#and clark and bruce LOVED that little boy with all their hearts
bluegarners · 2 years
having intense bruce and clark friendship feelings rn, coupled with fond uncle-clarkness and dick being their entire world bc he's their first kid and they love him
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maybesomemilo · 17 days
angsty superbat to the tune of midnight rain
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holysupesbatman · 2 months
SuperBat Fic Recs
Woaaaah boy. I was in the Superbat tag and saw someone asking for recs and I got about 5 fics in before I realized that wouldn't fit in a reply and decided I should just make a whole post. I feel like I've read half of the Bruce/Clark tag on ao3 at this point and yet I still find more every time I look.
As a note, this post is heavily editorialized. These are all fics I've personally read and are here because I liked them and they come from my ao3 bookmarks. If you want better details about the fic, follow the links and check them out 🤷‍♀️ I'm a picky reader so the fact that it's on the list says a lot, though our tastes may vary.
Onto the recs! I'll organize them by ratings and then by length for simplicity and at the end I'll recommend some of my favorite SuperBat authors for further reading!
Rated: G
Uno Reverse by WixenBurr (~7k rated G) is really cute and fluffy
Summary: The batkids are trying to set Batman and Superman up. Unfortunately Bruce Wayne wants to date some rando news reporter named Clark Kent.
Rated: T
Know You Better by rotasha (~6k rated T)
super fluffy and cute. I adore this fic. Summary: Clark asks Bruce on a date, not knowing he’s a famous billionaire. Bruce says yes, because this is the first time this has ever happened to him.
I'm Not As Think As You Drunk I Am by Mardiaz173 (~13k rated T)
This one is SO much fun – Nobody believes Clark after he meets the supposed "flirty, stupid, entitled drunk" playboy billionaire Brucie Wayne when he says he's actually "clever, mischievous, and sober with an indecipherable ulterior motive."
Saudade by liodain (~20k rated T)
OK THIS ONE MAKES MY HEART MELT IT'S SO FLUFFY AND SWEET I CAN'T. Like put this on your re-read when you're sad and need to feel like love and goodness exist list. Bruce breaks down in Kansas in 2006 years before BvS and meets young Clark.
fallin' for him was like fallin' from grace by Resacon1990 (~23k rated T)
It's just 20k of Clark simping for Bruce. That's it. That's the fic. He's a golden retriever and he's in love, Your Honor. Bruce is not unaffected, but the pining is glorious.
summary: Or, five times Clark finds himself falling for Bruce, and the one time he does something about it
Mr. Romantic by Pandamomochan (~24k rated T)
ft Established Relationship SuperBat. Summary: Clark gets tasked to write a Valentine's Day article. The end result has every single women throwing themselves at him. Clark has always been patient with the drove of Brucie fans. Will Bruce be as mature with Clark's sudden popularity?
How to Date a Superhero by @solomonara (~25k rated T)
Technically a series of fics. Pure fluff. 1. Someone spots the Batman kissing Mild Mannered Reporter Clark Kent. Hijinks ensue. 2. Superman kissed Bruce Wayne in full view of several dozen phones. Now the whole world, including Lex Luthor, knows Superman has a boyfriend. But that's okay. Batman has a plan. 3. Deleted scenes from the How to Date a Superhero series, ruthlessly cut in most cases to prevent the Robins from taking over.
In every sense of the word by froggy-o (bobafiend) (~29k rated T) From the author's summary: Alternatively titled "Why Wonder Woman is on the verge of losing her fucking mind."
I swear this fic is just Diana's eyebrow twitching as she watches Bruce and Clark start dating and she's let in on both their civilian identities meanwhile Superman and Batman are on the watchtower arguing and disagreeing about basically everything on the daily. In the name of Justice, of course. The identity porn is on a whole other level and it was done so well.
Get Over It by rotasha (~32k rated T)
heh this one has plenty of identity hijinks. Sooooo funny. Summary: Bruce needs to get over his inconvenient feelings for Superman and he meets an attractive reporter who he thinks can help him do just that. Little does he know...
the cost of being a good dad by Mawiiish (~96k rated T)
hehehe... the batkids set up a dating profile for Bruce and catfish Clark. It's more of a blind date for Bruce (not that he had any idea he was going on a date at all), but who has Clark been texting for the past several weeks??? Oh yeah. The kids. What follows is as follows. Still with capes!
Rated: M
Guardian Dog by BombusBombus (~22k rated M)
Summary: There's something wrong with Clark Kent. He has to be a villain, right? A threat? He doesn't behave like a normal person, no matter how handsome or clever he may seem.
grasp his heart (once and for all) by liodain (~32k rated M) soulmate AU fic. Pretty emotional LOTS of identity issues going on there like so much. Kinda high on the drama and angst there honestly but it was a cute read. Summary: Bruce Wayne doesn't believe in fate.
tell all the truth (but tell it slant) by susiecarter (~33k rated M)
love me a fake dating AU. Summary: It takes a while for Batman and Superman to work things out, once Clark comes back from the dead. Pretending to date each other in order to explain why Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are in the same place so often? Doesn't help as much as you might think.
Strangers When We Meet by Trista_zevkia (~63k rated M)
ANOTHER soulmate AU! This time feat. Kryptonian Biology hehehe. Summary: Clark Kent thought he was straight, until Batman kick started something. The question is what did Batman start? Is Brucie Wayne able to explain it to him?
ship-to-ship combat by pomeloquat (~77k rated M)
OK NO LISTEN this is one of my all-time favorite fics EVER. It's so meta and so funny. Clark is us. We are Clark. Clark is writing RPF for the Bruce/Batman ship and he's very convinced it's real EVEN THOUGH he has a huge crush on the Batman... let the hijinks BEGIN.
Rated: E
Embracing Destiny by Mithen (~8k rated E)
This one is just really really cute. Summary: As a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st century, a teenaged Clark learns a stunning secret about his own future: he and someone called "Batman" will be legendary lovers.
perfect strangers by susiecarter (~15k rated E)
like. bruh. susie did it again. This tag says it all: communication failure. I love this one though. Summary: Batman and Superman are fucking. Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are a great cover for fighting crime, and also might be dating. Bruce and Clark have no idea what they're doing; but they definitely aren't going to be able to talk themselves into stopping.
Relinquishing Control by foxyk (~25k rated E)
afsfwsdfhishdfksj no words. Read the authors summary and then just go read the fic:
Superman worries that if he lets go he'll injure his partner. Batman knows better. Batman worries that if he lets someone else in, he'll hurt them. Superman knows better.
Picture Perfect by TheSaltiestDog @the-saltiest-dog (~26k rated E)
this one is cute and then horny on main but also just so fluffy. Clark sees Bruce in a new light through candid shots, then proceeds to take lots of candid shots as they begin a relationship. Cue schmoop, fluff, smut, and – you guessed it! –Miscommunication!
A Night Off and sequel A Day Off by Mawiiish (~37k combined; first part is E, second is T)
One of my all-time favorites. My bookmark says 10/10 would read again soooooooo... 👀🤷‍♀️😅🥵
Bruce is enjoying one of his few nights off when a very persistent young man offers to buy him a drink. At first he's apprehensive; he's just here for a good time and this Clark seems to be looking for more than that. Then again, what harm can one drink do?
Clark wakes up to an empty bed and despite Bruce being honest from the start, he's still disappointed.
The Downsides to a Secret Identity by liodain (~42k rated E)
I'm currently reading this one – the summary from the author says it all, it's so good but sooo drama:
Bruce Wayne has taken a shine to Clark Kent, but Clark is more interested in the Bat of Gotham. The Bat, however, has it in for the Superman in a big way. Clark should probably have considered that before falling quite so hard. They're working together to track down some missing Kryptonian weaponry, after all...
50 Shades of Wayne by susiecarter (~161k rated E)
No but listen, this is actually so full of plot and emotional depth and not as much smut as you might think. It's a full-scale retelling of Batman v Superman but without them knowing each other's secret identities. I read it in one go... the reveal? Maybe the best I've ever read. Soooo many emotions. It's one of the few times I've read BDSM in a fic and it actually felt in character. I wasn't sure I would read it when I started, but it was a compelling read and extremely well done. Honestly, I'd read it again.
SuperBat Author Shoutouts:
susiecarter @susiecarter
liodain @liodain
Resacon1990 @sassyresacon1990
shipyrds @burins
Mawiiish @superbattrash
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theredcuyo · 2 months
I might be crazy with this one but hear me out
Batfamily PLATONIC soulmarks
Were it's a black blob that starts to take color that gives away it's form when you met said people, the more people you'll get, the bigger it is
At first, Bruce's parents were slightly worried upon seeing their son's mark, one that covered his whole torso, back and front, with only a little blank space in the place of his heart, where a tangle of lines seemed to met
Nor Thomas, with his years of medical experience, Martha with her wisdom or Alfred, who had seen far more than many, had ever look at something similar, although, they we're soon relieved, "Bruce will deeply love many people, and many people will return said love"
When the boy started to gain cognition, some color finally appeared in between all the black, a collar of pearls, like Martha's favorite, an scalpel, the one Thomas works with, and to Alfred's surprise, a cup of tea, mirroring the one he was drinking when they discocevered it, one that also connects all three to the tangle of lines around the heart
After that night, though, Bruce thinks it's impossible he'll ever get more, he doesn't want to get more, if it means he'll feel the same pain as now if he loses more of the people they represent
Then, many years later, after taking Dick in, a blue bird mid fly colors itself, a faint line joins the tangle.
He sighs whenever he sees it, after his son is not at home anymore, it doesn't faint, but will it really get better?
It happens again, when he finds a boy trying to steal his tires, it's another bird, a red one, it looks as if it were giving you his back, but it still connects to the hearth
It hurts to look at it, it's worse than before, he gets why it doesn't look at him now, he failed Jason-
Then, a few weeks into adjusting to Tim, he sees a new mark, and- it's a lighter tone of red
Another bird. This one is on a branch, it is making a nest
Then, when a girl comes in too, another bird, a purple one, sits on the branch with Tim's, this one also seems to be looking away
Just like Steph, he thinks
Along them, the shape of a smiling bat hangs upside down from the same branch, black but visible by golden edges that give away it's form, Cass
There are few more, here and there, hints of green when he met Barbara and Jim, Babs seem to fake the form of a hand next to Steph's and Cass's
Yellow, red and blue combine into two familiar symbols after he mets Clark and Diana, the only time he ever complains to his mark, why these people, why them, they're idiots
They're his best friends, but still idiots, he will never tell them, but they probably know anyway
Then, a new bird appears, and so does a color, a deep shade of green, this one looks like it's about to attack a prey
But, as Bruce gets time to know Damian, he realizes, it's not attacking, it's protecting the rest of the picture
A yellow figure of the sun gives it light, when he mets Duke
Maybe all the lines in the tangle have color then, maybe not
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Brother's best friend
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Summary: You go to spend the summer at your grandparents, along with your family and the Wayne's. Will something rise between you and Damian?
Warnings: Reader is half kryptonian, meaning they can hear heartbeats.
Gender Neutral
Series Masterlist
It was quiet. There was no sound of cars in a busy street, voices of pedestrians that became too much as they all overlapped, no musty smell of used up air. It was quiet, only the sound of the TV, animals outside, and the heartbeats of your loved ones could he heard.
Your grandparent's farm was your escape. It was where you could go when you wanted to get away from the city that you and your family lived in. Apparently, everyone agreed, because now you're spending the summer on the farm, along with your mother, father, and brothers.
Your mother was helping your grandmother clean up after breakfast. Your father was helping your grandfather with the animals, you and Jon were watching a cartoon, and Kon was still sleeping.
Despite your grandparents being two lonely farmers, more people were still going to be joining you. Everyone had decided that it would be nice to invite Bruce Wayne and his children to join in on your short vacation. You had barely gotten Jon to sleep the night he found out that they said yes, he was far too excited about what was to come. Eventually, your mother had to come in and scold him for still being up.
If you listened close enough, you could hear their plane, and if you listened even closer, you could hear their hearts and words. Which Jon had been doing the entire time he had been awake, anxiously waiting for his best friend and his family to arrive, your father and Kon doing the same. Was it a little weird that Clark, Kon, and Jon were all best friends with members of the Wayne family? Yeah, a little bit. But did you care? No.
Jon had been going on for years now about his best friend, Damian Wayne. Apparently, the two of them met due to being Robin and Superboy. Jon had told you about the many adventures the two of them had, the times they would hang out at Wayne Manor, and how much he adored Damian. You've heard similar stories about Bruce, and Tim aswell, your father and Kon sharing the same excitement as Jon over their best-friends.
Almost all of the Wayne family has heard about you, too, but not as much as Damian has. Jon is always talking about his older sibling, born just two years before himself, and a year after Damian. Jon is always talking about the things the two of you have done, what you like, any new changes you've made to your appearance. To some extent, Damian feels as if he already knows you. You also feel the same.
"I can't wait for you to meet him." Jon excitedly tells you, taking his eyes away from the small TV and looking at you. You turn to meet his gaze and offer a small smile, hoping it will get him to stop gushing about this family you've never met. Maybe you're excited about meeting a certain older brother, one that your family said came back from the dead. It's not that you don't want to meet them, it's just that you don't want to spend your summer with some strangers.
