#alright cause like I’m still at scarabia
harunayuuka2060 · 4 days
Azul: I'm sure you already know why you're here.
MC: *has been summoned to Octavinelle*
Azul: If a third party intentionally causes one party to breach their legally binding contract, they could be sued for tortious interference.
Azul: That's what you've been doing for some time now.
MC: ...
MC: I'm afraid I lack knowledge when it comes to business matters. Surely, you won’t hold that against me.
Azul: That's unfortunate. However, I can use other methods to ensure you fully understand what you've done.
MC: *smiles* Oh, would you?
Azul: *confused frown* You seem quite confident for someone who just came from another world.
MC: Yes, considering I've never been from this world, I certainly know how to put you at a disadvantage.
Azul: I don’t have time for bluff— *his eyes widened*
MC: The only place you can find this photo is at the Atlantica Memorial Museum.
MC: I just happened to go there with my dorm leader and then I saw this photo.
MC: Something in the back of my mind urged me to get it.
Azul: You’re intending to use that as a blackmail material.
MC: Yes.
Azul: ...
Azul: *forces a smile* It takes more than that to intimidate me.
MC: ...
MC: I see. You're right.
MC: If others were to see it, it wouldn’t bother you.
Azul: Y-Yes. Now hand it to me.
MC: ...
MC: *stood up from their seat* No. This photo represents a cherished memory. If you won't value it, I may as well keep it.
Azul: ...
MC: *makes their way to the door*
Azul: Wait! We can still discuss—
*The door shuts.*
Azul: ...
Jade: *who didn't bother to interrupt throughout their conversation*
Jade: That was quite clever. *chuckles*
Jade: It's been a while since someone outsmarted you, Azul.
Azul: Quiet!
Azul: I need to steal that photo back.
Jade: Leave it to me.
Floyd: Eh~ Was the photo even legit?
Jade: Yes. We saw it with our own two eyes.
Floyd: *sigh* Alright. Who is it?
Jade: It's the person who single-handedly defeated a group of Savanaclaw students.
Floyd: ...
Floyd: *flashes an exciting yet terrifying smile*
Floyd: Why didn't you say earlier~?
Malleus: *sad pouty face* Aren't you heading back to the dorm with Dada?
MC: *smiles apologetically* There's something I need to do.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: *sigh* Alright.
MC: By the way, Dada, please try not to eat too much ice cream today.
Malleus: *pouts*
MC: *chuckles*
Malleus: *smiles* Well, just call me if you run into any trouble.
MC: *nods*
Malleus: *kisses their forehead then disappears*
MC: ...
Floyd: Eh~ How sweet~ Is Sea Slug your boyfriend~? *appears from the place where he's hiding*
MC: No.
Floyd: Are you sure~? Hehee~
MC: You're not here to be curious about that.
Floyd: Wow, straight to the point~. I like that.
Floyd: I've been wanting to give you a squeeze since the tournament~.
*A student rushes to report to Crowley.*
Scarabia student: Sir! MC and Floyd are fighting on Main Street!
Crowley: What?!
*Crowley, along with Professor Trein and Professor Crewel, hurried to Main Street to break up the fight between MC and Floyd.*
Crowley: Stop right this instant!
Professor Trein: Leech! You ought to know better than to harm students who are weaker than you—
Floyd: *turns his head* Huh?!
Professor Trein: ...
*MC's uniform is crooked, and their hair is messy from the fight, while Floyd, on the other hand, has light bruises on his cheek and traces of blood on his nose.*
Professor Crewel: ...
Professor Crewel: *looks at MC* Did you win, pup?
Floyd: I didn't lose yet, Beakfish!
MC: ...
Crowley: That's enough!
*In the faculty office, MC and Floyd are being asked why they fought in the first place.*
MC: ...
Floyd: ...
Professor Crewel: Aren't you both going to speak up?
MC and Floyd: ...
Crowley: Since you refused to provide a statement, I’m afraid both of you will have to face punishment.
Crowley: You will be helping the ghosts in the cafeteria for the next two weeks.
Floyd: *frowns* Why~?
MC: I'll do it.
Floyd: ...
Floyd: *smiles* Seashell-chan~ Let's continue our fight when no one's looking~.
Professor Trein: No. That was the end of it.
Floyd: Tch.
MC: ...
Azul: You lost to MC and failed to retrieve the photo.
Floyd: Eh~ Was I supposed to get it~?
Jade: It seems Floyd forgot due to his excitement.
Azul: ...
Azul: *breathes in* I'm going to handle this myself from now on.
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writingseaslugs · 1 year
Scarabia: When You're Sick
For the first time in a while, writing Scarabia actually came way easier. I think I’m starting to warm up to these boys! Hope you guys enjoy this, really it’s just Jamil taking care of you. As always, the intro is the same as the other parts of the series, so feel free to skip it over!
Disclaimer: All characters in this series are aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please click the “Au Information” below!
Request Information | Masterlist | Au Information
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Scarabia: When You’re Sick
The worst thing to ever happen to you while attending Night Raven College had to be, hands down, getting sick. You were alone in the dorm with only ghosts and Grim to keep you company, and as much as you loved them, they couldn’t take care of you when you became sick. This meant you had to make do and hope that everything was alright. Normally if you were under the weather, you’d just suck it up and go to class so as to not worry anyone. This time however, that wasn’t an option.
You woke up with every muscle in your body feeling sore and aching with even the slightest movement. Your stomach churned something fearsome and you had a runny nose and cough to boot. You had no idea what illness you had fallen to. Having so many symptoms…you could only assume it was the flu or something akin to that.
Still, there was no way you were making it to class like this. So begrudgingly you told Grim you weren’t feeling good and needed to rest, and to go to class and get your homework so you could do it later. The demon cat was grumpy about not having his henchman, but eventually gave in, leaving you alone to rest in your room and hope that whatever you had would go away.
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Kalim Al-Asim
The moment Kalim hears you’re sick he’s in panic mode. He’s rushing over to your dorm as soon as possible, only stopping because Jamil said his overly worried self might cause you to be worried and it wouldn’t help anyone. He manages to compose himself and then grab every single medication he can find before heading over to your dorm. He’s trembling slightly, recalling all the times he was sick as a child and how horrible it felt. He just hoped that you weren't feeling that bad, but seeing you laying in bed, shaking from a fever, he’s just more worried but trying to mask it.
Kalim actually has zero skill in taking care of others, but he’ll try to mimic what the doctors would do when he was a child. Taking your temperature and asking you questions, even while you’re delirious and not completely there. After he figures out he has no idea what he’s doing, he calls up Jamil to come over and check in on you. Thankfully Jamil is trained in taking care of Kalim when he’s sick, so he is easily able to tell it’s the flu and is sorting through the medications Kalim brought over to show him the ones you need.
Once Jamil tells him what he needs to do, Kalim isn’t half bad. He’s dedicated to making sure you’re getting better, and if he has any questions Jamil is on speed dial. He even has Jamil make you some food to help you get better, and he’s feeding it to you so you don’t tire yourself out. Apparently lifting a spoon to your mouth would be too much energy spent, according to Kalim. You get to see a very serious side of the man as he’s making sure that he gets the medication measurements just right, and checking the time to be exactly on the dot when he gives it to you.
Kalim is jumping for joy as soon as you’re better, happy to have you back and smiling. He’s still going to be checking in on you as he’s not fully convinced you’re totally healthy, but at least it means you get to spend more time together. Just make sure to thank Jamil since he’s the mastermind behind you getting better. Who knows what Kalim would’ve done in his attempts if Jamil hadn’t been there.
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Jamil Viper
Once he notices you’re not in class he’s going to subtly ask around to figure out where you were. He’s frowning the moment he finds out you’re alone at your dorm, sick as a dog. He knows that you’re probably not doing anything to make yourself feel better, other than resting, so he’s excusing himself from Kalim for a short time to check in on you. Once he sees how serious it is (in his eyes), he’s messaging Kalim and explaining that you’re ill and he will be over at your dorm for a while. If Kalim needs something, he knows he can message Jamil, but Kalim also understands you’re sick and will keep it to a minimum in his requests.
Jamil has literally been trained in taking care of someone who’s sick, as part of being a servant to a wealthy household, so you’re in good hands. He’s gathering medication for you and doing everything you’d expect a doctor to do. Once he realizes it’s just a really bad case of the flu he’s a bit more relieved and relaxed a bit in your presence. Still, he’s going to be serious as he nurses you back.
You can expect some of the best food in your life while Jamil is taking care of you, as well as some of the best care. He’s fluffing your pillows and treating you like you’re a member of the Asim family. It’s endearing to say the least, and even though he often excuses himself in order to check in on Kalim, he’s never gone for long. He’s also hounding you to rest and not move too often. He’s another person who’s going to be spoon feeding you while you’re on the mend, and he won’t take no for an answer. He knows he’s not obligated to take care of you, but he wants to, and that’s foreign territory for him.
It comes as no surprise that you get better soon after Jamil takes the reins, and he tells you not to mention it when you thank him for all he’s done. He just tells you he’s doing his job, and even when you point out that he doesn’t serve you, he’ll mention that it’s the least he can do after you took care of him in his overblot situation. Don’t think too hard on it, you’re someone special to Jamil and he wants to make sure you’re always comfortable. It’s just one of those quirks about him that he refuses to acknowledge. Being caring almost runs in his blood at this point.
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distant-velleity · 10 months
Too Close for Comfort
Summary: Pairing up two freshmen who are constantly bickering for a potions assignment certainly leads to interesting situations. Word count: 1.3k A/N: another one...!! this one takes place before some of the other fics. mostly this was an excuse for me to put them in another awkward situation teehee. pray forgive me for the honestly mid quality of my writing these two are just too silly Tagging: @thehollowwriter
“I can’t believe I’m stuck with you again for an assignment,” Santiago complains, holding his books to his chest as they leave Crewel’s class.
They’d been partnered for a potion-making assignment, one of their last before spring break. It would be fine if it was anyone but Chrysos, in Santiago’s opinion—the Octavinelle student walks to the beat of his own drum and then has the audacity to yell at Santiago when he doesn’t do anything.
Chrysos, at his side, glares back up at him just as fiercely. “I’ve seen you try on potions, it could be worse. Just don’t slack off. We’ll be fine,” he insists with an air of self-confidence. 
“Easy for you to say, what with your ridiculously good exam scores.”
“For a reason.”
“You have upperclassmen actually willing to help you!” Santiago huffs. “Anyway, we have to get our own ingredients for the potion, right? When are you free to go to the botanical garden so we can collect the harder-to-get ones? ‘Cause I’m not just gonna let you do all the work,” he adds when he receives a questioning look.
Momentarily, Chrysos frowns, staring into the distance in thought. “My club is producing a new movie. I’m going to be busy every afternoon until dinnertime. And we still need to eat during lunchtime…”
“...Dude.” Santiago blanches. “Seriously? So you have no time at all?”
Chrysos nods wordlessly.
Santiago groans, tipping his head back. “This is off to a great start.”
But even as he says that, other options are running through his mind, being considered and rejected with swiftness. Asking to go during their next class with Crewel is totally out of the picture—he’d flame them for not being more proactive with their own time. Other classes are out, too, because no way any teacher would let them skip like that, even if it was excused. It’s not like they can miss club activities, either… and each dorm has things to do in the morning.
So the only option is after club activities, which means—oh, it means a little bit of rebelliousness, sure, but nothing big. 
“At night, then,” Santiago suggests. “No one ever goes to the gardens at night, really, so we’ll be uninterrupted.”
“How do you know that?” immediately challenges Chrysos, followed up with, “Is it against the rules?”
“One, I’ve been there before at night. Two, not necessarily…” At Chrysos’ doubtful look, Santiago rolls his eyes. “It’s only against the rules if you get caught.”
“So it is.”
“Whatever you say. Frankly, I’m more surprised you didn’t already know the rules by heart.”
“Who do you think I am?” Chrysos lets out a soft huff. “It’s not that I’m against going. Just, the consequences… Anyways, when?”
“When…” Santiago chews his bottom lip, trying to remember Kalim’s whims. “Uhh, I’ve got time to slip out tonight. You?”
“Should be fine,” Chrysos says, only sounding half-sure. “The Lounge is closed tonight. I won’t be performing.”
Santiago smirks. “So you’ll perform for me instead? How sweet.” While Chrysos sputters (or at least his own form of fumbling with his composure), he continues, “Alright, then it’s a plan. Let’s meet behind the Hall of Mirrors at… 9 PM? 10?”
“10. A lot of people are asleep by then.”
With the date set in mind, they nod and part ways to head to their next classes.
Having barely diverted Jamil’s line of questioning using the amount of homework the sophomores had, Santiago steps out of the Scarabia mirror and makes his way out of the Hall, slipping into the bushes on the side opposite of the main path. The sky is dark and the only sounds around are the cold night breeze and the rustling of foliage—a perfect night to sneak out.
He checks his phone. 21:56 flashes from his dimmed lock screen.
So I’m a little early, Santiago admits to no one in particular. I’ll just wait out here until Chrysos comes.
Not even a minute later, someone steps into the bushes next to him, clumsy and rustling the leaves. Chrysos dusts off his clothes, with an air all too classy for someone who just stumbled his way in. “You’re early.”
“Not at all,” replies Santiago with an easy smirk. “Let’s go.”
They make their way quietly to the botanical garden, side-by-side despite never taking the main path. It’s through a side entrance that they pass into the glass dome of the garden, surrounded immediately by giant leaves and overhanging vines.
“We can find what we need in the temperate zone,” Chrysos whispers. He gestures with his hand for Santiago to follow him, taking the lead now.
The temperate zone is cool, flush with bushes and thick tree trunks. Air conditioning simulates gentle wind blowing by. Light peeks through the glass ceiling in places where the leaf canopy doesn’t quite cover, allowing them to make their way over to a bunch of berries and brightly-colored flowers.
Wordlessly, they set to work. A sense of agreement that can only be found between partners in crime is the miracle that suppresses their urge to argue.
In Santiago’s opinion, it’s going well. Really well!
At least, until—
“Why are you taking so many?” Santiago asks, staring at the assortment of plant lengths gathered in Chrysos’ palm.
Chrysos reaches for a golden-colored stalk of leaves, a plant that Santiago doesn't remember the name of but is 99% sure becomes poisonous in pretty low doses. “It’s none of your business.” 
“Actually, I think it is—“
Approaching footsteps echo through the zone—sharp heels clacking against the stone path. 
“Who in the world could be in the garden at this hour?” wonders the all-too-recognizable voice of Crewel, just a few meters away behind some trees.
Santiago and Chrysos make panicked eye contact. A mutual oh fuck moment.
“This is your fault,” whispers Santiago. “If you hadn’t got caught up in collecting—”
Chrysos glares at him. “You’re the one who was so loud about it. If you could mind your own business—”
“It was a reasonable question—”
The footsteps grow ever closer. 
Before Santiago can protest any further, Chrysos grabs him by the wrist and pulls him behind a cluster of trees with deceptive strength that doesn’t surprise him anymore. The branches and trunks provide shade enough for them to mostly blend in with their surroundings. It’s not something Santiago—as a flashy parrot beastman—is used to, even if he’s been here in the dead of night before. 
Without really thinking about it in his panic, Santiago tugs Chrysos closer to him and presses him back against the tree trunk behind him. An attempt at using his body to hide the shorter boy.
“Wha—“ Chrysos is cut off by a calloused hand clamping over his mouth.
Santiago jerks his head towards just past the trees, on the path they were just on—although he’s not donning his iconic fur coat, Crewel is still easily recognizable as he walks by, looking around.
“…How strange,” Crewel muses. “Perhaps I was just hearing things.”
The sound of his shoes starts up again, walking away until they disappear into silence. Once he’s out of earshot, Chrysos and Santiago both slump in relief.
That was a little too close for comfort...
And then Chrysos bites Santiago’s hand.
“Ow!” Santiago lets go to shake it, trying to ease the pain. “What was that for?!”
