#most of the fanfics i read make him that guy who went with a lot of women before but
kiriyama-san · 11 months
I refuse to believe Kazuya went with other girls before he met Jun, nah uh! Jun was his first time and his first love as well!
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batobbsession · 3 months
i promise i do like Tim guys :(
This is probably my most unpopular opinion as a Tim stan who spends a lot of time in the parts of the fandom that constantly talk about Tim, but this fandom has a habit of making Tim "better" than he actually is and it hurts his character in the end. Anways, i'm going to make a list.
There are so many characters that we never get to see because of him. We only get to see Jack and Janet Drake as abusive because the fandom decided that they were bad parents. We only get to see Ra's al Ghul when he's obsessed with Tim. Damian rarely gets proper fanfics about his early days as Robin or Dick's time as Batman because all those fanfics are about Tim.
The way a lot of this fandom treats him gives of special snowflake vibes and I admit I do read those fics but I feel like a lot of people write him that way because that's the only characterization of Tim they know. It's honestly unrealistic that he managed to stalk highly trained bats as a young child and take photos. I joke about it too, but he canonically has the strongest morals out of all the batboys and canon makes a big deal about the fact that he didn't kill anyone while blowing up buildings. I like these tropes, I read them and all that but they kind of take me out when they're in serious fanfics.
Probably the most unpopular one but I think fanon is doing Tim a disservice by not holding him accountable for anything and villainizing other characters for him. Like people refusing to acknowledge that Tim was very rude to Damian when they first met. The whole mess with him become Red Robin was a good example of that. Canon was a mess too but basically went like this: Tim insists Bruce is alive for no real reason, Damian becomes Robin for a multitude of reasons I won't talk about now, Dick suggests Tim gets a therapist, Tim gets mad and leaves despite efforts otherwise, Dick later finds actual evidence and the all make up. If Tim had stayed in Gotham nothing would have changed because honestly it probably would have been easier for him to find most of the evidence. This is probably the one trope I won't read because it seems insane to act like Dick was crazy for not believing him and he was ostracized from the family despite the fact that he pretty much choose this way. If Tim wanted to stay with the family so much maybe he should have done that while Dick was asking him too and offering him help?
Anyways you guys can ignore this if you want to and if you have a counter point your welcoming to say it
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Lock-up ~ Chapter 1
{Charles Leclerc x Reader}
Y/N L/N is the new hope of RedBull. Though, her start to the season could’ve known some better days. With RedBull’s pressure, her dad’s reminders that she is only here because of him and Max’s behaviour, Y/N has a lot on her mind.
Someone she used to know seems to notice, but can’t decided wether or not to help.
Read to see how this all unfolds ❤️
hope yall enjoy!!
I changed a bit of things in F1 to make this story work, therefore Perez does not exist anymore 😭. Also the calendar is different, and I made the reader Canadian but her dad's Italian.
The story will be both present, and past for flashbacks and explanations.
Heres a short diagram of the teams Charles and Y/N have been in.
Charles Y/N
2018 (F2): Prema Dams
2019-2020 (F1): Sauber Racing Point
present (F1):       Ferrari RedBull
This fanfic includes all the good stuff, from closed proximity to forbidden love, you guys won't ever be bored 🤭
Present Day -  Spain GP, race #7
" And it's a red flag here in Spain... Who could possibly- Oh and it's Charles Leclerc and Y/N L/N who have crashed!" the commentator's voice boomed through the speakers.
Both cars were immobile in the gravel pits of the circuit, with Charles' front wing stuck in the wall.
" For those of you that are new to Formula One, let's just say these two have made it a habit of constantly fighting each other since the start of the season... once in a while resulting into both of their DNFs," The other commentator continued.
" What a fucking idiot. Turning into me like that, what the hell was i supposed to do?" Y/N complained in her radio.
" If she keeps pulling stuff like that she could literally kill someone, including herself. When will she learn to control herself?" Charles screamed in his team radio.
Both drivers got out of their cars without a scratch, and the glare they gave each other through furrowed brows must've been the most intense part of the whole crash.
It wasn't always like this. Battling the other dangerously, loathing stares, and hateful speeches.
Two years ago, when you were with Racing Point and he Sauber, you and Charles were inseparable. People went as far as saying you guys were dating, but that theory was quickly shut down since at that time Charles had a girlfriend and you were seeing someone.
You guys had formed habits together, but the most important one was skiing in the Alps in the off season.
2 Years Ago -  Italian Alps
" Where do you think you're going next?" you ask Charles on the chairlift.
The beautiful and vast Alps were mesmerizing to look at from the chairlift, but Charles had his eyes somewhere else.
" I think we should go... Hörnli." he says, with a determined look on his face.
" Not the ski slopes idiot, the next F1 team you're joining," you laugh.
Skiing and hiking the Alps was your tradition with Charles. It was your third time doing it by now.
" Oh my god I'm so stupid. Well Ferrari have reached out, so if I have the opportunity I'm definitely taking it. What about you?" he watches you carefully.
" I don't know yet. I should know soon though." You added with a smile that quickly faded.
" Don't worry, There's definitely a big team that has you in their sights." He said, flashing you a smile. " Imagine you end up in Ferrari with me!" he added hopefully.
" Oh I don't think you could handle me beating you every race." you teased, shoving him slightly.
" Oh, You wish! Still... I must admit you're the toughest opponent I've had... yet." he smugly added.
His compliment had caught you off-guard.
" You really think so?" you questioned with a cocky smile. " I'm touched."
" I said yet, and with the cars that we have right now. We'll see when we're in bigger teams." he challenged.
" You didn't specify cars..." you teased.
" Oh shut up," he chuckles, hitting you with his ski stick.
Your laughs could almost be heard echoing in the vast mountains of Italy.
Then, you signed with RedBull.
The tension began at the start of this season, ever since Charles joined his dear Scuderia and you RedBull.
Ever since the Canadian Grand Prix.
Charles' selfish action had cost him his already fragile friendship with you. He wanted to get back at you for what you did to him in Monaco. He let his greed cloud his thoughts, but perhaps there was another emotion present in his thinking...
Past - Monaco GP - race 1
I had to prove myself. Being the only woman on the F1 grid put a suffocating pressure on my chest, because I had to be perfect no matter the occasion. On and off track.
Winning this historical race meant winning everybody's respect. Especially my dad's. He would have no other choice but to hug me tightly after the win, right? Surely he wouldn't have any reasons to be disappointed in me?
I was both eager and scared to find out. My dad  only wants the best for me, but he sometimes struggles to show it. Still, I wouldn't ask for anything else. His severe teaching is the only reason I'm here.
30 seconds before the lights go out. I close my eyes and go over the track in my head one last time before taking in as much air possible in my lungs and letting it go steadily. I tune out every distraction around me and look up without blinking.
Two cars in front.
Lewis on pole and Charles following.
The red lights are on... and off.
I don't have an amazing start but I manage to keep my position. The first few laps require the fullest of my concentration because of Monaco's tight corners and every car being close. I finally hear Ryan (my engineer) telling me to slow down and keep a good pace.
That was until Lewis made a mistake, leading to Charles and I passing him. There was only Charles in front now. No, not Charles. A car.
I was simply looking at a red car who, by team orders, needed to be passed.
And so I attacked. Trying to push the ferrari into making a single mistake, one I could benefit from.
The ferrari in front was incredibly good at defending, and my heart started to beat faster. There were only a few laps left. I had to win, I needed to win.
My impatience got the best of me. It pushed me over the limit, and I was the one that made the mistake. I didn't brake soon enough.
A bit of smoke is all I remember before disassociating from the moment. I fucked up. My dad was never going to let me forget this. What was the media going to say? I ruined both my race and Charles'. Not even one of us was going to celebrate tonight.
My stomach ached so much. My head was spinning. I saw two hands reaching out to me and helping me up from my seat. Was it Charles? Maybe he forgives me. He had to.
I opened my eyes and saw the ones of a worried marshal. He set me down and my eyes instantly searched for Charles'.
I found his eyes glued to his car, then they finally met mine.  The look in his eyes made my heart drop. Hatred. Hatred I created.
I knew I couldn't run up to him right now, But I had to speak to him. We've had our conflicts on-track, but they never lasted long off-track. This time was different.
I start to walk away, and then looked up to lock eyes with my father's. Disappointment. My heart pinched and anger rose in me.
After the race I searched for Charles everywhere and finally found him by the stands, walking alone.
"Charles!" I call out, half expecting him to walk the other way.
He simply stopped walking and looked at me expectantly.
" Listen I'm- " But he cuts me off.
