#anti-red hood: outlaws
striveattemptfail · 1 year
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i'm still Not A Fan of how jason's detective skills are consistently downplayed or are outright missing
i understand that the reflection of robin is supposed to highlight the very fact he was trained by The World's Greatest Detective and perhaps foreshadow that he's actually really smart
but to this point both bizarro and artemis have demonstrated better investigative skills than jason, esp bizarro in this particular episode. consistently jason is seen making poor decisions that—bruce's training aside—he would be more careful about, even in his more questionable runs/arcs
idk i'm just kinda waiting for An Actually Smart Jason Todd to show up. but i get that it's not a particularly low bar, so maybe my expectations were set too high for this ¯\_😔_/¯
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incorrectbatfam · 7 months
Seriously stop posting j*yroy it's literally the worst ship out there
You guys are really annoying, you know that? Lucky for me, annoying is where I live, and I just got a recent bonus that I feel like burning.
So here's what we're gonna do:
From now until 11:59 PM EST on Halloween (Oct. 31st), I want the folks reading this to reblog with your favorite Jayroy headcanons. The fluff, the angst, the crackpot humor, all of it. For each reblog this post gets, I will donate $1.00 USD to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund to aid the victims of the ongoing genocide.
BONUS: if you want me to reblog your headcanon with my own "yes and," just make a donation yourself at the link above and DM me a screenshot of the final page as proof (personal info omitted of course). It can be any amount, even just a dollar/euro/whatever denomination you use.
I believe in us. We have the power of gay ships and spite on our side.
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
It's so FUCKING INFURIATING AND EMBARRASING how fanon Jason Todd stans always tell newbie Jason fans 'Don't read comics,just make shit up!!!' when they SHOULD tell them 'If you're scared to read comics,just watch Under The Red Hood!' when it's the perfect Jason adaption and average movie length!!!If you like Jason Todd but haven't actually consumed his media yet and want to get started,ignore those niggas because they're the same people who pretend Jason's Robin dosen't exist because he's black,are disgusted that all three of his love interests have been woc because they want him to only date white boys and white pick me girls and complete erase Jason's autistic-coding,goth punk slay and just his entire swag including what'd make him beyond good afrolatino rep but are foul enough to hc him as latino anyway.Those are the devils talking and you should tune them out by starting up Utrh and you should get your favorite snacks for too because you deserve them and i've read every Jason issue ever so if you want more info on him when you're done follow me since i'll actually know what i'm talking about,i love y'all and stay hydrated and ignoring Janky Talker truthers
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frankencanon · 28 days
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Whoever saw Jason "Tallest Robin" Todd and said "I'm gonna pair this guy with two people who absolutely dwarf him," I love you.
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shyjusticewarrior · 5 months
"Sometimes you do such a good job of being a good guy I forget you're one of the 'bad guys'" is such a good line, I'm mad it's written by Scott Lobdell.
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spacebubblehomebase · 4 months
(6/6) "R is for Rebellion!" ❤️
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Jason Peter Todd was the second Robin. Known for his burning passion and strong beliefs, this little bird will soon find his own way into the world beyond that of even The Bat's established status quo. He who would encourage others to seek new ways unwritten and be an example of someone that could take life's challenges as well as come out stronger. To break rules and have the willpower to persevere to the bitter end. For at times, when old tricks fail, one must forge their own path and seek new resolutions. -Bubbly💙
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judedeluca · 2 months
The really sad thing about people who obsess over Jason and Roy being "besties" is they ignore that these two had to literally be brainwashed into wanting anything to do with each other
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brunoartist · 5 months
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Res Hood and the New Outlaws
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shadow-storm12 · 2 months
Make Jason Todd an anti-hero again
DC Comics needs to give Jason back his guns, the all blades (only hurts magical things), and the dark Trinity (Artemis and Bizarro). He works better when he only interacts with the batfamily in small doses, i.e. Gotham is in danger of batman calls in Jason to handle something that he himself cannot do morally. Hell the outlaws and him can be traveling mercenaries.
or even make him a character that trains anti-heros
Jason Todd's best run was the Rebirth Outlaws (I will die on this hill)
There's more I want to say but can't formulate it into words right now
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one-bat-day · 5 days
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Okay I very much do not like the timeline of this comic (there’s a reason anti-RHATO is a tag on here) because what is this timeline and why is he so twinky
But okay. Jason in this image is supposedly a year and a half before his coming out as Red Hood, BEFORE he was killed by the Joker. But assuming he was supposed to be 16 when he was killed, does that make Jason like under 18 in RHATO? Or did they decide to change the age he died to make him 18-20s in the comic itself??
