#substance abuse and mental health
emotionaleating · 26 days
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solhwellness · 1 year
The Dangers of Drug Abuse: What You Need to Know | Solh Wellness
Substance misuse is still a major issue in today's culture, affecting people, families, and communities all over the world. One of the most pervasive issues in our culture is drug addiction. Drug use has an effect on both society and students. Drug abuse has been around for a while, but it has recently gotten much worse for both young and old. Substance misuse can have a negative impact on relationships, general well-being, and relationships. 
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If we are to properly address this problem, we must educate ourselves about the risks associated with substance use and arm people with the knowledge they need to stop and lessen its negative effects. We can assure a better and safer future for both the present and future generations by increasing awareness and fostering education.
1. Risks to Physical Health: Substance addiction can result in a number of physical health issues. You might be: depending on the drug you're taking:
Lower Life Expectancy and Poorer Quality of Life: Substance misuse has a detrimental effect on a person's overall health and wellness, lowering their standard of living and shortening their life expectancy. Long-term drug or alcohol abuse can cause disabilities, early mortality, and chronic health problems.
Constipation: Using drugs or alcohol can make you constipated, which can lead to additional health issues like intestinal obstruction. Congestion can be lethal in severe situations.
Addiction can result in unnatural cell proliferation, which one day might be a sign of cancer.
Abusing alcohol and drugs stresses the heart, which increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke.
Malnutrition and risky weight loss: Abuse of substances can result in malnutrition and risky weight loss. The immune system can subsequently degenerate as a result, making it harder to fend off infections.
Drug or alcohol use can cause tooth decay, which can result in discomfort, an infection, or even tooth loss.
Stomach infection: Abusing substances increases the risk of developing a stomach infection, which can result in unpleasant symptoms like diarrhoea, vomiting, and nausea.
Addiction to substances can harm the liver, a crucial organ involved in the body's detoxification and nutrient processing. Liver failure is one of the significant health issues that can result from liver impairment.
Substance abuse and mental problems usually co-occur. 
2. Mental health disorders: Long-term substance misuse has been linked to the onset or exacerbation of illnesses such depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, psychosis, and personality disorders. Drug misuse can interfere with regular brain function and make it difficult to think clearly.
3. Addiction and Dependence: Substance misuse can progress into addiction, a chronic disorder characterised by obsessive drug-seeking actions, if it is not treated. Addiction can have a severe social, psychological, and economical impact on a person's ability to maintain healthy relationships and carry out everyday tasks.
4. Impaired Decision-Making and Judgement: Drug abuse affects one's judgement and capacity for decision-making, which can lead to risky behaviours and poor judgement. Risky sexual conduct, driving while intoxicated, or performing violent or criminal offences are all examples of this. These actions put the person's safety and wellness in danger, as well as the safety and welfare of others.
5. Social and Relationship Issues: Substance addiction typically results in issues with relationships with friends, families, and coworkers. Multiple disagreements, a breakdown in communication, a decline in confidence, and isolation could occur. Addicts who prioritise their drug use over their responsibilities run the risk of damaging their support systems and social networks.
6. Legal and Financial Repercussions: Abusing alcohol or drugs can have legal and financial repercussions. The use of illegal substances or involvement in activities that promote substance misuse may result in criminal charges and legal ramifications. Financial hardship and a lower quality of life may also be caused by the expense of drug purchases, the potential loss of a job, and the cost of treating diseases brought on by drug addiction.
7. Academic and Professional Impairment: Substance abuse can significantly impair a person's performance in both academic and professional contexts. Effects of it include a lack of motivation, difficulties with concentration and memory, poor work performance, a higher risk of dropping out of school early or losing a professional opportunity, and a loss of desire. Over time, it may become much more difficult for someone to succeed in both education and the workforce.
8. Overdose and Fatality: Using drugs, especially opioids and other illegal narcotics, carries a significant danger of overdose. When a chemical's fatal effects overwhelm the body, which may cause major problems or even death, it is said to have overdosed. Since overdoses can happen either inadvertently or on purpose, they are a serious concern in the context of substance misuse.
Knowing the dangers of substance misuse and knowing when you or someone you know needs help are both necessary skills. Early intervention, therapy, and support services can dramatically enhance both the possibility that addiction will be overcome and the risks and dangers related to it.
