know if I’m being honest or not. So I understand the struggle.
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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He can tell when you’re joking
You know, reading minds and everything is pretty helpful in that scenario
Doesn’t mean he doesn’t get confused sometimes tho
He knows you like to tease him from time to time
And he never usually takes it personally
But for some reason the last comment you made on his hairdo really got to him
Somehow he missed the playful hint in your mind and now he’s sulking
Like actually pouting
He is up in the piano room sadly plinking on the keys
You have to go up there and personally apologize
Obviously he can look into your mind and tell that you’re being serious
This kinda thing happens from time to time, him missing those little cues
But he’s pretty easy to reason with afterwards
Just apologize profusely for hurting his feelings
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She’s got some pretty thick skin
Especially when it comes to physical attributes about herself
Except for her hair
Vampire hair can’t grow and in the books/graphic novel it’s a lot choppier and shorter
She does her best, but it can never fully live up to her fashion standards
So all it takes is one backhanded remark about her hair and she’s really upset
She won’t tell you, she just excuses herself
She’ll bring it back up later when she’s more calm though
She needs a bunch of cuddles and kisses to forgive you
And even then you might have to go shopping with her
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He’s a bit insecure when it comes to certain things
Namely the scars on his arms
He doesn’t mind your playful bullying
But when you joke about something he’s so ashamed of, he shuts down
He knows that you know that it’s a touchy subject for him
So he assumes that you’re trying to hurt his feelings
He stays in the forest for a day or two
He intends to be alone
Since you don’t want him, he’ll stay away
You’re gonna have to go find him and stop him from moping and being sad
Apologize profusely right now
And tell him you didn’t mean it
He can sense the sincerity coming from you
And even though he is still a little hurt, he’ll forgive you
Just don’t bring up his scars again
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She’s also one to playfully bully you
Sometimes she crosses the line
But she’s always quick to fix it
She’s not going to let shit stew
If you insulted her in some way and didn’t seem like you were joking, she asks you about it immediately
Not one to beat around the bush
And as long as you clarify that it was a joke, you didn’t mean it, etc, she doesn’t hold a grudge
If you didn’t mean it to be harmful, she won’t take it that way
Overall she’s pretty chill when it comes to misunderstandings
However, if there’s ever a time where she can’t talk to you about it quick enough to resolve things, she’s angry
She starts second guessing herself, asking if you really meant it, why you would say that, other things
She just gets really pissed off
Like she could punch something
Not you of course
But again, she doesn’t wait around
As soon as both of you are available to talk about it she’s striking up the conversation
10/10 communicator
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He’s got thick skin
But he’s also easily confused
He doesn’t understand sarcasm too well
He just hears the insult and he’s like “…babe?”
So if you wanna play bully him you’re gonna have to explain that it’s a joke
Usually he catches on if you start laughing afterwards
But if you don’t, he’s lost
It’s happened a couple times
Usually he asks right after you say it if you mean it
And he just looks at you with these wide eyes and you can’t resist
But if you double down, maybe you’re in a more playful mood, it just re-establishes it to him
And he just sort of says “oh…ok” and walks away all sad
You’re gonna have to go find him to apologize
And don’t do it again
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She also gets a bit confused by it
Like wdym your way of showing affection is by insulting me???
She doesn’t get it
And she’s pretty upfront with the fact that she would prefer if you were just… nice to her
We love a partner who can properly communicate their boundaries
Because of this, every time you do insult her and take it a step too far, she takes it personally
She gets really hurt
And when she’s hurt she tends to isolate a little
Please go find her and apologize
And cuddle
And watch a movie
And whatever else she wants to do
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He’s sort of similar to Esme
He’s not a big fan of the playful bullying
But he does understand it better
He’s not too fond of the fact that sometimes you make fun of his clothes or his hair
But he also knows when you’re joking
He doesn’t ask you to stop
But he does set very clear boundaries
If you go after something he’s insecure about or he feels you shouldn’t joke about, he tells you
It’s very very rare that he misunderstands you
He knows that’s just how you are
And he doesn’t usually take it personally either
What can I say he’s a very well rounded guy
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Vampire! Bella:
She’s got some insecurities, we all know that
Specifically when it comes to the other vampires
If you say literally anything about her not being as graceful, as smart, as funny, literally anything, she is so upset
She wants to be like the other Cullens so bad that if you say anything like that she shuts down
She trusts you, and even though she knows you like to joke around, this is the one thing she can’t joke about
You’re gonna need to apologize a whole lot
And even then she’ll be touchy
Just don’t talk about that tho and you’ll be good
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positively-mine · 1 year
You’re a girl?!
how the twst boys find out you’re a girl & their reactions
tags: afab, accidental touches
a/n: very much self indulgent BUT I COUNDNT STOP THINKING 🤔 what if because it was a boys school that they didn’t have skirts and basically Crowley just made you wear the uniform & you didn't tell anyone. Like epel and lilia’s case, they just thought you were a feminine guy (p.s I just started and I haven’t read any spoilers, except for some info from reddit so I’m very sorry if this has already been covered/ revealed) very gacha coded but PLSSSSS bear this brain rot with me
Some spoilers: until book 3
Series: ❤️ 🧡 🩵 💛 💜 💙 💚
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This can go two ways. Firstly, is that he was chasing deuce or Grimm around and you happen to be walking around the corner. And BAM. You’re both on the ground with him on top of you, caging you into his arms. With both his hands conveniently placed on two lumps on your chest. It takes him a good 3 seconds of staring and squeezing before he realises what they are. What you are. Immediately feels embarrassed and starts screaming and scarmbling to get up.
