#Twisted Wonderland scenario
akeminui · 4 months
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mrsrookhunt · 1 year
80 Madols for a Surprise
Epel: Hey, Vil... What do you say we give Yuu 20 Madols if they can surprise Rook?
Vil:...Hmm. I'm listening."
Yuu: Yeah and so am I, 30 each from y'all and an extra 10 if I can offend him.
Epel/Vil: *looking at each other* Sounds good.
*Yuu, walking across the courtyard*
Yuu: Hey! Rook!
*Yuu pulls him in by the collar and kisses him.*
*Rook is shocked*
*Epel is losing his shit*
Yuu: Oh! And before I forget--
*Screams of triumph in the backround*
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dazed-pine · 8 months
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ー jade, azul, and floyd react to you joining the waitstaff at mostro lounge
content: gn!insert + headcanons - can be read as platonic or romantic (or frenemy like) ask box (rq box) more under the cut!!!
ー Jade Leech :
Jade doesn't recall you "wronging" him, his brother, or their Housewarden. In fact, he's going through all of the interactions you've ever had with him... trying to think why you would join the waitstaff.
When you reveal that you just need money for school funds, he stares at you with a bit of shock. Hardly anyone comes to the lounge and asks for a job. Though... he doesn't mind the forwardness from you.
It's refreshing to receive a straightforward answer actually.
However, he gives you a smile and nods: "Money? I suppose we can form... a small contract. Nothing our Housewarden would give. Just an agreement form."
Basically; job interview, mild paperwork, then training.
Jade personally trains you, he takes you right under his wing and teaches you everything you need to know about waiting on people, making drinks, and even making bigger sales for the lounge.
Jade believes you're most talented at being a host. He enjoys your smile and the small talk you make with the customers. Even when you bring the guest their waters, Jade knows he trained you well.
When he's on the clock, you're usually the host. Seating people, getting waters... all of that. Jade will give you the occasional stare, trying to figure out how much of a panic or relaxed mode you're in.
When you're doing very well, he gives you a wink... signaling that a big tip from him is coming your way.
Working with Jade? It's smooth sailing for you.
ー Azul Ashengrotto :
When Jade first told Azul that he hired you for your claim of "money". He actually laughed at first, but then he quickly realized that Jade wasn't laughing... so this is serious.
Azul is intrigued by you being so forward with this, he admires it actually! On your second day on the job, he pays you a personal visit.
He takes you to one of the farther tables in the lounge and has a quick chat with you.
"For the money? Truly? (y/n) you never cease to amaze me. I would love to learn more about what goes on in that other worldly head of yours..." Azul almost has a wicked grin.
He assures you, that this 'contract' is just a normal work contract, however if you do not give in your two weeks before you quit? It won't end pretty.
Azul comes by the lounge to check up on you a lot, making sure your work is up to his standards... and of course it is! You're being personally trained by Jade. His expectations are always met through you.
He enjoys your hard work, he's even generous enough to give you a raise on your paycheck. Which was surprising for even Jade.
Azul believes you work best as one of the baristas'/bartenders.
When he comes in, he always enjoys a cup of your coffee. Jade's coffee is always his #1 pick, but he also enjoys the flavor of your's.
Every time you make him a drink, he always leaves you a tip. Which you're quick to learn... he doesn't do that too often.
ー Floyd Leech :
Floyd wasn't present during your week of training, Jade said he was busy with his own affairs... that's why Jade was the sole person training you (blessing in disguise... more likely than you think!)
When he saw you waiting on a table, he went right to Jade and asked what you were doing here. Jade was happy to tell him that they got another worker!
Floyd is excited to hear that, and it's also you! Floyd always loves teasing you between classes, or even enjoying the small malicious chats with you.
He chats you up a lot on the job, constantly talking to you about how the job can suck, be great, or violent.
Floyd's stories about throwing out rude guests always makes you laugh hard. It doesn't matter if you have a table, you always enjoy a good laugh from him.
Overtime, Floyd shows up to work more when he's schedule to work with you. He know he can lean on you a lot when you're on the clock with him!
He believes you excel most as a waiter. Maybe it's because he slacks off, or he just enjoys the company with you.
Floyd loves how he can gossip about the customers with you. For once, he's not playing too many 'pranks' or teasing you as much.
You just pray he doesn't get bored of you, he might actually pull something... horrible during work.
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Small Yuu Hunt Idea
Okay but like what if Yuu Hunt, older sibling of Rook Hunt, was just this constantly haggard and tired person. They’re the complete opposite of Rook. It’d be even more funnier if the rest of the Hunt family was similar to Rook. Yuu would just be surrounded by these overly theatrical people 24/7 and questioning their entire existence. They'd be running up to Grim and be like:
“Grim! Grim, I need your help! Do you think I’m adopted? Do I look adopted? I think I might be adopted. Or maybe I got switched at birth at the hospital.” “Under the Hunt family’s watch? Face it, Yuu, you’re completely blood-related to them.” “Frère/soeur!~” “Bordel de merde! Shit! Rook’s coming. See you later, Grim! I'm ditching this place!” “Oi, you think I wanna be left alone with your little brother?! Take me with you!”
Yuu’s terrified of Rook because while the rest of their family are… well, unique, Rook is just a whole different breed.
Imagine Yuu Hunt using a crossbow for its speed and accuracy (or maybe a gun for hunting?), one which they use to keep Rook at bay because he keeps trying to hunt them down for some reason?! Out of all their siblings, Rook’s the only one who does this and they are terrified.
Like, Yuu would be peacefully taking a walk outside and suddenly an arrow shoots past just inches away from their face. 
But of course as a Hunt, Yuu is also a seasoned hunter. It's just that they mostly use their skills to evade their siblings, especially Rook, when they have to.
Alternatively, Rook's the only outlier in their family but it's still the same story for Yuu. Rook always keeps on hunting them and never their other siblings.
