#CAUSE MY BRAIN SAID 'you haven't read that book'
double-o-donut · 2 years
anyway turns out the book i've been thinking of for over a decade and couldn't remember what it was called i've had it on my bookshelf this whole time
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zippidi-dooda · 2 months
I am loving this event way more than I thought I would (haven't fully gone through it yet)
But I was not expecting Vil to go ham on insults
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And this was just from what I played through today
Glad I'm not actually there cause I'd be in the background like "OOOOHHH! DAMN VIL, YOU TELL 'IM!!!" And Leona would hate me
Also love how we get the representation of someone who hates kids, I feel like there are few to no shows that demonstrate it
Cheka is cute and I love him, but I can understand Leona
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To be honest, Leona has never really been on my roster, I am more of a Malleus/Deuce/Rollo type of gal
Leona just seems like someone more fun to bugger with
But this ...
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This reveal???
Jaw dropping, king of the jungle for real, hubba hubba, hot dayum--Malleus forgive me
Another moment that I am glad I wasn't there for cause I was all over the other three's "take off the overcoat" reveal and would've been fan-girling over them, whooping and gassin' 'em up,
But the difference in how my reaction to seeing them compared to Leona would've been obvious
His aura was just so different and he doesn't show off his strength, he prefers brain over brawn, but now he was so smug about it
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Like, yes, that's what I live for
Not to mention that I personally love the idea of "flirt fighting" which entails actually sparring. Wanting to better defend and strengthen yourself is the main motivator, but tension is a great plus.
And that's essentially everything he's doing here???
Get me in the ring with him, I will lose but I will enjoy every second of it
And then, when all's said and done,
He takes the time to actually voice his evaluation and assessment of everyone in a straightforward and nice way
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I feel like I got to see a side of Leona I hadn't before and I'm really liking it
I remember reading a post about how Leona doesn't really resemble Scar who he's twisted from during the Book of Savanaclaw, where there was some good points made (namely, he kinda sat back while Ruggie did most of the dirty-work, it was on Leona's behalf but we didn't see much of him stringing Ruggie around).
But in this event we really get to see the "Scar Side" of Leona. His wit, his cunning and the issues that motivate Leona; he wants change for the better of his pride and knows how to get there quick, but others won't listen cause they have other values they'd like to keep in tact and it irritates him that they're putting the things that are (in his mind) more insignificant, first.
And I think introducing that part of Leona in this event instead of in Book of Savanaclaw works amazingly well because Leona is a prince, he is at NRC to learn yes but stays there (probably also gets held back on purpose so he'll have an excuse to stay away from home) to forget about his frustrations with his homeland. So, I think he wouldn't have much incentive to want to fix as much in his dorm or the school since his problems mainly lie back in his Kingdom.
Anyway, this is plenty fuel for happiness and story ideas and that's about all I have to share right now
(Also, the bow Grim is wearing is most similar to Leona's garb and since we are "a package deal" I'm assuming we're both wearing similar prints. So, we may be matching spectacularly with Leona. Dunno about you, but I'd gladly follow along as if I'm his trophy wife-- again, I'm sorry, Malleus don't come for me-- and also this is just more story fuel ...)
"Leona x reader x Malleus"
The story goes through the whole Cloud Calling event, with Y/N learning there's so much more to the lazy beastman than thought originally. But, when Lilia shows off the group's trip photos, Malleus is enraged to see you leaning happily against Leona in what are practically couples' clothes, the smug smirk the lion is sporting seems to be targeted specifically at the fae. What will happen when you return to NRC from your trip? Find out in the next episode
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inevitably-johnlocked · 3 months
hey, steph! how are you, like, genuinely? not the small talk. i wanna listen
Hey Lovely 💜🖤
I want to apologize for putting this off for so long... which should be a clue as to how I am actually doing.
Honestly? Not good, but I'm trying my best. It's been... a time. Will put under a cut for those who don't want to read about the tagged items.
TL;DR – my real life is a bit chaotic, and I hide a lot from y'all because I REALLY try not to be negative here since my blog is where I come to be happy AND because I am a very private person, but I try my best to just keep going day to day as the chaos settles down slowly.
I've got some good things coming though, so I hope a week's rest next week when I'm off (and will probably take a break from here too) will reset my brain.
Work has been insane, and is most of the cause of my mental distress for the past few months. From Easter until Canada Day Weekend at my job is lovingly referred to as "Silly Season" simply because of how on-the-fly, balls-to-the-wall our workload is until summertime downtime officially begins for us. Without disclosing too much, it's basically non-stop, long hours for me until one of the 3 break weeks we get during the this long stretch happens where, incidentally because of the nature of my job and the team I work on, it actually gets BUSIER for us.
It actually ended earlier than we expected this year (yesterday) and we'll be "quieter" until the end of September now. See an opportunity, I actually took next week off between the two long weekends because my mental health has taken a severe hit and I'm having trouble just... enjoying things? I'm haven't gamed or drew in a few weeks, and blogging and writing feels like a chore. I literally just come home, file this blog, reply to one or two asks, and then go to bed, and do it all over again the next day. Day in and day out, for 3 months. On weekends I have to force myself out of my apartment because I KNOW I will sink lower if I don't leave.
On top of that, my brain has convinced me that literally everyone hates me: friends, coworkers, family, you guys, my damned plants. I just feel very alone these days and... I'll be real here, I've almost abandoned this blog a few times in the past few months. I feel like I make fic lists that no one reblogs or likes and tell me they're all shit. I post my art and I barely break 20 notes. I write something and I get maybe 2 likes. I can't really answer any thoughtful asks because my mental state's been in the shitter for months. I desperately want to reply to the few sexuality asks I have and I physically can't. Being on my computer – after working ON a computer for my day job for 12 hour days everyday – feels like too much, so I try to limit my time on the blog now too.
I just try to keep carrying on, encouraged by the once-in-a-blue-moon testimonial ask I get thanking me for still being here. I thank YOU guys for reminding me that people still like coming here.
Stressed about money and food and rent just like everyone else, and just getting frustrated at other things.
And finally, my uncle (my dad's brother and my godfather) hasn't been doing well health-wise, and he's being moved to assisted living next week. His health has been declining since Easter, so it's been a bit of worrying time for relatives.
Having my therapist helps a lot. She talks me through a lot of my complicated feelings, my sense of self and ways to cope with my anxiety and stress. I'm talking to her again next week, so no worries, gang. As I said, I just keep on keeping on.
Some positivity though:
I booked next week off to try to just... recenter myself. To forget about everything and TRY to get back to doing the things I love. I will probably take a break from this blog as well during that time to limit my social-media time. It's not ideal but I need a break from my computer, I think.
I go to the gym a lot more these days, which has helped with the seething annoyance I constantly have at work. Usually feel better after it.
And because of the gym and getting out more, I've been slowly feeling better physically, better than I have since before 2019. The break from work is for the mental health, LOL.
I'm getting my hair recoloured next week. Can't afford it, really, but I just REALLY need to feel better about myself again, and I always feel so different when I colour my hair. I was doing so good for awhile. I want that again.
Anyway, I'm sorry to bombard y'all with my complicated mess of a brain. I really do appreciate you asking, so THANK YOU. I rarely get asked in real life if I am okay because I keep very private due to past people betraying my trust. And I don't like seeing people unhappy, so I feel if I tell people about my problems, then I feel I am a burden, so I just... continue existing.
Thank you for letting me be a burden just this once.
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snaillamp · 3 months
"You won't need an enemy to knock you out if you keep like this."
If you're still up to :D And so sorry that this doesn't fit with your ocs.
Ayye Squishy!!! Dont worry about it not being my ocs, this is a perfect excuse for leader whump which ive been wanting to do for a while :D
five second fic
Dead Man Walking
Leader watched the document in front of them blur and sighed. They rubbed their eyes, trying to rid them of the double vision, their head spinning, and body heavy. Their team had been assigned a difficult mission, and they had to make sure everything was ready.
They were so tired, but still had so much to do... But they needed sleep.
They eased out of their chair with a soft grunt, yawning as the world swayed slightly, shuffling to their room. They stiffly pulled off their clothes, getting into their soft pajamas and lying down in their cold, but soft bed.
