#lgbtq writeblr
rosealouette · 8 months
send me some asks to answer while procrastinating writing <3
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sonora-reyes · 3 months
Two best friends/roommates decide to get married so one of them can get a green card, but falling in love for real was never a part of the plan
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Art: Charlotte Gomez
Design: Jessie Gang
goodreads and preorder links
on some computers, you might have to scroll up a tiny bit to see ALL the preorder options for some reason, but you can preorder here!
I'll also make sure to answer all questions submitted on goodreads by the end of the weekend!
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mariathechosen1 · 2 years
Do you read fanfiction? Are you queer? Well then I’ve got the perfect survey for you!
Hi! I’m a student writing a research paper on the prevalence of queer couples and lgbtq+ representation in fanfiction and need participants for my survey. This project will be entered in a national (Very prestigious) research competition and will be judged by an academic jury. The more answers I get on this survey, the more accurate my research will be, so I'd really appreciate it if you would take the time to answer! 
Update: The survey is currently being redone! You can find the reasoning behind this (and other FAQ) here [https://at.tumblr.com/mariathechosen1/queer-participation-and-representation-in/i689fhq3b2vn] and the new survey here: https://forms.gle/Tcoafs9dU627PNcn8
Here are some reasons to partcicipate: 
Science and stuff
Force a highly prestigious academic jury to read more than 20 pages about gay fanfiction 
Better my chances of winning real-life money by writing more than 20 pages about gay fanfiction
Help expand a largely ignored academic field (fandom studies)
It’ll only take like 8 minutes (5 minutes if you’re quick)
The only requirement is that you have some sort of experience with fanfiction or fan works (Whether that be writing or reading). You do not have to be queer to participate and all answers are completely anonymous
Reblogs are appreciated!
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differentnighttale · 23 days
Two Asexuals having a chat
Character N:You're so beautiful
Character T:*lurches up from their pinic mat*Sorry,excuse me what did you just say?
Character N:*blinks confusedly *isn't your dress beautiful.The moonlit illuminates your skin and contrasts with your dress you're wearing.
Character T:*blinks multiple times*Oh,I thought you were you know ,flirting with me or something.
Character N: *raises eyebrows* I did not understand what you mean by that.Im complimenting you.
Character T:I think you look rather dashing too.You look like a male Artermis.
Character  N:*laughs louder* well, thank you.
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bagerfluff · 2 months
Men with long hair
SFW & NSFW imagines about one of the most beautiful things in the world, men with long hair.
Topdom Male Reader - Subbot Male Character
Imagine: Running your hands though his hair. Being able to run your hands up and down forever, feeling the soft locks glide though your fingers. Twirling it around and playing with it when he lays in your lap or rest his head on your shoulder.
Imagine: How nice it would be to bury your head on his hair. The shampoo and conditioner smells so nice, it fit him just right. You would lay your face on his pillow that his hair was spread out on just to smell his hair.
Imagine: His hair blowing in the wind. It was beautiful to watch his hair dance in the wind. It blew the hair out of his face and made it perfect to see his face, the hair highlighted his face shape, you wanted to be windy forever.
TW: Masochism
Imagine: Pulling on his hair during sex. Dick buried deep inside of him, back arched and ass up, you didn't like that. So you reached forward and grabbed his hair, pulling it and him up. He'd let out the sluttest moan from the pai. Now back to chest with you, yet to still held his hair to hard that his scalp was burning.
Imagine: Choking him with his own hair. You grab his hair and shove it in his mouth. He chokes and salivates on his hair as he keep it down there. His hair is all over his mouth and he hates it, or that's what he says, but the way he tightens around you has you thinking other wise.
Imagine: Making him cum just from playing with his hair. You just tug in it and pull, yet he moans and ruts against anything as you do it, what a whore. You call him names like masochist, slut, whore, after all. He just came and all you did was play with his hair.
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augustyearroundprod · 3 months
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It’s the end of Darling’s world, and she knows it. Actually, her world died three years ago. Darling is a survivor. But when Darling hears the call of another lonely girl over her radio, Darling has a choice. She can die in the bunker she calls home or find what she craves most — a true friend. 