It's crucial to get assistance from a licenced therapist or counsellor who can offer expert treatment when struggling with addiction or substance misuse.
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dandelionsresilience · 2 months
Good News - July 22-28
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my new(ly repurposed) Patreon!
1. Four new cheetah cubs born in Saudi Arabia after 40 years of extinction
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“[T]he discovery of mummified cheetahs in caves […] which ranged in age from 4,000 to as recent as 120 years, proved that the animals […] once called [Saudi Arabia] home. The realisation kick-started the country’s Cheetah Conservation Program to bring back the cats to their historic Arabian range. […] Dr Mohammed Qurban, CEO of the NCW, said: […] “This motivates us to continue our efforts to restore and reintroduce cheetahs, guided by an integrated strategy designed in accordance with best international practices.””
2. In sub-Saharan Africa, ‘forgotten’ foods could boost climate resilience, nutrition
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“[A study published in PNAS] examined “forgotten” crops that may help make sub-Saharan food systems more resilient, and more nutritious, as climate change makes it harder to grow [current staple crops.] [… The study identified 138 indigenous] food crops that were “relatively underresearched, underutilized, or underpromoted in an African context,” but which have the nutrient content and growing stability to support healthy diets and local economies in the region. […] In Eswatini, van Zonneveld and the World Vegetable Center are working with schools to introduce hardy, underutilized vegetables to their gardens, which have typically only grown beans and maize.”
3. Here's how $4 billion in government money is being spent to reduce climate pollution
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“[New Orleans was awarded] nearly $50 million to help pay for installing solar on low to middle income homes [… and] plans to green up underserved areas with trees and build out its lackluster bike lane system to provide an alternative to cars. […] In Utah, $75 million will fund several measures from expanding electric vehicles to reducing methane emissions from oil and gas production. [… A] coalition of states led by North Carolina will look to store carbon in lands used for agriculture as well as natural places like wetlands, with more than $400 million. [… This funding is] “providing investments in communities, new jobs, cost savings for everyday Americans, improved air quality, … better health outcomes.””
4. From doom scrolling to hope scrolling: this week’s big Democratic vibe shift
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“[Democrats] have been on an emotional rollercoaster for the past few weeks: from grim determination as Biden fought to hang on to his push for a second term, to outright exuberance after he stepped aside and Harris launched her campaign. […] In less than a week, the Harris campaign raised record-breaking sums and signed up more than 100,000 new volunteers[….] This honeymoon phase will end, said Democratic strategist Guy Cecil, warning the election will be a close race, despite this newfound exuberance in his party. [… But v]oters are saying they are excited to vote for Harris and not just against Trump. That’s new.”
5. Biodegradable luminescent polymers show promise for reducing electronic waste
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“[A team of scientists discovered that a certain] chemical enables the recycling of [luminescent polymers] while maintaining high light-emitting functions. […] At the end of life, this new polymer can be degraded under either mild acidic conditions (near the pH of stomach acid) or relatively low heat treatment (> 410 F). The resulting materials can be isolated and remade into new materials for future applications. […] The researchers predict this new polymer can be applied to existing technologies, such as displays and medical imaging, and enable new applications […] such as cell phones and computer screens with continued testing.”
6. World’s Biggest Dam Removal Project to Open 420 Miles of Salmon Habitat this Fall
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“Reconnecting the river will help salmon and steelhead populations survive a warming climate and [natural disasters….] In the long term, dam removal will significantly improve water quality in the Klamath. “Algae problems in the reservoirs behind the dams were so bad that the water was dangerous for contact […] and not drinkable,” says Fluvial Geomorphologist Brian Cluer. [… The project] will begin to reverse decades of habitat degradation, allow threatened salmon species to be resilient in the face of climate change, and restore tribal connections to their traditional food source.”
7. Biden-Harris Administration Awards $45.1 Million to Expand Mental Health and Substance Use Services Across the Lifespan
““Be it fostering wellness in young people, caring for the unhoused, facilitating treatment and more, this funding directly supports the needs of our neighbors,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. [The funding also supports] recovery and reentry services to adults in the criminal justice system who have a substance use disorder[… and clinics which] serve anyone who asks for help for mental health or substance use, regardless of their ability to pay.”
