#writeblr graphics
kjscottwrites · 8 months
And, importantly, share some recs!
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can’t currently afford the print copy of the fabulous @lackadaisycats work?
maybe your local library will buy it in the meantime! hand for scale.
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reading a hard copy of what I found years ago on the internet is cool in its own right, but the over 20 pages of bonus content are what’s really tempting.
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note about the back cover: this is what was facing out as I carried the book in my arm out of the library and into the streets. certainly didn’t make me look like a psycho I’m sure.
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aceysun · 2 months
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I made this for a community zine based on a text i posted here earlier
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flightlessangelwings · 7 months
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Feel free to use these prompts to write fic, make art, graphics, gifs, whatever you want! Use this list to take requests, do daily prompts, do one for the season, combine a few, do one a week, it’s up to you!
I wanted to make a list for the winter/holiday time that had more than just Christmas themes. For those who don’t celebrate, aren’t into the holidays, or just want a little variety. I tried to make the prompts varied too so there’s a little bit of everything. Mostly fluff with some angst and of course you can add as much spice as you want!
Banner by me, divider by @saradika
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Found family
Hot chocolate
Saying “I love you” for the first time
Snuggling by a cozy fireplace
Getting snowed in
Warming your hands by holding theirs
Getting away from the cold
Learning to cook/bake something new
Date night in
Snowball fight/building a snow fort/snowman
Finding a stray animal in the cold and taking it in
Seeing snow for the first time
Staying in bed all day
Seeing a show (Broadway play/ballet/etc)
Your power goes out on a cold night and you go to your neighbor for help
Going out for a fancy dinner just because
Catching a cold
Sending or receiving a letter
Shoveling snow
Hot apple cider
Making new traditions
Knitting a scarf
Getting or winning a stuffed animal
Hot tea
Providing comfort during a difficult time
Your car breaking down on the side of the road
Getting stranded at a dive bar
Buying your favorite flower
Spending the day in bed
Having someone spend the night for the first time
Finding something special for that special someone
Getting into a fight then making up
Watching a favorite movie together
Singing songs together in the living room
Walking through a snow covered forest
“You are my world.”
“You look beautiful.”
“I thought of you.”
A random act of kindness
Going camping
A proposal
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neapaulatan · 1 year
Where's writeblr at?
Since I'm working on a comic/graphic novel (and will be posting an intro eventually) I want to start getting involved not just in artblr but also writeblr!!!
If you like/write about these, please interact so I can find you!
Demons, fae, & other supernatural creatures
Portals & dimensional travel
Complex fantasy worldbuilding and religions
POC (especially black) characters
Family dynamics, found family, siblings
Zuko-worthy redemption arcs
Especially if you're making graphics novels/comics!!! I want to follow you!!!!
If you like/write these things, you'll also like my wips!! Which I will introduce... eventually... *sweats*
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revenantlore · 4 months
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Hi, hello, or as the brilliant and psychotic Jason Dean once said, greetings and salutations. You can address me as Raven, Kaius, or Rev, or Klaus if you’re a particular sleepy potato. I like neon flashy things almost as much as I like decrepit graveyards. Also dinosaurs.
As the banner suggests, I am elbow-deep in more WIPs than I know what to do with, and many of them contain vampires and jackasses [affectionate].
While I am trying to focus on no more than one or two at a time this year, chances are my attention will stray away from that goal and I will end up with even more WIPs than the year began with.
Here are my two main projects right now … there are many more, but these are the ones I am focusing on at present :
an elaborate liar named java is frequently teetering on the precipice of danger and poor decisions until he finds himself on a promising path of self-improvement while living with his brother … just to veer off that path the moment he meets a charming facade named colt and lands himself in a world of drugs and deception.
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there’s a new drug in town and it’s turning users into bloodthirsty vampires that crave the neon substance and its supernatural side effects. a detective and his android partner—both on and off duty, though unofficially—set out to end this endemic while trying and failing to dodge noxiglow’s temptations
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{Chapter Six – Obliterazione Delle Anime}
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Kim Namjoon: Black Mackenzie Valley Alpha wolf
Kim Soekjin: White Alpha Lion
Min Yoongi: White Alpha Jaguar
Jung Hosoek: Alpha Snow Leopard
Park Jimin : Alpha Albino Cobra
Kim Taehyung: Alpha White/ Bleached Tiger
Jeon Jungkook: Alpha Black Panther
Reader: Heaven Valentino Human
Status: Ongoing
CHAPTER WARNING: This chapter contains dark, sadistic, disturbing, and triggering scenes with detailed, graphic descriptions. A warning has been placed at the beginning of the triggering content.⚠️
obliterazione delle anime: obliteration of souls
Sono il tuo nemico dall'inferno: I'm your enemy from hell
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Heaven's POV
I froze in my tracks, my heart pounding loudly in my chest as I witnessed the scene unfold before my eyes. Jungkook, my beloved Panther hybrid, lay on the ground writhing in pain, blood seeping from the wound on his stomach.
The sight was like a stab to my own heart, rendering me immobile as I grappled with the overwhelming fear and anguish that gripped me. The sound of his growls filled the air, a haunting reminder of his suffering.
I felt a surge of emotions welling up inside me, a mix of helplessness, anger, and a deep sense of connection to Jungkook. It was as if his pain had become my own, urging me to act, to alleviate his suffering in any way possible. I was rooted to the spot, unable to tear my gaze away from him, until a sudden embrace broke through my trance.
A deep, familiar voice called out my name, jolting me back to reality. With a start, I dashed to Jungkook's side, pushing aside the shock of the momentary distraction. I knelt beside him, my voice trembling with emotion as I pleaded with him to stay awake, to fight against the darkness that threatened to engulf him.
"Jungkook, please, look at me. Stay with me," I implored, my voice thick with tears. "I won't let anything happen to you. Just hold on, please."
Desperation laced my words as I called out for help, my voice cracking with the intensity of my emotions. I sought aid from those around me, their names tumbling from my lips in a frantic plea for assistance. The panic and fear that clawed at my heart threatened to overwhelm me as Jungkook's eyelids drooped, his breathing slowing.
"No, Jungkook, don't close your eyes," I cried out, my voice breaking with the weight of the moment. "Please, stay with me. Namjoon, Yoongi, anyone, help him!”
I was in the midst of a heated battle, but my focus was solely on protecting Jungkook and ensuring the safety of my hybrids. It was chaos all around, but I remained calm and collected as I gave orders to my men. Sending one to escort Jungkook to safety through the back door, with the hybrids trailing behind us.
