#but thank you soooooo much for thinking of me and letting me babble
deathsbestgirl · 5 months
In my mind, I've always considered Scully to have a difficult relationship with desire. She feels it--deeply, intensely--but she feels it's too revealing to own up to. The greater she desires someone, the harder it is to confess to this out loud/publicly. It feels incredibly intimate, almost too exposing to bear. What are your thoughts on this? How would you describe her relationship with desire?
ohhh! i love this question, it's something i think about a lot. i don't think i quite have a clear cut answer. i agree completely with what you say. scully feels very deeply and that definitely extends to desire and love, which is something i have a hard time integrating with her religion.
scully believes in god but she drifts from it & the church throughout the series and goes back to it, it's a pretty consistent thing she experiences. and something i've always loved about her faith is how private & personal it is to her. she wears her cross because maggie gave it to her. sometimes i think of it as something she bears. but she does believe, it's just still hard for her.
now, i'm not religious, i didn't grow up religious. but my wife did and so did one of my friends. and their experiences are wildly different. there are some sects where you do not question god, the bible, the church. but there are others where they encourage, to really learn it & understand it and build a relationship with god (to my very small understanding??) and i imagine scully was allowed to question. she talks about prayer as a conversation with god, and just. the way she lives i don't think her belief of/in god aligns with the church and is part of her drifting from the church and fighting it at different points. (all this basically to say, i don't think she sees any of it as sin or against her beliefs/religion.)
and openly expressing it, i feel a lot of it is tied to knowing where the other person stands and her insecurities. like she can show mulder such love & care in specific ways (the doctoring, the support she gives him in demons, etc) and even ask him to get out of the car (their odd little communications lol) but taking the leap? it scares her. giving herself completely is terrifying to her, especially when she's already given so much of herself. i think it's actually very consuming to her and the breadth of it is what scares her, what she's capable of.
like the closest she gets with mulder is detour and he ran, and she never does something so overt again. but with jerse, she didn't have a problem. she wasn't looking for something lasting. there was desire, and rebellion. but not love, not something deep or life changing. even with daniel, she might have been able to fall back into something with him but ... that would have been "easy" and scully doesn't choose the easy thing. she chooses mulder and the x files every time. her experience with daniel in all things is what helps her come to terms with her choices & desires.
i always come back to scully's "always the strong one" and she hides her vulnerability. i think of mulder as her conduit for vulnerability & compassion. because she cares as much as he does but she keeps it locked up, private as much as she possibly can. she loves her family but she doesn't confide in them about big important things (mulder is the one who calls maggie when she has cancer & decides to get treatment, wetwired was an anomaly of her extreme paranoia toward mulder aka the only person she trusts).
so i just find it very hard to unravel with scully. it's something so layered and kind of contradictory. but it's also so clearly intense & deep. when they're finally together and mulder is abducted, the depth of her pain can't be hidden. she rails at doggett but sobs in his arms. skinner feels incredible guilt for having lost mulder, cries when he tells scully, fights for what he knows to be the truth and scully pulls him back just by gently touching his arm. in season nine, she writes with such beautiful heartfelt intensity, no one has any doubt of what mulder is to her. she reaches a point that it doesn't matter what people know or don't know, she can no longer contain it in that tiny body of hers. after all things (and even before that, in smaller but still very noticeable ways) it pours out of her.
and actually, this made me think about emily. when she talks about holding people at a distance because she is so aware of death & loss that connection almost seems fruitless. i think we talk a lot about how mulder can't lose scully, but it's equally true for scully. the idea of loving him completely and losing him crushes her. and we get to see her without him in s8&9 and she really is barely holding it together. i genuinely think the only thing that kept her going was william and the minuscule possibility that he would come back. be returned to her like she was to him. she had to believe that would happen because the alternative was too scary to believe. and then she still had to go through his death. she had to bury him while carrying his child. (and she already had gotten a taste of losing him in field trip, and she completely lost it in her hallucinations too, before they were ever "really" together.)
i don't know what exactly i mean by all of this. but i don't think it's desire she really struggles with, i think it's her intensity. the lengths she'll go to because of it. what she's capable of because of it. the possibility of loss she can't bear and doesn't want to burden someone else with either. but it's something she can't walk away from, can't abandon when it's expressed to her or it's her "only" chance.
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Hello! could i have headcanon request for the dorm leaders where their s/o accidentally drank alcohol that makes them drunk, (cuz they mistook the drink thinks its a juice didn't know it was actually a alcohol) and then they didnt notice their boyfriend, they think he's a random dude then they suddenly babbling about their boyfriend.
Y/N: Hey..*hic* let me tell you something....do you know i have a amazing boyfriend..? *hic* He's..*babbling about their looks, how much they love him and so on * and that's why i love him! oh..did i talk too much..? I apologise if i am ahaha..!
Dorm Leader(s): No i don't mind at all, keep going, tell me more about him. *secretly blushing/smiling/smirking/amused*
Oh this is interesting, thank you for the ask! I feel like you would get into trouble if a faculty found out so let’s hope this was done secretly!
Dorm Leaders find you drunk
He’s more concerned that you even tasted alcohol, and he’s not happy when he is called to help you
He tries to get you to move off the couch, but they are near impossible to budge. You look at him and suddenly start to laugh. He scrunches his face, what was funny about this situation?
“Y-you know...there’s this really cute guy I date...you’ll never know how adorable he is when he gets angry haha-“ “Y/n you’re drunk what are you saying”
He won’t stop you from going on babbling about him, he might like it too, if only his face didn’t turn red of embarrassment right away.
Man, he didn’t think you would drink for some reason, and he warned you about you getting drunk but here you are.
He doesn’t bother trying to get you to move, you two were in his room and you were on the floor. He just doesn’t want you on his bed because he’s going to sleep there haha. Suddenly, you roll over and look at him with a lazy smile, he raises an eyebrow when he sees you.
“Oh man *hick* there’s this super sexy guy...aha...I have for my boyfriend...an absolute king I swear!” you start to ramble, and he’s honestly surprised. Do you know who you’re talking to?
“Go on, I like praises,” he smirks, leaning into his bed and closing his eyes. You completely ignore him and keep rambling on, he’ll tease you about this tomorrow, even if you have a headache.
He doesn’t know how to feel knowing you’re drunk in his office (the tweels gave you juice but you accidentally grabbed the alcohol that they secretly brought)
He pushes up his glasses, sighs, and starts his attempt to move you. He rolls you over and pick you up in his arms like a princess. Then you start talking.
“Aw, I was hoping m-my cute boyfriend would be back...I wanna kiss his soft lips right now...You, urgh, you know A-Azul? Yeah, the sexy octopus? I’m his partner and man I am soooooooooooo lucky-“ “S-stop that y/n! You’re embarrassing me!”
He’s so red in the face and he feels his heart racing. Did you really think this way? He’s the one that’s lucky what are you talking about! He doesn’t stop you, he would’ve wanted to act like Leona where he could have been suave about the praises but instead he’s a mess.
You drank alcohol? What?! He’s trying to get you out of the party in another dorm and he’s asking if you’re drunk.
Jamil’s there to help too, and he’s the one chastising you for your over-drinking. But then you look over at Kalim who’s trying to help you walk and you start giggling. Kalim looks at you in a confused way and Jamil sighs.
“Do you know Kalim? You know, the-the son of Asim? He’s an absolute gem...*hick* please he’s the best boyfriend I could ever ask for...he has the bright *hick* brightest smiles...he is soooooo cute...” “You’re drunk y/n, stop” Jamil would say.
But Kalim is blushing so hard, and he just starts to compliment you too. “Y/n I’m the one that should be saying that!” the two of you just babble about how much you love each other and Jamil wants to drop you guys off there and leave the two love birds
You are an absolute mess. Vil sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, and placing one hand on his hip, he sees your drunk state in Ramshackle.
He’s muttering to himself about how you’re ruining your face and your hair by rolling around on the couch like that, and he’s trying to get you to sit up, but then you start talking.
“My boyfriend...you know Vil? The Vil Schoenheit? Oh my *hick* God he’s the sexiest man *hick* alive...not to mention...he-he’s so beautiful doing anything...I-I could stare at him for hours haha...is that weird?”
Vil laughs softly to himself, were you saying this because you didn’t know who you were talking to? Most likely, and he couldn’t believe you were so enthralled at being his partner. “Keep going, what makes you so enraptured by this man?” Man gets such an ego boost like he needed anymore tho
Panicked. He doesn’t know what to do with someone who’s drunk! He wants to ask Ortho for help but he also doesn’t want Ortho to accidentally grab the alcohol and CHUG it (he’s seen him do it before with his energy drinks, never again)
You two were watching anime together when it happened, and he had no clue where you got your hands on the drink. He’s now trying to get you safe on his bed so he knows at least you will be comfortable when you wake up tomorrow with a hangover. He, on the other hand, vows to just sleep on his desk. Then you grab his wrist (he shrieks) and you start saying something.
“You have no idea how cool my boyfriend is...*hick*....an absolute champ....h-he’s so good at that one-one game, you know the one? Not to m-mention his HAIR, damn like h-his hair is so pretty...”
Idia’s blushing so hard, he just stays sitting next to you as you keep going. He won’t stop you either, and instead starts to ramble about how much he loves you too.
You became drunk? Humans are so interesting, and you are definitely a fun one.
He’s sure that you need to have a place comfortable and safe so you can have less of a headache tomorrow, so he just places you on your bed in Ramshackle. He carries you all the way there too! But then you start to talk.
“M-my boyfriend...i-is the cutest thing...*hick*...he’s a-also one of t-the greatest magic users i-in the world...*hick* you know Malleus? Like, like the Malleus? H-he’s more than powerful, he’s j-just so beautiful and s-so nice...never seen such a-a sweet guy...”
“Go on,” he’s amused, he never knew you felt this way. He thinks it’s funny you’re telling him about him and won’t stop you. He might tease you about it later on, but until then, he just thinks you’re really cute rambling on like this.
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quickspinner · 4 years
Plausible Deniability
Written for the LBSC sprint fic challenge. If you’d like to join in follow @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers for more information!
Challenge rules:
Pick a prompt and write for that prompt in up to three 15 minute sprints. No writing outside the sprints until you have completed all three! After the 3 sprints are complete, you have 24 hours to edit (which can include some new writing to smooth transitions, etc). After those 24 hours, post what you’ve got! More information on the challenge here!
Prompt: “I love you.” “Tell me that when you’re sober.”
Soooooo technically this is a fail as far as the challenge is concerned, because I only got the bare bones of it down during the allotted sprints and then I nearly doubled the length in “editing.” But, a failed challenge still means a completed fic, so yay for that. 
“She’s trouble in a tank top pretty little time bomb, blowing up, take you down,” Luka sang loudly, causing heads to turn towards them on the street. Marinette hushed him, and he obligingly dropped to a hum. 
Marinette gritted her teeth, adjusted Luka’s arm over her shoulders, and reminded herself that she had signed up for this. Had, in fact, assured Luka over and over that she didn’t mind and that he deserved to relax and celebrate, and just drink your shots, already, Luka I’ll make sure you get home safe. All of Luka’s friends were ecstatic for him and everyone wanted to buy him a drink, so Marinette had stood her self-appointed duty, making sure he had enough water and pacing things out so that when he staggered out of the bar at the end of the night, leaning heavily on her, he was still moving mostly under his own power, though he was certainly feeling no pain. 
Drunk Luka was chatty, though, and all the thoughts that normally stayed in his head seemed to just pour out of his mouth at random (along with, apparently, every song he’d ever heard or written).
“Snakebite heart, and a bubblegum smile,” he sang, fortunately at a more reasonable volume this time. 
“You’re so ridiculous,” Marinette grumbled, but there was fondness in it. 
“You’re the best,” he giggled. “I love you.” 
Marinette rolled her eyes. “Tell me that when you’re sober.”
“I did,” Luka snorted, and then laughed his drunk laugh again. “You avoided me for weeks.”
Marinette winced and bit her lip. She hadn’t been thinking about it when she said it. It was a reflexive response at this point, something she said to all her babbling drunk friends when she saw them home at the end of the night (Nino in particular was an ‘I love you, man!’ kind of drunk). She was used to this role, though it was the first time she’d done it for Luka. It hadn’t occurred to her until just then that her usual quip might hit a little differently with him. 
“Ma’nette.” Luka leaned on her more heavily and nuzzled at her temple—sort of. Really he more just bonked their heads together. “S’okay. Don’t get all moody. S’funny.” 
“It’s not funny,” Marinette sighed. 
“Everything’s funny,” Luka grinned, and then started laughing again. Marinette just shook her head, and settled his arm a little more comfortably over her shoulders. “Sides. I’m drunk. I can say whatever I want and we can just laugh it off in the morning. You don't even have to run away this time.” He leaned his head on hers, which tilted the rest of his body towards her, and she staggered slightly under his weight. “You’re so beautiful. Just...all the time. Fuckin’ gorgeous, you know that?”
Marinette blushed hotly. “You’re drunk,” she muttered. 
“Yep,” he grinned, and then added, “Drunk but not a liar.” He kissed the top of her head before straightening. Sort of. He took some of his weight off her, at least.
Luka sighed dreamily. “S’been years since then, right? An’ the first time was years before that.” He laughed. “God, I was such a dramatic little shit. Clear as a music note, sincere as a melody. You must have thought I was so stupid.”
“I thought it was beautiful,” Marinette replied quietly. 
Luka’s arm tightened around her shoulder, pulling her against his side in a hug. “Aw, you’re so sweet. You’ve always been great that way. You get me, even when I’m dumb.” 
“Yeah,” Marinette smiled, bumping him with her hip. “But come on, Luka, you got over all that a long time ago.”
Luka started to laugh so hard he nearly toppled over, and Marinette had to plant her feet and put all her weight into keeping him upright. When she did get him back onto his feet he was wiping away tears. 
“I am drunk as hell,” he chuckled, pulling his arm away.
“You really are,” Marinette agreed with a sigh.
He faced her, one hand curling behind her head. Marinette started slightly, out of surprise rather than fear, as he leaned toward her, his eyes unnaturally bright and liquor heavy on his breath. “I’m so drunk can tell you that I never got over you. That I’m still stupid in love with you and nobody ever makes me feel the way you do. You’re one in a million, Marinette. There’ll never be another girl as fascinating and brilliant and creative as you. I knew you were special from the second we met.” He grinned, one thumb gliding over her lower lip a little more roughly than he probably meant to. “And your lips make me think like a pervert. Also your ass is really cute.” He doubled over, giggling, his hands falling away from her as he started walking again. “You ever think about my ass?” he asked, rhetorically it seemed as without waiting for a reply, he tipped his head back and looked up at the sky. “Ugh, fuckin’ city lights. I miss the stars on the boat.” He started singing again, but casually, as if to himself, instead of belting it to the sky. “She’s outta control, so beautiful. I’ve been waiting so long, but she’ll never know…”
Marinette suddenly felt like she was reeling as much as Luka. She felt hot and cold all at once. She’d had no—
Well. That wasn’t true. She had had an idea that he still felt that way, but she didn’t trust her own judgement, not after years and years of reading into things and making mountains out of molehills, and their friendship was so perfect, so precious, she hadn’t wanted to make things weird. But all this time...oh, Luka...
Luka’s lopsided path was taking him a little close to the street, so Marinette jogged a bit to catch up with his long legs, and slipped back under his arm. 
“There you are,” he sighed happily, leaning on her again. “I’m so glad you came back.” 
“Don’t I always?” she said, a little breathless from the revelation.
“Eventually,” he agreed. “Thank fuck for that. Don’t know what I’d do if I scared you off for good.” 
Marinette sighed, and put her arm around his waist. “Come on. Let’s just get you home.”
If she was quiet on the metro, he didn’t seem to notice, filling the silence with idle chatter and random drunken observations that earned them some amused glances from their fellow subway patrons. Marinette didn’t really pay attention, except to push him away when he buried his nose in the crook of her neck and murmured about how good she smelled. Not that she minded, exactly, but she was still processing his drunken declarations and it was hard to think properly with her really attractive friend-and-maybe-more snuggling up on her. Luka had always craved touch (although not usually like that) and it didn’t really rattle her anymore, she just...really needed to think, and it was hard to do that when she was really kind of feeling like— 
“Our stop,” Luka muttered, and it embarrassed her that he was the one to notice. The fact that she was more distracted than he was drunk should have been disturbing. Luka sighed as she helped him get up, and leaned on her a little more heavily. “Sorry,” he muttered. “Tired.”
“I bet,” Marinette said, squeezing his waist lightly. “We’re almost there.” His chatter subsided into slightly off-key humming on the way up to his apartment, and she could see that now that the hilarity was fading, Luka was struggling to stay awake. He couldn’t even manage to stick on one song, humming in increasingly broken snippets. 
“All right,” she said, when they finally made it into his apartment. “Bed for you.”
“Bed sounds nice,” Luka agreed, as Marinette opened the door to his bedroom.
“I think you can make it from here,” Marinette said, slipping out from under his arm.
“Thanks, Nette,” he said, smiling down at her, and as she looked up at him her heartbeat quickened. She felt the flush in her cheeks, and looked away quickly, unconsciously licking her lips, before her eyes darted back to his again. 
Unfortunately for her, even drunk off his ass, he could read her like a book. 
“Are you gonna kiss me, Marinette?” Luka asked, leaning over her with one elbow on the doorway. “Cause I’m not opposed but like, I had plans for your birthday and they’ll be ruined if you’re avoiding me, so if you do you gotta cap your running away at three...no...wait, how many weeks?” He blinked, looking confused. “What day is it?”
Marinette swallowed hard, flooded with shame, her eyes stinging. Luka’s gaze snapped back to her, losing some of that vague expression. 
“Aw, Mari, don’t cry,” he sighed, his hands coming up to cup her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry. ‘M so sorry. I’m such an idiot, you were never supposed to cry because of me.” He sighed, letting his forehead fall to rest against hers. “Sober me is gonna kick my own ass tomorrow for making you cry.” 
Marinette closed her eyes and took a shaky breath. She’d never wanted to kiss him so badly, but it would be wrong while he was like this, and he’d trusted her to get him home safely. Luka would never take advantage of her this way and she wouldn’t do it to him, either. 
Instead she leaned up and wrapped her arms around his neck. Luka relaxed into the hug, folding his arms around her and squeezing so tight it made her gasp. He moved to bury his face in her shoulder. “Love you,” he sighed. 
“Luka,” she whispered, and he grunted. “Tell me all that when you’re sober, okay? All the stuff you said to me tonight. Tell me again when you’re sober. Tomorrow, okay?” He grunted again, though she really wasn’t sure if he was hearing her.
She gently pushed him back, and then took his face in her hands, and kissed his forehead tenderly. “Now go to bed. I’ll be on the couch if you need anything.” 
She knew he was already half asleep, because he didn’t protest her sleeping on the couch. He let her nudge him around, and took the three steps to his bed, and collapsed onto it. 
Marinette sighed, and followed him for just a moment to pull his shoes off and cover him with a blanket. He was snoring before she even closed his door. 
You know just what to say Shit that scares me
He noticed the music first, before he was even fully awake. 
I should just walk away but I can’t move my feet The more that I know you the more that I want to 
He knew that song. 
He knew a lot of songs, really, but more importantly, he knew that voice. 
Something inside me’s changed I was so much younger yesterday
The piping voice fell into place right about when he woke up enough to remember the night before. Luka groaned and pulled his covers over his head, wishing he could just curl up and die. He really did want to go back in time and kick drunk Luka’s ass. What had he been thinking, getting that drunk and letting Marinette bring him home alone?
He was thinking that she’d put him in a taxi and send him off, naturally. Because he’d already been a couple drinks in, which was why he’d been hesitating over having more to begin with, and when Marinette had told him to enjoy himself and she’d make sure he got home safe, his logic brain had ceded control to his wishful thinking brain, or something. Because he’d just sold three songs to one of the biggest artists in the country and his name was going to be on the album sleeve and the check had been more money than he’d ever seen in his life and when everyone told him he deserved to celebrate, he kinda wanted to believe them. In his right mind he would have known that Marinette would never just shove him into a cab. Dumbass, he chided himself. 
Even beneath the blanket, he could smell food, his stomach equal parts queasy and interested, and Luka knew he couldn’t hide here forever. He had to man up and face the music. Literally, apparently. 
