#dick 'back in my day' grayson
mayamarvil · 2 years
do you think dick is ever just shocked at how technologically advanced the newer robins suits are? like when it was just him and bruce it was just straight up spandex that alfred bought from like some fabric store and DIYed for them. and now there's new robins that have like mini computers in their suits and dick's like ??? you could do that????
jason: *falls down like five storeys* dick: oh whoa little wing! you good? you know that spandex isn- jason: *already picking himself up and dusting himself off* dick: what the actual fuck?? how are you standing??? jason: oh? Yeah the suit is made out of like a ploy carbon kevlar so it doesn't hurt too bad dick: you mean it's not spandex?!? jason: no? that's so unsafe, why would anyone do that?
dick: okay we'll just have to get into the main building and hack into the computer tim: oh i already did that dick: ??? when? we literally just entered the building like five minutes ago tim: oh the ai in the suit just hacked into the computer for us while we were trying to break in. i mean we didn't even have to enter the building but you really looked excited so... dick: what?! you know back in my day we actually had physically hack into computers, with like a keyboard
damian: *bleeding from a stab wound* dick: we have to get you back to the cave! damian: tt cease your worrying grayson! the suit has already began its first aid protocols dick: your suit does first aid?! dmaian: just the basics. did your suit not do that? dick: no???? bruce literally ran around with bandaids and gauze all the time
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sisaloofafump · 7 months
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Robins Halloween! :D
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Bonus Bonus:
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Bonus Bonus Bonus:
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punnifullife · 2 days
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damian and mary/mar'i: big bro/lil sis //// uncle/niece dynamic. small overprotective gremlin energy. once again, missed out opportunities DC!! :L
(and maybe he's envious of the happy family he sees :L bit of angst whoops)
if y'all got any more funny ideas for kory/starfire and mari with the batfam, lmk! I'm not too familiar with recent batfam changes haha. got a couple more ideas before i go back to tt03 stuff again.
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theerurishipper · 3 months
Honestly, I do love Dick as Nightwing and Bruce and Dick's complicated relationship, but sometimes I like the old days when things were sweet and simple you know? When it was just them and Alfred and they all had fun with each other. Like when they blew off boring parties to go on patrol by using Dick's bedtime as an excuse. When Bruce let Dick go off on his own and said he was allowed "a little escapade" and ruffled his hair. When Alfred always brought coffee and "turkey sandwiches with Swiss cheese" to the Batcave while Dick and Bruce happily talked about their nightlife escapades. When Dick would make Bruce laugh regularly.
When they discussed Hamlet while riding in the Batmobile. When Alfred picked Dick up from school and dropped him off on dates and helped him go behind Bruce's back on cases. When Dick and Bruce would play fight with each other. When Dick made Batman's meetings with Gordon "more optimistic." When Bruce was being a helicopter parent and wanting to know why Dick would want to go to a public school. When Dick would sneak off with Clark when Bruce wanted him to stay back to finish his homework, and Clark did it for him before Bruce noticed. When Bruce teased Dick about his failed date, and they talked about it and their love lives. When Bruce apparently told stories about Joker to Dick during rides in the Batmobile. When Dick was actually the one who named the aforementioned Batmobile. When they would banter even in between a serious case. When Dick would cling onto Bruce to annoy him. When Dick was contemplating how alone he felt, and Bruce just showed up to catch him and do a routine on the trapeze with him. When Bruce would call Dick "kiddo." When Dick even called him stuff like "Bruce-ter." When Bruce used to call Dick "chum." I miss those days.
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Yeah a lot of these are from Robin: Year One but that's just because it's the one I remember most. But there's a lot of them just having a good time and it doesn't feel like we see a lot of that anymore.
