#Phoenix fire ritual
jezabela · 10 months
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i don’t think it’s talked about enough that the reason there’s a Godwyn ending where he becomes a Lord (not a God) is because symbolically, he was mirroring Godfrey in more than just name.
Godwyn’s alive body sprouting fish tail and scales isn’t just a random design choice, it’s a reference to Confucius' The Book of Rites, where it’s stated that the subjugation of the Four Divine Beasts will grant the person who tamed them different kind of control:
- Dragon -> control over animals with scales (specifically, FISH. See?)
- Qilin (Lion) -> control over beasts (think of how the Hornsent coveting the power of the Crucibles via the lion dance ritual. The “lion” in lion dance is Qilin in the native language of Asian countries that celebrate that tradition. And it’s why Godfrey’s symbol is a lion, why lion imagery plays such important role in Elden Ring world)
- Phoenix -> control over birds
- Turtle -> control over the heart of men (this might be a reach but Miquella’s connection to the Carian family and thus, the Turtle Pope could be a nice parallel to this)
in Godfrey’s cut dialogues, he said “Dearest Marika is precisely what I must take back” and “Dear Marika, do not fear. I am returned.”, and even without all that, The Talisman of Lord’s Bestowal stated that Godfrey accepted his duty without any sign of wavering, even taking Serosh upon his back so he could conduct himself as a Lord worthy of her. Bro, he loves that girl, he passed Messmer’s vibe check with flying colors.
For Godwyn to be a fruit of such a loving union, i do think Godfrey instilled in him a sense of duty to protect his Mother, and there’s his own love and devotion to her as well. Leyndell Knights all use Dragon Cult incantations and buffs - the kind of power that is only available to them because Godwyn befriended Fortissax (which is why i said that move has an ulterior motive to it).
All of that brings me to this main point I’m trying to make: does Godwyn really that devoid of agency?
I see it’s a popular interpretation in the fandom that oh Godwyn was just a symbol, he had no voice, we never knew what he wanted, etc etc… Do we really not know though?
Sorry for slapping another fandom on this, but this is really relevant to my understanding of Elden Ring as a story, even with the base written by a Western author, was developed by a Japanese team of storytellers and designers:
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The concept of soul - body and body snatching etc etc exists a lot in Asian media, and there’s always a general consensus that the body remembers even as the soul perishes. What is Godwyn’s body is doing? The game specifically states that his body is alive. He only perishes in soul.
He was infesting the Erdtree’s roots, spreading Death around like free real estate. If he wanted to let go of life, of his Mother, his body should have just let go on its own. But no, he was tenaciously clinging to the Erdtree, to Marika.
Even Fortissax remembrance stated that despite its best effort, it could not fight back the Death within its friend. If Godwyn really, truly wanted to embrace a true death, would his body just let Fortissax fight alone in an uphill battle like that?
Then there is the DLC revealed that Godwyn’s personal knights were in LoS to find and guard his cadaver surrogate, specifically for the Age of the Duskborn. Their helm stated that their loyalty to him is unbroken. So will they just go and do something that their Master would not want?
These Knights are literally an elite circle that was bestowed the most precious of jewels in Godfrey’s time (the +3 medallions), they aren’t merely good, they are the very best. They are Godwyn’s inner circle the same way the Fire Knights are said to be the ones who know Messmer best.
Even if you think Fia and Those Who Lived in Death were just taking advantage of Godwyn’s death… her endgame goal technically did not even succeed. She wanted to be Mother to TWLiD, but the ending very much shows that the Mending Rune was returned to Marika’s womb. It’s her who would birth Godwyn a second life, so the True Mother™ to TWLiD… would actually be Marika 💀
Like, am i the only one who saw this as some real crazy 4D chess Uno reverse move from Godwyn? Oh these ppl wanted to get rid of him then took advantage of his body? Fine, he would take that challenge and run a mile with it. If Age of Duskborn came, it meant Ranni didn’t succeed, Fia didn’t actually get to be Mother of TWLiD, Death - the very thing that Marika tried to seal, would now be something within her control, because Godwyn is its Lord now. Exactly like how the Dragons’ power became something wielded in Marika’s favor in the end. Thanks to him.
In the Duskborn ending, bro, the God would still be Marika. It’s the only possible new Age involving a demigod that doesn’t get rid of her. Even if it utilize heretical powers to get there.
And the crazier thing? This is not the first time Fromsoft did this, btw.
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radiance1 · 11 months
The League tried to interrupt a summoning of a powerful being from the Infinite Realms. From the information they collected, the being isn't of the status of a royalty, but they still had to be careful as the being the summoners tried to call forth was still of noble status.
They failed.
The head cultist finished the ritual, the last words to finish the summoning left their tongue and the room was suddenly doused in heat, as black flame came to life from within the circle, twisting and turning, back and forth until a pair of red eyes suddenly flashed from inside the twisting pillar of flame and just as suddenly as the eyes appeared, was the pillar broken apart.
What was left behind was the figure of a giant phoenix, wings spread as embers black as night gently fell down to the floor below and suddenly disappearing, as if they were never there in the first place.
"Who dares to disturb-" The being started, eyes scanning the crowd below before stilling, extremely and worryingly quiet. One of them quietly cursed. "Constantine..." The creature's voice was low, dangerously low, no doubt anger in its voice as it called out the Warlock's name.
Everyone tensed, expecting something dangerous, except for the cultists, and the Head, who turned his head towards them and smiled, obviously expecting them to be reduced to not even ash.
"100 years. One. Hundred. Years." The being spoke, and confusion wormed its way into the hearts of all those present. "100 years I have waited for you, and when we finally meet once again it's not even you summoned me but these-" The creature waved a wing at the cultist below. "-These fatuous and vacuous little things."
"And what is this? You surrounded yourself with those not even of human birth before you have even thought about me?" The noble's eyes narrowed. "Did our relationship mean nothing to you?
Someone, probably not Constantine, choked.
"Well then, after all of this time you can at least make yourself useful." In a flash of black fire, Constantine was brought from within the ranks of heroes and in front of the beast, a man who seemed to be trying to-and unsuccessfully- lighting a smoke. "Ah, why do that when you have me?" The being purred, bending down to apparently light a smoke before freezing, as if remembering what exactly it was doing, but the action was already done, and Constantine was killing his lungs away.
The phoenix snapped back up to standing above everyone else, clearing its throat as if what happened decidedly didn't happen.
"What exactly did you want me to be useful for, love?" Constantine asked, expelling the smoke from his lungs and deciding that this might as well be happening. The noble huffed, folding its wings at its sides as it stared down at its apparent lover. "Take care of our son for once in your sad, pathetic life."
This time, not only did Constantine choke, but a good chunk of people there did as well. Constantine ran a hand through his hair, looking up at the phoenix incredulously. "Aren't we both men?"
The phoenix looked at his lover as if he were stupid. "Your point?"
"I-" Constantine sighed, took a breath, held, then expelled more smoke from his lungs. Apparently, he decided not to question anything anymore. "You know what? Sure, where is the little bugger?"
Over the next few moments, both the Justice League and Cultists were treated to the noble transforming into a human (still having wings) and handing over their apparent child-who looked nothing like them by being a dragon, but who were they to question the apparent reproduction of a being from the Infinite Realms- and being lectured about what not to do and what to do and how he should be cared for.
Also, a warning for his many powers.
Then the Duke stole a kiss (One that he claimed was long overdue) and left.
The room was silent, only the sounds of breathing occupying the room as the temperature was brought back down to normal levels.
A moment later, Batman walked up to the nearby cultist and punched him across the face and knocking him out cold, suddenly reminding everyone what exactly they were here for.
A while later, in the meeting room, everyone looked at Constantine. Who had a baby eastern dragon wrapped around one arm (who was apparently his child) and rubbing his temple with the other.
"I can't explain this."
Danny was actually not Constantine kid, neither was he Vlad's. Biologically, at the very least, however. Vlad did adopt both him and Jasmine a while back after their whole parent fiasco.
They're dead, sadly unable to become ghosts, or perhaps not so sadly.
Of course, they unfortunately outlived Jasmine, which was to be expected, but Vlad and Danny did grow close enough that they no longer viewed each other as enemies.
However, who could have expected that Danny, finally ascending to his princely status, would turn him back into a literal child because he was, for all intents and purposes, one by Dragon standards.
Utter malarkey, he would say.
Taking care of that boy was the worst few memories he has ever had. He was constantly being kept from his sleep, his work being interrupted constantly, and the child managed to find a way to leave his sight at each and every turn.
But there were some sweet moments, he would say.
It's only reasonable, however, that his lover (who he hasn't seen for an entire century might he add) share the workload.
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greenwitchcrafts · 2 months
August 2024 Witch Guide
New Moon: August 4th
First Quarter: August 12th
Full moon: August 19th
Last Quarter: August 26th
Sabbats: Lughnasadh/Lammas- August 1st
August Sturgeon Moon
Also known as: Barely Moon, Black Cherries Moon, Corn moon, Dispute Moon, Harvest moon, Herb Moon, grain moon, Mountain Shadows Moon, Red moon, Ricing Moon, Weodmonath & Wyrt moon
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Leo & Virgo
Animal spirts: Dryads
Deities: Diana, Ganesha, Hathor, Hecate, Mars, Nemesis, Thot & Vulcan
Animals: Dragon, lion, phoenix & sphinx
Birds: Crane, eagle & falcon
Trees: Alder, cedar & hazel
Herbs: Basil, bay, fennel, orange, rosemary, rue & St.John's wort
Flowers: Angelica, chamomile, marigold & sunflower
Scents: Frankincense & heliotrope
Stones: Carnelian, cats/tiger's eye, emerald, fire agate, garnet, jade, moonstone, peridot, red jasper, red agate, sardonyx, topaz & tourmaline
Colors: Dark green, gold, orange, red & yellow
Energy: Abundance, appreciation, authority, courage, entertainment, finding your voice, friendship, gathering, harvesting energy, health, love, pleasures, power, prophecy, prosperity, vitality & wisdom
The name Sturgeon Moon comes from the giant lake sturgeon of the Great Lakes & Lake Champlain; this native freshwater fish was readily caught during this part of summer & an important food staple for Native Americans who lived in the region. At one time the lake sturgeon was quite abundant in late summer, though they are rarer today.