"Jay, see to it that we have a car ready immediately. Your job is to ensure the safe extraction of the hybrids and take down Black Eagle and his crew. Stick to the original plan and I'll handle them myself later," I instructed over the earpiece, my voice firm and determined.
"Got it, Miss Valentino. I'll see to it that everything goes smoothly," Jay responded promptly. I acknowledged his commitment, even though he couldn't see me, and ended the call. Jungkook's well-being was my top priority at this moment.
Black Eagle had crossed a line by targeting my hybrids. I may be indifferent to personal threats, but when it comes to my family, vengeance knows no bounds. I vowed to make Black Eagle regret ever laying a finger on my hybrids. His actions had sealed his fate, and I would ensure he paid dearly for his transgressions. As Heaven Valentino, I would rain down retribution like never before seen.
As we made our way through the chaos, determination burned in my eyes. Nothing would stop me from protecting those under my care. With each step, my resolve hardened, and thoughts of vengeance fueled my every move. Black Eagle had awoken a fierce storm within me, and he would soon witness its full fury.
3rd Person's POV
As Heaven and her hybrids dashed towards the car, Jungkook's consciousness flickered on and off like a faulty light bulb.
With the group securely inside, the engine roared to life as the vehicle sped off.
Heaven wasted no time in taking charge, her voice firm but filled with concern. "Take us to my uncle's hybrid center right now," she directed the driver.
As they raced through the streets, Heaven began delegating tasks to her hybrids, "Namjoon, keep pressure on his wound, but don't press too hard. Jimin, pass me the rag from the door pockets. Jin, give me the water bottle," she instructed briskly.
The urgency in her voice was matched by the swift actions of her hybrids, each stepping up without hesitation. Namjoon applied pressure to Jungkook's wound, Jimin handed over the rag, and Jin passed her the water bottle.
Heaven soaked the rag in water and gently wiped Jungkook's forehead, soothing away the beads of sweat that had gathered there. The hybrids observed in silence, their hearts swelling with admiration for their owner’s unwavering care for their injured brother.
Once she had cleaned his face, Heaven tenderly cradled Jungkook's head in her lap, her fingers running through his hair in a soothing gesture. A melody escaped her lips, a soft and sweet tune that seemed to lull the tense atmosphere in the car.
The hybrids watched on, captivated by the scene unfolding before them. In that moment, a unique bond formed between them, and bound them together in a shared concern for Jungkook's well-being.
As the car raced towards their destination, the silence was broken only by the hum of the engine and the gentle melody that Heaven continued to hum.
~3 Hours Later~
As they entered the bustling hybrid facility, the strong scent of antiseptic hit their nostrils, mixed with the lingering odor of fur and earth. The guard, recognizing Heaven, rushed over in concern, his eyes widening at the sight of her blood-stained clothes.
"Heaven, what brings you here- oh my goodness, what happened to you?" he exclaimed in shock, his wrinkled face contorted with worry.
With a sense of urgency, Heaven wasted no time in issuing commands to the older man.
"Ellie, quick! Get the nurses. My Hybrid, Jungkook, has been shot. We need medical help right away!" Her voice was firm and unwavering, a sense of panic peeking through her composed facade.
Ellie, though slightly confused, nodded and darted off to fetch the necessary help. Within moments, a team of nurses came rushing out of the building, a stretcher in tow, their faces etched with concern and readiness.
As they attempted to lift Jungkook onto the stretcher, low growls reverberated through the air, emanating from the other hybrids present. Tension hung thick in the space, the boys wary of unfamiliar hands approaching their injured packmate.
"Calm down, it's okay. They are here to help Jungkook," Heaven spoke soothingly, trying to reassure the agitated hybrids.
"You can trust them, trust me." Her voice carried a sense of authority and compassion, a stark contrast to the chaos unfolding around them.
Reluctantly, the other hybrids stood down, allowing the nurses to carefully lift Jungkook onto the stretcher and transport him inside the facility for medical attention. Heaven gestured for the group to follow, a silent invitation into the heart of the hybrid facility where secrets and healing intertwined.
Inside, the sterile corridors echoed with the hushed footsteps of hybrids and humans alike. The nurses swiftly wheeled Jungkook into a designated medical bay, taking charge of his care with practiced efficiency. Heaven stood by his side, her gaze unwavering as she watched over him with fierce protectiveness.
The rest of the group hovered anxiously, their expressions a mix of worry and anticipation. They had entered a world unknown to them, a place where hybrid lives hung in delicate balance, and healing was a delicate dance between trust and time.
Hoseok's POV
The tension in the air is thick, suffocating almost, making my chest feel heavy as we wait outside the emergency room. It feels like time has slowed down to a crawl, each minute dragging on forever.
I can't help but worry about Jungkook, my baby brother, even though he's not so little anymore. He's always been the baby of the group, and even though he's strong and capable, that protective instinct in me kicks in every time he's in trouble.
I glance around at the others, my friends who are just as anxious and afraid as I am. Heaven, our new owner, looks particularly shaken. She's been nothing but kind and caring since she bought us, and seeing her so distressed breaks my heart.
Her usual comforting scent of lavender and baby powder has turned bitter, a stark contrast to her usual calming presence. It's like a storm brewing inside her, and I can feel the tension radiating off her.
As I move closer to her, I can see the pain in her eyes, the unshed tears threatening to spill over. She's trying to be strong, to hold it all together, but I can see the cracks in her facade.
I reach out a hand to her shoulder, offering what little comfort I can. She startles at my touch, her eyes locking onto mine, searching for something. I know what she's looking for – reassurance, hope that everything will be okay.
I meet her gaze, trying to convey my silent support. I want her to know that we're all in this together, that we'll get through this as a team. Jungkook will be okay, we'll make sure of it.
As I knelt before her, gently caressing her cheeks, I couldn't help but get lost in the depths of her mesmerizing ocean blue-green eyes that seemed to have darkened with worry, giving them a grey hue.
"Everything will be okay, Jungkook will be fine. He's strong, you know that. Nothing bad can happen to him," I whispered, trying to reassure her in the midst of her distress.
Her defenses crumbled, and tears streamed down her cheeks as she sobbed uncontrollably, seeking solace in my embrace. It caught me off guard for a moment, but I quickly gathered myself and enveloped her in a warm hug, holding her close to me.
Her body shook with the intensity of her sobs, all the emotions she had been holding back now pouring out like a dam breaking.
"You're okay, you're fine. He's fine. We're all fine," I murmured, trying to provide whatever comfort I could as she clung to me tightly.
In that moment, something shifted within me. A fierce protectiveness welled up, a determination to shield her from any harm and to fiercely guard her against any threat.
