#arrival point e spoilers
ariapmdeol · 2 years
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COEtober2022 day 7: Calamity
stupid pink haired mf flooded my sink <3 anyways! close ups!
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callmerainman · 7 months
No Derogatory Nicknames | sinner!Adam x fem!sinner!Reader
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
pairing. sinner!Adam x fem!sinner!Reader
plot. You're the one and only member of the Royal Family's official army, and you were given the first, vital mission in your lifetime as a bodyguard. Surveilling the First Man on Earth, Adam. Reincarnated in Hell. You and Adam agree on two things: you can't stand each other, and you would never sleep together.
word count. 3.3k
tags. Hazbin Hotel ep8 spoilers!, enemies to lovers, Adam reincarnated as a sinner in Hell.
tw! cursing, Adam being Adam, mentions of sex
part. 1/3
The Royal Family’s official army was a millennium-old institution, skillfully trained through the years to protect Lucifer’s family from potential threats. Except that the army has lost its prestige a long time ago, and you’re the last unit left. You joined the army a short time after your death. It was princess Charlie Morningstar who guided you towards that decision, after finding you lost and scared, wandering around Pentagram City. The infernal princess didn’t specify that the army was dismantled hundreds of year prior, and that it was just an excuse to convince Lucifer to give you hospitality in one of their mansion’s rooms. In the end, the King accepted to make you a bodyguard. You went through trainings, trials, impossible challenges. All of that to…guard Lucifer’s rubber ducks. Boredom wasn’t ignorable. So when Lucifer asked you if you could take on a really serious mission, you accepted immediately. And your task really was important.
Guarding Adam, the First Man on Earth. Reincarnated in Hell.
After wandering for days around Pentagram City, just like you did, he asked the Hotel for help. E promised that he would change. Charlie, being Charlie, couldn’t deny him a chance. But Lucifer didn’t trust him, and accepted his permanence at the Hotel only at the condition that you would be guarding him. And that’s how you arrived at the Hazbin Hotel, how you met Charlie’s friend and especially…Adam. You immediately regretted the rubber ducks. Adam accepted in turn the idea of being watched, but he detested it and didn’t hesitate to let you know. He was as old as the Earth but as immature as if he was born yesterday. Arrogant, hot-headed, presumptuous. He made your job impossible, but he was clever enough to not show it too much to still stay at the Hotel. You were the opposite of patient and dealing with him was troubling. Talking back to him corresponded to a reaction. For example he never spared himself from letting you know how much he did NOT want to sleep with you, because of how much he found you insufferable.
“I have other priorities, instead of being approached by your teeny-tiny thing” you said.
“Hey! You can only dream of having a taste of the original dick!” Adam said, pointing a finger to your face.
And Adam hated when you followed him around town, with your angelic spear always clenched in your fist. He would always mumble insults under his breath, to which you responded with the same medicine. For example when you accompanied him to the few music shops in the city to fix his electric guitar that he would always break out of frustration of being here.
“I’m here only because Lucifer asked me, ‘cause otherwise I would have already called Nifty to repeat the job” you hissed between your teeth, sticking your spear towards his face.
Adam would hunch forward in an attempt to intimidate you “Oh yeah, go get her, so you can show your Hell Daddy how efficient of a bodyguard you are!”.
And you couldn’t do nothing more than sighing, squeezing the spear in your fist because you knew that Adam was right and you couldn’t do anything about it. You always looked forward to nighttime so that you two could separate and go to your respective rooms in the Hotel. Even the guests were relieved, because your bickering was daily and their ears were filled with your insults thrown left and right. Adam, although he was the one who knocked on the Hotel’s door, wasn’t too fond on participating in its activities. He didn’t get the benefit of Charlie’s exercises, and that anguished him because it seemed like the road back to Heaven was far away. Even there, your duty was to encourage him in participating. And your patience with the First Man was running out, so you had to do so by growling between your teeth to be proactive.
“I get it, bitch” he would whisper, enough to be heard from you but not by Charlie. And then he would improvise some sort of low effort answer barely sufficient to make Charlie happy.
You started to get the feeling that some of Charlie’s exercises were specifically aimed at making you and Adam get along. You had your confirmation when once Charlie called only you and Adam, letting you sit together on the couch. Adam’s fists were clenching in correspondence with his knees.
“What are we doing?” he asked.
You crossed your arms on your chest, cocking an eyebrow. Charlie laughed nervously, feeling a growing tension.
“Uhm…see this as a sort of…couple therapy!”
You and Adam, in tandem, erupted in a disgusted groan. His new wings, now turned black, ruffled and pointed upwards in a synced motion with yours.
“WE’RE NOT A COUPLE!” you two shouted in unison.
“I know, but you’re always together and…”
Charlie agitated both her hands “But you need to stand by each other, and I would like for you to do so without fighting every time! There must be something you get along in, right?”
You protruded forward “The only thing we agree on is that we would much rather die for eternity than being close to each other”.
Adam raised his arms to emphasize your words “Exactly, I would rather be stabbed again by your filthy janitor than sleep with a pain in the ass like her”
“What did you just say?!”.
Charlie, seeing you two jump towards each other to fight, threw herself between you both to avoid it.
You couldn’t sleep that night. With your head plunged in your pillow, you smothered screams of frustration. Adam, Adam and again Adam. He fluttered in your head with hammering insistence, tormenting you even in moments of relax. Why was he always traveling in your head? Why did you keep visualizing his dumb fucking face when he insulted you in the most disparate ways? Fuck, he knew how to get on your nerves even in dreams.
“Adam!” Charlie stops the fallen angel in the Hotel kitchen. He was filling his bowl with milk and cereals.
“Yeah, brat?” he replied.
Charlie sighed “What did we say about nicknames?”
Adam rolls his eyes, bringing a spoonful of cereals to his mouth.
“No ferogafory nifnames” he slurs, his cheeks full.
“Exactly!” Charlie claps her hands “anyway, I need you to do me a favor. You should go grocery shopping for the Hotel”.
Adam raises a brow “Groceries? What am I, a-“
He interrupts himself when his eyes meet yours behind Charlie’s shoulder. Where did you come from? In any case, your gaze is as furious as always. He’s pretty sure that he never saw you peaceful in all his permanence in Hell. Your fuming look is enough to make him desist, so he sighs.
“Alright. And I suppose that Mrs. Spear-Up-My-Ass is going to come with me”.
“Of course (Y/N) will go with you, you’ll shop together” and Charlie adds a hopeful grin.
“How fortun-OH”.
Without noticing, you appear on Adam’s side, a reassuring look on your face but reserved only to Charlie.
“Don’t worry Charlie, I’ll keep an eye on him”.
“Can you not stick your shitty angelic spear in my fucking cereals?!” Adam cusses.
Nervously, Charlie smiles “Of course (Y/N), but I’m pretty positive that Adam won’t cause any trouble”.
You shrug your shoulders “I dunno, I don’t expect much from a dirtbag of his caliber”.
Adam drops the spoon in the bowl of milk, cereals spilling out of it and one of them hitting your cheek
“What, you old hag?!” he screams.
“Old, me?! You’re literally as old as the Earth!”
Charlie puts her hands in her head, desperate “Just go shopping for fucks sake!”.
Half an hour later you and Adam are walking down the streets of Pentagam City. He was bragging about the time he broke the record of bras thrown on stage during a gig he performed in Heaven. Now that you think about it, Adam played in a band when he was up in the skies. And he has an electric guitar that you always accompanied him to fix. By the way, you never stopped to ask yourself what kind of music he listened to, or what genre he played. That’s because you never thought there was something worth to know about Adam. You turn around to look at him in the eyes. When he talked nonstop, without insulting you, his face was more relaxed and in a certain sense a bit more pleasurable to look at. Two big, curled horns sprouted on his head when he reincarnated, you grabbed them so many times while fighting.
“And what did you play with your band-“
“We’re here”.
You stop. You look at Adam, you didn’t realize that you reached your destination. Maybe you’ll pick up the conversation later, maybe not. Why would you want to know more about the Exterminator? You shove a hand in your pants pocket and you take the list Charlie prepared. You put it in Adam’s hand, and you turn around.
“C’mon, go inside”.
Adam frowns, puzzled.
“Wait, you’re not going with me?”.
Adam plants himself in front of you, trying to read your face. He wants to know if you’re making fun of him or something like that. But he only finds embarrassment, as you try to avoid his analysis.
“Do you need me to hold your hand or you can handle it on your own?”.
For a second, Adam’s eyes widen, then a sly smirk crosses his face.
“You wanna hold my haaaa-“
“No” you stop him “and that’s why I’m telling you to go alone”.
Adam shrugs, he looks amused.
“Okay, I’ll treasure this opportunity to get away as far as I can from you”.
And so Adam goes. You realize that all the time you tried to avoid his eyes, your face was burning. You didn’t want him to see even a drop of trust in your eyes, not even the tiniest amount sufficient to let him go grocery shopping. So you stay still outside the supermarket, your angelic spear hidden between your wings to not catch passerby’s attention. Time goes by, and soon Adam will finish. But Adam doesn’t come back. You decide to wait a little more. Then you hear sounds of shouting inside the supermarket, an argument between two men. A carousel of possible scenarios displays in your mind. Adam who calls the cashier a bitch, Adam who yells to the staff because they’re out of ribs. You immediately dash inside, almost smashing through the automatic glass door. You follow the sound of screams, and you find Adam. It’s just not the scenario you had predicted. Adam has his hands raised in front of a bull-like demon, who has a fist directed towards him.
“I recognize you, you know? You’re that shithead from the Extermination”
Adam, visibly pissed off, still keeps his palms open “Hey asshole, I don’t know what you’re talking about”.
It’s when the other demon jumps onwards to attack Adam that you throw yourself between them, your spear pointed towards the bull.
“Don’t fucking touch him!” you yell.
Your chest rises and lowers wildly with every breath. You can’t see it, but Adam’s eyes are incredulous. He looks at his own chest, your free arm is pressed against it, pushing him back in protection. Your teeth are gritted, your horns grown exponentially. His cheek tickles because one of your wings is brushing against it with ruffled feathers, and his skin starts to warm up because your hair caught fire. Adam saw you enraged so many times, usually because of him, but never like this. In the end, the demon gives up, taking a step back from your tended spear. He grunts and takes his leave, fists still clenched but not a menace anymore. You finally relax, the fire in your hair suffocates, your wings recollect themselves and your horns shrink back to their original size.
“Ehm…what the fuck happened?” Adam asks, trying to find your eyes. You run away from them as always.
“Don’t ask questions”
“I thought you were supposed to protect others from me, not me from others”
You press your lips in a thin line, and walk towards the checkout with the shopping bags Adam dropped.
“It’s not like I can leave you moribund on the floor of a supermarket with the possibility of you respawning somewhere else in Hell where I can’t supervise you. Let’s get back to the Hotel now”.
Adam follows behind you, and you know he’s smirking. He steals one of the shopping bags from your hand, and takes your side.
“Well, what were you about to ask me outside? You wanted to know about my band in Heaven?”.
Back to the Hotel, you’re welcomed by a wide smile from Charlie. Just seeing you two walking close without fighting signs on your bodies means a lot to her.
“Sooooo, how did it go?” she asks, sliding in front of you.
You and Adam exchange a quick glance, then you shrug “He almost got jumped”.
“Oh c’mon!” Adam exclaims, raising his arms in protest.
“Why so?” Charlie asks.
“A total asshole almost recognized me” Adam says.
“It’s not a secret that you reside at the Hotel, and someone might not like you” Charlie adds.
“I don’t like him-“ you convene.
“We know, (Y/N)!” Charlie sighs “and because there are sinners like you who, rightfully so, don’t like Adam, we need you to be close to him. Even because we can’t risk Adam using his powers, it could be trouble”.
You stop to reflect, meanwhile Adam puts the grocery bags on the kitchen counter without saying a word. Now that you think about it, Adam didn’t use his powers. When he reappeared in Hell, although with less capacity, he still kept a great power. He was prohibited from using it at the Hazbin Hotel, but anyone would have used them in a situation like the one that unfolded at the supermarket. But Adam didn’t do nothing. He just raised his hands, limiting himself to only cuss at the potential aggressor, and then you intervened. Did he internalize a Hotel lesson?