Orrr he has gotten so used to coming into ramshackle house as he pleases and barges into your room without knocking. You’re both guys, so what’s the problem? Big mistake. Because you’re changing and literally only in your under garments. He’s all red and hot faced before he’s running out of your room and the house into the walkway to calm himself down.
The next time he faces you, he’s apologising while avoiding eye contact. He knows you’ve been through thick and thin together but it really did feel as though his whole world view was shattered when he found out. When he’s hanging out with you, he’s much more careful of where he places his hand and tries to look out for you. Definitely tried to act more manly as well, like when there's an overblot about to happen he either pushes you behind him or blocks you with his body..
The way i see this going down is that he’s got his gangster mode on from whatever trouble he’s gotten himself into (or for convenience sake; the broken eggs in book 1). And he’s trying to push you away to stop you from stopping HIM from picking a fight. And something soft hits his forearm. He turns to look at you chest before he quickly realises. He’s screaming like a banshee while moving as far away as he can from you. The initial quarrel was forgotten and now his head is spinning. Thoughts like “what would my mother think if she knew what i did??”, “HES A GIRL?! I MEAN SHE” and so on. The walk back to the kitchen is so quiet that you could basically hear Grimm’s grumbling all the way from Heartsbyul kitchen. Once you arrived back at the kitchen, the guys are wondering why its so quiet between you two but pay no mind to it.
He gets awkward around you every once in a while when realises how close the two of you are but still tries to make up for it. Also becomes more diligent in trying to withhold his gangster personality. He doesn’t want to show anymore of his nasty side to you when he can show you how well he can treat you. Lest he wants to lose you to some other guys…
This one's tough. I don't know if he has sisters so let's just say that he has. He's one of the first few to realize that you're a girl, being the ever observant person that he is. He sees the pattern when you start getting a little bit more emotional than you are. Snapping at Adeuce and Grimm when you're usually much more patient, getting upset at small things or when he catches you tearing up when you talk about returning to your own world. Yeah he definitely knows.
So it's no surprise when you start to receive more baked treats from him and he's piling up all sorts of nutritious food onto your plate when you sit together. The others are wondering why he's doing that when you're capable of doing it yourself. It's only after several months of this treatment that you realize he knows that you're a girl. And when you confront him about it, "I can't help but want to take care of you when I see you".
I like to think that you’re having tea together. He’s invited you to another one of their dorm’s many reason to have tea. Grimm and Ace are fighting for the last cookie and accidentally knock into you as you pick up your teacup. Splashing the liquid all over your dress shirt. Riddle is of course, furious. Rule #363, never spill your tea. Especially on a Tuesday. He’s screaming at them both when his eyes move to check if you’re okay. And that’s when he sees some blue peeking out at the wet area of your shirt. It takes him a quick second to march over to you and drape his blazer over you. “You should go back and change. Make sure to take a warm bath unless you want to catch a cold.” You nod at him confusedly. He watches as you make your way down the steps. He turns to the rest of the members with pink tinted cheeks. “Unfortunately this tea party will have to be cancelled,” and he quickly turns back to walk to his dorm before anyone can say anything.
The next time you see him, his cheeks are tinted pink and he’s trying very hard to not make eye contact with you. Overall, most of your relationship stays the same except that he’s inviting you over for tea more often. But this time its just the two of you. And his excuse? It changes every time. Sometimes its because he says he wants to talk about Adeuce and Grimm’s behaviour, and sometimes it’s because he wants your thoughts on which tea set is better.
For his case, it's not that he found out, rather he overheard it from a rowdy pair of first years and a cat. He was walking to his next class and about to turn around the corner when he overheard their not so very hushed conversation. His eyes widen very similarly to the saucers that they use for tea. He's kind of upset that he didn't find out himself, but learned it through someone else. Oh well. It's a win-win situation for him anyways.
So when he starts being much more clingier to you and offering to walk you to your classes do you start to get suspicious. He’s always coming over to sit together at your table and visiting you at Ramshackle more. Lounging on the beaten up sofa while you do whatever work you have to. Keeping you company for as long as he can. Or at least until Riddle calls him back or you kick him out. Whichever comes first.
Now imagine there’s a celebration of some sort and he’s excitedly running up the steps to Ramshackle to formally invite you as his date. “I’ve got a surprise for you,” he smiles cheekily. And from behind him he pulls out a beautiful dress. “Will you be my date?” No misunderstanding his gestures now.
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reblogs appreciated!
