#dick does NOT want his siblings to be taller than him
bearsincaves · 2 years
jason lets it slip that the lazarus pit gave him extra height so dick and tim spend the next two weeks trying to find a pit before the other one does. cue hijinks
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incorrectbatfam · 4 months
Do you have any headcanons about dick and Jason being each others favorite brothers👀
Love your blog!!
Dick's favorite is Jason because Jason knows everything Dick did as a teenager which Dick wants to keep under wraps
Jason's favorite is Dick because did anyone else try to kill the Joker for him? Exactly. But good luck getting him to admit it
Dick is convinced Jason came back wrong because no fuckin way his LITTLE brother is TALLER than him
Pre-reveal, Dick loathed Red Hood with every fiber because all he could think about was how this guy had the audacity to use his brother's killer's old moniker
Jason did the Pen 15 thing with Sharpie and Dick actually fell for it
Dick stole Roy's hoodie back in their Titans days, which Jason stole from Dick, and now they go back and forth stealing it from each other while Roy's like "can I have it back now"
Jason matched with one of Dick's coworkers on a dating app. They met for lunch. At the workplace's cafeteria
Dick redesigned his squad car after he stopped being a cop and Jason secretly installed a fridge in the glove compartment. Cut to a week later when Jason pulls out a whole pizza on the highway
Jason does DoorDash occasionally and one time he delivered tacos to an abandoned warehouse because Dick needed backup and the comms were down. Jason didn't help fight, but instead just stood here until he got his tip
Texting Jason is impossible because he'll reply a month later just to correct Dick's grammar
They screenshot the funniest mean comments on their posts and meet up once a month to read them over a bonfire with drinks
Jason will finish patrol, drive all the way to Bludhaven, and climb through Dick's window just to put his wet socks on the radiator and make himself a PB&J. Dick will just be like "ugh whatever" and pretend to watch TV while secretly checking to make sure Jason isn't injured
They trick the other siblings into thinking there's a Robin test that only Dick and Jason have passed
Jason stained Dick's carpet with gunpowder so as revenge, Dick hid an alarm clock in Jason's safehouse
Dick accidentally stumbled across Jason's Ao3 but when he tried to use it as blackmail Jason's just like, "Girl what were YOU doing at the devil's sacrament?"
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mulletmitsuya · 10 months
Toman Groupchat
Warnings: swearing, the topic of sex is brought up a lot, mentions of the r word (i don't actually say it i just say "r word"), gayness, mentions of depression, mentions of suicide, teenage boys. also snuck in a lot of personal headcanons so that might not be your thing
Desc: Mikey lost his V-card
Mikey: just had the sex
Mikey: it's not all that, tbh
Mikey: i didn't like it
Mikey: i was quite indifferent to the situation actually
Mitsuya: that's great 👍
Smiley: you're the last one to lose your v-card and you come back with a report like this?😒
Smiley: we want details
Draken: whose we?
Mitsuya: no we don't
Chifuyu: it must have been difficult tackling the whole issue with you being 5'3 and all
Mikey: you're an inch taller than me😐
Chifuyu: "taller" being the key word
Baji: what didn't you like about the sex?
Baji: i think sex is great
Kazutora: i think it's super nice until you get in over your head and freak out about your performance so you end up having a panic attack and she just leaves
Draken: that's actually kinda sad, you good?
Kazutora: no? i'll never emotionally recover. never again
Baji: maybe it should be with someone you trust and have been friends with for a number of years. maybe even your best friend who would do anything for you. that's just my opinion tho
Draken: just tell him ffs. anything but this
Kazutora: i have no girl friends?? the only women i know who're affiliated with this friendgroup are hina (taken), emma (mikey's sister and also taken), and yuzuha (gay)
Baji: why does it have to be a girl
Mikey: bro
Hakkai: 💀
Smiley: mention homosexuality once and here Hakkai comes
Hakkai: 😐
Kazutora: Baji i know you're gay and i support your lgbtq+ lifestyle but i'm not into dicks like you are man
Baji: what about assholes
Mitsuya: what's the point of this, like just ask him out atp
Mikey: you'd let KAZUTORA top???? insane
Kazutora: what's wrong with me topping? also who am i topping??
Smiley: well you're a twink so you're obviously a bottom
Chifuyu: Kazutora are you actually just gonna ignore what everyone else is saying
Kazutora: aren't you guys talking to Baji?
Draken: are you stupid or what
Kazutora: i'm really confused rn can we just to back to talking about Mikey
Mikey: yes actually. i've decided that i don't like sex and won't be doing it again
Chifuyu: bad day for Takemitchy
Takemitchy: what?
Chifuyu: well since you ride his dick so much
Takemitchy: HUH
Takemitchy: i've never done that with Mikey-kun tho??? i'm with Hina? also I'm straight so I don't understand what you mean by that 😥
Chifuyu: i don't actually mean-
Chifuyu: nvm
Baji: are we allowed to call people the r word anymore
Angry: no it's a slur
Baji: you're probably mad because people said it to you huh? lmao
Angry: yes
Baji: oh
Smiley: i didn't even mean it Angry it was just that one time
Angry: several, one times. but okay
Angry: i still love you
Smiley: can you not say that in front of our friends like idk what to do rn cause i can't say it back so it looks embarssing for you
Angry: 😕
Smiley: ...
Angry: ☹️
Smiley: i love you too
Angry: thank you
Chifuyu: very rare Smiley human decency moment
Draken: you guys are such weird siblings but that was great to watch. character development in a matter of seconds
Smiley: you should all kill yourselves
Mikey: man i really want to
Mikey: that was a literal joke before you guys get weird
Draken: you've actively tried to kill yourself tho
Mikey: yeah but like i won't do it anymore
Baji: we must just, believe you?
Mikey: i know that's hard to do because i lie all the time but yes
Draken: not a convincing argument but nice try
Mitsuya: terrible try actually. Mikey should we be worried?
Mikey: miss me with that gay shit, i'm fine
Mitsuya: i hate you guys so much
Draken: not me tho cause i'm your og
Mitsuya: 😐
Mitsuya: yeah i guess
Draken: 🤞
Draken: i'm gonna go out with my girlfriend now
Draken: also Mikey you're probably asexual. or you haven't found the right one to do it with yet idk
Mikey: what's asexual
Draken: google it
Mikey: Ken-chin c'mon i'm having a crisis rn
Draken: basically low or very little sexual attraction to others
Draken: there's a whole spectrum to it tho so you should probably do some research because that was an extremely watered down explanation
Draken: i'm ace too if that helps
Baji: Emma's a whole ass slut so how does she deal with that
Smiley: imagine bagging Ryuguji Ken with his sexy ass and he doesn't wanna smash. tragic
Draken: first of all, Baji i'll fucking kill you, never say that about Emma again
Draken: and fuck you Smiley
Angry: are you traumatized because of living in a sex orientated/obsessed environment so you eventually began to detest any affiliation with the act?
Draken: yes actually
Angry: i see
Mikey: i just don't like it. i'm not traumatized like Ken-chin :(
Draken: it's whatever
Baji: calm down i didn't call Emma a slut as an insult i just mean it as a describing word because she likes fucking
Baji: i've known her longer than you and she's been fucking since she knew what the thing was
Mikey: i probably should have addressed that as an older brother or something
Mikey: yk, cause i take care of my family
Baji: now she takes care of you with your chronically depressed ass
Mikey: 😒
Kazutora: is Emma also traumatized? like the opposite of Draken?
Mikey: wait should i ask?? her mom did abandon her and she did grow up without a father figure so like maybe i should talk to her
Smiley: you didn't have to dish out her problems like that 💀
Baji: she's got the Sano slut genes because wasn't Shinichiro falling in love with different people everyday? then your dad was impregnating people all the time. skipped Mikey tho
Draken: not everything is trauma related. also Emma just likes sex. it's not a huge deal breaker and if it was she would tell me and we'd talk about it
Mikey: what about having kids?
Draken: stop asking me this shit we'll do that when we're ready
Smiley: it's crazy how Draken is one of the healthiest people here. always reacting sensibly to situations and dealing with his trauma normally. he's such a good guy. hate him
Draken: love you too
Mikey: did he deal with it all that healthily if he beats people to a pulp most of the time
Draken: i stopped doing that
Baji: why though, you were an actual unit
Baji: wasted talent. i still beat people up
Draken: Emma said to
Mikey: fair
Smiley: Mitsuya could be on Draken's level too but something went wrong along the way cause he's a boy liker
Mitsuya: 🖕
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league-of-sam · 6 months
Don't Be Shy | Konig x Reader
Kӧnig x TF141 x AFAB!Reader
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Summary: Transferred against your will to a new task force to calm a troubled soldier, you felt way in over your head - especially when you came face to face with a 6'10" mountain of Austria. 18+ MINORS DNI! t.w // angst, mental health, language, violence, human trafficking, death, sexual themes/SMUT, military inaccuracies, language inaccuracies (google translate).
2 / 3 / 4 / 5
You'd been the new kid on the block, over and over again.
Late to training, late into the 141, and now, late into Task Force KorTac with a very special, and very specific mission.
A mission that was built for you.
A mission that required the utmost professionalism.
A mission that required somehow pulling a 6’10” brick shithouse out of his own head and into a team - but you didn’t know that, yet.
Oh, and fuck, did you protest it. Over and over and over again. It had taken you months to settle with the 141 boys, and now you were being shipped off, away from your family.
“You’re really good at that, uh, the empathy shit.” Price had said, placing a warming hand on your shoulder.