“No, Adam didn’t use his powers. We gotta give him credit for that” you say.
Adam freezes as he opens the fridge to organize the groceries. You can’t see him, but he’s delicately blushing.
“That’s awesome!” Charlie chirps, happily “It’s a great step forward, Adam!”.
“Mh yeah whatever” Adam brushes it off.
“And you Adam, did you see any quality in (Y/N) that you previously ignored?” Charlie asks, full of hope.
Adam looks at you. You press your lips together and for a moment you hold each other’s gazes. You feel yourself palpitating, and it bothers you.
“She was cool I guess. Cool-ish. And she got interested in my band. But that’s natural, all bitches are interested in my band”.
“Adam, nicknames!”.
Adam raises his shoulders “If (Y/N) doesn’t mind, I’ll go to my room”.
“Me too” you assert.
You wave at all the guests in the lobby, Angel Dust has a weirdly wide smile on his face, almost amused. You go up the stairs, following behind Adam. His arms fall on his side.
“You wanna follow me to my bed?!” he says.
“I’m going to my own room which happens to be next to yours, asshole!”
“Yeah yeah, it’s more likely for Mr. Deer over there to cross the Pearly Gates than me letting you have a piece of this” Adam replies, pointing both fingers down to his groin.
“I don’t even want it!”.
Downstairs, Angel Dust looks at everyone with insistence. Husk is confused, Alastor simply disinterested, and Cherri Bomb appears to already know what the spider demon is about to say.
“Is it me or I sense a certain sexual tension?” he finally says.
Vaggie, Husk and Charlie sigh in resignation. Alastor decides that it’s time for him to get up and leave. Cherri Bomb, on her part, chuckles.
“Yeah I think it’s only you” she says.
“If you sense sexual tension between them I think you got a serious problem, Angel” Vaggie says.
Angel bursts out laughing, throwing himself back on the couch and crossing his numerous arms behind his neck “I bet good money that those two will end up going at it within a week”.
Before they could realize it, all of them were already placing a good amount of money on bets. All pointing towards a no. Angel Dust is the only one convinced of his vision. That between the Royal Guard and the First Man, climbing up the stairs next to each other with annoyance, there could be something that keeps you close in a different way.
Adam stops in front of his bedroom’s door. He opens it, and you walk towards the door next to it which is the one for your room. But Adam clears his throat, staring at an indefinite point in front of him.
“Uhm…can you come here a sec?”.
You raise a confused eyebrow, and you cautiously walk towards him. You should be holding your angelic spear, but you left it aside. You stand behind him, and Adam turns around to face you.
“Yeah?” you question.
Adam looks at you, and you raise your chin to hold up his golden eyes. This time you see the flushed red on his cheeks, and his embarrassed expression.
“Well…thanks for today…I guess? This is how Lucifer’s brat wants me to talk to you, right?”.
Your eyes widen in surprise, and your hands start to fidget. It’s not difficult to look at Adam when he’s being like this.
“Yeah, I don’t know, whatever. Don’t expect things to change” you reply.
Adam scowls, and moves closer to you.
“Of course not, you’re still a world-class pain in the ass”.
“And you’re still a fucking jerk”.
Your foreheads are almost touching, you can feel his breath on your face. You notice it too late. Why aren’t you backing up? Shouldn’t that be easy? Your heart is racing again.
“And you’re still a bi-“
“Hey” you interrupt “Charlie said…”.
Too close now. As always. You and Adam have always been close. In a different way. And you always wanted to leave. But not even Adam is moving and his gaze softens. He’s looking at you intently, he’s burning and doesn’t know what to do and at the same time he seems convinced on something.
“I know” he says, with half a tone “nicknames should not be um…”.
He stumbles on his own words, you’re now chest to chest, and you try to help him out “Nicknames shouldn’t be de…” you have trouble too.
“Deroga…tory…” he mumbles.
You lean in. And without premeditation, there’s a kiss. Strong, desperate. Your lips intertwined, your hands in his hair and grazing his horns, and his own hand placed on your waist. He doesn’t need to pull you closer, you already were. You don’t have time to breathe, your kisses are too persistent. A couple of moans escape you both, out of confusion and satisfaction. Now your arguments all look like a joke, because it’s obvious that the sexual tension Angel Dust envisioned is an undeniable reality. Despite spending months repeating that it was something that would never happen. And here you are, clinging to one another, making out. And it feels good.
When you separate you meet his eyes. You expect something terrible. Disgust, or that he stays true to his word and strays away. But you don’t see any of that. Only disbelief, and a sort of epiphany that encourages him to encapsulate the nape of your neck with a hand.
“Shit” he says.
“Shit” you convene.
And then you throw yourselves against each other’s lips again, and Adam drags you inside his room. You let yourself be taken away, and you shut the door close with a kick.
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evvlevie · 10 months
Yes, I promise you will shift and/or manifest that thing you want.
Hi besties, it's your girl Evie again, after what seems like ages of me being away for stuff like not failing my uni-exams (!!!)
For my first post after my big pause, I chose to share a little bit of knowledge with you guys, that helped me get through my manifestation-journey / shifting-journey
"If you really want something, it is guaranteed to be yours"
Really simple, but REALLY important.
this is valid for big stuff like SP-manifestations and shifting just like for small stuff e. g. manifesting good weather.
the universe loves you. It loves you so much, that as soon as it registered your desire, all efforts are being made in order to get it to you the fasted way possible.
Yes, that "fastest way possible" can mean time frames that go up to years sometimes.
I have read about success stories of people who "waited" (yes I know that waiting is the wrong terminology here, please don't come for me) for multiple years until the bridge of incidences has played out in the way that it had to, so that the desire could arrive in the way it needed to.
You need to stop treating manifestation as this quick fix for everything ever, because yes desires can manifest within minutes but sometimes they just simply don't.
You need to remember that you wanting something, just means future you has it, and is directing you towards the thing that is "your destiny" through your desires.
This also means one thing: The universe has shown you what shifting is. You desire to shift to a certain place. That means you have already shifted there and you are now experiencing the path that got you there. And when you look at that, wouldn't you agree that it isn't really important on how much pressure you put on it, because since you want it, you are PROMISED to get it anyway? And since you are reading this post, you were supposed to hear me say this, so maybe just believe me for a moment.
Seriously that's how I view my life at this point. Any of my desires are just indicators to me of what I have in the future.
And since I know that, it's way easier to not give power to unlikeable 3D-circumstances, because I already have the spoiler that I get the thing I desire. I wouldn't desire it, if I wasn't getting it anyway. Those unpleasant 3D-Situations are just means to an end, they are just the bridge of incidences that gets me from point desiring to point having it in the physical realm. (Very small reminder here: If an unpleasant situation arises you can react to it, and it won't meddle with your manifestations badly, because as I mentioned, they are promised to you. Many people think that ignoring the 3D means detaching from your very human emotions, which really isn't the point of experiencing the human experience. The point of the human experience are the many emotions attached to it. Ignoring the 3D means, at least to me, that even if it seems very unlikely for the desires to harden into fact and that even it the utter opposite of your desire has shown up, you need to remind yourself that your desire is still promised and guaranteed and that you are receiving it, although unpleasantries appear.)
What I am trying to say here:
If you haven't shifted, yet: don't pressure yourself, don't stress yourself and don't think you are doing something wrong just because you have been trying to shift for a certain amount of time, and still have not.
⇢ because since you want it, you have already done it. You just have to live through the experience of how you got there. And this experience has its length, whether you like it or not. This length is different for each and every person out there. There is no reason to get demotivated. Because why would you if it is already set in stone, that you will have shifted once you lived through the experience of finding out how to shift? You shouldn't go to bed thinking "I hope I shift tonight" and you shouldn't be waking up thinking "Damn it, I can't shift since I didn't last night".
I go to bed excited because I KNOW for certain that I will experience my shift and that every night could be the night and I wake up in my CR thinking "Oh well, looks like the time hasn't come yet, but I know it will."
If you want something, it is already on its fastest way possible to get to you. No "if" , "and" or "but".
Yours in every reality,
Evie <3
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ladymischievous · 8 months
A Few Thoughts on Alastor in Ep 5
-o-o-o-As a warning, spoilers ahead.-o-o-o-
Something I noticed, and it really hit home here in Episode 5, but is it just me, or is Alastor more tolerant/kinder to women over men? It's very clear and detailed throughout the episode and a bit prior to the series' official release.
Alastor has problems with Lucifer right off the bat and becomes outright antagonistic. We know that Lucifer has problems and that there's strain in his relationship with Charlie. She explains part of it to the rest of the cast, except Alastor isn't there to hear it. In fact, he noticeably comes into things a little bit later, as the cast is prepping for Lucifer's visit.
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Now, one could easily say that he's possible gleeful at the thought of stirring up trouble, but I don't think that's the case at all. In the latter pic Alastor looks more agitated. His smile is more of a sneer, with that slight curl to his lips and the narrowing gaze. This agitation is even more apparent when Lucifer arrives.
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It's a very different look from his usual smile, and afterwards the back and forth and Alastor finally saying 'Fuck you.' to Lucifer's face is said in such a tone of disdain, Alastor has a problem with Lucifer.
Now in their duet, Alastor is clearly trying to get under Lucifer's skin. He can see that there's cracks and strains in their relationship and prods at them to get at Lucifer. He's cozying up to Charlie and hitting where it hurts. But events afterwards brings up the question of whether or not there might be a part of him that might care on some level. Maybe not in a typical way, but it might still be there.
It's after Mimzy's arrival that we start to see different sides to Alastor. With the way he speaks and behaves with Mimsy, it feels like he has a friendship with her. She even refers to how Alastor likes to take care of her. It's a side of Alastor that we really haven't seen so far, there's a genuine feel in how he interacts with Mimzy. And even when he asks her to leave. He makes the point about her bringing danger and him protecting the hotel. Mimzy calls him out about how he can't possibly actually care. Up to this point, Alastor has made references to his own agenda and being their solely for his own amusement and enjoying to watch people fail. But that wasn't said here, to Mimzy who knows him on a more personal level. It's not something he'd really have to hide from her because she seems to know what he's about. But he makes no reference to anything like that this time. Alastor even mentions to Mimzy that if she's actually looking to try for redemption she'd be allowed to stay but knowing that's not 'her style', he insists she leaves.
After Alastor's prior interaction with Husker, we're reminded that Alastor can be vicious when he feels insulted. Mimzy then insults him to his face. She's very comfortable around him, even after him displaying how dangerous he actually is against the Loan Sharks.
As of writing this when episodes 5 and 6 were released, this appears to be a pattern. It's especially more noticeable when you have characters like Adam, especially with him appearing in episode 6. Alastor seems to at least have more patience or (for lack of a better word) care with women most of the time.
I remember a comic called 'A Day in the Afterlife' where this was also a noticeable detail.
I know there's a theory that Alastor has a connection with Lilith, and I support it as well. I am looking forward to seeing more and just what that connection is.
There is something very strange going on with Lilth. We already know what she looks like:
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There's no attempts to hide these old family photos. But in the second musical number, Lilith is shown like this:
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If Alastor has connections with Lilith specifically, it could explain some of his immediate issues towards Lucifer. Especially if he considers Lucifer as the one at fault in their split.
Another little detail about Alastor and Lilith potentially having a connection with each other, is her talent for singing.
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Music and Radio are very important to each other after all.
Anyway, those were just my thoughts. I hope you enjoyed.
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donaardaardendrian · 3 months
A summary of the endings of Animation Vs Science
At the time of writing this, only the first 3 episodes are out, any follow up will be done in reblogs. Spoilers below.
