#system writing
echoesofaheart · 5 months
new 18+ discord server for writers!
hey! do you enjoy writing about systems? what about age regression? did you say yes to either of those? well why don't you join our new server: the systems and age regressors writers club! (the server is sfw. its just 18+ for comfort reasons)
channels for various types of media, with options to add specific channels for fandoms if they're popular enough
the coolest mods!
space to talk about original characters!
a channel to promote your finished works
you don't have to be a writer to join!
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systemwritingpieces · 7 months
Everything is hers. Every morning, I wake up in her bed in her room and put on her clothes and her jewelry. I say good morning to her parents and eat her breakfast. I feed her cat. I drive her brother to her school in her car. I introduce myself with her name and talk to her friends and sit in her seat in her classes. I do her homework and play her character in the musical she wanted to be in. I look in the mirror and see her face looking back at me.
Will any of it ever be mine? Will I ever drive my car or feed my cat? Am I doomed to wake up every morning in a bed I don’t own, put on clothes I’d never wear and go to a school I don’t belong to? Will I forever be stuck talking to people who don’t know me, who don’t know my name and don’t see that I’m not her, don’t see that none of this is mine and all of it is hers? Will I always be stuck living in a costume, pretending to be someone I’m not? Will they always call me by her name? Will I always look in the mirror and see her face? Will I ever claim any of it? Will I ever be her?
I don’t know what scares me more: the thought that I’ll never be her, never consider us one and the same, never consider anything mine and everything hers, or the thought that I will, that I’ll become her and lose my name, my face, my identity.
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c4rdkingd0m · 11 months
The confusion that fills my brain
Swiftly replaced by love
In my heart, for you.
How I wish I could tear it out
So that I remember
I’m in danger.
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bstroobery · 1 year
Hello! I decided to write a fable type story to explain a difficult concept to one of our littles, Lily. I actually quite liked writing this! I might go in to writing children’s books! Blue already offered to illustrate them! ^^
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The Ghost and the Bunny
On a warm autumn’s day, a bunny hopped along outside of the haunted forest. She was very upset. The black cat and the red wolf had done something to anger some of the villagers in the nearby village everyone would go visit.
These villagers were mad at everyone for what the cat and wolf had done. The cat had said something mean that he didn’t mean, and the wolf acted really mean to people after someone had hurt her and woke her up from a very nice long nap.
The bunny was very upset about this. She just wanted the forest and village to get along. She always wanted to be kind to people, especially the people in the village, but she also loved her friends in the haunted forest as well.
The bunny sat on a hill, looking over the village as she cried. All she could think about was how the villagers the cat and wolf hurt were treating everyone in the forest. Of course, it didn’t help that all of them shared the forest.
Along came a ghost. He was doing his best to try and keep everyone in the forest safe. They’d all been very sad lately, and he wanted to make sure they didn’t get too sad. He saw his bunny friend sitting and watching the village and decided to go talk to her.
“What’s wrong, Bunny?” the ghost asked.
“The village hates us,” she said as she tried not to cry.
“What makes you say that?”
“The villagers that Cat and Wolf hurt are upset with the whole forest. I just want everyone to be friends.”
The ghost nodded. “Is everyone in the village upset?”
The bunny shook her head.
“Are you afraid those hurt villagers will make everyone hate us?”
She nodded.
“Well, why does it matter what the villagers think?”
“Because we go to the village,” she said. “We go to the village a lot.”
“Well then why not tell the villagers about what happened? That the cat and wolf are sorry and have been trying to fix what they did?”
“They don’t care,” the bunny said sadly. “Some villagers are building a fence to keep all of us out. What if the whole village does it? You didn’t say the bad things cat said. You didn’t hurt people like wolf did. Why can’t you go to the village and have fun with the friends who now hate us?”
“Because we’re all the forest,” the ghost said. He looked up at the sky sadly. “They can’t keep the cat and wolf out without keeping us all out. That’s just how it works.”
“I just wish everyone could be friends.”
“But that’s not how it works.” The ghost looked back down at his bunny friend. “Cat and Wolf may be trying to fix what they did, but no one is able to force forgiveness. I just want Cat and Wolf to forgive themselves.”
