#Reluctant Big Brother Jason Todd
slayerkid · 2 years
Tim goes to the mall with Jason fic
Note: I was originally gonna make this more shitposty with Jason ditching Tim just to play like arcade games with Roy or something but then the more I thought about it, the more similarities I found between Jason and Tim with like mundane stuff. So like I changed the premise a little bit lol. So enjoy something more wholesome!
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Also not beta read, we die like Jason Todd-
Tim wanted to go to the bookstore that's in one of the local malls because he also gotta pick up stuff from an online order he has from Hot Topic
Jason was still readjusting to living in the manor again after coming back from the dead
Alfred knows that there's still some distance and some tension between the Jason and Tim due to at this point in time, Jason is still hurt by the fact that he still feels like he got replaced
Alfred wants the two boys to get along and came up with an idea to at least be an ice breaker to get them both talking to one another
Tim asked Alfred if he could go with him to the mall. Because Alfred is good company to have around just in general.
Alfred used this as an opportunity to get Jason and Tim to spend time together while also making homemade pizza because it's been a while
Alfred tells Tim that he's not able to because he's gonna make something for brunch and told Tim to ask Jason to go with him instead
Tim was reluctant to do so and was mentally rescheduling to go some other day
Alfred saw the look on Tim's face meant that he was going to reschedule so he sent a text message to Jason saying that Tim wanted to talk to him
Alfred let Tim know that he Told Jason
Tim mentally groaned so it meant he actually had to go talk to Jason now because he didn't wanna upset Alfred
Jason got the text and was surprised to see that Alfred texted him just to let him know that Tim of all people wanted to talk to him and not Bruce this time
He was a little uneasy due to him not really making the best first impression on Tim, nor did he at first even like Tim. So we was wondering how this convo would even go
Tim reluctantly knocks on the door and Jason answers moments later
Tim: Soooo uhh... I need a ride to the mall to pick up some online orders. Also gonna need a ride back home and... Alfred said to ask you since he's gonna be busy...
Jason had a blank expression to the perspective of Tim and wasn't sure if Jason was gonna be rude to him.
Jason: Oh uh sure Tim. I don't mind, though uh my only ride is a motorcycle so bring a bag that whatever you're picking up won't fly away.
Tim blinked and it suddenly hit him that Jason had a motorcycle. He shyly nodded his head and went to grab his things.
Jason told Tim as a heads up that he'd meet Tim in the living room after he got ready.
Tim reluctantly grabbed his black & red tote bag (it ain't no dollar store one, this one of them expensive tote bags) as well as his wallet. He also checked if the phone in his pocket was mostly charged.
Luckily this time his battery percentage was 87. Last time he went out with a 35% battery life, Batman and Nightwing crashed a local bowling alley, thinking that Mad Hatter had something to do with it. Tim to this day, still doesn't get where they got that idea from nor never cared. But that's a different story for another day-
Alfred noticed Jason was sitting there on the couch waiting for Tim to show up. The old man couldn't help but smile at seeing that Jason seems to want to get along with Tim
Alfred up his hand on Jason's shoulder
Alfred: Master Jason, just remember to ease up. I'm sure Master Tim will warm up to you as long as you're willing to get to know him.
Jason appreciated Alfred's words and thanked him.
Soon after, Tim walked into the living room
Tim: Okay um, I'm ready Jason
Jason: Alright then we'll be off then
Both boys got to the garage and Jason walked over to his motorcycle
The older brother gave the younger brother a spare motorcycle helmet
Jason: Here. You'll need it. Well, uh just in case we crash or something but don't worry big bro Jason knows what he's doing
Jason slightly cringed at referring to himself as an older brother but at the same time, he enjoyed the thought of being an older brother. Someone who could depend on him for just familial reasons, no crime fighting or anything, just stuff outside of that
Tim wore the helmet and made sure to wear the tote bag handle around his shoulder
Jason meanwhile sat on the bike, took out his keys and started up the engine.
Tim sat right behind Jason
Jason: Make sure to hold on tight there. Don't want ya flying away now!
Tim did end up holding onto Jason tighter after hearing that
Jason pressed the button on his keychain to open the garage door and they headed off
Tim's expectation of Jason's driving was definitely subverted. He expected Jason to speed a lot, but in reality the older brother went at a normal pace.
He expected something more rowdy given the well, to put it lightly, rough first impression the younger had of Jason.
Jason riding his motorcycle put him more at ease. Which he still kept what Alfred told him in mind.
Once they got to the parking lot, Jason parked next to a bike rack and turned off the engine.
Jason: Alright, we're here
Jason took out the security cable and attached the motorcycle to the bike rack
Tim was about to say something about that but decided not to. I mean he does know that Jason of all people probably has more security on that bike than a normal person would anyways.
He's not wrong, Jason has several security mechanics on that bike. Never again would he ever let a motorcycle of his get stolen like back when he was 17, with the League of Assassins
Definitely was one of those times Jason had to make a believable lie to Ra's al Ghul that he didn't just experience a robbery
He still wonders if he actually fooled that old man
Anyways, Jason added a bunch of advance tech into his bike that ensured that no one would ever steal it. From the basics like an alarm system to the bike literally shocking the thief they try to mess with the bike or move it
It's Gotham, it's definitely happened before where Jason comes back and sees a thief or two on the ground next to his bike
He definitely didn't put as much voltage as he did if not even more and somehow still non-lethal with the symbol on his armor for when he's out as Red Hood
Jason let Tim lead the way since he never actually asked where Tim needed to go.
Also this mall is actually a lot more different the last time he's briefly been here with Dick a few months back
Tim was not exactly sure if Jason would even judge him or not for shopping at hot topic
Like yeah Jason's aesthetic sometimes kinda fits with Hot Topic, but Tim never saw anything that would indicate that Jason shopped there or was fine with it
The two brothers walked into Hot Topic and Tim walked up to one of the empty registers to ask for his pick up order
The cashier asked Tim for the order number on the email, which Tim easily brought up the number on his phone
Jason looked around the store, which Tim noticed
At first Tim expected Jason to say he didn't like the store but to his surprise again, Jason actually liked the store
Jason: It's been like forever since I last time was at a Hot Topic. Glad to see the place hasn't changed much. I should probably get a few things more often to have more stuff in the closet.
The younger brother felt really glad knowing that Jason has actually been to Hot Topic before
Jason: That reminds me, I need to rebuy some stuff cuz they uh... no longer fit me anymore. God I was so tiny back then.
Jason offered to give him his old hot topic shirts he had when he was 13. Which Tim accepted the offer and now wondered what Jason used to wear
The cashier from earlier comes back and gives Tim his order which were essentially Sanro and Jojo shirts
The cashier made sure the receipt and the typical $15 off coupon per $30 spent were in the bag. And wished the two a good day
Tim wrapped the bag up and put it inside his tote bag
Tim said that's all he needed and that he also wanted to look at some stuff in Barnes and Noble
Jason asked Tim if they could stay a bit longer just so he could rebuy some shirts and some new stuff as well
Tim agreed and witnessed Jason just walking through the store
Jason would pick out shirts from bands like Sum 41, Green Day, The’s, and Lunachicks
What made Tim get excited when he saw Jason look over a My Chemical Romance shirt
Tim couldn't help but ask Jason if he's listened to the band. Which Jason actually confirms he does listen to
Jason: Oh MCR? Yup I've listened to their songs back then, been listening since they started. It's crazy how well known they are these days.
Tim started talking to Jason more about other music groups that they both surprisingly had in common.
There's a few ones Jason never heard of but was willing to listen to when they go back home
Jason was actually glad that it's working out so far, he's actually able to have a conversation about their shared interests
Right before Jason went to go pay for the shirts he would end up buying, he saw Tim look at the pins bin. Who was eyeing a Sanrio bi pride pin
Jason offered to pay for the pin Tim was looking at but Tim semi panicked and tried acting like he wasn't looking at a pin to buy
Jason insisted to place the pin on the counter for him to buy, but Tim placed a different pin to what he was actually looking at. In hopes that Jason didn't see
Jason quietly exhailed through his nose and switched the pin that was on the counter with the exact bi pride pin Tim was looking at
Tim tried to calm down since he was concerned that Jason would judge him and be back at square one with Jason
However Jason reassured Tim that he accepts him
Jason: Don't worry kiddo, there's no shame with being yourself. If ya want me to keep it from Bruce and the others, I will.
Tim was really glad that Jason accepted him for being bi.
He hasn't really come out yet to everyone so he appreciated even more that Jason wasn't gonna tell anyone
Though Tim wouldn't be too surprised if Dick picked up on it
Jason paid for the stuff and the two went to Barnes and Noble
Tim was a lot more comfortable after that and essentially walked around each aisle for books that peeked his interest
Jason found it funny to see Tim walk around the bookstore being really excited to look at books
It reminded him of doing the same thing back then when he dragged Bruce around to help him pick out some books
Jason saw Tim pick up a book that he very much recognized and enjoyed a lot, Pride and Prejudice
Jason: You know, I actually have that book. I'll actually lend you the book if you actually wanna read it
Tim: Wait you actually read books to!? Ah wait that came out wrong I mean-
Jason laughed
Jason: No harm done, I knew what you meant. 'Guess it is surprising for me to be into book reading given that, well, I wouldn't say we met on "good terms".
Jason talked to Tim about books that he's read and how he'd eventually start frequenting the library with Bruce or Alfred accompanying him
Jason also talked about how he enjoyed Jane Austen's other works besides Pride and Prejudice, which Tim eagerly listen to
Tim enjoyed hearing Jason talk about an author that he never considered reading about
After their conversation around the store, Tim caught a glimpse of a book he's never heard of, Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
Fun Fact: Wuthering Heights was adapted into a movie a few times. And in the 2009 mini tv series version, the actor who plays Heathcliff (a major character in the book), would actually go on to later play Bane in Batman: The Dark Knight Rises.
Jason recalled reading some of that book but never got to finish it. He did give Tim a heads up that the book is being told from two different generations with the same names, so to keep that in mind if he was gonna buy it to not be confused
What Jason has said about the book, without spoiling anything, had interested Tim so he decided he was gonna buy it alongside the 6th volume of JoJo part 4
Tim gladly bought the books and put them inside his tote bag, which started to fill up. Didn't help that Jason also had his stuff in that bag
The two walked around the mall a little more and the two stumbled upon an arcade called Round One
Tim saw that Jason seemed interested in wanting to check the place out so he asked Jason if he'd like to check the place out
Jason was reluctant to but he'll admit, it's been forever since he's been to an arcade and this was a new one that seemed to pop up while he was kinda dead, so he accepted
The two walk in and Jason saw how different the claw machines were compared to the ones he's used to
Tim explained to Jason that those crane games were imported from Japan, which Jason was surprised to hear that they imported these claw machines
Though it didn't surprise him too much since he did recognize that some of the prizes were typically characters from anime or other Japanese mascots
Tim looked over the claw machines and dragged Jason to a claw machine that had a Pompurin plush as the prize
Tim looked at the counter on the claw and saw it was at 8, so he took out his game card and swiped his credits into the machine
Jason looked over Tim's determined face and back to the claw machine
The claw popped open and immediately closed onto the plush, thus winning Tim the plush
Tim gave the plush to Jason, telling him that it's for him
Jason tried holding back a smile but it seemed through
Tim: See it as a thank you present from what you bought me at Hot Topic
Jason thanked Tim and looked over the plush
He'll admit, it looks cute though he'd probably shock a few people if they see this sitting in his room somewhere
Though he doesn't mind because it's a gift from Tim
Jason looked at a specific spot on the plush
Jason: Uh Tim...
Tim: Yeah Jason?
Jason: Why does this plush have an asshole sewed on?
And then Tim saw Hatsune Miku
Jason was still questioning it as Tim started talking about the Hatsune Miku arcade machine and how to play the game
Jason found it a bit difficult to keep up with the notes, then again, he'd probably figure it out if he just played it enough times
Tim had him play the Disappearance of Hatsune Miku on hard mode right off the bat
Jason freaked out at how quick the notes went BUT he managed with an 83%
Never had Jason thought that he'd need to look at the notes and reaction time the same way he does as Red Hood
He'll eventually get Tim back for that
Then lastly Tim brought Jason over to the mini food court section of round 1 and they got that $1 ice cream
Tim ordered strawberry
Jason ordered cookies and cream
Jason did advise Tim to not really get anything passed the ice cream just because Alfred was making pizza at home
Jason checked the time and said that he and Tim might as well eat the ice cream while heading back to the parking lot
The two brothers walked out of the arcade and headed to the parking lot while eating their ice creams
By the time they got there, there was already a thug attempting to steal Jason's bike
Jason stopped Tim before he would do anything and just smugly looked at the thief while finishing up his ice cream
Jason: Just watch Timbo
Seconds later the thief got electrocuted and knocked unconscious
Jason chuckled
Jason: Works like a charm
Tim: Uh shouldn't we do something about that???
Jason: I got it, don't worry
Jason proceeds to handcuff the thief to the bike rack and took out a notepad saying "This guy tried stealing a motorcycle, your welcome - Red Hood and Robin"
He took out a batarang that would alert the GCPD and put it right next to the note
Tim gave a confused look at Jason
Jason: What? Doesn't 'he' advise you to keep the utility belt on ya at all times?
Tim: I mean- yeah you're right. Let's go before the cops show up
Jason: Couldn't have said it better myself
The two put on their helmets and drove off
The ride back home went smoothly as well
For the most part, both brothers actually had a lot of fun spending time together for once
They never thought they'd share anything in common, but in fact they have
Alfred heard a knock on the door and saw that Jason and Tim came back just in time
Alfred made 3 pizzas with half being BBQ chicken and Hawaiian piza
Yes Tim will die on that Hawaiian pizza hill
Jason asked Alfred if Bruce was in the batcave yet, which Alfred said yes and also Dick was down there too
Jason made the best impulsive decision yet
Jason: How about we make those two eat as well?
The older brother didn't even wait for Tim to respond and just took a whole pizza down to the batcave
Tim: Um Jason, are you sure Bruce won't get mad?
Jason: Nah. Done this a few times with him and he sometimes just couldn't help it. The guy may seem cold when he's being Batman, but the dude is a sucker with spending family time
Tim didn't have time to object so he just quickly went to grab the paper plates in one of the cupboards and ran back to Jason's side
Alfred followed behind the two brothers, who happily took the rest of the pizzas down to the batcave
Jason carefully walked down the stairs and essentially announced himself to Bruce and Dick
Jason: I don't care what's going on, we're eating pizza right now!
Dick and Bruce were surprised by Jason's sudden change but welcomed it when they also saw that Tim was with Jason, who was on the verge of laughing
Dick: Jaybird, you are lucky that we are just dealing with figuring out what Calendar man is gonna do in a couple weeks right now
Bruce couldn't help but be happy to see Jason get out of his shell for a bit and especially getting along with his younger brother
This gave Bruce hope that Jason will stay on the right path for himself
They all dug into the pizza
Dick grabbing slices from both the BBQ chicken and Hawaiian
Jason grabbing just the BBQ
Meanwhile both Bruce and Tim got Hawaiian
Alfred was enjoying his tea, knowing that his plan worked
50 notes · View notes
albatmobile · 1 year
The Art of Rehabilitating Snowbirds Chapter 18
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𓅪 After not hearing from Roy or Jason for five years, you suddenly find yourself taking in extra income as a babysitter for their child.
𓅪 Rated: M | TW: weed, underage drinking, slur | 4.5k includes: jayroy moments, under the influence makeup application
fem!Reader x Jason Todd x Roy Harper [masterlist]
Chapter 18: Call Me in the Afternoon | ao3 - wattpad
Whatever you and Damian had going on had been, well, going on for a little over a month. 
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Now, he hesitated more than usual when you wanted to hang out with his brother and Roy and you really kind of fucking hated it. Damian was your best friend. Did he really think his brother would take you away from him or something?
What made that day even worse was Dick’s dramatic ass being present.
“We have a project today,” Roy jerked his head at Jason, who was already ascending upstairs. “You coming or what?” 
You hesitantly looked at Damian, who frowned in response, “I thought we were doing still lifes in the foyer.” 
You tried so hard not to laugh at his use of the word ‘foyer,’ but Roy’s shit-eating grin ultimately won out. Before you could stop it, you unwittingly released a giggle you would’ve normally held back had his dumbass not been there. 
Roy, noticing Dick’s ‘big brother lecture face’ forming, quickly fled in the direction Jason had gone.
“Damian’s a proper gent,” Dick pouted. He then scooped up a very reluctant Damian into his arms, who fought his grip every step of the way, “Don’t make fun of my baby bird.”
You shook your head, holding up your pinkie, “Of course not.” 
Damian relinquished himself from Dick’s jacked arms with a flustered grumble, ridding himself of invisible dust as soon as his feet hit the floor. 
“Father will be needing me anyway,” it was spoken slowly as if he were trying to send you a message. Whatever it was, you weren’t understanding. “I don’t expect to be back before you leave.” 
This had happened a few times and you’d become somewhat accustomed to it. Usually, when he and Bruce had whatever bonding Damian was talking about, you’d just wander off and bother whoever was around the manor, even if it was just Titus.
“I’ll be leaving now, then.” 
You nodded, not understanding why he was still in front of you. “Okay, sounds good,” you gave him an unsure thumbs up. 
“You’re not understanding,” he ‘tch’ed and stepped in front of you. “I want a kiss,” he said your last name. 
“Oh,” your face flushed with warmth as soon as he took a step closer to you, “okay.” 
You glanced over his shoulder where Dick was obnoxiously fangirling, but his cool hand on the heat of your cheek drew you back to him as he lightly pecked your lips with his. 
The brief chasteness of the moment lasted mere seconds before he pulled away and attempted to lead away Dick. However, this didn't stop him from shooting a barrage of questions your way. 
“You guys a thing?” Tim startled you, seemingly stepping out of the shadows. 
“Tim,” you laughed lightly, placing a hand over your heart for the startle he’d caused. “I- I’m not quite sure.” It was the truth. Even what he’d just done had been a surprise to you. “You know how he is with feelings.” 
That earned a chuckle from Tim. “You’re right,” he motioned you to follow him, so you did. “You finally wanna see my collection?” 
Tim had teased you about his comic collection before the incident, but he’d never been around to follow through. That and Damian wouldn’t leave the two of you alone, claiming that “too much nerd talk could be lethal.” 
“Was that a joke?” you’d asked Damian.  
He cursed your last name, “I tell plenty of jokes; it’s not my fault you idiots don’t pick up on them.” 
But, alas, Damian was gone.
Tim held your hand as he showed you the bulk of his stuff and leaned over your shoulder, pressing his front into your back as he maneuvered to show you one of his favorites.
“Oh wow! I’ve never read this one before.” It was a rare Green Arrow comic. You flipped over to the back carefully, where your fingers appreciatively fanned across its glossy cover.
