#give my orange hyena some love
towost · 4 months
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orange u glad!!
now i want to draw jean,,
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bettyfrommars · 8 months
thinking about falling for your divorce lawyer one mr steve harrington 😘
Oh, you little sneaky 🥹
I'm envisioning him as someone who did not want to go into that profession, not at all, but he felt pressured by his mostly absent father, and so he learned the basics, enough to get by. He ends up loving the work and diving into it wholeheartedly once he realizes he can help people, but he never charges enough, if anything, so he often struggles financially.
You wanted to settle everything amicably, but now your soon-to-be ex-husband has a fancy lawyer (his parents are loaded) and you're shuffling down the sidewalk in tears, trying to figure out what to do, when you see Steve's face on a bench at the bus stop. The sight of his easy grin makes you feel light for the first time in days, and you see that he specializes in "affordable" services.
His office is in shambles, not because he's a messy person, but he's over-worked and understaffed. His best friend Robin is his secretary, and she's on the phone when you enter, while the three other lines blink for the callers who are on hold. Robin looks ecstatic to see you, motioning for you to take a seat in one of the four orange, plastic chairs against the wall.
The door with the frosted window across from her desk bursts open, making some papers fly off the desk, and Steve yanks down the necktie that hangs loose around his neck. Shirt sleeves rolled up to expose some forearm tattoos, scalp glistening in sweat, and his hair is imprinted with the lines of his fingers from running a hand through it all day.
You get to your feet, but Steve doesn't see you. Robin puts the receiver to her chest to hear what he has to say, but her eyes keep darting to you.
"My cupboards are stocked with Ramen noodles in case you want a movie night this weekend," he stretches his arms wide with a hearty yawn. The next part he says in a whisper, "unless you're still dating what-her-face with the hyena laugh from the Estee Lauder counter at the mall."
Robin puts the phone back to her ear and says a cordial goodbye to whoever was on the other line, and then she hangs up and tries to gesture in your direction.
"I will say, I like her better than the grumpy one you had a crush on at---"
"Steve!" Robin cuts him off, and he rests his hip against the desk to cross his foot over his ankle. "Your 4:00 is here."
You notice him visibly stiffen, head snapping in your direction, but then his face softens, a sincere smile warming all the way to his eyes. A few more swipes of his hand through his hair for good luck.
You hug your coat tighter and introduce yourself.
Steve's cheeks flush pink from embarrassment, and he extends his arm for a firm, comforting handshake. He notices that your eyes are puffy, most likely from crying and lack of sleep, mascara smudged at the corners.
He leans in with a soft pat to your arm. "Now, let's give your husband something to cry about."
(I'm not very good at writing/imagining white collar Steve, but damn I really giggled and got excited about this ask. Thank you, whoever you are 😘)
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cierraonline · 3 months
“I have to burp.” 
“So burp, dummy.”
“Are we ordering food?” 
“Didn’t you just have a sandwich?” 
“And?...Your point?”
“Have you ever thought about killing yourself?” 
“Yeah…all the time when I was younger, you remember?” 
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Whatever the Fuck This Is Podcast 
Season 1 | Episode 1 
“Welcome to the first episode of ‘Whatever The Fuck This Is Podcast’ where we have no idea what the fuck we are doing...but it's entertaining so keep watching,” Plotted on the couch in whatever position made them comfortable on their Nickelodeon orange 87.8-inch modern velvet upholstered luxury sofa, presented the host of this new podcast, Siren Vixen and Billie Eilish.
“You already know who we are unless you...know...you’re slow,” Billie laughs. “Not that we have anything against slow people.”
“Yeah, I mean, I am married to a slow person so no discrimination over here,” Siren chimes in, causing Billie to quickly turn her head to the right to face her co-host.
“Nothing,” Siren shook her head, turning back to the camera.
“Did you just call me slow!?” Billie’s ocean eyes widen, releasing a scoff from her mouth in disrespect.
“It’s not your fault,” Siren turns to her wife. “You were homeschooled.”
“Bitch! So were you!” The twenty-two-year-old exclaims with a humorous smile on her face. “In fact, you were homeschooled...with me...by my mother!” Billie quickly turns back to the front camera. “Don’t let this whore manipulate you to think she’s smart, because she is as slow as me.”
“So you admit you're slow?”
“But you just said, quote on quote, ‘she is as slow as me,’ meaning you admit that you’re slow,” Siren points, using physical evidence against her partner.
“What’s ten times ten, Siren?” Billie raised an eyebrow, bringing up a time that clearly wasn’t her wife’s brightest moment.
“What’s a grape, Billie?” The brown-skinned girl fought back.
“Anyways,” Billie sighs, turning back to the camera, repositioning the microphone in her hand. “If you’re hearing a hyena scream in the background, don’t worry it’s just Finneas and Claudia laughing. For some reason, it was like our whole family wanted to watch us.”
“It’s because without us, they wouldn’t know what to do with themselves, bunch of losers,” Siren jokingly rolls her eyes.
“We are not a bunch of losers,” Maggie chimes in from her position behind the camera. “And we just like to be around you guys.”
“All I’m hearing are just excuses,” Billie smiles at her mother.
“Alright let’s start this motherfucker!” Siren yelled out randomly, causing everyone to look at her in confusion.
“Personality #2, sweetie...let’s use our inside voices, okay,” Billie pets her as if she was a cat that needed to be coaxed.
“Eww, don’t do that,” Personality #2 brushed her wife's hand off of her. “Let’s read our horoscopes.”
“Eww,” Billie gives a stank look.
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Be nice,” Maggie warns. The girls’ relationship had a love-hate dynamic, meaning they were obsessed with each other (one more than the other, Billie) but they were also each other’s bullies. Everyone who knows them really just shrugs it off, but those aka fake fans and blogs who don’t, just think they are abusive to each other. This leaves Maggie worrying about the girls being portrayed a certain way and trying to censor their dynamic a little.
“Babe, your horoscope says, ‘Some vivid, intense dreams might reveal a lot about you and your motivations, which could increase your self-awareness and make everything easier for you,’” Siren reads off the daily horoscope for Sagittarius.
“I haven’t had any dreams lately,” Billie denies.
“You literally told me you had a dream about eating a burrito before the cameras came on.”
“Yeah but that’s not like a dream, dream.”
Siren had two choices: argue or leave it alone. Because what the fuck is a dream, dream that’s not an actual dream?
“My horoscope,” Siren sighs, rolling her eyes, urging the want to debate to dissolve. “Heightened intuition and ESP could lead to some interesting conversations with others who are blown away by your insights into their thoughts, feelings, and desires. ’”
“Why is yours so much better than mine,” A playful groan comes out of Billie’s mouth.
“Because I’m better than you.”
“Stop talking to me.”
“I literally have to talk to you...we’re doing a podcast.”
“Anyways, today we will be doing a storytime on how Siren started music, which you guys would’ve known but Amazon cut her scenes out of the documentary.”
“They said I was destructive...like what the fuck does that mean?”
“Bro, you literally were cursing every 3 seconds, raged out multiple times, and punched that son of a bitch,” Travis, Siren’s older brother and manager, spoke up from behind the camera.
“And they made the right decision.”
“Absolutely,” Billie nods her head.
“I was a wild child who just needed to sit the fuck down somewhere. But I’ll tell the story...well, what I could remember.....”
S I R E N.....
I get those goosebumps every time
Yeah, you come around, yeah
"Real 92.3, It's Siren Vixen and her 'Goosebumps' requested to play for the hundredth time today," Big Boy's Neighborhood host Big Boy introduces the song that's been playing all day on every hip hop station.
You ease my mind, you make everything feel fine
"Dude, 'Goosebumps' playing on every station ," Travis, my older brother, turns the dial of the radio in his car in a smooth motion, revealing that in fact, my song was actually currently playing on every hip hop music station.
"I wish something else would play," I groan, slightly banging my head against the passenger side window, watching the scenery warp from a clear image to a blur. "I'm tired of hearing my voice."
"Well, get used to it," Travis tells me from his self-appointed position as my manager.
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"Why?" I move my eyes to my phone that vibrates in my hand. "I thought this was a one-time thing. It was supposed to be a joke, releasing that song on SoundCloud."
"Siren, the second you hit top artist on SoundCloud in a week over X and Ski's release is when this stopped being a joke. Your dope-ass song is playing on every radio station a month later."
"What's the difference from when basically everyone had my pictures on their phones and this?" Back when everyone was on Tumblr, I had a page called mydadisapornstar that went viral because of my looks and then my reveal of my diagnosis for Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), aka multiple personality disorder, aka like the movie SPLIT...but you know, less...creepy?
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"This music shit is going to go somewhere," Travis shakes his head, making a right turn into our neighborhood, Highland Park.
Worried 'bout those comments, I'm way too numb, yeah
"Yeah, and how do you know?" I smirk at the ridiculous thought that doing music was just going to change my life. Like, come on! I only did the song because Billie was complaining that songwriting, recording, and mastering were hard. Now, if it was regular me (Personality #1), I wouldn't have said shit, but Personality #2 is a cocky son of a bitch who just had to open her mouth. And that turned into a challenge where Finneas made a random instrumental, and I had to write and do vocals. The song was done, and it was absolute trash, but everybody in the O'Connell and Vixen households thought otherwise. So, to prove to them it was a trash song, I posted it on my Tumblr page which someone reposted on SoundCloud and tagged me in. And now, a month later, people have taken this a little too far.
"Bro!! Don't make me beat your ass," Travis glares at me, causing me to laugh. "You have a music deal literally sitting on your desk from ACID & Interscope Music that you using as a fucking coaster for your Arizona. We are packing to go on tour with your girlfriend all over the fucking world. Do I also need to mention, that there's literally a fucking cameraman in my backseat recording for y'all two's documentary?!" With furrowed eyebrows, I quickly turn to the back and see a man with a medium-sized camera in his hand recording me and my brother.
"When the fuck did he get in the car?" I turn back to Travis in confusion.
"Personality #3 was here and kept weirdly flirting with him," Travis answers my question nonchalantly. This was a frequent thing in my life with having a fucked-up brain. I live my life being a host for two other personalities, Personality #2, aka Daddy, is this badass cocky son of a bitch vampire anime girl with severe anger issues, aka diagnosed with IED. Personality #3, aka Mommy, is the lesbian hentai addict and hypersexual who craves influential power to make others do what she wants...with consent. And then you have me, Personality #1, aka the daughter, the sixteen-year-old lab experiment who has no sense of reality, aka derealization disorder, born without a mother...I'm a surrogate baby. Permanent ink and piercings all over my body...because I'm a pussy who's too scared to actually bring a blade to my body.
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"Sorry," I apologize to the cameraman, who waves me off in understanding? I don't know. All I know is he waved it off.
It's way too dumb, yeah
"Welcome to our crib," Travis pulls his blood rich-red Dodge Charger into the driveway of our home next to our dad's parked dark gray Dodge Charger.
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"We don't really live here because we would never tell random people where we live and how to get to our home as if people don't know how to find landmarks," I sarcastically smile into the camera. "Also, did I mention I am not PG-friendly? Like, I swear like a sailor, I smoke weed pens almost everywhere, and I got my fashion sense from this one grunge hentai series character...meaning my clothes aren't appropriate for my age. So, to the editors of this documentary, I'm sorry for all the censoring you are about to be doing."
"Your parts of the documentary are uncensored and unfiltered," the cameraman speaks up for the first time.
"You can talk?" I look at him with wide eyes in shock. "Like deadass, since you've been in the car, you have not spoken. Are you allowed to?"
"No," he shakes his head.
"Jeff Bezos, don't fire him, he's wonderful at his job," I look into the camera until I remember something. "So what? y'all are just taking raw cuts from me...?" A smirk appears on my lips. "I feel so bad for y'all. Y'all are going to regret this."
"Get the fuck out of my car," Travis unprovokingly pushes me, causing me to almost hit my head on the window.
"Only pussies push little girls," I shove him back, turning around to get out of the car.
"Go cry to your mom, bitch."
"Why would you say that to me?" My tone lowers, with a pout on my lip. "You know I don't have a mom. Why are you being momist to me?"
"I don't have a mother either," Travis stops walking to look at me. Just imagine two people standing outside, just staring at each other, making no movement or blinking whatsoever. Then imagine from a distance of five steps is a man in all black recording while he's probably wondering what the fuck is wrong with us.
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"Damn, so you never had titty milk?"
"Nah, I have. I got hoes for that," Travis bursts out in laughter, causing me to laugh too until I realize what he said.
"You fucking pregnant bitches?" I tilt my head. Let me tell you, Mr. Cameraman could not keep his composure and choked on his laughter. I should really get his name, but Mr. Cameraman sounds cool, lowkey.
"Yoo, what the fuck are y'all doing outside?!" A loud, belligerent voice enters the air, causing us to look at the source.
"That's my father, he was a pornstar!" I smile at the camera. "He's retired though...sorry ladies or guys if you're a cuckold. I don't discriminate. "Dad, tell them about your couch audition experience!"
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"Shut the fuck up, Siren, and get next door!" The Italian ex-pornstar now porn film writer shouts at me, pointing to the next house over, the O'Connells' home. Aka my boo's house.
"He loves me, I promise," I turn back to the camera. "Dad, you have to be nice to me or they're going to think you don't love me." I walk over to my father and give him a hug, like I always do when I see him. I'm a daddy's girl. And a mommy's girl if you know what I mean...wink wink.
"Because I don't," He retorts in a serious tone. In his defense, his joking tone is serious; you just gotta know the vibe to know he's joking. "You're a pain in the ass sometimes," He brushes down my straight hair with his left hand.
"You love it." I smiled. Sometimes I just like being embraced by my Dad. It's comforting, especially after an episode.
"Okay, come on, the reps and management are next door," my dad turns us in the direction of my second family home with Mr. Cameraman following. See, my father and brother would knock and just wait for someone to answer...Me? I just walk in and make my presence known so I don't walk in on Mama Maggie and Papa Patrick doing the "tango" again.
"I'm home!" I take off my outside shoes and slip on my Pokémon slippers. Outside shoes inside the house are just one of my pet peeves, which is weird since outside clothes on the bed aren't, unless you were fucking active outside and now you're dirty, sweaty, and smell like expired milk. Or if you were sitting on a bus or train.
"They're in Finneas's room waiting for you," Maggie walks out of the kitchen, giving me a hug. I might've not had a traditional mom, but I always had a mom and her name is Maggie Baird, or Casting Director #2 if you're nasty...cause you know...she was on F.R.I.E.N.D.S....as casting director #2.
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"First, sign the deal," my father holds out a short stack of papers towards me along with a pen. "You're done being difficult. Negotiation is done, and everything you unrealistically wanted you got. All you have to do is sign."
"100% creative control over music?"
"And your image."
"Will I get to be with Billie?"
"We're prepared to work in a duo formation," Maggie chimes in, still having her arms around me. "You guys will do individual and group interviews, performances and tour together.."
"Travis gets to be my manager?" From what I was told, if you don't have a manager then the label will give you one, but like why the fuck would I trust them to get me a manager, aka a stranger I don't even know? Like, do you even love your mama? But this was a separate deal I had with my dad. I wanted my brother so I can have someone I trust and know will look after me. Plus, besides my dad, Travis is the only one who really knows how to deal with my disorders to the full extent, and that means from feeling low to feeling explosive. But just between you and me, it's also because Travis is my smoking buddy ... .Because he buys...Free weed pens just hits better.
"Trial run..." My dad signs from previous conversations. It's just him being paranoid that there will be a time where Travis won't know what to do if Personality #2's IED episodes are to happen. For my dad, I'm guessing it's like raising four kids and having three daughters, so he had to learn how to approach and parent each of my personalities since we all have equal time being at the surface. So with me, Personality #1, my dad is laid back and chill. With Personality #2, he's more militant, which was kind of easy for him since he used to be a brat tamer. Personality #3 brings out more of his protective side. "But you need to know this isn't a baseball game; there's no missing until strike out. This is serious and can turn dangerous quickly."
"We know," me and Travis say in sync.
"Signing bonus?" I went back to my list of demands I was jokingly asking for, but they in fact took it seriously...but they don't need to know that.
"3.5 million."
"I thought I asked for 5?" I pouted.
"You're a flight risk," Travis speaks up, remembering what was talked about at the last negotiation meeting. "They want to know if your existence in the music industry is a wave or if you're a permanent figure. Which means you have to be consistent."
"Ugh, I hate consistency," I rolled my eyes.
“I wish everyone could have watched your part of the documentary,” Billie comments. “When the documentary came out and everyone watched it as a viewer, it was like this heartfelt ‘get to know Billie Eilish the teenager and singer’ movie. But I just hate how they cut your part out, so it made it seem like I was going through this new stage of my life and depression by myself with no help. And that’s not how it was. With the person who shall not be named, depression, feeling like I have no friends, you were there for it all and did things to make me feel better. I love the film, but I just hate that you don’t get enough credit because during our last years of being teenagers, you were dealing with making your own music even though you didn’t want to make music, touring, and dealing with my problems.”
“Filming and doing the documentary was weird, but I felt like that could’ve been the place where everyone got to know me and my other personalities. But watching the documentary and seeing not even one of my scenes was mind-blowing because it’s like, what the fuck have I been doing for the past two to three years then? Why force me to film some dark shit but not show it or at least tell me when it wasn’t making the final cut and this was now a Billie Eilish film.”
“Yeah, that was weird,” Billie agrees.
“She didn’t even get paid for it,” Travis spoke up.
“Wait! What?” Billie sat up from her position, looking back and forth between Siren and Travis with eyes that read shock. “You didn’t get paid for doing the film?”
“Nope!” She pops the ‘p.’ “They were like, since it didn’t make the final cut, there’s no need to pay me.”
“That’s so not okay.”
“It’s whatever,” Siren shrugged. “But I have the film, so I might upload it one day.”
“You should,” Billie nods her head in strong agreement.
“Well, that’s all we have for today’s video,” Siren turns to the camera.
“Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe,” Billie smiles.
“And we’ll see you next week.”
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| welcome to the book I write & edit when high | 
July 10, 1998 - July 31, 2023 
𝑒𝓊𝓅𝒽𝑜𝓇𝒾𝒶 𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒 𝒾𝒹𝑒𝒶: 𝓌𝑒 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓈𝒶𝓌 𝒜𝓈𝒽𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓎 𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝓉 𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉. 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒾𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒸𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓈 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒾𝓉 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝒶 𝒹𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓏𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝑜𝓇 𝒻𝒶𝓁𝓈𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝓌𝒽𝑜 𝑔𝑜𝓉 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝐹𝑒𝓏. 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓃𝑜 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒿𝓊𝓂𝓅, 𝓇𝑒𝒸𝒶𝓈𝓉, 𝑜𝓇 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓉𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝒾𝓉 𝒹𝒾𝒹𝓃'𝓉 𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓅𝑒𝓃.
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same-name-supremacy · 11 months
what animal do you think of when you think of the gb cast?
Oh! Uh okay? I'll do my best
Opal- a bear! A cute cuddly bear
Glenn- A bat.. like one of those mircobats
Heath- like a cat species? Panther?
Danika- definitely a raccoon
Leshawn- an animal that is universally loved.. like a lion
Ginnifer- a golden retriever dog!
DJ- a capybara, because every animals loves capybaras
Lincoln- an orange cat.. definitely
Bryson- hmm sea lion maybe?
Trin- a fox? She gives off fox
Harriet- a common brush tail possum! Because it looks like a Pikachu!
Corey- an owl? I can see owl
Seth- he'd probably be like a squirrel
Jody- a bunny! A lop bunny? Or maybe those tiny bunnies!
Issac- I can see a hyena. MANIC HAHA
Taylor- some kind of dog? Like a terrier? Or a spaniel?
Kam and Sam- wolves? Because they stay as a pack? Uh works I guess
Justine- ooo a swan! Yes a swan!
Noelle- definitely a black cat. It's the energy!
Evan- a tiger? A tough kitty!
Elizabeth- hmm maybe a sheep?
Alejandra- a secretary bird. If you see them you'll understand
Simon- roadkill
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unethicalmorals · 5 months
BISHOP😭😭😭 him being scared of getting piercing ouuuu. I like the thought of Bishop maybe being scared of needles in general. They don't really hurt that much but the image of the needle slowly being pushed into his skin gives him a MAJOR ick- even if he looks away he KNOWS that it's happening and he can just barely feel it it makes him so🤢🤢🤢 But hey at least Lucky is there to hold his hand☺️ (and possibly tease him a little bit afterwards)
I'm advocating for Bishop and Max to be green buddies, idk what they're dynamic would be exactly but I definitely think she'd have more of a rebellious streak than him💚💚
Also 👁👁👁👁 are those Trans colors I am seeing on Oranges shoulder👀👀👀👀 staring very hard rn
ROBIN'S SO MUCH TALLER THAN WRENCH OUOUIIII Robin and her pathetic tiny husband🧡🩶🧡🩶🧡 I know it's not accurate to their Canon heights but the thought of Robin being a tall queen makes me happy
Also hehe hoho haha I've been thinking of Catboy Bishop and Dogboy Lucky a whole lot recently :3 I wanna try and list off what sort of hybrids I think some characters would be 👉🏽👈🏽
Bishop is just a cat tbh. I can't think of any breeds I'd specifically assign him, so he's just a yellow cat. Definitely a short-haired one, I think he'd have tabby patterns on his tail :3 Honestly Bishop would probably be something else entirely but godamnit my brain has been thinking of animal hybrid au for the crew SOLELY because of the catboy Bishop and dogboy Lucky comment I made a while back.... I need to stay faithful to MYSELF
Lucky took a while for me to pick, at first I wanted him to be a golden retriever specifically I wanted him to have floppy ears. Then I remembered lucky isn't blonde, so I considered him being a German Shephard instead, then a golden retriever/German Shephard mix breed, then a beagle, then a beagle/German Shephard mix, then I finally landed on Shiba inu solely because I wanted him to have a cute curly tail😊😊😊 maybe he can still be mixed with a German Shephard, no reason other than it feels right (for the fluff au at least)
I think it would be really easy to make Captain a wolf- which is why I'm NOT DOING THAT ACTUALLY‼️‼️‼️‼️ I like the thought of Captain being a hawk, specifically a ferruginous hawk cuz that's the largest species :3 (can you imagine how wide captains wingspan is going to be in order to support all of him?! He could never spread his wings while in any building- he would knock everything over! Im suprised he can even close his wings in the first place‼️‼️)
Wrench and Pink are kinda stumping me but hmmmmmmmmm
I kinda want to say Rat for Wrench, but Rats are little sweethearts who love cuddles and affection🥺🥺🥺 they love companionship, and wrench is a little annoying freak (affectionate) (derogatory) (I will get him)
Oh god wait Wrench could be a ferret, a decrepit little ferret. Ferrets have the tinny little shit energy that Wrench has omg
Pink............ hmmmmmmmmm....... thinking about his death fascination...... I wanna say Vulture maybe but ehhhhh there's already 3 characters I think of as avians...... HYENA‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ HYENA PINK ACTUALLY GRRRRR MISCHIEVOUS LITTLE FUCK YEEAAHHH
Dove, Robin, and Rabbit are all really easy picks cuz. Well.
Despite not knowing too much on Max when I saw her design reveal I immediately thought of a Crocodile or Alligator. Bit sure why, maybe it's cuz of the green, or the side shave reminding me of Montgomery Gator, but either way she's a big ole reptile to me (Leaning more on Crocodile than Gator)
I don't know what to think of Captain 1.0 yet or the color trio, though Yellow seems vaugely dogish to me...... or maybe a moth? I could see yellow as a moth, have you seen those pretty Moths with the yellow bodies and pink legs? Gorgeous🩷💛
Ohhh,, poor Bishop 🥺 (Loving the needle idea so much!!) He's not one for sharp objects or things piercing his skin like that,,, Maybe that has something to do with the scars on his face 🤔😉
YESS!!!! MAX REVEAL!!! She's a very cool lady~! 💚😌 I can't wait till we get to see her and Cap 1.0 return in the fic!!
I wont say too much but I think she will appreciate Bishop taking care of Lucky! ^^
👁👁 yes 👁👁 I've had the idea for Orange that she's trans since I first thought of her but I didn't really know how to go about incorporating that without just shoving it in people's faces 😅😅😅 So now she just has a pretty tattoo sleeve on her left :)
Robin and her pathetic ahh Wrench-- Maybe we can make Robin 6'4, as a treat, y'know? 😌 It's what she deserves after being murked in chapter 1
This is what Wrench thinks he looks like but we all know,,, we all know he ain't that good 😔
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ALSO- ANOTHER AU? 👀👀👀 Omg,,, 🥺
Love those ideas so much!!
Captain - Hawk! Bishop - Cat Pink - Hyena Wrench - ferret Rabbit - rabbit (floppy eared) :3 Dove - dove :3 Lucky - PUPPY - Purple - sheep Orange - rat Yellow - moff! - Cap - seagull Max - croc Robin - robin :3
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heheheh just little guys
Here's a bonus Jay aka the dead crewmate Lucky replaced (courtesy of Porsha who jumped on the idea of them being annoying af) Since I took so long,,😅
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gosecretscribbles · 1 month
Rise August Day 8: Big Mama
Summary: Splinter runs into Big Mama and they go on an impromptu date. (Of course they do, what else could we expect...)
Splinter strolled casually through the Hidden City, humming to himself. He’d already dropped off Orange at Barry’s place and decided to visit some of his favorite fan murals. There was one across the street from his favorite frozen yogurt place that showed his victory over the Venusian hydra. His eight pack was on full and glorious display.
Not that he looked too shabby these days, himself. His hair had turned white in their fight against the Shredder. He’d thought it was just a one-time thing, but some of the white was coming back and it made him look extremely distinguished. He’d pulled it up into a top knot and stitched himself a brand new white robe to go with it. He’d even considered cleaning his claws. (He hadn’t done it, but he’d considered it.)
The crowd of yokai flowed around him. It really did feel nice to get out among people sometimes. Even if they weren’t actively fawning over him. Even if he wasn’t really a yokai. They were people, and they had heard of him, and they walked past his murals every day. He was known and it felt good.
The crowd parted and his eyes lit up. The restaurant! The dining area was open to the street, and it wasn’t even crowded. There was only one other person ordering. A touring human, with bellbottom pants, a puffy-sleeved shirt, and long gray-lavender hair. His eyes passed over her and straight to the menu hanging over the register. A double bowl? A triple?
The woman turned. Splinter caught a whiff of a delicately dark scent, like a moist and lightless cave. Then the woman’s gaze caught his. Her eyes widened.
They stared at each other, stunned. Then she squealed and scooped him up, cuddling him into her arms.
“It is you! Who else would have such distinguished features and hair the color of starlight?”
He giggled and twisted his tail in a complicated maneuver that ended with him standing on the register and dipping her gracefully. “My sassy badger! You look as lovely as ever, my precious hyena queen.”
The cashier, a large blue mouse, cleared his throat. “Uh, are you two going to order, or…?”
Big Mama batted her eyes. “May I treat you, cuddlykins?”
“No, please, I insist!” He’d stolen Purple’s wallet, after all. “And perhaps, a little stroll around town?”
“A date?! Oh, darling!”
“I better get a tip for this,” the cashier blue mouse grumbled.