It was about lunchtime when you could hear the plane getting closer to the farm, your family raced outside to greet their friends.
A grown man was the first to jump out of the plane, his hair wavy and black, eyes blue and skin tan. He had one of those Hollywood smiles that instantly got you plastered on a magazine. He ran up to your father and welcomed him into an embrace. He was far too young to be Bruce Wayne, but also too old to be Damian.
Another boy hopped out and jogged over to Kon. Obviously, that's Tim. His pale skin and shaggy black hair gave it away.
Who you assume was Bruce emerged next, the wrinkle between his eyebrows and his strong physique being a sign. You could hear your father whisper his name as he went up to hug the man.
An even younger boy walked out, instantly earning a yell from Jon. He looked almost identical to Bruce. Only his skin was tan, and his nose was stronger. His eyes were green, a strong contrast from the three blue-eyed men that he had traveled with. His hair was black and clean cut, styled upwards. He was gorgeous. His description could only mean that he was the one and only Damian.
Another man walked into the light. He was tall and muscular. His wavy hair was black with a stripe of white and out of his face. He was wearing sunglasses, blocking his eyes from your view. Even from the distance, you could see the scars that adorned the side of his face. Jason Todd.
You watched as your family exchanged their hellos, obviously excited about the entire situation. Just as you were about to turn and go back inside, you heard your father introducing your grandparents. That could only mean that you were next.
His arms gestured around your family before finally landing on you, "And that's, Y/N." He spoke.
The first man(whom you overheard the name of) started walking towards you, his flashy smile on display.
"Hi, I'm Dick!" He introduced himself, offering you a handshake. After you reciprocated the gesture, he put his arm over your shoulders, holding you to his side. His hand rose up to point at the other people he arrived with. "That's Bruce," he stated, pointing at the man next to your father. "That's Jason," His finger was now pointed at the man with the white streak in his hair, "Tim" was all he said as he gestured to the boy conversing with Kon. "And that's Damian." He said, pointing at the boy that was being bombarded with questions by Jon. To your surprise, he was staring right at you. His gaze was sharp and felt like he was seeing right through you.
Your eye contact was interrupted as your grandmother came rushing past you with a pitcher of tea and some cups.
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New series alert!!!
Update's will be slow.
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ryemiffie · 2 months
any headcanon or promp about the Batfamily reacting to photos of baby Damian, Bonus if there are photos of Jason holding Damian ?
Oh I love this question!
I think Bruce would be incredibly happy to see baby photos of Damian, but he would also be stricken with sadness to be faced with another reminder that he missed a large portion of his son's life. Yes his other children are adopted and he missed portions of their lifes too, but for those years he wasn't their father yet and yes he wishes he could have loved them through it all but they weren't his to have yet, while Damian was always his, always should have been his, but he was deprived of that, deprived of loving him through all of it and protecting him from everything. He sees these baby photos as a look into a missing part of his life, a look into lost time. And when he cards through them, and his eyes land on a freshly revived Jason cradling a chubby baby Damian, his heart melts. His babies, his two lost sons, the part he missed captured in one frame. And he cries, how can he not? His two little boys. The picture ends up framed, a subtle frame, nothing to distract from the photo, and he places it on his nightstand. Needless to say, he makes plenty of copies of the photo.
His siblings react as siblings do, mock Damian profously. Though Dick keeps a copy of one of the photos in his wallet, and copies of multiple are places around his home, and of course he shows them off to all his colleagues, classic "Oh and look here, oh and this is him at 10 months! And here he is with his first sword!" Being repeated a billion times. Tim on the other hand, uses the photos for blackmail and endless teasing, happily joining Dick when they whip out the photos to show to Jon (who thinks they are adorable. Damian is mortified)
Stephanie and Barbara each make copies of different photos to carry around. Duke keeps a copy of one of the photos for good luck, keeping it in a hidden compartment during patrols. Cass as well keeps a photo on her anytime she has a dance show.
Jason's memory of that time is incredibly foggy, so seeing the picture of him holding Damian is like seeing someone he's never known. He mocks Damian for his dumb little baby face and snickers when Bruce gets all emotional about the photos, but no one bats an eye when he slips away a copy of his photo with Damian.
Alfred makes copies to seamlessly add to the family photo book, and frames some to be hung in the halls.
Even the Clarks end up seeing one of the photos through a Wayne family holiday card
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butcherlarry · 11 days
Superbat Week 2024 Fic Recs
Day 7: Free Day!!! Superbat? | Superbat! | Superbat.
I kind of went a bit crazy for this fic rec list since today is a Free Day for the event. I just went through my bookmarks and picked out a lot of my favorites :) Enjoy!
we shall be free; we shall find peace by mediant @blorb-el - WIP. This fic makes me Unwell (in a good way!). Instead of being raised by the Kents, the worst case scenario happens and a young Clark is taken from them and raised to be a weapon by Luthor. Kon is created and Clark gets the chance to raise him as well. Mind the tags!
mission parameters by shipyrds @burins - Complete. For a diplomatic Justice League mission, Bruce and Clark have to pretend to be a married couple on an alien planet. Feelings are developed and shenanigans of the emotional kind ensue.
An Honest Conversation by frozenpotions @froizetta - Complete. Friends to lovers, but make them take the long way around. I really, really enjoyed the final two chapters. Read and find out why!
FairyTAILS and Magic by bellninja28 - Complete. This fic was recced to me in the Superbat Week 2024 discord server a few months ago, and I'm SO GLAD it was. The Justice League go to a planet to help out. The superpowered heroes get a bit depowered (like Clark!), while the lone human hero, Batman, gets turned into a sexy, sexy centaur. Shenanigans ensue.
slow dancing in the dark by scarletazure - Complete. This fic holds a specially place in my heart because one of the updates happened when I drove over 11 hours home for Christmas. It was a lovely little treat for being in a car that long. Anyway, Bruce and Clark get some temporary amnesia and hook up. And then they get there memories back. Shenanigans ensue.
Bells win ring, the sun will shine by psychomachia - Complete. Krypton doesn't survive, but there are more survivors than Kal-el that make it to Earth for refuge. Waller thinks they are up to something in Las Vagas and asks Bruce to check it out as Brucie. A drunken Vegas marriage ensues between Bruce and Kal-El, among other shenanigans.
Patroclus by widow_account - Complete. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE fics where Bruce is the damsel in distress. In this fic though, it's Clark who is the damsel in need of saving by Bruce. And he gets kidnapped to War World. So, so good and so many feels.
As We Grow by butterflyslinky - Complete. A cute Cinderella inspired story where Clark is a poor farmer in debt to Luthor and Bruce is the prince (with many children).
A kindred bond by Nyszu - WIP. Bruce is kidnapped by an evil Superman from another universe. The Justice League rescues him, but he (and Clark) have a lot of mental issues to deal with from the whole ordeal.
don't know the rules but i got to win by susiecarter @susiecarter - Complete. One of the craziest xenobio Clark fics I have read and I loved every word of it. Involves Bruce accidentally listening to Krytonian erotica and some sexy, sexy farming.
Just A Little Bit... by HaleHathNoFury (My_Trex_has_fleas) @halehathnofury - WIP. Do you like Clark being a weird alien? Do you like Bruce being a weird eldritch being? Do you like the robins being magic users? Do you also like clown and plant lesbians? If you do, oh boy is this the fic for you!!!!
Masking by BombusBombus @bombusbombus - Complete. This is another fic that makes me Unwell, and I rec it whenever I get the chance. It examines the masks that Bruce and Clark wear when being Batman and Superman, Brucie and Reporter Clark, and who they are when they find someone they feel comfortable around to take all of those masks off and be themselves.
The Problem With Clark Kent by vectacular @lenreli - Complete. Clark returns from War World, moves in with Bruce, and makes him experience all sorts of Thoughts and Feelings.
Talk Science To Me by profoundalpacakitten @profoundalpacakitten - Complete. Because of his indestructible nature, Clark has problems being intimate with others. Bruce wants to fix this using the power of science. Lots and Lots of science. Insert meme of Clark saying "I better not awaken anything in me" meme (it does).
pull out the pin by TheResurrectionist @frownyalfred - Complete. The Justice League get stranded on what looks like an empty planet. It is not and Bruce gets possessed by an alien life form. Clark defeats with the power of Love™.
The Valley of the Shadows by FabulaRasa - Complete. Bruce gets diagnosed with a terminal illness and goes through the rough treatment for it. Clark helps. It's still rough. Many emotions ensue.
over this threshold by orphean - Complete. Bruce and Clark get married for the best reason of all, tax benefits. And maybe along the way they fall in love.
My Own Desert Places by MemoryDragon @memorydragon - Complete. I love this fic with my whole heart. I remember reading it the first time and crying my eyes out at certain parts (you'll know when you get to them) because I identified with the what the characters were going through. Anyway, Batman is outed as ace and deals with media fall out. Clark is there to help.
Happy reading!
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to-the-stars8 · 1 month
Love and Neighbors
Clark Kent x Reader Chapters AO3
Just a short, filler chapter guys as I get back on the bandwagon! Please enjoy <3 More to come soon
40- Ma Kent's World Peace
You were helping Ma Kent with her pie crust when you heard the old screen door creek open before slamming closed as an array of voices suddenly filled the room. Clark’s voice you could listen to over all of them as he let out a loud, bellowing laugh. Seconds later he was walking into the kitchen with Bruce Wayne and Pa Kent following behind him. 
“Oh, Bruce!” You said, excitedly. “I didn’t know you were gonna be here.”
You reached out for a hug, happy to see the billionaire after such a long time, and he returned it with just as much heart. “I was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by.”
“In the neighborhood,” Ma Kent scoffed. “Is that what they call flying a private jet nowadays?”
“Hi Ma,” Bruce said, kissing her cheek. 
She patted his cheek before stepping back to look at him. Ma Kent tsked before pointing to the old, wooden table in the corner of the kitchen. “Go sit down, Bruce Wayne! You’re skinnier than a stick. I know Alfred has been feeding you…”
You tuned Ma Kent out as you turned to Clark. Every time you looked at him it was like looking at a full moon; standing out amongst the void which left you starstruck. With a smile, you reached for him to pull him into a tight, warm hug. 
Placing a kiss on your lips, Clark mumbled, “You’re getting better at making pies.”
“Oh, you’re such a liar,” You said with a playful swat to his arm. 
Pa Kent was quick to interject, saying in an almost-whisper, “I think we need to save your friend, son.” 
Looking back over to the table, Ma Kent stood over Bruce with her hands on her hips. The man looked to be a little kid getting the scolding of a lifetime, now and then looking over to silently ask for help. 
“Ma, how about we get to finishing that pie, so we can fatten this boy up,” Pa Kent said. “You two go join your friend. I’ll help Ma.”
You took a seat next to Bruce with Clark on your other side. When Ma stepped away, the billionaire boy seemed to let out a long breath of relief. “I don’t think Alfred has ever scolded me as much.”
“Don���t worry, Mrs. Kent gave me a good talking to when I mentioned I forgot to eat breakfast,” You said, remembering it. If every person in the world had a Ma Kent, you were positive there would be world peace. 
Clark added, “She scolds me, too, and I’m Superman.”
“What a brag,” You and Bruce said simultaneously. 
That surprised you, and the two of you were quick to look at each other. Mr. Wayne smiled while you laughed, Clark suddenly feeling joy and terror. He loved his two friends getting along, but the fact they had the same sarcastic humor terrified him. Turning in his chair, he asked, “How’s that pie comin’, Ma?”
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bluebellhairpin · 1 year
Thou So Long Hast Mourn'd
Bruce Wayne X Batmom!Reader
Summary: After Jason's passing, your grief and anger combined causes you to leave Gotham - swearing only to return when you have a perfect chance to kill the Joker for what he did to your son. (Part 2 to 'Hell Hath No Fury')
Warnings: Loss and Grief (Mentions of a funeral and repeated mentions of Jason dying. We miss Mumma's Boy Jay a lot :( ). Bad coping mechanisms all round. Clark Kent acts as a marital buffer. (Reader is fem coded; has she/her pronouns; is referred to as ‘wife’ multiple times. Has the hero name of 'Valentine'.)
Listening to: 'Skyfall' By Adele - "I know I'd never be me without the security of your loving arms keeping me from harm."
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Yes, thou shalt know, spite of thy past Distress, - 
Jason’s funeral was attended by a very small number of people. Yourself, Bruce, Dick, and Alfred all front and center. 
For days, weeks, the media pestered asking question after question. “A tragic accident.” Commissioner Gordon would reply. It became you answer too, like a well-rehearsed prayer. 
A tragic accident. Tragic. Accidental tragedy. Accident. 
Except it was no such accident. Someone killed Jason. A man, who still walked free, murdered your son. 
Even now, a month after you buried the child, as you sat listening to rain pat against the window panes in Wayne Manor, you remembered what you’d told Bruce the night he brought Jason home for the last time. 
