#lex luthor x joker
gayforsuperhoes · 4 months
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Happy pride month to them!!! I’ve been rewatching the older JL animated series and I love this villain duo :3 just two peculiar homies committing crimes together
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satoshy12 · 9 months
Dani gives the sidekicks and heroes a trauma
Dani:" My mentor's arch villain is worse than your mentor's one."
Robin: "Bullshit!"
Aqualad, who most of the time was silent about such things, said, "Yeah. You didn't yet see our mentor and arch villain."
Dani:No, I can without a doubt say mine is worse than yours."
Wally:" Yeah, I don't believe it. Superman has Lex Luthor, Batman has the Joker, and Aquaman has Black Manta or Flash with reverse Flash."
Black Canary:" I have to say, they aren't wrong."
Dani glared at her team and said, "To explain Plasmius, is it true that Black Manta/Joker/Lex/Recverse Flash kills Queen Mera/Catwoman/Lois/Iris and then marries Aquaman/Batman/Superman/Flash and tells you to call him Mom and so? Yes. Danny's archvillain wants to make him his son by killing his father and marrying his mother. "
At the same time as the Justice League watched it, the sidekicks got goosebumps down their spines.
This will give them nightmares and trauma for a long time.
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yona049 · 3 months
𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Part 7
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
𝗜 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀! 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗶𝘀 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝗹𝘂𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗗𝗖 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗰𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗗𝗖! ^○^
>a very tiny bit of hopelessness
Pacing up and down the room as she listened to the ringing phone. Continued, endless ringing is all she heard.
Her wall was gone, but the dark room and vague moonlight made for good cover from any onlookers.
"Reporter!" Batman growled causing her to jump.
She clenches her phone, looking at Batman and Superman who were hidden in the back of the room.
"Just! A few more minutes. Please! I have to know if he's ok!"
Batman walks up to her with clenched fists.
"We checked the entire building, he's safe!"
Y/n clenched her teeth before yelling.
"How could you know that?! What if he came in while I wasn't in control! What if he tried to get me to calm down and I threw him across the city!"
Superman watches Y/n break down into tears worried for him, but he couldn't say anything.
Y/n turned her back to Batman and hit the call button again listening to its endless ringing.
Superman sighs.
"Y/n, we have to leave! We need more information on-"
"I'm not leaving until I'm sure Clark is SAFE!"
Her voice echoed through the night air and everything fell silent.
Superman could hear her heavy breathing and worried heart. Until his ears picked up something else.
The door to the apartment suddenly swung open. Batman stood on guard with batarangs in hand.
In stumbled a panicked, Clark Kent? His body shape and expression matched perfectly.
Y/n gasps and drops her phone onto the wooden floor. She jump hugs Clark, who grabs her and pulls her tightly against his chest keeping her head hidden in it.
"I'm so glad you're ok, Clark! I thought I'd killed you!" Y/n sobs wrapping her arms around clark tightly.
This 'Clark' makes eye contact with Superman and Batman.
Batman didn't believe it, and Superman for sure wasn't having it.
They were both ready to jump this obvious fake, until a voice streamed into their heads. A familiar voice they knew all too well. The voice of J'onn J'onzz.
'Fear not friends. I'm here to help de-escalate the situation.' He speaks.
The red eyed, shape shifting alien, now disguised as Clark Kent. Nodded at the hero's saying it was ok and they both stood down.
Clark looks back down at Y/n and pats her head.
"I'm alright! I just ran into some things to do, when I saw the apartment from the street, I panicked!" he said very convincingly.
Y/n looks up at Clark with a whimper, then punching him on his shoulder.
"Asshole! You scared me so much, glasses."
Clark only smiles taking her hands in his then giving them a small squeeze.
"I'm sorry Y/n, But I'm more worried about what happened here!"
Batman takes this opportunity to chip in.
"Things got a little more complicated. I'm afraid we'll need to take Y/n to a more secure location."
Y/n bites her lip and kneels down to pick up her phone that had acquired alot more cracks because of Y/n's sudden throw.
She taps the phone against her hand thinking for a little.
She turns to Clark and slowly places the phone in his hand.
"I'm.. Gonna need a really big favor." her breathing shutters a little but she keeps her breathing steady.
"I need you to move my things into a storage.. At least until I can figure all this out."
She glances over at the broken wall then adds.
"And fix the wall!"
Her hands shaky but she pushes them into a comforting self hug.
Clark looks at her and slowly nods pushing the phone into his pocket.
"You can count on me! But... Will you be ok?"
Y/n forces a smile and nods.
"Sure! I mean, I have the actual Superman and Batman looking out for me!"
She glances over at the hero's. Superman smiles in turn and offers his hand to her.
Y/n felt her smile turn a bit more genuine, she turns to place a small kiss on Clark's cheek, then slips her hand onto Superman's.
"I'll be back, and maybe after that.. We can talk about that dinner?" she hesitated until Clark nodded.
Saying their vague goodbyes, they made their way out of the building leaving Clark behind.
Once on the street, Superman still held Y/n's shaky hand delicately rubbing it with his thumb.
Batman's Cape flutters in the wind as he makes a few arrangements on the keyboard on his cuff.
"Where are we going?" she asks.
Batman looks at Superman, contemplating, then at Y/n once he's content.
"Against my better judgment, we're taking you to a very secret place. But we need to stop at the cave first! Superman. I'll meet you there."
Not a second passes and he's suddenly zooming off in the bat mobile.
"Um.. How am I supposed to get there!?" She yells after him with hands firmly on her sides.
Superman clears his throat making her look back at him.
A dimlit S symbol, shimmering in the street light, floating a few feet above the ground.
Once again he offers his hand and Y/n felt her stomach drop.