• August's full moon is the first Supermoon of the year, which means that it will appear bigger & brighter than the full Moons we have seen so far!
Known as: Lammas, August Eve  & Feast of Bread
Season: Summer
Element: Fire
Symbols: corn, grain dollies & shafts of grain
Colors: Gold, golden yellow, green, light brown, orange, purple, red & yellow
Oils/Incense: Aloe, apple, corn, eucalyptus, safflower, rose & sandalwood
Animals: Cattle (bull & calf)
Birds: Chicken/Rooster
Stones: Aventurine, carnelian, citrine, peridot, sardonyx & yellow diamond
Food: Apples, barely cakes, berries, berry pies, breads, colcannon, cider, corn, grains, honey, lamb, nuts, potatoes, rice, sun-shaped cookies & wild berries
Herbs/Plants: Alfalfa, aloe, blackberry, bramble, corn, cornsilk, corn stalk, crab apple, fenugreek, frankincense, ginseng, goldenseal, gorse, grape, medowsweet, oak leaves, pear, rye, sloe & wheat
Flowers:  Clyclamen, heather hollyhock & sunflower
Trees: Acacia, apple, myrtle,oak & rowan
Goddesses: Aine, Alphito, Bracacia, Carmen, Ceres, Damina, Danu, Demeter, Ereshkigal, Freya, Frigga, Gaia, Inanna Ishtar, Kait, Persephone, Sul, Taillte, Tea & Zaramama
Gods: Athar, Bes, Bran, Dagon, Dumuzi, Ebisu, Ghanan, Howtu, Liber, Lono, Lugh, Neper, Odin & Xochipilli
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Accomplishment, agriculture, challenges, darkness, death, endings, release & transformation
Spellwork: Abundance, bounty, fire magick, rituals of thanks & sun magick
• Bake fresh bread
• Weave wheat
• Take walks in nature or along bodies of water
• Craft a corn doll
• Learn a new skill
• Watch the sunrise/sunset
• Leave grains and seeds in a place where birds, squirrels and other small animals can appreciate them
• Eat outside with family/friends/coven members
• Donate to your local foodbank
• Prepare a feast with your garden harvest
• Give thanks & offerings to the Earth
• Trade crafts of make deals
• Gather and/or dry herbs to use for the upcoming year
• Celebrate/honor the god Lugh by hosting a competition of games
• Participate in matchmaking or handfasting ceremonies
• Decorate your altar with symbols of the season
• Clean up a space in nature
• Plant saved seeds or save seeds to use in the future
Lughnasadh or Lammas is a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of the harvest season. Historically it was widely observed throughout Ireland, Scotland & the Isle of Man. Traditionally it is held on 1 August, or about halfway between the summer solstice & autumn equinox. In recent centuries some of the celebrations have shifted to the Sunday nearest this date.
Lughnasadh is mentioned in early Irish literature & has pagan origins. The festival is named after Lugh the god of craftsmanship. It was also founded by the god Lugh as a funeral feast & athletic competition/funeral games in memory of his foster-mother Tailtiu. She was said to have died of exhaustion after clearing the plains of Ireland for agriculture.
• Tailtiu may have been an earth goddess who represented the dying vegetation that fed mankind.
• Another tale says that Lugh founded the festival in memory of his two wives, the sisters Nás & Bói. 
In the Middle Ages it involved great gatherings that included ceremonies, athletic contests (most notably the Tailteann Games which were extremely dangerous), horse racing, feasting, matchmaking & trading.
• With the coming of Christianity to the Celtic lands, the old festival of Lughnasadh took on Christian symbolism. Loaves of bread were baked from the first of the harvested grain & placed on the church altar on the first Sunday of August. The Christianized name for the feast of Lughnasadh is Lammas which means “loaf mass”.
Some believe this is the time where the God has weakened & is losing his strength as seen in the waning of the day's light. The Goddess is pregnant with the young God who will be born on Yule.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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sinn-bee · 2 months
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Drawing in m*gma of Binghe in my Phoenix Lqg AU
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(Lore, Phoenix Lqg was captured in an array set by Luo Binghe and as part of a ritual to make him mortal, Lbh took his flight feathers and fashioned them into a fan. This takes away Lqg’s Phoenix Fire as well and leaves him essentially as a pretty trophy piece that cusses a lot. Luo Binghe can’t be harmed by Phoenix Fire because of his heritage so he likes to play with the flickers of blue flame, and is unaware that Lqg can feel whenever his magic is being used.)
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backmuscles21 · 1 month
Finally Found You
Tonowari x Reader x Ronal
Summary: Jake and Tonowari find your body washed up on the shore, it's a forest Na'vi's body. Once Jake sees your face, he remembers you and it scares him. You were blue but you never had a Na'vi body. Ronal nurses you back to health and Tonowari shows you around. You told Jake about all of Ardmore's plans and what had happened, only you didn't know how you ended up on the Metkayina shore beaten to a pulp. Tonowari and Ronal end up falling for you, and once you mate with them, you'll do anything to protect your family, even kill again.
Warnings: smut, canon typical violence, self-esteem issues, bisexual reader, mating rituals, hurt/comfort
The last thing you remembered was dark, it was pitch black. You feel like maybe there were waves, maybe you heard waves, but maybe it was just your mind making things up in the coldness of dark and lonely silence.
Jake and Tonowari were going over some of the plans that the warriors and hunters would be going over, they were deep in conversation when they heard kids screaming. Jake and Tonowari turned around to see mothers holding onto their kids, they both walked closer to the shore.
It was a forest Na’vi body, the body was female and completely naked, it also looked pretty bruised up from the sight of it. Tonowari and Jake pulled the body from the water and covered it in a blanket. When they flipped you onto your back, Jake was shocked, he knew you. He stumbled back, he quite literally saw the face of a ghost.
“Are you okay?” Tonowari asked Jake seeing the look on his face.
Jake nodded; he couldn’t form words. You were there when home tree went down, you and Trudy were in her helicopter. You left after they did; you gave them word Quaritch was coming and stayed to help. You and Trudy died when her helicopter went down. You were Marines and a Na’vi sympathizer, but you never had an avatar. He didn’t understand, he didn’t know what to think.
“Jake?” Tonowari asked again, “are you sure you’re alright?”
“I knew her, the face. I knew her as a sky person. When she was also a sky person. It doesn’t make sense. She died; I saw her die. She was always on the outside but she was never blue. I don’t know what happened.”
Tonowari squatted down by your face, despite all the bruising, you were quite pretty. That’s when he felt it, your warm breath on his cheek. It was barely there but he stood up and looked at Jake.
“She’s still alive, I felt her breathe. There her chest is rising and falling ever so slightly. Help me take her to the Tshaik’s tent.”
Tonowari and Jake took you to the Tshaik’s tent and Ronal looked at what was wrong.
“We will leave her here to rest and recover. I don’t know what happened to her but it looks like she was beaten within an inch of her life. Her body will take time to recover. She’ll be lucky to wake up in the next few days,” Ronal said.
However, in the next few days, you woke up.
Ronal was mixing some herbs, you sat up and took the deepest breath Ronal has ever heard, like your lungs had never known what oxygen was. You looked around, your eyes widened when you saw Ronal.
“What happened?” You asked quietly after staring for a moment.
Ronal came over to you, “you look better now that you’re awake. I will get the boys.”
“Who?” you questioned as she left.
Moments later, Tonowari and Jake followed through the opening with Ronal.
“Y/N,” Jake said.
“Jake?” You sat up more and hugged him. “Jake, what’s going on?”
“I could ask you the same thing. Last I saw you; you went down in Trudy’s burning helicopter.”
“I have to tell you something.”
“What is it?”
“There was this project, Project Phoenix, I signed up for it back when we were at Hell’s Gate, long before home tree went down. They selected certain marines to get brain scans and then we’d use them to learn and fight fire with fire. A couple of months ago, I woke up with the memories of y/n. I’ve always loved the people but you made me fall in love with the Na’vi even more. I forgot all about the project and they didn’t remember about me switching sides, clearly. I did but only some of it, obviously, I didn’t know how I died or if I did at all. General Ardmore is who we’d answer to, me, Quaritch, Wainfleet, Zdog, Walker, Fike, Ja, Prager, Warren, Mansk, Zhang, and Brown. We were to go boots on the ground in the rainforest and look for you, we went out like twice. We never found you. last thing I remember was heading back to the base, a helicopter was coming for us and then it was lights out.”
“Well, they did. Or they found some of my kids at least. That's why I'm here. However, they beat you pretty badly I think and stripped you and threw you in the ocean. Probably thought they killed you.”
“I think I wish they did,” you looked up at Jake, tears starting to well up in your eyes.
“Don’t say that.”
“I’m an abomination. I died; I don’t get second chances. I’m on the bad guy’s side. Jake – I don’t want this. They brought us all back to do their bidding. I’m not a lap dog, I’m not kissing ass again,” you felt the tears roll down your cheeks.
“You’re with us now. You don’t have to go back. You can be a warrior with us now.”
“I don’t want to fight anymore. I don’t wanna live like this. I don’t want to fight again. I was bred to fight and if I’m using this second chance, I’m not killing again.”
“There are many jobs here that you could do. You don’t have to waste this chance.”
Tonowari looked at you and smiled, “you are welcome to stay. We could always use the help.”
“Thank you. And thank you for saving me,” you looked at Tonowari and smiled as another tear fell down your cheek.
“You’re welcome. I can show you to your mauri.”