He did not get a tip, although Mama told him sweetly that his life would be forfeit if he was ever rude to them again. The cashier decided their yogurt was free.
It felt almost like a first date. They fed each other scoops of frozen yogurt, visited Splinter’s favorite murals and Big Mama’s favorite bridge. They danced in front of the Gold Dragon fountain and attracted quite the crowd with stunning acrobatics. They discovered a peaceful duck pond tucked behind a small maze of narrow alleys, and sat on the grass while the mama ducks quacked softly to their down-covered ducklings.
“How scrumdiferously sweet,” Big Mama cooed. “And to think, the one day I give myself a little holiday, I run into my fantabulous silver fox.”
Splinter sighed dreamily. She still had the most wonderful way with words. “It’s just like our first date.”
She giggled and scooted closer. “You know, your little turtley-boos remind me so much you. So trumbly-trusting! So – heroic! I’m surprised they never came back to shut down my biddly Battle Nexus, even after I stole every puniferous pedestrian in New York.”
“Mmm. Purple has a soft spot for you.” Splinter waved a free hand vaguely. “Something about giving him his first compliment from a parent-aged adult.”
“His first? Lou! Were those little scamplings that naughty?”
He barked out a laugh. “Yes! But who needed compliments? A kind word from my jii-chan was ‘You didn’t do as badly this time.’”
“You were always so full of compliments for me.” She batted her eyes. “Should I consider myself special?”
“Very,” he sighed, looking dreamily up at her. In this light her eyes shone like polished obsidian, dark and full of fire. “There’s no one else in the world like you, my curvaceous cuddly duckling.”
She leaned closer until their noses nearly touched. “Does that mean I can have your tumbly turtles for my clown show?” she whispered breathily.
“Touch them and lose half your limbs,” he said dreamily, stroking her cheek with a finger.
She closed her eyes and leaned into the touch. “My bumbitious body guards would rip your handsomerous head from your body.”
“They had better try! Only the best service for my fiery flamingo.”
She giggled again. She pressed her fingertips to her lips, then to Splinter’s furry cheek. He thought he might melt on the spot.
“I suppose this is goodbye,” she said wistfully. “I really must get back to all the nickety pick-aparts of running a crime empire. Until we meet again, my sweet snuggly muffin beefcake.”
“I look forward to it, my sweet and saucy swanling.”
They parted ways at the mouth of the alley. Splinter pressed a kiss to the back of her hand and she blushed. It had always been so easy to turn her round cheeks rosy and his heart glowed at the sight. Then he vanished into the crowd from one blink to the next. He was a bit overdue to pick up Orange, and he owed Purple his wallet back. Hmm. Perhaps a compliment to each would make up for it? He was never very good at those. A hug, then! All of his sons loved hugs. Satisfied, he decided to take the long way back to the castle and take in the sites (and one more mural), just to make the day stretch a little longer.
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fragilecapric0rnn · 1 year
20, 22, 29 fic writer asks my senford!
anything for you zoethur <3<3
Fic Writer Asks <33
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
you can take the heart from your chest to use as a compass when you are lost (or missed connections fic) is one of my favorites!
the song that i took the lyric from fits the fic so so soooo well too. just love the song. love this fic too. y'all should give it a read if ya haven't yet <3
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
usually! or at least, i know which direction i want it to go. like, i always know my fics will have a happy ending. but for the specifics i like for those things to kinda develop naturally as im plotting/writing.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
(the perfect question for someone who has a folder titled "scrapped bits" bc i was taught by one of my favorite college professors to never delete anything you've written bc it might be useful someday)
I don't think I'll ever post the fic i have decided to call Gonorrhea Fic but I have one scene that I edited just now for you all to enjoy <3
Steve stomps away from the counter, little white paper bag in hand. 
The pharmacist’s ‘Have a nice day!’ ringing in his ears like the most annoying alarm set to disturb him in the middle of a heavy sleep. 
He pushes the clinic doors open with too much force, already clicking on Robin’s contact. It only rings once. 
“Its fucking gonorrhea.” he rushes out as soon as she answered. 
He props his phone up with his shoulder so he can fish around the bag for the pill bottle so he can discard his shame that is in the form of the telling pharmacy paper bag in his hand. 
“Shucks, I was rooting for an unplanned pregnancy.” Steve whines as she snorts on the other end and if Steve wasn’t on the verge of tears, he’d have something snarky to say back. 
“No shit it’s gonorrhea! That’s what happens when you go around throwing your hole at anybody who even shows a vague interest in you.” Slander, Steve thinks. This is just slander.
“I only showed my hole to one guy! One hook-up! The celebratory ‘I’m single so let’s see some new peen’ hook-up.” About two weeks ago, Steve finally ended the weird situationship with the guy he’d been hooking up with on the regular. Regular being used loosely in this case, considering he kept ghosting, only coming out to haunt Steve’s call log any time between 11pm and 3am. But Steve was hung up and didn’t want to keep being a booty call, not for someone he started to have actual feelings for. 
“And then I go and pick the one who has the fucking clap!” he whisper-screams into the receiver. Robin’s hollering like a fucking hyena on the other end. He pulls the pamphlet on safe sex out of the bag, along with the orange pill bottle as he walks directly into someone, sending both of the objects flying out of his hands and onto the ground.
All of his athletic ability proving to be pointless as the stranger beats him to the pill bottle, rolling away.
Robin's laugh is the backdrop to the most embarrassing moment of his life, as the stranger (who is stupidly hot) picks up both the bottle and the pamphlet, his face screwing up into a knowing smirk.
Of course he has the most gorgeous set of brown eyes, shaggy hair not being able to cover up the notch in his brow, which is suggestively quirked up at Steve as he checks him out. Right there, no shame, in front of the damn clinic. Holding his STI meds.
"I think you're gonna need these."
Steve wishes whatever is in control of the universe would strike down and kill him, here and now.
"Thanks." He snatches his things, eyes on the ground in an attempt to hide how red he knows his face is.
Steve shoves the bottle into the pocket of his jeans, crumpling the pamphlet up in his hand as he speed-walks the hell away from the guy.
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dollkichi · 1 month
life of pi is a beautiful book about philosophy, the Pacific ocean, a boy, a tiger, a zoo, a sinking boat, existentialism, religion, depression, hope, cannibalism and life in general. i'm not religious at all, in fact i'm an atheist, but i have a deep rooted appreciation for this book. it's about an indian boy who lived in pondicherry, which was a French colonised town. his full name is piscine molitor patel, named after a French swimming pool my his swimming enthusiast uncle. in elementary school he got bullied for his name because it sounded like 'pissing', so when he started middle school he started going with the nickname 'pi', like the one in math. his family ran a zoo, and he grew up caring for and loving animals. he also simultaneously was a hindu, a muslim and a christian, which his dad thought was just a phase and his mom thought was concerning (neither were right). the first part of the book is spent in this town, detailing his life, specific anecdotes and other events that shaped him. there was one humorous encounter where the pandit, the imam and the preacher of all the places of worship he went to meet and their all like 'huh? how do YOU know pi? i thought he's a christian/muslim/hindu!' and pi is just like 'heh guys i can explain...... 😧'
so then they decide to move to canada and take the zoo animals with them to sell there. pi is, obviously, devastated, but accepts the change. they get on the boat, there is a storm, the boat sinks. now pi is stuck on a lifeboat alone....... or so he thinks. in fact there is a zebra with a broken leg, a hyena, an orangutan floating on bananas named Orange Juice, and (drumroll) Richard Parker, a four hundred pound Bengal tiger. pi has no idea what to do with these animals, but they start killing each other off soon enough. the hyena eats the zebra, Orange Juice gets mad, Orange Juice and the hyena fight, the hyena wins and eats Orange Juice, and now pi is terrified because the hyena now has set is sights on him. but luckily (or unluckily), Richard Parker chooses this moment to come out of the tarp he was hiding under and kills the hyena, eating him. now pi is stuck alone in the middle of the Pacific ocean with a bunch of emergency rations, two granulated glass jugs, 50 cans of water, a pen and a notebook. he starts to record his days in the notebook, and writes in really tiny letters because he's scared of running out of paper, but instead runs out of ink. i find that very symbolic. Richard Parker has never seen so much water before and has no idea how to hunt and gets hungry. pi, fearing that he will be Richard Parker's next meal, realises he must learn to fish. pi is a vegetarian and has never eaten fish, let alone thought of hunting them. the rations run out. pi makes his first kill, but scared of committing such a grievous act of murder, wraps the fish in a blanket and hammers it with the blunt side until it dies. later he becomes desensitized to it and does away with the fish blanket business. ironically it is more cruel to do it the first way than to kill it quickly. pi builds a second raft tethered to the lifeboat out of oars so that he can get away from Richard Parker. there is a storm and the raft breaks. pi must share the lifeboat with Richard Parker. pi is still very much traumatised by losing his entire family. pi starts trying to train Richard Parker, intentionally making him seasick then allowing him relief to get him to stay in his part of the lifeboat. this fails. pi starts to find comfort in Richard Parker. pi is convinced he is going insane. he starts losing his vision and hallucinates meeting a blind frenchman in the middle of the ocean. Richard Parker kills the blind frenchman. pi is desolate and hopeless. finally the lifeboat reaches land of some sort, a floating island made up of a strange kind of seaweed, meerkats and large trees with freshwater ponds. the seaweed is edible and pi is convinced he has found paradise. he considers giving up on getting to human civilisation and just staying on the island his entire life. it feels like a haven- ample meat for Richard Parker, fresh drinkable water, sweet seaweed-
the island is parasitic. at night, the lakes turn into acid, the ground turns corrosive. the island is trying to eat him whole. pi finds a strange fruit in a tree, like a tightly rolled up cluster of leaves. he peels it open. it has a human tooth inside. he peels open thirty one others. a complete set of human teeth. the island has eaten others before him. pi gets back on the boat, calls for Richard Parker, and leaves. he eventually finds himself on the coast of Mexico. Richard Parker does not look back once before running into the forest. he is discovered by locals and taken to the hospital. there, the Japanese businessmen from the company that owned the boat visit him and ask for his story. they had a long journey getting there and a rather unfortunate one at that. pi tells them. they do not believe bananas float in water. pi tells them to try it for themself. pi steals their cookies and sandwiches. they ask again for the story. they do not believe the animals, or Richard Parker, or the island. they ask for the truth.
pi says what they really want is a different story. he tells them a different story.
the zebra is a sailor. the orangutan is his mother. the hyena is a cook.
he is the tiger.
the cook amputated the sailor's broken leg, then killed him and ate him. pi's mother, horrified, tries to fight him. she loses. pi, in his rage, kills the cook. he resorts to cannibalism. the island is a mound of trash with rats.
in the end, you are presented with two stories. the 'dry, yeastless factuality' and 'the better story'.
it is up to the reader to choose in the end which one was the one that really happened.
Oh my god, I NEED to read this book. This was so interesting anddd you seem to love it so that makes it worth picking up!! Giggling over them being like "wait I thought Pi was christian/muslim/hindu". Why is he all three, actually? Is there an explanation to that in the story?
ALSO THE TWISTS WITH THE ISLAND BEING PARASITIC AND THE TWO DIFFERENT STORIES AT THE END?? I'm so intrigued Thank you for taking the time to type this out for me!! I wish I could provide you with a better response but I am genuinely so tired....... I didn't wanna keep you waiting for much longer though. SORRY, HOPEFULLY THIS IS LIKE ADEQUATE. I've never read the book myself so it's like I can't exactly rave about it with you either because the only thing I have to go off of is your explanation wahhh </3 BUT THAT IS EXACTLY WHY I SHOULD PICK IT UP SO WE CAN BOTH TALK ABOUT IT!!! If I ever get the opportunity to get it sometime soon then I will totally tell you my thoughts about it ehehe (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)
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inks-books · 4 months
DnD Tales of Tugs #1
Ground Work:
There once was a place called Anwe Du Shengu where their god Cade walks among them and helped keep the peace.
Every so often, people are sent on a journey to remove the chaos from themselves and find balance with the universe around them. This is the story of Turğul and the companions he met along the way. How he went from following a cat filled with chaos to making a name for himself in the world.
The Story as told by Tugs:
Yasuke taught me how to write so I'm beginning a journal of all the things that happen to us. So far it has been wild. I'll see if I can remember it all up until this point.
First let me introduce my team.
There is Yasuke Nobunaga the knoll/hyena samurai who specializes in calligraphy. He was found as a cub and brought to Anwe Du Shengu to learn how to control his anger. That's another reason he's on this journey.
Then there's Maoguy the orange cat who specializes in... well I'm not actually sure, but it seems chaotic whatever it is.
Then there's Jemima Puddle Duck the mother and cook of the group. She's a cleric / oracle. Whenever we fight she starts screaming in a language I don't understand, but Yasuke gets an odd look on his face whenever she speaks it.
Then there's me! Turğul. The g is silent. I'm a secretary bird (sagittarius serpentarius) monk who HATES bugs, loves fish, and wants to be famous one day!
Our journey started with the Goliaths. They saw our little envoy and made a trade with us. We received this little kaleidoscope shaped like an egg and they took some of the cat's feather bundles from the birds she'd killed. (Have to keep an eye out on that one, I'm pretty sure I have a few missing tail feathers now.)
We continued forward after trading with them and came across some bandits that began to shoot at us. Naturally I ran towards the archers and kicked them in the face with my feet. I took out three, and Yasuke and Jemima took out a few more.
The poor cat was injured badly and forced to hide under the wagon we'd brought with our supplies in it as the battle continued around her. She began mewing loudly in fear, setting off Yasuke's protective instincts. Jemima scratched a bandit fiercely before he finally fled, fearing Yasuke would gut him like he had the bandit's other companions.
We made pursuit, leaving the wagon behind and chased down the remaining four. I killed one by stomping on his head a little too hard (oops), and two of them tripped an injured one to save their own lives. We went after the two, slayed them for their crimes, then came back to the injured one who had thrown down all his weapons and armor to give up.
He gave us his name, but it was long and complicated, so we nicknamed him Sammy as it sounded close enough. It turned out that he'd fallen on tough times and had turned to a life of crime in order to make his way in the world. Jemima took pity on him, healing his wounds and cooking us all a fresh meal.
Sammy was so grateful that he pledged his life to Jemima, much to her dismay. Sammy became apart of our traveling group after that.
The next day, as we were walking towards the next town, an air ship crashed down before us and an odd slimy creature with tentacles came out and began attacking us. We made swift work of it and looted the ship. I found a wand of lightning blasts, and the cat found a wand of acid splash. There were no other survivors on the ship.
Some time later we came to a scene where there was a handful of goblins trying to menace a horse and its rider. We saved them, taking one of the goblin's hostage and began to interrogate him, only to find out that he didn't speak common. Luckily, Jemima spoke Goblinoid and we managed to find out that there was a dwarf being held captive by the King of the Goblins himself. The rider confirmed this information as truth.
We did something then that didn't sit right with me, but that was our only option at the time. Yasuke killed the goblin, as he considered us food and had no other use to us.
Jemima healed the rider and he gave us his name: Sildar. He brought us to a nearby town where we could rest and replenish our supplies as we got to explore the area.
We were quickly looked at as strange people as most outsiders of Anwe Du Shengu are not used to people like us. But it's still so rude to be asked "What are you?" by several villagers. I finally responded to one that I was a guy, obviously. I mean, my plumage is beautiful and bright! At leas it should be obvious.
Jemima cooked a meal for us at the inn, having asked permission to use the kitchen and being granted it. She made the most heavenly food we'd tasted yet. It was filled with spices and flavors that I have not tasted in ages. The towns people loved it too and she instantly became a favorite amongst the townsfolk.
The next day we were given a few tasks to take care of that the villagers weren't able to take care of. Like finding out where a spell book was (not retrieving it, just finding out where it was), checking out an old well to see if zombies were actually gathered there, and one other task I can't remember now. It was a lot to be bombarded with all at once. But at least Yasuke has a good memory. Probably because he writes things down a lot. I know I would if I could write as pretty as he can.
We made quick work of finding out where the book was, asking a simple question to the ghost at the abandoned dilapidated house and giving her a token of appreciation from the oracle in town. Next we went to the well and found that there were in fact zombies there, but they weren't the mindless kind. They were the Mulalans - dark skinned people that worship their dead. When they die, they get back up and continue to contribute to their society even long after they become skeletons and ghosts.
We made a pitstop for the night in an old abandoned house after that and took turns keeping watch.
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onsunnyside · 3 years
༻ 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐀 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 (𝟐/𝟑)
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𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 | Tarzan!Steve Rogers x doctor!reader
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | 6’6” Steve, feral behaviour/feral!steve, nomad!steve, fluff, size difference, manhandling, possessive!/protective!steve, gentle giant!Steve, implied parent death, fighting some animals (so implied animal death), SMUT - minors DNI, size kink, manhandling, oral (f), face riding, (an attempt at) dirty talk, spitting, grinding (naked...p*ssyjob), lots of cum, lil cumplay (more like just cum spreading)
𝗪/𝗖 | 16.8K
𝗔/𝗡 | I can’t thank you all enough for the amount of love and kindness you’ve shown me and this new series !! Honestly, I wasn’t expecting to get this much attention—I didn’t think anyone would read tarzan!steve, but you’ve all sent so many great blurbs and asks, you’ve all written this part with me. Thank you so much. No hate to spotted hyenas, I needed pack hunters and it was either them or chimpanzees. I tried to fully proofread, all mistakes are my own. Check out the role reversal of this story: 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐄𝐲𝐞
˗ˏˋ𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐀 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭ˎˊ˗ ⋰˚ 𝐂.𝐄. & 𝐂𝐨. 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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The scream that comes out of your mouth is downright brutal, ripping apart your dry throat—it definitely doesn’t feel good to screech first thing in the morning.
The large, heavy animal treads backwards with huge blinking jasper eyes. Its mouth is now a foot from your face and opens as it lets out a small roar, crispy in the early air as it brushes against your face.
Your skin prickles with goosebumps as you scoot backwards and blindly reach behind you for the one person who could protect you against the yellow-and-orange-coated creature. All you feel are soft pillows and plush blankets, they’re cool from the lack of a certain muscular 6’6” frame.
The jaguar inches closer, so slowly you think it’s your mind playing tricks on you. Your brain works in overdrive as you try to make sense of your thoughts, it feels impossible with sleep still heavy in your body.
A large paw lands on the pillow where your face was buried just seconds ago, the claws piercing the fabric with a quiet tear. Another low noise flows from the jaguar’s mouth, whiskers and nose twitching as it noses the bedsheets, wide observant eyes flickering to you.
Another inch closer, another claw mark in the pillow and you’re still frozen. Heart thumping in your ears, easily overpowering the demands of your survival instincts, you’re certain you’re going to die. Here deep in the jungle, on this upper landing in a nest of comfort—what a way to end your wild adventure.
A choked whimper sounds from behind your sealed lips, you’re shaking in your skin as the creature takes another step. This time, smelling you. Its hot breath fanning over the goosebumps of your leg where your shorts had rolled up, it’s nose is cold and wet.
“Tinkerbell.” A deep voice scolds, “Told you to wait for her to wake up.”
You almost faint right there. Your sigh of relief is loud and heavy as if it were a million breaths of air trapped in your lungs.
A large hand grasps your arm, easily hauling you onto your feet before spinning you around.
Blue, kind and concerned eyes melt into yours. Thick lashes flutter as he scans your face, your arms and your body. “Okay?”
Shakily you nod, “I love having a heart attack first thing when I wake up.”
Steve blinks owlishly.
“Not literally.” You clarify. “It would have been nice to know about your friend, uh, Tinkerbell?”
“Oh, sorry… She’s sneaky, scares me too.” He crouches down and pets the animal. Rubbing behind her ears as she slumps in tranquillity. The large cat plops on the sheets, rolling around and twisting, emitting a little noise of comfort. “Told her to wait to meet you—but she doesn’t understand like Peter or Wendy. Mostly just does what she wants…” Steve gives you a toothy smile, “But she is nice. Kind.”
You can’t do more than watch him playfully roughhouse the predator, Tinkerbell gently nipping his hands as he rubs her belly.
A wild jaguar named Tinkerbell, goodness, it’s like you’ve seen it all.
“She’s only nice one here… others are mean.” Steve strokes the animal’s fur coat, the dark rosettes contrasting against the gold and orange, “She’s youngest of her siblings, known her since I was little… took care of me. Bring me strange, uh, dead things… didn’t always eat those but knew she was just being kind.”
The rising sun casts Steve’s skin in a warm glow and delicately bathes him golden and soft. He’s painted with shades of blue, both the hue in his eyes and the solemn expression that falls upon him. “Never trusted animal more than Tinkerbell. As long as can remember.”
“Kind—Kindness is rare sometimes, some things out to hurt, others to love… but can’t trust everything, same as not trust everything.” Before your eyes, you watch him slowly organize his own thoughts. Putting those unknown feelings into words, speaking them with a timid voice. “Uh, understand, right?”
You nod, “Yeah, there’s no rule book that everything follows and judgement can get clouded.”
“Like reason, how you’re able to make considered decisions, sort of like awareness.”
If you could see into Steve’s brain, you’d see him making a very careful decision in his own mind.
He stands, lightly touching your arm. “May show you something? Special to me.”
After stopping for some more fresh fruit and, very hesitantly, doing your business by a tree, Steve leads you through the jungle. Although he’d rather carry you, you walk beside him, thankful to stretch your legs after a deep sleep.
He asks questions about your life, the outside world and your family. You tell him about the skyscrapers, tall strong buildings with sleek glass windows, busy grocery stores that don’t sell fruit half as good as the ones in the jungle, and city life. Steve finds movie theatres very interesting.
“So, just big screen? And everyone watch together?” His stare is unrelenting, you fear he might trip and fall. “That’s so… Wow, like giant sleepover—saw that in a book.”
“You could sleep, but most people just get snacks, like slushies, candy or popcorn.”
“What’s popcorn?”
After explaining the—marvellous, in Steve’s opinion—invention of popcorn, you talk about your family, how they’re back in your hometown that you left for school and your career.
“No parents?” Steve’s face falls, steps faltering. “You live alone?”
“If I could, I’d move them up to Manhattan so they’d be closer, but my dad runs the shop and my mom wouldn’t leave, she loves her job at the school too much.” You hop over a log and sidestep a large rock, you’re so watchful of your feet that you fail to notice Steve’s dejected frown.
As the two of you come to a collection of close trees, vines hanging with entwined blooming flowers, he murmurs under his breath. “...if I could, I never leave my family—but not my choice. They leave anyway…”
Before you could question him, he pushes aside strings of vines, the blond allows you to go first. Your boots sink into the soft dirt and the dewy grass brushes your ankles. The heavy smell of mud wafts to your nose and the sound of gentle rushing water coming from the thin river to the side. Lily pads with vibrant pink flowers floating atop the little pond that’s formed over time, tall green rushes and reeds. Surrounding the calm water are shoreline trees and scrubs, bugs and bees buzz fly through the humid air.
After living in the city for so long, you almost forgot that nature could look so effortlessly heavenly. Although, that’s what it was. Plants, animals, the natural world were heaven on Earth, and it was a pity how often it was overlooked.
As your gaze travels around the scenery, it pauses on a lone stone. Too out of place to be there organically, bare of any dirt or moss that grew on the rocks elsewhere in the jungle.
Too different to be there by nature's wishes. And you were right.
Steve goes towards the stone and sits beside it, padding the ground until you follow suit.
He runs a hand through his hair, the blond locks curling at the base of his neck. “Bruce told little about my parents, real parents. Said they were good people—like you—and didn’t want to leave, but had to. Not their choice… forced.”
Your throat tightens.
“Was alone. Didn’t know what to do.”
It pained to know that Steve was abandoned to mourn in solitary, in the vast jungle, so young and pure.
The weight on your chest couldn’t be lifted by even the strongest person, it physically made you cower into yourself. Arms curling around your torso to soothe.
“Don’t remember them, was too small to even remember faces.” His hands brush the grass around the stone before he plucks a yellow flower. He’s quiet for a few moments, and you try not to shift, not wanting to disturb his train of thought or the even-tempered air surrounding the both of you. “But, do remember…” He lightly dusts the stone. “Gorilla—raised me. From,” he raises one hand, a few inches above his head, “to bigger but not like now.”
“Never called her anything, but she was like mother. Feed me, bathe me, protect me—taught how to climb trees, pick fruits…” Steve huffs, “Argh—so hard to speak when not know right words.”
You reach out, holding one of his big hands in yours. Thumbs rubbing the rough skin of his knuckles. “You’re doing great, Steve. It’s okay, just say it how it is in your head.” Craning your neck to catch his eyes, melting at the softness in the pools of azure. “I’m listening, no matter how long it takes.”
The corner of his lip quirks before he nods, and slips the stem of the flower behind your ear. “You cute.”
Delighted to see the faintest of smiles on his beautiful face, you pick a pink flower and do the same. Carefully sweeping the golden strands for the little petals, caressing his bearded cheek before holding his hand again. “You cute.” You repeat.
Steve’s laugh is gleeful, effortlessly joining the dragonflies in the air. “Don’t tell Wendy or Peter, but humans more funny than animals… but can tell Tinkerbell, she won’t understand.”
That’s when you realize how close you both were. You’re sitting cross-legged between his spread legs, leaned exceptionally into his space with his warm palm cradled between yours. His breath brushes your cheeks as his lashes flutter, gaze wandering around the area. Faint shades of green and speckles of the golden sun reflects in the whites of his eyes, like a dance, divine and raw.
You don’t realize you’re veering closer until his eyes snap back to you, one of his brows arched high. “Uh—hi.”
Skin prickling with embarrassment, you quickly move away. Distracting those rapid thoughts with the blades of grass on the ground, trying to fool yourself that they’re far more interesting than the striking man before you.
After gathering yourself, you meekly look at Steve again. Sighing in relief when his attention has moved to the rock as he lines baby flowers on it in an array of colours, orange, purple, blue, pink.
“What was she like?” You ask.
“Old,” His tone hushed, “Met her when she was old and she just get older. Buried here.”
You watch as he reaches for another flower, and the blue one is added to the collection atop the stone.
“Couldn’t speak to me… Couldn’t speak to her, but she care for me too.”
You could almost see it. A young blond boy, clueless with wide eyes, rich with innocence and potential, but lacking in opportunities. Sweet, youthful, alone, you believe anything with a heart would take pity on such a thing.
“Didn’t know teeth fall out when ageing. Was scared for a while… to be alone again. Know I’m not like her—I’m human, but she was family.” He breathes slowly and steadily, “Parents left before I say goodbye, but got to say goodbye to her.”
You pick a yellow flower, about to add it to the nice assembly, but Steve lightly smacks your hand, “Not that one.” He takes the yellow flower from you and puts it behind your other ear. “Yellow for you. Only you.”
Steve tilts his head, “Oh, yellow like sun, warm, comfort… uh, kind? Another word for kind?”
“Nice, friendly, tender, compassionate.”
The giant hums, “Tender… Like it.”
The look in his eyes has you swooning, letting out a dreamy sigh that you cover with a cough. You were losing your mind from being in the presence of this man for less than twenty-four hours.
“Know you won’t leave me, right?”
