#this ain't about them 😈
spenglerposting · 7 months
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whysamwhy123 · 4 months
Of course, it's not any of the fics I wanted to finish. I went back to what is essentially my bread-and-butter now and wrote a short-ish, random OrangeHook fluff. But considering how much writing's been a struggle as of late, I'm just glad that I successfully finished something. I was back in one of those stretches where I couldn't seem to write much of anything. And this fic isn't about their age difference or Hook being a cuddlebug, so...progress?
Unless I decide I completely hate it (which is always a possibility) expect something to drop on Valentine's Day, tis the season, after all.
#What is wrong with you Sam you should not be allowed to write#Small victories you know?#Will I ever get sick of OrangeHook?? Apparently not#Can't even remember the last time they interacted on screen but that ain't stopping my brain LOL#On a more serious note - I really do hope that I can get back into the swing of things and make some real progress#On the bigger fics I want to work on#I want to finish the messy angst OrangeHook fic at some point even if it's unlikely to appeal to anyone#Annnnnd deep down in my cold dead heart I still wanna make an honest attempt at that DG Dead Dove fic#Even though that would be even more unappealing + a huge undertaking because that bitch would be loooooooooong#Also I had a slightly less angsty OrangeHook idea recently about them having their first fight and I wanna write that too for some reason#And there's still a part of me that really wants to continue Business/Pleasure because I have soooo many ideas for that AU#But that would require me to get over my inability to write smut#And I don't know how to do that (would appreciate any advice on that if you've got some...)#But at the same time I don't wanna beat myself up for not being able to write much - if anything - most days#This is a hobby after all - it's supposed to be fun#There ain't no deadline and it's not like I'm letting anybody down#Just gotta do at my own place#And write whatever absolute trash I want to write 😈#My tags are always so obsessive like SHUT THE FUCK UP SAM#But if you've actually read all these - hey. Thanks. Love ya 😘
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gible-love-nibles · 2 years
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Screw it, gonna start posting them
First off we got the OG popular self ship (at least according to one server)
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acapelladitty · 2 months
Line Them Up
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Pairing: Cooper Howard/GN!Reader
Summary - A teasing comment results in Cooper pushing his gun into your mouth and telling you exactly what to do with it. (a/n: It's a gunplay fic so if that ain't your thing then sorry 😈)
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It was your own goddamn fault.
Teasing Cooper always contained an element of risk but that same risk is what made the reward all the sweeter. More times than not, a little ribbing went a long way and ended with you spread across his cock, his vicious mouth splitting its attention between your lips and your neck as he marked you up with a possessive frenzy.
So, maybe, in the grand scheme of things, telling him that you'd rather blow his gun than his cock was not the right choice to make given his already sour attitude due to a failed attempt at scoring some new meds for his stash.
Despite his size, he moves with a fluidity that never fails to catch you off-guard and his body is hard against your own as he knocks you to the floor - rolling you like an alligator with a fresh meal clamped between its teeth until your back is pressing to the filthy floor and his knees are splayed on either side of your hips.
"Gonna regret that comment, sweetheart."
Arousal flooding your gut, the surge of lust tightens your muscles as you make a show of struggling beneath him, fighting back a smirk as he leans down slightly atop your writhing frame.
His cock pressing hard and heavy against your stomach as he pins you in place, Cooper's lips are twisted into a sadistic grin and his bright eyes flash with arousal as he rolls the tip of his filthy pistol across your lips. Flecks of rust and blood break off across your chin as you stick it out with defiance.
"Now, I'm a fair man. So let's put your money where your mouth is. If you can take this little 'ol gun all the way in your mouth then we'll see about replacing it with something a bit easier to swallow." Cooper growls, accent growing thicker with each word as he settles into a familiar disciplinary role. "So, open up, darlin'."
Shuddering, your lips part and the cool taste of metal floods your senses as the barrel of the pistol quickly presses your tongue to the floor of your mouth. You feel trapped and helpless, the pressure of his body and the intoxicating danger of his pistol making your head swim and your toes curl against your shoes.
Sliding the barrel along your tongue, Cooper massages the tip of his gun against your buds - metallic and harsh, and so unlike anything else that you've experienced before. But you take it in stride, flicking the end of your tongue up to taste along the bottom of the barrel, mapping out every groove and indent as he watches you with darkened eyes.
"Good little whore." Humming his approval, Cooper flashed his teeth at you, the colour of them stark against his leathered lips. "You've done this before, I think. A seasoned pro almost. Maybe you do deserve my cock, what do you think?"
Unable to speak, you wrap your tongue around the tip of the gun and pull it deeper within your mouth - a move which scores a rumble of lustful approval from him as he leans in even closer. His face almost touching your own, you can feel the heat rolling off his body and see the slight flare of the ragged skin around where his nose should be as he inhales your scent deeply.
"Yeah. Suck it. Show me how good you can be."
Steeling your nerves against the slight urge to retch as he pushes the gun even deeper towards your throat, you tuck your thumbs within your palms and never shift your eyes from his gaze as you swallow down as much of his pistol as you can, arousal and anxiety making your body shudder and your brain feel fuzzy.
Show me how good you can be.
Teasing Cooper always contained an element of risk, but as you lay together less than an hour later, your throat feeling raw and used from the vicious and merciless battering of his cock against the sensitive skin, the deep look of satisfaction on his features as his head slips down towards your own groin was as sweet a victory as ever.
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itsmealaiah · 5 months
I’m starving for any Eminem fics 😭 could I request one where Marshall introduces his girl to his family (his daughters, 50, just his closest friends and family) please?
yes 🥰 😈
I ain't just showing you off to anybody
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a/n: family man fr
tags/ warnings: slight cursing, reader meeting marshall's fam/ friends, nothing too bad
minors can actually interact? what??
synopsis: when marshall suggests you go to meet those closest to him, you immediately accept, eager to finally meet them.
Your POV:
I had just woken up, it was currently seven a.m., and I barely got even two hours of decent sleep. I was insanely excited, since today was the day we were going to see marshall's family after so long. He had been putting it off as far as I could tell, trying to get the right time, and making sure I was good enough to meet them. I was overjoyed when he finally offered a couple days ago, a sign he truly trusted me. Later this afternoon we were going, since marsh sleeps in quite late, and I need time to get ready.
It wasn't much of a fancy meeting, really. It was quite casual, even marsh told me his family wasn't going to dress up, but I wanted to look nice and presentable. I wanted them to know I was good enough for him, and that his family could rely on me. "Marsh?" I whispered softly, placing a kiss on his forehead, hearing his gentle snores. I smiled, burying my head into his well-defined and toned chest. His slow breathing, the way his chest rose up and down made me nearly fall asleep again, but I kept myself awake, knowing I would sleep just as late as he would if I didn't keep myself in check.
Laying there, I was running through my mind what I would say to his family, how I would act, how my overall attitude would be. I had my dress picked out as soon as he suggested the idea, rushing to our bedroom and finding one with such precision and quickness it even appalled him. It was a little black dress with huge straps, since, again, there were children sure to be running around, and very loose.
I was taken from my thoughts when I felt marsh begin to stir, his body twitching, signaling that he was waking up. I looked up from his chest to see his eyes slowly adjust to his surroundings, seeing me cling to him with love very much present in my eyes. "Morning baby" He grunted, arms wrapping tighter around me. "you excited for today?" he asked, taking one arm away to rub his eye, making his vision more clear. I nodded rapidly. "Mhm!" I squeaked out, and he laughed. "Me too" he replied, getting up from the bed, taking my small frame with him.