They instantly felt the aching in their bones ease, their muscles relaxing as they began to shut their eyes, only for a loud, grating alarm to snap them out of their dozing.
With a closed fist, the hit the button to make it shut up, hearing their team begin their morning. Leader groaned as the sat back up, getting to their feet and going out to join them. They could have a nap later.
As they walked into the kitchen, they heard Second in Command say something.
"Hmm?" Leader responded, looking around with bleary eyes.
"I said good morning." Second chuckled. "You look like you slept well."
Leader shrugged, making themself a large coffee, and sitting down at the table. They felt like death warmed up.
"Hey so, what's on the books for today? I know you have that meeting today too. Maybe I should take the others on a drill exercise or something while you do that?"
"Yeah, do whatever you want." Leader mumbled into their coffee, sitting up straighter to avoid their head colliding with the table.
Second narrowed their eyes, looking at Leader.
"Leader..." They whispered, so that no one else could hear. "You okay? You look like shit."
"Just haven't slept much this week... Preparing for the mission." Leader mumbled back, taking another sip of their coffee.
"How much have you slept?" They asked.
"Uhhhh....." Leader frowned as they thought, their brain slow.
"7 hours..."
Second grimaced. "Leader, 7 hours a night isn't enough, especially with the mission coming up."
"No, I mean this week. I've slept for 7 hours."
"You're telling me you've slept an hour a night every night this week?" Second said a little louder, causing everyone to look at Leader.
"It's fine. I was going to catch up on sleep today." Leader lied.
Second nodded, playing along to cover for their friend.
Leader got up, finishing their coffee and stalking away, to their office. Second followed them, watching them sit at their desk and sigh.
Leader stared at the words, but they didn't even make sense anymore. They could barely read the words, let alone make sense of what they were trying to say.
"Leader. You need to rest."
"No, I have too much to do. Don't worry about me, Second, I've managed on less sleep than this."
"I know you were up all last night. You didn't sleep at all." Second accused them. "I heard you walk to your room."
Leader grimaced, their room was next to Second's, and the only one on that end of the compound. of course Second would've known it was them.
"Go to bed for a few days. Rest, I'll handle this, its what I'm here for."
Leader shook their head. "I can't force you to take on this workload. The High Command has been giving me so much to prepare for before the misson and I'm already behind."
"So, tell them you're sick, and let me help you. Please, Leader."
"I'm fine." Leader said firmly. They glanced at their watch. "I have a meeting to get to."
Second watched hopelessly as Leader wandered off towards the front door, disappearing.
"Leader." Everyone greeted the tired looking Leader. They had neatened themself up in the bathroom before they went into the meeting, and at least looked presentable, even if the shadows under their eyes were practically getting their own shadows.
Leader zoned out for most of the meeting, it was a pointless one anyway, talking about meeting quotas and making thing cheaper. Leader nodded along to the pointless graphs and data points, before they got up to leave.
The world swayed, and everything went blurry as they sat back down in the seat. Getting up again, Leader steeled themself, setting their jaw and just focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. They felt like a zombie.
They were almost home when their legs almost dropped out from under them, only for a strong arm to catch them as they fell.
"Idiot." Second grunted, heaving Leader's almost unconscious body up, and steadying them. "I was thinking," They began as they practically dragged Leader towards home. "We should take you on a training mission, get an enemy to knock you out so you get some sleep."
They jostled Leader, who had began slipping from Second's grip, grunting as they hauled Leader's arm over their shoulders.
"You won't need an enemy to knock you out if you keep going like this."
Leader smirked slightly. "You always have creative ideas." They mumbled, as Second got them inside.
The next thing they knew, they were waking up, snuggled in their bed with Medic standing over them, not looking impressed.
"Hey Leader." They started softly. "How you feeling?"
Leader's body felt drained, and heavy, like their bones were made of lead. They couldn't muster the energy to reply.
"Figures, you've been asleep for two days."
Leader's eyes widened, as they tried to sit up. They had so much to catch up on.
"No, stay down. You need sleep, we're handling everything else. Second says all your work is good, and that they'll just finish up the filler paper work while you rest."
Leader lay back, half relieved that they didn't have to move.
"Get some rest, the mission is coming up and we need you at your best."
Leader nodded, their eyes already sliding shut again.
It felt amazing.
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dwntwn-strnlo · 1 year
Hi i can’t take any medication for migraines because they don’t do anything for me so would I be able to get an imagine about Matt comforting and caring for the reader and doing anything he can think of to help her pain? Much love
thank you sm for the request!!! love you ❤️
STAY GOLD, PONYBOY matt sturniolo
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓁𝓎, dwntwn-strnlo.
↳ 𝐀/𝐍. im actually in love w this ALSO ive never had a migraine (sorry 😪🤑) but my mom gets them a lot so i just based this off what she does ig
↳ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆. matthew sturniolo x reader
↳ 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. request!
↳ 𝐂𝐖! migraines,,, + spoilers?? from The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
,,, this takes a passage from The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. i did not write or publish The Outsiders, and I'm not affiliated with at all.
the second you opened your eyes you felt sick. you roll over to find matt propped up against the headboard, lazy eyes as he watches his phone.
the curtains were shut, but you could still tell it was dark out.
your eyes wince shut at the brightness of matts phone in the unlit room.
"hey, its only like two am, i thought you were going to sleep?" matt queries, his attention drifting from his phone to you. you open your eyes and reach out for his phone, turning it off before you look at him.
your head was pounding hard enough you ought your brain was to jump out of your skull. the pain already threatened to form tears in your eyes.
"love?" matt furrowed his eyes at you.
it seemed as if the light blue of his eyes was bright enough to enhance your migraine, though they aren't.
you burry your head into the pillow next to matt. scared to speak out of fear of throwing up, but you push through it. "i have a migraine." your words are muffled against the pillow case, but he easily catches what you said.
"shit, sweetheart. im sorry." he sighs, bringing a hand over to gently rub your back. "ill be right back with some tea and medicine."
bringing your hands up to your temples, you lightly circle them with your fingers. trying to press the stupid pain away. you nod, and the bed evens out as matt gets up and walks to the door. "i love you, honey, ill be quick I swear."
you just groan into the pillow in response.
the light chuckle that matt let's out rings through your ears. unintentionally causing a little more pain.
but it's like suddenly you can hear everything.
like the faintest whispers that come from the kitchen as matt seemingly ran into one of his brothers.
the conversation is hushed, but it's still there.
after a few more minutes of rubbing the hell out of your temples, you turn your head to watch matt walk in with the red mug you got him for valentines day. presumably filled with the tea he said he was going to make you.
he sets it down on the nightstand by your head, leaning down to press a quick kiss on your cheek before walking into the bathroom. making sure to close the door before turning the light on.
you sit up, slightly wincing at the feeling that you pretend is your brain smacking repeatedly against your skull.
the painted ceramic is slightly hot when you pick it up, but you still put it up to your lips. basking in the taste of your favorite tea.
the bathroom light shuts off with a gentle click! before matt walks out holding various inflammation pill bottles and whatever he could scoop off the cabinet shelf.
he sets them down on the nightstand, before sitting on the bed next to you.
you smile as his eyes light up, an idea popping in his head. "do you want me to read to you?"
a small giggle escaped your lips. in the nicest way possible, matts dyslexia is almost as awful as his handwriting. but yet there's something so soothing about listening to him read or try to read what's sprawled out on the pages of a book you haven't picked up in a while. so you nod, smiling at the brunet.
he smiles back before sliding open the drawer beside you. pulling out the outsiders. you read the book for school when you were 13ish, and when you saw it at the neighborhood book box you just had to grab it. you made it about three quarters through before you forgot about it and let it collect dust in your boyfriends room.
you take your select pills before turning to matt. who flips through the book, waiting for you. from your knowledge, matt never read the outsiders so him jumping into the middle of the book should be a sight.
matt scooted up to prop himself up against the headboard, motioning for you to lay down.
you set your tea down, and lay down. wrapping yourself around matts torso and laying your head on his chest. trying your best to match his breathing.
