#did yall know I like Cater??? no? well i do
reirei404 · 6 months
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Did a haul at the second hand store and these are the Cater merch I bought!!! Cuz I lost two Cater merch of mine along with my pencil case!!! I almost cried!!!!
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k3n-dyll · 3 months
maybe because not everyone has to cater to black and brown readers? if i feel excluded then talk to ur black and brown writers bc why tf would (for ex.) white writers write black readers when…when they aren’t?? yall aren’t victims write ur own shit if u care so much like idk what to tell u but not everyone has to bow down and write the way you want them too.
The fact that this is what you got from me saying that POC feel excluded from fandom is...insane.
I hesitate to even answer this because you sound stupid as hell, but since I think other people need to get this shit through their skulls as well:
If you are a writer, and you claim to be writing an "x reader" fanfic for a character you like, the general consensus is that "reader" in this situation should be neutral for the most part. Sure, there's different versions of that ( "x fem reader", "x masc reader", etc.") , but generally, the idea is that "reader" in this situation could be anyone, yes? A lot of writers on this app and others, write "reader" as if tiny white women are the default.
And you know what?
If you wanna write that way, fine, but say that. If you so desprately want to write about Abby Anderson fucking a 5ft nothing white girl with blonde hair and green eyes - write that. But don't call that shit an "x reader" when you know its a self insert meant to exclude everybody that doesnt look like you. Dont claim to be a safe place for all readers if when POC say they feel excluded from the things you write, you say stupid shit like what this anon just did. If your shit is labeled "x reader" with no other warnings, one should be able to assume that they arent going to see any specifics about body type, hair textures, skin color or eye color - but no. Thats not the case.
I swear, every time we bring this shit up you bitches act like we killed your fucking grandma. If you dont wanna write in a way that everyone can consume, fine, but dont make it seem as if petite white girls are just the default human in every scenario. Theres a content warning over every fic, if you dont want to see how problematic it is to write as if whiteness is the default then the least you could do it leave a big fat warning in that little "CW" section to let us know that you didnt write this with the existence of people that dont look like you in mind.
Oh, and I do write my own stuff btw. Don't ever come in my inbox with this bullshit again. Pissing me off first thing in the morning😒
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kalims · 1 year
˃ ᵕ ˂ . . "who i like? do you seriously think I'm gonna tell you that? anyways its—"
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premise. someone asks who you like.. and you respond with their name—said person right beside you!
characters. all dorms and their prominent students
includes. gn reader
note. after a long wait! and the almost month this has been on my 'to be added' category it's hereeee.. fun fact.. I actually finished another work because I liked the idea of it more even though this was my prioritized.
was 20 mins late because I was fixing my posts aksbja
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looks at you like you're insane. I'm confident everyone can envision riddle's face like that. it's in between the verge of being flustered and being appalled by your lack of filter. heat practically steams out of riddle's ears as his movements stutters, clearly struggling to comprehend what you said. maybe you should get ready for an earful but you're pleasantly suprised when riddle sets aside his.. passionate emotions to shyly ask a confirmation. (with admitted aggression as if he's in denial)
trey's eyebrows shoot up but the action looks way more casual than it should be. I mean, surprisingly he's pretty calm on taking it into account but he ends up just being a smiling fool beside you as you continue your conversation with your friend. he's like... ‎◜◡◝ beside you as your friend looks between the two of you in a hurry before breaking into a laugh. should be be worried that you're this bold..? well, it did work in his favor so he can't say a thing.
happy go luck cater looks even more happy than you've ever seen him in your life. hanging lowly by his sides, his hands twitch and he itches to pull out his phone to basically renounce to the world that his feelings are very much reciprocated and probably lowkey shitting on the people with one sided loves because, ha! he wins!! you bet he's gonna settle for screaming in his private account and then proceeding to scream in his pillow.
before he could foster up a grin and break out of the 'calm and responsible' honor student, deuce had to keep his lower lips under his teeth lest he looks like a weirdo smiling uncontrollably tinged in flush. the whole time he was just staring at you goofily.. like he's on cloud nine, which I concur. because he is. the one who gets gaslighted (not by you) into thinking that you both now are in a relationship like.. deuce be for real you didn't even ask me on a fate. (actually both of you might think you're in a relationship because of the way you're acting like yall are)
contrary to beliefs I think ace would be on the more casual side. you know? throwing an arm around your shoulder and shattering whatever personal space criteria there was. clearly there's no need when you 'like' him so much. he's using your words as an excuse to do whatever he wants, like leaning strangely close, letting a hand linger longer than it should. whatever restraint he had before is gone now because now he's moving onto a new level of personal. you'd either hate or secretly like the change. hate because ace wtf we're in class and like because,, who wouldn't want your crush to be overly affectionate with you?
you'd think leona wasn't listening at all just from the indifferent look on his face but you know better just from the way his eyes perk up, tail sticking up in dormant but still a signal of alert and attention. for once he doesn't quip a tease, or a smart-ass remark that would want you to shovel your way to the ground on embarrassment. he just.. sits there, staring seemingly into the void of thin air itself. maybe it's because he's feeling particularly sentimental or sensitive today that his heart feels like it's encased in warmth. it feels good.
a laugh too shaky for his preferences, ruggie hopes he didn't look too nervous for his sake. I mean, this is literally his suprise of the century and when I tell you that it's a big shock to him, it's an understatement. come on, if he did think you had feelings for him ruggie imagined the confession going normally. either buttering him up or going straight to the point—the latter, which he prefers but when he said to be direct he certainly didn't expect this! the hyena runs away with jitters and a skip to his steps but he comes back a few minutes later looking more relaxed than you've ever seen him.
once again. contrary to expectations which the savanclaw boys had practically shattered those, many would think jack would go all shy. from the previous savanaclaw boys you'd think I'd go against expectations again but you're.. wrong hehe. i don't know how to explain other than he wills himself to show a reaction other than fluster, maybe it's just in his pride to now show you an ounce of weakness but literally how could be when you're the weakness? he doesn't know if you making him soft is good or not.
if it was real and possible to actually happen without a third party force, azul's glasses would've definitely shattered the moment you said the direct confession. he's torn between wanting to excuse himself to scream like a school girl or intent to not let the fluster show. well, either way he does both. keeping his emotions hardly in check, sometimes slipping up multiple times but when the time comes where you both part ways you know he's silently smiling to himself when he turns round a corner. the twins are suspicious and curious as to why azul had been in a good mood nowadays..
either jade maintains his cool, natural closed eyed smile or he crinkles his eyes when he breaks into a large sharp toothed grin. of course both has the lingering ominous feeling around it because it's jade.. and even you have to agree that him openly cracking a grin isn't exactly a good sign of peace, rather so a harbinger of trouble. if you were bold enough to say that in his presence I wonder how that previous confidence will fare when he's practically picking at your earlier words to gouge a reaction. no jade, I only said like. not love (yet).
no one other than floyd would be more than ecstatic. he didn't hear it at first, blinking then tilting his head to the side when he pauses to register it. so when he finally processes it you bet he's giggling in his head but in real time? he's practically sweeping you off your feet to hug you in the air. figures with the strange merman strength.. you find out that floyd is quite clingy when he's immensely happy, he even refused to let you go through classes and when you insisted he just sat down next to your seat and promptly kicked out whoever sat there before! floyd atleast hide! I mean the professor would surely notice the eel that's not in supposed to be in their class.
if there was an option where he could purchase everything in the world then giving it to you without expecting anything back kalim would surely choose it. you got him so happy to the fact that he's willing to do practically anything that you ask. he doesn't mean to be over the top but.. he just wants to make you happy, which is more than you deserve. no matter how many times you tell him that you don't need any gifts but rather him only, it seemed like it only did worse since he practically fell a hundred times harder which brings us to the conclusion that he wants to give you the world a whole lot more now..
a complete opposite of kalim. jamil merely blinks and casts you a side eye. for the record, he is a little impressed you're that bold because if it was him he would've just brushed this person away or claimed that he liked no one but here you are. completely obliterating the concept of secrets. perhaps that's why he likes you in the first place, your personality is certainly a force to reckon with.. but sometimes you just have to tone down the chaos.. *please* 😐
vil is no stranger to bold proclamations but he can't deny he's a little startled. well, he didn't pick you out to be that type of person. either way usually he'd plaster a quick smile, the words not hitting anything other than the skin of his heart. strangely enough he can't keep the smile wider than he'd like off his face, he's immensely pleased by your words and pomefiore has never been so happy by the obvious good mood their dorm leader had. cause he left them alone for the whole day to practice stick to your side.
his eyes immediately crinkle in joy, rook has to look away and cover the lower part of his face to shy away the flush in his cheeks that would give away his thoughts. rook wouldn't mind if you knew how he felt, but this time he feels as though he's doing this to contain the excitement off his face. you can practically hear the tremble in his voice as he giggles out. "oh tricheur ! mon coeur bat pour toi dans ma poitrine!" it looks like rook completely forgot to existence of the person right next to you. if he got madol from the amount of times he practically sang of his love for you rook would be rich.
just like any other time where you say something off handed epel quickly goes out of character and nearly screams. asking, shaking your shoulders, out of breath by the amount of times he aggressively shook you for the answer of "really?!" his voice becomes that of a boy you aren't used to, but if he's really that willing to show you the person he truly is it makes you like him more. if you do agree, admittedly with your surroundings growing distorted he yells out a happy "YESSS." then coughs and resumes to his soft persona like he wasn't the complete opposite a minute ago. (the person that asked was shook)
it's hard to say if idia is actually gonna be next to you since,, he's idia and do you really think he'd entertain the thought of being in a conversation with someone who he doesn't know? so let's just pretend his tablet is floating next to you, it's better than nothing you guess. you spared a glance to the electronic when you literally confessed your type, idia himself fitting the category perfectly. you swore you heard a squeak but ehh.. maybe it was a rat or something.
meanwhile. ortho comes inside idia's room expecting his elder brother to just be sitting on his bed, gaming chair or something but no. idia shroud is on the floor, with his headphones hazzardly over the floor like it fell over when he did. his hair is sprawled around the floor, heating into a concerning passionate pink as he rolls around and... squeals..? just from the headphones ortho can vaguely hear a "my type..? oh you know idia? I'd kill to have a boyfriend like him." playing on repeat.
he would be like: ˘ ˘ and then: ‎◜◡◝ after he hears you. if there a sound for a big, happy dragon malleus would be excluding them. when I tell you he wishes nothing but to just whisk you away on spot he's not kidding, unlike everyone else who unintentionally forgot the person who asked. this man forgets them intentionally because he can't keep his eyes off you like.. 'hey other human. me and my child of man are having a moment here. will you please leave now. did you not get the sign'
giggles but with his deep voice it sounds kinda weird, but nice to the ears nonetheless. lilia labels you as his main target now, perhaps scaring you shitless at the random times is his love languange because he does it a lot. don't worry though, he always says a half hearted apology with a smile and showers you with affection right after. how could you be mad with how he treats you? even though he cares for you after you can't help but pray that the glint you saw in the ceiling was just some shiny thing.. maybe malleus got it from him because he doesn't care for the other person too.
sebek scolds you period. not only have you mentioned his name (which he's embarrassingly torn between being disgusted and fluster) but you've also mentioned that he's your type?? but I honestly think he approves your taste. "OF COURSE I am the ideal man! I applaud you for once human. not everyone can see the value of loyalty and devotion to waka-sama!" he says but with the increasing pink in his face you know better than to think that it's for the sole reason of malleus.
with the increasing time you've both spent together, silver has practically devoted himself to following you around whenever he's awake. (sebek says something about him always needing to be by malleus' side but quickly shuts up after silver comments that sebek is more than capable to look after him) the surroundings are growing hazy when you say it but he hears it nonetheless. he's happy to say that he dreamt a pleasing dream he's ever gotten in a long time. and since you were in it, it's safe to say that he's positively infatuated now.
translation for rook is,, "oh trickster! my heart beats for you in my chest!"