Let's start with Animation Vs Math (Av∑) :
After discovering the Math Universe, and fighting with Euler's Constant (e), Orange (aka TSC) asks e if it knows an exit to get out of this place, and comes up with a solution :
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The terms of that summation are the values of "volume" of 2n-ball (with radius of 1): With n=0, the 0-ball is the point, and there is 1 point in a point (shocking), π^0 / Γ(1) = 1 ; with n=1, the 2-ball is the disk with area π, π^1 / Γ(2) = π ; with n=2, the 4-ball is the hyper-ball with hyper-volume π^2/2, π^2 / Γ(3) = π^2/2 ; and so on...
So TSC gets blipped out of existence through an infinite dimensional ball.
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And appear in Animation Vs Physics (Avᴘ⃗ )...
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Where after adventuring in a cowboy hat through space thanks to conveniently placed props, he reaches a black hole, a plunge into it.
(Due to time travel shenanigans, TSC goes multiple times through the same period of time, which the video does not show, skipping ahead)
He finds there his future self, who teach him how to manipulate quantum probability, and the flow of time.
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Together, they conveniently place props through space for their past selves, and before leaving, by selecting a different universe interpretation, future TSC takes present TSC's hat, making present TSC "past TSC's future TSC" (dear god).
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We will now follow TSC after he jumps through the universe as his future self.
Sadly, in Animation Vs Geometry (Av𝔊), he seems to have ended up in a dimensionless universe which he have to expend to move freely, first adding time, then two spacial dimension.
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And, with phi (ɸ), after a bit of fleeing from a 4D menace, the Octaplex, they put it in a dimension prison referencing Poincaré's Dodecahedral Space, where space as the same volume as a dodecahedron whose opposite faces are linked after a 36° rotation.
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However, we come across a familiar face : Avᴘ⃗ 's TSC looking from the previous universe, which seems to shock our TSC a bit, making him fall in the opposite direction : into the next one.
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The universe then reset to a timeless space dot, enter-able by any stick figure that would go through universe... Oh, it moved.
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(Since the universe seems to reset itself dimensionless, quitting time until it's restarting, the universe itself is in a timeloop. Thus, the nudge is caused by the same TSC that arrived 9 minutes before.)
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manicplank · 6 months
Got any angst about the pt cast?
Of course, I do.
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Peppino: He was bullied as a child/teenager and developed horrible social anxiety and depression from it. He also has generalized anxiety disorder. He's not necessarily estranged from his family, but he doesn't communicate with them a lot. This has caused tension to rise as his family began to think he doesn't love them. His failing business only adds to his crippling anxiety. He holds it against himself and is convinced that he's a failure.
Gustavo: I've said it a million times, but he's a divorced dad with minimal custody rights. He feels guilty for it. The divorce was super hard on him and still hurts. He was also very lonely at home before he got Brick. Other than that, he's a pretty jolly guy.
Mr. Stick: He's a lonely guy. His social skills aren't the best, and he's very condescending. His gambling problem has actually caused him great losses in life. He has maybe one friend (Burton). Despite being a con man, he's very gullible.
Pepperman: His narcissistic tendencies have cause many relationships to peril. Family, friends, and even partners had grown tired of his antics. He spends most of his time on his art and forgets to take care of himself. He's quite lonely.
The Vigilante: He doesn't have any family left. His maw and paw died early in his life after they were killed by outlaws. This is what made him decide to become The Vigilante. His peepaw, John E. Cheese, raised him. After he passed, The Vigilante had nobody but the ghost of him. He's become very lonely and is slightly depressed.
The Noise: He has an absent father who he resents for not being there. He grew up as a chaotic AuDHD child with a mother who didn't know how to handle it. He was bullied a lot. He's very paranoid that people will use him for money and fame, which is why he doesn't really have any friends other than Noisette. He's very angry and depressed underneath that silly persona. His social skills aren't great, either.
Noisette: She's incredibly insecure when it comes to criticism. She got bullied a lot in school for her poor social skills. Like Noise, she's also AuDHD, but her parents were educated and raised her well. She holds herself to modern beauty standards and occasionally gets insecure of her appearance.
Fake Peppino: He was met with violence and fear very early in life as he was constantly being hunted down by others in the tower (piggy police, The Vigilante). People were afraid of him, and it made him sad about himself. [Fic spoiler] Bruno was a great friend to him, but now he's gone. Until Peppino arrived, he felt that he was unlovable. Pizzahead is fine but can get too rough when it comes to correcting behavior.
Pizzahead: His poor social skills and onsessive behaviors have caused him to suffer greatly in his social life. He's very lonely and pushes most people away. He snapped at a certain point and went completely insane. He's a psychopathic maniac. He buries himself in work most of the time to avoid his feelings.
Pillar John: [Fic spoilers] John was originally a maintenance man in the tower. He was an incredible fixer and was good friends with Pizzahead. The tower was old and falling apart. Once Pizzahead realized there was no fixing it, he created a crazy contraption and trapped John in the top floor of the tower, causing the pillars in each level to support the tower's stability. Because of this, John developed a horrible depression after having a happy life.
Gerome: Gerome had somewhat of a tough upbringing. His mom and dad got divorced when he was young. His dad wasn't a great person. He was depressed as a kid because he felt the divorce was his fault. When his mom met John's father, things changed drastically, especially when John was born. At first, he didn't like John or his father. Once he saw how happy his mom was, he opened up and became close to John and his dad. Despite this, the depression still haunts Gerome to this day. Gerome even finds himself feeling a bit guilty over the tower situation.
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morelikeravenbore · 3 months
How did Auralie get her scars?
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🦋✨ Hello there li'l anon friend! Thank you sooo much for sending in this question and for taking an interest in my bebe!
Not gonna lie, I went full blown too-much for this one and ended up writing a ~1.3k word fluffy drabble instead, lolol. But if you'd like a tldr, Aura got her scars after obtaining a scratch from a Venomous Tentacular seedling in her father's greenhouse. Since the wounds were magical in nature, the scars weren't able to be erased, but thanks to the wise words of her plant-loving (slightly eccentric) Hufflepuff Papa, she learned to see the beauty in them.
Anyways, this little oneshot is based after events in How to Make a Villain that haven't been published yet. For anyone reading along, there aren't any hard spoilers, but there are hints that they've been through some ✨stuff.✨
🦋 TW: none! Mostly fluffy with a little bit of angst and a general air of trauma. Photo of Aura's scars by me, Sebebe's scars by @lorriiraine
Preview: Much to the chagrin of his peers, excelling in his studies was, to put it mildly, downright bloody easy, and though his natural proclivity towards excellence often put him on the receiving end of bitter remarks and jealous taunts, Sebastian took pride in the fact that despite everything that had been taken from him, his intelligence remained unfaltering.
That is, until he fell in love.
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Sebastian Sallow was no idiot, by any means. Having been raised by two fiercely academic professors, he'd spent much of his childhood with his nose buried in a book, studying magical theory and practicing wandless magic well before he'd taken his epochal trip to Ollivander's. Needless to say, by the time he arrived at Hogwarts — armed with a dragon heartstring wand and an itching desire to point it at everything — his intelligence was rivalled only by that of his sisters: the Sallow twins, though grieving the tragic death of their parents, were the brightest pair of students the school had seen in recent memory, an unstoppable force of Slytherin brains, resourcefulness, and ambition who were destined for greatness despite their unfortunate beginnings.
In fact, so brilliant was Sebastian's studious mind that when those unfortunate beginnings turned into unfortunate endings — starting with his sister's curse and ending with his uncle's death — his grades remained so impeccably high that even the strictest professors were loathe to punish him too severely when he repeatedly broke curfew to steal books.
Much to the chagrin of his peers, excelling in his studies was, to put it mildly, downright bloody easy, and though his natural proclivity towards excellence often put him on the receiving end of bitter remarks and jealous taunts, Sebastian took pride in the fact that despite everything that had been taken from him, his intelligence remained unfaltering.
That is, until he fell in love.
Little did he know that the thing that would ultimately turn his brain from highly efficient machine into flobberworm mush would come not in the form of N.E.W.T studies or brutal exam revisions, but from a girl who was so beautiful she rendered him incapable of coherent speech, rational thought and, perhaps most difficult of all, an inability to restrain himself from pulling her onto his lap and staring at her all gooey-eyed like he was now, their faces so close he could count every sun-kissed freckle across her nose.
To think he'd once thought himself too smart to ever fall in love.
What an idiot.
'You have a scar.' Aurelie was the first to break the silence they'd been enjoying for the better part of the afternoon, tilting her head to inspect the two faint scars that adorned his bottom lip. 'What happened?'
Sebastian had to hold his breath as her fingers ghosted the corner of his mouth; though the great weeping willow they'd settled under for the day offered some privacy from the shrewd eyes and wagging tongues of their fellow Feldcroft residents, it wasn't quite an appropriate place to enact all the romantic fantasies he imagined whenever she was perched in his lap like this.
'Flying —' He cleared his throat. 'Flying accident.'
'No, uh —' Me crash broom. Biiiig idiot. 'I borrowed my father's broomstick when I was seven. Crashed into the side of the house.'
'Silly,' she murmured, giggling so close to his mouth that he inhaled it.
Sebastian nodded: the only response he could reasonably manage as her breath fanned pleasantly across his face, as warm and sweet as the summer air in his lungs.
Yes. Me stupid. Give smooch.
'You have scars, too,' he observed, his feather-light touch mirroring hers as he traced the delicate scars along her jawbone.
Though they did little to mar her beauty, the three long scratches seemed somehow too violent for features so fine, like cracks in an ornately gilded mirror, or chips in an otherwise pristine marble slab. He'd often wondered how she'd gotten them, but the mere thought of her suffering any sort of pain was so intolerable that he'd never found the courage to ask.
Seeming to sense the disquieted tone of his thoughts, Aurélie caught his fingers and pressed them to her cheek, effectively short-circuiting his brain again.
Me like touch face.
'Oh, those,' she said mildly, leaning into his touch. 'Gardening mishap.'
Sebastian could only grunt questioningly in reply, struck dumb again by the warmth of her skin and how softly it yielded beneath his calloused palm. It wasn't often she let him touch her so willingly; after all, there were scars that ran deeper than her marked skin, barely healed wounds that were so fresh and tender that she flinched away if he wasn't careful enough, slow enough. Part of loving this tentative girl was learning to control the moments his brain flipped off and his rambunctious heart took over, when his once infallible logic and reason were trumped by his big, dumb heart.
Theirs was a love that had exploded into existence at the start of their seventh year only to smoulder away inexorably for the rest of it until the flames inevitably reared up to engulf them. Now, a month after graduation, both a little scorched around the edges, neither of them were quite used to being together together, still reeling from the events that had nearly torn them apart while trying to navigate a future they'd never seen coming.
Of course, Sebastian had known from the beginning that his future was bound to hers — but never like this.
'Papa raised Venomous Tentacular when we lived in France,' Aurélie explained, closing her eyes as he stroked his thumb across her cheek. 'Maman was not happy about it. She argued that it was too dangerous to keep such aggressive plants in his greenhouses, especially with a curious daughter in tow.' She cracked open an eye to peek at him, a little wry grin teasing the corner of her lips. 'She didn't approve of my enthusiasm for gardening. Apparently, "it's not becoming of a lady to have dirt caked under her nails all the time." But Papa insisted.'
'Hufflepuff's and their plants,' Sebastian murmured, surprised he was able to string together four words that actually made sense.
'Yes,' she said, glancing up through her lashes with a smile tinged with pain. Sebastian returned it in kind, his own smile heavy with the burdens he shouldered. He knew how it felt to have the warmth of every happy memory tempered by the cold indifference of loss, every fond recollection skewed by sorrow. Like a favourite landscape seen through a rain-lashed window, familiar yet distorted, so too were his own memories of his past, of Anne and his parents, his childhood.
With a patience that was new to him, Sebastian waited in quiet observance while Aurélie disappeared across that great chasm of death to visit a happier time, letting her own tainted memories sweep her away until the rustling of summer wind through willow branches brought her back to him.