The bunny laid in the grass, continuing to watch the village. “What if the villagers Cat and Wolf didn’t hurt get mad and build fences?”
“We don’t need them,” the ghost said. “We go to the village for food and to talk to the villagers. But there are other villages. Villages that will understand that Cat and Wolf are getting better. They won’t build fences.”
The bunny looked up at the ghost. “You really think that?”
The ghost smiled down at his bunny friend. “I don’t think. I know.”
The ghost and the bunny then walked back into the forest together, finding their friends Cat and Wolf, who were both happily talking about the birds nests they fixed and the friends in the forest that they helped.
Bunny just had to search for a new village, but they still stayed friends with the nice villagers from the other one.
I don’t know… tell me what you think! I could use the criticism on my writing skills ^^’
- Johnny Toast
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ccruelgods · 1 year
[tw for emeto, gore, and a bit of explicit violence.]
[i decided to write something for hello charlotte ep3, this scene stood out to me, and i haven't written in a while, so here we go.]
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"bennett?" the white-haired girl questioned, the smile evident in her tone. "are you dead?"
an annoyed groan was the response, and then another harsh retching sound. 'charlotte' had entered the bathroom to the sight of the orange-suited worker bent over the toilet, vomit somehow staining the tub and mirror along with the (formerly perfectly white) sink. shakily adjusting his posture to glare at the newcomer, bennet sneered, vomit still spilling over from his mouth and staining his orange suit green like toxic sludge.
"go away, human maggot." he spat, though the venomous tone was lessened by the bleary look in his eyes.
"what a meanie!" 'charlotte' chirped cheerfully, lacing her hands behind her back and leaning forward to smile sweetly at bennett before gasping, clasping her hands. "oh, oh! don't tell me you're going through withdrawal syndrome?"
bennett shot her another annoyed glare, wiping his mouth on the back of his glove. "leave me alone. can't you see i'm…-"
before he could finish the sentence, another harsh gag tore through him, and he bent over the toilet again, the sound of retching filling the room again. 'charlotte' giggled venomously, resting her head in her palm.
"so disgusting!" she chimed, flicking the back of his head and causing him to let out another growl. "weren't you supposed to be a comic relief character? where did that go?"
bennett shifted to give her another glare, opening his mouth to let out a sharp remark, but her face lit up suddenly as she clasped her hands again, eyes wide with something akin to a childish excitement and she spoke before he could.
"oh! i know! it's alllll because of the regular soap intakes, isn't it?" she giggled, closing her eyes in mock-innocence. "anyone can be maniacally happy forever when they're braindead!"
"wiltshire." the worker hissed, standing up straighter this time, though still swaying, and giving her a look that would wilt even the prettiest flowers. "last warning."
"yeah, right." the girl yawned, not bothering to give him a reaction. "you hate me. but, it doesn't really matter."
leaning forward so that they were almost eye to eye, she smirked. "you can't kill me anyway!"
"no, but i can torture you and tear off your limbs." bennett replied coldly. "one by one."
unfazed, 'charlotte' mock-gasped. "oh no! bennett is so scary!"
circling him, she turned her nose up at the vomit stains on his suit, though her smirk never dissapeared, and she kept speaking. "are those the kind of jobs you do for dr.huxley? yet, he failed to raise a mindless killing machine out of you."
in a flash, bennett was infront of her, previous sickliness and hinderance seemingly gone, and in the next second, the white-haired girl's head was slammed against the wall with a loud thud. with a wince of pain, 'charlotte's body slid down the bathroom wall, leaving a trail of sticky blood. the scent of the fresh blood mixed with the smell of vomit in the bathroom, causing a rather horrendous odor.
giggling shakily, 'charlotte' shifted her gaze up to bennett, smiling sardonically. "ha-ha….ahhaha…you really have no self-control when you're sober…"
bennett gazed at her blankly, speaking in a low tone. "this much shouldn't kill you."
despise the burning pain in her head, the girl laughed. "s-see? i was right. you're…softer than you want to appear to be.."
she just barely made out bennett's voice calling out her last name in a harsh tone, before the world became blurry, and she blacked out.
it had been an hour, or maybe more, when 'charlotte' woke up. in a dark room, briefly disoriented.
ah, right. bennett. speaking of, he was nowhere to be seen. gingerly lifting her hands to her head, she scowled, feeling the warm blood stain her hands a sticky red.