I hate trying to figure out comic ages and timelines they never line up because the authors don’t actually plan anything with each other unless it matters to the overarching plot of dc
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eightam · 2 years
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Red Hood
Red Hood: Outlaw (Vol. 1) #28
Art by Yasmine Putri
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striveattemptfail · 1 year
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so i took this screencap after i read the latest ep and—
hn. (=_=)
idt i'll liveblog this week but i'll put my Thoughts under the cut
(tl;dr jason's Moobs and artemis' arms are the only thing getting me through this webtoon and unfortunately i am near hitting the point where that can no longer sustain me 😔😔)
(also pls heed the tags on this post bc there is a lot of Wank And Bitching. if you don't wanna read the meandering negativity, pls move along ᕕ(ಠ_ಠ)ᕗ)
okay so Thoughts™️:
i said i'd stick around to make sure lobo was done well but considering he folded and fucked off in <5 panels i can't even judge that
and idr if i mentioned it on my blog but i told some friends i'd stick around for the first season of rho and likely drop it after that
but idek if i can keep to that anymore
i've read a lot of really crappy comics, superhero issues and webcomics alike. i've had my fair share of whiplash pacing and wildly ooc canon
i'm not saying i'm an expert at judging comics, but i'll give myself enough credit to say at the very least that this webtoon is Just Not Good
while i'm personally not bothered by changing the art style—
(actually, it's one of the few things i appreciate in traditional publishing for superhero comics, so introducing it to the webcomic medium has been really interesting to me)
(but that's a whole other post lol)
—they're not using the change to its full potential, or even for its intended purpose
i get that the webtoon weekly schedule is brutal and borderline inhumane for a lot of asian artists, so it's probably hell on earth for western artists having to switch to that kind of scheduling
nico offloading all the inking to another artist so he can get a break makes sense
but if that's the case, the art should be more polished—and it just isn't
it's still abundantly clear to me that corners were cut to get eps out on time with the same kind of length
i'm not an illustrator, and my eye for perspective is already pretty awful with my glasses on, but i think it still says something that my half-blind ass can still see errors
if the art has to change to give the regular artist a break, why isn't any of the art (both from the original artist and the fill-in artist) not up to par?
and this isn't even considering that the art just changes in the middle of an arc, which makes everything hella confusing for a reader who can seamlessly read episode after episode due to the nature of the webtoons platform and the webcomic medium in general
at least if there's an art switch in most traditional comics, it's introducing a new arc or volume to that series, and it's physically broken up into multiple comic books/issues
the changes in rho thus far have just been ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ at best, and (to me) without any thought about how the style could affect the overall story
to be clear: wayne family adventures also does this. but at least toby succeeds in emulating starbite's art style enough not to break immersion. and because it's been toby every time, the changes in art style is usually only noticeable when scrutinized
unlike with rho thus far, who's had different artists with similar but still distinctly different styles
so the abrupt art change is not only impacting the immersion of a reader but the effectiveness of the storytelling
and i don't even wanna get into patrick young's abysmal writing thus far. i know better than to yell on the internet about comic writers after namedropping them lol
i love jason. i genuinely like his rebirth outlaws team. for all the flack i give lobdell for rhato (2011) and in general, he did some actually decent things for all three outlaws during their 2016 run onwards
(some things. i'm still not forgiving him for rhato (2016) #25, or the fact that willis todd was apparently gd wingman, or for a lot of other things, but that is a discussion for yet another post lol)
i honestly cannot say the same for patrick young's writing
aside from the (fucked up) storyline happening to bizarro, i stand by my point that the highlight of every arc thus far has been the villains
which would be a compliment if it weren't for the fact that the series is supposed to be about the titular (anti) heroes of the story, or if the heroes were just written half as well
and yet?? i've been disappointed by every development for jason, and the mostly lack thereof for artemis, much less the downright disrespectful treatment for all the other characters introduced thus far
bizz really is the best boy, not only for his kind nature but for being the only decently written character out of the three
i get that superhero comics allows for different characterizations and the webtoon is continuing that tradition
doesn't mean i like what's happened to most of the characters
it's just........it's been really disappointing reading this webtoon
and i honestly feel bad for those who've spent hard earned coins unlocking any of this webtoon's fastpass eps
verdict: am i gonna drop this sooner than i thought? likely so
unfortunately for me i am a stubborn masochist of a stan so i'll be testing how long i can hold on just out of love for these characters 🥴🥴🥴
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nerdytextileartist · 29 days
In this edition of "Sigh, Another Day, Another Tumblr Post..."
If the reasoning for why they keep shipping make Roy interact with Jason is because both Roy and Jason's stepmother were both addicts (BTW Roy is a recovered addict and Catherine Todd was retconned from dying of cancer to drug overdose which smacks of classism because Jason came from poverty), then what's keeping people from having Jason recruit Snowflame for his crew?
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Think about it, there's a bunch of fics that erase Dinah and Hal from Roy's recovery in order to force Jason into the role of caretaker despite Roy being eight years older than Jason. Let's see people write a fic where Jason tries to make and keep Snowflame- a villain who gets his powers from cocaine- clean.
