#alpha Bruce wayne
sansypansy · 11 months
"He'll always choose me over you."
Dick was prepared for the right hook Bruce delivered. He wasn't, however, prepared for the sheer force put into the punch.
"Shit, Bruce." He spat out the metallic taste on his tongue. "I thought you said this was just a spar."
"It is a spar."
"Then why does it feel like you're just using me as a punching bag?"
The two alphas circled each other slowly on the mat. Dick had lost track of how much time had passed since they'd begun. All he knew was the way Bruce was acting made Dick's hackles rise and triggered his furious instincts.
"You're overthinking it," Bruce countered. "You're just a bit out of shape. Try harder."
He lunged with another punch ready, but this time Dick blocked him and locked them in position to snarl in Bruce's face.
"You forget I'm a master at dealing with your bullshit."
Dick slammed his knee into Bruce's gut then delivered a hit to the chest with his elbow. He finished off with a backflip kick and landed gracefully a good distance away from the older alpha.
"This about Damian asking me to share his heats, isn't it?"
Bruce growled. Jackpot.
Dick huffed ironically, lips forming a condescending smirk.
"God, you're such a manchild. It's not my fault I treated him so good the first time. Sounds like a skill issue."
It was a taunt. Dick knew why Damian came to him - they had a special emotional bond. Dami trusted him.
And one day, Dick hoped it would become more.
Bruce didn't have that with Damian, and Dick knew the man was jealous. He was Damian's Batman first, and Bruce couldn't take that away from them.
He wouldn't let him.
Dick was ready to block the right hook this time.
"He's my Pack Omega," Bruce grunted in his Batman voice. "You're attempting to take a position that should not be yours."
"Yeah well that doesn't make you his alpha either!" Dick growled, flashing his fangs. "The Pack Omega made his choice and not even you can contest it."
The spar turned into a full blown fight as Bruce grew more aggressive with his punches and Dick pulled all the stops to taunt and push back as much as possible. This was personal, now.
"Even if you win, it still won't change anything," Dick spat. "Damian will always choose me, not you."
"If I win, you will stop playing mates with my omega."
"He's not yours! He's mine!"
Both alphas froze mid-fight as their heads snapped toward the direction of the shout. Damian stood on the cave's railing, scent reeking of fury and indignation.
"Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves." He scoffed. "I am not a prize for you to act like immature children who do not want to share their toys! I am a person with my own feelings, you foolish alphas!"
"Dami, that's not--" Dick fumbled, but was promptly cut off.
"Save it, Grayson. I had expected better from you, especially when I chose you to help me through my heats. But it seems to me that my judgement was poorly placed."
Damian glared at the Pack Alpha with the same intensity.
"Neither of you are stepping foot in my nest this cycle."
Bruce and Dick exploded in protests, but Damian merely dismissed them with a growl.
"I have other alphas to give that privilege. I'm sure Drake or Todd wouldn't be too opposed. They've been sniffing after me for a while now."
He turned on his heels, tossing them a cold glance.
"I hope this will be an enlightening moment for you both."
With that, the Pack Omega strutted away, leaving behind two sulking and fuming alphas.
But the lesson wasn't learned, because they would blame each other for this terrible outcome for many days.
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my-km-me · 1 month
My DC One True Pairs Parallels
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krunklys · 2 months
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationship: Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne
Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Original Characters
Additional Tags: Omega Dick Grayson, Alpha Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson is Robin, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Creepy Old Guys, NO ACTUAL ASSAULT, I swear, Pack Cuddles, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Nesting, Protective Bruce Wayne, Father-Son Relationship
As he sweeps his gaze past Dick one more time, the itchiness crawls from a small annoyance to a flaming anger. There were rumors that went around about parents that he never quite believed. That they had a sixth sense for when their kid was about to fall over or hurt themselves. That they could tell when an adult was safe for their kid or not. That parents, mothers typically, have the ability to get stronger somehow when their child is in danger. He heard about an omega lifting a car off her pup despite it being overturned. These things were, of course, written away by everyone and him.
Until he sees a strange man leaning over Dick and playing with the lapel of his suit.
Day four: Protective Instinct
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charlieeenby · 6 months
just close your eyes, you'll be alright
bruce and jason deal with jason's fear of rape
warnings and tags: abo, discussions of child rape, threats of rape, time skips
title from safe & sound by taylor swift
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Jason wanted to cuddle with Alpha. He wanted Alpha to hold him and scent him. He wanted to be safe. He didn’t feel safe, he was just hot and sweaty.
It wasn’t fair. Nothing was fair.
Jason whined and buried himself further into his nest. He knew he wasn’t supposed to be in here, but it smelled like Alpha. It smelled safe.
A door opened somewhere and Jason flinched and whimpered. Alpha wasn’t here to keep him safe.
“Jason?” a voice said and Jason felt a tear run down his face. Where was Alpha? The bed shifted and the blanket that Jason had covered himself in was pulled away gently.
Then Jason could smell Alpha. He whined and looked up to see Alpha leaning over him.
“Alpha.” Jason lunged forward and into Alpha’s chest, whining.
“Pup, what’s the matter?” Alpha asked, hugging Jason.
Jason didn’t know. He just wanted Alpha.
Whining, Jason bared his throat to Alpha. Maybe if he was good and submitted to Alpha, then Alpha wouldn't leave him alone.
Alpha, shifted Jason and then laid down, curling around Jason. “Hush now, pup. You’re safe. You’re okay. I’m here, Jaylad.” a wrist brushed against Jason’s neck.
Jason sighed softly, relaxing against Alpha.
“There we go.” Alpha rumbled softly and then he started purring. Jason responded with his own puppy purr, though is sounded different now.