“I’m going to kill him.” you said. “I’m going to kill the Joker.” You told Bruce you’d do what you’d vowed to never do again. You promised yourself to avenge your son, to make sure no one else would ever lose a child to that monster ever again. 
Ever since that night you’d felt a wedge slide between you and Bruce. Dick, only sixteen and having lost the closest thing he had to a brother was feeling it - you could see it on his face, and they way he held his shoulders at dinner. How you were feeling, how little Bruce was doing about it - none of it was doing Dick any good. 
Aside from the anger, you didn’t know how you were feeling. You never thought you’d ever be a mother - you had no idea what to do to help anyone. So you left. 
Bruce was out on patrol - he dove into Batman head first, a bitter feeling in your stomach had you thinking he was compensating. Dick was out - gymnastic practice, which Alfred was in charge of tonight. You were left alone in a huge house, and you couldn’t stand to stay there any longer. 
A small bag was packed with basics - clothes, cash, a few weapons from the cave, and a single family photo taken while on vacation just that past summer (stolen from its frame and folded into a jacket pocket close to your heart). As you walked past the main living space, you stopped, and looked up towards the item hanging above the fireplace. 
The sword - Excalibur - a god-given gift to humankind to exact true justice, now resting as a collectors antique catching dust. You knew if you took it that you would be able to do what you needed to. During your time using it there was no greater pull than to execute Joker - yet something always stopped you. 
You knew it was Bruce. 
Even already, your own guilt over what you meant to do wouldn’t let you take it with you. 
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Naturally, on that night, Alfred brought Dick was home first. It was already nine thirty, and while Dick would be up for a long while, he knew the boy wasn’t sleeping proper anymore. 
Alfred sent him up to his room anyway, reassuringly with a hand on his shoulder, telling him to go try and get some rest. 
But Alfred knew something wasn’t right in the Manor the moment he stepped inside. It was too quiet. Like it had been empty as long as they’d been away - even though he knew full well you should’ve been there to keep the house alive. 
Although not trained, the butler had a sixth sense for a lot of things - he was a natural at whatever he sent his mind to (in his youth it was acting, and hence so seeing through lies and reading rooms (for improvisation, obviously) went with it). He set out to find you. Looked in all the usual places, and the unusual ones, in the big rooms and the small ones. 
In the last week or so you’d taken to spending time sitting in the walk-in-fridge. He worried about you a lot. While Dick still had school and his friends, and Bruce threw himself into Batman, you only really had yourself. It wasn’t healthy. 
But no matter how much he looked, or where he looked, you were nowhere to be found - not in the house, nor in the grounds. You’d said nothing about going out when he left, he would’ve remembered. In a last ditch effort to find you, he looked in one last place. 
But you hadn’t been in the Batcave since Jason came home. 
It was there, as he walked down a set of stairs, that he noticed a piece of paper haphazardly taped to one of the center computer monitors. 
He grabbed it, and flipped it open, reading quietly to himself the words inside, scrawled in your handwriting. 
‘Bruce, Don’t look, you know I won’t let you find me. I’m going to do something you will hate me for - probably forever. I can’t keep living like this knowing Jason’s killer is out there killing more mother’s sons. Take care of Dickie. Don’t take Alfred for granted.’
The older man found himself sinking into the chair beside him.
He had a hunch this was coming - he wasn’t in the cave the night Bruce brought Jason home, instead at the time he was upstairs taking a call from an excited Dick who was recalling his day spent doing a treasure hunt around Blüdhaven for a school camp trip that lasted the whole week. Alfred had no idea how you first reacted - he didn’t know how Bruce reacted to your reaction. 
He knew it wasn’t good. Especially since in your note you didn’t even say goodbye to your husband. 
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You’d been hiding in a place you knew Bruce wouldn’t ever look - he always hated visiting Metropolis, the city was too bright.  
You knew no one there would snitch on you - most didn’t even recognize you, and the one person who did, conveniently the man who was the closest thing Bruce had to a best friend, wouldn’t ever snitch on you. Not for this. 
‘I needed a break,’ you’d lied, ‘Couldn’t handle being in Gotham after…’ You never finished, and you knew Clark could see through a lie like glass - but the grief he could see. He could also see the anger simmering underneath. He never called you out for it though. 
You’d been there a while, waiting, watching Gotham from a distance Bruce wouldn’t see you from. You kept tabs mostly on Batman - although interviews with Bruce having to explain where his wife went were entertaining (in a sick, satisfying way). Sometimes you were sick, others you were out of town, most times you ‘weren’t feeling up to it’ - the latter two would be closest to the truth, not that he’d know that. 
You often looked fondly at whatever information came though about Dick - he took out the gymnastics first place for his age bracket in the Gotham state. The picture made your heart ache - his smile was wide and toothy, but even though your printed newspaper you could tell it wasn’t reaching his eyes. 
Who you were watching most, though, was the Joker. You combed through old reports and new ones. Even called up Harley Quinn a few times, just to get a perspective on him from someone who was - at one point - much closer to him. She asked you why you wanted to know. 
“I need to know.” 
“O-kay. And where exactly have you been Val?” she’d said, voice crackling down the hotel landline, “You ain’t locking yourself up in that Mansion are ya?” 
“No. I’m not in Gotham right now.” 
“So what’s even the Joker to ya if you ain’t even here huh?” 
“When I come back,” you said, “I’m going to kill him.” 
You became a Joker expert in almost one night.
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You got a late night visitor less than a week after that phone call. Clad in red and blue, with a gaudy cape and that stupid ringlet you and Bruce would always bitch about on late nights under bed covers. 
You were a little happy to see Clark - you actually had nothing against him, it was all just in jest (or solidarity because Bruce was your husband). He was let in pretty quickly. Mostly to avoid questions from the nosey couple who’d been staying in the room next to yours for the past three days. 
He stood around awkwardly while you watched him from the seat next to the room’s microwave, posture screaming Clark Kent, journalist, even though he looked like Superman, world-know superhero. 
“I’m, uh -” he started after you stared at him hard, wordlessly willing him to speak, “- I’m worried. I think you should go back to Gotham soon. To Bruce, specifically.” 
“And why’s that?” He looked at you like you’d just said you had Kryptonite in your pocket. 
“Because you’re in trouble.” 
“I’m here in Metropolis, I’m with you right now, I couldn’t be in less trouble if I tried.” 
“You know I have super hearing.” he said sheepishly. It was like he was telling his Ma he ran over her peonies with a bicycle. You put two and two together quickly though. 
“You’ve been spying on me?” 
“For me!” He said, stepping back with his palms towards the sky, “I feel better about not telling Bruce if I know what’s going on with you.” 
“And so what part of your spying brought you here tonight?” Both your arms and legs crossed, you could tell from his face he didn't mean for you to get so offensive so quickly. 
“You were talking to Harley Quinn?” 
“Oh that,” you scoffed with a wave of your hand, “Even Bruce does that. She’s not so bad. Taught me how to roller-skate you know.” 
“About the Joker?” 
“That happens often when my husband is being a pain in my ass,” you said, “Reminds me he could be much, much worse.” Clark motioned his head - ‘fair’, but then he returned serious once more. This time it wasn’t a question. 
“You said you were going to kill him.” 
You knew he couldn’t read your mind, but he could hear how your heartbeat picked up. He had to know you knew you’d been caught. He sat down on the edge of the bed, waiting for your answer in the most approachable way he knew in that moment. 
“I’d be doing everyone a favor.” 
“Bruce - I don’t know what he’d do. He could hate you.” 
“I’m sure he hates me right now anyway.” 
“You can’t believe that,” Clark said, looking up at you with blue eyes that almost looked like Bruce’s. “You don’t really believe he hates you right now?” You took a great interest in the patterned carpet. Clark said your name, and you reluctantly looked back at him. 
“He misses you.” 
“I miss my son.” You bit back at him bitterly. His face remained hard. This was suddenly no longer Clark. You were talking to Superman now. 
“I’m not sure how to say this kindly,” Clark said with a firm voice, “But you’re so focused on the child you lost that you’re abandoning the one that’s still here. Bruce misses you, but Dick misses you even more. He doesn’t need to lose another Mom.” 
His stare was hard, stubborn - he wasn’t going to let up. Your stare was hard too - sour and angry, not because you didn't believe him, but because you knew how right he was. 
“I think you can leave now.”
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Two weeks later, after a late night grocery run that consisted mostly of chicken noodle cups and instant coffee, you found a lump of black sitting in the dark with its back against the door of your room. 
Clark told Bruce. 
He didn’t seem to notice your approach, but once you stood toe-to-toe with his polished Oxford shoes, you kicked his leg. 
“Get up.” 
His head of messy hair lifted, and when his brain fully processed you - his wife, finally! - standing before him, he almost jumped to his feet. Uncharacteristic of him outside his prior - and now ditched - playboy persona. 
He breathed your name, stepping forward with hands outstretched as if to hug you. You took a step back. Clark, apparently hadn’t told him everything - if he had, he was taking it very, very well. 
“Where’s Dick?” 
“With Alfred,” he said, hands falling to his sides again after you hummed in acknowledgment. You both stood in silence for a while, before you gestured to a door with a full hand. He got the hint, stepping away, then taking the bags away from one hand as you fumbled for your keys. 
The quiet continued as you let yourselves in, you sat the shopping on the bench, and he made himself at home at the table near the door. You sat back down in the microwave chair, the furthest place from him you could be while still staying in the room. 
“Been keeping busy, Bruce?” you asked, he turned to fully face you in his seat. 
“Not really,” he said, “I’ve been looking for you. Never thought you’d be here,” You almost smiled, thinking about how right you were for coming here. Almost. 
“Heard you went to Saudi Arabia while I’ve been gone.” 
“It was nothing. Really.” 
“You couldn’t have been looking too hard if you were able to take a ‘nothing, really’ trip to the Arabian Mountains.” 
“I’m not here to fight with you,” Bruce said, resting a palm on his knee, “I’m here to ask you to come home. We all miss you.” his last words came out very quietly. “It’s been months. Nothings going to get easier if you stay away.” 
“Are you listening to yourself?” you said with a soft scoff, “He who literally spent every single night after Jason died away from home. He who spends every moment he can down in a dark damp cave rather than with his family - I don’t think you get to tell me where I should be.” You felt tears well in your eyes - hot and fat if they fell, but you willed yourself not to let them. Bruce’s shoulders softened, and he stood and walked closer slowly, coming to kneel before you with his fingers just touching yours. 
“We both haven’t been doing well, have we?” his head shook and his voice was barely audible. It was like he was speaking to himself. His admission - finally, his own pride and stubbornness aside, and it made yours disappear like dust in the wind. 
“You need to see my bathroom,” you said. His head cocked, a sly smile twitched onto his lips. 
“Oh?” he said, “And what might I find there?” But you weren’t smiling. You were trying to be honest.
“Just go look.” you said, turning away from him, bringing your hand away. Telling him with your actions that you weren’t going to be talking until he did. 
He stood, opening the bathroom door behind you and flicking on the light. You could feel how still he was. Taking in the room, and what was inside it. 
All across the mirror and walls were taped up newspaper clippings and photos and articles printed off from the library, old and new, a few of him - Batman - but most of the Joker. Beside the toilet was a case - one he knew would hold parts of a rifle (parts he'd seen you pull apart and put back together in a minute flat) - and across the sink were knives and gun magazines. 
Bruce stepped off the carpet and onto the tile. There was a little list in the center of the mirror, written in red and with the last line underlined.
‘Kill the Joker’. 
When he returned to you, he was holding the list in one hand. 
“When were you planning on doing this?” he asked. You weren’t able to meet his eyes when you answered. 
“Whenever I go back to Gotham.” His body went rigid beside you. Audibly, he let out a breath.
“I’ve thought about it too. Just getting rid of him like that.” he admitted, voice quiet and with a rough edge, “But I know it won’t help. It won’t bring him back.” 
“This isn’t about bringing him back. If I knew it could bring Jason back I’d have done it weeks ago.” You looked up at Bruce as you spoke, watching as his face crinkled in disbelief. 
“You’re so serious about this.” 
“How could you still think I’m not serious?” you said, standing to help convince yourself you weren’t as unsure as you felt. “I will do it. A time will come when that monster dies - wherever it is I will be standing by watching.” 
He watched you. Analyzing your face and the way your eyes moved. His face set like stone, hard and sure and you knew he was much more upset now having found out than what he was when you were missing. He took a step back. 
Bruce was moving towards the door. 
“I won’t stop you. I couldn’t bear to.” he turned, hand on the door handle, “But Batman still will.”
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As far as you knew, you’d made it back into Gotham City undetected. 
You knew the route’s Bruce - no - Batman, took while out on patrol. You knew the surveillance he constantly would check. You knew because for years you’d helped him do it all. 
Thankfully, you had a not-so-little little helper - Joker assassination aside, Harley was more than happy to put you up for a while. After you’d killed Joker you’d planned to turn tail and leave again - maybe hide someplace in Australia where no one barely goes. It wasn’t like you had to put up with her long anyway. 
Harley was great, but you’d have to love her a whole lot to live with her longer than a week. But you weren’t planning to stay that long. 
