#tim drake's lost spleen
tallochar · 1 year
You know what's a missed canon opportunity, for preNew52, that we didn't get a chance to go into because of when and how they cut us off?
Tim using all his cloning experience to make himself a new spleen and having Leslie transplant it in.
Because the problem Tim was running into was not making cloning work. It was making the specific cloning make up for Kon work in a way that resulted into an actual clone.
(Should have hunted down Match, took him down and took a few bags of his blood, Tim, but I suppose that was TOO far and the cloning creepy lab wasn't)
Tim figured out cloning well enough to be on his way to clone Kon, if failing because of the difficulty inherent in cloning a kryptonian with lex luthor specifically, so he should have been able to make himself a spleen no biggie.
I know people have the 'he got himself shot in Red Robin and it was in the stomach area or thereabouts!' excuse lined up for fics where they want Tim to stay spleenless and that's a good one and I love to see it.
I just would also d love to see a fic where someone finds out Tim lost his spleen and they freak out and it goes sort of like:
"Huh? Don't worry about it, I got a new one already in."
"Did ... did you bribe someone to get you at the top of the donor's list or something?" "What? No, of course not! That would be just plain evil. Who did you take me for? Luthor?" (yes, Tim is aware of the irony of this statement, Tim is making an in-joke with himself) "I am offended that you'd think that of me."
"But then how did you get --"
"I made one with cloning tech. What, like it's hard?"
brief pause
"No okay, fair, that tracks for you."
slightly longer pause / a little bit later
"Hey, wait, was that a Legally Blonde reference? Tim? Tim! Don't grapple away from me!"
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itsflorasdiary · 1 month
missing tim rn i hope he is doing well (he isn't, he never was)
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Just posted my fic for week 28 yesterday, had to do a little catching up bc last month was hellish and there were a solid few weeks where i didn’t get more than 3-4 hours of sleep a night and fell behind a bit. So here’s a link to one of my fics i guess
cc: All Active JLA Members [[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]…]
subject: Is this kid for real?
Hey Bats, we all received this email from your kid, and.
Do we seriously have to take these?
One of mine is “Therapy: How It Can Help And Why You Need It.”
cc: All Active JLA Members [[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]…]
subject: re: Is this kid for real?
Green Arrow,
I strongly suggest that you do as he asked. For one, I have been suggesting more training for years. He also can and will follow through on his threats.
They are well-curated, effective training modules. A bit short, but very informative. I especially enjoyed “How Not To Piss Off Law Enforcement: Step One Failed, Where To Go From Here.” I believe he got the police commissioner in Gotham to help him with that one.
cc: All Active JLA Members [[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]…]
subject: re: re: Is this kid for real?
Green Arrow,
The fact that you did not read the list of names to whom you had addressed that email is precisely the sort of thing that is covered in the “Keeping Your Identity Secret” training module. Also included are things like not having the exact same very distinctive blond facial hair as your very well publicized civilian identity, and not advertising said civilian identity’s skill in archery and mixed martial arts.
Hope this helps :)
Robin III”
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junespriince · 24 days
Android heart au
Tim, who only lost a spleen: sad that monster did that to us...
Bart, who lost his arms: Kon, smack him for me.
Kon, missing a leg: on it.
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Something that will never not be funny to me is how in almost every fic I read which is Tim Drake centric, he /always/ loses his spleen. No matter if he’s a civilian in a coffee shop or a villain or any other au, there’s always some event that sneaks it in in fics.
‘DC stands for disregard canon but this one lil guy lost an organ and he has forever lost that privilege :/‘
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rosemarydisaster · 3 months
I saw a TikTok and Now I'm hooked: Duke Thomas just fucking Up severely and realizing that no one would know because it's the day shift. Even if they were awake, the other bats are doing casework from home or working their day jobs they just don't know.
I feel like Dick, Jason, Steph and Damian would have a very similar reaction to Duke and Tim. Because they're just the perfect boys that always follow daddy's rules and never get in trouble. And then somehow they find out about Tim's crazy times rescuing Bruce and are like ????
Dick: Baby bird what do you mean you lost your spleen
Tim, clearly uncomfortable:.... Exactly that?
Damian: but it's not even in you file Drake!
Tim:... I lied?
Jason and Steph: Lying to Batman is an option??!?!
Duke:... Wait you guys don't lie?
Steph: he always knows!
Steph:... Wait does that mean you're lying too?!?
Duke: no, I have never lied once in my life. Matter of fact, don't know how to lie. It's a chronic condition, very sad. Anyways why do you want to know? What are you, a cop?
Just, Duke and Tim keeping up the facade of being the good ones and their siblings going through all the stages of grief because they can't never get away with it. Also, them trying to tell Bruce and Duke just straight up gaslighting him.