“To talk. You can get off of me now,” Chrysos says dryly. Squinting at him makes it more clear that his cheeks are flushed as red as the ends of his hair.
Santiago actually wonders why for a second before he realizes they’re pressed chest-to-chest, him pinning Chrysos back against the tree with his body, free hand pressed against the wood by the merman’s head. Taken out of context, it definitely does not look like the attempt at hiding that it was.
So, Santiago immediately jumps back, coughing nervously and fiddling with his feather earring. There’s now what he hopes is a socially acceptable amount of distance between him and Chrysos. “My bad… Ahaha. I think we got all our stuff, should we head back to our dorms now?”
Chrysos stares oddly at him for a moment before straightening his clothes. “Yes. Please.”
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outivv · 2 years
a lil req, how about jamil, malleus, silver and ace with a reader thats really good with their words (eg. argumentative and is amazing at debates, feisty)
> also if it’s alright (this is optional to u), I’d like it if the reader is not mc / the prefect (maybe in the same dorm w them, or in any dorm you think they’d fit in), and is gender neutral :o
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Synopsis: s/o who’s really argumentative and good at debating!
Warnings: both playful, and genuine arguments, and not proofread
Game/ fandom: twisted wonderland
Characters: jamil, malleus, silver, and ace
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: hello hello! There’s so many twisted wonder requests in my inbox Omg-! I enjoy it obviously but dang genshin content in general is so dry right now. That’s a discussion for another day though, hope you enjoy, and drink plenty of water >:O!
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— Jamil —
He should’ve guessed when you were in savanaclaw. HE SHOULD’VE GUESSED. His first argument with you was genuinely horrific. He’s a very very smart guy, and he knows that, everyone knows that, but you do not care because you won that argument anyways.
Any point he brings up is easily shut down by your counterpoint, and he probably thinks that’s hot. LISTEN. Jamil probably thinks smart people are attractive, and people who easily stand up for themself without being… ig a brute is the right term.
Jamil can stand up for himself, but a lot of the time he just steps aside and let’s you take care of it. One less thing for him to worry about tbh (please this man needs a break can you really blame him?).
— Malleus —
You tried to star a debate team but no one joined cause they didn’t wanna debate with you. That was malleus’s hint at your… debating powers JGSJEBD.
Malleus hates arguments, and you don’t get into arguments… like at all. Only playful ones. But. You do get into arguments with other people in the diasomnia dorm. Sebek barged into your room without knocking again? Full on 20 minute lecture, that you win with ease. Lilia used YOUR LEFTOVERS FOR ONE OF HIS… “INGREDIENTS” FOR ONE OF HIS “DISHES” (if it can be called that). Full on debate that you also win.
Malleus in awe, because you speak so eloquently, and calmly, but the words your saying just shut the other person down without a problem. Genuinely likes hearing you debate with people, it’s so???? Interesting???? To him?????
— Silver —
Anytime he sees you debating with someone he just walk away. Like “eh they’ll take care of it soon” he just doesn’t wanna be responsible for it OWHIGE.
Tried to stop you from debating malleus one time, it was a playful debate and both of you know that, but silver did not care. Dragged you away as malleus fallowed while still debating on the best ice cream flavor.
Keeps you far away from the diasomnia dorm. One talk with Sebek and it’s over for him. It’s more for sebek’s save than your own to be honest. Thankfully your dorm is octavinelle so you are far away from diasomnia, BUT STILL. ITS THE WHOLE… POINT OF THE MATTER.
— Ace —
This poor guy can’t catch a break now can he? First riddle, then deuce, THEN YOU. HIS OWN PARTNER. Doesn’t help that you’re one of the smartest people in scarabia, ONE OF THE DORMS THAT HOUSES ALL THE SMART PEOPLE.
Dude literally will get into an argument with you over something and then when you bring up your first point he’ll just “okay I’m sorry dear.” And sulk like a sad dog. JSGSJJS I LOVE THE DYNAMIC.
While he’ll sulk like a sad dog, he also think it’s really amazing when you debate with someone. Just look in awe because… damn it pays to have a attractive partner. JAGSJS NO BUT HE THINKS ITS ATTRACTIVE PROBABLY.
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curryandbread · 3 years
Hi, there! I’ve got this funny headcannon in my mind. Remember the scene in KFP where Po imitates Shifu? Can you do the dorm leaders’ fem! s/o imitating them and they suddenly catch her in the act? What would their reaction be? Please and thank you!
Imitating the TWST Dorm Leaders
Sorry for the very long wait! (May contain spoilers)
Riddle Rosehearts
“I am the rule, You’re just magicless,, Your response should only be yEs dOrM LeADeR uUuuGGIIIIIIIII!!!”
You whispered-scream as you were sweeping the floor, mimicking Riddle’s iconic cry. The reason why you chose to act this way was because of Riddle scolding you about your grades. Apparently you were failing, so Riddle took the chance to give you a lecture and take away things that causes distractions.
You were making the weirdest of poses as you used a broom as his iconic staff, putting a hand over your chest, not knowing the very same person you chose to impersonate was behind you.
“Apparently the only response should be what now?” His voice blasted through, you flinch at the encounter, accompanied with a familiar expression that makes his head burst in anger. All you could give was an awkward smile.
Leona Kingscholar
“Tch. I’m Leona and I hate children and veggies. Oi herbivore take this to Trein-sensei.. Nyaa nyaa~ I’m a kitty cat.”
You said with a mockingly low voice. Buffing up your chest as you put your hands in your pockets, before bringing them to the sides of your head to resemble his ‘ears’. You were just simply tired of Leona being himself.
You were continuing your antics not long before Leona was already by the door who could only watch you in disgust.
“Oi. Is that how you really see me?” His voice felt like ice, sending shivers down your spine as you jumped to face him.
“Don’t even start with the ‘kitty cat’ thing. It’s gross.”
Azul Ashengrotto
“Give me your power!! I want it all!! MOUUU IYADAAAAAA”
You thrash around jokingly and make fake crying noises as you find yourself alone in the room. Azul scolded you for failing to meet the daily quota of your job; thus you’re now stuck under his grasps for the next few days.
You lift up your imaginary glasses, making a face to imitate Azul’s memory burning smirk. Yet at the same time, Azul comes in to see what you’ve been doing.
“You know I heard the last bit, right??” He sighed, his face scrunching from cringe. “What? But that’s you wasn’t it?” You pouted until he waves you off.
“Why am I with you in the first place? Just get back to work….”
Kalim Al-Asim
“Nyahahaa!! Let’s have a feast!!!”
You pressed your hands on your sides as you flashed a toothy grin in an attempt to impersonate the dorm leader of Scarabia. What could go wrong?
“A FEAST YOU SAY??” Kalim pops out from nowhere, his eyes practically sparkling.
“Kalim— I was just—!” You shake your head, waving your hands to gesture that it was something to be taken light of, unfortunately Kalim doesn’t pick up the signal.
“You said it!! Jamil! Prepare the food and elephants!!!!” Kalim yells enthusiastically, followed by a “Alright” from the vice dorm leader.
Vil Schoenheit
“Mira mira, Who’s the fairest of them all?? Potato.”
You grumbled at the thought of how Vil still calls you potato, flaunting your lashes and flipping your hair as you pretended to copy him, doing a little strut before seething into frustration.
“The strut was not bad. Needs more work though.” His voice boomed from a distance, catching you off guard.
“So you saw that…” A bead of sweat rolled down your cheek, Vil walking to you.
“Are you that envious of me? Perhaps I can teach you a thing or two.”
Idia Shroud
“Fuhihi! The new series of my favorite game has come out !?!?%^#%!!? Blah blah blah— ugh.”
You blew raspberry after spouting nonsense, just as how Idia seems to talk whenever he gets a little too passionate with something. How can he be so… two-sided without a worry.
“A-are you insulting me?” He grumbled as he peeked from the door, snapping your head towards the direction of his voice.
“I don’t know. I just felt like impersonating you.” You shrugged, teasing him lightly.
“Is that how I really sound..?” The man clad in blue muttered to himself in embarrassment.
Malleus Draconia
“Child of man… You’re very interesting. What’s that you say? Tsunotaro? Fufu. Very interesting.”
You attempted to say his words in a deep voice but to no avail, it wasn’t as good as you expected. You were just outside your dorm to cool off from a stressful day, not knowing that Malleus was there waiting long enough.
“Child of man. What are you doing?” He asked as he brought his fingers to his chin, you flinched before hesitating to look at him.
“M-Malleus!! You… heard that.. didn’t you?” You let out an awkward smile as you shuffled to his side.
“Have I really been occupying your mind lately?” He let out a small smile, feeling a little grateful.
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peskygirl13 · 3 years
TWST Pokemon AU Part 4: Scarabia
It wasn’t until I started working on this that I realized that I used all three Unova starters 😅
The previous post (and my favorite post so far) can be found here
My masterlist with my other works can be found here
Also, it has come to my attention that some people have been unable to see my blog. I logged out of tumblr and searched up my account and it said I didn’t have any posts, which obviously isn’t true. 
If you can’t see my account or know someone who can’t see it, please let me know. Tumblr may just be glitching, but I just want to be on the safe side.
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“Oshawott!!~ I have some more food for you!”
You loved Kalim, you really did, but his tendency to spoil your already somewhat spoiled Pokémon drove you nuts.
Your Oshawott was rather quirky, often wandering off and doing things by itself.
Back in your world, you had grown so used to Oshawott exiting its Pokéball by itself and wandering off that you didn’t really bat an eye at it.
It was hard to break that habit after arriving to Twisted Wonderland, which caused some problems.
After a few incidents with Oshawott walking unsupervised around the school, specifically a dorm full of wild beastmen, Crowley ordered you to never let Oshawott out of your sight.
It was hard enough trying to keep track of Grim, whom your beloved Pokémon didn’t get along with, but trying to keep track of Oshawott and Grim was near impossible. Especially since your quirky, carefree Pokémon just couldn’t seem to grasp the dangers of this new world and continued to wander off when you weren’t looking.
If you kept your eyes on Grim, Oshawott disappeared. If you kept your eyes on Oshawott, Grim disappeared. It was a ‘lose-lose’ situation.
During Crewel’s alchemy class, you were more focused on Grim (considering he was your lab partner) and Oshawott wandered off without you knowing.
The Pokémon made it to the mirror chamber and snuck through Scarabia’s mirror.
After classes, Kalim returned to the dorm by himself since Jamil had basketball practice. 
He was surprised to see an otter looking creature floating in Scarabia’s front fountain.
While you and Kalim hadn’t officially met yet, he recognized Oshawott from the entrance ceremony since you had ordered it to put out Grim’s flames.
Of course he got excited at the appearance of the otter Pokémon and quickly ran over to great the Pokémon.
Kalim’s shadow shaded Oshawott from Scarabia’s sun, making the Pokémon open its eyes to see who was interrupting its relaxation time, only to be met with Kalim’s sparkling ruby red eyes as he doted and cooed over Oshawott.
Now your Oshawott was cute, and the little bastard knew it. And, unfortunately for our resident sunshine boy, Oshawott could spot a sucker a mile away.
Jamil returned to the dorm later that he would have liked.
Basketball practice had been cut short when a frantic (Y/n) ran into the gym, asking Ace if he could help them and Deuce find Oshawott.
Floyd decided to join them since he was also fond of Oshawott and, somehow, Jamil got roped into helping them search too.
It was dinner time when Jamil returned to the dorm. They still hadn’t found Oshawott, but Jamil was more worried about the dorm.
He was already imagining the worst scenarios possible after leaving Kalim unsupervised for so long.
The only thing he hadn’t pictured was walking in on Kalim feeding Oshawott grapes, the little otter covered head to toe in jewelry.
One quick call later and a frustrated and annoyed (Y/n) arrived to Scarabia.
Picking up Oshawott, who futility tried to escape, you began shaking off all the jewelry it was decorated with. Afterwards, you irritably marched back to Ramshakle.
You kept a closer eye on Oshawott after that. But any time it managed to slip away, you would always find it in Scarabia with Kalim.
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“At least you aren’t a bug type.”
You needed someone to watch your Snivy.
You had a meeting with Crowley to discuss how things were going with getting you home and work he needed you to do around the campus.
Your Snivy never seemed to be that found of Crowley (which was pretty understandable), so you tried to keep the two separated as much as possible.
You didn’t know how long the meeting was going to last and the Adeuce combo was busy and if you left it alone at Ramshakle with Grim, you were certain you’d come back to a bonfire with the dorm used as kindling. 
So Kalim, being a sweetheart, said that you could leave Snivy at Scarabia.
You agreed gratefully agreed and handed your precious grass snake Pokémon to the Scaracbia Dorm leader
Unknown to you, Kalim did this without telling Jamil. The poor vice dorm leader was surprised and annoyed when Kalim returned to the Dorm with a green snake walking beside him.
A stern but short scolding later, Kalim tried to play with Snivy with little success. 
You had warned the boy that your Snivy wasn’t really a ‘People-Pokémon’ and preferred to be alone, but, of course, the boy didn’t listen.
He constantly tried to hug the Pokémon, only for it to pick him up with vine whip and set him a few feet away. 
While annoyed by the boy, it didn’t want to hurt him.
Jamil spent most of his day watching Kalim chase after a snake monster that so clearly wanted to be left alone.
After a while, Jamil decided to step in and see if he could save the poor Pokémon before it snapped and actually attacked Kalim with it’s Vine Whip.
“Kalim, shouldn’t you feed it?”
“Huh? Oh! You’re right! Let’s see, (Y/n) said that its main diet included vegetables--”
“Let me take care of it. I need to start dinner anyway.”
“That’s a great idea! Here!”
Kalim picked up a disgruntled and slightly irritable Snivy and plopped it in Jamil’s arms.
“Snivy, Jamil is going to take care of you for now, ‘kay?”
“Snivy.” Your Pokémon was pretty indifferent.
After Kalim left, Jamil set Snivy down and headed to the kitchen with the grass snake Pokémon at his feet. The grass Pokémon seemed a bit relived that Kalim was gone, something that Jamil could feel deep in his soul.
A few hours later, you returned to Scarabia to pick up Snivy and were pleasantly surprised to find Jamil and your Pokemon cooking together.
“Wow, Jamil. I’m impressed at how fast Snivy warmed up to you.”
You explained to him that Snivy had a trainer before you that it decided to leave and that since then, Snivy had been pretty wary of people.
“Truth be told, I was worried about leaving Snivy here because I believed that Kalim may have been a bit too much for Snivy, but it looks like I was worried for nothing. I’m glad that Snivy is comfortable around Jamil,” You smiled, “You’re truly incredible.”
Jamil felt his cheeks flush a bit as you began rolling up your sleeves. 
“Now, can I help?”
Before Jamil respond, Snivy used Vine Whip to lift you up and set you by the door before wagging its vines in front of your face like a lecturing finger.
“Snivy! Snivy-vy Sni Vy.”
Jamil couldn’t understand a word it said, but it sounding similar to how he lectures to Kalim. You seemed to understand perfectly, however.
“Ok! Alright!” You snapped, annoyed, beginning to exit the kitchen while grumbling under your breath. 
“One curry mishap and anytime your in the kitchen you become a hazard to society!”
And yet another similarity Jamil could find between him and the Pokémon.
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courtlyharlequin · 3 years
Gotta say I love your writing!! It’s just absolutely wonderful and I can’t wait to see more of it ^-^ May I request some head cannons of the dorm leaders reacting to their S/O fainting suddenly from overworking themselves?