" Y/N you don't have to say anything. Racing is racing. You shouldn't stop yourself from attacking just because I'm the one in the car in front." he said, rather coldly.
I felt so relieved to hear that. I lifted my arms up to hug him, but he quickly took ahold of my wrist. He closed his eyes, and gripped my wrist tighter.
"Just... Expect the same in following races." He said, opening his eyes with a piercing gaze.
He let go of my wrist gently and turned his back on me, leaving me all alone.
What the fuck. What did he mean? His anger would probably dissipate before the next race, like it always did. Like he said, I shouldn't just stop overtaking him to make him happy.
The media ate me alive, and it made me even more frustrated. First race for Redbull and this is what happens...
I make my way out of the interview room and see my dad. My throat starts to close.
" Terrible start, terrible attacking, and overall shitty race. This isn't the result of my teaching, is it?" he coldly states.
"No." I mutter out.
" What? I couldn't quite hear." he says.
" No, it's not! It's my fault entirely." I say truthfully. This was not a good example of my driving and even less of my dad's guidance.
" There you go." my dad says, patting me on the shoulder.
Past - Canadian GP - race #2
I qualified like shit for my home grand prix. P6 because my car had a problem, and if it wasn't enough, Charles was P7 behind me. I'll show him that his little speech didn't scare me and it was childish of him to menace me with his words.
The race was tight. I had managed to get up to P3, but Charles was very close behind. I defended him fiercely, and for a moment I thought I had it. That was until his "tires locked up" and he hit my side. Both cars were able to get back on track, although Charles ended up passing me because of this. It didn't matter. I fell down to P8 and finished the race with a disappointing P7. I was fucking fuming.
" What the hell is wrong with him? He got a penalty for that right?" I complain in my team radio at the end of the race.
" Um, unfortunately Y/N, there doesn't seem to be any penalty taken from ferrari's part." Ryan tells me.
"WHAT?" I exclaim.
How was that even fucking possible? Did me and the FIA see the same crash?
The post-race interviews were now happening.
" Y/N, I'm not trying to jump to conclusions, but that move pulled off by Charles seemed intentional. Any thoughts?" the interviewer questioned.
" Yeah I think it says a lot about him," I stated angrily. "What happened in Monaco was a mistake and he had NO right to ruin my home race in return. Him not getting a penalty is also very surprising. I'll never forget this childish act from both Leclerc and the FIA." I replied, pissed.
" Those are harsh words coming from your mouth, L/N. Yet, I think this could be the start of a new rivalry between Ferrari and Redbull. Do you?" the reporter continued.
" Definitely." I firmly said.
You met Leclerc on the way back to the RedBull garage.
" I can't fucking believe you Charles, Monaco was a mistake but this? This was on purpose. You did this just to prove what, exactly?" You voiced, irritated.
Charles' expression was unreadable. He seemed at conflict with himself, trying to figure out what to say.
"I think," Charles paused. " I think we should keep our distances from now on."
Your mouth fell slightly open. After all you guys had done together, the strong bond you guys had created?
" Oh, don't worry about that." You stated angrily, storming off.
Present Day - Post Spain GP - race 7
You felt disappointed after today's race, like any other race that finished badly. You loved your team so much- the team that had taken you in after only a year in F1, the team that constantly supported you... Although recently you could see their trust in you falter. You couldn't help but feel like you let RedBull down each time you made a mistake, like you felt with your dad.
Max ended up winning, so you congratulated him and gave him a quick hug that didn't go unnoticed by a certain someone.
Max was like a literal brother to you, having a similar character to yours and the same dad experiences.
" You really gotta stop targeting Charles like that, Y/N. The team won't like it, and I like you, so you better stick around and stop holding grudges." Max joked.
" Mate did you see the incident? I swear he turned into me!" you retorted, eyes wide.
" Yeah..." Max chuckled, not convinced.
" Oh my god just go on the podium already." You annoyingly said, giving him one last tap on the shoulder.
Max left while laughing, and you were left smiling alone. You didn't want to listen to him when he said you should stop holding a grudge on Leclerc, but a part of you knew he was right. You should definitely focus on the championship, since a gap had formed between you and the leaders. This definitely stressed you out, with your dad's constant high expectations and the team slowly losing hope in your talent.
A sudden pair of eyes found yours in the crowd.
Leclerc's eyes had a new look in them, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. You simply furrowed your brows and looked away.
Quite a long chapter to start with, and i think the following ones will be shorter. Also this was copied from my wattpad, so if theres any mistakes im sorry hahaha
Hope yall enjoyed 💞
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blues824 · 2 years
Hello! I was reading through your Oiran/Daki!MC fanfic, and I'm wondering what would it be like if we add her brother into the mix? [Gyuutaro!MC]
Let's say, [Housewarden] was walking through the school corridors, and saw [Sibling] on the ground, covering their burned face because they rejected someone and [Sibling] getting hurt by the others fire spell.
How would [Housewarden] react to see Gyuutaro!MC threatening the reject and eventual scaring/harming them with their sickles. (Bonus if the reject was extra good looking too 😉)
I think I understand what you’re asking, so I will write what I think you meant. Gender-neutral reader
Warnings: Gruesome, Y/N comes out of [Sibling]’s back, Clawing nails into skin
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Riddle Rosehearts
Ace and Deuce had told him about something that was happening at NRC, and he came over to try and deal with it as a Housewarden. What he didn’t expect was for [Sibling] to be in the center of a ring of fire and crying.
“Y/N! HELP ME!” They cried.
All of a sudden, a form started emerging from [Sibling]’s back. Riddle had to look away or else he would most likely throw up. When he looked back, he saw you comforting [Sibling]. They were sobbing as you patted their head and asked them what happened. That was when the Heartslabyul Housewarden found out as well.
The next second, you had the offender at the other end of one of your sickles. Your voice seemed so raspy as you threatened the person who your sibling rejected. You said something about not being able to accept rejection and therefore they just had to cause harm to your beloved sibling.
Riddle didn’t know what to do. Sure, he could collar you, but you had weapons that weren’t controlled by magic. It would probably make you focus on attacking him after you killed the offender. He figured he would have to wait for an adult.
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Leona Kingscholar
He was summoned by the Headmage as a Housewarden. He was very reluctant because it just told him to get to the P.E. field, which he now saw was on fire with one person trapped in the middle. He looked closer and saw that it was [Sibling].
“Y/N! HELP ME!” They cried.
Leona saw a figure emerging from [Sibling]’s back, and they weren’t in pain or anything! Instead, once the figure had fully emerged, they went straight to comforting [Sibling]. It would have been a heart-warming sight, however…
You leaped out of the fire and attacked the person that [Sibling] rejected. Leona was about to use his magic to cast you away when he heard what you were saying. He couldn’t catch all of it, but you said something along the lines of how you would kill him if he ever came close to your sibling ever again. You emphasize your point by putting one of your sickles up to the guy’s neck.
It didn’t look like you would kill the dude, so he couldn’t do anything since it could set you off on a killing spree or something. There was at least one positive thing about this: his day became a whole lot more interesting because of this.
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Azul Ashengrotto
He was also summoned by the Headmage since he knew powerful magic as the Octavinelle Housewarden. However, it was more likely to evaluate the cost of any damage if there was any caused. Well, there was. The entire field was in flames, and someone was stuck in the fire.
“Y/N! HELP ME!” From the voice, he guessed that it was [Sibling].
Then, Azul heard someone groaning as they… emerged from [Sibling]’s back?! He suddenly felt like he was going to throw up, and he did. When he (hesitantly) looked back, he saw the figure comforting [Sibling].
He blinked for just a second, but you were gone. Instead, you were snarling at the guy who dared to scar your sibling’s beautiful face. You held a sickle to his neck, your raspy voice making a threat that you planned to carry out if he didn’t listen.
Azul was smarter than to go and attack you, since that could set you off worse. He decided to take a look around to try and evaluate the damage costs and report back to the Headmage. At least you were reunited with your sibling.
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Kalim Al-Asim
Him and Jamil were summoned by the Headmage to come and deal with an issue that he probably didn’t want to deal with himself. Kalim was happy to help, but he let out a shriek of surprise when he saw that the entire P.E. field was on fire. He was about to activate his unique magic when he heard something.
“Y/N! HELP ME!” [Sibling screamed].
Jamil covered Kalim’s eyes as he watched you crawl out of [Sibling]’s back. It took everything within Scarabia’s Housewarden to not throw up. He uncovered his Housewarden’s eyes when you were finally out and comforting your sibling.
