#It's a live action Titans
robinhuntr · 7 days
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The day we get a titans series with the fab five (and bumble bee!) may be the best day of my life.
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angelshizuka · 19 days
Would you call Rose a cheater for what she did with Jack on the Titanic while being engaged the whole time? No, right? Good, now you should understand why I don't consider Stolas a cheater just because of what happened with Blitz.
Trying to find love and happiness with a different person while you're literally stuck in a loveless arranged marriage/engagement with an abuser is not the same thing as cheating. I hate cheating as much as the next person, but imagine hating it so much you'd rather side with the abuser.
The only real difference HB has is that the "cheater" is a man and the abuser is a woman. So, just admit you have the twisted believe women can't be abusive (to men) and go. You're doing more harm than good to feminism if you genuinely believe women can't be bad people even when they commit the same crimes you'd hunt down men for (sincerely a woman).
I wanna bet my entire ass that if Stolas and Stella's situation was entirely the same with the literal only change being swapped genders, every single Stella defender and Stolas hater would be a Stolas defender and Stella hater instead.
Y'all people aren't even trying to be subtle.
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stardust948 · 7 months
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S c a r v e s
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2012 Leo would watch anime with MM Donnie
2012 Donnie & MM Leo, 2012 Raph & mm Mikey
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toulousewayne · 10 days
Batfam Shenanigans Headcannons: Pt 6
When the League first took shape it was understood they should anyone need assistance in their own personal cities that someone would respond. By this point Superman and Batman had teamed up the most so it was understood that Batman Could work with others in Gotham he just prefer to bleed out first.
The first time the league met Robin it was kinda surprising. Batman entered the Watchtower and the League noticed the traffic signal dressed boy behind him.
“Spooky, whatcha got there?” Hal raised a brow.
“A dark Roast.” He drank his coffee.
“He meant the boy Bats.” Barry clarifies.
“I’m Robin.”
“Can you play games with your ring Mr. Lantern?” He beamed.
“We can keep him.” Hal replied.
The first time Green Arrow and Black Canary visited the cave they were met the a excited Robin who was happy that Batman let someone visit. Batman didn’t share the excitement.
During a mission Wonder Woman, Flash, and Hawkgirl visit the cave and come across the little gremlin that is Robin.
“Hello child, where is Bruce?” Diana beamed at the child. Dick munching on a cookie points behind him to Bruce hunched over at the Batcomputer. The group walk to him and he’s covered in bandages.
“You look like crap.” Diana pokes his side.
“I fought Bane and was thrown off the rooftop. But thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Is there more cookies?” Flash asks.
A few years later when Batgirl joins Bruce, she’s immediately taken in by Dinah.
“Right hook.”
“Remember your center don’t expose yourself to an opponent.” Dinah calls out to Batgirl.
“You’re a great teacher Dinah.”
“Very kind, but we still have much work to do little Bat. Are you up for it?”
“Bring it.”
It’s comical how some of the Robin will just appear out of thin air. Hal walks into his room to find Robin (Tim) studying the Lantern battery. “Lost kid?”
“…you bats always like this?”
“Like what?”
Clark doesn’t notice a Robin clinging to his leg like a baby kola bear.
“Uncle Clark can we get—“
“Ahhhhh, oh it’s just you.”
“You didn’t know I was here?” Dick looks up at him.
“Sorry, kiddo. I’m think we should get you a bell.”
“So, the bag of heads. Were they real?” Barry asks between bits of chili dog.
“…I was a little theatrical back then.” Red Hood hums.
“But they were fake, right?”
Ollie can’t go five feet with other Spoiler and Black Bat following him like shadows.
“I don’t know if I’m supposed to be honored or terrified.”
“Both.” Cass replies.
“Father says you come from Mars, I’ve been told your people were intelligent and superior race. I wish to learn about your home planet.”
“Very well.” J’onn nods at Robin.
The Question enters his room to find his last three unsolved cases, solved and a fresh cup of coffee. He knows it’s the third Robin. He would always sneak off and go over clues with him while Batman was busy with the others.