I connected ignihyde parts since I REFUSE to leave out ortho!!
I really liked how those ^ parts came out. my favorite actor cause I think it's cute for idia to be freaking out like that lolol. especially with the idea of recording of your voices to listen to cause he's that down bad
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It's literally impossible to read bat fanfiction because it's all based off those ridiculous fanon tropes that spread like crazy and people take as fucking biblical!!!!! Dick was never a jerk to Jason when he was Robin- they got along because Dick is mature as hell and in one retelling- Jason was a jerk to him!! And when he came back as Red Hood he had literally not a single damn reason to treat Dick like shit! Not a damn one! But he did, didn't he? Cause he's the fucking asshole! How dare you make Dick grovel towards that bastard! Dick has only ever tried to help him! Reached out during his Batman run, over and over! Also- Dick never put Jason in Arkham with Joker just a few cells down???? What the fuck! The Joker and all those other fuckers had been broken out of Arkham by Black Mask already for like the whole run??? Jason went to Arkham after losing to Dick, and Gordon put him in there because One he fucking deserved it, Two the literal circumstances?? And at that point!! Arkham was fucking rehabilitated itself!! By Dick!!! Because Bruce had him go undercover there for real, and Dick was actually tortured there before he got out!! So Dick put in the work to get that shit in order to actually help people!!
Dick never chose Damian over Tim- Tim refused to engage with him over his grief, shut him out, and left of his own devices! He never told Dick his suspicions on why Bruce was alive, never! And Tim is not the one to bring Bruce back either, there's a whole team at that point! Dick learns Bruce is alive through tossing his 'dead' body into a pit and the body comes to life as a zombie. Tim didn't tell him shit! Tim is also not a little crybaby- Damian cutting his line was a fucking blip on the page, he was momentarily shocked, that was it! He put Damian on his Hit List, which is why Damian cut his line. And his first attempt at "murder" is just pushing Tim off the dinosaur statue in the cave, he didn't go all assassin on him! Also Dick wasn't even there the first incident and wasn't told about the second incident. Alfred is the one who gave Damian Robin and Dick accepted him because he saw that Damian needed help! He needed guidance! He didn't fucking fire Tim the way Bruce fired him, and fuck all of you for thinking that Tim or Jason or fucking anyone has more right over Robin than Dick Fucking Grayson! He tried to promote Tim and Tim walked off. How dare yall make Dick fucking grovel towards that bastard!!!
Jason did try to kill all three of them!! Why does everyone just gloss over that like what the fuck??? Why does he get a pass for every shitty thing he's done??? "Bad writing" stfu this is the same dude that without hesitation kills random criminals, people who deal drugs, do you know how many random ass people deal drugs??? Jason doesn't give a single shit about being his own type of hero or saving Gotham his own way, nor do the people think of him as their savior!! Are you people fucking delusional?? I saw a post that said citizens would trust Jason over CASS and I cannot Believe the hallucinations yall are seeing???
It is literally downright impossible to find fics about Dick or Damian or Cass or fucking any of them that doesn't include these literal bullshit fanon takes!!! It's impossible!!! This fandom sucks!!!! You don't even need to go buy the comics, all these popular takes have been debunked right here on tumblr!!!! Also Dick can do literally everything!! He's hypercompetent as hell, die mad about it!! Jason doesn't like Wonder Woman???? Where the fuck did that come from??? Wayne Family Adventures is not real!!! Those people could not BE more out of character!!! Look at Bruce for crying out loud!!! Yall know that man ain't act like that!
Edit: leaving this here in case anyone wonders what my hot take is towards this question I was asked: "have you considered tho, that fanon is more fun..."
Well of course fanon is more fun if you're a fan of Jason or Tim. Fanon actively caters towards those two pasty white boys. Fanon actively shits on Dick and Damian though. And for Dick? He literally never did that shit! It is all made up! It's literal character assassination?? But by the fans?? And for Damian? He was 10!!! He grew up as an assassin! He was actively trying to grow with Dick's help! How can yall see him as the bad guy?? And not the literal bad guy, (Jason), and the 17 teen year old who literally fought him back btw, (Tim), like old boy did not act victimized the way you people portray. And Jesus for Cass? Cass is just a prop in fanon. So what exactly about this should be fun to me? Like seriously.
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ashisgreedy · 10 months
Hello! Hogwarts Legacy Fandom PSA!
I just wanted to encourage you to create anything you want no matter how big, small, or shitty you may think it is. Even one-paragraph ideas all the way to multi chapters! I don't care if its a 1 second audios, or a playlist with 3 songs! I'm talking to you.
It's a well known fact that the majority of us in this fandom are not professionals lol. We are just out here living our best life simping for fictional characters.
This post is just to encourage you to create and feel free to post it!! I know I'd love to see it and many many others would as well. I don't care if it's a half-finished wip you abandoned months ago, or a 2 sentence HC that doesn't fit with anything else you are doing.
I just want to encourage you to share your ideas and creations with us! It's not just about writing, audios, or drawing. You can create anything and share! Bracelets, poems, macaroni art I don't give a fk. Please share!!!
I see so many good takes left in Discord servers. This is tumblr, not some professional site you have to be perfect on. Share the gif! Share the doodle you did on a napkin! Share your ideas and I'm sure someone would be willing to make it a reality or just love hearing it!
I love this fandom and I'd hate for there to be some kind of glass ceiling people think they need to meet before their stuff becomes "worthy" of tumblr lol. Post your unedited fic if you can't stand editing it. Just post it!
It's not about the likes or the interactions. It's about having fun! Did you have fun making it? That's all that matters. Is it super niche and only caters to you or a select few? Post it! Go nuts!
I love yall and I hope this does encourage you! It's a fandom! You don't have to be part of some exclusive club to share your creations. Even if you ever share one thing, I am proud of you and happy to have your contribution to this fandom!
Lastly, fun fact, if you block an anon ask and look at your block list you can see who it was 😀
That is all. lol, Thank you!!!!
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blackopals-world · 2 years
Could I have part 4 for The Way to A Man's Heart series with Riddle, Trey, Cater, Jack, and Kalim?
~Oh boy, this Au is getting bigger and bigger. God help me. Come eat you filthy animals~
"The Way to a Man's Heart" (part 4)
(Part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
Notes:I spent a day on this. It's not proof read.
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I was confused on what to do for him to first but inspiration struck like lightning. This is way too long so if you like Riddle come get yall food.~
Yuu loved tea parties. She had thrown her fair share in her homeland with different themes and styles. With her talent for cooking and knowledge of many cultures she was booked to host events as a host and caterer just like her mom and dad. It was her pride and joy.
But cooking for her friends seemed to be enough. Until it wasn't.
For the past few days she had begun putting ideas in Riddle's head about hosting her own party.
She needed participants for this specific tea party but the problem was it required people who stuck to the rules. No other dorm could be as complaint as Heartslabyul expect maybe Draconia or Pomefiore but they might be too perfect if that makes sense. In reality Yuu just wanted to see Ace and Deuce suffer.
Riddle of course was very enthusiastic about party and added it to the schedule and making attendance mandatory.
Yuu couldn't help smirking knowing just how strict she was going to be.
The following Saturday Yuu rolled out tatami mats on the Ramshackle lawn. She had planted a few trees with help from Malleus and Leona for the event. Sakura trees that had a spell to keep them in bloom. Everything must be set up perfectly.
The Heartslabyul boys showed up at exactly 11:30 as instructed. Each had to wear traditional hakama.
Riddle had trouble following instructions for once. Yuu had specified that their attire be undecorated or plain. It could be colored but not bright or flashy so no red. When he had asked Yuu about it she made quite the face, one he imagined he had made many times at rule breakers.
"Red, is unacceptable. What? Are you getting married or showing off? It's not permitted to wear that unless your the host or a royal. Even then it's unseemly. This is a formal party Riddle not a informal tea." Yuu sounded unlike her usual soft and endearing self. Every word was deliberate and pointed. She took this seriously.
Riddle felt a bit chastised himself. He found that he wanted to follow her directions to the letter because of just how fervent she was. They had something in common now that she was making the rules and he had to forget his own to follow her's.
The group arrived in muted colors with minimal patterns but very well made. Of course they looked rather out of place in Ace, Cater and Riddle's case due to the ban on red. Cater chose yellow, Ace got orange and Riddle had pink. Trey had olive and Deuce had on navy blue.
Grim answered the door with a red and white rope tied around his neck and a gold bell that rang as he walked. He wasn't happy about the bell but he didn't make the rules.
Speaking of rules Grim was ordered to invite everyone inside. Shoes had to be removed and any unneeded items put away. Grim pointed to the scroll on the wall for everyone to read.
Riddle remembered that the scroll depicts the theme of the party.
He couldn't read the symbol on it. Why did she writing in another language?
Everyone took a seat as Grim rolled out a little cart with cups of tea on it. It was rather adorable as the cat served tea to the best of his ability. Yuu must had taught him. Grim was rather proud of himself as he explained that he chose this tea and made it himself.
Cater took plenty of pictures of the cat acting like a little butler. Grim was made into a meme by the magicam community instantly.
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Riddle was very impressed as Grim told the group that the first tea was Sakurayu. A tea made from cherry blossoms pickled in plum vinegar though he chose to fargo salt in the process do to the aftertaste except in Carter's case.
It was a very different to the tea Riddle usually drank but it was very good. The blossoms unfurled in the hot water making a beautiful display. Everyone seemed to enjoy it but Ace and Deuce didn't have a taste for tea.
The group had to wait for Yuu's arrival as she entered wearing a pink kimono with a white obi and haired tied neatly an updo with cherry blossom tasseled hair sticks placed into her hair.
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She greeted everything in a formal bow and made sure everyone in turn bowed as well. When Ace messed up and didn't bow properly at the waist a paper fan wacked him on the shoulder.