You nodded, you stood up and saw you were in traditional Metkayina garb. You walked with him along the bouncy path, you looked around as you walked. This place was like you’ve never seen, it was gorgeous and the water was so blue.
“I think you’ll fit in nicely here. I’ll show you around tomorrow and I’ll introduce you to a couple of ladies and you can pick a job. There are a few in mind.”
“Thank you for everything. I can’t help but feel like I don’t deserve it.”
“You do, you’ve done a lot for Jake and soon for us.”
“I didn’t do a lot. I helped when the war happened but not initially.”
“You were following orders.”
“That doesn’t make it right.”
Tonowari stopped in front of you, his hands on your shoulders as he looked into your eyes, “you’re doing the right thing now. That’s all that matters. You died for our cause; you saved many forest Na’vi.”
“I would’ve died either way. Not to mention I killed. I have memories of shooting up a school. Not that I enjoyed it or liked it, but I still did it.”
“That doesn’t matter now, that’s in the past. You’ve lived that life and now you have a new one and you can choose what you want to do with it.”
“Tonowari, what if I can’t? What if I’m only ever good for following orders and killing?”
His hands moved to your cheeks; he wiped the tears falling down your cheeks. “You will do your best and if something happens or you can’t handle it, you let me know. We can work on it. It won’t be easy but it will be possible and as your new olo’eyktan I want you to succeed.”
You leaned into him to hug him; he was probably the most loving person you ever met. You grew up as a military brat, you were never shown supportive love like this. You never knew love like this and you wanted to reach out and grab it and never let it go. You held onto him; your arms wrapped around his neck as you nuzzled into his neck. He hugged you just as tightly, he could see how hurt you were.
“I don’t quit, never have never will.”
“I think you’ll find other things you are good at.”
“Like what?”
“Weaving perhaps, healing, or maybe fishing, possibly you could be a hunter. You could provide for the people.”
“I will give it a try.”
After a long night's rest, you met a few people that morning, Tonowari took you by each person to meet them and try the jobs out.
As you figured, you sucked at weaving and cooking and healing and fishing. You would get frustrated easily, anything fitness-wise came easy to you as usually were always strong and fast. That’s why, when you went hunting with Tonowari, you kicked ass and had fun.
That’s when you started to admire Tonowari’s smile.
You knew he was mated with the tshaik but that didn’t stop you from staring and dreaming. Normally, you wouldn’t go for guys, you were bisexual, but you preferred women. At least most human women could actually make you cum, hence why you dated Trudy.
You spent a lot of time around Tonowari since you developed a small crush on him, which is how you started to crush on his mate more. You were over with him and his mate a lot, and you couldn’t help but to fall in love with them both, they both had such beautiful bodies and faces and personalities. You felt like every time you were flirting with them but they never seemed to reciprocate.
Ronal was even more loving than Tonowari and you were addicted to it, you wanted to be around her all the time. Ronal was always there to clean your cuts and ensure you were healing properly from all the bruising. You liked that she was so doting and caring, she was so special to you as was Tonowari.
Weeks later, you were with Jake’s kids, you were making jewelry with Kiri, Tuk and Tsireya. You found yourself having a lot of shell jewelry already thanks to Tuk, so you found yourself making a necklace for Ronal. You just wanted to do something nice for her since she helped you so much. Of course, you did make a bracelet for Tuk which she adored.
You were going over there for dinner and that was the perfect time to give her the necklace you made her. When you got there, you gave it to her with a large smile on your face. At first, she looked taken aback but then she smiled and set it down to hug you.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I thought it was the perfect gift to say thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”
Of course, you didn’t know about mating rituals.
Ronal and Tonowari talked after you left and they were ready to give you a courting gift and hopefully have you mate with them.
You were over with Ronal and Tonowari again, it was the place to go to try and find you. As you were chatting with Tonowari about a recent hunt Ronal came over with a small box in hand. You looked at her, she smiled as she sat down in front of you and Tonowari, and you smiled along with her.
“I have this for you.”
“For me?”
Ronal handed you the box, as she opened it, your face lit up. It was a very traditional armband that Metkayina wore. Your face lit up and you smiled widely as you took it from her hands.
“It’s gorgeous Ronal, thank you. Both of you. It’s amazing. I love it a lot.”
“Ronal made it, it was my idea to make the armband though.”
“Well, you both did amazing.”
“So, you accept?” Ronal asked with a wide smile.
“Of course, I accept,” only you didn’t really know what you were accepting.
Tonowari’s hand held your jaw as he moved your face from looking straight ahead at Ronal to look at him. He looked into your wide eyes and his hand moved to your jaw as he kissed you. When he pulled back, you looked shocked, you never expected that. Once your brain reconnected, you moved in to kiss him. Your hands went to his neck and you went in for the kill, you have been wanting this.
You were kissing him quite passionately, although you didn’t realize you accepted their courting gift, you absolutely wanted this. Once you moved back, you smiled, you smiled at both of them.
“So, you will mate with us?” Ronal asked.
“A million times yes. I have only dreamed about this since you guys saved me.”
You moved in to hug Ronal, when you pulled away you stared at her.
“Can I kiss you?” You asked, unsure if she wanted that or accepted that.
She kissed you; you crawled closer to her while your lips remained locked. Your arms went around her neck as you were practically on top of her, that’s when you felt a hand on your back. It went up your back and had you turn your head to Tonowari, who then started to kiss you again. You felt Ronal’s hands fall to your waist and drag down to your hips, her hands slid back up your body to your chest covering.
She reached behind your neck and untied it slowly to allow you to stop her, but that never came. She pulled your chest covering off and her hands gravitated to your tits which she held so nicely. Your body was writhing as she played with your nipples, and you moaned into Tonowari’s mouth. Your back arched and you pressed your lips into Tonowari more. Tonowari’s hands gripped your rib cage and squeezed his way down to your hips before moving between your legs. His fingers worked their way under your loincloth, your lips detached and your head rested on Tonowari’s shoulder.
The couple worked on you, as you moaned out loudly. You raised your hand and covered your mouth to try and keep the sounds to a minimum. Tonowari’s hand quickly followed yours and pulled your hand off your face.
“The noise doesn’t matter. Anyone nearby can smell it already. They know what’s happening,” Tonowari said.
“So, you just want everyone to know how well you’re pleasing me.”
“Obviously,” Tonowari said as he removed his fingers and started to untie your loin cloth.
You whimpered but then Tonowari removed your loin cloth fully and Ronal took her hands off your chest. He grabbed your hips and lied you on your stomach, he lifted your hips up enough to give himself some decent leverage.
“I’m going to fuck you and why don’t you eat out your darling mate Ronal,” Tonowari said as he slowly sunk into you.
You grabbed Ronal’s bare thighs and pulled her close to you, you immediately started to eat her out as Tonowari fucked you. Cumming from being fucking mercilessly by Tonowari was one of life’s greatest achievements and to top that off, your face was pressed further and further into one of the prettiest women you’ve ever seen. Making her cum was second to being fucked by Tonowari, it was immaculate to even taste her.
Your life from then on revolved around those two and your newfound adopted kids, Ao’nung, Tsireya, and the current unborn child Ronal was carrying. You were with them every step of the way, from holding Ronal all night after her spirit sister was killed to watching the kids leave to save Jake’s youngest son tulkan friend.
The sky people came to attack and you had no choice but to become a warrior. You were ready to fight for these people, you didn’t care what you wanted.
“I’m going out there, you can’t stop me.”
“Are you sure that’s what you want?” Tonowari asked.
“It doesn’t matter what I want, our kids are out there.”
“You didn’t want to be a warrior or a killer.”
“I don’t have a choice. They took what is the most special to me, my family. I’ll kill for that.”
Tonowari let go of your arm and let you onto your skimwing and raced off to save the kids.
Once Jake went out to talk to Quaritch, you were looking at both your mates as Jake went to save your daughter and his two kids.
Then all hell broke loose and you did exactly what 10 years of intense military training taught you to do, kill.
You swam in fast; you were killing left and right, pushing through many bodies of so many different soldiers. You were blind, you remember this feeling, all you see is red and you’re mindlessly killing. This time it wasn’t orders though, this time you were fighting for your home and for your family. This time it was like a big middle finger to Quaritch for all the shit he’s ever done to you in the time you’ve known him on Pandora.
Watching Jake’s eldest cut loose his siblings and your daughter, you had Tsireya and you were trying to get Lo’ak and Neteyam to come with you once Tuk went with her mom. You had a choice to make, take your daughter to safety or help the boys go get their friend. You were blinded with rage still and Tsireya called an ilu and went back to her parents while you hopped aboard the ship. You followed the boys into the ship, you grabbed a gun and you shot at the few soldiers still straggling around.
The boys saw you following them, you went further into the ship together once they got Spider back. You shot at more soldiers, before getting into the water. It was shortly after you were confronted with Quaritch.
“I see you lived.”
“What would you know about that?”
Quaritch smirked as he held Kiri.
“What did you do to me?”
“You lied.”
“About what?”
“You were never on our side, even before you signed up for Deja Blue.”
“That’s true, but I didn’t defy until before home tree went down.”
“Still, you should have never been on our team. That’s why we had to take matters into our own hands.”
“By beating me and dumping me in a river.”
“You were supposed to die.”
“I wish I did. But at least I get to have some well-deserved revenge.”
Once the ship started to sink, you got out and went back to shore. You couldn’t fight Quaritch anymore and Jake had it covered anyways.
Your skimwing brought you to the shore and you saw your mates standing there, they did not look pleased. You couldn’t be happier about having to travel through water to get back to the shore, all the blood was washed off you, at least the blood that wasn’t yours.
“Where the hell have you been? Tsireya came home by herself.”
Tonowari was yelling at you, he was using his chieftain voice. You’ll be damned if it didn’t both scared you and turn you on, but you knew this was not a light circumstance. You stared at your mates, you felt nervous and you felt remorseful.