"So, what do you want for breakfast?" He led me out of the bedroom. We currently were living in an apartment, it was a bit tiny, but still felt like home. I moved in a couple months ago after he advised me to. "Hmm" I thought for a second, thinking about my current options. "cereal?" I gazed at him curiously. "Cereal it is" He made his way over to the cabinets, grabbing the two half empty boxes of cereal we stored in there. "Which one?" He held up honey nut cheerios, and another box of the cheerios, but in a different flavor. "The second one, I'm tired of eating the bland ones." I stuck out my tongue.
Sitting down at the small counter, he pulled out two bowls from another cabinet, accompanying them with two spoons. "Thank you baby" I smiled, taking them from his hands as he passed them to me, and took the cereal over to us. I poured in the flavorful cereal, quickly digging in. "Hungry, huh?" He watched my ferocious expression as I ate intensely. I grunted, giving him a small 'yes' in between. He ate his too, but slower. He's usually pretty good about not eating a lot separating breakfast, lunch, and dinner, which meant way more for me.
We finished, and sat down on the couch to watch TV, turning on a random channel, too wrapped up in each to really acknowledge what the actors where talking and doing. "What time are we leaving?" I questioned, scooting closer to him, and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder, his thumb rubbing small circles across the exposed skin. "I think two o' clock? we have plenty of time, don't worry" He looked at my face, a mixture of fear and anticipation lying on my features. He picked up on this, pulling me closer into his soft embrace, comforting me.
"They're gonna love you, trust me" He reassured me calmly, kissing the top of my forehead. I was still unconvinced, and let out a small noise as I nuzzled my head into his shoulder. "Aw baby, it's okay" He held me against him, and kissed my nose gently. I felt my unease start to drift away, and I settled into him, letting my fears slip off. "Yeah, you're right" I admitted, picking my head up, leaving a small kiss on his jawline, getting a small groan from him. I grinned, and turned away so my back was facing him, lying on his chest. He stroked my hair, and played with the edges of my top while I snuggled into his soft frame.
I could barely keep myself awake, trying to pry my eyes open each time they fluttered shut for even a second. He again, picked up on this and picked me up, taking my body into his arms, carrying me into our bedroom to lie down and take a nap. When I noticed him not joining, I whined, reaching out for him. "I'm just using the bathroom baby, I'll be back in a couple minutes" and with that, walked out. I slowly fell asleep, my eyes heavy as they shut and my sight went black.
slight time skip sorry
When I woke up, I glanced at the clock on one of the bedside tables, and noticed it was twelve o'clock. I quickly sprang out of the bed, and rushed to the bathroom to apply makeup and get ready. I left marsh in the room alone while I began to prep myself. I had to be perfect, more presentable than I'd ever been before. I slathered on blush, mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick, checking it multiple times in a row before telling myself it was good, and I looked decent enough. Returning to the room, marshall was still lying there, snoring lowly as I crept in, careful not to make a single sound. I grabbed my dress, sliding out of my pajamas and pulled it on, trying to zip it, but to avail, I couldn't do it.
I was scared to wake marsh up, not wanting to disturb his sleep since he woke up so early, but I had no choice. I hesitated, walking over to him slowly, watching my steps and trying my very best not to make a single sound. I shook his arm gently, caressing it and trying to get him to wake up, to help me with this stupid dress. He didn't wake up, so I shook harder, and he started to twitch, eyes fluttering open as they focused on my body, and he rubbed them to see more clearly. "Hey baby, what's wrong?" He groaned, sitting up so he could attempt to see the problem.
"My fucking dress won't zip up" I complained with a huff, crossing my arms over my chest. His eyes fell on my loose dress, assessing the problem. "It's no big deal," he got up, going to my back and quickly zipping it up with ease. "See? no need to be angry" He kissed my shoulder, my skin no longer tense. I sighed. "Thank you love" I turned around to kiss him softly, letting him know I was grateful for him. He mumbled a small "you're welcome" against my skin, and walking over to the small closet to put on comfortable clothes. "You really don't have to dress like that" he reminded, glancing over at me quickly. "I'm okay, I want to look good for your family." I said again, standing my ground.
"Alright, well, you look really fine baby" He complimented, and my face turned bright red, snuggling into the crook of his neck, leaving a gentle kiss on the spot where I knew he was sensitive. He groaned, trying to be quiet, but it didn't quite work, and I laughed. "What? am I funny to you?" He smiled, cocking his head to my direction. I nodded, departing from his side to look at the clock again. It read one, meaning we had an hour. I was ready, and he was too, so we could just relax, and enjoy each other's company. Leaving the bedroom, I took a seat on the couch, flopping down onto the soft cushions.
I was no longer tired luckily, the anticipation consuming my body, so excited to finally meet his family, his friends, the ones who really, truly loved him. I watched him walk over, sitting next to me, pulling me into his embrace once again. I cuddled against him, smiling softly as he rubbed my arms, soothing any other fear still in my body. Our time together was soon up, as the clock struck two, and we made our way out of the apartment, getting to his car and buckling my seatbelt, waiting for him to enter. It was a little car, but it was very comfortable.
He opened the door, plugging the keys in, and turned on the radio along with the air conditioner. I was thankful for that, because the dress was starting to become a little too warm for my comfort. It was about an hour drive to his ex-wife kim's home, where his kids were staying for the weekend. It felt a little weird to be seeing kim, since I was his new girlfriend and all. One of marshall's hand's drifted away from the steering wheel and towards my thigh, and began rubbing small circles over the fabric of the dress, making me look down and smile. "Hey baby, who's all going to be there?" I asked, picking my head up in curiousness.
He kept staring on the road, looking like he was contemplating my question. "Obviously kim and the kids, I asked if fifty's gonna be there and he said yes, and maybe d-twelve'll be there too, they may not though, so don't get your hopes up" He told me, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye, trying to keep focused and not crash. Spending an hour wasn't really a problem, because I loved the time with him. Usually he's busy with the band, or music videos, tours, rehearsals, and more, leaving me at home all alone for either hours or months on end, left to my own resources and comfort.
When we finally made it to kim's home, it was a tiny little place, not so much different than our apartment. "Hi kim!" I gushed, walking over to her, engulfing her body in a hug so tight I might've been squeezing the daylights right out of her. "Nice to meet you" she replied, voice a little shaky. "The kids are outside in the backyard playing around, you can go see them if you'd like" she offered, and my face lit up, nearly running outside to see the girls. Kim and Marshall were left to chat while I talked with the kids, playing games, overall just indulging in what they loved. Hailie was my favorite, since she always was so energetic, taking every chance she got to hang out with me.
After what felt like forever, marsh called me back inside, making me part with the girls, saying goodbyes, promising I would see them later and catch up on the games we played. "Yeah marsh?" I questioned, smoothing out my dress. "What's up?" He nodded his head towards someone, and when I began to figure out who it was, I nearly fell back. "I thought you were joking!" I gasped, immediately going over and introduced myself, shaking his hand rapidly, with a great amount of joy coursing through my veins. "I cannot believe fifty cent is your friend marsh!" I smiled, taking a glance at him to show my happiness. To be truthful, I didn't think he was actually being honest with me, but knowing he was, made me over the moon happy. "Slim, this yo' girl?" He asked, looking at marsh, and he nodded.
