#it’s causing problems
livwritesstuff · 11 months
More about the girls bickering (see this post) – as the at home more parent, Eddie has to deal with it quite a bit more than Steve does. Unbeknownst to his husband, Ed learned that once both the girls had KO-ed each other, there was a very easy and nearly 100% effective tactic to subdue them completely.
Standing on their hair.
It wasn’t uncommon for Steve to come home from a day of counseling sessions to Eddie in the midst of refereeing a fight, which is how he essentially got a crash course in this technique when he walked into the house one day to find Robbie and Moe lying on the ground, Ed with one foot on Moe’s ponytail, and the other on Robbie’s wild curls.
Robbie is still fighting against the restraint, while Moe has clearly long since given up, glowering up at the ceiling with her arms crossed.
Steve, coming to a dead stop: Alright, what’s going on
Eddie: Daughters, would we like to tell Papa how we ended up in this predicament?
They both glare in opposite directions, though Robbie does aim a knobby elbow at Moe’s side (and misses).
Eddie, conceding: *explains fight, which is mostly incoherent and might be about a pair of shoes*
Eddie watches Steve look between his husband and oldest daughters before giving them all a resigned shrug.
Steve: Fair enough
Moe and Robbie: *immediately start protesting*
Steve: Look, girls, it could always be worse.
Steve: He could be barefoot.
The girls let out simultaneous noises of disgust as Steve walks away.
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arsenicpanda · 11 months
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I like to come up with horrible video game mechanic ideas designed to piss off certain subsections of gamers without effecting the gameplay experience of the average player.
For example, what if I made a completely normal action adventure game, but the final boss is inaccessible by any means until the in-game time reaches 3 hours? If the game had an average play time of 10 hours, this would not effect the average gamer. It would, however, piss off speedrunners. If I wanted to rub salt into the wounds, I could make that three hour limit have a variable of up to five minutes late or early. I think the runners would come after me with pitchforks
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salt-baby · 10 months
yes, doctors suck, but also "the medical ethics and patient interaction training doctors receive reinforces ableism" and "the hyper competitive medical school application process roots out the poor, the disabled, and those who would diversify the field" and "anti-establishment sentiment gets applications rejected and promotions requests denied, weeding out the doctors on our side" and "the gruesome nature of the job and the complete lack of mental health support for medical practitioners breeds apathy towards patients" and "insurance companies often define treatment solely on a cost-analysis basis" and "doctors take on such overwhelming student loan debt they have no choice but to pursue high paying jobs at the expense of their morals" are all also true
none of this absolves doctors of the truly horrendous things they say and do to patients, but it's important to acknowledge that rather than every doctor being coincidentally a bad person, there is something specific about this field and career path that gives rise to such high prevalence of ableist attitudes
and I WILL elaborate happily
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stardewed-valley · 5 months
I accidentally gifted him grass as I was planting it
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just-french-me-up · 1 year
this is a PSA for fic writers who haven't updated in a while :
there are fics out there I'm subscribed to that have gone double digit months without updating.
rest assured the moment those babies catapult an AO3 email my way i'm dropping from the face of the earth to sink my teeth into them
i'll wait, and so will your readers
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solidwater05 · 10 months
Apparently this needs to be said so
Forgetting things is morally neutral! Memory issues are morally neutral!
You're not a bad person if you...
forget things quickly
forget people
can't remember entire stages of your life
can't remember important things
can remember some things very well and forget other things all the time
can't remember things (or anything!) about your interests
forget to eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, etc
forget to reply to texts
remember things and immediately forget them again
can't remember birthdays, events, etc
frequently answer 'I forgot' to questions
can't retain new information
forget things you used to know
only remember things when it's too late
have vague, distorted and/or unreliable memories
depend on others to know how an event you were in played out
have other symptoms that are worsened by memory issues and vice versa
... and anything else I might have missed!
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mightaswelljxmp · 4 months
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hm ok so interestingly, bdubs’s courthouse is built on an odd number of blocks. note the roof of the facade coming to a point, but more importantly, the nine pillars….
you don’t use an odd number of pillars. like ever.
let me get this out of the way first: i get why you’d build with odd numbers in minecraft. i usually do it myself, to not run into problems like double doors or two-wide pointed roofs or frustrating spacing/symmetry between decorative elements. however. to not even out the design of something so unequivocally done in every other example of columns and pillars…. fascinating implications…
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every other example guys. every other building with columns like this has an even number of them.
doing so sets the line of symmetry at an invisible point between two pillars, an even number on each side. but an odd total number of pillars makes the central pillar itself the line of symmetry. this does a couple things.
one, it upends the sense of community and equality. which i know sounds crazy, but really, a group of columns are all put there to hold up a structure. there’s no focus on one because they are all are working as supports.
symbolically, at least when first used in ancient greece, pillars represented people. and it makes sense for courthouses, especially, to want to show an even, fair, equal number of people on each side. no focus on any one, no inherent bias right off the bat just looking at it.
with an odd number of pillars, though, one will always be placed front and center.
