#100-101 Questions
askdrunktwilight · 2 years
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Twilight: I can do this.
(Mod: Many thanks to @asktwilighteclipse @thedumbguywithaheart43 @a-spoonful-of-generosity @reversal-mushroom and @ask-appledashh for all the brilliant asks!)
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
on the topic of produce groups and popularity while i do think the built in fanbase any contestant has on a produce show gets is a bonus there are some anomalies in popularity that dont always guarantee produce contestant alumni success. ive and lssfm have the most popular members in izone. meanwhile everglow is popular overseas (not sure about korea they dont have many wins) with midranking/lowranking produce 48 members. but cube has a group thats about half produce 48 members mid/high ranking that barely get promo? these arent the most solid examples because a contestant doesnt have the same amount of popularity as someone in a produce group *but* weki meki has 2 produce members in their group from i.o.i (who were very popular)and they dont have much popularity to show for it. so its a balance between company and member popularity. if a good company has less popular contestants or members they can make it work.(i.e. everglow) if a bad company has a popular member its not always a surefire success. (chungha basically put her company on the map meanwhile fromis 9 had a FLOP company until hybe finally swooped in) starship and hybe hit the jackpot. popular members AND good promo.
i mean yea, it absolutely does depend on how the company handles it and how popular each individual member is. saying everyone gets the same popularity boost from being on a produce show is a bit too much of a blanket statement bc honestly it's about half and half if the popularity actually does something significant or not. like even for wanna one; you have kang daniel who's more or less a household name, and also yoon jisung, who does musicals and cute flop citypop tracks and makes songs with his dog. and there's also how the show saved nu'est from the brink, even when minhyun didn't promote with them for two years. even at the less opposite ends of the spectrum, ab6ix might as well be called daehwi and the woojins, but baejin barely stands out from the rest of cix anymore, even though they are similar groups with similar-ish popularity. and of course that's not even bringing up the mess that was x1 and how all the offshoot groups from that are doing.
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ririblogsss · 2 months
(This idea has been done before butttt I still wanna explore it)
What if instead of the JL believing that phantom is a ghost they just believe he is a very much overpowered meta with stereotypical ghost powers.
like in this AU, Phantom would have successfully gotten in contact the JL and got the GIW shot down, the JL thinking that the GIW were making false claims about a different species so they could experiment on metahumans with unique abilities. The Fentons works are under extreme watch and everything they do / want to research is heavily reviewed. Phantom ended up joining the Young Justice league.
So because JL assumed that Dannys 'ghost form' was just to keep his ID from being reveled, as no one would look for his real ideantity and if they did they would look at people who have died. Batman thought it was a genius strategy.
But then one of his teammates (im thinking either RR of Superboy) mentions that in all this time phantom hasn't aged a single bit
(I'm thinking that his ghost look never aged since he died, basically forever 14 in that form)
And Dannys brutally honest like "Of course I don't age im dead" while rolling his eyes.
And everyone stops and takes a full look at him really analyzing him.
And his teammate just has the loading screen on their heads and they just say: oh I thought that you that-
And they can't even complete a sentence cause their baffled.
And Dannys shrugs like it isn't a big deal: Yeah I've said this before, lab accident I died but came back. Anyways I have paperwork to do royal duties u know.
And he just leaves everyone to have a mental crisis over someone they knew died at such a young age and that they came back only to protect people.
Meanwhile Batman's over in the corner inputting 100s of questions into google
'Is it legal to adopt the ghost of a child'
'Can someone call cps on a families ghost'
'how to take care of ghosts 101'
'what do ghosts like'
'ghost customs'
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incognitopolls · 3 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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thegreatwicked · 2 months
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This obviously needed its own post and here it is, a collection of blog posts and resources I have found and used for my own writing, I hope they help you too! Go forth and write that spice!
The Smut Writers Dictionary By @maybeeatspaghetti Seriously, how many different way are there to write cock? Does anyone else wonder if they've used the word 'lips' too many times? Well, this is a good place to start!
The Ultimate Guide to Writing Smut This is the first one I found and I go back to it frequently! There's also some great information about specific areas of sex that may not be common knowledge for first time writers!
