#and sorry there are two cubs in here i'm trying not to be all cubs but there are not a ton of geminis in mlb currently apparently
jamil-s-wifey · 1 year
If you're taking any scenario request. Maybe could I request funny/silly one where Leona and his S/O are married and live in the Royal Palace. Leona's S/O has gotten lost somehow in their own home and when found their response is "This place is too damn big I'm sorry!"
You have NO idea how much I love these types of fics! Wholesome crackheadedness at its finest✨ We love a spouse with 0 orientation skills. (I'd know, I get lost in supermarkets) This was ONE OF THE FUNNIEST THINGS I've EVER written. I hope you enjoy!
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"What the actual fuck."
A turn here. A turn there.
Oh, would you look at that - the exact same vase you passed 5 minutes ago. But was that really the same vase? Or was it its evil twin, trying to further confuse you, only for you to get lost even more and die of starvation, eventually BECOMING ONE WITH THE PALACE...
God, whoever built this palace should have their head on a stake. Haha, that sounded a lot like the Red Queen of Hearts. Perhaps Riddle was rubbing off on you. You two did text occasionally since graduating from NRC.
Speaking of graduation, you married Leona. (yay!) And it's not like you weren't happy. Life was relatively peaceful. You two moved back to the palace. Arrangements had begun for you two to take over a certain part of Sunset Savannah, as something akin to a *Peerage. (They had their own name for it, you are currently far too annoyed to remember.) A lot of (semi-forced) communication set the road to reconciliation between the two brothers. (Admittedly a very long road. A road that puts Gulliver's travels to shame.) The Royal Family™️ accepted you with open hearts. (albeit a tad wary at first)
Really there was only one major problem.
The ROYAL PALACE IS LIKE A GODDAMN LABYRINTH. And that's rich, given your history of painting the white roses with Ace and Deuce in Heartsabyul's maze. So here you are, lost.
Scratch that.
Lost: again.
And all you wanted to do was find Cheka's room. You had a gift for the little cub.
"An architectural masterpiece, my ass. This is an architectural disaster. A disaster with a capital D. D for Vitamin D - what I won't be getting, because I'm trapped within these walls, where the SUN CAN'T REACH ME-"
Okay. Calm down. It's not that bad, sure there isn't a soul in sight, but you're bound to stumble upon somebody at some point, right? There had to be servants, or guards, or somebody! UNLESS! This is all an elaborate plan to get rid of you.
Aha! That must be it. The Royal Family wants you dead and they intend to make it seem like an accident! But Leona wouldn't allow that, right? He loves you! Dearly! You're his spouse, his one and only! Ah, cruel fate.
Is it just you...or are these walls moving in on each other. So this IS an assassination attempt! And you presented yourself on a silver platter. Good job, s/o. Splendid work. A royal for a few months and you're already about to be assassinated. Your name shall remain the book of "Dumbest ways to die." Goodbye cruel world-
Leona's voice rang through the empty hallway, "What are you doing out here."
Ah! And so tragedy was avoided once more!
"Leona, my LOVE! Thank God."
"Did you just- get lost in the palace... again?", his eyes read annoyance but his tone was teasing.
"It's not MY fault this place is so damn big, what do you need all this space for anyways? Indoor badminton? Hide and Seek or Die?"
"Definitely that last one. That's how we get rid of our enemies."
"AHA! I knew it! So this IS an assassination attempt!"
He simply rolled his eyes, pulling you towards him to wrap an arm around your waist and kiss you on the forehead.
"This isn't an assassination attempt. You did this yourself. It's called idiocy."
"You should build a better palace."
"What I should do is put a collar on you. With a tracking device on it. Like a pet."
"Oh, Leona~ Who knew you were into that~"
"Next time I'm leaving you here to rot."
"Then I'll haunt you to Hell and back."
He smirked, pinching your cheek as you were both making your way far from the cursed looping corridor.
"At least you won't be able to get lost."
"I told you, it's not my fault."
"Nah, of course not. The Palace is just cursed."
You both knew this isn't the last time you'll be getting lost. And Leona was seriously considering the tracking device.
Perhaps he'd already ordered it too.
You were about to find out.
*Peerage - collective noun for titles like Duke, Duchess, Count, Earl etc. Comes from "Peers of the Realm" where one could hold one or more of these titles. It differs from monarchy to monarchy. THAT'S YOUR WORD FOR THE DAY FOLKS!
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mehiwilldoitlater · 10 days
I felt so sorry for the prince rat. It's like, little baby needs to be protected at all costs and urgently needs a friend. 😭😭🤲❤️
Wouldn't it be a bother to continue? I just want to see a happy ending for the rat prince (I'm not pressuring you!).
"Came on, everybody! Togethere!"
A big number of small monkeys, cubs, and youngster were frolicking the old well at the edge of the forest. With the help of the rope, they were trying to take up the water. Or, better say, something in the water.
You were on your way back to the mountain; being the only human gave you free access to the mortal village, holding one Bing Tanghulu in your hand and another in your mouth, already half eaten, and it was there that you noticed the crawd of monkeys, busy in that activity. The well was used by them, and the small basket of water wasn't such an issue to rise up, so something was on there.
"Hi little ones! What are you planning this time?"
"Miss y/n! You're back from town!"
"We're trying to get the funny thing out of the well!" Said one of the smallest ones in the group, holding the rope rather than pulling with its brothers and sisters.
"Trying to get the funny thing out of the well, uh?" You poked your face near the edge of the rock structure. "Well, that's one I never heard before!"
And, as you ended that sentence, a low moan escaped from the same well, letting you loose the grip of the candy from your hand.
Without another request, you grabbed the rope, helping the monkeys to rise whoever was so unlucky to fall in a well. Finally, a silhouette started to appear from the shadow, and... Two pairs of yellow irises, an old and rattled prestigious armor, a furry face with some rodent features.
There, face to face, you were dragging out the same rat prince that you met at Yellow Wind Ridge. 
His eyes suddenly got bigger, fueled with refound glimps.
You screamed, alongside the children, loosing the grasp on the rope and letting the giant creature fall back in the well.
"Ok everyone, ready for everything!"
Now, the youngest were replaced by the oldest ones, stronger and ready to attack the intruder of their land. Yuán Fèn, the destined one, was covering you with himself, his staff ready to strike at every chance of danger for you, while you were trembling, wondering how that creature was able to follow you two to Mount Huagou.
The group was able to rise the Yaoguai like before, but this time. Once out, the creature searched for something, and, once he had laid his eyes on you, he found it.
"FRIENDY!" He freed himself from the ropes, fell ungraciously on the ground, and started to move with that same level of agility towards you.
You gasped while your monkey friend was ready to point his weapon at the unwanted guest, making him stop in his tracks.
"Not another step! You seem to remember my staff, so you better keep your distance!"
The gargantuan rodenmt seemed concerned by the warning of the simian but kept on moving, hoping to get a glance at you, while you were still shielded by Yuán Fèn and garded in distance by others, all of them armed with their own staff.
"How the heck did he find this place?! How was he able to follow us?!"
"Maybe he followed your smell, Y/N; you stayed in that cave for some time, and he must have memorized!"
"Hihi, rats have the best smell! But they're not big as this one here!" The children, mischievous as always, didn't fled like the second time and watched from the trees the scene in front of them. Since they were used to normal kinds of rats, a Yaoguai one like that must have been news for them; that's why they were calling him the funny thing when they were recovering earlier. You, on the other hand, were less enthusiastic about his presence since your last encounter.
"My, oh my...our Bián huá had cought quite the catch, um?" An old and calm voice emerged from the small corwd; the elder monkey appeared, laughing a little, observing the scene that was unfolding.
"I swear! It wasn't my intention! He just...followed me here!" You pleaded, hoping to not have endangered the monkeys.
"Oh, he's not something to be bothered about. I was most interested in how this distinctive creature had followed you two."
You both explained the happening: the destined one falling in an ambush, you being captured, and this Prince behavior. The eldest, listening, had sniockered a few times, mostly for your ignorance on the rat's intention, but kept shut.
"Clearly," Yuán Fèn said, "he can't stay here. This is not a place for him, and his people still need him, especially since his older brother and his father abscence."
"I believe," the elder continued, "that he won't go away even on his own." He gestured towards another attempt of the prince to grab you or touch you with his tail, always prevented by a move from you or from Yuán Fèn.
"And I REALLY don't want to set another foot at Yellow Wind Ridge; they'll believe we have abducted him or something!" You said again, finally deciding to scoff away the tail with a small kick.
"Um, if he can't go back...and we can't accompany him...someone has to come and fetch him, don't you think?" The leder seems to have someone in mind; he has been always kept informed of all of your adventures and meetings, and he must have already had someone in mind.
"The third prince, maybe?" Yuán Fèn suggested, remembering the man that you two met at the Pagoda realm.
"Oh! You right!" you suddenly gleemed again. "We can inform him! He's his brother; he's his responsibility after all! And, besides, it could be a good way to get his family together, no?"
It seemed like a reasonable idea! Even if you were a little afraid of the possibility of the third prince tò refusing.
"In that case," the elders keep it on. "Why don't send him a message about it?" In the mean time..." He took a little pause; that reminded you more of a dramatic pause. "Y/N, why don't you help him around?"
Yuán Fèn instantly got beat the elders; even he didn't like that idea. It was one case if it was having a Yaoguai running around and making a mess; another was all of these things and having him following you like a shadow!
"Old One, this is impossible! He clearly doesn't have good intentions; leaving him with the Bián huá is a danger to us and the mission!"
"Or," he stopped the younger, "he'll behave...and act properly...as the same Bián huá asked." No?"
He looked at you, arching on of his hairy eyebrown. 
You looked at the rat; you know he had understood everything all of you had said; in fact, he was... It was a puppy face? He was making a puppy face to convince you?! You let a sigh escape from you; there's no way out of that.
"I guess... I can try to make him eat any monkey...
The elders smiled, patting your shoulder with a satisfied voice.
"Let's send the letter right away then."
And so, without if or but, you were stuck... with him. It wasn't easy for Yuán Fèn either, with all his brothers and sister snickering at the idea of the prince stealing his girl.
"No! This is my room; you can't get in!"
Fighting with a giant rat that is trying to bring an entire plum tree in a small crevice into another one is quite hard, especially if you're just a human.
For the last week, you've been the only caretaker of the big fella. And oh boy, your entire adventure and task seemed like a nice walk in the park.
Hua and Fang, the two female monkeys who occupied the room with you, were utterly scared by this creature trying to get inside, only causing more ruckus from the other females.
"Present! Nice flowers for friendy!"
"You can put them outside! Stop! I'm coming, okay?! Cut it out already!"
You apologized to the two and tried to get the prince far away from the sleeping area. From a branch, observing with some worry, Yuán Fèn couldn't shake the idea that you've been far too soft on him. This wasn't the first time that he had crossed a line; man, the worst was when he started to follow you and the other female to the bathing zone. At least he and the other males were ready to stop him with some food, a second thing that could help them to get you some free time. From the rest, he seemed like there was zero chance to get you alone.
You took him away from the place that you helped him, with the assistance of the others, to make him a surrogated house for that time, a simple fabric, some sticks, and an old mattress for him. You had to stop up on a rock to look at him in the eyes.
"Listen up, big guy," he seated down, understanding the seriousness of your tone. "You can just keep doing this! Bursting into everyone's room, my room! Oh, and don't let me start with the bath story; I know everything! Have you any idea how many mess you caused? And how many of them do I have to clean?!"
You massaged your temples; he seemed hurt, but it was unclear if the message cut through.
"I know you just want to be nice; bring gifts and what you catch in the woods, but...listen, I just want some time for me!"
There was a moment of silence where you thought that he didn't get a thing of what you said; he always heard what he wanted to hear. But maybe he got that you felt frustrated, and he started to shake the tree, still in his grasp, gently over your head. A soft and gentle rain made of petals started to fall over you, the sunset only making the colors shine more. After some seconds, you giggled, covering your mouth.
"Is that a way to say sorry?"
He didn't hear a thing; as usual, he was only there, admiring your smile.
Despite his attempts to take you out of the water, every time you just shove him away. Everyone was supposed to help the community, and today you were supposed to catch some fish.
He seemed agitated, like a dog that can't reach his owner, and kept on crying and howling to get him back.
"He's going to scare away all of the fish like this!" Fu, the young male, was right. You both were there for more than an hour and didn't get anything. Sooner or later, you both have to return to the village and confess your unluckiness since your guest didn't like the idea of you in the water.
"Prince, please, I'm fine! Let us catch the fish in piece, then we can go back!" 
Here some silence, finally! The two of you started to come back to your duty when a huge splash and a thunderous blast made both of you lose your balance and fall.
"WHAT THE F-" another blast, more splashing water.
The prince must have thought that, by helping you get more fish, you would have finished sooner and came back with him! So he started to use a huge log to hit the water, causing the fish to be hurt by the wave from it. Soon, the net was full of very much dead fish.
"Well, look at that! We're full for the day!" said Fu, with a frefound joy.
You laughed, and when he got closer, you hugged the prince's arm.
"You see?! You're amazing! Good job!"
The moonlit was coloring the dark skies. Sitting in the grass, his tail tried to warm you up while you were too connected to look at the stars, maybe searching for a deity that wandered too far from the celestial court.
"I wonder if people are missing me at home." You finally spoke, ending the silence. "I've been away from home. I hope they're all okay."
A moan made you change your gaze from the sky to the prince. He had never looked at the sky once, to be fair.
"And you? Don't miss home a tiny bit." He just shoked his head. "I guess they miss you instead. You cared for them, and they do it too. They're just rodents, I guess."
You sighed; they seemed to care, so they wanted to feed him with you. It has passed an entire week now, and still no response from his younger brother. You started to worry that they had forgotten him, or worse.
His finger poked your face, worried from your expression.
"Home away," he spoke. "You here now. Me happy. You here. Very happy."
You smiled again, touched by his words, unaware of a bird coming to the village.
The next day, Yuán Fèn seemed to be pondering, a little in his own world and not too far connected to his surroundings. That was an easy catch to let get away.
"BOO!" While almost trip from the stone, you laughed holding your stomach.
"Ha ha, laugh as much as you want. I'll take my time next time a Yaoguai tries to eat you."
"We both know that you would never do that." You sat next to him, holding him a khaki. "And I'm here with GREAT knews! The third prince responded to our letter and is coming here!"
"Oh! How long till he reach Mount Huagou?"
"He said he'd be on his way immediately, so I guess he'd just be near! Your vacancy away from me is almost over; savor the last days!"
"You hurt me!" he laughs, putting an arm around your shoulders. "I do enjoy our time together! I would like to not prepare for your way back home even."
"Hehe, I know, I know, I keep forgetting that I have to go back sooner or later. In that case, I'll savor these moments with you!"
And while the two of you shared a nice moment, a pair of eyes watched with jealousy, and some ears listened with grief.
That morning, when you woke up, you thought to find your new friend around, waiting for you to follow you around like every day by now; instead, no one was there. Did he decide to leave you alone? Strangely, every demand had passed through his ears.
"Hey," you stopped An, another of the youngest monkeys. "Did you see the Rat Prince?" He's usually here at this time."
She pondered a little rather than remembering.
"I heard him going to the training ground!"
Oh, so he wanted to train a little? Not exactely.
In that moment, Yuán Fèn was taking care of his duty by helping the youngers to train with their weapons, like mostly of his days there on the mountain, and heard the giant footstep of the rat. Despite their past, in these days he tried to be as gentle as you with him, even if he met only some poorly manners towards him, but he passed every one of them.
"Ah, look who's showed up here! Are you here for?" Before he could finish his sentence, a powerful blow from the prince Chui hit him with a direct blow that threw him away. The other monkey started to scream, showing teeth and trying to get closer, but the prince had nothing but his prey in mind.
Before he could have struck another blow, Yuán Fèn was fast enough to summon his staff and stop him in a stall. A small blood drop escaped from the simian mouth, trying to match the strength of the prince with his own.
"Did you lose your mind?! What are you doing?!"
"We settle! Me fight you! If I win, I take Y/N away! She won't leave; she stays with me! You disappear!"
So that's what he wanted?! A fight over you?! He knew you wanted to go home, that the mission needed you, and you wanted to help. What all of this against your wishes?! Yuán Fèn was enraged, not for the fight itself but because everything was born from the egoistical desire of that monster.
"As you wish!" And so the fight began. The two, under the watchful eyes of everyone, fought with surch brutality that they feared for the worst. That rat had proven to his people that he was strong, but he had never fought the destined one. He wasn't just strong; he was capable of many tricks and faster. No matter how many blows he received, he was ready to get back on his feet.
More blows were shared, more avoided, and some not, but the fight wasn't made to last.
Your voice echoed, and the Rat stopped his last shot, allowing Yuán Fèn to get more space between himself and his opponent. You were there, at the entrance of the training ground, looking at the scene in disbelief.
"What...what are you doing?! Why are you fighting Yuán Fèn?!"
"Me settle! So we can stay together! Home, with me!"
"...W-what?" You looked at him confused, giving him the chance to get closer. Now, his enraged expression was more soft.
"You don't need to leave; you stay forever with me! We stand at the village; we are happy!"
"But... I don't... I don't want to..."
His look changed again; something hurt this time. 
"I want to go back home, I told you! ...I need to stay and help the Destined one!"