Rest Easy
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A/N: Hello~ thank you for requesting. I’m glad you like my writing! This honestly means a lot to me. I’m sorry this took so long to write, but thank you for your patience. I hope it’s up to par ^^
Riddle Rosehearts:
He was completely caught off guard. You were walking next to him one moment and now you were on the ground. He drops whatever he’s holding and rushes to your side. He calls your name out several times in a firm yet worried tone. Riddle also makes sure to check your breathing as well. A relieved sigh escapes his lips
The redhead slings your arm around his shoulder and drags you to the infirmary. He struggles a bit to say the least. He was lugging an unconscious person to the other side of the school, but he digresses as your health and safety is a priority at the moment
Riddle lets the staff tend to you and waits by your side. He holds your hand, playing with your fingertips and finding himself staring out the window. His eyebrows are furrowed. He’s your boyfriend, your significant other, yet he was so caught up in his studies and duties as a prefect that he didn’t see the signs
By the time you wake up, he’s fallen asleep at your bedside. You card your fingers through his hair and his lashes flutter
“You worried me.”
You two talk for a bit about your health. It mainly consisted of Riddle lovingly scolding you for not taking better for yourself
Leona Kingscholar:
He sensed something off about you that day. Your eye bags were dark and deep. He shrugged it off because you told him you stayed up a tad too late to catch up on homework
When hanging around in his room afterschool, you fainted. You were sitting at his desk and he was seated at the edge of his bed. You were babbling about your history classes, but Leona could tell you were trying to hold on to your consciousness
Eventually, you fainted. He clicks his tongue before lunging towards you, wrapping his arm around your waist, catching you before you fell onto the floor
He lays you on his bed before going to find a glass of water for you
Leona comes back with the glass, but also a bowl of water and a wet towel too. He places the towel onto your head. Now, all he can do is wait. You’re breathing. You’re fine– just overworked, but it’s only a matter of time before you wake
When you gain consciousness, he just lets you talk. He hugs you if you need him to, running a hand through your hair. There’s the occasional forehead kiss as well. He’s quiet for the most part, but he’ll admit you worried him
After you promise to take better care of yourself, he climbs onto the bed and drapes the blanket over the both of you, telling you to get some more sleep. He won’t let you go until you’re well rested
Azul Ashengrotto:
Like Riddle, Azul panics, rushing to your side and calling out your name. He firmly shakes your shoulder. With no response, he scopes you up in his arms and carries you to the Octavinelle dormitory
There, he tends to you. He lays you on your back and raises your legs to help blood flow to your head. He takes off your shoes and loosens your tie– anything to make your recovery more comfortable
He’s honestly very worried but he knows that if he panics, he might be doing more harm than good
You regain your consciousness quickly, but he’s not letting you walk away from him without proper rest. Don’t brush it off like it’s nothing. You’re overworked and you just fainted!
He listens to your troubles and offers you some advice as someone who’s always busy too. He offers to help you with your work if it’ll lighten the load in exchange that you’ll rest properly
Can’t have you faint on him again, now can we?
Kalim Al-Asim:
He invited you over to Scarabia to let loose after exams. He knows you’ve been working hard as of late so he wanted you to relax with a small banquet, filling food and feel-good vibes. Kalim nearly drops his drink after hearing a loud thud. He turns around to see your lifeless figure on the floor
His eyes widened as he rushed to your side. Students crowd around you both; he can hear their distant whispers. His heartbeat rings throughout his ears, muffling their voices.  He sighs when he sees your chest rise and fall
Kalim isn’t quite sure exactly what to do. His thoughts are all over the place, but he knows that he should get you out of her quickly. He could save the questions for later.
He slings your arm around his shoulder. He crosses paths with Jamil on his way to the bedroom. He gives him a silent nod. The vice prefect quickened his pace and tends to the common room
The prefect ushers you onto his bed and turns on the fan. He isn’t familiar with fainting, but he is familiar with tending to someone who’s unconscious. Jamil has been poisoned a handful of times on his behalf and he’s seen the maids tend to him. While you don’t need an antidote, you need to be laid on your back and have anything tight loosened. He places your feet on a tower of pillows, redirecting your blood flow to your head
When you wake, he embraces you wholeheartedly. Kalim refrains from bombarding you with questions as to why you fainted albeit he is thankful that you told him out of your own volition. He’ll definitely offer to do something lighthearted together to ease your mind. How about a game of mancala?
Vil Schoenheit:
He was already scolding you for overworking yourself. You can’t hide those eye bags from him. He’s been doing his best to keep you in check– making sure you eat three meals a day and sleep on time. However, you have to meet him halfway
Vil’s breath hitches as he sees your figure fall towards the ground. Luckily, he catches you by the wrist, pulling you close to him before gently laying you on your back.
He tries to compose himself, but that nearly gave him a heart attack. Sure, he knew about your workload, but he didn’t expect you to faint
He brushes his feelings aside to tend to you. Your health is most important to him as of now. He’s not unfamiliar with fainting. Fortunately, Vil has never fainted himself, but he’s had his share of fainting incidents. His colleagues often fainted due to overworking as well
Honestly… what was he going to do with you? He shakes his head as he checks for your pulse and breathing. He doesn’t hesitate to search up ways to help someone when fainting. He wants to take care of you thoroughly and to the best of his abilities. He may have witnessed others tend to an individual who has fainted, but he’s no expert
Be prepared for an earful when you wake up. Vil has a lot to say to you. You should be taking care of yourself. Know your limits. You can’t put forth your best efforts if you’re dead tired. He plans a self care day for you both
No if’s, and’s, or but’s. You’re going to rest. Vil understands the need to overexert yourself, going the extra mile for your work, your passions, but there’s a limit. Success comes from resting as much as it comes from hard work. Cut yourself some slack, Fairest
Idia Shroud:
It’s a miracle Idia didn’t faint himself. He’s scared out of his mind. Are you alright? A thousand thoughts race through his mind. What happened? You were fine a moment ago! Please don’t tell him you just died on the spot. Or worse– possessed by a ghost?!
Worst case scenarios flood his mind. Some of them are completely irrational, but he doesn’t consider that. Anything is possible
He mutters your name under his breath repeatedly as he shakes your shoulder. Each time, his voice grows louder and louder
Idia runs to get some help. He returns with Ortho who scans your lifeless figure, confirming that you are indeed alive, just overworked and exhausted. He urges his brother to carry you back to Ignihyde to let you rest properly. The floor isn’t comfortable for humans
Reluctantly, he drags you back to his room. He stays by your side. He holds your hand while playing a game. The poor prefect nearly drops his phone when you squeeze his hand, letting him know you’re awake
Idia starts rambling. He was worried sick! His stammering comes to a halt when you kiss him on the cheek as thanks
In turn, he buries his head into the crook of your neck. He’s red to the tips of his ears now. He honestly didn’t do much. He wishes he could have done more to lighten your workload to be honest
Nevertheless, Idia puts on a brave face for you and crawls into the bed with you
Malleus Draconia:
Color him surprised. You were standing and then you weren’t. He turned around once he heard a loud thud only to find you on the floor. At first, he thought you had tripped over your own feet. You were a klutzy beastie after all. It wouldn't be the first time this happened. He found it endearing
Malleus chuckled as he crouched down to offer you a hand. He blinked twice when you didn’t take his hand. You didn’t even say a word. He pokes your cheek and cocks his head
Still no response. Now he’s worried. What happened to you? You were still breathing, but you weren’t awake. Have you fallen asleep? But in broad daylight… He brushes your hair aside to examine your face. You did have dark circles, but he doesn’t believe that would be the cause of this. You would have yawned more frequently
Well, no matter. It would be best to get you to bed. Leaving you in the hallway wasn’t  a viable option. You would certainly be more comfortable on a mattress
He sighs as he scoops you up in his arms and teleports to his bedroom
There, he lays you on his bed, tucking you in snugly. Malleus places a gentle kiss on your forehead
He waits by your side. If you show signs of distress in your slumber, then he might enchant your dreams with a little bit of magic to make you sleep more comfortably
When you wake, Malleus will lend you an ear to listen to your troubles. If you insist on going back to your work, then he’ll sit you back down and prop open a book and begins reading. You find yourself slowly falling asleep
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twst-bs · 3 years
TWST Vice Dorm Leaders and a Stressed-out MC
I couldn't leave out the Vice Dorm Leaders! I'm just used to working in chunks of seven because of my Obey Me! writing. I'll do a piece for all of the other characters as well!
Note: I wrote most of these to be ambiguous, but Ortho's in meant to be read as platonic. I just wanted to give the little dude some love.
Trey: "Do you not like it?"
They only just barely managed to catch their fork before it clattered against the plate. With everything going through their head at a mile a minute, they had completely forgotten what they were supposed to be doing.
“No! I mean, yes, I like it!” they stumbled over their words, pasting a hopefully-convincing grin on their face.
“Really?” Trey fixed them with a knowing look and they felt themselves wither beneath it. “Because you only took one bite before staring off into middle distance.”
“Oh,” their grin turned sheepishly. “Sorry.”
“Something on your mind?” he asked, taking a seat on the stool across from them. “You’re awfully quiet.”
Damn it, they had really hoped Trey wouldn’t figure them out. Or at least take more than ten minutes.
The pressure had been mounting lately. Trying to stay on top of impossible classes, watching over Grimm, the ever-looming problem of them not being able to go back to their own world and the moral dilemma of if they even wanted to go back...they had a lot of things on their mind, and they didn’t even know where to start.
This was supposed to be a light-hearted little night in. Trey had found a new recipe he wanted to try out, and they were always willing to be the taste-tester. But, of course, good old anxiety had decided to drop in and ruin the fun, and the cute date night had turned south before it had even really begun.
“Hey, easy,” Trey’s voice cut through the fog that was slowly descending over their brain. “I know that face. Will talking about it help or hurt?”
“...I don’t know,” they mumbled, setting their fork down. “I’m sorry, Trey, I -”
“Nope.” he reached across the kitchen island and gently slipped his hand beneath theirs. They squeezed it back, letting him run his thumb over their knuckles as they tried to fight down the panic that threatened to burst from within. “No apologies are necessary. Take your time.”
“But I ruined our date,” they sighed, shoulders slumping. “Just because I couldn’t get out of my own head for a few hours.”
“Riddle couldn’t get out of his own head for almost two decades, and I’m still friends with him.” Trey chuckled. “Your mental well-being is more important than a silly date night. You can talk to me about anything, any time, anywhere, and I won’t be angry with you, promise.”
“...Can I still have the cake?”
“Yes, you can still have the cake.”
Ruggie: It had been another long night.
Sleepless nights were a pretty common occurrence for the Ramshackle Prefect, unfortunately. Even if they were dead tired at the end of the day, they often tossed and turned the whole night, managing maybe a few hours of sleep at best. Which often led to days like this.
They could barely keep their eyes open, even as they walked to their next class. They were on autopilot, going through their daily motions. The books in their bag felt like they might as well be boulders, and the thought of climbing the stairs made them want to cry. Their legs felt like lead.
They definitely didn’t scream when a pair of lithe arms wrapped around their middle. No way, you have no proof.
“Sheesh, herbivore, you’re loud.” Ruggie snickered, hooking his chin over their shoulder. “You could wake the dead like that. Is that how you wake up the ghosts in your dorm?”
“Ruggie, you scared the hell out of me!”
“Your fault for not payin’ attention!” He gave them a fond squeeze around the middle before letting them go. “I’ve been walkin’ behind you since you left your class. You wouldn’t survive a day in the Savannah, walkin’ around with your head in the clouds like that.”
“Why didn’t you say anything, instead of stalking me like a creep?”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Ruggie cackled. However, his snarky grin dropped from his face when he got a good look at them. “Hey, you aren’t lookin’ so good.”
“Didn’t sleep very well,” they shrugged, readjusting the strap on their bag so it wasn’t digging into their shoulder. Ruggie scowled, eyes narrowing.
They stuck their tongue out at him. “It’s not like I do it on purpose.”
The hyena stared at them for a little bit longer before sighing. “I guess it can’t be helped. Come on.” he grabbed their wrist, tugging them in the opposite direction of their next class.
“Hey, where are we going?”
“Back to Ramshackle,” Ruggie said lightly.
“Oh, but you scold Leona when he skips?” they poked him in the side with their free hand, and he squirmed away.
“Leona doesn’t need three afternoon naps,” the hyena sniggered. “You look like you could use a coma.”
Jade: “Thank you again for helping out.”
Their arms felt like jelly. Their legs were about ready to fall off. Their face hurt from having to put on a fake smile for the past few hours.
“No problem!” they said brightly. The fake smile could last a few more minutes. “I guess Floyd can’t give you guys more notice when he decides to skip his shift, huh?”
“No, Floyd does what he wants, when he wants.” Jade chuckled lightly, wiping his hands on the towel draped over his arm. Friday nights at the lounge were always busy, so of course that was when Floyd decided he didn’t want to work. Mostro Lounge didn’t have that many options, so Jade had called and asked them if they would mind helping out.
Honestly, they should have said no. They were tired, they had a lot of homework to do, and they honestly just needed a night to themselves for once. But, the thought of letting someone down triggered a deep and primal fear in them, and before they even really knew what they were doing, they had agreed. And here they were.
“...would you like?”
They had to stop themselves from physically shaking themselves out of their trance. “What? I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.”
Jade raised an eyebrow, but politely decided not to comment. “One of the rules at the Lounge is that those who work that day get a free meal after their shift. I asked what you would like.”
“Oh! Um, I’m fine, really, I wouldn’t want to -” their stomach chose that moment to disagree, grumbling loudly in protest of not being fed. How long had it been since lunch? Had they even eaten lunch?
“Both I and your stomach insist, it seems.” Jade pulled out his waiter’s pad. “You’ve earned a meal for your hard work.”
“But -”
“You aren’t troubling anyone.” Jade cut in, seemingly more in tune with their thoughts than they were. “And I wouldn’t have been angry with you if you had turned down my request for help.”
“How did you -”
“Now, what would you like to eat?”
The two of them stood at an impasse for a moment.
“...the tomato basil bisque and grilled cheese sounded good.”
Jamil: “You’re going to chop your fingers off.”
They almost hit the ceiling when Jamil’s hand covered their own. They hadn’t even realized their hands had been shaking until his warm palm steadied theirs.Gently, carefully, he brought the knife down onto the vegetables they were chopping in a nice, clean cut.
“You don’t have to help if you aren’t feeling well.” Jamil took the knife from their hands, setting it down on the cutting board. Kalim had spontaneously announced another one of Scarabia’s famous parties, and of course that left most of the prep work to Jamil. Although Kalim was at least handling the decorations this time. Baby steps.
When they heard the news a few days prior, they had offered to help, and Jamil had practically deflated with relief. Every time Kalim held a party at the dorm, Jamil felt like a zombie for at least the next day and a half. They had personally seen him take a basketball to the face because he had been so tired. Although that might have been Floyd messing with him.
But, of course, when they woke up the day of the party, something had felt off. Nothing in particular had caused them to feel strange, but it could have been a bunch of little things. Regardless of the cause, it was a day best spent alone, dealing with the random anxiety. But, they had made a promise, and even though they wanted to back out, said anxiety also wouldn’t let them for fear of inconveniencing someone even a little bit.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” they grinned, shaking their wrist out. “Just spent a bit too long working on Trein’s homework. I’m pretty sure you get better grades if you write long paragraphs.”
“The trick is to make them long and unnecessarily fancy,” Jamil’s lips quirked upwards as he hip-checked them out of the way. “And don’t think you can distract me.”
“Damn it.”
Jamil shook his head. “Don’t push yourself so hard.”
“Pot meet kettle, Jamil.”
“I’m serious.” he leveled them with a steely look that had them feeling like a child getting scolded. “Honestly, with all of the stuff you do for everyone, I’m surprised you haven’t cracked yet.”
“...Me too, honestly.”
“See? Give yourself a break every once in a while.”
“Only if you do, too, Mr. I-Don’t-Need-Any-Help.”
His stern look softened until he was smiling fondly at them, warmth in his eyes. “Deal.”
Rook: “Non, non, this is unacceptable.”
They had heard Rook’s footsteps as he approached, which meant he wanted them to notice him. Otherwise he would have been completely silent.
Hand still on the spine of the book they were attempting to ease out of the tightly-packed library shelves, they turned to look at him. “What’s unacceptable?”
“The hunch to your shoulders, mon bijou.” the hunter swept dramatically into the light. “The sallowness of your skin. The shadows beneath your eyes!”
