#dick sees donna as a sister and jason sees barbara as a sister
thatsnotahoodjason · 1 month
batfamily's favourite siblings:
dick: donna
jason: barbara
cass: duke
tim: dick
duke: cass
damian: dick
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celaenaeiln · 7 months
i mean this in the most neutral tone, but, im genuinely confused with this eldest daughter syndrome dick thing? as far as i know, he never lives in the manor with other batsiblings and personally take care of them except damian, and just "yeets" from any possible trouble or tension within the siblings or when they have issues with bruce
No worries I totally get it! And I'm here to deliver!
First, to be fair to Dick, no one lives in the manor aside from Damian and sometimes Tim.
Dick lives in Bludhaven, Steph lives in Gotham U? She's been in and out of comics but otherwise her own house. Cass lives in Leslie's clinic, Tim alternates between the Titans and the manor, Jason lives anywhere that doesn't have Bruce, and Duke lives with his uncle.
However that doesn't mean they don't all rely on him.
I think the confusion comes from scenes like this-
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Batman: Urban Legends Issue #10
Where it seems like Dick just left Tim to deal with Bruce on his own. But-
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Batman: Urban Legends Issue #10
Dick called him. When Tim when to him for advice, he gave him advice but also knew it couldn't just stop there. So he called Bruce to get it through his thick head that he's allowed to be happy. If there's anyone that can change Bruce's mind on anything it's Dick.
Which brings me to my next instance of Dick acting as the mediator and emotional burden lifter of his family. When each batkid dies (or almost dies in Dick's case), Bruce grieves in a different way. With Jason he took it out on criminals, with Tim he took it out on himself, with Dick he took it out on criminals and heroes, and with Damian, he wanted to undo what happened. He torments Jason about it, goes too hard on the criminals, gets worsened by Barbara, gets helped a little by Selina but also feels a billion times worse about Damian's death so-
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Batman and Robin (2011) Issue #23
He locks himself in a simulator for days trying to see and fix where he went from when Heretic killed Damian. Nothing gets through to him so Alfred pulls out the Big Guns - he calls in Dick.
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Batman and Robin (2011) Issue #23
"Richard just came in from Chicago to--"
"Talk some sense into me?"
"Yes, I've implored you to shut this...thing off and join the living, but you have turned a deaf ear for days."
"This calling in the cavalry routine is getting old, Alfred."
Since the dawn of Batman and Robin, Dick has always acted as the mediator for Bruce and the family. Always.
With Dick's help, finally, after days, Damian's saved.
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Batman and Robin (2011) Issue #23
And Dick finally brings Bruce back to life.
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Batman and Robin (2011) Issue #23
He took a destructive, dead-man-walking and breathed life and hope back into him to stop him from taking his grief and anger out on his family and criminals.
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Batman and Robin (2011) Issue #23
Calling in the cavalry always works.
Of course there's times when Dick doesn't help mediate. But the issue is not that he doesn't want to or he pushes it off, it's that he can't. What the hell are you supposed to do when the mediator who mediates all your problems is themself broken?
Dick really wants to help Tim but he can't. He can't find it in himself to barely live right now because Donna-his platonic soulmate-is dead.
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Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files
He really can't.
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Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files
She was his sister too. Pretty much blood.
I actually think the fact that Dick doesn't live in the manor makes the fact that he still takes care of all his siblings and their problems with Bruce even more important. To calm and rationalize down Bruce and take care of his siblings, he's constantly flying or driving back and forth between different cities, dropping his cases and work, ignoring his problems, just to be there for them.
For another example, when Dick hears that the newest Batman is causing problems in Gotham and Bruce just abandoned Tim to deal with everything and Tim nearly got hurt, he comes all the way back to Gotham to rail Bruce out for doing that to him.
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Robin (1993) Issue #8
When Bruce teams with Damian their relationship so tumultuous but once again Dick steps in.
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Batman: The Return
"I need a partner who can stay focused and keep up."
"Bruce, come on! I made a career out of not doing anything I was told when I was Robin. He gave up everything for this. You can't just take it away...you can't cut him out."
He keeps Robin from being fired and continues being Damian's support system.
It's not just mediating though, Dick fully steps in to take care of the batfamily whenever Bruce absconds or there's trouble.
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Batman and Robin Eternal Issue #24
He's like the command center of the family.
This picture just embodies his role.
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Batman (2011) Issue #15
And as Bruce once said-
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Batman: Urban Legends Issue #22
He's really the eldest daughter and caretaker.
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junespriince · 3 days
you know what fuck you! *Yuri your birdflash* au
Wally: Linda! Hartley! Guys I need help!
Linda: what's wrong?
Hartley: is Chris still bothering you? God, he can't take no for an answer!
Wally: not him, those he did try to sit with me in lecture today, but that's besides the point just, ugh just come with me to my apartment!
Kyle, Conner, Hartley, Linda, Ace, and Bart sitting in her living room.
Wally: so Birdie just asked me out on a date—
Kyle: about fucking time.
Wally: shut up Kyle, and listen!
Wally, huffs: anyways, she asked me out on a date, and I don't know what to wear, she said we're going to a thrift store, and then a botanical garden exhibit, and then a dinner at this way to fancy restaurant and I don't want to make more of a fool of myself then I already have, I mean what if I dress to fancy I'll stick out, but if I dress to lower she'll hate me and I'll never see her again and like this was a dream come true she asked me out, if she hate me then we won't build a house together in the forest, adopt a turtle as our child, maybe have a dog too, and we won't wake up together or make bread together or anything! I need you guys to help me here!
Hartley: if she hates you for dressing comfortably then she ain't it then.
Wally: but she's everything! She's smart, beautiful, talented, her eyes are the most beautiful gems I ever seen, her dimples are so cute, and she takes up half my future planning I can't mess this up, please just help a girl out over here! *Staring to tear up*
Kyle: okay, okay we get it! We'll help, stop crying!
Bart: must be real desperate bringing all of us in here to help.
Wally: very! Kori off planet or I'd call her too.
Ace: okay sis, bring out the outfits you have in mind.
Linda: and the shoes! Oh let me get my makeup bag as well, I'll be right back!
Conner: I'll make some tea and look through your hair products, I'm thinking hair down, help shape those curls out, and maybe a cute hair accessory.
Kyle: can I go cunty?
Wally: no! This is the first date! I need to be cute, but rememberable.
Hartley: let me see your closet, when the date?
Wally: in seven hours.
Hartley: a little bit of a challenge but doable.
Bart: I'll make snacks, and I'll have Kon spy on her so we can match her levels!
Wally, about to cry again: oh my god thank you, thank you, thank you!
7 hours later and at Bludhaven's cafe, lesbian owned
Rania ((Urania ))(Dick*), dressed in a cute and nice little blazer moment, in deep green, dress shirt unbuttoned at the top, Sharp but not too sharp makeup, short hair slicked back a bit, tented glasses rest at the edge of her nose and they're red hearts: My little Willow tree, you are right on time, excited for our date to be late? *Soft chuckle, dimples showing*
Wally, long waterfall curls with a cute strawberry headband, that iconic strawberry midi dress, very little makeup Bec we don't cover freckles in this house hold, nervous: very, I-I,,, I didn't want to keep you waiting is all, rainy.
Rania, calm and collective: no worries, *offers arm* let's go, have a busy night ahead of us.
Wally, blushing taking her arm: y-yeah.
Rania, hours before
Rania, holding her brothers, sister, Steph, Barbara, Donna, her dad, the butler, Roy, and Kori hostage in her room: if I don't look stunning for that pretty girl, I will die! I need suggestions and support people!
Jason: why would we want to help you?
Rania: because if I don't impress her, I'm destroying all your books.
Jason: I'll get the makeup.
Roy: girl, I don't know how to dress myself the hell you think I can help you here?
Rania: then support me!
Bruce, on the phone: calling Diana, Selena, and Talia as we speak sweetheart.
Alfred: I'll get the outfit Miss Urania.
Rania: thanks, I just,,, I have to make a good impression on her! My future hangs in the balance with her!
Barbara: getting the gel, Damian get Jon to spy on Willow we need these two to match, sapphics love a good match.
Damian: got it. Do you want some tea Urania?
Rania: yes, please, thanks Dami, you're a good kid, and I love you so much, you know that?
Damian, prideful about the praise: of course I do.
Tim: kiss ass
Damian: hate not being the favorite, I see.
Kori: oh, oh, I want to pick out the shoes! Maybe favorite are in your closet right?
Rania: the Church's Burwood Oxford in black or the Church's Fairstead Oxford?
Kori: the first one.
Rania: uh, in the shoes closet, back right wall.
Kori: yay!
Donna: getting the accessories, you want the tinted pink shades or the red?
Rania: red heart ones.
Donna: gotcha.
Stephanie: let me see those outfits Al, I have a vision.
Damian: hope that vision includes strawberries, West is in a strawberry midi dress, whatever that is.
Stephanie: GASP, it does! I could kiss her! Get the green dress suit!
Cass: I'll get it!
Duke: how her make up Damian?
Damian: soft, they're leaving the freckles.
Rania, blushing: they're leaving the freckles,,,,, Dad, tell them to get here fast and call Harley and Ivy and auntie kate we need those two lesbian asap!
Bruce: got it!
Damian: some chamomile tea, and I have some lavender at the ready if you need it, Urania.
Rania: thank you dami, again *kiss his forehead*
Back on the date
Wally, in her head: wow she's so calm, and pretty, oh focus Wally, you don't need to trip!
Rania, in her mind: god she's so pretty, damn I can the wedding, no, no, focus on today damnit!
*but a Romani name I really like for her also I did use behind the name so if it's not right oops I did look into this
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jonmyblaze · 6 months
My personal rough BAT fam timeline
Bruce Wayne was nine when he witnessed his parents was shot, he was 18 when he traveled the world (he grew up with other former JSA Masters teaching him in America but he was 18 when he went on a world adventure by himself)
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He was 19 when he returned and when he first became "Batman. "
Katherine Kane was in her late twenties when her husband was murdered in front of her and her daughter Bette, she remembered hearing stories of her late eldest sister Martha being murdered by Gotham but she had left way before katherine even knew enough about Martha.
Dick Grayson would be 9 years old when he was first taken in as a ward by eligible bachelor and Playboy Bruce Wayne celebrating his 21st birthday.
he spent 3 years training supervised with Batman.
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Robin would be 12 when he was first allowed to go on patrol alone. Robin would be named after his mother's nickname for him seeing as he was born on the 1st of spring the Grayson's Little Robin.
Bette Kane and Catherine Kane became became bat girl and batwoman, when Betty was 11 (she's only a half a year younger than dick).
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Barbara Gordon would be 20 when she first joined the scene as batgirl(she is roughly halfway between Bruce and Dick's age)
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Time jump
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At age 15 dick would form The Titans with some of his fellow peers Donna, Roy Garth, Wally. (In New York City)
At 18 he would leave the nest and recreate the Teen Titans dubbing the new Teen Titans
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(and West Coast would have their own Titans made by Betty called "Titan's West Coast" in jump City
At 19 dick would be kidnapped by the al ghul family after he met a name Talia Al ghoul in meds class
At age 20 he will drop out of college.
At 21 dick would become Nightwing for the first time. Inspired by his "uncle" Clark, Bette following in her cousin's footsteps would become flame bird
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Jason Todd would be taking in (12)
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and later become Robin (at 13)
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More at part 2
This is the first age the gold and silver age of the bat family.
Notable additions I had
The kanes being more prominent, Betty and Dick remaining having their friendship.(also simplifying the Kane's family tree for Bette)
Catherine was way too young to even raise Bruce but Alfred was also dubbed Bruce's godfather and first in line for Bruce's custody should his parents die.