I couldn't stand to see tears in her eyes, the thought alone unbearable. We stayed embraced for what felt like forever, and I noticed her eventually calming down, her breathing evening out as she drifted off to sleep.
My heart ached seeing her so drained. Carefully, I lifted her in my arms, settling her on my lap as she stirred in protest at the movement. I gently made her straddle me, allowing her to nuzzle into my chest for comfort.
A soft kiss on her forehead, and a soothing stroke of her hair seemed to bring her a sense of peace, her sigh of contentment echoing in the room.
"I'll protect you with everything I have, even if it means losing my life," I vowed silently, a fierce determination settling within me.
Seokjin POV
I couldn't help but let out a relieved smile as I gazed at the sight of Hobi and Heaven snuggled up together. The night had been beyond exhausting for all of us, especially with Jungkook's health hanging in the balance. The ominous silence from the doctor was suffocating, leaving us all on edge.
Leaning against the wall, lost in my thoughts, the sudden change of the emergency room's red light to green jolted me back to attention. Without skipping a beat, I straightened up and made my way towards the approaching doctor, with everyone else gathering around me in anticipation.
My heart pounding, I managed to voice my concern, “Doctor, how is my brother doing?” The tension in the air was palpable as we awaited his response.
The doctor's warm smile instantly put me at ease as he began to speak,
“He is fine. Everything went smoothly. The bullet penetrates deep, but fortunately not deep enough to cause any internal damage that could have been life-threatening. Your quick thinking of applying pressure to the wound helped tremendously in preventing excessive bleeding.” His reassuring words washed over us like a soothing balm.
As he continued, my fears started to dissipate, “Although he did lose some blood, we had blood donors ready for an immediate transfusion. We've administered antibiotics to ease any discomfort, and he should regain consciousness either later tonight or early tomorrow morning. There's no need to worry, your brother is out of danger now.” His explanation was like music to my ears, and I felt a massive weight lift off my shoulders.
A collective sigh of relief swept through all of us, the tension releasing like a taut rubber band snapping back to normal. Knowing that Jungkook was going to be okay was the greatest news we could have hoped for after such a harrowing night. Gratefulness flooded my heart, and I felt a surge of emotions knowing that my brother was safe and on the road to recovery.
It was a nerve-wracking moment when the doctor allowed us to see Jungkook, one at a time. He emphasized not to disturb the patient before gracefully excusing himself from the room. We thanked him wholeheartedly as he left to attend to his other duties.
As we stood there, pondering who should go in first to visit Jungkook, Hobi was the one to break the silence. He suggested that Heaven should be the first one to go in, which we all readily agreed upon. After all, it was because of her quick thinking and actions that Jungkook was still with us today.
The thought of almost losing Jungkook sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for the outcome. I gestured to Hobi to wake up Heaven and share the good news with her. The relief and joy that washed over us in that moment were indescribable.
Heaven's POV
I felt someone lightly shake me, disrupting my peaceful slumber. Groggily, I opened my eyes and was met with the sight of Hobi peering down at me with a huge grin plastered across his face. Confusion clouded my mind as I tried to shake off the remnants of sleep.
“Heaven sweetie, we have good news,” Hobi chirped, his eyes twinkling with excitement. My mind struggled to catch up as I processed his words. Slowly, the pieces from the events of the previous night started to click into place, sending a surge of adrenaline through my veins.
Realization dawned on me, and I bolted upright, disentangling myself from Hobi's embrace as thoughts of Jungkook flooded my mind. Panic gripped my heart as I frantically scanned the room, searching for any sign of my beloved Panther hybrid.
“Where is Jungkook? Is he okay?” I demanded, my voice shaking with fear and urgency. The room fell silent, the air heavy with unspoken words as my mind raced with a million possibilities. My breaths came in short, ragged gasps as I awaited their response.
“Heaven, calm down,” Jin's voice broke through the tense atmosphere, his eyes filled with understanding and reassurance. “Jungkook is safe and sound, resting peacefully. You can go see him now; I'm sure he'll want to see you when he wakes up.”
Relief washed over me in a tidal wave, yet a sliver of doubt lingered in the back of my mind. Could it truly be that Jungkook was unharmed, that my worst fears had not come to pass? With trembling limbs, I allowed Jin to guide me towards Jungkook's room, my heart thudding in my chest with every step.
Stepping into the room, I beheld the sight of my Panther hybrid lying in the hospital bed, his features relaxed in slumber. The worry lines that had etched themselves onto my face softened at the sight of Jungkook's peaceful expression, a calmness settling over me at last.
Striding towards his bedside, I reached out a hand to brush a lock of hair away from his forehead, my gaze never leaving his serene face.
In that moment, the world outside faded away, leaving just the two of us in a bubble of tranquility. Jungkook's steady breathing filled the room, a soothing lullaby to my anxious soul. I watched over him, a silent guardian, grateful beyond words that he was safe and sound.
I carefully moved closer and settled on the stool next to his bed, the moonlight casting a soft glow on his sleeping face. Gently brushing his hair with my fingers, I tried not to disturb his peaceful rest.
"You really scared me earlier, you know," I admitted, a nervous laugh escaping my lips.
"When you started drifting in and out of consciousness, I was terrified. I held on to the hope that you would wake up, that you would demand more food, or ask for cuddles, or want to play games, or even just complain about the other guys bothering you, anything to let me know you were okay."
Tears welled up in my eyes as I poured my heart out to him, even though he couldn't hear me.
"Don't ever do something like that again," I scolded softly, the tears now flowing freely.
"I know why you got shot, you know. You jumped in front of me to protect me. That bullet wasn't meant for you, it was meant for me. But you took it without a second thought. You had no reason to do that. What if something had happened to you? I could never forgive myself if anything happened to you." My grip on his hand tightened as I confessed my fears to the unconscious Jungkook.
"It's amazing how quickly you and the guys have become so important to me in such a short amount of time," I continued, my voice breaking with emotion.
"I'd do anything to keep you all safe, to give you the happiness and security you all deserve." Leaning closer to him, I let a solitary tear trace its path down my cheek, the weight of my feelings almost too much to bear.
Suddenly, I felt his hand squeeze mine, and my heart leaped as I turned to look at him. His eyes were open, tears glistening in them as he offered me a warm, grateful smile.
"Thank you for everything, for taking us in, for treating us with love and respect when you had no obligation to," Jungkook's voice, though weak, was filled with sincerity as he raised my hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss against my skin.
I was taken aback by his gesture, overwhelmed by the flood of emotions that surged through me. "No, thank you for coming into my life," I whispered, a sense of gratitude and love engulfing me as I met his gaze, knowing that our bond was something truly special.