You’d tracked Joker to an apartment complex near Arkham - you knew he wouldn’t stay there forever, so you needed to act fast. 
Your weapons of choice were clean and ready to go, your escape routes A through to D were memorized, a hood and bandana combo were acquired to hide your identity long enough for no one around to know it was you. By all means and definitions you were ready to go. 
You left Harley’s place wordlessly. You were sure she didn’t even know you left. 
A cloak and the shadows of night concealed you from most passersby. Slowly, slowly you stalked towards where you knew the Joker to be. When you climbed the fire escape to find your vantage point, you almost didn’t make it all the way there because you saw Him. 
Sitting, lounging. Acting like there was not a single thing in the world to worry about. It made you so angry you could scream, claw your eyes out, you could do so many things all because that man couldn’t care less about your son dying. 
In fact, you didn’t make it to your original vantage point. 
You settled right there, three levels lower than planned, and took the rifle off your shoulder. Clipping on the scope, twisting the silencer on, packing the magazine in. Settled your body into a comfortable position, then raised the gun to look at your target through the scope. 
With greasy green hair and yellow teeth, you watched him smile through the crosshairs. With a sneer you flicked the safety off. You were ready to take the shot.
A flash of red, green and yellow came in front of the Joker. You frowned, confused. Pulling the scope back you looked again with a wider range and saw something that made your heart drop. Someone was tied up and presented to him like a present. 
The Joker had Robin. 
Your Robin. Your son. Your Dick Grayson. 
Suddenly this was more than just a chance to avenge Jason. A switch flicked inside your heart. This wasn’t a chance to avenge Jason anymore; this was you, saving the son you had left. This was you not giving that monster the chance to keep you in black. 
The lethal rifle was ditched right there on the fire escape, not caring if a lowlife found it before you could return. The knives you’d stashed - ‘just in case’ - were now your swords. Their piercing blades becoming the only thing shielding those who stood in your way a feral beating from bare fists. 
No one was standing in your way of taking Dick home safely. 
Your veins pumped white hot, you saw red all over. This was not going to happen a second time. It wasn’t ever going to happen again. 
A goon at the door stood in your way, he was met with a knee to the crotch and a wound to his shoulder to keep him down. More on the stairs were thrown over bannisters. One had his head smashed into the doorway of the Joker’s apartment. Another was given a hard elbow to the back of his neck. 
You weren’t aiming to kill - you were aiming to get them out of your way, and keep them that way. 
When you reached the room which window you saw through, there were only four other people aside from yourself, your son, and that murdering bastard. They all stayed quiet, goons waiting on a call to action from their boss. You missed the way Dick’s eyes widened as he realised his Mom was here. You were busy staring down the Joker, trying to make him feel just how much pure hate you had for him without a single word. 
“Give me Robin,” you said, voice low, venomous. Dangerous. 
“Well if you want him so bad, and since you asked nicely,” His smile spread wide and uncanny. “Come and get him.” 
So you did. 
Like a blur of back and blue, you had all four men either out cold or groaning on the floor. The Joker himself was under your kneeling form with his teeth now stained red and an eyes swollen shut. 
“Listen well because I’ll only say it once.” You said, your hand a rough fist in his hair to make sure he looked into your eyes and saw exactly how much of a threat your promise was. 
“I spared your life today. I will never do it again. I am not the Batman. The next time I find you trying to pull something with one of my Robin’s and you see me coming you'd better run the other way because I will kill you.”
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After untying Dick, retrieving your abandoned gear, and throwing Joker into Arkham, you reconvened with Dick on a nearby rooftop. 
You barely stood upright on two legs before he barreled into you, arms thrown around your waist with his face squished right into your collarbone. He’d grown taller in the time you’d been away. You felt tears fall as your arms wrapped around him in kind. 
“I’ve missed you Mom.” he mumbled into your shirt, “Please don’t go away again. Please.” 
A hand raised to the back of his head as you pressed your covered nose into his hair. You took a deep breath with your eyes closed, then opened them, peeling you both apart just enough to take in each other's faces. Even with his mask on you could see how much he was pleading with you to stay.
You brushed his hair away from his face - he needed a haircut soon. 
You wanted to stay, you never wanted to leave him ever again, not after tonight. But would Bruce let you? 
Out the corner of your eye you saw a black drop fall onto the rooftop a little ways off. Batman. He stood, tall and intimidating. In that moment you had half a mind to take a step back even though he made no move closer to you. 
Instead you just held Dick a little tighter. 
Bruce's hand reached out to you, palm open, outstretched, and empty. Waiting for you to take it. 
“I think we can go home now.” he said, “We all can.” Like that, Batman disappeared. Bruce was here. You guessed he bluffed - when it came to you Bruce was always there. 
Things were not going to go back to normal. They weren’t for a while. But the best thing you could do was stay together, all together. As a family. 
Nothing was going to push that away from you again. 
- And all those Ills which thou so long hast mourn'd;
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dairy-farmer · 9 months
ClarkTim featuring widower and single father to a six-year-old Clark and Tim who just lost Kon. Clark is alerted by Bruce that a distraught Tim is in Metropolis wandering around and cataloguing all the places Kon had frequented. Bruce understands that Clark is having a difficult time right now but he really wouldn't be asking for his help watching over Tim if Bruce could just go over to Metropolis and join his son. As it is, there's been whispers of a plan for a huge Arkham breakout and Robin has been benched for a good reason. Clark just sighs and admits that he really does need the break so he drops off Jon with Ma and joins Tim for his stroll.
It was a quiet affair with a few comments exchanged here and there about a place that Kon or Lois frequented or an event that happened there. It was like pulling out very painful and very tiny splinters from the heart. Eventually, they come across a club that Lois and Kon had been. Lois and Clark had been there because of a lead Lois was chasing while Kon went there often when he wants to pickup girls before he and Cassie dated.
Clark realizes that Tim was in love with Kon and accidentally says this realization out loud. Tim can't help but laugh since his feelings have been so painfully obvious to everyone else. Tim suggests that they go inside to have a drink which Clark tries to say no. But Tim can be so persuasive with his pouty lips and big, sorrowful eyes.
Somehow, Tim manages to get inside the club and con Clark to pay for his drink. Clark tries to make sure his best friend's son (and that title had been placed on loop in his head because he needs the reminder as he watches Tim sway his hips and look like a little minx, seducing everyone who sees him) is safe. He dances with Tim so that no one can grab and grind on his nephew. But that means that he's the one Tim is grinding on.
Next thing he knows is his sinking his cock in Tim's tight pussy inside the club's bathroom. And again when they're in Tim's hotel room. They went on and on for hours.
The next day, he's filled with guilt when he realizes that he just fucked his best friend's son until he passed out and some more. He felt like a scumbag when he told Tim that they really can't do this again but is a tiny bit reassured when Tim shows that he thought their sex was a one-time thing.
It doesn't become a one-time thing. They end up fucking every time they cross paths. Everytime he says that this is the las t time they'll be doing this but it's not. It doesn't help that Clark is falling for a boy who's nearly half his age and his best friend's son after he saw how sweetly Tim interacts with Jon.
!!!!!!! i LOVE clark and tim starting an affair!!!!! clark being a widower and being lonelier than normal. mourning lois while trying his best to raise his son as best he can but it's not easy. and then kon dies and clark has regrets because he never was able to reconcile with him fully. after lois died and he was left alone clark...well...he receded into himself a bit. it was a hard adjustment period and when kon died all the progress he'd thought he'd made had dissolved. clark wasn't the only one. he wasn't even the one who was taking kon's death the hardest.
so when bruce calls him about tim being in metropolis in 'quite a state' well... of course clark tracked him down to that lonely park bench. and even if he hadn't asked bruce has already done so much for him. after lois died...god it'd been like the world had ended. clark came close to losing his job. he was lucky he hadn't. jimmy covered for him too many times and before long perry had caught on and told clark to beat it. that he shouldn't have been trying to come in with lois's death so fresh.
bruce had helped. he knew clark would never accept it directly so he'd done his best from the sidelines and clark appreciated it. bruce making sure he was never short on rent or that lois's car never got repossessed despite clark not having made a payment in months, jon's afterschool care being paid for...it meant a lot to clark who was going through a hard time. still going through a hard time.
so when that call comes of course clark drops jon off at ma's and hurries back to metropolis where he listens until he finds tim's heartbeat alone in a park.
clark doesn't know tim well. after jason had died bruce had gotten...possesive over his robin. the rest of the league understood why. but it also meant clark was unsure of himself when he met tim.
bruce had sounded worried on the phone, he said that he didn't want clark dragging him back to gotam but to just...check on him. make sure he was alright.
so clark did. tim doesn't immediately rebuke him or his presence and kon is a safe topic that doesn't make him scurry away. before long the two are slowly walking side by side on the streets of metropolis. the sun is going down but with clark next to him he knows that muggers think twice when they see someone clark's size beside him.
slowly, clark finds himself similarly reminiscing. tim points to some building or some monument or some corner and murmurs about kon having done something here or there. clark finds himself swallowing a wad in his throat and pointing out the beauty counter lois would test out 50 different shades of red lipstick before settling on one while they cut through the mall to get to a neighboring city block.
it's...nice. the company, the back and forth. clark is reminiscing and somehow it doesn't hurt as much. his voice is pained and sometimes tears spring in his eyes but tim never says anything about him rubbing them away. and clark doesn't either. the shared pain of loss is what makes clark realize that tim had been in love with kon. the shock has him choking it out and tim only laughs in that wet, painful way while saying that it looked like everyone managed to figure it faster than he did and certainly faster than kon.
they reach a club. the bass is thumping so loudly that clark can feel the vibration in his throat from across the street and tim wetly laughs as he says that kon said this was the best place to dance in all of metropolis.
clark can see why. young twenty year olds are stumbling in and out in groups of two and three and laughing. a few crowd by the entrance passing around lighters and matches for cigarettes and strobe lights flash in darkened windows of the first and second floors of the big brick building.
clark blinks and suddenly tim is no longer by his side but half way across the street. in front of so many people, drunk or not, clark is forced to run after him without the aid of his super speed.
somehow tim manages to get in without getting ID'd but clark gets held up by a heavily tattooed bounced with a lip piercing. a brow gets raised at him when he no doubt spots his age and he gives clark's outfit a once over (a polo and some nice tan khakis) but lets him pass through.
when clark gets inside he gets an immediate headache from the fog machine that spurts out smoke into his face. the music is so loud it drowns out his call of 'tim!'. eventually clark manages to find tim, glued to a bar counter and leaning in close to the bartender to tell him his order.
it's the same thing that bruce orders when he's really hammered. a shirley temple with vodka.
now that clark thinks about it, tim was probably where he got that order from. during some of his drunk musings bruce had mentioned how tim had mixed his drinks for him, usually stirring in more juice than alcohol so bruce wouldn't be tempted to pour with a heavy hand when he DID indulge in drinking.
somehow clark ends up in the seat next to tim, passing his card over to the bartender while tim thanks him. and god...tim is seventeen. seventeen.
he can't be drinking alcohol and he shouldn't be in a club full of people with the wrong sort of interest in him. clark suspiciously eyes a few men shooting looks at tim and appreciating the slim curve of his body and legs. tim is in a long black loose skirt and a white puffy-sleeved shirt with a peter pan collar. tim looks...cute. sweet.
clark can't very well drag tim out of the club, not without people finding out he's under aged and clark will be in a world of trouble if it gets found out he was buying drinks for him.
bruce told him to just keep an eye on tim, make sure he didn't get into trouble. and so that's how clark ends up on the dance floor, following tim around and carefully adjusting his hand so he doesn't end up sloshing sticky juice onto any nearby people. a few more alcoholic shirley temples into tim's system and he's dancing with clark.
alcohol doesn't really work on clark. if he wants it to he needs to drink A LOT of it. so clark isn't drunk when he fumbles about where to put his hands on tim who is incing closer and closer with all the bodies around them. his waist is so little and slim and clark feels heat flood to his face as he feels tim press his plush behind against clark's crotch.
clark does his best to keep the touching to a minimum. but...he's just so nervous and stressed. eventually he begs a bartender for an entire glass of everclear and the man shrugs and clark somehow manages to hear his words of 'your funeral man' over the thumping of the bass.
the alcohol loosens him. just a little. enough to get his heart to stop from racing as he tries to wrangle tim from making too many bad choices.
tim's hands are wrapped around clark's wrists and he's throwing his head back and laughing, a joyful red in his cheeks as his breath that smells like cherry syrup caresses clark's nose.
that's the moment clark's brain clicks something and firmly reminds him this is bruce's son. his best friend's son. his best friend's teenage son that was grinding on him. tim's body is like water against him, sticking close and resting the back of his head on clark's collarbone as his hips swing and grind back with the beat. clark's hands are locked on his hips, feeling their movements as tim starts letting out breathy noises against him.
the everclear warms clark's guts and turn him into a fucking idiot because it lets the warmth of interest in his gut travel to his cock which tim feels.
clark lets himself be dragged to the bathroom and rather than dread feels nothing but excitement as he and tim fall, banging, into a stall that slams shut behind them as they lock lips.
clark is lonely. he know he has been for a while now. but he didn't realize how deep that hunger was until his and tim's mouths were a sticky, saliva dripping mess. tim's deft fingers undid his zipper and every alarm in clark's head was dead quiet as he let out a loud groan at the little hand that started pumping his cock. it was a dry hand but tim's hand's were wet and sticky from his drink but clark didn't care.
he hoisted tim up by his thighs, keeping him pinned while tim let out a delighted gasp as his skirt rode up and revealed pretty, ruffled panties.
one of of clark's hands managed to maneuver between his legs and tug the crotch of the fabric to the side. he groaned at the clear wet spot and held back a full body shiver at the sight of a perfectly rosy little slit with two perfect, puffy lips and the sweetest-looking little clit he'd ever seen. clark brushed a finger against it and was rewarded with a whine from tim and a little twitch from his cunt. the way tim's legs were spread had his pink cunt open and on display. clark was biting his lip just staring at it with want. tim's hand on his cock left and pressed a few fingers in. they came out shiny and coated with a nice sticky slick that tim immediately used to make his hand sliding against his cock easier.
clark held back a grunt and inched closer pushing his hips forward for tim to grip him tighter. god that hand was nice but he needed more, more, more.
clark slotted his twitching cock in between tim's pussy lips, up against his little opening and began grinding it up and down along the seam. clark pressing closer meant the head roughly rubbed against tim's little pink clit. tim gasped when the head mashed to his clit and immediately flattened his hand against clark's cock to feel him closer. tim's hand stopped clark's movement, making him hold still as he pressed clark flush to his cunt, keeping him still and letting him feel the weak, instinctive clench around him, promising heat from his hole barely kissing clark's cock.
the move drew a grunt out of clark. the slide got easier as tim got wetter and wetter and-
"you can put it in," tim whispered in his ear. clark froze.