Luka sat up slowly, pushing his blanket off, and then opted for honorable procrastination in the form of dragging himself into his bathroom to shower and brush his teeth. If he was going to have to grovel and find a way to pretend he hadn’t meant all those things his dumb drunk ass said last night, he at least wanted the small dignity of smelling decent. He owed Marinette big time after this. It was probably thanks to her pushing water and food on him all night that he didn’t feel worse than he did. He paused on the way to swallow the pills and down the glass of water Marinette had left on his nightstand. It didn’t help his stomach but his head didn’t hurt as much by the time he was out of the shower. 
Luka debated putting on real clothes but opted for sweatpants and an ancient t-shirt. It wasn’t like Marinette hadn’t seen him looking worse. 
Finally he took a deep breath and made his way out to the living room. He could see Marinette in his little kitchen, the counter piled with food and ingredients. Luka winced; she must have gotten up earlier and gone shopping. There was no way he had this much, or this kind, of food on hand. 
Her phone was on the counter, the music—his music—blaring through the bluetooth speakers he’d long ago given her access to.  
“I didn’t know that I was starving till I tasted you,” she sang, bobbing slightly as she transferred food to the plates she had ready. “Don’t need no butterflies when you give me the whole damn zoo…” 
Luka couldn’t help a smile. He’d covered and recorded the song for her birthday, teasingly telling her he that couldn’t stand to listen to the original anymore, but that was a lie. Luka had wide-ranging music taste and could appreciate even things he wouldn’t necessarily seek out on his own. Mostly, he just wanted to sing it for her. He’d recognized her singing it when he woke up; either she had it on repeat or her playlist had cycled in the time it took him to get cleaned up.
“By the way, by the way, you do things to my boooodEEEEK!” Marinette gasped and dropped the plate she was holding. Luka watched calmly as the shatter-resistant dish (that he’d bought on purpose because a surprising number of people he loved had a tendency to break things) cracked into several large shards. “Damn it, Luka,” she sighed, looking at the mess. “You startled me.” 
“Sorry. I’ll get it,” he said quickly, moving to pick up the pieces. His head reeled when he bent over though, sending him to his knees, and Marinette shoved him back as she crouched down instead. 
“No, I got it,” she murmured, not looking him in the eye, and Luka bit the inside of his cheek, feeling a flush of shame. He pulled his hands back and leaned back, intending to sit on his heels but falling back on his ass instead. Folding his legs under him like he meant to do that, he raked both hands through his hair and sighed. 
“I’m so sorry,” he muttered, as Marinette cleaned up the mess. “About last night. So, so sorry, Marinette, I was petty, and mean, and I said a bunch of really unnecessary things, and I swear I don’t—”
“Stop,” Marinette ordered, dumping the broken plate in the trash, along with the remains of the omelet that had been on it. Luka winced and shut his mouth and his eyes, rubbing his forehead with one hand.
Small, warm hands pushed his away and slender but strong fingers began massaging his temples and forehead. He leaned into her touch with a little moan. 
“How do you feel?” Marinette asked gently. 
Luka gave a lopsided smile, eyes still closed. “Like I don’t deserve this. It sure feels good though.” 
Marinette sighed, her breath wafting over his face. “Can you eat?” 
“A Marinette hangover special?” Luka’s grin widened. “Definitely. If there’s any left.” 
“There is,” Marinette told him, amusement in her voice. “I always make plenty. Sorry about the dish though.” Her fingers slid down to gently cup his face. Luka opened his eyes, to find he was looking into hers. Her beautiful, stunning eyes that still took his breath even after all these years. They looked red-rimmed and tired, though, and a stab of guilt went through him. 
Needle and the thread, gotta get you outta my head, get you outta my head  
Luka cringed at his own voice coming from the speakers. “Did you have to keep that one?” he asked plaintively. “I made you a better one.” 
“I know,” Marinette giggled. “But I like this one. It’s the first one you made for me.” 
“The quality is shit,” Luka grunted. He’d recorded it on his phone on the boat, on his acoustic back when they were teenagers. The boat hull gave it a weird hollow sound, and in a couple of places he’d gotten too loud and blown out the mic so that it sounded all staticy, and the p’s popped awfully, and he didn’t even know how she could stand to listen to that song because the whole reason he’d made her the cover was because she was playing the song nonstop as she mourned her breakup with—and he’d wanted to do something, anything to help— 
Marinette’s lips pressed to the wrinkle in his forehead, snapping him out of his thoughts. “It has sentimental value. Go sit at the table, I’ll bring out the food.”
Luka got up off the floor, swaying only slightly, and dragged himself to his small table. Marinette brought him a loaded plate, bacon piled beside the spinach omelet, sliced banana arranged on the other side. Luka avoided the bacon for the moment, going after the banana first, and then nibbling cautiously at the omelet. Marinette slid a plate of avocado toast and sliced french bread drizzled with honey over to him, and he ate a slice of each obediently. 
“Why is this so good when I feel so crappy?” he muttered.
"Science,” Marinette informed him, and he cracked a smile. 
“You didn’t have to stay,” Luka said after a moment. “Not that I don’t appreciate this, but…well. You didn’t have to.” 
Marinette glanced up at him and then seemed to consider her words for a moment. “I guess I was hoping...maybe you had some things to tell me this morning.” 
His fork froze halfway to his mouth as he stared at her, remembering the way she’d held him last night. What’s she’d said in his ear as he nearly dozed off on her. 
Tell me that again when you’re sober .
She held his gaze, taking a deliberately dainty bite of honey-drizzled bread, her tongue darting out to lick a stray drop off her lip. Luka swallowed, wondering wildly if she would taste like honey if he kissed her.
“M-maybe I do,” he mumbled, and then took a too large bite of omelet. He stared at his plate as he chewed, not even tasting it as his body went cold and then hot and a sudden wave of dizziness washed over him that he didn’t think had anything to do with the hangover. He was suddenly finding it hard to breathe. 
He glanced up to see Marinette still watching him. 
“Well,” she said, blushing and looking down at her own plate with a self-deprecating smile that he found much too adorable. “I promise if you do, I won’t run away this time.” 
There was a beat of silence as he stared at her and she stared at her plate, and then he mumbled, “Good to know,” and took another bite, trying not to smile too broadly while inside he was screaming like a teenage girl. 
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bunkerboy · 4 years
We were children playing at war
“Lily, can we talk alone?” James asks quietly.
Peter eyes his watch uncertainly. “We’re already late, James.”
“We’ll tell them you’re coming,” Sirius says gruffly, clapping Peter on the back. “Prongs never needs more than five minutes anyway.” 
“Thanks, mate,” James says, and his tone is sarcastic but he really means it. He takes Lily’s hand, and leads her away from the gargoyle that guards Dumbledore’s office. One right turn and they can no longer see the Marauders.
In this nondescript hallway, ten meters from McGonagall’s classroom, he thinks, she might not be about to become a soldier.
She might be fourteen, about to start screaming because he hexed Snape’s textbook to sing dirty sea shanties. She might be sixteen, teasing him for getting his 100th detention and then keeping him company all night under his invisibility cloak. She might be seventeen, stealing kisses when they’re supposed to be patrolling.
She might not be eighteen, returning to Hogwarts one final time to accept Dumbledore’s offer to join the Order of the Phoenix. She might not be about to hand her life over to a war they will probably lose. 
In the same moment, each of them steps closer to the other, and now he can feel her breath on his face.
“I wish you didn’t...” he tries to begin, but she knows exactly where he’s going, and she shakes her head.
“No, you don’t.” She’s right.
“No, I don’t. I wish...I wish I were the sort of person who could fall in love with the sort of person who didn’t want to fight this war.”
She smiles at him, almost. Her eyes are wet, and he brushes the tears away with his thumbs. Merlin, he hates when she cries. “But you aren’t,” she says, “and you didn’t.”
“I love you.”
“And I love you.” Her voice is quiet. “Merlin, we’re the worst sort of people.”
He half-laughs, half-gasps, and presses his forehead to hers. “Don’t you dare die, Evans,” he whispers. “Don’t you dare.”
She touches his hands where they still cup her cheeks. “We have to go back, James,” she says, tilting her head toward the gargoyle.
“Can we just...” his hands fist in locks of her hair. His eyes drink her in. “I want one more minute where you’re not in this war.” She nods, lips trembling as she stares back at him. He tries to memorize her. 
Freckles and asymmetrical nose and bony wrists. 
Terrible haircut because she got drunk and made the rookie mistake of betting against Sirius. 
Fucking unbelievable eyes.
She is the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen, the only real thing in the world. Her eyes flutter closed and so do his, and they stumble even closer until their lips are a half-inch apart and—
“James Potter? Lily Evans?! Merlin’s beard!”
They jerk out of each other’s arms and see a blond Ravenclaw girl staring, mouth open. She looks only two or three years younger than them, but James could swear he’s never seen her before in his life.
“Elizabeth!” Lily cries immediately. She’s a wonder. She probably knew the first years’ names when they were in school. She probably still does.
“What are you doing here?” Elizabeth demands, “You graduated! Merlin, are you two still together?! That is soooooo cute. I always thought you were endgame. I mean, Laura said—”
“We’re here to meet Professor Dum—to meet Albus,” James cuts her off, trying the strange, grown-up name out on his tongue. “And we’re late.” He grabs Lily’s hand and they walk back toward the gargoyle, away from the girl, who just keeps talking to their backs.
Lily laughs under her breath. “Albus? You’re on a first-name basis with Dumbledore now?” she whispers, as soon as Babbling Beth is out of earshot. “You are such a show-off, Potter.”
He grins goofily at her. He loves that she caught him. “You don’t know, maybe old Al and I get together at the weekends and crack open a few butterbeers.”
“And how do those convos go, exactly?” she asks, giggling, as they reach the gargoyle. She drops her voice an octave and scrubs her hair with a hand, imitating him: Yo, Old Al, long time no booze!”
“Ah, but Papa J,” he answers in his best Dumbledore impression, and Lily snorts. “It is the mark of a truly great pub crawler that he may return after a day or a decade and find the drink just as he left it.” then, to the gargoyle: “pumpkin pasties.” The statue leaps aside, and Lily and James step onto the stone staircase that carries them upward. She leans against him, and he lets go of her hand to wrap his arm around her shoulders and squeeze. “How fares the missus, Papa J?”
Lily tosses her hair, smiling. “Gorgeous as ever. Much too good for me. Far smarter than I am, and almost as smart as I think I am.” He kisses her temple and hums his agreement. “How about you, Al? Still loving the bachelor life?”
“Ah, yes. Chicks dig the beard.”
She blinks. “Chicks?” she says in her normal voice, “Babe, you know Dumbledore’s gay, right?”
“This cannot be new information for you! The man pulls. He definitely shagged our 6th year Defense prof—”
“Ragnarion?!” his jaw drops, and his arm falls from around her shoulders. The woman is blowing his mind.
“—Him and Slughorn have a whole will-they-or-won’t-they going on, but I have it on good authority that they did once, and, get this! It wasn’t good—”
“Lily, give me a Knut’s minute to process that he’s gay before we detail his whole body count—I always assumed McGonagall...hold on, is that why Ragnarion didn’t get sacked after that bit with the engorged hinkypunk and Longbottom’s arse?”
“Obviously! What, did you think he stuck around because he was such an inspiring teacher?”
They reach the top of the stairway. Dumbledore has left the door ajar for them. The world rushes back in. They are frozen, staring at each other, inches from the door, inches from the war.
James’s bantering retort dies in his throat, and Lily drops the bag she was holding. They collide. His arms circle her waist, her hands tangle in his hair, their lips seal too tight to breathe. Desperation makes them clumsy. His spectacles bite her nose; she stands on his feet. His hair is a mess from his anxious scrubbing at it all day and her hands get caught, tugging painfully. None of that matters. In this moment, they are not yet soldiers losing a deadly war. They are just children in love, kissing under their headmaster’s nose.
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moon-yeongjun · 3 years
The Gay Cousin Pt. 1 || Moon Bros
Summary: Jun and Tae’s cousins from Canada zoom in... and reveal a pretty shocking secret! 
TW: anxiety, thoughts/mentions of homophobia (no actual homophobia expressed) 
JUN: A couple of times a year, the Moon family skyped the other Moon family. It happened only on your standard occasions: Chuseok and Christmas. Much more common were phone calls to Eomma’s extended family still living in Korea-- her cousins and aunts and uncles, most of whom Jun had never met. 
But the other Moons-- his father’s younger brother’s family who had immigrated as well, but to Canada, not England. Well, they were like Santa Claus. Or a unicorn. Popped up, said hi, sent cards but only over email. In fact, there were times they could not work out the time difference between Toronto and Swynlake and so they missed the Skype call. 
But not these days. Oh no, these days, ever since Abeoji died, Eomma was making a real effort to keep in touch with Nam-seok and his two sons. Whether it was out of guilt or maybe her way of feeling closer to her late husband, Jun didn’t know. 
He also didn’t argue though when she told all the Moons that it was Jacob’s birthday in a few days and they were going to Skype him from his new apartment. 
“After church, this Sunday, so no plans!” Eomma said fiercely to all of them, waving a knife in the air. She glared more fiercely at Star, who was truly going through the rebellious-teen-phase on behalf of both goody-two-shoes Sky and eager-to-please Sunny, and was texting at the table. 
“But Eomma, I was going to go over to Janet’s--”
“No. Jacob emailed me, eh? We’re doing it. No excuse.” 
And so now it was Sunday, at 2:26 p.m., which was 9:26 a.m. in Toronto, which seemed pretty early for a 25-year-old (and shouldn’t he be going to church too? Jun was not going to point this out to Eomma, for Jacob’s sake). They gathered around Jun’s laptop as he logged onto Zoom, which was much better than Skype, he told Eomma. 
“Agh, your butt is too big, Star!” yelped Sunny behind. Sunny and Star were fighting for Jun’s nice desk chair, trying to shove each other off with their hips. 
“I called it!” 
“Aish, girls!” Eomma snapped. “Sky, put the book down.” 
“We’re not even on yet?” Sky huffed, not lowering her book. 
Jun rolled his eyes and glanced at Tae. Who knew that Tae would be the best behaved of his siblings? Not him. Though, his brother was almost 18 now, so maybe his bad attitude really was just a symptom of those early teens, like the girls now. 
Just then, his screen began to ring. “Yah, he’s calling!” Jun announced. 
Eomma ripped the book from Sky’s hands. “Okay everyone, be nice or I’ll kill you!” 
The next moment, his cousin appeared: Jacob with his big grin, which immediately reminded Jun of Tae. But that was about the only resemblance. Jacob was blond now! Aish! A second after, his other cousin leaned in onto the screen: Kevin, with his hipster glasses, wearing a beanie even though it was spring there, unruly hair poking out. Too long, thought Jun. What was with kids these days and growing their hair so long? “Yooooooo, Moon fam, hi!” Kevin said. 
“Gomo, hello hello!” sweet Jacob said, waving both his hands. “How’s everyone doing?” 
When Tae was younger, he used to wish he belonged to the other part of the Moon family. It wasn't because he hated his life or anything even though he sort of did sometimes (at least back then), it was because they just seemed so much cooler! Like right now his cousins were smiling so big and Jacob had dyed his hair blonde! Tae had a feeling that if he tried to dye his hair blonde his eomma would try to slap some sense into him with a kitchen spoon! Ha! 
"We're great," Tae said, leaning closer to the screen and blocking his sisters' view of the screen and smiling big in return. They didn't need to see anyway. 
Predictably, though, the second he was fully in the way he felt shoving at his back. 
"Oppa you're in the way! We can't see!" 
"You don't need to see anyway," he said and laughed when Star yanked him backward by the shirt. "I like your hair! How long did it take to turn it blond?" 
"Like, a long time," Jacob said with a laugh. "It looks good though so it was worth it." 
"Maybe I'll do it next," Tae said and smiled really big. "Eomma will help me, right, Eomma?"
Aish, was Tae trying to pick a fight? He took back what he was thinking about one minute earlier: Tae had not grown out of his annoying teenager phase at all. He was still in it, a troublemaker to the end. Because he knew! Oh he knew, he heard the fights between Star and Eomma as Star pushed and pushed. It had taken her almost a full six months to convince Eomma to let her and Sunny dye bleach their hair in the first place. And she’d not even asked about the blue colour, just showed up, tossing those locks and letting Eomma lose her mind. 
Remember what Eomma had just said too? Behave. Picking a fight in front of their cousins was not behaving. 
“I think Star has more experience with that,” said Jun swiftly, so Eomma did not have to answer. Eomma nodded, not adding anything else, which Jun knew was because she did not like the idea of Tae-- any of her children-- dying their hair at all. 
“Yes! Girl, I saw your Insta pics, that blue was so cute!” Jacob said. 
“Fire!” Kevin added, putting his hand to his mouth like a megaphone. 
Star preened. “Thanks! It was super hard to manage though and like, washed out to this ugly green colour.” 
“Right, yeah, I get that,” said Jacob. “So what’s everyone doing?”
“No, you tell us about you, you are both so busy,” Eomma interrupted with a smile. “I see Jacob’s graduation pictures?”
“Right, yes! I finished my Masters in Music Ed,” said Jacob. “Kevin’s still working on his degree, he’ll be done in like no time though. And then I just moved here! Ahh, first place of my own! Well, not like on my own, on my own, but you know--” 
Eomma clapped her hands lightly. “That’s so wonderful! So responsible. You have a job?” 
“Um, yes, but not actually teaching music yet!” Jacob laughed. “I’m just like, working in a restaurant right now.” 
“Music is a very hard degree to find a job for,” said Jun. Then flinched as he felt Eomma pinch him. He shot her a confused look. What! It was! Who could get a degree in music education and expect to make real money?! 
“Haha, yeah it is but like, I just graduated so I mean, I’ll be interviewing for stuff for next school year.” Jacob went on like he didn’t notice. “But so wait, no, everyone tell me what’s up! Tae, aren’t you going to uni soon?” 
Tae's smile fell for a moment before he could control himself but he quickly recovered, pasting it back in place. The thing was, theoretically? Yes, Tae was supposed to be going to uni soon. Actually, he was supposed to be going to uni next year if everything had gone the way it was supposed to, but he was a giant failure of a human being and had to repeat an entire year. 
He didn't really want to get into all of that, obviously, so he just kind of smiled and nodded. "I still have one more year before I have to get into that, but yeah, I can already tell that year is going to go by fast."
There, that was much easier than talking about how he felt like an utter failure and like he was too stupid to ever get into any uni, right? Perfect! 
"Jun-hyung is really doing great with the store, too! We actually have employees now and he's even dating one of them." 
He looked over to his hyung with s little wince, hopeful that Jun would take pity on him and not kill him later. 
I'm sorry, he tried to communicate with his eyes. I just can't talk about uni. 
Now this wasn't fair. Why should Jun have to suffer because Tae was irresponsible and lazy and didn't study enough or own up to his choices???! 
Okay, maybe that was putting it all a little harshly but Jun was not feeling very forgiving when Tar mentioned the g word. 
His cousins were going to gobble that up, two hungry hyenas scenting gossip.
And sure enough, both Kevin and Jacob gasped. 
"Yooooooooo no way! But wait-- wait wait, what about Tiffany?" exclaimed Kevin. 
" They broke up! Kevin that was in Gomo's Christmas email! I'm sorry Gomo, I swear he read it--" 
"Course I read it, I just forgot! Tiffany was around forever!" 
"Anyway, this new girl? Tell us about her!" Jacob beamed. 
Jun would rather not. He would rather do anything but talk about Haru. He needed to say something fast though or else-- 
Already too late. Jun's one second grimace opened the window for Eomma. 
"Oh she's wonderful! Her name is Haru, she is Japanese but very beautiful! Very polite and friendly and she goes to church--" 
Jun cleared his throat. "Yes, we are still getting to know each other. It's new." 
"Well she has worked for us for a year, that isn't very new--" Star said with a smirk like the traitor she was. 
"Don't you want to show us your new place, Jacob?" interrupted Jun maybe a little desperately, who could say! 
"Oh yeah, Zoom tour!" Kevin flashed rock our signs. 
"Definitely! I was just hoping we could wait for--" Jacob turned at that moment. "Did you hear that? Oh I think he's here! Wait just one minute everyone!" Jacob waved a hand and then scurried out of the room. 