Duke: there's a lot of competition here, and I'm just trying to do good Mr. Wayne, show I appreciate what you did for me. I didn't want to step on anyone's toes, and I'm not saying they're making me feel unwelcomed...well maybe a bit *sad face*
Bruce: ...
Bruce: family meeting. Now.
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rapplesart · 4 months
Random fic idea
Tim drake but instead of loosing his spleen he lost part of his leg.
Tim thought it was obvious he was missing his right leg from the knee down. It was a whole leg that was missing after all. Sure he was wearing a prosthetic made by Ra's' best people.
One he painfully earned after that crazy fucker made him fight a bunch of his assassins one legged in order to "proof himself as the true heir of the bat he saw in him" or something. So sure, the leg might be more advanced than most, and it imitated natural steps a lot easier and even made it possible to easily run without switching to a different leg. Truly it was a perfect leg be vigilante with. But he never even bothered to give it human like appearances.
But apparently the Fam didn't notice. When he returned with Bruce everyone was too reliefed to give Tim a closer look and it just never came up afterwards.
Tim thought they just didn't want to ask about it in a weird attempt of being polite or even caring. Bruce surely did enough research on how it happened on his own. The man spend the whole travel back to Gotham with Tim after all. Tim truly believed the world's greatest detective would have noticed his missing leg.
Except he didn't. Not if he interpreted the way they looked so incredibly disturbed by is nonchalant way of handlinh the boiling hot chemicals that landed on his metal leg. He just brushed it off, the battle continued and since nothing seemed to be injured no one pressed him when he said "Must've missed me after all"
Now, how do you deal with a family that didn't notice you're missing a leg? That's right you fuck with them.
First thing he did was buy himself a few more realistic looking prosthetic leg. It had to be custom made to fit his stump so it took a whole but it was a worthwhile investment.
The first one was Jason. Call it a twisted revenge for trying to kill him but Tim just really wanted him to be messed with the most. So one day when he knew it was only Jason and him on patrol he strategically set himself down to fall. Crunching some spaghettis to ass in a sickening way only to stand up and walk away as if nothing ever happened.... With his foot toned the wrong way around. Insisting on nothing being wrong and Jason being delusional whenever the older boy tried to get him to get medical treatment. He switched it up the whole evening, whenever he was out of sight he turned the fool right and wrong. Driving the guy insane.
Jason did not sleep well that night. He was also top weirded out and unsure if what he saw was real to talk about it with anyone else.
Then, he challenged dick to a flexibility contest seeing how far they han bend their knees and feet. Even Mr bones are a social construct gymnast Richard Grayson looked horrified as Tim stood there, food bend almost in half, knee twisted to the impossible and what looked lihe a bend in the middle of his leg. Dick claimed cheating except the thing that greeted him when he demanded Tim to puch up his pant leg to expose his trick was a normal looking leg. The first Robin did lots of stretches in the following weeks. His pride was hurt after all.
Finding a way to mess with Damian was a bit more difficult. The brat still made a bunch of harsh comments again and again and he really wasn't close enough with Tim to be easily gaslit. The kid was a trained assassin and was probably used to a bunch of weird shit considering everything Ra's. So Tim decided he could go a bit more gory on Robin than the others. So one night he sat in front of Damians room, in the dark hallway and waited till one of his pets passed him. Once Alfred the Cat came along he made some louder coping noise that would Definetly make the kid look out to check on his animals. It worked just as planned, Damian peeked out his door to see Tim, crosslegged and barefoot on the floor, seemingly cutting off his toe to feed the cat. In reality it was nothing more than a cat treat and carefully picked, animal safe food coloring.
The kid scremed at him, threatened to stab him, punched him real good for harming his cat and took off with said cat to find Alfred so the older man could check on the poor kitten. Of course not beforeaking sure Tim was in an adequate amount of pain on the floor, with his 'injured' food secured to the floor with another knife. Only to return with a worried Alfred on tow to see Tim, standing two whole bare feet with a confused expression and a bag of cat treats in the hall.
Tim got a broken nose for it but it surely was worth it. Especially once he quietly whispered a 'no one will ever belief you' to the kid in passing. He might have traumatised the boy a little but Tim fought it justified for all the attempted murder he suffered.
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two-sibyls-tall · 1 year
Some of My Favorite Batfam Fic Tropes
In no particular order:
 - The batfam have their own language of chirps, trills, tweets, and whistles, and they use it in front of other ppl (civilians, the jla, whatever) and the other ppl go “what the actual fuck”
 - Bruce throwing the batarang at Jason Todd’s neck actually Does Damage(TM), and eventually the other members of the family find out and lose their shit
 - “Hey Tim?” “Yeah?” “Where’s your fucking spleen :)” “Lost it.” “LOST IT??”