Written By: Katie Rose Rogers Narrated By: Katie McGrath
Well well well the dream team is back, and magic was once again made! I don’t think I’ll ever have enough wonderful things to say about the Katies! But I shall continue to try. @katierosietoesrogers is a creative savant, a writing powerhouse, and a dream of a human being! You can count me forever as her biggest fan! And Katie McGrath, who has so healthily escaped social media… I mean what a truly remarkable actress! Everything she touches is elevated. And once again, she breathes such life into this story! I’m honored these two continue to come of this journey with us!
I can’t wait for you all to listen to HOW TO SURVIVE THE APOCALYPSE!!
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marieyoungwrites · 2 months
Proud to say that my sapphic romance novel is finally out!
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Description: Set in the late 1950s, a college sophomore falls for her best friend’s older sister.
Thank you for all the love and support!🩵
Special thanks to the cover designer who created the cover of my dreams and was able to see my vision. 🩵
(Currently only available in ebook form)
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I am writing a story with a female lead. She is going to go through a self discovery arc in which she explores her sexuality. I want to jump back and forth in timeline to when she’s a teenager and doesn’t realize she is queer (and in love with her best friend) but i am having a hard time figuring out how to show she is queer without telling (bc it’s from her pov). Any advice or thoughts?
Showing Queer Identity: Tips for Writing Self-Discovery Arcs
Hey there, fellow writer! 💖✨
First off, I want to say how awesome it is that you're tackling such an important and nuanced topic in your story. Self-discovery arcs, especially those involving sexuality, can be incredibly powerful and relatable for so many readers. It's fantastic that you're putting thought into how to present this journey authentically!
Now, let me dive into the meat of your question: how to show your character's queerness without explicitly telling, especially when she doesn't yet realize it herself. This is a challenge many writers face, and I'm excited to share some thoughts and techniques that might help you navigate this delicate balance.
Showing vs. Telling in Sexuality Representation
The age-old writing advice of "show, don't tell" becomes particularly crucial when dealing with a character's sexuality, especially in a coming-of-age or self-discovery narrative. It's about creating a tapestry of moments, feelings, and interactions that hint at the character's true nature without spelling it out for the reader (or the character herself).
(I have an entire post on Prose Tips with Show, Don't Tell. And another one where Telling Is Better Used Instead of Showing)
Here are some ways you can subtly show your character's queerness:
Physical Reactions: Pay attention to how your character's body responds to her best friend or other girls. Does her heart race? Do her palms get sweaty? Does she blush or feel a flutter in her stomach? These physical reactions can be powerful indicators of attraction, even if the character doesn't recognize them as such.
Lingering Gazes: Describe how your character looks at her best friend or other girls. Does she notice small details about them? Does her gaze linger on lips, hands, or other features? This can be a subtle way to show attraction.
Comparisons and Contrasts: Have your character compare her feelings for her best friend to her feelings for boys. She might notice that she feels more comfortable, excited, or "herself" around her friend than with male love interests.
Dreams and Daydreams: Use your character's subconscious to hint at her true feelings. She might have dreams about her best friend that leave her feeling confused or flustered upon waking.
Jealousy: Show your character feeling inexplicably upset when her best friend spends time with others, especially potential romantic interests.
Admiration vs. Attraction: Your character might think she's just admiring other girls' appearances or personalities, not realizing it's actually attraction.
Discomfort with Heteronormative Expectations: Show her feeling uncomfortable or out of place in typical heterosexual dating scenarios or discussions about boys.
Intense Emotional Connections: Highlight the depth of her emotional bond with her best friend, showing how it goes beyond typical friendship.
Personal Thoughts and Advice
As someone who's written queer characters and explored sexuality in my own work, I can't stress enough how important it is to approach this topic with sensitivity and authenticity. It's not just about representing sexuality; it's about capturing the complex emotions, confusion, and eventual self-realization that come with discovering one's identity.
One technique I've found particularly effective is to focus on the emotional journey rather than the physical aspects of sexuality. Especially for a young character who hasn't yet realized she's queer, the emphasis should be on her feelings, her confusions, and her gradual understanding of herself.
Remember, sexuality is a spectrum, and coming out to oneself is often a process, not a sudden realization. Your character might go through phases of denial, curiosity, experimentation, and finally acceptance. Each of these stages provides rich opportunities for character development and storytelling.
