#also damien: am i pretty?
I have another idea for a story, but I once again don't know what to write, so I'm building a skeleton.
It's a DC x DP x ML crossover. Damien, Marinette, and Danny are triplets born into the LoA. From birth, they were taught to not see each other as siblings but as rivals for Ra's attention. When they were five, they were dipped (more like dropped) into the pits for the first time. Danny never comes back out. The second time was when they were six. Damien and Marinette came back from a mission gravely injured. Marinette doesn't come back out. Damien becomes the sole heir.
As one can imagine, Danny and Marinette aren't dead but simply taken to where they were needed at the time. That being said, things for these two characters go mostly according to their respective shows after they integrate into society. With the exception that the two of them are more competent and don't fight like rabid raccoons. But things take a dark turn when they turn sixteen.
. After finding out that his father is Hawkmoth, Adrien is unable to carry the weight of being the holder of the cat Miraculous, as he doesn't want to fight his father and gives it to Ladybug. He promptly moves to the States to further his modeling career. Marinette, unable to find someone else worthy to be the holder of the cat Miraculous, stores it away and becomes the sole hero of Paris (with occasional helpers). But because of this, her two lives get more intertwined, and she is forced into a corner where she has to choose between being Ladybuy or Marinette.
. But she doesn't get a chance as Hawkmoth is dethroned and replaced by an even greater threat. She is forced to take on the persona of LadyNoir. Her life crumbles as she tries her hardest to balance her life as a hero and a person. She tries to save everyone but someone always ends up getting hurt. Whether it be her as Marinette, clinging to what little of her life is left. Or her as LadyNoir, with no choice but to watch innocent civilians die because she couldn't think of a better plan that could've saved everyone.
. It gets to the point where she makes an unforgivable wish. But every wish has a cost. She only finds out the price when she is forced to stand behind an invisible wall and watch as her life replays before her eyes, the film slowly burning away till there's nothing left. She cries as she falls into an ocean of familiar Lazarus green.
. Danny's life is also crumbling around him as he struggles to separate his human life from his ghost half. But after becoming the Ghost King, things only became more complicated and even more dangerous as more ghosts started coming through the portal to challenge him for the crown. And while he would really love to give it away, the guys that kept fighting him for it are very clearly evil. So he has to keep fighting, winning, and solidifying his position as the King of the Infinite Realms. But with every win comes a newfound power. Power he doesn't want. Power that scares him.
. It gets to the point when Danny has to drop out of school. He wasn't even scoring double digits anymore so what was the sense of keeping him? But Danny couldn't stay home either, it was too dangerous as his ghost and human halves were slowly becoming one. And his parents' obsession was slowly becoming a threat to him. He thought he had the solution. He was going to shut down the portal and leave Amity Park.
. It was perfect really, as no ghost portal meant no ghost. And he couldn't be vivisected if neither the GIW nor his parents could catch him. He talked the plan over with team phantom and they reluctantly agreed. The ghost portal is destroyed, and Danny leaves Amity and files over Elmerton and a few other towns. But after flying for a while, Danny gets to a sort of border where nothing meets... NOTHING. On the other side was just an infinite void. Nothing.
. Danny slowly realizes that in this world, all he knew was Amity Park. He never actually traveled or went on field trips. Never went to visit extended family nor did any visit. No one 'new' ever came to Amity Park because they were all just nearby. He learned no relevant history besides Amity Park because there was nothing outside of Amity Park. When the realization had finally set in the world began to crumble into the void and it became a race against him and the void.
. Danny knew that he was fast but the void was faster, and before he knew it he was back in Amity. He was going to warn them and try to save as many people as he could. But saw something in their eyes. They already knew. Danny watched how teary eyes and big smiles, everyone and everything he loved crumbled into the void, fading into nothingness.
Scientists across the galaxy, the universe even, often theorize about how everything came to be. Well, it didn't start with a bang, that's for sure. 'Well then how did it start?' you might ask.
Well..., it started with some tears and a scream.
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a-passing-storm · 5 months
I have been told that the Exorcist is a Scary, Scary movie (it was not) and my biggest takeaway was that that priest was pretty good looking!
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marshmellowtea · 2 years
i could be misremembering this so forgive me if i am but i feel like i vaguely remember a period of time where mark was desperately trying to stop people from viewing dark as a sad boy romantic figure and see him for the manipulator he is or whatever and the thing is, respectfully, if that really was the plan, he went about it in the absolute dumbest way possible that only made it easier for people to sand down his more manipulative edges and view him as a misunderstood hero. what he really should've done was have dark do something so genuinely vile and universally heinous that only the most strong stomached, "i love fucked up bastards who do horrible shit" crowds would be able to still love him but he didn't and now look where we are
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acid-ixx · 3 months
I truly LOVE THIS SERIES!!! I also read the reader as female too. I really like how you delve into damiens mind on this one. He is the one I was curious about the direction you will take him in with dealing with reader. I especially can't wait for Jason's too. Will any of the batfam be romantic toward reader in future chapters?
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directory !
a/n: tysm for liking it so far !! for me i prefer it if the reader is gn/male (since im also a trans guy and it's hard to find content of my preference. it's funny how a lot of ppl in my inbox call me a girl bec i am not 😭). also none of them are going to turn romantic later on. i prefer strictly writing them as platonic in the series since it's often stated that they see you purely as their sibling who differs entirely from them. although i might make another series where it is romantic yandere, but for the a&a series, they're all platonic.
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yeah, damian so far is a really complicated case. both him and the reader share a trait for contradicting feelings and that really ties with them being the only ones having blood ties in the family. which drives damian's obsession even further because in my opinion he's the most perceptive (and one of the least delusional alongside jason) of your emotions, knowing the right words to tick you off or make your vulnerable.
damian is also pretty touch-starved for a sense of normalcy that he couldn't achieve with his siblings who are raised to be crimefighters (so the way he sees his relationship towards his siblings would be more of a vigilante partner than family), but once he's matured enough, he'll soon realize just how much he craves for affection. having someone like you, who's the one trying to just live, and sharing blood with him (because despite trying to distance himself away from his assassin past, he'll always have this toxic mindset of "blood is thicker than water" and you're proof of that), damian pretty much demands attentions left and right.
when i mean he demands your attention, that means he also needs affection, both physical and emotional. that means he wants you to coddle him the same way dick coddles you. he wants to bond with you through quality time so that means you'll always find your schedule packed with activities you'll spend with damian, to both make up for lost time and as a quiet apology towards you that, no, he's not gonna threaten you with a sword anymore— he even makes a show of keeping his weapons somewhere far away from you, that your baby brother is vulnerable towards you and he means no harm.
his methods of gaining your spotlight are really inconvenient, but don't point it out because all he'll do is pout towards you whilst he'd grab your hand, preferably to take you somewhere away from all your other siblings who are trying their damn best also trying to take your attention.