Yuu, having a mental breakdown: Rook… Rook, what are you doing in my house Ramshackle? *crying* What are you doing in Ramshackle? Rook, standing in the darkest corner of their room: Bonjour!~
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twstedstoryshop · 8 months
Prize for @windalchemist001 from my fan event in August. I apologize deeply to the prize winners for how long these are taking as my life is taken up a lot by my new job and that drains me of working on these. But these are slowly but surely coming along, I assure you. Until then, please bear with me. -Shopkeep
Finding Out You Have A Crush On Him
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Trey I believe would come to figure out your crush through overheard conversations or someone having to spell it out for him. Either due to Ace and Deuce unknowingly gossiping over your crush or Cater just straight up telling him in his own Cay-Cay way.
Now Trey wasn’t a romanticist at heart, especially considering how he blundered with the Ghost Bride way back when. So with this newfound knowledge, Trey would do the best thing he can think of… Sit on this knowledge and never let it surface.
What else is he supposed to do? Go charging up to you, declaring he likes you too and should totally start dating? That wouldn’t be fair to you, putting you on the spot.
Instead, he allows you to let you sort out your feelings, whether you pursue them or not. There’s no pressure in whatever choice you do.
Though it wouldn’t be too hard to notice on your end that Trey would start acting a bit awkward and stiff. He doesn’t mean to come off like that, but when in the face of someone he knows who likes him, he can’t help but maybe straighten his posture more. Maybe act a bit more softer.
Trey is always marked as the reliable older brother type. So with a highschool crush on him, it wouldn’t hurt to maybe act a little like his age. An awkward boy unsure of how to navigate this newfound affection. Who knows, maybe act a bit selfish and roll a little in your attention just for him alone.
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Malleus could either or having someone tell him about your crush. Most likely Lilia in his teasing ways. Or perhaps with his keener senses, noticed your affections for him.
With the knowledge of your crush, Malleus would feely content in the way a satisfied cat would smirk after finishing its creme. It would be hard not to catch Malleus’ very good mood for the following days.
The weather would be pleasant, not a single cloud in the sky, and the wind is gentle. Something that may or may not catch some of NRC’s attention, especially if it’s expected to be cold or rainy weather for the season.
Malleus, while eager, would wait with baited breath to see what his dear child of man would do to convey their love. It gives him a great satisfaction to be wanted and chased after, so he would want to hear it from you first.
Even if you have stutters or slip-ups, Malleus finds it all so endearing and locks your attempts of confession under lock and key in his memory. What he wouldn’t allow is if someone dares to interrupt you when you’re working up the courage to tell your feelings.
A quick thunderclap and a venomous glare gets his point across before he immediately looks back to you with a softened expression. “You were saying, my dear child of man?”
It would be a relatively peaceful courtship until the confession is made thanks to some sway from the dragon prince himself.
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Silver would definitely have to be told outright of your feelings. For comedy’s sake, it would be hilarious if the one who had to spell things out for him was Sebek of all people.
The loud-mouthed proud guard would be aghast of how oblivious Silver was. The fact that he could pinpoint something beyond Silver’s recognition has him smug one moment but also a little annoyed for your sake. Not that he would ever admit that.
Once Silver truly digested Sebek’s words, Silver’s handsome features would burst into a magnificent shade of pink. Flushed either from embarrassment over his crude unawareness and a part deeply flattered by your affection.
Silver wouldn’t make any moves though as you mulled over your feelings. He wouldn’t dare try to put you on the spot, but you do notice how lately he feels a bit more caring and gentleman-ly personally for you.
If Malleus or Lilia didn’t need him, Silver would often escort you wherever you needed to go despite you knowing your way around. He even tries to lend a hand in helping you study. Despite his own grades suffering a bit with his sleeping habits.
Silver would be uncertain about all this though, truth be spoken. He’s never really had romantic feelings before or felt much need for a romance in the first place. But the idea that someone liked him so innocently and sincerely does charm him profoundly.
Like a shy forest creature, daring to come near him and be in his presence, he only wished to offer his hand towards you. Who knows, maybe falling a lil bit in love wouldn’t be so bad during his high school days…
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purple-plum-petals · 5 months
⊱ TWST Characters and the Orange Peel Theory ⊰ || Multiple Character Scenario
╭─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╮        Character(s): Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Trey Clover, Cater Diamond, Riddle Rosehearts, Jack Howl, Ruggie Bucchi, Leona Kingscholar, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech, Azul Ashengrotto, Jamil Viper, Kalim Al-Asim, Epel Felmier, Rook Hunt, Vil Schoeinheit, Ortho Shroud, Idia Shroud, Lilia Vanrouge, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt, Malleus Draconia (Twisted Wonderland)        Reader Type: Human, Ramshackle Prefect (Gender-Neutral Pronouns)        Warning(s): Nothing! I also always use the Japanese TWST Terms (Dorm Leader instead of Housewarden, Madols instead of Thaumarks, etc.) in my writing.        Genre: Scenario, Fluff, Attempt at Comedy        Word Count: ~1530 words        Scenario: What do the TWST boys do when you randomly turn to them, holding an orange in your palm as you ask, “Could you peel this for me?”        Author’s Note: I’ve been having a hard time motivating myself to work on requests as of late and, given the state of some of my friendships irl at the moment, I wanted to write about the TWST boys and whether or not they would “pass” the Orange Peel Theory relationship test (probably because I need some comfort right now lmao). For those who don’t know, the Orange Peel Theory is a theory that, if someone loves and cares about you, they will do the smallest of tasks for you with no fuss; this “test” is supposed to show whether or not the care and respect in a relationship are mutual (another one of these “tests” I saw was asking your friend or partner to tie your shoe for you). This was written to be read as platonic, but it can be interpreted as romantic if that’s your jam.