8. The World’s Rarest Crow Will Soon Fly Free on Maui
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“[… In] the latest attempt to establish a wild crow population, biologists will investigate if this species can thrive on Maui, an island where it may have never lived before. Translocations outside of a species’ known historical range are rare in conservation work, but for a bird on the brink of extinction, it’s a necessary experiment: Scientists believe the crows will be safer from predators in a new locale—a main reason that past reintroduction attempts failed. […] As the release date approaches, the crows have already undergone extensive preparation for life in the wild. […] “We try to give them the respect that you would give if you were caring for someone’s elder.””
9. An optimist’s guide to the EV battery mining challenge
““Battery minerals have a tremendous benefit over oil, and that’s that you can reuse them.” [… T]he report’s authors found there’s evidence to suggest that [improvements in technology] and recycling have already helped limit demand for battery minerals in spite of this rapid growth — and that further improvements can reduce it even more. [… They] envision a scenario in which new mining for battery materials can basically stop by 2050, as battery recycling meets demand. In this fully realized circular battery economy, the world must extract a total of 125 million tons of battery minerals — a sum that, while hefty, is actually 17 times smaller than the oil currently harvested every year to fuel road transport.”
10. Peekaboo! A baby tree kangaroo debuts at the Bronx Zoo
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“The tiny Matschie’s tree kangaroo […] was the third of its kind born at the Bronx Zoo since 2008. [… A] Bronx Zoo spokesperson said that the kangaroo's birth was significant for the network of zoos that aims to preserve genetic diversity among endangered animals. "It's a small population and because of that births are not very common," said Jessica Moody, curator of primates and small mammals at the Bronx Zoo[, …] adding that baby tree kangaroos are “possibly one of the cutest animals to have ever lived. They look like stuffed animals, it's amazing.””
July 15-21 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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neuroticboyfriend · 2 years
If you struggle with substance abuse but not addiction, you still deserve support. If you struggle with suicidality/self harm urges but don't act on it, you still deserve support. If you struggle with psychosis and paranoia but have insight, you still deserve support. If you struggle with anything but are "coping with it," you still deserve support.
You dont need to be in imminent crisis to get help - safety planning, harm reduction, resources, and accommodations. You're still struggling. You're still suffering, You're still at risk/in danger. You deserve better - you need better. Your health and wellbeing matters.
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autopsyfreak · 5 months
if you shit on people for being drug addicts then just know that i hate you.
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politijohn · 1 year
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All vices are fair game with BPD, how many can you collect?
Now Featuring: Substance Use, Self Harm, Binge Drinking, Sex, Nicotine, Starving Yourself, and so much more!
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skyrim-forever · 2 months
piggybacking off of this post by @captain-of-silvenar
do any of your ocs have mental health or substance abuse disorders?
I'd like to hear about them if you feel comfortable sharing <3
My Dragonborn Theodora has PTSD and is an alcoholic. She is also prone to self-destructive behaviours.
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vanx-97 · 3 months
You make me so angry and you make me sad
You’re so concerned about a future you don’t have
Far from what you can achieve, close to a body bag
Some people love seeing life, you love to see it pass
So cloudy and no one can make it clear 
You don’t know what to do with your career
Family talks of fallback plans you don't wanna hear
School graduate drug addict kid who wants to disappear
The friends you had I thought they were great
The friends you hold onto are the ones that I hate
Everything you borrow, nothing you repay
You’d fuck up someone’s week to be high for 1 day
You don’t even try, you just give up on your goals
You dread the day success comes close
I really hope that you don’t overdose
The world didn’t watch you grow just to watch you go
Young adults are all confused, you are not alone
So many stars that collapse into black holes
Some of those people you used to know
I think you should take it slow before you implode
You can’t control everything, you weren’t meant to
I don’t think that the universe hates you
Be yourself and do what you love to do
Take it from someone who had to die to see that life is beautiful
You will struggle, things won’t always work
This dance with death will only make it worse
You want to change, believe in yourself first
Eventually you will find your place on this earth
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emotionaleating · 22 days
i just wish you met me before all these bad things happened to me
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souraesthetics · 3 months
Sometimes I literally just want to be as feral and unapologetic as possible like you wanna buy me stuff? Okay. You wanna get blackout drunk on a Monday? Okay. Tryna just live out my feral trash girl dreams rn. Like you wanna do blow all day and then benzos all night? Okay. Let’s go I’m so down.
Literally I just want to be spoiled and live life like there’s no consequences for a while.
