#batman the animated series fanfiction
riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Hello! I'm sorry to hear someone took their problems out on you, that's never okay. I hope you feel better soon.
You mentioned writing BTAS Penguin and BTAS Riddler and being open to taking requests so here is mine.
How would they react to a time traveling distant descendant that just shows up, hangs around a bit, does something small and leaves, seemingly randomly. Sometimes they just show up and they have lunch together, sometimes the pop in just in time to keep a office plant from falling over, then leave immediately.
I hope you like this enough to write it but if not I still hope you have a better day.
A/N: awww thank you so much! I work in retail so I'm used to it most days, but everything builds up eventually. I'm much better now thank you so much for the support, I appreciate it! This was such a neat idea I wasn't sure if I could pull it off but it was too fun to pass up. I hope I did your idea justice!
BTAS!Penguin w/ a Time-Traveling Descendant:
Oswald would be taken aback at first. The poor guy has been lonely for so long (we don’t mention Veronica) and ostracized from Gotham’s elite. The only one he had in terms of a family was his mother. The odds of a descendant look rather bleak for the gentleman of crime. 
However, when he finally saw them there was no denying the strong features they had similar to his own. From the stark onyx hair and the slight peak at the end of their nose. 
Could it really be? Oz finds someone to have a family with? To continue the Cobblepot bloodline? 
He has so many questions, who does he meet? What becomes of the Bat? W-Will he ever be accepted into high society? 
This descendant will have to stay vigilant to not cause a time paradox, but they have to admit it was nice to see a smile on his face. 
Oswald enjoys it whenever they visit for tea time or to share a small lunch together. As much as Oswald wants to know what happens to him, he is aware of the consequences, and he would hate for something to happen to his descendant. 
Oz smiles whenever he catches them straightening a painting that’s gone crooked without his notice. One time Oswald almost knocked over his prized emperor penguin sculpture but they were there to catch it. They set the marble sculpture of two penguins joined at the beak. They sent him a thumbs up and a wink before blinking back to their time. 
No matter what happens, Oz sees contentment in what’s to come knowing that whatever decisions he makes from now on, they won’t entirely be in vain. They lead to this charming and kind individual somewhere down the line, and he can’t help the swell of pride he feels when he thinks about them.
BTAS!Riddler w/ a Time-Traveling Descendant:
If Oz’s descendant has to be vigilant, Eddie’s descendant has to be steadfast, strong-willed, and stubborn as a bull. 
Is this a metahuman ability of yours? Have you solved the ever elusive conundrum that is time travel and the properties of time itself? Of course, that’s possible if you’re his descendant, he is a genius after all…so it’s not out of the realm of possibility.
Edward’s questions have zero bounds. If anyone is aware of the consequences of time jumping it would be him, but he’s willing to risk it sometimes for just a fraction of an answer to the riddle that is the future. 
Once his descendant threatens to leave and not come back, he concedes…a little. Can they at least share some new-age riddles? What do you mean no? 
Ed challenges his descendant to all sorts of riddles, brain teasers, and puzzle toys. If you’re the descendant of the Riddler they shouldn’t be an issue. Right? (They mostly aren't but it's partly because of their intellect and part because everyone knows the answer to most of these puzzles by now...but don't tell Eddie that)
He enjoys it whenever they visit. He rarely makes connections with people despite how charismatic he is. It’s difficult for him to develop something real (that’s not impulsive or obsessive…looking at you Batman..) but he feels a connection to them that’s totally natural. 
Albeit he may not always admit it, Edward enjoys their abrupt assistance just in the nick of time. They’ll blink in with that microchip he lost hours ago. They’ll stop by and pick up the pencil that rolled off his desk. Edward will throw away a blueprint only for his descendant to catch it mid air and hang it up on the wall before leaving with no explanation. 
His descendant serves as a reminder for him that he does leave a legacy. His genius doesn’t die alone with him but lives on to keep learning and stay bright in his brilliant descendant. 
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Danny died young. That wasn't what made him powerful. No, but it was part of it. His obsession was Protection due to that being one of the only forms of love he ever received. His parents swearing to protect him from monsters that they never found and his sister protecting him from his parents more...extreme actions.
He died at 6 and if there was one lesson he had learned from his short life, it was that to love was to protect and to be loved is to be protected.
So Danny, ever the explorer, had spent another 6 years after death wandering around the zone and saving people. One day he slipped out of the Infinite Realms and into a new reality but he didn't expect to see a kid around his own age dressed in black and red.
The kid jumped from rooftop to rooftop, doing flips and handsprings with a small smile on his face. Danny stared at him wide eyed while standing frozen on the ground like an idiot. Just like that, Danny developed his first crush.