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whats-it-mean · 11 months
What having your very own Knight is for ☆
KNIGHTS x Reader (separate) saving you from a creep
A/N - celebrities and idols get harassed fairly often (sadly) so i felt like this made sense ^^ also im not very good at writing arashi or leo VERY SORRY il try to improve as i write more for Knights. Most of these can be read as platonic but Izumi and Ritsu’s parts are slightly more romantically-coded because… im down bad
TW - People who wont take no for an answer >:(
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Intro
You clenched your fist as you desperately tried to pull it away from the grasp of the person in front of you, who had grabbed you by the wrist to stop you from getting away.
“Let go of me-”
The person in front of you only scoffed, tightening their grip on your wrist before grinning down at you. You could feel your fight or flight response kicking in, and you mentally flipped through your options in that moment, before you snapped your head up at the sound of footsteps drawing near.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Leo Tsukinaga
You could barely process everything with how fast it happened, but suddenly you felt your wrist being released, and the next thing you could see was the well known King Leo, standing in front of you with an arm outstretched, his eyes narrowed in an uncharacteristically serious expression.
There was a moment of silence, Leo staring directly at the individual across from him, before breaking into a pout and placing his hands on his hips.
“That’s not very nice, ya know.” He huffed, taking a moment to glance over his shoulder towards you. “You okay?” You nodded, to which he properly turned around to face you, now completely ignoring your aggressor. “How could he!? Are you hurt? Here, we should go back to the Knights’ practice room…” He turned back around to face the other individual, who was watching, dumbfounded. “I’m not done with you, either! Hmmph. rude. What makes you think they’d even wanna hang around with a loser like you?”
You blinked at the boy’s antics, simply watching in awe as he continued to fire off insults and them, grinning slightly any time that they showed a reaction. After a moment, you heard a scoff and they simply turned and walked away, clearly upset.
Leo turned back to you. “Well! Now that that’s taken care of… Let’s go do something fun, ‘kay?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Arashi Narukami
It was as if the breath left your body as Arashi resorted to grabbing you carefully by the hand and glaring directly into the eyes of them, showcasing a surprising amount of strength as she pulled their hand away from your wrist without a word. She paused for a moment, giving them the dirties glare you had ever seen her give, so much so that you got shivers.
The moment she could, she turned on her heel and ushered you away in a rush, making sure to keep her touch on your hand gentle, her expression slightly anxious. The moment you two rounded the corner and she felt you were far enough away, she placed her hands on your shoulders.
“Are you alright? Did they hurt you?” She asked, voice pitched slightly higher than usual.
“I- Im fine.”
Arashi looked you up and down as if inspecting for ay sort of damage, glancing once around the corner once to make sure your aggressor was gone before leaning forward and bringing you into her arms, holding you as close to her as possible as if it would bring her some solace.
“I was so worried for you. Next time that happens, call me, okay?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Izumi Sena
“I said let go of---”
You were cut of by the undeniable feeling of Izumi’s arm wrapping around your shoulder, as without even sparing a glance behind you, you knew he wasn’t happy. At the sight of him, the person in front of you released your wrist instantaneously, and Izumi slowly stepped back, bringing you with him.
All the silver-haired boy did was sigh, holding you ever so slightly closer before finally averting his glare, which had been trained on your aggressor the whole time.
“You really shouldn’t touch what is’t yours.” He muttered, taking one moment to glance over the other’s figure- most likely to memorize their face in hopes of talking to them later, in private- before starting to walk away, arm still around your shoulder to assure you stayed by his side.
“You had me worried there, you know.” He huffed, glancng around like he was on edge. “It’s a good thing I’m here to keep you safe.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Ritsu Sakuma
All you could see when you looked up from the ground was the familiar white of Ritsu’s favorite sweater as he stood in front of you, reaching out a hand and giving a lazy shove to the person in front of him. Despite his usual tired way of going about things, you could sense how tensed up he was.
“Oi. Leave them alone.”
An immediate sense of safety washed over you, as you took a step forward to peek over his shoulder as he stared down at your now very nervous aggressor. He glanced in your direction for a moment, assuring himself that you were alright, before turning back.
“You know-” He let out a quick yawn. “Me and my brother are vampires. I wouldn’t suggest messing with people dearest to us” He narrowed his eyes at them for a moment, watching until they left in a hurry. Ritsu turned to you, almost immediately leaning onto you and closing his eyes once they were gone. “You okay?”
“Yeah- Thanks, Ritsu.”
“Any time. I can’t have you getting hurt, now can I?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Tsukasa Suou
You could tell when he stepped protectively in front of you that Tsukasa was nervous, but he stood his ground nonetheless, keeping up his chivalrous nature. He kept his chin tilted upwards, attempting with as much confidence as he could muster to look like he wasn’t anxious.
“You need permission to touch someone.” He said, voice sharp as he stood there, staring down at your aggressor. 
They opened their mouth to say something, most likely some sort of shitty comeback, but you didn’t really hear as your mind was still struggling to catch up to you- all you could really focus on was how thankful you were that Tsukasa had arrived to save you. And the fact that he was trying so hard to appear strong for you- it was adorable.