"shit, your far along," he mumbles, mostly to himself. but you can't help but smile. he scans the page before going to where your sticky note lays against the thin paper.
he takes in a soft breath before starting to read aloud the words. ""we won, dally panted. we beat the so-"" he pauses, staring at the word. "socks? what the fuck."
you laughed, "socs. it's pronounced soshes."
"oh." he huffs, "'we stomped them-chased them outta our territory.' johnny didn't even try to grin at him. 'useless . . . fightings no good. . . ." he was awful white.' dally licked his lips nervously. 'they-theyre still writing editorials about you in the paper. for being a hero and all."" matt furrowed his eyebrows at the page. "what did johnny do?"
"he and ponyboy saved-"
"ponyboy?! for real?" he cuts you off. "ain't no way that's this kids name."
you laugh, burying your face in his neck. looking back up to matt, you find a look of pure confusion sitting against his blue eyes. "im serious. there's also a kid named sodapop and another named two-bit."
he gasped, "your lying."
you shake your head with a smile. "just keep reading, kid."
an exasperated sigh escapes his lungs, followed by an over dramatized eye roll. "he was talking too fast and too calmly. 'yeah, they're calling you a hero now and heroine- huh?"
lifting yourself up slightly, you find where he's confused and laugh to yourself. "heroizin' all the greasers."
"that's not a real word."
"well it was in the 60s, baby." you smile.
he searches your eyes in disbelief. "this is why I don't read." he groans, turning back to the book. "johnny's eyes glowed. dally was proud of him. that was all johnny had ever wanted. 'ponyb-'"
he cuts himself off when he reads the name. "jesus christ you were serious."
you laugh lightly. the pounding in your head still not calming down, but matts inability to focus is enough to distract you just a little.
"'i barely heard him. i came closer and leaned over to hear what he was going to say."
he stops reading when you unconsciously brace yourself, knowing what the next line is going to be.
"what? is something wrong?"
you sigh, "no, this part just makes me sad."
"oh," he frowns. now scared to keep reading himself. he takes in a deep breath, no idea what he should be preparing himself for. "'stay gold, ponyboy. stay gold . . .' the pillow seemed to sink a little, and johnny died."
you frown. this part made you cry when you read in class.
"shiiiiiiiiit." matt gasps. "bro really just died."
his reaction makes you laugh. you egg him on to continue reading, until you somehow ignore your migraine and fall asleep in matts arms. his softly uttered words of confusion and slight annoyance putting you right to sleep.
@slvt444smvt @thetriplets3 @stxrniqlo
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likesomanywrecksdo · 4 months
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Blitzø's behaviour in Full Moon seemed very similar to the five stages of grief, mostly denial, anger and bargaining because depression and acceptance don't usually happen in the heat of the moment. Also these stages don't happen in order, they are all over the place.
Denial, when Blitzø thought it was all roleplay and that Stolas actually didn't care about him and was just messing around for the sake of the deal. This reaction happens even after Stolas' sweet love confession and you can tell Blitzø wants to believe it but denial is the easiest bet. In Blitzø's mind, Stolas has not done anything apart from tonight to suggest he cares about anything other than their deal so Blitzø can't risk becoming vunerable when the possibility that this is a joke is there. So he has to keep denying everything and then maybe everything will go back to normal and comfortable. We also have to take into consideration that at this point in the episode, Blitzø had it floating around in his head that Stolas is getting bored of him. So the idea that Stolas is not bored, but in fact in love is impossible to Blitzø, causing him to justify everything as a joke.
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Bargaining was Blitzø initial reaction to when Stolas said; "i need it back permanently". First he tried to remain the way he always was at their full moon meetings; put together and dominating to try and get some normalcy back because the last time Blitzø wanted the book, this is how he got it, so naturally he would resort to that sort of bargaining as a way of getting the book again and distracting Stolas from talking about the issues within their relationship. Then he switches to plain begging. Blitzø has come to terms with the fact that he is beneath Stolas and when Stolas says "i've made up my mind", Blitzø brain goes into panic mode and we see him literally the most vulnerable he has ever been with Stolas in the entire series. Blitzø is someone who does not like when he isn't in positions of power but he is willing to forgo all that if it means he gets this book.
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Anger is familiar to Blitzø. He understand anger very well, so when he is backed against this wall and is confused as fuck about all the information that has been dropped on him in one night, he retreats to something more comfortable. The thing is, this isn't real anger he's showing, Blitzø use the volume of his voice to hide the real message. Stolas is literally walking away from this conversation, if Blitzø didn't care, he wouldn't run after him at all. The thing is, Blitzø is yelling for more time. He's asking Stolas to let him think and process and not give up on him but Stolas isn't listening to him so he feels like at least if he screams, Stolas might scream back. This is also something that is similar to Stolas too. Stella yells and screams at him to make him feel small, which is why his decision to teleport Blitzø out of his castle came into play, but Blitzø doesn't know that, making him justify his anger further.
Now that we've covered the three stages of grief, why is Blitzø falling into this pattern of grief coping mechanism in the first place.
Because Blitzø hates himself and thinks he's unworthy of love from anyone. He jumps to conclusions way too often, it's how his brain functions. So when Stolas cuts off the deal, his brain defaults to his regular coping mechanism to deal with the thought of losing Stolas.
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kiiwiigii · 1 year
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Night-Time Reading
Alec x Fem!Reader
Summary: You are having a rough day managing your POTS/CFS. All you want to do is relax and Alec is there to help.
Fluff! Nothing but tooth rotting fluff.
Word Count: 400+
Requested?: Yes!
So I'm going through a really rough time, I'm disabled (pots and CFS) and my cfs is acting up badly cause school started and I've been so busy I haven't had a break period, constantly walking and running and being busy. now I have a three day weekend so my body is letting myself feel the consequences of pushing myself too far, so I was wondering if I could suggest some comfort? Alec with a mate that either has cfs or just has some symptoms and just him keeping them as comfortable as possible while they're in pain Common symptoms (including the ones I'm going through) - joint pain (I can barely go up stairs and walk -extreme temp fluctuations (really hot to really cold quickly) -brain fog (brain is foggy. I'm too weak to open a bottle of coke so I left it open and while talking I tipped it over and forgot it was open) -migraines/headaches -sore throat -trembling -really tired but can't fall asleep and/or sleeps for a really long time Thank you for listening 🫶🏼 -🦊
A/N: Hey nonny! I am so, so sorry it has taken me this long to write this. Honestly, I was (and still am I suppose) intimidated to write this, simply because these illnesses are not something I am not even remotely familiar with. But I also want to thank you because it's a good writing exercise for me. I'm also sorry that you're having such a rough time. I can't even imagine. So here's a fic, just for you, darling. I hope you're feeling better.
Another A/N: So the wonderful and amazing @alecvolturi did an amazing edit of Alec reading the first bit of The Hobbit. Please give it a listen as you read. It's PERFECT.
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I was fucking miserable.
It began just by sitting up. I could feel the migraine building, and I was already in the throws of a hot flash. It didn't help that the pain in my joints was flaring up again.
It was 3 a.m. and I was already this close to crying. I couldn't remember the last time that I had a proper nights sleep. I just wanted one day, one day where I didn't have to be in pain or worry that any movement I made would set off a whole other series of symptoms, all of which almost all of them were painful.
"Darling?" Alec was next to me, his cold hands running over my heated skin, trailing goosebumps behind in his wake.
His hands were a sweet, cool balm on my flushed skin. It gave me a little relief. I leaned into him, enjoying the cold. His lips pressed to my forehead.
"Scale of 1 to 10?"
"7 to 8." I mumbled.
One would think with how long that I've lived with this disease that I would have a high pain tolerance. That couldn't be further from the truth. I could already feel a few tears slipping from beneath my lashes. I just wanted something to make the pain go away.
I whined as Alec disappeared, only to reappear with my meds and a bottle of water a moment later.
"Here, drink." He handed me the pills and water, and I took them gratefully. He pulled the comforter from the floor where I had kicked it off, bundling it back up on the bed for us to lay down on. He then grabbed my phone, pulling up my favorite playlist, the one he made for me to help me calm down when I felt like shit. The music started flowing through the speaker near my bed at a low volume.