Kalim used his unique magic to extinguish the fire. As the steam went up in the air, they saw a figure. It was just in time when they figured out it was you attacking the guy who burned [Sibling]. I’m just a few seconds, you had tackled the rejected dude to the ground and held a sickle to the man’s neck.
Jamil quickly led Kalim away as he just stared in shock. He couldn’t stop looking, even as you had complimented the dude and voiced your envy. You even dug your incredibly sharp nails into your own skin and drew blood. He would most definitely need a therapist.
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Vil Schoenheit 
He and Rook made their way to the field after Epel came back to Pomefiore in tears. Apparently, someone had tried to burn [Sibling] and ended up lighting the entire field on fire. What the first year had failed to say was that [Sibling] was still in the midst of the flames. Then they heard them.
“Y/N! HELP ME!” They cried.
Vil and Rook flinched as they heard your groans as you emerged from your sibling’s back. It didn’t look like it was painful, because right after you turned to comfort and take care of [Sibling]. It was really unsettling for the Queen and the hunter.
Then, all of a sudden you jumped out of the fire and kicked the offender to the ground, growling about how you would kill them if they ever came close to your sibling ever again. You glided the blade of your sickle across the palm of their hand to emphasize your point.
The Housewarden and Vice Housewarden had to focus their attention on putting out the fire as the Headmage focused on you and [Sibling]. The two representatives of Pomefiore shuddered at remembering how you crawled out of your sibling’s back.
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Idia Shroud
He doesn’t even know why he was called besides the fact that he is the Housewarden of Ignihyde. He’s useless to Crowley unless it’s an internet problem or something like that. What he didn’t expect to see was the entire P.E. field on fire, and [Sibling] right in the middle.
“Y/N! HELP ME!” They screamed.
Idia couldn’t do anything but watch as a figure just started making its way out of [Sibling]’s back. It was horrifying. Then, once you had got all the way out, you just turned to comforting them and making sure their burn scars went away.
Then, the next thing the Dorm Leader saw was you slicing a random guy up with your sickles. When you snarled something about him never getting the chance to hurt your sibling again, everything pieced itself together for Idia.
Now, when he looks back on it, he can only think of that one episode from ‘Help! Rip-off Michael Jackson turned my sister into a demon and now I’m trying to find a cure for her!’ How interesting that the two scenarios were exactly the same…
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Malleus Draconia
He’s probably the first one Crowley called because he’s one of the five most powerful mages in Twisted Wonderland. He was also the only one who got the full message of the fact that the P.E. field was on fire and [Sibling] was stuck within the flames, and that’s exactly what he saw when he arrived on the scene with his retainers.
“Y/N, HELP ME!” [Sibling] cried.
Lilia and Malleus looked on as they saw a figure emerging from [Sibling]’s back. Sebek threw up, and Silver just looked away. Once you were all the way out, you started to console your sibling, telling them that it would be okay.
The dragon prince was a bit surprised to see you rush through the fire and at the guy who (he guessed) burned [Sibling]. He definitely wasn’t expecting you to hold your sickle to the man’s neck and threaten them. Sebek nearly passed out when you started digging your nails into your skin and peeling it. This was also the moment where Silver threw up, and Malleus himself had to look away. He looked at Lilia, and saw that he had a serious expression. He’s seen this before.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 2 months
What are you fave angsty stories/writers? I love angst, but have a hard time deciding what stories to read!
I always find it difficult to recommend writers as there are so many great writer past and present in the fandom. Plus so many klaine stories have a bit of angst in them.
We do have our angst and blangst tag. So many great stories.
I'd also recommend my other admin Lynne's favorite fics: there's all sorts of fics on there but may are angsty fics.
Also 23 items bookmarked on Klaine fanfic that made you want to reach for a box of tissues, part of our bingo 2023.
Personally, I will name a few, most of these are older fics and come highly recommended in the fandom. These are just a few of mine - people can also recommend in their reblogged tabs, or on the note here. ~Jen
The Awakening by @heartsmadeofbooks
Kurt Hummel has put his perfect life together carefully, making sure all the pieces fit exactly how he wanted them to. But all it takes is one name from his past to make all his hard work go to waste - Blaine Anderson
100 Days by borogroves
Kurt and Blaine have been best friends (and nothing more) since the age of six. Now 22-year-old college graduates, they take a roadtrip around the USA, visiting every state in 100 days. Fifty states. Two boys. One love story.
Perfectly Imperfect by @catcat-85
Golden Globe winning actor, Blaine Anderson went to prison for a murder he did not commit. After 5 long years, he has escaped from prison, and in a desperate need to get to a safe house before he can leave the country; he kidnaps Kurt, and forced him to drive him to a secluded cabin nestled in between the snowy mountains in Vermont. For Blaine, it’s his last chance for freedom. Falling in love is the last thing on Blaine’s mind. It’s not part of the plan. And for Kurt, it’s a terrifying situation that disrupts the impeccably perfect life he has created for himself. He’s outraged and angry at Blaine, and yet; he can’t help but believe Blaine is innocent.
Will the truth finally come out and Blaine be exonerated? Will the FBI catch him and put him back in prison? Will he and Kurt fall in love even in the most hopeless situation? Will love truly prevail all at the end?
Based on the novel, Perfect, by Judith McNaught. This is a story about two men who are complete opposites from one another; and yet, they complete each other in a perfectly imperfect way.
Chrysalis ‘verse by @flowerfan2
Just after graduating from NYU, a car accident puts Blaine into a coma. No one expects him to wake up. Almost three years later, Kurt sees a man in a wheelchair who couldn’t be anyone else. A story of love and new beginnings. Canon compliant through 6x11, then AU.
Foundations by gentlereader
After breaking up Kurt and Blaine went their separate ways.
Blaine’s now a successful LA musician while Kurt is a high school counselor.
The creation of the Pavarotti Music Foundation was their dream… and now its a reality.
No Take backs by @rockitmans
Prompt: A year after this father’s death, Kurt is still reeling from the loss. In an attempt to keep holiday traditions going, despite his father’s absence, Kurt meets a guy at a local Christmas Tree Lot who helps him through.
About us by wildhurricane
 It’s an ordinary summer day at the diner where Kurt works, when a new guest enters. He’s hot and flirty and orders coffee and fries, and Kurt. Kurt is instantly attracted and flirts back. When the guy waits for Kurt outside the diner, Kurt decides to go with him for a moment of pleasure. But there’s a spark between them that neither anticipated. Soon Kurt finds out that the guy isn’t who he claims to be and that he’s got other secrets as well. He’s mysterious and exciting and Kurt is falling for him hard and fast, but when the secrets are revealed Kurt finds himself between love and aversion and must decide if he should stay and help Blaine out of an impossible situation or leave him and save his own heart.
The Symphony Verse by shandyall
Blaine has spent most of his life feeling like the only thing people notice about him is that he stutters. He’s working hard to overcome his (mostly self created) roadblocks when he meets Kurt in an online class the summer after his freshman year of college.
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third-arch · 10 months
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Law’s Novel-Thoughts
Spoilers ahead!!
An unedited ramble
I’m just going to be honest and say I was kinda disappointed. I feel like this story had so much more potential that kinda just went down the drain. I think it had a really good idea but didn’t see it through. Like the first part of the story made me hooked. I was interested in his childhood, how he met Bepo, Shachi and Penguin, and Wolf. I thought how they got a job and trained was neat. But, I felt like the whole stuff with Wolf and his son wasn’t necessary. It answered a lot of questions about like the submarine and how they got their name as the heart pirates and how Law got his tattoos (which was super random to me LOL). It’s nice seeing that despite it all, he’s still a kid.
Also idk if it was just me, but I felt like in the beginning he really tried to not rely on his powers unless he absolutely needed to.
I guess overall it really changed the way I see Law as a character. It made me feel good that I’m taking his character in the right direction, obviously with some tweaking for romance and fluff purposes, but it just made me feel good that I get his character.
He’s a lot like Batman I guess.
After doing some research last week, I think his character just makes sense for me full circle.
Below, are all just my thoughts for why he did these things LOL
His drastic change of character is most likely due to the fact that he’s finally realizing that he needs to go back to Dressrosa. The start of his long plan is in motion, and emotionally and mentally it’s very demanding. He has to be serious (or at least he tells himself that). He’s living in the “now” and he can’t slack off.