→ If you enjoyed my work, please reblog it if you can! Exposure on Tumblr is based on reblogging content rather than liking it, so your support would be much appreciated!  ♡ ╰─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╯
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Looks at the orange in your hand before giving you a warm smile in return, taking it from your grasp and peeling the outer rind with no comment. He even offers to feed it to you, holding one of the pieces of fruit between his pointer finger and thumb as he gently brings it to your lips. Will only take a piece for himself if you give him explicit permission to do so; after all, he doesn’t want to ask to have some of your lunch since you looked so excited to eat the orange when you asked him to peel it for you (you were more excited about the fact he agreed to peel the fruit for you rather than the orange itself). Passes the test with flying colors.
Peels the rind from the flesh of the orange with a small smile while continuing to talk happily about whatever subject you two had been discussing prior to your question. He doesn’t ask why you suddenly needed the orange peeled since it doesn’t really matter to him; you asked him for help and he was happy to deliver (he was even touched you were comfortable enough to ask him to do that for you). Passes the test perfectly.
Kalim, Rook
Peels the orange with a level of perfection you didn’t even know was possible. You’re left absolutely astounded when he returns the newly-peeled fruit in your hand with a smile, not a single ounce of pith left on the flesh of the orange slices; it was the best orange you’ve probably ever eaten in your life. He passes the test and you honestly couldn’t ask for a better person to peel an orange.
Is a bit curious as to why you asked him to peel the orange for you since he’s seen you do it before, but he doesn’t say anything as he takes the fruit from your hand to peel it. However, he ends up overestimating the amount of strength needed to remove the outer rind from the flesh, so now the both of you are splattered in orange juice and pulp. Your laughter at the ridiculous situation makes what happened a fond memory rather than something to be embarrassed about. While he technically passes the test, you now have no orange to eat (it has been reduced to atoms). It’s the thought that counts, though.
Jack, Malleus
Agrees to peel the orange for you, but he does want a couple pieces of the fruit in exchange for his services; he doesn’t just do things for free you know. He peels the orange for a price, but it’s a reasonable deal at least. You agree to his terms and watch as he happily and easily peels the orange, humming all the while. Once the rind has been removed from the flesh, he takes three slices of the fruit for himself to snack on before giving you the rest. Even though he peeled the orange for you, he technically fails the test since he wanted something in return.
Ruggie, Azul
Plucks the orange from your palm, but asks why you’re not able to peel it yourself. Are you not feeling well or something? He then begins to ask if you’re eating an orange because you need extra vitamin C as he proceeds to ask if you’re coming down with a cold; he definitely overthinks why you asked him to peel your orange for you. So, while he does peel the orange and successfully passes the test, you’re starting to think that maybe he cares about you a little too much with the sudden worry about your well-being.
Deuce, Riddle
Demands to know why you’re asking him to peel your orange for you since he’s seen you do it plenty of times before (keep in mind, he’s asking this while actively peeling your orange for you)! He then proceeds to ask if you’ve been eating properly and taking care of yourself if removing the rind from a piece of fruit was too strenuous on your human body; he even offers you to come and join him while he trains since his vigorous routine would be sure to give you enough strength to peel the orange on your own. He passes the test, but is the lecture something you truly want to have to sit through?
Knows and is aware of the theory since he has seen it circling around on social media as of late, but he’s happy to peel the orange for you nevertheless. He even thinks it’s super cute how you asked him out of all your fellow classmates to try this viral test with (he’s actually kind of honored)! He of course passes the test since he already knew about it, but he would have gladly peeled your orange for you even if he didn’t know about it; you’re just that special to him.
Also knows about the theory from social media, but doesn’t really want to get his hands all sticky and potentially ruin a nail while trying to remove the outer layer of the fruit. Thankfully, he came prepared in case you asked him to do this “test” since he’s not one to disappoint, pulling an orange peeler from his back pocket as he separated the rind from the flesh. However, if push came to shove, Vil wouldn’t be against ruining his nails or getting his hands sticky with orange juice if it meant he could show you how much he cared for you. Passes the test since he doesn’t mind getting a little messy if it means he can express his appreciation toward you through small gestures such as this.
Takes the orange from your hand to peel it for you, but will be teasing you about it the entire time. Why are you suddenly not able to peel an orange, hmm? Why didn’t you ask another one of your friends? Were you waiting specifically to ask him of all people? My, now aren’t you adorable! He technically passes the test even if he’s kind of mean about it. Keep in mind that he will bring up your strange and sudden inability to peel your orange up in the future to tease you.
Trey, Jade, Lilia
Agrees to peel the orange, but is a little curious why you picked an orange to eat for lunch since you usually preferred having one of the apples he’d bring (he even started bringing an extra one just for you). A little bit upset you didn’t want an apple today, but he peels the orange for you with only a single comment about your lackluster choice of fruit for the day. Passes the test and peels the orange with no problem, but he’s kind of disappointed you didn’t want an apple; he can peel an apple faster than he can peel an orange.
Straight up says no and that he knows you’re capable of peeling it yourself. Why would he bother getting his hands all sticky just for you to be able to eat some fruit? If you want it, you can go through the mess it takes to get past the outer rind. However, he immediately notices your shoulders sag in disappointment as you bring the fruit to your body before you begin to peel it yourself. He rolls his eyes and lets out a huff before snagging the orange from your grasp, peeling it himself before handing the fruit back to you without a word. Technically fails the test, but at least he peeled it for you after seeing how downtrodden you looked.
Ace, Leona, Jamil
Nods his head and takes the orange from your hand but, alas, he can’t even peel the orange. You both knew he wasn’t exactly the strongest or healthiest individual on campus, but neither of you thought it was this bad. After his pride is wounded and his face is a deep shade of red, you gingerly take the orange from his grasp and peel it yourself, offering him a piece of fruit in the hopes it will cheer him up. Passes the test even if he was unable to garner enough strength to actually peel the orange; he makes you promise not to tell anyone about this.
