#all this to circle back around to the actual ask itself: even if I did want to code in a character
aphidclan-clangen · 4 months
Ok, here's an Idea I've had:
U said you coded gravel back into the game right? Well, why not code one of lilacpaw's Siblings into the game! It would Cool to see!
(btw, this is just a suggestion!)
Coding a character in seems to me like a much more involved and complicated process that id rather not bother with at all, as opposed to literally just changing “dead: true” to “dead: false” in the games files. I really don’t wanna bother lol
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matchingbatbites · 1 year
"What the fuck did you do?"
Eddie wasn't expecting hostility when he answered Jeff's phone call, his best friend's usual calm demeanor replaced with open annoyance. And yeah, okay, the annoyance itself wasn’t new, but Eddie doesn’t think he’s actually done anything recently to earn it.
"Actually, no. I'll tell you what you did. You retweeted photos of Steve Harrington - internationally beloved heartthrob actor Steve Harrington - along with the caption 'not to sound like a subby slut but GOD I would be his puppy baby boy in a heartbeat'. So I guess the better question is, what the fuck were you thinking, Eddie?"
Eddie's jaw clicks shut because- yeah, he had done that. Had seen those photos of Steve smoking circling the internet and spent god knows how long just staring at them, had curbed the desire to shove his hand down his pants by posting a single thirst tweet about it.
“I was thinking, Jeff, that I'm allowed to post whatever I want to my private fucking twitter, man. I mean it's a free country, isn't a guy allowed to make a horny tweet about a sexy man every now and then?”
“You are, when you actually post it to your private account and not our award winning band's main account.”
No. Oh no. There's no way Eddie actually-
He rips his phone away from his face to open twitter, and realizes two things simultaneously. One, Jeff is right, he had posted it to the band's account. Not on his private, locked, personal account, but on the account that's actually open and free for literally anyone on earth to look at.
The second thing he realizes is that their notifications are currently flooded with responses to Eddie's tweet, somehow racking up into the thousands in the few hours it's been since. 
Jesus Christ.
The metalhead jerks back into the moment and put Jeff on speaker so he can scroll through the horde of replies, says “Fuck, I fucked up. Are we gonna have to do damage control on this?”
In the mess is a reply from Gareth's own personal account: @ corrodededdie stop tweeting from the band account challenge 🙄🙄🙄
”Maybe. There hasn't been any type of response from Harrington or his people, but they might ask us to take it down if it blows up too much.“
Eddie hums, thinking they might be too little, too late about it blowing up too much, and flips over to his main account so he can reply to Gareth's little jab appropriately. He isn't surprised to see that he has a couple of new messages, probably from other people wondering just what the fuck Eddie was thinking, but when he goes to check them-
He's never been happier that he turned on messages from followers only, because then he would have missed this, missed Steve Harrington's little profile picture beaming up at him from the screen of his phone, along with a new message request.
”Jeff, I gotta go,” he says, not even realizing he's cut the other man off.
“Eddie, what-
”Harrington messaged me. I'll call you back.“
Eddie doesn't wait for a response as he hangs up on Jeff, and his hands definitely aren't shaking as he opens the message from Steve. And listen- Eddie is a fan of the guy, that much should be obvious. 
Steve had grown in popularity around the same time Corroded Coffin had; he’d gotten some part in a drama film that had skyrocketed him into stardom, and Eddie fell in love the moment he saw that gorgeous face on the silver screen for the first time. He's never had a chance to interact with the guy, has been in the same place a few times but always missed him, like ships passing in the night, but Eddie's been fine with pining from afar, just like every other person on the planet that's even remotely attracted to men.
Besides, even with how popular Corroded Coffin has gotten over the years - a couple of Grammy’s here, a dozen chart topping metal songs there - Eddie doesn’t expect Steve to just. Know who Eddie is.
With all of this in mind, Eddie is expecting some kind of semi-casual request to take the tweet down, that it's not a good look for his image-
Anything other than what Steve actually sent.
'If you're puppy baby boy, does that make me Master? Or Daddy?'
And Eddie- 
Eddie slides down, sinks into his couch cushion as all of the blood in his body suddenly shifts, rushing to fill his dick like it's a fucking race. The phone almost slips out of his hand and he fumbles it briefly before taking a deep breath. 
Is Steve serious? He wouldn't send that if he wasn't serious, right?
This could be it, could be Eddie's one chance to impress Steve, to get his foot in the door of Steve's interest. He bites his lip and types out a reply, something quick that he sends before he can change his mind.
‘I’m open to either, actually. Do you have a preference, sir?’
He doesn’t expect the typing indicator to come up immediately, and just knowing that Steve is somewhere right now, typing out a response to Eddie, is enough to have him nearly vibrating in his seat.
‘I’m partial to Daddy, myself.’
Fuck fuck fuck.
Eddie takes a breath, tries to think of a response that isn’t just ‘Please, Daddy, can I sit on your massive dick that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about since that one indie film you did that just had all of your junk out in the open?’
Steve saves him by sending another message.
‘But maybe we could start with Steve, and possibly dinner? Though I’d be happy to see where things go after that.’
He- What-
Eddie must have stopped breathing, because the next time he takes a breath his lungs burn, his mid races because there’s no way Eddie’s long term celebrity crush just asked him on a date. He sits there long enough that the screen goes dark and he scrambles to turn it back on, sees the message still there, real and unchanged.
There’s no way he can say no to this, to Steve, and his hands shake as he types out a response.
‘Dinner would be great. Just name the time and place, Daddy.’
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finelinefae · 5 months
semi-finals [tennisplayer!harry x tennisplayer!y/n]
Tumblr media Tumblr media
synopsis: y/n gets distracted and harry just wants the girl he likes to like him back
word count: 10.7k
contains: fluff, angst, enemies to lovers, set at a boarding school, slow burn, angst, tennis rivals, strict parents, first kiss(es), jealous!h, jealous!yn, inaccurate height of certain characters who may actually be taller in real life but this is an au so it's fine, a crazy confession but not really bc we all saw it coming
this is part 3 of the game! read part 2 here
. . .
Y/N watched him from across the room, studying the way people walked up to him as though he was some kind of celebrity. He smiled and laughed but it didn’t reach his eyes, not in the way it did when they were together. 
But it wasn’t his charismatic smile and booming laugh that constantly grabbed her attention when she was trying to listen to Sarah’s story about the cat her parents had fostered back home. It was the blonde girl beside him, the one who hadn’t left his side for the entire night, who laughed along with him and stole glances whenever he wasn’t looking. 
Her opponent for the next tournament that was now a month away. 
Astrid Anderson had once been a student at Crestwood. They’d all been in the same infant class together and every boy in their year group was obsessed with her. Harry and Astrid hadn’t started dating until the year before Harry left for Australia. They were the ‘It’ couple of Crestwood, everyone treated them as though they were some kind of celebrity couple. 
All that lasted until Harry had to leave for Australia. He broke things off and then Astrid moved to Trinity Academy which was Crestwood’s biggest rival in most competitive areas. Y/N didn’t know or care what Astrid had gotten up to since she left school. There was no bitterness between them but they both knew they weren’t the type of people to share the same social circle. Whilst Astrid cared more about her social life, Y/N was completely focused on academics and there was nothing wrong with either of those things but it didn’t give them much to talk about. 
“Right Y/N?” Sarah asked, her head whipping around in her direction only to realise she had no idea what she was talking about. 
“Right,” Y/N nodded, having no clue as to what she was agreeing with. 
Adam held back a smile as he sat on the couch across from her, “Mitch, come get a drink with me,” Sarah stood up, tugging the hem of her skirt down, “I need you to push past all the tall people.”
Mitch, all five foot eight inches of him, rose from his place beside Jake on the couch with a self-satisfied stretch, as if flaunting his height as proof that his girlfriend needed him. "Coming, babe," he declared, a hint of smugness in his voice.  Everyone laughed as Mitch winked, following behind Sarah through the crowds of dancing bodies. 
Y/N glanced over at Harry who was now standing with his back to her, talking to Astrid with his hand propped up against the refrigerator. “If you’re not careful, you’ll burn holes into his back,” Adam spoke from beside her. 
“That’s the idea,” Y/N murmured. 
“Hm, I thought you didn’t like him?” Adam asked the question causing her to turn and face him. 
“I don’t,” She answers immediately but the words are like metal on her tongue, “I-I mean I-” 
Adam’s lips curve into a knowing smirk, “I see,”
Y/N wanted to protest but found herself unable to muster the words. Her mouth seemed to glue itself shut as she attempted to argue against Adam’s assumption that she liked Harry even a little bit. Her emotions had been all over the place ever since she asked Harry to coach her. He seemed to bring out a part of her she didn’t even know she had. One moment she was angry, the next she was laughing, and sometimes her heart would beat so hard against her chest that she felt like it was trying to leap out and walk right into the palm of his hand.
She couldn’t comprehend how the wires in her brain had seemingly rewired themselves, transitioning from loathing someone to now seeing visions of them before she drifted off to sleep. It both frightened and excited her, this inexplicable shift in her feelings consuming her thoughts and diverting her attention from the actual game - a game that had never required feelings before. 
“We both agreed on not seeing anyone if this was to work out,” She confessed.
“Did he make that rule or you?” Adam quirked a brow.
“It was a mutual agreement I guess,” Y/N shrugged. 
Adam nodded slowly, his eyes darting to and from Harry. “C’mere,” He motioned with his finger. Y/N leaned in at the same time as he did, until they were only inches a part from each other, “Laugh,” He says.
“What?” Y/N questioned. 
“Trust me, just laugh.” Adam glanced over her shoulder again before smiling. 
Y/N hesitated for a moment before complying, a hesitant laugh escaping her lips to which Adam joined in. The more he laughed, the more she laughed with him until he stopped, “Uh oh,” He smirked, leaning forward and grabbing his drink from the coffee table, “Looks like you started something now.” He motions his head behind her and Y/N turns to find Harry no longer with Astrid but striding towards them, anger radiating from him. 
“Adam, what did you do?” Y/N exclaimed, sitting on the edge of the couch as Harry approached them. 
His eyes were darkened, his jaw tense, “Y/N,” He said her name over the music, “Can I talk to you?” Each word was tense as he spoke them like he was trying to control himself. 
Maybe it was the bit of alcohol she’d had that was taking over her senses but she felt a sudden boost of confidence. Y/N folded her arms, “Ask me again,” She smirked. 
Harry scoffed, “Can I talk to you?”
Y/N’s expression was smug as she spoke the next word carefully, “Again,”
Harry’s jaw tightened, gritting his teeth he spoke again just as she asked, “Can I talk to you, please?”
Adam snorted beside her and Y/N’s lips curved, “Okay,” She stood up, ignoring the way her head spun, and stumbled as she followed him down the hallways of his apartment to a room near the back right by the bathroom that people were queuing up to use. He stood in front of an unopened door and pulled out a key from his back pocket to unlock it. 
Stepping inside, Y/N glanced around the room and noticed how different it was from the rest of the apartment. It had calming blue walls and a simple bed with white sheets. A big window let in soft light, making it cosy. There were personal things like photos and an old music player. There were posters on the wall and pictures of his friends on the corkboard by the desk. On one of the shelves in the corner, she saw the trophies she had previously seen in boxes now displayed on his shelf. 
She smiled but it quickly disappeared as she faced an angry-looking Harry. “What are you playing at?” 
“What do you mean?” Y/N crossed her arms.
Harry's eyes narrowed, his frustration evident as he took a step closer to Y/N. "Don't play dumb with me, Y/N," his voice tinged with a raw edge. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. You and Adam? I thought we agreed not to date anybody?”
Y/N scoffed, “So did I until I saw you hanging around your ex-girlfriend who - might I add - is my opponent for the next game!”
Harry took a step forward and Y/N took one step back until she was backed up against his door. He placed one hand on the wall right by her head and hung his head to look down at her. Y/N’s breath hitched at how close he was, “Are you jealous?” He murmurs. 
“Jealous of who? You and your ex?” She emphasised the ‘ex’ like she was reminding him that Astrid was his ex-girlfriend. 
Harry's eyes flickered with a mixture of emotions, his lips curling into a knowing smirk. "You are, aren't you?" he murmured, his voice low and filled with a hint of amusement.
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she felt the heat of Harry's body so close to hers. She swallowed hard, refusing to let herself be intimidated by his proximity. "I'm not jealous," she insisted, her voice tinged with defiance.
Harry's smirk widened, his hand still resting against the wall beside her head. "Really?" he challenged, his breath warm against her cheek as he leaned in closer. “You don’t think I didn’t see you and those pretty eyes staring holes into the back of my head?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, her frustration evident. "You're more arrogant than I thought," she muttered under her breath.
"Do you like him?" Harry's question caught her off guard.
"I've already told you I don't," she replied, a hint of annoyance colouring her tone.
"You know it kills me?" Harry's voice softened, his expression pained. Y/N's confusion was clear as she waited for him to continue. "It kills me to see you with him, to see you with anybody but me. Especially when you laugh like that, I only want you to laugh like that with me."
"Well, unfortunately for you, you don't tell me what to do," Y/N shot back, her heart pounding against her chest.
"I thought I was your coach?" Harry smirked, attempting to lighten the mood.
"You're my coach, not my keeper. If I want to talk to Adam or laugh around him, I will. In fact, I'm going to," she declared, spinning around and pulling the door open, the noise from the party flooding her ears.
As she walked back into the living room, Y/N spotted Adam with Mitch, Sarah, Jake, and some others playing beer pong at the dining table. Adam's smile faltered when he noticed Harry behind her. "Hey, everything okay?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.
Y/N nodded determination in her eyes. "Can I play?"
"Sure, it's my round so you can be on my team if you want," Adam offered with a smile.
Y/N grinned. "Who are we playing?"
Suddenly, the boy she had been locked in the room with stood at the opposite end of the table. "Mind if I join?" Harry's question hung in the air, his eyes fixed on Y/N.
Y/N tried not to react as Astrid approached him, placing a manicured hand on his shoulder. "I'll be on your team, H," she said with a smile, and Y/N's jaw tensed at the sight.
Harry smirked, glancing at Y/N, “Alright then,” 
“You sure about this?” Adam asked.
“Mhm,” Y/N nodded, “It’s just…How do we play?”
Adam laughed which caught Harry’s attention as he spoke to Astrid, “Just follow my lead, you’ll get the idea.”
As the game started, Y/N sensed Harry was intentionally trying to make her jealous when he laughed and spoke to Astrid far too enthusiastically. But she refused to let it bother her the way he wanted it to. She focused on the game with Adam, watching as he tossed the ping pong ball into one of the cups.
She noticed Harry scowl whenever they got remotely close to each other, high-fiving or giving each other a hug whenever one of them managed to get the ball into a cup. It gave her a sense of satisfaction whenever she’d see his eyes narrow as Adam placed a hand on her elbow to help her aim the ball in the right direction. 
Towards the end of the game, Y/N could feel herself slowly starting to fall under the effects of the alcohol. She had only ever drunk alcohol at functions or dinner parties with her parents and now she was countless drinks in. Her brain was turning fuzzy, there was no thought behind her words whenever she spoke and every time she aimed the ball, it would fly off the table somewhere across the room. 
As Y/N took her last turn, she was already very drunk and she knew she'd feel bad about it in the morning. Even with her friends cheering her on, she struggled to focus. She aimed carefully at the last cup, but the ball bounced off the table and landed in a plant pot nearby.
"Oops," Y/N slurred, her lips curving into a drunken giggle. "Looks like it's my turn to drink."
Before Adam could reach her, she took a step forward, catching her foot on the table edge and tumbling to the floor. Y/N laughed as she lay flat on her back looking up at the ceiling, “Are you okay, Y/N?” Sarah’s voice called. 
"Are you alright?" Adam asked, helping her stand back up again.
"Whoa," Y/N said, putting a hand to her head as it started to pound.
"Okay, I think that's enough for you," Adam chuckled.
"Are you okay?" Harry appeared in her view. "Hey, look at me." He gently lifted her chin with his finger.
"I'm fine," Y/N swayed. "I'm really, really great."
"Yeah?" Harry smiled. "Your knee's bleeding."
Y/N's brows furrowed. "It is?" She looked down.
"Mhm, c'mon, let's go clean it up." He took her hand.
"Oh, but the game!" Y/N looked over her shoulder to see everyone returning to their own groups.
"The game's over, love," he sighed when he realized she wasn't going to take another step on her own. He threw her over his shoulder and carried her down the hallway to his room.
"Hey, quit calling me that!" she slurred, banging her fists against his back.
The noise from the party softened as Harry closed the door behind him. Y/N found herself on Harry's bed, her body bouncing lightly as he carefully laid her down. She gazed up at the ceiling, her legs dangling over the edge of the mattress.
Harry stumbled into his bathroom and dampened a cloth under the cold water before walking back to her. Y/N propped herself up as he approached, observing him closely as he knelt between her legs.
He gently took her calf in his hand, “Are you drunk?” Y/N asked. 
Harry chuckled, his cheeks flushed. "Just a bit," he admitted, a lazy grin spreading across his face. "Maybe more than a bit."
Y/N giggled, “Me too,” She confessed.
“I know that,” He chuckled, his hair falling in front of his face, “You play a mean game of beer pong.”
“If it weren’t for you I probably wouldn’t be so competitive,” Y/N admitted.
"But it was fun, right?" Harry's smile softened. “You like spending time with me?”
Y/N relaxed, her shoulders dropping, “I think…” She starts, her mind whirring, “Okay shhhhh,” She puts her finger to his lips and his lips pout automatically against them, “Don’t tell anyone this but everyday I wake up and I look forward to spending time with you.”
Harry smirks, “You do?” 
“But don’t tell anybody,” She insists.
“Okay,” He nods, “I won’t tell anybody.”
“How do I know you won’t tell anybody?” Y/N frowns. 
“Hmm,” Harry thinks, “How about I tell you something?”
Y/N nods, “Okay.”
Harry’s eyes look into hers, “No amount of time in the day is ever enough for me. I want to spend every moment of my days with you, every second of time and even more than that.” 
“Woah,” Y/N’s eyes widen, her hand resting on his shoulder, “That’s a lot of time.”
“And it’s still not enough,” Harry whispers, his head leaning closer to hers. The cloth slipped from her thigh, Harry’s cold fingers wrapping themselves around her ankle that was right by his knee as he knelt on the floor. 
“Harry,” Y/N murmurs, “Do you still love her?”
Harry shakes his head immediately, “No,” He says, “For someone so brilliantly smart how do you still not know?” 
“I’m not smart when it comes to people,” She whispers, “Or you. I think that’s why you frustrate me so much.”
“You frustrate me for an entirely different reason,” His hand lifts to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. She could feel his breath fanning her face, smelling the scent of alcohol. 
Her hands go to his shirt, scrunching the fabric into tight fists, “Tell me,” Her eyes flutter shut as his lips ghost over her cheek.
“Not today baby,” He says. 
“Y’ said it again,” Her lips curve, “You called me that in the car too.”
“You remember that?” 
“I remember everything,” 
As Harry parted his lips to reply, Y/N seized the moment, her hand darting to the back of his neck as she planted a quick peck on his lips. His eyes widened in surprise as she giggled, "Whoops."
Before she could fully retract her hand, Harry leaned in, closing the gap between them and pressing his lips to hers once more.
Y/N melted against him, feeling his lips merge with hers as he caught her bottom lip between his. Her eyes were closed and her senses were overwhelmed with the taste of alcohol and the scent of his aftershave. His lips were soft and everything about him was so warm. Every time she would try to catch her breath he would just steal the air right out of her as if she were his source of oxygen. 
They both pulled away. Y/N needed a moment before she could open her eyes again as she tried to regain her breath. When she did, green, hazy eyes looked into hers. Her lips curved before she spoke, “I haven’t kissed anyone like that before,” She admits.
"Really?" Harry asked, his voice tinged with surprise.
Y/N shook her head, her laughter bubbling up. "I mean, I kissed Jamie Keller once in the fourth year, but it wasn't a proper kiss."
Harry rolled his eyes, a hint of amusement in his expression. "Fucking Jamie Keller," he muttered.
Y/N laughed, unable to tear her eyes away from him. "Yeah," she murmured, "Fucking Jamie Keller."
Harry's fingers brushed against Y/N's cheek, “Do you think we’ll remember this in the morning?” He asked. 
Y/N couldn’t find an answer, instead, she brushed the curls in front of his eyes to the side and wondered just how much she had had to drink to end up in the one place she’d been trying to avoid. 
. . .
“Shit,” Y/N hissed, “This isn’t real.”
Her head was pounding like someone was hammering against her skull and her spine felt like she had been sleeping folded in half as she sat up straight in bed. She was in a room, a room she didn’t recognise and hoped it wasn’t just some random stranger’s. 
The last thing she remembered vividly was sitting on the couch with Adam and Harry standing somewhere across the room with Astrid, everything afterwards just seemed to blur all into nothing. 
It was her first time getting drunk and probably her last too from the awful state her body was in. She wanted nothing more than to shower and sleep in her own bed, eat foods high in sodium and drink gallons of water. 
Her heart leapt inside of her chest when she heard soft snores coming from somewhere in the room. She looked down and saw Harry curled up asleep on the floor, his arms wrapped around her ankle and holding it to his chest like a teddy bear.  
Y/N's heart swelled with a mixture of confusion and tenderness as she gazed down at Harry's sleeping form. She couldn't deny the warmth that spread through her at the sight of him, even if she couldn't quite understand how they had ended up in this situation.
Carefully extracting her ankle from his grasp, Y/N shifted to the edge of the bed, wincing as her head throbbed with each movement. She needed to get home. She had so much to do and prepare for now that her first game was over. She cursed herself as she tiptoed past Harry, not before grabbing a blanket to place over him as she walked to the door. 
Harry sighed, “You don’t remember do you?” 
Y/N frowned, wondering if he was talking in his sleep or actually asking her a question. She shrugged and pulled the door open, closing it softly behind her. 
Harry’s apartment was a mess. 