“I’m sorry. I went to help Jake’s kids. I think I just was seeing red and I didn’t want to stop.”
“You left your daughter alone,” Ronal said as she walked up to you.
“I’m sorry, I really am. This is why I didn’t want to start killing but I didn’t care anymore. They had our daughter and I just had to. I shouldn’t have left her, I knew that. But I did see one of the people I got brought back with. He told me what happened.”
“What did you learn, syulang,” Tonowari said as he pulled you into a hug.
“They knew about me being a traitor so they tried to kill me and get rid of me. I wanted revenge. I know it was selfish but still.”
“It’s okay. Just make sure you apologize to Tsireya.”
“I love you guys more than anything.”
“Let’s go get you cleaned up. You have a couple of cuts,” Ronal said as she started to bring you back to your home.
refuse to write Neteyam’s death so I just left it out.
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dame katelyn de feu my beloved 😭😭😭
more bits under the cut!!
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katelyn first shows up to phoenix drop towards the end of season one under similar circumstances to canon mcd - jeffory's about to be executed for treason, and she's desperately trying to get his name cleared before he dies. however, when it becomes clearer and clearer to her that zane's using him as a scapegoat, she decides to turn on him and side with aphmau and the phoenix alliance ahead of the battle for phoenix drop.
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in ashes, ashes, jurors were originally ordained through the bestowal of relics - however, after they went missing a couple of centuries after the first war of the magi, they pretty much became just. super politically powerful guards until about twenty years before the start of ashes, ashes, when the high priest of o'khasis at the time (zane's predecessor) figured out a way to bestow the powers of the juror relics to the jurors without using the relics themselves. anyway, its blood magick and it essentially brands the jurors with a seven-pointed star on their foreheads as a mark of the ritual being completed. katelyn hates what the ritual has turned her into - even though long hair is lowkey pretty impractical in a fight, she keeps hers long so that her mark is hidden (jeffory did the same, and garroth will also grow his hair out a little to cover his mark). when she transforms, a lot of the saturation in her skin in hair is drained out due to the magick not being suuuper holy (in fact, the first casting of the ritual upset the balance of the universe so much that it woke up the primordial gods n they sicked a plague on o'khasis that garte would later blame on tu'lan biological warfare). additionally, because the magick of the ritual sort of like. blends in? with any magicks or witchcraft already present in the juror their juror form will reflect this - katelyn has fire magicks, so when she transforms, her hair turns into this sort of sickly pale blue fire. her fire is hot enough that it burns blue anyway, but yeah.
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katelyn burns her juror armour the minute she can once everyone gets out of the irene dimension. for a while, she just wears whatever she can scrounge up from around phoenix drop, but when cadenza finds out about this she gives katelyn this outfit! it's definitely done out of the kindness of her heart, there definitely aren't any ulterior motives don't worry. it's a lot more of a mercenary-ish look compared to her juror armour, but katelyn likes it just fine - especially since a certain flame-haired seamstress with a winning smile made it especially for her.
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a little headcanon i have about katelyn - i feel like even though she isn't great at sewing, having grown up in a minor noble house in o'khasis, i feel like she would have some skills with textiles. specifically, i feel like she'd knit and/or crochet in her down time! before everyone heads out to gal'ruk, she knits everyone some mittens/scarves/socks/etc. not sweaters, though - she's loathe to admit it, but she's a firm believer in the sweater curse. otherwise, nothing much changes except that she throws on a coat and calls it a day - i like to think that, similar to laurance, she runs a little hotter than most people due to her fire magicks sort of acting as a bit of an internal furnace, so she doesn't need to bundle up quite as much as the others.
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her day-to-day outfit is pretty much her standard guard outfit without the armour. she does wear an underbust corset/belt/thing with a small pouch attached, though - its very useful for carrying around knickknacks n stuff. otherwise, there's not much else to really comment on? idk. i probably shouldve added in some scars on her arms but its 11:30 pm at the time im writing this n ive spent way too long on this dang ref sheet already so yeah.
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i decided to change up her conqueror form quite a bit - the form i drew in my original lineup of the second war's divine warriors wasn't really katelyn n looking back on it i shouldve spent more time trying to get it right. anyway, katelyn's mother was from southern tu'la, and was from a merchant family with some distant blood ties to the royal family - katelyn is technically related to the king of tu'la, but the relation is so distant that she doesn't really consider him (or any of the tu'lan nobles, really) to be blood relations. it's through this lineage, though, that she's able to resonate with menphia's relic, although it definitely helps that she's the second war's incarnation of the conqueror. mostly, the design notes from her first conqueror design remain the same - all i've really done is change the colour palette.
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aaaand some headshots. i haven't exactly worked out how she got her facial scars - the big one was probably gotten on her first major assignment as a juror. however, it's nasty enough that when it healed it sort of fucked up her facial muscles - the scar tissue has permanently warped the right side of her mouth into a grimace, so anytime she makes a facial expression it's pretty lopsided (it's especially noticeable when she smiles). also, i changed the titling system for the jury to be more similar to the commonwealth knighthood system? like as much as i think "lady katelyn" is sick as fuck, the fact that it's the same title used for the female spouses of lords just sorta,,, didn't sit right? i guess? so yeah. dame katelyn.
anyway, feel free to ask questions if u want! :D
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astra-ravana · 28 days
🜏Astra's Grimoire; Masterlist🜏
Working with Spirits:
Invocation Ritual
Commanding Oil
Crow Sleep Spell
Create a Dark Talisman
Clavum Et Spinam
Casket Boxes
Materialization Potion
Invocation for Integration of Multidimensional Gifts
Fire And Water
Attract the Fae Using a Faerie Ring
Black Opal Charm
Phoenix Ash
Hunter's Curse Enchantment
Hex Bag of Illness
Other/Various Topics:
List of Baneful Components
The Dark Moon
Notes On Crossroads
Magickal Herb Sets
Serpent Symbolism
Obscure Spell Components
Sigils Part 1
Sigils Part 2
Necromancer's Tool Kit
Courtesies Of Sect Law
The Powers That Be
A Dive Into The Dark Feminine
Interacting With The Fae
Eleven Powers of Witches
Essential Herb Collection
A Selection of Weather Magick
Bypassing Wards and Protections
A Collection of Symbols
My Personal Correspondences
Canabis Magick
Wand Woods
Key Magick
The Magick of Spiders
Celtic Astrology
Creating Servitors
Basic Incense and Their Uses
Candle Divination
The Satanic Statutes
Basic Numerology
Liminal Spaces in Witchcraft
Cursed And Bonded Objects
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moutainrusing · 3 months
dorlene july event, 492 words, @enbysiriusblack
It was crazy. Marlene was hypnotised.
The fire dancers were flaming. Incredible.
They wielded their flames like whips, which crackled and snapped as they spun them over their heads and lashed them at the audience, and Marlene knew they were missing on purpose, but they made the danger so enticingly real and how?
They were twirling batons lit on both ends, the fire leaping around them like untamed phoenixes, sparks flying everywhere, heat radiating into the crowd, and Marlene’s cheeks were burning up in the best way possible. Because it was real but how?
And Marlene couldn’t be sure if the heat on her face was merely from the fire. Because there was one dancer who was hotter than any flame possible, and she was making the blood race to Marlene’s cheeks as she swirled around her fiery partner, her face glowing like a lone streetlight on a nighttime road, her eyes sparkling as she lit up like a flame herself.
And oh shit. That’s what she did. The rest of the dancers had backed away, while the best of them (in Marlene’s opinion, which was certified and correct) ruled the centre of the stage, taking the burning ember in her hand and smoothly running it over her skin. It passed over her legs and arms without leaving a single mark.
Marlene gasped. The dancer’s skin was glowing, beautiful and soft, but the fire was real and how? She just kept dancing, flames licking her body like innocent brushes, as if they were simply dusting her off.
When the show had finished, Marlene leapt up, hurriedly told Lily to save her seat, and dashed off after the dancer as she climbed off the stage.
“Hey,” she called, reaching to grab the girl’s wrist.
The dancer jumped slightly, before turning around. “Yeah?”
“How did you do that?” Marlene gushed.
The dancer smiled. “I entered a trance-like state. It’s a tradition back home, as part of my family’s fire rituals. We dance around a fire, and as the dance becomes more intense, we enter these states of altered consciousness, where we can tolerate the heat more. I think it’s because in the savanna, fires are really frequent, and water’s hard to come by, so. My ancestors just developed really high resistance?” She tilted her head slightly, looking absolutely adorable.
Marlene was absolutely enchanted. “Wow. That’s amazing. You’re amazing. I loved looking at you.”
The dancer blinked up at her shyly. “Yeah? Thanks.”
Marlene realised she was still holding the girl’s wrist, but she didn’t want to let go just yet. “So…” she curiously flipped the hand around. “You just… don’t feel any heat?”
“No… but I did when touched me. I think that’s the first time I ever felt a spark.”
Marlene looked up in shock.
“I’m Dorcas,” she grinned.
“Marlene,” she squeezed Dorcas’s wrist. “And I felt a spark too. A lot of sparks, actually. My heat tolerance is much less than yours.”
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rei-ismyname · 16 days
Magneto Cyclops Exodus Was Right
That's right, the craziest of the crazy. French Crusader from the 12th century turned Omega Mutant hero of Krakoa. The Black Knight's boyfriend and the guy who rebuilt Xavier's brain. The guy who looked at Catholicism and said 'nah, you're all wrong. Here's the real religion and I'm Pope.' Bennett Du Paris - Exodus.
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This celibate sex God. He was right... about at least one thing, though it was a very important thing. Join me for a journey into the work of a prophet - a tale of a baby, a pink guy, and a big bird.
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Eating a potato raw in his midriff with Kafka. It's true, he is definitely intense.
