#it’s Cass
Incorrect Batfam Quotes
*Cass barges into Bruce’s office
Cass: I’m hungry.
Cass: *stares
Bruce: Okay?
Cass: …
Bruce: …
Cass: …
Bruce: Is that now my problem?
Cass: Yes.
Bruce: I understand. Give me 30 seconds, and then we can go get food.
Dick: *staring in disbelief having been told there was food in the fridge not ten minutes prior
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elierlick · 1 month
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The brain does not magically mature at 25. Actual neuroscientists note some 8-year-olds even have a greater "maturation index" than 25-year-olds. The myth misunderstands basic neuroscience but is still used for anti-trans policymaking like the Cass Report. https://slate.com/technology/2022/11/brain-development-25-year-old-mature-myth.html
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evaningotham · 3 months
i need the batfam fandom to give damian the same energy we give tom hollands peter parker in fics like
i want Field Trip to Wayne Enterprises fics
fics where damian gets phone calls from his famous siblings in class
fics where damian has to deal with the other kids watching thirst traps of his older siblings
fics where he’s getting bullies and one of them shows up in full vigilante attire to scare the middle school bully
damian al ghul wayne fanfic that centers around his school life and protective family
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theotherpacman · 3 months
tim: dad... I have a boyfriend
bruce: what? but you're supposed to get back together with stephanie
tim: what?
dick: whoa whoa whoa, I thought you were an ally
bruce: I'm not being homophobic I just need steph to marry into the family
cass: I have something to share
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mywitchcultblr · 2 months
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This is what happen when people take the 'your brain doesn't mature till 25' pop-sci too literally and just ran with it, also transphobia
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somerandomdudelmao · 7 months
Part 1!
..of the C.A.S. animated project:D
So...this is basically a little animation test we did to see if we can replicate the style of the original show. Turns out we can haha. And now that we know that, we want to do more~
Solid Helium Lizart Lotte
Aaand I put this thing on Tiktok and YouTube :D
Quick Q&A: Yes, you can use this animation for gifs/icons/edits/headers/profile pics/redraws and other stuff. Just include the credits. Please:)
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psychokatrixxxy · 7 days
Love when the Justice League thinks Batman is a cryptid. This believe is only further enhanced by the face his sidekick, Robin, is clearly a shapeshifter, what with changing their height, hair style, skin tone, and even gender.
Batman clearly thinks that by having Robin look different every couple of years, it will show that they aren't cryptids like it would if Robin didn't age.
But the Justice League is too smart for that. They figured it out! But they are good friends (colleagues) and won't spill Batman's secret, but they will drop hints to him that they know, to show that they are smarter than he gives them credit for (they aren't.)
When the batkids learn that the league thinks this, they start periodically going to the Watchtower with Bruce, taking turns dressed up as Robin.
The League is surprised as Robin seems to prefer taking the form of a child, perhaps to have villains underestimate them? But they just assume Robin is trying out something new.
The batkids definitely tell eachother about what was said/happened as to further sell the act of Robin being a shapeshifter, because clearly it has to be the same person, Robin knows what happened, so it couldn't of been someone else dressed as Robin.
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ashoss · 5 months
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the rest of the flock :)
part 2 to this
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audhd-nightwing · 5 months
dick grayson (5’10” with the body of a gymnast): this is my baby brother!
jason todd (6’3” brick wall of muscle): …hi
cass wayne (5’5” with the body of a dancer): little brother!
jason (almost a whole foot taller than her): hiya cass
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so i have this brucie wayne hc that all of gotham upper society and the press thinks he did the rich guy thing and adopted all his bastards. like, that's a lot of dark haired orphans you got there, brucie. they look a lot like you, brucie.
and from the public perspective this totally makes sense. the man is known as kind of a slut. he would totally have bastard children. the drakes are also high society and right next door. that's some random street kid from crime alley? hell no, brucie's one night stand tracked him down. he's adopted a 17 year old girl from out of nowhere? obviously some ex has caught up with him. the press and public just can't understand why someone with his wealth would just adopt random kids for no other reason.
then damian turns up.
and brucie fully admits this one is biologically his.
and all of gotham is forced to go 'huh'.
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dieubius · 10 months
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uhhh. bruce wayne modelling gig. have a good day 🥰
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ressaart · 4 months
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streets of gotham
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the-woke-left · 2 months
"They shouldn't socially transition until after 25"
So trans people magically aren't adults at 18 like cis people!?!?!????
[sarcasm] Wow yeah that sounds good and like something a normal government would say. Hope this isn't a dangerous precedent that will be used to repeal rights from other minority groups
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yourlocal-edgelord · 1 month
Cass: Baby brother
*Jason Tim and Damian look up in response*
*Jason and Damian noticing each other looking up*
Damian: She’s talking to me Todd
Jason: Pretty sure she was talking to me pipsqueak
Cass shaking her head: baby brother hurt
Jason with a cut on his forearm: Told ya it was me *sticks out tongue*
*Tim trying to hide the fact he dislocated his shoulder while creeping upstairs*
Cass pointing up at tim: Baby brother
*offended noises from both jason and damian*
Jason clutching his heart in mock hurt: I thought i was your baby brother cass
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randombatcharts · 2 months
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I saw it and thought it was fitting.i did debate on Tim’s placement a bit though before putting him there
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