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nmallenart · 1 month
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Disco Elysium really got me in the feels. Highly recommended unique RPG! Currently free on PS+
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
i feel like the demonization of people who drive under the influence of alcohol and drugs is a problem, actually. like yes we all have been told it's dangerous, but if you haven't noticed, substances affect your thinking. and in some situations, i imagine it isn't as easy to just "get a ride" or "walk home" as people think. driving may not be safe for them or others, but people who use substances are... people. they're not uniquely evil. there's no difference between you and them that makes you immune to doing the same fucking thing, or other dangerous things that you don't think twice about.
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venriliz · 3 months
why is the concept of showing empathy for drug/alcohol addicts so hard to understand for some ppl? v.v they suffer too sis, that problem has to come from somewhere and i bet most of them would rather not be addicted in the first place. some people don't know what nuance is i swear. am i crazy for having empathy with addicts??? i don't think so.
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unknownpisces002 · 8 months
“ Losing my mind, think I look good when I’m really just high. Scared of my life, can a bitch get by? Sick of listening to everyone else. Sick of my pride, sick of just saying shit, just to be nice. Sick of this world, how do I get by? Miles running wild in my head.”
Giovanna Ramos X Black Fem.
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“Clarity is a state of mind. And freedom ain’t real either, so who’s sold you that lie?” A love story told in a therapy session, about two young girls that were once mad for one another. By a recovering drug addict, who’s life revolves entirely around the green mile of North Carolina.
That she so desperately wants to escape.
Word count: 2,259
Themes: friends to lovers, LGBT, derealization, coming out of the closet, growth, homophobia, substance abuse, summer, violence, mental health, religion, family problems and secrets, young adults, mature, self discovery, eventual fluff, eventual smut, therapy, North Carolina, countryside, poverty, trauma, urban romance, urban fiction, ghetto.
Divider by: @firefly-graphics
Author’s Note
hi everyone! this is a story that i decided to transfer over from my wattpad account. that i recently just started at the end of december. because i felt the need to share it here, over on this platform as well.
so that all of you guys would also be able to read/ give me feedback on how it is, and what you’d like to see occur? as the story progresses on. so i hope that you all like it, and also feel free to follow me on wattpad as well! my username is supersensitivepisces on there 🧚🏽
also, inspiration to create this story? came from my love for Giovanna. ( she’s so aesthetically pleasing flf me.) as well as a movie that i had been watching, the day that i decided to publish this onto my account back in december.
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" I'll never meet a girl like you again. Out of everything I lost, I lost a friend. Tryna get over you, tryna convince myself every night. It's just another night, even though deep down I'm traumatized."
4 hassan
U r the omega of my heart. The foundation 4 my concept of love, when I think of what a black woman should be. It's you that I first think of.
U will never fully understand how deeply my heart feels for you. I worry that we'll grow apart, and I'll end up losing you.
U bring me to a climax without sex, and u do it all with regal grace. U r my heart in human form, a friend I could never replace.
– from gio.
Oak City Therapy
Lillington, NC
" When I was younger, around like five or six years old? I used to bug my mom and tell her about how I wanted to be a firefighter. So I could save lies and put out fires? Like the people who I'd watch on tv would do."
Tapping the tips of her fingertips onto the dark oak wood coffee table, that was located in the center of the dim lit office room. Giovanna kept her head facing downwards.
Finding that, refusing to make direct eye contact with her therapist of 3 years, who was named Marsha? Was far more comfortable and peaceful for her nerves, as well as her emotional state.
That had so desperately wanted to crumble and falter, into tiny small pieces of despair. But you see, that was the one thing on this fucked up planet, we call earth? That Giovanna was against.
Showing emotions and allowing herself to be vulnerable? Were just two things she'd rather die over, before she'd allow them to be seen by the entire world.
Or in this specific case? Her friends, along with her father. Who had played a humongous part, in why she chose to be nonchalant while acting unfazed? About majority of the things that would occur inside of her life.
".. I too? Used to dream of being a firefighter myself. When I was around that exact age, but I'm assuming that specific dream of yours must've gotten lost. Somewhere down the line as you aged up? If you aren't uncomfortable telling me about why or how? That occurred.."
Marsha eased her way into questioning the young woman who sat before her, slowly and hesitantly. Making sure that each of the words she'd spoken? Came out soft, in a calm and delicate manner.