"Ace, try again." Yuu said with a smile but her eyes where clearly issuing a threat.
Yeah, Yuu and Riddle are alot alike.
Riddle in turn didn't say a word as. She watched her in astonishment.
Yuu instructed everyone to go outside to use the tsukubai to ritually wash their hands and mouths out before entering the tea garden.
Trey believed that every tea should begin like this. Everyone else but Riddle found it tedious.
Soon enough Grim escorted everyone outside to the garden to wait for the ceremony to begin.
Each of them had to sit in order of prestige. Riddle was seated first closest to the head followed by Trey, Cater, Deuce, and Ace. Ace complain about going last, but Deuce is still older by two months.
Ace began complaining about having to sit uncomfortably in seiza-style. Everyone was uncomfortable but Ace at least said it.
Riddle wouldn't dare admit his discomfort especially so early in the event. This was traditional and Yuu expectations were high. If he failed to meet her standards how could he expect her to meet his. If he can't do something so simple, she'd never trust his judgment again.
The event officially began with the audible closing of the door to the garden and Yuu entering and sitting down last.
"You guys are doing well. Seiza takes alot of practice. Your blood flow should improve overtime to make it easier." Yuu smiled as she turned down the outdoor burner for the water boiler. She neglected to mention how seiza isn't practice the same way since the Japanese government recognized it as a form of punishment considering the pain it caused. But her part her rules. "I hope you guys remember the ceremony takes about 4 hours to complete."
The audible groans that came from the group where hilarious. Yuu believed that the Riddle could use the humbling seeing the stained expression on his face.
"I don't know if I can do it." Deuce said, his face downcast and his teal puppy dog eyes on full display "I'm sorry, Yuu."
Her heart wasn't made of stone and Deuce her poor dumb-dumb was her her weakness.
"If that's the case we have seiza stools for you. It'll look like your sitting in position while taking the weight and stress of your legs." Yuu said giving in.
The boys took the offer, even Riddle knowing he wasn't expected to sit unassisted for 4 hours. He face was red with embarrassment when her noticed Yuu didn't need the aid of a stool.
As it was custom Riddle was promoted to ask questions about the ceremony for the group. The questions were written by Yuu before hand to help Riddle.
"What was the meaning of the scroll?" He asked.
"The theme is cherry blossom viewing. I thought it was best to be held outside." She answered in a rehearsed manor.
"What have you prepared?" He asked again.
"We shall begin with a meal with a watered down plum sake reserved for festivals. It's not strong enough to get drunk off of unless you have an entire bottle. Then we will take a break for a walk or play games. After that the tea ceremony begins. After we can go back to more casual fun." She said casual in an a different manor. She had plans.
After that Yuu presented the meal she had made. The meal served stared with a simple miso soup, rice, and salmon sashimi.
Ace and Deuce ate greedily with Grim and only stopped when Yuu gave them the evil eye. They reluctantly slowed down so they didn't suffocate on their food.
Cater was posting pictures of the food and laughed when the only pictures Vil would like had Yuu in them. Jealous much?
Trey feigned any acknowledgement of his surroundings as he enjoyed the scenery food. Truly an unbothered king.
Riddle fumbled with his chopsticks trying to pick up the fish before a helpful hand folded over his.
"Hold it like this." Yuu said her head over his shoulder and her cheek brushing against his. She moved his fingers into the right position and showed him how to pick up the fish. Before finishing her demonstration she pinched the fish between the wooden sticks and moved them to Riddle's mouth, feeding the headwarden the soy sauce soaked food.
Riddle turned ten shade of red as she pulled away.
Carter watch slack jawed as he dropped his chopsticks.
"Yuu? Can you help? I don't know how to use these." Cater whined calling for her.
Jealous much?
The next dishes where served with a nishime soup with bamboo shoot, lotus shoot and shiitake mushrooms. It was served with pork filled gyoza.
The first year boys loved the dumplings but didn't want to touch the veggie soup until Trey snapped out of revelry and eyed them both. Cater was also picky but knew he should just eat it.
Riddle actually liked the soup, it had a good soy sauce and sake based stock.
After everyone was already getting full, Yuu served dessert. Wagashi. It was a sweet made from mochi, sweet bean paste, and fruits.
Riddle found his favorite food so far and loved the taste of the floral peach.
Trey was in a similar boat and asked for her recipe. Yuu was happy to share as the made plans to make and serve more of these.
Yuu called for a break as everyone had to rest after such a meal. Full and satisfied they walked about viewing the flowers. Riddle took note of how well he and Yuu matched while standing under the cherry tree. A literal cherry tree not the cherry blossom trees.
Yuu showed the boys a few of the old games played during these event. Haiku writing, scripture reciting, origami, music, and dancing.
They didn't know that Yuu could do more then cook, she was actually good at playing the harp of all things and singing.
Trey was really good at tea ceremonies apparently. He truly understood its purpose. Distressing from everyday live and enjoying peace and tranquility. He had grown past simple earthly desires and was in touch with his innermost self and was finding the answer to who he was as a person.
"Okay, someone go get Trey. He's been staring up into the trees for way too long." Yuu said to Carter while watching Trey from a distance.
Trey's journey of enlightening had to end before he accidentally achieved nirvana after eating a bean bun. Honestly, what did Yuu put in that thing?
Yuu refocused on her flower arrangement preparing the actual ceremony. When she finish she rang a bell to signal the boys to come back and sit after washing up again.
Yuu began serving the tea as she poured the Macha power and water and whisked it into thick tea. This is where the rules must be followed to the letter.
Yuu movement must be precise as she prepared and poured the tea. Then she poured the tea into a bowl and bowed to Riddle who in turn bowed to her. He then raised the bowl in respect to her as a host.
He took a sip of the herble mix and complimented her tea as he wiped the rim before passing the bowl to Trey who did the same. On and on they all had to to it. Ace once again complained avout everyone elses lips touching the bowl causing a paper fan to go flying for his forehead this time. Yuu wasn't letting him get way with that one.
The formal part of the tea was just about over as Yuu removes the formal equipment and makes several cups of thin green tea to enjoy with light sakura cakes. She let the boys relax and recalin on the pillow cushions now.
"I was fun right?" She asked as they talked and drank.
"It was scary." Ace said rubbing his red forehead.
"I liked it." Deuce said wolfing down a cake. "The food is really good"
"I got so many pictures. The other dorms are practically green with envy." Cater smiled wickedly as he scrolled through the comment section. Vil was still being petty, and now Neige was paying attention.◇Drama!◇
Trey was still heading for inner peace so he was having a good time. Actually Yuu checked the sake and his might of been stronger then intended. He might actually be a super lightweight and is currently sloshed.
Riddle was sleepy after a big meal and all the activities. He leaned his head on Yuu's shoulder and dozed off. Her kimono was really soft and she smelled like fruit and flowers.
It wasn't exactly what Yuu imagined when she threw this party. She had intended to give Riddle a taste of his own medicine but seeing everyone even somewhat enjoyed the event was fun. It wasn't for everyone, at least not Ace who was the only one to complain. With a few changes here and there the others could really like this. Unfortunately, Yuu wasn't going to just change everything for westerners. Tradition was tradition and she already compromised enough.
She waved them off in the evening as she praised Grim for doing so well today. Trey and Riddle had to be carried back.
Trey recovered pretty well after the tea party. He thankfully didn't get sent to the heavens after achieving the 6th sense and becoming God.
They still had plans to cook desserts together. Yuu came over to the dorm with a bag full off something special.
She gleefully placed it on the counter as Trey eyed her with suspiciously.
"Guess what I got?" She said in a sing song voice.
"Something you want us to cook I'm guessing." Trey answered attempting to peer in the bag.
"Well yes, but that's not what I asked." Yuu pouted as she scooped up the bag to keep it away from Trey.
Trey wasn't going to play her game so he when back to making tarts as Yuu realized she wasn't getting anything out of him.
Trrreeeeyyyyy!" She whined as she pulled on Trey's apron.
Trey ignored her as he stirred the raspberry jam filling. When Yuu continued to whine he reached over to pat her head like a toddler who was demanding attention. Yuu reluctantly gave in and showed Trey the ingredient.
It was Hakuhou peaches. They were a top of the line peach known for its sweet, floral taste and soft texture. It made great treats.
Trey cut up slices to try so he could best see how to cook it.
Yuu showed him her recipe for peach tarts and the intended crowning dish for the day, peach flan.
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Flan was difficult to get right, the consistency was hard to get right, the glaze must be glassy and just thick enough. The bigger the mold the harder to get it out with it falling apart.
Of course Yuu used a big mold and got it out without trouble.
"Oh my God, fuck you. Of course you did it perfectly the first try." Trey said exasperated with no real heat. Yuu laughed as he pouted now.
Yuu cut a slice of the flan and offered it to Trey to eat. Trey feigned reluctance and took a bite.
"It's really good." He sighed.
Yuu gently encouraged him as he took a napkin and wiped the caramel from the side of Trey's face.
"We can try something different."
Cater was a spice hound and was foolish enough to challenge Yuu. His idea was to do a live video of him trying Yuu's spiciest dish from her homeworld in a bid to make a new internet challenge.
Yuu almost immediately told Carter no. He wasn't ready for that. Cater wasn't listening though and insisted. He eventually wore her down and live on the air she placed a bowl of black dried ghost pepper noodles.
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She advised him to be careful so he doesn't burn a hole in his stomach. She went easy on him by removing the seeds from the pepper for his own good.
"Thanks to our lovely chef Yuu, we have the best possible food for our challenge made hot and fresh. " Cater said pulling Yuu into frame why the hip. Because the camera perspective was at Cater level while sitting the audience couldn't see above Yuu's bust.
The viewers didn't mind as the made comments about wanting her "hot and fresh."
"Well that's enough fan service. Let's eat!" He said grabbing his chopsticks.
It went downhill fast as tears where shed and his nose was running. This didn't stop him because he wouldn't stop eating because it was, too good.
At some point Yuu took the bowl away and gave Cater a glass a milk. He was in too much pain to be cohesive now as he rested his face in Yuu's apron.
"Sorry, everyone but we need to cut here. We exercise personal safety in what we eat and seeing as Cater is in no condition to continue this is the end." Yuu said comforting her stupid friend by stroking his head but she was still as mischievous as always.
"This is what happens when you dont listen. Say goodbye Cater." Yuu cooed.
"Goodbye Cater." He moaned in pain, his face red fr the heat.
"Good Boy." She said cutting the feed.
When Cater finally recovered he got the internet fame he wanted. The trending tags were #ChefMommy, #Spicynoodechallange, #ChefYuu, #hotandfresh, #HeNeedsSomeMilk, and #bisexualmoment (yall better not use these. I will not be held responsible for making these tags.)
There were clips everywhere of the video. Memes of his face crying in Yuu's clothes that read "Me when my biwife says no more chicken nuggies"
Fans demanded Yuu to come back or for her to make her own channel.