“Now, I can tell you all about that one, princess,” Roy’s sultry voice startled you from behind.
What was up with everyone sneaking up on you today?
“You actually like comics?” You were confused. Roy had only ever made fun of your obsession, but he had technically brought you all those Flash comics. You blushed, realizing you’d never thought to question if they were his, even though you realized he had mentioned reading through them. 
“Nah. Not anymore, really, but I know plenty about ‘em,” he smirked at Tim’s deadpan stare. 
If Roy had black hair, you’d swear he was just another one of the Wayne brothers with how they gave each other shit so easily. 
Tim sighed from beside you, shaking his head slightly as you slid the comic back into place on the shelf. Tim had yet to move away from you. The close contact that remained left you worried that your heart was beating loud enough for both boys in the room to hear it.
The awkward silence lingered, though you attempted to fight it with your ever-present charm, “Cool.”
You pretended to keep looking through the comics hoping either: Tim would move away or Roy would leave. Whichever made this weird situation end faster, that was for fucking sure.
“Yep,” he popped the ‘p’ on the word as he looked between you and Tim, unimpressed. 
You tilted your head at his questioning gaze before switching the topic altogether at the unexpected tension building in the room, “What are you up to?” 
He winked so quickly you thought you’d imagined it, “Tag along and find out.” 
You stepped out of Tim’s unintentional embrace to join Roy at his side. You motioned back to the raven-haired teen with your head, “Come on, Tim.” 
He cleared his throat and looked back at the shelves in front of him, “You go ahead. I’m supposed to meet Stephanie on a date.” 
“You guys are back on?” It’s a question obviously for Tim, but Roy’s attention is pointedly locked on you, “That’s awesome, bud.” 
You brushed off Roy’s odd behavior and wished him luck on his date before following Roy out of the room. 
Roy snorted as soon as you closed in on Jason’s room, “You and these fucking Waynes.”
“Fucks that mean, Harper?” you smacked him on the arm. “I like you just as much.”
“Well, ain’t that a relief,” he wiped imaginary sweat from his forehead, easily avoiding the shoulder punch you sent his way.
“Heyy,” Jason drawled lazily upon your arrival.
You hitched a questioning brow in response, “Sup.” 
Jason made some dumb sign with his hands as he slightly swayed back and forth. However, it wasn’t until he complimented you that you truly caught on to what was going on. Sure, that one night in the library, he’d been pretty drunk, but this? This seemed like a blackout kind of drunk. Jason’s angsty ass + blackout drunk… yeah, you didn’t think it added up to anything good.
“You look so good always, but your makeup,” He hiccuped and sloshed around whatever alcohol was in the bottle in the process. “You’re… when you do the makeup- looks really good, y’know?”
Damn, he was really far gone. 
“Project, huh?” you shot Roy a wary look. “Just how much has he had to drink?”
With how he was acting, there was no way he hadn’t already been sloshed before coming home. You shook your head, wondering why Jason was acting out like this all of a sudden.
“You can do my makeup, y’know?” Jason slapped at your thigh from the floor to get your attention again. 
“Enough for the man to want his makeup done, I s’ppose,” Roy held in a hiccup of his own, but your narrowed eyes let him know you were on to him, too. 
How much could two teenagers possibly drink in like… twenty minutes? You know what, never mind, you didn’t want to know. 
“Your eyeliner always looks so good, babe. S’really not fair,” he pulled you to the ground and dug through your backpack for whatever emergency makeup you had stashed away in there.
You cocked your head in question but nodded anyway, “You’d look really good with eyeliner.” 
“Oh, I know.” 
“Roy, you in?” he gave you a dubious look, but you just shrugged. “It’s only fair.” 
He sighed, giving in, “Yeah, fine, but I get to do yours.” 
You were already wearing mascara, but that was about it. Letting Roy anywhere near your eyes with a liquid eyeliner pen seemed like a disaster waiting to happen. There was no way the look was going to come out decent. 
Yes, decent was the standard here, so you knew you were definitely drawing the short end of the stick. Anything to keep Jason happy, though, you supposed.
“Oh god,” you pulled out your one palette, your blush, mascara, and eyebrow fixings and got to work. “This definitely isn’t sanitary,” you trailed off, drowned out by Roy’s cackles like you’d just said the funniest thing he’d ever heard or some shit. 
Jason’s eyes were slightly hooded, whereas Roy’s were larger and slightly buggy-looking. The application would have to differ on each of their eyes, you realized. 
“Will you make me beautiful?”
Your hand paused with your brush right above his cheeks as his words settled over the quiet of the room, “You’re already beautiful, Jason.” 
There seemed to be no need for blush with how rosy his cheeks had turned, but you applied it anyway. 
“Sometimes I don’t feel it.” 
Your heart clenched. You definitely wished you also had something to drink- anything to quell the guilt of hearing him spill his heart so freely to you. 
How could someone who looked like Jason be so… so… unsure of themselves?
Whereas you felt like a loser, he knew he was a badass with enough swagger to put even Roy to shame.
There was no way he could be insecure. He looked like a literal god and his every glance your way practically sent your knees wobbling.
“Jay,” Roy shifted to sit beside him, shaking his shoulder slightly as he grabbed the bottle from his grasp. What little was left of the amber fluid crashed hollowly against its glass confines as he did so. “I think you’re good on the Woodford, buddy.”
“That’s rich, Roy,” Jason huffed. “What? A guy expresses his fucking feelings and, all of a sudden, I’ve had too much?” Jason ripped the bottle from Roy’s hand and chugged a few satisfying gulps before passing the bottle off to you. He wiped haphazardly at his face while his half-lidded eyes drank in the sight of your lips touching where his had just been. 
Feeling a cottony edge to your thoughts and a familiar warmth to your face, the playing field felt even once again. 
Roy held up his hands in faux-surrender before gesturing for you to hand the bottle his way. 
Jason welcomed you back as you positioned yourself to begin his eye makeup, wrapping his arms around your waist and tugging you close against his chest, “Y’need to be close for this shit.”
You snorted, “How would you know?”
“Sometimes I practice,” he shrugged, looking at you for a reaction and very pointedly avoiding Roy’s. “Y’hafta get close to the mer-or… the mare-er,” he huffed, looking at you to finish his slurred sentence.
“The mirror?”
Jason’s hand, seemingly out of anxiety from his admittance, jerked to rub at his eyes. The movement stopped just before he got close enough to the makeup for you to warn him. “Yeah, that shit.”
You heard Roy shift from behind you, but Jason’s grip on you was unrelenting. 
Ever-present charm, where did you go?
A joke. Yes, a joke during this delicate situation.
“So, we’re using my shit because…?”
You waited with bated breath for his response, hoping he wouldn’t misinterpret it and get defensive. To your relief, he giggled. Absolutely downright giggled. You found yourself responding in the same way. 
“Because you own shit they don’t sell at a 7/11,” Jason said as he stole the mirror to check himself over.
“Fair enough,” you bit your lip and continued your work. 
You thought back to how your main supply of makeup came from stealing things from your parent’s bathroom. Your mom always stole the good shit and never stuck around long enough to use any, so who was it really hurting to take it?
Jason was making it extremely difficult to focus when his hands were running up and down your sides and along the curve of your back mindlessly. 
You realized he was probably just anxious with Roy there. You’d never heard him be so quiet, but his wandering hands had you death gripping the eyeliner. You could hardly subdue the urge to arch into his touch. 
Your wings on him weren’t dramatic, just enough to highlight his natural eye shape without overcrowding his hooded eyelid. You hated when you realized you were running out of steps and would soon be forced to leave his embrace. You added the highlighter and mascara before forcing yourself away from him to inspect your work.
“Done. Roy,” you turned around, still somewhat on Jason’s lap, glancing at him out of the corner of your eyes, “compliment him.”
Roy eyed your curves up and down as you remained within Jason’s grasp, nodding absentmindedly, “Yeah, looks good.”
“Roy, you’re not even looking at him,” you rolled your eyes and motioned him closer. 
He took a swig from the bottle, wiped his slick lips and scooted closer with a sigh, “Yup, still looks good.” However, he wasn’t able to maintain eye contact with Jason and Jason was noticing. 
You climbed off of him to straddle Roy and began work on beating his face to perfection with the little amount of shit you had. 
Jason’s look was slightly smokey, sharp and simple, but for Roy, you gave a more iridescent highlighter-driven look, emphasizing his lighter complexion and hair. Instead of the liquid black liner you’d used on Jason, you chose a brown eyeliner pencil and smudged it into the peachy highlighter you’d smeared across his freckled lids. 
Jason watched, awestruck as the look came together. “Roy,” Roy refused to look at him and you shuffled awkwardly, feeling the tension steadily build. “Roy, you look good,” Roy cut off your movements to chug the bottle again. “Look at me. What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Chill out, bro,” Roy’s voice sounded strained. 
Your hands, once again, stilled over his face. 
“What? Suddenly, you can’t bear to face me? You’ve got the same shit on your face,” Jason’s hands jerked around somewhat uncontrollably. 
You hadn’t realized you'd startled away from his reach until you felt the reassuring pressure of Roy's thumbs against your bare skin. You released a breath you’d been holding as he rubbed soothing circles where your shirt had ridden up, exposing the skin of your hip in the process.
You’d known Jason could get angry, but adding alcohol into the mix created an unknown edge you weren’t sure you wanted to bear witness to. 
“You’re hot, Jason. I can practically see myself blowing you in a bar restroom now, dude. Is that what you wanted to hear?” Jason grumbled and pulled out his phone to check out your handy work. The mood instantly calmed because, apparently, that was exactly what Jason had wanted to hear. You relaxed into Roy’s touch and quickly finished his face off with mascara, “God damn, I need a joint.”
He went to rub at his eyes, but you smacked his forearm away in an instant, “Don’t touch your face before you’ve even seen it.” 
Roy groaned like he was at the end of his ever-abundant patience. “I don’t hate many things, but this?” Roy gestured to Jason and the makeup on the floor, “I hated this.”
“Whatever,” you tried to hide your pout as you pulled out your phone’s camera to show him, but Jason had stolen it while you’d been preoccupied with Roy’s face. 
Roy quickly produced his own phone, glancing at the screen for no more than five seconds before nodding, “Let me do your shit so I can roll up, princess.”
“You don’t have to, you know," you traced your index finger from the collar of his school shirt down to the middle button and backed up again shyly.
The last thing you wanted to do was keep Roy in a shitty mood when Jason was already in one.
You looked up to see his barely hidden smirk, “Well, now I’ve gotta.”
There was nothing relaxing about Roy’s application process. 
From the eye jabbing and assault of blush on your cheeks, you knew you’d definitely drawn the short end of the stick. Jason, as drunk as he was, probably could’ve done a better job than Roy’s clown academy look, which left much to be desired. 
Jason continued to touch his face while Roy set about silently breaking down the shell and then the bud. It’s only when he lit it that Jason pulled himself away from the camera.
“Damn,” Jason breathed, crawling over to invade the rest of Roy’s personal space that you weren’t taking up. 
Roy snorted, drawing in a cloud of smoke until it protruded from his mouth like a bubble before fully exhaling right into Jason’s room. You knew Jason had to be pretty fucked up to smoke inside, but if it meant not having to go outside in the chilly weather, you were all for it. 
“Yeah, shit’s fat, right?” the redhead said with the smoke leaking from his chapped lips with each word.
“No, not that,” Jason shook his head and took Roy’s face into his hands, turning it over haphazardly to take it all in. “You said you’d blow me?”
Roy choked on his next hit, sending him into a coughing fit that sent you scrambling from your spot on Roy’s lap. Jason wasted no time in replacing you atop Roy. 
You took in the new positions from a breath away with widened eyes. 
“Jay, you’re drunk,” Roy batted away Jason’s wandering hands and handed the blunt to you so he could better fend him off. “Jay, baby, sto-” Roy was cut off by Jason’s lips. You’re pretty sure you’re the one who gasped, but you couldn’t be sure when Jason was moaning like a paid whore.
What surprised you more was how Roy took it all in stride.
It should come as no surprise that Jason was an aggressive kisser. His face looked almost pained with his drawn brows as his teeth clashed against Roy’s. 
Roy split away with a wrecked pant, shooting you a quick, hazy quirk of his reddened lips before diving right back in. This time, he met Jason’s tongue with his own, visibly flicking and prodding them against each other in the minimal space between them. The kiss was over the top, seemingly for your entertainment, as Roy slurped Jason’s tongue lewdly into his mouth. 
You sucked on the end of the joint as you watched the scene in front of you unfold.
Your stomach felt a steady tickling coolness spread upward from the hot slick in your panties as the blanketing effects of the weed kicked in. If you hadn’t been so confused by the situation, you might’ve spread your legs to show them the wet spot that was overtaking the lace of your red thong. Instead, you sat there gripping the blunt and the hem of your skirt to prevent your hands from wandering to where they were itching to go.
It wasn’t working.
Your thighs spread without your permission. Soon, your arm dragged your clenched hand closer to your pulsating heat, exposing more of your thigh in the process as it did. Their moans rang out in unison and you unwittingly bucked into your planted forearm, clenching down around nothing at the teasing contact. You watched helplessly, willing yourself to actually touch yourself until you could no longer ignore that the bottle was in prime position to spill all over Jason’s carpet. 
Damn, it sucked being the responsible one of the bunch.
You released the fabric of your skirt to grab the spilling whiskey that dripped from Roy’s distracted hand while Jason ground down against him. Upon grabbing the bottle, Roy seemed to startle back to reality and the moment abruptly ceased. 
He pushed Jason off of him hastily with your hand retreated from its precarious position in the same manner. 
“Yoooo,” Roy shook his head, running his fingers through his hair repeatedly. “What the fuck, dude?”
Jason’s face dropped and you’re pretty sure Roy could see how you’d also been taken aback by his reaction. How could you not when the redhead’s previous reaction had been so…?
“Fuck you,” Jason grabbed the blunt from your grasp as he got up to walk to the balcony, leaving Roy and you to stare after his retreating form. 
Of course his dramatic ass had to throw open the glass doors, leaving them to smack against the wall in his wake. 
The glass continued to reverberate in their frames while Jason moved to grip the balcony railing like it was going to disappear from existence. The only movement was his arm moving robotically to put the blunt to his mouth and the smoke that plumed from it.
At least you weren’t the only one in the manor getting the runaround. 
“Wake up, dumbass,” you awoke with a snort to Damian’s disgusted face standing over you. “You reek like skunk.” 
“Shut up,” you sniffed at your uniform only to wince. “Fuck, you’re right.” 
“I’m always right,” he said your last name. 
You groaned as you got up from the couch, searching desperately for something, anything to help you out when it dawned on you.
You turned to Damian so quickly, not even he was expecting it, “Give me one of your extra jackets.” 
“What?” his annoyed glare bore through you, but you weren’t giving in and you definitely weren’t going to be late.
You glared at him until he wordlessly retrieved his other clean jacket and handed it over to you. 
“Fuck off,” you hissed as you attempted to slide it on, but it was like putting Polly Pocket clothes on a Barbie. “Why are you so fucking skinny, dude?” 
“I’m muscular and lean,” he insisted with crossed arms, “not skinny.” 
“You’re a child’s XS,” you pointed out, reading from the tag with slight disdain. 
“So what?!” he defensively stole the jacket back from you, wiping it off like you’d ruined it the second you’d touched it.
You stated the obvious, “This shit isn’t going to fit me.” Suddenly, you brightened up, snapping your fingers. “Cologne! Give me your cologne!” Damian rolled his eyes, but took much less persuading than last time for him to return. This time, he returned with a glass bottle of Prada. You gave it a few good spritzes before handing it back to a blushing Damian, “What?”
“Nothing, you just smell,” he shook his head, motioning you downstairs. “Nothing.”
You bumped into his shoulder, “You know, as my best friend, you’re morally obligated to tell me if I still stink like weed.”
“Definitely not marijuana,” he appeared resolute, so you dropped it.  
You were about to talk to him about the upcoming collage project when you heard him.
“Say something, Bruce. SAY IT!” Jason lowered his voice, gritting his teeth. 
You weren’t completely able to make out what he was saying, but he seemed to be barely holding out on hitting his dad right then and there.
“Master, Jason.”
You came around the banister to see Alfred placing a placating hand on Jason’s shoulder. 
You only barely stopped yourself from gasping when you saw your smokey eye was still very much present on his face. Your eyes shifted briefly to Damian, who looked extremely confused by the recent revelation.
“Yeah, your son’s got fucking fag ‘tendencies,’” he used air quotes around the last word. “Isn’t that what you called Dick’s relationship with Wally?” Jason shook his head like he was disgusted with him. “Like your whole polygamist-playboy shit isn’t the real uncouth situation here, Brucie?”
“Jason,” Bruce’s warning tone was losing patience by the second. “All I asked was if you did that to yourself. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong-”
“Yeah,” Jason hissed, “You didn’t have to say anything for me to understand that you think there’s something wrong with me,” he scoffed, pushing past Bruce’s muscular build to exit the manor. “All because of some dumb pigment on my face? Fuck you, Bruce,” he hesitated, taking in the room with a visible tremble. “And, yeah, I like cock.” The door slammed, announcing his rattling exit. 
Two for two on the manor’s doors; you had to give him kudos as you thought back to the balcony doors last night.
Bruce sighed and slumped down in one of the dining room chairs. His hand gratefully reached for Alfred’s, which had come to rest on his shoulder. 
Family, no matter what it looked like, you supposed, was a complicated balancing act you weren’t sure anyone had mastered. 
Least of all you. 
Least of all the Waynes.
“You reek,” is how he greeted you when you sat in your usual seat in English.
You quickly picked at your collar, then looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to you. Who were you kidding? No one at school gave a fuck about you. Everyone milled about their pre-class business, leaving you and Jason undetected in the privacy of your usual corner.
“There’s no way," you insisted, inhaling deeply but only smelled Damian's pungent Prada. "I put on Damian’s cologne,” you leaned in and had him sniff as well, which he did, albeit reluctantly. 
"Ew," he wrinkled his nose in disgust. 
“What?” you startled backward and looked around to see if anyone else had caught the smell before turning back swiftly. “Jason, what?”
“Next time, ask for mine.”
“Oh,” your heart rate had already risen at the thought of being caught smelling like weed and Jason’s statement did absolutely nothing to quell the rapid beating. “Sure, yeah.” 
Jason tapped his eraser against his opened book, “Roy’s trying to skip after lunch.” 
“You shouldn’t skip school so often,” you chastised lightly.  
He looked out the window, ceasing his tapping, “Well, guess that answers my question of if you're coming with.” 
You hesitated, thinking back to his confrontation with Bruce earlier that morning. It couldn’t have been easy on him. Plus, how Roy reacted after the kiss also had to be eating him up. You knew him inviting you was his way of asking for your support when he came face-to-face with Roy after the incident yesterday.
“No, I’ll come.” 
You shook your head, “Skipping school isn’t cool, but… Yeah, I need a break.” 