3rd Person's POV
In Italian, "obliterazione delle anime" sounded like something out of a horror movie, but for Heaven, it was a mantra for revenge.
Everyone knew not to mess with her, but Black Eagle had crossed a line that even her closest friends didn't dare to tread. She had unleashed something dark and primal inside her, fueled by anger and the need for justice.
After that night, Heaven had made sure her hybrids were safe with her uncle before embarking on her mission. She had always been a one-woman army, but this time, she knew she needed backup.
Her mind was consumed with thoughts of retribution, her heart beating with the anticipation of facing off against Black Eagle. The thirst for vengeance was strong, and she was determined to make him pay for the pain he had caused.
As she plotted her next move, Heaven's eyes glinted with a steely resolve. She was ready to unleash her fury and make sure Black Eagle regretted ever crossing her.
~Unknown Location~
It was a dim lit evening, the moon and stars were shining brightly in the sky, casting a magical glow over the landscape. The gentle breeze of the night carried with it the sweet scent of blooming flowers, while the occasional rustle of leaves and chirping of crickets added to the peaceful ambiance.
In the corner of a luxurious balcony, stood a man cloaked in a black silk robe, a glass of whisky in his hand. He leaned casually against the railing, his gaze fixed on the twinkling stars above. A small, dark smirk played on his lips, a sinister gleam in his eyes as he reflected on the events that transpired just three days ago.
Finally, after years of relentless pursuit, he had uncovered the weakness of Heaven Valentino, the elusive ice queen.
The satisfaction that filled him at that moment was unparalleled, knowing that he held the key to dismantling her carefully constructed facade.
His plan was set into motion as he smirked sinisterly, his mind consumed with dark thoughts of revenge and cruelty. He imagined himself inflicting emotional pain on his target before indulging in his twisted desires of physical dominance. The mere idea of breaking someone down, bit by bit, excited him to no end.
“I will make sure to shatter you, inch by inch. I will start with hurting you emotionally, then keep your body for my sinful guilty pleasures over and over again,” he whispered to himself, his voice laced with malice.
The disturbing images played out in his mind, fueling his twisted fantasies and desires. He reveled in the thought of Heaven's suffering, relishing the idea of her pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears as he asserted his power over her.
Just as he was lost in his dark musings, a voice suddenly interrupted his reverie, sending a shiver down his spine.
“Why not feed into your fantasies right now?” the voice taunted from behind him, causing him to whirl around in shock.
His eyes widened in surprise as he beheld the unexpected intruder standing before him, a smirk playing on their lips. The sudden appearance of this person caught him off guard, leaving him speechless and bewildered.
“W-what, how did you get here?” he stammered, his composure wavering in the face of this unforeseen encounter.
The person before him adopted an air of faux sadness, her expression a mask of innocence that belied a mischievous gleam in her eyes.
“Aren't you happy to see me?” She pouted playfully, teasing him with her cryptic words.
Frustration and confusion simmered within him as he struggled to make sense of the situation. His anger flared at the perceived intrusion, demanding answers from the enigmatic figure who had disrupted his twisted reverie.
“Answer my question, woman!” he barked, his voice tinged with vexation and impatience.
Heaven stood before him, unperturbed by his outburst, reveling in the power play that unfolded between them.
“Oh, that was easy. For someone who has the best team, you undeniably do trust your men an awful lot not to betray you,” She taunted, her words laced with sardonic amusement as she closed the distance between them.
His brow furrowed in confusion as he tried to decipher the cryptic remarks of his unexpected visitor. The insinuation of betrayal among his trusted allies struck a nerve, stirring doubt and suspicion within him.
“What are you talking about?” he demanded, his scowl deepening as he sought clarity amidst the shadowy web of intrigue that surrounded them.
His question was met with a knowing smirk from Heaven, her gaze locking with his in a silent challenge. She seemed to take pleasure in pulling back the veils of deception, reveling in the subtle dance of power and revelation that unfolded between them.
“Aww, you poor thing, did you really think I wouldn't be able to find you? Your men are not as smart nor trained as I thought they were. Just a little cock tease, and they'd be at my mercy,” she teased, her tone dripping with sarcasm and mockery.
His eyes widened in realization as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, painting a clearer picture of the intricate game that had been played against him. The revelation of his men's vulnerability to manipulation and deceit left him seething with anger and frustration.
“You bloody whore! Just because you have the name of a Saint doesn't make you less of a vile woman. You're right, my men are stupid for thinking with their cocks and not their heads. That is why they will be killed,” he seethed, his anger boiling over as he lashed out in a fit of rage.
His threats fell on deaf ears as she remained unruffled, her demeanor cool and composed in the face of his outburst. She relished in the confrontation, reveling in the power dynamics that played out between them.
“Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you wanted to use me for your 'sinful guilty satisfaction,' where I would scream and beg for mercy,” Heaven taunted, her voice dripping with irony and disdain as she closed the distance between them.
As Heaven moved closer, her proximity sparking an electric tension between them,
“Black Eagle— or should I say Kim Min-Soo,” Heaven revealed his true identity with a smirk, exposing the mask of anonymity he had hidden behind.
The revelation landed like a blow, leaving him reeling as the implications of his true identity being laid bare sank in.
The realization that his carefully constructed facade had been pierced sent a chill down his spine, exposing him to the vulnerability and consequences of his deceit.
“Your plan of acting like some meek little bellboy to get to me was actually pretty clever. Knowing I didn't know of your true identity, coming to personally hand me the invitation with a mask so that I wouldn't know who you are, wow, genius,” Heaven mocked, her words cutting through his defenses with surgical precision.
The power dynamics shifted, with him now standing on shaky ground as Heaven turned the tables on him with a mix of mockery and sardonic amusement.
As he stood face to face with Heaven, the illusion of control and dominance that he had so carefully cultivated crumbled around him, leaving him at the mercy of a force far more formidable than he had anticipated.
In that moment, he realized that his carefully constructed facade had been nothing but a house of cards, ready to collapse at the slightest breath of truth and revelation.
Min-Soo's blood boiled as he gripped her fragile neck between his fingers, her body pressed tightly against his own. The mixture of rage and excitement coursed through him as he spoke, his words laced with a sinister tone.
“Well, well, well, I must say, you get points for managing to track me down. But a delicate flower like you shouldn't be wandering the streets alone. What if some unsavory characters got their hands on you and ruined that precious little cunt of yours, huh, sweetheart?” His words dripped with malice, his breath reeking of alcohol as it washed over her face, making her recoil in disgust.