Keeping the pre crisis origin of Barbara being younger than Bruce but older than dick but still an adult able to go to college for bachelor's degree..
Jason Todd having less than a year to convince Bruce to send him on to patrol.
Keeping the origin that Talia first met dick at college for med school (she's probably way older but they were in the same class as she took college a little later)
And I haven't even gotten to Tim yet.
Look out for part two
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ao3feed-birdflash · 17 days
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 22 days
Of loving a Robin (Titans edition)
by Helecthra Roy loves Robin, he loves her in an hundred, no, in a thusand different ways. It isn't always easy to remeber wich one is the right one (it isn't always easy to remember why loving her became so complicated). Donna loves Robin, her twin wonder, her sister, and she is never gonna leave her alone to face her pain. Sometimes she just wishes that her sister's ties to the world of men were less binding. Garth loves Robin, who is like the ocean, mutable and free and who reminds him of home like no-one else. Garth loves Robin, and that love brings him clarity and grief in equal measure. Wally loves Robin. He loves Rikki Wayne. He loves Dixie. And yet love is a too little word to describe the universes he sees behind her smiles. Dixie is his everything, so yes, love is a too little world to describe what he feels for his best friend. Words: 2188, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Running high on shattered dreams Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Titans (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: F/F, F/M Characters: Dick Grayson, Donna Troy, Garth (DCU), Wally West, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth, Catalina Flores Relationships: Dick Grayson/Wally West, Dick Grayson & Donna Troy, Dick Grayson/Roy Harper, Garth & Dick Grayson, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Catalina Flores/Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Slade Wilson Additional Tags: Bruce Wayne is Dick Grayson's Biological Parent, Bruce Wayne is Dick Grayson's Parent, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Rule 63, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Dick Grayson and Jason Todd are Siblings, Not Beta Read, Canon is something I use in bits and pieces, english is not my first language, Dick Grayson is Robin, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Daddy Issues, Mommy Issues, References to Drugs, Roy grew up in a reserve, Female Dick Grayson, Male Catalina Flores - Freeform, Catalina Flores Rapes Dick Grayson via https://ift.tt/qrtFj2P
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ao3feed-superbat · 2 months
The Penthouse
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/RFHAhm9 by GreeenGoblin Jason Peter Wayne was 16 years old and was one of the spoiled brats at Gotham Academy; after all, his father owned the school and could do whatever he wanted whenever he pleased. He was jealous, arrogant, and quite angry. There was no one he wouldn't stand up to, except for Bruce. Jason had never received affection from his father, and he was ready to be the ideal one for Bruce, but Bruce couldn't see that and accepted the new kid, the bastard child; Timothy Drake. Bruce was a rather stern man, yet when Timothy Jackson Drake, a 14-year-old prodigy from the Drake lineage, the son of Janet Drake, the sister of Dinah Drake-Queen, suddenly entered his family, catching Bruce's attention with his exceptional intelligence (especially his grades, medical success, and musical talent), Bruce took him under his wing immediately and hired him to provide private tutoring sessions for Jason and Cassandra. Timothy became a good father figure in his eyes, which unfortunately unsettled Jason, who couldn't accept "that trash heap" as an equal compared to his other siblings. - AKA The Penthouse ROLE SWAP BatFamily. Words: 2179, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU, 펜트하우스 | The Penthouse: War in Life (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: Gen Characters: Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Talia al Ghul, Diana (Wonder Woman), Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain, Damian Wayne, Cassie Sandsmark, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Donna Troy, Roy Harper, Wally West, Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Clark Kent, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Barbara Gordon Relationships: Talia al Ghul/Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown & Tim Drake, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon & Dick Grayson Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Bad Parent Bruce Wayne, Protective Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne is Not Batman, Bruce Wayne is Tim Drake's Biological Parent, Bruce Wayne is Jason Todd's Biological Parent, Bruce Wayne is Dick Grayson's Biological Parent, Bruce Wayne is a Little Shit, Good Parent Selina Kyle, Protective Selina Kyle, Selina Kyle Loves Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle is Tim Drake's Biological Parent, Bad Parent Talia al Ghul, Talia al Ghul is Jason Todd's Parent, Protective Diana (Wonder Woman), Past Diana (Wonder Woman)/Steve Trevor, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Protective Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson Tries to Be a Good Older Sibling, Good Sibling Cassandra Cain, Good Older Sibling Cassandra Cain, Hurt Jason Todd, Jason Todd is Not Okay, Jason Todd is Bad at Feelings, Drugged Jason Todd, Jason Todd has seok kyung role swap, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Has Mental Health Issues, Jealous Jason Todd, Jack Drake is Not Tim Drake's Biological Parent, Tim Drake-centric, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, Hurt Tim Drake, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Tim Drake Whump, Tim Drake has min seol a role swap, Inspired by The Penthouse: War in Live (TV), Blood and Violence, bullied, Suicidal Thoughts read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/RFHAhm9
0 notes
it wasn’t power i coveted; it was acceptance.
Titans 3.06
y’know, i was just thinking the other day that 1.06/1.07 and 2.06/2.07 were the best episodes of their respective seasons, so i have great hopes going in to this one. fingers crossed!
as always, typing this up as i see the episode.
1. oh! um... that was a Cold Open, all right. *nudges* get it? cold? because it’s snowing? and two people got murdered in cold blood? eh?
... oh, i’ve just started.
1.5. i wonder if “i want to be sipping pina coladas on a beach with you” is the new “i’m just one day away from retiring.” i was so on edge after that--i kept expecting that car to explode. even so, the way they died wasn’t an anticlimax: brutal, and quick. 
1.75. so i’m assuming that’s the titular lady vic! this show better bring up why this doll was important or why these two cops needed to be killed, and not leave it to the ether like jericho’s little mindscape jaunt in 2.08 (i’m still dying to know what that was about???)
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i love how deliberately unappealing wayne manor is. 
(sorry for the pic quality. i don’t have hbo max! ssshhh.)
2.3. i love the many references to “home” and “our house” when they’ve been here for less than a week and saw one of their friends get blown into pieces. i mean, i unironically love it: home is where family is, after all!
2.5. i’d like to say that kom is playing some sort of long game here, especially given the build-up we had last season and some of the more niggling details this season: why did kom choose now to use her bond to lure kory when she’s been on earth for months? why did justin call kory now, just around the time that she started getting kom’s visions? and what about kom’s ability to exactly imitate other people? hmmm.
2.75. the reason i wrote i’d like to say is that i’ve made the mistake of assuming plot complexity where there is none; i was so invested in the jason todd orchestrated his own death theory for instance, when it turns out that oops! ra’s al ghul just happened to leave a little lazarus puddle in gotham, and oh yeah! scarecrow just happens to have a network of henchmen working for him on the outside and a fully functional laboratory and a weapons cache fit for a new supervillain in the basement of the high security psychiatric unit/prison that he’s in! 
(no i’m not bitter, why do you ask)
2.8. iiiii don’t know what to say about the implications of sex slavery being a thing on tamaran, so i’m not going to say anything at all. for now.
3. gotham, six years ago... wasn’t it five years before s2 that jericho died and the titans disbanded? and when was the flashback from 1.06 where dick let zucco die? i think it was after the events of 2.08: jericho? i can’t seem to find any transcripts or reliable information online, so i’m going to have to rewatch 1.06 at some point. 
(i love the old-fashioned batman music in this heist scene)
3.5. “security is a joke... it’s my way of keeping my dad on his toes”. what you’re an ethical thief now, like an ethical hacker? i don’t think that excuse is going to sell, barbara, on the day you do encounter a decent security system and your father is forced to arrest you.
(then again, gotham’s security is piss-poor. did you know that you could just walk into arkham asylum without any official clearance, ply one of its most dangerous inhabitants with contraband, and said inmate could get away with having an entire laboratory and weapons cache--NO I’M NOT GOING TO LET THIS GO)
3.8 so that flashback between dick and barbara was really cute! and also illuminating:
a) dick sounds so light, so... um. look. i have some apologies to tender to mr thwaites, because while i’ve always thought he does a fine job as dick grayson, i’ve never been terribly fond of his cadence as he delivers dialogue. it’s often monotonous, i thought, but then again, he’s usually delivering exposition or dealing with one soul-crushing crisis or the other. so i was pleasantly surprised to hear dick sound so carefree and alive in his conversation with barbara, laughing frequently, his emotions so bare and bubbling to the surface. it’s really a fantastic contrast to the traumatised and world-weary dick grayson that we see now, even more so than the costume department just bunging a backwards-baseball cap on mr thwaites’ head and hoping that will convince us of his relative youth. 
b) and god, when he wakes up from that memory, all alone in his bed, bleeding from bullet holes in his shoulder (bullet holes that are--in a somewhat convoluted way--barbara’s fault)? yikes. it’s great. you have my apologies, mr thwaites!
c) can you imagine dick just... crawling back to wayne manor, trying not to be seen by anybody, shedding his suit and just... collapsing onto his bed without even tending to his wound? the sheer emotional and physical exhaustion of it? 
d) it’s so interesting to see how barbara and dick approach the idea of legacy--a big theme on the show!--in this flashback. barbara is the one bucking the idea that she should follow in her father’s footsteps, while dick seems pretty content with the batman-and-robin setup, and even tries to get barbara to join their team (robin-girl. pfffft). obviously after this several traumatic things happen wherein dick ends up questioning and then resenting his role as robin, his relationship with batman or even returning as a vigilante at all. and barbara... ends up replacing her father as commissioner. it’s tragic, really. 
e) the dynamic between dick and barbara in the flashback reminds me of how it was between dick and donna in 1.08 and even between kory and dick in early s1. it’s like having an older, strong-willed woman by his side means he gives over the steering wheel for a while and lets himself... unspool, a little bit. it’s kinda endearing.
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*pinches his cheeks*
3. you know, we talk about dick and Eldest Daughter Syndrome, and that’s definitely valid, but here gar seems to me the embodiment of it, with all the emotional gardening and firefighting that he’s expected to do. he’s kind of the guy expected to keep his shit together and take care of everyone else while they are falling completely to pieces, unable to carve out time to process his own trauma. he’s also picked up dick’s and kory’s tendencies to bottle up their struggles and shun appearing vulnerable, and he’s struggling in the shadow of both dick and kory undergoing acute crises, his best friend (and frequent confidante) on the other side of the world, and seeing hank die, utterly helpless to stop it. 
i’m glad that he got a chance to tell dick even a smidgeon of what he really feels, and i hope this is at least a semblance of a wake up call for dick to actually sit down and work with the people he repeatedly calls family.
3.5. it’s heartening to see that dick immediately makes it his priority to go talk to gar. but don’t blow off kory in the process, man!
4. i’m really loving this dynamic between kom and conner--i get the idea that both of them consider each other as Unknowns, alien two times over. but conner’s only ever known the titans, who embrace being different, and kom’s only ever known... well. 
anyway, kory is Really Stressed, and honestly? #relatable. 
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when you’re forced to bring an estranged family member to hang out with your friends...
4.5. i love that the titans are spending so much time in the kitchen. a real family!
5. jonathan crane is a creep and i absolutely cannot stand him.
5.25. how did he get a whole lab setup (in the basement of a hospital...?) with a bunch of whitecoats to work for him? how did he just waltz into the viewing room of an operation theatre when he’s one of the most wanted men in gotham right now? why is jason wandering around maskless when--presumably--as the adopted son of the most famous person in gotham he’d be a tad more recognisable than your average joe?
why do i expect this show to answer anything anymore?