“S’long as you don’t make it a habit, I guess. Right?” he repeated what you’d said the first time you guys had skipped. 
You shot him an unimpressed glare, “Like you, you mean?” 
“Yeah,” his chuckle came out more as an exhale than anything.
“Hopefully, this time, we won’t have to share a motorcycle seat,” you nudged him jokingly, shrinking back when you were instantly met with the wolfish quirk that briefly tugged at the corner of his mouth.
“Seemed like you liked it last time,” he looked at you too knowingly for you to believe he didn't know what'd gone down. “Now, come on,” he picked up both of your bags, “Roy’s gonna meet us at our usual spot.”
The bell rang and you followed behind, wondering just what the fuck you were getting yourself into.
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A/N: jason's pissed u smell like dami
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If the Sky Comes Falling Down (For You)
or, 5 times Jason Todd saved his siblings… and one time they saved him.
Chapter One (Steph): lurkinglurkerwholurks.tumblr. com/post/182292869661/if-the-sky-comes-falling-down-for-you
Chapter Two (Dick): lurkinglurkerwholurks.tumblr. com/post/182448111537/if-the-sky-comes-falling-down-for-you
Chapter Three (Tim): lurkinglurkerwholurks.tumblr. com/post/182630050597/if-the-sky-comes-falling-down-for-you
Chapter Four (Cassandra): lurkinglurkerwholurks.tumblr. com/post/182813719582/if-the-sky-comes-falling-down-for-you
Chapter Five (Damian): lurkinglurkerwholurks.tumblr. com/post/182968066537/if-the-sky-comes-falling-down-for-you
AO3 link: archiveofourown. org/works/17535599/chapters/42382640
Chapter Six
Jason was pretty sure he was going to die, and he was surprised to find he regretted it.
When he had first come back, Jason had swung wildly between fearing death and running straight into its arms again and again and again. Some days he had fought back that empty dark, terrified to be swallowed whole, terrified to be spat out once more. Other days he had been too reckless and enraged to care. He had challenged death, daring it to take him again.
Jason had expected that when death came for him in earnest, he would be angry. Angry that life dare try to push him out into the dark. Angry that death try to rob him again of everything he was owed, of all the time he deserved to have.
Or scared. Jason had pictured himself feeling scared, hollowed straight down to his shoes with a sickening anticipation, like a skydiver kneeling on the wing of a plane. Scared to fall into what he couldn’t remember. Scared to be ripped away.
Turned out he wasn’t either of those. He was angry to be caught, sure. Angry at himself for being dumb enough to be where he was. Scared in a distant way of pain and suffering, yes.
Mostly, though, Jason just felt regretful. He regretted the things he would never get to do. The feelings he would never get to express. The words he would leave unsaid. There was so much left, and he was out of time.
Well, almost. One thing was for sure, he hadn’t expected to have this much time to think before the actual dying. Then again, Jason couldn’t be sure how much time was really passing. The drugs were doing weird things to his perception, stretching and slowing time, then making it snap back into place like silly putty pulled too fast.
Jason sucked in a raspy breath and tried to focus. He’d sort of tuned out when the demands started. Hear one set of demands, hear them all, really. Usually he tried to stay in the loop to glean what he could about his captors. Use it against them down the road. But once they’d started demanding cooperation from Batman, Jason knew there wasn’t any point in paying attention.
Batman didn’t negotiate. Not even for Jason. Maybe especially not for Jason.
He really should focus, though. Give himself some dignity in his final moments. Then again, hard to have dignity with a thick string of bloody drool dangling from your lips, wasn’t it? Yeah, dignity was for chumps.
Someone grabbed his face. Jason didn’t like that. A rough hand jerked his chin upward, and he flinched against the stabbing glare of the lights. Geez, whatever they’d stabbed into his neck must’ve been the good stuff. His head was throbbing so bad his vision was nearly strobing.
He could have hidden behind the drugs, but something primal in the back of Jason’s mind struggled. There was a reason he needed to look. He needed to look up. And focus. It was like a voice yelling at him from far away, lost beneath the roar of an oncoming train. He couldn’t save himself, but there was a reason…
There was someone on the other side of the lights who needed to see he was okay.
Jason sucked in another breath and winced at the rattle. Not good. Not his problem for too much longer, though, so that was fine.
The pain in his chest poked a tiny hole in the fog, and he lunged for the opening, using all his energy to focus past the lights. To stare into the camera lens that gleamed in the shadows.
Jason’s lips twitched, then he managed a smile with teeth slick and stained with blood. There. That was defiant enough. It would look good in the highlight reel. And hopefully was enough to convince everyone on the other side that he was… not okay. But himself, at least. He wasn’t scared.
When he died, he wouldn’t be scared. Not like last time.
The hand let go of his chin, and Jason let his head drop. It was a relief to let his hair shadow his eyes and block out the piercing light. To drop the smile that had been more exhausting than anything he could remember. He wished he could lie down, but his hands were chained and suspended above his head, so no chance of that. Or some water. He’d straight-up kill someone to get this dead-rat taste out of his mouth. Maybe he could give a go at sleeping upright. Sleep sounded pretty good.
What had he been… Oh, right. Focus. Listen.
“… or maybe we’ll torture him into giving up the location of your headquarters and leave his corpse on your doorstep.”
Oh. Bad time to listen. Should’ve gone for the nap.
If they were going to kill him, Jason would rather they just hurry up and do it already. Torture really wasn’t necessary. It wasn’t just unnecessary, it was tacky. It was—
Jason couldn’t completely stop the grunt that dropped from his lips with the first punch to his ribs. Or the wheeze when, after several more hard blows, a rib snapped. But he didn’t make a sound when the idiot snubbed out his cigarette on Jason’s collarbone. Jason had learned to take that one as a little kid.
Like, up your game, dude.
There was a roar of laughter, which was good. Laughter meant the talking was done. Sure enough, a moment later, the lights flipped off. Jason let out a quiet sigh of relief as the last of the pain in his eyes eased. It was nice to have at least one body part that didn’t hurt so much.
Jason jerked as dry, cracking lips appeared next to his ear, so close that the crusty flakes brushed against his skin as the mouth spoke.
“Your days in this town were numbered the second you turned tail and joined the Bat,” the lips hissed. Their breath smelled like Doritos and morning funk. Jason bore the intrusion stoically and more than a little woozily.
The lips continued on, “Maybe the Bat comes through. And maybe we kill him.” There was a cackle that the lips probably thought sounded menacing but was more asthmatic than anything else. “Doesn’t matter, because we’re gonna pump you dry.”
Torture it was, then.
Bruce had never given Jason lessons on withstanding torture. It was one of the few areas where he had been startlingly, blatantly unwilling to give instruction, even though preparing Jason might have meant the difference between safety and discovery for the secrets of Batman.
“Tell them,” he had ordered Jason, his mouth set into a grim line. “Don’t try to be brave. Hold on and trust I’ll come for you, but if you’re given the choice between being tortured or telling our secrets, I want you to tell them.”
Later, the League had filled in where Bruce had faltered. Jason could withstand anything now. Would withstand anything, both on principle and because no way was he giving these schmucks the keys to Alfred’s basement. He would tell nothing, and he wouldn’t trust that Batman would come. That kind of hope could break a person faster than any tire iron.
Thankfully, these particular schmucks were amateurs. Jason had faced worse in training. They’d given him too much of the good stuff, making it easy to slip away from the yelling and the pain. Seemed a shame to waste what time he had left, but what was a guy supposed to do?
When Jason came back to himself, there was still shouting, but it seemed different. He took stock, trying to figure out if it was worth staying or if he should slip under once more.
The drug that had been a hinderance and then a blessing was back to being a curse. Jason’s consciousness filtered back into his body slowly, creeping down to settle in his limbs and reinhabit his broken frame. With awareness came a nauseating rush of pain, but Jason pushed it back and struggled to open his eyes.
The world had lost all definition, the torture and the drugs reducing it to wildly swinging lights and deep shadows. Men spun around him, crying out orders to each other, weapons waving blindly. There was yelling in the room with him, but also yelling further away. There were running feet and… gunfire. And the distant sound of thudding bodies. But no familiar voices. Jason couldn’t hear his rescue coming. That’s how he knew it was.
The far door burst open in an explosion of wooden splinters. He couldn’t see what was happening beyond. The camera lights had been turned on at some point, then knocked over. The beam slashed diagonally across Jason’s torso and face, blinding him.
He couldn’t see his cavalry, but he could hear them now. Familiar voices calling to each other, barking out orders, leveling threats. The drugs must have been stronger than he thought, though, because some of it didn’t make sense.
Missions usually had chatter, banter, even on a rescue mission. Batman didn’t participate, but he let the others sound off, knowing the babble let off steam. At least, that’s what Jason figured. But the noise circling the room didn’t sound like banter. It sounded angry.
“Where is he?”
“What have you done to him?”
“Where’s our brother?”
“Over there!”
“Oh god, Hood.”
Jason could see a little better, he discovered, if he squinted out of the eye still partially in shadow. He could see the team tearing ruthlessly through the mass of armed men. Batman led the charge, flanked by the Robins. There was a blur of purple behind them in the doorway that had to be Spoiler. They were almost to him, faces hard with purpose.
Then an arm snaked around Jason’s neck from behind, and the burning muzzle of a gun pressed to his temple.
“Stop!” ordered the lips.
Everyone stopped.
Jason hiccuped fitfully and struggled to suck in another gulp of air. The arm tightened.
He wasn’t scared. Batman would stop them somehow, maybe, and if he didn’t, well. That was that. Jason just hoped the kids looked away in time. No one needed to see a mess like that.
“You come after me, his brains end up on your shoes.” The lips laughed, a shaky sound already creaking off its hinges. “You touch me, he dies. Only way to stop me is to kill me. And Bats don’t kill. Everybody knows Bats don’t kill.”
Jason managed one long, slow blink, enough to wrestle his eyes into focusing on the shadowy form opposite him. Batman stared back, opaque lenses open for once, blue eyes burning like stars.
Sure enough, it was Dick’s jaw that pulsed as he measured the situation, Dick’s gloved hand that reached back to warn the Robins to hold. Dick’s face set hard enough to crack stone behind the heavy cowl.
Ah, Dickie. I’m sorry.
Dick’s gaze held Jason’s for a heartbeat longer, then returned to his captor. It felt like a goodbye.
“Take him,” Batman growled. Jason closed his eyes.
For a second, Jason thought nothing happened. Then the arm around his neck slithered off, and both the body it was attached to and the gun jammed against his head fell to the ground with a thump and a clatter. Jason opened his eyes and looked down to blink disbelievingly at the weapon.
A mask ducked under his arm from behind, featureless except for the crooked stitching across the lower half. Jason didn’t know how he knew Cass was smiling, but he did.
Safe, she signed, hands fluttering like moths. Safe.
Other hands were reaching for him, bodies swarming forward en masse to envelop him. Good hands. Good bodies that smelled of sweat and leather and Alfred’s favorite detergent.
“Get him down, get him down.”
“Watch the—“
The chains were unhooked from the ceiling, and Jason fell, legs crumpling without support. It didn’t hurt, like falling in a dream, a soft, weighted glide. Arms encircled him, catching him before he could hit the concrete floor. Jason let his cheek rest against the cold molded kevlar of Batman’s armor.
I got no strings to hold me down, to make me sad or make me frown…
It was a stupid song to have stuck in your head while dying, but it fit how Jason felt. He was unspooling in Dick’s arms. How embarrassing.
“Jay. Jay!”
“Put him down.” That was Tim’s voice, cutting through the chaos, sounding firmer than Jason had ever heard before. “Batman, put him down. Spoiler, your—“
“On it, Red.”
Jason was placed on something slick and cool. He could recognize the feel of a Cave-supplied cape anywhere, even with his eyes closed. When he breathed, his tongue tasted like Stephanie’s perfume.
There were hands on his side, pressing close to where the cattle prod had stuck him. Jason jolted and tried to pull away.
“Easy, easy there, big guy. It’s just me.”
Tim. Just Tim. Tim wouldn’t hurt him. Jason was pretty sure. Not with Dick here, right?
No. He was sure, even through the haze of sedatives. Jason huffed out a rasping breath and tried to relax.
“We’re gonna get you back to the Cave, but I need to make sure you’re stabilized first,” Tim was explaining. His fingers were running deftly over Jason, finding every bruise, every broken bone, every wound. “Did they give you something?”
Jason managed a nod. “Sedative ‘f s’me kind. Neck. Nice b’zz.”
There was a tight snort somewhere off to the side, and the sound eased a little of the pressure in Jason’s chest.
“Anything else I should know?” Tim asked. He was ripping open the gash in Jason’s thigh to examine the pen knife-length puncture wound.
Jason grunted as gauze and then weight were pressed to the laceration. He thought about the question, then slurred, “‘m thirsty.”
If Tim chuckled at all, the noise was lost beneath Dick’s clipped commands. Black Bat was dispatched to find water and Spoiler was sent to assist Robin. The hand that slipped from Jason’s must have been one of theirs. It was quickly replaced by one much larger.
“I’m sorry we weren’t faster,” Dick murmured. “I’m so sorry, Jay.”
“S’fine.” Jason paused to hold his breath as Tim slid a hand under his skull to feel for bumps. The movement made him dizzy, but once his head was resting on the cape again, he mumbled, “G’d not to b’dead. ‘gain.”
“Oh good, he’s making dead jokes. He’ll be fine,” Tim announced.
“Batman.” That was Damian in the doorway. Jason bet if he opened his eyes, the kid would be standing at attention.
“The perimeter is secure. All personnel have been restrained and sedated until arrival by the authorities. Spoiler is standing guard.”
Jason did crack an eye open at that. “Y’drugged ‘em?”
Damian’s focus swung to Jason with the force of a searchlight. Instead of standing at full attention, he was just inside the doorway, surrounded by the fragments of wood, hands clenching and unclenching spastically.
“Yes.” The word was almost spat and drenched in venom. But not at Jason. “They are fortunate I did not resort to harsher methods.”
Cass was back, slipping past Damian with a paper cup in her hand. She knelt next to Dick.
“Just wet his lips,” Tim instructed. “Sorry. You’ll need to stay on an empty stomach until we get back to the Cave, just in case.”
Surgery protocol. Made sense. But Jason wanted to whine like a child when Cass rubbed water on his lips with her finger and then lifted the cup away.
“Okay. Let’s get him to the car. But be careful. He has broken ribs here and here, and there’s some abdominal swelling I don’t like. Could be internal bleeding.”
Jason could hear the crinkle of wrappers as Tim packed up his kit. A hand settled on his shoulder and applied the barest pressure into a squeeze, then rose again.
Arms slid under Jason’s shoulders and knees, then lifted, making him hiss.
“I know, I know,” Dick soothed. “Easy, Little Wing, easy. I’m sorry. We’ll get you settled in the back as quick as I can. The doc’s meeting us at the Cave, and we’ll get you all patched up.”
They were moving. Jason had closed his eyes to keep the room from spinning, but he could see the slow strobing of lights against his eyelids as they passed through the abandoned warehouse and headed outside. He knew if he opened his eyes, he’d see Dick stepping over bodies scattered like after-party refuse, each hogtied and unconscious on the bare concrete floor.
“D.” He should call him Batman. No names in the field. But he wasn’t Batman. He was Dick.
Dick grunted.
“Th’ guy. Back there. How…”
Take him. Jason had thought he’d been talking to the thug. About Jason. But then the arm… Bats don’t kill. Everyone knows Bats don’t kill.
“Black Bat.” Dick’s voice was low, hushed. It didn’t rumble in his chest like Bruce’s, but more hummed at the base of his throat. “Slipped in from behind. Took him out at the C4.”
Cass had paralyzed a man to save Jason?
“S’not dead.” Jason hadn’t realized he’d said the words aloud until Dick grunted.
“No. Some days he might wish he was, but he’ll live a long, full life at Blackgate.” The sound changed as Dick angled his head to look down as Jason. “Sorry to disappoint.”
Jason huffed a laugh out his nose. “G’mme your blue blanket. C’ll it square.”
The response came so immediately that Jason almost laughed again.
They were outside now, the air filled with the distant cry of sirens. Gotham’s finest were on their way to clean up the mess.
“Batman, is Hood going to be okay?” Spoiler asked as she fell in step with the others.
“Yes.” Dick’s tone brooked no argument. Jason would be okay if Dick had to drag him into health with his bare hands. “We’ll have him patched up and on the mend in no time. You can head home.”
“No. I’ll follow you back.”
Next to the Batmobile was the usual scuffling over seating, but to Jason’s fading ears, it all sounded briefer and more subdued than normal. The only flare-up was a preemptive strike by Damian, who insisted on being the one to sit in the back to monitor Jason on the ride home.
Blessed dark cocooned Jason as Dick, Damian, and Tim maneuvered him into the small hold in the back. Jason bit his lips until it bled to keep from crying out as his broken body was passed from hand to hand, but finally he was settled on the seat. Damian crawled in next to him, then cushioned Jason’s head in his lap. Jason could feel a small hand settle hesitantly on his crown, fingers sinking into the matted curls.
From the driver’s seat, Dick said, “We’ll be home soon, Jay. Just stick with me. The doc and Alfred will have you patched before Bruce gets back from Dubai.”
Right. He’d known about that trip. That explained why the thugs had gotten a cowled Nightwing instead of Boss Bat. Why big brother had come storming the gates.
Jason dragged his eyes open just enough to look over at the hazy silhouette of his brother backlit against the moon.
“D. Th’nks. For coming.”
Dick’s hand snaked back behind his chair, grabbed Jason’s dangling hand, and squeezed.
“Every time, little brother. Every time.”
Jason tightened his fingers around Dick’s before the other man pulled away. Outside the Batmobile, twin engines revved as Steph and Cass kicked their bikes into gear. Damian settled back against the seat, hand still enmeshed in Jason’s curls, and Tim’s hand replaced Dick’s, his fingers pressed to Jason’s pulse point. They were all warm, these hands, warm and soft like being cradled in sunlight.
Beneath him, the Batmobile roared, but the sound faded from Jason’s ears as he let out a long, deep sigh. Soon enough, they would arrive at the Cave to bright lights, metal implements, and healing pain. But for now, he was safe. He could sleep. So he did, surrounded by family.
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kabbal · 2 years
HI, Kabbal! I was wondering if you could a Jaydick relationship reveal headcanons?
Ohoho. Now this has comedy potential.
When Dick told Donna and Wally he was 'kind of seeing someone', they braced themselves for the worst. Because let's face it : Dick's taste in partners has been in a downward spiral for a good while. "It may seem a bit weird to you but I'm actually serious about them." Dick says. "Oh?" Donna asks. "Who is it?" She's mentally running through potential candidates - maybe Slade Wilson or some other up-to-no-good fucker who's going to trample all over Dick's heart. "It's Jason." Dick says, and Wally exclaims :"Oh thank God ! We thought it was going to be way worse."