His reaction truly depends on how he’s feeling at the moment. If he’s in a bad mood, he’d either tell you no or – if someone had done something that day to really piss him off – crush and/or throw the orange. If he’s feeling a bit playful, he’d pluck it out of your hand and hold it high above your head while you pleaded for him to give you your snack back. However, if he’s in a good mood that day (and if he’s not trying to hide his slight soft spot towards you), he’d gently take it from your hand and peel the orange with ease, handing you back a perfectly peeled fruit for you to eat before asking if he could have a piece. He either fails the test exponentially or passes it with flying colors; it honestly all depends on his mood at the time.
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groundzerosgirlfriend · 7 months
Breaking the Rules.
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If anyone ever caught him like this, he doesn't think he'd ever be able to recover. The sound of footsteps wandering a little too close to one of the many abandoned classrooms at the infamous Night Raven College made the hairs on his skin stand up straight with fear, and his soft, labored breathing ceased entirely for a few moments. He'd probably prefer if the ground magically opened up and swallowed him whole, wiping him completely off the face of the world entirely, then to ever be exposed in such a public and lewd demeanor.
It's unbecoming of a young man like himself to be treated in such a humiliating manner. The position he held at Night Raven College was supposed to set him apart from the other 'stragglers' and 'peasants' on campus. It was supposed to show his competence to lead his dorm, his dignity, and his grace. It was all he knew, as he had sacrificed his entire youth for it. An overbearing childhood stuck at a wooden desk and an uncomfortable chair in his designated room, loveless and aggressive words from a guardian who already had his future planned out for him, a lack of physical affection that he now yearns for, and a myriad of sleepless nights and tired mornings staring at the fine print of thousands of textbooks have sculpted him into who he is.
Yet, his current display was significantly less than dignifying. It destroyed and demolished the entire image he had been creating and perfecting over the past 17 years. Instead, portraying how pathetic and touch-starved he truly was, for the smallest scraps of affection and approval, when he had accepted a handjob from the infamous NRC prefect fighting against overblots left and right ever since they had landed themselves in this mystical world.
Though handjob wasn't truly the correct term to describe this scene, Instead, it was more you holding your fist open and him humping pitifully through the hole in your hand as you occasionally squeezed down on him; his back leaned into your chest as you leaned against the wall of the empty classroom. Through the midst of his foggy and melted mind, he heard your soft coos towards him, your soft kisses pressing down his cervical vertebrae (boom, nursing major!).
His body felt hot, way warmer than it usually was in his uniform. He wanted nothing more than to claw his way out of yours and his clothes, craving skin-to-skin contact with you. Yet, all he is given is a hushed whisper as soon as he attempts to speak through choked groans.
"Shhh...just feel my dear. Don't speak. Don't want anyone to see you like this do we." Crooning gently in his ear as you blow streams of cool air on his lobes.
The words are caught in a lump in his throat as his mind screams at him to tell you what he wanted—no needed in this moment. Yet he can't. His tongue is heavy, and his sentences fall flat as he tries not to tear up from how good you're making him feel. This sort of pleasure was unknown to him; doing such a thing in his mother's house was taboo of the greatest extent and would surely end in her screeching at him, just as she does whenever he does something she does not approve of, and though he had knowledge of the reproduction system in high detail thanks to the numerous textbooks, nothing could have prepared him for the prickly feeling running through his veins and the gentle cramping of his balls as he tries to figure out what exactly is happening to him and why he does not want it to stop.
Your hand clutches down gingerly once more for a mere moment, still not entirely wrapped around him as he desperately fights the urge to ask you to do more, not wanting to sound greedy or ungrateful for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity you've given him despite the whereabouts. So, he simply grits his teeth and looks down in shame, quickly noticing the generous amounts of slick wetness now slathering your hand and his dick from his pre-cum alone, embarrassed to be this aroused by such a simple act.
He grimaces internally at the scene but is quickly caught off guard as he suddenly does less of the humping and your hand grips around him entirely, and your ministrations become much heartier as you move back and forth quickly, causing a huge spike in the pleasure he was feeling and bringing back the returning tightness in balls that now lingers in his stomach as well.
This time he has no choice but to speak, the hastened pace throwing him head-first into something he has never been accustomed to, with his words slurred and stuttered as he tries to assemble a coherent sentence. "W-wait..to much..f-feels-."
Yet, his words fly right past your ears and are cut even shorter as you take pleasure in his uncomposed state, his jaw slacks, and as his nails dig into your thighs for comfort and grounding, his uniform more wrinkled than it has ever been since you've met. As he babbles incoherent words drowned out by a wretched whimper, your hand is coated in runny dribbles of whitish-translucent cum as tears prick his eyes as heaves and pants his body, shivering from sensitivity alone.
Suddenly his face blooms into a beautiful shade of red similar to the as the roses he forces all the students, misbehaving or well-behaved alike, to paint continuously every week as followers under the Queen of Hearts, an intense shiver running through his entire vertebrae until it ends at the coccyx, as time seemingly slows down as you push your cream-covered fingers in your mouth, a 'pop' reverberating from your lips.
He sighs shakily, as he composes himself, ready to speak a phrase of how disgusting and unappealing such a thing is, but before he can, you knock the wind out of his lungs, just like everything else you do.
"You taste sweet. Keeping eating all of those tarts." He buries his face in hands, as you giggle, knowing that you owe Ms. Rosehearts a sincere handwritten apology along with chocolates and wine for corrupting her son to a point of no return, because now he's addicted to you in all the wrong (right) ways.
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atierrorian · 1 year
Requesting Azul, Jade, Floyd & Malleus's reaction to their s/o peppering kisses all over their face?
This is such a sweet and wholesome request! Sure!
Btw, ooc
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•Well to put it simple, he's flustered.
•Like, really flustered.
•It's insane how this man can go from being sly and cunning to *blushing so crazy and almost falling from the ground*
•Azul will tell you to stop but if you keep insisting, then he won't mind it..
•Don't take Azul as someone who doesn't like affection! No no, he just isn't used to others giving him affection, so do be patient with him!