Jack was probably the most normal person to feed. When he wanted something, he asked. No trick or games.
That is until Yuu had another fight with Leona and Leona banned Yuu from the dorm and giving food to Savanaclaw members.
Ruggie didn't listen and was staying at Ramshackle until it blows over because he wasn't giving up Yuu's food for anything.
Jack was caught between a rock and a hard place. He didn't like it but he complied.
It didn't help watching Ruggie all his fellow first years eating her lunches. She even made pear parfait for him and he couldn't have any.
Yuu thought it was painful to watch as he gave her puppy dog eyes.
Jack came up a convoluted work around. He would just sneak over to Ramshackle in his wolf form and eat there. As long as someone other then Yuu gave it to him then it wasn't "Yuu's" food.
He didn't feel guilty wolfing down a waygu steak and potatoes, lick his chops in satisfaction.
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He still urged Yuu and Leona to call of their feud to no avail. He had to give up and chose a side. To bad Leona didn't nearly enough for Jack to side with him. Yuu was his classmate, gave him good food, cared about him alot, and smelled better.
It helped that Yuu loved feeding him more in his wolf form.
Epel walked back to Pomefiore with his arms full of takeout containers. Yuu made a Sunday dinner full of souther comfort foods.
Fired chicken, greens, Mac n' cheese, mashed potatoes with gravy, and a cinnamon apple pie.
Epel felt like he could sleep for days.
He had told Yuu that he missed home and when he talked about his grandmother's food their was a glint in her eye. She had gone behind his back to send a letter to his grandma and they began sharing recipes.
Yuu cooked everything to the letter.
When Epel took his first bite he almost cried. I was just like gram's but it reminded him of Yuu as well. He could taste a seasoning only she used.
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He made sure to take back as much a possible and keeping his envious dorm mates from taking it. He knew Rook and Vil were snagging his food even if they were playing innocent. They could get their own. Yuu made this for him.
Around the holidays Yuu was at his house with Professor Crewel and Headmaster Crowley. She was cooking with Epel's grandmother who made not so subtle hints about her joining the family in the future.
Yuu actually had no interest in cooking for Kalim. He made it clear he didn't eat anything that Jamil didn't make. Why step on someone else's toes.
She understood that everyone has preferences and fears are valid. She trusted Jamil to know what Kalim likes. She just cooked food for Jamil instead.
One evening while Jamil was cooking Yuu was in the kitchen feeding him bites of the lunch she made him that he forgot to eat since he was busy. Most people stared clear watching the affectionate scene but Kalim was too interested to say put.
He wanted in on this much to Jamil's annoyance.
"I want some." Kalim popped up, mouth open to a bid to be fed like a baby bird like Jamil.
"No, I couldn't eat earlier because I was so busy. It's mine." Jamil growled as he cooked Kalim's dinner. "Besides you'll spoil your appetite."
"He's right, Jamil is working hard to cook for you. You don't want to ruin that." Yuu said half heartedly. It's not like she didn't want to give him any, it's just that she respected Jamil.
"Not even a little bite?" Kalim said pitifully pulling on Yuu's sleeve.
"I'm sorry." Yuu sighed.
Still when Jamil's back was turned she spooned a serving of chicken Tajine into Kalim's mouth. Kalim was elated and gestured for more. He really liked it.
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Yuu felt guilty but she couldn't help herself. She gave him more whenever Jamil wasn't looking, all the while feeding Jamil.
Was this cheating or betrayal? Probably not. If Jamil knew he didn't say anything.
Kalim got used to being fed after this and when Yuu was around he only wanted her to give him food. This made parties difficult as everyone watched Kalim being served by hand.
Jamil only sighed at Kalims spoiled behavior but he didn't have to cook every single day now so the break was a relief. This is why he told her not to give him food. Kalim was like a stray cat once you feed him once you can't get rid of him.
Crowley knew he was being left out. Everyone in the teacher's lounge eagerly ate Yuu's cooking. The staff actually forced him to bankroll the operation to increase student moral which was working very well.
But where's his lunchbox? What about Crowley and his hunger? Was his child so cruel to leave him starving?
Yes. Yes, she was. If he was a better guardian then maybe he'd get food.
This actually did show Crowley just how bad his relationship with Yuu was. He was the only one left without anything.
He tried to get close, but she was always too busy for him. He hung around Ramshackle with the excuse of fixing up some stuff. When he did she asked him to focuse on the portal back to her home.
He eventually gave in and made some progress and made a small portal he could manage. I would be a long time before he could do any more then that. She could use it to send letters and talk to her family as well as grab small items from home. I was more then enough for Yuu who cried hugging him.
Crowley wasn't lying to her, he was looking for a way back for her but he had doubted his ability to do it it takes a lot of magic and required the aid of lots of people. He outdid himself by creating a stable portal that could stay open constantly. Yuu could even use it to get ingredients from her realm.
He had to promise her family to take care of her no matter what and made his guardianship offical with their consent.
He forgot about the lunchbox thing eventually due to caring more about her than the food. When he visited Ramshackle one evening he saw her making something and decided to join her. He wasn't good at cooking but he enjoyed that atmosphere. He messed up a few times but Yuu laughed and showed him how to fold the dough.
They placed the toppings on their pizza and put them in the oven. His came out a bit sad but at least Yuu's tuned out fine. They cute it up and sat down for a dinner of pizza, salad and pasta.
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He could be a better parent but he was making progress.
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brainlessrot · 8 months
Ranking NRC dorms on how much I would trust and like their cooking -
fair warning: I've skipped like most culinary croucible events and forgot 90% of the ones i played, so this is all based on my subjective reading of their vibes and the limited canon knowledge i could gather in my brain
Contents: As the title says +individual characters ranked
Characters: All dorms + students and teachers
1. Scarabia
do i even need to explain this one??
One of the first episodes in their chapter was literally cooking with jamil
I LOVE middle eastern food. give me hummus and some pita bread and im set for life.
Pre scarabia arc jamil would be a dangerous choice, but post chapter? im gonna be knocking on his door with bribes so that he gives me any extra food he made 🙏
not kalim tho, yall stay safe
(also wrote this while at Agrabah's cafe in disney land, so my opinion might be skewed)
Continues under this cut!!
2. Octavinelle
Mans whole bussiness is food
if im paying for it i better be getting something good
but would NEVER try to ask any of them to cook for me (for free obv) bc i dont think that would end well (for me)
Jade?? mixing mushrooms he found somewhere
Floyd? forgets and goes somewhere, now the kitchen is burnt
Azul? nuh huh 💀 i aint seeling my soul for some toast
theyre like, Norwegian/italian i think?? and idk much about Norwegian cuisine but like italian is soooo good 🤞
3. Heartslabyul
Only for the sweets (i might not trust trey but i have a sweet tooth)
I dont mind tea, but they better not bring out their British cuisine out
If i see any fish n chips im evaporating from that table (lies, free food is free food)
i wanna go to an unbirthday party 😔
riddle would cook something too healthy and would count my calorie intake 💀
ace or deuce? id better be getting ready to get intoxication
cater... i just dont see him cooking
4. Pomefiore
listen... theyre mostly rich pampered boys, so would they even be cooking?
i dont trust the source of Rook's food
epel would only give me apple based foods (tasty, but gets boring after a while)
Vil would probably give me those weird natural green smoothies AND I DONT WANT THAT 🤬
+ i dont like french people (jk)
5. Ighnihyde
ik theyre all nerds and all they eat is instant ramen
all for that greek yogurt 😩
idia doesn't know how to cook except for instant foods which i dont mind (he gets favourite character treatment)
ortho,,, questionable. He has access to the internet (aka infinite recipes) but would it taste good? hes like 10
6. Savanaclaw
sweaty men.
i should just leave it at that ngl
leona? rich ahh man (a GROWN man at that!! 20 whole years of age!!!) and he probably doesn't even know how to fry an egg
ruggie? no way he gives me anything good for free 😭
Jack is the only one i would trust, but man probably also drinks protein shakes and those sad chicken breast and rice meals.
7. Diasomnia
no thank you
i like my soul staying where it is.
i dont trust their magical food
lillia is not even my last choice if im ever hungry, he aint a choice AT ALL
Malleus... he probably doesn't know how to physically cook?? sure he can bibidi babidi boop me some food like the giant fairy godmother he is, but i want something real man 😔
Sebek... protein shake man...
Silver MUST know how to cook (living with lillia would be imposible if not) so if i HAD to, I would go to him, but i dont want him to fall asleep and faceplant on my food 😭
+ Characters Ranked in tiers! (students and teachers)
The best, five star Michelin food:
Jamil, Trey, Trein
You could be happy eating:
Vil, Epel, Floyd, Silver, Azul, Ruggie, Crewel
Its food:
Jack, Cater, idia (if making instant ramen) Ortho, Sam
its... food?:
Rook (seriously, where did he get that?), Jade, Ace, Deuce, Malleus (the food is uncorporeal), Sebek, Vargas
dubious taste, would rather not:
Riddle, Kalim, Leona (its just a slab of uncooked meat), Idia (if trying to cook real food)
call 911 BEFORE eating please:
Lillia, Grim, Crowley
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scatterbrainedbot · 6 months
Rat Sons AU: Character Introductions
Hamato Sho aka The Ancient One
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more rambling & sketches:
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(Had a bit of fun merging 03's Ancient One with bits of Rise's Splinter and Grandpa Sho, then started working on his origin story and was like fuck it! Guardians from 03! But for the Council of Heads from rise! but who are actually kinda more like the Ninja Tribunal from 03!! if they oversaw the world like the Guardians/Utroms! but were also kinda corrupt and uncaring of the lives of mortals and
the good news is now theres world building lore happening i guess, not just character lore??? is that good news??)
anywho, this is Grandpappy Sho!!
He's a little bit of a gremlin. Kinda rude, kinda sarcastic, kinda feral, and kinda very much had it with catering to the rules of 'polite society.' Basically, dudes survived some shit and has now decided that he will make that everyone elses problem too (/affectionate)
He lowkey resents his lineage and how he was raised, in the sense that he often wonders what life he could have lived if his youth was not fully devoted to "becoming someone worthy of the Hamato name." But he's actively trying to let go of all that and focus on being whoever he wishes in the present. Hence, gremlin.
A gremlin that is also, however, a freakin fantastic father figure (he swore to himself that his girl will literally never have to think about 'earning' any name, Hamato or otherwise; if she wants it, it is already hers, and wether she choses to keep it is entirely her own choice)
lol a lot of that was in present tense wasnt it? but yall know that aint quite true.....
tho, it might not quite be wrong exactly either...