"'m drunk and my body's all lose, i won't tighten up like normal put it in, god please put it in uncle clark-"
clark shivered. some other dark and despairing feeling curling in his gut alongside his arousal as his brian echoed 'uncle clark uncle clark uncle clark-'.
he didn't waste a moment, momentarily releasing a thigh to grab and steady his cock to press the head against a wet hole and inch into tim.
clark did it steadily, not stopping and just pressing it as far as it would go as tim let out a gasp and jolted around him. his hands were squeezing the cheeks of tim's ass as he sunk all the way home into this tight little pussy. clark didn't manage to get all the way in, just enough for it to feel good before he pulled out and started fucking tim.
tim whined and borderline choked as he was fucked. tim's legs kicked out on either side of him, so overwhelmed from how full he was as clark fucked him steadily but sloppily. it felt so good. so good so good soooo fucking good that clark couldn't focus on technique and anything beyond how good it felt to have a tight, warm cunt hugging his cock.
tim whined and bucked against him, his fingers messily rubbing his clit as clark fucked him faster and harder. tim's other hand was around clark's neck, his fingers gripping the back of clark's neck for stability as they both gasped and moaned together. clark swooped down to messily kiss tim just as someone started banging on the stall door.
"hey both of you!! out! don't do that shit here, find an alley or some cardboard box- this is a place of business!!"
it was one of the bouncers. clark didn't get to finish.
he was forced to hastily pull his cock out of tim's wet hole which he protested but another bang and he was pulling his skirt down.
the two tumble out horny and frustrated that they were close. clark used a bit of speed to pass by everyone in the bathroom and around.
he got them a block away before tim planted a sloppy kiss on him and whispered an address to him. clark happily used the map in his mind to fly there.
they ended up tumbling through the double doors on the balcony of tim's hotel room. they stumbled in the dark and knocked over a table on their way to the bed. clark was pulling off his clothes like a toddler, stumbling out of his pants and underwear while he desperately tried to keep his hands on tim. tim was unbuttoning his blouse and stepping out of his skirt, panties the only thing left and pulled halfway to his thighs before clark was on him and desperately slamming home into him.
tim gasped and arched under him, squirming and whining as his stretched underwear dug into his skin. clark reached for it and ripped the obstruction off his body, tossing it to the side as tim giggled and let his legs fall open. clark did not hesitate to take the invitation, pressing his cock head into tim and sinking in with a wet 'squish'. it's not long before he was pounding into tim, thrusts loud and wet at each slap of skin from how fast he was going while tim was gasping and going all tight around him. clark fucked him through the body trembles and squirming, tugging him back down to keep him on his cock even as he kept fucking his body further up on the bed. tim whined and shook from the force and clark kept going, grunting and keeping his chin on tim's sternum while hunched over him, breathing hard and chasing the feeling of sparkling pleasure that flared every time he punched into tim a little deeper.
tim was so perfect around him, his insides were so tight and wet and hot and clark sunk into him with thick, wet sounds that made him even harder.
tim's squirming got more frantic, his legs on either side of clark bending and kicking slightly, his head going back and forth as he let out sharp gasps of 'ah ah ah' at each slam into him until he let out a cry. tim went all tight around him, insides clamping down suddenly and hard, wetness like a gush drenching clark's cock as he slowed down and hummed, hips grinding to a halt as tim's eyes closed, brows furrowed, and little mouth open as he let out gentle gasps. clark could hear his heart and heard how it had sped up, almost frantic like that of a hummingbird's before finally slowing. clark wetly tugged his cock out before pressing back in, inexplicably pleased at the soft jolt from tim and the weak clench around him.
clark kept it up, kindly fucking tim with slow grinds and thrusts, not wanting to overwhelm him. it took a while but he came. it probably took took long because everytime clark felt himself start to get close he slowed down, wanting to savor the feeling of nice, tight pussy. clark hadn't had sex in years, not since lois passed away and most of the reason for why had been some bone deep loyalty to her keeping him from ever accepting the offers of dates.
but this...this was different.
this was just a nice, good time between two people comforting one another. when clark finallly finishes it's late and tim has long gone limp under him, his eyes having rolled back into his skull and passed out after the sixth or seventh time clark made him seize with orgasm.
the buildup to it was so good, clark tugged tim closer, pressing the head of his cock in until it was kissing the entrance to tim's womb. his cock had been steadily throbbing and dripping tim's insides with enough precum to fill a small kiddie pool. clark stared down at the sight as he came, using his xray vision to be able to see it all. his cum, thick, white and goopy spurting out of the head of his cock and messily smearing on tim's cervix. clark moaned at the sight, feeling his insides tighten as another spurt came out of him and filled tim up until he was dripping clark's cum out of the sides of his plugged hole. clark rutted into tim a few times, using tim's wonderful cunt to milk him of his orgasm before finally letting himself go boneless and collapse on tim.
it took a few more minutes before he was ready again.
tim was so sloppily wet and his hole was so loose and fucked open that clark doubted he'd even notice as he pressed his cock inside once more and started fucking, chasing his orgasm which came quicker this time. it was only fair, even if tim was passed out clark made him cum half a dozen times so he was owed half a dozen orgasms.
clark ended up getting a little more than that by morning when tim woke up on his chest with his hole plugged with clark's wet, soft cock.
clark, of course, woke up to the sun hitting his skin. after a few moments he was completely awake and alert like adrenaline had been injected into his bloodstream and that's when everything that he did sunk in.
clark did not react well. no amount of apologies could make up for what he'd done. fucking his best friend's child. fucking his best friend's underaged child. fucking his best friend's drunk underaged child. fucking his best friend's drunk, underaged, passed out child.
clark was scum. he was the absolute bottom of the barrel scum.
just a few drinks, a little but of flirty touching, some light grinding, and clark had crossed ever moral and legal boundary he could.
clark couldn't do this again. he absolutely couldn't let this happen again.
tim says that it was okay. that he wasn't really looking for anything besides a one night stand.
and clark, burying the fact that his shame is so much greater than a simple 'one night stand', just accepts it because he's seen what opening his stupid mouth will do.
he helps tim dress and check out of his room. tim has no bags, luggage, or money beyond what he had for the hotel. so clark accompanies him to the bus stop where he buys tim a ticket back to gotham. they also stop by a pharmacy where clark buys tim a soda, some chips, and a morning after pill that tim snaps open in broad daylight while clark sheepishly apologizes.
tim assures him it's okay. that he liked it. clark just watches him go, skirt swaying slightly in the wind, red cheeked and stunned.
clark walks home slowly. when he gets home his cell phone that he accidentally left behind has a few missed calls, a text from bruce asking if he found tim, and a text from ma showing a smiling jon with glittering eyes as he stared down at a piece of pie the size of his head with the accompanying message of 'pie for dinner!'
clark smiles softly at the last one before staring down at bruce's message like it was a wad of kryptonite.
he can't keep quiet about this. this is not something friends keep from each other. god. this might spell the end of their relationship forever and clark's chest hurts just thinking about it.
but. but he can't not tell bruce. bruce will figure it out if he doesn't. maybe he already knew. maybe clark not answering him for hours when he usually replied minutes after receiving a message meant he hacked into every security camera in metropolis. maybe he saw them at the club, saw him fly tim to his hotel room and not leave until morning. what if the next time he and tim crossed paths he'd be able to tell from the looks clark gave him.
he can't not tell him.
clarks fingers are typing out the words.
'i have something i need to tell you-'
'something happened last night and i-'
'tim and i slept together-'
'bruce i'm so sorry i don't know what came over me but-'
'tim and i got drunk and-'
clark is staring down at his phone and the empty message box. a moment later he's typing another message.
'found tim last night and took him back to his hotel. stayed with him and then got him a bus ticket back to gotham in the morning. bought him a soda and some chips for the road- he seemed better when he left.'
a moment later bruce is typing and clark is watching with bated breath.
'thank you for looking out for my son clark.'
the guilt sits like a stone in clark's stomach.
the next time he and tim cross paths it's at a thanksgiving party being hosted at the kent farm.
ma and pa's house is loud, lively, and happy. alfred and ma are deep in discussion about something and clark is just so happy she's too distracted to pull out the baby pictures to show to other capes. diana and bruce are clearly fighting to keep smiles off their faces as pa happily shares clark's middle school year book photos.
he's on the page showing clark and all the farm animal club members. clark had been acne ridden and there was a photo in there of him letting a sweet mare kiss him on the mouth.
but if clark lets them see the embarrassment on his face he will never live it down.
dick is with wally selecting the next music that will play from clark's old collection of cassette tapes and cd's to play on the old boombox that pa must've pulled out of a box of clark's stuff from the attic.
kids are laughing and playing in another room, all the dining chairs are scattered around with a few fold up ones scattering the porch where dinah, shayera, and hal appear to be deep in discussion about something.
he spots tim around the same time that ma makes a small noise about them being out of sodas. alfred volunteers tim who was curled up in an armchair nearby intensely playing a game on his phone.
at the sound of his name his head shoots up like a meerkat who has sensed danger. it's endearing and clark can't help staring which means tim meets his eyes having felt clark's eyes on him.
they haven't talked since that day in metropolis. clark doesn't even have tim's phone number.
seeing him, meeting his eyes makes it all come rushing back.
he almost doesn't hear ma calling out for him to help tim and show him where the spare fridge is.
tim's eyes lock onto his and suddenly the two are so aware of each other as clark croaks out a strained 'follow me'.
clark leads tim out of the kent house, passing by hal who briefly lifts a hand in greeting to them both.
clark feels tim's eyes on his back and tries his best to keep steady. tim is dressed warmer for the fall. he's in deep black wool pants and a light blue turtleneck. he's wearing pretty silver earrings that glitter slightly in the amber light that clark flicks on in the old barn. a few years back clark helped pa build a newer, bigger barn and the old one was made into a storage shed to hold old appliances, extra parts, machinery, and, most importantly, the old fridge where boxes of soda were.
clark's voice is low and wavering only the slightest bit as he leads tim to the furthest back of the barn.
the two of them are able to keep the act up for only a few moments more. the next thing clark knows he has a brusing grip on tim's hips and is fucking him fast and deep while bending him over some crates meant for corn. clark is biting back his groans while tim moans, his cunt all sloppy and wet and so loud as clark fucks him that he almost worries someone will hear them from the house despite them being nearly all the way down the road. the bit of worry continues until tim is arching his back and crying as he cums. clark fucks him through it, not slowing down until he's splattering tim's walls with his cum.
they take a few moments to breathe before the dread kicks in as tim pulls up his underwear, keeping clarks mess of cum inside him as he buttons his pants.
"it's okay," tim pants, still catching his breath, "i'm on birth control now."
clark hates that that makes him feel better. it was barely ten minutes. he and tim collect the sodas. well, clark does and tim supervises because tim's legs are still shaking slightly.
clarks heart beats faster under his ribcage as they approach the house and he's so sure someone will be able to tell what happened but no one spares them a second look.
an hour later, clark is passing out cake and pie. he's holding a cut of cherry pie when he finds tim again, hunched over his cassette collection. there's a little cup of banana pudding in one hand.