“I’m a soldier, Price. And you know how much I struggle around new people.” You spoke, the latter half of the sentence said in a hushed tone.
“Yes, but you’re good at, ya know, feeling." He replied, fingers lifted to place air quotes around the word, "You got Ghost to come out of his shell!”
At that moment, your lieutenant entered the room, making his way over at the mention of his callsign.
You rolled your eyes, “Okay, so send him! Lord knows he needs the practise.”
“Watch ya mouth, little one.” Ghost said, stepping next to you.
“Just because you’re a foot taller than me does not mean you get to bully me for it, Simon.”
Despite what people thought about the giant, skull-mask-wearing man, he was soft and caring; the relationship you had built together was that of siblings, and he had your back more than any ordinary brother would.
Ghost’s eyes were dark under his mask, but you knew he was smirking, “Not my fault you’re a short arse.”
“Yet I’m still a better sniper than you.”
“No, you bloody well aren’t-”
“Children! Please…” Price interrupted the sibling-like bickering; fingers pinched on the bridge of his nose. “If we could focus on the task at hand?”
Ghost poked your side, mumbling, “Yeah, (Y/L/N), focus on your task.”
“Go have Soap suck your dick some more, sounds like you need to relax.” You mumbled back.
Your retort had Ghost choking, the sharp intake of air he made as his head whipped to look at you causing him to cough relentlessly. Price shook his head, waving him off to sort himself out.
It wasn’t exactly a secret within the team that there was something a little less savoury going on with your lieutenant and Sergeant MacTavish, especially when the latter would constantly confide in you about his crush.
Especially, after what had happened with Hassan and the missiles.
But, thanks to your meddling, you had been able to get Ghost to open up, and it seemed like the two were much happier.
Not that you’d dare make a comment about it in front of anyone but Price and Ghost himself.
You valued your life, thank you very much.
And as much as Ghost loved you like a sister; he would absolutely kill you.
As Ghost walked away, you shot him the sweetest smile you could muster, resulting in him throwing you the finger.
“Look, you’re the only one I think can get through to him, kid. The task force needs you.” Price continued.
“I applied to be here, sir. I worked damn hard to make it onto the 141.”
He sat you down, taking your hands in his, “This isn’t permanent. I promise, we’ll be here waiting when ya get back, because I want to work with this guy. He’s bloody good, so I need you to make sure he can play well with others."
You sighed heavily, the weight of responsibility and leaving your family crushing your shoulders, "And you are my best sniper., Karma.”
Price had whispered that last part, for your ears only, a smirk across his bearded lips. You smiled widely, a giggle falling from your mouth.
It felt good to get that recognition from your superior.
He wasn’t wrong; the reason you made it onto the 141 in the first place was your incredible skill as a marksman…well, markswoman. You’d earned the call sign Karma from Soap, who watched you in a training drill he ran.
You’d been perched up high, completely hidden, and any enemy that your team missed in combat, you cleaned up, never missing a shot. Like the saying goes, if you can’t get ‘em, karma will.
It was also suitable for those who underestimated you. Every person you’d gone up against in hand-to-hand training doubted your abilities due to your smaller frame, but fuck, did you prove them wrong every time.
Broken noses here.
Fractured limbs there.
You were Karma, and no one messed with you.
“So, think you can do this for me?” Price said.
“Affirmative, sir.”
“That’s my girl.”
With that, you walked, albeit with a little sadness, back to your quarters, packing a duffle of your things. Price had said you’d only be away for a couple of months tops, depending on how the mission went.
At the car, Ghost, Soap, Gaz, and the rest of the 141 were there to say goodbye, all of them giving you a squeeze as they wrapped you in their arms.
“You be good, alright?” Ghost had whispered in your ear, “See you when ya come home.”
“It almost sounds like you’re gonna miss me, Lt.” You quipped, and he rolled his eyes.
“I’m sure you’d like to believe that.”
“He’ll miss ye, bonnie.” Soap cut in, lifting you off the ground, “As will I. Don’t forget me in the excitement of the big bad KorTac boys, will ya?”
“I could never, Soap. You’re my number one!”
With one final wave and various counts of love you’s, you were stuffed into the car with Price and Laswell, the two of them escorting you personally.
Your heart hung low as your team got smaller and smaller behind you, but you were honoured to have been sought out by another team.
Didn’t quite have the same ring to it as 141, but it’d do.
The journey was short from the training camp in London, as you were dropped off at Heathrow, where a private chopper awaited you. From there, you were shipped off to a covert facility in the mountains of Hungary.
The scenery was beautiful, but your nerves bubbled up inside you.
With a silent nudge from the pilot, you were shoved out of the chopper, greeted by several members of your new team.
“Sergeant (Y/L/N), yes?” the man said, a heavy Hungarian accent lacing his words.
“Uh, yeah, that’s me. Sergeant (Y/N) (Y/L/N),” You stuck your hand out, “But you can call me Karma, whatever suits.”
“Fender.” the man said, shaking your hand, “I run things here at KorTac. This is my second in command, Roze.”
A woman stepped forward from behind him, also taking your hand in hers, “We’re honoured to have you here, Karma. Heard a lot about you.”
“Well, I’m honoured that you guys wanted me.”
The pleasantries continued until you were being guided to their facilities, being allowed to drop off your bags before rushing to the tactical room, where the rest of the team was waiting for your arrival.
You were introduced swiftly, barely remembering anyone’s names before you were guided once again to another place, ending up in Fender’s office. He offered you a seat, sitting opposite at his desk.
“So, what exactly did Captain Price tell you of your purpose here?”
“Not a lot, really. He mentioned that I was needed because you have a soldier here that needs…help? And that there was a mission coming that required my particular skill.”
“Ahh, yes. That would be Kӧnig…” he sighed, pulling out a file and dropping it in front of you.
You opened the file, to find a picture of a man, a sniper hood that you recognised adorning his face. Scanning the information, you found that he was Austrian, joining the task force here through the KSK, basically being used as a front man for the teams on-ground.
“Kӧnig has…issues. He came here wanting to be a sniper, but, as you’ll see when you meet him, his physical attributes do not allow it. He didn’t take that well, but he excels as part of the contact team.”
“So, what exactly is the problem?”
Fender sighed, leaning forward in his chair, “He seems to have some problems with anxiety. I was informed that you used to suffer with such issues but were able to overcome them.”
You scoffed a little, “So, I’m here to be a glorified babysitter?”
You felt bad for this Kӧnig.
You couldn’t imagine wanting nothing more than to be a sniper and then have it taken away from you because of your physicality.
That would fucking suck.
“We just need someone to calm him, teach him control. A lot of the other team members are so scared of him they can barely stand being in the same room.”
“Arseholes…” you whispered under your breath, “That’s hardly fair, sir. By the looks of things, he is an essential member of this team.”
“That maybe so, but I can’t have my soldiers acting that way off the field. Unfortunately, if you cannot help him, he will no longer be welcome on any task force.”
You shook your head in disbelief.
How fucking unfair.
Before you could say anything, the office door opened. You stood to greet Roze but gasped slightly at the giant shadow behind her.
Stood in front of you, was a complete mountain of a man.
He had to duck down considerably to make it through the doorframe. Every single inch of him was huge. Ghost used to make you feel intimidated and tiny, but this…this was fucking ridiculous. Kӧnig had to have been at least 6’10”, and the size of his muscles would put both Ghost and Soap to shame.
Truly, this was a big, big man.
Oh, you thought, the sniper hood stayed on?
“Ah, Kӧnig, there you are. Thank you, Roze, you may go.”
“Sir.” She nodded, smiling to you before leaving the room and shutting it behind her.
“You wanted to see me, sir?” Kӧnig spoke, barely sparing you a glance as he addressed his superior. A thick accent tainted his English, but he was well-spoken.
Fender stood, moving around the desk to the two of you, “Yes. This is Karma, she’s the new addition to the team, and will be your new…partner, as such.”
“Uh, p-partner, sir?”
Fender nodded.
“Hi.” You spoke, a soft smile on your features as you stuck out your hand for him to shake. “I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N), but you can call me (Y/N/N), or Karma, whatever you like really.”
Your hands shook from nervousness as you rambled on.
New people always made you anxious, but this…this was intense.
Was it the accent?
The sheer size of him?
You couldn’t tell if you were intimidated, anxious, or frankly, maybe even a little turned on.
“Kӧnig.” He grunted but refused to meet your hand.
It hung in the air for an embarrassing amount of time, causing you to clear your throat as you lowered it, heat rising to your cheeks.
Yeah, this guy’s people skills were shite.
“Uh, right. Pleasure to meet you.” You finally said in an effort to shake off the awkwardness.
With that, Fender led the two of you back out, and towards the training centre. As you passed various soldiers, many of them looked to you, whispering.
By now, stares and such were just water off a duck’s back for you. Being part of the infamous 141 always brought a lot of unwanted attention. But that didn’t mean it didn’t make you uncomfortable, nonetheless.
Kӧnig, on the other hand, walked slightly behind you and Fender, his eyes not leaving the back of your body. He was used to the stares and whispers, the team never failing to make him feel like a freak of nature on the daily.
But he didn’t care at this moment.
He was fascinated by you.
The bright pink slivers of colour that peaked out from beneath the rest of your hair intrigued him; he was sure that went against regulation. You were also so sweet and tiny, the sniper rifle strapped to your back was almost as big as you were.
So, you were a sniper.
Why the fuck would Fender pair him with a sniper? Like he didn’t get mocked enough!
And now here you were, walking around with your head held high, like you fucking owned the place.
His own personal fucking babysitter.