There were beer cans littered across the room and silly string on bits of furniture. She wondered whether or not she should stay to clear up but then remembered it was technically Mitch’s party which also made it his responsibility. 
She tried to spot someone who might have been able to offer her a lift home so she didn’t have to get the bus back to her dorm. Fortunately for her, Adam was lying on the couch asleep so she walked right over and gently shook him awake.
“Hey,” She whispered, “Sorry to wake you up,”
“Y/N?” Adam groaned, “I thought you went home,”
Y/N didn’t know why she was suddenly blushing but she replied, “Any chance you can give me a ride home?” She knew he had a car because he lived with his parents.
“I’ve been drinking,” He groans.
“Please?” She was desperate, “I know you only drank water for most of the night,”
He yawns, “Fine,” 
In the car ride back to her dorm, Y/N tried to recall the memories that had been missing from the previous night. She vaguely remembered playing beer pong and Harry playing alongside Astrid but the more she drank, the more her memory seemed to fade.
“You okay?” Adam asked, glancing over at her from the driver’s seat. 
“No, I can’t remember anything from last night,” Y/N groaned, running her hands over her face. 
Adam chuckles, “So you don’t remember falling over?”
Y/N’s eyes widened as she turned her head to look at him, “I fell?”
He nodded, “You tripped over the dining table when we were playing beer pong. Harry took you somewhere to fix up your knee,” 
Y/N looked down at her knee and frowned, “My knee?” She murmured, seeing the cut on her knee and the blood that had dried up around it. 
Seeing the cut on her knee must have triggered something in her brain because all of a sudden everything was beginning to piece together. 
Harry’s eyes look into hers, “No amount of time in the day is ever enough for me. I want to spend every moment of my days with you, every second of time and even more than that.” 
Harry's words echoed in her mind, sending a shiver down her spine. She could almost feel the warmth of his breath against her skin as he spoke those words and when he leaned and… 
“No fucking way,” Y/N blurted after everything came flooding back.
“Are you okay?” Adam looked at her concerned.
How could she possibly answer that? Was she okay? Clearly not, considering she had ended up in the bedroom of her longtime rival and kissed him.
She had kissed him.
And she had enjoyed it enough to want to kiss him again.
This wasn't good. It felt like she was breaking all the rules she had set for herself. Harry wasn't just any boy she went to school with; he was her coach, her rival, and someone she had known for years. He was the boy who used to tease her on the court, the one who always seemed to be one step ahead.
It must have been a drunken mistake. Y/N had no idea what she was like when she was drunk and clearly, she wasn’t the most sensible. It didn’t matter if things had suddenly changed between them, she couldn’t be with him, she wouldn’t allow herself to. Her focus was on winning that scholarship at the end of the school year where afterwards they’d be on two separate paths moving away from each other. 
Her feelings weren’t forever, tennis was. 
Thankfully, Adam had pulled into the front of her dorm building. She opened the door and leapt out of the car, “Thanks for the ride, Adam.” She tries to smile. 
“Hey Y/N,” Adam stops her, a look of concern on her face, “Are you okay?” He asks again and she realises she never answered him before.
She bit the inside of her cheek and gave him a tight-lipped smile, “I’m okay,” She lied and closed the door, spinning on her heel and walking to her dorm where she hoped she’d be alone so she could have time to work through her thoughts.
Even when she felt like she was winning, he always managed to one-up her, and this time was no different.
. . .
Y/N walked into school the Monday after the party at Harry’s house. 
When she returned back to her dorm, the first thing she did was shower and then spent the rest of the day wallowing in self pity and trying not to cry at the thought of kissing Harry. 
She had managed to go avoiding him the entire weekend and planned on doing the same today. He had sent her text messages asking her if she was okay but she’d ignored them, putting her notifications on silent like it was enough to trick her mind into believing nothing happened between them. 
Sarah had walked in on her hiding under her bed covers, watching episodes of Gilmore Girls and eating cold pizza. It was a sight she had never seen before which left her wondering if something had happened at the party but Y/N refused to tell. 
People congratulated Y/N in the hallways as she walked to her locker. She wasn’t used to getting attention from everybody. Most of the time, people didn’t really acknowledge her unless they needed help with their homework.
“Heyyy court queen,” Sarah beamed.
Y/N immediately shook her head, “Sarah, no,” she snorted, trying not to laugh.
“What?” Sarah frowned, “I’m trying to think up a catchy nickname so it catches on and people put it on merch and signs for your game.”
This time Y/N did laugh, “Are you trying to make money off of me?” She teased.
“No, of course not, I’m just being a supportive friend. You know my mother is designing a new clothing line? I can totally get her to design something for people to wear for your games.”
“Sarah,” Y/N put her hands on her friend’s shoulders, “I’ve won one game for a school competition. As much as I love you for it, I don’t need you to create merchandise or give me catchy nicknames.”
Sarah’s shoulders slumped, “I know, it’s just… You’re playing against Astrid Anderson. Not only is she popular at her new school, but she’s also still pretty popular here too. Jake told me he saw her volunteering at a homeless shelter, offering them invites to come to the semi-finals.”
Y/N rolled her eyes, “We’re playing tennis. It’s not a beauty pageant. Whatever happens, won’t be up to how many people turn up or what everybody’s wearing.”
“But don’t you think she’s trying to do it to throw you off?” Sarah asked, “I’m pretty sure she still has feelings for Harry. Isn’t that weird?”
“Weird?” Y/N replied quickly, “Why would it be weird?”
Sarah looked at her suspiciously, “Because she’s Harry’s ex-girlfriend? And your opponent for the next game and did I forget to mention Harry ‘your coach’s’ ex-girlfriend?”
“What Harry does outside of our training is none of my business,” Y/N cleared her throat.
“Did something happen between you two? At the party, Mitch said he saw you two go off somewhere and now you’re being weird,” Sarah questioned.
“Nothing happened, Harry was just being his usual, annoying self,” Y/N hoped she was convincing enough to drop the subject, but Sarah continued to look at her like she knew there was something she wasn’t saying.
Thankfully, the bell for the first period was a perfect interruption. Y/N slammed her locker shut, “I’ll see you later?”
Sarah nodded, “Lunch, right?”
Y/N froze, remembering that Harry was a member of their usual lunch group, “Um, I-I have tutoring.”
“What?” Sarah furrowed her brows, “I thought you tutored on Wednesdays?”
“Change of schedule?” Y/N blurted out, grasping for an excuse.
Sarah’s eyes narrowed, “Something very weird is happening… Are you pregnant?”
“Okay, love you so much, bye,” Y/N rushed, giving Sarah a quick hug before walking quickly past her to avoid blurting out any more hideous lies.
As she turned the corner, she accidentally bumped into someone, her shoulder colliding with theirs. Y/N looked up, and her heart was in her mouth when she saw Harry looking down at her, something flashed in his eyes, his lips parting the same way hers did as she finally laid eyes on him after ignoring him all weekend. He was wearing his blazer for once, but his tie was loose around his neck.
“Y/N,” he breathed.
Y/N’s eyes softened, she wanted to speak to him, but then her cheeks flushed as she remembered the night in his bedroom. “I-I-” Her throat felt like she’d swallowed cotton wool as she tried to get her words out, “I can’t.” She shook her head, walking past him and ignoring him calling her name.
. . .
Y/N had hoped by ignoring the things that were bothering her, everything would fix itself on its own. It was a bad habit she hadn’t learned to kick and the situation with Harry was no different. 
They hadn’t spoken a word about their kiss since it happened, in fact, they barely spoke about anything at all. Y/N had hoped Harry would go back to their usual back-and-forth arguments and forget about everything but whenever she tried to say something that would push his buttons, he’d just ignore her or use one-worded replies. 
During tennis practice, he’d barely even look at her when she asked him a question and stopped arguing with her when she wanted to do things differently from the way he worked. She was even beginning to think her friends had figured out that something had gone down between them from the way Harry would completely shut down whenever she opened her mouth to speak during lunch break, 
As much as she hated herself for it, she missed him. Missed the way they would argue over everything but smile at each other because they both knew it wasn’t serious, missed the way he calmed her down whenever she would get too passionate about something and the way he looked at her like she was the only person in the room. 
She had tried to forget the kiss but she went to sleep dreaming about it. Every time he got anywhere near her, thoughts of his lips on hers flashed through her mind like a showreel. His low, drunken mumble when he spoke to her outplayed the music in her ears whenever she tried to listen to the playlist he had made for her. 
Worst of all, it was affecting her gameplay. Y/N was pretty sure she had never seen such terrible volleys or groundstrokes in her entire life. Every time she would try to aim the ball, she’d get distracted by Harry wiping sweat from his brow or watching her so intensely when she wasn’t looking like he was trying to set her on fire with his own eyes. 
The game was two weeks away and the dream of winning that scholarship was slowly slipping out of her grasp with every passing day. 
It was the end of the week and Y/N was sitting in her dorm room, eating cereal at her desk with her pyjama bottoms and her school shirt on. She was finishing up the last few questions of her math homework when Sarah walked in. 
“I need to show you something,” Sarah dropped her bag on the floor and pulled out a newspaper. 
“What’s wrong?” Y/N frowned, taking the rolled-up paper in her hands and unrolling it on her desk. Y/N’s eyes widened, her mouth falling open when she took in the image before her. 
It was a blown up picture of her and Harry on the front cover of the school newspaper. Harry had one arm around her waist and they were both looking into each other’s eyes, a smile on his face and a surprised look on hers. 
To everyone else, it looked like the front cover of a Nicholas Sparks novel and it probably didn’t help that the title was written in big bold letters with the words ‘The coach and his student’. 
“What the fuck!” Y/N stood up, gripping the newspaper in her hands she thought it might rip apart. 
“I know,” Sarah cringed, “I had no idea they were going to do that, Y/N, if I did I would never have gotten Luke that interview.”
“Sarah, ‘The coach and his student’? What is this? The title of a porno?” Y/N couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “How many people have seen this already?”
Sarah didn’t answer until Y/N gave her a stern look, “Everybody,”
Y/N groaned and threw the newspaper in the trash can beneath her desk before sliding on her trainers and storming down the hallways of her dorm. 
“Wait where are you going?” Sarah ran after her. Y/N ignored her as well as the people whispering about her as they held copies of the newspaper in their hands. She made a beeline for the car park, her gaze drawn to the familiar sight of his black Audi parked in its usual spot. There he was, leaning casually against it, engaged in conversation with Mitch, Adam, and Jake.
Mitch’s head turned when he saw her pacing towards them, Sarah still running behind her. Harry’s attention shifted to her. She saw the flash of amusement on his face before it fell flat again. 
“Have you seen this?” She held the newspaper up in front of him.
Harry’s eyes darted to the newspaper before landing on her face again, “Yes.” He said the usual one-worded reply he had been giving her all week. 
“And you approved of it?” She could feel the anger bubbling beneath the surface of her skin. 
“No,” He replied, “But it doesn’t bother me as much as it bothers you it seems.”
“Of course, it would bother me!” Y/N exclaimed, “If I’d have known they would make it look like we were a-”
Harry stilled, his jaw clenching, “If we were a what?”
Y/N paused before answering, “A couple.” He seemed to react in a way she couldn’t put her finger on, “I would have never done that stupid interview in the first place.”
Harry scoffed, “Why does it bother you so much to like me?” 
“It doesn’t bother me,” It did but she wouldn’t tell him that.
“You haven’t talked to me since Mitch’s party,” Harry started but she cut him off before he could say anything else.
“There’s nothing to talk about,” She stressed.
“You and I both know that’s not true.” 
“Harry you’re being ridiculous,”
“Says the girl who ran out here in her pyjama pants,” He quips.
Y/N looked down to realise she was, in fact, still in her pyjama bottoms. She glanced around at her friend’s who quickly looked away to act as though they weren’t all watching their argument like it was some kind of reality TV show moment. 
Harry’s shoulders dropped and he let out a sigh. He reached for her wrist and pulled her in closer. Y/N inhaled, it was the first time he had touched her since the party. “Look,” He murmured, keeping his voice low, “If I’d have known this was how you’d react I would have never have done it.”
Y/N looked surprised, “Really?” She couldn’t help but feel a sting at his words but she ignored it. 
He nods, “I went too far and I know things with you are different,”
“What do you mean?” But before Y/N could get a reply, she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket. 
She pulled it out and felt a pit form in her stomach when her mother’s name lit up the screen. She immediately answered it and walked to the back of Harry’s car to speak to her. “Mum?” Y/N answered. 
“Your father got an email this morning,” Her mother replied. No hello, no how are you or how’s school, just straight to the point. 
“He did?” Y/N already knew where this was going. 
“It was a copy of the school newspaper,” Her mother’s voice sounded as though she was trying to keep her anger at bay, “We opened it hoping to see our daughter somewhere on the scholar’s page but low and behold there you were right on the front cover - with a boy no less.” 
“We want to see you,” Her mother snapped, interrupting her, “Your father has reserved us a table at Château Blanc two weeks today. It’s the only day off he could get so be grateful.” 
Two weeks from today was the day before the semi-finals. She needed to train but she couldn’t say no to her mother, “Okay, I’ll be there.”
“Good.” Her mother replied before hanging up the phone. 
Y/N slipped the phone back and sighed, “Are you okay?” Harry’s voice sounded. 
“My parents have seen the newspaper,” Y/N’s jaw clenched, “They want me to have dinner with them.”
“Do you need me to come with you?” Harry looked at her with genuine concern.
“No, what I need you to do is leave me alone.” Y/N had shut down. It was the way she always got whenever she spoke to her parents. 
“Y/N I didn’t know-” He reached for her hand as she walked past but she quickly pulled it away. 
“Leave me alone Harry,” She said, completely defeated. 
Y/N made her way back to her dorm and collapsed on her bed letting out a sigh of frustration. She looked up at the ceiling and wondered if she would ever find the off switch that would finally offer her a break from the life she was living. 
. . . 
Harry stood on one side of the tennis court, sending tennis balls flying with his racket toward Y/N, who stood on the opposite side, swiftly striking them back. She tried to ignore the intensity of his gaze, which seemed to linger on her every move as if he were observing more than just her technique. 
Every time she attempted to slice or backhand the ball, it would completely falter landing somewhere off the court. Whilst her body was on the court, her mind was elsewhere like it had been every day since her parents had called. 
She made an attempt to drop-shot the ball only to end up missing it completely. “Fuck!” Y/N cried out and hit her racket against the ground over and over again in a fit of rage and frustration. 
“Okay, slow down there, love,” Harry chuckled, “Y’ gonna break the racket and I’m pretty sure it’s school property.”
“It’s my own racket,” Y/N replied. 
The corner of his lips tilted upwards, “You still mad about that kiss?” 
Y/N glanced around them to see if anyone heard him. It’s not like it would change anything, everyone already thought they were dating after the school newspaper came out, “No, I’m not mad. In fact, I’ve already forgotten it ever happened, my brain has fully wiped it from my memory.”
Harry’s lips transformed into a smirk, “Oh really?” He took a step forward and she took one back, “Replaced with all those books…and…tennis,” His eyes dart down to her lips. 
“Tennis…” She whispers, her heart thudding in her chest. 
“So you don’t think about it at all?” He asks. 
“N-not at all,” She lies, terribly. 
“Okay,” He shrugs, wiping the smirk from his face, “Well clearly something’s bothering you because those hits were the worst thing I’ve ever seen.”
Y/N gives him a look, “It’s my parents. I’m meeting them for dinner this Friday and I haven’t seen them since they dropped me off here at the beginning of the year.”
“Are they that upset with you over the paper?” Harry looked concerned. 
“I guess so. My dad even reserved a table at Château Blanc. It’s his favourite place to get mad at me and my mum. He can book a booth and then try to control his anger whilst eating steak and mashed potatoes - honestly, it’s his dream scenario.” Y/N laughs but Harry doesn’t see the humour. She sighs, “I’m worried it will throw me off of the game.”
This time, Harry does smile, “I don’t think anyone could do that.” 
“Everything is piling up and I just feel so mad and I don’t know where to put it,” She huffs. 
Harry's smile softened. "Here," he offered his racket, "Use mine. Can’t have you breaking yours when you have a semi-final to win."
Y/N hesitated, then accepted the racket, seeking confirmation from Harry. With his nod, she began to hit the racket against the floor repeatedly, releasing her frustration with each strike. 
"Ugh," she screeched, "I’m so pissed."
"Oh, yeah, let it out," Harry encouraged with a chuckle.
With each slam of the racket, Y/N vented her frustration. "I just wanna play tennis!"
“I just want to win my next stupid game!”
“I just want my parents to like me!”
Suddenly, Harry joined in, mirroring her actions. “I hate that I have this stupid injury!
“I think my dad’s disappointed in me!”
“I just want the girl I like to like me back!”
They continued hitting the rackets on the ground until they started to crack and split from the force. As the rackets began to splinter, they exchanged a glance, a mix of exhaustion and relief evident in their eyes. With a final forceful slam, they both dropped their broken rackets to the ground, the sound echoing in the quiet of the tennis court.
Y/N looks down at their broken rackets on the floor, her chest heaving up and down. Unable to help herself, she starts laughing feeling relieved to have finally gotten all her anger out. Harry watches and then starts laughing with her. 
“Feel better?” He asks. 
Y/N nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Yeah," she replied softly, meeting his gaze, “I do.”
. . .
Y/N’s parents sent a car to pick her up on the night of the dinner. She sat in the back of the car in a pair of tights and a navy blue dress with a pair of brogues laced up on her feet. Her hair was in loose curls fastened with a clip at the back. Whenever she was around her parents, she always had to dress smart. 
She glanced at her phone to make sure she wasn’t running late as they pulled in front of the restaurant. She tipped the driver before leaving even if her parents wouldn’t agree if they found out later. 
The dimly lit restaurant looked elegant, with fancy lights and dark wood furniture. There were long curtains on the windows and the tables had white cloths and polished silverware. Gentle jazz music played in the background as people chatted across tables.
Y/N spotted her parents in their usual booth at the back. She made her way towards them but immediately began to panic when she realised they weren’t alone. 
Sitting across from them was Harry’s mother, Anne, who Y/N had last encountered briefly before when she had visited his apartment for the first time. She looked regal in her fancy dress and matching pearl jewellery. 
Beside her sat a man wearing a finely tailored suit and tie who resembled an older version of Harry, with grey hair and a face lined with wrinkles, but he didn't seem a day over sixty. His eyes were a darker shade of green than Harry’s were and his demeanour wasn’t as friendly. 
“Y/N,” Anne was the first to acknowledge her presence, smiling as she walked over.
It caught the attention of her own parents, who turned and forced a smile as though to project a united front in front of Harry’s parents. “Hello,” Y/N bent over to kiss her mother and father on the cheek in greeting. 
“Y/N, you remember Anne and James from the country club?” Her mother, Theresa, spoke.
“Of course,” Y/N sat in the chair beside her mother.
“We invited them to eat with us considering this matter contains them both.” 
Y/N nodded, not knowing what to say in response. She knew the dinner with her parents would have something to do with her participation in the Academy Slam but she hadn’t been expecting to see Harry’s parents too. 
“Did you see Harry on his way in?” Anne asked, “He said he was on his way earlier.”
“Mind if I sit here?” His voice appeared out of nowhere and Y/N’s entire body reacted in a way she couldn’t control around him.
Her head lifted to look up at him and the air knocked out of her. Unlike his usual casual attire, he was wearing a black suit with golden buttons and a black tie. His hair was better styled than the usual unruly mess of curls. He smiled down at her, his eyes seemed to brighten beneath the dim lights at the sight of her. 
He winked and sat down in the chair beside her, “Sorry I’m late.”
His presence overwhelmed her senses, the faint scent of his cologne filling the air as he settled into his seat. Whatever this dinner was meant to be had completely changed for her; she suddenly felt less alone.
“Harry,” Y/N’s father, David, spoke, “Haven’t seen you since you left for Australia.”
“It’s certainly been a while,” Harry spoke, smiling forcefully. 
After ordering their food, David speaks, “I assume you know why we’re here,” He directs the statement towards Y/N who feels everyone’s eyes on her.
“The newspaper?” She says.
“The tennis,” Her father replies, saying the words with a hint of disappointment. “Y/N, you don’t seriously think you’re going to get anywhere with this tennis thing do you?” 
Y/N’s cheeks warm in embarrassment, “What?”
This time Theresa spoke, “We understand you enjoy it for fun but don’t you think you’re being greedy taking the opportunity of a scholarship away from girls who want to waste their lives on it?”
“Mum,” Y/N starts, “Tennis… tennis is everything to me. I-I’m not doing this because it’s some game to me. I’m doing this because I don’t have a choice.”
Y/N feels Harry’s knee bump hers beneath the table like he was silently praising her for sticking up for herself, “Don’t be ridiculous Y/N,” David says, “All you’ve ever talked about is going into medicine.”
“Because it was all you were willing to hear,” Y/N quickly responded.
A throat cleared from across the table and Harry’s father looked directly at him, “Don’t think this doesn’t apply to you.”
Harry frowns, “What are you talking about?”
“Coaching Harry? Seriously? After your injury? You know the doctor said you could worsen the damage if you continued and you disobeyed that for what? A silly game of girl’s tennis?” 
He scoffed, “Here we go,”
“Harry,” His mother warned. 
“You know we all agreed that if you were to go back to school you’d need to pick up on other subjects so you could actually go somewhere in life? Instead, we have to hear from your teachers how your grades have fallen only to find you on the front cover of the school newspaper with a girl who can’t hire her own coach and has to put you at risk?” 
Harry’s hands ball into fists beneath the table. Y/N didn’t know whether she felt more embarrassed or ashamed, all this felt like her fault and she didn’t know what to do. 
“I-I didn’t mean to put him at risk, Mr Styles,” Y/N stutters. She feels Harry place a hand on her knee. 
“Y/N, this will stop at once. I’m requesting the school pull you out of the competition.” Her father says and Y/N swears she feels her heart breaking.