'Well,' she said, shifting her faraway gaze to meet his, 'you can imagine her horror when a Tentacular seedling reared up unexpectedly and scratched me.' She gestured at her face, tilting her chin back to show him the full extent of the damage her gardening mishap had left behind. Sebastian instinctively leaned forward, wanting so badly to kiss, to soothe, to mend, but mindful, as always, of taking his time.
'It was the worst fight my parents ever had,' she sighed. 'Maman was distraught, said that I'd ruined my face and that Papa had been irresponsible to let me near them. She tried every remedy under the sun to erase the scars — magical and mundane, Healers and Herbologists... even a Curse Breaker when she got really desperate. But magical wounds leave scars, so...'
She trailed off with a shrug, and Sebastian thought that if he didn't kiss away the lingering sadness from her face right then and there, he might actually explode.
'And what did your Papa think?' he asked, his voice a reverent whisper as the tip of his nose brushed hers.
'He used to say that my scars were simply "physical evidence of my curious nature and adventurous spirit",' she whispered back, repeating her father's words with perfect recollection. 'And that they only made me more beautiful.'
'Wise man, that Papa of yours.'
No more sad. Me smooch now.
When he leaned in again, dipping his head to brush his nose along her jawline, she didn't move away.
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nightwolf1429 · 5 months
Jason Todd Canon Lore Stuff:
@jashjdh Ask and you shall receive! :D this is sort of part 2 to this post of mine, where I did the same thing for Dick Grayson. Here, since there are so many comics and so much conflicting lore, I read the fandom . com entry for the character and then type out the most important bits of what I learned, both to help myself remember it, and to teach others ^w^
!TW for Batman-like things, such as spoilers, mentions of injury and death, a brief mentions of drug use, a brief mention of sewerslide and r(😬)e, etc)!
•To begin with, a lot of people argue "Jason is the angry Robin!" Or, "Jason ISN'T the angry Robin!" I think for the most part, this misunderstanding happens because originally, Jason was a very calm kid. In his original appearances he had a similar backstory to Dick Grayson(Being an acrobat in the circus) and was much more chill, however in the post-crisis revamp, he became more violent and troubled. In the words of the wiki, "the post-Crisis Jason is impulsive, reckless, and full of rage."
•Jason lived a troubled childhood, with his father being a petty crook. His dad at one point served a jail sentence for his crimes, but even once he got out of jail, he never came back to the family. This left Jason alone, taking care of his drug-addicted mother. He would rip and remove the parts from cars around the city, selling them for cash to make sure they were fed and clothed. His mother eventually died from an overdose so he took to the streets, continuing to take apart cars for cash.
•One night he came upon the Batmobile parked in an alleyway. Batman had just replaced the tires, but had not yet put on his new custom hubcaps. Jason took this opportunity to snag the tires, and managed to get one and out of there before he came back for a second tire. This is when Batman caught him, hence the iconic interaction of him throwing his tire iron at Bruce and calling him a 'big boob' as he ran away.
•Batman tried putting Jason in a boarding school for troubled kids, however this didn't work out either because the owner of the school was actually running a program to train young criminals. When Batman busted the criminal operation, he decided that perhaps Jason's anger could be used for crime fighting, so he took him in because he was worried that if he didn't, Jason would become a criminal. While Jason wasn't an acrobat like Dick, he was strong, and had lots of skills from his time on the streets.
•On their first official mission together, though, it was revealed that Two-Face had killed Jason's father. Despite the fact that Jason's father had abandoned him, he was still enraged by this and he went on a rampage. However, he showed restraint when he allowed Two-Face to be arrested instead of killing him, which made Bruce very proud.
•As much as Jason was a good, enthusiastic student, he was also a very troubled one. His time on the streets had raised him with a tilted sense of morals, and with the tendency to lash out and get violent when threatened because of his street survival instincts. Because of this, Jason often had the opposite ideals and morals to his mentor. He tended to use excessive force when trying to stop criminals, such as how in one adventure he was asked to 'hold off' some villains, and he immediately shot at them despite Bruce's dislike of using guns.
•The most notable of these times was on the case of Felipe Garzonasa, a man who had r(😬)ed a woman, an event that led to her sewerslide. Jason tracked this guy down, and moments after Jason arrived, Felipe fell to his death off of his apartment balcony. While it was never confirmed nor denied, it's fairly possible that Jason pushed Garzonasa off, breaking Batman's no kill rule. (We love a man who respects women ✊)
•Bruce was so afraid that Jason was going to possibly kill someone, either intentionally or with his reckless actions, that he called Barbara Gordon and asked her to work a case with Jason, in an attempt to figure him out. They did work together, however Barbara could come up with no real way to help him, and simply warned Bruce that there was 'a darkness in Jason'.
•Jason eventually discovers that his mother was not actually his biological mother, so he runs away from home on a mission to find his real mom. He follows lots of leads, but eventually ends up in Ethiopia, finding his bio mother Sheila, working as an aid worker. He's incredibly happy to be reunited with his real mom, but he soon discovers that Sheila is being blackmailed by the Joker, being forced to supply him with medical treatment. Sheila herself has been embezzling funds from the agency, and to keep from getting caught, she directly hands Jason over to the Joker who brutally beats him with a crowbar and leaves him and Sheila in a warehouse with a bomb. Batman is unable to save them on time, and both of them perish in the explosion. Bruce is obviously devastated (and starts going crazy because of this a bit later on), and the bodies are both buried in Gotham City with the cause of death on Jason's death certificate being labeled 'smoke inhalation'.
•Jason is dead for at least a decade, his memory constantly haunting Bruce as his 'greatest failure', keeping Jason's Robin suit on display in the Batcave. Bruce begins to spiral over the thoughts that he himself had failed to train Jason properly, and that he had also failed to save Jason from the Joker. (Personal opinion, I don't know if I actually blame Bruce for 'Not saving Jason in time'? Because the way the wiki framed it, it made it seem like Jason ran away and didn't tell anyone that he was going to do this, plus I don't know how Bruce would've known that the Joker was blackmailing Sheila to begin with? Idk, maybe I'm missing some context here)
•Many years later, while Bruce is fighting with Hush, Tim gets kidnapped. When he confront the kidnapped it ends up being 'Jason', but it turns out that this version of Jason isn't Jason at all, and is just Clayface pretending to be Jason.
•Superboy-Prime, trapped in the Paradise Dimension, alters reality. This shift results in Jason's revival, as he's once again given life. He breaks his way out of his own coffin with his bare hands, and drags himself 12 miles before eventually collapsing (since he still has many lasting injuries from the Joker's beating). He's found at some point and hospitalized, where he stays in a coma for a full year, and even when he awakens he has amnesia. At some point he's recognized by a petty criminal, who informs Talia. Talia brings him to the Lazarus Pit, where she immerses him in the water where her father Ra's is also bathing. This restores Jason's memories and his physical health, however it's implied that the Pit's energy + Ah-Gul's energy messed with his mind and personality (Though it's always possible that these changes really just came from his trauma)
•Jason Todd takes up the mantle of Red Hood, and returns to Gotham City.
•Jason goes to find the Joker (who had been run out of town by Hush), and gives him a beating with a crowbar just as the Joker did to him, though he keeps the Joker alive to use him against Batman later on. He also assumes the control of several gangs, and starts a mini war against the Black Mask criminal empire. His general plan is to clean up the cities violence and drug dealings(probably because he doesn't want anyone to end up like his non-bio mother), as well as kill the Joker for revenge. Because of his intense and violent methods, he has many brushes with Batman. It's around this time that Bruce finds a Robin mask in the Batmobile, one that never belonged to Dick or Tim, but looked like a mask in the style of Jason's old Robin costume. He also realized at this time that Jason's coffin is empty, and that's when he starts to believe that Jason may have genuinely come back from the dead.
•Jason, hearing that Tim had replaced him and was supposedly a 'better Robin' then him, he got angry and broke into the Titan tower to confront him. Wearing a newer version of his own Robin costume, Jason makes quick work of immobilizing the other Titans. He was absolutely furious that there was no memorial for him in the Hall of Fallen Titans (Despite the fact that he was only a Titan for a very short time), Jason demands Tim tell him if he was really as good of a Robin as Jason himself was, and Tim stubbornly says 'Yes' before he passes out. As Jason is leaving the tower, he rips the 'R' logo from Tim's costume. However, it's revealed in the epilogue of that comic that Jason actually holds some respect for Tim now, begrudgingly saying an "I'll admit. He's good." As he ponders how he could've been a better Robin had he acted more like Tim.
•At some point Jason kidnaps the Joker and uses him to lure Bruce to Crime Alley, where they had first met all those years ago. Jason is of course angry that Bruce never 'properly avenged' him by killing the Joker, since Jason believed that Bruce would because the Joker had "Taken me away from you". Bruce explains that it would've been easy for him to kill the Joker, that he continuously fantasized about taking the Joker away, torturing him and eventually killing him, but that he wasn't willing to cross that line (Partially because he wasn't willing to stain the memories he had of Jason [that he clung so tightly to while losing his sanity] with blood). Jason decides on a deal. Either Bruce kills him, or he will kill the Joker. So he holds one gun to the Joker's head and gives the other to Bruce, counting to three. However Bruce, obviously not wanting to kill Jason but also not wanting Jason to commit this crime, uses a Batarang to cut down an object that ends up slicing Jason's throat. The Joker uses this time to detonate some explosives and plunge both of them into the waters. (I don't even know what to say about this part, I have a lot of opinions here. I will say though, I think that if Tim hadn't become Robin, Bruce might've legitimately killed the Joker.)
•Jason shows up again after about a year, now as an evil version of Nightwing. Jason uses this costume to taunt Dick, suggesting the two become a crime fighting team, but Dick refuses because he doesn't want to be associated with Jason's violent methods. Not long after, Jason is kidnapped by unknown mobsters. Dick, albeit hesitantly, saves him, and they team up to defeat the Pierce brothers. After the fight Jason leaves New York and drops the Nightwing mantle, leaving Dick a telegraph that says he has returned to normal, and that he still considers Dick family.
•Jason's kidnaps a girl named Mia, wanting to convert her to his side since they both had somewhat similar pasts and he feels they're kindred spirits. She refuses, so he blows up her high school. (WTF JASON???? 😭)
•I dunno how to explain this one too much, but basically he went on a mission with a Monitor that he called Bob? And he met an alternate reality version of Batman, who had started killing after Jason's death.. And then the Darkseid thing happens and Batman 'dies', which makes Jason absolutely furious (Because he cares about Bruce despite not agreeing with the way that he handled things back when he died).
•Jason, back as Red Hood, tries to take control of some gang wars to calm things down, but it actually makes things worse. Since Batman is supposed to be dead, and Nightwing is unavailable, Tim is the one who has to help clean up the mess. Jason asks to team up, but Tim refuses because of Jason's questionable methods. Due to a combination of some things, Jason gets shot in the leg and arrested. When the gang war is resolved, Tim stops by the prison Jason was in, using a disguise and a fake name to deliver Jason the code that will let him out of his cell because he believes Jason deserves a chance at redemption.
•After his escape Jason is summoned to the Batcave, where he is brought in to hear his part of Bruce's Last Will and Testament for him(Y'know, since Bruce is supposedly dead lmao). He listens to Bruce's final piece as he talks about out of all his failures, Jason was his biggest, and how he regretted not getting Jason actual help or showing much empathy over him hardships, instead dressing him up and having him fight. Unfortunately this heartfelt message is what makes Jason fully snap.
•Jason began dressing up in a Batman-like outfit, leaving slips of paper saying 'I AM BATMAN' where he worked, however he used much more aggressive and lethal forms of punishment on the criminals he fought. Due to the violent nature of his vigilantism, Nightwing and Damian are after the fake Batman. Dick figures put pretty quickly that the imposter Batman is Jason, and after an argument, Jason shoots Damian. Tim is also searching for the fake Batman at this time, dressing up as Batman as well to demonstrate how Bruce would've really acted. Tim finds Jason's fake Batcave, but has to be saved from a boobytrap by Catwoman. Jason returns to his 'cave' and finds them there, impaling Tim with a Batarang. Dick and Jason fight, with Jason thinking and claiming that Tim is dead, while Damian and the Squire are actually busy saving Tim. Dick kicks Jason off a moving train, but when he tries to pull Jason back up to safety(Because he still considers him family, just as Jason does him), Jason refuses his help and falls to his 'death', while claiming they'll meet again soon. This is when Dick becomes Batman.