[rat sons au masterpost]
(easier to read/separated contents below the cut! (super long))
Page 1:
Pronouns: He/Him
Color Motif: ~desaturated sea foam green~
Last heir of the Hamato Clan lineage (by blood, at least)
As a young man, he spent decades training tirelessly to become a master of ninjutsu, molding himself into a perfect soldier, fully dedicated to maintaining his family's status as one of the most powerful names in Japan
Was selected to become a Guardian — an elite warrior chosen by the immortal Council of Heads to serve as an agent of their will. He served them for several years, increasingly resentful of their corruption and disregard for mortal lives
Abandoned his post after the death of a fellow Guardian (Tang Shen's biological father)
Disillusioned with both the Council of Heads and the world at large, Sho shifted his priorities from serving a 'Greater Good,' to serving his own needs and desires (and those of the people he cares about). He became very openly sarcastic, cynical and crass (he also found the way this horrified the neighbors to be freaking hilarious)
Did not think he would be well suited for caring for a child and really only expected to serve as a temporary shelter for Tang Shen until a proper family could be found for her, like maybe a few months or so at most?
Jokes on u, old man. Guiding a young Tang Shen through the routines of their daily life, watching her interact with the animals of the farm, teaching her how to do tasks so mundane he'd long since stopped thinking about them, Sho found he enjoyed the role of a parent more than anything else he'd ever done
Given his own experiences with abusive powers, Sho raised Tang Shen to be a very independent thinker, encouraging her to pursue her own sense of right and wrong, and to always be wary of those in power.
Though he trained her in both ninjutsu and the mystic arts (the good kind), Sho's greatest hope was to raise Tang Shen to make her own choices, and enjoy a life free of ancestral burdens or any ghosts from his past
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Page 2:
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As a Guardian, Sho underwent what he would later call an 'involuntary spiritual awakening.'
This granted Sho use of the Council’s powerful mystic techniques through the manipulation of his own spirit and will. These teachings were a highly coveted secret, granted only to those in the final stage of becoming a Guardian, and they were often deadly to learn
The Council taught that a human could only access the mystic arts if granted the ability through Their own will, that the technique was one of faith, a sort of forfeiting one's own spirit in exchange for power
Sho, along with Tang Shen's bio dad (oomph he needs a name), discovered a way to refine the techniques of the Council, to create their own source of mystic power without the Council’s influence, pulling from their own faith, emotions, and spiritual connections
Naively, the two told the Council of their findings. They believed that this new method of accessing the mystic arts would be a great benefit to both current and future Guardians, as it was far less damaging to the human body and mind
The Council disagreed.
Weapons that do not depend on you for ammunition are weapons that can turn against you, after all.
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streamat4am · 10 months
Yo mate. Here, to make your brain less mush.
On the bitching au. It's said that Wednesday is an omega suited for Enid. Does it mean she doesn't "pass" as an omega for the rest of the people that can scent her ? Like, family, friends...
And also does her behavior change, heats aside ? Or, here again, only with Enid. Does she want to build a nest and everything? And even with the heats, she is practically synced with Enid but... Does she have them randomly?(or as randomly as the A/B/O lore says they are)
Warning for dubious consent because... It's omegaverse and Wednesday is very much using her new parts to her advantage, Enid is willing but instincts exist and blurs the lines at times
So yes, wednesday very much smells like an omega! While not as strong or obvious, the bitching has worked and it shows. Except, unlike most omegas who can entice more than one person with their scent, Wednesday made sure to only be catered to Enid's taste. Her smell? A lovely tartar steak that tempts Enid to take and take until she's satisfied. The slick? An addictive dessert that has Enid willingly worshiping the place it came from
.. Idk how else to describe slick yall, I haven't fully thought on that yet but it's a flavor that Enid loves anyways
It's all Wednesday ever wanted, especially when those teeth sink into her neck after Enid opened her room in a worry. It's instincts and partly her own feelings that drive Enid to doing what she did, not to mention Wednesday encouraging her
In the morning, Wednesday couldn't stop the possessive delight that curled in her chest when Enid says she'll take responsibility with tears in her eyes once she realized that they're knotted and she claimed wednesday as a mate
Wednesday's essentially Enid's drug. Her scent can tempt and easily calm the alpha whenever she wants and Enid can't do a thing because whether she likes it or not; her instincts and herself will be influenced by Wednesday literally being made for her
Vice versa also happens but not that extreme bc Enid's actually pretty normal
But nope! Wednesday doesn't change around other people, only around Enid is she tempted to be catering, to curl in a nest as long as it's them two
Sure she cares about people, but she's an obsessive freak so she would never be like that around them. Unless it's with her family but she wouldn't even reach this type of intimacy because either way, she made sure she's built for Enid
This goes for her instincts. It's only in their den, their nests and their space will Wednesday feel the urge to act like how an omega should
Also she's synced with Enid's ruts, especially since their mated (a normal usual thing) and Wednesday is delighted at the fact that now Enid wouldn't need to go to those damn rut centre's because she has Wednesday
The bitch knows full well that its healthy to go to these centres but if Wednesday had to smell another omega on Enid every few months, she's about to go commit homicide
Anyways, Enid wholeheartedly believes that Wednesday must've been a late bloomer omega and there's guilt for taking advantage of Wednesday because she must've been in heat when she barged in
Normally Enid could've controlled herself, after all she isn't an irrational being but since wednesday was built to Enid's taste...
She always makes sure to cater to Wednesday's needs more after that. It takes a month or two for Enid to open up about her worries.
Wednesday smiles, happy to be depended on and reassuring that she enjoyed it. It was then that the alpha finally relaxed and so the relationship went from solely Enid feeling responsible to her acknowledging that she has always been attracted to Wednesday, she just.. Didn't expect it to come out like this
For context, no Wednesday is not an actual late bloomer. She's a beta who bitched herself to be Enid's perfect omega after nearly being driven to insanity at the thought of Enid finding a mate that isn't her. Due to how rare it is to have an alpha/beta to be mates, Wednesday knew her chances would be higher if she were an omega and she knows damn well what an omega can do to an alpha
Speaking of being attracted to Wednesday, Enid was fully okay with dating and mating with a beta! Sure she hasn't exactly been so open about it but it's because no one asked
So basically, Wednesday did all that for no reason because she already had a chance so if she simply went and courted Enid like a normal person, everything would still be gucci
But I wanted to lowkey make a dark au where Wednesday went to the extremes because it's been a bit and now here we are!
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whoseafraidofliloleme · 5 months
💫𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 2023💫
2023 has been a year to say the least so lets get into this 😂. As usual this is in no particular order cause I cant handle putting these into a proper order.
𝐓𝐨𝐩 5 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐬:
1. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐂𝐚𝐟𝐞 (2022).
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I watched this on a whim and boy am I glad I did. The female lead is so unhinged but in the best way and our main guy is so in love with her I cant. Literally this drama was such a fun time and everything connected together so well. Just watch this drama pls.
2. 𝐁𝐨 𝐑𝐚! 𝐃𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐡 {𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞} (2023).
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Yoo In Na shines and I love the character growth that both the leads go through, everything that happens makes sense and it really does show that working on yourself isnt a linear process. There will be set backs but you can over come them. I tend to not care for side couples but I loved all of them in this, they were just hilarious or adorable.
3. 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧 (2023).
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I wasnt going to watch this drama but thankfully instagram reels made me interested enough to give this a chance. I love all 4 of the leads, they are my babies and they deserve all the happiness in the world.
4. 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 𝐅𝐥𝐲 𝐓𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 (2023).
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This was such a cute, fun drama. I didnt expect to love it as much as I did, the family dynamics, friendships, everything was so well done and the 2 couples were the cutest.
5. 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 (2023).
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Literally Instagram reels made me watch this and I do not regret it. The melodrama, romance, revenge, plot twists... Everything was such a wild ride, I recommend that everyone watches it.
𝐓𝐨𝐩 5 𝐍𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬:
1. 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫 ~ 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.
The irony, I always said that I wouldnt stan a group with more than 7 members 😂. Honestly I was just seeing too many funny reels about SVT and then I watched the Game Caterers videos without even knowing all of their names and Super was everywhere that I just fell into the rabbit hole that is Seventeen.
2. 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ~ 𝐉𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐨.
My bias came and she ate. I love this song and it showed in my top 2023 songs its at number 6... The top 5 are all Taylor obviously.
3. 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ~ 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤.
He came and took over the world. Nothing more to say about that.
4. 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐦 ~ 𝐄𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧.
Yall need to stop sleeping on Enhas japanese discography. This song is just so sweet and wonderful. I cant with it.
5. 𝐔𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 ~ 𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐦.
I just loved this whole song and the album too. Next LSF comeback when?!.
𝐓𝐨𝐩 5 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬:
So last time I only had the vault tracks but Speak Now was the album that made me a swiftie so not limiting myself to just the vault tracks this time.
1. 𝐇𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝.
This is my absolute favourite song. It is just such a masterpiece and can be related to in any situation.
2. 𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝.
I love this song so much, I have a one shot of the same name 😂.
3. 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐅𝐥𝐲.
Im a hopeless romantic okay.
4. 𝐈𝐬 𝐈𝐭 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐰.
Do I even need to explain myself with this.
5. 𝐒𝐥𝐮𝐭!.
Most definitely not what I was expecting but I love it so much.
5 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝:
1. Bestie got married, shes happy and Im happy for her. It was a proper desi wedding and it was good fun.
2. I FINALLY graduated from University😂. Only took me like 5 years, one failed attempt and repeating my third year.
3. Made some great friends from the school I worked at, we bonded over how messed up the school we worked at is.
4. Managed to travel and have such great experiences.
5. Im happy with the fanfics I wrote this year. Still shocked that people actually read and enjoy the stuff I write but Im immensely grateful for all the love and support I get.
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1218-814 · 3 months
Trey Clover, the Ordinary man: Analysis and Theories
So as many of yall know, or ppl that remember me, I did not like Trey. However, after 2 years of my disappearance, I can confidently say that I TOLERATE him.
So just fyi. I have the hate a little inside. I think if someone says they dislike Trey they are justified and this is why (they don't have evidence, but I do)
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Favorite Food: Violets preserved in sugar
Roses, violets, and sugar all come from a simple poem.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
So are you
There was humpty dumpty and a lot of poems in the original book, so I think this has a high chance this came from here.
Least Favorite Food: Mustard
Trey, having the Mad Hatter as a sub-base from his hat and cake, I think it has some thing to do with the Mad Hatter. There's a scene where he was painting the clock, and the ingredient he disliked most to use was mustard.
Parents run a cake shop
The Mad Hatter was a sweet tooth. However, Trey's favorite food is quite expensive; I think his home is a high-end sweets shop.
Bad at singing
In chapter 7 of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" there's this song the mad hatter sang called "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Bat". It apparently sounded so bad that the Queen of Hearts called it "time killer".
Brushing his teeth
As I said in one of my other theory, Trey is the type to lie and not feel guilt. Teeth are originally "white things” and lies are “things that come out of the mouth”, Trey may like to “reveal a lie as a lie”(a joke).
Doesn't like Riddle or is hiding something from him, judging his lies and Lab Coat PS.
Deuce and him are the cards that represent "Night", so I think that's one of the reason why he was in the Star Gazer event.