Jason decided to worry about that later.
Bruce watched Jason sleep, worried sick about the pup that was curled up in his arms. Bruce has assumed that Jason would be an alpha, but the sweet, vanilla smell coming from him made Bruce sure he was wrong.
Jason was only 13 years old, he was presenting years too early, though Bruce had heard of pups presenting early if they felt it would keep them safe or secure their place in their pack.
He hoped Jason felt safe here, but the idea that Jason might have presented early because he didn’t feel secure in the pack worried Bruce.
Jason was his pup now, he’d pack claimed the pup a year ago and Jason had yelled at the social worker when he’d insinuated abuse. The courts couldn’t take him away from Bruce.
When Jason woke up, he panicked.
As he was scrambling out of the bed and away from the sleeping alpha, he got tangled in the blankets and ended up on the floor.
He heard Bruce move and he whimpered. The room smelled like omega heat and alpha. Jason didn’t like it and his panic spiked.
“Pup?” Bruce asked, coming around to kneel next to Jason.
Jason yelped and tried to get away, still tangled in the blankets. When he finally managed to get his legs untangled, he bolted, running out of the room and down the hall.
“ALFRED!” he yelled, knowing the old beta would help him. He heard Bruce call after him and he wanted to cry.
When he started running down the stairs, he called for Alfred again, still not hearing a response. Then he turned the corner into the kitchen, he slammed into someone.
“Hey, Jaybird! What are you yelling about?” Dick asked, smiling at Jason.
“Where’s Alfie?” Jason asked instead of answering.
“I am right here, Master Jason. Why on earth were you – oh!” Jason wrapped his arms around the man’s waist and pressed his face into his stomach. A hand rested on his hair for a moment before petting him softly. “Master Jason, what’s the matter?”
“I don’t – I didn’t -” Jason’s breath hitched and tears flowed freely down his cheeks, wetting the butler’s shirt.
“Jason? Where’d you, oh there you are.” Bruce sighed.
“Master Bruce, what has the pup so frightened?”
“Probably me.”
Alfred growled. He was a beta, but he was also in charge of Jason’s care and the idea that the young pup was scared of Bruce angered him.
“And why, pray tell, would he be afraid of you?” he asked calmly, hiding his rage.
“He presented last night. When I went to bed, he’d created a nest in my bed and wouldn’t let go of me. He woke up and panicked.”
Alfred hummed. Then he knelt down in front of Jason. “Master Jason, are you hurt?”
Jason shook his head no.
“Okay. Where you frightened when you woke up?”
Jason nodded.
“Alright. Can you tell me why?” Alfred asked gently.
“No.” Jason whispered.
“That’s alright, pup. Are you in any pain?���
“My head hurts. And everything smells really strong.”
Alfred nodded. “Pup, do you know what’s going on?”
“No. Woke up in Bruce’s bed. I don’t -” Jason hiccuped. “Don’t know how I got there.” his chest heaved as he tried not to cry.
“Pup, you presented as an omega last night.” Alfred spoke in a soft and quiet tone. “Master Bruce found you nesting in his bed and you wanted him near you.”
“But I don’t remember goin’ in there.” Jason said tearfully.
“That is unfortunately, quite common.”
Jason whimpered. “Don’t like it.”
“I know.” Alfred paused, trying to think of a way to soothe the pups fear. “Master Jason, would you like me to conduct a medical checkup? That way you would know for certain whether or not Master Bruce hurt you in any way?”
Jason nodded a little. “Yeah.”
Alfred smiled at the young boy, despite the pain in his heart due to the fact that Jason still didn’t trust Bruce enough to know he’d never lay a hand on him.
“Alright. Why don’t we go down to the cave and do that? Then we can have breakfast.”
Jason just nodded and pressed a little closer to Alfred.
Alfred scooped the pup up and tucked him under his chin. Then he stood and nodded once to Bruce and Dick. “I will prepare breakfast after I come back with Master Jason. You will both be staying up here until we return. Am I clear?”
Bruce just nodded and Alfred could see the pain in his eyes.
“Yeah, Alfred. We’ll stay up here.” Dick spoke very softly.
“You’re sure?” Jason asked, wide eyed.
“I’m sure, Master Jason. I would never protect Bruce if he had hurt you. If he had, I would shoot him in the genitals and then I would make sure he bled out from that.”
Jason giggled a little. “That’s not very nice, Alfie.” he whispered.
Alfred smiled. “Neither is hurting a pup.”
That made the boy frown. “But I’m not a pup anymore. I presented.”
“Master Jason, look at me.” the boy looked up. “You are 13 years old. Until you are 18, you will be a pup. Presented or not, you are still legally a pup. And in this house, in this pack, you are a pup until you are over 18 and no longer want to be a pup. If you don’t believe me, ask Master Dick.” Alfred spoke firmly, not leaving any room for doubt.
Jason leaned forward and hugged Alfred tightly.
Alfred wrapped his arms around him. “Oh, pup. It’s all right.”
“Te amo, Abuelito.”
Alfred had a tear in his eye. Jason didn’t speak Spanish often, but when he did, it always felt like a special occasion.
“I love you too, Jason.”
The pair stayed that way for a few minutes, interrupted by Jason’s stomach growling. The boy laughed.
Alfred smiled. “Why don’t we go upstairs and you can help me make breakfast.”
“Really? I thought I wasn’t allowed in the kitchen.”
“Master Dick and Master Bruce aren’t, but until you cause a disaster, you are welcome to assist me.”
“Sweet! Will you teach me how to cook? I always wanted to, but…” Jason trailed off.
“Of course, I’d be happy to teach you.”
Jason beamed. “Thank you!”