How to Write Smut By @urfriendlywriter Another great source of information from different verbiage to use and a few tips to hel you along (giggity)
Smut Thesaurus By @prurientpuddlejumper just what it sounds like and you can never have too many words at your disposal.
6 Steps to Writing Better Sex By @chaoschaoswriting If you're at a loss or just want some more help this is antoher fantastic blog!
Writing Prompts NSFW By @seidenbros Need some dialogue? Or a story idea? Have a look!
#100 NSFW/Smut Dialogue Prompts By @a-cure-for-writers-block More? More. This is also a fantastic writing blog with lots to offer!
Intimate + Sexual Headcannon Questions By @petalsprompts Good questions to ask your characters to get to know them better and make more well rounded characters!
Smut & Mature (18+) Master List By @pendarling A great list dialogue prompts, scenarios, and helpful bits!
Poly NSFW Alphabet By @smaoineamhsalach Another great way to get to know your characters and maybe a handful of ideas for story ideas.
Kink Prompts Another from the previous blogger above and I didn't know what half of these are! I'll work on a kink dictionary next!
Writing Smut 101: Overcoming Smut Shame @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 There's a lot to be said for this particular subject! It's hard to write stuff like this, so how do you get over it? Start here!
How to Write a Kiss Scene By @youneedsomeprompts Yes!!! I still struggle with this one! There's a thousand ways to kiss, find your favorite!
Smut Oneliners By @deity-prompts you can never have enough one-liners!!
How to Write a (Great) Sex Scene Another great article for new smut writers
9 Tips for Writing Steamy Scenes More tips to help you wirte good steamy stuff!
How to Write Erotica and a Damn Fine Sex Scene A WEALTH if information on writing, structuring, and helpful tips!
@saradikahas a fantatic blog with graphics for you to use to add some fun to your posts. Things like MDNI Banners, 18+ Content Warnings, Support Your Favorite Writers and Reblog banners! They are free to use but she does ask that you reblog her stuff if you do! She's also a very talented writer and she writes some AMAZING Din Djarin stories!
Gay Sex Positions Guide This is a WONDERFUL adition and thank you so much @b7bubby for bringing this to my attention, I didn't have any resources for writing M/M fairings but this is a much needed addition to the spicy community! i've never written an M/M pairing and I feel like such an idiot for overlooking the need for a resource like this!
Writing the Perfect Kiss Scene provided by @writers-potiona fantastic little guide to writing better kisses!
If you find any other great smut writing resources feel free to tag me so I can add them to this list! Good luck with your writing! Now go write that story and LET THE SPICE FLOW!!!!
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daggersandarrows · 9 months
wait ok here's another question:
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femsinisms · 1 month
How Radical Is Your Feminism?
Are you curious to know what schools of thought your feminist beliefs and practices align with? This quiz may give you the answer you are seeking. It's officially been a year since this quiz was closed, and now it's back.
If you have any questions about this quiz, you can leave them in the feedback section: https://forms.gle/5j8gwGEjC37aZB1r8
Scoring Guide:
Radfem: 0-100
Marxfem and rad leaning: 101-300
Liberal fem: 300-700
Enemy of Progress: 700+
Women of all beliefs are welcome and encouraged to take this quiz. Please only take this quiz once.
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*mutuals = internet users who follow each other on a social media platform — so you follow them, and they follow you, too.
This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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cottonlemonade · 8 days
The school lunch menu request is such a cute idea! I’ve never requested anything. I assume it’s open so anyone can request?
If that's the case, and since I love your Kita pieces (particularly ‘A Simpler Life’), I’m gonna take menu A with strawberry milk and a dorayaki and sit next to him!
Congrats on the 400 followers. They're well deserved!
Comparing Scores
word count: 1037 || avg. reading time: 4 mins.
pairing: Kita x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff, rivals to lovers
warnings: none
request: fluffy, jealous rival Kita
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You closed your eyes in annoyance at the calm voice and after a barely audible sigh, looked up from your notes.