But she didn't show an ounce of fear as she calmly retorted, her hand teasingly tracing patterns on his bare chest, eliciting a deep growl from him as he clutched her waist possessively.
“Oh, but it seems you've forgotten one crucial detail," she purred, her touch sending shivers down his spine as she ventured lower to where his desire stirred.
His voice was heavy with desire as he leaned in closer, eager for her next words.
“And what might that be?” he breathed against her ear, the anticipation evident in his voice.
She let out a dark chuckle, her voice dripping with malice as she whispered a phrase in Italian, sending a chill down his spine.
"I'm not just any woman, Sono il tuo nemico dall'inferno," she hissed, her words a promise of vengeance that sent a shiver down his spine.
With a sudden burst of strength, she wrenched his hand from her neck and swiftly delivered a powerful blow to his jaw, sending him reeling. As he stumbled backward, she delivered the final blow, a needle piercing his skin and injecting a potent sedative into his veins.
As he crumpled to the ground, unconscious, she stood tall and victorious, a triumphant smirk gracing her lips as she spoke her final words.
“I swore to myself that I would be the one to end you, and now that promise is fulfilled. Goodnight, babe,” she taunted, before turning and disappearing into the night, leaving behind a defeated enemy in her wake.
~Time Skip~
Min-Soo's POV
I groaned in pain, my face hurt like a bitch as I tried to move, but it felt like my arms and legs were constricted like some straight jacket from a horror movie, huh? It took a moment of confusion before I finally managed to summon the energy to pry my eyes open.
The dim lighting of the room did little to comfort my disorientation, and as my vision adjusted to the surroundings, I realized my body was tied to a chair in the center of the room.
"What the actual fuc-" I started to mutter under my breath before a nauseating voice cut through the silence, causing my heart to skip a beat. The figure emerged from the shadows, her presence sending shivers down my spine.
"Oh, you're awake," she greeted me with a sickly sweet tone that made my skin crawl.
"You think tying me up will stop me?" I scoffed, trying to regain some semblance of bravado in the face of the unknown threat before me. But deep down, I knew I was in deep trouble.
"Oh, don't worry sweetie, I was only making sure you were comfy and rested for what's to come," she replied, her voice laced with a twisted sense of glee that sent chills down my spine.
As if on cue, the room suddenly brightened as additional bulbs illuminated the space, almost blinding me in the process.
My eyes darted around the room, and that's when I saw it - a fresh human dick was nailed to the wall, a macabre display of grotesque art that made bile rise in my throat.
And then, I looked down and horror gripped me like a vice - my own manhood was missing!
The realization hit me like a ton of bricks, and the pain that surged through my body felt like a thousand fiery needles piercing my skin. I wanted to scream, to escape this nightmare, but all that escaped my lips was a guttural cry of agony as the adrenaline that once fueled my defiance started to wear off.
"Awe, do you not like my newest piece for my art collection?" she taunted, her voice dripping with malicious amusement at my suffering.
The pain between my legs was unbearable, and I tried to wriggle free from my restraints, but it was as if I was trapped in a nightmare with no end in sight
She approached me with a leisurely pace, reveling in my anguish as she reached out to touch my wet cheeks, her touch feeling like a cold reminder of the hellish reality I found myself in.
I could do nothing but let her, my body numb and my spirit shattered by the sheer cruelty of the situation. The realization that I was at the mercy of a deranged individual hit me like a ton of bricks, and I knew that I was about to endure horrors beyond my wildest nightmares.
3rd Person's POV
As she stood there with an evil smirk playing on her lips, she looked positively diabolic, as if she had been possessed by the devil himself. The glint in her eyes sent shivers down the spine of anyone who dared to cross her path.
"Don't worry, I won't leave you open like this," she spoke with a chilling calmness in her voice. "Luckily, I'm a fashion designer, which means my stitch work is fantastic. I assure you, you'll be good as new."
She expertly donned her gloves and prepared a sterilized needle and thread, her movements precise and calculated.
"I'm going to have to warn you, this will hurt," she continued, a malevolent smile playing on her lips. "But just a little. You'll barely feel anything."
Despite his desperate pleas and frantic begging, she paid no heed. With a swift motion, the needle pierced through the meaty, chunky flesh, causing him to scream out in excruciating pain.
Her laughter filled the room, echoing off the walls as she continued her work as though she was on a mission from beyond. She sewed and sewed, the needle dancing in her skilled hands, the thread weaving a grotesque pattern on his skin.
She seemed unperturbed by his ear-deafening exclamations, her focus solely on her gruesome task at hand.
"Yikes, my hands are all bloody," she remarked casually, as though she was discussing the weather. "Just give me a moment to clean myself up."
Leaving him writhing in agony on the chair, she disappeared momentarily, leaving behind a trail of terror and despair. Min-Soo lay there, on the brink of losing consciousness, his body racked with intense pain that threatened to consume him whole.
When she returned, a sickening glee danced in her eyes, her smile as wide as the Cheshire cat's, but devoid of any semblance of human emotion.
"Now, for the last fun part," she declared, her voice dripping with faux empathy. "You'll enjoy it, as you won't have to suffer much. I'm not heartless, you know."
She brought a tool box and placed it on the table beside him. The metal clinks of the tools against each other echoed through the room, creating an unsettling atmosphere. Each item in the toolbox seemed to hold a sinister purpose, sending shivers down his spine.
“I'm sure you learnt how to dissect a frog in middle school, and the fascination you'd get after is great, that's why I'm going to do the same to you,” Heaven Valentino's voice dripped with malice, her words cutting through the air like a sharp blade.
Min-Soo's eyes popped out as he heard the disturbing words leave her mouth. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, and a wave of fear washed over him like a chilling breeze.
In his thirty years of life, he has never heard someone sound so diabolical, much less expect that from a woman as fragile looking as Heaven Valentino.
It was as if a dark shadow had consumed her, twisting her innocent appearance into something malevolent and pure evil.
It's like the woman had given control to her inner demons.
She gripped the knife and sliced along his chest from top to bottom. The searing pain shot through Min-Soo's body, making his every nerve scream in agony. The metallic scent of blood filled the air, intensifying the terror swirling within him.
The man wailed, the pain unendurable. His voice filled the room, a symphony of suffering that seemed to go unheard by anyone beyond the four walls enclosing them.
“Just kill me please, kill me already, I beg you!” He cried out, his voice hoarse and desperate. Tears welled up in his eyes, a mixture of pain and fear clouding his vision.
"Gladly," Heaven's smile dropped, revealing a cold and distant expression that sent chills down his spine. The glint in her eyes spoke of a darkness within her that he could never have imagined.