"Oh shi-"
Suddenly she's whooshing straight up into the sky with her arms around Superman's neck and his arm secured around her waist. The other fist stretched out infront of him for trajectory.
Y/n, with closed eyes, bites down on her lip trying not to scream any more than she already had.
"You can't keep your eyes closed the whole time." Superman teases and stops to float silently in the air.
"Yes! I can! I will keep closing my eyes and imagining I am within reasonable distance from the ground!"
Superman's lighthearted chuckle makes her smile a little.
"Just a little peek? You'll see something surprising!"
Y/n grumbles a little before slowly open one eye then both as she looks down.
Her head spins and she suddenly inhales tensing back up. Superman stops her freak out, when he pushes her head to look at him.
"Not down! Look up." he whispers, pushing her head to look up.
Other than the dark cloud of Metropolis below, Y/n is faced with a glittering symphony of stars above her. Millions of suger grains scattered across a black abyss. A beautiful night sky that would've been missed underneath the gloom of the clouds.
She laughs in bewilderment not looking away. Suddenly her fear evaporated and bravery took its place.
"Hold onto my legs! Don't let go or I swear I will tell everyone about your red underwear faze!"
With a playful threat she places her hands onto Superman's shoulders and pushes herself up for a better view.
Superman's arms are around her thighs, holding them tight enough to try and tame their shaking.
Knowing she wouldn't fall, he watched her eyes and heared every happy belly laugh she had.
She hesitates for a second lifting and quickly pulling her arms back.
"Go for it, Y/n!" Superman encouraged.
She clenches her teeth, building up courage then slowly lifts her arms into the air.
"This is so much better than the Gotham Observatory! It's like a never ending bath bomb!"
She chanted loudly with giggles streaming behind.
Kal-el had never seen this much excitement for something he'd seen a million times. Y/n's laughter echoed in his ears like jingle bells.
Y/n looked down at Superman, placing her hands back on his shoulders for support.
"You've probably heard this a million times before, but Thank you, Superman." she said genuinely, feeling Superman slip her back down to eye level.
She places a small kiss on his cheek then quickly looks back at the stars.
Superman's heart beats faster and he gives her a small squeeze.
"Your welcome, Y/n."
A few weeks later, in the Luthor building, in a not so conspicuous basement. Lex is busy typing on a keyboard. Joker spinning on a chair with a gun waving in his hand.
"Why are we still waiting! "Joker yells obnoxiously.
"Because Luthor lost our toy." a Scarecrow hisses in the background, tinkering with his mask.
Lex slams his fist onto the table and growls.
"I didn't LOSE her! She's just out of range! My Nano-bots can't get a signal!"
He yells in frustration and sweeps all his mechanics off the table. His breathing heavy with an angry snarl on his face.
"Atleast with Batman, he would've been in Gotham half the time! We could've just used it on him!" Joker growls.
Lex clenches his teeth thinking for a second.
"No, no! She was a stroke of luck! I just need to think!"
Once an idea hits his brain he stands straight and flicks his suit back into shape.
"Gentlemen, we might need to recruit somone of a different nature. Somone suited to find our weapon."
He pulls a phone from his pocket then types in a few numbers. Joker and Scarecrow make their way to the table surrounding the phone that has now been placed in the center of it.
A single light illuminating the three villains faces and a humming ring. The phone clicks, and a voice answers.
"Lex Luthor, my favorite cash cow~"
"Floyd Lawton. You were quick to pick up!"
Lex smirks listening to the Mercenary.
"What can I say! I'm always looking out for good paying jobs. Who can I kill for ya?" the sound of a spinning gun in the background of the call.
Lex folds his arms and stands straight.
"I need you to find somone. And if possible. Bring them to me."
He leans forward, typing then sending a file through to Deadshot.
Once the file is recived, there's a second of awkward silence from Deadshot. Lex shared a glance with Scarecrow before he asks.
"Know her?"
Deadshot stays quiet for a second.
"I know her old man. He used to be an Arkam Prison guard."
"Know?" Joker quickly chips in.
Another long silence makes it obvious that Floyd answered all the questions he wanted to. Lex shakes off the question.
"Will you take the job?"
"Yeah, I'll take it. Don't worry about payment. This one is a personal favor." Just like that, the call ends.
Y/n was sitting at the big circular window, watching the globe spin below.
The Justice League Space station. Watch tower. She'd been living among supers who were eager to help.
A room dedicated to her, and a few small things like plants, picture frames, a tv. And of course the note book Batman returned to her.
The doors slide open and pull Y/n out of her trance. Martin Manhunter walks in. A beautifully made meal in his hands, courtesy of a chef-bot.
"Ms, L/n?" He asks
"C'mon J'onn it's been a while! My name is Y/n." she smiles taking the meal from his hands.
She sighs a little then places it down on the bed then sitting beside it. Her access to the mass Hall was prohibited, for superhero's privacy reasons.
"Alright! Hit me with the needles!" she exclaims holding out her arms.
J'onn smiles and pushes her arms down as he walks by to sit beside her.
"I think the Batman has enough blood samples. Any more and he might be mistaken for a Vampire!" he chuckles with Y/n.
"I can see the headlines now! 'Darkness! Vengeance! And... A lust for blood?'"
Another bit of light snickering fills the room until it fades back into silence.
"I sense some sadness in your optimism."
Y/n pulls her knees to her chest and sighs.
"Sorry J'onn, just feeling a little.. Hopeless?"
A delicate hand pats her back, her new found friend comforts her.
"Perhaps, we should continue with the next episode of 'Dancing Damsel'. I cannot wait any longer to see if Derek will purpose to Lilly."
He teases.
Y/n gasps and shakes her head rapidly.
"In your dreams! She deserves Jared! Not Derek." she's quickly to crawl over the bed to grab the remote to the tv.