The more he looked at you, the more his heart filled with rage, gloved fists balling at his sides.
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bat-writer · 1 year
Daddy's Little Girl
Warning: some language, slightly suggestive-ish
~ -> timeskip
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You watch as your fathers pulls up to the front of mansion. Alfred held your hand as you patiently waited for his arrival. He had told you about a special surprise coming soon, you wonder this could be it. When the car makes a full stop out step your father, Bruce Wayne followed by a young boy. You shift in your place still hiking Alfred’s hand.
"Y/N, this is Dick Grayson, he'll be living with from now on" your father introduced a boy who seemed to be around the same age as you. He had dark hair and deep blue eyes. He was still a lot taller than you were at just 12 years old.
“Dick this is Alfred and my daughter, Y/N. They’ll show you around the mansion and can help you if you need it.” He said rest his hand on his shoulder. You gave him a small wave and he waved back.
“Master Grayson, would you like for Y/N to show you your room?” Alfred offered. He sensed that if another child were to show him he may feel a bit more comfortable. Grayson gave him a nod and you let go of Alfred “miss Y/N, do you remember what I showed you beforehand?”
“Yes Alfred” you confirmed with a nod
“Good, now off you go. I’ll prepare you all lunch” he said giving Bruce a knowing look. He watched as Dick followed you into the large mansion and up the stairs.
"this is your room, mine is down the hall at the end." you showed him as he looked around the room "do you like your room" you ask him
"Mhm" he nodded his head "thank you.."
"Come on, let's go and help Alfred" you said taking his and running out of the room
Ever since then you and Grayson have always been at each other's hip. As young teens you would annoy one another like siblings. You'd also try and compete for your father's approval. Of course, 90% of the time you won because Bruce loves his little girl. He also loved you so much you were restricted a lot more than Dick.
You could only help with patrol, but only from the cave. He hates the thought of you dating because he knows what Gotham is full of. He himself has the title of Billionaire Playboy, but that doesn't mean he would want that for you.
Now here he is faced with a problem. Dick Grayson was looking at you in a way he never has before. You had helped to crack some puzzles and you were just taken by joy and triumph. Bruce was as proud as always but in all the years that he cared and trained with Dick he's never seen him look like that, and with blushing cheeks.
Now that he has gone solo as Nightwing you guys don't see one another much. He does stop by once in a while, get patched up, train and catch up. But things were different now that you're both young adults. Different interests, different curiosity, different feelings...
He would look at you with these eyes that screamed interest and adoration.
"Y/N, I think Alfred may need helping to bring down some things I had asked for. Could you help him?" Bruce asked looking for an excuse to have Dick alone.
"Sure, thing dad," you agree and head out of the Batcave. As soon as you were out of sight, he turned to Dick.
"Dick, will you be staying the night?" he asked
"Nah I've got another round to do in Bludhaven. I'll keep in touch" the young hero said as he struts his way out of the batcave.
"Master Bruce, the files you asked for" Alfred entered and handed a file on a current investigation "I gave Miss Y/N her laundry to keep her occupied."
Bruce sighs "Thank you Alfred." as the butler begins to walk out of the area he speaks again
"You know you can not keep them apart. The heart will still yearn for what it desires" he finishes as he exits the cave to continue his duties. Bruce just pinches the bridge of his nose not wanting to think you felt the same way towards Dick. He can only hope it won't go so far..
"Ah I'm so proud of my smart girl" Dick giggled as his nose was stuffed into your neck as he praised you for a job well done. His lips finding yours in a deep kiss as his arms held you close
"Dick for as much as I love all the affection, if dad catches you still here, he'll go crazy on you and me." you said pulling away and laying a boop to his nose. It was true this had been going on for about 2 months now, it's incredible how you were able to keep in under wraps. Even with a few close calls you were really surprised. You really did love Dick, he was everything you could ask for, but your father was just a bit protective. On top of that he's batman
"I know, I know" he sighs as he walks with you to your window "I just wish you'd let me take it into my own hands ya know? Prove to him, that I wouldn't hurt you" he brings both of your hands up to his lips to lay a gentle kiss to them "I love you..." he peered up into your eyes with his own.
"I know," you whisper "but soon alright? Just give it a little bit" he hops on to your window sill and brings your face closer to his by your chin
"I'll text you once I'm home beautiful" he kisses you goodnight. It was long yet short, and always left a smile on your face. You watch as he glides his way through the night like the acrobat he is. You close and secure your window and get ready for bed. Changing into some shorts and a hoodie Dick had left you. It smelled like his soap and cologne. You wrap yourself up in cozy blankets ready for a good nights rest.
Being His daughter came with many pros and cons. Of course, you had a great father who was charitable with his earnings, you were able to follow your passions with full support, and he was batman, full protection and training. Of course, the cons being he knew exactly how the city is, how men are, in a nutshell you in a bubble made of steel.
Now that knew that Grayson may have a thing for you, his possessive side has boosted past its limit. Being Bruce, he of course had security cameras all around the property. So of course, not only did he see Dick sneak into your window, but he also saw that goodbye kiss you shared.
"Ugh, what am I going to do..." he groaned as he stared at the large screen where you shared a kiss with his former sidekick.
For the next week Grayson had been getting some extra side missions from Bruce along with some extended training. He also rarely let you in the same area as him anymore. When he was there, he'd ask you to leave or to do something for him. Every now and then you'd get a chance to sneak in a hug or a quick kiss but all those times have also been very, very close calls. He would still try and get a quick goodnight kiss at your window. But even those small moments were everything for him. Alfred already knew what was going on but as asked by you, he said nothing and let you handle things.
"Master Bruce, you seem to be stressed, even for you." he told him as he served him some coffee one morning before he had left for work.
"Alred, Y/N is already 19 and I know she's smart and strong...but Grayson of all people?" he said taking a sip of coffee with no change to his face "there's nothing wrong with him but you know many women he attracts. I don't want or need her to get hurt."
"If I may add, Master Grayson was raised well by you for many years. He is a respectful, strong, honest young man with your sense of justice and moral." he says "and serving this family for as long as I have, he is the 1% of young men who know they must treat women in a certain way. Of course, if there are any outcomes, you are batman"
Maybe Alfred was right...however, he was Bruce Wayne, Billionaire playboy and he won't go down easy. So he thought he would have a small chat with the young hero later today.
"Morning Alfred, dad" you greet coming down still in your pajamas.
"No class today?" your father asked
"Luckily no, I guess it'll be a selfcare day today" you smile "Have a good day at work dad" you said giving a kiss to his cheek and walking over to the fridge to get something to eat. As soon as you heard the door close you turn to Alfred
"...was he talking about Dick again?" he ask
"On time as usual Miss Y/N" he said getting the ingredients out to make some french toast, your favorite.
"Oh Alfred, what am I going to do with him?" you joke pouring yoruself some orange juice
"Well I do try and speak with him when I can, and give him my best advice. However, we both know who you got your stubbornness from" he said tossing you and apron "but for now, let's make some breakfast." just like how he raised Bruce, he also took the role of being your grandfather.
As promised, Batman had asked Nightwing to meet up with him for an important discussion. Not paying any mind to the request he never thought he would be standing on the top of a building looking at security footage...of him! All the night you had come to your window to receive kisses, gifts and flowers.
"Oh god....look Bruce I can explain-"
"No need." he said holding up a gloved hand. It was one thing to speak with Bruce, it's another to speak with the Bat face to face. Even though he had been your mentor for years. "I bring you into my home, raise you, train you, let you close to the ones I love, especially my daughter."
He. Was. TERRIFIED. You'd think after training with Bruce for years he'd be used to this by now. But, right now this wasn't his mentor, or the Bat, but the father of his secret girlfriend. To add on, it was someone who had taken him as a child, trained him and became his mentor and father.
"You must have known I'd catch you with all the types of security. So why?" he asked
"...because I love her." he said wistfully but confidently "she just doesn't do anything and can still make my heart swoon. She's smart, and sweet and witty! She's tough too! She's also soft and gentle hearted and just so...beautiful...she's everything a guy could dream about but I know your concern is that I'll hurt her. But I swear I never would!"
"I'll put my life on the line for hers every time!"
"Dick!" he finally stops the young hero "I know you'd do everything to keep her safe and happy. I know you Dick, you're a good man, an even better hero and I know you'd take care of her" he said laying a hand to his shoulder
"I wouldn't want it any other way"
"Just tell me alright? I'm Bruce Wayne, I know everything." he says as he starts to walk to the ledge of the building
"Oh yeah? What color is my under-"
"Hey! Y/N probably told you huh?"
*Knock knock*
The tapping at your window stirs you from your sleep. Looking to the glass you see none other than the hero himself. You walk to the window and open it quickly
"Dick, if dad see you he'll-" he shuts you up with a deep loving kiss. His strong arm wrapped around your waist as he dips you out of the window. The night air blowing through your locks. Bringing you back up he hands you a single rose
"Don't you worry about anything darling. I've already spoken with Bruce" he winks at you "Now get some sleep, I'm picking you up tomorrow for a proper date."
Taglist 🏷️: @igotanidea
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twost3ps · 3 months
Hi Hi! I'm in love with your Adamangels ideas!
And I was wondering if you could do a small snippet of Lucifer reacting to how all of his brothers up in Heaven is literally giving Adam the Queen Treatment (like he deserves) and how Lucifer missed his shot once he decided that Lilith was better out of the two🙄 and instead of coming back to Adam he had the nerve to go to Eve and gotten Adam thrown out of his paradise.
Basically Lucifer realizing that he could of had it all (read: Adam) but fucked it up and now he has to live with that fact.