The ambiance belched something deadly like a forbidden entity as she slowly but deeply pierced the razor sharp knife into his chest, plunging through him. A gut-wrenching sound filled the room as the blade tore through flesh and bone, sealing his fate.
His eyes were shot open, a tear trickled down his face, an inaudible cry left his mouth. And his chest heaved his last breath. The room fell silent, the oppressive weight of death lingering in the air as Black Eagle's life slipped away, leaving behind only emptiness and sorrow.
Taehyung's POV
It's been quite some time since we've had any contact with Heaven. She left us at her uncle's hybrid facility and assured us that she would return soon to bring us back. I can't help but worry about her safety, what if something happened to her and we have no way of knowing?
I really hope she's okay and will be back with us soon.
Jungkook is recovering quickly, thanks to the amazing healing abilities of hybrids. He's been asking about Heaven, just like the rest of us, but none of us have any solid information to give him. We are all in the dark about her whereabouts and well-being.
I decided to visit Jungkook in his room to play some games with him. Dante, Heaven's uncle, has been incredibly kind and caring towards us. He provided us with our own comfortable rooms filled with everything we could possibly need. Dante always checks in on us and asks if there's anything we require.
When Jungkook asked for games, Dante went above and beyond by getting him a whole PlayStation set. We had no idea how to use it initially, but Dante patiently taught us the ropes. Ever since then, we've been hooked on gaming, especially Jungkook. It's been a great way to keep our minds occupied and pass the time while we wait for Heaven's return.
As I strolled along the hallway of the familiar facility, my senses suddenly came alive as the fragrant smell of lavender and baby powder danced around me. It was a scent I knew all too well, one that was both addictive and comforting.
Without hesitation, I followed the alluring trail which eventually led me to the reception area where she stood.
Her presence never failed to captivate me. With a gracefulness that seemed to defy all logic, she turned towards me. Our eyes met, and in that singular moment, everything else faded away. It was as though the world had stopped spinning, leaving only her in my line of sight.
"Kitty," her voice called out, filled with warmth and affection. Her arms opened wide, beckoning me closer.
I didn't need a second invitation. With a rush of emotions, I closed the distance between us and enveloped her in a tight embrace, lifting her delicate frame off the ground.
The scent of lavender and baby powder enveloped me, triggering a flood of memories and emotions that threatened to overwhelm me.
The tears came unexpectedly, spilling down my cheeks as I clung to her. With gentle hands, she brushed away my tears, her tender kisses leaving a trail of comfort on my skin. Her smile, so familiar and yet so enchanting, melted any lingering doubts or fears in my heart.
"I missed you so much, kitty," her voice, like a soothing melody, whispered in my ear as we remained entwined in each other's arms. The world seemed to shrink to just the two of us, cocooned in a bubble of shared emotion and unspoken words.
But reality soon intruded, reminding me that others were waiting for her return. Guilt tugged at my heart, knowing that I had monopolized her attention for too long. The rest of the guys, especially Jungkook, must be eager to reunite with her as well.
"Heaven, the other guys have been longing to see you, especially Jungkook. He's been asking about you nonstop, almost to the point of obsession," I confessed with a chuckle, breaking the momentary silence between us.
Without missing a beat, she smiled playfully, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well then, what are we waiting for? Lead the way to my other babies," she declared, her command swathed in a layer of undeniable cuteness that never failed to charm me.
Reluctantly, I released her from my embrace and took her hand in mine, the size difference between our hands a poignant reminder of our bond.
As I guided her towards the waiting group of friends, a sense of contentment washed over me, knowing that she was finally back where she belonged.
With us.
Hey there, lovely readers!
I just had to dive into the depths of darkness for this chapter, and let me tell you, it was like navigating through a pitch-black tunnel.
Writing it made me feel all kinds of emotions, and I hope you're all doing ok after reading it. But hey, at least Heaven finally got her sweet dose of revenge, right? Justice served!
I'm dying to know - what did you think of this chapter? My personal favorite part to write was the lovely little scene between Hobi and Heaven. It was just so heartwarming and adorable, it made my heart do a little twirl.
And oh my gosh, can we talk about Heaven's interactions with Taehyung? Literally the cutest thing ever, right? It's moments like those that make me fall in love with writing all over again. 💞
Thank you a million times for taking the time to read the chapter, and please, pretty please, don't forget to hit that vote button and drop a comment sharing your thoughts. Your feedback means the world to me and keeps my writing engine running. Plus, it's always so much fun to hear what you think!
Sending you all loads of love and virtual hugs! 🤗
With all my love and overflowing gratitude,
Your favorite AUTHOR-NIM 😁💞
TAGLIST: @strxwbloody, @strawblueberrys, @taetaeheart22, @canarystwin, @drenix004, @ghostlyworld, @loumin908, @rinkud
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the-cosmic-artist · 3 months
Okay, I guess this is my Writeblr intro!
Pretty new to this, so here goes nothing...
Greetings, Writeblr!
My name's Chris (he/him), I'm 27, currently based in Philadelphia. I'm a visual artist, specializing in 2D media and illustration, and I'm also an avid lover of Fiction and Storytelling!
Naturally, the sum of these interests manifests itself as a love for Comics and Sequential Art; with that being said, the majority of my Fiction Writing is for comics and graphic novels.
I started my journey in learning to write fiction a few years ago; i always had a love for Story, whether it be books, shows, comics, movies.... if there's a Compelling Narrative and Compelling Characters, chances are I'm all over it!
My current WIP is a Sci-Fi, Cosmic Horror, Sports Drama Graphic novel series, called OneFall: a Dystopian, Cyberpunk world of Lovecraftian horror, compounded with the action-packed, fast-paced world of Pro-Wrestling, injected with themes of identity, feminism, revolution, and reconciling with past trauma. If this sounds like an interesting (albeit unorthodox) combination, then maybe this comic is for you!
As you might've guessed, I tend to write (and read) in the genres of Action-Adventure, Sci-fi, and Horror, but I tend to dip my feet in whatever catches my interest.
While I'm no stranger to this site, I'm fairly new to this neck of the woods, so... feel free to say hi!
Where my fellow writers at?
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sentfromwolves · 3 months
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◈—⌈ SENTFROMWOLVES ⌋ writeblr introduction ²⁰²⁴
Hi everyone, and welcome to my writeblr 2024 introduction. My name is Eran (they/he & freshly thirty) and I've been on writeblr for awhile, so you might've seen me around. ( •̀ ω •́ ) This is my yearly post to introduce the projects I'll be working on this year, what I write, and who I am. I'll be keeping it short and sweet.
I'd love to meet more writers this year, so if you write any of the following, or just like these genres, or even just wanna shout about ocs together, come holler and I'll give you a follow!