Kevin leaned in to the screen. "Soooooo… anyone else got any hot significant others, hmmm? Star-- Tae, my man??"
“Ha,” he blurted, and then instantly he panicked and shut his mouth. 
Tae had literally been about to say he had the hottest one. It had been right there on the tip of his tongue, because any chance to talk about how hot Nemo was was something he wanted to take advantage of. Then he remembered that most of his family had absolutely no idea he was gay and if his eomma knew that about him she’d probably tell him he was going to hell. 
This zoom call was quickly turning into a nightmare. Not only was he forced to think about how dumb he was, now he had to think about how closeted he was too. He wanted to leave, but he couldn’t, so he sat there and tried to keep a smile on his face while Star babbled on about someone in her class and all her boyfriends or whatever she was talking about. 
If Tae had been panicking a little bit less, he might’ve caught it. He might’ve been able to prepare himself for what he was about to see because all the hints were there. No one was trying to hide anything at all. 
Jacob had clearly said he’s here and then right after that, Kevin had asked if anyone else had any hot significant others. So yeah, Tae should’ve been prepared when Jacob walked back into the frame holding an unfamiliar boy’s hand. 
He should’ve been prepared, but he wasn’t. 
In fact, when he saw Jacob walk back into the frame, everything around him went black and he stopped breathing while he gripped his chair so hard his fingers hurt. He was going to pass out. 
Tae looked over at his eomma, trying to read her expression, but all he saw was a blank stare. 
Tae blinked and the world filled back in around him. Star was pushing at his back and giggling. “Aren’t you going to say hi? Jacob is introducing his boyfriend!” 
“Right, sorry! Hey, it’s nice to meet you,” Tae said with a respectful little bow of his head. 
From Jun’s point of view, it went like this: 
“Star’s flirting with like six different guys right now,” Sky spoke for the first time, right after Tae’s very strange squeak. Jun met Sky’s eyes for a beat, his own eyebrows furrowing down for a moment. Did Sky…? But he thought only Sunny--
“Oh my god, am not,” groaned Star. “Sides, Eomma won’t let me date yet anyway.” 
“You’re too young,” said Eomma. “Whoever these boys are too, stop flirting with them--”
“I’m not flirting! I’m friends with them. You won’t let me go out with Tyler--”
“Ooooh, who’s Tyler?” said Kevin, wiggling his eyebrows. 
“A friend,” said Star, looking very pointedly at Eomma. 
And this was when the door opened and Jacob returned with another boy. He looked Korean, maybe-- was he Korean?-- with short black hair and thick-framed, stylish glasses. He carried coffees with him and a large, friendly smile. But that smile was nothing compared to his cousin’s. His cousin’s smile had crinkled his eyes into precious rainbows and he squeezed the boy’s arm once--
And Jun knew, right before Jacob said anything, but not fast enough to suddenly smash his hand on the keyboard and instantly disconnect them. The panic seized his throat. 
“Gomo, everyone, I wanted you guys to meet my boyfriend. This is David!”
“Hey everyone, I’ve heard so much about you,” said this David as he pulled up a chair. He grinned again, leaning closer to the screen. “Seriously, Jacob is always talking about his cool British cousins.” 
“Wait, I’m screaming!” squealed Star (not actually screaming). “You have a boyfriend?”
“It’s nice to meet you!” piped in Sunny, and Sky echoed her, “Nice to meet you!” 
Jun, meanwhile, was trying not to look at Tae, but could not help himself. And so he kept jumping his eyes around like he was following the path of a fly in the air. Look up, look to the side, look at the mouse, okay, look at Tae--!
Tae looked like he’d been punched in the face.
Eomma looked like she was listening to some very serious news. 
“Yes, very good to meet you,” said Eomma finally, after Tae had spoken too. She smiled very politely. “How do you know Jacob?” 
“We went to school together,” said David. “Undergrad, I mean.”
“We started dating our third year,” added Jacob. His knee was bouncing, Jun could see it on the screen. Ah, so he was nervous too. Good, he should be, he might have just exploded the Moon families forever! This was sabotage! What was he thinking?! “So it’s our third year together. So we decided to get a place. He’s great,” Jacob gushed. “I mean, totally genius level smart, he works at an engineering firm.” 
“Yeah, David’s awesome,” chimed in Kevin. 
“What do your parents do?” asked Eomma. 
“They’re both teachers actually,” said David. “That’s how they met, uh, in their PhD programs. My mom mostly does after school tutoring in sciences, but my baba’s a professor at McGill.” 
“Oh, very impressive,” said Eomma. She pressed her lips together. Jun was staring at her; he could not look away. “And has David met your appa and eomma, Jacob?” 
“Yes,” said Jacob with a nod. “Yes, yeah. That’s one of the reasons I wanted you guys to meet him too, you know? We’ve just been dating so long it felt silly at some point, haha!” 
Tae was having a heart attack. 
They’d learned all about it in school--the sweaty palms, the shortness of breath, the unbearable pain in the left side of the chest. He was absolutely going to die right here in this chair while talking to his cousins from Canada. Or he was going to puke. One of those two things was going to happen and it was the most important thing in the world that he not give any of that away with his face. He had to remain still. He had to remain stoic. He was not allowed to talk. 
He heard everything Jacob was saying. They’d been dating for a long time. They’d been together so long, actually, that Jacob’s new apartment was actually Jacob and David’s new apartment and his parents knew all about it and they still loved him. They loved him enough for Jacob to think it was a good idea to introduce David to their family. 
Their very traditional, Christian family. 
Tae was actually dying. 
The screen in front of him started to waver. Actually, the whole room kind of looked a little misty, and Tae realized there were tears in his eyes. His Eomma was barely moving. She was talking, but they were like short little clipped sentences and Tae was so afraid of what she was going to say when they ended the call. He didn’t want to hear it. 
Slowly, Tae looked over at Jun, his eyes big and pleading. He didn’t know what he wanted his hyung to do, but he needed to get out of this. He didn’t want to be here anymore. 
A hand, small and warm, was suddenly covering his where he was gripping the chair with all his strength and he looked down to see it was Sunny. She’d leaned forward just a little to reach him and Tae had to cough to cover what sounded suspiciously like a sob. Ha.
He couldn’t think about David meeting his aunt and uncle. He couldn’t think about how cute it probably was and how much they probably loved their son’s boyfriend. If he did, he’d start wondering if it would ever happen for him. 
He’d start thinking about bringing Nemo over to his eomma and telling her they were dating. He’d start imagining how happy she would be for them and how supportive she would be when he said they were going to move in together. He’d start daydreaming about what it would be like to live with Nemo and how happy he would be because his family could come visit them and they could cook dinner and entertain and--
He pulled his hand away from Sunny’s and wrapped his arms around his knees. 
Tae looked at Jun the way he used to when he was just a kid. It had been a long time since Jun had seen that sweet boy in his brother’s face. Those big eyes, that nervous lip. He was five years old and crying about his scabbed knees. He was six and begging Jun for chocolates. He was seven and teary-eyed as he struggled with his maths homework, Jun sitting with him at the kitchen table.
And Jun wished he were the hyung he had been all those years ago-- bad hair and acne but all the time in the world to answer to his brother’s needs. He’d once been a superhero, the smartest person Tae ever knew! There was nothing he could not fix!
But this. 
This was Tae, eight years old, asking him not to go away to university. That had been the first time that Jun had ever broken a promise and let his brother down. 
And here he was again. He stared back helplessly. What could he do, eh? Stop the call abruptly? Make an excuse for Tae that wouldn’t upset Eomma? Turn back time, call his cousin, tell him that coming out was a bad idea?
And was it?
Jun could not say. Eomma was not causing a scene. She had not shut down. She was not as happy as before, but maybe it was a shock, or maybe the slight had nothing to do with Jacob bringing a boyfriend, and instead it was about him bringing anyone at all to a family call. 
Jun would just have to wait and see. 
And so he sat there. Just like Tae sat there. He sat there, failing his brother all over again. 
“Well I think that’s all super awesome!” blurted Sunny, proving to be more useful than Jun. “Maybe we could visit you guys one day!” 
“Totally!” said Jacob.
“Oh yeah, the first ever Moon family reunion!” said Kevin as he pumped his fist. “Man, we’d gotta get some of the O-G Moons.” 
“O-G?” David snorted. 
“He’s talking about the real Koreans,” said Jacob. “In Korea.” 
“You... are real Koreans--” David started. 
“Point is, all the Moons!” Kevin said. “One day! Would be fun.” 
Jun could only nod and press his lips together. At least they were not talking about David anymore, not really, eh? Best keep it that way. Maybe that was what Jun could do. “So eh, you wanted to give  a tour of the apartment?” He prompted. 
The rest of the call was mostly that. Jacob walked them around their place. They had been in the spare room, which was mostly an ‘office’, but Jun saw the massive computer screen and knew it was a gaming computer, mhm. And then there was a rather new kitchen, brand new appliances, David bragged. David also talked a lot about some of the apartment complex amenities, the on-site gym, a movie theater big enough for a group of say, eight to ten. He was proud, Jun saw that-- it was an expensive place, and no doubt he was covering most of it for Jacob. Jun wondered about that aspect of their relationship, he wondered if Jacob really was ready for it all, only 25 years old, on the cusp of his start of career, to depend on someone else… 
And then the bedroom, which they did not spend much time in, because they wanted to show the bathroom with its nice sized tub.
And then the balcony, which had a nice view of Toronto. Star sighed dreamily. “I wanna live in a city like that one day!” 
And then they all said their goodbyes. “This was so fun, I’m so glad you guys could call in,” said gentle, naive Jacob. He did not seem to suspect anything. Maybe he was hiding it. Maybe not. 
Eomma stood up first as the Zoom ended. “He is doing very well,” she said. “What a beautiful place to live, eh? See, this is what happens when you study hard.” She looked at Tae sternly. 
“Tae, I need your help!” Jun blurted at that moment, slapping the arm of his chair and making his sisters flinch. “With-- there’s-- the thing, you know, I told you to do this morning. You didn’t do it.” 
The second his hyung spoke, Tae jumped out of his chair and nodded, heading to the back door where he kept his mud boots. He couldn’t breathe. The air in their house had gotten too thick  and every time Tae tried to take a breath it stuck in his lungs, gummy and wet. 
His eomma hadn’t looked happy. In fact, she hadn’t looked much of anything, her face kind of a blank slate, and Tae’s brain had absolutely no problem projecting all of his fears onto that blank slate. She’d been disgusted. She’d been upset, mad, disappointed. 
That last one really was the worst one for Tae. 
Pulled his boots up over his jeans and stomped down the stairs, heading toward the barn with one thought swirling through his head over and over and over. You’re already such a disappointment, and when she finds out you’re gay that’ll be the last straw. 
It was true, though, wasn’t it? He’d failed a grade. Now, the second time he’d done this school year, he was passing, but just barely. He was stupid. He was a giant idiot and his eomma knew that. That’s why she’d taken that dig at him, told him that if he studied hard he could have a nice apartment like Jacob. 
Tae hated Jacob. 
Well, no, he didn’t hate Jacob, but the jealousy burned through his bones and left him shaking and empty, barely able to stand. Wait. He wasn’t standing. 
Tae looked down at his hands and found them covered in dirt. He was on his knees behind the chicken coop, his chest heaving as his heart attack finally caught up with him. He was going to die. It was kind of a relief actually, because now he wouldn’t have to come out to his eomma at all. He’d just die and be buried in a cute little grave and she could cry and say he’d had so much potential and maybe she’d even believe it because he hadn’t lived long enough for her to see how wrong she was. 
He should probably call Nemo before he died, his brain offered up, but he’d left his phone in the house and it was probably better this way anyw--
A loud, rasping sound caught Tae’s attention and he looked around, his eyes wide and wet, until he realized it had come from him. 
“I can’t,” he was saying. “I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.” 
Tae hopped up right away. Good, good, that was what Jun wanted. Jun could not follow his brother as quickly though, caught in the dynamics of the Moon women before he could escape. This mostly consisted of Star gripping at his arm and saying, “Junnie oppaaaa, you need to post a picture of you and Haru on Instagram, so Jacob can see her!” 
“I don’t have a personal Instagram,” Jun said and tried to drag his arm away. 
“Ugh, I’m making you one, that’s so sad,” said Star. 
“Posting a picture would be good, Junnie,” said Eomma. “Maybe Facebook?”
“No one uses Facebook anymore, Eomma!” said Star. 
“Aish, that’s not true, I use Facebook all the time,” said Eomma. 
“I have to-- help Yeong-tae--” Jun cleared his throat and managed to squeeze out this time around, leaving talks of Facebook and selfies behind.
But not Jacob. 
No, he carried that with him as he went outside. He had no idea where Tae would have gone, considering that Jun did not actually give him a task. He headed toward the chickens though, because that seemed to be a good distance from the house. And sure enough-- there was his brother-- on his knees. 
Jun stopped, still far away as though he’d stepped in mud and it had sucked his feet down. He did not know what to do. Jun was not someone who comforted others-- not well. Whenever Tae had cried on his shoulder in the past year, he had sat like a useless, limp pillow, just there to be grabbed onto. He did not know what he’d say to Tae now either. He didn’t know how Eomma felt. Maybe she’d never talk about it, and maybe that was a good thing? Maybe later today, she’d rant about it all much too harshly. Jun could make Tae no promises.
Perhaps he should just leave. Hadn’t he already failed his brother enough today? Space could be what Tae needed, just...space, and time, so he could calm down…
This was not the right answer, Jun knew that and so he hesitated, second after second, before finally forcing his feet to move.
“Tae-yah, what are you doing? Get up, come on now,” said Jun, and he reached down to help Tae onto his feet again. His hands went clumsily up to his brother’s face, wiping away the tears over his splotchy red cheeks. “Look at me, eh? Why are you crying?” It was a genuine question, but also Jun felt like Tae needed something firm right now-- someone to keep him grounded, not have him spin off into whatever painful scenarios he was concocting in his head. “Eomma doesn’t know about you, okay? You’re okay. This is a good thing--” 
He said it. And he believed it.
His hands moved down to grip his brother’s shoulders. “You aren’t alone anymore, don’t you see that? Jacob understands you, eh? He knows exactly what you’re going through!” 
“He doesn’t!” Tae heard himself say. 
He wasn’t being fair, but he didn’t want to be fair. He wanted to be Jacob. 
“He doesn’t know anything. Jacob--his eomma probably didn’t care at all! She probably smiled and hugged him and told him to bring David over for dinner and our Eomma just stared at him like he was gum stuck on the bottom of her s-shoe.” 
Tae’s sobs caught up with him and his whole body shook. He didn’t care if what he was saying was true or not because in this moment it was how he felt. Alone. 
Except Tae wasn’t alone, and for a moment, it was like he was six all over again. Jun-hyung, was standing here with him, his hands on his shoulders, and telling him everything was going to be okay. 
Why couldn’t he live in a world where who he loved didn’t matter? He was a good person! Or, he tried to be at least. Sometimes he got a little bit angry and he was definitely short-tempered but...he just wanted his family to love him. He just wanted to be accepted. 
“Hyung, you can’t let her hate me,” he said, his voice a little smaller--like maybe if he said it quiet enough the universe wouldn’t get any ideas. Hot tears slipped down his cheeks and  Tae gripped at the hem of his hyung’s shirt. “She’s going to hate me, but you can’t let her.”
“She won’t hate you,” said Jun. “I promise.” 
It was not something he should promise.
But Jun had always felt this way, since Tae came out to him-- that there could be no other alternative. He could not imagine his loving eomma turning on one of her own children like that, no matter what she believed or didn’t believe. And really, did they know? A belief in God did not mean a belief that all gay people should be damned. He had seen plenty of Christians to argue the opposite: that God meant love, and love was for all of His children. 
Maybe Eomma would be shocked, maybe she would be-- disappointed or confused. That was what Jun tried to find on Eomma’s face when Jacob had introduced his boyfriend, but she had been much too polite about it all for him to figure it out. And yes, those emotions might hurt Tae too, but it couldn’t be hate. Never hate. 
Jun wished his promise could secure that. He would trade anything in order to give Tae that peace of mind.
As it was, he could only fumble his way through this like always. “Tae-yah,” he said then gently. “You should talk to Jacob again. You don’t know what it might be like for him. He was probably scared too, even if our gomo did accept him right away. I’m telling you, this is good.” He said it again, wiped his brother’s face again. “No matter what happens with Eomma, you will always have family, see? Me, and our sisters, and Jacob and Kevin-- and yes, even Gomo. So many people are going to be there for you.”  
His hyung was right. Tae knew his hyung was right and he shouldn’t be scared, but it was just so hard not to be. He took a deep, shaky breath and nodded his head. And when he really thought about it, maybe he was just a little bit less scared now than he had been before, because Jacob had come out and nothing had caught on fire. His eomma’s head didn’t explode and she didn’t start praying for him immediately and saying he was going to go to hell. So really, it had been a little bit like a test run and no one had died. 
Now that he was a little more calm, Tae really wanted to know how Jacob had done it. 
“I--Yeah I think I want to talk to him,” he said in a small voice, still holding onto his hyung’s shirt. “And I think I want to tell Sky and Star too. I think they should know.”
A small seed was starting to bloom bright with hope inside of Tae’s chest and he wanted to water it. He wanted to give it all of his energy until he wasn’t scared at all anymore. He leaned into Jun and wrapped his arms around him, squeezing him tight and pressing his cheek to his chest.
“Thank you, hyung,” he said, and he meant it so much. “Thank you for helping me.” 
Maybe it was stupid, but what Tae really wanted now was Nemo. He wanted to tell Nemo all of his feelings. He wanted to explain to him that maybe he was ready, but he was also still so scared and he wanted Nemo to hold him and tell him everything was going to be okay just like his hyung was doing now. 
Tae felt safe in his brother’s arms and he wanted to tell Nemo about that too. He wanted to tell Nemo that his hyung was a hero. 
“You--I wouldn’t be able to do this without you,” he said, still mumbling. “You’re a good hyung.”
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eyeslikefoxglove · 4 years
Episode 15 - Stop fucking shooting fucking kites & Fuck this shit I’m out
Welcome! So I am apparently a glutton for punishment because here I am, after saying I’d probably wait for the anger to go away before watching the next episode, already watching and still pissed off, get ready, I might get really snarky with this one.
And now I wonder what would’ve happened if JFM had just let sect leader Yao kick the bucket.
“Jin Zixuan is somewhat a decent person.” High fucking praise coming from WWX if you ask me.
Ok this goodbye scene is a cute way to show in which sense JC is similar to Mme Yu, tbh. You could say they’re similar bc they have this very harsh way of talking (which I don’t actually mind, I have RBF and am as done with everything as JC so...) but nope, they’re similar in the way they worry about others. It’s kind of a cool dichotomy btw two people having the same temperament, yet one is a terrible person and the other a loving one.
[btw I’ve seen a couple of posts floating around here about how fucking terrible JC actually is and I’m not interested in that narrative, I think he’s a good, person, deeply flawed, but like everyone else is]
Hi! This is the day after, I did end up going to do some yard work, which was pretty much me holding up a ladder my mum had no business climbing and she raining dry twigs and leaves on me.
One frivolous thought here in the middle of all this angst and worry, I really love JC’s clothes.
Just when I was starting to pity WC he had to go and get that delighted expression on his face when WRH told him to go kills people.
Listen, I know it will do jackshit but I love WWX poking holes in JiaoJaio’s “the kite is like the sun” rant.
Am I too cynical or was it incredibly obvious that “punishing” WWX would do jack to pacify JiaoJiao? I’m just asking, because while I do think Mme Yu is fucking terrible, I don’t want to assign blame unduly. I mean, they came with soldiers, she’s sitting on the throne, she’s been a rude little bitch and ranted about conspiracies and now she wants to punish someone who she very well knows the Jiangs don’t consider a servant (Don’t get me started on the classism); wasn’t it a bit too naive of Mme Yu to think a whipping would make JiaoJiao back off? I don’t think she’s naive, so that means she’s just unloading on WWX as usual, with a bonus of an audience, which brings me back to her being terrible. Or is there an actual cultural thing I’m not getting?