"But I want you with me; we can be happy together!" He reached his hand towards you, one that you smacked away, offended by his words.
"I said I stay! I don't want to follow you!"
He looked at his hand. You had never smacked away like that. He grabbed your arm again, pulling it with violence. The sudden move was the last straw for Yuán Fèn; he had heard the clear sound of something broking and your scream. Before the prince could loosen his grip on you, the staff of the Destined one launched a last strike that launched the rat away, and he immediately took you in his own arms.
"You...VILE BEAST! Enough is enough! We had let you stay, we had fed you, and we allowed you this because of her, and you are repaying us with this?! HURTING HER?! I swear, if I even see your mutt at the entrance of the village, I'll kill you!"
Your pained scream echoed while Yuán Fèn rushed you to the elder monkey, aware that now he looked more like a rabid animal than the one that had vowed to protect you. 
The prince, stuck in his tracks, could only see the crow disappear.
In the follow days, just once the prince tried to get near you. He was spared because you begged Yuán Fèn, and that was the last time.
He didn't show up, not even in his small house. He seemed disappered.
You were cured; the healing wine was able to fix your arm, but it still hurt a bit, and your Yuán Fèn never left your side while you were anguishing in your pain. He should have known that that could have happened; it was clear that the prince planned something with you, but he never thought that he could go as far as attacking him or hurting you. Maybe your case was an accident, but he didn't care, not at all.
Finally, the day of the third prince's arrival came, and you had to tell him everything. Everyone wanted to greet him with nicety and some fun; instead, he arived with relief, knowing that he would have brought away his brother.
"I truly apologize; I cannot shake the fact that it's also my own fault. If I had never left my kingdom, nothing would have happened."
"It was meant to happen," said Yuán Fèn, "and we know you'll do what is necessary for him."
He hummed, worried more about your silence than all.
"Y/n, it's something bothering you?"
"I wish we could say goodbye properly." Yuán Fèn looked at you shocked. "I just want things to not end like this! I endulged him; it's also my fault!"
The destine done sighed, looking at the third prince for some assistance. He nodded a little, knowing that maybe you and his brother needed that.
You founded him not far from the village, enough to see you all, or better you, but not enough to get beaten to death by the other monkeys. It was something about you and him, but even in that case, the third prince and Yuán Fèn stayed in close reach to avoid another accident like the last one.
The rat stayed there, too focused on breaking some sticks, unaware even of the presence of his own blood. When he saw you near, he seemed surprised, excited, or even afraid for something.
"Today is the last day; your brother is here." He didn't say anything, just staring at you, meddling with the sticks. "I know that you mean well; I know that you had suffered for a long time, but... the things you offer are not what I want. You must respect that, do you understand?"
He did; this time he did listen to you. But it was painful to him.
"I still want to be your friend. Do you still want to be mine?"
You smiled at him. You graced him again with that gentle smile that could break his heart every time you wanted. He wanted more, but it wasn't what you wanted after all. He toked the hand that you had offered him, holding it gently. It was so small compared to his own, soft and warm. He wanted to be the one to hold it. But it was set there that you belonged already to someone else.
At the end of the day, the two princes and some of their followers left Mount Huagou, leaving the monkeys behind, so they could keep back their daily lives. The second prince left, with a broken heart but a healing friendhip.
"He really did want to keep you with him." Yuán Fèn spoke, watching with you the group merging in the forest, "But I don't think he treasured you enough to know what you really wanted."
"And you?" your eyes met. "Do you treasure me enough?"
The young one decided to not speak, deciding to just hold your hand and squish it.
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keikikait · 8 months
ᴡᴀʏ ᴏᴜᴛ (ʙɪᴋᴇʀ!ᴍᴇɢᴜᴍɪ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)
for my other megumi fic, click here (warning - smut!)
pairing: biker!megumi x f!reader (au, both are early to mid 20's)
word count: 2k
summary: you love your new apartment, as small as it is. it's in the perfect place, right next to the train station, and is cheap as hell. the only downside? your neighbour, who revs his bike outside your window every morning.
warnings: NO SMUT!, no angst!, multi part series, kind of enemies to lovers, slowburn?, megumi is kinda rude lmaoooo, the girls are fighting!, he says sweetheart twice, reader is kinda down bad lmao
a note: sorry for the delay, i've been busy with work! also, 8 square metres is about 86 square feet :).
please reblog and like, it means a lot! let me know what you think!
The rent was cheap. Suspiciously cheap. 
You should’ve been wary, but you didn’t have many options. After a bitter fallout with your roommate, you needed to move out quickly. You should’ve paid more attention to the listing, you realise, as you stop in front of the building and it sinks in that your new digs weren’t 18 square metres.
It was eight square metres. 
Thankfully, you didn’t have much furniture with you, needing to sell it all to afford the move. Your apartment was essentially one long, two-story hallway, just enough for your desk chair and TV. 
You get settled in quickly, trying to liven up the place by replanting your herb garden outside on your small porch. The apartment doors faced an alley, and on the other side of the alley was another apartment building. You didn’t know how much sunlight your basil would get, but that’s a problem for future you.
A problem for the current you, however, was your neighbour's motorcycle. The bike is an exact replica of the legendary Honda Super Cub that was used in the original anime Akira, and as pretty as it is, that shit is loud. His apartment is right on the edge by the sidewalk, meaning the only place he can park it is right in front of your window.
You’ve tried everything. Earplugs. Noise-cancelling headphones. Ear plugs under your noise-cancelling headphones. Sleeping with a white noise machine. Nothing works. You only moved in a month ago but you’re already sick of this mysterious man and his bike. You don’t run into each other often, catching glimpses of him as he drives off in the morning and comes home at night. You didn’t want to be that neighbour, the one that complains about every single little thing, but it was driving you mad. He revs his bike so loudly and for so long, that you’re starting to think he’s doing it on purpose.
You wake up that fateful morning and decide you’ve had enough. You wait for him to return home, hyping yourself up in the mirror before heading outside to confront him. You idle nervously in front of his front door for a few seconds before knocking. 
He answers, looking exhausted, his hair a mess from his helmet. “Yeah?” You have to admit, he’s pretty cute. Tall and lean, with bicep muscles that strain against the fabric of his black t-shirt. And you swear you can see some eyeliner smudged on his water line.
You smile, trying to come across as calm and casual, slightly flustered by how attractive he is. “Hey. I’m your new next-door neighbour,” You gesture with your thumb. “I don’t wanna be that person, but would it be possible for you to not rev your engine so loud in the morning? It’s just…it’s right by my window, and it’s really loud.”
He lets out a sigh of frustration, not exactly in the mood for what you're throwing at him. It was already 9 pm on the third day in a row that he had worked the late shift, and this was not something he needed right now. He looks at you, his expression a mixture of irritation and confusion. “Look, I'm not doing it on purpose. I park where I park, nothing is going to change that. You just moved in, this is how it's been and how it's always going to be.”
You blink, a little taken aback by how rude he was being. “I understand that, but surely I'm not the only person in the building who gets inconvenienced by your bike.”
He crosses his arms, his eyes narrowing. The last thing he wants to do after a long shift is argue with someone about something as insignificant as noise. “Look, if you don't like it, then move out. I don't see anybody else complaining. You're the only one.”
You clench your jaw. You had some experience with bikes, your ex-boyfriend being a mechanic. You knew it was possible to make the revving quieter, it just seems like he didn’t care. “Can’t you just buy a muffler silencer?”
He lets out a short, sharp laugh, one that doesn't hold a single trace of humor.  “A muffler silencer? For a Super Cub? Are you serious? That would be like asking a Ferrari to be quiet.”
“You can’t expect everyone to just be okay with how loud your bike is, man.” You say. “I’m sure it inconveniences everyone in the building, but no one wants to be the person that confronts you.”
He seems to be holding back from saying what he wants to say, taking a shallow breath. “Look. It's my bike. I can do whatever I want with it. No one else is bothered, so why should you be any different? Why do you care so much?”
“You’re not the only person who works early mornings.” You say. “You aren’t the only person in the world, you know.”
That strikes a nerve, clearly, but he still doesn't seem interested in hearing what you're saying. He just rolls his eyes, looking away at his bike for a moment before looking back at you. “Sorry to burst your bubble, but in case you haven't realised, you're not that important.”
“Neither are you.” You say impulsively. It was mean, and you didn’t like being mean, but he wasn’t giving you any other option.
He glares at you, his expression darkening. It's only for a moment, but you can see there is actual vitriol in his eyes. “Look, I'm going to make this simple for you. If you don't like the noise, then move out. That bike is not going anywhere. It has more meaning to me than you'll ever understand.”
“Yeah, I’m sure Akira meant so much to you as a kid,” You say sarcastically. “It doesn’t matter. You can’t keep doing this, man. Buy a muffler silencer.” 
He laughs, but there's a slight tinge of bitterness to it. “Oh, so it's just a cartoon to you? It’s not an influential masterpiece that changed motorcycle and animation culture forever? Okay, great. Good to know.” He is starting to get worked up, but then he shakes his head, trying to regain his composure. “Look, like I said, I am not doing anything to this bike. Not the mufflers, nothing.”
“Then park it somewhere else.” You snap. “Keep it away from my window. I don’t want to hear that shit.”
There's a flash of annoyance on his face. “There's no place to park it away from your window unless I block the sidewalk, which I guarantee you would cause more inconvenience. You're just going to have to deal with it.”
“Are you always this rude and stuck up?” The question stumbles out of your mouth before your mind can process it.
His temper flares up. He takes a step towards you, putting his hands on his hips as he glares at you. “Are you always this entitled and self-absorbed?”
You take a step back. You hate to admit it, but the way he towers over you is arousing. His cologne fills your nostrils and you find yourself getting lightheaded. It was slightly spicy, with a hint of vanilla and coffee. 
You ground yourself, swallowing hard. “Look, I don’t want to argue with you. I just want us to come to a reasonable compromise.”
He glares at you, his eyes boring into you as you step back. You can feel the heat on your skin as if every drop of sweat in his body has been activated by the situation. His cologne is overwhelming you, filling your whole body. “There is no compromise to make here. You don't like the noise, tough. You're just going to have to get used to it or move out. That's it.”
Your eye twitches. “You’re such an asshole.” At this point, you didn’t feel bad being mean to him. He kind of deserved it.
He laughs, seeming almost amused by your temper. “You're one to talk. You come barging up to my apartment, demanding I make changes to my bike, and then you get mad at me when I tell you not to waste your time. Look in the mirror, sweetheart, and then come back with the right to tell me I'm an asshole.”
Fuck. You shouldn’t like the way he says sweetheart, but it causes your throat to dry up. “I tried to be nice to you,” You say. “You’re the one that got defensive and rude.”
“Nice? Maybe in your little dreamland that's what you think you were doing. Maybe you even believe that you were just being friendly and reasonable, I don't know. But in reality, all you were doing was pissing me off and acting like some sort of entitled princess.” He takes a step closer to you, his finger pointed in your face. “But one thing is certain. I’m not changing anything about my bike just to make you happy.”
He’s so close to you that it makes your head spin. You step back again, leaning against the railing surrounding his small porch. “Look, I’m sorry, but you can’t blame me for being upset.”
He doesn't seem interested in letting you off the hook yet, not when he looks so close to snapping. “It doesn't matter if you're upset or not. You don't get what you want by coming here and giving me an attitude like a fucking brat.”
You swallow hard. Fuck. You shouldn’t be attracted to this man, he was rude as hell and didn’t seem to care that he was inconveniencing not only you but everyone in the building. But you couldn’t help yourself. He was so pretty, and he smelled so good, and his voice was so nice. You were going to have to change your panties when you got back home. 
You stand up straight, trying to stay headstrong. “You’re being incredibly rude about this.”
“And you're being incredibly entitled. There's only one of us that needs to change here, and it's not me.” He narrows his eyes, his gaze still burning into you.
You lick your lips. “Look, we’re not going to get anywhere by arguing.”
He gives another one of those short, sharp laughs. He smiles, and it makes your stomach flip. “You finally said something smart. I didn’t know it was so difficult for you. Now, are you ready to accept that you're not going to get what you want, or do you want to keep wasting my time?”
Your eyes narrow. What the fuck? “Excuse me? Did you just call me dumb?”
A smirk spreads across his lips. “You heard me. Or did you need me to repeat it for you?”
You let out a sharp laugh, moving off of his porch. “You know what? Fuck you.”
He raises his eyebrow, a faint smile on his lips. “Oh, so you've switched from demanding to insults? Real mature, aren't you?”
You head over to your apartment, laughing again. “I should’ve known trying to reason with you would be impossible.” 
He calls after you. “You're damn right it's impossible. You come here, make some demands, and then get mad when I tell you no. You're a spoiled brat who always gets her way, aren't you? Well, today's a bad day for you, sweetheart.” 
“Fuck you.” You say, holding the door to your apartment open. “You don’t know anything about me.”
“I’m not sure I want to.” He says, smirking slightly. “I’m not into brats like you. I think you need to be taken down a few pegs. You need someone to put you in your place.”
You scoff and flip him off before slamming the door behind you, and just like that, you have given up. 
He leans against his door, crossing his arms and smiling as he watches you leave, his eyes on your ass. He’s just a tiny bit disappointed that you gave up so quickly. He's got to admit, it was pretty fun messing with you, watching how angry you get. He thought you looked cute like that, your cheeks all red and flustered.
Maybe next time…
part two is here
dedicated to the lovely @whereflowerswenttodie
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theres-a-body-here · 5 months
Relationship Headcanons for Brutus
Warnings: Fluff, Suggestive
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In the beginning of the relationship, he's very stern... grumpy too
And months into dating... He's still a big 'ol grumpy lion
His pet names for you are "cub" and "little one" cuz lets face it, there's no way you're bigger than this dude
Brutus isn't very big on PDA since he believes things like that should be private. However if you ask, he'll hold your hand or give you a kiss
If you try to escalate the kiss into something steamy, he'll let out a low growl, gently stopping you
"Cub, please. Not here..."
The only time he'll let you get away with this in public is if he's jealous
He'd pull you into his lap as he glares daggers at whoever is eyeing you
When you two are alone, he'll definitely be much more affectionate
He kisses like....well, like a lion
Hungry and forceful
He purrs, loudly. It's enough to make your body rumble when he's holding you
If you were ever in danger, he'd fight immediately. He's strong enough to fight and keep you safe at the same time
He'd be all over you once the battle is over, manhandling you as he checks for injuries
"I'm sorry you had to see me like that, my love"
His biggest fear is you becoming afraid of him
If you're ever down or stressed, he'd pull you close and give you a tongue bath. It's practically instinctual after seeing you sad. His barbed tongue softly scrapes your skin as he holds you in a comfortable grip
If he's ever stressed or down, you can cheer him up by giving him your own tongue bath. He appreciates it, even if your tongue isn't suited for it.
During arguments, he's always calm soft spoken since he'd honestly rather die than raise his voice at you
Brutus always refers to you as his "mate" when talking to others
If you ever refer to him as your "mate" he might tear up a bit from pride and joy
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good-chimes · 2 months
Cub takes over the Permit Office
A short textual recap of the Succession-style coup Cub just carried out (Timestamp: Grian s10 e21 14:40-29:30)
Grian, Scar and Skizz all receive a mysterious summons to a disciplinary hearing to discuss ‘restructuring’ at the Permit Office.
Scar and Skizz turn up thinking they’re in trouble with Grian. Grian, who has received two warnings for completely unfair reasons like ‘not doing his job’, knows he’s in trouble with Mysterious HQ Person (Grian, terrified but curious: Is it Doc??).
Waiting nervously, all three of them agree that their collective efforts are a shambles, a mild blame game ensues, also a horse is here and they can’t kill it because Judge Bdubs would object.
A flying figure approaches.
To Grian and Skizz’s surprise and Scar’s delight, it’s Cub.
Cub times his slow-falling potions to sink slowly and dramatically to the ground in a completely horizontal position. (Cub: Hello, boys) (Scar: Hello, God!)
Cub has a red tie and a gold name tag and performs an immediate show of dominance by taming the horse and handing out golden apples.
Scar: yeah that horse was—
Cub: it’s my horse now
Grian, eating the apple: He’s trying to butter us up. Skizz, don’t eat the apples.
Cub: Grian, I have some excellent news for you, my friend. You’re fired.
Grian: I’m what—
Cub: And also rehired! To a lesser position.
Grian: So I’m, what, assistant permit manager?
Cub: assistant TO the permit manager.
Cub: that’s me.
Cub: I’m sorry you had to find out this way
Grian: [into his hands] I’m so relieved I hate this job so much
Grian: even I’ve got a pop up shop!!
Cub: Grian and I share a similar sentiment, which is that the permits shouldn’t exist
Cub: which is why we both have these jobs
Scar: But… but it was you two who came up with the idea of permits in the first place!
Cub: yeah
Cub: but you were supposed to enforce it
At this point it should be noted Cub has variously a) claimed he's been sent by the higher ups and he didn't want to do this but, boys, he has to, b) claimed he is one of the higher ups, c) claimed he's 'quite high up but not so much' d) vehemently denied that there exists anyone who has a fancier name tag than he does
Cub forces them into an immediate tour of the shopping district
There really are pop up shops everywhere
Cub: Alright, here's some TNT.
Grian: er! wait! I dunno—!
Cub: What.
Grian: Maybe we should give people some warning?