•When Jason returned, having survived the fall, he decided to become direct competition to Batman and Robin, making it his mission to get to all of the criminals before them and become the new Gotham Hero. He even got his own sidekick, a girl named Scarlet. Jason was very public about this, posting things on social media, talking about how killing the villains was the best way to do it, and a lot of people actually agreed. At one point Jason kidnapped Dick and Damian, locked them up and stripped them both naked(😰), claiming online that if the post got enough attention, he'd reveal Batman and Robin's secret identities. However his plan was interrupted by an assassin names Flamingo, that he and Scarlet weren't strong enough to beat. Dick and Damian escaped and saved them from death, though Damian got pretty seriously injured.. Jason just ran Flamingo over with a truck- Jason was taken into police custody and as they took him away, he claimed that if the Lazarus Pit could revive him, why couldn't it revive Bruce too?
•After Bruce's revival, Jason files an appeal to Arkham Asylum, wanting to be released because the tests show that he's perfectly sane, just willing to kill. He ends up being transferred to a Gotham prison, where as soon as he arrives, the sewerslide rates spike and there are several homicides(Though these mainly occurred in self defense from Red Hood killing people in the prison who attempt to kill him first). On top of this, Jason poisons the food and kills 82 inmates, making 100 more sick. He's immediately taken back to Arkham Asylum, but is quickly broken out by some mercenaries. Jason breaks free from the mercenaries and fights them off as Batman and Robin arrive. At the end of this mission, Red Hood and Scarlet escape in a helicopter, warning Bruce and Damian not to chase them because he planted bombs all over the city months ago, and he's willing to detonate them. Dick doesn't do anything about, deciding that Jason was lying about the bombs, and that even if Jason decides to do better he'll only rejoin the family when he's ready to.
•Jason, trying to reform, forms his own hero team called the Outlaws. He changes the red symbol on his chest to a bat, a sign of his somewhat awkward but slowly-beginning-to get-back-on even-ground relationship with the Batfamily. The costume he now wears also used to belong to Dick. His relationship with Tim is now at least neutral, if not a little friendly, as the two can be seen eating together and making some jokes. However his relationship with Bruce is still strained, and a bit hostile. While he keeps his aggressive and lethal style of fighting, he now only uses it when he believes necessary, and doesn't always shoot the second he sees a problem.
•At some point his team disappears, and he goes back to being a solo hero.
Extra Fun Fact! Because of the Lazarus Pit, Jason no longer ages and he heals much much faster then a normal human!
TAADAA! I might do more if I get the motivation ^w^
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Another little Sherlock & Co drabble :)
I did quote the episode please don’t get after me copyright people!! I credited the thing. From Sherlock & Co.: 42 - The Lion's Mane - Part One, Jul 15, 2024
Mariana: Apparently Coach E is full. We’ll have to take B instead.
John: Dammit. How many beds are there?
Mariana: One. I call dibs!
John: What? So Sherlock and I get the floor then?
Sherlock: I am not sleeping on the floor.
John: Well, mate, according to her, you are.
[They arrive at Coach B] 
John: The bed is… rather large for one person, don’t you think?
Mariana: Yeah. It might fit three people, but I doubt either of you would want to share.
John: You don’t know that! Maybe I don’t want to sleep on hardwood floors.
Sherlock: No offense to you, Ms. Hudson, but I’d rather not share a bed with someone.
[Later that night]
John: I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd chat to you guys. Just on the floor, unfortunately, those two have passed out, and I'm just sort of, yeah, peering out the window every now and again. Train is scything through the British countryside. Scything? Slicing? Something. It's going along. The train is going along nicely, and it's a beautiful clear night sky. The moon is beaming his soft white shine as we bounce the faint glow of streetlights and headlamps right back at him. Our gentle earthly gleam of lounges and bedrooms late at night, the pulse of flickering televisions fluttering against windows, reds and ambers of traffic lights and roadworks, blues and greens of electric car charging points and pedestrian crossings, the brilliant white shine of LEDs radiating that same shade of moon glow, and all the while this train zips up the spine of Britain, transporting its dozing cargo to the frosty tip of this great island. Great Britain, named Great of course, because it is the greater of the British Islands, it's greater meaning largest. It has become great in the other meaning though, through thousands of years of history, innovation, humanity, cruelty, cock-up… [yawn] Oh, I’m exhausted. I can’t sleep on this damn floor. I’m going to try and lay with her and Sherlock without waking them up. Wonder what happened to mister “I’m-not-gonna-share-a-bed”, eh? Wish me luck.
[Next morning]
John: Mornin’, listeners. Sherlock is… uh… squishing my arm, and I cannot move. Mariana is up and getting our things packed, for which I am very grateful.
Mariana: It would be amazing if you could help me, John. 
John: I would, but I don’t want to wake him up, he needs to get some rest.
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myusuchaa · 3 months
Moonflower - Rafayel x AFAB
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༄ wc: 1048
༄ third person pov | no spoilers | based on Abysswalker myth and Abysswalker Journey Seeker card
༄ content warnings: princess/royalty roleplay, flirty banter, outdoor suggested intimacy, romance, fluff
༄ a/n: this is the part 2 to the mini abysswalker fic series! you can read part 1 here. hehe i had fun writing this one too, actually i struggled to keep it short, i knew i wanted a quick fic but i felt like i could just keep on going!! there's just something about him in his e-boy all leather look ahhh.... ૮⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝ ა im still thinking about making a part 3?? hope yall enjoy! (creative format posted as pictures under text below)
The next evening, Rafayel arrived at the palace just as the blue sky lazily gave way to hints of peach and orange, allowing reprieve from the glaring heat. He let her know of his presence by using his tall figure to cast a shadow against the pond outside her balcony, a sight she had been anticipating all day. His dark outline on the water’s surface seemed to calm the ripples, as if the very thought of him allowed her to float endlessly. 
She hurriedly gathered her belongings and ran down the spiral staircase that led into the garden where he waited. 
“You really came for me,” she said breathlessly. Whether it was from leaping down the staircase or out of pure surprise, he could not tell where her exasperation came from. But the air in her delicate voice ignited a small ember deep within him. 
“We must leave now, we have quite a trek outside of the city tonight. Do you have everything?”
“Yes, I think so…are we actually going to stay out overnight? I’m a bit worried th-”
“Don’t be. I want you to trust that I’ll ensure your safety. Can you do that for me?” 
She paused for a moment, recalling the shadow she had just seen. It seemed to come from within him, as if it wasn’t cast from merely blocking the setting sun. 
Curious, she replied, “I’ll trust you more if you can answer some questions for me.” 
Grabbing her wrist gently as he walked in front, he glanced back and smiled coyly. “I may have the answers, it depends how you ask.” 
That alluring, inviting smile. She moved her gaze from his dark, gemstone eyes to that gorgeous smile. Almost immediately she then looked away, feeling the apples of her cheeks turn red. She wished he had his mask on today. 
By the time they reached their stopping point for the night, the sky had long passed its golden hue. The horizon glowed a deep red, resembling a ruby held up in front of a flame. This warmth was chased by a lush indigo and purple, with the smallest of stars beginning to twinkle at the highest points. Staring at the sky and then back at him, she couldn’t help but find the same colors of the setting sun within his eyes. They were far enough from the main city that if one were to search for them from atop the guarded gates, their bodies would blend seamlessly with the sand dunes. Still, if she held her breath, faint drum beats and flute whistles could be heard, no doubt carried on the wind from the city nightlife. 
“I understand you may not be used to this, uh, this set up.” He gestured to the woven tapestry that was pitched as a makeshift tent, barely thick enough to keep sand out of their eyes.
“Oh, I don’t mind it. Honestly, any change of scenery is very much welcomed.”
“Is that so? Your Highness doesn't mind getting a little rough and dirty outside the city borders?”
“What…what do you mean by that?”
He moved his eyes downward, following her neckline to her waist. It looked provocative, but he merely replied, “You have a bunch of dirt and scratches on your clothes already.” He scoffed. 
Looking down, she could see he was right. Come to think of it, she hasn’t thought of her appearance at all, being too focused on the mystery of his being. She suddenly felt a bit flustered. 
“Useless aesthetics,” she said defensively. “Really, I mean inside the palace, all they care about is for me to be the lovely, pretty princess for the people to fawn over. It’s tiresome.” 
“I suppose they’re just trying to protect their precious flower.” His voice lowered. “Though, I’d like to think I do a better job.” Almost whispering, he approached her. 
The sky filled with more stars, and the shy new moon hid behind low clouds, emitting a dim and feeble light. They sat next to each other now, the cool, desert breeze carrying his warmth and scent. In one graceful movement, sparks danced along his fingertips and landed on some coal he had placed earlier. They smoldered with a strange intensity, similar to the expression on his face. 
“Are you still cold?” he asked, almost apologetically. 
“Not at all, not anymore,” she felt warm in many ways. “How did you even notice I was cold when I’m completely covered in this?” She pointed to her traveler’s outfit, equipped with long sleeves and pants to ward off the eternal sun. 
His sunset eyes darkened to dusk. “I know you because I’m always watching you. I have been, for a long time now. Even if,” he paused for a breath, “even if you don’t remember. It’s my duty to protect you.” 
He sounded pained as he spoke. He wasn’t lying, but he was hiding a terrible truth from her. More than his objective, he was hiding the longing he felt for her. How he wanted to reach out and grab her to make sure she was his. To feel her soft skin under his worn hands. To caress every inch of her. 
“Rafayel…” the heroine felt a shift in his persona. 
“Princess, do you know the meaning of the moonflower?” He moved closer to her, slowly and deliberately. She instinctively lowered onto her elbows, peering up at him as he leaned in. His hair lightly shielded his pleading eyes.
“I, I may have heard of it,” she hoped her eyes returned the impression.
“Ah, did you? Then you must know of its glowing beauty.” 
He covered her completely, her lying all the way down on the blanket and him towering over her, one hand reaching for her cheek, his fingers playing with her eyelashes. The heat from him was so overpowering, she thought he may have been using his flames to embrace her. He brushed his lips against her neck and up to her earlobe. She felt a small bite.
“You must also know that it blooms at night.” His breath became tantalizing as he slid his other hand to her waist belt, undoing it by the time the last word left his lips.
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
Somewhere in an ocean of sand, a flower bloomed near a radiant flame.
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©myusuchaa 2024 do not steal
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flaray25 · 4 months
That one "SquidBird" episode...
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DID ANYONE NOTICE THIS? or am I just delusional again-
Spongebob sends Patrick lunch with the help of his pet clam shells, they are about to go to him- but upon arriving- Squidward is the one who interferes with the clam whistle making the clams lead to him so that he'd send the birds far away.
tho it didn't exactly last longer than what he expected- EVEN THE PART WHERE THE PAPERBAG IS STILL ON THE GROUND HE PICKED IT UP AND ATE IT-
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I mean it was all good it was all nice- he was annoyed because of Spongebob and Patrick bringing out wildness BUT TO EAT THAT PACKED LUNCH- THAT SPONGEBOB 'MADE specifically to send it out for his best friend- B E S T F R I E N D . PATRICK STAR. TO EAT IT.