MY BB JC LOOKS SO FUCKING HORRIFIED. Petition to change Angry Lotus for Soft Lotus when referring to him. This is the boy some of you said has always hated/been jealous of WWX and could not wait to get an excuse to abuse and murder him? The same boy who’s protecting him with his own body, on his knees and begging? Sure Jan.
Also, small Zidian tangent with a side of “JC is a good boy”, I haven’t counted the lashes but let’s say he got 10. 10 lashes is enough to have someone as strong and WWX laid out for a month. When JC hits him with Zidian in Dafan mountain to “expel the spirit” WWX gets up pretty much right after, yes it was only one lash and he’s complaining, but he’s got no core, got beaten up and fell down a hill earlier that day, so I’m assuming he’s not in the best of shapes. That, combined with the sad+defeated face JC makes when no spirit is expelled really leads me to think he absolutely thought it was his brother and pulled the hit. I might be reaching, but anything to not have to think about what’s actually happening on my screen.
Back to this fucking mess now:
I am going to shank Mme Yu at this rate ngl. Again, she keeps giving into JiaoJiao’s demands, and she seems to think they won’t keep climbing higher, is she blinded by her hate for WWX or have I missed an indicator that JiaoJiao would be satisfied with the hand?
Should I talk about WWX’s willingness to let himself be mutilated? I’m kind of reminded of Jamie Lannister (he’s a fave, again, don’t @ me) and how understandably fucked up he got after losing his dominant hand, as he says “I was that hand”. Now, we all know that isn’t true, but with WWX’s self-worth issues why wouldn’t he measure his worth by how useful he can be? He’s a hell of a fighter, and that’s what “makes him useful” in his own eyes. Right now he thinks he’s being useful by letting them cut his hand off, but if he survives the mutilation what exactly will he be worth afterwards? Just think about it for a second, and cry.
When JiaoJiao says she likes you I think it is time to reconsider all your life choices up to this point.
Oooof ooooof, ok ok, lots to unpack in those sentences. “You should look at the owner before you punish a dog” & “How dare you come here and penalise my family members before me” they’re both kind of terrible. On one hand, she’s recognising WWX as part of her family and no one is allowed to touch them, on the other hand, is in the role of someone way below her actual family, and it is very clear that, while no one else is allowed to hurt her family, she is, which is not super great tbh. So yay Mme Yu finally recognised WWX as family, not so yay she still is a terrible abusive person? Even worse because it looks like she’s come to terms with WWX being family long ago, yet she kept treating him like garbage all this time?
Ok but Jinzhu and Yinzhu are badass tho.
This might be the only instance you will read me cheer for Mme Yu but here we are I guess.
You know what would’ve made me 10000 times more sympathetic towards Mme Yu? If, after she screamed she hated WWX she would’ve hugged him too. Deal with me for a second. JC and Mme Yu are very similar aren’t they? They’re harsh, quite angry, and, although they care no one will catch them showing it. When JFM scolded JC saying to not blurt things out in anger I hoped this would be what happened with Mme Yu, she’s angry and worried, so she’d babble some bullshit at WWX. But she also knows she’s going to die, so I thought, that, as a goodbye she’d at least show him some affection as if to say “I care, but I’m also a very angry bitter woman and there is no time to put it in words, take care of each other.”
Do I still dislike her with all I have? Yes, but I can recognise she’s the only maternal figure our Yunmeng sibs have ever had and, terrible as she might be, they still love her and losing her is going to hurt a lot.
Ok ok, another sad musing for y’all. WWX told JC to stop JiaoJaio, yet he (understandably) got distracted trying to help his mum against WZL. We’ve all seen the super sad scene of these two in the tall grass and JC trying to strangle WWX screaming “it is your fault I want my parents” and yet WWX wasn’t the one stopping JiaoJiao, JC was. How many of you wanna bet JC fully believes it is his own fault the siege was successful and blaming WWX out loud is his way of projecting all the anger he has toward himself?
Even sadder musing. When Shijie gets injured, he’s holding onto her from behind, Shijie sees the man going for WWX and has time to push him away yet JC doesn’t. Once again, another person he loves is dead because he was distracted, and on cue again, he lashes out at his brother.
I am not saying that’s healthy or that the fact that he didn’t go for the killing blow in either of those instances is praiseworthy but I’m pretty sure he fully believes all his family is dead because of him, so yeah.
Back to the show now:
So I’ve got a bone to pick with JFM, yes yes, it is very sad, another parent who is walking to his death saying goodbye to his children, but look at the way he does it. He touches JC and Shijie’s faces and tells them not to cry, he then pats WWX on the shoulder and tasks him with taking care of them. I don’t know if he’s so deep down the rabbit hole that he truly thinks that, bc WWX is an orphan, his death won’t affect him the same way it’ll hurt is kids or what. But that was fucking cruel and yet again, explains soooooo much of WWX’s trauma. Neither parental figure spared a word of affection for him before dying and he can’t remember much of his parents, so it’s not like he has their heartfelt goodbyes either.
ETA: so I just noticed that JC and WWX are holding hands at the end of the episode and, I’m assuming, they’re also holding hands with Shijie. Fuck me I’m crying.
You guys my black cat, who really doesn’t like cuddling, just came up to me for a head rub, so just imagine how sad (and angry) I must be feeling. Or maybe she’s just hungry.
Anyway thanks for watching.
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howaboutleeches · 5 years
Can you do some nsfw stuff with Muriel and Asra :0 please and thank you
Soooooo I have never written a gay smut before, so I’m totally stepping out of the little bubble I’m used to. I’m definitely not complaining, just giving a heads up of it doesn’t turn out being very accurate.
Warnings: NSFW
Summary: Muriel asks for help after the chickens get lost. He gets stressed because of them running away and Asra decided to help him out.
“I can help you relax” (Muriel x Asra)
Asra just kept laughing while seeing a very stressed Muriel running after the chickens. Inanna tried howling and growling at them, but it just seemed to make them even more stressed and confused, running to nowhere and bumping into one another as nothing else mattered.
Soon, the magician casted a simple spell that helped all of them into the fence and Muriel could only sigh in relief as Inanna collapsed, tired, at his feet. The tall man looked down at the smirking one in front of him and felt his cheeks burn for no apparent reason.
“We should head inside. It’s getting dark” Muriel babbled and fast-walked into the hut, followed by a very intrigued partner.
When Asra went inside and closed the door, he turned around to realize Muriel was already sitting down and Inanna was nowhere to be seen. He thought of where she might be and then it hits him. She probably went for one of her sundown hunts. Wolves got to eat.
Muriel, on the other hand, was sitting down by the fire, moving his neck back and forth, clearly trying to relieve some of the tension on his neck. The man wasn’t used to doing much effort and bending down so many consecutive times, and it showed. But an idea popped into Asra’s head, and he couldn’t help but bite his lip.
Soon, he was walking towards the large man, making as less sound as possible. Muriel probably thought he was laying on his bed, as usual. Asra likes to lay down and chill, and that’s pretty much what he did on Muriel’s house too. But tonight, Asra would want Muriel to lay down as well.
The magician placed his hands on Muriel’s neck as he jumped a little, given he was taken by surprise. Asra just shushed him and started to rub his tense shoulders and neck. It only took Muriel a few moments to relax under his touch and give in to his care.
“You know what I think Muriel? You’ve been stressing so much lately. Your body is so tense. And unfortunately, in this position, I can’t fully relax you. So, why don’t you lay on the bed?” The smaller one offered.
Muriel felt his cheeks getting hotter, but he just couldn’t say no to that. Very slowly, he got up from the floor and made his way to the bed. He didn’t exactly know what to do, so he began taking his shoes off. Asra was surprised by his sudden action but decided to take advantage of it.
“Since you started, why don’t you take the rest off? Cloak, coat, pants…it’ll be more effective that way” Asra bargained, trying to hold back a grin.
Muriel felt hotter than ever and didn’t even want to turn around, scared that he would flatly faint. Following the request, he started to strip into only his underwear and laid down on his stomach on the king-sized bed. He trusted Asra with his life, and he was feeling good with the whole situation. Excited even. Really excited. He felt the pressure that Asra’s body made on the bed and sighed slowly as he felt oily hands sliding down his bare back.
“I’m glad I brought those oils with me. They did come in very handy” He could hear Asra chuckling as his hands pressed as squeezed his back in a calm but firm motion “Now turn around”
Oh no. Feeling Asra’s touch, so intense on his body, made him get a boner, and now he had to turn around. He hesitated for a moment but then decided to not care about it. It probably wasn’t even such a big deal. He turned around and decided to stare at the ceiling as Asra was still sitting at the edge of the bed.
It stayed like that for a couple of seconds. Asra couldn’t believe that he actually had a boner. And what a big boner. He thought it through and decided to do something bold. He pressed his creamy hands on Muriel’s chest and lifted himself from the bed, positioning himself on top of Muriel’s crotch.
“Now that’s better” Asra moaned as he started to take his clothes off. 
Soon, they were both only on their undergarments and Muriel was as red as a beat, and Asra was enjoying every second of it. He was massaging the other one’s chest and shoulders, and as he leaned on to reach certain parts, he rocked his hips over Muriel’s bulge and the man was starting to squirm under him.
Muriel wasn’t going to be able to hold on for much longer and he started to think was he was going to do about his “problem” down there. His thoughts were getting blurry when suddenly his mind was blank. Asra’s hands moved lower. Into his trousers. Muriel moved his eyes from the ceiling into the magician’s deep purple eyes.
“I’m just helping you. Do you not want it?” Asra started to slowly remove his hand away, but Muriel unconsciously held his wrist.
“No!…No, please. Continue” He let go of his wrist and stared at his devilish smirk. Oh boy, what had he gotten himself into?
Asra’s skilled and sloppy hand started to work on Muriel’s shaft, moving up and down slowly. With his free hand, he started to remove both of their briefs and threw them on the floor.
“Muri?” Asra hissed, and received a grunt as a response “I want to ride you”
Muriel’s body was hot with the request, but he was in such ecstasy that he could only nod his head as a response, and that was just enough for Asra. He stopped stroking the big man, hearing a disappointed moan and sat higher, closer to his partner’s throbbing shaft.
He grabbed it by the base and slowly inserted it on himself. The size was certainly huge but the feeling was amazing. Asra was finally feeling complete and it was only between him and that lovely creature beneath him.
The magician started moving up and down, earning grunts and small moans from Muriel’s mouth. The bouncing movement was incredible and was making both of their visions dizzy. The sudden jolts of Muriel’s hips only made it better.
An animal instinct rushed through Muriel and he lunged forward, putting Asra on his back on the bed, hands on his shoulders and legs hung in the air. It was a very delightful surprise for the magician, but he loved the feeling.
As Muriel pounded roughly into Asra’s tight hole, he could feel his dick rubbing on his belly. The white-haired one couldn’t control his moans as he said dirty an encouraging words to him as he bounced up and down on the bed. 
Soon, Muriel was close to the edge, and so was Asra, both getting of in their own way. They locked eyes for a moment and Asra rose his head to give the other man a passionate kiss. Muriel responded, giving his final thrusts as he came inside of Asra, who had just finished himself, spilling his cum on both their stomachs.
Muriel kept himself inside Asra for a few moments, both breathing heavily, sweating hard and looked at each other again. Muriel leaned down and kissed Asra’s forehead as the magician smiled sweetly.
“I guess I’ll come to help you more often from now on”
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franklyshipping · 5 years
The Scariest Zombie Of All ~ A Jacksepticeye Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @anti-switch-glitch and @robbie-lee-zombie
Robbie the Zombie was practically vibrating. He was filled with energetic jitters and kept letting out the occasional spontaneous squeak or yip, which despite his regular energetic nature, wasn't exactly normal for Robbie. Why was he exhibiting all this you may ask? Well, simply, he was more excited than he had ever been in his whole entire life....because it was Halloween, and thanks to Anti, he was experiencing every last aspect of the season to the full.
Anti was similarly excited, because he'd been waiting month after month until the season started so that he could finally teach Robbie everything related to the spooky season. Whether it was pumpkin carving, constantly eating candy, pulling pranks or dressing up, Anti was all over it. Especially when it came to dressing up, since as soon as Robbie heard that he could dress as anything he wanted he made it his mission to have the best costume in the world! That was what the pair were up to now.
Anti was going all out on the gore, embellishing the slash along his neck as insanely as he could with the end goal of looking like an axe murderer of some-kind; classic Anti quite frankly. Robbie meanwhile, in his words, was dressing up....as a Zompire. This is a creature Robbie made up himself. When he first heard how popular zombies were at Halloween he almost wept with joy, because it meant he'd have no trouble going out as himself, but he wanted to add MORE to himself. Thus, the concept of the Zompire was born. Basically, it was Robbie with fangs, fake blood dripping down his chin, and smart swooshy clothes borrowed from Jamie.
'Hey Robz should I go for bleeding eyes too?'
Anti called behind him, since he didn't think that his fake blood covered neck, lips, nose and fingernails were enough. What Anti didn't expect to hear however, was a partially distressed whine in reply. He turned around....and honestly had to try not to burst out laughing. Robbie's head and arms were somehow trapped together, and later Anti would discover that Robbie had tried to put his waistcoat and cloak on at the same time.
Robbie whined again, squirming because he couldn't see and was feeling a little nervous at being stuck, and he didn't want to ruin the nice swooshy clothes! Anti grinned and shook his head before shuffling over to Robbie and gently placing a hand on his shoulder so Robbie would know he was there.
'Ahaaawww bud, d'ya get stuck? Ya want some help?'
Robbie whined again, but he wasn't distressed anymore because Anti was there, and that meant he was all safe.
'Uh huhh pleeeease...'
Anti grinned and got to work, it all looked easy enough to fix. It looked like Robbie had tried to put the waistcoat on without unbuttoning it first and the cape was somehow tangled within it all, but Anti figured he just needed to unbutton the waistcoat, and all would be well. However, fate decided that today was a day to test Antisepticeye. Fate was going to test him with temptation and distraction, in the form of Robbie's exposed tummy.
'Freeee meheee!'
Robbie groaned with a hidden smile and a giggle, wiggling with playful impatience which made Anti splutter.
'Be patient ya lil brat!'
Robbie giggled giddily at Anti's reply, Anti was always so sassy and funny and Robbie loved him SOOOOOO so much! Anti shook his head fondly at Robbie's goofiness, he was the cutest, squishiest little dude Anti had ever had the good fortune to meet. Instead of continuing to help Robbie however....something suddenly caught Anti's eye. It seemed that with all his little wiggly bids for freedom, a portion of his lower belly had been exposed....and it was the most tempting piece of pudge that Anti had ever seen.
Robbie cocked his head to the side, since he'd stopped feeling Anti's hands fiddling with all he stuck clothes. Anti grinned softly as he replied; it seemed fate had won today.
'Looks like all those impatient wiggles exposed ya a bit buddy....'
Robbie was confused, until he jumped at the feeling of a finger swiping at his exposed tummy. Uh oh. He was already smiling and blushing as he heard Anti teasingly croon.
'Maybe some more wiggles will help get ya un-stuck, whaddaya think?'
Anti smirked as Robbie started frantically shaking his head, giggling in adorable anticipation; frankly, it was melting Anti's heart.
'N-Noho n-no wigglies Anti no wiggli-EEEE! Ahahahantihi nahaha!'
Robbie squealed and tried to recoil, but he couldn't escape the devious tummy scratches that Anti was giving him. With his fiendishly sharp nails skating over his skin with practised malevolence, Robbie was a giggly wreck in seconds. Anti got onto his knees so he could lean closer to Robbie and coo huskily.
'Coochie coooo, c'mon let's get you freeeee!'
Robbie's giggles were high pitched and his wiggles were giddy as he carried on trying to shuffle away from the tickles, but Anti merely followed. Robbie knew premature escape was useless though, Robbie was tickled by Anti often enough to know that Anti would have mercy when he was good and ready. Robbie thought it was just not fair! Anti tickled him ALL the time, proclaiming that Robbie's ticklishness was too cute not to exploit, whilst the zombie just got overcome by embarrassment!
'Nohohoho tihihihicky! Nahahat f-fahahair!'
Anti grinned fondly at Robbie's slightly muffled cry, oh how he adored tickling the little guy to pieces. It was one of his favourite things to do, the zombie was just too adorable! Anti let his nails start to scribble more over the zombie's soft tummy as he purred teasingly.
'You're the one stretching and exposing yourself in the first place! I mean, you're practically asking for it!'
Robbie's hidden cheeks blushed a deep lavender as the zombie's entire torso started shaking along with his head; Robbie couldn't believe Anti would suggest such a flustery thing, it was so mean and gave him so many flustered butterflies!
'Nahahat t-truhuhue n-nahAHAHAT TRUHUE!'
Robbie's giggles became hysterical and wild as Anti really put his claw-like nails to use, digging into the sides of Robbie's tummy as Anti put on a smarmier tone amidst his teasing.
'Well I don't see any evidence to the contrary my dear little Robbinson!'
Robbie whined, exhibiting a hidden embarrassed pout at the silly nickname, before letting out quite the yelp; Anti had taken to pinching one of his hips spontaneously.
At that single pinch, Robbie had seriously jumped....and now Anti had seen it once, he just wanted to see it again and again. Anti grinned a feral grin with gleaming eyes, and maybe if Robbie hadn't been blinded by his clothing trap...he would have tried more valiantly to escape what was to come.
'I'll stop pinching if you stop jumping! Silly boy....'
Robbie let out a wild yelp once more, in addition to jumping nearly out of his skin again....and again and again as his hips got tickly pinch after tickly pinch. He was a mess of sporadic cackles and yips in response to the sporadic tickling, and felt more flustered butterflies fluttering in his system as he wailed.
Anti threw his head back with his own gleeful giggles, before deciding to softly push Robbie down onto his back, just so he could have a lovely vantage point. Of course, Robbie couldn't stop him, and could only wriggle about on his back and try and tug at his trapped limbs as he continued to yelp from the pinchy tickling.
'Well....I guess that means I ain't gonna be stopping for a whiiiile....'
Anti cooed down at him, relishing in all of Robbie's sweet, sudden ticklish reactions. Anti had fun with this for about a minute more, just enjoying watching Robbie twitching and yelping his heart out....before one of Robbie's exclamations caught his attention.
That made Anti pause, and the sweet zombie beneath him panted and gasped, entertaining the glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, Anti had had his fun. Oh no. Not quite yet I'm afraid Robbie.
'Oh, oh how silly of me! Course it's not freein' ya, I mean, it's your arms that are trapped really, not your hips....I should really focus closer to them, shouldn't I?'
Anti mused, adoring watching Robbie tremble as the teasing glitch walked his eager claws up Robbie's torso nice and slowly. Robbie started tittering and babbling, because he knew where they were headed.
'A-Ahahaaanttiiii p-p-pleheeeease! L-Lemmee gooo! Noho mooore!'
Anti merely chuckled at Robbie's sweet begs as his nails crawled higher and higher, slipping under Robbie's t-shirt so they grazed up his bare skin....before reaching their long awaited prize. Robbie's sweet, sensitive hollows. Robbie whimpered softly when he felt Anti lying on top of him, and got goose-bumps all over when he snickered.
'Ahawww but buddy....you're so perfectly exposed that....I don't think I could ever let you go now.'
Robbie's eyes widened under the tangled waistcoat, and he absolutely shrieked with laughter when Anti let his claws go to town at his armpits. They scratched at a lightening fast pace, making Robbie thrash and howl with ticklishness.
Anti smirked and chuckled, keeping up the malicious scratching as he growled evilly.
'Ohhh I love hearing you howl my name, do it again for me would ya?'
Robbie had tears in his eyes as he struggled and laughed a high pitched laugh, howling once more as the tickling set shockwave after shockwave through his form.
Anti grinned as he scratched and scratched, just enjoying Robbie's sweet mirth and the feeling of him writhing and unable to escape his tickles. Anti leant in to where he figured Robbie's cheek was, nuzzling a tad as he purred.
'I love how ticklish you are Robbie....you're so soft and sensitive and you laugh so hard and for so long. I just wanna keep ya aaaall to myself so I can tickle tickle tickle aaaall day long. Hey, maybe instead of going trick or treating I could just treat you to tickles all Halloween, how does that sound?'
Robbie was shrieking more as he arched at his back, tugging at his arms desperately now to try and part them as the vivid notion of being tickled all Halloween flooded Robbie's mind. What a truly terrifying, evil thought! Robbie started letting out little hiccups as he cried out in reply.