You could sense Tsukasa falter at their comment, but he maintained his disposition. He muttered some sort of threat regarding ‘The student council president’, and they finally gave up and left. The moment they were out of earshot, Tsukasa let out a sigh of relief and turned to you, fawning over you in a rather panicked manner until you assured him you were fine and they hadn’t done anything.
“God… I’m so glad you’re safe. I’m not sure if I’d forgive myself otherwise.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── End
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ryker-writes · 1 year
Can I request form leaders with an mc who bites people out of love?
I do that i lot of times lmao, it entering seeing their reaction sometimes
Of course! I get the urge to just do that too sometimes-
Also posting this one from my phone instead of my usual computer so I hope everything looks fine
Request rules and Masterlists
his first instinct is off with your head but he refrains
he is very red
you need to explain yourself immediately
if you don't it will be off with your head
when you do explain he's still confused
biting out of love?
he's never heard of such a thing
he will come to accept it with a lot of time but he'll tell you to maybe not bite him when others are around
he just get's so embarrassed if others see it
Will eventually calm down and accept it is you bite him without others round
you're playing a dangerous game here
you biting him means he has the right to bite you back
and he will
be careful because he has sharp teeth
he doesn't even question it he just already knows why
he really doesn't mind it
so what if people see you bite him?
you do it out of love so there's no reason to hide it
he's actually pretty smug about it
he's broken
wh-why did you bite him????
he's more red than Riddle
Demands and explanation
Love? You bite people out of love?
He’s pretty sure humans don’t usually do this
Like Riddle, he doesn’t want you to do it when others around
While he will be hesitant about you doing it at all, he’s willing to accept it if no one sees
But he’s going to die of embarrassment every time regardless if people see or not
If people do see he’s going to flee and want to crawl into his octo-pot
he doesn't even understand what happened but he's very calm about it
You bit him? Okay. Why?
Very calm about it all
When you tell him that you bit him out of love, he’s super excited about it
That’s so sweet!
Expect him to start biting too at random times
When Kalim sees you he’s just so happy and he cares about you so much that he just starts walking up and biting you
Jamil is so confused
Kalim might start biting other people he loves too so…
first of all, how dare you
Don’t you know it’s rude to bite people?
It’s animal-like
At first he thinks he needs to teach you how to behave around others
But then you tell him that you do it out of love and he’s conflicted
He appreciates your love but he can’t just have you biting him all the time
Perhaps there’s another way you can show your love?
If not he will accept the biting on a few conditions
First, you can not bite him when others are around and you two are completely alone in a room
He will not risk other people seeing or taking photos/videos
Second, you can’t bite him hard enough to leave a mark on his skin
Third, you can only bite spots on him that are pre-approved by him
As long as you follow these rules, he doesn’t mind it as much
he's broken #2
Idia.exe has stopped working
as soon as you bite him he can't move or say anything
he's completely frozen
This is so much like this one anime he saw-
He’s so flustered
I’m sorry but he won’t be able to function anywhere near you for the next 2-3 business days
What was that?
Are you some sort of cannibal and he’s your next target?
Did he upset you some how and you were taking your rage out on him?
Eventually may send you a message that asks why you bit him
When you tell him it was out of love he’s broken again
You have to wait another 2-3 business days to hear from Idia again
He will accept it but will be embarrassed and freak out every single time
Not worried about you doing it near people since he’s rarely around other people anyway
w h a t
he's so lost
why are you biting him?
did he do something to offend you?
Do you feel threatened or attacked?
Whatever he’s done he hopes you can forgive him
But why do you bite and then smile at him?
He will calmly ask you why you just bit him
You do it out of love?
He’s now a very happy dragon
He assumes it’s a normal human thing he was unaware of
…this leads to him asking Silver why he never bites anyone
After finding out that it’s out of love, he accepts and loves whenever you bite him
He won’t be ashamed at all even if it’s in front of others
In fact, he kinda wants other people to see so they know just how much you care about him
Malleus wishes he could return the affection but he doesn’t want to bite you in fear of hurting you
His teeth are sharp and he often doesn’t know his own strength so he may bite to hard and accidentally hurt you
He would feel so bad if that happened
Do not let Sebek see you bite Malleus under any circumstances
That’s basically asking him to freak out and yell at you for hours
If Sebek sees Malleus accept it tho…he’s dying on the inside and you can see him struggle not to say anything in real time
Note: does Azul taste like octopus? Let me know...for science...
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sister-lucifer · 1 year
Brian/Hoodie, Toby, + Eyeless Jack with a chubby S/O
Brian, Toby, + EJ x Gender Neutral Reader (Separately)
[Anonymous Request]
Genre: Fluff + NSFW
Content/Warnings: NSFW but no smut, lots of body talk (all positive), so if that makes you uncomfortable be aware, oral sex (reader receiving), Toby likes to suck titties, Toby is very handsy 
A/N: i’m almost definitely projecting on this one cuz i have a chubby partner and i lub him🥺 
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio (request rules + masterlist in pinned post)!
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
Brian’s a pretty lanky lad, he’s built like stickbug 
So having a chubby S/O would be a WONDERFUL contrast for him!