Just as she hits the button a voice captures her attention.
"I personally think she should've stayed with Abigail in season 1." Superman stood in the doorway with a happy smirk.
"Sorry to interrupt Y/n. But Batman needs you."
He requests, his eyes looking over at her full plate still on the bed.
Y/n stands up and crosses her arms. Her body tense once again ready for more tests.
Superman sees her panic. He takes her hand and unfolds her arms.
"No more tests. He thinks he found a way to take the nanotechnology out of your head."
Y/n's heart picks up just a little and she's quick to hug Superman. The hugs lasts long enough for Superman to smile down at her.
An excited skip in her step, she runs back to her shoes and slips them on. She runs past Superman and grabs his hand dragging him along.
"Don't watch the next episode without me J'onn!" she yells back.
J'onn only chuckles at her sudden hope as the doors slide shut.
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le-sluagh · 5 months
Batman: Vigilante (My AU) as Vines
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muse-the-multi · 7 months
Some moments from Justice League Battle For Metropolis ride
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cherrywritter · 6 months
Anotações de Caos - O diário
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Uma típica noite de inverno lutando ao lado do meu irmão que apenas me enxia de orgulho. Isso era ser um Wayne.
A noite foi terrível. Explosão em Arkham, problemas com a instalação e criminosos fugitivos para apreender. Pelo menos seria divertido para Damian, meu pequeno Robin. Patrulhar com ele e o ver me encher de orgulho só me dava alegria. Quanto mais o tempo passava, mais o via amadurecer criar um vínculo com nosso sangue.
Tinha ânsia por nos proteger e por nos orgulhar. Queria ser o filho perfeito, mas não precisava se esforçar. Ele era incrível.
Damian era um pouco de todos, muito do nosso pai, e parcelas de mim, Alfred, Dick e um pouco do Tim. Cresceu muito em pouco tempo e percebeu como o mundo era diferente. Seu interesse pela família engrandeceu. Ele estava sendo um Wayne. Seguindo os passos que nosso pai caminhou. Passou pela raiva, bateu a frustração e agora está aprendendo com os mais velhos sobre o legado da família. Era gratificante.
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undertale-anomaly20 · 6 months
Injustice gods among us x Reader: preview
(NAME): Oh, what the fu-
[The black screen fades out showing a woman in her 20s, wearing long bottom pyjamas and an oversized (f/c) shirt, frazzled (h/c) hair and bare feet, looking over the city of metropolis from a roof top as the city light are the only thing lighting up the dark before fading to black]
[Scene changes to superman and hal Jordan, a yellow lantern]
We have a problem. I ran into Diana's twin. And someone who looked a lot like Oliver Queen. And Hal Jordan.
[This catches the High Councilor's attention as his expression changes.]
R.SUPERMAN: Find them. And any others that might be out there. I want to know everything.
HAL JORDAN: That's not all...I saw (name)
[The High Councilor's eyes widen as he stares in shock at Hal Jordan, a flicker of hope in his normally stoic eyes]
[Scene changes to a shocked looking Harley staring at the woman in front of her]
HARLEY: Pumpkin?
[Scene changes to the reader being cornered by Damian Wayne,a look of relief and desperation on his face. He grips her shoulders in his hands tightly]
DAMIAN: You're not going anywhere this time
[The screen goes black]
(Name): I just want to go home
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justlikearat · 9 months
To be someone’s arch-nemesis is to be a little bit in love for them.
Like there is no way you are *that* dedicated to them without being a little in love. A lil obsessed. I knowwww hate, I knowww how it feels to wanna wreck someone’s life, but the level of devotion these guys have? Not ittttt,,,,,,
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icantdrawrt · 2 months
Yall read my new fan fiction.
It’s a lexjokes and superbat fan fiction
Luthor was afraid of Superman. And rightly so. No one should be given the power over life itself and be worshipped by Metropolis. Yet, he seemed to be the only one to notice anything wrong with it. So when he encountered the Joker, who asks for his help making tech to take down Batman, Luthor will give him an offer he can’t refuse
Lex and Joker team up to take down Batman and Superman, while Superbat are (slowly on Batman’s end) warming up to each other
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wipbigbang · 5 months
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The 2024 round of WIP Big Bang is now open for sign-ups! Any fandom is welcome, as long as the fic is 500 completed so far and will be at least 7,500 words upon its finishing. Signing up is easy: just fill out the form linked below after you read the FAQ and take a look at the schedule.
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the1entirecircus · 7 months
The kind of Pokémon I think each Legion of Doom member (along with a few other enemies of the league) would have and why:
The Joker
Mr. Mime- If you’ve been on the Internet long enough, you would remember how the Joker would always get paired with Mr. Mime. This would be true for my version of the Joker’s team. Except there is one major difference: Joker’s Mr. Mime is a Meta-Pokémon (mentioned in previous post about the JL’s Pokémon teams). This Mr. Mime would be Poison/Fairy with the ability Intimidate. Why Intimidate? Its a creepy clown with a creepy smile.
Weezing- Another Meta-Pokémon Joker would have, this version of Weezing is constantly spraying an obnoxious gas that makes people constantly laugh. This is of course in reference to the Joker's toxic gas.
Gengar- Gengar has been noted to being incredibly sadistic from killing people just to make them ghosts like Gengar is. This reason is rooted in a deep loneliness Gengar has, which kind of makes him kind of pathetic. Similar with Joker, who is pathetic, no matter what retelling of his origin you here.
Remoraid- A reference to the Joker Fish, Meta-Remoraid is Water/Dark, sadistically firing water at enemies. Due to it becoming a Meta-Pokemon, it can no longer evolve
Toxicroak- Growing up with the Batman tv show, I am used to seeing the Joker as a capable fighter. Based on its dex entries saying that it sways and dodges attacks from opponents, it sounds fairly similar to the Joker's fighting method in the tv show.