(Adam deserves to be Wifed up, in my humbled opinion, he already has the MILF looks🤭🤭)
Oh anon I'd love to....
Ik I do big chunks of writing for my aus but more yap than plot istg
But for you I'll write it out 🫡
So have this reaaaally crappy snippet that I left out for a while (btw thank you for the shipname lololol AND MILF ADAM FOR THE WIN)
It's under the cut cuz im headass embarassed
Warning: not lucifur lucifur friendly (his siblings are haters on Adams behalf) and poor grammer and all that jazz
Lucifur was not happy at all. He was going to have another draining pre extermination meeting once again with the man who would not shut up about his dick. For someone with a pretty mouth, Adam had some really ugly vocabulary. Didn't help that Adam really didn't hide his hate for Lucifur, always with his choice words. He'd mock Lucifur, Lilith, and if he was really feeling it, Eve.
Lucifur didn't unstand how Adam was still so bitter. (Man this guy needs understand that time does not heal 🙄)
Lucifur dragged himself up heaven's gates and into the embassy in the late afternoon and went searching for the meeting room. This time though, something was up.
Adam was waiting in his spot like normal, but his mask was off. And he wasn't alone this time.
Micheal and Gabriel, two faces that he hadn't seen in a long time (nor did he really want to see), stood firmly by Adam's side. For what reason they were here, Lucifur had no idea. They looked vaugly like gaurd dogs: stern, vigilant stares as if they were looking out for a threat.
Though, Lucifur guessed, that threat might be him.
Adam didn't seem to look all too bothered, though. Always with that carefree and smug look as if he had better things to do. He looked at Gabriel and Micheal's hard gazes and rolled his eyes.
"You guys are way to serious." Lucifur heard Adam say. Lucifur looked curiously as he saw Adam's hands move up to the shorter angels' heads and began to ruffle their hair.
Gaurd dogs turned into puppies- Micheal and Gabriel's demeanor changed in an instant. Neither looked bothered by Adam ruining their perfectly combed hair. Gabriel looked up at Adam, a big dopey grin on his face. He happily pushed up against Adam's hand and wrapped an arm around his waist. It wasn't that strange coming from Gabriel. The guy was always friendly and ready for attention. But Micheal...
Lucifur saw his brother's face contort into.. what was that? A smile??? A grin?? Shy eyes that looked up at Adam with adoration and care???
Lucifur watched Micheal gently take Adam's hand from his hair to his lips, kissing every knuckle, looking into Adam's eyes as he kissed each one. Adam rolled his eyes while Gabriel laughed. His twin looked very pleased with himself and gently squeezed Adam's hand. The taller angel gave him a soft smile in return.
It was very cringey and cheesy. But part of Lucifur, really deep inside him, was raging. What was going on? What was happening? Why were they here? And why was Adam letting them touch him like that? Why did it bother him so much?
Lucifur coughed to grab thair attention. Foreign happy faces quickly turned into familiar sneers as the trio spotted Lucifur walk up.
"Ah, brother." Micheal greeted. Micheals typically stoic face had clear traces of distaste as he looked Lucifur up and down. "You're here..."
'Don't need to look so bothered.' Lucifur thought. However, Micheal's gaze was a lot less hostile than his second in command. Gabriel looked like he was seething.
Ever since his betrayal, Gabriel hated his guts. As in really HATED him. The instance he saw Lucifur after his banishment, he immediately told him how he'd body him if he ever found him in Eden. He made it no secret to anyone. The man hated secrets after all.
"Fucking finallllyyy" Adam groaned, being the only one who was somewhat glad to see Lucifur, even if it wasn't really because he was there. "Lets get this shit over with already"
Adam draped himself on the two commanders' shoulders, who looked more than happy to let him, and kicked the door behind open. The tree angels walked in first, and Lucifur slowly followed.
As they entered the meeting room, it was like a whole family reunion.
At the furtherst end of the table sat Lucifur's siblings.
Beyond just Gabriel and Micheal who were walking along side Adam to their seats, there was Raphael, Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel, and Zadkiel. Even Azreal and Dumah were there.
They were surrounding three empty chairs, the one in the middle basically looking like a throne.
Lucifur shouldn't have been as bewildered when he saw Adam sat in the giant chair as Micheal and Gabriel sat by either side.
"Welcome back, yada yada." Adam waved his hand around, looking like he could care less. "You know the drill"
"Yes... and why are... they here..." Lucifur asked, waving in the general area of his siblings. Gabriel decided to answer for Adam.
"We've been anxious, Samael," Gabriel sneered. "Adam being alone with the likes of... you... didn't sit right with us. We wanted to see for ourselves how your yearly meetings go."
"What does it matter to you?" Snapped Lucifur, "And it's Lucifur to you."
Lucifur made a tsk in annoyance. "Adam can answer for himself, you know."
"Yes, but we don't want him to waste his precious breath on you any more than he has to." Micheal said simply.
They were really getting on his nerves. The disrespect, honestly. And it's barely been 5 minutes since he got here.
Lucifur grumbled as he sat down in his seat on the far end. He couldn't help but feel a little bit intimidated as he looked at the other side. They all looked like they were looking for an excuse to pounce, save for Adam, who just looked like he didn't want to spend any more time in the room than he needed to be.
"Same junk every year. Let's get this over with!"
If sitting for of that meeting with just Adam was hard, sitting in a room with Adam and this very happy family reunion was so much harder.
It was very clear that his siblings were watching him like a hawk, daring him to step out of line. For what? Looking in Adam's general direction? BUT THATS WHAT HE HAD TO DO!
Micheal and Adam were surprisingly the most friendly, letting Lucifur speak when he needed to and listening to him where it counted. Some shocking curtesy from Adam. For his brother, maybe there was still some sibling care deep down, but Micheal was always scrutinizing him. The rest of his siblings were not ask kind, more focused on Adam or loudly whispering amongst eachother.
But other than the tension and clear disintrest, it was all so unserious.
Lucifur had to watch as his siblings blindly pamper and not so subtly coo at Adam.
The chairs were all tilted in a way that somehwat faced Adam, just so they could look at him. He had them wrapped around his finger.
Adam had snapped his fingers mid meeting and suddenly Uriel was up and rushing out, coming back shortly with a tray of ribs.
The instance the sound of Adam's empty soda cup filled the room, Raphael had excused himself and brought quickly brought back another drink.
Wtf was this? What was next? Rubbing Adam's feet as he yapped about God, know what at this point. The conversation has strayed from the topic so many times. It's not like the rest of the room seemed to care. It was all queen treatment and glaring on their end.
It didn't help that Adam was directly placed in a spot where the light from an overhead window shined down on him like a holy spotlight. He looked like some divine royalty that was to be bowed down to. And his siblings FUCKING WERE!!! They were treating him like Adam was specifically created to be coddled by them. Like they were made to serve him instead of just watch over him.
It was all so belittling.
This was not a meeting. This was a pampering session.
And it felt like it was going on for HOURS.
"Alright, we're done!" Adam announced. He tossed back Lucifur's folder that he brought across the table, papers scattering everywhere as it glided. "And I'm outta here!"
He stood up, and like sheep, Lucifur's siblings followed, their eyes completely glued to Adam, watching his every move. Lucifur was the last to get up and leave the goddamn room, having to gather his things.
Exiting out, he could see the group already walking off without him. Not even a goodbye? Wow.
Adam was still at the center until Raphael had pulled up in his arms. Instead of getting mad though, Adam playfully hit his arm and got himself comfortable, resting his head on Raphael's chest.
The angels swarmed around Adam, flying around him or huddling close to him on the ground. They were like a protective wall and Lucifer could barely get a glimpse of Adam as they drew closer to him.
Lucifer saw Micheal, still determined to stay by Adam's side, hovering above the ground to get to Adam's height. His twin had squaked when Adam suddenly grabbed him and dragged him into his arms. He held Micheal like some sort of teddy bear. Some of Lucifer’s siblings were pouting in envy.
Lucifur envied him too, vaguely imagining himself in his twin's place as he watched.
Adam had a playful grin on his face as he leaned onto Micheal, who was blushing and squirming furiously in embarrassment.
Gabriel had been hovering around Adam as well, circling above Rapheal lazily.
Lucifur's breath hitched as he saw Adam pull Gabriel down for a soft kiss on the cheek. It caused Gabriel to soar up, performing happy loops in the air. Adam had found it entertaining, clapping when Gabriel fluttered to his side again.
The all angels laughed and eagrly looked to Adam for his attention, which he was gladly giving them.
The faint sound of laughing echoed through the embassy, leaving Lucifur just to stare.
Adam had a soft grin on the whole time as he looked at all of Lucifur's siblings with.... love?
Was Adam being genuinely affectionate? Sweet? He hasn't seen this behavior since Eden. It was almost scandalous.
But Adam looked....
And when Adam wasn't sporting his smug grin or a scowl, he was genuinely beautiful... a happy Adam was VERY beautiful. He was just as gorgous as he had been in Eden, if not more. As corny was, it sounded. He aged like fine wine.
Lucifur watched, entranced, as Adam's lips stretched into a fine smile, eyes crinkling just right as he looked at Uriel, who was showing him something on a board. Lucifur even spotted a dimple he never knew Adam had.
The mask Adam always wore hid is face completely.
And now, really seeing Adam for the first time in a while...
He realized how soft Adam looked. Maybe he had always looked that soft.
Lucifur dared to watch for a second longer before ripping his gaze away. He didn't understand why seeing Adam in the center of his siblings' gazes, absorbing it all all in, made him so.... peeved!