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Then there is Spongebob whose always too kind and brightful- he didn't even give himself to think while Squidward was being chased/bitten by those clamshells- Spongebob who seemed to notice Squidward's boundaries that HE surely gave attention to (because he totally admires this gay ass cephalopod-)
would literally do anything just for Squidward to be happy because he LOVES seeing him happy. So that quote on quote he said along "Those clams sure do love Squidward-" "Well I'm not so sure if HE loves THEM"
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DURING this part- we can see that Spongebob immediately noticed Squidward having a hard time even when dealing with something unusual- even when it's on a 'normal day'
That's why Spongebob had been the one to think of teaching the clam shells to AVOID HIM. Rather than "behave" or "be friends" with him-
because HE KNOWS EXACTLY THE POINT- THE REASON- WHY SQUIDWARD DOESN'T ALWAYS COME AROUND WITH SOCIAL/GENERAL STUFF LIKE THIS- Because he knows what type of a cephalopod- Squidward is- when it comes to other sea creatures-
Sure he'd already known him for a decade now and FOR SURE THAT HE KNOWS HIS DEAR 'FRIEND' very well... (oh god I hate slow burns so much- WHY MUUUUUSTTTTTTTTT/silly)
Squidward isn't the type of 'being-that-one-social-person' when it comes to in general- he's an introverted moon who most likely does his ways to feel comfort from his safe space even when at his house when he's alone-
Spongebob knows that- and he doesn't WANT Squidward to ever get disturbed anymore- so maybe less and less more he became less- bit annoying to him- perhaps that's why? Maybe he just truly admires him and doesn't even want him to feel upset and he's trying to do his best so that he WON'T.
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We know how the end played out
"Still better than living next to Spongebob's"
he doesn't see what they both value- he doesn't see it like how Spongebob does so his only way was to find an escape from all of this madness- just for Spongebob? how cruel could that be?
we all know what happened a bunch of times when he annoyed Squidward most of every other entire year/day so by now I think we all do understand both of their different point and view- ain't that RIGHT PEOPLE???
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(This should definitely be someones pfp right now-)
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tonkatsubowl · 1 year
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jing yuan x trailblazer!fem!reader ⿸ xianzhou spoilers. mild nsfw themes (mention of alcohol). read at your own risk. fluff! fluff! fluff! english isn’t my first language, so please don’t mind the grammatical errors. (っ◞‸◟ c)
⪩ every annual year, general jing yuan participates in the summer festival that occurs in aurum alley. this time, he decides to invite the express crew. though, it seems our trailblazer has gotten carried away with the alcohol!
TERM DIRECTORY ◖y/n: your name ◖e/c: eye color ◖h/c: hair color
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during your expedition to xianzhou, you recently developed feelings for the general, jing yuan. but you weren't the only one who had developed such emotional feelings as well. though, jing yuan kept them rather well hidden, but proceeded to make subtle hints of him flirting with you here and there.
although your interest was there, you prioritized your work and your teammates over those feelings. you were going to travel to different worlds, fight over and over, and meet tons of people...so you wouldn't have time for love.
...but for some reason, you decided to spare a tiny bit of time in the aurum alley with your friends. dan heng was already being dragged away by march to go participate in some games with bailu. welt was forcibly dragged into the festivities by himeko, who remained behind to watch over the express. you and welt sat together, conversing through many, many topics over a refreshing drink.
however, unbeknownst to you...you were drinking a very strong beverage. welt wasn't much of a drinker, and he would prefer to remain sober to watch over you.
your curiosity to drink this world's choices of alcohol wasn't a regrettable decision; you were gifted by the exotic flavors of it all. flowery and herbal tastes which became an addiction for your tastebuds. however, it seems you drank a BIT too much. luckily for you, welt was around, offering you several glasses of water so you wouldn't have a hangover the very next day.
"ah, it seems you really did arrive," a familiar voice can be heard from behind. turning your head to the side, you see a familiar figure...a certain military general had already entered the fray, still adorned in his attire. your cheeks were already red from intoxication, but they had already redden even more due to the presence of your crush.
"general," welt says, "is there a hotel or some sort of inn nearby for y/n to rest up for the night? i would take her back to the express, but i doubt she would make it."
dazed, you stand up, almost falling over in the process. fortunately, the chair you sat upon was a great assistant. stumbling over to jing yuan, you boldly threw your arms around the taller man, brushing your redden countenance into his chest. "jing yuan," you murmur, "god, i missed you!"
a drop of sweat comically rolls down welt's face as he sighs, getting up from his seat to retrieve you. jing yuan chuckles playfully, wrapping one arm around your shoulder as he used his other hand to pat the top of your head. "ahh, i can smell baijiu from you, y/n. i guess you drank a bit too much!"
welt sighed, "i apologize. i didn't realize how much of a lightweight she is."
"no, no! don't worry about it, welt. i'm just surprised her friends aren't around." jing yuan replies, casting a glance down to your adorable, intoxicated look.
"yes. as a matter of fact, i should check up on them," welt adjusts his glasses with a sigh, akin to a father babysitting a bunch of children, "may i ask of you to take y/n to an inn of some sort?"
jing yuan flashes a smile, "of course! i'll be sure to escort her safely to a place of rest. do not worry about the cost of the inn, i will cover it."
welt nods, "thank you."
near the entrance of aurum alley, jing yuan had to carry you at that point. you refused to walk―well, technically speaking, you couldn't walk. you were basically leaning and falling limp against the general's arms as he sheepishly and joyfully dragged you away from the scene and from unwanted attention.
"jing...jing yuan," you cooed, "i drank too much... ah..." your head leans over, resting against his chest. you took a moment to pause, admiring his gaze. you were more bold and quite talkative when you were intoxicated.
"god... jing yuan... you're so pretty..." raising a hand, you sluggishly rested your hand against the side of his face, brushing the pad of your thumb against his cheek.
jing yuan smiled, his eyes softening as he leaned in, brushing his nose against the top of your hair―but nothing more than that. you were drunk.
"ah? i appreciate your compliment, y/n. but you are the most beautiful of them all, my flower." he says, finally bringing you into an inn where you could peacefully sleep in.
after finding a room and paying for the fees for the night, he placed you onto the bed, tucking you in. you immediately got comfortable, watching as the general was headed towards the door.
"i'll be back with a glass of water and some snacks for you, y/n. please stay here. can you do that for me?" jing yuan says, looking back to you as you lied on the bed. snuggled up against the blanket, your dazed, intoxicated eyes studied jing yuan. and you...wanted him. so badly. you wanted to kiss him.
"...mmh," you nodded slowly, licking your lips, "i want to kiss you when you come back."
jing yuan blinks, looking at you with a slight surprise...then he chuckled. "ah, you're such a bold one, y/n."
then, he left for a only a moment, before bringing back the promising refreshments and snacks. placing the condiments on the night stand, he sits down on the bed, looking at you. you were still awake, but still dazed―and becoming very sleepy.
"jing yuan," you murmur, getting up slowly. you raise yourself from your bed, tugging at his sleeve.
god, you were an adorable, drunken mess. you definitely did drank too much, but because of the amount of water you were drinking, you spared yourself from having the a hangover that not even the aeon nanook can even handle.
"yes?" he quietly said, looking towards you. reaching over, he caressed the side of your face, moving your bangs to the side, "can i bring you anything else, y/n?"
"...no," you murmur, leaning in, "i just..."
brushing your lips against jing yuan's, you felt him reciprocate. his fingers delicately inclined under your chin, welcoming the affection. you wrapped your arms around jing yuan, but he pulled away,
"y/n," he murmured against the side of your lips, "you're drunk. please, rest."
"..rest with me," you plea, tugging him down onto the bed with you.
jing yuan nodded slowly, reaching up towards the tie that held his hair together. pulling it off, he let his hair fall, letting it flow down towards his shoulders. jing yuan wasn't going to do anything towards you without your consent, but he would definitely be here for you to protect you and make sure you were okay. you were still intoxicated after all, and he didn't want anything bad to happen to you.
"as long as you sleep, y/n." he said, laying down next to you, brushing your hair.
"...mm. i'm sleepy..." you whisper, snuggling up against jing yuan, inhaling his scent. "before i sleep...before i fall asleep, i mean..."
jing yuan blinked. golden opticals peer down as he examined you, "what is it?" he murmured.
"...i'm drunk, so... please keep it a secret," you said, whispering, "...i really like you..."
god, you don't know what the fuck you were doing or saying at this point.
"..." jing yuan was silent, but there was a faint smile across his lips. he leaned in, his lips brushed against the top of your hair, "...oh, i know. i like you quite a lot too, y/n. perhaps one day, we can see the outside stars together. see different worlds together...i would like that. don't you think, y/n?"
"..mm.." you were already drifting away into slumber. you wanted to tell jing yuan the adventures you've been on...the countless battles you've faced. the memories you've made...but it seems the night sky had decided to take you as its own.
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mayfly-stampede · 2 years
How did Vash figured out Wolfwood?
(warnings: long post ahead, episodes 5-7 and 10 spoilers)
For Vash, Wolfwood seemed just one more of his many acquaintances.
When Roberto doesn’t trust him, Vash mentions that he doesn’t believe Wolfwood is a bad person cause he can see it in his eyes and Wolfwood being upset about it is actually confirming it.
Even Vash laughs when he sees him angry.
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Still, Wolfwood warns him to not be that careless but Vash insists trusting him cause he hasn’t shot him yet.
At this point he doesn’t know yet that Wolfwood carry a machine gun. Maybe he said that as a metaphor.
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After knowing Wolfwood is actually well armed, Vash is surprised…and asks him who really is. He doesn’t only have a machine gun, it has something like a laser in it. Where did he get that technology?
Still, Vash doesn’t mind he stayed with them. Roberto keeps skeptical but Vash doesn’t change his mind and presents himself to Wolfwood formally.
Later, when they arrive to Windmill Village they get attack by Rollo but Vash wants to stop him without hurt him.
So, Vash trusts Wolfwood the story about the promise and Rollo’s disease...and even after that, even after letting him knowing everything…Wolfwood kills Rollo.
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Vash and Wolfwood argue. Wolfwood says he did it for mercy…but for Vash, he killed someone important to him…
Why Wolfwood doesn’t understand it? Maybe…he doesn’t have anyone he wants to protect?
Vash tries to ask him this because he felt it, Wolfwood isn’t a bad person so…
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What happened?
When Vash tries to explain the meaning of his question, the answer appears by itself:
Wolfwood, who had been so sarcastic all this time without showing his intentions…had now lost his nerve in front of someone who attacks Vash.
Does Wolfwood know him?
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But as the minutes pass by, Vash notices Wolfwood doesn’t only know Livio calling him by his name…
He worries about him…a lot.
And Wolfwood, a man who doesn’t care about anything…seems to have trouble and doesn’t know what to do.
It is clear now to Vash Wolfwood has someone to protect.
And it’s time to get to action: helping him, of course without asking his permission.
Vash stops Livio for a moment and can hear a few words from him…
I have to catch up…
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When he wonders the meaning of this, Wolfwood appears and acts without killing anyone…
Then Vash was right? Wolfwood really kills just when he needs to? But Rollo was already calmed when he shot him, why did he kill him?
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After Livio disappeared, Wolfwood says the orphanage is in danger and Vash notices he worries about it almost like he worried for Livio.
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Just like the first time, Vash smiles warmly to Wolfwood seeing him worried and then upset about his own feelings.
It seems he doesn’t think of himself as a good person. He knows what he’s doing is wrong saying “I’m not like you” and then “I’m Nicholas The Punisher” as an explanation…
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Doesn’t have his gun the same style/tech/design as Livio’s? As E. G. Bomber’s? Are they partners somehow?
And Bomber knew Knives. He even ran after him when he heard him playing the piano…
Maybe Nicholas was careless when he mentioned his nickname “Nicholas The Punisher” because his mind wasn’t clear yet. Is that how they call him?
Livio remembered Wolfwood a few moments before disappear. Maybe his memories with him were strong enough to make him react…is he who he wanted to catch up?
Also, if Livio’s duty was to kill Vash…maybe Wolfwood had to keep him alive, among other tasks. Is that why he fought Livio and shot Rollo? Then yes, he didn’t want to do it, he had to do it.
Livio seemed brainwashed but Wolfwood still has will. So, if Wolfwood is actually a good person then…is he threatened?
And now it’s not very hard to know with what.
After he shot Rollo, he didn’t use his gun again until Livio appeared. Always when Vash’s life is in danger.
That’s why he follows Vash, his mission includes to protect him…until he gets to Knives. Then he told the truth when Vash asked him directly: he follows him because he is the babysitter.