His favorite thing is being able to use you as a human weighted blanket 
He cant fall asleep without you, not after that first snuggle session! Your presence is so warm and calming 
You’re just perfect for cuddles, especially spooning 
Any excuse he has to wrap his arms around you, he’s taking it, 100% 
Big bear hug with a playful squeeze to boot 
+ He’s asking you to sit on his lap any chance he gets 
Oh there are three other chairs you could use? But he loves you:( Sit with him:( He’s just a little guy:(
( (manipulatively) )
I’m sure we all know that finding plus sized clothes that are cute but not expensive as FUCK is way too hard, but that problem is completely out the window now 
Brian has mad sewing skills, so he can alter OR duplicate anything you’d like! 
(The only catch is he has to make/get a matching one for himself, this is non-negotiable, sorry) 
Of course, we can’t always be family friendly wholesome here 
Let’s just say he loves having so much soft, plush skin to grab onto 
This man is a head giving god, like ridiculously skilled 
And not only that, he really enjoys doing it. For him it can sometimes be more enjoyable than the actual sex part 
He looooves grabbing onto your thighs and hips while he eats you out, just grabbing handfuls of everything he possibly can 
He gets really into giving oral too, like closing his eyes and moaning and just giving it his all, completely invested 
He’s gripping on for dear life 
Don’t be surprised if you have bruises in the shape of his fingertips 
And if you’re feeling especially generous, make sure you squeeze his head with your thighs 
It’s his fave ❤️ 
Honestly this segment is gonna be pretty short 💀
Writing anything SFW for Toby is hard, he’s too much of a horndog 
He’s also a cuddle bug much like Brian, so a lot of those headcanons could apply to him 
He’s very tactile so he tends to be grabby, especially with your thighs and love handles 
Not even exclusively in a sexual way, a lot of the time it’s really just a sensory thing 
His hands just absentmindedly wander, and you just happen to be close by most of the time 
He’s not a big fan of anyone or anything laying on top of him at all since it makes him feel trapped, so he likes laying on top of you instead! 
It really helps calm him down after he gets hyper or upset 
Forgive me if this is a controversial take, BUT: 
Toby is a boobs guy 
And I don’t just mean breasts, I don’t just mean AFAB chests
Any sort of soft chest fat will do 
He’s using his mouth a loooot, sucking and biting and leaving little marks all over your chest and nipples 
And every chance he gets he will grab your chest 
You could be fully clothed doing something completely unrelated to him and if he walks by he’s slipping his hands under your shirt 
He’s grabbing everything tbh 
Once again, it’s a sensory thing that can wind up horny 
He loves your thighs even more than Brian does 
Thigh jobs are his fave ever, not only because your thighs are easy to get to at all times but because they’re so warm and soft and perfect!! 
And the entire time his wandering mitts are squeezing and groping every bit of skin he can get to 
Since EJ can’t exactly rely on his sight, he has to use his other senses, one of the most common ones being touch 
He can be touchy too, but not in the same way Toby is 
He doesn’t grab or squeeze or anything, he simply runs his hands over you, often over your clothes 
He likes feeling the softness and the curves of your body, just tracing his fingers over your hips and tummy 
Especially holding your face, rubbing his thumbs over your round cheeks and admiring your beauty in his own way 
He also headbutts like a cat when he wants attention, so don’t he surprised when you randomly feel his face against your stomach or leg 
If you really wanna show him love, let him lay on your chest while you scratch his head 
He likes to be able to listen to your heartbeat 
Jack has many animal like behaviors, one of those being kneading or ‘making biscuits’ like a cat 
If he’s kneading the soft skin of your stomach or thighs, that’s how you know he’s suuuuuper comfortable 
Like, as comfortable as he can possibly get 
Be prepared to be used as a pillow very often 
Jack is also good at giving head, but not in the same way Brian is 
He’s not as skilled or practiced, but you can’t go wrong with up to five squirming tentacle tongues working to get you off at any given time 
(Plus, he purrs, which basically turns his mouth into a vibrator) 
He also really enjoys fingering you, and will often use his hands and tongue at the same time 
Your insides are just so warm and soft, and he’s attracted to that heat 
He could get lost in your warmth and sweet taste 
He’ll run his hands gently over your body the entire time, and it’s certainly not unusual for him to knead during these sorts of activities 
He likes to lick you as well, and if you allow him to get a bit carried away, he’ll run his tongue up and down your body 
There’s just something about your plush skin and wonderful curves that completely captivate him in a way that nothing else can 
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divinesolas · 4 months
So i was thinking about enemies to lovers jacaerys x ftm!reader like they know each other since they were kids but they're always fighting/competing with each other and then someone from their school throw a party and they got very drunk and ended up fucking (ofc jace teases the hell out of him)
a.n: literally pure filth, enjoy ! can be read as gn! but it is intended to be m! just a little drabble
w.c: 800+
c.w under cut
masterlist - requests open
c.w: bottom!also kinda mean but sub!reader, mean? dom!top!jace, college au, barely any plot, teasing, slut shaming, anal (implied), anal fingering, anal eating (implied), male masturbation (kinda?),slight breeding kink i guess ? rivals to lovers(?)/fwb? can be interpreted either way, not proofread
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“Always knew you were a fucking slut.”