He took one last final glance and saw Gabriel staring at him. They guy had the audacity to look smug at him, like a final "fuck you"
Lucifur stormed off immediately.
"Fucking pussywhipped" Lucifur grumbled as he decended to hell. "The lot of them."
The image of Adam being surrounded by his siblings was burned into his mind.
And there were so many questions.
When did all of... THAT happen?
Why were they all so whipped?
How did Adam do it?
Why did did he envy his siblings?
How did they earn Adam's afffections?
What was it like to have have Adam affections?
His siblings were fools. Yeah.
Their ideas were pain and stupid, and Adam was a horrible partner. Lilith and Eve had said so. But....
Lucifur tried to keep his mind away from Adam. Lucifur wouldn't want to look as stupid as his siblings, fawning over the first man.
His siblings were probably kissing at Adam's feet like weirdos at that very moment.
He laughed at the thougut, shoving any sort of doubt right back down.
But there was a voice inside his head that never stopped ringing. The small part in his head wanted to go back up there, huddled up with his siblings as they coddled Adam.
As he fell asleep, his mind finally wandered, and he began to think:
"Had I just waited a bit more... would I be up there too?"
Strayed away from the go prompt whoopsss and it is not small so whoops again
Not really feeling this one but again, I’m not a writer o3o hope it suffices!!!
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toulousewayne · 1 year
Batfamily Shenanigans:Head-canons Pt: 1
Bruce eat Peanut Butter from the jar and it drives Alfred mad. Has a kid it was the only thing that calmed Bruce down after his parents,but as an adult he still does it.
Bruce cannot cook in the kitchen, but he can grill just about anything and does it with minimal effort.
Dick, Bruce,Alfred,Steph and Duke are right handed. While, Babs, Jason, Damian, and Kate are left handed. Tim is ambidextrous. Damian hates it.
Damian is vegetarian, Dick and Babs will try different restaurants with him and some of Dick’s new favorite takeout is a vegan and vegetarian Asian restaurant in Uptown.
Alfred prefers Earl Grey over any other tea.
Tim got his GED,at first the he didn’t want to tell anyone but Damian found his mail and told him he was proud. But threatened him if he breathed a word to the others.
Duke sometimes get overwhelmed during the day patrol and other bats sometimes will randomly come by to check on him.
Bruce to his credit was still getting hang of being a father with Jason and Dick. Tim was more of a partner at first, but later on he became his son. He really got improve and do better with Damian. He’s still trying but at least that counts.
Jason does have the white tuff, however after speaking with Talia and Damian he learns it’s not a result of the pit. And it’s actually Vitiligo.
Stephanie is actually allergic to eggs, put loves them so much that everyone just carries Benadryl. Cass keeps her EpiPen.
Duke is the best swimmer out of his siblings.
Kate does not like desserts, she doesn’t have a big sweet tooth. Bruce however is a Cookie Monster.
Babs has had LASIK however she still wears her glasses to not strain them while looking at monitors all the time.
Alfred the Cat, loves Tim’s room more because of his window. It gets the best sunrises and sunsets, he enjoys the warmth from it.
Ace prefers to set at Bruce’s feet in the cave. Bruce enjoys his company.
Cass and Dick have dance classes together in the ballroom. Dick is surprisingly good at Ballet.
Jason will eat his siblings leftovers. Tim will get him half his PB&J and Jason will devour it in seconds.
Talia used to make food with her mother has a little girl and did the same with Damian. He tries to teach Bruce some of his favorite food. Poor Bruce isn’t very good at it but the enjoy the bonding.
Cass can identify which of her brothers is the closest by their scents. Dick has a vanilla and cedarwood smell,Jason smells like Grapefruit and Amber, Tim smells like French lavender, Duke has a grapefruit and Patchouli scent, and Damian smells like cinnamon.
Barbara likes when Cass and Damian make her handmade jewelry over being bought stuff. She wears a gold locket Cass gifted her everyday. And has a ring and charm bracelet that Damian gave her for birthday. She never takes these off.
Tim is allergic to shellfish.
Bruce cannot stand strawberry jam, he prefers grape much to Alfred’s horror.
Stephanie will stack plates, silverware and cups like a server. It’s habit she got from her Mom and hates leaving a mess for Alfred or any other server to clean.
Jason has smoked from time to time. But will snap if he sees his little brothers do it. Jason will Mother Hen them to death.
Alfred is the best marksmen with long ranges guns, Jason is the best at versatile shooting and Barbara is the best firearm shot.
Cass,Steph are the same height, both are an inch taller than Tim, Duke is to inches taller then them.
Tim and Damian are the artist of the family. Damian prefers classic art, like oil paintings, pottery, and marble sculptures. Tim prefers modern art, photography, stone sculptures. Diana takes them to her art gallery on the weekends.
Bruce is the slowest to text back, Jason and Damian ignore texts if they’re not emergencies,Tim emails the fastest, the only good testers are Steph, Duke, and Barbara. Dick will ignore your text and FaceTime you to ask you to repeat the question instead and Cass prefers a phone call.
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katz-rambles · 3 months
I hope you're having an amazing day!
Can I request a pure fluff with Sodo?🥺 Maybe something like where reader is shorter than Sodo and is insecure of her height so she gets mad everytime someone mentions it.
Thank you so much❤️❤️❤️ If you don't like the idea, feel free to ignore it☺️
The scream I just scrumpt. My first ask 😭. I love the idea, and I hope I'll do this justice! I hope you're having an amazing day, too, Anon 💗.
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(fluff, comfort kinda?, swiss joining in on the teasing, mama bear Cumulus setting Sodo right, fem!reader, but it's not really specified. A mix of headcannons and a little ficlet?)
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• We all know Sodo can be a bit of a dick sometimes, so he's going to jump headfirst at the chance to have someone shorter than him. Unfortunately, in this situation, that's you.
• He's relentless with his teasing 😭
• The worst nicknames EVER. Pipsqueak, vertically challenged, mouse, anything he can think of.
• If you're a sibling of sin and have to do a chore that involves something that's out of your reach, he tends to pick you up and lift you so you can complete whatever it is. And he has the stupidest look on his face when he does.
• But obviously, he may be a dick, but he cares for you. So he will not make fun of you, as much, as he did.
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"Morning, pipsqueak." Sodo calls out to you, resting his arm on your shoulder. He looks at you with a smug grin that makes you want to punch him, right here right now. "You know, I was thinking, maybe I could buy you some of those vitamins people take to get taller. Like a height viagra." He snickers and takes his arm off you to ruffle your hair. You scoff at him and laugh. "You're barely taller than me. This is friendly fire." You fire back at him with an equally smug look. He opens his mouth to say something just to be cut off by Swiss. "She's right. You're both challenged, vertically. Shorties." Swiss laughs to himself as an angry Sodo chases after him.
You suck in a breath as he leaves, chewing on your bottom lip with nerves, or maybe annoyance, you don't really know at this point. All you can feel is the pit in your stomach. At the moment, you wish you had punched him.
A little later, the same situation happens again. You're going about your daily chores, cleaning, sorting, etc. "Almost done." You mumble to yourself, opening the doors to the library, rows on rows of books in many different languages, greet you. Sorting books isn't your favorite, but it has to be done. But, the top shelf just so happens to be out of your reach. You hear the door open, brushing it off as another sibling, just to be met with Sodo's hand placed on your head.
"Funny seeing you here." He sighs and shakes his head at you, and you feel your stomach drop. "All the other siblings can reach up here, I'm sure if you just stretch, you'll get it.. one day." He smirks at you triumphantly. When you don't respond with another comeback or a smack to try and get him away, he starts to shuffle behind you. "Just.. let me do what I'm supposed to do." You don't even try to meet his gaze this time, just backing away and leaving him alone, and now Sodo knows he's fucked up.
You've gone back to your room, and someone else can just as easily do the job. You're not sad or anything, but if you didn't leave, you would've thrown a book at his head. A knock on your door stops you from tearing your own hair out. You cautiously open the door to see Cumulus holding Sodo by the wrist. You're tempted to close the door before either of them can say anything to you. The anger builds. You're not necessarily mad at anyone in particular, more so yourself, even though you're aware you can't control your height.
"He's come to talk to you. Right, Sodo?" She glares down at him, a glare that sends shivers down your spine, and you're not even the one receiving it. A mumbled response from Sodo seems to satisfy her for the time being, so she lets him go places him in front of your door. Leaving the two of you alone.
"Whatever it is, I don't want to hear it right now, Sodo." You tell him your voice lower than usual. Before you can close your door, he places his foot in between the frame and the door.
"I didn't realize your height was such a.. thing.. for you." He sighs, his eyes begging for you to hear what he has to say. You open the door just enough so he can come in, and then you've closed it again.
"Listen, I'm sorry." He refuses to meet your eyes this time, awkwardly shuffling in his spot. "I didn't want to piss you off or anything, just some light teasing."
Before he can finish his thoughts, you sigh and shake your head. "Sodo, I'm not mad, not anymore, at least. I know it was all light fun, but I've never been a big fan of people talking about my height." You finally admit, watching him lift his head up and smile. He nods at you and looks back down at the ground, he kinda reminds you off a scolded puppy.
"Why don't we go out for a bit?" You offer, and he goes along. You're just glad that's been cleared up. That's just half, though. You're more so glad he'll stop pouting. It's almost making you feel bad. Hopefully, he'll take the teasing down a notch. But if he doesn't, you know Cumulus will beat some sense into him.