 - Damian calling his brothers Akhi :)
 - “How many kids do you HAVE??” -The entire Justice League
 - Jason going to Titans Tower, seeing Tim, saying “is anyone gonna parent that” and then not waiting for an answer.
 - Literal Toddler Tim Drake informing the Batfamily that yes he knows everyone’s identity, and really if you didn’t want people to figure it out you should stop showing off your extremely niche skills during patrols Nightwing.
 - “Dude your son is a crime boss.” “Ex-crime boss :/”
 - A Batfamily member hearing someone talk about their civilian identity (bc, yknow,, they’re famous) and just having to Deal With It because what the fuck else are they supposed to do??
 - The Justice League hearing about Batman and assuming he (& his family) are demons or vampires or some other cryptid, and then meeting him and finding out he’s just Some Guy.
 - The batfamily learning the origin of the name Robin
- The Justice League meeting the Batfamily and specifically learning who Red Hood is, and one of the heroes nervously asks “Didn’t the second Robin.. die?” and Jason just goes “yeah lol”
Edit // If ur seeing this original post by itself, I already posted a fic rec list related to these tropes :)
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bluerosefox · 5 months
One in the Same
So we know during the time Tim lost in spleen (his Red Robin run) and wakes ups next to the pit he almost believed he had been tossed in the Lazarus Pits.
What if
Now hear me out.
What if he actually was.
But what if instead of gaining Pit Madness, he unlocked his past life memories.
His memories of being Daniel 'Danny' Fenton and Danny Phantom.
And once the memories returned so did his ghost form and powers.
And as Tim sits at the bottom of the pits, crossing his legs and letting all his memories slide back into place he questioned what to do now. He pondered for a moment and hummed tapping a finger to his chin.
Maybe he'll play the Pit Madness card? After all Ra's chucked him in here to either turn him into a mindless rage machine he could manipulate or see what the Pits would do to a mind like Tim's. Or Tim could pretend to be a silent rage, a calm before the storm.
Well, Tim grinned his eyes glowing green as he stared at the surface of the Lazarus waters above him, he was very good at lying this life time around. After all he was Tim 'I can even lie to Batman and get away with it' Drake-Wayne and he did used to be Danny 'Commit to the bit' Fenton/Phantom.
He was going to have fun playing that fruitloop named Ra's like the cheap kazoo he was.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
How do u think they all reacted to finding out pieces of Tim’s year abroad?
Concept: he tells one person who tells everyone else, but it's like a game of telephone where the story changes over time
Tim, under his breath: ...so yeah, I lost my spleen and blew up the League of Assassins.
Cassandra: *nods*
Stephanie, gasping: No way! He sold his spleen to the League of Assassins?!?
Cassandra: *nods*
Stephanie: *whispers to Barbara*
Barbara: Moldy blue cheese in a pasta salad. No wonder he seemed so out of it.
Barbara: *whispers*
Duke: That doesn't sound like him. I'm gonna ask Jason to see if he knows.
Duke: Apparently Tim spent a year in a treehouse writing classic rock ballads.
Jason: That's the first time I'm hearing about this.
Dick: What were you and Duke talking about?
Jason: Nothing much, just how Tim went off the grid to live like a caveman for a year.
Dick: He what now—
Damian: I overheard you and Todd talking about Drake's alternative lifestyle retreat.
Dick: Well, actually—
Damian: Does Father know?
Dick: I don't think so, but—
Damian: I shall inform him.
Damian: *whispers*
Bruce: Are you sure?
Damian: My intel is never wrong.
Bruce: *barges into the Batcave*
Bruce: Timothy Jackson Drake, since when did you smoke weed?!
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nightmareglitter · 7 months
Y'all, I want a DC x Addams family AU.
Janet Drake (nee. Addams) is Gomez's cousin. She wants nothing to do with them, but she's not cruel enough to cut her son off from his family. Upon Tim's adoption by the Wayne's, the Addams' adopt the whole family. Notable quotes include:
He saw it? Baby's first deaths! (Fester to Janet, re the graysons)
He likes Bats! (Gomez to Mortica about Tim. He does not realize "Bats" refers to the heroes and not the animals)
Oh, you're stalking them? How sweet. (Mortica to Tim, age 9)
A crowbar? That's a new one, I'll add it to the list (Pugsly to Tim, age 12, re Jason's death)
While I do approve of the late night fighting, perhaps consider a more lethal weapon? I believe Wednesday has a spare spear you could borrow (Mortica to Tim, age 13)
I always forget coming back from the dead isn't really a thing for you normies (Tim, age 15, to Bruce, re Jason)
So you know those pits that Goody mentioned her aunt having? I think I found them (Tim, age 16, to Wednesday, re the lazuras pits)
My darling, how sure are we that Mr Pennyworth is not one of ours? (Gomez to Mortica)
Enid and Steph can never be allowed to meet. Ever. (Tim, age 15, to Wednesday, who wholeheartedly agrees)
You must bring your partner and your friend to the next family gathering! We can share stories about our deaths! (Gomez to Tim, age ??? timelines are weird, re Kon and Bart)
Edit: y'all I forgot about the spleen thing, how could I forget about the spleen thing
Ah, you lost your spleen, you say? We'll have to retrieve it, put it on the wall with the others (Gomez to Tim, age ??? 16 I think?)