Also despite it all he did sort of go against his convictions by stealing those hundred hearts. He probably did not want to do it, but it was the best way. And he didn’t want to kill, so he only stole their hearts. It’s why he’s called “Dr. Heart Stealer” and not “Dr. Person Killer” LOL. Again he’s like Batman. He doesn’t wish death upon others, it’s a reminder for himself that death will always be near him. Just how important life is, and to give him courage, all so he can protect others. “Putting himself in the frontlines/harms way”.
He doesn’t like making mistakes.
He’s a really good guy. But things will catch up to him and change him. He’s still a child at heart who wasn’t able to properly grow up, even with Wolf. He was always made to be the leader, always felt the responsibility to take care of others and hide his emotions because they’re “silly”. He doesn’t want to be seen as weak.
He’s focused and he’s not wanting to waste time. He thinks about a plan and listens to others.
Still, he’s bratty, he’s traumatized, and he needs to remember that others are there for him.
He struggles asking for help. It takes a bit to build up trust with him, but once he sees the good in you, he’ll validate you. It’s okay to make mistakes.
And lastly is that he wants to live. He wants to protect people and he does see the good in people. He judges people on their character and focuses on their morals. He doesn’t like fighting, he’s a protector and a healer. That’s his role as a surgeon. He’s giving it his all.
I think for my fanfic, I want Reader to serve as a reminder that it’s okay to be emotional. It’s okay to step down and be on the same level as others. And when he finally starts to fall in love, he starts to experience these things.
Overall it’s definitely a nice read. I skimmed over a lot of the fight sequences, really only paying attention to like Law’s dialogue and inner thoughts. There’s still a lot to his character I have yet to nail down, so it’ll be a process of trial and error.
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that-one-enby-ranger · 2 months
Hi, you reblogged a thing asking to ramble about the outsiders, and I remember reading that book like 2 years ago and loving it. I and my best friend would absolutely adore hearing you ramble about the outsiders, so, please dooo
Oh I will gladly ramble on about The Outsiders.
Firstly I'm just gonna start off with my order of favourites from the main seven.
Darry. He is my absolute love. I made a list of my top ten favourite fictional characters over all and he was number four. I would gladly marry him. I want to hug him. I will defend him until the day I die. Patrick Swayze is amazing too.
Sodapop. He used to be my favourite when I first read it, but then Darry went straight up to my favourite and now he is my number 2 and will probably be for the rest of time. I love him though, he's so sweet and amazing and handsome. I think when I first read it I felt I related to him because I'm the middle child as well and even though my sisters don't fight like Ponyboy and Darry do, I sometimes get left out of things like when they play Bendy or Little Nightmares.
Two-Bit. He's my little goofball. And I love thats there more to his character as well than just being a little goofball. Like how his father left, and he really cares about the rest of the gang like Pony and Johnny because he wants to look after them and was going to go to texas to find them. When writing The Outsiders fanfics he's fun to write for because he's a just a funny little guy. I love him. I want him as a friend. Or a husband. Either is fine.
Dally. I love him. I love characters who are fucked up with very high emotional walls who secrelty loves someone a lot and has a lot of trauma. The only thing I don't like about him, as that he kind of reminds me of my dickhead stoner cousin.
Johnny. I know he's low down, but I still love him a lot, and I want to look after him, and adopt him, and make him feel better, and kick his parents arses because they're little pieces of shit that deserve to go to hell. My sweet little lost puppy.
Steve. A lot of people don't like him, and I used to not really care about him, but I do now, because even though he's just a side character whose not in it much, he's still complex and got trauma, mainly from his dad. And he's Sodapop's best friend and I ship Stevepop. Plus he's played by Tom Cruise in the movie.
Ponyboy. I honestly don't really care about Ponyboy. He's just kind of there for me. Being realistic out of the entire gang he's probably the one I could relate to the most, and that I'm probably the most like especially since he likes to read and watch movies, but he's still kind of boring to me. I normally find the main characters boring. Sometimes.
Anyways now that the done. Darry. I love me Darry. A lot of this will probably be about Darrel Shayne Curtis Jr. because I love him so goddamn much. Words can't even describe how much I love him. He's just another complicated character. I don't care if he hit Ponyboy. I shall defened him. He loves his brothers he's just trying to look out for them. He probably shows more affection for his brothers than me and my sisters do. He literally calls them bub. I only do that with my best friend and it's because of him. She doesn't even realise it, she just thinks I randomly started calling her bub. I don't usually like guys with big muscles that you can see, but Darry is the biggest exception ever. I usally like twinks or people that are strong and have muscles but it doesn't really show that much until they do something, or have not as visible muscles but they are still visible, and still have really strong arms, like how I imagine Halt. And Patrick Swayze is gorrrrrrrrgeousssssssss. I love him so much.
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I swear to fuck when I read the book for the first time it changed my life and I instantly fell in love with it. My sister read it first for a novel study and she liked it, and then for my year 9 English class we had to read some books from a list that was given to us and the Outsiders was on it so I read it, and loved it very very much. I finished it before I had to return it so I just read it again immediately after finishing it. And then I watched the movie, then watched it again, then read the book again and again, and watched the movie, and bought the book and read it, and now I have lost track of how many times I have read and watched it. I read the book and watch the movie multiple times a year. When I first read it, I was reading in the car on the way to school and that was when I read the very sad death scenes. Did not expect to read a very serious plot point on a fifteen minute car ride to school. I remember thinking there's no way this ones gonna die, and then he did. I THOUGHT HE SURVIVED THE FUCKING FIRE. I had watched the movie with my sister before reading it but I wasn't really paying attention, the only thing I remember was the scene where Pony and Soda were hugging in bed, BUT I DIDN'T REMEMBER ANYONE DYING SO I THOUGHT WHEN I READ IT THAT EVERYTHING WAS GONNA BE OKAY. THEN I DEFINETELY DIDN'T EXPECT HIM TO DIE LITERALLY TWO FUCKING PAGES LATE. I am ashamed of my self that I have never cried over this. I'm surprised I have never cried while reading or watching. I may have cried over it once or twice, but it wasn't because of the deaths or how tragic it was, it was because I wanted to hug Darry and I couldn't.
The entire fucking cast is amazing. You've got Patrick Swayze, you've got Tom Cruise, you've got Rob Lowe, you've got Matt Dillon, you've got Ralph Macchio, you've got Emelio Estevez and you've got C. Thomas Howell who I don't really care about if I'm being honest. I also find it funny that pretty much the entire cast became famous apart from C. Thomas Howell, and he played Ponyboy who is literally the main character. But all the other cast became famous from different movies. Patrick from Dirty Dancing, Rob from probably St. Elmo's Fire or something, and the Outsiders too though, Matt from something else I don't know, Tom from like everything, Emelio from the Breakfast Club and Ralph from Karate Kid.
There's the Outsiders musicle now that I haven't watched yet and I don't know if I want to. I've heard its good, and people like the cast, but I'm too attached to the original movie cast, and I honestly don't know if I like it or not. I keep switching between being okay with watching and just refusing to watch it. And it's funny because when I heard there was going to be a musicle I was really excited but not I'm just meh. If it came to New Zealand to Wellington where I saw the Shrek musicle then I would probably see it if I had money. But at the moment I probably won't watch it. It's like the outsiders tv show they have, I probably won't watch that either. Also sidenote, I watched Shrek the Musicle in a haunted theatre called St. James Theatre. Why do I feel like i'm spelling musicle wrong.
I have another sideblog dedicated to The Outsiders as well called @ponyhasapepsiaddiction. I should make another sideblog entirely dedicated to loving Darry.
I feel like I definetely have more to say on them. But I've been writing for ages and it's 1:00pm for me now, and I'm hungry and want lunch. I know people may not be interested, but I do have some Outsiders fics, most of them have been recommened by other people.
Here's some random photos I also have saved to my computer:
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That's not alll of them. There's defintely more.
Thanks for letting me ramble on about my babies. Out of all my favourite books this ones my second fav after Rangers, and out of all my favourie movies this ones my second fav after Bohemian Rhapsody so I kind of like it. Also thanks to anyone who actually read to the very end and put up with my bullshit.
Just putting it out there, if anyone would like to hear me yap about and ramble on about other things I like I will also gladly do Queen (that one will be the longest trust me), Rangers Apprentice obviously, Good Omen, Our Flag Means Death, ducks, Marvel, different fictional characters I like, different celebrities I like, or just OCs and Wips, like my novel.
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moesasaur · 1 year
ALL TBOM ELDERS + all canon information on them
I am making this to help out anyone who is writing fanfics or drawing fan art of The Book Of Mormon and wants to draw the elders accurately or keep them in character. I will involve all lines from each character + their fandom given first name and other small things that indicate their personality or traits. I will also state the animal they brought up in I Am Africa since I believe the animals do reflect their personalities in some way.