•Give him more kisses and he swears he'll faint! (He already has fainted once, Floyd could not stop laughing)
•Azul will slowly get use to the kisses you give him, of course, he'll still be flustered, but hey, he is loving your kisses, so don't stop now alright? (Just give him a 10 minute break)
•But yes, Azul's reaction will be extremely flustered.
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As you were walking around the Monstro Lounge, looking for a certain someone, you manage to run into the vice dorm leader.
"Ah, hello [Name], what brings you here?" he asks, clearly already knowing why your here in the first place.
You simply smiled and waved and went back to searching for Azul.
"He is currently in his office" Jade said before bidding you farewell.
This was going to be interesting, to say the least. Now you might be wondering, what the hell are they(you) planning? Well, I'm glad you ask. So far, [Name] is trying to see his reaction on how flustered he can get from their kisses.
And because his cheeks are just so kissable!!
You knock on his door and you hear him say come in. You slowly entered the room and saw him look through his contracts while he slowly looks up from it and sees you standing at the doorway.
"Good morning [Name], what brings you here in my office today?" He asks you, wondering why you were in his office today.
You didn't say anything, however, you did start walking to him and gently placed both your hands on both his cheeks and started pressing kisses all over his face.
You had never seen Azul this red so much before.
It was honestly cute seeing him all so flustered and stuttering all over the place, well it makes sense, he didn't expect you to press kisses all over his face.
But [Name]..
Azul is gonna faint. Just wait for it to happen, cause it will surely happen sooner or later.
Well you decided to have mercy for him and stop when you kissed his lips and his beauty mark.
Your hands remain on his face as you look to see his face so flustered. (It could possibly rival Riddle's hair)
You slightly laugh and decided to give him a soft peck on the cheek and patted Azul's head and went out the door. While Azul sits there, still in shock and still trying to process what just happened.
As Azul sits there trying to process what happened while you slightly laugh from behind the door seeing his cute reaction.
You outta do it again sometimes.
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•Surprised but also amused.
•Jade did not expect that but it's not like his complaining in any way.
•Can you possibly do it again?.
•Kiss him all over and over again on his face! It leaves him a nice tingling feeling.
•Jade may have that gentlemen facade when you do kiss him, but trust me, underneath that facade, is a flustered and very smug man.
•Floyd gags and wants you two to get a room and Azul is just looking away and continuing doing his shady business.
•Jade likes this affection coming from you! And unlike Azul, there is a chance he will ask for more!
•One thing for sure is that you'll definitely keep pressing kisses all over his face just to see his reaction!
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You were so bored out of your mind, you didn't know what to do besides just slamming your head down on the table and mumbling to yourself. As you kept mumbling, you suddenly thought of something.
Finally deciding what to do, you stood up from where you sat and tried to find a certain eel.
As you barged into the Monstro lounge looking for the certain eel, you spotted him. You walked towards Jade as he was serving some of the customers in the Monstro Lounge, Jade looked at you wondering what you were doing here.
"Oh, hello [Name] what are you doing here?" Jade asked, but before he could ask any more questions, you dragged him to somewhere more private.
"[Name]?" He sounded confused but also amused to see where this is going.
You stopped dragging him and made sure no one was in sight, checking left and right, once you concluded that there was no one to see this, you peppered kisses all over his face.
Jade was, surprise to say the least, but this was a good surprise and he was quite amused as well. Jade always loves your kisses, and now that you decided to pepper kisses to him just makes his day so much better.
You stopped peppering kisses to Jade and saw that he was surprise but very amuse at the action.
"My my, your quite the bold one aren't you?" He said before kissing you on the lips and holding your hand.
"Let's go now shall we? I'm sure the others are wondering where we just went." He said and you nodded.
You were so going to do it again, in another time that is.
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•Very very happy that your peppering him kisses.
•All I'm saying is that he will grin very widely while letting you kiss him and he is giggling to himself.
•While your peppering kisses to him, His all like :D
•I swear he is adorable, just not when he is literally squeezing you to your death. But can you blame him?? Your just soooo cuteee!!!! He can't help himself!
•He will demand more by the way, so you better be prepared to give him more!
•Floyd really really enjoys any affection you give him! He is giggling and kicking his feet like a highschool girl having a crush.
•And also, he is not afraid to pepper your face with kisses as well, so you also better be prepared for that!!
•And overall, his reaction will just be him being so giddy that your giving him your full divine attention!
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You were suddenly very affectionate and Floyd was not complaining one bit, I mean, why would he? Your extra cute when you have those sudden feelings of being affectionate! And he loves it to bits!
You sometimes have a bit of a habit of, well, being suddenly affectionate, and today you were being so extra affectionate with Floyd and he isn't complaining one bit!
Floyd loves this side of yours and he forever will! But, the first time you did this, was well, not expected, but hey, he ain't complaining and plus, he enjoyed it the moment you gave him at least a fraction of your affection.
Today, you felt very affectionate and decided to go to a certain someone who you know will always enjoy your affection.
As you walked down the hallway looking for him, you suddenly hear him call you in the hallway.
"SHRIMPYY~!!!" He shouted as he ran towards you while other people scurried to get out of his way.
You turned to him, seeing him shouting your nickname, you smiled and waved to him.
"Hello Floyd, I was just looking for you!" You said as Floyd was in front of you, grinning and hugged squeezed you as you patted his back, signaling that you need to breath.
Floyd looks at you, curious on why you were looking for him. To his surprise, you were suddenly the one hugging him and peppered his face with kisses.
As he realized what was going on, he started to grin very wide while laughing and hugging you as well. Even tho the hallway is empty, there is still a chance someone could see you two.
So you decide to stop making him pout, but stopped as you grabbed his hands and went somewhere more private. After that, you resumed what you were doing as Floyd's expression changed into a happy one.
suffice to say, he was the happiest eel.
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•He was the happiest dragon of them all!!
•Of course at first he was surprise but quickly got used to it and he absolutely loves it!!!