HawkGirl and Spoiler love sparring together. They both find it entertaining watching the other women push herself and learn from one another.
Bart and Konner are the least bit surprised to find Tim at the computer screen in the exact same spot. They spend the next forty minutes trying to get Tim to take a break because he hasn’t blink once since they left him to go watch Jon’s baseball game.
Damian and Jason spend every Sunday together. It’s actually funny because Damian will agree to plans with Dick or Jon and cancel last minute because he and Jason are reading the next several chapters of a novel and munching on Cinnamon rolls Jason baked that day. Alfred the cat is invited too.
Sometimes Cass likes to keep tabs on her family, she has been known to scare the Justice League by watching Batman from the shadows. She enjoys scaring Superman the most. Bruce enjoys this too.
Donna and Wally are Dick’s emergency contacts. Bruce finds this a little hurtful but doesn’t question it. Donna is also Dick’s Power of Attorney incase someone needs to handle important matters for him should he be unable to do so.
Out of all of Dick’s OG team Damian likes Garth the best.
Starfire and Babs had a rocky start to the relationship but no the two are thick as thieves. They go to little shops together and movies. And they truly do have a sisterly bond, Kori will berate stores for not including wheelchair access and providing disabled bathrooms. Barbara has had break two guys hands from trying to get fresh while Kori was clothes shopping. The two even have weekly movie nights at the Clocktower.
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awakefor48hours · 11 months
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korraofthereef · 2 months
*sighs dreamily* I love dick.
dick grayson
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garciajey · 7 months
King has a similar backstory to Aang
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yuriinadress · 1 year
Tim deciding that he'll just commute every day from Metropolis to Gotham because he wants to live with his boyfriend and still be Robin is honestly such a Tim move of him
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liivzen · 10 months
I have to be some kind of idiot or something. I’ve had ao3 for like at least 3-4 years now and I just am not finding good fics. I use the filtering system and everything and I am not finding these like long ass fics that some of yall find. At best I might find one that’s like a few chapters and is like 20k words but I just dunno what I’m doing wrong. Plz help 🫠
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romancemedia · 9 months
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sweethotspot · 6 months
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Okay, but Anna Diop, as Starfire, was one of the best decisions DC made.
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selinascatnip · 2 years
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EVERY single episode in this season so far he has pulled a Fred Jones, and as we used to say in Olde Tumblr: I've lost the ability to can 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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daydreamvalley · 7 months
The ATLA to anime pipeline must be investigated.
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toulousewayne · 1 year
Batfamily Shenanigans:Head-canons Pt: 2
Dick and Tim have the most inside jokes,Jason ignores them and Damian is but jealous. But the two bonded a lot before the arrival/return of the other two.
Jason takes his little brothers to Diner’s at 2 am. Alfred would rather he do it during regular hours,but then he remembers they’re nighttime activities and is just happy he’s not trying to shoot them.
Talia before having Damian loved seeing a young Dick Grayson as Robin.He was so full of cheer and it warmed Talia’s heart, she hoped to have a son as bright as him. (She did he’s just a little shy)
Cass doesn’t have her drivers license and prefers to be passenger princess.
Duke has naturally curly hair but cuts most of the time for easier management.
Jason can mimic voices the best. He can do a pretty decent Bruce Wayne impression and it has made Bruce ask his children multiple times if he sounds like that. Alfred gets a chuckle out of it too.
The Robins most definitely play pricks on JL members who annoy their Dad, that’s there job. Hal goes to pay his bills and all his passwords have been changed, Oliver is getting dressed for a party and all his clothes are pink.
Bruce is a big baby when he’s sick. He cannot find for hisself and his family take turns caring for him. Jason makes him soup, Tim gives him medicine, Damian and Duke make him rest, The girls block him from working on cases files and Alfred makes sure he has plenty of fluids. And if that fails they call in the big guns. Diana.
Speaking of Wonder Woman, she visits the Manor every Sunday and her and Damian feed and pet his animals.
Tim,Jason and Dick all have “R” tattoos. Dick promised Damian he could get on when he turns 18, and they let Damian sketch it too.