Your class president regarded you with his usual icy stare for a moment before asking, “How did yer test go?”
And there he did it again. As if he didn’t know that he beat you by two points.
“You know very well how it went.”, you grumbled.
“No, that’s why I’m askin’.”
“I got a 98. There, are you happy now?”
Kita blinked twice.
“That’s a great score, well done.”
You scoffed. “And I’m guessing you got 100?”
“101, actually.” When you just stared in disbelief, he added, “There was a bonus question on the back.”
Your shoulders shook with anger. You hadn’t even noticed.
“Good for you.”, you pressed out.
“Thank you.”, he replied, still standing in front of you like he was waiting for something.
You were about to tell him to leave you alone when Aran stepped to your table.
“Hey y/n-san!”, he greeted happily and your face softened immediately, “Heard ya swept the floor with the class on that test. What did ya get?”
You gave a little fake-humble chuckle and shrugged, “Well, you know, not perfect but I got a 98.”
Kita frowned. He had asked you the same question and you had glared at him as if he had demanded you clean the classroom floor with a toothbrush. He watched closely as his best friend kept making simple smalltalk, asking about your plans for the weekend and if you’d wanna join him and his girlfriend for a movie since they had an extra ticket.
Why was it so easy for others to make you smile?
Kita focused on your hands, fluttering through the air as you animatedly discussed further plans and perked up when he heard his name.
“Ya wanna come, too, Kita?”, Aran asked, patting his friend on the shoulder.
“If it’s not too much trouble.”
The two boys turned their attention back to you when you let out an involuntary groan.
“Something the matter, y/n?”, the ace frowned.
“It’s just… actually, you know what, just give the ticket to him. I don’t have time anyway.”
“Come on, it’s just a movie. It’ll take two, maybe three hours outta yer day. What’s the harm?”
“I don’t want to go if he is there.”
Surprisingly, you looked just as shocked at your words as Kita felt. His eyes widened, then he bowed and excused himself, going back to his seat.
All throughout the next period you kept your eyes on Kita’s back. He seemed alright, you thought.
You hadn’t meant to say it out loud. You had fully planned on finding an elegant excuse not to go but something about this boy just rubbed you the wrong way. Probably because he was everything you hoped you could ever be - calm, composed, incredibly smart and capable in anything he touched.
Did your words hurt his feelings? You chewed your bottom lip, not hearing when the teacher called your name for an answer.
As you began to stutter, trying to make sense of what was written on the blackboard, Kita raised his hand and gave a flawless reply, as per usual.
You sunk further down in your chair. He didn’t seem all that bothered after all. Still, you should apologize.
And so, once the bell rang announcing the end of the day and everyone filed out of the classroom, you took a deep breath.
The gray-haired boy paused in the middle of putting his books neatly into his backpack and looked up at you.
You turned, waiting for a moment or two until the remaining stragglers left the room to not have any witnesses.
When the door closed behind the last student you brought your eyes back to Kita who still waited patiently, still halting in the movement of sliding his workbook between two notepads.
“I’m…” Ugh, why did you do this to yourself? He was perfectly fine. Maybe you shouldn’t… “I’m…” Come on, y/n, just one more word. Come on. “Sorry.”, you breathed out.
“Sorry?”, he repeated, tilting his head slightly in question.
“Yes.”, you said, firmer this time, “I’m sorry.” Look at you go, not even stumbling that time.
“For what?”
Oh come on, don’t make me say it! He was just rubbing it in again, wasn’t he!
But when you met his eyes, the question seemed genuine.
“It was rude of me to say that earlier.” You added a little bow for good measure.
“I meant to ask a while ago-”, he began and you straightened, looking at him, “Did I do something to ya? Did I insult ya in some way? Because if I did, that wasn’t my intention.”
“It wasn’t?”, you blurted out and he blinked again, this time in alarm.
“No, of course not.”
“So… when you always ask about my scores and tell me yours, you…”
“I was just makin’ conversation.”, he admitted.
“You… what?”
“I was just tryin’ to find a way to talk to ya.”, he said simply, finally slipping his workbook into his backpack.