•Suffice to say, you made him the happiest dragon in twisted wonderland, and I must say, the sky is so much clearer than before yk.
•We all know that Malleus is quite the lonely dragon and craves for affection, and now that your peppering his face just makes his day so much better!
•And by the way, he prefers your affection over invitations.
•He seriously enjoys any affection from you! And the next day you open your front door, there are mountains of treasures waiting for you.
•Sebek is currently screaming his head off, Silver is taking a nap at a nearby tree, and Lilia is being Lilia, and also amused.
•So overall, this dragon loves your affection and wishes for you to always pepper his face whenever you have the chance!
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You were looking forward for your daily night walks with Malleus today as you had an idea in your mind. It was something to see his reaction, his reactions and expressions were always sooo cute!
You took a deep breath and hoped that Sebek wouldn't see what you were about to do, or else you would have the lecture of a lifetime and no thank you would you want to stand in a single spot for hours just to hear him ramble.
You shuddered at the thought of standing still in the same spot for hours. You shook your head and just decided to go for it.
This was so going to be worth it.
As you and Malleus were walking together, side by side, you looked at the sky and smiled, Malleus saw your distractions and asked you what happened.
"Child of man, what happened? Why did you suddenly stop?" He asked you as he took a step forward to you, concerned, but you simply smiled and told him nothing was wrong.
"Oh no, sorry Tsunotarou, I was just thinking of something!" You said trying to disperse his concerns while he looked at you, curiously.
"Are you sure?"
"Yup! Oh and I hope you don't mind me doing this!" You said before peppering his face with kisses.
To say the least, Malleus was surprised at the bold act but quickly accept it and seemingly wanted more, he seemed really really happy at this bold act.
After peppering his face with kisses, he slightly pouted, it was super cute!
You lightly laughed at his expression before gently kissing his lips.
You outta do it again someday!
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DONE! Out of my drafts after so long! But there is still more to go, so ya'll are gonna have to wait for more content! But hope you guys enjoyed this one!
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twisted-dork · 9 months
Twisted Wonderland x Demon Slayer (Yuu)niverse x Hamilton
2 weeks after Tanjiro!Yuu gave Malleus the SDC (where they are preforming Hinokami Kagura dance)
Malleus: In the message (on the invitation) I received from you two weeks ago, I noticed a comma in the middle of a phrase.
Malleus: It change the meaning, did you intend this?
Malleus: One stroke and you’ve consumed my waking days, it says.
Malleus and Tanjiro!Yuu: My dearest tsunotarou
Malleus: With a comma after ‘dearest’ you’ve written,
Malleus and Tanjiro!Yuu: My dearest, Tsunotarou
*Flustered* Malleus: Anyway all this to say
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blanketbvby · 1 month
ADeuce x dissociative!reader:
Honestly I feel like initially, neither of the two would understand how to handle this.
The first time they see you staring off into space, eyes blank and glazed over looking lost in another world, Ace would probably try and snap you out of it. Clapping beside your ear, shaking you, asking questions— it'd probably take a few more times for him to accept that its better to just talk to you and let you do your own thing.
With Deuce, he's likely to not approach it as Ace had, he's far more likely to call out your name a few times before deciding you just need some time. Eventually he'd likely do something like hold your hand as you grow closer to help ground you, if eh figures out what's going on.
Together the duo, if you're all close, would likely wind up doing a mixture of talking and having some type of weight on you. Whether to be some kind of object of Ace's legs strewn over your lap, the two would likely understand after a while that you simply need company and something to keep you with them.
Whether it be the teasing chatter of Ace narrating his latest card trick or ranting about Riddle, or Deuce's body heat against you or hand in hand.
8.5/10, past initial confusion, they're both surprisingly good at handling dissociation.
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iidias · 2 years
UPDATE: @/shyflowers deleted the post. they blocked me on this account, but i saw on my main that they deleted the post and is completely ignoring the fact that they need to face the consequences of their actions. not only that, but everytime someone tried to call them out for what they did, they deleted that person's comment. they also turned off their asks.
UPDATE 2: they changed their url + deleted the post im talking about. tulips, if ur seeing this, we all ready know what u did. there's no use in deleting the post, or turning off ur asks and submissions. just come forward and apologize, it's that easy.
UPDATE 3: im pretty sure they deactivated their blog. their blog name was pinktulipsblog but i didnt want to disclose it for their privacy (also bc i dont want anyone to send threats to them). still though, they could have just stepped forward and apologized, yet they couldnt even do that. pathetic.
i think i caught an art stealer??? idk. i asked them abt it and after seeing art that looks exactly identical and then asking for proof they drew it the blocked me and deleted my replies to their post. so.
this is the original twt link: https://twitter.com/usachangm/status/1401891831441334276?s=20&t=vu2dJ72WOJGKQ3J33gUtoQ
the post in question that i am talking about: https://shyflowers.tumblr.com/post/691455669401010176
here is a screenshot of both drawings side to side as well.
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if anyone else finds any info on this, pls lmk!!
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akeminui · 1 year
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ira-hydrangea · 1 year
My mind has gone through some phase right now where I kinda need a little break... So it's just decided to pop out a new story 🙂. So... Here we go...
The Forgotten
Yuu realized that after Malleus overblot, something weird happen to them. They see shadows and heard a voice coming from the darkness.
In horror and confusion, they talk with Micket through the mirror. Mickey knows what happens to them and explains it to them.
So, when facing overblot, the blot has also accumulated and it almost reaches it power when the phantom or the blot manages to get into Idia and escape from S.T.Y.X
It regains its almost full power with Malleus overblot. Now, the phantom cannot exist without a vessel. At first, the one that they choose is Grim but then noticed that Yuu are far better than anyone. They come with no magic but have endless growth potential. The phantom also starts to notice Yuu's body adjustment to Twisted Wonderland magic. And what makes the phantom more sure about making Yuu into their precious vessel or puppet?