Seviper- A Pokemon with an arch-rivalry with another, Seviper holds similar traits to the Joker.
Type overlap was bound to happen for the Joker's team. It's the Joker, poison is his thing. So, it had felt obvious to me to give him a bunch of poison types.
Lex Luthor
Silvally- A Pokémon developed to destroy aliens, hmmm, where have I heard that before in terms of DC Characters? But yeah, Silvally felt like an obvious choice for Lex because he totally would develop one to defeat Ultra Beasts and Superman.
Alakazam- Being a very smart man, Lex having an Alakazam would reflect his great intellect.
Porygon-Z- Another artificial pokemon made by mankind, this pokemon reflect's how even with advanced technology, there is some flaw in it that weakens Lex.
Volcarona- Being revered as a "sun deity" by ancient Unovans, this felt like a good Pokemon to be transformed into a meta-pokemon by lex. Now with the ability Red Sun, Lex's Volcarona weakens kryptonian meta-pokemon.
Kryptonian Minior (Green Core)- A radioactive green rock falls from the sky? Why that must be a meteor of kryptonite? Right? Nope! Regional variant of Minior thats Poison/Flying type.
Shiny Palafin- Being a pokemon inspired by Superman, Lex of course had to have a shiny Palafin to reflect how he created Bizarro.
If you couldn't tell already, Lex's team is inspired by the many ways he's tried to defeat Superman over the years. From the creation of a synthetic organism capable of fighting aliens to creating an evil doppelganger of his arch nemesis, these Pokemon all reflect Lex's schemes in some way.
Chien-Pao- In her New 52 origin, Barbara Minerva would stab herself in the name of her goddess to transform into the Cheetah according to the DC Wiki. She use the god-killer knife to do so, and while Chien-Pao is no Cheetah (A leopard actually) and has a sword and not a knife, there are slight parallels.
Runerigus- Barbara is an archaelogist.
Cofagrigus- Same reason as previous
Sneasler- Sneasler is a femine Pokemon that utilizes its sharp claws in both climbing and combat. Yes I could've used a different cat pokemon, but this one felt better as Sneasler is one of the many pokemon that was worshipped by the Peal Clan in ancient Sinnoh/Hisui.
Spiritomb- Again archaeology, but also a parallel to Cheetah's mystical acts of villainy.
Hydrapple- This pokemon was chosen out of Cheetah's love for Greek Mythology, and while Hydrapple is not the only Multi-headed dragon pokemon, it is the most similar to the Hydra.
If you couldn't tell, Cheetah's team is consistent of Pokemon relating to mythology and archaeology. I didn't want to give her just cat pokemon because that seems really reductive to her character. Yes, she was turned into a cat, but that doesn't mean she has to have a bunch of cat pokemon. Catwoman on the other hand would have a bunch of Cat pokemon.
Reverse Flash (Eobard Thawne)
Raichu- because of Raichu's problem of getting angry every time it build's up too much electricity, it reminds of a lot of Thawne's angry temperment and how he relieves it by doing petty things...its a bit of a stretch I know. Eobard's Raichu is a Meta-Pokemon connected to the Negative Speed Force. This gives it the ability Negative Pulse, the more damage this pokemon takes, the stronger their attacks become.
Midnight Lycanroc- Its a very angry dog that seems to have more personality than the Midday form. This pokemon is also connected to the Negative Speed Force and now has the ability Pettiness and the signature move Phase Claw. Pettiness activates whenever the enemy goes first or uses a priorty move to go first. The pokemon with the ability then hits the target with an attack boost. As for phase claw, the user's claws move so fast that they sink right into the target, landing a critical hit.
Blaziken- Bred with the ability Speed Boost, this is Eobard's reverse of Cinderace as this pokemon is also charged with Negative Speed Force energy to make it a Meta-Pokemon. The things changed is that Blaziken is now naturally faster than Cinderace.
Ceruldege- Now while an odd-choice to parallel Pawmot, Ceruledge's signature move saps energy from the target while Pawmot's S.M. can restore a Pokemon.
Obstagoon- Obstagoon is meant to reflect how much crueler Reverse Flash is to Barry as Obstagoon is very different compared to the other kinds of Linoone. It is also a Meta-Pokemon with negative speed force power. This gave it a higher speed stat and the ability Revolt, which causes damage to enemy targets who use physical moves on the pokemon.
Electrode- Its one of the fastest pokemon in the game currently. Electrode also has a connection to the Negative Speed Force giving it the Dark type.
Two big components to Eobard's Pokemon is that they're meant to be evil mirrors of Barry's pokemon from my previous post, and that they're all meant to be stronger than Barry's pokemon. All of Eobard's pokemon are either naturally better than Barry's or augmented to be better. Eobard has been shown to know more about the Speed Force than Barry does in the comics. From how to influence time to how to utilize phasing, Eobard knows a lot. Therefore, he would know how to influence his Pokemon's abilities once they were connected to the Negative Speed Force, paralleling his creation of the Acololytes of Zoom in the New 52.
Captain Cold
Glaceon- Before anyone asks, yes. Every member of the Rogues (the team) has an Eeveelution. Leonard Snart would of course have Glaceon in his team.
Mr. Rime- A major factor Captain Cold has to overcome when performing a Bank Heist is the Flash. So what does he do? Create a layer of ice for the Flash to slip over on. While no dex entries state that Mr. Rime can do this, its pre-evolution of Galarian Mr. Mime has dex entries stating it can.
Delibird- Little known fact about the Rogues is that they're not all-inherently evil. Yes they commit crimes, but its for the money. They don't kill cops, women, or children. So having Delibird is a reflection of that.