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marshmallowdarling · 2 years
hi, i was wondering if u could write for a yandere batfam reaction to the batsis growing REALLY tall, like 6’0(opposite of ur short one). just overall head cannons on how they would react and such.
only do this if u can tho!!! i completely understand if u can’t, and i’m just glad i found out how asks work!! drink some water, sleep well, and have a wonder weekend!!!!
I kind of wanted to distance myself from Batfam stuff just because the only blogs I've seen bout them always turn into a Batfam blog bc of the demand and while I love them and I know some blog writers do love them like that I would rather not continue to write them.
But you anon are just so nice and cute how was I not supposed to???? 🥺
Also sorry for the delay in writing, I just didn't have any creative juices at all. I'm trying to get out of this funk so please send me asks!!
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If you thought the batfam fed short foster! Reader then you haven’t seen anything yet!
Because your taller and bigger your body needs more food and they know this, so instead of them kind of backing off and making sure you eat no matter how big, NOW they will be feeding you 24/7!
They still keep the same type of snacks but now they try to keep protein on them, the bat mobile having a cooler into it now to keep everything fresh. 
Tall reader! Still gets regular check up’s, making sure that you growing too fast doesn’t hurt you and that your body can support your new weight. Checking that your joints and bones are oki doki hoki poki!
Batfam! Worries about your height too, wondering if your height might give you some disadvantages with your body with age or if your genetics might give you something bad.
I’m sorry to say but if your taller than them you won’t be stronger than them, you still get picked up and they modify their holding styles to make sure your comfortable. Though Tim and Damian both have thought about if you could pick them up, Damian having once had a dream that he was on your shoulders while you were running through the manor, he was very huffy and pouty after and was even more of a brat for your attention that day even though he wouldn’t tell you why.
Dick once had a nightmare that you had grown as tall as a house and escaped, when he tried to bring you back home you just stepped over him like an ant. When he flung awake he immediately sneaked into your room to make sure you weren’t like his dream, he definitely listened to his old man and Alfred’s nagging about having some sort of sleep schedule after that. 
If ANYONE says anything about your height or even looks at you the wrong way the whole family are going to torture them slowly but not before making a show of telling them off and praising you up and down for your height.
Clothes are tailored for you anyways no matter your height or gender so you never have to worry about nothing fitting, same with shoes. You get the grandest biggest bed they can get, bigger than an Alaska king sized bed as they had it made to order just for their little precious sibling.
That’s another thing too, your still their precious little thing. No matter how tall you are or how old you are, and they will not even think twice before reminding you about that.
“Aww aren’t you just a little precious thing. Hu? What do you mean your taller than me. Pfft- that doesn’t matter silly little cub, you aren’t as strong as us are you hmm? You still need your big boys to take care of you! There’s no shame in that little cub! We are more than happy to help!”
I head cannon that the BatBoys! Always show a range of body types in the magazines they pose for so best bet if your ever feeling low they will show you how beautiful and handsome your body is. 
You never get mocked for being too tall but Jason does put things juuuust out of reach to ‘coincidently’ walk in on you struggling and tease you even if he himself can’t reach and needs to climb on something. 
“You were just saying how tall you were, what happened hmm? That too far away from you?” He chuckles and teases you while he gets it down but gives your head pat while he’s up there.
I don’t put specific heights but it’s going to be rare that you are taller than them or all of them. Bruce is 6’2 (from a quick google search don’t kill me) and the boys are around the same so some of them might just be an inch or half an inch taller than you. Though even if you are taller than them it won’t change much, they will find ways to pat your head and give forehead kisses but back, arm and shoulder pats so come more frequent.
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not-your-bro · 1 month
do you have any ud hcs? It could be anything idc
ooh, free rein! sure sure. josh + chris are def the characters i most frequently rotate in my mind, so some stuff about them off the top of my head...
film studies major. i must admit i don't adhere to the psych major he's given in canon, though director/producer roles aren't my first choice for him either. he goes all-in on tangible stuff for his prank, so i put him in the practical effects arena.
artist in his spare time, but big surprise he's cagey about it. like, chris sees josh's sketchbook in josh's room all the time, but he's never actually looked inside.
with both movie sfx + art, josh is practical > digital, and he only dips into digital effects or art when he absolutely needs to. i just think he's a tactile sort of guy who prefers to make things with his hands, so creating on a screen alone doesn't give him the same satisfaction.
on social media in that he has accounts, but they're sporadically active at best. he can be slow to respond to texts/dms and his responses can be short, which gives off the impression that he's disengaged or bored. he isn't, he just doesn't want to be on his phone.
this is a longstanding hc of mine that i've absolutely mentioned before, but: designed hannah's butterfly tattoo! didn't really understand why, he was like you know your tattoo artist can do one for you, right. but she insisted, and he obliged.
gay as fuck. realized young, came out young, very comfortable. as demonstrated by the fact that, much to everyone's annoyance, he wears shirts that say shit like 'employee of the month at the dick sucking factory' in public.
ok, so i've reached the point where the chris in my mind looks different enough that i get a little jumpscared when i see him in-game LMAO. i hc him both taller and heavier. he's gotta be at least 6 ft. and a chris hartley who's thin is no chris hartley at all. not to me.
does not come from money, like lower middle class. i have two totally different hcs about his family that both feel real to me: one is that he's an only child, his parents divorced when he was a kid (old enough to understand, but not quite a teenager), and he lives with his mom. the other is that his parents are not divorced, and he has a big family - lots of siblings. i've been going with the former in my fic lately, but both work for me. the constant is that his family's economic situation is more precarious than most people in the friend group, and family trips with (and funded by) the washingtons were his primary vacations.
has adhd. i find 'always on his phone bc he just loooves technology' less interesting than 'always on his phone bc he has existing attention problems.' this went undiagnosed for a while, and his performance in school suffered for it.
speaking of, he is not all-around school smart. like, emily may have strengths and weaknesses (even if she'd never admit them), but she can swing As across the board. chris cannot. he's getting good grades in classes that interest him or cater to his solution-oriented brain, but he's terrible in any class where there's no right answer. english, art - he does not get it. love him to death but his media literacy is Bad
bi as fuck, but it was a journey. thought he was straight for a long time, dismissing any attraction to men as a 'who hasn't had gay thoughts' kind of thing. i think it took him a while to come to terms with it bc he had a lot of internalized shit to work through. if a friend came out as bi, he'd have been like cool 👍 but him? surely not! he got there eventually though.
wowee this is long. as a lil bonus hc for another character, i'll add that i don't think jess went to college - i think she went to a hair/beauty school. she loves what a social job it is, getting to chit chat with clients all day, and like josh, she does best when she's working with her hands.
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bigskydreaming · 1 year
Jason, randomly, out of nowhere, without warning: Hah, I'm taller than you now. LMAO. Loser.
Dick, who knows perfectly well that height has absolutely nothing to do with self worth and also that he's supposed to be above being blatantly baited by his little brother, who is obviously the REAL loser, and needs to be reminded of that fact which so doesn't count as actually being baited: Please. You're only that tall now because you got revived in a magical pit of green ooze that optimized your growth when bringing you back from the dead which is CHEATING, and thus doesn't count. Loser.
Jason: Really? Me dying and being dunked in a magical pit of green ooze to undo the physical trauma of my MURDER and also the years of malnutrition that led to my growth previously NOT being optimized is 'cheating?'
Dick: I regretted it as soon as I said it but I can not afford to set the precedent that I made a misstep in the minefield that is our fraught sibling relationship. I have no choice but to double down. The only way this ends well is if you choose to let it slide and gracefully accept a subject change. I'll even let you pick. As long as its understood that me letting you pick is not an admission of wrongdoing on my part, its just me being Awesome and you're welcome.
Jason: First off, I have never let anything slide gracefully a day in my life and I'm damn sure not about to start NOW, when you were being an ASS....
Dick: Oh biiiiig surprise, little brother can talk a big talk about being the bigger man, but god forbid someone give him the opportunity to back it up.....
Jason: Not my fault if you're feeling particularly SMALL at the moment, pun absolutely intended. Since its not like you have a monopoly on those no matter HOW much you've tried to act like you do over the years....
Dick: Hey, I've never claimed to have a monopoly on puns. I just said I find it INTERESTING that you were totally cool with using the name, costume and SIGNATURE BRAND OF HUMOR I DELIBERATELY SPENT YEARS CULTIVATING AS A LITERAL SIGNATURE BRAND all while insisting that noooooo, no need to CREDIT your older brother who quite literally paved the way with all of that and gave you his express PERMISSION to adopt it all as your own, hahaha, who actually gives credit where credit's due, that would be so weird right....
Jason: Tell you what, since you're sooooo sore about not being properly credited for your work why don't you go ahead and figure out a royalty rate for all the times I used YOUR intellectual vigilante property or what the fuck ever, and I will PAY you to never bring it up again.....
Dick: I would LOVE that, actually. I think it would be a great way to acknowledge MY trailblazing hard work, but I think we both know you'd literally just make a show of stealing the money from Bruce to make some kind of statement about how beneath you all this is which KINDA DEFEATS THE POINT of acknowledging or crediting someone's work as WORTH something, so -
Their siblings, who have been standing right there the whole time, and who are all Very Tired, and literally just wanted to know if their older brothers wanted to go to Bat-Burger with them and are now regretting everything, why does this always happen and why don't any of them know better by now: Is it done? Is it over? Can you stop? Ever?