You don’t even remember how you ended up here. You and jace have always had a sort of rivalry. Ever since you met you two never really got along, you were civil when you needed to be, but any chance you would get you two would exchange insults.
“When are the two of you gonna fuck already?” You remember looking at your friend with confusion, “What are you talking about?”
“Are you kidding me? The hate fucking you guys would have is insane.”
“You say that like you didn't just have your tongue up my ass.” You feel a harsh slap against your ass cheeks and you whimper. “Shut the fuck up slut.”
“Make me you piece of shit.” He says nothing in return. You don’t see what he’s doing, laying on your stomach makes it near impossible to look at him, you hear some wet sounds before you suddenly feel a finger slip into your hole and moan.
“You were too fucking ready for that, what a fucking whore.” No sounds leave your mouth other than hushed moans as he begins to pump his finger in and out. “Now you wanna be quiet huh? you were running your mouth earlier what happened?” You can hear the fake concerned voice and you can even imagine the pout on his face as he mocks you.
“Please.” He shoves a second finger in and moves so his face is right next to your ear, managing to catch your teary eyes, “Awe,” He wipes a tear from you face but the look he gives you shows he doesn't care, “Look at you, so cute.”
“Fuck you.” You manage to cry out and you watch his jaw clench and he tsks at you. “Seems like nobody taught you how to show some respect.” Suddenly his fingers are ripped out of you and you whine, wiggling your ass in his direction to get him to put them back in.
He slaps your ass, “Stop fucking whining,” He flips you around and he’s suddenly straddling you, holding his cock in his hands, “you need to be punished so you’re gonna sit there and watch.”
You stare at him, trying to keep your eyes off his dick as he begins to stroke himself, his eyes closing as he begins to moan. “Fuck.” No matter how much squirming and whining you do he does not let up, continuing to force you watch him pleasure himself while you’re withering in pain from how turned on you are.
“jace,,,” “shut up, im fucking close.”
He has you laying on your hands so you can’t even reach up and grab him. “I’m sorry jace please.” He just laughs and shakes his head, continuing to jerk himself off. “Now you wanna be sorry right? right as im about to cum, awe are you upset im not cumming in you?”
He grabs your jaw with one hand and forces you to look him, “What you want that? You want me to stuff you full?” You nod as best you can and you try to see his facial expression through your blurry teary eyes.
You see him come closer into view until his lips press against yours, unlike how he has been treating you he kissed you softly. Both of his hands move to cup your cheeks, you can feel him smiling against your lips and as he pulls back he wipes some of the tears off your face.
“You good?” His voice is softer than it had been before, clearly checking in on you. Your heart swells at his actions and you nod. “Yes, i promise, im good.” He hums and pecks your lips one more time before he gets off you and harshly turns you over and pulls your hips up and a hand comes down to force your chest against the bed.
You can’t help but feel slightly humiliated at the position but you can think about that right as his fingers rub around your hole. “You’re so cute.”
“Saying that to my ass?” “What? She’s cute, look at her puckering at my fingers.” “My ass is a she?” “To make you feel better ill say my dick is also a she.” “Fuck you.”
Apparently in that time you were chatting he had lubed up his dick and began to stick the head of his dick inside you, “I'm fucking trying to.”
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perm jacaerys taglist <3
@tyronesien @itsbookworm987 @cruelworldlana @smurfelle @ireneispunk @hxtd @venmondiese @urmomsgirlfriend1 @aegonswife
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imababblekat · 5 months
Scatter Brained
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Anon request, "Hello! I saw that you had Bayverse TMNT asks up, and I really like your writing. I have a weirdly specific request. Can I get a Donnie X a Female S/O who is an anxious, plus-sized cinnamon roll having a confession and first kiss? If you feel more comfortable writing gender neutral readers I understand. I just happen to be female."
If there was one thing Donatello could clearly process, was that the gal beside him made his brain an absolute mess. A jumbled organ of scrambled thoughts and emotions. The worst part about it? She had not a single clue. Such as now as the two sat on a small, empty hill with a pretty view of one of New York’s parks in the middle of the night. With the still warm air of spring transitioning to summer and the glistening lights of city life backdropping this secret hang out spot, it made for a decently romantic set up. Something Donnie also couldn’t get out of his mind as he fidgeted about on his friends picnic cloth, fiddling with a grape juice box between his fingers.
“See, I told you a night picnic would be nice.”, (y,n) gleamed wiping away some of the sauce from some special sandwiches she made for this occasion.
With a gulp, the purple clad ninja was quick to advert his gaze from the view of her napkin dabbing at the corner of lovely plush lips, a dusting of pink coming to his cheeks.
“I-it is. Thanks for inviting me again.”
“Well, don’t thank me yet. We still have desert!”
Donnie reached out to hold open the lid to (y,n) woven basket, curiously peeking inside as she reached in to pull out the most delicious looking pie he’d ever seen.
“Made it myself with some help from April. Beautiful, no?”, (y,n) winked, holding up the prized possession.