Exodus benefited immensely from the First Krakoan Age, getting a seat on the Quiet Council and all sins forgiven. Since being awakened by Magneto after centuries asleep, Exodus followed his beliefs that boil down to Mutant Supremacy + Catholicism put in a blender and mixed with whatever extremism the writer needed at the time. He was rudderless Pre-Krakoa, both in universe and out. He didn't make a lot of sense and was used as a pseudo religious fundamentalist powerhouse/troublemaker. His character and belief system on mutants' personal Eden with battles to build solidarity and support from a community for the first time in 900 years fit perfectly.
He started to grow, chill out a little bit, had his beliefs challenged and shared. He became Apostle to the Messiah, teacher to children, puncher of dragons. He was EXTRA (that's getting its own post) and, for the purposes of this post, he started to adapt scripture. Pope stuff. We don't get to read the New New Testament according to Exodus, but several things about his theology were made crystal clear.
1. God was still God, but mutants were the chosen few.
2. The Nazarene Mutant (Jesus) was a Messiah, but not the Messiah. Hope Summers is.
3. The Holy Spirit is The Phoenix. They are one and the same.
Got all that? In X-Men Forever, the Kurt/Raven/Destiny family subplot is playing out and comes to light during a 'council meeting.'
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Hope is happy for Kurt learning about his parentage and she mentions in passing that she doesn't know who her bio dad was. Exodus, true to form, declared that the Holy Spirit (The Phoenix) 'quickened the womb of...' AKA immaculate conception. Hope has little patience for this, also true to form (plus by this point she knows she is going to die soon.) They're all in the White Hot Room, you see, mutant heaven kinda and Mother Righteous killed Jean/The Phoenix. They need to bring it back to beat this nasty AI God, Enigma. It's got a lot of steps so I'll simplify it.
1. Feed Hope to The Phoenix while shooting it.
2. Jean/Phoenix/Jeanix go kill the mean AI God.
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The rest of the X-Men/Mutants bounce back to Earth to kill fascists and the girls get to work. The Gun is Legion and the 'she' being referred to is The Phoenix, who's scared. They need it to stay still for the ritual to work.
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The AI God learns of these plans and, making use of his access to all of time and space, visits Hope's mother before she's pregnant in his sleazy ass human form. If he's her Dad then he'd be able to influence her and stop all this Phoenix business, or better, absorb it into his greedy, nasty self. He tells her (truthfully) that she'll die soon after giving birth by fire and it will not be pleasant. In the present, Jean notices Hope starting to change (picture Back to the Future when Marty is disappearing but also not) and realises what's going on.
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Jean comes in with the truth and Enigma shoots himself in the foot because he's forgotten how to be anything but a selfish dick. Louise (Hope's bio mother) says BAD VIBES and he *tortures her.* She still says fuck off cos she's cool AF.
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Louise doesn't even blink and signs up to do the right thing, though she doesn't want to fuck Jeanix. As soon as she consents, Jeanix touches her forehead and it's done! Back to normal reality for her. Boom, Hope is no longer all weird and completes the ritual...
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... sadly dying. Pour one out, but know that she did this willingly. Died for our sins would be pushing it, she's better than Jesus - Hope died for our lives and happiness, and to kill a shitty God.
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So with all that mumbo jumbo and time travel stuff, two new pieces of information are confirmed.
1. Hope is the goddamn Messiah. ❤️❤️
2. Her previously unknown father turned out to be The Phoenix AKA the motherfucking Holy Spirit.
Let's check back with Exodus and his thoughts on the matter...
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As established, Louise was neither DTF nor pregnant. Jeanix laid hands and quickened her womb. All dictionaries agree - quickening is entirely fetus-related. The Holy Spirit created a whole ass baby and it was our Messiah, Hope. Move over, Nazarene Mutant. Move over St Peter. Hope and Exodus are here. Joyously, Cable is still her father. He just gets to be her step-sister/half-brother too. Most importantly, Exodus was right. I'm pretty sure he knows, too. (Send an ask if you want proof.) Aren't comics great?
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esoteric-chaos · 1 year
Midsummer Masterpost - Spoonie witch friendly
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Midsummer, also known as the Summer Solstice.  This day is the longest day of the year. Typically lands around June 21st  (December 21st in the Southern Hemisphere). 
Many cultures around the world celebrate the Summer Solstice in their own ways. Marking a very important event for most.  
Fire is the main association with this holiday as it marks the sun. This holiday also marks the end of the planting season.
Midsummer Correspondences
Light Blue
Bay Leaves
St. John’s Wort
Honey cakes
Mead, Ale, Wine
Ice Cream
Summer birds (Wren, Robin, Hawks, Eagles, Swallows, etc)
Orange or Green Calcite
Tiger’s Eye
Fire, Bonfire, Balefire
Sun Wheel
Summer flowers
Spiritual meanings
Healing & Health
Solar energy
Mint & Spearmint
Gods / Goddesses / Spirits
Aestas (Roman)
Aine (Celtic)
Brigantia (Celtic)
Venus (Roman)
Aphrodite (Greek)
Apollo (Roman)
Apollon (Greek)
Zeus and Thor (Thunder Gods)
Ra (Egyptian)
Oak King
Anuket (Egyptian)
Benten (Japanese)
Any other sun Gods/Goddesses
Need some suggestions to celebrate? I got you covered.
High energy celebrations 
Fae offerings
Create Fae garden
Weave flower crowns
Perform a phoenix ritual
Create a  Besom
Dance and sing
Leave offerings to solar Gods/Goddesses
Divination work
Any solar energy workings
Low energy celebrations 
Ritual bath
Light a candle in honor
Watch the sunset
Meditate with solar energy
Pray to solar Gods/Goddesses
Create solar water
No spoon celebrations 
If you have a sun lamp bask in it
Watch the sunset
Greet the sun at sunrise
Tell yourself kind words
Remember that it’s okay if you cant do much while you are unwell. That you come first and you simply existing is a blessing.
How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.
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aloneatpeace · 2 months
Cosmic Chaos
Chapter 22
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Earlier On
“Is there is reason why you have this haunted look on your face?” Dean Winchester asks Sheila Bennett, Sam Winchester his younger brother who eyeing the ancient book that Sheila set on the car hood.
“I am sure that you know that wendigos don’t usually bite someone in order to transfer its soul to next victim.”
“Unless it’s felt threatened.” Dean completed looking more puzzled at the words.
“And it just doesn’t bite one but two, and does this ever happened when the two of you went hunting wendigos?”
“How did it know we were coming.?”
 “It wasn’t afraid of us.” Sam speak up making Dean turns to him, the youngest Winchester’s points at now opened book, there a figure of women with a crown on her head on the next page are the manuscripts that related to the figure.
Sheila sighs whispering your name “it knew her presence. Her powers…...she herself should be myth, her raw power could obliterate universe she doesn’t know how much power she holds within her. the chaos magic seems bond with her. and that not just it” she turns the pages pointing at a picture of bird that looks like phoenix with burning fire wings.
“What’s that?” dean ask leaning down towards the book to take a good look with squinted eye scanning the figure.
“I have no idea; would you believe me if I say when I was looking to her magic something akin a shooting star come right into my ritual and chaos magic and whatever this is started repel each other until its started co exit right when she came in.”
Dean exhales “I think I would.” Dean cross his arms “How does this even a problem though. If the power chooses her, a power that something beyond our sense, it might have reason, right?”
“If a wendigo could sense her presence and knows about her existence, about her power it might be trouble.” Sheilla objected looking away from the book with her hands curling into her palm.
Sam shakes his head “I’m sure she can handle them plus her friend is werewolf and you would there too, But the problem is if she does not choose right path, we might big problem though.”
Dean shrugs “I might only know her for few hours but I can say, she’s far from evil.” Sam nod
“She won’t hurt anyone with her power but what if some situations arise, where she has to bend her morals.” Sheila says quickly “chaos magic something I never dealt with, its legend I fear I might not able help her at all.”
“Like when she knows you’re going to die?” Sam said though it sounded like question its was statement.
Sheilla knows that it’s the truth, what you saw was her fate Sheila Bennett is going to die soon and that’s how it should.
Dean and Sam stay silent because they know they have no right to say in this when if one of them had the fate the other would go to hell and back to save one another, they know they would bend their morals for each other, sacrifice in order to save each other.
“Wouldn’t you do it.?” Sam argued with certainty in his eyes “what if she and you were to switch place wouldn’t you do the same” Sheilla doesn’t have a response to his questions. What can she say if she said yes that would wrong and right and if she says no that would be equally wrong and right considering who she is.
“Sam” dean shakes his head at him.
“No dean, you would do it for me and I would do it for you, there is no denying that.” He proclaimed “fearing her would only complicate things, she needs you more than ever so I recommend that you would come clean to her.”
Sheila takes in Sam’s proposition, would she do it will her morals allows her to do so, witches are the protecters of nature and you defy nature by merely existing.
“She doesn’t need anyone that fear when she or us doesn’t even fully know what she is . what she need is someone to relay on.” Sam eyes were watery when he ended his words, he doesn’t know why the slight thought of someone viewing any less than you made his heart ache.
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Derek eyes follow his uncle peter with glare as they walk towards their home, peter feet had a bounce in his heel humming a God’s know what song, the mere sight of his uncle…psychotic uncle annoyed him more than anything that he feels like the three of you were far better and bearable.
“You know, I think you actually burned a hole on the back of my head with all your glaring.” Peter glance back at his nephew with mock sadness on his face.
Derek stops in his tracks “You won’t have scott on your side if you threaten them.”
  “Yeah, but being an alpha you have to show that you’re one but it didn’t go well. You know I wasn’t planning this to go this way.” He sighs “I wasn’t expecting her to be there, I thought we meet at hospital considering that’s where we first meet. But she keeps defying my predictions.”
Derek’s jaw clenches as with his hands in his pocket he glances away from his uncle before speaking “What do plan to do with her.?”
 Peter turns to derek with a fake innocence look on his face “Oh, me. nothing.” Derek speeds towards his uncle hands on peters throat his nail digging into flesh, he is slammed to near tree.