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meanwhile jason is more protective and would rather not let you go through the same path as he did; being impulsive and letting yourself get in danger. unfortunately, the reader in the series is already pretty much in their worst state and that makes jason's need to protect you from harm's way (just like bruce), especially right after meeting him in the series would make him realize that you weren't a replacement to him and that you both pretty much share the same trauma when it comes to seeing your mother being taken away from you.
just like dick, he pretty much sees you as a kid. but unlike dick, the more you show your impulsive actions and display breakdowns, the more he acknowledges that yes, you do have flaws and you need space so he won't shove his affection down your throat but he will make sure his angel is properly taking care of themself right after, he'll make drink water right after a crying session, make you eat something if you haven't, and if you're scared of criminals trying to target you in the streets, then don't worry because the red hood will guarantee to associate you with fear.
fear that if they even dare to lay their eyes on you, their eyeballs would be ripped out of their sockets. only god knows what would happen if jason were to find one of them having filthy intentions towards his angel.
unfortunately for you, if you don't like it when an intimidating, brooding man who considers himself your brother is standing by your door, then you're out of luck because he won't even budge unless you invite him over. his obsession with you is very subtle but unlike bruce with a no-kill code, jason won't hesitate putting a buller through someone's head once his angel is in danger.
though if you don't want to see jason snap, then it'd be better if you wouldn't put yourself in danger on purpose because he will get violent towards anyone who even tries to lay their hands on you and although his grip on your body is soft, as if making sure that he wouldn't be harming you; you would further increase the chances of being locked up in your own safe haven if you try to purposely get yourself killed because that gives him all the signs that you're incapable of taking care of yourself and he wouldn't want a repeat of what happened to him with you when it comes to any other criminals.
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winxwannabe · 5 months
Winx Season 9/Reboot Leaks
Okay here's the tea: earlier today a twitter user by the name of Cataclysm_Power started posting a video they claimed was from the new Winx season/reboot. When pressed for further information, they linked to a telegram chat with what appeared to be assets from Rainbow (17 screenshots/2 videos). After some C-grade internet sleuthing, I am here to give my (worthless and possibly wrong) opinion on which ones I think are real and fake.
A note before we jump in: I'm not posting full images on my blog, because again I do think some of these are real and if the leaker is to be believed, they hacked Rainbow to get them. You can look yourself through the telegram link, or others who've posted them on the Winx Club tag. I also think the leaker themselves is scammy because they've tried charging for Miraculous leaks before. Do NOT give them any money if they ask.
Real: Bloom, Stella, and Icy's asset sheets, Bloom Full Body Pose
A lot of these leaks are 3d modelling assets, and these 3 are the ones I'm totally convinced are real.
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The biggest clue of their validity is the bottom banner. All 3 sheets have them, along with the same episode code and notes in Italian. They're all also linked to the same person: Pasqualino Masciulli is Rainbow's 3D modelling supervisor, and has been with the company for at least 9 years. He's done videos on Rainbow's youtube channel as well, using his shortened first name Lino. My main point is that's way too niche for someone to fake just to make some convincing leaks, and it would make sense for the assets to be tied to him.
Likewise, there's a full-body frame post of Bloom with fucking ugliest denim leg warmers credited to a g.riccobono. This is likely Giulio Riccobono, who is listed on Linkedin Italy as a Rainbow employee.
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Probably Real: Tecna's asset sheet, Bloom's detailed asset sheet
Both of these are likely real but have weird things about them that make me pause. Bloom's more detailed asset sheet is missing the name, date and episode reference on it, and the notes are in English. Tecna's is missing the bottom banner entirely, and there's some weird cutting around her head that makes it look like someone hastily made a png and stuck it on there.
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Unsure: Computer File Tab, MD Concept Photos, Videos
There's a screenshot of a folder with both 2D and 3D assets of all the girls. in the files. I'm not sure if this is from a computer at Rainbow or the hacker's personal folder, so it goes in unsure. I do think most of the assets in it are real - it's low res but the eyes on the 2D sketches are so similar to the ones on Rainbow's newer images of the girls I think they have to be connected.
There are also some full body concept photos for Bloom, Aisha, and Stella. They all look pretty legit (as they're updated version of images we've already seen) but Stella's has other images for 'possible pallets' included. She's the only one with it and the images look like they came from a flash dress-up game, and it gives me pause.
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Lastly, the teaser videos of Bloom are probably real based on the outfit, animation and that stupid fucking Bloom shelf being in the background, but I'm placing it in 'unsure' because of the bandicam.com logo burned into the top. If it really came from Rainbow and everything else was downloaded, there was no reason for the hacker to not get the raw file. I think it's real, but I don't know if it came from Rainbow.
Something Ain't Right: Group Shot
What gives me pause in the fully-rendered group shot (even though its shown in the computer file tab) is it shows transformation we haven't seen teased and has a 'Lorem Ipsum' placeholder text. Aisha's hair also looks like it was done with AI - the back of her wings clip through the hair, and parts of it look copy-pasted. I'm stupid, it's the end of her braids. The 'Lorem Ipsum' thing still stands, but I'm re-filing this under 'unsure.'
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Probably Fake: Darcy and Damien's asset sheets
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I'm showing things from here on out because I'm so convinced it's fake please let me be right. Unlike the other character sheets, the ones for Darcy and 'new character' Damien have no bottom banner, are marked as 'Winx Club Season 9' with an outdated Winx logo, and have notes written completely in English. Darcy's has a bit of 3D modelling, but it's too different from Icy's. Maybe they're super early concepts for Darcy, but Damien...go home, buddy.
You're in the Wrong Place: Rainbow Pants Girl
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I'm convinced this girl is from a different show and was saved to the 'Winx Club' folder by accident. Different clothing, hair, and shading. May you end up somewhere better than this reboot, Mystery Girl.