The hope and despair that Yuu has. Who knows maybe after witnessing Yuu facing so many of his overblot forms, it's also started to have some fondness towards Yuu. (Almost similar to Mother Gothel).
Learning all this from Mickey, Yuu can only stare at the mirror in shock, and at the same time, the silhouette of the phantom starts to emerge in the form of a man. Smiling wickedly toward Yuu before said "Soon..."
As day turned to week, the encounter between Yuu and the phantom becomes a daily routine and Yuu even feel that sometimes, their consciousness start to seep away.
"I... I can't do this anymore, Mickey! I-I don't want to wake up only to see that I have hurt my friends! Please! You got to help me." plead Yuu as Mickey watch with sadness.
"I'm sorry but... Even I don't know how to get rid of them. The most I can do is find a way to seal him. But with that power, I don't think I can do it..."
"No way..."
As Yuu's silent cry fills the room, they then start to think of something.
"In that case... Do you know a way for me to... Seal myself away?"
"If I can't find a way to make the phantom leave then... I can seal it away along with myself. That way I would not hurt anyone."
"Please, Mickey! I rather choose this than hurt my friends! Please, Mickey..."
"I.... Ugh, fine...."
And so, with the help of Mickey, Yuu starts to prepare a place and spell that will seal them along with their consciousness into a deep slumber. Mickey still thinks about Yuu's safety and suggests that they do it with the help of the Artifact or items. It a more safe path for Yuu to use so they agree.
Mickey proposes that they need to choose some people that will be trustworthy enough to hold the artifact or items. Someone that not only act as a holder but also as a guardian or knight. That why a few people from RSA pop up in Yuu mind.
(Let's just say that is a gender-bent from the Disney Princess version)
There are a total of seven artifacts that will be used to seal Yuu away. The Seven Knights of RSA or the guardian are also chosen because Yuu manages to build trust and a relationship with them. For example, Neige or maybe Rollo? (shocking, I know).
And the last preparation is a spell. A spell that can make anyone besides the artifact holder or the guardian forgot the existence of Yuu. This will make everything more bearable for Yuu so that their friends won't waste so much time searching for them.
On the promised day, Yuu spends all their time before with all their friends doing whatever they want. In the last week, they smiled before entering the place with a mirror along with their guardians.
The place that the magic mirror helped to find is an abandoned palace with beautiful scenery. The Magic Mirror respected Yuu's wish and decide to assist. So unless someone holds the key, they cannot teleport to Yuu's place.
(How I imagine the place. So Yuu will sleep in the throne as soon as the spell and the artifact is activated)
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Walking towards the throne with a solemn look as their cape blow gently behind them. You look at the pictures of every single of his friends before letting them fly away into the distance. As they sit in the throne looking at their RSA friends -no... They should call them, the guardian.
With a nod, the guardian start to activate the items and the magic soon start to engulf and make a barrier around Yuu before slowly, Yuu close their eyes and fall into a slumber.
At the same time, the magic in Twisted Wonderland starts to activate too and no one will remember the existence of Yuu. Only a few ones that still remember. The guardian, Mickey, The mirror, and somehow... The little feline, Grim.
Maybe there is a mishap in the spell?
I plan to make this into a series. Depending on me, maybe it will be here or on Wattpad. But so far, this is the scenario I manage to think of. So, What do you guys think? Feel free to add your all own thoughts in the ask section or comment section.
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dazed-pine · 8 months
Hello, I was wondering if you can do a Crewel x reader x Clowley fluff?
hi ukoi (irl friend), love you <3
content: divus crewel x gn!insert x dire crowley - romantic - fluff - poly ask box (rq box) more under the cut!!!
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Tea Time
The three of you are no stranger for tea time. You usually bring your favorite blends of tea, Crowley and Crewel are always very curious to see what you enjoy.
When you bring the tea, Crewel brings the snacks and Crowley prepares the tea. When he prepares the tea, it has a very strong and robust flavor. He's not shy about having strong tea!
Crewel always comments about how strong it is, but the flavor itself is quite amazing.
Crewel always makes sure to give you your favorite treats and snacks, he will even try to playfully feed them to you.
He also feeds Crowley while peppering him with soft compliments too. When Crewel feeds Crowley, you take the opportunity to kiss his cheek and even try to playfully banter with him.
Cuddles and Snuggles
Usually, you're the smallest spoon. Crewel is the one hugging you, pulling you close. Crowley is the one holding all of you.
You sit in the middle of them on the couch, and occasionally giving kisses to one another.
It's rare to relax in your house clothes with your loves, but you three always try to find the time to... at LEAST twice a week. Which is hardly enough for the three of them.
Crewel will often doze off on your shoulder, then quickly deny he was sleeping when he's stirred away by Crowley's soft murmurs to you.
Their touches are soft and sweet, they never want to leave your side.
Crowley calls you "My Dearest", and he calls Crewel "My Jewel".
Crewel finds it funny how he calls you his Dearest... but Crowley just gives him a word play name.
Crowley and you usually share a laugh, and assure Crewel he's more priceless than any diamond.
Crewel calls you "Beau", and he calls Crowley "Beloved".
"Beau... isn't that a popular dog's name?" You say.
"Hm... it is, but as you know... it's short for beautiful." Crewel smiles.
Crowley is happy to even get a pleasant nickname.
You want to call them by nicknames, but you usually only call them those in private. They love your voice, they love it when you say "Divus" and "Dire".
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Got random idea come while reading your Yuu Hunt and reading Yuu Leech again that Yuu Hunt meet with the Leech twins and Yuu Leech meet with Rook Hunt.
A lot of things can happen, Rook being a stalker, he is stalk Yuu Leech.
Jade and Floyd really interested in Yuu Hunt as they not like their younger brother Rook.
Though love your story and headcannon.
Thank you for reading my stories, anon! And I hope you enjoy this one, too!