Dick and Jason, simultaneously swiveling in instant older sibling solidarity: Wow. So impatient. So entitled. So demanding. Why, in OUR day, we'd be LUCKY to be granted even ten minutes between patrol and bedtime, to scarf down an Alfred-Approved Healthy Snack, but its not enough that Bruce lets you run around Gotham stuffing your faces with fast food at any hour of the night, noooooooo, its gotta happen RIGHT NOW, like THIS INSTANT, how dare anyone make you wait five whole minutes to get whatever you want.....
Tim: I honestly can't tell if I hate it more when they're just being obnoxious at each other & we're stuck bearing witness or when they combine their powers of obnoxious and aim it at us.
Cass, gravely: There are no winners here.
Damian: And Father doesn't get why I wish I was an only child.
Duke, wistfully: I took being an only child for granted.
Stephanie, with popcorn: None of you appreciate good theater.
Bruce, from somewhere offscreen, even miles away: My parents died because of the theater, STEPHANIE.
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cuntwrap--supreme · 1 year
Best part of living at home: When your absolutely psycho mother starts screaming as loud as she can at your siblings because she thinks it somehow makes them more willing to comply with her ridiculous demands. This was a full hour before I intended on waking up. My dogs are terrified of her, so they both jump up on my bed, shaking, kinda squishing me in the process. She thinks my dogs love her, but any time they try to snuggle up to her it's in a very, "I'm sorry I did something wrong and I'm now apologizing," way because all she does is yell at them and shove them out of her way - they're like 7 and 10, too, so too old to be pushing like she does.
And the reason she's yelling at Seven In The Goddamn Morning? My brother missed the bus again. Oh no! His school is 3 miles away. It's not a big deal. He even said he'd walk (not the best option as there are no sidewalks 90% of the way). And somehow this justifies in her mind as an excuse to just scream so loud I woke up thinking someone was being murdered. She's calling him a piece of shit. Saying how he's so selfish and never thinks of anyone. How nobody in the family likes him or wants to deal with him because he's a dick. All this horrible shit - to a 15 year old kid. Like, yeah, he's gonna kinda be an ass. He's 15. Find me a 15 year old kid who has ever lived in the history of ever who wasn't sometimes kinda bitchy and moody. It's part of growing up. But all he did was miss the bus, and he gave her a solution to the problem, and now I'm going to be late for work because I refuse to get involved in any way. She already came down here at 7:30 trying to drag me into it. I just set my phone down and said I'm trying to sleep and she stormed off, but not before calling me a bitch first.
Like. She's threatening to call the police on him. Again. Which I'm sure doesn't look bad on her to call the cops on her own dicking child, huh? She's told this kid she hates him before, too. Her own kid. And my theory is because he's getting older and doesn't look like a cute little kid anymore, but is starting to look more like his dad and it's giving her some kind of trauma flashback shit from when his dad would, like, beat the shit out of her. And it's valid to have that feeling. What isn't ok is to take that out on a totally separate person, someone who either wasn't around yet or was way too little to remember. She's told me before that it grosses her out sometimes how much my sister looks like her dad, and she just has more of his darker hair, eyes, and skin. My brother has very similar features, though he's lighter. But I know that she hates these kids because - shocker! - they happen to resemble the other person who made them, and it's really unfortunate. I know she's told me before that she hates when my hair is short because I look like my dad and she can't stand that. The only one of my siblings she likes is my sister who's a little over a year younger than me. She abhors the rest of us simply for existing, and I'm waiting for the day when she slaps the shit out of my brother and he realizes he's almost a full foot taller than she is and backhands her back, because I will absolutely bail that kid out and will testify on his behalf that he's treated like shit and deserved a little violence, as a treat.
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vancilocs · 2 years
karol and kenzo?
those two
What is the character’s go-to drink order?
Karol mainly enjoys light ciders, simple and tasty, with ice and from a glass rather than from a bottle, very simple and quick. They get enough fancy (virgin) cocktails at work that they don't need that on their time off
Cheap beer from the bottle, adding a slice of lime is fancy to him. A fancier of cheap wine also
What is their grooming routine?
Extensive, checks daily for blemishes, wears facemasks, has a long skincare routine with a lot of products, it's self-care. Shaves fairly often, keeps body hair to a minimum always and rarely lets beard grow too much. With the amount of makeup they tend to wear they ensure it's all off before bed
Very simple, maybe washes face sometimes and shaves on occasion. Tends to pick at wounds sometimes so he'd rather just smack a bandaid on the smaller ones to avoid that What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go?
The majority of their money goes to rent/food for them and the cat, then clothes, shoes, makeup and wigs, those need to be high quality and new and fancy. Does set money aside every month for a bad day as well
Most goes to rent and food, then alcohol and drugs, occasionally painkillers he can't get through insurance or Lyssa's help. Not great at having savings. Do they have any scars or tattoos?
Main one is the large neck scar that they cover up pretty much always, no tattoos. Has some small scars on their hands and knees, just from living life and having the occasional slip up or a tumble
Has plenty of scars, the one most visible is the one cutting across his face, but has plenty around his entire body. Funnily enough the face scar is pretty thin and nondescript for how much damage is behind it (rebuilding half his face basically). Has a dragon tattoo across his shoulders, no deeper meaning, he had disposable income and wanted a cool picture What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances? (Good way to get some *emotional* backstory in.) 
They deal with anxiety which might make them cry on occasion, like once in a couple of weeks maybe, if something happened on the way home that frightened them and they needed a good cry and cat cuddle when in safety
He doesn't cry often but likely when drunk, alone in his apartment, feeling like he has no friends and nobody loves him once again, but it just got worse that time. Usually when he's fighting with his dad or sister or Ipes again Are they an oldest, middle, youngest or only child?
They're older than Javier, but doesn't know if their dad has been leaving kiddos elsewhere than Poland and Cuba. Also only met Javier as an adult so they don't really have a sibling relationship. Though they do have a bit of a "cool older sibling + admiring younger sibling" dynamic
He's an older brother to one sister, they haven't gotten along since he went to the Citadel because she feels he abandoned her to endure their nasty dad's temper all alone. Their relationship hasn't really gotten better since he returned. Describe the shoes they’re wearing.
They wear comfortable sneakers or canvas shoes most of the time when off work, who needs to wear heels all the time. Non-heeled shoes also make them feel more comfortable, since they don't make them even taller/harded to blend in. They're used but clean and in good shape.
Pretty much always wears his laced boots, sometimes puts on a pair of dirty, flattened sneakers or crocs to go to the corner store to get some dick pills a treat and an energy drink, but if he knows he's going to stay out of the house for longer it's boots. They're kinda worn, could use some patching up, have suspicious stains and he's relaced them a couple of times when the old lace snapped but they're still functional Describe the place where they sleep.
A large, comfortable bed with plenty of pillows and a couple of blankets, fresh (and high quality) sheets pretty often, has some smaller decorative pillows and a cover to put on during the day, very comfy and nice for them to read while cuddling the cats and having a drink
During the day his bed has a pile of garbage he moves on the floor when he goes to bed, a single bed with a very worn and also suspiciously stained mattress, the sheets might stay on for a bit too long and occasionally he passes out with his clothes on. Sometimes he picks up the slack and changes the sheets more often but he always slips in the end What is their favorite holiday?
Mainly celebrates Christmas by giving gifts and eating treats, they're not religious but it's a fun tradition to share with others, too.
Doesn't really celebrate holidays because he has little people to celebrate with and has a weak grasp on the calendar anyways, but is always on the prowl for discounted treats after them. Dislikes Valentine's day the most. What objects do they always carry around with them?
Keys, wallet, phone, doesn't wear headphones outside. Also always carries pepper spray wherever they go.
Keys and wallet, phone and some loose change, gum wrappers, old tickets and other trinkets, a knife, brass knuckles, a tooth that got knocked out 7 years ago and he never got around to asking a dentist if it could be put back and then he got entirely new teeth anyways
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lewis-winters · 2 years
51 and 56 of the character building prompts for Natalie Morse?
oh sure! (anon is talking about this post)
51. What’s a phrase they say a lot?
either "thank ya, kindly" or "in two shakes of a lamb's tail"
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
ooohhhh so natalie's childhood is riddled with a lot of emotional neglect, and from a young age she was forced to learn how to self soothe (i.e., kicking the wall next to her crib so it can rock hard enough for her to go to sleep), so whenever she was afraid (and looking at her tumultuous upbringing + the fact that she's a trans woman in an isolated environment during a time when being any shade of queer was illegal) she would turn inward and try and find comfort within herself. but all that time, obviously, she wanted comfort from her guardians talia and shoshana. they would never give it to her, though. they could barely pick her up when she cried as a baby, and emotionally neglected her her whole childhood, she lost trust in their comfort a long time ago. sometimes, she'd seek comfort from her best friend margie sanchez, but margie's brand of comfort was distraction that bordered a little too much into dismissiveness, sometimes, so nat didn't seek hers a lot. everybody else she grew up around she was too shy to hide behind-- by the time she was 13 or 14 she'd been taller than almost everyone in her house, and since she was, effectively, "the man of the house" by virtue of being amab, she didn't really get the full comfort of sisterhood that she so badly wanted until she started living as a woman most of the time. she'd wanted comfort too, from her older half-brother, simon, but he wanted nothing to do with her and nat always did make herself scarce every time she knew she wasn't wanted.
after some well deserved healing tho, her primary sources of comfort are arthur benjamin foster (creation of @hellofanidea) and floyd talbert. she's also very soothed by dick and by bull, both for different reasons. seeing as she was raised around violent men who often did harm to women who raised her or who were around her (i.e., she was raised in a brothel), dick, with his gentle nature and steadfastness, was one of the few men she felt safe around from the get go. bull came later, during a rather traumatizing night in nuenuen, and it surprised her, especially since all her life she's relied on her height to intimidate men out of hurting her, and because of that men bigger than her make her very nervous. bull made her nervous at the start, but later on, she learns that he's not like that. she's seen first hand how gentle he can be, and that night in nuenuen proves it. she seeks him out a lot after that.
i'd also like to say she's soothed by nix, who'd somehow taken a very brotherly role in her life, especially after her own brother abandons her for bigger dreams. though the comfort she gets from nix is less comfort and more like. cynical solidarity. they'd both be like "fuck this sucks let's be miserable together" and it works sometimes. other times tho it might make them feel worse (before it could get better). ya know, that special kind of comfort the sibling closest to your age might give you? like that.
when she returns home and starts living as a woman full time (or mostly full time, since it was still Very Much Illegal then), she found comfort in her people, especially when confronted with the ugly truth that was american society's systemic queerphobia. her primary go to for comfort in the area of Struggles of Trans Women in Mid-Century America is Cleopatra Asantewaa, an african-french trans woman. she was one of the soldiers who'd settled in rhineland-palatinate, germany after world war i and subsequently found herself in Tiergarten, Berlin, learning about her queerness from Magnus Hirschfeld and his Institut für Sexualwissenschaft. she was very lucky to have been in france, and then subsequently escape to new york once the nazi regime took over. Natalie learns a lot from her and a lot of her internalized transphobia is soothed when they exchange ideas.