Cub: Hm
Scar: We did! We have a thing! I built a redstone countdown clock! [waves at the contraption of stacked red-yellow-white pillars he spent several weeks on]
Scar: It does move! It's just going slowly!
Cub: We need to move faster.
Scar: I can adjust it. This is 2024 advanced redstone. I can change it. [flies off]
Skizz: Can he really—
Grian, resigned: He's just going to mine it. [Scar mines it]
Skizz: Can I take a shot at him?
Cub: Fire away, Skizz
Grian: I'm not sure about this new management!
Meanwhile Cub has been contemplating the nearest popups in a critical way.
Cub: I'm going to be honest, I'm part of this glass collective, and even I want to see this one blown up.
Grian: Look, boss, what if we put a big billboard up that says 'Pop up purge'... certain date.
Cub: Hm.
Cub: That's very reasonable. I was just going to blow stuff up, but if you want to do that, I think it's a good choice.
Grian: How much time are you giving them, boss?
Skizz: Well, that's what the timer was—
Cub: We want to do this lickety-split. Let's go two weeks.
Grian: [repeating to himself under his breath] Two weeks!
Scar: I'll program the redstone!
Cub: You program it in, Scar. Grian, you make the billboard. Skizz…
Skizz: Yeah?
Cub: …you keep on keeping on, baby.
Cub: You've been the background of this whole operation, Skizz.
Skizz now dramatically attempts to get them to a high point so they can look at the layout of the shopping district, a simple task stymied only by the fact Scar and Grian both refuse to take any instructions unless they come from Cub
Cub then orders that pop up shops will be confiscated to Scar and Skizz's enforcement office. Grian very curious about the punishment for permit violations. Scar suggests banishing violators to the far reaches by Doc's 'shooty-offy cannon'. Cub approves this exile penalty enthusiastically.
Cub: Alright.
Grian: There's a storm comin'.
Scar: [looks up at the blue sky] Really?
Skizz: Us. He means us.
Grian: It's more like a moderate breeze.
Skizz: Well, that's official, we're under new management! And the tone I’m getting is that Rub-a-Dub-Cub is not messin’ around.
Cub: You guys gotta get to it.
[Actual in-game storm starts]
Grian: There is a storm coming.
Scar: A storm of pain!
Grian: [to Cub] I'm so relieved. I couldn’t keep control of any of this.
Cub: It's alright, Grian. [PEAL OF IN-GAME THUNDER] We'll keep people in line.
Grian: It feels like the permit office has taken a really dark turn
Cub: Nah, it'll be fine. People will care about their permits! [MORE THUNDER] People will comply :)
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daichiduskdrop · 1 year
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚⋆·˚ ༘ *𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 ⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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Chapter 10
Pairing: BTS Ot7 X fem! reader
Genre: A/B/O AU, Fluff, Angst, Strangers to lovers,
Warnings: none!
Words: 3668
A/N: 10 chapters in!! :0 Thank you so much for all the support with this story :)) I value you a lot.
Taglist: @thelilbutifulthings @ilovemoneymorethenmen @singukieee @cherrysainttt @felicityroth @mageprincess7 @lucis-noctiana @danielle143 @osakis-gf @girl-nahh @vintageoldfashion @neverthefirstchoice @juju-227592 @silentreadersthings @i-have-no-life-charlie @everyonehatesshani @iamkookiesforyou @dragons-flare
⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
Blushing at what the alpha said, you slurped up a bit more of the stew. There were a few greens and vegetables in it, and with quite a bit of kimchi that was cut into bite-size pieces, the meal had a strong flavour.
The broth tasted a little like seafood but was also meaty, and it was just good. You enjoyed the meal.
„Babycheeks, here have some of this. It's good for you.” Taehyung said, chopsticks already right in front of your mouth. Biting into the daikon, you let the crunchy vegetable calm your slightly burning mouth.
Humming softly, you nodded at his watchful eyes. „It's nice; thank you, Tae.” Smiling at you widely, the alpha softly patted your head.
„Is the stew too spicy, princess?” The other alpha asked, noticing how your nose scrunched up a little with every other bite. You didn't want to seem disrespectful towards them; they prepared a meal for you so nicely, and you didn't want to seem ungrateful.
Smiling a little, you were just about to shake your head before you were interrupted.
„It definitely is, isn't it, Pup?" Namjoon answered instead of you, his voice going into a more worried tone. Looking towards his eldest packmate, who sat a few seats away from him, he stood up quickly.
„Shit, I'm so sorry, baby cub. I didn't mean to make it that spicy; here, let me help, sweetie...no peaches, let alpha do it.” Jin said, bending over you and scooping up some of the kimchi pieces into one of the empty bowls lying around.
Whenever you attempted to do so too, going to dig around with your spoon to also place the pickled vegetables in the dish, your hand was gently pushed to your lap, Jin tutting at you softly.
Yoongi too stood up, and a cup held under the faucet was quickly filled with warm water. Once the other alpha stepped out of the way since he got a big part of the main spice out, the younger man poured the water into your bowl, filling it back up again.
Now it was a lot less seasoned, so it was a lot milder for you. Thanking him softly, you felt him gently rub his chin over the top of your head, caressing you lovingly.
„It's okay, kitty. Try it now; is it better?” Tasting it again, you nodded your head gratefully. It helped a lot, so you continued on, chewing on pieces of boiled onion and tofu.
„Im glad cub.” Smiling at Jin's comment, you finished up the dinner with no problems. Making light conversation with the other men about your favourite movies and such, the evening continued calmly.
Finishing the peach juice you had been so nicely poured, you let Jungkook take a hold of your palm, slowly pulling you out of your seat.
„Do you want to play a game with me, Tae, and Jimin? We have a completely new one; would you like to see, baby?” Bending over you, he ruffled up your hair before he tamed it back down and brushed it behind your ear.
„What game is it?” You asked, already walking with the alpha towards the couch. The TV was turned on, the menu shining brightly with the settings turned on.
Taking a seat on the couch next to Jimin, you watched over the two other men sitting before you. Taehyung already had a controller in his hands, smiling when he saw you. His eyes were excited.
„It's Resident Evil 7, babycheeks. It came out a few years ago, but we didn't play it yet.” Tae murmured, adjusting the brightness of the screen and the loudness.
„Yah, you know it's a horror game, Kook-ah. Let the poor thing rest; she will get scared like this. Princess, go run up to the other alphas now; this won't do you any good, baby.”
Jimin frowned at his packmates. They knew more than well how sensitive omegas can be about this stuff, especially right before bed. He didn't want you to have bad dreams.
„But hyung! We are here; it won't be that scary!” Jungkook whined, his voice loud. He wanted you to see how good he was in games, plus, this was one of the easiest ways to also show just how fearless he was.
He won't get easily startled, even with jump scares around, and that should surely impress you; he was sure of it.
„No, Jungkook, absolutely not. Come here, peaches, do you want to see the music studios we have here? You'll like them; there is a lot of interesting stuff. Here, I'll take you, sweet cub.”
Quickly shuffling over when he heard the light commotion, Jin could understand Jimin's worry. This could end very wrongly, and they were taking no chances.
Walking over from cleaning up the kitchen, the alpha picked you up easily, hands under your arms, and pulled you to his chest, securely holding you up.
Without having any time to even protest, you just complied, smiling sadly at the forced whine coming from the two youngest alphas. Resting your cheek over the wide shoulder Jin had, you let him walk towards the walkway that was to the right of the stairs.
There were quite a few rooms in the house with a lot of different purposes, but the outside heated pool was Jin's personal favourite. They had a large garden that Namjoon enjoyed taking care of so much, but the 20-meter-long pool was just perfect.
It was covered, but now it was way too cold out to go swimming. The air was icy, so there was steam coming out of their mouths whenever they were outside.
Plus, even if they did take you right now, the snow that covered everything in such a thick layer would be just too harsh on your bare skin when you were on your way back inside.
They could carry you back inside, though, the thought had the alpha rethink his decisions. They just might take you swimming some time when they all have a few free hours.
Smiling at you when you looked at him and noticing the thoughtful gaze he held, Jin knocked on the first studio doors that were in the hallway. Snuggling closer to his neck, you breathed in the soft Yasmine smell, the warmth from the alpha's chest comforting you even more.
After a few seconds, the frosted glass doors opened, and Hobi in blue light-blocking glasses appeared before you two. Immediately, when he noticed you in his older packmate's arms, he smiled widely, cooing at you.
„Aigoo, did you come to visit me, sunshine?" Chuckling, he lifted you up from Jin, holding you to his chest himself. Combing his fingers through your hair, the eldest let the smallest bit from his wrist's scent glands linger.
„I'll go finish up in the kitchen now cub, okay? Call if you need anything, peaches. Stay with Hobi for now, though.” Smiling sweetly at you, he caressed your cheeks gently. Nodding up at him, you held onto the red hoodie Hoseok was wearing.
Paired with a pair of cotton off-white loose sweatpants, he only had white socks on, comfortably clothed for the finishing touches he still had to do for one song tonight.
He and the other rapline members had a planned session tomorrow morning at BigHit with a few of the managers, so he needed to prepare some stuff for him to be able to show them.
Closing the doors after himself, the alpha whistled a tune he made into a song a few days ago, easily carrying you with only one hand and pulling the turning chair out.
Taking a seat, he placed you on his lap, letting you loop your legs through the arm rests, loosely hanging them by the sides of the chair.
Patting your lower back in a settling pattern, you rested your body fully against his chest, just breathing in his scent and presence for the moment.
There were a lot of things around the studio; the large wooden desk had a bunch of things carefully placed on it, and the two large speakers on the sides of the monitor quickly pulled your attention when you first looked over the room.
Hobi had an almost black beanbag chair on the floor, close to the entrance, that had a giant red and white SUPREME cover that moved in the breeze. Behind the pillow chair was a standing black shelf filled with many colourful dolls and statues.
Gently turning from left to right in the chair, the alpha swayed you both around.
„Hm.. do you want to listen to the song I'm working on, bub? It's almost done; I just need to fine-tune a few things.” Looking over, you let the man help you sit so you could face the big monitor yourself.
Placing a pair of big headphones over your head, he adjusted your hair so none would be caught under them, itching you. Any sounds from outside were suddenly blocked out so well that you were stunned a little.
You loved listening to music; you did it very often when creating, at school or at home, when you were walking anywhere or just in the bus; it just eased your mind a lot.
But since you didn't have much money to spend on any good headphones, you were left with a wire pair of black earbuds that sometimes just stopped working.
Still, you did use them quite often, even when they would push at your ears after a long time of wearing them, making your ears hurt a little.
You heard about the sound-blocking effect a few higher-quality headphones had, but you never had the chance to try it out yourself, so this was very new for you. You liked it a lot, though.
Hearing only the lightest sound of the man's laugh, he turned on the track, music playing in his ears. It sounded like it was being played for you live with how high quality the audio was, your lips parting slightly at that.
The song itself was awesome too; the singing was great and the rap even better. You enjoyed it a lot. When it ended, you looked over at the alpha, and your eyes widened with wonder.
Taking off the headphones for you, he placed them gently back on the desk. Looking at him immediately, you were amazed.
„What is the song called? It's so nice, Hobi! It's really soft!” You said, your voice happy and excited.
„We are naming it Take Two. I'm happy you liked it! I still need to finish some stuff off, though." He murmured, his eyes already focused on the screen again. While typing a few things on the keyboard here and there, the mouse clicking wasn't too loud for it to be annoying.
With his arms outstretched around you, you took the headphones off the desk again, looking over them. They really had a lot of nice stuff; Jin wasn't lying at all.
„The sound from these is so good..!" Not being able to hold back, you gently whispered, turning them into your hands.
Looking back down at what you were talking about, he giggled softly at you. „Is that so sunshine? They are ok, Yoongi hyung has a much better pair though. I lended mine to Namjoonie for a little bit, he lost his own somewhere. These are only for a little while.” 
„He lost his headphones? Oh no, how will he make music now-” Your voice was bewildered, quickly taking your attention from the device in your hands you stared up at the alpha in shock. 
„No, no. Its alright bub. It's not that big of a deal, it happens a lot.” Laughing loudly at the end of the sentence he carresed your head, gently shushing your worries. 
Pulling your face to his chest, your knees went over his tights, loosely hanging by his. Gently gripping onto his hoodie, you closed your eyes for a little bit. 
Rubbing your back occasionally, the alpha cuddled up to you closer, squeezing you to his body. Putting on the headphones himself, he got back to work. Breathing in your sweet scent, he felt calm. 
Any nerves he felt about showing the new track to his managers he felt earlier had quickly disappeared, and so after a short while he finished up fully.
Saving all files, Hobi looked down at you, only to see you already long asleep, your breathing prolonged and calm. He smiled softly at you, finishing up on his computer before he pulled you back up in his arms again. 
Stirring a little, you whined softly, having the alpha shush you quickly. Patting your lower back gently, he walked out of his studio doors, walking back over to the kitchen again. 
„Hush sweet baby. It's alright, alpha's here.” He murmured, carresing the top of your head with his cheek. Entering the kitchen, he turned the lights on, noticing the loud sounds coming from the TV. 
Looking over, he saw just how dark the game was and decided that just wasn't for him. Pouring himself and you a glass of cold water, he woke you up softly, helping you hold the glass while drinking. 
Waking up a bit better, Hobi placed you on your feet again, brushing his fingers through your hair. Looking over at the digital clock on the wall, it read 21:49. Mumbling about how you still had to shower, you walked up the stairs slowly, hearing Hoseok call about you being careful while walking still so tiredly.
Making your way to the furthest room from the stairs, you walked in, turning on the lights. The dark, clean sheets greeted you kindly, shuffling over to the bed you went through the clothing pile Jungkook and you earlier pulled out. 
Taking out your sleepwear and a fresh pair of underwear, you walked over to the adjoined doors leading to a bathroom, secluded for the guest room. It wasn't the biggest, but considering how it was all for yourself only, you were more than satisfied.
Still it was much bigger than your own you had at your apartment. Placing your clothes on the white counter top next to the sink, you stripped from your outfit you wore earlier today.
Stepping into the marble tiled shower, you pulled the glass doors after yourself, turning on the shower above you. Washing away any sweat and grime you shampooed and conditioned your hair, the strawberry scented bottles calling out your name. 
You were more than sure that the alphas weren't planning on stopping spoiling you rotten any time soon. Noticing the bottles were named of an expensive brand you just shook your head slightly. 
After the short shower you dried your body you pulled on your pyjama pants, the light blue and white gingham pattern matched to the blue short sleeve loose t-shirt you had with yourself.
Toweling your hair dry, you pulled open one of the drawers, the black air-dryer intimidating you a little. Taking it out, it felt much heavier than any other one you had ever held.
Walking from the now warm and steaming room, you took it with yourself, rearranging all the stuff still placed on your bed so you would be able to get comfortable later on. Walking out of your room, your bare feet slapped against the cold floors quietly.
Noticing Yoongi walking towards his room before you, you called out his name softly, pattering towards him. Turning to you immediately, the alpha watched over you as you walked to him.
„Hm? Kitty? What's wrong? Where are your socks, baby?” Taking one look at your bare feet, he could already imagine you getting a cold like this. Absolutely not.
Still, you showed him the hairdryer, your wet hair dripping a few water drops on the ground here and there.
Sighing out, he nodded before walking with you back to your room. Gosh, the things he would do for you. Even prolonging his much-wanted sleep? He was more than whipped for you already.
Closing the doors after entering, he motioned towards your bed, already looking for a plug to get the small device working.
„Hop up 'mega. Alpha will dry your hair, baby.” Taking a seat, you pulled the soft brown hoodie from Hoseok to your lap, your fist closing over the fabric softly.
Sneaking his arms around your waist, he pulled you back a little, so you were closer to him. The wire wasn't that long, after all. Turning it on, he let it be on cold air settings, gently combing your hair out with his fingers before he started drying it for you.
Minding your hairstyle, he worked well and fast. With one knee placed over the mattress, the alpha allowed you to rest your lower back fully against him.
Making quick work with it, your hair was soon dry, and the obnoxiously loud noise was turned off too. Ruffling your hair, he gently turned your face to check over the front of your hair. Satisfied with his work, Yoongi nodded softly.
„Okay kitten, all done. Here, let me help you to bed. You should go to sleep now, or you'll be tired by tomorrow, and we can't have that, sweet kitty. Come on, let's see about these covers." Unfolding them, Yoongi gently shook them out, being careful to let only the smallest bit of his scent linger.
Crawling in, you took a seat at the top of the bed, your back resting against the headboard while you watched the alpha. Gently throwing the heavy duvet over you, he patted it down, ensuring your warmth.
„Come on, kitty, settle down now. It's time to sleep, hm?” Coaxing you gently to rest down, you layed on the mattress, your head hitting the pillow softly. Rubbing your shoulder gently, he smiled at you, his gums showing.
„Do you want me to get the other alphas before you sleep, sweet baby? I'm sure they will love to tell you goodnights.” Nodding unsurely, the man left quickly. Folding the hoodie to your chest, you breathed in Jin's scent, which lingered over it just the smallest bit. It comforted you a little.
It took only a minute or two before the room's door opened up again, the packmates filling in one after another. The first to come was Taehyung, smiling widely at you.
He couldn't help but coo at how cuddly you looked, all soft under the heavy blankets, with only a bit of your face peeking out.