Unique Tips for Showing Sexuality in Writing
Use Metaphors and Symbolism: Incorporate imagery that subtly reflects your character's emerging sexuality. For example, use blooming flowers or changing seasons to mirror her personal growth.
Contrast with Heterosexual Experiences: If your character dates boys, show how these experiences feel different (and perhaps less fulfilling) compared to her interactions with girls.
Pop Culture References: Have your character relate strongly to queer characters in movies or books without fully understanding why.
Physical Proximity: Describe how your character seeks out physical closeness with her best friend - sitting close together, finding excuses to touch, etc.
Internal Monologue: Use your character's thoughts to show her confusion. She might question why she feels so strongly about her friend or why she's not interested in boys like her other friends are.
Microexpressions: Describe tiny facial expressions or body language cues that betray your character's true feelings, even if she's not aware of them.
Avoidance Behavior: Show your character avoiding situations that might force her to confront her sexuality, like setting up her friend with boys or talking about crushes.
Mirror Scenes: Create parallel scenes in different timelines to show how your character's understanding of herself has evolved.
Navigating the Timeline Jumps
Your idea of jumping back and forth in the timeline is brilliant for this kind of story. It allows you to contrast your character's oblivious teenage self with her more self-aware adult version. Here are some tips for making the most of this structure:
Echoes and Parallels: Create situations in the past that echo or parallel events in the present, highlighting how your character's understanding has changed.
Dramatic Irony: Use the reader's knowledge of the character's future to create tension and poignancy in the past scenes.
Evolving Language: Show how the language your character uses to describe her feelings changes over time, reflecting her growing self-awareness.
Physical Changes: Use descriptions of physical changes (hairstyles, fashion choices, etc.) to quickly orientate the reader in different time periods.
Pivotal Moments: Identify key moments in your character's journey and use these as anchors for your timeline jumps.
The Importance of Authenticity
When writing about sexuality, especially from a perspective different from your own, research and sensitivity are crucial. Consider reaching out to LGBTQ+ organizations or individuals who are willing to share their experiences. Reading coming out stories and queer literature can also provide valuable insights.
Remember, every person's journey with their sexuality is unique. While there are common experiences, avoid falling into stereotypes or oversimplification. Your character's story should feel genuine and personal.
Balancing Subtlety and Clarity
One of the biggest challenges in showing rather than telling sexuality is finding the right balance between subtlety and clarity. You want to drop enough hints for the reader to pick up on, but not so many that it becomes obvious to everyone except your character.
A good rule of thumb is to make the signs clear enough that a queer reader or someone familiar with the coming out experience would pick up on them, but subtle enough that someone without that perspective might miss them – much like how your character is missing them herself.
The Power of Supporting Characters
Don't forget the role that supporting characters can play in showing your main character's sexuality. Friends, family members, or even strangers might notice things about your character that she doesn't see in herself. Their reactions, comments, or questions can be powerful tools for indicating to the reader what's going on, even if the main character remains oblivious.
Addressing Internalized Homophobia
Depending on your character's background and the setting of your story, you might want to explore themes of internalized homophobia. This can manifest as your character actively pushing away thoughts or feelings that don't align with heteronormative expectations. Showing this internal struggle can add depth to your character's journey and make her eventual self-discovery even more powerful.
The Journey of Self-Discovery
Remember that realizing one's sexuality is often a gradual process. Your character might have moments of almost-realization followed by retreat into denial. These back-and-forth moments can create tension and keep the reader engaged in your character's journey.
As your character grows and changes, you can show her becoming more comfortable with herself in subtle ways – perhaps she becomes more confident, more authentic in her interactions, or more willing to stand up for herself and others.
Writing about sexuality, especially from the perspective of a character who hasn't yet realized their own identity, is a delicate but rewarding challenge.
Remember, the key is to weave these elements naturally into your narrative. Don't force it – let your character's experiences and emotions guide the story. Trust your readers to pick up on the subtle cues you're laying down.
I hope these ideas and tips help you in crafting your story. Remember, every writer's approach is different, and what works for one story might not work for another. Trust your instincts, stay true to your character, and don't be afraid to revise and refine as you go.