Robbie's thrashes and struggles started getting a little weaker, and Anti's malevolent smirk transitioned back into a fond, loving smile as he sensed Robbie's resolve reaching its limit. He slipped his hands out from Robbie's armpits, and swiftly unbuttoned the waistcoat, unclasped the cloak, and moved them away.
'I've gotcha bud, I've gotcha....'
Anti's voice was soft as he looked over the blushing mess of a zombie before him. Robbie was quick to curl up, hugging himself as he gasped and wriggled and let out incoherent whines as he recovered from it all. Robbie almost couldn't believe it was over, but he believed it properly when he felt Anti's fingers combing through his hair as they always did after a bout of tickles. The zombie bashfully looked up at Anti, smiling cutely.
Anti smirked, and kissed Robbie's forehead with a smirk.
'You love it mister!'
Robbie squeaked and looked away, which made Anti smirk fondly since it was just confirmation in of itself. Soon though, Robbie shuffled into Anti's lap where the glitch kissed his forehead again, before musing.
'Now....about that trick or treating thing....howsabout we get all that make-up and dress-up done so we can go give the others an early fright?'
Anti raised a playful eyebrow down at Robbie, who hummed, before nodding with an excited smile....and a cheeky twinkle in his violet eyes.
'Uh huh! Spooky scares!'
Anti giggled, before the pair of them set about fixing waistcoats and capes, and of course adding great amounts of fake blood. Anti didn't know how it was possible....but somehow Robbie was both the sweetest, AND the scariest zombie, to have ever existed.
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hyphypmic · 5 years
Samatoki/Single Mom
Anon asked: Hi bby can i ask for a samatoki scenario where reader is a single mom and her kid ran away from her to tell samatoki he’s cool thankies uwu
BABE???? YOU AGAIN???? Honey!!!! You shouldn’t have uwu
Also @significant other of Babe, Babe is yours so like... don’t fret WHAAHHA
Samatoki was just walking down the street and was just about to light a cigarette when a kid with big eyes just stopped in front of him.
The cigarette dangled from his lips as he stared at the kid that barely came to his waist. He opened his mouth to tell the kid to move aside in a kind but cool way when the kid opened his mouth first.
“YOU’RE SO COOL!” The little girl squealed and jumped, her pigtails bouncing.
Samatoki stepped back and looked around, wondering where the damn kid came from. The girl grabbed his hands and the yakuza’s heart melted because she reminded him of Nemu as a little girl. “You’re Samatoki-sama Mr. Ha Ko!” She squealed again, the high pitched voice getting even higher with delight. “I see you everywhere!”
Samatoki looked around once more before pulling the kid aside. He crouched down on one knee so he was eye-level with her. “Listen... uh... kid-“ His cheeks coloring a little bit as he overcame his initial shock and was trying to regain his Mr. Ha Ko facade.
It didn’t work.
“I’m Aki!” She squealed and Samatoki’s heart nearly gave out. “I really love you and Mad Trigger Crew and you’re so cool and your wonderful and...” The kid continued to babble about them and how much she found MTC, most especially him, very, very cool.
He supposed the kid didn’t give a shit about the fact that he was a yakuza... then again he was practically treated as an idol anyway... a scary idol, but still an idol. “Aki.” He repeated, his lips quirking upwards. “That’s a cute name.”
The girl suddenly surged forward and wrapped her arms around Samatoki. By the looks of it, she couldn’t be more than six or seven years old. Samatoki didn’t want to hug back, in fear that the mother would think he’s harming the kid, but his hands twitched as he wanted to embrace the girl who showed no fear of his red eyes or normally intimidating gait. The kid nuzzled him and gripped him tighter, tight enough to be sure that he wasn’t even going to stand a chance of removing her from him.
“Your rap is soooooo good! G-Anthem of Y-City is the best song!” She gasped and looked at Samatoki with a red face. “Oh but don’t tell Jyuto-sama and Riou-sama!”
Samatoki smiled and did his best not to laugh. “I won’t.”
She hugged him again. “You’re so cool!!!!!”
Samatoki literally had no idea what to do, but he decided to just glare at whoever passed by and shot down mentally the people who dare take out their phones.
The girl continued babbling about him and it was really pulling on his heartstrings. She was truly, so adorable, with that cute pink dress with skulls on them. She even had little combat boots. She was even talking about how her outfit was inspired by Mad Trigger Crew.
“Where’s your dad?” Samatoki asked and looked around again for a panicked parent. As much as he found her cute, he couldn’t steal her... well he could but that wasn’t the point.
She paused in her babbling. “Don’t have one.”
Samatoki cringed a little inside, sympathy had him pulling the girl a little closer to him. “Where’s your mom then?”
“Coming!” She said with a smile, the dad remark forgotten.
Samatoki doubted that, but decided that the best course of action was to stay put. “Okay-“
He was interrupted again by a string of praise and the never ending words coming out of her mouth.
It took a while, but he finally heard your faint shouts coming closer.
“Aki!!! Aki???? Aki where are you? Aki!!!”
Samatoki looked up and gently peeled the girl away from him (thankfully she had loosened her grasp when she heard your voice) when he heard the little girl’s name repeated over and over. “I think your mother-“ He paused when you stumbled out of the crowd.
He took you in, staring at your flushed face and rumpled clothing. You were sweaty and panting, but you failed to notice who exactly was standing in front of you, as your focus was wholly on Aki.
Samatoki looked back at the girl.
“Aki!” You cried out and pulled her away from Samatoki. “You know better than to run off like that!” You checked your baby girl over, looking if she had any cuts or scrapes or any of the like. “Oh, at least you’re not hurt.” You look up and finally see who she was talking to. You blushed. “Oh my god.” You tried smoothing out the wrinkles in your dress. “Uh... Samatoki-sama.” You bowed a little. “I apologise for-“
Samatoki chuckled. “No. It’s alright.” He smiled softly at Aki. Then he realised what he was doing then coughed. He shoved his hands in his pockets. “Yeah. It’s alright.” He looked at you again and couldn’t help but think that your daughter got all the cuteness from you. “Cute kid.”
“Thanks.” You replied with a smile, still kind of embarrassed. “Thank you Samatoki-sama.” You paused and stuck out your hand, albeit very awkwardly. “I’m Y/N by the way.”
He shook your hand, and you took note of the strength in his grip. He let go after a while.
“Thanks.” You gripped the handle of your bag nervously. “She could be quite a handful.”
Samatoki shrugged. “The least I could do for a fan.” He swallowed, his collar feeling a tad bit too tight at the moment, even if it was unbuttoned nearly halfway down.
“I should probably repay you.” You cringed. “No not in money, maybe a coffee?” You blushed. “No, that’s, no you don’t need... I mean of course you don’t need that I mean no not really no I don’t think I mean who am I kidding right your Samatoki-sama you don’t need me-“
Samatoki chuckled again, figuring out where the kid got the rambling from. And not exactly knowing what came over him at that moment, he said, “You can repay me by having coffee with me.” He paused. “And just call me Samatoki.”
Yeah, he had no idea what came over him. He has never really told anyone that they could just call him Samatoki. Jyuto and Riou don’t bother because he doesn’t need them to, plus they’re his teammates. Even his female flings address him that way and he doesn’t bother correcting or changing that. You however...
You blushed, at a loss for words.
He felt his pockets, scowling at the apparent lack of whatever he was looking for. He muttered under his breath about something about leaving it at the warehouse.
He then looked at you. “Do you have a marker?”
You blinked and it took a while before you rummaged through your purse to give him one. But he didn’t take it,  he just barred his forearm to you. “Just write your number there.”
You stilled. “Uh.”
Samatoki’s cheeks reddened. “Eh? Hurry up will you?” He managed and looked away.
That had you moving and scribbling your number on his forearm.
When you were done he looked at the number. “I’ll text you.” He said then started walking past you. “See you around.” He then winked at Aki before walking away. You didn’t dare turn around because you didn’t want him to see your gobsmacked face another time.  
You knew it was probably too good to be true, but Aki was smiling at you, and you knew it was real.
“Come on.” You were blushing like crazy, not believing you wrote on Samatoki’s muscled forearm.  “Let’s go.”
The girl giggled and she skipped along as she held your hand.
Later in the day, your phone buzzed and you could not believe what the message from an unknown number was.
Does Friday sound okay to you? -S
Your phone buzzed again.
Or you could pick the date that’s fine -S
It buzzed again.
This is your number right? -S
You blushed as you picked the phone up to reply.
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fire-fira · 6 years
More TMNT Junk (this time 2003 post-canon!)
[Ao3 version]
Soooooo I was vaguely thinking about posting this, and then I saw shit that the soggy cheetoh’s doing on my dash, and decided screw it-- to temporarily shove aside that unpleasant BS here’s some more TMNT stuff.
(Full disclaimer, most of this came from me babbling to @sounddrive about this concept. Plus a couple added things thanks to @babblingweirdnonsense. Because why the hell not?)
Just imagine the 2003 turtles living a ridiculously long time. I mean ridiculously long. Like still going strong when they’re around 121. (You can’t really tell me that it couldn’t happen when the Ninja Tribunal are thousands of years old and still look like they’re in their 30s-40s. If they can do it, so can these boys.)
It might be their mutation or it might be their level of chi control (or it might be both), and somehow Usagi's hanging on as long as they have (because separating Leo from his husband after that long would be cruel).
Yes you read that right, we’re going full-on Leosagi/katanashipping for this.
Of course with them being so old that brings up the question of why they wouldn’t have been present for the events of season 6 (since most of it takes place 100 years after they were 18). But I’ve got an explanation for that!
20 years prior to those events they got caught up in a war in Usagi's world and got stuck there. It wasn't supposed to become a war-- it was probably originally just supposed to be a vacation, time away from loud city noises and all that-- but nope! One thing led to another and escalated out of control, and they couldn't turn their backs because that wouldn't be fair-- and then some pain-in-the-ass magic user tried to trap them in that world (maybe to make sure they couldn't get reinforcements).
- Needless to say, they weren’t happy about that.
- So much inventive swearing from Raph. SO MUCH.
Plus Mikey probably adopting who knows how many kids. Because it’s Mikey and he’d hate the idea of leaving any orphaned kid behind when he can do anything about it.
- Though of course this is in addition to any kids he had already adopted over the decades who were spread out over their world and Usagi’s. So he just ends up with even more kids even though he’s already a grandpa... and a great-grandpa... and very likely a great-great-grandpa.
- Mikey will not be stopped.
- Leo and Usagi probably also have their own gaggle of adopted kids/grandkids/great-grandkids (although some actually related to Usagi through his son Jotaro, which is the family secret everyone pretends not to know, at least in Usagi's world), but they've got nothing on the sheer number of children and babies Mikey has taken in. There've been jokes that Mikey alone is going to completely rebuild the Hamato clan just through the number of kids he takes in.
Donnie in Usagi’s world mourns his lack of access to the tech he's used to, but he's been figuring out work-arounds. Mainly because sometimes when he's out in the field he wants nothing more than to just electrocute someone in a fight. What scares others is that he's got several nieces/nephews/etc. who have taken an interest in his inventions and tech to the point that they're sometimes referred to as a specific 'sub-division' of the Hamato clan (which can 'command lightning' and other such claims that most of them scoff at).
Raph's also got parts of the family that will happily glom onto him and follow him around and gleefully switch into 'coordinated ninja mode' when he gives the signal. People outside of the family tend to see Raph as one of the most terrifying of the family, but everyone in the family see him as a big old teddybear.
- Raph tends to lean on the 'scary' facade to keep people at a distance, because by that point he knows that if he doesn't then he's going to end up with a fan club. Again. And people are going to be throwing themselves at him. AGAIN. And he learned his lesson the last time (mostly).
- Though not being able to go anywhere in Japan in Usagi's world when he was about 50 without having people trying to throw themselves at him in increasingly desperate attempts to court him or while pledging their undying love to him was enough of a nightmare that he's amazed that sometimes he still forgets about trying to maintain a distance. Even worse, he still has a few diehard hangers-on that have yet to give up even though they've been trying to chase him for decades. (Usagi thinks this is absolutely hilarious and routinely ends up in cackling fits with Leo over it.)
- Mikey sometimes helps Raph dodge his fans and plays innocent if they spot him.
- (Raph was not counting on being seen as so attractive the first time he went to Usagi's world. For several subsequent visits he still wasn't prepared. When he found out about the first 'fan club' the poor man almost fainted, only to end up hiding for about five hours instead.)
People in that world are reasonably unsurprised by the fact that the turtles are still around (because I can easily imagine turtles in that world on average probably being a little longer-lived), but the surprise comes in with the fact that Usagi's still alive.
- He has made vague comments that maybe living with turtles for so long has affected him.
- He's also made vulgar jokes of varying levels of subtlety that have led Leo to facepalm, blush, clamp a hand over Usagi's mouth, or deliberately interrupt so that he won't have to hear one more comment about how sleeping with Leo has 'magically extended' his life.
- Mikey is terrible and cackles every time. Naturally he encourages Usagi's comments just because Leo is 'Too Old For This Shit™', and therefore it's all the more hilarious to him.
- Usagi’s comments may have drawn them more attention than Leo would prefer.
- (You can thank @babblingweirdnonsense for this sub-point addition.)
Usagi: "The true secret of immortality is to worship the flesh of the Kappa Ninjas. I have bedded the leader, and he in turn worships my flesh and gives me life."
Leo: "Stop telling people that sleeping with me will make them live longer."
Usagi: -winking- "I'm trying to make our bed a bit more fun."
- Leo: "...Look what you did. I bet you're proud of yourself."
Usagi: -smirks- "I am indeed. After all, I know all about the magic of a skilled turtle."
Leo: ". . .I love you, but please stop saying words.”
- Raph and Donnie have mastered 'tuning this shit out for the umpteen-millionth time™'. (The kids still have various levels of shrieking about it though, which is part of what makes it so hilarious to Usagi and Mikey both. They both have a terrible sense of humor.)
Mikey's go-to excuse for why he won't settle down with someone while they're stuck in that world for those 20 years is that he's "married to being a parent" and doesn't have time for a partner. Considering the number of great/grand/kids he has, no one's going to disagree.
- It’s mostly because he doesn’t want to end up in the same situation as Raph.
Then there's the perpetual argument over whether Mikey trying to refer to their family as a clan of 'ninjurai' or 'roninja' is remotely acceptable. He insists that both mashup terms fit perfectly since their family is made up of so many ninja and samurai/ronin. Most of the family disagrees on the principle of 1) those aren't real words, and 2) as old as he is why does he still insist on butchering Japanese as much as possible? (He insists because even as an old man he gets a kick out of being a little shit.)
- Other contenders for mashup terms Mikey’s gotten his family to shoot down are: samuninja, shinorai, ronobi, shininja, and rinjarai.
- Even his great/grand/kids have jokingly threatened to disown him for that.
- The argument has had various iterations going for decades
Everyone who knows anything about the family knows that if they want to interact with anyone who gives a sense of being calm, respectful, polite, and so on to go to Leo. And yet despite this everyone also knows that the five old men are possibly the best fighters in Japan; that all five of them are skilled, resourceful, and responsible. It still doesn't change the fact that at times Leo seems to be the only one who cares even a tiny bit about formality anymore.
- It also doesn't help that Leo probably knows entirely too many secrets from too many high-ranking officials scattered throughout that world's Japan.
- 'Oh yes! The responsible one! The leader! Now we can get some proper negotiations out of the wa- Oh no. It's him.'
- Old man Leo keeping a polite face even while the barest hint of a smile is on his face and amusement is dancing in his eyes-- because he knows.
Donnie's gotten so used to saying outrageous things in a deadpan due to having to occasionally explain his tech as 'magic' that there are times where he'll say something like, "No, it's intended to make an entire wall of a building explode if you sneeze near it," without even giving a hint that he knows he said anything that doesn't make sense.
- Raph may or may not have scared off some obnoxious would-be trouble-makers by telling them that if they didn't straighten up that he'd tell Donnie to just go ahead and summon the demons already.
- Leo's given up trying to tell the two of them to not say things that imply they're sacrificing people in some sort of twisted blood ritual. He's just grateful that their reputation is so wide-spread and they're so well-thought-of (if regarded as very strange) that most people seem to know not to take those comments seriously.
- Usagi may have once claimed that he was sacrificed and brought back from the dead several weeks in a row. Leo just rolled his eyes and pretty much told him to stop telling people that he'd let his brothers ritualistically kill his husband on a regular basis.
When Mikey wants to be lazy or a pest at the kids, he absolutely pulls the 'I'm old, I'm so achy and tired, I can't possibly get to my feet and walk that short distance to get (insert whatever here)' card. No one buys it. They've seen him in a fight, during training, etc. They know he's not 'frail', 'weak', or 'fragile' no matter how much he plays it up.
- Which at least once has resulted in a bout of--
"I can't possibly go on! I'll just stay here. And die. Of thirst. Because my grandchild who I thought loved me won't help dear old Grandpa."
"Grandpa. You were running across rooftops an hour ago. I highly doubt that you 'can't' get up."
"Dying. Of thirst. Leo! Leo, are you there?! Everything... going... dark..."
Leo just shaking his head. "No one in the family believed it when we were kids, no one's believing it now."
"I... can't possibly... move..." Over-exaggerated theater gasp.
"...Grandpa. I don't believe you. That didn't even sound close to a death rattle. And you can see the tea kettle from where you're sitting."
"...Too bad I don't have a good swivel-chair here."
"Mikey, no."
- (This is another sub-point you can thank @babblingweirdnonsense for.)
Mikey: “Child! Please give me that plate of food one foot away from me. My knees hurt.”
Child: “Father, I saw you beating an enemy ninja not two hours ago.”
Mikey: “I am sore from the fight.”
Child: “You were doing a handstand five minutes ago.”
Mikey: “I can no longer walk on my feet! Only my arms work now.”
When they’re finally able to go back to their world (a year after their younger selves return to their time) the media almost has a meltdown. Especially since Cody is able to confirm that they’re them. (Because realistically you can’t tell me that Donnie isn’t a famous scientist in that time. All four of them probably ended up in history books.)
Donnie keeps his deadpan semi-nonsense explanations. (Explaining to family or someone who gets what he’s talking about or doing is one thing. To others? He’ll still say things like “It’s magic” and leave it at that.)
- "No, really, how does it work?"
"The power of jesus."
- It even carries over to Donnie talking to reporters.
Reporter: “Where were the four of you for all these years?”
Donnie: "I could tell you-"
Raph: "-but then he'd have to kill you."
Donnie: "-No I wouldn't. But it'd be difficult to answer."
Reporter: "Could you try to explain?"
Donnie: "...Somewhere over the rainbow and in another dimension."
Raph: "Don, we weren't in frickin' Kansas."
Donnie: "Close enough."
Raph: "No it wasn't. Wasn't even on the same side o' the planet.”
And to top it all off, there’s the random thought of someone trying to suggest that one of the older turtles should probably sit in a chair normally (while they're either sitting on the back or on an arm or upside-down, who knows what), mostly out of concern that they might fall since they’re so old, and just the whole,
"Child, I am far too old and nowhere near straight enough to care about how other people think about how I'm sitting when I'm comfortable."
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humankoalaa · 6 years
this episode 🤣
camouflage? who dis? we don’t know her. Jefferson suit gots the cure for herpes im convinced.
Lmaaoooo the way Jefferson fell after getting hit in the head 🤣🤣 y’all see how he turned his head? childish.
Jenn breaking my heart rn.
lmao she said “sort of” GIRL IT IS ABOUT KHALIL. ok.
“they might send me to nun school if i do that” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 i love jenn. so damn petty.
she just wants her family and to be normal 😭 protect my bb at all costs.
gambi dead ass casually eavesdropping and drawing a motorcycle that i fully expect to build itself and end world hunger cause gambi is chuck Norris and can do all things through Christ. and then a gun next to him. clearly he’s ready for the reckoning.
wait gambi got lil muscles tho y’all see them arms? hell im gay as hell but them arms i almost questioned if this is the life for me. then i remembered i threw up on a dick once so that’s that.