"I'm so glad to meet you" I was nearly jumping up and down, my giddiness insanely high. "It's good to meet you too..?" He trailed off, as if wondering my name, and I realized thats what was happening. "y/n" I squeaked. "Y/n" He repeated with a joyful smile playing on his lips. Marsh made his way over to us, wrapping an arm around my upper shoulder, kissing the top of my head. I grinned, burying the side of my face into his side, taking in his scent fully. "We're gonna leave in an hour or two, we have to get home before rush hour, going eight miles an hour" marsh spoke, still holding me tightly against him. I left his grip, going to help kim finish up dinner. "This looks delicious" I complimented. It looked truly exquisite, everything so good I was positive I would be begging for seconds.
"Aw thank you y/n, that really is nice of you" she returned the compliment, giving me a soft smile while placing the food on the kitchen table, setting up the plates and silverware for the seven of us, marsh, herself, me, fifty, and the kids. They really raised the kids well, even though they were only together for a short period of time. "Dinner!" She called to the kids, fifty, and marsh, who all came over very quickly. I, of course, sat next to marsh, hailie taking a seat next to me. When I looked over at her, she was positively overjoyed, just like how I was. Her face was bright, lips curved into a very happy smile.
"How are you hailie?" I questioned, trying to make her smile appear on my face, lips spreading widely. "Im good!" she babbled, clinging to me and hugging me with her little arms. I almost melted at the sight of her eyes scrunched, holding onto me so tightly. I loved her so much. Marsh knew this, and would always take every chance for her to spend time with me. I was very grateful for his attempts at that, keeping my happiness at an all time high every day. "That's great" I gushed, bringing her onto my lap, wrapping my arms around her waist, being careful not to squeeze too tight.
I savored the meal kim had, to me, spent many hours working on, perfecting the recipe for what seemed like days tasting it, the delicious feel of the hot food on my tongue, my tastebuds begging for me. I moaned, eyes widening as I ate every bite. "I'm glad you like it so much y/n" kim laughed, finishing up her plate. I nodded rapidly, taking hailie off my lap, and cleaning off my dinner plate fully, and finding the trash. "It was so good, I loved it." I spoke, my lips messy from the food and how fast I consumed it. "Thank you again" she replied, walking over to the trash and throwing away the leftover food on her plate. "Marsh, you wanna go?" I asked, I didn't want to leave, but I knew he wanted to leave so we could get home easily.
He nodded, getting up from the table, throwing away what he had left, and took me out of the house, saying our goodbyes, thanking kim, and departing. I was on cloud nine, I loved meeting kim for the first time fully, she was so nice. I walked back to the car, putting on my seatbelt once again, and marsh started the hour drove home. I placed my hand on his thigh instead this time, caressing the denim fabric of his jeans, rubbing circles like he once did. I wanted to drift my hand over to his crotch, but I held myself back, saving that for later. I wanted to keep the moment as innocent and carefree as possible, so I didn't.
"Thank you for letting me meet kim and fifty, I loved it" I smiled, leaning over the center console, placing a light kiss on his right cheek. "No problem baby" He whispered, wrapping his fingers around my hand, threading them through mine slowly. The rest of the drive was spent with us whispering small little things to each other, every word that was uttered from his mouth making me blush.
We got home, and I stepped out, my dress quite rumpled up. I didn't really mind, and just walked to the door of our apartment, flopping down onto the couch, lifting my legs onto the upper part, and marsh laughed, taking a seat next to me. "You tired pretty girl?" I nodded slowly, and he took my heels off, unwrapping the straps and placing them on the ground next to the couch. "Thank you" I leaned my head back, finally free of the itchy, uncomfortable shoes.
He picked me up bridal style in his arms, carrying me into the bedroom, my eyes nearly shutting. I mumbled a small 'thank you' once again. He didn't have to do this, he knew that, but he did it anyway, and i was sincerely grateful for this small gesture of his. Slipping down my dress, leaving me in my bra and panties, he laid me down on the bed, stripping everything off but his boxers, and lied down next to me, caressing my cheek slowly, and I fell asleep, his arms pulling me closer, never daring to let me go. I'm truly happy I found someone like him, who truly cares for me like he does.
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brain empty just thoughts full of miguel having a soft spot for you and hobie's relationship
like if you were in different dimensions hobie would beg for miguel to let him visit you.
and if you were in the same dimension he would beg miguel to send him on missions with you
wait now i want to make it a lil fic
kind of a drabble? idk
ok afterthought this is way longer than a drabble lmao mb
word count : 561 😭
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it was a peaceful day at the spidersociety's headquarters. all the anomalies you and hobie have caught while patrolling were imprisoned in their cages, you did your daily patrolling chores and now boredom seemed to have gotten the best of you.
sometimes when you're bored, you wonder what your boyfriend was doing. well, factually speaking he was not quite your boyfriend, because of his "i hate labels" stuff, but it was most likely the two of you had something
sadly you spent most of your time wondering how he was going. you couldn't communicate because your communicator broke and miguel decided hobie had to give his to you.
you know what? fuck that hierarchy thing, just because some vampire spider man didn't want you to multi dimensional travel doesn't mean you wouldn't.
you then left your small apartment and headed to the headquarters.
"don't even think of it." firmly said miguel.
"what? i didn't even say anything yet-" you say.
"your backpack. it's the one you always bring with you when i send you in missions with hobie. considering the disaster it made when i left gwen visit miles last time, i am not letting this happen a second time." he said firmly.
"please." you try to beg. "it has been weeks since you last sent us on a mission together. plus it's soon our birthday and we celebrate all of them together. please? i promise you won't hear anything from me next."
"fine" he sighed, "but only for three days."
"four days? please?" you try to negotiate.
(i don't know how to describe it but imagine him pinching his nose yknow the thing he did In the movie)
"if i let you go, will you stop harassing me ?" he asked, visibly annoyed.
"pinky promise!" you exclaim, "thank you so much!"
he then opened a portal which led you to your boyfriend's dimension. you walked a bit to the bar where he probably was, as usual.
once you arrived, riri, one of hobie's best friend, warmly greeted you.
"glad to see you around!" she says with a warm smile. "if you're here to see hobie, he's in the back!."
you then headed to the room in the back of the building. you did find him practicing with his band. taking care to not disturb them, you sat on a small table in the back of the room.
you couldn't help but admire him. despite everything he went through, he always kept going.
"hobes", said a member of the group."i think someone's waiting for you."
as soon as he noticed your face, you could see his instantly lit up.
once his practice went all smooth, the two of you headed outside. a fresh breeze greeted you as the two of you tried to catch up on the lost time.
"i can't believe miguel let you come there" he says in disbelief. "i ain't complaining though, i missed my sunshine a whole bunch" he continues before kissing you.
"i missed you too, hobie," you murmur with a soft smile.
the two of you kept wandering in the streets, talking about random things.
"you down for cuddles, sunshine?" he asked as you came back home.
the two of you sat on the floor, your head on his chest, feeling his soft heartbeat.
eventually you both drifted to sleep, his hand playing with your hair.
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yoooo 🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻 call me the ceo of ooc hobie atp x)
uhhh yea sorry the end is a bit rushed but 😭😭 also im in an agsty mood so i'll write smth when reader finds out hobie is cheating on them when they come to his dimension 😈😈
ALSO if you want some sleepy hobie hcs you can find them here ! :D
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jugoswolf5678 · 10 months
Ghost x AFAB!Reader 🔞
Summary: Simon gets jealous of König so he destroys your 😺 as punishment 😈
⚠️CW⚠️: mature/sexual themes
She seriously irked him.
Despite the relationship going on strong, Simon still felt as if he could not trust his lover 100%.