"What book, darling?" His eyes were already scanning my bookshelves.
"Uhm…" I blinked back at him slowly, trying to process what he said.
"How about The Hobbit?"
"Perfect." I rasped with a small smile.
He was next to me again in a flash, his back against the headboard as he pulled me gently to him, a pillow already ready in his lap.
"In the hole in the ground, there lived a Hobbit." His voice lilted over me, and I felt myself begin to relax as his hands gently ran through my hair and along my neck.
The fine mist that signaled the use of his gift began to unfurl from his fingers and I felt myself begin to numb. The first time he had done this it had been disconcerting, but now I welcomed it with relish. A small reprieve from the pain. I smiled to myself, letting my eyes slip closed as I listened.
Then finally, sleep came for me.
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{Masterlist} // {Request Guidelines}
Taglist: @alecvolturi @lack-lust-3r @rosedpetal
Wanna be notified when I post a new fic? Ask to join my taglist!
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munsonology · 2 years
sav maybe its cause I'm like super horny tonight but:
Perv!BestFriend!Eddie. He can't help thinkkng of you as slightly more innocent then him. Of course it isnt that you don't do anything (or maybe you haven't), but you stay at home more often than not whilst Eddie goes out to the bar to play with the band. Eddie would go to high school parties dealing, whilst you would much rather go see a movie or stay home reading a book. He suspects you haven't done much but isnt sure, which is why he always brings up his escapades.
He has mentioned things he's done with girls (and maybe a few guys) and you haven't really mentioned much. He likes to watch you fidget and squirm, clenching your thighs together subconsciously. The way he can tell you are flustered without blushing, makes his heart skip a beat. But you're best friends!! It's okay!! To tell each other!! And hey!! You're best friends!! Let's talk about kinks!! Totally fine!!
So one day you come in to his room, sit on HIS bed, and are like "okay so we are best friends right?" Which he scoffs and rolls his eyes at, DUH of course you are! No one else would willingly hang out with "the freak". You go on to mention how you went on a date- his brain stops. You never mentioned a date. Now he's flustered and interrupting every two seconds "uh best friends don't keep secrets what the fuck". "Well I wasnt sure if it would work out, so I didnt want to mention it". Eddie may be a little pissed but you distract him by saying "I need a favor." "Sorry sweets, can't go on the run for murder again". You roll his eyes and grab his hand, staring deep into his eyes as you say," yeah no, don't need that, but Kyle said I was a terrible kisser snd I want to be better so can you please teach me how to kiss?"
Which is the last thing Eddie expects but of course he will teach you how to kiss!! Only best friends get that honor right?! And hey, let's teach you how to give a hickey too! And maybe once you start grinding on him subconsciously, he'll help teach you how to make a guy feel real good with his mouth
(not that you had any intention for this to turn out such a way I mean cmon its not like you've had a crush on the guy and had gotten off to the thought of him before)
OH MY GOD!!! Bestie your mind has me 🤯 one of my fav types of fics is the character teaching reader sexual things. There’s a fic on a03 I never saved and it was the first Eddie fic i ever read last summer and like the talent on this app, it was a MASTERPIECE! I can’t remember who wrote it tho 😭
The chipotle people hooked my bowl all the way up and now I got the itis so apologies if this is all over the place 😭
I feel like since season 4 came out everyone on this app has synced and we’re all horny at the same time 😭 i can’t be the only one who noticed
But back to you! I love pervy bff Eddie too! I think he assumes you aren’t interested in sex because he doesn’t see you with anyone or talk about sex as openly as he does. And it could be because no one is Eddie and it wouldn’t be the same with anyone else. So you focus on other things like school, your hobbies, etc
But when you go out on a date with Kyle (I giggled at this because there’s always a Kyle at school that does the most questionable shit 😭 was it just my schools??) Eddie loses his shit at the lunch table. He had to hear it in the hallway outside mrs. O’Donnell’s class so he couldn’t pay attention the entire class.
And suddenly you’re bringing this Kyle around the party. So he starts bringing his conquests around too. And even tells you in full detail how he fucked some girl in the alley behind the hideout or how he got a bj from the hot plumber fixing his neighbor Janice’s sink. It goes on for weeks like this, he watches how your thighs clench when he describes having a jerk off with Chase from the basketball team in the showers after gym and how Mandy from history class squirted all over the van seats (you did question why the floor was a little damp…). Each story is more than the next and eddie drops his pretzels on purpose just to pick them up (super weird for him because you’ve never known him to clean up anything at home!) and under the table what does he see? Sweet little you grinding your pussy and squeezing your thighs on the bench of the cafeteria bench. He notices the tremble when you cum too 😭
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But it isn’t until you ask him for help with that peabrain Kyle that he takes the opportunity to show you the ropes of sex. And not just fucking! He shows you how to kiss so good any guy would get hard from just that, and how brushes of the arm can ignite a fire. And it evolves to Eddie showing you how to give bjs and handjobs, and he fingers you, eats your sweet cunt (he’s saving your ass for a later time). It goes like this for months until finally you confess that Kyle ended things after 2 dates. You did all this to be closer to Eddie. And Eddie confesses he was showing you how he likes to be pleased, not other guys and especially not Kyle.
You wanna fuck him now! But he wants to take his time with you. Light candles around your room, scatter roses on the bed, worship your body how it deserves because you’re the goddess of his dreams! And you were right under his nose the entire time.
He’s super sweet when you finally have sex too. Guiding you through your orgasm, holding his until you’ve cum at least three times, cuddling. But in the moments after you ask “teddy can you show me what you like and not what you think I like?”
And this opens the door to every kink that’s ever run through his mind! He eases you into everything but he can’t wait to show you how he really uses those handcuffs! But over time he realizes you’re s freak too 😭 and now y’all can be freaky and nasty together!!!!
Which is what we all want right 😌 at least for meeeee 😭 lol
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Spooky, Stormy Nights (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: Fall has at long last hit the Abbott Ranch but you and Rhett will always find a way to make it cozy when it's cold
Tagging: @sebsxphia and @nobody7102 My dears, this is my way of saying thank you for putting up with me all these months (lol)
The sudden *BANG!* of thunder rattled the book barn as you pulled a book from one of the upstairs shelves, causing you to jump and nearly drop the book. Down below, you heard your husband gently comforting two year old Amy who was terrified out of her mind, clutching her Winnie The Pooh blanket and her soft, cuddly looking circus-clown ragdoll as though her life depended on it.
"I know princess, I know," Rhett said, gently bouncing her on his hip. "Ya'll still don't like thunderstorms do ya?"
Amy buried her face in his neck as another one rolled over the land, the rain battering the roof of the barn, the windows and rattling the gutters as it fell violently from the completely black skies outside. The woodstove had been going for the better part of the evening ever since the storm rolled in, warming the barn which smelled of old books, mulling spices, apples and pumpkins. Tiny trotted across the big expanse of rug in the cozy corner near the entrance, carrying the littlest of her and Willie's kittens right to the knotty pine cat condo to nest in for the night.
"Alright you two," you announced. "Wanna hear a spooky story?"
Before Rhett could answer, the oven timer in the kitchenette area beeped, signaling that whatever was in there was done baking. Out of the oven came the last of the cakey pumpkin cookies which you readily added to the plate on the counter.
"Ah-ah! Don't even think about it," you ordered when you saw your husband's free hand sneaking towards them. "You haven't even eaten your dinner yet."
Rhett feigned a pouty face and put Amy back down on the floor. "But I love those cookies," he whined.
"Not until you've had some of your Ma's pot roast," you told him.
Rhett mumbled under his breath as he grabbed the spoon and helped himself to the crockpot full of pot roast. In a matter of minutes, the plate was gone and Rhett could help himself to the cookies along with Amy.
You curled right up in the old wingback chair that used to belong to Cecelia's great-grandmother, brought over from the family's estate in Ireland along with the wooden Celtic cross that hung in your kitchen back in the main house. Rhett snuggled in with Amy in the other one, the two of them munching away at the pumpkin cookies and sipping the hot drinks made from blood oranges and mulling spices.