"I kissed Dick yesterday." Jason says. Artemis squints at him, then goes back to polishing her axe. "Tongue ?" "Yes." "Good."
"Dick," Jason says, looking at the computer like every pixel on the screen is insulting him. "Why is are you reading a wikihow article on 'How to introduce a boyfriend to children' ?" "Well," Dick says. "At some point, I'm going to have to tell Damian about us. And I want it to go well, so..." Jason shakes his head: "Please tell me that doesn't make the brat my step-something." Dick offers him an apologetic smile. "Okay. I won't tell you." "Oh, don't get all smartass on me. It's not a good look." "Liar. You love how I look, anyday, anytime." "...Fuck, I do."
Jason knocks on the small wooden door, a small tray with two Darjeeling tea cups balanced on top. It's only a few seconds before the door opens, revealing Alfred, still freakishly put together in a nightshirt and cap. "Well, goodnight, Master Jason. I see you have brought tea. Is something the matter ?" Jason swallows. "Hello, Alfie. I... Can we talk? I want to ask for a... blessing of some sorts." Alfred's eyebrows briefly reach his nightcap. "Well, certainly. I do feel we should head in, then. No proper blessing can be given in an hallway."
Dick knocks on a small wooden door, a small tray with two Earl Gray tea cups balanced on top. When the door opens, he's surprised to see Jason standing in the treshold, with Alfred sitting inside the room on an armchair in his nightclothes. "Goodnight, Master Dick. I suppose you too are in need of a blessing?" Dick has never seen anyone sip tea in a more amused manner.
"On a scale from one to ten," Jason asks. "How pissed would you be if I dated one of your exes." Roy stops working on his arrowhead to glance at him from under his baseball cap. "Depends. Are you talking about mine or Kori's ?" The alien princess flies down to them, a curious light in her green eyes. "I would not be angry that you are courting someone I had known, Jason. Although it may appear to Roy as an attack against the brother code." "She makes an excellent point, Jaybird. What about the bro code?" "You're really gonna bring up the bro code when you slept with Dick's ex?" "We're not talking about Dick, loverboy." "I mean... we kinda are." "OH MY GOD, YOU'RE DATING DICK?!" "Oh, what a great news ! I am very happy for you, Jason !" "THE BRO CODE IS NO MORE."
"Hey, Dami ! Do you have a moment? I want to talk to you ab-" "Speak no more, Richard. I do hope you do not think me incompetent enough to not uncover your dalliance with Todd. As it seems to have put you in an agreeable mood these last few months, I will offer my reluctant approbation. However, do not let Todd mistake this for endorsement. He still must prove his worth to me before I may be willing to let him ask for your hand." "Aw. Come here, let me thank you for your blessing." "Unhand me immediatly Richard."
"I'm in love with someone." Jason says. "You know what love is, don't you?" Bizarro nods gravely. "Me knows. Love is Red Him. Red Her too." "Exactly. So, I'm in love. You met him once, at the circus. His name is Dick." "If Red Him loves Dick Him, me love Dick Him also." Jason smiles and pats the big, blue, shoulder. "Thanks, Biz'. It means a lot."
"Do you think Bruce knows ? About us ?" Dick says. His fingers are pressing in the dip between two muscles on Jason's thighs. "I don't know." Jason says. "It's a tight race between his undying obsession for surveillance and his everlasting unwillingness to see anything that goes against his worldview." Dick snorts. "Maybe we should do the nasty right under one of his cameras. Or on top of the Batmobile. He couldn't ignore it then." "I'm gonna act like like you didn't just remind me of one of my greatest teenage fantasies three inches awayfrom my cock and say that it wouldn't work. He would just repress the memory. And then ask Babs to wipe out the tape." "You're so mean. He absolutely would, the old bastard."
Dick walks down to the cave, a waffel in his mouth. He strolls to his bike and is surprised to find a note on the saddle. Please don't fuck on the batmobile. He absolutely would make me wipe out the tape. -Barbara.
They don't fuck on the batmobile (yet), but they do fuck on Jason's bike, grinding like teenagers and kissing until they feel like drowning. The comms are muted, the alley is quiet Jason feels like fire under his leather jacket. Dick is driving him mad with hisses and moans and teasing words : "Big bad Red Hood caught a bird -Ah! Mh, I wonder what he's going to do to poor old me." Jason wants to devour him but there's a loud noise above them and an even louder: "DON'T MIND ME! JUST PASSIN' THROUGH! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!" Jason winces, and Dick laughs. "Well, it's nice to know even Harley approves." "What would she know ?" Jason snarls. "She's got a shit taste in men." Dick nuzzles his cheek : "She got better. Now, let's listen to the lady. Kiss me again?" Jason does.
"Why does Harley Quinn think you're boning Jason?" Stephanie asks, and Dick doesn't spit his drink but Tim does. "What the fuck, Stephanie?!" He says with milk dripping from his chin. "The kitchen is a peace zone!" "That was a perfectly innocuous question, Timothy." Dick can feel the argument brewing, so he puts an end to it (or rather, starts a different argument. "I'm not boning Jason." He puts his glass firmly on the counter. "I'm dating him and making sweet sweet love to him." Steph is laughing. Tim is howling. "EMOTIONAL DAMAGE, MAN!"
Jason is out on patrol in Park Row, checking on the working girls, when a window opens above him. An old lady's head appears and she whoops : "Hood, dear boy! Is it true that you made an honest man of the Nightwing boy?" "Maybe I did." Jason drawls. "Or maybe he made an honest man outta me." The girls around him start hollering and patting him on the shoulder and Jason knows that by the end of the night, all of Park Row will know - if it doesn't already.
They're coming back to the cave after a busy night, all of them bruised and bloody. Jason is limping and Dick offered his shoulder as a crutch. Alfred is doing rounds, distributing painkillers and first aid kits. Dick's hand mindlessly strokes Jason's hair, until he gives in and kisses the white strands plastered against his sweaty forehead. There is no gasps in the room, no offended cries. From the corner of his eyes, Dick can see Alfred tending to a wound on Duke's head, Cass and Stephanie huddled together, Barbara and Tim already planning their next step, and Bruce- striding towards them, a pinched look on his face. "Nightwing. Red Hood. Vitals?" "Jason's leg took a hit," Dick says so Jason doesn't have to. "Other than that, we're both good." Bruce nods. "Good. I am... happy. That you are good. The both of you." And then he strides back to the computer without a second glance. "He so fucking awkward." Jason says. Dick nods, and plants a kiss to his lips next.
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faintblueivy · 4 years
So Imagine...
A world where Bruce Wayne died as a child in that alley that day, Martha and Thomas Wayne grieve as normal parents. They DO NOT BECOME BATMAN AND JOKER. 
Nothing ever remains the same after losing their little boy. So, Thomas buries himself in his work and Martha drowns herself in depression and pain. They do therapy and it works a little and life becomes bearable but...not happy.
One day, Alfred badgers the couple to go out and relax a little and buys them tickets for a circus - Haly’s circus. Everything was going nice and dandy and Martha was in awe of this little acrobat as much as the rest of the crowd when suddenly the rope snaps and the boy’s parents fall to their deaths - right in front of him and the gathering. Thomas is quick to jump in to see if he could help them in any way but Martha can see it in his eyes that they are as dead as they can be. 
They return to home with heavy hearts and Martha can’t get the image of the little boy out of her head. His skin was a light shade of bronze but his dark hair and bright cerulean blue eyes reminded her so much of Bruce that her heart wouldn’t rest. So a few days later she uses her connections to know if the child is safe and well cared for, when to her immense horror, she is replied that he was shipped to Gotham Juvie due to the lack of foster homes. She is enraged.
She calls Thomas and Alfred and lets them know about the little acrobat’s situation and declares that she was going to adopt him. They hesitate a little but she is not to be deterred as she goes ahead and brings the little boy home. 
Richard John Grayson - Wayne. Or Dick, as he likes to call himself. 
He is adamant that he wants no parents and Martha is fine because not only that she is old enough to be not his mother but also because no child can ever be her Bruce.
“You can just call me Grandma then.” She tells him.
His eyes are wide but he nods and then smiles and Martha, in a long while, has never felt this happy. 
Her new Grandson, despite losing his parents, is a ray of sunshine with unlimited supply of energy and the cold and empty manor is warm and happy again. 
Dick is a little charmer and even after Thomas and Alfred’s initial reluctance, they immediately fall in love with the boy and one day, when Martha comes down to the morning breakfast, she hears a happy, deep rumble - one she has not heard in many years. Thomas is laughing. 
There on the dining table, seated beside Dick, was Thomas laughing. Her eyes water at the scene and Alfred, who is standing beside her offers her a handkerchief. None of them mention how his own eyes are wet too.
Dick is sixteen, a brilliant boy in academics as much as they disinterest him but an invincible athlete. Martha has been told time and time again that her grandson is undoubtedly a international level gymnast. But he is a teenager.
And teenagers steal their grandparent’s ‘coolest’ car and rush off into the night. But they don’t come back with a little battered and bruised, homeless kid tucked under their arm.
“He had jacked three tires off your car. When I confronted him, he tried to hit me with a tire iron.” He says, amused, as Thomas tries to convince the child to show him his injuries.
“I didn’t do nothin’! He’s a fuckin’ big boob liar!” They boy screams, his blue green eyes glaring daggers at Dick.
“Language.” Both her and Alfred warn simultaneously.
After hours of struggle, interrogation and fuck you’s, Martha learns that the child’s name is Jason. He is twelve. Mother died form drug overdosing and Dad is a petty henchman of some crime lord. He ran away from multiple foster homes because they are so abusive that the child feels safer on streets. 
Martha goes on a rampage over Gotham’s foster care after that. She did not donate millions of dollars annually for children to feel safer on streets. After of lot of talks and reassurances and promises, Martha acquires her second grandchild.
Jason Peter Todd - Wayne. 
Jason is tiny. Malnourished like Leslie said. But he is sharp, observant and hungry for knowledge. Martha and Alfred joke that Jason is Thomas' soul child. Where Dick had loved activity and movement, Jason liked quiet and stability - Martha thinks that running and fighting for survival on streets every single day does that you. So evenings often found her and Dick in the garden but Thomas and Jason in the library pouring over as many books as they can.
And to nobody's surprise, despite their rocky start, the boys become inseparable. They are outwardly different, with clashing interests and behaviors but Martha can see that they both carry the same cores of light.  
When the morning of Dick’s Parent’s death anniversary comes around, both her and Thomas find Jason on Dick’s bed, arms curled protectively around his big brother. For the first time in so many years, Dick wakes up to warmth surrounding him, not nightmares. 
Both her grandsons attend Gotham Academy so when she receives a phone call from the Principal, she is half surprised and half not. When she enters the Principal’s office, both her boys are standing on one side, Jason with his head hung in shame and Dick glaring daggers at the other side. The boy who seems to be injured is being coddled by his mother who is shooting nasty glares at her grandchildren periodically. 
Then she notices another small boy standing beside her boys, trying to melt into the wall.
Tim Drake. The only son of Jack and Janet Drake of Drake Industries.    
She arches a questioning eyebrow at Dick who shakes his head and then she turns to the Principal. 
“What happened here?”
“Glad to see you’re here Mrs. Wayne.” The Principal says, pushing his glasses up his nose, “I regret to inform you that your ward Jason Peter Todd attacked this young man here.” He gestures to the other boy. 
“Madam, Gotham Academy is a prestigious school and we do not encourage physical violence here. Yes, it might have been acceptable from where he came from but it won’t be, here. I hope you give us the right to punish Mr. Todd here appropriately.” 
Martha inwardly bristles at the jab at her grandson and says crisply, “Mr. Wayne.”
“He’s not just Todd. He is a Wayne. Please remember that.”
“Principal Sir.” Dick cuts in and Martha is confused because as hyperactive as Dick is, he is a mannerly child and knows better than to cut in a conversation like this but what draws her attention is the chilling tone which Dick almost never uses. Dick continues, “Why don’t you tell our grandmother more of your regrets? Or the prestigious Gotham Academy believes that bullying is acceptable.” 
Martha has been told what she needs to know. 
“Jason?” she calls out to her youngest grandson softly, “What happened?”
Jason is quiet when suddenly Tim Drake moves forward. She can see he is scared the way his hands shake but determination shines in his blue eyes. She likes him.
“I want to say something.”
He narrates the tale of how he was being bullied and how the boy on the other side with his mother threw his science project model away and broke it and physically tried to attack him when Jason stepped in to save him. Martha felt nothing but pride at Jason’s righteous indignation. 
Tim also explained that Jason exercised immense control even after these bullies called him ‘street rat’, but the verbal spar intensified after Dick was insulted for his Romani heritage, but it came to fist fight after Thomas and Martha were insulted, and Bruce’s death was made fun of.
Her gaze snaps to the other three occupants of the room and they are all in various shades of pale. Apparently, the Principal had not done his homework.
“Principal” She says icily, “Yes, I give you the authority to punish Jason appropriately but only when this young man here”, she gestures to the boy who was now cowering behind his mother, “Is dealt with in the same way.”
After threatening the Principal in soft words but harsh tone about not tolerating to having her grandsons bullied the next time, she grabs Jason’s hand to drag him away from these people who don’t deserve his company, when her eyes fall on the little trembling Tim. 
She offers him her hand.
He stares at it, shocked but after an encouraging smile from Dick and a small shove from Jason, he takes it shyly.
And since that day, Tim becomes a member of Martha’s family. The boys stay together so much that even Thomas forgets that Tim is not theirs. 
Tim’s upbringing sends Martha’s grandmother instincts on a haywire and she resents the Drakes for their criminal neglect towards Tim. 
It is rewarding that Tim flourishes in their attention. 
She learns that his hobby is Photography and he is excellent at it. And he is a genius when it comes to science, computers and gadgets. He likes crime thrillers movies and books and often picks them apart with his scarily good knowledge about forensics that leave the rest of the family in awe and slightly disturbed. 
The dam breaks when one day Jason and Dick return back from school telling her that Tim was absent today and they are worried about him. When they later sneak into the Drake mansion in the evening, Thomas receives a frantic call from their oldest grandchild that Tim was burning with fever. Because Thomas is a doctor, they save Tim before anything serious happens.
This time, it is Thomas who sues the Drakes for Tim’s custody after him and Jason had, had enough of ‘Timbo’s shitty parents’.
“Timothy?” Martha brushes his sweat soaked forehead gently. “Would you like to be a member of our family legally?"
Tim is hesitant about this but he admits that he likes Wayne manor much better than he ever liked Drake mansion. He confesses that he loves Jason and Dick as brothers and sees Martha, Thomas and Alfred as his grandparents as well.
The long custody battle ends with both Jack and Janet Drake dying at the hands of two different tragedies, leaving Tim an orphan, but also with a loving family consisting of three grandparents and two brothers by his side. 
Timothy Jackson Drake - Wayne is adopted into the Wayne family as her and Thomas’ third grandson.
A year after they adopt Tim, Thomas comes home with a small girl on his side. She is clearly an east Asian in heritage with dark hair and dark eyes and is speech deprived. Thomas is clearly distressed after Cassandra - her name is Cassandra - is safely secured in warm bed in a nice room across Jason’s. He calls her, the three boys and Alfred to his study to explain about the small girl. 
He talks about how Gordon brought the girl to him and after hours of wordless, signed and clumsily sketched on paper conversations with the little girl they were able to determine that Cassandra was hiding from her father who was an assassin and wanted to drag the little girl down the same path before she ran away. The more he talks about the damage and abuse the girl had experienced at the hands on her own father, the more furious Martha becomes. When Thomas’ explanations ends, Jason slams a punch into the wall making a dent but no one has the heart to reprimand him for that. 
The following morning, Martha can see that her three boys have unanimously decided that they are adopting Cassandra as their sister. She is treated like a Princess, and given the nick name ‘Cass’. 
Slowly but surely, Cass learns what it means to love through Dick’s bright kindness, Jason’s quiet protection and Tim’s infinite patience. After her father is finally apprehended, the family celebrates.
Cassandra Wayne, soon after, becomes the beloved Wayne Princess of Gotham. 
Martha and Thomas often accompany their only granddaughter to her speech therapy lessons, so after six months of her adoption, at dinner, she places a kiss on everyone’s forehead - her three brothers and three grandparents, stands at the head of the table and croaks out, slowly, “Thank...thank you.” All of them stare at her flabbergasted, but it appears that she was planning to shock them even more.
“You...Love. Love you...”
The silence that follows her broken but sure words is deafening. Surprisingly it is Tim who breaks it as he scrambles out of his chair and launches himself at Cass, wrapping his arms around her and both Jason and Dick follow him, grabbing both their youngest siblings fiercely.
A quiet sob breaks her out of the trance and she smiles when she watches Thomas furiously wiping his tears from the sleeve of his shirt. The last time he     had cried was at Bruce’s funeral. And Martha is infinitely grateful that this time these are happy tears. 
Sometimes Martha wonders what would have happened if Bruce had lived. If these children are her grandchildren then does that mean they are Bruce’s kids? Had Bruce lived, would he have accepted these gaggle of kids that her and Thomas have collected over the years as his own? Would he have kids of his own? 
Her questions are answered when one day she hears a slight commotion in the entrance is surprised to see a young woman with a sword threatening Alfred.
“I want to meet the Master of this house. Let them know immediately.” She demands in an authoritative but silky voice, and Martha suddenly sees the Toddler clutched in her arm. 
“What is it?” Martha speaks as soon as she can when the woman notices her. She looks surprised for a second but immediately schools her features as the baby fusses.
“You’re alive.” She whispers and before any of them could make an indignant comment about her wordings, she says, “It appears that I might have traveled in to the wrong universe.”
Now that is interesting. Martha lives in a world where they are protected by aliens...so, it is certainly worth hearing for. 
Martha offers the young lady an invitation for tea which she accepts. She notices how the woman carries herself with lethal grace and dignity as if she was a Princess but much more. As they sit and Alfred leaves to bring the promised team Martha notices how the woman’s eyes sweep over the place. 
“How may I help you?”
Her voice attracts the attention of the toddler and this time, he is not clutched tightly enough to his mother’s chest to turn his small head and look at her. Martha gasps. Because the child looks too much like Toddler Bruce. But instead of the blue eyes like her son, this child has glowing green ones, like his mother. But still, the resemblance is uncanny. 
“Yes, he is your son’s.” The woman answers the unasked question.
She is explained the existence of Multiverse, and it’s workings and how Bruce survived instead of them in that world, met Talia (the woman’s name is Talia Al Ghul) and had a child but had to leave. Talia mentions the reason she came here was because her son’s life was in danger and Talia’s father wanted to raise her son as an assassin Prince and a tool for him to use. Talia’s solution to protect her son was for her to give her son to the Bruce of this world to raise, since the Bruce of that world had gone missing.   