"im disgusting." she muttered. someone let out a chuckle, and she looked up.
"charles?" she inquired.
in the dim light of the room, the white hair of charles' current vessel stood out, as did the bright yellow eyes that were peering at her with a malicious sort of curiosity.
"bingo!" charles answered, barely concealing their wide smile behind gloved hands.
'charlotte' rolled her eyes. "what are you doing here?", she questioned in an oh-so-flat tone.
charles's smile thinned into that of a snake's before they responded. "looking after you."
"then treat my wounds, asshat."
the remark was rewarded wirh a sharp laugh from charles, who shook their head. "no can do. you're dirty, i'm squeamish. it simply will not mix."
the white haired girl groaned loudly, closing her eyes and letting her head rest back against the wall of the bathroom, wincing at the stinging of the open wound. "god, you're so useless."
"you can get mr. honikker to treat you." charles hummed, shifting to lift the girl's vessel. the only response he got was an eyeroll.
"he won't. i replaced his favorite cereal with dried bloodworms the oher day."
charles stared, face still a smiling mask, but a bit of surprise leaking into their tone. "you did what?"
"forget it." 'charlotte' responded coldly, giving them a glare when charles jostled her a bit too hard.
"he can never catch a break, huh?" charles sighed wearily, before frowning at the girl. "more importantly…how long do you plan to provoke the tenants for attention before they actually kill you?"
'charlotte' shrugged. "umm. forever, probably. or however long my lifespan lasts."
with a scowl, she slapped charles' hands away, bracing herself against the wall and carefully avoiding the vomit stains. "how old am i, actually? five?"
"actually," charles corrected with a shrill giggle. "three."
"welp, here you go." the girl waved vaguely, less-than-gingerly patting at the no-longer-bleeding wound on her head.
charles frowned suddenly, expression turning troubled. "miss wiltshire…i'm sorry for lecturing you, but…you spend too many spare vessels. your lifespan might be greatly shortened if-"
they were cut off by 'charlotte' suddenly grabbing a toothbrush and shoving the bristled end into the wound. deeply. and then collapsing on the ground, lifeless. charles groaned.
"ah. she killed herself with a toothbrush." he muttered to himself, putting a hand over his face in annoyance.
moments later, a new, and perfectly white, vessel flounced in, looking exactly like the previous, without the blood. 'charlotte' smiled sweetly at charles, twirling.
"charles! look who's got a new bo-dy~! i'm whiter than ever before!"
charles let out a long sigh, murmurng partially to themself. "what was i even talking about…"
"alright. i'm gonna be late for school." the girl stated suddenly, giving charles one last wide smile before skipping out of the bathroom.
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interstellarsystem · 4 months
Nonhuman expressions of affection are great. Purring. Exposing weak points as a show of trust. Head bonks. Preening and chewing. Nuzzling. Biting. Intertwining tails. Feeding each other. Little chuffs, chatters, beeps and squeaks. Fluffing up of feathers, fur or other things. Dancing to impress. Cleaning their fur, scales, feathers or skin. Sharing body heat. Ears pointing toward those you care about to show your full attention is on them. Slow blinking.
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systemic-stupidity · 3 months
*deep breath in*
*deep breath out*
Let AAC users say fuck!
Let them swear, let them say fuck and asshole and anything else they want.
Let them program their devices to say ‘fuck off’ instead of just ‘leave me alone, please’. Let them have language that’s adult or even offensive! Give them the ability to communicate the same as anyone else- let them have the option to be abrasive and even rude for when people are being assholes, let them swear casually so they can joke with their peers and say shit like ‘can you pass the damn ketchup’!!!!!!!!
Let disabled people say fuck!