◈ — sci-fi and fantasy of any kind! cozy fantasy, romantasy, epic fantasy, space opera? this is my bread and butter, and I love shouting about it from the rooftops with others! ◈ — found families, ot3s, complicated soulmates. I am almost always writing about soulmates who have either killed each other at least once in the past or are planning some sort of murder. Complicated relationships, especially found families that aren't all rainbows and butterflies, are right up my alley. ◈ — queer and trans protagonists, large queer casts! all of my wips feature trans/nonbinary leads, and I'm always looking for more queer writer friends to connect with! ◈ — hope at the end of the tunnel, but hell to get to. I write stories with hopeful endings, with the sun on the horizon, with the promise that something better might now at long last be on the way. I love seeing characters get put through hell, but I love it even more when they make it to the other side. (if you write tragedy though, please know I will still cry on your doorstep if you'll have me) ◈ — corruption arcs, redemption arcs, sometimes both! Deeply nuanced characters with messy attitudes, and even messier actions. I'm just as equally obsessed with cool worldbuilding as I am with character-driven things, and I will yell about ocs all day, and maybe draw them too >:3 ◈ — big, epic, and sweeping worldbuilding! I am a huge fan of delving into the worldbuilding aspect of my wips. I love building magic systems, cultures, geographies, and more. One of my 2024 projects is doing a worldbuilding experiment blog at some point. I am always down to clown over worldbuilding, whether to sound board or just holler together!
There's a lot more I could say here, but this post can only get so long! Σ(っ °Д °;)っ my dms are always open, and I will follow back most of the time! But just to get all of the basics outta the way:
◈—« here's a quick and dirty rundown of how I work! »—◈
➺ I interact and follow from @calamityeden, so if you see that username, it's just me.✌️I am most active on discord, and if we become friends, you're more than welcome to ask to add me there. ➺ I am open to being tagged in writeblr games! Just know that I am not online all the time, and might be slow to respond to them. 🐌 ➺ My ask box and DMs are open, just please be respectful. I love meeting new writers and talking about projects! I am happy to chat and make new friends. You're always welcome! 💌 ➺ This is a strictly 18+ writeblr. Please DNI with me if you are a minor and respect my boundaries.
🪄You can find my core tags here under my writing and my graphics, as well as writer reminders, game train and catharsis. (❁´◡`❁) And now onto the fun part! My 2024 main project line up!
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I have my main four listed here that you'll probably hear me yelling about pretty consistently, but I've also got a lot of other projects rattling around in my brain. So if you're ever curious about a project that's not here, feel free to yell at me about it! >:3
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Genre: Dark Urban Fantasy Standalone.
Status: First Draft Complete (117k)—Revising for beta round one.
There's a clock tattooed on Nemesis's wrist, and when it reaches midnight on his 21st birthday, it will kill him. It doesn't help that his mom is the one that cursed him, and the demon currently possessing his car ate her before Nemesis could convince her to break the damned thing. Thankfully, Judge came prepared with an alternative: help him break into a mythical living city and steal its heart, and in return, he'll shatter Nemesis's curse for free. Accompanied by a three-headed hellhound, a haunted holy sword, and an excommunicated exorcist, Judge and Nemesis set their sights on an impossible heist. But the closer Nemesis gets to the heart, the more he begins to realize that he isn't the only one under a curse. And if he doesn't find a way to break Judge's soon, his own life will be forfeit as well.
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Genre: Space Opera
Status: 2024 zero drafting from scratch
Two hundred years ago, humanity expanded to the stars only to find a cosmos filled with graves. But then their children began displaying the strange ability to commune with the alien ruins scattered across the planets, waking ancient, extrasolar mecha from their sleep, and turned the struggling colonies of space explorers into the fledgling galactic nation of Sol Galatea.  Now, Wren Akane is on the run from the whole galaxy, wanted for the strange alien powers throbbing through his veins. His luck runs out when he accidentally awakens an ancient Relic in the desert of his planet, only to be embedded with the memories of its last pilot and the revelation that the war that littered the cosmos with graves is far from over. But no one believes Wren when he tells them that continuing to wake the Relics will bring the hostile alien empire that destroyed them back to Sol Galatea’s doorstep. Only Wren’s rival pilot, Marek Khalid, seems interested in a word Wren has to say. But Marek doesn’t want to save Sol Galatea. He has big plans for what to do when the aliens arrive, a rebellion to lead, and if Wren isn’t on his side, he’s in his way. With time running out, Wren must soon decide how far he’s willing to go to save the people that never tried to save him—or if Marek is right, and he should let the stars burn instead.
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Genre: Adult Romantasy
Status: First Draft (1k/100k)
Once a year, Celestials from all across the Lumina Kingdom gather together for Eventide, the season of courtship, hoping to win the hand of the most eligible star at court. Sirius knows the game they play all too well: by day, he is the forgettable, miserable daughter of the Lumina Family, least of his seven siblings and wanted only for the royal blood running through his veins.  By night, however, Sirius is the Starweaver—the mysterious dressmaker taking the kingdom by storm. Everyone wants to know the identity of the one responsible for elaborate outfits that turn even the quietest Celestial in the room into the star of the show, outshining even Sirius’s luminous sibling, Diana. When the infamous King Beyond Midnight arrives with the intent to wed Diana, Sirius finds his secret in jeopardy when the condition for their hand in marriage is a simple challenge: reveal the Starweaver's true identity. There’s no outsmarting Octavian for long, and soon, Sirius will have to make a choice: give up on his passion and stay hidden forever, or risk everything to stay true to who he really is.
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Genre: Second World Urban Fantasy
Status: Outlining
Something changes the day that Nakano Touya returns to the crumbling city of Soma Lux. It starts with voices in the radio static, blurry figures caught on camera, always out of focus. When a monster crawls out of Touya's television screen and eats him, the last thing he expects is to find a strange, shadowy otherworld lurking on the other side. But his biggest problem isn't the monsters of the otherworld that want to eat him, or the talking cat that saved him, now living in his apartment without a care in sight. Soma Lux is experiencing a strange new epidemic—one that Touya is completely unaffected by. But when his half-sister falls comatose, Touya knows he has to get to the bottom of it all to save her—and find out why he's the only one immune. Accompanied by his jaded ex-boyfriend, Touya’s nosy classmates, a part-time fortune teller, and a cantankerous old hag, Touya dives into the murky underbelly of Soma Lux, where the realities have begun to bleed together between his world and the next. 