"Listen to me, Frankenstein. You accuse me of murder; and yet you would, with a satisfied conscience, destroy your own creature. Oh, praise the eternal justice of man!" you read.
Rhett and Amy were completely engrossed in the story yet Rhett couldn't help himself as to what came next.
"So you're telling me, he put an abnormal brain in a six foot tall, thirty six inch wide gorilla?!" Rhett questioned. "Is that what you're telling me?!"
You rolled your eyes and laughed. Of course, heaven forbid you get through Mary Shelley's work without your husband making a crack at one of your favorite parodies.
Yet you couldn't have asked for a better or more beautiful evening, the smells of all things fall making the place as inviting and cozy as ever and especially with the people you loved most.
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Ranking pjo ships cause why not :
1.Percebeth: 9.5/10
They're so cute, and I loved watching their relationship develop through out the percy jackson series like they have the I don't like you to ig we're friends now to besties who have obvious crushes on each other to lovers like this is the only slow burn that didn't make me wanna pull out hair. I love that these two would do anything for each other and are mostly supportive of each other and the seaweed brain and wise girl nicknames that went from insults to terms of endearment and I also love that they're not afraid to call each other our on their bs like I've seen stuff where percy doesn't say shit to annabeth and like have we Been reading the same books cause in MoA and HoH percy stands up for what he believes and even before that he doesn't bend to annabeths will and wishes like in botl and literally all the time in tlt like bro stands up for himself and expresses his opinions and so does annabeth and I love that ?? It's a balanced relationship in which there are years of getting to know each other and then getting together like they are bffs before lovers
But it has some issues, tho like they're wayyyy too codependent on each other which isn't that healthy but this is my opinion and I could be wrong
2. Solangelo: 8.75/10
I love them ok they're so cute like they're all about balance , acceptance, and understanding which is something nico needs in his life he doesn't need someone who'll worship him or sugarcoat stuff for him he needs someone who will be real with him about stuff like will has always been real towards nico and he has always taken care of nico wether you like it or not. Nico has always had issues that people are creeped out by him and afraid of him and will is someone who has never been afraid of nico and has treated him normally like he jokes with him and isn't walking on eggshells around him and makes him realize that not everyone hates that he can find a home in chb and nico says this tsats and even before that you can tell how nico feels and is extremely supportive of him and reminds nico that he's safe and is extremely understanding of nico . In tsats, we see that they complete each, like nico is the warrior and will is the healer, and both roles are important like nico protects will from physical harm and will patches up nicos wounds and protects him from mental and emotional harm. It also shows that no one is perfect, like Will isn't always able to understand nico so he asks for advice and this shows that trying is the best you can do for someone you love , trying to understand them and support them . They also have alot of potential in general as we've only seen them in their honeymoon stage and their developing stage we haven't gotten the established stage and sure tsats isn't perfect in the adventurous sense but the point of this book was to show healing , moving on and making peace with stuff and it did that pretty well .
The only bad points about it is that one scene in boo which shows that will had good intentions but bad execution in expressing his pov and I want them to talk about it cause what he said wasn't nice and it was quite rude ik he didn't intend it but still it was not OK . Next, I want nico to set up boundaries for himself because Will isn't a mind reader and can not know what to not do unless he's told . I want rick to tell us more about Will as a person like we know more now, but still I want rick to flesh out as a character even further
3. Jasiper: 6.5/10
They weren't well developed, and it was kinda forced by hera even tho I know that at one point they truly loved each other but it wasn't well executed and they were bad as showing it I honestly wish that they had more time to understand themselves and then into a relationship like it would have been much better that way yk
4. Frazel : 8/10
They're cute together, they make each other happy they're comfortable around each other and they trust each other hence they're a good ship
I don't see why the age gap thing is a problem because it's just 3 years and where I'm from, that's a pretty normal age gap between lovers like my grandparents have a 10 year age gap but they're happy and love each other but ill add it since some people see it as problematic. They're underdeveloped and kinda rushed, and whole I get that they knew each other before SoN but still
5. Caleo : 4/10
It came outta nowhere dude like they were together for 2 chapters and then kiss kiss fall in love like wth 🤦‍♀️ but they have potential to be good ship ig I'm being generous with 4 because of that also the age gap thing isn't a problem because mentally and physically calypso is like 15-16 but if you see it chronologically calypso is older than apollo who is 4 thousand five hundred years old and that's 🚔🚨👈😄
6. Valgrace : 7/10
So so much potential they would have been soo cute and the most un problematic 🤧
7. Percico : 3/10
No, just no percy literally strangled nico when he was 12 even though he knew that nico didn't mean to betray him and honestly just wanted to know about his mom which percy should have understood because his mom means the world to him and it was clear that nico didn't expect hades to double cross him and percy had a right to be mad but strangling nico is too far . Bro also implied that nico doesn't belong in chb at the end of botl, and bro was silent during the negotiation of whether to save nico or to let him suffocate inside a jar which un excusable he also kept giving nico responsibilities like dealing with hades's wrath which could result in death during tlo and then the whole doors of death thing when nico was extremely weak. so yeah, no, they'd be toxic asf oh and I forgot mention percy never apologized for anything and never thanked him ( from what I remember, it's been a min since I read tlo ) also nico had a case of hero worship crush on him which would make a power imbalance in that relationship soooo
8. Jasico : 5/10
I see them as bros and so does rick and it's written in a way that people would see them as friends like it's clear that nico doesn't like jason like that and in tsats it's said that he missed the feeling of Jason's protective arms around him because he trusts jason and if he was to say something about Reynas hug it would be the same thing or even hazels hugs because that's how he sees them In a platonic/ familial way ( not saying that jason is his brother here ) and he also said something like a part of him died when jason died and that's because he cared about jason like he was his 1st actual friend and he felt him die so this is understandable he's allowed to grieve his friend and miss him . Also, jason is kinda unfortunately dead 😕 😔 so it's outta the question. And if he ended up with jason the whole I can belong thing wouldn't happen because it was will who made him realize that he can have a place in chb jason tired to tell him that but nico didn't really believe him . But hey, I understand the jasico shippers and respect the ship. I don't ship it, and I never will, but I can see why people like it because jason does care about nico and nico cares about jason .
Wait, I think it's canon that nico heard the sevens debate on whether he should be saved or not in his dreams, and if it is canon, then nico saw jason vote for him to die in a jar sooo
9. Jercy : 6/10
I don't ship it ship it but it's a fun thing to think about. It's my crack ship, but I could not see it happen in Canon at all
10. Pipebeth : 6/10
Annabeth was definitely pipers queer awakening, but same as jercy, it's my crack ship
11. Reyna with anyone is not my thing because rick said she's aro/ace, but if you ship theyna or jayna, you're cool because her sexuality isn't confirmed in the books, so you can interpret it in anyway you want
12 . Nico x any girl is ew because he's gay it's confrimed in the books and multiple times by rick himself and if you ship him with any female gtfo
13. Valdangelo : 2/10
I don't know how leo views nico now, but when we do get his pov, he always has something bad or rude to say about him and as much as I love leo it makes me wanna hit him
I'm sorry for the typos and mistakes. I still don't have my glasses, and if I'm wrong about something, please correct me
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mirandasidefics · 23 days
How is ruhn danaan personality like? I never read cresent city b4
Oh boy, I will be as concise as possible without giving away too much of the plot(s) for the series as it stands now. My fic does deviate from the third book, but only mildly and mainly in relationship to the timeframes of each event.
*If you haven't read this series yet I highly suggest that you do, but if you don't want to read the books you can also check out the Crescent City wiki.
Per the wiki article on Ruhn's personality:
"Ruhn is often seen to be both funny and sarcastic, but also very protective of his friends and especially his sister, Bryce. He is kind, as seen with his treatment of his mother and the three sprites he has allowed to stay in his home. Ruhn is also an open-minded person, thinking beyond the traditional Fae beliefs, which has led him to accept Ithan and Hunt as well as to rebel against the Asteri themselves. He is disgusted by Fae hierarchies and politics. He also hates that everything he has is bankrolled by his father. Despite being trained to be a lethal, efficient killer, Ruhn doesn't enjoy being a warrior. His Starborn power is just about the only part of himself he likes."