With the way (y,n) sat forward, the light of the park street lamp seemed to create a sort of angelic ray that cascaded around her, making her appear even more impossibly gorgeous in Donnie’s eyes.
“Yeah, beautiful. . .”, Donnie murmured off, his gaze lost in the image of her.
While Donatello was fighting a losing battle with Cupid, (y,n) on the other hand was fighting a battle with her overthinking mind. It wasn’t new to her the feelings she harbored for the mutant terrapin, if she’d truly thought back on it, she’d admit to having had a crush on him from when they first met long ago. However, being the anxious person she naturally was, (y,n) feared that something was amidst their friendly relationship. Lately, Donatello had seemed far off whenever they would hang out. Somedays he’d be awfully quiet, others he’d seem very frantic. It was very worrying to (y,n), and after it became more apparent that Donnie was in fact acting differently around her, it was no surprise that her troubled mind was quick to jump to the worst conclusions.
Cheerful expression faltering, (y,n) lowered the cake into her lap, gaze drifting to the roundness of her folded knees. It was hard, but with a shaky breath, she spoke up.
“Hey, Don . . .can I, uhm, can I ask you something?”
The change in attitude was immediately noticed by said turtle, his brows knitting together in worry.
“Yeah, of course! Is everything alright?”, he cautiously asked.
(Y,N) set the cake aside as she adjusted the way she sat to be more comfortable before finding a plastic utensil to nervously fiddle with.
“I-I’m sure I’m just overthinking things, but did I do something to upset you?”
Her pained inquiry hit the tall terrapin like whiplash, confusion and concern just as evident in his voice as the expression on his face.
A lump found it’s way into (y,n) throat as she quickly panicked as his single worded reply.
“It’s just, well, you’ve been acting really off whenever I’m around! You either hardly ever say anything, or you seem distressed. I’m worried that I did something to make you feel that way around me. D-did I say something bad? C-could it be that maybe. . .that maybe you find me. . .”
The saddened girls voice fell off into a quiet tremor, focus shifting to force back the prickling tears at the corners of her eyes as a life time of insecurities brought on by society came tumbling back. (Y,n) didn’t need to finish her sentence, for Donnie already knew what exactly it was her choked voice was alluding to. Knowing her for as long as he did, there were things she’d confided in him about. Things that he found blasphemous that anyone would treat such a lovely person as her in such a way just because her larger body size didn’t fit the manuscript society preached of.
“I-I’m sorry.”, (y,n) quietly sniffled, rubbing furiously at her blurring vision. “I-I don’t mean to be so dramatic.”
Donatello was never so quick then in that moment as he lurched forward from his sitting position to hold her smaller hands in his.
“Hey, hey, look at me.”
With a shaky breath (y,n) all but had to force herself to meet his softened gaze. His hazel eyes that she found so beautifully handsome radiated reassurance, and his tone and words were to match.
“You’ve done nothing to upset me (y,n). If anything, it’s me who should be apologizing to you.”
Now it was her turn to be confused, repeating Donnie’s early, “What?”
With a soft grin, the ninja turtle gently gave her soft hands a squeeze.
“All those times I was acting weird, well it was because of you, but not because I was mad or anything. Gosh, it’s just, you make me feel so nonsensical in the best of ways! I’ve always got my thoughts together, am always able to focus on anything I put my mind to. Yet, when you’re around, I can’t think straight. I either feel like I’m floating on cloud nine or like my heart is about to fly out of my chest. You’re such an incredible, kind, and lovely person. I always heard that true beauty is what’s on the inside, but you’re both. Absolutely beautiful inside and out.”
Heat radiated across (y,n)’s whole face, and just as Donnie had described what she’d do to him, her own heart was about make a great escape. All those nights imaging how this confrontation would turn out, she’d never imagine it going like this. It was always Donnie admitting his annoyance and disgust towards her, not the complete opposite that of which was a deeply heartfelt confession.
Her silence and agape mouth had Donnie feeling suddenly very nervous himself. With the realization of what he had just done wash over him, he let out a short cough, quickly releasing (y,n)’s warm hands and sitting back in his spot.
“I know that was probably a lot, sorry. To be honest, I’m not sure how much longer I could stay sane and not say something.”, Donnie sheepishly chucked.
There was a small moment of silence between the two, Donnie debating whether or not he should just tell (y,n) to forget he said anything and be doomed to a lifetime of an awkward friendship, when barely loud enough to be heard above a breeze, she muttered.
“Do. . .do you really mean all that?”
She had asked so shyly, peeking up from beaneth lovely lashes and even now, after having rubbed her face red to stop the flow of tears, Donatello thought she was the most gorgeous person he’d ever seen. With zero hesitation, Donnie nodded.
“All of it.”
A pause, and then a light giggle that (y,n) couldn’t help, her cheeks now crimson from being flustered as she tried to hide behind her hands but still peaked through spaced fingers.
“Wow, that’s, oh wow. Maybe being upfront isn’t as scary as I thought.”