5.5. that’s not necessarily a criticism, mind; i’ve said since season 1 that titans is very comics-like in this aspect, all about the Aesthetic and the splash-page splendour rather than the niggling unimportant details of how or when the characters got to said location. like. the camera gliding over the operation being set-up, lady vic bursting in and doing her murder dance (imagine the luck of the poor intern who chose this day and this surgery to assist) and jason, shocked and slack-jawed, framed by blood.
5.75. it’s a sobering reminder for jason that, though he chose this path in order to gain control over a world that seemed like it was rapidly spinning out of his grip, he’s only succeeded in handing over even more control to a man with an agenda that is very clearly not aligned with his own. he’s in too far to stop now, though.
5.9. i have a lot more thoughts about jason! saving it up for the end of this recap, though.
6. more kitchen time! i better see dick do some cooking soon...
(”our kitchen”! it still delights me! kitchens are So Important)
6.25. so much of dick’s issues have revolved around his relationship with bruce, so it’s completely understandable that in the wake of a huge crisis where bruce literally asks dick to replace him and be a “better” him, dick would default to all the worst things he learned from the man. and i’m glad kory’s having none of it, but come on, guys. the woman’s literally fetched her fratricidal sister out of a hole in the ground with no idea what said sister is going to do next and experiencing a burgeoning sense of guilt far, far beyond her history with the titans, and dick’s too far into his autocolonoscopy that he can’t see that she needs help.
6.5. “he services your urges”--well, as far as we know, kory is the last person he had sex with...
7. “i hope [gar] isn’t angry with me...” SIR! i thought you’d already spoken to him! smh, as the kids say. kory wouldn’t be needing to reassure you if you just took the effort to build two way emotional relationships with the rest of the team. @superohclair​ was taking about dick’s relatively low emotional intelligence? i agree.
7.5. “i got my own problems [...] you and barbara? fix it.” YOU TELL HIM, KORY
8. man i really like this weird, sad tension between dick and barbara--this sense that both of them are approaching the other based on how they remember them and are ultimately disappointed by the truth. barbara thought she could trust dick to... well, be a better batman, but dick has not only failed at that in her eyes, but repeatedly undermined her while exploiting the authority that she gave him. in dick’s eyes, this is nothing like the barbara that he knew, rebellious and ready to do whatever it takes to find something. 
like. this show sometimes really hits me in the chest about the ways it shows kids grow into adults and into caretakers, and the way it’s stop-start, the ways nothing can happen at all for a long time and then it’s Crisis Central all at once and there’s no space to breathe. the weird sort of sadness that comes with nostalgia. 
8.5. oracle name drop! i agree with barbara, any system that can just randomly tap into gotham phonelines is a monster.
8.7. (i don’t know if it’s my imagination, but is dick holding himself... differently in this episode? like that wound is definitely bothering him, and he’s running on fumes)
9. man, that was a really sweet scene between kom and conner. “feeling alien in your own world”... “not quite here nor there”
honestly this team runs on conner and gar’s faith in their value as a family, and it’s a sign of conner’s generous heart that he extends that opportunity to blackfire. this arc of maturation for him, where he’s now able to consciously choose which parts of himself he can use to do the thing he wants to so--save people--has been so fulfilling to recognise. this baby’s grown with the titans! and what he’s learnt is that people can get fucked up, but the titans is a place where they can be fucked up, and grow.
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10. oh man i’m drinking in the gar-dick interaction in this episode like i’m three days into the desert and it’s the only source of water for miles around!
a) gar is absolutely not dealing with dick’s bullshit this episode and I LOVE IT. it’s such a far cry from the man who was idolising dick/robin back in s1 and expecting him to solve all their problems. dick is fallible, dick is fucked up, but he Tries His Best and that’s ok.
b) dick, huffing and puffing through that vent, unable to put any pressure on his left shoulder, trying to have a heart to heart with gar... fuck i love this asshole. 
c) bruce took in a kid who was suffering... “and made him into a weapon”. well. i absolutely agree with dick that it was bruce who put these kids into these horrible situations with him and they came away with a bucketload of trauma to add to the one that they already had. but we know that bruce was really trying with jason, and at the end of s2, dick was coming to acknowledge that bruce had offered him something that wasn’t just darkness. jason’s death and bruce’s reaction to that shattered that fragile progress.
d) “gotham got to me too.” i feel more sympathetic towards dick running off on his own than most, and it’s not just because i’m an unapologetic stan.  we’ve seen before that dick... devolves when overwhelmed, and he lashes out and makes ill thought out decisions and just Does Not Deal. it happened after hearing the news that deathstroke had returned in s2, and it didn’t help that everyone around him was reeling at the news, either. this time, however, he has his salvation in his family, and despite some stupid decisions like running off and kidnapping supervillains without telling his team, he’s been really on the ball this season. thinking clearly and logically, holding it together and working on a plan, thinking two steps ahead of the villains... yes.
e) gar needing to believe that jason isn’t beyond redemption... there’s a lot of blood on his hands, too, from when he was manipulated by cadmus last season. it makes sense why he’d relate to jason’s predicament, and i hope dick picked up on that.
f) my head just added a plaintive ow after dick jumped feet first into the storage room
i need, crave gifs of this scene!
11. *sits on hands* i’m going to talk more about red hood, i promise!
12. more gar and dick! is it my birthday??!!
(actually, according to the tamil calendar, it is my birthday! my “star” birthday)
12.5. excellent. dick using some implausible training that bruce taught him to solve a mystery? passing some of that knowledge onto gar? that proud smile when he sees gar perfectly execute moves that he taught him? MY HEART IS EXPLODING
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13. aw, i love flashback!dick and barbara, they’re so cute <3
13.25. why does it not surprise me that the way he proposes a relationship to barbara is by saying “we make sense”? this guy can deduce exactly who was present where and what weapon they were holding from a garbled audio recording but other times he’s utterly clueless, and that’s a consistent character beat right from s1
13.5. so.... that’s why lady vic has it out for... barbara....? i don’t get it. it’s flimsy. but hey! the fun thing about titans is that i don’t have to get it. the payoff has nothing to do with the plot.
14. i can’t believe that barbara fell for that, but at least that wheelchair fight looked awesome, so.
15. oh yeah, i forgot that red hood bullied the mob into helping him and scarecrow... at least that explains the whitecoats and the elaborate set-up.
15.5. honestly i love how this dynamic between kory and kom is developing, though i wish more of the team would pay attention to it. time to call justin, i think!
16. i wonder what happened after that second flashback where barbara got hurt during that heist. did she give up on doing any more (maybe jim caught her)? was it because dick was called away by bruce and then the titans and got caught up in his own issues? maybe barbara froze him out because she wasn’t looking for the relationship that he was looking for? maybe the idea of doing that with someone turning into batman-lite was just... unappealing? scary?
whatever it is, it doesn’t look like dick ever processed the end of that relationship. it’s very intriguing to see where their dynamic goes next.
17. so.... what, did vic deliver some fear toxin to barbara? i... what?
17.5. and i TOLD YOU that they would never explain that doll or why vic attacked those two cops at the beginning! oh, titans. never change. 
18. did jason just randomly have tim’s restaurant burgled? god, i’m feeling a bit nauseous... are they going to kill tim’s father?
18.25. i feel like the rest of the season is going to wrestle with jason’s culpability in the horrible stuff he’s doing and i’m already seeing that prospect divide fans. on one hand, his story is taking a lot of oxygen away from other equally interesting story arcs, and he’s done some truly awful things, like indiscriminate murder, threatening to kill children, blowing up hank, and potentially killing tim’s parents. 
there’s something to be said for the kind of hold that crane has over him, and the so-called ‘anti-fear’ drug that he keeps plying jason with--he’s alone, drugged almost constantly (to the level of dependence), fresh from the trauma of being bludgeoned to death. he hasn’t conquered fear; he’s ruled by it. on the other hand, given that he’s the one character on the show given an obvious and identifiable ‘mental illness’ arc (maaaaybe dick too), one can argue that it’s irresponsible to show this progress into such violence: jason was vulnerable because he was struggling, and that left him vulnerable, but it took only a push before he became a fucking serial killer.
but that could mean we underestimate the degree of that vulnerability, and the mechanics of this universe where he fell into the clutches of the one supervillain perfectly designed to exploit that vulnerability. that helpless spiral into further and further self-destruction is all too real. it’s valuable to know that someone who has sunk that low can still seek help--actual help--and get it. 
18.5. i don’t know. it’s not a question i’m going to resolve at the end of an overlong recap at 1 in the morning. i don’t believe it’s even a question that titans can resolve. but i am interested in where they’re going next with jason.
19. this episode was genuinely great! i’m pumped for the rest of the season!
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prosperdemeter2 · 3 years
I see a lot of people complaining about Dick's "lack of reaction" to Jason's death in the most recent Titans season and, I have to say... I don't see it. I'm not a psychologist by any means but I do have some experience dealing with grief and trauma, in myself and others. I feel it has to be stated to that not everyone processes grief the same way. I get it, we all want there to be more EMOTION involved. We want to see SOMEONE cry over Jason (that isn't Tim apparently). I too think it would have been moving to see the stoic Batman break down a bit in the cave after laying his kid to rest. But there are some things we have to remember:
1. This isn't fanon. Not everything is going to happen the same way fandom Batfam makes us want things to.
2. These characters and their relationships are in their infancy. Jason and Dick were never shown growing close when he was Robin for a reason. I, personally, thought it was a really good way to show the difference in how Dick handles Jason and how Jason would come to handle Tim - resentment. Ultimately, Dick knew his problems were with Bruce, not Jason. Jason hasn't quite come to those terms yet. His relationship to Dick was more important to HIM than it ever really was to Dick.
More importantly, I think Jason's going through the same things the fans are. He wants a specific reaction that his emotionally stunted family isn't going to give him.
3. Titans takes place AFTER Jason's death. Yes, we saw it on screen. But we didn't get to see the actual immediate reaction of any of the team (aside from Gar and Kon) once they got the news. We don't know how Dick reacted to that phone call. We don't know if he found a rooftop and cried. We don't know if Kory hugged him while he broke down and mourned for the brother he had just come to terms with having. We DO know that he was pissed at Bruce for having the funeral without him.
4. Alfred is gone. Alfred has ALWAYS been the one person to force the entire family to face their emotions. It makes sense that without him there, Bruce would be a lot more emotionally stunted.
5. Multiple times in the series we've been shown Donna and now Barbara calling Dick out on the way he acts and the way he was raised. He was raised a soldier, a detective, raised to channel his grief and suffering into anger and *justice*. The Batman didn't have time for little Dick Grayson's emotions after his parents died. He trained him to put those emotions to the side and focus on things he can solve.
Which is why Dick's so hung up on the "drug" Jason was on.
6. EVERYONE processes grief differently. Everyone. Some people get sad, some drown that grief in whatever they can find, some get angry (Bruce), some point fingers, some try to solve a problem and hold together a family that was never truly whole. Keep in mind we're on episode four only here.
7. Dick is traumatized. Like. Literally traumatized. This man is probably so desensitized to death that it's insane. We all said we wanted the Robins on screen and now that we're getting it - and getting an almost realistic approach to what that would do to a child's psychology - we're upset that it's not... what? I think, personally, considering all of the death and destruction Dick has regularly been around since before he was Robin (with his parents) he's reacting to things exactly how most people would.
8. He's been left to protect Gotham. Batman's dipped, we don't know where Bruce is, and Dick is told to protect the city. The city he left. The role he never wanted. He called in his team. He YELLED at Bruce that he would never be Robin again (guys, this is huge! He's standing up for his own principles against someone who, in season one, he wanted the approval of so bad). His TEAM is his family.
