#richard barbara
honestlyrainylove · 1 year
I prefer nightwing and oracle as a couple not just because they were childhood sweethearts or they are literally like the mom and dad of any group they take charge on...but because starfire seems to have no other identity except for being from Tamaran and nightwings girlfriend and should get an opportunity to explore herself or might as well go back to save and rule her planet as the years go by...don't get me wrong nightwing and starfire were the first dc couple I just adored and idolized... but I am suckered for childhood sweethearts... hence dick and babs any day... girlfriends may come and go but babs will be Richard's number one girl
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hehether · 8 months
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Damn, the never-ending tags plis send help
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pacificwaternymph · 1 month
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Did you guys know that Duke's tag on Ao3 only has 7,000 fics? Because I didn't.
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"anyone can be a babygirl but it takes a man to be a single mother"
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vespertilionis · 1 month
Has a skincare routine: Dick, Jason, Duke, Bruce, Babs, Steph
“I just use water”: Cass, Tim
“Stop trying to force me into a skincare routine I’m 10”: Damian
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batfamhastwitter · 16 days
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Part 22! Fun fact, Mrs Harrington is based off of an actual teacher I had, and yes, Jason's donut trick worked like a charm on her too
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pinkiemachine · 6 months
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thought this looked cool…
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beauxjangles · 3 months
why is batman in a parasocial relationship with the entire justice league except he doesnt know it. with the entirety of arkham asylum too. the batkids can't take him anywhere lest he start forming parasocial relationships
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ev-arrested · 1 year
You can tell the exact mental state of Dick Grayson based on the music he plays in the car
His entire family monitors his listening habits, and if it's anything but things from the list of genres and artists that Dick normally likes while provably mentally stable, they get concerned.
Tim, texting the group chat without Dick in it: Hey, guys, just needed to let y'all know that Dick picked me up today, and he put on an NF song in the car.
Barbara: Fuck, he's depressed.
Steph: Isn't he always?
Barbara: No, like--more than usual.
A week later.
Jason: Y'all, I'm with him rn and he's blasting S&M in the training room. One of you bitches--and I will find out who--triggered some body image issues, and now he's sexualizing himself to cope.
Tim: Did one of you guys call him ugly or smth???
Steph: I would never. I'm not a mean person, unlike you guys.
Damian: Why did you immediately assume it was one of us?
Jason: Because y'all are terrible people.
Tim: I'm not taking this from a literal gang leader.
Jason: But I admit, that is a bit of a jump on my part. It could've been any of Dick's trash friends that he, for some reason, keeps around, so that's on me.
Cass: Monitor him so he doesn't do anything drastic.
Barbara: Let me know if he starts compulsively thinking about becoming a stripper.
Jason: If that happens, there's no saving him.
After Dick returns from Spyral.
Duke: Now this just might be me, but I don't think I ever pegged Dick as a metalhead before he went off to work for Spyral.
Tim: Dear god.
Tim: Don't tell me he's listening to SOAD.
Duke: What even is that.
Jason: System of a Down
Duke: Oh, yeah, it's that.
Duke: What does that mean???
Barbara: He's self-destructive.
Steph: Isn't he normally?
Barbara: No, like--I mean yes, but more explosively.
Jason: His main goal is to blow up...
Barbara: Don't.
Barbara: This is serious.
Steph: He's listening to vocaloid. That's....so odd??? @Damian did you have anything to do with this?
Tim: oh my god
Damian: The answer to this question is of high importance: what song is it?
Steph: Do you think I can speak Japanese??
Damian: Ask.
Steph: omg fine.
Steph: He says it's "Assassin Princess" by Mitchie M.
Tim: Hold on lemme listen to this shit
Damian: It's a good song.
Jason: Okay, but what does that tell us?
Damian: It's not a song I ever played for him.
Jason: So you're telling me he's listening to vocaloid independent of you?
Damian: It would appear so.
Jason: Oh, that's bad.
Tim: The song's about a spy and her partner murdering her ex-boyfriend who betrayed her.
Steph: He's feeling vengeful.
Jason: Oh, that's really bad.
Cass: He's playing One Direction.
Barbara: Honestly?? Chances are, he's fine.
Duke: Agreed. He's playing "What Makes You Beautiful", so I doubt it's anything.
Duke: Now if he starts playing shit from their solo careers, we have a problem.
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citybythesea1-blog · 6 months
Jason, at the slightest provocation: I came into this earth screaming and covered in someone else's blood and and I'm not afraid to leave the same way.
Barbara: Do you know the ABCs of first aid?
Steph: A. Bone. Coming out of the skin is very bad.
Jason, to Tim: You're not Mario. Lets get something straight, you're Luigi at best.
Barbara: Tim is restricted to decaf for the rest of this mission.
Jason: I haven’t slept in 72 hours…
Steph: I haven’t slept in 80. I’m the insomnia queen!
Tim: Ha! I haven’t slept in 90 hours, I’m aiming for an even 100.
Dick: What is wrong with you people.
Jason: Ugh, there’s always that weak bitch in the group who isn’t down with murder.