Elder Church
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- Elder “James” Church
- Given the name James by the fandom
- OBC actor: Brian Sears
- Comes from Cheyenne, Wyoming
- When he was young his parents were in an abusive relationship, with his alcoholic father abusing him and his mother
- “Okay, okay, HOLD ON! I mean… We COULD… SAY that we had some baptisms” Is the elder that suggests lying about how many baptisms district 9 has achieved
- “We were SO worried about you” Is the first elder that tells Kevin they were SO worried about him when he fell asleep at the bus station
- In I Am Africa he sings “(with) The Noble Lion King”
- In I Am Africa he also sings “A tribal woman who doesn’t wear a bra”
Elder Michaels
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- Elder “Michael” Michaels
- Given the name Mike by the fandom
- OBC actor: Clark Johnsen
- Comes from Provo
Elder Thomas
(I could not find a photo of him, please accept this photo of the actor as an offering)
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- Elder “Chris” Thomas
- Also goes by Elder Poptarts
- Given the name Chris by the fandom
- OBC actor: Scott Barnhardt
- His sister died from cancer and he was unable to say goodbye since he was at the apple store in line for a new iphone. Her last words were “Where is my brother”
- “You, too?! I had the hell dream after I accidentally read a Playboy!” Had his first hell dream after accidentally reading a playboy
- “Well, somebody needs to tell that General Butt-F-ing Named that people should be free to do what they want!” Is the elder that gives Kevin the idea of speaking to the general.
- In I Am Africa he sings “(with) The meerkat”. A lot of the fandom compares him to being like a meerkat
Elder Davis
Same thing, take this photo of him (right) standing next to Andrew Rannells (left)
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- Elder “Robert” David
- Given the name Robert by the fandom
- OBC actor: Jason Michael Snow
- Is the first elder to ask if Elder McKinley is okay when he is panicking about the mission president
- “Elder Cunningham we must always work in PAIRS. Remember?” Is the first elder to complain about Arnold and Kevin arguing before being shut down by Elder McKinley
- “Looks like you fell asleep at the bus station!” (to Kevin after SMHD)
Elder Schrader
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- Elder “Brian” Schrader
- Given the name Brian by the fandom
- OBC actor: Benjamin Schrader
- Please note that he isn’t called Elder Schrader in every performance, he sometimes takes the last name of the actor that plays him since he is named after Benjamin Schrader, his OBC actor
- “Are you an IDIOT?! MORMONS don’t LIE!” could come across as him being outspoken + rude personality wise
- In I Am Africa he sings “With the rhino”
Elder Neeley
Same thing AGAIN. Have a photo him (left) standing next to Jason Michael Snow (right)
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- Elder “Ted” Neeley
- Given the name Ted by the fandom
- OBC actor: Kevin Duda
- “I told a lie once when I was twelve, and I had a dream that I went to hell! It was REALLY SPOOKY.” Had his first hell dream after telling a lie when he was 12
- “Yeah, we have to go home!” “But the mission president said we’re all as far from the Latter-Day Saints as it gets!” Seems to be the elder that wants to go home most after being shunned by the mission president
Elder Zelder
I scoured the internet and found no photos of him at all this is all I got sorry guys
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- Elder “Elder” Zelder
- Given this name by the fandom, frequently referred to as an alien. I assume this is due to him having fewer lines compared to the other elders. People joke that Elder Zelder is his full name
- OBC actor: Justin Botton
- In I Am Africa he sings “(we are) A monkey with a banana”
Here is a photo of the chalk board that lists the pairings of all the elders:
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If you can’t read it,
Elder McKinley + Elder Thomas
Elder Zelder + Elder Michaels
Elder Neeley + Elder Schrader
Elder Church + Elder Davis
also it’s a good example of Elder Schrader’s name changing based on the actor portraying him!!
Thank you for reading my little infodump, I did this mostly for myself but I would be happy to know that other people found this helpful!!
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tangerinecherrygal · 4 months
Thoughts on Bridgerton S3 so far.
Under the cut for the sake of my poor moots and for spoilers. And first and foremost, I am a hater, so I will have some complaints but most are positive.
Developing Cressida’s character. I’ve wanted this since I started watching with season 2. I love that she isn’t a cardboard cutout mean girl bc she gets shat on (deservedly sometimes) a lot by the main characters. Also I’m not sure which way they want to go with her character but I don’t think she needs any kind of redemption, maybe just a softening of her character.
Disabled visibility. It’s very clunky, but it is a step in the right direction.Period pieces tend to be worse than other types of shows and movies at erasing disabled people. It’s easy to forget that disabled people did exist and were apart of society. I can’t speak much to how they were treated, but this is bridgerton so it is very possible to portray them in ways that are realistic to the more modern experience of, say, being in a wheelchair.
Portia Featherington. Send tweet.
Benedict being a fun little guy.
Sibling dynamics of the bridgertons are really sweet to see and always make me smile.
Penelope serving cunt, intellect and agency.
Thr Mondrich family being on screen more. I’d love a side show on them like Queen Charlotte. Their relationship is so sweet and I am observing 👀 with upmost respect.
I do like Colin’s new look buuut… we will come back to this.
Francesca’s new actress is so talented. The shy girl rep that I need. She looks a lot like Phoebe and fits in perfectly.
The other stuff (and how i would change it)
Penelope’s makeover seemed rushed. I think her transformation should’ve been gradual as she gains confidence. Almost like Kate’s last season. She starts to reflect her confidence e gains throughout the season and i’m thinking that a fanfic may be brewing oh no.
Colin’s makeover is needed bc they had to downplay the actors beauty in earlier seasons. But I don’t see him as a devilishly handsome rake all of a sudden. Luke Newton has a kind and approachable (kind of baby) face and I think that they should play on that. A pretty kind of handsome instead of trying to immitate the more masculine look that they used for anthony. I know it’s because he is putting on a performance but I think they could have gona another way. His look in season 2 is great in my opinion, maybe if his clothing was more relaxed but he kept the same hair then it would be perfect.
They’re trying to convince us that he’s suave and smooth with the ladies but it’s not consistent with his character
The threesome scenes? Not a hundred percent sure who that was for. Sapphics let me know if you appreciated those scenes because I know they weren’t doing that for their famously large straight male audience. I also saw someone say it reduces the sex workers to props but in context that kind of works into the story so idk.
Colin went from being lost at the end of last season to gaining a sense of identity that isn’t implied to be an act.
Lots of side stories make it seem messy and wastes time that can go into understanding Francesca, Penelope, and Colin. Instead of focusing on stories like Lady Bridgerton’s romantic story they really should make a QS 2 where they can explore the older cast of characters.
Paaaaacinnng. Everything is happening so fast and the side stories mean that Polin doesn’t even make much sense to me. I don’t feel any chemistry. I’m not going to count how long they’ve been on screen together this season, but it’s not enough for me to believe that Colin finally sees Pen in a romantic way. The helping Pen find a husband quest lasted for a second and immediately he realises his feelings. I just don’t buy it. I almost want to cut away to horny ass Kanthony to see actual chemistry.
if anybody reads this and has their own takes pls comment. I love talking about the show and hearing what other people thought.
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chocfrog-enjoyer · 6 months
Things I hate in Harry Potter Fanfictions
This are the tropes I found multiple times in lots of different fanfictions and I got fed up with how illogical, overused and badly written they are :/
Completely changing the story to the point where I’m starting to wonder if it’s even Harry Potter because the only thing that stayed the same are the names.
( If it’s ships ) When one or both sides are already in love with each other ( in this cringy “I always loved him/her ) especially on what normally would be considered enemies to lovers. If I’m reading a story especially with a non canon ship I’d want to know how they’ve came to be, how the love blossomed. Or at least a reasonable explanation of why the character loves the other from the start of the story.
( If it’s Dark Harry ) The: One morning Harry wakes up and decides ah fuck it I’m changing sides “I care not for your good side anymore, now I’m going to be evil” and Voldemort is like “Oh well- guess I won’t kill him then, never mind that it was my obsession for the last decade and more, It changed today”
Evil-Good Harry…? Honestly I hate this trope soooo much. The: Voldemort was good from the start and it was Dumbledore that was truly evil and he manipulated Harry and/or he was the one who killed Harry’s parents. “Yeah, no like Voldemort is a pretty good guy. He can even be considered as a role model of being good if we ignore all of his other/earlier victims and people he tortured. I mean- I don’t see any evil right?”