„Babycheeks, you are just the cutest thing possible, aren't you? You'll give me a heart attack soon like this! Hm... Babycub, sleep well tonight, okay?” His voice already went deeper than it was; even if it wasn't that late into the night, he felt a bit tired himself.
Nodding at him, you let him hold your hand for a few seconds, gently rubbing his thumb over your knuckles, his eyes calmly looking over you.
„Okay, Taehyung-ah, let me have a bit with her now too, gosh.” Pushing him out of the way gently, you were faced with the eldest packmate. Jin too stared down at you lovingly for a few seconds before he went on to caress your cheeks and temples.
Crouching down next to the bed, he came face-to-face with you, his scent more prominent than earlier. „Sleep well, baby peaches. If the storm wakes you up, come to us right away, okay ? We will keep you secure. It could get a little scary; it's loud sometimes...”
Voicing his running throught, he soon pulled away, allowing the next man to tell you his good nights.
„My princess. Rest well tonight, hm? We will wake you up tomorrow morning, so don't worry about anything. You just sleep well, okay?” His knuckles went softly over your warmed-up cheeks, your eyes fluttering closed for a small second.
„My baby Omega, if you need anything, alpha is always close, okay? You just call, and we will be here in a second, sweet baby. Close your eyes and rest for now; don't worry about a thing.” The youngest spoke, his voice gentle and calming.
Patting over your shoulder, he too stood up after a few seconds of watching over you. They felt the need to know about your wellbeing before going to sleep themselves, so while the other men were still saying their good nights, the rest went over the room, making sure the window was tightly shut and sealed, the curtains drawn close with no chance of seeing inside.
„My sleepy sunshine. It's time for good nights now, yea? You have to sleep lots and lots, so you won't be all tired tomorrow. If you need anything, just come to one of us.” Rubbing his chin over the side of your head, Hoseok smiled brightly at how you were holding the hoodie tightly to yourself.
„Good. Keep a hold of that for me, bub.” The alpha realised how much an object you would grow attached to would keep you calm and settled, so after having that jumper around for when you had your omegadrop, he knew well that it should help with any future ones.
„Okay kitty, it's time to sleep now, yea? Be a good girl for alpha, and don't stay up. Don't be on your phone or something; just rest your eyes. You had a long day, my kitten.”
He himself yawned, feeling tired already. Running his fingers through his hair, he pulled you further into sleep with his soft words.
„My small pup. Sleep lots and lots tonight, alright? And if you wake up, come to an alpha right away, do you understand, baby cub? This is important. ...Okay, good girl. Sleep now, sweetheart. Alpha's will keep you safe.”
Pulling the duvet closer to your chin, he patted it down to make sure you'd be warm throughout the night. And so, with the heater turned on fully and a glass of water placed on your bedside table from Jin, you were soon lulled to sleep, the men all waiting to see you fully rest before they all left to go to bed themselves.
⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 30 - Missing Scene
@wolfstarmicrofic July 30, word count 840
CW - Blood
Part eleven of werewolf Sirius
Previous part First part
The transformation back had been quick. Quicker than usual. The wolf had been happy. He had created a new playmate. He’d been so careful only to bite once. He’d waited for the human to pass out from the pain and then curled up around the prone body, keeping him warm while the magic took effect. He’d woken up as himself, still curled around Sirius. 
“Sirius, Sirius,” He croaked, nudging the man. Sirius didn’t move. “Sirius!” He cried, grabbing hold of Sirius’s robes. His hands came away wet. It took him a second to realise the wet was blood. His hands shook before his face as flashes of the previous night returned to him. 
The door suddenly swung open, banging loudly off the stone. Four wizards with raised wands stormed in. He didn’t recognise any of them. Then a witch entered. She was dressed all in black. Her high cheekbones, blue eyes and curly black hair gave no doubt to which family she belonged to. Bellatrix tilted her head to the side and smiled wickedly at him. 
“Tut tut Wolfie, you’ve been a naughty dog, haven’t you? Bad pets get punished.” All levity left her face and a blank haughtiness took over. “The Dark Lord wants that one,” She rasped, pointing at Remus. The four wizards advanced. He scrambled to protect Sirius’s unconscious body. 
“NO!!!” He screamed as they dragged him backwards away from Sirius. “SIRIUS!!! SIRIUS, I LOVE YOU, PLEASE REMEMBER THAT!!! I'M SO SORRY!!!” He screamed himself hoarse, struggling with every step against his captors as they moved him from the cell. “Sirius!” He croaked out a sob. 
He was thrown in front of a fireplace. 
“I hear you haven’t been playing nice downstairs, dog.” A cold voice spoke from the shadows. “Not to worry though, your father is coming to collect you,” Remus’s head snapped up at that. Lyall was dead. How could he possibly come here? His eyes locked with none other than Voldemort himself. 
He didn’t even think, he lunged forward, teeth bared and snarling, the remnants of the wolf taking over. 
“Incarcerous,” Voldemort said lazily, barely twitching his wand to produce the spell. Remus fell heavily to the floor, his arms and legs tied tightly, his mouth gagged. 
The fire in the hearth blazed green and a figure stepped out of it. He looked on in horror as he recognised the man who had turned him all those years ago. He snarled around his gag, writhing on the ground trying to free himself. 
“Hello, Cub, long time no see,” Greyback grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, dirty fingernails digging in and dragged him to the fireplace. “My Lord,” Greyback bowed, “Thank you for returning my cub, he’s been missing from the pack for far too long,” 
“Not at all, Fenrir. Not at all,” Voldemort replied, waving him off. Fenrir threw floopowder into the fireplace and said an address inaudibly. They were whipped away to a shack and then apparated to a forest. 
Fenrir didn’t free him. He dragged him to a bunker and threw him in. 
Remus stayed there with no explanation for three months. The other wolves took pity on him and released him for the moon's, but he was expected to return once he’d transformed back. He’d begged for the first few weeks for them to free him, but he could see the fear in each person's eyes when he asked, Greyback had warned them off, probably violently. 
He made a friend, though friend is a loose term. Marcus wouldn’t leave him alone. Remus confessed what he’d done below Lestrange Castle and Marcus tried to comfort him. But he didn’t deserve comfort. 
He wallowed, the only escape was when he transformed. He now craved the few hours a month when he didn’t have human cares or emotions, just his wild urges.
After his third moon, he was hurriedly returned to the bunker. Previously, he’d made his own way there, but today he was marched between two other wolves. 
He could hear the other members of the pack whispering excitedly and then falling silent. He strained his ears to hear what was being said, but he couldn’t quite make out Greyback’s words. 
Then the man himself appeared before him. 
 “I’ve brought you a present, Cub,” He declared, opening the barred door. “I hope you enjoy it.” 
“You have nothing I could ever want,” Remus snarled, balling his hands into fists. 
“Now, now, Cub. Go and have a look for yourself. Your gift is in the main camp.” Greyback turned his back on Remus and strode away. Remus couldn’t help it. He was curious as to what this gift was. 
He made for the trees instead of walking across the open camp. He peered through the low branches and froze when he spotted a familiar figure huddled around the campfire. He burst through the trees just as the figure turned to face him. 
“Remus,” Sirius sighed as Remus wrapped his arms around him. He was thin, but he was alive. Sirius was alive. 
Final part
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13as07 · 6 months
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Weekend #1
(Neji Hyuga & Shikamaru Nara)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to BM (?). Sorry, I couldn't find the original source but I really liked it so meh]
Requested by: xxziggy
Word Count: 3,462
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
First half is a lot a bit smut so be warned; not a full smut cause I wasn't feelin it for whatever reason
Love triangle (obvs)
Fingering (female receiving)
Temperature Play (Lighter/Ice Cubs)
Getting called "pet"
Not me accidentally making this a nature (growing up with Shika) vs nurture (Neji taking care of you) situation
     "This is such a drag," Shikamaru says as soon as I open my front door.
"If you don't want to help me pick out a swimsuit, I'm sure Ino will," I grumble, leaving the door open as I walk away.
"You always say that she 'likes anything you try on' and that 'Ino is no help' so, no. This is less of a drag than listening to you bitch for the whole weekend," he grumbles back, closing the front door before trailing after me.
Shikamaru and I are friends... a little more than friends. Fuck buddies, we're fuck buddies. We hook up from time to time but that's what friends are for, right? Hookups and opinions. And late-night snack runs.
"I think you should just stick to the yellow one you wore on last year's weekend trip."
"And I think you're stupid. I can't wear the same one I wore last year."
"Why not? I've worn the same swim trucks for the past three years," Shika groans, feet dragging as he follows me into my room, closing my door behind himself.
"Because I wore it last year! All the other girls are going to have new ones so I need a new one. I can't be the only one without a new swimsuit," I tell him, ushering him toward the bed.
"You girls have the weirdest rules about clothes," he grumbles, flopping on his back with his feet rested on the floor, and knees bent at the edge of the mattress. "Just wear the yellow one. Your titties look good in it."
"Thanks, Shik. That's what every girl wants to hear," I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes as I dig through my closet for the four or five suits I bought. He throws up a thumbs up, the promise of his eyes being closed and him being half asleep paired with it. What a lazy sass of a friend I have.
"Okay, there's four of them."
"Great," he mumbles, drawing out the word.
I ignore his sarcasm, stripping my clothes off as I decide which one to try on first. "Alright, this one is a black one-piece," I narrate, wiggling myself into the material.
"Hey, here's some crazy shit," Shika says, sitting up right now. "When I look at you, I'll be able to see the style and color of it."
"Hey Shik?" He lets out a hum, the feeling of his eyes coating my back as I check myself out in the mirror. "Stop being a douche."
He rolls my eyes at me, resting his arm on his knee, and his head on his hand. "Do a little spin," he grumbles, a finger on his free hand making a circle in the air. I do as I'm told, slowly spilling so Shikamaru can check the swimsuit out. "One-pieces are for grandmas and women without body confidence. No."
"That's a little harsh."
"Do you want me to sugarcoat it like Ino?"
I grumble out a no, tugging the suit off myself. Shika's eyes stay locked on my nudity, sights ping-ponging alongside my movements until I turn back around. "The next one is also a one-piece - "
"Shik - "
"I already told you no. You are a hot chick with a hot body. Show it off or else my weekend will be a waste."
"No, it won't be a waste. You can googly eye Ino or Tenten or Hinata or Sakura," I point out, flipping between which of the remaining two to try on next.
"Ino would pretty much be incest, Tenten scares me, Sakura has too much attitude, and Hinata doesn't have enough attitude," he explains, rolling his eyes at me again. I swear, one of these days I'm going to poke his eyes out.
"Alright, the third is a string bikini, it's powder blue and I think it makes my ass look good," I ramble, tying the strings the best I can alone. "What do you think?" I ask, doing another slow turn.
"No," he pushes out, shifting his position as he adjusts his pants. "You look..."
"Easy?!" I yelp, crossing my arms across my chest as I glare at Shikamaru. "I'm not easy!"
"I didn't say you were! I just said that... you look easy," he mumbles the last three words, eyes locked on my chest as he adjusts himself again. "Are you easy?"
"No! What the hell, Shik?"
"You should be... easy. Like... right now. For me."
"I asked you over to pick a swimsuit, not for a fuck," I grumble, slowly walking towards him. "This isn't picking a swimsuit," I continue, using my knee to push his open before sliding between his legs.
"The... the fourth one," he mumbles, fingers curling around the thin material, sliding back and forth as his eyes drink me up.
"You haven't even seen it yet," I complain, crossing my arms over my chest again, trying to hold onto my anger that's being drained by arousal. "How do you know it'll look good?"
"You look good in everything. You look better in nothing, though," Shika tells me, eyes still jumping around as he tugs the flimsy material to the side, leaving me exposed for him to enjoy. "Though, you also look really good in this swimsuit."
"Then I'll wear this one."
"No!" He races out, eyes snapping up to my face, his face scrunched up. "I mean... no, you still look easy."
"Do I look easy or is someone getting a little jealous?" I tease, cupping his chin and forcing him to shake his head yes. "Aw, is Shika worried he's going to lose the 'fuck' benefit of being m buddy?"
"I'm not that shallow," he mumbles, rolling his eyes at me again. "We're friends cause I like being friends. Not because you let me hit it on occasion."
     "Then I'm going to wear the swimsuit."
     "Pack the goddamn swimsuit and I'll set it on fire."
     "Set it on fire and I'll go skinny dipping all weekend."
     "Or," he starts, a single finger slowly cruising through my folds, landing on my clit to rub light circles into it. "I can make you cum and in turn, you wear the fourth swimsuit."
     "Ya alright," I give in, decking down to press a kiss against his lips. Shika's finger pushes into me, lightly curling against my walls as our lips dance against each other. "I have a question." He hums in acknowledgment, sliding kisses up and down my stomach as he curls another finger in me. "Did you only agree to my fashion show so we could fuck?"
     "Oh, ya. I'm not going to get any this weekend so might as well empty out now so I have a little more control while you girls walk around half naked," he admits, a third finger added before he starts thrusting them in and out of me. Shikamaru's tongue slides out, slowly trailing from the string of my bottoms and stopping at the connection string of my top. "Take your top off."
     "Demanding, aren't we?" I mock, tugging on the skippy strings and letting the material tumble to the floor. "You're such a tit guy."
     "I'm an ass guy too," he says, squeezing my butt with his free hand before it jumps up to my breast. He toys with my nipple, rolling it between his fingers as his mouth sucks on the other one. After some time he switches his places, eyes flicker up for a moment. "You take forever," he groans, pulling his touches away from me.
"My bad, two-pump-chump," I grumble, a yelp spilling from me when Shikamaru grabs me. His arms wrap around my legs, tugging me onto the bed. "Shika!" I giggle, back landing against my mattress as he settles between my knees.
"Yes, Pet?" He murmurs, tongue sliding across my inner thigh. I toy with his hair, rubbing my nails gently across his skull, pulling a soft whimper from him. "I hate how well you know me," he groans, undoing the strings of my bikini bottoms, and dropping them on the top left on the floor.
"No, you don't," I tease, dropping my hands down to his shirt, and tugging him up my body before I start pulling it up. Once he's free from his shirt, his necklace hangs between us, dangling in my face. God I swear, I don't know what it is but it's so hot.
"You're not paying attention to me. What a drag, you're not even into it."
"I am," I hum, lifting my hand, and using a finger to toy with our clan pendent. "I'm just getting a little bored with our routine."
"The fuck am I supposed to do with that?" He grumbles, shifting his weight back and forth between the hands pressed next to my head.
"I don't know, you're the genus here, not me."
Shikamaru lets out a long, deep sigh of annoyance, his eyes falling into their 'I look pissed but I'm thinking' look. His brows are pressed together, eyes set forward and slit. "Are your parents home?"
Silence falls between us again, Shika's eyebrows shifting as the gears in his head turn. "If I blindfold you are you going to lose your shit?"
"We're known as the Shadow Clan. I think I'll be okay with a little bit of darkness."
With that, Shika climbs off of me, his focus shifting through my dresser drawers. He stays silent when he finds my Shinobi band, carefully tying it around my eyes before whispering in my ear. "I'll be right back. Just chill."
I do as I'm told, relaxing in bed as I wait for him to return. It doesn't take long for his aura to fill my room again, my curiosity sparked by what he'll do. "What do you have planned, Mr Genus?"
"If I told you," he starts, the feeling of his breath sliding over my pussy startling me a bit. "It would ruin the plan, Miss I'm Getting Bored." My thighs are gripped, being tugged further apart. "Make sure you tell me if you're not good."
"I know, Shik."
"Just making sure," he mutters, brushing kisses against my thighs again. As the kisses roll around my skin, I'm slowly lulled, the gentleness of Shikamaru threatening to put me to sleep.
The sound of a click fills my senses with the feeling of heat licking at my thighs. "What the fuck, Shikamaru!" I yelp shoving his hand away.
"Is that a 'surprised' fuck or a 'I don't like that' fuck?" His voice is followed by soft clinking. The sound is followed by something chilled pressed to the spot previously accompanied by some kind of flame.
"Surprised fuck," I murmur, shivers running up my spine as the chilliness melts, dripping down my skin. It's an ice cube, isn't it? And the click and flame combo was Shika's lighter. What a smart but bored man.
"Mmm, good," he mutters, dropping the ice cub, making them clink against each other again. His tongue slides across my leg, lapping up the water left behind. "Is this exciting enough, Miss Bored?"
"Yes, Sir."
He hums again, climbing up my body. "Alright, you needy girl. I'm going to rest in you until you're worked up enough cause you're too much work."
"Lair, you just want to feel me pulse around you," I tease, my hands crawling down his body. Shikamaru has stripped since I've been blinded, sparking my excitement even more.
His necklace taps against my skin as he moves, the feeling of his lips mapping out his slow climb. "So what if I do? We're doing this because - "
"Hey, Sweetie? Are you home?" My mother's voice rings out, pulling a disappointed sigh from the both of us.
"You need to move out," he grumbles, tugging the headband off my eyes as he crawls off of me. "For now," he starts, mouth clinging to my throat, sucking on my skin as hard as he can. "We're going to greet your mom, excuse ourselves for lunch, and then we're going to continue our new game at my place," he finishes before sucking on the same spot, promising to leave a dark bruise on my neck.
     "Shik," I whine, knotting my hands around his ponytail before I try to pull his lips off me. "You're going to leave a bruise."
     "Ya, that's the point," he grumbles, his tone not matching the smile being pressed against my skin.