Following behind the kid was a large man in a gray and black outfit. Supervillian? He watched as this guy jumped from rooftop to rooftop running after the kid.
Danny almost blasted the guy right then and there if it wasn't for the kid turning around and talking to him. Eavesdropping wasn't exactly polite but Danny needed to know if he needed to rescue his crush this kid. Luckly it didn't come to that as "Batman and Robin" discussed a case and left.
Later, back in the IR, Danny was caught by Kitty while he was picking flowers. Upon asking what he was doing he stated the obvious. This of course, led to Kitty following Danny back to Gotham and getting front roy seats to Phantom popping his head up from the rooftop while Robin was running and startling him.
Robin got into his battle stance alongside Batman, all the while Danny didn't ride up from the roof any farther than his shoulders. Danny was too nervous to say anything and just blushed before he chucked the bouquet at Robins feet and bolted.
Robin jumped back, fully expecting the object the kid threw to be a weapon or explosive of some kind. Even after realizing they were flowers and the other kid was gone they still suspected it might be a trap.
Eventually they brought the glowing flowers to the batcave where they were examined. Alfred took the liberty of putting the ones that weren't being examined in a vase.
"I don't get it. Was he trying to send a message? I don't even recognize any of these flowers, what was he trying to tell us?"
"If I may, Master Tim." Alfred interrupted the boy, "Is it possible he gave you flowers for another reason? One more...mundane?"
Aka Danny gets a big ole crush on BTAS Tim and the other ghosts coo at Danny for "baby's first crush"
The bats are never normal so they're absolutely convinced Phantom is up to no good
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puppetwoman17 · 2 months
Got any JJ fic recs?
The one that doesn’t seem to be loading is called Contingency J-J-Twenty-Two. It’s only available to registered users and it’s part of a series that’s ongoing.
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plush4bunny · 2 months
had a breakdown, started making "The Sex Face Meme" inspired by @chrism02's version of Alfred Molina fancasted as Oswald Cobblepot, bon appétit 🥴
(but not all of the prompts would be filled in so you'll get a charming BTAS!Oswald in its place and an apology 🙈)
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we'll be starting off with "Desire" 👀 which is heavily inspired by some scenes from @chrism02's fanfics for the beloved rogue. these would be: 'Under Your Wing,' 'Spur of the moment,' 'Overshoot the mark,' 'Botch Up,' and 'Glimmer of Hope.'
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cyb-by-lang · 4 months
Oof, this one took some real work. Thanks again to Beta for being able to go over this last-minute and remind me how to finish paragraphs. XD
Chapter summary: Bruce gets a talking-to, and Isobu gets to watch a movie.
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suleikazuleika · 7 months
Anybody got recommendations for DCAU/Young Justice crossover fics?
Especially ones that are clearly stated to be parallel universes?
I'll also take My Adventures with Superman crossovers if you got them.
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m-cristiny · 3 months
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Valentine's Day 💘
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webtrinsic1122 · 3 months
I’m fucking so excited for the new Batman cartoon y’all have no idea
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pyrrhicraven · 3 months
We need MartianBat (Batman/Martian Manhunter) fluff!!
Bruce was dead tired, after all the nonsense of the week not only as batman but as Bruce Wayne he deserved a nice long sleep. Walking into his bedroom he paused drinking in the sight J'onn made. He was in his true form, reading a large tome of some sort, the writing on the spine gave Bruce no clue other than it seemed martian in origin.
Haphazardly throwing his clothes into the hamper he returned his path to bed. Happy J'onn was there but sadly he needed rest more than anything else. J'onn had known he was there and set the book aside when Bruce crawled into bed, arms open for Bruce to lay his head on the broad martian chest.
Sighing Bruce relaxed into J'onn's arms, glad that his lover always seemed to know just what he needed...
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okayigetitifuckedup · 11 months
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Part two of T-shirts I found on Etsy like a year and a half ago and which of the characters in my fic (AND ONLY THEIR CHARACTERIZATION IN MY FIC) would wear them.
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jeandejard3n · 6 months
Batman: The Court of Owls
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kaitlyngreatlyn · 1 year
“It’s my name on the line.“
Day 10: “It's My Name on the Line."
Fandom: Justice League the Animated Series
(Yes, I will keep posting even though October is way over, by the time I'm done, it'll be October again)
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Lines are Drawn.
The watchtower was quiet, Flash leaned his head back on the couch cushion looking up at the watchtower ceiling. It was his turn to keep watch, but he couldn’t pay attention. It’s been a month since the Flash was dumped by a man he wasn’t even dating and he didn’t feel much better. 
Anytime he saw a dark haired figure or a well pressed suit, he would be distracted. 
