#Social Media Detox
csuitebitches · 1 year
Brainwash yourself with good habits. You need to do it the way you would train a dog - fetch the stick and get a treat.
I love listening to music but I also wanted to start listening to podcasts. I have to go to work everyday, and I prefer to drive myself to work and back.
I know that if I make myself listen to podcasts both drives, the habit will last not more than 3 days.
But if I make myself listen to a podcast on the way to work; and listen to my favourite music on the way back home to de-stress and relax; now that’s a healthy compromise. And it works for the long term.
The same goes with social media. I deleted all social media from my phone. I don’t have Facebook, Instagram, or even tumblr on my phone. The YouTube account that I keep on my phone has been very consciously kept; I only allow the algorithm to show me educational stuff like podcasts, history videos, news, psychology, stuff like that. Absolutely no entertainment. I keep all my social media (and my “fun” YouTube account which is basically Korean mukbangs and all sorts of useless beauty hauls that I honestly love to watch) on another device - my iPad, which I use for work. I check out what’s happening on tumblr or YouTube or Pinterest when it’s my lunch break or a coffee break. That’s another healthy compromise that works for me.
Going cold turkey with anything - stopping something addictive like smoking or drinking or suddenly starting a plethora of new habits- doesn’t work. You’ve restricted your mind and body so much that you keep remember the good old days where you drank like a whale and sat on the couch watching rubbish and you glamorise, romanticise and reminisce those times. Now you’re in that dangerous red zone where you know that if you see that bottle or the packet of chips, your body is going to reach for it before your mind can intervene.
Aim for long-term, sustainable albeit small habits, rather than complex overnight habits.
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glowupwithamy · 6 months
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Solitude is your path of personal independence -
Being alone makes me really happy its like my special place where i can be myself and feel good i don't feel the need for another person to take responsibility for my happiness and emotional needs and i don't really want somebody in the phase i am in i can think and be creative without any interruptions it's like a peaceful break from everything else
Being alone helps me find peace in simple things like reading or walking outside these moments refresh me and make me feel more creative. Being alone also helps me understand myself better now I can think deeply about my feelings and thoughts which helps me grow as a person indeed.
Solitude is a phase that teaches you how to handle your emotions and bad days without relying on someone else. It actually teaches you how to live without depending on others and without ranting about your problems to them
And i want to message those people who constantly seek emotional support from everyone and keep crying that they need someone i feel they need to work on themselves or they have to accept the situation and think about what they can do themselves..instead of constantly seeking attention. Seeking attention all the time makes you mentally weak remember that. I feel that they should question themselves "Why do i need someone else am i not enough?"
Being alone doesn't mean staying comfortable It's about finding strength and discovering who you are ...it's about facing challenges, overcoming fears, and becoming stronger ..when you're alone you have the power to chase your dreams and conquer obstacles so don't think it's not brave to be alone it actually shows how strong and determined you really are.
Solitude makes you quickly observe things around you apart from the world of social media. If you begin on a journey of self discovery and learn to be with yourself ...you won't feel the need for others as much. This journey is very difficult I'm not saying that it's easy lol no!! especially for those who can't live without relying on others but if you want your future self to thank you then don't hesitate just start today . Because today's generation is busy distracting people but we need to bring self control. If you want to understand yourself better.
It took me three years to get in this habit and now i don't need anyone. I don't like to share my problems with anyone because i don't feel it's necessary. I have made myself mentally strong to the point where i don't feel the need for a second person
Last Note :
And if you guys have any questions or anything to ask related to this don't hesitate you can ask me freely :) thanks for giving your time
I have a self discovery questions sheets so that you can guys know yourself better if you want that Dm me 🎀
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study-core-101 · 6 months
any suggestions on how reduce screen time and stop wasting time on social media?
a hard one (who doesnt spend a little bit too much in their phones) but a few ideas to try out
A widget on your phone about how much screen time you had. A lot of phones come with this option, it lets you know how much time you spend entirently on your phone and usually, the top 3 most used apps of the day. There is nothing that makes one feel more guilty than going to watch tiktok and next to the app there is widget that tells you you already spend 2hours and 30 minutes on it that day.