     "So much for not being jealous," I tease, managing to pull Shikamaru off me, a loud pop following the loss of his suction.
     "Nara-Chan!" Neji calls, waving at me as his squad and him walk towards our squad. "You look... good," he mutters, eyes jumping over me before he gives me a closed-eyed smile, a soft pink dusting his cheeks.
It's an open secret among our generation that Neji has started forming a bit of a crush on me. With the aftermath of the war, neither one of us has had the time to move the relationship past playful flirting. Though, hopefully, after this weekend that won't be the case anymore. The soft rumor of Neji asking me out filtering around helping that.
Every year, the twelve of us have taken a weekend away from the village to go do something other than work. It usually ends up being all of us camping near a river or lake and just spending the weekend relaxing. We're doing that again this year, hence picking out a swimsuit yesterday with Shika.
"Hey, Nej," I greet, returning his wave as he settles in front of me. "Are you excited for the trip?" He hums a yes, eyes not-so-secretly climbing my form again. His eyebrows scrunch when he gets further up my body, making me a bit concerned. Is there food or something on my shirt?
"Hello," Shikamaru's voice rings out as my eyes jump down, checking for a stain or leftover crumbs from the chips Choji and I shared. "What's up, Neji?" He asks, stopping next to me as he greets our friend. Shika's hand jumps up, tapping against my neck before his focus shifts back to the pleasantries Neji and him are sharing.
My eyes flutter towards a smug Shik, cockiness waving off of him. Why the hell was Neji looking at me so weird? Why did Shikamaru tap my neck?... oh.
Heat blooms across my face as I remember the dark hickey present on my neck. The very dark and very big bruise Shikamaru left behind yesterday.
"Anyway," Neji says, tugging me out of my thoughts and embarrassment. "Do you want to walk with me, Nara-Chan?"
"Yes," I rush out quickly, the heat on my face now from being flustered instead of embarrassed. "I... um... yes, I would like to walk with you," I correct, keeping my tone soft and even this time.
"Great," Neji says, sending me another smile. "I'm going to go greet the others. I'll come find you when we're ready to go, alright?"
"Alright," I murmur, smiling back at him. My eyes trail after Neji, watching him walk away to greet the rest of my squad and his cousin's squad that just showed up.
When my eyes shift back to Shikamaru, who's gloomy, arms crossed over his chest, and a glare shot toward Neji. I swear if he was any moodier a storm cloud would form over his head. "You're walking with Neji instead of me?" He groans, the heat of his glare still stuck on the other man.
"Ya. You're walking with Choji anyway. Why do you care?"
"I don't!" He snaps out, his anger pointed toward me instead of Neji. "Okay, maybe I do," he grumbles, eyes softening as he rolls them at me. "You're pretty blind, do you know that?"
"Why? Because I have more friends than just you?" I tease, laughing at his shocked face as I walk away to greet Shino's squad.
     I nod along to the story Tenten is telling me, half paying attention as I look at the scenery. Most of the girls have switched to being carried, not because we're tired but because we're lazy and the guys all have a complex of wanting to be better than the others. So, Lee is carrying Tenten, Kiba is carrying Hinata, Shika is carrying Ino, and Neji is carrying me. Naruto offered to carry Sakura but that ended with him getting a bruise or two.
     "So ya, I packed two swimsuits cause the guys are no help," Tenten grumbles, rolling her eyes before she playfully glares at Neji.
     "If it makes you feel any better, Shikamaru wasn't much help picking out my swimsuit either," I tell her, the both of us giggling at the guys' incompetence. "I think you should go with the red one though. You always look good in red."
     "Alright! Break time!" Shino's voice rings out, paired with a hand clap. The bug shinobi - like always - has declared himself in charge because he's 'older and wiser' than the rest of us. The real reason he's in charge is because Neji doesn't want to put up with Naruto and Shikamaru is too lazy to do it, but none of us are going to tell him that.
     We all settle to the side of the path, a few of the guys decking into the forest for a pee break. "Are you ready to get down?" Neji asks, his head tilting backward to look at me.
     "Ya, I should probably stretch my legs and give you a break," I answer, wiggling around on his back. He bends down a bit, shorting my jump off him. "Alright, Nej-man," I chirp, stretching myself out. "How much longer until we're to the spot?"
     "I would say an hour. Maybe two depending on if we stop again or how many... issues Naruto has," He says, stressing the word 'issues' as his eyes bounce toward the blonde boy.
     "That's not too bad," I mumble, sinking to the ground to sit under one of the trees. I rest my head against the bark of it, my eyes falling closed to give them a break from the sun.
     "Neji?" I hum, slowly opening my eyes again.
     Since I've closed my eyes, Neji has pulled out a water bottle. The top off and wrapped up in his hand. "When was the last time you drank water?"
     "Uh..." I murmur, having to take a second to figure out the answer. "I don't know. Before we left I think."
     Neji lets out a disapproving hum, paired with an equally disapproving look. "We have been out in the sun and the heat all day. You need to be drinking water."
"It's fine. When I'm thirty I will. It's not that big of a deal."
"Yes, it is. Dehydration is a big deal and not something I want you to suffer with," he lectures, sinking to kneel in front of me. "Now, open your mouth Nara-Chan," Neji says, his hand resting under my chin, tipping my head up. Reluctantly I snap my mouth open, eyeing the barely older man. He tips his water bottle, water-falling the liquid into my mouth.
"See? Isn't that better?" He mutters, his eyes locked on my neck again as he sets the bottle down. Neji's eyes shift, locking in mine. When I try to break the staring contest, he uses his hold on my face to put it back in place. "I'm waiting for an answer."
"Oh... um, ya. That's better," I finally answer, my breathing suddenly feeling more labored. Thoughts that would turn Neji red flicker through my mind for a moment. I guess Lee wasn't lying when he said his friend was planning to focus on forming our relationship this weekend.
"Good, now please excuse me," Nej says, squeezing my face gently before dropping his hold on me. "I will be back," he mutters, packing his water bottle back in his bag before disappearing into the trees.
"What the hell was that?" Ino shrieks, her sudden presence next to startling me.
"I don't know," I answer, my voice pitched and mind running wild.
"I don't either. What I do know is that Shikamaru is pissed off again," she tells me, shrugging towards the small circle of Shika, Shino, and Kiba a couple of paces away.
Ino is right. Shikamaru's eyes are locked on me, sight intense as he stares at me, occasionally glances at the spot Neji disappeared from. His arms are crossed too, jaw locked, and the gears in his head turning again. I was kidding when I was poking fun at him for being jealous. I'm starting to think it's not a joke anymore.
Dear Lord, this weekend isn't going to play out smoothly, is it?
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reashot · 1 year
Nice to Mate You Jaune
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Mama Arc: Honey, look. My friend Summer and her daughters is coming over to visit. Say hi to them.
Jaune: Oh hi. Mrs. Summers nice to meet you.
Summer: Well hi to you too. (He is so handsome 😍) You must be the famous Jaune Arc I keep hearing about. I want to introduce you to my two daughter.
The blonde is the oldest. Her name is Yang.
Yang: What's up, and nice to meet a fellow Blondie. *shakes hand*
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Jaune: Nice to meet you too... (Don't look down at her chest.)
Yang: You know it's okay to stare...
Summer: And my youngest and definitely the cutest. Ruby!
Ruby: 👀 Staring silently at Jaune 👀
Summer: I'm sorry. She's a bit shy and as you clearly see she takes after her mother. She's a wolf faunus like me.
Jaune: I can see that. Nice to meet you Ruby and your mother is right you really are cute...
Ruby: (He thinks I'm cute🥰)
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*wags her fluffy bushy tail*
Summer: *sniff around* (Oh Ruby, you're so adorable. First time meeting a cute boy and you're already thinking about mating with him. You're letting out so much pheromone if any wolf faunus around they will tackle you to the ground and forcibly mate with you.)
Jaune, now that we fully introduced ourselves. How about you show us where your father is?
Jaune: Oh, of course he is usually at his study. Come on I'll show you around.
Ruby: *hugs Jaune's arm* I-I'm sorry... *blush*
Jaune: I-it's okay. *blush*
Yang: Looks like someone like you. 🤭
Summer: I'm sorry Jaune, but can you let Ruby hold you like that for a while?
Jaune: Yes! O-of course. Ruby you can hold me as much as you want.
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Summer: See. I told you that my Ruby will be perfect for your Jaune.
Mama Arc: Oh my Oum. You're right sum-sum they're so cute together. Hey, you think she's okay with giving us grandchildren?
Summer: *sniffs again* Oh, I don't think it would be a problem. (Damn Ruby, you're practically signaling to the whole town you want to mate... And you swaying your hip like you want to be violently bred doesn't help. At this rate you going to end up giving me grandchildren before the night is over.)
Arc Family's Study
Mama Arc: Honey. I brought Summer and the rest of her family.
Papa Arc: Ah so nice to meet you again Summer. To bad your husband can't join us.
Summer: Oh you know how Tai is. He's just overprotective when it's comes to Ruby.
Papa Arc: Then how did he take it. This arrangement of ours?
Summer: Eh.... 😬
Papa Arc: That Bad?
Summer: He threatened to kill the entire Arc family's bloodline if we go through with this.
Papa Arc: Ha, ha. Oh. I say let him try not the first time anyone tried to kill us. But seeing all of you are here. So how did you managed to convince him?
Summer: Let's just say I had help from a little bird.
Rose-Xiaolong's house. 🏠
Tai: Let me out of here!!! My beautiful daughter is about to be stolen from me!
Qrow: Melodramatic much? Ruby just going to a matchmaking date with the Arc's family brat. It's not like she's going to get hitched right away.
Tai: Shut up traitor! You don't know that. My daughter is so incredibly cute and beautiful. Any boy would immediately propose to her on sight. Heck I would if she wasn't mine!
Qrow: Okay... I didn't need to know that. *takes a swig* Oh I should have brought something stronger.
Back to the Arc's family residence
Papa Arc: No doubt it must be hard to convince him. And I believe we haven't been introduced yet, little lady.
Yang: Yang's the name and puntification is my game. Nice to meet you Mr. Arc and thank you for letting us inside your lovely home. Don't mind me I'm just chaperoning my cute little sister. But I guess she doesn't need me now with you around, right Blondie?*poke*
Jaune: *clear throat* I'm not sure how I supposed to feel about that. But Dad I want to introduce you to Ruby.
Ruby: ..... *hugs Jaune tighter*
Papa Arc: So this cute lil cub is Ruby I keep hearing about? Nice to meet you little girl.
Ruby: .....
Summer: *psst* Ruby say something.... Oh my Oum...
Ruby: ....
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Summer: (Oh no she's gone into heat. I gotta do something before she pounced on Jaune. But what to do? Oh darn it. Desperate times call for desperate measure.) Hey Jaune, try calling her a good girl.
Jaune: Calling her what?
Summer: Good girl. Now do it. It's what I do to "calm" her down. And don't forget to rub her head while you do it.
Jaune: Uh, okay... *rubs her head* Good girl, Ruby you're such a good girl.
Ruby: 🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇 *fell down on the floor*
Jaune: Oh no, Ruby are you okay?!
Ruby: *glomp Jaune*
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Jaune: *blush* Wow. I guess you're okay now...
Ruby: I am, when I'm with you... *rest on Jaune's chest*
Jaune: Take as much time as you want Ruby. I'm not going anywhere....
Ruby: *rubs her scent all over Jaune*
Jaune: Ruby. Did you smell something?
Ruby: (It's my musk. It means I'm ready to mate with you.) No Jaune I didn't smell anything.
Jaune: I see. It smells nice though.
Mama Arc: Aww... See Honey. I told you that Ruby girl is perfect for our boy.
Papa Arc: Well there is no doubt that Ruby is perfect for Jaune, but I have to reject Ruby's engagement with Jaune.
*record scratch*
Summer: WHAT!!!
Mama Arc: Honey... Please tell me the reason why you don't want Ruby for our son? *twitchy eyes*
Papa Arc: Well, just look at her hips. *grabs Ruby her hips and shake her around*
She can maybe give around 2-3 children Max. Not to mention her small hips means pregnancy can be especially difficult.
Ruby: *pained howl*
Jaune: Stop it dad, you're hurting her!
Summer: You reject my darling Ruby just because she has a small hips *resisting the urge to kill*
Papa Arc: I'm afraid so. But it's not that I don't like Ruby. Not at all. But she's not the right fit for my Jaune. (in more ways than one)
Summer: I'll kill you!!!
Mama Arc: Wait stop sum-sum he's my husband!
Summer: Let me at 'im! He dare make up an obvious lie just because he doesn't want his son to be with Ruby.
Mama Arc: It's not a lie Sum. It's the truth. An Arc especially a male heir are expected to have as many children as he can. For that they make sure to pair him up with the most suitable woman.
Summer: Wait, doesn't that mean you too?
Mama Arc: Yes I'm afraid so. Me and my husband's marriage were arranged. by our own parents. That's why I wanted Jaune to at least have a choice in choosing his own partner. And why I want it to be the daughter of my best friend. That's why I made that promise with you all those years ago.
Jaune: Wait, Mom what promise are you guys talking about?
Mama Arc: *sigh* It's going to be a surprise but I guess the wolf is out of the bag now... It's a promise your mom and Ruby's mom make that if we have both have children we're going to set them up with each other. To you know. To deepen our friendship and our family's bond.
Jaune: *gasp* Ruby! Did you know about this?!
Ruby: N-no. My mom told that I would meet a boy and if I like him. I can ask him to be my mate...
Jaune: Do you want me to be your mate?
Ruby: *nods*
Jaune: I'm honored, thank you for choosing me. *rubs her head*
Ruby: *purr*
Summer: OMG OTP. Arc! You better let my Ruby have your boy!
Papa Arc: Sorry Summer but the answer is no. And an Arc never go back on their promise... But how about your other daughter?
Summer: You mean Yang?
Papa Arc: She's perfect to be an Arc's Bride don't you think?
*pick up and shakes Yang around*
This the golden ratio of Birthing Hips. Just look at her, she can pump out a dozen or more kids without any difficulty. (Not to mention she can probably take Jaune's full length, Sorry Sum, but I'm doing this for Ruby's sake too.)
Yang: What?
Summer: You have got to be kidding. I wanted Ruby x Jaune. Just look at them they're clearly perfect with each other.
Papa Arc: I can't deny that. They do look rather good with each other. But remember I had an arranged marriage. And I love my wife very much. Maybe Yang and Jaune can come to love one another too. Look at it this way you both can still keep your promise together by marrying Jaune to Yang. (And this way I won't be responsible if Jaune split Ruby in half.)
Summer: But my ship?...
Yang: Uh look. It's not that I think that Jaune isn't good looking at all. But I don't want to steal Jaune away from my sister... (And I don't like the way she is looking at me right now.)
Ruby: *growl* (Mate about to be stolen. Must kill potential rival.)
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Jaune: Ruby why are you growling like that. You're not thinking about killing your own sister so you can have me all for yourself right? Because I will be very cross with you if you do.
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No of course not Jaune, what makes you think that. (Note to self. Make sure it looks like an accident.)
Yang: Wow relax sis. I'm not gonna steal yo' man.
Ruby: (You better not😠)
Yang: Besides we are not "pearfect"🍐 for each other.
Jaune: You could say we're not "meat" 🥩 to be...
Yang: Gods I want you inside me right now, so you can put your babies inside me... Oh crap.
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riddles-fiddles · 1 year
Can we have a cat? Pt. 2
Synopsis: you ask your boyfriend (+your bff Ortho) if you two can raise a baby kitten together. Characters: all the vice housewardens Tags: fluff, silly scenario to warm the heart Notes: gender neutral reader, slight long post, will make more of this if someone requests for characters not included here
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I feel like he's more of a dog person
So when you ask him about it, he's a bit hesitant at first
"A cat? But what's so fun about them? They just lie around all day along and scratch you when they're hungry." Somehow the way he wailed about your suggestion could be sharply directed to Leona, who was, in the end of the day, a big feline. Ruggie also tried to put some sense into you, telling you how it wouldn't work out since you are both very busy students, and he also needed to tend to Leona's whims - and that was enough cat for him. Alas, he's not immune to puppydog eyes. All it took him to have a change of heart was to gaze upon your sad, big shining eyes, and he was sold; there's no way he would not melt and feel guilt under such a powerful spell, specially when you always left him feeling like you could stare your demands right into his soul. By the end of the day, he complied to your request, but settled some reasonable rules before giving you the green card to get a kitten - 1. it shall stay with you at ramshackle dorm; 2. don't let it disturb Leona; 3. if it tries to scratch or bite, he'll bite back (jokingly, you hoped). In contrast to his defiance regarding getting a feline companion, the little cub decided to stick to Ruggie, always on his feet and clinging for his affection. At last, it wasn't so rare to catch both of them snuggled together in a deep, warm nap. "This little ball of fluff isn't all that bad, actually... it's pretty warm and soft."
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Growing as a servant, Jamil learned a lot about animal care
But that doesn't mean you get to convince him so easily
"I'm sorry love, but I'm a busy man. I don't think it would be fair to try and raise a baby kitten by meeting its minimal needs." Jamil made it clear to you that despite wanting to share such a wonderful responsibility, he wouldn't be able to do it right, and therefore, would rather wait until you two had more time.