As Alfred led Jason back upstairs, he wondered if the boy would still fear Bruce. He hopped not, but none of them were sure what all Jason had experienced on the streets.
When they entered the kitchen, Bruce and Dick looked over at them.
“Is everything all good, little wing?” Dick asked Jason.
The pup nodded but stuck close to Alfred.
Dick smiled. “That’s good.”
“Master Jason is going to help me make breakfast.” Alfred announced. “Does anyone have any requests?”
“Oh, can we have waffles?” Dick asked excitedly.
Alfred nodded. “Master Bruce?”
“Waffles are fine.” he said softly, not looking at Alfred or Jason.
“Alright then. Master Jason, shall we get started?”
Jason nodded, and seemed to relax a little bit.
(“Dickie, can I ask you a question?”
Dick smiled at Jason. “Yeah, what’s up?”
Jason sat down next to Dick. “Are you still a pup? Cause Alfie said that I was pup until I was over 18 and said I wasn’t a pup no more.”
“I’m not legally a pup, but here at home, yeah, I’m still a pup. And so are you. Alfie’s right. You’re still a pup even though you presented.”)
“Hey! Let go of me!” Jason yelled, pulling away from the drunk alpha that had grabbed his wrist.
The alpha laughed and tugged Jason closer. “Oh, come on. We’ll have so much fun.”
Jason whimpered. The alpha stunk of alcohol and Jason knew what drunk alphas did to omegas and pups.
“I don’t what to. Let me go.” Jason was terrified and sure his scent betrayed that. “Please.”
“Like it when you beg.” the alpha sneered.
A hand landed on Jason’s waist and the fear turned to terror. “LET GO OF ME!” he shouted, tears rolling down his face. He knew he wasn’t supposed to yell, but he was so scared of what this alpha would do if he didn’t.
For a minute, Jason wasn’t sure anyone had hear him, or if they had, if they even cared. But then a hand came from behind him and grabbed the alpha’s wrist.
“Let go of my son.” Bruce hissed and Jason relaxed a fraction. “Now.” his voice wasn’t loud, but there was a threat behind his words.
The alpha dropped his hands from Jason like he’d been burned. “We were just having some fun, man. Chill out.”
Bruce snarled and twisted the man’s arm until Jason heard a snap and the alpha screamed. Bruce let go and then pulled Jason to him, kneeling down in front of him.
“Can I see your wrist, pup?” he spoke gently.
Jason offered up his wrist. Bruce held it carefully, inspecting the red marks. “This will probably bruise. How much does it hurt?”
“Just a little bit.” Jason whispered, still shaken.
“Okay. I think we should find Dick and then go home.”
Jason hesitated.
“Are you mad at me?”
Bruce looked confused, so Jason pushed forward.
“Are you mad that I yelled. You said I had to behave really well and yellin’ ain’t behavin’ well and I -” Jason began to hyperventilate.
Bruce shushed him gently, rubbing his hands up and down Jason’s arms. “Pup, listen to me. That alpha was going to hurt you. You were protecting yourself. Yes, I want you to be well behaved at these things, but not at the cost of your safety. Do you understand?”
Jason nodded and leaned into Bruce, crying.
“Oh, pup. You’re safe now. I promise.”
“Wanna go home.” Jason cried, and Bruce hugged him loosely. Jason wanted a real hug, wanted to feel safe. So he pressed himself closer to Bruce and buried his nose into the alpha’s neck.
For a moment, Bruce didn’t move and Jason started to worry he’d done something wrong. But then Bruce’s arms hugged him tightly and picked him up, standing and moving away from the alpha that was still wailing on the floor, keeping him tucked close.
He carried Jason over to where Dick was talking to a group of people. “Dick, it’s time to go.” there was no room for argument in his voice and when Dick saw Jason in Bruce’s arms, he didn’t even say goodbye, he just followed Bruce out.
Jason jerked awake, panting and afraid. A whimper escaped his throat as he threw the covers off and got out of bed.
Moving quietly, he crept out of his room and down the hall, stopping whenever he heard a noise. When he got to Bruce’s room, he hesitated.
Bruce had said that if he ever needed anything, he just had to ask. And right now, the only thing Jason wanted was to nest with his alpha.
Summoning all the courage he had, he knocked softly on the door.
A few seconds later, he heard Bruce’s feet hit the floor. A few seconds more, and the door opened. Bruce looked down at him, a little bleary eyed.
“Jason? What’s wrong?”
Jason shrugged.
Bruce let out a soft sigh. “Do you need something?”
Jason nodded.
“Okay. Is it something I can get you?”
“Kinda.” Jason whispered, staring at the floor.
Bruce hummed. “Is it something I can do?”
Jason nodded again.
“Okay. Are you worried I’ll be mad at you?”
“Not really.”
Bruce knelt down in front of Jason.
“Sweetheart, what’s going on?”
Jason hesitated, then said, “I had a nightmare.”
“Do you want to come sleep in my bed with me?”
Bruce smiled. “Okay. Dick’s in here with me. Is that okay?”
“Yeah. Can, um, can I sleep in between you guys?” Jason asked quietly.
“We’ll have to ask him, but probably.” Bruce said, then stepped to the side, letting Jason go into the room.
“B, what’s goin’ on?” Dick asked form the bed, voice soft and rough.
“Jason’s joining us. He wants to know if he can sleep in between us.”
“Course. Come here, lil’ wing.”
Jason crawled up onto the giant bed and tucked himself against Dick’s chest. Bruce waited until he was settled before crawling into bed behind him.
Moving slowly, he scooted closer to Jason until his chest was pressed against Jason’s back. Then he draped an arm across Jason and Dick, tugging them closer.