He also is the Jiminy Cricket from "Pinocchio", which is the other reason for the star event.
Oyster sauce goes well with spicy ramen (Cater).
His nature is probably really salty (Oyster sauce)
Unique Magic:
He's painting the lie with Riddle, Which I assume is one of the reasons why Riddle's icon is a completely red rose.
He dislikes his work being crumbled in a short amount of time (I don't think he likes using his unique magic on his cakes)
Chevalier of Rose (Rook)
His position in the op is the knight piece in chess
Relationship with Riddle and his mom
Riddle has an obsession with strawberry tarts; in his back story his mother called it 'a glob of sugar', but Riddle called it as 'big red strawberries'.
Strawberries symbolize perfect goodness, and a happy household.
Riddle probably wanted the love, but his mother took it in a different way. Trey likes violets, which I hear has a sour taste, like his personality.
Strawberries and violets are similar in a way... The sugar coating.
The nappage (The glaze on tarts), what I assume, is something on top of the true love.
Riddle's mom does give him love, but it's twisted, and Trey can't tell his feelings to him, like the violet (hides his true thoughts)
Love has different forms/types.
Like strawberries, in Trey's Lab Coat was about strawberries, his love (friendship) is a naturally sour berry and he won't name it (or he can't)
Riddle doesn't know the difference between the tarts (=love), and in Epel's PS he said that he was alone on Halloween.
Judging his personality, he tells this so he won't break down of sadness and pain; Trey understands this and he's scared of 'special love' and prefers a normal love.
Also, he seems like Riddle now=grave for old Riddle... (Is this why you listen to someone you could probably beat?)
Riddle needs someone who wouldn't lie, someone who would stand beside him (brains and power) to give him love, strawberries that aren't sugar coated.
Floyd buys the tart (love) and he even trades the red stone for notes in another story.
I think he'll be important in the future of Riddle.
~~~Warning for my reason of distaste for Trey Clover~~~
In the first arc I feel like he was doing "a childhood friend who thinks of Riddle" act coolly, but I think it should be that he thought, "I have the highest liking for Riddle."
This leads me to think...
Unpopular Opinion, Trey is a psychopath/sociopath or does not really like current Riddle. Let me explain from the ceremonial cards:
Apparently, he doesn't hide his true feelings thinking of Riddle as “A tyrant that uses his dorm and his vice dorm leader very roughly” (Trey’s gym uniform and Jade’s ceremonial robes)
Only Trey, I get the weird feelings. I don’t think he’ll stand up for Riddle if we say “I hate Riddle” and talk about him behind Riddle’s back, Trey seems like he would laugh it off. Because, Trey got angry because of “I’m tired of the same cake Trey makes”, that’s insulting to Trey.
Riddle was like “Welp okay” but trey was like “Haha...”, and will purposely set up things like this and continue it for a long time. (I would still eat it though)
There are some aspects of the Heartslabyul dormitory and Riddle that can't be helped, but there’s too many secrets they are hiding from Riddle.
Trey does try to help Jade (ceremonial robes, Jade), but he doesn’t help Jamil (Trey’s ceremonial robes)... Maybe it’s because there’s the danger of Riddle exploding (not literally)and he didn’t see Jamil needing help.
Trey, and Riddle too, I get the impression of “I’m not interested in others”
Cater mixes well with him because he has this “sad boy hours, secretly” personality. I can’t see Trey willingly letting others in his heart. 
I just get this "a subordinate who is swayed by a selfish boss" vibe from him. I think he’s unconsciously trying to “help” his dorm by overlapping him with Riddle.
He’s basically talking about himself and not looking at the person, and that’s what Kalim was talking about.
Trey is the “big bro that we can count on”, but he isn’t like Riddle or Azul who likes “being counted on”. Every other vice dorm leader are actively trying to help out with emotional baggage but Trey’s in the “waiting position”
He knows he will be relied on or like “I’m the only person you can rely on so, I’ll just listen to it”? He has this very good passive care? It’s not like he has a good relationship, more like taking care of the relation ship. He’s like “if you don't eat your tomato's your parents are going to be a problem so just please eat them”, which is what I think his thought are usually.
Perhaps Trey taking care of others is neutral, he doesn’t hate it or love it. Maybe he’s like that with him? I feel like he’s looking for someone or an accomplice, like Cater, to share his problems with. 
I saw that possibility in Jade, but he doesn’t fully strike me as that kind.
Perhaps Jamil has a honest straight heart and he decides that Trey is “not the type he wants to be an accomplice.” It seems that he was trying to look in deeper because of Jade’s gut feelings.
Perhaps Riddle failed the strawberry tart joke, which Trey was the one who made the joke maliciously with the oyster sauce, has something meaningful...
Ace also defines the relationship between tray and riddle as "spoiled". This is probably the same for Riddle’s tart.
This tart, which is too salty with oyster sauce, is said to be "delicious" only by Cater, who “hates sweets and can be said to be an accomplice to the tray that hides it."
Isn't this salty strawberry tart a metaphor for Tray's personality? After all, Riddle doesn't seem to be talking to the end.
Probably there is a foreshadowing side of the second part of the Heartslyaul arc; including the tea party at the end of this, and the appearance of Chen’ya, and there is a hint that Riddle will face the nature of Trey (the salty tart) but at the end we can laugh at each other. I wonder what it would be (HHhhmMMMMmm CATER??? )
It's understandable, looks and acts sweet but salty on the inside. Trey seems like he makes an oyster sauce joke, probably only to someone who brings up his specialty, cake making, and makes it aware only then about his “salty nature”.
Jade and Rook have never talked to him about sweets, so they probably misread his true nature.
He probably thinks of the dorm as his “kitchen and dining table.” he doesn’t care who sits and dines, but he doesn’t want a miss. Like he’s the mom like “oh? your tired of the cake? Them make on or self”
From Riddle's remarks, this is the only clue to "Trey before Riddle's mother gets entangled and distorted with him", so maybe the "Oyster sauce joke" is Trey's fraternity and his playful nature.
He looks like a sincere man, but in reality, lying is like a reversal phenomenon that he is.
Perhaps "the present where I can't joke to Riddle" is more unusual for Trey. That’s why Jade and Rook were surprised at the “"Well, isn't strawberry a love for Riddle?" (platonically); it's because they aren’t as close enough to know the “oyster sauce”. He might want to give Riddle the sauce too.
Perhaps it's spicy ramen (in a soup stock way), or Cater, that goes well with oyster sauce, and neither cake nor oyster sauce is entwined with liver pate or carpaccio. (Jade and Rook)
That's why the two observers overlooked this whole thing.
Vil and Trey are probably the closest, and Vil does notice the suspicion. Maybe Trey is in NRC, and not RSA because deep down he is a liar? 
A lie is also handy, but in general, it is hard to say that it is a "good" background. Maybe this is why Trey is so scared. By the pressure of Riddle that it can't be restored to the old relationship that they once had; he thinks “Riddle would decapitate me if I say a joke about the oyster sauce. (his true self)"
It's subtle whether Riddle isn't complimenting/appreciating Trey properly or is running away and not listening properly, but I feel like the latter.
Jade and Rook judge the strawberry tart from the outside, but it's actually salty with oyster sauce, Ace and Deuce scream and Cater says it's delicious. Riddle, who noticed that he was deceived, accepts it and can laugh, and maybe Trey’s wish or the friendship can be repaired if he notices Riddle's window of forgiveness. 
Considering that teeth are originally "white things" and lies are "things that come out of the mouth", Trey may like to "reveal a lie as a lie".(a joke) and mashes up well with Vil.
From the fact that Trey’s unique magic is “doodle”; the lie that turns white roses into red, the joke of oyster sauce, and the liar skill of the person himself, it is as if "I am a mischievous liar". It is thought that it is. What if Kalim’s power is water based, what if the metaphor is being washed away?
In the SSR, the first-year students who tease the cake Trey makes, encounter a lot of trouble, but the Trey does nothing on purpose to make them fail.
However, just before Riddle goes off, he shows off his whole cake, saying, "I wondered if that might happen!". This is truly Trey like and the performance he made was just to create a laugh. He's not just “a boy who cried wolf”, he just likes "laughing lies and moments of revealing." Therefore, it is trusted by the surroundings.
Then, the meaning of marron tart in Heartslabyul arc will change. Marron tart is a "vanity with a sweet amount" and is not a cake suitable for sourness and decoration fruit like strawberries. Perhaps Trey's lie will fail in the future, in conflict with Riddle's ethics. Even if Riddle himself wanted it to...
I thought it was strange. Why did Trey who loves "peace" make first graders make marron tart instead of strawberry tart, that was safe? This is a "notice to the second part", which expresses the "spoiled-sweetness" of Trey in the form of a maroon tart. This is "the end of childhood".
Strawberry tart is a taste for adolescents  due to a mixture of sweetness and sourness, but the sweet marron tart without sourness will prepare a spoiled = comfortable lie for "small children"(Riddle) I wonder what that is though... Apparently, the current Trey has “Riddle=Tyrant=very troublesome” idea. However, the actual Riddle has already graduated from “childhood” and is already in “adolescence”. Maybe he will take off his glasses when Trey faces "current Riddle"
Perhaps this is a state in which “liar achievements (the blot) continue to accumulate now that lies cannot be revealed as lies". Maybe Trey thought Riddles mother “repainted” as an “angry tyrant”. Unless Trey himself reveals the lie, he will keep “painting” the lie... Which does explain why his coffin icon is a fully red rose.
The combination of the idiom "red lie" (in Japanese) and "let's paint the roses red" creates a character as if this "liar Trey" was assembled. Cater welcomes lies and sincerity as long as it "shines in magicam", so he is happy to accept the revealing of Trey. So this is the reason why the two can be paired with duo magic.
I'm sure Trey is the type that wants you to silently eat a salty cake and say “Wow this- I- hahaha” rather than a sweet pleasant cake. 
I don't know what spicy things represent, but Jamil, who has lived as a "little adult", likes spiciness and dislikes sweetness (dates) like Cater, so maybe "I don't know how to spoil it because I have never been spoiled as a child." I think it's a distortion of their communication methods. 
Also, the food that Ace dislikes is "raw oysters", so if you think about it in connection with the story of the walrus who monopolized the oysters and the lie of Oyster sauce equals Trey, does it mean "I hate hypocrisy and liars"?
When Jade, who would be the polar opposite, said to Trey that he misunderstood him as the type that “wants Riddle to eat home-made dishes with lots of love”, maybe it’s because he is the type to do that with his mushrooms (Jade be a little more grateful that it lasted two weeks with Floyd please-). So that got me thinking...