Jamil wouldn't budge no matter how many tear-filled sparkling eyes you direct his way - stubborn and determined to achieve his goals, he would rather pursue a better life and place before settling into the blissful details of domestic life and tending of animals. During all his servitude days to Kalim, he would entertain you by suggesting names with funny meanings, or tell you stories from his family/close friends about some cat mischief, happy to pull some joyous laughter from you by his silly stories - promising that someday he would gift you the prettiest kitten alive. When finally achieving freedom with enough independency and good money, Jamil quickly complied to his promises, waiting for a special occasion to gift you the kitten you dreamed about so much. "My treasure, I'm the happiest when by your side, and as evidence of my undying love and devotion, I want to give you something very special."
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Is excited by the aspect of owning a kitten but doesn't show it
Genuinely curious but there's also a low miscievous tone under his smile
"A baby kitten? I think that could be arranged, if so fervently you wish." Complies without much hesitation, but leaves most of the responisbility over your shoulders, mostly because he's busy making sure Mostro Lounge doesn't explode by his brother's antics or managing the patrons since he's the most reliable twin.
Allows you to name the kitten, since particularly he'd prefer to not worry about name meanings or if any sound pretty enough. Regardless of that though, he'll come up with funny nicknames for the little feline, using them to annoy you, entertained by your grimaces. "He's truly an intriguing ugly duck, isn't he?", he would tease with a low chuckle, all while playing gingerly with the kitten sprawled over his lap, hands tugging gently on the toebeans. "It's like taking care of a fluffy mudskipper with too much energy." Despite his odd choice of terms of endearment, you can rest assured that Jade absolutely loves the little feline, though partaking mostly on the fun side of pet care - playing around, sharing snacks, napping together... sometimes he would even bring the little one to Mostro Lounge with him to 'help with the customers'. In no time, both your beloved boys would turn into stars on the fancy lounge.
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With Lilia, everything is just another fun llittle opportunity
Eagerly accepts and won't hear a word of protest from neither Sebek or Silver
Like Jade, Lilia allows you to choose a name, as he judges himself terrible with such a matter. Follows you around adoption centers, excitement clear on his step, sometimes even forgetting you two were supposed to actually leave the places with a single kitten in arms - the felines love him, that's clear as day, and he made sure to poke at your jealousy as swarns of baby kittens clinged to him.
It quickly turned clear how hard it could be to settle with a single animal, though, since each and every one had their very unique quirkness and special demands, and everything had to be in tune for you two and the feline to grow happy and welcomed - like it was fun to meet so many cute kittens, but none had clicked right yet. Until, someday while you two walked down the streets of your hometown during the holidays, you noticed a shy and cautious figure hiding away between some bushes - nothing but big golden eyes peeking between the foliage to alert you of its presence, as the deep black fur mingled within. Slowly and surely, the small feline warmed up to both of you as you dedicated some time to persuade it out of its hiding spot with a stray yarn of Lilia's shirt. "The poor kitten is missing a leg," Lilia pointed out the missed detail, though his voice carried nothing but tender esteem. "I think she's perfect for us."
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Another dog person
Rook can appreciate the beauty of felines, but much prefers the versatility and utility a dog offers for hunts and guarding duties
Rook watches in amusement as you talk your way into his heart, excitement contagious as you regard everything you appreciate the most about the fluffy critters. "Mon cher trickster," he coos beneath his breath, voice full of love and admiration as he takes your hands between his. "The way you spill the love for such gorgeous and mysterious creatures captivates my soul, though I think we could benefit more from a dog, don't you agree?" Feels sincerely bad for making you frustrated and look so down from his suggestion, he actually takes his time and dedication to learn more about the extensive world of cat breeds. He is the the most pleased bu finding out there actually exists a special kind of cat carefully bred to assist their owners into their exhausting hunts. Alright, maybe this kind of cat wasn't truly suitable for bigger prey like he expected, but the concept of being followed during his chases by such a glorious creature instigated him, since maine coons are known to be an adventurous, curious breed. "My most beloved, after some time of research and contemplation, I came to the conclusion that cats are, indeed, great companions," Rook muses in, arms concealed behind his back as he leaned in to smoother a trail of kisses all over your face, words tender and mysterious. "That's why I have a rather heartwarming gift to match your most exquisite and feline-like beauty." With a charming wink, he carefully craddles a baby kitten of bulky size into your arms, the grey fur glistening against your skin.
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The happiest. Day. Of. His. Life!!!!!!!!!
He's so excited he might overheat his systems - talking about it, he already knew.
Ortho already suspected that you were looking for a kitten to adopt - he saw your search history on your device - with the best of intentions, of course, merely trying to get a glimpse of your current interest to gift you something. He wouldn't even need to try and look all sunny and surprised, because he truly was excited!!! Ortho loves animals, especially cats, since they're very chill and cuddly, and don't need as much attendance as dogs do! Of course, he asks his brother first though, to be sure he would be okay with a cat sharing their room from time to time. Ortho quickly convinces his big bro into adopting a cat by giving the biggest, most irresistible big eyes ever known to humanity, and the boy literally wastes no time; by the next time you come in to hang around, the dorm is already adapted with cat-proof furniture and an indoor cat playground with complex and stylized tunnels. The boy gladly bestows an exclusive version of the playground in Ramshackle Dorm so the little kitten can get entertained in both dorms, spending heavy minutes of his day playing and cuddling with your shared feline company - he thinks it's a very good thing you two adopted an animal, since it pushed him into being more in tune with reality. "She is so cute in every little aspect! I want to play with her forever..."
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Thinks about what Riddle might think of it so is reluctant at first
But he simply can't say no to you, especially with that heartfelt request
"Ugh... alright, my love. We can have a kitten together, but let's keep it low so Riddle doesn't find out about this." Trey is confident in his ability to pass the details unnoticed to Riddle and the rest of his dorm, convincing you to keep the kitten with you at all times at Ramshackle Dorm.
He dutifully visited Ramshackle to help you with the responsibilities of taking care of the small feline, even bringing homemade special treats he baked, reveling on the simple pleasure of sharing domestic moments between you and the kitten. His favourite time of the day quick turned to be the hours he would be able to spend on the couch of Ramshackle Dorm with you, your head rested against his shoulder as your little kitten laid sprawled comfortably over your laps, his quiet purrs engulfing the silence of the solitary dorm like a magical song to sooth his worries and tension away.
"When I met you, I thought you'd be my one and only fortress to ground myself and easy my worries away when needed, but I'm glad to meet this little fella. You two are both the best things to ever happen to me."
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subrenaspade · 9 months
Twisted Wonderland x Reader :No Place For Children Heartslaybul Pt. 2
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This story is just some cute fluff I thought that some of you all would enjoy. There might be some cursing, that's all I can think of at the moment. The reader does have a bit of a backstory, giving her a little bit of OC vibes, but besides some background elements the rest is up to you. I only write Female, if that bothers you I'm sorry, I'm used to writing female and I keep having to go back to take away she/her pronouns. 
I do plan to make a series but more along the lines of while in this dorm for one chapter then while in this dorm for this other chapter.
A little background about the MC in my story so you're not all too lost. The MC used to suffer from androphobia (A fear of men), that has to do with some past trauma That I might go into more detail about later on if I decide to continue this story. The MC is also a Orphan losing her father at four, then her mother at fourteen, so there will be mention of family. The MC spent all her time in foster care, due to her mother being an orphan herself and her fathers family disowning him. 
Heartslaybul: pt one/ two (You are here)
Savanaclaw: Soon
Octavinelle: Soon
Scarabia: Soon
Pomefiore: Soon
Ignihyde: Soon
Diasomnia: Soon
Dinner went by in a blur, at some point Riddle had to take off to finish a few things, leaving (Name) with Cater, who was currently getting selfies with her. She giggled a little as he set up a filter that made it look like they had cat ears.
“You are just the cutest thing ever!” Cater cooed as he nuzzled into her cheek, earning another song of giggles from her. 
“Carter, stop it!” She let out in her fit of giggles. Cater let out his own laugh. 
“Its Cater, not Carter!” The girl looked at him confused. He smiled at her, ruffling her hair. “Just call me Cay- Cay. It will be easier for you.” He chuckled. (Name) Smiled at him as she nodded her head.  He smiled content with the nickname that he was never able to get her to say as an adult. He looked back at his phone and went to pick another filter when someone reached past him to ruffle (Names) hair. 
“Hey squeakers.” Ace greeted the girl. She turned her head and grinned widely. She shifted off the couch and rushed around to wrap her arms around his legs. He let out a chuckle as he leaned down and lifted her into his arms. She rested her head on his shoulder as she made sure she had a tight grip around his neck. He smiled widely, surprised that the young girl took such a shine to him. However his ego also said ‘what's there not to like’.
“Awww (Nick Name) I wanted to get a few more pictures of us together.” Cater whined as he stood from the couch. She looked at him then nuzzled back into Ace’s neck. 
“I wanna play with big brother!” She mumbled into Ace’s neck. Both boys stiffened at the adorable title she bestowed to Ace. Slowly a sly smirk played on Ace’s lips as he looked at Cater. Ace tightened his grip around her and spun around, getting the little girl to giggle. 
“W-Wait! You can't call him big brother and not me!” Cater stumbled around his words. He cubbed the girls cheeks, squishing them. “Now call me Big brother Cay-cay.” Cater almost demanded it. Both sat there staring at each other, until a mischievous smile played on her lips. 
“Cay-Cay!” She giggled and wiggled around in Ace’s hold. Cater let out a sound of mock hurt. 
“You all seem to be having fun.” Trey said, walking into the room. Ace had moved to sit on the couch as he stroked that child's back.
“Just Cater knowing you the squeaker's favorite person is.” Ace boasted. Cater sighed, sitting next to Ace so he could try to persuade the child into calling him big brother. Trey hummed as if deep in thought.
“Then I guess she doesn’t want a slice of cake since she probably wouldn't want it from someone who isn't her favorite.” Trey mussed as he held a slice in his hands. The girl perked up as she looked over at Trey with wide eyes. She slowly looked at Ace who also had wide eyes. He narrowed his eyes as he shook his head no. She looked down in guilt as she pulled herself from Ace’s hold and walked over to Trey. Trey watched with interest as Ace and Cater watched in disbelief and betrayal (From (Name) or Trey we will never know) as the little girl grabbed onto Trey's pants leg and looked up with the widest, clearest eyes. 
“Big bubby, I would like some cake please..” She mumbled sweetly. (cue Treys Glasses shattering due to the cuteness) Everyone sat there quietly, staring at the child who had laid down her pride to have a piece of cake. With a shaky hand Trey brought the cake down to eye level for her to take. “Thank you, big bubby~!” She chirped happily as she took the cake and ate at the coffee table.
All the boys sat there when they came to the realization…. This little girl had all the boys wrapped around her little fingers.
~~~~~~~~~ (Le time skip to Bed time)~~~~~
The small child sat on the couch with a hairbrush in hand. She ran it through her hair, grunting when the brush caught in her hair. Riddle watched the child from his desk, getting a few more minutes of studying in before getting distracted by his new room mate. The little girl had a thick head of hair that had many tangles in it, one in particular was making her struggle.  
After a few minutes he sighed, turning off the light on his desk and going to the small child. He took a hold of the brush, making the girl yelp in surprise. He moved to sit behind her taking the brush through her hair. They sat in silence as he gently untangled her hair, making sure not to tug and pull. Once the brush was able to run through her hair without tugging, he smiled content. Riddle's eyes softened when he noticed that she was starting to nod off, struggling to keep her head up. Placing the brush down he scooped (name) up and gently placed her on his bed. 
Once she was placed down he went to move to sleep on his couch, but a hand held his sleeve in place. He looked down to see the small child looking at him with blurry eyes.
“Dont leave…. Please…” She muttered, finally seeming her age. The look she gave him was one of fear. How many nights did she go to bed like this as a child. Has she always looked this lonely. He sat on the side of the bed, next to her (After he turned off the lights letting the lamp be the only source). He stroked her hair, easing the child into slumber. She curled into his side wrapping her arms around him. “Daddy…. Used to cuddle with me before I went to sleep….” She muttered drowsily, reliving the comfort of her fathers hold. The safety he emitted when he held her. Riddle froze his hand, surprised to hear her talk about him.
“He sounds…. Like he was a really good man..” Riddle whispered in return. She nodded her head, tightening her grip on him.
“Momma…. Doesn't like talking about him…. She….gets sad and cries a lot…” She murmured as her eyes drooped. Riddle awkwardly hummed for her to continue. “Since daddy passed…. She works a lot… She gets home late and leaves early in the morning…” She continued. She looked up at him through her lashes, a look of anxiety flashing over her face. “Will you be here in the morning?” She asked, voice cracking as her eyes watered a little.His hand froze, he looked at the girl with wide eyes. He felt a pang of sadness resonate in his chest. 
“...Yeah…. I'm not going anywhere…” He muttered as he leaned into the headboard of his bed. She smiled a little, letting her eyes flutter shut. He hummed as he stroked her hair. He thought for a bit. 
Has his mother ever tried to soothe him? Had he ever had to be soothed up until his blot? Thinking long and hard, he could remember a song. A small lullaby. It was a small song about dreams and creating a world of their own. A small part of him hoped that the song that crept into his mind was something his mother had sung for him. A song she sang when holding him as she rocked back and forth in a rocking chair. As she looked down at him, not with a look of expectancy, but of love and adoration. 
Slowly his eyes started to get heavy as sleep started to engulf him.
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ihopesocomic · 3 months
I have a theory... Maybe I'm just a bit late, and it's just purely obvious here, but hear me out
Vicious always tried to "protect" and and defend Jasper when he's being (rightfully) accused or yelled at by Hope, because she knows that if he's the one attacking, Hope will never survive. So Vicious chose to be her own's daughter's main abuser, so Jasper will never kill her out of anger
But she knows all of that can't go on for long. She knows this will never go on forever. She knows that her only way for her to protect Hope is to make her leave.
Hence why she bites her lip when Hope finally decides to leave the ship of this whole mess that is her pride. She is hurt by sending her daughter, her own flesh and blood so far away, in these circumstances, in which she's one of the villains of her daughter's story, (after saying hurtful things to her right before) but she's also relieved that Jasper cannot reach her anymore.
But she unfortunately has to keep up appearances. To protect the rest of this pride, because who knows what Jasper might be capable next...
I might have over interpreted her character, and if that is the case, I'm sorry ^^` but again, she probably is more complex than this?
I think we have to be careful with the line of thinking that a mother is "protecting" her daughter by abusing her. Especially when Vicious's abuse did not spare Hope from harm at all. She clawed her face and her eye because Hope stood up to Jasper, for example. So, I'm afraid that completely disproves your theory on its own.
Careful as a mother fits your description more. Yes, she allowed Jasper to bestow two of her children with unflattering names but it's these little bits of her being subservient and giving Jasper the impression that he is in control that has allowed her and her cubs to escape the treatment inflicted upon Vicious's children.
Vicious is indeed a villain in her daughter's story. She abused her child. While she does indeed have her own abuse to contend with, there's still no real excuse or rationalisation for what she did to Hope. There never is an excuse for that kind of thing.
I also know that some folks (probably not you, anon) feel that Vicious just flipped on her daughter at the drop of a hat and they either ask for an explanation for that or try and rationalise it but on what basis did Vicious 'flip' exactly? She kickstarts the comic by going through a tragic and traumatic event by having stillborn children and having her abusive mate threaten to off her only surviving cub.
I get that stillborn births and infanticide - implied or otherwise - are all the range in animal stories so it's seen as kinda meh at this point but that's some pretty heavy stuff for a first time mom go through? To put it simply: she's messed up from what she's gone through with Jasper and yeah, her perception when it comes to parenting her kids is pretty off, to say the least. oof - RJ
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kyokutsu-sama · 4 months
you really out here doing the most with your writings they're so good 😭 could I ask for platonic hcs for Asta and Yuno with a fem reader who grew up with them at the church and also became a magic night with them and is like their sibling/best friend, basically being in a trio with them? And also she acts like an older sister even though she's younger than them and always calls them her "stupid kid brothers" but genuinely cares for them lol. Pretty much just platonic fluff 😊 (if you don't write for these characters feel free to ignore this I'm sorry I didn't know if you had specific rules or characters you wrote for 😭)
Hii!! I'm glad to hear that you liked my writings. Thank you☺️
It's okay, I really write for the characters you asked me and the request was cute❤️
You arrived at the Hage orphanage a month after the two little boys, you had also been another child who had been left in the hands of Sister Lily and Father Orsi.
It wasn't difficult for you to adapt to the people there, especially your two best friends. Asta and Yuno.
They were the complete opposites of each other and you were the balance of both, always taking care of both of them even though you were the youngest and they often offered to help you.
You were always running here and there with the boys and playing around. You also liked to help Yuno develop his magic (And kicking the ass of other idiots who try to mess with him since Yuno didn't know how to defend himself and always ran away from fights unlike Asta). You also try to get Asta's head that sister Lily couldn't marry him because she was a nun (But he never listened to you)
When the three of you passed the tests to become magic knights, you made a point of going to each of the two to hug them and congratulate them for having achieved it, especially Asta, after everyone said that he would never become one due to lack of Magic. Asta was also very happy for you and thanked you for being a great support to him all this time.
Whenever the squads worked together, you always tried to stay as close as possible to the two so that you could join forces on the battlefield against the enemies.