“Of course not.” The response is automatic, flowing from your lips like a breath of air.
Steve beams, “Ah, knew it. Judgement—I judgement you good person.”
You giggle into your hand, “You judge me to be a good person.”
“...Tender person?”
“A person can be tender, yes.”
“Okay. Tender, cute, good.” Steve lists, with red cheeks. “Little, small… oh, soft.”
This man was going to destroy you in the best way possible. “You’re tender, cute and good too, but big, tall, hard but soft in some places.”
The giant’s face turns a deeper shade of cherry, spreading down his bare chest. “Cute?”
You tell him yes, of course, he’s cute—but leave out the fact that he's also devilishly handsome and the product of so many people’s romantic fantasy. Both his appearance and spirit.
But you were lucky enough to have him before anyone else. That may be your biggest achievement.
Then, Steve starts blabbering about the rest of his friends. Other predators that you’d be fearful of if he weren’t with you, some preys, and strangely enough, a parrot that he only sees a few times a month, but always has great conversations with. You don’t have the heart to tell him that the bird is just mimicking him.
Listening to him speak so lovingly about animals has you hooked, hanging off every word and exaggerated facial expression. The way he pauses and asks for new words to expand his limited vocabulary.
Perhaps everything, no matter the species or circumstances, has the ability to be benevolent. All dependent on their choice, whether it is to be or not, is where the impact lies.
And, Steve, a man who was so greatly disadvantaged in his early years, may have the biggest heart on the planet.
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An awful sinking feeling fills you, making you tense and jittery all at once. Your heartbeat picks up, the thumping taking over your senses, you could feel it in your brain. You were going to die, you were sure of it.
Steve’s head snaps in your direction, eyes narrowed. “What’s wrong?”
Your toes curl over the edge, the rocks digging into your feet. Shaking your head, you step backwards. “I don’t know if I could jump.”
The rushing water should calm you, as should the foam and clear blue that awaits at the bottom of the falls. But at this height, with a good drop of 20 feet, your heart felt like it was in your throat.
Big palms land on your arms, stroking down to your hands. “You’re scared.”
Closing your eyes and inhaling deeply, allowing Steve’s warmth to ease your nerves.
“We can climb down, or take path.” The giant steps closer when you don’t speak. He cradles your face, “Your heart is loud when you’re scared.”
When you open your eyes, your knees go weak. The prettiest of blues with hints of green surrounding his pupil, framed by thick lashes. Steve blinks, pressing his forehead to yours with a quiet grunt. “Don’t like when you’re scared…” His deep tone washes over you, hushing the whirlwind within your head and, most importantly, your fears.
The power he holds in something as simple as his voice.
“When you’re scared—my… I feel the same? Here.” He brings your hand to his chest. Under your fingertips and beneath his skin, you can feel the dull pulse of his heart.
You squirm when his face nuzzles yours, facial hair scratching the side of your face and down to your neck. A single kiss is pressed, followed by a playful nip, “Can go down, don’t have to jump… just thought it would be fun.” He mumbles against you, nosing under your ear as he soaks in your scent. His arms tie around your waist, keeping you flush against him. “Path is just down the side, could still see water—”
“No!” Your shout is so abrupt that Steve jumps, looking down at you in confusion. “I want to. I just—” You couldn’t tell him that you needed to cool down from his affectionate touches, he’d be even more puzzled. The water would probably be cold, and that was what your wild fantasies and heated centre needed. Or else, you feared you’d jump this man at the top of this waterfall.
Looking down at the falls, the oxygen feels thinner as you start to get anxious all over again. Steve notices, you think it’s because your heart’s racing again, yet it’s also because you’ve got a death grip on his hand.
“Ready?” He smiles, a little dimple appearing on his bearded cheek.
Oh, goodness, this man has a dimple. How you had not noticed before was beyond you, but it definitely sealed your fate right then and there.
Together, you pace back with carefully calculated steps until the rock beneath your feet has turned into the moist dirt. One last glance at you and a silent confirmation, and you’re running hand-in-hand to the edge. You almost hesitate, but your body continues.
The high is instant, the adrenaline rushing through your veins as you fall. This, not touching the Earth ground in the jungle, or a concrete road in the city, just Steve. With his hand entwined with yours, you can feel his good-natured spirit for a split second before you land in the freezing water.
The splash is loud, the shock of the water waking you up as you swim to the surface. Gasping for a breath, arms and legs keeping you afloat, you look around for Steve. Then, he pops up. Hair smoothed down his head, a few shades darker and contrasting against his skin. He shakes his head, droplets splattering you in the face.
You splash him back, squealing when he returns the action. Of course, you retaliate, but unfortunately, Steve is very competitive. Absolutely almost drowning you in waves of cold water, laughing when your weak plashes barely hit him. Sputtering the water out of your mouth, you plead for mercy.
“Again?” Steve swims closer, “Could… uh, go again…” His eyes fall to the soaked fabric of your shirt sticking to your skin.
You’re tempted to present yourself for him, but instead seize the opportunity and shovel water straight into his face.
The blond gasps, face screwed up. “You said stop!”
“I asked for you to stop—I didn’t say I was going to.” You keep swashing at him. Yours and Steve’s joyous laughter combined with the falling water easily mute the high-pitched buzz of a drone flying overhead.
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“Towel,” Steve holds the fabric in one hand, running the other through his wet hair.
You reach to grab it, but he moves away. Licking his lips as he scans your frame.
“I dry you. Uh, will be tender.”
Before you could protest, the giant lifts up your shirt and begins running the towel over your body. There’s no chance for you to be embarrassed, standing in your underwear since your shorts are laid on a boulder to dry.
Steve starts at your back, and he takes his time, examining as he goes. Looking closely at your arms, poking your armpit and trailing down your side. He circles you, curious fingers tracing your skin, connecting beauty marks, moles and freckles like stars in the sky, mapping his own constellations on your body. He grazes your soft parts more than once, and finally settles under your breasts. Hesitantly, he cups it in his hand, just feeling the weight in his palm.
Steve groans lowly. “Like these… a lot.”
Willing yourself not to look away, you squeeze your thighs together and nod.
“This okay? Touching?”
“Y-Yes,” Is your reply, shakily exhaling when his thumb grazes your nipple that pebbles under his touch.
Steve lightly pinches it before switching to the other. Quiet rumbles coming from his chest,
He kneels before you, timid motions of dragging the towel over your shin and working up your leg. Steve clears his throat, making the mistake of inhaling with his nose inches from your centre. Your scent fills his senses, striking a match deep inside him. Igniting an unknown flame. He glares at the cotton covering your heat, drenched from the water and sheer, he could see the faintest outline of your folds.
He growls, “Off?” His fingers slip into the band of your cotton panties.
A sudden distant roar has you snapping back into reality. Your conscience scolds you for letting this go as far as it did—which wasn’t much, but you allowed it to continue nonetheless.
“No.” You quickly take his hands off of you, your heart weeping at the loss. Covering your chest, you try to organize your scattered mind. You know it’s for the better, it’s the right thing to do. Even if you wanted to, your head was too all over the place to explain any of that to him.
Although Steve was strong, tall and smart, his lack of human interaction weighed heavy on his abilities. Expressing himself through words was complicated, obstacles of language and tone made his sentences come out chopped and repetitive. Of course, none of that was his fault. It was his luck of the draw of life, and he got the short stick.
It painted him confused and fresh. A book out of order and missing pages—but not the important ones. The ones of his character, written about his sweetness and lively soul.
You had to remind yourself those were the most valuable ones. They must be protected, even from you.
You never realized the true privilege you had until you met Steve. Darling Steven who preferred Steve, who was friends with wild animals and absolutely adored the word cute. He was untainted, untouched by the cruelty of the wicked, a treasure on this uncharted island.
He didn’t know what he was feeling, or at least that’s what you’ve concluded, given his reactions to your body thus far.
You wouldn’t do that to him, not without him understanding what it was.
An imbalance between the knower and the latent. A scale that was so skewed that it couldn’t stand upright. Even though Steve’s upbringing wasn’t your fault, you still felt guilty. That remorse would only multiply if you allowed him to take this further.
Communication is key, and you couldn’t communicate with him if he didn’t know. So tell him, your mind affirms.
“Am not stupid.” Steve interrupts your train of thought. Powder blue eyes glaring up at you, a fixed frown on his pink lips.
“I know, but you don’t know where this will lead.” You shiver as his hands trail up your legs again, pausing just above the hem of your underwear.
His stare burns through your skin, locked on your stomach and occasionally flickering down to your panties. “Tell me.”
Shaking your head, you pull on your still-wet shirt and grab the towel from the ground. “Just let me dry you too.”
Begrudgingly, Steve stands. That pensive furrow between his brows as he watches you revolve around him. Delicately rubbing the towel along his body. You’re far too weak to not marvel at his beauty.
Taut skin over defined and bulging muscles, flexing under your hand when you ghost over his arm. Clear of any blemishes, and strangely, he has no scars—but he does have freckles on his shoulders, back and biceps. Dusted across his spine, leading to the damp loincloth around his waist. Oh, his waist, narrow yet a little soft, following after his hips are his powerful thighs. Less hair than his chest and torso, but just as well-built.
You step onto a nearby boulder and start drying his hair. Considerately running your fingers through the strands, admiring the natural highlights that brought out the darker parts. You play with his hair for a few moments, trying to fix it so it stays behind his ears but the shorter rogue hairs fall across his forehead.
When you look at his face, his eyes are closed. Lips parted and peaceful just like his shoulders and fists. Cupping his bearded jaw, you trace the beauty marks on his cheeks.
“You’re beautiful, Steve.”
Steve leans into your touch, breath deepening. “...What’s that?”
“Beautiful is when something is pleasing, makes you feel good—” His eyes meet yours, blinking once, then twice, “—for example, music can be beautiful to our ears. Anything you see can be beautiful to your eyes.” And you’re beautiful to mine.
He cocks his head. “So, cute?”
“It’s more than that.”
You think he’s going to say something, hopefully, do that adorable thing where he repeats the ‘new’ word a few times. But he just frowns and turns away from you with crossed arms. “Here I am, naming you cute when there’s better word.”
You cover your mouth to muffle your giggle. “Steve—”
He moves when you reach for him, “Beautiful… beau-ti-ful! Feel...upset.” His scowl is cute, but not as adorable as the little fit he’s throwing.
“Why?” You can already guess where this is going. To say the least, you’re utterly flattered.
Exasperated, the blond sighs and fumbles over his words, “I, ugh! Don’t know how to say!” He runs a hand over his beard, glaring at the ground. “Cute is not bad, cute is good—but beautiful is better, more… And you,” He looks at you, an adorable pout on his lips, “You’re beautiful. Haven’t called you what you deserve. Makes me frustrated.”
Luckily, Steve doesn’t seem too angry about earlier. In fact, he seems very playful.
Excitedly dragging you around the jungle, showing you his favourite places; where he goes to see the fish, a nest he’s been watching for a while—In case if mother doesn’t come back. Will take care of babies—and the little tree he planted himself that he’s very proud of.
Finally, he brings you to the tallest trees on the island. Easily rivalling the buildings in the city. They had vibrant, huge green leaves, sturdy trunks and branches with dangling vines.
“Want to teach sunshine how to swing.”
“Ah—you’re sunshine?” He blinks and points at the sky. “Like from there… warm, kind—tender… one of my favourite things. But also like fruit, but can’t call you banana!”
Your eyes widen, “What?”
“Call me Steve, Steve is nickname… you have nickname too.”
It’s quiet for a few moments. “What?”
Steve laughs. “Broken record! Like radio at home—always repeat and repeat same thing. Will teach sunshine how to swing from vines, easy way to get around. Fast.” He’s giddy, already climbing up a tree to detangle one of the thicker vines, “wait here, okay?”
He doesn’t wait for a reply, instead, scaling the tree and maneuvering through the branches with the same fluidity as one of the wild animals.
Now alone, you’re surrounded by the music of the jungle that always faded into the background when Steve was present. You sit on a log, taking off your boot and shaking the dirt and rocks that crept in before putting them back on. Thankfully, the sun is peeking through the trees, bestowing yellow rays on your face. Soaking it in, you lean back on your hands.
The snap of a twig has you looking up the tree, but spotting no sign of Steve. You had no clue why he was taking so long.
Another sound occurs, this time the rustle of a bush. You turn around and through the darkness, you see the faint glowing eyes from behind the shrubs. There’s a faint outline of ears. “Tinkerbell?”
The animal steadily emerges from the shrubbery but cowers back. Their paw only popped out for a moment, too fast for you to see if it was the familiar white keratin.
You sit up at the telltale thud of heavy feet landing and call Steve’s name. Still facing the animal, “I think Tinkerbell came to say hi.”
As he walks around the base of the tree, his body immediately goes rigid, back tense with his shoulders squared. His curious eyes switch to a laser vision, focussed on the animal now a foot from you.
He says your name with a low tone, drawing out each syllable. Reaching a hand for you, but he’s still too far to actually touch you. “Come, now.”
Confused, you face the animal again. Only to realize how foolish you were. This creature was most definitely not Tinkerbell—not even a canine or feline but a species of its own. In fact, it was the biggest of its family.
Its large head tilts as it surveys you. The pupils of its dark brown eyes shift as it steps closer, a terrible scar on one half of its face. The thin mane and short coarse fur in shades of grey with tints of yellow differ against the various dark spots.
Its claws dig into the dirt when it bares its fangs, the hyena narrows its eyes. Drool dripping from its canines, the sharp incisor teeth gleaming in the sunlight. It growls threateningly, sending a shock down your spine.
Then, Steve states the obvious. “Not Tinkerbell.”
Your life starts flashing before your eyes. The most embarrassing moments are easily shadowed by the most wonderful ones, those shared with family and loved ones. Experiencing your early adult life in the big city, making friends with complete strangers and listening to the same three songs on repeat.
Most prominent are your moments with Steve. They gleam amongst the rest, still fresh in your mind and if you try hard enough, you could relive them.
That would be the best way to go. Fading into the memories.
Steve calls your name again, more urgent.
Terror numbs you, tingling your face and immobilizing your bones. Like you’re sewn into the log beneath you, you can’t move. Not even an inch. A still frame in a movie, you were desperately jamming the play button in your mind.
The hyena growls again, and you squeeze your eyes shut. Biting your tongue to muffle your scream. Your shoulders rise and fall in quick fashion, shuttered breaths escaping between chokes. If you didn’t already do your business, you would have emptied your bladder at that moment.
In a split second, it lunges at you with razor claws and an unhinged jaw. One of the nails catches on your collar, tearing the fabric as a massive shadow blocks the sun. It happens too quickly for you to comprehend, you barely catch Steve’s furious expression before he’s tackling the animal, sending them both tumbling through the bushes.
Vicious hisses and loud pounds follow the man and the hyena.
You lurch forward, tripping through the plants and coming upon a small clearing. Immediately, you’re met with a downright brutal fight.
Steve’s monstrous frame allows him to subdue the creature, easily dodging the snapping jaw and shiny claws. His muscles contract under the strain as he repeatedly strikes the animal in the side, pinning it to the soil. Swinging his huge fist back and aimed directly at the jaguar’s chest. Then, he lifts the animal above his head as it roughly squirms, growling and attempting to scratch him before Steve throws the creature straight across the clearing into a tree.
An ear-splitting crack echoes through the jungle, the tree stump split with a dent the size of the animal lying below it. He struggles to stand, still snapping its jaw as Steve draws closer. One final stomp to the head has the animal flopping to the dirt.
Steve darts towards you, snatching your hand. “These pack hunters—need to go, now.” He pulls you hastily after him.
There are bloody scratches down his back and his ribs, in groups of four. No teeth marks from what you could see, although that relief is briskly swept away when another guttural snarl resonates through the wilderness.
Steve only picks up his pace but eventually hauls you into his arms and runs. Given the circumstances, you’d be stupid to make him put you down.
Like nature’s very own haunted maze, with every twist and turn, the animal’s laughter deterred Steve from all directions. The worst part is, you can’t even see them. Only hear their taunts filtering through the jungle trees.
When he sets you down again, your legs are shaking so much that you almost collapse, clutching his forearms for support. He’s speaking to you, but you can’t hear him over the blood rushing through ears.
He cradles your face between his hands, intense eyes begging for you to say something, anything. All you can manage is a quiet whimper.
The next growl comes directly from behind Steve, and that’s when the tears start falling. The giant gradually twists around, feet firmly planted on the jagged floor. Through the hefty leaves surfaces three more pairs of murderous eyes. Automatically, you step backwards, only for Steve to reach behind and press you flat against his back.
“Will fall—stop.”
Finally, fear releases your senses. You can feel the heat radiating off his body, the delicate wind ghosting along your skin, and you can hear the rushing water beneath you. The lip of the cliff steady over the rapids.
“Stay behind me, don’t move.”
The marks on his skin are gone, nothing but dried blood streaks in the wake. Your thoughts are whisked away—he doesn’t get sick, he’s inhumanly strong, he heals instantly, he’s survived this long in the wilderness—you thought it was a rumour.
You’re dizzy from the absolute vortex you just went through.
Before you could utter a word, one of the hyenas lunges forward but is flung back with Steve’s fierce kick. He doesn’t look at you when he shoves you aside, his attention locked on the predators. You’re a few feet from the edge of the cliff, torn between crippling fear and utter fascination.
The other two spotted animals stand solid, forelegs longer than their hind legs, incisor teeth snapping menacingly.
Steve was vastly bigger than them, heavier and more muscular—but he was outnumbered.
“Not kind.” Steve crouches down, hunched to stare right back at the circling predators.
Pressure weighing heavy in the air, you scan the hyenas, the hunters as they try to ring around Steve, but he has none of it. Rolling on the ground when one of them pounces for his head, the shrill scrape of its nails catch on the edge before it steadies itself.
Steve has the other pinned down, slamming it into the pile of boulders with thunderous grunts. His hands gripping the neck, squeezing—but the definitive tremble of the Earth has him jumping back. Just in time for a load of rocks to rain down, landing on the hyena. It howls and whines, and the man freezes and his shoulders sag before the other tackles him, slamming him full force into the ground.
Your mind demands to help, do something—so, you dive to the treeline, for a nearby stick. Long and firm enough to be a weapon and as you grab it, a heavy weight lands you on your ass. Another animal, the one booted into the jungle by Steve, is back.
Over your screeching are the brutal gnarls of the hyena. Your back collides with the rough ground as you hold the stick from both ends, sprained wrist throbbing as you struggle to keep the creature at bay with the stick between its teeth. Its saliva dribbles on your face, the stick cracking from the strength of its jaw as your arms tremble under its mass.
Your palms burn as it snatches the stick away, clattering off to the side uselessly. Scrambling backwards, the recognizable pointy surface digs into your spine, killing any faith that you had left.
The hyena bares its devilish canines, mouth unhinged—then it stops short, claws grinding into the ground as it’s hoisted up by its tail and tossed over the cliff. The yowl fading with its descent.
Through your teary vision, Steve stands with a heaving chest, a nasty fresh bite on his shoulder, matching the vibrant red scratches along his once unmarred skin. His hair is messy, eyes hard as he reaches for you, tucking you in to his arms with a relieved sigh.
You hear the pounding of his heart in a frantic rhythm with yours. He breathes into your hair, high-pitched whines vibrate his throat.
You could fall to your knees right there, and you almost do—as a sharp snarl sounds. You desperately wish it's just your mind playing back the trauma, but it’s not. Appearing from the bush are two more hyenas. Blood is visible on one’s teeth, staining the fur around its mouth. The other is wearing that identifying scar on its face.
The man grabs a nearby stick, snapping it over his knee into two. In a flash, he spears one half at the animal, wounding it before it scampers away, crying.
He does the same to the other, but it vaults out of the way. This one, in particular, the one from earlier that tore your shirt has the most ferocious glimmer in its eye—gaze trained on you, the prey, the new addition to the platter. Pure hunger draped in rage—it licks its canines, slobbering on the ragged rock ground.
Steve swings when it pounces, the stick breaks on impact but the hyena doesn’t falter. Simply jumping and latching onto Steve’s arm, brutally dragging him to the ground. The harsh snap could be Steve’s or the creature’s bone breaking. The giant’s consistent strikes land on the face until it unlocks its jaw.
The next moments unfold before your eyes so suddenly, that if you blinked, you would have missed it.
One second, you’re pinned under the brutal nails, its fangs grazing your nose. The next second, you’re gasping for air—terrified, shaking, and most noticeably, alone on the cliff.
Steve and the hyena are tangled, claws tearing skin and terrifying growls paired with rumbling growls. Both of their eyes coloured beastial—feral. Then, Steve disappears over the edge, along with the hyena.
In despair, you spring towards the precipice, landing harshly on your knees but you don't care. Whimpering, you look over the edge, air locked in your throat.
You thank the heavens right there.
His hand is gripping an overgrown root. His hair is tousled, clumps of dirt and moss tangled in the strands and speckles in his beard. Red flush over his cheeks, wide blue eyes staring up at you.
And he smiles. “Okay?”
You don’t even realize you’re crying until one of your tears lands on his face. You reach for him, trying with all your might to lift him.
As soon as Steve’s on solid ground again, you leap into his arms. Wrapping around his figure like a second skin, but you wanted to be closer, deeper until he couldn’t pry you off if he tried.
“I-I thought—fuck,” You hiccup, nestling into his neck, probably slobbering and crying all over him, “—I thought you fell.”
Firm hands squeeze your hips and rub over your back, the man gently shushes. “Didn’t. Said I would protect—meant it.” You’re too busy smothering him to notice he’s kissing your head, trailing down your cheek and nipping the flesh. “It’s okay. I’m okay, you okay?”
Still trembling, you nod. You protest when he sets you down, and cling to his arms. One glance at his body—and the scratches are already starting to heal, on the way to becoming faint marks then fully disappear from his skin.
You curl into yourself as he goes towards the pile of stones, to the abandoned animal, tossing aside the rocks until it wiggles free.
Nose turned high in the air, its once vicious eyes landed on you before Steve steps closer, hiding you behind him. You can’t see his face, but you know it’s screwed in that same threatening expression—the one he greeted you with yesterday. He snarls, his fists clenched tight until the animal scurries away limping.
Once you’re in his arms again, you hum happily. Preening under his affectionate snuggles, you almost lost this man.
Swiftly, you press a close-mouthed kiss to the corner of his lips before burrowing under his jaw again. Digging your fingers into his back, inhaling his musk like an addict. “If you ever do that again, I’m going to—God, I don’t even know what I’d do.”
“Heal fast, not get sick.”
“I know.” You’re greatly thankful for that, who knows the infections he’d get from those wild animals. “I was so,” Hiccuping, you clench him tighter and make the mistake of glancing at the awful bite on his shoulder. Skin tender, flushed bright red and irritated, the blood has started to scab but it still looks painful.
Steve follows your gaze, then tilts up your chin. “I’m okay… would be better if knew you’re okay…”
He smiles small, and you softly trace his dimple. “I’m okay, but I would be better if we went back to your home. I want to look over these marks.” You gesture to his various injuries.
“...but heal fast—”
You cover his mouth, “I don’t care. Take me to your home, and I’ll be perfect, I feel safe there.”
His eyes twinkle, “Safe at my home?”
“And, safe with you. Especially with you, Steve.”
Your journey goes from there. Steve carries you and comfortably traverses the terrain. Stepping over roots and ditches, ducking under low branches and vines. He even picks a flower to put behind your ear, and it’s yellow again.
You slump in his arms, allowing his heat and touch to seep into your nerves, subduing them in a way no one else has.
You can’t imagine what you’d do if you lost him. It ached that everything happened so suddenly too—you didn’t stand a chance to save him, and the loss of his life would be in your hands. Tears start to well in your eyes again, but a hand lightly touches your face.
Steve is looking down at you, eyebrows furrowed in concern. He cocks his head.
“I’m just thinking.”
Your throat tightens and you tuck your face into his chest, words muffled, “If I lost you.”
The giant’s hand begins massaging the back of your neck. The tension melts away with every circle of his fingertips. “I’m here. Not... I’m not dead… That the best uh, possible-lity. That's the right word?”
“Possibility. Best possibility, I’m alive. And, look!” He cranes his neck to peek at your hidden face, with a bright grin. “Alive. Here, now. With you, with sunshine.”
He called you sunshine but he was golden. Illuminating that dark part of your mind, his beams reaching the deepest corners. You can feel his presence in your swelling heart, decorating the walls in his graciousness—making that little place his home.
He left a mark on you and your soul, and you bet he didn’t even know it.
And most times, the best people don’t.
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You must have dozed off in his arms because when you open your eyes, his treehouse welcomes your blurry vision. You slip out of his grasp and stretch, yawning as you wait for him to retrieve the vine. But he doesn’t.
“Should go.” Steve refuses to release your hand. He tugs you back into him, eyes darting around the area.
Your legs start to feel weak again, you dreaded another animal attack. “Are the hyenas back?”
Fear creeps back into your head, toeing past that barrier built by Steve and you assume the worst. Maybe the pack of hyenas are back for seconds and they brought certain friends. You’d certainly be outnumbered by the rows of teeth and claws. You anticipate the wet snarling and snapping jaws, but hear a very different sound. Even clicking surrounds you, quiet enough that you strain your ears to hear it.
Circling you and Steve aren’t animals—animals don’t have guns, fully cocked and loaded.
A small cylindrical device rolls towards you and stops a few inches from your feet. Steve moves to shove you behind him just as the deafening bang and blinding flash erupts. And just like that, you’re entirely disoriented. Your ears are ringing, the sound bouncing off the walls of your skull and you’re bent forward with watery eyes.
The blond is the same. Hands covering both his ears, rapidly blinking to see through the sudden smoke. He’s too confused to fight off the agents that come rushing from the treeline.
Strategically, one of them tries to snatch you away, while four people latch onto Steve, yanking him the other way. You dig your feet into the dirt and try to shake off the fuzzy feeling in your head. You helplessly watch, though it’s all distorted like there’s doubles of everything and all sounds muffled like you’re underwater.
One of the agents tries to inject the over-six-foot man, but Steve elbows their middle, the needle falling to the ground. The rest of the operatives attempt to pin him down, one locks their arm around his neck while the others restrain his arms. Steve lets out a strangled growl as he lands on his knees, his eyes squeezed shut.
“—Hey, get off of him!” You wrestle with the arms holding you back, “Let go of him, you’re scaring him!”
A gunshot fires, stopping your heart.
“No shooting—what the hell are you thinking!” A bold voice booms.
That same voice calls your name as the owner steps into your line of view. Tony tells the man to release you. You’re still roughly squirming when he does, and without him holding you up, you tumble into Tony. Your wrist bends awkwardly and you cry out, the pain increasing tenfold.
An array of grunts, groans and one conclusive crack later, you see Steve standing above an agent with their collar in his fist. The rest of them are lying on the ground, moving but clearly hurt in some way.
You’re frozen as you watch Steve rear back his fist, panic wrapping around your throat, cutting your voice.
In the blink of an eye, loud electric sounds break the tension and Steve hunches over, a pained groan pushing out from his clenched jaw as the agent scurries away. On his side are glowing blue probes, a high-pitched buzz filling the air as black boots land on the dirt.