He sighed softly, relaxing now that he had his pups close by.
Jason did too, and it only took a few minutes for a soft purr to start echoing from his chest.
Dick and Bruce started purring as well.
“Little wing, wake up.”
Jason groaned and rolled over. Well, he tried, but something stopped him. He huffed.
“Jason. Wake up.”
“Fuck off, Dickhead.” he mumbled, keeping his face pressed against his pillow.
“Jay, language.” Bruce’s voice rumbled softly from underneath him. Jason jumped, a whimper escaping him. “Sorry, pup. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Jason picked his head up and looked at Bruce, who had a soft smile on his face.
“Hey.” Bruce said gently. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Didn’t realize I was laying on top of you.”
Dick laughed, and Jason looked to his right to glare at Dick. “You didn’t want to share at all last night. I thought you’d cuddle with me, but no, you clung to B the whole night.”
“Which is fine, Jason. Dick just found it amusing.”
“You’re not angry?” Jason wasn’t sure who he was asking but they both said ‘no’ at the same time.
Dick spoke first. “Jay, I thought it was funny how cuddly you got with him in your sleep because you aren’t when you’re awake. I also thought the fact that Bruce refused to move in case he disturbed you very funny.”
“And I like cuddling with my pups, so no, I am not mad. I was a little surprised when I woke up to find you on top of me, but I was not, and am not upset.” Bruce said firmly, offering his wrist to scent Jason.
Jason tilted his head back and let Bruce scent him, a quiet purr emanating from his chest.
"Can we go see if Alfred's made breakfast yet? I'm hungry." Dick asked after a moment.
Bruce smiled and sat up, keeping Jason tucked to his chest. "Alright, let's go." he said. When he tried to set Jason down, the pup clung to him, his little face pressed against Bruce's neck.
"Jaylad, do you want me to carry you?"
Bruce hummed. "Of course." he stood up and Dick followed him out of the room, somehow full of energy and excited.
Tim sighed softly as he relaxed in Jason’s arms.
Jason had found the pup while on patrol, shivering and shaking in an alleyway and he hadn’t been able to leave him. So he’d scooped the pup up and brought him to the cave.
There, he had asked Tim for his name and his address. When Tim had told him, Jason asked if anyone would be looking for him.
The hesitation was enough for Jason to know that, no, there probably wasn’t anyone looking for sweet little Tim. Jason had hugged Tim and started purring.
Tim had frozen for a moment, then started crying, clinging to Jason.
When Jason asked what was wrong, Tim had told him that no one ever held him anymore. Jason asked if Tim wanted to stay here for a while.
It was then that Tim revealed that he knew everyone’s identities.
Despite his shock, Jason said the offer still stood, and Tim had excepted, though he seemed nervous about something.
Jason changed into his regular clothes then escorted Tim upstairs and asked Alfred if they could have hot chocolate.
Alfred had agreed and instructed them to sit in the living room. Now they were cuddled up in one of the giant arm chairs, waiting on the hot chocolate.
“Jason?” Bruce’s voice was loud and it startled both boys.
“Yeah?” Jason called out, scenting Tim to keep him calm.
Bruce came into the room, allowing Jason got a good whiff of his scent and Jason realized that Bruce was panicked.
“Jaylad, are you – who’s this?”
“This is Timmy. He’s mine now.” Jason said simply.
Bruce blinked. Then Alfred came in with the hot chocolate.
“Ah, Master Bruce, how are you?”
“I’m fine, Alfred. Um, what’s happening?”
Alfred hummed as he set down two mugs on the end table. “Master Jason and Master Tim are having hot chocolate because Master Tim was quite cold and I have found it to be one of the best ways to warm up cold pups.”
“Okay, and where did Tim come from?”
Jason answered. “I found him in an alleyway. His old pack wasn’t takin care of him, so we’re keepin ‘im.”
Bruce didn’t have a clue what he was supposed to do. The parenting books didn’t prepare him for his child adopting another child. Granted, Jason was almost 17, but he was still a puppy.
Before Bruce could say anything, Dick bounced into the room. “Jay!” he flipped over the couch, moving in to hug his little brother but froze when he saw a pup, half asleep on Jason. “Where did you get a puppy?”
“I found him. He’s mine now.”
Dick tilted his head, glanced at Bruce, then Alfred, then back to Jason. “Do I get to cuddle with him?”
Jason looked at Dick and let out a soft snarl. Bruce was ready to intervene, but Dick just moved on.
“Okay. What’s his name?”
Dick smiled. “That’s a nice name.”
Jason purred, nuzzling against Tim’s head.
Alfred cleared his throat and Jason looked up at him. “Hot chocolate, young sirs.”
Smiling, Jason said, “Thank you.”
Bruce gave up. It was official. He gave up, he didn’t care anymore.
With Tim, Bruce had understood Jason’s need to take to pup in. But now, he didn’t.
Steph was never adopted, but she was around enough that she may as well be. Cass, despite being older than Jason, had been adopted. Duke wasn’t adopted at first, but then his parents had died, so Bruce had claimed him.
Now, Jason was sitting in the cave, cradling an infant pup. Full on baby. Bruce had no idea where Jason had even gotten the pup and he wasn’t sure he even wanted to know.
But he was going to have to do something about it. Because he was the one adopting all of the pups Jason found and brought home.
Bruce let out a long sigh, then stood and made his way over to Jason.
“Jaylad. Who’s this?”
Jason didn’t look up at him. “He doesn’t have a name.”
“Okay. Where did you get him from?”
Oddly, Jason flinched.
Bruce knelt down so he could see Jason’s face.
“Sweetheart, what’s the matter?”
“I don’t want to give him up.”
Bruce frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I wanna keep him.”