They often told you to back off a little for safety but the truth is that you always ended up staying in the front line and showing them how strong you had become.
All that show of power, left them surprised and speechless. They were very proud of you for becoming an unstoppable magical knight.
The three of you used to meet up after missions or on your days off to talk while taking long walks around the capital city or even to train together.
You also always kept an eye on them when they went out at night because at the slightest inconvenience, you would jump into action without hesitation to protect them from anyone who tried to magic them.
They saw you as a mother lion who protected her cubs (Mereoleona 2.0)
But the truth is, you were just their protective little sister and you just wanted to see them smile and out of harm's way. And you wouldn't mind to kick both of their asses if you knew they'd gotten into trouble.
You will also make it clear that no matter what happens, they can always count on you for whatever they need.
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sonicblueartist · 1 year
Mansion Full Of Foxes
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Warnings: MDNI, smut, mention of sex, cursing, etc. Everyone is adult here so don't worry!
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This is a preview chapter
Pairings: All Tailses from every universe is here for us~ Here is a list for who is into who (Of course we gave every each of them a nickname, to not get confuse anyone... I'm still trying to get used to them too so...)
A/n: Does anyone want to be in the tag list?
Banzai (Secret History Tails)
Kitsu (Miles [WWMH])
Foxie (Miles [Operation Crimson])
Lunar (Tails [Tails’ Dark Diary])
Umber (Anti-Miles)
Hollow (Hologram Tails [The Ankh])
In between:
Citrus (Tails [There's something about Knuckles])
Knight (Blacksmith)
Ashen (Tails.exe)
Suave (Starved Tails)
Phantom (Inner Tails)
Zaddy/Bubba (Ali Baba)
Hero (Tailsop)
Wolfy (Tails-Zilla)
Kukla/Pop (Tails Doll)
Chaos (Metal Tails)
Maviş (Luther)
Goblin (Tails [Tails Gets Trolled])
Brownie (Tails [AOSTH])
Cub (Zails)
Mint (Prime Tails)
Honey (Movie Tails)
Cherry (Boom Tails)
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They/them // She/her // He/him // Other
Summery; It's mating season for foxes. Let's see what's going to happen in a house/mansion full of foxes that have issues and conflicts 👀
Word Count: 3055
A/N: This is kind of like a smut fic so... My friend and I made this for fun. We gonna use ocs so beware! IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT JUST LEAVE
Have Fun!
"You've got issues that I like"
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Kayla reached for two cups. She picks up the milk and pours it in.
"Okay, Mangey. Watch carefully. Because you can't keep dropping the cups and licking them from the table! This is how you need to drink."
She grabs her cup and sits on a chair and carefully shows him how to drink it. Mangey watches her gulp it all down, fully focused and head down on the table.
She gently put the cup on the table, "See? It's easy. Now you try."
She reached the other cub towards him. He grabs it and starts licking it from inside.
She blink, "Eh, That's an improvement at least." She scratches behind his ear and watches him purr happily.
"You did good!" His tails sways happily, he threw himself off of his seat and jumped on her. Licking all over her face.
"Hey! Hey! Stop it! Mangeyy!" She whines.
"Kayla?" She stopped pushing him and glanced towards the door, Nine stood raising an eyebrow. Mangey continued snuggling on her neck.
She grins nervously, "H-hi, Nine. You want something?"
Nine' face was serious, "Did you forget what I told you a few hours ago?"
She perks up, "Oh, right! You guys wanted to talk to us about something! I'm so sorry it completely--"
"It's fine. Just come to Tails' workshop." He turns away and walks off.
She raised an eyebrow at this, "Okay, Mangey let's go." She easily lifts him in her arms and starts to carry him towards the workshop.
She finds everyone in there waiting for her.
Her sister perked up seeing her figure.
"Sorry for being late…." She apologies sheepishly.
Tails smiled gently at her, "That's fine Kayla."
She gently puts Mangey down on his feet and he quickly snuggles on her legs.
"He's been awfully clingy today. I mean he was always clingy but…"
Tails cleared his throat, "Actually that's what we wanted to talk to you two about." Glancing away.
She raises an eyebrow and glances at her sister. She shrugged, signaling she had no idea either.
The two turn to Tails carefully listening.
"Uh, okay. We're all ears." He takes a deep breath, glancing anywhere but the two, "Well, you see… Nature has some laws. The most natural thing is to be born, grow up and eventually die--"
She panicked, "Mangey is dying?!" She gripped him tightly in tears.
Tails stuttered, "What?! No! No one is dying!"
Ctheathy could feel certain sky blue eyes staring bullets at their presence. And she had felt slightly nervous under the amount of pressure their surroundings had given them, especially after having been ripped from the other fox’ comforting embrace. She had always enjoyed thinking of hugging the others, it felt as a small yet safe way to connect with each other, and though she'd been pushed away on several occasions. Deep down, she secretly hoped that it could comfort them right the same way. She listened closely to what the others had to say as she kept herself quiet, always having been a teensy tiny bit too shy to speak up for her own. Though she certainly wasn't one to miss out on any responses that seem to have held deep emotion in them, so when Kayla had cried out her words, she immediately got her attention back to her gaze.
She snuck up to her and caressed her shoulder to try and ease her worry. Seeming how she had quite the panic over the idea of the darling fox losing his life. She flinched slightly at this, her eyes meeting her own blue ones, but they quickly softened after realizing what she was trying to do, muttering out a “thank you” as Tails continued with slight worry lingering in his tone.
He awkwardly squirmed in his position, seeming to think about how to continue his speech as he bit his tongue slightly in response to his overwhelm. “Ah, w-well-!” he started, a nervous sweat going down his forehead as both of the humans eyes connected onto his own again. He fiddled slightly with his hands, not being all too positive in his wording as he started letting out a few “um’s”. The room was starting to grow awfully quiet and the air grew a tension, a few mutters and perhaps even muffled cursing could be heard throughout the place.
Ctheathy and Kayla looked at each other in confusion, having no clue what to expect. But their thoughts quickly got interrupted as a “Just tell them already-!!” rang through the room, coming from Lunar as his already thin patience was starting to run out. A huff came from Umber as he crossed his arms, the other foxes standing beside them seeming to run low on patience as well. Whispering was starting to get noticeable around the place and Tails let out a small sigh, seeming to have decided upon his talk. They had to know. He looked us dead in the eye and his own narrowed slightly.
“Kayla, Ctheathy, do you both um … Are you aware of some of nature's essential proceedings considering our species?” He spoke with careful words, almost as if the humans were incredibly delicate and fragile to the topic. They both currently had no clue what the hell was going on, and their expressions had said everything. Kayla just blinked with an expressionless look on her face, and Ctheathy just tilted her head slightly, as they both seemingly had no idea what he was referring to. Yes, nature has it's natural common events, but we just couldn't put the puzzle pieces together with what this had to do with the meetup.
Feeling real dumb right about now, Ctheathy let out a small sigh she didn't know she had been holding, and had decided upon speaking for the first time in a while. She carefully spoke, not wanting to upset him, “I’m afraid we're not sure what you're asking…”
Kayla glances at Tails with a face she is trying to process what he just asked.
Noticing this with Ctheathy pointing out their physical confusion he nodded, sighing.
Tails leaves all his over thinking behind. He needs to let it out for them. They need to be notified about this.
He inhales deeply getting ready for his speech, "Look, nature has it's rules. Birth, growing up, death and such… I wanted to talk about birth here so… You probably know what partners have to do if they want kids, right? N-never mind forget what they have to do! W-what I mean is, we mobians are divided into various types as you know. So… we as foxes like other mobians have a natural clock… but in different time from others of course. And well it's like a clock that when it ticks midnight like in Cinderella, poof, our hormones are--" he stopped himself when he saw the confusion on humans faces as well as the weirded out expressions from the other foxes. He noticed how awkward the tension became.
Fuck, he messed up his speech! He practiced for a few days for this!
He panicked and reddened, "I-I mean--" his voice became small.
Nine groaned loudly, "It's mating season for us damn it!!"
Tails flushed yelled at him, "We talked about this Nine! We're not going to show that fact to their faces like that!!"
Nine rolled his eyes, "I rather die than listen to your awkward speech again. This was less painful and easy to do."
Tails grumbled in vain, "I started pretty good what happened? That's not an excuse to traumatize them like that! You can't just say stuff like that and be okay with it! They needed to warm up on this first! Why are you so cool with this?"
Sails stepped in, "I think ye confuse them enough."
Everyone's eyes turned towards the only humans in this household waiting for a reaction.
After processing the conflict between them Kayla holds her mouth to prevent herself from chuckling, for some reason their fight comes to her funny with the weird topic at hand... But this is a serious matter, she bit her cheek.
"Wait wait…" she gasps, "Are you guys for real? I thought- I thought it wasn't possible." She muttered to herself.
Nine tilted his head, "It is as real as we are. And it's as normal as you two having periods. Nature is full of weird biological shits." He rolled his eyes.
Ctheathy got lost in her thoughts for a little while after that rollercoaster of emotions. She's heard of mating seasons before, but she had little to no knowledge on it's effects other than stronger hormones, much less the changes in behavior or consequences it might have for them. And these thoughts alone already left her worried, the worst possible scenarios going through her head as she kept herself quiet, just staring at the floor underneath their feet. She didn't know what on earth to think about this information, the way it had been described didn't seem pleasant in the slightest, and though she felt interested and wanted to ask further, she was mainly anxious for the foxes’ wellbeing during the described time.
The stares felt as if they were pushing her into the ground, awaiting an answer from the both of them. Her sister had already given her own response to the new said information, quick, even. But Ctheathy had no idea where to even start, so many questions…
She decided to go for a show of concern, wanting to show her worry for the events, “You… You've described the occurrences as if they're incredibly difficult to go through for yourselves and those around you. Could you elaborate…maybe?” She merely whispered at the end, the topic hadn't seemed preferable for any of them to talk about and she had honestly already felt guilty for questioning any further. But she felt as if they had to know just in case it could cause potential danger or any other little traits we'd have to keep in mind. Kayla nodded in response at this, seemingly wanting the knowledge herself too.
Tails merely sighed once again, still seeming to be somewhat stiff from previous events, “Well… What do you expect? Our hormones and senses shall be increased and going through a rampage during that time--” Tails seemed to already shiver at the thought, and Nine stepped in after the realization set in that he wasn't going to continue any further, “And we're gonna be expecting you two to defend yourselves-!” Though it sounded more like a demand more than anything, they knew he had good intentions behind the request. But his worries worsened their paranoia ever so slightly.
“As they restrict self-restraints too” Sails added, looking us in the eye and showing concern for them.
Ctheathy and Kayla weren't sure if they were supposed to freak out by these warnings, they must be rather brutal for it to affect them this deeply, but this certainly wasn't what they expected when they got called in here. And seeing their worrisome expressions, Citrus decided to step in with a more gentle approach.
“Ah… What we are trying to say is that the safety of the both of you means a lot to us. We wanted to put down some strict rules in order to prevent anything from happening” which some of the other’s nodded at.
Ctheathy's racing thoughts calmed a little at this, and she was thankful for them even bothering to ensure their safety, but with this a sudden realization suddenly set into her mind and she stood up, worried. “H-hold on a second there-! But does this imply these events can cause all of you any… potential pain?” sadness was visible in her eyes… She didn't want to see them hurt for an entire month.
Many just looked away slightly, awkward even, which was slowly starting to confirm her fears as she narrowed her eyes in response and looked down. But she flinched as she felt a hand on her shoulder, looking up for her eyes to meet Banzai’s. How didn't she notice him sneaking up to her? Their eyes stayed connected with one another as his soothing voice tried to ease her mind, but it was hard.
“Do not concern your minds over these circumstances, my dears. There's other things that are of prime concern” and the others let out sounds of agreement, seeming to have spoken of this with each other before. Huh, guess communication is possible in this household, after all.
Kayla thought about all the things they said until Banzai stepped in. To say the least she was confused was an understatement...
"Other prime concerns-- Like what?"
She glanced at him when Nine answered, "Like your safeties. It had to be our first and only property."
Kayla shook her head at this, crossing her arms, refusing, "No way! If you guys are hurting! Then it is also important! We are going to help. Like you guys help us go through our periods."
Her sister nodded agreeing with her, "Is there any way we could help you guys with?" She asked gently and as worried as her.
The room went awfully quiet.
The humans stared at them waiting for a response.
"Well?" Kayla urged them to speak. Every one of them seemed at the edge.
Tails cleared his throat, "Well… you see… uh… There is a way…. but uh… it's- no, it's uh…. not what you think…. it's not the same with period cramps… You gotta reveal it… somehow… well…" he tried but failed.
Lunar rolled his eyes with a groan, "It's sex, we need sex."
Tails flushed, "That's not-- Be quiet! it's not exactly--"
Lunar huffed, done with their shit, "Exactly what? We need sex to reveal this! That's it! Just accept this already! We need sex so we can reproduce. This is nature. This is how the world revolves. It's normal. It's an urge! Couples always have sex! Either to have fun or not. There is no need to make sex look abnormal!--"
Foxie groaned, holding the bridge of his nose, "Will you please stop emphasizing it?!"
Kayla and Ctheathy stared at them all as they started arguing over this.
Ctheathy could feel her face starting to burn up after the sudden outburst. She was currently questioning herself how she hadn't figured things out and gotten the hint before that and she could clearly see Kayla’s cheeks having gained a reddish tint as well, but it was nothing in comparison to her entire face.
She bit her lip and shook her head, trying to decrease some of the warmth as she had noticed them creating the start of a fight… Again. She could feel her ears starting to tingle as the noises around them worsened, the arguments starting to become an issue for the both of them as her sibling covered her ears in the exact same irritation.
Things continued for a little while, the place had started to feel suffocating and she knew she had to do something, otherwise there was a massive chance of certain bad outcomes. Her sister noticed her trouble and quickly went for her arm, giving it a small squeeze to try and comfort her in response. Ctheathy looked down from her standing position and gave a gentle smile, being incredibly grateful for her attempts to ease her mind. But she knew this fight had to be put to an end anytime soon.
Everyone freezed for a second with a noise lighting up in the room. They all glanced at the side as Hollow walked in. He freezed seeing everyone in a tight atmosphere. He stared for a second until he slowly backed away and walked out of the room, “You guys can fuck yourselves I am going. I just woke up damn it. This is too early in the morning for this.”
All the foxes quickly continued their heated argument like nothing even disturbed it.
“Everyone, please… Quiet down-! Fighting won't get us anywhere…” Ctheathy’s voice was starting to turn light, nervousness getting to her head once again as they either ignored or hadn't noticed her pleas. “We won't solve anything if we keep yelling at one another…” her quest still hadn't been heard, as the rambling continued alongside the room, it having become even louder over time, the space felt tight… Too tight “guys…!” She started once again, but she forced her eyes shut after realizing her attempts were unsuccessful, the loudness getting to her and her sister had certainly noticed.
“EVERYBODY, SHUT IT-!!” Glaring at the group, she stood up and let out a huff that made very much sure that everybody was currently listening to what she had to say, as the amber coloured foxes’ eyes turned their way in response. It had always surprised Ctheathy how easily she was able to get each and every single one of them in line, she envied it even.
Kayla turned to her with kind intent and gave her a smile “Go ahead, Ctheathy”.
She muttered a small “thank you” and straightened her back to try and seem to have more control over the situation, but it definitely hadn't felt that way. She gulped, all eyes being glued onto her form by now as she felt her anxieties double. “I’m sorry for causing this conflict-! I should have understood the hint, but please do understand that arguing won't help us with anything.” She tried being as gentle as possible with her words, not wanting to set them off. “Besides, ahah… There are still a few questions I'd preferably have answered just in case, you know-- boundaries and all-! I really wouldn't want to worsen the state all of you will be in just because I made the wrong decision…” Her eyes turned to the floor once again, not very used to the attention and she felt her cheeks starting to flush once again. She heard a few sighs going through the room and she swore she could have seen the eye rolls if it wasn't for her eyes being glued onto the ground, but she appreciated how the fighting had at least taken a stop.
Tomorrow will be the first day of Mating season as we were told. Most of them decided to close themself in their room and hunt for food and water for themself from markets beforehand. And some of them decided to stay in the workshop to work and busy their minds. And some of them didn't care at all and were gonna continue their daily activities like nothing changed.
Kayla and Ctheathy decided to sit and drink some tea in the garden while watching the stars revolve around them as everyone was inside minding their business.
Kayla spoke up, "We should talk about what we can do for them. I mean obviously we are not gonna… sleep with any of them so…" she muttered.
Ctheathy agreed, "Yes. We're gonna show extra care for them. Making food, leaving nice notes and such."
Kayla hummed, "Yeah… they would appreciate that…"
They continue observing silently.
"What?" Ctheathy asked curiously.
Kayla sighed, scratching her cheek, "I guess… I'm a little scared for tomorrow. I mean they already started acting really weird. I-I'm afraid I can't handle it without giving in……" 
Ctheathy reassured her, patting her hand, “Don’t worry, I’ll be with you every minute of it. I won’t let them do anything to you.”
"This is gonna be a long month…" Kayla whined.
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nekohime19 · 3 days
Heart behind the lie # 22 : closer than ever
Therapy time
Sun Wukong was trying to calm his heart with deep breaths, tasting the morning winds as much as he could in hope of cleansing his inside and letting go of his nervousness. He stopped when he heard the familiar steps of his lil lady, he turned towards the forest, the one before the water-curtain cave, and cooed in delight when he caught sight of his lil bud. She ran towards him the second she saw him, the younglings clinging to her back hollored in joy when she picked up the pace. They waved at their King when Sock sat at his foot.