Galarian Slowbro- Back during the New 52, Captain Cold fused himself with the powers of his cold gun. A Meta Galarian Slowbro is similar to Cold's transformation as it isn't just a Slowbro now, but a Slowbro with the abilities of a Shellder. Now a Ice/Psychic type, Snart's Slowbro is now capable of freezing enemies with chilling blasts.
Octillery- During the Rebirth era of DC Comics, the Flash went up against Captain cold who had obtained an improved Cold Gun modified by Black Hole's stolen speed force tech. Meta-Octillery reflects this by being a Ice/Electric Type and having the ability to freeze everything with its new attack Octobeam, an ice move which has the ability to freeze targets entirely.
Blastoise- Not only a reference to his cold-gun, but a reference to his current state in the comics. Snart was given cybernetic enhancements to fight Barry Allen with. Before anyone wonders, no, this is not a meta-pokemon, its just a regular blastoise.
Snart was initially just going to have a bunch of Ice-types with no thought added to them. Then I came to realize that the character deserves much more justice than that. He is a strategist, a bad man with a good heart, and a fighter.
Darkrai- Being that this mythical pokemon causes nightmares, Sinestro having a Darkrai is an easy to answer question.
Mimikyu- Given that this pokemon's appearance can cause death upon seeing it, I wouldn't be surprised if Sinestro used this pokemon's ability to his advantage.
Blacephalon- This Ultra Beast is said to sneak up on people and then violently explode to startle them. As it craves on fear, it feels like a good pokemon for Sinestro to have.
Shiny Naganadel- This pokemon both reflects Sinestro's color scheme, but also provides a sadistic way to scare enemies.
Gallade- A meta-variant of the pokemon, this pokemon is meant to reflect how Sinestro was once noble and one of the greatest green lanterns of all time. Meta-Gallade keeps the same typing but it instead preys on the target's fear. Its new ability "Terrorize" reflects this by having opponents drastically lower their attack when Gallade enters battle.
Due to my lack of knowledge on the character, I didn't give him a full team. I did try to find a pokemon who would fit his time as an ultra-violet lantern, but none felt right.
Black Manta
Sharpedo- This felt like an obvious choice considering that this pokemon is regarded as the Bully of the Sea and Black Manta is...something else, I'll tell you what.
Basculegion- This Pokémon is known to have evolved because of its fallen comrades. Black Manta’s origin involves him trying to avenge his father’s death. Now while this is very different from Basculegion’s reason for evolving, it isn’t that different.
Intelleon- Considering that Black Manta is a highly-weaponized killer with many gadgets, Intelleon felt like a good match for him.
Cradily- At first this may seem like an odd choice until you consider that Black Manta has a slight degree of knowledge on Atlantean Archaelogy. Cradily reflects this as while it is a product of paleontology, it is still an aquatic species. Its adjacent to Atlantean Archaelogy, meaning this is a stretch of a choice.
Kilowattrel- According to Lockstin & Gnoggin's video about this pokemon, Kilowattrel is based on pirates, and what is Black Manta? A pirate with a goofy helmet.
Genesect- In terms of desing, Genesect looks like a purple Black Manta with a giant laser canon on its back.
Black Manta's pokemon weren't that difficult to come up with. I didn't want to give him too many water types, but since there are a few pokemon that aren't water-type but water-adjacent, I thought, why not?
Non-League Villains:
Scizor- Compared to what's to come, Scizor feels like an out of place choice until you consider Parademons. Parademons are seen as Darkseid's minions, and they do share a small resemblance to Scizor...ignoring that its red and is more bug like. Darkseid's Scizor is a Meta-Pokemon with the ability Army's Strength which increases the user's attack and defense the more pokemon are on your team.
Tyranitar- Being based on Godzilla, Tyranitar's lore states that it has destructive power capable of destroying mountains and flattening mountains. In a few depictions, Darkseid is a force to be reckoned with, demolishing anything to get what he wants.
Malamar- Darkseid's biggest goal that he has often achieved is to obtain the Anti-Life equation. In short, the equation acts as a sort of mind control that extends Darkseid's presence onto others. Malamar is known for mind control, but I would assume Darkseid would want to take a step further on that. So his Malamar is also a Meta-Pokemon with the ability "Anti-Life" an ability that inflicts confusion to any surrounding pokemon once this pokemon enters the battle.
Origine Giratina- While in no way are Giratina and Darkseid similar in origin, they are similar in Power. New Gods affect reality on a grand scale. Final Crisis shows how a New God like Darkseid falling on the multiverse can lead to devastating things. Giratina is the one responsible for the Space-Time Rift over Hisui in Pokemon Legends Arceus. I assume Darkseid would of course want to take advantage of this power.
Dawn Wings Necrozma- While Lunala itself would have been a good way to represent Darkseid's ability to create Boom Tubes, Dawn Wings Necrozma felt like the better option to me for the fact it seizes power over Lunala. Necrozma also connects with my previous statement about Darkseid being a cosmic being.
Primal Groudon- This is an obvious choice but to add context, Primal Groudon has the Omega Symbol on its hands. That and it is volcanic pokemon with tremendous power. It is also one of the strongest pokemon in Gen 7 with a high base-stat total.
Darkseid's pokemon were mostly easy to come up with. Given his status as a New God, giving him several Legendary pokemon didn't feel wrong to me.
Gloom- A reference to the black mercy, Mongul's Gloom is a meta-pokemon with the ability Fantasize where enemy pokemon have their health sapped away while getting an increase in their strongest stats.
Iron Valiant- My first comic introduction to the character was in Dark Nights: Metal. In the first issue, the Justice League fight against creations of Toyman commissioned by Mongul. This is a reference to that.