"your music choice blows, didn't you grow up in the 80s?"
tim presses a spoon of pudding into his mouth and stares up at clark with dark eyes. a pink tongue darts out to lick up a small smear that got on his lips.
clark swallows and offers to see if there's some tapes pa missed in the attic. tim offers to come with him.
twenty minutes later clark is sliding his cock into tim's well stretched cunt dripping white onto his cock while he holds him up against a support pillar in the attic. tim gasps into his mouth as he cums around him and clark grunts and holds back a groan as a pumps a hot load into tim.
clark's guilt eats at him for the entire day after the party but by the time the christmas party being hosted at wayne manor swings around he learns to ignore it.
clark gets to see the inside of tim's room, staring up at the posters littering his walls while he fucks tim, being careful to not let the headboard bang into the wall.
tim suck's clark's cock for the first time following a gala that he's reporting on and tim is attending in metropolis. clark cums but it's not long before he's hard again and tim climbs onto his lap in the passenger seat to ride him.
after a big mission he and tim are one of the few who aren't injured and later that night when everyone has gone home or to sleep clark quietly fucks tim on a conference room table in the watch tower.
a press conference for wayne enterprises happens and clark is the reporter sent. tim lets him fuck him on the couch in his office. while tim's cunt is twitching from the stimulation clark goes down on him, gently kissing his pussy and suckling on his little clit until tim is hissing and pulling on his hair.
another mission and tim is lightly injured. clark helps him sleep by rocking him back and forth while he fucks him, he's careful not to cum inside in case one of the medics notice but tim huffs at him and makes clark promise he'll make up for it next time they fuck.
god. next time. there's always a next time.
every time it happens clark tells himself this will be the last time but it never is.
clark tells himself it's okay. that this can just be casual. not serious. he can end it if he really wants to.
but then tim is in metropolis for business and their paths aren't supposed to cross but some winter villain swings in and messes up the weather for the next week. massive blizzard and freak snow storms ground all planes. one of the bridges out of metropolis is down and the city does not have enough snow plows to clear the streets. every hotel is full, the shelters are at capacity, and every single elementary, high school, and the community college have been closed so that temporary cots can be set up in the gymnasium. power keeps going in and out and clark is worried about leaving jon at home to help clear the streets with his heat vision. his elderly neighbor who sometimes watches jon was out of town visiting her sister.
clark is almost on the verge of calling the justice league for backup when tim knocks on his door. his nose is red and his clothes are covered in snow. he was only supposed to be making a day trip to metropolis but now all the roads are closed and the hotels were full and he hadn't wanted to take a bed from someone who really needed it and clark was the only person in metropolis that he knew-
clark invites him in. he feeds him canned chicken noodle soup and gives him some nice dry clothes to change into. jon's are too small and clark's are too big so...clark offers tim an old college basketball shirt that used to belong to lois and some sweatpants and thick socks.
tim is grateful and thanks him earnestly.
tim offers to watch jon for him and clark could kiss him if he didn't think that jon would get curious and ask damian why his dad kissed his brother.
clark gets back late. the roads are better than they were before, enough so emergency vehicles can get through but the snow is still falling and hasn't shown any signs of stopping soon.
he returns to a warm apartment and tim and jon munching on some fresh chocolate chip cookies.
"where did these come from?" he asks while picking one up and eating the whole thing in one bite.
jon leaps up to tell him about how the power in the building went out again and how tim went into the basement to see what he could do and found that the building had backup generators but that they weren't hooked up. with the help of a few of the building's other tenants he manged to get them running while also turning the heat on that the building owner usually had to come over to do. one of them had been so grateful for their help that she'd made them cookies.
tim tugs a laughing jon into his lap while jokingly asking " 'our' help? and what did you do you little scamp?"
jon shrieks with laughter about how he held the flashlight and tim just giggles and starts blowing rasberries into his cheek which has jon laughing louder.
and clark...something about the sight feels so right. a warmth and deep affection fills his chest at the way tim cares for jon and holds him.
jon is clark's whole world. the most treasured thing in his life and seeing tim with him, trusting him to tim...oh god. he's in love with tim.
the realization is somehow not as shocking as it should be. an hour later another one of clark's neighbors pops in with a fresh lasagna and a sincere word of thanks to tim.
he looks over at clark and with deep approval says "i'm really happy for you mr. kent, you found a really good one."
clark doesn't even have to ask what he meant. by the time they get into the kitchen after talking for a little more he and tim catch jon scraping the entire top layer of cheese onto a plate to happily enjoy.
he and tim share a look before bursting out into shared laughter.
that night jon offers tim his bed but appears placated by the fact that clark will be sleeping on the couch while tim gets his bed.
clark's apartment is small. it's enough for his family but it also means clark hears everything, even without his superhearing. so he hears who jon's little snores start and he hears when the door to his bedroom creaks open. an invitation.
the sex is different now that clark has reached the realization that he's in love with tim. clark isn't as frantic, as desperate. he doesn't feel like they're racing against time to finish together.
he and tim kiss for longer before he ever puts his cock inside tim. tim's pajamas are on the floor along with clark's. his hands are tracing every bit of tim, squeezing and feeling him out. his hands cup and squeeze tim's little tits and then trail down to his ass. clark moans while kissing tim's mouth, down his neck, and his tits.
he warms tim's cunt up with his fingers, stretching him out and stroking and playing with his clit until he's dripping and barely makes a sound as clark sinks into him like a hot knife through butter.
clark just stays there for a moment, not moving and just feeling as tim's walls twitch around him. they rock together, tim's hips grinding back as clark works up a slow rhythm. their moans are quieter, whispered to each other. tim hums and moans when he likes something clark does and clark muffles a groans when he wants tim to clench down on him or move his hips a certain way. tim cums and clark follows shortly after, his hips jolting with every spurt of cum he releases into the perfect pussy he's buried in.
he and tim start to make out as they breathe through their mutual release. clark hugs tim close and tim similarly clings to him until he's ready to fuck him again.
they're not finished until they're both trembling and unable to keep going. clark quietly dresses next to tim before flopping down beside him.
clark knows he should go back to the couch, knows that jon finding them like this would mean disaster.
but for some reason his whole body just feels so heavy and clark feels that...the best place for him is right there. by tim's side.
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002yb · 1 year
A lightning round of ask replies below the cut:
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The moment Dick straddles Jason’s lap, Jason is (⁄ ⁄•⁄Д⁄•⁄ ⁄), hands slapping over his own face even as he turns to look away – so flustered he flushes everywhere and he just.  Slips right out of the chair, between Dick’s legs, and onto the floor before scrambling up and looking scandalized and Dick barks out the most beautiful laugh because Jason’s so damn cute.
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Bonus points if it’s Superman.
Bonus points if Superman and Dick have the same Superman lunchbox, so it happens on occasion that they get mixed up (the lunchbox was a gift from Lois – she uses it whenever she makes lunch for him to tease him; Dick is just Dick).
But anyway, Superman forgets he didn’t bring a lunch, so he ends up taking Jason’s on accident.  So when Jason goes to grab it, it’s missing and he’s ʰᵘʰ (ꐦ○_○)✧
Then he storms around and finds Superman eating the lunch Dick made for him and it’s so devastating.  Of course this is how heroes truly are.  Jason shouldn’t have expected different.  This is Batman’s bullying all over again. ;A;
Meanwhile Superman realizes what’s gone wrong and is panicked and so guilty.  And he apologizes profusely and offers to take Jason anywhere/bring Jason anything to make up for it but Jason is forever petulant.
And when Dick finds out Superman is just devastated because this boy who has loved and revered him since childhood ices him out; it’s a travesty.
Bruce patting Clark’s back because he’s been there.  And Clark just groans because their crimes are completely different, don’t even.
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Okay but Jason being like those cats that hunt things and bring back kills to their loved ones in a show of affection ahahaha.  Dick having that similar reaction of ‘please don’t–’ but also ‘you love me so much🥹?’
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Jason being the sole omega of the pack is one of my favorite omegaverse story details.  So is him being estranged and the toll that takes on him.  And where the family doesn’t realize until something drastic happens and they all freak out and step up and ahhhhh.
The visual of Jason starting out with a bleak safe house and having a nest that’s all scraps.  Everything ripped and torn because it’s not right no matter how he tries to fit anything together and he shreds everything in his frustration.  Jason sleeping just outside of his nest’s broken borders.
The family sneaking things with their scent onto him, or leaving them at his window.  Until Jason has a warm nest that feels begrudgingly safe.  Only now it’s wrong because it’s empty.
Just lots of nest things.  Where Jason runs away with a wounded Robin and sequesters them in his nest.  And when an alpha comes calling – Jason snaps his teeth at them for trying to take his pup and said alpha is surprised, but not upset in the least.  They’re downright smitten, in fact.  Because omega?  So strong and protective and nurturing and ferocious?  Hot.
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It’s so over-the-top smitten, but you’re not wrong anon hahaha.  Something about Jason seeing Dick as this persistent beacon in any darkness (be that in a reverent or begrudging way) is something that appeals so much.
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Yes.  Do I know what to write for this?  No.  Would I read it in a heartbeat?  Yep.
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Jason’s crew absolutely wingman for him once they figure out that their boss has the hots for the wingding bastard.  They’re weird about it, too.  Simultaneously helpful and threatening in the same exchange – the same sentence, even!
And they keep it on the down low because their boss has got a maiden heart and would get embarrassed (and kick their asses), so they’re always luring Nightwing to sketchy af locations to like they’re conducting a sketchy af deal/exchange.
At first Dick is confused, but for as subtle as Jason’s men keep these interactions, they’re pretty straightforward in what their expectation of Dick is.  It makes Dick feel a little fond despite the theatrics of these exchanges because Jason has a lot of people supporting him and want him happy and that’s nice to know.
Dick taking these people up on their advice and Jason getting seemingly irritated about it each time, bristling but relenting without putting up too much of a fight.  At which point Dick realizes that oh, maybe these people that work with Jason are for real?  Little wing has a crush on him?  What?  The realization hitting him right as he’s taking Jason out and Jason grimacing because wth is with that creepy smile?  And Dick is surprised at himself because he’s smiling?  Oh, he is.  Huh.
Just Dick being happy about Jason’s crush and developing a bit of a crush himself over the course of being set up with him by Jason’s crew.
The crew being real smug about how they’ve successfully hooked their boss up.  Only to revolt once they realize this means their boss’s ass is gonna get tapped.
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The crisis is that it makes Red Hood all the more appealing.  👀  Which of course Dick feels alarmed by, so he pulls away.  Which causes a misunderstanding of cataclysmic proportions because Jason isn’t aware of Dick’s moral struggles – just that Dick finds out Red Hood is Jason and all at once Jason’s been iced out and it hurts.  There’s no way Jason doesn’t take that personally.
While Red Hood had been unwittingly settling down, soothed by Dick’s affections – having Dick pull back on him reignites the wrathful fury and vengeance.
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Jason taking Dick and Slade at the same time and while Jason is a breathless, dazed mess, scrambling for purchase - anything to hold onto (I like to think Dick’s shoulders, though Slade is pressed up right along Jason’s back; he’s not going anywhere), Slade and Dick are just taunting and bitching at one another like Jason isn’t there at all. 👀
A kinky take on a round robin tournament where Jason seduces everyone with his contradictory vixen and maiden-like ways (bonus points if it’s not even intentional) and ascertains his position as ultimate bottom.
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Awwww, thank you so much!  It always makes me so happy to hear that someone enjoys my writing (though I know it's been more rambles than writing lately; so sorry - persisting struggles).  Thank you for that. <3
Personal headcanon for this is that they never actually say it with words.  Because there’s something about plausible deniability that these two cling to when it comes to each other.  Too tentative to push too far, too scared to take too much.
The love is there though.  It’s in the way they relentlessly taunt and tease and challenge one another.  It’s the lingering looks, the quiet considerations.  It’s the trust and hope and faith that they chose to have in one another, even if they’re left disappointed or frustrated or scared.  It comes about when surges of protectiveness overcome them and in quiet moments of vulnerability they never talk about later.
Basically shameless self-rec because it’s this series I wrote; this is my take on it, hahaha.
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gimmemore14 · 1 month
Slade was at the circus the night Dick's parents died, instead of Bruce. Seeing Dick's potential, he ends up taking Dick in to train him. A Sladick AU.
I got WAY too into this idea, thanks for the ask!! 💜💜💜
The ask game
1. At first Slade just thought “tough break, kid”-no pun intended but there all the same- but then, he sticks around Gotham, mostly interested in the sloppy execution of the job he turned down. He had to roll his eyes, of course Zucco decided his own gang could handle it since Slade didn’t like his price. Slade was about to leave when he caught a look in the kid’s eye that broke through the anguish: murder, and the tenacity to follow through on the job.
2. He doesn’t adopt Dick, doesn’t have any interest to, but still, in secret he anonymously sponsors the kid in foster care for a couple of years, keeping close tabs on what he soon realizes is an investment.
3. Slade follows the teen as he investigates his parent’s murder, curious to see what the little bird will do now that he knows his target. He’s caught and beaten by low level thugs before he can ever get close. Even though he’s bloody, out numbered, and exhausted, the kid won’t stop. He’s worthy. Slade swoops in, rescues him, and takes him home to begin his training.