Aaaaaand now I want there to be a "Red Hood and the Outlaws" with Snowflame instead of Arsenal in the roster. Now which D/C-list honeypot villainess should take over Starfire's slot?
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
It's finally here!!!
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Graphic design is my passion LMFAO but as i said i would do a while back,i've created a masterpost of all the Jason Todd content that's worth your time!This is rather long but he's existed since 1983 so!!
Base edit is my little sister @mayameanderings and tagging @coffeemilkcatz and @nanaonmars since they said yes when i asked if they wanted me to!Let's dive in then!
Batman 408-426,Detective comics 568-582,Superman annual 11,New Teen Titans 18-31,Blue Devil 19,Action comics 556 and 594,Batman Annuals 10-12 and Batman(The cult)for pre-reboot Robin!Jason my beloved
Nightwing Year One 101-106,New Teen Titans 55,Nightwing 10(1997)and Legends of the Dark Knight 100 for Dick and Jason siblinghood,Gotham Knights 34 for the short story of him and Alfred and Detective comics 790 for Bruce telling Cass about him as it takes place on Jason's birthday
Lost Days aka the Red Hood prologue
Under The Red Hood(2010)-The original comic is good in it's own right but the movie is leagues better written(Rare comic book adaption exception lmao)
Robin 177 and 182-183 for tha actual Tim and Jason beef instead of 'replacement' and 'enemy to caretaker' bs
Azreal:Death's Dark Knight 3(Can't give commentary on this one since i don't know Azreal like that,sorry)
Red Hood and The Outlaws(2016).Unlike the Utrh comic vs the Utrh movie,the original Rhato has nothing positive like the reboot
Not TECHNICALLY Jason BUT Duke is his favorite brother and Stephanie's the only Batfam girl he's truly close to so you should also stan them since he'd want you to /lh
Red Hood:Outlaw for the confirmation that Red Hood loves black women from infinity to infinityyyyy(meaning his love interest Dana Harlowe is introduced and featured as an mc in this run)
Urban Legends 1-6 for his return to the Batfam-Messy tbh but i do enjoy parts of it!
Task Force Z for him and Stephanie being a vigilante team and it has a prelude,that being Detective comics 1041-1043
Unkillables and Joker:The Man Who Stopped Laughing for Jayrose goodies and more of the above
Gotham War if you feel like turning off your brain to look at good art and laugh at dogshit writing
Red Hood:The Hill is his current run and when our queen Dana comes home from comics limbo!!!
The following is a misc list that's not required to include in your Jason knowledge but HIGHLY recommended you do just for fun!
Tiny Titans 23,29,33,39,45 and 47,Bombshells 46,60 and 62,Bombshells United 18-24,Lego Batman:Family Matters,A Death In The Family 2020,Batman:The Adventures Continue,Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 5-6,The Doom That Came to Gotham 2023 and The Teen Titans Go episode 'The Best Robin'(Pre-Reboot Robin Jason rights!!!).Also look up 'Nobody cares about Tim Drake' if you don't know what that is,you'll love it
Jason also appears in the Lego DC Super Villains games that i highly recommend as well especially because my girlfriend is a mega fan of it and i don't know much about Lego Batman 3:Beyond Gotham but please avoid the aformentioned original Rhato,Red Hood:Outlaws and the Gotham Knights game as they feature extremely problematic writing not limited to but including racialized misogyny and ableism and do disservice to Jason himself anyway so you wouldn't want to consume them to begin with if you want to like him.I have mixed feelings on the Arkham Knight and Injustice games series' but they are objectively fairly good so i wouldn't say no to giving them a shot to see if you like them
And for the finale we have Wayne Family Adventures-Definitely a good read but to be totally honest it does Duke DIRTY and it sucks so much of DC to have marketed as his series to not only not follow through at all and make it an ensemble cast instead but ALSO deprive him of his actual characterization and story to make him a demure weak black boy stereotype.I won't judge you at all for liking it if you decided to read it or have already but kindly keep this in mind and consider joining me and my mutuals in our rewrite of it to give our Signal of Hope and Chaos the writing he deserves or at least support us through likes and reblogs!Happy Jason readings and have a good day💕
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londonclubofsherwood · 2 months
Thinking about Roy Harper's characterisation in the outlaws as an outcast/failed sidekick/guy no one returns the calls of, and how it paints a horrifying picture of the justice league. In Snowbirds don't fly Oliver Queen initially reacted badly, but Hal Jordan and Dinah Lance helped him. Ollie learnt his lesson, and twice the amount of justice league members had his back. If his only help came from killer croc then every single member of the superhero community, the literal good guys, rejected a guy struggling through a disease. That is so depressing, and stigmatising for people who's struggle with addiction.
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imdoinggreatthanks · 2 months
I honestly can't make up my mind/ don't ship him with anyone which feels weird because he's my favorite character so I feel obligated to ship him with SOMEONE so let me know your thoughts
Edit: I did contemplate adding y/n or reader as one of the options with how many of those fics are out there lol
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