I didn't give descriptions to Ceruledge, Armarouge, Gallade, and Kommo-o, as they're all mostly self-explanatory: They're fighters that Mongul would put in a gladiator arena.
Vandal Savage
Slowking- Being as old as he is, Vandal has witnessed many things and influenced many historical events. Slowking reflects this through its own wisdom.
Ursaluna- Since Vandal has been in many areas, him obtaining pokemon that are supposed to be extinct is of no surprise. Ursaluna would be one of them.
Kabutops- Although rare, Kabuto is still not extinct. Vandal obtaining one would no surprise me.
Noivern- This choice is a nod to how after Final Crisis, Vandal fought Batman who had been sent back in time.
Absol- Initially this choice would seem odd until you realize that having a pokemon with foresight is a good idea for an immortal like Vandal.
Mega Lucario- Three of the aliases Vandal has taken up was Alexander the Great, Khufu, and Khafre. With these numerous ties to Egypt, giving Vandal a Lucario makes sense, especially if it were a mega lucario as he would have been alive around that time mega-evolution happened.
I had thought about giving Vandal a Meta-Pokemon to stay in theme with the other pokemon, but I like the idea of him having to capture new pokemon as time goes on as death touches everything mortal.
Starro the Conqueror
Yes, Starro would have an army of Starmie.
Regieleki- Regieleki by itself represents the electric age and can produce tremendous amounts of power. Anti-Monitor's Meta-Regieleki is capable of doing the same, but this time with Anti-Matter. This is reflected in its new ability Anti-Particle where type match-ups are swapped for the pokemon with this ability. The Special Attack of this pokemon has also been swapped with its Speed stat.
Regidrago- Regidrago represents the Medieval age and is believed to have the powers of every dragon pokemon. Anti-Monitor's Meta-Regidrago also has this ability, but its connection to Giratina is enhanced. Its new ability Shadowy Maw enhances both Dragon and Ghost type attacks. Regidrago however is still pure dragon.
Regirock- Regirock represents the stone age and is made purely out of rock. Anti-Monitor's Regirock is very different from this as it is now a Ground type due to its composition. It's defense stat has swapped places with its Attack stat. Its new ability Refract warps any stat changes to do the opposite effect.
Regice- Regice represents the ice age and is made purely out of ice. Anti-Monitor's Regice is the opposite, becoming a Water type due to its composition being different. It also has the refract ability
Registeel- Registeel represents the industrial revolution and is made of an unidentified metal. Anti-Monitor's Registeel is the opposite as it is now a Fire type due to its composition. Its defense and sp. defense have swapped places with its Attack and Sp. Attack.
Regigigas- Regigigas is the creator of the five different Regis. Ant-Monitor's Meta-Regigigas did the same, but since it too is composed of anti-monitor, it is very different from Regigigas. Now a pure Ghost type, Meta-Regigas's attack stat has swapped with its sp. attack stat. Its new ability, Slow Build, its special attack and speed stat are halved for five turns.
The choice to give the Anti-Monitor the six Regis was an idea I made out of the idea that the Anti-Monitor's goal was to create its own anti-matter universe. So, each Pokemon is both representative of its power and destructive ability. I originally planned on giving him Meta-versions of Marshadow, Gardevoir, and Gigantamax Duraludon to represent the Shadow Demons, Harbinger and Pariah, as well as the anti-monitor's tower things.
This took forever and I am so glad I've gotten it done. The Bat family will be next followed up by the Teen Titans and then Suicide Squad. Might do the Spider-Man variants after that.
Justice League Pokemon Teams
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satoshy12 · 7 months
Nemesis Swap
As the Nemesis of the Heroes talked, they chose to swap for a week. They would attack the hero of the lottery. The Joker, Luthor, Cheetah, Reverse Flash, Vlad Plasmius, Black Manta, and Sinestro So Joker left to hunt; same with the rest. 
Vlad at least warned the other Villian, while Phantom is a child. He would attack ferals, and if they were not careful, they would lose a body part. He doesn't get that normal people break like sticks. So while Vlad was fighting against Green Lantern, Joker against Green Arrow,  Cheetah against Superman Lex Luthor vs. Aquaman Black Manta vs. Batman and Reverse Flash against Wonder Woman + Sinestro was actually doing pretty well with Plasmius enemy; he was confused about who he was, and as he learned, he was an alien.  The boy didn't even try to fight him and only wanted to hear his stories and similar ones.
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Clex Icons!!
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yona049 · 4 months
𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Part 6
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
>Mind control
>acid on flesh
>bones snapping
𝗜 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀! 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗶𝘀 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝗹𝘂𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗗𝗖 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗰𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗗𝗖! ^○^
The rain was soft, soft enough to keep a window open for Y/n to breath in the fresh rain smell.
She pulled her heavy, tierd, body off the bed. Rubbing her eyes, she leaned onto the windowsill and listen to the extra angry drivers on the road below.
Y/n's apartment was on the third floor of a 5 story apartment building. Beautifully snuggled in the middle with just enough hight to see a sunset or two when their there.
She takes a deep breath filling her lungs with a well deserved breather, until a very unexpected headache hit her.
A familiar one she'd had before along with a harsh beeping in her head. Loud enough to tone out the rain and hone in on the loud noise.
She grits her teeth and pinches her temple hard feeling her whole body rumble though the piercing headache.
Clark's voice comes from behind her and thw headache suddenly stops.
She turns back to see him hesitantly push the door open with his arm. He held two cups of coffee in his hands and wore only some light blue pajama pants.
Without his shirt, Y/n could see his built torso and broad shoulders. She'd never realized how incredibly buff he was underneath that button up shirt and jacket he wore most of the time.
She smiled seeing the glasses he wore slip off his nose only for him to push it back up with the back of his wrist.