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thealexanderfiles · 11 months
DCU from a Marvel fans limited perspective
recently i've accidently been sucked into the DCU universe, mostly Bat family, if i'm being honest, and although i've never watched a single movie/episode, this is what i have gathered from purely reading the occasional fanfiction/lots of tumblr posts
SPOILERS i guess
There are A LOT of batkids
Bruce Wayne adopts these motherfuckers like they're some kind of limited edition pokemon set
no one is actually sure how many there are but if you have black hair and blue eyes and live in gotham, Batman doesn't care if you've got parents or not. you're coming home with him
There appears to be five Robins and Batman goes though these children like a chainsmoker with a pack of cigarettes
people die a lot
Thats okay though because people come back to life a concerning amount as well
Jason Todd died and came back to life by being dumped in a pit of magical water
Damien Wayne is the only biological child of Bruce and he mentions this a lot
Dick Greyson was the first Robin and the first adoption and i think he and Bruce got in a fight and he left to become Nightwing
Jason Todd stole the Batmobile's wheels and became the second Robin. after he came back to life he became Red Hood
Tim Drake was not an orphan, he just fit Bruce's target demographic and was conveniently close (I mean come on, it's like express shipping) He is also some kind of super-genius. He was the third Robin but became Red Robin/Drake
Stephanie brown(?) was the fourth robin(?), not sure for how long. People get upset when other people forget. I think she's called Spoiler or something
Damien Wayne is the final Robin. Hes this assassins son and im pretty sure Talia dropped him off at the Wayne Manor and said, "I had him through the terrible twos, you get the teen years'
Not entirely sure if Tim runs Wayne enterprises
Brucie wayne is the funniest fucking thing i swear
He's so stupid
not sure is Tim, Dick and Jason follow Bruce's lead and become absolute airheads as well
Alfred is a butler
Alfred has guns
There's someone called Duke and Cass knocking around
The Justice League think Batman works alone
someone in the JL is allergic to the colour yellow
there is a concerning amount of Danny Phantom x DC crossover fics
sames goes for Miraculous
Tim Drake is Bi and for some reason people don't like that
internet is divided on whether of not Batman is a bad dad
#OnlyInGotham is a thing?
Gotham is like an australian NYC
the Riddler is a not funny, less aggressive version of the Joker
apparently Alcatraz and Arkham are different prisons but thats on me
there's a whole group of superheroes out there, each have strong powers and they decide to leave the most dangerous city to the member that has no powers and dresses up as an anthropomorphic bat and runs around the city causing copious amounts of property damage with his children
there is a girl called barbra? Gordon
there is a criminally small amount of content for the girls
for some reason people ship the bat kids together, ike, anytime you have to remind yourself 'its TECHNICALLY not incest is Not Good'
Clark Kent is running round acting as if his reading glasses are the only thing standing between a normal life and CHAOS and the worst thing is that he is right
i am a MCU fan and i was SO sure that Deadpool was MCU but now i'm not so sure
Fandom likes to have this troupe that Bruce wayne doesn't believe batman exists when obviously the superior troupe is that Gotham is pretty sure they are exes
teen titans and young justice are a thing but i cant figure out which robin is who.
Damien Wayne has enough animals to open a zoo
who tf in the batfam are metas?????
Batman has definetely used the Tired Dad voice on villains and the Brucie Wayne voice on the JL
Bruce Wayne has contingency plans if someone discovers his contingency plans
it took 2 robins until batman realized that a small child running around in a vest top and speedos was not the greatest idea
Someone needs to tell me, like right now what's going on, where to start and what to read. bc rn im LIVING on chaotic fics
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call-me-strega · 1 year
How to Become a Step-Dad: Lore
Edited: 10/16/2023
While I am currently in between writing chapters I thought I’d release a little bit of the lore that will be incorporated in the story or that I think is canon but might not get mentioned since the story is mostly Jason’s perspective.
What’s up with Jason?
So in this au Jason went through basically all his canon backstory and stuff already so that’s established and done with. Some smaller points that may or may not come up are things like his possession of the all-blades, his time on Nanda Parbat, Talia essentially adopting him, or his experience being Catatonic. Speaking of which, I have decided his resurrection came from his righteous anger combining with the ectoplasm in Gotham’s atmosphere, and he is essentially a revenant for the purposes of this story (he’s about a fourth ghost? Or maybe 3/4ths? 3/5ths? Idk yet).
He does already have a reputation in the Infinite Realms as “The Avenger” and “Son/Knight of Gotham” due both to the existence of city spirit Lady Gotham and the ghosts of people who’ve died in Gotham. He actually has a rabid fan club who want him to kill the Joker( if he became a ghost he’d be tried and banished to the nightmare realm).
I am also going to use “the pits are corrupted ectoplasm” trope in the story. However, they’re gonna be corrupted less in the sense of being straight-up poison and more in the sense of eating a weird mushroom with weird side effects (rage, slightly sentient/vocal core, white trauma streak)
As for his relationship with the Bat Family, we’ve moved to a point where everyone’s more or less made up. For Jason and Bruce specifically, they are now more civil. Their relationship is less “ What you’re doing is wrong and you have to stop.” vs “ I’m just doing what you won’t” and now it’s more “ I don’t fully approve of your decisions, but as long as you’re not killing people and coming home for dinner, I don’t care enough to nag you about it” vs “ You’re my dad and I love you. Plus actively killing people is no longer super necessary so I will give in but I still enjoy pissing you off”.
In terms of sibling relationships, Jason has like the cool older brother vibe but he’s actually the semi-responsible one that feeds you when you come over and makes you do homework and sleep properly. He’s still down for shenanigans but is low-key a mom friend. (Dick is not the “responsible one” he is a certified chaos gremlin. Not to say he can’t be responsible, he’s just not the one enforcing these things. He cares more about your social, emotional, and/or, mental state and would help you skip school to steal a penguin or go to ComiCon or smth if you said it was a “mental health day”). I think he has semi-regular hangouts with his siblings on a weekly basis.
I like to think that he and Damien did have a bit of interaction when they were both with the League so they do have a close bond there. He’s definitely apologized to Tim a bunch of times and they’re pretty close now they like scheming together, especially on how to annoy Bruce. Overall he’s largely made up and re-integrated with the family. It’s going to be mentioned later in the story that they resurrected his civilian identity as Jason Todd, so he can publicly be seen with his family and also to do work with the family.
This brings me to my next point of lore: that as Jason gains more control of Crime Alley, he focuses his efforts more into charity work. He’s helping the people get their education, get better access to healthcare, get better job opportunities, running soup kitchens, etc., and doing more humanitarian-focused work. He has got a pretty firm grip on crime and drugs so he’s shifting his focus more towards helping the people now. Even just being part of his gang can be helpful because he works with the Goonion (Goon Union) and offers good insurance plans and stuff. That’s part of the reason they resurrect his civilian identity is so that he can start working with/taking over the Wayne foundation.