Writing about sexuality and self-discovery is not just about representation – it's about creating stories that can help readers understand themselves and others better. Your story has the potential to be a light for someone struggling with their own identity, or a window for others to understand experiences different from their own.
As you write, keep in mind the impact your words might have. Approach the topic with sensitivity, respect, and an open heart. Your character's journey of self-discovery is a beautiful and important story to tell.
Final Thoughts and Encouragement
Writing about sexuality, especially in a coming-of-age context, can be challenging but incredibly rewarding. Here are some final thoughts to keep in mind as you work on your story:
Authenticity is Key: Stay true to your character's voice and experiences. Even if you're writing from a perspective different from your own, strive for authenticity in emotions and reactions.
Embrace Complexity: Sexuality is complex and often fluid. Don't be afraid to show the messy, confusing aspects of your character's journey.
Avoid Stereotypes: While some common experiences exist in the queer community, try to avoid relying on stereotypes. Make your character unique and three-dimensional.
Consider Intersectionality: Your character's sexuality doesn't exist in a vacuum. Consider how it intersects with other aspects of her identity, such as race, class, or religion.
Show Growth: As your character becomes more aware of her sexuality, show how this knowledge impacts other areas of her life and relationships.
Be Patient: Writing about such personal topics can be emotionally demanding. Be patient with yourself and take breaks when needed.
Seek Feedback: If possible, get feedback from sensitivity readers or members of the LGBTQ+ community to ensure your portrayal is respectful and accurate.
Remember, your story has the power to touch lives, open minds, and maybe even help someone on their own journey of self-discovery. It's a beautiful responsibility, and I'm excited for you to embark on this writing adventure!
Keep writing, keep exploring, and most importantly, keep being true to your characters and your story. You've got this! 💖🌈✨
If you have any more questions or need further advice as you write, don't hesitate to reach out.
Happy writing!📝🎉- Rin T.
Before you go, why not join us at The Write Right Society? We're a supportive Tumblr community where writers lift each other up. Whether you're a newbie or a pro, we'd love to have you! Share your work, get feedback, and connect with fellow wordsmiths, writers and aspiring authors. 
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arrows2art · 3 months
What if I told you I was gay
Would you love me anyway
Would you says that it's okay
Would you love me anyway
Would you hold me in your arms
Let me cry and be unalarmed
Let the tears fall into your chest
Oh, how I'd be such a mess
Could I say it anyless
What if I told you I was gay
Would I'd have to even say
Hold that flag and say Hi
Hope it wouldn't be Goodbye
Hope to see it eye to eye
If I didn't have to try
No more worries or a lie
Would you love me and say
That it's all gonna be okay
Would you love me anyway.
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ink-flavored · 4 months
🏳️‍🌈75 Question Pride Month Ask Game🏳️‍⚧️
Happy Pride Month! Celebrate by delving into your OC’s relationship with their queer identity—everything from sexual and romantic orientation, to gender, to intersexuality. And on that last point, I want to give a big shout-out and thank you to the intersex writers who gave me advice on how to structure the intersexuality portion of this game! Remember to send an ask to the person you reblog it from to make sure everyone gets to play!
Is “queerness” accepted or rejected in their society? Is it a concept at all?
Are queer people expected to “come out” in their society? If so, when did your OC come out? If they haven’t, why not?
Have they come out about one aspect of their identity, but not another? Why?
When did they realize they were queer? Did they discover everything at once, or one identity at a time?
What did they do to explore their queerness? Have they tried to explore it at all?
Were they supported and encouraged to explore their identity?
Are many of their family members queer?
Are many of their friends queer?
Did it take them a long time to figure out which labels they prefer? Are they still searching for the right fit?
Have they experienced marginalization for their queerness?
Do they exist in a supportive community of other queer people?
Do they consider queerness to be a big part of their identity, or as banal has having red hair?
Do they try to hide their queerness on purpose? Why?
Are they as loud and proud about their queerness as possible? Why?
What do they love most about being queer?
❤️Romantic Orientation🩷
What’s their romantic orientation? Do they use multiple labels for it?
Do they enjoy dating or prefer being single?
Are they in a committed relationship right now? Queer-platonic or romantic? Both?