"I made some coffee. Can I come in?"
His polite voice instantly evaporated the headache Y/n had brewing in her skull.
"Yeah! Come in."
She bit her lip trying to avoid stareing at his chest and biceps before delicately taking the cup.
Clark had stayed with her the night before to keep an eye on her, aswell as give her some piece of mind.
"Was the couch ok?" Y/n asked leaning onto the windowsill.
Clark nodded before sitting on the foot of the bed. For some people it would be strange having a friend join them for a morning coffee in their bedroom. But for Y/n and Clark they were comfortable enough in each other's presence to share a rainy morning together.
"How are you feeling? Did your hand start bleeding again?"
Y/n lifted her palm to look at the fading scar.
"No? Honestly, I'm surprised it healed up so fast? It's almost Super!"
Clark suddenly chokes on his sip of coffee before regaining composure.
Y/n starts laughing a little before squinting.
"What? Did I say something funny?"
"No! No! Just hot coffee!" he quickly makes up an excuse.
Clark looked at Y/n's worried face for a second before sending a comforting smile her way.
She blushes a little and looks away.
"So! I was thinking about this whole story. The acidic blood? Hallucinations? There's gotta be something big! If Joker is behind this, why not just use Joker venom again? Then two other villains toxins! So I've been looking into other Gotham villains with toxic traits? Then there was.. "
Clark listens to every word Y/n says, absorbing every thought her brain has. But at the same time he couldn't help looking at her figure, a beautiful figure that expressed itself with every passionate movement as Y/n explained.
This moment is unfortunately ruined when Clark's ears pick up a scream across the city. A car crash that lead to a pile up.
He knew as superman he had the responsibility to run off and save the rainy day.
He puts the coffee down and stands up suddenly.
"Clark?" Y/n questions.
He walks over to her and pushes hairs from her forehead. With a warm smile he leans down to her level and places a kiss on her head.
"Hold that thought, I'll go grab us some things from the store and we'll talk over pancakes."
He rushes out the door closing it behind him, leaving Y/n flattered but a little confused at the sudden rush.
"Geuss he was hungry?" she said tracing over the spot on her head where Clark had kissed.
She chuckled and finished her coffee quick.
"I think a shower would be good while he's at the store!"
Taking a towel from the cupboard she walks to the bathroom. Opening the tap, the warm water rushes through the pipes to make a comfortable hissing shower.
Y/n growls still feeling the headache threatening to rush into her brain again.
"Damn! I really need to ask Bats about this. It's getting really loud!"
She blinks a little and steps into a warm shower feeling the water fall over her face.
The warmth of the shower was calming in the cold rainy weather. Her thoughts were finally quiet.
Until her lips twist into a smile and she could feel the water turn heavy.
With an uncontrolled chuckle surprising her, she quickly holds her mouth shut.
"Not again!"
She opens her eyes slowly to see black liquid coming from the shower head. A black liquid filling up the shower floor and holding her feet stead fast.
"Ok! Ok! Breath!" she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes again.
"It's not real! It's not-" she repeated only for a laugh to once again force it's way out of her throat.
She clenches her teeth but the laughing keeps coming until she's finally on her knees holding her head. A spiral of laughter and a ear piercing ringing in her head.
Superman carried two small boys in his arms and flew over the heap of cars to a crying mother.
"Here! Now go to the paramedics to get checked out!" he ushers them on.
The mother pushes the boys into a stiff hug and thanks superman for his help.
He quickly flew back to the cars and lifted the top one off the pile, placing it right side up on the side of the road.
One by one he lifted before reaching a man hiding in the back seat of a cab. Finally seeing Superman, he is yanked out of the cars and set down on safe ground for paramedics to carry him off on a stretcher.
Using X-ray vision he scans for any other survivers before nodding to the police officers.
"That's everyone! Any other accidents that the paramedics can't get to?"
One of the older officers pushes a button on the walkie talkie buttoned onto his shoulder. He listens for a few seconds before confirmed.
"The rain is picking up! We have another accident on Main street! People forget how to drive when it rains!"
Superman nods.
"On it!"
A sudden sonic boom as he flys off reaching the next accident. A car ran into a fire hydrant and another flipped onto its back.
It's been hours. And Superman was flying through heavy rain to get to all the accidents with car crashes and people slipping from high un-railed rooftops.
Once he could catch a breath the sun had set, but the thick clouds covered the city in a gray darkness.
"Superman!" a dark voice appears on Superman's comm.
He was floating above the city looking over it for anything else he could get to.
"I'm here."
"Good! Are you with the Reporter?"
Superman clenches his teeth and immediately he's flying towards Y/n's apartment.
"No, why?"
Batman's voice is stern.
"The notes she made, gave me some insight to what she was feeling. The ringing she could hear made me do a MRI, scan of the blood sample and I found something worrying."
Superman's speed increases as he does stiff turns around buildings causing the rain to part out of his way and windows to shake. He listened intently as Batman explained.
"A nano-bot. Small robots in the blood stream, from its shape it's built to latch onto a specific type of skin tissue. Brain tissue."
Superman finally lands on the apartment fire escape and rushes through the open window.
"The beeping she described was the nano-bot's getting a signal from somewhere, someone. There's only one person who could develop this kind of intelligent technology, Lex Luthor."
Superman looks through the apartment rushing into Y/n's room seeing her in the corner facing the wall.
Heavy breathing, soft chucking as she hits her head with her palm. She was dressed in a sweater and sweatpants, but shampoo still in her hair and no shoes.
Superman is quick with super speed grabbing her hand stopping her from hitting herself.
"Y/n! Stop, look at me!"
In a string of crescendoing laughter she turns her head to look at superman.
Her eyes were no longer their normal color, instead it was a foggy green with the pupil barely visible.