“But why?”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“I dunno.”, you mumbled and felt really silly all of a sudden.
“I like ya.”, he said, again in that very matter of fact tone of his and your jaw dropped.
“Yer smart and funny. People find it easy to talk to ya - not that I would know.” Did he… just make a joke?!
“And I think yer really pretty.”, he added, zipping up his backpack and getting up from his chair. He wasn’t that much taller than you, you noticed. Strange, you would have thought that all the volleyball team was super tall.
“You think I’m pretty?”, you asked, your voice rather quiet and probably a whole octave higher. Subconsciously you tugged at the front of your uniform, that always looked too baggy or too tight on your plump figure.
He nodded. “Of course.”
And then he shouldered his backpack and just walked past you towards the door.
He halted and turned, hand on the door handle.
“Do you… maybe… wanna go to the movies this weekend? W-with me?”
Kita smiled and nodded again.
a/n: thank you so so much for your kind words! “A Simpler Life” is actually one of my favorite pieces ever because Kita is just 🤌🏻 thank you also for the prompt! I hope you liked it! 🌟
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drakaripykiros130ac · 4 months
Question: Why didn’t Alicent Hightower call a Great Council after Viserys died, and just straight out committed treason and usurped the throne?
We have it on record that she made the suggestion months later, after Rhaenyra took King’s Landing. The question is: why didn’t she do that from the start? If she was so sure that the Lords of the Realm would choose her son, why didn’t she? It would certainly be easier to go about the correct/legal way of handling things as King Jaehaerys did when he called the Great Council of 101, wouldn’t it?
The answer is simple: the Hightowers were not 100% certain that the Lords of Realm would choose Aegon over Rhaenyra, as they did years before when they picked Viserys over Rhaenys.
That is the only possible explanation for why the Greens chose the dishonorable/treasonous way in order to get power for themselves.
Rhaenyra had many things in her favor, that Rhaenys didn’t:
1. King Viserys I formally named Rhaenyra his heir, while King Jaehaerys didn’t support Rhaenys.
2. The Lords of the Realm swore oaths to Rhaenyra. No one swore anything to Rhaenys. Oaths meant a great deal in those days.
3. Rhaenyra has five sons at the time of King Viserys’ death. When her father, Prince Aemon died, Rhaenys was pregnant, but no one of course knew if her child would be a girl or a boy. The Lords of the Realm have a much easier time accepting a woman in power if they know a son will follow. Prince Baelon was older, a known warrior, and already had two sons when he was named heir over Rhaenys.
4. Rhaenyra was married to the most feared/respected man in the Realm, Prince Daemon Targaryen. The only people who truly hated Daemon were the Lords in the Red Keep. Many others across the Realm respected him, especially for his work in the Stepstones.
5. Both Rhaenyra and Daemon were adored by the smallfolk, and that’s a fact. Rhaenyra was the “Realm’s Delight” and Daemon was “Prince of the City” and “Lord Flea Bottom”. Daemon had gained many friends in King’s Landing, even those in dark places. He had the necessary influence.
So, yeah, how could the Greens do the “right thing” and call a Great Council when they knew that things would most likely not go their way?
Their suspicions proved to be correct later on, when Rhaenyra was supported by the great majority of the Realm, namely 53 Houses (and the largest territories with the most powerful armies), while Aegon only had 28.
And certain people are still under the impression that the Realm has a hard time accepting a woman in a position of power. How can that be when Lady Jeyne Arryn is living, breathing proof of a woman commanding the entire Vale, and one of the most powerful armies in the Realm?
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arcanesea · 4 days
fine line
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PAIRING: kim seungmin x reader GENRE: fluff WC: 572 WARNINGS: none(?)
“Okay, that’s it,” Seungmin closed the book he was holding, looking directly at you. “What’s going on with you?”
Nothing’s going on with you, is what you want to say. But you just stopped scrolling and shifted your gaze to Seungmin who was leaning on the couch across from you. Your eyebrows raised in a questioning manner.