As she leaned her backside up against her office chair, with eyes full of hope and wonder. That held a bit of gloominess inside them as well too. Once she noticed the way that Giovanna's breathing had begun to pick up a bit.
Just as her short, but not too short fingernails, that were painted a matte black color? Had begun to dig into the surface of the desk she sat at. Almost as if she were trying to dig a deep hole into the center of it, that would allow her to shield and hide herself away?
From having to answer the difficult question? That had been asked of her.
" ..I wouldn't say that my passion to accomplish that specific dream? Got lost. Because even after my mom had passed away, from having cancer? Apart of me still wanted to pursue that goal. But at the same time? Another part of me, like the part that held high hopes and expectations for things? Had diminished inside of me completely, after I lost my mom.."
" ..And I'm not really sure that if me being an only child, plays a part in that? Because don't get me wrong, I was loved wholeheartedly? By both of my parents equally when I was younger. But I don't know...sometimes now? Like when I'm alone or high from being off pills or something? I start to realize that really? It was only my mom that had loved me wholeheartedly back then.."
" Instead of it being my dad."
" And why is it, that you feel as if your father doesn't love you Giovanna?" Marsha continued to ask all the questions, that were written down onto her clipboard hesitantly.
Feeling an unsettling sensation begin to wash over her slowly. When Giovanna had taken it upon herself to shift around inside her seat. Which allowed the left sleeve of her oversized sweatshirt to rise. And give Marsha the opportunity, to catch a glimpse of all the fresh and faded scar markings that were present there.
From Giovanna, inflicting a significant amount of self harm unto herself.
" I know that he doesn't love me? Because he's voiced that statement every single day. Over the last twelve years? Repeatedly." Giovanna chuckled bitterly, all while gnawing on the inside of her jaw using her teeth.
" Me being a lesbian? Probably is another one of the reasons why he hates me too. But all in all? He just doesn't love or care for me period? In the way that a normal father would love their child."
And that fact alone? Was sadly true.
" Him not loving me or treating me properly? Doesn't bother me at all though. Because I'm used to it now, and I know that me saying that? Probably sounds stupid right? And it might also make you assume that I may or may not have Stockholm syndrome? Being that I'm okay with the fact that my father's been treating me like shit, while sometimes abusing me and more? For over twelve years."
" Yes, the way that you are going on about how his lack of love and affection, doesn't bother you? Does raise a few red flags for me. As far as you possibly being a victim of having Stockholm syndrome? But it also makes me worry more about your emotional and mental state? Even more. Being that when you really sit and sum up the timeframe, of you losing your mother? Down to your father's continuous abuse?"
" It seems that through all of that? You haven't been able to feel any of the proper care, love or attention? That a person who's endured losing a parent at a young age? Should get to feel. And that may also be another reason, as to why you feel the need to be so distant. While hiding away your true feelings, because honestly Giovanna? I'm gonna tell you something from my own personal experiences with life."
"..That have helped me find closure and peace? Within myself. After being a victim of my own? To some of the same exact problems that you've been having."
Sitting her clipboard aside, after grabbing a few tissues out of the box that was towards her right. Marsha had begun opening up about her past life, to Giovanna. As a way to encourage the younger woman and try to get through to her in a way, that talking and asking simple therapy questions? Couldn't do.
But of course? As always, Giovanna didn't care to hear any of it. Which allowed every word that left from out of Marsha's mouth, to enter inside of one ear, and come floating directly through the other.
Just as she found herself beginning to grow a bit offended, once Marsha had begun to talk about love and relationships. And how someone in Giovanna's state, didn't really need to engage in any form of romantic or sexual interactions? With another person.
Due to the lack of her father not showing her enough love or care properly? When she was a young age.
" I've been in love before." Were the first few words that left from out of Giovanna's mouth. As she cut into the middle of Marsha's speech, not really caring or giving a fuck if she had come off rude or not? After doing so.
" I'm actually in love right now? If you want me to be honest. I'm just not on speaking terms with the person? Who owns the other half of my heart right now."
" Really?" Marsha questioned slowly, sounding a bit shocked and caught off guard by Giovanna's statement.
" Mm-hm." Giovanna nodded her head slowly, feeling a small smile begin to form at the corners of her lips. Once the thought of her distant and angelic lover? Had begun to enter inside of her mind slowly.