Ron, Ginny and Hermione bashing because why not ( this happens especially often with Slytherin Harry fanfics). I don’t mind if some characters get their negative traits explored but make it real people, I can’t read a story where those characters act so bad and OOC for no actual reason. And no Harry being in Slytherin isn’t a reason because those characters never bullied and harassed anyone purely because they were a Slytherin. Yes they did not like this house ( for a good reason might I say ) but they never even acted out on Malfoy who was openly bullying them, the only situations we get where Malfoy and his friends got attacked by Ron and/or Hermione were deserved, and were responses to his provocations.
( If it’s not in order to hide his identity ) Changing Harry’s name. I can understand using Hadrian or Harris as the elongated versions of Harry but when someone straight up changes his name and now I’m reading a story about Daniel or Bob or something for no apparent reason then the whole thing seems stupid and illogical for me.
When Draco and Snape liked Harry from the start. Draco was a narcissistic, spoiled little child and he wasn’t nice to Harry both when he knew who he was ( train ride ) and when he didn’t ( Madam Malkin - their first meeting ). He expected admiration and friendship from Harry like if he had earned it. Making him be like a best friend from the very start is non sense, those boys would need time to come together, and with Harry’s personality I bet they’d still have a silly rivalry if they were in the same house. Same with Snape, like there’s no way he would tolerate Harry let alone like him. He hated Harry from the moment he saw him in the great hall and even before the boy went to Hogwarts. For Snape and Harry to like each other there would need to be a very good reason and it wouldn’t come immediately, but with lots of time and more interactions between each other.
Too much muggle stuff in the magical world. I don’t mind it if a lot of the story plays out in the muggle world or some muggle stuff is crucial for the story point but when I read a fan fiction where Harry was in St.Mungos and he was being treated the muggle way I lost it and dropped the fic. Like are you really going to put full on muggle medical equipment in a gigantic wizard hospital and make your healers use almost only muggle diagnostic methods? Most Wizards barely have any proper knowledge on muggles, and even muggleborns don’t know that much since they are introduced into wizarding world at a young age and basically spend the rest of their life in it. They have a lot more knowledge about muggles than pureblood wizards but it’s still not THAT much.
Overpowered Harry. The „Lord Potter; Black; Peverel; Gryfindor; Slytherin; etc… etc.. :/ nothing wrong with powerful Harry. I like powerful Harry. But it’s ridiculous that a child, a 11-15 yo boy would just instantly have more magical power than Merlin himself, and he would immediately know what to do with it
Gringotts knows everything about you. The „heritage tests” and all. Making a good use of Gringotts is amazing in fanfiction and I love exploring ideas people have on it but this trope is not only overused but also dumb. I’m not talking about simple family linking that people use or like blood checking. I mean the young Harry goes to Gringotts and just with a drop of his blood it is instantly known that he is meant to be a lord of this and that and he owns such and such properties and he is hella rich because of all the vaults that were left to him. And also goblins being friendly. These creatures do not like wizards.
Know it all Hermione. But like literally. Hermione being so overglorified and being literally smarter than Dumbledore and basically all Hogwarts staff often at age 11-16. She’s smart but let’s be real this is not possible. Like her being able to do anything in the world after “reading a book/going to the library for a bit”
Harry being the most handsome, ripped and freaking amazing Hogwarts student while literally being like 14 or 15.
Harem… Nothing bad with Harry having a flock of girls that are attracted to him ( this is canon ) but oversexualizing women in order to make Harry the girl-magnet that has 7 girlfriends and like all the „conventionaly attractive” witches around him - Hermione, Ginny, Fleur, Daphne etc.”
Harry hating Dumbledore from the beginning, blaming everything on the poor old man, being annoyed by the most stupid thing like: “Dumbledore smiled at him, and Harry went utterly furious” :// and generally Dumbledore bashing
Child Harry behaving like an adult and teenage/mature Harry behaving like a child. Why would a 11 yo go to Hogwarts and suddenly be a master manipulator, know exactly what to say to get out of difficult situation and can outsmart his peers and/or adults to show „how much better he is”. And the other situation: Harry being completely clueless, using childish language, being referred to by others as “little one, pup etc.”
All Slytherins are misunderstood angels. No they aren’t! As a Slyhetin myself I can recognize Draco’s ( and his friends ) bullshit when I see it! Yes stop the stereotype of “All Slytherins are bad” but do not excuse actually bad Slytherins.
Fics gloryfing toxic pureblood culture. Exploring different aspects of the culture, the better and worse ones is cool and creative but I’ve seen a lot of fics gloryfing what is just abusive and toxic and romanticizing it in the name of “pureblood customs/traditions”
Guns… just no… like what? It’s like how to tell you’re American without telling you’re American. I hate seeing guns in HP and the wizarding world, and the often following glorification of this weapon
Excessive American English. I don’t mind it much if it’s just some words but please all the slang and common words from American English are annoying. It’s not that hard to do a little bit of reaserch of the common differences in some words. The story is played ( mainly ) in the United Kingdom, the language used by characters should be British English ( like Harry & Hermione ) and Scottish English ( like McGonagall )
Excessive ( and especially if heavily described ) abuse from Dursleys that would have killed Harry at least 5 times before he would be 10. Like heavy beating, breaking bones, stabbing. I do not like reading such things and I found this in fanfics quite a lot….
Oversexualization of children 11-15. While exploring the sexual side of romance/life is okay in a teenager, it is a part of life, I hate seeing fics that oversexualize ships that at the time have characters aged 11-15 - literal children, especially oversexualizing young Hermione, in some Harmony fics ( where she was 14 ), or Ginny, with fics calling her a slut/whore because she had a crush on Harry, or when she’s a bit older because she dated a few boys.
Illogical use of Parseltongue. First of all Parseltongue is a language and Parselmouth is the speaker ( pls I beg don’t describe Harry as a Parseltongue ). But suddenly this language being like all powerful, and you can do wandless magic with it and basically perform any spell without ever using it before.
Luna being bullied by every Ravenclaw, ( like most of those ppl - especially the older ones or younger ones - do not actually care ) and her being like a super mega seer that knows all about the future and is actually super mega smart in her weirdness.
Feel free to add your points to this list!
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
Tysm for the tags @fernando-jpg and @rubywritten !!!!
F1 Asks:
Who is your favorite driver?
Fernando and Seb! They come as a pair. Do not seperate :)
Do you have any other favorite drivers?
Yep! But mostly retired drivers </3 I love Mark and Jense! And then for current drivers, I like Oscar, and Max a bit as well(I can't help but feel loyal to him bcs he was my first fav)
Who is your least favorite driver?
I dislike being a hater on main but....#3 and #4. Also tbh I feel neutral to dislike about most current drivers, other than my 3 guys, so!
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
I'm mostly driver motivated, I think I'd follow Fernando anywhere, and probably Oscar too. I like and support teams as well but mostly just because my guy is there! It's like, I love Aston, right? They support Fernando, they're willing to do so much for him, they love him, the vibe is really good. But if he decided to blow up Aston tomorrow, I'd be like "I'm right there with you!!"
If you like teams, what team do you pull for?
+ HOWEVER! I am an RBR devotee. Like it's not even that much about the drivers, I like Max a lot, but I think I'll always keep my eye on RBR as long as I'm into F1. I just love the history of the team and their vibe. My fav team of all time will always be RBR 2009-2013, just so special to me 🥹 Not that I was actually around for it but, the way they evolved from a team that was mostly there to bring fun to the paddock to one of the most successful teams of all time, as well as being a fucking energy drink company in a sport full of car companies, is just so cool and inspiring to me. And I love the red bull golden boys so much(Seb and Max beloveds!!!) And I also have an addiction to red bull....But I got into them first so I have a special connection, even if I don't root for them all the time. Them and their aesthetic makes me happy :) they are F1 to me :)
How long have you been into F1
Probably over a year and half by now? I wish I could say I've been into it longer but unfortunately I am an American shjfkgkg
What got you into F1?
I've mentioned this several times before but. I read some oneshot in my prev fandom that was an F1 AU. And I was just like, enthralled. The first time I read it, I had to keep looking up stuff, and I kept going back to it. And then I went on the author's blog, and saw they talked about DTS and how to get into F1. So I tried watching DTS and it was alright I guess. But there happened to be an actual race that same weekend, so I tuned in, and was so into it!! Ah man there's nothing like that first race tbh. I knew only one driver, Max, and I rooted so hard for him and he won 🥹 it was just fun back then not knowing enough to be stressed and having pure focus on one guy. I'm happy where I'm at now, but that first race was cool :,)
Do you enjoy fanfic/rpf?