That's all for now! >:3 Here's to an amazing 2024! (also my actual blog is a mess right now please do not mind it ksjndfskfn)
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Cw: Blood, Trauma, Graphic injury description, This whole scene is actually quite gross
Jakkon stumbled, wavering on his feet as he clutched his stomach with both arms, blood spilling in thick splatters across the deck of the boat he'd emerged onto. He just managed to hold the wound closed, a thick red slash connecting his hip to his collarbone. He pitched forward, hitting his chest hard against the railing. The impact sent a jolt through his entire body and he vomited a mouthful of blood over the side of the ship, panting and gasping as he tried desperately to keep his eyes open.
The Satyr wheezed another desperate gasp as he lifted a shaky arm, reaching toward the shore where faint voices echoed through the darkness. He dragged himself forward across the railing with an agonizing scrape and tried to call out to the voices. But instead, his whole body convulsed violently, and he crumpled to the ground, shuddering. A squeak of pain dripped more blood from his torso and mouth as the voices grew louder.
"Hey! Get over here! There's blood... on the side of that ship, wait, I see somebody!" Footsteps against stone sent a faint flicker of hope into Jakkon's mind as agony twisted his face, blood pouring freely from his stomach as his hands fell away from the wound holding himself together. He grunted softly with effort to keep conscious, tears of pain spilling down his face. His other arm flew back to his wound as he felt something, effectively punching himself in the stomach, causing him to cough up more blood, but this time mixed with bits of flesh and ash.
He groaned, and the figure stopped in front of him, his hazy vision fading as she shouted.
Rose stopped, staring at her now unconscious brother-in-law, and screamed. "FINN!" His entire body slick with blood and seawater, shook as his flesh and organs quite literally spilled out of the deep cut across his upper half. "Holy fuck!"
@aesthetic-writer18 @illarian-rambling @wyked-ao3 @mr-orion @thelazywitchphotographer
@vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @corinneglass @darkandstormydolls @i-hate-happy-endings @kia-is-poisoned
I am so fucking sorry guys
Anyway here's the masterpost
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 6 months
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Still looking for a wholesome gift? Well, this is not it, but you can download it anyway.
Find it here
The book is available for free, as pdf or epub. As always, the epub contains image descriptions for the illustrations, the pdf does not.
Detailed Content Warnings | WIP Masterpost
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kjscottwrites · 2 years
Survey Results are In!
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** The doc is NSFW and meant for 18+ readers **
Thanks to everyone who filled out the survey. The results are in and they are so fascinating, and I'm stoked to share them with you!
Those who asked to be tagged in the results are under the cut!
@writingpotato07 @notwritinganyflufftoday @contra-diction816 @concerningwolves @cryingwriter @antique-symbolism @princessneleam @dreamsdescent @radiowrites @wildjuniperjones @aestatismors @morbidjazz @acavatica @celestialily @thefollow-spot @unseeliefaerie
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annasellheim · 2 months
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Next part- this is how autobio works
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digital-chance · 11 months
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writeblr intro
hey i'm chance! i've done a writeblr intro recently but i didn't like it, so this is take 2. here's the old one.
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─── about me -⋆⋅☆
name : chance
pronouns : they/he
likes : cyberpunk, romance, anime, kpop, music, history, design
age : 20
i tend to swear both on here and in my writing, so if you're sensitive to that, i don't think my blog or work is for you. i also use the word 'queer' a lot since i self-identify as such, when i do choose to self-identify.
i'm interested in so much, which would be impossible to fully state. there are so many new things out there and i love learning about them all!! this blog is mainly for writing but i'm not strict on that.
i also am pretty sure i'm neurodivergent (no diagnosis or anything yet) and tend to delve into hyper-fixations for weeks at a time. if i haven't posted for a while, it's probably because of one of my other hyper-fixations or school.
i'm going to college for my bachelor's in graphic design, which might make my responses during the school year delayed.
i'm always open to ask or tag games!! it might take me a few to respond but i'll respond.
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─── writing -⋆⋅☆
you'll find a lot of diverse characters, the found/chosen family trope, romance or rom-com, angst, and references to actual history or historical events within my work. sometimes i throw in a little art fact since i'm an art student. in nearly every one of my works you can find a prominent lgbtq+ character, too.
i write for original works and fanfiction alike. i often alternate what project i'm writing on and tend to leave wips unfinished. there's no one specific fandom that i'm in since i tend to dabble in everything.
i enjoy reading all sorts of stories, but some of the tropes and genres that have a special place in my heart include:
[ genres : romance . action . sci-fi . dystopian . heists . cyberpunk . horror . comedy . mystery ] [ tropes : friends to lovers , enemies to lovers , fake/pretend relationship , college au , coffee shop au , domestic , fluff , angst ]
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─── ⋆ looking for ⋆⋅☆
more writers to follow!
good vibes & friends
writing advice & critique buddies (will help critique ur work too)
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─── works in progress -⋆⋅☆
nova futurum | original work | #wip: nova futurum
─── ⋆ status : brainstorming
a lgbtq+ mafia cyberpunk story with the working title "Nova Futurum." i've got the general information down and i'm currently working on fleshing out my main characters. for now it's in the very basic stages, but feel free to ask me about it or give any tips!
you still would've been mine | fanfiction | #wip: yswbm
─── ⋆ status : outlining, research, & writing draft 1
Steven "Steve" Rogers wakes up in the 21st century after crashing into the ice in 1942, leaving behind his life as the mascot of the USA along with his childhood in Brooklyn NYC. The Winter Soldier, a man left behind in the war recovers his memories as the man known as James "Bucky" Buchanan Barnes after meeting Steve in the modern time. Steve and Bucky recall their childhood and their experience in the war as they recover.
matchbreakers | original work | #wip: match
─── ⋆ status : brainstorming
xavier works at match breakers. instead of setting people up on blind dates, he goes to dates and breaks up the couple. all sorts of people hire him, disapproving parents, jealous ex's, and those scared to see their ex's angry side. what he doesn't expect is falling in love with one of his own clients.
scars of duty | original work | #wip: sod
─── ⋆ status : plotting
Lucian is a hero who protects the city of Haines and the other members of his hero's league. They're a small-name hero just trying to make do with what they've got. A villain new to the city shows up and shakes Lucian’s perception of their own superpowers and the world.
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< tag lists: if you'd like to be added for any project, let me know. i'm not the greatest at remembering the tag list but i will try! >
─── ⋆ more of my socials & my design portfolio
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ryns-ramblings · 3 months
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A mock cover I made for my WIP Among the Hydrangeas! Made this a couple of weeks back but forgot to post it here.
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blood-teeth · 9 months
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god will not allow me to get away from the moody red/cyan aesthetic i fear
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