“Jay, if he needs a home, then we can give him a home.”
“I know. But I want him to be mine.”
Bruce had no idea what was going on, but clearly Jason was upset. “Jason, I don’t understand.”
Jason let out a shaky sigh. “You know how when I brought Tim home, you adopted him?”
“I do.”
“I wanted to.”
“You wanted to adopt him?”
Jason nodded. “And I know I was still a pup and they wouldn’t have let me adopt Cass or Duke, but…” his breath hitched.
“But you’d probably be able to adopt this pup.”
“Jay, I’m not gonna tell you no, and I’m not going to try to stop you, but the courts will want you to have a stable job and a home. I can and will help you, if that’s what you want.”
Jason looked at Bruce with wet eyes and tear tracks on his cheeks. “Really?”
“Sweetheart, of course. I want you to be happy. If you want to adopt this pup, then I will do everything I can to make that happen for you.”
Jason whimpered and Bruce reached our and wiped away the tears, then pulled Jason into a hug, careful not to squish the baby in between them.
Damian was the sweetest pup Bruce had ever met.
Jason was letting him watch the puppy while he interviewed for a job, and Bruce was captivated. Damian’s bright green eyes seemed to take in everything, and he was so quiet, even when he needed something.
The front door opened and Bruce heard Jason growing softly to himself and the scent of upset omega drifted in.
A moment later, Jason came in, flopped onto the couch next to Bruce and leaned against the alpha, cheek squished on his shoulder.
“Hey, sweetheart. How’d it go?”
“They don’t hire nursing omegas.” Jason’s voice threatened to crack.
Bruce sighed, annoyed for his son.
After sitting in silence for a few minutes, Jason hummed then spoke. “Are you still willing to get me a job?”
“Of course.”
“Does Wayne Enterprises hire nursing omegas?”
Bruce snorted. “Yes, we do. I’d be slaughtered if I tried to say no for that reason.”
“Good. Got any mechanic jobs open?”
“Not sure. I can look later, see what we have. I’ll email you the positions. I assume you want to do as much of it without my help as possible?”
Bruce hummed, then shifted so he could wrap his arm around Jason. “Love you, Jaylad.”
“Love you too, B.” Jason yawned and tucked his feet up, relaxing against Bruce. It only took a few minutes for him to doze off, Damian following suit not long after.
Bruce was out seconds after Damian.
As Alfred stepped into the den, wondering were Jason and Bruce where. He hadn’t seen them since Jason had left for an interview, and no one else had seen them since.
Flipping on the light, Alfred relaxed, a smile on his face.
Bruce was on the couch, Damian in one of his arms, Jason tucked against his side with the other. His head was tilted back, mouth open and soft snores coming from him.
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lenabeas1904 · 5 months
Fic update
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notaninja83 · 4 months
Chapters: 1/?
Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (comics), Red Hood/Arsenal (comics), DCU (comics), DCU
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Rape/Non-con, Underage
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Talia Al Ghul/Bruce Wayne
Characters: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Ace the Bat-Hound, Joker (DCU), Talia Al Ghul, Barbara Gordon
“Please, Jason, don’t make this any harder than it has to be. We know the truth.”
Jason couldn’t help but scoff, rolling his eyes beneath his domino. “Oh yeah? And what’s that? I haven’t done anything wrong Night-fuck.” He sneered, not even bothering to turn his face to his older ‘brother’. No, he had to keep an eye on Bruce in case he decided to do anything stupid.
“We know…” Nightwing’s voice wavered, sending a cold chill down Jason’s spine. “That you’re an omega.”
Jason Todd is an omega living in a world that isn’t fair to them. He knows this; it’s been drilled in his head since he was born. It’s how he'd known to take suppressants the moment he presented as one. For years, he hid it.
Until he couldn’t.
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mochinek0 · 2 years
Daminette December 2022: 15-Side Effects Ch.10
Marinette panted as she rested in the hospital bed. Their pups had just been born, yet she felt like her body was still in overdrive.
"Marinette?" Damian questioned in concern.
"I-I think something is wrong." she spoke, "Too hot. Pain."
Damian quickly rushed over to her side and sniffed her mark. He couldn't smell illnesses or the faint scent of death.
'Not dying, but in pain. Is this because of our pups?'
"Father, get someone now!" he demanded.
Bruce quickly rushed out as Marinette began to pant more rapidly. Just as an older nurse walked in, the air became hot and tense. The smell of the twin's afterbirth was fading rapidly. Marinette gripped the bedrails, as her parents held the pups. Damian was busy nuzzling her, trying to keep her calm and reassure her she was safe. Suddenly, her scent changed to that of an Omega. Damian quickly pulled away from her and stared at her in shock. Marinette's panting and grip began to lessen, until she rested flat against the bed.
The nurse smiled, "It's been some time since a shifting has occurred."
"Shifting?" Sabine questioned.
"Why did my mate change from a Beta to an Omega?" Damian demanded to know.
"A long time ago, Alphas use to have free reign on who they mated, even Betas." the nurse began to explain, " If Betas were close enough to their Alphas, after birth, they would become an Omega. They would become beter suited to raising their pups. Many frowned upon it and so a law was created."
"Wait." Mari spoke, "So even the wolves, themselves, would choose Betas over Omegas?"
"Yes." the nurse answered.
"What law?" Tom asked, handing Damian and Marinette their pups back.
Bruce frowned, "I don't know about any laws."
"Not all places abided by the law, but in Europe we still do." she continued.
"What happened?" Damian pushed, "Why was the law created in the first place?"