Steve slowly stands to his feet and tears the electroshock bites from his skin, leaving red welts in its wake. They heal immediately.
Everyone collectively inhales as Steve turns around, his face screwed darkly. The ground trembling with his growl.
The familiar redhead stands prepared, steely green eyes set on the giant. Swiftly, she reaches behind her back and whips out batons, one in each hand as they glow with electricity.
You’re about to throw yourself between your best friend and Steve, but Dr. Banner beats you to it. Both his hands are raised, palms open in surrender as he forces their attention on him. Natasha returns Steve’s deadly glare, her red lips sealed tight while he flares his nostrils, stepping forward until Dr. Banner’s hand meets his chest.
“Move.” It’s a single word but it’s spoken with such dominance, Dr. Banner’s hand almost lowers.
He’s quick to recover, eyes darting between the superhuman and the assassin. “No, no, you two aren’t going to hurt each other—calm down, Steven.”
His broad shoulders rise and fall with each dense breath, muscles flexing as his face twists in disgust. “Said move.” He draws closer as both of Dr. Banner’s hands press to his chest.
You don’t know what you do, but Steve’s eyes flash in your direction. Narrowing as they drop to your body that’s too close to Tony’s for his liking. Then, he sidesteps Dr. Banner and escapes his grasp. He yanks you into his body, protectively pinning you against him.
In distaste, he wrinkles his nose. “Don’t touch. Ever.”
Everyone has different reactions. Most are utterly puzzled and suspiciously gazing between you and the blond beast of a man. Tony has one eyebrow raised, same as Dr. Banner who’s mouth was agape.
Natasha turns to you, concern taking over her features as she says your name, just as confused as everyone else. She reaches for you.
“No—mine.” The giant snaps. “Only mine.”
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You flinch as another slam echoes through the plane. Nearly shaking the aircraft with the force. Tony stands to shut the door as if it would muffle the obvious struggling. He clears his throat, “How was the weather out there?”
Sinking in your seat, you examine the new bandage around your wrist. “Is small talk the only reason you brought me here? You do understand he’s only going to tear apart those restraints you slapped on him, right?”
Maybe a sick part of you wanted to see that.
“Yes, yes, don’t worry. We’ll get you safe and sound in his beefy arms again. After we have a little conversation.”
“Not little in the slightest.” Dr. Banner pipes up, sipping on his coffee as steadily as he can. “Steven will have to be patient.”
Tony eyes the shirt you’re wearing, “He brought you to his home?”
You nod, thankful the tear is not directly exposing your breast. You didn’t need Tony seeing you exposed too. You hope Dr. Banner forgot, but the way his cheeks heated up as you fidgeted made you doubt it.
Tony leans to the side, covering his mouth but still speaks loud and clear. “He never brought you home, huh?”
Dr. Banner sighs, “I’m not a woman.”
“Or he just didn’t think you were pretty.”
“Shall we start from the basics?” Dr. Banner flips open the document before him, ignoring Tony’s take it away, Jolly Green. “Uh, communication. Limited vocabulary as of now—”
“—Though he seems to like the word mine. Huh, Doc?”
You inhaled deeply through your nose. “You’re lucky I’ve grown used to your lighthearted perspective.”
As Tony opens his mouth with a snarky reply on his tongue, another thud sounds through the jet. His watch flashes and he glances at it, cringing. “Yikes, seems that the beast has knocked out another agent, what’s that make his count? Three?”
“If you don’t want it to get any higher—you should continue.” You cross your arms, facing Dr. Banner again. “Please.”
“Right. Sign language was the first step, we didn’t know if he developed vocally since he’d only make grunts, hoots—very similar to the gorillas and monkeys in the area.”
Peter and Wendy, you didn’t even get to say goodbye before you and Steve were forcefully escorted into the plane for the first flight back to the city. You could only imagine what the camp looked like now—if anyone even knew you were missing.
“He used it with a monkey.”
Clapping his hands, Tony beams. “Well, isn’t that a delightful surprise? I think you’ve found your own Disney prince, Doc. Prince Steven of the jungle has a nice ring to it.”
“He prefers Steve.” You correct.
The two men look at you, then at each other. Tony slowly nods, accepting with a low hum. “How do you know that?”
“I asked him.”
He raises his hands, “Fair enough. No further questions. Bruce?”
The brunet frowns, fiddling with the collar of his shirt. “I didn’t ask him, I’ve called him Steven this entire time. Do you think he’s mad at me?”
“You should ask the fella himself—” Another loud bang, and another blip on his watch, “—alright, down goes Freddie, where were we?” He snatches the folder, flipping through the pages.
Admittedly, you were feeling guilty about the agents piling up in the infirmary but a part of you needed this conversation to happen. The curiosity eating you alive—that your own bosses were on the island for a wildly different purpose, not for plants or water samples, but for a whole man.
“How did you know someone was living here? If not your satellites, then how?” You inquire.
“Why do you think we were there?” Tony shoots back.
“Definitely not to research an unknown island discovered by one of Stark’s wondrous satellites.”
Dr. Banner clears his throat and tugs at the sleeves of his button-up, a habit of his. “You, along with many other people, may have been under the impression that this expedition was very sudden. Which isn’t true.”
“The island was not undiscovered—okay, it was but it was purposefully uncharted. Under Stark Industries, actually, my father was planning on using it for reasons way above your paygrade.”
You make a face. “And knowing about Steve isn’t?”
“In due time, the public will know about him too, and I’m not paying them hundreds of thousands of dollars a year,” Tony states matter-of-factly, with that same smart-ass attitude you’ve grown to tolerate. Only because it suits him. “We’ve been studying the island from afar for over a year before deciding to physically visit it. I’ve had drones and bots gather samples, videos and photographs.” He lists on his fingers, “We were never solely interested in the flora and fauna. Nor the animals either. Obviously.”
“When the shield files were released—a lot of theories were proven to be true.” Dr. Banner purses his lips. “Although, we were able to bury a few again, wiping them from the Internet before people had the chance to search through and find them.”
“A lot of bribing too. Not as massive a dent compared to last year's Christmas shopping.”
Exasperated, Dr. Banner continues. “Decades ago, the Erskine formula was successfully developed. I’m sure that after spending almost a day with Steve that you’ve noticed some peculiar traits.” Dr. Banner pushes his glasses up his nose, his salt and pepper hair falling over his forehead, “Enhanced body functions like his metabolism and senses. Peak human strength, speed, agility, recovery—he isn’t absolutely immune to physical injuries but he’s insusceptible to any diseases or infections, and he heals incredibly fast. His mental processing should be advanced, but we aren’t sure about that yet.”
“You’re forgetting durability and reflexes—oh, and stamina. Does that please you, Doc?”
Instead of replying, you roll your eyes. Tony just laughs.
“We haven’t been able to test his photographic memory which was among the list of the conditions of the serum.”
Another loud thump and Tony checks his watch, sighing. He turns his attention to you, tsking. “Your boyfriend is a menace.”
“Has he had the serum his whole life? And he isn’t my boyfriend.” You grumble.
“According to the files, he was given the formula as a child.” Dr. Banner slides the document to you.
Your eyes scan over the pages. There’s a grey picture of a young boy in the corner, his full name, along with a birthday in July and two bolded names, sharing the same family name: Rogers.
“Doctor Rogers was able to recreate Erskine’s formula—down to a T. She worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. at the time,” his brown eyes flicker to Tony, who was busy twiddling a pen between his fingers, “she was also fairly close with Howard Stark while she was an intern.”
You furrow your eyebrows.
“Not in that way, geez, you couldn’t explain it any better?” Tony scoffs, “close, as in, she was appointed to lead the re-creation of the Erskine formula. Super smart woman, quite remarkable credentials, if you asked me.”
“There were a multitude of theories surrounding the circumstances of her and her husband's disappearance. Ranging from kidnapping and ransom, to experiments gone wrong, even, uh, an assassination from a certain soldier—all of which turned out to be false. But the overall speculation of the serum being recreated was in fact true.”
“I thought it was just a rumour.” You mutter, glaring at the printed words on the pages. Several stand out to you: Hydra, fled, missing.
Tony noisily opens a bag of nuts, offering you some that you take. Chewing, he hums, “long story short, they were being hunted by all sorts of people, obviously very terrible people, so they ran off to an island my father had. Uncharted, secret, the perfect place to hide. The whole existence of the island was kept under wraps, until a group of researchers went on a trip only to never be heard from again.”
“What?” Your breath hitches.
“—He’s lying, there were no missing researchers,” Dr. Banner scolds, “I swear, you can’t be serious for five minutes?”
Two more loud bangs echo through the plane, and yet again, Tony checks his watch. “Jesus, this man is brutal. Okay, there are going to be more agents unconscious than conscious if we don’t hurry this up. Chop, chop.”
“To correct what he said—the island was actually documented because Doctor Rogers was very valuable to S.H.I.E.L.D. although her files were heavily redacted. Vague mentions of an unknown island, off the grid and scheduled supply drops. Any evidence of the serum project was buried deep.”
Your throat constricts, head throbbing dully. “What happened to them?”
Dr. Banner reaches over and takes the folder, closing it with a sigh. “We don’t know for sure, since they suddenly stopped reporting back.” He looks over at Tony, gesturing between them, “we hypothesize that someone came clean about their whereabouts to the wrong people, the very ones who were hunting Doctor Rogers.”
“Located and taken, in shorter, blunt terms.” Tony’s forehead is knitted tight, “we assume without the formula, seeing that there aren’t evil super-soldiers running around and Hydra isn’t the supreme worldwide leader. Because that would be a nightmare itself.”
“The Rogers’ haven’t been seen since—neither the squad sent to capture them.” Dr. Banner adds, “Several shipping accidents were reported around the time they went missing—Uh, Tony?”
The other man clears his throat, “To be clear, we’re still searching the surrounding oceans. But, thirty-plus years at sea, the chances are…” he trails off, uncomfortable shifting in his seat.
Starting to connect the dots, everything seems to make sense now. Most notably, the absent serum and a genetically enhanced man. They gave the formula to their only child, but why?
“Also, the serum is definite—so it’s not the jungle that gave him those spicy muscles.” Tony smirks, “Whether he chooses to eat fruits or whatever ‘junk food’ exists in the wilderness, he’d be the same.”
You could only guess the Rogers’ reasons. Perhaps for his survival, even though they could have destroyed it. Hopefully, they didn’t do it with cruel intentions—for Hydra. But you aren’t positive, so you ask.
“They didn’t know about Hydra under S.H.I.E.L.D.—they strictly thought they were working for a good cause.” Tony answers, “I can see that look in your eyes, they loved Steve. There wasn’t anything they wouldn’t do for him.”
You knew that now, and it wasn’t your place to say whether or not parents cared for their child, but you couldn’t help it. “They experimented on him.” You conclude. “A child who could barely speak—let alone understand what’s happening to him.”
Poor, sweet Steve, he must’ve been so confused and afraid.
It’s tense for a few seconds as you try to organize your thoughts. So scattered on the floor of your mind, you’re sifting through everything to make sense of the information dumped on you.
“They left him letters.” Dr. Banner speaks up, pointing to the document. “The photocopies are in there. But Steven—Steve can’t read yet. So, I’ve been holding back. It wouldn’t be fair for anyone else to read them, even if it was for him.”
“That’s the last thing they left him?”
Tony nods, his hands clasped on the table. “Some old family polaroids were all that we found, they were sealed in an album. Everything else must’ve been destroyed by the wildlife or nature. There were barely any signs of humans when we sent the first drone.”
“How many people know?”
The two men exchange pointed looks, having a nonverbal conversation right in front of you. Finally, after an array of raised and wrinkled eyebrows, Tony speaks.
“Well, counting you—us, a few other scientists, the kid, and the team back home. Of course, everyone on this plane, but they’re all agents so they’re sworn to secrecy.”
“The team back home?”
Tony sighs exaggeratedly. “Must I tell you everything—on second thought, don’t answer that.” He begins counting on his fingers, “Director Fury, Hill, Barton, pretty sure Barnes knows but he hasn’t outright said it.”
“And, Natasha knew the whole time.” You’re bewildered that your best friend knew the purpose of a trip you went on, she wasn’t even invited! Or she was and was laying low in a hidden tent. You wouldn’t be surprised. “Was she here the whole time?” The suspicion is audible in your tone.
“Not until this afternoon, these past four weeks she’s been in sweet, sweet civilization. Sipping on margaritas and grilling fresh paninis.”
A series of louder bangs shake the plane—and heavy footsteps stomp straight to the door.
The door handle rattles before it’s swung open, slamming into the wall behind it, denting it.
The tall blond stands there. The remains of the high-tech restraints around his wrists like bracelets. The button-up shirt taut against his shoulders and biceps, the fabric nearly bursting at the seams. His loincloth switched out for an actual pair of pants, that did little to conceal his thick thighs—and his gracious gift.
You helped change him in the back room. Forcing him into clothes felt like going against your own morals but everyone collectively agreed he needed something more than the tiny cloth around his waist. You remember helping him into pants, his bare cock inches from your face—you felt hot and bothered when you noticed it was slightly hard.
You almost slip into that foggy state of mind but a slew of agents pop up behind Steve, at the front is Natasha wiping a bloody nose.
Tony stands, hands on his hips. “All right! That’s it—the beast is in an extended timeout.”
The fearful expressions that take over the agents’ faces is almost hilarious. They all take a few steps back, wide eyes flickering between Steve and Tony. One of them even shakes their head.
“Ugh, what the hell are you all being paid for, then?”
Dr. Banner rushes to stand, taking Steve’s arm. “Perhaps it’s best that he just sits here with us.” He’s gentle, shutting the door and bringing Steve into the room and Natasha follows, her eyes meeting yours. “Right, Steve? I’m assuming you just wanted to see her.” He points to you.
Then, Steve is grabbing you. Lifting you from your chair and taking your spot, plopping you on his lap. Nuzzling into your neck and grumbling as if no one is there watching.
Awkwardly, you pat his head. “Uh…”
“Not your boyfriend, huh?”
“Boyfriend?” Steve repeats, the first words he’s spoken since stepping foot on the plane. He pulls away from your neck, only to rub his beard on your face. “Mhm, mine.”
Tony hums in amusement. “Well, when you have a romantic or sexual relationship, you’re someone’s partner or companion—boyfriend is a possible title, and so is girlfriend.”
“Girl-friend.” Steve pronounces. “Romantic…”
“As in expressions of love.” Tony was adoring this. “Embracing, kissing, cuddling. Gift-giving—like courting, hugging, maybe flowers. Hm, lap sitting, intimate snuggling. Like what you’re doing right now.”
Steve’s eyes glimmer, a tiny smile appearing on his once grumpy pout. “Flowers? Gave you flowers. You gave me flowers too, sunshine.”
“Sunshine! That’s just lovely!” Tony gushes.
Dr. Banner thankfully steps in. Successfully deterring the conversation away from Steve nipping on your skin, kissing your neck, and keeping the giant from asking Tony what other things partners do together.
Natasha stays by the door, arms crossed and silent but her eyes are hinting at the millions of questions you know you’ll be grilled with later.
Dr. Banner sits down again, sliding a cup of water to Steve, although he’s too wrapped in you to care. “We’ve been sending bots to the island for the past few months to avoid any harm for all parties. It’s safe to say that Steve has improved immensely in that regard. The first few—”
“—fifteen—” Tony mutters.
“—he attacked, easily squashed millions of dollars with his bare hands like it was nothing.” Dr. Banner’s gaze falls to the giant arms around your waist, “I suppose he can be… delicate when he wants.”
Steve grunts, manhandling you around until he can muzzle into your chest. Nose buried very close to your breasts. His hot breath seeped through your shirt, and he just stays there. Content with his eyes shut.
“Girlfriend—boyfriend… Mhm.” He mumbles. “No one touch, right?“
You shake your head.
He snuggles into your shirt. “Good. Just mine.”
Oh goodness, why did you find that attractive?
“He was very anxious at first. Eventually, he grew to trust the bots and was actively interacting with them. I controlled them remotely. He started picking up different mannerisms and behaviours briskly—standing on two feet instead of a crouched position, his posture improved greatly as well.”
“He used to run around naked sometimes. So, good luck with that, Doc.” Tony laughs madly while Dr. Banner has red cheeks and is intently staring at the table.
The laugh that joins Tony’s is from behind you, undoubtedly the redhead who found humour in your current embarrassment. You’d glare at her, but Steve’s hold was firm.
“Eventually, we decided it was time to take it to the next level and formally introduce ourselves. And hope that he won't tear us in half. The serum altered every part of him, his genes were enhanced exceptionally. Regardless of missing key developmental stages, he’s still able to remedy those in a way.”
“Man-beast isn’t a lost cause.” Tony summarizes, “Far from it, actually. He learns things very fast, despite not being taught how to speak when he was younger, he understood speech, grammar, tone, even sarcasm, like it was nothing. But he has trouble using it himself, but hey, practice makes perfect.”
“It’s remarkable. We’ll do tests when we get back to Manhattan. Should be fairly quick—oh, and you’ll have to be present so he doesn’t… go out of control again.”
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You’re in the cafeteria stirring a pot of soup when the elevator dings open. Tony and Dr. Banner waltzes in with an array of books. Stacked to their chins, all differing in colours and widths.
“Another day, another random question from the man-beast. Today, he asked me what fuck was.”
As if on cue, a voice echoes after him as a body emerges from the elevator. “Fuck!”
You hope the world could swallow you whole.
“What did you tell him?” You’re already prepared for the mass of muscles that encloses your body, lifting you off the ground in a suffocating but lovely hug. He’s shirtless, you don’t know how or why because before you left, he was wearing a tight t-shirt.
Steve settles you down and pats your head. Moving to the stove to taste the soup.
Tony slams the books on the counter, grinning wildly. “Both definitions, he only knew of the curse. He was absolutely curious about the other version, asking very detailed questions about the birds and the bees. I answered to the best of my ability, but brought in a specialist and told him to stay away from the internet for help.” He smirks at you, tutting his tongue, “Don’t worry, Doc, I’ve got you. Only healthy sex here.”
“You can leave if you’re done.” Your voice is muffled by your hands, you peer through your fingertips.
“Hey, now, don’t you want to know what’s going to happen to your boyfriend?”
It’s been a little over three days since you returned to civilization. Three days of Steve flipping his temporary room upside down whenever you left for work or to just get space—get your mind out of the gutter when he’d grind all over you in his sleep. These three days felt like a month. Being in constant worry that Steve would harm people—but with you in the room, he’s obedient and follows instructions from the scientists.
It was also an advantage that Dr. Banner was always present in the room. Someone who was familiar and had a connection with Steve. You thought it was fine, but yesterday, you had to run downstairs in your towel after FRIDAY alerted you that Steve broke a table.
You wanted to stay with him all the time but today you had gone out for lunch with Natasha for a very mandatory conversation. Thankfully, it was more heartfelt than angry. The truth coming from both sides, you telling your wild adventure in the jungle and her confessing that she knew about Steve. She teased you as much as Tony, clever quips about your lover—you don’t know why she called him that, the two of you haven’t even made-out.
Then, she was called for an abrupt mission down in India and left within an hour.
You didn’t know how she did it sometimes.
“What’s going to happen to him now?” You try to remain indifferent but fail miserably.
They wouldn’t send him back to the jungle, but then what options were left? Keep him captive, or experiment on him, or tell the media and stir up one of the biggest storms in the century.
Dr. Banner takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes. “Well, it depends. It’s not a secret that he’s formed an attachment to you, specifically. You weren’t even the first woman he’s seen, so it’s not because of that.”
Well, that boosted your ego.
So did Steve’s delighted hum as he shovels more soup in his mouth. Still hot on the stove.
“You’ve got the golden stamp of approval from the beast. So, I guess your feelings are reciprocated.”
You cover your face with your hands, groaning.
“It’s not bad!” Dr. Banner affirms, “I mean, you two having… feelings for each other. Quite the opposite—it’s motivational for him, but our studies have shown that he's progressed immensely. Academically, language, writing, he’s set to start reading fluency level books next week.”
Tony holds up a hand, silencing the man. “Bruce, you’re taking away the magic.”
“What I mean to say is that this could be the best thing for Steve.”
Hands grip your hips as a hard chest presses against your back. “Missed you.”
“And yourself, Doc. When was the last time you went on an actual date?”
“What? It’s an innocent question.”
“With ulterior motives. You’re match-making.”
“Oh, what match-making is left to be done when he’s doing that!” Tony points to Steve peppering kisses all over your head, grumbling affectionately.
“I think you’ll be pleased to know that we’ve set up a floor in the tower; optional soundproofing, specialized tempered window with projection, reinforced furniture and a cookbook—Steve requested that, oddly enough. Oh, and mind the area right by the elevator, it’s monitored twenty-four-seven—all other rooms are private.”
You shoot up, eyes bouncing between both of the distinguished men. “Oh—wow, thank you, Tony.”
That little temporary room in the basement was horrible, but you’d never say that. It was put together during the flight back and only consisted of a bed, desks, a television and a bathroom. All the food was delivered, and at first, Steve didn’t eat it. Too unfamiliar with the strange platter—until you had him try one spoonful of soup and he loved it.
He demanded soup every morning. Along with fresh fruit, although he was still hesitant to try anything else. He liked bread, though, and pudding. But he would only try new things if you tried it first and made those exaggerated hums.
‘Living’ with Steve for three days wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t easy. He was anxious, you could tell from his hyperventilation, sweaty skin and tense muscles. He couldn’t sleep the first night, kept tossing and turning before lying on the cold ground because the bed was too soft compared to the mattress in his treehouse.
You went with him and curled up together on the ground. Trying to get his mind to relax, you started talking about yourself. Disclosing just every secret you’ve ever had, even the mortifying ones. Steve didn’t judge, he just clutched you tighter and sometimes asked what certain words meant.
The next day, you were exhausted but sat next to Steve while the scientists tested on him. Needle wounds healed in seconds, and he watched as they hauled off his blood samples.
Then, they tested his cognitive skills. They weren’t obnoxious or unfriendly, quite the opposite. More inquisitive and entranced by the giant man who passed every test with flying colours.
Truth be told, you didn’t know Steve was that capable. In the time you spent with him, he asked about things that you would have thought he already knew.
Cute. Beautiful.
You suppose those books in his bookshelf didn’t have anything about that.
“It was Bruce’s idea, actually. Although, I’ll probably take partial credit if anyone asks. Being responsible for the craziest love story of the modern age? Sign me up.”
The brunet leaves, the doors sliding shut behind him. It finally hits you. You’ll be moving into the tower. Sharing an apartment with the fella currently slurping soup behind you.
Soaking in the news dumped over your head like cold water, you lean on the counter. It was relieving that you didn’t have to say goodbye to Steve, or that you had to stand by and watch him be poked and prodded at.
You were falling quick and hard for a man you’ve only known for a few days.
“Thank you, Dr. Banner.”
The man smiles, rubbing your shoulder softly. “C’mon, we’ve known each other for years now and we’re friends, call me Bruce.”
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The rain patters against the large floor-to-ceiling windows, a gloomy grey painting the Manhattan sky. The rhythmic splats of the droplets flow over the movie playing on the television, and combined, they make a soft background noise for the thoughts running through Steve’s head. Although, they’re more like fantasies—about you.
The blanket around your shoulders slips and drags the strap of your tank top, revealing the skin of your shoulder. Pretty, Steve would describe that spot, it was a new word he learnt and he thinks it suits the little spot he likes to nuzzle and kiss.
Couples kiss. They hug and cuddle. They exchange sweet touches like secrets that were only for one person. Subtle yet affectionate, and Steve had a problem of letting you a foot out of his reach.
He blames his lack of human touch growing up and that he doesn’t remember his parents. Perhaps he’s making up for it now—those long years alone took a toll on him. He’s scared of letting you go, and every time, he fears that you’d never return. And as a result, he’d be alone again.
That was his worst fear. It was something that hit all too close to home. He never realized how much he liked being around people until he met you. Your presence lit up a place in his heart he didn’t know existed. To be fair, he didn’t know a lot of things existed before you came along.
When he saw you use a blender the first time, he was utterly terrified. The loud noise startled him, and watching the fruits being shredded to bits freaked him out, but then he tried the drink you made and now he has to have a smoothie every day. His favourite new discovery were hair ties, clips and headbands, that you used to keep his hair back and out of his face.
You have always been so kind to him, in his eyes, you could do no wrong. You were patient and lovely, even when he asked a billion questions. Oh, and you were never mean, not like particular animals in the jungle. You were sunshine, warm and good and one of his favourite people.
He can’t help but want to tear those papers from your hand and flop on top of you. Touch you all over and show you just how much you mean to him. His heart yearns for it—he has been longing for your comfort since he met you and he’s never realized until recently.
Lucky, is how he would describe it. Meeting you, coming to the city and staying with you, he feels very lucky.
Across the couch, Steve stares at you. Blue eyes trained on your face as you scan the folder in your lap. You mark a few spots then flip the page.
Very lucky, Steve thinks, is there word for better lucky?
Your shirt slips lower, exposing the top of your breast and he adjusts his crotch, the answers of the specialist heavy in his mind. The knowledge he was struck with was enough to topple him over—and he wanted to test it out, with you. He wanted to be closer than he already was, emotionally and physically.
“What are you staring at?”
Steve stiffens, blinking at you wide-eyed. “Huh?”
You smile and choose not to mention how much shorter the distance between you both was than before. He was sneaky sometimes, but other times, not so much. “You’ve forgotten how to blink, Steve?”
The blond quickly shakes his head, cheeks flushing a bright red. He looks back at the television and scoots another inch closer. “Just… watching screen box.”
“It’s a television.”
“Television. Watching, uh, that.” He points across the room at the movie.
You hum unconvinced and sip your coffee, returning to your work. The projection windows are off and display the city lights and seemingly starless sky, the rain has slowed down. Steve was very thankful for being here, getting to shower with fancy soaps and experiencing new things every day but he didn’t like that you couldn’t see the stars here—every night in the jungle, he went to sleep under their twinkling lights.
It seemed so bare now. Like an unfinished painting, sitting in the corner collecting dust. The sky without the stars was like an empty vase. Of course, it wasn’t useless, but there was nothing to admire, no flowers to smell. And the sky in the city was that, rid of anything to look at and appreciate.
Somehow, Steve’s head turned in your direction again. He doesn’t know how long he’s been staring at you this time, but you haven’t said anything. He grunts, eyes flickering to the screen on the wall showing a collection of moving pictures—a movie, it was a movie. Like in the theatres you spoke about, but for home.
Oh, his home, his jungle. His friends.
He almost reaches for you right then, whenever he gets upset, you always manage to make him feel better. Sometimes you’d talk about random things, the sound of your voice soothed that rushing water in his mind, as your delicate fingers combed through his hair. He always fell asleep whenever you did that. It calmed him deeply.
But right now, soft touching like that wouldn’t relax him. He wanted—he needed something more. He needed to finally experience you.
Although, he wishes the two of you were back in his treehouse. His little home that was crafted by his own two hands. That would complete him, feeling you so intimately in his place of growth. He’d make it special too. Decorating with flowers and little coconut half potted plants, he’d also find a way to close off the windows so Wendy and Peter didn’t barge in.