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magnusraydar · 27 days
I need more Tim Drake going back in time AU's
I have so many ideas but no writing talent, but ik ppl on here do so ideas I need done in fics
Tim dies from something sad and horrific all alone, his last words? He's sorry he failed them, of course! His regret is so strong that he's given a second chance!
Tim goes back to being 7. Why? I think it'd be funny
Tim decides he will not physically interact with the Batfam but become "Crow," an informant that solves cases, gathers physical evidence in recordings and photos, and info about Damien, Cass, Steph and any harmful events like Ethiopia.
Tim, cuz he's a little shit, fucks with the League while he attempts to convince Talia to give Damien to Bruce, this causes Ra's to take an interest.
This interest got his computers blown up, and now there is a small grudge where Tim gets stabbed by an assassin who's sent to bring him to Ra's, Tim loses his spleen at 14 whoops.
His parents just so happen to die a week later. He fakes his uncle once again.
He does seek out Shiva to help Cass earlier, and he teaches her a few things before she's taken away (she escapes just a few weeks later to Bruce).
A quick timeline: Steal Damian (Tim is 10 and Damien is around 4), Save Jason (Tim, 12, Jason, 15), Cass (Tim is 11 and Cass is 14)
He's a full-blown vigilante by 11, and no one knows. He's been doing his stalker behaviors since 7, and now he's actually fighting crime.
He goes by Crow, but people nickname his work as "Crow's Omen"
He's figured out at 17 after Bruce is lost in time and fighting the Council of Spiders
Bruce randomly sees him watching in a tree by Wayne manor after he returns and goes, "That's my savior? Ha, more like my child, " and kidnaps him
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Thanks for listening to my rant on a feral shadow vigilante, Tim. That's so dumb and thinks the best way to save his family is to work in the shadows.
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timdrakescoffeecup · 8 months
(Updated Sometimes) Tim Drake Fanfic Masterlist
cw's will not be included, so make sure to check the tags. also might include some jason fics too
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Bang, bang by Ididloveyou_once
Tim asks Jason to teach him how to use a gun. (One shot, funny)
The Long Way Home by itsnatalie
Tim and Jason get trapped in a labyrinth that shows their worst nightmares. (Multi, angst, hurt/comfort)
like falling water by naheka
Dick crashes at Jason's place, hopped up on fear gas. (One shot, funny)
Bet on it by Lysical
Damian needs Jason's help to hide something from Bruce. (One shot, funny)
Deliver Yourself by forestgreen
Jason adopts his younger self. (Multi, angst)
Banshee In A Well by liverobinreaction (bugbee)
Tim is five years old when he drowns in his parents' pool. He dies quietly, waiting for parents who love him, but will never be there, to realise that something is wrong. They never show up, and he sinks into oblivion.
When he wakes up and claws his way out of the water, the sun has set, and the lights of his house are on. He is cold and wet and his lungs burn.
But most of all, Tim is alone. (Multi, angst)
Home by sElkieNight60
Tim forgets who he is. (Multi, angst)
Late Night Langoustining by whaleofatime
Jason adopts a lobster. (One shot, funny)
two against the world by carolinaa
While following Batman and Robin, Tim finds a puppy. (Multi, hurt/comfort)
Like a Hinge, Like a Wing by Ultrageekatlarge
Tim blackmails Batman into helping him arrest his murderous uncle. (Multi, hurt/comfort)
See Life As a Worthy Opponent by TriviasGhost
Tim goes to a universe where he never existed. (Multi, incomplete)
The Return by lurkinglurkerwholurks
What the comics neglected to cover after Bruce returns from being lost in time. (Multi, hurt/comfort)
Obedience by Sohotthateveryonedied
Something is seriously wrong with Tim—Jason just knows it. Ever since the Mad Hatter incident, Tim has been acting completely different, and the worst part is that no one believes Jason when he tells them so.
But when the truth is eventually revealed, the whole family comes to realize that the situation is far worse than anyone could have ever predicted. (One shot, angst)
To an Athlete Dying Young by SonoSvegliato
A series detailing Tim’s ascension to Robinhood, with angsty Red Hood vigilantes in the background. (Multi, angst)
Matters of the Heart by DM (Nyerus), Nyerus
Kon need's Tim's help with an investigation in Metropolis. Feelings ensue. (Multi, Timkon)
It Wasn't Real (But We Were Happy) by lurkinglurkerwholurks
“Everyone’s fine. You don’t need me anymore. I told you, Bruce. I told you I’d stay until you didn’t need me anymore.”