What’s up with Danny and Ellie?
Okay so first things first in the story Danny is going to be the ghost prince (not king yet for a long while) and he acts as a junior member on the Council of Ancients who rule with Clockwork acting as his main regent. Meaning that Council + Danny make decisions and Clockwork is Danny’s ghost dad and is formal regent but mostly just handles things with help from the council. Essentially, after at least a couple thousand years Danny will be considered “of age” or eligible and take over the Infinite Realms; and after several billion he’ll become the ancient of space/reality and essentially become a god or primordial being of sorts. Also being of age is different than being an adult ghost. To be an adult ghost you need to have been a ghost for at least 20 years after your lifetime, unless you’re an eternal kid ghost like Youngblood or BoxLunch. So ghosts like Technus, the Box Ghost, and Lunch Lady are all adult ghosts. Whereas ghosts like Johnny 13, Kitty and maybe Ember either aren’t yet adult ghosts or became adult ghosts recently. Ellie ranks as princess and second-in-line, she’ll go through a similar process and eventually join the Council, become a diplomat, and/or rule as regent if/when Danny leaves the Ghost Zone. I’m gonna say all other afterlife’s and stuff are connected to the Zone and their respective leaders make up Phantom’s Court. (So basically he’s king and they are like the nobles). They all govern their own territories and Phantom handles any rouges or conflicts. When Ellie gets older she’ll move between realms on diplomatic missions to lighten some of Danny’s work. I haven’t decided what this means for anyone who is currently mortal and/or liminal. I might just have them live, fulfilling lives and pass away and move on to different afterlives. Or I might have them take places within the Phantom’s court or as advisors. And on the topic: Jazz, the Fenton parents, Sam, and Tucker are all fairly liminal, Jazz and the Dr.s Fenton a bit more than the other two. Everyone in Amity has a little bit of liminality, but not enough to affect their life spans or anything. Also, Vlad is still currently his usual, creepy, Frootloopy-self. But after screwing him over in this fic eventually, I want to have him arrested by the ghost police and spend several thousand years in ghost prison before he gets let out. Then he works on improving his relationships and post-redemption he’s going to be like that annoying, overbearing Uncle who tries to be cool and annoys you but ya don’t hate him. Another thing I wanted to go over is their obsessions. I wanna say the halfas all have dual obsessions bc it fits nicely with the half-and-half concept. Danny is protection and space. Ellie is freedom and family. Vlad is power and love. If I include Dark Danny he’ll be power and destruction and a reformed version would have control and safety.
As for his rouge gallery? Danny is able to help them find healthier outlets for their obsessions so they've become less of an issue. Now they kind of just act like Danny's annoying friends and/or extended family. The ones who were straight-up evil though are on indefinite time out in ghost prison though (e.g. Spectra and Freakshow). The gang still comes to visit him and Ellie from time to time though and he regularly sees them when he goes back to the realms for prince duties and stuff.
What’s up with Amity?
So after he turns 18, Danny decides to tell his parents about being Phantom. He’s legally an adult now and has been working toward getting emancipated anyways so he might as well. They took it like how I imagine slightly homophobic parents would react to learning their child was lgbt (side note: the Fentons are pro-lgbt. When Danny told them he was bi Jack said “Me too son!”, happy to have something to bond over). He tells them about the portal and becoming Phantom. They believe him and they are devastated and guilty.
In the next few weeks, they get into a couple arguments over them wanting to “fix” his ghost half. He blows up and tells them that by doing that they’d end up killing him and that Phantom is a part of who he is and they’ll just have to accept that. That night Danny leaves and with help from Sam stays in an apartment with Jazz near her college. He takes a two-year gap to get a handle of Infinite Realms and GIW stuff, plus doing a few small jobs to save up some money. Within that time the GIW gets taken down and the Fentons reach out bc their love for their children is stronger than their dislike of ghosts. Their relationship is still strained but getting better.
Dani also gets de-aged during that time and Danny decides to take care of her (partly for healing purposes and partly cause he wants to). His friends help forge documentation for her and he fights with Vlad over custody but ultimately wins and makes him pay child support. He’s saved up enough money and with a little help from Sam and Vlad gets an apartment in Gotham. He got a scholarship and is doing mostly online classes at Gotham University. He’s currently working part-time (I have not decided as what but I’m leaning toward mechanic). Vlad paid to have him enroll Ellie in Gotham Academy so she wouldn’t have to go to public school and Danny allowed it since it’d get her a better education. Ellie is going to start first grade in about 3 months since they moved to Gotham in June. (Just for reference, Damian is currently 12 and in seventh grade since I've decided not to move him up.)
Everyone in Amity knows about the discord between the Fenton's before Danny leaves. They don't necessarily know about Phantom though. Everyone kind of assumes Danny came out, fought with his parents then left. When some of them find out about Ellie another rumor circulates she was the topic of the fight. Regardless, the Fenton drama is kinda an open secret and most people sympathize with Danny. Whenever he comes back to town to visit a lot of people are really nice to him and Ellie, which he thought was weird until he learned what people thought was going on. Now he just takes advantage of their misunderstandings.
What's up with the GIW?
The GIW manages to get a hold of Ellie after Danny leaves Amity. When Vlad and Danny +Team Phantom find out they team up to rescue her. Danny also recruits people that he's met during his time away. For this mission, he recruits Constantine and Captain Marvel/Shazam. When the Fentons find out they want in too, almost as an apology gesture. They no longer want to try and "fix" Danny and are okay with Ellie's existence. They view her like family and want to help out. A lot of their views are still prejudiced but they're getting better, however, that's not the only thing straining their relationship. This is a step in the right direction though.
So they go in and infiltrate first in order to get Ellie out. Then they destroy the facilities behind them as they leave. Constantine and Captain Marvel then go back to the JL to work on getting to Anti-Ecto Acts repealed, something that is still in progress during the beginning of this fic. That's why they are gonna lay low while they’re in Gotham. The GIW attempted to experiment on Ellie while they had her but the containment unit they used destabilized her ectoplasm. She retains all her memory but is mentally and physically de-aged. Frostbite assesses her and says she needs to get extra ecto and to be near another halfa aura to help develop and stabilize her own systems. That leads to Vlad and Danny fighting over custody before Danny inevitably beats Vlad into the ground and walks away with custody and child support.