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lutes-gay-space · 2 months
I wish I were an angel with my wings turned black. I lay in a sea of flowers and feel my body grow tired. Everything feels so heavy and I wish for a second that I could just stop. Remembering the warm embrace of someone so far away, while trapped in the cold of the earth. I feel my body go numb, I stare at the heavens above. I do not belong there nor here, but I have nowhere to go. I am lost. I was rejected from the only home I've ever known. What is left for me? What could possibly inspire me in this moment to push myself up and keep going? It feels as if there is nothing. Nothing left. Nothing to make me move. Nothing to keep me alive. If I close my eyes, will I awaken once more? I'm not sure and I'm scared to find out, but it's so hard to fight back the exhaustion. The way the fatigue holds onto my body, beckons me to drift away. Maybe I should let go. Just once. How bad could it be? I'm sure it'll be fine.
Written by V, Lute, and Luci
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swordsandholly · 5 months
Thinking about a mechanic!AU where the 141 boys run a garage and need a new receptionist. They hire you because you’re just so cute (great tits) and have a decent resume but it becomes a slight problem when they realize you’re a bit… dense.
Total ditz to be precise.
But they can’t really get mad when you get the keys for clients mixed up and look at them with those big eyes all teary and a little pout pushing out your lower lip.
Price is the most patient, perfectly content to walk you through how to file paperwork and fill out forms. Instructing you in a low voice while his breath brushes the shell of your ear. It’s really their fault for having such a terrible system, you know? Don’t worry about it too much, dove. He’ll settle his big hands on your shoulders and gently trace up and down your arms. See? You’re getting it. Just needed some more practice, hm?
Johnny is more than happy to show you around the garage, rattling off everything he knows about all those nitty gritty details that go right over your pretty little head. He’ll pop open the hood of some sports car and point to the engine to show it off. No, bonnie, you’ve got tae get in close. Closer.
Until you’re bent entirely over in one of those too-short skirts you wear everyday. It takes all his willpower not to yank you into the supply closet.
Gaz is just so sweet to you. Always bringing you little treats and candies to suck on. To help you concentrate, of course. Always greeting you with a soft ‘baby girl’ at the beginning of your shift. Whenever you’re standing around be it at the printer or counter - wherever really - he’ll slip a hand on your waist. It always trails a little lower, his pinky just edging on the hem of your too tight jeans.
Ghost gets frustrated with you to the point of causing tears to well up in the corners of your eyes. He’s feels guilty, sure, but bloody hell just print the damn receipt. He avoids you for the most part. Until one evening when it’s pouring down. You forgot your rain coat of course, silly girl. He offers you a ride which you take happily.
After that he can’t get rid of you. You bring him coffees (how you remember his order word for word but not where you last left your own cup is beyond him) and giggle at his jokes. When a client gets too snappy or too loud he’s the first to step in - standing behind you glaring at them with his huge arms crossed over his chest until they back down.
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prolibytherium · 2 months
One of my all time biggest pet peeves with historical(ish) fantasy is when the writer constructs a religion with a clear bias that it's stupid and false and therefore only the Stupid People and/or commoners believe in it and all the smart/elite main characters are like, quasi-atheists or otherwise just routinely flout established religious conventions of orthodoxy and/or orthopraxy because they're Too Smart for it or etc.
It's usually an extension of assumptions that people in the past were just less intelligent than in the contemporary, just being like "I know that the sun is a star millions of miles away that the earth orbits, but this ancient religion describes it as a chariot flying through the sky" and not really bothering to learn the context and just (consciously or subconsciously) settling on 'that's a crazy thing to think and was probably believed in because they were Stupid'.
And that whole attitude pisses me off so much. People were as 'smart' 10,000 years ago as they are today. These beliefs aren't just desperate, random flailing to explain phenomena that could not directly be accounted for either, it's not like people just looked at the sun and went "Uhhh I don't know what the fuck that thing is, actually. I guess it might be a chariot or a boat or something?? Yeah let's go with that." and based entire religious practices on this. Every well-established belief system exists within broader contexts of cultural values/subjective perceptions of reality/knowledge systems/etc, and exist as part of a historical continuum of religious practices that came before. Even when not Materially Correct, they have context and internal logic, they're not always dead literal with zero levels of allegory, and they're never a result of stupidity.