Dick’s is on his right hip, Jason’s is on his left wrist, and Tim’s is on his right ankle.
Stephanie and Selina are tied for the most ear piercings.
Jason is the only former Robin who can drive stick currently. Dick hasn’t done it in years but probably could after a few lessons, Tim never learned, Damian can but prefers not to. Jason is currently teaching Duke and Steph and had regretted it ever since.
Alfred enjoys making lunches for everyone still. Some days he gets to make everyone lunch. He first makes Damian(PB&J with crust cut off, and cut into triangles) and Duke’s(Ham and cheese toasted sandwich with pickles slices) school lunches.
Bruce usually leaves for the office before breakfast so when Tim eventually comes downstairs Alfred will have his breakfast Togo and both their lunches. (Usually for B it’s a BLT with turkey bacon and cheese. And Tim’s is Tuna and Swiss on whole grain bread.)
Dick on Tuesdays and Friday’s, sometimes Sundays spends the night the prior at the Manor. He’s usually the only home so Alfred can make whatever he wants for lunch. He’s top two favorite lunches are Janija one of the only dishes Alfred can make that tastes similar to how Dick’s Mom prepared it. And Bangers and Mash. When he first arrived he say Alfred eating this and wanted to try it. He always requests this dish,but only if he can eat it with Alfred.
Jason likes either Club subs or a simple pasta with fresh spinach and a cream sauce.
Depending on the day Alfred will drop off lunch to the Clocktower for Barbara and the girls. Sometimes the other birds are in town and he always knows when to make extra. Most of the times me it’s wrapped sandwiches a mix of cold cuts and vegetarian options. Barbara always get turkey with cheddar, Steph gets chicken salad on a croissant bread and Cass gets ham and cheese pinwheels.
He even makes weekly meals and drops them off for the Titans and Young Justice. Seeing as most of them cannot cook. He packs extra knowing their speedsters on each time. Looking at you Wally and Bart. They’re all just grateful they don’t have to eat Pizza or Big Belly Burger for a few nights. Dick enjoys when Alfred visits and so does Kory. Tim and his friends are over the moon to have Alfred visit them too, and Bart even makes request for his next meal.
The league even gets random lunch. They return from training and find fresh out meals at the sits. Batman just shrugs but Superman and Wonder Woman make him call Alfred so he can be thanked.
Sunday’s are days that’s it mandatory for everyone to come for dinner. Once a Month several members are the League are expected to come for dinner and everyone better be on their best behavior.No wants an angry butler, so everyone always attends.
Jason and Duke are the only people allowed to help with preparing food, Dick isn’t allowed because he sampled everything to the point he’s eaten half of the dish. Tim and Damian are assigned to setting the table. And Bruce must stay either in the living room or dinning room if Alfred even hears the grandfather clock tick he’s going to skin a bat.
Cass enjoys getting ingredients from the fridge and pantry for them. And Stephanie is on Bruce Watch, if he moves she sprays him with water like a misbehaving kitten.
Most the the time Barbara is greeting the guests and depending on is Stephanie is needed to help bring the food out Barbara will have Bruce greet everyone with her. She especially makes him greet Green Arrow and Green Lantern.
Sometimes Alfred asks other to bring dishes for a potluck.Clark will usually bring Jon,Lois and Conner with him and he’ll bring pies. Diana always bring Donna. Usually they bring wines and vegetables.Ollie and Dinah usually are late but the bring brownies and cobbler, Roy and Lian bring meatballs, Hal brings beer and he’s makes a mean Mac and cheese on his smoker, Barry and Iris bring sodas, Arthur provides fresh fish, and J’onn brings a tasty and beautiful charcuterie board.
It’s a blast and all the kids have fun too with their friends and Alfred swears he sees Bruce double over laughing at Hal and Barry fighting for the last brownie.
All in all the butler that would take on the entire League of Doom himself enjoys making food for his family and spending with them too.
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marosina · 2 months
Remember when they just straight up spoiled the ending of Attack on Titan in 2015 with this song
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