I think a full reveal about identities will happen after Danny gets confirmation that his existence is no longer illegal. It'll probably be after Jason asks him out but before he accepts because he wants Jason to know what he's getting into. Jason will probably be shocked but accept it relatively quickly. I haven't decided yet if I want him to live a mortal life with them and then die (either to move on or become a full ghost) or if I want him to be basically immortal like them and give him a position in the court.
~~~~ Find chapter one here
Chapter 2 now here
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Batman: Gotham War was pretty BAD, but at least we got:
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A cool scarecrow
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a heartbreaking hug
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fashion ✨
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Scarface robin 💖💖💖
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and the worst Jason face I've ever seen!
all for the low low price of the most poorly written batman I've ever encountered (tho granted i am new-ish to modern comics batman)
(spoilers below, also my descent into insanity)
... some writers really do just want to write batman punching people, huh...
(edit: I'm adding more now that i've had a few more minuets to just... let it all sink in...)
also, what is Selina gonna do now?? am i really going to keep reading modern batman comics to find out???
i am not being hyperbolic when i say i am screeming. I quite literally am, or was, because this. is. insane. and the more i think about all this the more confused and upset i get because WHAT??? WHAAAAT???? HUHH? WHAT????! I AM GOING FERAL
(please tell me the writers will pull bat-mite out their ass to retcon all this shit please [lease plzzzz )
(who the hell green lit this shit??? is it supposed to be absolutely insane??? is that the arc going on right now????)
WHY was the Vandal Savage plot line needed??? The rogues would have teamed up eventually, they did not need Savage to coordinate that and there could have still been a mole in Selina's crew. Then when the rogues finaly strike the Bats and the Cats could have worked together and then finaly talked things out ( if this was writen by a sane person)
also they kill Ra's Al Ghul of screen?? is he dead for good?? explain??
the more and more i think of this the more unwell i get.
it's been a month or two and only now has it hit me...
i also want to acknowledge Salina more; even though this was equally her story i barely talked about her and i am sorry. You deserve so much better Salina, both from me and from Bruce. You had an idea that would be considered good in the context of Gotham and what the writers were willing to humor
( even though had the writers been sane she could have offered my earlier proposal to Bruce, but sadly we don't live in that timeline U_U )
...Hey, how did she survive falling in the newly born Lazarus pit?? was she wounded enough that the pit healed instead of killed?? is that what we're going with here??
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elisacaleisa · 6 months
I wrote this in my discord server and then posted on twitter. Time to annoy here as well, HEEHOO!
Jax's Personality Swap AU!
DAMN PIPELINE: Kody > Huxley > Gavin > Damien > Lasko > Kody
NOTE: Since this is a personality swap, these characters are gonna be out of character, but Huxley will still remained as a supporting character, while Kody is still not (only personality change, not roles)! Typing this just to avoid confusion!
Damien > Lasko:
Tired Air Elemental:
- he is tired
- looks older than he actually is, its the wrinkles and white hair
- bro doesnt sleep
- not really mean, he just sounds really monotone and had the same expression
- "you all are idiots, why do i hang out with you"
- "you have 99/100. you can do it next time"
- he has trust issues and has hard time opening up
- he means well when you get to know him
- "i try to push you to your limits, because i believe you can surpass them... i'm sorry, i didnt mean to break your boundaries"
- still a dnd nerd but more of a dungeon master with ton of research for his homebrew campaign
Gavin > Damien:
Daring Fire Elemental:
- more of a risk taker in a rebellious bad boy way? Outside of the academy
- night walks
- "are you lost, precious?"
- smiles all the time in a warm way
- "well, look at you, what a snack. are you cold? i can warm you up."
- very smart but doubts himself
- awkward with physical contact
- tries to be seen as overly attractive and an attention seeker to hide his emotional vulnerability
- he and his mom kinda argue so he left,,, whoops
- "arent you a doll, freelancer. heh... alright, we will hug. maybe even kiss?"
Kody > Huxley:
Distant Earth Elemental:
- is not very friendly in the beginning
- trust issues! My favorite /j
- he can be a meanie :(
- "why do we keep bumping into each other?"
- freelancer does not give up
- "i can take care of myself, i am not that stupid" he sounded hurt...
- he misses his moms,,,
- he wants to fit in, but since people think he is stupid because he is an earth elemental, he decided to do the opposite and be alone by himself
- the only friend he had was Lasko but they fought they last time they saw each other
- "you actually like me, didnt you? what am i doing, why do i wanna hurt you so bad? im supposed to be your friend" - spinel from steven universe the movie
Huxley > Gavin:
Oblivious Incubus:
- he is so lonely
- his only friend was Caelum, who is kinda a spoiled brat but nice only to Gav (slowly to FL)
- FL comes up
- "youre so pretty..."
- shit he said that out loud
- very friendly
- poor orientation skills. he has to walk with freelancer to get them to the academy
- loves physical touch
- gives fl a keychain for free!
- the keychain says big gulp. FL giggles
- "huh? Whats so funny?" ... "oh... Ohhh haha! Haha, i didnt even realize! Youre so smart"
Lasko > Kody
Bashful Water Elemental:
- he is so innocent!
- he is trying to be helpful
- "a-are you okay?"
- freelancer says its okay
- "i struggle with my powers, i-im so sorry"
- kody is following them.... ok?
- kody, personal space pls
- he is trying to also help freelancer, since he knows the struggle of being useless
- kody is being very pushy...
- "well, in this book, it says that we should bridge if we want to maximize our potential in our elemental. w-what do you say?"
- kody is a creep again GOD DAMMIT!
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sheawritesstuff · 6 months
Assigning My Interests to Redacted Characters
[Half headcanons, half getting to talk about things I like, win-win]
✩ Classic Russian Literature - Lasko, Porter, William
My personal favorite is Crime and Punishment, but War and Peace is also pretty high on the list
✩ FNAF - David, Milo
FNAF 4 for the win baybee
✩ Skyrim - Asher, Ollie
I'm obsessed with leveling up stealth and then using the biggest warhammers I can find
✩ The Ecology of Trees - Huxley
Especially the connections between different species of trees and their respective aphids and fungi that live on them as they decompose
✩ Baking - Geordi, Milo, Caelum, Gavin
I bake when I'm stressed, but cannot cook to save my life
✩ Clarinet - Lasko [I stole this joke from somebody], Camelopardalis
I've been playing for almost 9 years
✩ Poetry - Elliott, Vincent, Kody
I am an enjoyer of angsty poems, I admit it
✩ Art - Caelum, Avior, Morgan
I've been doing digital art for about 8 years and I was the "art kid" long before that
✩ Fanfiction - Guy, Geordi
I've been reading and writing fanfic for various fandoms since I was in middle school
✩ Calculus - Damien, Anton
I'm a math major :]
✩Dad Rock - David, Sam, Aaron, James
I've seen The Offspring, Sum 41, and Three Days Grace live and I've got tickets for Creed this summer
✩ Live Theater - Guy
I have acted in, watched, and run lights for more productions than I can count - I also got to design the set for my theater's production of Willy Wonka
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silver--scar · 3 months
hello can you show me how to draw pips and his boyfriends hair :3 I can't draw hair ;-;
Sure thing! I'm not good with guides, but I'd still love to help!