I see a breakdown coming. I just think we all have to prepared for it to not be tears and crying and, instead, be anger. Anger is the only way these boys have been taught to deal with their bad emotions.
Or, who knows, Donna - who is a big sister figure to Dick - could show up and make him confront the things he's been refusing to confront.
Idk this is just my opinion and my read on things. What do I know? 😂
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I know Kory is definitely going to make Dick work for her, I also believe Dick is up for the challenge. Ultimately, Dick was drawn to (from the moment he met her) - Kory’s confidence. Remember, she had amnesia and was still out here being a badass boss chick. and he admired that. She also always honest with him. She was honest with him about how she felt about him trying to leave Rachel with Hank & Dawn. She brought the tequila to his room, she’s the one that pumped the brakes on a relationship until they figured out who she was and who he’s going to be. She’s also the one that figured out that he was going to go off on his own with Deathstroke. She was about to lay Hank out when Dick told the team what actually happened with Jericho and he punched Dick. Kory’s the one that went with Rachel to break Dick out of jail. Not Dawn or his best friend Donna. Moreover, she didn’t get in her feelings (to much) when Dick had his rekindled relationship with Barbara (wasting her time in Gotham with Scarecrow and Jason) while she was dealing with her sister, Conner and Gar. However, I admittedly was ready to see Kory go down to the station and talk to Barbara about Dick getting shot by a sniper on her ordere would have loved to be a fly on the wall when Barbara called Kory to tell her that Dick had an accident on his motorcycle and was in the hospital. She’s always there for Dick when he needs it as a friend/partner and it’s time for him to reciprocate!!
Anon, you get the dynamic between DickKory. I honestly believe Dick could just smile at Kory and offer one of his ‘Dick Grayson flirty comments’ like “I liked the way you blocked my moves in training today, wanna go on a date with me tomorrow?” and Kory’s answer will be yes. As gone as Dick is for Kory, I know the feelings are mutual. I however, will like to see him work harder than he ever has, to get her. I don’t want it to be easy because that will mean we get more of a build up to them finally getting together.
You touch on so many reasons why these two are just perfect for each other. Kory understands Dick and gives him the room to be himself without judgement but you best believe she will set him straight and not let him get away with any BS, like we saw throughout S1 and 2.
I like the act of reciprocity they have between them but most importantly it is born of honesty and trust. No matter what idiotic move Dick makes, that trust Kory has in and her need to protect him never wavers. Like you pointed out, the OGs have known Dick the longest and yet non of them knew the suicidal mission he was about to embark on with Deathstroke, but it only took him complimenting her hair for Kory to know this fool was about to sacrifice himself. At the core, they know each other beyond the superficial aspects and will protect each other with their lives as friends, partners and lovers.
We’ve seen how fiercely Dick defends and fights for Kory(aka asylum) so imagine how feral he will go once they are finally together. Even though he knows Kory is capable of protecting herself, I fear for anyone who tries to harm her.
In terms of DB rekindling whatever that thing was, I was honestly glad Kory was unfazed by it. It’s just not in her nature to be jealous. If I’m not mistaken, (someone correct me if I’m wrong) I believe the Tamaraneans are more about sharing their love. To add to Richard and all his exes showing up (May Babs be the last) , I’m also glad we were saved from a triangle with DickDawn.🙏🙏
Also, you are definitely not the only one who wanted Kory to go and have words with Barb after he was shot. It is funny to me that Dick Grayson did not even object and Gar had to be the one, ( always the common sense committee). We love a husband who is ok with his wife being a badass and fighting his battles. LOL. I am excited for S4 and to see them finally get together. We’ve waited long enough and it’s time to collect our reward.
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riseofnightwing · 4 years
Once Upon a Dream - Dick Grayson Imagine (You'll love me at once, The way you did once upon a dream)
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pairing: Dick Grayson x Titan! (Preg!Wifey!Reader)
request¹: When Trigon is controlling Dick, he sees Y / n as his wife instead of Dawn. So he tells Y / n what he saw.
request²: Can you write something about Dick and y/n being pregnant and he is protective over her and the baby? Thanks
notes: I joined these two lovely requests together because I thought they fit pretty well I’m so sorry the delay, I’m back at college and doing both is pretty hard but i did my very best. hope you enjoy it xxxx<3 y/e/c: your eye color
y/n/n: your nickname
“Good dreams, big boy.” I said as I put my son to sleep after telling him all the stories he asked me to. John wasn’t a hard-to-deal kid, he reminded me a lot of myself when I was younger, not the bad things, of course, only the good ones, although I wished he could inherit more of Y/n. Looking back at my past doesn’t make me that proud of who I was, but if I admire someone, it surely is my wife. 
Heading to our bedroom, I entered, immediately locking my eyes for more than a second with a pair of large, Y/E/C eyes set in a pretty face. Y/N was laying down in our bed, reading her book. It didn’t matter how many times I looked at her, she would always look as beautiful as ever. 
“Hey, Boy Wonder.” She greeted me with her specific -and so beloved by me- soft tone of voice.
“Hello, y/n/n” I took my shoes off, sitting in the bed, close to her. Her smell entered my nostrils as I placed a warm kiss on her neck. “How’s our baby and my wife doing?” I caressed her belly, trying to check on our kid as much as I could. Having John four years ago made me way more responsible and careful than I would imagine that I could be someday. Since it, my family had been all I cared for, the hero life didn’t need me as much as they did, or as much as I needed them too. 
“We’re doing fine, he didn’t kick me like yesterday so yes..we’re good for today” she told me with a smile on her face. “But my feet, god, they’re killing me” 
“Well, I think I can help you on this” I told her with a half smile 
“Yeah? Show me how then.” she said and i moved to the end of the bed, sitting with her feet in my laps while i started to massage it.
She left her book on her side, positioning comfortably through the pillows
“I already told you this but..you’re the best husband in the whole world” she said
“I know that, thank you” i said, mocking her 
“You’re so sassy, Grayson” we laughed together. I kept doing the massage for ten minutes when, in a matter of a second, we were interrupted by my phone ringing, showing Jason Todd on it’s screen. He was calling for a video call.
I didn’t talk to Jason for ages, what would he want now? 
I looked at Y/n and she nodded at me, pointing that I should answer and I did. She got back to read her book while I answered his call, but I knew my wife pretty well to know she was still listening.
“Hey, Jay. Long time no see” I said when his face showed up on the screen. He was different, surely not the same Jason I knew 5 years ago.
“Hey, man, not as good as you, I think.” He answered, showing his legs. He was sitting in a wheelchair, I got perplexed. What the hell did happen to him?
“Jason”  I had my hands covering my mouth after passing them through my hair. “What happened?”
“I was stupid. Totally my fault. Riddler and some guys were hitting jewelry stores late at night.” he spoke and I paid attention to every single word “Batman and I staked one out, caught them coming in. Should’ve gone down real simple, but I got too cocky. Big Surprise.” He had his head down, recognizing his mistakes.
“Went straight for him, Though I could take him down on my own. You know the Riddler never uses a gun?” 
I nodded at him, it was true, he never did.
“Well, now he does. Bullet hit on my t5 vertebra. I still have it here.”
“Jesus.. I’m so sorry for that.”
“Gotham’s gotten worse, man” He looked at me “Way fucking worse. Commissioner Gordon’s dead.”
“What?” I was completely astonished by what I heard. How the fuck did Bruce let it happen? 
“Three days ago. It was the joker, and it was bad. When Bruce finally found where he was. It was too late already.” he said “He’s going to kill the joker”
I felt Y/n’s intrigued eyes on me at this point. She knew Bruce almost too much like I did.
“He would never do that. Bruce has a line he’ll never cross” 
“Things have changed, Dick. Alfred Died, I got shot, Commissioner Gordon Died.” Too much information to my own good, I wish I could still be in peace with Yn in bed like I was some minutes ago.
“Why are you telling me all of that now?” I sighed.
“Because you’re the real Robin, man. Not me. He was never the same after you left. Alfred said it. Superman said it. You were the only one he ever listened to. Maybe the only one he cared about after his parents died.” I didn’t answer him this time, it was too much.
“You need to come back to Gotham and convince him not to do it.”
What? Come back to Gotham? 
“I can’t. I swore I’d never go back.I haven’t spoke to Bruce in years”
“The whole thing with Tony Zucco. You know what he’s going through. If he does it, there’s no coming back.” I looked back at him “He’s the only hero that Gotham has left.” he sighed “You’re the only one that could save him” 
He said and hung up, leaving me with innumerable thoughts, innumerable questions.
 I threw my phone at the sofa in front of the bed, getting up and running my hands through my hair. 
I felt a pair of arms hugging me from behind
“Dick.” I heard her voice “I’m here.”
“If bruce wants to do something, he’s gonna do it. We both know that.” I said turning around to look at her.  “He dresses up like a bat to fight crime. That works for him.” I spoke trying to show her my point of view, it was insane what Jason just told me.
“But this idea that I’m the only one that could save him? It’s bullshit.” I complemented, walking side to side in the room while she was looking calmly at me.
“Then, who?” she just asked
“Jim Gordon is dead. Alfred is dead. Barbara’s missing. He fell out with Superman years ago. He’s alone.” She told me, eye to eye.
“He’s always alone, Y/n.”
“Not when you’re around, Dick. How’re you going to feel if you don’t at least try?”
“Bruce Wayne is not my responsibility.” I raised my tone of voice, being hard at what I said. Damn. I knew I had fucked up the minute I said it, so I walked to her.
“I’m sorry.” I hugged her from behind just like she did some minutes ago. “After our baby, if he still hasn’t got shit together, I’ll go. I can’t leave the three of you alone here.” 
“Okay.” She said “Oh my god, Dick, he just kicked, he knows we’re talking about’im”
I smiled and moved my hands to her belly in an attempt to feel our son’s kick’s. It was crazy how much my family meant to me, remembering that I always loved Y/n and now, having a life built with her and calling her “wife” is the most peaceful feeling i’ve ever felt.
Our moment was interrupted by a little figure entering our bedroom. It was John with his sleepy face and his teddybear, “Growley” -which one Gar gave to him on his birthday- and we turned our attention to him.
“Hey buddy, couldn’t sleep?” I asked 
“Growley wants to go with you.” he told me 
“Go where, sweetie?” Y/n asked our older son.
“To Gotham City” He said and I laughed. Did he hear it all?
“Wow. Eavesdropping.” Y/n told me.
“But Growley is your favourite.” 
“He’ll protect you.” John said and left, heading to his room, sleeping again.
“Look honey.” Y/n turned to me, putting a hand on my face and I leaned at her touch, closing my eyes, she always had the power to put my shit together when I couldn’t.
“I know that your relationship with Bruce is more than complicated, and that the last time you saw each other you said some things..But he saved you, Dick.”
“What if you’re the only one who can save him back?” I scoff.
“Baby, that’s absurd.” I told her 
“But what if?” She asked me.
The next morning I was ready to take a plane to GC. I called Donna to keep here with Y/n until I got back. The bell rang and she was here. Me and Y/n went to receive our old friend.
“Hey Donn” Y/n greeted her.
“I missed you, sister.” The black haired girl answered my wife.
“Hey crazy chick. It’s good to see you. Thank you for coming.” I told her when she came to hug me.
“No problem, don’t worry, I’ll be taking a real good care of these three”
“I don’t doubt it”
We talked to each other and I was ready to leave.
“I’ll be back in a matter of a second, baby, I promise. I’ll have my phone close every time, call me if you need and i’ll be right back.”