LMAOOOO looker if you don’t get your teen link looking ass off my screen. ion have the time for this foolishness. “I tried to model myself after you” 🤣🤣 MEANWHILE she says shes not racist. yet she tryna kill the black baby. giiiirrrlllll WhAt iS tHe TrUtH?! just a lil racist orrrr racist when its convenient? I 👏🏾 NEED 👏🏾ANSWERS 👏🏾
jefferson 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️ “no your tshirt would say I killl and hang perdi from trees. YALL IM CRYN. now thats the type is savagery i need from Jefferson. he still the king of L’s but he’s trying.
looker and her peasants got to be the simplest errr kidnappers? in the world? . .. like .. HoW yOu GoNnA eLeCtRoCuTe SoMeOnE wItH IiGhTnInG iN tHeIr NaMe?! 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️ i can’t. i just can’t 😂💀
PAUSE.. anything walks it’s ass or jump out a bag on its own rolling around and shit im gone. fuck the baby moms err body.
KOBE! i see you Lynn.
oooh bih looker done slapped jeff 🤦🏾‍♀️ ANOTHER L for mr. pierce. he’s taken 3 L’s so far in this episode....it’s been 10 minutes. k.
ooooo imma renig on that cause he just beat the cat shit outta them peasants. DAS MY BOIIIIIII!
“thanks for the charge tho” 😂
that no look punch 🤣😩💀 jefferson ain’t here for nobody’s shit rn.
Khalil and jenn rn... pains me to admit this is a beautiful scene.
anissa in leather. DROOL. i want to thank pigs, buffalos, crocodiles, sheep’s, goats and cows for their professionalism, unrelenting perseverance and loyal devotion to their duties. cause... leather.
episode after episode i say the same thing this gots to be the ghettoest reverend in the world 🤣 like what reverand needs to carry a strap? 😂 lahhddd fix it gzus.
ahh shit here go Tobias.
look at khalil 🤦🏾‍♀️ he gon cry in the car WAYMENT he done took off 😂
Khalil.... so we just gon hide behind trash cans? i promise... you dumber than you look. k.
jenn invented ride or die. fite me!
HENDERSON 😭 ... “is that a baby?” bruh... what it look like?
khalil lookin at jenn like shes goku from dragonball-z is a mood.
looker wants to be Zelda so bad.
i ain’t even see that fight yet but i already know looker and her peasants cants handle and don’t wants dat smoke.
that stomp is just really attractive and like i just wanna be the floor.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 looker... what are those nails gonna do? ugh when will they learn.
maannnn this ain’t even a fair fight. im deeaaddd. looker .. baby.. you tried.. thank u, next.
now i wanna be lookers neck.
thunder clap 🤤 i wanna be her palms 🤣🤣
lol the fact that this bitch needed an entire pick up basketball team to beat anissa.
BOUT GOT DAMN TIME JEFFERSON! the fuck were you doing? stretching?
anissa going full nerd 😍 im pregnant.
🤣🤣 jeff don’t have the slightest clue what shes babbling about 😩
OMG “please stop” 😩😭
“i will pay you to stop” IM GONE YALL DECEASED.
jeff has officially redeemed himself. all inherited L’s from this episode well... let’s not get ahead ourselves.
man they wrong for that 😩 got her thinking her babies are dead 🤦🏾‍♀️
WAYMENT .. where’d her dads dreads go? he just had ablit 14 dreads in his head now they’re gone.. 🤭
lol ty. let me prepare for my demise.
anissa causally watching girlfriends cackling like she didn’t just basically kill looker and beat up a basketball team is A+ unintentional comedy. an unbothered Queen i stan.
grace caressimg Anissa’s leg is a whole ass vibe. she wants buns and you can’t tell me otherwise.
chantal and nafessa are beautiful.
“well i know you fine” 🤣🤣
the look grace gave her and anissa just dying is a MOOOODDDDD.
(sidenote how is grace STILL attractive as a reptile? idk what she is but im so SO down)
I KNEW IT! jefferson just knew that was gambis broken drone 🤣
HIT HIS ASSSS ... then apologize and respect your elders jeff.
soft ass. like jeff you could’ve smacked him first dammit.
lmao and somehow lynn manages to irritate tf outta me with that damn worry face pause blink 😩 i love her tho.
soooooo jenn can legit errr end humanity? got it. ... we been knew 🙄
ok like i don’t care about this.
wow..... they seriously cut thundergrace scenes lololol.
hm... or not?
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lady-dinah · 6 years
Children of Gotham  (Chapter 1)
A series of one shots and stories from the life of one, Grandpa Bruce Wayne. FT. The Batkids as badass parents, and a lot of 'self-help parenting' guides.
(Stems mostly from DC comics/young justice)
Find the series on Wattpad here
CH1: The Small Manor (Dick Grayson's Children) 
Summary: No matter how old you get, sometimes it just takes your children, to make you feel young again.
OR Dick Grayson spent a whole week alone, beaten, and too busy saving Bludhaven. Now all he wants is a hug from his dad, and affection from his kids to feel whole again.
Set in DC comics
No edit, we die like mne (I mean I tried, but I'm shit at editing)
"No Barbara, I already checked the cave."
They had been going on like this, back and forth, for almost ten minutes. Don't get him wrong, Dick loves Barbara, she's his anchor, the mother of his children, his partner in crime, but she can be as stubborn as Bruce (and that's saying something). Speaking of his guardian, Dick wandered around the Manor looking for any sign of life or even anything besides this eerie silence. In all honesty he's never noticed how big the mansion was, ironic as it is, the place actually felt pretty small. Back then, when everyone lived under one roof, there was constantly some commotion going on. Whether it was Tim and Damian threatening to kill one another for the 20th time of the day. Or Stephanie blasting her hip hop music, while Cass argued she wanted to play her Mozart playlist instead. Even with Bruce and Jason just grumbling at one other still filled up the bleak noise of the manor.
Now everyone had grown up, moved on. Only Bruce, Alfred, and Damian were permanent residents. Even then, Damian was mostly off world these days. Playing Batman with the Justice League. A pang of guilt gutted his stomach, he didn't want to be that kind of kid who just leaves their dad high and dry once they've moved out and made a life of their own. But these days things have been insanely hectic. Bludhaven had a mass breakout which kept Dick busy all week. The Justice League almost had another invasion on their hands, meaning both Damian, and Barbara, as Oracle, were busy running things. Wayne Enterprises stocks were dropping due to some insider trading, so there goes Tim's time. And God knows what Jason is even doing these days, but even he was clearly occupied since he hadn't called or even texted for the past week.
"Dick?" Barbara called again. "I think I found them."
A sigh of relief escaped his lips, after everything that has been going on. He couldn't handle the onset anxiety of his children possibly missing. Before Barbara and him left for their respective duties, knowing it would be all hands on deck with the situations around them. Dick dropped his kids off at the Manor, hoping Bruce could look after them. The old bat was hesitant at first, at his age caring for a baby and a rambunctious toddler was out his depth. But Dick assured him that his kids would behave, and if Bruce could handle five batkids he could handle anything. Still, he could never forget the nervousness and hesitation as his father held his baby boy for the first time. The eyes of a guardian and a protector instantly taking hold, as the old man carefully held the child like it was made out of glass. And that was the last of Dick seeing his kids and Bruce for almost a week. His heart ached when he slept alone in his bed, all the warmth gone from his wife's cuddles and his children's laughter.
But, the mission came first.
So here was, finally the escapees were back in their respective prisons, those injured taken to a hospital, and Bludhaven was back to its moderate levels of crime. Barbara was on her way back too after being cooped up in the birds of prey tower all week. At least she was in contact with Damian, and her girl group, not to mention the whole of the justice league. Dick was basically all alone for his mission. After the dust settled, he immediately headed towards the manor, desperately wanting a hug from his dad, and just to relish in his children's presence, but when he walked in, no one was home. No noise, no screams, just emptiness. He had called Barbara right after he entered, terrified that something had happened.
After all, it just takes one night...
"They're in the east wing, I think the third room on the left. The hallway with the ugly wallpaper."
Dick chuckled as he made his way up the stairs, his phone warm against his ear. "I'll have you know I chose that wallpaper."
He heard his wife scoff, could tell she was rolling her eyes. "No wonder it's shit. You're sense of style has always been awful."
"I never heard you complaining about discowling."
Barbara let out a breathy laugh. "Of course. That deep V showed all the good parts hunk wonder."
Dick knew where this was going, heat rising to his cheeks as all the tension left his shoulders. "It's been a while since we did play with my suit, hun?"
She hummed in response, making promises of midnight love when she came back. Dick grinned, knowing he would hold her to that oath, but he said his goodbyes and hung up when he finally came to the room where they were supposed to be. Taking a deep breath, he slowly opened the creaking door, light creeping into the dark room. Dick tensed for a second, the shadows playing tricks, making him see the monsters he's dealt with all week, but then the rumbles of snores and quiet huffs instantly put him at ease.
The room was littered with toys and drawings, crayons thrown about and stuffed animals put into a makeshift tea party. Not to mention a toy batmobile and batman thrown haphazardly on the floor. But the best sight of all was seeing the three people snuggled up on the large king size bed. His baby boy lay on top of Bruce's large chest, a pacifier slowly moving to each inhale and exhale. His plump fist held a fist-full of the old man's shirt, desperately clinging on to the old man. Then beside his father, lay his daughter, curled up and tucked into his side. Sleep lines marred across her pink cheeks as her dark hair sprayed all over Bruce's face. The elder bat had his strong arms wrapped tightly around both the children, daring anyone to try and pry them away from his grip.
Dick couldn't help the warm feeling blossoming in his chest. He quickly pulled out his phone getting ready to send pictures to Barbara, wanting to keep this memory forever. It was a miracle to see Bruce, and his kids, fall asleep. This two in one had to be a gift from God. The residing click of the camera is what jolted Bruce awake, instantly tugging the children into chest and snarling at the shadows in the room.
"Relax B, it's just me." Dick smiled, finally switching the lamp on. It took his father a second to recognize that it was just his son, not some intruder trying to take away the children he loved.
"Dick." he said, as if unable to believe he was standing before him. Dick nodded, reaching over to wrap his arms around his father's neck. The familiar smell of expensive cologne, leather, and sweat swept over him like a wave, calming him down as he unfurled from his father's hold.
"Morning B, or I guess, night."
Dick watched as his daughter began to mumble, then slowly rise out of her sleep. Rubbing her bright green eyes to take in the room. Her gaze instantly fell to Dick and all sights of grogginess vanished as a smile exploded across her features.
"Dad!" she screamed, and then leapt over Bruce and into his arms. Thank God for years worth of reflex training, because he would have dropped his daughter if he hadn't.
"Hello my princess," he chuckled, holding her tightly as his fingers made their way into her hair. "I missed you so much."
"Dada!" his son shrieked, pacifier falling from his lips and discarded onto the ground. He stumbled his way over to him, tripping over Bruce's leg. The old man gave a soft smile as he helped the boy walk over the mess of limbs. Dick scooped up his second child, nuzzling his nose into the baby's chubby cheeks as he let loose a shrill of giggles. Dick spent the next few minutes sitting and peppering his kids with kisses, his heart finally feeling whole again. He finally glanced over at Bruce who was quietly watching the exchange of affection with a soft look in his eyes. It wasn't exactly a smile per se but it was still Bruce's way of showing that he was happy.
"Get over here old man," Dick said, reaching over and wrapping his arm around the elder. Bruce stiffened at first but then melted into the embrace, Dick's kids instantly shifting to make room for their grandad.
"Dad, dad, daddy, dad, da-
"Yes Mary." Dick answered. His daughter pulled herself out of the embrace and jumping off the bed, a little too dangerously for his taste.  Barbara was going to kill him once she learned that their daughter has taken to making deadly jumps for fun, just like a certain someone he knows.
Mary gathered all the drawings that were scattered on the floor, then threw them all on top of the bed. Most of them fell on Bruce's legs.
"Grandpa Bruce and I drew all this stuff 'cause he told me that Uncle Dames likes to draw and I want to be just like Uncle Dames 'cause Uncle Dames is soooooo cool, and Uncle Dames draws really well so I wanted to draw really well so I practiced with Grandpa and then Grandpa Bruce told me I draw as good as Uncle-
"Mary, sweetheart." Dick chastised, "slow down."
His daughter inhaled almost comically, ready to speak again, but she  didn't even bother slowing down, trying to jam a week's worth of activities into one sentence. Dick just shook his head and smiled, knowing all too well where all this energy was coming from. His son began to imitate his sisters voice, squealing out his own stories even though most of it was baby talk that no one, but Mary, could ever understand.
"Wow Jimbo, really?" Dick said, pretending to converse with the baby. All it did was make the child more enthusiastic about his babbles. The young father turned to the elder, who was making his way out of the bed.
Dick put Jim on the floor beside Mary, as he rushed over to help, but Bruce just brushed him off with a wave of a hand. Slowly easing himself onto the floor, with more effort than it would usually take. Dick knew Bruce hated it, to feel useless and old. To have a weakness, to have the need to be dependant. No matter how many times Dick and many others told Bruce that it's okay to ask for some assistant, that it's not a sign of failure. All they would get in return would be angry eyes and a sneer, as the batman would attempt to stomp away but end up hobbling instead.
"Grandpa!" Mary yelled louder while Dick winced. As much as he loved his kids, they were a noisy bunch. "Are we gonna make pancakes! You promised!"
Bruce just chuckled, warm and deep. Rare too. "Of course baby, I'll race you downstairs."
Mary instantly stood up and bolted out the room, her footsteps echoing off the walls.
"Her stealth training needs some improvement," Bruce said, a little too seriously to be a joke.
Dick gave him a raised brow, picking up his son who was about to stuff a crayon into his mouth. "Please tell me you have not been training my children behind my back." he exasperated.
He just got a shrug as an answer, which really didn't ease him at all.
"Whatever, we'll talk about this later" Dick sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "How were they? Mary and Jim."
Bruce leaned over, Dick expected he just wanted more room to move towards the door, but instead he plucked Jim right from his hands and held the boy protectively in his arms. Then proceeded to shuffle out the door. It was probably pathetic and petty, but Dick really wanted to hold his son. Like it was unfair that Bruce got to spend a whole week with them, not to mention how happy Jim looked being in his grandpa's arms right now. So yeah, maybe he was a little bit jealous, but what Bruce didn't know wouldn't kill him.
"They were... They were good Dick." Bruce started, as Dick followed out behind the pair. "No. They were better, amazing. They made me feel... made me feel... I..."
Dick rolled his eyes, even years after being with five kids, not to mention mentoring young heroes and saving millions of lives, Bruce still had trouble expression emotion. Thankfully, Dick was here to translate.
"They make you feel alive don't they. Younger, energetic, you just constantly want to impress them, be their hero, give them the world and then some more."
Bruce stopped, dead in his tracks. He turned to look at Dick, grey eyes with years worth of experience, pain, joy, all flashing at once.
"Now you understand how I felt about all of you."
Dick stumbled, he never lost his balance. Never. But at this moment, this moment right here was all it took to make him choke. To wet his eyes. He spent a whole week getting beat up, cursed at, and all alone. But just one sentence of pure heart from a man he called father, is what broke him.
"Dada?" Jim whispered, his bottom lip jutting out, concern marking his little features. Dick wiped his eyes, leaning down to kiss his sons red hair.
"I'm fine buddy, don't worry about me."
"Grandpaaa! Daaad!" Mary shrieked. "You're taking so looooongg!"
"Are you sure she's not Canary's child?" Bruce questioned with a smirk.
Dick snorted, but then reached out and yanked Jim back from Bruce's grip. The boy screamed in excitement as Dick ran down the stairs.
"Come on old man, I'll race ya!"
Bruce smiled, but what Dick didn't see was that things had never changed. That he was still Bruce's little boy and always will be.
Hey babes, 
Hope ya’ll liked Ch1. I’ve already posted CH2 on Wattpad if ya’ll wanna check it out, but I will be posting CH2 here later on (Spoiler! CH2 is all about Jason Todd’s kids). 
Anyways hope ya’ll enjoyed!! Let me know what ya’ll think! 
- Lady Dinah 
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cadyplume · 6 years
This can't be happening
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I started Supernatural on October 2013... at first it was just something that would ALWAYS pop up on my dash, but I wouldn't pay much attention... and then one gif in particular poped, and I just knew I had to watch it
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It had no context whatsoever, I didn't even knew it was from the pilot, I just knew it was from SPN because I'd already seen Jensen face soooooo many times on my dash... and sure, it took me quite a while to catch up, mainly because, like I said before, I started the show on Octorber, right when I was entering the 'terror period' of the year: christmas crazyness, and college examns (I'm from Chile, so our classes end on December) and my second year was particularly crazy - in the end, I managed to catch in time to watch the last few episodes of season 9 at the same time they were released (I think, I'm not entirely sure) - this includes a 3 weeks self imposed break, due to the fact that Great Aunt died, and I kind of couldn't move past it... couldn't do much.... actually, I do own this series a whole big thanks, cause it helped me move on after that... and then, that May, my Aunt died, I remember clearly that I was making a post about Sammy's birthday when my Mom called to tell me.... gosh, I was a wreck, a week after it I broke down in class and my teacher couldn't understand what was going on with me (since, he said, I was always happy, smiling and babbling about books and weird stuff)... the thing is, this show helped me go through it, one of my friends told my that they "hey, let's watch an episode of that series you have been talking about, the one of the gif you're always sending us"... and gosh it helped, so damn much... in the she ended up watching the whole series with me, and we would talk about it to no end, we even used it for a paper (i don't remember for which class tho), and on the months after my Aunt's passing, whenever I was feeling down, I would just watch some random episode and get my mind out of it (I can't say I would forget about it, but at least it was easier to deal with it)
The thing is, this show became really important to me in a really short period of time... and now I can't imagine my life with out it.... I now we will always have the series to re-watch (and, believe me, as soon as I finish with GoT I'm going straight for a re-watch of SPN), and I also know the fandom will not cease just because we won't have any new material.... but, at the same time, it just wont be the same.... and.... and.... I don't know.... I just don't want it to end!
But... anyway.... I just hope they do the show justice for its last season.... they better!
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nanamicide · 3 years
Update about my fics and other things (for those of you who follow me for them)
Idk how to put a read more on mobile so I'm sorry for clogging your dashboards.
Today marks my first day of grad school and since it's been over a month since I've updated anything, I thought I'd let you guys know why. I could post this on ao3 but I don't think it'd reach as many people. Anyway, here goes.
About a month ago, I broke my elbow, which meant my left arm was immobilized. Sure, it's just one arm and I could still write and all. But as much as I enjoy writing, typing with one hand was a nightmare. Thankfully I had my checkup appointment at the hospital over a week ago now, and everything's fine. I could have written in this past week, but I was freaking out about starting grad school, so I just buried myself in my comfort series (Barakamon, hence the frequent posts about Handa Sei, who's my #1 comfort character).
Not that you guys care about any of this - this is just me babbling. The point I'm trying to make is I don't know when I'll next update my fics. I'm hoping it'll be soon, but I have no clue how hectic grad school is going to be so I can't promise anything. What I can promise, however, is that I will finish both of them, at some point. It's true that I'm struggling with A Life of Her Own, since I started it over a year ago, but I would hate to leave a fic unfinished. It's one of my pet peeves, and I would hate to do this to other people. As for Where Does the Good Go, those of you who are reading it have nothing to fear. I don't plan on giving up on Hiro and Kanon anytime soon.
However, rewatching and re-reading Barakamon sent me down the HiroSei rabbit hole, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't wanna write a thing or two about them. Soooooo, if you see me write something unrelated to danganronpa, don't worry about it. I'll get back to both of my danganronpa fics eventually. I just can't tell you when.
If you've read this far, thank you. And thank you for your patience. Also, please don't hesitate to message me if you ever wanna chat. I don't have a lot of friends who are into shipping and I would love to get to know some of you (if you can deal with me taking a million hours to respond, lol)
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misttiique · 7 years
Birthday Kiss
Here’s my gift especially for @flusteredkeith for @vldexchange Sheith Birthday Exchanges! Hope you like it!!
Nothing beats a better birthday present than a kiss!
"Okay, cover your eyes and no peeking!" Shiro said while pulling Keith along behind him.
Keith rolled his eyes, his heart fluttering already from Shiro's hand touching his own; but no, he had to remain cool and collected. It was his birthday and he had already said that he didn’t want a party, so it wasn’t suspicious at all when Lance, Hunk, Allura, Pidge, her brother Matt, and Shiro asked Keith to come over for an irregular study session when they had already met up earlier that day.