The sage crouched down and gently removed the cubs chittering on his cat’s back, the younglings whined but let him do as he pleased. They swarmed the lil sage and petted her once freed from the sage's grip. Sock basked in the attention, seemingly loving it, and rubbed against the younglings with glee. Sun Wukong watched it all happen with fond eyes, his tail heart-shaped behind him. 
He didn't like to let her wander in the wilderness, but she was adventurous, and had him warped around her finger. So he made sure that the forest was safe enough for her, he even commanded his generals to keep an eye on her. Sun Wukong was many things, and being overprotective was one of them. He would rather forgone all his immortalities than let his lil lady be hurt.
“Alright, wish me luck. I'm going to therapy.” Sock stood on her two hind legs and licked his cheek. Sun Wukong gasped, honored, and tightly hugged the lil sage of floof. She hissed, not liking the sudden hug, but she let him swarm her as he pleased. He let her go after a few minutes, watching her run in the forest and being swarmed by the cubs, they climbed her with glee, comfortable on her back. Sock didn't shake them off, probably used to it, and they disappeared in-between the trees with a trail of joyous coos. Sun Wukong was worried for her lil sage's back, but she seemed unbothered by it all, and the cubs were adorable, so he let them be.
Sun Wukong checked his appearance one last time, making sure he didn't look like a walking mess, before jumping on his cloud. He soared in the sky with eagerness, his tail swaying happily behind him. Macaque was already in the tea-lover's house, peacefully sipping on his cup as he scratched the cat purring on his lap. The sage waved at him tentatively, not sure where they standed after their fight, Macaque nodded at him, acknowledging his presence. He restrained the gleeful trill that wanted to escape his lips like an encaged rabid animal and sat beside his moon, tail tightly tied on his ankle to hide the nervous twitches seizing it. 
Sandy sat in his usual place, and looked at them with something akin to pride. He cleared his throat to catch their attention and began the session. 
“I'm sorry I let things get so out of hand last time.” Sighed the tea-lover. 
“No, no. I…it's not your fault.” Replied the sage, not expecting the sudden apology, by the wide eyes look of the other monkey, he too didn't expect it. 
“But I want to tell you both it's okay to get angry and scream sometimes. It's actually healthy to not repress yourselves, that's the main reason why I didn't stop the both of you.” Carried on Sandy, his trademark smile flourishing on his lips. “I'm proud you both didn't give up on this. You're both really brave.” The two monkeys blushed a little, mumbling shy “thanks” to Sandy. “If you're here, I guess it's to talk about what happened, right ?”
“Mainly… Yeah.” Muttered the warrior as he played with the cat in his lap. “I… Thank you for the baskets and all.” Sun Wukong couldn't repress the smile blooming on his lips, he tried to bite his lips, but it was all in vain, he couldn't hide his joy. 
“You're welcome.” He played with his fingers to shake off the nervousness gnawing at his skin and shyly added : “D-did you hear me? When I talked to the winds, I mean.” It was a bit embarrassing to admit this, it sounded a little creepy now that he thought of it. After all, what sound of mind man talked to the winds? He hoped Macaque didn't think he was a weirdo. 
“Some parts.” Replied Macaque. “I’m sorry I screamed, I guess. I was just….” The warrior was fumbling with his hands, seemingly struggling to put the right word on his feelings. 
“Frustrated?” Proposed the sage. 
“Yeah, I was frustrated.”
“Me too.” 
Silence embraced them, something filled with pensive thoughts, it would be awkward if they weren't already used to it. If Sun Wukong had been at first unnerved by the silence following their words in therapy, he learned to accept it with time, and even to appreciate it. They needed breaks to let the words sink in, and to think about their feelings. Silences weren't meant to be the wait for the gallows, they were the respite of the weary, it took time to understand this but when he did, he wasn't afraid of their silences in therapy anymore. 
Sandy would also intervene if the silence stretched on for too long. 
“Did you really mean it? When you say you regretted my death?” Quietly asked the warrior, a tremor in his voice. Sun Wukong sank in a breath, caught off guard by the vulnerability in the other's voice, but he chose to not comment on it. He didn't want to make the other uncomfortable. 
“Yeah, I did. Your death was… it hurted.” Mumbled the sage, voice wavering even when he tried to ground himself. He dared not to close his eyes, afraid of seeing the battered corpse of his moon if he did so. He stared at his cup, eyeing the gentle waves of his tea intently. 
“How?” Some part of him wanted to ignore the question, it was hard to remember his grief, and it was harder to express it before the very one he mourned. But he pushed through his unease, uncaring of the way he felt. He owed the other that much. 
“I… I cried for days. It felt like everything crumbled. Like I lost my purpose.” He took a breath to chase away the tremors shaking his voice, he carefully thought about his words and tried to express himself clearly. “All I ever did, I did it for us, to return better. When I killed you, I failed you, and I failed myself. I-I need you to know that it killed me, that after that I never laughed the same, I never smiled the same…I wanted to blame someone for this because the guilt was unbearable. But I couldn't blame my master, not while I was on the journey, nor myself, if I wanted to remain sane. So I-I, I blamed you. And I was disgusted with myself for that.” He was ashamed to admit something like this, but in this room, only the truth should pass his lips, if not it would be useless, insecere. “I'm s-sorry. I never wanted that.” Tears were nipping at his eyes, threatening to fall on his cheeks. He could see Macaque shaking in the corner of the couch, face hidden inside of his palms, probably trying to reign in his emotions. He knew he probably shouldn't ask, it would only lead to another argument, but the words passed his lips nonetheless, uncaring of his will. “Did you ever regret hurting the pilgrims?”
Macaque flinched, his tail thumped angrily, whipping the floor like an angry viper. 
“I can admit that maybe I shouldn't have been so violent. But I don't regret what I've done.” Sun Wukong felt a spark of anger flare in his chest, but he smothered it before it could catch fire. He didn't want to fight, not now at least, not after he struggled so much for this chance. The talk about the pilgrims was a necessary one, but it wasn't something he wanted to dive in now, especially with the blatant hatred Macaque displayed at their mere mention. 
“Do you both want to ask about something else?” Asked Sandy when he saw the stalemate in their talk, Sun Wukong thought about this carefully, there was something he was curious about, but he didn't know if the other would accept to breach the subject. 
“What was it like to be under the mountain?” Finally asked Macaque, surprising the sage a little. Sun Wukong hunched on himself, uneasy, but he tried to express himself nonetheless. 
“Lonely and crushing. The mountain was… it was… painful. They fed me molten copper and iron pellets sometimes too… I… I-I felt powerless…” He couldn't say more even if he wanted to, the words were clogged in his throat, unable to pass his lips. He heard the macaque scouting closer, his tail brushing against the sage's sides. Sun Wukong didn't look at him, he didn't dare to, but he scouted closer too, relishing in the way both of their tights were now touching. “What was it like to be in the Diyu?” 
Macaque trembled, the mere mention of the place enough to startle him.
“Y-you don't have to answer if you don't want to, of course.” Assured the King. Macaque took deep breaths and slowly uncurled, like a flower blooming for the first time despite being afraid of the world. 
“Scary. It was scary. And painful. They… I-I defied Heaven so I-I was… deemed to be the worst. They did a lot of things.” Macaque stopped, tears rolling on his cheeks. “Fuck, sorry, I-I don't know why I…”
Sun Wukong tentatively put a hand on the warrior's shoulders, Macaque startled and looked up to him confused.
“I.. Hm… I can, if you want, I…” He never ended his sentence, Macaque scouted closer and shyly put his head on the sage's shoulder. Sun Wukong shuddered, surprised despite initiating the contact himself. Slowly, like a drop rolling on a window, he extended his arm and grabbed the warrior's other shoulder, pushing him a little closer. He put his head on the macaque's own, greedily inhaling his scent. 
“I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you alone under that mountain.” Mumbled Macaque, the words rumbling against the King's skin. Sun Wukong was glad Macaque chose to ignore the shiver raking his body ; he would die of embarrassment if the other pointed it out. 
“And I'm sorry I made you suffer so much.”Whispered the great sage. They stayed close for a moment, and as the seconds ticked by, they began to move closer and closer, turning towards the other. Sun Wukong put his hand on the other's back, and Macaque fell on his chest, tucked under his chin. The sage lowered himself on the couch and curled around the warrior, almost hiding him in his arms. 
Neither dared to purr, but Sun Wukong could certainly feel the rumbling rattling his throat. And if they cried, hid in the other's fur, nobody commented on it. Sandy handed them a fluffy blanket, and Sun Wukong took it with a thankful smile, he draped it over the both of them, tucking them in a safe cocoon. 
It was exhilarating to hold Macaque so close, to feel him against his body. He almost feared it was nothing but a dream. Of course, Sun Wukong could feel the familiar hum of magic veiling the other's body, but he said nothing of it (even if he was unhappy Macaque wasted his magic on this) how could he when he veiled his own skin with glamor. The sage nuzzled the macaque head, and asked, in a quiet whisper :
“Can I give you magic?”
Macaque said nothing, but he reluctantly placed his hand on the sage's own, a quiet approval. Sun Wukong smiled, something soft and unguarded, and tightly held the hand, giving his magic away to feed his tired moon. Macaque sighed contently and curled closer, the sage barely repressed the joyous trill tickling his lips, tail thumping against the couch in unashamed glee. 
Sun Wukong relished in the moment, he held the other closer, as close as Macaque allowed. Greedily losing himself in the feel of his fur, the feel of his body. He savored everything, every tremble of skin, every huff of breath, every quiet trills, he etched it in his mind, forever burning the memory of it in his head. He fell in love with the way Macaque's ears twitched every time he breathed (he wondered how it would be like be if the other unfurled his six ears), with the way his ebony tail thumped quietly under the cover, the way the light danced on his ebony fur. 
He wanted to stay here for eternity. 
Unfortunately, Macaque uncurled after a few more hours. Sun Wukong tried to keep him coddled against him but the warrior was unrelenting, he managed to escape his iron grip with the aid of his shadows. The sage repressed his whines and got a hold of himself before he could throw himself at the other to hug him once more. 
“Well… It was a nice session, I guess. I’ll see you both later.” Awkwardly mumbled the macaque, ears dusted with light red.
“Y-yeah, see you later!” Cheerfully answered the sage, he watched, transfixed, as Macaque left the house, his eyes trailing on the other until he disappeared. Once alone with the tea-lover Sun Wukong fell on the couch and let a flood of happy trills and loud purrs burst out of his mouth. He stayed with Sandy for a little while, trying to reign his emotions with tea and meaningless talks about cats and their cuteness. 
At one point the sage heard a song echoing in the room, something barely noticeable coming from the tea-lover phone. 
Sun Wukong didn't listen much to music, but this one struck something in him, it echoed his deepest yearning. He quietly listened to the lyrics, losing himself in the feel of the song. 
“And I guess that we don't need to be falling apart.” He almost whined, something in him was soothed by this single sentence. 
“But you will always have a special place in my heart. I never wanted this to end. Can you forgive me friend?”
When Sandy revealed the title, Forgive me friend, the sage let out a saddened chuckle, how fitting to hear about this song just after his therapy session with Macaque. The sage left Sandy after that, he took the time to pet all the cats one last time before hopping on his cloud. 
He didn't have much to do on Flower Fruit Mountain, but he guessed he could prepare for their on-going trip, or mission “Save the emo monkey” as Mei liked to call it, she even created a chat group for it. It was decided, to Macaque great displeasure, that the entire group (Pigsy, Tang and Sandy included) would be involved in this. Any solo mission was firmly banned after MK's little stunt. The tea-lover was currently fixing one of his airships, the same one they took during the LBD's wreck, and others were preparing food and necessities. 
It wasn't meant to be long (at least for the others, the sage was ready to spend a lot of time on this mission) but it couldn't hurt to be well prepared. 
For now, though, the kids were strictly prohibited to do anything regarding the mission, they had to wait for MK's full recovery before being able to hear from it again (at Macaque's insistent request). They were quite saddened by this fact, and tried on multiple occasions to spam the group chat with questions, but neither adults were willing to reveal anything. 
The sage was quite disturbed to learn that the kids had been tracking the lantern pieces with one of LBD’s device, a compass she gifted to the warrior and that said warrior threw away after the final fight. How they got their hands on it was a mystery. Sun Wukong immediately took the device away and sealed it in his treasure trove after learning of his existence. And if the kids had been frustrated by this, Macaque had backed him up by saying this was a dangerous artifact imbued with the wraith’s magic, not something kids should mess with in the first place. Sun Wukong reassured them by saying he would take it out once the mission began, but until then it was to remain in his possession.
Sun Wukong decided to reinforce the seals on his mountain, MK would be fully healed in a couple of weeks, and that means he would leave the mountain soon. He didn't want to leave the monkeys defenseless, he had enough bad experiences with that. This time he would make sure everything would be alright. The sage took out his phone and stared at it for a moment, his eyes lingered on Macaque's name for a second, he clicked on it and sent a quick message. 
Me : Hey, just to warnn u I’m gona reinforce the montayn seels. 
Macaque : ok, you need help? 
Me : No, its sweet to assk, thks. 
Macaque : no problem. 
Me : annd, hey, if u hav time u can lisen to “Forgiv me Friend”, its a good songg. 
Sun Wukong regretted sending it the second he did it, he cursed and tried to undo it, but he failed, claws only rattling his screen. The message was bright and loud, as if mocking him. He just accepted his fate and hid himself in his palms, face bursting in red, tail seized by nervous twitches. Why was he always so impulsive? He hoped Macaque wouldn't read too much into it, it was a good song in itself, maybe the other wouldn't even talk about it again. 
The King traveled to his mountain's borders and refilled the magic seals etched on the floor. It wasn't very hard to do, but it impacted the whole mountain, making its magic stronger, tougher to break. He even created new ones, leaving no weak spots in his dear kingdom. He crossed paths with his lil bud when he stepped near the water-curtain cave, she ran toward him eagerly, back surprisingly free of cubs, and jumped in his arms. Sun Wukong hugged her lovingly, spinning around a little to make it more dramatic. 
“I wonder if I can take you on our Save the emo monkey mission~” Cooed the great sage as he nuzzled his lil lady, Sock pawed his snout, blissfully unaware of his plan. “I mean, Sandy does take his cat everywhere. And you're so well behaved, aren't you.” He was rather ashamed to admit he got used to sleeping with her, he didn't know if he could have a good night without her comforting warmth. She managed to become an invaluable presence in his life in only a few months. It was scary, in a way, but it was also soothing. 
He returned to his shack with his lil sage in his arms, he freed her once they entered his house and she immediately took her seat on the couch. He looked at his phone when he felt it buzz in his hanfu, he was surprised to see Macaque's name appear on the home screen. 
Macaque : great song. 
Sun Wukong stilled for a second, surprised. A large smile bloomed on his lips, his tail wagged widly behind him, wide loose curls whipping his own legs. The sage barely repressed the squeel tickling his throat and dived on the couch, tightly hugging his lil lady. Sock meowed, surprised by this sudden affection, and pawed at him angrily, offended by it. The King didn't mind her soft pads and kissed them greedily, too happy to care. 
It has been a long time since he felt this joyous. 
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vexcraft · 9 months
Need help with Convex, please!
Hi, Hermitcraft enjoyer who jumped on in Season 7 here. I recently finished updating my hermit tier list (gives my fingers something to do while watching episodes) and found that Scar and Cub are my fourth and third place favourites respectively. (Zedaph and Gem btw). Obvi this got me thinking about how there is, theoretically, an entire season and a half's worth of dynamic between them that I've never seen! This is exciting, except, I don't really have time to watch through the whole of their seasons 5 and 6 to get to the good duo stuff. (Both of their season 6 lineups are well over 100 episodes... Cub has over 200!! Yikes.)
So I'm consulting you, an expert, to help me out. Is there a list of particular episodes that show off their dynamic especially well? Or, if not that, then is there a good jumping on point from one or both perspectives to get right to the good stuff? I suspect the seasons don't just start with them teamed up after all. A number past which they're already an established group would be nice to know.
hello! welcome to a massive rabbithole :D
there are two playlists of the episodes with their interactions (s4 & s5 and s6) if that's something you would be interested in, though i can't necessarily recommend those for properly wanting to learn about them as you would miss quite a lot of stuff and things will most likely feel confusing :p if i remember correctly the vex stuff starts in scar's episode 24 and cub's episode 40 in s5 so i guess that could maybe be a bit of a jumping on point? (though there are a few pranks before that, you can find a links to the prank episodes here)
unfortunately the thing with convex stuff is that it's rather... complicated. it's everywhere, once you start looking. little bits and casual mentions all over the place. my best tip would probably be trying to watch through the seasons while doing something else, having the episodes play in the background so you can tune in when something sounds important, or skimming through things like long parts focused purely on building to get to the more relevant stuff. scar's seasons have less of the vex stuff but they're also a lot shorter and easier to get through and with that knowledge you can pretty easily watch cub's episodes from here and there and have some sort of an idea of what is going on :D it's a lot but man is it also a lot of fun
i'm sorry this isn't a very good answer for what you were asking for but i hope you can still get something out of this!
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