Jason: *glares at Cass*
Cass: Well, sorry I have morals!
Jason, furious: What do you mean we have homework tonight? I have books to read.
Tim: I want to be like a caterpillar.
Damian: Explain.
Tim: Eat a lot, sleep for a while, wake up beautiful.
Dick: You know they have a lifespan of a week, right?
Tim: That's just another highlight!
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lilithmymind · 26 days
Ya know I really don't like this whole 'Tim doesn't sleep and drinks so much coffee what he gets hallucinations, haha' bc I'm absolutely sure what this shit runs in the family.
They all are caped vigilantes who also has to keep Brucie/Brucie's kids/Wayne legacy images, hide their identity from some people, go to school/collage/work and fight criminals at the same time. Of course they all sleep max 2 hours and drink so much coffee what they're seeing things!
And I'm sure Alfred is preparing them coffee depending on their mood. Like sometimes it's fluffy sweet coffee, sometimes it's dark like Teenage Bruce when he was goth's soul.
Exception is Damian since he is a kiddo so they force him to sleep eight hours and ban him from drinking coffee.
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honestlyrainylove · 1 year
thanks for your comments on my previous post... for some reason i was unable to comment back and hence i had to make a new post... I guess I have missed whatever points you have mentioned and I wholeheartedly value your opinion and thank you for pointing out my mistakes... I wouldn't say I am completely going to prefer dick and Kory over dick and babs but hey everyone have their own opinions...please understand that I don't hate dick and Kory. And all ships have their negatives I am not denying it..when I said dick and babs were like the mom and dad of their groups meant babs for batgirls and dick for robins.. and hasn't dc recently retconned batgirl to be almost the same age of nightwing... I agree that Kory and dick were literally made for each other and they didn't need any changes to be done for them... but I still believe Kory is better off without having any romantic relation with dick.. and I am all in for them being in a platonic relation and being the den parents for the titans...neither am I saying that dick and Kory don't look good togeather or that I would prefer them never having a romantic relationship in the first place..and if you put it in a way that babs is following dick everywhere might as well allow them to have a romantic relationship... and by the way not all dick babs shippers hate on Kory (one confident example me) and similarly not all dick Kory shippers never bash dick and babs... so I would also request to stop stereotyping a certain group... because believe me... today it might be on a trivial issue but soon it will become a habit and a very unhealthy one
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hehether · 8 months
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All day tired 🧎‍♂️
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tampire · 7 months
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This gifset slaps!
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weepingtalecowboy · 1 month
Considering that Bruce canonically is doing Brucie stuff while sober because alcohol would make him less focused on being Batman in case of emergency
Him simply being incapable of truly feeling ashamed by anything would have so much potential for fanfics to explore
Like even in comics and media there are stupid situations like Bruce looking sad when he gets called out for standing in the darkest corner of the room all the time (he looked heartbroken)
Him straight up singing in justice league Action
His children would have such a field trip figuring out what would embarrass him
And honestly knowing Alfred he would have readily made Batman a bat sandwich with the crust cut of packed in a a little bat lunchbox
It terrifies the league even more when they see him blankly eating his sandwiches like it is completely fine (he appreciates the effort)
Because who ever can do something like that will probably be hunted for sports
No way Batman would let it slide
But then he does it and it’s terrifying
Then they repeatedly see him being pranked and not doing anything about it
Like his outfit getting tie dyed
Him getting attacked by rubber bats falling from the ceiling
And then toy robins in the colors of his kids appearing at his table (all dramatic)
Then he gets dosed with water and the prank war only escalates from there
Main while the rest of the league starts feeling bad about it because it starts getting close to actual bullying (especially the more humiliating ones)
Because it is mean to see someone make fun of their friends bat obsession in such aggressive ways
They also start conspiracing if Batman gets bullied in his home life
The batfam finds out and then everyone collectively decides to see what the league would do if they suspect bullying and how they would respond to such a scenario considering that many of them should be capable of helping distressed individuals
And escalate the whole situation while planning how to make it look as mean as possible without being actually mean
Batman starts to look sad whenever something happens (it’s easy when you just think about your kids dying and the feelings you felt when the press was covering his parents murder)
He also mentioned to them how his rouges and many people in Gotham dislike bats after a rubber bat gets nailed down on a table
And then the league starts to see what they can do about it
It is surprisingly little
Considering that they barely know him
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fawcetttweets · 2 months
Related to that last tweet of Billy sad about the Pigs flying in the wrong account, what about a reaction from some of the heroes of the JL, some that agree with him and some that don't? I know for a fact that there are some comic runs that aren't just Batman (and batfam) and Captain Marvel that deal with corrupt cops overruning the precint.
I don’t know very much about most hero’s other than Billy Batson or the batfam 😭. I looked it up but couldn’t find much about characters who are involved with police other than a few who I’ve never heard of but I do know that nightwing and the flash were/are part of the police system!
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Whoops… this ended up being a lot more Batfam than I meant it to be lol. At this point I may as well be a batfam blog (not really… but kinda).
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