My own additions to how I interpret his personality:
Ruhn is a survivor of childhood physical and psychological/emotional abuse at the hands of his Father, the Autumn King. I believe that as a result of not really developing healthy coping skills after leaving his father's villa, he turned to a form of escapism through self-medicating with alcohol and drugs. Earlier in the series he and his friends frequently indulge in the party lifestyle and many readers have expressed their dynamic reminds them of stereotypical college Frat guys. Ruhn still takes his job as the Leader of the Fae's division at the AUX seriously, but he also knows how to have a good time. Work hard, play hard.
While Ruhn may despise Fae traditions and politics, he still adheres to them (for the most part). He also isn't afraid to utilize/exploit traditions or the political field if it means protecting someone he loves. Basically, Ruhn knows how to the plan the game, but just hates having to do it. (There are times when he doesn't make the best decisions but that's for a different conversation). This is seen in the first installment House of Earth and Blood (HOEAB) when he claims ownership of Bryce, citing the Fae tradition of females being the property of their male relatives, thus Fae females do not have the ability to consent to any legally binding agreements or contracts without the approval and consent of said male relative. Its an absolutly archaic traditional that is rarely used, but still considered to have legal standing and must be followed. His actions in this instance are so surprising that even his friends are speechless and basically appalled at his declaration. But his enacting this tradition prevents Bryce from selling herself into slavery with Sandriel to save Hunt.
Ruhn can also let his irritation, anger and stubbornness get the best of him. There are times when his mouth moves faster than his brain and he'll say things that he doesn't really mean. This is also seen in HOEAB when he and Bryce think back on the fight that drove them apart for years. He does try to make things right and is genuinely remorseful when he realizes that his words and actions have caused unintentional harm. Its seen again in House of Sky and Breath (HOSAB) after he meets Agent Daybright and later finds out she is Lidia (aka the Hind) who is a notorious spy breaker/interrogator for the Asteri. He allows his shock and hurt from feeling betrayed and lied to, to fuel his anger towards Lidia and effectively shuts her out.
What I really love about Ruhn is that he is not afraid to be vulnerable and express his emotions with those that he feels the closest and most comfortable with. In canon, the only time (that I can recall) where he keeps his vulnerability somewhat in check is when he is trying to process the pull that he feels towards Lidia, whom he had considered an enemy for decades. In House of Flame and Shadow (HOFAS) Ruhn is able to process this and identify what Lidia is to him and his feelings for her. He is able to accept this and eventually find happiness with her.
In my fic however, Ruhn doesn't exactly get this opportunity, which deviates from canon in HOFAS. He has to do this processing without Lidia as she did not survive the rescue of Ruhn and Hunt from the Asteri dungeons (they were captured at the end of HOSAB).
While Ruhn greatly cares for Reader and genuinely loves her, he never got the opportunity to explore his and Lidia's dynamic. Thus, he hasn't been able to properly mourn Lidia which would allow him to fully give his heart to Reader. And Reader recognizes this before Ruhn does and encourages him to do this inner exploration of his feelings towards Lidia. She does express that she is willing to help in whatever capacity he feels comfortable, but she doesn't want to pressure him into sharing this journey with her if he doesn't feel comfortable being this vulnerable with her. She knows that just because she is able to be vulnerable with him, doesn't automatically mean he has to return that vulnerability with her for them to continue their friendship.
Reader genuinely wants Ruhn to grow for the sake of his own happiness and well-being, and not simply because she would benefit from the potential of a romantic and loving relationship with him. However, if they are to build and live a life together, the ability to have open communication and show mutual trust is part of a healthy and loving relationship. So if they are to become romantically (or sexually) involved, she does need for him to open up moving forward. Equality in a relationship is highly important for her.
This ended up being much longer than I thought it would be, so I will end it here. I love and adore Ruhn so much and could go on forever about how much I love him.
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SO I began re-reading Deltora Quest but to my sister, so I have someone to share all this with and I'm realising a), how good these books are again and b), how stupid i was as a kid???
In the first book (!!SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T READ IT!!) it says that Jasmine dropped down as lightly as a butterfly, and my brain took that as she was literally a butterfly? so for the entirety of the first series I envisioned her as a human-sized butterfly, and it wasn't until my sister said she thought Barda was an old man that I realised.
Can you imagine a human-sized butterfly just kicking ass?
In my Kid Brain it made sense, cause that's how she could talk to animals and trees, but it makes every other book so much funnier.
Just thought I'd share tee hee
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
✨Out of context lines shitpost Pt. 3✨
Part 1 | Part 2
Quo: Do you want to put the sparkles in the title like we did in- Nogolsta: Of course. We're not savages.
@mispeltnostalgia and Quo bring forth more shit.
Hello, y'all enjoy the chaos cause i know i do :) -Nogolsta
The batfam but as things we said in public and in class:
Tim: I cleaned my floor, I washed the dishes, I did my h.w, I was productive.
Jason: Damn. The motivation demon possessed you.
Tim: Yeah it did!
Jason: Meanwhile… meanwhile…
Tim: What did you do?
Jason: *softy* torture
Tim: I love that
*high five*
Dick: *Starts sinking in his chair sliding under the table*
Also Dick: *Struggles to get up. Almost dies*
Steph: look if it's wrong you can blame me. I’ll even give you a crochet hook to stab me
Jason: I’d rather kill you with words
Steph: So I'd get on OC and you would brutally murder them?
Jason: Well, I do have an OC called Steph. Well its Christopher but I can shorten it
Bruce: What are you talking about?
Jason: Murder.
Steph: Specifically mine.
Special extracts from Tim’s essay about funeral rites in Egypt:
(Please note these are some extracts from Nogolsta’s essay outline. We don’t question it.)
The brain getting removed via nose with a crochet hook and the rest of the brain goop getting washed out with 💉drugs💉.
The flank (above the hips and below the booby area) is then cut open to scoop out the entire abdomen.
The cavity is then washed with palm wine and then with a ✨spicy blend✨.
Then it's filled with nice smelling things: pure myrrh(dur), cassia (another variation of cinnamon) but no frankincense (they don’t want the dead waking up now do they? Or else it’s gonna cause another Jason Todd). Then they sew the body up.
Body is chucked in natron (godly salt) for 70 days. No longer, no shorter (just like Dick) (Or Damian).
After this, the body is washed and wrapped in linen for that mummy look we all know and love.
Middle class funerals got less care (shockingly).
The body is injected with cedar oil through the butthole and is then plugged up like the hair in the sink.
(Note: Bruce got a call from the teacher about Tim being submitted to counseling.)
Dick: *walking backwards* I will make you hydrate
Tim: No you won’t 
Dick: you don’t have a choi- *walks into bookshelf and knocks books off*
Babs: and we could just sit and read fanfiction. I’m open to any Fandom as long as no romance or smut. I’m not comfortable with that. But I'm open to anything else. Especially ✨torture✨
Damian: Did you burn the paper I told you to burn?
Steph: Yeah!
Damian: Do you still have the ashes?
Steph: What? No, I burnt it in the fireplace, I’m not scooping it out.
Damian: *sigh* a pity. I was hoping to put it in a jar and look at it every day, reminding me of my dreams.
Wally: Oh no! We haven't been unpredictable enough today! Quick! Say something shitty!
Dick: I didn't bring a sandwich because we ran out of bread at home so Alfred made me a salad but I don't want a salad, I want a ham, cheese and tomato toastie. I mean, I love a salad, but I want a toastie *starts sobbing*
Wally: I have regrets.
Bruce: *crying* Please- I will get down on my knees. Please stop.
Jason: NNJsjeuewjjJQJS EBSIWOSUEHEHBWBD RJE sndjjdidiwiwje
Jason: You have to say the ones not in all-caps quieter.
Jason: jwjduruwhsbdjriwi aanwjeiisjd NSNWOWORIRBEBSJA
Jason:*whispers* i have a torture idea
Dick: *facepalms in disappointment*
Dick: Our father has become a pigeon!