“No please,” She was willing to get down on her hands and knees and beg, “Please Dad, this means everything to me.”
David raises a hand, “I won’t hear any of it. If it means you can focus on passing your exams and Harry no longer has to think about his injury then you can quit.” 
“N-no, I won’t let you take this away from me. I’ve been good, I study every day and I’m top of all my classes, why can’t you let me just have this one thing?” She didn’t care if she sounded childish or insane, this competition was all she had been working for. 
“Oh quit blubbering Y/N,” Her mother spoke, rolling her eyes, “You know I hate it when you do that.”
“Please, please,” Y/N doesn’t know what more she can do or say, they wouldn’t listen. 
Harry pushed his chair back, the sound catching everybody’s attention as the legs scraped against the floor, “I think Y/N and I will eat elsewhere,” Harry spoke, taking her hand beneath the table and flipping it over to intertwine their fingers. His thumb rubbed over the pulse point on her wrist in a way to calm her down. 
“What are you talking about?” James huffed. 
“Do any of you actually know how hard Y/N works?” Harry spits, “I doubt it because you’re all too busy counting the paper in your wallet to look up at your own fucking kids.” 
“Harry,” Anne gasps.
“No,” He glares at both his father and Y/N’s parents, “Y/N studies six hours a day, every day. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her take a break from it. When she’s not studying, she’s on the court blistering her hands just so she can get at least one perfect shot. She is the most brilliantly smart person I know and you may not care or fight for her but I will. I always will and right now I will not let you take away something she has worked so deeply hard for.” He stands from the table, still holding Y/N’s hand and everyone can see it as she refuses to let go. 
“Harry, sit down,” James orders but he ignores him.
“You’ve been disappointed in me since the moment I injured myself. I know you think I’m no good to you anymore, in fact, I’ve accepted it and I am glad for it because I have never been so happy and if you looked long enough you’d realise it.” Harry looks down at Y/N, his eyes filled with passion and anger and sincerity, “I am happy.” He says, “Because of what she has given me.” 
James scoffs, “And what is that?”
Harry’s head spins in the direction of his father, “Something you know nothing about.”
And with that, Harry tugs on Y/N’s hand to lead her out of the restaurant. 
Before they could fully walk away, Y/N felt her mother pulling her back, “If you walk out of this restaurant…”
“You’ll what? Never speak to me again? As if that’s anything new,” Y/N scoffs, “Nothing I do will ever be enough to either of you, will it?”
Y/N ignored the throbbing in her chest at her mother’s lack of reply, instead, she walked alongside Harry, holding his hand as they left the restaurant and reached his car.
Outside, the cool breeze felt nice on her warm skin. They shared a glance before Y/N started laughing so hard she started to cry. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she sobbed softly. Harry looked at her with a gentle expression, giving her space to let out her feelings and make sense of everything that had just happened.
“I don’t normally cry so can you look away?” Y/N sobs, unable to help herself as the tears fall from her eyes.
“No I don’t think I can do that,” Harry says, “You’re too pretty,”
Y/N huffs a laugh through her tears as she tries to wipe them away with the back of her hand, “I feel stupid,” She whispers to herself, her head falling forward. 
She sees Harry’s shoes on the ground and lifts her head up to look up at him towering above her. He smiles and pushes her hair out of her face, “Hi Y/N,” He murmurs.
“Hi Harry,” She whispers.
“Sorry for kidnapping you,” He says and Y/N chuckles.
“S okay,” She murmurs, her hands balling at her sides when he steps closer until his face is right in front of hers. 
“Can I admit something? You can pretend to be a little shocked if you want,” Harry asks. 
“I’m crazy for you,” He admits, the words stealing her breath, “I’ve been crazy for you since third year since you followed me around the playground threatening to beat me up with a tennis racket if I didn’t show you how to use one.” 
Y/N’s lips parted, unsure of what to respond with so she let him talk, “And I’ve spent all these years pining for your attention even if it was just a scrap but I don’t think I can take it anymore. I like you Y/N, I like you so much I don’t know how to breathe until I’m around you. I thought tennis was what bought me happiness but I don’t think it ever has. The only reason I ever loved tennis as much as I do is because of you.” 
“Harry,” Y/N’s eyes glisten at the boy in front of her. The boy she had spent her whole life arguing with because no one had ever frustrated her as much as he had. 
“Do you hate me?” He asks, his eyes worried, “Because after that kiss I thought you did for a moment.”
Y/N shook her head, “No,” She murmured, “I don’t hate you.”
He let out a sigh of relief, “Okay, well that’s good.”
“No one has ever stuck up for me before,” Y/N says, “Or believed in me the way you do. I’ve always done it all on my own.” Harry’s expression softens, “I think all this time I thought I was hating you, I was actually afraid of you because you make these things happen in my brain that I couldn’t seem to ever figure out.”
“Have you got them figured out yet?” Harry cups her cheek in his hand, it’s warm and soft and everything she needs.
“Not everything, but I do know one thing,” Y/N stands on her toes, looping her arms around his neck and smiling harder than she’s ever smiled - ever. “I like you an awful lot, Harry,” 
Harry’s smile outshone the moon. It was the happiest she’d ever seen him and maybe the happiest she’d ever been too. A sense of relief seemed to feel the air, Y/N felt lighter like she was a tennis ball flying through the air right into the palm of his hand, “You mean that?” He murmured, lips ghosting her cupid's bow. 
“I do,” She says, “But if you make me say it again I’ll lie and say I don’t mean it,”
“Okay,” He whispers, his mouth grazing hers as he holds her face in his hands, “I won’t make you say it again.”
Instead, Harry surged forward with such urgency and kissed her upper lip between his. Y/N’s eyes flutter shut but the whole world becomes brighter when she does. She was consumed by him, all of her senses had just become Harry. His tongue darted and tangled with hers, his hands pulling her in impossibly close trying to mould them together. 
When Harry’s lips pulled away, Y/N’s eyes remained shut and she was immediately desperate to experience that feeling all over again. Harry chuckled and she opened her eyes, his lips were pinker from the lipstick she was wearing, his eyes hazy and she was pretty sure her own pupils were carved into hearts just from looking at him.
“Can we go back to my place?” He asks.
Y/N didn’t even need a moment to think about it, “M’kay,”
. . . 
Harry could barely contain his desire as they made their way to his apartment. With a forceful push, the door swung open, and he pressed Y/N against it, his lips hungrily exploring every inch of her face and trailing down her neck. Despite her attempts to remove his shirt, her hands kept gravitating back to his tousled curls, pulling him closer for more intense kisses.
As they tumbled onto the couch, Harry hovered over her, his gaze filled with desire. "Harry," Y/N's voice quivered with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, "I-I've never done this before," she confessed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
"What? Never kissed anyone? That's hard to believe because you're really good at it," Harry teased, peppering kisses along her neck.
"No, I mean... I've never..." Y/N trailed off, the implication clear.
Understanding dawned in Harry's eyes. "Is that what we're doing?" he smirked, enjoying her flustered reaction.
His expression softened. "Would it make you feel better if I told you I haven't either?" he confessed.
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise. "What? But what about Astrid? You were together for a year."
"Astrid's family is Catholic," Harry explained. "And if it ever came to that, I don't think I could go through with it."
"Why?" Y/N questioned, her curiosity piqued.
"Because," Harry shrugged, "I've only ever wanted you."
Y/N's heart fluttered at his words, a rush of emotions flooding her. "Don't act so surprised," Harry chuckled.
"Why didn't you tell me before?" Y/N inquired, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Because..." Harry paused, his gaze locking with hers, "I knew I needed to be careful with you.”
Y/N huffs, “I’m not fragile,” 
His smile is sweet and gentle when he replies, “Maybe not to everyone else,” His breath fans across her cheeks, “But you are to me.” 
Y/N melts into the couch when he kisses her again. She didn’t know kissing could be so magical but suddenly they were eight years old again where life was simpler and games were just for fun, books were read for enjoyment and Y/N’s emotions weren’t so difficult to navigate. 
It was strange having someone understand her the way Harry did. Her whole life she thought no one was paying attention to her, not even her own parents, but he had been admiring her from afar for most of their lives together. 
“We don’t have to do anything tonight,” Harry says, “I don’t want to rush this with you. I want to do it right,”
Y/N’s lips curve, “You could never do it wrong,” 
He holds her to him, their legs intertwined on the end of the couch. Y/N had always thought the court was where she was meant to be but maybe this was where she needed to be all along. After all, tennis would not be in her life if it weren’t for Harry. 
. . .
“Okay, you gotta go baby,” Harry slurs against her mouth as she continues to kiss him. 
“Wait,” She whines and he smiles, feeling delirious whilst their lips connect repeatedly. His hands reach are holding her thighs as they wrap around him, her hands in his hair pulling him closer. 
They hear Y/N’s name from the umpire once more and Harry has to find the strength to pull away. His lips ghost the skin of her cheek, “Y’ gonna go and win this?” 
“Mhm,” She sighs, releasing herself from his hold and grabbing her tennis bag.
“Hey,” Harry pulls her back into him and she makes a little ‘oof’ sound. He holds her face in his hands, “You think you’re so hard to read? Not with me,” 
Y/N huffs, “I’m nervous. What if I don’t win? She’s your ex-girlfriend and everybody’s made a big deal about this because they already think we’re dating.”
“We are though aren’t we?” Harry quirks a brow, “Dating?”
Y/N looks at him blankly before hitting him on the shoulder, “Obviously Harry!”
He chuckles, “Okay, okay,” His hands slide down her arms to thread his fingers with hers at their sides, he lifts them up so their hands are pressed against each other and leans in close, “Remember what I told you about your anger? And how it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen and now that you’re my girlfriend I’m allowed to say that but honestly it’s the hottest thing ever and I almost die everytime I watch you play and I see you get all mad and-”
“Harry, focus,” Y/N snapped before she grinned and kissed him quickly, “But thank you, your ass looks pretty good on the court too.”
“Are you being for real?” Harry says, his mouth falling open, but he shakes his head to bring himself back to the main point at hand. He couldn’t pull her away for another make out session not when they were already late as it was, “But anyway, this game is no different to the others just because you’re playing against Astrid. Use everything you have and channel it against her.” 
Y/N nods, her eyes twinkling when she looks at him, “You’re a pretty good coach,” 
“You’re a pretty hot tennis player,” 
“Okay stop,” She pulls away and grabs her tennis bag.
“What?” He throws his hands in the air and laughs, “Now that I’m your boyfriend can I freely look at your ass under that skirt whilst you play?”
Y/N spun on her heel and glared at him, “That’s misogyny.”
“But I’m obsessed with you,” He argues.
She pauses for a moment and then nods, “Fine but don’t make it obvious,” 
. . .
Harry stood on the sidelines, his heart pounding as he watched Y/N prepare for Astrid's final serve. The tension in the air was palpable; it was match point, and the game had been intense.
Harry had always considered Y/N the greatest tennis player he had ever seen. Maybe he was biased because he’d also been hopelessly infatuated with her since they were in third year but nothing compared to seeing his girl play on the court. 
He couldn’t seem to breathe as Astrid threw the ball into the air and hit it so hard with her racket, the sound echoed across the court. 
Y/N ran to retaliate, backhanding it straight back to her. His eyes stayed fixed on the girl who he had confessed his feelings to just last night. 
Astrid had tried to throw Y/N off multiple times during the game. Waving to her fans in the crowd whenever they would take a moments break or trying to remind her that she was Harry’s ex-girlfriend. Harry had told her to ignore it but Y/N didn’t exactly need advice on how to hit back at her opponent, she’d do it all in the game. 
It was a long match of back and forth before Y/N finally decided to go all in, hitting the ball with so much power and precision it landed in the line and bounced straight off the court. 
Crestwood students erupted in cheers as Astrid threw her racket to the ground having lost the game. Harry could feel the rush of elation over his entire body, his fist pumping the air when the scores appeared on screen with Y/N winning the entire thing. 
Y/N didn’t need to go anywhere to celebrate because the one person she wanted was standing right in front of her. She dropped her racket to the floor and ran into his open arms, “That’s my girl,” He spun her around, “You did it, baby, I knew you could.” 
Y/N was beaming, leaning down to kiss him in front of the whole crowd of people. “We’re going to the final,” She squealed, hugging him tightly. 
“You and me,” Harry responded. 
. . .
taglist: @storyschanging @lilbredsticc @esposa-do-harry @st-ev-ie @itschelseacisneros @hermionelove
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wolken-himmel · 1 year
In which Floyd's transformation potion wears off, causing him to be stuck in his eel-merman form in a large tank.
Now (Y/n) has to entertain him.
Request by anon.
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You had always admired the Mostro Lounge's interior design. Large tanks that lined the walls, some that connected to the vast ocean outside the building and allowed little fish and other creatures to pass through. You used to spend a lot of time watching all these adorable and innocent creatures swim past the glass facade. But now, all of them had been chased away by a vicious predator.
You exhaled and watched as he terrorised the last remaining guppies until they fled the tank. The large eel-merman was left alone in the tank, now bored out of his mind. There were no more little fish to torment. So he turned to you, who stood outside the tank and watched him swim around. He flashed his teeth at you, you poor little fish.
"Shrimpy!" he cried out once his head penetrated the surface of the tank. His arms were resting on the upper edge of the tank, the water from his skin dripping to the ground. He shot you a sly smile. "Come a little closer. I don't bite."
You wrapped your arms around yourself, making sure your blazer was still dry. Despite his pressing gaze, you didn't move a centimetre. "I don't wanna get wet. You splashed Azul when he gave you your lunch earlier."
Floyd let out a groan at your reply. "Shrimpy, don't be such a guppy!"
His words caused you to quirk an eyebrow. "I'm not a guppy. I have good reasons not to trust you," you said, a tad bit of playfulness lingering in your voice. You chortled softly, knowing better than to come closer to him.
"What?! I'm as innocent as those little spikeballs from the Heartslabyul garden, the ones you like to cuddle! I deserve appreciation too, don't I?" the merman whined, as if your words had offended him. He pulled his arms away from the ledge of the tank and sank to the bottom of the tank, so he could face you properly. His long tail curled around the floor as he glared at you, the glass wall being the only thing separating you two.
You shrugged softly. "Who says you won't pull me into that tank if I get closer."
"I would never. I swear on Jade."
His words drew loud laughter from your lips. You almost doubled over from how intense the wheezes were that shook your body. "You'd swear on your own brother?" you asked and held your stomach in pain. As your laughter faded out into chuckles, you gazed around the empty Mostro Lounge. "I hope he didn't hear that..."
Floyd chuckled along, but his laughter quickly turned into grumbles of annoyance again. "Come on, Shrimpy. I'm bored!" he complained again and swam circles in his tank. It was large enough to allow for vast movement, but it was empty of any entertainment. "I wanna walk again, poke your side and annoy you."
You chuckled and crossed your arms. "Yeah, you're a real menace. Maybe it's good you're stuck in that tank for a few hours," you teased him. Unable to help yourself, you stuck your tongue out at him.
Floyd clutched his chest dramatically and sank to the bottom of the tank, where he remained motionlessly. "Shrimpy, you're so mean to me..."
Laughter spilled from your lips, and you couldn't help but tap your finger nail against the glass wall. "Stop it, Floyd. You're so dramatic."
"You're breaking my heart..." the eel-merman whined before regaining life again. At the speed of light, he shot up from the ground of the tank and zoomed off into a dark corner.
You brought your face closer to the glass, your eyes scanning the vast tank. The back was littered with large stones and tall kelp plants. Even though his tail was long, he somehow managed to easily hide amongst the flora of the tank. A worried feeling made itself apparent in your stomach. "Floyd? Where are you? Come out again," you yelled out nervously.
Did your playful banter go too far? Did you actually manage to insult him.
Your head began to spin with thoughts of how hurt he must feel. Feeling awful, you desperately searched for any sign of life from him. But your eyes never managed to see past the plants and rocks in the tank. He was nowhere to be found.
With each passing minute of your fruitless search, guilt and dread weighed down your conscience. You began to feel bad about what you had said to him. Any attempt of calling out to him was met with awful silence. With Floyd gone, the empty Mostro Lounge became eerie and lifeless.
Your guilt got the better of you, and you climbed up the ladder that led to the upper ledge of the tank. Your eyes scanned the crystal clear water, but even from up there, you couldn't manage to find him amongst the kelp. With your hands tightly gripping onto the ledge, you leaned over the tank.
"Floyd... I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said," you murmured softly. "Please come out again. I'm worried about you..."
You're met with silence again. He still seemed too hurt to reply you. Or that's what you thought at least. With all the feelings of guilt that plagued you, you didn't notice the threatening shadow that approached you from below. Your torse continued to lean over the ledge, desperately trying to find your friend in the tank.
That was until a webbed hand shot out from the water and grabbed your arm. A scream escaped your lips as you were pulled into the tank with ease. Your body toppled over the ledge and plunged into the water. Strong limbs and an even stronger tail constricted most of your panicked movement.
Your clothes felt heavy and your eyes burnt as you were finally able to open them. You came face to face with a mischievously grinning Floyd. He held you tightly, but making sure your head remained above the water. An unsettling giggle escaped his lips. "I never was mad at you. I just needed you to feel guilty and come closer to the tank so I could pull you in."
You glared at him, but your anger was only half-hearted. "You sly eel..."
Your struggling is met with carefree laughter from his side. "That's what we're known as. Smart, sly and slippery!" he exclaimed smugly and swam around the tank with you. A bright smile was plastered onto his face, akin to that of a child that had just received a present.
"I should have known this was just another one of your ploys," you murmured in dismay.
Floyd pressed you against him until you could only wheeze out your complaints. "You're like a rubber duck! So easily squeezable and cute," he cooed playfully.
"Hey, let me go!" you cried out with red cheeks.
His laughter turned louder, until it filled the entirety of the Mostro Lounge. "Sorry, no can do, Shrimpy. You're my little rubber ducky until I get my transformation potion."
"Azul! Hurry up with the potion!" you yelled out at the top of your lungs.
Before you could say more, Floyd pulled you underwater to shut you up. After a few seconds of having his fun, he pulled you up again. A giggle escaped his lips at your disoriented state. He merely soothed your strangled whines by pulling you closer, his arms circling around your waist.
An eerie smile decorated his face as he patted your head. "Oh, he can take his time. I don't mind...."
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cranberryjuice-posts · 8 months
Hi, I wanted to ask for a Clarisse fanfic where the reader is gifted in the arts? I would also like to ask that the reader be a daughter of Hades :)
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What’s a girl to do
Pairings - Clarisse La rue x daughter of hades! Fem! Reader
An - this lowkey sucked but YALL will live
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You had always been gifted in the arts. From dance, music, art itself and even theater.
Being that you were a hades kid most kids avoided you, not that because your dad was the king of the underworld but because just being around you gave them an unsettling feeling.
Something every great artist had was a muse, someone they could go to for inspiration, someone that gave their work meaning. But you? You didn’t have a muse.
Sure you’ve had inspiration come from all types of media but never once did you have an actual person you could call your muse.
That had changed though when you met clarisse. It started out small with small doodles of her. Then she started to show up as small details in your song lyrics. And even going as far as using her as your model in your photos
You two were friends.. but you knew you wanted more then that.
Clarisse spun her spear around on the sandy beach. She was so in the moment that she hadn’t heard the sound of your camera going off.
She ended in a pose with her spear tucked under her arm. Panting that’s when she realized you were sitting near by.
“You know its creepy to take photos of people without their knowledge right”
“Eh you’ll live” you smiled. Clarisse had always been beautiful even in situations like now where she was panting and sweaty from her workout.
You walked over towards her smiling sat the picture
She was a natural. The way clarisse moved her body it was like she was meant to be infront of the camera.
subconsciously you started leaning into her to show her the photo. “this one here, I like how your curls kinda spun around with you, you know” You smiled, clarisse nodded placing a hand around your waist, she had always done that but it didn’t mean it didn’t get you flustered everytime.
“Mmhm” she stuck her spear in the ground before reaching over placing her free hand onto yours clicking back on the camera to a photo of her standing with her spear pointed down the sun hitting her at a certian angle adding dramatics. “this one is better”
“Well I think both are fine” you smiled looking over at clarisse. Your faces were close. So close if you even just moved a little you might accidentally kiss.
You waited for clarisse to do something, to move away and tell you to piss off but she didn’t. Instead you started to feel her rub circles on your hip.
Almost out of a movie mark clarisses bother appeared. “Clarisse!” He yelled gaining the now irritated girls attention.
“The hell do You want Mark im busy” she looked over at him not wanting to deal his bullshit. “It’s Sam and Jane, they got into another fight and are in the infirmary now Chiron wants to see you about it all”
You watched as clarisses closed her eyes trying to calm down even a little. She looked back at you before squeezing your hip and letting go to head off to beat her siblings.
You stood there frozen and embarrassed. Clarisse didn’t like you. There was no way if anything she liked silena. Clarisse only saw you as a friend…
Around 3am you decided to sneak out of your cabin not able to sleep.
Lazily walking around the camp trying to not get caught you noticed a familiar girl jumping out the ares cabin window. Using shadow travel you quickly moved to stand beside the cabin.
Clarisse sighed as she landed on the ground, silently closing the window “since when did you sneak out”
“Fuck!” She whisper yelled having to pull her hand back from hitting you. “What the hell are you doing out here”
“Selling hardcore drugs— now you tell me why your ever so quietly leaving your cabin” you sarcastically spoke. Clarisse rolled her eyes in defiance. “Your a pain in my ass you know” she scoffed.
You shrugged your shoulders. “You’ve said worse to Me” starting to follow the girl into the forest you took in the scenery.
The full moon brought you a sense of comfort, mainly in the fact that the goddess nyx had always brought protection to people in need through the veil of night.
Clarisse continued until she came to a clearing in the woods, high on the mountian side and far enough away from the camp you wouldn’t get caught but high enough you could see the stretched out lake.