“Tell me, now.” Derek demanded his eyes changing a low snarl leave his lips.
Peter lips curled into a smirk “I was wondering how you had gone soft after what happened, but I think I know now.” He kicks derek sending crashing to few feet away.
“Isn’t she something else.” He grins feeling more amused at derek confused look “please don’t tell you think she’s just a witch. I thought you were smarter than this.”
He walks towards him crouching down next to derek “She is far more than just a witch derek. And seems to me she knows who caused the fire all those years ago. that’s something very interesting isn’t it.”
Peter stands up with smile, derek stands up “She’s not some puppet that you can use.” Derek yelled.
“Not a puppet but she would make good pup though. She has the potential. “He teased leaving derek stand with dread settling in him, what does peter knows about you that he doesn’t even know.
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You did not think this through at all, as promised Chris Argent drives you to home the two of you sits in silence.
“You look like you wanna tell me something.” Chris argent said glancing at you.
You perk up “Huh, yeah. You know my grams sort known as a witch, right?” He nods “well yesterday me and grams went to a filed trip….and we meet the Winchester brother and along the conversation…they said you guys were Hunters.” Chris hands tighten around the wheels.
Not exactly the truth but some times lying is alright and its not the time to reveal your powers.
“How much do you know about what’s happening here.?” Chris questioned without looking away from the road.
“Not much, just that there is werewolf, an alpha going around killing people. and you’re looking for it and a beta, and that you think jackson is one.” you shrug Chris let out a humorless laugh.
“That is basically everything. “   
You nod hands molded into fist in your lap “if he is one, are you going to kill him.?” your voice came out as whisper barely audible but the silent surrounding made your words audible to Chris. 
With perplexed look on his face Chris turns to you, fear and concern evident in your eyes for the male in question he sighs “No, we have code. We are not going to hurt a teenager. You don’t need to worry about your friend.”
“What If one of you broke the code.” The car comes to halt, for some reason Chris feel this as fact not a simple what if. Questions starts to arise in his mind not even registering you get out the car.   
You lean towards the window “not to sound ominousness but you should tell Allison about what you guys really are, teenagers don’t like secret especially something like this, I know you are trying to protect her but she might not take it that way.”
Without a word you walk leaving Chris perplexed.
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You tread inside the house without a care skipping towards the hallway and swing open the door to the room and throw yourself on the bed letting out a loud sigh.
“You look beat.” Danny chuckle from his desk turning on his chair to face you, humming you close your eyes before opening a yawn leaves your lips.
“Half dead but still kicking.”
Shaking his head at your words with amusement danny, standing up he goes to his closest taking out a bag walking towards the bed he put the bag beside you, grabbing your hands he pulls you up ignoring your halfhearted protest.
“I was on hunt for costume, along the way I found this. It was too good to leave it there.” He takes the bag and place it on your lap.
You open the bag mouth opening wide when you take out outfit, its looks straight out of anime game armor outfit the golden and red color goes really well together, that’s not just it, clothing accessories and there is a golden earring as well as hair accessories its truly stunning.
“Danny this is amazing.” You voice was dreamy still taken in the outfit hands tracing the smooth fabric.
“It could be like red riding hood but sexier and cooler.” Danny sits beside you “about sexy do you have stiles cousin Miguel’s number?” scrunching your nose at that you try to think who danny is talking about.
Danny nods his head “you know, 6 feet black hair, dark eyes broad shoulders great jawline, clean shave.”
Your lips stretched in to an ‘O’ shape finally grasping about who he was talking about “Oh Miguel! Sorry danny I don’t have it, but you know what I’ll let him know.”
He frowns at you falsely “you’re bitchless.” His lips curling up.
Gasping you hit him “look who’s talking.” Scoffing you take out your phone feeling it vibrate it stiles.
“I gotta go, its stiles.” You put the outfit back as well as your phone.
Danny nod walking you out “Hey, you have anyone taking you to school Halloween party.?”
“No, but I did ask Issac. But I don’t know if he come though” you sigh opening the door holding the bag in one hand. “You gotta save me dance whatsoever.” You add with serious face. 
“Yes ma’am.” He chuckled opening his arms to hug you, hugging him back with a one last way you walk out straight to stiles home.
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You and stiles peek around the corner watching stiles dad going through the case you glance at stiles “Are we sure, we must do this?”
“Why does feel like we are going commit a crime.”
Stiles shrugs “Well it won’t be first illegal thing we do. Now come on.” He takes hold of your arms grabbing you out before you can escape. 
You and stiles sit down at the table “Whatcha doing?” stiles ask innocently
“Anything we can help with?” you offer with an equal innocent smile Noah looks up at your voice eyes narrowing at you. he shakes his head he turns to stiles
“You know, if you poured me an ounce of whiskey, that would be awfully nice.” He said before going back to the papers.
“Any leads?” you glance down at the papers while stiles pour the drink.
“You know I can't discuss that with you.”  while Noah was distracted stiles pour the drink almost at the brim.
“Okay. There you go, Dad. Bottoms up.” You and stiles watch Noah drown the drink still focused on the papers, you glance nervously at Noah. 
“You know, Derek Hale would be a whole hale of a lot--Hale of a lot...?” his words start to get slurred making stiles complete the sentence
“Hell... Yes... He would be a hell of a lot easier to catch if we could get an actual picture of him.”
 Stiles incredulously yells “How do you not have a picture of him?”
“It’s the weirdest thing... It's like every time we tried to get a mug shot, it's like two laser-beams were pointing at the camera.” You glance at the photo and he’s right derek face isn’t on the picture the only way you know it’s derek is because of his stupid black jacket.
“Weird right.”
Noha nod before closing his eyes “Oh, my God... Ohhh! God, that ounce hit me like a brick. And I have said way too much, and if you repeat any of that—"
“Dad, it's us we not gonna say anything. Come on!”
“See, the thing is, they're all connected... I mean, the bus driver that got killed? He was an insurance investigator assigned to the Hale House Fire.”
"Terminated under suspicion of fraud." You read out loud handing the paper to stiles
 “Who else?” you and stiles ask curiously at the same time making Noah look at the two of you before letting out a laugh.
 “The video store clerk who got his throat slashed? He's a convicted felon-- history of arson.”
“What about the other two guys, the guys who got killed in the woods?” stiles ask. You lean back in your chair crossing your arms over your chest.
“Priors all over their records, including—”
“Arson, they all had something to do with the fire, that burned the Hale house.” Stiles glance at you as you speak.
Does that mean what you saw was truth?.
Series masterlist
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finitepeace · 1 year
On April I read Dramione. Here are the fics I’ve finished. Personal favorites are marked with  ✿
Long Ones: 
Alternate History by Furare | 155k words | it’s dramione but i feel the ‘slytherin harry’, ‘snape and sirius happy’ and ‘draco’s found family’ elements are more prominent
Capstone by bek_48 | 112k words | read this from collection titled: underrated dramione | Sixth year canon divergence but like.. really diverging. well-written friendships and probably my favorite lucius writing ever <even if he just appeared for like.. 2 seconds lol>
Ghost of You by happy_valley | 105k | in which draco malfoy died and turned into a ghost which only hermione can see. or is he?
The Phoenix Potion by FedonCiadale | 237k| post-war dramione tragedy with happy ending. it has two story arc: (1) dramione secret relationship and how it led to draco losing his magic after war + hermione falling out with ron and harry. (2) the granger-malfoy children wreck havock on wizarding (+house elves) community.
Remember Us As War (but call us forgiveness) by Anyaparadox  | 168k | dramione and marriage law 
✿ The Fixer-Upper Club by CharliPetidei | 160k words | 8th year AU, dramione coping with PTSD through fixing hogwarts
Medium length ones: 
Behind the Mask by EmilieJane | 46k | Beauty and The Beast with a twist. TW: Domestic violence, mention of rape, etc. Ron-bashing. 
✿ Instruments of Time by i_know_what_you_wrote_last_summer | 71k words | 3rd year AU because draco accidentally time traveling
✿ Curses, Banter, and Babies, Oh My! by LiloLilyAnn | 79k words | dramione having a child together first, work out their feelings second
Signed and Sealed by niffizzle | 26k | book shop keeper hermione, widowed single father draco
 ✿ The Watergaw by ectoheart, smokybaltic | 39k | dramione stuck together after a failed apparition, a detour on the deathly hallows mansion scene. 
Escapism by sodamnrad | 15k |  Reunited in the Muggle world, Draco and Hermione wreak havoc on each other’s loneliness.
Rebonded by niffizzle | 11k | dramione and ritual to fix draco’s wand <literally>
Kissed by Fire by niffizzle | 14k | Azkaban was a freezing fortress in the middle of the North Sea that devoid all prisoners of warmth. Or so Draco was told. The howling winds never bothered him. Nor the supposed chill emitting from the stone walls.He hadn’t felt cold since a lick of Fiendfyre scarred his flesh.
Short Ones: 
✿ Only you – Or the only time Hermione believed in divination by FedonCiadale | 5k words | CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE 
Surprise Soulmates by FedonCiadale | 6,2k | post hogwarts, In which Draco and Hermione discover they are soulmates OR Draco is a drama queen and looks guilty as fuck and Hermione tries to be rational about it all
Common Spaces, Empty Places by elithien, senlinyu | 3,4k words | eighth year dramione, confessions. 
Can't Get Any Better Than This by augustr | 1,4k words | 8th year, dramione being soft
Between Pages by DarkoftheMoon | 5,6k words| penpal dramione throughout their times at hogwarts
The Best Christmas Present Ever By: Proxima Shining | 9,8k l grandparents lucius & narcissa + family reconciliation 
10 Things I Learnt About You by nyle_bd | 4k words |   It's Parent's Day at Hogwarts and Professor Granger can't keep her eyes off a particular parent. Sparks fly and burn into something brighter.