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vechter · 2 days
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dick grayson & roy harper
titans (1999) #37 // the secret history, donna tartt // outsiders (2003) #11 // calling a wolf a wolf, kaveh akbar // outsiders (2003) #16 // little beast, richard siken // titans (2008) annual // titans (1999) #44 // new titans (1984) #101 // snow and dirty rain, richard siken // titans (1999) #43 // outsiders (2003) #19 // smoking the bible, chris abani // outsiders (2003) #11 // outsiders (2003) #17 // on earth we're briefly gorgeous, ocean vuong // outsiders (2003) #11
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minnow-doodle-doo · 1 year
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Batman and Robin! Helping people wherever they go!
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duketectivecomics · 5 months
Since it’s 2024, I think it’s about time for my yearly PSA:
Hey, Hi 👋 in case it isn’t obvious, this is a Duke Thomas resource/archive blog, dedicated to raising awareness for Duke! I’ve got all sorts of great resources linked in my pinned post, including a Reading Rec list, FAQ, and info about our annual Duke Week! (& so much more!)
I want to especially encourage my followers to reblog this to help spread the word. I’m seeing more and more posts in Duke’s tag that are completely missing the mark when it comes to understanding Duke. One on hand, it’s great news bc that means more people are at least aware of duke (yaaaay)! On the other, it means he’s being subjected to fanon flanderization (boooo).
I want to encourage y’all because those kinds of posts are exactly why I made this blog in the first place. Duke is by FAR the easiest batfam member to read for. I’ve also curated a lot of great meta on him over the years & im always looking forward to adding more! Give this blog a follow, shoot me an ask, let’s learn more about Duke in 2024!!!
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
Fae dick will break the joker after Ethiopia.
Heck yeah.
Fae? Or any other creature? They’re vindictive. Vindictive to a fault. And loyal. They don’t give away their love easily. Yeah, they can feel fond of things. Even like them. But love? Familial or otherwise? That’s sacred to them. More so to Dick, who already had to suffer losing his family once. So this? Yeah, he’s not having it.
But oh, if you think Joker’s just gonna get killed off then you’re so, so wrong. There are so many other ways, better ways, to make a human suffer. Worse things than death. Worse things than any kind of torture humans could come up with.
Dick makes Joker pay. Every second Jason had to spend with that madman is amplified tenfold, stretched into eternity. Dick traps him in a nightmare he will never wake up from. By the time he’s done with Joker, there won’t be an ounce of that monster left inside that sick little brain. There won’t be anything left of the joker.
By the time Dick allows the creatures to eat Joker alive, the man’s been begging for death for what translate to several centuries to the human mind.
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winged-bat · 2 months
Dick, just existing:
Jason: looking at you makes me want to gauge my own eyes out
Jason: how is it even possible to be so ugly
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jasontoddssuper · 10 months
Jason Todd is the only Batkid Percy Jackson would ever hate not in spite of but BECAUSE of all they have in common and be instant besties with literally all the other ones and that is THE FUNNIEST FUCKING SHIT
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thegreatflyinggrayson · 5 months
OOC / Important
My blogs (Bruce, Tim, Jason, and Dick) will be going on a short break for about a week!
Feel free to send asks that I can respond to when I come back! I love all of them so much!
This does not mean that other blogs will be inactive! @gothamnightlight , @onetruewayne , @alfred--pennyworth , @ohgodtheresanotherone and @yaowayneoficial will likely still love to answer questions and hang out! There are so many other wonderful blogs that interact with my own, so don't hesitate to give them some love and attention!
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batcavescolony · 1 year
I feel like people make too many 'Batman beats up the mentally ill/poor people' jokes and they've forgotten that Batman/Bruce Wayne DOES care about people, so I've decided to share one of my favorite old Batman comic issue so far
It's from 1937 Detective Comics #53 (tw for suicide attempt) (obviously it's from 1937 some bits are dated)
This comic opens with Bruce talking with a reporter friend of his who believes Gotham is "A cold and heartless place" where " everybody rushes about not caring at all about anybody else". Bruce says he's wrong and he wishes he could prove it to him.
Later Batman is patrolling at his favorite haunt, the waterfront, and he sees a lady jump off the pier trying to kill herself. Obviously he's Batman so he jumps in to save her.