“Dick, I’m the one who should be pretty worried by now, and believe me, I am, so please, take care in every moment of this, right?”
"Come on, it’s me. I’m good at this sort of stuff, remember?" I told her with a cocky smile.
We kissed deeply. I gave John a kiss on his head.
“Take care of your mother and your auntie, alright? That’s your mission.”
“Alright, Dad.” he smiled sweetly at me.
“Donn, call me if she feels anything different from normal, any sight of danger and I'll drop everything on Gotham and I'll be back, deal?” Donna nodded at me.
“You’re everything I have. I love you” I said in my wife’s ear, leaving a kiss on her forehead, and leaving.
Gotham was crazy, not the city I knew, the city I left back, this is the closest to hell i’ve ever got to.
I wanted to go back to my family, my pregnant wife, my 4 year old son, my house. But I couldn’t forget that once, Gotham was my home too.
The joker is almost dead. Bruce threw him up from a building and now the police escorted him to a hospital.
I followed to the place that, for a long time, sheltered me. Wayne manor, I needed to talk to Bruce. And I Tried, I told him the joker isn't dead yet and he had a chance to sneak out from darkness. But he didn’t appear so I left.
Although my conscience led me to think I should go back to the better life I chose when I burned my suit, that I should just forget about being Batman’s savior and go back to Y/n, everything kept me stuck on the city. Things happened faster than I could control.
Bruce killed the joker at the hospital. He ran before I could get him, he injured policemen. He didn’t stop at it, he Killed prisoners, nurses, guards. It wasn’t justice, it was a massacre. He couldn’t be saved. He needed to be stopped. I made his name public. 
I drove an operation to get him and he killed all my team.
He wanted me to give in to the darkness. To become him. 
Well, fuck you, Bruce, you win.
I killed Batman.
“Dick.” Hands on my face and a voice calling my name, it was all I could understand now.
“Dick, It was all planned by trigon” Rachel was at the batcave, where i killed batman. What was she saying? “Dick, you would never kill batman.”
 “Shut the fuck up” I told her, I had to kill him.
“You’re the boy from the circus, Dick. We’re supposed to save each other.” She said and we were in my parent’s circus. The flying Graysons, my good memories showed up and I woke up.
“I missed you.”
“Rach” I chuckle.
“Welcome back.” She told me and left to find trigon. 
Y/n. Her face filled my mind. Wasn’t it all real? Everything we lived, our home, our son, she was my wife for I don’t know how long and it was all trigon controlling my mind, but still, it felt so real. So good.
I had to find her.
“What’s going on?” Gar appeared with his face pretty much hurted.
“Hey, Gar, I swear I’ll tell you everything later but, where’s Y/n?”
“She’s black eyed, Dick. Outside, Don’t think you should..”
“I will get her back.”
When I came outside, all the titans were looking at Trigon and Raven, and I knew her enough to know that she’d deal pretty well with him. I looked at Y/n and she wasn’t awake, so I pulled her by her arm.
I turned her to look at me and she did. 
“Y/n, it’s me, Dick. Wake up.”
“That’s me. The real me.” She had Trigon on her mind still and I needed her back.
“It’s not, I know you, Y/n. I saw you, in my vision, I had you with me so please, come back.”
Our eyes were locked, she seemed to hear what I had said and with no reluctance, she was back, her eyes weren't blacked anymore and she woke up.
“Dick.” she seemed confused. We all were.
“You’re back.” 
I hugged her and she hugged me back, words were never spoken between me and Y/n, although I bet everyone knew about our feelings about each other, I never faced it, until now. I broke the embrace to look at her-
“I had you, Y/n, in my mind, during all the time you were with me and when I faced reality, it was sad that it was only a dream. It made me realize that’s enough of hiding, I need you to keep with me, because I don’t know what I’d do if you didn’t and because.. I love you.”
She looked at me as if she couldn’t believe it.
“I’m being completely honest in every word I said.”
“I’m here,  Dick. Kiss me.” She said, surprising me, and I did. 
“I’ve waited for this for so long.” She said when we parted our kiss.
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pink-bird-30 · 3 years
Titans 3x10
Spoilers Ahead
Read at own risk!!!!!
I don't think frustrated is a strong enough term for me to explain how I feel about this episode, but of this entire season as a whole.
Dick mf Grayson, what has happened to you?!?!?!
First off, why go back to the hospital to look at the eye test board? Are you admitting to your hallucinations or just the writers jerking us around? What is the importance of seeing the figure in the eye exam if they are not going to explore it further?!
Glad to see Gotham is back on its usual shit of setting itself on fire and all the residents acting like this is something new. Bruh, I think Gotham was constructed on Hellfire with how often things go sideways; I can't even imagine the taxes to live there.
I'm interested in Gar reading up on the Lazarus Pit. For anybody that knows about Ra's al Ghul, you know that when you get tossed into the pit, you lose your soul. SO are we witnessing the shell of Jason or or the writers forgot the basics of the comics and forgot to put that important piece of the puzzle into play here. Cuz if so, you waited until episode 10 of a probable 13 episode season to explain that Jason lost his soul?????? and still didn't even get to the point because Gar was interrupted by Gotham bullshit.
Why did they make the people of Gotham seem rabid and not, idk, sick? They drank Crane's Toxin and they're acting like dogs with rabies that can pull their joints back into place? like what?
The inconsistency in this episode killed me. Dick and Babs went to a bar causally in the middle of this hell hole of an episode for drinks. And Babs ordered a fucking coffee???? bro, the water is contaminated and you're ordering coffee?!
I'm not even going to touch Donna with a 10ft pole right now because I just don't understand why they had to show her trials with Lydia. It look away from the main plot that was disrupted last episode since we were in the Shadowland getting Tim and Donna back, but still didn't continue that plot into today. What happened to Tim, where is Bruce, how did Donna get to Gotham from wherever the Hell Bruce's other Manor was? Just why?!
I'm glad season 2 Dick showed up for .5 seconds to turn himself in. That was refreshing to see some normalcy from him. This whole scene had me annoyed because Dick talks about them being "family" and what not, but where have you been all season? You have no idea what is going on with any of these people. Does he know Kom and Connor are a thing? Does he know Kori is still hallucinating just like him? Does he realize Gar is the only one who genuinely cares about Jason? Dick has som twisted view on what family is.
The scene when they are all driving to turn themselves in. We are given a scene where Kom is vulnerable and showing her fears of being taken in by the police. But when they pull up to the precinct, we see Dick and Kori exit their own vehicle. So you are telling me that wE COULD OF HAD A SCENE OF DICK AND KORI TALKING ABOUT WHAT WAS ABOUT TO HAPPEN? AND THEY DIDN'T SHOW IT?! WHERE IS MY SOFT DICK THAT WOULD SHARE HIS INSECURITIES WITH KORI ABOUT THE DECISIONS HE'S MAKING. (I will obviously be writing a fic about this later).
Jason and Crane are really annoying me now. Crane is a "good bad" but I don't get anything from him. He seems lazy and unconcerned and it bothers me. He's not actively trying to take out the Titans, but instead uses a video to do it form him? I don't know if that is because I'm so used to performative villains in these kinds of shows, but even the past two season the villains were always ready for more. Crane makes me bored. I kinda liked it better when Jason was unhinged.
Big surprise, Gotham cops are dirty.
Okay, we need to break down what happened with Kom and Kori. I'm really torn about whether or not Kom took Kori's power's on purpose. Kori is a very passionate person, whereas Kom is collected and preserved. Their personalities clash all the time, and it makes it hard for me to believe whether Kom is good or not. Kori talks about needing to save others and do what is the best for Gotham, where as Kom is always concerned with their status as Queens and thinking of themselves first. This is what makes me believe Kom did it on purpose when the opportunity presented itself. If not, I do believe she would have found another way. As for Kori, I think she has a right to be unsure of Kom's motives, she knows her sister better than all of us (which is fucked cuz, how are we to know them without knowing their past). In the end I think Kom needs Kori's full trust to break her.
As of right now, Crane has only managed to knock one person down, which was Barbara. But he still has an entire team of people to pull apart and it's taken too long. Slade managed this in 5 seconds last season.
In this entire episode, only one thing rang true, and Dick put it perfectly: "Gotham is on it's own." Which is sad considering Bruce wouldn't have let it go this far. Gotham needs Batman, not the Titans.
After thoughts:
Where is Tim? is he okay? Does Dick care this kid basically died and never mentioned anything about it again?
Bruce, where did Donna leave him? Is he in a safe place where he can't try to blow himself up again?
[Edit cuz people are jerks, It was great to see Rachel again]
Guys, we really need some good shit next week cuz I'm tired.
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mndvx · 3 years
please enlighten me as to how much this episode sucked 🤭 bc from what i'm reading, it was even worse than last week
Turns out we finally found which episode of Titans is the worst!! (So far, at least.)
I have a feeling that the finale will be the most absolute insane pile of dog shit this show has ever had. And it's had a lot lately!! They really baited us into thinking there was a slight chance of it being good with the first four episode. I'm so mad.
Last week was a filler episode. And it was bad. But they really outdid themselves with this one, it's... yeah it's the worst episode of Titans, so far.
The GCPD is incompetent, that we already knew. So it's not really surprising when Random Nameless Cop #4 ends up being easily bought by Jason/Crane after we saw him have a little feely chat with Barbs about someone he knew dying from the fear induced riots or whatever
but before that, Crane sends all of gotham a little fanvid he made in his garage using footage from episode 1, not in any way shot differently, it's just episode 1 intro fight against Gizmo Guys copy pasted with a few flashing random buzz words, like "thief" "con-man" or whatever and him narrating about how the titans are bad guys and the reason why gotham's water is poisoned and says he put a bounty of 500K on the titans dead or alive. We get a little montage of every main character seeing the vid. With Conner and Komand'r spooning together in the living room d'aww and Gar reading up on Lazarus Pits then having a little DCney Prince moment with the bats in the cave before Kory comes in to tell him about the video.
So with that, what does Dick do? First he tells Barbara he's gonna fix this(tm) then he goes back to the batcave (off screen) and i guess tells the rest of the team (off screen) to get into a parking lot or something?? where they get surrounded by dozens of people and like... Fight four of them before Dick tells them to come back??? Also, at some point during this Dick is like "Me staying here, it's a mistake I should be with you guys" and Kory tells him "No! You got a bounty on your head, it's safer" so why is Gar not staying in the cave with him, he's not invincible either!!
Meanwhile, Donna is taking a taxi to get back to Gotham, because I guess she can't teleport anymore, that must've been some of that Purgatory juice that sent her from Themyscira to that other Wayne Manor to save Bruce (who we hear NOTHING about. I mean good, we're not here for him, but she literally just stopped him from kiling himself in another country and now she's on the way to Gotham all alone... That's weird
Same thing about Tim, we saw him come back from the dead last week, but he's nonexistent in this episode. No one, not a single person all titans included, even speaks about him or even vaguely mentions him being shot or asks if he's okay or anything.
and then that random Lydia amazon shows up saying she's been following Donna "for 10 minutes" which is really weird, because Donna definitely was moving for longer than ten minutes, i mean she was IN ANOTHER COUNTRY, so how the fuck did you show up specifically on that road to Gotham just ten minutes ago, CAN YOU TELEPORT LYDIA??? I guess she can because then she slams Donna down and she wakes up in some random woods she calls "The Training Grounds" like it means something. blablabla this is the B Plot i guess? It's dumb, it's pointless. It's Lydia fighting Donna for way too long, some random shit about Lydia's daughter Angela dying and how she's sad or whatever who cares, then telling Donna she has to rise, she was born to lead people etc etc (can you tell how hard they're trying to make a spin off happen?) before Donna can finally go back to going to Gotham (no she doesn't get reunited with the team.)