“You’ve sighed like 100 times in the past 15 minutes,” Seungmin observes. You rolled your eyes at him, focusing back on your screen. You scroll past a book review video; too tired to think, scroll past a breakfast recipe without saving it, scroll past a cute animation video without even smiling.
“101 times now,” Seungmin announces. You look at him, still not saying anything. Afraid that if you even open your mouth, you won’t stop talking. Seungmin stands from his seat and moves to the other end of your couch. He lifted your feet fleetingly before sitting down with your feet on his lap. “Don’t you want to share what’s inside that little brain of yours?”
“Are you saying I’m dumb?” you voiced for the first time since the last hour. You wittingly press your heel towards his thigh, earning a low grumble from Seungmin.
“That’s your word, I won’t say such things to my girlfriend,” Seungmin said, drumming to your shin. “So?”
You unintentionally sigh and then smile at Seungmin when you realize before setting your phone on your chest.
“Don’t you feel like the world is moving too fast?” you proposed. Lately, the bones in your body refuse to cooperate, and you’re just constantly tired. “Weren’t we just graduating high school yesterday? And suddenly we’re going on our own way, doing interns and everything else. It’s like we don’t even have time for each other.” your voice waning.
“Aw, is this your way of saying you miss me?” Seungmin teased. You respond by once again pressing your heel towards his thigh. “But I get you” he leaned back on the couch, pausing to find the right word to respond to you. You sigh again, laughing now that you remember the exact count of how many times you sigh.
“I don’t think it’s normal to feel this way, because like… we have different paces, and I shouldn’t compare myself to others. But at the same time, I just can’t stop thinking about where we’ll go in life… What will happen to… us?”
“Do you think we’ll break up after we graduate?” You nodded sheepishly. A grin plastered on your face, matching Seungmin’s playful energy. He puts a hand over his chest, sounding hurt, “Unbelievable.”
You laugh ardently. Of course, there’s only a small part of you that thinks that way, the others are proceeding with certainty that you’ll get through whatever crisis this is with him.
“I know you’ve heard enough of it, and it probably won’t have any effects. But we’re going to be fine, babe,” Seungmin said, tracing circles on your shin. “The future’s undecided, right, but we’re doing everything we can right now to shape it into something that we dreamt about.”
And he’s only wrong about one thing, every word he says does have its effect on you, and you believe in him. You believe you’ll be fine.
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a/n. shout out to every last-year college student out there. we got this<3 also seungmin kinda look like jake (enha) on that pic... he's so boyfriend
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nateconnolly · 2 months
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All of them have been banned, or access to them has been restricted, in a prison in America within the last ten years.
In many states, prisons have broad and vague guidelines for book restrictions -- N.J. Admin. Code § 10A:18-4.9 grants prisons the right to ban a book if it "Lacks, as a whole, serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value". In Arizona, "inmates are not permitted to send, receive, or present... Publications that depict nudity," and explicitly states that classical art is not an exception (DO 914: 8.2.1 and
I volunteer at a nonprofit that sends free books to prisoners. From personal experience, I know there are sweeping book restrictions such as "no dictionaries," "no coloring books," or "no manga". While these books are not always strictly banned, inmates are frequently underpaid, or forced to labor without pay. That means many inmates cannot afford to purchase books, and rely on nonprofits for access.
Book bans in public libraries and schools are unconscionable, but they are usually not effective at restricting access. A high school student can usually still see an image of Michelangelo's David even if they cannot learn about it in class. In prison, a book ban on nudity can permanently prevent inmates from accessing great works of art, the shared heritage of humankind.
Found on Marshall Project
1,001 Movies You Must See Before You Die (banned in California according to Marshall Project
Basic Fundamentals of Modern Tattoo (Illinois)
No role playing games. A Practical Guide to Dragons. Abolish Prison Slavery. “A Multi Denominational Wicca Bible. (Montana)
101 Things to Do With Mac and Cheese (New Jersey)
“But, Didn’t You Kill Malcolm?” and “A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming” (North Carolina)
“100 Years of Chevrolet” “1000 Dot to Dot Animals” (Oregon)
“San Francisco Bay Newspaper” “Making Everyday Electronics Work” (Rhode Island)
“Marvel Encyclopedia” (South Carolina)
“A Brief History of Manga” (Texas)
“1001 Photographs You Must See in Your Lifetime” (Virginia)
“A Question of Freedom” Reginald Dwayne Betts (Wisconsin)
The Tennessean
A prison in Tennessee restricts access to The Quran, The Torah, The Bhagavad Gita, and books about Norse mythology. (The ban did not apply to the Bible.)