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and THEN. and then you walk in the courtroom itself (also odd-numbered blocks) and you are immediately opposite the judge, bdubs, located exactly centrally. and true, courtrooms are often set up like this anyway. but bdubs ups the ante and reaffirms that no, focus is on him by staging it all as a daytime court show, boom mic just over his head, cameras pointed in, spotlights on him.
literally by design, it was not built for justice. it’s built for show, for entertainment. and just look at the credits to know exactly what sort of message you’re supposed to be getting from this show.
the biblical story he used, with king solomon. it’s about king solomon. isn’t really about the trial itself, or the babies, or the women. it’s about showing (off) how wise and just he is. that’s the point. hm. interesting.
now, getting to the second point that etho also picked up on: it feels like a prison.
it’s not just the color palette. when your eyes naturally draw to the center point, you aren’t seeing an open space. instead of feeling like an arch or gateway or otherwise some kind of opening, the pillar there makes it feel closed off. the overall effect is that of prison bars. not pillars lining the entrance to a place of order or a temple. bars of a cage, a cell.
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imagine the lincoln memorial were set up with 11 or 13 pillars. he’d look so much more trapped in there.
having a central pillar blocks the entrance. it’s not welcoming. you have to go around it; it’s immediately inconveniencing you. and when you go to leave, it’s there blocking you again.
this courthouse was not designed and built to be fair, nor accomodating, nor equitable, on any terms. even if unintentional, i wouldn’t call it so much coincidental as i would… subconscious.
after all, y’know. form follows function.
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triviallytrue · 5 months
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for several weeks now this tweet has been causing wars on twitter
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
starfleet ds9 crew: we only have two morally compromising options before us here... what we need is a third option
the third option:
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he's like if the trolley problem could be solved by a mentally unwell gay lizard jumping onto the trolley and blowing up the track before it got to the junction where the switch could theoretically happen
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begaycommittreason · 8 months
the absolute audacity of these kids in this episode alone is insane like annabeth just casually pickpocketing hermes, the god of thieves, and percy immediately rear ending said god’s fucking car into multiple concrete walls oh my god i love these terrors
and then grover was just happy to be there
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ktkat99 · 1 month
Slightly Crack Batfam AU
Duke, shortly after being adopted, finds an old demon summoning circle burned into the floor under a rug in one of the rooms.
That, combined with some of the literature he finds laying around, leads him to conclude that someone in his new family is secretly a demon and he starts trying to figure out who.
Could it be Bruce, the literal demon of the night?
Dick, who bends and flips effortlessly in ways no normal human could?
Jason seems the most likely, as he climbed out of his own grave, but to be fair, he'd never actually seen Tim sleep.
And then there was Damian.
He never would have guessed that the demon is actually Alfred, summoned by a desperate, distraught Bruce the night of his parents' deaths.
Originally, their deal was just for Alfred to help Bruce get his revenge.
The reason he stuck around, though?
He realized he needed to make sure that Bruce and his collection of equally crazy orphans stayed OUT of the afterlife (and therefore AWAY from the throne of hell, which he has no doubt someone would eventually take) and decided to stay on as their oddly perfect butler.
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themetalhiro · 1 year
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Yeah, read it in the kitchen! That’ll show him!
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elliesproperty · 2 months
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ivalyn-rose · 2 months
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Jason's body jerked on reflex when he felt someone grab his hand. Unable to pull away he swiftly looked down to face his assailant. The curses he was going to yell died on his tongue when he saw a little kid trying to pull him somewhere by his arm.
Dumbfounded, he asked, "What are you doing?"
"I'm kidnapping you!" The kid growled, feet skidding on the ground where his ratty sneakers couldn't gain enough traction to help the poor kid. "How are you so heavy?!"
Jason, in all his 6ft and 200+ pound glory, just stared at the kid whose hands were too small to even cover one of his, what was he? Five? Jason lifted his arm taking the kid up with it. The kid looked so shocked by this and Jason took the opportunity to start asking questions, "So what did you wanna kidnap me for?"
Snapping out of his shock the kid replied with, "You are very dad shaped."
The kid seemed to realize what he said and backtracked a bit, "I don't need you to be my dad-dad just my fake dad."
That clarified things a little, "Why do you need a fake dad?"
"To avoid the foster system! I heard Gothams is really really bad and I've been living just fine on my own!" on his own?! A kid this small?! "But im pretty sure someone called the child cops or something cause people in suits keep trying to catch me or talk to me."
Aka Danny finds out hes a clone and is deaged to his actual age and is roaming around Gotham in the DC universe as a homeless farel child who keeps doing deranged things.
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