Social media feeds are made to be addictive, that's why you open the app to see a notification and end up spending 3 hours on it. If you think something like "I'm just going to see if my crush posted a story" or "I'll see how my lastest post did and then i'll do the homework" DONT. You'll open the app with the intention of only 5 minutes and we all know it isnt going to be 5 minutes.
Set alarms. Set a "goal" like, only using it for 20 minutes. Set the alarm in your phone and when it sounds, close the app.
Try other activities. We mostly go to our phones because we are bored. Go on a walk, clean you room, cook cookies, read a book, draw, talk to someone irl. Look for alternatives. Some of them will be difficult at start (social media is known for ruining attention span and things like reading requiere that), do it gradually.
Hope this helps!
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angelicgrlglowup · 2 years
💗15 day detox💗
|inspired by @spiritualitgalmo
New Year Preparation | 2023 start up
Self care
No social media
Plan content for the first month of 2023
Create a business plan
80/20 eating rule
Do things that will help my health
Consistent sleep schedule
Practice my spirituality more
Use the law of assumption ✨
Key affirmations
I am safe
My higher self and I are connected
I am glowing
I am my best self
I have an easy disciplined routine
I always look out for myself
I am healthy
My charaks are aligned
I am always learning new things
No scrolling on tiktok, Instagram, or tumblr
Be one a strict daily regimen
Make content for next month
Reading goal(2 books before the end of the detox)
Research all things I have written down in journal
Meditate 2x a day
Workout 3x a week
Create my 23 vision board
10k steps
YouTube content creation
Shower work every day for 15 days
Read more books on spirituality to learn more
Grounding every Friday or Saturday
Wake up at 8:00-8:30 to get my day started
Before my feet touch the floor show gratitude for waking up
10 minute yoga flow
15-20 min Pilates session
5-10 meditation
Shower meditation
Affirmations in Mirrior and shower put on robe
Make tea. Vitamins. Make breakfast
Make some content for my social media and my business
Lunch time ~ 12:30-1:00 (eat a light lunch
Adding to my business plan
Workout by 6
Eat dinner before 8
Read and drink some tea to wind down
Yoga session
10min meditation
Stats to sleep 😴
Sleep by 10:00
New things to try
New vitamins
New food recipe
A new way to manifest
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disciplinedselfrya · 1 month
🌟One day challenge! 🌟
Feeling like taking a break from the screens? Let’s do that! 💪 This challenge starts on 15th of August, from the moment that you wake up! Here’s how it works:
Put Your Phone Away Store it somewhere out of reach.
Limit Device Use Unless it’s work and absolutely necessary, keep your hands off all devices.
Go Tech-Free Enjoy your day without tech. Dive into hobbies, read, or get outside!
No Music If you have a record player, go for it. Otherwise, no music.
Texting Check and reply to texts just once. Pick a time and stick to it!
Why join? It’s a chance to reconnect with the real world and experience a tech-free day. Share your experience and let’s make it a great one!
Keep going!💖 Rya
Note: As I won't be using my phone at all, I will not post my workout (I am going to the pool, so swimming it is) and daily productivity list. I will be back on Friday, with a post related to this challenge!
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lovinterstellar · 1 year
today, social media has become an integral part of our lives. however, it's important to take breaks from social media to prioritize our mental well-being. here are some steps to have an effective social media detox:
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ask yourself why you want to have a social media detox. this could be to reduce stress, gain confidence, increase productivity, etc...
decide on the duration and extent of your detox. you can choose to deactivate your accounts (temporarily) or limit usage to specific times of the day.
unfollow accounts that don't bring you joy or contribute positively to your life. mute notifications to minimize distractions.
replace the time you would spend on social media with other activities you enjoy such as, drawing, reading, or spending time with loved ones. if you don't have any hobbies that you know you enjoy, try picking up new ones.
use the time away from social media to reflect of your values, goals, and aspirations. focus on self care and personal growth.
let your family and friends know about your detox plan to gain their support and encouragement. consider joining support groups or online communities that promote digital well-being.