Personal Experience
I am not willing to dox myself, so I cannot name the nonprofit where I volunteer. However, I swear that I have seen book bans on manga, how-to-draw guides, coloring books, electronics books, dictionaries, and composition notebooks.
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jilixthinker · 5 months
what's your opinion on channie and minho. bratty or whiny 👀
Hi anon! 🫶🪐
what a delicious question!
channie is the best sub!boy, 100%. he will do anything you ask him because his first goal in life is to please you ♡ want him tied up? yes ma'm. overstim? yes ma'm. orgasm denial? yes ma'm. he is prone to do e v e r y t h i n g for his pretty baby. i cannot see him being bratty under any circumstance, but i can totally see him becoming a little whiny at the end of a long session. the poor boy is trying sososo hard not to cry or disappoint you, but maybe you've been edging him for hours and he cannot stop from sobbing pretty words and moaning "mama mama mommy pleasepleaseplease mommy". and, of course, you please him right away because he is just so good to you everytime!! you cannot deny him anything.
minho, on the other hand??? 101% BRAT. he will tease you and answer back every single time. he will not take a punishment without grunting and cursing, he will start arguments just because he is bored and you can swear to god he is the most annoying and restless thing on earth. it's not clear if he does it just for fun or if he enjoys the after treatment, but be ready to stuff his mouth full with something - a shirt, a sheet, his own underwear- because he won't shut the fuck up for one second. he becomes pliant just after you spanked him so much that he cums untouched on the mattress, face all flushed and drool over his chin. he secretly has a praise kink but he will never admit it. you just know because the only way to stop his trantrum is to remember him that you want him to be your pretty toy, your good boy to play with.
hope i answered ❤️‍🩹
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“Who/What causes you to lose allure?”
If you don’t like cussing, sorry. Your future isn’t guaranteed and we don’t have time to wait for the perfect moment.
The Who’s
Negative bitches. Negative bitches can come in the form of mothers, relatives, besties, and acquaintances. In some cases, they can be well intentioned, but they’ll never understand your lifestyle choices if they aren’t in it themselves. Negative bitches will make you shoot yourself in the foot through sabotage, feeding you doubt through the guise of “caring about you”, and talk about how they never did that and they’re still fine. They want to throw you off track so they won’t feel embarrassed or left behind.
Uninspired persons. The people who want to grow with you by attaching themselves to your hip, and literally copying everything you do. If you do 100 jumping jacks in the morning, they’ll do 101 and take credit for it first if they succeed.
Level up buddies that gave up on leveling up. When you’re on your journey or generally growing your independence, you’ll realize that you can’t afford what you always want to do and staying in your current position ain’t getting you nowhere. Having colleagues that became complacent isn’t helpful to you or them, so dissociate or send them packing.
Comfort zone friends. Comfort zone friends can be the same as negative bitches, except they can become proactive if they view you as a mutual, instead of as a frenemy. Comfort zone friends can also be childhood friends, relationships that you run back to when they ran their course, acquaintances, and placeholders.
Comparison heauxs. The name is literally their description: bitter heauxs that always feel the need to compare themselves and you to their/your progress. They always try to humble you but copy your habits at the same time since they can’t trust themselves.
Unsolicited advisors. Unsolicited advisors like giving advice and comparing their progress at your age to theirs. Their desired results are attention, praise and appreciation for unwanted advice, but I ask if they want a cookie for giving an opinion no one cared about. If they’re people you can’t avoid, ask them questions that have no benefit to your mission.
The What’s
Telling your business on the first visit.
Exposing your routines, private life.