Still, he could not blame her for being the way she was. Y/N was the type of woman to try to get on the good side of her closest peers, to get them to feel as relaxed as her. Surely some would see her overfriendly aura to be quite stifling. Though that did not deter her mission to spread positivity.
But many would wrongly assume Y/N's manner as rather perverse.
And this is just the case with Simon. He has observed some of the exchanges with her and his fellow comrades, causing an unpleasant twinge in his chest, and he did not want to acknowledge that fact.
But he couldn't avoid it forever.
"Bro, are you even listening?" Johnny waved his fork in front of Simon's face. He was staring hard at Y/N exchanging pleasantries with a certain Austrian.
Johnny heaved a sigh of slight irritation. "C'mon mate. You can't be starin' at them forever. Y/N ain't the type to wander astray."
"And how would you know that?" Simon scoffed, turning his head towards him with a twitch in his eye.
"Trust me, I know. It's painfully obvious what's goin' on." Johnny was unable to hide the smirk creeping on his face.
"Go on..."
"I don't have to, man. Don't you trust the poor girl?"
Simon pinched the bridge of his nose. "Tch..."
Johnny pondered for a moment. "Maybe remind her of what she has?"
"What are you on about, Soap?" Simon snapped.
"Teach her a lesson. Put her in her place." Johnny pointed his fork in the other man's face. "You know damn well where I'm goin' with this."
"Fuckin' hell..."
Everything came to a head the next day. König and Y/N were heavily engaged in a discussion regarding their childhoods and the struggles they've had to endure. Simon took notice of this, and discovered some intimate details that Y/N refrained from telling him.
It felt like a real slap to the face, to say the least.
"The hell is going on here?" Simon stormed over, placing a protective hand on Y/N's shoulder.
"We're just reminiscing of our pasts is all," König started. "Is that a problem?"
Y/N was snatched away from the table before she was able to register. Simon tossed her over his shoulder as though she weighed nothing, and swiftly carried her away towards his cabin room.
"Scheiße. Hope she can still walk after this." König stifled a snicker.
Y/N was shoved into the cabin room. "What the heck's your problem, man?!"
Simon said nothing. He only responded by glaring into her confused yet slightly frightened eyes. Rather than yell, he wanted to show her exactly with whom he had a bone to pick.
"Simon, baby, you're scaring me... What's the matter?" She tried asking him, but was once again met with silence.
He slowly sauntered over to Y/N, backing her into the wall. Caging her with his massive arms, he trapped her like a lion about to pounce on its prey.
Y/N felt a cramp in her throat, and she could feel her eyes stinging. "Simon, I don't understand, why are you so mad at me? König-"
"It's always about that bastard with you, isn't it?! Fuck me, right?!" Simon roared, making her flinch and causing a fresh trail of salty tears to fall.
"What are you-oh!" Y/N began, but was cut off when she felt a sharp sting to her lower backside.
"You don't speak unless I allow you to. Got that?" He whispered in her ear. His hot breath and stubble had sent a shiver down her back.
Another fierce slap to the ass shut her up immediately. "What did I just fuckin' say? Shut your goddamn mouth!"
"Why are you-"
Simon grabbed her chin, forcing Y/N to look him directly in his eyes. Not once had she ever seen him this livid before, his anger was near palpable.
"What part of 'do not speak unless spoken to' do you not understand?" He snarled. The grip on Y/N's chin tightened a smidgen, sending a small shock to her chest.
"Since you can't learn to close that mouth of yours on your own, I guess I'll have to do it for you." Simon spouted. Y/N could swear she saw an almost sadistic smirk crawl on his face.
Not wanting to disobey him, she immediately fell to her knees. Simon's abnormally large tent stared her right in the face, and to say she is terrified would be a massive understatement.
"You're a smart girl. You know what to do, and you know what'll happen if you fuck up." He glared down at her, increasing her fear tenfold.
Y/N shakily reached for Simon's bulge and caressed the outline of his thick shaft. Pulling the zipper down, she let his erection out of the confines of his pants, nearly slapping her in the face. She wrapped her small hand around his girth, and started to gently pump him. The pulsing she felt in her pussy was beginning to become uncomfortable.
She started with a slow, long lick from base to tip, peppering little kisses along the sides of Simon's cock. Leaving out breathy whimpers, Y/N opened wide and swallowed as much of him as she could manage, jerking what she couldn't fit.
Y/N closed her eyes, but snapped them open when Simon lightly popped her left cheek.
"Nope. You close your eyes again and you ain't gettin' a single drop of cum. That's the deal."
She continued to work his cock in her mouth, lidded eyes staring into Simon's. The last thing she needed was being denied one of the things she craved the most.
Her almost inaudible moans sent tiny vibrations through Simon's cock. She sucked and pumped him with gusto, not letting her stare be broken a second time. She almost forgot that her pussy was craving attention too, but as she reached her hand between her plush thighs, he pulled her off his cock with a less than pleased expression.
"Tut tut tut, that won't do either. No touching that pussy of yours unless I say so."
Y/N only responded with more tears falling and another pained whine.
"Aw, did I hurt your precious feelings?" Simon sneered. "Imagine how I felt when I saw you with König all those times..."
His mischievous grin grew wider as he violently rocked his hips into Y/N's face, forcing his entire length down her throat. She held on tight to Simon's thighs as she gagged, struggling to take him in her mouth.
"Tell you what," Simon began. "If you can hold my dick in your throat for 30 seconds, then MAYBE I'll allow you to speak..."
The pain between Y/N's legs was next to unbearable. If Simon didn't allow her to touch herself for another second, she was certain she'd die.
Thirty seconds had passed, and thankfully Y/N has been able to take Simon's cock with no trouble. When the time was up, he slowly removed her head, his length completely soaked with her saliva.
"You did so well this time." He caressed Y/N's face, wiping a few tears away. At this point, he expected her to speak up and ask for forgiveness, but she refused to utter a word.
"You can talk now." Simon lifted Y/N's head up, her glossy eyes staring back at him.
"You're what? Use your words." He cocked his head to the side.
"I'm sorry..." She hung her head, facing away from Simon in shame.
"Hmmm...Maybe I'll forgive you, on one condition." He replied.
"What do you want me to do?" Her voice got quieter with each word.
"Prepare yourself, darling. Like I said earlier, you're a smart girl. And you know what'll happen if you fuck up."
The room was filled with the sounds of wet slaps and Y/N's pitiful cries. Her pussy was overwhelmed with pleasure, she felt like every thrust would send her over the edge.
Simon had her bent over the edge of his bed, holding her arms behind her as he brutally fucked her senseless. Touching every sensitive spot deep inside her, he wanted to hear her cry out his name and beg for his release.
"Tell me, princess. Can König make you feel this good?"
"N-No..." She breathed.
"It's a damn shame he'll never get to feel how wet and tight your cunt is. A goddamn shame..." Simon's thrusts began to quicken, becoming more fierce and rough.
"Simon, I'm close-! W-Wanna cum!"
At her words, he immediately pulled out, keeping Y/N from her prize.
"I don't think you deserve my cum, sweetie. Have you learned your lesson tonight?" He lightly soothed the tender skin of her pussy, coating his fingers with her arousal.
"Yes I have! Please, I beg you! I want you!"
"What about König?" He whispered in her ear again.
"Never! I only want you! Please let me cum!"
Simon clutched both sides of her ass cheeks and plunged deep into her sopping cunt. Shrieking, Y/N swore her cervix had been breached. She had far underestimated his size, but she did not care one bit. All she wanted was for Simon to paint her cunt white with his seed.