“Wow..” you whispered. “I never new this spot existed”
“That’s supposed to be the point”
“Is this where you take girls to makeout with them then torture them before k—“
“I’m not some insane serial killer dumbass” clarisse laughed pushing you softly before sitting down. You followed her lead sitting a little to close to her.
After a few moments you watched as clarisse silently complained befote grabbing some Kindle Wood arranging it to make a small fire. Using a lighter most likely taken from the big house.
After sitting back watching the fire clarisse looked over at you. “How long have you been doing all this shit”
You raised an eyebrow confused. “You mean photography” you chuckled, Clarisse nodded in response her face unreadable.
You sighed for a moment “uhh I’m not really sure, I just I’ve always had a passion for the arts and been naturally gifted in them, I like photography the best with painting being right underneath though” you tucked some hair behind your ear slightly embarrassed.
“Why me” she continued to asked. “Like out of every camper here why am I the one you take the most photos of me”
“Well I Ju—“
“Wait wait don’t tell me you like me” clarisse laughed at the end of her statement. You went to speak but decided to stay quiet letting clarisse finish her laughing fit it. She soon stopped looking over with a playful face. “Wait seriously.. you use me as your muse because you like me”
You started to get up embarrassed walking away quickly not wanting to listen to the girl yelling after you. About five steps into your leave clarisse grabbed your arm. “Gods damnit can you just wait” she huffed.
“Yeah because I just love being laughed at thanks clarisse” you tried to pull your arm away but it was pointless “you know it’s actually really shitty to laugh at someone when you find out they like yo—“
You were cut off by clarisse grabbing your head and crashing her lips against yours. Not caring how messy it was, clarisse kept a firm hold on your head while grabbing your waist pushing you against her.
The kiss moved from messy to controlled. You let clarisse hold you close, soft breaths leaving both your mouths not wanting to pull away but still needing to breathe.
Pulling away you felt clarisses hot breath on your lips. “Do you ever stop talking” she asked now with her hand on the side of your face comfortingly rubbing circles. You rolled your eyes but kept quiet, your arms around clarisses neck.
Clarisses kissed you once again slowly, she pulled away kissing your cheek. “I like you to dumbass”
“Uh yeah you really think I let anyone take photos and draw me?”
You playfully pushed the girls shoulder before pulling her back into a grinful kiss
“Great now that we’re together can we please go back to the fire it’s cold as shit out here”
“Whatever La rue”
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adoregojo · 7 months
mikage's 5 steps guide! - nagi.s
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i missed writing for nagi... my loverboy.. also this writing style is so fun??? wth??? i need to write like this again. i can barely keep one eye open so if there's any typo, ignore pls pls.
warnings: some cussing ig?
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nagi was never that charming.
'charming' couldn't even stand being a word in his dictionary to be honest, nagi truly had zero sense of romance within him. he was an actual brick-walled person when it came to these things, or anything of strong-emotions in particular, there was no thoughts behind those void eyes of his but a circle of: sleep, eat, go to work, eat again, play games, sleep, and repeat.
even back to his high school years, not once he recalls talking to a girl, let alone getting a girlfriend, that was something beyond out of his character. maybe there was a girl that confessed to him, he remembered on valentines day he got a letter saying that he should go to the school's roof. and he ended up leaving the poor girl hanging on the air till the sky was clean orange because he genuinely 'forgot', nagi then earned the title 'heartbreaker' for a year straight, he let it be since it was much of a hassle to keep on correcting them. not like his reputation was any better before.
so you could say that nagi wasn't that much of a company to have around, on the other hand was his friend, reo who was basically the opposite of nagi, if anything he was prince charming himself. those social skills were enough to befriend anyone on sight, he got the looks, money and attention was surrounding him 24/7.
and even if reo gather the earth power to try and motivate nagi would go down hill, every time he tried setting him on a date it's either gonna end up horrible or nagi using the excuse to go to the bathroom and vanish to the nowhere. what an asshole.
at some point, reo accept the fact that maybe he's friend will in fact die alone.
and things switched around when you came to the picture.
first it wasn't that hard to notice you, your desk was glued to him after all. it was weird when you would greet him every morning and wish him a good night when you left, no one ever did that to him before, he tends to ignore and ends up being ignored. it was nice, a little reminder that somone was seeing him, acknowledging him.
slowly, the walls between you two was falling apart with each introduction. when you would pat him from his little naps for lunch time, or when it was leaving time, then he would stare at your back until your figure disappeared with a last wave, staring at the door for a little too long, perhaps wishing for you to walk back in.. who said that?
it was getting worse, or better, not the best at analysing his feelings. but nagi found himself looking out for a glimpse of you around the office, he has no shame to admit that the world suddenly felt gloomy without your presence beside him.
maybe he raised his head a little too fast when you walked in, maybe not. but he mostly did.
then you would ramble about how your shitty neighbour refused to clean after his pets filth and you two had a screaming match for a while before realising you were late. the was the worst way to start a monday morning, so you closed your eyes shut, rubbed your forehead for a peace of mind. then you opened your eyes, a piece of your favourite snaked would magically appear on your table.
for some reason your eyes traveled to the white painted head, he was looking at the other side, avoiding your questionable gaze hoovering over him.
Mondays aren't so bad after all, you thought.
perhaps he did place it there, who knows. —but nagi just really didn't like seeing you glum.
possibly, did he grew fond of you? he doesn't know. all he knew that lunch box you handed him the next day is a blessed gift within his palms. too good for him, you were too good for him.
you were the prove that the sky itself favoured him above anyone.
and when nagi wanted to ask you out, he only had one person to guide him to your heart.
so the very mysterious person behind the scene (reo) had a astounding idea that if someone like nagi; mister, game-addiction-freak. that on every step he'll get points! 100-90 if he did well, 80-70 not bad, 60-40 could've been worse.. 40-20 definitely could've been better... 20-0 yikes....
so with that, nagi was sent on a personal mission to win you over and soothe you with his nonexistent charm.
STEP ONE: be straightforward! it's not good to keep on dancing on someone's mindset with hints, it may cause a lot of confusion feelings and misunderstandings! only ask under a certain circumstances, a suitable place where were you two sit alone so they could have they're attention on you only. SIDE NOTE: try to make a good welcoming conversation to ease up the tension first then ask!
so nagi did just that, maybe a little too well.
he couldn't even eat his own lunch and just kept on rubbing his sweaty hands against each other's, staring back forth —he just noticed how many unfamiliar faces were there? did he really only seeyou?一 he was extra quiet which made you ask him multiple times if he was okay, he would just hum in response. what a smooth talker.
"nagi, you haven't even touched your food. are you actually okay?" you questioned, concerned. after taking a brief sip of your juice, but nagi just shook his head in conform, you raised a brow, a little in disbelief that he would think an obvious lie would go through you just like that. there was something off. the tension upon you two was twisting.
the words were on the tip of his tongue, yet they felt un-removed. all this stressing over four words were a pain, and a heavy burden he needed to reales before he lose his breathing track.
and the moment you took a bite and chewing on it, he just had to drop the bomb carelessly.
"go out with me."
so nagi didn't try and sooth the air, nor start a decent conversation. and when he gathered the earth courage to speak up, it wasn't even a question, that was a whole ass demand.
although, it worked. but it definitely could've gone better than you choking on your own food that you swore you witnessed death himself laughing his ass off at you.
what a great timing.
after you saw the heavens gates open for you and life flashing through your eyes, weirdly enough, you accepted.
huh, maybe he didn't mess up everything like he thought (he in fact did).
20 points!
STEP TWO: dress nice and compliment their outfit! dressing well means that you take the date seriously, complimenting them to foster a better sense of comfort and confidence, and they'll compliment you back! extra points if you made them all blushy and giddy!
nagi really wasn't the best at this.
instead of dressing 'nicely', all he wore was a big white hoodie and pants. didn't put much effort to his hair and just went off. it wasn't his problem that picking an estimated outfit was such a hassle. it's good at least it is something that covers him, right?
it all went downhill when you showed up, listen. he always thought you looked fit and nice in your suit work, and now he definitely wasn't ready to see you in regular, uniform out of work place. you just looked... so good, even great, stunning and beautiful, you name it.
nagi barely breath out a greeting, his eyes too busy scanning you from head to toe over and over, he couldn't take his gaze out of your sight even when you were on your way to the table. and he almost stumbled over twice for that, the first was nearly his face planting on the floor, and the second time he almost knocked out a whole plate of drinks. you just somehow managed to muddle over half of senses with your looks alone, maybe he should've considered writing his last letter.
"nagi.. you're staring too much."
the of yours dragged him out of his thoughts line. he saw as you held a sheepish— extra points?—expression, it was either from his heart-eyes eating you alive, or the date itself was bringing you to the nervous state, or both?
nagi cleared his throat, slightly cringing at himself for staring a little too hard. he was absolutely not doing reo's steps justice.
"sorry. you just, look really pretty." if not the prettiest of all, but again, nagi has eyes for you only to pay a mind to others around him.
your breath halts at that, you don't know what to say for a second, nagi himself was complementing you? and the fact that he said as it was a matter of a fact was such an out character thing. but at the same time a an amiable change. and it was for you only.
"thank you, I appreciate that." you say as you kept on twirling your fingers over your hair, you felt like a lovesick teenager. "I think you look very nice as well." you add, almost like a whisper, he still managed to catch it.
nagi let out a scoff, not even a smile forming on his features for that. "it's just hoodie, really."
"i still like it, it's very like you. I'm happy seeing that you can be yourself around me."
he flinch a bit at that, he really wasn't ready for this- it takes a strong-soulful soldier to handle this. and he really, really wanted to be gods strongest warrior just for you. so he gets a grip on himself and mumble a thanks.
you smile sweetly at that, and nagi may really be not the strongest soldier under your spell.
50 points!
STEP THREE: make a conversation! show interest in their personal life and listen to every ramble they have, try to also throw side comments there and here to support them and blow away any negative feelings of the talk being one-sided. also try and talk about your own life to make it easier for them to talk all night. SIDE NOTE: try and joke around to bloom a friendly tune. extra points if you made them laugh!
third time's a charm, right?
however, since nagi was uncommonly unfond of others babbling. in fact he found it annoying and it was hard keeping his eyes evenly open. but then when it comes to you, he found your feathery tune to be airy, he grew ease to it pitch.
so he handed over all his senses of hearing to you on one knee, and let you speak freely. switching between different topics form nowhere, and like the world- his world- itself was turning for you only, his eyes and soul was for you to talk and he'll rot into a shallow void to your lovely enunciate to play on a broken radio repeating.
maybe he should tell you to stop, because your non-touched food was getting cold, and maybe he should tell that to himself that too because he didn't even realize his plate was even there.
it felt like he had drifted from the original plan, instead the tables were turned and he was the one being swoon by you..
not that he minded honestly. but ending the night with you being the one who filled the space was enough to create a makeshift reo berating him, nevertheless, nagi really, really wanted you to like him back. to consider the idea of another date with him.
plus, he also liked your laugh, he really did. didn't the guide say something about making you laugh? even tried telling a joke that you actually chuckled at, something that was unneeded to say that his book was empty, he had to search on google "funny jokes" for gods sakes, how hopeless can he possibly get?
"why couldn't the sunflower ride it bike?" nagi utter flatly, "why" you slope your head to the side. "because it lost it petals." the joke was old, dusty, forsaken. and the urge to recoil the second it left his mouth was understandable. but somehow you still pushed out a laugh at it, you don't know if it was an amusingly one, or because that nonchalant face was clearly begging you to laugh. with that monochromatic tone and all made it even funnier.
that bloomed the smallest amount of exhilaration within his rib cage. it was lovely, and what was made the giddiness to flourish inside his belly was the fact that he was the reason for it. it felt priceless. a sight to a crave in his midst. completely bizarrely about all of this, nagi let's you take over him. to consume him, his heart, his breath and soul were yours to claim.
at least he did something good that night?
70 points!
STEP FOUR: walk them back home! it's quite a simple act but very affected and gentlemanly, make sure to make them feel save and guarded! hidden notes: try to hold their hand!
after paying the price, you and nagi take your leave. with also nagi's off attitude with him opening the doors for you and let you walk first. although, who were to complain about such a treatment? you'll take it
but weirdly enough, nagi was a bit on the edge. like he had a n amount of ants in his pants, couldn't look at your direction, barely spoke out a response, or anything in general. and 一was he holding his breath???一
wait, was nagi actually.... nervous?
you glanced at him, shoulders stiffened, hands moving too much and fast, mouth was dry and agape, half dizzy 一when he isn't?一
now that you did not expect.
it was even ten times worse than him in the cafeteria earlier, it felt like nagi was about to confess to you his cruelest crime. the tenseness was mixed with the deep-seated tenderness, nevertheless, it was a bittersweet taste. and it kept on going until you two stood together by your home.
"i had fun tonight, nagi." you spoke first.
he finally flinched out of his own world, he sees you rubbing your arm, the gesture was sketchy, almost as if you were waiting for him to say something, anything.
but nagi's mind was blank, blow out an air in his ear and it will run out of the other, empty head. yet his mind was roaming, that need to say something clung up to him again. too many thoughts he cannot process.
but all nagi did know was he wanted you to stay a little longer.
"that's.. good?" he should have stayed quiet, what kind of answer is that.
you nodded awkwardly in agreement, breathing out an 'yeah..' he felt a bit guilty at making you feel uncomfortable, the fact of him being unfaithful may have crossed your mind, and nagi didn't like it. but you always managed to make feel weird, he always felt too warm when you would get close to him, words were lost when he would look at your eyes, and now this..
but despite everything, he felt like himself when he was with you the most..
every game had it secret move, and his was that he need to let himself be.
"can we do this again? i also had a good night." a part of nagi wanted to add that it was one of the best nights he ever had, yet it was too cheesy, cringe.
"yes!" you replied, too fast. you sounded so desperate! you palmed your mouth, embarrassment remains on your face as you cleared your throat. "i mean.. yes, we can do this again."
nagi had to physically bent down his head, he was gonna set you on fire alive with his eyes, if he may say, you looked cute when flustered. and his heart wouldn't stop beating so infuriated, almost bursting out raw of chest.
nagi for some reason, stretched out his arms. it was bold and he knew it, he just did it and hoped for you to handle it. "um.. can i?" he sees you halting at your place. eyes ogling around but his own.
you walk up all jittery to him until there's barely any inches left between the two of you, you kept your eyes glued to your feet as if it was the most interesting thing in this moment, but it's also like you were asking him if it was okay, unsureness. so he pushes your head gently forward to rest on his stiffen chest. an arm runs around your back to force you as close as possible to him.
you shrivel when nagi's nose would be buried deep unto your hair locks. your scent would draw him at slacken, his whole body bending against yours that you felt like he wanted to crawl under your skin desperately, searching for the seeds of endless love you endowed to him.
you didn't know if you were somehow intoxicated, but you swore that you felt a pair of soft lips pressing against your skull, god, you felt like melting and soon to become a paste sliding down between his fingers. you gently pushed yourself back, and perhaps you imagined nagi's whining for you to not let go. it's like you were gonna fly away once he unwrapped you free. the second you meet his face, a pout expression on his lips, and you couldn't help yourself from cupping his cheeks, squeezing them slightly. a smile made it way to your face as his eyebrows grew frowned.
nagi's hands were on yours, pulling them down from his face, but not too far. unabashedly keeping his eyes locked with yours, he was holding you tight and close, basically hostage. the bug-stomach is back at again but more fiercely than ever.
80 points!
the dull hue travels down on your lips. boldly, he doesn't look away for what felt like eternity, if anything it seems like they grew heavy the second you parted them slightly to say something that sticked on your tongue.
"can i kiss you?"
was he trying to kill you?
you don't respond, instead you made a move to give him a quick peck on his cheek. backing off faster than ever. nagi stood still, rooting in his place, completely bamboozled. his mind stopped working and his eyes were drifting off in different directions.一is it normal that he felt like melting to the ground?一
"im so sorry, nagi- i just got really nervous and-"
"seishiro, call me seishiro." he finally found a piece of mind to say. he didn't know if it came out as a command, but he sincerely wanted you to call him by his name. he'd die a happy man then.
"well.. goodnight, seishiro. can't wait for our next date," you said, weaving before your door. nagi barely being able to wave back, his mind was still half empty. you just made him see the light of the stars and left with with the sweetest, loveliest smile for him to think about for the next couple of weeks.
maybe he stood there for a little longer than he should have, his face was on fire, his heart on race track. antithesis of the nonchalant face he had, he made a move to rub the spot you pressed your soft lips against. and the first thing that came to his mind that it was definitely worth it.
and by now, he absolutely forgot about the points and the game itself. oh well, at least half of it worked. he just did it in his own version, which apparently was charming to you. nagi thinks if being charm to you, than he can come over anything.
limitless points! you have made your own path to the heart!
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theprongspotter · 1 month
Pause - Jegulus - @stag-microfic - Day 15 - 612 words
“How was your date?” Remus asks as James walks into their dorm. He raises a brow, though, after taking in the other boy’s appearance. His hair is sticking up in multiple places, his shirt is unbuttoned down his chest, his glasses are askew, and bruises are littered across his neck. “I assume it went well.”
“Well?” James exclaims with a lovesick grin. “It was bloody amazing! First we went to The Three Broomsticks and he let me talk about quidditch and I listened to him talk about his books and his favorite classical music. He looked so cute in his little scarf and hat. His hat had a pom pom on top! A pom pom! Then we walked around Hogsmeade and got some sweets and talked some more and oh my gosh, Regulus is so fucking perfect! I mean, you should see his—”
“Pause,” Sirius interjects, holding up a finger. He moves it in a small circle. “Rewind. Regulus as in my-little-brother-Regulus?”
James flushes. There’s no backing out now. “Do you know another Regulus?” Peter snickers.
“Hardy har har,” Sirius deadpans, dropping his finger, but only to jab it into James’ chest. “No, but what the fuck? What were you doing with my little brother, Prongs?”
James puts his hands up defensively, his brows shooting up. “Uh, dignified friendly things?”
Sirius’ face turns to one of pure horror. “Oh Merlin, did you deflower my innocent little brother, James?”
“What?!” James splutters.
“Actually, don’t tell me, I don’t want to know.” Sirius slaps his hands over his ears.
“Too late, Pads,” Remus says with a smirk, glancing at James' disheveled state. “The evidence speaks for itself.”
James' face turns an even deeper shade of red. “It’s not like that, I swear! We just... talked. And maybe kissed a little,” he admits, rubbing the back of his neck. “Okay, a lot. But that’s it! I’d never—”
“—Hurt him?” Sirius finishes for him, his voice suddenly serious, all traces of teasing gone. He lowers his hands and meets James’ eyes with an intensity that makes the other boy swallow hard.
“Never,” James says firmly. “I care about him. A lot. I’d never do anything to hurt him, Sirius. You know that.”
Sirius stares at him for a long moment before sighing and stepping back. “Alright, I believe you, Prongs. But if you do anything to break his heart, I’ll break your legs. Got it? And vice versa.”
James nods earnestly, his heart pounding in his chest. “Got it. But honestly, Pads, you should be more worried about him breaking mine. He’s... well, he’s pretty amazing.”
Peter, who’s been quietly observing the exchange, finally chimes in with a grin. “So, does this mean we should start calling you James Black now?”
James smirks, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “If anything, he’d be Regulus Potter.”
Sirius makes a face and pretends to gag, though there’s a chance it might not be entirely pretend. “Ew, don’t talk about that in front of me.”
James chuckles, raising an eyebrow. “I didn’t say anything bad?”
“I can’t hear you!” Sirius shouts louder, dramatically covering his ears once more.” I’m off to go threaten my brother about dating my brother.” He makes another face, scrunching up his nose in exaggerated disgust. “Ew, that’s incest!” He pauses, then his expression shifts to something more neutral, almost thoughtful, and he shrugs. “Well, I guess we’re keeping up the tradition.”
James, Remus, and Peter exchange concerned yet amused looks, but before they can say anything, Sirius is already at the door. He steps out of the dorm room, slams the door shut behind him with a loud thud, leaving his friends in stunned silence.
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babycakezero · 27 days
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♡ a sudden confession !
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A few soft knocks at the door of your room effortlessly peeled your attention away from the laptop currently placed ontop of your lap. You glanced at your alarm clock, '11:52 pm' it read in bright coloring.
Unlike most nights, Toru, your best friend since your first year at U.A, hadn't come over to your dorm room. She told you she wasn't feeling well, and didn't want to put you at risk of also getting sick.
So you had no idea whow as on the otherside of your door. And maybe it was because you uad just finished watching your favorite horror movie, but you could feel the invisible hairs on your body stand up at the millions of creepy monsters and deadly murders that could be lurking in the darkness just outside your door.
With your hands places snuggly on your waist, you called out quietly, "Yes?"
"It's Eijiro."
Oh. That may be worse than the evil murderous creature you had imagined lurking in the darkness just outside your door.
You opened the door, suddenly feeling exposed despite wearing your favorite colored pajama pants, and an oversized hoodie, that you nervously began to pull at the sleeves of.
You'd never let any boys into your room before, as you grew up with sligjtly strick guardians who thought it was inappropriate to have boy friends over in your room, which you always respected. Well, you actually let Koda into your room last semester because you desperately needed his help with a small bird that had gotten itself stuck inside your room. But, you supposed they couldn't actually get upset at you over that if they ever found out, since you did leave the door open the whole time and you kept a respectable distance.
Due to this way of your upbringing, you always kept a wall between you and whatever boy happened to be around. You didn't want to disappoint your family by becoming distracted by boys and dating. And besides, you never had much interest in those things outside of your favorite romance movies before. Before him.
The moment your eyes met his bright red ones, an accidental "Hi." Rushed out from between your lips.
"Hey." He smiled wide, like he always did, but now everything seemed different.
His hair, instead of its usual style that reflected well on your classmates personality, was now let down, and there were dark circles beginning to form under his eyes.
Was he... fake smiling at you?
"What happened?" You asked without much thought, suprised at yourself for even noticing, and caring, about such intimate things about the red headed boy.