Keith would have gone just because of this one person – Shiro. Shiro had started out as just as a friend of a friend when he had first decided to sit with them at lunch. He was also in the same course as Keith but was also two years his senior. When Keith was having some troubles with his assignments, it was Shiro who helped him out and even tutored him sometimes. Keith had never gotten along with someone that well as he did with Shiro before. They started spending most of their time together and Shiro was the closest to him out of their entire group. Maybe there was something more but Keith just didn’t want to acknowledge it, not just yet.
It had been Shiro's idea to have this birthday party. He had planned everything from the cake to the decorations: space-themed, with bright streaks of red, Keith's favourite colour. But most importantly, at this party, he was going to ask Keith out. He couldn’t stop the warm feeling Keith gave him when they hung out, leaving him perpetually flushed, redness spreading across his face and camouflaging the pink scar across his nose. They had been friends for some time – after having been introduced to Matt's sister's group, Shiro felt as though he had known Keith for forever. He really wanted Keith to like the party and he really wanted Keith to like him back. He simply couldn’t keep his feelings inside anymore; so this was it, this was his last chance.
As they stepped inside Shiro’s apartment, it was dark and quiet with everyone hidden. There was a small giggle in the darkness, – Keith was sure it was Lance, and wanted to open his eyes as he was led in. But he knew it would ruin the surprise.
"You can open your eyes now," Shiro said, letting go of his hand. As the warmth left his hand, Keith opened his eyes and saw that the room had exploded with light and people, including his group of friends, all shouting "Happy Birthday!"
Keith wasn’t surprised, not one bit, yet his mouth still widened into a huge smile but he clasped his hands over it, feigning disbelief.
"Oh wow, you guys! Thanks so much for the surprise party!" Keith said after a few moments so that the 'surprise' seemed to have had its effect on him.
The party went on as a usual party would and like any usual party, there was alcohol involved. And with alcohol came the drinking games. Someone, probably Lance, suggested that they play Power Hour, this game involved one taking sixty shots of beer within sixty minutes. Honestly, Keith was one of the best in terms holding his liquor, but not even he was sure he could he make it out of this one. This was one of the fastest ways to get intoxicated in the shortest period of time – or the fastest way to get alcohol poisoning.
Then came the dare. "Hey, Keith! I bet I can beat you at this, and at your own party."
Keith turned around, where he sat on one of the high chairs at the makeshift bar. So, Lotor wants to test his luck, he thought.
An ooh went through the crowd. Challenging someone at their own party took guts, but who could resist a game like that?
Keith smirked. "Bring. It. On."
He wasn’t sure he could do it but the answer came immediately. He was never one to turn down a challenge but he knew that he could at least beat Lotor in doing the most shots. That was enough for everyone to gather around the makeshift bar and watch the death match.
Shiro stood behind the counter and shot Keith with a look of concern that said, 'are you sure?'. Keith fired a look back that seemed to say 'sure as hell I am.’  Shiro nodded, presented the first round, and started the clock.
Let the games begin.
Fifty minutes had elapsed. Both Lotor and Keith looked like they couldn't take another shot. At this point, Lotor was indeed regretting this decision. He stared at the full shot glass, his vision starting to blur and his stomach churning. He wasn’t going to make it. "I'm done." He slid the shot back to Shiro and got off his seat but forgot that he was on a high chair. He wobbled but managed to catch his balance. Well, my pride is gone now, he thought as he stumbled out of the apartment.
Meanwhile, Keith, on the other hand, had downed shot after shot after shot but now had seemed to slow a bit as well.
"Keith, you don’t have to do this," Shiro whispered to Keith, hand hovering over his next shot.
"No, I can do this," Keith replied, his voice still strong and full of determination. He was buzzed, his fingers were tingling, and everything was kind of vibrating; either that or everything was happening in his head. He wasn’t sure if it was the latter, but he wasn’t going to give up that easily.
"Three… Two… One!" The crowd chanted as he slammed the last shot down his burning throat while people chanted his name and cheered for him.
Then, came the birthday cake and the presents.
But everything was happening at once and Keith's head was starting to spin. The beer is starting to kick in, he told himself, as he muttered an excuse to get out of the still-crowded apartment and get some air. He tried to remember how to get back to his own apartment. His brain felt as if every step he took made it slide from one side of his skull to another. The same thing could be said for his balance – good thing no one was watching him.
No one, except Shiro, saw him and followed him out.
"Keith, hey, Keith, wait up," Shiro called as he grabbed his jacket and jogged so he could catch up with Keith.
"Mhmm, what do you want, Shiro? I need to go home, I'm gonna crash," Keith replied, his voice wavering and his legs going weaker with each step. He could hardly comprehend what was going on.
His knees suddenly buckled but Shiro caught him just in time. "Whoa, there," Shiro said, trying to prop him up again.
"No, I think I'm just going to lie down here for a while." Keith laughed.
Okay, Keith is out of it, I should take him home, Shiro thought, trying to pull the other man to his feet. "No, no, you're not. You're drunk and I'm taking you home now. Where's your jacket? It's freezing out here," Shiro said, hands holding Keith's, a cold contrast to Shiro’s warm ones.
The October air was chilly, sending shivers down Shiro's spine, as he took off his jacket and put it around Keith's shoulders when he finally got Keith up on his feet, pulling Keith's arm around him. Keith was so out of it, his head leaning against Shiro's shoulder, his eyes half-lidded as he still kept babbling on.
"Don't worry, I got you," Shiro murmured. Keith responded by blurting out to him things about his week and little known facts about their friends.
Keith's apartment wasn’t very far away. All Shiro could think about was just getting Keith home safely. By the time they reached the door, Keith had gone down the list of their friends and was currently at Shiro.
"There's this guy that I like, he's really, really, really cute," Keith slurred. "He has a scar and fluffy hair. And he's really hot too. And brave. And kind. And charming. And a really, really good listener. I think I'm in love with him but I just can't say it to him now because it would be weird, y'know. But then… But then, I like weird and I like him soooooo much. And do you know who is it?"
"Actually, not a clue," Shiro answered as Keith got off him and fumbled in his pocket for his keys. Keith fumbled again to fit it into the lock. He opened the door and stumbled in before leaning against the doorway.
"Do you wanna know who is it?" Keith asked excitedly and Shiro sure did, remembering that he wanted to ask him out but now, his chances were ruined.
"Sure, I guess," Shiro said sadly. Out of nowhere – and Shiro wasn’t sure how Keith managed to find the energy when he was piss drunk – he stood on his tiptoes and hooked his hands around Shiro's neck.
"It's you. It's always been you and I've wanted to kiss you since the day we met," Keith said and kissed Shiro softly on his lips. Shiro closed his eyes and kissed him back.
"There! I did it! And I get to do it on my birthday, which is makes it officially the best birthday EVER! Well, I'm gonna crash, so I'll see you soon. Goodnight." Keith unhooked his arms and went inside, closing the door behind him with Shiro's jacket still around his shoulders.
Shiro touched his lips, too many emotions flooding through him that he couldn’t even describe. Keith liked him back. Keith had kissed him. Wow, he was in utter shock and completely drunk on happiness. He didn’t even remember he had left his jacket with Keith, and so he walked back to the party. He could hardly think straight anymore, for he was above the moon as love filled his heart and rosy pink flushed his face. 
Keith remembered the kiss forever! Thank you so much @haganenoheichou for helping me edit this! 
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softfics9 · 7 years
Cursed by the Universe (Not Really)
Fandom; ASTRO
Main Pairing; Park Jinwoo|Jinjin/Lee Dongmin|Cha Eunwoo
Genre; High School AU, Fluff
Trigger Warnings; None
Word Count; 7,435
Rating; G
Beta’d: No
Cross-Posted; AO3
Authors Notes; My first dive into the world of writing for Astro! This was based on a prompt and was meant to be a short drabble, but the story took off (as you can probably tell from the word count). There are cameos from other groups, such as KNK, Snuper, SF9, and Gugudan. I would like to maybe write the KNK version of this story in future, I have some SF9 writing to do first though! Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and I would love feedback ^-^
Park Jinwoo did not like field trips. Sure they were a fantastic learning resource, and it was a well-needed break from the monotony of the classroom - but he always had the worst luck when he went on one. For example; his first ever field trip was to the local park back in his old elementary school. It was just a short trip to look at the different types of trees, and collect leaves for their art project. Nothing too dramatic happened until right at the end, when their teacher was recalling the class to head back to the school. Jinwoo heard her calling them, and as he was walking back somehow tripped over his shoelaces - how did they come undone? - and landed face first in a puddle. His brand new school bag was now soaking wet - along with the rest of him, and his classmates just laughed at his misfortune. That was the first of many incidents with Jinwoo on field trips, they usually ended with him making a fool of himself and people laughing at him. It had been quite some time since he had been on a field trip though, so maybe his curse of bad luck had worn off by now? He was in high school after all, and you can’t be unlucky all your life - at least that was his best friend Myungjun’s reasoning.
So after a few days of constant begging from Myungjun and whining from his next door neighbour Sanha (“Hyung if I can’t go because I’m too young then you have to go for me and tell me everything about it, that’s only fair!”), Jinwoo handed in his signed permission slip for the overnight trip to an island resort. Really though, there were so many other places their school could have chosen to go for their Geography field trip; if it was the beach they wanted then there was one only an hour away from the school, and if it was for the forests then why not just go to the National Park? Why did it have to be an overnight trip anyway? More time outside of school while still technically being “in school” gave the universe extra opportunities to mess with Jinwoo. He made sure to grumble all of this to his friends as he was packing a bag for their trip.
“Don’t be ridiculous Jinjin, the universe wouldn’t waste her precious time just messing with you on field trips - it’s all in your head.”
“Oh really? Then explain to me how every field trip I’ve ever been on in the past ten years of my life has all involved some embarrassing incident on my behalf?”
Jinwoo added one last spare t-shirt to his suitcase and done a mental tally. That brought it to; two pairs of jeans, three pairs of shorts (one for swimming), two shirts, five t-shirts, one tank top (for sleeping), a hoodie and a warm outdoor jacket. There were also four pairs of underwear, six pairs of socks, spare shoes, two towels, a mini first aid kit and an extra belt. Compared to Myungjun’s small overnight bag - sleepwear, a change of t-shirt, socks, and a pair of shorts in case it was really warm - Jinwoo was overpacked. But he could never be too careful; there was no way he would let the universe catch him unprepared, a four-hour bus ride from home. Sanha eyed up his full suitcase and pinned him with a judgemental look. For a kid who was two years their junior, he really had no shame in speaking his mind to them both.
“It’s been almost two years since you were last on a field trip right hyung?”
“You know it was Sanha, you were there on my las-” “Soooooo, maybe whatever bad luck curse you were under before has worn off! Most of those things don’t last too long anyway, right? Like breaking a mirror is seven years bad luck but I can’t think of any that would be ten years in length. So yeah, you’ll be fine! Make sure to take lots of pictures for me ok?”
Myungjun laughed and clapped Sanha on the back, the kid was just so full of energy and positivity it was hard not to smile around him. Jinwoo just shook his head and sighed, as much as Sanha might believe his curse was lifted, there was still a feeling of dread in his stomach. Before he could change his mind last minute, his mother called up saying the bus was outside. Myungjun had stayed the night in his house so they could get on together that morning (and also so he could make sure Jinwoo didn’t try to back out). They grabbed their bags; one with clothes and overnight essentials and their school bags with all the things they needed for the learning aspect of the trip and rushed downstairs. Saying goodbye to Sanha at the door and promising to bring him a gift back, the pair boarded the bus with the rest of their classmates and headed off.
He must have nodded off to sleep at some point on the journey because Jinwoo woke up to Myungjun snoring away on his shoulder and the smell of a sea breeze coming in the window of the bus. A quick look at his watch verified this, they were only twenty minutes from their destination. The weird fluttery feeling in his stomach intensified as they drove across the bridge to the island they were visiting, and he woke Myungjun up just as the resort came into view. His sleepy yawns turned into wide eyed gasps, as he flung himself across Jinwoo’s lap to look out the window at their destination. There was no blaming him, it looked incredible and all the other students on their side of the bus were scrambling to do the same. Everyone was suddenly wide awake and chatting excitedly, and the volume reached its peak as they pulled into the parking lot right inside the main entrance. As all the students from both classes got off the bus and retrieved their bags - Jinwoo was relieved to see he wasn’t the only one to bring a whole suitcase - they formed a messy huddle around the two teachers to hear what they had to say.
“Alright everyone, I hope the trip wasn’t too exhausting for you - I noticed quite a few sleepy heads boarding the bus this morning! We have a lot planned over these two days so it is very important we all stick to our schedules. But before we give you any information on our plans, Mr. Im has a rather important announcement for you all.”
“Yes thank you, Ms. Choi. So as you all know before I joined our wonderful little school as a teacher, I used to be part of the staff in FTG’s School of Excellence. Well, I met with an ex-colleague of mine, and he is also bringing his geography class here to this resort for a field trip! So in the interest of inter-school relations, we will be working and staying with them for the duration of our time here.”
All 58 students in the huddle suddenly fell silent at this. FTG was a private boarding school for boys and girls with exceptional talent in the same area as their own little public school. All the students were said to be incredibly beautiful and trained in various types of performance, as well as academics. A younger cousin of Jinwoo’s - Park Minhyuk - went to that school, he auditioned as a dancer and was accepted in a heartbeat. The only thing stopping Jinwoo from going to the school himself was Myungjun; his best friend couldn’t afford the private fees and there was no way Jinwoo was going to leave him to face high school alone. Everyone started murmuring amongst themselves, no doubt wondering if the rumours of all the students being perfect specimens were true, and Jinwoo felt his stomach knot up even more.
“All right settle down everyone, I know it is an unexpected announcement but we discussed it in the department and we all think it is a wonderful way to get to know the students your age from the other school. They will be arriving in an hour or so, but until then let’s all go over our own schedules ok?”
Ms. Choi ran through the agenda for the next two days; they were to check in and leave their overnight bags in the resort rooms first, and then after meeting with the other school they would be split into mixed groups and start on their field work. Myungjun was babbling into Jinwoo’s ear as they made their way into the reception, gasping and squealing in excitement when he saw all the gorgeous decor inside. They were lucky enough to get a room together, but they were also one of the rooms that would be sharing with two students from FTG. After having a quick look around the room, claiming their bunk beds, and unpacking a few things (and Myungjun claiming “this is the biggest cleanest bathroom I have ever seen in my life just look at it!”), the pair made their way back down to the lobby where they were to wait for the others and be split into groups.
“MJ, I really have a bad feeling about this whole trip. I mean I knew something embarrassing was going to happen while we were here, but now I get the suspicion that the universe is going to make a fool of me in front of the FTG students which will be a million times worse.”
“How many times do I have to say it Jinjin, the universe isn’t so petty she would waste her time on you here in this resort. In all honesty, after all the times you’ve managed to embarrass yourself on trips, I wouldn’t be surprised if the universe actually did you a favour this time.”
Jinwoo snorted at that, no way would anything good ever come from a field trip that he went on. He was doomed to be cursed for the rest of his life with misfortune and embarrassment. They made it back to their class groups in one piece, and everyone was chatting excitedly about the trip but also meeting the others. Jinwoo was convinced he heard a few girls giggling about maybe having a cliché romantic moment with one of the students. He rolled his eyes and flopped down on a chair next to Heejun, one of the guys from his class, and Myungjun joined them sitting on the floor. They spoke a little about the project and the kind of things they hoped to see on their tours of the island. Heejun was really hoping to get into the beach group, he didn’t want to walk around the forest where there were loads of bugs and things that could jump out at him. As Myungjun started teasing him about finding a tall, strong FTG guy to look after him, Jinwoo closed his eyes and let the constant noise chatter lull him to sleep. He was rudely shaken awake by a flustered Jihun, another boy from his class, flinging himself onto the floor beside him and almost dragging him off the couch.
“Dude, what was that for?”
“Sorry, Jinwoo I really didn’t mean to pull on you like that. It’s just, the FTG students arrived and I saw the most handsome guy on the planet - and then realised I’ve made a fool of myself in front of him before so I had to hide before he saw me.”
Jinwoo sat up straight and looked around, it seemed like he just missed the class arriving and all he could see were uniformed backs disappearing around the corner toward the elevators and stairs. He wasn’t too bothered though, they would be seeing plenty of their peers over the next two days. As he stood, he offered a hand down to Jihun, who was still lying on the floor and helped pull him up. Of course, his help only lasted about half way - after which point Jihun dwarfed Jinwoo in height.
Mr. Im called them all outside so they could be split into their two groups. He explained that FTG’s teacher had already divided his group up and they would just join them at the start of their tour. Jinwoo was disappointed that he and Myungjun wouldn’t be together, while he was going to the beach his best friend was being shipped into the forest. Heejun was also in the forest group, much to his dismay, while Jihun was with Jinwoo for the beach. While most people would have considered Jinwoo to be a very outgoing and social person, he only really had a few close friends. He was happy Jihun was in his group, he also knew another guy called Sebin - who was in the other Geography class - and two girls from his own class named Sally and Sejeong. They were good enough friends that he could talk to them and discuss their project, so Jinwoo was determined he would stick with them and give the universe no opportunity to embarrass him in front of anyone from FTG.
They waved goodbye to the other group, Heejun and Jihun being the over-the-top pair they always were and dramatically crying and sending each other hearts and kisses. Jinwoo laughed and rolled his eyes as Myungjun jumped on Heejun’s back to wave to him as they separated. Their group made their way down to the beach, the sun was out but there was a chilly sea breeze so he was happy he wore a hoodie. After about ten minutes of waiting with their island tour guide, the eleven students from FTG made their appearance. Jihun had been doing his trademark aegyo to make a few of the others in their class laugh when he suddenly screeched and tried to hide behind Jinwoo, despite being a good 10cm taller than him. When Jinwoo looked at the group who had just arrived, he could only assume one of them was the handsome boy from earlier that Jihun had been trying to hide from. He only could assume, because there were four guys in the group who Jinwoo thought could have fit the description of “most handsome guy on the planet” - their yearbook must be like a modelling catalogue or something.
Ms. Choi introduced the group’s leader, a teaching assistant by the name of Ms. Jung - who herself was an ex-student of FTG. The FTG students all introduced themselves, and Jihun inhaled sharply when a certain Park Seungjun spoke - Jinwoo could relate, his voice was deeper than expected and he was even taller than Jihun. The student who caught Jinwoo’s attention most though was Cha Eunwoo. He was tall - probably about the same height as Jihun, if not slightly shorter - but his voice was clear as crystal and his smile was angelic. The weird feeling Jinwoo had in his stomach since crossing the bridge to the island suddenly changed, and now he had butterflies whenever this Eunwoo person laughed. The universe had started her plot, but Jinwoo was determined not to let it come to fruition.
For the most part of their tour and work time on the beach, Jinwoo managed to avoid any mishaps that could lead to embarrassment. He played off his stumble going down onto the rocks as messing about; when the water suddenly rushed over their feet he held in his girlish shriek, and when he slipped on a bit of seaweed going back up towards the resort, he pretended he had purposefully done it to give Sebin a hug. Success was within his reach, no outright moments of mortification and he had even managed to avoid being in the presence of Eunwoo while they were collecting their samples and taking photos. Jinwoo thought that he was finally getting the upper hand against the universe in her game of field trip failures.
Their whole group moved to an outdoor patio area, with delicate parasols set up around the tables and some tall flower pots filled with colourful, fragrant flowers decorating the space. They had to pair up to compare the notes they took and begin to analyse their samples for the project. Jihun had practically jumped on Jinwoo and insisted they partnered up. Apparently, he had made a fool of himself in front of Seungjun twice during the course of the beach work, and he refused to possibly get paired up with him for this too. Jinwoo laughed a little and patted his tall friends back, he could relate to embarrassing himself on trips enough and offered his support. They had gotten a lot of work done in their allocated hour, and when the two teachers called for them to finish up and head back to the main resort area, the students all cheered with relief. As they were packing up, everyone started spreading out to take photos of the sun setting on the beach or the twinkling lights that had turned on over the patio. They had all started walking in a line away from the seating area and Jinwoo somehow ended up right behind Eunwoo, but fortunately, he was talking to another super tall, handsome FTG student in front of him (Jinwoo was pretty sure his name was Rowoon). Jinwoo turned around and started talking to the two girls behind him as they walked, not paying much attention to the boy in front of him since he believed to have finally beaten his bad luck curse.