If that’s the case, he can’t leave him alone…Wolfwood must fulfill his task to be free.
And Vash can’t ignore someone in trouble…
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even if that means sacrificing himself.
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violetlunette · 6 months
Runaway Chapter 7: A World Shaken
Summary: Malleus continues to sort through his emotions while Lilia finally receives news...
Previous Chapter
Master List
Notes: *Twst spoilers for Chapter/Book 7
Lilia’s heart pounded in his ears as hurried to the office of the headmaster. This was one of many moments that he missed his magical abilities, as, in the past, Lilia could have been there the instant he heard the news. Whether or not it was good news had yet to be determined, but at least it was something.
It had been a week since Silver ran away and nothing had changed, except that he and Malleus weren’t speaking, something that agonized Lilia. He wanted to work things out with the Prince as he was just as dear to him as his lost son, however, every attempt was rebuffed. And to be honest, that may have been for the best as Lilia had no idea what he would say to the boy and, with his emotional state, his attempts to reconcile may just lead to another a fight, or overwhelm Malleus again.
Thus, Lilia chose to do nothing at this time, as he felt that was all he could do without making the situation worse.
Thankfully, Sebek took the opposite approach;
While just as upset, Sebek decided that taking action was the best course. He worked with Azul and Carter to make “lost” posters of Silver, which the latter posted on social media, while Azul had Jade and Floyd hand out fliers around town. (Both who paid Ruggie to do it in their stead.)
This all turned to be fortuitous as thanks to Sebek efforts, they struck something:
A sailor had some items floating in the sea and, thanks to the fliers, guessed the items were connected to Silver and so contacted the school.
Upon arriving, the sailor had been brought to Crowley’s office to discuss things while Lilia was summoned.
Despite losing his ability to transport, Lilia arrived quickly, running over any unfortunate soul that happened to get in his way. (Thankfully the loss of his magic didn’t hamper his physical abilities.)
He burst into the office, demanding what the man knew between breaths.
“Not sure if it belongs to yer kid, but we found these,” The sailor answered in a gruff voice after Lilia’s barrage of questions.
He placed a broom on the table first, its wood and bristles torn apart by the tides. The headmaster hummed beside Lilia.
“Hm, well, this is ours, without a doubt. Though, usually, our brooms are in better condition.” Crowley pointed at the NRC graving on the wood, confirming to Lilia that this was the broom used to carry his son away.
“Was it just a broom you found?” the fae inquired. The sailor shook his head.
“No, we found this as well.” The sailor then opened a sack and dumped a few items on Crowley’s desk.
“I recognized the hat being something I’ve seen the NRC kids wear, so I figured there was some connection.” Said hat was a Diasomnia hat, exactly like the one Lilia usually wore atop his head before he turned his uniform in.
If the hat wasn’t enough of a clue that this stuff belonged to Silver, then the baton was. 
Lilia picked that item up and stared at the key chain. This was definitely the baton he gifted Silver during his first year at school.
As he looked at it, Lilia couldn’t help but recall how Silver, despite his best efforts, had dozed off before the cake was served and had to be shaken awake as Lilia and Malleus watched in amusement. 
Silver had been glad to receive the wand, seeing it as an acknowledgment of his efforts in training. 
Lilia hadn’t the heart to tell the lad that Lilia gave it to him for another reason.
There was an incident the year before when a brave fool tried to sneak into the school to get at Malleus. He didn't make it far, thanks to Lilia. However, the father was worried about his son getting hurt, so he decided to provide a weapon with more—kick if needed—to defend Malleus and himself.
However, the item that held his gaze like a cobra was the ring.
The gold ring glimmered in the light as Lilia stared at the stones that reflected Silver’s eyes. 
Lilia’s heart tightened as he plucked it from the table, reading the engraving.
“May my child’s eyes remain as clear as these jewels and never cloud with sadness.”
Lilia’s entire being was filled with emotions that he was only barely able to hold back.
“Where did you get these?” he asked, keeping his voice even.
The sailor shrugged, shoving his hands in his pocket.
“A mermaid I work with found them at the bottom of the ocean, along with a body.”
The world shook then came to a stop.
In the courtyard below, Malleus wandered lost in thought. The wind tasseled his hair around his black horns and across his face. He lifted a hand to brush it away from his eyes, laden with dark sacks from several sleepless nights.
Things were starting to settle down again after the traumatic event.
The STYX officers were on standby while investigators searched the school for the cause of all the blot outbreaks. However, the guards of Briar Valley returned to their homeland with the Queen, who had duties to attend to. She promised to spend time with him and talk to him when he returned for the next school break.
Malleus understood and was grateful that she took the time to come in the first place. However, now he felt like he truly had no one to talk to. Especially since he and Lilia still weren’t talking.
The thought of his guardian made Malleus’ whole body tense, the leather of his gloves groaning as he tightened them into fists.
Lilia made attempts to talk, but Malleus rejected him every time. This was partly because of how furious he was at the other but, more than that, Malleus didn’t know how to talk to Lilia anymore.
The fae had always been his support. Someone Malleus could trust and count on when everything became too much. But now things were different.
Lilia’s lies shattered his perception of everything, and, in an instant, all Malleus thought he knew had come into question. What did he believe anymore? What could he believe if he couldn’t believe Lilia? Lilia, who was always there, taught him magic and self-defense. Who protected him from visible and invisible foes, who had been there for him since he hatched...
What other secrets did his guardian keep from him all these years? What other lies had he told? If Malleus couldn’t trust him, then there was no one he could trust.
Malleus hugged himself, and his head fell forward as he realized something he wished he didn’t: Lilia just wasn’t “Lilia” anymore.
He was not the person Malleus thought he knew better than anyone else. He was no longer the person Malleus could put his faith in when the world was against him. 
Lilia wasn’t...Lilia.
‘All because of Silver...’ Malleus’ jaw clenched as his emotions swirled like poison once more: despair and anger in equal measure. The feeling was so overwhelming that he fell against one of the many apple trees that covered Night Raven College, using the trunk to steady himself.
Silver was the son of the man who killed his mother. While a part of Malleus knew it was unfair to blame the other, the prince could never forget that fact.
He could never forget that, if not for Silver’s father, Malleus have had a family with her.
He could have gotten to know her. To see how she felt about gargoyles and learn what she liked, what her favorite treats were. She could have taught him things in his dragon form that Lilia, despite his efforts, could not, and more.
But all those moments that Malleus could have had… were impossible now.
All because of the humans that invaded their land. Because of Silver’s humans.
The dragon's brow furrowed in anger.
It wasn’t just Malleus who suffered. His grandmother lost her daughter, and his people lost their homes and were forced to fight in a war for centuries. They all suffered as well.
Malleus couldn’t forget that. Nor could he forgive it.
‘Even so…’ He released a breath as he tilting his head toward the sky for answers to the troubles plaguing him only to be blinded by sunlight. However, he did catch the gaze of something.
A raven gargoyle.
“Behold its artistry; don't you feel as though it could take flight at any moment? It is no doubt the work of a famous artisan.”
“So there are raven gargoyles? I thought they were modeled after demons and such.”
Malleus’ expression pinched as his eyes shined at the memory.
He hated this. He hated this feeling. And he hated Silver.
Silver was the reason for all this. The loss and hollowing of Fae lands, the death of his mother, Lilia’s betrayal—it was all because of him!!
Malleus folded his arms and bowed slightly, his hair hiding his face.
“Tch! That human. That…” He was glad Silver was gone. Had he been there, there’s no telling how Malleus would have reacted. And having the boy there saved him the trouble of finding out.
He only wished he had taken all the memories they made together as well, so he had to think of the human ever again.
The time Malleus taught Silver magic, Silver’s first steps, their first meeting...
“…What is that? It looks like a hairless simian.” The memory of that day came unbidden into his mind, causing a sharp pain in his heart.
Lilia hadn’t seen him for some time, so Malleus decided to visit him.
Once he entered the forest, he was overwhelmed with the flutters of the woodland fairies’ gossip about the strangest news he ever heard: Lilia, the feared General of Briar Valley, had adopted a baby. A HUMAN baby. It was so ridiculous that Malleus hadn’t believed it until he saw it himself.
The sight was shocking in more ways than one.
Malleus had never seen a baby before, much less a human one, and to be frank, he wasn’t impressed. Lilia, on the other hand, was smitten. Smitten, a word the prince never thought he’d use to describe the other.
“He’s the baby in question, and his name is Silver. So, what do you think? Isn’t he just adorable?” Malleus had scrunched his face in disgust.
“Adorable? This thing…?” Seeing the general coo over the thing did nothing to appeal him to the child. If anything, it annoyed the dragon as bits of jealousy filled his eyes. But then Lilia did the unthinkable; he shoved the human into his arms!
What was the madman thinking? Even one wrong move and Malleus would shatter it like he had so many toys over the years.
But the baby didn’t break. Instead, it grew into a young man who became Malleus’ knight. Someone Malleus could depend on.
Or rather, someone Malleus THOUGHT he could depend on. Now…
Malleus tightened his grip on his arms.
When Silver was just a human Lilia found in the woods, there was no doubt he could put his faith in the boy. Now that Silver was the son of the foe who slew his mother, however…
The corners of his lips trembled as his eyes narrowed.
“Dammit..!” He hated this. He hated Lilia. He hated Silver. He hated both. If it wasn’t for them, he wouldn’t be in this pain.
How could Lilia do this to him? He claimed it was for Malleus' father, but did he have to betray his mother to honor the other? And why in the world did it have to be THAT human?
But even as he thought about it, Malleus knew the answer.
“I want to see if I really can love a human from the bottom of my heart.”
Malleus pressed his lips as Lilia’s words rang in his ears.
Lilia wanted to know if he could truly live in peace with humans and forgive them for their crimes. So, he chose the human he hated most to test himself.
Apparently, he passed, considering how much Lilia adored the boy now. Malleus, on the other hand…
Malleus pressed his lips tight.
The bat fae hadn’t said it back then, but Lilia wondered if Malleus could do the same. And, despite everything, he did.
Malleus did love that sleepy human baby dearly. So much so that the dragon prince was willing to attend a human school and meet other humans.
But now the question was different; now the question was, could Malleus forgive the sins of the past and love the son of his enemy? And the answer to THAT…
Words tumbled through clenched teeth, each low and shaking.
“I’ll never forgive him,’ he said, not knowing if he was referring to Lilia or Silver. “Never!”
Behind him, the tree withered. Then, an apple fell before decaying as well.
*I’m sad that this story has been mainly about the others as this was originally supposed to be Silver’s story. Oh, well. I’ll make up for that in future stories.
*Ahh, it’s hard to sort through Malleus’ emotions. I want his to get from “a” to “c,” but I know I have to deal with “b” first, which is a pain.
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lesbianslvt666 · 1 year
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Astronomy!professor!Ellie x Dark arts! Professor f!reader
Acquaintances to friends to enemies to lovers?
content warning: mentions of bad spells lol you see around the end.
Slytherin reader lol, Ellie keeping secrets from you so you use your sexiness to get her to spill (both down her pants and information)
smut (very bad lol,, i am still shit at writing it) fingering (both Ellie and reader), almost pussy eating (E! receiving), switch Ellie and reader, small choking play (E! receiving), marking (E! receiving), hickeys (E! receiving), nibbles (E! receiving), neediness I guess, none of you cum at the end lol (spoiler I guess) idk what else :))
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Your tight curls trapped in a scarf. You didn’t had no time or interest to get all dolled up for your first class, seven am, after, of course staying until 2 am talking senselessly with Ellie.
When you woke up Ellie was still sound asleep, her messy shaggy hair sticking to her face, making a mental note while you changed and got ready for your day, to braid her hair at night.
Entering the classroom gave the weirdest memories back to you. like no time had gone by, the classroom looked exactly the same.
The class was Gryffindor's and Slytherins, your own house arrival was earlier than the Gryffindor's, "one point to the Slytherins" you said as a joke, earning a few chuckles from the students.