“I’m sorry. I stayed too long. I should have... I shouldn’t have waited so long." (Multi, angst)
occam's razor by Beatrice eagle
An in-universe reddit thread about Jason's death. (One shot, funny)
To Try, To Err, To Try Again by theLiterator
Tim knits Damian a present. (One shot, wholesome?)
let's get mischievous by CreamofTomatoSoup
Tim's friend gets possessed by Dionysius. (One shot, angst)
Whoopsie by MichaBerry
Tim forgets to tell that he lost his spleen. Oops. (One shot, angst?)
Latchkey by goldkirk
Tim Drake is thirteen, runs the famous BatWatch blog that has spiraled hilariously out of control, has absentee parents that suit his purposes just fine, is training himself to run the streets at night, and is doing absolutely peachy, thank you.
Alfred and Jason disagree, and get Dick and Bruce involved in figuring out their weird nextdoor neighbor kid’s life. Everything goes uphill from there. (Multi, hurt/comfort, this is a MUST READ for timfics)
Trouble Magnet by strikeyoucolors
"It's like you've been synchronized into passively hostile acts against Tim. Did he do something? Were you brainwashed? Because I now have a son who has been crushed, had his face broken, and been shot. All incidences of friendly fire. " (One shot, funny)
Echoes of You by SilverSkiesAtMidnight
Milk white skin beneath the mud, black hair hanging in muddy clumps around his ears. Blue eyes staring back at him, animal-bright and dilated in the brief moment before he flinches back from the light with a cry of pain that stabs through Jason to the soul. (One shot, angst)
A Simple Life by RenaRoo
Tim Drake is living a simple life in one of the worst parts of Gotham. He makes the best of it, though. He makes for himself the only life he's ever known...
He thinks. (One shot, angst)
The Wound Begins to Bleed by audreycritter
Now that Tim’s moved back to the manor, he just wants a few afternoons a week without Damian around.
Funny how getting that was the catalyst for him becoming a better big brother. (One shot, brotherly bonding)
Hey, Lawman! by dinolaur
Tim goes MIA during lunch. (One shot, funny)
Gotham Banksy by LananiA3O
After finding out that he remains unavenged, Jason returns to Gotham, but instead of deciding to kill Bruce, he decides to channel his rage into a more creative endeavor: spray-painting Gotham until the message is loud and clear to everyone: fuck Batman. (Multi, angst)
Breaking News: Local Teen Given Intervention For Normal Behaviour by yellowrooster
Tim ends up in an alternate dimension where he's considered a drug addict. (One shot, funny)
Bay Through Hell by GordandV
Tim is mermaid. (Multi, AU)
Hot Dog, French Fries by eggmacguffin
Damian tries to hide that he's been hit with a truth serum. (One shot, hurt/comfort)
What happens in Vegas by Ididloveyou_once
Tim and Kon get married in Vegas, while drunk. (Multi, timkon)
Quarter past midnight by Aaren
Instead of being found by Talia after crawling out of his grave, Jason becomes a nurse. (Multi, canon divergence)
(Un)Wanted by Mika-chan (mikarin)
Tim gets kidnapped. (One shot, hurt/comfort)
A Midafternoon Beetdown by whaleofatime
Jason cosplays as a organic farmer. (One shot, funny)
Liminal Space by Calamityjim
Bruce's habit of collecting strays isn't limited by dimension. (Multi, hurt/comfort)
Can't Stay Down (a Documentary) by SonoSvegliato
Tim gets his tonsils removed. (Multi, funny)
Surveillance by smilebackwards
Tim is a civilian who contributes to crime fighting by taking surveillance photos and leaving them on the desktop of the Batcomputer. (Multi, found family)
Chemistry of a Car Crash by anthologia
Tim gets into a car crash. (One shot, hurt/comfort)
Bet It all On Red by centreoftheselights
Instead of becoming enemies, Robin and Red Hood form an alliance. (One shot series, canon divergence)
False Dichotomy by heartslogos
Red Hood calls Red Robin's bandoliers "super convenient idiot handles". (One shot)
don't take you guns to town by kreestar
batman comes home from a night patrolling to find a 10 year old jason todd waiting for him in his kitchen. across gotham, at the same time, red hood is stopped by a 25 year old bruce wayne. (One shot, angst)
Stubborn by audreycritter
When your butler mom calls and says, "Go check on your brother," you don't argue. You just do it. (Multi, sickfic)
I'm Just Fine by girlgeekjf
After rescuing a group of kidnapped children, Tim reflects on what he could’ve done better. (One shot, hurt/comfort)
A Christmas Miracle by Mithen
Damian and Dick go undercover to bust a child-kidnapping ring whose members dress up as Santa Claus. (One shot, funny)
Confidence Lost by C_R_Scott
Everything about Neal Caffrey’s past prior to his 18th birthday is a mystery, even to him. However, when someone unexpectedly recognizes him by a name that he has never used as an alias before, he learns that the biggest con of his life is literally his life. (or, tim is neal caffrey from white collar) (multi, crossover)
Exit Wounds by incogneat_oh
Did you hear this one? A vigilante walks into a warehouse and kills the joker. (One shot, angst)
If the Sky Comes Falling Down (For You) by lurkinglurkerwholurks
Five times Jason saved his siblings, and one time they saved him. (Multi, hurt/comfort)
Normally People Pass Out After by WriterfromGotham
Tim donates blood. (One shot, angst and fluff)
In Living Memory by DangerBeckett
Jason remembers why he stays out of other people's business. (One shot, angst)
Set My Mind To Wandering by Tabithian
Tim goes on a vacation. (One shot series, angst)
A Little Bit of Sunshine, A Little Bit of Rain by ohwhatevrewhatevr
For once, Tim is happy with his life. (One shot, fluff?)