Jason: What?
Dick: *swivels phone to show a snap from Tim of Bruce with a pigeon filter on*
4 yo Damian: *grabs onto someone's leg in a crowd*
Jason: "raises the foot holding Damian with disgust* what the fuck are you?
4 yo Damian: you're not my father
Jason: I sure hope not. I haven't got any fuckers like you running around.
4 yo Damian: If you were my dad, I’d be sad.
Jason: Let’s find your dad you little shit.
Note: Nogolsta as a child was precious and savage at the same time 
Part 4
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anastasiareadsnwrites · 3 months
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Emerald Eyes are Infuriating
"Mama? Are you okay with going to the ball yourself?" Penelope asked her mother as she spotted her coming down the stairs. "Oh? Of course I am fine." Portia smiled a little at her daughter.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Penelope didn't know she was holding.
"I wrote today" Penelope said as she fidgeted with her hands. "Oh really? I haven't seen it yet" Portia said with a arched brow. "Because I don't know what you'll think about it." Muttered Penelope as Varley came holding a tray with the latest gossip.
Dear gentlest readers,
Upon the Featherington household. There seems to be a planned scheme with Jack Featherington, former Lord of the household. Stealing was an only objective of his back with the Ton. But something else seems to be brewing in his unimaginable brain. Duke Luciano seems to be having little time before a certain Lady sticks their teeth into him. Assure that it won't be official as said beforehand. While others are meddling and a sleek monster that shown itself to the Featherington household. A ball during the day? What an exciting reunion. What is one to do when their hands are tied to two?
Yours Truly,
Penelope Bridgerton
"Mrs.Varley?" Portia sighed fixing her gloves giving back the paper. "Get the carriage ready." She pursed her lips. "Mama?" Penelope looked at her mother with worry, Portia sighed. "My dear. I am extremely proud of you." Portia's eyes softened as she looked at her youngest.
"My mother wouldn't be so pleased with such of an outcome." Penelope's mother muttered causing Penelope to furrow her brows. Penelope never heard about her gramama from her mothers side. It was always about her father. Surprise lurking her face she couldn't help but pity her mother.
"My mother would be furious about your writing and more furious with me for even allowing you to write." Portia furrowed her brows at her youngest. A frown showing on her face as she looked more.
"I could never tell you what happened when I turned seventeen." Portia muttered giving her daughter a kiss on her forehead. "I want to know" Penelope grabbed her mothers hand. "One day I will tell you dear."
"My lady, the carriage awaits." A man said bowing as he did so. Portia took a deep breath and smiled sadly at her daughter as she walked off toward the carriage. Penelope only to realize what a soft heart her mother had when she was in the right mood. She's never shown that side for so very long only when she was toddler, doing everything in her power to keep her three daughters safe from unknown influences.
At the ball there was people arriving and people that had already been there. Portia was barely arriving, making her way toward the entrance of the very large house before her. Obviously the Duke had to have a big estate to his name. Sometimes she wished she could've married into a family like this instead of having an arranged marriage. Forced by hand. Twice.
"My Lady." Someone said from behind her as she was getting a drink from the large round table. Turning she realized that it was the Duke of Magelight. "Your Grace" she replied stunned and surprised.
The emphasize of the gold was very well known and making her head spiny. "Portia? Correct?" The man before her stood with an arm behind his back and one holding a drink. "A-ah yes, your Grace." Portia said before she could make a fool of herself. Luciano's bright green eyes stood out from his nicely toned brown body covered in a suit.
"I must apologize your Grace. You took me by surprise." She nodded in curtsy.
"Oh no need to apologize Lady Featherington." Luciano smiled at how flustered Portia was.
"You still have that stutter when your flustered don't you Portia?" Luciano said more of a statement than a question.
"I love you forever Portia" The man with emerald eyes said as Portia read a book to him. He laid peacefully on her lap as she rolled her eyes. Her natural beauty always took him by surprise.
"I as well." Portia smiled taking a break from her reading. "My mother would love you." Luciano daydreamed of their future together. Portia cheeks had a dusted pink tinge to them. "A-as I further recall my mother doesn't like you Luciano." Portia said looking away from her love.
"Well I can always convince her to love me or we can run away together? We can live as far as possible from this hellhole. Move to the Americas and start a whole new life there." Luciano quickly got up and looked Portia in her ocean blue eyes.
"You know I couldn't do that." Portia whispered to him.
"But it's an option for us to love each other unconditionally" He said taking her hand into his and kissing the inside of her palm.
"I-I suppose." Portia sighed.
With a huff Portia rolled her eyes. "Since when did we get to the first name basis?" Portia said with a urge to roll her eyes at the man before her.
"Ever since I called you by your name" Luciano chuckled. "I must say running to the Ton wasn't an ideal escape right?" He continued taking her silence as a sign to keep talking. "Well if you didn't run away with another lady. I wouldn't be here would I?" Portia snapped at him causing anger to brew deep down in his chest. Oh how he loved this women but hated how she dwelled on the past.
"That was a mistake." He growled.
"A long lasting mistake. Say how long did you realize that you needed me and not her before my wedding or was it all lies you told me. Those days we sat under that darn apple tree on the countryside when I visited." Portia took a drink of whatever concoction she had before her.
"I always wanted you Portia" He glared at her.
"No, you needed and wanted nothing but yourself, your money, and whores." Portia sneered at him causing him to invade her personal bubble. She wasn't going to step down this easy if that's want the man wanted. She wanted him to know that she grew strong and very well independent and very cunning.
"Then why did you marry him?" He upturned his nose giving her a lost of words. Why did she marry Lord Featherinton? No, she very much knew why she married Lord Featherington.
She sneered and gracefully nodded her head in curtsy still with a glare. "Excuse me your Grace but I need to leave." Unknowningly that they both had been standing there for more over thirty minutes giving each other crap.
"I have three beautiful daughters and grandchildren. But I will not stand here and be retold of the past when it obvisouly doesn't want to do anything with the likes of me." She said as she started to walk off.
Growling, his grip on the champagne glass almost shattered. He would walk after the lady before he was swarmed with other widows from the Ton. Portia walked fast with small tears forming in the corner of her eyes. She wouldn't let a mere man like him bring her down. She couldn't. She stood there waiting for her carriage as someone grabbed her waist from behind and turned her around and smashing their lips against hers in a searing hot kiss and bruising grip and hot panting.
She pushed the person away and looked at him. Oh how he was infuriating. Him and his damn emerald eyes that shone ever so bright before.
Softly panting and with surprised eyes Luciano looked at the angered woman before him.
"How dare you." Portia glared daggers at the man before getting into her carriage and they strode off leaving the man bewildered. It was just barely evening and she was already running away from her problems. Once arriving home she couldn't help but dawn on what happened when she was leaving. Was he mad? What if someone seen them? What if he actually loved her.
No!….No? But he ran off with someone else leaving her behind when she needed him most.
"See I told you Portia. He doesn't love you which is why you must marry Lord Featherington." Her mother assured her. "No! He loves me." Portia ripped the letter that she found at the usual place they would hang out together. Her mother never understood the passion they both had for each other.
"Please Mama. Please?" Portia broke into tears.
"I'm so sorry my love." Her mother held out her arms to her only daughter. Her husband watched as the scene unfolded. He planned everything alright. Her father a cruel man only thinking of himself when it came to money and trading situations. "You will produce a heir with your future husband for his linage and you will not complain. I had promised long ago you to him." Her father said.
"How could you?" Her mother muttered holding a crying Portia in her arms.
"We discussed this before so shut it woman." He looked at his wife in distaste and walked out of Portia's personal dressing room. His wife could only wish Portia happiness as she cradled her. "We must start lessons tomorrow on how you should act for your future husband." Her mother muttered in her ear.
"Your father can be cruel. Most men can be when they find out a woman can write, read, and do so much more. So you must be taught the proper ways of a lady." Her mother said.
"I don't want your marriage to end up like mines. Everything will be based around your husband. Make him feel like the world could be his. For the first part anyways." Her mother whispered.
"Mama? Your back already?" Penelope came down from the stairs.