Dick and Babs meet in a bar for some reason, random pointless and annoying reminiscing about their past before Dick tells her he's gonna turn himself in as Nightwing, pay bail then vanish from Gotham so the people can supposedly keep faith in the GCPD and not turn against them?? idk, if Nightwing vanished like that right after being caught by them, I wouldn't trust them to protect me but that's just me!
Jason and Crane have a weird and cringey chat (again. they had one before as he prepared his fanvid, talking about... Breakfast?? Jason was annoyed and didn't get the point of it, same) and he goes on this rant about how Jason needs to believe in himself and all that, makes him go "Red Hood!! Say it with me! Red Hood!" for like... what felt like at least a whole minute before he suits back up and goes back to being the murderous little shit he CHOSE to be, Molly calls him and asks him to stop he says no i have to </3 (you don't dumbass)
Dick tells everyone his plan, they all eventually agree because that's totally not gonna go wrong 🙄🙄 so they suit up and go to the GCPD to make a little show of their surrender. The cop that was bought out apparently has a lot of friends bc most of the cops present during the thing start acting up and one of them pushes Komand'r first (geoff johns, i'm in your walls with a knife) which is only so Conner can go "HEY BACK OFF 😠😠" before they then start attacking everyone. You already saw Kom gets shot, so yeah... That happens. Con stopped one bullet and stood there just 🖐🏻😠 while another was shot and hit Komand'r in the stomach or something, the most boring fight scene ensues (gar gets shirtless yay! sorry.) Barbara kills the cop who had his gun drawn on Dick and she's later on arrested by Vee for it, which... what the fuck??
so everyone left after the whole boring fight, separating and hiding. Kory and Kom go to a church where Kory decides to use her powers to try and heal the bullet wound that is KILLING her sister, and Komand'r somehow (unconsciously) absorbs all of Kory's powers, which makes Kory mad and go on a whole thing wondering if this was her plan all along, making Kory care for her so she could betray her or something. Komand'r says it's not the case and asks what will it cost for Kory to trust her etc. (honestly this whole episode is badly written, but 🥺🥺 Kory admitted she cared about Kom). then they have another argument, because Kory wants to return to the Titans and help them, but Komand'r tells her they should leave and go somewhere alone the two of them, and that Kory is a queen and was never meant to be fighting a war that's not hers and they then separate because Kory is not going anywhere. Komand'r then leaves, Kory asks where she's going and Kom tells her she's not "the only one with unfinished business" which... what? So yeah, now Komand'r has Kory's full set of powers and Kory is COMPLETELY depowered. 
And then we have a little montage of the city going to shit and full chaos, with Barbara being arrested for killing that other cop. Donna beats up a soldier who wouldn't let her come in Gotham. Because of course she comes back when everything's gone to shit, how convenient.
Gar is all alone in an empty warehouse type of place, after having been shot with a tranquilizer dart while the whole fight in the GCPD happened, (which was like half a day ago, idk how animal tranquilizer work but that must be strong stuff because he's still a little knocked out from it) he sees a raven that then turns into our beloved little Rachel!!! She tells him she found him because she felt his energy, and they have a quick recap chat where he tells her Jason and Crane turned the city into chaos she doesn't react in any particular way, so i guess she knows Jason is evil? whatever. the good thing about this scene is Rachel using her powers!! (and Ryan Potter's abs)
Then we see Dick and Conner on their own, with Conner insisting they need to go out there and help people but Dick being the dumbfuck he is tells Conner they can't, that they need to stay hidden and not be caught, so going back to Wayne Manor is also out of the question. But CONNER IS INVINCIBLE!!!!! FOR FUCK'S SAKE GRAYSON!!!!
And for our last scenes, Jason and Crane are in Wayne Manor. He makes Jason destroy a painting of Bruce and his parents because of course you have redecorate the place now that it's yours, Jason has quick flashbacks of his conversation with Bruce in Crime Alley in the shitty episode all about Jay and angrily stabs the painting like 20 times?? And Crane actually says "Welcome to Crane Manor", it wasn't just the synopsis being cringe!
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robin-27 · 3 years
Man of Steel
Origin Story
Main Villain = General Zod
Cameos = Martian Manhunter & Abin Sur
References = Supergirl & Brainiac
Batman: Gotham Knight
A few years in as Batman
Robin & Batgirl = Tim Drake & Cassandra Cain
Dick has been Nightwing and formed the Titans years ago
Main Villain = Deadshot & Black Mask
Cameos = David Cain & Riddler
References = Various Batman Villains (Arkham)
World’s Finest
Batman and Superman team up movie
Reveals other metahumans/heroes - Flash, The Hawks, The Atom and The Lantern Corps
Main Villains = Lex Luthor & Deathstroke
Plot - Batman and Superman at odds, but team up once they realise Lex and Slade are the bad guys behind things
Cameos = Firefly & Bane
Wonder Woman: Amazonian Warrior
Present Day
Origin story, kinda
Fish out of water style movie
Main Villain = Ares
Cameos = Batman & Superman
References = ARGUS (Through Steve)
Justice League
League Line-Up - Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash(Barry), Aquaman, Green Lantern(Hal) & Martian Manhunter
Apokolips invasion - Led by Granny Goodness and Steppenwolf
Formation of the Justice League
Explains why there was a Teen Titans before League (Batman)
Cameos = The Hawks, The Atom, Shazam & Green Arrow
References = Darkseid & Amanda Waller
The Flash
Features Hal Jordan
Buddy Cop movie
Main Villains = The Rouges - Captain Cold, Heatwave, Mirror Master & Captain Boomerang
Cameos = Kid Flash, Jay Garrick & Henry Allen
References = Reverse Flash
Aquaman: War for Atlantis
Orm learns of Arthur
Similar to actual movie
Main Villains = Orm and Black Manta
Cameos = Kaldur
Young Justice
Reach invasion
Introduction of Bart Allen and Jaime Reyes
Team lineup - Robin, Wondergirl, Impulse, Batgirl, Aqualad, Blue Beetle & Miss Martian
Main Villain = The Reach
Camoes = Jason Todd
Green Arrow: Emerald Archer
Introduction of Black Canary and Emiko Queen
Flashbacks to Oliver’s origin
Main Villain = Shado & Komodo
Emiko is the illegitimate daughter of Oliver and Shado
Cameos = Ra’s al Ghul, Nyssa al Ghul, Talia al Ghul & Damian Wayne
References = Connor Hawke & Malcolm Merlyn 
Justice League: Unlimited
Origin story for John Stewart
Focus’ on new heroes
Main team lineup - John Stewart, The Atom, The Hawks and Shazam
Main Villain = The Royal Flush Gang
Cameos - Various League members & Gorilla Grodd
References - JSA
Batman: Under the Red Hood
Pretty much the same as the movie
Main Villains = Joker, Red Hood & Black Mask
Cameos = Nightwing, Red Robin & Talia al Ghul
References - Killing Joke
Titans: Bloodlines
Old team coming together
Team lineup - Nightwing, Kid Flash, Troia, Arsenal, Tempest & Omen
Introduction of Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven & Cyborg
Main Villains = Brother Blood and Hive
Cameos = Jinx and Bumblebee
References = Trigon
Wonder Woman: The Hunt
Introduction of Cheetah
Main Villain = Cheetah
Suicide Squad
Line up - Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Cpt. Boomerang, Bronze Tiger, King Shark, Killer Frost & Condiment King
Sent in to defeat Gorilla Grodd & KGBeast
Deaths = Bronze Tiger dies killing KGBeast, Killer Frost shot in the head by Deadshot, Condiment King mauled by Gorillas & Grodd killed by King Shark
Main Villain = Gorilla Grodd & KGBeast
Cameos = Various villains
References = Potential alien invasion
Justice League: Death of Superman
Superman dies
Darksied sends Doomsday to kill Clark
Main Villains = Doomsday & Desaad
Camoes = Supergirl
References = Cyborg Superman
Dark movie
Introduces Jade Nguyen
They “Click”
Roy loses his arm
Main Villain = Prometheus & Sportsmaster
Camoes = Jason Todd
References = The Outlaws
Dick has to stop the penguin
Barbara is his Girl in the Chair
Main Villains = The Penguin & Blockbuster
Cameos = Red Hood & Arsenal
References = Mar’i Grayson
Flash: Scarlet Speedster
Eobard fucks up Barry’s day
Main Villains = Reverse Flash
Cameos = Weather Wizard and Leonard Snart
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights
Origin of Kyle Rayner
Features John, Hal and Kyle
Mainly a Hal Jordan movie
Main Villains = Sinestro
Camoes = Killowag and StarSaphire
References = Red Lanterns
Justice Society of America: WWII
Line Up = The Flash(Jay), Green Lantern(Alan), Wildcat, Hourman, Black Canary(Dinah Drake) & Doctor Fate
Main Villain = Vandal Savage (as Hitler)
Camoes = Alfred Pennyworth & The Waynes
References = Darkseid
Justice League: Reign of the Supermen
Pretty much the same as the movie
Introduces Conner Kent, Steel, Eradicator & Cyborg Superman
Debut of the Black Supersuit
Main Villains = Cyborg Superman & Parademons
Cameos = Justice League
References = Conner joining Young Justice
Superman: Brainiac Attacks
Pretty self explanatory 
Introduction of Cir-El AKA Mia Kent & Jon Kent
Introduction of The Legion of Superheroes
Main Villains = Brainiac & Bizarro
Camoes = Brainiac 5 & Lightning Lad
References = The Outlaws
The Outlaws
Buddy Cop movie
Comedy Rated R
The Beginning of the Bromance
Line up - Red Hood, Arsenal, Artemis & Donna Troy & Bizarro
Blue Beetle
Team up with Jaime Reyes & Bart Allen
Introduction of Girl 13
Main Villain = Klarion
Cameos = Zatanna
References = Lobo 
Son of Batman
Similar to animated movie
Damian becomes Robin
Red Robin replaces Dick in this movie
Main Villains = Deathstroke
Cameos = Ra’s, Talia & Nyssa al Ghul & Connor Hawke
References = Court of Owls
Birds of Prey
Better than the one we got
Line up - Oracle, Huntress, Black Canary, Batgirl(Cass) & Stephanie Brown
The Birds train Stephanie to become Spoiler
Main Villains = Cluemaster and Carmine Falcone
Camoes = Batwoman, Renee Montoya & Black Mask
References = Bertinelli Family 
Justice League Dark: City of Demons
Line up = Zatanna, John Constantine, Jason Blood, Etrigan, Deadman & Frankenstein's Monster
Zatanna and John recruit this team to help John fight Felix Faust
Main Villains = Felix Faust & Klarion
Camoes = Swamp Thing
References = 
The Teen Titans
Line up - Robin(Damian), Supergirl(Mia), Ms. Quick, Aqualad(AJ), Arrowette(Emiko), Speedy(Mia) & Superboy(Jon)
Connor Hawke defects from League and joins Titans as Red Arrow
Main Villains = Nyssa al Ghul & Malcolm Merlyn
Cameos = Talia al Ghul
References = 
Booster Gold
Buddy cop movie w/ Ted Kord
Main Villains = Cult of the Cobra
Cameos = Ice and Fire
References =
Batman: Hush
Combination of Hush and Long Halloween
Bruce and Selina “Click”
The villains literally steal Selina’s heart
Main Villains = Hush, Scarecrow, Bane and Mr. Freeze
Cameos = Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn
References = The Bat Family
Shazam: Power of Youth
Billy makes his siblings heroes
Black Adam sees Billy as a fake champion
Main Villain = Black Adam
Cameos = Superman
References = 
Huntress & The Question
Neo Noir detective movie
Helena and Victor “Click”
Tracking down the murderer of Helena’s family
Main Villains = Sal Maroni, Black Mask & Electocutioner  
Cameos = Birds of Prey
References = 
Justice League: Babylon
Batman’s contingency plans are leaked 
Batman quits at the end
Line up - Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash(Barry), Green Arrow, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern(John) & Cyborg
Main Villains = Lex Luthor, Bane, Cheetah, Mirror Master, Metallo, Malefic & Silver Banshee
Camoes = Kyle Rayner, Hal Jordan & Various League members 
References = Batman Inc.