"Some Alphas became crazed with the idea of creating new Omegas or 'Perfections'. They were called that because they were perfectly suited for their mates in every way." she answered, making the couple smile at each other, "The only problem was that not all Betas would change. Alphas started sleeping with every Beta they could find. They would keep them in their pack, but after birth, if they didin't change, they would turn their backs on them. They Beta's child was considered a Bastard, since the Alpha refused to mat until they changed. Then, they would go back to sleeping around."
"That must have caused some long lineages." Bruce inquired.
"Yes." the nurse sighed, "Sometimes the pups were sent elsewhere to be raised, instead of staying in the pack. They were watched carefully for interbreeding. Other times, the Alphas killed their child, blaming them for the Betas not changing."
Marinette hugged her pups tightly and growled.
"Habibiti, I will do no such thing." Damian spoke, slowly, "These are our pups and no harm shall come to them."
"Another reason for the law was other Omegas." she continued to explain, "Omegas, themselves, started getting upset and pushed around the Betas in their packs. Some even went as far as killing the Betas, pupped or not, for getting close to the Alpha. A law was created and Alphas were told never to touch a Beta again. Some alphas agreed. Some didn't."
"I've never heard of such a law." Bruce stated.
"It was made long before you were born. I was told about the law when I was a child from an older sibling." she answered, "Parents usually told their child at a certain age or after presenting."
"I lost my parents as a child." Bruce spoke, "My guardian never told me any of this."
"My mom is always traveling and I wasn't on speaking terms with my pops for a long time, but he is very traditional." Tom declared, "He never told me, either."
Sabine shrugged, "It's still common in Shanghai to mate, regardless of status. It was a bit of a shock when I came here and was told it was forbidden."
"Grandfather is very traditional, as well. My lineage on my mother's side contains many cultures and traditions. Surely, Grandfather would have told me about status as a child. He always assumed I would become an Alpha. He trained me to lead and be an Alpha." Damian spoke, before turning to his mate, "Me choosing to disobey my wolf, me choosing her over an Omega, choosing someone I cared about, turned her into an Omega?"
"Yes." The elder nurse smiled.
Marinette smiled at Damian, "Thank you for giving me a chance and for strengthening me so I can protect our pups."
Damian leaned down and kissed her, "I would do it again."
TAG LIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus
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selene-borealis · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: DC Extended Universe, DCU, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd Additional Tags: Alternate Universe – Canon Divergence, Bruce/Dick AU, Not Really Any Universe Compliant, Romance, Drama, Angst, Slash, Age Difference, different first meeting, Soulmates, Brainwashing, Implied/Referenced Kidnapping, Court of Owls, Canon Typical Violence, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson is a Talon, Dick Grayson was never Robin, Alpha Bruce Wayne, Batman Played by Ben Affleck, Jason Todd is Robin, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Don’t copy to another site Series: Part 1 of in those eyes of his, Part 24 of thetaverse Summary: AU//As a Talon, he only has the one mission: kill Batman. But when it comes down to it, he – Talon – Dick – whoever he is, once he gets a whiff of Batman’s scent, he isn’t able to do it.//Or, the one where an omega!Dick becomes a Talon before he meets Bruce, but their fates are still intertwined. ABO, Bruce/Dick. Contains slash!
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iwasnotaslasher · 1 year
I'm just a smol millennial fanwriter stuck in one of those period of my life where I have a gazillion of prompts AND a new original idea, but I feel so overwhelmed by The Real Life™ that I'm constantly wasting what little time I have instead of being productive with my writing. So I'm once again here asking my beloved mutuals for help.
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sansypansy · 2 years
No longer yours (Reverse Robins AU)
The doors to the Wayne manor burst open just as Bruce exited his private study and entered the foyer to see a frantic Damian talking to a worried Jason. Alfred was standing near the stairs and only bowed his head politely when the Pack Omega rushed upstairs.
"What's going on?" Bruce interrogated.
"I think Dick's presenting," Jason replied. "He's been acting all weird and in pain. I called Dames over because I figured he'd want to take care of Dickie."
That was reasonable, he thought. Everybody knew Damian saw Dick as his own pup. But still, it irked him that his oldest had been absent from the den for quite some time now and it only took Dick to be in distress for him to suddenly rush back. Nevermind the fact that Bruce had been restlessly trying to gently coax Damian to return to no avail because of how stubborn he was whenever he gave his Pack Alpha the 'runaway treatment'. The jealousy stung.
And suddenly, it all became clear when another person walked through the door and leaned against the frame in a nonchalant stance. Bruce felt his shoulders tense.
The estranged alpha raised an eyebrow condescendingly.
The air in the foyer had grown thick.
Jason shuffled uncomfortably, his eyes darting between the two men. He'd never once liked being present when they challenged each other - which was a very fair, considering there was always a 3 out of 5 chances it would end in a predatory brawl.
"Oh no, I'm not gonna stay here for this," He shook his head. "Come on Alfie, let's go see if Damian and Dick needs any help."
The teen was quick to remove himself from the situation, a smart decision whenever it came to Bruce and Tim's confrontations. Alfred shot them a disapproving, exasperated glance.
"Be civil, you two," He chided, and followed Jason's direction.
Bruce and Tim were left alone, hackles rising at the presence of a challenge in dominance.
"Damian was with you," Bruce broke the silence.
"Deduced that with your detective mind, did you?" Tim shot back.
It didn't come as a surprise to Bruce, but it didn't mean it was a pleasant one. He never liked how close Damian and Tim had gotten. The omega had taken to run to Tim more often than he'd have preferred, after every single explosive argument. It didn't help that Tim always defied him, too, despite being the lower Alpha.
Thought perhaps that was where the problem lied. After his death, Bruce knew Tim had never truly returned to the Wayne pack and found it easier to thwart him in every way.