4. Dick is not impressed by Slade. Deathstroke kills without morality, he doesn’t care who deserves it and who doesn’t but dick does. Hell he even hates Slade for his work as a trophy hunter, the head on the wall could easily have been Zitka’s brother. Dick isn’t a killer, he doesn’t want to be, he just wants justice- revenge- for his parents and others. Slade knows this, and uses his rage and bleeding heart to manipulate and mold him into his weapon, his apprentice. The first time dick kills, it is trafficker assaulting the kid they were tasked with rescuing(for a large sum of money of course)… dick is unnerved when he has no troubles sleeping that night.
5. After years of manipulation and inappropriate bonding, Slade thought his creation was finally ready. He allowed dick to lead the hit on Zucco once the price was high enough, but after firing, after the body hit the floor, the kid realizes that on his path of revenge he’s become someone unrecognizable to his parents. Zucco’s death doesn’t take away the sting of his loss but has made him a monster instead. He would be ashamed to see them as he is now, after he let his love and grief corrupt him. (of course he doesn’t blame Slade, Dick Grayson’s got a guilt complex a mile wide, he didn’t need Batman’s help with that one. Also despite Slade’s manipulations he hammers in the idea that ultimately, every choice is your own)
Bonus cuz I’m into it now:
Dick has a ‘rebellious’ streak after killing Zucco and refuses to kill again. One night Slade thrashes him so bad after he purposely messes up a job that he finally realizes he needs to get away, for his own safety and mortality’s sake. He runs. He knows Slade will be after him soon, following the trail of blood he left from ripping the tracker out of his arm. Dick doesn’t have time, he doesn’t have options, so he calls out, screams, the one and only name that he knows can help.
Clark hadn’t heard that kinda of desperation in a voice for awhile. He expected a massacre or train crash, not Deathstroke’s apprentice on a rooftop, shivering, bleeding, and on his knees begging to be turned in. Superman sees the terminator himself closing in on his apprentice before hesitating and hiding a few rooftops over after spying the superhero. It could be a trap, Clark thinks, but seeing the desperation and anguish in the beatendown boy’s face, he grabs the kid by the back of his uniform, like a misbehaving kitten, and flies off with him.
He doesn’t know where to take him at first so he settles for a grassy knoll far from civilization. They talk. Dick tells him everything, everything he’s held back all these years: how he hasn’t had a real family since his parents, how Slade’s affection is only earned through blood and degradation, and how he’s a killer but never wants to do it again. Clark tells him about Nightwing and takes him to the justice league where, yes he’s under supervision and locked up at night, but is treated with respect and taught to use escrima instead of twin blades and learns restraint and what it is to make the heroic choice. More importantly, he makes friends, people who actually care for him instead of just what he can do for them.
Slade during this deludes himself that Dick didn’t run away because he’s too well trained for that, and attempts to ‘rescue’ him. He’s so angry when he finds out dick made the decision himself, he holds a whole city hostage with Chemo until his apprentice is returned to him. The league refuses to negotiate with Deathstroke but Dick won’t allow any more deaths on his conscious so he slips away to beg for Slade’s mercy. Obviously there is none. Non-con smut that starts with dick desperate to be good enough to appease Slade and ends with the man blowing up the city anyways after he cums.
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
what would u say it takes for a fic to get kon's tone correctly? or like. what things do u feel make the tone Wrong? (if u can put it into words ik this is a very vague question LMAO)
so in essence you are asking me to distill kon as a character. i will attempt to do this, but preemptively be warned i will likely be rambling.
there are a few things about kon that always stand out to me. i draw a lot on sb94 for his overall character, with sb11 and adventure comics to guide his character arc. to me, he is, in no particular order:
incredibly smart
but exceedingly hard on himself,
and prone to self-deprecation.
silly and goofy! a geek-ass loser!!
full of joie de vivre!
deeply, deeply passively suicidal.
quick to anger (mostly when younger)
but even quicker to cool off and apologize if necessary.
too quick, even. very forgiving of anything done to him, no matter how fucked up, if he thinks the person is genuinely sorry.
kind. kind. kind. kind. he wants to believe in everyone.
prone to naivety, because of it. (again, especially when younger.)
ready and willing to destroy himself if it helps someone else even a little bit. a bleeding heart that maybe bleeds too much.
deeply, deeply caring. about everyone. especially the folks nobody else really cares about.
pretty introspective (post-death and resurrection).
passionate. he does not do anything by halves.
haha silly!!! jokester!!! star trek time!!! wahoo!!!
so as you can see, he is a character built on contradiction. he loves life, but he's been suicidal since day one. he's a lot smarter than anyone, including himself, gives him credit for - he might not be the best strategist out there, but his creativity and ability to think on his feet are phenomenal! he's deeply kind to the core and yet worries about who he is, because he can't see himself how anyone else does. i could go on. it's about the contradictions - the kontrast, if you will.
in terms of fic writing, character voice, and tone: imagine a boy in the basement of a fucked up science lab surrounded by the frozen-in-stasis corpses of his twelve would-be brothers, the clones before him that didn't pan out. he is white-knuckling his gloves. he is repeating to himself, but i stay silly :3!! but i stay silly :3!! but i stay silly :3!! but i stay--
this, too, is about the kontrast. denial and humor are his best friends and his favorite coping mechanisms.
to me, i guess a fic gets kon right if it understands he is an unreliable fucking narrator. he's incredibly repressed. he just denies it all and pretends he's fine because he can joke it off. he stays silly!! X3!! but he's a genuinely sweet and thoughtful guy. he does all the farm chores for ma kent without being asked, loves his dog, has nightwing merch (a zine, specifically, from the looks of it) in his room, and physically is incapable of shutting up about star trek. he's a geek. he's silly. he's loving. he's deeply sad. he's a walking talking identity crisis.
also wrt fic writing. i mean i know saying this is a lost cause because anyone bothering to read a long post about kon isn't the kind of person writing fics that don't actually treat him as his own character, but. he is not fucking scared of bruce wayne oh my god. i will forever yell about these pages from sb94 #85 aka what might be my fav issue in the entire run:
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he doesn't stand for anyone being unjust, even if it's his bestie's mentor who he respects a lot!! even if he's a little nervous he tells bruce off and demands better from him!!! (granted, i also think this is some of my least favorite bruce writing ever - i don't like him sounding like a kkk manifesto someone hit find and replace on when he talks about metas, and i don't for the life of me understand why so many of his "fans" continue to eat that up and then shit it out in the year 2023, but that's getting off topic.)
ALSO. HE LOVES AND RESPECTS CLARK SO FUCKING MUCH. that's another thing fics get wrong. he does NOT resent clark for "not being around" and he does NOT tolerate anyone talking shit about him!! clark is his favorite guy. he idolizes him!! yes, he's sometimes sad about wanting to be closer to him, but never communicates this (and, again, this is also an editorial mandate). if kon was going to blame anyone for their relationship not being what he wants it to be, IT IS HIMSELF!!!! he does this literally on page in sb94, when he finds out clark has a secret identity and isn't superman all the time. he blames himself for not being someone superman would have wanted to confide in sooner. he is REALLY GOOD at blaming himself for things. he would never in his LIFE blame clark.
in conclusion. please enjoy this incredibly roumd krypto snoozing next to him in lena luthor's house. thank you for your time ♥
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suzukiblu · 7 months
Beginning of an old YJ animated WIP that I decided to dig back up and revisit. Cut for length and also Clark getting very belatedly hit with a clue-by-four.
There's some kind of fuss going on around the kids, although Clark isn't sure what. He overhears Ollie and Dinah bickering about something to do with Artemis and Speedy–Red Arrow, although “Speedy” is still a much stronger memory–but they don't go into detail. Something about mad science and a mission gone wrong and . . . Lunchables?
Clark very rarely mishears things, but that he is absolutely certain he did.
It isn't his business, though, so he doesn't ask for clarification. If the League needs his help, they'll ask him; otherwise it has nothing to do with him.
Unfortunately, then Bruce actually asks for his help.
There's no excuse good enough to get by Batman, and so Clark finds himself materializing inside a Mount Justice zeta tube with the halfhearted hope that they just need something improbably heavy moved–anything that will just take a moment, in and out. Oddly, there's no one waiting to meet him, although he can hear arguing and laughter and running water and a dozen other sounds of life from different corners of the mountain.
Closer, and more concerning, he can hear crying. 
Clark ignores the other voices and Bruce's distant, Kevlar-muffled heartbeat to follow the tiny little hitched breaths he’s hearing down the hall. He doesn't have to go far. 
There's a little boy curled up in a shadowed hallway alcove not even big enough to be a broom closet, five years old if he's a day and wearing a black T-shirt and cargo pants and oddly heavy-looking boots. His face is buried in his folded arms, but he looks wounded and small and brokenhearted from the lie of his shoulders alone. 
Clark stares down at him in bemusement for a moment–a child this young in Mount Justice?–but another muffled sob takes immediate precedence and he drops into a crouch just outside the boy's personal space, making himself smaller and nonthreatening out of habit. He’s familiar with finding heartbroken children left all alone, after all. 
“Are you alright?” he asks gently, and the boy jumps in surprise and jerks his head up. He has the most enormous blue eyes Clark thinks he's ever seen, and also the most horrified.
“I wasn't crying!” the boy blurts, still crying, and scrubs the tears away frantically.
“It's fine if you were,” Clark tells him, gentling his voice even more, and the boy looks at him like the world just ended. Blue eyes, black hair, broken heart; he remembers Dick four years ago, remembers what happened to make Dick Robin. Wonders where Bruce is, exactly, and if this is what he’s supposed to be helping with. 
“You wouldn't,” the boy says, hiccuping around another sob, and Clark just smiles reassuringly at him.
“Everyone does,” he says, and fresh tears well in the boy's eyes and he turns his face towards the farthest corner of the alcove, huddled up so small it actually hurts to see. Clark is used to misery and has seen more of it than he can stand to remember, but that doesn't make it any easier to watch. 
He could ask what happened–what’s so upsetting–but doesn't want the boy to have to think about what's making him cry like that, so devastated and lonely in a place full of people. So instead he reaches out and rests a very careful hand on his shoulder, and just barely squeezes it. The boy freezes, sobs and breath and heart all stopping, and Clark lightens the contact, but doesn't quite withdraw it. 
“Are you hurt?” he asks with all the gentleness he’d usually reserve for restraining the full scope of Superman's strength down into catching a falling body, embracing a victim, kissing a loved one. The boy shudders and starts back up again, tears falling faster and his attempts to respond all breaking up too much to finish. Finally he just shakes his head, hard, and buries his face back in his arms. 
He’s just so small. 
“Is there something I can help you with?” Clark tries, and the boy just cries harder, somehow. He's getting concerned now, because how can every attempt to do something for the boy make him that much more upset? 
All the power in the world means nothing when he can't help a person who's in pieces. 
There's a shriek somewhere in the base, loud and childish and startlingly giddy in comparison to this moment, and Clark startles slightly and looks towards it, automatically dropping the hand on the boy's shoulder to touch his earpiece, meaning to call Bruce and ask what, exactly, is going on here–but then the boy whimpers. 
No. “Whimper” isn’t enough of a word. “Whimper” can’t possibly contain the pain and despair in that sound, the way it tears out of the boy and through Clark worse than any other kind of hit, worse than almost anything. 
“It's alright,” he says quickly, forgetting about the communicator altogether and reaching out again. “Shhh, it's alright, it's alright, son–” 
The boy sobs.
Clark thinks he’s never heard a worse sound in his life than that sob. 
Something like panic flits through him, he doesn't even know where from, and he barely keeps himself from grabbing the boy and yanking him to his chest. But it’d be too much, too sudden and frightening for an already distraught child. The moment it takes him to force down the driving need to is literally painful, though, and when it passes it still doesn't really pass. 
Clark takes off his cape as carefully as he can and wraps the boy up in it–hides him in it, he admits to himself, but it's not hard to admit when the boy himself seems to welcome the idea of vanishing inside its folds. He picks him up in one arm, cradles him in the crook of it, and the boy curls up as tight as if he really could disappear. The sobbing dies down into almost-silence, barely more than hitched breaths again, and Clark holds him close and heads towards the closest sounds of life in the base. He can't help if he doesn't know what's wrong, and the boy's clearly in no condition to explain what's happened to him for himself. 
He thinks of plenty of awful possibilities on the way, but doesn't get halfway there before a sudden blur of black and red and yellow tears down the hall and skids to a stop in front of him, solidifying into two more small boys, although not as small as the one in his arms.
Infinitely more recognizable, though. 
Clark blinks, and looks down at a brightly grinning nine-year old Robin riding piggyback on a beaming Kid Flash . . . that is Kid Flash, isn't it, he thinks, except he can't be a day past nine himself, and Kid Flash definitely never wore that suit or ran like that when he was nine.
Neither of them should be nine. 
“What . . .” he starts, slowly, and the boy in his arms peers out from underneath his cape and sniffles, once.
“Found him!” Kid Flash yells back down the hall, and Robin throws both hands up in the air with a crow of triumph, falling off Kid Flash's back into an effortless back walkover in the process.