They were almost back at the resort when Jinwoo’s illusion of good luck was shattered. Looking back now, he really should have been paying more attention and this would never have happened. Sally had even tried to warn him, but unfortunately, she was too late - the universe had finally gotten her chance to cause another embarrassing moment for Jinwoo on field trips. The students in front of Jinwoo had walked further than them, probably due to their extra long legs and the fact they weren’t looking backward while talking. Jinwoo had been craning his neck while looking behind him to see Jihun walking with that Seungjun guy from FTG, Sebin was also talking to another FTG student called Woosung just in front of them. He was just about to joke with the girls how their other friends were definitely getting to know their fellow students when he noticed Sally waving her arms at him. He then noticed that she and Sejeong had both stopped walking and just as he was about to ask them what was wrong, he felt himself collide with something (or someone) in front of him. Jinwoo wasn’t even walking that fast honestly, not fast enough that the force of suddenly stopping would cause him to fall over. But when he quickly turned around he saw it was Eunwoo he had crashed into, and the shock of seeing such a tall cute guy so close to him made Jinwoo fall backward and land on his butt. The universe had finally gotten to embarrass him, and in front of an FTG student no less. Jinwoo was completely mortified; if falling over after crashing into him wasn’t bad enough, he had somehow managed to land in a puddle on the ground and his jeans were being slowly soaked through.
Of course, since he had managed to avoid this all day, the universe was being particularly cruel to him in this moment. As Eunwoo leaned down to offer him a hand and pull him up (his hands were soft and he was quite strong, Jinwoo noted), the shorter boy saw that the forest group had returned at a similar time and most likely had seen his accident. Jinwoo felt his face flush crimson, he quickly thanked Eunwoo for helping him and apologised for bumping into him, then walked as quickly as he could into the lobby without actually breaking into a run. He heard someone call his name, it might have been Eunwoo in which case he was glad he didn’t stop. All he wanted to do was go hide in his room and die, maybe he could convince Ms. Choi he was sick tomorrow and avoid having to see Eunwoo and his cute face ever again. Just as he was turning the corner to get to his room, he felt a hand on his shoulder, he had been thinking so loudly he didn’t notice there was someone following him.
“Jinjin seriously are you gone deaf? I have been calling you since you all but sprinted away from that tall dude outside but you completely ignored me. Man, I need to do more cardio because running up those stairs after you was not fun.”
Trust Myungjun to give out about his fitness in moments like this. Jinwoo felt like he was actually going to cry, and he must have looked it too because his friend grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him the last few steps into their room. When they closed the door and switched on the lights, they saw the two other suitcases sitting unopened against the wall, which then reminded Jinwoo that he would have to spend the night with two FTG students who knew Eunwoo and more than likely saw his accident, and he wanted to die all over again. Before he could throw himself onto the bed and hope for the soft blankets to swallow him whole, Myungjun pushed him towards the bathroom.
“You need a shower for three reasons. Firstly; your butt is wet from the puddle you fell into, and I will not let you get sick. Second of all; your hair is a mess, probably from that sea breeze and salty water. And three; you need to clear your head and you’ve always said, you do your best thinking in the shower.”
His friend was right, Jinwoo hadn’t realised the second thing about his hair, but he figured that it didn’t matter much since he had already fallen over and embarrassed himself. He grabbed a change of clothes and headed into the shower. Just as he was about to turn on the water, he could have sworn he heard voices coming from the bedroom, but he ignored it and just went for his shower. Myungjun was right, the running water did help him to clear his thoughts and after he got changed and went out to the room he was feeling much better. Myungjun was sitting on the bed with a smug look on his face, and he brightly greeted Jinwoo when he came into the room.
“MJ, you know I get nervous when you smile at me like that. What happened?”
“It’s nothing to worry about Jinjin, I promise! Now we have to go down for dinner so I hope you’ve gotten your thoughts together!”
Jinwoo didn’t trust his friend's words and narrowed his eyes at him to show as much. But the prospect of food after his long day out in the fresh air caused his stomach to grumble, so they both headed down. While he showered, his head had cleared up and Jinwoo realised that on the grand scale of things, what happened was not the worst by a long shot. The most embarrassing field trip mishap was still held by their dance team’s visit to the state championships, which resulted in a sprained ankle, burnt chest and having to pay a ridiculously high fee for dry-cleaning. It wasn’t exactly the least embarrassing either though, mainly due to the fact he had bumped into perhaps one of the most handsome guys he had ever met. As the pair made their way down to the restaurant, Jinwoo swore to himself he would make sure not to let the universe cause him any more hassle on this trip. He kept his head down as they entered the room, and looked around the table they were sat at with relief. Jihun, Heejun, and Sebin were there, along with Sally and Sejeong, and a few others he knew well enough from his classes. The meal was bright and cheerful, Jihun made Jinwoo feel much better about his little incident by retelling all the times he had embarrassed himself in front of Seungjun (once before today, and so far five times and counting). He didn’t seem too upset about it though, laughing at his own mistakes and Heejun almost fell off his chair from laughing so hard at one point. Maybe Jinwoo wouldn’t have to hide away for the rest of the school year, if Jihun could be so positive about what happened to him then Jinwoo could laugh at himself too.
After they had cleared off the last of their plates, a few of them went outside to look at the night sky. It was so clear out here, you could see hundreds of stars shining in the sky, and Jinwoo felt at peace. Unfortunately, the peace didn’t last as long as he would have liked it too. Just as they were approaching their room, Myungjun started getting hyper and giggly again, but Jinwoo didn’t have the energy to ask him what was going on. It had been a long day, and he felt drained physically and emotionally from all the work they had done on top of his embarrassing incident. He opened the door to their room and was immediately greeted with the sight of a shirtless guy (with pretty impressive abs Jinwoo had to admit). Myungjun squawked a bit when he walked in behind him, but the guy (one of their FTG roommates his brain supplied) didn’t seem bothered.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you! My name is Moonbin, I’m from FTG and I’ll be sharing with you guys tonight. You must be Jinwoo then? I met Myungjun earlier since we were both in the forest project group. Minnie is just in the bathroom doing his skin care routine, he should be out in a few minutes. I always tell him he doesn’t need to focus on his looks so much since he is naturally gorgeous but he insists. Anyway I hope you don’t mind I took the other top bunk, it looked like you guys had your beds already chosen?”
Jinwoo was surprised this guy - Moonbin - barely breathed in between sentences. Myungjun just nodded from beside him, even he took breaks in between hyperactive monologues like that. Moonbin smiled brightly and his eyes creased up into little crescents, he seemed to pause for a moment almost as if he was thinking about something. Then he looked down at himself and realised he wasn’t wearing a shirt.
He was yelling and seemed to be quite embarrassed, he sprinted over to his bunk and quickly pulled on a shirt. It was a very loose tank top, but it was better. Jinwoo heard Myungjun let out a small sigh beside him, and one look at his friend confirmed his face was quite flushed from the encounter. Not that Jinwoo could blame him, Moonbin was pretty attractive and seemed like a nice guy. In order to make sure the atmosphere didn’t get too awkward, Jinwoo smiled and went to his own bunk to get his sleep wear.
“You don’t need to apologise dude, if I had abs like yours I would walk around shirtless too!”
Myungjun snorted at that, he knew Jinwoo was in good shape from all his dancing and understood he was trying to break the tension. Myungjun went to sit on Jinwoo’s bed as well, and the three of them started to talk a little about nothing in particular. It mainly consisted of Jinwoo and Moonbin discussing dance and Myungjun occasionally interrupting with some lame joke. Moonbin had convinced Jinwoo to show off his abs too (“it’s only fair, you’ve seen mine!”) when the door to the bathroom opened. He looked up and promptly fell on his butt for the second time that day, for the same reason. Eunwoo walked out of the bathroom in a t-shirt and shorts, obviously ready for bed, his hair was slightly damp and his skin was glowing. His cheeks were slightly pink when he looked at Jinwoo, and then he realised he had done the same as Moonbin earlier and was currently shirtless. As much as his brain was screaming for him to move and cover himself up, or throw himself out the window whichever was easier, his body refused to comply. He wasn’t sure how long he had been sitting on the ground staring at Eunwoo, and being stared back at, before Myungjun threw his sleep clothes at his head and Moonbin burst into a fit of giggles.
“Ummm, yeah right ok, so I’ll just go and get changed and brush my teeth and everything now, yup ok. Sorry about that, and sorry about earlier too.”
He was babbling as he scrambled to his feet and shuffled to the bathroom, his cheeks coloured bright red. As he shut the door behind him he wanted to scream in frustration, the universe really had it out for him on this trip, this was two embarrassing moments involving the same super cute guy. For a moment, the thought of locking himself in the bathroom and not coming out until the trip was over passed through his head, but he knew that wasn’t going to happen. Myungjun may be small, but he was determined when he wanted to be. That plan of action would come to a very quick end.
Then Jinwoo thought of the stories Jihun had told them all over dinner. Despite making a fool of himself several times in front of Seungjun, the taller guy still wanted to talk to him and even laughed at his antics. Jinwoo took a deep breath to calm himself, he may have embarrassed himself in front of Eunwoo, but he was not going to let that stop him from possibly becoming friends with the guy. Moonbin was really nice and if he could at least get along a little less awkwardly with Eunwoo he might be able to keep up a friendship with the two of them. With a plan in mind, Jinwoo got ready for bed and steeled himself to go back out to the room.
When he walked out of the bathroom, he had been expecting his three roommates for the night to be sitting around their bunks talking, or even for Eunwoo to have left in a worse case scenario. Jinwoo certainly was not expecting to see the taller student still standing where he had left him facing away from the bathroom door. He looked over Eunwoo’s shoulder towards the beds and found Myungjun and Moonbin trying to suppress their giggles into a pillow. Knowing his friend, this did not bode well for his plan of becoming tentative friends with the two FTG boys.
“MJ, is everything ok?”
At the sound of his voice, Eunwoo jumped and spun around to face him. His cheeks were still dusted a rosy pink, and his eyes were wide. Jinwoo caught his eyes quickly flicking down to his chest, and the brown haired boy seemed to let out a small shaky sigh and looked up (or was it down?) to meet Jinwoo’s eyes.
“Umm, hi? We were in the same group for the tour earlier on? I’m Eunwoo, and you’re Jinwoo?”
His voice was a little uncertain, and he ended every sentence like it was a question. But it was a cute voice that matched his cute face, and Jinwoo felt the butterflies return in force to his stomach. This was a positive sign though right? Eunwoo wasn’t running away and seemed to want to talk to him. Or maybe he was just being polite, he seemed like he could be that kind of person too. There was only one way to find out for sure though.
“Yeah, we were on the beach team together, although we didn’t see much of each other out there. I’m Jinwoo, and ummm, I’m sorry for running into you earlier. And for flashing you just there, I really didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything. It’s just - the universe has a thing against me on field trips.”
That last part definitely caught Eunwoo’s attention anyway. His brows furrowed and he looked at Jinwoo with confusion. He had opened his mouth to question him, but before he could get a word out, Myungjun butted into their conversation. Jinwoo may have forgotten there were others in the room.
“Lay off the whole ‘the-universe-is-against-me’ thing already would you Jinjin? We’ve already told you - you’re just being paranoid. It’s not fate or whatever conspiring to make you fall over and embarrass yourself on every field trip you’ve ever been on.”
Jinwoo scowled at his friend, he had never believed him or his conviction against this. Sanha used to believe him and even worked with him to find ways to rid himself of the curse. But as soon as Sanha met Myungjun, he changed his mind and became another non-believer - despite seeing first hand the embarrassing situations he always ended up in. Jinwoo never really had anyone else he was close enough to that he could confide this in; Minhyuk was so practical and since he never saw any incidents, Jinwoo couldn’t ask his cousin to believe him. And yet, here he was spilling his deepest secret to a practical stranger, a cute one sure, but that shouldn’t be enough to make Jinwoo trust him like this. Especially not after he embarrassed himself in front of him. But there was just something about Eunwoo that Jinwoo couldn’t help but confide in him.
“The universe is out to get you too? I thought I was the only one, none of my friends will believe me. How long have you been cursed?”
When had Eunwoo leaned in so close? Jinwoo wasn’t sure, he was so caught up in his own internal crisis he really hadn’t noticed the taller student moving into his space until he spoke. There was a tone to his voice that made Jinwoo believe he wasn’t messing with him though, Eunwoo really had experience with this too.
“Ye - yeah, since about ten years ago. Any field trip I have ever gone on has ended with me embarrassing myself in some way. There was one really bad time about three years ago; I tripped over something and sprained my ankle, and then as I stood up I fell into a competition adjudicator and got coffee spilled on my chest and his pricey suit. That was not a fun day.”
Why was he revealing this to Eunwoo? No one except the dance team, Myungjun and Sanha was ever supposed to be privy to that information. Yet he was laying his soul bare to this guy he just met. It was whispered into the space between them, so he was fairly confident Moonbin hadn’t heard him, but it made it seem more intimate because of that.
“So it was the universe that caused you to bump into me and fall over then? That makes sense, it falls in line with my curse too.”
Eunwoo was whispering now too, and he had somehow gotten even closer. He wasn’t blushing anymore, but his eyes were still wide- this time sparkling with interest. Jinwoo wondered what on earth this angel could have done to be cursed by the universe. Actually, come to think of it, he wasn’t sure what Eunwoo’s curse was either. He cautiously questioned him, not wanting to make him feel pressured to reveal it. “You have no idea how relieved I am to have someone to finally share this with! Ever since about eight years ago, whenever I go anywhere outside of my usual schedule I cause people injuries. I have had girls collapse after talking to me, and guys run into doors or walls when I smile at them. Once I took part in a talent show for charity, and the announcer fell off the stage after my performance!”
His jaw dropped and he nodded his head sympathetically. The universe could be cruel like that, poor Eunwoo probably felt so responsible for all those people. At least with Jinwoo, the only one who usually had to suffer was himself. After all this time though, he felt his heart lift at the thought of having someone to share his troubles with. Through the haze of his bliss, he could hear Myungun’s hysterical laughter, and another laugh he assumed must be Moonbin’s. Eunwoo obviously heard it too, he straightened up and turned around to the pair.
“Binnie, what are you laughing at? You’re the one who never believes me, and now that I finally found someone who understands you’re just being rude.”
This caused the other two to collapse on top of each other on the floor with laughter. Jinwoo had enough of the mocking, for now, he sprinted over and threw himself on top of his best friend, who started shrieking at him. The pillow he had been using to hide his laughter was now Jinwoo’s weapon of choice against him, scolding Myungjun for being so loud and inconsiderate. Moonbin was being caught in the fray as well, and when Myungjun hid behind his back, Jinwoo paused before swinging the pillow down. It wasn’t really his place to hit this guy he had just met, but he was still laughing at him and was even sheltering his traitorous best friend. The dilemma in his head was solved when Eunwoo launched himself at Moonbin, grabbing him around the middle and rolling away, leaving Jinwoo with a clear shot at Myungjun again. Their scuffling only lasted another minute or two, when the beaten pair of giggly students surrendered to their fate. Jinwoo sat back feeling a little out of breath, he was sure his face was red and hair messed up, but he couldn’t bring himself to care too much.
“Ok Binnie, it’s answer time. What is so funny about your best friend and a cute student from another school both being cursed by the universe, hmm? Jinwoo here believes me, so that makes him eligible to take best friend privileges away from you, you know?”
When Jinwoo looked around, he found Eunwoo pinning Moonbin to the ground and huffing slightly. He didn’t know what to react to first; the fact that he had just been called cute by an actual angel, or the suggested promotion to best friend rank. Before he could even process what was going on, Moonbin had flipped them over (he didn’t seem to be tired from their rolling about), and Myungjun had flattened him to the ground and was sitting on his back.
“Ooof - MJ get off me! This isn’t fair, you surrendered!”
His friend just gave his weird evil laugh and shared a look with Moonbin over his head. Then he felt the weight roll off him and he was being pulled up into a sitting position. Across from them, the two FTG students were sitting up too. Eunwoo still looked gorgeous, even with his hair a mess and a light sweat on his forehead. He was pouting though, which made him look even cuter than Jinwoo thought was possible.
“Minnie, my completely oblivious best friend since forever. How many times have I told you, people getting injured around you is not a curse from the universe, but rather one of your good-looks? And before you can pull the whole ‘it only happens when I stray from my schedule’ crap - that’s because people who see you regularly have become accustomed to your face, and when you’re on a schedule they can prepare themselves for when they see you. Poor Jinwoo here was obviously so shocked by your face he fell over, not a big deal.”
Jinwoo felt himself turn red, and he went to protest that wasn’t (entirely) true but Myungjun beat him to it, covering his mouth with a pillow and speaking up instead.
“I can assure you, that’s exactly what happened. Jinjin has a bad track record with handsome guys and making a fool of himself in front of them. And as for his ‘curse’ - it’s just his big clumsy feet that he always manages to trip over, and his lack of shame until someone points it out. The fact it only happens on field trips is both a coincidence and a testament to the fact that he is so used to one environment he makes a bigger fool of himself than usual when he’s outside of it.”
Myungjun probably would have had more to say on the matter, but a sharp elbow to his stomach shut him up effectively. It also caused him to drop the pillow from Jinwoo’s mouth which was a bonus. He was going to argue against what his friend had said, but Eunwoo started talking then and he felt his breath get knocked from his chest.
“I guess you guys are right, we’re not cursed by the universe. It’s just our own issues and paranoia.”
How could he change his mind so quickly? Jinwoo had finally thought he found someone he could share all this with and it was snatched away from him in the blink of an eye. The pricking feeling of tears started behind his eyes, he opened and shut his mouth a few times in shock and shame. He was about to hang his head when he caught Eunwoo’s quick wink in his direction. It was a playful wink, and although Jinwoo wasn’t the best at reading body language or gestures, he got the feeling that wink meant Eunwoo didn’t seriously believe what he was saying. So Jinwoo just nodded his head and played along, voicing his agreement to Eunwoo’s statement. Their respective best friends seemed to be satisfied, if not a little confused, by their compliance. All four students picked themselves up off the floor, and Myungjun and Moonbin took their turns using the bathroom to get ready for bed.
When they were all eventually settled in their bunks, it was very late into the night, so they decided to go straight to sleep and talk more in the morning. Jinwoo bade good night to his best friend in the bed above him, and to the two FTG students (who would hopefully become his friends too) in the bunk beds across the room. After a while, he could hear Myungjun’s gentle snores coming from the top bunk, but he himself couldn’t get to sleep. There were so many thoughts running through his head, mostly about Eunwoo and how he believed him about the curse. Just as Jinwoo was finally feeling sleepy, he felt his blanket lift and a weight join him on the mattress.
“Jinwoo, are you sleeping? I hope not because I have so much I want to talk about! I had to wait for Binnie to fall asleep though.”
His brain short-circuited a little, and he opened his eyes in the semi-darkness. The moonlight - which wasn’t fully blocked by their rooms curtains - illuminated Eunwoo’s silhouette beside him. The taller boy had crawled into his bunk in the dead of night because he wanted to talk to Jinwoo about their curses. He really did believe him, and while Jinwoo should have felt a little embarrassed by their proximity, all he felt was excitement. The pair talked for hours in hushed whispers, lying face-to-face in a bed not made for two. They each revealed all the times they had been struck down by their curses, and how many things they had tried to appease the universe and break their misfortunes. It was such a relief to share all the thoughts he had kept hidden from his other friends, with someone who really understood what he was going through. Jinwoo fell asleep to the gentle rhythm of Eunwoo’s breathing beside him, and his heart felt lighter than ever before.
(If their friends had screamed any louder the next morning when they woke up, it would have probably broken the windows. But Jinwoo couldn’t really blame them, he wanted to scream too when he found himself being cuddled by Eunwoo in the small bunk. Not that he would ever admit to it, he enjoyed the feeling of the taller students broad warm chest against his back, and his arms holding him around the middle. He certainly wouldn’t be opposed to it happening again.)
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