Telling your favorite habits [to heaux’s that’ll switch up on you if given a chance]. If you love singing and the heaux is mad at you, guess what? Your voice sucks and you sound like a dying goat. Love your pretty nose? Guess what’s being attacked first in a fight.
Telling your plans to anyone who’ll listen.
Taking advice from people TO HEART who haven’t experienced what you do. It’s taking medicine you don’t need, but convinced yourself enough that you’re sick. My confidence is the highest it’s been, and I now understand why low esteem people would take advice or criticism from people who’d never liked them.
Giving up after you put in the work required, because “your plan said I could do this in 6 months” but it’s 6.1 months later.
Revealing who you are to someone who didn’t put in the work to know you.
Living for other people.
Living through other people.
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ohdorothea · 3 months
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hoax: a web weave - part one (part two)
1. hoax 2. ME! 3. the 1 4. All Too Well 5. Babe 6. Better Man 7. Paper Rings 8. High Infidelity 9. Maroon 10. Dress 11. right where you left me 12. Maroon 13. cowboy like me 14. Hits Different 15. King of My Heart 16. willow 17. Tell Me Why 18. Teardrops On My Guitar 19. I’m Only Me When I’m With You 20. illicit affairs 21. ‘tis the damn season 22. hoax 23. Getaway Car 24. Look What You Made Me 25. Call It What You Want 26. Look What You Made Me Do Music Video 27. Tell Me Why 28. Daylight 29. The Archer 30. Run 31. Better Man 32. Slut! 33. Say Don’t Go 34. Foolish One 35. I Don’t Wanna Live Forever 36. cardigan 37. Tell Me Why 38. hoax 39. Forever Winter 40. Style Music Video 41. It’s Nice To Have a Friend 42. This Love 43. Out of the Woods 44. Hits Different 45. coney island 46. Anti-Hero 47. ME! Music Video 48. The Archer 49. Haunted 50. ivy
51. hoax 52. right where you left me 53. this is me trying 54. Nothing New 55. The Way I Loved You 56. King of My Heart 57. evermore 58. coney island 59. Hits Different 60. exile 61. champagne problems 62. All Too Well 63. betty 64. hoax 65. Death By A Thousand Cuts 66. willow 67. So It Goes… 68. Cruel Summer 69. Tell Me Why 70. Bad Blood 71. Say Don’t Go 72. closure 73. long story short 74. High Infidelity 75. Daylight 76. tolerate it 77. Death By a Thousand Cuts 78. hoax 79. Daylight 80. The Archer 81. I Bet You Think About Me 82. 22 83. Treacherous 84. Wonderland 85. Better Man 86. Message In A Bottle 87. hoax 88. Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve 89. Change 90. ivy 91. Getaway Car 92. State of Grace 93. Maroon 94. The Great War 95. The Story of Us 96. Cornelia Street 97. Wonderland 98. Anti-Hero 99. So It Goes… 100. Dear Reader
101. False God 102. Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince 103. Afterglow 104. evermore 105. my tears ricochet 106. hoax 107. Holy Ground 108. ivy 109. Dancing With Our Hands 110. Look What You Made Me Do111. Wonderland 112. right where you left me 113. Tell Me Why 114. mad woman 115. the lakes 116. The Great War 117. Cold As You 118. I Knew You Were Trouble 119. hoax 120. long story short 121. Don’t Blame Me 122. this is me trying 123. Red 124. Jump Then Fall 125. seven 126. This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things 127. gold rush 128. the last great american dynasty 129. hoax Lyric Video 130. the lakes 131. hoax 132. Is It Over Now? 133. Clean 134. Teardrops On My Guitar 135. Wonderland 136. seven 137. The Outside 138. Tell Me Why 139. illicit affairs 140. Come In With The Rain 141. Dancing With Our Hands Tied 142. Cornelia Street 143. champagne problems 144. The Other Side of the Door 145. Getaway Car 146. champagne problems 147. cardigan Music Video 148. Cruel Summer 149. hoax 150. If You’re Anything Like Me poem
151. mirrorball 152. White Horse 153. False God 154. I Knew You Were Trouble 155. Cornelia Street 156. False God 157. Love Story 158. Style 159. ivy 160. End Game 161. cowboy like me 162. White Horse 163. Ours 164. The Great War 165. False God 166. ivy 167. How You Get The Girl 168. coney island 169. Hits Different 170. Innocent 171. Look What You Made Me Do 172. You’re On Your Own, Kid 173. It’s Nice To Have a Friend 174. White Horse 175. Don’t Blame Me 176. betty 177. hoax 178. …Ready For It? Music Video 179. Hits Different 180. Forever Winter 181. All Too Well (10 Minute Version) 182. Everything Has Changed 183. Dress 184. Cruel Summer 185. Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince 186. Paper Rings 187. Afterglow 188. The Archer 189. Lover 190. Dear John 191. State of Grace 192. Starlight 193. hoax 194. Bejewelled 195. Question…? 196. peace 197. Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince 198. Forever and Always 199. Say Don’t Go 200. Hits Different 201. Bigger Than The Whole Sky 202. Wonderland 203. Lover Music Video
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filmofhybe · 7 months
hi! can i request enha trying to get close to their idol crush during hybe game caterers?