Green Lantern: Crimson Flight
Kyle Rayner movie
Red Lanterns attack OA
Kyle, Katma Tui and Killowag team up to fight
Razor defects to the Green Lanterns
Razor dies fighting Atrocitis
Main Villains = Red Lanterns
Cameos = Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner 
Gotham Knights
Batman has his back broken by Bane
The Knights feature Robin(Damian), Batwing, Batwoman, Spoiler & Blue Bird
Other members are out of Gotham busy
Main Villains = Bane, Scarecrow, Firefly, Riddler & Mr. Zsasz
Cameos = Various members of the Batfamily
References = Batman’s absence from the Justice League
Aquaman: Heir of Manta
Black Manta challenges Arthur to the throne
Kaldur takes the title of Aquaman at the end
It’s revealed that Kaldur is Black Manta’s son
Main Villain = Black Manta
Cameos = Garth, Mera & Orm
References = The previous Aquaman movie and Young Justice
Teen Titans: Welcome to Hell
Trigon escapes his imprisonment and goes after Raven
Team Line up - Nightwing, Kid Flash, Tempest, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy & Tigress
Raven dies in the end to save everyone from Trigon
Main Villains = Trigon
Cameos = 
Batgirl: Family Matters
Cassandra Cain movie
Cassandra fighting her father and later meets her mother in Hong Kong
Defeats her father and is on mutual terms with her mother
Main Villains = David Cain
Cameos = Bart Allen & Lucius Fox
References = Shiva’s dead sister 
Young Justice: HIVE Academy
Young Justice faces off against young villains
HIVE trains villains like Mammoth and Jinx
Conner and Cassie “Click”
Main Villains = HIVE
Similar to the movie
Barry fights alongside Thomas Wayne
Thomas Wayne kills Eobard
Barry gives Bruce the letter after he fixes everything
Main Villains = Reverse Flash, Wonder Woman & Aquaman
Cameos = Grifter, Shazam, Etrigan & Captain Atom
Floyd breaks out of Iron Heights
Takes a job to get money for his daughter
Amanda Waller sends Task Force X after him
Rick Flag lets Floyd leave with Zoe
Main Villains = Amanda Waller, Tobias Whale & U.S. Government
Gotham City Sirens
Harley, Ivy & Selina work together to take down Black Mask
Harley and Ivy “Click”
Selina finds out she’s pregnant with Helena Wayne
Black Mask is killed by the end
Main Villains = Black Mask & Lockup
Cameos = Bruce Wayne & The Joker(Arkham)
Titans: The Judas Contract
Rose Wilson joins the Titans
Wally & Artemis “Click”
Rose is revealed to be Slade’s daughter
Rose betrays the Titans
Rose redeems herself by freeing the Titans and sacrificing herself against Deathstroke
Slade doesn’t kill her, but the mine they’re in collapses
Main Villain = Deathstroke
Batman: The Last Laugh
Joker has kidnapped Tim Drake
He tortures Tim and sends videos to Batman
Batman, Batgirl and Red Hood search for Tim
Joker turns Tim into a Joker version of Tim
Joker is killed when Tim’s brainwashing fades and shoots the Joker
Main Villain = Joker
Cameos = Oracle & Superboy
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths
Batman rejoins the Justice League after they’re attacked 
The League travels to another Earth with an Alternate LEx Luthor
They fight the Crime Syndicate
League Lineup - Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow & Firestorm
Syndicate Lineup - Owlman, Ultraman, Superwoman, Johnny Quick, Power Ring, Archer, Sea King & Black Siren
Sea King, Johnny Quick, Archer and Owlman die
Main Villains = The Crime Syndicate
Cameo = The Jester 
Superman: The Legion of Superheroes
Superman joins the Legion years into the Future
They fight an intergalactic warlord
Legion Lineup - Superman, Brainiac 5, Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl & Timber Wolf
Wonder Woman: Amazonian Goddess
Hades comes to power after feeding on the darkness since Ares death
Diana teams up with Nubia & Artemis
Diana uses the Godkiller armor 
Main Villains = Hades & Fury
Cameo = Cheetah
Flash: Speedforce
Reverse Flash returns from death in order to steal Barry’s speed
Eobard was followed by the Black Flash trying to claim his soul
Wally fights Black Flash while Barry fights Eobard
Barry sacrifices his life killing Eobard and sendong Black Flash away
Wally takes on the mantle of The Flash
Bart becomes the new Kid Flash
Main Villians = Reverse Flash & Black Flash
Cameos = Bart Allen & Jay Garrick
Teen Titans & The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The TMNT are thrown into the Teen Titans world whilst fighting the Shredder
The TT and TMNT team up to take on the Shredder and Nyssa al Ghul
Damian Wayne & Connor Hawke fight over leadership
By the end Connor is happy with having Damian as team leader
Main Villains = The Shredder, Nyssa al Ghul & The Foot Clan
Cameos = Master Splinter
Kid Flash: Legacy of the Flash
Bart Allen has become the newest Kid Flash since Barry’s death
Bart battles a speedster known as Inertia
Cassandra Cain helps Bart against Black Spider
Cass and Bart “Click”
Inertia is revealed to be a clone of Bart
Bart defeats Inertia by trapping him in the speedforce
Main Villains = Inertia, Black Spider & The Trickster
Cameos = Jay & Joan Garrick
Justice League: Doom
The Justice League are faced with a new problem: The Legion of Doom
Legion Lineup - Vandal Savage, Deathstroke, Fury, Zoom, Orm, Atomica & The Magician
Vandal Savage is killed once and for all by Superman
Wally’s first major mission as the Flash
Young Justice vs Justice League
Shortly after the Justice League defeat the Legion of Doom, Starro arrives and takes control of a weakened Justice League
Young Justice are the last formidable line of defence since the Titans disbanded after Rose’s death
They use Batman’s plans to stop the League
Young Justice Lineup - Red Robin, Superboy, Wondergirl, Kid Flash, Orphan, Spoiler, Lagoon Boy, Blue Beetle, Girl 13 & Static
League Lineup = Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash(Wally), Aquaman(Kaldur), Cyborg, Zatanna, Black Lightning, Katana & Green Lantern(Simon & Jessica)
Simon and Jessica are the first to break their control and help YJ
Main Villains = Starro
Cameos = Various League members
Nightwing & Nightfire
Dick Grayson finally meets his daughter that he’s had with Korri
Mar’i visits earth for the first time
Dick teaches Mar’i various rules and wisdom and they both bond
Blackfire travels to earth in search of Mar’i
Main Villains = BlackFire, Nite-Wing & Black Spider
Cameos = Garth & Wally
Zatanna: House of Mystery
Zatanna learns of a way of separating her father from Doctor Fate
She enlists the help of John Constantine
John and Z “Click”
The two end up fighting a possessed Doctor Fate
The spell doesn’t work but Doctor Fate allows Zatanna an hour twice a year to speak with her father
Main Villains = Wotan & Felix Faust
Cameos = Girl 13
The Outlaws: Sins of the Fathers
Lian, having become the new Speedy, wants to learn about her mother
While searching she runs into her father and Jason
They agree to help her and they find Jade
Jade evades them and the search continues
They eventually learn that Jade is in deep with CRIME and they help
Once over Jade makes a promise to visit Lian once all this blows over
Main Villains = CRIME & Sportsmaster
Cameos = Artemis & Donna Troy
Batman: Betrothed 
Talia al Ghul, now the new Demon’s Head, asks for Bruce’s hand in marriage but is denied 
Talia goes after Selina as she is engaged to Bruce
Batman, Catwoman & Robin fight Talia and the League
Talia kills herself in an attempt to kill Bruce and Selina 
Selina and Bruce tie the knot after that
Damian, as heir to the throne, now controls the league
Main Villains = Talia al Ghul, Komodo, Shado & The League of Assassins
Justice League: Apokolips
After series of invasions the Justice League plans an invasion of Apokolips
It’s a joint operation of The Justice League, remaining members of the Titans, The Outlaws, Young Justice & The Teen Titans
Justice League lineup - Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash(Wally), All Green Lanterns, Aquaman(Kaldur), Martian Manhunter, Shazam Family, Cyborg and various other members of the League
Titans lineup - Nightwing, Starfire, Beast Boy, Tigress, Tempest, Omen & Bumblebee
Outlaws lineup - Red Hood, Arsenal, Artemis, Troia & Bizarro
Young Justice lineup - Red Robin, Superboy, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash(Bart), Orphan, Spoiler, Blue Beetle, Lagoon Boy, Miss Martian, Girl 13 & Static
Teen Titans lineup - Robin, Superboy(Jon), Red Arrow, Speedy(Mia), Supergirl(Mia K), Arrowette, Miss Quick, Aqualad(AJ), Batgirl(Carrie) & Crossfire(Lian)
Batman’s leg is critically injured near the end
Wonder Woman, Hal Jordan and Martian Manhunter sacrifice their lives holding off enemies
Donna Troy is killed protecting Roy Harper
Superman kills Darksied by flying him into a red son
Conner, Jon and Steel save Superman before he can die
Dead Heroes - Wonder Woman, Hal Jordan, Martian Manhunter, Donna Troy, Omen, Billy Batson, Ted Kord, Booster Gold, Green Arrow, Bizarro, Etrigan, Batwoman, John Constantine, Lagoon Boy & Tempest
The Young Justice is slowly transferred into the new Justice League
Batman - Tim Drake, Superman - Conner Kent, Wonder Woman - Cassie Sandsmark, Flash - Wally West, Aquaman - Kaldur’ahm, Green Arrow - Connor Hawke, The Atom - Ryan Choi &  Batwoman - Stephanie Brown
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renaroo · 4 years
Cass Cain vs the Bat Family for the last slice of Alfred's pie. "Is that a challenge?"
A/N: This became a more Batfam entirety kind of story and then a commentary on the madness of quarantine in my own family using Uno as a proxy. Regardless it was a lot of fun to do.
Four Walls and Attitude 
Oracle places her hand against the map behind her. What was once a black and white scaled model of Gotham is now glowing a radioactive green with shades of green depending on the island, the neighborhood, and even the street.
Everyone, including Batman, stares in awe of the projection.
“In other words,” Oracle says, looking sharply over her glasses, “there is absolutely no way we can operate like normal without causing things getting worse.”
Silence spreads quickly throughout the cave. Most of them don’t even know what to make of the information.
Finally, giving voice to the general shock, Nightwing finally says, “Wow. Corona killed Batman.”
“It did not, the rest of you are staying in the manor,” Batman concludes, leading to an eruption of disagreement.
“Did you not pay attention to what I just said?” Oracle demands. “It goes for you, too, Bruce. No one in this cave can leave without it causing a major public health challenge. We patrol too many areas, cross-contaminate with each other too often, and, worst of all, we have immunocompromised family members of our own to worry about.”