"Yes. I was just getting a little tipsy and decided to retire for the evening." She said as she walked toward the stairs. She couldn't help but hug her daughter. One of the best things her ugly marriage ever gave her to cherish. Her and her sisters.
What would have life been if she were to marry her old lover? She thought. "Mama is there something bugging you?" Penelope asked noticing her mother spacing a little.
"No no my dear just a little tipsy. I just need to rest." Portia mumbled to her daughter as she continued upstairs to her personal quarters. "Of course mama. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Goodnight." Penelope looked and said as her mother walked upstairs with a small smile. Colin had been sleeping for the past few hours. Taking the time wisely Penelope rushed upstairs and lit a candle at her desk and took her quill and dipped it in the jet black ink. After writing and rechecking over her words she put down her quill and recovered her ink. With swift movement she blew out the light to her desk and quietly walked and laid down by her husband with a small smile gracing her features.
Dear gentlest readers,
From this authors well heard rumors of a red hand print across the Dukes face. However receiving a harsh slap across his face will he continued to pursue to wanted heated relationship? With Lady Portia and the Duke having a heated argument almost turning to a night of passion what would it mean for the other ladies? Lady Cowper seems to have some tricks up her sleeve at tonight's ball as she would slowly sink her sharp claws into a certain man. Was tonight's ball a success for the Duke of Magelight? Or was it a flop to rekindle with an old flame. Or perhaps a cover up for something he has done? However the words of one are not to be suppressed deep down as another would surely listen to those distasteful words as passion. Would another marriage ensue? Would the old lovers rekindle? Or will they just push each other to insane passion? But does he truly know what he wants?
Yours Truly,
Penelope Bridgerton
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bipolarmango · 6 months
I cannot stress this enough: it's important not to push someone with a trauma to process it faster than they can. I am looking at you, mental health workers.
I once was at a mental health institution due to a major depressive episode that presented as a part of my bipolar-2. I am a grownup, over 30, so I mentioned to my doctor that I am not on the best of terms with my family and gave them a brief overview of my childhood. I also said that most of my childhood feels like it belongs to someone else, like I've read it from a book (I'm totally emotionally disconnected from it), and I have massive gaps in memory.
For unknown reasons, instead of focusing on the current events, such as the physical health issues I had been diagnosed with, the pandemic, my ex leaving, you name it, the doctors and psychologist decided to focus on digging as deep as possible on my childhood literally everyday hours after hours. On top of that, my psychologist and I didn't really get a long well.
During the first week of these sessions, I had some of my typical dissociations, these vague feelings like you're living what I call a movie moment -- a moment stolen from a movie. Not quite real, not quite unreal, but in between. Moments when you suddenly are not sure if your hand is really your hand. They got worse as the week progressed.
After a week, on Friday, I found myself sitting on my hospital bed, and suddenly a feeling like I was a little scared toddler took over me. I had to hide. I crawled under the bed, just like little kids do when they're afraid. If someone would've tried to talk to me, I'm sure I would've sounded like a toddler, I would've behaved like a toddler. My whole mind went back to the same mode it was when I was that small.
When the toddler episode ended, the next stage started. By Friday night, I was in so deep in dissociation that I literally saw these light grey, mostly transparent curtains that separated me from the real world, and behind me, there was another set of deeper grey curtains that separated me from another world. I knew it was another world, and I could just open the curtains and step in and disappear if I wanted. I literally wasn't part of the real world, I was following it behind a curtain, ready to completely disappear if things got even a little bid worse.
Luckily, my whole team was off for the weekend, so the concerned nurses alerted a more senior doctor who sat me down and asked me question about what's going on. He called off the questioning about my childhood as he concluded the stress was just too much for my brain to process at this speed. I was placed under constant supervision. My symptoms kept developing. I started having auditory hallucinations that my own medical team dismissed for some reason. I also had minor visual hallucinations that also got dismissed by my own team for some reason. I started getting random symptoms that I didn't know if they should be accounted for mania or something else (ie. I felt a massive urge to take a wheelchair and run with it through the hallway, push it through the massive window and fly with it from the fifth floor to the ground, not to die but to fly and to, just, well, just to do it. I also wanted to "run away" and literally jump off the walls, scream at the top of my lungs, climb to the roof of the hospital just because. Mind you, I am usually very quiet and withdraw person, and my hypomania doesn't include this kind of behaviour).
It took a month for all these symptoms get back to normal (I do often have dissociation but not on the level when I had at the time, auditory and visual hallucinations I haven't had for years). My own medical team made me understand that they believe I was faking it for attention.
I got a new medical team soon after.
I believe that the stress of trying to force me to process the trauma to fast caused me a massive dissociation, hallucinations, and possibly my first ever mania that should have changed my diagnosis from bipolar-2 to bipolar-1 had I have a team that took me seriously.
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puffyducks · 2 months
DCRC Week #7
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All right you guys buckle the fuck up cause it's time for absolute peak. Yeah that's right I'm talkin PKNA #4: Earthquake bitch!!! Which also happens to be the EXACT VOLUME THEY STOPPED PRINTING IN ENGLISH FOR, come on man we were so close 😭
(Long and image-heavy post heehoo)
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Giant money symbol on the floor..... I wonder who this oil rig belongs to
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Donald stop doing some kind of ritualistic sacrifice with your little cookie men and drink ur fuckin coffee. Also Unooo hiiii :3c
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A tectonic emergency has occurred on the west coast and these two bitches are busy arguing like an old married couple GET IT TOGETHER!!!!
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Raw asf introduction panel for Flagstarr
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Do you guys think Everett Ducklair paid his taxes
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Most logical you say? I'm sure that's not a trait that will come up later-
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Lmfaooo I love framing Angus Fangus for federal crimes get rekt bozo (also really good looking panels hii Flagstarr hiiiii)
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Donald being held at gunpoint like a week after the whole nuclear blast thing, he really can't catch a break can he?
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Btw I am CHEWING on the colors in these pages. Who knew purple and green gradients could be so menacing?
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Looove the background of this page being made up of the X-transformer.... mwah 👌
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(Spam don't read this part) OK listen I know that losing the west coast is bad and all, but also like, do we really need California? I'm just saying like-
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PK: "IF WE DON'T STOP THOSE EARTHQUAKE MACHINES IT'S GONNA UNEARTH A SUPERCONTINENT AND MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WILL DIE" Uno: "Uuuuh idk that actually sounds kinda dope haha. Like a new continent sounds sick as fuck. Maybe we should just let the entire western US die idk lol"
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btw guys I'm getting a playlist set up for this issue send me song recs
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let go of him PK
I mean WOAH who said that that's crazy. heroes don't kill people umm do the right thing... also we need him for the code I guess that's important too-
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I was explaining the plot of this comic to a friend (one who knows literally nothing about the duckverse) and she was like "oh Fairfax's motivations sound exactly like Team Magma from Pokemon Ruby" and like... yeah... I GUESS
It doesn't help that his design lowkey looks like Maxie in ORAS- like if you squint really hard-
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I don't have any riveting commentary here I just adore the entire way this page is set up
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Raw asf line coming from Donald Fauntleroy Duck
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Yeah it really DIDN'T work out. You're telling me he wanted to keep the keys apart and his master plan was to give the second key to the only other person on the plane with him? Just huck it in the ocean or something cmon Fairfax use that big brain of yours-
I said before in my last post but I just love this issue. I'm sure someone better at literary analysis could explain better than me, but the artwork, the COLORS, the story is all just sooo good and I'm putting it all in my MOUTH. I especially love the messaging between doing what's logical and doing what's right, cause at the end of the day morality is a subjective human trait, and who's to say that killing millions of people for the potential benefit of billions isn't a noble thing to do? Also a rare Uno L in this issue but he's LEARNING okay. He's just a little guy he's just a little hyperintelligent sentient building ok.... leaf him alone........
Btw in case you haven't noticed by now this issue also happens to be what the blog description of @duckblr-book-club is based on and no I'm not the one that wrote that. It is true though, the Pangea Project will be real in 24 hours if certain people don't catch up on reading these comics. SEE YOU NEXT WEEK FOR ODIN TIME!!!!!!
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