I don't make guides often so this is very messy. Also, I am assuming by 'boyfriend' you meant Damien, as they are paired together the most from what I've seen, but my apologies if I'm wrong!
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The guides themselves are pretty self explanatory, but I can add bonus stuff here!
To keep things short, think of Pip's hair like he has a hair care routine. His bob cut is smooth and bouncy, so there isn't much shape aside from the bunched up hair under his cap and the ends, as well as making his hair sort of lumpy or curvy. Also, I've added bangs as he has a tiny fringe under his hat, as seen in newer model like this one!
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As for Damien, his hair in the show is rather smooth as well, as seen here.
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But he has some spikes like in the bangs or the top of his head! I just added a few more because it's fun, while still trying to keep his original shape (sort of (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)). Like keeping most of the hair flat against his head until it juts out in low spikes. I also took the liberty in making his sideburns sharp too!
In 3/4ths, the only differences really are some bits of hair that hides behind the head, or other parts that shift along with the face as it turns. Overall, it stays the same. And since it's a cartoon art style, you can just flip which way the hair is facing when a character turns.
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In side profiling, the hair either drastically changes or stays the same.
For example, Pip's bangs are always swooped over his eyes, no matter which way he's facing. But with Damien, the bangs do not change a direction. They simply phase through the top chunks of his hair and become a bit like one piece. All in all, the only thing you have to worry about is not putting the sides of the hair too far back. Always try to keep it in the middle or ahead of the middle. Otherwise, it looks like they're balding or have a mullet/swooped back hair. Just draw your shape, make some adjustments, and erase the head lines that hides behind/under the hair!
And there's not really much else! My art style is pretty simplistic, but always keep in mind that MY WORD IS NOT GOSPEL. Obviously, you don't have to draw this way! Art is a progressive element, and the way you create will always change and morph. Even I will change the way I draw over time, including characters' hair, clothing, etc. Do what you think works for your art or makes you happy! Search up some helpful guides or videos on YouTube to help you get a better understanding of what you want to draw. It takes a whole lot of practice to get used to the different elements in art, but it pays off, I can assure you! My art certainly didn't look the way it does now back when I was a teen.
Regardless, if this guide has left you confused, don't be afraid to ask any more questions! I would love to help out any way I can!
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aleksa-sims · 7 days
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Simself Story
CW: Pills/drugs, addiction
We arrived in Italy. This was our first flight with our Baby. I was so nervous, because I knew how quickly new situations can become a struggle for our little one. I thought he’d only scream throughout the entire flight. But he was totally calm and had a lot of fun flying. He just fell asleep during take- off and landing. 🤷‍♀️The flight did not last more than 2 hours, otherwise I would have stayed at home with him.
When we finally arrived, Lucas surprised us a second time. Usually he is rather timid with strangers and cries as soon as they look at him. Damien was waiting for us outside the house. He was so nice. He gave our son a little gift, so sweet! I didn’t expect that. Lucas smiled immediately as Damien looked at him. After a short while, D. took our Baby in his arms. The little one has felt so comfortable and safe with him, that he fell asleep while we were talking. I was really relieved! I had imagined this whole thing differently.
Nevertheless, N. first has to clarify everything at his meeting with his supervisor team tomorrow. He has to tell them about Lucas and me, and explain why we’re going to live with him here for the next 4 weeks, but also later in the future. Since I am not a member of their team, I can’t actually stay in their houses. Each of their soccer players who has his girlfriend/partner or family with him, must first report and discuss this with them, or find somewhere else a place to stay. Also, all other costs, like our flight, Nico and I have to pay for our son and me, out of our own pocket. Only N. gets paid by his club. It may even be, that Lucas and I have to pay a... kind of rent, as long as we accompany N. and stay in that house. Let's see.
My parents were against that trip. I mean, my Dad not really, but my Mom!! She was worried about Lucas and... well, my pills. I have received the necessary pills for the next 4 weeks, but no confirmation that I can travel abroad with them.  So I just packed my medication in my suitcase and did not carry it around with me in my bag, so that was no prob. I just took the risk. 😬If, my suitcase was lost, it would have been pretty shitty for me. I'd get withdrawal without those damn pills. As far as this matter is concerned, there will be some discussions between N. and me, but also my parents & me (as always 😒).
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starz-saintz · 3 months
Redacted x July 4th
David -> A hound at heart, meaning he has sensitive ears and will flinch at loud noises. It's not a trauma response. He hasn't been a fan of loud noises since forever. He will settle for a sparkler. He does most of the barbecuing and will marinate chicken or stock up on charcoal a day or so in advance. The only one who will remember that unlicensed fireworks are illegal in most states and counties.
Asher -> Loves fireworks. All wolves have sensitive ish ears but he will deal with the consequences of listening to loud noises tomorrow morning. His favorites are the spinner fireworks (the ones that go off and form a spiral in the air), but Roman Candles are a close second. He buys most of the fireworks.
Milo -> He has a stash of the small poppers you throw on the ground from past Fourth of Julys. David probably told him to get rid of the stash, but he obviously didn't listen. Very simple taste when it comes to his favorite firework. A Chrysanthemum and the crackling ones.
Darlin' -> He is the reason fireworks are illegal. He will get the ones that sound like someone is screaming bloody murder when set off. He will also hold his head over an unlit Roman Candle just to freak David out. His favorites are the poppers and strobes.
Sam -> THE AMERICAN MAN actually holds a bit of indifference to fireworks. He thinks they're pretty and whatnot but just doesn't like them. Maybe because it can easily scare the traumatized or dogs, I don't know. His favorites are the comets and pearls because they aren't as loud.
Angel -> Big celebratory person. Loves fireworks and sparklers and glowsticks and all of that. Her favorites are probably the ones that spin as they rise and the glittering ones. Will sit next to David as he wears his headphones to block out the noise.
Baaabe -> Will flinch at the loud fireworks. He thinks they're pretty it's just the sounds that will knock him off guard and can cause him to get defensive. Asher helps him with that and holds him close to keep him grounded.