“I can raise him.” Martha suddenly declares and the woman looks at him shocked. “I will not raise him into a life of violence but I can certainly protect him and give him a happy civilian life.”
Talia looks unsure, hesitant, but says, “I...have been a warrior since the day I can remember. Never once have I ever thought of my son not being a warrior. He was...born to be one.” 
Martha smiles. “He doesn’t have to be one. Yes, his life will be infinitely different than the one you imagined but...he will be well loved and protected. I can assure you of that.”
“Damian.” Talia whispers as he deposits the baby in her arms after a lot of consideration. “His name is Damian.”
She looks at her son tenderly one last time and places a kiss on his forehead and Martha’s heart breaks a little for the young mother. 
“Will you return back for him?” Martha asks as she follows the Talia to the door.
“No.” Talia whispers, her voice strained. “I will not. Any action taken by me is monitored by my father closely. If I return back, then he might know that I have left Damian here and I cannot let that happen. He is yours, forever.”
Martha gives her a sad smile. “You’re a brave and good mother Talia. Thank you for doing what is best for your son.”
She nods, not turning to look at Damian one last time as she leaves the manor grounds, never to return. 
Martha looks at the baby secure in her arms and her lips quirk up into a grin at the sight of two curious green eyes watching her with interest. 
“Welcome to the family, little Damian.”
When she introduces the new addition to the family, Thomas is dumbfounded. Dick is ecstatic at the prospect of having a new baby brother, Jason is secretly pleased, Cass is happiest and Tim looks unsure.
That’s how Damian Wayne - Al Ghul joins the family.
Damian fits in their home spectacularly. After few days of hesitation, like he had with Dick, Thomas takes to Damian quickly. He has an epic competition going on with their eldest grandson to become the baby’s favorite. Damian refuses to sleep without Thomas but his tantrums are only controlled and won over by Dick. Damian loves Jason manhandling him and giggles happily when the older boy throws him in the air or swings him around. Damian loves Cassandra because she knows what he wants before any of them do. And Cass loves to carry her little brother around to watch birds and animals in the manor grounds.
The only person Damian seems to not get along with is Tim and the older boy seems not be fond of him either. Because Damian wants everything Tim does and the older brother has to compromise for Damian every time. But Martha has to bite laughs a lot now a days because almost everytime Damian falls asleep, it is with Tim in vicinity. And she has caught the older boy tenderly covering Damian in his favorite blanket more often than not. Martha thinks that this is kind of cute but keeps her opinion to herself. 
Her little grandson is quite protective of his siblings though. Anytime someone upsets any of his siblings, they are threatened with scowls, growls and even bites and stabbings in extreme cases.
Like last time when Mrs. Park made fun of Cassandra’s  speech impairment, Damian almost bit her finger off. Damian hates one of Dick’s racist colleague (they all do) so much that anytime the man enters his field of vision, the first thing Damian gets his hand on is thrown at the guy’s head. With deadly precision. And last time when Mr. Link had called Jason ‘street rat’ for personally volunteering charity work for poor and homeless, Damian had smeared his juice and drool covered hands on the Man’s thousand dollars suit. And when one time, a reporter had infiltrated a Gala and chased Tim around to ask uncomfortable questions about his parent’s death and the Wayne’s involvement in it, Damian, noticing Tim’s distress had stabbed the reporter with a fork with no hesitation. 
Martha is still not sure if she should encourage or reprimand Damian for that.
As she sits on the head of the table with Thomas on her side and Alfred on the other end, she wonders how miraculous it is for her to have all these children in her life. 
Dick is engaged in an animated conversation with Stephanie who was introduced to the family as Tim’s girlfriend. Barbara, the daughter of James Gordon and Dick’s girlfirend/or not was helping Cass pile up food on her plate. Damian and Tim were bickering over something as usual but Jason trying to hide his snickers in guise of drinking water which made Martha sure that the something was Jason’s doing.
These people were her family. The ones she had gained after losing Bruce. She wonders, if there was a universe where Bruce got to meet her grandchildren. 
Would he accept them? As family? 
Would he love them? As family? 
She brightly smiles when the multiple sets of eyes turn to her waiting for her to blow the candle.
“Happy Birthday Martha.”
Thomas says warmly, his voice thick with emotion and she meets his gaze and sees the love, affection and thankfulness in his eyes for this family that they had created after their earth shattering loss. She knows what she wants as she blows the candle on the cake flickering in front of her.
I wish for us to be family in every universe.
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uncpanda · 3 years
Family Exhaustion
AN: This is a follow up to the one shot Exhaustion, which you can read here.
Prompt 89: We can look out for each other. 
Pairing: Jason Todd x fem!reader 
Warnings: Discussion of pregnancy, not sure if that should be a warning, but I’m including it :) 
Requested by: @roguesquadron11 
Part 1 Here 
He can feel you watching him. Your eyes are basically boring into his back as he situates the girls in a sort of arc and makes sure they’re sitting criss cross applesauce like they do at school. This is a big talk, and he needs to make sure they’re paying attention. When he hears you snicker he turns to glare and then he melts. Jason has never been able to stay mad at you; not when you���ve done nothing but love him, and given him three amazing daughters with a fourth on the way. His eyes go to your big protruding stomach. You’ll go into labor any day now, and that’s the reason for this little family meeting. 
“Okay! So we’re only a few days away from your little sister being born. And when mom has to go to the hospital to have her, I have to go too.” 
There’s cries of despair, and please don’t go’s, and he melts a little bit. Maybe you’d be willing to do a home birth? The girls could stay in one of the bedrooms, and he could watch them while you did your thing, and when it was time he could put them down for a nap and come out an hold your hand. He turns his head to look at you and suggest it, but finds you glaring at him. How the hell did you always know what he was thinking?” 
“I know babies, daddy doesn’t want to leave, but he needs to be there for mommy and your new baby sister. So while mommy and daddy are gone your uncles, and grandpa are going to come over and babysit.” The sentence is said with reluctance. Yes Alfred, grandpa, knows what he’s doing, and uncle Grayson is great with kids, but the replacement, the demon spawn, and emotionally stunted Bruce Wayne are less than stellar with kids, and he really doesn’t want to come home to find any of his girls as the next robin or wielding a katana. And with his family around there’s a seventy-five percent chance of that happening. 
Not for the first time does he regret his extended family finding out about his little slice of heaven. You had of course been very welcoming and so had the girls. And his brothers, Bruce, and Alfred came over for dinner at least once a week. The had even baby sat a few times.
But labor could last for a good day, you’d never been one for quick labors unfortunately, and there was usually at least a day in the hospital afterwards. His family could do a lot of harm in that time. 
“So when they’re here, I need you to be on your best behavior. Listen to Grandpa and uncle Grayson, ignore uncle Damian, don’t drink any of Uncle Tim’s coffee, and remember Uncle Bruce’s grunts of response are signs of a desperation of love and you should hug him any chance you get, and we can all look out for each other!” 
A pillow hits his head a second later and her turns to find you glaring at him. “One sec girls.” He picks up the pillow and makes his way back to you. He stuffs the pillow behind your back for support, kisses you and head back to the girls before you can say anything. 
“So, are we clear on the rules?” 
“Yes daddy!” 
“All right! Go play!!!!” 
The girls disperse towards their playroom, and he heads back to you, and sits down on the end of the couch. He moves your feet into his lap and starts rubbing them. Your ankles are swollen, but they always are at this stage. 
“You are a mean brother.” 
He snorts, “They’re the ones who followed me. They’re the ones who chose to insert themselves into my life and my family.” 
“They’re also the ones who have been helping out around here and the bar, and making it possible for me to be on bed rest.” He watches as you wince and move your hand to the top of your belly, “Alice has made things little bit harder than Charlotte, Jo, or Lizzie did.” 
His hand moves just below yours, “Well that’s because she has to share the space with Scout.” 
You roll your eyes, “Of course you’d get me pregnant with identical twins.” 
He snorts, “This is not all on me.” 
“I have to push them out of my body, I determine what’s on you and what isn’t.” 
He can’t help the dopey grin that takes over his face, before he places two kisses on your belly, “That’s fair. Plus it’s been really fun keeping Scout a secret. Bruce’s head is going to explode when he realizes he didn’t figure it out before hand.” 
You roll your eyes and relax back into the couch, and stare at your husband, all smiles and happiness, and you can’t help but smile even with a small foot digging into your kidney. You wouldn’t trade your life for anything; and the happiness your little family provided was worth more than gold. 
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batsandbugs · 4 years
The Great IKEA Game
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Chapter 1 - Meet the Players
Marinette originally came to the IKEA an hour outside of Gotham to buy twinkle lights for her new living room. She eventually extended her trip into obtaining new dishes since all she had right now was empty takeout containers she kept rewashing. She would have been very content getting what she needed and being on her way, (no, she wasn't lonely Plagg, she had two dozen mini-gods to keep her company, shut up) but halfway between the bedding and lights sections, Marinette’s life changed forever. 
For the better, if she was being honest. 
She never would have realized it if she hadn’t ducked into a showroom to test out a couch. She settled against the fluffy folds, knowing it would be destroyed within minutes if she ever brought it home when she noticed him. A boy, no man, about her age, hiding behind a desk looking for all the world as if he were plotting world domination or someone’s demise. 
They looked at each other in shock for a moment. 
“Are… are you ok-”
“Shhh!” his green eyes narrowed, and boy, Marinette had been on the receiving end of death glares before, but this one had to take the cake. 
“Sorry,” she whispered. 
He rolled his eyes. “Do you see a group of dark-haired obnoxious idiots out there?” he asked. 
The request was an odd one, but Marinette rose from the couch and glanced around outside of the showroom. She didn’t see anyone fitting his description. She shook her head. 
He smirked. “My idiot older brothers dragged me along for a “family bonding experience”." He made the little quotation marks, and Marinette never thought anyone could look cool doing that, but somehow this person nailed it. "Tt. I’ve successfully avoided them for an hour. Didn’t know when the coast would be clear though.” He rose gracefully from the ground, looking all the more like a prince, rather than a crazy person hiding from his family. 
It was absurd. 
Marinette found herself instantly amused. 
“I have friends exactly like that, I totally get it,” she said, thinking how Adrian would be beside himself when she told him the story later. The pang of loneliness that had been present since she’d left her friends in Paris, for college in America re-emerged. She shook her head of the maudlin thoughts. 
The Kwamis would have had a field day with this idea too, thankfully she had left them in her severely under-furnished apartment for the day in order to avoid the squabbling that came with only taking a few of them out of the house.  
Marinette looked back out at the hallway again, wondering if the man's brothers would soon appear, finding herself invested in what would happen. “What are you going to do now?” 
“Well, Drake has the keys, and those idiots will be at their shenanigans till the store closes, so…” he shrugged. 
“Are they like… furnishing a whole house?” Marinette didn’t know how you could spend an entire day here. Sure, it was big, but… 
“No. We’re engaged in a no holds barred game of hide-and-seek.” Marinette’s mouth dropped open. “If one of them catches me I become the seeker.” 
He smirked, “Because I’ve held out the longest.” 
"No, I mean, why are you playing hide-and-seek?" It seemed an odd choice for a bunch of adults. Well, Marinette and her friends would do it. But they also willing became superheroes at the age of fourteen so their judgment was already in question.   
He shrugged. "My oldest brother thought it would be fun, and our father is... out of town at the moment," he said with a bit of hesitation. 
“So, you’re just going to hide in this showroom till the store closes?” 
A devious smile spread across the man’s handsome features. “No. I intend to troll them. If Grayson wants my participation, I'm going to make him regret it.” 
It was at that moment she crossed the point of no return, not that Marinette knew it yet.
Throwing away any idea of finishing her shopping today she returned his smirk. “Any chance I could join you in your crusade?” 
The guy looked her over suspiciously. “Why should I allow a stranger to join me and potentially ruin my chances at victory?” 
Marinette thought for a moment. “Well, your brothers know you well?” He nodded. “Then they likely know what you’ll do to avoid and troll them. You need a fresh perspective. Plus, I can operate out in the open, I’m not officially a part of the game.” 
“Hmm...” his face was impassive; Marinette couldn’t tell what he was thinking. “You make some good points, but I’m not fully convinced.” 
Marinette huffed, “I also grew up in Paris without being akumatized.” 
He looked at her oddly. “What the hell does that mean?”
“Paris had a terrorist for five years that turned people into monsterized versions of themselves if they felt negative feelings. They were called Akuamas. Everyone in my class had it happen to them at least once. More for some particularly loose cannons.” 
The guy looked bewildered. “Why didn’t anyone hear about this?” 
Marinette shrugged, trying to play off her knowledge as what a normal civilian would know. “Combination of corrupt politicians, social media blackouts, and magic. People died during these attacks, but everything was put to rights at the end of every fight due to the superheroes powers.” 
His mouth dropped, but he recovered quickly looking contemplative. “I want to know more about this at a later time, but if what you say is true you can control yourself better than the average peon. But my brothers and I are a combination of street orphans, circus brats, gymnastics freaks, and geniuses - are you sure you can keep up?” 
Marinette nearly laughed at his description but managed to keep a straight face. “Positive.” 
“Alright, I'll do whatever it takes to win.” He offered her his hand. “I’m Damian.” 
She took it, feeling a slight shock as her fingers touched his. “I’m Marinette, nice to meet you, Damian.” 
“You won’t be saying that soon enough,” he said with a slight smirk. He looked over her shoulder. “Shit.” He dove beneath the desk he’d been hiding behind earlier. “Tall guy with the white streak in his hair.” Marinette turned to look. “Don’t make it too obvious,” he hissed. 
Marinette grabbed her phone and leaned against the desk. With small side glances, she saw a man probably mid to late twenties with two-toned hair. He wore a leather jacket and seemed to be searching for something, or someone. 
“Who’s that?” she asked quietly. 
“Second oldest brother, Jason Todd - arguably the most and least dangerous.” 
“Why both?” 
“He did not want to participate initially, so he’s reluctant, but at the same time, he hates losing.  He’ll hang on to the bitter end. More resourceful than the other two, and more violent, although less sophisticated.” 
Jason moved closer to their showroom. 
“Hush, he’s headed this way,” she whispered. Damian remained quiet and Marinette tried to make herself look busy. 
“Quick question miss?” Marinette glanced up from her phone. Jason stood at the entrance to the showroom. 
“Oh, uh, oui? Non, non, I mean yes?” Marinette said in an exaggerated accent, playing into the oblivious tourist stereotype always came in handy. 
“Oh French, shit, haven’t spoken that in a while,” he muttered. “Um...” 
“Non, it iz okay, I speak English well. Can I help you?” She batted her eyes just a bit. Marinette had long since grown from the days of not using all her advantages - courtesy of forced confidence from Chole. A friendship no one had seen coming but had grown quick and strong once they reached an understanding. 
“Oh, I’m looking for my little brother, about yay high, black hair, green eyes, permanent scowl. Have you seen him?” 
Marinette pretended to think for a second. “Non... I do not theenk so, perhaps help desk at zee front?”
“Yeah, maybe,” Jason said, Marinette could see he had already written her off as useless. “Thanks, anyway.” He walked away quickly. 
There was a minute of silence. “Coast is clear,” said Marinette once Jason was out of sight. 
Damian popped up, a gleam in his eyes. “Your lying skills are adequate; we may just win this yet.” 
“I’m glad to meet such high approval, monsieur. Let’s get going.” 
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4
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urlocalpari · 3 years
finding jason.
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Request: Heyo! How about some hcs for a reader (they/them) who's half-brother is Jason? They were adopted as a baby and now they're looking for their bio family. Red Hood gets tipped off that someone's looking for Jason Todd and checks it out. How would he react?
a/n: LOOK, SOMEONE MENTIONED THE PRONOUNS!! fnreisu okay i’m over-exaggerating but the fact hardly anyone mentioned the pronouns is a little concerning and confusing,,, i hope this is what you wanted!
note: reader uses they/them pronouns
warning: the baby [aka me] learnt how to swear, now suffer canon bending and jason is a little ooc,,,
word count: 912 words
head canon | one shot | imagine
pairing: jason todd x platonic!reader
moved to @the-ink-of-roses
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you and jason were half-siblings, y’all had the same asshole of a father y’all grew up together
so the two of you were pretty much together all your life till you got adopted
some family from metropolis wanted you and only you, not jason
jason reassured you as told you he’d be okay, especially because he knew you’d be much happier out of gotham
he then lived on the streets, stole batman’s tires, got adopted, died, came back with a new and much better hairstyle and pants, yada yada yada
It’s probably at a time in life where jason doesn’t even remember of your existence
[harsh, i know]
but, like, it’s not like he doesn’t care per se, he just had a lot that kept his brain occupied
for example, red hood, pants [he has to remember that because of his childhood costume,,,], annoying tim, pissing bruce off, being a crime lord, cleaning his guns, wondering what roy is up to, if he can go to annoy roy, then proceeding to go to annoy him anyway
my point is, this guy has a lot on his mind
besides, he tried finding you as robin but he always came this close and then never being able to find you
after dying, he pushes it to the back of his huge brain
to rot.
[im kidding ffjreunsu]
[about the rotting bit, not the stuffing it in the back of his brain]
so when, one day, he finds an ad you post about searching for a ‘jason todd, the half brother’ he is shocked before it all comes back to him
its like that realisation, you can see it
yeah, you get it
he realises you exist and practically runs half way outside before realising he doesn’t know where you are
neither does he know if you know that he is bruce wayne’s child
because well, the news was there for a few months, it then faded away,,,
so, um, yay!
he contacts the number given on the advertisement, asks you to meet him at the cafe [because he, “knows where jason todd is”]
you’re not dumb, not in the slightest, so you take a gun with you
in your defence, this is gotham
imagine his surprise when he expects to see his baby sibling but instead sees you, a bad ass, walking into the cafe
you look so big
almost as you *gasp* aged
his baby sibling isn’t a baby anymore
he introduces himself as the jason todd and you’re like, “are you sure????”
and he’s like, “yes???????”
[he carries a dna test and the results and shit like that to prove his point and well, its him]
the first thing you do is comment on his white streak, calling him a “wanna-be emo”
he makes a face and calls teases you something
and it’s teasing back and forth
and then, if you changed your pronouns after you got adopted, you tell him that
he makes it a point not to deadname you or misgender you
and will beat up anyone who does
after a while, the two of you are inseparable, as always were
dick’s jealous at first, like who’s this person that my antisocial brother wants to spend time with rather than me???
after he meets you, much to jason’s dismay, he loves you
like, you’ve been adopted as a sibling by dick grayson and no you do not have a choice
jason is very reluctant to tell you about red hood but when he does, it’s actually you who finds out
and uh, you’re a scary person okay
but that’s over with now, and phew you can now meet the outlaws without him worrying about slip ups!
kori adopts you as her best friend because you’re so cool, man i wish i was as cool as you
jason now has to fight his friends and dick to spend time with you while tim sneaks you off to haVE SOME FUN
you two end up watching all the star wars movie and jason is mad cause yall didnt invite him to watch it
it’s at a point where everyone [bat fam + outlaws, no one else] knows about you but doesn’t question it? they are just used to seeing jason getting yelled at someone over the phone because he did something reckless
tim’s your secret agent, he and dick tell you every stupid thing jason does and you’re making a file to blackmail him
not that you will tell jason who it was, you’re no snitch
letting him crash at your place after patrols or whenever bruce was mad or whenever he wanted to
also teasing him about roy
a lot of teasing him about roy
“oooo, jason has a crusshhh”
“jason peter todd, tell me you don’t like your best friend and i will smack you”
“of course he agreed to go, its roy that was there as well”
all in all, you two are siblings of the year
but everyone wants you as a sibling so you’re now an honorary bat who scolds jason and helps alfred patch them up!
trust me, it’s not an easy job
but in the end, jason is your brother and you’re glad you found him again
fun indeed.