American Ninja Worrier by DangerBeckett
Tim hires a ninja intern. Jason becomes concerned. (One shot, funny)
The Wrong Boy is Breathing by heartslogos
Tim visits Jason's grave all the time. (One shot, angst)
Jason Todd: The Not-So-Outlaw by GoAwayOlivia
Jason Todd isn't what Batman made him, he isn't what the Joker made him, he isn't what the League of Assassins made him, and he isn't what the Lazarus Pit made him. He's his own person and he's taking himself back, one home renovation at a time. Also he might just make friends with the people who are supposed to be his brothers while he's at it. (Multi, hurt/comfort)
The Art of Conversation by glassgoblin
Robin needs to talk to a friend, but everyone is a little busy. (One shot, angst)
Road Rage Robin by heartslogos
"I’d be doing humanity a favor.” Tim grinds out, “And I would get away with it. I could totally get away with it. I’ve done worse.“ (One shot, funny)
How to be a male Batgirl by Blackjay27
There are many ways to help Batman and Robin, but no matter which universe he's in, Tim's method will always end with him in a costume on Gotham's rooftops. (Multi, canon divergence)
I Saw Grayson Kissing Santa Claus by pupeez4eva
It’s Christmas time, and Damian is on a mission - to stop this ‘Santa Claus’ fellow from molesting his older brother. (Multi, funny) (this fic is so funny it made me cackle out loud)
Favourite Strangers by SpiritsFlame
It's been six months since Bruce's actions led to the death of Superman. (One shot, crossover with the movies?)
show me yesterday, for i can't find today by indent
Then: The year is 2013. Jason Todd is alive, fourteen years old, and about to follow Sheila Haywood, his birth mother, into the hands of the Joker. All he wants is to save her life.
Now: The year is 2018. Jason Todd was dead. But now he's a nineteen year old vigilante about to take down the latest C-Lister rogue. Unfortunately for him, its a rogue that specialises in time-travel technology. And what starts as an easy takedown...ends as a time travelling phenomenon.
The two Jasons swap places. (Multi, hurt/comfort)
Retrograde Motion by Lysical
All Jason wanted was a case that was simple, clean, and far away from the latest mess in Gotham. Magic wasn't the Outlaws' area of expertise, but they soon found themselves investigating a dark wizard with a penchant for organ harvesting.
When an accident on the case leaves Jason as a clueless seven year old with a memory that's spotty at best, what else can his team do but go to his family for help? (Multi, hurt/comfort?)
anglerfish by envysparkler
Robin was having a horrible night even before the Red Hood showed up. (One shot, angst)
Tso'ape Mumbichi by keeptogethernow
Tim is Talon. (Multi, AU)
Kodokuno Shoujo (A Lonely Girl) by C_R_Scott
A tale of two Robins wrapped up in an Asian-style horror story. Tim Drake goes to Japan for business, both for Wayne Enterprises and Batman Incorporated. However, when he returns to Gotham City, it's Damian Wayne who discovers he brought along more from his trip overseas than just his luggage and mission report. (Multi, horror)
at me, too, someone is looking by bacondoughnut
Dick Grayson knows he's got problems when the Red Hood's busted leg somehow becomes his concern. (Multi, hurt/comfort)
Help by Loxare
Jason never went to Gotham after he emerged from the Lazarus Pit. Instead, he went to Bludhaven to begin his reign of terror. (Or Jason adopts all the children of Bludhaven.) (Multi, fluff)
Lean on me by Musingsofthesky
Tim just wants to hang out with Bruce. Too bad his cold has other plans. (One shot, sickfic)
The Ol' Switcheroo by AutumnHobbit
Damian takes a bullet for Tim. (One shot, angst)
Meant to be by protagonistically
Tim takes a bullet for Bruce. (One shot, angst)
Juneberries by MichaBerry
When Tim is taken, Damian has to come to terms with his own insecurities, and how he really feels towards his older 'brother'. When he does, it might be too late. (Multi, angst)
though the sun continues to stand by metropolisjournal (TKodami)
Tim in the movie universe. (Multi, angst)
The Time We've Got by DawnsEternalLight
While on an emergency Redbull run, Tim tries to talk to his adopted father. (One shot, fluff)
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 2 months
Does Tim still has his spleen? If so, would he lose it in this timeline?