Yes of course >:) I think I probably looked at the ao3 page for F1 before even watching my first race actually, it's very habitual for me when joining a fandom. I draw rpf and write my own AU lore stuff, and meta and all that. And I think I check the ao3 page at least once a day 😭 its an essential part of my fandom experience
How do you view new fans?
Hmmmm sometimes I feel like an old person, even though I haven't even been here that long. I think F1 has such a learning curve and barrier to entry compared to most fandoms. Like you have to learn so much about racing and the drivers as well until you feel like you actually have a good grasp imo. So I guess it's weird for me to see new fans bcs im like, oh god was I like that back then 😭 I'm happy to see new fans ofc!! But it's also like, good luck on your learning journey 🫡
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?
I am not a good leader, I think we'd crash and burn if I took over a team 😭 they'd be like "Catie! What should we do???" and I'd have a nervous breakdown. Go back in time to be TP for McLaren and be like, be careful who you invite to your garage at the Miami gp LMFAO
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?
Yes! My brother was into F1 before me(what a bastard for not getting me into it earlier.) Which is hilarious though because I pay for the F1TV account that he leeches off of. Like, damn who's the real F1 fan 🥱 I got my dad into it last season, and it was a very gradual process. He's a huge Fernando fan though, which is really fun, and sometimes he's much more positive abt the sport than me hahaha. He likes Fernando bcs they're both old men, and getting to see Fernando succeed last year is what pulled him into the sport. Some of my irl friends know of F1 but I don't think they watch all the races.
Are you open to talking to other fans/friends?
Of course!!!!! I am always desperate to talk to new people, feel free to hit me up always :D I will talk about anything F1, Fernando, Seb, Vettonso, etc related whenever :) I remember I got an ask a while ago last yr that's like "are you open to being friends/mutuals w strangers." It's like, um, yeah??? Its a lot of fun to be on here, I love making connections
Hmmmm ive seen a lot of people do this already so don't mind if I tag you and you've done it already aahh. But I will tag @suzuki-ecstar @sansebastinae @boisinnot @astronomical-light @thatdemonbish
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gaslysainz · 1 year
Lost (PG10) pt.2
Summary: The world is utterly unfair. He was her most prized possession, her life, her first ever commitment of love. But to him, she was just a mere person lost in his big world.
warnings: ; unrequited feelings; Pierre is a douche , arrange marriage, angst, explicit scenes and languages.
Author's Note~ Heya guys! So a few days back I posted the first chapter of my first ever fanfic! And I'm overwhelmed by the response ❤️ Really Thanks a lot to everyone who had liked the story so far. It's just the beginning of the journey, there's a lot to come. Love You All 😘 Here's my first ever story for you guys. As soon as I finish this one, I'll start taking requests maybe! Till then please show your love and support for "LOST".
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Journal Entry -2
A new episode and a new day of my life. Never in my 24 years of life have I ever thought that I would have to come across this day. This awful day when i would have to sit through a whole day in my room crying my eyes out and coming out of my room only when i'm called for causes like "Julia needs a glass of water, you need to clean Julia's dress, Julia accidentally dropped food on the floor, clean up the mess" so on and so forth. Today was the day when I had to look at the most heart wrenching thing ever...
So here's what happened 
I was reading a book in my room and suddenly someone knocked at my door. I opened the door and came across Pierre!
"H-hey! you need something?"
I noticed him looking inside my room at our wedding picture hanging on the wall right above my head. Obviously he'd be curious about my room cause he's never been inside my room before. I actually felt a little awkward so i cleared my throat to get his attention.
"Uh! yea actually Julia was having a headache, go and make some soup or something and bring it up to my room  along with some medicine!" There was that tone! Full of despise for me.
"Sure" By saying that i went down to the kitchen to make some soup for her.
That's what my job in this house is after all, looking after the house and the people in it. Oh! Did I mention? We do not have any maids. Cause apparently according to my husband's mistress, I'm not any different than a maid so why waste money on hiring one? Anyways, after making the soup and being satisfied with it I went towards Pierre's room and stopped once I saw something that no married or committed person should ever see. My husband was on top of my sister thrusting deep inside her and them moaning out each other's name. 
You must be thinking that what am i so shaken up about? I should've been used to this by now, Well this is the first time i'm seeing them doing it in front of my eyes. Yes i admit it that i've heard them before but seeing it live, right in front of me is a whiplash of a whole lot of negative thoughts. And what did I do in that situation? Nothing! I just closed the door silently, kept the soup and the medicine outside the room and came back to my room and cried my eyes out! Why did they have to keep the door opened? Did my husband really become so heartless? Did he really want me to see that I can never get his love? Did he really have literally shove it in my face that he belongs completely and soulfully to his mistress and I can never take her place?
Oh! and the agony! My Step sister saw me standing outside the room and smirked!
Yes she had the audacity to smirk at me....
I know i'm young and naive. My sister is 27 and i'm 24 years old. She's more mature than I am, sexier, prettier, and more perfect , with an hourglass figure, amazing style. But all that, with a nasty heart it seems. She can easily go out wearing anything and everything that she wants whereas I tend to gravitate towards PJ's, hoodies and oversized clothes. The only time I wear dresses are at the parties that I attend with my husband. But still, he never looks at me the same way he looks at her. She is definitely Pierre's s absolute match in all spheres. And here I am, stupid little girl crying my eyes out inside my room cause my husband is making love to my step sister. 
I, Mrs. Y/n Gasly is once again LOST!
LOST in my sister's PERFECTION!
PS - Please lemme know what do you think about LOST and also let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list ❤️
@peachiicherries @crimeshowjunkie
@oblomovissad ❤️
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smytherines · 6 months
What we have as canon for Spies Are Forever is sparse. It's a spy comedy parody musical, it's ambiguous because that's all they have room for, leading to a lot of different readings that all have their arguments for or against. None of those are "correct" they're just interpretations.
So, keeping that in mind, we know Owen Carvour for around 10 minutes before the banana incident. A few minutes of that is him pretending to be another person, so I'll set that aside for now. Here are things Owen does in A1P1 in order of how I remember them:
Saves captured boyfriend from goon
Shoots goon in knees
Beats up a lot of goons
Reassures Curt's boss that the mission will be completed successfully, gets mildly insulted by a jealous Curt
Pushes Curt out of the way to shoot an armed guard that was aiming at him
Mildly chastises Curt for drinking on the job
Takes one swig after being teased and makes a face
Mildly chastises Curt for leaving a banana peel on the staircase
Agrees to four minutes on the timer
Attempts to re-lock the safety barricades to limit the explosion (I think?)
Gets cornered by goons
Building starts to explode, he finds out Curt set the timers for 3 minutes, they run
Slips, "dies"
Building explodes on him
The first part is the most ambiguous- when he's pretending to be a goon and Curt is being tortured. My personal read on it is that either Owen was already there for his own spy-related reasons and rescued Curt, or he somehow found out that Curt had been captured and went on a rescue mission. He does tell the goon to crush Curt's testicles, but I dunno immediately before that the goon tries to break Curt's fingers and gets his own fingers broken instead, so it feels like Owen is reasonably confident in Curt's ability to take care of himself? The worst thing that happens to Curt is that he gets tickled.
I do love the thought of Owen finding out Curt has been captured and packing a feather just in case he gets a chance to fuck with him. They don't establish who brought the explosives I don't think, but given that Barb doesn't say "use the explosives you already have" and that Owen spends so much time setting them, it was probably Owen?
Here's a list of things Agent Curt Mega does in A1P1:
Admittedly cool spy guy shit (breaking fingers, whatever was supposed to have happened with the pipe- its unclear to me)
Gets spotted by guard who hits the alarm
Talks to boss
gets annoyed that his boss likes Owen better, drinks, makes fun of Owen
Beats up goons
Eats a banana, leaves peel on stairs
Didn't wear rocket shoes because they didn't match his outfit
Ignores Barb explaining how the camera works to take the pictures they need
Suggests blowing the whole facility instead
Convinces Owen to try to beat their record of 6 minutes (Owen says to set for 4, I think)
Sets the timer for 3 minutes
Tells Owen they don't have time to do the safety barricade thing
Building starts to explode, tells Owen he lied, he set the timer for 3 minutes and they need to run
Tries to reach Owen when he falls, fails
Runs away before building explodes
What I'm saying here is that my read on A1P1 is that Curt sucks. Owen comes across as a decent enough guy, he comes off as a guy who cares about his partner and is looking out for him, and Curt is kinda the bad influence on him. Curt comes across as jealous and petty and egotistical, which is interesting because in so many pre-canon fanfics Curt is the pure precious babygirl and Owen is already a monster. I'm not saying it's wrong, I've read and enjoyed a lot of those stories and theories. It's just very interesting to me to see how the post-banana and pre-banana versions of Owen and Curt are sort of meshed together in a lot of fan imagination? I don't see it that way, but that's totally fine.
