#Source: The Big Bang Theory
incorrectbatfam · 4 months
Jason: I'd like to address Dick's's annoying personal habits.
Dick: Oh my God! What personal habits?
Jason: I have a list. FYI, overuse of the phrase "Oh my God" is number twelve.
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Ahsoka, about Anakin: What’s wrong with him?
Obi-Wan: Everyone has a different theory.
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raphael-angele · 7 months
Solangelo Sleepover (feat Percy cuz it's his turn to babysit)
Nico: Hey, I found something
Percy: What is it?
Nico: Oh, just Will in a campus personality pageant
Percy: WHAT?!
Will: *tries to snatch away the tablet*
Percy: PLAY IT!
7 year old Will wearing a cowboy hat very sparkly gold tuxedo: Hi, I'm William Andrew Solace from Austin, Texas!
Nico, laughing: You look like neon yellow highlighter!!
Baby Will: And you should pick me for Mr Campus because *sings and dance* I am your sunshine. Your only sunshine. I make you happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away! *smiles*
Nico, to Will: Why did you never tell us you were in beauty pageants?!
Will: Cuz it's embarrassing
Nico, laughing: It is, it really is
Will: Yeah, well, Percy writes Studio Ghibli fanfiction about himself and Annabeth and posts it on the internet
Nico: (º〇º) ... (⚆⩌⚆)...no..
Percy: WHY?! WHAT DID I DO?!
Will: I'm sorry, I had to get the spotlight off me and tearing down other people was part of my pageant training.
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daddiesdrarryy · 1 year
Sirius: It’s Reggie, he says they’re running late. Harry threw up on James and then James threw up on James
Remus: Well, he didn’t throw up on the baby. That’s a win
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Farmer: That's it? One thing doesn't go your way and your solution is to give up?
Shane: I'm not giving up!
Shane: But, on an unrelated note, i'm never leaving my bed again.
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Jake: *after meeting Y/N for the first time* Our children will be smart and beautiful
Bradley: Not to mention imaginary
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gothamundernightlight · 11 months
Incorrect Batfam Quotes
*Dick is drunk and uncooperative
Dick: I have a secret.
Jason: What secret?
Dick: I wouldn’t tell you the secret! Shhh!
Jason: What secret? Tell me the secret!
Dick: Alfred smokes in the car. Jesus is okay with it, but we can’t tell Bruce!
Jason: Not that secret, the other secret!
Dick: I’m Batman!
Jason: Oh my god, you aren’t!
Dick: I WAS!!!
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James: Padfoot made it very clear that my allegiance should be to male comrades before women who sell their bodies for money.
Remus: ...Is it possible he actually said, "bros before hoes"?
James: Yes, but I rephrased it to avoid offending the hoes.
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Daphne: How do you feel about children?
Eloise: They’re okay, I guess. I mean, if I saw one, I wouldn’t throw a rock at it.
Daphne: Wh-why would you throw a rock at a child?!
Eloise: I just said I wouldn’t!
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tupayapsina · 5 months
[finding a lost dog]
Ruby: I think he looks like someone's pet. Maybe we should put up posters
Weiss: Yeah, it should have a big picture of him and the words "Is this your dog? Not anymore."
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niiwa-angel · 6 months
Superman, sitting down at the Watchtower Cafe table: I'm worried about Batman.
Green Lantern: we're all a little worried about Batman.
Superman: No I mean, since Nightwing moved out for college.
Aquaman: Oh, I thought you were just making a generalization.
Flash: yeah like, I'm worried about Batman someday setting off a low yield nuclear device because the cafeteria ran out of lime jello.
Superman: I think Batman really misses Nightwing.
Green Lantern, leaning over to Aquaman: lend him Garth for the weekend.
Superman: he got a cat to keep him company.
Flash: you're kidding.
Superman: he takes it everywhere. To bed, to the bathroom-
Flash: he takes the kitty to the potty?
Aquaman, to Flash: Dude, we talked about this.
Batman, walks by the cafeteria table holding a cat.
Batman: gentlemen.
All, awkwardly: hey.
Green Lantern: Batsy, you gonna introduce us to your little friend?
Batman: apologies. Gentlemen I'd like you to meet Dr. Robert Oppenheimer.
Flash, Green Lantern, and Aquaman: hi, hello.
Batman: now if you'll excuse me, the father of the atomic bomb wants a saucer of milk.
Exit Batman and Dr. Robert Oppenheimer.
Green Lantern: Okay, I get it we're worried about Batman
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incorrectbatfam · 9 months
[finding a lost dog]
Jon: I think he looks like someone’s pet. Maybe we should put up posters.
Damian: Yeah, it should have a big picture of him and the words "Is this your dog? Not anymore."
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Anakin: *causes an explosion*
Ahsoka: Aren’t you gonna ask?
Obi-Wan: What is this, my first day?
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mamaspidershit · 3 months
Peter: How do you feel about children? Natasha: They’re okay, I guess. I mean if I saw one, I wouldn’t throw a rock at it. Peter: Why would you throw a rock at a child?! Natasha: I just said I wouldn’t??
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natashasnoodle · 2 years
Wanda: Are you upset you don’t get to be on the same team as Yelena?
Natasha: Have you ever played a game with Yelena?
Wanda: No…
Natasha: Have you ever been trapped in a cage with a wolverine?
Wanda, staring wide-eyed: Are you gonna help your girlfriend?
Natasha, shrugging: She'll be fine
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mackerel22 · 6 months
Dazai: Last night I had a dream that you and I bought matching side by side mansions.
Dazai: But there was a secret tunnel connecting your front yard to my back yard.
Dazai: What do you think it means?
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