He gets her back to the shore, calms her down and asks her why she would jump off the pier, She ends up telling him. Her name is Viola Vane, she is originally from a small town, and she came to Gotham to make it as a actress but it's hasn't worked out as she hoped. But the problem being she told her parents she was doing great but now they are coming to see her and she doesn't want to break theirs hearts.
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Now Batman being Batman, and being able to kill two birds with one stone, decides to help her.
The rest of the night Batman goes around the city telling people about Viola's problem. He goes to nightclub after nightclub, he goes to the radio station, he goes to the news paper, and they all agree to help.
Obviously she'll need an escort (because it's the 30s idk) so he asks of anyone knows someone and a guy offers up the "bit lazy but wealthy and good looking" Bruce Wayne
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The man says Bruce will be perfect. Batman thinks it'll work because he can watch over her without being Batman, so he says he'll get Bruce Wayne to be her escort.
As Bruce he goes to meet her, takes her to get ready and everyone gets into character, giving her a suite, clothes, furs and jewelry. Bruce tells her about the plan.
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The next day her parents come and they meet up with Viola and Bruce. They go around the city and then end up at a Nightclub where everyone is in on the charade
They make it's seem like Viola is the guest of honor, applauding her and shining the spot like on their table.
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(There's a subplot about someone trying to steal the stuff in Viola's room, if you wanna read it all go read if for yourself)
But the next night Batman went as far as to get Viola the staring roll in a show in the theater she was an understudy for.
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It ends with Viola getting the lead in the show, her parents being none the wiser of Gotham little charade to make Viola appear as a star and Jim learning Gotham has heart
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roseworth · 2 years
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him 💕
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bonesbuckleup · 2 years
Just thinking about like a hinge, like a wing and wondered if we could have a tiny preview of tim and dick meeting? As a treat?
Sadly, no, but mostly because that bit hasn't been written yet. 😅
I am physically incapable of writing things in order. So, like, when I estimate I have ~30% of the sequel written, it's not that I have the first third done. It's that I have the opening scene, the ending scene, and then a scatter shot of random paragraphs and bits of dialogue and moments that may or may not make it into the final version, which makes me hesitant to share actual bits. Something that's there and a major plot point right now could be gone in a week.
In the meantime, please enjoy this shitty meme (a companion to this one, if you will) that I made five seconds ago re: the Like a Hinge follow up fic--
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martyrbat · 1 year
playing an ongoing game called ‘learn whats acceptable to say in someones tags or get blocked’. a lot of you are losing.
#i know i can be cringe or annoying but like. theres a difference between joking on something vs fucking insulting someone you dont know#is this person talking about something they enjoy that you dont? filter the tag and post content and go on with your day#if theyre too annoying then just unfollow for a bit and check back later even#is this person a fan of a character you hate?? put it on your own post instead of coming onto someones account to bitch in their tags#you are literally insulting a real life person over a fictional character. over a show. over a comic. what is wrong with you.#unless the thing they like is actively rooted in real life hate (racism sexism misogyny ableism transphobia etc) that will reflect#and cause real life harm then it literally doesn't fucking matter if you disagree with someone.#youre not making me want to read and consider your opinion about something i literally consume for fun and because haha autism s/i#by calling me an idiot or by saying how i (a disabled person) am ‘braindead’ because i have a different opinion or whatever.#youre just being mean because you feel like you have an excuse to pretend youre superior to someone#like idk how to break it to you but dick grayson isnt going to suck your dick despite you insulting a real person over him lmao.#anyways. im going to block you if you insult me. im going to block you if you see my post on something i like thats harmless and tell me#how much you personally hate it or disagree. i dont care. make your own post because now you cant make it on mine.#and my anon is temporarily off (sorry shy mutuals </3) because a lot of ppl dont have common decency on what's okay to say or demand lol
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cosmicwar · 2 years
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Letters to the Batcave, Batman #220
Alice Irma Herman of Richmond Hill, New York you would have loved “he’s just like me fr” posts on tumblr dot com
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