The class was interesting to say the least, clouded with questions ranging from getting to know you to what had happened to the last professor. Your answers of course staying appropriate as possible and dismissing the ones relating to your predecessor.
Breakfast arrived fast after the lesson, dismissing the class was easy of course. However getting to the great hall with the clouded hallways proved to be a problem, trying to avoid the mass of students, circling through corridors until you couldn’t recognize where you were or where to turn.
Before you could freak out, you heard two muffled voices. your name being the only words you could recognize, walking in your tippy toes so the people talking couldn't hear you. You arrived as nearby as you could to the sound.
"what I am trying to tell you Ellie! is that I don’t know… if it’s a wise idea for her to know…" Minerva's voice sounded weary, shaky.
"Minerva, she is a strong girl, she can take the news" a short  pause clouded after Ellie spoke. "I actually think telling her is more clever, she has to know what danger could be coming so she can be ready"
Ellie voice sounded smaller, like scared a student might hear.
"no Williams!, the headmaster was very clear about not letting her know, she knows there is a threat and that is enough for her to take care when it- IF IT comes." her voice was an ultimatum, the clack of her shoes sounded harsh on the ground.
However, you didn’t heard a second pair walking- "I know you are there, come forward."
You, as if a child being discovered doing something you shouldn’t have, came to her line of view, her eyes opening wide and your name leaving her mouth like a hiccup driven by surprised, "I thought it was a student, what are you doing here!?" her steps approaching you.
A low chuckle leave your lips when you realized how childish the whole thing was. "well… I got lost…" your tongue emphasising the s and t sound.
She let out an amuse laugh. "just like old times angel?" her eyes opened as soon as the pet name left her lips, your own face becoming red, you had fought monsters, dragons, men. But Ellie calling you angel truly made you weak.
Changing completely the subject, Ellie guided you to the great hall, asking you questions about you class. You quickly realized Ellie had a thing for you. The night before accidentally confessing she had a crush on you when you were friends with Dina and today calling you pet names.
You guessed the best way to know the secrets Minerva and the head master didn’t wanted you to know was… maybe, getting to Ellies "good" side, and even getting a bit more of other things?
When night embodied the sky, Ellie took off to her classroom, doing her stuff while you ran around the dorm sharpening your plan, how to make Ellie fall for you, how to get her to tell you everything…
12:00 am
The clock beside you turn as soon as Ellie entered the room, her body and face tired. "I didn’t knew astronomy was so exhausting" she jumped slightly at your voice, giving away the fact that she thought you were sound asleep. "I mean… mentally it is, but today… umm…" she sat down on a corner of her bed, taking her shoes off and moving her head around, trying to relive some pain off her shoulders. You sneakered behind her, not getting in the bed just yet
"I had to- umm, I had to fix a few things before class…"her voice just above a whisper, her head lost in a sea of wondering thoughts, her sight far away from the room.
Her hands travelled to her cloak now, trying to get it off, however, she was met with your hands upon hers, while you tried to take a seat behind her, trapping her between your legs and your chest pressed to her back. Her body stiffened, trying too hard not to explode right there. "let me help you then… just relax" your hands stripping her shoulders off the cloak and massaging the tension off them.
Your touch felt so good, the pressure on her chest subsiding, her thoughts fixated on you, your scent lingering and embracing her and your warmth relaxing every bit of coldness and bitterness.
A groan scaped her lips without her notice and her head fell to your right shoulder, exposing her beautiful neck to you, calling you, your lips almost giving in to kiss her, so easy for you to reach…
With your free hand, you took you wand, diming the lights and closing the drapes with a few spells, she took hers, like connected to you, turning on a music player, the faint sound of music indulging your ears.
Humming softly to the music, your hands wondering around her arms, toned, veiny, tatted, so hot…
She opened her eyes slowly, looking at your face, while you looked down to her hands, rings adorning her long fingers and you thought about the logistics of her slender fingers deep inside you with the rings, or without them?
"you like my rings?" her voice laced with something you couldn’t quiet decipher, was she mocking you? Could she read your thoughts? You mind wondering upon two options. You could continue as you heart and your cunt were hopping you would, or… you could change the topic now to the elephant in the room… however, there was like three gigantic elephants here and you didn’t knew which should be better to address.
could it be the threat of your life? Would that be too soon? Scare her off?
Could it be her tired demeanour and the fact that she had bruises underneath her tattoos?
Or maybe address the fact that you heard the Hufflepuffs bickering at dinner about the fact that Ellie dismissed todays class…
"I like your hands too…" your heart won.
Her arm moved to the side, fingers glassing over your exposed tight, while you looked down to her movements and then up to her concentrated face, and to her exposed neck.
Your hand moved by itself, like in trance, fingers trapping her chin to look at you.
"would it be wrong if I wanted to kiss you?" your voice small, almost ashamed.
Your mouth was attacked by her own, her body moving now to face you, your legs intertwining to cage her hips and push her closer to you, her strong hands holding you to push you two further into the bed.
Her hot mouth open on top of yours, the kiss so needy so intense, years of thinking how you'd taste and how you'd feel came to pay her up badly, squirming and shifting on top of you, needing more, needing to fulfil her fantasies.
Her hands planted on the bed, on each side of your face, you pulled her even closed with your legs, your hands exploring her torso all the way to her breast.
This closeness was torturing, it wasn’t enough.
"please Ellie…"
her eyes rolling to the back of her head, your voice pleading for her.
"please what bun?"
her face burying in your neck, tracing all the way to find your sweet spot, needing to know what makes you weak, she wanted to know all the ways she could please you.
"touch me Ellie, I need you… please…"
She felt like wave of something new hit her from the back, her whole body now caging you and her hands pulling you so close.
Like waltzing, both of you shifted positions, Ellie was now sitting on the bed, strong back flushed against the headboard.
You were now sitting on top of her, so impossibly close, if your atoms could melt against hers and make one being they would.
Her hands roaming all over your body, so desperate to touch every bit of you. Your mouth hot in her neck, tracing with your tongue everywhere you could, desperate to feel more of her.
Her agitated breathing mixed with the sound of your clothed thighs against her pants. Fabric shifting while you straddle her, moving your hips against her own, choked moans coming from your throat, feeling her hips bulge upwards, hitting you core. Her head going backwards, the over stimulation so much…
Your hands pushing past her sports bra massaging both her breast under her shirt, hard nipples at the palm of your hand and she was squirming, trying hard not to moan only by small friction (that wasn’t enough) and the view of your needy state on top of her, trying to ride her, still fully clothed (that WAS enough)
She kissed you again, hot mouth against yours, opened lips for her to simply slide in, tongue exploring your mouth and you took your time to suck on it. That pushed her to oblivion, one of her hands going down to the place she needed you the most. 
"oh no, you are not getting yourself off, that’s my job pretty."
your voice adding another layer to her ache, your words almost making her cum on the spot, your body sliding off her, ass perked up so she could see it while you lowered yourself in between her legs, her neediness making her shake slightly when your hands came to unbuckle her belt.
Not wanting to make her suffer any longer, you slid off her pants and boxers in a swift motion, her legs closing together after that.
"I am usually the one… ummm… The one down there" she said almost shy, scared that it would scare you off.
You just chuckled.
"do you want this Ellie? Do you want me to make you feel good? To make the stress go away?"
With every word you spoke, she opened slightly her legs for you, your smirk making evident that you needed this as much as she did.
Placing her legs up your shoulder while giggling you dive in to kissing her milky legs, every mole and freckled receive personal attention form you mouth and tongue.
"Ellie, do you want this?" you said resting you head on one of her thighs.
"yes, yes… please I want you all" and she would have you.
Those words tickled something in the pit of your stomach, a desire bubbling there like nothing before.
Kissing more roughly up her thigh, leaving marks, small nibbles and hickeys, her response were agitated breaths and drown moans. One of your fingers arrived first to her aching cunt, her hips buckling in to your palm trying to get something more, anything at all. glistening essence coating your palm as you decided to be a good girl for her fully palming her pretty pussy, inserting a finger of your other hand.
Her mouth hung agape at that, you couldn’t resist how good she felt on your finger, clutching on to it. The room feeling too hot out of nowhere so you detached from her, her small pout making you giggle while you took of your sleep set, no underwear, she groaned "take your shirt Ells, play nice…"
She wasn’t used to being told what to do, I mean, not in these sort of circumstances…
And that almost made her quiver.
Both completely naked now, she couldn’t stop herself for latching on to you, kissing you and feeling you, naked body flushed against her hot skin.
One of her hands falling down to you cunt, dripping down your legs, she wanted to ruin you, to take you and mark you as hers. And she will…
"tell me If you want me to stop"
Her hand now palming you, both kneeled on the bed facing each other. Your mind in ecstasy and confused.
You were supposed to make her feel good… right?
Your own had going down on her, mirroring her position, her other free hand falling to your ass, pressing so hard that you knew tomorrow youll see the print of her hand on it. Your free one going for her neck, pressing only around it slightly. Her head fell back, eyes rolling all the way. Your hand now deep in her pussy, your hard nipples flushed to hers, her hand feeling your cunt closing on her fingers. It was too much for both.
"I am… I am gonna…" your voice cut off by your own moans and shaky breaths.
"me too angel, cum with me…" her own voice whiny and raspy, strained from trying to keep her moans from coming out her lips, it was a matter of seconds before you both reached your high.
A loud sound and a scream could be heard from outside your room. Both of you separating fast, startle…
Flushed faces and naked bodies separating from each other.
"what the fuck was that!" Ellies eyes opened, fear seeping from the pit of her stomach out, seemingly forgetting that none of you made it to your orgasm…
Your puzzling mind wondering, no other thought than to investigate, walking without noticing and putting your clothes back on with every step you took. Ellie, putting her shirt on and some sweats she had around. following you close behind, her breath itching your neck.
Opening the door made a loud screeching sound, gaining to however was on the other side to run, Ellie looked to the opposite end of the footsteps, a girl laying cold on the ground, eyes and mouth open in destress, so full of fear that sent a chill down your spine, her hand was pointing out on front of her line of sight, she was petrified.
"take her to the infirmary!" you screamed at Ellie, taking off to run behind the footsteps.
Ellie looked to where you were leaving, ready to catch whoever did it, an indescribable feeling pooling in her throat, she looked down to the kid in her hands. "fuck!" she screamed as you were now out of her view.
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@amloury @cl4uus @pickled-0-nion @miniaturebananadefendor
please let me know if you wanna be on the tag list <3
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sweetnslyth · 10 months
I know this is a ship war, I know. And in this times confirmation bias is REALLY IMPORTANT,, because these are not sides anymore, they become identities. But risking lose some follower (of the 4 that I have, luv u guys💚) I once, rooted for this couple! Can you believe it?!
I was reading acomaf in 2021, I had much spoilers for the end of the book, and I knew of Elucien's mating bond, but that first interaction between Elain and Az moved something in me, and I went to look for information on them together and I received A LOT of chopped interactions, from acomaf to acofas, and convinced myself that they would be together. And at that point I was ignoring Elucien's mating bond – and I loved Lucien, always loved him.
Then acosf arrived, mind-blowing me. I was already on twitter, where once more, even though I was never engaged in e|riel spaces, never followed anyone, was what reached me about acotar was e|riel content. I remember getting really mad at the first Gwynriel art I've seen before reading. Then I read, I fell in love with Gwyn. I was upset at the end? Yes, cause I expected more. I looked for answers in social media, and I found SJM talking about Elucien in Facebook, here on Tumblr... I saw some interviews... Then came the bonus chapter, and I was changed, there was no hope after that, I came back, read all parts of Gwyn in the book, and I saw why people were shipping and started to ship them too. I fell in love with Elain, too, and I finally saw how fitting she and Lucien are. I saw e|riel's crumbling foundation, and how especifecially in acosf every e|riel interaction had something canceling it forward. How things were crashing, so I jumped out of the ship with no regrets.
But I kinda understand though, cause it was hurtful to admit, and I almost didn't, it was difficult, because I had put so much faith in them together to see things fall apart and you feel helpless.
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