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bishy437 · 8 months
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he won
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systemwritingpieces · 5 months
Dormancy is one of those things.
It’s just a part of a system’s life. It’s part of the cycle. Alters are created when they’re needed, and when they’re not anymore, they disappear. Sometimes they fuse, but other times, they go dormant. It’s not a death, they can’t die, but it feels like they die.
Dormant alters can always come back, whether it’s two weeks or ten years. But, after enough time, you stop hoping. You stop watching the door, waiting for her to walk through it and smile at you and run over to hug you. You stop hoping to see her face again. When she disappeared, you somehow knew deep down she wasn’t going to return.
Dormancy just happens, but you didn’t think it could happen to her. One day she was here, the next she was gone, and that leaves you. That leaves you alone, and you’re not really alone because you’re never alone, but it feels like you are because she’s not here anymore.
She’s everywhere, and you can’t escape her. The perfumes you own smell like her, so you stopped wearing perfume. Everyone calls you by her name, so you changed it. Every time you open your mouth you hear her voice, so you stopped speaking. When you look in the mirror her face looks back at you, so you stopped looking in the mirror. None of it is ever enough.
Her perfume is ingrained in the clothes you wear. Her face haunts you in every picture in that house. You hear her voice echo, echo, echoing in every recording. All you want to do is burn the clothes, break the picture frames and tear up the pictures, smash the devices on the ground so you won’t be haunted by her anymore. You read notebooks full of her words, her poetry and her thoughts and it was all just pain and suffering and sorrow for her, and you should’ve known that. You should’ve known and you should’ve helped her. It’s all your fault. The weight of the words crushes you, each sentence feels like a shot to the heart but you keep reading because you deserve it for what you did.
There’s nothing you can do now. You just have to move forward, and you try so hard to forget and move on, but everything around you, everything about you, is hers and it haunts you.
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ghostbsuter · 2 months
The purchase of the mansion was a spontaneous decision on their part.
Sam suggested it, actually.
1 they had the money, 2 they needed much more space than a single apartment could offer, and 3 now she gets to create her own garten of venomous plants!
Tucker holed himself up in his own room, his tech room, because he finally can separate his workspace and his bedroom!
Danny was haunting the mansion in return.
It was during the day that Danny saw the shadow of a child running. He had no idea the mansion was already haunted— why hadn't the ghost said anything before?
Searching for the shadow, it took them all weeks to even get a glimpse of the Ghost.
Only it wasn't a ghost. It's a whole human child. A human child left behind—
His name is Tim Drake and he has been living here his whole life, how— where were his parents?!
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dogfagdeathwish · 11 months
I am the cold evil that lurks in the void.
my colors are a warning, not just for show.
I am an empty vessel
A blank space where a person should be
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willtheweaver · 7 months
Ways to solve the Why Can’t They Use Magic To Fix Everything problem:
•Magic has a cost. The more powerful the spell, the more it drains the caster’s life.
•’We tried that ages ago.The gods grew angry at our arrogance and stripped most of our powers away.’
•Magic is tied to the stars and planets. Its full potential can only manifest on certain astrological events.(And these are once-in-a-millennia type events)
•Only one will a pure heart and selfless intentions can use their full power.
•All magic users are descendants of a (god/spirit). As the years have gone by, the blood has become more diluted, and magic has grown weaker as a result.
•Spell casters can only cast (finite number of spells). They end up using their gift on trivial matters.
•’After the war, we realized the dangers that magic presented. And so we sealed it away, lest it destroy the world.’
•Everyone has magic. Trying to solve one problem is futile as it can be easily undone(often violently and with much destruction)
•inverse of the above: everyone has magic, but their powers are limited and (mostly) harmless.
•Individual, company, or nation has a monopoly on the only substance that can negate magic. As they rule the world, they have installed anti-magic devices everywhere.
•Individual, group, company, or nation has a monopoly on magic. To insure their grip on power, all magic users that do not submit to them are killed.
•An act of good will spawn one of evil. The use of fire will cause somewhere to grow cold and dark. And to save a life, one must sacrifice another.
•The only magic people have access to is Chaos Magic. No one uses it, for obvious reasons.
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wiltkingart · 2 months
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