"We were having a lovely evening, when Jason called. I drove Dames here on my motorcycle," Tim continued, taking a few steps forward with a condescending smirk on his face. "I didn't have the heart to say no when I saw the panic on his face."
They were chest to chest, now. Bruce's fists clenched at the clear connotation.
"He's stayed with me for weeks. What did you do this time, huh?"
"I don't think you need to meddle with our business," Bruce resisted the urge to growl.
"See, that's the thing," Tim snorted sardonically. "If you're not careful, he won't be your Pack Omega for much longer."
Bruce felt his blood ran cold at the implication. The air was thick with his sour scent, Tim's possesively smug one and - Damian's sweet, honeyed-milk smell wafting off of the younger alpha.
Damian had scented Tim. And no doubt the gesture was returned tenfold, as it was the nature of a courting Alpha-Omega pair.
As if to emphasize his point, Tim titled his head to the side and tapped his neck with an index finger twice. Bruce's eyes zeroed in on the glorious mating bite there. There was no word needed to imply that a bigger, identical, more evident mark was embedded on Damian's scent gland as well.
"Better start puppy-proofing the manor, old man," Tim whispered dangerously, eyes glinting dark and possessive before climbing up the stairs to presumably join the rest of the pack - to join his fresh new mate.
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i-mushi · 1 year
I posted another thing I wrote! It's Batman/OC ABO dimension travel because I have ONE trope and it's TWO TROPES which is dimensional/time travel and ABO or near to it. I go back to this story all the time to add bits and pieces so it's a bit choppy but I wanted to finally share it along with my Naruto fic (scroll down on my tumblr to find it) because maybe someone else will love it like I do.
Proper summary: Violet comes from a normal world, where Batman is a comic book/video game/movie superhero, not real. But then she stumbles into a world where he IS real, and suddenly her knowledge of superheroes is being put the to test. Oh, and, it's not just the superheroes being real. The world has this Alpha/Beta/Omega thing going on.
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krunklys · 2 months
Omega Dick Week has started!!!
I'm so excited to do this! participating in these weeks is so nice, i never thought it'd enjoy doing these this much!
anyway, here's day one!
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage
Relationship: Bruce Wayne/Dick Grayson
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Members of Teen Titans
Additional Tags: Omega Dick Week 2024, Consensual Underage Sex, Enthusiastic Consent, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Dick Grayson, obvs!, Alpha Bruce Wayne, intersex omega, Daddy Kink, Vaginal Fingering, Multiple Orgasms, Knotting, Pseudo-Incest, Breeding Kink
He could see it from the day he turned fifteen, when the way he interacted with Bruce started to chafe and rub him the wrong way. It hadn’t meant much to him at the time, had only meant that Bruce spent all that extra time watching him and it made his chest hurt with betrayal. What, he thought that he wouldn’t notice? That he was that bad at being a vigilante he wouldn’t be able to tell when Robin was being tailed on his solo patrol?
And then he turned sixteen and he noticed that even out of the suit Bruce’s gaze lingered longer than it should.
Day One:  Age difference
part one of the series for omega dick week!
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comment-exchange · 2 years
276. Night Turns (Batman)
Title: Night Turns
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13764147
Platform: AO3
Creator: purplefox
Work Type: Fanfiction
Fandom: Batman
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne
Word count: 1345
Warnings: No archive warnings apply
Number of comments: 1
Completion Status: Completed
Short summary/description: Some distractions were welcomed.
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diddle-riddle · 2 years
What Binds Us
Edward's life turned far better than anything he ever hoped for.
Growing up an Omega in a depressing orphanage with zero solution to earn money on his own was nothing close an enviable position.
Adopting two of his fellow younger orphans, Stephanie and Jason, when he turned eighteen and leaving the cursed place with them changed everything.
And now...
Eddie smiled, one hand on his imperceptibly curvy belly. His private detective agency is a success, he frequently teams-up with the town's vigilante... with whom he's been 'intimate' over his latest heat.
Someday soon, he'll tell the Batman about his pregnancy.
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
I need Dick's reactions to Gen Alpha Dami and Jon, maybe if he's babysitting or chaperoning them both or smth? Thank you!
Damian: Grayson, my friends are coming over.
Dick: I'll run down to the gas station for some snacks.
Damian: Tt. That's nothing but chemically treated junk peddled by megacorporations who fund deforestation and violate human rights at the cost of our health and taxpayer dollars.
Dick: Well we don't have much at home so I'll take you out to eat.
Dick, muttering as he leaves: Deforestation and taxpayer dollars...
Damian: Grayson, these are my friends. You already know Jon, Colin, and Billy. Meet Maya, Maps, Kathy, and Suren. Guys, this is my fossil of a brother, Richard.
Dick: I'm only 27!
Maya: 2024 minus 27...
Maya: You were born in the 1900s.
[in the car]
Dick: So, Kathy, where are you from?
Kathy: *stifles a laugh*
Kathy: Ohio.
The kids: *high five*
[at the arcade]
Dick: They're charging four tokens to play Doodle Jump? I played this for free on the school iPads in junior high.
Colin: Inflation.
Dick: How about your game, Suren?
Suren, wearing VR glasses: *whacks Dick with a plastic sword*
[at the prize counter]
Maps: I'll take that.
Maps: *points to a box*
Dick: What is it?
Maps: I don't know. It's a mystery. Now record me doing an unboxing for my gacha channel.
[at the pizza parlor]
Dick: Where's the menu?
Damian: It's the QR code on the table.
Billy: Mine's not loading.
Maps: Womp womp.
Dick: Here, we can use a print one.
Billy: *tries to zoom in on paper*
[at home]
Bruce: How was your day? Did you have fun?