“You look very tired, my dear.” Rook dropped his usual flamboyant act, approaching them with concern shining in his eyes. “Are you alright?”
“Just…” after a moment, they turned to him and rapped their knuckles lightly against their head. “A lot going on up here, you know?”
“I do,” Rook nodded. “You have many things to be worrying about, don’t you?.”
He stepped forward, grasping both of their hands in his. They were trembling lightly, since when had that started?
“You know I pride myself in being a protector of all things beautiful,” Rook gave their hands a squeeze. “And seeing your beautiful heart burdened so...it is my duty to ease it’s weight. So please, if there is anything I can do to help, tell me.”
Ortho: “Sorry for bothering you like this, Ortho.”
The little robot-boy smiled. “It’s no problem! I’m glad to help! Something as simple as a body scan is no trouble.”
The two of them were sat in the Ignihyde lounge. It was late enough that most of the dorm members had holed themselves up in their rooms - Ignihyde wasn’t known for its social butterflies, after all. But Ortho had still been up and about when the Ramshackle Prefect came knocking.
The infirmary closed around 5pm, although there was a nurse on-call for emergencies. So when something was wrong with a student, but not necessarily life threatening, they went to NRC’s resident robot. Ortho could scan for most problems in seconds, and more than once the nurses had asked to borrow him.
The little scanner on his chest opened up. The blue light swept over the Prefect’s body for a few seconds before Ortho beeped and the light disappeared.
“Heart rate: 102. No physical cause detected.” he reported. “It looks like you’re a little bit stressed.”
“...Yeah, that tracks.” they sighed. “I guess there’s nothing you can do for general anxiety, huh?”
“I don’t think so.” Ortho shrugged, looking sad. “I’m sorry, I wish I could help more.”
“It’s okay!” the Prefect smiled. “You did help! I was worried I was sick or something.”
Ortho still didn’t look satisfied. “But...ah!” he hit his fist against his palm. They could practically see the lightbulb go off in his head. Actually, they were a little surprised Idia had not installed that feature yet. “There is one thing I can do.”
“What’s that?”
The Prefect made a soft “oof” sound as Ortho darted forward and wrapped his arms around them. He was a little cold, being made of metal, but the thought was there.
“Internet research says that sometimes a hug can make people feel better. Does it work? I hope it works.”
They felt like they were going to cry. Or explode. Or both. “Yeah, I think it works.”
Lilia: “You don’t need to look so stressed, you know.”
Lilia laughed when the Ramshackle Prefect jumped, fangs poking out. “You’ve wound yourself so tightly, I wonder if you’ll break.”
To be fair, the Diasomnia lounge could be quite intimidating. It often took first years a few solid months to be comfortable in it. So Lilia wasn’t surprised that the human was ill at ease sitting there as Lilia served the two of them tea.
“That old story about being trapped in the Fae world if you eat their food isn’t true, you know.” Lilia sat down on the couch opposite of them, taking a sip of his tea. “At least, not that I’m aware of.”
The human squirmed slightly, and Lilia sighed. “Go on, drink. This is the type of tea I used to give to Malleus when he couldn’t sleep.”
The image of a baby Malleus being soothed by Lilia was so ridiculously cute that it brought a smile to their face. Lilia hummed happily in response.
“There’s the smile I was looking for.” he set his cup down. “Now, what brings you here so late? Nightmares again?”
“...Yeah…” they sighed, the tension in their body falling away like someone had cut the strings of a marionette. “I just wish they would stop so I could sleep.”
“Do you want to talk about them?” Lilia asked.
“It’s the same one, it’s always the same one.” they groaned, reaching for the tea cup. It smelled of chamomile and lavender, a perfect sleeping concoction. “I’m being chased, but I can’t tell by what, and every time I turn a corner the thing gets closer, and - and -”
“Hush, don’t work yourself up.” he moved from his spot on the couch to sit next to them. “Take a drink, there’s a good child.”
They took a sip of tea, focusing on the feeling of warmth down their throat as a way to ground themselves to the present. “I’m sorry.”
“You needn’t apologize,” Lilia murmured, reaching up to pet their hair. “Drink your tea, now, and I’ll make sure you get some sleep.”
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twistedmusings · 4 years
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A/N: My first request *squeal*. Thank you @raymiazaki​ !It feels like I’m a librarian recommending books. Honestly after watching the Malleus’s birthday SSR I couldn’t keep away from this request solely cause HOW CAN HE BE THAT ADORABLE? He ate a whole cake by himself because he had no one else to eat it with q wq  I’ll eat it with you, bae. 
Warnings: None, Very platonic and just way too much too much fluff!
Let me get that book for you! 
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Dear Grandmother--
Dearest Grandmother--
My esteemed Queen, I have--
Malleus sighs as he tries to clear his mind and restart all over. His grandmother had written him a beautiful letter congratulating him for his birthday and Malleus held the belief that maybe he should start writing back to her. He knows she is rather busy with the entire kingdom but maybe he should start putting effort in telling her about his school life. 
His third year had been rather interesting, after all. 
The cold hit against his skin as he looked down, fixing the buttons on his suit as well as touching the rather impressive decal on his right breast pocket. Were human celebrations meant to be so decorative? With the way the Diasmonia lounge had been decorated it seemed so. It was all rather new so it wasn’t like he had minded the rather festive celebration. Lillia had done a small presentation with his bass, Silver had given him a rather soft looking pillow and Sebek had handed him an apple that was beautifully carved to shape a mighty dragon spewing fire. 
And you had come along, probably the biggest surprise of all. 
He raised his head when he saw the Ramshackle dorm lights, quickening his pace just a bit as he remembered your visit. 
For some reason the Headmaster had asked you to interview some of your friends for their birthday months. He said that it would make a great piece for the school newspaper as well as a way for Night Raven College students to know what kind of people attended this prestigious school. You were friends with some rather eccentric people so Malleus figured that the Headmaster had asked the right person. Before your visit, he had read up on everybody else’s answer as well as practicing what he would say to some potential questions you might ask, Lilia catching him talking to himself and asking if he needed to ‘lie down’ with a teasing smile on his face. Malleus simply stated that he wanted to be ready for what you might say. 
The fae was pleasantly surprised, however, to find that most of your questions led to some pleasant tid bits of conversation he rarely got to have with you in his day to day life. You had looked quite impressed when he spoke about his confusion with human birthday celebrations and stating how you never saw it from his point of view, not panicking about how one hundred years didn’t compare at all to the life of a fae. 
You didn’t fear for your mortality, you welcomed it. 
Maybe that is why he wanted to write to his grandmother, because he had made a friend that interested him far more than anything else in these past two years. 
You approached him without fear, spoke to him as if he was just another regular person and insisted on calling him the nickname you had given him when you two first met. When he asked for your reason as to why you kept calling him that despite now knowing his true name, you simply shrugged and smiled, stating that it was special. A secret that was shared between you. 
He had promptly apologized after, stating that he rather liked the nickname as well and how he hoped you would continue using it. 
The interview went just as fast as he had expected it, the little cat of yours pawing at your shoulder and insisting that you get a move on or else there would be no time to ‘prepare’. Which was a pity, you two had just been talking about how an entire birthday cake should be eaten with friends instead of all by himself but he guessed that you were still rather caught up in Ramshackle dorm priorities. 
Whatever those may be. You stood up fast and gathered your things before turning to Malleus, the other thanking you for coming and wishing you a good rest of your night. He turned to the balcony once he heard the door of the dorm close shut, moving towards it in hopes to catch a glimpse of you as you left. Malleus smiled as he watched Grimm float in front of you as you struggled to catch up, saying something about how you had forgotten the most important part. 
“Ramshackle is so far away! Why didn’t you ask him during the interview!” 
“I forgot! Just...go to Ramshackle and I’ll meet you there!” 
Seems you forgot something. Malleus watches as Grimm leaves, waiting a few moments before calling out to you. “Child of man?” 
His eyes meet yours as you smile, waving your hands around as you let out a happy squeal. “Oh good! You’re up there! Listen! I don’t know why I forgot to tell you this but--mind coming over to Ramshackle after the party here is over?” 
He tilts his head, an invitation? Apparently you could see the confusion in his eyes and spoke again. 
“Just for a little bit! I forgot your present at my place and I want to give it to you before the night is over!” 
You had looked up at him, both of you still looking at each other as Malleus thought about his answer. 
“...Alright. I’ll be seeing you there, Prefect.” 
With a grin, you waved at him and ran after your little cat familiar, leaving Malleus with a smile and newfound excitement. 
From one party to another, he figured Lillia’s party nature may be rubbing off on him. 
He walks up the Ramshackles steps, smiling as he takes a look at all the decorations that hung on your dorm. Diasmonia had some wonderful looking gargoyles, no denying that, but they were all mostly dragons and other such creatures. Yours were a lot more creative, the gargoyles seemingly designed in such a way that anyone would feel welcome in Ramshackle but to not let their guard down.
Malleus knocked on the door twice and looked around, wondering just why all the lights were on. Your lounge lights were usually dim by this time of night and if he was lucky he would find you sitting outside staring up at the stars. Maybe that is your goal? Instead of him inviting you on a nightly walk, this time it would be you inviting him? 
How curious, why did the prospect of you inviting him anywhere get him this flustered. 
The door opening, revealing a rather happy looking Ramshackle prefect. “Hi.” 
“Good evening.” 
You both stare at each other for a little bit before you move out of the way, Malleus smiling as he thanks you for letting him inside. “Was it too cold out? Should I have made the interview earlier?” 
Malleus shook his head, “The cold doesn’t affect fae like it affects humans, this is our usual walking time anyway so I am used to this temperature.” 
Another beat of silence, Malleus’s eyes locking onto your fingers as they fiddle with the bottom of your shirt. “Was there a reason you needed me to come here, child of man?” 
You perk up and nod quickly. “Yes! A reason! A really important one, actually. Just…” 
He watches you nod to yourself as if coming to terms with your resolve. “Follow me to my room, please!” 
Interesting. You seemed nervous but the reason was not apparent to Malleus. Was his presence making you uncomfortable? No, then you wouldn’t have invited him here. It was something else then. Both of you jump when hearing a crash from the Lounge, Malleus turning around before looking back at you. “Is there someone--” “No nobody is here! I think it was just Grimm doing whatever he does around this time of night hahaha!” you take his hand and rush to your staircase, “Just follow me!” 
This...would have been considered an act of highest treason in the Valley of Thorns. Nobody in the kingdom would dare touch a royal so carelessly, least of all drag them somewhere. The person would be immediately killed where they stood. Yet Malleus couldn’t do anything but smile as you dragged him to your room, looking around and taking in the rather homely atmosphere of the dorm. There were a lot of mirrors here and there, a portal for the ghosts to travel through he guessed. Yet he could see bits and traces of you living here, clearly making the dorm your own. Just you living here, all by yourself. He wondered if you got lonely. Both of you stop at your room, Malleus stepping in and smiling at some of the trinkets laying around. Shells, playing cards, a color necklace, some round gemstones in a small bowl and books that he recognized from his first year in Night Raven. In each one he could see the bond you had made with the dorm leader of each dorm. 
He guessed that meant he would need to give you something as well. “Tsunotarou!” 
Malleus turns around only to see you holding out a small box to him, the box a glossy black with a small green bow on top.
“Happy Birthday.” you smile as he takes the box, “It’s not much. I don’t really have any way to make money but I scrounged up what I could and I think it is pretty decent!” 
“...” He stares at the box and then at you, the nervousness in your eyes clear and present as he takes the little box. “I’m sure you got cooler presents than this but I didn’t want to be the only one who didn’t give you anything.” 
Malleus nods at your words before putting the box down on whatever surface he could find. “Tsun--” 
Cold hands grab your wrists and pull you into his arms, Malleus smiling as he squeezes lightly in order to show that, yes, this was his first hug with a human and he was more than happy that it happened to be with you. “Thank you. I didn’t expect such a surprise.” 
You blink for a couple of seconds before smiling, digging your face in his shirt before pulling away. “Now I’m just embarrassed. You weren’t this smooth when I first met you.” 
He tilts his head, “I am not in my dragon form…” 
“No I meant--” 
The door to your room busts open as Malleus feels you pull away from the hug, looking over at the intruder only to find that it was none other than the dorm leader of the Scarabia dorm. “Kalim--” 
“Kalim! You were supposed to wait downstairs!” 
“I know! I know but--Grimm accidentally set fire to one of your curtains and I tried to put it out with my Oasis Maker but now the entire lounge is wet! I suggested I get someone to help but Leona insisted that I just come get you because it sounded like the ‘Lizard’ was already here.”
Both you and Kalim look at Malleus as the other smiles. 
“He really can smell me from a mile away…” 
Kalim grins, “I guess so!” he looks between you and the Diasmonia dorm leader, “Was I interrupting something?” 
You quickly shake your head before turning to your fae friend. “I guess that surprise is ruined. I invited everyone to celebrate since I thought that maybe you guys would want to have a sort of ‘dorm leader’ celebration thing. Then the others showed up and it got a lot more crowded. Sebek, Silver and Lilia are here too, by the way. Honestly Grimm setting fire to anything was unprecedented but at least Ramshackle is still standing so….surprise?” 
Malleus smiles before laughing, Kalim joining in as you covered your face with your hands. 
“It is quite a surprise, to be fixing my own surprise party.” 
“Right? There is no bigger surprise than that! Come on! I want to get everything started already!” 
Kalim runs downstairs as you sigh and  walk out of your room, Malleus following close with the small box in hand. 
Whatever he wrote, he believed his Grandmother would be happy to see that he made such a wonderful new friend. 
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redpanda-fan · 3 years
Bungo Stray Dogs Characters in Twst Dorms
I was talking with some people a while back on Discord and it got mentioned the BSD abilities are similar to Unique Magic so here's what came from it. I'm only doing ADA members today, but I might do the other factions later on but idk. Spoilers warning for some details about characters and references to back stories for BSD characters, nothing major, but still there.
Dorm Sorting Basis in Terms of Traits
Heartslabyul - Severity if the Queen of Hearts
Savanaclaw - Stubbornness of the King of Beasts
Octavinelle - Generosity of the Sea Witch
Scarabia - Meticulous Planning of the Sorcerer of Sand
Pomefiore - Heavy Efforts of the Beautiful Queen
Ignihyde - Perseverance of the Lord of the Dead
Diasomnia - Elegance of the Witch of Thorns
Dorms below the cut
Osamu Dazai - Scarabia
Dazai, even though he has a carefree personality, has a lot going on in his head and is making plans for every possible outcome when it comes to missions. These plans take account of everything from the people involved motives, abilities, and personalities to on the fly environment changes. Making me believe he fits the Scarabia motto of meticulous planning. When in Scarabia I doubt Jamil would let him anywhere near Kalim with how scheming he is.
Doppo Kunikida - Heartslabuyl
Let's be honest, Kunikida is strict and holds his values in upmost importance. Sure his uprightness cause some gags here and there, being uptight is probably the only thing keeping him sane working with who he does. *cough* Dazai. His severity helps keep the ADA from burning down, and that is desperately needed at NRC. Also, he would probably be the only person to learn and follow all the Queen of Hearts rules other than Riddle.
Atsushi Nakajima - Ighnihyde
Alright, I know what you're thinking, but hear me out. Ighnihyde's thing is perseverance, right? What has Atsushi done but preserve? At every turn, life knocks him down, and yet he gets back up. He's been abused, lied to, betrayed and had to fight things way bigger than he ever could imagine, and it has not stopped him from fighting. If that's not him persevering, I don't know what is. Idia would probably be afraid of him the first time he sees the Beast Beneath the Moonlight, but other than that, I fell like they could get along.
Akiko Yosano - Diasomnia
Let's be real, Yosano fits elegance to a tee. She carries herself professionally and has alot of dignity. She has been through alot, so she could probably handle whatever training they threw her way with her insane resilience and pain tolerance. Maybe Lilia would use her ability (now UM) to train Silver and Sebek even harder since they have an on site medic.