Was this heartbreak? 
He’s dated before, he’s flirted around for years, but something was different with Bruce Wayne. He didn’t know what it was. He felt like he always knew him. It felt so right to talk to him. But still... Who was he kidding? They were from two completely different worlds. 
Bruce Wayne was an older rich man who could have the pick of any woman or man he wanted. Wally West just a poor nerd from Central City. Wally was just lucky enough to have Bruce Wayne grace him with his charm for that short period of time, of course he knew it wasn't going to last.
But, still, he couldn’t stop the hurt.
If Bruce Wayne had rejected him or ghosted him at the beginning, maybe he wouldn’t have had so much hope, maybe he wouldn’t have believed that they could actually get together.
Flash closed his eyes shut, trying to forget. 
A shadow passed by his face and he blinked his eyes to see a coffee in his peripheral vision. He looked up, his heart beating faster seeing dark hair, but his heart dropped when he saw who it actually was, “Hey Supes.”
“Flash,” The man in blue nodded his head with a kind smile, “How is it?”
Flash was confused, before realizing what he was asking, “Surprisingly quiet tonight.”
“Take the coffee.” Superman offered the cup again and Flash took it in his hands.
He looked down at the black coffee. He wanted to turn it down, but he looked back up at Superman’s kind expression and took a sip. Flash must have made a surprised noise at the sweet taste, because Superman laughed and took a seat next to Flash, “Hazelnut syrup.”
Flash nodded, taking a longer sip, feeling more rejuvenated.
“Batman recommended it.” Superman said, “Coffee doesn’t do much for me, but it does make it taste better.”
Flash felt his lip curl up in a smirk when he heard Batman was the one to recommend it, guess Mr Dark Mysterious didn't always want bitter black coffee. 
“It really does.” Flash took another sip and he looked closely at the chiseled man, he had black hair and kind blue eyes, he looked like a gentler version of the man stuck on his mind. He looked away feeling his face heat up. 
Superman sighed, “Flash, if you need to talk about something. We’re here for you.”
“Am I that obvious?”
“You have been a little more distracted lately.” 
Flash put the cup down on the nearest table and ringed his fingers together, “I… think I got ghosted.”
Superman tilted his head in confusion.
“By this guy- romantic partner.”
The slip up didn’t escape Superman’s super hearing and the boy scout put a hand on Flash’s shoulder, “If it’s a guy, that’s fine. No one here would judge you.”
Flash felt his face heat up again, was he really going to talk about this with the strongest man in the world?
Maybe he should finally get it off his mind.
He wanted to talk about it more with Nightwing, but his best friend always got a little more fidgety when Flash brought up Bruce. So maybe a set of (super powered) ears would help.
“I’m not ashamed,” Flash said confidently, “I’ve always liked girls and guys, but you know… My dad wasn’t always the most supportive.” He winced remembering his rough childhood.
Superman’s hand didn’t leave his shoulder, squeezing it in a comforting way. 
“I met this guy a while ago,” Flash laughed as he explained, “Don’t tell Bats, but I met him in Gotham. He’s rich and famous, completely different from me, so I guess I shouldn’t have expected anything from it. It still hurts though, cause I feel like we really had a connection.”
Superman’s hand tensed, “Rich and famous? Does Batman know?”
“I mean he knows I met this guy, but I don’t think he fully knows about the connection I have with Bruce. He invited me to a gala and even kissed me, but I doubt Bats knows any of that…” Flash trailed off not even realizing he revealed the name in his awkward rambling, “Or at least I hope he doesn’t. That would be embarrassing.”
Superman’s hand released from his shoulder, standing up in surprise. 
Flash looked up to him, “Are you okay?”
Superman cleared his throat, adjusting his expression, “It’s fine Flash…” He crossed his arms feeling a bit conflicted, “Why don’t you go home early?”
“You sure?” Flash sat a bit more enthusiastic.
“You got here early, so I don’t mind.” 
Flash jumped to his feet, already feeling better, “You’re the man Supes!”
He sped off before Superman could change his mind. Superman cleaned up the coffee cup Flash left behind and said out loud, “You know I figured you knew his secret identity, but I didn’t know you would take advantage of that.”
Emerging from the shadows was Batman, who had crossed arms and a serious look, “I knew his uncle. It was never a secret.”
“Does Flash know that?”
Batman’s silence was his answer.
“You should tell him.” Batman glowered at that and Superman said seriously, “I mean it. You brought him to a gala? You kissed him? You have to say something, it’s not fair.”
“It’s not fair? It’s my name on the line.” Batman said angrily, “And my family’s names. You know the reason for secret identities.” 