The dam inside Simon finally bursts, shooting ropes of his warm, thick cum into her pussy. Y/N wailed in response, a far away look of satisfaction plastered on her face. She breathed out a sigh of relief, not only because he forgave her, but for also being left a cum filled husk in the process.
"And the next time I catch you pulling some shit like that, I'm gonna tie his ass up and fuck you in front of him. Got that?"
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neldeathstar · 5 months
The Angband Babies 😈💖
I have a headcanon story about Melkor and Mairon having children.
To Melkor it was forbidden to get children with his Maia, but as usual he doesn't care about Eru's rules. His love to Mairon was so strong that it had to happen. As Mairon is an intersexual being he is able to receive and give birth. For the time of the pregnancy his fana becomes mortal though, so they kept all their pregnancies a secret.
Besides their strong love for each other and the resulting strong desire to have children there was another reason for Melkor to have own descendants: he needed some future leaders for his conquered parts of Arda. Also Eru forbid him to create life with his own hands and with reproducing with his Maia he was able to trick this rule.
So they became four children as an act of rebellion. This post is about the first three of them. The first born Shiak'ul (meaning Ice rain in black speech) , the second Melron and the third Madh'gâsh (great fire). They are all of different temper and personalities.
These children, three sons, shall later rule over several districts when Melkor subdued Arda. The youngest , Madh'gâsh, is looking up to his oldest brother and is always behind him. Melron is the blonde one, to the worrying of his parents he's becoming softer than his siblings, he doesn't like violence and is curious about the outer world. Shiak'ul is the oldest son, he loves to impress Mairon and one day he wants to surpass his Vala father, he already feels pain when touching the Silmaril in his father's crown cause his soul ain't innocent anymore, while Melron can still touch them. Melron is dearly attached to Melkor, hoping to heal his pain one day.
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murfpersonalblog · 13 days
IWTV S2 Ep4 Musings - Loumand
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Assad was NOT. PLAYING.
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Put those village feeders AWAY, sir~! 😍 You look ready to start lactating, omg! Assad NEVER misses a day at the gym!
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What happened to y'all being so in sync, fellas?
Armand seems WAY more delusional here than Louis, for once. Which is telling--Armand had long been "failing" to hold onto his coven, and his authority.
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Louis reading about Death while his daughter's arguing for her life, I can't.
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And this little shrug when Armand punished Claudia, omfg, he is giving weak-willed-mother-who-lets-the-mean-stepfather-run-roughshod-over-her-kids-cuz-the-peen-is-too-good-and-he-pays-all-the-bills.
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So we go from Lestat's "the Meat" and Claudia's "Kill Juice" to Armand's "Cattle."
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NGL, I'd be pissed if I was the coven, too. How you gon' have this dude sit there not needing to follow the rules, while all of us are stuck wearing clown makeup and having our makers killed cuz of your dumb rules?!
I REALLY like this mutinous angle AMC's using, fleshing out the tension in the coven more, cuz it really makes sense.
I get that Louis would want to be around, but omfg cut the umbilcal already! I agree with the coven: like, WHY are you there exactly? Not even the worst helicopter moms are allowed to sit in class with their kids all day, so wtf? And I agree that Armand needs to draw MUCH thicker lines in the sand. Coven business is coven business--if Louis' not gonna even be allowed to speak up in Claudia's defense, then he shouldn't be there at all. ESPECIALLY if he's gonna flaunt how much he doesn't GAF about their rules--their CULTURE.
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Aw crap, you got the homie Estelle mad, too?!
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You done effed up, Louis--that's the smile of a psychopath. XD
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Oh, he's keeping SOMETHING tight, he ain't lyin! 😜
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LOUIS! The ONE time you should've lied, omfg! 🤦 It's called making a UNITED FRONT, ffs!
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Louis said Hot Girl Summer--literally.
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Louis said it only works when he's PISSED OFF, OH LAAAWWWWD!
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This bit scared the crap out of me--at first I was like the coven's gonna jump y'all in your skivvies!? 😂 Then I was like wait--was that a crew member?! How did y'all not catch that in post!?
And then it all became clear.
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*crosses self* HISSSSS.
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CLEARLY it's not "great," when your man's man is throwing shade at your whole setup in Louis' head. 😬 Armand, you're barking up the wrong Rebound Tree, my guy.
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The face that launched 1000 undead theatre kids into a blazing inferno. THE Louis of Troy, yaaaas~!
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And this is likely why Louis believes what Armand said about him teaching Lestat the Mind Gift, cuz Armand taught Louis the Fire Gift.
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Oh trust, we know you do, Armand. But how much does LOUIS know? 👀 ESPECIALLY when he doesn't go on hunts with y'all.
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This can only end well.... 😬😈
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AMC knows what they're doing--you knooooow that would've hurt Les to his core, if he knew Lou said ILY to Armand after only 1.5 years, when he (allegedly) never said it once to Lestat in 30. U_U Cuz you don't effing deserve it yet, Lestat! It's no skin off Lou's back to say that to Armand, cuz he's not REALLY giving up anything. He's not joining their stupid coven, and he's fine with them killing him. But Lou admitting that he loves Lestat means he'd have to take accountability for his COMPLICITY in everything that went wrong in his life, and that he chose Lestat over his entire family, his religion, his self respect, his sanity, ALL of it, for some heinous blonde Frenchman, lord have mercy. 😔 It's a hard pill to swallow.
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And he's REALLY in the deep end now, if he expects his imaginary (boy)friend to start keeping promises. 🤦
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maahtigor · 1 month
Okay. First of all.
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I did NOT expect 74 people to vote in the poll 😭🙏🙏🙏 (what the hell, where the fuck did y'all come from?????)
Second of all,,
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Just to state it here before I start yapping my ever living soul out, Shiver is an eastern tall-man, Frye is a beast-man (like Izutsumi) and Big Man is a kobold. I can get a bit more into their designs and headcanons in another post, but today I want to focus on the lore.
It allllllll roots back to Shiver and Frye's fathers, who were friends since lord knows when. They were a team of burglars, looters, thieves, whatever you may call them, but in the end of the day just let it be clear that they were BAD. And they engaged in BAD shit, like looting corpses in dungeons and stealing from people's houses.
One day, they hit a huge one, they got into the house of this really rich dude that turned out to traffic beast men and other illegal creatures. And the rich being rich and caring about their richness, the security was top notch, and let's just say they struggled to get out of the place alive. BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They left in NO WAY empty handed.
While looting the place, Frye's father found a kobold cub, chained up inside a cage in the corner beside other creatures likely being sold illegally. He brought the cub with him, and after almost getting their asses turned into kebabs by traps everywhere, the two companions were like "holy FUCK i ain't ever ever ever doing this shit again man.,.,. Wgart the ehll,,,,,, I'm getting too old for this, hell naw!!!!!!!" and decided to settle down as (this time legal) and functioning members of society. Shiver's father opened a dojo, while Frye's father opened a restaurant.
However, the rich guy who owned the house was PISSED (and also happened to be a black magic user......... woah how unlucky of them) and as revenge for stealing his wealth and freeing their beast men, cursed Frye's expecting father, mending the soul of his firstborn with the soul of a monster. And alas, that's how the critter was born😋🙏🔥💯😭
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So yeah!!!!!!! Frye is a beast man just like Izutsumi is a beast man. They're the same typa monster, pretty much, except that Frye is a leopard instead of a housecat.