Kenji Miyazawa - Octavinelle
Kenji is one of the nicest characters in Bungo Stray Dogs, always doing acts of service, treat everyone (even villains) with kindness and of course being generous. You could say his kindness is a sign of naivety like with Kalim, but he isn't fully unaware, the just gives too much benefit of the doubt. He would probably be a good asset to Monstro Lounge as well with his killer strength.
Jun'ichiro Tanizaki - Savvanaclaw
Jun'ichiro is rather relaxed compared to his co-workers, but he is quite stubborn when it comes to his goal of protecting Naomi. He can be beat, stabbed, and almost crushed to death, yet no matter what he gets up and continues to fight in her name. The Savvanaclaw members might think he is a pushover at first, but if they push him too far, they'll have a big surprise waiting for them.
Yukikchi Fukuzawa - Pommefiore
Fukuzawa, the dedicated founder of the ADA, who through his efforts managed to make a faction in the ability world that would help those in need. I feel like Fukuzawa would fit Pommefiore well, sure he isn't as vain as some Pommefiore mob characters, he still puts effort into how everything around him looks and is kept. He even tries to hold a stern boss persona when in the presence of his employees. He could probably work as a middle ground for Epel with Vil if he was de-aged. Fukuzawa could also be a past student now teacher at NRC probably specializing in combat magic or support magic.
Ranpo Edogawa - Ramshackle
For this crossover, I've been translating abilities to UM magics and overall skill with magic. However, Ranpo doesn't have an ability and is just a skilled detective. Since he had no ability and is normal, I feel like he wouldn't be able to be sorted by the Mirror. If I was going to give him a dorm, it would probably be Octavinelle since he gives out his deduction with little in return, but he's probably just going to end up with being Yuu's roommate.
Kyoka Izumi - Heartslabuyl
Kyoka though her stone facade is a skilled fighter whose energy and personality shines in fighting where she puts her entire being into the fight. Her severity is usually saved for important moments, but when it is shown it stands out. She would probably follow the rules of the dorm, since she is used to taking all types of orders. The Heartslabuyl gang would probably see her as cold and doll-like.
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For the ask meme, can I ask for 4 - Accidental brush of lips with Jamil?
Jamil Viper: 
4. An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose.
If you hadn’t practically been whipped in the face by his braids you don’t think you would’ve recognized it was Jamil who shoved you into the closet in a hurry.
You tried to pose a very important question but Jamil pressed a hand to your mouth, clicking the closet door closed and causing total darkness to overcome you both. You wished you could see the look he had on his face to attempt to discover what kind of shenanigans he had gotten into to want to hide in a very tiny closet space with you but the hand over your mouth prevents you from doing anything, staying as still as possible and waiting patiently for Jamil to explain himself. He waited another minute or so with his ear pressed to the door before he removed his hand.
“I apologize,” The first words out of his mouth sounded like he was genuinely sorry for startling you and you had already forgiven him, “That was a mob of Kalim’s…fans following after me. He’s feeling ill and I was heading back to our room with medicine when they found me.”
“Ah, I see… It would be bad if they bothered him while he wasn’t feeling well.” Jamil nodded, laughing softly to himself as he realized you couldn’t see the motion.
“If I led them back to where Kalim is resting... I’d rather not deal with that situation, so he’ll have to wait for me a bit longer,” Jamil sighed out, and you hear the soft thud of his head hitting the wall as he rests against it. “I apologize for dragging you into it but I felt as though you’d blow my cover from worrying about my behavior.” 
“I-It’s alright, I was a little confused but I get it now. It’s just a bit of a tight squeeze in here so it must not be very comfortable for you...” 
“...Do you think I’m uncomfortable?” You felt frozen in place at the sound of Jamil moving, his hot breath suddenly very close to your face again; you wished you could see in the dark to see the kind of expression he’s making, dying to know if he’s just teasing you yet again or if he’s being as weirdly serious as he sounds. 
You don’t know when this weird tension started to build but you felt it full force the second Jamil’s nose brushed against yours, jerking your head back out of reflex; unfortunately, the force at which you pulled back and the distance between the wall and your head had an unforeseen effect that you would surely remember the rest of your days. You can hear a muffled surprised noise come from Jamil when your lips accidentally brushed against his and you had this sinking feeling in your gut when he pulled away, worried that he would never speak to you again after this incident even though his messing around was what had led to these chain of events.
It was your turn to let out a surprised squeak as Jamil found himself drawn back towards you, his kiss far more gentle and thought-out than the lip smashing technique you’d just demonstrated. You’re frozen once again but feel far less awkward about it this time around, eyes fluttering closed as you leaned further into Jamil, hands placed on his chest. You think you can feel how fast his heart is beating but before you can comment on it the closet door is opened and Jamil has pulled you out of it alongside him, holding one of your hands to help you keep your balance before he closed the door behind you.
Should you ask what that was about?
Maybe it was just a one time thing.
But Jamil was never the type to just go around kissing people just like that so…
“If there’s anyone I’d like to be stuck in a closet with, it’s you.” His smile is playful and he placed a kiss on the back of your hand before releasing you, turning around to head back to the Scarabia dorm where Kalim was likely awaiting him. “I’d like to do that again sometime.”
“Not in a small closet, I hope.”
He looked back at you with another smile, slyer this time, yet it still made him look strikingly attractive.
“We’ll see where fate brings us.” 
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aha i'm that anon who asked a few qs in a really long ask before. i think ive caused a misunderstanding in that i dont need persuasion help but rather a good idea of my time frame for persuasion. i'm ever so grateful for your help tho, i got twst today! i do have a couple more questions tho,,
1, theres an ssr dorm riddle banner rn, is there some kinda rotating ssr dorm banner thing going on, or is it just bc of launch or smth?
2, approx. how long do u need to save for 100 pulls if ur religiously logging in and doing weeklies and is there any other ways to get gems/keys bc i want to pull for bday azul if ever,,
3, does the amount of friends you can have increase at all?
im sorry if i ever came off ungrateful or rude with those questions im simply curious and have poor phrasing skills..
thank you once again!
UWAH I’M SORRY THIS WAS SO LATE. 😭😭😭 I’ve been a bit busy lately.
I’m sure you have some of your questions answered already, but just in case, I’ll still answer them.
Is there a rotating dorm SSR banner thing going on or is it because of launch?
To answer your question, there will be dorm rate-up banners when new dorm cards drop in. Rate-up banners are the gacha banners where certain cards have additional boosts in the chances of getting them, meaning that you’re more likely going to get them when you gacha.
When Octavinelle’s story comes out in the near future, their dorm SSRs will be released. Most of us think it will come out on February since in the original JP schedule, Octavinelle’s chapter/book came out 13 days after the release (March 18 was the release date. March 31 was when Octavinelle’s first part of their chapter/book first came out).
If they’re going to follow JP schedule when it comes to this, Octavinelle’s story will release in 3 parts, and in each part, there is one dorm SSR that gets released with a rate-up period:
Part 1: Dorm Floyd
Part 2: Dorm Jade
Part 3: Dorm Azul
Scarabia and Pomefiore will be similar. When one part of their story comes out, they’ll most likely be accompanied with a new dorm SSR release and rate-up banner.
In the future, the other Heartslabyul and Savanaclaw dorm SSRs will have their own rate-up banners. Expect also other rate-ups to repeat.
Approximately, how long do you need to save for 100 pulls if you’re religiously logging in and doing weeklies. Is there any other way to get gems/keys?
Alright, the short answer is, at least in my experience, it takes a month at the very least, two months if you lack places to farm for gems.
For the long answer, I’ll give you a break down of how much rolls you can get from login, weeklies, rhythmics, lessons, general missions, shop, and stories starting from EN launch. I’ll also include the amount of gems that you get from the launch celebration campaign.
Firstly, let me break down how many gems you can within a week of doing weeklies and login. Take note, the login gem count I’ll be using are for a normal week. As of now, we’re still in the launch celebration, so they’re giving us more gems.
Under the cut because long aa hell.
So weeklies give you 60 gems.
10 from doing 5 rhythmics
10 from winning 5 tests
10 from doing 50 lessons
30 from completing all your weeklies
Logging in on a normal week also gives you 60 gems.
15 gems on the second day
20 gems on the fourth day
25 gems on the seventh day
Thus in one week, you will get 120 gems from simply logging in and doing weeklies. That is equivalent to four rolls. Expect the coming months to be like this.
Now, taking note of launch celebration, the very first week of launch gave us 200 gems (50, 50, 100). This week, they’re giving us 110 gems (30, 30, 50). The days they give gems are the same days as the normal week. Already, from logging in within these first two weeks, they give us 310 gems, which is 10 rolls with 10 gems leftover.
Launch celebration also gives us a daily amount of gems. Five days of the week give 10 gems, but two days give 30 gems. I can’t remember the first day that gives 30 (I think it’s the fourth, though, but I don’t know), but the seventh day gives 30. This means that within a week of logging in the first week of Twst, you get 110 gems. Expect the second week to give the same amount of gems, which will equate to 220 gems. That’s equivalent to 7 rolls with 10 gems leftover.
Currently, there are 15 rhythmics released. One rhythmic will give 30 gems.
5 gems for doing a full combo on easy mode
5 gems for hitting SS on normal mode
5 gems for reaching a certain score on hard mode
5 gems for doing that rhythmic 5 times
10 gems for doing that rhythmic 10 times
Since there are 15 rhythmics out, that means you get 450 gems in total from grinding on rhythmics. That is equivalent to 15 rolls exactly.
This also has the additional benefit of enabling you to complete the general mission of doing x number of rhythmics, but before we get to general missions, let’s proceed to the lesson missions.
When you go to the history and flying lessons of each character and click on “(character name)’s Tasks”, you’ll see that there are some missions to be accomplished if you do lessons with them. As you do more lessons, you will achieve these missions and unlock more of them. When you complete 100 lessons with a character, you will get 30 gems from doing so. This goes for all 22 characters, therefore if you do 100 lessons with all of them, you will get 660 gems in total, which is equivalent to 22 rolls.
The lessons you do will also clear out general missions. General missions are the ones in the tab below the weekly missions tab. If you clear most of these missions, you will be rewarded with certain items. Most of them give 10 gems, however. Clearing the general rhythmic mission, for example, will get you 10 gems. Winning tests will also get you 10 gems so make sure to do those as well. Look at your general missions and see what you still need to do to clear them out. Take note that most of these are also cumulative missions, meaning that when you clear them, most of them won’t go away and will make you do more of them (like for example, you win 30 rhythmics. You’ll have another mission making you do 40). So you won’t ever run out of places to farm.
Main story gives you gems, specifically in the chapters where you do battles and rhythmics. You’ll get 10 gems per battle/rhythmic chapter.
Prologue has 5 rhythmic chapters and 4 battle chapters. You get 90 gems in total from here, which is equivalent to 3 rolls.
Heartslabyul Book has 6 rhythmic chapters and 6 battle chapters. You get 120 gems in total from here, which is equivalent to 4 rolls.
Savanaclaw Book has 4 rhythmic chapters and 8 battle chapters. You get 120 gems in total from here, which is equivalent to 4 rolls.
Octavinelle Book may or may not come out on February, but if it does come out then, I won’t specify the number of battles or rhythmics for the sake of EN players, but you will get 110 gems, which is equivalent to 3 rolls with 10 gems remaining.
Personal stories are also a goldmine for getting gems. Each personal story chapter gives 5 gems.
R card stories give 5 gems in total since they have only one chapter.
SR card stories give 10 gems in total since they have two chapters.
SSR card stories give 15 gems in total since they have three chapters.
Upon obtaining every single R school uniform card, automatically their vignette stories are unlocked, so especially if you plan to hoard your rolls (like me), do buy all of the R school uniform cards that you don’t have. From reading all 22 R school uniform card stories, you’ll be able attain 110 gems. That amount alone equates to 3 rolls with 20 gems leftover.
Maxing out vignette levels will also go to your general missions (and these will reward you gems), so by all means, max out your vignette levels.
Lastly, the shop. In the gem shop, there are two key packs: the 250 gem pack that has one ten-roll key and the 50 gem pack that has three solo keys. Yes, you’ll have to fork over 300 gems in total, but it’s very worth it. For 300 gems, which is equivalent to 10 rolls, you get one ten-roll key and three keys, which are equivalent to 13 rolls. So you still profit.
The exam token shop is bare apart from the honey and thaumarks. But at some point (hopefully by the time February begins), there will be 3 solo keys up for sale. One key will cost 50 tokens, and there will be two keys that you can buy at once that will cost 150 tokens each, making it 300 tokens in total. All in all, you’ll spend 350 tokens to get 3 rolls.
OP, I know you want to pull for Azul’s bday card. As of now, we’re not sure if they’ll even put up the bdays in February or if they’ll start in September like in JP. But from launch until February 24, here’s how many rolls you will get:
Counting Rolls
These are going to use values at the lowest possible. This will not include general missions, as it depends on the player’s pace.
Login and Weeklies
Week of Jan 20 (260 gems) -> week of Jan 27 (170 gems) -> week of February 3 (120 gems) -> week of February 10 (120 gems) -> week of February 17 (120 gems) -> 790 gems
Launch Celebration
220 gems
450 gems
660 gems
Main Story
Prologue (90 gems) -> Heartslabyul (120 gems) -> Savanaclaw (120 gems) -> Octavinelle (110 gems) -> 440 gems
Personal Stories
One R card gives 5 gems from its personal story, therefore 22 of the R school uniforms gives 110 gems.
Your tutorial SSR gives 15 gems. Your three SRs (the SR you chose in the beginning and the two SRs you pull along with your SSR) give 10 gems each, giving you 30 gems in total.
Therefore, not counting any other cards that you may have attained either from tutorial roll or from other rolls that you threw, personal stories give 155 gems. This value may be higher depending on how many other cards that you may possess.
All in all, 790 + 220 + 450 + 660 + 440 + 155 = 2705 gems, which is equivalent to 90 rolls with 5 gems remaining.
If we’re making purchases in the shop, then:
Gem Shop
2705 – 300 = 2405 gems but you will receive one ten-roll key and three solo keys, bringing us to 93 rolls with 5 gems remaining.
Exam Token Shop
Obtain 3 solo keys with 350 exam tokens will give you an additional 3 rolls, bringing your total to 96 rolls.
And this is not counting general missions and other personal stories that you might have but weren’t included. Definitely, if you do those other things, you’ll be able to get to a whole pity. If ever birthday Azul won’t come in, I highly suggest going for Dorm Azul as he’s one of the best cards in the game. Beans Azul may also come pretty soon if they follow the JP schedule.
Will friend slots increase?
Yes they will, through ranking up! The higher your rank, the more friend slots you will have. Being at rank 60 will give you 50 friend slots.
I hope this post helps you~!
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stormgardenscurse · 4 years
Head canons for if Riddle,Leona,Jamil,Kalim, and Ace swapped bodies with fem!mc for a day?
You guys got hit by a stray spell and now you’ve switched bodies? How irresponsible of the caster - and downright stupid! Who even tries these kind of things when they don’t know what they’re doing? He should off their heads for this!
After Riddle calms down he’s all poised and level-headed because he hasn’t realized he’s in a girl’s body yet, (he’s focused on fixing the situation) so someone would have to point it out.
Once they do Riddle gets embarrassed, adopting a cute blush 
He tries to make sure he doesn’t accidentally do anything that might make you uncomfortable. Riddle keeps his hands by his sides and avoids the danger zones, earning a fond laugh from you. He really is a gentleman, isn’t he?
Leona raises a brow at how tense you look after the switch, before noticing your ears twitching and the nervous flick of your tail.
Turns out you’re unused to his heightened senses, so he guides you from the main building to somewhere quieter; the greenhouse.
He’s alright with respecting boundaries and just takes to lazing around with you for company. No, he’s not bothering with finding a cure right now - he has magift training later so he needs to save his energy for that.