Superman raised an eyebrow and scoffed, “You think Flash would say something? Come on Bruce, we all work together, it couldn’t hurt.”
“It doesn’t matter, I’m letting him go.” Batman said, “He won’t need to know.”
Superman sighed looking back to the monitors, “It’s okay to let people in. It’s okay to love, but it’s not okay to lie to him.”
Superman didn’t have to turn back around to know Batman was gone. He just hoped that Batman would listen to him before it blew up in his or Flash’s face.
Little did any of them know that they wouldn't be able to prevent when or why the identity reveal would happen. 
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dreamsfullofwoe · 1 year
He then pulled me close to him and gave me a kiss that promised things were about to get interesting.
He kissed me like he was ready for the best sex of his life, which I knew he probably was.
He started with my lips, slowly kissing me, then moving on to my cheeks, chin, neck, and finally my ears.
He moved down my neck and chest, licking and sucking my nipples.
When he got to my belly button he stopped and looked up at me. "You're so beautiful." He said. "I want to taste you."I smiled and nodded, knowing what he wanted.
1 took off my pants and panties, exposing my hairy wet pussy to him. His eyes went wide when he saw my pussy, but he didn't say anything.
my veins were pumping with horny -ness
Instead he just dove in, licking all over my pussy lips. I moaned and squirmed as he licked me from my clit to my asshole. He kept going back and forth between my pussy and my ass, driving me crazy.
He then stuck two fingers inside me, pumping them in and out while he sucked my clit into his mouth. It felt amazing, and I could feel myself getting closer and closer to cumming. Then he stopped. I moaned in frustration. "What are you doing?" | asked. "I'm not done yet. "He said. *I want to fuck you."
But I don't have any condoms. "I told him. " I'll take care of it. "He said. "
I'll be right back. " He said as he walked out of the room. I sat there naked on the couch, wondering what he had planned. A few minutes later he came back with a condom in his hand. "Here, put this on for me."
He said."
But..."Istarted. "It's okay. You can't get pregnant if you wear a condom. "he assured me. I slipped on the condom and he guided his hard cock into my wet pussy. He slid all the way in, filling me up."
Ohh. "I moaned. " That feels so good. "He began to pump his cock in and out of my pussy, fucking me harder than before. I wrapped my legs around him and held on tight.
Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Make me cum! "I screamed.
He picked up speed and fucked me harder than before, slamming his cock deep inside me.
I moaned in frustration. "What are you doing?" | asked. "I'm not done yet. "He said. *I want to fuck you."
But I don't have any condoms. "I told him. " I'll take care of it. "He said. "
I'll be right back. " He said as he walked out of the room. I sat there naked on the couch, wondering what he had planned. A few minutes later he came back with a condom in his hand. "Here, put this on."
He said."
But..."Istarted. "It's okay. You can't get pregnant if you wear a condom. "he assured me. I slipped on the condom and he guided his hard cock into my wet pussy. He slid all the way in, filling me up."
Ohh. "I moaned. " That feels so good. "He began to pump his cock in and out of my pussy, fucking me harder than before. I wrapped my legs around him and held on tight.
Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Make me cum! "I screamed.
He picked up speed and fucked me harder than before, slamming his cock deep inside me.
|yes yes yes m’gonna cum!"Yes cum for me!
Fuuuuck! "I moaned. He slowed down his pace and held himself deep inside me, making sure he got every drop of my cum. After we both came down from our orgasms he collapsed on top of me.
Wow. That was awesome. "He said."It was."| agreed. We laid there for a little bit, catching our breaths. Then he rolled off me and lay next to me. " So, how long until your parents get home? " he asked.
About an hour. "I said. "Well, you better get cleaned up and dressed. They'll be here soon. "He said." Okay." I said. He kissed me again and left the room. I stood up and walked to the bathroom to clean up."
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sylverfishies · 2 years
I want to write fanfiction about the btas penguin so bad 😭😭 WOULD YALL WANNA SEE THAT??
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I love him so much guys 🧍‍♂️
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plush4bunny · 2 months
had a breakdown, started making “The Sex Face Meme” inspired by @chrism02’s version of Alfred Molina fancasted as Oswald Cobblepot, bon appétit 🥴
(but not all of the prompts would be filled in so you’ll get a charming BTAS!Oswald in its place and an apology 🙈)
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after making "Desire," next would be "Kiss (closed eyes)" 👀 which is heavily inspired by some scenes from @chrism02’s fanfics for the beloved rogue. these would be: ‘Under Your Wing,’ 'Spur of the moment,’ 'Overshoot the mark,’ 'Botch Up,’ and 'Glimmer of Hope.’
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cyb-by-lang · 5 months
It got longer. Again.
Chapter Summary: Dick shows up.
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