If I re-judge them it looks like Trey is “looks loving/affectionate, but thinks Riddle as a ‘troublesome dorm leader’ he has to work for’ and Jade is ‘Looks like he gives not a lot of love, but in actuality, he cares about Floyd and Azul and feeds them mushrooms and likes watching them enjoy eating. (or at least that’s how I views them)’
Now if I re-think my judgement and group the vice-dorm leaders, there's two groups:
“Dang it-Don’t do anything extra, dorm leader.” type- which is Jamil and Trey. (maybe Ruggie)
“Look at my dorm leader!! I’m so proud of him!!!(?)” type- which is I assume Rook and Jade (And Ortho? and Lilia)
Looking back on Jade, he didn’t really become very sad from Azul’s and Floyd’s complaints about eating mushrooms, he looks like he just enjoys the “process of giving love” to his mushrooms/friends, and...That's some heavy love right there …( I don’t think you would admit it as ‘love’ Jade but... You’re not doing so you can get anything back... )
I did some looking back on the vice dorms’ lines, and Trey made me think. Does his praise towards Riddle mean anything to Trey himself? 
Jamil did try to talk to Trey and he just kinda ignored Jamil because, from his point of view, he may have seen it as “Kalim is okay, he has no problems and they look like friends”, but on the contrary, Jade, he probably thought they were the “same kind” because he thinks that Azul is like Riddle, one who causes problems, “made him the vice dorm leader because he had to”. 
Jade, on the other hand, thought that Azul and Riddle were both interesting, so he thought that Trey “loves Riddle with genuine affection” (In a friendship way )
Yes, we did see the ‘I don’t really like you.’ with Jamil and Kalim, but what happens if Riddle noticed..? (I would either laugh or cry tbh)
I am more concerned with Riddle overblotting again because of their relationship. Like, Trey didn’t even bother to take off his hat and was super calm about the blot. While Jade, who actually cares and worries, took off his hat during the overblot times.
If Trey does turn out to be very suspicious, in a theory, then so will Idia and Lilia...
Also, another thing, Riddle can’t really get Floyd to stop bothering him because he would use “Bind the Heart” on him
The last part was a mess but this is also from 2 years ago lmao
Anyways, Heartslyabuyl is a metaphor.
Like dead ass, EVERYTHING is a metaphor to me
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kalims · 1 year
kiss your best friend | scarabia
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kiss your best friend and see how they react!
parts. one, two, three, four, five, six, seven
characters. kalim, jamil
includes. gn reader who can be seen as either yuu or another alternative universe
cw. kissing? mutual pining, crack.
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jamil viper
probably has the most sane reaction but is also somehow going insane?
I mean yeah, one part of him is going: omg they kissed me! 😵 and the other is like: wtf they kissed me 🤨 he doesn't know if he should be leaping around out of joy or just.. skeptical.
but yeah just assumes that you're being paid for this cause why else would you be doing it?? man does not know how to recognize his self worth fr.
he thinks everything is wrong about it because 1. you're best friends, 2. you’re best friends and they definitely don’t.. kiss each other. (though he wants it to not be wrong it just is.)
like jamil cmon just accept our love and shut up respectfully.
he's kinda cute about it because if you did it out of the blue he's shrinking into his jacket and pulling the hood over his head, tightening it with the use of the lace.
😳 ugh he's so baby girl.
literally does not talk about it ever, and is just waiting for you to. but you notice that his habit of eye contact has decreased rapidly since then.
were you happy that he was being adorably shy or not because he's.. well nevermind you guess that the avoidance of looking at you is also being shy.
"why can't you look me in the eyes."
"oh I wonder why." - sarcasm
kalim al asim
does not think anything is wrong about it and maybe during friends he gave you some uhm.. platonic kisses as he called it.
definitely got a lot more touchy compared to before. both of you seem a lot closer than before and it's only in due time where jamil has to be the one to subdue the rumors.
"so you and (name) aren't dating?"
"nope! why does everyone say that?" *kalim looks at u*
*u looking at him with heart eyes and shrugging after*
"I have no idea."
like you guys are almost gaslighting everyone into thinking that you guys aren't dating because there's no way the kiss was a one time thing. loads of people probably saw yall use it as a goodbye or greeting.
maybe you guys just don't have labels?!
kalim is spoiling you a lot already, if you did have a label he probably would have a lot more.
poor jamil has to listen to kalim spout one good thing about you after another then the boy just says: "they're a great friend!" jamil has never wanted to choke kalim so badly.
everyone's just begging you guys to date already because they can't deal with the 'platonic' actions. at this point you're just in denial.
"bye snookums!" kalim
"bye pookie!" you
"SNOOKUMS?!" jamil
"yeah cater taught me!" kalim
oh god there's nicknames now AND YOU GUYS STILL CALL YOURSELVES FRIENDS. who's gonna tell kalim he doesn't do to his other friends the things he does for you.
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frenchfrywrites · 1 year
would you ever write weed headcanons for the twst 3rd years like you did for the obey me cast?
Getting high/high hcs for the twst 3rd years
He loves to smoke a blunt
He has a huge collection of cute and pink and pretty roach clips
He can do a couple of smoke tricks (he thinks he looks so cool 🙄)
He gets high often. 
Well as often as one can when your housewarden is riddle lol
Speaking of housewardens, he sneaks off and smokes with others outside (due to riddle and rules)
(finds himself hanging with Che’nya, Lilia, Kalim, and surprisingly malleus most often me thinks)
He’s a total social smoker, and is so fun to be around
If he's alone he'll sometimes he’ll bring out a clone to help him with something that he wants
And then he forgets why he did that and just ends up hanging out with himself lol
I’m tempted to say he doesn’t get high, and is the sober bestie
BUT! I can also see him being into edibles
He could make his own :)
And they taste soooo good
He’s very smart about his edibles too
You could never catch him taking more because it hasn’t hit
Always stacks up on munchies too
Because oooh man eats his weight in snacks and drinks while high
He’s not terribly giggly, but he gets all dopey and lost in thought
You’ll look over and he’s just smiling looking at you- completely lovestruck hehe
All he needs is catnip hehe
No fr I’m kidding, he has big bong energy to me
I mean I can see him dabbling a bit in everything
But to me he has intricate very fun and swagful bongs
And he doesn’t get high too often
So that every time that he does get high, he feels it 10x more
I think he could get SO giggly
He’s so playful and joyful :) you can tell when he is(n’t) high due to how bitchy he is
He likes shrooms <3
Either that or he’s the sober friend
Idk he seems like he would love hanging around with people who are high
He’ll mess with them a little bit
But mostly he’s a good sober friend!
He’ll take care of you and listen to insane ramblings and enable said insane rambling
He just wants to have a silly fun time :) 
But yeah when/if he does shrooms he usually microdoses just to have a bit of euphoria and delight
If he does a big trip he does it alone and is well prepared
I don’t think he gets high too often
But he certainly indulges from time to time
I see him doing edibles to preserve the quality of his lungs
Okay.. yall know the drinks with thc? I can see him fucking those uppp
He pops open a can and pours it into a fancy glass teehee
He’ll watch a movie and think that he understands literally everything about it… the nuance.. The depth 
Meanwhile he is just so far gone that he’s usually pulling something from nothing
He does NOT get high socially
If anyone asks, he’s never gotten high in his life!!!
He’s only ever taken a hit or two off of Cater’s blunt 
(partly to get out of the social situation, partly to try it out)
He didn’t think that he got high, but he was gone
That being said, he wants to try getting high more often, but he’s too shy to figure out who to ask for it
When he gets high with you it hits him quick and hard
He still insists that he's not feeling anything
Very silly guy and finally relaxed and at peace
maybe if he does enough he'll finally admit it's effecting him, but as long as you're there he's not freaked out at all
Has also taken a hit off of Cater’s blunt
It did not get him high 💔
Idk his dragon fae ass has some weird shit going on and he needs powerful wizard weed to get any meaningful high
That being said, he’s gotten high a couple of times in his life
He likes it a lot and wishes he could do it more often
It relaxes him soo deeply
He gets all sluggish and cuddly and cute
It’s a damn shame he doesn’t get high more often 
He’ll take anything and everything!!
He loves getting high and has done just about anything and loves it all
I can see him being someone who gets high with others, but he also has fun by himself :) 
He gets sooo giggly
You might not see him but you’ll hear fufufu coming from somewhere lol
When he does decide to show himself, he rambles on and on about anything that comes to mind
And boy does a lot come to mind
You might not be able to follow his trail of thought lol! It’s all over the place
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xycuro-illuminati · 1 year
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[Has Alt text]
"All we need to do now is recruit Daredevil, I guess."
"I hate that dude."
"Huh? Why? He's a good guy."
"Maybe he is, but I'm the damn motorcycle stunt jumper. I should be Daredevil. He's probably an accountant or something in real life."
I love adding unnecessary lore to a shitpost divorce pairing ❤️ Did yall know that George hung out with Johnny a lot in older comics? Well, now I'm giving you the fallout of their friendship AND the real reason why Johnny doesn't like Matt. Entertainment catered to me lmao.
(Commissions are open)
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brinkle-brackle · 11 months
Mcflyjuly day 16: Blue Hour
(Okay so this is 2 days late but I finally finished it!!! my first mcflyjuly post yall!!! I got the idea for this one from a show called the moomins, it's a very sweet and heartfelt show and I highly recommend checking it out :) no idea how big the overlap is between moomin enjoyers and bttf enjoyers so this is probably gonna cater mostly to me,, but this came to me as a shower thought the other day and my brain wouldn't let go of it soooooo you guys get to have it now too :D )
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He waited until the rest of his family was in bed.
He wasn't sure why he waited. It's not like they would have noticed him slipping away, anyway.
It wasn't as if he didn't feel cared for. It... well...
...okay. Maybe he didn't exactly feel cared for. He loved his family, and deep down he knew that they loved him, too, but sometimes he felt as if they looked at him and only saw the things they percieved as wayward.
The boy who was dating Jennifer Parker, even though they deemed him too young to be "romping around with girls." (Kind of hypocritical, although he didn't know that yet.)
His pursuits in music-- a very difficult and competitive scene, with hardly any guaranteed income. Getting popular was lucky, staying popular even luckier.
And, of course, the consistent tardies he racked up in school.
He'd learned to live with their constant critiques. They were normal in his family, at least to everyone aside from him. But that was just the issue... Marty was an inherently positive person, and he would have been lying if he'd said that all of the constant negativity-- in general, too, but especially towards the life he wanted for himself-- wasn't starting to wear him down.
Sometimes he felt as if they were so engrossed in their own little worlds that they couldn't really see him... or, at least, the him that he wanted them to see.
How his relationship with Jennifer was more than just a "romp"-- he was genuinely in love with her. How wonderful and sweet a girl she was, how she was genuinely one of the best parts of his day.
The raw passion that he put into his music, and how much sheer joy it brought him to play his guitar and sing. People would hear his music, and they would pick up on that, and they would love it. He was certain.
That couldn't exactly be said about his immediate family.
And, the usual reason that he was late for school-- that he actually had a friend, who cared deeply for him, and he'd lose track of time talking with that friend. Granted, that friend was a disgraced nuclear physicist whose meddling had reportedly resulted in the burning of his own family mansion... but he was also friendly and kind and enthusiastic, and he was always there for Marty, no matter for what or for why or for when.