I wrote everything but this paragraph before the Mega bastards lore dropped. I already made a big big post about that, and it does sort of change my perception of Curt in some ways, but just on a basic level this is where I'm at
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misc-obeyme · 2 years
Would you do a fanfic about mc hurting them selfs ( brothers +dateables)
Or (if you don’t wanna do that) ((understandable))
How would the brother react to little paper origami cranes
*have a good day*
Hello there and thank you for the request!
I'm afraid I wasn't sure if you meant that MC hurts themselves on accident or on purpose. I can certainly write about MC accidentally hurting themselves and that would likely be pretty fluffy coming from me lol. I can do angst too but if we're talking about self harm, that's a bit too heavy of a topic for me. So if you did mean accidentally hurting themselves, please feel free to send another request and I will gladly write that for you.
However, I absolutely loved the origami crane idea, too, so I went ahead and did that one for the brothers! It was fun to write, so I would be happy to do the dateables too if requested. I hope you like it :)
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GN!MC is making origami cranes and the brothers react.
Warnings: None!
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Ah yes, he's heard about this. Isn't paper folding an art form in the human world? Your tiny cranes are well crafted, MC.
Teach him how to make them and he's instantly better at it than you are. His cranes are perfect.
He's secretly quite pleased that you showed him how to make them, though. If you sneak into his office when he's not around, you'll find discarded paperwork folded into little cranes.
Keeps a handful of the ones you made on his desk.
He's curious about what you're doing when he sees you folding little pieces of paper. Actually watches you in fascination until you present the finished product to him and blow his mind.
What! How did ya turn that scrap paper into a little crane, MC? And you didn't even use magic?
He's gonna struggle a bit if you try to teach him how to make them. He might even give up until you tell him that origami cranes are good luck. Once he's sufficiently motivated, his cranes are almost as perfect as Lucifer's.
You make him one out of gold origami paper and it becomes one of his most prized possessions.
Levi is pretty sure he's seen these little origami cranes in an anime before. They're symbols of prosperity, aren't they, MC?
Catches on really quickly when you show him how to make them. He gets really into it and finds other folding patterns. You guys end up making all kinds of different origami objects.
Makes cranes in the colors of all his favorite anime characters. He might even draw his own themed patterns on the paper before folding it.
Puts his cranes and your cranes together in the display case in his room. Keeps several that you made around his computer.
MC, are those origami cranes you're making? He's impressed with your paper folding skills.
Of course Satan has read about this in books. He knows quite a lot about the history of origami and the significance of the crane.
Lets you show him how to do the folds and makes a few himself. He enjoys the process as it's rather relaxing. You look away for two seconds and he's already coming up with a way to fold the paper into a cat. You have to look up the real instructions for it, but he's actually not far off.
Give him some of your cranes and he'll flatten them out to use as bookmarks.
What are these adorable paper birds, MC? The patterns on this paper are so beautiful!
You tell him about origami and he's fascinated. He loves them so much, he's so excited for you to teach him how to make them himself. Asmo is pretty good at making delicate things, as it turns out. His cranes are gorgeous.
He takes several of your cranes in various patterned papers. You wonder what he's going to do with them. Later, you discover that he used them as inspiration for little origami crane hair clips. He will insist on doing your hair with them.
He hangs your cranes around the vanity in his room.
Another one who has no idea what he's looking at, but finds it fascinating. The concept of folding paper into little birds without any magic is amazing.
Teach him how to do it and he'll struggle at first. But he's determined to make a good one for you, so he keeps at it. Gets real focused on it.
He's amazed that you can make these so easily, MC. Eventually makes one that turns out really good and gives it to you in satisfaction.
Keeps your cranes in his room where he keeps his snacks. That way he sees them frequently and they make him smile.
Hmm origami cranes, huh? He's heard about that. Folding paper into little animals, right, MC?
He'll make a little bit of an effort to make one if you try to teach him. But let's be real, he'd much rather watch you make them.
You make him a few, then switch to origami stars. Now you've got his attention. He's not going to try any harder to make these, of course, but you can tell he really likes the ones you've made.
Go into the attic a little later and you'll find all the little stars and cranes you made hanging from the ceiling.
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masterlist | part 2 with the side characters | Thank you for reading!
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
Just saw your excellent take down of MatPat's "the Jedi are Evil" series cross my dash for the first time and omg, finding out he did a series trashing the Jedi was a bit of a sucker punch 💀 I had no idea those videos even existed till now.
I've seen a lot of shoddily made videos from him in the past--he is notoriously bad about not doing any research on any of the media he makes videos about (I'm convinced he doesn't actually play/watch any of the stuff he makes videos on)--but the anti-Jedi series is probably his most egregious stunt yet. Really annoying to see they've all got millions of views, but that's about par for the course with YouTube's dislike of media based on East Asian and Jewish culture.
Thank you for making your response to his nonsense (and also for organizing it so well.)
Of course!
To be completely honest, me doing the takedown was mostly just so I would stop thinking up responses to his arguments while I was in the shower--it gets pretty annoying once you've thought "THEY'RE NOT A FUCKING CULT" while conditioning your hair for the thousandth time lmao
The Jedi are my comfort characters and I just enjoy watching them in SW media and reading about them in fanfics and talking with people about them. Their culture and way of life is just so beautiful and they're just genuinely good people, so it's such a disservice to them for people to frame them as "evil" or "the REAL bad guys."
And it'd be one thing to be like "I think the Jedi are evil because x, y, and z" but for him to pose it as a "theory" and say that he's looking at the Jedi "objectively" before completely taking things out of context, ignoring the Jedi's actual beliefs and practices, and reading everything in bad faith in order to confirm his own bias...that ticked me off.
Especially when he went on to blame the Jedi for their own genocide, say it was a good thing they went "extinct," and then attempt to absolve Anakin of blame.
But, then again, he also made a video on how "The Empire Wasn't Evil, Actually!" right after the "The Jedi are Evil" video...so I guess terrible takes aren't exactly out of place on his channel.
Who knows, maybe I'll make a video taking that down next.
(It'd have to be in a couple months tho because I'll be headed to college soon)
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sophsicle · 1 year
So, I saw this ask about Thrown off the Ice, get curious, found it, reed it, cried on it and went here to ask you if you have other rec either of FanFic or books about hockey guys in love. I already have read Sweater Weather series.
Also, this is so fun to me because I don’t even watch hockey, don’t even know the rules, but the stories involving this sport or similar (like All for the Game) are amazing, and I know about them only thank to you so THANK U 💕
I don't have any fanfics (other than Sweater Weather so y'all should go read that if you haven't, it's by the lovely lumosinlove)
I do have books though! SO Three is the Luckiest Number and Love and Other Inconveniences by Catherine Cloud, not *technically* a series but they take place in the same universe and there are characters and events that overlap in both, the second one does deal with a lot of family trauma stuff and the first one deals a bit more with death and grief. they are both very lovely and well written, and happy endings! Coming in First Place and And Then by Taylor Fitzpatrick this is a series, following the story of David and Jake, but David is the main character and I would argue this is a lot more a character study than anything else, like it's all about his growth and like him becoming someone who can be with Jake, he is also definitely written as being not neurotypical imo, there is a third and final book in this series coming out some time this year, ALSO speaking of things taking place in the same universe, this series takes place in the same universe as Thrown Off the Ice and young Mike makes an appearance in book two SO that's fun :) Hockey Bois: A Beer League Romance by A.L. Heard, this is the only one not about professional hockey players but i kinda really like that about it? it follows nick who gets into hockey as an adult and decides to join a team and ends up having a crush on his hot grumpy teammate who takes beer league hockey way too seriously
Winging It by Ashlyn Kan and Morgan James, two teammates fall in love and try to navigate that and it's mostly a very silly goofy time but it is definitely does have a few heart wrenching moments, lots of pirates of the Caribbean and ice cream, also a bit spicier than the other books
Heated Rivalry and The Long Game by Rachel Reid, technically part of a bigger series but imo these are the only two worth reading, this is the MOST smutty, like basically smut with plot, but like, im obsessed with the enemies to lovers, built up rivals since we were teenagers, goody-goody canandian and bad boy russian, like it checks all my hockey trope boxes, :) :)
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