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taglist: tag list: @pleasestophoney @pricetagofficial @wonderlandifulcat @le-green-lion
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bluboothalassophile · 3 years
jayrae sneaking around ? thanks for awakening the tag LOL
Might not be the traditional sneaking around, but I hope you enjoy!
And You Die...
Jason Todd was not a man to back down from a challenge, and he was not a man to be intimidated by a mere slip of a woman, no he was not.
That said, he wisely liked breathing, having been on the other side of the grave, he could admit he liked being topside. It made life a bit… better, he didn’t want to deal with the drama of being dead, it sucked, that’s all that mattered. So he didn’t know entirely what to make of the witch he had paired up with as he looked at her, then the pentagram she had set up, the candles, herbs, and the minerals all set up, then he looked back at her.
“You want me to do what?” he sputtered.
“You need to kill this ghost behind the viel, and to do that, you need to die,” she stated bluntly. “This isn’t like every other haunted building, all the spirits here are trapped by a different ghost, and that ghost has wisely remained on the other side of the veil, which means we need to go there. Other wise, it won’t matter how much we salt and burn the remains here, it won’t end. We kill the head ghost, the rest are released to find peace.”
“Yeah, that I get,” he agreed. “I just don’t… the dead thing, that’s where I’m hung up.”
“Well, you won’t actually be dead,” Raven shrugged innocently.
“Uh-huh… but to get to the other side, I gotta…” he motioned his neck being cut as he pulled a face.
“Not really,” she said.
“Rae, it’s not that I don’t trust you… but… yeah, no,” he shook his head furiously. He’d done the dead thing before, he didn’t like it, and it wasn’t a guarantee he’d be able to come back. Last time he’d gone for his ungrateful idiot brother, this time, he didn’t… Yeah, this was not happening at all, Jason was not dying on some freaking ghost hunt! He wasn’t going to do that, he wasn’t, he liked breathing. Plus! BURGERS! BEER! His CAR! He wasn’t dying because his witchy partner thought it’d be a good idea. If anything, he’d rather not do this.
“I’m not going to actually kill you,” she rolled her eyes.
“Little bird, I did the dead thing, and yeah… I’m not going to do that again,” he stated firmly.
“We do this, no more ghosts, and I’ll cover your tab when you’re back,” she offered.
Now she had his attention as he towered over her, raising a brow as he thought this over. “The whole tab?”
“Yes, the whole tab, and I’ll even be the designated driver,” she offered.
“You’re not driving my car, Rae, you’re a terrible driver,” he muttered. But it was still the appeal of getting a night of getting wasted was appealing, especially if Raven was paying for the night. Yeah, she paid for a lot of things, but she never paid for his drinking, Raven actually paid for gas, and groceries, and when they were stuck on a long gig she would get a job to cover rent while he would hunt until he needed her witchiness. Yeah, they weren’t a perfect partnership, but they were very solid, he liked working with her because she was good with a gun and she was solid in a crisis. Under fire, Rae was easily one of the best people around to have. He liked working with her, and she was about the only witch he had come to trust entirely. But this was not an idea he liked. Jason very much so liked being this side of the grave.
“It was one time,” she muttered.
“Yeah, but no,” he shook his head. “And you’re sure I’ll come back?”
“I’m bringing you back myself, so… yeah,” she nodded.
“That’s not reassuring,” he muttered. “Fuck.”
“Just lay down you big baby,” she ordered.
Jason was reluctant to comply, but he did as he let Raven work. This asylum needed to be taken care of before anymore people died. So he did get that this had to be done however, he really didn’t like it and he didn’t want to do this plan.
It was hours later Raven found herself sitting at a bar with a totally wasted Jason who was not having a good time with having been dead, again, and resurrected; again. Apparently this had happened to him before only no one was around for when he clawed his way out of his grave, and his brothers hadn’t even looked for him.
It upset Raven on Jason’s behalf, because no one should go through everything he had gone through alone, and it was maddening if she was honest. It made her want to go punch Dick Grayson’s face for his general dickishness. She was angry for Jason and on Jason’s behalf because no one should go through this shit alone. And worse, Dick apparently thought Jason couldn’t be saved from this life, or hadn’t put in the effort.
Raven carefully manhandled Jason to the car, getting him in the backseat of the Impala. There was a new car pulling up and Raven carefully slipped into the driver’s seat before she started up the car and headed for their apartment. She checked on Jason a few times as she drove.
Dick arrived in New Hampshire looking for Jason, there’d been a notification on a card he had a BOLO out Raven Roth’s card, she was wanted for the murder of Slade Wilson which Jason was also implicated in, but when he had gotten to New Hampshire, storming the bar where they had come for the last few days, they were no where to be found, and it startled Dick.
He drove to the apartment under an obvious alias; Rason Rodd, and he was surprised it was cleared out without any signs of his brother. Quietly Dick cursed Jason for getting away again, and he dragged his hand through his hair as he kicked the battered nightstand.
He needed to find his brother.
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mistkissedmoon · 3 years
Damirae Batfamily headcanons
 He’d find any opportunity bring Damian and Raven together. He’d go out of his way to bring the two together, by planning a lunch with him, Damian and Raven and bail on them last second so they could be alone. If he wasn’t doing that, he’d be dropping these annoying hints in Damian’s direction about Raven.
 “So you want to choose the bird character on this video game, huh? Well, that’s funny.” “Why is it funny?” “I don’t know, it just fits you, you know? You’ve got the whole robin gig going on, you clearly love Ravens, you-” “Tim, ENOUGH.”
 Whenever he was around, he’d probably try to wind him up by getting him jealous. Like telling him how she’s a lovely gal and that that one new kid on his team was asking about her. Genuinely just winding him up instead of being subtle so that flustered mess could maybe get the courage to speak to her and realize that he really likes her. He’s just get annoyed and pretend like he doesn’t care but both him and Jason knew he was pissed.
 I think that whenever Raven and Jason hang out without Damian, he actually tries to be very sweet to her, first out of a genuine curiosity to know her and then because he begins to think she’s precious, like a little sister. On her side, she starts their relationship a little hesitant but grows to really appreciate how he checks in and talks books with her and eventually, when they’re fully brother and sister (in this universe) when he cuddles her or how protective he can get. It’s a belief of mine that Raven tries to offer her healing talents to doctors and the injured at the end of every fight (with an added bonus in that she can avoid the crowd/fans). When she hears how Jason is protecting Crime alley, she starts exclusively focusing her efforts there, as I don’t think many residents can afford medical care (timidly at first as she doesn’t want to step on anyone’s toes). Jason is (secretly) extremely grateful for this. Before with her help tending the injured, big gang fights that involve crime alley more than any other part of Gotham used to overwork him so much he felt like he couldn’t breathe. Being healed as well so quickly is definitely a plus although he watches her closely to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself. Damian might be a teeny bit jealous about this as he wants to fight side by side with her and look after her after the battle. 
 Since Damian is basically his little brother and he thinks of Raven as a little sister/daughter type similar to the whole Bruce/Dick situation, I think he’d be much more on the supportive side then the teasing. He’d swiftly bring up the topic casually so it wasn’t weird but he had his moments. Sometimes he would drop a comment that would get Damian not annoyed but beet red. I think Kori would be more on the smirky smug type always giving Damian these knowing looks haha.
- I’m not sure about Duke, but I think Stephanie could be skeptical. Mostly cause she’s the one who holds a fondness for Damian and she probably felt just slightly protective of him.. okay, maybe a lot protective. She would definitely be slightly wary of the demonic side of Raven cause she doesn’t want Damian mingling with more demons than he already has.
 I don’t think she’d tease him because she was more on the neutral but cautious side. I think it wouldn’t be until after they got together and she witnessed RAven being selfless to save Damian from danger that she’d truly understand. Maybe then she’d properly teas Damian about how totally in love and taken he is and even in the beginning few months she’d ask him “So... when’s the wedding?” before disappearing as quickly as possible to avoid Damian going from flustered to pissed.
As for Bruce, oof:
Definitely wary and not a fan. Alfred tries to communicate with him about how the two make sense and it’s understandable why they feel a connection but Bruce is very protective of his son (protective of all the robins x10 after what happened to Todd). He doesn’t want another one trusting someone blindly and then ending up hurt one way or another. And he doesn’t trust Raven either, doesn’t trust the empath part of her at all. It’d take years and he’d discourage it all the way through but at one point he’d realize that she makes her son happy and goes out of her way to save him. So very very slowly, he’d start to accept her more and eventually it’d become a sweet relationship. Though the start would totally be messy.
 The other robins and batgirls would be protective of her at the beginning of Bruce’s dislike. Jason would not really care for Bruce’s opinion, Cass would’ve been bummed by his reluctance as would Steph, Tim would’ve been rather stubborn with him and tell Bruce that he’s wrong to his face, but I think it would’ve been Dick who’d be most vocal about her and being protective over her. Like, not trying to push it with Bruce and get really annoyed but if it came up, he was more than willing to argue.
Me and bluescove/@soulselfs talked headcanons a bunch and she encouraged me to post these before she left. I hope @poiitisinstone enjoys them, I really like their headcanons.
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Jason Todd is legally – and biologically – dead. His family noted his lack of pulse at three in the morning, inside the cave, his body laid out on a table with medical instruments.
No, really, tell him something he doesn't know.
What else crawls out of a grave moaning and groaning?
Or, Jason thought his family full of the world's greatest detectives was smarter than this. Apparently not.
It had been an ordinary night. Calm. The stage for very little costumed crime and barely more regular, non-insane crime as well. Half the menagerie that made up Dick's loving ragtag bunch of younger siblings had even taken the night off.
Nothing should have make him arrive to silence this thick, to this faint echo of sniffling.
He sprinted after the noise.
Damian's fine, left before me. Duke didn't go out, nor did Steph. Babs spent the evening with Cass in the cave, Tim swept the bowery and said he was going to stop by Jason's place to-
He collided with a shaking, tear stained Tim right outside the medbay.
There was a body on the closest table. Others around it, crying, pacing, muttering in denial.
Dick couldn't look.
No, no, please, please no. I can't do that again. I can't!
Scarred skin, too pale – to be Duke or Cass – by death. His breath hitched. No. He. Fuck.
He knew those scars. Those arms. That chest and that fucking Y from navel to shoulders.
“Dick! Jason... he was...  I found him in his apartment. And I brought him to the cave... but... Jason doesn't have a pulse. He's... cold...”
Dick stumbled.
No, no, no, that... that couldn't be real.
He caught himself on his little brother. Brought himself into a hug too tight, as painful as the arms gripping his ribs and back. A grip meant for a lifesaving light at sea. For a safeline over a ravine.
Twice. He'd lost the same brother twice. And this time, he didn't even have the excuse of inexperience and unstable situations. He... he patrolled the city whilst his brother was dead, completely oblivious to the fact. How could he? How dare he not know?!
“Shh, Tim, I'm here. I'm here.” But not for Jason, whispered a vicious part of him.
“What's all this?”
Dick's heart just about stopped.
Damian stood at the entrance to the lockers' room, uniform folded under one arm, hair slightly damp from a shower and Bat-themed pajamas worn without shame. His mild annoyance was proof he had no idea of the drama that had happened not twenty feet from him.
With reluctance, he let go of Tim, a gentle hand lingering on his shoulder, before he took a few steps toward his youngest, most vulnerable brother.
“D-Dami, I... ”   Damn it, he had to be the one to tell Damian about this. Because otherwise, the person to break the news would be Bruce, and-
Oh God. How could they possibly tell him- ? After all their fights, the goddamned shattering that had broken the man he had been, and their last conversations even being more admonishment about protocols that Jason had flippantly disregarded. Bruce would never recover. That was it. The end of Batman.
...But first, God he hated himself, wanted to just curl up in a corner and forget everything, first he had a young brother he needed to talk to. One... one little brother less than just this afternoon.
“Jason... ” He swallowed, his throat tight, his heart in denial, the words so damning, but needing to be said. “Jason did not make it. He... he's dead.”
Damian stayed thoughtfully silent.
Not... not the tearful reaction he had expected, but Damian had grown up surrounded by so much death and horror that he would obviously be guarded. And oh, Dick's heart went to his baby brother, and he truly wished he could
“I do not understand. Why such theatrics for the zombie?”
Dick gasped, knowledge warring with the flash of anger.
“Damian! He's our brother!”
“Did he lose his head?” Damian demanded, and Dick's mind buckled.
“Huh, no, but that doesn't have anything to d-”
“Then, why are you acting so weirdly emotional, Richard?”
Before Dick's temper could catch up to his mouth, the longest and most painful-sounding gasp erupted from the medbay, where, to the general shock of all, Jason's gray-ish body shot upward with both his arms raised.
Electroshocks didn't make you jolt like that.
Electroshocks, in fact, remained in their kit on the other side of the medbay, unused. Because Jason had seemingly been dead long before he had been brought to the cave.
That was roughly the moment when Dick's brain caught up with the first of many hints. Latched onto it with a fool's hope.
“... Damian... When you were calling Jason a 'zombie', what did you mean?”
Damian's brows scrunched up together, a look he meant to be intimidating, but had more in common with a disgruntled kitten. “Exactly that, Richard. Do we not have files on zombies in the computer? Dead bodies walking about animated by unholy powers?”
Jason's not- Dick forced the half formed thought to a halt. For once, he rather wanted to be very, very wrong in how he perceived his family.
“What's with all the noise? Can't someone try to sleep like the dead without screaming?” Jason groused. “Should have gotten myself buried ag-OOF!”
“JASON!” screamed the hysterical teenager that had launched himself at a very lively dead body.
“Huhh? Hi, Timmy?” Jason said blearily, ruffling Tim's hair, eyebags suspiciously prominent. “... Fear gas?”
The blinking slowed, the fog of sleep drifting away as he silently begged the rest of them for an answer.
Happily provided by a still crying Tim. “I thought you were gone!”
“What is dead may never die,” Jason quipped, his mouth twisting in that cocksure grin from his Robin days.
And Dick wanted nothing more than to stop right there, pass out from the relief and joy of his little brother being alive and kicking, but...
That joke. One of many morbidly unfunny jokes and puns.
Bone-deep fatigue crushed his back. A bitter curse for whatever higher forces messing with them echoed strongly inside his skull, before he gave in to the inevitable and inhaled a few times for patience.
“Jason. We thought you were dead-dead.”
With prickly, hedgehog style affection, Jason pushed Tim back and stood up, stretching. “Come off it, Goldie. I wasn't even decapitated. I mean, if you were really worried, you could have just called a necromancer or something.” His expression hardened. “But if you ever call a necromancer on my ass, I'll shoot your perfect glutes.”
Yup, yup, yup, this is happening.
Tim finally wiped the rest of the tears away, helped by one of Stephanie's handkerchiefs, when he froze. “Wait. Your skin's still pale as a corpse.”
The flicker of amusement in Jason's eyes killed it for Dick.
God, how could they have all been this idiotic? If Wally ever learned about this – Shit, did Roy and Kory know before him?!
They were going to laugh their asses off at him.
Jason, unaware of the world recalibration happening in his poor big brother's mind, shrugged and rolled his shoulders – who creaked suspiciously loudly, more like rusty hinges than normal body parts. “Eh, I'm just a bit hungry. Nothing a meal or two won't fix and get some blood flowing back under my s-”
“You're a zombie.”
They turned toward him.
“Way to cross the finish line on time, Mister Rabbit,” Jason drawled.
Barbara, for once, looked completely unprepared. “A zombie,” she repeated, dazed.
Stephanie's nervous giggle died out when she noticed the lack of humor. “... No!”
Cassandra furiously looked down, muttering in her fist. Duke, by contrast, had the expression of a person stuck in a very awkward nightmare.
Even Jason's good-natured ribbing faded in when faced only with the distant screeched of bats. “... Hm, guys, bats, roostery, parasites and octopi? This is old news. What's with all the... ”
He vaguely gestured at their faces.
“Old news?” Tim rasped like he was being strangled.
“I came back from the dead years ago! Come on! Am I in a parallel universe? Hey, Demon Brat,” Jason called, baffled, “you knew, right? I didn't imagine that, right?!”
“Of course, Todd. Mother informed me of everything. Besides, Grandfather's interest in your state of being was of interest for a few weeks. How could I have been ignorant about your zombified state of being?”
In the corner of his eyes, Dick noticed Tim's, Barbara's and Cassandra's expressions all pinching in displeasure. In a way, Dick was reassured. He hadn't been the target of a family-wide hoax to discredit him as an attentive and loving eldest brother. No, he was just naturally blind, apparently.
“He knew?” Tim growled, like it was a personal failing of the fabric of time and space.
Damian's tone was the exact opposite. “And none of you realized...?”
Dick squirmed. “I... huh... you see...”
His baby brother eyed him, completely unimpressed, and for once after years of partnership, Dick felt he deserved every single ounce of it.
“I see... I shall reevaluate the value of this 'detective training' I've been given if this is the result then,” he said, the nearest thing to completely disavowing his older siblings without saying so.  
In other circumstances, perhaps the others would have demanded that Damian stay and explain, but he suspected the quelling look it would have deserved prevented them. Not one of them spoke until Damian had disappeared upstairs and the elevator doors had closed.
“Jason, since when have you been a zombie?”
Jason blinked, jaw hanging. Juuuust enough for some of the scar tissue on his face to stretch past normal. Why did Dick only notice that now?
“Wait, you're all serious? How could you not know? I told you guys!”
And there was Dick's pride rearing its ugly head, because no, no he had not been told and maybe his deductive skills needed a very complete overhaul, but his memory was still excellent!
“You never said that. Heck, we weren't even talking until two years ago!”
“I literally told you all that I crawled out of my grave by myself, groaning the entire time. No experiment, no Lazarus Pit, just a body waking up in its own coffin and deciding to breathe fresh air. Does that not scream 'zombie' to you?”
They cringed.
“Not the only one that returned from beyond,” Babs mumbled. He could see her pull up the mental list right there.