Sweetheart -> British.
Damien -> Thinks that doing it in neighborhoods can be disruptive and can hurt the elderly, veterans, and pets. But, if its in a more isolated space with a willing crowd and safe fireworks, then go nuts. His family wasn't big on fireworks but would get sparklers for him when he was little. He only started going to fireworks events in high school. His favorite is a horsetail firework.
Huxley -> Has only popped his own fireworks a few times in an abandoned parking lot. Prioritizes safety over all else and will opt for watching fireworks from their car or from the beach. His favorites are the small comets and peonies
Lasko -> He really likes fireworks. It's one of the only parts of his past that he holds on to. Watches the ones the city organizes. He doesn't do much else besides that.
Gavin -> Enjoys all celebrations and extravagant displays. He enjoys the whistling kind and the glittering ones.
Freelancer -> Doesn't know where to find the fireworks pop-up shops so they don't bother buying any at all. They like to watch the ones the city organizes and will spend all night riding around, watching all of the fireworks go up. Their family used to have a small get-together, and they held on to that by hosting their friends.
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quakinqueer · 6 months
Piggybacking directly off my last post, I'd now like to present my pitch for summer games 2024. Ladies, gentlemen, and nonbinary friends I present to you:
That's right, you heard me. Medieval/Ren faire theme. Think of the games, think of the costumes, think of the TRAILER. I've seen other people mention this as a potential theme but I'd like to present my own reasoning/ideas:
I've heard multiple people, especially current cast, refer to this current Era as a Renaissance/golden age, so it would frankly be perfect, especially considering it'd be the first in years to feature Anthony.
I just think all the cast would kill it at a lot of the challenges considering a lot of them visit Ren faires pretty often, so there'd really be some serious competition between them all, and if they did dress up for it they'd all look amazing. (Am I biased because I'm currently fixating hard on Damien, the loml, and think he, in particular, would THRIVE with this theme? Yes, yes I am)
We have no way of knowing if a trailer as awesome as the one for Wild West is within their current budget, but presuming for a moment that it is, THINK ABOUT IT! Just imagine the costumes and outfits, maybe a swordfight or two. I'm seeing either a tavern or royal dinner, Chanse and Angela as bards performing, Shayne and Amanda as court jesters, Damien and Trevor as an adventurer and his apprentice, Tommy as a tavern bartender/innkeeper with Spencer as that one regular who never leaves him alone, Ian and Anthony as two kings whose nations (teams) are at war. Preferably directed by Courtney, and maybe also Damien.
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lilac-hecox · 4 months
What I Read: Week of May 20th
Okay! So, I haven't done one in a while but I've really been trying to take a lot of joy in what others creator in our fandom so I have a supersized one of sorts for y'all!
Hypothetically Yes (Theoretically Forever) by @xxmoonch1ldxx - Ian/Anthony - Ianthony
Very cute and set around Shayne and Courtney's wedding but with Ian and Anthony talking about whether or not they would individually get married some day and how it sparks up some feelings. Short and sweet!
Fight like cats and dogs by ObsessedSM - Damien/Angel - Damangela
An interesting concept where Angela slowly realizes that she is crushing on Damien and vice versa. Some nice hurt/comfort and a cute support system. (Is in progress last time I checked)
Migraine by HGTV_Rerun -Shayne/Spencer - Shayncer
Short and sweet little hurt/comfort where Spencer has a migraine and Shayne cares for him at the office!
never really said that i loved you too by Anonymous - Angela/Amanda - Amangela
Little bit of miscommunication and hurt/comfort with some fluff and a happy ending! Amanda texts Angela. Angela believes it to be a drunk text.
Lorsque Nos Deux Âmes Se Mêlent by @xxmoonch1ldxx - Ian/Anthony - Ianthony
Spicy fic! Super hot PWP but totally worth a read!! A bottom!Anthony as well!
off to the races (got my love jumpstarted) by Anonymous - Amanda/Angela - Amangela
Crack fic where Amanda and Angela are horses. It is still SO good and Ian and Anthony are farmers??? It's cute! We love a good crack fic!
in another life, you and me were seals by Anonymous - Amanda/Angela - Amangela
Fluffy and sweet little Amangela that is soft and makes you feel good!
always together by @ancientvamp - Shayne/Chanse - Shaynse
A sweet little domestic fic about Shayne and Chanse discussing marriage, kids, all the cute domestic stuff!
outsiders inside the home that we built by smoshbrainrotanon (I believe this author is on tumblr but I can't recall their url off the top of my head so let me know if you know!) -Ian/Anthony - Ianthony
A song!fic but also deals with the emotions of Ian and Anthony during the split and regarding Defy.
Meetings on Memory Lane by TheLoreOfItAll - Ian/Anthony - Ianthony (Again I am pretty sure this author is on tumblr so if you know let me know!)
A fic that is sort of like a retrospective on Ian and Anthony and their memories. It is being updated! Well written and I love Ian's POV especially as a kid.
my only angel by spourtastic - Amanda/Ian - Amandian
It is in progress but a really interesting idea and I am an absolute sucker for anything Amanda and Ian!
A beautiful mess by @japhan2024 - Damien/Anthony - Antmien
Anthony is a vampire and he and Damien have a toxic relationship including the fact that Anthony is hung up on Ian. I love the trope of Anthony being hung up on Ian and the resulting angst of it all!! I also love blood drinking scenes.
A classic mistake by @japhan2024 - Shayne/Spencer -Shayncer
Centered around rehearsals for the Smosh the Sitcom it involves Shayne and Spencer practicing their kissing scene. I love the fact that it is based on the live show!
You Stay On My Mind (Can't Help But Keep You Close) by @xxmoonch1ldxx - Ian/Anthony - Ianthony
Spicy but based on a prompt of "I want to see all of you." and bottom!Ian and it is so sensual and hot at the same time!!!
Driven Batty by @chu-tea - Ian/Anthony -Ianthony
VAMPIRE ANTHONY! Written based on a discussion had in the quad squad server and Chu has a beautiful and familar way of writing that is a joy to read. A slow burn and stretches through the journey of Ian and Anthony's time together. In progress but so, so worth it!
Smosh in the Hunger Games by d_s_t_e - Gen Fic
A take on the Smosh Hunger Games episode but with more humor and written in an interesting script like format. In progress!