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incorrectbatfam · 3 years
She sees what she's getting into from a mile away, but she welcomes it because Bruce's kids are a part of him, and she loves all of Bruce.
The kids all see it coming too, and while some (Damian) take longer to warm up to her, she's welcomed into the fold with open arms.
Selina's got a heart as big as her partner and while she's not always perfect, you can see how much she cares.
As a former foster child herself, Selina understands Duke's unique experiences and traumas from the foster care system, so whenever he needs to talk, she's the first one he goes to. Sometimes he doesn't want to (or need to) talk, so they'll watch boxing matches or she'll teach him little bits of Mandarin. If the kitchen isn't busy, they'll try their hand at new TikTok recipes, and film themselves either succeeding or debunking the original poster.
Being raised in isolation to be a human weapon meant Cass missed out on a lot of the things daughters typically learn as children/teens. The evening of Cass's first gala, she didn't know the first thing about doing her own hair and makeup. She's braved assassin armies, but her self-made disaster of bobby pins and eyeshadow nearly drives her to tears. Selina swoops in, wipes Cass's face with gentle reassurances, and walks her through step-by-step.
Selina considers it a privilege to have watched Dick grow from the spunky little Robin to the man he is today. Even though he's taller than her, she still ruffled his hair when he does a good job. She also keeps the first ever birthday card he gave her, which includes a pop-up bat signal and scented stickers, and remembers all of his favorite radio stations. Also, when Bruce does something, Dick goes tattling to Selina.
For a while, Carrie mooched off of her siblings' Netflix profiles, but everyone got tired of her messing up their algorithm and she was forced to make her own. She soon realized how much freedom she had because no one could see what she was watching. Selina caught on to the power trip and started researching and watching snippets whenever a new show comes out. That's how she stopped a bunch of preteen girls from watching Squid Game.
Tim often gets overlooked as not just the middle child, but the child who appears put-together and regularly takes on adult responsibilities. Selina, however, remembers that he's still a teenager. She regularly checks in and gradually teaches him that it's okay to let go and act his age. Selina encourages him to call his Young Justice friends outside of missions and take small acts of rebellion against Bruce. When Tim and his boyfriend snuck out to a famous lover's lookout, Selina gave them the car keys and covered for them.
She noticed that Jason really enjoys hanging out with Harley Quinn, bonding over not just Joker trauma but other shared interests like music taste. After Harley turns to the antihero side, Selina discusses with Bruce and they start inviting Aunt Harley and Aunt Ivy to dinner. The first time they do that, Harley is so excited that she baked a three-layer cake just for Jason. Literally, in strawberry frosting, it said, "THIS CAKE IS FOR JASON ONLY." Finding someone that Jason can relate to remains one of Selina's proudest accomplishments.
She's trying her best, but she makes mistakes too. For instance, although Wayne Manor has plenty of kitchen space, Selina does her cooking at Harley and Ivy's because Ivy can offer her fresh plant-based ingredients that suited Damian's needs. When Alfred's not available, she sends Damian to school with healthy, flavorful vegan lunches shaped into Cheese Viking characters. One time, she was tasked with bringing brownies to a PTA meeting. Incidentally, Harley was simultaneously baking a... different kind of brownie for a block party (you can see where this is heading). When an angry superintendent demanded to know who was responsible, Selina wisely kept her mouth shut and thankfully, so did Damian.
Cullen loves concerts, but he's a huge introvert who gets anxiety when he's left alone in a crowd. Selina becomes his concert buddy, and she'll go as all-out as he does. Sometimes that's showing up to a garage band dressed-down in hoodies and sunglasses. Other times it's painting their faces and looking like they just came out of a Hot Topic blowout sale. She even listens to the discography beforehand so she can blend in. Selina learns a lot about Cullen through this, because nothing says more about a person than the music they listen to.
Harper, though looking rough around the edges, turns into a giddy little kid at interactive science museums. During one of these trips, Harper got distracted by the giant Newton's Cradle so she didn't notice a fourth grade field trip sweeping up Selina. When they reunited at the gift shop, a chaperone had given Selina a school t-shirt and she was put in charge of grading ten kids' assignments. Harper laughed so hard that she spewed lemonade on the museum owner. Neither of them will let the other live that day down.
Selina and Barbara openly talk about guy stuff, and Selina is more than happy to offer advice in times of need. They're both pretty liberal talking about that stuff, and one time they did a tier ranking of all the Gotham Rogues based on how effective their gimmick is (Joker was the only S-tier). They then proceeded to get into a debate on whether or not Man-Bat and Killer Croc should qualify for the list, which led to them staring each other down at dinner while the other family members sat around them confused.
Steph's school offered a Mother's Day breakfast. Although Crystal Brown was doing her best and wanted to make it, she was scheduled a double-shift that the breakfast fell right in the middle of. Selina reached out to Crystal and with permission, went in her place. Afraid that Steph would publicly reject her, Selina sat in the parking lot for ten minutes as Bruce amped her up over the phone. Steph, thinking that no one would no up, was ecstatic and said that she couldn't have thought of anyone better. They enjoyed stacking up waffles and making the girls who bully Steph envious.
Long before she and Bruce got married, Selina made it clear that she would not be relegated to the gender-typical role of a homemaker, and Bruce happily concurred because it's 2021. They knew that to give Alfred a break, they'd have to take on some chores themselves. Instead of dividing up a boring old chore chart, they find ways to make cleaning fun and collaborative. They'll dance around the halls in mop slippers, play "guess the stain", and race their roombas. The kids see this and start modeling the behavior in their own ways—Dick swings from high places to dust them, Damian trains his pets to pick up garbage, and Cass and Duke compete to see who can clean the most bathtubs.
Some parts of the Manor are due for redecorating, so Selina and Alfred make a day trip out of interior design sketches, flipping through furniture catalogues, and looking at paint swatches. It sounds boring at first, but the menial tasks meant they had plenty of time for conversation, and she finally understood why everyone respects him. They also made room in the afternoon for a stroll through the park and afternoon tea, where he told her and her only the secret to a perfect scone.
The other Justice League partners welcome her into the group too. Whenever Selina's in Metropolis, she joins Lois and Ma and Pa for Sunday brunch where they share what their kids have been up to. Iris shows her life hacks to cooking large batches of food in a short time. Selina and Dinah discover an online store dedicated to selling vigilante gear and go on a Cyber Monday spree for their whole families. Steve Trevor, Diana's partner, teaches Selina how to fly with the invisible jet so she can surprise Bruce with the batplane.
After overcoming their initial conflicts, Selina and Talia hold a high amount of respect for each other. Talia sees Selina as not just a capable combatant, but a worthy partner to her former beloved and stepmother to her son. Selina, after spending all that time with the kids, understands the motherly love that Talia holds for Damian and makes it abundantly clear that she would never try to replace Talia in the boy's life. Regardless, looking after all those kids is hard, so they are very much open to the idea of co-parenting.
(Selina doesn't know it, but all this makes Bruce fall in love with her all over again.)
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moonfox281 · 3 years
Hi! I had a question!! So in cannon Jason is 6'0 and Dick is 5'10 so they have a 2 inch height difference but you obviously gave them a bigger height gap so I wanted to ask how tall your Jason and Dick are respectively?
Jason: 6'5 at 235lbs
- Hit his head everywhere he goes (his skull is practically bulletproof now).
- Can't miss him in a crowd.
- But yes, the weather does feel nicer up there
- His clothes are all custom made because stuff at the stores don't fit.
- Shower stalls in the Batcave become awkward when Jason enters. He see everything from his booth.
- Jason Todd a.k.a Dick's personal climb tree.
- Mob boss who spends $5,000 on neck surgery from trying to kiss the lover who only reach his shoulder height.
Dick: 5'10 at 175lbs
- So normal he makes girls feel safe and guys feel comfortable.
- Learnt ballet only to ever go en pointe while kissing his giant lover.
- Average to most but standing in a group of supers and alien, suddenly he's a small bean.
- Get his hair ruffled often.
- Very sensitive about how all his siblings and acquaintance now grow taller than him.
- Had Jason install the mirror in their bathroom once, he sees his chin never and his forehead plenty.
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