“I greeted you all last meeting with a 'What's up, my bat folks? It's me, your favorite zombie!'. What did you think that meant?”
“That you're an asshole with a morbid sense of humor?” Stephanie quipped, and Jason momentarily paused his indignation to high five her. Fair's fair.
“Okay, but what about that time I got shot in the chest and I told you all not to worry about it?”
“I just figured you were going to get stitched up by Leslie or yourself, you know, regular bat neuroses,” Tim confessed.
Dick made a mental note to keep a much closer eye on Tim's patrols for the next few months.
“From a bullet chest wound?” Jason asked with an incredulousness that was not at all earned, because he was a freaking zombie!
“I thought your armor had blocked it! The hole wasn't bleeding!” Tim protested, cheeks red and tone defensive.
“Well, yeah,” Jason replied. “I don't bleed. It's like some fruit pulp or something. Ain't coming out if you don't press. My heart's not pumping.”
That's a 'nevermind' on the smoothie I saved for after patrol.
“Well, I know that now,” Tim said.
“I feel like I should write it down on the plaque or something,” Jason still sounded amazed, and might have pinched his arm just to be sure he hadn't been daydreaming, “Like, 'a good soldier AND A VERY DISCRETE ZOMBIE!' in big flaming letters. With a spotlight. And a dictionary opened on 'Zombie' or 'Undead'. You know, just in case the next batbrat to come along needs a few subtle hints about my true nature. What'd you think, Dick?”
He could not have been blushing harder than he currently was. “I think shut up.”
“Of course. What about when I shoved my deadly cold toes at Tim under a blanket?”
“Cold feet.”
“Never eating around you guys?”
“Daddy issues with Bruce,” Barbara deadpanned, and got a sock thrown at her for her honesty.
However, Duke, poor kid, turned green. “Wait, so when you offered me some jellied brain... was that not a death joke?”
Dick's stomach spontaneously shrivelled.
By the grimaces and sharp inhales all around, that was a common reaction.
Then the worst possible thing happened: Jason grinned.
He strutted, all confidence and brashness, and viper-quick, snatched an arm around Duke's shoulder. “Narrows, Nightlight, my tiny bitsy bro, everything I do is a death joke. My very existence laughs at death.”
Inside the batcave, the groaning was long-suffering and shameful.
“But that was actually brains,” Duke countered.
“Yeah. Calf brains. It's a delicacy.”
Tim massaged his forehead. What a mood.
Duke narrowed his eyes. “It was purely for the joke, wasn't it?”
Jason patted him on the back so hard Duke faltered. “One tragically wasted on your obtuse mind. I prefer me some Tête fromagée instead. Less like grainy jello.”
Stone-faced, Barbara wheeled herself toward the batcomputer. There, upon a series of quick clicks, she opened up the Bats's files. “Alright, you had your fun. Do you need to eat brains or are you just the world's least funny meathead?”
“I'm the world's most misunderstood vigilante!” Jason loudly protested, milking their pain for all it was worth. And then some. “But yeah, I do. No grey matter in there” -- he tapped his belly -- “no thinking up here.” -- his skull.
“Need some better quality brains then,” Tim stage-whispered to Stephanie.
Cass pointed the finger at Jason. “No killing for brains.”
Jason's good humor flickered with a flash of green. “Ain't ever done it, never will. It's a matter of morals, not hunger, Cass.”
Dick swooped in that minefield before it exploded.
“Great! Proud of you, Jay! You're the good kind of vegetarian zombie,” he said, putting an arm around his ginormous little brother's shoulders.
Wait a minute...
“Hey, you're older than when you died! Zombies don't age.”
“No, I was thrown into a Lazarus Pit, and the evil waters cured the malnutrition-induced delay on my growth. Haven't aged a day since.”
“I just thought you had a weird babyface thing going on,” Tim said.
Jason's grin turned sardonic. “Quite the opposite, Timber.”
Dick put his head in his hands in some vain attempt to prevent his brain from leaking through his ears.  With his luck, his little brother would 'playfully' eat some of it. “There's no way you look this rugged at biologically sixteen! I refuse to believe that.”
“Can you imagine my power if I'd been allowed to reach my full potential?” Jason leered, eyebrows waggling like waves in a sea at storm. “So many heart attacks.”
Barbara and Cassandra exchanged a silent look, and, after a solemn nod, Cassandra reached up to slap Jason upside the head.
“Thank you, Cassandra,” Barbara told her. “Jason, never do such a thing again.”
The disgruntled groan that followed must have been on purpose, because Jay was indeed an asshole.
“Besides, it's not like the world will ever know,” Tim said, cutting, a smirk hiding by his hand.
Dick really thought his little brother was far too relaxed upon learning that Jason was one with the undead. Sure, they had all encountered various levels of zombies during their missions, from all sorts of oral traditions and cultures, alien viruses and hidden nanobots piloting meat puppets. It wasn't even classified as a nation-wide crisis to encounter free-roaming zombies. But since the chronically unalive individual in question was one of their own, Dick felt he was owed at least a whole evening of frazzled panic and incomprehension for once.
“Oh?” Stephanie instead asked, sensing blood.
Tim shrugged. “Well, you know, no pulse, no blood flow,” he said with an angled eyebrow nodding at Jason's crotch
Stunned silence followed, their expressions varying from disgust, horror, unholy glee and, from Jason himself, wide-eyed shock that his shrimp of a little brother had had the balls to assimilate the zombieness fast enough to mock him for him.
Dick prayed for patience. For fortitude. And for an alternate timeline where he was an only child.
Why, for all the love of cotton candy and professional uncriminal clowns, did Tim put THAT image of Jason inside their brains? What had he done, him, a loving model for all of society, to suffer like this?
Maybe if he asked nicely, Jason would eat the image out of his head. He owed Dick that much after this clusterfuck of a conversation.
“Ooooooooh,” Stephanie crooned, miming getting dunked on. With acrobatics.
Jason huffed. “Like I was ever interested in the first place. I ain't Dick.”
“Okay, no slut shaming or virgin shaming, in fact, no shaming at all, please. In this house, we accept all sexualities, but we don't give out raunchy details about any of it, I only have so much brain bleach.”
“Share?” Duke pleaded in a whisper.
Oh, I wish I could, you young innocent soul.
A few beeps turned their attention back to Barbara and the batcomputer. “Well, that's one long overdue update to Jason's files. Anyone else want to share their 'obvious' medical condition?”
“Excuse you, being dead is not a medical condition.”
“I will make you wish for the peace of the grave, Jason.”
Droplets dripped from nearby stalactites.
A few bats flew overhead.
Jason turned to them like nothing had been said.
“Right. That was fun. Best night of my month. Can't wait to tell the Outlaws.”
Dick resigned himself to a series of unflattering texts by the absolute dickheads that were his second family. He could already tell the messages would blow up his phone to the Moon. 'You didn't know your brother that came back from the dead is a zombie?!'
“Have mercy and wait tomorrow morning?”
That smile could have been great or terrible. “You're lucky I'm in a spectacularly good mood, Dick.”
He had lifted his leg over his bike's seat when Duke was struck by genuine worry.
“Wait. Does Bruce know?”
Jason barked out a laugh.
“Of course he does! God knows he's got some massive blind spots, but he's obsessive, paranoid and I find subcutaneous trackers on me every week. No way he didn't get the hint before now.”
But, as his gaze went over the rest of them, his good cheer dimmed, his grin slipping off his face as surely as a bit of decayed flesh.
“... Right?”
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miles2g0 · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Red Robin (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), DCU (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Tim Drake & Jason Todd Characters: Tim Drake, Jason Todd Additional Tags: Tim Drake Needs a Hug, Drunk Tim Drake, POV Jason Todd, Past Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Protective Jason Todd, Tim Drake Angst, Tim Drake is Red Robin Summary:
Tim is not having a good time. Reluctant big brother Jason to the rescue... reluctantly.
Jason had a sneaking suspicion about what state he’d find the kid in and it was confirmed when he came close enough to smell him. He sighed and resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose in a manner that would have been way too Bruce-like. Drunk Tim Drake. This wasn't something Jason had ever expected to have to deal with.
46 notes · View notes
If the Sky Comes Falling Down (For You)
or, 5 times Jason Todd saved his siblings… and one time they saved him.
Chapter One (Steph): lurkinglurkerwholurks.tumblr. com/post/182292869661/if-the-sky-comes-falling-down-for-you
Chapter Two (Dick): lurkinglurkerwholurks.tumblr. com/post/182448111537/if-the-sky-comes-falling-down-for-you
Chapter Three (Tim): lurkinglurkerwholurks.tumblr. com/post/182630050597/if-the-sky-comes-falling-down-for-you
Chapter Four (Cassandra): lurkinglurkerwholurks.tumblr. com/post/182813719582/if-the-sky-comes-falling-down-for-you
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown .org/works/17535599/chapters/42180230
Chapter Five
Damian was waiting for him when Jason came home. Jason shucked off his shoes and turned his back on the boy to hang up his jacket in the hallway closet.
The birds had—to Jason’s dismay—become more comfortable with dropping by unannounced. He had mostly given up trying to keep his safe houses a secret from the family. No matter how hard he tried, a few weeks after securing a new location, he’d wake up to find Cass watching cartoons on his couch or come home to find one of the boys rooting through his fridge or Dick showering in his bathroom. The subterfuge wasn’t worth the effort anymore.
Still, he wished they’d at least give him a courtesy text or something.
It wasn’t until Jason turned back around with a sigh that he noticed the duffel bag by Damian’s feet.
“Planning a sleepover?”
Damian lifted his chin. “I know you have ways of contacting my mother. I need to speak with her.”
So not a sleepover, then. That was a relief.
Jason wasn’t even going to touch the assumption that he knew how to reach out to Talia al Ghul. Instead, he said, “Mother’s Day isn’t until May, gremlin.”
He brushed by Damian and walked into the kitchen to rummage for a clean cup. Jason and Damian weren’t close, but he’d picked up enough to know that Damian was more likely to talk without the full weight of a person’s attention.
“This is not a social call,” Damian snapped as he followed Jason into the kitchen. “I need…” he hesitated uncharacteristically, then finished, “I need her to take me back to Nanda Parbat.”
Sometimes talking with Damian was like continually having someone stick their leg into the conversation with the sole purpose of tripping you. Even if you managed to step over it, you never knew what, exactly, you were stepping into.
“Spring break’s in April,” Jason answered. He raised his glass of water to his lips, then paused. “Or are you finally over the target practice cape?”
Damian scowled. “It is an honor to be Robin. A privilege.”
Jason shrugged, took a sip, then said, “Then you’ve realized B’s an idiot. I get it. Happens to all of us eventually.”
“Father is NOT an idiot!” Damian’s explosion was predictable. The way his chin dipped and his gaze fell to the floor immediately after was less so. “I have performed below expected standards with no hope for immediate improvement. I am the idiot. I do not deserve the mask, and so I must relinquish it.”
Jason’s response was, he had to admit later, not thought through. “You think you’ve failed so you want to go back to Talia?”
Damian’s gaze snapped up to Jason’s. “Do you think she will not take me back?”
This kid.
Jason sighed. This wasn’t his job. It was Bruce’s job or Dick’s job. Heck, even Cass or Tim were better qualified. They lived with the kid. They were family. But Jason was the one here.
He gestured toward the bar stools pulled up to the breakfast counter. “Sit.”
Damian abandoned his duffel and climbed up onto the stool, hands clenched atop the counter.
Jason leaned against the counter across from him. “Explain. But keep it short.”
Damian’s face scrunched, constricting and puckering as if he’d tasted something foul. It was more adorable than Jason would admit to anyone ever.
“You were not supposed to ask questions,” the boy sulked. “Either you can contact my mother or you cannot.”
“So I’m an unpredictable S-O-B,” Jason said with a shrug. “You want my help, you tell me what’s going on.”
Damian glared at him, testing for weakness. Then, abruptly, his face crumbled and he looked down at his hands. “I am having difficulty in my studies,” he mumbled.
“Like you got an A- on a pop quiz?” Jason snorted. “Forget it. B won’t care.”
“No!” Damian growled in frustration and scowled at the counter as if it had insulted his heritage, then mumbled, “‘Mf’ling’clss.”
Jason squinted. “Wanna try that again?”
“I’m failing a class.” A slow, burning flush crept up Damian’s neck. “Report cards will be sent out after next week’s test. I have run the calculations, and there is no way for me to raise my grade to an acceptable level. I have failed.”
“Failing,” Jason repeated. “Like, failing failing?”
Damian sneered. “Yes, Todd, very astutely worded. I am, as you put it, failing failing. My current scores place me at a D- on this city’s grading system. Father will learn of my ineptitude once the reports are delivered, and he will take me off patrol.”
And that would be tragic to Damian, but not as much as weathering Bruce’s disapproval. And Bruce would disapprove.
Fine. Looked like it was going to be Jason’s problem after all. Who better to walk a kid through dealing with Bruce Wayne’s disappointment than the ultimate disappointment?
Jason ran a weary hand across his face, then asked, “What class is it?”
Weird. Jason knew the kind of education Damian had been given in the League, and while it had skewed heavily toward more practical subjects like languages, physics, and stabbing, they wouldn’t have shirked on giving him the necessary foundation in world history.
“So what’s the problem? Did you piss off the teacher?” Jason joked.
To his surprise, Damian nodded soberly. “I believe so. He supports the Anglo-centric, pro-colonization dogma of many Western educators. We have disagreed in the past.”
Knowing Damian, “disagreed” was likely a euphemism for “escalated to a screaming match and possibly drew blood.” On both sides. The kid had that effect on people.
Jason grimaced. “Have you talked to your principal?”
Damian sniffed dismissively. “Headmaster Franklin and I are not on the best of terms. He says that my grades are decided by my teachers and that he will not interfere.”
That didn’t seem right, but Jason filed away the information for later. “What about a tutor?”
Damian’s shoulders bowed miserably. “Then Father would know.”
“You really haven’t told anyone,” Jason marveled. “Not even Dick?”
“He has been preoccupied with his friends as of late,” Damian said, meaning the Titans. “And he has been working overtime in Bludhaven. I did not want to trouble him.”
Jason bit his tongue to keep from pointing out that Damian vanishing to live with his mother would trouble Dick at least a little. Instead, he sighed again.
“Alright, so, the trick with the stick-up-the-butt teachers is to game them. You don’t have to agree with them. You just have to pretend like you do, just enough to get through the class.”
Jason held up his hand and waved down Damian’s enraged objections. “I know. I know. It sucks. And it’s not fair. But unless they’re blatantly dogging your work, you’re screwed, kid. Do you have any of your papers or tests or anything on you?”
Damian nodded and hopped off the stool to rummage through his duffel. “It’s all on the grading portal.”
He tapped through his tablet and handed it over to Jason before climbing back up on the stool.
“In my day we did everything on paper,” Jason grumbled under his breath. Nothing could make a person feel old like technology. Except maybe playing eye-trombone to find the right depth to let him read the screen in lieu of the glasses he hadn’t worked up the nerve to buy yet. Growing up sucked.
But sure enough, all of Damian’s papers and test scores were digitally uploaded to the portal, along with his teacher’s notes about participation and behavior. Jason flicked quickly through the screens, then slowed down. The more he read, the deeper his frown became.
Some of what he read made sense. There were some small deductions, nitpicky things Jason would have let ride but were still within a teacher’s purview to mark. Those, along with some of the notes regarding Damian’s arrogance and know-it-all interruptions, formed an outline of a strict teacher who needed a hobby but otherwise was okay.
But some of the other stuff… Some of the points Damian was docked were for matters of opinion or just plain wrong. And some of the notes were… Jason’s brows furrowed deeper as he chewed on the inside of his cheek. The words were still professional, but the tone pinged something suspicious deep in his chest.
Jason scrolled quickly to the top of the page. “What’s this snotwad’s name again?”
“Bradley. Bradley Young.”
Jason grunted, then looked up to hand back the tablet. Tim had a way of hunching his bony shoulders up and sinking down into his own frame like a turtle. Damian didn’t cower or hunker, but he had his own way of going very still and hard, like a soldier awaiting a punishing blow. He was sitting that way now, his gaze carefully averted from Jason’s scowl.
That decided it.
Jason pushed off the counter with another grunt. “Give me a couple days,” he said.
Damian looked up. “What?”
“A couple days,” Jason repeated. “A week, tops. But you have to stay in Gotham until then.”
And if Jason couldn’t fix things in a week, Dick would be back from his Titans business, and it would be his problem. Or Bruce’s.
Jason crossed to Damian’s duffel bag and picked it up. Damian followed warily.
“What are you going to do?”
Jason shrugged. “Maybe nothing. But right now, I’ve got to get you back to the Manor before someone accuses me of kidnapping you. Come on.”
It took three days. One day of research and backdoor data mining and two days of surveillance, just to be sure. Three days for Jason to verify that Bradley Young was more than just an easily hateable prick in Toms and a polo with too many buttons undone.
On the fourth day, Alfred was surprised and more than a little suspicious when Jason offered to pick Damian up from school. Not as suspicious, however, as the monitor was when Jason roared through the pickup line on his motorcycle.
Jason shot the woman a beaming smile straight from the Robin days and watched with satisfaction as she melted a little.
Still got it.
After she verified that the Wayne residence had called ahead with permission, she pointed him in the direction of Mr. Young’s class. It was Damian’s last class of the day, and it seemed the boy had been held back for some reason.
Jason kept his sunglasses on and his jacket collar pulled up as he strode down the hall. He didn’t want to risk being recognized as Jason Todd, supposedly dead boy. The students streamed past him, and he found himself marveling at how small they all were. They were kids, sure, and with the combined grades, some of the older kids weren’t far behind Jason, but even the older ones seemed unbelievably young. He knew he had been their size once—smaller, even—but it felt so long ago.
Jason had only attended for a few years before his death, but it smelled the same. Body odor and hormones, flop sweat and cleaning supplies. Faint undertones of weed and new books. Hope and desperation and fear and boredom.
Jason found Bradley Young in class sitting at his desk, arms folded, a self-satisfied smile on his face. Across from him sat Damian, his head bowed over a sheet of paper that he scribbled at furiously. His jaw flexed murderously with each stroke, but when he looked up at the movement in the doorway, Jason caught sight of his eyes. They were red-rimmed and burning with a fierce dryness that Jason knew from experience was as close to crying in public as Damian would allow himself.
Bradley Young straightened in his chair, then stood. “Can I help you?”
Jason leaned against the doorframe, thumbs slung casually through his belt loops.
“I’m here to pick up the kid.” He jerked his chin toward Damian.
“You’re not Mister—“
Jason held up the green, creased slip of paper between his fingers. “Got the slip from Mrs. Bauman. Gremlin, let’s go.”
Damian began to rise from his chair, but Bradley waved him back down before standing himseld.
“I don’t think we’ve been introduced. I’m Bradley Young, Damian’s history teacher.”