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studentbyday · 8 months
the bleak mid-winter
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src: celine
y'know what's really annoying? after a few days of social media detox, without a lot of time/energy for in-person socialization, eventually my brain craves what little social interaction it gets from social media. or maybe i'm just mistaking it for dopamine. who knows. and just bc it's social media, eventually what was a tool to keep me accountable and keep me from getting *too* lonely, becomes a source of procrastination and unhealthy comparison and ugh it's a double-edged sword, i freaking hate it.
anyway, i guess i'm back.
updates will be whenever i feel like it (possibly sporadic as i'm *trying* to get my shit together through non-social-media accountability measures) bc i stopped counting days on 100dop++ bc it was getting annoying to keep track.
true to my studying hermit lifestyle, nothing much of note happened since i've been away. still chugging along, reviewing notes/R from stats course (i have so many thoughts about self-studying R and codecademy vs other resources 😒 perhaps i'll make a post when i have time...) and catching up on both psyc and pharmacology while trying not to fall behind on philosophy. (i made good progress on psyc over the weekend, so i'm not super behind anymore, which is good. i expect to be able to finish catching up on everything by tmr.)
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selfhealingmoments · 1 year
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audrinawf · 1 year
when you’re on a dopamine detox / digital detox and you’ve deleted all social media apps so you just go on your phone to stare at pictures of your cat all day.
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sadcoresushi · 4 months
I am so done with social media jeopardizing my chance of reaching my potential. I should have done it before, but now I actually get the reason why having an increasing screen time can affect my hard work. Because it's true that I like to study, I like to expand my knowledge day by day, but the reason why I am not able to see any significant growth in my cognitive learning ability is because social media is canceling out all of my efforts.
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melisssg99 · 3 months
First day since deleting Instagram;
I did a lot more laundry
I also sat in grass/clover and made a little flower crown🌼
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serindwell · 2 months
For nearly two weeks, I endured the absence of reliable internet due to technical glitches. While the inability to stream a quick YouTube tutorial on video editing proved quite inconvenient (okay, very inconvenient), this hiatus unexpectedly revealed some silver linings.
I finally immersed myself in Stephen King's "It," tackling it in German—a rewarding mental challenge for a non-native speaker, yet incredibly gripping.
And let's not forget the mental refreshment. Remember those days of yore with only landlines? Disconnecting brought back a serene, zen-like peace. There's an odd liberation in not constantly being online, akin to rediscovering a long-lost superpower.
Yes, I missed the convenience, but I also developed a newfound appreciation for downtime. Those moments when you're not endlessly scrolling, clicking, or refreshing—pure brain vacation!
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glowupwithamy · 3 months
Insta Anxiety ? Is Social Media Making You Feel Like Your Life Isn't Good Enough?
I know that almost everyone in this generation especially teens often start doing anything to make their life look good even if their real life doesn't look special but this is not a problem there are always problems in real life and it doesn't mean you're unlucky. When we see good highlights of people on social media we feel anxious and depressed that our life is worthless and then we start finding ways to create and look better on Instagram and when expectations are not met this leads to depression.
Why we are doing this ??
Growing up everyone wants to fit in and be liked but social media makes these feelings even stronger. Both boys and girls sometimes do things that don't really match who they are. They might post revealing photos or join in on challenges that can be risky or not safe. Why do they do this? Often, it's because they want to feel accepted and praised by others. When they see others getting attention for certain actions they worry about missing out or think they have to do the same to be liked. This constant comparing can make them feel bad about themselves and even cause anxiety and sadness.
But Anyways It's Time For The Practical Advice Now *Worksheets in the end*
1. Set some goals that really matter to you like getting better at a hobby, hitting fitness milestones, or just growing as a person. When you focus on what you truly care about offline it takes your mind off comparing yourself to others on social media.