So far in Drakes Spoiled Brat- Tim has not lost his spleen, nor do I plan on him doing so- b u t I dont plan many details.
I'll say a strong "To be determined" but more in logistics than me being purposefully vauge/cryptic
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ditzyredrobin · 3 months
Tim Drake (The Spleen-Less Wonder)
My second Bad Things Happen square in as many days because I can’t control myself. 😅
Prompt: Bundled Up in Blankets
“Jason, put me down, now!” Tim snaps, trying to wrestle his way out of the blanket burrito he is currently rolled into. He’s currently slung over his shoulders in a fireman’s carry and pissed.
Well, beyond pissed.
Pissed doesn’t even begin to encapsulate the raging fury he’s currently feeling, being carried around like an oversized toddler. He kicks hard at Jason’s chest with his slippered feet, trying to gain some leverage to escape.
Jason isn’t even phased at his wriggling and kicking, he just keeps walking up the driveway. “What did I tell you, kid? Fuck around and find out.”
“It’s not that big a deal, seriously. It’s just a cold.”
It was. He hadn’t even broken 101 degrees yet which was barely even a fever and a total win in his book. If he was careful and took his antibiotics (which he had been, there was a timer set in his phone and everything) it would go away in no time.
“Like I said, you fucked around and now you’re going to find out. You could have stayed home but nooo. Tim Drake, the spleen-less fucking wonder, decided tonight was as good a night as any to hit the streets, never mind the sleet and windchill.” Jason mocks deadpan, renewing his grip. “Suck it up, buttercup. You did this to yourself. Deal with it.”
Tim rolls his eyes, “It’s Wayne.”
Jason pushes right through the front door to the manor without knocking. “What is?”
“My name. It’s not Drake, it’s Wayne.”
When he had been adopted, he’d officially become a Wayne. When he had taken over as CEO of Wayne enterprises after Batman had been lost in time, it only renewed that belief. He was a Wayne through and through and if the tabloids caught wind of his being carted around by strange men, he was going to have to send his publicist an apology bouquet again. And maybe a bottle of wine.
As much as Damian may have been opposed to it, he was a Wayne.
“Always a dramatic little shit,” Jason muttered under his breath. “Look, I don’t give a fuck if you’re a Drake or a Wayne or something else entirely. What I do give a fuck about is someone ruining the lead I’ve been working for over a month because he decided not to stay in bed like he was supposed to.”
“And I’m the one being dramatic?”
“Yeah, you are. You know, I’m really glad you’re finally taking the time to self reflect. You should try journaling or some shit when you’re feeling big feelings instead of passing out and nearly braining yourself.”
Really, it hadn’t been that bad. He just needed a minute to sit and then he would have been fine. If Jason hadn’t overreacted, he would not have almost lost his lead.
“I did not. I’m fine. Now can you put me down?”
“You passed right the fuck out, Replacement. That sounds pretty bad to me.” Jason says but doesn’t budge.
“Did not.”
“Did to.”
Tim groans, giving one last weak kick. This was getting him nowhere fast other than wanting his bed. The DayQuil and Red Bull were starting to wear off and the drowsiness was setting in again to bone deep exhaustion. The kind that makes him want to curl up for the next 24 hours and just sleep.
Not an option, unfortunately. He had a board meeting in just over six hours. If he manages to go to bed right now, he should still have time to get in a couple of hours of sleep before he needs to get ready.
“Bruce! Get out here and take care of your belongings.” Jason calls into the otherwise silent manor. It was just after six am meaning Bruce wouldn’t have been in bed for very long.
Tim grimaced at the way Jason’s voice echoed through the halls. If Jason’s complete disregard for the alarm didn’t wake him up, his shouting definitely did. “You really don’t have to do this.” He beds quietly, like that would help matters at all.
One could hope.
“Like hell I don’t.” Jason’s snaps back and opens his mouth like he’s going to yell again when Bruce comes running around the corner.
His eyes are panicked and he’s dressed in a robe, the tie is caddywhampus, and honest to god fuzzy bunny slippers. “Jay, what's wrong?” It takes him a long moment to process what he’s holding. “Is that-?”