It was an intentionally vague statement, but it doesn’t stop the meaningful glances toward Alfred and Red Robin.
Red Robin crosses his arms angrily. “I resent that statement.”
“Maybe keep better track of your spleen,” Red Hood snorts.
Black Bat is uncertain, shifting on her heels. “What do we do?”
“Social distance and adapt,” Oracle answers easily, straightening her glasses. “It’s possible to fight crime without punching people, you realize. That’s my entire M.O.”
The other vigilantes look at each other warily.
The size of the manor was enough reason on its own for them to make it their main base of quarantine. There are obviously more than enough supplies, more rooms than any of them could use independently, and access to equipment and the cave should emergencies arise.
Not to mention, the vast majority of them live there already.
Stephanie calls her mom, Barbara messages the Birds of Prey, and they all find solo activities for the first day, only really intersecting at the library, the kitchen, and the entertainment room during chance encounters.
That seemed to be a good call. And when there is a need for some social interaction, it’s almost always in their usual social groups however they naturally lie.
No one sees Bruce but that seems pretty par for the course.
It isn’t until the third day that things get slightly more challenging.
Stephanie, Duke, and Cassandra enter the mini-theater room with a giant tub of popcorn. The lights are off, but the projector is running and the main couch is occupied by Dick and Damian.
“Oh, didn’t realize you guys were in here,” Duke says sheepishly.
“SHH!” Damian hisses at them.
Dick arches back enough to look at the trio over his shoulder. “No problem, we’re watching Planet Earth. Want to join?”
Stephanie and Duke look at each other with mirrored grimaces.
Cassandra squints at the screen. “No,” she answers for them. “How long?”
“We’re marathoning,” Dick shrugs. “Started about an hour ago—“
“SHH!” Damian snarls at them again.
“We were hoping to watch a movie,” Steph says. Her gaze falls more on Damian than Dick, since he is no doubt the one to appeal to. “The Breakfast Club, it’s a classic. You’d like it.”
Duke looks at them all skeptically. “He would? Really?”
“Cass, you know there’s a different television set,” Dick says, pointing to the floor below.
“Tim’s playing,” Cass says in response, her hands holding up an invisible controller as she mimes Tim’s thumb movements.
“There’s a million places you can set up a laptop,” Dick continues to plea.
That earns a crossed look from Stephanie. “So? What do we need to do? Start putting signup sheets in all the rooms? Just share the projector with us after Planet Earth switches episodes.”
“No,” Dick and Damian say in unison.
The trio leaves the room angrily and, within the hour, clipboards with signup sheets begin being mysteriously adhered to all of the main rooms.
Jason has made it a point, nearly every day, to remind everyone that he will be the easiest adjusted to quarantine because he is the only true introvert.
The number of times the words introvert and isolated have left his mouth climb so high that, in secret, everyone is beginning to doubt the truth to them. If he is an introvert to the exponential extremes that he professes, surely he would not need to keep finding where everyone else is hiding to let them know it.
He has an alternating list of Zoom calls he is on each day. Hangouts he makes himself, making a point to inform the others quarantined to the manor than they are not invited to it.
The list of who is invited to it seems to grow by the day.
Kyle Rayner, Donna Troy, Ryan Choi. Then Roy Harper, Koriand'r, and Jade Nguyen. Then Artemis, Bizarro, and Miguel Barragan. Out of nowhere Duela Dent, Rose Wilson, and Suzie Su.
It’s halfway into the second week and Jason has the audacity to come into Tim’s room, pull off his headphones, and ask him if he’s bored.
“You know what I think,” Tim says, more than a little irritated. “I think you’re actually not an introvert. I think you’re not an introvert and you’re taking out your need for social contact out on the rest of us.”
Jason considers his comment, then breaks the expensive Beats in half before walking out the door.
Alfred begins making many desserts.
It starts with requests. Of course he will make whatever meal or whatever treat is asked of him, because it is nice to have all his loved ones safe, secure, and in the same location for once. Many of the desserts aren’t even difficult.
Then, somehow, they morph into bribes.
Despite the fact that Alfred has remained tight-lipped about his exact age for all these years, the quote-unquote children insist that he is too old to venture out of quarantine. Thus he must stay in the manor and rely on them to stock the pantry.
This doesn’t seem altogether terrible until it becomes obvious to Alfred that whoever he sends out will only get the foodstuffs they desire and not any of the important staples Alfred puts on the list.
Thus, the trades begin.
He can’t make his famous flan without evaporated milk. He positively will not make ginger layer cake without wine poached pears. And how can they snack on peach and pistachio tarts without honey?
Before Alfred has realized it, he has created monsters. Sugar craved, bored little monsters.
He puts a limit on the sweets he will cook in hopes of focusing instead on cooking favorite meals, but it’s too late.
Even Bruce is checking in on the kitchen at odd hours, looking curiously under the cake plate.
And cutting back the number of sweets Alfred is producing through the week also leads to another unforeseen circumstance.
They begin competing for what sweets are left.
Bruce looks in disbelief at the screen. Then he looks at the others. Then back to the screen.
“I distinctly remember us being on episode four,” Bruce says in a voice that edges on Batman.
“Last night, yeah,” Duke agrees, helping Alfred with everyone’s drinks.
No one else seems to find fault with the statement and are waiting for Bruce to continue. They pick at their independent devices lazily, only half attentive to any one thing.
It’s very dissatisfying considering the huge inconsistency that Bruce is detecting on their streaming service.
“Why is it saying that we’ve watched all the episodes already?” Bruce demands, voice sounding more hurt than he meant to let on.
Dick and Barbara simultaneously look up from their phones, toward each other, then back down. The others don’t even bother breaking their concentrations.
“You finished the entire series without me?” Bruce presses.
“Father,” Damian finally speaks up, sounding exasperated, “it is impossible to properly view things with you.”
Bruce squints at his youngest. “What does that mean?”
“It’s not just you, Bruce,” Stephanie says quickly, trying to smooth things over. “I can’t watch shows with my mom either.”
“Boomers just don’t know how to binge-watch,” Tim cuts with the final blow, not even looking up from his laptop.
Leaving the room in spite of protests, Bruce decides he is never going to watch the end of the show out of spite.
Cassandra has apparently made it a habit to not let others see her walk through doorways. As a result, she seemingly appears in rooms more than she enters them. Or, at the very least, she acts as though she just always has been and it is the other party who is intruding on her space.
As a result, it’s not altogether shocking when Duke looks up from his newly prepared plate and is met by his sister.
She is staring at his plate more than him.
“Oh, hey, Sis,” he offers her all the same. Then, instinctively, he shifts his shoulders to somewhat create a barrier between his plate and her. “What’s up?”
“Apple pie,” Cass announces as if it answers everything.
“Mmhmm,” Duke replies cautiously.
“Last piece?” she asks, her eyes gleaming.
“I’m sure Alfred will make another,” Duke says, then, slowly adding, “eventually.”
“Mine,” she snaps.
“No, you don’t even eat yours with vanilla ice cream!” Duke argues back, almost turning his back on her completely. “Just eat some of the cookies.”
“No!” Cass says, quickly shifting to be more aligned with the treat. “You eat them.”
“Cass, I got here first!” Duke snaps back, hooking afoot around the leg of the nearest chair. “Fair and square.”
“It was my pie,” Cass hisses. “I’ll take it back!”
“Is that a challenge?” Duke asks.
He sees her lunging and immediately kicks out the leg of the chair as he flips over it.
Cassandra is quick as ever and easily somersaults off of the falling chair to land over Duke’s shoulders. Her force is enough to send Duke’s body tumbling forward, but his body has proper instincts. He holds up the plate of pie above all else while using his free hand to find new ground, twirl his body out, and roll his head forward. Cass tumbles off his shoulders.
She hits the counters, but not before kicking off her shoe and sending it flying for Duke’s face.
He twists enough to lighten some of the impact, but the well-aimed shoe sends Duke into a tailspin.
The pie hits the floor with a sickening thud.
The siblings look crestfallen toward the prize, then each other.
Then they get angry.
By the time Barbara and Alfred burst onto the scene to break things up, the fight has utterly devolved and grown to the size of five Wayne heirs, three of which had no idea what the initial fight was even over.
Jason filmed it and sent it to everyone in his extended Zoom call list.
They are at each other’s throats. It turns out the Manor doesn’t have enough rooms.
Even Alfred’s treats are not enough to soothe the tensions anymore. Any little thing can set them off. So they spend the rest of the week finding solitary activities, barely communicating with words anymore.
Finally, some wounds begin to heal when Stephanie speaks to a room of others on their Switches.
“Hey, does anybody have an island with cherries?”
They play in harmony again, comparing villagers in hushed tones and sharing patterns for clothes.
Momentarily, there is hope that the peace will last forever, to the rhythm of island music and Blathers’ gibberish words.
It gives them twenty-seven hours of peace and nothing more.
“This absolutely will not work,” Barbara sputters as she pulls up to the table.
The others look at her with mild surprise, but they’re already seated. Jason is shuffling in preparation to deal. The arrangement from his left on is Stephanie, Cassandra, Barbara herself, Dick, Duke, Tim, and then Damian.
Damian is flanked by Jason and Tim. And only Barbara sees what the problem with this is.
“I am looking at a public safety hazard,” Barbara presses. “Dick, seriously, you’re going to let them do this?”
He thinks about it. “It’s a learning experience,” he determines.
“You dealing in or nah, Red?” Jason pushes.
She glares at them all, certain this is purposeful on at least some of their behalves, but she crosses her arms. “Okay, fine,” she says.
Jason deals out seven to everyone. Once he puts the deck in the middle, he turns over the first Uno card — green three — and with his free hand reaches in his jacket pocket for cigarettes. The others are already playing while Jason looks slightly miffed if not panicked when he can’t find the pack.
Under the table, Barbara can feel the shuffle of a pack of cigarettes being passed between other members of the table.
Shockingly enough, Jason doesn’t say anything verbally, but his eyes are already glaring at Damian as the pickpocket.
Stephanie puts down green nine.
Cassandra green Draw Two.
Barbara draws two.
Dick puts down a yellow Draw Two.
“No fair,” Duke chuckles.
Tim puts down a yellow Reverse.
Damian narrows his eyes. “You think you’re clever, don’t you, Drake?”
Duke yellow eight.
Yellow four.
Yellow two.
Blue two.
Blue three.
Blue Reverse.
Damian glares at Jason. “Is this planned?”
“How can they plan Uno, Dami?” Steph asks. Blue one.
Blue seven.
Barbara looks over her glasses at the table. She’s lost track of the cigarettes. “Don’t underestimate these people, Stephanie,” she warns as the ends up drawing five cards before finally laying down green seven.
Green nine.
Wild Card. “Let’s go with,” Duke looks through his hand cautiously, “Yellow again.”
There is a suspicious twitch to Tim’s lips as he puts down a Draw Four. “Let’s go back to red.”
Damian releases an explosion of expletives and leaps to stand on his chair.
“Ah, it was a mistake, my bad,” Dick says, rubbing a hand down his face.
Bruce is stone-faced at dinner, strangely fixated on his plate.
It’s not overly concerning, Bruce tends to be in quiet contemplation on most days regardless.
He finally looks up, though, and glares at them all.
“I finished it on my own,” he informs them.
They all stare back.
“Tiger King,” he clarifies. “They’re all guilty. But also. What the hell.”
Everyone collectively loses their minds again.
Alfred sighs and begins drafting a rotation for getting them all out of the manor more.
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ao3feed-birdflash · 22 days
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