If they’re single, have they ever been in a romantic or queer-platonic relationship?
How would they personally define “love”?
How would they personally define “romance”?
Are they loveless? [for an aromantic perspective on lovelessness check out this essay]
Are they polyamorous? Do they consider it an orientation or a preference?
If they’re alloromantic, have they ever explored aromanticism? How did it go?
Do they enjoy reading, watching, or otherwise engaging with art about romance?
How has their romantic orientation shaped their interactions with peers and family?
Does their society conflate sex and romance? How has this impacted them?
Does their society enforce amatonormativity? How does this impact them?
What do they love the most about their romantic orientation?
How does their romantic orientation interact with their other identities?
🏳️‍🌈Sexual Orientation❤️‍🔥
What’s their sexual orientation? Do they use multiple labels for it?
What is their society’s view on sex and sexuality?
What is their personal view of sex and sexuality?
What do they personally think about sex?
How important do they consider sex in their life and in their relationships?
What kinds of people do they find especially attractive? What’s their “type”?
Would they ever consider a sexual relationship with someone they aren’t attracted to? Under which circumstances?
If they’re straight, have they ever explored a different sexuality? How did it go?
Is their society open about sex, or incredibly puritan? How has this impacted them?
Does their society enforce heterosexuality as “correct” or “normal” with all other sexualities being deviant? How has this impacted them?
Is their sexuality seen as especially perverse or inherently sexual? How does that impact them?
Is their sexuality infantilized or seen as “too pure for sex”? How does that impact them?
Are they sex-repulsed, sex-neutral, sex-favorable? At all times, or does it fluctuate?
What do they love most about their sexual orientation?
How does their sexual orientation interact with their other identities?
🏳️‍⚧️Gender Identity⚧️
What’s their gender identity? Do they use multiple labels for it?
What pronouns do they use? Have they tried out a ton before settling on these? Are they still trying things on?
How would they personally define “gender”?
How do they prefer to present?
Do they care about their gender identity “matching” their presentation in the way their society expects? Why or why not?
If they’re trans, do they plan on medically transitioning? In which ways? If not, why not?
If they’re trans, do they plan on socially transitioning? In which ways? If not, why not?
If they’re cis, have they ever explored the idea of transness? How did it go?
If they’ve detransitioned, what made them choose to stop? Are they more content in their gender now, or still deciding what’s right?
Does their society conflate sex and gender? How has this impacted them?
Does their society impose a gender binary? How has this impacted them?
Does their society impose gender roles on people? How has this impacted them?
How is transness viewed in their society?
What do they love most about their gender identity?
How does their gender identity interact with their other identities?
For more information about intersex variations, check out the InterACT Intersex Variations Glossary
How do they feel about being intersex, if any way at all?
How would they personally describe or define what “being intersex” means?
How long have they known about their intersexuality?
How was their childhood impacted by their intersexuality, if at all?
How was their adolescence impacted by their intersexuality, if at all?
How has their adult life been impacted by their intersexuality, if at all?
How has being intersex shaped their interactions with friends? Family? Intimate relationships?
How often do they talk about their intersexuality?
Does their society conflate sex and gender? How has this impacted them?
Does their society enforce sex binary? How has this impacted them?
Does their society impose gender roles on people? How has this impacted them?
How does their society view intersex people in general?
Is there anything else about their culture that makes being intersex easier? More difficult?
What do they love most about their intersexuality?
How does their intersexuality interact with their other identities?
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rosealouette · 8 months
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credits ⍣ ೋ all quotes are from poisoned reverence by rose alouette nightingale artwork: crocodile tears 3 by natalie dowse, the years lie in wait for you by dora maar, courage anxiety and despair by james sant, worship of mammon by evelyn de morgan, perseus with the head of medusa by benvenuto cellini, guernica by pablo picasso
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mariathechosen1 · 2 years
Do you read fanfiction? Are you queer? Well then I’ve got the perfect survey for you!
Hi! I’m a student writing a research paper on the prevalence of queer couples and lgbtq+ representation in fanfiction and need participants for my survey. This project will be entered in a national Norwegian research competition and will be judged by an academic jury. The more answers I get on this survey, the more accurate my research will be, so I'd really appreciate it if you would take the time to answer!