Anyway, back to the kobold pup; you guessed it, BIG MAN (or Big Dog?), being raised in the Onaga's restaurant, was always raised around the kitchen, both because he was genuinely interested in watching people cook and because he hoped to get food that fell from the floor lmfao-- as years went by, he started working as a server, apprentice, and eventually assistant chef of the family-ran restaurant. (So yeah, Biggie is the party's chef!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He also has an incredible sense of smell when it comes to cooking btw, both because of genuine talent and because of his race).
Ironic to his early years as a burglar, Shiver's dad grew to become quite the overprotective father once his daughter started growing up, wanting her to do anything but follow his steps and become a criminal before the age of 20. That backfired though, because she started running off to hang out with Frye causing all sorts of trouble (and eventually dragged Big Dog into it all too). The three were raised almost like siblings, and later on joined together as a party and continued to cause all sorts of troubles inside dungeons, where they eventually bumped into the other idols and started this whoooole story years later.
(They weren't all like their fathers though, instead of keeping the money they got from dungeons to themselves they gave it to the poor, much like their canon bandit dynamics.)
Anyway, that's the end of the yapping session, I hope y'all enjoyed (and if you did, please enjoy this page I doodled while blasting ToyBox in my headphones 🦄🙏 perhaps I'll outline and color this one day, but not now because it's 1:30 in the morning while I'm typing this out.)
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This is INSANE LMFAO I CANNOT BELIEVE I FUCKING DEFEATED THEM no wonder why they felt so gahdamn real I ain't ever fought an energy that was that FUCKING TERRIFYINGLY TANGIBLE I could still feel their prints on my entire body for hours after waking up after intentionally entering a portal through the dreamworld. They felt fucking realer than fucking humans. They wouldn't let me wake the fuck up in my own room until I energetically beat their ass.
I wanted to know what the fuck happened to me in the portal and what the fuck was that I just encountered and then I fucking see this lmfao baby I'm a terrifyingly undefeated ancient spiritual warrior my soul's ancient you can't defeat me and I know you're mad about that😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 I wasn't playing when I said EVIL FEAR ME
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If I can defeat them, I can fucking defeat ANYTHING...............
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meltedbuttersblog · 10 months
twst dealing with karens
riddle: gets angry too, no cuss words or insults in an attempt to remain professional, but is still upset nonetheless
trey: PROFESSIONAL KAREN WRANGLER. bro can weave his way around a karen so well he almost doesn't have to think about it.
ace: cussing them out if it gets heated, but angry explanations and plenty of "bruh" "nah get out of my drivethru/store"
deuce: trying SO HARD to be good boy and not beat the shit out of that guy. if it's a girl obv he's trying to be nice too but he's sliding in the occasional passive aggressive comment.
cater: "BYE" "BUH-BYE" "YOU CAN LEAVE NOW" "BYE" *recording with his phone*
leona: not dealing with karens cuz he's too lazy for that. probably in the back room sleeping when he hears a loud noise and discovers an argument went on.
ruggie: "come on, don't do this." "alright look-" bro is the 'no one wants to do this job, no one wants to hear you screaming, so just quit and MAYBE you'll get what you want'
jack: people are too intimidated by him to be karens
azul: passive agressive comments
jade: passive agressive comments BUT if provoked he will cuss people out
floyd: cutely threatens the karens. they don't think he's serious but he gives them a look that means he's absolutely dead serious
kalim: might cry. like, he actually might start crying. that or he'll be the one who is speaking as nice as possible while being screamed at in the worst most cruelest way
jamil: ain't got time for that. get out of the establishment or shut your mouth.
vil: is the karen. not the bad karen but the "um excuse me? he asked for no pickles" kinda guy
rook: SEDUCE SWDUCE FLIRT SEDUCE FLIRT *rolls d20 dice and gets a natural 20* HE'S SEDUCING THAT KAREN 😈😈😈 (somehow it works) (it always works, it's rook)
epel: also an "um excuse me? he asked for no pickles" kinda guy but would deal with karen's in the most southern way possible. i have no idea what that means but he'd do it. if they're an older customer he'd fiddle his way around the karenism cuz he's good at old people.
idia: "*cries*" he either cries or just completely shuts down and stops talking.
ortho: tries his best to satisfy their needs while following the rules he's given by the workplace
malleus: not a karen, doesn't deal with karens
lilia: sneaky little bitch in response
sebek: uhhh whatever tenya iida do (aka explaining why he cannot make a return on 3 year old musty dusty crusty heels when the return policy is 30 days and in good condition) (and doing so very loudly)
silver: sleeping in the back room with leona, was out there cuz he passed out as a result of his possible narcolepsy
che'nya: continues to instigate the karen
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melloween-candie · 1 year
Fiona Cheated [F.G]
Cheater/Fiona x Reader Headcanon
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A/n - This is basically a drabble headcanon 😘 still hope you enjoy~
Warning! Spoilers, cheating
Word count: 433
Shameless Masterlist
Fandom Masterlists
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Y'all know this ain't knew for Fiona. She cheated once she can do it again. (If you were spoiled, that was your fault! I put the warning!)
This girl falls in and out of love with so many guys it's unbelievable.
Now I know a lot of people love this girl and think she's a good person, she even thinks that too but she won't be able to help herself.
She's the kind of girl no one can tie down.
She tries to play the victim too.
If she got caught cheating, she wouldn't even know what to say.
She'd try to apologize and pray that your relationship could move past it.
But let's be real. Once you find her cheating, she'll be sorry, but she will try to find reasons to get mad at you too.
She was raised in a bad family, so she's used to this kind of stuff.
However, normally she's on the other end. She doesn't create the problems she normally fixes them.
Obviously, her family would be really disappointed in her.
Ian would probably talk to you about it and try to help you heal.
Lip would probably tell you to break up with her.
Carl would just be dumbfounded.
And Debbie would probably be snarky about it, like, "Of course, she would!"
Now the reason why Fiona would cheat would differ.
One reason could be because she wasn't actually in love with you like she thought.
Two, she still has feelings for someone else.
Three, she finds someone else more attractive.
You also have to understand whether she likes it or not, she's in love with danger.
She's addicted to it.
Fiona wouldn't necessarily mean to cheat on you, though. I mean, she is dating you for a reason.
She does care about your feelings, so if she did end up cheating, she'd try to hide it from you.
Of course, she also cares about her image too...
She doesn't have a strong hold on her willpower. I mean, she'll try to say no to the person who wants her to cheat on you with them. But she'll ultimately fail.
Again she's in love with danger.
All I can say is that Fiona doesn't really know what's good for her when it comes to relationships.
I mean, seriously, have you seen her exes?
Overall she is sorry.
And she's not crazy, so she understands if you want to break up.
In truth, you'd actually have her mental state in a bind. So for a short time, you could probably make her do whatever you want.😈
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drabbles-mc · 3 days
Okay....Another one for the dirty headcanon game
K - Kissing (what parts of their body do they like having kissed? what parts of their partner do they enjoy kissing? do they like leaving marks / having marks left on them?)