Steve could only imagine how beautiful you’d look under the moonlight, bare for him, your heart, soul and body naked for his eyes.
But if you two were back in the jungle, experiencing you wouldn’t be number one on his list.
First, he’d want to see his friends. Check on that baby elephant in the herd, the bird’s nest, the parrot and his little tree. Most importantly, Wendy, Peter and Tinkerbell. He couldn’t express how much he missed them but he thinks you can tell. And he was right because you’d always ask if he’d like to go to the observational room with all the drone feed. But they never spotted anything the first few times which was disheartening.
Up until yesterday, when they caught a glimpse of a monkey wearing a scarf. Steve didn’t stop smiling the whole day. It was nice to know that they were all right since he’s explicitly aware of the dangers that lurk in the wilderness.
Although, he does wish he said goodbye. Or at least had the chance to tell them he might not come back.
Steve had a lot of wishes, some he didn’t even know.
His mind was like that a lot—putting thoughts into words was hard, saying those thoughts were even worse. But he was trying, that was all that counted, and you continued to be his number one fan.
That was also why you were currently marking his ‘homework.’
It’s been over a week since you’ve both moved into the tower officially. Domestic life suited you, in the only misshapen way it could given your circumstances.
Steve hasn’t been out into the world yet, the team is still working out how to tell the press about a genetically enhanced man in the wilderness. And a little part of you wanted to keep him to yourself, the inevitable buzz that would surround him could potentially be overwhelming. Plus, you adored having the big fella all to yourself.
He hasn’t been too eager to go outside either. It was too unfamiliar, too loud and bright sometimes. Right now, he much prefers staying inside with you. Especially since you had started to do all your work here with him when he wasn’t doing tests in the laboratory.
It was nice, strange, and foreign, but it was okay.
Specifically, this floor in the tower was strikingly different from his treehouse.
In place of the logs and slabs of wood were sleek countertops and plush cushions. Opened holes in the walls were now thick planes of glass—that could show things like a television! He was astounded. The options were endless; an ocean view, beach sunrise and sunset, different places in the world that he’s never seen before and, his favourite, the jungle.
There was a cold box in the kitchen, it had food of all sorts, solids and liquids. Most of which he hasn’t tried, maybe one day, but that’s not the thing he wants on his tongue today. Especially after that in-depth conversation with a certain specialist.
Looking at you, Steve feels that same tingling sensation in his heart and lower. You’ve been so understanding with him, kind, tender, cute—no, you’re beautiful, more than cute.
He’s seen animals in the jungle mate for life. Those rituals vary, but always with the same end result. Two beings together and untied to each other.
Simply enough, he wanted that with you.
It was one of the few things he knew without anyone telling him. Just a sheer want and desire to call you his, and for you to call him yours, for forever and a day.
He thinks you’re getting it. He’s tried to cook you breakfast—right now, all he can do is make those packets of oatmeal with water from the kettle—it just warms up water? How?—and toast, and you were so thankful for it, and for him when he sits on the side of your shared bed with a tray and a smile.
He’s cuddled you, wrapping around you tight to keep you safe from all threats, including the cold because Steve did not like the cold. He kissed you, rubbed all up on you, most of the time just because he wanted to and he’s addicted to your scent.
He’s doing everything he’s researched about romantic relationships, gaining knowledge from both people and asking FRIDAY—who was just a voice without a body to him, but she was very smart, so he tried not to be too freaked out when her voice sounded out of nowhere.
To him, you two have a connection. A relationship? Boyfriend and Girlfriend? Companions—Steve liked that word a lot.
Your connection was mutual that involved lots of touching and him following you around like a lost puppy. He tends to just linger with you while you do work, like now. Usually, he’s quiet—as quiet a man over 6 feet could be—sometimes he would do his own ‘homework.’ This time, he hasn’t been able to sit still.
He wants you. He wants you more than he wants to see the stars. Maybe that’s because you’re more beautiful than the stars, but he won’t tell them that—they might get jealous since he used to talk to them at night in the jungle.
“Can I ask something?”
You nod, turning your attention to him.
Steve scoots closer until your arms touch. He looks at you, then your body, and back to your face. If he didn’t have such a prominent tent in his pants, you’d ask him what he wanted, but you already knew.
He’s been making offhand comments—as subtle as he could be. Touching you until you wake up, just tracing his hands over your body, gripping the soft parts. Mentioning romantic actions like kissing or holding hands. Both of which he did quite often with you. Although, his kisses were never firmly on your lips, mostly on the corner of your mouth or your cheeks, sometimes just any part of you he could reach.
“Know in that movie… they, uh, kissed?” Obvious as ever, his gaze falls to your lips as he licks his own.
You decide to save him the trouble. “You want to do that with me?”
More than anything. “Want to do everything with you.” Steve murmurs, leaning closer, “please? Know lots, tried to—I understand now. Want to… experience you.”
When he kisses you, you can’t help but giggle against his lips. Even though you told him there was no pressure to be perfect around you—the stiffness catches you off guard, making you pull away after he just pressed closer to you, his breath fanning across your cheeks.
“You can open your mouth.”
“...Oh, forgot.” He blushes beautifully, hand tightening on your waist. “Try again? Will be better?”
“You don’t have to be better—if that’s how you want to kiss, I’m fine with it.” You were just glad he finally took that step, not that you couldn’t but you were scared of taking advantage of the poor man. At least when he made the conscious decision to take it one step further, your guilt disappeared. You trace his pouty lips to his thick beard, thankful he didn’t have to shave or cut his hair. “We could have our own way to kiss.”
“No—want to taste you.” His voice deepens, lashes fluttering as he flips around. Your back flops on the couch, a little squeal escaping your lips. “Here,” He touches your mouth, trailing his finger down the buttons of your shirt to the heat between your thighs, “and here.”
When he kisses you the second time, it’s different. He’s less tense, more relaxed as he hesitatingly parts his lips as you do the same. You take control, tongue slipping into his mouth, delicately massaging his. Tasting him. Steve groans, the lower half of his body drops and squishes you, his head tilting to the side as he becomes more confident.
One of his hands slips behind your head, maneuvering you and dipping your head back. He takes over the kiss, almost naturally, plump lips sliding along yours, wet sucking noises flowing in the air. He drinks you up, becoming more eager and intense as the seconds drag on.
His groin presses into your clothed cunt with slow innate grinding motions. He grunts, cock quickly stiffening in his pants, rubbing against your covered folds with every drag.
His breathing gets heavier. The once shy kiss grows into a sloppy exchange, messy and wet. His tongue slides into your mouth, making your thighs tighten around his narrow hips. A heat blooming from your chest, down to your stomach and your pussy. The longing, the desire that’s been built up since you met him is being satisfied. Rightfully so, with no wrongdoing lurking around the corner—but just the two of you, and the perfect sin.
Steve forces himself away, his lips are swollen and eyes wide. “Taste your—” he nods between your legs, he tries to recall what the specialist called it, “—uh, vagina, please?”
Your heart swells and you laugh lightly. “Yes, Steve.” You run your fingers through his hair that’s fallen over his face, “You can call it other things, you know?”
“I know… Specialist gave lots of words to use. Just wanted to say correct one—learnt it in science.”
He was the only man who could make you into a dripping wet and giggly mess. He was going to be your undoing, and it was only the beginning. And you couldn’t wait for what the future held, the anticipation was prickling along your skin.
Steve has never had a woman, touched one, tasted one.
As half of your clothes fall to the floor, your lower half is naked before his dark eyes. You feel him lift your legs over his shoulders as his breath hits your hot centre. For a moment, he just lies there, inches from your cunt, your most sensitive part before leaning forward. You cry out as his tongue swipes up your slit, his hands pinning your thighs to the couch. A tentative lick, and another until building a pattern. Your wetness on his taste buds only fuels the fire in his belly.
It makes sense that he’s very generous and takes his sweet time experiencing you. Treating it like a little lesson, and learning as he goes. Figuring out what makes you wet, and moan the loudest.
Very lightly, his teeth drag along your inner thighs, nipping as they trail across your skin. Here between your legs is where your scent is the most prominent, and he’s drunk on it.
“Took so long to do this—smells so good, tastes even better.” He speaks against your wetness, the roughness of his beard brushing your folds. He mouths at your cunt, slurping and greedily savouring you. He can’t get enough of the feeling of you in his mouth, or the high-pitched moans escaping your lips. “Want more.”
He hums, nosing at your folds before licking up your juices sloppily, perking up when you cry out. “Okay?”
You make the mistake of looking at him, his cheeks flushed red with your arousal in his beard and around his lips. He’s barely started—and he’s already proven how much of a messy eater he is. “I-I’m okay. That just felt really good.”
Steve’s eyes drop between your legs, your pussy shining with your juices—that tastes delicious in his opinion—as it drips to the cushions, staining the fabric. He grunts, ticked off as your slick gets wasted before his eyes.
So he dives forward, mouth open and heavy tongue collecting the wetness. Digging in deep, his nose pressing against your clit as his tongue pierces into your hole. His guttural groans vibrate through your body, his fingertips bruising your thighs.
“Ooh, f-fuck,” Your voice trembles, hands shooting down to grip his hair. He’s greedy with it, facial hair rubbing your poor folds raw as he suckles on your cunt. Tugging your clit between his lips when you moan loudly.
“This is sensitive? Think that’s what I remember.” He asks, pulling away for a breath before leaning forward again, flicking his tongue against your nub. An appreciative grunt rumbling his chest when your hands tug on his hair.
“Uh-huh,” your breath hitches. Eyes fluttering shut as pleasure washes over you.
“Focus on it…” Steve says to himself. Kissing your pussy, especially your clit. Slowly, one of his fingers circles your opening, gathering your slick before slipping in. “What about this? Said fingers help too.” His voice dies at the end, attention tunnelling on your tight hole stretching around one of his fingers. As he pulls back, it’s covered in your juices so he sucks it clean before penetrating you again. He goes deeper this time, hungry for more of you.
His bearded cheek rubs against your inner thigh as he inhales deeply, your scent taking over his senses—all he can think of is you, how you feel on his tongue and fingers, your smell, your taste—he can’t get enough.
He’ll never get enough.
And you were going to be destroyed.
You gasp when his pouty lips suckle on your clit again and his two fingers curiously feel inside of you. Swirling and brushing along your walls. He’s moving slowly and thoroughly, his dark gaze set on your reactions. So, when his digits press up and touch a part that feels different from the rest, and your thighs snap shut around his head, Steve knows he did something good.
He touches that special spot, tonguing your nub as you get wetter and he catches every last bit. He’d be damned if he wasted even a drop.
His own groans are muffled by your cunt. “Like that?”
Your hips lift off the cushion, tiny whimpers escaping your throat as you nod desperately.
He manhandles you until your ass is off the couch, your bottom half supported by him. At this angle, he looks ten times bigger. Muscles bathed in the warm light as he looms above you, strong but gentle, bare chest rising and falling in time with yours.
Big hands folding your thighs to your chest, pussy soaked with your slick and his saliva. You’re exposed to the open air and his inquisitive, yet wild eyes.
Once again, his thick and long fingers thrust into you. Curling up as he experiments with speed and power, figuring out what motions you like the most.
He even spreads his fingers in you, groaning lowly as your juices spill out.
“Then, I won’t stop.” He promises, not even realizing he’s grinding on the couch, cock rock hard and throbbing between his thighs. “Won’t stop until you push me away—maybe not even then, but will try.”
Steve has been deprived of pleasure for his whole life, never knowing what to do when his cock got hard, most times he’d just ignore it. But now, with you under him—your trembling frame, wet centre between your thighs and scent were an awakening. His awakening to a pure form of intimacy.
He was strung between heightened and clouded senses—on one side, he could feel every twitch of your body, taste you so deeply and feel you the same, but on the other side, he couldn’t focus on one part of you, his motions feel natural but out of control, hands running up and down your sweat body as his eyes dart between your pussy, blissed-out face and now naked chest.
He reaches up and gropes one of your breasts, pinching your nipple and feeling the weight in his hand.
You lose your mind with his touch and his mouth on your cunt. Tongue flicking against your clit between harsh suckles, saliva dripping down and mixing with your juices.
“The wetter the better? I like when really wet…” He lifts up and a dribble of spit lands on your pussy.
Without waiting for your reply, he dives forward again. His bulging muscles and tall frame allow him to manhandle you how he wants. Suddenly, you’re hovering over his face, taken aback at how fast this escalated.
“Uh, Steve—ah!” You’re cut off by a loud moan, choking out his name a second time as he pulls you firmly on his face.
His tongue enters you again, spearing deep as his facial hair rubs against your folds. It burns, and you’re addicted to it. Back arching as you brace yourself on the arms of the couch, thighs tensing as he wraps his lips around your swollen clit. He’s animalistic, his gaze intently watching you gasp for air, eyes struggling to stay open.
He grinds up, cock weeping in his pants—he wants to touch it, but he’s far more focussed on you. Sucking your pussy folds into his mouth, he groans, your taste exploding on his tongue, deepening his overall hunger for you and everything you have to offer. He lifts you up to marvel at the delicious spot between your legs, inhaling once more as your scent fills his lungs.
“Just… beautiful here. Been keeping away from me.” His fingers trace your opening. “Hm, feels good. Would feel good on something else too…”
He yanks you back onto his face, bruising your hips with his fingers. Your high hits as soon as his fingers slip into your hole, three this time, and the stretch sends tingles up your spine. He knows what’s happening when you start grinding down on his mouth, body convulsing as your cunt twitches against his lips. Your juices flooding his mouth.
He growls when you try to sit up, keeping your sensitive cunt hostage until he’s had his fill, for now anyway. He pops off noisily, licking his lips as a combination of your wetness and his saliva drips down. He wants to mark you with his scent—just like your slick staining his beard.
Steve moves fast. Stripping off his own pants and his hard, long cock bobs against his taut abs. Then, he’s pinning you down by your hips on the couch. Big, wide frame hovering over you like a beast. Heavy lashes flutter as his cock touches your pussy.
He jumps at the feeling. “Oh, it’s..” He trails off into a groan. The thick head of his dick trailing up and down your wetness, smearing it. “Okay?”
You think you say something but you can’t be sure because suddenly, he’s rutting messily between your folds, his thighs tense as he grows desperate for his own release.
Your mind has faded long away, another orgasm quickly building. Just filled with Steve, and the pleasure zipping through your body. His heavy cock is sliding through your petals. The red bulbous tip nudging your sensitive clit with every rock of his hips. Your delicate folds twitch against his thick girth, soaking down to his balls.
“Won’t go inside, just—” He grunts, hips speeding up, “—want to feel.”
You were rubbed raw with his beard, and the feeling of his big shaft grinding against your weeping pussy had you crying out pathetically. Your hands scramble for him until entwining at your waist. His face is flushed, blue eyes cast dark with a passionate glimmer.
“So little, soft, wet.” Steve growls, “Small compared to me. Mine, only mine.”
He’s relentless yet sweet at the same time. Dipping down to kiss you and nuzzle your face, all while his dick is grinding against your pussy, squelching noises filling the room. You should feel shameful about how wet you are, how wet you’re getting, but with Steve hovering over you like this—you didn’t care. And he’s so vocal. Grunts, moans, whimpers, everything. You’ve never been with someone so brazen.
“Want to mark you with me. Cover you in me—want that too?” You nod into his neck, moaning straight into his ear. Your sounds will be burned into his brain for the rest of his life, as will the feeling of your warmth on him.
He groans, eyes flickering down to your sloppy centres. “So wet, I—doing something right?” He spits down on you again, “Speak. Now.”
“Yes, yes! You’re so good, Steve, I’m going to cum!” Your thighs threaten to close again but he pins them apart.
Your cream spills out as you squirm and squeal, that same euphoric look on your face as before you flop on the cushions. Quiet whimpers leave your lips as your pussy coats his length, the veins and the very tip covered in your essence. The pleasure increases tenfold when you start matching his movements, grinding up as he presses down. His muscles contracting and flexing, chest heaving with each hearty breath. A sheen of sweat appears on his skin, highlighting the most prominent parts.
He keeps you spread for him, and his throbbing cock. “Feels so good.” He gasps, “What—” His words are cut off by his own moan, loud, guttural, nearly rumbling the floor.
His seed splatters all over your stomach, some shooting up to your breasts, covering you just as much as you’re covering him. The load is almost concerning, from how long it lasts and how much there is. It’s thick and creamy, some pooling on your cunt, dribbling down on the cushions.
You cry out as he still moves, cum spreading all over both of your chests as he drops down. Kissing you again.
When he pulls away, you feel like you can’t breathe. This man has just stolen the oxygen straight from your lungs.
Then, Steve slides down until his face is between your thighs again. You want to push him away but can’t find the energy. His thick fingers trace down your stomach, dipping between your folds to gather his spilt cum. You whimper and shiver as he spreads it around your pussy, smearing his seed on your clit and down to your leaking hole. Just playing, feeling, and making you whine in your throat.
He groans lowly, animalistic as he mouths at your inner thigh, eyes zeroed on the mess he’s made. “Beautiful. You’re beautiful.”
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𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: you all hear that? Tarzan!Steve thinks you're beautiful. I never thought this part would be so long, I'm astounded. This was originally going to be a two part series but changed—many parts were shifted around and will be in part three instead !
𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞! My new series has been posted, it's a role reversal of this lovely work with feral!reader — 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐄𝐲𝐞
Thank you all for reading ! I'm always open for your thoughts/feedback <3
I don’t do taglists anymore. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 & 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲: @𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
6K notes · View notes
Looking for a Place to Happen
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), age gap, general stupidity.
This is dark!biker!Sam Wilson x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Series Synopsis: There’s lots happening in Birch and you find it all too amusing.
Sister series to Smalltown Bringdown, When the Weight Comes Down, Little Bones, and Fully Completely
Note: We’re starting Sam’s installment but this weekend I’ll probably only be catching up on my headcanons and drabbles because I’ve been a lazy bitch and I’m sorry to those who have been waiting.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Chapter 1: I've got a job, I explore
The sleepy town of Birch was awake. 
In those last weeks, the arrival of outsiders had roused the attention of many once passive residents of the timeless territory. Those brick buildings unchanged by the tick of the clock inlaid into the old tower above the library that chimed every hour on the hour. They still stood with only chips in the mortar but the air tasted different. The frost was more bitter and the sky more grim. An omen of something no one could predict.
It was the perfect setting for a screenplay. The isolated town with its unsavoury secrets and the visitors who threatened to bring them to the surface. It was inspiring to you, to imagine what was hidden behind the stern wrinkled faces of the town elders and under the jackets of those men who wore the cut of the local club. The bikers ruled the town covertly but everyone knew that Bucky Barnes’ palm was lined with the map of Birch.
As a bystander, an unnoticed observer, just another ant in the hill, you watched from the side and amused yourself with the drama of others. It was like a soap opera or another HBO hype machine. Those things you aspired to when you could be free of this ho-hum town.
The snows added to the natural gloom of the place. The deep heaps smothered the noise and harkened back to those days of colonial settlement. Forgotten, desolate, fearful. 
You ventured down in your heavy boots that stretched to your knees and pushed your chin down into your scarf. As a child, you ran and jumped in those piles, now you were out of breath just trying to walk past them.
You stopped in the bakery that doubled as the only café, a place where the owner, Babs, tried to to intimidate the last caffeinated trends. She was always a few seasons behind but you didn’t mind so much. 
You ordered the salted caramel mocha and waited patiently as the quiet woman fought with the steaming machines. She was older than you but you’d work with her for one summer during high school, only five years ago. She had the eyes of a child still, but there was something worn in her. As if she’d been exposed to far too much in her three or so decades in that place. She was a harbinger of what you didn’t want to become.
You thanked her for your drink and set out once more into the billowing winds. Birch winters were never kind but this one was crueler than most. Your teeth chattered as you blew the steam away from the lid and hugged it with your mittened hands.
You stopped short as you heard the familiar ding of the diner door across the street. You recognised the mechanic who kept to herself and once growled at you in the grocery store. She stormed across the street, followed closely and quickly by a black-haired man you’d only seen once before. He was one of those outsiders who came to deal with the club men.
You sped up as you sensed chaos brewing and pulled out your phone as you balanced your paper cup in your other hand. You flicked your camera on just as you got to the front of the shop and the man grabbed the mechanic. You let out an ‘oop’ as she turned on him and you aimed the lens at the couple as they fell into the snow, the man’s shoes giving little traction to his steps. 
You moved closer, stunned by the scene, and kept your cell phone rolling as you found a better angle around the snowy walks. As she choked him on the ground he elbowed her and she coughed as she rolled away. She snarled as he clamoured to his feet, slipping and sliding as he marched away.
You killed the recording and watched the man cross the street again, nearly wiping out as he did and when you looked back to the mechanic, she was gone behind the clattering door. You chuckled to yourself and tucked away your cell. It was prime footage for TikTok; with a bit of editing, it would be comedy gold.
You stomped up the steps of your grandmother’s house, this time through the front door as you heard her chair rocking in the front room. You usually took the stairs in the back as you paid her to live on the upper floor of the duplex. You checked in with her daily, she didn’t get out much more than the occasional trip to the grocery store when you couldn’t or you dragged her out to join you for a tea at Babs’.
“You’re late,” she grumbled as you set your cup down and unzipped your coat.
“For what?” you scoffed.
“It’s after noon and you don’t even come down to say hello? A ‘good morning, nan’,” she harrumphed.
You chuckled and hung your coat before shoving your boots over on the mat. You grabbed your mocha and leaned on the doorway as you watched her crocheting in her chair, reruns of some court show playing from the boxy television.
“I was working,” you said, “sent in some stuff for review. Hopefully not much work to be done.”
“I don’t know how you make money on that interweb,” she bemoaned, “I don’t trust it.”
“Maybe you’d trust it more if you used the Netflix subscription I got you,” you crossed your arms, “then you wouldn’t have to watch trash daytime TV.”
She shrugged and muttered under her breath. She could be crotchety but you liked her sense of humour. Your aunts and uncles never came around because they just took it as spite. You were the only one who knew how to handle the jaded old lady.
“Maybe you coulda looked out the window,” you snickered, “quite a show going on in town.”
“Hmm, what’s that?” she stilled her needles and reached for her tea stained cup.
“Just a fight. You wouldn’t believe it, that lady mechanic beat the shit--”
“Language,” she huffed.
“Anyway, she had this guy in a chokehold. It was awesome.”
“What guy?” she squinted at you over her glasses.
“I dunno. Some out of towner. Remember I told you about that burly dude hanging around the library?”
“There’s more?” she sucked on her teeth, “those bikers have never been good news and now they’re bringing in more.”
“Yeah, well, what’re you gonna do?” you sniffed as you took out your phone and rewatched the scuffle with the volume down. You shook your head and opened up your TikTok. 
“I don’t understand why you’re always on your dang phone,” your grandmother pestered.
“I’m not always on my phone,” you smiled at her smugly, “there are those time when I’m listening to you prattle on or you know, making you tea, oh, and cooking you dinner. What was it I did last week? Oh that’s right, I got Pippin out of the crawlspace.”
“I’m too old to be chasin’ that cat all around,” she huffed, “where is he anyway?”
“He’s your cat, I don’t know? Last time I saw him, I sent him back out the window for shredding my charger.”
“He knows you need to give it a rest,” she laughed to herself, “got your nose to that screen too much.”
“And what do you do, old lady? Crocheting doilies to put where exactly?”
She gave you that dry smile, the one that said watch it but carried a hint of humour still. You hit post and put your phone away as you waved off her irritation.
“Well, you know what, I sit all day at my computer, doing who knows what and you know what it got me?” you taunted, “a large mocha!” you sipped as you sat on the sofa and grabbed the remote, “and it’s paying my rent and putting bullet points on my resume.”
“Mhmm,” she scowled, “just remember, real life ain’t online. Those videos you’re always laughing at like hyena, that’s not reality. You forget it and it’ll come back and bit you. ‘Specially with those bikers.”
“Oh, nan, you know too well, don’t you? Didn’t you have a fling with one back in your hippie phase?”
“Two, actually,” she raised her brows, “I was young and stupid. Not like you, but still.”
“I love you too,” you chirped and sipped from your cup, flicking the station to Jerry Springer, “that’s more like it.”
Your usual TikToks were sarcastic and dull complaints about your small town life. The response was less than pleasing but it gave you an outlet to vent. You liked to goof around and document the very specific type of weirdos that resided in Birch. But the video of the fight in the snow blew up your phone and made it difficult to ignore the buzzing as you went back up to your room to eke out the last of your captions for the ad agency.
When at last you could call your day hard-earned, you logged off and sent in your hours to the agency. Social media promotion was easy enough but the working gigs for a thousand different companies was tedious. You hoped you could build your portfolio enough to manage a single corporate page as you continued to chip away at your creative outlets.
You picked up your phone as you waited for Netflix to load on your tiny smart tv and flopped onto your bed, not two feet from your desk. You hit the icon in the upper panel of your phone and scrolled through the notifications, pausing to turn on another episode of the cable sitcom from ten years before. You snorted as you read each comment but the number under the video made your eyes round. The thing was bound to go viral.
As usual, you went down to help with supper. Pippin, the orange tabby, returned to cry at his dish and you fed him too. Your nan peered through her glasses at a crossword as she tasted the tangy pasta sauce. 
“More basil,” she snipped.
“Well, I asked if you wanted to help,” you muttered, “I think it’s good.”
“Hmmp, I need milk,” she jutted her chin out, “for my after-dinner tea.”
“You couldn’t say something like three hours ago?” you blinked.
“I could have but I didn’t,” she snickered. You rolled your eyes and she took another forkful of penne and filled in another line on her puzzle, “ah, no hurry, girlie, you know I’m patient.”
“Patient? You?” you chuckled as you took your plate and shoved it in the microwave to keep it warm. The ancient thing had a dial and the door stuck, “I’ll just go get it over with.”
“Don’t forget your mitts,” she called after you as you tramped into the front room, “it’s cold.”
You pulled on your knitted cap and matching mitts. You zipped up your parka and shoved your feet into the deep boots. You grabbed your wallet and buried it in the spacious pocket. You bounced out the front door and down the steps as the sky sent down another coat of powder for the night.
You went up White Forge Street and through the short path behind the diner that led to the main road. You glanced over at The Asp, the beacon of the dull town, and turned towards the grocer. Like anywhere in Birch, the store was outdated and stuffy. It felt like stepping into another time with the paper bags and chunky tills.
You went down the center aisle and stopped at the fridge to search through the frosted glass. Your nan only drank whole milk and the last time you carelessly grabbed skim, she whined that even Pippin wouldn’t drink it. She was particular but that was just her nature. You couldn’t say you were any less fussy in some instances.
You grabbed a jug and the door slapped closed against the worn rubber seal. You headed up the candy aisle and brushed your woolly thumb over your chin as you considered gummy bears or Reeses’ Pieces.
“Hard choice?” The deep voice jolted you.
You snatched the box of chocolate and looked over at the man in leather, his chin tucked down behind the collar as snow dusted his shoulders.
“Sure,” you said as you brushed past him.
The cut of the leather told you he was better not entertained. While you thought the men amusing, you weren’t stupid enough to engage with them. You rarely listened to your grandmother but she was wise in her own way. 