The survey is now closed! Thank you to everyone who participated!
Now, some of you might be thinking “Hey, I’ve seen this survey before.” And you’d be correct. I have a full explanation as to why here [https://at.tumblr.com/mariathechosen1/queer-participation-and-representation-in/i689fhq3b2vn], but the short explanation is that the original survey was meant for a much smaller sample size and after getting 8000 (!!!) answers on the past survey we decided we had to redo it in proper compliance with the GDPR. If you have any questions about this decision, or about the past survey, please read the FAQ post before contacting me or the project supervisor.
In contrary to the former survey, this research is specifically aimed at queer individuals who read and/or write fanfiction. Both people who answered and didn’t answer the last survey may answer this one.
Here are some reasons to participate:
Science and stuff
Force a highly prestigious academic jury to read more than 20 pages about gay fanfiction
Better my chances of winning real-life money by writing more than 20 pages about gay fanfiction
Help expand a largely ignored academic field (fandom studies)
It’ll only take like 8 minutes (5 minutes if you’re quick)
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stephtuckerauthor · 7 months
Writeblr Intro
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So, I wasn't aware people still made or paid attention to these so HELLO!
I'm Steph, 34 from the UK. She/her, bisexual.
I've been writing since I was a kid but have been doing it more seriously for the past six years.
I mainly write angst and dark humour, though I am trying to branch out and write happier narrative. Fantasy is my favourite to write.
My current WIPs include a cosy cottagecore, an epic DND inspired fantasy, and a paranormal psychological thriller (my third contemporary piece). I also love to write poetry when the inspiration hits.
I'm currently in the process of editing my second book, the second in the Forever Bound trilogy. The Forever Bound trilogy [NO LONGER BEING WORKED ON]
The Bonds That Bind Us is a contemporary fiction with an LGBTQ+ romance and tackles some pretty heavy topics whilst exploring healing and grief. The Bonds That Bind Us is currently available on Amazon here!
Very happy to follow and support fellow writers. I should prewarn, though, that I do suffer with anxiety and autism so I'm not always the most reliable communicator.
Happy writing, everyone, and I look forward to falling in love with your blorbos <3
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beauvandalen · 1 year
There's a huge pressure for queer authors to out themselves & use their identity to market their book.
So many calls for books/events ask for ownvoices books, but what they're really asking for is books by openly out authors.
Please ask for books with queer MCs instead!🙏🌈❤️
Ownvoices was meant to be about uplifting marginalized voices, but this isn't what we're doing anymore: we're prying into authors' personal lives just to make sure we're reading/featuring a book with 'good rep'. This needs to stop, it's so harmful.
This can't be the standard.
Since when did we start caring about rep in fictional books more than the real people behind those books? If we want to uplift marginalized voices, those voices shouldn't have to owe us anything in exchange, not their history, not their identity.
Authors shouldn't have to out themselves for us to read their books, let's make this a safe space for everyone.❤️🌈
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bladeinthedark · 2 years
what's the point of romance if they aren't gonna kiss on a battlefield with blood and tears on theirface and the relief of knowing they've made it out alive
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yvesdot · 1 year
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“Comedic, witty and chilling by turns.” — A. R. Thompson, author of When Dealing with Wolves
The debut collection returns in a special fifth anniversary edition, repackaged with three new short stories, a new cover, and additional bonus content! A vampire is forced into a compromising situation; a father fears his child's growing plant collection; the undead go to high school; a butcher contemplates whether or not she can be loved. In a captivating debut, yves. opens the door to our world, slightly askew—where the crows work for witches and telephone booths serve as secret channels for prophecy; where a diverse cast of monsters and humans alike are forced to contend with what the world believes is right.
Thank you to everyone who made my weird uncategorizable "Lemony Snicket meets Carmen Maria Machado" speculative fiction an instant bestseller! If you’ve ever felt like a monster, this book is for you.
PRESS: KZSC interview | Santa Cruz Sentinel interview
signed paperback | paperback & ebook (amazon) | ebook (itch.io)
& at all major retailers!
Thank you so much for reading this post about my book. I hope you will share it, and this image of my beautiful black cat, Andy, widely. To queer weird fiction and indie pub! To you, Dear Reader, with love.
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