His eyes darted away from yours, "Just... nervous, I guess."
"About graduation?" You finished with a guess, wondering why he was acting so strange as he stood before you wearing baggy sweatpants paired with an ill fitting tank top.
"That and.." You watched almost impatiently as his chest rose from beneath the red top, "I like you."
You blinked up at the boy. Once. Twice. And still, you hadn't the first idea on what to say back to him. Your first instinct was to just try and rewind time so you could ignore his knocking, or never attend U.A all together. Maybe then you would have never been distracted by him. You wanted to run away and hide, anything but be here.
But then a memory of a voice whispered itself inside you head, "Why don't the two of you just kiss already!" It was Ashido's voice when, during your second year, Kirishima had somehow managed to save you from hitting the back of your head by grabbing onto your waist. The memory itself was enough to make your legs feel weaker than jelly.
"H-huh?" Is all you managed to squeak out.
His hand attached itself to the back of his neck, a thing you realized he did whenever he felt nervous or shy, which was a rare thing to see, "I know it's pretty sudden to be confessing like this, but we're graduating in two weeks, and I realized that I couldn't live with wondering whether you would reject me or not for the rest of my life. And, if you don't feel the same, I'll totally understand, and also I hope I didn't wake you up. I should've just waited until morning, I'm really sorry-"
Was he... blabbering now? He was saying too many things all at once, and you felt as though you might short-circuit trying to comprehend everything that was coming out of his mouth.
"I like you too." You interrupted him, suprised at yourself.
"Wait... really?" His bright red eyes searched yours, and again you felt your face go red again.
Jeez, what would your family think of you right now? Getting red in the face over some boy, and letting it be even the smallest distraction from your hero studies. At your surface, you felt ashamed for allowing yourself to feel this way, but inside you wanted to be a kid, even if it was just for a few seconds.
"Yes." You answered with a small nod, your eyes desperately trying to look anywhere but his intimidating eyes.
"Then," He suddenly stood up straighter, making you crane your neck to look up at him correctly, "Can I please be your boyfriend?"
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characters ♡ eijiro kirishima x ♡
a/n ~ write in the comments what you would say to our lovely, adorable eijiro kirishima !!
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cuubism · 9 months
By the time half of his nine a.m. class called out sick with migraines, Hob knew something was seriously wrong.
He himself hadn’t even slept at all the night before. It wasn’t impossible for that to happen, despite the fact he was dating The King of Dreams, Lord of Sleep, etc, because Dream refused to outright control Hob’s sleep—which Hob thought was admirably restrained of him, actually. When Hob had asked why Dream wasn’t particular about it as he was about so many other things, Dream had said that ‘the mind’s independent exploration of the unconscious is crucial to mental functioning.’ So Hob being kept up by work or mundane worries was always possible, if rare given the natural effects of his proximity to Dream. 
But something about sitting up in bed that night, sleepless, nagged at his mind. He hadn’t seen Dream that day, either. Hob was a little… touchy about risks to Dream, a little hyper-attentive to hints of occult wrongdoing or broad disruptions to sleep. He’d failed to help Dream once. He wouldn’t again.
So it was already prickling at the back of his mind before he opened his laptop that morning to dozens of emails of students calling out sick. Hob himself had been spared any migraines, but all the messages dropped like stones in his stomach. Dream. It must be. Was he captured? Hurt? Did someone summon him again?
He had just sent an email cancelling class and was halfway to the door, not knowing where he was about to charge off to but doing it anyway, when Matthew landed hard on the windowsill and started pecking at the glass.
Hob rushed back over, heart jumping in his throat, dropping his bag. So it was Dream. Something was wrong.
“What’s wrong?” he demanded as he wrenched open the window and Matthew tumbled in. “What happened? Where’s Dream?”
Matthew stumbled onto the side table, flapping ragged wings. A couple of loose feathers shook out. “So he’s not here? Shit, dude, I was hoping—”
“Matthew. What happened.”
“We got attacked.” Matthew shuddered. “Boss fought ‘em off, but now I can’t find him anywhere.”
“You can’t find him in the Dreaming?” Hob tried not to let this come out hysterically, but he didn’t entirely succeed.
“The place is fucked— look, if he’s not here, you should just come back with me.” He flapped up and landed on Hob’s shoulder, claws piercing his jumper. “I think I can maybe— yep—”
The world swirled around them in a million colors, flashes of unfathomable places and sounds, and then they were stumbling dizzily into the throne room—or what was left of it.
“Shit, get back!”
Matthew hauled Hob backwards by the collar of his jumper before Hob could go tumbling into a crack— no, a void in the marble floor. It went straight down into infinity, dizzying and unreal. Heart jumping in his throat, he stumbled backward, nearly tripping. Then sucked in a deep breath and looked up and around.
The crevasse he’d nearly fallen into wasn’t the only crack in the throne room floor. The entire castle, the fabric of the Dreaming itself, was rent in concentric circles, a spiraling pattern where the rock and sky had been pulled apart from itself and nothing showed through. Slices in reality—or rather in dreams—where it cracked open into the fundamental void of the universe.
Hob look away from it, horrified, a fierce headache brewing behind his eyes. He kept his gaze trained on the intact sections of the castle.
“Place is fucked,” Matthew repeated—a massive understatement—landing again on Hob’s shoulder, well away from the crevasse. “Watch those gaps. That’s raw nothingness, it’s usually outside the Dreaming.”
“Wasn’t planning on going in them.” Hob walked carefully across the intact portion of the floor, wincing at the gouges ripping open the throne room. If the Dreaming looked like this, then Dream probably did, too. Or something like. “Tell me what happened exactly?”
“Okay, so, according to Luce, a billion years ago, these ancient beings attacked the Dreaming, and—”
Fools. Arrogant fools. To think that because the Dreaming was newly remade that the Dream Lord was weak. To return.
When last their paths had crossed, he had torn their leader’s spine from its back. He wore its skull still as a symbol, a warning. And yet they dared to return and challenge him again.
He had shown them. They had dug their talons in, held tight with sharp teeth, but he had strong jaws, too. He had ripped them out: root, stem, bone, cell, torn them apart, disintegrated them, shredded them just as they had asked for. It had taken much out of him. But he had shown them.
was he?
Somewhere in the Dreaming…
“Hey, love. Can you hear me?”
…he had been looking for something… respite… he had not found it, quite. He had gone through a dream of burning flowers… through a nightmare of sweet lovemaking… no, that was… not right…
Hands on him. The gashes torn through him where starlight leaked. Hob had made this place. A dream version of the safest place that Dream knew.
“I can hear you,” Dream murmured. Opened his eyes. The rug on Hob’s living room floor greeted him. Hob’s knees, just in his line of sight, where he was kneeling. Hob’s hands on his shoulder. He was bleeding there, and elsewhere.
Hob touched Dream’s cheek. “Took me ages to find you.”
“You made this place,” Dream said, finding Hob’s knee with a shaky hand and squeezing it.
“Did I?” Hob looked up and around. “It’s just my flat.”
“A place where we spend much time, even in dreams.” He groaned as Hob helped him sit up, leaning him against the couch. The ancient ones were destroyed, cast like so much dust out of the Dreaming, but the damage they had inflicted remained. Including on Dream’s own form.
“I tried to find your dreams,” he said, leaning his head back against the couch, already tired, “after.” He had known that Hob’s mind was a place where he might recuperate from the strain of fighting those terrible creatures, and that Hob, unlike most humans, was familiar enough with the Dreaming not to buckle under the shock of what he saw. “But you were not sleeping.”
Hob studied him with concern. “I wasn’t the only one.”
Dream stiffened. Bad enough, the damage to the Dreaming. “Have I inflicted much harm on the Waking world?”
“No, love, I think they’ll be okay. Once you are. Will you be? The throne room was, well— nightmarish.”
“I will repair it,” Dream said. He was relieved the damage had not spread too far into the Waking, though he would have to examine it himself—Hob would not be able to see the full scope. But Waking world effects were much harder for Dream to fix. And to think that he might have harmed his dreamers…
“And what about you?” Hob asked. He cupped Dream’s face in his hand. Dream still felt inestimably tired. But he had to get back to the core of the Dreaming, not this tiny corner crafted by Hob, no matter how comforting it was, or how much he might wish he could stay, just for a moment longer.
“This is not the first time the Dreaming has been attacked,” he told Hob. “I have repelled them before, and I did so again now. The damage was greater last time, in fact.”
“This may surprise you, but that’s not comforting to me,” Hob said.
“The Dreaming will not fall,” Dream repeated. “You need not worry.” He wouldn’t let it happen again. Not after that first attack, so long ago. Not after his recent absence had done so much damage.
“And what about you?” Hob repeated.
Dream knew what Hob wanted from him, but to leave to the Waking now and indulge himself in proper ‘rest and recovery’ as Hob might deem it was not an option for him. He could not leave the Dreaming in such a precarious state, no matter the effects upon himself.
He stood up, bracing himself on the couch. Hob followed him, alarmed. Dream swayed, then caught his balance and stood tall. The gouges torn through him from the monsters’ claws caught on his shirt and coat, and he winced, despite himself.
“I will not fall, either,” he told Hob. “You needn’t worry.”
Hob sighed, mouth tilting in disappointment, but didn’t tell him off. He traced his fingertips over one of the deep cuts in Dream’s coat, where a claw mark curved over his shoulder, dark blood caught in the edges of the fabric.
“I have rested here for some time already,” Dream told him. Though it had not been a wholly conscious decision to do so.
“Sure,” said Hob. Dream braced himself to again be told that he must rest. Instead, Hob tilted Dream’s head down, and kissed his forehead.
“Lover of mine,” Dream murmured, wrapping his hands lightly around Hob’s wrists. “I am sorry to worry you.”
“Let me come with you?” Hob said, but Dream shook his head.
“Matthew should not have brought you to the palace, it is not safe for dreamers. Nor even for Matthew. When I have mended the borders of unreality, then you can visit there again. I thank you—” he tilted his head at the image of the flat around them “—for your hospitality.”
“Your hospitality,” said Hob. He took Dream’s hands and squeezed them. “Be safe.”
Dream kissed Hob’s cheek, and whispered, with a curl of his power, “Wake, Hob.”
Then he was alone, and so he traveled, painfully, back to the center of his realm.
It rent Dream’s heart to see the Dreaming in such a state, flayed, shredded to ribbons. But the active danger had passed. This now was the cleanup after a storm, and his efforts, at least, would improve things, instead of merely staunching the flow of blood.
Carefully, deftly, as a surgeon with a needle, Dream mended the gouges in the Dreaming. Careful not to tug on the raw edges and split them again. The void retreated to its proper space beyond the walls. The Dreaming groaned in pain to be drawn back in from its chaotic spiral, but Dream made it hold. It must hold.
Soon the crevasses shrank to mere cracks in the marble, and the sky into careful patchwork of blue and clouds. Dream’s head ached, like the migraines the attack had given to some of his dreamers. He finally allowed himself to stop, to sink down to the throne room floor and press his forehead to the cold stone. It offered some relief.
He felt when Matthew reentered the Dreaming, and then the flutter of his wings as he landed beside him. To keep him away from the dangers of the fragmented Dreaming, Dream had sent him to survey the damage in the Waking world, and then, when he was finished, to appease Hob with his presence and assure him of Dream’s continued ability to stand upright.
“Uh, boss?” said Matthew, bobbing beside him, tilting his head to catch Dream’s eye.
Dream looked at him out of the corner of his eye, head still pressed to the floor. “Yes?”
“You good?”
“Yes, Matthew.”
Matthew fluttered his wings, and looked up and around at the throne room. “Place looks better?”
“The bulk of the damage is mended,” said Dream.
“Great,” said Matthew. “Well. If you’re done having floor time here, Hob would really like to see you. Like really. ‘Practically threw me out a window to check on you’ really.”
“He worries,” said Dream, with fondness.
“I wonder why,” said Matthew. Dream did not call out his insolence. This time.
He did push himself back up to sitting, then, more slowly than he would have liked, climbed to his feet. “I will call on him. Will you do a brief survey of the borderlands to check for lingering damage? Then, please rest.”
Matthew gave him a look that should not have been possible for a bird, but which Dream understood to be pointing out his own hypocrisy. But Dream did not address it, instead pulling forth a pinch of his sand, and traveling to the Waking.
Hob was fucking fretting like he’d rarely fretted before. He was also realizing how common an occurrence this had become since dating the King of Dreams. Fucker. Hob was going to go gray, immortal body aside.
But he would readily admit that he did also admire Dream’s dedication to his realm. Dream would not be Dream if he abandoned the Dreaming in a state—and what a state it had been—for his own needs. That was the person Hob had fallen in love with, a person whose sense of responsibility was as serious as his creations were whimsical. And love him Hob did.
He was still awake, late that night, waiting in hopes that Dream would finish his repairs and return to assure Hob of his well-being, or, luck willing, to rest a while. Waiting. Hob was good at waiting.
And his patience, his tolerance, paid off, for around four in the morning, Dream appeared in Hob’s flat by way of a cloud of sparkling sand. He looked at Hob, still sitting up on the couch, legs stretched out, reading a book. His exhaustion was evident in how long it took him to manage to say, “You are still awake.”
“Yup,” said Hob, setting aside the book. Relieved beyond measure to see him whole. Dream was even still on his feet, though looked decidedly like it would be better for him not to be.
Without further words Dream stumbled over to him, coat and shoes vanishing as he went, and curled up in his lap. He tucked his head under Hob’s chin. Buried his cold hands under Hob’s jumper.
Hob kissed the top of his head, and pulled the blanket down off the back of the couch to drape over him, wrapped his arms tight around his back. “You fixed everything, then?” he said, voice hushed in the night hour. But it was too late to ask questions, for the King of Dreams was already asleep.
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graveyardcuddles · 4 months
Rhapsody - Astarion x GN!Reader one-shot
You and Astarion are ready to embark on a new journey together. You begin by shedding a painful piece of his past.
A/N: I'm brand new to hobby writing, and this is my first ever fic! This was based on something I actually did with my Tav and Astarion in-game.
tags/warnings: sfw, established relationship, gender neutral!reader, nondescript reader, tavstarion (reader is tav), kissing, in-game spoilers, angst, hurt/comfort, brief mentions of Cazador-related trauma, feelings, fluff.
Word count: ~2000
It's a quiet early evening in the Elfsong tavern. The private room you share with your lover is warm, windows shuttered and curtains drawn. As you entered the room, you froze, stopping to admire the sight before you. Astarion was resting in the comfort of your shared bed. Trancing, to be precise. He hadn't been trancing these past few days, and the sight of your silver-haired love resting peacefully filled you with relief. Slowly, you peel off your boots and make your way over to your resting vampire. Your hands and knees sank into the plush of the bed cautiously in an attempt to avoid disturbing his trance. He was roused from it easily. Eventually, you managed to settle your head on the pillow, simply observing him in a rare moment of peace. He lay unnaturally still, chest unmoving, eyelashes resting delicately where his lovely dark circles ran under his eyes. Hair tousled, collar bones just peaking out of where the top buttons of his shirt clasped together. His face was calm, with no trace of tension he usually had during his night terrors. You smiled. Eventually, your lids grew heavy.
It had been only a week since you and your companions had destroyed the world-ending threat of the mindflayer Grand Design. Your little group of unlikely friends were declared Heroes of the Gate. You should be feeling triumphant, but your victory had been bittersweet. Despite taking pride in the fact he had been one of its saviors, Baulder's Gate would always remain host to Astarion's worst memories. Just returning to the city alone was overwhelming for him: facing his old stalking grounds, his siblings, Cazador. Your relationship had only recently evolved into something more after his confession in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. You knew this would be difficult and messy for him, but you were already hopelessly devoted to this beautiful broken man who was finally trusting you with his heart, wholly and freely.
So you took his heart in your hands and held it gently through all his anxieties and fears. Through the sleepless nights, the sobbing, the flashbacks, and phantom pains. All of which only increased as his confrontation with Cazador drew closer, and the promise of power and security that came with ritual became more and more tempting to him. You feared dearly that you were losing him and that your love and pleas for him to see reason wouldn't be enough to stop him. The fear wound itself around you like a bramble, the heartache gnawing away at you daily.
In the end, your worst fears did not come to pass. He rejected the profane power of the ritual in return for freedom with you. In that bloody moment when Astarion finally ended Cazador, you were in awe of him. His glorious spirit and strength. You allowed him to let out over 200 years of grief and rage. Watched closely as he came back to himself. Helped him back to the Elfsong to clean him up and tend to his wounds. Later on that night, after things had settle and he was in the aftermath of his victory, you had asked him what he wanted now that he was free. "You," he had answered as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. It was you that he wanted.
He had taken you to the very soil where his two hundred years of torment had begun and made love to you in that very place as a declaration of his new life and freedom. He cleared away every painful thorn of doubt and fear covering your heart, much like he had cleared the vines growing over his tombstone with his own two hands. The beginning of a new life with you. Sadly, the two of you hardly had time to properly celebrate Cazador's death before returning immediately to securing new allies and calculating battle strategies against Orin, Gortash and finally the Netherbrain's forces themselves. It had all been a whirlwind in which neither you hardly had any time to truly relish in Astarion's new liberation.
You would never forget that horrifying moment the sun had turned on him. It's once gentle warmth that had given him so much comfort on your journey now becoming a burning, searing light. When you found him shortly after, hidden behind some crates, he was still scarred from the light. His face and hands were ashened, pieces of what were once his flesh practically flaking off in cinders. He was panicking, and you tried your best to stay calm for him. You offered him your wrist, reminding him he needed blood to heal. It only seemed to further distraught him. He was just as furious as you expected him to be and more so. Furious that after everything he went through, he was being forced back into the shadows again. Furious at you for pitying him. Furious at Cazador. But most of all, he was furious at himself for having dared to have hoped again. For thinking that just because he had been a very good boy and helped to save the world that the gods or fate or anyone would take pity on him and grant him this one thing. But no.
He sat there on the ground, knees drawn up to his chest. He had yelled so much about how foolish he had been to expect any outcome other than this, you half-expected his voice to give out. Eventually, he went quiet for a few long minutes before looking up at you, his beautiful red eyes full of sorrow. He tried to smile at you, but it broke off into a scoff.
"I'm never going to see you in the sunlight again."
He let out a long laugh full of bitterness before pressing his face back into his knees and breaking into a sob. It was then that you closed the gap between you two, holding him as wept. In that moment, you wanted nothing more than to take him by the shoulders and swear a paladin's oath to him personally that he WOULD walk in the sun again. That you were making it your life's mission. But you knew that wouldn't help him now. It wouldn't lessen the sting. It wouldn't soften the blow. Right now, he needed to mourn, and so mourn you let him.
You held him there and let him weep in your arms. When you offered him your blood again, he finally accepted, drinking in your healing essence and regenerating the scorched skin and flesh. You caressed the newly healed skin softly, kissing it with tenderness and reassuring him that he looked good as new. Later on that same evening, after you managed to make it back to Elfsong with him and were together in bed, he took your hand in his.
"I want to apologize, darling," You were confused, but he continued. "I acted abhorrent to you in a moment of weakness. I was so... angry about what I had lost. I was blind to what I still had in front of me."
He cupped your face, stroking the apple of your cheek with his thumb. Your sweet vampire. You took his hand and kissed his knuckles one by one. You reassured him that he had nothing to apologize for. The sun was one of the few pleasantries from his mortality that he could relish in again while tadpoled. The caress of its rays had become synonymous with freedom itself for him. And with the new love between you two. To have that ripped away would make anyone angry.
It was then that you told him that you WOULD help him find a way to walk in sunlight again. He had been surprised to hear you say so, as if he had expected you to write it off entirely as an impossibility, as he already had. But your words seemed to spark a new sense of hope in him. It was what he said next that took you off guard.
"That is...if this is what you want?" Your heart dropped. Surely he didn't still doubt how you felt about him? "I can understand if you would want to part ways..." Even as he says it, his eyes momentarily drop to the floor, and he sways a bit uneasily.
He is still always expecting the worst. Anticipating more grief. You took his hands gently into yours, telling him that if you thinks you're seriously going to break up with him now after everything you two have been through together, then he's going to have to start being a LOT more annoying. Because he isn't getting rid of you any time soon.
The next several days would be spent together, processing everything you had gone through. Your companions had all gone their seperate ways fairly quickly after a hasty celebration: Wyll and Karlach to Avernus, Lae'zel to war against Vlaakith, Gale to return the Crown to Mystra, Shadowheart with her parents and Halsin with his foundlings. After only a few days, it just you and Astarion left in the city. You had stayed by his side throughout this time, only ever leaving to get food or check on the acquaintances you had made in the city. But you were both growing restless. He appreciated your presence, but you could tell the time was coming for the both of you to move on from this place and make a new adventure for yourselves together.
You hadn't even realized you had fallen asleep until a few hours had passed. As you open your eyes, you see your pale elf has moved from the bed. He's seated on the floor, in front of the chest full of the shared things the two of you have gathered along your journey. You slide off the bed, and he turns his head to smile at you. "There you are," his eyes were a soft shade of carnelian in the warm lamp light. You came to sit by him. He seems concentrated on whatever he's holding. You touch his shoulder and look to see what he's examining. A dagger. Not just any dagger but one that made your blood run nearly as cold as Astarion's. Rhapsody. The dagger Cazador had used to scar his back, and the one which would ultimately end his wretched existence. Nineteen times. Astarion had stabbed Cazador nineteen times. You had counted each stab. Presently, he was turning the blade in his hand with a contemplative expression.
"Hideous, isn't it?" He scoffs. You noted he was taking care to only touch the dagger's ornate hilt and pommel, avoiding touching the actual blade at all.
"Is it..?" You stared at the twin design of the twisting gnarled metal.
"Silver? Naturally. How else is one supposed to permanently scar a vampire?"
You bit back the sympathetic words that were lingering on your tongue, knowing he wouldn't want to hear them now.