You knew a girl in highschool, she was fucking around with one of the club men in her junior year, she ended up with a baby and no support. You didn’t think he was into you that way but he could hardly have innocent intentions.
“How’s the old lady?” Clayton asked as he rung in your order at the end of the belt, you moved along with the groceries and pulled out your wallet.
“The usual, you know? She’s tryna quit again. Don’t know how long it’ll last.”
“Oh yeah? I’ll keep a carton aside for her,” he kidded as you felt your phone vibing in your back pocket.
“Don’t encourage her,” you swiped your card and punched in your pin, “although I don’t know what’s worse; the smoke or her sucking on those mints all the time.”
“Oh, it’s not the bitchin’?” he laughed.
“That, too,” you scooped up the paper bag and put your wallet away, “have a good one.”
As you came to the end of the first counter, you were nearly cut off by the club member as he swept around from till two. His own purchase of a car magazine and jerky was tucked under his arm.
“Ah, sorry,” he smiled, a sparkling smile, almost charming.
“No worries,” you continued on and he followed close behind.
“Those mitts look real warm. ‘Specially in this weather,” he said as you pushed open the door.
“Uh huh,” you kept on as your boots crunched out into the snow.
“You know where I can get a pair. Leather isn’t exactly thermal, you know?”
“These? My nan made ‘em. I’m sure Clayton got some hung up back there,” you looked across the street as you stepped up onto the ledge of snow between the sidewalk and the road.
“Am I bothering you?” he asked.
You looked at him dumbly and almost laughed in his face. You glanced back across the street then down towards The Asp.
“Sorta,” you answered.
“Make you a deal. Leave ya alone for your name.”
You eyed him. He was older than you like many of the Commandos. At least a decade, likely more than that. You chewed on your hesitation and cradled the bag more firmly against your side. His eyes strayed as he tried to see through the thick layer of your coat.
“Nah, I’m not s’posed to talk to strangers,” you said and hopped off onto the road.
You heard him behind you as he struggled to follow and as you came up to the other side, he came parallel with you and kept stride with you easily.
“I know you’re young but you’re not a kid,” he intoned, “what’s the harm in a name?”
“It’s a small town,” you stopped short of the end of White Forge, “I think I know enough about you to avoid you.”
“Oh ho, is that it? Well, I’m Sam, I’m not a stranger now, am I?”
“Not interested, Sam. Sure there’s women your own age over at the bar,” you nodded behind him.
“You wanna come see? Maybe have a drink?” he gave a crooked grin.
“You don’t give up, do you?” you shook your head, put off by his forwardness.
“Not tonight, Sam,” you turned around and headed down White Forge.
“Then what night?” he asked but you didn’t answer and he didn’t follow.
You turned down onto your street and refused to look back in case. It would be best not to mention the run-in to your nan, she was paranoid enough as it was. Besides, you’d forget about it by the end of next week.
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olivyh · 3 years
TWST FAMILY HCS PT2) Savanaclaw and Octavinelle
Feel free to tack on your own Hc’s too!!! I love reading what other people think and how their view of the characters and of Twisted Wonderland in general change from person to person!!!
-Farena: We already know Leona describes his brother as being carefree and relaxed, but deep under that I think he’s a deeply intelligent man (how can you run a kingdom and be stupid?). He tries his best to make time in his schedule for his wife and child, and even try to get bonding tike with his younger brother (which never works out well). He tries to teach Cheka as much as he can, often giving him little life lessons while they play games. He’s a very kind and straightforward man, often being blunt when he doesn’t mean to. He stands a little taller than Leona, with Orange hair similar to Chekas. He keeps his hair tied out of his face as much as he can.
-Sister-in-law Kingscholar: A strong and confident woman, not afraid to speak her mind when she wants to. She’s blunt and she’d let you know about it. She’s also very kind in her own way, often dragging Leona off and trying to have serious talks with him, which he appreciates but doesn’t show. She adores Cheka and often spoils him without meaning to, and will spoil Leona too (but indirectly in a way similar to Ace’s father’s). Also very intelligent and good at reading people. I think she stands a little shorter than Leona, but she holds herself higher, and he slouches, so it looks as if they’re the same height. She has long yellow hair (again, similar to the ends of Cheka’s) that she often ties back as well.
-Cheka: We already know him, so heres a few Hcs!: He sometimes asks his mother to do his hair the same way as Leona’s, and tries to do everything like him (such as standing like him, trying to deepen his voice to sound like him, throwing sand at various objects in the castle yelling “King’s Roar!!”)
-Grandma Bucchi: As he said himself, a stern and prideful woman. I think she’d be on the stricter side, having to teach Ruggie how to survive rather than him having to face those hard truths alone. She likely stands a lot shorter, likely 5’0 (sorry to anyone whos that height), than most other beastwomen. She’s a lot physically stronger than she looks, often still trying to pick Ruggie up at his age. She tries to spoil him when she can, trying to make him relax after working and taking over the household chores (which he declines, still cleaning up when she’s not looking- which earns him a smack to the head with a broom). She’s also a prankster, quietly jumping out from corners and scaring Ruggie or one of the other children. I think she feels a lot of regret over seeing Ruggie grow up so fast in the environment that he had, but she’s the proudest grandma ever. Whenever he sends pictures back she boasts to everyone at home (“See that! That’s my grandson’s school! See that there! He plays magift and is one of the best on the team! Look there! He’s got those nice ceremony robes!”), and even boasts about him with what little baby pictures they have (“See him walking at such a young age? Isn’t he so strong?”) Will never stop talking about her grandson, ever.
-Neighborhood kids: I think they’re like little siblings to Ruggie, so I’m adding them. They try to tale over what Ruggie did when he was at home, helping people fix up their houses or entertaining the baby hyenas when their mothers have other things to do. They also leave gifts to Ruggie when he comes back, between little dolls they made, bracelets they thought he’d like, charms, or pretty rocks and leaves. He keeps all of the gifts, no matter how small.
-His mom (bc the poor woman deserves a spot)(Poor meaning unfortunate)(The more i think abt it, both. It means both. Bad time?): I think she looked a lot like him, but with brighter blue eyes than his. She was definitely a prankster at heart, leaving clever traps behind for any poor soul to get stuck in. She was a very hardworker much like her son, taking on any task she could find to help out her mother. I think she’d try to leave as much behind for Ruggie as she could, which would include little notes and scribbles about how she was feeling throughout her pregnancy and how excited she was for him. Ruggie also kept all of those safe and sound, in a small box he keeps in the corner of his room.
(Can you guess who my fav chara is?)
-Grandma & Grandpa Howl: A very loving couple, who always make time out of their schedule for their grandchildren, whether it be for school events, emergencies, or if any one of them want to come by and talk. They met when Grandpa Howl got lost and wandered by Grandma Howl’s family’s cabin (which happens to be the one they, and the rest of the family, still live in to this day) and he spent the night. I think they fell in love at first sight :’)
-Mama Howl: A very soft and loving beastwoman who is willing to sacrifice anything for her children. She is often strict, and sometimes a chatterbox, but she always reminds her children to stay safe and that she loves them. She always pats their head or cheek when she walks by, even if she has to reach a little to plant a kiss on Jack’s forehead. I think her hair would be a little darker grey, and she’d definitely be a little more muscular and taller, reaching six ft one when standing straight up. She’d have the same yellow eyes as Jack, and her hair would be cropped shorter due to her still moving around a lot.
-Papa Howl: Very similar to Jack personality and appearance wise. He stands an inch or two shorter than Jack, but is still very muscular due to working around the house and in the woods (chopping wood for the campfire, dragging around tools, carrying three wolf pups at a time in his younger days (only one now wants to be carried, which hurts the poor man’s heart a bit)
-Baby brother Howl: Huffy and a little moody, but a hard worker even if he complains while doing it most of the time. That’s often with his parents, but when he does something with Jack he doesn’t complain a bit. He’s very attached to his older brother, looking up to him for his strength and strong morals. He often compares him to superheroes and star athletes in his mind, but sometimes it slips out, resulting in one very embarrassed wolf boy and another very flattered wolf boy, ignore their wagging tails, it means nothing. I think he stands pretty tall for a preteen, around 5’7-5’8 and growing taller by the day. Same hair and eye color as Jack. Acts like he doesn’t like to play games with his younger sister but will never turn down a game of tag.
-Baby sister Howl: An absolute sweetheart. She just wants the best for her family and will do whatever she can to make what they want happen. Jack is hungry? Good thing she made her special dessert (it’s a poptart with whipped cream messily piled on top with sprinkles and literal sugar cubed wedged in it, but don’t tell her you don’t like it, please she’d actually bawl). Her other older brother is tired? She can get him extra blankets! Mama needs help cleaning? She can mop (she really just throws water on the floor and praises herself for a job well done). Papa need to cut wood? She can- no, she can’t. Please don’t give her an axe. She’ll cheer him from the sidelines with a song she made up just for him instead! She has their mother’s grey hair and father’s dark brown eyes, and loves to do her hair like the princesses she sees on Tv! (Yes, Jack will wear a too-small dress and Tiara if his sister wants to play princess. No, he will not let anyone take pictures.)
-Mama Leech: At first glance, a very kind woman with soft eyes. Willing to open her arms to anyone who might need help. Then, a terrifying grin similar to Floyd’s as that poor unfortunate soul realizes the trap they’d been thrown in. She’s very kind and patient towards both her boys and husband, as well as their friends (even of she is on guard near their friends, throwing a few hollow threats to see if it’d scare them away)(She doesn’t like to share her babies). She dotes on the tweels as much as possible, indulging im whatever curiosity they may have. Floyd wants to know what going through riptide is like? They leave tomorrow to find one. Jade wants to know more about life on land? She’ll find as many books as possible and ask (threaten) people for their land belongings. She knows when too far is too far though, and is very skilled at reeling the boys back in if they get to that point. Will always call them her little guppies, no matter how big they get. I think she’d have a teal bob on top, with the underside of her hair being black (which makes her hair look color changing when she swims). Im her human form shes only a few inches shorter than her boys, ranging around the same as Jack’s mother.
-Papa Leech: The definition of old Hollywood New York mob boss. Strict and blunt about his interests and problems, and not afraid to cause any problems if provoked. When the tweels were younger and they’d wrestle and bite at him, he’d throw them off him easily, telling them they need to work to beat him, even if he was impressed by their teamwork at first. Will die to protect his family, and was likely put in that position many times in the past due to his uh… business. He values his wife and children more than anything, and has done everything in his power in the past to protect them from harm. When they went to NRC at first, he felt defeated and almost wanted to beg them to stay safe with him (not that his pride would allow it).(Both the tweels can see through his facade easily)
-Grandma ‘grotto: A very stern and prim octomermaid. What she says goes in the Ashengrotto house, and she often catches herself making unnecessary comments. She does apologize. Also a very loving grandmother towards Azul, often babying him whenever possible (doing the classic “you’re not eating enough here take some more” grandma move)(She will smooch his face whenever possible when there are no business clients nearby). Tries to boost his confidence since she knew about what was happening to him (Chances are she went through the same thing- being an octomer as well) and dod her best to protect him and make him happy. She taught him how to write with his tentacles and encouraged him to do his best in everything he does.
-Mama ‘grotto: Another businesslady in the front absolute softie in the back situation. Adores her son and is incredibly proud of how far he’s come.I think she looks identical to Azul, but more heavyset and, of course, female. She coddled Azul as much as possible, which worked out well with baby Azul’s clingy nature. She had no shame in walking around with the little guy stuck to her (unless he smacked a tentacle to her face when she was working on her restaurant), and made sure everyone knew what a good boy he was. She would show pictures to everyone (similar to Ruggie’s grandma), but respects his wishes in wanting to hide pictures of his past. She still shows anyone who asks pictures of him at NRC (compliments to the twins, who send her updates when her son is busy), and will tell everyone how smart he is and how much he’s grown.
-Step-Papa grotto: A very professional man in every aspect of his life, which stretches to his relationship with his stepson. When he learns about the contracts and Azuls UM, he’s over the moon with how happy he is. He swam around with a little more pep than usual, flicking his tail and flaring out his fins the more and more Azul told him. He helps him reword and format his contracts to his advantage, and is always willing to talk with him about Mostro Lounge or (on rare occasion) some memories before Step papa Ashengrotto met Mama Ashengrotto (which always make him happy that Azul trusts him enough). I think he’d be a pretty generic looking Mer, with an average looking tail and such
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OK so I got this idea. S/o (who's this time has to be female) is also an octo mermaid but still from another world. So s/o gets into one of the pools and they discover she's a blanket octopus (if you haven't seen a female blanket octopus they're one of the most beautiful octopus out there with their gradient colors) and they get popular af like everyone is like "wow she's such a beautiful meroctopus" Yada yada. And Azul it's mad. Part 1
Part 2. And both Jade and Floyd notice it and decide to tell s/o who is shocked and sad because they have a HUGE crush so they decided to give him a gift. Since they know he doesn't have a octopus pot they decide to make him one. After months they give it to him and confess and he's shocked and ask for their forgiveness as it isn't their fault. At the end he and s/o cuddle inside of the octo pot in their mer forms.
OMG THIS TOOK ME FOREVER!!!! I probably got this ask before thanksgiving so I am very sorry that it took me this long, HOWEVER, it is the longest oneshot I have ever written so that’s quite an accomplishment. There are photo references that go with this story as well so check those out before you read. 
Warnings: Slight language, insecurities, fluff, very very minor angst, fem!s/o
Word count: 4,710
Azul x Reader: Cuddle Pot
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The above images are references for the s/o’s octopus species and the octopus pot. I don’t know who the original artist is for the second so if you know please let me know so I can give credit where due.
   “Wait seriously? You’re a mermaid!” Ace practically shrieks and you giggle. Placing a finger to your lips, you shush him as Deuce slaps the back of your over energetic friend’s head. 
   “Yes. I am a mermaid, but you can’t tell anyone yet.”
   “Why not?” Jack questions. His tail flicks in confusion.
   You sigh and think back to the last time anyone found out about your true form. Most of the people back in your world found merpeople to be odd and cursed. It was considered a disability and a disease. Human society often shunned what they didn’t understand. And that lack of understanding led to fear. 
   A boy in your old school had been your middle school sweetheart for approximately 7 months before you decided to tell him your secret. He had seemed so eager to finally go swimming with you that you had naively believed that it was all going to be fine. However when he stared at your flowey, shimmering form you felt yourself grow worried that he would no longer like you. 
   “Babe,” you started, leaning closer to try and grasp his face with your smooth, webbed fingers. “It’s alright. It’s just my merform. It’s going to-” He quickly slapped your hand away and stumbled back. 
   “F-freak, monster, disgusting. Stay away from me you animal! We’re over you deceiving B*tch!” He quickly ran away from the side of the lake where you had brought him. As dawns lovely lights sprayed your body with pinks, and soft oranges, tears slid down your cheeks and into the water below. He hated you. Oh what a fool you had been to think that he would be different, that he would love you anyway. 
   School had become increasingly difficult after that. Word spread fast and you were quickly isolated by everyone you had called a friend. Eventually you moved to a new place and decided that you would never love again.
   This wasn’t the case however in Twisted Wonderland. You were so pleasantly surprised to find people like you, and they weren’t considered freaks because of it. It had been a shock and you quickly found yourself yearning to tell others about what you truly were. Fear had you back though. At least up until that point.
   “I had a bad experience with someone I cared about back in my home world.” You stated softly. The boys looked at each other and smiled. 
   “Well this isn’t that world. You're good to go here since I can’t imagine anyone judging you for what you look like in this place.” Ace’s words reassured you.
   “He’s right. At NRC it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be bullied because of something like this. But what are you anyway?” Deuce questioned. 
   You giggled and leaned in closer to the 4 people sitting at the lunch table, (5 if you included Grimm, but he already knew). “I’m an octopus.” You said with excitement and slight nervousness.
   “Really? That sounds so cool!” Epel was quiet but excited when he spoke up for the first time since the conversation started. You smiled to yourself and mentally sighed in relief that the people you had next trusted with your secret didn’t view you any differently. 
   “Wait hold the phone. Octopus? Like Azul?” Ace pressed close enough that you could reach across with a napkin and wipe the side of his cheek that had been smeared with BBQ sauce when he scarfed his lunch.
  “Yes and no, Azul is a Common Octopus, which means that he is the standard octopus you mostly see around the ocean or in pictures. Basically what you imagine when someone says Octopus. I’m a different type of octopus, one that is more rare.” You pulled out your phone while talking to bring up an image. You held the phone so everyone at the table could see.
   “This is a female Blanket Octopus. We’re pretty rare but we are also one of the most beautiful kinds.” 
   Everyone went wide eyed and watched the screen as you scrolled through images of your fellow eight legged friends. Epel turned to you and grabbed your shoulder. 
   “You absolutely have to show us your merform.” Ace, Deuce, and Jack all nodded in agreement. You flushed and fiddled with the hem of your shirt. 
   “I don’t know guys. It would be a hassle to find a place where we could do it and I’m not sure I want anyone else seeing me. What if someone shows up and freaks out?” This time it was Jack’s turn to speak when he leaned back before smiling slightly.
   “Not that I care but I personally would show up to support you if you needed it. Besides, the school pool is closed after dark. However I’m pretty sure Ruggie has snatched a copy of every key to every lock in the building.”
   “Of course he has.” Deuce says rolling his eyes. “That hyena couldn’t keep his paws to himself even if his life depended on it.” You giggled but ignored the comment in favor of asking Jack if he could get the key. The wolf nodded and you told everyone to meet you by the pool at 9:30. Your friends nodded in agreement just as the bell rang.
   The air was humid and warm, it was perfect for a late night swim, although your clothes would likely stick to your body when you changed back. Still you shifted uncomfortably at the idea of getting in the water with what you are wearing. A pair of leggings was slipped on underneath a waterproof skirt. You had a jacket over your bikini top but per usual you were unable to wear bottoms unless you wanted them to tear. You would have to be very careful not to let the skirt go up before you shifted.
   A sigh left your lips and Grimm, sensing your nervousness, rubbed up against your leg in silent comfort. Your friends were unlikely to freak out but it was still nerve wracking to think about exposing your true form to other non-merpeople. Hundreds of scenarios where something went wrong filtered through your head and promised that your anxiety wouldn’t leave anytime soon. 
  “BOO!” Half a shriek pierced the night before a hand clasped over your mouth.  
   “Shishishishishi.” You turned around in surprise and pulled the fingers away from your face.
   “Ruggie! What are you doing here?” You whisper shouted. The hyena snickered again and held up one finger. He made a circular motion and a key ring twirled around in response. 
   “Jack said you needed to get in here. Thought I’d tag along.” The smirk on his face irritated you but you couldn’t be surprised. You should have known that having Jack of all people ask for keys to break into the pool after hours was going to raise some eyebrows. Honestly you should have just asked him to invite Ruggie along anyways. Key or no key the hyena was likely to want to know what was going on. 
   “Alright fine, but if you tell anyone what you saw here today, and I mean anyone, then I will hide your piggy bank from you.” Ruggie’s eyes went wide before they narrowed.
   “You have my word.” You smiled knowing that you had convinced him to keep your secret despite the fact that if he really had told someone you wouldn’t have actually done more than try and punch him. Of all people you knew how precious money was in this world, considering the fact that you had none.
   Footsteps alerted you to the approaching presence of your other friends. You turn
around and find Jack, Epel, Ace and Deuce walking over to you. They wave and Jack frowns when he spots Ruggie.
   “What are you doing here? I thought you already gave me the key.” The hyena snickers and points towards the key Jack was holding. 
   “I gave you the one to the janitors closet, which I’m gonna need back by the way. I wanted to see what was going on for myself so I hung out here till Y/n came over, and then I figured it had to be interesting if she was involved. I didn’t know there was gonna be a crowd though.” He looked at you, “This must be one hell of a surprise if you got all the first years here.”
   Deuce pointed out that Sebek was a first year as well but the hyena shrugged it off saying “he doesn’t count as a student since he’s basically just a guard.” You figured that was Leona’s opinion and Ruggie agreed.
   “Guys it’s already late and I don’t wanna get caught so let's go in already.” Everyone nodded and Ruggie opened the gate. 
   Carefully you unzipped your jacket as you walked over to the bench. The water appeared calm and undisturbed, allowing a clear view of the illuminated bottom which was surprisingly clean considering teenage boys flung about in the water all day.
   You sighed and shrugged the jacket off before stepping out of your shoes. Setting down the bag with your extra clothes you mentally prepared yourself for what was about to happen. 
   Ruggie leaned closer to Jack and whispered something you didn’t catch but Jack’s response of “You’ll see.” was enough to tell you what had happened. Pushing your anxiety out of the way you lowered yourself into the pool, sighing as the cool water licked your skin. Giving yourself a moment to relax you let your worries leak into the water around you. You had always felt better in the water. It’s a merfolk thing.
   “Are you guys positive you won’t freak out?” You called to the edge of the pool where your friends were standing. 
   “Not unless you grow 10 heads.” Ace sniggered until Epel elbowed him. You rolled your eyes and looked suspiciously over to Ruggie who still had no idea what was going on. 
   “No promises.” You sighed, but smiled when Jack nodded at you, signaling that it would be alright. Who were you kidding Ruggie was a hyena man who grew up in the slums. What did he care? Feelings of worry taken care of, you sunk deeper into the water and closed your eyes.
   The feeling that comes with shifting is always a little strange. It’s almost like your skin has been turned to putty and it is remolding itself and when it reaches the desired outcome it snaps back into place and holds like it has been that way the whole time. 
   Once you felt the transformation had completed you righted yourself in the water and peeked an eye open to look at your friends. Ace and Epel had their mouths wide open in a gasp. One that quickly turned into a smile. Jack looked as though he had just witnessed a miracle and Deuce was still in shock. Ruggie’s reaction was by far the most extravagant. His eyes were wide and his mouth was curved into a questioning gape. He had taken several steps back and his ears lay flat on his head. Behind him his tail bristled and stood fairly straight, pushing up the too large shirt. 
   You bit your lip and examined their faces trying to come up with a conclusion to what they were feeling. 
   “That… Is so cool!” Ace blurted out excitedly and ran over to the pool's edge to get a closer look. Deuce and Epel followed him and Jack trotted over as well, but not before snorting at Ruggie. The hyena man looked your form up and down and took in the swirling shades of color that decorated your now sea creature bottom half. He made a small noise before shaking himself and casually patting down the fur on his tail, which was still tense but not as much. 
   “Ok, of all the things I’ve seen. That, I was not expecting.” You giggled at Ruggie’s flustered reaction and felt yourself relax now that you knew pitchforks and torches weren’t coming out. 
   The hyena moved closer to the pool and joined your other friends who were staring at you in awe. You blushed uncontrollably as you felt their gazes roam your colorful body. Decorative markings that spread up to your collarbone changed to a darker shade with your blush.
   “So like can I touch you?” Deuce smacks his hand against Ace’s chest and gives him this look that says “dude you can’t just say that''. You giggle and glide closer to them before lifting your arm which was for the most part pretty human, but had a lavender shade to it and a long silky strip of webbing that shimmered as it moved. The longest tentacle on your body rose out of the water as well and you shivered as the webbing stuck together in an uncomfortable manner. 
   Ace leaned forwards and stroked your arm and tentacle. His eyes were filled with curiosity and wonder. Deuce looked a little more unsure but Epel had no problem reaching out and gently caressing your webbing. Ruggie joined him and Deuce eventually stuck his hand out to stroke your arm, but Jack held back and decided that ultimately he only wanted to look.
   “Wow! This stuff is so soft!” Epel said excitedly. He was generally pretty quiet so you were glad he was comfortable enough to speak out. 
   “It’s so colorful. If we had silks this pretty in the savannah then we’d have lots of money. Say, where could I find more of your kind.” Ruggie’s smirk told you that he was just joking but you glared at him anyways and flicked water his way. 
   The hyena flinched and shook his head before laying his ears back and moving away from the water. Jack and Ace laughed at the antics before Ruggie growled playfully and distracted them from what had happened moments before. 
   It was then that Ace leaned a bit too far forwards and fell straight into the pool. You jumped and swung your tentacles back, instinctively spreading them out to make yourself look bigger. 
   You willed your body to relax as you recovered from the little panic attack and laughed when Ace’s head bobbed to the surface. He sputtered and swam over to the edge and climbed out of the pool. He lay on the concrete and breathed heavily while the boys around him cackled. Ace glared and stood up. 
   “You jerks I’ll show you how you like it.” Deuce shrieked as Ace shoved him into the water. You laughed with everyone else as Deuce came up for air. Sensing a sudden threat of being pushed into the water Ruggie backed up against the gate and watched as Jack pushed Epel in before diving in himself. The five of you giggled and splashed as Ruggie snickered at your antics. 
   You were so glad your new friends didn’t mind your merform. Even better, they really liked it. It felt like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders as you dived down to swim with your friends. As the five of you splashed and played with Ruggie distracted with your antics, none of you noticed a dark form smirk in the bushes. Nor the click of the camera that he had with him.
   The next day was a nightmare. Apparently someone had spied on you and your friends and photographed you in your merform. People swarmed you asking you all sorts of questions. It was difficult to just get through the halls. Luckily none of the people who stopped and talked to you had anything unkind to say and the stares you received were more curious than malicious but it was still an uncomfortable situation to be in.
   For the most part people who knew you were pretty considerate about your space and privacy. Cater seemed absolutely thrilled to know that you were an octopus but only asked if you were alright with everything going on, instead of bombarding you with questions. 
   Kalim was a little more enthusiastic about the whole situation. Jamil ended up apologizing for him and pulling him away. Vil and Rook subtly commented on your merforms beauty before moving on. Diasomnia rarely came near you but Lilia gave you a sympathetic smile. Trey offered you a few baked sweets as he sensed that you were overwhelmed and as for everyone else you had yet to see them.
   The person you were most worried about seeing though was Azul. He was an octopus merman like you, yet you had never seen his merform. Unless you counted his overblot the only time you had seen him in full shift was in the picture you had borrowed from the museum. 
   He and the Leech twins will probably have an absolute field day over the fact that you’re also a mertype. You worried what Azul was going to think of you hiding it. Over the past few months you had developed a crush on him. You had a plan to confess and everything, but now that the secret was out you were worried that he wasn’t going to like you for keeping it from him. In truth you planned on telling him first, but figured there was no harm in letting your other friends know. Turns out there was and the whole school knew.
   Trapped in your thoughts, you failed to notice the two approaching twins and bumped into them as you turned around a corner.
   “Hiii~ Shrimpy-chan~!” Floyd’s ever changing mood seemed to pleasant as he greeted you with a smile and not a squeeze. 
   “Hello, Y/n. How are you today?” Jade's gentleman persona greeted you but failed to hide the questions and mischief in his eyes. 
   “Just say it already. I know you two already know.” You sighed and watched their faces light up with excitement. Floyd grabbed your arm and took off, dragging you behind him. “Wait!” Soon the three of you arrived at an empty classroom which you were promptly shoved in before the tweels followed, shutting the door behind them.
   “Y/n, my apologies for Floyd’s exuberant behavior, but we have been meaning to speak with you in private since the most recent exposure of your true nature.” Jade was calm and collected as always when he spoke and gently fixed your crumpled uniform which had been shifted while running. 