2. Try out meditation to help you stay in the moment and notice when those comparison thoughts creep in. Instead of getting caught up in what others are doing remind yourself of the good stuff in your own life.
3. Remember social media's like a highlight reel of people's lives it's not the full story. Don't let those perfect posts make you feel like your life's not measuring up. Everyone's dealing with stuff they don't show.
4. Celebrate what makes you, well, YOU. Don't feel pressured to fit some mold you see online. Embrace your quirks and what sets you apart from the crowd. That's what makes you awesome.
5. Spend more time doing things that bring you joy offline. Hang with friends explore your creative side or even get involved in your community. Real life experiences beat scrolling any day.
6. Take some time to think about who you are and what really matters to you. Focus on growing and improving for yourself not because of what others might think.
7. If there are accounts or posts that always leave you feeling down or envious don't hesitate to unfollow or mute them. Your mental health comes first and curating your feed can make a big difference.
8. Find your worth inside yourself not from how many likes or comments you get. You're valuable just because you're you not because of what others think.
9. Be genuine on social media and connect with people who share your interests and values. When you're real and authentic you'll build relationships that matter online and off.
The main point is :
When you see those people on social media showing off and posting fancy stories, they're just wasting their time. Maybe their world is limited to just that on social media trying to look good. But here's the thing don't let all of that affect you. Keep your life goals big so these things don't impact your time and life. Your life is different, you are different. This is a great time to polish and refine yourself because half the world is wasting their time watching reels and fighting in comments. So don't feel down or bad about yourself just because of lame people and their lame stories.
Here is the link of self reflection prompts that encourage you to reflect on such social media habits
Here is the link of Goal setting template that provides framework for setting realistic and meaning full goals related to personal growth
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xo-indulgence · 1 year
I will be taking a social media detox. I have to be more present so I can create the dream life I want and be the woman I know I can become. I’ll be back! 🩷
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disciplinedselfrya · 1 month
🌟One day challenge! - Reflection🌟
It’s been a while since I last did a social media detox, and gosh, I didn’t realize how much I needed it! Spending a day without distractions, messages, or notifications was honestly so refreshing—totally worth it! 🍀
Here’s what I noticed after the challenge:
Music is a HUGE distraction. I never thought about it before, but constantly listening to music while getting ready, working out, or just going about your day actually blocks out your thoughts. Giving yourself a few minutes of silence is important for processing your emotions and thoughts.
Scrolling puts you in a bad mood. Ever feel down and can’t figure out why? Try putting your phone away— in a different room if possible. Scrolling through endless feeds can seriously mess with your mood.
3. Aesthetics and motivational posts can be misleading. When you’re not constantly seeing those perfect pictures on Pinterest, Tumblr, or YouTube, you start focusing on what really matters. Remember, those images aren’t your reality. It’s so important to live in the present and not get caught up in illusions.
4. Disconnecting from news and drama gives you time for yourself. When you’re not constantly keeping up with every little thing happening online, you start taking life at your own pace. Our phones put us in a race we didn't sign up for.
5. Devices mess with your sleep and make you overthink. You probably already know this, but you need to hear it again. Be careful with what you consume!
They might all seem trivial things, but I was truly shocked when I discovered how bad scrolling makes us feel. Of course, you hear it all the time, but to have the chance to experience this…damn!
The reason why I did the challenge in the first place was to take a break from all the chaos, but now it made me rethink the way the I spend my time.
Loves, how was this challenge for you?
Were there any changes that you noticed during the day?
Keep going! 💖 Rya
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i am canceling all social media accounts except tumblr cause this site is least toxic place on internet.
i want to be person i was before phone became favorite past time.
let's see how long it will take before my determination melts like everything else
anyone else want to participate? idk, if you want, if you already went through this ordeal share how did it go and how long were you on detox and if you have any fellow advice.
especially fellow writers, tell me if you too feel time spent on internet is killing your creative braincells.
also do you write on phone or with pen in notebook? do you feel while using notes app saves lot of time, that it can also be very distracting cause, again, internet is too close?
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