"Pretty effective at killing vampires as well, I'd say." You quipped gently. Astarion hummed in response, but his expression remained contemplative.
"Yes. I suppose it might be somewhat useful if we ever get on the wrong side of another vampire," he mused. You lean in closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder as you pondered the dagger. "True. Could also be useful if Petras ever decides to come around and bother us."
You're almost startled as he throws his head back and barks out a loud laugh. He sets the dagger down as it's obviously lost his attention for the moment. "Darling!" He exclaims. "You were the one who convinced me to save the poor wretch! Twice, in fact! Only to want him dead now? I mean, it's understandable, but clearly, I'm having a bad influence on you."
You couldn't help but smile back. This was the most you had seen him smile or laugh since losing the sun. His laughter was so light and airy it made your heart burst. "Yes, you are such a very bad influence on me, Astarion."
You crawled over to him, eyes locked. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders, and his gaze softens as you asked permission to go further. He answers by giving you a series of playful kisses leading along your jaw from your earlob to your lips. He locks on those lips and deepens his kiss, going slow and taking his time. A deep, passionate kiss. Your hands find their way into his curls, and they twine their way around your fingers loosely. He sighs into the kiss, whole body relaxing into you. When you pull apart, he's smiling, a touch of melancholy still lingering on his features.
"I saw you in my reverie," he says unexpectedly. You listen to him intently as he continues. "We were leaving the Shadow-Cursed Lands after Shar's curse had been lifted. I hadn't seen the sun in weeks, and then there you were, bathed in its light. I hadn't realized until that moment how beautiful you were in sunlight." He smiles sadly and kisses your hand.
You give his hand a gentle squeeze and look him in the eye. "And it's a sight you will see again one day, my love. I promise you." Your arms come around him and hold him close, stroking his hair and simply letting him feel. After a few minutes, he seems to come back to you. "I want to leave this stupid city already," he says plainly. You chuckle and pull away from him. "Me too, my love. We can leave as soon as tomorrow if you'd like."
Astarion's gazes at your travel chest again. He takes out the dagger again, looking at this time with disgust. "And I want to get rid of... this thing," he says with bile in his voice. "It's hideous, just like everything else Cazador ever commissioned. All that damn wealth, and I swear it's like he challenged himself to own the ugliest pieces of art he could." He huffed and shook his head. "I want to throw this damn thing away." An idea came to you. Looking towards the clock, you note there's still a few hours left before sunrise. "Would you like to get rid of it now?" You ask him, careful to only present it as an option. He's still getting used to making big decisions, and you don't want to pressure him. He looks at you. "Gods, yes."
The two of you head out into the warm night air of the city, and Astarion's nose almost immediately wrinkles in offense. "Gods, how have they still not managed to fully get rid of that rotting squid smell? I thought there were clean-up and recovery efforts underway." You roll your eyes. "There have been clean-up and recovery efforts underway, silly. They've gotten rid of all the Mindflayer corpses already. Your nose is just sensitive." Cloaked in night, the many little homes making up the vast reaches of the Outter City light up on the horizon before you. You walk together and tell him all about the acquaintances you've made in the city and how they had been faring after the chaos of the battle.
Eventually, you make your way to your destination: the docks of Baulder's Gate where you had all pulled yourselves ashore after crash-landing the Netherbrain into the sea. Astarion slows down as you walk along the dock. The last time he was running for his life, burning up in the sun. You hoped returning here with him to do this will make for a proper end to your illithid odyssey. At you stop at the dock's end, you take Astarion's hand in yours. You say nothing, waiting on him to make the next move.
He sighs and takes out Rhapsody, giving it a final look. For a moment, you wonder if he might hesitate. He stares at the blade intensely, holding it as if its weight were far greater than it physically was. Two centuries of terror. Without any further warning or fanfare, the dagger is airborne. For a split second, you can just barely make out a tiny glint of moonlight reflecting off the blade as it flew through the air. With a small splash, it's gone forever. Astarion lets out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding in. "You monster!" You exclaimed with mock horror. "You just murdered some poor innocent fish!"
Astarion rolls his eyes. "Maybe the Hero of the Gate should go and rescue the poor thing." He grabs you around your waist, his newfound vampiric strength catching you off-guard. He spins you around as if he means to literally throw you off the dock, and while you're fairly certain he's joking, you panic nonetheless. You let out a high-pitched "ASTARION!" that practically comes out as a shriek.
He's giggling like a madman as he sets you down, holding your shoulders for a moment to steady you. "You're lucky I love you as much as I do, you know," you mutter as he continues to laugh at how easily he can tease you. "You're adorable when you pretend to be annoyed with me," he says. The two of you sit on the dock together for a long while, holding hands and simply taking in the starlight dancing on the water. "There's something else I wanted to discard as well, actually." He reaches into his pocket and produces two rings that you recognize as the twin Szarr family rings you had used to unlock your way through Cazador's mansion.
Astarion contenplates the rings in his palm. "You know I..." the words catch in his throat, seemingly paralyzed. You wait for him to continue, and after a few moments, he shakes his head, a smile barely perceptible.
"It's nothing, my dear. You know Cazador really did have the most hideous taste in things, including jewelry. Can you imagine wearing these? Ugh." You take one of the rings and examine it. "Hmm. Not my style, I'll be honest."
"That's because you're not blind, darling." He stands up and prepares to throw it.
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darlingshane · 3 months
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Michael Berzatto x F!Reader
Summary: Thanks to your friend Claire you get a chance to rectify a mistake you did many years ago when you went out with Michael the first time around.
CW: 18+, smut, some angst, making out, vaginal sex, smoking, drinking, Michael is a recovering addict, talk about addiction, reader has a secret, old friends, confessions, scars, pet names, brief appearances of Carmy, Richie and Claire.
Word Count: 6,2k
A/N: I realized after writing this that I made Michael younger by saying reader was friends with Claire, and implied that they were all close in age, but it's all really vague. The timelines don't make sense in The Bear anyway, so don't look too closely. This was just for fun. -- Also, reader has a nickname. Don't ask me why, it just came out like that. They simply call her Zu or Zuzu.
— Links: AO3 // Michael Masterlist.
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“You remember Mikey and Richie, right?” your friend Claire asks, pointing at the two guys coming into the backyard with Carmy to join the party.
“Hm. I think so,” you say casually before taking a long sip of your glass.
You do remember both, actually.
Michael especially.
It’s hard to forget one of the most embarrassing nights of your life. It was over a decade ago when you had the slim chance to make out with the guy you’ve had a crush on for years and only accomplished to make a fool out of yourself.
It’ll forever haunt you.
Michael finally asked you out at the end of your senior year, and you said yes. You went to a movie, got some food afterward, then you ended at a house party from one of his friends. Everything was going great, you were dancing and laughing, he got close, you got closer. You started kissing and then ended up in one of the rooms. Door closed. That was it. It was only you and him making out and everything was going perfect. It seemed like a dream to find that he wanted you almost as much as you wanted him. Perhaps he wasn’t into you as you were, but it was hard to think critically at that moment with his hands and lips all over you.
Now, you had fooled around before with the only guy you ever dated in high-school, but you never went all the way or ever touched you like Michael’s hands did. And given your inexperience in the field, only a few minutes of heavy petting, and you were ready to explode. There was a surge awakening something in your core that you weren’t too familiar with. Not even your own fingers ever managed to make you feel something that powerful. And when he started pressing himself between your legs that pressure building between your thighs decided to set itself free. All of a sudden, you were clutching your knees so hard to his hips, your whole body trembled underneath as you came in your panties.
You’ve heard about boys precociously coming more often than not, but never realized that was something that could happen to girls too. It made you feel nothing but pure embarrassment. You tried to hide it but all the magic was gone. And after that, you excused yourself to the bathroom to put yourself together and couldn’t handle going back to face him. So, you sneaked out the bathroom window like the biggest dork.
You never talked to him again after that.
Back then, you all ran in the same circles, but you stood away from those circles during the last couple of weeks of school to avoid running into him again. You saw him from afar a couple of times and that was it. Soon after, everyone went on separate ways for work, college or wherever they end up. You, for example, left Chicago after graduating and ended up living a good chunk of those years in Denver. The few times you’ve come to your home city, you never really tried to see him again. You ran into Natalie a handful of times, and saw Carmy when you were visiting Claire but never crossed paths directly with Michael again until today.
“Zu… you and I both know that you do remember him,” Claire nudges your elbow. “Don’t tell me you still wouldn’t hit that today if you could. And you’re single now, so…”
“Please, tell me you didn’t set this up.”
She doesn't deny it, just gives you that obvious look under her framing, evil, perfect eyebrows. Claire knew pretty well you were head over heels for Michael Berzatto once upon a time, but you never told her about that night. It’s probably safe to say he didn’t tell anyone about it either. Otherwise, you’d have heard about it by now. Someone would’ve teased you about it for sure, but no one ever did.
It really takes you aback to see him once more.
You wish she’d have given you the heads-up so you could prepare mentally to see him again. Though, it was a long time ago, you’ve often looked with regret at leaving him hanging. You’ve wondered way too many times what he thought about that night. It's not like he was infatuated with you, as far as you know. He never showed any interest before that week, so it's hard to imagine him being too heartbroken about it.
Carmy glances around looking for the two of you. Claire lifts her arm to call his attention.
“Oh, look, here's your chance.” Your friend teases you as they come closer.
“Cool it, C, please?” you say between teeth and throw back your cup before the three of them come to a stop in front of you.
She beams as Carmy quietly greets you with a one arm short hug.
“You made it! Thought you'd be too cool for a thing like this.”
“Nope, we're two fucking losers showing up at a kegger cause we got nothing better to do,” Richie chuckles. “What are we celebrating again?”
“We're not celebrating anything. We're here for moral support for Kerry. Her boyfriend just broke up with her, and she needed some people around.”
“And you thought that throwing a keg party was a good idea?” Michael finally opens his mouth and his voice just transports you back to that unforgettable night and that last thing he said to you…
You smell so fucking good.
It echoes in your head. It's printed on your skin how those words vibrated when he was tongue-deep devouring your neck.
It’s hard to keep your eyes off Michael. He still has that alluring presence that mesmerized you the first time you met him. Even more so, you'd say. His features are sharper, his stubbled jaw makes him look more rugged than you remember. Though you miss his mop of curls, the crew cut and the fade on his nape suits him really well. His outfit hasn't changed much from a casual t-shirt with jeans. You take in every detail in a once-over. Your stare lingers for a moment on the way the hem of his short sleeves hugging tightly his toned biceps, and how his veins draw the length of his arms. His shoulders seem broader in his relaxed stance. There's a tiny scar adoring his cupid's bow that you only see when he runs his tongue across his lips.
You have to make an effort to tear your eyes away from him before turning into a total creep.
“You guys remember Zuzu here, from school?” Claire's head tilts in your direction while the younger Berzatto links an arm around her waist.
“You two were practically inseparable, how could anyone forget?” Says Richie again, offering his hand up to you. “It's good to see you again, sweetheart.”
“Yeah, it's good to be back,” you shake his hand firmly and then hold it up to Michael, and try to keep your pulse steady when he wraps his large paw around yours.
“You've moved back?” it's Michael that asks this time, trying to lock eyes with you, but you refuse to let him.
“I'm in the process of it. I'm staying with Claire for a couple of weeks while I get all my stuff back, and set up everything…”
You explain while Carmy fetches three cups from the table. He fills them using the keg’s tap, and brings them over. He hands one to Richie. Michael waves his off and lights up a cigarette instead.
“You should ask her to hang out sometime. She doesn't know how to have fun anymore.”
Daggers shootout of your eyes when you glance at Claire.
“I'm here, am I?”
“Yeah but you don't seem to be enjoying yourself.”
“I mean you brought me to the most depressing kegger I've ever been to. I didn't know people still did this, but they're lamer than I remember.”
“Pfft, she's got a point there,” Michael scoffs. “I can come up with a hundred things on the spot that would be better than… whatever this is.”
“It was last minute. What would you guys have done, huh?”
“DJ for starters,” Richie chimes in.
“Food,” Michael adds.
“Better beer,” Carmy suggests.
“Strippers,” you say, and they all burst into laughter.
“I could definitely go for some strippers,” Richie holds his hand up for you to give him a high-five, and you quickly smack his palm.
While you empty your cups gulp after gulp, you chat with them for a bit, noticing more often than not Michael staring at you even when you're not the one talking. Maybe it's only in your head, but it still makes you anxious to find his eyes glancing at you as if he was trying to figure you out.
It's certainly not only in your head, cause when your phone beeps in your pocket, you check it out to see a text message from Claire who just coincidentally has her phone in her hand right next to you.
Be careful, big bear is checking you out. — it reads on your screen.
Raising a brow at your annoying, dear friend, you shake your head before typing.
Did you tell him anything about me?
I’d never sell you out.
. . .
You start typing a response but your phone starts ringing, and it’s a call you must take. So you hold that thought, and go find a quieter place away from the house by walking out to the street and pace slowly down the pavement while you talk to your mother for a couple of minutes.
When you go back inside, the group has split. You go around the house to find Richie playing poker with some guys at the dining table. Carmy and Claire are talking with Kerry on the couch, and when you look to the side you spot Michael leaning against the archway between the living room and kitchen, lighting up a second cigarette before seeing you there standing. He gives you a quick nod, and you can only nod back, and turn around to press your teeth on the brim of your solo cup until it rips.
Being here in this house, this room with all these people and music playing feels like a time capsule. It transports you back to that time. As much as you've grown out of your old self, you can help but feel that old awkwardness creeping in to undo all the work you’ve done to come out of your shell.
When you discard the cup, you go upstairs to find a bathroom since the one in the hallway was occupied. Once you're done in the bathroom, you come out to find Michael climbing up the same stairs before crossing paths with you.
“Hey, Zuzu.” His lips quirk up as you both stop in front of the other.
“Hey,” you say back.
“Thought you left.”
“No, I just went to the bathroom,” you use your thumb to point at the door, as he leans back on the wall behind him, crossing one foot over the other.
“So you know where the bathroom is?”
“Last time I saw you, you said you were going to the bathroom but never came back. Figure it was your version of the old dad excuse of – I went out for cigarettes. And then ran for the hills.”
He’s smiling, but his tone sounds passive-aggressive, and you can’t tell at all if he’s joking or not.
“Oh, you remember that, huh?” You choose to believe he’s kidding around.
“I haven’t thought about it in a while. Then I saw you here… I wasn’t going to say anything but I… I guess I’ve always wondered what happened.”
“Why? Did I hurt your ego?”
“No, my ego’s intact. But I got really worried when you didn’t come back. Thought maybe I made you feel uncomfortable or something… I just… You don’t owe me anything, but I just wanted to know if you were okay.”
With a long sigh, you prop your back on the opposite wall and collect your thoughts.
This is it. Your moment to explain if you want. You have nothing to lose. The fact that he remembers could mean that he liked you more than he led.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Michael. It was me… I uh… I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing. I had never hooked up with someone like that until you. I had some experience, but not that kind of experience if you know what I mean.”
You pause and he nods kindly at your confession.
“I guess I was afraid of going too far, or not going far enough, or disappointing you. I wanted to go back so badly, but I couldn't.”
“You could’ve told me that. You could've said– hey, maybe we should slow down… I’d have never pushed you to do anything that you didn’t want.”
“I didn’t know that. I’m not good at reading people. Guys especially. I wasn’t sure how you’re going to react, and I just bolted. I’m sorry.”
“Nah, don’t apologize,” he waves you off. “I get it.”
“It was one of those moments that I wish I could go back and do things differently, you know? I've done a lot of things in my life that I regret, but that one was just embarrassing.”
“Don't beat yourself up, sweetheart. We were kids. There's nothing to be embarrassed about anymore. Sorry I asked… Didn't mean to make you feel bad or anything.”
“It's okay.” You pause and bite the inside of your cheek for a moment. “Can I ask you something now?”
“Did you even like me? Or was it like a one time kinda thing?”
He bashfully scratches the back of his head before answering.
“I asked you out, didn't I?”
“That's not really an answer, Berzatto.”
“Of course I liked you. I always thought you were kind and funny and easygoing. And yeah, for a moment I really saw us together. Is that a good enough answer for you?”
“That's perfect…” you sigh, glancing at the floor for a beat. “Talk about bad timing, huh?”
“Hey, we could have a do-over.” He suggests.
“Tell me you’re joking.” You scoff.
“Not if you want to. You said you wish you could go back… I’m down if you’re down.”
“That easy, huh?”
“Yeah, why not? I hate when people complicate things. I’m not seeing anyone, Claire said you aren’t either… It’s easy math for me.”
“And I thought I was the crazy one,” you chuckle.
“Is it crazy? Think about it. What are the odds of you and me running into each other over a decade later? It seems like fate to me.”
“Hm, fate looks a lot like Claire.”
“So what if she played a hand? She didn't know that I'd show up for sure. I almost didn't. If it wasn't for Paulie coming to cover Gary's shift, I'd be stuck at the shop right now.”
“Maybe you're right.”
“No buts. I just… I'm not the same person you knew. Maybe I’m not as easygoing, kind and funny as I was.”
“I’ll be the judge of that but hey, I'm not the same person either. We could just hang out and see if we like those people. What do you say?”
“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to try.”
“Yeah?” the corner of his mouth pulls up.
“Yeah, it just so happens I'm free today. I could come over later if you want.”
Since you're staying at Claire's and don't feel comfortable bringing anyone to her apartment, you agree to meet at his place an hour after the party.
Once you’ve exchanged numbers, you receive a text with his address.
You use that hour to go by Claire's place and pamper yourself a little. You're not really sure if it's a date or not but in any case you prepare yourself mentally and physically as if it was. You've older now, and have more confidence and experience than all those years ago. It doesn’t matter if you haven't been with a guy in a while, you can't pass up a chance at a once in a lifetime opportunity to rectify that awful night. Or at least replace it with a new memory. Hopefully.
Claire comes back just in time to see you doing your makeup.
“You going out?”
You nod as she leans on the bathroom’s door frame.
“Michael? Wow, you didn’t waste time. I left you alone for five minutes. See, I was right. You two would be perfect for each other.”
“Don’t ring the bells just yet. We're just hanging out.”
“Does he know about Sam?”
“No, I don't think so. Unless you or Carmen told him. I can’t keep track of what you guys tell others.”
“We didn't. It's your story to tell. But I'm just saying, you don't have to keep it a secret.”
“It's not a secret. It just didn't come up.”
“Well, you should give him a chance, he might surprise you.”
“I'll try.”
It's the last thing you say before heading out to meet Michael.
On the way there, you think carefully about what Claire said and decide to tell him upfront about Sam. It shouldn’t be a dealbreaker. You’re just hanging out. But because you know guys, and you’ve been burned in that department before, you ready yourself for any outcome.
Michael offers you a drink after closing the door to his apartment. You can tell he’s done the same as you. He’s showered, his hair is still damp, his face is clean-shaven now, and he’s wearing a different t-shirt now sans The Beef logo.
Opting for having a drink, he pours a tequila shot for you on the breakfast bar after giving you a short tour of his one-bedroom apartment while he sips from a mug filled with fresh coffee.
“I uh… I have to tell you something,” you start after downing your shot and sitting on one of the barstools.
“I don’t do this often, you know? Going to a guy's place like this– I mean, I have. A couple of times. But this isn’t a frequent occurrence in my life. Or a priority.”
He opens his mouth to say something, but he doesn't. He stares at you instead, asking you to keep going with his curious gaze, as he leans his forearms on the counter.
“This shouldn’t affect you but for the sake of honesty, I thought you should know that I have a daughter.”
“Why would that affect me?”
“Like I said, it shouldn’t. But a lot of guys tend to get weird upon knowing that about me.”
“Well, that's on them. We agreed this was just to get to know each other, right? We can't do it if we pick and choose the parts we want to share.”
You nod firmly. “You're right.”
“Can I ask how old she is?”
“Yeah, she’s three. She called earlier, well, my mom did, and said she was having so much fun she wanted to stay the night.”
“That’s beautiful, Zu. Guess you have to take your chances whenever you can, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“And the father?”
“He’s not in the picture. He pays for the frame, but he’ll never be in it.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“His loss.”
He props a hand on the edge of the bar, using the other to pick up the bottle and fill your empty shot glass.
“If we’re laying our cards on the table, I think it’s only fair to confess something too before moving forward.”
Now it’s your time to give him the same curious look he gave you before as he explains.
“I don’t do this often either. At least not as much as I used to. And I’ve never said out loud this to anyone that wasn’t in a room filled with people like me… Not even my family.”
You can see he’s struggling to find the words and courage to admit something, but you don’t push on it until he’s ready to say–
“I’m a recovering addict.” His voice is even, tinged with a dab of shame. But he looks you directly in the eye to gauge your reaction. “It’s been almost a year and just starting to feel back to normal. Or whatever that means. A couple of months ago I wouldn't have felt confident enough to invite anyone here. Hell, going to a party would’ve been unthinkable for me… But I’m still trying to figure it all out, you know? If that’s a dealbreaker for you…”
“It’s not. I wasn’t expecting that, but I’m glad you told me. I uh… I hope this question doesn’t come across as judgmental but is it safe for you to keep alcohol in the house?” you point to the tequila bottle.
“Alcohol isn’t my poison,” he scoffs. “But I don’t drink anymore either if I can help it.”
“You go to meetings?”
“Yeah, NA. Every week.”
“And your family doesn’t know?”
“They know some of it, but not how bad it got.”
“I feel out of my depth here but wouldn’t it be better to have someone close to talk to?”
He shrugs, “you know the Berzattos. We all have problems, we’ll rather pretend everything’s good than to admit we’re all batshit.”
“Sorry for prying.”
“No, it’s fine. I opened that door. Richie knows though. He’s seen the worst of it, has picked me up many times when I couldn’t even get up. He’s always been there, even when he doesn’t know what to say.”
“That’s good. And if it helps, I don’t think you’re crazy. It’s brave to admit that you have a problem, let alone face it on your own. Takes courage.”