Worse Things by niffizzle | 2k |  In the midst of Ginny and Blaise's engagement party, Hermione is busy dealing with a bitter Ron. That is until they're interrupted by the soon-to-be Best Man.
✿ The Hour After by niffizzle | 2k | post battle meet up 
With Teeth by provocative_envy |  5k | humor, dramione hunting horcrux(es) 
a bunch of dramione in secret relationship
✿ If/Then by Santhe | 5k words
I Know, I Know by nevertoosweets | 2k words
the one time they stayed by quitethesardonic | 6,9k words
Forgot to Mention by wetpretzel | 5,7k words
Tied in Lies by niffizzle | 3k
✿ Forgotten by niffizzle | 2k 
not a dramione but I think everyone would love this Draco:  
✿  the dogfather by hollimichele | 47k | What if the Dursleys rejected Harry after he was left on their doorstep? canon divergence in which the adults in HP are much more responsible than the one in canon | sirius x lupin but mostly sirius as harry’s godfather. 
part of the dogfather au, there’s one focused on draco and it’s so lovely (and heartbreaking but hopeful)
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year
August 2023 witch guide
August 2023 witch guide
Full moon: August 1st in Aquarius
New Moon: August 16th
Blue moon: August 30th Aquarius into Pisces
Sabbats: Lughnasadh August 1st

August Sturgeon Moon
Also known as: Corn moon, harvest moon, ricing moon, barley moon, dog moon, fruit moon, grain moon, herb moon, red moon & wyrt moon
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Leo & Virgo
Animal spirts: Dryads
Deities: Diana, Ganesha, Hathor, Hecate, Mars, Nemesis, Thot & Vulcan
Animals: Dragon, lion, phoenix & sphinx
Birds: Crane, eagle & falcon
Trees: Alder cedar & hazel
Herbs/plants: Basil, bay, chamomile, fennel, orange, rosemary, rue & St. John's wort,
Flowers: Angelica, marigold, sunflower
Scents: Frankincense & heliotrope
Stones: Carnelian, cats/tiger's eye, fire agate, garnet, red jasper & red agate
Colors: Gold, orange, red & yellow
Energy: Authority, appreciation, courage, entertainment, finding your voice, friendship, gathering, harvesting energy, health, love, pleasures, power &vitality
Sturgeon moon gets it's name from the high numbers that are caught at the Great Lakes & Lake Champlain in North America during this time of year. The names come from a number of places including Native Americans, Colonial Americans & European sources.

Also known as: Lammas, August eve & Feast of bread
Season: Summer
Symbols: Scythes, corn, grain dollies & shafts of grain
Colors: Gold, green, yellow, red, orange, light brown & purple
Oils/incense: Aloe, apple, corn, eucalyptus, safflower, rose & sandalwood
Animals: Cattle & chickens
Stones: Aventurine, carnelian, citrine, peridot, sardonyx & yellow diamond
Foods: Apples, grains, barley cakes, wild berries, cider, honey, potatoes, rice, sun shaped cookies, blackberry, corn, nuts, breads, blueberry. berry pies & grapes
Herbs/Plants: Alfalfa, aloe, all grains, blackberry, corn, corn stalk, crab apple, fenugreek, frankincense, ginseng, goldenseal, grapes, myrtle, oak leaves, pear, rye, blackthorn &wheat
Flowers: Sunflower, cyclamen, heather, hollyhock & medowsweet
Goddesses: Aine, Alphito, Bracacia, Carmen, Ceres, Damina, Demeter, Freya, Grain goddesses, Ishtar, Kait, Kore, Mother Goddess, Sul, Sun Goddesses, Taillte, Zaramama, Ereshkigal & Ianna
Gods: Athar, Bes, Bran, Dagon, Ebisu, Dumuzi, Ghanan, Grain Gods, Howtu, Liber, Lono, Lugh, Neper, Odin, Sun Gods & Xochipilli
Issues, Intentions & Power:  Agriculture, changes, divination, endings, fertility, life, light, manifestation, power, purpose, strength, success & unity
Spellwork: Sun magick, rituals of thanks/offerings, bounty, abundance & fire magick
Bake fresh bread
Weave wheat
Take walks along bodies of water
Craft a corn doll
Watch the sunrise
Eat outside with family/friends/coven members
Donate to your local foodbank
Prepare a feast with your garden harvest
Give thanks to the Earth
Decorate your altar with symbols of the season
Clean up a space in nature
Plant saved seeds
This cross-quarter fire festival is celebrated on August 1st or the first full moon of Leo & the seventh sabbat of the year. It represents the first harvest when the Earth's bounty is given for the abundance received.
Some believe this is the time where the God has weakened & is losing his strength as seen in the waning of the day's light. The Goddess is pregnant with the young God who will be born on Yule.
In some traditions, this day honors the Celt god Lugh, the god of craftsmanship; He is skilled in many things including wheel making, blacksmithing & fighting. Though there is some discrepancy as to why Lugh is honored on this day. Some tales say it's because he held a harvest faire in honor of his adoptive mother, Tailtiu.

Farmersalmanac .com
Boston Public Library- The Origins & Practices of Lammas/Lughnasadh by Dhruti Bhagat
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
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hollowed-theory-hall · 3 months
Hi! First, I want to say I love your theories! Each one is so compelling to read♡♡♡
Second, I was thinking about holidays breaks at Hogwarts and it lead to "wait, is there some sort of magic 'religion' or have I read too many fics?"
Like, they celebrate Halloween and Weasleys celebrate Christmas, but isn't it a contradiction? I know Halloween has celtic roots, but as it is today, it's "All Hallows' Eve", a christian celebration like Christmas. And both the Catholic and the Protestant Church weren't the ones involved in witches' trials? Shouldn't they avoid each other like plague as a general rule?
Maybe they have some pagan rituals and festivals, like the eight sabbat, and they call it Halloween at Hogwarts instead of Samhain due to muggle influence over time?
I don't know, it's just a thought, but it'd be interesting to see your opinion on it
Thank you so much! 💓
Honestly, I was thinking about this a lot, like, wizards and religion, particularly Christianity. And in the books pure-blood wizards like Ron, Neville and Hagrid use the word "hell" as a swear:
“Oh, she was perfect, obviously,” said Ron, before Hermione could answer. “Perfect deliberation, divination, and desperation or whatever the hell it is — we all went for a quick drink in the
(Ron in HBP)
“I’ll join you when hell freezes over,” said Neville
(Neville in DH)
So their language has borrowed terminology from muggle Christianity. They also celebrate Christmas and Halloween at Hogwarts, as you mentioned, in addition to celebrating Easter as they have an Ester break at Hogwarts. So it appears wizards in the UK are Christian.
If we look at the Dumbledore's funeral:
A little tufty-haired man in plain black robes had got to his feet and stood now in front of Dumbledore’s body. Harry could not hear what he was saying. Odd words floated back to them over the hundreds of heads. “Nobility of spirit” . . . “intellectual contribution” . . . “greatness of heart” . . . It did not mean very much. It had little to do with Dumbledore as Harry had known him.
(HBP, 643-644)
The little man in black had stopped speaking at last and resumed his seat. Harry waited for somebody else to get to their feet; he expected speeches, probably from the Minister, but nobody moved. Then several people screamed. Bright, white flames had erupted around Dumbledore’s body and the table upon which it lay: Higher and higher they rose, obscuring the body. White smoke spiraled into the air and made strange shapes: Harry thought, for one heart-stopping moment, that he saw a phoenix fly joyfully into the blue, but next second the fire had vanished. In its place was a white marble tomb, encasing Dumbledore’s body and the table on which he had rested. There were a few more cries of shock as a shower of arrows soared through the air, but they fell far short of the crowd. It was, Harry knew, the centaurs’ tribute
(HBP, 645-646)
We see a wizard who acts as a priest, and we see speeches for the deceased are allowed along with other tributes. We also know most wizards (like James and Lily) are buried in regular muggle Christian graveyards. They are buried in tombs or coffins like Christians. This all leads to wizarding funerals in Britain being like any muggle funeral in Britain with a bit of a magical flare on occasion.
The fire engulfing Dumbledore's tomb is a surprise to the audience because it's Fawkes doing it and not a wizard customer. The same goes for the Centaurs' arrows (the Centaurs seem to have a different religion).
Then, we also see a wizarding wedding with Bill and Fleur, which looks like any Christian wedding:
A great collective sigh issued from the assembled witches and wizards as Monsieur Delacour and Fleur came walking up the aisle, Fleur gliding, Monsieur Delacour bouncing and beaming. Fleur was wearing a very simple white dresses and seemed to be emitting a strong, silvery glow ... “Ladies and gentlemen,” said a slightly singsong voice, and with a slight shock, Harry saw the same small, tufty-haired wizard who had presided at Dumbledore’s funeral, now standing in front of bill and Fleur. “We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two faithful souls . . . ” ... “Do you, William Arthur, take Fleur Isabelle. . . . ?”
(DH, 127-128)
Bill has a best man, Fluer goes down the aisle with her father, wearing a white dress and she has two bridesmaids. The wedding is officiated by the same wizard priest from Dumbledore's funeral. And they have the regular "I dos".
Sure there is some magical spectacle afterward, but it's after the ceremony and just that — a spectacle and not part of the proceedings of the wedding.
So, overall it seems like wizards in the UK have a variety of Christianity (most likely most are Protestants (Anglican) due to the whole history of Christianity reform in Britain but I'm not going into that). And it makes sense too, because they lived very close to the muggles (same villages and much more intermarriages) up until 1692 when the Statue of Secrecy was officially established. Even the Malfoy family had close business ties with muggles:
Historically, the Malfoys drew a sharp distinction between poor Muggles and those with wealth and authority. Until the imposition of the Statute of Secrecy in 1692, the Malfoy family was active within high-born Muggle circles, and it is said that their fervent opposition to the imposition of the Statute was due, in part, to the fact that they would have to withdraw from this enjoyable sphere of social life. Though hotly denied by subsequent generations, there is ample evidence to suggest that the first Lucius Malfoy was an unsuccessful aspirant to the hand of Elizabeth I, and some wizarding historians allege that the Queen’s subsequent opposition to marriage was due to a jinx placed upon her by the thwarted Malfoy.