He crossed the room, hand outstretched. Jason ignored it.
“And you are?” Bradley prompted.
“Todd,” Jason replied, after a quick glance at Damian.
Bradley waited for a last name, an indication of relation. Jason gave him none.
“Well, Todd,” Bradley began, careful to stress the name in a way that made it sound less than genuine, “I’m afraid young Damian’s gotten himself into some trouble today and hasn’t been cleared to leave.”
Jason cocked his head to the side just enough that his temple rested against the metal of the frame. “Trouble?” he echoed.
“Yes.” Bradley was the embodiment of the solemn authority figure now, his mouth drawn into a somber line and his eyes deep with sorrow. Such troubling news I bring you, those eyes said. To be the bearer of such disappointment is such a burden to bear.
“Damian was caught cheating during an exam today.” The words were said with such pity.
Jason eyed the teacher steadily. “Did he.”
Bradley waited for an outcry of dismay that never came, then hurried on. “It is my belief that a teacher should be a friend to his students, a mentor, a champion. I don’t like the disciplinary side of my job, but…” He waved a vague hand through the air. “Cheating is a serious offense. I’ve given Damian the chance to make up some of his credits by writing me an essay.”
“An essay.”
“On the effects of European technology and advancement on the Middle East in the nineteenth century.”
That prick.
Jason looked past Bradley to Damian, who was listening with fists clenched. “Wait out in the hall.”
“Damian needs to finish—“
“The hall, D. Now.”
Jason kept himself slouched against the door, but angled just enough that Damian would be able to slip by. As the boy brushed past, book bag slung over one shoulder, Jason looked down at him and winked. Then he stepped fully into the room and shut the door.
“Mister… Todd. I really should be discussing Damian’s problems with a parent, not… whatever you are.”
Jason’s lips pulled back to flash bright teeth. “That’s alright. We’ll discuss yours.”
“Sit down, Bradley.” Jason gave the man a push back toward the desk.
“Sir, I really must pr—“
“Sit. Down.”
Jason was doing pretty well with his Pit sobriety lately. He hadn’t killed anyone in ages. He aimed for the knees, relied more on threats than outbursts, and had been quietly but steadily working to dismantle the drug trade in Gotham, including business done through his own cartel. He felt more centered than he had in ages.
Still, he didn’t think it was wrong to enjoy the bright flare of fear in Bradley’s eyes as Jason clamped a hand on his shoulder and forced him to sit.
“Bradley, Bradley, Bradley,” Jason crooned. “Can I call you Brad? That’s what you’re all about, right? Just call me Brad? Being the cool teacher, everybody’s buddy, making problems go away?”
Jason’s grin widened as he perched on the edge of a desk. “Well, today’s your lucky day, Brad. Because I’m here to fix your problems.”
“My…” Brad gasped, then seemed to rally himself. “My only problem currently is Damian’s flagrant misbehavior. That boy causes daily disruptions in my class, has no respect for rules or order—“
“No,” Jason interrupted smoothly, “you have several problems. Your first is that you’re a shitty teacher.”
Brad—stupid, pretty Brad with his artfully gelled hair and his undone bowtie—tried to rise to his feet. Jason slammed him back down, then planted his boots firmly on either side of Brad’s chair. The teacher gaped.
“I looked over Damian’s past assignments. Not only are they all copied from the internet, but some of them are just plain wrong. You couldn’t even be bothered to check Wikipedia, dude? At least that site gives citations and references. You straight-up henpecked a couple words into Google and called it a day.”
Jason leveled a finger at Brad’s nose. “Shitty. And you should be ashamed. You’re a teacher, man, have some respect.”
Jason bulldozed on. “If that were all, it wouldn’t be so bad. Teachers, right? You’re overworked, underpaid, and expected to do everything on your own time. So you cut a few corners. I could work with that. But you. You’re worse than that. You’re a bully.”
Brad was shaking his head. Jason was nodding his.
“Hey, it’s warm in here. Do you mind?” Jason didn’t wait for an answer before stripping off his leather jacket.
It was dramatic of Jason, maybe, to pause and let Brad take in the full width of his shoulders, the corded muscles of his bare arms, and the many scars that looped and knotted across those muscles. Whatever. At least he came by the dramatics honestly. It wasn’t like he’d come in full costume.
“Where was I? Oh yeah. Bullying.” Jason gripped the edge of the desk and leaned forward slightly. Brad leaned back, eyes wide.
“You hate Damian. I get it. Kid’s a lot to handle. Arrogant, brash, pigheaded, know-it-all. A lot like his dad.”
A lot like his dad. A lot like his mom. It was enough to drive anyone up a wall. Even without the Pit, Jason still would’ve taken a shot or two at him back in the early days.
“But that’s not your issue with him, is it?” Jason pressed. “I think it’s more the fact that you’re an insecure, racist dirtbag who never made it past third grade social studies.”
Brad open his mouth to protest. He didn’t get far.
“That’s trash, man. Total trash. Picking on the brown kid because he’s lightyears smarter than you’ll ever be.” And he was. Damian was a pill and a half and sometimes Jason fantasized about tossing him out his apartment window, but he was a smart kid. And he was… he was a kid.
“But,” and here Jason leaned in even closer, “that’s not your biggest problem.”
Jason had to admit, so far Brad was handling the little shakedown pretty well. He’d lost several shades of color, and his leg was jittering uncontrollably under the desk, but other than that, the little twerp was holding himself together. No doubt he was planning on reporting Jason to the authorities and spinning the full tale of how he had been accosted and threatened by a thug related to that troublemaker Damian Wayne.
It would have been a decent plan. Until Jason pulled out his phone.
“Your biggest problems, Bradleykins, is that you’re stupid. Stupid and sloppy.”
Jason swiped through his photos, then turned the phone around so Brad could see the shots.
“If you’re gonna try to be Mr. Friendly to the high school kiddos, Brad, the least you could do is teach them the fundamentals of hiding their drug deals. Basic educator respect, man.”
It had all been so unbelievably, monumentally stupid. Not just working as a drug dealer in his own school, but running those deals openly enough that Jason could snap the photos in under a week of surveillance. It was enough to make a person despair of the entire educational system.
“Th-That, those pictures they prove nothing.”
Oh great, he was trying to bluff. Brad was swiping through the photos, desperately clutching at the shreds of his composure. Maybe it would have fooled a local yokel, but not anyone with any brains. And definitely not Jason.
“You can’t see what we’re holding. It’s just a bag. It could be anything. Maybe I’m lending the kids some supplies. I’m a teacher, for god’s sake.” Brad pushed his hair off his forehead and tried to stick Jason with some direct eye contact. “Take it to the police if you want, Todd. You’ve got nothing.”
Jason laughed. It depressed him sometimes, how predictable lower level crooks could be. He didn’t know how B dealt with the inanity day in and day out. Thank god for the rogues, he guessed. That said, sometimes the goons could say the darnedest things, and it was nice to enjoy the giggle.
“The police? You think I’m going to turn you over to the cops?”
Jason laughed again and enjoyed the way the sound stripped another layer of color out of Brad’s cheeks.
“Brad, Brad, Brad. Sweet, innocent Brad. If you were just anyone, maybe that’s the route I would’ve gone. The photos may not be enough to convict you, but they’d be enough for a search warrant of your class, car, and probably your home, too. But I’m not going to do that.”
“Y-You’re not?” Brad breathed.
“No, of course not,” Jason crooned. “Why would I do that when I could send these straight to the Red Hood?”
Brad’s reaction was gratifying, to say the least. No one, not even little dummies like Brad, could be a drug dealer in Gotham City and not know about Red Hood. The mythos blanketed the city. The duffel bag. The shoot-outs. The mystifying escapes. And the cardinal rule: Never deal to children.
“No,” Brad rasped. “Please. Please don’t. Please.”
Jason had held his smile the entire conversation, but now he let it drop and stared at Brad Young.
Steph had told him once, shuddering all the while, that he had a way of looking at a person when he was well and truly angry. There was the eye thing, sure, but it was more than that. In the right light, when he tipped his head and all the hounds of hell seemed to come screaming out of the dark inside him, it was like being stared at by a skull.
Jason had laughed at her at the time, then gone home and had a week’s worth of nightmares. He hadn’t been able to shake the image. Now he hoped Brad would be able to say the same.
“I would’ve gone to the cops,” Jason said, voice barely scraping above a whisper, like a breeze over a chilled tombstone. “I would’ve gone to the cops and let them hash it out, just to get you out of this school and get these kids a halfway decent teacher. But you made this problem yourself, because of one mass mistake. And do you know what that mistake was, Bradley?”
Brad shook his head, one quick jerk to the side like a neck being snapped.
Jason reached out and fisted his hand around the man’s collar, hauling him close until they were nose to nose.
“You screwed with my brother.”
Jason gave the man a shove and sent him sprawling back with a clatter of metal desks and plastic chairs.
“You have six hours to get out of the city. Quit your job, get out, and never come back, because when those six hours are up, these photos are going to the Hood.”
Jason stood and shrugged his jacket back on. He stared down at Brad, lips twisted in disgust. “The only reason you’re even getting those six hours is to set a good example for the kid.”
He left Brad shaking on the floor and strode out into the hallway. Damian was waiting.
Jason eyed the boy. “How much did you hear?”
Damian shrugged. All of it, Jason would bet. No one in their twisted little family could pass up an opportunity to eavesdrop.
“You know this does nothing to fix my grades, correct?” Damian asked as he trotted to catch up. “I will still have to relocate."
“O ye of little faith. I hacked the system as soon as you left my place. You didn’t get full marks, just what you really earned. Some of your work was subpar.”
Jason gave Damian’s spiky little head a shove. “Come on. If I’m late getting you home, Alfred’ll accuse me of stuffing you full of fast food or something.”
“Are you going to stuff me full of fast food?”
“Heck yeah, little man. And if you squeal, you’re dead, capisce?”
“As if you could catch me."
Chapter Six (Jason): lurkinglurkerwholurks. tumblr.com/post/183127197052/if-the-sky-comes-falling-down-for-you
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aeligsido · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, Batgirl (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Teen Titans - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Stephanie Brown & Jason Todd, Talia al Ghul & Jason Todd, Batfamily Members & Jason Todd Characters: Stephanie Brown, Jason Todd, Talia al Ghul, Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake (mentioned), Alfred Pennyworth (mentioned) - Character, Garfield Logan (mentioned), Raven (mentioned), Kon-El | Conner Kent (mentioned) Additional Tags: Titans Tower au, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Adopted Sibling Relationship, Jason Todd is Red Hood, well not yet yet but he's on his way, Stephanie Brown is Robin, mention of Bad Parent Jack Drake, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Good Parent Talia al Ghul, she's also very smug, Talia being Jason's mom, Damian is baby, Cassandra Cain is Batgirl, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Hurt/Comfort, Accidental Sibling Acquisition, Jason Todd is a Reluctant Big Brother, Enemy to Caretaker, Protective Jason Todd, Protective Stephanie Brown, Protective Cassandra Cain, Good Sibling Stephanie Brown, Stephanie Brown is a Little Shit, and that's how we love her, the Teen Titans are only mentioned, and it's mostly Steph's experience with them vs Jason's, and Steph is an unreliable narrator!!, there's no bashing of anyone here, vague allusion to canon things Summary:
"Finally, Jason found Robin.
From where he was, he could only see the colors - yellow, red, green, wrapped in shadows and darkness. Alone, sulking, or maybe brooding like the Big Bad Bat himself.
“Robin,” he greeted in a low, threatening voice.
The kid immediately startled and turned around, stance ready for an attack.
Jason got a whiplash. And had to do a double-take, because—"
 OR: Jason's attack on Titans Tower is earlier than planned. The Robin is not the same, and somehow it changes everything.
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theodorecanaryhood · 4 years
Jason Todd x female reader
Reader takes Jason home to meet the family, but Jason sees why reader was reluctant to let her family meet him.
You'd been with Jason for 8 months now and you were already a big part of his life, even his family's lives. They loved you deeply, almost as much as Jason.
However, he hasn't met your family yet and he is very confused as to why. You don't really seem to talk much about them.
'Doll, I'm sure they will be great' Jason rolls down the phone to you. 'They will love me I'm sure' he continues.
'Jason I'm ot saying that they won't like you, I'm just saying that you might not like them' you inform.
'Whay does that mean?' He asks intrigued, you sigh a little.
'My family is, complicated. But I guess you'll see when you meet them' you finish, walking down the street towards the little coffee shop in the corner to meet your mum and sister.
'OK, I'm sure it'll be fine, babe don't worry. I'll see you soon. I love you' Jason soothes down the phone. You smile brightly.
'I love you too' you say as you both end the call, walking over to the table outside your mum spots you.
'Y/n, so good to see you again' she says as she stands up and hugs you tight. You return the hug, but not as enthusiastic. Then your sister stands up.
'Hey' she smiles as she leans over to hug you, you return the hug. Even more non enthusiastic, your relationship was always awkward with your sister. She's 10 years older and has always been jealous of you. You're prettier, more that you make more of an effort with your appearance, you're smarter, work harder and earn more money. Plus, she's still single, and never really had a boyfriend.
'So, how are you guys?' You asked as you stand next to the table where they're seated.
'Good, we've been great. You?' Your mum asks trying to make a conversation, you shrug a little.
'Fine I guess. You guys want a coffee? My treat' you wink,
'I'll have a americano' your sister replies,
'Latte' your mum follows, you nod a little and pull out your purse.
'Sweet, I'll be right back' you say, going inside to get the orders.
'She seems different, does she seem different to you?' Your sister asks your mother, your Mother, Janet, just shrugs a little.
'Happier, maybe a little distant' your mother finishes, your sister starts to have a little blush and starts smiling as she tries to hide her face.
'Don't look, but there's a really hot guy staring at me over at that table' your sister whispers to your Mum.
'Really?' She replies, your sister just nods as she makes eye contact with the stranger. He's tall, black hair with a white streak, leather jacket, muscular build and a strong jaw.
'Here you go guys, sorry it took a while. Got a newby behind the counter' you say as you bring out the coffees, four as you got Jason's too seeing as he'll be here soon. Sitting opposite them with your back to the direction your sister is looking in.
'No worries' your mum smiles as she picks up her cup.
'What are you looking at?' You ask your sister, who's staring behind you.
'Oh my, he's coming over' your sister blushes harder.
'Who is?' You ask, just then a shadow comes behind you as someone approaches your table.
'Hey' you turn to look, it's Jason standing behind you.
'Hi' your sister flutters, you stand up and give Jason a kiss. Your sister's jaw dropping to the floor.
'Mum, y/s/n, this is my boyfriend Jason. Jason this is my Mum, Janet and my big sister y/s/n' you introduce everyone.
'Great to finally meet you' Jason smiles at them, your sister just giving you daggers from across the table. You weren't sure why though.
Coffee date with mum and sister was a success, although your sister did seem a little off. Your Mum kept looking at her funny, like she was signalling for her to shut up. You'd recognise it straight away, it's the same look you used to get when you were a kid.
'So this is your house huh? Like where you grew up?' Jason asks, breaking your thoughts.
'Yeah' you reply short, Jason looks at you with concern.
'You OK?' He asks, taking your hand, you just smile at him and squeeze his hand in reassurance.
'Baby girl' you hear your Dad shout from down the hall, he runs over and hugs you. However, unlike before, you hug him back just as tight.
'Who's this underwear model?' Your dad asks chuckling, you laugh a little.
'Daddy, this Jason. Jason this is my Dad' you smile, Jason takes his hand.
'Nice to meet you sir' Jason says, your Dad waves his hand a little.
'Call me Eric please' your Dad insists. Your Dad was the only relative you genuinely loved, he was the easiest person to get on with. And had the biggest heart.
Dinner with the family was it's usual, your Mother loved the sound of her own voice. Your sister kept checking her phone every 2 minutes. You and Jason just sat hoping this would end soon. Atleast your Dad was here.
'When did you guys get divorced?' Jason asks your parents,
'Few years ago, but I like to see my baby girl so I come and visit every now and then' your Dad replies.
You looked over at your sister who was on her phone on the other end of the table.
'Hey y/s/n, can you put your phone away please?' You ask nicely,
'Excuse me?' She snaps,
'We're having family dinner and you're being kind of rude, no phones at the table remember?' You continue, your sister gives you the evilest, most terrifying look you've ever seen someone give.
'Don't ever tell me what to do, you don't own me. Don't ever speak to me like that again' she growls, your Dad and Mum get up from the table.
'Leave the room please' your Dad calmly speaks to your sister,
'No, she gets everything. She gets the money, the attention. The hot boyfriend. I'm 10 years older and never had a boyfriend, she gets everything. I get treated like shit' your sister stands from her seat and shouts.
'Maybe if you stop acting like a bitch all the time, cleaned up a little. Weren't such an asshole then maybe a guy would stick around' you jump back in, Jason looks shocked, so do your parents. Your sister storms out of the room angry.
Back in your apartment, Jason walks in behind you. Not wanting to go back home yet to make sure you're ok.
'Are we gonna talk about this?' Jason asks you as you walk into the kitchen.
'There's nothing to talk about' you reply, not looking at him. You start to pour yourself a glass of whiskey to calm your shaking.
'Babe, you just had an argument with your sister. Then your Mum, you left before we could say anything else to them' Jason kind of raises his voice, he's not angry. Mostly shocked.
'That's my family, we argue. We fight. To be completely honest with you Jason, I hate my sister and my Mother' you turn to face him, 'my sister, my sister has always been jealous of anything I've had. Every boyfriend I've had, she's found some way to get rid of him. That's why I wouldn't let her meet you, cause I don't want you to leave too' you start to cry.
'I'm not gonna leave you' Jason purred to you, wrapping you in a hug, 'I love you too much to do that' he finishes.
'My Dad is the only part of my family I need, the rest of them, I'm not sure I ever want to see again' you speak into Jason's chest, hugging him back.
'Then you don't have to, if you don't want them in your life then that is your decision' Jason kisses the top of your head.
You stand with Jason, hugging each other until you feel yourself calming down. Knowing he's on your side is all you need. The people you care about in your life is all you need.
This isn't as long as I aimed to make it, it's loosely based around a recent falling out in my family which has caused me to stop speaking to my sister and Mother. But I still have my two brothers and my Dad. I also want to do a Nightwing fic so if any ideas please let me know.
Hope you liked the fic ☺ 😊
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allaboutbatfam · 4 years
If the Sky Comes Falling Down (For You) by  lurkinglurkerwholurks
T - 21k
5 times Jason Todd saved his siblings... and one time they saved him.
It was only by luck that Jason was still there when the bodies came crashing down the street. Bad luck, he would argue. He could hear them long before he could see them, their bodies preceded by the thunderous pounding of boots of asphalt and shouted curses. Three or four figures flashed by his little alleyway, a tight mob followed by a lone, slender figure in a streaming cape.
Reader’s Comments: Jason is such a good (reluctant) big brother 
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