“Guess a single mom would know a thing or two about courage.”
“I suppose so,” you gaze at your shot glass before tilting it over your lips.
“One more?”
“No, no. Two is enough for me. Thanks.”
You stare at the other, not sure how to proceed after that. Shit, maybe you went too deep too fast, but it’s good to have everything out in the open. If anything, it only makes him more attractive to see that he can look at his own flaws and own them. Most guys you’ve ever been with never had the balls to look you in the eye and confess something so fucked up and personal.
“Do you wanna keep talking or should we try…?” you trail off.
“Whatever you want sweetheart. I love talking to you.” He lifts his coffee mug up to his lips and takes a long sip.
“Is that a line?”
“No, it’s the truth.”
He grins, placing his mug down, and you just know it’s definitely a line by the way his lips curve up lopsided. Which you don’t hate. Though you like talking to him as well, you’d rather be doing something else than spend all night rehashing all your problems.
Standing up from your barstool, you go around the bar to face him closer. You lick your lips and tentatively cup his face before placing a small kiss on his coffee-tainted lips. His face heats up beneath your palms, and you watch his mouth curl on both sides before locking eyes with him. It’s not until you look at him up close that you can notice the difference in his beautiful browns from all those years ago. They were once eager, sparkly, and mischievous. There’s still some of that, and much more depth than you remember. There’s a lot of sadness too, and a new shade of tenderness you haven’t seen in anyone before.
“Do you think you can kiss me the way you did last time?” Your mouth draws a smile.
“I think I can do better.”
“Yeah? I’d like to see that.”
You both laugh for a beat before noticing his knuckles caressing your neck.
“Do you wanna go slow?” His fingers trail slowly up to your jaw as you nod a “yeah, slow is good.”
Fast would be okay too but you wanna taste this moment like you never got to.
As your hands slide down to hold his sides, his palms reach up to cradle your face. His head leans to the side at the same time his tongue juts out to wet his lips. His face dips, quickly shortening the distance to your mouth to capture the flavor of your kiss. It seems like a terrible combination to mix coffee and tequila, but it works. Having his tongue stirring both inside your mouth is purely delicious. You swirl with him, gently, taking your time to get used to a new flavored cocktail that probably already exists somewhere. But this one is special, cause it has you and him putting that extra ingredient.
He was right, you realize. He's grown to be a better kisser than in that old memory that's been torturing you for years. You have to keep your mind out of that night. This is a different time, different day, and two different people that have nothing to do with those old versions of themselves.
As the kiss grows tiredly eager, you both start panting for air between the sloppy movement of your lips locked together. He parts momentarily to guide you toward the couch. He sits down, pulling you down to straddle his lap.
His palms land on your hips while you take the reins again and seize his mouth at once, wanting to swallow every single drop of that magical drink called Michael Berzatto. Your fingers curl around his neck, capturing his taut muscles bulging out at the hot rush coursing through his veins. His hands become anxious, greedy for more of you. They slip under the hem of your shirt at the back to feel the warmth of your skin.
There's a thread of anticipation weaving inside your body, sending your hips to grind over his denim bulge, making him sigh with groan when you hit the right spot. You do it again, and again, until you feel him growing between two layers of annoying denim.
The dirty work of your mouth becomes too wild to tame. Even for you. You've managed to hold yourself in the past when you needed to, but this time you're not sure that you want to hold back.
Michael's fingers fumble under your shirt to open the clasp of your bra. After a coup of tries, you feel the tight elastic decompress from your skin as one of his hands travels to the front to feel your breasts.
“Is this okay?” he mumbles into the frenzy of your tongue.
“Hm, yeah, that’s fucking perfect.” Your breathing catches as his knuckles softly brush the underside of your boob.
He's rock hard by the time his paw extends fully to mold one of your boobs to the shape of his fingers. Your nipple shrinks into a hard pebble under his firm touch. He thoroughly massages your flesh before switching to the other side.
You pull away from his lips to glance down at his hand enjoying its time in the valley of your chest. He seems either quite taken with it, or perhaps he's afraid of moving forward without your approval.
You clear your throat before suggesting. “Do you think we should move this party to the bedroom?”
“Yeah, I'd like that.”
You peel yourself off him to stand up and then follow him into his room. Before doing anything else, you pull up your phone from your pocket and place it on the nightstand to make sure you can find it fast in case it rings.
Michael moods the lights to just one on the night table with a soft glow of yellow and watches you taking off your clothes for a beat before mirroring you.
It's surprising how your nerves don't even present a threat at this moment, but you're not going to question or overthink right now why you're so damn calm when you lay almost naked on his bed.
You leave your panties on and prop yourself on your elbows watching him like prey as he slips off his shirt and jeans. His chiseled body is something to admire. You can tell he's been working out. Maybe to smooth that edge the drugs gave him. He was already a pretty athletic guy back then but didn't have the same defined shapes that now sculpture his body like a Greek marble statue.
Biting your lip you glance further down to see him push down his boxers to uncover his generous erection. You can't help but admire your own work, swelled to a nice shade of deep pink and pointing up to his abdomen between the grooves of Apollo’s belt.
Your knees push together, feeling your arousal pooling in your folds when he turns around to show you his buttocks. With his back on sight, he collects something from a dresser drawer.
There's a condom in his hand when he faces you again.
“You good down there, sweetheart?” he asks, his eyes casting a dark shade from above, adding more gusto to the overly sexual charge blowing off the charts before even touching each other's naked bodies.
“Uh-hm. Could I just first…” Before he can wrap his dick in latex, you extend your hand to feel his full hardness in your palm. You wait for him to nod and give you permission to curl your fingers around it to feel it throb and ache for more friction.
It's as unexpected for you as it is for him to have you openly telling him what you want to do. If there’s something you've learned from all your past mistakes is that sex is better when you can communicate what you want. Even if it's just a one time thing, it's better to keep an open line between you two. As much as you’d want him to jump on top of you and rearrange your insides, the build up is more gratifying to you than just getting things done as fast as possible. The buzz lasts even longer. And if this is a one time thing, you sure want to remember every second of how being with him felt.
Michael puts one knee on the edge of the bed and observes your kind hand sliding down his shaft. His eyes become glossy. A gulp moves his throat up and down as he swallows a grunt when you tighten your hold around him and press down tighter, coaxing a nice wet drop to spill out of his tip.
Licking his lips, he puts his hand around your wrist to stop you before you go too far. He wants to come. But he wants to do it with you tightly wrapped around him.
He removes the wrapper of the prophylactic and rolls it on.
When she realizes you still have your underwear on, he slides them down your legs carefully, as if he was unwrapping the finest china. He notices the faint scar left on your lower abdomen from your c-section and as Michael climbs on top of you, he leaves a trail of kisses from that scar up to your neck.
As his head is closer, you hook a finger on the gold chain hanging around his neck, pulling his face down to seize his lips. At the same time, he parts your knees to nestle in between.
Adjusting your position, you lay back on the mattress with him following your cue and letting your tongue invite itself past his teeth to keep savoring everything he has to offer as your hips fit together. When his cock presses against your clit you can’t help but jolt and grind against its solid hardness. The thin layer of latex collects your dampness as you do. You grip his sides as he uses the advantage of being on top of you to kiss you back with a burning ache that sets your core in fire the longer you rub against the other.
“How does it feel, sweetheart?�� His voice tenses in his throat. “You like it like that, huh.”
“Yeah, it feels so fucking good.” But you can’t bear that thought for longer than that. You need him inside pushing past your entrance, stretching your walls to the shape of his erection.
“Fuck me,” you moan before sucking his lip into your mouth.
His hand snakes down your torso to taste with his finger the arousal covering your sex.
“God you’re so wet, sweetheart,” he purrs, probing a finger before smoothly burying himself inside you.
Your eyes shine behind a layer of gloss that wells up at the corners as he pushes a couple of times carefully until you get used to his size molding the shape of your walls.
After a few experimental thrusts, he lowers his body on top of yours, letting his weight do all the work as he gradually moves faster.
“You’re gonna make me come,” he pants over your lips, feeling the tight grip of your pussy contracting every time his cock pushes deeper inside.
“That’s the idea,” you wink at him as your palms slide down his back to grab his ass.
You keep eye contact with him and stay quiet as the only sound that fills the room is your skin meeting over and over until your moans seep in. You watch his forehead and neck quickly get covered in sweat beads. He takes a deep breath before letting his grunts join the symphony. His forehead falls on top of yours, as the rhythm of his thrust picks up. His muscles strain under your palms that go back up to hold tightly to his sides the closer he drives you to the edge. Your nails dig on his ribs pushing him thrust his hips even sharper. You can feel him throb and jerk inside you as he exerts his body for your pleasure. It’s easy to tell he wants to come desperately, but he holds and holds his release for you until you reach that point.
“Come for me, sweetheart,” there’s an edge of urgency in his breathless voice as he tucks one hand underneath to rub your clit and get you to come faster.
“I… almost… fuck,” you try to word something out, but you’re so close you can only cling to his sides as your body aches for a release.
The tears collecting in your ears trickle down your cheeks when you close your eyes at that very crucial point when your orgasm reaches the highest peak. The powerful force makes your body shake like a damn earthquake, leaving your core in shambles. One of his hands holds your trembling thigh, feeling its vibrations on his palm until it passes. At that point, he cannot longer hold his own, and the squeeze of your opening around his pulsating erection just makes him spill everything into the condom. His teeth are clenched on your neck, printing a loud grunt on your skin as he comes undone. Your pussy still contracts around him up until the final drop is ejected.
That sweet orgasm slowly ebbs, but the buzz in your head lingers for longer than that. He lazily stays on top of you for a minute until he can finally push himself off you.
Painting together, you stare at the ceiling as the breeze slipping in from the open window cools your body.
“That was…”
“Yeah.” He scoffs, half glancing at you with a giddy smile.
You don't really need to give it a word. You both know how amazing that was. It’s safe to say that this is how it was supposed to be. If you had gotten your way the first time around, it probably wouldn't have been nearly as good. And now you don't have to wonder anymore or feel ashamed for leaving cause this night definitely overwrites that fiasco.
When your breathing evens out, you both turn to your side and face each other to bask in the afterglow plastered on your faces. One of his hands slips across your jaw, as his thumb caresses your cheek when you place your head on the pillow.
Your face heats up as he leans closer to place a tender kiss on your sweaty temple. As his hand slides down your warm body, he watches it draw the curves of your body as one of his fingers sticks out around your hips to draw the scar he saw before peaking just over your pubic hair. You let him do it for a second before you put a palm over it. Then, he slips his fingers between your legs to seize the mess he’s made out of you. Your juices still cling to your skin when his fingers start circling around your clit.
“Can I make you come again?”
“Please,” you let out a half laugh and push your knee higher to make room for his wandering fingers that explore all over your pussy. His eyes stay fixed on yours as he easily takes you to have a quick orgasm. It’s not as explosive, but it’s a nice aftershock that leaves your body melting into the mattress.
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whitherwanderer · 1 year
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Pride Backlighting Tutorial
A few people have shown interest in replicating the pride backlighting I did, so hey, here’s a quick tutorial below the cut.
Enjoy, and happy Pride Month. 🏳️‍🌈
First thing you’ll want to do is find a suitably dark background to bounce the light off of. I use the White Screen housing item dyed Soot Black, available from the Housing Merchant or Apartment Merchant in any of the housing zones for 3000 gil.
I line up 2-3 of them for coverage, but one will do if you're trying to be frugal.
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If you don’t have an apartment or an FC room to use, try asking friends, FC mates, or even folks you share a Discord server with. You might even find someone who already has a studio space set up and is willing to let you use it!
Lighting in your studio space should be 0 (though you might have success at 1 as well), so make sure to adjust that or ask the studio owner if they can make that change before you start posing.
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Position your character(s) just a little ways back from the edge of the screen. You want some space between them and the screen so that the lighting can float there without casting a weird circle on the wall.
Hop into /gpose and bump up the “Manual brightness adjustment” to about 120 or whatever level allows you to see your character well enough to pose them. Pose to your heart's content.
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Here’s the fun part. In the Light tab of the Gpose menu, switch all of your Light sources to Type 1, which has the shortest falloff radius (meaning it doesn't reach as far as Type 2 or 3). I also set all of my lights to one strong color to differentiate them while I worked on lighting—red, green, and blue, all maxed out at 255 (for now).
Swing your camera (still on all default settings) around to your character’s back and up above their head a little ways. This is where Light 1 (red) will go.
Now pan your camera down at about mid-back height and set Light 2 (green) there.
Pan your camera down one last time until you have a nice shot of your character’s butt and set Light 3 (blue).
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Spin your camera back around and enjoy this nice little macaw-colored gradient.
Set your camera angle.
The way FFIXV’s lighting works is partially dependent on how much light is in a shot. It will adjust a lot like your eyes do when you’re entering a dark room from a bright room, or vice versa. Your zoom level and camera angle are going to directly affect the lighting, so set this before you start messing with light strength and color. Sometimes this means weaker lighting will actually light your character better.
I ended up bringing my lights down to around ~160 and boosted the "Manual brightness adjustment" up quite a bit to get lighting I was happier with.
For a straightforward vertical shot, I like to have my Field of View (FOV) at 200 and of course my rotation is set to 90. Zoom in or out as needed. Remember to save your camera angle if you plan to pan around and fix things!
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Make it ~queer~.
Take your flag of choice and pick out 2-3 “main” hues. Generally these will be the strongest hues in the flag, if not the only ones. Some flags, like the Pride/Progress/Intersex-Inclusive flag itself, are difficult to replicate for the sheer number of colors that are in it. You can loosely represent a rainbow with some adjustment to the RGB colors, if you’re determined to have a whole rainbow in there.
Shader Note: I recommend picking a shader preset that doesn’t mess too much with color so that colors are represented correctly. You may need to adjust light strength and “Manual brightness adjustment” to be compatible with your preset of choice. Bloom will also heavily affect the way your colors are showing up, so you may need to tone down the bloom FX or toggle it off entirely. This all depends on your preset, however.
If you’re not into RGB math, here are some cheat sheets! Not every flag is represented here of course, but I tried to cover as many colors as I could so that you could grab a color from another flag as needed! Please note that colors will need some adjustment for your own screenshot, presets, and preferences.
And that’s it, y’all! 🏳️‍🌈
(Open this image up in a new tab for more detail.)
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These were taken using a heavily customized shader for that nice glowy effect.
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xiao-come-home · 4 months
Giggling, kicking my feet, spinning in circles over Boothill...
Just imagine, S/O in a creative field, and they've been preparing for an event where they get to show off their work..
Except, they've been doing it in secret because they don't feel confident and they're unsure if people would stop by for them..
So cue S/O's surprise when they suddenly bump into Boothill at said event—maybe even burst into (happy) tears if he praises their work.. I just know this man's the sweetest for his S/O ;;;-;;;
YUEESS anyway this got kinda long but take it 🫡
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You knew the day was coming - the day so, so important in your career that could possibly shift everyone's opinion about you and your hard work. Day after day, more preparations were made, and people who assisted you kept patting your shoulder as you walked by, already congratulating you.
Yet, amongst all of the joy - your hesitation was certainly present. No one close to you knew about the event - not even the closest people, not even Boothill himself, who was your significant other. Even though so many already praised you - just what meaning does it hold if no one actually shows up to the event itself?
The lack of confidence and worrying were the only ones that bothered you to no end - which, Boothill noticed immediately as it was not your usual behavior. Not only were you constantly busy and away from home when he finally got back, but you were constantly stressed out. He tried not to pressure the matter as you were unwilling to talk, but that's Boothill we're talking about - which means - time for Boothill to snoop around and find out himself.
Today is the day. The day you anticipated so much, but also dreaded to finally have it happen. You hop onto the stage, and gasp at the amount of people below. You can't count the amount of eyes that gaze at you, and people seem to be genuinely impressed at your work - applauding loudly, causing you to tear up on stage.
That's a shame you haven't noticed the familiar cyborg who's been watching you the whole time, smiling widely to himself.
Once the official part is over and the festivities begin, people swarm around you to ask you more about your work or actual interviews, but you gently excuse yourself for now under the excuse of being tired. Surprisingly, the crowd goes away, but they'll surely be back...
You breathe in and out, shaking your head from all the attention, but suddenly, you bump hard against something and your hands automatically cover your poor nose; the pain makes you cry under your nose a tiny "oww," just what the hell is that pole here? Was there one before?!
"Ouch! 'm sorry sweetheart! Thought ya would finally notice me, but not that kinda way..." Boothill's voice reaches your ears and you open your eyes in the span of seconds, "I can't believe ya didn't tell me about all of this! A god dang event just for you, and those little motherfudgers that barely let me in, let alone get closer to ya—"
Boothill takes your hands off your face in his, pressing a soft kiss on your nose, "I didn't know my sweet pea was so smart," his voice gets softer and quieter, eyes gazing into yours, "I'm so proud of ya. I really wish you've told me about this, so we could be properly celebratin' this together."
You no longer could fight your tears and let them run down your cheeks, "I'm sorry, I didn't— I didn't think anyone would even show up," you sobbed, "I didn't even know if I could get through this if—" your sentence gets cut off by Boothill's fingers pushing your chin up and staring at you with ungodly amounts of love in his eyes.
"Silly you," he wiped off the tears with his hand, "of course they'd come. They did. So many people are here just for you, admirin' yer work and almost fightin' to say a word to ya. I know ya often doubt yourself, but, as you can see," Boothill looks behind you and see people fawning over your projects, "there's no need for it. You deserve all of this, sweetheart, even if I can't understand a single fudgin' word. You put yer entire heart into this - I see it, love."
Boothill's words only make you cry harder, wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him tightly - but this time, your tears are those of joy.
After calming down, you sit nearby with Boothill next to you. Sparing him a glance, you confusingly mention the new hat he's wearing, "Ha! Took ya long enough to see! It worked as intended - ya didn't know it was me back there, in the crowd!" He exclaimed proudly, sending you a smug grin.
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Short break from the ask request because I was almost finished with this.
And I've already done Mihawk, Shanks, and Zoro's so...
Sanji's turn!! 💙💙💙
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Honestly chef whites have never looked better on anyone.
(Please don't tell my husband he's a chef)
(Also he wants us to watch OPLA together, please send a prayer for my tainted soul)
(Gonna be twitching like I've downed two pots of coffee through all of Sanji and Mihawk's scenes)
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Absolutely uncalled for 😒
Deep breath.
Anyway. Here's the headcanon thing.
Spicy, super fluffy, NSFW.
ABC's of Romance
A — Afterglow (How are they after sex?)
Absolutely, totally and hopelessly devoted to making sure you know just how much of a goddess you are.
Kissing you all over—your neck, your shoulders, your chest, your jaw and your lips.
Praising you endlessly.
"You're so perfect. I don't know how I ever lived without you."
Leaving you only long enough to prepare a quick snack, likely something like a fruit and cheese board paired with a light and tart Rosé wine.
Bonus points if you let him feed you.
He wants to pamper you like the queen you are, so just let him and he'll be in heaven.
B — Backrubs? (Do they like them? Like giving them?)
Yes and yes, and also *yes*.
Any reason to have his hands on you.
Obviously works with his hands all the time, and they are absolute magic.
One can get pretty sore being bent over a cutting board and a stove half the day, so if you get behind him and start rubbing his shoulders, he's going to melt right into your hands.
"Oh, my love, what did I ever do to deserve you?"
C — Cuddling (Do they enjoy cuddling a lot ot only at certain moments?)
Super clingy.
Like super super clingy.
He would probably just glue you to his side if the option presented itself.
Forever coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around you, kissing the top of your head and your cheek.
Nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
Any moment he isn’t holding you is a moment wasted.
D — Dance (Are they good at it? Do they enjoy it?)
Being a good dancer sort of goes hand in hand with being a hopeless romantic.
And again, he never gets tired of being close to you. Any reason is a good reason.
Seeing you in an evening gown or a cocktail dress is going to floor him absolutely every time.
"You look absolutely stunning, darling. Not that you aren't always stunning."
Lacing his fingers with yours, wrapping his other hand around your waist and rubbing his thumb there in slow little circles.
Resting his forehead against yours so he can gaze into your eyes the whole time.
Curling an arm around your back to dip you, and using it as an excuse to oh-so-subtly brush his lips to your neck.
E — Extravagant Gestures (Things they do to make you feel loved)
Preparing a surprise full-course candlelight dinner for just the two of you (and locking the rest of the crew out of the kitchen to ensure you won't be bothered, very much to Luffy's irritation).
Buying you little presents literally all the time, potentially to the point of financial ruin if you can't convince him to stop.
Laying out a blanket and pillows at the helm of the ship in the evening so you can watch the sunset or stargaze with a bottle of wine or mixed drinks.
F — Fighting (How do they handle arguments/apologies?)
Absolutely endless apologizing.
Literally begging on his knees if he has to.
Doesn't matter if he was in the wrong or not, he just can't stomach you being angry with him for any length of time.
"Please, love, just tell me what I can do to fix this. I'll do anything."
He's going to brush it off if you apologize because he just wants it to be over and done with.
Holding you close and cradling your head against him, kissing your forehead and assuring you he isn't upset.
G — Getting Hot (What do they do to turn you on?)
Full-on seduction.
Moving in behind you and brushing your hair behind your ear, his knuckles across your neck.
Rubbing his his hands up and down your waist, grazing his fingertipa across your stomach.
Trailing soft kisses up and down your shoulder and neck, soft little purr in your ear.
"Do you have any idea how badly I want you?"
Pulling you gently back against him and turning your head to gaze into your eyes.
Caressing his thumb across your cheek and brushing his lips slowly against yours. 
H — Heartache (How would they handle it if you broke up with them?)
Oh dear. Let's not do that.
It would absolutely shatter his entire world.
He will do anything in his power to fix whatever is wrong.
He is absolutely not above begging you to take him back.
And if you don't, well, you're his whole universe, and he'll almost definitely fall straight into a depression and refuse to get out of bed ever again.