[Yuu Leech and Rook Hunt]
“Oi! Yuu, can’t you slow down a little?” Grim grumbled as he tried to keep up with Yuu’s pace, unbothered by the dark aura they were emitting. Only Grim would be so bold to talk to Yuu while they were in one of their moods. Yuu said nothing and continued walking down the school’s hallway, ignoring how the students immediately steered clear from their path. After all, who would want to purposely irritate an already irate Leech? They’d probably be either the bravest or the stupidest person in the world. And unfortunately or fortunately, whoever it was had gotten Yuu’s attention.
“It’s like you’re trying to run away from someone.” 
Yuu clicked their tongue and cracked their neck, rolling their shoulders as if they were preparing for something. “Aiya… Do I look like someone who'd run away? I can feel their eyes on me since earlier and it won't stop. It's starting to piss me off. If they want a fight then they better do something soon because I'm getting bored.”
Grim’s ears perked up at your words. “A land predator? Are you gonna hunt them down?” It was a common occurrence for the both of them to try and beat down people or creatures that interested Yuu. No matter if it was on land or on sea, Grim always helped them take it down.
A smirk tugged at Yuu’s face, teeth bared. “If they don't make a move, I will...”
Just then, the Leech’s hand shot up and caught an arrow mid-air. The arrow had a dulled tip, clearly not meant to seriously injure but it was a declaration to Yuu, nevertheless. Yuu smiled menacingly as they turned their head towards the direction where the arrow came from, the shine of metal visible from afar as a second arrow was prepared to be released.
“Found you.”
The Leech twins like it when Yuu and Rook decide to hunt each other down because it takes the attention off of them. Rook stops stalking them and Yuu doesn't put them in their inescapable hugs so it's a double win for them. They also deliberately did not tell them about Rook for the hell of it.
Anyway, Yuu Leech finds Rook interesting and enjoys fighting with him whenever they meet. Rook’s easily one of the people that can probably take Yuu's attention off of their brothers and free them from their hug.
[Yuu Hunt and the Leech Twins]
Yuu wasn't a coward, per se, but it does get quite worrying when they've noticed two twins with teal hair in their peripherals who had been following them for quite a while now and judging from the amount of students avoiding them, they were probably someone not to mess with.
‘So why are they following me?!’ Yuu screams internally.
“Oi, Yuu, they're getting closer. What do we do?!” Grim whispered at them, also having been keeping track of the two since they appeared. “They won't go away no matter how much we try to lose them!”
“You think I don't know that?!” Yuu whispered back.
Unfortunately as fates would have had it, as Grim and Yuu weren't that familiar with the school’s layout and that made it all more easy for the Leech twins to corner them.
“N-Now, now…” Yuu tried to placate as they backed up, putting their hand in front of them like that would physically stop the slowly advancing Floyd. Jade was standing behind him, guarding the way out should Yuu slip by his brother.  “I'm sure that whatever my brother did, I had nothing to do with it.” This whole situation was probably their brother’s fault. Yuu just arrived at the school a few days ago so there was no way they could've done something. The most logical thing here would be because of their brother.
‘What’s this? Can't get back at the younger brother so bully the older sibling instead?’ Yuu cried inside. They were sooo going to tell Rook to stop whatever it was he was doing with people.
“Heh, you remind me of a shrimp. I'll call you Shrimpy…” Floyd smirked, finding it amusing how different Yuu acted compared to their young brother. “Come here, Shrimpy, Shrimpy.” He lunged for the older Hunt. Except, he didn't make contact as he found himself falling backwards from a sudden weight pulling him back and onto the ground. Floyd tried to get up but soon realized that the lapels of his clothes had been bolted down on the ground with a crossbow arrow.
Yuu didn't hesitate reloading and quickly aimed the crossbow, firing multiple shots consecutively at Jade who dodged their attack. However, it seemed that this was exactly what Yuu planned as they and Grim made a mad dash towards the exit.
“Sorry, I'll pay for your clothes lateeeeer!”
While Yuu Hunt may be a bit of a ball of anxiety, they– like all the other Yuu sibling variants– have the skills to deal with others. Remember, they're a Hunt and while they are scared of Rook, they're still the oldest Hunt sibling.
Yuu is terrified of the Leech twins but always uses non-lethal methods to escape them. Rook, however, is still and always will be their top one most scary person to be hunted by. 
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culxiaa-fn · 1 year
The Woe of Ace Trappola when his friends leave him alone when enjoying their trips to City of Flowers.
Ace x reader
This took place at the Glorious Masquerade event!! There won't be spoilers about what happened at that event tho. It's just Ace being whiny and petty.
Imagine sending a lot of pictures and selfies to Ace while he is Seething because IT.SHOULD.HAVE.BEEN.HIM!!
Full body, close up, highlights of details on the outfit. Selfies with the other 1st year, selfies with only Grim. Pictures of the scenery, pictures of the delicious foods. Send it! Send it all to Ace Trappola.
Let the people at school deal with his breakdown and jealousy.
Ace convinces himself that he is not petty. Crowley got a point,maybe there will be answers on how to return Kantokusei back home.
Let's not discuss how he secretly wishes Kantokusei won't go home, nope because Ace knows how bad Kantokusei gets homesick sometimes. Because Ace, is there listening to them crying and ranting about Crowley definitely not trying and working but understanding because searching for a way to a different world is not easy.
So Ace Trappola decided he won't be petty and let Kantokusei enjoy the trips.
He didn't have the privilege to see Kantokusei in that cool outfit with his own eyes.
Trey and Cater are amused with Ace breakdown. But those poor tables that were being slammed by Ace.
Jack had enough. He just wishes Kantokusei would return home faster. He had enough with Ace whining how unfair fates are. How did Kantokusei put up with this.
Ace decided that he is only a human. So he will be petty, but not to Kantokusei but to Deuce and Grim.
For now he will enjoy all these pictures that Kantokusei shares with him.
He will be fighting the urge to set Kantokusei solo selfie as his wallpaper, after all if someone sees it would be bad.
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