#( dick & kory )
honestlyrainylove · 1 year
I prefer nightwing and oracle as a couple not just because they were childhood sweethearts or they are literally like the mom and dad of any group they take charge on...but because starfire seems to have no other identity except for being from Tamaran and nightwings girlfriend and should get an opportunity to explore herself or might as well go back to save and rule her planet as the years go by...don't get me wrong nightwing and starfire were the first dc couple I just adored and idolized... but I am suckered for childhood sweethearts... hence dick and babs any day... girlfriends may come and go but babs will be Richard's number one girl
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Naw cuz you took a whole ass racist comment towards Anna Diop who did nothing but live her damn life and turned it into Nightwing 96 promotional post while also instigating a ship war between Dick Babs vs Dick Kory. Hell Naw.
How do you as a white man gentrify a racist experience towards a Black Woman and then make it about yourself? Not even providing a link to her twitter account for support?
Everyone in those comments are all praising Taylor and telling him that PEOPLE ARE WRONG FOR ATTACKING HIM. HE WASNT ATTACKED. A Black Woman was attacked. Taylor doesnt and did not have ANYTHING to do with that situation. The original racist tweet didnt even INCLUDE him. I hate it here.
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starspilli · 2 months
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dc cowboy doodles & wips !
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comics-centalx · 7 months
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Personally, I think Dick wins
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vodrae · 2 months
Starfire presses her lips against Red Hood's to share vital informations with him as quickly as possible. Calmly Jason says
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iszapizza · 4 months
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i present mother dick grayson
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dailydccomics · 5 months
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Kory being the one to ACTUALLY save Dick instead of just standing around or imprisoning him >>> Titans #7 art by Travis Moore
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starfirekoryanders · 1 month
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Robin and Starfire as a popstar by Delaney's Art.
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batcavescolony · 1 year
Nightwing: hey Titans, umm id like to introduce you to Robin
Tim Robin: Hi
Titans: uhhh hi
Kory: h-WAIT you're the kid that showed up at my door asking about Nightwing! How did you get my address?
Dick: yeah he does that but it's fine, he's Robin now.
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ghost-hotel · 2 months
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dickkory sketch based on an old versace ad
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Haven’t drawn any dickkory in a while - thought I’d correct that this Valentine’s Day 💌
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honestlyrainylove · 1 year
thanks for your comments on my previous post... for some reason i was unable to comment back and hence i had to make a new post... I guess I have missed whatever points you have mentioned and I wholeheartedly value your opinion and thank you for pointing out my mistakes... I wouldn't say I am completely going to prefer dick and Kory over dick and babs but hey everyone have their own opinions...please understand that I don't hate dick and Kory. And all ships have their negatives I am not denying it..when I said dick and babs were like the mom and dad of their groups meant babs for batgirls and dick for robins.. and hasn't dc recently retconned batgirl to be almost the same age of nightwing... I agree that Kory and dick were literally made for each other and they didn't need any changes to be done for them... but I still believe Kory is better off without having any romantic relation with dick.. and I am all in for them being in a platonic relation and being the den parents for the titans...neither am I saying that dick and Kory don't look good togeather or that I would prefer them never having a romantic relationship in the first place..and if you put it in a way that babs is following dick everywhere might as well allow them to have a romantic relationship... and by the way not all dick babs shippers hate on Kory (one confident example me) and similarly not all dick Kory shippers never bash dick and babs... so I would also request to stop stereotyping a certain group... because believe me... today it might be on a trivial issue but soon it will become a habit and a very unhealthy one
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starspilli · 4 months
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morning kori. she’s lovingly watching dick burn the shit out of her pancakes
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lustwithoutlore · 4 months
Barbara: What did you get Dick for his birthday?
Jason: I got him a Glutemaster
Barbara: Really? Me too!
Stephanie: I also got him a Glutemaster.
Duke, gesturing to himself and Tim: Looks like we had the same idea.
Jason, sighing: Kill me. Please tell me you didn’t get Dick a Glutemaster as well.
Cass: I got him… a Glutemaster 🥰
Dick, surrounded by Glutemasters: THIS IS THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!
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Part 2
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incorrectbatfam · 5 months
Jason is a hopeless romantic 100%
it just doesnt show
But everyone goes to him whn its time to plan dates
Dick: Hey, can I ask you something?
Jason, reading: No.
Dick: You see, Wally and I have our weekly date night coming up, but we've been to pretty much every place there is. You got any ideas for how to shake things up?
Jason: *scribbles coordinates and tosses him the Bat-plane keys*
Wally: Wow, I've never been to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
Dick: I'm glad you like it.
Dick: *texts Jason a thumbs up*
Jason: *read at 8:55 PM*
Tim: Jason, glad you're here! I totally forgot it's me and Bernard's six-month anniversary. Help me out, man.
Jason, clipping his toenails: Fine. You better write this down 'cause I'm only saying it once.
Tim: *nods*
Jason: Go to Home Depot. You're gonna need some rope, a tarp, hammer and nails, a hatchet, matches, and fuel. After that...
Tim: *furiously takes notes*
Bernard: A camping trip was a great idea. It's nice to get away from it all. And I can't believe you set this all up yourself.
Tim, chuckling nervously: What's a boyfriend for if not to build a tent and chop down a tree?
Duke: So the school dance is coming up.
Jason, working: Theme?
Duke: Under the sea.
Jason: Ugh, how cliché. Anyway, Armand's Tailoring has a blue suit that'll match whatever your girlfriend's wearing. Tell him I sent you. After that, call Patricia's Bistro and make a reservation with the code word "surreptitious." Alfred can take you in the limo if you give him a 24-hour heads-up to clean it. Once you're there, remind the DJ he owes me a favor to get your song requests bumped up. And remember, a slow dance is basically moving your feet in a square but otherwise go with the flow.
Duke: Sweet, thanks!
Cass: Steph is sad.
Jason, cooking: *sighs*
Jason: *takes out a tub of ice cream*
Jason: *scoops a hole in the middle*
Jason: *fills it with candy*
Jason: Here.
Cass: Thanks!
*phone rings*
Jason, waking up from a nap: What?
Kory: Sorry if I woke you. Barbara's coming over for breakfast in half an hour but I burned it with my powers. It was supposed to be eggs benedict.
Jason: Order takeout and put it on fancy plates.
Kory: You're a lifesaver—
Jason: *already hung up and went back to sleep*
Kate: It's Renee's birthday tomorrow. I have a gift, but I'm not sure if it's good enough.
Jason, polishing his gun: If it's from you, it will be.
Bruce: *walks in*
Bruce: Hey, son. Selina's not talking to me after our argument. How do I tell her how much she means to me?
Jason, reciting Shakespeare: I know no ways to mince it in love, but directly to say, "I love you."
Bruce: You're right. I'm just gonna tell it to her straight. Thank you.
Bruce: *leaves*
Jason: *takes off his headphones and turns around*
Jason: Did someone say something?
Damian: Todd, what is love supposed to feel like?
Jason: Why do you want to know?
Damian: None of your concern. Now tell me.
Jason: *shoots a training dummy*
Jason: It's when they're lodged in your head like a bullet. Except without the excruciating pain and messy red stuff.
Damian, nodding: Tell me more.
Roy: *takes down a villain*
Jason, sitting on a roof: *wolf whistles*
Roy: The hell?
Jason: I know hot when I see it.
Roy: What are you doing here?
Jason: I brought Arrowdogs.
Roy: You hate Arrowdogs.
Jason: But you don't.
Roy: Aw, how sweet—EYES UP HERE, TODD!
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