I — Intimacy (When are they intimate with you? And how often?)
When isn't he?
The rest of the crew is constantly cringing and rolling their eyes.
Keeping his arm around your waist any time he has the chance.
Pulling you close and playing with your hair while he kisses you slowly.
Sneaking up behind you to lift you off your feet and ravish your neck and jaw with kisses.
It can honestly get to be a little much sometimes, but you really can't stand seeing how pitiful he gets when you shoo him off or tell him you're busy.
J — Joker (How do they make you laugh)
His relentless flirting makes you giggle more than anything.
The way he acts like he's still trying to win you over.
His little pout when you tease him about it.
"Well, who in their right mind wouldn't shower the most beautiful woman in the world with praise and affection?"
K — Kissing (How good? How often?)
All the time, and all over.
Your lips, your neck, your shoulders, your chest, your cheeks, your forehead.
Rubbing his hands up and down your waist, tilting his head in to kiss you slowly and deeply. 
Lightly brushing his tongue across your lips, letting you set the pace.
Absolutely losing his cool when you deepen the kiss, pulling you flush against him, picking you up and backing you up onto the nearest counter or table.
He absolutely doesn't care if there's anyone else around, because the rest of the world just melts away when your lips are on his.
L — Lay down (How do they sleep with you? Are they cuddler or do they prefer their space?)
He wants you absolutely flush against him.
Facing you with one arm under your neck and his other around your waist, cradling your head under his chin.
Pressing his lips to the crown of your hair.
Always making sure to tell you how much he loves and cherishes you before you fall asleep.
"I love you. So much. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wouldn't ever trade this for anything."
Maybe more than once.
M — Making babies (Do they want to settle down and have kids?)
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.
Maybe not right this moment, but starting a family with you would be an absolute dream come true.
Two or three kids, your own ship, searching for the All Blue together.
He literally daydreams about it.
N — Nervous? (How confident are they when it comes to romance?)
He was absolutely confident about winning your heart...
But he's a little nervous about keeping it.
That's why he's more than a little clingy. He wants to make absolutely sure that you know how devoted he is to you.
To your happiness, your hopes and dreams, your pleasure.
He wants you to know, every moment of every day, that he is absolutely and hopelessly in love with you.
O — Oral Fixation (Giving or recieving? And how good are they?)
Absolute giver, through and through.
Would gladly suffocate to death between your thighs, as long as the last sounds he heard were your moans.
He's going to eat you out like a man dying of thirst in the desert and you're the first water source he's seen in weeks.
Gripping at your thighs and your hips to pull you closer, his tongue working a steady rhythm, his eyes rolling back when you grip at his hair and moan.
Just living vicariously through your pleasure.
Kissing around your thighs and your stomach when you orgasm, before going right back in to get you there all over again.
You're going to have to tell him to stop, because he could literally do this all night.
He's not going to complain if you return the favor.
Watching you the entire time, his breath shuddering and his fingers combing through your hair, biting the side of his fist.
"O—oh god—oh god yes, love, you're so perfect...."
Absolutely losing his mind when you gaze up at him through your eyelashes and swirl your tongue around his cock.
Gripping at the bedsheets and pushing his hips up, swearing under his breath.
P — Pet Peeves (Things they don't like in a partner)
Being disrespectful toward hospitality workers (wait staff, line cooks, hosts, etc)—big pet peeve for anyone in the culinary industry, and he absolutely will not abide it.
Being inderect/aloof. He's more than happy to give you anything you want or need, so just tell him and he will.
Flirting with Zoro. Just don't, for god's sake. He'll kick that moss-head's face in.
Q — Quiet Time (How much alone time do they need, or do they want to be with you 24/7?)
Just let him glue you to his side already.
He wants to be with you every minute of every day, and he's going to make it known.
Every second of downtime he has, he wants to spend it with you.
Cuddling, kissing, making love, he doesn't care.
What you're doing together is completely on your terms, as long as you're together.
R — Romance (How romantic are they? Do they have to force it or does it come natural?)
Sanji is the most hopeless romantic you have ever met in your life.
It's impossible to count how many times he tells you he loves you throughout the course of a day.
It's also impossible not to believe him, the way he pulls you close and gazes into your eyes.
Cradles your head in his hands and curls his fingers in your hair and kisses you like might never have the chance to kiss you again.
S — Spending Money (How much do they like to spend on you?)
Too much.
No, literally too much. If you don't stop him he's not going to have any money left for basic needs.
Hide his wallet, for heaven's sake.
T — Trust (Are they trusting of you? Jealous?)
Yes, on both accounts.
Sanji absolutely trusts you.
But he gets jealous pretty easily. He does not abide anyone else trying to flirt with you.
He's not going to get upset with you about it. He wholly understands that you're the most beautiful being in the entire universe and that men are going to flock toward you.
But he's going to make sure that they know they can't have you.
U — Underwear (What kind do they wear, and what kind do they like on you?)
He tends toward boxer briefs, but if you told him you wanted to see him in a thong he probably wouldn't object.
You could wear a trash bag and he'd still be ga-ga over your.
But he still loves seeing you in soft, feminine things. 
Lace and satin and silk.
Seeing you in any kind of lingerie is almost enough to give him a heart attack.
V — Vulnerable (How vulnerable are they with you? Is it easy for them to open up to you?)
Sanji is a complete open book with you.
Wants you to know that it's perfectly safe for you to be open with him, and the best way is for him to be open with you.
Even if it's a difficult subject, he will bite the bullet and be completely honest.
Even if it's harder for you to be vulnerable, he will be without question.
Because he wants you to know that he'll be there to listen and understand wheneveryou feel like you can be.
W — Wine and Dine (Do they prefer meals at home or going out with you? Who does more of the cooking?)
Both, honestly.
He wants to take you out to lavish five star restaurants where he can focus all of his time and energy on you.
But he's always thrilled to cook for you.
The best answer is that he would prefer to cook with you.
Asking him if you can help in the kitchen melts him into a puddle.
X — X-Rated (How good are they in bed? What do they like?)
Absolutely hellbent on making you feel like a goddess, and he definitely knows how to.
While Sanji is a relentless flirt, he doesn't tend to jump into bed with just anyone, prefering that sex have both a physical and an emotional connection.
Slow, tender, and loving, making sure that you know he worships every single inch of you, inside and out.
Fingertips caressing up and down your inner thigh while he kisses you slowly.
His lips slipping away to trail down your neck, fingers trailing higher up your thigh, across your soft folds, rubbing your clit in slow, gentle circles. 
His breath catching a little when you moan or arch your hips arch toward his touch.
Every sound you make, every moan amd whimper amd gasp, is like music to his ears.
Trailing his lips lower, kissing and caressing every square inch of your chest.
His lips and his fingers brushing across your nipples.
Circling them with his tongue.
Alternating between rubbing your clit amd pushing two fingers inside you to focus on your g-spot.
Keeping a steady, perfect pace that sends you over the edge in a matter of minutes, over and over again.
Trailing soft kisses back up your neck, murmuring against your ear and gently stroking your wet folds.
"You're so beautiful when you're moaning."
Brushing his lips to yours in a slow, tender kiss before sitting up, gently pulling you with him by your waist and hand.
Pulling you flush against him so your thighs straddle his hips.
Slow, deep kisses, breath shuddering as he grinds his cock slowly against you.
Gripping your hips and lifting you up slightly on your knees, lowering you back down slowly.
Drawing in a sharp breath and moaning quietly against your lips as he slides into you.
Tightening his grip on your hip and your waist, fighting the urge to thrust right into you, wanting to savor the feeling of your tight inner walls slowly enveloping his cock.
Lifting a hand to cradle your head, his thumb brushing your hair behind your ear.
Lips slipping away from yours with a slow sigh once he's fully inside you, gazing into your eyes.
"Oh, you feel like heaven, love."
Lips brushing against your neck and your collarbone as he rolls his hips to meet yours in long, deep strokes.
One hand on your hip to guide your movement and his other trailing up your waist, caressing your stomach, your breasts, tangling in your hair as the pace increases steadily.
Lying you back on the bed and lacing his fingers through yours, gripping your hand to keep himself under control.
Kissing your neck and shoulder and caressing your thigh, grianing quietly, whispering in your ear that he loves you, how perfect you are, his beautiful goddess.
Pressing his lips to yours when you come again, your moans and the tight contractions of your orgasm driving him over the edge.
Thrusting fully into you and coming deep inside you, hands gripping your thigh and your hair, his moans answering yours amid a deep, passionate kiss.
Y — Yearning (How long will they pursue the person they're interested in before losing interest?)
Literally to the ends of the earth.
Sanji is a little obsessed with you. Just a little.
He isn't going to try to push you into anything you don't want, but the flirting will be utterly incessant.
He can't help it, it's his default setting.
He worships the ground you walk on and will stop at nothing to make sure you know it.
Z — Zen (What do they do to wind down and relax? Do they prefer to do it alone or with you?)
Always, always with you.
If it's coming up with a new recipe, he wants your input.
If it's lounging back on a lazy afternoon, he wants you lounging back against his chest so he can play with your hair and breathe in your perfume.
You are his peace.
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(Adam x Lute x Reader)
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Synopsis: Y/N just wanted to spend some wholesome time with her lovers but they had other plans.
Part 1 (of 3)
Warnings: Smut, Language
Y/N couldn't find her two partners all day. She had looked everywhere for them. On the promenade, in the park and on the training ground. No sign of her two lovers. But today was a very special day. The three of them were celebrating their first anniversary and had planned to go out for dinner together. Lute had insisted on spoiling her two babies and had chosen the best restaurant in heaven. They wanted to get ready together beforehand but Y/N couldn't find them for hours. Frustrated, she went back to the flat the three of them shared in the sky complex. If they didn't want to spend the day with her, she would just have a nice evening herself. In the bathroom, she ran a bath and lit a few candles. She looked for her clothes and laid them out.
Slowly, she slipped the clothes off her body and let herself slide into the bath. The warm water lapped around her body and made her body relax. The scented oils helped a lot and she sank deeper into the water. She closed her eyes with pleasure and thought of the two angels who made her life more beautiful. Her thoughts wandered to scenarios that she actually wanted to avoid because she was still angry with them. Soon one of her hands wandered down between her thighs.
She carefully let her fingers circle and pushed them inside her. In her mind's eye, she saw Adam licking his lips and watching her as he had done many times before. Y/N whimpered and one of her hands closed around one of her nipples. She squeezed, wishing it was Lute's fingers. While she was pleasuring herself, she didn't even realise that her two lovers had re-entered their shared flat.
"Fuck," Y/N whimpered and pushed harder against her hand. She could no longer control herself and came against her fingers. She leant back against the edge of the bath and slowly opened her eyes. Startled, she pulled her arms up and covered herself "Adam what the fuck are you doing here?"
Adam just wanted to go to the toilet quickly before getting ready for their date. However, the sight that presented itself to him was much more pleasant than what he had in mind. Y/N hadn't noticed him and he leant quietly against the doorframe, watching her. His eyes followed her fingers as they skilfully moved between her legs again and again. He couldn't stop his lower region from reacting as well. Patience. He would have to be patient before he could pleasure himself with her. He had promised Lute that they would carry out the plan together.
He grinned at her with his typical grin. "Actually, I wanted to use the bathroom but you've put on a very interesting show for me here" Y/N blushed and sank even deeper into the water.
"Where have you two been all day?" she asked, quickly changing the subject. Adam took a few steps across the room and stood in front of the toilet. Y/N saw him lift his robe and relieve himself. As he did so he said "Oh we were just running some errands princess"
Errands…..Aha….Today? Y/N rolled her eyes. "Can you leave when you're done then please?" "Oh why is that? I'd like to join your little bath" "Adam" Lute's voice sounded warningly behind him and he winced slightly "Yeah yeah I know I know" Annoyed he walked out of the bathroom again and Y/N wondered why Lute hadn't even come to say hello to her.
Y/N climbed out of the bath and started to get ready for the evening. Adam and Lute didn't seem to want to come to her. She heard them lock the door in the bedroom. Somehow she felt a pang that her lovers wanted nothing to do with her today. Secretly, she hoped that they would prepare something. After all, that's what she had done.
She really hoped that they would be happy with the surprise.
Y/N did her hair and put on some make-up. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she could already see the result. She was very curious to see what the other two would wear. She had seen that Lute had bought a new dress. She would certainly look stunning in it. With Adam, the two ladies would be lucky if his clothes were clean.
"Y/N are you coming?" Lute knocked gently on the door and waited for her to answer.
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justcallmecj · 4 months
Please Cook Your Fish First
"The prefects find Y/n went fish hunting and is eating their fish raw(cuz they can’t cook it with ice-sadly)" Courtesy of- QUEEN Skippy on Quotev
This is gonna be sometime after the prefects have seen Y/N's dragon form, so there will be no surprised there.
The Prefect's POV
        "Where is Y/N?" Riddle asked, annoyance lacing his voice. Y/N had contacted all the prefects to set up a meeting time because they wanted to spend time with all of them. They all agreed to meet near the entrance of the Botanical Garden, a place the prefects knew Y/N likes to frequent. But now that they had all gathered, even the lazy Leona, the reclusive Idia and the very excited Malleus, Y/N was no where to be seen. They tried waiting for about twenty minutes, but after that they all got worried.
        "Child of Dragon's did say to meet at this time, correct?" Malleus checked, just to make sure they hadn't misunderstood the ice dragon.
        Leona scoffed. "Of course, we have in down in text. They are the one who's late." He rolled his eyes while his ears twitched discretely, trying to listen for where the Lizard is. While Leona was trying to listen for Y/N, it was actually Malleus who heard something first.
        "Was that...the sound of water splashing?" he paused to listen again. Everyone, hearing Malleus, stopped to listen as well. While none picked up on what the fae heard with his incredible hearing, they followed when he suddenly stood up and started walking into the wooded area behind the Botanical Garden.
        When they reached a clearing, they spotted a lake. (There's no lake on NRC property canonically but there is now for the sake of this story) It's a decent sized lake, filled with murky water but also filled with fish and other lake-dwelling animals. Actually, not a lot of people acknowledge this lake since it's hidden behind the Botanical Garden, and few of the prefects have actually been here.
        Malleus continued forward but stayed near the tree line, inciting the others to do the same. While they looked towards the lake, they all saw as a patch of the water right off the overgrown shore stirred. The water rippled violently. Something big was surfacing.
        The surface of the water suddenly broke, and into the air hopped a dragon, white scales tinted blue and sharp spikes down it's back. The dragon landed on the shore almost gracefully, tail thrashing behind it.
        "Y/N!" Kalim whispered excitedly. It's been quite a long time since he's last seen Y/N in their dragon form since they insist on not taking that form as often.
        "Yes, Kalim, it is. But what were they doing down in the lake?" Azul asked. He's never been in the lake himself, preferring the saltwater of Octavinelle's tanks, but he knows the lake itself can't be very deep and it looks so dirty to swim in. There's no way it's easy to see in to just be enjoying a swim.
        "I don't know what, but why would they want to swim in such disgustingly dirty water?" Vil responded incredulously. There's no way that water is good for their pristine, white scales! He may need to help them clean their scales later.
        Everyone went silent when Y/N turned enough for them to see their face. They first saw Y/N's razor sharp teeth, but that's only because Y/N's mouth was open, filled with....fish? Resting in Y/N's mouth was about a dozen large fish, violently shaking and spasming around, trying to escape the predator that has caught them. Despite the constant moving, Y/N kept hold of their pray and even seemed to not notice the frantic motions of the fish.
        Y/N moved to a large clearing in the overgrowth, a spot that showed clear signs of the plants being frozen, snapped and then brushed out of the way. Walking in a few circles, sort of like a dog, Y/N finally settled down and dropped all the fish, which have now stopped moving, into an open spot they had made. They used their body as a wall to make sure none of the fish could escape back to the water.
        From the treeline not too far away, the prefects were still watching. Some of them wanted to go over and question Y/N, ask them what they were doing and why they weren't at the Botanical Garden when they had requested the meet up. But, when Kalim tried to step forward, Malleus stretched out a hand to stop him. Kalim looked up at the tall fae with confusion.
        "Just wait a moment, I want to see what Child of Dragon's does." Kalim, although confused, will admit that he was curious himself, so he stepped back again and continued to watch, just like the others.
        Y/N finally decided that all the fish were dead. Now, they knew that, technically, they should be at the Botanical Garden right now with the prefects, not at the lake fishing. Buuut, Y/N arrived at the Botanical Garden much earlier than they thought they would, so it was either wait or go explore a bit. And exploring sounded much more interesting than waiting around.
        So when Y/N stumbled across this lake that they had absolutely no idea existed, they got excited and quickly got comfortable. They had been lazying around in a spot they made for a good thirty minutes when they realized that there was heaps of fish swimming around in the lakes murky waters.
        Remembering times where they'd go fishing at the nearby lake to their house back in the Valley of Thorns, Y/N turned into their dragon form and jumped in. While the water was murky, their dragon eyesight and special ability of a protective layer over their eyes allowed them to see. It didn't take long for them to catch up to a school of fish, rather big ones at that. They quickly snapped their large jaw around the fish and made their way back to the surface for air and to drop off the catch.
        And, now that the fish were certainly dead, Y/N could eat as much as they wanted. While a dozen fish of this size is a lot in theory, dragons have large stomachs and this wouldn't be enough to fill Y/N's stomach in dragon form. So, they shifted back to human form, where their stomach would be much smaller.
        Taking the nearest fish into their hands, Y/N allowed their teeth to sharpen and claws to lengthen. Their claws dug through the scales of the fish and kept in place. In one chomp, around half of the fish was torn off the skeleton and Y/N was happily eating it.
        The meat was chewy but not to tough, the fish didn't move so it wasn't a chore to eat, and while blood did spill and drip down Y/N's mouth and covered the few scales that rested on their chin, it didn't bother them and they continued to eat away.
        "Y/N!!!!" a voice shrilled not far away. The shock caused Y/N to choke on the food in their mouth. They dropped the remaining fish and pounded a hand against their chest to try and knock the food down their esophagus. When they finally managed that, they felt a hand rest on their back and try to assist them.
        When Y/N turned to face the person who interrupted their late lunch, they were shocked to find all seven prefects staring at them like they just tried to jump off a cliff, well, except Malleus, he looked chill about this.
        "What the hell are you all doing over here? And why did you shout like that, Vil?" Vil was the one with his hand on their back and now that Y/N thinks about it, only he had to power to make such a shrill with his voice.
        "What do you mean why?!" Vil shouted. "You were just trying to eat raw fish!! Are you crazy?" He looked both genuinely concerned and like a mother scolding her stupid child. Is there something wrong with eating raw fish? Apparently so, if the other prefects faces were anything to go by.
        Riddle's face was scrunched up in mild disgust, Idia was trying to hide his overwhelming concern behind his hands, Kalim crouched in front of Y/N to try and make sure they weren't about to get sick, Azul was frantically cleaning his glasses like he couldn't believe what he was seeing, Leona was staring rather intensely at the blood Y/N knew was on their chin and Vil was fussing over them while trying to clean said blood. Only Malleus was calm, but when Y/N looked to him for answers, he put a finger to his lips in a shushed motion.
        "Sooo, um, what's the problem?" Y/N asked while pushing Vil hand away from their face after he had mostly cleaned the blood.
        "What's the problem?" Riddle echoed. "The problem is that if you eat raw fish it can lead you to get sick." his hands flew to his hips while he reprimanded the fae.
        The next couple minuted were blur. Y/N didn't truly register what the prefects where doing until they thought about it again later. Vil, Riddle and Azul were scolding Y/N about the health risks, Kalim and Leona offered to cook the fish for them (more like get Jamil and Ruggie to do it) and Idia mumbled to himself about Y/N having 'main character plot armor'(Y/N just barely managed to hear him).
        I've never gotten sick from eating raw fish. Is that a common thing for humans? How do they eat fish of they can't cook it then? A familiar tail wrapping around their own brought Y/N out of their thoughts.
        Y/N found all the prefects sitting comfortably in Y/N's clearing by the lake, Malleus right next to them with his tail revealed and wrapped around their, all the prefects offering them the snacks they brought. Apparently they all simultaneously thought to bring snacks because they know how much Y/N likes to snack throughout the day.
        Y/N just decided to settle in and enjoy the company around them, taking the offered snacks, but they did see as Malleus unraveled their tails and used his to push the fish Y/N caught behind their bodies, hiding the fish from the prefects sight. He leaned over to whisper in their ear while the others spoke to each other.
        "Did the fish taste nice?" he asked. "Lilia never let me eat fish raw growing up. He always insisted on cooking it himself first." Y/N couldn't hold back the small giggled that managed to escape their throat.
        "Yeah, just the perfect consistency to eat. But do humans really get sick if they eat raw fish?" they asked curiously. Malleus nodded his head and chuckled.
        "Yes, humans have to cook their meats before they can eat them. Something in raw meat makes them sick. That's why they all freaked out when they saw what you were doing." Malleus explained.
        Huh, strange, but I guess neither me nor Malleus are humans, so our bodies would respond differently.
        A...slightly evil idea grew in Y/N's brain. They shifted closer to Malleus to make sure absolutely no one heard.
        "Do you wanna...give them a little spook?" Y/N whispered playfully. Malleus raised his brow in question until he saw Y/N's hand reach behind the two and their claws dig into the flesh of one of the fish. Upon realizing their plan, he chuckled again and followed, reaching for a fish and digging his own claws into it.
        On a synchronized mental count of three, both made their teeth grow and pulled a fish out, rushing to chomp down on it before someone found out what they were doing. The nearby prefects all let out very different sounds of horror when the two fae tore through the fish and started eating, blood falling down both their chins.
(I figured that Y/N and Malleus would be naturally immune to getting sick from raw meat because they're both dragons. I also assume that, because y/N grew up with a dragon family in the Valley of Thorns, away from humans for the most part, wouldn't know that eating raw meat makes humans sick. Also, Y/N and Malleus taking the chance to torture the poor prefects? Yes!!)
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