"Hello Superman." she says with a horrific smile grabbing onto superman's arm.
With a sudden strength she swings superman over her shoulder and he crashes through the brick wall.
Superman is caught off guard just long enough for Y/n to stand straight and drag her nails across the palm of her own hand.
Just before the cement dust could settle Y/n jumps right at superman still three stories high latching onto his body.
With a terrifying smile she pushes her bloody palm down on Superman's cheek causing him to pull away.
"Y/N!" He yells at her watching her fall with a crash into the street below.
Superman grunts in pain feeling a sizzling pain on his face. Pealing away layer by layer superman's cheek turns bloody. Y/n's blood, burns Superman's skin? The man of steel! The superman!
He flies down and lands on the street, to see what had become of Y/n, only to watch her lift her broken body to a stand.
Her bones snapping back into place and wounds healing back up. Clothes ripped but she stood strong enough to laugh a little more.
The blood that remained from her devastating fall had burned through the concrete road until it hit the dirt deep beneath it.
Superman was dumbfounded, but at his sizzling face healed he sped his way towards Y/n giving her a bear hug.
"Y/n! Listen to me! Snap out of it!"
Y/n struggled in his grip kicking and pushing her bloody palm against superman's torso but he didn't budge.
"Ugh! Batman! She's not responding!"
With a second to think. Y/n bites down on her bottom lip suddenly before spitting the blood right into superman's face.
Superman, not used to any pain let's go of her and pulls back. He holds his eye feeling it sizzle and burn.
Y/n runs towards him and kicks superman's side with added inhumane strength. Superman blocks with his forearms and grabs her leg.
"I'm not gonna hurt you, Y/n!"
Not responding Y/n twists her body enough to get out of Superman's grip, just in time for superman's eye to heal back up.
Y/n smirks with fists clenched and her body pushes off the ground going full speed towards superman who bases himself for a another blow.
"That's enough." a voice in Y/n's head says and suddenly her eyes gloss over back to their original color.
She hits Superman's chest with full force then stumbles back.
Her hand quickly covers her nose and she yells in pain.
"Ugh! Holy cheese crackers!"
She slowly looks up at Superman still standing sted fast infront of her causing her to panic.
"What the hell! What happened!" she panics in a muffled voice.
Superman is still cautious but delicately helps her to her feet.
"Your name?"
"Whats your name?" Superman asks eagerly.
Y/n lifts an eyebrow and pulls her hand away from her nose.
"Y/n L/n."
Still confused she looks around. The road beneath her bare feet broken into bits. Like a wrecking ball was dropped by accident.
A hole in her apartment walll with loose bricks still dropping and loose bits of debris.
There was blood dripping from her nose, knuckles, hands and from cuts on her body.
Her hand delicately moves to her throat and again new claw marks shocked her.
She looks superman dead in the eyes and tries to hold back the lump in her throat that wanted to cause a breakdown.
"Call Batman."
Superman watches her movements, listens to her heartbeat picking up and smelling the salt in her tears.
Not far down the street, a small drone hovers with silent propellers.
Watching Y/n and Superman through the drone camera, in a dark room was Lex Luthor.
His fingers braided together as he watched the screen intently. His office high up in the Lex corp building seemed like the least conspicuous place.
His suit neat and tidy, only for a laughing Joker to stumble his way beside Lex.
"Oh~ why'd you stop! It was just starting to get fun!"
Lex pushes Joker off him and growls.
"This was only a test. We know the Multi-Serum works. And along with the Nano-bots, we can trigger a weapon any time we'd like."
Joker clenches his teeth.
"You said we'd pit Batsy and Superman against each other! Not this pathetic girl!"
Lex walks over to a pin board in the room with many pictures of Y/n and files dedicated to her history pinned onto it.
"Perhaps we got a stroke of luck. Superman would be much less willing to fight an innocent. In the process of trying to save her, she could kill him when his guard is down."
He smirks tracing photo of Y/n with the back of his curled finger.
"This... Y/n, is perfect. She's my best creation-"
"Ehem! Our creation." The voice of Scarecrow objects.
Looking to the side, Lex looked at Scarecrow on the couch with a horrific mask on.
He chuckles and corrects himself.
"Yes, our creation."
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le-sluagh · 3 months
#15 Incorrect Batman: Vigilante (My AU)
Poison Ivy: I am Poison Ivy, I speak for the trees. Chop them down and I snap your knees.
Joker: I just got the best idea I've ever had in my entire life!
Lex Luthor, to Joker: That was the worst idea you’ve ever had in your entire life.
Mad Hatter: Just be careful, Dear Scary!
Scarecrow: *heading out the door* I'm always careful, Matty!
Scarecrow: It's everything around me that's careless.
Harvey Dent: I give up. I am so tired.
Joker: Get the emergency supply!
Harley Quinn: *carries Grace and places her in front of Harvey*
Grace Lamont: *smiles*
Mad Hatter: Hey, wanna help me commit crime?
March Harriet: What the hell!?
Mad Hatter: Oh, sorry, my bad.
Mad Hatter, whispering: Wanna help me commit crime?
March Harriet, whispering: Sure. How can I help?
Joker: *pretending to joke* So when are you going to go out with me?
Batman: I don't know. When are you going to ask me to?
Harley Quinn: And you just ran away?!
Joker: I didn't expect him to flirt back!
Two Face: What can therapy do for me that screaming in my car for 30 minutes can’t?
Music Meister: Hey, Mad Hatter, do you have feelings for me?
Mad Hatter: Yeah, anger.
Penguin: You know what the problem is? You’re really cute, so no one ever told you to shut your pie-hole.
Riddler: You think I’m cute?
Joker: A fistfight CAN be romantic.
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