   “Shrimpy-chan! We have something to tell you!~” Floyd sing-songed before sitting on a desk.
   “What? Wait what is it? And where’s Azul? Wouldn’t he want to speak with me too? If this is about a deal the answer is no.” You folded your arms in front of you and put distance between yourself and the seemingly respectful brother. The twins looked at eachother and you caught a glimpse of something passing through their eyes before Floyd pouted.
   “Aww, what’s wrong with making deals with us? We promise to be real nice this time and not leave you homeless. You could stay with us at Octavinelle!” You rolled your eyes as Floyd giggled and swung his long legs despite the fact that they could easily reach the floor from his seat. 
   “The truth is, Azul is jealous.”
   “What!” You turned and exclaimed at Jade’s statement. The tall mage nodded and continued with a strange look on his face like he wasn’t bothered by this at all. 
   “You are far more beautiful than him in your merform and he is bothered by it. Everyone has always shunned him for his octopus body and now you present yourself as one and everyone goes wild with excitement over your gorgeousness. Something he believes to never have possessed.” 
   You were stunned. Azul was jealous of you. He was upset because you were more beautiful than him. No. You wanted him to love you, not be bothered by you. Why hadn’t you thought of Azul’s insecurities. He just wanted to be an attractive merman and here you were, the same mertype as him and you were advertising your beauty to the world where he had to hide his away due to the fact that he was insecure. 
   Not bothering to say a word you quickly left the room and raced down the hall. You needed to fix this as soon as possible. Otherwise Azul might not like you ever again. Two pairs of mismatched eyes watched your retreat and shone with anticipation. 
   “How long do you think it will take?”
   “Not long Floyd. Luckily she was already prepared before we released the picture.”
   Azul was so over this whole thing. He had rewatched the video and looked at the pictures about 20 times. You were so gorgeous and graceful in your merform; it just made him frustrated that he couldn have been admired for his tentacles. They were simple and slimy so most people hated them yet you were swathed in colorful silks that attracted every creature in the ocean. While most would swim by him or threaten to eat him, any sea animal that came across you would be hypnotised by your beauty. 
   The worst thing about you being an octopus is that it gave him one more reason to tell himself that you will never love him. He was so drab and you were well amazing. Of all the creatures in the sea you had to be a blanket octopus. If you had been a simple mermaid or even better a common octopus like him then surely he would have a chance with you at least. 
   A sudden knock on the door startled the mage and he stood quickly to make sure he looked alright before answering the door. You stood anxiously as he opened the door and grabbed his wrist before he had the chance to shut it. Surprisingly, Azul offered no resistance as you dragged him to the entrance of the aquarium. 
   Octavinelle’s aquarium had two sections, one was for regular fish and the other sea creatures that were on display from the mostro lounge. The other was for the residents. Any and all merfolk could use the aquarium if they felt homesick or separated from their true forms. This was where you chose to place the gift you had made. 
   Coming to a stop you turned and looked at Azul. He looked confused and excited at the same time. You took this as a good sign. 
   “Azul. Will you swim with me?” The merman’s eyes widened and he stood there processing your request for nearly a minute before responding.
   Giddy with glee you quickly leapt into the water and shed your clothes before transforming. Rising to the surface you looked up at him from just underneath the surface and he peered back at you.
   Strange. He thought for sure he would feel angry again when he saw you but the darling flush on your face and how you were genuinely happy to swim with him gave him another feeling all together. It bubbled inside of him and made him blush as he slowly lowered himself into the cool water beside you. 
   It had been a while since Azul had consciously shifted so he was a bit worried that he would do it too fast or slow and something would go wrong. Fortunately he was able to shift without incident. Once shifted he suddenly felt very self conscious. As a common octopus he was far more simple and plain compared to your swirling and colorful body. 
   You didn’t seem to mind however as you twirled and circled around Azul excitedly.
   “Come on I have something to show you.” Azul frowned in confusion but followed you regardless. You led him to a sort of grove area that he had never seen before. It was very well hidden but gorgeous as well. 
   You looked back at him excitedly and pushed through the sea vines to an open area where a ray of sunlight fell across and illuminated the gift you had spent months on. Azul’s jaw dropped when he laid eyes on the octopus pot that sat in the middle of the small room. 
   The base was grey and made of some type of stone. Around it sat lavender pillars and corals that surrounded the base except for the entrance. The round opening was smoothed and carved in a delicate design that resembled sea coral. Behind it sat a dark velvet cloth that was tied back with a golden rope.Azul assumed that was to block the entrance or allow for privacy. 
   The inside was decorated with lavish pillows in all sorts of cool shades. They were illuminated by a small yet classy lamp that hung off to the side. The outside of the pot was for the most part smooth and grey with a few purple undertones, but off to one side there sat a carving that resembled the waves and water foam, on top off which held a large pearl that glinted in the sunlight. On the other side a darker grey octopus clung to the top portion of the pot and spread its tentacles out in an elegant manner. Azul took note that the few that rose off the pot appeared to be for hanging things and one looked suspiciously like it was meant to support a staff. 
   You floated in place for what felt like hours as you waited for Azul to react. You reminded yourself to stay patient as he might not respond to it immediately. When he finally did react he did so without words. He simply pointed to himself and raised his eyebrows. You nodded excitedly before bowing your head bashfully. 
   “I’m so sorry that I upset you Azul. I never meant for it to get out in the first place. I was actually planning on telling you first and then giving this octopus pot to you since I know you don’t have one. Then things got messed up and everything and I’m so sorry. I think you’re beautiful in your merform and I hope you’ll accept my apology.” Your face burned when you spoke and you swished your tentacles nervously.
   “What?” You looked up when Azul spoke and saw confusion on his face. “I’m not upset at you. It’s not your fault you’re beautiful. Besides I could never be upset at you, octopus or not. I was distraught because I thought you were so amazing and I’m so plain and that there was no chance that you’d like me back.” You gasped and watched as his face slowly turned pink. 
   He dove into the pot and curled up, mentally berating himself for letting that slip. Shocked you glided over to the entrance of the pot and leaned your head in.
   “Azul. Do you mean that? Do you really like me?” He didn’t respond, you took a deep breath and admitted your own feelings. “Well I like you so…” His head snapped up and he let his expression grow into an ecstatic smile before coughing into his fist and composing himself.
   “Well in that case, do you want to come in and lay with me?” Azul ignored the fact that his face felt like it was on fire and waited as you giggled and moved in beside him. 
   “I’d love to. What do you think of the pot?” The merman smiled gently at you and spoke as he curled his tentacles around you and yours, him. 
   “It’s exquisite. I couldn’t love it more. Where did you get it?” 
   “I made it.” You muttered and flushed at the surprised and impressed look on his face. He shifted closer to you and gripped your hand with his. 
   “You did an excellent job. Thank you.” Your fingers intertwined with his and you pressed your forehead against his. 
   “I love you Azul.” You mumbled sleepily.
   “I love you Y/n.” He spoke before shutting his eyes and enjoying the warmth that spread through the pot. You’re silky webbing fell across the two of you like a blanket and after a stressful morning Azul allowed himself to slip into a comfortable sleep.
   Two pairs of heterochromatic eyes watched the two octopus merpeople sleep soundly inside the pot and smirked with wicked teeth. 
   “How did you know she was an octopus as well?”
   “Floyd, surely you must have noticed. They both smell like takoyaki.” The eels laughed and quietly zipped away, leaving the octopus pot behind.
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thesunshinebunny · 4 years
Can you please do headcanons for what the twisted wonderland boys would do if their girlfriends ex showed up wanting her back?
Uh… .ALL OF THEM ???? Are you serious ?? Oh My God !!!! Ummmmmmmm, OK, I’LL DO MY BEST, but I think it’s about time I started putting character limits because this is going to be difficult.
IT WAS INSANEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE For obvious reasons I didn’t include Ortho, so I hope this is still to your liking
He tried to make the meeting as smooth and consistent as possible.
He is the dorm leader, he has to be the example of maturity and consistency in dealing with women.
He tried for more than half an hour to dispel the insults towards him and politely asked them to get out of Hearstlabyul, but when your ex started talking about you… oh boiiii
Our Queen is pisseeeeeeeeed.
Indispensably if your ex had magic or not, it’ll be OF WITH THEIR HEAD.
Had to ask not only to Trey and Cater but also the dynamic duo to escort them out.
Treat him with little sweetness and a cup of coffee, our redhead will thank you.
"I love you, and I will always be by your side as long as you want to have me with you"
The personified knight. Outside of joking, at no point did he get upset or ask them to leave in a rude manner.
He handled the situation calmly and when your ex finished speaking, that was when his face changed radically.
Yes, the knight in shining armor was quite a facade.
He gave your ex a gloomy look and in a low tone commented that they were not welcome at Heartslabyul, much less NRC and that they had to leave if they didn’t want to end up with a broken leg.
Both of you spent the night baking cakes and watching bad movies, even though what Trey really cared the most was spending the night with you, snuggled between his sheets.
"I may have reacted in a somewhat terrifying way, but believe me when I tell you that that look will never be directed at you"
Our dear orange haired man here didn't take it very well. It was one of the few moments in which his face or voice had not the hint of happiness and amusement that characterized him so much.
He may have used his unique magic to intimidate your ex… I mean, if a mildly angry Cater doesn't do any good, I guess five will work.
Indispensably whether it worked or not, you could always call in the dynamic duo to get your ex out of the way.
Spoiler alert: it wasn’t necessary the one neuron duo, with the five Caters it was more than enough.
Before they left the dorm, he took a selfie as not in a mockery mode and uploaded it to his social medias.
“Do you want to appear in the photo? So I can show the world how beautiful you are, how lucky I am to have you and how stupid your ex was to show up at school "
Another one who lost his temper, but just when the person in front of him said it was your ex.
Don't overthink it, he just made an angry face because he already knew what your ex was up to, and he didn't like it one bit.
Believe it or not, Ace didn't hold on to the punches with them. No, he simply told them that he had no intention of letting you go and immediately sent them flying with his magic.
For the last thing, he told them not to bother trying, turned around and went to where you were to give you a long, possessive kiss in front of your ex.
"I maaaay have been a bit possessive, but I don't want you to leave my side"
He threw a cauldron at their head ... jocking ... or not?
Nah, nah, I'm kidding, but he did come close to throwing his famous cauldron at them and leaving them squashed like a figurine.
Lowkey rogue mode activated.
It may have scared you a little, but it didn't have much of an effect.
Your ex didn't leave you alone until Deuce punched him across the face, screaming for them to leave you alone.
You have to get out of the crime scene before any teacher comes.
Ashamed of himself. Maybe the way of resolution he had was not the best, but it was effective and you were grateful for that.
You gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek and told him everything was fine, that he didn't have to worry about anything; he was your knight in shining armor.
“Sorry, anger washed over me again. I couldn't bear the idea of you being taken away from me "
Man, this one acted out of pure pride. A stranger grabbing his beloved herbivore? Ohhhh noooo, honey, you messed with the wrong lion and prince.
This is one of the few times he wouldn't send Ruggie in to fix it. No. He would stand tall and beat this motherfucker ass.
You'll have to stop him before he turns your ex to sand, and I'm not kidding this time.
The very thought of someone taking his girlfriend from him drove him wild.
With your ex out of reach, and scared for life, he will demand cuddles and a nap.
He won't admit it, but Leona was afraid for a moment of losing you. You are his, and no one else's.
“I will not let anyone take you from my arms. I will protect you no matter what”
Used Laught with me, no discussion.
And there was no discussion with your ex. He just saw them with you, heard snippets that they wanted you back, that they wanted a second chance, blah blah blah ... and that was it, unique magic in action.
You got disoriented for a moment when you saw your ex walking strangely towards the exit, but when you heard the famous giggle of your boyfriend you knew immediately what was happening.
Let's be honest, in all it was a pretty funny image.
Ruggie stayed by your side all afternoon in the Savanaclaw lounge room playing and splashing in the water.
"I may be a possessive and territorial hyena, but this hyena is at your complete mercy"
Nothing like a good roar to scare away any predator that intends to stick its nose into other's prey.
Just kidding, Jack would never consider you prey, you are his significant other and that means he must protect you from any danger.
Wolf mode activated to the surprise of your ex.
He growled until their figure could not be seen on the horizon… lowkey cute as fuck.
Give him cuddles in this form, he would really appreciate it… he really would love your hands caressing his soft fur.
Record a video of his tail wagging, just for science.
“I figured you were uncomfortable and couldn't think of anything else to get your ex off your back. Now come with me, I want to caress you correctly"
Believe me when I tell you that the appearance of your ex not only irritated Azul, but also brought him insecurities that he thought were already buried under the ground.
The fact that a stranger appeared at the doors of the Mostro Lounge with an air of melodrama was enough for our octopus to go out to meet them directly, thinking they was just another customer ... an annoying customer, to tell the truth.
But when they started yelling for your presence, demanding that you come back to them, oh ... Yeah, this so-called customer is now banned from entering.
He let Floyd and Jade take care of them.
Like Riddle, give him love and a few sweets, he needs it. He really needs affection.
He needs to hear your voice, to remind him that you are with him now. He wants to hear you say that he is the only person in your world right now and that you would not leave him for nothing.
“I'm a silly octopus who got tangled in your arms and not the other way around. Only you give me the comfort that I've been looking for so much "
Your ex must have some balls of steel to even be close to Jade and plan to face him to have you back ... this guy has a suicidal desire.
Jade's appearance was not only scary, but his way of talking and engaging in conversation with your ex was what made them run out of the Mostro Lounge.
But you were already more than used to his characterization as an intimidating person.
Bring him a basket full of multiple mushrooms from the botanical garden, he will appreciate it.
And maybe also a glass container to create a little mini environment for those mushrooms… both of you will have a nice time together, maybe the whole night putting it together.
"You are my favorite starfish and I cannot allow any sea thorn to monopolize your beauty"
Even having the same calm expression as Jade when he saw your ex, it didn't last long. The moment your name came out of their mouth, Floyd's face broke.
You remember in episode 3 when he asks Adeuce braincell to shut up, well… that same expression.
By this time, Floyd was no longer as calm as his brother; in fact, he went directly to squeeze them.
If you paid close attention you could hear how the ribs were cracking little by little. Good thing you were there to stop Floyd.
Your ex stalked to the exit as they was nearly squeezed alive and Floyd gave you a grin from ear to ear as if he had done nothing wrong.
"I protect what is mine, no one has the right to take my shrimpy from my side"
At first this ray of sunshine didn't even know what was happening, he thought they were just looking for you to chat, to keep up.
But when he heard this strange person exclaim that they wanted you back… he was still just as lost, but not in an innocent way.
He went to where you were to give you a big hug in front of your ex. He may have looked cute and adorable, but unconsciously Kalim was marking his territory.
Kindly asked your ex to leave the dorm and not make any more advances, they were making you uncomfortable, and if you were uncomfortable he was uncomfortable.
He gave you butterfly kisses when the situation calmed down. Give him kisses back, he needs them.
“You love me, right? Because I love you very much, and my love cannot be compared with anything in the world, and yours cannot be bought even with all the jewels I have in the treasure chamber "
This is simple. Jamil only asked your ex once to leave the dorm.
Not understanding reasons the first time, he simply used his unique magic causing them to go "on their own".
Problem solved. NOW, that doesn't mean Jamil was in a good mood.
Not at all. Anger can be seen rising from his ears like smoke, but his face expresses calm.
Help him in the kitchen, he may not say anything, but internally he will thank you.
Cuddling in the middle of the night, curled up in his bed? HELL YEAH.
"You are the most precious diamond I have in my life, I am not going to let you go so easily"
How dare this pathetic person to proclaim you back in front of his own nose?
Putting aside how impressed he was by such a daring act, Vil was once again furious.
Vil isn’t a person who defends his opponent in a violent way like Leona or Floyd, but he could attack the self-esteem and brain.
Even though… if the obscene words towards you kept bubbling out of their disgusting mouth, he would have to give him a poison apple.
It almost happened, thank goodness you were there to lower the fumes.
Vil was irritable all day and not even a beauty treatment could calm him… shit this was bad.
Give him a couple of hours to calm down and try talking to him during the night and if he doesn't want to, you can always do the routine for his face before going to sleep.
“I'll be honest, I liked your ex's audacity, but it didn't displease to see how mistreated they was and if I can correctly assume, the mistreatment they caused you. You are here with me and I am here with you, neither is going to be detach from the other "
When Rook saw how your ex was trying to convince you to come back… let's just say he didn't take it very well.
But his face said otherwise. He had the same grinning and somewhat creppy expression as ever, so it was difficult to determine in that tense moment whether he was really angry or not.
I think the arrow that passed between the two of you, best expressed between your two faces, made it pretty clear that Rook wasn't going to sit idly by.
A bit violent and shocking, but effective. Your ex shitted their pants and stormed out of the place, without even looking back.
"I'm sorry for the bad moment I put you on, but nobody touches my prey"
It may be that his action was with tenderness of support, but that doesn’t remove the shock from your face.
You slept with one eye open that night.
Let's say the conversation got off to a good start, until your ex had the brilliant idea of mistaking Epel for a girl.
Oh yeah, the truck driver's voice came out to our farmer.
Be prepared to hold him and prevent him from giving your ex a tremendous punch in the face. Even in that situation your damn ex had the decency to keep asking you to go back to them.
It even occurred to them to denigrate Epel for how short and his supposedly sweet voice was... now you can let him go.
With your ex out of your sight and a reprimanding of Vil towards Epel's ugly acting, you guys spent the night in your bedroom.
Simple caresses and a few small butterfly kisses to calm the atmosphere.
“Sorry, I lost control and gave you a hard time. Don't be mad at me, I don't even want to think about the possibility of losing you "
Oh… .emmm, embarrassed baby became even more embarrassed at having to come face to face with a complete stranger.
Talking to you is one thing, but talking about yourself with your supposed ex is another thing entirely; he even finds it difficult to talk about you with his own brother, so imagine the traumatic moment Idia had to go through.
In a stuttering manner, he asked them to please get away of hs face… and from school. If the shame towards his person was not enough to get your ex out of there, no problem ...
From somewhere he'd get a little machine that would run your ex's fucking ass outside the doors of NRC.
The machine would have a small camera embedded so you could see from its monitors how your ex ran like a baby with their butt burned thanks to Idia's invention.
He may have uploaded the file to the internet… who knows.
After this terrible and agonizing day, Idia doesn’t plan to leave his room until the end of the year.
Stay with him as long as necessary, hours, days, afternoons, nights, early mornings, whatever it is, just ... stay hugged him at all times.
“For a moment I thought you were going to leave with your ex. You know, Ortho loves you very much, and you leaving would make him very sad ... and me too"
They have to have balls to go straight to Malleus and tell at his face that they wants you back.
10 for the audacity, -1000 for their physical health.
 Malleus, like Vil, doesn’t need to destroy or attack your ex, just standing there and acting intimidating is enough.
If your ex still wants to hang around you after seeing that scene, then Malleus is going to have to put his horns on it.
Nothing like a spark of fingers to make him disappear from your side and send him flying out of school.
They are fine, at least that’s what Malleus said.
“Even being amazed at the audacity of that little creature, they should learn that the word no means no. You, little human, you are mine"
Big bear mama Lilia took the situation with great grace. If only your ex knew that the were talking to a fairy over five hundred years old I throw a number they would freeze.
He endured the boring and monotonous talk with your ex with a sarcastic smile and when they finished speaking he wished them a good way back. He then sent them flying towards the exit of Diasomnia.
With their butt out, Lilia slammed the door in their face. You watched the scene from the top of the dorm lounge stairs.
At no time did our little fairy have a hair out of place. And with that same tranquility he disappeared from the door and magically appeared next to you with his characteristic smile and face down.
He gave you sweet kisses before he went out to babysit some freshmen who were about to set the kitchen on fire… as if Lilia hadn't done it before.
“Don't listen to them, they are part of your past. The best thing is to leave it behind, because now you have a present with me "
It happened in one of the few times when Silver was wide awake and with no intention of going to sleep in whatever corner he came across first.
Still, he literally didn't understand anything, he just wanted to spend time with you and that time was ruined.
Silver did nothing, just grabbed your hand and led you into the hall of mirrors, disappearing into Diasomnia's one.
Before going through the mirror, you turned your gaze over your shoulder, seeing how your ex was following both of you and with a handshake which happened to be raised the middle finger you disappeared into the mirror.
In the warm cold of the bedroom, you spent a long time in the arms of your loved one.
"There is no need to look into the past, I like living the present with you"
Don't hate me for what I'm going to say… but your ex didn't even have a chance to say hello, Sebek was already on his shoulders asking them to leave if he didn't want them to face a duel.
Just kidding, not a duel… but it would give him their lesson if they didn't immediately leave the dorm.
No one without the consent of his young master Malleus could enter the residence. And speaking of Malleus… he spent about half an hour talking about his master and how he would be able to turn them to ash if they approached Diasomnia again.
And by the way to you too.
"Incredible how a person thinks they had the right to appear like this out of nowhere, how could you be with a person like that?"
Oddly enough, the day passed like nothing, even at bedtime Sebek acted as if your ex had never shown up.
But… during the early morning, a heaviness on your stomach woke you up from your dreams. Sebek was huddled behind you, his head buried in your hair, his arms across your belly.
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keepcalm-and-beyou · 4 years
Serial Killer Boyfriend
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YoungFP x Reader
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Werewolves howl, Phantoms prowl, where witches go riding and black cats are seen, the moon full and bright whispers tis Halloween. 
It feels like magic in the night when you see the pumpkins light. Time for the ghouls and ghost to seek goodies, for people hoping for treats not tricks. 
Halloween time in our town with pep. Everyone from school invited and some not invited to this years Spooktacular Party surely must be getting ready as i am. 
🎃Now I have a story that I'd like to tell About this guy you all know him, he had me scared as hell! He comes to me at night after I crawl into bed He's burnt up like a weenie and his name is Fred!🎃  
As A nightmare on my street song plays on my radio I apply my lipstick and smile when the song mentions the name Fred as it makes me think of my friend Fred Andrews, i also cant help but love the nightmare on elm street movie. Freddy Kruger what an intense killer to get you in your precious dreams i hope they make more movies like that. A noise interrupted my thoughts slightly making me jump. heading towards where it had come from i look out my window to the left then right side seeing some children running around on my street dressed up in their costumes trick or treating, the street lights shinned on my street sign that read ELM STREET. 
Thinking the noise must of been from those who are outside simply wanting candy i turn away from the half way open window i scream as i felt something grab my arm from where the window was i turn fast to face it seeing my boyfriend trying to climb through the window. I let a relived sigh leave my lips and step back in no mood to help him through my window but to watch his struggle he sure deserves it after that stunt. 
“Thank for the help babe” FP says sarcastically while finally getting him self through my window his eyes not yet even looking really at me until he stands up straight turning to fully face where i was standing by my bedroom wall. 
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FP’s eyebrows raised in what looked like surprise “Wow babe, damn you look good not like that’s anything new” 
“Well i tried thank you, uh what are you suppose to be, some poor victim of a serial killer stabbing, some messed up boy with mommy issues and a daddy who just doesn't seem to love him the same these days who has a issue filled girlfriend that seems so awkward all the time who probably kills his own girlfriend because ya know always some bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend, he must of watched way to many movies” I ask him as he slowly creeps closer to where i have been standing. This is when i notice the knife in his hand. It sure don’t look like the typical cheap fake ones used for such things as Halloween costumes. That makes me raise an eyebrow at the sharp metal in his hand. Fps eyes caught my reaction to his choice in accessory for his costume and he smirks getting closer to me. 
“Nah babe this blood is of my victims” he smirks wider as his eyes seem to burn into mine “I’m the killer” he adds while he brings his knife up to his bottom lip resting it there. 
“Shit does that mean i’m the girlfriend you want to kill for some bullshit reason” i fake seriousness.
“Hmm I think ill keep you around you look to good to ruin that tight outfit” he smirks checking me out. 
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“Thanks. Oh and next time use the front door you ass”
“Did i give you a fright” FP stalks even closer to just inches apart. Like he is  stalking his prey. I deny that he frightened me and i lightly push him backwards from my bubble of space done with his creepy killer vibes in my bedroom and wanting to get my party on. 
Walking out my front door like a normal none creepy person uses i turn to FP “Your not really gonna walk around with that legit knife are you, because that seems like big ole trouble to me” 
“You have no idea” FP says quietly but loud enough to hear him. I watch as he passes by me down my steps and put the knife into a holster on his jeans.
“Wait what?” I ask confused on his statement. only for him to act as if he never heard me. 
I spot a boy who looks like our friend a small ways down coming from his front lawn as we approach and it is indeed my best guy friend! 
“Oh my gosh Fred i love it i absolutely approve of this years choice in costume” I say excitedly going to hug him not caring for his eyes to slightly open wider at my revealing chest area. 
“You look.. uh wow yeah wow a good wow very good wow” Fred rambled 
“Watch it Fred” FP warned in what seemed to be a half joke half serious threat as he slaps Fred’s check lightly and they do a quick bro hug. 
“Awe my guys, my killer boyfriend and killer best friend, my Freddy as Freddy i love it, glad you didn’t go with a mask of Freddy Kruger though i prefer your pretty face” I smack Fred on the same cheek FP had done. 
“I knew you would” Fred smiles. 
“Okay i could use a drink and Hiram douche as rich as he is must have plenty at his party so hurry up move it along” FP says nodding his head ahead of us indicating for us to start walking that way. 
Hiram Lodge, rich and rude mostly describes him. someone who many of us don’t particularly like. Fred dislikes him for many reasons one being Hermione Gomez the girl Fred was into and thought she could be the one. Until she chose Hiram and his pearls over Fred and his heart. FP dislikes him for many of the same reasons Fred does but one being Me the ex girlfriend of Hiram, I thought he could be the one until our once fun filled relationship turned into a cold one into a distant one into me choosing FP over Hiram. But hey a party with free booze is our kind of party and we got the invite well me and Fred did anyways. 
Walking through the streets of Riverdale seeing all the Halloween decorations like the lights from jack-o lanterns and ghosts hanging from trees, feeling the chilling vibes of the magic that is Halloween night run through my body, the feel of a cold hand in mine making me smile at my serial killer looking boyfriend. 
I watch as few children pass us by seeing the looks shared by Fred and FP raising my eyebrow at what they could be thinking then suddenly the two teenagers yell and jump forward towards the little kids scaring them making the children scream and run off. Rolling my eyes at the two men in front of me laughing like hyenas. 
“Real mature boys” I say unimpressed at the child like behaviour 
“Its Halloween y/n lighten up” Fred laughs 
“Yeah babe its meant to be scary” FP adds
“True but no need to terrorise little kids” I shake my head at them. And continue our walk.
Nearing the house holding the Halloween party hosted by Hiram i notice some familiar faces as much as i can being with all the Halloween costumes. my eyes came upon sierra dressed as wonder woman, a perfect costume for her and her girl power woman on a mission thing she has going on. a short distance a way as well seeing tom Keller in a army costume, another typically perfect costume for the boy.