Parental, I'm gonna need the skinny on Manny, Angel, Gilly, Coco & RIZ!!!! 😩
🌺🌺🌺🌺<- Your flowers in advance😘
the way i have been marinating on this for all of these boys. have i delved into yet another mayans rewatch????? PERHAPS!!! no one can prove anything 😂
thoughts below the cut! 👀
manny???? manny with no damn surname??? i know deep down in the corners of my soul that this man is fully aware that he was put here on this earth with a neck like that because it was made to be kissed and bit on. he is too smart to not know that. i know he knows it and i know he enjoys it. he can ink that shit up all he wants but it's not gonna stop me!!! that's for damn sure! 😈
and i also think that he is the type to reciprocate in kind, too. he knows better than anyone that kissing on his girl's neck is gonna turn her into a puddle 'cause it does the same damn thing to him. and i know he's the type to hold your jaw while he does it too to give himself better access. he's not a man that's gonna be stopped once he's set his mind to it. i also think he's the type to kiss your hands and knuckles too. just so he can look at you while he does it. as far as marking goes, i think he'll do it if he knows that his girl is into it but i feel like he doesn't do it in the possessive way that other guys do sometimes. he knows he's got you he doesn't have to worry about things like that. and he's right! 😌
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you and i both know that Angel is gonna kiss you wherever he can reach at any given moment. he doesn't care. he will find a way he will make it work. any exposed skin is fair game. lounging on the couch in shorts? congratulations: thighs and calves covered in kisses. cooking in the kitchen wearing a tank top? winner winner- you are no longer cooking because he is kissing all over your shoulders and arms and you're not about to burn yourself trying to stop him. thought you had about five seconds of privacy going from towel to pajamas after your shower?? sike!!! you already know what happens next 😈
i also think that Angel, with a leg/torso ratio like that, is definitely the type of guy to go weak in the knees when his girl does that thing where she starts off kissing him on the lips but then kisses down his whole chest and stomach when she's dropping to her knees to go down on him. like he's already stoked because he know what's about to happen, but then she does that???? he's done. game over. everybody wins. he's also got an unspoken but perfectly well-known rule that for every mark he gets he gives one in return. it's only fair that way, after all. and he's not wrong! he's gonna pretend to pitch a fit about it though.
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Gilly "i'll kiss you wherever i can reach while i'm holding you someway somehow" Lopez. cupping your face with both hands while he kisses you on the lips. hands on your chest while he's kissing your neck. slipping them into your back pockets or in the waistband of your jeans while pulling you closer and kissing your jaw and shoulders. hands on your thighs and ass when he's got you on your back kissing down your stomach and between your lips. Gilly said kissing is a full-body activity and he ain't ever been wrong!
all things being equal i think that Gilly is the type to lose it just a little bit when he's got someone who is just very gentle and soft with him when they kiss him. there is a time for being rough of course of course but Gilly who has seen and done and been through so much definitely still double-takes when his girl just peppers soft little kisses in passing. a peck on the cheek or the shoulder when she walks by or doesn't want to distract him from whatever he's doing but still wants to give some affection. i dooooo think that this man will get weak if you kiss his hands. pressing a kiss to his palm when he's holding your face, kissing his knuckles when you're holding hands. he's all about it. new level also instantly gets unlocked the second you suck on his fingers i don't make the rules but i do know that that's one of them 😏
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I think that Coco is another one who is very touchy when he's kissing but it's 110% about making sure that you are just as in the moment of it as he is. if he's kissing you AND you can feel his hands and body against you everywhere there is no way you're thinking about anything else besides him and that is exactly what he's looking for. he doesn't really care about PDA all that much, not when he knows that behind closed doors he can have you pinned back against the wall with your hands gripping onto his shirt or running through his hair. there's no contest there for him. he knows what he's about.
Coco's also the type to try and roll his eyes and call you childish when you leave hickeys on his neck where the guys will be able to see them and give him shit about them. but you also can't help but to notice that he never actually tries to stop you. you also notice that you'll catch him looking at them in the mirror in the bedroom or the bathroom and smiling after the fact when he thinks you aren't paying attention. he's not one who is much for thinking about the past unless it's something like that. how could he not?
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Michael Ariza, mi amor. the man who deserved to be showered in 1000 kisses on that show and got none 😭 whenever I think about him I always think about that scene where he's playing guitar and sprawled in the girl's lap at the clubhouse. I just. i KNOW my man wants to be laid up like that with his girl all the time. got easy access to kiss her legs and grab her hand to kiss that too. gets to pull her down and have her kiss him on the lips. all that soft mushy stuff?? sign that man the fuck up he's all but begging for it. he just wants someone to hold his face while they kiss him and I personally don't think that's too much to ask for 🥹
I doooo however think that he is not the type to really be into being marked up or do a whole lot of marking. I've got no evidence to back that claim except a feeling in my gut. he's not gonna pitch a whole fit if it happens (or maybe he will 😂) but if he sees it's gonna he is gonna distract and divert somehow.
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godddd these boys. they'll be the end of me. 🥵
Dirty Headcanon Game
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reashot · 1 year
New Years Hangover
Jaune is woken up by the first sun of the new years.
Jaune: Uhhh my head what just happened... I felt like I been hit by a truck... Why am I naked?
Ruby: Ahhh Good morning... And happy new years Jaune. ☺
Jaune: R-Ru-Ruby why, why are you in my bed. And where are your clothes. D-did we do it last night?
Ruby: What? N--
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Why yes... We did do it last night. Multiple times actually. And we did it all night long and in every position imaginable and unimaginable. You even filled me with so much of your baby batter I can't even close it right. 😏
Jaune: Oh gods I'm a monster... I'm a horrible drunk monster for laying my hands on you.
Ruby: It's true. You actually took my first time. And I didn't have the time to give consent. 🫢
Jaune: What? Say it is not so. Please Ruby tell me I didn't do you know what...
Ruby: I'm afraid so. You forced yourself on me Jaune... Even when I told you many times not to... 😌
Jaune: I, I, I will give myself up to the Vale Police the first thing I do... I'm sorry Ruby, I'm so sorry.
Ruby: 😧!!! Oh no you don't! You can't give yourself up! 😨
Jaune: B-but Ruby I did something horrible to you...
Ruby: Y-you just can't! Okay, because, because I'm pregnant with your baby!!! 😫
Jaune: You what???!!!!
Ruby: Y-yes that's it. Ain't no way I'm gonna let my baby daddy go to prison. You don't want little Jaune junior to grow up without a dad do you? 👶
Jaune: I, I guess not but a baby... I guess I have to take responsibility by marrying you then. I mean you're my best friend. So getting married to you maybe isn't so bad.
Ruby: Yes Jaune you have to take responsibility for putting a bun in my oven. Now you have no choice but to marry me. 😈
While Ruby gaslight Jaune into marrying her something stir under a blanket near the two of them.
Ciel: *Yawn* Good morning everyone... Oh it's this time already.
Jaune: Why are you naked too? Oh gods did I do something to you too?
Ciel: *grabs Jaune arm to snuggle* Can't you tell?
Ruby: What?! No don't trust that hussy! You only did it with me Jaune. 😡
Ciel: Actually you did it with both of us... You made us service you together, then you take your time taking turn with us, forcing us to came and then you finished inside both us... I think I might already be pregnant with your child, daddy.
Jaune: I, I, I....
Ruby: You lying Bitch!!! Stay away from my man! 🤬
Ciel: Hey all is fair in love and war... And besides a Man like Jaune is wasted on you. He is better suited with someone like me.
While the two girls trying to claw each other eyes out. Something starts to stir under the blanket again...
Penny: Salutation! Friend Ruby, Ciel and Jaune.
*glomp at Jaune's chest*
Ruby: Penny? What are you doing here and why are you also naked?
Penny: Greetings friend Ruby, both Ciel and I were invited to celebrate new years festivity. Then friend Jaune accidentally ingest some alcohol....
Jaune: That's it! Please tell me what happened Penny. Did I do something to both Ruby and Ciel while I'm blacked out?
Penny: Ahh.... No you did not do anything to both friend Ruby and Ciel.
Jaune: Oh sweet, mother of. Thank you, oh lord. I'm not a rapi-
Penny: You did it with all three of us.