It’s a little odd to see yourself behave so unapologetically confident. Leona snaps his fingers and magics his attire into PE clothing, sending you a smirk. “Herbivore; you’re in my body now, so you better keep up. Don’t go embarrassing me.”
He gets annoyed at the person that caused this, approaching them with an intimidating air. It didn’t matter if he wasn’t in his own body, the expression rang loud and clear. “J-Jamil! I’m so sorry...! I swear I’ll find the cure!”
Ugh, this is so troublesome… Jamil still has to handle his tasks and lessons, but now he has to figure out a way to remedy this as well.
Jamil was about to cross his arms at his chest when he realized the… Extra appendages.
Poor guy quickly retracts his hands, coughing as he averts his gaze. It isn’t like him to be so careless… Jamil makes sure to pay attention to these things from then on - he wouldn’t want to anger you, after all.
Kalim is confused at first - Why does his body feel different…? Whoa! And why can he see himself standing there?
The person responsible starts apologizing and the situation finally clicks in his head. Ohh… So this was a body switching spell.
Well, this isn’t so bad, right? It’s actually pretty cool to see things from your point of view!  Kalim reassures you that they’ll find a remedy soon, so you should just take things easy for now.
You guys are hanging out at Scarabia after classes and Kalim gets a hold of a mirror. He starts pointing things out while looking into it, like how pretty your eyes are - not noticing that with every compliment you’re getting more and more abashed. 
He tries to use his new form to get special treatment from others (seeing as certain people might be nicer to girls)
It kinda works for about an hour before Ace runs into someone that sees through his deception, by which he just gives up on the idea since it might actually drag you into trouble (he’d also stop if you’re uncomfortable with it.)
There’s a moment where you guys run into Cater, and Ace complains about not being used to the longer hair length. One thing leads to another and Ace is suddenly styling his (your) hair according to some pictures on his phone and gets really into it. He considers doing this for you in the future after everything’s turned back to normal.
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Draconic Instinct: Malleus x Reader vore
So... this was originally going to be posted on the 7th for @twistedtummies2′s birthday, but I saw that they were having a rough time recently and decided to post it a bit earlier. I’m a little unsure about how this one came out but I’m gonna post it anyways. I hope ya’ll like it, and happy early birthday/happy easter @twistedtummies2.
I swear I didn’t mean to make it so romantic. It just kind of happened.
   There were hardly any words to sum up how you felt at this moment, but to say the very least you no longer envied ant man's power of shrinking on command. You supposed fictional characters couldn’t get vertigo but you certainly did and it wasn’t pleasant.
   Groaning, you sat up and held your stomach and head. It hadn’t taken you long to figure out what happened. The only thing you were left wondering was how and why it had happened.
   With awe and slight fear you gazed at the world around you and how different it was to when you weren't the perfect size to soak in a teacup.
   Everything was 10 times the size it had once been. Maybe even bigger. Bushes loomed over you, flowers were bigger than your hands, grass was like walking through a corn field, and when you looked up at the trees they were larger than skyscrapers. In comparison you were roughly the size of someone's palm. 
   Being shrunk definitely wasn’t on your bucket list, but NRC never really seemed to care about what you wanted. “Great, how am I gonna get back to the dorm now?” You huffed and placed your hands on your hips. 
   Several ideas came to mind yet none of them were actual solutions. You couldn’t walk, it would take forever. You couldn’t call anyone since your phone had cracked when it fell from your hands before you shrank. You also couldn’t ask Grim for help since he was already back at the dorm.
   The one day you actually needed his help he was sick because the little furball ignored your advice and ran out into the cold rain the night before. You sighed and looked at your surroundings again. 
   It was rather odd that you were shrunk today. Not that being reduced to a few inches tall was ever normal, but today was a particularly peculiar time to fall victim to more troublesome magic. 
   Today was your birthday. 365 days in the year and today was the day that something like this happened to you. At this moment your gorgeous beau was waiting for you back at the ramshackle dorm with some movies so you could cuddle up and relax together after a long day of school.
   Although you doubted Grim would let you have any alone time with the prince since he was so sick. A sick Grim was a clingy Grim. You didn’t mind as long as he was comfortable but you had been hoping to watch your boyfriend indulge in some ice cream later that evening. You still loved Grim but you were a bit bitter about the fact that your favorite bonding activity with your boyfriend was cancelled.
   Now you couldn’t care less about it as it seemed that you might miss the evening all together. A frown decorated your features and you grumbled unhappily about the situation as you began to walk in the direction of the dorm.
    You would never make it home in time, but there was no use in standing around and pitying yourself. As you walked you tried to recall anything out of the ordinary that had happened during school. Besides the birthday wishes and occasional presents, everything checked out.
   Maybe it was someone’s unique magic. You hadn’t seen anybody around as you were walking home but then again you weren't really paying attention either. Apparently you weren’t paying much attention now either as you hadn’t noticed the giant teen approaching you until it’s shadow fell over your very tiny figure.
   You looked up and gasped. A very large hand was reaching down to grab you, which had been the cause of the shadow. You did what any sane person would do and tried to book it. The giant hand was faster.
   “Let me go!” You shouted angrily, but stopped when you were swung upwards in a way that made you worry that you were going to lose your lunch. “Oh boy…” Even after the ride was stopped you felt dizzy.
   “Well, well, well, lookie here. The high and mighty prefect of the ramshackle dorm!” A smug looking face appeared in your vision and you had to hold back a scream.
   The giant in front of you was the owner of the hand that had plucked you from the ground. He was dressed in a Savanaclaw uniform and resembled a bear. His smirk displayed two rows of sharp teeth that in any other situation would make you swoon. Right now though your fear conquered your kink.
   “Got ‘em good there Bazz. Aw look at ‘em all tiny and trembling. Hahaha!” Another student who you didn’t recognize came from the side and sneered at you. “What a weakling. Hardly fit to be called a prefect, especially without any magic.”
   Oh… That’s what this was about. You glared at the two men and started struggling. “Put me down you oafs!” It had been a while since you first arrived at NRC but it seemed that some people were still insistent on bullying you about your lack of powers. 
   This wasn’t the first time that other students had decided to pick on you. People sneered and called you names in the hallways all the time. It wasn’t hard to ignore them after a first few weeks and soon you began to think that they were just words. 
   No one had tried anything like harming you so far, but it wasn’t entirely out of the question. At a villain school it’s generally to be expected. It was why you so often only travelled with others. Your fellow students that you had established relationships with and trusted accompanied you back to the ramshackle dorm most days. And if they weren't around, Grim was usually there to take care of you.
   Except for today.
   You were in no way a weak individual, however it was much harder to defend yourself when you were 5 inches tall.
   The second student, a Scarabia student from the looks of it, had a curly mop of red hair and cheeks spotted with hundreds of freckles. His eyes were a light blue color and his crooked smile revealed good dental work. He would have been more attractive had he not been leering at you or practically peeling apart at the seams from sunburn.
   Bazz, the bear manimal, had dark skin and medium length black hair. His eyes glowed yellow as he smirked with teeth so disgusting they almost matched his eyes.
   Several more students, from nearly all the dorms, crept out of the shadows and surrounded your initial two captors. The color drained from your face and you willed yourself not to tremble as a series of horrific opportunities entered your mind.
   “Oafs! Ha! We aren’t oafs, you're just a shrimp!” The group laughed and you glared at them with as much malice as you could muster. “Not that name calling ever does anything.” Bazz drew your attention back to him. “We had hoped that by telling you that we didn’t want you here, you would get the message and scram. But some herbivores just don’t get it, so us predators, both physically and magically, have to teach you where you belong on the food chain!”
   You gaped and let your eyes widen. Did these buffoon’s know who you were? That you had saved their arses on several occasions, both from others and themselves. You weren’t super buddy buddy with Leona, (cause he’s a pain and doesn’t like you very much anyways), but he still seemed to care about you enough that he didn’t want you to die. At the very least Ruggie could still get some free chore help out of you.
   And if Kalim and Jamil found out what one of their students was doing they would both be unhappy, angry even if he actually managed to hurt you. There was also the deal with Azul, situation with Riddle, and the show Vil put on as well. Truthfully there were so many reasons that they shouldn’t hurt you. It was almost shocking that they still wanted to hurt you after everything.
   One thing you did notice was that there wasn’t a single Diasomnia student in the bunch. That comforted you a minor amount. At least no one in your boyfriend’s dorm disliked you enough to go behind their dorm leaders back in order to get rid of you.
   “G-guys, let’s just t-talk this out.” You held out your hands in hopes that you could calm them into a negotiating state. “Listen, you don’t want to do this really. So if you could just turn me back I’m sure we could work somethi-”
   “Shut it, meat!” the savanaclaw barked at you. The noise made your ears ring and you held your hands over them to muffle the loud shouts. “Heeheheehe… is the little herbivore scared. That’s alright no need to be shy, I like it that way.”
   The circle of boys surrounding you, howled with laughter and you cringed from the stimulus. 
   As the laughter died down, Bazz looked at you closely. “Scrawny thing like you would have barely made a meal full-sized. Guess we’ll have to kill you the old fashioned way instead.” You gasped and began to thrash in his grasp as some of the students whistled. 
   “Bazz, you should feed her to yer snake!” “Bazz! My little sister’s been looking for a new doll to dress up!” “Bazz, hey! My dog needs a chew toy and that thing is the perfect size.”
   Threatening ideas that all promised a painful demise bounced around the group, each one more horrific than the last. The scarabia boy looked like he was about to lose it with laughter and Bazz watched you struggle as if it was the most entertaining thing in the world. No one noticed the clouds above head slowly circling and becoming denser. 
   “Alright alright! Hey everybody shut up!” Bazz, who you had concluded was the leader by this point, shouted at his lackeys. “I’ve decided how I wanna kill ‘em.” he said darkly with a smirk. An almost crazy look came to his eyes and he turned you so you were on display for the whole group to see. 
   “This little magicless shit and their raccoon thing have been plaguing this school for too long. I saw we knock out two birds with one stone and get rid a both of ‘em at the same time.” he paused for dramatic effect. “We’ll coat this one in tuna and leave it for the racoon to eat, and when he’s finished we’ll tell the headmaster and he’ll be expelled!”
   The group cheered and you moaned in utter exhaustion with a dab of hopelessness. Why was this school so ridiculous. You swore one day these imbeciles were gonna set the school on fire and when they turn to you for help, you were just gonna roast marshmallows and watch them panic. 
   A part of you was scared of course, you knew how Grim got when it came to food, but there was no way he wouldn’t notice you. Besides you weren’t really all that nervous anymore now that you noticed the sky.
   Dark clouds swirled around and flashes of green lit up the sky momentarily before dying down. Malleus was obviously looking for you and he was obviously not happy. Moments after you realized he was coming a massive lightning bolt struck the ground only feet away from where the pod of students stood.
   You screamed and shut your eyes as pain lit up behind them. You were swung around as the bear man protected his eyes as well and nausea took over you temporarily. 
   Even after you opened your eyes, only blackness filled your vision. Luckily you could still hear pretty well and relief flooded your veins when you picked up the voice of your boyfriend.
   “Hmm… it appears a bunch of scoundrels have decided to pick on my darling. Unfortunate as it seems, I am at fault for letting them walk home alone. Please return them and I won’t harm you.”
   Malleus was a frightening person to be up against, however the number of other students seemed to give them hope. “Not happenin’” You heard Bazz growl. “I caught ‘em so their mine!”
   The dark fae stiffened and you inhaled sharply. Thunder boomed and some of the students appeared frightened for a moment before attempting to return their expressions to confidence. They failed miserably.
   Malleus’ eyes widened before slanting dangerously. His pupils which were already slits, thinned out in an even more reptilian like way. His cape billowed around him as the wind picked up as a result of his rage.
   Being possessive doesn’t even begin to cover how Draconia feels about you. To him you were the most magnificent treasure in his entire hoard. The shiniest most beautiful precious gem he owned and his mate. After many many years of near solitude, Malleus had come to appreciate your company more than he could describe with words. Hearing another try to claim you ignited the fire in his belly and drove most logical thought from his mind. 
   The only thing he was thinking about was getting you back to him, completely unharmed. You supposed this might be the reason that the next events were so seemingly out of character for him. 
   He growled threateningly and the students took a step back. Two of them ran for it and one looked like he was just about to. Bazz and the Scarabia student stood stiff and nervous but didn’t back down. 
   Your eyes finally adjusted and you watched as a pomefiore student foolishly took a step forward. As first years they had practically nothing to use against the dark prince, who waved his hand and a gust of wind blew the student over like he was made of cardboard. 
   Malleus obviously wasn’t in the mood to play, yet he didn’t take out the students just yet. He decided he would show them something. “Bring my treasure here!” he snarled. Bazz shook but didn’t comply.
   “Fine, be that way.” the half dragon snapped his fingers and you were effortlessly teleported into his hands. You knew from experience that he could only do that to smaller objects so you supposed it was a good thing that you were shrunk.
   “Malleus!” You cried out and looked up at him with relief. His eyes momentarily flashed with the familiar adoration that he used when he gazed at you everyday. They turned dark again when the Scarabian boy shouted, “Hey! We caught that little rat so it’ ours. You're gonna have to fight us if you really want to take them!”
   “I will.” his voice was eerily calm as he stared them down. “In due time, but first,” he raised a finger and you squealed when he lifted you suddenly. “I need to tuck my treasure where it will be safe. I wouldn’t want my mate getting damaged or having to see the gruesome mess I am going to turn you into.”
   Confusion etched itself on your face but quickly shifted into understanding. Scared understanding, but understanding no less. “Umm… Mal… I don’t think-” 
   “Shh…” he quieted you and smiled at you softly. Despite your fears you nodded, giving him permission to continue. 
   The two of you had discussed this before, as he was well aware of your interests, however you had both decided that it wasn’t the time yet. Now, apparently was the time as you found yourself hovering over him in anticipation of what was to come.
   You glanced to the side and saw the last 4 students’ faces undergo the same transition yours did except they appeared much more horrified. Squirming, you looked down and gulped when Malleus gave you one last comforting look before stretching his jaws wide beneath you. 
   A flush crept onto your face as you gazed down into the open maw of your boyfriend. His teeth were sharp like spikes waiting to clamp down and tear through anything that he decided to consume. Each dip and crevice of pink pulsing flesh was oozing with clear slime. The back of the throat was illuminated by a strange green glow that came from below. Hot, stale breath washed over you and blew your hair slightly.
   Nervousness and anticipation spread through you as you were lowered into the large mouth that you realised resembled a sort of odd cave. His long forked tongue curled around your torso tightly as it carefully pulled you past the sharp fangs and into his mouth. The action was weirdly comforting as you picked up on his concern for your wellbeing. 
   Soon you were pulled completely into the slimy maw and watched, mildly afraid as the jaws shut, sealing off your exit. The tongue unwrapped itself and slid over you instead, prodding and feeling as it tasted you. It particularly enjoyed any part of you that wasn’t covered by clothing. And as your shirt was pushed up slightly so the tongue could lap at your midsection, you felt and heard Malleus humm in delight.
   You squirmed and giggled as the tongue continued to tickle you as best it could. It pulled back suddenly when a loud groan echoed up from below, telling Malleus that it was time to eat. He had never been one to deny himself of food if it was within appropriate terms so he tipped his head back and you felt gravity shift as he began to swallow you.
   The fae grunted and swallowed thickly, using a finger to trace your form in his throat. He scrunched his face as you sank slowly down past his chest, which he thumped in order to speed up your journey. And finally he felt you plop into his stomach.
   You panted for breath as the ride down had been far too tight for your liking but almost immediately gagged when you were hit by the horrid stink of whatever meat and sweet dessert Malleus had eaten last. 
   The gut around you was fairly large and spacious compared to the size you currently were. The walls pulsed and throbbed as they sensed you in their space. It was almost as if they were trying to locate you. That’s when you realized they were. 
   A high pitched whining sort of sound alerted you to the fact that your boyfriend was checking to make sure if you had made the journey safely. Quickly you trudged through the sludge, which tingled your skin when in contact, and placed two hands on what you assumed was the front wall of the stomach. 