The outside of the house isn't much decorated i try to push through some of my fellow classmates with FP and Fred hot on my tail walking through the front doors. I’m impressed by what my eyes are seeing the many outstanding lights making the house look like a nightclub ready for teenagers to dance the night away, i see Halloween theme streamers and garland, hanging bats all over the roof of the house, your typical mini orange pumpkins and some painted black placed on tables, and my favourite of all the creepy images on the walls that change. 
“Boy Hiram of course with all the crap” FP looks around at all the decorations as i was. “Think he’s compensating for something Fred” FP chuckles looking to Fred who’s standing next to him. Fred laughs at his best friends remark. 
“No comment” I smirk barley looking towards FP to see his glare thrown my way. 
“Speak of the devil” Fred nods his head to where Hiram is walking towards us. Hiram lodge strolls head high nearing us wearing a medieval king costume, it makes me want to laugh at another super typical costume for the boy who think’s he is a real king, only kind of royal he happens to be is a royal pain in the ass. 
“Well well well a sight for sore eyes, in all her black beauty” Hiram steps closely in front of me with that stupid smirk and ignorant eyes. I simply fake a big smile as my only response. 
“Fred” Hiram greets in a major Hiram way that doesn't sound very greeting like. so Fred does the same. My eyes moves back and fourth between the two and landing on Hiram as his eyes land on my exposed chest thanks to my Elvira costume. This doesn't go unnoticed by my serial killer boyfriend who steps in front of me chest puffed out and eyes murdering the rich man who only smirks more at the exchange. 
“Ah FP Jones i do believe you were not sent an invite but by all means enjoy my humble adobe, oh but please don’t let your serpent behaviour disturb my gathering” 
“Hiram” is heard from behind him of course coming from Hermione. I roll my eyes at her presence dressed as a medieval queen. “Hello glad you guys can attend” she says playing the dutiful girlfriend.
“Mhm thanks” I say in the most super fake tone i can muster up and a smile to go with it as i move past them farther into the home of the devil incarnate. 
Pouring my self a much needed beverage as FP pushes some guy lightly out of his way to reach a bottle of whiskey taken the whole thing for him self.
“Are you really just gonna take the whole thing?” i chuckle
“What like he cant afford to lose out on one damn bottle y/n” 
“Okay then” i let out a small sigh hoping FP doesn't get to hammered. 
“Hey it saves me from having to stab someone to move out my way for a drink” FP pulls out his knife he had in his holster waving it around near our faces with a wide smile. I’m not sure if its because it Halloween that this whole dressed in blood serial killer thing is legit creepy, but hey its pretend right. 
“Stop waving that thing in my face before you make me lose an eye you psycho” I tell him half jokingly. he just stares at me for a moment like contemplating on something, maybe something i said. But finally after making a clicking noise with his tongue he puts the knife back into his holster. 
“Good boy” I teasingly say to him as i grab his chin giving him a kiss to his cheek. 
Hand in hand we walk around for a bit saying a few hellos to some friends of mine as FP stays silent drinking from his bottle and eyeing a few people dangerously creepy. We enter the dining room seeing people including Fred playing beer pong. 
“Y/n come be on my team I’m kicking Tom’s ass” Fred shouts to where i stand with FP by the entrance. FP looks annoyed at the thought but i don’t care he can brood and mood alone for 5 minutes well i kick some major Keller toosh. 
“Oh Keller boy its on” i challenge as Fred cheers at my comment. 
I stand tall and elegantly yet cockily toss the ping pong ball, it lands perfectly into a cup filled half way with beer in front of Tom. Tom of course drinks it. Fred and I throw a few more times ultimately winning which causes us much joy giving us the need to jump around cheering for our self’s along with others in the room, i jump into Fred’s arms smiling at our victory he spins me around laughing. 
“That was awesome y/n” Fred smiles as he put me down. 
“Tha-” I’m cut off by the dark voice of FP
“I thought i said watch it” he remarks dryly to Fred as Fred gives him an unsure look. 
“Wow okay babe laying on the crazy tonight real hard don’t you think” I tell FP furrowing my eyebrows at the bloody boy. FP scoffs and Fred backs away slowly to leave me to deal with my crazy boo. 
FP moves close to my ear and says “Nah what would be crazy is if someone losses a hand because they can’t keep them off you” and he tilts his head in that weird way like a challenging way. Then all of a sudden he’s laughing. I can’t help my face reacting as if he has gone mad. 
“Let’s keep checking out the place babe” FP says in his normal tone as if he wasn't just a crazy jealous boyfriend. And put’s his arm around my shoulders. 
We came across a room that seems like a second living room it looks like the teenagers in it are playing a game as they all sit in whats suppose to be a circle. 
“Oh look its Y/n, care to indulge us in a game of secrets and sins” Penelope’s voice rang out. she use to be a decent human being but it seems her adopted family the blossoms have really done a number on her after she accepted to be with Clifford her adopted brother. honestly I’m unsure if its even legal. 
“I don’t know about that one” I shrug not really in the mood to share a secret of any sorts. 
“Are you scared to tell us something” Clifford chimes in as he is sitting next to the red headed sister girlfriend of his. 
“Let’s go babe” FP grumbles in my ear. But i shake my head at his words. 
“No no i’ll stay” I smile and take a seat on one of the few couches in the room that have space. FP stay’s standing by the door.
“Well that makes it your turn y/n, any sinful secrets you might wanna share” Penelope asks with a wicked smirk plastered on her face as if she already knows any secrets i may have. 
“Hmm i cheated on a math test once, no that’s a lame one, uh i keyed Hiram’s car after we broke up” that last so called secret made FP chuckle. but Penelope rolled her eyes not amused by my choices of secrets. 
“I have a obsession with the movie the heather's i do as well imagine poisoning my classmates, I’m sure you’ll be able to relate” i tell Penelope with a small smile. She lets out a huff still not amused.  
“So that’s your big secrets? Really. I think not Elm Street girl” she says smiling at me. Causing me to raise my eyebrow. And she continues on. 
“You know who else lives on Elm Street, Fred Andrews right? Your friend, your boyfriends friend” she drags on
“So do you have a point or are you just obtuse” I laugh in my head at my own joke sense obtuse is opposite of something pointy. 
“Funny. You like to do a lot with that mouth of yours, like talk when know one cares to listen or make out with Fred Andrews when you think know ones looking” she smiles deviously as my eyes widen in shock. 
“What?!” is heard from the door FP in fit of rage.  
“Wait let me explain” I say to FP but he doesn't hear it he’s to busy pushing his way out of the bedroom door so i follow him. 
“FP can you slow down what are you doing let me explain” I yell for him to hear me but all i see is him on a hunt. oh no probably for Fred. Poor Fred. 
Fp reaches Fred who is in the big living room area where the drinks are and teenager’s dancing. FP grab’s Fred by his shirt throwing him into a wall swiftly reaching for his knife 
‘FP no” i shout as i near the two boys. 
“What the hell FP” Fred asks his best friend. 
“I outta kill you boy” FP barks in Fred face now holding his knife to his throat. 
“FP stop please its not what you think i swear” I plead with my now looking like a real serial killer boyfriend. 
“Y/n whats going on? Why do you have a knife? wait is that a real knife FP?!” Fred asks a bunch of questions in his nervous and scared state. We all barley notice the music had turned down a bit and people were gasping and whispering amongst them self's. 
“You touched my girl!” FP says lowly very low dangerously low. 
Fred looks beyond shocked at the news his best friend knew. He was speechless. 
“FP please let’s talk outside or in a quite room” i beg of him. 
“Screw this” FP says angrily and grab’s Fred again by the shirt only to throw him into the wall once more before backing away. “You better watch out boy” FP threatens Fred. FP disappear’s into the house and I tend to Fred. 
“Oh my gosh are you okay i cant believe he just went that psycho” I held onto Fred’s head looking over his neck and face for any injuries. Seeing a small cut from the knife on is neck, making me cringe at the fact my boyfriend did that. 
“I’m okay y/n how did he find out?” Fred asks looking guilty 
“Secrets and sins and one red headed bitch of a blossom” I remark coldly.
“I’m going to find the bathroom see if i need anything for my neck” Fred tells me as he starts to move towards the door way. 
I should look for FP to tell him the truth the whole truth to that secret. The fact that it was before i chose to be with FP, it was a drunk bad judgement call right after my break up with Hiram. 
Its been some time looking for FP i think its safe to say he left the party. Maybe that’s a good thing give him some space to calm down and when he wants to talk i’ll gladly talk to him. I haven't seen Fred in awhile either, if he ditched me i’m going to kill that athletic guitar playing boy. No sign of my best friend and the party has majorly died down with only a few students i barley know from school and the few i do know decently well like Sierra, Tom, Penelope and Clifford, Marty Mantle and Darryl Doiley and of course the host him self and his little girlfriend Heromine. 
I look around some more for Fred so we can leave, i check anywhere i can including upstairs. I come across a room at the very end of the hall and open the door slowly “Hello anyone in here?” I ask not wanting to intrude on anyone's personal business. There’s no answer. I cant make much of what’s in the room it’s very dark until i find the nearest light switch flicking it on my eyes instantly see a body on the ground. 
“Oh my god Fred?!” I move fast towards the body now seeing the crimson colour seeping through his shirt as if he has been stabbed. I couldn't control it my mouth had i mind of its own as it let out a screeching sound of horror at the sight of my best friend bleeding not a single movement made on the floor. 
I stood in shock for a moment after my scream rang through the walls catching the attention of a few of my fellow classmates as they run into the room. 
I hear gasps and what happened and omgs come from a few mouths as i stare eyes wide open at Fred on the ground. I see Tom get closer to Fred’s body when i snap out of my trance of horror. 
“Wait don’t touch his body!” i spit out before anyone can lay a finger on the boy. 
Everyone looks at me as i’m insane. 
“Finger prints and moving a body is like what tampering with a crime scene and if you have your finger prints on him guess who’s a suspect of murder” I tell everyone sternly. 
“We need to see if he is breathing!” Tom says freaked out. 
I move closer to Fred’s unconscious body not enough to touch and tell everyone to shut the hell up so i can listen for his breathing, I hear nothing. I then put my hand in front of his nose and mouth to see if i can feel air coming from his bloody body, I can not. 
“He’s not breathing guys.. he’s dead” i cry out covering my mouth in more shock. I hear little cries from the girls Heromine and Sierra. 
“This can’t be happening my parents will kill me if i through a party and there happens to be a dead body laying around” Hiram sighs
“My dad is probably gonna kick my ass” I hear Marty say in a fearful tone.
“We need to call the cop’s” Tom says
“I don’t know about that” Clifford chimes in. 
“What are you talking about that’s what your suppose to do, unless you killed him?” Tom shouts back at Clifford. as Clifford scoffs
“This could ruin our life’s what colleges are wanting to accept people involved in a murder” Penelope say’s. 
“Was that a confession?” Darryl Doiley ask’s The red head rolls her eye’s
“Who would do this” I let tear slip from my eyes. 
Everyone looks around at one another eyes scanning each other with possible thoughts that one of us killed Fred Andrews. 
“Hiram. I bet it was Hiram” Penelope says smugly as always these days. 
“And why would I do that?” Hiram asks in almost to good to be true calm manner. Everyone turns their heads to Penelope so she can further explain her accusations.
“Oh please you never did like the boy so much you even stole his girlfriend” she replies nodding towards Hermione who still have many tears on her face. 
“Please you strike me for the killing type both you Blossom’s and your weird family” Hiram spits back to the red headed girl. 
“This is so not cool guys we need to do something” Sierra says. 
“Yeah like the cops’” Tom says again 
“No, no cop’s, not until we figure who might have done it” Hiram speaks.
“We can all point fingers at each other but nothing proves either of us did it” I tell them hoping their madness would stop i haven't even had time to really wrap my head around the dead body of my best friend. 
“What about FP” Darryl Doiley speaks up from the corner of the room he’s been hiding in sense he came in after my scream. Everyone turns to look at the Doiley boy at the same time with looks that say what about him. 
“He had a knife right he held it to Fred’s throat and went all psycho doesn't that prove anything” Darryl continued 
“This is true, FP did have a weapon and is well crazy” Hiram says as a matter of fact. I roll my eyes at him. 
“No way he wouldn't .. I don’t think he would, oh my no no he couldn't” i say unsure in my own words that my boyfriend and Fred’s best friend would commit such a crime. 
“I don’t know the look in his eyes sure showed insanity” Penelope spoke
“Y/n it might be true look at the facts he was mad at Fred, he held Fred at knife point, and threatened him. It doesn’t look good for FP” Tom states
“What doesn't look good for me” FP appears in the door way of the room giving us all a fright many of us jumping at his voice. Some of our eyes wide in fear to see him in front of us hearing us talk about him. The girls Heromine, Sierra and Penelope move further away from him as they practically huddle together, Darryl and Marty look terrified, while Hiram and Tom have no expressions on their faces, then there’s me standing in the middle of everyone beside Fred’s body not knowing what to say and trying hard to keep my face a normal looking way. 
“Say hey what happened here” FP says what almost seems like a question but more of a taunt, he takes a step inside the room with his head tiled in that creepy way he does.
“Get away from us you murderer” Penelope shouts at him. 
“Hmm that’s not very nice” FP smirks deviously at her as he pulls out his knife pointing it at her “You are not very nice” he tell’s her. He looks at everyone in the room ‘In fact none of you really are. Not to me that’s for damn sure” he clicks his tongue. 
“Hey man we no what you did and its cool we wont say anything to anyone” Marty tells FP in hopes to get out of a killer situation. FP just laughs at the boys attempts. 
“FP tell them you didn't hurt Fred i know you didn't right?” i ask my own hopes rising
“We know you killed him FP” Hiram says to him
“How do we know your not the killer? huh? you like scary movies maybe your movie freak mind lost its reality button ever think of that” FP says challenging Hiram's words. Hiram scoffs. 
“Okay well if FP didn't do it and none of us did lets just call the cops” Tom says starting to walk towards the door when FP’s knife ends up nearing his face
“Na na na Keller get back” FP demands so Tom goes back to his spot by Fred’s body and near me. I look to Fred’s dead body and to FP, feeling a wave of sadness wash over me finally seeing it feeling it , that FP killed him. My eyes water as i take small slow step to FP who bares his knife still in front of him. 
“Why FP.. please tell me why” I cry slowly moving toward my killer boyfriend. 
“Why y/n! why!” he shouts manically making me jump. He turns to face the door he had just shut then back to me. 
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Suddenly FP steps to me grabbing me by my throat facing me to everyone has his grip is tight on my neck keeping me in place close to him. 
“Listen FP” Sierra says trying to defuse the ticking bomb 
“No you listen you little bitch! Anyone moves and ill be happy to see what your insides look like. Takes the strength of a man to gut someone ya know” FP barks
“You all and your privileged life’s, you northsiders think your so better then everyone else!” FP shouts and his grip gets even tighter on my throat making me whimper. “Not anymore” FP drags his knife on my face as he speaks but not hard enough to cut into my skin. 
“We are sorry i’m sorry we all are sorry!” Sierra shouts
“You don’t have to do this FP let y/n go” Tom says calmly reaching his hand out
“Let her go FP” Hiram says more demanding
“Please FP you don’t have to hurt anyone” Heromine chimes in
“Oh my ” Penelope mumbles 
“Dude come on please” Darryl cries out 
“We’re sorry dude” Marty says but not enough meaning to believe it.
“If any of us made you feel less then us we are sorry if any of us picked on you we are sorry or if we made fun of you FP” Sierra speaks again apologising for everyone. And everyone’s voice rings out say yes and yeah’s agreeing to what she had said in fear for their life’s. 
“Nah” FP says then quickly spins me to face him and send’s his knife into my stomach instantly my hands go to the wound i feel the wet substance and my knees hit the floor as horror painful sounds escape my lips everyone runs to me as i turn around best i can hands red and dripping, the girls faces wet with tears the guys faces filled with horror i take one last look at my stomach hand covering it again.
“Gotcha” my head snaps up to everyone as i smile wide
“Really I’m dead no one calls the cop’s ” Fred says from the floor with his face looking towards us all. 
“What?!” everyone shouts with wide eyes and still horrified yet shocked faces all around. 
“Good job FP” Fred smiles getting up from the floor. “Man that’s tough playing dead for that long so glad no one saw me breathing when i needed to” 
“You did great man” FP smiles 
“But the blood” Hermione asks
“Corn syrup” I reply with a smile
“You are all seriously insane” Sierra says 
“That was not funny” Hiram adds sternly 
“Holy heck thank god” Tom sighs of relief 
“I can’t believe you guys” Heromine says shaking her head in dismay.
“Not cool” Marty adds 
“You had us all going” Penelope says in boredom
“Yeah” Clifford adds not making eye contact with anyone probably embarrassed that he got fooled. 
“Well can’t say you guys didn’t deserve it” FP smiles a normal smile not a creepy one at last. 
“Happy Halloween guys” Fred smiles 
“I got me one hot serial killer boyfriend” I put my arm around FP’s waist as his arm goes around my shoulder. 
“Happy Halloween” FP and i say at the same time to everyone. 
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troubatrain · 4 years
sober - m. barzal (pt. two)
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a/n: part two every body give it up for reposting part two!!
One - Three
The sounds of skates on the ice at the Rangers practice facility were becoming almost therapeutic at this point, you close your eyes basking in it for a moment while you edited a video from a charity event the team hosted the week before. You had a makeshift desk in the hallway that led to the locker, trying to get as much work as you could none so you could try and wipe your memory of everything that had to do with Mat Barzal. You knew you shouldn’t have let him win, because men that smug don’t need an ego boost, but you did. Mika’s voice on the other side of that bathroom door was the wake up call you desperately needed. Mat Barzal was a gigantic mistake, and you had to just forget he ever existed. But, his contact was burning in your phone, Mat with a blue and orange heart just to piss you off a little bit more.
“Alright, what’s wrong?” Chris huffs out, his large frame towering over you and leaning on your desk. His eyebrows were furrowed, he’d seen right through, something was off.
“Nothing Kreids,” You roll your eyes, trying to cover up the fact that you were thinking about Mat’s mouth on your pussy in that bar bathroom, “Seriously, I’ll get over it.”
“This is about a guy isn’t it?” Chris questions, grabbing the chair across from you and sitting in it, “Spill.”
“I’m not diving into my dating life with you,” You snap back, catching yourself before your tone gets too harsh. It wasn’t that Chris wasn’t your friend, because he was, it was that you didn’t want to get caught gossiping when you were supposed to be working. Charlotte would have your head on a stick, and everything you’d been working for since you got the job would just be for nothing, “I’m fine seriously, I have a date tonight.”
You did. The night after you last saw Mat, you’d gotten bored enough to open up Tinder on your phone. A couple of swipes later, you had a date with some finance bro from Murray Hill you weren’t going to call the next day. If you wanted to get over somebody, you were just going to have to get under somebody else. Plus, in a city this big, the odds you’d ever run into Mat again were probably slim.
“Like a real date or a rebound date?” Chris asks, a humorous tone to his voice. Chris was a romantic, but you knew Chris Kreider’s were few and far between. So while you were young, you decided that it didn’t matter if you fell in love, you could do that later. For now, you were going to work hard and play harder. 
“A rebound date,” You smirk, watching Chris roll his eyes at you, “Don’t slut shame me Chris or I will-”
“I didn’t even say anything,” Chris defends throwing his hands up before you really got into it, “Just call me if he’s a creep or something, please.”
“Okay dad,” You snort, laughing and directing your attention back to the video you were supposed to be editing.
Maybe you should have listened to Chris. The man sitting in front of you did nothing besides talk about himself, his job, and he was unbelievably rude to your waiter. You should expect this, as if some random dude you met off Tinder would be some sort of gentleman but you thought maybe, just maybe, you’d be wrong. Unfortunately for you, you were just reminded of one thing - men are trash.
“So what do you do?” Chad asks, which could very possibly actually be his name but you’d forgotten while you were trying to block this entire night from your memory.
“Oh, I work for the Rangers,” You shrug, it wasn’t that you weren’t proud of your job. But the questions that came after were always the same, and if you were right, Chad would have the same answer.
“They must love having a pretty little thing like you around,” The words were sleazy, and they left the same icky feeling in your stomach that they always did. You didn’t want to be some pretty little thing that was around for someone’s amusement. You were an adult who had a pretty important job and you liked to be respected and in the little bubble you lived in at MSG, you were. But, no one outside of 8th and 33rd seemed to agree.
That was the moment when you realized someone’s eyes had been on you the whole time, stopping you from chewing out your date in the middle of the restaurant. Mat Barzal was seated across the restaurant, a girl who looked like a supermodel in front of him. You roll at your eyes at his cocky smile, the girl paying no mind that he wasn’t even listening to her. You pull your phone, letting Chad ramble on about how nice your gig with the Rangers must be.
stop staring at me barz
i can’t when you look like that angel
pretty sure the girl in front of you should keep you busy
pretty sure the guy in front of you is a douche, sneak out of here in 5?
in your dreams
i’ve had dreams about you, they’re pretty fucking filthy though
You stop, rubbing your thighs together subconsciously. You were on this date to forget Mat ever existed and going home with him would be an enormous mistake. One more time couldn’t hurt? Right?
call the uber loser
You watched Mat’s face light up, practically slamming cash down and saying goodbye to his date, before he skipped out of the restaurant. You shake your head at his obviousness, excusing yourself to go use the restroom and thanking whatever higher power that it was close to the exit. The second you stepped out, you could feel an arm wrap itself around you - pulling you into a broad chest.
“I like this little game we’re playing,” Mat smirks, pecking your lips while you wait for a car to pull up. You raise your eyebrows at him, waiting for an explanation, “You know, where you pretend to hate me because we’re supposed to but in reality you can’t stay away - you know how these movies end.”
“I can go back inside,” You threaten, pointing to your date who is still sitting at the table.
“Why? So you can hang out with some dude who you know can’t get you off like I can,” Mat scoffs, his ego getting bigger by the second.
“Maybe I’ll just steal your date,” You smirk, taking notice of the way Mat’s face lit up, “You’re a pig.”
“You’re not a ray of fucking sunshine either you know,” Mat scoffs.
“Your ego’s huge, I’m just keeping you humble,” You tease, pushing his arm off of you, he didn’t get to claim you like that.
“It’s not going to humble me when you’re at my apartment screaming my name,” Mat smirks, and you roll your eyes.
Mat’s apartment was a vague memory from the night you had spent. But, you remembered enough to point out every reason why you hated it. It was a bachelor’s apartment, filled with overpriced dark furniture that you know someone else picked out - or even worse, it came with the apartment. The view was immaculate, the floor to ceiling windows lived in the dreams of your own ideal place. The decor was typical, a few jerseys framed on the walls that you most definitely should have noticed when you left his place.
“You can say you hate it,” Mat chuckles, wrapping his arms around your waist while you continued to take in the apartment, “I’m sure it’s not up to your standards.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask, biting your lip to suppress the moan that was trying to escape with Mat was nibbling at your ear lightly.
“It means you know you’re better than me,” Mat whispers, “But I know there’s one thing I’m better at than you and that’s why you’re here. I can fucking ruin you.”
“Mat,” You sigh, elbowing him in the stomach while he smirked against your neck, “I’ll ruin you first.”
Mat let out a dramatic groan, “You’re such a brat.”
Before you could defend yourself and chirp him back, Mat had his large hands on your thighs while he carried you into his bedroom, dropping you on the bed. His mouth was sucking at your neck, and you knew you were going to have to invest in a new concealer if you kept this up. Well, at least he finally shut up-
“You’re so fucking sexy,” Mat whispers, his hands exploring your body, “You going to remember it this time?”
“Shut up,” You whimper, trying to let out how good Mat’s hands under your shirt actually felt. They were huge, and the rough skin against yours made your pussy flutter. Mat unclasped your bra, smirking to himself when he got it on the first try, “I’m sure you’ve had plenty of practice.”
“I have that’s why I know I’m good,” Mat smirks, climbing down your body while you shed your clothes. Mat slips his finger under your jeans, pulling your panties off in one swift motion, “Fuck, I think you know it too. Are you this wet for little old me?”
You didn’t have words for his stupidity, instead you kicked his back with the heel of your foot. You heard Mat’s laugh while he pressed open mouthed kisses to the inside of your thighs, “You’d be a lot cuter if you were nicer.”
“You’d be a lot cuter if you didn’t laugh like a hyena but here we are,” You chirped, sighing when you feel Mat’s finger slid up your folds.
Mat Barzal’s oral game was, in all honesty, immaculate. Were you going to let him know that? Absolutely not. Were you going to let him milk for every orgasm you had left? You might.
“Mat, fuck,” You let out a breathy moan, a real one trying to escape you. Mat had made you cum twice already, and his mouth was well on his way to a third before his dick even touched you.
“Let me hear you Y/N,” Mat halts his movements, curling his fingers to see if he could just get it out of you.
“Faster,” You moan out, your hips lifting to try and get his fingers to start moving again. Mat smirks, finally satisfied before his tongue swirled your clit to send you over the edge. Mat finally pulled away, wiping the sides of his mouth that were glistening from you.
“Ready for me?” Mat asks, a smug smile on his face. You nod, watching while he reached over into his nightstand to grab a condom.
“That box is awfully big,” You joke, not able to stop yourself from making fun of Mat. In reality, he probably wasn’t any better than you were, but that didn’t mean for a second you didn’t think he needed to be knocked down a few pegs.
Now, it was Mat’s turn to roll his eyes, “Because you’re such an angel.”
“I’m not, I’m the devil,” You smile, biting your lip while you watched Mat roll the condom over his cock. This part you may have remembered vaguely, but you didn’t remember how big it really was.
“Tell me if I’m being too rough,” Mat groans, entering you slowly so you could adjust to him. At least he isn’t a total douche.
“I thought you were going to ruin me Barz,” You tease, “I’m sure you know better than to talk a big game and not deliver.”
Mat’s eyes went a shade darker, a smirk on his face while he snapped his hips back and slammed back into you, causing you to let out a moan that was so loud you were positive his neighbors heard. His pace kept up, the sounds of his skin slapping against yours filled the room. You grab into any skin you could find while Mat continued to pound into you, your legs practically shaking from the feeling. Your nails dug into his skin, only boosting Mat’s confidence that he was good.
Mat gave you one more orgasm before he finally let himself go, his hips stuttering and a string of curse escaping his mouth. He stayed for a minute, trying to let you both bring yourselves down before he finally slipped out of you.
“You can stay if you can’t walk,” Mat jokes, his nude frame walking back into his room with a warm towel to clean you up. You didn’t peg him as much of an aftercare guy, especially for someone who probably got laid more than the average person.
“I’ll crawl back to Manhattan before I sleep in this bed with you,” You say while you pull yourself up from the bed. You gather your clothes, getting dressed while Mat watches you from his bed.
“So…” Mat starts, his hands behind his head in a way that was just so masculine you didn’t know if you wanted to go another round or punch him square in the face, “Did I make the team?”
“We can’t do this again,” You say, trying your hardest to keep your cool. If you were being honest, you probably would have done it again.
“We can,” Mat suggests wiggling his eyebrows, “It’ll be our dirty little secret, that’s hot.”
“I’ll call you.”
“So I made the cut?”
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