“Yours.” Jason finishes, meeting Bruce half way. Without warning, he dumps Tim unceremoniously off his shoulders, earning him an indignant squawk.
If it had been anyone other than Bruce, Tim would have worried, bundled up so tight, he couldn’t stop himself before he hit the ground. But this was Bruce after all.
He caught Tim swiftly before he hit the ground, cradling to his chest. “Tim? What’s going on?”
Jason rolls his eyes, crossing his arms. “Next time, take care of your little birds, or I’m not giving them back. We don’t have any more mishaps do we?”
Bruce grimaces, tightening his grip on Tim, pulling him in just a little closer. “What happened? I thought he was supposed to be in bed last night.”
“He’s here too, you know.” Tim uttered but neither Bruce or Jason didn’t acknowledge him.
“Apparently someone failed to tell him that because one minute he was being an annoying little shit and the next he tried to pass the fuck out in the middle of an op. One I’ve been working for months, mind you.” Jason says. “All I know is if he fucks up like that again, it’ll be on your head. Capeesh?”
Bruce nods solemnly, looking pained. “Thank you for bringing him home.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, don’t mention it.” Jason says, trying to sound annoyed but there was a fondness in his voice. “Seriously, don’t mention it. Just do better. The kid is an idiot with the self preservation skills of a wet paper bag.”
Bruce sighs, “I’ll make sure he’s taken care of.” And in a small voice adds, “You know you can stay too. You’re welcome home anytime, Jaylad. Alfred misses you, I miss you.”
“You know this isn’t my home, Bruce. I only came back for the kid.” Jason turns back to the door.
“Maybe so but Alfred is making pot roast on Sunday.”
Jason freezes for a moment. “I’ll…think about it.”
Bruce smiles softly, “I look forward to it. Goodnight, son.”
Jason waves him off and leaves, closing the front door behind him, muttering under his breath. Something about Tim and Bruce not being his dad and roast beef sandwiches.
With Jason gone, the entirety of Bruce’s attention is turned to Tim, examining him with big, blue eyes and a kicked-puppy look. “Did you really almost faint? Be honest with me.”
Tim looks away, feeling his cheeks flush. “Maybe? It really wasn’t that bad. I’m just tired.”
Bruce sighs again (because his sons will be the death of him) and starts towards the cave. “You could have gotten seriously injured if Jason wasn’t there.”
“I know.”
He did. There was just so much to do, he didn’t have time to sit down and rest like a civilian. Crime was an ever present entity—if he didn’t help, people were injured and bodies of the innocent filled the morgues. The bodies of good people with lives and hopes and families and dreams.
What use was he if he couldn’t help?
“Do you, Tim? What would’ve happened if you were by yourself? What if your cold gets worse or turns into pneumonia again?”
“I know,” he says again in a small voice.
He really, truly did, but crime stopped for no one.
Bruce’s sighs exasperated, “You’re benched and staying here until you’re better where Alfred and I can monitor you.”
No, no, no, no, no! He can’t—he won’t.
“You can’t, please, I can’t.” Tim begs.
“You can and you will. I will also be handling the board meeting that mysteriously disappeared from my calendar.” Bruce says, giving him a knowing look.
Tim grimaces, “You noticed?”
“I noticed.” Bruce confirms.
He’s Batman. Of course he noticed.
“And there’s no way I can convince you to change your mind?”
Bruce shakes his head, carrying him not back up the stairs to his room, but the clock and the cave. “Not a chance, bud.”
There was no escaping now, not when Bruce’s mind was made up. If they were heading to the cave, where Alfred must have already been waiting, no doubt with an endless supply of warm blankets and IV fluids. He was sure there would be chicken soup later when it was closer to any normal person's time of day.
Tim leans his head back against Bruce—his father’s—shoulder, letting his eyes shut. “I’m sorry.” It’s a small thing but Bruce hears him and hugs him a little closer.
“I know you are. Let’s get you to bed and later we’ll have a long conversation about self care and boundaries, okay?”
“Okay,” he agrees, already half asleep. He didn’t want to but it was unavoidable. Now he would focus on the gentle sway as he walked, the thrum of his heart in his chest. “Hey dad?”
“Hm? What's up, champ?”
“I love you.”
Bruce chuckles and presses a kiss to the top of his hair. “I love you, too.”
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this is probably SO niche but i love creating scar maps.
if you don’t know what a scar map is; basically you take a character and figure out where all their scars would be. these are usually from canon events BUT you can ofc headcanon scars. for example: tim drake would have a scar from where he lost his spleen.
now i would LOVE to create ones for the batfamily but due to my limited access to comics (😔) and limited free time, i can’t just go through and find all major physical injuries.
if anyone has a list or knows where one is on the internet please let me know!! i’ve been craving to do this since i got into the fandom.
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