   You could see due to the eerie glow in the stomach but you weren’t quite sure which direction you were facing. You received an answer when a handprint pressed against you in a comforting manner. 
   “I’m alright!” you called, “Don’t worry about me!” The stomach lining tensed and you heard Malleus growl, “Impossible!” You blushed and smoothed your hand over the slimy walls in appreciation for his undying concern for your wellbeing. 
   Outside, the remaining two students who had failed to flee when they saw Draconia swallow his lover whole, trembled in their spots. Both whimpered when his gaze turned towards them and fixed with a cold and dangerous stare that promised pain. 
   “You!” the dark prince seethed, “attempted to take my mates life!” His voice raised and lightning flashed behind him. “And for that, you will pay dearly!”
   You were flung backwards into the sludge as you felt Malleus jerk swiftly as the fight began. He pointed his staff at the two buffoons and muttered an incantation under his breath before a large jet of light blasted towards them. 
   Both jumped out of the way just in time for the laser to scorch the ground where they had previously stood. 
   They looked at each other fearfully and then back at Malleus. Scrambling, they attempted to stand up and fight back, but neither were successful as they were suddenly blasted by another powerful spell. 
   Your boyfriend smirked wickedly as he watched the two students deform and shrink until there was nothing left but two large rats screeching panickedly in the grass. “You’re lucky my mate disapproves of murder. Otherwise you would be in hell right now!”
   Lightning struck again and Malleus vanished from his spot, leaving the, now rodents to scamper off into the woods, hoping the spell would wear off. 
   Flickering lights flew around the room as its owner appeared out of thin air, transported home with magic. He sighed and leaned his staff against the wall with a huff. You were quiet as you listened to the dark mage begin to undress enough to leave his midsection exposed. 
   He gently sat down on the bed and you gripped the stomach wall to remain balanced. He leaned back and grunted, placing a palm over his stomach. “Darling, you are still alright?” his voice sounded slightly strained and you raised an eyebrow.
   “Um, yes, yes I am.” he sighed in relief. “That’s good. In that case please do excuse me but-” you didn’t hear him finish his sentence before the air around you thickened momentarily before rushing upwards in a loud blast.
   You gasped and felt your legs weaken beneath you. The large eructation bellowed around you and seemed magnified from you being inside of him. 
   Malleus moaned softly. His eyebrows drew together and he sat a bit straighter on the bed. “My apologies, darling, it appears you gave me quite a bit of gas.” He muffled another burp, which rumbled deeply in his throat and blew the fetid air out the corner of his mouth.
   “N-no need to apologise.” you said hesitantly. You were very aware of your boyfriend's aversion to rudeness, however, your interests didn’t care much and you always found yourself shaking at the knees when he let loose a bit. 
   He smirked and rolled his eyes at your reaction and wished he could see your no doubt adorably blushing face. His hand rubbed large circles over his stomach and a low purr like sound began to rumble through his chest.
   You trudged over to the wall again and placed your hands against it. He pressed back lightly in conformation that he knew you were there and you smiled fondly as you began to rub the stomach lining.
   He let out a low croon and you felt him sink into the bed. You could almost see the look of pure delight that would slip onto his face anytime you massaged his belly. If only you knew how much better it felt to him now that you were applying your ministrations from inside.
   Malleus hummed softly and peered down at his stomach with a loving and satisfied gaze. You were safe. Away from those bullies who he would further deal with later once you weren’t around to stop him with morals, as most humans had. Safe, warm, delicately tucked away inside of him, where nothing and no one could get to you. 
   His most valuable possession, most treasured jewel, most worshiped treasure. His mate. HIS! The instinctual possessiveness and protectiveness had died down a bit now that he was back in his ‘nest’ with his mate, safely stowed away in his stomach. Now feelings of regret and guilt began to fester within him as he thought about how he hadn’t really asked for permission before swallowing you.
   “Darling?” you stopped rubbing and looked up, not that you could see him, “I… I wanted to say I’m sorry…”
   You made a confused face and pressed against the lining a bit. “Why?”
   “I’m sorry for several reasons, actually.” he sighed. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t there to protect you in the first place. I’m sorry that I didn’t prevent such an event from happening. I’m sorry that you were scared and in danger while you were under my care. I’m also sorry that I ate you…”
   He paused and you cocked your head. “It’s… it’s a dragon's instinct to protect their valuables no matter what. For you… in such a position… I felt that you were too exposed, too vulnerable. Even if I had placed you in a pocket there was no guarantee that you wouldn’t get hurt. What I was sure of was my ability to protect my own body, so I decided to temporarily add you to it.”
   The dark fae wrapped his arms around his midsection and frowned. “Oh darling, I hope you can forgive me.”
   You stepped back from the wall and swung your fist at it as hard as you could. He was unable to stop a magnificently large belch from erupting past his lips, which you were quite delighted about but shoved those feelings to the side. You had caught his attention, so now it was your turn to speak. 
   “Malleus Draconia!” you said sternly, “If you think for one minute that I am going to let you blame yourself for something entirely out of your control then you’ve got another thing coming to you.”
   The half dragon stared in shock at his gut and let his jaw drop. 
   “It is in no way your fault that those jackasses decided to pick on me. In fact it was bound to happen sooner or later so it was only a matter of time. Besides you can’t be with me 24/7. It’s just not possible. So you stop being sorry about it this instance or I am going to give you the gut ache of your life!” You kicked his stomach again to prove your point and he released a deep burp into his fist. 
   “Oh and another thing,” you started, “I have no idea why you would be sorry in the first place, since you saved me.” He paused and knit his eyebrows together as he thought about it. “You saved me Malleus. I’m safe. I’m safe and I’m not scared or unhappy or hurt in any way. I’m safe and in fact I’m also quite content.”
   The half dragon sat up in surprise. “Yes, that’s right.” you continued, “I am enjoying this experience deeply. True it would be a bit nicer if you could stop repressing, but I know how you feel about that. So don’t feel bad that you swallowed me to keep me safe. You probably could have swallowed me just to add some fat to your thighs and I would still be in heaven.” 
   He growled at the suggestion of him killing you, even if you would appreciate it due to your twisted sense of what's arousing and such.
   You chuckled and restarted rubbing his stomach lining. “Malleus, I love you. I trust you and your decisions. If you need to do something to keep me safe, even if it did make me slightly uncomfortable. I would still love you just as much.” 
   He began to purr again and sighed. “Thank you darling. I… I suppose you’re right.” he paused. “I love you too. So very much, and because of that, along with the fact that it is your birthday… I will indulge you as much as you like.”
   You paused and gasped. As much as you’d like…? You almost shook with excitement and Malleus chuckled, sensing your joy. “Shall I start with the usual?” You nodded vigorously, then realized he couldn’t see you and blushed in embarrassment. “Yes I would like that very much.”
   Malleus smiled at your enthusiasm and waved his left hand, conjuring a bottle of soda. He much preferred to drink from a glass and have his beverage stored in glass bottles, but for simplicity's sake he decided it would be alright to drink from a regular two liter.
   Another wave and he had sound proofed his room. Something he found himself doing often since you had begun to come over. 
   Carefully he unscrewed the bottle cap, wary of it potentially exploding. You heard the hiss of air being released and backed up against the wall in anticipation of what was coming next. The next sound you heard was a series of thick squelches and some fizzing accompanied by the noise of liquids rushing downwards. 
   Soon enough a waterfall of sweet, sugary soda cascaded through the open valve above. You squeezed your eyes shut and hissed when it splashed you as it hit the stomach bottom and mixed with the acids that pooled there.
   The liquid level around you rose steadily and you heard it bubble and hiss as it frothed incessantly upon exposure to the heat in Malleus insides. The pressure in the air doubled until it became almost too thick to breath. 
   By the time Malleus had finished the bottle, the liquid level had risen past your hips and rested just below your waist. He pulled the rim of the bottle away from his mouth and panted. Almost hesitantly he replaced the cap on the now empty bottle and placed it on the bedside table. 
   “Alright darling,” he grunted, “I’m HURP!- hah… I’m ready. Give it a good kick.” Almost immediately he felt a sharp pain in the side of his middle as you gave the inside of his gut a fierce blow. His stomach groaned loudly and the air pressure thickened harshly before Malleus opened his mouth and let out one of the loudest, deepest, longest belches you had ever heard.
   It came to a close after a sheer 14 seconds of filling the room with its hellacious stench. The paintings on the walls had rattled and shaken in its wake and the bottle fell off of the table it was placed upon. 
   Your ears rung and you were sure your nose was bleeding by how intensely hot you felt. Your whole face turned a lovely shade of crimson almost as dark as Riddle’s hair. 
   Malleus gasped and moaned, letting his head fall back on the pillows. Despite his favor for elegance and manners he could never deny how simply incredible it felt to release a large amount of pressure from his stomach. 
   He puffed out his cheeks as he felt another massive burp roll up his throat.
   Several more belches, all magnificent in size, erupted past his lips and echoed throughout his bedroom. You moaned and listened as your boyfriend continuously burped without restraint. This was a once in a lifetime experience and you intended to enjoy it to the fullest.
   Finally the burps tapered off and Malleus groaned, rubbing his throat which stung a bit due to the power behind the eructations. He looked down and realized that while busy emptying his stomach of gas, he had also hacked you up. 
   The ride up had been short and tight but you hadn’t been paying all that much attention when it happened so you couldn’t say for sure if it had been uncomfortable. Rolling over on his stomach where you happened to end up, you smiled loopily up at him and he flushed looking you over.
   It made him feel nice, seeing you so small and content. While you were in danger he hadn’t gotten the chance to appreciate how simply adorable you looked, being this tiny, or how delicious.
   Malleus’ stomach growled disapprovingly at having lost its new favorite snack but he ignored it in favor of muttering a short incantation which quickly cleaned you of gut gunk. Now clean, you stood shakily since his midsection was bloated a bit, and tried to walk over to your boyfriend's chest. 
   You ended up falling over, since it was slightly like walking on a waterbed that wasn’t totally full. Malleus chuckled and you saw his eyes flash a bright green before your perspective changed rapidly. 
   It was only moments later that you found yourself, full sized once more staring into the captivating eyes of your beau. 
   “Hello darling.” he spoke softly. “Did you enjoy yourself?” You nodded rapidly and he sighed wrapping his arms around you. His hand gently runs over your hair and you let your head sit on his chest. 
   The sound of his heartbeat fills your ears and you sigh. It was quite a relaxing sound, but you still preferred the low burbles that his stomach provided. The two of you lay this way for a while, simply enjoying the presence of each other. However Malleus eventually shifts underneath you and whispers your name.
   Curiously you look up at him and he beckons you closer. 
    Your lips touch in a brief kiss and he pulls back with a smile. “I have a birthday gift for you, but first.” He loosens his grip so he can sit up, positioning you in his lap. You shiver in anticipation when he gazes down at you greedily. Finally he leans forward enough to lick a stripe up your cheek and bite your earlobe teasingly.
   As he pulls back he suppresses a thick belch and blows the leftover fetid gas into your face. Your eyes water and you cough while inhaling deeply at the same time. You opened your eyes and Malleus could have sworn he saw hearts in them.
   “Thank you…” you breathed and he smirked. “Mmmm… as delightful as it is teasing you and getting to see...” he flicked his tongue along your lips, “taste your sweet blush. I do have an actual gift for you.”
   He moved so you could see the table where he had previously placed the soda bottle, and lifted a hand in a swift motion and whispered a few words. Suddenly a large ice cream cake appeared with a scrawled “Happy Birthday” on top. 
   The ice cream appeared to be chocolate vanilla swirl, and the frosting on top was vanilla. Decorative chocolate thorns encircled the cake’s base and had been arranged to appear as if they were climbing the dessert. Just above the wording a candle in the shape of a spinning wheel sat delicately. The spindle part was engulfed in a small green flame that danced almost eagerly as it waited to be blown out.
   You gasped and turned back to look at your boyfriend in surprise at the complicated cake he had (ordered you presumed) gifted you. The overly large size and ice cream part didn’t slip your notice and you had a feeling this night's adventures with your interests were far from over.
   “And one more thing.” Malleus spoke hesitantly, as if nervous by the next gift. He waved his hand and a small box appeared. He handed it to you and you opened it carefully. Inside sat a silver ring that had been made so detailed it looked as if it had literally been woven together with several tiny vines of thorns. Right in the middle of the ring was a small emerald which flashed in the candlelight.
   Your eyes widened and you glanced up at your beau who looked as if he was holding his breath. “It’s to signify our relationship. It’s not an engagement ring, it is meant to be worn on your right hand.” You watched as he gently slipped the ring onto your right hand. 
   In the valley of thorns we have something similar to the gallagh ring that you told me exists in your world. Instead of wearing it a different way depending on your relationship, the gemstone in the middle turns black when you are single. It turns the color of your partner's eyes when you are in a relationship, and when you become married it permanently changes to that color and the band turns gold.”
   He explained how it works in a quiet voice while you admired the pretty ring and your hand held in his. Malleus pressed a kiss to the ring and looked at you nervously. “Do you like it?”
   You threw your arms around him and smiled wide. “It’s the best gift I’ve ever received. Thank you so much Malleus.” You pulled back still smiling, he sighed in relief and smiled back. “That’s good to hear.” he looked like he was about to say something else but was interrupted by a loud growl that came from his stomach.
   “Sounds like you’re hungry. Why don’t we eat some cake?” he smirked and tightened his grip on your waist just a bit. “Hmmm. you mean, you eat some cake and I eat all the rest, only to end up with a big bloated tummy for you to rub?” You blushed fiercely. 
   “Yes, I do believe that sounds like an appropriate way to end the evening.” He leaned forward and kissed you once more. “Although you will always be the sweetest treat I have ever had the pleasure of tasting.” You giggled. “I love you too, Malleus.”
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Hey hmm... what about Yandere!Dorm leaders with a S/O who just doenst really care that they are yandere? They don't really mind and find cute sometimes :) Please write if you wish to, please don't overwork yourself <33
My first yandere request! I’m not very good at yandere so I hope I did a good job. I finished Malleus’ after writing poetry so I had a hard time coming up with sentences that didn’t rhyme so his is a bit shorter than the rest. Anyways please enjoy!
Warnings: Yandere behavior, mentioned murder and violence, kidnapping, stalking, poisoning, stockholm syndrome, delusional/oc characters
The moment he saw you Riddle knew he was in love
He approached you with flowers everyday and was delighted when you always accepted them graciously
Would probably try to court you like a gentleman first
It’s unlikely that he will submit to the urge to lock you away until something serious happens
When someone else does touch his little rose he will snatch you up and bring you back to his room in Heartslabyul
Makes sure that you know not to leave unless he tells you that you can
He is not a violent yandere 
He knows that you love him and that you don’t mean to make him upset
When he lets you out he makes sure that Trey, Cater, Deuce, and Ace are there to keep an eye on you
You will never be out of their sight and when you are it is when you are lounging in Riddle’s room
Eventually he comes to trust that you won’t try to run away and leaves the door unlocked
He even turns the lock around so you can lock yourself in just in case a threat comes
Over the holidays he takes you with him and the two of you have a lovely time walking around his home town
The fact that anyone that doesn’t have his permission to approach you gets sudden injuries and bruises a day after you’ve spoken to them doesn’t go unnoticed
You simply tell yourself that he is such a sweet boyfriend to protect you from any threats
You tell him that you would like to talk to a specific person and he allows it only if you approached them first
When you accidentally do something to make him mad he starts to scream and puts your chain and collar on so you can’t leave
It’s alright though because he always has a good reason to be mad at you 
You call him over to cool down and hug him tightly repeating apologies and telling him how much you love him
No matter what you’ve done he can never stay mad at you for long
“My little rose, you are just perfect for me.”