" And why aren't the two of you on speaking terms? If you don't mind me asking."
" Because I'm..." Trailing off at the end of her sentence, Giovanna had begun to still her breathing. Just as her dark brown eyes started to glisten, and blur her vision up with tears.
" Because you're what, Giovanna?" Marsha pressed her for an answer, knowing almost immediately? What the younger girls response would've been like, once she re-opened up her mouth to speak.
" ..I'm damaged goods, Miss Marsha.."
" Like I have a heart, of course? And I know how to love and treat someone properly, even though I myself? Never got to receive that same exact treatment, from the people I deserved it from. I still know how to love and treat someone good? Despite that. But I just..."
" You're just a product of your environment. And even though treating someone kindly and loving them correctly? Doesn't come difficult. Sometimes accepting back that same love and energy? Can be a bit difficult. When all you've ever known was toxicity and dysfunction."
" But see, the thing about me accepting it back? Wasn't the problem Miss Marsha. The problem was my self esteem and my communication. Because there were times when I said things out of anger or out of being afraid? That had drove Hassan away from me too."
" Hassan?" Marsha repeated the name of Giovanna's lover slowly. " Hassan is such a pretty name, and I'm sure that she must be a pretty girl too? With how emotional and vulnerable you're getting while talking about her."
And that? She was indeed.
But of course, pretty? Wouldn't even be a suitable word to describe her at all. Because you see, Hassan? Was angelic. Just like everything else about her personality and character? Was too.
" Experiencing her love and even the attention she gave to me, before we ever became a thing? Was a privilege I wish that I never took for granted." Giovanna answered quietly, picking with the bracelet on her arm, that was giving to her by Hassan herself.
" And I know before, when I had first gotten here? I told you about how growing up as a child, with both of my parents while my mom was still alive? Was the time period where my want to do lots of things? Had been very strong."
" But even when she died and my dad became more hostile towards me? I still craved to be something or let alone somebody? Who'd be great. I just didn't know how or where to start first? For me to be able to accomplish any of those things period? Until I met Hassan.."
"..And she came into my world, allowing everything that once looked black and white? Turn colorful and vibrant. So that I could be guided out of my selfish, stuck up ways, and be the person who she swore up above to God and the heavens? That I was created to be."
" And what kind of person was that?" Marsha found herself growing a bit emotional as time passed, as she sat with her arms folded tightly. Trying not to make a fool out of herself, for crying and weeping over her client's newfound vulnerability and bravery.
That she had gained out of the blue, due to talking about her past. Or in this case? Still present lover. Who she wholeheartedly still loved very deeply, to this day.
" The kind of person who always showed patience and kindness, despite being robbed of all their goodness and purity? Far too early than I should've been. That's the kind of person? She saw me as. Even through the good, the bad and the ugly? She always looked at me, with eyes that held so much love and adoration. That at often times? I'd get scared."
" While wondering how a person like me? Could win over the heart of someone like her, you know? But even then after everything that's happened and changed over the years? I'd never stop loving her ever."
" And why is that Giovanna?"
" Because finding someone who'd love you through any and everything, despite the fact that you might not even deserve it at all? Is very fucking rare these days."
" And I have Hassan's heart? In the same exact way she has mine. So why would I ever let go or move onto someone else? When I know for certain that we'll find our way back to one another. Just like we always have? During the past."
" And you're willing to wait however long it may take, until that day ends up coming?"
" Oh? Absolutely." Giovanna's head nodded up and down quickly. " If I had to wait another year or even ten more? I'd do it without question."
" Because Hassan is worth the wait. And if I ended up having to grow old and wrinkly, just for that day to come back to me? I wouldn't have a problem with it at all."
" ..I'd just accept her back into my life fully, with open arms. Because that's all I've been wanting again and looking forward to? For the last two years."
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if you’d like to be tagged in the next part? just comment below. & also feel free to leave thoughts down there as well too!
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life-as-gwen · 4 months
The Creature
It lives in the darkness behind my eyelids. 
The creature, part human, part rat.
With sharp black eyes, long body and strong legs.
Its hair is tangled and dirty. Its skin is pale and cracked. 
Its tail gives the illusion of a snake following it into a dark corner, where it sits in the shadow and it waits. 
It is waiting for me to forget where I came from, to forget what I have done and who I have been.
I need only close my eyes to remember.
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