Jon: Yeah. We even saw an influencer at the thrift store on the way back.
Damian: Tt, more like a they/them catboy Karen.
Bruce: That's... nice?
Bruce: *looks to Dick for an explanation*
Dick: *shrugs*
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mochinek0 · 2 years
Daminette December 2022: 15-Side Effects Ch.11
Tom and Sabine were so proud of their daughter and her mate. They were so excited about being grandparents that they placed pictures of the family in the bakery. Adrien had been completely unprepared to see the pictures.
Alya had told them, excitedly, about Marinette becoming pupped, but he never thought it was true. He thought it had been a tactic for keeping her away from him. Alya had told them both about moving her schedule around. Honestly, he thought they had switched schools. Even Damian hadn't been on campus.
Adrien staggered into his home, still reeling from the fact it hadn't been a lie.
"Adrien, what is it?" Natalie questioned.
"Father told me stay away from Marinette when she became a Beta." he began.
"I remember." Natalie declared, "There was also a rumor of her being mated months later."
"Damian Wayne, another Alpha, mated her." Adrien spoke, "I thought Alya had been lying or was helping them keep us apart but it wasn't."
"What wasn't a lie?" she asked.
"Marinette has pups with that Alpha." Adrien spoke, shocking Natalie, "There's pictures in the bakery."
Nathalie quickly turned and told Gabriel. Quickly, Gabriel was on his feet and leading Adrien to the car.
"Where are we going?" Adrien questioned.
"To the Waynes." he growled, "Obviously, they don't know better."
The moment Alfred opened the door, Gabriel barged his way inside. Adrien quickly apologized for his father's attitude and chased after him. Alfred smiled, as he closed the door. The Agreste has entered the wrong house.
Gabriel was quick to enter the living space and instantly started smelling the scent of an Omega, rolling off in waves. He looked around the room and saw Marinette holding not one but two pups.
'Adrien wasn't lying.'
He growled in distaste. Damian was quick to pull a blade and growl back. Adrien took a step back, in shock. He had never seen anyone, let alone his age, stand up and challenge his father.
"Why are you here?" Bruce demanded, stepping near his son.
"I had to see the abominations for myself." Gabriel declared.
Damian was instantly in front of him, with a blade to his throat.
"Call my pups that again and the next move I make will be ending your pitiful existence." Damian roared.
Bruce sighed as Gabriel stood still.
"Damian, stay near your mate and pups. Marinette is still healing and needs you near her, at all times." Bruce spoke.
Damian pressed the blade to Gabriel's throat, just enough to nick him and walked back to Marinette's side.
"Mr. Agreste, you weren't invited and as you can see, unwanted." Bruce declared.
"The law-" Gabriel began to shout.
"Ah, yes." Bruce spoke, "The law we only learned about after Marinette gave birth. I don't see how this concerns you. It's not your son that is mated to my daughter-in-law."
"What do you mean 'only learned about'?" Gabriel questioned.
"We learned that 'your law' is more of a European law. Neither my family, my son's mother's family not her parents have taught them any such law. I never learned the 'law', as you call it, because my parents were murdered when I was a child. No one told me anything. Perhaps, people thought I knew it or they never cared about it in the first place. I have no problem with it. My son is happy; Marinette has been good for him. As you can tell, Damian is violent and has been since he was a child."
"You should have beat it out of him." Gabriel sneered. "My mother and Grandfather raised me. Mother never told Father about me and Grandfather demanded the perfect Alpha." Damian explained.
Bruce chuckled, "This is Damian tame. He was worse as a child. He would have killed your without a thought, let alone say anything to you. Consider what just happened a warning. When I spoke to my son, after the mating, it was the calmest I have ever seen him."
Adrien looked between Marinette and the two pups in her arms. It was still shocking to smell Omega wafting off of her. He could see how happy she was, looking up at her overprotective mate. Damian Wayne also looked at them with a fond look.
"How did you curb the violence?" the fashion designer questioned.
"Damian was trained with kill or be killed ingrained into him." Bruce explained, "I had to teach him restraint. I don't tolerate murder and he knows that. The rule has been no murder as long as he lives under my roof. Though, I fear that won't last long. He has his mate and pups now. He no longer has to listen to me. He will choose where to live, either here or elsewhere. If he choose the manor. The rule stands. I know full well, should anything happen to the pups, the rule will be broken. Although, I don't know who will be the first to break it."
"Marinette would never-" Adrien began to shout.
"Omegas die everyday for their pups to live." Bruce stated, "Who is to say she wouldn't sacrifice another for her pups. We still don't fully understand what has changed for her with her new status. She is still experiencing new things daily that she never knew before." "Why are you here in the first place?" Damian questioned, "You have no reason to be concerned. My mate agreed to my order of never being around you again. That extended to your father as well."
"I beg your pardon?" Gabriel inquired.
"My first order to my mate was to never get near Agreste. When I stated that, I meant the whole family." he explained, "Do you have a problem with my choice, Habibiti?"
"No, Alpha; I don't. I know you are protecting us." Marinette smiled, "Adrien showed me we weren't friends when I presented to a Beta. Being an Omega now changes nothing. I already told our mutual friends to keep us seperated when we go out. I told them that we might possibly be able to do a group outting, but only if you were there."
"That would be acceptable, as long as we can take the pups." Damian answered.
Marinette chirped in appreciation and nuzzled her head against him. Gabriel watched as the girl he told his son to stay away from acted like a natural born Omega. He glanced his son's way and saw the pain in his eyes. Adrien had tried to fight him about staying away from her. He hadn't even wanted to hear about her becoming a pack mate and it seemed it costed his son greatly.
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