Hybe game (admirers) caterers.
🗯️ Pairing : ot7! x reader Genre : Idol x Idol , fluff warning: nothing word count : 438 (not prove-read)
; AUTHORS NOTE : happy December 1st!! Please look forward to my new written series “In Every Multiverse” later today!!
masterlist to my other works
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정원 jungwon + 성훈 Sunghoon
Will 100% smile at your group entrance.
and I mean the small smiles but adorable ones. He really wants to get your attention (even though he has it all already), would race towards the same ice bucket you’re going to during the “Red HYBE Green HYBE” and laugh when you both reached for the same beverage, if there’s only one left he would let you take it.
Because your group only got 1 watermelon and it wasn’t enough, they will personally deliver some to your group (but mostly for you). And watch you eat the sweet watermelon he cut for you, tries to get to know you when you guys are lining up during “NaNa Cafeteria Game”. Cheer you on during “Random Play Dance.” and would be really surprised when you knew their dances. Blushed because their crush just did their dance = saw their mv = saw them in the MV = listened to their music = listened to their voice. Will never ever stop talking about how cute you looked that day.
Bless his small heart😔
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희 승 heeseung + 박종성 Park Jeongseong + 심재윤 Sim Jaeyun
Biggest flirts. Please they don’t even try to hide it, especially during “Random Play Dance.”. Knew all the dances but added the most energy during your groups dance (especially your part). His way to show off his amazing dance skills as well as the fact he payed attention to you. Would tease you when you got their dance right. “Ahh~ y/n must watched our dance practice to perfect all those dance moves~”. They are smart as hell so they would 101% always whisper the answer to “Nana Cafeteria” when they hear your question, so you can get the good foods faster and not starve :(
Oh and they helped you out during “A Pair Race” because you both couldn’t find your manager😭. Than you realized both of them were chatting which made you laugh. He was just so gentle with you😵‍💫
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선우 Sunoo + にしむら りき Nishimura Riki
REALLY SHY AT FIRST. They just didn’t believe you would join the show AS THE MC!! Because of your packed schedule, but here you are GLOWING. Really impressed you (like the others) during “Random Play Dance”, Your comments made them blush so hard. And the way your soft voice read out their name for their missions or even just their group name made them MELT🫠
During “Nana Cafeteria”, they would purposely try to pick the food lunchboxes so they can save it for you because they know you wouldn’t get the good ones after everyone got theirs. His actions really made your heart swell. It was so kind of him.
Did I also mention he tried to rush towards the finish line during “Red HYBE Green HYBE”. He almost fell over so you caught him quickly by his arms, shocked both of you. But you both laughed off which made him blush like a red tomato because your laugh was so adorable.
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taglist : @surefornext @spilled-coffee-cup @skepvids @amymyli @in-somnias-world @okjaeminn @nonotwice1 @thinkmyg @blubbfsh
Reblog , comment or dm to be on my perm taglist !
networks : @k-films @k-neighborhood @/k-labels @kflixnet
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