Fungi by Wydrochka - Ian/Anthony -Ianthony
The idea of Ian doing magic mushrooms for the first time with Anthony and Anthony caring for him through the trip. I've been craving this idea for so long so I'm glad to have read it!
so no one told you life was gonna be this way by spacetimeinspector - Krungle/Kevin (Ian/Amanda)
Based on the Smosh the Sitcom focusing on the scene where Krungle and Kevin almost kiss. This captures the vibe perfectly and is a really interesting concept!
be with me, alone with me by eunaseo - Amanda/Angela - Amangela
Angst and cheating but I love some good angst where it hurts in the best way possible. Amanda and Angela are in love but because Amanda is married they can't really be together.
you like that? by @bowcrary - Chanse/Tommy - Chommy - Bowcrary
Based around the Smosh the Sitcom. Insanely hot and sensual af like wow! Bottom!Chanse and a bit of a dommy top!Tommy. UGH. So good!!
Flirting With Disaster (Throwing Kisses After) by @xxmoonch1ldxx - Ian/Anthony - Ianthony
A fluff of sorts where Ian and Anthony realize they like each other and there is some mutual jealousy and want on both their sides.
The Beast Inside Of Me, He Knows How To Train A Bad Dog by @xxmoonch1ldxx - Ian/Anthony - Ianthony
Spicy and based on the idea of puppy play with Bottom!Puppy Anthony and a very toppy!Ian. HOT AS ALL HELL.
Previous Weeks!
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johnny-cornd0g · 13 days
Personal Canonical Batman/Fam Timline (Part One)
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Bruce Wayne has a lot of kids and a lot of character development. This post is gonna be my personal ideas about the timeline of him, his kids, and his villains. It'll start from when his parents get killed to the time Damien becomes Robin. This timeline is the first I am making on here and is therefore incredibly subject to change.
Pre- Dick Grayson Era
Bruce Wayne's parents, Thomas and Martha Wayne, are murdered in Crime Alley. Something about Martha's pearl necklace.
Bruce is unofficially adopted by Alfred, the Wayne family butler, who used to be a British spy. I think Alfred is a pretty good dad, but Bruce is Bruce and will still end up messed up.
He is also 10 years old at this time. This will be a reoccurring theme. Keep it in mind.
As he grows up, he starts studying to fight crime. All the lessons. Maybe he meets Ted Grant, known as Wildcat, to learn fighting.
During all this, I think Lucius Fox is running Wayne Enterprises while Bruce is off doing sad orphan stuff.
Bruce falls into a cave beneath Wayne Manor. It's filled with bats. It scares him, but then he figures out "Hey I can maybe capitalize off of this".
So he becomes Batman. I don't have anything too specific to say. He's just Batman for a bit. Pretty flawed, but he gets the hang of it.
Bruce also has already come up with his morals at this point. No guns and no killing. Specifically no killing.
Alfred gets to keep his guns, though. It's Alfred. This isn't really important, but I'd still like to emphasize it.
Bruce also takes over Wayne Enterprises as the hot orphan bachelor billionaire playboy of Gotham.
Era Villain Roster
Joker: he's there from the beginning. I kinda like the idea that he was the first Red Hood, but he got shoved into chemicals by Batman and became the Joker.
Catwoman: I think she fits in this era. No other opinions about it. Maybe start her and Batman's romance in the earlier years.
Bane: I think he'd show up a bit before Dick enters the picture. You'll see why in a second.
Poison Ivy: Same with Catwoman, I think. But also, I like the idea of Bane and Poison Ivy teaming up, due to watching that Batman and Robin movie when I was younger. It stuck with me.
Two-Face: Oooorugghh Bruce's old lawyer buddy is like half insane and angry. Good for him. He'll go here for now.
Riddler: Same reasons for Catwoman. He's just here.
Scarecrow: I'd like it if he got progressively spookier as the story grew. Like- he's giving people panic attacks and spooky hallucinations NOW, but some years later, he's giving people psychological breakdowns.
Penguin: Same reasons for Catwoman and Riddler.
Dick Grayson Era
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Carnival comes to town in Gotham. The Flying Graysons are a hoot, but the Mafia (???) doesn't think so.
The trapeze equipment is sabotaged, and Dick's parents fall to their deaths. Dick is 10 years old at this time.
Bruce happened to be watching this whole ordeal and sees himself in this newly made orphan. So he adopts him, naturally.
Dick finds out Bruce is Batman somehow, and Batman brings someone from the Mafia (??) who killed his parents to the Bat Cave. Dick has a choice: kill this guy or choose mercy.
Dick chooses mercy, and Bruce tells him, "Cool, you can be my sidekick now"
I like this one story of how Dick got the Robin name. He makes the classic Robin suit, but with a hood. He wants to call himself Robin Hood.
Bruce pulls the hood over Dicks face, because that is gonna be the easiest way to take him down. "Lose the hood, you're Robin."
So it's Batman and Robin for a good bit. Until Barbara Gordon is going around as her own vigilante, known as Batgirl.
Bruce is like, "Sure, why not?" and it's a team of three now.
At some point, during a big fight, Bane breaks Batman's back. Super humbling experience overall. Robin and Batgirl take care of Gotham while he recuperates.
I think this would also be the era when Bruce meets Superman and Wonderwoman. The inkling of the idea of the Justice League appears.
I don't really know why Dick stops being Robin and becomes Nightwing. Either he decides he's outgrown the title or Batman, or he's sick of Bruce giving criminals brain trauma.
But Dick becomes Nightwing at around 17 years. I think during this time, he makes and runs the first iteration of the Teen Titans. He moves into Blüdhaven and is the main vigilante there.
I like the idea that he got the name Nightwing from hanging out with Superman. Nightwing was apparently a super cool vigilante back in Krypton, and Dick got inspired.
Barbara stays back in Gotham to keep being Batgirl.
Era Villain Roster (adding onto previous)
Killer Croc: I don't really know where to put this guy. He doesn't have a lot of extreme plot relevance. He can go here.
Harley Quinn: I'm putting her here before Jason shows up. I'll explain why-ish in the Jason Todd Era.
Clay Face: Same thing as Killer Croc. He can go here.
Thanks for reading, if you've read this far! I've been wanting to write this down for a good while, and it feels good to have it all down.
Sorry if I sidelined your favorite Batman villain. I swear, most of these characters are going to get at least one post about them, especially if I receive more info on them. I have thoughts about all of them, I promise you.
This is all my opinion, a mix of what I have read or watched or heard about the characters so far. I am extremely open to new ideas, opinions, and thoughts. Everything I write in this blog is subject to change.
The next batch of Batman Eras will come out soon. Thanks for reading!
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