At that, Donnie couldn’t help but let out a light laugh as well, gratefully taking a slice of pie (y,n) was quick to offer him. Shyness was a personality trait he had known her to be from day one, but it had never deterred him. If anything, it made her all that much more endearing to the tall ninja, especially in the rare times he’d seen her step bravely out of her comfort zone, just as he was about to experience in mere moments after taking a bite from her homemade pie.
Another fit of giggles had Donnie look questionaingly down to (y,n), swallowing the delicious treat with a raised brow.
“You’ve got a little. . .”, she grinned, pointing to a spot of cream on the corner of his lips.
“Oh? Did I get it?”, Donnie asked after unsuccessfully wiping at his cheek, the area he mistakeningly thought she’d pointed towards.
“Nope, not even close.”, (y,n) wistfully replied, slowly leaning up to close the distance between them.
Within agonizingly slow moments, Donatello felt the softness of (y,n) lips connect gingerly with his. It was sweet, slow, and filled him with warm elation. Pie long forgotten on the picnic blanket, Donnie reached forward to gingerly cup (y,n)’s rounded cheek, leaning down to melt further into the shared kiss. Donatello could solve just about anything thrown his way, but never had he calculated coming clean about his adoration for (y,n), and much less receiving a kiss that her normally timid self had initiated. But hey, what could he expect when she made him so scatter brained.
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ohno-the-sun · 1 year
Spoiler heavy fnaf ruin dlc rant up ahead
I am so fucking proud of steal wool they really took every criticism from the original game and fixed it and even added more
Like Cassie actually acts like a human being?? And like her knowledge of the original characters and cute little comments on every item are so endearing there is so much detail going into this.
The fact that they expanded on one of the fan faves Roxanne and giving her a great arc I’m in love I’m so happy
They honestly gave more depth to all the animatronics too like we finally see Bonnie’s design and get and get a taste as to what happened, also that poster Freddy gifted him I’m crying they are so cute and gay I love them
Also the whole dark ride section with Monty is so fascinating like is that narrative kind of true or is it just fabricated by fazbear inc to cover up the decommissioning of Bonnie
Why replace Bonnie with Monty?? Why not make a new Bonnie model?? With the prototype label on Freddy it may be confirmed that they make multiple models (well we already kinda knew that with Freddies comments but oh well)
Also Freddy?? Like is that our Freddy or a different one?? They very clearly highlighted the prototype label so they want to emphasize it, but then the head is still missing like in the princess quest ending so what is the truth??
Feel bad for chica fans tho she really was sidelined hard
Aaaaa and my baby boys!!! There’s 3 now aaahaga
I was really not expecting eclipse to be the way they were, very… normal? Is that the right word?? Like obviously a little delusional on when the daycare is gonna open again, but in the right mindset of like this child needs to leave this place is not safe. It is interesting to me that both he and Roxy thought that it was Cassie’s birthday, maybe that was the last day before she left the plex? Or maybe that was the day the plex caught fire? Or maybe most depressingly we are playing on Cassie’s birthday so the animatronics have it in their systems what her birthday is and wish her a happy one (if they are in the right state of mind lol)
Some peeps are upset moon is a little too villainous
I think you can still say it was mainly the virus but I would argue even if it’s not the virus I feel like moon is kinda justified here. Like sun has been shutting him away for a long time before this (if the books are to be believed but also in general) so when he finally gets a chance to roam free of course he’s gonna take it. And idk about u but if my alternate personality was constantly trying to shut me out and I finally got control, I probably too would try and keep my control for as long as possible. Also from what I have seen so far, not even moon is all that aggressive? Like he grabs you at the beginning, but I think that’s just his very ineffective way to get kids to sleep and other than that he just kinda stays away
Poor sunny baby is stuck in the ar world 🥺🥺 I didn’t notice at first but yeah everytime you talk to him it’s only in the ar world. And the end part where you switch them out for eclipse if you do that in the ar world, he says not for me it’s for moon.
I will say though I noticed the voice acting for them changed a little this game, like both have a higher pitch and are more goofy sounding? Like more gremlin energy than evil villainy. I wonder if that was on purpose? Both of them sounded more like the other so maybe that was the reason? Interest interest
Also their mouth moves?? Sort of?? That’s so silly to me they have a whole working mouth system and their face mask doesn’t work with at all 😭
Does give me lore intrigue tho cause like why do their mouths move but not anymore?? Did something happen?? Are they just not maintained enough?? They also move outward instead of up and down (at least from what I saw) so is the mechanism different?
Also the way that sun and moon talk about eachother is so interesting. Like moon says the light hurts “us” and sun says “no the other me” like they seem to almost consider eachother more connected than we first thought, like they’re not just coworkers or strangers they are almost like two sides of the same person. It’s very interesting and I wonder where people will take this.
Overall great job I’m so excited to comb through the game and find every little secret (especially regarding the dca) aaaa
Ok ok update moon does have a jump scare but it’s ridiculously hard to get and I’d still argue he’s not as vicious as he was base game. I mention in another post but eclipse being as kind as he is and being (presumably) a combination of both AIs, gives even more evidence moon is supposed to be kind and caring like his posters suggest but something went wrong. Also Cassie’s comments on their plushes show that there were kids who truly liked the daycare.
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