(From Pottermore)
By 1692, Christianity was the main religion in the UK. It stands to reason it'll be the most common religion among the British wizards because of how closely they interacted with the muggles back then; from business to marriage even among supposedly pure-blood families like the Malfoys.
As such, I assume wizarding religion varies just like muggle religion, where different magical cultures would have different religions depending on where they are in the world and the common muggle religion in the area. It doesn't really seem there is a proper "magical religion". I think there were just a lot of influences going back and forth. As you mentioned, Halloween has Celtic roots and probably had some magical roots in the HP universe. The word "hell" originates in Norse and Norse mythology but traveled into English and Christianity. Catholicism especially is very influenced by Roman Paganism, etc. Religions are influenced by each other and no one exists in a vacuum, so it makes sense wizards would just practice the common religion where they are with perhaps some magical embellishments (as we see in the wedding). Similarly, the muggle religions were probably influenced by magic and some muggle religious rituals and ceremonies probably have their roots in magic and wizardry that the muggle world has forgotten about.
As for the witch trials in Europe, in the real world, the church didn't function or involve itself in witch trials until the 15th century. During the Medieval Era, the church defined believing in witchcraft as heresy since you believe in magic that doesn't come from god. Attacks on supposed witches went actively against church doctrine at the time.
During the 14th century, witch trials became more common in France, England, and Germany, but still not a full-on frenzy. The trials then weren't exactly witch trials either as the accusations were of diabolism, heresy, and nocturnal orgies, not exactly witchcraft. Witchcraft accusations grew more common towards the end of the century and in the 15th century, we actually start seeing more of the typical witch trials whose popularity grew with the publication of Malleus Maleficarum in 1486. This book redefined how to recognize a witch and fueled the already growing unrest. This led to more witch accusations as paranoia regarding witchcraft grew.
Only afterward do we see the church outright getting involved in witchcraft and the association of witchcraft and devil worship. This led to the peak of witch trials in Europe between 1560–1630. Even during these trials, many figures in the church (both Catholics and protestants) have cast doubts over the trials and their legality and outright oppose them. The frenzy of the witch trials in the 15th century also lines nicely with the Statue of Secrecy that was drafted a few decades later when the trials were winding down.
The point of all this is that the witch trials weren't led by the church in many places and for most of the trials' history it was considered heresy to even believe in witches by the church. So, I don't think the wizarding world would have an issue with Christianity over the witch trials, but an issue with muggles, which is actually what we see in the books. Also, whole communities don't tend to change their religion overnight, if they were Christian before the witch trials, they'd likely stay Christian after them.
I think a magical religion can be fun to explore in fic, but in the books, they are clearly Christian with a magical coat of paint (at least in Britain).
(There are probably a few British wizards who aren't Christian, just like in Muggle Britain. I personally headcanon Anthony Goldstein is Jewish since his last name is very Jewish)
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priestess-of-yuri · 1 year
what do you need to know right now?
a timeless pick a pile reading.
remember that this is a general reading, so take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
are you feeling a bit uncertain right now? unsure which direction you're heading? do you need clarity? if you came across this, this could be a sign for you!
if you enjoy or gain something from this, please consider reblogging and/or tipping! thank you so much.
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from pile 1 (left image) to pile 2 (upper right) to pile 3 (lower right), pick which image(s) resonate(s) with you the most, and then read the corresponding reading(s)! good luck.
pile 1.
pile 1, your reading has such a soothing, vibrant quality to it. with Bee Spirit for prosperity, you are being asked to work hard. have you been disorganised lately? if you have, it's time to try to focus. it may be time to collaborate with people who feel as if they have the right energy for what you need. you never have to do things alone. let go of the dull and murky, whether that be mindsets or people around you, and embrace that which feels right and vibrant. the honey that bees make is said to correlate with gold itself, and signifies vitality and energy and health. abundance is at your fingertips; if you work hard, if you believe you deserve it, you will achieve your goals. with Wolf Spirit for family, you are being reminded that your family is here for you. your family can be related by blood, or they can be chosen. they can even be in spirit. whoever they are, know that you are supported. know that when you communicate from the heart as the wolf does, you will heal. you have so much love and support surrounding you, pile 1, and you don't need to do anything alone. with Pine Spirit for purification, you are being asked to embrace the spirit of cleansing and healing. clutter-clear your home and your mind. practice heaps of self-care. pine is antiseptic and antibacterial, and so traditionally very valued in cleansing rituals. you deserve to feel good about your life, and you are being asked to let go of all that feels clouded and dismal in your life and allow the Universe to flow through you. when you embrace all that you are, everything that you feel becomes precious. cleanse your spaces, your body, your life and allow new energy to flow in. with Phoenix for transmutation, you are leaving an old state of being behind, pile 1. you are transforming into something new, a new element. when the phoenix rises from the ashes, it is a new creature, and it has new life. you are being reborn and you are being asked to remember that every ending is also a new beginning. though it can be a scary time if change frightens you, you can remember that you will still always remain yourself at your core. you are simply becoming more yourself. you are reaching higher vibrations and you are learning, growing and healing. with Guardians of the Land for protection, you are being reminded that you are protected, but also that you need to protect yourself from harmful influences. all around you, guardians from spirit are watching over you and protecting you. they want you to succeed. but you also need to do your part to protect yourself. visualise a protective sphere around yourself and your home, and meditate on this to lend it power. you have come such a long way, and you have far to go. but remember the Universe is proud of you, and cherishes you.
pile 2.
pile 2, your reading is very dynamic. with Fire Spirit for energy, now is the time to take action. your have an abundance of energy in you. fire is known for meaning activation, transformation, passion, creativity and much more. in some traditions it can even mean Creation itself. you are being asked to harness this energy and let go of the expectations of others. live true to yourself, and express your emotions as they are. be exactly who you are. communicate with clarity, and embrace kindness and passion. you are on an amazing journey. with Bear Spirit for healing, you are being reminded that healing is occuring all around you. you are healing, and your loved ones are healing. you are also bringing about healing yourself. when someone says "thank you", you need not question it. simply say "you're welcome." you are a beautiful force of healing and growth, so remember right now to treat yourself the way you treat others. with Air Spirit for knowledge, you are being asked to wait before taking action. air represents wisdom, thought, friendship and much more. you are being asked to restrain yourself from acting impulsively, to think things through and weigh the pros and cons. communicate with clarity, and you will go far. with Aspen Spirit for courage, you are being asked to be courageous. aspen have a network of roots that spread far and wide, and allow the trees to have lifespans of thousands and thousands of years. you are connected to a community. reach out to them, be brave and ask for help. you are not alone. with Spirit Guardian of Summer for expansion, now is a time of great change. summer is a time of great spiritual vibrancy, energy and growth. your life is expanding, whether that be internally, externally, or both! remember that now is not the time to take care of other people. care for yourself, work hard and play hard. much success will come your way if you believe you deserve it. with Elves for playfulness, try being a bit silly. elves are creatures of glee and mischief, and they will teach you the way of life that allows you to have fun. nothing more is required of you as a soul than to be happy -- and if you've been taking things a bit seriously recently, you may need to liven things up a bit! you are well on your way, pile 2, so rest assured this is a wonderful time period for you. keep growing and healing, play around a bit, and remember to take care of yourself!
pile 3.
your reading is ultimately one of seeking something like peace, pile 3. with Crystal Cave for trust, you are being asked to trust in your intuition. listen to others, but trust in your intuition. remember that when you go deep into caves there is a feeling of trusting that you are safe. and you are. you are safe. caves have been used in shamanic rituals because they've been thought to be gateways to opening up further intuitive understanding. they've also been said to represent the womb, a place of new life. go deep and reflect, and trust in your feelings about situations and people. with Water Spirit for manifesting dreams, you are being reminded that your emotions are valued and important. feel and behave as if you already have your dreams realised, and you will obtain even greater fortune. you attract what you feel. rather than repressing or supressing, allow your emotion to flow like that of a river, and you will be more than fine. with Starry Night for acceptance, you are underneath a beautiful shimmering array of stars. you are being asked to accept yourself in your entirety, even things which seem "bad" to you. you are not a monster, you are a human being. though there are many things in this world that you need not accept, because these things are just wrong, turn your focus inwards. accept _yourself,_ and your energy field will be beautiful and bountiful in its vibrancy. this is how you connect to the starry sky, with the Universe. with Enchanted Fern Grotto for refuge, you are being asked to seek out this sacred space and relax, and be yourself. you may need the time and space to process things, and you may need this healing space to do just that. with Earth Spirit for stability, you may be feeling destabilized. are you? perhaps you need this reminder: you are surrounded by those who care for you, love you and want the best for you. now is the time to put down roots rather than taking action. think and prepare. and if you've been thinking of making a financial investment, give it a go, because now is not the time to take risks. the earth provides us with streams, forests, oceans and mountains -- all sorts of ecosystems that allow us to thrive. you are being asked to connect with your home, with the earth, once again. with Raven Spirit for truth, you're being asked to remember that your soul craves truth. ravens are said to be messengers from the gods, and now this spirit is here to tell you that you deserve and need to practice the art of speaking and living your truth. delve deep, reflect, discard outdated modes of thinking. what do you really need? this leads to Reflecting Pool for stillness. when you choose to be still in solitude, and look deep within, you may see yourself for who you really are. all the chatter and bustle of the everyday dies away, just like looking into a reflecting pool whose ripples die away to become still. reflected back, you see an elegant and beautiful creature. seek this understanding on who you really are. be gentle with yourself, because that is the key to accessing this truth. and when you find truth, you will find peace.
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signature art credit to @.zillychu!
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