Jaune: *internally screaming*
Penny: In fact after you done with both of them. You start lusting after me saying. "Ha, ha, now that I had both Rupus, and Cipus now I want the Ropus" Then you starts to ravish me, tore of my dress, then stuck your gigantic cable inside of me, then pour some white liquids inside of me. And now I might have a little mini penny soon.
Jaune: I-I think might need some time to process this...
Ruby: No Jaune she's lying, you only did it with me and Robot can't get pregnant. 🤰
Ciel: Yes you only have to take responsibility for me. Don't worry about these others two. Just dump them somewhere in the alley.
Penny: He, he Friend Ruby and Ciel this game is so fun.
Jaune: Don't treat me like I'm some sort of a game!!!
Meanwhile outside the room peeking inside to watch the scene of carnage.
Yang: LOL this is so much fun. I should give Jaune more alcohol if I get to see more of this.
Weiss: You seriously need to get another hobby.
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Heh, heh, *slurp* more, more, I need more. More fuel for my novel!
Yang: And I think Blake has lost it...
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chenyann · 2 years
Sleeping on The First years♡
Ace trappola,Deuce spade,Jack howl,Epel felmier and Sebek zigvolt
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This is coming out later than I expected 😭 the epel fic will be done tomorrow tho and I've been working on a masterlist and a intro page so I've been working hard💪 and I was halfway done with this and it deleted all my progress so yeah♡~yako
Tw:sebek Fluff/crack
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He was just talking about how much he hates riddle then boom weight on his shoulder!
Lowkey just got scared 
He thought it was riddle lol
He was surprised and a little offended when you fell asleep in the middle of his rant
He grabbed a nearby pen 
Yep you know where this is going y/nnie
BUT!?BUT!!!He doesn't do it?
Why you may ask well that's because 1.your his crush 2.he doesn't want to have all his fingers broken(‐^▽^‐)
But…ngl….you look kinda cute
100% strokes your head
Plays on his phone while you sleep
He almost woke you up cause he got jumpscared from a video Carter sent him.
Tells you to go back to sleep
You did cause school just ain't it 😒
Would kill anyone who makes too much noise near you🧡🧡
"Here Ace I can take them to a bedroom"
"No! it's okay I'll keep them here"
"Just cause you like them don't mean-"
"I don't like them! They are just keeping my shoulder warm"
He will take it to his grave that the ONLY reason he kept you there was too keep him warm 
Takes a picture of you 
Maybe took a few more🤫
He would threaten to use it as black mail
Don't believe him he's a liar
Wouldn't want anyone else to see your sleeping face 
Brags to the other first years
Acts like a lil snot when you wake up
"Just couldn't resist me huh prefect?"
"Wait I didn't mean it y/n!!! DONT IGNORE ME!?!??!
I wholeheartedly believe mama Spade would call him her little cuddle bug and nothing you say of do will change that  y/nnie♡
He was just doing his thing laying on his back
You come swooping down laying on his chest
Was flustered 
He was about to sit up and ask you if youre okay
But he felt that you got lighter
Did you fall alseep???
Wait…are you breathing!?!??!..!.
Omg did you faint!??!?!. CALL HELP!??!?!?
Wait….oh. you are breathing,I can hear your light snoring!
Would want to move you cause he thinks you are not comfortable enough.💚💚
He just decided that he won't risk waking you up again 
He stayed there….doing nothing 
This reminds him when he slept with his mom when he was little
Plays with your hair like how  his mom use to do to him🥰🥰
And hummed like she did to him
Would throw something at someone if they were too loud near you
Almost threw you
He actually got too wound up and kinda woke you up
Apologized and held you close
He ended up falling asleep too due to having nothing to do
Other than play with your hair, he didn't want to wake you up cause he tugged your hair by mistake 
Carter took photos of yall
He held you closer as yall slept🧡🧡
Two cuddle bugs♡♡
"Prefect are you getting enough sleep? You fell asleep on me yesterday."
"No need to apologize,I didn't mind I was just worried that's all"
He was reading his book when you asked to lay on his lap
He didn't expect you to fall asleep 
Worried about you not getting enough sleep.
It's quiet in his room and it's warm, it's the perfect spot to rest!
Idk guys his tail is kinda fast rn🤨🤨
would softly take your head and replace his lap as a pillow.
Yeah nice try Simp this is my world and you ain't gonna sleep on his thunder thighs that easily!😈
You after faking your sleep to lay on his meaty thighs only for it to be replaced with a pillow:(╥_╥)
He didn't want to wake you up okay🥲🥲
Looks at you and smiles 
He would pat your head too🧡
You remind him of his younger siblings when they would sleep 
He ended up waking then up by mistake tho
Continues to read his book 
Would check on you after every page🧡🧡🧡
You did end up falling asleep tho🥱
Would also cover you with a blanket😫😫 God I want a man like that plz
He would not leave you alone ♡
He would growl at anyone being too loud
He would also turn on a fan for you
It gets hot there sometimes 
He would be honored that you felt comfortable to sleep by him<33
He would also ask someone he trusts to get a water bottle
So when you wake up you can have something to drink
"Prefect are you getting enough sleep?"
"No…I was just asking cause it's distracting"
He would probably think about this for the next week
Randomly asks if your tired 
Your honor I wanna sleep on his man titties😔
Country boy I love you~~😝😛
He was just hating on vil and you were playing with his hair
He felt pressure on his back but didn't question it 
Until you stopped talking and moving that is
Thought you passed out
Him rn:(•⌓• )
He was so scared 😭😭 
He looked at the mirror vil gave him and saw you were asleep 
How tf you fall asleep like that y/n??
You were leaning against his back asleep
He didn't want to move tho
He fr thought it would improve his muscles 💀💀
He just sat there for like 10 minutes
 He then got on his phone 
Probably took a picture 
Did you always smell this nice??
Why tf you smelling them epel??
Lowkey probably thought you look hot💀💀 even with the drool
After a while he would lean back and you would fall on the bed
Yes you woke up 
He told you to sleep on the bed
You did 
Would fist fight anyone who is too loud💙💙
Would also use you as an excuse to get away from vil 
"Epel you have to come by my room so I can redo your eyeshadow"
"The prefect is asleep in my room and I want to be there when they wake up"
"Don't want them to be scared or confused"
"fine when they wake up ill have Rook come get you"
Covo with him and vil⬆️
Would mumble little nothings with sitting beside you<33
Calls you his little cotton swab 💀💀
Would also comb his hand through your hair like his granny would do💙💙
1000% A Confidence boost
If he touched you tho that's another story 
You would roll away💀💀💀
"Prefect, can you stay for a while longer?"
"Cause vil wants to do my makeup when you wake up so just stay in here for a bit longer''
…..what? You can't tell me you fell asleep in a 8 meter radius near him???
Even if you tried you would know what would happen
So what's the point???
Fine😒 I'll do it 
but yall are about to be blocked again/j
What??? He looks over and sees you snoring away!?!?
He was talking about his waka Sama and you fall ASLEEP!?!?
Great another silver…
about to wake yo ass up
But….you look nice like this…
Diasomnia is impressed to say the least
Would go and walk away but the moment he moves you cling on even more
Your ass was like "get over here👹"
Now that's how you ending up laying in his lap 
Smells like mold
Would just sit there doing nothing
Stiff 🤭🤭
Texts Lila
"The human is sleeping on me and I want them off me, how do I get them off?" 
"Aww send pics😻😻!"
That's the conversation they had
Would loosened up a bit💚💚
Reads a book out loud to you as you sleep💚💚
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