But they couldn't see that. They always made sure to make that perfectly clear to him, at the dinner table that night and so many nights before.
But they couldn't see him. And they couldn't help him if they couldn't see him.
Marty was coming into himself. He was starting to flourish, he could feel it in his bones. He couldn't do it alone, though. He needed help... he needed their help.
He knew his mother would worry. She always did. But he'd left a note for her, in the hopes that it would be able to assuage her fears, at least a little bit.
He'd left it on the kitchen counter, just below the alcohol cabinet-- that way he knew she wouldn't miss it.
Einstein wouldn't stop barking. He'd been at it for the past five minutes, almost nonstop-- staring intently at the garage door, sitting oddly close to it, and barking as if his life depended on it.
Emmett loved the dog to death, but he knew that although Einie was much smarter than he probably should be, he was still a dog. He had barked at an empty paint can that had fallen over once. He'd even seen it topple off the shelf, and he'd still barked at it as if it were some extraterrestrial being from Mars.
Einstein had his moments. And, apparently, those moments now included barking at the garage door at 11pm on a chilly September night for five minutes straight. Emmett was willing to pass it off as nothing at first.
And then there came that soft knock.
Emmett's eyes immediately darted towards the door, and he frowned. Now, that was definitely not nothing.
He got up and slowly crept up to the door, hushing Einstein with the help of a few gentle pets and soothing words. Who on earth would be knocking on the door to his garage at this hour...?
With a cautious demeanor and eyes filled with apprehension, Emmett slowly opened the garage door to look outside and found...
His brows furrowed in suspicion. He immediately started to comb through all of the possibilities, wracking his brain for any answers.
Had he been ding-dong-ditched...?
Eh... it was probably all just part of the fun, he supposed.
It wasn't uncommon for the neighborhood kids to try and spook each other with stories of the mad scientist who had burnt his own mansion to the ground. He'd had his fair share of teenagers knocking on his door and then making for the hills, for nothing more than a cheap thrill. A chance to catch a glimpse of the crazy old man who lived in the husk of what was once a home. But at this hour...?
He leaned a little bit out of the garage door, peering down at the grand driveway and gate that led from his garage to the lamp-lit street below. But there were no swift silhouettes of children running down the street. There was no raucous laughter of teenagers who had just pulled off the most juvenile heist of the century. In fact, there was no sign of noise or movement at all. Just the empty street below, the sidewalks dimly illuminated by the soft light of the streetlamps, and the slightest whisper of a breeze playing through the trees.
He turned to regard Einstein again with a quirked brow. But the shaggy goob just sat there softly panting and staring, a big doggy smile on his face. His tail swished back and forth rapidly, as if there were a friend outside the door.
A frown etched itself onto the scientist's face. No, no, no... that couldn't be right... but...
After a few moments Emmett decided that it didn't matter, because evidently there was no one there. Grumbling to himself, the scientist looked back down the street, then turned away and started to go back inside. "Damn kids," he muttered under his breath, reaching for the door handle again.
That was when he heard the rustling noise.
Emmett instantly froze in his tracks, ran a hand through his frizzy white hair, and then whipped around, hoping to catch the source of the noise off-guard.
His vision was met with a simple, folded note... perfectly smooth on one end, but creased and crinkled at an angle on the other end, as if someone were holding it out to him.
Except... well... there was no one standing there.
The note appeared to be floating in midair in front of him.
He gasped a little and stepped back, nervous eyes trained on the phantom piece of paper. A flashing neon sign suddenly appeared in his mind and refused to leave. GHOST. GHOST. GHOST.
The notion wasn't unheard of, he realized. His mansion-- er, garage-- being haunted. The place was certainly old enough to have harbored a ghost or two over the years. He'd just... never thought about it before.
But, at the same time, that didn't really make sense either... if his property was really haunted, why hadn't there been any strange happenings until now? Why tonight, of all nights?
The note moved forward slightly, toward him, a silent plea from the ghost... or... whatever it was.
Emmett regarded it warily for a few moments, but then eventually reached out to take it. Something didn't add up, he told himself, and he needed to figure out what it was. He had a feeling, a very strange feeling, that this was something exceedingly important.
The scientist took the note in his hands, carefully unfolding it with his fingers before drawing it up to his eyes. Upon registering the formatting of the note, however, his eyes went even wider than they had been before.
The handwriting... he recognized it. He knew it all too well.
"Great Scott..."
He wanted to look away from the body of the note, for the moment, and study that blank space in front of him. Comb his vision around the nothing, desperately try to make out some form of physicality, any form of physicality. Ask it... beg it to talk. He had to know what was happening. What was happening?
Instead, he slowly read over the note. It was only a short string of words, but his inquisitive brown eyes scanned over it and took in everything with the utmost care.
He froze as he came to the end of the writing, clutching the slip of paper tightly with both hands, and slowly looked up at the nothingness in front of him... which, as he was now certain, couldn't be nothing. This note...
He read it over and over again, then looked to the nothingness again in disbelief.
He'd heard stories of things like this happening to people who were sad enough... but he'd never even given pause to the fact that they might have been true.
No... oh, no...
The scientist hesitated, but then slowly extended one of his hands, as if to make absolutely sure of the situation. Almost instantly, he felt the nothingness take it and squeeze hard.
And those things happened to other people... not...
Emmett squeezed his eyes shut and inhaled through his nose.
He knew that grip.
"Great... Scott..."
He'd felt it first a few years back, when he'd come home to find that someone had broken into his garage. The thief (no, he wasn't a thief... break-er and enter-er??) had shaken his hand, and in that moment, somehow Emmett had known that he would never forget what that hand had felt like. He'd felt it after he'd successfully tested one of his smaller inventions-- that hand meeting his in an enthusiastic high-five, accompanied by an excited exclamation of "Doc!!"
And he'd felt it right before the kid had taken his driver's test-- trying to reassure him as they walked up to the DMV building together. The poor teenager's hand had been shaking like a leaf, but it was still the same grip.
Emmett's heart dropped.
He'd heard stories of things like this happening on rare occasions. Strange... sad stories, that he'd been convinced were nothing more than myth or urban legend. But one look at the note in his hand and one shaky squeeze to his other hand said it all.
And then the scientist saw a single droplet, slowly sliding down what had first appeared to be thin air... sliding down, slowly tracing the uneven lines of a face that wasn't there.
Something stabbed into Emmett's gut and twisted a little.
"Oh, no..." the scientist murmured, squeezing back just as tightly. He sighed in sadness and deep worry as he used his other hand-- the one with the wrinkled note in it-- to push the garage door open wider. Einstein jumped up to his feet and yipped, his tail wagging in excitement as if he could sense that Marty was there. (He probably had all along.)
Yes, Emmett had heard stories of things like this happening... but he also knew that there were solutions. He could help.
That was why Marty had come to him first, he realized. He'd known that he could help, and that he would.
He gave the invisible boy a sad smile.
"Come on in," he said softly, nodding his head in the direction of the extra bed. "Make yourself at home. I'll grab some Burger King."
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yippieitsarvensart · 8 months
OH OH OH CAN I TALK ABOUT AUTISTIC HEADCANONS?? Okay okay- so I'll go in house order ajshdoakdhdjfkfj I'm so exicted!!!
Riddle is RIDDLED with autism and you can't change my mind. Like yeah his mom definitely has a big part on why he's Like That, but the need for routine?? The fucking MELTDOWN when things don't go as planned? When he feels he isn't being listened to/understood and it fills his blood with rage???? When he has trouble understanding tone (the most obvious one being sarcasm, but he's struggled with trying to discern if people are upset with him or not as well, same with patronizing/being teased!!) LIKE?????? He's just like me fr!!!!!
Cater is another that seems so obvious to me, like it's canon he has a way lower social battery than he let's on and he's masking like 24/7! And every autistic person I know is way more popular online than they are irl askgsksshvxkx, it's harder to be perceived as "off" through social media and I think he figured that out awhile ago
Jack's never ending energy when it comes to the things he loves, such as running or gardening? His strict moral code? His discomfort with expressing emotions? His sensitive/heightened senses? (That's probably just a beastman thing but shhhhh)
Literally the whole octatrio. Azul finds comfort in small enclosed spaces and compression, has canon comfort/security items and spaces, has safe foods and not safe foods, more prone to meltdowns than he'd ever let you believe.
You know how Azul needs compression? Yeah the twins HATE that shit, they don't like being restricted but you know what they DO like? Being the compressor! All 3 of them find comfort in giving a good squeeze, only Azul likes to receive the squeeze.
Floyd is SENSORY SEEK9NG ALL THE WAY, he needs loud music he needs to be THROWN he needs to eat rocks and do cartwheels and touch all the weird land textures!!! He HAS to or he's gonna EXPLODE!!!!!
Jade's special interest is mushrooms, that much is obvious, but i also would like to mention that he's kind of the middle ground between Floyd and Azul. He gets so bored and understimulated when everything is smooth sailing, nothing new, no chaos, BUT he needs controlled chaos. He needs chaos that isn't gonna throw him into a sensory overload ya feel? He needs some fun but a specific kind of (cough sadistic cough cough) fun that he controls like puppet master.
I'm gonna stop here so I don't go on forever but!! If you want I can continue!!! I have SO MANY THOUGHTS about these characters and their mental states :D
I LOVE THAT YALL ARE JUST RAMBLING TO ME NOWWW YEAHAHAHA yes yes please continue oh mymy god. I love autism hcs I LOVE HCS SO BAD Literally anyone out there. Come tell me about twst hcs. I'll go absolutely bonkers insane over them <333
Okay I get you so bad rn they're so real. Riddle autism was already so real to me and I love it when people can like actually properly explain how the hc WORKS like this like you make it WORK now I never did think of Jack as autistic, that... GUYS AUTISM TWISTED WONDERLAND REAL??? SO REAL>/????
I'M SO GLAD!!! YOU GET ME !!! WITH FLOYD!!!!!!! I've been fucking saying he needs that loud music and that action but. SLAMS FIST ON TABLE. NO ONE GETS ME. Like I just recently convinced someone that he'd be big on rock/metal music (like me) (I was projecting) because of how dancey it is because of how UPBEAT and CRAZY it can be sometimes!!!!!!!!!!!
Though I personally think that Floyd would be big on compression as well, he's always squeezing ppl but I think he'd also like it if someone squeezed him back. It never happens to him like ever but when it does he just melts. (mecore)
He and Azul wrap their tail/tentacles around each other and SQUEEEEEEZE!!!!!! And sometimes they fall asleep tangled around each other. Side note for that: /p btw I noticed I don't rlly ship the octatrio unless it's yuri jeiazu LOLL Jade being the only one who doesn't enjoy a lot of physical contact IS real to me though. (I love making the twins so #opposites but also #samezies)
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