“We win!” he says gleefully. “Go Team Batflash, suck it, Team Aquamartian and Double-Arrow!”
“'Birdflash'? Why isn't it Flashbird?” Kid Flash demands indignantly, and Robin just laughs condescendingly and reaches up to give his head a smug little pat. 
“Oh please, it is so Birdflash,” he says with a smirk. Clark stares down at both of them with a certain sinking feeling, and the boy in his arms scrubs at his tear-streaked face again. 
And the cape around him slips lower, and for the first time Clark sees the front of his shirt.
Sees the symbol on the front of his shirt.
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idabbleincrazy · 2 months
Not Whole Without (1/2)
Fandom: Smallville
Rating: E
Pairing: Clark/Lex, Clark/Bruce (unrequited) , Lex/Bruce (past), Clex+Bruce
Characters: Clark Kent, Lex Luthor, Bruce Wayne, mentions of JLA
Word Count: 1892
Warnings: voyeurism, exhibitionism, Good Guy Lex, canon divergent, Lex knows the truth, kink discovery, blowjob, dirty talk, deep throating, come swallowing
Summary: Trust Lex to know just what they all need.
A/N: from @leatafandom 's prompt: Kink Discovery +   Lex and Clark let a third party watch them. It could be that they just kiss and do a little over-the-clothes touching. Or they could go all the way with an audience.
Squares Filled: Oral sex or Phone Sex, Location: Balcony, Kink Discovery, Having Feelings for the Other Person in a One-on-One Mentorship ( @julybreakbingo ), Surprise Encounters ( @fandom-free-bingo pride edition)
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Clark couldn't hold back a groan of hunger as he found himself with a lap full of a very aroused Lex Luthor. The latest business party had finally wound down, the last guests finally escorted out the door to their own lavish accommodations, either one of the hotel suites in the building next door, or to their personal housing elsewhere in the city. Well, almost the last. Clark heard a clink of ice in glass and his grip tightened around Lex's hips, his eyes flicking towards the sound that had wafted in from the balcony.
"Lex, Lex, wait." Clark tried to nudge Lex away from where his mouth had attached to his throat like a limpet. "Bruce is still here. He's out on the balcony, and watching."
"Let him." Lex wiggled on Clark's lap, his very evident arousal pressing against Clark's stomach, hot through thin layers of fabric. He reattached himself to Clark's throat, teeth and tongue working hungrily over unmarkable skin. "He knows where the door is if he wants to leave. Hell, he could even take a flying leap. I'm sure he's got a gadget or two somewhere in his suit."
Clark let his head fall back against the couch, somehow unable to tear his gaze away from where Bruce Wayne stood, those piercing blue eyes unwavering as he observed the couple, glass of scotch now set on the table by the balcony doors. Instead of his erection flagging at the knowledge of someone witnessing Lex practically dry humping him, his cock hardened faster than he thought possible.
Six months since Clark had finally agreed to join the Justice League, and it wasn't Ollie's endless cajoling that made him relent - no matter what the blonde thought - it was Bruce. He was so like his Lex, and so different. The man had enraptured him, though not enough to tempt him to stray from his lover; he and Lex had been meant for each other since he fished him out of the river and breathed life back into his body. No, before that, maybe, back when his brand-new parents had picked up that scared, broken little boy and his inadequate father, and the little toddler that he was reached across the cab of the truck and brushed chubby little fingers over that too pale face in hopes of lending comfort. 
He loved Lex, more than he could put in words, even if it had taken years of ups and downs for them to finally, finally open up to each other. But, he couldn't ignore this growing thing between him and Bruce, and every patrol, every sparring session he had with the older man, only strengthened this confusing bond. He knew he should probably look more towards the other team members for advice and learning the ropes of superhero-ing, but there was no one he trusted as much as Bruce. Except maybe Diana, but she had her own mentoring thing going with Kara, and she was often unavailable to him in Themyscira. Bruce was the only comfortable option. 
He knew it couldn't be easy for Lex, seeing his current partner spending so much time with his ex. Lex had told him all about their time together in school and about their relationship when he'd come to get his opinion on joining the JLA. He knew a part of Lex's fragile heart still bore a scar from there time together. And yet, Lex had refrained from bad mouthing the Wayne heir - unlike the vitriol that had spewed over Oliver - and supported his decision to let Batman take him under his wing. 
All of this was why he knew he should push Lex away and wait for Bruce to leave the penthouse, and exactly why he couldn't. He wanted to see what Bruce would do, how he would react to seeing his ex-lover pawing at Clark, see how far the brunette would let them go in this show before he broke, one way or the other. And, honestly, if Lex didn't want him there, he wouldn't be. He would have been politely escorted out like the rest of them, and seen safely on his way back to Gotham. It made Clark curious, and slightly more at ease, to sense that Lex had a reason for leaving Bruce right where he was. 
So, Clark didn't even bother to hold back the next groan that Lex dragged out of him as slim, nimble fingers brushed over his chest, nails scraping over a budding nipple through his shirt. Keeping one eye on Bruce, Clark wrapped a hand around the back of Lex's head and pulled him down into a deep kiss. His cock throbbed when he saw Bruce blatantly adjust himself in his slacks, his arousal heightening at the proof that the other wasn't as unruffled as he seemed at first glance. 
Breaking the wet kiss with a breathless pant, Lex trailed his mouth along Clark's jaw up to his ear, teeth nipping harshly at the fleshy lobe. 
"You like it, don't you? Knowing he's watching. Seeing you like this, all ravished and horny. Seeing me making you this way. Is he hard, Clark?"
"Uh-huh", Clark whimpered out his affirmation. He clutched Lex tighter to him, thrusting up against Lex's own bulging crotch. He knew he should be more surprised at how turned on he was by having an audience, knew he was raised to believe sex was a private matter, but he couldn't find it in himself to be embarrassed. Later, maybe, but not now. Not when it was Lex, and Bruce. 
And with that, Lex slid off Clark's lap to kneel between his legs, his hands caressing up Clark's thighs as his head dipped down to his groin. Clark moaned at the pressure of Lex's mouth against his cloth-covered erection, that slick tongue dampening the cotton as the bald man teased him. His gaze flicked back over to Bruce, watched the brunette slip almost soundlessly through the sliding glass doors into the room, the door closing behind him with a quiet whoomph of air. 
Bruce broke eye contact only for a moment as he crossed the room to where a large leather chair had been set up directly across from the couch. Lex had set this up, after all, it seemed. That chair was usually in their media room, and now it was ensconced in the shadows of the low-lit living room, barely visible without enhanced eyesight. The tech-billionaire sat back in the plush chair, his gaze locked on the tableau before him, his hand creeping down between his legs to rub at the sizable bulge distorting his expensive slacks.
Lex's hands quickly worked open Clark's belt, fingers deftly undoing the button and zipper of his pants, and Clark whimpered as he lifted his hips up for his lover to pull both slacks and boxers down to his knees, his cock twitching and leaking out a large drop of pre-come as the cool air hit its heated length. He wasn't sure if he was comforted or upset by the knowledge that Bruce couldn't see much more than his face and the back of Lex's head from the position he was in. 
"Lex, please." 
He tore his gaze from Bruce and his slow-moving hand, green locking onto a lighter blue as he met Lex's upturned stare, the heat in those steely eyes confirming that this wasn't just for Clark's sake. Lex wanted Bruce to be reminded of what they'd once had together, just as much as he wanted him to know what he was missing out on with Clark. Lex wanted Bruce to break, too, it seemed. Unsure whether this was still such a good idea, Clark nodded down at Lex, unable to stop tonight's events even if he wanted to. 
Lex flashed his shark smirk and closed his lips around the head of Clark's cock, tongue flicking out to lap up the pre-come that oozed from the slit. Clark groaned and fought the urge to thrust into the mouth that teased him, knowing it would be over too soon if he did. And, much as he wanted to come, a larger part of him wanted this never to end; wanted the three of them locked like this for eternity, Clark caught between the attentions of these two dangerous, beautiful men, their arousal filling his senses. Wanted Bruce to never be able to take his eyes off him and Lex, the erotic image they made together; Lex's head between his legs, slowly bobbing, Clark's chest heaving for breath he didn't really need, his hand curving around that smooth, bare skull, not guiding, just needing to touch, to tether. Wanted Bruce to forever be torturing himself with teasing touches of his own hand, seen in stolen glances when Clark needed the reassurance that the other was still there. 
Inevitably, Lex's mouth sinks down on his aching cock; Clark can feel the tip pressing against the back of Lex's throat, can feel his nose brushing against the skin around the base of his throbbing length. Lex sucks around the mouthful, cheeks hollowing as he quickens his pace.
"Oh, God, Lex." Clark shifts his hips, needing to press just that little bit deeper on Lex's next downstroke. He's never loved and hated Lex's deep-throating ability more than at this moment. His moan of pleasure has prompted Bruce into increasing movement in his shadowed alcove, and Clark feels another thrill of arousal course through him. "Fuck, baby, feel so good. Gonna make me come, Lex."
Lex is becoming noisy, now, low moans of pleasure and the sounds of wet flesh being suckled twine with his own increasingly loud grunts and half-spoken pleas for more. Clark can feel his climax looming, the tell-tale tingling building in his spine as he looks between these two incredible men who fill so much of his waking - and sleeping - thoughts. He can hear the susurration of fabric against flesh, Bruce's and Lex's, and it's the realization that both of these beautiful, intelligent, amazing men - men who could have anyone in the world at the snap of their fingers - are hard for him, that has him thrusting his cock down Lex's throat and gently holding him there as he cries out his orgasm. 
Lex swallows it all, suckling his pulsing shaft until Clark collapses back against the couch, his hand stroking softly over the curve of Lex's bald pate as he licks him clean. It's only the scent of his own release that lingers in the air as Lex pulls off his cock and carefully tucks it away; neither man has come yet. Clark's still hard, his stamina always leaving him ready for at least one more round, despite the intensity of his orgasm. 
Lex clambers back up onto his lap, kissing him soundly and sharing the lingering taste of himself. As he explores the cavern of that wet, perfect mouth, his hearing is tuned to Bruce, expecting the brunette to leave as silently as he always does when he's not hyping up his public persona. His heartbeat never recedes, still occupying the chair across from them. 
Lex stands, tugging Clark fluidly from the couch. Pulls him towards the hallway leading to their room.
Lex doesn't stop, merely turns his head to smirk back at Clark. 
"You didn't think we were done yet, did you?"
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I noticed that as fandom we don't talk much about how Damian technically doesn't have a civil persona anymore. Basically every Damian adventure comic is just enemies and allies find out his secret indent (Colin, Maps, Maya for example and his enemies on that island), and the best part of this is HIS FAMILY HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT THIS
For some heroes the public persona and hero identities are important to protect who they love and also give them the opportunity to live a normal life. Clark is a human by heat, but he can't stay quiet see the people who his love being hurt, because of that he becomes superman
Bruce also takes care of his public persona (Brucie), he give lecture after lecture to his children about this (Dick and Bruce arguments a lot in the past because of this) then we have Damian, who fights without a mask, everyone knows his mom, he doesn't ever try to change his way to talk and participate in the family tradition in being a "pretty idiot to journalists"
This boy basically lives in the Danny Phantom situation where everyone knows his name and where he lives but no one goes to confront him in his house
What is the funniest thing about this boy to me. Also it's really nice because few superheroes don't care for their public persona, and also put him together with Kon El in somehow. Let's explain, Kon in his origins doesn't have a civil identity, because he is truly a superhero by heart. He was made for this and he is this, a superhero (I know how important it is to him being "El" but I want to focus on his hero life) and Damian slowly approximate himself from that status
Don't get me wrong he understands the necessary evil of public persona and hero persona, but he can't do it. Then he slowly destroyed this barrier and became a superhero as one and only identity
Idk if he doesn't do this consciously or unconsciously, but this is funny because no other batkid did that before him (even Terry have a civil persona and a hero one)
Bonus because I can't stop thinking about this:
random boy from school: Damian, if you're the Robin this means your dad is the batman, no?
Damian, lying to protect Brucie persona: my father is barely a man
In conclusion Gotham knows two things: 1. Batman is truly Bruce Wayne's sugar baby and 2. Damian Wayne really deserves being called Wayne Brain Cell
(I'm sorry for bringing all of this in your ask box but I feel that as a fandom we don't talk much about this)
it is true, his relationship to being a 'normal person' is pretty warped.
I feel like it all kinda started when he died to the Heretic. I wonder what Bruce told the public. And then I wonder if, when he came back, Damian pushed for his father not to mention it. Makes Damian's personal missions that much easier after all. He's already a recluse. Leave him a mystery. The rest of them can go galavant around.
I still think Damian wouldn't outright say it to THAT many people, if any at all that he doesn't know on a traumatic level like he does his friends/enemies. So becomes like...the cosplay kid at school. Because his Robin costume is SO realistic. Then Damian shows it off a little bit. Bruce is a bit concerned. Alfred is just proud about how Damian is showing off his expert craftsmanship to others. Proud Grandpa.
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