Leona doesn’t fall for you right away and even if he did it isn’t in a lions nature to charge out into the hunt without a strategy for success
He will watch you from a distance and study his feelings of interest towards you as if your relationship was a chess game and it was his move
When the time comes that Leona has decided that as the prey your guard is down enough for him to strike he will do so in a subtle and natural way to avoid drawing attention
Ruggie’s unique magic helps with this by leading you straight to his room
There he dresses you in the savannahs loveliest silks and gowns, beads and necklaces of gold are strung around your neck and limbs
You have a pair of gold cuffs encasing your wrists which lead to the wall behind you
Once he has organized you in a way that suits his taste he will have Ruggie deactivate his unique magic and leave
He expects you to freak out and is surprised when you stay relatively calm
He tells you that he is infatuated with you and that you are to love him back 
Of course he is caught off guard when you lean forwards as far as you can with the chains and kiss him gently
Soon he decides to test your loyalty to him and takes you out of the chains to sleep next to him at night
Leona purrs happily when he sees that you are not only still in bed with him but curled up against his side 
He won’t let you out unless you are with him or Ruggie though and you have to be within 6 feet of them at all times unless you have permission to wander further
Nearly any other male is not allowed to go near you
They can chat with you over text where Leona can check what is happening or if they do approach you he will snap his teeth at them and tell them to back off
Covers you in his scent every morning and every night just to make sure
When you return to the palace with him he has the servants treat you as if you were royalty yourself
If he gets jealous or angry he will be quick to remind you that you are his and belong to no one else
You literally will never leave his sight unless you have an uncovered and obvious bite mark and hickey
Falls asleep on your lap as you calmly braid his hair
“Hmm… A lion always catches his prey, and now your mine.”
When Azul wants something he gets it
He has Jade and Floyd bring you to him where he is waiting with a beautiful room for you
He used his make a deal to have a student add another room directly next to his with a wall that is made of nearly entirely glass
Azul finds it incredibly amusing that you are behind glass when usually it’s the humans that put fish behind glass in aquariums
He is very insecure so it is unlikely that he will ever let you out unless you are accompanied by himself and the Leech twins
Brings you your school work and helps you study and pass
Will get you anything and everything you desire no matter what lengths he has to go to
If you get fussy he will slip a sedative into your drink and cuddle with you until you wake
It is unlikely that you get fussy about much since all he wants to do is make you happy
You enjoy your life in Azuls arms and let him snuggle with you whenever he wants
Gentle kisses in between reassuring words that you still love him even though he won’t take you to the carnival since you could get lost
When he does take you places it’s usually just around the school or to malls that aren’t very popular
If someone else approaches you besides the sales people and even them if Azul feels your safety is threatened he will send the twins to silently take care of the matter
You pretend not to notice how the news is featuring a new murder a few hours after you’ve arrived home after a day out 
He is very anxious that you won’t like his octopus form so it will take a while for you to coax him into showing you
Almost immediately after he transforms you throw yourself into his arms and ask him to wrap his tentacles around you
You call it the ultimate cuddle and he always blushes a deep red
“Oh no sweetheart, the festival has far too many people. I’ll bring stuff back for you that way no one ever has the chance to take you from me.”
A delusional lover the whole way
It never occurred to this sweetpea that you might not want to spend the rest of your life in a large gold cage filled with anything and everything you could possibly desire
The cage is huge and takes up most of the space in one of Scarabia’s unused rooms
Otherwise the room is decorated lavishly and around the edges piles of gold lay mixed with jewels and gorgeous silks
He calls you his most valuable treasure and says that not even a genie could make him happier
Jamil likely used snake whisperer on you to lure you into the cage for Kalim to keep you
You are a bit surprised at first and Jamil has to explain that you are here cause you are Kalim’s new lover
He is quite surprised when you simply accept it and return his hugs and kisses with enthusiasm
Every day he has you dressed in the most expensive silks and covered head to toe in jewels and gold
Will also simply sleep with you instead of using his own room
All of the food you eat or drink will be tested by a taste tester to avoid you falling ill with poison
This sweet baby boy will give you gifts everyday and bring you to see carnivals and festivals and parades of all sorts
You are also allowed to attend parties and such but only if your main accessory is a neck collar with a chain that leads to his wrist
Art will be painted of you all the time and he fixes you in a range of poses so that he can look at them whenever he wants and be reminded of you
Brings you to meet each of his siblings and helps you remember all their names and faces
Kalim will get jealous when they hug you 100% and pulls you back into his arms
Leads you away back to your cage where no one can reach you
“Main tumhen bahut pyaar karata hoon mera chhota sitaara” (“I love you so much my little star” in Hindi)
Vil is the kinda person where if he wants something he will get it no matter what
He immediately sends Rook to hunt down and retrieve you
When he finally has you in his grasp he doesn’t even think about letting you go
You will be his forever
Keeps you in chains disguised as jewelry and gives you enough length to wander around his room but not enough to reach the door
He does your makeup and hair beautifully every morning and coordinates your outfits as well
Will spend hours taking care of your skin and body
Baths with him every night where he massages creams and serums into your skin for hours
He loves how by the end of it you are so relaxed and sleepy that when he unchains you and pulls you into bed there is no resistance
His insecurities lead him to believe that no that he has you and you have seen him without the thousands of layers of makeup that you will be repulsed by him
It very much isn’t the case and when you sense he is feeling insecure you will pull him close to you and tell him how beautiful he is
It takes forever to convince him to let you out of his room
Hours of snuggles and reassuring words that you won’t leave is the only thing that helps him let you go
Even then it is unlikely that he will let you leave Pomefiore
When he feels comfortable enough he may let you walk the grounds with him or if he’s in a good mood you can go by yourself
Rook is still positioned to watch you just in case though
Vil will use you as a muse for photo shoots all the time
He dresses you up and brings you to a beautiful area of the dorm and take hundreds of pictures of you
He only shares a few with the world though
He likes to think he is taunting people with the beauty that he has but they can not grasp
The rest are something that he looks at frequently to calm down and feel happy
His favorite pictures are the ones where you are wearing his crown
“Your beauty surpasses even mine, my queen. Even more reason to never let another person have you.”
His entire life Idia has suffered from major social anxiety and insecurities 
So when he meets you and he doesn’t feel anxious at all he knows that he will never come across another person like you again
He invites you over to play video games and locks the door behind him
When you aren’t paying attention he puts a small collar around your neck
You can’t get it off but it doesn’t really bother you that much
It is small and light so there was no reason
It’s probably just his way of giving you jewelry
However when you go to leave, the second your hand touches the door knob a strange feeling enters your body and you go unconscious
When you wake he explains that he is very sorry but he just had to have you
Lets you know in a very scary voice that his room is completely soundproof and the collar will knock you out anytime you touch the door
Essentially it’s impossible to leave and no one is coming to save you
After he locks himself in his bathroom and cries for almost an hour because he is so horrified by his own actions
Not horrified enough to let you go though
In the beginning you have a bit of a hard time adjusting to life in Idia’s room but eventually you begin to develop the same anxiety as him
You couldn’t even think about leaving for the fear that something might happen to you
The only way you can stay safe is with him and in his room
You liked him in the first place so it didn’t particularly bother you that he had kidnapped you in order to make you like him
However, the case of Stockholm syndrome became quite extreme
Idia relished the way that you shook when he decided to take you for a walk and he never got tired of you begging him to stay and keep you safe in his room
He taught you all about his video games and how to play each one
You became almost as proficient as him although when you played against each other he often let you win
Ortho loves you to pieces
Not only does he get a new big sister but his big brother has someone to socialize with
If only he could convince you to go outside as well
“What if you get sick. Oh no there is no way I would let that happen to you. Just stay in here with me. You will be safe in my room forever.”
Humans are just so fragile he has a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that you are able to survive on your own
This just won’t do
He has Lilia pick you up and bring you to him as soon as he hears that you got a scratch from a bush you walked past earlier that day
Sleeping spells to keep you from waking as he tends to your wounds and puts a magical barrier around his room
You will never be allowed to leave without him there to protect you
The world is a dangerous place and as a weak human there is a low chance of survival
It will be alright though because with him you will always be safe and happy
He uses his royal status to have you treated like a queen
Anything you want is yours and honey the sky's the limit
Even things that money can’t buy it will be yours
Everything except for your freedom
Not that you mind
Being fawned over and spoiled by the man you like is a dream come true and more than you could have ever asked for
Every day you appreciate all the time and attention he gives you as he makes sure you are healthy and have everything you want
He also teaches you everything he knows about being elegant and graceful
Claims that it will be necessary in order for you to become the future queen of the valley of thorns
Long dances followed by sweet kisses and etiquette lessons rewarded by cuddles fill your days
He allows you the opportunity to walk with him at night underneath the stars and tells you how beautiful you are in the dark
“Even if I have to kill to keep you. You will be mine forever.”
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Dorm Party
Yuu rescues Idia at a party, or Me throwing several jokes I wanted to make into a single fic.
Content warnings for coarse language. Find more in my Twisted Wonderland Fanfiction tag! And sent me an ask if you liked anything, I’m much like any other motherfucker on this website and thrive on positive feedback.
TXT: yuu help me i got waylaid by extroverts
You roll your eyes and reply back.
Y: aight who is it
I: music club 
I: help me
Y: remember, they try and include you because they genuinely like you
Y: what are you guys doing
I: i was getting food and they took me to scarabia to eat with them
I: get me out get me out get me out they keep asking me questions
Y: okay
Y: but why didn't you say you were busy
Y: or were going somewhere
I: you ever see kalims face when you tell him no
You had. He covered it up really quick, but that half-second of kicked puppy was heartbreaking.
Y: can you eat just enough to be polite and then bug out
Y: they know it's a lot for you
I: how much is that
Y: like, a small plate or something?
I: if i eat a plate i can go to the infirmary and leave got it
At least the spread wasn't all Jamil's cooking. He might cook like a god, but he needed a break sometimes, and takeout can be fun.
"Alright, so when he pumped the blood through the tube, it was supposed to come through in like, a steady stream, but he'd fucked up. So there were bubbles in the tube, but when you filmed it? it came out realistic-"
"I can confirm that."
"Lil, no."
"Lil yes." He sipped at his drink. "We should probably stop this conversation before they lose their lunch."
"Aww, why." The sarcasm was barely audible, but you couldn't help but smile at Cater and Kalim. Cater was the better of the two; Kalim had gone downright ashy from shock. You shuffled through the cans by the table before sliding him a ginger ale. "For your tummy, baby."
"Thank you." His colour had bounced back well before he took a sip. "You sure like telling stories about blood."
"No, that was about practical effects. I can start talking about blood if you want." You leaned your head back. "What do you think? Should I?"
Idia, who had been using you as a human shield ever since you showed up, shook his head and went back to ripping bread into increasingly smaller pieces before eating them.
"Yuu, look at this." Cater passed you his phone. The carefully staged, enstickered selfie of a Magicam influencer, with bouncy curls and double-peace signs.
"Oh, she's cute. I love her earrings." You held the phone up long enough for Idia to nod at with a small smile, before it got passed around for everyone to coo over. "You interested in her, Cater?"
"Ah, some. We've been chatting." He looked a bit dreamy, thinking on it. "We're going to try and meet up next break and see how we like each other in person."
You smiled. "Good luck, dude. She's definitely your type."
He laughed. "I do like them very cute, don't I?"
"You do, yeah." You turned to Kalim. "What do you like in someone? You probably have a type."
Kalim leaned back and thought on it. "I really like... Shining dark eyes and silky flowing hair."
You managed to disguise a snicker as a cough. "Tall and elegant, too? Always looking out for you?"
He looked up in wonder. "How'd you know?"
"Just a guess."
Lilia chimed in, full of mischief. "What about you, Idia?" You felt him stiffen in surprise against your back. "What do you like?"
"He likes 2D girls." He immediately swatted you.
"You're not 2D. And we know your type." Lilia narrowed his eyes at you. "Tall and pale and interesting looking."
"One of many." You leaned back, and Idia immediately wrapped his arms around your waist, audience be damned. "And who could blame me? Look at him."
"Please don't." He tried to scrunch behind you, but even if you were wider, he was much taller and couldn't fit.
"Aww." Cater had such a warm smile on his face. "Love at first sight?"
You shook your head. "You have to work for love. But," You looked back at your pretty blue boy, holding you tight even as he looked away in embarrassment. "The first time I saw you, it was like you snatched the breath from my throat. I'd never seen anything so beautiful in my life. I never even imagined anyone could be so beautiful." You leaned to nuzzle the spot where his jaw met his neck, and he swallowed. "And lucky me, it's the same every time I see you. You're a blessing on my life, and every day you look at me and smile makes everything worth it."
The silence was broken by Kalim giving a light sniffle. "That's beautiful, wow."
"Way to set the bar, Yuu." Lilia had his head propped in his hands. "So, was it mutual?"
You laughed. "I don't think so." You settled back into Idia, bright burning pink. "What did you think of me when you first met me?"
Your name is IDIA SHROUD. You're a THIRD YEAR STUDENT at NIGHT'S RAVEN COLLEGE, and everything is TERRIFYING BEYOND MORTAL KEN. You suffer from the effects of a TERRIBLE ANCESTRAL CURSE, which makes the already fraught experience of high school JUST, SO MUCH WORSE. The only things you truly enjoy are MEDIA OF A GEEKY NATURE and your MAGITEK LITTLE BROTHER. If it were up to you, you would BRICK YOUR DOOR SHUT AND NEVER LEAVE.
But, tragically, you sometimes must leave and face the mobs outside. At any moment, you could aggro them all with the sheer sin of your terrible presence, and the teachers had no sympathy for your low-tier, introverted self, and insisted that you had to show up to some classes in person. Even though telecom had come so far! You'd think you'd have pull, with your grades, but it was not the case.
Anyway, some first years had crashed a chandelier within days of being here, and you'd only found two to tell to leave you alone forever. When you found the two boys standing with a third, holding perhaps the most wonderful creature you'd ever seen in your life, you went over to explain how it was going to go. Only it didn't turn out like that.
She - what a cliche, the new student at a one-gender school being the opposite - turned to look at you. Enormous puffy eye circles that rivaled your own, close-cropped dark hair, eyes of no particular colour, all in a soft, pimply face with a double chin. This was the one that caused all the trouble?
Her smile dropped away immediately, replaced by wide eyes and slack jaw. She didn't blink, only stared directly at you, though you, muttering an endless stream of something you could not hear as she refused to stop looking or even blink. You knew a bad time when you saw it, and fled the battle before it could begin. You only just heard a voice go "Who WAS that?" before you were out of earshot, running back to your room as fast as possible.
~*~*~*~ "A curse?" You couldn't stop laughing, and that managed to set everyone else off. "You thought I was putting a curse on you?"
"Well!" He threw his hands up. "What was I supposed to think? I didn't know what that face meant and that made the most sense!"
"You do have a... intense look when you see something you like." Lilia laughed. "It reminds me a bit of Howl sometimes."
Kalim added, "No, it's more like she wants to eat whatever she's staring at."
Idia inclined his head in agreement, and Cater made a similar guesture to you. "You're all terrible," you said, but smiled as you did.
"Lilia, you never told us what type you had."
"Oh, Kalim," he said with eyes wide, "I'm much too young to be thinking about romance."
"I have forty-five minutes of footage that says otherwise," Cater said, waving his phone.
"Alright, alright." He rolled his eyes. "I like a lot of types of people."
"You've never flirted with anyone here at school." You thought for a moment. "Well, seriously, anyways. You're real friendly and that can be kinda flirty in itself."
"That's not true," he corrected. "You just don't know who it is. But," he added, "it's not a student. You're all too young for me."
Everyone stopped to consider this, before Idia spoke up. "It's Trein. I remember when I came in with you sitting on his desk."
Lilia pouted. "He still hasn’t bit. And he knows."
You covered your mouth. "I should have known you're a geezerfucker."
"I don't think it counts if you're older than said geezer."
Lilia leaned over to Idia. "I'll tell him you said that and then no one in this room will ever get a passing grade or a playdate with Lucius again."
Everyone changed the subject, and the evening continued with success.
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